Where to find peer reviewed articles for research

This is our ultimate guide to helping you get familiar with your research field and find peer reviewed articles in the Web of Science™. It forms part of our Research Smarter series. 

Finding relevant research and journal articles in your field is critical to a successful research project. Unfortunately, it can be one of the hardest, most time-consuming challenges for academics.

This blog outlines how you can leverage the Web of Science citation network to complete an in-depth, comprehensive search for literature. We share insights about how you can find a research paper and quickly assess its impact. We also explain how to create alerts to keep track of new papers in your field – whether you’re new to the topic or about to embark on a literature review.

  • Choosing research databases for your search
  • Where to find peer reviewed articles? Master the keyword search
  • Filter your results and analyze for trends
  • Explore the citation network
  • Save your searches and set up alerts for new journal articles

1. Choosing research databases for your search

The myriad search engines, research databases and data repositories all differ in reliability, relevancy and organization of data. This can make it tricky to navigate and assess what’s best for your research at hand.

The Web of Science stands out the most powerful and trusted citation database. It helps you connect ideas and advance scientific research across all fields and disciplines. This is made possible with best-in-class publication and citation data for confident discovery and assessment of journal articles. The Web of Science is also publisher-neutral, carefully-curated by a team of expert editors and consists of 19 different research databases.

The Web of Science Core Collection™ is the single most authoritative source for how to find research articles, discover top authors , and relevant journals . It only includes journals that have met rigorous quality and impact criteria, and it captures billions of cited references from globally significant journals, books and proceedings ( check out its coverage ). Researchers and organizations use this research database regularly to track ideas across disciplines and time.

Explore the Web of Science Core Collection

We recommend spending time exploring the Core Collection specifically because its advanced citation network features are unparalleled. If you are looking to do an exhaustive search of a specific field, you might want to switch to one of the field-specific databases like MEDLINE and INSPEC. You can also select “All databases” from the drop-down box on the main search page. This will cover all research databases your institution subscribes to. IF you are still unsure about where to find scholarly journal articles, you can learn more in our Quick Reference Guide, here, or try it out today.

“We recommend spending time exploring the Core Collection specifically because its advanced citation network features are unparalleled.”

Image: how to find research articles in the Web of Science database

2. Where to find peer reviewed articles? Master the keyword search

A great deal of care and consideration is needed to find peer review articles for research. It starts with your keyword search.

Your chosen keywords or search phrases cannot be too inclusive or limiting. They also require constant iteration as you become more familiar with your research field. Watch this video on search tips to learn more:

researchgate search for articles

It’s worth noting that a repeated keyword search in the same Web of Science database will retrieve almost identical results every time, save for newly-indexed research. Not all research databases do this. If you are conducting a literature review and require a reproducible keyword search, it is best to steer clear of certain databases. For example, a research database that lacks overall transparency or frequently changes its search algorithm may be detrimental to your research.

3. Filter your search results and analyze trends

Group, rank and analyze the research articles in your search results to optimize the relevancy and efficiency of your efforts. In the Web of Science, researchers can cut through the data in a number of creative ways. This will help you when you’re stuck wondering where to find peer reviewed articles, journals and authors. The filter and refine tools , as well as the Analyze Results feature, are all at your disposal for this.

“Group, rank and analyze the research papers in your search results to optimize the relevancy and efficiency of your efforts.”

Where can I find scholarly journal articles? Try the Highly Cited and Hot Papers in Field option

Filter and Refine tools in the Web of Science

You can opt for basic filter and refine tools in the Web of Science. These include subject category, publication date and open access within your search results. You can also filter by highly-cited research and hot research papers. A hot paper is a journal article that has accumulated rapid and significant numbers of citations over a short period of time.

The Analyze Results tool does much of this and more. It provides an interactive visualization of your results by the most prolific author, institution and funding agency, for example. This, combined, will help you understand trends across your field.

4. Explore the citation network

Keyword searches are essentially an a priori view of the literature. Citation-based searching, on the other hand, leads to “systematic serendipity”. This term was used by Eugene Garfield, the founder of Web of Science. New scientific developments are linked to the global sphere of human knowledge through the citation network. The constantly evolving connections link ideas and lead to systematic serendipity, allowing for all sorts of surprising discoveries.

Exploring the citation network helps you to:

  • Identify a seminal research paper in any field. Pay attention to the number of times a journal article is cited to achieve this.
  • Track the advancement of research as it progresses over time by analyzing the research papers that cite the original source. This will also help you catch retractions and corrections to research.
  • Track the evolution of a research paper backward in time by tracking the work that a particular journal article cites.
  • View related references. A research paper may share citations with another piece of work (calculated from bibliographic coupling). That means it’s likely discussing a similar topic.

researchgate search for articles

Visualizing the history discoveries in the citation network

The Web of Science Core Collection indexes every piece of content cover-to-cover. This creates a complete and certain view of more than 115 years of the highest-quality journal articles. The depth of coverage enables you to uncover the historical trail of a research paper in your field. By doing so, it helps you visualize how discoveries unfold through time. You can also learn where they might branch off into new areas of research.  Achieve this in your search by ordering your result set by date of publication.

As PhD student Rachel Ragnhild Carlson (Stanford University) recently wrote in a column for Nature: [1]

”As a PhD student, I’ve learnt to rely not just on my Web of Science research but on numerous conversations with seasoned experts. And I make sure that my reading includes literature from previous decades, which often doesn’t rise to the top of a web search. This practice is reinforced by mentors in my lab, who often find research gems by filtering explicitly for studies greater than ten years old.”

5. Save your search and set up alerts for new journal articles

Save time and keep abreast of new journal articles in your field by saving your searches and setting up email alerts . This means you can return to your search at any time. You can also stay up-to-date about a new research paper included in your search result. This will help you find an article more easily in the future. Head over to Web of Science to try it out today.

“Everyone should set up email alerts with keywords for PubMed, Web of Science, etc. Those keyword lists will evolve and be fine-tuned over time. However, it really helps to get an idea of recent publications.” Thorbjörn Sievert , PhD student, University of Jyväskylä

[1] Ragnhild Carlson, R. 2020 ‘How Trump’s embattled environment agency prepared me for a PhD’, Nature 579, 458

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The top list of academic search engines

academic search engines

1. Google Scholar

4. science.gov, 5. semantic scholar, 6. baidu scholar, get the most out of academic search engines, frequently asked questions about academic search engines, related articles.

Academic search engines have become the number one resource to turn to in order to find research papers and other scholarly sources. While classic academic databases like Web of Science and Scopus are locked behind paywalls, Google Scholar and others can be accessed free of charge. In order to help you get your research done fast, we have compiled the top list of free academic search engines.

Google Scholar is the clear number one when it comes to academic search engines. It's the power of Google searches applied to research papers and patents. It not only lets you find research papers for all academic disciplines for free but also often provides links to full-text PDF files.

  • Coverage: approx. 200 million articles
  • Abstracts: only a snippet of the abstract is available
  • Related articles: ✔
  • References: ✔
  • Cited by: ✔
  • Links to full text: ✔
  • Export formats: APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, Vancouver, RIS, BibTeX

Search interface of Google Scholar

BASE is hosted at Bielefeld University in Germany. That is also where its name stems from (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine).

  • Coverage: approx. 136 million articles (contains duplicates)
  • Abstracts: ✔
  • Related articles: ✘
  • References: ✘
  • Cited by: ✘
  • Export formats: RIS, BibTeX

Search interface of Bielefeld Academic Search Engine aka BASE

CORE is an academic search engine dedicated to open-access research papers. For each search result, a link to the full-text PDF or full-text web page is provided.

  • Coverage: approx. 136 million articles
  • Links to full text: ✔ (all articles in CORE are open access)
  • Export formats: BibTeX

Search interface of the CORE academic search engine

Science.gov is a fantastic resource as it bundles and offers free access to search results from more than 15 U.S. federal agencies. There is no need anymore to query all those resources separately!

  • Coverage: approx. 200 million articles and reports
  • Links to full text: ✔ (available for some databases)
  • Export formats: APA, MLA, RIS, BibTeX (available for some databases)

Search interface of Science.gov

Semantic Scholar is the new kid on the block. Its mission is to provide more relevant and impactful search results using AI-powered algorithms that find hidden connections and links between research topics.

  • Coverage: approx. 40 million articles
  • Export formats: APA, MLA, Chicago, BibTeX

Search interface of Semantic Scholar

Although Baidu Scholar's interface is in Chinese, its index contains research papers in English as well as Chinese.

  • Coverage: no detailed statistics available, approx. 100 million articles
  • Abstracts: only snippets of the abstract are available
  • Export formats: APA, MLA, RIS, BibTeX

Search interface of Baidu Scholar

RefSeek searches more than one billion documents from academic and organizational websites. Its clean interface makes it especially easy to use for students and new researchers.

  • Coverage: no detailed statistics available, approx. 1 billion documents
  • Abstracts: only snippets of the article are available
  • Export formats: not available

Search interface of RefSeek

Consider using a reference manager like Paperpile to save, organize, and cite your references. Paperpile integrates with Google Scholar and many popular databases, so you can save references and PDFs directly to your library using the Paperpile buttons:

researchgate search for articles

Google Scholar is an academic search engine, and it is the clear number one when it comes to academic search engines. It's the power of Google searches applied to research papers and patents. It not only let's you find research papers for all academic disciplines for free, but also often provides links to full text PDF file.

Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature developed at the Allen Institute for AI. Sematic Scholar was publicly released in 2015 and uses advances in natural language processing to provide summaries for scholarly papers.

BASE , as its name suggest is an academic search engine. It is hosted at Bielefeld University in Germany and that's where it name stems from (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine).

CORE is an academic search engine dedicated to open access research papers. For each search result a link to the full text PDF or full text web page is provided.

Science.gov is a fantastic resource as it bundles and offers free access to search results from more than 15 U.S. federal agencies. There is no need any more to query all those resources separately!

researchgate search for articles

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Q. What is ResearchGate? Is it a reputable source?

  • 65 Academic Subjects
  • 5 Alumni Services
  • 28 Archives & Special Collections
  • 1 Blackboard
  • 8 Citations (MLA, Chicago, Zotero, etc.)
  • 3 Dissertations and Theses
  • 3 Donations
  • 25 Film, TV & Visual Media
  • 22 Interlibrary Loan/CLS
  • 2 Library Administration
  • 5 Library Services
  • 5 Newspapers
  • 2 OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute)
  • 29 Online Resources
  • 9 Printing and Scanning
  • 18 Technology Borrowing
  • 23 Technology Help

Answered By: Kathryn Ray Last Updated: Mar 22, 2024     Views: 2510

ResearchGate is a business that hosts open access research. It is neither a publisher nor a journal. It is a popular hub on the web for sharing academic publications. There is no editorial review board, nor does ResearchGate require that articles be peer reviewed, although they may be. Since it is an academic social network and there is no process for vetting the articles, evaluate each source carefully. If you choose to use an article found on ResearchGate, cite it using the citation information provided by the authors. No mention of ResearchGate is necessary.

Sources: Guide from the University of Michigan   and the ResearchGate website.

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Understanding Academia.edu and ResearchGate

← go back to the impact challenge table of contents.

We’ll be honest – we thought long and hard about including this chapter and its activities in the OU Impact Challenge. Academia.edu and ResearchGate both seem attractive to scholars, but they also have their share of disadvantages and downsides.    Ultimately, we decided to include this information, because so many of you at OU have accounts on these two sites. A quick search turns up 3,849 OU-affiliated users on Academia.edu and 4,731 on ResearchGate! But instead of diving right into the “how tos,” we think it’s especially important to place these two sites into context and preface them with important considerations.

Consideration #1: You Are Not the Customer

researchgate search for articles

Consideration #2: You Might Be Breaking the Law

Another consideration with these particular services is the legality of uploading your work there. Most publishers require authors to sign a publication agreement/copyright transfer prior to a manuscript being published which outlines what you can/cannot do with your own work in the future (we will cover this in Chapter 11 of the OU Impact Challenge). Uploading your work – especially a publisher’s pdf – to a site such as Academia.edu or ResearchGate may be a violation of the terms of the publishing agreement, whereas uploading it to an institutional repository may not be (or can be negotiated not to be). Several years ago, a major academic publisher actively went after Academia.edu, requiring them to take down all of the publisher’s content that had been illegally uploaded, much to the surprise and dismay of these authors. And Academia.edu is not the only target . Earlier this year ResearchGate was set to take down nearly 7 million articles or about 40% of their content.

Consideration #3: Understand the Privacy Implications

Finally, some of these sites’ tactics are troubling from the standpoint of privacy and intellectual freedom. Personally and professionally, many find it distressing that a private company, which doesn’t adhere to the same professional ethics as librarians and other scholars do, collects information about who is reading what. Academia.edu, in particular, then offers to share that information with you if you subscribe to their “premium service.” And while their analytics dashboard doesn’t reveal readers’ names, it may provide enough information for you to know exactly who read your work.    You may decide not to pay for Academia.edu’s premium service, but even so – what you view and download will still be tracked. This may not be troubling to you (the “I’m not doing anything wrong, so I don’t care” argument), but we think it sets a bad precedent. What about tracking researchers who study terrorism? Or whistleblowing? Or even climate change? How might people at these academic social media companies create profiles and make judgments about you based on what you are reading? And what will they do with the information they collect, especially if asked for it by government entities?    We’ve posted some additional reading and resources below. And we will continue to cover some of these topics in the future, since they are highly relevant to sharing scholarly work. If you’re still interested in Academia.edu and/or ResearchGate after reading these articles, we’ve gone ahead and included those activities further down below. We’ve purposefully kept these activities brief, at least for now.     

  • A Social Networking Site is Not an Open Access Repository , by Katie Fortney and Justin Gonder
  • I Have a Lot of Questions: RG, ELS, SN, STM, and CRS , by Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe
  • Dear Scholars, Delete Your Account At Academia.Edu , by Sarah Bond
  • Academia, Not Edu , by Kathleen Fitzpatrick
  • Reading, Privacy, and Scholarly Networks , by Kathleen Fitzpatrick
  • Upon Leaving Academia.edu , by G. Geltner
  • Should You #DeleteAcademiaEdu , by Paolo Mangiafico
  • Should This Be the Last Thing You Read on Academia.edu? , by Gary Hall (downloads as a .pdf)

Make Profiles on Academia.edu and ResearchGate

You know all those things you wish your CV was smart enough to do – embed your papers, automatically give you readership statistics, and so on? Academia.edu and ResearchGate are two academic social networks that allow you to do these things and then some.    They’re also places where your some of your colleagues are spending their time. Actively participating on one or both networks may give you an opportunity to have greater reach with other researchers. And getting your publications and presentations onto these sites legally will make it easier for others to encounter your work. They do this not only through the social network they help you build, but also by improving the search engine optimization (SEO) of your research, making you much more “Googleable.”    Both platforms allow you to do the following:     

  • Create a profile that summarizes your research
  • Upload your publications, so others can find them
  • Find and follow other researchers, so you can receive automatic updates on their new publications
  • Find and read others’ publications
  • See platform-specific metrics that indicate the readership and reach you have on those sites

Let’s dig into the basics of setting up profiles and uploading your work on these sites.

Getting Started on Academia.edu

researchgate search for articles

Fill Out Your Profile

Now it’s time to add your OU affiliation and interests to your profile. Adding an OU affiliation will add you to a subdomain of Academia.edu which will allow you to more easily find your colleagues. The site will try to guess your affiliation based on your email address or IP address; make any corrections needed and add your department information and title.    Then, add your research interests. These are also important; they’ll help others find you and your work.

Connect With Others

Now let’s connect with your colleagues who are already on Academia.edu. You can either connect your Facebook account or an email account to Academia.edu, which will search your contacts and suggest connections.    You now have an Academia.edu profile! You can continue to spruce it up by adding more publications, as well as adding a photo of yourself, other research interests and publications, and connecting your Academia profile to the other services we’ve covered like ORCiD , GoogleScholar , Twitter , and LinkedIn . See how this might be coming together?!?

Academia.edu Homework

Now that you have a profile, set aside half an hour to explore two uses of Academia.edu:     

  • Exploring “research interests” in order to discover other researchers and publications; and
  • Getting more of your most important publications online; and

researchgate search for articles

Make a Profile on ResearchGate

Next, we’ll help you with the other major player in the scholarly social network space, ResearchGate. ResearchGate claims 15 million users, and it will help you connect with many researchers who aren’t on Academia.edu. It can also help you understand your readers through platform-specific metrics, and confirm your status as a helpful expert in your field with their “Q&A” feature.    Given ResearchGate’s similarity to Academia.edu, we won’t rehash the basics of setting up a profile and getting your publications online. Go ahead and sign up, set up your account (remember to add detailed affiliation information and a photo), and add a publication or two.    Got your basic profile up and running? Great! Let’s drill down into those three unique features of ResearchGate.

Find other researchers & publications

researchgate search for articles

  • Top co-authors

researchgate search for articles

ResearchGate Score & Stats

researchgate search for articles


We’ve covered many of the limitations of Academia.edu and ResearchGate in the first section of this chapter. But there is yet another one. It has been pointed out that Academia.edu and ResearchGate are information silos – you put information and effort into the site, but you can’t easily extract and reuse it later. This is absolutely correct. That’s a big downside of these services and a great reason to make sure you’ve claimed your ORCiD in Chapter 1 .    One solution to this drawback (and the ones mentioned above) is to limit the amount of time you spend adding new content to your profiles on these sites, and instead use them as a kind of “landing page” that can simply help others find you and three or four of your most important publications. Even if you don’t have all your publications on either site, their social networking features may still be useful to make connections and increase readership for your most important work.

ResearchGate Homework

researchgate search for articles

Content for the OU Impact Challenge has been derived from “ The 30-Day Impact Challenge ” by Stacy Konkiel © ImpactStory and used here under a CC BY 4.0 International License.

researchgate search for articles

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Citation Analysis: Tools for finding who's citing you and calculating journal impact

  • Part 1: Citation Analysis Tools
  • Part 2: Metric Impact Tools
  • Part 3: Predatory Publishing
  • Part 4: Journal Verification Resources

What is ResearchGate and is it RELIABLE?

In the last few years, I have received several questions about ResearchGate , the social network site for academics.  Launched in 2008, their stated aim was to help researchers communicate quickly via their platform, making it easy to share and access scientific and scholarly knowledge and or expertise.  It’s free to join and each member is given a “profile page” whereby they can give a brief biographical snapshot and list their publications.  Just seven years later, ResearchGate has a noteworthy reach with  more than 3,000 scientists polled by Nature reporting they were “aware” of ResearchGate and just under half said they “visited ResearchGate regularly” (Van Noorden 2014).   On first glance, it might seem that ResearchGate has a wide coverage of articles from different disciplines and years but its coverage of recent years is far more substantial and some disciplines such as the arts and humanities as well as some areas of social sciences receive sparse coverage (Thelwall and Kousha 2015).   So as an academic social network, most reviewers have no qualms with ResearchGate per se.  The problems scholars have is with the ResearchGate SCORE as a measure of a researcher’s scientific reputation .   Questions that came to mind when taking a closer look at ResearchGate were: 1) How do they get that score? 2)Why isn’t their method transparent? 3)How do we know that their viewing figures are not artificially inflated?  These were the questions I set out to answer as I approached this research project.  I thought surely there must be numerous studies taking a critical look at how far and wide ResearchGate strays from well-established bibliometric guidelines for research metrics.  

Luckily, I found quite a few papers that address these very questions and their conclusions were interesting and surprising.  The most surprising thing I found was that no study, to date, has been able to refute or confirm that ResearchGate’s viewing figures are artificially inflated.  So this question continues to taunt.  There was consensus on the fact that ResearchGate’s article views have low to moderate correlations with both Scopus citations and Mendeley readers (Thelwall and Kousha 2014).  Incidentally, Mendeley is Elsevier’s answer to a social citation manager that helps author’s keep track of their citations and like ResearchGate and Academia.edu it has a social component.  Some studies concluded that if the article intake and reputation of ResearchGate continues to grow then the correlation factor between ReseachGate metrics and traditional research metrics will also increase as ResearchGate becomes more comprehensive.  Other papers/studies I read gave opposite evidence and found the ResearchGate Score to have serious limitations going so far as to say “the ResearchGate Score should not be considered in the evaluation of academics in its current form (Kraker and Lex 2015).   Of course some scholars argue that the ResearchGate Score is a composite metric taking into account “social interactions” in tandem with traditional research metrics which gives a more “desirable” picture of impact but in the end there is no consensus on how to measure academic influence via social media (Jordan 2015).  

Apart from the papers and studies, I found that scholars either love or hate ResearchGate .  Many scholars find ReseachGate’s frequent use of automated e-mails (that claim to come from colleagues active on the site) a disgraceful tactic that lures people to join on false pretenses.  There have been incidents where profiles on the site have not been created by real people but have been created “automatically and incompletely” by culling details of scholar’s affiliations, publications records, etc. from off the web (Van Noorden 2014).   Others find that every important paper in their field has been easily and quickly accessed via ResearchGate.  In the end, what is a researcher to do who is seeking some kind of empirical yes or no about ResearchGate?  Like everything else, it depends . . .  if you are seeking an alternative or new way to get your work out there that alters the traditional metrics of scholarly communication, ResearchGate might just be the thing.  However, if you are seeking a reliable tool to measure your scholarly output then ResearchGate does not make the grade.  

Corvello,  V.,  Genovese,  A.,  &  Verteramo,  S.  (2014).  Knowledge  sharing among users of scientific social networking platforms.  Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 261, 369-380.

Delgado López-Cózar, E., Robinson-García, N., Torres-Salinas, D. (2014). The Google Scholar experiment: How to index false papers and manipulate bibliometric indicators. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65 (3), 446-454.

Hoffmann, C. P., Lutz, C. &Meckel, M. (2015).  A relational altmetric? Network centrality on ResearchGate  as  an  indicator  of  scientific  impact.  Journal  of  the  Association  for Information Science and Technology. doi: 10.1002/asi.23423

Jordan, K. (2015). Exploring the ResearchGate score as an academic metric: Reflections and implications  for  practice.  In:  Quantifying  and  Analysing  Scholarly  Communication  on the Web (ASCW15), 30 June2015, Oxford. http://oro.open.ac.uk/43538/1/ASCW15_jordan_response_kraker-lex.pdf

Kadriu,   A.   (2013).   Discovering   value   in   academic   social  networks:   A   case   study   in ResearchGate.  In  Proceedings  of  the  35th International  Conference  on  Information Technology Interfaces (ITI2013) (pp. 57-62). Los Alamitos:IEEE Press.

Kraker,  P.  &  Lex,  E.  (2015).  A  critical  look  at  the  ResearchGate  score  as  a  measure  of scientific   reputation.   In   Proceedings   of   the  Quantifying   and   Analysing   Scholarly Communication on the Webworkshop (ASCW’15), Web Science conference 2015 (Oxford, UK, June 28 –July 1, 2015).

Ortega,  J.  L.  (2015).  Relationship  between  altmetric  and  bibliometric  indicators  across academic social sites: The case of CSIC's members. Journal of Informetrics, 9(1), 39-49.

Thelwall,  M.,  &  Kousha,  K.  (2014).  Academia.edu: Social network  or  academic  network? Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(4), 721-731.

Thelwall,  M.,  &  Kousha,  K.  (2015). ResearchGate: Disseminating, communicating and measuring Scholarship? Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66(5), 876-889.

Van  Noorden,  R.  (2014).   Scientists  and  the  social  network.  Nature, 512(7513),  126-129. http://www.nature.com/news/online-collaboration-scientists-and-the-social-network-1.15711.

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28 Best Academic Search Engines That make your research easier

Academic Search Engines

If you’re a researcher or scholar, you know that conducting effective online research is a critical part of your job. And if you’re like most people, you’re always on the lookout for new and better ways to do it. 

This article aims to give you an edge over researchers that rely mainly on Google for their entire research process.

Table of Contents

#1. Google Scholar

Google Scholar is an academic search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines.

#2. ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) 

ERIC (short for educational resources information center) is a great academic search engine that focuses on education-related literature. It is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and produced by the Institute of Education Sciences. 

ERIC indexes over a million articles, reports, conference papers, and other resources on all aspects of education from early childhood to higher education. So, search results are more relevant to Education on ERIC. 

ERIC is a free online database of education-related literature. 

#3. Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha is a “computational knowledge engine” that can answer factual questions posed in natural language. It can be a useful search tool. 

Wolfram Alpha can also be used to find academic articles. Just type in your keywords and Wolfram Alpha will generate a list of academic articles that match your query.

#4. iSEEK Education 

iSEEK is a search engine targeting students, teachers, administrators, and caregiver. It’s designed to be safe with editor-reviewed content.

iSEEK Education is free to use.

#5. BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)

CORE is an academic search engine that focuses on open access research papers. A link to the full text PDF or complete text web page is supplied for each search result. It’s academic search engine dedicated to open access research papers.

You might also like:

#7. Science.gov

#8. semantic scholar, #9. refseek.

This is one of the free search engines that feels like Yahoo with a massive directory. It could be good when you are just looking for research ideas from unexpected angles. It could lead you to some other database that you might not know such as the CIA The World Factbook, which is a great reference tool.

#10. ResearchGate 

A mixture of social networking site + forum + content databases where researchers can build their profile, share research papers, and interact with one another.

#11. DataONE Search (formerly CiteULike) 

#12. dataelixir , #13. lazyscholar – browser extension, #14. citeseerx – digital library from penstate, #15. the lens – patents search , #16. fatcat – wiki for bibliographic catalog , #17. lexis web – legal database, #18. infotopia – part of the vlrc family, #19. virtual learning resources center, #21. worldwidescience.

Over 70 countries’ databases are used on the website. When a user enters a query, it contacts databases from all across the world and shows results in both English and translated journals and academic resources.

#22. Google Books

A user can browse thousands of books on Google Books, from popular titles to old titles, to find pages that include their search terms. You can look through pages, read online reviews, and find out where to buy a hard copy once you find the book you are interested in.

#23. DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)

#24. baidu scholar, #25. pubmed central, #26. medline®.

MEDLINE® is a paid subscription database for life sciences and biomedicine that includes more than 28 million citations to journal articles. For finding reliable, carefully chosen health information, Medline Plus provides a powerful search tool and even a dictionary.

Defunct Academic Search Engines 

#27. microsoft academic  .

Microsoft Academic

#28. Scizzle

Final thoughts.

There are many academic search engines that can help researchers and scholars find the information they need. This list provides a variety of options, starting with more familiar engines and moving on to less well-known ones. 

10 thoughts on “28 Best Academic Search Engines That make your research easier”

Thank you so much Joannah..I have found this information useful to me as librarian in an academic library

You are welcome! We are happy to hear that!

Thank You Team, for providing a comprehensive list of academic search engines that can help make research easier for students and scholars. The variety of search engines included offers a range of options for finding scholarly articles, journals, and other academic resources. The article also provides a brief summary of each search engine’s features, which helps in determining which one is the best fit for a specific research topic. Overall, this article is a valuable resource for anyone looking for a quick and easy way to access a wealth of academic information.

We appreciate your support and thank you for your kind words. We will continue to provide valuable resources for students and researchers in the future. Please let us know if you have any further questions or suggestions.

No more questions Thank You

I cannot thank you enough!!! thanks alot 🙂

Typography animation is a technique that combines text and motion to create visually engaging and dynamic animations. It involves animating individual letters, words, or phrases in various ways to convey a message, evoke emotions, or enhance the visual impact of a design or video. – Typography Animation Techniques Tools and Online Software {43}

Expontum – Helps researchers quickly find knowledge gaps and identify what research projects have been completed before. Expontum is free, open access, and available to all globally with no paid versions of the site. Automated processes scan research article information 24/7 so this website is constantly updating. By looking at over 35 million research publications (240 million by the end of 2023), the site has 146 million tagged research subjects and 122 million tagged research attributes. Learn more about methodology and sources on the Expontum About Page ( https://www.expontum.com/about.php )

Hey Ryan, I clicked and checked your site and thought it was very relevant to our reader. Thank you for sharing. And, we will be reviewing your site soon.

Sounds good! Thanks, Joannah!

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Reporting by Yuka Obayashi; Editing by Jamie Freed

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. New Tab , opens new tab

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Yuka Obayashi reports on Japan's energy, metals and other commodities.

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UK's Tesco 'not unduly worried' by Labour's workers' rights package

Tesco , Britain's biggest supermarket group, is "not unduly worried" by the opposition Labour Party's plan to introduce a new package of workers' rights if it wins the upcoming election, its boss said on Friday.

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  1. Top 11 software for research papers and journal articles (2021)

    researchgate search for articles

  2. May I filter the research articles in a spesific context?

    researchgate search for articles

  3. ResearchGate: What is it and what is it used for?

    researchgate search for articles

  4. How to Add Article In ResearchGate

    researchgate search for articles

  5. How To Create A ResearchGate Account And Why It's Important

    researchgate search for articles

  6. How to Search Research Paper, Google Scholar, DOI, ResearchGate, Research Paper List, References

    researchgate search for articles


  1. Research Gate

  2. How to search for an article by topic

  3. How to create Research Gate profile

  4. TBPPM Library

  5. How to use advanced tools for searching articles with A-To-Z guidelines. || Private Batch ||

  6. how to search articles on DBpia


  1. Search

    With 160+ million publication pages, 25+ million researchers and 1+ million questions, this is where everyone can access science. You can use AND, OR, NOT, "" and () to specify your search ...

  2. ResearchGate

    ResearchGate Business Solutions. Access 160+ million publications and connect with 25+ million researchers. Join for free and gain visibility by uploading your research.

  3. Google Scholar

    Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions.

  4. Discovering and requesting research

    How do I search for research items on ResearchGate? Simply type the name of the researcher, research item, or question you're looking for in the search bar at the top of any ResearchGate page and press Enter.If the item you're looking for doesn't immediately appear in the search results list, try using the filters across the top of the page (e.g. Research, People, Questions).

  5. ResearchGate

    ResearchGate is a European commercial social networking site for scientists and researchers [2] to share papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators. [3] According to a 2014 study by Nature and a 2016 article in Times Higher Education, it is the largest academic social network in terms of active users, [4] [5] although other ...

  6. What is ResearchGate?

    ResearchGate connects you with other researchers, helps you discover content valuable to your work, and lets you make your own research visible. Here's how: Connect with colleagues, co-authors, and specialists in your field. Add your research to your profile to make it discoverable by other researchers. Access publications and other work in ...

  7. ResearchGate

    ResearchGate Help Center. Search. Categories. Getting Started Profile Account Settings Research & Publications Labs Q&A Stats Mobile Apps Community Marketing Solutions Hiring on ResearchGate ...

  8. 64164 PDFs

    Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on ACADEMIC JOURNALS. Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature review on ...

  9. Journals on ResearchGate

    ResearchGate members with an institutional subscription to a journal's articles can also access subscription articles that the publisher adds to ResearchGate. Readers who don't have access to a journal's content through an institutional subscription or library access can still view a publisher preview — the abstract, figures, and first ...

  10. How to get the most out of Candidate Search

    How to get the most out of Candidate Search. 4 months ago Updated. Candidate Search on ResearchGate supports Boolean search queries with AND, OR, NOT, " ", and ( ). Use Boolean operators to optimise your queries. AND: Search for candidates that match both search terms. OR: Broaden your search by searching for candidates matching any term.

  11. 633043 PDFs

    Of the 1556 species of whiteflies recorded in the world, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) remains one of the most economically important pests of field, vegetable and ornamental crops worldwide. B ...

  12. Where to find peer reviewed articles for research

    3. Filter your search results and analyze trends. Group, rank and analyze the research articles in your search results to optimize the relevancy and efficiency of your efforts. In the Web of Science, researchers can cut through the data in a number of creative ways. This will help you when you're stuck wondering where to find peer reviewed ...

  13. Journals

    Visit the Research tab on your profile and use the search bar or scroll down to your journal article. Click on the downward-facing arrow below the research item's title and select Edit. Enter the journal name or ISSN into the Journal field, and select the correct journal suggested in the drop-down menu. Select the correct journal from the ...

  14. Search

    Discover the world's scientific knowledge. With 135+ million publication pages, 20+ million researchers and 1+ million questions, this is where everyone can access science. You can use AND, OR ...

  15. The best academic search engines [Update 2024]

    Get 30 days free. 1. Google Scholar. Google Scholar is the clear number one when it comes to academic search engines. It's the power of Google searches applied to research papers and patents. It not only lets you find research papers for all academic disciplines for free but also often provides links to full-text PDF files.

  16. What is ResearchGate? Is it a reputable source?

    Mar 22, 2024 2303. ResearchGate is a business that hosts open access research. It is neither a publisher nor a journal. It is a popular hub on the web for sharing academic publications. There is no editorial review board, nor does ResearchGate require that articles be peer reviewed, although they may be. Since it is an academic social network ...

  17. Understanding Academia.edu and ResearchGate

    Academia.edu and ResearchGate both seem attractive to scholars, but they also have their share of disadvantages and downsides. Ultimately, we decided to include this information, because so many of you at OU have accounts on these two sites. A quick search turns up 3,849 OU-affiliated users on Academia.edu and 4,731 on ResearchGate!

  18. How to add research

    To add a publication page to your profile: Click the Add new button at the top right-hand corner of any ResearchGate page. For published work, select Published research and then the publication type. For unpublished work, select the most applicable type of research from the options shown. Follow the steps for the specific type of research you ...

  19. Notes on ResearchGate

    There was consensus on the fact that ResearchGate's article views have low to moderate correlations with both Scopus citations and Mendeley readers (Thelwall and Kousha 2014). Incidentally, Mendeley is Elsevier's answer to a social citation manager that helps author's keep track of their citations and like ResearchGate and Academia.edu it ...

  20. Literature search process involving number of published articles

    A total of 1247, 1757, 631, and 196 articles relating to soil micronutrients, secondary nutrients, soil acidity, and 4R stewardship were recovered in the initial search. However, 74, 30, 21, and ...

  21. 28 Best Academic Search Engines That make your research easier

    15 Best Academic Journal Discovery Platforms. 15 Best Academic Research Trend Prediction Platforms. 15 Best Websites To Download Research Papers For Free. #20. Jurn. Powered by Google Custom Search Engine (CSE), Jurn is a free online search engine for accessing and downloading free full-text scholarly papers.

  22. Directory of Open Access Journals

    About the directory. DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, and is committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone. DOAJ is committed to keeping its services free of charge, including being indexed, and its data freely available.

  23. Meet Windows 11: The basics

    Universal search. Select Search on the taskbar or press Windows logo key + S, then type what you want to find. You'll get personalized search results for people, email, and files in local and shared sites, or from the web. Desktop groups. Use desktops to keep different tasks organized or for different parts of your life, like work and home.

  24. Can Mexico's Sheinbaum, a climate scientist, shake Lopez Obrador's oil

    Mexico's President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, an accomplished climate scientist, could struggle to fulfill her environmental pledges after she sailed to victory, in part, on the popularity of a ...

  25. Eku Energy aims to expand its global battery storage to 9 GWh by 2028

    Battery storage company Eku Energy aims to expand its global energy storage capacity to 9 gigawatt-hours by 2028 from about 1.3 GWh now, to help hasten the energy transition and maximise the use ...

  26. Search

    Enter a title, author name, or research area to search for publications. Latest news from our members. 4th March 2022 in Blog. Scientists Support Ukraine. Read more. 11th February 2022 in Blog.

  27. Search Researchers

    Enter an author name or area of research to search for authors. Discover the world's scientific knowledge | With 20+ million researchers, 1+ million questions, and 135+ million publications, this ...

  28. Fuka Nagano interview I Japan I Women's Olympic Football Tournament

    Nagano was a mainstay for Liverpool in the 2023/24 WSL season. Midfielder overcame midseason struggles of balancing club and country. Playmaker has recently been handed the Nadeshiko No10 shirt ...

  29. Man Jailed, Charged After Attack on Denmark's Prime Minister

    A 39-year-old man has been jailed and charged with violence against an official after an attack on Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen that led her to cancel several election events.

  30. Mexico's Sheinbaum Decides to Keep AMLO's Finance Minister

    Mexico's President-Elect Claudia Sheinbaum confirmed Monday that Finance Minister Rogelio Ramirez de la O has accepted to continue in his current post during her government.