86 Healthcare Reform Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best healthcare reform topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 most interesting healthcare reform topics to write about, 👍 good essay topics on healthcare reform, 💡 interesting topics to write about healthcare reform.

  • Problems Facing Healthcare Management: Financial, Reform Implementation, Government Mandates, and Patient Safety Challenges facing the health sector seem to increase since the signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law.
  • Lillian Wald: Pioneering Public Health Nursing and Healthcare Reforms Wald fought to raise the standard of hospital care and to guarantee that nurses received the instruction and training necessary to deliver high-quality care.
  • Healthcare Reforms in Saudi Arabia However, to ensure that it reaches the vulnerable populations, Saudi will have to provide healthcare in rural areas and use health information systems.
  • Healthcare Inequalities and Continuing Reform It is reasonable to suggest that the better care patients are exposed to, the lower the rate of subsequent hospitalizations. For example, it is possible to increase the number of representatives of minorities in healthcare […]
  • The Massachusetts Healthcare Reform Act According to the act, all of the people living in Massachusetts aged 18 and older must have creditable insurance if it is perceived as affordable according to the Massachusetts Health Connector.
  • “The Language of Healthcare Reform” by Larry Levitt Hence, the problem of the current healthcare system is that it poses an ethical dilemma between the quality of care and affordable healthcare for lower-income individuals.
  • The Illinois Health Care and Human Service Reform Act The policy also makes significant changes to the requirement of medical staff in the region to include a comprehensive assessment of their credentials and written reasons for their rejection.
  • Issues in Health Care Reform: Interview Summary Health policy issues must be addressed from the organization’s and government’s perspectives, and the ACA’s update for the State-Based Health Exchange is the regulation to which Murphy paid significant attention.
  • Healthcare Inequalities and the Need for Reform While the stretch between the poor and the rich keeps widening, the need to change the situation presents a fundamental challenge to governments.
  • Appraisal of a Significant Primary Health Care Reform in Australia Besides, the national public hospitals have faced their own share of crises due to the inability of the healthcare system to meet the growing demand of healthcare recipients.
  • The Advocacy of the Profession of Nursing and Improvement of Health Care Reforms The speakers’ main topic was related to the advocacy of the profession of nursing and the improvement of health care reforms.
  • Healthcare Reform’s Cause and Effect The paper considers the response of insurance companies to the reforms and increased costs of medical coverage as the key effects of healthcare reforms.
  • Analysis of the Reforms in Health Care Market However, in order to create more harmonized services, the government has ratified the Affordable Care Act to help in achieving cost reduction in the health sector. In conclusion, ACA regulations have greatly helped consumers and […]
  • Health Care Reform Advocacy The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009 along with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 offered measures for changing the Medicare principles and the system of practitioners’ reimbursements.
  • Effect of Healthcare Reform on Nursing The healthcare sector in the US for along time stuck to capitalistic ideals which exploited the population and denied millions of people their right to access to decent healthcare.
  • Putting Teeth in Health Care Reform Health care in the united State of America should put dental prevention and care on the same ground as the rest of the health care program.
  • The Healthcare Reform Law by Obama: Budget of the Healthcare Reform The proposed healthcare reform has an estimated budget of $828 billion; half of which is scheduled to be acquired from the expansion of Medicaid with an extra $29 billion stipulated to aid in the funding […]
  • Obama’s Deal: The Problem of Healthcare Reform The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the problem of healthcare reform, which was raised in the documentary Obama’s Deal, and to evaluate the impact of lobbyists’ efforts on the legislative process.
  • Health Care Reform Coverage in Mainstream Media The writers then go on to analyze the contents of the advert. Finally, the writers give a reference list to confirm the authenticity of the facts they give in this context.
  • The Most Significant Health Care Reforms in American History The problems of alcohol and smoking still existed, but there appeared several more, the main were tuberculosis and influenza. Lots of ethnical and race problems were solved during the reform movements.
  • Healthcare Reform in Modern Conditions: New Health Policy A healthcare reform in modern conditions is an integral part of the transformation of the social sphere as a whole and the general process of transformation of the American society.
  • Healthcare Reform Trends From a Nursing Perspective The purpose of this paper is to define the ways of the reform’s further development as well as to define the role of nursing in such a process.
  • Health Care Reform Recommendations From Experts First, to improve the quality of healthcare and reduce costs, the government should invest in health information technology. First, to enhance the quality of healthcare and reduce costs, the government should invest in HIT.
  • Ethics Related to Current Healthcare Reform Debates The article is related to ethics and provides an overview of the reforms that have been made in the recent past.
  • Thinking Women and Health Care Reform Seeing that the theory in question promotes collaboration between the patient and the therapist, it can be viewed as a solid basis for the further evaluation of the interactions between the members of the group […]
  • Healthcare Reforms for American Employers The Affordable Care Act helps to identify responsibilities of all participants and tax provisions in regard to the number of their employees, the number of working hours, and the ability to offer health benefits to […]
  • Nurses as Leaders in Health Care Reform It can be argued that the personal and professional characteristics of nurses play a prominent role in the leadership of healthcare organizations.
  • Abu Dhabi Healthcare System Payment Reforms The increasing cost of health care and the influence of the world economic crisis has led to the countries’ inability to pay the expenses on their own.
  • Analysis of the American Health Care Reform Moreover, it is essential to state that the proposed novelty is connected to potential positive changes in people’s access to health care due to increased access to health insurance. With the anticipated increase in access […]
  • Obama’s Health Care Reform and Utilitarian Theory Florida Blue The foreseeable good of the health care reform in Florida Blue is that it will increase the number of patients and thus improve its growth.
  • President Barack Obama’s Healthcare Reforms It is important to note that healthcare is one of the basic human needs in the world and specifically in the United States of America.
  • Comparative Effectiveness and Health Care Spending — Implications for Reform The article entitled “Comparative Effectiveness and Health Care Spending Implications for Reform” by Weinstein and Skinner looks at the expenditure of the healthcare system and the effectiveness of the system put in place to monitor […]
  • The Effects of Healthcare Reforms on Organizations Following the legislation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, it is important for organizations to understand the adjustments that they need to make during the next two years so as to comply with […]
  • The State of Change in Healthcare Reforms The unmet needs in health care and women’s health care are as the result of these factors which seem to stay irrespective of what is expected in the organization. In this case, delivery systems demands […]
  • Political Cartoon on Health Care Reform in the United States The cartoonist portrays the factors influencing the pace of the healthcare reform process in the United States. The cartoonist demonstrates the parties involved in the healthcare reform bound to suffer from the pace of […]
  • Health Care Reforms in G8 Countries and Turkey In US, earlier reforms in the health care system involved the formation of the “Veterans Health Administration, the Military Healthcare System and the Indian Health Services”.
  • Healthcare Reform: Background Research Some of the problems observed during the analysis of this topic were the legal hurdles that surround the understanding of the implications of the healthcare reforms.
  • US Healthcare Reform: Access to Healthcare Services and the Costs of Their Provision The healthcare system of a country is of great significance since it determines the health of the country’s population. The population’s health is important due to the fact that it directly impacts on the productivity […]
  • Explaining the Importance of Introducing U.S. Health Care Reforms Adhering to the idea of free and equal access of all people to the high quality medical care irrespective of social status, nationality, race distinction, and gender, introducing new approaches to allocating resources, as well […]
  • The Healthcare Reform Debate and the Affordable Health Care for Americans A group of health policy experts, health insurance executives, business leaders, economists, hospital administrators among other experts held several workshops to discuss health care reforms in a forum known as the Fresh-thinking Project and came […]
  • Healthcare Reform Initiatives That Have Been Implemented in the Past 2-3 Years As a result, the government of USA initiated reforms to be made in the health care systems in a bid to perfect it to becoming one of the best in the world.
  • Debates Regarding American Healthcare Reform
  • Understanding Accountable Healthcare Organization Role in the Healthcare Reform System
  • China’s Healthcare Reform and Resources Redistribution: Lessons for Emerging Nations
  • Comparing and Contrasting Healthcare Reforms of Different Counties
  • Conservative and Liberal Ideology on Healthcare Reform
  • Defending the New Healthcare Reform Law
  • Demand and Reimbursement Effects of Healthcare Reform: Health Care Utilization in Thailand
  • Economic and Healthcare Reform Throughout Recent History
  • Healthcare Reform From the Nurse Practitioner Perspective
  • Overview of Generic Plans for Healthcare Reform
  • Importance of Government’s Support for Healthcare Reform
  • Self-Service Kiosks in Healthcare: Advantages and Disadvantages The healthcare sector is integrating cutting-edge technology such as self-service kiosks to help provide quality care through effective service delivery.
  • Healthcare Reform and Congress’ Role in the Legislative Process
  • Linking Healthcare Reform and Healthcare Information Systems
  • Healthcare Reform and Effect on Hospitals
  • Analysis of Healthcare Reform and Legislation Today
  • Healthcare Reform and Its Current and Future Impact on Healthcare
  • Comparative Analysis: Healthcare Reform vs. Socialized Medicine
  • Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on the Delivery System
  • Overview of Political Challenges for Healthcare Reform
  • Healthcare Reform and Its Implications for the U.S. Economy
  • Analysis of President Barack Obama’s Healthcare Reform
  • Healthcare Reform and the Future of Socialized Medicine in the USA
  • Public Policy: Healthcare Reform and Social Security
  • Healthcare Reform and the Impact of Obesity
  • Race-Conscious Policy Analysis and the Healthcare Reform Debate
  • Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on Civil Rights
  • Substance Use Treatment Provider Behavior and Healthcare Reform: Evidence From Massachusetts
  • Healthcare Reform: Healthcare That’s Concerned With Health
  • The Affordable Care Act as the US Healthcare Reform Law
  • Healthcare Reform Implementation: Stakeholders and Their Roles – Israeli Experience
  • The Best Healthcare Reform for the United States
  • Healthcare Reform: Analysis of Pros and Cons
  • Analysis of the Healthcare Reform Act in Texas
  • The Need for Healthcare Reform: A State Perspective
  • The Need for Healthcare Reform Is Great in America
  • The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Rationale for Healthcare Reform
  • The Registered Nurse’s Role in Healthcare Reform
  • The Tough Luck Constitution and the Assault on Healthcare Reform
  • Truth vs. Fabrication: Town Hall Debates, Staging, and Effect on Healthcare Reform
  • The Obstructed Process of Healthcare Reform in Bolivia
  • Evidence-Based Practice Titles
  • Nursing Theory Questions
  • Obamacare Questions
  • NHS Research Ideas
  • Occupational Health Paper Topics
  • Public Safety Research Ideas
  • Palliative Care Research Topics
  • Intensive Care Research Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 27). 86 Healthcare Reform Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/healthcare-reform-essay-topics/

"86 Healthcare Reform Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/healthcare-reform-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '86 Healthcare Reform Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 27 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "86 Healthcare Reform Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/healthcare-reform-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "86 Healthcare Reform Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/healthcare-reform-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "86 Healthcare Reform Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/healthcare-reform-essay-topics/.


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124 Healthcare Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Healthcare is a diverse and complex field that encompasses a wide range of topics, issues, and challenges. Whether you are studying healthcare as a student, working in the healthcare industry, or simply interested in learning more about this important area, there are countless essay topics that you can explore. To help you get started, here are 124 healthcare essay topic ideas and examples that you can use for inspiration:

  • The impact of healthcare disparities on patient outcomes
  • Strategies for improving access to healthcare in underserved communities
  • The role of technology in transforming healthcare delivery
  • The ethics of healthcare rationing
  • The importance of diversity and inclusion in healthcare organizations
  • The rise of telemedicine and its implications for patient care
  • The impact of the opioid epidemic on healthcare systems
  • The role of nurses in promoting patient safety
  • The challenges of providing mental health care in a primary care setting
  • The future of healthcare: personalized medicine and precision healthcare
  • The role of healthcare providers in addressing social determinants of health
  • The impact of climate change on public health
  • The role of public health campaigns in promoting healthy behaviors
  • The challenges of healthcare delivery in rural areas
  • The impact of healthcare reform on the uninsured population
  • The role of healthcare informatics in improving patient outcomes
  • The importance of cultural competency in healthcare delivery
  • The ethical implications of genetic testing and personalized medicine
  • The impact of healthcare costs on patient access to care
  • The role of healthcare administrators in shaping the future of healthcare delivery
  • The challenges of implementing electronic health records in healthcare settings
  • The impact of healthcare privatization on patient care
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting patient autonomy
  • The challenges of providing end-of-life care in a healthcare setting
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on maternal and child health outcomes
  • The role of healthcare providers in addressing the opioid crisis
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to undocumented immigrants
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare systems
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting vaccination uptake
  • The challenges of healthcare delivery in conflict zones
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on LGBTQ+ populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting healthy aging
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to homeless populations
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on rural communities
  • The role of healthcare providers in addressing food insecurity
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to refugees and asylum seekers
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on people with disabilities
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting mental health awareness
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to incarcerated populations
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on immigrant populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting sexual health education
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to indigenous populations
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on veterans' health outcomes
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting healthy lifestyles
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to low-income populations
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on minority populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting preventive care
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to elderly populations
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on women's health outcomes
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting maternal health
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to children and adolescents
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on mental health outcomes
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting substance abuse treatment
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to homeless youth
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on LGBTQ+ youth
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting healthy relationships
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to LGBTQ+ youth
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on transgender populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting gender-affirming care
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to LGBTQ+ elders
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on people of color
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting racial equity
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to immigrant populations
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on refugee populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting cultural competency
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to non-English speaking populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting disability rights
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to people with mental illnesses
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on people experiencing homelessness
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting housing stability
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to people living in poverty
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on incarcerated populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting criminal justice reform
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to veterans
  • The impact of healthcare

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138 Healthcare Policy Research Topics & Essay Examples

📝 healthcare policy research papers examples, 💡 essay ideas on healthcare policy, 🏆 best healthcare policy essay titles, 🎓 simple research topics about healthcare policy, ❓ healthcare policy research questions.

  • Health and Healthcare Policy The patient’s expectation on public services is a central issue among public sector decision makers to curb challenges faced in the health sector.
  • Public Health Policy Emergency Preparedness and Response Public health is concerned with issues that affect the nation’s population. It aims at assisting people to live healthy lives and protecting them from the dangers of their health.
  • The Health Insurance Policy Concept Health policy is a complex of decisions and actions which are focused on the health improvement within the society. Controlling the costs remains one of the most important issues.
  • Health Policy in the USA The US has been diversifying the qualification and expertise of its medical staff to ensure that they are competent enough to provide the nation with high quality health care services.
  • UK Women's Cervical Cancer Prevention Policies The paper describes policies developed in the UK to prevent cervical cancer among adult women and measures to improve the health and wellbeing of women diagnosed with the disease.
  • Nursing Accountability as an Institutional Policy The professional nursing accountability act is an institutional policy that defines, highlights, and facilitates the use of financial resources in healthcare provision.
  • Patient Safety Standards and Healthcare Policies This letter to the President is about the need to include patient safety standards in the new law as a critical issue for the representatives of the general public.
  • Health Policy and the Advanced Practice Role Advance practice nurses are highly educated professionals who have an opportunity to practice independently without a physician's presence, as they have received required clinical training.
  • Obamacare and Future Healthcare Policies in the US The future of health policies in the United States is a topic that has been actively discussed over the last few years.
  • Mental Health Policy and Its Stakeholders When considering the policy for mental health awareness training for a correctional institution, the obvious stakeholders include the staff and management.
  • Medication Ordering Policy in Florida In Florida State, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners has been restricted in their practice due to the inability to write prescriptions for controlled substances.
  • Medication Ordering Policy for Florida Nurses This essay outlines Florida Senate Bill 0210 about giving ARNPs and PAs the right to prescribe controlled substances, and Bill 152 focused on their authority to order medications.
  • Obesity Healthcare Policy Presentation The implementation of obesity healthcare policy is a significant step in eliminating the spread of this serious healthcare problem.
  • Zika-Free Florida: Health Policies and Their Effects Zika virus remains a major concern for Florida healthcare. 42 instances of Zika virus contraction have been registered in the U.S. in 2018.
  • Motorcycle Helmet Law as Public Health Policy The introduction of the motorcycle helmet law in Illinois will have a beneficial impact on public health in the state.
  • Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse An advanced practice nurse fulfills a variety of roles related to clinical practice as well as research, education, and management, all of which contribute to the improvement of care.
  • Climate Change as Health Determinant: Policy Brief Different stakeholders such as politicians, administrators, and community members should collaborate to develop powerful plans to deal with the problem of climate change.
  • Obesity and Related Healthcare Policy Concern Obesity is a problem that bothers millions of people around the whole world. The policy to combat obesity is characterized by a number of positive issues.
  • Motorcycle Helmet Healthcare Policy in Illinois Healthcare legislation enables the government to improve public health, implement disease control, and promote healthy lifestyles.
  • Elderly Care and Health Policies in Florida The Stepping On the program is the policy that is expected to contribute to a drop in the number of falls among elderly people in Florida hospitals.
  • Health Informatics Policy: Implementation Benefits This paper aims to describe the HIPPA health informatics policy, while also explaining its impact on system implementation, patient-nurse interactions, and workflow.
  • Cost Control Policy in Minnesota's Healthcare Hennepin Health policy was introduced for low-income Medicaid patients living in Hennepin County, Minnesota, in 2012.
  • Health Mandates and Policies in Florida According to the Florida Department of Health, the priority of providing people with services and preventative products goes to individuals from low-income families.
  • Childhood Vaccination as Healthcare Policy Concern The healthcare policy concern is the low rate of childhood vaccinations in Florida. Half of Florida counties do not meet the goal for a 95% immunization rate.
  • United States Healthcare Policy Structures: Drug Pricing An elevated level of spending on prescription drugs in the United States is a growing public concern nowadays.
  • Health Policy: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation This paper considers one of the voluntary foundations, which is the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation which aims to increase public awareness in terms of public health issues.
  • Healthy Food Policies from a Nursing Perspective The discussion of the practices is conducted from the perspective and experience of a nurse to show that the policies of the US government are mostly beneficial for society.
  • Health Policy Formulation in the Florida The current Florida health policy needs correction at the stage of evaluation to be able to address the urgent needs in the sector which include understaffing.
  • Nurse Staffing Policy Change and Related Challenges Resolving two of the most pressing matters like burnout and negative professional image could help ensure that the proposed staffing policy endures daily challenges.
  • Childhood Vaccination: Policy Priority Issue Child vaccination is a serious public issue. Nurses may take a leading role in promoting vaccination among religious people and legislators.
  • Health Policy and Legislation Health policy is bound to legislative statutes. Health policy covers legislative and regulatory aspects. The primary goal is to protect health.
  • Nurse’s Role in Health Policy: Action Plan It is critical to ensure that professional nurses can be invaluable members of the policy-making process by having access to microsystems, mesosystems, and macrosystems.
  • Health Policy Analysis Prevalence of falls among older adults affects their life and that of their family members. Most of the established approaches are faced by uncertainty and controversy.
  • Longest's Health Policy Model to Develop a Change The use of a healthy policy model developed by Longest to promote a change in a policy of taxing sugared beverages is characterized by several supporters and positive statistics.
  • Research, Evidence-Based Practice, and Quality Improvement Evidence-based practice (EBP), research, and quality improvement are useful methods to enhance patient outcomes.
  • U.S. States Health Policy Analysis It is possible for individuals to receive care at home or communities instead of isolated healthcare settings. The policy intends to target individuals with physical.
  • Healthcare Policy: Impact of Health Legislation on Nursing The Bill is in the congress committee for consideration. The Bill is aimed at providing Covid-19 prevention and control guidelines.
  • Hypertension Prevention Plan Proposal The proposed plan will emphasize helping such categories of patients as older adults, patients with obesity to recognize their health risks.
  • Hospital Financial Model and Policy For-profits can respond to the needs of the population faster, and for-profit hospital growth is associated with faster population growth.
  • Policy Perspectives: Hospital Staff and Patient Safety The study is concerned with the shortage of trained nurses in hospitals and the need to provide high-quality care in the changing environment of the 21st century.
  • Family Nurse Practitioner in California The essay will examine education, practice, regulatory and legal requirements, accreditation, leadership, and the role of a family nurse advocate in the state of California.
  • The Policy Challenges Affecting the Healthcare Sector in Ontario The purpose of this briefing note is to highlight all the most important health policy challenges that will impact the functioning of the Ontario Ministry of Health.
  • Overview of Advanced Practice Roles Nurses transform the quality of life using health care interventions, which improve nursing practice systems. Advanced practice roles ensure patient safety and quality assistance.
  • Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care The major purpose of the paper is to provide a summary of the chapters and to highlight the pivotal ideas that are presented in the work.
  • Comparing and Contrasting Different Nursing Roles Nurses and Advanced Role Practitioners (ARP) in nursing work hard to improve the quality of healthcare in many organizations.
  • Issues in the Health Care Policies Health care has many contexts, health is always influenced by environment, economy and economic inequality, and public services.
  • How Healthcare Providers Influence Policy-Making? The present paper analyses the Healthcare Reform Bill, with the view to illuminating how nurses influenced the development of this bill.
  • Mental Health Policy and Integrated Care': Summary Mental Health Policy and Integrated Care is an article written by C.D. Zolnierek in the Psychiatric and Mental Health-Nursing Journal.
  • Health Care Policy: Advanced Practice Nursing Nursing plays an immeasurably significant role in modern medicine. In the United States, advanced nurses permanently face considerable practice barriers.
  • Hawaii’s Policies on Access to Maternal Health Resources Due to high poverty rates and the resulting lack of resources, and low health literacy rates among its citizens, the access to maternal health resources remains low in Hawaii.
  • Role of the Professional Nurse in Health Policy Policy reforms are necessary for the health sector in improving health outcomes. Globally, healthcare and public health systems are managed through sound health policies.
  • Healthcare Policy Analysis and Nurse Staffing Standards Legislation in the field of healthcare is necessary to transform the experiences of patients and caregivers. Policymakers should consider the gaps existing in the field.
  • Breast Cancer in Black American Women Black women experience a higher death rate from breast cancer than their white counterparts or any other ethnic group in the United States.
  • An Important Role for Registered Nurses Nurses have the responsibility and capacity to influence the current and future of healthcare delivery systems.
  • Global Policy Reform and Impact on Patient Care The developing countries with low and middle-income experience a more considerable burden of inappropriate health care quality than more safe developed states.
  • Capstone Project Change Proposal: New Staffing Policy The project involving the development of a new staffing policy can be instrumental in improving the quality of provided care at a particular healthcare facility.
  • Discussion of Policy Connections The paper discusses health policy is in a direct connection with legislation, practice, regulations and finance.
  • Relationship Between Health Policy and Regulation The paper visually represents the relationship between health policy and regulation and shows dependencies and interrelation.
  • Nursing Policy in the Workforce and Workplace Although nurse satisfaction can potentially improve safe care, more data is required to establish a connection and consider that a sufficient reason for staffing regulations.
  • Danger of Spreading Human Immunodeficiency Virus Since 44% of HIV-infected young adults are unaware of their status, testing and increasing health awareness among this population is crucial.
  • Relationship Between Health Policy and Finance The paper visually represents the relationship between health policy and finance and shows dependencies and interrelation.
  • Unnecessary Care Elimination: Policy Review The system of healthcare remains the pillar of a well-functioning society, having a direct contribution to the population’s well-being.
  • Diabetes in Children: Policies and Programs Diabetes is a chronic disease, the onset of which is caused due to the lack of insulin produced by the pancreas or organism's inability to use this insulin.
  • Ethical Decisions in Healthcare Workplace The utilitarian and stakeholder management theories are integral in promoting business ethics and can be applied in healthcare scenarios to maintain equity.
  • Care Coordination Plan for Patients with Heart Failure Disease Care coordination among parties involved in a client's treatment facilitates proper treatment planning. The primary goal of a care plan is to accommodate patients' requirements.
  • Nursing Leadership, Collaboration, and Policy Considerations From time immemorial, the work of a nurse has been considered one of the most important professions in society.
  • COVID-19: Leadership, Collaboration, and Policy Considerations in Nursing However, to become a professional, a nurse must have the necessary knowledge and skills to determine a patient's illness and treatment approaches.
  • Governmental and State Policies and COVID-19 Problem Nursing during the COVID-19 pandemic also requires proper recruitment of safety measures when dealing with COVID-19 patients.
  • The History of Policy Making in Nursing Policy development in nursing was triggered by the rapid changes in the health systems. The role of nurses in this process is to ensure that the policies are well formulated.
  • Tobacco Control Policies in Kenya The explicit objective was to explore Kenyan policies regarding tobacco and show the factors progressing or disadvantaging them.
  • Healthcare Policies over the Last 20 Years: Reforms and Counter-Reforms
  • The Role of Statistics in the Development of Health Care Policy
  • Population-Level Intervention and Information Collection in Dynamic Healthcare Policy
  • Reforming the Existing Healthcare Policies to Reduce Healthcare Costs
  • Health Care Policy Development and the Roles of Interest Groups and Public Opinion
  • Contemporary Strategy and Approaches in Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Digitalization
  • Health Care Policy Evaluation Using Longitudinal Insurance Claims Data
  • Problems with Evidence Assessment in COVID-19 Health Policy Impact Evaluation
  • Healthcare Policies and Access: A Behavioural-Ecological Model Analysis
  • Prescription for Health Care Policy: The Case for Retargeting Tax Subsidies to Health Care
  • Health Disparities as an Important Public Health Policy Concern
  • Maternal Health Care Policy Intervention and Its Impact on Perinatal Mortality
  • Health Policy Changes and Its Effect on Equity in Healthcare Financing
  • The Failure of Federal Indigenous Healthcare Policy in Canada
  • Health Policy Development: Race and Ethnicity as Determinants of Health
  • Key Issues in Transgender Health Care Policy and Practice
  • Health Care Policy Evaluation: A Conceptual Model Using Medical Ethics
  • Health Technology Assessment as a Tool for Healthcare Policymaking
  • Healthcare Policy Changes in an Era of Health Workforce Shortage
  • Obesity Prevention Strategies through Healthcare Policy Advocacy
  • Implementing an Oral Health Policy in Long-Term Care Facilities for Older Adults
  • Healthcare Policy Implications of Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects
  • Use of National Clinical Databases for Informing and Evaluating Health Care Policies
  • Empowerment in Healthcare Policymaking: Three Domains of Substantive Controversy
  • The Role of the Agency for Health Care Policy in Improving the Outcomes of Care
  • Citizen Participation in the Reform of Health Care Policy
  • Transforming Healthcare: Policy Discourses of IT and Patient-Centred Care
  • Applications of System Dynamics Modelling to Support Health Policy
  • Emergency Department Crowding as a Healthcare Policy Issue
  • Population Ageing in Developed and Developing Regions: Implications for Healthcare Policy
  • Decentralization, Re-Centralization, and Future European Healthcare Policy
  • Strategies to Promote the Impact of Systematic Reviews on Healthcare Policy
  • Access, Choice, and Travel: Implications for Healthcare Policy
  • Factors Influencing Nurses Participation in the Health Policy-Making Process
  • Healthcare Policy Agenda for a Sustainable Healthcare System
  • Quantitative Measures of Health Policy Implementation Determinants and Outcomes
  • European Healthcare Policies for Controlling Drug Expenditure
  • Perspectives on Healthcare Policy Dialogue: Definition, Perceived Importance, and Coordination
  • Aligning Dissemination and Implementation Science with Health Policies to Improve Children’s Mental Health
  • Frailty Syndrome: Implications and Challenges for Health Care Policy
  • Healthcare Policy Considerations for Pediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Disease
  • Current Status and Future Directions of US Genomic Nursing Health Care Policy
  • Healthcare Policy Factors Influencing Engagement in HIV Medical Care
  • What Are the Sources of Health Policy That Influence Nursing Practice?
  • Why the American Health Care Policy Needs a Reform?
  • How Health Policy Shapes Healthcare Sector Productivity?
  • What Are the Best Sets of Data That Could Be Used as a Basis for Thinking about Health Care Policy?
  • How Much Power Should the Government Have in Dictating Healthcare Policy?
  • What Are the Potential Pros and Cons of Using an Economic Evaluation to Inform Health Policy Decisions?
  • How Do External Donors Influence National Health Policy Processes?
  • What Are Some Macro Healthcare Policy Decisions That Could Result in Substantial Benefits to Consumers?
  • How Conflicts of Interest Hinder Effective Healthcare Policymaking?
  • What Are Some “Common Sense” Solutions to US Healthcare Policies?
  • What Is the Primary Objective of the Canadian Healthcare Policy?
  • How Do Changes in Healthcare Policy Affect Healthcare Stocks?
  • Is It Morally Defensible to Support a Healthcare Policy That Does Not Ensure That Healthcare Is Treated as a Right?
  • What Role Should Lobbyists Play in Healthcare Policy?
  • How Do Healthcare Policy and Advocacy Address Health Disparities?
  • What Can Future Doctors Do to Help Influence or Change Healthcare Policy?
  • Who Benefits and Who Suffers from Healthcare Policy?
  • How Will the Health Care Policies Change in the Future?
  • What Are the Main Problems with Government Healthcare Policies?
  • How Do Different Nations Approach Healthcare Policy?
  • What Changes Can One Expect in Health Care Policies Post COVID-19?
  • Offering Free Health Care to Undocumented Immigrants: Is It a Good or Bad Public Health Care Policy?
  • What Is the Role of the Media in Health Care Policymaking?
  • How Do Private Hospitals Affect Health Care Policies?
  • Do Doctors Have a Say When Government Develops Health Care Policies?

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NursingBird. (2024, May 9). 138 Healthcare Policy Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://nursingbird.com/topics/healthcare-policy-research-topics/

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Current debates in health care policy: A brief overview

Subscribe to the economic studies bulletin, matthew fiedler and matthew fiedler joseph a. pechman senior fellow - economic studies , center on health policy @mattafiedler christen linke young christen linke young deputy assistant to the president for health and veterans affairs - domestic policy council for health and veterans, former fellow - usc-brookings schaeffer initiative for health policy @clinkeyoung.

October 15, 2019

Issues in health care policy fall in two broad categories: those related to health care coverage and those related to the underlying cost of health care. Coverage policy addresses where Americans get health insurance, how it is paid for, and what it covers, while policies related to underlying costs seek to reduce overall health care spending by lowering either the price or utilization of health care.

A Closer Look

Health care is a major issue in American politics, with important debates related to health care coverage and the underlying cost of health care. The role of health care coverage is to insulate people from high health care spending burdens and facilitate access to health care. Policies related to coverage include those affecting how Americans get health insurance, how that insurance is paid for, and what insurance does and does not cover. Debates about how to reduce the number of people without health insurance, whether Americans should continue to get coverage through their jobs, if health insurance deductibles are too high, or how to change the premiums required under federal coverage programs all fall into this category.

Many coverage policies change how much families have to pay for health care, generally by changing what government programs pay on their behalf or by changing how health care spending burdens are shared between people with larger and smaller health care needs. But other proposals aim to reduce the underlying cost of health care, either by reducing how many health care services patients receive or by reducing the prices paid for those services. Policies like these have the potential to reduce overall health care spending throughout the system, but this is often easier said than done.

Policies related to health care coverage

More than 90% of Americans have health insurance. About half get coverage from an employer, and a third get coverage from a government program like Medicare or Medicaid. Another 5% buy coverage on the individual market, while 9% are uninsured. Different policymakers see different problems with the way people get coverage today and, correspondingly, propose different solutions.

Some policymakers believe that current federal programs that provide health care coverage are too generous and inappropriately burden taxpayers. These policymakers often support proposals that would narrow eligibility for or reduce the generosity of those programs, particularly Medicaid and programs that subsidize individual market coverage, even though fewer people would have coverage and some people’s coverage would become less generous. President Trump has supported proposals like these .

Other policymakers are primarily concerned with reducing the number of uninsured or reducing the burdens people face from premiums and cost-sharing. These policymakers often support proposals that would broaden eligibility for existing coverage programs or make those programs more generous, even though it would require additional federal spending. Many Democratic presidential candidates have supported approaches like these . Some proposals focus primarily on people who are currently uninsured or face particularly high health care spending burdens, while others support a program like Medicare for All that would commit a great deal more federal funds and insure all Americans through a single federal program.

Learn more about broad proposals related to health care coverage here . In addition to these broad proposals, some policymakers also support proposals that target specific problems with our existing health insurance system. One example is the fact that people with insurance can sometimes receive large “surprise” bills for health care services, discussed more here .  

Policies related to underlying health care costs

Health care spending is determined by two factors: how many health care services patients receive and the prices paid for each service. While there is broad agreement that some health care services are unnecessary and that the prices of some services are excessive, there is much less agreement about how to address these excesses.

Starting with the volume of services patients receive, the main challenge policymakers face is discouraging delivery of services that provide little health benefit without discouraging delivery of valuable services. One approach is to give health care providers financial incentives to eliminate unnecessary services by paying them based on the overall costs their patients incur rather than the number of services they personally deliver. Reforms like these can reduce utilization, seemingly without harming patients’ health, although total savings have been relatively modest so far.

Another approach is to require consumers to bear more of the cost of care themselves by increasing cost-sharing in hopes that they will become more cost-conscious and forgo low-value services. Research finds that this approach can also reduce service volume, but consumers often cut back on both high-value and low-value services rather than just low-value services. Increasing cost-sharing also reduces the effectiveness of health insurance in protecting against the costs of illness.

Policymakers may also be interested in lowering health care prices. A major cause of excessive prices is that health care provider markets—particularly hospital markets—are concentrated , with relatively few competitors in many parts of the country. In addition, many patients value a broad choice of providers. These and other features of health care markets allow many providers to demand prices from private insurers that substantially exceed providers’ costs of delivering health care services.

Policymakers have some options for addressing high prices. One is to make health care markets more competitive . This may include encouraging new entrants, blocking mergers, and aggressively policing anti-competitive behavior. Another approach is to take advantage of the fact that public insurance programs generally pay much lower prices than private insurers by introducing a “public option” or transitioning to a single payer system. Alternatively, policymakers could lower prices by regulating them directly. No matter how policymakers aim to reduce prices, they will need to balance the savings from lower prices against the risk of driving prices too low and jeopardizing access to or quality of care. Prescription drug prices raise somewhat different issues. In most cases, the main reason drugs are expensive is because the government grants a time-limited monopoly to inventors of new drugs via patents and related policies. That monopoly allows manufacturers to set high prices, with the goal of encouraging development of new drugs. Correspondingly, most approaches to lowering prices boil down to reducing the scope or duration of manufacturers’ monopoly or limiting the prices manufacturers can charge while the monopoly lasts. But, here too, there are tradeoffs: the benefits of lower prices on existing drugs must be weighed against the reduction in incentives to develop new drugs.

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Health Care Policy Essay Examples

What makes a good health care policy essay topics.

When it comes to writing a compelling health care policy essay, choosing the right topic is crucial. A good essay topic should be thought-provoking, relevant, and informative. It should also provide a unique perspective on a pressing health care issue. Here are some recommendations on how to brainstorm and choose an essay topic, what to consider, and What Makes a Good essay topic.

To brainstorm for essay topics, start by considering current health care issues and controversies. Research recent developments and trends in health care policy, and consider the impact of these issues on society. Think about how these topics could be explored in an essay, and what unique angle you could take to analyze the issue.

When choosing an essay topic, consider the following factors: relevance, originality, and depth. A good health care policy essay topic should be relevant to current debates and discussions in the field. It should also offer a fresh perspective or unique take on an issue, rather than rehashing familiar arguments. Additionally, a good essay topic should allow for in-depth analysis and exploration, providing ample material for research and discussion.

In general, a good health care policy essay topic will be one that is both specific and broad enough to allow for comprehensive exploration. It should also be one that is of interest to you, as this will make the writing process more engaging and enjoyable.

Best Health Care Policy Essay Topics

When it comes to choosing the best health care policy essay topics, it's important to think outside the box. Here are some unique and thought-provoking essay topics that stand out from the ordinary:

  • The impact of technology on health care policy
  • The role of pharmaceutical companies in shaping health care policy
  • The ethics of health care rationing
  • The future of health care reform in the United States
  • The intersection of politics and health care policy
  • The influence of lobbyists on health care policy
  • The impact of globalization on health care policy
  • The role of social determinants in shaping health care policy
  • The implications of alternative medicine on health care policy
  • The role of public opinion in shaping health care policy

These topics offer a fresh perspective on health care policy and provide ample opportunity for in-depth analysis and discussion.

Health Care Policy essay topics Prompts

Looking for some creative prompts to inspire your health care policy essay? Here are five engaging prompts to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Imagine a world without health care policy. How would society function, and what would be the implications for public health?
  • If you could design your own health care policy, what would it look like? What principles would guide your policy, and how would it address current challenges in the health care system?
  • Consider a controversial health care issue, such as vaccination mandates or end-of-life care. Take a stance on the issue and defend your position with evidence and reasoning.
  • Explore the role of social media in shaping public perceptions of health care policy. How does social media influence public opinion, and what are the implications for health care advocacy and reform?
  • Reflect on a personal experience with the health care system, and consider how it relates to broader issues in health care policy. How has your experience shaped your perspective on health care policy, and what lessons can be drawn from it?

These prompts are designed to spark creativity and critical thinking, and to inspire unique and engaging essays on health care policy.

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health care policy essay questions

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120+ Healthcare argumentative essay topics [+Outline]

  • August 3, 2022
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If you’re a nursing student, then you know how important it is to choose Great Healthcare argumentative essay topics.

Here's What You'll Learn

After all, your essay will be graded on both the content of your argument and how well you defend it. That’s why it’s so important to choose topics that you’re passionate about and that you can research thoroughly.

Strong Healthcare argumentative essay topics

To help you get started, here are some strong Healthcare argumentative essay topics to consider:

  • Is there a nurse shortage in the United States? If so, what are the causes, and what can be done to mitigate it?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of various types of Nurse staffing models?
  • What are the implications of the current opioid epidemic on nurses and patients?
  • Are there any ethical considerations that should be taken into account when providing care to terminally ill patients?
  • What are the most effective ways to prevent or treat healthcare-acquired infections?
  • Should nurses be allowed to prescribe medication? If so, under what circumstances?
  • How can nurses best advocate for their patients’ rights?
  • What is the role of nurses in disaster relief efforts?
  • The high cost of healthcare in the United States.
  • The debate over whether or not healthcare is a human right.
  • The role of the government in providing healthcare.
  • The pros and cons of the Affordable Care Act.
  • The impact of healthcare on the economy.
  • The problem of access to healthcare in rural areas.
  • The debate over single-payer healthcare in the United States.
  • The pros and cons of private health insurance.
  • The rising cost of prescription drugs in the United States.
  • The use of medical marijuana in the United States.
  • The debates over end-of-life care and assisted suicide in the United States.

As you continue,  thestudycorp.com  has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is  place an order  with us.

Controversial Healthcare topics

There is no shortage of controversial healthcare topics to write about. From the high cost of insurance to the debate over medical marijuana, there are plenty of issues to spark an interesting and thought-provoking argumentative essay.

Here are some Controversial healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started:

1. Is healthcare a right or a privilege?

2. Should the government do more to regulate the healthcare industry?

3. What is the best way to provide quality healthcare for all?

4. Should medical marijuana be legalized?

5. How can we control the rising cost of healthcare?

6. Should cloning be used for medical research?

7. Is it ethical to use stem cells from embryos?

8. How can we improve access to quality healthcare?

9. What are the implications of the Affordable Care Act?

10. What role should pharmaceutical companies play in healthcare?

11. The problems with the current healthcare system in the United States.

12. The need for reform of the healthcare system in the United States.

Great healthcare argumentative essay topics

Healthcare is a controversial and complex issue, and there are many different angles that you can take when writing an argumentative essay on the topic. Here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started:

1. Should the government provide free or low-cost healthcare to all citizens?

2. Is private healthcare better than public healthcare?

3. Should there be more regulation of the healthcare industry?

4. Are medical costs too high in the United States?

5. Should all Americans be required to have health insurance?

6. How can the rising cost of healthcare be controlled?

7. What is the best way to provide healthcare to aging Americans?

8. What role should the government play in controlling the cost of prescription drugs?

9. What impact will the Affordable Care Act have on the healthcare system in the United States?

Hot healthcare argumentative essay topics

Healthcare is always a hot-button issue. Whether it’s the Affordable Care Act, single-payer healthcare, or something else entirely, there’s always plenty to debate when it comes to healthcare. Here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to help get you started.

1. Is the Affordable Care Act working?

2. Should the government do more to provide healthcare for its citizens?

3. Should there be a single-payer healthcare system in the United States?

4. What are the pros and cons of the Affordable Care Act?

5. What impact has the Affordable Care Act had on healthcare costs in the United States?

6. Is the Affordable Care Act sustainable in the long run?

7. What challenges does the Affordable Care Act face?

8. What are the potential solutions to the problems with the Affordable Care Act?

9. Is single-payer healthcare a good idea?

10. What are the pros and cons of single-payer healthcare?

Argumentative topics related to healthcare

Healthcare is always an ever-evolving issue. It’s one of those topics that everyone has an opinion on and is always eager to discuss. That’s why it makes for such a great topic for an argumentative essay. If you’re looking for some fresh ideas, here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started.

1. Is our healthcare system in need of a complete overhaul?

3. Are rising healthcare costs making it difficult for people to access care?

4. Is our current healthcare system sustainable in the long term?

5. Should we be doing more to prevent disease and promote wellness?

6. What role should the private sector play in providing healthcare?

7. What can be done to reduce the number of errors in our healthcare system?

8. How can we make sure that everyone has access to quality healthcare?

9. What can be done to improve communication and collaboration between different parts of the healthcare system?

10. How can we make sure that everyone has access to the care they need when they need it?

Argumentative essay topics about health

There are many different stakeholders in the healthcare debate, and each one has their own interests and perspectives. Here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started:

1. Who should pay for healthcare?

2. Is healthcare a right or a privilege?

3. What is the role of the government in healthcare?

4. Should there be limits on what treatments insurance companies must cover?

5. How can we improve access to healthcare?

6. What are the most effective methods of preventing disease?

7. How can we improve the quality of care in our hospitals?

8. What are the best ways to control costs in the healthcare system?

9. How can we ensure that everyone has access to basic care?

10. What are the ethical implications of rationing healthcare?

Medical argumentative essay topics

  • Is healthcare a fundamental human right?

2. Should there be limits on medical research using human subjects?

3. Should marijuana be legalized for medicinal purposes?

4. Should the government do more to regulate the use of prescription drugs?

5. Is alternative medicine effective?

6. Are there benefits to using placebos in medical treatment?

7. Should cosmetic surgery be covered by health insurance?

8. Is it ethical to buy organs on the black market?

9. Are there risks associated with taking herbal supplements?

10. Is it morally wrong to end a pregnancy?

11. Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?

12. Is it ethical to test new medical treatments on animals?

13. Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to end their lives?

14. Is it morally wrong to sell organs for transplantation?

15. Are there benefits to using stem cells from embryos in medical research?

16. Is it ethical to use human beings in medical experiments?

17. Should the government do more to fund medical research into cancer treatments?

18. Are there risks associated with genetic engineering of humans?

19. Is it ethical to clones humans for the purpose

Argumentative essays on mental illness

  • Should there be more focus on mental health in schools?
  • Are our current treatments for mental illness effective?
  • Are mental health disorders more common now than they were in the past?
  • How does social media impact mental health?
  • How does trauma impact mental health?
  • What are the most effective treatments for PTSD?
  • Is therapy an effective treatment for mental illness?
  • What causes mental illness?
  • How can we destigmatize mental illness?
  • How can we better support those with mental illness?
  • Should insurance companies cover mental health treatments?
  • What are the most effective treatments for depression?
  • Should medication be used to treat mental illness?
  • What are the most effective treatments for anxiety disorders?
  • What are the most effective treatments for OCD?
  • What are the most effective treatments for eating disorders?
  • What are the most effective treatments for bipolar disorder?
  • How can we better support caregivers of those with mental illness?
  • What role does stigma play in mental illness?

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health care policy essay questions

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University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

| 1 October 2021

Healthcare Policy: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Five medical professionals at a conference table

Healthcare policy is an integral aspect of the U.S. healthcare system—one that helps shape and protect the health and well-being of our population. Policy impacts issues as fundamental as healthcare access, cost, delivery methods, and privacy. It involves the rules and regulations set forth by lawmakers on a local, state, and national level.

As a current or future nurse, you should know what healthcare policy is, how it works, and why it’s important—so that you can use your expertise to help shape new policies. Or if you’re a health administrator, your understanding and involvement in health policy will help you optimize current policies and guide teams to follow them. In this post, we’ve outlined what you need to know about healthcare policy, including how you can advance your career as a health advocate and policymaker.   

What Is Healthcare Policy? 

The term “healthcare policy” refers to the decisions, goals, and actions that determine how care is administered and accessed. ((Ballotpedia, “Healthcare Policy in the United States”: https://ballotpedia.org/Healthcare_policy_in_the_United_States ))  For example, policies can include legal and safety regulations by state or protocols regarding how care and medicine are delivered to patients at a specific hospital. “Healthcare policy” also refers to the policies set on a national level, in terms of access to healthcare, coverage, and cost. 

Subcategories of health policy include public health, global health, healthcare services, health insurance, mental health, and pharmaceuticals.  

Why Healthcare Policy Is Important 

Healthcare policy is important because it helps establish guidelines that benefit patients, healthcare organizations, and our healthcare system. Having protocols in place can help prevent human error and poor communication around medical decisions. 

For nurses and health administrators, understanding and following policies can help ensure that you deliver the best care to patients while using your knowledge to help inform future policies. On a broader level, when patients take the time to understand healthcare policy, they learn more about their rights. 

Examples of Healthcare Policies 

Healthcare policy examples graphic

To be able to maintain quality care for patients, organizations must set policies to address the following aspects of their operations. ((PowerDMS, “Examples of Healthcare Policies,” Dec. 22, 2020: https://www.powerdms.com/policy-learning-center/examples-of-healthcare-policies ))  

Patient Care Policies 

Patient care policies cover protocols and workflow for treatment procedures, outlining how healthcare professionals should respond to specific medical situations. Of course, policies must be tailored to the care your facility provides. For example, a cancer center would create different patient care policies than would a center for rehabilitative medicine , because their treatment protocols are so different.   

Employee Health Policies 

The health of employees is a crucial component of running an effective facility, as staff must be able to care for patients safely, while maintaining their own well-being.  

Examples of policies designed to protect and promote employee health include rules around the consumption of alcohol and tobacco in the workplace, wearing masks and gloves to minimize the risk of exposure to illnesses and chemicals, and wellness policies such as time off and healthy eating.  

Drug Policies 

Drug policies outline procedures around the handling and administering of pharmaceuticals, whether the medication is over-the-counter, controlled, or non-controlled. This can include protocols for recording, handling, and delivering each medication. ((Kimberly New, “Drug Diversion Regulatory Requirements and Best Practices,” Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare, Nov. 18, 2020: psqh.com/analysis/drug-diversion-regulatory-requirements-and-best-practices/ ))  Drug policies also cover what to do if inventory is missing, if medication was incorrectly administered or prescribed, or if any other errors occur related to drug handling.  

Security and Privacy Policies 

Security policies clearly outline how employees should handle situations that pose a security threat in their facility. This can include situations like abuse towards medical staff, patient abductions or elopements, theft, and active shooters. ((Lowers & Associates, “5 Current Threats to Hospital Security,” The Risk Management Blog, March 28, 2018: https://blog.lowersrisk.com/threats-hospital-security/ ))  If a facility has security processes, these must be clearly outlined for all employees to know and follow. 

Aside from physical security, data privacy and technology security policies and procedures are extremely important in any healthcare facility. The HIPAA Privacy Rule protects patient information from release to the public, while permitting the exchange of this information if needed between medical professionals and in certain other situations. Failure to comply with HIPAA can result in fines of $50,000 or higher per violation. ((Alex M. Azar II, “Annual Civil Monetary Penalties Inflation Adjustment,” U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, January 17, 2020: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2020-01-17/pdf/2020-00738.pdf ))  

The more that technology becomes an integral component in how healthcare facilities operate, the greater the chance that data leaks and privacy breaches can occur. In 2020, there were 600 healthcare breaches, a 55 percent increase from 2019. The average cost per breached record is now almost $500. ((Bitglass, “Healthcare Breach Report 2021: Hacking and IT Incidents on the Rise,” Feb. 17, 2021: ​​ https://pages.bitglass.com/rs/418-ZAL-815/images/CDFY21Q1HealthcareBreachReport2021.pdf ))  This is why it’s crucial that facilities clearly specify policies and procedures regarding the handling of data to avoid errors that can result in privacy leaks.  

Healthcare Policy Issues

For many families, healthcare takes up a huge portion of their budget. There is an ongoing debate over who has access to coverage and why the costs of care are so high in the United States, which is why some policymakers are trying to find solutions to improve access to affordable and quality care for all. Below, we explore a few major health policy issues impacting Americans today. 

Healthcare Coverage 

In 2019, 92 percent of Americans had some form of healthcare coverage—whether employer-provided coverage, Medicare or Medicaid, or private health insurance. ((Katherine Keisler-Starkey and Lisa N. Bunch, “Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2019,” United States Census Bureau, Sept. 15, 2020: https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2020/demo/p60-271.html ))  Increasing the number of insured individuals has been the focus of many policymakers. The Affordable Care Act, implemented in 2010, played a major role in increasing the number of insured Americans. ((Digital Communications Division, “What Is the Affordable Care Act?” U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, last reviewed Aug. 4, 2017: https://www.hhs.gov/answers/affordable-care-act/what-is-the-affordable-care-act/index.html )) 

Although the percentage of uninsured individuals has decreased, policymakers have diverging viewpoints around this issue. Some policymakers are pushing for higher participation in employer-provided coverage, while others are advocating for Medicare for all.  

Healthcare Costs

Even with health insurance, many individuals still face overwhelmingly high out-of-pocket healthcare costs. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become even more imperative for lawmakers to find an affordable solution for Americans. ((HealthPay24, “8 Policy and Political Issues That Will Impact Healthcare in 2021 and Beyond,” Oct. 28, 2020: https://www.healthpay24.com/blog/policy-political-issues-impacting-healthcare-2021 ))  

To address these high costs, policymakers have discussed finding a way to lower prices without compromising the quality of the services and care provided. Some solutions include significantly reducing prescription drug prices or allowing policymakers to regulate healthcare prices. Introducing government-run, public insurance options that pay lower prices than private providers is also another option that’s periodically on the table. The public option would make health insurance more accessible to those who can’t afford the premiums of private health insurers. And competing with the public option could pressure private insurers to lower their costs. ((Matthew Fiedler and Christen Linke Young, “Current Debates in Health Care Policy: A Brief Overview,” Brookings, Oct.15, 2019: https://www.brookings.edu/policy2020/votervital/current-debates-in-health-care-policy-a-brief-overview/ )) 

Social Barriers

Addressing issues related to the socio-economic conditions in America’s communities can help improve the overall health of individuals in these populations. ((AHIP (America’s Health Insurance Plans), “4 Issues Shaping Healthcare Policy,” April 8, 2021: https://www.ahip.org/4-issues-shaping-health-care-policy/ ))  Some public health clinics and nonprofits are working to provide wellness counseling and other services to people beyond just medical needs. This includes access to healthy food, affordable housing, transportation, childcare services, education, and more. A healthy population leads to better outcomes and more affordable care for all. (( Kate Berry, “How Health Insurance Providers Are Tackling Social Barriers to Health,” The American Journal of Accountable Care , Dec. 2019: https://www.ajmc.com/view/how-health-insurance-providers-are-tackling-social-barriers-to-health ))  

Pursuing a Career in Healthcare Policy 

Two female doctors speak to a female patient

If you’re interested in helping shape the future of our healthcare system, below are a couple of career paths you can take. 

The Role of Healthcare Policy Analysts 

Healthcare policy analysts play a huge role in making effective changes to our healthcare systems. They are responsible for evaluating current policies and suggesting improvements that can impact patient care. These analysts use critical thinking skills to compile and evaluate relevant data and research, suggest changes to current policies, and create new policy proposals. ((Chegg Career Match, “Health Policy Analyst”: https://www.careermatch.com/job-prep/career-insights/profiles/health-policy-analyst/ )) Their day-to-day tasks include meeting with lawmakers, raising public awareness about healthcare policies, and reporting and presenting their findings. 

Most healthcare policy analysts start by earning an undergraduate degree in public health, public policy, political science, government, or a related field. From there, you can move on to a Master of Health Administration (MHA) degree at a school such as the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS). In our MHA program, you’ll gain the skills you need to oversee key areas of healthcare organizations, such as health informatics, finance, human resources, and operations.     

The Role of Nurse Practitioners  

Nurse practitioners (NPs) can also play an important role in healthcare policy. Because they work directly with patients, nurse practitioners offer an insider’s perspective that complements the experience of government officials and policymakers. NPs and other nurses can help identify problems within the current healthcare system, come up with solutions, and suggest new policies that can positively impact the well-being and safety of their patients. 

In the USAHS Doctor of Nursing Program (DNP) degree program, you can further your knowledge in the areas of healthcare policy, leadership , and advocacy. You can also earn a role specialty as a family nurse practitioner . 

The Future of Healthcare Policy 

Healthcare policy is important on a macro and micro level. It affects our whole society, as well as each community and facility where care is administered. If you’re looking to make an impact in healthcare and want to be an advocate for change, check out USAHS’ graduate degrees to find a career path that’s right for you. 

The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS) offers Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), and Post-Graduate Nursing Certificates designed for working nurses. Our degrees are offered online, with optional on-campus immersions* (resuming in Spring 2022). Role specialties include Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), Nurse Educator ,** and Nurse Executive . The MSN has several options to accelerate your time to degree completion. Earn your advanced nursing degree while keeping your work and life in balance.

USAHS offers a Master of Health Administration (MHA) program designed for working healthcare professionals who want to improve systems of finance, informatics, operations, policy, and other key functions of healthcare organizations. The program is taught online, with optional on-campus immersion weekends (scheduled to resume in 2022) and an optional internship. Whether you choose the traditional or accelerated track you will gain real-life experience and expand your professional network. During your capstone project, you will work with an industry mentor.

The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS) offers an online EdD program focused on healthcare education. Designed for working clinicians and healthcare educators, the program has two required residencies and optional on-campus immersions (resuming in Spring 2022) . Specializations include Nursing Education, Athletic Training, Teaching and Learning (with a teaching internship), and Executive Leadership. Design a customized plan of study that takes advantage of our acceleration options and wide array of electives—and prepare to educate the next generation of healthcare professionals.

*The FNP track includes two required hands-on clinical intensives as part of the curriculum.

**The Nurse Educator role specialty is not available for the DNP program.


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Health Care - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

Health care encompasses a range of services provided by medical professionals to maintain or improve people’s health. Essays on health care could explore the different health care systems across countries, challenges in healthcare delivery, ethical concerns, or the impact of technology and policy on healthcare services. Discussions could also focus on healthcare disparities and proposed reforms. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Health Care you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Health Care Policy Analysis

Introduction Women’s reproductive rights have been an ongoing issue the United States has dealt with for decades. The main issues surrounding women’s rights, namely the woman’s right to choose, has been debated and politicized, often times with out the actual input from a woman. This policy analysis will examine the relationship between politicizing the reproductive rights of women coupled with the rights of employers to refuse coverage for birth control and the policies surrounding these issues. In 2018, Federal policy […]

Veterans Mental Health Care

Mental health disparities affect a large amount of population across the United States. However, nobody is more affected by unstable mental health than those members of the military and their families. With the increase in the need for security in different areas of the world, military soldiers are deployed to assist in securing and protecting those areas. Often, these soldiers see combat and are affected in their mental state. Not only are the soldiers affected by the deployment, their families […]

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

Particularly most of the trained nurses theatres a vital role in mental health depending on field of specialty. Hence, in this level my main concept of concern will be based psychiatric nurses with which have chosen to pursue for my masters level. Regardless of the education, I am ascertained by the specialization and exposure as it gives skills to handle some of the technical responsibilities with most of the patients. This practitioners serve primarily in the care of mental health […]

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Health Care Finance and Reimbursement

Revenue Sources and Purpose Medicare is a federal program that was created to pay for health care for elderly Americans as well as younger ones with disabilities. At age 65, automatic enrollment is initiated. It covers 49 million people, of whom a little more than 8 million are disabled and just over 40 million are 65 years or older (Casey, 2015). Payroll taxes and other government disbursement is utilized for coverage. Medicare is very helpful for the aging population as […]

Medicare and Home Health Care

The health care system faces many issues and concerns when treating patients. One of the many issues are readmission rates. Patients are often treated then return to the hospital again with relapse, recurrence of illness, or new deterioration of condition. Readmission rates put a very big burden on the medical system and health insurances. According to data from the Center for Health Information and Analysis, “Hospital readmissions cost Medicare about $26 billion annually, with about $17 billion spent on avoidable […]

Effect of Exercise on the Rate of Respiration and the Heart Rate

How does increase the number of jumping jacks affect the rate of respiration and the heart rate per minute in teenagers aged 17-18? Background Information: Different types of activity will have a different effect on the rate of respiration as well as the heart rate because of certain factors. These include the level of intensity and difficulty of the exercise, as well as determining whether it is an aerobic or anaerobic activity. Aerobic respiration requires the presence of oxygen. (Haldane, […]

Deciphering Hospital Code Grey: Understanding its Significance in Health Care Settings

'Code Grey' is a critical component of the emergency response system in the complex and frequently high-pressure setting of a hospital. This code, although not as well known as some other emergency codes, is critical in ensuring safety and order inside healthcare institutions. This paper investigates the definition, use, and relevance of Hospital Code Grey, providing light on its vital role in hospital operations and patient care. Hospital Code Grey, which varies significantly from institution to institution, often refers to […]

Alzheimer’s Disease and Relate Dementia Reform Health Care

Executive Summary The "model minority" stereotype and the lack of disaggregated data foster inaccurate representation of the Asian Americans and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. This causes older adults with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in particular to experience language and cultural discriminatory barriers, impacting their access to appropriate healthcare services. Advocating for linguistically and culturally appropriate healthcare services will aid in meeting the health needs of older AAPI adults through the implementation of in-language resources by healthcare providers and educating […]

Why Good Nurses Leave the Profession

Nursing is always depicted as an attractive career that many people desire to pursue. Just like other professions, the nursing profession is challenging and rewarding. The work of nurses is to make a difference in the lives of people and connect with them on a personal level. Nurses should be involved in the profession stands the test of time through ages. The nursing profession is facing a crisis as nurses leave the bedside and eventually their profession. According to Johnson […]

Health Care Cyber Security

Healthcare is an industry sector that has become unstable and crucial in this expanding digital landscape. This necessitates an organization's data security program to be properly structured, as there is no room for error, which could easily translate into a life-and-death situation. This article presents both fundamental technical and business issues that often elude the healthcare data security program. On the technical side, extensive proliferation of data and systems into the cloud, a continuous increase in connected medical devices, and […]

The Ongoing Political Debate over LGBTQ Health Care

The ongoing political debate over Health Care Reform has been unfolding for over a century. Lately, the focus has been on discontinuing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and its impact on specialty populations inside our community. It is not surprising how the pro’s and con’s of this topic is so heavily debated, due to the variety of cultures and diversities classified as “specialty populations” in the United States. When discussing this topic, one must be able to differentiate and fully […]

Future Advances in Health Management Information Systems (HMIS)

Introduction Over the years, Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) have come to represent an integral segment in health care benefiting both patients and practitioners alike. It contains interrelating components which ensure the collection of data from the secondary levels and transforming it into information. Here, a conceptual level provides analysis and feedback mechanisms that aid in making informed decisions that are for the benefit of all those involved. Many healthcare centers use it in the collection of routine data that […]

The U.S. Health Care System

I believe that the United States is currently in a state of denial when it comes to health care. We proclaim that America’s medical care is the best in the world, and many wouldn’t trust the care in any other country. However, the U.S. ranks dead last and second to last in life expectancy for men and women, respectively, among the 17 wealthiest nations in the world (CDC). The most prominent reason that this reality exists is that the U.S. […]

A Discussion on the Affordable Care Act that has the Purpose of Giving Universal Health Care

Jean-Jacques Rousseau's idea of general will is the force of the people as a whole to better the common good. The Affordable Care Act (also known as Obama-care or ACA) is for the purpose of giving universal health care access to most American citizens and can be very useful to our society if backed by the general will. There is a small void of known as "free riders” that do not qualify for Medicaid (very poor health care recipients) but […]

A Study on the Best Approaches to Public Health Care Policy

The healthcare industry continues to be impacted and evolve based on advances in technology, as well as new approaches to healthcare treatment shaped by outside influences, such as the federal government, HMOs and insurance provider policies. The rapid changes emerging have presented challenges and great opportunities for growth and innovation for healthcare policy and practitioners in the United States, as well as those abroad in Europe and Canada (McArthur, 1997). From these locations, medical practitioners, academics, and adjunct professionals have […]

A Report on the Personal Experience with the Best Guide to Meditation and Health Care Policy

Through reading "The Best Guide to Meditation," I was able to expand both my knowledge and experience with meditation. The two aspects of this book that I appreciated the most were the instructions on how to effectively meditate, and the description of how meditation is an integral part of many religions and lifestyles in some shape or form. Although I found the first part of the book somewhat helpful in helping me set myself up to successfully meditate, what I […]

Nursing Care for End of Life Patient

Introduction Nurses have a responsibility of talking care to end of life patents. This ranges from providing medical need to having a sensitive conversation with the patient and family members. This is because days of the dying person, more especially during the last weeks are demanding and stressful. For this reason, nurses are required to exercise a broad range of ethical values. Besides, it is this last aspect that underpins the whole nursing care towards these patients. In this way, […]

A Study and Implementation of a New Health Care Policy in Logan County

Introduction Community health care is a crucial component for all communities, particularly those that are underprivileged. I am keen on reviewing a new healthcare plan for Logan County. The CDC defines a "plan" as a rule, regulation, treatment, administrative activity, incentive, or volunteer method of governments and other organizations" (CDC, 2015). I propose an incentive plan for the community. This plan involves a membership fee instead of traditional insurance coverage. According to the most recent census, Logan County has approximately […]

Discrimination in Health Care: Examining the Inequality and Disparities

There are many people in this world who have to live with a disability. Not long ago, they were exposed to relentless discrimination. However, in the world of today, it is understood that handicapped people though out of necessity constituting an underprivileged minority, have a right to live their dreams. Yet, there is also no denying that whether they will do it or not largely depends on the progress of medicine as well as numerous socio-political issues. Equal Rights and […]

Argumentative Essay about Health Care

The debate over the best approach to health care is a highly contentious issue that has been at the forefront of public discourse in many countries. The central argument revolves around whether health care should be primarily managed as a market-driven service or as a government-funded and controlled system. This essay argues in favor of a health care system that is predominantly managed and funded by the government, as it ensures universal coverage, equitable access, and potentially better health outcomes […]

Embracing Tomorrow: Memorial Hermann’s Trailblazing Journey in Health Care

Beneath the sprawling Texan sky, an institution emerged with a singular mission—to redefine healthcare as an unwavering ally in every individual's journey toward well-being. Memorial Hermann Health System, a testament to resilience and innovation, stands as a vanguard in the realm of healthcare, cultivating a legacy that transcends mere treatment and embraces the art of healing in its entirety. Born from humble origins in the heart of Houston, Memorial Hermann's roots extend deep into the fabric of compassionate care. What […]

Nursing Metaparadigm

Nursing Metaparadigm in Advanced Clinical PracticeNursing concepts such as the metaparadigm of nursing profession which include person, health, environment and nursing profession. The nursing profession is anchored on the four concepts as they inform nursing theory, knowledge and practice (George, 2011). This article discusses advanced clinical care as a practice of the nursing profession by applying the four concepts. The nursing metaparadigm play a critical role in the advanced clinical care practice. The first concept, that is, the person requires […]

The Influence of Entrepreneurs on Health Care

Entrepreneurs are people who take risks and have the capacity to change a generation. They are innovators and leaders who create ways to progress the current status quo. There are even entrepreneurs in healthcare who help change the way providers deliver healthcare. They affect things like streamlining clinical outcomes, updating primary care, and reducing healthcare expenses. Healthcare consumers, like every other type of consumer, expect their healthcare providers to keep up with changing times. Some of the constructive or positive […]

Gap between Health Care and Child Abuse

Disparity: The Gap between Health Care and Child Abuse The disparity gap between health care and child abuse has the potential to impact a professional's life in an emotional way. Besides legal practices and the training undergone to protect a child from child abuse, professionals have gone through previous studies that have determined the emotional and psychological doubts that professionals go through at the time to report child abuse. The three research papers that I have chosen that contribute to […]

Nurses Role in Safety and Medication Administration

A number of precautions are required in executing health care services. During my observation, it was great and beneficial to learn that, on medication, it's important to note that medication safety is the right consumption of drugs as directed or prescribed to by the healthcare specialist. Medication administration is the close look into and consideration by the health care officials to prescribe the right medicine to the right person at the time and the standard quality and quantity. Safety and […]

Midwifery Complex Care Plan

Midwifery is a crucial part of the maternal health for expectant mothers. They need it at the time of delivery, so that they may save their lives and that of the unborn baby. There comes a time when the mother needs a specialized care, and that responsibility is necessary for her and the child. Some of the mothers develop critical conditions in the course of their gestation period, such that they need a specialized attention at the time of their […]

Clifford Beers

Introduction The study of mind and behavior is not a new concept. For many years, people have been relating human mind with their behavior. With time, this study came to be recognized as psychology. In psychology, various scientists began studying human mind, its thoughts, feeling as well as behavior. Their main aim was to understand the role of mental functioning in individuals and social behavior. In today's society, psychology acts as one of the most important aspects in treating mental […]

Supply of Mental Health Insurance Coverage

Introduction Affordable medical care provisions offers the best services for mental health, this is after the introduction of the Affordable Care Act. The act requires that all individuals and employers subscribe to the insurance benefit plan. Purity in mental health acts like a rectifier of unfairness in the health insurance. However due to the increasing mental problems the total spending has increased, based on results from the health insurance companies (Schroeder, 2012). Another evidence has suggested and found it prudent […]

Biomedical Ethics

Most advanced democratic societies provide for the right to health care. This is ensured since the entire population deserves public health protection against injury and disease. Furthermore, life security on medical issues is critical for the optimal functioning of individuals and communities. Institutions are often set up to assure individuals with no financial capability access to healthcare services. Despite not having life insurance cover, United States citizens from the poor and middle classes are afforded the right to emergency services. […]

Tuberculosis Research

Tuberculosis is one of the most dangerous contentious diseases which has led to loss of life for many people despite the fact that the disease is curable . The bacterial responsible for causing tuberculosis has been living amongst human population for a quite long time dating back to numerous centuries ago when it was discovered. Since then, there have been efforts and different types of drugs and preventive measures that have been applied to curb its spread all being in […]

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623 Healthcare Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write About

Are you looking for interesting healthcare essay topics? StudyCorgi has prepared an extensive list of health care topics to write about! Here, you’ll find title ideas for various healthcare fields, including healthcare management, ethics, administration, leadership, policy, finance, care quality, and issues faced by healthcare workers. Our topics are suitable for both high school students and college students. Check them out!

🏆 Best Health Care Topics to Write About

✍️ healthcare essay topics for college, 👍 good healthcare research topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot medical essay topics to discuss, 🎓 most interesting health care essay examples, 💡 simple healthcare paper topics, 📌 easy healthcare essay topics, 👨‍⚕️ health titles for essays, 🏥 research topics about healthcare, 🚑 healthcare thesis topics, ❓ research questions about healthcare.

  • Free Healthcare: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Application of Statistics in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Information Systems: Components, Benefits
  • Motivational Theories in Healthcare
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
  • The Importance of Healthcare Management
  • Paired and Independent T-Test in Healthcare Scenario
  • Hospital Revenue Sources and Models in Healthcare Industry Like any other business, healthcare organizations have to perform effective revenue management in order to maintain stable financial status and avoid critical losses.
  • The Value of PowerPoint Presentations for Healthcare Management In the fast-evolving spheres like healthcare, technologies play a crucial role in the achievement of health-promotional, educational, strategic, and developmental goals.
  • The Healthcare Manager’s Role in Information Technology Management This article focuses on the role that a healthcare manager plays in ensuring the efficient execution of medical operations through the use of new technologies.
  • The Effects of the Lack of Teamwork in Healthcare This paper discusses the importance of interprofessional collaboration in healthcare and how a lack of teamwork negatively impacts patient outcomes.
  • Application of Statistical Methods in Healthcare Statistical evaluation of clinical research results determines doctors’ decisions in favor of the method of treatment being studied.
  • Social Media and Informatics Role in Healthcare This paper examines three examples of using social media and electronic systems to demonstrate the impact of the Internet and modern informatics on healthcare.
  • Healthcare Regulatory Agencies in the US The purpose of this paper is to identify 5 major healthcare regulatory agencies in the US, describe the agency, level of regulatory authority, and role within the US healthcare system.
  • Analysis of Limited Access to Healthcare The analysis will primarily focus on geographic and related factors in regards to the issue of healthcare access.
  • Supply and Demand of Healthcare and Automobiles This paper’s purpose is to examine the differences and peculiarities of the health care market, as well as analyze current trends in this field.
  • Effects of Poor Communication in Healthcare Reviewing various categories of interactions within the healthcare system will enable an in-depth understanding of the effects of poor communication.
  • Role of Family in Healthcare and How Culture Affects Health Beliefs The paper will discuss how family shapes the role of care and attitudes towards health and how culture affects health beliefs and community health.
  • Healthcare Problems of Modern Society The public health system, as an organizational construct of a social institution, affects the formation and effective use of human capital.
  • The U.S Healthcare System and the Roemer Model Roemer’s model of a healthcare system demonstrates how a socialist healthcare system operates. This paper explores the entire U.S healthcare system in relation to Roemer’s model.
  • Ethical Issues in Healthcare Essay: Ethical Dilemma This paper describes an ethical dilemma in healthcare, its specific characteristics, violated ethical principles, and existent barriers to ethical practice.
  • Applying Ethical Principles in Healthcare Modern medical field requires new, high-quality ways of treating patients, considering the objective moral code.practice and help them in ethical decision-making process.
  • Pros and Cons of the Gatekeeper Healthcare System The article describes the levels of the healthcare system, its advantages and disadvantages, while the author believes that the advantages outweigh.
  • Calgary Family Assessment Model in Healthcare Calgary Family Assessment Model is a tool utilized by health care specialists to evaluate the overall wellbeing of a family.
  • Evolution of Healthcare Information Systems Healthcare and hospital information systems have greatly changed in the past twenty years and this has been as a result of the improvement of information technology.
  • Quality Management in Healthcare Quality management in healthcare is essential to ensure patient safety. It is helpful by providing the opportunity to evaluate quality in healthcare organizations.
  • Healthcare in Canada: Problems and Solutions The issue of the challenges that face Medicare in Canada is increasingly turning out to be a controversial subject; even as far as the politics of Canada are concerned.
  • Staffing Process in Healthcare The paper analyzes the essential functions, values, and components of effective health care organizational leadership and the challenges of leading modern healthcare organizations.
  • Stages of Life and Influence of Age in Healthcare Age is a factor in the way patients interact with the healthcare system. This paper discusses the stages of life and the influence of age in healthcare from the patient’s perspective.
  • The US and New Zealand: Healthcare Profiles Comparison This essay compares the healthcare profiles of the United States and New Zealand and discusses how the latter may have paved the way for the former’s much-needed improvement.
  • Capstone Project Change Proposal in Healthcare Sector Nursing understaffing is caused primarily by the emotional exhaustion of medical workers due to the stressful workload in the sector.
  • Differences in Healthcare in Developing and Developed Nations Depending on the amount of money set aside, healthcare treatments and practice methods fluctuate from country to country.
  • Comparing the American and Australian Healthcare Systems This paper will compare the American and Australian healthcare systems based on their costs, quality, and access and mention what the US can learn from the OCED member.
  • Quality and Risk Management in Healthcare Management of risk in health care institutions seeks to reduce any potential negative occurrences to all stakeholders such as patients and staff.
  • The Role of Cultural Relativism in Healthcare The Nacirema is a group of North Americans living in the territory between the “Canadian Cree, the Yaqui and Tarahumara of Mexico, and the Carib and Arawak of the Antilles”
  • Regression Analysis for Healthcare Organization The paper studies the regression analysis that enables managers to evaluate the patterns within the health care organization and make predictions for decision-making.
  • High Taxes’ Benefits for Education and Healthcare High taxes have more benefits than drawbacks for the citizens as the payments are allocated to develop essential systems, such as healthcare and education.
  • Effects of Poor Workplace Culture on Healthcare Organizations The current paper provides a unique outlook on the fundamental value held by workplace culture in healthcare organizations.
  • Healthcare Manager’s Conceptual, Technical, and Interpersonal Skills A healthcare manager is a person who facilitates, administrates, and influences the healthcare system as a manager is an indispensable part of the medical system.
  • Customer Focus in Healthcare Project Management There are certain changes in project management that take place when the organization decides to focus more on customer preferences.
  • Patient-Centered Healthcare Coordination Plan The paper states that the goal of the eventual care coordination plan is to ensure that all the many aspects of healthcare are addressed.
  • Healthcare Organizations’ Mission, Vision and Values This project identifies four health organizations coupled with reviewing their vision, mission, and values and proposes changes to the organizations’ missions, visions, and values.
  • Demand and Supply of Healthcare Workforce in Oman There has been continued indication of the shortages of physicians and nurses in hospitals across Oman and this is often seen in the media on regular basis.
  • Advantages of Computer Technology in Healthcare The emergence of computer technology within healthcare is the catalyst of changes that began to display the improvement of medical procedures and care quality.
  • Maternal Healthcare Overview Maternal health is a field that focuses on the well-being of women while pregnant, during childbirth, and throughout the postnatal period.
  • Quality Improvement and Measurement Tools in Healthcare Quality tools are widely used to define and assess healthcare problems, especially in healthcare facilities that prioritize quality and safety problems.
  • The US Healthcare Delivery System and Role of Nurses This paper aims to discuss changes implemented to reform the U.S. healthcare delivery system and the role of nurses in the altering environment.
  • Lack of Staffing and Training in Healthcare The essay discusses Lack of training affects the supply of trained nurses to health care organizations, thus, contributing to the nursing shortage in these organizations.
  • Issues and Possible Solutions in the Healthcare Sector It is hard to disagree that healthcare is one of the most fundamental and intricate sectors playing a crucial role in people’s lives.
  • Nursing Informatics Policy and Its Influence on Healthcare Delivery The development of nursing information structures is an essential factor in improving the delivery of health services. It includes the development of regulations.
  • Creating App in Healthcare: Business Plan In order to create the most effective app in healthcare, it is necessary to monitor trends in this area and implement them.
  • Healthcare in the Russian Federation There are a number of key factors that lead to major Russian healthcare issues, such as chronic diseases, poor lifestyle habits, and lack of health promotion.
  • Healthcare Management and Leadership The importance of healthcare management is being understood on the medicine front with various players and places.
  • Healthcare in the United Kingdom The purpose of this paper is to examine the healthcare in the United Kingdom, providing recent data and covering the main issues in this area.
  • Change Management in Healthcare Changes in the healthcare field are always associated with difficulties since they affect the ways care is delivered, as well as medical professionals’ and clients’ experiences.
  • Risk Management in Healthcare Construction Projects A risk is any occurrence that has the potential to alter the progress of a project significantly. A risk may be positive or negative.
  • Quality Improvement Team in Healthcare Institution The essay considers creation of an interdisciplinary quality improvement team, risks associated with working with such teams and the ways to address these issues.
  • Importance of Education for Healthcare Professionals Education are important in promoting quality healthcare services by providing healthcare practitioners with knowledge and skills in handling different healthcare conditions.
  • Competing Needs and Quadruple Aim in Healthcare Quadruple Aim, which is recognized by numerous American organizations, acknowledges the needs of medical professionals.
  • Mintzberg’s Configuration in a Healthcare Organization The paper compares Mintzberg’s five basic organizational configurations, identifies the predominant design that works best for a health care organization.
  • System Failures in Healthcare Facilities System failures such as language barriers, insufficient drug information and inadequate drug references could have deleterious impacts on healthcare outcomes.
  • Cultural Barriers in Healthcare Management There are numerous barriers including language, cultural competence, and structural access to health care which prevent participation from cultural or ethnic minorities.
  • Absenteeism and Lateness in the Healthcare Field Absenteeism and lateness are widespread and significant issues in any professional sphere. However, such problems acquire more importance when they occur in the healthcare field.
  • Interpersonal Communication Skills in Healthcare The problem of miscommunication in healthcare persists and tends to have negative impacts on patient outcomes, including those related to safety.
  • Healthcare Technological Trends and HRM Strategies Today our world is developing extremely quickly mainly due to the enormous technological development. This paper analyzes technological trends in the sphere of healthcare.
  • Hansen vs. Baxter Healthcare Corporation The case that will be discussed further, namely Hansen v. Baxter, highlights the importance of awareness of the legal and ethical issues when entering the market.
  • The Challenges Faced by Healthcare Workers The challenges faced by healthcare workers include transitioning from volume-based healthcare to value-based healthcare, increasing costs and expenses, and provider shortages.
  • Leadership in Healthcare Management & Administration Healthcare management needs administrators with a deep understanding of the medical practice and requires them to be influential leaders.
  • Evaluation in Nursing Education and Healthcare Organization Evaluation and assessment are key components of nursing education and healthcare practice since they are concerned with quality appraisal and revealing the need for improvement.
  • Virtual Reality in Healthcare and Education The beginnings of virtual reality can found throughout human history. This paper explores its emergence and development, and its influence in healthcare and education.
  • The Right to Healthcare as a Basic Human Right This paper argues for the implementation of a universal healthcare system in the United States and emphasizes that healthcare is a basic human right.
  • Telehealth and Its Impact on the Healthcare System This essay will briefly overview telemedicine, assess its impact on the healthcare system, and how it has shaped new advancements in medicine, education, and IT spheres.
  • Intercultural Communication in Business, Education, and Healthcare The rules of communication vary depending on different contexts; that’s why this paper aims to discuss intercultural communication in business, education, and healthcare.
  • Theory, Risk, and Quality Management in Healthcare Facilities Risk management approaches were incorporated into the health sector following the increased malpractice crises. Hospitals were encountering increased compensation demands.
  • Expectancy Theory in the Healthcare Sector This paper explores the fundamentals of Expectancy Theory and applies it to the healthcare sector. Expectancy theory has found use in healthcare education contexts.
  • Healthcare: New Treatment Methods At the beginning of the 21st century, the healthcare system in the USA has changed dramatically because of new technologies and new treatment methods available for millions of patients.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Pros & Cons Rapidly advancing artificial intelligence technologies are gradually changing health care practices and bring a paradigm shift to the medical system.
  • Leadership Theories in the Healthcare Industry There has been extensive research on the effectiveness of leadership style and of theories in different areas of work such as business, nursing, education, military, and politics.
  • Healthcare Information System and Its Application In modern society, the healthcare information system plays a critical role in defining the quality of healthcare offered in healthcare centers.
  • Healthcare Quality Planning Meeting Minutes The essay analyzes quality planning meeting minutes, the key discussion points, arrangement features, and formulated objectives to evaluate their overall effectiveness.
  • The Consent Role and Aspects in Healthcare Consent represents a kind of agreement that is defined between two or more parties and highlights certain capacities and freedoms that are preserved by that agreement.
  • The Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare Interdisciplinary cooperation has been on the rise in the last few years in the healthcare system and its impact has been substantial.
  • Performance Appraisal Process in a Healthcare Organization The immediate goals of a nursing performance appraisal have to involve the improvement of care performance, which should lead to a positive healthcare organization outcome.
  • Healthcare Professions: EMT and Occupational Therapist This paper discusses such healthcare professions in the U.S. healthcare system as emergency medical technician (EMT) and occupational therapist.
  • Healthcare Documentation: Standards and Regulations Health care documentation records the facts about a patient’s health involving both past and most recent examinations, tests, illnesses, treatments, medical records.
  • Categorical Variables in a Healthcare Research Such categories as age, gender, height, weight can be applied in healthcare research. This paper describes categorical variables and analyzes categorical variables’ application.
  • Leadership in Healthcare Overview This paper gives a detailed analysis of leadership style and how planning to expand it to support the delivery of ethical and sustainable medical services.
  • Leadership in Motivating Healthcare Staff to Increase Performance Transformation leadership is an approach that efficiently works to motivate healthcare staff to increase performance and teamwork and to improve patients’ outcomes.
  • Steps in the Process of Risk Management in Healthcare Risk management is essential for any enterprise, but for healthcare organizations, it has even greater significance because, frequently, people’s lives are at stake.
  • HCA Healthcare Corporation’s Strategic Analysis HCA is a corporation that offers a broad scope of healthcare services in areas that encompass surgery, oncology, orthopedics, and cardiology to mention a few.
  • Nursing Quality Models in Healthcare Institutions Nursing quality models have been in use for several decades as a way of guiding activities of nurses in institutions of care.
  • The Impact of Advanced Practice Nursing in Healthcare Advanced Practice Nursing refers to improved and broadened healthcare interventions and services offered by nurses who affect clinical health outcomes.
  • Agile-Scrum in Healthcare Project Management The paper illustrates agile’s integration in the healthcare industry and showcases how more project management schemes are needed to boost its application in the sector.
  • Patient Identity Management Policy in Healthcare The prime reason to implement Patient Identity Management strategies considers the linkage and quantity of electronic healthcare data.
  • Roles of a Financial Manager in Healthcare The financial manager shall be responsible for monitory of the cash receipts and disbursements towards the attainment of the operational and investment needs of the hospital.
  • Organization Theory Improving Healthcare Operations Organizational theories explain the relationships between the business and its environment and how it affects its operation mode.
  • Importance of Radiology and Imaging Service in Healthcare Health sectors have been improved since the introduction of radiology. Diseases such as cancer can be treated through this process.
  • Healthcare Institution Financial and Investment Appraisal The present paper discusses three general aspects of the Jiranna Healthcare case study. It conducts an appraisal of the firm’s financial performance.
  • The Ontological Basis for Participant Action Research in Healthcare The paper is interested in describing the ontological and epistemological basis for participant action research in healthcare with particular emphasis on non-medical prescribing.
  • Quality Improvement in Healthcare Improving quality in health care is one of the essential tasks. The quality of hospital services depends on external factors, such as industrial manufacturing processes.
  • Healthcare Employee Recruitment and Selection Recruitment and selection are the starting points of staffing, which emphasizes their importance for providing the healthcare industry with employees.
  • Healthcare Disparities in the LGBT Community Apart from the disparities representatives of the LGBT community face in everyday life, they also deal with some major challenges as to their access to appropriate health care services.
  • Non-traditional Healthcare Practices: Can It Replace the Actual Medicine? The three cultures that will be examined in this study will consist of the Filipino, Chinese and Finnish cultures. Their non traditional health practices significantly diverged from one another.
  • Healthcare Quality, Safety, and High-Reliability Healthcare quality is outcome-oriented. Healthcare safety encompasses the well-being of the patient. High reliability reduces errors and risks.
  • Informed Decision-Making in Healthcare Informed decision-making affects every action that a healthcare organization and its employees perform because it makes the patient one of the integral participants.
  • Interprofessional Collaboration Examples in Nursing Case Study This work aimed to demonstrate the importance of collaboration among various healthcare experts to achieve better treatment outcomes for the patient.
  • Mental Healthcare Provision & Barriers to Innovation Mental health providers require innovative ways of improving care delivery, but they are experiencing significant challenges in adopting innovations.
  • Strategic Planning Processes in Healthcare The organization’s strategic foundation is built on its mission, vision, purpose, and values. They direct and steer the goal, principles, and values.
  • Scheduling Management in Healthcare In healthcare management, scheduling is an essential procedure that optimizes the workflow, leading to increased nurse satisfaction and balanced benefits expenses.
  • The Action Research in Healthcare Action research is a methodology used to identify clinical practice problems and develop potential solutions to improve the quality of care.
  • Healthcare Environment: Challenges to Teamwork and Collaboration Collaboration among staff members is one of the vital requirements for effective management of key tasks and responsibilities in the healthcare environment.
  • Healthcare Delivery Models in Germany, the UK, and the US The goal of the research paper is to compare and contrast healthcare delivery models in three countries: Germany, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.
  • Compensation Structure in Healthcare The paper states that the compensation structure is necessary and is worthy of addressing when exploring the topic of healthcare organizations.
  • Shared Decision-Making Principles in Healthcare The article argues that to provide effective care, healthcare workers need to understand the concepts of shared decision-making and follow the basic principles.
  • Financial Analysis in Healthcare Organizations There are four essential financial statements for a not-for-profit healthcare enterprise. They should be used for financial strategy formulation together.
  • Healthcare Services: Right or Privilege? It is believed that all people should have free access to healthcare. But today it is a privilege that only particular people can access even though it should be a human right.
  • Cost, Access, and Quality in Healthcare The health care system nowadays is entirely concentrated upon such factors as quality, access, and cost. Each element helps to provide patients with high-quality medical care.
  • Knowledge Management in Healthcare This paper will discuss the critical areas of knowledge management in healthcare, examples of baked-in knowledge, and cost evaluation for an EHR application.
  • The Launch of Healthcare Projects The launch of healthcare projects could make a difference as they contribute to the reduction of workload, nurse training, and development.
  • US and Singapore Healthcare Systems Comparison The Healthcare system is a major concern for many countries. Comparing and contrasting the quality of healthcare in the U.S. and Singapore might provide valuable insights.
  • Healthcare System in Republic of Panama The paper discusses the organization of the Panama health care system, patients’ bill of rights, medical ethical issues and complexities of advanced directives.
  • Information Systems in Healthcare The primary issue that this paper address is that the utilization of machines in healthcare can be beneficial for both patients and medical professionals, but its implementation requires preparation.
  • Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare Teamwork in healthcare contributes to better patient health outcomes. Clinical staff and administration of healthcare organizations must work collaboratively.
  • Diagnosis-Related Groups in Healthcare Research The Diagnosis-Related Group meant to classify all cases within a hospital. It considers clinical characteristics of the patients and payments to define similar ones and gather them in groups.
  • Aspects of an Ideal Healthcare System The paper focuses on how various components can be implemented in the ideal healthcare system to enhance the quality of care services within the country.
  • Time Management in the Healthcare Sector Effective time management is a core component of the healthcare sector. The integration of time management strategies requires specific resources.
  • Healthcare Collection Policies and Procedures Preparing healthcare collection policies and procedures is a responsible task that involves different stakeholders.
  • Importance of Healthcare Advocacy Plan Nowadays, the field of healthcare has to face numerous issues that stem from high attrition rates, understaffing, increasing stress on healthcare workers, and other factors.
  • Cybersecurity and Protection in Healthcare Studying the topic of cybersecurity in healthcare is a valuable source for creating the best ways to protect against hacker attacks.
  • Healthcare: The Importance of Accessibility Healthcare plays a significant role in treating life-threatening illnesses, and the accessibility for everyone would save countless lives.
  • Spain’s Current Healthcare System Governments across the globe implement powerful measures and allocate adequate resources to support their respective healthcare systems.
  • Overcoming Personal Biases, Prejudice, and Stereotyping in Healthcare Patients should be treated with the utmost respect and equality irrespective of their race, gender, class, age, or any other characteristic.
  • Performance Appraisals in Healthcare Settings The assessment of the achievements should be eliminated from the healthcare work setting because it focuses on the compensation rather than individual specifics.
  • Ethics in the Healthcare Industry: Armando Dimas’ Case Armando Dimas’s case presents different ethical issues and highlights the crucial questions that bioethics aims to resolve in controversial situations with patients.
  • Faith-Based Healthcare Organizations Religion has traditionally played a significant role in the development of healthcare institutions, but their current relationships are the subject of many controversies.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration in Healthcare Successful health outcomes are best attained when there are teamwork and collaboration among the individuals involved.
  • Cost Allocation in Healthcare Analysis This essay aims to discuss the cost allocation process in the context of healthcare, including its goals, key steps, and methods.
  • Administrative and Financial System in Healthcare Administrative and financial system applications have advantages and disadvantages for healthcare; however, their benefits prevail over the challenges.
  • Social Change: The Nurse’s Role in Global Healthcare To advocate for the global perspective on the issue of the opioid crisis and the need to change the current standards for opioid prescription.
  • Healthcare Professional Training and Development The articles that will be discovered in this paper mainly cover the topic of training and development of staff in healthcare establishments.
  • Conflict Stages and Its Resolution in Healthcare The purpose of this paper is to describe the case related to the development of a conflict in a healthcare setting, identify its type and discuss four stages of a conflict.
  • Status and Authority in Healthcare This paper discusses the question regarding the status and authority and analyzes the problem of uninsured populations who have no access to healthcare.
  • Healthcare Quality Improvement Team Meeting Plan The paper presents a plan on identifying and onboarding a quality improvement and develops a brief agenda for a team meeting and criteria for its evaluation.
  • Role of Ethics in Healthcare Leadership Healthcare administrators use the principle of nonmaleficence to resolve challenges associated with service delivery.
  • Healthcare Resources Use: Project Implementation The plan aims to optimize the use of the resources that are currently available to the healthcare facility and increase the number of positive outcomes in patients.
  • Healthcare Technological Advancements: Pros & Cons New technologies in the healthcare industry are emerging at a significantly high rate. As such, nurses need to acquire skills and knowledge in a number of complex technologies.
  • Improving Healthcare through Advocacy Several topics have been outlined and discussed in this brochure. The first segment highlights the major rights of a patient. Every citizen should receive timely and adequate health support.
  • Healthcare Problems in South Africa The state of health in South Africa differs from the most fundamental primary healthcare, provided for free by the government, to the highly professional and technologically advanced facilities.
  • The Implication of Information Technology on Marketing Strategy of Healthcare Industry The growth of information technology has transformed marketing strategies of most industries. In the healthcare industry, IT has changed the way marketers relate with customers.
  • Factors of Decision-Making by Healthcare Managers Healthcare managers occasionally encounter situations that require them to make critical decisions in healthcare facilities.
  • Ethics, Morals, and Values in Healthcare In healthcare, ethics, morals, and values play a rather crucial role. It is important to be able to differentiate between the concepts and understand their influence on the field.
  • Climate Change as a Healthcare Priority Human-caused climate change significantly impacts the ecological situation and many areas of human life, such as health care.
  • Organizational Change in Healthcare The change in the management aspect of the healthcare sector administration poses an excellent example to the impact upon all stakeholders.
  • Hospital Ownership Types and Impacts on Healthcare Finance The paper states that there is a significant difference in the level of the financial well-being of private, non-profit, and public hospitals.
  • Strategic and Program Evaluation in Healthcare The constant increase in healthcare costs associated with the emergence of new medical technologies and medicines is a global trend nowadays.
  • Organizational Theory in Healthcare The progression of the healthcare industry is inseparable from organizational development and theories – the aspects of management that help improve healthcare outcomes.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare Ethics codes exist to ensure ethical decisions are made and properly discussed, but unpredictable situations can arise that require original action methodologies.
  • Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare Our paper today aims to refresh our knowledge of strategic planning and determine how applicable this concept is to healthcare.
  • Aspects of Palliative Care in Healthcare The article observes and analyzes the key concepts and principles that guide the appropriate use of palliative care in healthcare settings.
  • Strategic Planning in Healthcare Physicians, nurses, and front-line staff possess a wealth of knowledge about healthcare information, industry insight, and current processes.
  • Language, Culture, and Healthcare It is crucial to mitigate the cultural and language challenges to facilitate communication between healthcare practitioners and patients and enhance healthcare quality.
  • International Classification of Functioning in Healthcare The comparison and evaluation of the models of disability demonstrate that ICF has a significant value for the health care setting.
  • Analyzing Errors in Healthcare Analyzing errors is crucial to identifying the underlying factors that cause an error and approaches that can be used to reduce the associated risks.
  • Modern Healthcare Management: The Role of Information Technologies The introduction of IT in medicine made it possible to bring its advancement to a new level and had a beneficial effect on improving the provision of medical care to the patients.
  • Medication Error Impact on Healthcare Quality The paper show medication errors are a failure in the field of health care practice and the impact of the loss not only interfere with people’s lives but also harm the economy.
  • Preparation of Healthcare Revenue-Cycle Audit These audits are designed to assess, evaluate, and improve the well-being and care of patients in a healthcare facility in a systematic manner.
  • How Digital Literacy Skills Will Help Me in the Healthcare Setting This article serves as an overview of the literature on nurses’ use of and access to health-related information on the Internet (HRI).
  • Cuban Cultural Communication in Relation to Healthcare
  • Healthcare Marketing and Its Evolution
  • The Analysis of Healthcare Organization
  • Healthcare: Interprofessional Collaboration
  • Organizational Performance and Structure in Healthcare
  • The Effectiveness of the Internet in Healthcare
  • Implementing Effective Management in Healthcare
  • Using of Statistics in Healthcare
  • Vanguard Healthcare Services, LLC: Health Organization Case Study
  • Health Care Contracts and Their Types
  • Behavioral Cues in Healthcare Behaviors
  • Information Technology Applications in Healthcare
  • The Issue of Ethics in Healthcare
  • Accountability in the Healthcare Industry
  • Stage-Of-Life and Healthcare Experiences
  • Implementation of Healthcare Organizational Design
  • Healthcare Management: Past, Present, and Future
  • Building Trust Within the Healthcare Setting
  • History of Healthcare: Timeline Discussion
  • Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations
  • Quality Healthcare and Its Aims
  • Healthcare Disparities and Potential Solutions
  • Comparison of Healthcare Systems: The United States and Switzerland
  • Nursing Advocacy for Access to Healthcare
  • Policies and Protocols in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Database Design and Development
  • Healthcare Human Resources Management and Changes
  • Trends in the Healthcare Sector
  • United Healthcare Group and Its Strategic Plan
  • Healthcare Change Management and Workforce Retention
  • Code of Conduct in Healthcare Organizations
  • Efficacy of Telemedicine and Its Application in Healthcare
  • Conflict Resolution in a Healthcare Setting
  • Medical Technologies Developing Healthcare
  • Healthcare Mission and Philosophy: Mercy Hospital Inc.
  • Future Trends in Healthcare
  • Patient Engagement in Healthcare
  • A Gemba Walk in a Healthcare Organization
  • Evolution of Healthcare Facility Design in 1960-1980
  • Healthcare Inflation in Canada and the US
  • The Healthcare System in England
  • Leadership and Correctional Reform in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Strategies and Management
  • Cultural Influences Affecting Health and Healthcare
  • Monitoring and Controlling Functions in Healthcare Organizations
  • Antibiotics: The Use in Healthcare
  • Corruption in South Africa’s Healthcare Sector
  • Applying Lean Principles in Healthcare
  • Technology in the Healthcare System
  • Implementing and Evaluating a Healthcare Organization’s Strategic Plan
  • Elder Abuse in the US Healthcare System
  • Occupational Stress Management in Healthcare
  • Using of Virtual Reality in Healthcare
  • Telepsychiatry as Innovative Healthcare Practice
  • Clinical Career Ladders in Healthcare
  • The Healthcare System: Effects of Social Media
  • Healthcare Reimbursement Models
  • US and Canada Healthcare Systems Comparison
  • NDNQI Contribution to Nursing Healthcare
  • Aspects of Healthcare Costs
  • Performance Management System in Healthcare
  • Organizational Mission, Vision, and Values in Healthcare
  • Leadership and Change in Healthcare Management
  • Organizational Values in a Healthcare Institution
  • Healthcare in Haiti: No Map, No Plan, No System
  • Evidence-Based Healthcare Practice and Technologies
  • Electronic Resources in Healthcare
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Issues
  • Emergency and Disaster Preparedness in Healthcare
  • Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare Services
  • The Importance of Moral Courage in the Healthcare
  • Use of Paretto Charts in Healthcare
  • Applying Research Skills in the Healthcare Area
  • Cash Versus Accrual Accounting Methods in Healthcare Organizations
  • Patient Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace
  • The UAE Healthcare Services Access for Disabled
  • GE Energy and GE Healthcare: Strategic Customer Relationships
  • Universal Healthcare System: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Impact of Technology on the Healthcare System
  • Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers in US Healthcare Organizations
  • United Healthcare Organization and Citizens’ Needs
  • Patient Safety in the Healthcare Workplace Culture
  • Healthcare Robotics Impact
  • New Sustainable Development Goals in Healthcare
  • Unionization and Magnet Accreditation in Healthcare
  • Importance Skills in Healthcare Environment
  • Workplace Interpersonal Conflicts Among the Healthcare Workers
  • Organizational Communication and Conflict Management in the Healthcare
  • Magnet Recognition Program in Healthcare
  • Cybersecurity Strategic Plan and the Best Practices in the Healthcare Sector
  • Organizational Studies and Philosophy in Healthcare
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) and Healthcare
  • Anthem Blue Cross: Strategic Healthcare Planning
  • Healthcare Marketing Communication and Strategies
  • NMC Healthcare Organization and Its Culture
  • Blockchain Revolution in the Healthcare Industry
  • Using Technology in Healthcare Setting
  • Malnutrition and Patient Safety Healthcare Policy
  • Graphs, Statistical and Clinical Significance in Healthcare
  • Restraint and Seclusion in Healthcare
  • Childhood Vaccination as Healthcare Priority Policy Issue
  • Wasted Resources and Efforts in Healthcare
  • Immigrants’ Barriers to Healthcare Access
  • Discussion: Ethics in Healthcare Research
  • Business Intelligence in Healthcare Industry
  • Healthcare Informatics Discussion
  • Risk Dashboards in an Acute Healthcare Organization
  • The Effect of Globalization on Healthcare
  • Healthcare Systems in England vs. the US
  • Multiple Regression Analysis in Healthcare Scenario
  • Hospital Readmission as Healthcare Challenge
  • Application of Blockchain in Healthcare
  • Fraud and Abuse in Healthcare: Analysis
  • Research Designs in Healthcare Research
  • The Gibbs Reflection Cycle Method in Healthcare
  • Culture of the Nacirema in Modern Healthcare
  • Marijuana and Its Use in Healthcare
  • Third-Party Payers in Healthcare Reimbursement
  • Career in Healthcare Administration
  • The Concept of Accountability in Healthcare
  • The American College of Healthcare Executives: Leadership Reflection
  • Impact of Obesity on Healthcare System
  • Interprofessional Teamwork in Healthcare
  • Voluntary Accreditation in Healthcare: Requirements, Compliance, and Standards
  • Healthcare Industry Challenges: Information and Service Integration
  • Analysis of Implicit Bias in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Professional Burnout and Its Effects
  • The Pain Rating Scales in Healthcare
  • Sexual Issues Confronting Healthcare Providers in the 21st Century
  • Phoebe Putney Healthcare System’s Business Problem
  • Communication Skills in Healthcare Workers
  • Servant Leadership in Healthcare
  • Digital Technologies’ Role in Modern Healthcare
  • Improving Healthcare Staff Communications
  • Importance of Healthcare Administration
  • Incivility Within a Healthcare Setting
  • The Smartphone Technology in the Healthcare Sector
  • Employee Risk Management Plan in Healthcare
  • Informatics Technologies in Healthcare
  • Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare
  • United Healthcare Firm’s Readiness to Meeting Healthcare Needs
  • Leadership Styles & Qualities in Healthcare Field
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Usage in Modern Warfare and Healthcare
  • Strategic Planning: Healthcare Organizations
  • American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)
  • Tuberculosis Infections and Healthcare in Brunei
  • Indian Healthcare Information System
  • Healthcare: Lumbar and Sacral Region
  • Leadership in Healthcare Institutions
  • Quality Improvement and Transformation of Healthcare
  • Partnering to Heal: Healthcare-Associated Infections Prevention
  • Healthcare Leader Interview With Professor Alison Kitson
  • Russian and American Healthcare Systems Comparison
  • Theory of Planned Behavior and Educational Intervention in Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections
  • Decision Tree Analysis and Genetic Algorithm Methods Application in Healthcare
  • Six Sigma’ Management Strategy in Healthcare
  • Practice in the Field of Healthcare: Literature Review
  • Healthcare Accreditation and Licensing
  • Incivility Within the Healthcare Metaparadigm
  • The Issue of Healthcare Compliance
  • The Healthcare Information: Security and Privacy
  • Accessibility of Healthcare in the United States
  • The Importance of Effective Healthcare Communication
  • Healthcare Delivery System in the US and Its Components
  • Nursing Informatics in Healthcare
  • Cash vs. Accrual Accounting for Healthcare Organization
  • Statistical Process Control in the Healthcare
  • Replication and Its Importance in Healthcare Research
  • Marketing Change in Healthcare
  • Incomplete or Missing Documentation: Patient Safety in Healthcare
  • Ethics of For- & Non-Profit Healthcare Models
  • Implementation Strategy in the Healthcare Sector: Implementation Stages Analysis
  • Major Third-party Payers to Healthcare Providers
  • Afro-Latin Culture and Approach to Healthcare
  • Autism and Associated Healthcare Issues
  • Healthcare Billing System Implementation
  • Planned Parenthood as a Healthcare Research Topic
  • The Disparity of Minorities and Women CEOs in Healthcare Administration
  • Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare Services
  • Big Data and Data Mining in Healthcare Education
  • Robotic Technologies in the Healthcare Sector
  • Conflict Management in the Healthcare Sector
  • Healthcare for Hindus: Purnell Model for Cultural Competence
  • Pressure Ulcers as a Healthcare Project Topic
  • Statistics Application in Healthcare and Nursing
  • Teamworking Skills in Healthcare
  • ABC Healthcare Cyber and Computer Network Security
  • Cross-Cultural Healthcare and Its Implications
  • Health Information Exchange, Its Role and Importance for the Healthcare Sector
  • Continuous Quality Improvement Strategies in Healthcare
  • High-Reliability Healthcare Organization’s Traits
  • Third-Party Payments in Healthcare Field
  • Emotional Intelligence and Feelings in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Organization: Finance and Accounting
  • Levine’s Conservation Theory in Healthcare Research
  • Trends in Healthcare Human Resource Management
  • Tenet Healthcare Corporation: Training and Development
  • Technologies and Expenditures in Healthcare
  • Ways to Improve the US Healthcare System
  • Team-Based Healthcare in Nursing Practice
  • Patients Safety and Needs in Healthcare Environment
  • Financial Management Role in Healthcare
  • Conflict Management in Healthcare Facilities
  • Unified Cybersecurity Standards in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Quality Improvement and Stakeholders
  • Healthcare Information Technology: Information Needs and Implementation of the Health Information System
  • Team Coordination in Healthcare: Practicum Project
  • Peculiarities of Telehealth in Healthcare
  • Interprofessional Collaboration in Mental Healthcare
  • A Healthcare Manager Interview Summary
  • Healthcare Rationing: Articles Review
  • The Innovation Diffusion in Healthcare
  • Innovating Healthcare: The Use of Wireless Endoscopy
  • Discussion: Reimbursement in Healthcare
  • Healthcare System in America vs. England
  • The Billing Managers in Healthcare
  • Challenging Healthcare Executives’ Responsibilities
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare Malpractice
  • Comparison of Healthcare Between the U.S. and Other Developed Nations
  • Healthcare Restructuring Initiatives
  • Compliance and Reimbursement in Healthcare Organizations
  • Data Quality in the Healthcare Sector
  • QSEN Competencies for Healthcare Teamwork
  • Changes to Reform the US Healthcare Delivery System
  • Healthcare Fraud Solutions: Healthcare Fraud and Abuse
  • Technology in Healthcare: Perspectives of Both Employees and Organizations
  • Types of Healthcare Organizations in the United States
  • The Pros and Cons of Implementing Self-Help Kiosks in Healthcare Organizations
  • Healthcare Organizations: Health Policy in Japan
  • Odds and Risk Ratios in Healthcare
  • Liability in Healthcare: Breach of Patient Confidentiality
  • England’s Healthcare System for Vulnerable Population
  • Healthcare Law: Conditions of Contract Law
  • The Healthcare System in Ghana
  • Immigrants in the Healthcare Settings
  • Indigenous Mental Healthcare in Ontario, Canada
  • Aspects of Just Culture in Healthcare
  • The Hispanic Cultural Group Healthcare
  • Culture, Ethnicity, and Acculturation in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Finance Model: Medicaid Program
  • Sicko: A Grim Reality Check for the US Healthcare System
  • Healthcare Versus Sick Care
  • Social Media in Healthcare Marketing
  • The Strategic Procedure in Healthcare
  • Telehealth Policy for Healthcare Effectiveness
  • Duplication of Healthcare Facilities Within Regions
  • Civility Guidelines in the Healthcare Workplace
  • International Policies and Healthcare Access in France and Italy
  • Healthcare as a Human Right: Addressing Access Disparities
  • Competition in the Healthcare Industry
  • Health Care Ethics and Reform: High Cost of Healthcare
  • Improving Health Literacy through Patient Education in a Healthcare Facility
  • Awareness of Bioethics in Contemporary Healthcare
  • Barriers to Healthcare Access: Adults with Mental Health Challenges
  • Standards of Healthcare: Quality Caring in Nursing and Health Systems
  • Socioeconomics in the Delivery of Healthcare
  • Healthcare Economics and Work of Hospitals
  • Information Management Standards in Healthcare
  • The Healthcare Pyramid Levels in St. Petersburg, Florida
  • Problem-Solving and Conflict Avoiding at A&B Healthcare, Inc.
  • Addressing the Mental Health Crisis of Healthcare Workers Post-COVID-19
  • Techniques and Tools for Strategic Management in Healthcare
  • The Issue of Racial Equality in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Optimization Techniques
  • How Are Women in Qatar Involved in Healthcare?
  • Cultural Diversity Considerations in Healthcare Organizations
  • Collaboration Between Local, State, and Federal Governments in Addressing Healthcare Issues
  • Enhancing the Healthcare System With Information Management
  • Scientific Integrity in Modern Healthcare
  • Healthcare Disparities Among the LGBTQ+ (Queer) Veterans
  • Strategic Management Activities in Healthcare
  • Ethical and Legal Dilemmas in the Healthcare Case
  • Quality in Healthcare: Healthcare Systems
  • Associations between Healthcare Utilization Factors and Diabetic Retinopathy
  • The Levels of Evidence in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Access: Financial Barriers
  • Simulation in Healthcare Operational Decision-Making
  • The United States Healthcare System Analysis
  • The National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report
  • Factors Facilitating Quality Improvement in Healthcare
  • Leadership Models in Healthcare
  • Policies Addressing LGBT (Queer) Healthcare Disparities
  • Quality Healthcare Improvement for Pregnant Women in New York City
  • Negligence and Battery in Healthcare Units
  • Risk Management, Quality and Safety in Healthcare
  • Big Data in the Healthcare Sector: Pros and Cons
  • Healthcare Affordability in the United States
  • Healthcare Quality Initiatives and Their Importance
  • Healthcare Quality and Outcomes: Measurement and Management
  • The Policy Standard in China’s Healthcare System
  • Healthcare Financial Elements
  • Patient-Centered Medical Home: Marketing in Healthcare
  • How Analytics Can Help Improve Healthcare Decision-Making
  • Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare Organizations
  • The Impact of Genomics on Policy and Practice in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Costs Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Monitoring Compliance of IV Pump Integration in a Healthcare Setting
  • Geography and Healthcare Equity in the U.S.
  • Navigating Organizational Theories in Healthcare
  • Challenges and Complexities in the U.S. Healthcare System
  • Data Breaches and Cyber Attacks on Healthcare Organizations
  • The US vs. New Zealand Healthcare Systems
  • Dental Healthcare Persons’ Infection Control
  • Abuses in a Healthcare Context
  • The Canadian Healthcare System’s Key Challenges
  • Healthcare as a Basic Human Right
  • Data Analytics and Its Role in Healthcare
  • Business Analytics in Healthcare
  • Impacts of Organizational Culture and Structure on Healthcare Outcomes
  • Healthcare Service Management Course
  • Healthcare Organization Assessment
  • Advanced Practice Nurse: Healthcare Policy
  • Business Needs in the Healthcare Sector
  • Information Technologies in Healthcare
  • Using Smartphones in Healthcare: Ethical Issues
  • Healthcare Risk Management – Balancing Safety and Efficiency
  • Information Security Policies in Healthcare Organizations
  • Diversity in Healthcare Organizations
  • Managing Incremental Healthcare Costs in a Post Pandemic World
  • Healthcare Change Implementation and Management Plan
  • Healthcare Data Quality Elements
  • Standardization as a Procedural Issue in Healthcare
  • Cultural Diversity and Sensitivity in Healthcare
  • Leading Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare
  • Barriers to Healthcare in Refugee Communities
  • Policy Analysis in Healthcare Industry
  • Healthcare Research: Systematic Search Strategy
  • Refugees’ Adjustment and Accessibility of Healthcare
  • Professional Services Automation System in Healthcare
  • VITAS Healthcare: Program Evaluation Proposal
  • Healthcare Research Designs and Sampling Methods
  • Healthcare Policy Evaluation in the US vs. Mexico
  • Prevention in Healthcare and Social Science
  • Interprofessional Team Management in Healthcare
  • Implications of Healthcare Fraud and Abuse
  • Impacts of Technology on the Healthcare System
  • Constructing Team Values in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Advocacy Plan for Nassau County
  • Incorporating Telehealth Into the Healthcare System
  • Information Technology Projects in the Healthcare Sector
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Views on Healthcare
  • Healthcare Program: Informational Campaign on Dementia
  • Initial Beliefs: Evidence-Based Management in Healthcare
  • Q.I. Program for Vaccination Among Healthcare Workers
  • How Healthcare Organizations Deal With COVID-19 Financial Issues
  • Billing and Coding Regulations in Healthcare
  • Epidemiological Data and Its Role in Healthcare
  • Vocal Biomarkers in Healthcare
  • Communication Problems in Healthcare Attendants
  • Rising Healthcare Costs as a Policy Issue
  • Beliefs, Perceptions, and Behaviors Impacting Healthcare Utilization
  • Electronic Vulnerability in Healthcare
  • Statistical Analysis in Healthcare
  • Access to Healthcare Services and Language Interpretation
  • The Healthcare Labour Shortage: Practice, Theory, Evidence
  • Healthcare Financing: USA vs. Switzerland
  • Risk and Quality Management in Healthcare
  • Discussion: The Use of RFID in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Insurance Organizations’ Risk of Fraud
  • The Healthcare Center for the Homeless
  • Project Evaluation in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Language Barrier for Afghani Refugees
  • The Socio-Ecological Model of Access to Healthcare
  • Advantages of Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
  • Technologies in Healthcare Delivery
  • Challenges of Virtual Assistance Technology Implementation for Healthcare
  • Universal Healthcare as a Basic Right of Humanity
  • Evaluation of Virtual Reality in Healthcare
  • Advocacy and Communication in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Interprofessional Team Members’ Perspectives on Caring
  • Leadership Versus Management: Healthcare Leadership
  • Organizational Change Regarding Language Barriers in Healthcare
  • The Triple Aim Framework and Financial Issues in Healthcare
  • How 911 Dispatcher Technology Has Reduced Healthcare Costs
  • Reducing Healthcare Expenses: Structural and Individual Measures
  • Risk Management in Healthcare Settings
  • Benefits of Health Information Technology
  • The Role of Differential Diagnosis in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Administrator: Profession Overview
  • Issues in Healthcare and Effective Communication with Organization Stakeholders
  • Issues of Healthcare in the US
  • Healthcare Services for Vulnerable Populations in Georgia
  • Report Specifications in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Facility Expansion Funding
  • The Healthcare Costs Regulation Strategies
  • Effective Communication and Quality in Healthcare
  • Malpractice, Abuse, and Neglect in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
  • The Healthcare Administrator: Leadership Abilities
  • Queer People (LGBTQIA) in Healthcare System Context
  • Auburn Hospital’s Comprehensive Healthcare Strategies
  • Healthcare during Tornados: Business Continuity
  • Project Management in Healthcare
  • Qualitative Research in Healthcare
  • Interoperability in Healthcare
  • Theories and Approaches in Healthcare
  • The Significance of Healthcare Policy
  • Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare System
  • Analysis of Innovation in Healthcare
  • Consumer Involvement in the Healthcare System
  • Significance of Accreditation in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Trends and Innovations
  • Pediatric and Adult Anatomy for Healthcare Providers
  • Licensed Professional Counseling in Mental Healthcare
  • Healthcare Errors, Risks, and Project Management
  • Trinity Healthcare’s Internal and External Barriers
  • A Strategic Plan for a Healthcare Organization
  • Healthcare Insurance in the USA
  • Population Aging and Healthcare Concerns
  • Galen’s Experiential Philosophic Approach to Healthcare
  • Economic Issues Confronting Healthcare System
  • Doctor Michael R. Walker as Leader in Healthcare
  • Role of Advance Directives in Healthcare
  • Nursing Informatics: Healthcare Blockchain System
  • “Top Challenges Facing the Healthcare Industry Today”: Three Challenges
  • Healthcare Information Systems
  • Healthcare Informatics: Introduction to Theory
  • Technology in Healthcare and Care Coordination
  • Universal Healthcare in the United States
  • Simulation Training for Healthcare Staff
  • Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination for Healthcare Employees
  • Regulation of Patient Healthcare Records Release
  • Telemedicine as a Healthcare Provision Technique
  • Healthcare for Queer (LGBTQIA+) Patients
  • Strategic Planning Process in Healthcare
  • The Assessment Process in Healthcare
  • The Basic Level of Healthcare: H. Engelhardt’s and N. Daniels’ Perspectives
  • Competitive Forces in the Healthcare Market
  • Care Coordination Process in the Healthcare
  • Mental Healthcare Aspects of Latinos
  • Social Welfare Policy and Healthcare Insurance
  • What Are the Cross Cultural Healthcare Perspectives?
  • How to Estimate the Optimal Size of Secondary Healthcare Providers in Slovenia?
  • How Health Policy Shapes Healthcare Sector Productivity?
  • How HRM Provides a Mandatory Organized Structure in the Healthcare System?
  • How Medical Robotics Affect Healthcare Costs and Patient Care?
  • How Medicare Has Impacted Healthcare Within the United States of America?
  • How Reliable Are Surveys of Client Satisfaction With Healthcare Services?
  • How Retractable Syringe Development Impacted Society and Healthcare?
  • What Are the Applications of Simulation Within the Healthcare Context?
  • What Are the Factors Influencing Healthcare Service Quality?
  • What Is “Quality Improvement” and How Can It Transform Healthcare?
  • What Is Interprofessional and Multiprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare?
  • What Is Jamaica’s Ethnomedicine Potential in the Healthcare System?
  • What Are the Characteristics of Healthcare Wastes?
  • What Is a Canadian Model of Integrated Healthcare?
  • What Are the Trends and Approaches in Lean Healthcare?
  • Whar Are the Emerging Information Technologies for Enhanced Healthcare?
  • What Are the Challenges for Design Researchers in Healthcare?
  • How Well-organized Logistics Can Service Healthcare?
  • What Are the Theories on Implementation of Change in Healthcare?
  • How the Blockchain Technology Was Implemented in Healthcare?
  • How To Improve Healthcare With Interactive Visualization?
  • What Are the Essentials of Economic Evaluation in Healthcare?
  • How Mobile Devices Are Transforming Healthcare?
  • How to Develop Machine Learning Models for Healthcare?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, December 21). 623 Healthcare Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write About. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/healthcare-essay-topics/

"623 Healthcare Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write About." StudyCorgi , 21 Dec. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/healthcare-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '623 Healthcare Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write About'. 21 December.

1. StudyCorgi . "623 Healthcare Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write About." December 21, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/healthcare-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "623 Healthcare Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write About." December 21, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/healthcare-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "623 Healthcare Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write About." December 21, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/healthcare-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Healthcare were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 22, 2024 .

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Home Essay Samples Health

Essay Samples on Health Care Policy

Overview of the ways to improve the health care system.

The health care system is a cornerstone of any society, providing essential medical services to individuals and families. However, it is not without its challenges. In this essay, we will explore various ways to improve health care system, aiming to ensure accessible, affordable, and high-quality...

  • Health Care
  • Health Care Policy

Sex Education in the Philippines: Execution of the RH Act

The Philippines passed the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (RH Act) after a 14-year wait. Through the act, the authorities built-in intercourse coaching into the public university curriculum for university students a lengthy time 10 to 19. The Philippines additionally gave funding...

  • Reproductive Health
  • Sex Education

Is Healthcare a Basic Human Right: Access of LGBT to Healthcare

The LGBTQ population makes up approximately 10% of the population in the US. This means that one tenth of the human population has to overcome tremendous challenges to receive the basic human right to healthcare. Healthcare discrimination is one of the most serious and unfortunate...

  • Universal Health Care

Is Healthcare a Basic Human Right: Fighting Discrimination

Persistent healthcare inequities with either the class of an individual or specific groups of people continue to plague medical treatment and health care institutions. Structural forms of segregation and discrimination that remain today include barriers in accessing needed health care, creating disparity, and medical inequality....

  • Public Health

Healthcare: Is Healthcare a Basic Human Right

As an American you are given much promise and opportunity, but like everything, these come at the cost of strict guidelines and stipulations. Our nation was built on freedom and justice for all, but what does that really mean? Here we are centuries later, and...

  • Types of Human Rights

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Why Is It Important To Learn Another Language

 Why is it so important tolearn a foreign language? We live in the era of the English language. Today, the Anglosphere (the English-speaking world) is at a great advantage. English has become the world's lingua franca--ergo, the world's everything language. It is spoken in the...

  • Bilingualism

Healthcare Service Improvements and Clinical Setting

The purpose of this essay is to focus upon a service improvement initiative, proposed within a chosen clinical setting; with the main discussion being aimed towards improvement within healthcare services. The main aim will be to demonstrate the process that will be used, whilst developing...

  • Healthcare Crisis

Healthcare: Should It Be A Privilege Or A Right In Us

A country where people would rather take an Uber to the hospital, as opposed to calling emergency services, signifies something severely wrong in the healthcare system. Studying in America has made me aware of not just political tensions within the country, but also structural problems,...

  • Health Insurance

The Future Of Healthcare: A Privilege Or A Right

The future of healthcare requires skilled leaders to overcome several challenges. Over the next five to ten years, healthcare administrators should expect to encounter challenges that come with managing a practice. Caring for the financial wellbeing of a business can be difficult. Financial responsibilities include...

  • Nursing Theory

Universal Healthcare Is An Undeniable Human Right, Not A Privilege

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a paper adopted by the United Nations General Assembly to be the unifying document of human rights states: 'Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person'(Roosevelt). Health care is a problem that has been plaguing the...

Increasing Access To Medical Nutrition Therapy As Treatment For Epilepsy

Abstract Epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder among children and the fourth most common neurological disorder overall in the United States. In 2015 there were approximately 3.4 million people diagnosed with epilepsy nationwide: 3 million adults and 470,000 children. The overall cost of epilepsy...

Aims of the Adult Protection Social Practice in the UK

According to the NHS Kings College Hospital it defines safeguarding as protecting individual’s health and wellbeing and the human’s rights to ensure them to live free from any type of harm, neglect and abuse. Those most in need of protection include: children and young people...

  • Elder Abuse

Rhetorical Analysis Of The Affordable Care Act And Emergency Care

“The Affordable Care Act and Emergency Care” is a public health policy brief authored by McClelland et al. The article highlights various implications of the Affordable Care Act especially on emergency care services via the emergency departments (EDs) of healthcare facilities. Based on the Affordable...

  • Affordable Care Act

The Importance of the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules Enforcement

Healthcare records provide significant information about a patient. They are fundamental in providing good patient care. Medical records comprise sensitive information about the patient such as medical, health, diagnosis, condition. treatment or assessments. With the introduction of HIPAA and constant technological advancements, the healthcare sector...

Swine Flu Mortality Profile In Udaipur

Introduction Swine flu is an acute respiratory tract infection caused by influenza A H1N1 which is characterized by chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness/fatigue and general discomfort. In more serious cases, influenza causes pneumonia, which can be fatal, particularly in the...

The Development of Progressive Health Care System in Canada

Health care in Canada has improved drastically from the 16th to the 21st century, but how much has improved just in the past 100 years? Health care in Canada includes not only medicine and how well hospitals can treat patients but also medical education, and...

  • Tommy Douglas

Canadian Health Care: The Journey from Medicare to Universal Health Care

“Medicare is a Canadian success story. Not perfect, but good enough to be envied by much of the world.” — H.L. Mencken. Canadians embrace their public healthcare system more passionately than any other public program. In Ontario the government spends $254 billion with that being...

Tommy Douglas as the Key Figure in Canadian Politics

Before World War II health care across Canada for the most part was both privately provided and funded. This was changed in 1932 when the Great Depression hit Saskatchewan, and a Baptist Minister named Tommy Douglas joined the Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation. Tommy saw the suffering...

Examination of Occupational Safety and Health Administration

The quantitative portion of this study will examine labor laws enforcement following three major hurricanes in the major cities in the United States: Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Hurricane Harvey in Houston, and Hurricane Sandy in New York City. For each hurricane, the study will...

Occupational Safety and Health Administration in Sea World, Florida

Dawn Brancheau was a trainer for SeaWorld and was tragically killed in 2010 by a killer whale. The case of SeaWorld of Florida v. Perez is about the legal problems that were required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The plaintiff had evidence...

The Biggest Problems and Need for Reformation in Health Care

It was the first time the Democrats started seriously attacking one another since the debates first began, in June 2019 and the ground, they chose to do battle on was an expected one: health care, it is essential for the United States government to provide...

  • Health Care Reform
  • Reformation

Managing US Healthcare System Spending: Goals and Means

Improving the U.S. health protection requires identifying and addressing its current shortcomings in an effort to achieve higher standards and value without reducing access to necessary care — and making the organization more efficient in the process.. Efforts have been made to improve quality and...

  • Health Promotion

The Foundations of the Canadian Health Care System

The Founding principle of the Canadian health care system is solely based on the need for service, and not the ability to pay. The topic of Health Policy in Canada is often surrounded by controversial arguments and elements of conflicts. The Canadian healthcare system is...

Health Insurance and The Reason for It to Be Free

As we all know that health is the greatest wealth one could have, I have a small question to point out. Does everyone around the earth are super healthy and haven’t by any chance fallen ill, met with an accident or face a surgery. True,...

Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace and Its Strategies

Aside from the moist rainforests and fertile valleys that swathe the geography of Oregon, this constituent state of the United States of America is also packed with a rich culture. American-born European descendants dominate the population of Oregonians. Sadly, not all of them recognize the...

Report on the Research about Health Insurance

Health insurance may apply to a constrained or thorough scope of restorative administrations and may accommodate full or halfway installment of the expenses of explicit administrations. Advantages may comprise of the privilege to certain therapeutic administrations or repayment to the safeguarded for indicated medicinal expenses....

Healthcare as a Human Right in North Korea

What is the definition of healthcare in North Korea; or even health care in general? Is Healthcare a Human right in North Korea? In a world comprised of different cultures, and people is a world full of different ideas. Each country and region have different...

  • Individual Rights
  • North Korea

Negatives and Positives of Mandatory Vaccination

Vaccines are a topic that is very trendy and spoken about amongst people all across the globe. The reason being, that it is very contentious with being a historic medical discovery that has incredible benefits, on the controversy it has disadvantages as well, but what...

Comparing The Solutions In Solving Poverty

Poverty is a huge issue throughout society. For instance, the spread of diseases can cause a huge amount of pressure on the healthcare the government has to provide for its people, potentially causing a lack of resources, developing poverty as everyone does not have the...

  • Social Problems

Innovation Management To Improve The Medical Efficiencies In The United States

Based on the main contexts within the book, there is a myriad of the innovative applications with main alignments regarding the theoretical parts of the innovation management. In each factor in the purchasing process as mentioned previously, each performance improvement contributes significantly to the common...

  • Strategic Management

One Way To Assure The Health Of A Discipline Is To Nurture Contrasting Perspectives

Health is defined by Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions as “A state of dynamic balance in which an individual's or a group's capacity to cope with all the circumstances of living is at an optimal level. ”. This in conjunction with how a discipline...

The Concept And Economic Principles Of Program Budgeting In Healthcare

The Great Recession, which started in late 2000s and lasted until early 2010s, has significantly impacted global markets, with sinking international trade, dropping commodity prices and rising unemployment (Isidore, 2018). In healthcare, the effect of this financial crisis was evidently demonstrated in one study: with...

D-Serine, D-Alanine, And N-Methylglycine For Neuropsychiatric Disorders

Introduction The subject matter of the parent application was restricted to use of D-alanine and D-serine and pharmaceutical compositions comprising D-alanine and D-serine for treating neuropsychiatric disorders. The subject matter of this divisional application is directed to use of N-methylglycine and pharmaceutical compositions comprising N-methylglycine...

  • Mental Disorder

The Progress of Mental Health in Afghanistan

Afghanistan is a country of approximately 35 million people, where 99.7% practice Islam in an environment highly susceptible to flooding, droughts, and earthquakes (Central Intelligence Agency, 2018). The country has suffered a prolonged state of war and political instability since 1973, including the rise of...

  • Mental Illness

Analysis Of Public Health Conditions In Edgewater, New Jersey

According to the American Journal of Public Health, public health nursing is essential in order to provide the community with good health, prevent disease and ultimately extend the individual’s life. For this to happen, research and assessments are conducted on the community in different ways...

Drugs And Its Toxicity For Human Health

Drugs are substances if when taken decreases the rate of malady. These substances are configuration to fix and take out the hidden reason for infection. Most time drugs are utilized heedlessly by shoppers without understanding its unfavorable impact. Take for example, paracetamol, a medication known...

  • War on Drugs

Evaluation Of Performance In KP Cal, LLC (Kaiser Permanente's California Medicaid Line Of Business)

Choose any organization you are familiar with. Conduct a survey in that organization about how do they evaluate performance. What mechanism do they adopt? What are the differences between the theoretical aspects and your observation in that organization regarding performance evaluation? Plan Overview KP Cal,...

  • Organization

Health Technology Assessment And Special Funding Requests

Health care always has limited resources thus, health economists have a number of tools to analyse and address the situation. CEA provides a method for prioritizing the health intercessions and resource allocations by identifying potential projects that can yield the greatest improvement in health for...

  • Impact of Technology

Healthcare Culture Of Seventh Day Adventist

There are many kinds of culture throughout the world. A person working in the healthcare environment as nurse or doctor takes care of all kinds of people throughout their life. It is best for the healthcare professionals to have the quality of being well rounded...

  • Religious Beliefs

Healthcare Practices And Beliefs Of Cambodia

To begin to understand the many cultures in today’s world can become overwhelming. We are a nation of many and in healthcare, as medical professions, we need to make sure to try and educate ourselves on the many cultures customs and beliefs. If you don’t...

Principles For Developing A Healthy Cities

How “healthy” is the city you live in? What do you look for in a city? Does your neighborhood have accessible areas for you to workout/exercise or even walk places? Does it have sidewalks? Playgrounds for your kids? Highways close to houses? Street lights? There’s...

Reducing Patient Falls Quality Improvement Plan

Patient falls and the injuries related to them account for one of the most prevalent safety issues facing the healthcare system today. Falls not only have the potential of negatively affecting patient health, but due to recent changes in insurance reimbursement policies, can cost the...

The Healthcare Sector In Developed Countries

Healthcare is involved, directly or indirectly, with the provision of health services to individuals. These services can occur in a variety of work settings, including hospitals, clinics, dental offices, out-patient surgery centers, birthing centers, emergency medical care, home healthcare, and nursing homes. (OSHA, 2018) In...

Usage Of The Internet Of Things (IoT) In Healthcare

Introduction Healthcare is one of the most important applications as there is raising interest seen in people wearing smart watches to monitor their activities during their fitness or athletics. This type of systems not only measures the various readings but also keeps track of daily...

  • Digital Era

Personal Leadership Development Plan In The Medical Field

Personal statement When analyzing myself, I realize that I have more strengths than weaknesses. My weaknesses make me a bad student. My biggest weakness is time management. As a leader, I would like to encourage more adults like myself who have the desire to return...

  • Leadership Development
  • Personal Experience

General Overview Of The Theory Of Chronic Sorrow

Purpose In 1998, Eakes, Burke, and Hainsworth developed The Theory of Chronic Sorrow to determine how individuals respond to ongoing disparity related to chronic illnesses, bereavement, and caregiver role strain. This opened questions about how individuals were affected both physically and mentally by this “ongoing...

Report On The Hospital Chaplaincy Project

Introduction – Health-care Chaplaincy Chaplaincy has been around since the time of the Old Testament when priests and the Levites accompany the Israelite soldiers to war. However, the concept of chaplain ministry started by a simple act of kindness during the fourth century. A clergyman...

Health Unit Health Disparities Report

Introduction The District of Algoma Health Unit (DAHU) is situated in Northern Ontario, between the Thunder Bay District Health Unit and Sudbury District Health Unit. It has a total population of 114,785 and its largest city is Sault Ste. Marie, which has a population of...

Close Interrelationship between Individual’s Sense of Self and Physical Illness

Bibliographical disruption of illness can be understood as how illness affects a person’s identity, societal life and how you view yourself (Sontag, 1979). The essay will be focusing on greater sense of those identities with which illness may interact, including the way such identities may...

Health Literacy Of The Patients

Zoya and her family were aware of her allergy towards sulfa-containing antibiotics. While an event like this is unpredictable, in future it would be more beneficial if patients like Zoya who have multiple drug allergies become more aware of consequences of taking a wrong medication....

Disease Inference System-Comparison Of Different Methods

Health plays an important role in ones happinessand well being. Automatic disease inference is mainly used tobridge the gap between what online health seekers with unusualsymptoms need and what busy doctors with biased expertisecan offer. One of the main challenges in health care sectoris to...

Physical and Mental Health: The Benefits of Health Education for Young Youths

In the 1990’s in the United Sates they were a lot of major health threats that were infectious diseases associated with poor hygiene and poor sanitation. Diseases that were associated with bad nutrition. By motivating students and young youths about the benefits from health education...

  • Education System

The social determinants of health that are impacted are sex and gender, Income and education, health habits, and access to health care. Cervical cancer is a female affiliated disease which has to do with the female reproductive systems and the way to discover the disease...

Best topics on Health Care Policy

1. Overview of the Ways to Improve the Health Care System

2. Sex Education in the Philippines: Execution of the RH Act

3. Is Healthcare a Basic Human Right: Access of LGBT to Healthcare

4. Is Healthcare a Basic Human Right: Fighting Discrimination

5. Healthcare: Is Healthcare a Basic Human Right

6. Why Is It Important To Learn Another Language

7. Healthcare Service Improvements and Clinical Setting

8. Healthcare: Should It Be A Privilege Or A Right In Us

9. The Future Of Healthcare: A Privilege Or A Right

10. Universal Healthcare Is An Undeniable Human Right, Not A Privilege

11. Increasing Access To Medical Nutrition Therapy As Treatment For Epilepsy

12. Aims of the Adult Protection Social Practice in the UK

13. Rhetorical Analysis Of The Affordable Care Act And Emergency Care

14. The Importance of the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules Enforcement

15. Swine Flu Mortality Profile In Udaipur

  • Teen Suicide
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Medical Marijuana

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Health Care Policy Essays

Health care policy, the fundamental principles of care coordination, popular essay topics.

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90+ Strong Health Essay Topics And How To Handle Them

Haiden Malecot

Table of Contents

health care policy essay questions

You can write about healthy lifestyle, rehabilitation after traumas, childcare, common or rare diseases, global advances in health and medicine, environmental health issues, and more.

How to deal with essay on health?

Your essay will be the most impressive if you choose a topic that is familiar to you or you can write about something you have experience with. It will be easier for you to do a health essay paper and build a convincing argument. Another approach is choosing a topic which is not familiar to you but in which you are interested in. It would be a great opportunity for you to educate yourself.

If you pick an interesting essay topic idea which is too broad to cover in your essay, you should do additional keyword research and look for some specific aspects of this topic to narrow it.

Keep in mind that you should look for a narrow topic which has enough available resources that you can use for researching it.

Before you start writing, make sure you have found enough evidence and examples to support your argument. A good idea is to create a working outline or a mind map for your essay that will guide your writing and help you stay focused on your key points.

First, create a strong thesis statement and think about several main points to support it.

If you are looking for health topics to write about and are not sure what to write about, here we have gathered a lot of exciting ideas that you won’t find on any other essay writing services.

Feel free to use them as inspiration own topic ideas or for writing your essays.

Health topics to write about

  • How Can We Help Children Maintain a Healthy Body Weight?
  • Ethical and Legal Issues of Surrogate Pregnancy.
  • How Dangerous are Long-term Consequences of Anorexia?
  • Principles of Preventing Medical Errors in Hospitals.
  • How Can Doctors Promote Healthy Lifestyle?
  • Why is Homeopathy a Pseudo-Science?
  • What Are Side Effects of Blood Transfusion?
  • Types of Eating Disorders.
  • Can a Vegan Diet Be Healthy?
  • The Best Strategies to Maintain Healthy Body Weight.
  • Psychological Issues of Breast Cancer.
  • Importance of Organ Donation after Death.
  • Can Cloning Help Save Lives?
  • Ethics in Human Experimentation.
  • Symptoms of Heart Attacks in Women.
  • Is It Possible to Cure Diabetes in the Future?

Interesting health topics to write about

  • What is the Difference Between Western Medicine and Alternative Medicine?
  • Health Consequences of Eating Disorders.
  • Bioprinting as the Future of Organ Transplants.
  • Use of Stem Cell Technologies for Cancer Treatment.
  • Ethical and Social Issues of Cosmetic Surgery.
  • How Does Advertising Influence Healthy Food Choices?
  • Role of Nutrition Education in Promoting Healthy Diets.
  • Fast Food Consumption and Obesity.
  • How Can Exercise Help Senior Improve Strength and Balance?
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Weight Loss Surgery.
  • Obesity as a Medical and Social Problem.
  • Strategies for Heart Disease Prevention.
  • How Long Can Humans Actually Live?
  • Pros and Cons of Clinical Trials.
  • Alternative Ways to Treat Depression.
  • Is There a Cure for HIV or AIDS?

Controversial health essay topics

  • Is There a Link Between Sugary Drinks and Cancer?
  • Health Consequences of Caffeine.
  • Can Little Kid Food Habits Signal Autism?
  • Should Euthanasia Be Legalized?
  • Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana.
  • Is Alternative Medicine Dangerous?
  • Is Doing Sports always Healthy?
  • Which Diet Is Better: Low-Fat or Low-Carb?
  • Discuss Measures for Prevention of Communicable Diseases.
  • Social Determinants That Influence People’s Well-being.
  • Are Doctors Responsible for the Opioid Epidemic?
  • Is Religion a Mental Disorder?
  • Is Nuclear Waste Really Dangerous for People?
  • Is a No-Carb Diet Safe?
  • Are We Too Dependent on Antibiotics?
  • Are Natural Medicines a Good Alternative to Pharmaceutical?
  • Can Blockchain Help Improve the Trust in the Accuracy of Clinical Trials Data?

Mental health argumentative essay topics

  • Influence of Environmental Factors on Mental Health.
  • Drug Misuse and Mental Disorders.
  • Social Effects of Mental Disorders.
  • Alcohol Addiction and Psychiatric Disorders.
  • Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Teen Depression.
  • How to Protect Your Mental Health from Social Media Dangers.
  • Effects of Social Isolation and Loneliness on Severe Mental Disorders.
  • Negative Effects of Total Isolation on Physical and Mental Health.
  • Mental Health Benefits Associated with Physical Activity.
  • Association between Exercise and Mood.
  • Mental Health Problems of Homeless People.
  • Stress as a Risk Factor for Mental Disorders.
  • Effect of Disposer to Violence on Mental Disorders.
  • Common Mental Disorders in the USA.
  • Depression and Anxiety Disorders among Adults.
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders.
  • Economic Burden of Depression and Anxiety Disorders.
  • Influence of Anxiety Disorders on the Quality of Life.

Health care essay topics

  • Advantages and Challenges of E-health Technology.
  • Application of Big Data to the Medical Care System.
  • Risk Connected with Untested Methods of Alternative Medicine.
  • Controversial Issues in the US Medical Care System.
  • Telemedicine and Other Disruptive Innovations in Health Care System.
  • How Can We Achieve Health Equity?
  • Impact of Racism on the Well-Being of the Nation.
  • School-based Health Care and Educational Success of Children.
  • Role of School-based Health Care in Preventing Dropout.
  • What Can Be Done to Curb Rising Suicide Rates?
  • Do Adults and Senior Still Need Vaccines?
  • What Human Rights Issues Have an Impact on Public Health?
  • What Measures Should Be Taken to Prevent Heat-related Deaths?
  • Discuss Healthy Housing Standards.
  • What Are Common Strategies for Prevention of Chronic Diseases?

Health essay topics for high school students

  • Can Computers Displace Doctors?
  • Can People Become Immortal?
  • Can Happiness Cure Diseases?
  • How to Prevent Teen Pregnancy?
  • The Biggest Health Challenges Facing Youth.
  • Importance of Balanced Diet for Teenagers.
  • Does Being Healthy Make You Happy?
  • Why Is Exercise Important to Teenagers?
  • Why Is Obesity Becoming an Epidemic?
  • How to Become a Healthy Person.
  • Importance of Healthy Lifestyle for Teens.
  • Negative Impact of Smoking Teenagers.
  • How Does Stress Affect Teenagers?
  • Why Do Teenagers Experiment with Drugs?
  • How to Develop Healthy Eating Habits.

Need a health essay overnight? Here’s a deal! Buy argumentative essay help by choosing any topic from our list and handing it to our writers. Complete confidentiality and the brilliant result are guaranteed.

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health care policy essay questions

Highlight the main viewpoint in Conflicts essays

  • Health Tech
  • Health Insurance
  • Medical Devices
  • Gene Therapy
  • Neuroscience
  • H5N1 Bird Flu
  • Health Disparities
  • Infectious Disease
  • Mental Health
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Chronic Disease
  • Alzheimer's
  • Coercive Care
  • The Obesity Revolution
  • The War on Recovery
  • Adam Feuerstein
  • Matthew Herper
  • Jennifer Adaeze Okwerekwu
  • Ed Silverman
  • CRISPR Tracker
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Making sense of the debate’s health care debate

Sarah Owermohle

By Sarah Owermohle July 2, 2024

U.S. President Joe Biden (R) and Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump participate in the CNN Presidential Debate at the CNN Studios. -- health policy coverage from STAT

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The post-debate debate

I know, no one wants to talk about the first 2024 presidential debate. But we’ve got post-debate polls, Democratic tension and real questions about where the race, and the conversation around health care policy, go from here. From “ we finally beat Medicare ,” to abortion rights, health programs’ solvency, and high drug prices, there was a surprising amount of health care debate Thursday night — but little of it substantive, or accurate .


The president stumbled explaining his two most popular campaign talking points: Protecting abortion rights and lowering prescription drug costs. Biden was garbled when explaining Roe’s framework and erred multiple times as he talked about landmark legislation to negotiate drug prices and cap insulin costs.

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Sarah owermohle.

Washington Correspondent

Sarah Owermohle reports on the administration’s health care initiatives, federal health policy, and its intersection with politics and the courts. She joined STAT in 2022 after covering health policy at Politico. She is also the co-author of the free, twice-weekly D.C. Diagnosis newsletter .

White House

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State’s move to bump federal judge from longtime foster care lawsuit caps years of battles

A federal judge has taken the Texas’ foster care system to task for 13 years. Reforms have been made. Now armed with private legal fire power, the state wants the judge off the case.

U.S. District Judge Janis Jack administers the U.S. oath of citizenship to more than 100 area residents representing 25 countries in 2008 aboard the USS Lexington. Jack was the first woman federal judge to serve in Texas south of San Antonio. July 5, 2008.

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On a chilly morning last January, U.S. District Judge Janis Jack was visibly on edge in her Corpus Christi courtroom.

She leaned in and cast a hard look at Cecile E. Young, the Texas Health and Human Services Executive Commissioner appointed by Gov. Greg Abbott during the pandemic.

“Commissioner Young,” Jack said. “Have you ever seen the inside of a jail cell?”

The threat was that Young — who had worked in state government for more than 30 years — would be led out of the courtroom in handcuffs alongside Stephanie Muth, another Abbott appointee at the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, if their agencies didn’t produce “right now” documents Jack had previously requested that showed whether their agencies had been complying with court orders regarding Texas’ beleaguered foster care system.

It was a provocative — and extremely tense — moment, though by far not the only such exchange during that dayslong court hearing. And it crystallized the combative and rancorous relationship that has festered between Jack and Texas welfare officials as they’ve fought over a costly class action lawsuit — filed in 2011 on behalf of children who had been removed from their parents and become wards of the state.

Now, Texas child welfare officials want a higher court to remove Jack from the case, the only one she is overseeing after moving in 2010 to “senior status,” a sort of semi-retirement for federal judges. Since 2011, she’s been the state’s de facto foster care czar .

Among their arguments: She will never let them succeed.

“The record is replete with instances of hostile remarks and actions toward the state defendants and their counsel — hostility that has unfortunately infected the district court’s substantive rulings and that casts a cloud over its future decisions in this case,” reads the state’s June court filing asking the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to remove Jack.

At the center of the battle are the roughly 9,000 children in permanent state custody, removed from their homes due to circumstances that can include abuse at home, complex health needs that parents are unable to manage without help, or the loss of family caregivers.

The children often represent the most tragic stories and have some of the most complex mental and behavioral needs of any child in the system, yet they are often left in dangerous homes and residential centers with poor supervision — frequently overmedicated, trafficked, and unable to get help if they’re continuing to be abused.

The state relies on long-term care facilities, hotels, churches, apartments and rental homes to house them. Children in these placements can be as young as 10 but are often teens with complex trauma and behavioral needs.

The state’s extraordinary request to take her off the case is considered to be the nuclear option, triggered after the judge issued her third contempt order against the state in April.

The state has spent $100 million in taxpayer money trying to comply with Jack’s orders to clean up Texas foster care and stop putting vulnerable youth in its care at risk, an endeavor that has seen some improvements in the conditions Jack and other judges had said were damaging to the kids. But the state has also spent much on fighting them, bringing their arguments to the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals on several occasions.

The agency’s efforts have been met repeatedly with smackdown rulings delivered alongside caustic reprimands and mocking by the judge, new requirements or deadlines, three contempt findings, exhaustive oversight by expensive court monitors, enormous and ongoing fines and the threat of a complete court takeover of the system.

In April, Jack issued a bombshell ruling that found Young and Texas Health and Human Services in contempt of court for the third time and fined the state $100,000 per day until the state could show an attempt to address its routine neglect of investigations into allegations of abuse and neglect of children in the system.The state has appealed the ruling.

“The concerns over the appearance of bias and prejudice are only heightened by the district court’s stated position that there is no end in sight for its supervision of the State’s foster-care system,” the state’s June request reads. “As the court [Jack] has put it, ‘I don’t see how you ever are going to get off monitoring with this attitude. I don’t know how you’re going to ever turn the corner.’”

The 5th Circuit is set to hear oral arguments Aug. 5 on the state’s appeal of the fines and latest contempt ruling as well as the request to remove Jack. A routine status hearing on the lawsuit is set for September, proceedings that have often resulted in further orders, contempt rulings or reprimands.

Attorneys for the children dispute that Jack’s orders and courtroom rebukes are anything other than responses to a yearslong pattern of the state’s repeated efforts to cover up conditions in the system and shortcut, sidestep, block or altogether ignore orders and advice on what child welfare officials should do in order to protect the children in their care.

Replacing Jack, who knows the foster care system better than almost anyone else involved in the case, with someone who has less background would be “deeply cynical” and a huge setback for the children whose lives and health depend on the state’s foster care system, said Paul Yetter, the attorney who is representing the children in the lawsuit.

“She’s tough, but she cares deeply about these children and knows the system. Her expertise is critical to achieve the reforms we need to keep children safe,” Yetter said in a statement to the Tribune on Wednesday. “The state wants a new judge who doesn’t know the system or how badly it has hurt children.”

The state’s appeal of Jack’s April contempt order, which required the state to improve its investigations into allegations of foster children with disabilities being abused, is just one more sign that Texas isn’t ready to be let off the hook yet, Yetter said.

“The state is asking for permission to ignore children who are disabled — some of whom are nonverbal and cannot cry out — and are in perpetual danger inside the system,” Yetter said. “That’s a tragedy waiting to happen.”

Removing Jack from the case and starting over is widely regarded as the most strident attempt yet to change the course of the seemingly endless court fight. But it’s been building toward this tumultuous peak for more than a year, when lawyers for the children announced they would be asking the court to put the entire foster-care system into receivership.

The state acknowledged in its brief that removing Jack from the case would be disruptive but those “consequences pale in comparison to the need to preserve the appearance of impartiality, fairness and justice.”

By comparison, an official court takeover of the state-run system would pose logistical and official nightmares for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, which share responsibility for the state’s foster children.

Some contend that Jack’s 2015 ruling and continued oversight are the primary drivers for what improvements have been made. Critics say the suit has sucked up financial resources that DFPS could have used to improve foster care.

Either way, with its costly attempts at compliance falling short, and court monitors repeatedly uncovering fresh reasons for Jack to continue her oversight and push for change through the lawsuit, Texas is looking for a new exit strategy.

A different judge is the first big step to finally getting out from under the courtroom battle and moving its focus back to taking care of its foster kids, the state contends.

DFPS agency officials declined through a spokesperson to comment to The Texas Tribune, saying they were limited by the pending litigation.

Years of struggling under Jack’s critical eye

Jack first ruled in 2015 that Texas had violated the constitutional rights of foster children to be free from an unreasonable risk of harm, saying that children "often age out of care more damaged than when they entered."

Jack has since issued several orders aiming at widespread reform. Abbott’s office, HHSC and DFPS are all named in the court orders, which the state challenged and the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals partly upheld.

Among the orders that were upheld: The state must increase oversight of residential facilities that house kids, speed up state investigations into abuse and neglect in foster homes, and build software to alert caregivers about child-on-child sexual aggression.

The state had been taking a more cooperative approach to the lawsuit since 2019, when the judge found the system in contempt the first time, levied $250,000 in fines against the state for not enforcing 24-hour watches on the kids in its care, and appointed two monitors who serve as watchdogs to observe the state's compliance.

Last year, the state appeared to escalate its ongoing legal fight after lawyers representing the children asked the judge to hold the state in contempt of court a third time — this time for placing children in unlicensed facilities , mismanaging psychotropic drugs and failing to inform kids how to report abuse and neglect — and requested the judge put the system into receivership.

Then in May 2023, the state hired three high-profile appellate attorneys to come to its defense. Allyson N. Ho, a conservative star in her own right, is married to James Ho, a sitting judge on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals — the very court that will rule whether Jack should remain on the case. Ho has said he would recuse himself from any hearing his wife is part of. The state also hired two other lawyers that have clerked for other sitting 5th Circuit judges.

After the first monitors’ report in late 2020 uncovering hundreds of foster children sleeping in unlicensed placements resulted in a second contempt order and threats of more fines by Jack, Abbott ordered Texas child welfare officials in a letter to “ensure that your agencies fully comply with the remedial orders at issue and submit certifications of compliance by the required dates in order to avoid unnecessary fines.”

The agencies responded that measures were being implemented, including creating a department within HHS that would be dedicated solely to complying with the orders.

At the time, the number of children without placements had surged to the highest point in at least four years — with nearly 300 children spending at least two consecutive nights in February 2021 in unlicensed placements, usually sleeping in offices, hotels or community organizations, because no beds were available in licensed facilities, according to DFPS data.

At one point during a hearing on those children, Jack suggested that she serve the same treatment to a state’s attorney, as well as Muth and Young, that their caseworkers were giving to the children without placements.

“I should sentence [the state defendants’ counsel] and Ms. Muth and Ms. Young to one of these . . . cheap motels, where they can live off of McDonald’s,” she told them during a recent hearing. “Or they might be subject to the tasering or the handcuffs.”

What followed was a $100 million effort to respond to some 60 remedial orders. The state says the agency has taken extraordinary measures to fix issues identified by the orders, noting that those have been confirmed both by the court in recent court proceedings and in previous updates by monitors Jack assigned to track the state’s progress.

Texas child welfare officials reassigned staff to focus on monitoring the unlicensed motels and rental homes that house some of the most vulnerable children in the foster-care system.

Caseworkers are better trained, their caseloads are lower, and investigators were responding more quickly to protect foster children and youth, all in compliance with most of Jack’s orders, the state argued.

Currently, the agency has reached full compliance with two orders that require that caseworkers take professional development training and that supervisors be more mindful of recommended caseload guidelines when distributing more cases to employees, DFPS attorneys said.

The state agency notes that it has also reached 90% compliance or higher with 10 other court orders designed to improve the speed and quality of child abuse and neglect investigations.

Higher priority child abuse and neglect victims are now required to be interviewed in person within 72 hours of an initial report and those investigations must be completed within 60 days.

Documentation for those completed investigations must be filed and the parties notified in a timely manner. And caseworkers are now notified of any abuse or neglect accusation that doesn’t trigger an investigation.

The number of children regularly in unlicensed facilities has dwindled sharply to just 19 on a daily average, according to DFPS data.

“We’ve put absolutely everything into the effort to get real placements for these kids,” DFPS spokesperson Patrick Crimmins told the Tribune last week, “and it is paying off.”

Just in: Former U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney , R-Wyoming; U.S. Sen. John Fetterman , D-Pennsylvania; and Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt will take the stage at The Texas Tribune Festival , Sept. 5–7 in downtown Austin. Buy tickets today!

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Karen Brooks Harper’s staff photo

Karen Brooks Harper

Health and human services reporter.

Learn about The Texas Tribune’s policies , including our partnership with The Trust Project to increase transparency in news.

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Courts Health care Department of Family and Protective Services Health And Human Services Commission


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