22 Book Report Templates

In tackling coursework, you may have to dig a little bit into a book or some other kind of literature. This could be with the aim of gaining deeper insight on a matter, drawing connections between the contents of the book and the subject at hand, and so on.

What is a book report?

The above tasks require a book report. This is an essay that discusses the contents of a given book. It is largely written as part and parcel of a class assignment that is issued out to students in school, especially at the elementary level. It is shorter and less comprehensive than a book review.

How to write a book report?

To write a book report, you need to follow the steps below:

  • Draft an introductory paragraph. This captures the basic information about the book such as its genre, title, author, year published, number of pages, and the publisher. Include some interesting background information about the author of the book.
  • Next, incorporate a plot summary. It is basically a summary of the book itself with regards to the themes, plot, and the characters that are found in it plus the roles they play there.
  • Carry out some character analysis of the main characters who dominate and play critical roles in the book from the start through to the finish line.
  • Point out the themes of the book i.e. the main ideas that run throughout the story from the start through to the finish.
  • Place your personal evaluation and conclusion at the tail end of the report. These two give your own opinion of the entire book and what it does have to offer to any reader.

Book Report Templates

These are frameworks against which the book reports are drafted. They serve as rough guides through which the tiny details are filled out. The templates cheapen the task of drafting a report of this kind while also seeing to it that the outcomes are largely accurate.

Book Report Templates #01

Guide: How to draft a book report

Different reports have different outlines and contents. Thus, there is really no unifying way of drafting the report. Nonetheless, there are some common steps that cut across the board. Below, we highlight and explain them:

  • Jot down the first draft of the book report. This acts as a spark from which the subsequent reports are drafted and originated.
  • Prepare the introductory paragraph of the book report. Remember, it is this introduction that sets the tone and the overall theme of the report going forward. It has to be brief but include every aspect of the report altogether.
  • Now get to the core business of the report altogether. Here, you should read the book, garner the finer details and jot down its summary.
  • While at it, draft the main portion of the book report, explain the main characters, highlight and explain the main themes of the book, point out any quotes, and comment on the writer’s writing style.
  • Give the book a personal evaluation. This one mainly aims at commenting on the book in its entirety while also providing your own review and testimonial about the book as a whole.
  • Edit and revise the report before submitting it. As you do so, see to it that you weed out any grammatical and spelling mistakes that may be present in the report.

What is the format of a book report?

The format of a book report refers to the outline that the report follows from the introduction to the conclusion of the book. Even though different reports follow different formats, there are common contents that cut across the board. These are:

  • The kind of book report you are drafting
  • The book’s title
  • The author of the book
  • The times that the story is taking place
  • The location of the story of the book
  • Names and descriptions of the characters in the book
  • Quotations and examples from the book to provide support to your opinions

How long should a book report be?

Generally, you should keep your book report as short as it can practically be. A length of about 600-800 words would be suitable. Also, the report has to be double-spaced and drafted in legible fonts.

Final Thoughts

Drafting a book report is not a walk in the park. As a starter, you may have to devote much of your time to write it several times before mastering the art well. We ask you to carry out mock writing to deepen your understanding of the matter. Seeking the assistance of a trained expert may equally do the trick.

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How to Write a Book Report (+ Book Report Example) 

Download for free, specific tips for writing effective book reports..

Write better book reports using the tips, examples, and outlines presented here. This resource covers three types of effective book reports: plot summaries, character analyses, and theme analyses. It also features a specific book report example for students.

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How to write a book report (+ book report example) 

Whether you're a student looking to show your comprehension of a novel, or simply a book lover wanting to share your thoughts, writing a book report can be a rewarding experience. This guide, filled with tips, tricks, and a book report example, will help you craft a report that effectively communicates your understanding and analysis of your chosen book.

Looking for a printable resource on book reports? See our Printable Book Report Outlines and Examples

What is a book report? 

Book reports can take on many different forms. Writing a book review helps you practice giving your opinion about different aspects of a book, such as an author's use of description or dialogue.

You can write book reports of any type, from fiction to non-fiction research papers, or essay writing; however, there are a few basic elements you need to include to convey why the book you read was interesting when writing a good book report.

Close up shot of student writing a book report in class. Book report example.

Types of book reports 

Three types of effective book reports are plot summaries, character analyses, and theme analyses. Each type focuses on different aspects of the book and requires a unique approach. These three types of book reports will help you demonstrate your understanding of the book in different ways.

Plot summary

When you are writing a plot summary for your book report you don't want to simply summarize the story. You need to explain what your opinion is of the story and why you feel the plot is so compelling, unrealistic, or sappy. It is the way you analyze the plot that will make this a good report. Make sure that you use plenty of examples from the book to support your opinions.

Try starting the report with a sentence similar to the following:

The plot of I Married a Sea Captain , by Monica Hubbard, is interesting because it gives the reader a realistic sense of what it was like to be the wife of a whaling captain and live on Nantucket during the 19th century.

Character analysis

If you choose to write a character analysis, you can explore the physical and personality traits of different characters and the way their actions affect the plot of the book.

  • Explore the way a character dresses and what impression that leaves with the reader.
  • What positive characteristics does the character possess?
  • Does the character have a "fatal flaw" that gets him/her into trouble frequently?
  • Try taking examples of dialogue and analyzing the way a character speaks. Discuss the words he/she chooses and the way his/her words affect other characters.
  • Finally, tie all of your observations together by explaining the way the characters make the plot move forward.

In the novel Charlotte's Web , by E. B. White, Templeton the rat may seem like an unnecessary character but his constant quest for food moves the plot forward in many ways.

Theme analyses

Exploring the themes (or big ideas that run throughout the story) in a book can be a great way to write a book report because picking a theme that you care about can make the report easier to write. Try bringing some of your thoughts and feelings as a reader into the report as a way to show the power of a theme. Before you discuss your own thoughts, however, be sure to establish what the theme is and how it appears in the story.

  • Explain  exactly  what theme you will be exploring in your book report.
  • Use as many examples and quotations from the book as possible to prove that the theme is important to the story.
  • Make sure that you talk about each example or quotation you've included. Make a direct connection between the theme and the example from the book.
  • After you have established the theme and thoroughly examined the way it affects the book, include a few sentences about the impact the theme had upon you and why it made the book more or less enjoyable to read.

In the novel Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry , by Mildred Taylor, the theme of racial prejudice is a major catalyst in the story.

How to write a book report

Close up shot of male student writing a book report in journal. Book report example.

1. Thoroughly read the book

Immerse yourself in the book, taking the time to read it in its entirety. As you read, jot down notes on important aspects such as key points, themes, and character developments.

2. Identify the main elements of the book

Scrutinize the book's primary components, including its main themes, characters, setting, and plot. These elements will form the basis of your report.

3. Formulate a thesis statement

Compose a thesis statement that encapsulates your personal perspective about the book. This should be a concise statement that will guide your analysis and give your report a clear focus.

4. Create a detailed outline

Plan the structure of your book report. This outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs each focusing on a different aspect of the book, and a conclusion.

5. Craft the introduction

The introduction should provide basic information such as the book's title and author, and present your thesis statement. It should engage the reader and make them interested in your analysis.

6. Write the body of the report

In the body of your report, discuss in detail the book's main elements that you identified in step 3. Use specific examples from the text to support your analysis and to prove your thesis statement.

7. Write a strong conclusion

Your conclusion should summarize your analysis, reaffirm your thesis, and provide a closing thought or reflection on the overall book.

8. Review and edit your report

After writing, take the time to revise your report for clarity and coherence. Check for and correct any grammar or spelling errors. Ensure that your report clearly communicates your understanding and analysis of the book.

9. Include citations

If you have used direct quotes or specific ideas from the book, make sure to include proper citations . This is crucial in academic writing and helps avoid plagiarism.

10. Proofread

Finally, proofread your work. Look for any missed errors and make sure that the report is the best it can be before submitting it.

High school teacher hands back graded book reports. Book report example.

Book report example 

Below is a book report example on the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

In  To Kill a Mockingbird , Harper Lee presents a thoughtful exploration of racial prejudice, morality, and the loss of innocence. Set in the small, fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama, during the Great Depression, the book centers around the Finch family - young Scout, her older brother Jem, and their widowed father, Atticus. Scout's character provides a fresh perspective as she narrates her experiences and observations of the unjust racial prejudice in her town. Her honesty and curiosity, coupled with her father's teachings, allow her to grow from innocence to a more profound understanding of her society's inequalities. The plot revolves around Atticus Finch, a respected lawyer, defending a black man, Tom Robinson, unjustly accused of raping a white woman. As the trial progresses, it becomes clear that Robinson is innocent, and the accusation was a product of racial prejudice. Despite compelling evidence in Robinson's favor, he is convicted, symbolizing the power of bias over truth. The theme of racial prejudice is a significant part of the book. Lee uses the trial and its unjust outcome to critique the racial prejudice prevalent in society. For example, despite Atticus's solid defense, the jury's racial bias leads them to find Robinson guilty. This instance highlights how deeply ingrained prejudice can subvert justice. The book also explores the theme of the loss of innocence. Scout and Jem's experiences with prejudice and injustice lead to their loss of innocence and a better understanding of the world's complexities. For example, Scout's realization of her town's unfair treatment of Robinson demonstrates her loss of innocence and her understanding of societal biases. Overall,  To Kill a Mockingbird  is a compelling exploration of the harsh realities of prejudice and the loss of innocence. Harper Lee's intricate characters and vivid storytelling have made this book a classic.

The above is an excellent book report example for several reasons. First, it provides a clear, concise summary of the plot without giving away the entire story. Second, it analyzes the main characters, their roles, and their impacts on the story. Third, it discusses the major themes of the book - racial prejudice and loss of innocence - and supports these themes with evidence from the text. Finally, it presents a personal perspective on the book's impact and overall message, demonstrating a deep understanding of the book's significance.

Book report checklist

Always  include the following elements in any book report:

  • The type of book report you are writing
  • The book's title
  • The author of the book
  • The time when the story takes place
  • The location where the story takes place
  • The names and a  brief  description of each of the characters you will be discussing
  • Many quotations and examples from the book to support your opinions
  • A thesis statement
  • The point of view of the narrator
  • Summary of the book
  • The main points or themes discussed in the work of fiction or non-fiction
  • The first paragraph (introductory paragraph), body paragraphs, and final paragraph
  • The writing styles of the author
  • A critical analysis of the fiction or non-fiction book

Don't forget! 

No matter what type of book report you decide to write, ensure it includes basic information about the main characters, and make sure that your writing is clear and expressive so that it’s easy for audiences in middle school, high school, college-level, or any grade level to understand. Also, include examples from the book to support your opinions. Afterward, conduct thorough proofreading to complete the writing process. Book reports may seem disconnected from your other schoolwork, but they help you learn to summarize, compare and contrast, make predictions and connections, and consider different perspectives & skills you'll need throughout your life.

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Paano Gumawa ng Narrative Report o Ulat Pasalaysay

Isa sa mga requirements na hinihingi sa curriculum ngayon ay ang narrative report. At kailangan mo ngayong alamin kung paano gumawa ng narrative report. Madalas, kinakailangan ang narrative report na ito upang isalaysay ang naging experience o karanasan mo sa iyong On The Job Training o OJT. Ngunit hindi lang mga estudyanteng kakatapos lang mag-OJT ang hinihingian nito. Kung ikaw ay galing sa isang training o workshop, kinakailangan mo ring mag-submit ng isang narrative report.

Ngunit, syempre, hindi lang mga estudyante ang kinakailangang magsulat nito. Dahil sa bawat dulo ng school year, nagpapasa rin an gating mga butihing guro ng isang ulat pasalaysay tungkol sa report card ng mga bata. Kung ikaw ay isang bagong guro at unang taon mo pa lang sa pagtuturo, aming ituturo ang paraan upang maisulat mo ng maayos ang iyong ulat pasalaysay.

book report example tagalog

Simulan na natin ngayon ang ating maikling tutorial kung paano gumawa ng narrative report.

Paano Gumawa ng Narrative Report o Ulat Pasalaysay?

paano gumawa ng narrative report

Gumawa ng listahan ng mahahalagang pangyayari na iyong isusulat.

Isang simpleng listahan lang ito. Gaya ng listahan ng mga bibilihin sa grocery. Bakit? Simple lang ang dahilan. Para mas mabilis ang iyong paggawa at para wala kang makalimutan.

book report example tagalog

Kaya naman, unahin mo ang paggawa ng listahan ng mahahalagang pangyayari na alam mong dapat at mapapaloob sa iyong narrative report. Huwag mo munang intindihin ang pagkakasunod-sunod ng pangyayari. Basta ilista mo lang nang ilista. At kapag nasigurado mo nang kumpleto na, saka mo na lang ayusin ang pagkakasunod-sunod.

Kumuha ng kopya ng format

Ang mga ulat pasalaysay ay kadalasang encoded (computerized) at printed. Dahil dito, tiyak, mayroong format na dapat mong sundin. Wala kaming maibibigay na format dito dahil pa-iba-iba ito sa mga rehiyon o dibisyon sa ating bansa. O kahit minsan pa naman, ay nagbibigay na specific na format ang mga professors. Kaya siguraduhin mong mayroon kang kopya noong format na iyong susundan habang ikaw ay nagsusulat.

Kadalasan, mayroon itong front page na naglalaman ng pamagat ng iyong narrative report, ang school and division header sa itaas, ang iyong pangalan at ang iyong kurso at ang pangalan ng iyong guro na nagpapa-require ng ulat pasalaysay na ito.

Matutong isalaysay ng maayos ang mga pangyayari

Isa sa mga katangian ng mga ulat pasalaysay na nagsisilbing palatandaan kung bakid ito ay bukod-tangi sa iba pang mga ulat ay dahil ito ay isang ulat pasalaysay, isa itong narrative report. Samakatuwid, iyong ikwekwento sa ulat na ito ay iyong naranasan.

  • Basahin: Paano Gumawa ng Sanaysay

Hindi dahil ikaw ay gumagamit ng unang persona, (ako, akin), ay nangangahulugan ng maaari mo itong isulat ng parang nakikipag-chat ka lang sa iyong kaibigan o tila sumusulat ka lang ng isang Wattpad story. Dapat, isaisip mo pa rin na ang iyong paraan ng pagsulat ay pormal dahil isa nga itong ulat at ipapasa ito sa mga taong mas mataas ang estado kaysa sa iyo.

Matuto ring isalaysay ang mga pangyayari sa isang lohikal na pagkakasunod-sunod kung saan ay madaling masunduan ang mga pangyayari. Maging maingat rin sa pagbuo ng iyong mga pangungusap. Siguraduhing hindi masyadong mahaba ang iyong mga pangungusap at gawing madalas ang paghahati-hati ng mga ideya sa iba’t-ibang pangungusap sa halip na pagsama-samahin sila sa iisa.

Huwag kalilimutan ang mga mahahalagang bagay

Ang bahaging ito ay para sa mga estudyanteng kakatapos lang mag-OJT at ngayon ay isnusulat ang kanilang narrative report.

Higit sa lahat, huwag mong kalilimutang banggitin sa iyong ulat pasalaysay ang mga mahahalagang bagay na dapat banggitin. Tulad ng iyong natutunan at kung paano mo magagamit ang iyong mga natutunang kaalaman kung ikaw na ay nagtratrabaho.

Dahil ikaw ay ipinadala upang mag-sanay sa institusyong iyon, dapat ay mabanggit mo ang iyong mga natutunan habang ikaw ay nagsasanay.

Ngayon ay alam mo na kung paano gumawa ng narrative report at handa ka nang magsulat ng iyong ulat pasalaysay. Tiyak, yakang-yaka mo iyang isulat ngayong mayroon ka ng kaalaman para diyan!

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Book Report Writing

Barbara P

Book Report Writing Guide - Outline, Format, & Topics

15 min read

Book Report Writing

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Guide to Craft an Outstanding Book Report Outline

Creative and Excellent Book Report Ideas for Students

Writing a book report can be a challenging task for students at all levels of education. Many struggle to strike the right balance between providing a concise summary and offering insightful analysis.

The pressure to submit a well-structured report often leaves students feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about where to begin. Unlike a book review that is longer and more detailed, the purpose of writing a book report is to summarize what happened in the story. 

In this blog, we will learn the book report writing, providing you with step-by-step instructions and creative ideas. Whether you're a reader or just starting your literary journey, this guide will help you write book reports that shine. 

So, let's dive in!

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is a Book Report?
  • 2. How to Write a Book Report Outline?
  • 3. How to Write a Book Report?
  • 4. Book Report Formatting
  • 5. Book Report vs. Book Review - How Do they Differ from Each Other? 
  • 6. Book Report Templates for Different Grades
  • 7. How to Write a Book Report for High School?
  • 8. How to Write a Book Report for College Level?
  • 9. Book Report Examples
  • 10. Book Report Ideas

What is a Book Report?

A book report is a written summary and analysis of a book's content, designed to provide readers with insights into the book's key elements. It's a valuable exercise for students, offering a chance to look deeper into a book's characters, and overall impact. Why are book reports important? They serve as a way to not only showcase your reading comprehension but also your critical thinking skills. They help you reflect on the book's strengths and weaknesses, and they can be a great tool to start a discussion.

How to Write a Book Report Outline?

Before you start writing a book report, it's crucial to create a well-organized outline. A book report outline serves as the roadmap for your report, ensuring that you cover all essential aspects. Here's how to create an effective book report outline:

Begin with an engaging opening sentence to capture the reader's attention.
Provide basic details about the book, including the title, author, and publication date.
Clearly state your main argument or perspective on the book.

Briefly summarize the book's plot, focusing on the main events, conflicts, and resolution.
Introduce the main characters and their roles in the story.
Describe the book's setting and its significance to the plot.

How to Write a Book Report?

Writing an effective book report is not just about summarizing a story; it's a chance to showcase your analytical skills.

Let’s go through the process of creating a compelling book report that will impress your instructor.

How to Start a Book Report

To start a book report follow the steps below:

  • Pick the Perfect Book  Selecting the right book for your report is the first crucial step. If you have the freedom to choose, opt for a book that aligns with your interests. Engaging with a book you're passionate about makes the entire process more enjoyable.
  • Dive into the Pages Reading the book thoroughly is non-negotiable. While summaries and online resources can be helpful, they can't replace the depth of understanding gained from reading the actual text. Take notes as you read to capture key moments and insights.
  • Document Key Insights Keeping a physical notebook for jotting down important points and insights is a tried-and-true method. This tangible record allows for quick reference when you're ready to write your report.
  • Collect Powerful Quotes Quotes from the book can be the secret sauce that adds weight to your report. Choose quotes that align with your report's themes and ideas. These quotes will serve as evidence to support your analysis and perspective.
  • Craft Your Report Outline An book report outline serves as your roadmap for creating a structured and coherent report. Ensure it includes all the vital elements, from basic book information to your in-depth analysis. An organized outline keeps your writing on track.

Writing Your Book Report

Now that you've completed the preliminary steps, it's time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). Follow these guidelines for an exceptional book report:

  • Introduction: Open with a captivating introduction that introduces the book, its author, and your main thesis. This initial "hook" draws readers in and sparks their interest.
  • Plot Summary: Concisely summarize the book's plot, including key events, main characters, and the overall narrative. Offer enough information for understanding without revealing major spoilers.
  • Analysis: The core of your report, where you dissect the book's themes, characters, writing style, and any symbolism. Back your insights with book quotes and examples, revealing the author's intentions and how they achieved them.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points, restate your thesis, and share your overall evaluation of the book. End with a thought-provoking statement or recommendation to leave readers engaged and curious.

Book Report Formatting

When it comes to formatting a book report, simplicity and clarity are key. Here's a straightforward guide on the essential formatting elements:

Use a standard and easily readable font such as Times New Roman or Arial.
Set the font size to 12 points.
Double-space the entire report for readability.

Book Report vs. Book Review - How Do they Differ from Each Other? 

The table below highlights how is a book report different from a book review :

To provide an objective summary of the book's content, focusing on its plot, characters, and setting.

To offer a subjective evaluation of the book's quality, discussing both its strengths and weaknesses.

Mainly on summarizing the book's key elements and events.

Primarily on the reviewer's personal opinions, analysis, and critique.

Typically, personal opinions are minimized or excluded.

Relies heavily on the reviewer's personal opinions and preferences.

Generally longer, often structured with multiple sections.

Typically shorter, often concise and to the point.

Analyzes the book's content in terms of plot, characters, themes, etc.

Offers a critical analysis of the book's writing style, themes, and overall impact.

Typically written for educators or academic purposes.

Written for a general audience, including potential readers of the book.

What are the SImilarities between Book Report and Book Review?

Here are the things that are added in both a book report and a book review.

  • Bibliographic details
  • Background of the author
  • The recommended audience for the book
  • The main subject of the book or work
  • Summary of the work and the only difference is that in the review, a critical analysis is also added

Due to the similarities, many students think that both of these are the same. It is wrong and could cost you your grade.

How to Write a Nonfiction Book Report? 

Writing a nonfiction book report may seem daunting, but with a few simple steps, you can craft an informative report. Here's a streamlined guide:

  • Read Actively: Carefully read the chosen nonfiction book, highlighting key information. For instance, if you're reporting on a biography, mark significant life events and their impact.
  • Introduction: Begin with the author's name, the book's publication year, and why the author wrote the book. Create an engaging opening sentence, such as "In 'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,' Rebecca Skloot delves into the fascinating world of medical ethics."
  • Focused Body: Structure the body into three paragraphs, each addressing crucial aspects. For instance, in a report on a science book, one paragraph could cover the book's key scientific discoveries.
  • Concluding Thoughts: Share your personal opinion, if applicable. Would you recommend the book? Mention reasons, like "I highly recommend 'Sapiens' by Yuval Noah Harari for its thought-provoking insights into human history."

Writing a nonfiction book report requires adhering to facts but can still be enjoyable with a strategic approach.

How to Write a Book Report without Reading the Book?

Short on time to read the entire book? Here are quick steps to create a book report:

  • Consult Summary Websites: Visit websites providing book summaries and analyses. For instance, SparkNotes or CliffsNotes offer concise overviews.
  • Focus on Key Details: Select 2-3 crucial aspects of the book, like major themes or character development. Discuss these in-depth.
  • Consider a Writing Service: Utilize professional writing services when time is tight. They can craft a well-structured report based on provided information.
  • Offer a Unique Perspective: Differentiate your report by approaching it from a unique angle. For example, explore a theme or character relationship that hasn't been extensively covered by peers.

While challenging, writing a book report without reading the book is possible with these strategies.

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Book Report Templates for Different Grades

Students studying at different levels have different skills and ability levels. Here is how they can write book reports for their respective academic levels.

How to Write a Book Report for an Elementary School?

The following are some book report templates that you can use for your primary or elementary school.

how to write a 3rd-grade book report - MyPerfectWords.com

How to Write a Book Report for Middle School

Here are the book report worksheets that you can use to write your middle school book report.

how to write a 6th-grade book report - MyPerfectWords.com

How to Write a Book Report for High School?

Writing a high school book report includes the following steps:

  • Read the book thoroughly and with purpose.
  • Make an outline before writing the report as a pre-writing step.
  • Follow the guidelines and the given format to create the title page for your report.
  • Add basic details in the introduction of your book report.
  • Analyze the major and minor characters of the story and the role they play in the progress of the story.
  • Analyze the major and significant plot, events, and themes. Describe the story and arguments and focus on important details.
  • Conclude by adding a summary of the main elements, characters, symbols, and themes.

How to Write a Book Report for College Level?

Follow this college book report template to format and write your report effectively:

  • Understand the Assignment: Familiarize yourself with the assignment and book details to ensure proper adherence.
  • Read Thoroughly: Read the book attentively, noting essential details about the plot, characters, and themes.
  • Introduction: Craft an informative introduction with bibliographic details. 
"In 'The Big Sleep' by Raymond Chandler (1988), a detective novel, the narrative explores the corrosive effects of consumer culture on society."
  • Summary: Summarize key aspects like setting, events, atmosphere, narrative style, and the overall plot. 
 "Set in 1930s LA, a rain-soaked city, the story follows detective Philip Marlowe as he uncovers the dark secrets of the wealthy Sternwood family."
  • Plot: Cover the entire story, highlighting essential details, plot twists, and conflicts. 
 "Marlowe's involvement with the Sternwood family begins with an invitation to solve Vivian and Carmen's case. He discovers that Carmen is the culprit behind a family secret, while Vivian conceals her crime. An assassination attempt on Marlowe fails due to his clever anticipation."
  • Conclusion: Summarize the story and assess its strengths and weaknesses. Unlike a review, a book report provides a straightforward summary.

Book Report Examples

Book Report of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Book Report of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

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Book Report Ideas

Basic ideas include presenting your narrative and analysis in simple written form, while more creative ideas include a fun element. Some notable books to choose from for your book report writing assignment are mentioned below:

  • "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
  • "1984" by George Orwell
  • "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
  • "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger
  • "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling
  • "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins
  • "The Diary of Anne Frank" by Anne Frank
  • "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien

Need more ideas? Check out our book report ideas blog to get inspiration!

To Sum it Up! Crafting a good book report involves striking the right balance between introducing the book, summarizing its key themes, and avoiding spoilers. It's a delicate art, but with the right guidance you can grasp this skill effortlessly. 

Need expert assistance with writing your book report? MyPerfectWords.com is here to help you out!

If you're asking yourself, "Can someone write my essays online ?"Our professional writers have the answer. We can write a custom book report according to your personalized requirements and instructions. Get a high-quality book report to help you earn the best grades on your assignment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the parts of a book report.

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A book report often contains different sections that describe the setting, main characters, and key themes of the story. A common type is an expository one which details what happened in detail or discusses how people feel about it.

Is a report a summary?

No, a summary is more detailed than a book report. A book report is usually based on a short summary of the book, while a standalone summary is more detailed and could have headings, subheadings, and supporting quotes.

How many paragraphs should be included in a book report?

The book report is a typical assignment in middle and high school, usually with one introduction, three body, and one conclusion paragraph.

The number of paragraphs could vary depending on the academic level, with an expert or professional book report having more than three body paragraphs.

How long is a book report?

It should not exceed two double-spaced pages, be between 600 and 800 words in length. Your book report is a written reflection on the content of a novel or work of nonfiction.

How do you end a book report?

Sum up your thesis statement and remind the readers of the important points, one final time. Do not add any new ideas or themes here and try to leave a lasting impression on the reader.

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Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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What is an example of tagalog book report?

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An example of a Tagalog book report may include a summary of the book's plot, analysis of the characters, themes, and writing style, as well as personal insights and reflections on how the book impacted the reader. It typically includes an introduction, body, and conclusion, presented in Tagalog language.

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What is the Tagalog of report?

The Tagalog word for report is "ulat."

What is report in tagalog?

The word "report" in Tagalog is "ulat" or "repor."

What is the Tagalog term of narrative report?

The Tagalog term for narrative report is "salaysay na ulat."

Sample of tagalog thesis?

example of tagalog thesis example of tagalog thesis

What is tagalog of home reading report?

The Tagalog term for "home reading report" is "ulat sa pagbabasa sa bahay."


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What Is Project 2025, and Why Is Trump Disavowing It?

The Biden campaign has attacked Donald J. Trump’s ties to the conservative policy plan that would amass power in the executive branch, though it is not his official platform.

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Kevin Roberts, wearing a dark suit and blue tie and speaking into a microphone at a lectern. The lectern says, “National Religious Broadcasters, nrb.org.”

By Simon J. Levien

Donald J. Trump has gone to great lengths to distance himself from Project 2025, a set of conservative policy proposals for a future Republican administration that has outraged Democrats. He has claimed he knows nothing about it or the people involved in creating it.

Mr. Trump himself was not behind the project. But some of his allies were.

The document, its origins and the interplay between it and the Trump campaign have made for one of the most hotly debated questions of the 2024 race.

Here is what to know about Project 2025, and who is behind it.

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 was spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation and like-minded conservative groups before Mr. Trump officially entered the 2024 race. The Heritage Foundation is a think tank that has shaped the personnel and policies of Republican administrations since the Reagan presidency.

The project was intended as a buffet of options for the Trump administration or any other Republican presidency. It’s the latest installment in the Heritage Foundation’s Mandate for Leadership series, which has compiled conservative policy proposals every few years since 1981. But no previous study has been as sweeping in its recommendations — or as widely discussed.

Kevin Roberts, the head of the Heritage Foundation, which began putting together the latest document in 2022, said he thought the American government would embrace a more conservative era, one that he hoped Republicans would usher in.

“We are in the process of the second American Revolution,” Mr. Roberts said on Real America’s Voice, a right-wing cable channel, in early July, adding pointedly that the revolt “will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

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  13. How to Write a Book Report

    Writing a high school book report includes the following steps: Read the book thoroughly and with purpose. Make an outline before writing the report as a pre-writing step. Follow the guidelines and the given format to create the title page for your report. Add basic details in the introduction of your book report.

  14. What is book report in tagalog?

    An example of a Tagalog book report may include a summary of the book's plot, analysis of the characters, themes, and writing style, as well as personal insights and reflections on how the book ...

  15. What is an example of tagalog book report?

    WikiAnswers is not a free service for writing critiques, essays, discussion papers, reports and summaries, or homework. This is considered cheating. We WILL help you learn how to write a good ...

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    Contextual translation of "example of book report" into Tagalog. Human translations with examples: filipino, ano ang nasusunog, halimbawa ng report.

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    Written Report in Filipino | PDF. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  18. PDF Book Report Example High School Tagalog

    Book Report Example High School Tagalog Example of book review tagalog Chelmsford research papers cyber security school essay topics, Wisconsin referencing law journals high school report card. Find the essay on transition from middle school to high school. research paper Literature review written example. sample for application letter for promotion application letter sample tagalog version ...

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    Contextual translation of "book report" into Tagalog. Human translations with examples: book report, ulat ng aklat, pamagat ng ulat.

  21. Sample of Book Report

    Sample of Book Report - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document summarizes 4 stories: 1) "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, about a pilot who crashes in the desert and meets a mysterious little prince who lived on an asteroid. They become friends but eventually say goodbye. 2) "The Velveteen Rabbit" by ...

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  23. What Is Project 2025, and Who Is Behind It?

    The Biden campaign has attacked Donald J. Trump's ties to the conservative policy plan that would amass power in the executive branch, though it is not his official platform.