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Why Your Facebook Business Reviews Tab is Missing

  • Rachel Solway
  • November 12, 2021

Facebook Reviews Tab Missing

Facebook has long been one of the best websites to use for a business, particularly when you’re a smaller or more local business looking to attract and engage a local audience. To that end, they’ve had a wealth of features you can use to attract, refine, target, and engage your local fans. One such tool is the Business Reviews section.

Thousands of small businesses have come to rely on these reviews, so it can be very concerning to find that they’ve suddenly disappeared. And yet, that’s precisely what happened to many Facebook pages over the last year.

What happened to reviews, and can you get them back?

Facebook Bugs and Glitches

The first reason why many Pages seem to have lost access to their Reviews tab is due to a Facebook bug. Every couple of years, it appears that Facebook encounters errors in their Reviews section and temporarily disables it. It happened back in 2017 , and it happened six months ago . It’s unclear whether or not this is the same issue and Facebook doesn’t care, or if it’s different issues.

Facebook Bugs Glitches

Sometimes, Reviews are disabled, either temporarily or permanently. It seems to happen entirely randomly, and the businesses affected by it don’t have much recourse. You can send in a support ticket, but we all know how Facebook is, with responding to customer feedback.

Unfortunately, it seems that many people who experience this issue, even if they get their Reviews tab back, lose some portion of their existing reviews and recommendations. It’s unclear whether or not that is due to individuals deleting their accounts, a bug losing the reviews, fake reviews being purged, or another issue. Facebook is not forthcoming with information about the subject.

Not all is lost, however. Many people do get their total count of reviews back after some indeterminate period of waiting. For example, many people in this Facebook support thread have their complete reviews list back by now.

Reviews into Recommendations

Digging into the problem, it seems that at least part of the issue stemmed from Facebook changing their Reviews system at the core level. Years ago, Reviews were tied to physical business attributes, and you needed to have your business location with map, address, and contact information available to enable reviews. This requirement was a way to cut down on the burden of hosting reviews for tiny web businesses and enforce reviews being visible for small businesses.

In the years since, Facebook has transitioned its Reviews tab to a stand-alone tab, and since then, it has converted it from Reviews into “Recommendations & Reviews.” The new, modern Recommendations still show up under a “Reviews” tab in the top bar. However, the transition from one system to the other temporarily disabled the tab for many businesses.

Facebook Business Recommendation

Today, it seems as though the issues are resolved. Virtually everyone we can find complaining that their reviews are missing now has their reviews back, such as this page and this page.

You’ll notice that, currently, the “Reviews” section is just an infobox. The star rating out of five is estimated “Based on how many people recommend or don’t recommend the Page, as well as any past ratings and reviews it may have.”

Today, individuals can no longer leave star-rated reviews for businesses on Facebook. Instead, the only option available is to either Recommend or Not Recommend a business. This recommendation, or lack thereof, is calculated into the star rating based on previous metrics.

Business owners may also notice something else on the Reviews tab: a box asking for feedback. It appears for people who have an admin account on the Page, and says this:

“Have Feedback About Your Business’ Reviews Experience? We’ve made changes to the Reviews tab and would love your feedback. What do you think of the new experience?”

Whether or not that feedback goes anywhere is another story, of course, but it does indicate that Facebook is aware of and acknowledges a change they made to the system.

That said, it’s also possible that many reviews are “missing” for one reason or another. You can count on many pages yourself; a page that claims to have 150 reviews may only show 70 or so of them. That seems to be Facebook hiding old reviews and only showing more recent recommendations, though some old reviews (the 1 and 5 stars, in particular) seem to have converted into recommendations.

The Possible Removal of Recommendations

Another potential cause for concern is some hints we’ve seen that Facebook might be removing the Recommendations and Reviews feature altogether. At the start of 2021, someone having issues with the Recommendations feature posted about it , with information from their Facebook Support contact. They said:

“I have gotten word back from our team. It looks like this is happening to a bunch of Pages in preparation of removing the Recommendation system like I was mentioning. Our team is working on a replacement system but they do not have any time frame when that will be released. Expect the Recommendation and the ratings to section of the review tab to be completely remove in the near future. The reviews will stay but the Recommendation and the ratings will be removed.”

Since then, many businesses have had their Reviews removed or the data removed, but the tab is still visible, in a way that feels quite damaging to a Page. Unfortunately, there’s no known issue, so the best we can do is offer troubleshooting tips for as long as Facebook persists in half-measures and incomplete changes.

Troubleshooting a Missing Reviews Tab

There are generally a handful of reasons why you might be missing a Reviews tab, with varying levels of accessibility. You may or may not be able to solve the issue, and part of it depends on what Facebook is doing behind the scenes. Sadly, they don’t like talking about what they’re doing until they’ve finished, so we don’t have much more information than you do.

Your Reviews tab was disabled at some point.

Perhaps the most common reason that your Reviews tab is missing is that it was somehow disabled. Facebook allows you to customize which tabs are visible on your Page, and in which order. You only get a few spaces for tabs before the rest become hidden under a “More” drop-down, so turning off tabs your business doesn’t use is a good idea. Here’s how to troubleshoot this issue:

Log into your Facebook account and visit your Page.

Facebook Login Page

On the top bar, beneath the cover photo, click the More drop-down. Check for Reviews. If it’s there, you’ll need to move it to be more visible.

Facebook Checking for Reviews

If Reviews is missing, click on the Edit Tabs entry at the bottom of the More box. If the Edit Tabs entry isn’t there, you’re probably not logged into the correct account. Switch and try again.

Facebook Edit Tabs

In the Edit Tabs menu, look for Reviews. If it’s not there, skip to the next section of this troubleshooting list. If it is, make sure the radio button is blue (enabled) rather than gray (disabled).

Facebook Disabled Reviews

This menu is also where you can reorganize your tabs. The six dots to the left of the tabs are boxes you can click and drag to reorganize the order of the tabs. Note that there’s no “save” button; every change you make is reflected on your page immediately.

Reorganizing Facebook Tabs

It’s possible that your Reviews tab was disabled at some point in the past. We’ve seen a few different reasons why this might have happened.

  • Someone accidentally clicked the button and, not knowing it saves automatically, either refreshed or left the settings page.
  • Facebook bugged out or intentionally disabled Reviews for your Page for one reason or another . A lot can go wrong on a site of this size, and a lot can slip through the cracks.
  • You may have experienced an influx of negative reviews and, in an attempt to stem the tide, temporarily disabled the Reviews tab . If you did so and then forgot about it (or if a third-party reputation manager did so and didn’t change it back), it may still be hidden.

Unfortunately, there’s no real way to tell what the cause is unless you have internal documentation.

Your Page template changed to one without a Reviews tab.

Above, we mentioned that if your Tabs settings menu does not have a Reviews tab, skip to this section. What happened?

Facebook rolled out different “Page Templates” in the past, and every Page has been converted to one of those templates. The templates are Standard, Business, Venues, Nonprofit, Politicians, Services, Public Figures, Restaurants & Cafes, Shopping, and Video Page.

Facebook Page Templates

Depending on the nature of your Page, you may have chosen a template other than Standard or Business. That’s fine; doing so gives you access to a more customized and engineered experience for that specific kind of entity. It changes things like your available Call to Action buttons and, critically, the range of Tabs available to you.

You can see the complete list of templates and the tabs available to them here . To summarize, though, several Page Templates do not have the Reviews tab available; these primarily include the Videos and Politicians templates. If you’re set to one of these templates and don’t need to be, it can be beneficial to change from that template to one that gives you more options.

A third-party service has replaced your Reviews tab.

Another issue we’ve seen is that some third-party services replace the Reviews tab with their own custom tab and use their own data to host your reviews instead. Here’s an example .

It’s unclear whether or not this is still an issue. This issue was more common when a business needed to have a certain number of followers before using Reviews, which is no longer the case. Additionally, pages under 2000 likes cannot make custom tabs .

Facebook Page Tabs

While this is relatively unlikely to be the cause of your problem, if you’re using a third-party system that manages your reviews, this may be the cause. Additionally, if you used one in the past but canceled, they may have taken down their page and your reviews with it.

Your reviews are either too old or too new.

Facebook has rarely shown every review for a page unless that page only has a couple of reviews. If you have very old reviews or reviews that are under 30 days old, it’s possible that they just aren’t showing. There’s not much you can do to recover old reviews, and new reviews would presumably show up after a few weeks, so you can’t do anything other than wait.

Facebook Good Recommendation

Also, some reviews may get removed if the person who left the review deleted their account. It’s possible, that the total review count and score stay the same, but the review disappears. We haven’t verified if this is the case, but it’s plausible.

Getting More Reviews

If you’re a small business and rely on reviews to survive, Facebook getting rid of the Reviews tab could be devastating. You aren’t entirely out of luck, however. One excellent option is still available to you, and that’s Google Business Reviews. Google’s Business Profile ( formerly My Business ) allows you to aggregate reviews directly on Google.

If you’re mourning the loss of your Facebook reviews, and want to get your reviews back, consider reaching out to us. Our LocalReviews product helps you generate and solicit reviews from your customers, building your reputation and review score naturally and without fake reviews. When Facebook is cutting down on useful business features, Google is picking up the slack, and will continue to grow as one of the best tools available for small businesses.

OneLocal LocalReviews

Facebook may be struggling between ad issues relating to Apple, their rebrand to Meta, and a lack of interest from younger generations. If your business isn’t already diversifying, now’s the time to do it. The missing Reviews tab is likely just the beginning.

If you have any questions regarding your Facebook business reviews, our LocalReviews product, or anything similar, please feel free to reach out at any time. We’d be more than happy to assist you.

where has facebook reviews gone

Rachel Solway is a seasoned marketing professional dedicated to empowering small businesses through innovative marketing strategies. With extensive experience at OneLocal, a leading marketing solutions provider, Rachel’s insights are helping thousands of local businesses navigate the digital landscape.

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Facebook reviews not showing up

  • Post author: Andy Bate
  • Post published: April 29, 2022
  • Post category: Blog / Facebook / Instagram / LinkedIn
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

Recently, I’ve had many business clients contact me asking, ‘Becs, where have my Facebook reviews gone?’ or ‘why can’t I see Facebook reviews’, and tell me, ‘I think Facebook removed reviews’.

Facebook reviews are so important, aren’t they? I bet the last time you considered paying for a service or product online you headed straight to the reviews and took a moment to read through the Facebook recommendations, to make sure that you were investing in something worthwhile.

I’m the same – Facebook reviews (recommendations) are social proof, helping us determine if a company is reliable or not and it helps us make the right decision when parting with our money!

Therefore missing Facebook reviews are a big concern as we know that all potential customers will be on the lookout for them.

There are 3 reasons why your reviews may not be appearing on your Facebook business page:

 1. You’ve not enabled Facebook Reviews Tab:

  • If you’ve not enabled the Review tab, then it won’t appear on your Facebook page. This means that no one can leave you a review or see any of the lovely reviews that you’ve been given.

This is a Facebook problem that’s very easy to rectify. And don’t worry if this feature has been accidentally switched off – your reviews won’t have gone anywhere.

  • Head to your Facebook business page.
  • Click on ‘Settings’ on the left-hand side of the screen.
  • Find ‘Templates and Tabs’
  • Make sure it is switched on – this shows as blue.

where has facebook reviews gone

(If you have recently switched to the new Facebook experience your layout will be slightly different.)

And there you go; your Review tab will automatically appear again, and all your past reviews will be on show for all to see. And your happy customers can once again start leaving you amazing reviews!

2. The reviewee can see their review, but you can’t:

If ever you’ve had a customer say, ‘hey, did you get my review?’ and it just isn’t showing under your Review tab it’s highly likely that your customer hasn’t set their review to Public.

To write a review for a company you need to check that the ‘world’ icon appears next to it – this means that everyone can see it and it will appear on the company’s Facebook business page.

Here’s how to leave a review:

  • Open up the company’s business page.
  • Click on the Reviews tab.
  • You’ll be asked to click to confirm that you recommend them.
  • Write in your review when prompted.
  • Under the ‘Sharing to’ drop down menu, make sure it says ‘public’.
  • Your review will appear straight away.

where has facebook reviews gone

Pass this information on to your customers to make sure that the reviews that they have written are public and not just available for their friends to see. If Facebook reviews are not set to public they do NOT count towards your review rating, therefore make sure to check with customers they are public.

If they’ve made a mistake and the review was set to “friends” only, don’t worry, it’s easy to edit. They just need to go on their profile click more, go to reviews and change the privacy setting of the review.

where has facebook reviews gone

If they see the icon of two people next to the review – as shown in image below – then they need to click on the icon and change it to the Public (the world icon). The Facebook recommendation will then appear on your Facebook page and count towards your review rating.

where has facebook reviews gone

3. There’s a glitch – Facebook reviews not working 2022

There will always be an instance where things just go wrong and your Facebook reviews disappear. Unfortunately, this is par for the course with Facebook, it is constantly changing and when a big change happens like the layout this is when Facebook glitches and errors often happen.

For example, a common glitch to affect Facebook recommendations when updating to a new layout is that your reviews will be there for all to see, but Facebook will state that you have 0 recommendations. What a contradiction!

For this example, let’s look at Paula from Taylor’s page. She’s got lots of amazing Facebook reviews, but as you can see, at first glance you might think that she doesn’t have any. It clearly says, ‘No recommendations yet’, but just look to the right of that message and there they are!

where has facebook reviews gone

One piece of advice I would give is to always take a screenshot of your reviews just in case they do simply disappear into a black hole. If people delete their Facebook profile, those reviews will also disappear.

Reporting scam Facebook reviews

This next bit goes off on a slightly different tangent from the ‘Facebook reviews disappeared’ theme but it is a serious issue to keep a watchful eye on.

My Facebook page gets visited by many people wanting to pick up valuable social media tips, and my reviews get read a lot too. This is great news for me, but other people can take advantage of this and use this space to promote their own company – how very rude!

While you can’t remove these spam reviews, you can report them.

Facebook recommendations not showing 2022: How to report problems

Always report things that have gone wrong on your Facebook page or some activity on your page from another Facebook user that doesn’t seem right or fair.

The more people that report an issue, the more likely this social media giant is going to do something about it.

  • Head to the drop-down box in your personal account.
  • Click ‘Help and Support’ at the top right-hand corner of the screen
  • Follow the prompts to report a problem.

where has facebook reviews gone

Further reading

Head to my blog, 9 Ways To Grow Facebook Followers in 2022 and get motivated to get the most out of this amazing social media marketing tool.

What’s coming up?

For anyone who wants their Facebook business page to be a hub of activity, a place where people actively head to, an area where relationships strengthen, and an influential space that attracts new business you’ve come to the right place.

My online course, ‘ Creating and Management Successful Facebook Business Pages’ is for you. In bite-size, jargon free, modules you’ll learn how to grow your business without paying for advertising.

where has facebook reviews gone

To enrol and to learn more about each module head to my website today.

  To view all of my upcoming workshops, head over to my website .

Bye for now,

Becs Bate Social Media Consultant, Social Media Executive

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February 2, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Facebook Reviews

a group of people each holding a star above their heads to symbolize facebook reviews

Facebook reviews — officially called Facebook Recommendations — on local business Pages can help you build your company’s online reputation, expand your search visibility, and attract more customers to your business locations.

According to research:

  • Facebook holds 19% of all customer reviews . The social media platform also ranks fourth just behind Google, Yelp, and Tripadvisor on the list of review sites people check before visiting a business. ( Online Reviews Statistics )
  • 18.3% of U.S. adults made a purchase through Facebook in the last year. ( eMarketer )
  • 2 out of 3 Facebook users visit a local business Page at least once a week. ( Hootsuite )
  • 55% consider the social network as the most common place to learn about new brands and products. Meanwhile, 66% are likely to share their thoughts, experiences, and opinions on their purchases on Facebook. ( Facebook Reputation Management guide)

google is the top site for business reviews

One thing to note: If you haven’t done so already, we suggest taking the time to learn how to claim a Facebook business page . 

Doing so ensures that you have an official place on Facebook where people can leave online reviews . For brands with multiple locations, we suggest you also check out our guide on how to manage multiple Facebook Pages with Facebook Business Manager .

What are Facebook Reviews / Recommendations?

For years, Facebook business Pages featured traditional online reviews and ratings. This changed in 2018, when the social network rolled out a series of visual changes and features that included “Facebook Recommendations.”

With the update, Facebook followed the trends set by Netflix and YouTube by ditching the 5-star rating system in favor of Yes/No options. Now, a query field appears on a business Page’s “Recommendations and Reviews” section with the question: “Do you recommend (business name)?”

screenshot of Facebook recommendations on the mobile app

Users can answer by pressing the “Yes” or “No” button and can add further context to their recommendations with tags, photos, and more text.

As a local business Page owner, you will no longer see any star-based reviews coming into your Page. Customers will rate your business simply by choosing whether or not they recommend it. 

How Do I See Facebook Reviews and Recommendations?

If you’re wondering how to see reviews on your Facebook business Page, simply go to your Page and click the Recommendations or Reviews tab found under your profile picture. (If you’re using Facebook Business Manager , you can follow the same procedures for Pages to which you have access.) 

If you previously enabled online reviews on your Page, Recommendations have been automatically turned on. To make it easier to find specific Recommendations, you can apply a “most helpful” or “most recent” filter to sort all your Recommendations and ratings.

Are Facebook Recommendations Public? 

All Facebook reviews and Recommendations are publicly displayed on your Page’s Reviews or Recommendations tab. They cannot be set to private.

What Happened to My Ratings?

If your business managed to compile a fair amount of Facebook reviews with high rating scores before Recommendations were rolled out, don’t worry: your ratings did not go away. 

They are still taken into account for your overall rating, which is also still displayed on your Page. As for how Facebook calculates this, it’s a mixture of reviews based on the past 5-star rating system and the current Yes / No Recommendations. 

How to Set Up Facebook Reviews

By default, Facebook reviews are activated when you create a Page. If, for some reason, it isn’t available when the Page is created, you can turn it on manually via the Manage Page section on the left side of the screen. To turn on Facebook reviews:

  • Go to your brand page.
  • Click on the “Settings” button on the Manage Page section.
  • A new window should appear. Click on the “Templates and Tabs” section.
  • Toggle the “Reviews” option to ON.

To make it easier for people to leave unsolicited feedback , you should make sure that people see the Reviews section on your page. You can change the order of the sections in this area through the “Templates and Tabs” section in the Page’s settings. Drag the dotted icon next to the section name to change the order.

a screenshot of the review page on the ReviewTrackers Facebook page

How Do I Respond to Facebook Reviews?

Facebook reviews and Recommendations appear like traditional posts in the Reviews section. This means you can respond to any review on a Page by commenting on it. You can also “like” or “love” a Recommendation.

An example of a Recommendation on Facebook and the business Page's response

Before you do so, make sure you’re responding using your brand’s Facebook account and not your personal profile.

Before typing a response, it’s important to learn how to respond to negative reviews as well as positive feedback. 

According to research, 44.6% of consumers are more likely to visit a business if it responds to negative reviews. But don’t wait too long before typing out a response: 53.3% expect a response from a company within seven days.

The way your brand handles criticism or praise goes a long way towards brand success. Choosing the right words and taking feedback to heart can put your brand above the competition.

Can I Delete Facebook Reviews?

Currently, you can’t delete individual Facebook reviews and Recommendations from your page. If you don’t want reviews, the only option is to disable the entire feature. To do so:

  • Go to the “Settings” section of the Manage Pages tab.
  • Click on the “Templates and Tabs” button.
  • Next to the “Reviews” section, toggle the switch from On to Off.

Turning this off might not be the best idea because it removes all reviews, including the positive reviews your brand might have accumulated throughout the years. In many ways, a page with reviews is better off than one without any reviews at all. That feedback serves as valuable social proof for consumers, and they’ll be quick to dismiss a brand if it doesn’t contain any consumer feedback.

If you believe a Facebook review contains spammy content or doesn’t meet the terms of use and content guidelines, you can send a report to Facebook .

A screenshot of where and how to report a review on Facebook

What Companies Should Know About Facebook Recommendations

Recommendations and reviews are geared towards making your brand more discoverable and trustworthy on Facebook. 

According to the social network, having great Recommendations “may make your Page easier to find in Facebook search” — similar to how Google reviews can impact your local SEO performance. 

Recommendations are also useful for understanding the customer experience. The updated interface encourages your customers to provide richer, more detailed feedback about their experiences.

After users make the choice of recommending your business or not, they will be asked to provide additional details using tags, text, and photos. Selecting a tag will allow common themes to emerge, making it easier for potential customers to see your business’s highlights.

Example of common keywords found in Facebook Recommendations

How To Get Facebook Reviews

Asking for reviews for your Facebook Page doesn’t have to be difficult (or awkward). 

If you have your customers’ contact information, you can send personalized SMS messages or emails asking for their feedback. (Make sure you get their permission to send messages to them before doing so). 

For those physically visiting your locations, you can give them physical reminders like cards or use stickers and posters in high-traffic areas to make customers aware of your Facebook page.

Screenshot of SMS Ask Tool template

Based on our own research, the best time to start asking for reviews is around 2-3 p.m. or 6-7 p.m. 

Regardless of when you ask for feedback, the important thing is to keep it short, sweet, and uncomplicated. Quickly tell people why you want their feedback and provide a short link that doesn’t require people to jump through multiple hoops before they can leave a Facebook review. 

The Importance of Facebook Reviews

Facebook reviews, along with reviews on other business review sites , are important marketing assets for any brand. 92.4% of consumers use these reviews to guide their purchasing decisions. People need social proof to know if a product or service is worth the time, and more importantly, the investment.

On a popular site such as Facebook, reviews carry plenty of weight, and you need to use it to your advantage to improve the experience, attract more customers, and beat the competition.

where has facebook reviews gone

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where has facebook reviews gone

How to see reviews on Facebook Business Page

Facebook reviews are an important part of your business, and they can help potential leads make decisions about becoming a customer. To leverage your reviews, you need to ensure they are easy to find on your Facebook Business Page . 

Your Facebook reviews and previous star ratings can help potential customers research your business and understand customer satisfaction. Reviews extend beyond Facebook, so you can apply reputation management strategies for Google reviews or other sites.

Free Guide: 10 Tips To Get More Customers From Facebook

Why can’t i see reviews on my facebook business page .

Reviews benefit your marketing strategy , but what happens if your reviews aren’t showing up on your Facebook Business Page ? You may not be able to see your reviews on Facebook because you don’t have reviews turned on, or your reviews tab may be hidden on your business profile. 

To make sure customer reviews are visible, first check to ensure that the review function is turned on. To do so, go to your Facebook business page and follow these steps: 

  • Go to “ Page Settings ”
  • Find “ Templates and Tabs” 
  • Toggle the “Review” button if it is not active 

If the review button is turned on, you’ll want to ensure that your reviews are visible on your platform. Facebook allows you to reorganize the tabs or sections of your Facebook business profile. Sometimes, you may have more tabs than can be shown at one time, so your review tab is left in the dark.

To reorganize your tabs, go back to the Templates and Tabs section of your Facebook settings. Here you can reorganize the tabs so your reviews tab is higher in the navigation menu.

Facebook reviews vs. recommendations

Facebook reviews and recommendations are ways for your business to get added exposure. Reviews live on your Facebook Business Page and can be viewed by anyone who visits. As a business owner , you can respond to these reviews (and should). Potential customers will look at online reviews to see how you treat customers, along with any negative or positive things that they could expect. 

Facebook recommendations allow people to share businesses that they would recommend. Facebook users can choose to post a recommendation to their profile. Users can also respond to other users’ Facebook posts and leave a recommendation about a business. 

How to use Facebook Business Manager to manage reviews and recommendations

It’s important for local businesses to manage reviews and recommendations. To do so, you can access your reviews from the Meta Business Suite or in Business Manager . Here, you can respond to reviews, report or flag a review that Facebook should look into.  

To access your reviews in Business Manager , follow these steps:

  • Head to “All Tools”
  • Choose “Engage Customers”
  • Select “Ratings and Reviews”

In the Meta Business Suite: 

  • Head to “More Tools”

Best practices for Facebook business pages

Your Facebook Business Page can be an effective part of your marketing strategy . A Facebook Business Page allows you to get noticed more by potential customers , and it can be an extension of your website in many ways. Not only is it customizable for your business, but a growing number of people are also using social media sites as search engines. Instead of heading to Google or Bing, users look for your business directly on Facebook. 

Here are a few best practices regarding a Facebook business page . 

Add business information

If you’re just now setting up a Facebook Business Page , or you’re looking to update yours, one of the most important things to do is to fill it with pertinent information. Facebook offers many ways to customize your Facebook business profile. Be creative and treat your Facebook Business Page like a second website. 

Encourage reviews and respond

Whether it’s a positive or negative review , consumers like to see how your business responds. As part of your Facebook strategy, you should be reading your reviews and responding to both the positive reviews and any concerns voiced by your customers. 

You can’t just create a business profile and never look at it again. In order for it to be successful, you need to be posting, commenting and interacting with people on the platform. While this may seem daunting, you don’t have to let it take over your life. Focus on what you can do and create a plan around that. 

Boost your social media presence with Broadly

For small business owners , managing your Facebook account and other social media platforms can be overwhelming. If you add in managing your online reputation and responding to reviews, it may be too much for a business owner to handle. 

The good news is that Broadly can help. Broadly’s team of experts knows exactly what your business needs regarding marketing and social media , and they can help you create the right strategy for your business. 

Watch your online reputation transform with Broadly

Get more out of broadly., winning seo tips for small businesses, local seo optimization: complete guide, top local seo tools for home service business owners, essential small business seo tips, powerful home services lead generation strategies, how to trademark your business name: a step-by-step guide for entrepreneurs, master your online business reputation: essential strategies, maximizing your visibility on angie’s list business center, how to master local business marketing: a comprehensive guide for service providers, ultimate guide to plumbing lead generation: strategies to boost your business.


15 Apr Why can’t I see all of my Facebook reviews?

Facebook has come a long way from the simple social site first launched back in 2004. What initially began as a website for college students fifteen years ago is now the largest social media platform in the world with over four billion users. It’s not surprising that forward-thinking companies quickly learned that Facebook could be used to promote their brand and connect directly with customers. Facebook soon realized that growth not only could come in the form of personal accounts, but also corporate, launching business pages in 2007.

Today, over 32% of Facebook users interact with brands on a regular basis [Sprout Social]. Once important facet of this interaction comes through the form of reviews. Business owners can choose to include a reviews section on their page, allowing customers to recommend a company that they support. Positive reviews are vital, and in a recent BrightLocal survey, it was discovered that 85% of people trust online reviews as much as their friends’ and families’ endorsements. Nearly 70% of customers are more likely to use a local business with positive reviews, and 40% of consumers said they would avoid local businesses that have negative reviews.

Assuming a company has reviews enabled on their page*, there should be no stopping customers from easily recommending and leaving comments about their favorite companies.  The overall number of reviews, both positive and negative determines a page’s rating. However, unless a review is left publicly, it will not show up on the company’s page. This can be a problem for service-based small businesses that rely heavily on reviews and word of mouth when trying to make a name for themselves in the local community.

where has facebook reviews gone

Users should select “public” from the drop down box to ensure their review will be seen by both the business and other potential customers.

So what should a small business do when asking for testimonials on their Facebook page from loyal clients? When asking for a review, be sure to state that the review needs to be public. If not, the review will only be seen by the customer’s Facebook friends and any positive review that is made privately will not add to the page’s overall rating.

*Enable or disable a business page’s reviews in page settings under the “Templates and Tabs” button.

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Smile Savvy - Websites, Social Media and Internet Marketing for Pediatric Dentists

Facebook Kills Reviews: Why Facebook has Removed Reviews, Replacing them with Recommendations.

If you own a Facebook local business Page, you’ll notice that visitors no longer have the option to leave a 1 to 5-star review. Instead, they are presented with a simple question: Do you recommend “ business name” ?

What are Facebook’s business Page Recommendations?

Facebook replaced reviews with recommendations

This “Yes or No” option, along with previous reviews, leads to an overall rating score – a feature that hasn’t changed but has become more prominent. Facebook says this rating is based on, “how many people recommend or don’t recommend the Page, as well as any past ratings and reviews it may have.”

Your old reviews still appear, along with their original star rating, although visitors can no longer see history of every review you’ve ever received. Any positive recommendations moving forward appear as a red recommended icon, while those indicating a negative experience appear as gray icons.

How is my Facebook recommendations score determined?

For now, it seems as if Facebook is using the same algorithm as before to determine your overall score. However, with only “yes” or “no” options, it stands to reason that businesses with no prior review history will receive either a solid 5.0 or 1.0 unless Facebook changes this again – and we’re certain they will.

Where is Facebook getting the recommendations that appear on my business Page?

Recommendations on Local Business Facebook Pages

The recommendations that appear on your Facebook business Page also include posts made elsewhere on Facebook. This is an expansion of a popular Facebook feature that began in 2017. For example, if you create a post on your own Profile asking a question such as, “What is the best dentist in Arlington?,” Facebook understands the semantics of that question and automatically knows you’re “looking for recommendations.”

Before the post is finalized, Facebook will even recommend adding a map to your post. If someone recommends your business, that recommendation will appear in the Reviews section of your business Page – if the post privacy settings are set to Public. It’s important to note that only public posts will appear on your Page, so it’s likely that your total score could be influenced by posts you’re unable to see.

Why did Facebook remove Reviews?

The removal of the star rating system in favor of Recommendations is part of Facebook’s larger focus to increase the engagement of local business Pages and make them more useful. It’s no secret that reach has been steadily dropping, with fewer and fewer people looking at business Pages and even fewer seeing your posts. Facebook is working hard to compete with services like Yelp and Foursquare. And with Google still struggling to marry social interaction with local search, Facebook wants to become the go-to place for word-of-mouth recommendations on local goods and services. In fact, removing reviews is just the latest step in encouraging users to share their experiences with friends and is a response to a common Facebook use – finding out which businesses their friends recommend.

Local Business recommendation on Facebook

This actually is my favorite pizza place in DFW! – SC

How can I build more reviews and Facebook Recommendations?

Smile Savvy has developed a reputation management tool called  Review Pro  that empowers your business to build positive reviews and recommendations on the sites that matter most, like Facebook and Google. If you’re having trouble building positive reviews, consider trying Review Pro  – there’s no setup fee, no long-term contract, and pricing starts at only $59/month.

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I had this bad reviews on my business on goggle, Reddit, Yelp and other platforms .. I have tried everything I could think of but all didn”t work out for me until i thought of hiring a reliable hacker to help me out with that and to my greatest surprise these incredible hackers took down all the bad Reviews on all the platforms WEBOWLHACK5 AT GMAIL DOT COM , +1 201 549 3937 Contact him as well if you’re having similar issues .

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Facebook Review Ratings Are Now Recommendations

Picture of Lars Kristensen

Lars Kristensen

Facebook recommendations replace facebook ratings, it's now easier to get facebook reviews.

If you've ever left a review on Facebook before, it's always worked pretty much like every other rating site. You visit a company's Facebook Page, click the review tab, enter a 1-5 star rating and provide a brief comment.

This is the same pattern used by other major review sites, like Google, Yelp and TripAdvisor.

That's what makes this change pretty big news. Facebook has eliminated the 5-star rating system and replaced it with Facebook recommendations.

Now, when your customers go to leave a Facebook review, they'll instead be asked to make a Facebook recommendation with a very simple question:

Would you recommend Company X?

Here's how the new format for Facebook reviews appears on Facebook for the new Facebook recommendations:

Facebook recommendations vs. reviews: the new look.

How to Rate a Facebook Page

First thing's first: you need to create a Facebook company page and optimize it to get customer reviews. Check out our guide on   how to set up a business Facebook Page .

Secondly, there aren't really Facebook ratings anymore. A Facebook Page rating is now a recommendation, so your customers won't rank your business anymore.

So this means that a Facebook review now takes the form of recommendation. Customers will be asked if your business is worth recommending to others with a simple yes-or-no question.

You can ask to get Facebook recommendations from your customers by directing them to your Facebook Page and by clicking on "Recommendations" or "Reviews."

With a tool like NiceJob's   reputation marketing software , you can also automate getting Facebook reviews and share your Facebook reviews as social proof to easily increase sales and improve your reputation.

Easily win 4x more customer reviews

NiceJob’s set-and-forget review software automatically gets you reviews and shares them on Facebook, Instagram, and more so you can become top rated — without spending a dime on ads.

Reviews Social Proof Stories Automation-1

Facebook Recommendations vs. Reviews

Facebook reviews are now recommendations. But they're still reviews in a way, except users simply give you a Facebook review by   recommending   you with a "yes" instead of giving you a Facebook rating of between 1-5.

This means that a Facebook 5-star rating has a different functionality than it previously did.

How Are Facebook Ratings, Recommendations and Reviews Different?

Facebook ratings no longer exist. They have been replaced by Facebook recommendations, which are a yes/no review of a company's Facebook Page.

Both Facebook ratings and Facebook recommendations are types of reviews. So you can still get reviews on Facebook as Facebook recommendations. Except customers will simply recommend you or not instead of giving a Facebook 5-star rating.

However, at least for now, Facebook still shows 5-star ratings—they calculate this score "based on how many people recommend or don’t recommend the Page, as well as any past ratings and reviews it may have."

In other words, customers now leave Facebook reviews as "recommendations" instead of manually leaving a star rating. And then Facebook shows a 5-star rating based on the recommendations the business receives.

Facebook-review algorithms decide how many stars a business gets mostly based on how many customers give a yes/no recommendation of your business.

Why Facebook Switched its 5-Star Rating System

Multiple-choice rating systems are always a bit subjective. And the more choices in a rating system, the more subjective each choice becomes.

In a 5-star review rating system, some customers may view 5-star ratings as utter perfection, something that can be rarely, if ever, obtained. Other customers may rate almost any product or service five stars, as long as the product was satisfactory. The more options any decision has, the more room for interpretation there will be between the given options.

A "yes" or "no" question on the other hand is a binary decision—there's only two available outcomes. A customer is presented with a unambiguous question: "Would you you recommend Company X?" Their answer to that question is open to very little interpretation; it's either "yes" or "no."

Another advantage of limiting the potential responses is that it generally increases response rates.

Choosing between five options is intrinsically more difficult than choosing between two options. And people are generally more likely to act on the path of least resistance. Changing ratings to recommendations will likely help Facebook significantly increase their response rates.

Do I Need to Get Facebook Recommendations?

A resounding yes! Here's why.

People love social validation. Admit or not, most people really do care what other people think. So if your friends all rave about a product or a service, we feel good about making that same choice as it's already been socially validated. This influence of social validation happens all the time without us ever knowing it.

For small businesses, this kind of social validation is called social proof — and using   social proof reviews   is a great way to market your company and increase your sales.

In the past, social validation required in-person contact. Thanks to Facebook, we have the biggest social validation engine the world has ever seen (for better or for worse). Personal contact is no longer needed, a single post on Facebook can reach thousands of people.

What Happens When Someone Recommends Your Product or Service on Facebook?

Everyone a customer is connected to on Facebook can see their Facebook recommendations and reviews.

Let's say your a home-service company, like a plumber or window cleaner. You do a great job and your customer leaves you a Facebook recommendation. That customer is Facebook friends with many of the neighbours and others in the community. All these connections now see that this person recommended your company.

That should get you really excited about Facebook recommendations and the updated Facebook reviews!

91% of people trust an online review as much as a personal recommendation from a friend

5f6814a02a7482796267b723_Facebook Reviews Now Facebook Recommendations

Recommendations are powerful social proof, just like review ratings. In the coming years, businesses that don't make   reputation marketing   a core piece of their marketing will find it very hard to compete.

How to Get Facebook Recommendations

Do great work. Offer a great product. Create exceptional experiences for your customers. Customer service is paramount to collecting Facebook recommendations, so read our guide on   how to deliver exceptional customer service .

Most importantly, make sure you ask for Facebook recommendations! Customers will want to know how to leave a recommendation Facebook, so give them some direction when you ask for a Facebook review.

Your customers want to know how to leave a review on Facebook, so simply invite them to recommend you.

So many companies that have a great product or service fail to take that last step in enabling their customers to share their experiences in an easy way.

Facebook recommendations may need to be turned on for your company page, so here's the step-by-step guide from Facebook on   how to turn on Facebook recommendations .

And never forget to deliver an exceptional customer experience!

A tip that says 91% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Read more: How to Remove Fake Reviews on Google, Facebook, and Yelp

Lars Kristensen is the Founder of NiceJob, a review-marketing platform to help small businesses improve their reputation marketing, collect & share online reviews, win more sales and get the reputation they deserve. He writes about review marketing, fan culture, customer service, advice for small businesses, website marketing and Google My Business.

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Some Facebook Pages are missing Reviews

UPDATE, AUGUST 24, 2018: Facebook is in the process of changing from “reviews” to “recommendations,” so numbers and other reporting may be off. For more information about this change, I highly recommend Aaron Weiche’s explainer article on .


I keep hoping Facebook would just fix this problem and let me off the hook for having to blog about it, but after two weeks or so, it doesn’t look like that’s gonna happen.

It was a couple weeks ago when I noticed that all of the reviews had gone missing from my wife’s Facebook Page . As I recall, she had about 10 glowing reviews on her Page with an overall 4.9 star rating. When I’d try to visit the dedicated sub-page for Reviews, Facebook would show this “content isn’t available” message:

where has facebook reviews gone

Not only had the reviews gone missing, but the Reviews tab disappeared from her Page’s navigation and there was no option in Settings to return that tab.

where has facebook reviews gone

There’s never a good time for this kind of thing to happen, but in our case the reviews disappeared right as we were ready to start a steady campaign to increase her review profile across the web. She’s using a new customer management platform and we’d created a handful of stock emails that would be sent out to past clients to invite them to leave reviews on several different sites — Facebook included. And given Facebook’s ubiquity, that seems to be the platform where we’d find the least resistance to posting a review. Everyone is on Facebook, after all!

Facebook seems to know about the problem. There are numerous threads about the missing reviews in the Page help forums; here’s one where the original post is two years old, but there’s been a flurry of “it’s happening again” posts in the past couple weeks. There’s a similar thread in the Facebook developers’ forum where at least one Facebook employee has posted — with a bit of frustration, it seems — that the board is for developer issues, not Page owners’ issues.

What’s odd is that the problem isn’t consistent across desktop and mobile. On desktop, I see nothing — no reviews, no Reviews tab, etc., as described above. But on mobile, her Page shows the Reviews tab and has the shell of the reviews … but each post is completely empty, as you see here:

where has facebook reviews gone

At this point, I’m beyond frustrated. Word-of-mouth marketing is bread and butter for real estate agents and Facebook is an incredibly important visibility platform. I’ve used the “Report a Problem” option that shows up when you click the little question mark in the upper right of Facebook’s nav menu. Hopefully many other Page owners are doing the same. And hopefully Facebook will listen and fix this sooner rather than later.

Page owners: Are your reviews also missing? Is it the same on desktop and mobile? Very curious to know what others are seeing. Please comment below.

As of today (Monday, October 30), I’m seeing the reviews again on my wife’s Facebook Page . The tab is there, content is there, etc. Hallelujah!

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As a Personal Trainer based in The Netherlands, I checked Facebook yesterday and found out we’ve dropped from 83 reviews to only 74 reviews. Both desktop and mobile device gave the same statistics. Whereas I first thought that some people might have deleted their review (although, considering the huge drop that would be very unlikely), I just noticed today that we’ve now only got 59 reviews. Almost 30 reviews have gone missing! Can anyone please help me out?? :’( I haven’t changed anything about the settings – they seem to have disappeared just like that…

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We have had the same problem dropped from 60 reviews down to 45 on Facebook

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Kim, You just commented yesterday…I had 75 yesterday I checked my review and then now down to 60. Review is a review…

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all of mine have completely disappeared – I had about 14 and then started sending people to The Knot (I’m a wedding videographer so this helps more so) but I am bummed to see past clients who only left facebook reviews gone

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Same here. Mine just disappeared recently though ugh anyone else have ideas?

Same here…I listed all the names and dates when they posted review in my page and some of them are gone….you can’t even contact facebook…no solution…

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Same here – 124 down to 48 a couple of days ago, and no settings changed on our part. I wonder what’s going on?

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seeing your post on the reviews i had 235 then every couple days its gone down – yesterday 160! today the whole page of all my written reviews all 235! is missing- just6 blank what is happening? anyone ever got it fixed?

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I’ve been noticing the same issue over the past few months. Gone from above 40 to 12 now. Reported lots of times. But no reply or solution. Very frustrating.

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It hows no reviews but when you click there are two and then empty boxes…we use to have over 54 and all gone…it even shows -1 review….how can we have minus one review now…have written support over 20 times with no totally upset …iv been advertising too on facebook and should ask them to pay me back the spent money…

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I have this exact problem today except I counted my reviews it said I have 15 review with my star rating having dropped down from a 4.7 from the weekend to a 4.5 today and when I counted my reviews I still have 22 reviews up

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Hi Jackie , mine dropped from 4.9 to 4.7 in 2 weeks . It’s just not reliable and I’m considering deleting that section and just screenshot the ones I have left . It’s really bad . I’ve also for reviews from people that have never met me so they’re not even realistic either . It’s my livelihood that’s being messed with here . Absolute joke

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Hello! Our business facebook pages have the same problem now. Could you tell me, please, if your rating error was solved by Facebook admin? After what period? Thanks for your help!

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Me too! It’s been years and my recommendations are showing but it says 0 out of 5 recommendations despite having multiple recommendations. let me know of yours was sorted please

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I’m writing in May 2019 and it’s still happening. A business associate asked me to leave his company a review, and I’m not seeing his Reviews page on either Chrome, Bing or Firefox. He’s seeing it on his end, but I’m not. So whatever is happening, it ain’t over.

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Same for me! No one can leave a Review because they can’t see my Review tab. I’m getting really annoyed as I don’t know how to fix it.

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Same! Have you figured out how to fix it??

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the page has two options. 1. most relevent 2. most recent. Select most recent.

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Same thing is happening to mine. I run a cleaning service and it’s vital to my business that potential clients are able to read the reviews from my regular clients. This is so frustrating for me and obviously others as well. Fingers crossed that this will be fixed!

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My customers are leaving my page reviews and nobody can see the recommendations in my review section, they reviews are not going through at all. Disaster!

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It’s just happened to mine as well now and I agree it’s very frustrating as I’m a cake maker and my reviews are everything to me and my customers. I had a fair few 5/5 reviews and a star rating of 5+. Now no one can see how pleased people are with my work annoyed isn’t the word x

i work as a groomer and cat product sales– i work hard to ge reviews and had 235 written long reviews – all 5 star recommendations- my numbers started to drop- but not the written reviews – but today the whole review page – all the 235 written reviews -are gone!!!. im depressed and angry- i work so hard to give perfect service. face book sucks!!

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This is awful! This just started happening to me too, so frustrating!! Had so many reviews and a 5 star rating…the rating is gone, but the reviews show up on the desktop only (not mobile). Being a realtor this is a huge issue as I work on reviews/referrals! Especially since I’m starting a big campaign for more followers.

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I’ve just started my business so it’s a new page . When I asked a client to write a review she followed the review button and it just posted as a ‘visitor post ‘ that nobody can see not on my reviews , she tried it several times using the review button but still nothing .. then another friend just simply cannot see my review button ! So frustrating

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I have this exact same problem and have been unable to get help. Half of my reviews end up as visitor posts. I’ve tried to put on a review on a friend’s phone to test it and it just went to visitor post. Please let me know if you get a solution. 🙂

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Same, two of my friends have left reviews for me on my page – says its posted on their end but I cannot see it anywhere on my page..

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I am having the same issue. Not sure how to fix it?

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This is also happening to me right now. I can see it on my end. But a customer from Japan is not seeing the review tab…

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Me too! I’ve lost 5 reviews. It’s beyond frustrating. No more advertising from FB.

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This happened to me, I was furious. I reported several times to Facebook-no action taken from them. I am seriously thinking now that they are removing the grey authenticated badges from the end of this month that these are all steps to get rid of small business from their platform. i very much suspect it will become a paid platform only for small businesses in the very near future. That would be fine if they weren’t so very restricted in what we can and can’t share!

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same here 113 to 0 …

To add with that comment, I haven’t change any in my setting.

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I had 120 reviews. Yesterday it shows only 70!!! What can we do to get Facebook to resolve this issue

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Sam here I went from 100 hard earned 5 * reviews to just 65 overnight!! I have messaged Facebook about 3 days ago and heard nothing. As a small business these reviews are so important

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Not only have I lost 15 -20 reviews but my review breakdown is showing reviews I’ve NEVER received 2’s, 3’s and an addition 4. My rating went down from 4.9-4.5. I’m a childcare and it’s effecting my potential business. I can’t see any way to contact FB either.

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Ryt I have the same problem Is this intentionally done

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For a couple days this week, my wife’s Page had an indicator that said “6 reviews” — but all of her reviews were actually on the Page still, they just weren’t being included in the count that FB shows to visitors. Are you guys sure the actual reviews are gone? Or is it just the number they show that’s wrong?

(BTW, my wife’s Page is now back to normal with the count showing the correct number.)

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Same problem here now

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How did can we fix this? Same problem here

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Our page has gone from 236 down to 216! So frustrating you can’t get any help from Facebook!

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Same ~ missing numerous relevant reviews , on all devices . The review count us the same yet the actual reviews are missing ! WTH Facebook – and no response from you ever , with many an attempt

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Same problem and extremely annoyed at it! Trying to start new business an only got 5 reviews…suddenly 2 gone! Everytime someone posts now its gone next day, Who do we talk to about this as i reported it to facebook with no reply.

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I had over 300 reviews and a five star rating, I make sure every job at my carpet cleaning business is spot on , I only get five star reviews but it now as declined to no reviews and no rating, so my customers are going elsewhere, fb said there is a bug in the system, it’s going to make my business fold ,

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Like you, for my client’s Facebook page, Reviews are not showing up on the tab options. She is also a real estate agent and of course reviews are crucial. Amazing.

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All my reviews have disappeared. Really annoying.

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Has this been resolved! The same has happened for me????

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We lost 165 5* reviews last year and clawed back up to 235. They disappeared to leave 44. No idea what is happening but extremely frustrating. No response from Facebook.

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Missing reviews too and my rating dropped overnight from 5 to 4.8.

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I’ve just started a business page and my reviews don’t show up. Is this a problem that has reared up again?? so frustrating. I’ve spend soooo much time trying to rectify this. I’m really disappointed. Is there any new/up to date news on this subject?

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I am the same on my buisness page all my reviews have dissapeared. I have worked years building these up and they are a huge help to future clients deciding to book me. I had over 150 5* reviews all gone, has anyone found a solution?

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I too have had all of mine disappear? So disappointed! How can this be fixed??

Facebook is in the process of changing from “reviews” to “recommendations,” and that seems to be impacting numbers. See this article for more info:

Recommendations will never work due to irrelevant audience just pressing don’t recommend just to be nasty and vindictive . I have a nail business which has been affected by woman doing this . My review fell from 4.9 to 4 7 . It’s just not working and I feel vulnerable to the masses

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I had all 24 of my reviews become inaccessible in the past month. No idea where they went. They were all detailed testimonials and I’m extremely disappointed to have lost them. I’ll be following this thread to see if anyone finds a solution.

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I also have 21 reviews dropping from 50. So annoying x

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Following this thread/same issue.

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Same here … 178reviews dropped to 108 over night… Very annoying especially when u work so hard… I hope FB solve the problem soon.

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We spent a huge amount of effort and time to get to 110+ 5-star ratings and we lost 50% overnight 🙁 THIS IS TERRIBLE FACEBOOK

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I was so sad as one of my reviews was from a client who was so kind. Then I noticed if you go to the admin section and look under reviews, it says hidden and there is no way to unhide it. And yet I got another recommendation today and its shows up on the page even though it says it is also hidden. After reading other peoples dilemas, I suggest we get our reviews through google. Its unfortunate that we need reviews and I hate asking for them, so I certainly dont want to lose the few I do have.

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Suddenly people are unable to leave a review on my web page. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Same thing happened to me. I lost 25 5* reviews that it took me a year to get. No response from Facebook. Disappointing.

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hi same problem, clients leaving reviews but my rating numbers are not increasing. Have given up chasing up facebook.

I’m so disappointed in this new system . My business ratings have fell from 4.9 to 4.7 within 2 weeks . Recommendations are left to the masses who have never met me or will ever have a nail session with me so my business online is looking like it’s sinking when infaxr it’s been better than ever. Get this fixed Facebook or im deleting my page. I’ve worked hard over 10 years and won’t have these mistakes ruining my career ☹️

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I just launched my page and got some lovely reviews, saw them in the Notifications tab, clicked to post them to my page and then they disappeared. So I’ll not be soliciting reviews for my FB page going forward, only testimonials for my website. Too bad.

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Thank you so much for blogging about this. I was feeling very confused and frustrated. I’ll be sure to send in Feedback to Facebook regarding this issue — the more voices the better.

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We sadly have the same issue. Some of our reviews has disappeared completely and new ones are not showing. I have reported this the FB via support for over two months and nothing.

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The way I fixed it….

Navigate to your About page. The edit page info

I read some categories don’t allow reviews. Delete some categories and play around with that section. I added some new categories then suddenly I could reselect the review tab

Viola. All the reviews back. Hope that helps some folks.

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Hi Kieran, I have same problem. Half of all our reviews missing. Could you please let me know which categories you selected to reselect the review? Thank you?

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I can’t find any documentation on Reviews working for some categories and NOT for others. Do you have more details?

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I cannot even see/access my Reviews – I have the Review “button” and it is on – when clicked on it does nothing … goes nowhere I can access most of them on my mobile I would like to be able to thank people for their kind reviews I do not have the option of “Recommendations”

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Exactly the same problem, missing reviews. Very poor of FB to implement this without any apparent testing.

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Same here! I had 35 reviews now I have 4!!! Where did they go???? I am a cosmetologist and I worked hard for those reviews !! They were all 5 stars! With paragraphs not just hey she did a great job, ugh oh my gosh! This is so wrong! I am a small business owner….

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Same thing here. I have been getting a ton of reviews lately, the last couple of months or so but NONE of those new reviews are actually displaying on my page. This is VERY frustrating…..

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same problem here on my mobile mechanic page .. my customer showed me her review and it was a great one but it does not show up on either platform and now i am wondering if other customers have written reviews that i can not or have not seen

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My Reviews tab disappeared completely and I had a 5.0 rating. Cant even find the recommendations or anything. When I look to add the tab it’s not even found as an option.

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I have 15 reviews (my page is showing this number) but can only read 13.

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I discovered, I have the same problem. I do not have the usual option within settings to restore my recommendations at all. I had over 160 ratings/reviews and about 20 or more recommendations. All of them are gone. I had them turned off for a while, and went to turn them back on and discovered the option to turn the tab back on is no longer there. Furthermore, if you go to “templates” where you can see the examples of what the different page types’ tabs and options will look like – it no longer shows anything about recommendations/ratings/reviews there either.

This exact thing happened about 2 years ago and was very widespread. At that time though, facebook was switching the rating/review set up to the current “recommendation” set up. So I can only guess that is why that particular occurence happened. Who knows what the heck they are doing to it now. I do know that facebook’s stock is steadily declining – they better step up their game or they will be gone like Myspace!

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All of my reviews have disappeared. Really beautiful reviews with 5 star rating. Review button also gone & unable to locate. Does anyone know what issue is or how to rectify….or are they lost?

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My reviews/recommendations have disappeared as of last Friday and the option to add the Recommendations tab back is not available. I have reported the problem several times, but do not have an answer as of yet. Very frustrated!!!!

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Same here. We have 2 Admins for our facebook page. I cant see reviews nor i am able to see the review tab in the settings (Templates & Tabs). However, when logged into facebook page with other admin the Reviews tab is visible. I tried all options in the settings but not successful. Finally, i did “Report a Problem: in facebook.

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Same problem. Any fix yet? I have reported a few times but nothing has come back from Facebook to help.

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I have noticed that reviews are visible if you use Facebook in incognito mode and are not signed in, but as soon as you’re signed in the ‘Reviews’ option is gone from the page’s menu. To use incognito mode in Chrome just press CTRL+SHIFT+N.

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I know I’m late to the party here but this has been an issue for me for around 2 weeks now… did you just have to sit and wait until they suddenly reappeared one day? I have reported the issue but FB are not getting back to me… I just need some reassurance that all is not gone 🙁

Thanks a for the detailed post, Luke

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I’ve just noticed in the last few days that mine are gone too. I read something about having to have your address on there (as a wedding photographer without a studio, I don’t have one that isn’t my home address), but I’ve added that and it’s made no difference. The recommendations tab isn’t available to add. I’ve contacted Facebook, but no response. So frustrating.

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I, too, am unable to see reviews or even the reviews tab on pages. My husband and I can look at the same page and his has a reviews tab and mine does not. Is there a setting I’m missing??

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Hi, I have the same problem. I reported to Facebook 6 months ago as all 49 of my reviews have just disappeared from my business page. No response from Facebook atall and still no joy with any reviews showing on my page.

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I have the same issues, during last few days some visitors report that they cant write recommendation for my page as they don’t see the Recommendation bar. Still, there are users who has left the reviews. I have reported an issue.What else i can do?

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There is a setting on your Business Page, where you have to add the tab for your reviews to reappear if your reviews have completely vanished. You can also look this up on the help site.

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Hey everyone, yesterday I turned the reviews off on my Facebook business page. Then today I turned them back on to receive a review.

However people still don’t see the review tab. Does it take time to turn back on?

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I have the same issue. About 8 months ago the reviews disappeared completely from my business page, on all devices. I am also unable to write reviews/ recommendations for certain other businesses because the tab is not available, yet other people I know can and I can see it on their phone. For some business pages, notably only the big brands 😉 their reviews tab is working and availability or to me in the very same devices. It’s so frustrating. Two years is plenty of time to resolve an issue.

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Hey there, I have also suffered from this situation for my business page. I’m too much worried because of my reviews had deleted from my page. I don’t understand what happened to me. I think it is the only problem for me but after reading this post I have more clarity about these issues. Thanks for sharing the problem you face…

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Why does my fb page still says “no rating yet” even though i already have 27 recommendations from my clients. Please help

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Hi have you figured this out yet? I have the same problem and a handful of reviews are missing

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Hello I have the same issue, use to have over 35 reviews and rating at 5.0. Now all my revews/recommadations disappered from my facebook business pae and rating is 0. Have you figured this out? Its driving me mad. Mark

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Someone please help the same thing keeps happening to me we work so hard for these reviews how can I contact Facebook

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I have multiple clients with this issue and I’m getting nowhere with Facebook.

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I also lost some reviews, but my problem now is that people cannot summit new reviews, even though the tab is on and the old ones can be read. The last one that I could receive was at the beginning of April, and there’s no way I can get a f… reply from Facebook.

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I have an even worse problem, no one can actually leave a review on my page, it’s not working???? I’ve tried everything. So frustrating

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I’m also experiencing loss of reviews from my business page. As it’s a small business reviews are very important. I was hoping they can be reinstated. Thanks all for sharing as I thought i was the only one

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It is widespread. As far as I can tell everyone can see reviews until they log in. Then it affects selected users. (no idea if there is a trigger or setting that causes it, appears random and between 25 and 30 percent of people) More people who have noticed the problem at that link. No solution and no responses from FaceBook.

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I found my missing reviews that were not showing on my phone / tablet by: – Deleting any unnecessary tabs that were redundant. – Logging out of Facebook completely and remove the cache & history on my laptop. – Then by using Google Chrome (laptop) in Incognito mode, I googled my Facebook business page – When I reached my page, I could see all my reviews there but a pop-up comes up asking you to login to view them and doesn’t let you read them properly. When I logged in, some of them disappeared, so it would seem that they are there somewhere in the system, but definitely a big pain!

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Yes I can see my reviews, but no one can add a review. The option has been taken away. Get your shite together Facebook. I’m paying good advertising money to you for a below par service!!!

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I have 24 recommendations on my Facebook business page. My ratings were 5 but they have completely disappeared. It just says ‘No ratings yet’ despite having had a rating of 5 prior to this plus I’ve had more reviews too but still no ratings. Where have the ratings gone?

Same problem here. Have you find any fix for this?

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I have a very similar problem. I’m directing clients to my Facebook business page to leave a review. They’re able to find the page, but there is no link to leave a review

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Same here, new biz, new fb page, no way to add any review button, even after trying with making it a local business and giving it a physical address.

This actually looks like it worked

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I still don’t see “recommendations” under the “Add a tab” – why? :/

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Hi, sorry I know this is an old post but I’m also experiencing a problem. Although not exactly the same – maybe you can help. I have a total of 108 reviews/recommendations on my page. When you navigate to reviews it sasy: 5/5 based on the opinion of 108 people. The problem is that next to that it says “21 people recommends Wiskunde Schmiskunde”. Why is that number not updating. This is concerning becase it’s th only value you see when your using a mobile device. Any advise?

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I’ve had several people tell me they’ve left me reviews on Facebook and I didn’t get any notifications and I not anyone else can see them but the people that did them can and have screen shot them to me. I’ve deleted my history and cookies etc, reset my phone, logged out of Facebook and have reported through nurmerous avenues on Facebook but am not getting any response – can anyone help?

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I am experiencing the same issue, this is very frustrating. I am looking for another platform to have my recommendations posted.

My business page shows No Rating Yet / No Recommendations Yet – but I have HUNDREDS of recommendations on my page. I reported this problem several times to FB without any solution.

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same problem so frustrated as a small business account on my reviews to support me I cannot believe Facebook is not responding to anybody has anybody had any luck at all. I tried to create another website just for the hell of it and sure enough the review tab is there all the things that people tell me to do add tab all that there is no tab for recommendation or reviews

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It’s Dec 2019 and my business is about a month old technically we should be around 32 reviews yet every time someone adds a new review it stays at 27. No more it’s like we can’t move passed that number. I’ve also tried asking for help nothing yet. I haven’t changedany settings either. Any tips?

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i can’t believe something so basic has not been fixed. I’m having the same problem!

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Same problems for me worked hard all year to build up 12 5* reviews and the last one I got at the same time it’s like they all disappeared from my page, gutted

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The same thing is happening to me—my review are gone and there is not even a recommendation tab for me to choose from. Frustrating.

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Same here… Lost more than 60 reviews and no solution and no answer from Facebook.. Maybe it´s time just to forget about Facebook…

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I have like 5 reviews missing off my business facebook page. Disgusting, I worked my ass off for these!!! Just take them down Facebook, This is why I spend ZERO $$$ money with you incompetent clowns!!!!

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Same here, Facebook wants us to use their platform for are businesses but doesn’t have their act together to support our work. This is not a good time to have this happen for my business. As if there is a good time! I will not spend one Penney in promotions or ads until they get their act together.

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Just noticed 3 out ifny4 years of reviews are gone !!! What the hell. Like others my business has been 99% word of mouth along with my Facebook page. I tell customers they can visit my page to see hundreds of great 5 outta 5 reviews but now it seems like Ive been a liar !!!

Not cool Facebook specially now with the virus and small businesses need all the help they can get. Also why does nobody get replies from them. Are they that arrogant and totally uncaring about the people that use their product !!🤬

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my fiance had the same thing happened to him his business page overnight lost reviews and then even in real time today more reviews were taken down and his rating went from a 5.0 to a 4.9. How does this even happen when the ratings were taken away in 2018 and recommendations were only allowed? he has 100 recommendations but where the rating score is it went from over 100 to 45 this morning and ten 41 this afternoon. was anyone able to get a hold of anyone? how can this just happen? this is his livelihood and he has worked his ass off for many years to become established to be watching this just happen

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Our customers want to leave reviews up until today they could but now not able to…. very frustrating

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I’m having a similar situation 🙁 My page has 26 reviews was at 4.8 yesterday now at 3.7 today saying ‘based on the opinion of 3 people’ No new reviews to make it drop either so doesn’t make any sense Any advice appreciated! I am a small business too so reviews are very important also paying for ads is a joke when this happens

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Did you ever find an answer? Our rating went from 4.5 down to 2.3! Saying based on the opinion of THREE people. We have tons of reviews and recommendations!

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This is frustrating. You work your butt off for these reviews over performing for customers for Facebook not to have an answer. Mine drops consistently, I should have well over 200+ awesome reviews of my courses and number keeps dropping. Absurd, you pay facebook for people to visit or engage with your business and FB simply eliminates the evidence of such interaction. THEY ARE INCOMPETENT CLOWNS for not providing a simply stupid answer to its customers. Why would you even have that shitty section in your business pages.

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If anyone is still having this issue, I switched from Chrome to Internet Edge and the reviews option shows up as a “Turn On” feature on General settings. Users may try clearing their cache too to see if that brings back old reviews.

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Same issue with my business page, no reviews of my clients are showing, clients are emailing me to confirm they reviewed my page but it’s not showing?

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I had 149 reviews and mine went down to 97! So annoyed how do we get it back

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I had about 15 reviews and 5* rating. This morning the review tab has totally disappeared . How can a small business keep going without word of mouth. The first thing I do when shopping is check the reviews. Come on Facebook stop messing with this and leave well alone otherwise people will go elsewhere!

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JULY 29 / 2020 Hi. Same problem here. Every 2 or 3 days I miss 1 review on my page. I had 19 reviews, now only 13.

I think that it’s a Facebook decision in order to force us to pay for ads from their network. I’m also gathering customers reviews from Trustpilot since some time ago, may be Facebook ‘is not happy’ with that ? 🙂

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Same here… I had some good ones that I was proud of – GONE

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try going from 1450 5 star reviews im now down to 690 .. fucking joke

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I’ve noticed the same problem with mine. I’ve gone from 224 down to 170 with no explanation.

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I am not able to see review given from my customers.

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I had nearly 700 reviews 3 months ago. Puts had dropped nearly 200 reviews. Contacted and reported to fb many of times with no response and they are still dropping. Anyone know what i can do?

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I’ve just started a business and trying to build up a reputation. I have just had two glowing reviews On my Facebook page but not showing up in page reviews, and still no star rating showing. So frustrating!! this problem needs to be sorted.

Ok…this issue continues…3/4 yrs ago I had 300+ reviews/recommendations…each year they decreased…now down to 99 ( I reported it without solution. I even chated with support…I’ve stopped buying Facebook ads… by the way, no problems with Google Local business reviews in years.

Please report your issues here with screen shots or technical details so their engineers can check it…

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It’s 2020 and this problem might be worse. I’ve got six 5 star reviews and people can only see 2. Contacting the bots is useless. I think we can all agree that Facebook is bullshit, which is why people are dumping it for TikTok and Google. Even Instagram is starting to lose its luster.

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All my reviews disappeared. I can’t even make a new tab. What happened?

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This is happening to me right now. In Jan , 2021. Greyed out review page and cant add tab.

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My 5 star business rating has gone this week when it’s been there since my very first review in October 2020. It now says my business has no rating and 0 reviews or recommendations – even though I’ve got 10 recommendations showing! I don’t understand how with even more recommendations than I had before I’ve suddenly not got no rating at all as it now says there are insufficient recommendations and 0 recommendations or reviews have been made. Does anyone know how to resolve this as there is no actual way of contacting facebook or ever getting a reply when you try to report an issue.

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same! Any idea how to fix this?

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Me too. This just started happening when I got one “do not recommend” and then was getting more “recommends” and I went from 18 to 11 to 6 and my rating went from 5 to 4.5 to 4.7 to 4.3. This makes absolutely no sense and looks like this has been going on for 3 years!!!

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60 reviews down to 22! Who took our reviews away FACEBOOK????

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Hi In my case, I had 5/5 rating on my Facebook page and lots of review comments. My review comments are still there (thank god) but rating came down to 0/5 with the message “no recommendation yet”. I can still see lots of review comments which means “no recommendation yet” message on page doesn’t make sense. Strangely, on the page load, I can only see 3 review comments unless i change the sorting order from most helpful to most recent. Upon changing sort order, I can see all the review comments and when i change the sorting back to most recent, I can still see the full list of review comments then why not on the page load? How many people will change the sorting order to see the complete list of review comments. By the way, even if i can see the review comments by changing the sort order, my rating is still 0/5. I have contacted Facebook twice , shared feedback but no avail. there is no obvious explanation to this issue either anywhere. I am stuck now on 0/5 rating. Look like some technical issue with this module but its frustrating when you don’t know whom to contact to fix it. Please let me know if anyone has faced similar issue

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I have the same problem. It seems that everytime someone writes a review the number drops off. I had 11, it droped to 9, then 7 and then zero, saying no reviews at all! but when you press on the zero you enter all the reviews! I tried to reach facebook support. they all seem so happy and kind, and say there is a progress and soon it will be fixed, nut nothing happens and no one’s reaching out.

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Hi. Maybe, more of us, should add comments in here: The official Facebook topic for this bug.

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Same thing happening to me in march 2021. It shows on my page ‘no ratings yet’ but I have 18 recommendations! You can read all of them but the numbers show 0 out of 5 based on 0 reviews. This is so frustrating. Has anyone got any help from Facebook?

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I have a related issue with the reviews of Facebook Pages. This is my page – . I didn’t lose the recommendations of my followers, however, the rating star is now zero. I didn’t receive any bad recommendations, so honestly, I don’t know how this was possible. It seems that the reviews and the recommendations lost the link between them. Users can recommend my page, but the rating would remain zero.

Can you please guide me? As an owner of a small business page, reviews are crucial for me.

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Everytime i get a review my rating goes down as if its a bad review and also the amount of reviews goes down its basically going backwards!!! Facebook emailed me today to say its fixed and its not!!! Im fuming!!!

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50 reviews down to 26. The star ⭐️ before 4.3 down to 3.6. Please anyone know how to fix the problem

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Happenong to us also… from 4.7 rating to no rating yrt… more than 20 recommendatiin missing… can anybody help..

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Same thing happening and desparately seeking a fix. Can anyone advise how to reinstate them. I can see some reviews but many are missing and the score says O no reviews. Please please help

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I Just made a facebook page this year and I have more than a few recommendations, however no star rating yet, and it says i have 0 reviews unfortunately. Annoyed at this issue.

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This is crazy! our reviews show up under reviews tab but they arent calculated and shows we have3 zero recommendations. I also lost a good bit of our reviews out of no where. We went from a 5 star rating to 0. Even though we have never had a bad review.

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There are recommendations on my fb business page but when clicked ‘Review’ tab it says no recommendations and rating is ZERO ! Its so frustrating. Could someone please help me to regain this ?

Many Thanks

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50 reviews down to 2. 5 stars down to 4 now 3.

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HI everyone, It seems 100s of us have the same problem. It also seems that Facebook are not prioritising this problem and don’t appreciate how as small business owners we rely heavily on Review and Recommendation to help us run profitable businesses.

I am going to go to the national press to try and see if we can get this given more exposure in the hope that Facebook will prioritise a fix.

To do this, we need to pull together and give the press an extensive list of businesses experiencing this problem. Please let me have your Facebook page URL below with a max 30-40 word summary of how this is impacting your business. Together, hopefully, we can put pressure on Facebook to fix this. I started my business just last year. I have 45 glowing reviews but Facebook still rates my business as 0 out of 5. This reflects badly on me as a small business and devalues the importance of customer recommendations.

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Over 100 reviews and ratings ALL of which are 5-stars. I am a caterer and this effect our families income.

We have a baby that is 9 months old and I can’t sleep now because everything is at 0 stars and no recommendations.

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Hi, did you ever get anywhere with this? I checked out your FB page and you have 37 now, did you get any of the 45 back ?

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All of my reviews are gone. I had a rating of 4.8 with 46 reviews. I have tried turning it back on. Nothing.

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5 star reviews that no one can see. It’s shocking come on FB sort it out

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Same here. I am on the hunt for an answer and will come back here if I find something. I think the “Report a Problem” feature on FB is a black hole, from which you will get no solution and only on forums like this will we find an answer.

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I’m having terrible problems with the reviews/recommendations option which isn’t appearing at all on settings. Customers are leaving reviews for my dog training and behaviour page but they are not showing up. Of the few that are appearing two of them just appear as blank squares!!! This is beyond frustrating. A very kind lady posted a review yesterday and it still isn’t appearing anywhere. I am having to direct customers elsewhere to post reviews as facebook simply doesn’t work – not on my work facebook page. Seems impossible to get in touch in anyone too… Fingers crossed someone from facebook will come back to sort this problem.

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I’m having the same issue. Not only reviews are not counted into a rating, I can’t even add a “Reviews” tab on my page!! I tried from my page settings as well as from Business Manager, I toggle Reviews on, but this tab never appears for public=((( I opened support case with FB, it’s been about 2 weeks. I never heard an update, logged into support inbox today and it says “solved” when it’s not!! AAAAAA, I’m so pissed off!!!

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I spoke with someone in the chat feature and they basically told me its gone and they don’t know if its coming back.

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Hey so sorry to hear that, it has been happening to me as well for several weeks. I have a total of 28x 5-star reviews that I’ve built over the years for my coaching business and while all the reviews are there, my Recommendations shows 0 stars and “Based on 0 reviews” which is extremely frustrating after spending such a long time and getting so many reviews..

I have sent them several times through the “Report a problem” feature but I haven’t heard back a single time.

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My review tab on FB doesn’t work. You turn it on and nothing happens. You try to move the tab to make it more visible, you get an error. FB is a joke. Zero service or accountability whatsoever. I can’t wait for the day this piece of crap “social” advertising channel is shut down for good. FB is a parasite on society.

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I’ve been searching for an answer to this problem and just came across this thread. Initially I felt relieved and reassured that I’m not the only one struggling with this, but having read through so many comments I’m now feeling angry that Facebook are not fixing a problem that is potentially so damaging to so many small businesses. It’s baffling.

I’m having the same problems as so many have listed here, but one other I’m not sure anyone else has mentioned? My ‘Reviews’ tab has disappeared and I can’t get it back. I go to ‘Edit tabs’, I turn on ‘Reviews’, I get a message telling me my page ‘now includes a Reviews tab’, but when I return to my home page and it’s not there. I go back to ‘Edit tabs’ and it’s reverted to being unselected. Also, ‘Reviews’ is always at the bottom of the list, and if I try to move it nearer to the top, I’m not allowed. I get a message saying ‘query error – error performing query’. Whatever I do ‘Reviews’ stays at the bottom of the list, turned off.

Without this tab on my home page, the only way I can see my reviews at all is to type ‘/reviews’ at the end of my page address in my browser. This does take me to my reviews page, but, as at least one other poster has shared above, all but the first couple of reviews are not visible, and become visible only if I toggle the sorting option from ‘most helpful’ to ‘most recent’. Then they appear. But though every review includes a recommendation, the page declares I have ‘no recommendations yet’ and my rating is ‘0 out of 5’ when it used to be ‘5 out of 5’.

I’m going to try to contact any site I can think of to look for advise and to publicise this issue. If I get any joy, I’ll come back and post again.

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Pretty much the same for me too. I make wedding cakes. I noticed ages ago that the rating had gone to 0 and a number of reviews were missing. Now the whole tab is missing. I can go onto the templates and tabs setting and re-activate it, but it flicks back off and just won’t show.

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My total review tab cannot be switched on. It comes up with an error message if you try to switch it on. So the reviews have disappeared with the tab. It is only the review tab that is a problem.

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As horrifying as it should be, but our page rating on Facebook (the name of my page is – Royally Homemade) is dropping everyday. If you check on Google, we are still at 4.9. Not a single negative review but the Star rating has dropped to 4.0 from 4.9 star. We had over 300 five star reviews but now we can see only 33. Facebook doesn’t take any action against this issue no matter how many times you report it.

Frustrating as hell and very shameful because we spent a lot of money on Facebook and this platform has horribly failed to bring genuine leads from last 1 year and solve such serious issues related to reviews. The reputation of every company depends on the star rating, especially when attracting the future potential customers. How can Facebook be so ignorant towards these business pages when it is earning a fortune from the money that we are spending on it? Such a big shame!

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Same story here. Does anyone have any ideas as to how we could group up to get a bit more traction to attract facebook attention?

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I have had a chat about this with a FB concierge (Bot most likely) and have logged the issue. I was given a case number so I’ll return to the chat in a week to see whats happening. Hopefully a human looks at this.

Makes our pages look shit if it appears that we are hiding reviews so hopefully this gets sorted out soon.

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My business with about 60 recommendations has gone changed to a rating of zero!

If someone tries to do a new review, it posts the review on their personal status rather than my page.

Facebook don’t want to know. Will focus on building Google reviews and spending on Google Ads from now on.

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where has facebook reviews gone

Facebook Marketplace for local shopping is 'suddenly' missing for some users

Facebook users think Meta’s e-commerce feature, Marketplace, is “gone” as it’s missing for some of them today, January 18, 2024. The platform connects local buyers and sellers by displaying products that meet Facebook’s guidelines.

Facebook Marketplace is ‘gone’ for some users in 2024

The features of Marketplace may differ depending on the region you reside in, but some users across the globe aren’t able to access the link that takes them to the page where products are bought and sold.

A significant number of users have raised the issue on X/Twitter, resulting in rumors that Marketplace is “gone” or has been removed permanently.

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But, Meta has neither commented on it nor addressed the issue, at the time of writing this article. The Focus reached out to Facebook for comments, but we haven’t received a response yet.

One Facebook user posted “My Facebook Marketplace is gone. I need it back,” while another asked: “Yes, I can’t find the link too. Why is my Facebook Marketplace gone.”

Another comment read: “Why can’t I see Marketplace? I’m 18 years or older, and I’m in the USA. Why is it now not working, if it was just working yesterday!”

“I don’t know why but I suddenly can’t access the marketplace. I’m above 18 and my listings weren’t against the rules,” read another post.

Why the feature may not be working for some

If you can’t find the link that directs you to the Marketplace, try to access it via your Facebook app.

・Open the app.

・Tap on the hamburger icon.

・Select All Shortcuts and the Marketplace icon. If the icon is missing, tap See more for further options.

There may be a few reasons why the feature is not working for some users.

・The items you’re trying to sell on Facebook Marketplace may not have met the Commerce Policies and Community Standards. Your access to the same will be removed if the items go against Meta’s policies such as safety, privacy, dignity, and more.

・You can only list items that have been approved, failing to do so will result in your access being banned.

・You must be 18 years or older if you’re a United States citizen or an adult, as defined by the law in your country.

・Facebook also restricts accounts from accessing Marketplace if they have been inactive for a long time or have been newly created.

Facebook Marketplace for local shopping is 'suddenly' missing for some users

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where has facebook reviews gone

Here’s Why Your Facebook Stats Are Declining (+ How to Fix it!)

Facebook reportedly changed how it calculates Page impressions. Here's what you need to know.

Have you noticed a dip in your Facebook stats recently? You’re not alone!

That’s because Facebook has just changed the way it calculates Page impressions — it now filters out repeat views from the final count.

In this post, we’ll dig into why Facebook made this change to their analytics, along with 5 easy ways to boost your Page performance so you can stay right on track:

where has facebook reviews gone

Seeing a Decline in Your Facebook Stats? Here’s Why:

If you’ve been keeping a close eye on your Facebook analytics, you may have noticed a decline in your stats over the last week.

Starting October 17th, Facebook began rolling out changes to how page impressions were calculated:

Bad news, social media managers... Facebook is changing how it calculates organic impressions meaning it will likely show a decline. Changes rolling out between Oct 17 - 28 — Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) October 17, 2019

In a nutshell, Facebook has updated the time frame they use to filter out repeat Page impressions from the same viewer to better align organic post metrics with the methodology they use for ads. 

Unfortunately, this means your Facebook stats will likely see a decline over the next few weeks — even if your actual Page distribution hasn’t changed at all.

The good news is, your organic Facebook stats should now be a more accurate benchmark to compare your ad performance against. 

Plus, it’s important to remember that this change is impacting every business — seeing a decline in your metrics doesn’t necessarily mean your Facebook strategy has flopped. You can read all about Facebook’s changes in their blog post here .

But if losing numbers isn’t your thing, you can always start experimenting with these quick and easy tips to boost your Page performance:

How to Boost Your Facebook Stats Tip #1: Create More Share-worthy Content

Creating relevant, share-worthy content is one of the best ways to increase your reach and tap into new audiences on Facebook.

What might seem like a simple change to your content plan, is actually a huge Facebook growth hack — the trick is to consider what will motivate your audience to hit “Share”, while still linking back to your business.  

For example, if you run a kitchen appliance business, consider sharing quick recipe videos that inspire followers to get creative in the kitchen (while featuring and linking to your products!). 

Buzzfeed’s Tasty food channel follows a similar tactic and gets thousands of shares on every video they post:

where has facebook reviews gone

Personalized product recommendations, infographics, funny memes, how-to hacks, and lifestyle edits all have a high shareability factor — but always remember to tie it back to your business or brand.

It’s worth making sure your content is highly visual, and easy to understand at a glance. Add attention-grabbing headlines to your video content, as well as subtitles so people can watch with or without sound. 

EXTRA BOOST: Add a call-to-action to your post caption to encourage as many engagements on your post as possible.

How to Boost Your Facebook Stats Tip #2: Post Consistently to Your Page

It may sound like a simple tip, but consistently posting to your Page can be one of the best ways to drive up your page metrics. 

Regularly posting will show your audience that your Page is active and worth engaging with, which is great for encouraging more likes, comments, and new follows.

where has facebook reviews gone

More activity can also be a huge positive indicator to the Facebook algorithm — improving the odds that your content will be served to more people on the app!  

Ready to start posting more consistently on Facebook? With Later , you can plan and schedule a whole week of Facebook posts in one go!

How to Boost Your Facebook Stats Tip #3: Get Creative with Facebook Stories

If you’re not posting on Facebook Stories yet, now is a good time to get started!

Facebook Stories are right at the top of a users homepage — so when one of your followers opens their app, your stories could be the very first thing they see.

where has facebook reviews gone

This is a huge opportunity to engage with your audience — especially if you take advantage of all Facebook’s built-in engagement tools, such as the Poll or Question stickers. 

where has facebook reviews gone

And the best thing is, while user adoption rates for Facebook Stories are growing, the number is still low enough that you can stand out from competitors and grow your organic reach!

Looking to level-up your stories strategy? Read our Ultimate Guide to Facebook Stories now!

How to Boost Your Facebook Stats Tip #4: Discover Your Best Time to Post on Facebook

Facebook can be an incredible channel to achieve your marketing goals, but if you’re getting your posting times wrong, you could be setting yourself up to fail.

Publishing when your audience is most active will give your posts a much higher chance of success — as more people will be around to view and engage with your content. 

So when is the best time to post? 

Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all answer. But we do have a step-by-step guide — so you can easily discover the best time to post on Facebook for your business! 

How to Boost Your Facebook Stats Tip #5: Run a Giveaway with a Partner Brand or Influencer

The only thing more effective at driving engagement on Facebook than a giveaway… is a joint giveaway!  

If you’re looking to double-down on reach, partnering with a relevant brand or influencer to host a giveaway is a surefire way to tap into a whole new audience.

For example, SPF skincare brand Supergoop hosted a joint giveaway with Janie and Jack earlier this year. To enter, people had to follow both accounts on Facebook and comment on the post:

where has facebook reviews gone

Hosting a joint giveaway is a great way to drive more traffic to your page organically — and with the right strategy, it can also be a great way to strengthen the community on your channel. Double win! 

To make your giveaway as successful as possible, partner with a brand or influencer who has a similar audience profile on Facebook — and make sure your products appeal to both audiences equally. 

where has facebook reviews gone

Although a drop in Page performance can feel like a real blow, it’s important to remember that everyone will be impacted by this latest Facebook change.

And if you’re looking to make up the difference, this could be a great opportunity to get creative with some new growth strategies on Facebook! 

Ready to get more customers from social media? Later makes it easy for you to plan and schedule your posts to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest!

Jillian Warren

Jillian is a Content Manager with over 8 years of experience in marketing, editing, and social media strategy.

Plan, schedule, and automatically publish your social media posts with Later.

Related articles, facebook size & ratio guide (+ free infographic).

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6 Reasons Your Business Needs a Facebook Messenger Bot

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Understand missing & delayed reviews

There are several reasons why reviews may be removed from the page. Usually, missing reviews are removed for policy violations like spam or inappropriate content.

We don't reinstate reviews that are removed for policy violations. These removal measures help make sure that reviews on Google properties are relevant, helpful, and trustworthy.  Learn about prohibited and restricted content for reviews .

Reviews can sometimes be removed from a Business Profile after a reinstatement. If you lose reviews after your profile is suspended and then reinstated, contact support for assistance .

Find why a review is missing

Missing reviews

Tip: If you set a future opening date for your business, any reviews left before that date are removed.

Find why your review is delayed

You may notice that a specific review takes longer to appear on some platforms, like Google Search or Google Maps. This delay is most common after profiles are merged. Delays because of a merge should be resolved within a few days. 

Customers on older mobile devices and operating systems might have issues leaving reviews. To fix the problem, customers should update their operating system and Google Maps app version .

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Avenson Salon & Boutique

Photo of Avenson Salon & Boutique - Iowa City, IA, US. Welcome Olivia! Our newest stylist/lash specialist.  Taking NEW GUESTS now

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Classic Lash Extensions

Lash Extension Touch-Ups

Eyelash Refills

Eyelash Extensions Removal

Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash Perms

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159 Hwy 1 W

Iowa City, IA 52246

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Photo of Melissa A.

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Experiance Specialty Services such as: Certified Hair Extension Artists, "Brazilian Blowout " SmoothingTreatments, Balayage, Ombré, Vivid color, Lash Extensions and so much more!! Inside you'll also find Avenson Boutique! Creating an experience, environment & customer care you'll never forget! **Full Kevin Murphy product line inside salon **More pictures of our work on Instagram and Facebook @avensonsalonic …

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  • 1 star rating Not good
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Photo of Cynthia F.

Olivia is the best Gives a killer head massage and Melissa the owner was so sweet! Love the coffee and snacks too!

Photo of Danica C.

The salon staff were wonderful in helping me set up an appointment as I was traveling through Iowa City. They were extremely professional and kind. Great timely communication!

Photo of Melissa G.

Feb 2, 2024

Hello there, thank you for taking time to visit us while you were in town and then for taking a moment to share your experience! You are so kind. We hope to see you in the future if you’re passing back through!

Photo of Courtney G.

Got my highlights done by Melissa! She did such an amazing job. The other girls that make up her incredible power team were so nice to me and you could tell they were all LOVING what they do. Highly recommend booking. Kevin Murphy is the product line used! Fell in love! It made my hair feel better then it did before I came in!! (Which is difficult with highlights) The smell of these products are intoxicating with yummy earthy scents. The bottles are all made with 100% Ocean Waste products which is one of my favorite things about this line. Looking forward to my next appointment.

where has facebook reviews gone

Avenson is an amazing find! I have never had color done as beautifully or creatively as Emily at the salon. She is extremely talented! Everyone who works there is friendly and customer service is exceptional! Free wine makes the process even more enjoyable. Check it out! Truly a hidden treasure in Iowa City!

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Melissa, the owner, (who was NOT the one who initially gave me a poor cut) contacted me to apologize for my displeasure with my initial, uneven cut and the scheduling flaws I encountered during my first time at Avenson Salon. I was hesitant, but agreed to come back in to have things evened up. As soon as I responded to her, Melissa bent over backwards to fit me for a cut the following day. She is pretty much a hair god and knew exactly what I wanted and what would look good on me. I sincerely appreciated her expertise, great attitude, and the education she provided. She has absolutely gained me as a regular client.

I really wanted to like this place but there were too many blaring problems. My initial impression was a bit soured when I drove in from Ottumwa only to learn that the appointment I had made didn't actually made it into the books and my stylist had just left. I asked if anyone else was available that day (several women clearly weren't with clients) and was told flatly "no". I rescheduled, only to have my stylist cancel it due to weather (fair enough it's been a crappy winter). Third try is the charm, right? Nope - not here at least. I finally got in for a simple trim (she WAS prompt and sweet and gave a good head massage) but left with a cut that's a good inch longer on the left side.

Photo of Justin J.

Emily at Avenson Salon and Spa works wonders on my mop. She is an absolute professional every visit. The atmosphere inside the salon is great, very friendly and inviting. If I had one suggestion it would be to stock miller high life.

Photo of Melissa A.

Jun 23, 2015

thanks Justin. We are always happy to have you in the salon! Your style and attitude make for a great day every time your in! I'll see what I can do about changing up the beer selection We value your input Sir. Have a great week.

Photo of Samira D.

Melissa has been cutting my hair for years. She is excellent at cutting my thick curly hair and my 4 year old daughter who also has thick hair. Her place is clean, sophisticated and the staff are great. I would highly recommend this salon to anyone!

Photo of RJ K.

I have gone to Melissa Avenson for hair cuts and color for years. She always has great insight into what styles will work well for me. I always get comments on the fun things she does to my hair. The salon is conveniently located and the atmosphere is very fun and friendly.

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4.4 miles away from Avenson Salon & Boutique

Hansi D. said "This Sephora always has a great and helpful team. I really appreciate that they also have POC on the team who are able to understand issues particular to brown skin and give great recommendations. I have also never had any issue…" read more

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  1. Facebook Reviews are now Facebook Recommendations

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  2. Facebook Reviews: Your Ultimate 2021 Guide (All Qs Answered)

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  3. Articles

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  4. How to Get More Facebook Reviews

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  5. Facebook reviews missing? Here's why some Facebook recommendations have gone

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  6. The Business Page Owner’s Guide to Facebook Recommendations

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  1. Why are my Facebook reviews not showing up?

    Under your "Manage Page" section, click on the "Settings" button. You will see a menu on the left-hand side of the page and should click on the "Templates and Tabs" section. Look for "Reviews" and toggle the option to "On.". Your reviews tab will now be visible, and customers will be able to leave new reviews and see the ...

  2. Why Your Facebook Business Reviews Tab is Missing

    Here's how to troubleshoot this issue: Log into your Facebook account and visit your Page. On the top bar, beneath the cover photo, click the More drop-down. Check for Reviews. If it's there, you'll need to move it to be more visible. If Reviews is missing, click on the Edit Tabs entry at the bottom of the More box.

  3. Missing Facebook Reviews

    This is an update to our tutorial about Missing Reviews on Facebook Business Pages released in September 2020. At that time, Facebook's new look changed how ...

  4. Facebook reviews missing? Here's why some Facebook recommendations have

    Have you noticed some of your Facebook reviews have gone missing, recommendations have disappeared off your Facebook page? There are a number of reasons why ...

  5. I've been having issues with the Facebook review tab as I can ...

    Same! My review tab has disappeared from my mobile site. People can leave reviews but the tab showing them isn't visible. I can find them by digging into the settings but that doesn't help potential customers. It's showing on the desktop version but says I have zero reviews or recommendations but lists my reviews next to this statement.

  6. Facebook Business Page Rating Dropped for Unknown Reason

    Our Facebook business page rating recently dropped from 5.0 to 4.8 over the span of a few days, while our total numbers of reviews showed an increase of about +45 during the same time period. Yet there were only two new positive recommendations visible on our page during this time. We have easily maintained a 5 star rating for over ten years ...

  7. How To Turn On Facebook Reviews in 2024

    Believe it or not, the process is a lot simpler than it sounds too! With five easy steps, you can turn on Facebook reviews. Here's everything you need to know: Step #1: Log in to your Facebook Business page. Step #2: Click on the "Settings" tab. Step #3: Navigate to "Templates and Tabs". Step #4: Enable Reviews through the slider.

  8. Facebook reviews not showing up

    Here's how to leave a review: Open up the company's business page. Click on the Reviews tab. You'll be asked to click to confirm that you recommend them. Write in your review when prompted. Under the 'Sharing to' drop down menu, make sure it says 'public'. Your review will appear straight away.

  9. Facebook Page Reviews Missing / Not showing

    Has a client said they've left you a Facebook review but it's not showing on your page? - - - In this video, I explain why some customer Facebook reviews don...

  10. Everything You Need to Know About Facebook Reviews

    To turn on Facebook reviews: Go to your brand page. Click on the "Settings" button on the Manage Page section. A new window should appear. Click on the "Templates and Tabs" section. Toggle the "Reviews" option to ON. To make it easier for people to leave unsolicited feedback, you should make sure that people see the Reviews section ...

  11. How to see reviews on Facebook Business Page

    To make sure customer reviews are visible, first check to ensure that the review function is turned on. To do so, go to your Facebook business page and follow these steps: Go to "Page Settings". Find "Templates and Tabs". Toggle the "Review" button if it is not active. If the review button is turned on, you'll want to ensure that ...

  12. 15 Apr Why can't I see all of my Facebook reviews?

    Today, over 32% of Facebook users interact with brands on a regular basis [Sprout Social]. Once important facet of this interaction comes through the form of reviews. Business owners can choose to include a reviews section on their page, allowing customers to recommend a company that they support. Positive reviews are vital, and in a recent ...

  13. Facebook Replaces Reviews with Recommendations

    Smile Savvy has developed a reputation management tool called Review Pro that empowers your business to build positive reviews and recommendations on the sites that matter most, like Facebook and Google. If you're having trouble building positive reviews, consider trying Review Pro - there's no setup fee, no long-term contract, and ...

  14. How can I see reviews on Facebook?

    From your Feed, tap an ad for a business you'd like to see reviews for to open the Facebook Mobile Browser. The overall review score will be shown on the bottom. Tap to open the More Info screen. Tap the review score to see details of the review score and to see individual reviews. Keep in mind, businesses may reply to reviews, but they can ...

  15. Facebook Review Ratings Are Now Recommendations

    Facebook Recommendations vs. Reviews. Facebook reviews are now recommendations. But they're still reviews in a way, except users simply give you a Facebook review by recommending you with a "yes" instead of giving you a Facebook rating of between 1-5. This means that a Facebook 5-star rating has a different functionality than it previously did.

  16. Some Facebook Pages are missing Reviews : Small Business Search Marketing

    Some Facebook Pages are missing Reviews. Filed in Social Media, Word of Mouth by Matt McGee on October 24, 2017 • 178 Comments. UPDATE, AUGUST 24, 2018: Facebook is in the process of changing from "reviews" to "recommendations," so numbers and other reporting may be off. For more information about this change, I highly recommend Aaron ...

  17. Fix a Problem

    This collection of articles is meant to help you troubleshoot problems with your profile picture, cover photo, timeline, posts, and profile. If you're having trouble logging into your account, you can learn how to fix a login problem. You can also learn about your privacy and keeping your account secure.

  18. Review recent Facebook logins

    Copy link. If you have two-factor authentication turned on, you'll be asked to review recent logins anytime someone tries to log into your account and doesn't provide a security code. We'll show you where this happened, and you can let us know whether it was you (by clicking This was me) or not (by clicking This wasn't me). If you approve the ...

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    Facebook users think Meta's e-commerce feature, Marketplace, is "gone" as it's missing for some of them today, January 18, 2024. The platform connects local buyers and sellers by ...

  20. Missing Facebook Reviews Recommendations

    To see the workaround for "missing reviews" check this video UPDATE to this tutorial at's new look has also changed how ...

  21. Here's Why Your Facebook Stats Are Declining (+ How to Fix it!)

    How to Boost Your Facebook Stats Tip #1: Create More Share-worthy Content. Creating relevant, share-worthy content is one of the best ways to increase your reach and tap into new audiences on Facebook. What might seem like a simple change to your content plan, is actually a huge Facebook growth hack — the trick is to consider what will ...

  22. Understand missing & delayed reviews

    Find why your review is delayed. You may notice that a specific review takes longer to appear on some platforms, like Google Search or Google Maps. This delay is most common after profiles are merged. Delays because of a merge should be resolved within a few days. Customers on older mobile devices and operating systems might have issues leaving ...

  23. Facebook UK down? Current problems and status.

    Facebook outages reported in the last 24 hours. This chart shows a view of problem reports submitted in the past 24 hours compared to the typical volume of reports by time of day. It is common for some problems to be reported throughout the day. Downdetector only reports an incident when the number of problem reports is significantly higher ...

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    8 reviews and 151 photos of AVENSON SALON & BOUTIQUE "I have gone to Melissa Avenson for hair cuts and color for years. She always has great insight into what styles will work well for me. I always get comments on the fun things she does to my hair. The salon is conveniently located and the atmosphere is very fun and friendly."

  26. Judge says he will include some sort of instruction on bias after ...

    Merchan says he will have an instruction on bias while also saying the questionnaire had 42 or 43 questions and the voir dire was pretty extensive. share with Facebook share with Twitter

  27. China Asks Bond Underwriters to Check for Local Debt Risks

    1:49. A Chinese market watchdog asked some financial firms this week to review any bond underwriting that may have gone against government plans to defuse local debt risks, according to a notice ...