
Essay on My Sister Is My Role Model

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Sister Is My Role Model in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Sister Is My Role Model

My sister, my inspiration.

My sister is the person I look up to the most. She is older than me and always shows me the right path. Her kindness, hard work, and intelligence make her my role model.

Always There for Me

She helps me with my homework and plays with me. When I’m sad, she knows how to make me laugh. She teaches me to be strong and to stand up for what is right.

Her Achievements

My sister does really well in school. She wins prizes and everyone says she is very smart. Seeing her do well makes me want to work hard too.

Lessons for Life

She tells me stories about honesty and courage. These stories help me understand how to be a good person. I want to be like her because she is the best sister anyone could have.

250 Words Essay on My Sister Is My Role Model

Her hard work.

My sister works very hard in everything she does. Whether it’s school or a hobby, she gives it her all. When I see her studying for hours and getting good grades, it makes me want to work hard too. She teaches me that if you put in the effort, you can achieve great things.

Her Kindness

She is also very kind. She helps me with my homework and plays games with me even when she’s busy. She listens to my problems and gives good advice. Her kindness spreads to everyone she meets, and it inspires me to be a better person.

Her Bravery

My sister is brave. She’s not afraid to try new things or stand up for what is right. When I’m scared to do something, she encourages me to be brave too. She shows me that it’s okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them.

In conclusion, my sister is my role model because she is hardworking, kind, and brave. She leads by example and helps me to grow into a better person. I am lucky to have her in my life, and I hope to be like her as I grow up.

500 Words Essay on My Sister Is My Role Model

Everyone has someone they look up to, someone who guides them and shapes their life. For me, that person is my sister. She is not just a sibling but my role model. A role model is a person whose behavior is imitated by others. My sister is the perfect example for me to follow because of her kindness, intelligence, and strength.

Kindness in Action

Brains and wisdom.

Not only is my sister kind, but she is also very smart. She does well in school, always finishing her homework on time and helping me with mine when I struggle. She reads a lot of books and knows so much about the world. When I have questions, she takes the time to explain things to me until I understand. Her love for learning is contagious, and it encourages me to study hard and be curious about new things.

Strength and Courage

Life is not always easy, and my sister has faced challenges too. But she handles them with courage and doesn’t give up. For example, when she didn’t make the soccer team, she didn’t become sad. Instead, she practiced even more and tried again the next year. Her determination shows me that it’s okay to fail as long as you keep trying. Her strength when facing problems gives me the courage to face my own.

Setting a Good Example

Fun and friendship.

Despite all her good qualities, my sister is also a lot of fun. She has a great sense of humor and can make me laugh even when I’m feeling down. She invites me to play games and spends time with me. She is not just my sister; she is also my friend. We share secrets, dreams, and enjoy our time together. Having fun with her shows me that life is not just about work; it’s also about enjoying the journey.

In conclusion, my sister is my role model for many reasons. Her kindness, intelligence, strength, good example, and friendship have all influenced me in positive ways. She teaches me by what she does more than what she says. I am lucky to have her in my life, and I hope to be as good a role model for others as she has been for me. My sister has shown me that being a good person is about being kind, smart, strong, and having fun along the way.

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The Enduring Essence of Sisterhood

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Deborah's Physical Essence: A Vision of Comfort and Joy


The Emotional Impact: A Shining Star in Hard Times

Personality traits: a blend of sweetness and temperament, unique habits and sayings: an endearing quirkiness, role as a mother figure: nurturing through responsibility, expressing love and concern: actions speak louder than words, influence on academic and personal growth: motivation amidst challenges, acknowledging strength and resilience: a life well-lived, self-reflection and future aspirations: embracing differences for personal growth, conclusion: a profound gratitude for deborah mendoza.


The Enduring Essence of Sisterhood. (2022, Jul 25). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-my-sister-is-my-role-model-essay

"The Enduring Essence of Sisterhood." StudyMoose , 25 Jul 2022, https://studymoose.com/why-my-sister-is-my-role-model-essay

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"The Enduring Essence of Sisterhood." StudyMoose, Jul 25, 2022. Accessed July 4, 2024. https://studymoose.com/why-my-sister-is-my-role-model-essay

"The Enduring Essence of Sisterhood," StudyMoose , 25-Jul-2022. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/why-my-sister-is-my-role-model-essay. [Accessed: 4-Jul-2024]

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The Enduring Essence of Sisterhood essay

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My Sister Essay

500 words essay on my sister.

Sisters are a blessing for everyone in this world. Many of us have sisters whom we love unconditionally. Some have elder sisters while others have younger sisters. Nonetheless, we all are lucky to have been blessed with sisters. Through my sister essay, I will tell more about my sister and my unconditional love for her.

my sister essay

My Younger Sister

I have a younger sister who is five years younger than me. She is my whole world and I cannot live without her. When I first found out that I’m a big sister, I couldn’t contain my happiness . I remember playing with her all day when she was an infant.

My sister used to stop crying whenever I came back from school. As she started to grow up, we became even closer. Somehow, the age gap between us started to lessen and she turned into a friend of mine.

I can share all my secrets with my younger sister. Even though she is younger than me, she does not act like it. She is a very mature girl who handles all my moods and whims accordingly.

Moreover, she is the one who makes me understand things sometimes when I cannot see them clearly. Moreover, she also makes everyone in our family laughs with her cute little antics. Everyone in my family adores her as she is the youngest member of our family.

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My Sister’s Personality

My sister has a very unique personality which is not seen commonly in today’s world. She never judges anyone for their deeds. She is a religious person who believes we humans must not judge someone else as God will take care of it.

She has a bubbly personality and can brighten up the room wherever she goes. My sister is a sweet person who always tries to help out others. I have seen her help her friends all the time, even if they are acquaintances, she helps them equally.

Moreover, she is very lively. You will always find her playing around or goofing around with someone. She does not like sitting in one place, thus she is always all over the place. Further, she is very creative.

She has a solution to almost anything and everything. My sister has the special talent to find easy ways to do a difficult job. All of us always ask for her advice to simplify any kind of work.

I respect my sister for standing out of the crowd and always doing her own thing. Even if no one is doing it, she does not back off from doing the unique thing. She is my support system and inspiration.

Conclusion of My Sister Essay

All in all, I adore my sister a lot. She inspires me to become a better person and not judge anyone. As she is always empathetic towards animals , I also try my best to feed them and take care of them whenever possible. I hope to be a good sister to her and bring all the joy in her life.

FAQ of My Sister Essay

Question 1: Why are sisters so important?

Answer 1: Sisters are an essential part of everyone’s lives. When we have sisters, we tend to not feel lonely and fearful. Moreover, they love us unconditionally and accept us without any judgement. Thus, we feel someone is always there for us.

Question 2: What is the role of a sister?

Answer 2: A sister acts as a role model and teacher who help the younger siblings to learn about many things. Just like parents, older sisters have a positive influence on their siblings. Similarly, younger sisters bring joy and help us never lose our childish side.

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Why Your Sister Should be Your Role Model

role model essay sister

Over the past few years, I’ve learned a lot, but I couldn’t have done it without my older sister. Sisters are like best friends that you didn’t get to choose, but you wouldn’t choose anyone else if you had the chance. Older sisters are like your built-in life support; they’re always there for you if you need anything. Being the middle child, I’d like to think I got away with a lot over the years, but that’s because my parents tested everything out on my older sister first. So many people take their siblings for granted and a lot of them don’t even talk, but having an older sister is the greatest gift of all. Your older sister is wise, she’s smart, she’s pretty, she has the answers to everything, and she should be your role model. A role model is someone you look up to in all aspects of life, and whether it be school, relationships, friends, or just general life advice, your older sister has all the answers.

Older sisters aren’t given enough credit for what they go through. They’re the first born, usually, so your parents are experimenting with raising them and by the time you come along,  they’ve perfected their method. They have the highest expectations forced on them and if they do something wrong, it’s the end of the world. Older sisters have the highest aspirations because no one before them was shut down. My older sister had the highest aspirations of them all. With a dream of living in New York City, after college graduation she moved 1000 miles with no job in line, practically no money, and no idea of what she was going to do. Yet somehow, she managed to stay afloat, and made something of herself. Not many people can say that they survived their first year in the city living off of practically nothing. My older sister is the reason for so many things in my life.

Every older sibling hates it when their younger siblings copy everything they do and adults always say that copying is the best form of flattery, but my older sister must have been super flattered because I copied everything she did. If she dyed her hair so did I, if she wore a certain dress so did I, if she liked a new band I liked them, too. I even went as far as becoming a vegetarian and getting my nose pierced on the same side she had it, but I did all of this because I looked up to her so much. She’s the reason I am as happy as I am today, the reason I really enjoy art and yoga, and she’s the reason I go to Florida State. My sister is my absolute best friend, role model, and the greatest person in the world, and I wouldn’t trade her for anything. So this is a tribute to all of the older sisters who give their siblings everything and ask for nothing in return. They’re the people who should be your true role models.

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Essays About Role Models: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Check our guide, including top examples and prompts on essays about role models to write a high-quality piece about your idol and motivator.

How do you label someone a “role model”? Do you look for exemplary qualities like high intelligence, good leadership skills, and confidence? Role models are critical in personality development and life. For example, research proves that adolescents with positive role models, primarily those they know personally, do better academically and have more courage and self-respect. 

A role model is someone who excels in their field of expertise, inspires you to be a better person, and motivates you to follow an excellent path. They influence your life decisions and encourage you to become a lifelong learner. Who individuals decide to be their role models vary. Although most pick their parents , others also choose prominent people like celebrities, politicians, or singers. 

If you want to start writing about your role model, here are five sample essays to inspire you:


1. Best Role Model in Life by Prasanna

2. my role model: essay about my father by anonymous on gradesfixer.com, 3. word essay on true role models by pragati ghosh, 4. the role model qualities of martin luther king junior: leadership, courage, and self-discipline by anonymous on studymoose.com, 5. my mother: my inspiration and my role model by ankita yadav, 1. why should i have a role model, 2. my role models, 3. what is a role model, 4. disney characters and role models, 5. celebrities and singers as role models, 6. characteristics of a good role model, 7. how do role models affect young people.

“But for me, a role model is someone who motivates me and influences me to be a good human and positive person in life, who gives me a supporting hand to walk and run to achieve my dreams and goals. Role model is not someone who is full of ego, attitude or full of selfishness.”

Prasanna introduces her role model A.R. Rahman as someone who stimulates her desire to be an excellent musician. She mentions how vital it is to look for a role model in the field that you’re interested in. For her, it’s music. Rahman stirs up her passion for learning guitar and reaching the same achievements he had.

She believes anyone can be someone’s role model as long as they are a good person. Prasanna adds that a good role model must help you reach your dreams. She also shares her wish to meet her role model to thank him personally.

Are you interested in music? Check out these 10 essays about music .

“He is the one I always admire in my life. When I have children, I want to be similar to my father to do for my kids how he takes care of me.”

The essay shows the excellent characteristic of the author’s role model, their father. They describe him as a knowledgeable person who always encourages them to be strong in every situation and supports their goals in life. Further, the writer mentions that their father earns respect and admiration from others because of his hard work in becoming a successful businessman and a reputable human being. 

“A role model is somebody who has influenced us in our lives and whom we try to imitate and learn as we are aspired by them.”

Ghosh’s essay acknowledges that in today’s era, a person’s character, style, body language, virtues, deeds, and actions influence what type of role model they will be for others. She notes that an actual role model has self-confidence and good communication skills, shares similar thoughts with those they inspire, knows how to get credit, and does things with good intentions. She concludes her essay by advising the readers to choose their role models wisely.

“… He was a civil right activist and is one of the reasons why African Americans have rights.”

This essay expounds on Martin Luther King Jr .’s qualities that the author admires. These characteristics pushed the writer to choose him as their most significant role model. The piece recounts how Luther King Jr.’s leadership skills in fighting for equal rights and courage in speaking in front of police officers inspired the writer to be as brave as the activist and Baptist minister. The author also includes that despite being busy, Luther King Jr. finished his work on time because of self-discipline.

“She is a mother, a pilot, a driver, a cook, a good person, all at the same time. I not only want to be a pilot like her but want to copy her overall personality.”

In Yadav’s essay, she discusses how her mother became her role model. Aside from being a hard worker, she points out how she religiously follows schedules to be timely with her firm self-discipline. She believes her mother isn’t only the next Master Chef but also someone with a high sense of fashion. She’s a busy person with style. Yadav’s role model is with her at home – a mother, a mentor, and a perfect friend with a fantastic personality.

7 Writing Prompts for Essays About Role Models

Are you ready to write an essay about your role model? If you don’t have a role model or you’re having trouble coming up with a topic to start your essay writing, feel free to use the prompts below:

Most people, especially students, look for a role model to motivate them to find the right career path. At the same time, this path must also let them focus on goals, develop skills, and build character. Use this prompt to discuss your reasons why you want to have or have a role model. Then, introduce your role model by sharing their characteristics and what makes them special. You might also be interested in these essays about critical thinking.

Essays about role models: My role models

People have more than one role model. For this prompt, list your heroes and why you consider them as such. Then, pick the top ones and add their lessons’ impact on your life. Finally, you can include some of their inspirational quotes and explain why these sayings resonate with you.

Define what role models are all about and link relevant research or statistics that prove their importance. Then, talk about your understanding of being a role model and what qualities most look for in their role models today. 

Disney characters, especially princesses, are what young girls want to be. Share your stance on the debate of whether it’s okay for kids to use a fictional character as their role model or not. Affix your reasons why. Make your essay more convincing by adding examples, especially if you disagree with the idea that imaginary characters are worth being idolized.

Many look up to different celebrities and singers and consider them their role models. Some take it to the extreme and follow exactly what their idols do. Unfortunately, many become obsessed and follow even the wrong things, thinking they will gather the same fame and status as their idols. They also forget to live their own unique life. First, say something about youngsters worshipping popular artists. Then, add how people can select more positive and influential models to adore.

Discuss the typical characteristics people associate when they think of a “role model.” Then, give examples of these ideal individuals and share your preferences when favoring a role model.

Role models should motivate and inspire the youth to reach their goals and live as good people. Open discourse about the benefits of having a positive role model and how they can help change the unhealthy behaviors of today’s youth. Make your piece more compelling by adding the adverse effects of having a negative role model. 

Excellent grammar and punctuation are crucial to ensuring a good grade in your essay. See our guide to grammar and punctuation  to know more.

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My role model, my sister

Favorite Quote: "Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda

My sister isn't the greatest, the funniest or even the most perfect in all the world, but she sure is all of that to me. My sister is someone I can trust, someone I can relate to and laugh with. She's my role model, my friend and, in my eyes, the best sister anyone could ever have. I don't think anyone can understand just how great my relationship with my sister is and sometimes, I don't even think she does. We don't bicker or fight like most siblings do or get on each other’s nerves so much that we'll stop talking to each other for days. We love each other with only a love that a sister can give and an understanding so great that no words can describe it. Of course I'm not saying that our relationship is perfect. Far from it in fact, but what I am saying, is that it is quite different than the way most relationships are carried out. We interact with each other differently than most people do in certain situations. When we fight, there is no physical contact or abusive language, only the occasional sharp word or glare. We aren't lovey, touchy like some siblings either. We give each other space but at the same time stick to each other like glue. We were brought up in a household where physical contact was punished, which we learned at quite a young age, so the only way that we learned how to fight was silently. We don't hit, push, or jab, we silently fume under vicious glares and say 'please stop doing that' or simply just 'stop'. When my sister gets mad at me she has this certain tone of voice and certain mannerisms that I know to stay away from. I've learned to look for a certain tone of voice in all of my family members, but I know my sister's the best. It's not threatening or insulting just stern. She also gets very quiet and almost rigid when she's mad with no spring in her step when she walks. All of this I know, because I've watched her and also because I am the same way. Now the point that I am getting to is that I understand my sister a lot. I know when she's mad, so I know how and when to stay away from her. I don't talk to her, unless I am asking a question, I try to give her as much space as possible and I try, under every possible circumstance, to not make her angrier. I believe that because I do this, she understands and does the same for me. When I am mad and don't want to talk to anyone she stays out of my way, respecting my space. Because of this, I am grateful for my sister and it makes me love her even more. Of course on the rare occasions that we do fight, one of two things happens: either we leave each other alone or we try to break the tension in some way. Our fights, which as strange as it sounds, are another reason why I love my sister so much. When our fights are over, our use of snappy remarks exhausted, and we have established the fact that, usually I, have done something in the wrong, we usually stay seated and wait for time to resolve our problems. This usually works out pretty well with us not really forgiving each other, but staying out of each other's hair for the time being. But this is not the reason why I love my sister so much. The reason lies in what she doesn't do, not what she does. She doesn't say 'I told you so' or force me to say I'm sorry. She doesn't nag, hackle, or pressure me in any way, just leaves me alone. Sometimes after a fight she'll even break the tension by saying something funny or asking my opinion. As by nature I am a stubborn person and don't like to say 'I'm sorry' or 'I forgive you' when I am in the wrong. It hurts my pride and it makes me even he more angrier saying it, so usually I just clam up and don't say anything at all. But my sister, my role model, my best friend, has taught me to say 'I love you' to my family when I mean it and to lift people's spirits by saying jokes, sarcastic remarks, or simply laughing at myself. And she is, till this day, still teaching me. My sister's attitude is something that I adore. She is kind hearted, even if she does hates animals, she is sweet and courteous to everyone she meets, she always says please and thank you, even to the bus driver, and she is always there to lend a helping hand. Her attitude and spirit is always something that I have admired and always something that I have sought to achieve myself. It's not as if I envy her or anything, I am far beyond that. I look upon my sister with something so indescribable and powerful, something so pure and sweet, that my heart bursts with happiness and pride. Every time my sister gets recognized for an accomplishment or award that she won, my heart skips a beat and my legs become so restless that I could jump for joy. I want to shout to the crowd 'That's my sister! The best in the world!' Another thing that my sister has taught me is to not be jealous and covet someone else's treasure. Now, my sister is a great artist, one of the best in my eyes, and I am not just saying that because she is my sister, I am saying that because she really is. All of her life she has been a phenomenal artist, always drawing and sketching. She draws people the best, but I believe everything she draws is on the same level of her artistic ability. She's won numerous prizes and awards for her drawings and has even gotten multiple scholarships presented to her from prestigious art schools. For this I am enormously excited and happy for her. Of course, I am also a bit of an artist myself, but not nearly as good as her. When I was little, I strived to be more like her, to draw the same way, and eventually get at the same level where she was, maybe even surpass her. I was always jealous of her skill and wanted it for myself, jealous of the attention and praise it brought her. But over the years she has taught me that I am never going to be like her. I am never going to be the same as her, or the best and I just came to accept that. She helped me to stop envying her drawing style, how beautiful and precise it was. How every picture she drew looked like it was done by a professional’s hand. I came to realize that I had to develop my own style, my way of drawing. I had to stop trying to copy hers and focus on developing my own. And so I have. She had taught me so much including putting my jealousy aside and focusing on being happy for the opportunities that she has, and will, be given. She has taught me so much in my lifetime and for that I am eternally grateful. My sister is the best. The sweetest, kindest, most generous person that you will ever meet. She always has a smile on her face and is always willing to give. I don't know how I ever would have lived without my hero in my life. There aren’t enough words or time in this world to describe the love I have for her. She's my best friend and the one person that I can be my crazy self around. My sister's my role model, my hero. I love her with all my aching heart, forever and always.

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role model essay sister

role model essay sister

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10 Reasons Why My Sister Is My Role Model

If you have an older sister you know that it isn't always easy; my older sister, Katie, can be frustrating until no end sometimes. At the same time, if you are lucky then you're sister is also your best friend and someone that you look up to. Katie and I have made pretty different decisions in our lives, she worked hard in school and I worked hard at befriending everyone at school, she wasn't boy-crazed and I couldn't help it. These differences don't stop her from being my role model.

1. She has the best fashion sense.

I know that may seem silly, but it is amazing to be able to steal her clothes and literally look like a pro dressed me.

2. She is hardworking.

Katie is currently a senior at Northeastern University and she is superwoman. She is a coffee barista, RA, mentor for SWSG, organizer for SWSG, and she has a full course load.

3. She tells it as it is.

I've always been sensitive so I used to hate when my sister would be brutally honest with me, but now it's exactly what I need. Whenever I need to know if I screwed up or if I need confirmation that I did the right thing, I know she will be honest--possibly because I don't think she knows how to white lie.

4. She is an incredible writer.

She hates when I tell her or other people that she is a talented writer, however, it is something that I look up to her for. Having been the listener to many a school essay, I know that she has a very unique style which I love. Her writings encouraged me to want to write.

5. She cannot sing, but she belts songs out anyway.

Katie is definitely not performing at the Grammys (sorry Kate), yet whenever we have a jam session in the car or in my dorm room she belts out every line. She is so sure of herself even though she knows that she's not going to win any singing awards--that being said, she's also not getting up and doing karaoke at a bar.

6. She is very poised.

There is something graceful about my sister, even as she trips over an imaginary obstacle. She always knows what the appropriate thing to do is. I blurt out pretty much whatever is on my mind, but she always knows the proper censorship and how to hold herself. Sometimes I wonder if she was secretly going to a finishing school and I missed out.

7. She always has great friends.

Okay, so everyone has had at least one questionable friend in their life and Katie is no different, however, she always has a good core group of friends. Her friends tend to be dedicated, intelligent, thoughtful, and cool people. It is literally insane how good she is at finding quality friends.

8. She is wildly intelligent.

She can hold her own with professors, peers, smart people of all kinds, and my dad–a major feat. When she gets passionate about something she gets informed and then she shares as much of it as possible to get other people passionate about it too; plus she has a vast vocabulary that just floors me all of the time.

9. She is adventurous.

Katie wasn't particularly bold when we were younger, some might even say she was timid, but now she is traveling internationally alone, spending a month hiking in Spain, and going to restaurants with foods I can't even pronounce. This is probably one of the things I admire the most about my sister because I could never do these things and she does them without a thought.

10. She is caring and will do anything for the people she loves.

I saw this side of her recently when I was in the hospital; she came to visit me everyday and even slept in one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs because she knew I hated being there alone. She checked on me, helped me with whatever I couldn't do, and she talked to me for hours even when I was hopped up on pain medicine.

Katie frustrates me like crazy, she can be stubborn, and sometimes a little mean, but she is also amazing. I don't know what I would do without her, she is my best friend, partner in crime, and the person I call every time I get overwhelmed. I love my older sister and I wouldn't change her for all of the Starbucks in the world.

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25 beatles lyrics: your go-to guide for every situation, the best lines from the fab four.

For as long as I can remember, I have been listening to The Beatles. Every year, my mom would appropriately blast “Birthday” on anyone’s birthday. I knew all of the words to “Back In The U.S.S.R” by the time I was 5 (Even though I had no idea what or where the U.S.S.R was). I grew up with John, Paul, George, and Ringo instead Justin, JC, Joey, Chris and Lance (I had to google N*SYNC to remember their names). The highlight of my short life was Paul McCartney in concert twice. I’m not someone to “fangirl” but those days I fangirled hard. The music of The Beatles has gotten me through everything. Their songs have brought me more joy, peace, and comfort. I can listen to them in any situation and find what I need. Here are the best lyrics from The Beatles for every and any occasion.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make

The End- Abbey Road, 1969

The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you

Dear Prudence- The White Album, 1968

Love is old, love is new, love is all, love is you

Because- Abbey Road, 1969

There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be

All You Need Is Love, 1967

Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend

We Can Work It Out- Rubber Soul, 1965

He say, "I know you, you know me", One thing I can tell you is you got to be free

Come Together- Abbey Road, 1969

Oh please, say to me, You'll let me be your man. And please say to me, You'll let me hold your hand

I Wanna Hold Your Hand- Meet The Beatles!, 1964

It was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play. They've been going in and out of style, but they're guaranteed to raise a smile

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band-1967

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see

Strawberry Fields Forever- Magical Mystery Tour, 1967

Can you hear me? When it rains and shine, it's just a state of mind

Rain- Paperback Writer "B" side, 1966

Little darling, it's been long cold lonely winter. Little darling, it feels like years since it' s been here. Here comes the sun, Here comes the sun, and I say it's alright

Here Comes The Sun- Abbey Road, 1969

We danced through the night and we held each other tight, and before too long I fell in love with her. Now, I'll never dance with another when I saw her standing there

Saw Her Standing There- Please Please Me, 1963

I love you, I love you, I love you, that's all I want to say

Michelle- Rubber Soul, 1965

You say you want a revolution. Well you know, we all want to change the world

Revolution- The Beatles, 1968

All the lonely people, where do they all come from. All the lonely people, where do they all belong

Eleanor Rigby- Revolver, 1966

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends

With A Little Help From My Friends- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967

Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better

Hey Jude, 1968

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay. Oh, I believe in yesterday

Yesterday- Help!, 1965

And when the brokenhearted people, living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be.

Let It Be- Let It Be, 1970

And anytime you feel the pain, Hey Jude, refrain. Don't carry the world upon your shoulders

I'll give you all i got to give if you say you'll love me too. i may not have a lot to give but what i got i'll give to you. i don't care too much for money. money can't buy me love.

Can't Buy Me Love- A Hard Day's Night, 1964

All you need is love, love is all you need

All You Need Is Love- Magical Mystery Tour, 1967

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly. all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise.

Blackbird- The White Album, 1968

Though I know I'll never lose affection, for people and things that went before. I know I'll often stop and think about them. In my life, I love you more

In My Life- Rubber Soul, 1965

While these are my 25 favorites, there are quite literally 1000s that could have been included. The Beatles' body of work is massive and there is something for everyone. If you have been living under a rock and haven't discovered the Fab Four, you have to get musically educated. Stream them on Spotify, find them on iTunes or even buy a CD or record (Yes, those still exist!). I would suggest starting with 1, which is a collection of most of their #1 songs, or the 1968 White Album. Give them chance and you'll never look back.

14 Invisible Activities: Unleash Your Inner Ghost!

Obviously the best superpower..

The best superpower ever? Being invisible of course. Imagine just being able to go from seen to unseen on a dime. Who wouldn't want to have the opportunity to be invisible? Superman and Batman have nothing on being invisible with their superhero abilities. Here are some things that you could do while being invisible, because being invisible can benefit your social life too.

1. "Haunt" your friends.

Follow them into their house and cause a ruckus.

2. Sneak into movie theaters.

Going to the cinema alone is good for your mental health , says science

Considering that the monthly cost of subscribing to a media-streaming service like Netflix is oft...

Free movies...what else to I have to say?

3. Sneak into the pantry and grab a snack without judgment.

Late night snacks all you want? Duh.

4. Reenact "Hollow Man" and play Kevin Bacon.

America's favorite son? And feel what it's like to be in a MTV Movie Award nominated film? Sign me up.

5. Wear a mask and pretend to be a floating head.

Just another way to spook your friends in case you wanted to.

6. Hold objects so they'll "float."

"Oh no! A floating jar of peanut butter."

7. Win every game of hide-and-seek.

Just stand out in the open and you'll win.

8. Eat some food as people will watch it disappear.

Even everyday activities can be funny.

9. Go around pantsing your friends.

Even pranks can be done; not everything can be good.

10. Not have perfect attendance.

You'll say here, but they won't see you...

11. Avoid anyone you don't want to see.

Whether it's an ex or someone you hate, just use your invisibility to slip out of the situation.

12. Avoid responsibilities.

Chores? Invisible. People asking about social life? Invisible. Family being rude? Boom, invisible.

13. Be an expert on ding-dong-ditch.

Never get caught and have the adrenaline rush? I'm down.

14. Brag about being invisible.

Be the envy of the town.

But don't, I repeat, don't go in a locker room. Don't be a pervert with your power. No one likes a Peeping Tom.

Good luck, folks.

19 Lessons I'll Never Forget from Growing Up In a Small Town

There have been many lessons learned..

Small towns certainly have their pros and cons. Many people who grow up in small towns find themselves counting the days until they get to escape their roots and plant new ones in bigger, "better" places. And that's fine. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought those same thoughts before too. We all have, but they say it's important to remember where you came from. When I think about where I come from, I can't help having an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my roots. Being from a small town has taught me so many important lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

1. The importance of traditions.

Sometimes traditions seem like a silly thing, but the fact of it is that it's part of who you are. You grew up this way and, more than likely, so did your parents. It is something that is part of your family history and that is more important than anything.

2. How to be thankful for family and friends.

No matter how many times they get on your nerves or make you mad, they are the ones who will always be there and you should never take that for granted.

3. How to give back.

When tragedy strikes in a small town, everyone feels obligated to help out because, whether directly or indirectly, it affects you too. It is easy in a bigger city to be able to disconnect from certain problems. But in a small town those problems affect everyone.

4. What the word "community" really means.

Along the same lines as #3, everyone is always ready and willing to lend a helping hand when you need one in a small town and to me that is the true meaning of community. It's working together to build a better atmosphere, being there to raise each other up, build each other up, and pick each other up when someone is in need. A small town community is full of endless support whether it be after a tragedy or at a hometown sports game. Everyone shows up to show their support.

5. That it isn't about the destination, but the journey.

People say this to others all the time, but it takes on a whole new meaning in a small town. It is true that life is about the journey, but when you're from a small town, you know it's about the journey because the journey probably takes longer than you spend at the destination. Everything is so far away that it is totally normal to spend a couple hours in the car on your way to some form of entertainment. And most of the time, you're gonna have as many, if not more, memories and laughs on the journey than at the destination.

6. The consequences of making bad choices.

Word travels fast in a small town, so don't think you're gonna get away with anything. In fact, your parents probably know what you did before you even have a chance to get home and tell them. And forget about being scared of what your teacher, principle, or other authority figure is going to do, you're more afraid of what your parents are gonna do when you get home.

7. To trust people, until you have a reason not to.

Everyone deserves a chance. Most people don't have ill-intentions and you can't live your life guarding against every one else just because a few people in your life have betrayed your trust.

8. To be welcoming and accepting of everyone.

While small towns are not always extremely diverse, they do contain people with a lot of different stories, struggle, and backgrounds. In a small town, it is pretty hard to exclude anyone because of who they are or what they come from because there aren't many people to choose from. A small town teaches you that just because someone isn't the same as you, doesn't mean you can't be great friends.

9. How to be my own, individual person.

In a small town, you learn that it's okay to be who you are and do your own thing. You learn that confidence isn't how beautiful you are or how much money you have, it's who you are on the inside.

10. How to work for what I want.

Nothing comes easy in life. They always say "gardens don't grow overnight" and if you're from a small town you know this both figuratively and literally. You certainly know gardens don't grow overnight because you've worked in a garden or two. But you also know that to get to the place you want to be in life it takes work and effort. It doesn't just happen because you want it to.

11. How to be great at giving directions.

If you're from a small town, you know that you will probably only meet a handful of people in your life who ACTUALLY know where your town is. And forget about the people who accidentally enter into your town because of google maps. You've gotten really good at giving them directions right back to the interstate.

12. How to be humble .

My small town has definitely taught me how to be humble. It isn't always about you, and anyone who grows up in a small town knows that. Everyone gets their moment in the spotlight, and since there's so few of us, we're probably best friends with everyone so we are as excited when they get their moment of fame as we are when we get ours.

13. To be well-rounded.

Going to a small town high school definitely made me well-rounded. There isn't enough kids in the school to fill up all the clubs and sports teams individually so be ready to be a part of them all.

14. How to be great at conflict resolution.

In a small town, good luck holding a grudge. In a bigger city you can just avoid a person you don't like or who you've had problems with. But not in a small town. You better resolve the issue fast because you're bound to see them at least 5 times a week.

15. The beauty of getting outside and exploring.

One of my favorite things about growing up in a rural area was being able to go outside and go exploring and not have to worry about being in danger. There is nothing more exciting then finding a new place somewhere in town or in the woods and just spending time there enjoying the natural beauty around you.

16. To be prepared for anything.

You never know what may happen. If you get a flat tire, you better know how to change it yourself because you never know if you will be able to get ahold of someone else to come fix it. Mechanics might be too busy , or more than likely you won't even have enough cell service to call one.

17. That you don't always have to do it alone.

It's okay to ask for help. One thing I realized when I moved away from my town for college, was how much my town has taught me that I could ask for help is I needed it. I got into a couple situations outside of my town where I couldn't find anyone to help me and found myself thinking, if I was in my town there would be tons of people ready to help me. And even though I couldn't find anyone to help, you better believe I wasn't afraid to ask.

18. How to be creative.

When you're at least an hour away from normal forms of entertainment such as movie theaters and malls, you learn to get real creative in entertaining yourself. Whether it be a night looking at the stars in the bed of a pickup truck or having a movie marathon in a blanket fort at home, you know how to make your own good time.

19. To brush off gossip.

It's all about knowing the person you are and not letting others influence your opinion of yourself. In small towns, there is plenty of gossip. But as long as you know who you really are, it will always blow over.

Grateful Beyond Words: A Letter to My Inspiration

I have never been so thankful to know you..

I can't say "thank you" enough to express how grateful I am for you coming into my life. You have made such a huge impact on my life. I would not be the person I am today without you and I know that you will keep inspiring me to become an even better version of myself.

You have taught me that you don't always have to strong. You are allowed to break down as long as you pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. When life had you at your worst moments, you allowed your friends to be there for you and to help you. You let them in and they helped pick you up. Even in your darkest hour you showed so much strength. I know that you don't believe in yourself as much as you should but you are unbelievably strong and capable of anything you set your mind to.

Your passion to make a difference in the world is unbelievable. You put your heart and soul into your endeavors and surpass any personal goal you could have set. Watching you do what you love and watching you make a difference in the lives of others is an incredible experience. The way your face lights up when you finally realize what you have accomplished is breathtaking and I hope that one day I can have just as much passion you have.

SEE MORE: A Letter To My Best Friend On Her Birthday

The love you have for your family is outstanding. Watching you interact with loved ones just makes me smile . You are so comfortable and you are yourself. I see the way you smile when you are around family and I wish I could see you smile like this everyday. You love with all your heart and this quality is something I wished I possessed.

You inspire me to be the best version of myself. I look up to you. I feel that more people should strive to have the strength and passion that you exemplify in everyday life.You may be stubborn at points but when you really need help you let others in, which shows strength in itself. I have never been more proud to know someone and to call someone my role model. You have taught me so many things and I want to thank you. Thank you for inspiring me in life. Thank you for making me want to be a better person.

Waitlisted for a College Class? Here's What to Do!

Dealing with the inevitable realities of college life..

Course registration at college can be a big hassle and is almost never talked about. Classes you want to take fill up before you get a chance to register. You might change your mind about a class you want to take and must struggle to find another class to fit in the same time period. You also have to make sure no classes clash by time. Like I said, it's a big hassle.

This semester, I was waitlisted for two classes. Most people in this situation, especially first years, freak out because they don't know what to do. Here is what you should do when this happens.

Don't freak out

This is a rule you should continue to follow no matter what you do in life, but is especially helpful in this situation.

Email the professor

Around this time, professors are getting flooded with requests from students wanting to get into full classes. This doesn't mean you shouldn't burden them with your email; it means they are expecting interested students to email them. Send a short, concise message telling them that you are interested in the class and ask if there would be any chance for you to get in.

Attend the first class

Often, the advice professors will give you when they reply to your email is to attend the first class. The first class isn't the most important class in terms of what will be taught. However, attending the first class means you are serious about taking the course and aren't going to give up on it.

Keep attending class

Every student is in the same position as you are. They registered for more classes than they want to take and are "shopping." For the first couple of weeks, you can drop or add classes as you please, which means that classes that were once full will have spaces. If you keep attending class and keep up with assignments, odds are that you will have priority. Professors give preference to people who need the class for a major and then from higher to lower class year (senior to freshman).

Have a backup plan

For two weeks, or until I find out whether I get into my waitlisted class, I will be attending more than the usual number of classes. This is so that if I don't get into my waitlisted class, I won't have a credit shortage and I won't have to fall back in my backup class. Chances are that enough people will drop the class, especially if it is very difficult like computer science, and you will have a chance. In popular classes like art and psychology, odds are you probably won't get in, so prepare for that.

Remember that everything works out at the end

Life is full of surprises. So what if you didn't get into the class you wanted? Your life obviously has something else in store for you. It's your job to make sure you make the best out of what you have.

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role model essay sister

Paragraph Buzz

  • My Sister Essay in 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 Words for All Students

In This Blog We Will Discuss

My Sister: Short Paragraph (100 Words) for Class 1, 2, 3

I have a younger sister; she is only 7 years old. She is the youngest member of our family. Her name is Sushi. Sushi is a really cute girl and everyone loves her very much. I also love her a lot. Her behavior and attitude are very fine. She reads in class two.

She never misses her classes. I take her school with me and bring back too. Sometimes my father takes her. Her hobby is playing with dolls. She has a lot of dolls in her cabinet. He has most of them as a gift on her birthday.

My Sister: Essay (200 Words) for Class 4, 5

My Sister Essay

Introduction: Most of us have sisters in my family . Some of us have a younger sister and some of us have an elder. In my family, we are four brothers and sisters. There is only a sister who is elder than all of us. Today I am going to share something about her.  

My Sister: My sister’s name is Tahmina and she reads to the nearest college in Physics. I think she is going to become a scientist. She has set up a small lab in the house and our entering is limited there. But sometimes she calls all of us to show her little experiments. I love her science experiments, these are really exciting.

She is a bright student at her college. She is very helpful and helps everyone. When any of us face any problem, we ask her and she finds a solution for us. We think that she knows everything and can do anything. She is our superhero. We love to spend time with her.  

Conclusion: My sister the best sister ever, she is the strongest, the funniest and the greatest of all time. We all love her so much and she also loves us.

Essay on My Younger Sister (300 Words) for Class 6, 7

My Sister Essay

Introduction: A younger sister is always cute and adorable. I have got a younger sister . Today I will share a few words about her. She is really adorable and loving.  

My Younger Sister:  Her name is Neha, and she is five years old. She has just started to go to kindergartens. Neha is the youngest member of our family. And that’s why she is the most loving one. Everyone loves her a lot. In her school time, my mother takes her to school and my father brings her back. Sometimes I also do that.  

Her Hobbies: We all have got some hobbies. Neha also has a really beautiful hobby . She loves reading books. When she started learning the letter and then words, she started reading. My father bought lots of Hindi cartoon storybooks for her. She started reading and now performing really well.

She spends lots of time reading books which is pretty much rare to see at the age of five. She is an exceptional girl. She can understand so many things at that young age.  

Best Friend: Besides reading books, she spends most of her time with me. She thinks as an elder brother, I know everything in the world. While she asks me anything, I can give her a good and suitable answer that’s why she considers me a brilliant person. And that’s how I am her best friend . While she keeps asking several questions.  

Conclusion: I think Neha has a really good brain and she is going to be one of the brightest students. I really love her so much. She is the cutest little girl I have ever seen in my entire life.

My Elder Sister: Essay (400 Words) for Class 8

My Sister Essay

Introduction: Maybe my sister is not the greatest, the funniest, or not the perfect but she is the one whom I can trust. She is the one who can make me laugh. She is the one who can make me feel great. And that’s how every sister has been really important in our life. Today I will share a few words about my elder sister.

She is a really amazing girl. It’s not possible to complete writing about her. One of the cutest things about me and her, we always keep fighting. She is elder than me, but I win the fight always. But I never hit her and she also doesn’t.  

My Elder Sister: Her name is Tanisha. She is a student of computer engineering is the nearest college. She is a very bright student. She is doing really amazing at college. In her school time, she was the top one in every class. I and she spend lots of time together. Even we live in the same room.

When I face any problem or depression, I tell her about the whole matter. Most of the time, she is so much supporting and find a solution for me. She doesn’t mock me with my weaknesses. And that’s why I love and respect her so much.  

Her Special Skill: She has really amazing singing skills. She started singing in her school days. When my father realizes that she is an amazing singing vocal, he calls a teacher for her. She is still learning music from then. I think she is going to be the next big singer because he has that potential for her.

In a few local programs, she performed very well and got lots of appreciation. Last year, she participated in a musical competition in Mumbai, she became third and got the opportunity to sing for a record company. This is a very big milestone in her life. I always wish her the best for an amazing singing career.  

Her Kindness and Other Virtues: One of the most important virtues that he has got is kindness. She is always kind for the poor and helpless people. In last winter vacation , we went to spend time with our uncle, aunt, and cousins. She bought lots of blanket for the poor villagers in that winter .  

Conclusion: I love her so much. I think she is the best sister ever in the world.

Essay on My Sister (500 Words) for Class 9, 10

My Sister Essay - 500 Words

Introduction: I have got an elder sister. And she is one of the most important people in our family. Everyone has younger or elder sisters. I’ve got too. Sisters always love, they love us so much. We need to love them too; they are our best well-wisher. There is none in the world who wants better for us than our sisters. Today I will share my words about my elder sister.  

My Sister: Her name is Alia; she is a student at Medical College. She is studying MBBS for two years. After completing college, she will start working as a doctor. She is the only sibling that I have got. Her college is near our house and that’s why she can move from home.

That’s the reason that’s why I have got so much time to spend with her. She is really amazing. I love everything about her. She shares and teaches me so many things. When I go through difficulties, I have none to share but my dear sister.

She is always there for me, supporting and suggesting to me. She is the best advisor; I have got in my life. She never asks to do any bad thing. She has a very good judgmental brain, and that never let her take wrong decisions. She is a bright student too.

In her school time, she was top everywhere from grades one to ten. She never looked back and gets admitted into medical college. She is performing really well there and hoping the best for the future.  

My Role model, My Sister: I consider my sister as my role model. I want to be like her. And that’s why I am following her. I take tips from her about everything in my life. And she is helping me without any hesitation. There are a few reasons that are why I want to be like her.

The most important thing is she has no negativity. She is super positive every time. I love her laughing face, she never gets worried anytime. And that thing gives me so much motivation and inspiration. I forget the pain and all the problems in my life when I spend time with her.

Another reason is her amazing studying skills. She is a very good student. I want to be a good student like her and want to perform well in every stage of my life.  

Helpful Mentality: His most important and attractive character part is a helpful mentality. She is really helpful. We always say charity begins at home. She started helping my mother in the kitchen and that’s how she started. She always works hard even after her so much study pressure. Sometimes she cooks food and washes clothes.

My parents are really happy with her helpful mentality. Not only in the family, but she is also helpful in the college too. I found a few girls came to our house for free tuition. She even helps them with her own notes.  

Conclusion: She is my most amazing sister in the world. I know and admit that every sister is special for everyone. She loves me so much and I love her too.

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Published: Feb 8, 2022

Words: 671 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

The Reasons I Wholeheartedly Admire Emma Watson

Works cited.

  • Christopher D. Shea. (May 8, 2017). MTV Awards: Emma Watson Wins First Genderless Acting Prize. The New York Times.
  • Elle magazine. (2009). Emma Watson on the world of Hermione Granger. Elle.
  • Ramos, DR. (13 August 2017). 'Beauty and the Beast': Emma Watson on reinventing Belle for Disney's live-action update. Los Angeles Times.
  • UNWomen. (July 2014). Emma Watson becomes UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. UN Women.
  • Watson, E. (Speaker). (2014). Emma Watson's speech at the United Nations: "HeForShe" campaign [Video]. UN Women.
  • Wittmer, C. (2017). The Cast of Harry Potter : Where Are They Now?. Insider.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Emma Watson as My Role Model Essay

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