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6 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style (& Tools to Use)

6 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style (& Tools to Use)

Written by: Ashish Arora

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Picture this: You've just delivered an amazing presentation that had your audience hooked from the start. The excitement in the room is glaring as you reach the final moments of your presentations.

Now, it's time to close with a bang and leave a lasting impression.

The way you conclude your presentation holds immense power. That’s the defining moment that cements your message in the minds of your audience.

So how do you wrap up your presentation in a memorable way and leave your audience feeling inspired? That’s why we created this article to teach you how to end a presentation.

In this article, we're going to explore six awesome ways to close your presentation with style. These techniques will help you leave a lasting impact and make your audience go "Wow!"

Get ready to level up your presentation skills and charm your audience with these proven closing techniques.

Table of Contents

6 ways to close your presentation with style, tools to help you create a presentation, key phrases to end a presentation.

  • How to Start a Presentation
  • Top Presentation Mistakes to Avoid
  • How you end your presentation can make all the difference in solidifying your message and leaving your audience with a sense of purpose.
  • Level up your presentation skills and charm your audience with these proven closing techniques: include a strong call-to-action (CTA), don't end with a question and answer slide; conclude with a memorable quote, tell a story, summarize your main points and thank the audience.
  • Here are some ways you can start your presentation on a strong note: make a bold claim, give them the unexpected, pique curiosity, ask questions and tell a story.
  • Avoid these top presentation mistakes: lack of adequate presentation, being robotic, avoiding eye contact, starting and ending weak.
  • Visme, Prezi, Slidebean and Google Slides are four stand-out tools you can use to create stunning and effective presentations.
  • Visme’s presentation software offers a wide range of templates and extensive features to help you create next-level presentations.

There’s no question that grabbing your audience’s attention at the very beginning of your presentation is important. But how you end it can make all the difference in your presentation’s overall impact.

Here are some ways to ensure you end powerfully:

  • Way #1: Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)
  • Way #2: Don't End With a Q&A
  • Way #3: End With a Memorable Quote
  • Way #4: Close With a Story
  • Way #5: Drive Your Main Points Home
  • Way #6: Thank and Acknowledge

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1. Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

If you’re a business owner, the primary purpose of your presentation is to inspire the audience to action. Don’t assume they will take it, move them to it.

Use powerful words that are definitive and instructional. Calls-to-action like “Begin the journey” or “Join the fight” are to-the-point and let the audience know what to do.

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2. Don’t End with a Q&A

You’ve just spent 20-30 minutes wowing your audience and now you’re going to let your presentation fizzle out with a Q&A? Beyond the fact that you are never in full control of what questions you will be asked, Q&As are just not memorable.

So how do you end a presentation with a bang? It is better to take questions throughout the presentation. This way the questions asked are relevant to the particular information being shared and you can ensure your audience is keeping up with you.

If you have been forced to structure your presentation so that questions are taken at the end, make sure to allow yourself a minute or two after the Q&A. Use this time to close the presentation with your final takeaways and messages of inspiration.

3. End with a Memorable Quote

Sometimes, if you can’t find the perfect words to end with, use someone else’s words.

“Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.”  –Charles Swindoll

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” –John Lennon

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” –Steve Jobs

These are pretty powerful words, no? Use quotes like these when you wrap up your presentation, or add them in your final slide to leave a strong impression.

4. Close with a Story

If opening with a compelling story works, there’s a very good chance that closing with one will as well. While a story at the beginning was an effective lead-in to your message, a story at the end can creatively sum up the information you have shared.

A word of caution: don’t end with a case study . Many business owners do this. Case studies are great for the middle of your presentation. But for the conclusion, you want a meaningful story that affects your audience emotionally and causes them to remember your message for a long, long time.

5. Drive Your Main Points Home

Your audience will appreciate some form of summation at the end that will act as a linear representation of what they’ve just heard.  There is a simple summary formula that many professional speakers use in the ending slide:

  • Tell them what you are going to tell them.
  • Then, tell them what you told them.

You can simply say something like, “Before I leave you with my final thoughts about XYZ, let me briefly restate my main takeaways…” Don’t just list your key points but show the audience how each links to the other points.

Giving a successful presentation takes a lot of work and commitment. By creating a powerful opening and closing, you will ensure that your message is not only fully received but impactful as well.

6.  Thank and Acknowledge

If you're finding it hard to signal to your audience that your presentation has ended and it's time to applaud, thanking them can be a great way to do so. Including an end slide or thank you slide can make things easier.

At the end of your presentation, you can also acknowledge any companies or people who helped you put together your presentation, such as a website you used as a data source.

Now that you know how to end a presentation effectively, let's find out how you can create one that speaks for itself.

A well-designed slide deck can not only help you better convey your message, but it can also make you feel more confident about your presentation.

Here are four tools you can use to create stunning and effective presentations.

- how to end-a presentation - Visme logo

Visme is a robust visual content creation tool and presentation software that transforms how users create and deliver captivating presentations. With a wide range of customizable templates, an extensive asset library and an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, you can level up your presentation and captivate your audience like never before.

Here are some of the standard features of Visme's presentation software.

  • Generate a set of branded templates tailored to your brand using Visme's AI-powered brand design tool .
  • Easily record projects and presentations for your audience to view on their own time and pace with Visme Presenter studio .
  • Create beautiful data visualizations , charts , graphs , and infographics that will effectively communicate your information.
  • Transform boring presentation slides into enriching experiences that keep your audience engaged with interactive features using pop ups, hover effects, slide transitions, interactive charts, maps, quizzes and videos.
  •  Generate high-quality content,  proofread or create an outline for your presentation using Visme's AI text generator .
  • Take your presentation to a whole new level with our comprehensive library of royalty-free images, icons, illustrations, graphics, and pre-designed content blocks.
  • Unleash your creativity with the help of Visme’s AI image generator . All you need to do is input your prompt and you can generate unique photos, paintings, pencil drawings, 3D graphics, icons, abstract art, and more.
  • Drive seamless collaboration with Visme's collaborative features make teamwork a breeze. You can collaborate with colleagues and clients in real-time, leave comments, and make edits together, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow. Say goodbye to email attachments and enjoy seamless collaboration all in one place.
  • When you’re sold on your final presentation design , you can download it in multiple formats, including PPTX, PDF, PDF or as a shareable link . You can present directly from Visme, embed your presentation on websites, or download it for offline use.

If you're racing against the clock, use Visme's AI presentation maker to create stunning presentations in seconds. Just explain what you want to create, provide more context, select your preferred designs and watch the tool unleash its magic.

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Get started with our Starter plan and enjoy full access to templates and assets. Or upgrade to a Pro plan to access team collaboration and brand management features. Our Visme for Teams plans offer enterprise-level features like custom sub-domains, team collaboration, custom integrations and more.

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The master of non-linear presentations, Prezi, lets you create slide decks that are bound to stand out from others.

While the learning curve of Prezi can be steep for some people, it's worth it if you're looking to get creative with your presentations.

3. Slidebean

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If the most important thing to you when making a presentation is saving time, Slidebean might be a great fit.

The best thing about this tool is it uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help you create stunning layouts for your content.

Slidebean is ideal if you're not looking for extensive customizability, just ease of use and time-saving features like templates and content blocks.

4. Google Slides

presentation apps - Google Slides

Sometimes, the most basic tools are enough for creating a great presentation, especially if the industry you're operating in requires simplicity and seriousness.

The best part about Google Slides is that you can use it from anywhere and from any device. For example, you can create your entire presentation on your phone using the mobile application.

Presentations made in Google Slides can also be opened with Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote, which makes it quite a versatile tool.

if you're wondering how to close your presentation, here are some key phrases you can use:

Appreciate your listeners

  • Thank you for your time and attention.
  • I appreciate your presence here today.
  • Thank you for being such an engaged audience.

Express gratitude for the opportunity

  • I'm grateful for the chance to share...
  • I want to express my gratitude to...
  • Thank you once again for the opportunity.

Summarize the main points

  • In summary...
  • To sum up...
  • In conclusion...

Use a call to action

  • I encourage each of you to...
  • Let's work together to...
  • Take the next step by...

Inspire or motivate your audience

  • Remember that...
  • As we move forward, let's keep in mind...
  • Let this be a reminder that..."

Leave your closing thoughts

  • In closing...
  • As a final thought...
  • To wrap things up...

Encourage your audience to ask questions or share their thoughts

  • I'm now open to any questions you may have.
  • I'd love to hear your thoughts on...
  • Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.

Reiterate the main points

  • Just to recap...
  • To reiterate the key points...
  • In essence, we covered...

Use closing quotes

  • To quote [relevant figure]...
  • In the words of [author]...
  • As [famous person] once said...

Express optimism about the future

  • Looking ahead...
  • The future holds great opportunities for...
  • I'm excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

Remember, these fun ways to end a presentation aren't one-size-fits-all. You need to tailor these phrases to fit the specific context and tone of your presentation.

Bonus 1: How to Start a Presentation

Now you know how to conclude a presentation. We’ve also discussed ​​what to say at the end of a presentation.

Let’s discuss how to begin a presentation.

According to bestselling author, Malcolm Gladwell, in  Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking , "Snap judgments are ... enormously quick: they rely on the thinnest slices of experience."

In other words: first impressions are real, and they happen really quickly. Think about those presentations you have sat in the audience for.

How quickly did you sum a presenter up when they took the stage? Did you judge them on their posture? What they were wearing? How they addressed the audience? What their voice sounded like?

Most likely, you took all of these factors into account and quickly decided whether you were going to give them your full attention or think about what you should make for dinner.

As a presenter, you must understand that your audience members will make a snap decision about you within the first few moments after taking that stage. Your job at the very beginning of your presentation is to grab their attention.

Here are some ways you can start your presentation strong.

how to start a presentation visme infographic

1. Make a Bold Claim

Imagine being in the audience when a presenter opens his mouth and the first words out are, “When I’ve finished here today, you will have the knowledge to increase your revenue by 200% this year.” Um… would you sit forward in your chair and listen to every single word? You bet you would!

You have been asked to speak because you are an expert in your field and have valuable information to share. So why be shy about it? Start your presentation with a bold claim, and then overdeliver.

2. Give Them the Unexpected

Another powerful way to grab attention right up top is to contradict audience expectations. Some people refer to this as "applied unpredictability principle."

Giving people what they expect is not very exciting. Imagine a roller coaster that had no sudden drops or turns. It wouldn’t thrill you. Well the same can be said for presentations. The unexpected hooks the audience instantly.

Here’s an example. Pamela Meyer, author of Liespotting , starts off her presentation by scanning the audience and then saying, “Okay, I don’t want to alarm anybody in this room, but it’s just come to my attention that the person to your right is a liar! Also the person to your left is a liar.”

Well, the audience laughs, getting her intended joke, but you can tell that this unexpected statement has hooked them, and they are ready to give their full attention.

3. Pique Curiosity

Humans like to have their curiosity piqued. We love the feeling of being presented with information that makes us curious and wonder about something.  Research actually shows that curiosity prepares our brain to learn something new. How does it do this?

Well, when we are curious about something, we give that something our full attention. We look for clues and assess situations. This is how we operate and it’s how our ancestors stayed alive.

If you want to grab the audience’s attention right off the bat, ask a question or pose an idea that piques their curiosity. You’ll see many Ted Talk presenters do this by “confessing” they have to share a secret or an apology.

Speaker Dan Pink does this in his famous  T e d Talk  when he says:

“I need to make a confession, at the outset here. A little over 20 years ago, I did something that I regret. Something that I am not particularly proud of. Something that in many ways I wished no one would ever know, but that here I feel kind of obliged to reveal. In the late 1980s, in a moment of youthful indiscretion, I went to law school.”

The minute someone says they have something to confess, we HAVE to know what it is, and so we are forced to pay attention.

RELATED: 29 Killer Presentation Tips to Wow Your Audience

4. Ask Questions

This technique is an oldie but a goodie. By posing a thoughtful question to your audience, their brain is forced to THINK about the answer. You have engaged them from second one. The key is to make the question one that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no, but rather one that plants the seed of an idea.

“What scares you the most?”

“How do human beings constantly reach goals we all believe can never be reached?”

“When was the last time you allowed yourself to feel powerful?”

5. Tell a Story

“When I was nine, I met a homeless man who said he could see my entire future. He told me that when I turned 12, I would die. And I did.”

Okay, I am FULLY listening.

Stories are powerful. The human brain seems to have been wired to listen to stories. No matter how old we get, when someone starts to tell us a story, we instantly become 5-years-old, wide-eyed, ready to go on an adventure.

The story you tell can be personal or professional, just make sure it ties into your overall message.

Bonus 2: Top Presentation Mistakes to Avoid

If we’re going to discuss a presentation success formula, we’ve got to first tackle some of the biggest public speaking mistakes that guarantee your presentation is unsuccessful. Are you guilty of any of these?

top common mistakes make in presentations infographic visme

1. Not Being Prepared

We’ve all seen those presenters who make it look so effortless. Steve Jobs was like that. He seemed to glide onto the stage, open his mouth and instantly captivate everyone.

But the truth is, even Steve Jobs had to prepare.

Thoughtful preparation is essential for any level of public speaking. Doing the work ahead of time will not only help you feel and sound more confident, it will ensure you deliver the right message to the right audience.

2. Being Robotic

Beyond being comfortable with your material, you must be comfortable in your own body. Have you seen presenters who just stand in one spot and barely move at all? While they’re not very good at exciting their audience, they do have a keen knack for lulling listeners to sleep.

Granted, there may be those rare situations where, because of a lack of robust technology, you have no choice but to stand behind a podium. But even then, be sure to use gestures to punctuate your message. Gestures communicate on a level that words don’t. Don’t be flamboyant but try and use natural gestures as much as you can – you’ll seem human instead of machine-like.

And, when technology does allow you free movement, by all means, move around that stage. Steve Jobs was great at using movement purposefully during his presentations.

If you have a presentation coming up and want to avoid sounding robotic, this video explains 8 ways to memorize your presentation.

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3. Avoiding Eye Contact

We can’t talk about body language and not mention one of the biggest mistakes that many speakers make, and that is avoiding eye contact. How many presentations have you seen where the speaker spent the entire time staring at her notes or PowerPoint presentation? How did you feel? Perhaps invisible?

Meeting a person’s gaze establishes a real connection and keeps listeners engaged. If your audience is small enough, try to make eye contact with everyone at least once. If the audience is too large, do your best to scan each section of the audience, landing on a few people. This will give everyone a general impression that you are doing your best to connect.

4. Starting and Ending Weak

If there is one no-no a presenter can make, this is it.

You should think of your presentation as a delicious meal you have painstakingly prepared for your guests. What do you remember most about a great meal? If you’re like most people, you remember the appetizers and the dessert – everything in between is kind of a good-tasting blur.

When you begin and end your presentation strong, you gain the audience’s attention quickly and leave a positive and lasting impression. These are two skills that cannot be emphasized enough.

Let’s look at some of the ways you can ensure you start your presentation strong:

Ready to Level-Up Your Presentation?

Whether it's a business presentation or a motivational speech, knowing how to give a closing statement and ending your talk on a high note is important.

The last thing you say in front of a crowd can help you leave a memorable impression, whether it's a recap of your presentation content or a rhetorical question.

If you're ready to take your presentations to the next level, use Visme's presentation software  to put together engaging and interactive slides.

Create stunning presentations faster with Visme

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About the Author

Ashish Arora is the Co-Founder of SketchBubble.com , a leading provider of result-driven, professionally built presentation templates. Travelling the world to gather new creative ideas, he has been working in the digital marketing space since 2007 and has a passion for designing presentations. You can also find him on  Twitter or  LinkedIn .

presentation end slides

Blog > 10 creative Ideas for your Title- and End-Slides in Presentations

10 creative Ideas for your Title- and End-Slides in Presentations

11.13.19   •  #powerpointtips #presentation.

Of all the slides in a PowerPoint presentation, the ones that are without a doubt the most important ones are the first and the last one. It makes perfect sense – the title slide sets the general tone. Make it boring and you’ll loose your audience’s attention within the first few minutes. If you’re making it exciting and innovative on the other hand, you’re taking a big step towards giving an amazing presentation and having an engaged audience. It is very similar with the final slide. It will be the one that people are going to remember most, the one that is supposed to make people leave the room thinking ‘Wow! What a great presentation!’ A bad ending could even mess up what would otherwise be a good performance overall (just think of a good TV show with a bad ending…).

The most common mistakes for title and final slides

If you asked 100 people what belongs on your PowerPoint’s title slide, the majority would answer ‘The title, maybe a subtitle, the presenter’s name and company, the date’. That kind of title slide is alright, but you usually say all of these things in the beginning of a presentation anyway. Also, it is very likely that most of your attendees know these things – they usually signed up for it after all. So what’s the point in listing all of that information on your title slide, when you could also use it for making a stunning first impression? Not only the title slide is commonly designed in an uncreative and conventional way. Too often, you can see PowerPoint presentations ending with the ‘Any Questions?’ or even worse – the ‘Thank you for your attention’ slide. ‘Thank you for your attention’ is a set phrase that has been said so many times it can’t possibly be delivered in an authentic way anymore. Therefore, it’s better to think of something else for your grand final. Finding an unconventional ending that suits your presentation style makes you seem much more charismatic and authentic than using an empty phrase.

presentation end slides

1. An inspiring quote

An inspiring quote on your slide is a perfect way to both start and finish your presentation. Well, it does not have to be inspiring. It could be any quote that is somehow connected to your presented topic. Just have fun looking through books and the internet to find interesting quotes that you want your audience to hear. Good pages to look at for inspiration are goodreads and brainyquotes.com .

presentation end slides

2. A blank slide

This might seem strange to some people, but a blank slide can be really powerful if you want to have your audience’s full attention. You can use the advantage of blank slides by incorporating them at the beginning, in the end or even in between your regular slides. You can either use a blank slide of your regular template (so there will still be some design elements on it) or go all in and make the slide completely black (or white).

3. A call to action

If the goal of your presentation is to really make your audience act in some kind of way, there is no better way to start – or better yet end your presentation than with a call to action. This can be literally anything from little trivial things like “Drink enough water during the presentation so your brain stays intact!” – which will lighten up the mood – to more serious calls like “Help reducing waste by recycling whenever possible!”.

presentation end slides

4. A question

Usually, it is the audience that asks questions after a presentation. However, you can also turn that around and ask your attendees instead. However, it’s important to ask a question that can be answered easily and individually – the best questions involve previous experiences and personal opinions (asking about facts or questions that are hard to understand can often lead to silence and no one wanting to answer).

presentation end slides

5. An interactive poll

Nothing engages the audience like a live poll. Conduct one right at the beginning to get everybody envolved, and/or wait until the end to get your audience’s opinion on something. Icebreaker polls are the perfect way to start, as they lighten the mood. You can easily create polls for free with interactive software tools such as SlideLizard .

presentation end slides

6. A funny picture, meme, or quote

I’m pretty sure that every student nowadays has that teacher that just tries a little too hard to be cool by throwing in a meme on literally every single slide. That may be a bit too much. But just a little comedy at the beginning or in the end can make you seem very charismatic and entertaining and catch the attention of your listeners. Open (or close) with a joke, a funny picture or a quote – whichever you feel comfortable with. It is usually best if it has something to do with the topic you’re presenting.

presentation end slides

7. An interesting fact

Catch the audience’s attention by putting an interesting fact concerning the topic on one of your slides – ideally at the beginning, but maybe also in the end (to keep up the audience’s interest even after the presentation is done).

presentation end slides

8. The title, but with a twist

If you feel like you need to put the presentations name/topic on the front slide, but still want that little creative twist, just change the title slightly. According to what I’m proposing, rather dull presentation titles like e.g. “Marine Biology – An Introduction to Organisms in the sea” can be transformed to “Marine Biology – Diving Deep” (or something less cheesy if you prefer). Make it either funny or over-the-top spectacular and catch the audience’s attention!

presentation end slides

9. A bold statement, opinion, or piece of information

This is probably the best way to capture your audience from the beginning on. Start with a radical, crazy opinion or statement and then get your attendees hooked by telling them that during the presentation, they will learn why you’re right. It could be anything, really, as long as it goes well with your presented topic – from the statement “Everybody has the time to read 5 books a month” to “Going to college is a waste of time” or “The human species is not the most intelligent on earth” – Take whatever crazy, unpopular theory or opinion you have, throw it out there and (very important!) explain why you’re right. You’ll have your audience’s attention for sure and might even change some of their opinions about certain things.

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10. No title and end slide at all

Yes, that’s a possibility as well. If you absolutely can’t think of any creative or otherwise good way to start and end your presentation – even after reading the tips mentioned above – then simply don’t. That’s right - no title and end slide at all. You can pull that of by simply introducing yourself in the beginning, then getting right into the topic (which makes a good impression, long introductions are usually rather tedious) and when you’re at your last slide just saying a simple ‘Goodbye, thank you and feel free to ask questions’.

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About the author.

presentation end slides

Pia Lehner-Mittermaier

Pia works in Marketing as a graphic designer and writer at SlideLizard. She uses her vivid imagination and creativity to produce good content.

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The big SlideLizard presentation glossary

Visual communication.

If there are used images or videos for communication, it is visual communication. Visual Communication is almost used everywhere like on television, posts on social media (Instagram, Facebook), advertisement.

.ppt file extension

A .ppt file is a presentation which was made with PowerPoint, that includes different slides with texts, images and transition effects.

Virtual Event

Virtual events take place entirely online. They are very convenient as anyone may join from wherever they are via a smartphone or computer.

Recall Questions

With recall questions, you have to remember something or something has to be recalled. Example: A teacher asks his students a question so that they remember the material from the last lesson.

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Blog Marketing How To End A Presentation & Leave A Lasting Impression

How To End A Presentation & Leave A Lasting Impression

Written by: Krystle Wong Aug 09, 2023

How To End A Presentation

So you’ve got an exciting presentation ready to wow your audience and you’re left with the final brushstroke — how to end your presentation with a bang. 

Just as a captivating opening draws your audience in, creating a well-crafted presentation closing has the power to leave a profound and lasting impression that resonates long after the lights dim and the audience disperses.

In this article, I’ll walk you through the art of crafting an impactful conclusion that resonates with 10 effective techniques and ideas along with real-life examples to inspire your next presentation. Alternatively, you could always jump right into creating your slides by customizing our professionally designed presentation templates . They’re fully customizable and require no design experience at all! 

Click to jump ahead:

Why is it important to have an impactful ending for your presentation?

10 effective presentation closing techniques to leave a lasting impression, 7 things to put on a conclusion slide.

  • 5 real-life exceptional examples of how to end a presentation

6 mistakes to avoid in concluding a presentation

Faqs on how to end a presentation, how to create a memorable presentation with venngage.

presentation end slides

People tend to remember the beginning and end of a presentation more vividly than the middle, making the final moments your last chance to make a lasting impression. 

An ending that leaves a lasting impact doesn’t merely mark the end of a presentation; it opens doors to further exploration. A strong conclusion is vital because it:

  • Leaves a lasting impression on the audience.
  • Reinforces key points and takeaways.
  • Motivates action and implementation of ideas.
  • Creates an emotional connection with the audience.
  • Fosters engagement, curiosity and reflection.

Just like the final scene of a movie, your presentation’s ending has the potential to linger in your audience’s minds long after they’ve left the room. From summarizing key points to engaging the audience in unexpected ways, make a lasting impression with these 10 ways to end a presentation:

1. The summary

Wrap up your entire presentation with a concise and impactful summary, recapping the key points and main takeaways. By doing so, you reinforce the essential aspects and ensure the audience leaves with a crystal-clear understanding of your core message.

presentation end slides

2. The reverse story

Here’s a cool one: start with the end result and then surprise the audience with the journey that led you to where you are. Share the challenges you conquered and the lessons you learned, making it a memorable and unique conclusion that drives home your key takeaways.

Alternatively, customize one of our cool presentation templates to capture the attention of your audience and deliver your message in an engaging and memorable way

3. The metaphorical prop

For an added visual touch, bring a symbolic prop that represents your message. Explain its significance in relation to your content, leaving the audience with a tangible and unforgettable visual representation that reinforces your key concepts.

4. The audience engagement challenge

Get the audience involved by throwing them a challenge related to your informational presentation. Encourage active participation and promise to share the results later, fostering their involvement and motivating them to take action.

presentation end slides

5. The memorable statistic showcase

Spice things up with a series of surprising or intriguing statistics, presented with attention-grabbing visual aids. Summarize your main points using these impactful stats to ensure the audience remembers and grasps the significance of your data, especially when delivering a business presentation or pitch deck presentation .

Transform your data-heavy presentations into engaging presentations using data visualization tools. Venngage’s chart and graph tools help you present information in a digestible and visually appealing manner. Infographics and diagrams can simplify complex concepts while images add a relatable dimension to your presentation. 

presentation end slides

6. The interactive story creation

How about a collaborative story? Work with the audience to create an impromptu tale together. Let them contribute elements and build the story with you. Then, cleverly tie it back to your core message with a creative presentation conclusion.

7. The unexpected guest speaker

Introduce an unexpected guest who shares a unique perspective related to your presentation’s theme. If their story aligns with your message, it’ll surely amp up the audience’s interest and engagement.

8. The thought-provoking prompt

Leave your audience pondering with a thought-provoking question or prompt related to your topic. Encourage reflection and curiosity, sparking a desire to explore the subject further and dig deeper into your message.

9. The empowering call-to-action

Time to inspire action! Craft a powerful call to action that motivates the audience to make a difference. Provide practical steps and resources to support their involvement, empowering them to take part in something meaningful.

presentation end slides

10. The heartfelt expression

End on a warm note by expressing genuine gratitude and appreciation for the audience’s time and attention. Acknowledge their presence and thank them sincerely, leaving a lasting impression of professionalism and warmth.

Not sure where to start? These 12 presentation software might come in handy for creating a good presentation that stands out. 

Remember, your closing slides for the presentation is your final opportunity to make a strong impact on your audience. However, the question remains — what exactly should be on the last slide of your presentation? Here are 7 conclusion slide examples to conclude with a high note:

1. Key takeaways

Highlight the main points or key takeaways from your presentation. This reinforces the essential information you want the audience to remember, ensuring they leave with a clear understanding of your message with a well summarized and simple presentation .

presentation end slides

2. Closing statement

Craft a strong closing statement that summarizes the overall message of your presentation and leaves a positive final impression. This concluding remark should be impactful and memorable.

3. Call-to-action

Don’t forget to include a compelling call to action in your final message that motivates the audience to take specific steps after the presentation. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, trying a product or conducting further research, a clear call to action can encourage engagement.

presentation end slides

4. Contact information

Provide your contact details, such as email address or social media handles. That way, the audience can easily reach out for further inquiries or discussions. Building connections with your audience enhances engagement and opens doors for future opportunities.

presentation end slides

Use impactful visuals or graphics to deliver your presentation effectively and make the conclusion slide visually appealing. Engaging visuals can captivate the audience and help solidify your key points.

Visuals are powerful tools for retention. Use Venngage’s library of icons, images and charts to complement your text. You can easily upload and incorporate your own images or choose from Venngage’s library of stock photos to add depth and relevance to your visuals.

6. Next steps

Outline the recommended next steps for the audience to take after the presentation, guiding them on what actions to pursue. This can be a practical roadmap for implementing your ideas and recommendations.

presentation end slides

7. Inspirational quote

To leave a lasting impression, consider including a powerful and relevant quote that resonates with the main message of your presentation. Thoughtful quotes can inspire and reinforce the significance of your key points.

presentation end slides

Whether you’re giving an in-person or virtual presentation , a strong wrap-up can boost persuasiveness and ensure that your message resonates and motivates action effectively. Check out our gallery of professional presentation templates to get started.

5 real-life exceptional examples of how to end a presentation 

When we talk about crafting an exceptional closing for a presentation, I’m sure you’ll have a million questions — like how do you end a presentation, what do you say at the end of a presentation or even how to say thank you after a presentation. 

To get a better idea of how to end a presentation with style — let’s delve into five remarkable real-life examples that offer valuable insights into crafting a conclusion that truly seals the deal: 

1. Sheryl Sandberg 

In her TED Talk titled “Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders,” Sheryl Sandberg concluded with an impactful call to action, urging men and women to lean in and support gender equality in the workplace. This motivational ending inspired the audience to take action toward a more inclusive world.

2. Elon Musk

Elon Musk often concludes with his vision for the future and how his companies are working towards groundbreaking advancements. His passion and enthusiasm for pushing the boundaries of technology leave the audience inspired and eager to witness the future unfold.

3. Barack Obama

President Obama’s farewell address concluded with an emotional and heartfelt expression of gratitude to the American people. He thanked the audience for their support and encouraged them to stay engaged and uphold the values that define the nation.

4. Brené Brown 

In her TED Talk on vulnerability, Brené Brown ended with a powerful quote from Theodore Roosevelt: “It is not the critic who counts… The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.” This quote reinforced her message about the importance of embracing vulnerability and taking risks in life.

5. Malala Yousafzai

In her Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, Malala Yousafzai ended with a moving call to action for education and girls’ rights. She inspired the audience to stand up against injustice and to work towards a world where every child has access to education.

For more innovative presentation ideas , turn ordinary slides into captivating experiences with these 15 interactive presentation ideas that will leave your audience begging for more.

So, we talked about how a good presentation usually ends. As you approach the conclusion of your presentation, let’s go through some of the common pitfalls you should avoid that will undermine the impact of your closing:

1. Abrupt endings

To deliver persuasive presentations, don’t leave your audience hanging with an abrupt conclusion. Instead, ensure a smooth transition by providing a clear closing statement or summarizing the key points to leave a lasting impression.

2. New information

You may be wondering — can I introduce new information or ideas in the closing? The answer is no. Resist the urge to introduce new data or facts in the conclusion and stick to reinforcing the main content presented earlier. By introducing new content at the end, you risk overshadowing your main message.

3. Ending with a Q&A session

While Q&A sessions are valuable , don’t conclude your presentation with them. Opt for a strong closing statement or call-to-action instead, leaving the audience with a clear takeaway.

4. Overloading your final slide

Avoid cluttering your final slide with too much information or excessive visuals. Keep it clean, concise and impactful to reinforce your key messages effectively.

5. Forgetting the call-to-action

Most presentations fail to include a compelling call-to-action which can diminish the overall impact of your presentation. To deliver a persuasive presentation, encourage your audience to take specific steps after the talk, driving engagement and follow-through.

6. Ignoring the audience

Make your conclusion audience-centric by connecting with their needs and interests. Avoid making it solely about yourself or your achievements. Instead, focus on how your message benefits the audience.

presentation end slides

What should be the last slide of a presentation?

The last slide of a presentation should be a conclusion slide, summarizing key takeaways, delivering a strong closing statement and possibly including a call to action.

How do I begin a presentation?

Grabbing the audience’s attention at the very beginning with a compelling opening such as a relevant story, surprising statistic or thought-provoking question. You can even create a game presentation to boost interactivity with your audience. Check out this blog for more ideas on how to start a presentation . 

How can I ensure a smooth transition from the body of the presentation to the closing? 

To ensure a smooth transition, summarize key points from the body, use transition phrases like “In conclusion,” and revisit the main message introduced at the beginning. Bridge the content discussed to the themes of the closing and consider adjusting tone and pace to signal the transition.

How long should the conclusion of a presentation be?

The conclusion of a presentation should typically be around 5-10% of the total presentation time, keeping it concise and impactful.

Should you say thank you at the end of a presentation?

Yes, saying thank you at the end of a PowerPoint presentation is a courteous way to show appreciation for the audience’s time and attention.

Should I use presentation slides in the concluding part of my talk? 

Yes, using presentation slides in the concluding part of your talk can be effective. Use concise slides to summarize key takeaways, reinforce your main points and deliver a strong closing statement. A final presentation slide can enhance the impact of your conclusion and help the audience remember your message.

Should I include a Q&A session at the end of the presentation?

Avoid Q&A sessions in certain situations to ensure a well-structured and impactful conclusion. It helps prevent potential time constraints and disruptions to your carefully crafted ending, ensuring your core message remains the focus without the risk of unanswered or off-topic questions diluting the presentation’s impact.

Is it appropriate to use humor in the closing of a presentation?

Using humor in the closing of a presentation can be appropriate if it aligns with your content and audience as it can leave a positive and memorable impression. However, it’s essential to use humor carefully and avoid inappropriate or offensive jokes.

How do I manage nervousness during the closing of a presentation?

To manage nervousness during the closing, focus on your key points and the main message you want to convey. Take deep breaths to calm your nerves, maintain eye contact and remind yourself that you’re sharing valuable insights to enhance your presentation skills.

presentation end slides

Creating a memorable presentation is a blend of engaging content and visually captivating design. With Venngage, you can transform your ideas into a dynamic and unforgettable presentation in just 5 easy steps: 

  • Choose a template from Venngage’s library: Pick a visually appealing template that fits your presentation’s theme and audience, making it easy to get started with a professional look.
  • Craft a compelling story or outline: Organize your content into a clear and coherent narrative or outline the key points to engage your audience and make the information easy to follow.
  • Customize design and visuals: Tailor the template with your brand colors, fonts and captivating visuals like images and icons, enhancing your presentation’s visual appeal and uniqueness. You can also use an eye-catching presentation background to elevate your visual content. 
  • Incorporate impactful quotes or inspiring elements: Include powerful quotes or elements that resonate with your message, evoking emotions and leaving a lasting impression on your audience members
  • Utilize data visualization for clarity: Present data and statistics effectively with Venngage’s charts, graphs and infographics, simplifying complex information for better comprehension.

Additionally, Venngage’s real-time collaboration tools allow you to seamlessly collaborate with team members to elevate your presentation creation process to a whole new level. Use comments and annotations to provide feedback on each other’s work and refine ideas as a group, ensuring a comprehensive and well-rounded presentation.

Well, there you have it—the secrets of how to conclude a presentation. From summarizing your key message to delivering a compelling call to action, you’re now armed with a toolkit of techniques that’ll leave your audience in awe.

Now go ahead, wrap it up like a pro and leave that lasting impression that sets you apart as a presenter who knows how to captivate, inspire and truly make a mark.

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Hype Presentations

How to end a PowerPoint presentation.

Chris Tomlin

  • Author Chris Tomlin
  • Published November 9, 2023

By the time you reach the end of your PowerPoint presentation, it’s tempting to turn the last slide into a standard ‘thank you’ or ‘questions?’ slide. Don’t give into the temptation. Read these five tips, and make the last slide of your presentation as impactful as the first.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “you don’t get a second chance to make a great first impression”, but when it comes to presentations, the first impression is only half the story.

Serial-position effect  is the tendency of the human brain to only remember the first and last items in a series. If you consider your presentation as a series of incredible messages, that whole middle section is going to look a little fuzzy to your audience after just a few short hours. In fact, researchers testing presentation recall found that only 50% of information is remembered immediately following the last slide of the presentation. This number reduces to 25% by the next day and just 10% the following week.

For those of you reading this right before a big presentation, don’t throw your laptop against the wall in despair. There are ways to manipulate your narrative to take advantage of the serial-position effect and end your PowerPoint presentation with impact. 

In this article, we’re going to be focusing on just one aspect of the serial-position effect: the recency effect. This is how to capture your audience’s imagination, up to the very last slide of your presentation.

For storytellers, it’s often beneficial to start from the end and work backwards, making sure every message is pointing towards that end goal. Once you get back to the beginning, take a look at our tips for hooking your audience from the first sentence. 

If you’ve been keeping up with our  storytelling tips and tricks , you’ll already know that you should use the end of your presentation to summarise all your key messages and tie up any loose plot points.  

We’re talking about what happens after that.

We’re talking about levelling up. 

5 ways to end a PowerPoint presentation

1. start a revolution.

You wouldn’t put together a PowerPoint presentation in preparation for a Friday night catch up with your best friend. Presentations are designed to encourage fundamental change. If done correctly, a presentation is just a series of messages that speak to the audience emotionally, backed up by logic and cemented with credibility. And they have to end with a rallying cry. 

The call to action is how you communicate to the audience the first step towards their better future. Whatever it is you want them to think, feel, or do at the end of your PowerPoint presentation, needs to be clear when you reach the last slide. 

Of course, you could just tell them what you want them to do. But, as any parent, manager, or Prime Minister will tell you, people don’t like being told what to do. In fact, they actively revolt against it. It’s much more effective for them to reach that conclusion themselves, with just a little gentle guidance from you.

This all sounds like witchcraft, but there are plenty of ways to manipulate your audience without them catching on, if that’s what you’re worried about.

2. Pull a stunt

You need to do something different to make an impact.

Imagine yours is just one presentation in a whole string of slideshows. By the last slide of the last presentation, they’re all going to have blended into one. If you can’t flirt your way to being placed as the first or last of the day, you’re going to have to go bigger and better for your finale. Bring out the dancers.  

Too many people think of their slides as a box to contain their ideas. We say, think outside the box. I know, we’re probably the first people to ever say that. But seriously, break down that wall between digital and physical. Show your audience what you mean. And use your slides as support. 

Your impactful moment doesn’t have to be acted out or over the top, just something out of the norm, and out of the slide. People are 30% more likely to retain information when there’s a visual aid to accompany the audio. This could be in the form of a statistic, an animation, or an image, or it could be something you do.

For example, say you want to end your presentation with a shocking statistic. Big numbers can become meaningless, as the sheer size is difficult to comprehend. Make your point digestible with context.

Say you want to communicate the number of coffee farmers in Kenya who can’t make a living wage, as a way to illustrate the importance of fair trade. You could just say 150,000, or you could bring out a clear container with 150,000 coffee beans in it. And pour them slowly out on the stage.

Dramatic? Maybe.

Messy? Sure.

Impactful? Definitely.

Gimmicks and tricks can feel forced but, if cohesive with your story and your messaging, they can create a buzz around your presentation, reinforce your message and be impossible to forget.

In 2009, Bill Gates was campaigning for Malaria relief awareness and aid. Mid presentation, he reached for a jar, unscrewed the lid, and released a cloud of mosquitos into the room, saying: “Not only poor people should experience this.”

Jaws dropped, the room was buzzing – in more ways than one – and no one has forgotten that moment. What a way to end a PowerPoint presentation.

I’m not suggesting you give your audience Malaria, but by moving away from traditional presentation practice, you can shake your audience out of their PowerPoint coma, make an impact and coerce them into action.

3. Go full circle

I know we said we were only going to talk about recency effect today, but what can we say? We’re all give.

Primary effect is the other half of the whole. The explanation for why we remember the start of the list. By making both these halves work seamlessly together, we can create a calming effect in the brains of our audience. Let me explain.

Humans like things to be neat. We like a question to have an answer. We like a pen to have a lid. We hate when a mystery key shows up with no sign of a lock. And we need stories to have an end.

Give your audience a sense of completion by starting with a story, and picking it back up on the last slide of the presentation. Not only will this keep them engaged throughout, wondering whether the hero will ever overcome the villain, but they will feel enormous relief and accomplishment when they finally find out. 

The start of your story should set up the challenge. The characters in the story should reflect the people in your audience, they should be able to see themselves in your story and relate to the characters’ struggles.

When you pick the story back up at the close, you should regale your audience with their triumphs. And the reason behind this turnaround? Well, they took your advice, obviously.

This is a more human way to integrate case studies into your presentation. You want to show your audience that your solution has worked for others like them, but case studies can be so cold, so focused on facts and numbers. Stories are emotional, persuasive, and easy for our brains to understand.

4. Turn the tables on your audience

Think about the last five presentations you saw. How many of them ended with a Q&A? Yawn.

We’re not saying you shouldn’t give your audience the chance to ask questions, but by ditching the obligatory ‘questions?’ end to your PowerPoint presentation, you create the opportunity to do something different for your close. 

We believe presentations should be interactive throughout. Regularly checking in with your audience, or encouraging them to get involved with activities, polls, or games, will keep them engaged from start to finish. Breaking down the barrier between presenter and speaker allows you to connect with your audience. They’ll feel valued, part of the process, and are more likely to be persuaded by your message. 

So, that’s what you shouldn’t do for the last slide of a presentation, but I bet very few of you were searching for  how not to end a PowerPoint presentation .

Flip the script. Don’t ask for questions to close, ask a question yourself. By ending on a provocative and rhetorical question, your audience will be thinking about your presentation for hours afterwards. Pitch them a hypothetical situation, where they have the power to control their future. How are they going to make this dream a reality? Coincidentally, the answer happens to be exactly what your product or service is offering.

5. Get handsy

Speaking of breaking down the barrier between speaker and audience, our final tip is to give them something to get their mitts around. 

Since Primary School, we’ve all understood the sentiment ‘show, don’t tell’. It’s unlikely your pet hamster, Scratchy, or the collection of Roman coins your grandma bought you on a trip to a real amphitheatre are going to seal the deal in your business presentation, but the Show and Tell philosophy still stands. 

If your product is as good as you’ve been telling them it is for the last 20 minutes, let them have a go and see for themselves. And if it’s not a physical product you’re selling, this would be the perfect time to slip in some success examples from your  creds deck .

No one likes goodbyes, but by implementing one of these powerful conclusions, you’ll end your PowerPoint presentation with metaphorical fireworks and your audience will be unable to get you out of their heads. 

If you’re struggling with more than just the final slide, our talented team have plenty of tricks up their collective sleeve for banging beginnings and memorable middles too. Why not get in touch to talk about your next presentation project?

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presentation end slides

End of presentation: 7 examples for the perfect conclusion

Ending a presentation is like adding the last stroke of a painter's brush - it rounds off the overall picture and creates a lasting impression. But how do you create a powerful end to a presentation that the audience will remember? Let's discover the secret together in this article.

What do you say at the end of a presentation?

You have given a convincing presentation, addressed everything important and got your message across effectively. Now you are faced with the challenge of finding a successful conclusion. This is where the right words matter. A simple "That's it" or "Thank you for your attention" will probably not be remembered by your audience. Instead, you can use a summary of your main points, a call-to-action or a catchy conclusion to leave a strong impression.

Why the end of your presentation is so important?

The end of a presentation is your last chance to leave a lasting impression. It gives you the opportunity to reinforce your message and inspire your audience, or spur them into action. It's not just about wrapping up your presentation, it's about ending it with a bang. Use this opportunity to reiterate your core message and make a strong emotional connection with your audience.

The principle of the recency effect

The recency effect states that people remember best what they heard last. This underlines why the end of your presentation is so important. If you design the end of your presentation effectively, your audience is more likely to remember it. Use this psychological phenomenon to your advantage and ensure that your conclusions and calls to action are remembered.

Presentation end: 7 examples to leave a lasting impression

  • Summarize the main points: Repeat the main points of your presentation to reinforce them.
  • Call-to-action: Ask your audience to perform a specific action or take a next step.
  • Quote: A relevant and powerful quote can leave a lasting impression.
  • Story or anecdote: A short, relevant story or anecdote can create an emotional connection and stick in the audience's mind.
  • Questions: Ask a rhetorical or open-ended question that is thought-provoking.
  • Surprising statistic or fact: An impressive statistic or fact can make a strong impression.
  • Humorous remark: A funny remark or joke can lighten the mood and ensure a positive ending.

How to formulate a strong presentation ending

Formulating a strong presentation ending requires practice and creativity. Try to convey your core message in a way that suits your audience and your topic. Remember that your goal is to leave a lasting impression. Be clear, concise and engaging. Use metaphors or stories to illustrate your points and use rhetorical devices such as repetition and triples to reinforce your message. Here are some examples of how you can conclude your presentation:

  • Summary and outlook: "Today we discussed the challenges and solutions for our product development. By implementing these solutions, our company will be even more innovative and efficient in the future."
  • Call to action: "Now you know the advantages of our product. Let's exploit the opportunities that arise from this together. Let's start implementing it today!"
  • Interaction question: "What do you think of these suggestions? Which measures do you see as a priority to achieve our goals?"
  • Inspirational quote: "As Albert Einstein said: 'Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you have to keep moving'. So let's keep moving and pursue our goals together."
  • Positive outlook: "I am confident that with these strategies we can achieve our goals and continue our success."

Each of these closing formulations has its strengths. Choose the one that best suits your style, your audience and your topic. Find out here how you can structure your presentation to create the perfect ending.

Presentation end - Rhetorical questions as a tool

The dos and don'ts for a successful end to a presentation.

It is crucial to design this finale in such a way that it is effective and memorable. To help you do this, here's a clear list of dos and don'ts to keep in mind at the end of your presentation. These tips will give you guidance to captivate your audience until the curtain falls.

Be clear and precise in your message. Avoid giving too much information.
Keep up the interest until the end. Do not end abruptly without a summary.
Use visual elements to inspire. Do not use confusing or irrelevant graphics.
Involve the audience, e.g. by asking questions. Don't ignore the feedback and reactions of the audience.
Ending with a strong, memorable point. Avoid repeating important points or messages.

How long should the end of a presentation last?

Make the end of the presentation fun.

Humor can be a great way to end your presentation in a light and enjoyable way. A joke or funny anecdote can lighten the mood and make your audience laugh. However, make sure the humor is appropriate and relevant to your topic.

What comes at the end of the presentation?

The closing slide of your presentation is your last chance to make a lasting impression. It should summarize your main points and include a call-to-action. You can also include your contact details or links to further resources. Make the closing slide engaging and easy to read to reinforce your message.

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End of presentation: the art of making a lasting impression.

The end of your presentation is more than just a conclusion. It's your chance to leave a lasting impression, reinforce your message and inspire your audience to take action. Take advantage of this opportunity and use techniques such as repeating your main points, asking rhetorical questions or adding humor to end your presentation effectively. Remember the principle of the recency effect and design your presentation to be memorable. No matter which method you choose, be authentic and stay true to yourself. Your audience will thank you for it.

Checklist: Effective end of presentation

This checklist will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your presentation ending and make sure you've covered all the important aspects. From the clarity of your message to the emotional resonance, these points are crucial to captivating your audience and leaving a lasting impression.

  • Clarity of message: Has the main message of your presentation been clearly communicated?
  • Answering audience questions: Were relevant questions from the audience addressed during or at the end of your presentation
  • Visual impact: Was a strong, powerful image or graphic used effectively to reinforce the message?
  • Audience engagement: Were techniques such as direct questions, interactive elements or calls to action used to actively engage the audience?
  • Emotional resonance: Did the end of your presentation evoke an emotional response, be it inspiration, thoughtfulness or joy?
  • Summary of content: Were the main points of your presentation summarized clearly and concisely?
  • Lasting impression: Does the end of your presentation leave a strong, lasting image in the minds of your audience?

Case study: Impressive presentation endings

There are presentations that continue to occupy and inspire us long after they have finished. It's often the ending that leaves a lasting impression. To understand how to design a professional presentation ending, let's take a look at two case studies.

Steve Jobs at Apple product launches

Jobs' famous "One More Thing..." technique was a masterstroke in the art of presentation. After introducing a series of products or features during the presentation, it seemed as if he had reached the end. But then came the moment everyone was waiting for: Jobs returned to the stage, often with the words "There's one more thing...". These words caused great anticipation and excitement in the audience. This approach was more than just a clever finish. It became a trademark of Apple events and a synonym for innovation and surprise. The "One More Thing..." moments were often the introduction of groundbreaking products or features that would shape the technology world. This technique not only enhanced the impact of the presentation, but also left a sense of awe and curiosity.

The power of storytelling in TED Talks

TED Talks have established themselves worldwide as a platform for some of the most inspiring and influential presentations. A key element that sets TED presentations apart is the way speakers end their talks - often with a personal story or transformative experience. These stories are not only poignant, but also a powerful tool to reinforce the message of the presentation.

Presentation end - Frequently asked questions & answers

How do you end a presentation appropriately.

A good ending to a presentation includes a summary of the main points, a convincing conclusion, words of thanks and a willingness to answer questions.

What phrases are suitable for closing a presentation?

Possible phrases could be: "To conclude...", "To summarize...", "In conclusion, I would like to say...", "This brings me to the end of my presentation...".

Should you ask questions at the end of the presentation?

Yes, it is common and recommended to open a Q&A session at the end of the presentation to clear up any ambiguities and encourage dialog.

How should you respond to questions that you cannot answer?

It is important to be honest and admit if you cannot answer a question. You can offer to provide the answer later or ask the audience if someone else can answer the question.

What should you do if no questions are asked?

If no questions are asked, you can ask some prepared questions to stimulate discussion or highlight other aspects of the topic.

How do you thank the audience at the end of a presentation?

A simple "Thank you for your attention" or "Thank you for taking the time to listen to my presentation" is an appropriate way to say thank you.

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How to End a Presentation? [Top 8 Strategies with Examples]

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Guru - May 9, 2023 - Leave your thoughts. 9 min read

animaker deck , presentation , presentation ideas , Presentation Software , presentation tips

How you end a presentation is just as crucial as its opening. It can make or break the impression that you leave on your audience.

A strong conclusion can reinforce your key message and ensure that your audience remembers it even after the presentation is over.

A well-concluded presentation can leave your audience impressed, energized, and motivated to take action.

So now, are you wondering what’s the best way to conclude your presentation? Don’t worry! You have come to the right place!

To help you make a powerful ending to your presentation, we have compiled a list of 8 different strategies in this blog post.

Each of these strategies is designed to help you create a memorable and impactful conclusion to your presentation.

By choosing the most appropriate one for your presentation, you can ensure that your audience remembers your key message and feels motivated to take action.

Let’s jump right in,

1. Emphasize the core message 2. Mirror your opening statement 3. Pose an open-ended question 4. End with a Call to action 5. Thank the audience 6. End with a powerful quote 7. Acknowledge your contributors 8. Ask for feedback

1. Emphasize the core message:

One of the most important aspects of any presentation is ensuring your audience understands your core message.

Reiterating your main points and summarizing your message at the end of your presentation can reinforce this and leave a lasting impression.

It helps to ensure that your audience understands the purpose of your presentation and has a clear takeaway from the information you have provided.

In this video, the speaker restates her topic to conclude her speech firmly and gives a pause, resulting in tremendous applause from the audience.

Similarly, by restating your core message, you can also create a sense of cohesion and give your presentation a firm closure.

This can be particularly important if you want to motivate your audience to take action or influence their behavior in some way.

However, it's important not to repeat EVERYTHING you have said. Instead, focus on the most crucial elements and highlight them in a concise and clear manner.

2. Mirror your opening statement:

A great way to end your presentation is by mirroring your opening statement in your conclusion.

Highlighting your presentation's key message at the end and emphasizing the central idea you aimed to communicate will help your audience to retain it in their memory.

During the conclusion of the presentation, the speaker effectively utilized the technique of mirroring the opening example she had presented - ordering a pizza on the phone by herself.

The speaker demonstrated the remarkable transformation she had undergone in terms of personal growth and confidence, which strongly reinforced her message to the audience.

By mirroring her opening example, she created a sense of familiarity and connection with her audience while simultaneously driving home the key message of her presentation.

This technique allowed the audience to understand better and relate to the speaker's personal journey and the message she was conveying.

Similarly, you can also use this strategy to conclude your presentation. This can be particularly effective if you are trying to reinforce a specific theme or idea throughout your presentation.

3. Pose an open-ended question:

One of the best ways to conclude your presentation is to elicit a response from your audience using an open-ended question that can effectively engage them and make your presentation more memorable.

Look at how the speaker concludes her speech with an open-ended question in this video.

Similarly, you can also raise open-ended questions to help your audience look from a different perspective and encourage them to investigate more thoroughly on the information presented.

Most importantly, ensuring that your question is relevant to your presentation and doesn't detract from your overall message is essential when eliciting a response.

So make sure that you kindle your audiences’ thoughts and ideas with the open-ended question at the end. This helps create a good long-lasting impression of your presentation.

4. End with a Call to action:

One of the best ways to end your presentation is by concluding with a call to action slide.

Incorporating a call to action into your presentation can be a powerful way to encourage your audience to take the next step.

Whether it's signing up for a program, making a purchase, or supporting a cause, a clear call to action is essential to achieving your desired outcome.

Similarly, according to your type of presentation, you can include a relevant call to action.

For example, this might involve providing specific instructions or offering an incentive for taking action, such as a discount or free trial.

It's essential that you understand their pain points and make your call to action compelling. Ensure that your core message and the needs of your audience are aligned so that they are motivated enough to act.

5. Thank the audience:

At the end of your presentation, it's essential to recognize that your audience has taken time out of their busy schedules to attend and listen to your message.

Thanking your audience for their time and attention can create a positive impression and make them feel appreciated.

It's essential to make your gratitude genuine and sincere rather than a superficial gesture. For example, consider expressing your gratitude with a personal anecdote or acknowledging specific individuals in the audience.

This simple act of gratitude can also create a sense of personal connection and signal to your audience that the presentation has reached its conclusion, paving the way for future interactions with them.

6. End with a powerful quote:

One effective strategy to end your presentation on a high note is by leaving the audience with a powerful quote.

However, it's crucial to choose a quote that is not only impactful but also unique and relevant to your topic.

Using a commonly known quote may come across as unoriginal and irrelevant, losing the attention and interest of your audience in most cases.

In this presentation, Steve Jobs concludes his speech with an inspiring and powerful message, “Stay Hungry! Stay Foolish”. Thereby emphasizing that you should never stop learning, pursue more goals, and never stop being satisfied.

Similarly, in your conclusion, consider using a relevant quote to make an impact.

7. Acknowledge your contributors:

Another best way to conclude your presentation is by showing gratitude to your contributors.

For example, if you deliver a business presentation on behalf of a team or a department, it's essential to recognize the collective effort that went into creating the presentation.

The concluding moments of your speech are the perfect opportunity to acknowledge your team members' hard work and dedication.

You can express gratitude to your team as a whole, thanking them for their contribution to the presentation.

However, if you want to ensure that the individual efforts of team members are recognized, highlighting specific contributions may be a better approach.

Some examples include:

"Join me in giving a round of applause to my incredible team, who played a significant role in arranging this pitch deck."

"Finally, I would like to mention that my tech team experts provided me with insight into the technical nuances, and without their contribution, this presentation would not have been as informative as it is now."

"As I conclude, I want to express my gratitude to Mark and Serene from the Marketing team, whose assistance in gathering the data and designing the slides was invaluable."

By acknowledging individual team members, you are demonstrating your appreciation for their work and giving them the recognition they deserve.

This will not only make them feel valued but also motivate them to continue contributing to the success of future presentations.

So be sure to end your presentation with the required acknowledgment for all the contributions.

8. Ask for feedback:

You can conclude your presentation seamlessly by thanking the audience and asking for feedback from them.

Encouraging feedback from your audience can greatly benefit your future presentations. It allows you to understand how your message was received and how you can improve for the next time.

So, how can you gather feedback effectively?

Firstly, ask attendees to share their thoughts on your presentation after you finish speaking. This can be done by initiating a Q&A session or by approaching individuals directly.

Another option is to set up a QR code near the exit and ask people to scan and jot down their thoughts on the online form as they leave. This allows attendees to provide their feedback in a confidential and hassle-free manner.

Also, consider having a suggestion box for handwritten feedback notes or creating an anonymous online survey that links to your presentation slides. This method is beneficial if you want to gather feedback from a large audience or if you prefer to have quantitative data.

By actively seeking feedback, you show your audience that you value their input and are committed to improving your presentation skills.

However, this strategy does not apply to all the general presentations. So use this way of concluding your presentation where it makes more sense to you and the audience.

In summary, an impactful conclusion is vital to wrap up your presentation successfully.

Each of these strategies serves a unique purpose, and by combining them, you can create a conclusion that is both engaging and impactful.

By incorporating the 8 critical strategies mentioned in this guide, you can leave a lasting impression on your audience, ensuring that your message stays with them even after the presentation has ended.

Now that you have learned the pro strategies of how to end a presentation, take a look at this guide on “How to start a presentation” as well and nail your presentation from start to end!

If you are still uncertain about how to make a presentation from the ground up, we suggest checking out Animaker Deck - the world's first avatar-driven presentation software.

With over 40 distinct and creatively designed templates at your disposal, we are confident you will find it worth trying!

We hope this article was helpful. Do let us know your thoughts on which strategy worked best for you, and also suggest your own ways of ending a presentation.

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How to End A Presentation in 2024 | Tips and Examples

Astrid Tran • 08 April, 2024 • 8 min read

How to end a presentation successfully ? First impression matters all the time, and the ending is no exception. Many presentations make mistakes in putting a lot of effort into designing a great opening but forget the closing.

With that in mind, the article aims to equip you with useful ways to have a complete presentation, especially on having an impressive and engaging ending. So let's dive in!

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presentation end slides

Table of Contents

  • The Importance of Presentation Ending

Recapping Key Points

Incorporating a call to action, ending with a powerful quote, asking a thought-provoking question, avoiding new information, when to end the presentation perfectly, final thoughts, frequently asked questions.

Alternative Text

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The Importance of Presentation Ending?

Why care about your presentation's conclusion? It's not just a formality; it's critical. The conclusion is where you make a lasting impression, reinforce key points for better retention, motivate action, and ensure your audience remembers your message.

Plus, a strong conclusion reflects your professionalism and shows you've thoughtfully considered how to leave a lasting impact. In essence, it's your final opportunity to effectively engage, inform, and persuade, ensuring your presentation achieves its objectives and is remembered for the right reasons.

How to End A Presentation Successfully: A Complete Guide with Examples

Effectively ending a presentation is essential to leave a lasting impression on your audience and drive your message home. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to effectively end a presentation

How to end the presenation tips for beginners

One of the primary functions of a conclusion is to summarize the main points you've covered in your presentation. This recap serves as a memory aid, reinforcing the key takeaways for your audience. It's essential to do this succinctly and clearly, ensuring that the audience can easily recall the core ideas. For example:

  • "We've delved into the factors that drive motivation - setting meaningful goals, overcoming obstacles, and fostering a positive mindset. These are the building blocks of a motivated life."
  • "Before we conclude, let's come back to our core theme today - the incredible power of motivation. Our journey through the elements of inspiration and self-drive has been both enlightening and empowering."

* This step also is a great place for leaving a vision . A phrase that is commonly used is: "Visualize a world where people are empowered, pursuing their passions, and breaking barriers. It's a world where motivation fuels progress and dreams become reality. This vision is within reach for all of us."

How to write the end of the presentation? A powerful conclusion that motivates your audience to take action can be an excellent idea. Depending on the nature of your presentation, this could involve encouraging them to make a purchase, support a cause, or implement the ideas you've presented. Be specific in your call to action, and make it compelling and achievable. An example of a CTA ending can be:

  • "Now, it's time for action. I encourage each of you to identify your goals, create a plan, and take the first step toward realizing your dreams. Remember, motivation without action is just a daydream."

How to end a presentation impressively? "As the great Maya Angelou once said, 'You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.' Let's remember that we have the power to rise above challenges." Conclude with a relevant and impactful quote that relates to your topic. A well-chosen quote can leave a lasting impression and inspire reflection. For example, Julius Caesar utilized this technique when he said, "I came, I saw, I conquered." Some best phrases to use on your ending are:

  • Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.”
  • “For more information, head to the link on the screen.”
  • “Thank you for your time/attention.”
  • “I hope you found this presentation informative/useful/insightful.”

How to end a presentation without using the Thankyou slide? Pose a question that encourages your audience to think or reflect on the material you've presented. This can engage the audience and stimulate discussion.

For instance: You can start a statement like: "I'm here to address any questions or listen to your thoughts. Do you have any questions, stories, or ideas you'd like to share? Your voice is important, and your experiences can inspire us all."

💡Using live Q&A features from interactive presentation tools like AhaSlides to increase your audience engagement. This tool is integrated into PowerPoint and Google Slides so you can show it to your audience instantly and update the response in real-time.

How to end the presentation

The conclusion is not the place to introduce new information or ideas. Doing so can confuse your audience and dilute the impact of your core message. Stick to what you've already covered and use the conclusion to reinforce and emphasize the existing content.

💡Check out Thank You Slide For PPT | Create a Beautifully One in 2024 to learn about creating innovative and appealing Thank-You Slides to end any type of presentation, whether it is for academic or business purposes.

In summary, an effective conclusion serves as a concise recap of your presentation, encourages your audience to take action, and refrains from introducing new information. By accomplishing these three objectives, you'll create a conclusion that reinforces your message and inspires your audience to respond positively.

The timing for concluding a presentation depends on various factors, including the nature of your content, your audience, and any time constraints. Here are some general guidelines to help you determine when to conclude your presentation:

  • Avoid Rushing : Avoid rushing through your conclusion due to time constraints. Ensure that you have allocated sufficient time for the conclusion so that it doesn't feel abrupt or hurried.
  • Check Time Limits : If you have a specific time limit for your presentation, keep a close eye on the time as you approach the conclusion. Be prepared to adjust the pace of your presentation to ensure you have ample time for the conclusion.
  • Consider Audience Expectations : Consider the expectations of your audience. If they anticipate a specific duration for your presentation, try to align your conclusion with their expectations.
  • Wrap Up Naturally : Aim to conclude your presentation in a way that feels natural and not abrupt. Provide a clear signal that you're moving into the conclusion to prepare your audience for the end.

How to end a presentation? The key is to balance the need to convey your message effectively with the available time. Effective time management and a well-planned conclusion will help you wrap up your presentation smoothly and leave a positive impression on your audience.

🎊 Learn: Best Q&A Apps to Engage With Your Audience | 5+ Platforms For Free in 2024

How to end a presentation impressively in your opinion? As mentioned, there are many ways to engage your audience until the last minute, from a strong CTA, a captivating ending slide, thoughtful Q&A session. Don't force yourself to make an ending that you might not be comfortable with, act as naturally as possible.

💡Want more inspiration? Check out AhaSlides right away to explore more innovative methods to enhance audience engagement and collaboration!

What do you say at the end of a presentation?

At the end of a presentation, you typically say a few key things:

  •   Summarize your main points or key takeaways to reinforce the message.
  •   Provide a clear call to action, motivating your audience to take specific steps.
  •   Express gratitude and thank your audience for their time and attention.
  •   Optionally, open the floor for questions or comments, inviting audience engagement.

How do you end a fun presentation?

To conclude a fun presentation, you can share a light-hearted, relevant joke or humorous anecdote, encourage the audience to share their own fun or memorable experiences related to the topic, end with a playful or uplifting quote, and express your excitement and appreciation for the enjoyable presentation experience.

Should you say thank you at the end of a presentation?

Yes, saying thank you at the end of a presentation is a courteous and appreciative gesture. It acknowledges your audience's time and attention and adds a personal touch to your conclusion. It can be especially important in thank-you presentations and is generally a polite way to wrap up any type of presentation.

Ref: Pumple

Astrid Tran

Astrid Tran

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Top 10 Conclusion Slide Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 Conclusion Slide Templates  with Examples and Samples

Siranjeev Santhanam


The concluding moments of a presentation hold a unique power. They are the crescendo, the final brushstroke on the canvas, and the lingering resonance that shapes perceptions. Within the theatre of boardrooms and conference halls, creating impactful presentations with good and meaningful conclusions is not just a formality but a strategic necessity. These pivotal moments are what ultimately sway minds within boardrooms, leaving an indelible mark on the minds of the major decision-makers in business.

Are you having a hard time with SMS marketing? We’ve got something tailor made for you. Click here to check out our other blog on SMS marketing slides now. 

The Role of Presentation Conclusions

When a presentation draws to a close, the audience is most vulnerable to lasting impressions. The conclusion of a discussion is the critical juncture where the narrative converges, and the concepts and ideas crystallize into a final robust takeaway. A well-crafted conclusion can help a professional to etch his or her message into the collective minds of the audience. Whether it be unveiling a bold new venture, outlining crucial plans, or dissecting complicated data, the conclusion gives a presentation enough reason, and ripe ground, to take mundane information and transform it into insight. 

In this blog, we’re going to be taking a look at ten conclusion slides. These templates, like all others in SlideTeam’s curation, come with the distinct advantage of being easy to access and easy to customize, giving users optimal flexibility and convenience when deploying them. 

Let’s begin. 

Business is all about knowing your competition, and then working to get ahead of them. Click here and check out our other blog on competitor analysis slides to excel at this art

Template 1 Project Conclusion PPT Presentation Slides

The slides of this vibrant PPT can be configured to serve as the concluding piece in any large-scale presentation within the corporate medium. There are 30 slides in this deck, with headlines ranging from performance analysis and budget/cost analysis to open issues, project health card, project dashboard, and more. Take control of the narrative by synthesizing a cogent and impactful conclusion, all with the aid of this presentation deck that can assist you in this and more. 


Download now

Template 2 Conclusions Findings PPT Slides Rules

Unlock the true potential of your presentations with a concise and influential conclusion slide that can embolden the storytelling prowess of the medium. Do this and more with the aid of one-page conclusion slide, made to reflect professionalism and excellence. The slide gives you space for a set of subheadings with smaller content brackets where you can lay out the inherent content of your findings or conclusions in a structured and organized manner. 

Conclusions and findings

Template 3 Conclusion Slides  Shown by Gears and Bulb connected

This animated slide is made to represent the creative process in its most age-old form, with a light bulb and gears depicted as an illustration of ideas and innovation. Integrated alongside this is a great breadth of space where you can summarize the main points of your presentation in a series of points with subheadings and smaller explanations alongside it. Use this one-page PPT as a canvas for your business insights, providing a holistic view of the crucial information you seek to present.

Conclusion Slides Shown by Gears and Bulb Connected

Template 4 - Conclusion slides future scope with human image and protruded arrows

Take your presentations to new heights with the aid of this one-page conclusion slide tailored to serve the corporate arena. Seamlessly weave together critical components of the presentation with this one slide, creating a memorable and impactful conclusion to the broader discussion. The slide has a clear white background and an array of smaller bullet points where you can list the major summarized points with ease. 

Conclusion Slides Future Scope with Human Image and Protruded Arrows

Template 5 Closing slide image with conclusion

This colorfully-rendered slide is sure to get audience’s attention, helping to cap off a complex and rewarding discussion staged during corporate hours. Use this one-page theme to empower your audiences, breaking down and conveying crucial complex data with a sense of cohesion and clarity. Seize control of the narrative and make a bolder impact with this one-page conclusion PPT Template. Get it now. 

Closing Slide Image with Conclusion

Template 6 Conclusion Slides Image  with Magnifying Glass and Document

Crafting a meaningful and impactful conclusion becomes more effortless with the aid of a simple, elegant slide such as this one. Use this one-page theme as a business asset, giving you the capacity to assemble and synthesize key data points as you want to create a lasting impression on your audience. The slide is suited for business related situations, and comes with the added benefit of being easy to modify to fit any necessary circumstance as well. Get it now. 

Conclusion Slides Image with Magnifying Glass and Document

Template 7 Conclusion Slides Reliability Efficiency Cost Size Usability Market

Introducing this slide, which is crafted to serve a forward-thinking professional. This one-page PowerPoint piece can help satiate the needs of any business meeting, caging your audience's attention at the conclusion of a meeting. The all-white color palette and intuitive design can help to amplify the message, giving you the tools to streamline complex data through visually cohesive narratives.

Conclusion Slides Reliability Efficiency Cost Size Usability Market

Template 8 - Conclusion and recommendations communication PPT Presentation Slides

Incorporate this conclusion slide into your presentation to transform the experience, ensuring that your audience is captivated by the unfolding discussion and the strategic journey that is being uncovered. It is divided into two segments - conclusion and recommendations. Both come with content brackets for additional information that you can insert at your own discretion. Get this slide now and nurture an optimistic, creative environment within your business spaces. 

Conclusion & Recommendations

Template 9 Conclusion PPT Slide Influencers

Don't let crucial discussions in the business medium become background noise featured as part of mundane presentations. Carve your mark with a more rousing conclusion, implemented with the aid of this one-page PPT. It features two separate segments within a broader canvas, allowing you to pose questions and to leave room for answers, as part of the conclusion of the presentation. Get it now and morph your presentation into a more fruitful experience.


Template 10 Conclusion Slides Pen Image  with Case Study Project Plan and Solutions

This one-page theme has been infused with a dynamic design and helps you illustrate critical data at the end of a discussion. Dissect the intricate details of your discussion with refined precision, all with the aid of this slide. It comes with a group of pre-loaded subheadings and space for additional information beneath all of them. Immerse your audience in a narrative that captivates as it informs, cementing your message in their consciousness, so that you are able to use it desired. 

Conclusion Slides Pen Image with Case Study Project Plan and Solutions


In a broader discussion within the business sphere, the conclusion is the ripe moment to evoke emotional resonance from the audience. It’s the moment where you transcend the charts, graphs and data and instead bridge a deeper connection with the audience. A well-crafted conclusion can help synthesize vital data, while also giving the audience the tools to mould the insights into personal initiatives. It can empower your team members to take the next step, aligning their actions with the presented vision.

PS Don’t click away just yet, we’ve got more for you. Click here to read our other blog that delves into company profile templates now. 

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PowerPoints' Top 10 innovative title and End slide ideas

Updated: Jul 12, 2023

presentation end slides

Title Slide Ideas:

When it comes to creating a captivating title slide for your PowerPoint presentation, there are several innovative approaches you can consider. One option is to make a visual impact by using a striking image or graphic as the background, instantly capturing the attention of your audience. Another idea is to experiment with bold typography, using unique fonts and text arrangements to create a visually appealing title that stands out. Alternatively, you can opt for a minimalistic design, keeping the title slide clean and simple with a sleek combination of text and visuals. Subtle animations or transitions can also add movement and interest to your title slide. Additionally, you may consider including branding elements, such as your company logo, to maintain a professional and cohesive look. Data visualization through charts, graphs, or infographics can be another effective way to highlight key information on the title slide. Finally, posing a thought-provoking question related to your presentation topic can immediately engage the audience and set the stage for your presentation.

End Slide Ideas:

When concluding your PowerPoint presentation, the end slide provides an opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your audience. Including a clear call to action is one effective approach, encouraging the audience to take the next steps or follow up after the presentation. Expressing gratitude and appreciation through a thank you message demonstrates your acknowledgment of their time, attention, and participation. Providing your contact information, such as an email address or social media handles, facilitates further communication and engagement. Summarizing the main points or key takeaways from your presentation in a concise and visually appealing manner helps reinforce the core message. Offering a list of additional resources, such as books, articles, or websites, allows the audience to delve deeper into the topic. Integrating a QR code that links to additional resources or a designated website can make it easy for the audience to access more information. Encouraging feedback or surveys helps gather valuable insights and shows your commitment to improvement. Ending with an inspirational quote can leave a lasting impression and reinforce your presentation's main message or theme. Sharing insights or predictions about future trends related to the topic leaves the audience with something to ponder. Finally, encouraging the audience to share their thoughts or key takeaways on social media, using a specific hashtag or handle, can extend the reach of your presentation and generate further discussion.

Feel free to adapt and customize these ideas to suit your specific presentation needs, style, and content.

how to create a good title for a PowerPoint presentation?

Creating a good title for a PowerPoint presentation involves a thoughtful and strategic approach. Here are some steps to guide you in creating an effective title:

Understand your presentation: Begin by thoroughly understanding the content, main message, and purpose of your presentation. Identify the key themes, ideas, or concepts that you want to convey to your audience.

Identify the audience: Consider the characteristics and interests of your audience. Think about what would resonate with them and capture their attention. Tailor the title to their needs and expectations.

Be clear and concise: A good title should clearly and concisely convey the essence of your presentation. Avoid lengthy or complicated phrases. Use simple, direct language that communicates the main focus of your presentation.

Highlight the main idea: Identify the central idea or main takeaway of your presentation. Incorporate this idea into your title to provide a clear indication of what your audience can expect to learn or gain from attending your presentation.

Use descriptive and engaging language: Choose words that are descriptive, specific, and engaging. Use action verbs or adjectives that evoke curiosity or excitement. Make the title compelling and memorable.

Consider keywords: If your presentation is for a specific event or conference, consider incorporating relevant keywords or buzzwords that are associated with the topic or industry. This can help attract the attention of attendees and align your presentation with the event's theme.

Experiment with different options: Brainstorm multiple title options and experiment with different combinations of words. Play around with the order, structure, or phrasing to find the most impactful and captivating title.

Seek feedback: Once you have a few title options, seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or trusted individuals. Get their perspective on which title resonates the most and aligns well with the content of your presentation.

Revise and refine: Based on the feedback received, revise and refine your title as needed. Ensure that it accurately represents your presentation's content and appeals to your target audience.

Test readability: Before finalizing your title, consider the readability and visibility of the text when projected on a screen. Ensure that the font size, color, and formatting make the title easily readable for the audience.

Remember, a good title should capture the essence of your presentation, be engaging and memorable, and align with the expectations of your audience. Take the time to craft a title that accurately reflects the content and purpose of your presentation while piquing the curiosity of your audience.

Which slide is best for the end of the presentation?

presentation end slides

The best slide for the end of a presentation is often referred to as the "Conclusion" or "Summary" slide. This slide serves as a wrap-up of the main points discussed throughout the presentation and provides a final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the audience. Here are a few key elements to include on the end slide:

Main Takeaways: Summarize the main points or key takeaways from your presentation in a concise and visually appealing manner. Use bullet points, numbered lists, or short phrases to highlight the key messages you want the audience to remember.

Call to Action: Include a clear and actionable call to action on the end slide. This could be encouraging the audience to implement the information they learned, sign up for a newsletter, visit a website, or engage in further discussion or collaboration.

Contact Information: Provide your contact details such as email address, website, or social media handles, allowing the audience to reach out to you for further questions, feedback, or collaboration opportunities.

Thank You Message: Express gratitude and appreciation to the audience for their time, attention, and participation. A simple "Thank You" or "Thank You for your attention" message can go a long way in showing your appreciation.

Visual Elements: Use visuals such as relevant images, icons, or graphics that reinforce the key messages or themes of your presentation. Visual elements can help make the slide visually appealing and aid in reinforcing the main ideas.

Branding Elements: Incorporate your company or organization's logo, colors, or other branding elements on the end slide to maintain consistency and reinforce your brand identity.

Remember, the end slide is your final opportunity to leave a strong impression on the audience. It should effectively summarize the key takeaways, provide a call to action, express gratitude, and be visually appealing. Customize the end slide to suit the content and style of your presentation while ensuring it leaves a positive and memorable impression on the audience.

The 7 elements of a powerful presentation?

The seven elements of a powerful presentation include:

Clear Objective: Clearly define the objective or purpose of your presentation. Identify what you want to achieve and ensure that all aspects of your presentation support and align with this objective.

Engaging Opening: Start your presentation with a compelling opening that captures the audience's attention and generates interest. This could be a thought-provoking question, a captivating story, a surprising statistic, or a powerful quote.

Well-Structured Content: Organize your presentation in a logical and coherent manner. Divide your content into sections or main points, and use clear transitions between them. Ensure a smooth flow that guides the audience through your presentation.

Compelling Visuals: Utilize visually appealing and impactful visuals such as images, charts, graphs, or videos to support your key points. Visuals should enhance understanding, create interest, and reinforce your message.

Effective Verbal Delivery: Pay attention to your verbal delivery skills, including tone of voice, pacing, and clarity. Speak confidently, maintain eye contact, and use appropriate gestures to engage the audience. Vary your vocal tone and pace to keep the audience engaged.

Audience Interaction: Foster interaction and engagement with the audience throughout your presentation. Encourage participation through questions, polls, or interactive activities. This helps create a dynamic and interactive atmosphere.

Memorable Conclusion: End your presentation with a memorable conclusion that summarizes the main points and reinforces your key message. Leave the audience with a clear takeaway or call to action, inspiring them to act or reflect upon the information shared.

By incorporating these seven elements into your presentation, you can create a powerful and impactful delivery that engages and resonates with your audience.

10 incredible presentation ideas

presentation end slides

Here are ten incredible presentation ideas to make your presentation memorable and impactful:

Storytelling: Structure your presentation as a compelling narrative, using storytelling techniques to engage the audience and convey your message effectively.

Visual Metaphors: Utilize powerful visual metaphors or analogies that help illustrate complex concepts or ideas in a simple and relatable way.

Interactive Quizzes or Polls: Incorporate interactive quizzes or polls throughout your presentation to actively involve the audience and gather their input or feedback.

Live Demonstrations: If applicable, showcase your product or demonstrate a process live during the presentation to provide a hands-on and immersive experience for the audience.

Multimedia Integration: Integrate multimedia elements such as videos, animations, or interactive slides to enhance engagement and create a dynamic presentation experience.

Surprise Elements: Incorporate unexpected surprises or moments of intrigue throughout your presentation to captivate the audience's attention and keep them engaged.

Personal Stories or Case Studies: Share personal anecdotes or real-life case studies that illustrate the impact or relevance of your topic, making it relatable and memorable for the audience.

Use Humor: Inject humor appropriately to lighten the mood and create a positive atmosphere. Well-timed jokes or witty remarks can help establish rapport and keep the audience engaged.

Audience Participation: Encourage active participation from the audience through interactive activities, group discussions, or Q&A sessions to foster engagement and create a collaborative environment.

Visualize Data: Present data or statistics in a visually appealing and easily understandable manner using charts, infographics, or data visualizations. This helps the audience grasp complex information more effectively.

These presentation ideas can help you create an incredible and memorable presentation that captivates your audience and effectively delivers your message. Remember to adapt and tailor these ideas to suit your specific topic, audience, and presentation style.

how should create an innovative title for the presentation?

To create an innovative title for your presentation, consider the following steps:

Understand Your Presentation: Gain a clear understanding of the main topic, message, and key points of your presentation. This will help you create a title that accurately reflects the content.

Identify the Unique Angle: Think about what sets your presentation apart or makes it unique. Consider the innovative ideas, perspectives, or solutions you're presenting.

Brainstorm Keywords: List down keywords that are relevant to your presentation. These could be specific terms, concepts, or themes that are central to your topic.

Be Creative and Playful: Experiment with different combinations of words, phrases, or concepts. Consider using alliteration, rhymes, or puns to make your title more memorable and engaging.

Focus on Impact: Craft a title that emphasizes the impact or benefits your presentation offers. Consider the outcome, transformation, or value your audience can expect from attending your presentation.

Keep it Concise: While being creative, ensure your title remains concise and easily understandable. Avoid lengthy or convoluted titles that might confuse or lose the attention of your audience.

Test it Out: Share your title with a few trusted colleagues or friends. Get their feedback and gauge their initial impressions. Consider their suggestions and refine your title accordingly.

Match the Tone: Make sure your title aligns with the overall tone and style of your presentation. If your presentation is formal, keep the title professional. If it's more informal or creative, feel free to inject some personality into the title.

Revise and Refine: Once you've received feedback and made any necessary adjustments, review and refine your title. Ensure it accurately represents your presentation and grabs the attention of your target audience.

Check for Clarity and Appeal: Double-check that your title is clear, concise, and appealing. It should give a good sense of what the audience can expect from your presentation and entice them to attend.

Remember, an innovative title should be attention-grabbing, reflect the unique aspects of your presentation, and generate curiosity and interest among your audience. Take the time to create a title that stands out and sets the stage for a compelling and engaging presentation.

Know the 5 good presentation skills?

Five essential presentation skills that can help you deliver an effective and engaging presentation:

Clear Communication: Good presentation skills include the ability to communicate clearly and concisely. Practice articulating your ideas in a way that is easy for the audience to understand. Use appropriate language, structure your thoughts logically, and avoid jargon or complex terminology.

Engaging Body Language: Pay attention to your body language during the presentation. Maintain good posture, make eye contact with the audience, and use natural gestures to convey your message. A confident and engaged presence can help captivate the audience and establish rapport.

Effective Use of Visuals: Visual aids such as PowerPoint slides, charts, or videos can enhance your presentation. However, it's important to use them effectively. Keep visuals simple, uncluttered, and visually appealing. Use them to support your key points rather than overpowering or distracting the audience.

Active Audience Engagement : Engage the audience throughout your presentation to maintain their interest and involvement. Encourage participation through questions, activities, or discussions. Use rhetorical questions or prompts to stimulate thinking and interaction.

Adaptability and Flexibility: Good presenters are adaptable and can adjust their approach based on the audience's reactions and needs. Be prepared to switch gears, address unexpected questions, or modify your delivery to ensure that your message resonates with the audience.

By honing these five presentation skills, you can effectively engage your audience, deliver your message with clarity, and create a memorable and impactful presentation. Practice and feedback can help you refine and strengthen these skills over time.


In conclusion, incorporating innovative title and end slide ideas can greatly enhance the impact and effectiveness of your PowerPoint presentations. A well-crafted title slide captures the attention of your audience from the start, using dynamic visuals, interactive elements, or thought-provoking questions to engage and intrigue them. By experimenting with bold typography, storytelling approaches, or minimalistic designs, you can create a visually appealing and memorable title slide that sets the tone for your presentation.

Similarly, the end slide offers a valuable opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your audience. Including a clear call to action, interactive contact information, or personalized recommendations encourages further engagement and follow-up. Summarizing key takeaways, sharing resources or references, and providing a glimpse of future trends or insights keep the audience thinking beyond the presentation. By incorporating these innovative end-slide ideas, you can leave a strong and memorable closing that reinforces your message and inspires action.

Remember, these top 10 innovative titles and end slide ideas are meant to serve as inspiration. Feel free to adapt and customize them to suit your specific presentation needs, industry, and audience. By combining creativity, thoughtful design, and strategic messaging, you can create PowerPoint presentations that captivate, inform, and leave a lasting impact on your audience.

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

presentation end slides

Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

presentation end slides

  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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  • Moscow Oblast


Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Population157,409 inhabitants
Elektrostal Population Density3,179.3 /km² (8,234.4 /sq mi)

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: , Longitude:
55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East
Elektrostal Area4,951 hectares
49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi)
Elektrostal Altitude164 m (538 ft)
Elektrostal ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Elektrostal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Elektrostal and the biggest cities of Russia.

Elektrostal Map

Locate simply the city of Elektrostal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

Elektrostal Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 July02:53 - 11:31 - 20:0801:56 - 21:0601:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
9 July02:55 - 11:31 - 20:0801:57 - 21:0501:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
10 July02:56 - 11:31 - 20:0701:59 - 21:0423:45 - 23:17 01:00 - 01:00
11 July02:57 - 11:31 - 20:0502:01 - 21:0223:57 - 23:06 01:00 - 01:00
12 July02:59 - 11:31 - 20:0402:02 - 21:0100:05 - 22:58 01:00 - 01:00
13 July03:00 - 11:32 - 20:0302:04 - 20:5900:12 - 22:51 01:00 - 01:00
14 July03:01 - 11:32 - 20:0202:06 - 20:5700:18 - 22:45 01:00 - 01:00

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Located next to Noginskoye Highway in Electrostal, Apelsin Hotel offers comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi. Free parking is available. The elegant rooms are air conditioned and feature a flat-screen satellite TV and fridge...

Located in the green area Yamskiye Woods, 5 km from Elektrostal city centre, this hotel features a sauna and a restaurant. It offers rooms with a kitchen...

Ekotel Bogorodsk Hotel is located in a picturesque park near Chernogolovsky Pond. It features an indoor swimming pool and a wellness centre. Free Wi-Fi and private parking are provided...

Surrounded by 420,000 m² of parkland and overlooking Kovershi Lake, this hotel outside Moscow offers spa and fitness facilities, and a private beach area with volleyball court and loungers...

Surrounded by green parklands, this hotel in the Moscow region features 2 restaurants, a bowling alley with bar, and several spa and fitness facilities. Moscow Ring Road is 17 km away...

Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

Elektrostal Page

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DB-City.comElektrostal /5 (2021-10-07 13:22:50)

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How to End a Presentation The Right Way (+ 3 Downloadable Creative PowerPoint Conclusion Slides)

Ausbert Generoso

Ausbert Generoso

How to End a Presentation The Right Way (+ 3 Downloadable Creative PowerPoint Conclusion Slides)

Ever been in a presentation that started strong but fizzled out at the end? It’s a common frustration. The conclusion is where your message either sticks or fades away.

But how often have you left a presentation wondering, “Was that it?” A lackluster ending can undermine the impact of an entire presentation. In the digital age, a strong conclusion isn’t just a courtesy; it’s your secret weapon to make your message unforgettable.

In this blog, we’re diving into the art of crafting a powerful ending, making sure your audience doesn’t just understand but gets inspired. Let’s explore the key on how to end a presentation in a way that lingers in your audience’s minds.

Table of Contents

Why having a good presentation conclusion matters.

presentation end slides

Understanding why a conclusion is not merely a formality but a critical component is key to elevating your presentation game. Let’s delve into the pivotal reasons why a well-crafted conclusion matters:

🎉 Lasting Impression

The conclusion is the last note your audience hears, leaving a lasting impression. It shapes their overall perception and ensures they vividly remember your key points.

🔄 Message Reinforcement

Think of the conclusion as the reinforcement stage for your central message. It’s the last opportunity to drive home your main ideas, ensuring they are understood and internalized.

📝 Audience Takeaways

Summarizing key points in the conclusion acts as a guide, ensuring your audience remembers the essential elements of your presentation.

💬 Connection and Engagement

A well-crafted conclusion fosters engagement, connecting with your audience on a deeper level through thought-provoking questions, compelling quotes, or visual recaps.

🚀 Motivation for Action

If your presentation includes a call to action, the conclusion plants the seeds for motivation, encouraging your audience to become active participants.

🌟 Professionalism and Polishing

A strong conclusion adds professionalism, showcasing attention to detail and a commitment to delivering a comprehensive and impactful message.

6 Unique Techniques and Components to a Strong Conclusion

As we navigate the art of how to end a presentation, it becomes evident that a powerful and memorable conclusion is not merely the culmination of your words—it’s an experience carefully crafted to resonate with your audience. In this section, we explore key components that transcend the ordinary, turning your conclusion into a compelling finale that lingers in the minds of your listeners.

unique techniques on how to end a presentation

1. Visual Storytelling through Imagery

What it is:  In the digital age, visuals carry immense power. Utilize compelling imagery in your conclusion to create a visual story that reinforces your main points. Whether it’s a metaphorical image, a powerful photograph, or an infographic summarizing key ideas, visuals can enhance the emotional impact of your conclusion.

How to do it:  Select images that align with your presentation theme and evoke the desired emotions. Integrate these visuals into your conclusion, allowing them to speak volumes. Ensure consistency in style and tone with the rest of your presentation, creating a seamless visual narrative that resonates with your audience.

2. Interactive Audience Participation

What it is:  Transform your conclusion into an interactive experience by engaging your audience directly. Pose a thought-provoking question or conduct a quick poll related to your presentation theme. This fosters active participation, making your conclusion more memorable and involving your audience on a deeper level.

How to do it:  Craft a question that encourages reflection and discussion. Use audience response tools, if available, to collect real-time feedback. Alternatively, encourage a show of hands or open the floor for brief comments. This direct engagement not only reinforces your message but also creates a dynamic and memorable conclusion.

3. Musical Closure for Emotional Impact

What it is:  Consider incorporating music into your conclusion to evoke emotions and enhance the overall impact. A carefully selected piece of music can complement your message, creating a powerful and memorable ending that resonates with your audience on a sensory level.

How to do it:  Choose a piece of music that aligns with the tone and message of your presentation. Introduce the music at the right moment in your conclusion, allowing it to play during the final thoughts. Ensure that the volume is appropriate and that the music enhances, rather than distracts from, your message.

4. Intentional and Deliberate Silence

What it is:  Sometimes, the most impactful way to conclude a presentation is through intentional silence. A brief pause after delivering your final words allows your audience to absorb and reflect on your message. This minimalist approach can create a sense of gravity and emphasis.

How to do it:  Plan a deliberate pause after your last sentence or key point. Use this moment to make eye contact with your audience, allowing your message to sink in. The strategic use of silence can be particularly effective when followed by a strong closing statement or visual element.

5. Narrative Bookending

What it is:  Create a sense of completeness by bookending your presentation. Reference a story, quote, or anecdote from the introduction, bringing your presentation full circle. This technique provides a satisfying narrative structure and reinforces your core message.

How to do it:  Identify a story or element from your introduction that aligns with your conclusion. Reintroduce it with a fresh perspective, revealing its relevance to the journey you’ve taken your audience on. This technique not only creates coherence but also leaves a lasting impression.

6. Incorporating Humor for Memorable Impact

What it is:  Humor can be a powerful tool in leaving a positive and memorable impression. Consider injecting a well-timed joke, light-hearted anecdote, or amusing visual element into your conclusion. Humor can create a sense of camaraderie and connection with your audience.

How to do it:  Choose humor that aligns with your audience’s sensibilities and the overall tone of your presentation. Ensure it enhances, rather than detracts from, your message. A genuine and well-placed moment of humor can humanize your presentation and make your conclusion more relatable.

[Bonus] Creative Ways on How to End a Presentation Like a Pro

1. minimalist conclusion table design.

One of the many ways to (aesthetically) end your PowerPoint presentation is by having a straightforward and neat-looking table to sum up all the important points you want your audience to reflect on. Putting closing information in one slide can get heavy, especially if there’s too much text included – as to why it’s important to go minimal on the visual side whenever you want to present a group of text.

PowerPoint conclusion slide table

Here’s how you can easily do it:

  • Insert a table. Depending on the number of points you want to reinforce, feel free to customize the number of rows & columns you might need. Then, proceed to fill the table with your content.
  • Clear the fill for the first column of the table by selecting the entire column. Then, go to the Table Design tab on your PowerPoint ribbon, click on the Shading drop down, and select No Fill.
  • Color the rest of the columns as preferred. Ideally, the heading column must be in a darker shade compared to the cells below.
  • Insert circles at the top left of each heading column. Each circle should be colored the same as the heading. Then, put a weighted outline and make it white, or the same color as the background.
  • Finally, put icons on top each circle that represent the columns. You may find free stock PowerPoint icons by going to Insert, then Icons.

2. Animated Closing Text

Ever considered closing a presentation with what seems to be a blank slide which will then be slowly filled with text in a rather captivating animation? Well, that’s sounds specific, yes! But, it’s time for you take this hack as your next go-to in ending your presentations!

Here’s how simple it is to do it:

  • Go to Pixabay , and set your search for only videos. In this example, I searched for the keyword, ‘yellow ink’.
  • Insert the downloaded video onto a blank PowerPoint slide. Then, go to the Playback tab on the PowerPoint ribbon. Set the video to start automatically, and tick the box for ‘Loop until stopped’. Then, cover it whole with a shape.
  • Place your closing text on top of the shape. It could be a quote, an excerpt, or just a message that you want to end your PowerPoint presentation with.
  • Select the shape, hold Shift, and select the text next. Then, go to Merge Shapes, and select Subtract.
  • Color the shape white with no outline. And, you’re done!

3. Animated 3D Models

What quicker way is there than using PowerPoint’s built-in 3D models? And did you know they have an entire collection of animated 3D models to save you time in setting up countless animations? Use it as part of your presentation conclusion and keep your audience’ eyes hooked onto the screens.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Design a closing slide. In this example, I’m using a simple “Thank You” slide.
  • Go to Insert, then click on the 3D Models dropdown, and select Stock 3D Models. Here, you can browse thru the ‘All Animated Models’ pack and find the right model for you
  • Once your chosen model has been inserted, go to the Animations tab.
  • In this example, I’m setting a Swing animation. Then, set the model to start with previous.
  • For a final touch, go to Animation Pane. From the side panel, click on the Effect Options dropdown and tick the check box for Auto-reverse. Another would be the Timing dropdown, then select Until End of Slide down the Repeat dropdown.

Get a hold of these 3 bonus conclusion slides for free!

Expert Tips on How to End a Presentation With Impact

🔍  Clarity and Conciseness

Tip:  Keep your conclusion clear and concise. Avoid introducing new information, and instead, focus on summarizing key points and reinforcing your main message. A concise conclusion ensures that your audience retains the essential takeaways without feeling overwhelmed.

⏩  Maintain a Strong Pace

Tip:  Control the pacing of your conclusion. Maintain a steady rhythm to sustain audience engagement. Avoid rushing through key points or lingering too long on any single aspect. A well-paced conclusion keeps your audience focused and attentive until the very end.

🚀  Emphasize Key Takeaways

Tip:  Clearly highlight the most critical takeaways from your presentation. Reinforce these key points in your conclusion to emphasize their significance. This ensures that your audience leaves with a firm grasp of the essential messages you aimed to convey.

🔄  Align with Your Introduction

Tip:  Create a sense of cohesion by aligning your conclusion with elements introduced in the beginning. Reference a story, quote, or theme from your introduction, providing a satisfying narrative arc. This connection enhances the overall impact and resonance of your presentation.

🎭  Practice, but Embrace Flexibility

Tip:  Practice your conclusion to ensure a confident delivery. However, be prepared to adapt based on audience reactions or unexpected changes. Embrace flexibility to address any unforeseen circumstances while maintaining the overall integrity of your conclusion.

📢  End with a Strong Call to Action (if applicable)

Tip:  If your presentation includes a call to action, conclude with a compelling and actionable statement. Clearly communicate what you want your audience to do next and why. A strong call to action motivates your audience to take the desired steps.

🙏  Express Gratitude and Closure

Tip:  Express gratitude to your audience for their time and attention. Provide a sense of closure by summarizing the journey you’ve taken together. A gracious and thoughtful conclusion leaves a positive final impression.

Final Thoughts

In wrapping up your presentation, the conclusion serves as the final touch, leaving a strong and lasting impression. Think of it as the last puzzle piece that completes the picture. Ensure your conclusion goes beyond a simple summary, using visuals and engagement to make it memorable. Express gratitude sincerely as you bring your talk to an end, acknowledging the shared experience and setting the stage for what follows.

In these closing moments, aim for more than just a conclusion; create a connection that lingers in the minds of your audience.

About Ausbert Generoso

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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

Coordinates of elektrostal in decimal degrees, coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


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    From summarizing key points to engaging the audience in unexpected ways, make a lasting impression with these 10 ways to end a presentation: 1. The summary. Wrap up your entire presentation with a concise and impactful summary, recapping the key points and main takeaways.

  6. How to End a Presentation The Right Way (+ 3 Downloadable Creative

    For a final touch, go to Animation Pane. From the side panel, click on the Effect Options dropdown and tick the check box for Auto-reverse. Another would be the Timing dropdown, then select Until End of Slide down the Repeat dropdown. Get a hold of these 3 bonus conclusion slides for free! Download Here. Best Tips on How to End a Presentation ...

  7. How to end a PowerPoint presentation

    What a way to end a PowerPoint presentation. I'm not suggesting you give your audience Malaria, but by moving away from traditional presentation practice, you can shake your audience out of their PowerPoint coma, make an impact and coerce them into action. 3. Go full circle.

  8. End of presentation ️↗️ 7 successful examples!

    Presentation end: 7 examples to leave a lasting impression. Summarize the main points: Repeat the main points of your presentation to reinforce them. Call-to-action: Ask your audience to perform a specific action or take a next step. Quote: A relevant and powerful quote can leave a lasting impression. Story or anecdote: A short, relevant story ...

  9. How to End a Presentation? [Top 8 Strategies with Examples]

    This helps create a good long-lasting impression of your presentation. 4. End with a Call to action: One of the best ways to end your presentation is by concluding with a call to action slide. Incorporating a call to action into your presentation can be a powerful way to encourage your audience to take the next step.

  10. How to End A Presentation in 2024

    At the end of a presentation, you typically say a few key things: Summarize your main points or key takeaways to reinforce the message. Provide a clear call to action, motivating your audience to take specific steps. Express gratitude and thank your audience for their time and attention.

  11. How to End a Presentation: 5 Ways to End a Presentation

    How to End a Presentation: 5 Ways to End a Presentation. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Feb 3, 2022 • 3 min read. While all aspects of a business presentation are important, the end of the presentation can determine whether you leave a lasting impression on your audience. Learn public speaking tips and some key takeaways for how to end ...

  12. Top 10 Conclusion Slide Templates with Examples and Samples

    Template 1 Project Conclusion PPT Presentation Slides. The slides of this vibrant PPT can be configured to serve as the concluding piece in any large-scale presentation within the corporate medium. There are 30 slides in this deck, with headlines ranging from performance analysis and budget/cost analysis to open issues, project health card ...

  13. 18 impactful ways to create an end slide in a presentation

    The end slide in a presentation is the last image that your audience sees. An average presentation that ends strongly can be more powerful than an interesting presentation that ends weakly. Ideally, your opening slide and introduction grab your audience's attention, and your end slide is the big payoff that earns you a round of applause.

  14. How to Make a Great "Any Questions" Final PowerPoint Slide (PPT)

    Seed someone in the audience like a friend or colleague to ask the first question. Sometimes, having someone break through the silence and ask the first question will help others speak up or ask follow-up questions. Answer your own question at the end of the presentation. Use phrasing like, "When I first started this project, my main question ...

  15. PowerPoints' Top 10 innovative title and End slide ideas

    The best slide for the end of a presentation is often referred to as the "Conclusion" or "Summary" slide. This slide serves as a wrap-up of the main points discussed throughout the presentation and provides a final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the audience. Here are a few key elements to include on the end slide:

  16. SlidesCarnival: Free PowerPoint & Google Slides Templates That Stand Out

    Professional designs for your presentations. SlidesCarnival templates have all the elements you need to effectively communicate your message and impress your audience. Captivate your audience with our collection of professionally-designed PowerPoint and Google Slides templates. Boost your presentations and make a lasting impression!

  17. Google Slides: Presentation Slideshow Maker

    Bring your presentations to life in Google Slides with enhancements like videos, animations, smooth transitions, and more. Get started with templates Choose from an array of high-quality pre-designed templates with different layouts, images, colors, and fonts.

  18. How to Make a "Good" Presentation "Great"

    Summary. A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you're pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing ...

  19. Presentations and slides for any occasion

    Design, present, inspire with Canva Presentations. Reimagine Presentations with cinematic visuals that captivate your audience - no matter how or where you're presenting. With features to collaborate smarter, create stunning data visualizations, and deliver confidently, Canva Presentations bring impact to your ideas. Create a presentation.

  20. How to use different slide size on the same presentation

    In your main presentation, insert hyperlinks to the other presentations. This way, you can switch between different slide sizes seamlessly during your presentation. Embedding Slides as Objects: Create the slides with different sizes in separate presentations. In your main presentation, go to the slide where you want to insert the different ...

  21. Create Engaging Customer Journey Persona Slides

    Free Canva presentation template. Perfect for business professionals, this multicolored, pastel UI presentation template helps you illustrate customer journey personas with ease. Ideal for marketing strategies, user experience mapping, and sales pitches, these slides offer a visually appealing way to present complex data.

  22. Social Media Competitive Analysis . Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Whether you're using PowerPoint or Google Slides, this PPT template simplifies complex information with engaging infographics. Ideal for presentations on market trends, competitor benchmarks, and social media performance, you'll captivate your audience and make informed decisions with ease. Features of this template

  23. 5 Better Alternatives To Google Slides

    I f you're looking to create a compelling presentation to showcase a new idea or persuade others, Google Slides may be the first option that comes to mind. But with few built-in templates, basic ...

  24. United States: History and Origins Presentation

    Download the United States: History and Origins presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources. ...

  25. Lifco AB (publ) 2024 Q2

    The following slide deck was published by Lifco AB (publ) in conjunction with their 2024 Q2 earnings call. ... (publ) 2024 Q2 - Results - Earnings Call Presentation. Jul. 12, 2024 4:38 PM ET Lifco ...

  26. University of Michigan . Free Slides Template

    Free Canva presentation template. Calling all University of Michigan students! Elevate your projects and class assignments with this sleek, dark blue and yellow slideshow template. Tailored for a corporate yet vibrant look, this presentation template is perfect for showcasing your research, group projects, and academic portfolios.

  27. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  28. How To End A Presentation The Right Way (+ 3 Bonus Slide Templates

    [Bonus] Creative Ways on How to End a Presentation Like a Pro 1. Minimalist Conclusion Table Design. One of the many ways to (aesthetically) end your PowerPoint presentation is by having a straightforward and neat-looking table to sum up all the important points you want your audience to reflect on.

  29. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  30. PowerPoint vs. Keynote vs. Google Slides

    Initially, slide presentations were geared towards live audiences. Now, slide presentations are just as likely to be delivered to a web audience and published online. In this article, we compare three of the most popular presentation packages: PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides. We'll dig into some of the pros and cons of each app.