How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom, or retract a submission, on a computer or mobile device

  • You can submit an assignment in Google Classroom under the "Classwork" section on the desktop site or mobile app. 
  • To submit an assignment in Google Classroom, you must first "View assignment" and then select the "Add or create" option under the "Your work" menu. 
  • Links and Google Drive attachments, including a document, slide, sheet, drawing, or PDF file, can all be uploaded and submitted in Google Classroom.
  • You can upload multiple files, unsubmit assignments, and leave notes for your instructor in Google Classroom.  

You've logged in to Google Classroom , have joined a class, and accessed class materials. Now, it's time to submit an assignment. 

To submit an assignment in Google Classroom, you'll first need to navigate to the "Classwork" section. You can then find your assignment and attach your work. 

From there, it's as easy as turning it in. Google Classroom also allows users to unsubmit their assignments if you need to make changes or leave a private comment for a teacher about the status of your work. 

It's important to note that if you don't click "Turn in" after you attach your work, it won't be submitted. To verify the status of your assignment, double-check to see if it is labeled as "Turned in." 

When submitting assignments to Google Classroom on mobile, you'll also need to make sure you have the iPhone or Android app installed. You can search and download Google Classroom through the app store on your phone. 

Here's how to submit an assignment on Google Classroom. 

How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom on desktop

1. Open your web browser and go to . 

2. Select your class. 

3. At the top of your dashboard, choose "Classwork." 

4. Click on an assignment, then select "View Assignment."

5. Under "Your Work," choose "Add or Create."

6. From there, click "Google Drive" to attach a document you've already created and saved in your Drive by selecting it from the file window that appears. If you have multiple documents, attach them all this way.

  • Note: You can add a link to a Drive document or attach a file from your computer. You may also start an assignment here by creating a new document, slide, sheet, or drawing on this page. 

7. To leave a private comment for your teacher, enter it in the appropriately labeled text box on the right. Then click the small triangular "paper airplane" icon to post it. 

8. Next, click "Turn in" or "Mark as done" to confirm your submission and change the assignment status to "Turned in."

  • Note: If your teacher has assigned a collaborative document that you worked on or another kind of outside assignment, you may see "Mark as done" instead of "Turn in."

How to unsubmit an assignment in Google Classroom on desktop

If you've submitted a document, but find that you need to edit out errors or add in missing content, Google Classroom offers a way to retract your submission. Navigate to the page you turned your assignment in, click "Unsubmit," and confirm. You can always turn it in again by following the above steps. 

How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom on the mobile app

1. Open the Google Classroom app on your device. 

2. Tap on your class.

3. Choose "Classwork" from the bottom of the app screen.

4. Select the assignment and expand the "Your work" card. 

5. Tap "Add attachment" in the "Your work" card.

6. From there, click "Drive" to attach a document you've already created in Drive. 

7. Tap "Turn in" or "Mark as done" and re-confirm. 

How to unsubmit an assignment in Google Classroom on iPhone or Android 

If you turned in the wrong thing or need to go back and add something to the assignment, you can unsubmit it. Navigate to the assignment, expand the "Your work" card, tap "Unsubmit," and confirm. You can always turn it in again the same way you did first.

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How to Turn in Assignments in Google Classroom

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Lee Stanton Lee Stanton is a versatile writer with a concentration on the software landscape, covering both mobile and desktop applications as well as online technologies. Read more December 21, 2023

Google Classroom makes it easier for teachers to create, share, and grade assignments. Better still, students can easily submit their work on the platform.

If you’re wondering how to submit assignments on Google Classroom, you’re in the right place. This article will explain everything you need to know.

Google Classroom – How to Turn in Assignments

Google Classroom lets students submit assignments via various devices such as PCs, Android phones, and iPhones. The platform also offers an organized way for teachers to collect and view submissions.

Here’s how to turn in assignments on Google Classroom:

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

Turn in Assignments on Mobile

It’s easy to submit Google Classroom assignments using a mobile device, whether you’re working with an Android or iPhone. The procedure is generally the same for both systems.

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

To submit a file, include a Google Drive file, link, or photo from your camera roll. Alternatively, you can create a new Google Doc, Slide, Sheet, or PDF. In addition to its other features, the Classroom app has an inbuilt scanner that allows you to convert several pictures into one PDF for assignment submission.

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

  • The mobile app allows learners to submit their homework assignments before the due date using the core functionality of their smartphones. Open the Classroom app, go to the assignment, and attach your work. Tap on turn-in to submit the completed assignment and change its status to “turned-in.”

Attach Files From Google Drive

Here’s how to attach a file from Google Drive to your Google Classroom assignment:

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

Now you can add images, spreadsheets, videos, and documents from your files located from Google Dive straight into Google classroom assignments. This will save you from having to download them first and then re-upload to access your work.

To Attach a New Google Doc

To attach a new Google document, slide presentation, spreadsheet, or drawing to your assignment, do the following:

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

This way, you can generate many Google files. Al of which can be included as attachments in one Classroom task to keep your work organized.

Attach a Link to Your Assignment Submission in Google Classroom

You can attach a link to a website or other online resource for your assignment submission in Google Classroom. This allows you to provide supplementary materials from the web to support your work.

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

The link will now be attached to your assignment submission. Your teacher can click the link to access the online resource you provided

Submit an Assigned Document

If the teacher attaches a document with your name in the title, that should be your personal copy to edit and review. You can click “Turn in” after your teacher reviews your progress.

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

Once submitted, this changes an assignment’s status from Not Done to Done.

How do you locate the specific assignment you want to turn in?

To find a particular assignment in Google Classroom, click on your class from the main page. This will bring up all materials. Under the Classwork tab, you can find the assignment. Assignments are listed with the most recent at the top. Clicking on the title or image shows where your work can be added.

How do you submit an assigned document in Google Classroom?

When assigned a document by your teacher, open it from the assignment page by clicking on the image of your name. Edit the file and save changes before turning it in either through the Turn in button on the doc or the submission page of assignments.

How can I submit my assignment using a mobile device such as an Android or an iPhone?

To turn in the assignment using a smartphone, launch the Classroom app from your mobile device, go to the specific assignment, attach any files, and click on Turn in .

Where are the directions for the assignments posted on Google Classroom?

Open the Classwork page and go to Assignments. Once you have done so, assignment details will pop up. Above it is a link entitled View instructions which will lead you to a full set of teacher’s instructions.

Can I attach files from Google Drive to an assignment in Google Classroom?

To attach Google Drive files, click Add or create under Your work . Go to Google Drive , then pick your file. Finally, click Add so that you can have the file attached.

The Key to Successful Assignment Submissions

The efficiency of Google Classroom depends on how well you navigate the submission process. Students who want to complete their assignments in good time will benefit most from this process. After all, handing in assignments on time is part of being a good student who values the teacher’s feedback.

Are you a student or an educator? Have you been impressed with Google Classroom? Let us know in the comments section.

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How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom, or retract a submission, on a computer or mobile device

Sophie putka   .

How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom, or retract a submission, on a computer or mobile device

  • You can submit an assignment in Google Classroom under the "Classwork" section on the desktop site or mobile app.
  • To submit an assignment in Google Classroom, you must first "View assignment" and then select the "Add or create" option under the "Your work" menu.
  • Links and Google Drive attachments, including a document, slide, sheet, drawing, or PDF file, can all be uploaded and submitted in Google Classroom.
  • You can upload multiple files, unsubmit assignments, and leave notes for your instructor in Google Classroom.

You've logged in to Google Classroom , have joined a class, and accessed class materials. Now, it's time to submit an assignment.

To submit an assignment in Google Classroom, you'll first need to navigate to the "Classwork" section. You can then find your assignment and attach your work.

From there, it's as easy as turning it in. Google Classroom also allows users to unsubmit their assignments if you need to make changes or leave a private comment for a teacher about the status of your work.

It's important to note that if you don't click "Turn in" after you attach your work, it won't be submitted. To verify the status of your assignment, double-check to see if it is labeled as "Turned in."

When submitting assignments to Google Classroom on mobile, you'll also need to make sure you have the iPhone or Android app installed. You can search and download Google Classroom through the app store on your phone.

Here's how to submit an assignment on Google Classroom.

How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom on desktop

1. Open your web browser and go to .

2. Select your class.

3. At the top of your dashboard, choose "Classwork."

4. Click on an assignment, then select "View Assignment."

5. Under "Your Work," choose "Add or Create."

6. From there, click "Google Drive" to attach a document you've already created and saved in your Drive by selecting it from the file window that appears. If you have multiple documents, attach them all this way.

  • Note: You can add a link to a Drive document or attach a file from your computer. You may also start an assignment here by creating a new document, slide, sheet, or drawing on this page.

7. To leave a private comment for your teacher, enter it in the appropriately labeled text box on the right. Then click the small triangular "paper airplane" icon to post it.

8. Next, click "Turn in" or "Mark as done" to confirm your submission and change the assignment status to "Turned in."

  • Note: If your teacher has assigned a collaborative document that you worked on or another kind of outside assignment, you may see "Mark as done" instead of "Turn in."

How to unsubmit an assignment in Google Classroom on desktop

If you've submitted a document, but find that you need to edit out errors or add in missing content, Google Classroom offers a way to retract your submission. Navigate to the page you turned your assignment in, click "Unsubmit," and confirm. You can always turn it in again by following the above steps.

How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom on the mobile app

1. Open the Google Classroom app on your device.

2. Tap on your class.

3. Choose "Classwork" from the bottom of the app screen.

4. Select the assignment and expand the "Your work" card.

5. Tap "Add attachment" in the "Your work" card.

6. From there, click "Drive" to attach a document you've already created in Drive.

7. Tap "Turn in" or "Mark as done" and re-confirm.

How to unsubmit an assignment in Google Classroom on iPhone or Android

If you turned in the wrong thing or need to go back and add something to the assignment, you can unsubmit it. Navigate to the assignment, expand the "Your work" card, tap "Unsubmit," and confirm. You can always turn it in again the same way you did first.

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How to create a google classroom on a computer or mobile device, how to log in to google classroom and access your course materials on a computer or mobile device, how to join a google classroom meeting from a link or code on any device, how to find your google classroom code on the desktop website or mobile app, so you can share it with your students, how to leave a google classroom on any device and unenroll yourself from the course, read more articles on.

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How to Submit an Assignment in Google Classroom

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

Today I’m going to talk about how to submit an assignment in Google classroom.  To start off, you will need to be logged into your Google account and in the classroom where you need to submit the assignment. 

Once you log in, you’ll see your main feed and upcoming events/assignments in the classroom. You will see assignments in the classroom’s main feed. You can also go to Classwork at the top of the screen to see assignments as well. 

submit an assignment in Google classroom

Let’s submit an assignment:

  • Click on the assignment and then click the “View Assignment” option. This option will give you an overview and any information available about that particular assignment.  You can also put public comments or questions and interact with other students or put in a private comment to the instructor. 
  • Assignment template – click template, complete and then save in Google Drive.
  • Under Your Work, click the “Add or Create” button.  There are several options (create new doc, sheet, slides, etc.) but normally you will go to your Google Drive and select your document to upload. 
  • Once an assignment is uploaded, the green Turn In button becomes available. 
  • Hit Turn In and you’ve submitted your assignment.

submit an assignment in Google classroom

In some cases, if you find you’ve made a mistake and want to make those changes, you can click “Unsubmit” under your submitted assignment in the Your Work box. You can also check the status of your assignment by going back to the main page and selecting the assignment. It will show “Turned In” as the status if you’ve submitted the assignment successfully.

This was a quick and easy tutorial on how to submit an assignment in Google classroom. If you have any questions, feel free to leave those in the comments below.

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How to Upload Homework to Google Classroom

Last Updated: June 2, 2022

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 75,293 times. Learn more...

This wikiHow teaches you how to turn in your homework using Google Classroom on your computer, phone, or tablet. Once you get the hang of submitting different types of assignments, you'll be able to submit your homework assignments in seconds.

Attaching an Assignment on a Computer

Step 1 Go to

  • If you see an image with your name on it, that means your instructor has assigned a specific document for you to complete. Click the link and complete the assignment as indicated, and then skip to Step 9.

Step 5 Click Add or create under

  • If the file is on your computer, select File , choose the file, and then click Add . For example, if you wrote a paper in Microsoft Word or scanned your homework as a PDF , you'd use this option.
  • If the file is in your Google Drive , select that option, choose your file, and then click Add .
  • If you need to attach a link because your file is on the web, select Link , enter the location, and then click Add .
  • Click X if you want to remove an attached assignment.

Step 7 Create a new file (if required).

Submitting a Quiz Assignment on a Computer

Step 1 Go to

  • If this quiz was the only work for the assignment, you'll see "Turned In" as the status.

Step 6 Click Open assignment to complete the next quiz (if you see it).

Attaching an Assignment on a Phone or Tablet

Step 1 Open the Classroom app.

  • If you're uploading a photo of an assignment, tap Pick photo , select the image (or tap Use camera to take a new one), and then tap Add . Repeat this if you need to upload multiple photos.
  • If the assignment is another type of file saved to your phone or tablet, such as a document, tap File , select the file, and tap Add .
  • If the file is saved to your Google Drive, tap Drive , select the file, and then tap Add .
  • If you need to provide a link to your file, tap Link , enter the link, and then tap Add .

Step 8 Attach a new document (if needed).

  • If you created a new document, presentation, or spreadsheet, enter your assignment information and tap the checkmark when you're finished to save your work.
  • If you selected PDF , you'll have a blank file to work with. Write or paste your assignment, draw notes with your finger, or use any other feature requested by your instructor. Tap Save when you are finished.

Step 9 Add a comment (optional).

Submitting a Quiz Assignment on a Phone or Tablet

Step 1 Open the Classroom app.

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1. Go to . 2. Select your class. 3. Click Classwork . 4. Select the assignment and click View assignment . 5. Click Add or create . 6. Select the location of your assignment. 7. Select the file and click Add . 8. Click Turn In . Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Turn in Assignments on Google Classroom on PC and Phone

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Assignment submissions are stressful enough without the added worry of whether you’ve done it correctly or not. If your teacher/school is using Google Classroom, then we’re certain that the nature of assignment submissions has definitely changed from the way that you used to go about this process especially if you transitioned to the Classroom LMS recently.

But rest assured that the submission process on Google Classroom is fairly easy. Nevertheless, here’s a tutorial to make sure that you can submit your next assignment comfortably.

Related: How to Use Google Classroom: All You Need to Know

How to turn in assignments in Google Classroom

Most students and teachers use the Google Classroom website for their submissions, however, if you’re using your phone and need a tutorial specifically for that, then scroll down to our tutorial on how to submit an assignment using a Smartphone. Let’s begin the website tutorial now!

Assignment Submission on Website on PC

Open your Google Classroom dashboard and select the class for which the assignment is due.

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

Now, there is one of two ways that you can go to the assignment that needs to submitted. Either you can click on the announcement that your teacher has made in the Stream  page:

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

Or go to the Classwork Tab where you will find the assignment you need to submit along with all your other Classwork. Select the assignment that you want to submit.

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

On the assignment page, you will see Your Work section where you either have the option to upload a new file of your own in case you’re uploading extra content besides the document which includes videos, links, excel sheets, etc.

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

Or if you are using the same assignment file that was shared with you by your teacher, then you can simply click on Turn In. 

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

Google will ask you for one final confirmation, click on Turn in  and the assignment will be submitted for good.

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

That’s it! You now know how to submit an assignment on Google Classroom.

Related: How to create a Google Classroom: Step-by-step guide

How to turn in an assignment using your phone

You can submit assignments from your phone as well. Make sure that you download the Google Classroom app from the Play Store or App Store depending on the device that you are using.

Once you’ve logged in to your account, follow the same process that you did for the website till you reach the assignment page. The interface for the website and app are pretty much the same till you reach the assignment page. The Classrooms will be visible the moment you enter the app.

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

On the assignment page, you need to swipe up the Your Work section.

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

When you do this, you will see two options, Add attachment and Hand in.  Again, if you want to attach extra files do so or simply click on Hand in .

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

That’s how submission is done on a phone.

Related: How to get Bitmoji in Google Classroom

How to unsubmit an assignment

If for whatever reason, you need to take back your assignment (there can be last-minute edits or mistakes that you may have realized have occurred after the submission was done) for which Google offers an option called Unsubmit  that you can use to retract your submission.

To undo submission, all you need to do is go to the assignment submission page and the same place that you saw the option to Turn in the assignment will also have an option to Unsubmit like so:

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

Can you see the assignment submitted by other students?

No, all submission related information stays with the teacher. If the teacher wishes for you to see the works of other students they will have to share the same separately.

We hope you found this tutorial useful. Let us know if you would like us to cover next in the comments. Take care and stay safe!

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Love when my students submit their work on Google Classroom and think I won’t see it’s completely blank.

Thanks for keeping me on my toes I guess! Who else?

Kami Help Center

How to set up Kami with Google Classroom

To see the "Create Kami assignment" button, you need to have the Chrome extension installed, which you can find here .

You can see if you have the extension installed by selecting the puzzle piece button on the top right as seen in this screenshot:

why won't my assignment submit on google classroom

If that is installed this is what you should see when you attempt to create an assignment in Google Classroom:

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If you need any further help please contact us at [email protected] .

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  14. Solved: Google Classroom

    Are you not able to submit the assignment on Google Classroom? Watch this video to see the solution#googleclassroom#assignmentsubmission error

  15. Love when my students submit their work on Google Classroom ...

    This student would erase any slide that required a response and wipe the directions off of google classroom worksheets. They claimed I was erasing their work. Mom was livid. Brought mom in the school and showed her the "track changes" option on google classroom which showed the child had erased the items.

  16. Why is the "Create Kami Assignment" button not appearing in Google

    How to set up Kami with Google Classroom Updated over a week ago To see the "Create Kami assignment" button, you need to have the Chrome extension installed, which you can find here .

  17. What should I do if I receive an error "Error while posting assignment

    Method 1. Log out from Pear Assessment and Google Classroom by clicking on your initials or name on the lower left and then clicking on Sign Out. Then, go to Google Classroom and logout there as well. Now, re-login to both Pear Assessment and Google Classroom and then try to sync assignment using the Sync with Google Classroom from Live Class ...


    Do you want to submit your work but an error occurs saying "work not submitted"?Then watch this video to learn the simple method to submit your work with eas...

  19. How do I upload a file from Google Drive as an ass...

    Submit Assignment. Google Drive will display a list of all allowed file types. Click the name of the file [1], then click the Select button [2]. Note: When the Allow Multiple file AGS submissions count as one submission is enabled, you can select multiple files to be uploaded to a third-party assignment in Canvas.

  20. Students troubleshoot classroom assignments in Google Classroom

    You might hit a stump when using Google Classroom - you either can't access Classroom altogether, or you find out that you need to request permission to acce...

  21. Can't submit my work.. when I try to turn in it says work ...

    This help content & information General Help Center experience. Search. Clear search

  22. I can't upload files to my Google Classroom anymore or share documents

    This help content & information General Help Center experience. Search. Clear search

  23. Why are my students no longer able to UNSUBMIT their assignments

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