Essay: The effects of divorce

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  • Subject area(s): Sociology essays
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  • Published: 14 November 2015*
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  • Words: 2,305 (approx)
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Divorce, a legal separation of a married couple that has profound effects on the people involved. There are both long-term and short-term effects that arise after a divorce occurs. When a married couple with children separates, not only are the two adults are affected by it, but more importantly, the children are affected largely as well. Divorce tends to have a strong emotional and psychological impact on the minds of children transforming their mentality of relationships for years to come, quite possibly forever. This impact that occurs causes the children to handle their future relationships differently, even if they don’t realize they are doing it. Some of the effects are visible immediately after the divorce while others may take several years to show themselves. Children who have grown up in split families show signs of negative, long-lasting effects in their own relationships, inside and outside the family, that are directly parallel to the influence their parents’ divorce on their lives. Divorce in a family affects everyone in the unit to some degree, no matter how big or small. It all begins with the immediate effects. Some of these short-term impacts are anger, depression, aggression, interpersonal conflict, economic hardship, life stress, lower academic achievement, and social adjustment difficulty. These are only a few of the countless effects that can occur in a situation like this. The range of the short-term results varies from family to family depending on the relationship the children have with both parents before and after the divorce. In many cases of divorce, the parents and children become disconnected emotionally. A few of the factors that play in to how strongly the children will be effected are ‘parental ability to resolve post-divorce conflict and anger, ability of the custodial parent to successfully resume the parenting role, ability of the non-custodial parent to maintain a mutually satisfying relationship with the child or children, [and] personality characteristics of the child and the ability to develop coping skills [‘]’ (Matthews 3). The parents are adjusting to their new, single lives and having to deal with several issues such as getting money, a place to live, or a job. The parents let up the reins they used to hold on their children and become more aware of their own problems rather than focusing on the connection they hold with their children and what their children are doing. If this happens, and the parents do not handle the situation well or cope positively with the situation, there is a higher probability that the short-term effects that impacted the children will turn into damaging long-term effects. There are countless outcomes of a divorce that can leave the children involved with serious and long-lasting difficulties in the upcoming years of their lives. Even if the divorce happened at an early age when the child did not completely understand what was happening, the trauma of growing up in a separated family takes its toll on the child’s mind whether he or she realizes it or not. A study was done on children of multiple different families where each child’s personal thought process was traced over a ten year period. When the first follow-up was taken after five years, the short-term effects that had remained were anger, specifically at the parent who asked for the divorce, a longing for the absent parent, a wish for the family to be put back together, and moderate to severe cases of depression (4). As adults, ten years after the divorce, the study followed up once again. The research showed that the children were not so much pushing for their parents to get back together as they simply expressed sorrow that their parents had not gotten back together. Any hope they once had that their parents may constitute their relationship once again had disappeared, and the children accepted their parents’ decision. Several of the students agreed that their lives would have been much happier if their parents had stayed together, and they were able to grow up in a strong family unit. The outcome was devastating, but they could do nothing about it, and had to respect it. This shows the maturity the children developed as they entered into adulthood, giving them a different outlook on the situation that would allow them to cope easier with what happened to them ten years ago and with all that has happened since then because of their parents’ decisions. Although this acceptance is extremely healthy for the healing process, children whose parents are divorced will never fully be healed. There are countless emotional, psychological, physical, and social concerns that have yet to be addressed. One of the emotional concerns introduced to children when dealing with a divorce is that they are more prone to being quick to anger and frustration, as well as pressure and stress. Anger can build up inside the child over the years and cause the child to lash out in small, and sometimes large, bursts of anger at parents or siblings over different thoughts. This anger that has risen up because of the parent’s divorce, also comes from the daily problems children deal with. These can have to do with anything from school to sports to family. It is especially evident in times of stress. Children not only have to deal with new issues that have come from the divorce such as separation from one parent for certain periods of time, and packing and transportation back and forth from each parent, but also the pressures of schoolwork, grades, work, sports, church, and other weekly activities. For a child trying to balance their life with such a big change, it becomes tiresome, difficult, and easy to let that frustration build up inside. Children can become so emotional that it starts to show through their actions and life choices they make as they get older. Adolescents whose parents are divorced tend to lash out more than kids who grow up in families that are intact (Fagan 1). The worse the relationship between the children and the parents after the divorce, the more the child will lash out simply searching for attention from their mother and/or father. They look for a way to let out the anger they hold against their parents for their decision, and look for attention and happiness anywhere they can find it. Several children lean towards drugs, sex, aggressive or violent behavior, committing crimes, running away, alcohol, and even skipping school (Rappaport 1). This leads into the physical problems that can be found in children with split families. Some do not take care of themselves like they should, and sometimes not all their needs can be met because of the parent’s concerns being placed elsewhere in their lives. These can be relatively small issues like laziness, but could also reach into more serious situations such as not eating or self-harm. These more serious problems could be a result of depression, which is extremely common during childhood, and even more so in children who are dealing with family separation. ‘[I]ts symptoms include irritability, worthlessness, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating in school, poor appetite (or overeating), insomnia (or too much sleep) and/or constant fatigue’ (1). The most horrifying result of depression is death. Although parent’s divorcing may not be the only cause for depression for all children separated families, it can definitely play a large role in it, especially if other traumatic experiences are happening in the child’s life at a similar time such as death of a close friend or family member. It is often said that people harm themselves when they are in a state of depression because they are crying out for help; however, this myth does not take into account that the people who are doing these things to themselves are trying to end their emotional pain in whatever way they can. For some, it may be an eating disorder while others may cut themselves, or even attempt suicide. Feelings and emotions that build up from family troubles should be taken seriously and let out in a healthy way whether that means getting a counselor for the children or keeping them busy until they find something that they are passionate about and want to continue pursuing. There are numerous other profound problems that can arise out of separated families such as: [T]he children of divorced parents are more likely to get pregnant and give birth outside of marriage [‘], and twice as likely to cohabit than are children of married parents. Moreover, divorce appears to result in a reduction of the educational accomplishments of the affected children, weakens their psychological and physical health, and predisposes them to rapid initiation of sexual relationships and higher levels of marital instability. It also raises the probability that they will never marry [‘]. (Fagan 1). The first point raised here is that these children are more likely to get pregnant outside of marriage. Not only that, but they are more likely to get pregnant as a teenager, or while in a cohabitated relationship. Percentage of teen births from 1960 to 1994 rose from 15% to 76%, not taking any abortions into account. In relation to these teen births there was also a spike in divorced couples in those years, especially when the divorce rate dramatically spiked 79% between the years 1970 and 1977 (Matthews 1). This shows a connection between the rise in divorces and the rise in teen births indicating the two intertwine on some level. People nowadays are less likely to get married first, and then have children. Much of the time, it is the other way around, and when a couple out of wedlock has a child, they usually do not have any intention of getting married. ‘It is not that the number of babies born to teens has changed; it is that marriage within this group has vanished’ (Fagan 1). People seem to have lost the meaning of marriage and children. There were several marriages at a young age in the mid-nineties and teens who were having children were a married couple. The number of births stayed still, but the number of weddings and marriages decreased. This can be traced back to the number of divorces that were occurring during that time. The mindset of children whose parents’ were divorced is that they don’t want to end up in the same situation. They are afraid to enter into a relationship that could lead to a marriage and subconsciously allow their mind and heart to stay detached from the idea of ever marrying a person. As adults, they still want their sexual needs to be met, and when in a relationship will act upon that, which could possibly lead to pregnancy. As a teenager whose parents are divorced, as stated before, they are searching for attention from their parents, and looking for a way to let out their emotions. Also, if lashing out with drugs and/or alcohol, and making bad decisions, sex and pregnancy is more likely to occur. If not careful, this could lead to teen pregnancy, and the girl would have to deal with that whole situation and figure out how she was going to handle it, especially in the areas of the father and school. Teen pregnancies and pregnancies out-of-wedlock are not the only results from fear of commitment. Cohabitation and development of purely sexual relationships are two things that are extremely likely to arise from someone who is afraid of commitment, which is almost always an effect of a child’s parents being divorced when they were young. ‘Today, the economic and social future of children in the poor and the middle class is being undermined by a culture that promotes teenage sex, divorce, cohabitation, and out-of-wedlock birth’ (Fagan 1). The way the government treats these situations, giving help rather than solving the issue at hand, makes it much easier for people to believe that teenage sex, pregnancy out-of-wedlock, divorce, and cohabitation are okay for anybody of any age. Many people cohabit who have no future plan of getting married. This does not apply to those who do not believe in marriage, and plan on spending the rest of their lives together as a couple. Children whose parents have divorced grow up to have relationships in which no marriage or future in general is seen in the eyes of that particular child, now an adult, yet they still decide to live with that person, or stay over at their house often. They may go from person to person cohabiting until they at last find that one person who they think they could develop a serious relationship with and possibly marry. Cohabiting does not only happen with children whose parents are divorced. Cohabitation is actually a relatively common part of living for many people; however, for some people, cohabiting occurs when a serious couple may be thinking of getting married and want to know what it is like to live with the other person, or when a couple has a child out-of-wedlock and both parents have decided they need to be there for the baby at all hours of the day. The action of two people living together before marriage who may be thinking of having a future together can actually cause more marital problems to occur and increase the likelihood of divorce (1). In the year 1990, 29% of people whose parents were together were cohabiting together, but 54%-62% of children cohabited whose parents were divorced. This doubled the rate of divorce for that 54-62%. For those whose parents were divorced that were cohabiting with someone who wasn’t going to be their future spouse, the rates of divorce in their own future marriage was doubled once again (1). Forty percent of these couples have children in the home with them, and eighty percent of these children will spend at least a portion of their life in a single-parent home.

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How to Write College Essays About Divorce

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Best topics on Divorce

1. Cause and Effect of Broken Family: Exploring the Impact on Individuals and Society

2. Growing Up with Divorced Parents: Discussing the Topic of Divorce With Your Children

3. Growing Up With Divorced Parents: The Impact of Divorce on the Children

4. The Effects Of Divorce On Children

5. The Effects Of Divorce On Children In America

6. The Effects Of Divorce On Children And Young Adolescents

7. The Causes Of Divorce That Lead To The Annulment

8. The Causes Of Divorce And The Ruined Marriages

9. The Causes Of Divorce: The Reason Marriage Fails

10. The Causes And Effects Of Divorce

11. Main Reasons For Divorce In The United States And How It Impacts Family

12. My Personal Opinion On Why Divorce Shouldn’t Be Legalized

13. Common Social Problems Encountered In Family Life And How They Affect The Marriage

14. Divorce Rates In Kenya And Means To Reduce Them

15. Divorce Process And Finances In Hennepin County

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Reduce Conflict

How to Minimize Negative Effects of Divorce on Your Children: Reduce the Conflict  

So sorry you are facing a divorce with the parent of your children! I’m sure you have noticed by now that this can be an overwhelming process. In addition, you have likely been dealing with the emotions and stress for some time now. Oftentimes, divorce begins months and even years before the actual decree of divorce is issued. And during this time, you’ve likely been wondering how all this will affect your family. What will your familial situation look like going forward? How will your children react to your new family situation?   

Yes, there are many ways that divorce may affect your children, from changing homes to more financial stress to possibly losing regular contact with a parent, and more. Raising children in the best of circumstances is challenging; doing so while adjusting to divorce can seem daunting. Of course, every family situation is different, so what works for one family may not work for another. But one thing that researchers agree on is the importance of minimizing conflict between parents .   

Interparental Conflict and Parenting    

A very common form of conflict in a family is disagreement between the parents, known as interparental conflict (IPC). Separating from whom you thought was the love of your life can be very upsetting. Oftentimes, there is a lot of blame that abounds in the separation. In divorce, there are typically high levels of IPC. IPC usually contributes to a host of developmental challenges for children following divorce. Frequent and intense IPC can further fray the fragile relationship with your ex-spouse and lead to lower quality parenting, including:   

  • Lower levels of parental support for your children.  
  • Lack of parental monitoring and structure (for example, knowing a child’s whereabouts).  
  • Less parental warmth.  
  • More hostile parenting.   
  • Lower quality of parent-child relationships.  
  • More frequent parent-child conflicts.   

Changes in parenting behaviors are usually due to the parents being preoccupied with their own life changes and emotions. Regardless, children want to feel loved and when they don’t, they may draw some irrational conclusions, such as the divorce was their fault or that they are bad because their parents are not as affectionate with them. In addition, consistent supervision and discipline is important to ensure the children engage in good behaviors and stay away from delinquent activities and behaviors.    

Best Practices    

But several good practices can give your family the best chance at adjusting positively after an upheaval of life. Some practices that researchers suggest to help children adjust after a divorce are:   

  • Minimize conflict.  Especially try to minimize interparental conflict. Don’t badmouth your ex-spouse in front of your children or put them in the middle of your disagreements. Overall, avoid engaging them in arguments that may result in triangulation, which is a term researchers use for when one parent is making an effort to team up with the child against the other parent.   
  • Minimize stress.  Minimize the extent to which stress affects your family. You can do so by starting to minimize conflict. How? Become more aware of what the arguments are about and if it is truly necessary for you to declare “World War III.” For your own peace of mind, consider that sometimes it might be easier to let others have their way, so long as the arrangements are reasonable and no one is hurt.    
  • Get some help.  If you cannot get along with your ex-spouse, use a professional mediator to settle disputes; do not put your children in the middle of a dispute or have them courier messages back and forth.   
  • Let your children be children. Even though you may need help with household chores, your oldest child (or most responsible child) was not meant to be your emotional supporter or confidant. Find someone else to be your emotional supporter.   
  • Provide structure and consistency for your children.  Focus on being an anchor for your children and it will help them deal with the uncertainties of the future. As much as possible, reduce unnecessary transitions. Try to keep your children in the same house, school, church, etc. Keep their routines as consistent as possible during the transition.   

  Children’s Resiliency    

It can be scary to think about all the negative consequences of divorce. There is so much stress and uncertainty that comes with the events that surround divorce. But remember this hopeful news: children are usually resilient. Yes, divorce can be hard on children but the research shows that most children adjust and do well over time. The negative effects of divorce are strongest during the actual process of divorce and the first year or so. As time passes, children generally are less affected by divorce as they begin to adjust to their new life around them. And when you and your former spouse can eliminate the interparental conflict and work together as co-parents for the welfare of your children, then there is a good chance the children will be okay.   

Causes and Effects of Divorce

Introduction, effects of divorce, works cited.

Since 1860 when the United States Bureau of statistics started keeping records of divorces, the frequency of divorce cases has continued to increase based on the same reasons. Reasons have remained relatively the same in comparison to the ever-increasing rise in cases. Studies have also highlighted that the reasons are as complex as extramarital affairs to mediocre reasons such as irritating small behaviors of the partner. It is widely accepted that divorce is part of life and separation between two persons is bound to continue (Wallerstein, p. 85). However, there have been some misinterpretations of the findings collected by current researchers. It is important to note that these findings are based on earlier conclusions based on research that was most likely liable to errors and mistakes. Such research findings and papers have been assumed as true thus setting the precedence of misinformation. It is thus the purpose of this paper to clarify earlier findings in order for us to present the true picture of the causes and effects of divorces.

Reasons for divorce have always remained sketchy as the real reasons can only be known by the two couples. However the most common forms of reasons that have led to the separation of couples include:

Money : This reason has always remained an emotive issue among couples as this is clearly manifested by ninety percent of the couples who surveyed, responded that they may have fought over money at least once during their relationship. 30% of respondents admitted to separating over other issues which were compounded by lack of money.

Sexual Problems : This reason in most cases has always been denied by couples as physical conditions or sexual malfunctions are considered to be uncommon (Wallerstein 101). Sexual problems are largely contributed to preconceived notions and ideas that are based on unacceptable attitudes towards sex. It was difficult for the couples to approach the topic of sex. Over fifty percent of couples admitted that a sexual problem was the root cause of infidelity within their marriages.

Immaturity: Many couples separated from each other after the couples exhibited behavior that the partner saw as inappropriate and childish. Such behaviors later behavior are then seen as intolerable making life difficult for both as there exists a lack of understanding between the couples.

Alcohol and substance abuse: This is also one of the most commonly cited issues among separating couples. Although data on abuse is not conclusive, many couples have often cited substance abuse as one of the reasons that lead to violent abuse that have even led to injuries and fatalities in worse-case scenarios.

In-laws: This is a prevalent reason used by young couples as meddling from external members and excessive hassles from external members of family.

Respect : Respect among couples is imperative as both come from different backgrounds. Having a different background often means that the couples have to come up with ways of living together and tolerating each other. Disrespect is manifested through physical and verbal attacks.

The above-mentioned reasons are just some of the most prevalent. It is also very difficult to establish the main reasons that couples may separate. We may never have a definite reason as to why the rate of divorce keeps on increasing but it may be easier to conclude on the effects divorce brings to society. This is because effects are much more profound in families, hence making it simpler to track. The family unit is facing numerous issues today as the effects of divorce are having a direct impact on the lives of children and how they will relate with others in the future. Research conducted by Lenor Weitzman confirmed that men were shown to heal faster and do well economically after separation. It was also found out that as opposed to the common belief that fathers were less interested in their families after separation, the research found out that fathers continued to be loving towards their kids and family (Wallerstein, p. 101).

Research also found out that both couples underwent intense emotional periods while seeking closure on the whole issue of separation. Depending on the number of years that they have been together, the couple may have to resolve all the underlying issues that may have led to the separations.

Wallerstein, Judith. The California Children of Divorce Study. California: University Of Southern California, 1999.

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Jenny Perkel

The Impact of Divorce on Children

Why growing up in two homes is so hard, and what can help..

Posted August 4, 2022 | Reviewed by Michelle Quirk

  • The Challenges of Divorce
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  • Ongoing conflict between parents after they split up is deeply unsettling for children.
  • Except under extreme circumstances, children are much better off keeping regular, ongoing contact with both parents.
  • Divorced parents should try to co-parent together in a constructive, cooperative, and respectful way.

Jeremiah Lawrence/Unsplash

Nearly half of married couples in the United States eventually get divorced , according to some estimates. Because it occurs so often, it’s easy to forget just how difficult and traumatic divorce can be for children. Research published by sociologist Lisa Strohschein showed that, even before marital breakup, children whose parents later divorce exhibit higher levels of anxiety , depression , and antisocial behavior than peers whose parents remain married. There is a further increase in anxiety and depression in children when parents do divorce. U.S.-based psychologist Sharlene Wolchik and colleagues found that parental divorce is associated with significant risks for children and adolescents, including substance abuse and addictions, mental and physical health problems, and poor educational outcomes.

Traumatic Loss of Divorce

There is not always enough support or even acknowledgment of what a traumatic loss divorce can be for couples and their children. Whatever the reasons for the split, there are usually feelings of grief , sadness, anger , betrayal, guilt , and shame . Marital breakdown can leave both parents feeling devastated, and the stress can evoke primitive and powerful feelings of abandonment, isolation, and fear . This can lead to anxiety or depression. It's not easy to give your children what they need when you are highly vulnerable and emotionally fragile. Practically and logistically, things can be harder for you and your children when a marriage breaks down. Divorce often brings financial strain and social difficulty. Children can believe themselves to be the cause of their parents’ divorce. Guilt and shame can make them feel worthless, anxious, and depressed. Every part of their lives—living arrangements, extra-murals, decisions about schooling, and holidays—can be fraught with conflict if the parents are not able to co-operate with one another.

You might not like or trust your ex, especially early on in the separation and divorce process. It can feel deeply painful and upsetting as well to be separated from your children while they are in the care of their other parent—quite possibly your least favourite person under the circumstances. There may be realistic concerns—sometimes related to the use of drugs or alcohol —about the safety of children in the care of your ex. Some parents even worry about different kinds of abuse when their children are with the other parent. But, for the most part, the children have to find a safe place for themselves in two separate homes. It is essential that they are helped to feel at home in both places. It can sometimes even be a relief, after a divorce, for children to be in an environment where there is peace and an absence of tension.

Parents at War

When their mother and father are in enemy camps, a child has to try to figure out who is right and who is wrong, who is "good" and who is "bad." If a mother believes, for example, that her ex-husband is dangerous or evil, a child might feel unsafe and mistrustful of his father. The child might reject the father to keep himself and his mother psychologically safe. It can be hard for a child to love and trust a parent who is hated by the other.

Kate Scharff, author of Divorce and Parenting Wars , writes that the legal system often brings a highly adversarial tone to divorce. Unless your circumstances are such that you can't avoid it, try not to enter into a win/lose battle with an ex. Children are almost always victims in this conflict. They can feel torn apart when their parents cannot manage a civil, amicable, respectful dissolution of their marriage. Canadian psychologist Arthur Leonoff explains in his book The Good Divorce why divorce is so difficult for children and what parents and their therapists can do to help them. Preserving the child’s treasured mental image of herself with her two biological parents is vital, according to Leonoff, because this mental image forms the basis of the child’s identity .

An important message for parents after marital breakdown is to try to preserve, as much as possible, the ongoing relationship with your ex—who will always, for better and for worse, be your children's other parent. For the sake of your children, try to co-parent together in a constructive, cooperative, and respectful way.

Lisa Strohschein, ‘Parental Divorce and Child Mental Health Trajectories’, Journal of Marriage and Family 67, no. 5 (2005): 1286–1300, .

Sharlene A. Wolchik, et al., ‘Developmental Cascade Models of a Parenting-Focused Program for Divorced Families on Mental Health Problems and Substance Use in Emerging Adulthood’, Developmental Psychopathology 28, no. 3 (August 2016): 869–888, doi: 10.1017/S0954579416000365.

Scharff, Kate. ‘Divorce and Parenting Wars’. In Psychoanalytic Couple Psychotherapy: Foundations of Theory and Practice, edited by David E. Scharff and Jill Savege Scharff, 279–294. London: Karnac, 2014.

Arthur Leonoff, The Good Divorce: A Psychoanalyst’s Exploration of Separation, Divorce, and Childcare (London: Routledge, 2018), 71–199.

Jenny Perkel

Jenny Perkel is a clinical psychologist and the author of Children in Mind and Babies in Mind.

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Essay on Effects Of Divorce On Society

Students are often asked to write an essay on Effects Of Divorce On Society in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Effects Of Divorce On Society


Divorce is the legal ending of a marriage. It can have a big effect on society. This essay will talk about those effects.

Family Structure

Children’s education.

Divorce can affect children’s education. They might find it hard to concentrate on their schoolwork. Their grades might drop. They might also feel social pressure from their friends.

Economic Impact

Divorce can also impact the economy. Families might have less money after a divorce. This can lead to poverty and financial stress.

Social Stigma

In conclusion, divorce affects society in many ways. It changes family structures, impacts children’s education, can lead to economic problems, and creates social stigma.

250 Words Essay on Effects Of Divorce On Society

Divorce is when a married couple legally ends their marriage. It has many effects on society. These effects can be seen in families, schools, and communities.

Family Impact

Divorce can be hard on families. Kids might have to live with one parent or move between two homes. This can make them feel sad, angry, or confused. They might also worry about their parents or feel like the divorce is their fault.

Impact on Schools

Divorce can also affect schools. Kids might have trouble focusing on their work because they are worried about their family. They might also act out or get into fights with other kids. Teachers and school staff need to be aware of these issues and help kids cope.

Community Impact

Communities also feel the effects of divorce. There may be more single-parent families or blended families. This can change the way communities look and feel. It can also affect resources like housing and social services.

500 Words Essay on Effects Of Divorce On Society

Divorce is the legal end of a marriage. When a couple decides they can no longer live together, they go to court and ask for a divorce. This process can affect not only the couple and their children, but also society as a whole. In this essay, we will look at the effects of divorce on society.

The Impact on Children

Children are often the most affected by divorce. They may feel confused, sad, or even angry. They might blame themselves for their parents’ split. This can lead to problems in school and with friends. In the long run, these children may grow up with issues around trust and relationships.

Financial Struggles

Changes in family structure, impact on community and society.

Divorce can also affect the community and society. It can lead to less community involvement and lower social cohesion. For example, divorced people might be less likely to volunteer or help out in their community. This can make the community less strong and supportive.

Health Effects

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Katy Perry and Russell Brand

Katy Perry signed her divorce papers with a smile — quite literally.

The pop singer, who just released her latest single “ Woman’s World ,” revealed online that she kept her hallmark smiley face and heart in her autograph even when signing her divorce papers from her ex Russell Brand.

“I’ve always had a heart in my signature and a smiley face. Even when I was depressed, I would still sign it with a smiley face,” she said in a clip from a livestream that has since been reposted by fans.

“I signed my divorce papers with a smiley face and a heart and that’s just because this is my signature,” she continued in the video, during which she was signing copies of her forthcoming album “143.” “Not because of anything else really.”

Katy Perry and Russell Brand

In the comments on TikTok, Perry’s fanbase praised the “Teenage Dream” singer

“I can do it with a broken heart,” quipped one user who was quoting the Taylor Swift hit by the same name.

“She finally got her smile back,” championed another.

@musicsociety Queen energy tbh🤭👑 #katyperry #kp6 #womansworld #popmusic #143 #katycats #newmusic #newalbum #katyperryfan ♬ original sound – Tortured Poets🤍📜🎧

Perry, 39, married Brand, 49, in 2010, but the pair divorced in 2012.

In a Vogue interview the following year, the pop singer revealed that the British actor informed her he was filing for divorce over text.

“Let’s just say I haven’t heard from him since he texted me saying he was divorcing me December 31, 2011,” Perry said at the time.

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom holding hands at the 2024 Breakthrough Prize Ceremony in Los Angeles, California

The same interview resurfaced last year when multiple women came forward and accused Brand of sexual assault . In 2013, Perry had said that she “found out the real truth,” but couldn’t disclose it and chose to “keep it locked in my safe for a rainy day.”

Perry later met actor Orlando Bloom, 47, in 2016 at a Golden Globes afterparty , bonding over burger. Despite a brief split the following year, the pair rekindled their relationship, getting engaged in 2019 and welcoming their daughter , Daisy Dove Bloom , in 2020.

Katy Perry and Russell Brand


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Essays on Divorce

Understanding how to write a divorce essay.

If you're tasked with writing a divorce essay, it's important to start with a clear understanding of the topic. Here are some prompt samples to help you grasp the key aspects:

  • Prompt 1: Analyze the impact of divorce on children's emotional well-being.
  • Prompt 2: Discuss the social and economic consequences of divorce on families.
  • Prompt 3: Explore the reasons behind the rising divorce rates in modern society.
  • Prompt 4: Evaluate the role of divorce in reshaping gender roles and expectations.

Brainstorming and Choosing a Compelling Essay Topic

Now that you have some prompts to work with, it's time to brainstorm and select a captivating essay topic. Consider the following points:

  • Personal Interest: Choose a topic that genuinely interests you, as it will make the writing process more enjoyable.
  • Relevance: Ensure your topic is relevant to the prompt and adds value to the reader's understanding of divorce-related issues.
  • Uniqueness: Avoid common or overused topics. Aim for a fresh perspective or angle that sets your essay apart.
  • Research Potential: Ensure there is enough credible information available to support your chosen topic.

Unique Divorce Essay Topics

Here's a list of unique essay topics that go beyond the ordinary:

  • The Influence of Divorce on Parenting Styles and Child Development
  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Perceptions of Divorce
  • Exploring the Impact of Divorce on the Mental Health of Seniors
  • Comparing Divorce Laws and Trends in Different Countries
  • The Evolution of Divorce Mediation in Modern Society
  • The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Adolescents
  • The Economic Consequences of Divorce on Single Parents
  • Divorce and Its Effect on Sibling Relationships
  • Divorce and Its Impact on Education and Academic Performance
  • Gender Disparities in the Outcomes of Divorce Proceedings
  • The Role of Counseling and Therapy in Divorce Recovery
  • Divorce Among Celebrity Couples: Media Influence and Public Perception
  • Divorce Rates in the Digital Age: Online Dating and Marriage Dissolution
  • The Influence of Cultural and Religious Factors on Divorce Decisions
  • The Legal and Emotional Challenges of Same-Sex Divorce
  • Divorce and Its Impact on the Workplace: Employee Productivity and Well-being
  • Exploring Divorce in Literature and Film: Themes and Symbolism
  • Divorce in the Age of Pre-nuptial Agreements: Financial Implications
  • The Role of Divorce Support Groups in Coping with Separation
  • The Future of Marriage: Trends and Predictions in Divorce Rates

Paragraph and Phrase Inspiration

When crafting your essay, here are some sample paragraphs and phrases that can inspire your writing:

  • Introduction: "In today's rapidly changing world, the topic of divorce has become increasingly complex, touching various aspects of our lives."
  • Main Body: "One key aspect to consider is the emotional turmoil that children often experience during their parents' divorce. Studies have shown that..."
  • Counterargument: "While some argue that divorce can have positive outcomes for individuals seeking personal growth, it's crucial to acknowledge that..."
  • Conclusion: "In conclusion, divorce is a multifaceted phenomenon with far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the dissolution of a marriage. It is imperative that we continue to research and address the various aspects of divorce to support families in transition."

Now that you have these tips and unique ideas in mind, go ahead and write an engaging divorce essay that stands out! Remember, a well-researched and thoughtfully written essay can make a significant impact.

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Overview of The Main Causes of Divorce

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Divorce, Its Causes and Effects

Research divorce and the main issues related to it, happy marriages: studying the causes and effects of divorce, what causes divorce: overview of the factors, get a personalized essay in under 3 hours.

Expert-written essays crafted with your exact needs in mind

Causes of Divorce and Its Effect on Children

Divorce reform act and its influence on marriage, sociological imagination in relation to divorce, the effect of growing up with divorced parents on children, understanding divorce: causes and consequences, psychological trauma due to divorce of parents, the result of analysis of divorced family, relationship with parents after divorce, divorce affecting children: primary research method, the main causes of divorces in malaysia, divorce: the factors of marital discord in contemporary society, rational choice theory of decision making in marriage and divorce, my experience of growing up with divorced parents, the perception of divorce in hindu marriages, nature of same-sex relationship: divorce, how to choose a divorce lawyer, overview of family types in britain, the impact of interparental relationship on children, divorce mediation standarts in australia: overview of nmas, the financial problems cause the divorce.

Divorce (also known as dissolution of marriage) is the process of terminating a marriage or marital union. Divorce usually entails the canceling or reorganizing of the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage, thus dissolving the bonds of matrimony between a married couple under the rule of law of the particular country or state.

Contested divorce, at-fault divorce, summary divorce, no-fault divorce, uncontested divorce, collaborative divorce, electronic divorce, mediated divorce.

Adultery, extramarital sex, infidelity, domestic violence, midlife crisis, addictions (e.g. alcoholism and gambling), workaholism, and other factors.

Couples who marry in their late 20s may be less likely to divorce. Husbands who don’t work full-time may be more likely to get divorced. Almost 50 percent of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce or separation. Every 13 seconds, there is one divorce in America.

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Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet are officially divorced


FILE - Jason Momoa, left, and Lisa Bonet, right, arrive at the premiere of “Aquaman” at TCL Chinese Theatre, Dec. 12, 2018, in Los Angeles. On Monday, Jan. 8, 2024, Bonet filed for divorce from Momoa, 18 years after the two actors became a couple. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP, File)

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LOS ANGELES (AP) — Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet are officially divorced.

A Los Angeles County judge’s dissolution of the marriage of the two actors, who had already been separated for years, took effect Tuesday.

Bonet and Momoa were married for more than seven years and were a couple for 12 years before they wed.

Bonet, whose legal name is Lilakoi Moon, filed for divorce in January. The documents listed the couple’s separation date as October 7, 2020, more than three years earlier. They made their separation public in 2022.

The divorce went as quickly as legally possible and came without dispute. Neither person will get financial support, they have agreed on how to split their assets, and they will have joint custody of their 16-year-old daughter and 15-year-old son.

Momoa, 44, is best known for his roles in the “Aquaman” movies and on “Game of Thrones.” Bonet, 56, was a star of “The Cosby Show,” its spinoff “A Different World,” and the films “High Fidelity” and “Enemy of the State.”

It was the first marriage for Momoa, who has revealed on social media that he is dating “Hit Man” and “Father of the Bride” actor Adria Arjona.

It was the second marriage for Bonet, who was previously married to rocker Lenny Kravitz and has another daughter, actor Zoë Kravitz , with him.

This story has been corrected to show that the couple’s separation became public in 2022, not 2002.

essay of the effect of divorce

Divorce Essay: Causes and Effects

essay of the effect of divorce

I hope you will enjoy reading this causes and effects of divorce essay. Also you should definitely visit our website , which is one of the best essay writing services. There you will find everything you are looking for. However, if there is something you are interested in and you do not see exactly what you want, in this case contact our team of professional writers and they will provide you with first-class original essay . Don’t waste your time and join us!

Divorce in a family

Why did not they manage to create happy family?

Causes of divorce in a family issue is relatively new, but already urgent problem. It became widespread only a couple of decades ago. According to the statistics, in 1950s only 3% of families got divorced, in ‘60s it was already 10%. In 1980s due to different reasons 33% of family could not avoid divorce. Today the number of divorces is about 45%. So there is no need to explain why this essay about divorce has much importance and must be read. Besides, young generation starts to forget what value family has and why they should try to save it.

Usually young families that exist for less than a year get divorced, also 1/3 of divorces happen in families that exist for 1 – 5 years. That is why the problem of divorces is the problem of young people.

Of course, there are cases when divorce is necessary, when husband and wife do not respect each other, do not love each other and do not take into consideration the opinion of each other, so in this case a man and a woman in a family are almost enemies. So how can it be possible to avoid divorce in such a family? Is it necessary at all? Trying to save the image of a happy family, parents may hurt emotionally their children.

There are about 120 children on a hundred divorced families. And in the most of cases children stay with their mothers. Besides, more than half of women do not marry for the second time, it means that there is no male influence on a child in the process of upbringing.

And our school much feminized lately can not replace the role of the father in a family. This fact leads to bad consequences.

One of the main reasons of unhappy family life and as a consequence of divorce is the fact that future husband and wife do not each other well enough before they decide to get married. When a young man and a young woman with similar opinions and interests meet each other, we can say that they are lucky. However, in most of cases people have to learn to live together, to adapt to family life. Unfortunately, not everyone has patience, desire and knowledge to do that.

Let’s look at the example of two families. In both families husband and wife are talented people. In both families they love each other. But the first family gets divorced, and the second one does not. What did lead to the divorce in the first family? In this family the wife did not see friend in her husband, did not consider him head of the family. She treated him as an enemy and used to think that children were a trap that her husband purposely made to become more successful in the life. So when he studied his postgraduate education, the wife decided to get divorced. In the second family the married couple supported each other. The wife decided not to chase after the husband. The husband continued to get education while she took café of the family. She said she did this for the family’s sake. The husband thanks to his wife’s support became professional and perspective scientist. As a result, the whole family got the benefit, what can not be said about the first one.

In the past you could often hear such a phrase: “On the family council we decided…” Why do we hear it so seldom today? Instead we can often hear about the competition between husband and wife, that they do not want to give way to their second half. And after that they naively think that they can create happy family and get family happiness.

About 40% of women and half of men after divorce create second marriage, so it means that the reason of divorce becomes the reasons of women’s loneliness.

Women after divorce in most of cases do not give birth again. So divorces have negative impact on the demographical situation. Young people so easily decide to get divorced and have very unserious attitude to the marriage, that it seems that divorce is a new fashion trend, and this is another unusual cause of divorce. Nowadays it is so easy to divorce, especially when a couple does not have children. Such a simple way of marriage annulation leads to irresponsible attitude to marriage itself.

Fashion in the sphere of family life is very dangerous. And not everyone realizes it. People often hide their own egoism behind love. It is so easy to blame love and jealousy, wife’s or husband’s bad temper.

Most of cases of divorce due to various reasons happen in the cities-millionaires. In such cities the family social control of relatives, grandfathers and grandmothers, neighbors, etc. is less strong. And young people more often and usually without much thinking get married. Also there is much higher number of venal and fictitious marriages, which very soon come to their end. Also many young girls and boys have to get married because they wait for a child.

Very often young people say that the family is destroyed but they can not say the exact reason. And you want to ask them: “Who were you in love : creators or destroyers? Whom did you become in fact?”

Causes of divorce

Research of the most common divorce reasons among young family gave the following result:

1st place. Cause of divorce is harmful habits, in particular the problem of alcoholism in a family (in most cases husband’s alcoholism);

2nd place. Cause of divorce is adultery of one of the spouses;

3rd place. Cause of divorce is light-minded, thoughtless decision to get married;

4th place. Cause of divorce is living conditions, problems related to them and lack of money;

5th place. Cause of divorce is conflicts in a family because of the parents.

There is another reason that should be mentioned. Everyone knows such a term as marriage of convenience. And everyone understands that the ground of the marriage is not love, but certain benefit of one of the spouses. In such a family in the first years or eve months of marriage the basic rules of mutual respect and moral principles are violated. And it is logically, because what is the base of marriage (material interest instead of feelings), that is the result of marriage. Conflicts in such a family begin from the very beginning, because there is no love and respect between the couple. People often forget that it is not possible to build happy marriage basing on material interest. Such spouses divorce because they have the material aspect, but the spiritual is absent.

The consequences of divorce

What does divorce for the married couple mean? Divorce is a painful phenomenon that leaves marks on a human soul, it is always catastrophe, tragedy that affects people sometimes for years. Divorced spouses sometimes miss each other, feel anxiety, despite the fact that they were the initiators of divorce and considered their family life unhappy. Even if they manage to keep good relationships, for a child divorce is always a catastrophe, it is a tragedy for the whole life, because child can be absolutely happy only having both of parents. Besides, scientists discovered that children of divorced parents in their adulthood divorce more often than children raised in full families.

Divorce is the process that causes much harm to a child, affects the mental health. Moreover, gils raised without father often begin to hate men in general. Divorce also has negative influence on the child’s discipline and the personality development. Children often start doing what they want, they usually have problems with friends, memory and school. Since the child is between parents, he /she will always suffer more than the parents.

Most of divorced men and women become supporters of free relationships because of their previous negative family experience. They also are afraid of the repetition of the situation, that is why they do not get married again.

So, now you see how much important it is to consider all the possible negative consequences of divorce before taking such a decision. Also young people should understand the whole responsibility when they decide to get married. Anyway, I hope that the situation with divorces will improve soon and that people will be more serious about marriage and family relationships.

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Three Main Causes of Divorce Essay

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The life of married couples all over the world involves numerous positive and negative events. Even though people can be sincere when speaking their wedding vows, divorce does not belong to extraordinary events since many factors are affecting the health of marital relationships. Classifying the causes of divorce can be difficult since they are unique in every single case, and not all couples state them explicitly. However, based on the character of events preceding the divorce, it is possible to single out three categories of causes such as domestic abuse, infidelity, and other types of disappointed expectations.

It often happens that divorces occur due to spouses’ bad relationships and infidelity. The first category of reasons to file for divorce includes a large number of cases related to infidelity. Although many couples that would like to obtain a divorce due to one or both sides’ infidelity prefer to keep it out of the public eye, breakups related to this category are quite common. Divorces that are fully or partially caused by marital unfaithfulness can be divided into numerous sub-categories. For instance, they can take place due to one or both spouses’ extramarital affairs. Also, it is possible to single out some subcategories based on the character of adulterous affairs, be it one-night sexual encounters, long-term extramarital relationships, or even having “secret” children.

Apart from the violations of oaths related to fidelity, divorces can be caused by several situations referring to abuse and violence in relationships. Thus, the second group of causes explaining people’s willingness to get divorced refers to numerous circumstances dealing with domestic violence and abuse. In modern society, the perceptions of individuals who experience abuse sometimes involve victim-blaming and other harmful tendencies.

With that in mind, it is valid to say that some people filing for divorce due to their spouses’ violence want to keep the situation a secret if it does not involve danger to health or life. This category is comprised of a large number of sub-categories referring to different forms of violence. Speaking about the most common of them, it is necessary to list such aspects of domestic violence as physical, emotional, financial, and sexual abuse (marital rape).

The next category of reasons for divorce is quite broad and refers to the conflict of reality vs expectation as it relates to family life. The so-called “unmet expectations” can be called a separate category since particular causes that fall into it do not involve criminal or morally condemnable acts as in the case with the previous categories. Concerning the sub-categories and examples, spouses can fail to meet each other’s expectations in a variety of ways. In some situations, even people’s appearance can become a point of dispute. For instance, one spouse’s weight issues or aesthetic problems after pregnancy, illnesses, or traumas can sometimes contribute to problems in relationships and lead to divorce.

Similar causes in this category include one person’s financial struggles or issues with career development that cause another side’s discontent. Finally, there is a sub-category that can be referred to as poor interpersonal or sexual compatibility. It involves irreconcilable differences in people’s personality traits, tastes, needs, and views on sexual life that lead to frequent conflicts and can result in divorce.

To sum up, the known causes of divorce can be divided into three categories such as infidelity, domestic violence, and unmet expectations. Also, each of these categories has at least three subcategories referring to specific circumstances that present the bone of contention. Among them are different types of conjugal infidelity based on the length of relationships and the key forms of domestic abuse. The third category related to expectations includes the causes for divorce based on unwanted changes in appearance, financial/career difficulties, and spouses’ incompatibility in terms of personality and sex life.

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IvyPanda. (2021, June 9). Three Main Causes of Divorce.

"Three Main Causes of Divorce." IvyPanda , 9 June 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Three Main Causes of Divorce'. 9 June.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Three Main Causes of Divorce." June 9, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Three Main Causes of Divorce." June 9, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Three Main Causes of Divorce." June 9, 2021.

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essay of the effect of divorce

The Interview

Robert Putnam Knows Why You’re Lonely

Credit... Philip Montgomery for The New York Times

Supported by

Lulu Garcia-Navarro

By Lulu Garcia-Navarro

  • July 13, 2024

More than two decades ago, Robert Putnam became something rare: a celebrity academic. In 2000, he published a groundbreaking book, “Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community,” in which he demonstrated, with copious data, that America was transforming from a nation of joiners to a nation of loners — we were going to church less, joining clubs less and, he warned, losing trust in our fellow Americans and our institutions. But even before the book reached shelves, Putnam’s work attracted widespread attention, including from President Bill Clinton, who invited him to the White House. For a moment it seemed as if those in power might work toward reversing the trends Putnam warned about.

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We all know how the story unfolded from there. Putnam, who has spent most of his career as a political scientist at Harvard, is now 83. He has watched as the nation has become more divided, more lonely and less confident about the way forward. That’s why, when I heard about “Join or Die” — a new documentary about Putnam and his work — I knew I wanted to talk to him about where American community stands today.

Your work is all about connection, so I’m wondering first, can you describe your own social life? What clubs are you in? That’s a really embarrassing question. [Laughs] I write about and talk about the importance of connections, but my wife actually does it. She is actually the one who joins everything, who has been a tutor and a teacher and a terrific mother and an even better grandmother. In the long run, her work is going to have a longer half-life than mine, because those kids are going to be around long after people have forgotten anything about this Putnam.

Part of why I was interested in having this conversation with you is that when it comes to social connection, things feel bad right now. Do things feel bad to you too? I think we’re in a really important turning point in American history. What I wrote in “Bowling Alone” is even more relevant now. Because what we’ve seen over the last 25 years is a deepening and intensifying of that trend. We’ve become more socially isolated, and we can see it in every facet in our lives. We can see it in the surgeon general’s talk about loneliness. He’s been talking recently about the psychological state of being lonely. Social isolation leads to lots of bad things. It’s bad for your health, but it’s really bad for the country, because people who are isolated, and especially young men who are isolated, are vulnerable to the appeals of some false community. I can cite chapter and verse on this: Eager recruits to the Nazi Party in the 1930s were lonely young German men, and it’s not an accident that the people who are attracted today to white nationalist groups are lonely young white men. Loneliness. It’s bad for your health, but it’s also bad for the health of the people around you.

essay of the effect of divorce

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