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How to Value a Company: 6 Methods and Examples

Green Tesla car

  • 21 Apr 2017

Determining the fair market value of a company can be a complex task. There are many factors to consider, but it's an important financial skill businesses leaders need to succeed. So, how do finance professionals evaluate assets to identify one number?

Below is an exploration of some common financial terms and methods used to value businesses, and why some companies might be valued highly, despite being relatively small.

What Is Company Valuation?

Company valuation, also known as business valuation, is the process of assessing the total economic value of a business and its assets. During this process, all aspects of a business are evaluated to determine the current worth of an organization or department. The valuation process takes place for a variety of reasons, such as determining sale value and tax reporting.

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How to Valuate a Business

One way to calculate a business’s valuation is to subtract liabilities from assets. However, this simple method doesn’t always provide the full picture of a company’s value. This is why several other methods exist.

Here’s a look at six business valuation methods that provide insight into a company’s financial standing, including book value, discounted cash flow analysis, market capitalization, enterprise value, earnings, and the present value of a growing perpetuity formula.

1. Book Value

One of the most straightforward methods of valuing a company is to calculate its book value using information from its balance sheet . Due to the simplicity of this method, however, it’s notably unreliable.

To calculate book value, start by subtracting the company’s liabilities from its assets to determine owners’ equity. Then exclude any intangible assets. The figure you’re left with represents the value of any tangible assets the company owns.

As Harvard Business School Professor Mihir Desai mentions in the online course Leading with Finance , balance sheet figures can’t be equated with value due to historical cost accounting and the principle of conservatism. Relying on basic accounting metrics doesn't paint an accurate picture of a business’s true value.

2. Discounted Cash Flows

Another method of valuing a company is with discounted cash flows. This technique is highlighted in the Leading with Finance as the gold standard of valuation.

Discounted cash flow analysis is the process of estimating the value of a company or investment based on the money, or cash flows, it’s expected to generate in the future . Discounted cash flow analysis calculates the present value of future cash flows based on the discount rate and time period of analysis.

Discounted Cash Flow =

Terminal Cash Flow / (1 + Cost of Capital) # of Years in the Future

The benefit of discounted cash flow analysis is that it reflects a company’s ability to generate liquid assets. However, the challenge of this type of valuation is that its accuracy relies on the terminal value, which can vary depending on the assumptions you make about future growth and discount rates.

3. Market Capitalization

Market capitalization is one of the simplest measures of a publicly traded company's value. It’s calculated by multiplying the total number of shares by the current share price .

Market Capitalization = Share Price x Total Number of Shares

One of the shortcomings of market capitalization is that it only accounts for the value of equity, while most companies are financed by a combination of debt and equity.

In this case, debt represents investments by banks or bond investors in the future of the company; these liabilities are paid back with interest over time. Equity represents shareholders who own stock in the company and hold a claim to future profits.

Let's take a look at enterprise values—a more accurate measure of company value that takes these differing capital structures into account.

4. Enterprise Value

The enterprise value is calculated by combining a company's debt and equity and then subtracting the amount of cash not used to fund business operations.

Enterprise Value = Debt + Equity - Cash

To illustrate this, let’s take a look at three well-known car manufacturers: Tesla, Ford, and General Motors (GM).

In 2016, Tesla had a market capitalization of $50.5 billion. On top of that, its balance sheet showed liabilities of $17.5 billion. The company also had around $3.5 billion in cash in its accounts, giving Tesla an enterprise value of approximately $64.5 billion.

Ford had a market capitalization of $44.8 billion, outstanding liabilities of $208.7 billion, and a cash balance of $15.9 billion, leaving an enterprise value of approximately $237.6 billion.

Lastly, GM had a market capitalization of $51 billion, balance sheet liabilities of $177.8 billion, and a cash balance of $13 billion, leaving an enterprise value of approximately $215.8 billion.

While Tesla's market capitalization is higher than both Ford and GM, Tesla is also financed more from equity. In fact, 74 percent of Tesla’s assets have been financed with equity, while Ford and GM have capital structures that rely much more on debt. Nearly 18 percent of Ford's assets are financed with equity, and 22.3 percent of GM's.

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When examining earnings, financial analysts don't like to look at the raw net income profitability of a company. It’s often manipulated in a lot of ways by the conventions of accounting, and some can even distort the true picture.

To start with, the tax policies of a country seem like a distraction from the actual success of a company. They can vary across countries or time, even if nothing actually changes in the company’s operational capabilities. Second, net income subtracts interest payments to debt holders, which can make organizations look more or less successful based solely on their capital structures. Given these considerations, both are added back to arrive at EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes), or “ operating earnings .”

In normal accounting, if a company purchases equipment or a building, it doesn't record that transaction all at once. The business instead charges itself an expense called depreciation over time. Amortization is the same thing as depreciation but for things like patents and intellectual property. In both instances, no actual money is spent on the expense.

In some ways, depreciation and amortization can make the earnings of a rapidly growing company look worse than a declining one. Behemoth brands, like Amazon and Tesla, are more susceptible to this distortion since they own several warehouses and factories that depreciate in value over time.

With an understanding of how to arrive at EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) for each company, it’s easier to explore ratios.

According to the Capital IQ database , Tesla had an Enterprise Value to EBITDA ratio of 36x. Ford's is 15x, and GM's is 6x. But what do these ratios mean?

6. Present Value of a Growing Perpetuity Formula

One way to think about these ratios is as part of the growing perpetuity equation. A growing perpetuity is a kind of financial instrument that pays out a certain amount of money each year—which also grows annually. Imagine a stipend for retirement that needs to grow every year to match inflation. The growing perpetuity equation enables you to find out today’s value for that sort of financial instrument.

The value of a growing perpetuity is calculated by dividing cash flow by the cost of capital minus the growth rate.

Value of a Growing Perpetuity = Cash Flow / (Cost of Capital - Growth Rate)

So, if someone planning to retire wanted to receive $30,000 annually, forever, with a discount rate of 10 percent and an annual growth rate of two percent to cover expected inflation, they would need $375,000—the present value of that arrangement.

What does this have to do with companies? Imagine the EBITDA of a company as a growing perpetuity paid out every year to the organization’s capital holders. If a company can be thought of as a stream of cash flows that grow annually, and you know the discount rate (which is that company’s cost of capital), you can use this equation to quickly determine the company’s enterprise value.

To do this, you’ll need some algebra to convert your ratios. For example, if you take Tesla with an enterprise to EBITDA ratio of 36x, that means the enterprise value of Tesla is 36 times higher than its EBITDA.

If you look at the growing perpetuity formula and use EBITDA as the cash flow and enterprise value as what you’re trying to solve for in this equation, then you know that whatever you’re dividing EBITDA by is going to give you an answer that is 36 times the numerator.

To find the enterprise value to EBITDA ratio, use this formula: enterprise value equals EBITDA divided by one over ratio. Plug in the enterprise value and EBITDA values to solve for the ratio.

Enterprise Value = EBITDA / (1 / Ratio)

In other words, the denominator needs to be one thirty-sixth, or 2.8 percent. If you repeat this example with Ford, you would find a denominator of one-fifteenth, or 6.7 percent. For GM, it would be one-sixth, or 16.7 percent.

Plugging it back into the original equation, the percentage is equal to the cost of capital. You could then imagine that Tesla might have a cost of capital of 20 percent and a growth rate of 17.2 percent.

The ratio doesn't tell you exactly, but one thing it does highlight is that the market believes Tesla's future growth rate will be close to its cost of capital. Tesla's first quarter sales were 69 percent higher than this time last year.

The Power of Growth

In finance, growth is powerful. It explains why a smaller company like Tesla carries a high enterprise value. The market has taken notice that, while Tesla is much smaller today than Ford or GM in total enterprise value and revenues, that may not always be the case.

If you want to advance your understanding of financial concepts like company valuation, explore our six-week online course Leading with Finance and other finance and accounting courses to discover how you can develop the intuition to make better financial decisions.

This post was updated on April 22, 2022. It was originally published on April 21, 2017.

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Here's How to Value a Company [With Examples]

Dan Tyre

Published: May 24, 2023

What's your company worth? It's an important question for any entrepreneur , business owner , or potential investor.

how to value a business

What's more, knowing how to value your business becomes increasingly important as it grows, especially if you want to raise capital, sell a portion of the business, or borrow money. 

Here, we'll take a look at different factors to consider when valuing your business, common equations you can use, and high-quality tools that will help you crunch the numbers.

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Table of Contents

How to value a business.

Public vs. Private Valuations

Business Valuation Methods

Business Valuation Calculators

Company valuation example, what is a business valuation.

As the name suggests, a business valuation determines the value of a business or company. During the process, all areas of a business are carefully analyzed, including its financial performance, assets and liabilities, market position, and future growth potential.

Ultimately, the goal is to arrive at a fair and objective estimate which can be useful in making business decisions and negotiating.

  • Company Size
  • Profitability
  • Market Traction and Growth Rate
  • Sustainable Competitive Advantage
  • Future Growth Potential

1. Company Size

Company size is a commonly used factor when valuing a company. Typically, the larger the business, the higher the valuation will be. This is because smaller companies have little market power and are more negatively impacted by the loss of key leaders. In addition, larger businesses likely have a well-developed product or service and, as a result, more accessible capital.

2. Profitability

Is your company earning a profit?

If so, this a good sign, as businesses with higher profit margins will be valued higher than those with low margins or profit loss. The primary strategy for valuing your business based on profitability is through understanding your sales and revenue data. 

Valuing a Company Based On Sales and Revenue

Valuing a business based on sales and revenue uses your totals before subtracting operating expenses and multiplying that number by an industry multiple. Your industry multiple is an average of what businesses typically sell for in your industry so, if your multiple is two, companies usually sell for 2x their annual sales and revenue.

3. Market Traction and Growth Rate

When valuing a company based on market traction and growth rate, your business is compared to your competitors. Investors want to know how large your industry market share is, how much of it you control, and how quickly you can capture a percentage of the market. The quicker you reach the market, the higher your business’ valuation will be.

4. Sustainable Competitive Advantage

What sets your product, service, or solution apart from competitors? 

With this method, the way you provide value to customers needs to differentiate you from the competition. If this competitive advantage is too difficult to maintain over time, this could negatively impact your business' valuation. 

A sustainable competitive advantage helps your business build and maintain an edge over competitors or copycats in the future, pricing you higher than your competitors because you have something unique to offer.

5. Future Growth Potential

Is your market or industry expected to grow? Or is there an opportunity to expand the business' product line in the future? Factors like these will boost the valuation of your business. If investors know your business will grow in the future, the company valuation will be higher. 

The financial industry is built on trying to accurately define current growth potential and future valuation. All the characteristics listed above have to be considered, but the key to understanding future value is determining which factors weigh more heavily than others.

Depending on your type of business, there are different metrics used to value public and private companies.

Public Versus Private Valuation

How to Value a Business Public vs Private valuation (1)

Public Company Valuation

For public companies, valuation is referred to as market capitalization (which we’ll discuss below) — where the value of the company equals the total number of outstanding shares multiplied by the price of the shares.

Public companies can also trade on book value, which is the total amount of assets minus liabilities on your company balance sheet. The value is based on the asset’s original cost less any depreciation, amortization, or impairment costs made against the asset.

Private Company Valuation

Private companies are often harder to value because there's less public information, a limited track record of performance, and financial results are either unavailable or might not be audited for accuracy.

Let's take a look at the valuations of companies in three stages of entrepreneurial growth.

1. Ideation Stage

Startups in the ideation stage are companies with an idea, a business plan, or a concept of how to gain customers, but they're in the early stages of implementing a process. Without any financial results, the valuation is based on either the track record of the founders or the level of innovation that potential investors see in the idea.

A startup without a financial track record is valued at an amount that can be negotiated. Most startups I've reviewed created by a first-time entrepreneur start with a valuation between $1.5 and $6 million.

All the value is based on the expectation of future growth. It's not always in the entrepreneur’s best interest to maximize its value at this stage if the goal is to have multiple funding rounds. The valuation of early-stage companies can be challenging due to these factors.

2. Proof of Concept

Next is the proof of concept stage. This is when a company has a handful of employees and actual operating results. At this stage, the rate of sustainable growth becomes the most crucial factor in valuation. Execution of the business process is proven, and comparisons are easier because of available financial information.

Companies that reach this stage are either valued based on their revenue growth rate or the rest of the industry. Additional factors are comparing peer performance and how well the business is executing in comparison to its plan. Depending on the company and the industry, the company will trade as a multiple of revenue or EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxed, depreciation, and amortization).

3. Proof of Business Model

The third stage of startup valuation is the proof of the business model. This is when a company has proven its concept and begins scaling because it has a sustainable business model.

At this point, the company has several years of actual financial results, one or more products shipping, statistics on how well the products are selling, and product retention numbers.

Depending on your company, there are a variety of equations to use to value your business.

Company Valuation Methods

Let’s take a look at some of the formulas for business valuation. 

Market Capitalization Formula

Market Value Capitalization is a measure of a company’s value based on stock price and shares outstanding. Here is the formula you would use based on your business’ specific numbers: 

market capitalization formula for company valuation

Multiplier Method Formula

You would use this method if you’re hoping to value your business based on specific figures like revenue and sales. Here is the formula: 

multiplier method formula for company valuation

Discounted Cash Flow Method

Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) is a valuation technique based on future growth potential. This strategy predicts how much return can come from an investment in your company. It is the most complicated mathematical formula on this list, as there are many variables required. Here is the formula: 

discounted cash flow formula for business valuation

Image Source

Here are what the variables mean: 

  • CF = Cash flow during a given year (can include as many years as you’d like, simply follow the same structure).
  • r = discount rate, sometimes referred to as weighted average cost of capital ( WACC ). This is the rate that a business expects to pay for its assets.

This method, along with others on this list, requires accurate math calculations. To ensure you’re on the right track, it may be helpful to use a calculator tool. Below we’ll recommend some high-quality options. 

Below are business valuation calculators you can use to estimate your companies value.

This calculator looks at your business' current earnings and expected future earnings to determine a valuation. Other business elements the calculator considers are the levels of risk involved (e.g., business, financial, and industry risk) and how marketable the company is.

2. EquityNet

EquityNet's business valuation calculator looks at various factors to create an estimate of your business’s value. These factors include:

  • Odds of the business' survival
  • Industry the business operates in
  • Assets and liabilities
  • Predicted future revenue
  • Estimated profit or loss

3. ExitAdviser

ExitAdviser's calculator uses the discounted cash flow (DCF) method to determine a business’s value. To determine the valuation, "it takes the expected future cash flows and ‘discounts' them back to the present day.”

It may be helpful to have an example of company valuation, so we’ll go over one using the market capitalization formula displayed below: 

Shares Outstanding x Current Stock Price = Market Capitalization

For this equation, I need to know my business’s current stock price and the number of outstanding shares. Here are some sample numbers: 

Shares Outstanding: $250,000

Current Stock Price: $11

Here is what my formula would look like when I plug in the numbers:

250,000 x 11 

Based on my calculations, my company’s market value is 2,750,000.

Back to You

Whether you’re looking to borrow money, sell a portion of your company, or simply understand your market value, understanding how much your business is worth is important for your business’ growth.

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How To Calculate a Business Valuation: 3 Common Ways (2024)

Learn how to find the value of a business based on income, market, and assets in this guide. Plus, find professionals that can help with company valuation.

business plan valuation

As a business owner, you may be asked to calculate the fair market value of your business, known as your business’s valuation. The circumstances that warrant a small business valuation process include:

  • Refinancing a loan
  • Planning to bring on additional shareholders or partial owners
  • Looking to sell your business

Personal legal proceedings can also require a valuation—a divorce, for instance, may require a thorough accounting of your business assets.

There are various ways to calculate business valuations. The approach you use will depend on factors like your industry, the reason for the valuation, and the health of your business. Small businesses , corporations , and venture-capital-funded startups may each tap different formulas.

What is a business valuation?

A business valuation is a measure of how much your business is worth. Finding the valuation involves gathering and analyzing business information such as assets (tangible things the business owns, like bank accounts and equipment) and liabilities (taxes, payroll, debt).

Business valuations are conducted by certified business appraisal professionals using one of several types of valuation, depending on the business industry and/or business entity. The appraiser reviews documents such as past financial statements, future financial projections, and payroll .

Charts and graphs analyzed at a meeting. People working together in the office to get the most out of the work week.

Some of the criteria for calculating business valuation are objective and tangible. Others, such as the company’s reputation or trademarks , are more subjective—but these are still valid considerations when calculating a company’s worth.

How to do a business valuation: 3 ways

There are various business valuation methods that small business owners use to arrive at a business valuation. Some methods, for example, estimate a company’s economic value based on a forecast of the company’s future cash flows .

Others determine value based on market ups and downs, and comparisons of sales of similar companies. A healthy business may use a different valuation method than a business in bad repair.

Co-workers go over some important numbers at a meeting in the office.

Overall, conducting a business valuation is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of a company’s management, operations, finances, and the market in which it operates. 

Here are three ways to find the current market value of your business.

1. Income-based approach

Income-based approaches to the valuation process are most common, and estimate a business’s value based on the income the business is expected to generate over time.

This process is meant to help stakeholders and investors assess the risk of future investments or expenditures by projecting how much money the business may make in the future, not just how much they make now.

There are three main types of income-based valuations:

  • Discounted cash flow method  (DCF). This method projects a company’s future cash flow and then “discounts” that amount by taking into consideration inflation and business uncertainty to come up with a current value. The discounted cash flow method works well for newer businesses that may not be profitable yet, but have potential for high future earnings.
  • Leveraged buyout analysis (LBO). Similar to the discounted cash flow method, an leveraged buyout approach considers cash flows and applies a discount rate to arrive at a company value. However, the goal of an LBO analysis is not to determine a company’s present value, but rather its internal rate of return (IRR)—that is, the profit a potential buyer can expect to earn.
  • Capitalization of cash flow method. This process considers a company’s cash flows, annual rate of return, and expected value to determine its future profitability. But unlike the discounted cash flow method, this number isn’t adjusted to account for a future economic environment. Instead, the capitalization of cash flow valuation method assumes a company’s future worth will more closely mirror what it’s done in the past. That’s why it’s often used for more longstanding businesses with stable profits.

2. Market-based approach

Similar to a market analysis in real estate, a market-based business valuation process determines a company’s value based on “comps”—i.e., the business valuations of comparable companies. To use this method, the person doing the valuation will look at purchases and sales of comparable companies or other assets in the same industry. Discounts are then made based on differences between the two—for example, location or size.

This method can be useful for fast-growing companies who want to get a better idea of their worth or for companies that are looking to be sold.

3. Asset-based approach

Methods of valuation under this umbrella base your company’s value on your tangible assets, including equipment, property, inventory, and intangible assets such as software, licenses, patents, and intellectual property (IP). There are different asset-based methods, but with any of them, you’ll need to tally up the estimated worth of everything you own, including depreciating business assets, such as equipment.

If you are considering closing up shop, you may decide to use an asset-based approach to valuation. That’s because it gives you an idea of how much you and other investors or owners would get if you sold off all the company assets.

For example, you might calculate your liquidation value—the value your business assets would represent if you were to go out of business and sell everything off today at fair market prices. You might also calculate your book value, or net asset value, which is a tally of the assets and liabilities on your balance sheet .

Two co-workers take a moment in the boardroom to go over some recent stats and numbers of their modern business

When do I need a business valuation?

There are certain situations, such as a merger or buying an existing business , where it can be especially important to know the value of a business. Circumstances commonly requiring a valuation include:

  • When your stakeholders change. Anyone with a stake or potential stake in a corporation, such as new shareholders or possible investors, will want to know the sale value of a business.
  • If you want to sell. If you’re looking to sell your business or merge with another, your potential buyers or partners will obviously want to know your business’s value.
  • To price options for equity compensation. If you’re a young startup company and offer compensation packages that include equity and/or stock options, you’ll need your business valuation to price those options.
  • For financing. Bankers and creditors will need to know your business valuation for loans or refinancing. Potential investors will need a solid grasp of the intrinsic value of your company before they decide to back you. Some loans don’t need a business validation , but will depend on other factors such as sales revenue history.
  • For tax reporting purposes. The government may need to know the value of your business if it changes ownership. For example, if you sell your business below market value, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may charge you a gift tax according to its own valuation of your business. You may also need a business valuation to file an estate tax return or bequeath your business as a gift.
  • For personal reasons. If you’re going through a divorce, a business valuation is often necessary to fairly divvy up marital assets—any property acquired during the course of the marriage. If a couple disagrees on the fair value of a business belonging to one or both of them, their attorneys may enlist a business appraiser to calculate a valuation both parties can agree on. Small business owners planning their estates will also need their valuation to decide how to fairly allocate their assets after death.

Hiring a business valuation professional

Determining the value of your business is a complex endeavor—but you don’t have to do it alone. There are various types of professionals adept at valuation for small businesses and able to provide an objective estimate of your present or maximum value.

  • Certified public accountant (CPA): In addition to their accounting prowess, many CPAs carry an additional Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) certification, which requires specialized training in calculating business valuations.
  • Accredited senior appraiser (ASA): The American Society of Appraisers offers an accredited senior appraiser (ASA) designation. ASAs must fulfill rigorous educational requirements and have five years of verified full-time experience performing appraisals.
  • Chartered business valuator (CBV): For Canadian businesses, a Chartered Business Valuator provides the same business valuation services as the other professionals on this list.

Don’t be afraid to ask a specialist for help—figuring out your company valuation can be tricky. But with the right information and expert assistance, you can get it right.

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Business valuation FAQ

How much is a business worth with $1 million in sales.

The exact value of a business with $1 million in sales would depend on the profitability of the business and its assets. Generally, a business is worth anywhere from one to five times its annual sales. So, in this case, the business would be worth between $1 million and $5 million.

How do I calculate the value of my business?

To calculate the value of your business, you can use several methods such as:

  • Discounted cash flow analysis (DCF)
  • Asset-based valuation
  • Comparable company analysis
  • Precedent transactions analysis
  • Leveraged buyout analysis

How many times profit is a business worth?

The number of times profit a business is worth, called a price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, varies widely depending on the industry, market conditions, and specific characteristics of the business. For small businesses, it’s usually one to four times the annual profit, but for bigger companies, it’s much higher.

What is the rule of thumb for business valuation?

A common rule of thumb for business valuation is to use a multiple of the company’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), often ranging from two to six times earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) for small to medium-sized businesses. But, this multiple varies based on the industry, market trends, and the specific attributes of the business.

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9 Business Valuation Methods: What's Your Company's Value?

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Table of contents

This post was originally published in April 2022 and has been updated for relevancy on May 7, 2024.

Whether you’re on the buy-side or sell-side , having an accurate valuation of your business is an essential part of extracting value from a transaction. Those that are better able to value assets are the most successful investors of all time. And while you can add value to a transaction through a successful integration , paying the right price for a company gives you the best platform to do so.

What is Business Valuation?

Company Valuation or Business Valuation, is the process by which the economic value of a business, whether a large or small business is calculated. The purpose of knowing the business’s value is to find the intrinsic value of the entire company - its value from an objective perspective. Valuations are mostly used by investors, business owners, and intermediaries such as investment bankers, who are seeking to accurately value the company’s equity for some form of investment.

business valuation drives

Although business valuations are mostly used to value a company’s equity for some form of investment, it isn’t the only reason to have an understanding of a company’s value. A company is not unlike most other long-term assets, in that it’s useful to have a handle on how much it is worth. Being in an informed position at all times enables the company’s owners to understand what their options are, how to react in different business situations, and how their company’s valuation fits into the bigger picture.

The objectives for valuing a business can be divided into: internal motives, external motives, and mixed motives (being a combination of internal and external motives).

motives for business valuation

The Business Valuation Process

Every business valuation process differs based on which method you choose to evaluate.

Business Valuation Process

Whatever method you use, the final aim is to find the company’s intrinsic value.

Depending on the company, whether private or public, entrepreneurs or individuals conducting the business valuation process, the method can differ. For example, should a company be measured based on its assets, its future free cash flows, recent transactions for comparable companies, or the sum of its real options? More often than not, valuation professionals seek to use a combination of these to arrive at an answer.

The valuation methods they use are summarized in the table below

business valuation methods

More often than not, business valuation professionals use at least two methods when valuing companies, the most common being the DCF method and comparable transactions. These methods are popular because they’re widely understood, but also because the underlying numbers are easier to obtain. In the case of real options valuation, for example, the numbers which underpin the value of the business are far more difficult to objectively ascertain.

Business Valuation Methods

  • Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
  • Capitalization of Earnings Method
  • EBITDA Multiple
  • Revenue Multiple
  • Precedent Transactions
  • Liquidation Value / Book Value
  • Real Option Analysis
  • Enterprise Value
  • Present Value of a Growing Perpetuity

1. Discounted Cash Flow Analysis

Discounted cash flow analysis uses the inflation-adjusted future cash flows to project a value for the business. The thinking behind DCF Analysis is that free cash flows are what endow shareholders with value and only that number that matters.

The problem then arises of how to accurately project discounted free cash flows (FCF), using a weighted average cost of capital (WACC) several years into the future. Even small differences in the metrics, growth rate, the perpetual growth rate and the cost of capital can lead to significant differences in valuation, fueling criticism of the method.

DCF = CF 1 / (1+r) 1 + CF 2 / (1+r) 2 + ....+ CF n / (1+r) n​

Where, CF 1 = The cash flow for year one, CF 2 = The cash flow for year two, n = Number of years, r = Discount rate

For example, let's consider a company with projected FCF of $1 million for the next 5 years. Assuming a discount rate of 10%, the company's future cash flows amount to approximately $3.79 million.

2. Capitalization of Earnings Method

The capitalization of earnings method is a neat, back-of-the-envelope method for calculating the value of a business, which in fact is used by DCF Analysis to calculate the perpetual earnings (i.e. all those earrings that occur after the terminal year of the DCF Analysis being performed).

Sometimes called the Gordon Growth Model, this method requires that the business have a steady level of growth and cost of capital.The numerator, usually the free cash flow, is then divided by the difference between the discount rate and the growth rate, expressed as fractions to arrive at an approximation of a valuation.

Market Capitalization = CF 1 / (r-g)

Where, CF 1 = Cash flow in the terminal year, r =  Discount rate , g = Growth rate

For example, consider a company with projected FCF of $1 million in the terminal year, a discount rate of 10%, and a growth rate of 5%. Using the capitalization of earnings method, the value of the company would be approximately $20 million.

3. EBITDA Multiple

The EBITDA multiplier is an excellent solution to the arbitrary nature of most valuation methods. Even Aswath Damodaran, the father of modern valuation, says that any valuation of a business should follow the law of parsimony: the most simple of two (or more) competing theories should hold sway in an argument.

On this basis, the EBITDA multiple - the multiplication of this year’s EBITDA figure by a multiplier agreeable to both the buyer and seller - is an elegant solution to the valuation dilemma.

Even those who consider this method too simplistic tend to use it as a guide for their valuations, underlining its strength.

4. Revenue Multiple

This method can be used in those circumstances where EBITDA is either negative or isn’t available for some reason (usually because sales figures are the only ones available when researching firms to acquire through online search).

Again, while you might say it’s just a benchmark - others would argue, with some justification, that the total sales of a business is the most important benchmark of all.

5. Precedent Transactions

This method may incorporate the EBITA and revenue multipliers or any other multiple that the practitioner wishes to use. As the title suggests, here the valuation is derived from comparable transactions in the industry.

So, for example, if widget makers have been trading at multiples of somewhere between 5 and 6 times EBITDA (or net income, or whatever indicator is chosen), Widget Co. would establish its value by performing the same iterative process.

The problem that then arises, is how similar are companies to others, even in their own industry?

Thus, for our money, this is more of a barometer of the market than a valuation method per se.

6. Book Value/Liquidation Value

The liquidation value is what Warren Buffett claims to have always looked at when seeing if businesses are overvalued on the stock market or not.This value is the net cash that a business would generate if all of its liabilities were paid off and its assets were liquidated today.

In a sense, calling this a valuation method for a business is a misnomer - this only gives you the value of part of the business.

But, to paraphrase Buffett, it allows you to see the ‘margin of error’ that you have with a valuation.

The logic goes that, even if everything goes wrong in management and the company’s sales fall dramatically after the acquisition, it can always fall back on the liquidation value.

7. Real Option Analysis

Proponents of real options analysis look at businesses as nothing more than a nexus of real options: the option to invest in opportunities, the option to utilize spare capacity, the option to hire more salespeople, etc.

Bringing together these options is the basis behind real options analysis for valuation.

This is most effective for firms with uncertain futures, usually those who aren’t yet cash generative: startups and mineral exploration firms, for example.

Of the valuation methods on this list, it’s by some distance the most complicated but its proponents include McKinsey and several of the world’s most prestigious business schools.

8. Enterprise Value

Enterprise Value (EV) is a method to measure the company’s total market value where we not only consider the company's equity but also its debt obligations and cash reserves.By including debt, we can provide a more accurate picture of a company’s value, especially in the context of mergers or acquisitions, as it represents the total cost to acquire the company’s operations.  

EV = Market Capitalization + Total Debt - Cash and Cash Equivalents 

For example, if a company has a market capitalization of $50 million, total debt of $20 million, and cash reserves of $5 million, its enterprise value would be $65 million ($50M + $20M - $5M).

9. Present Value of a Growing Perpetuity

The Present Value (PV) of a Growing Perpetuity is a valuation method which is used to estimate the total value of cash flows that continue indefinitely and grow at a constant rate. It's often applied in situations where cash flows are expected to continue indefinitely, such as in perpetuity. We can calculate the present value of a growing perpetuity with:

PV = C / (r-g)

Where, C = Cash flow at the end of the first period. r =  Discount rate, g = Growth rate

For example, if a company generates a cash flow of $1 million at the end of the first period, and the discount rate is 8%, with a growth rate of 3%. Then the present value of the growing perpetuity would be $20 million.

How to Pick the Right Valuation Method?

The previous section discussed how most business valuation professionals use at least two methods of valuation, and also that the valuation (the output) will ultimately only be as good as the numbers used to achieve it (the inputs).

After conducting a preliminary analysis of the company, whoever is conducting the valuation chooses the method, which is most suitable to the business and its industry.

There is no question that the biggest determinant of the valuation method used is available information. To take the example of comparable transactions, without any reasonably comparable transactions, there is no way that this valuation method can be conducted.

Here is an example of intangible assets valuation.

valuing intqngible assets

Even transactions in the same space from several years before cannot be considered accurate representations of a company’s value in the current environment.

In a similar vein, even the most commonly used valuation method, the DCF method, requires users to forecast free cash flows to a predetermined point in the future. Only in the most extreme cases - for example, a company with a remarkably small number of clients and pre-agreed contracts - is this feasible.

How to Pick the Right Valuation Method?

But information is just one of the factors which should determine which is the right valuation method to choose. The others are as follows:

Type of the company

If a company is asset-light, such as is the case with many service companies, it makes little sense to use the net-asset valuation method. Similarly, if most of a company’s value is in its branding or IP, it may make little sense to use the discounted cash flow method.

Size of the company

Larger companies tend to be applicable for a larger number of valuation methods. Small companies, with less information, are usually only subject to a handful of valuation methods. Bear in mind too that different valuation considerations are at play for each (e.g., higher valuation multiples for larger companies).

Economic environment

Regardless of which method is chosen, it’s never a bad idea to consider the economic environment that the company faces. But in more positive economic conditions, it’s important to be somewhat conservative when valuing in the understanding that all business cycles come to an end.

A further consideration for valuing a company is what the end user requires the valuation for. Some buyers will only look at the value of a company’s fixed asset value, be that technology, real estate, or even trucking. Others will only be interested in cash-flow generating potential (as is the case with most buyers of SAAS platforms).

How to carry out a successful valuation of a company

There are a few ways in which a valuation professional can ensure that, whatever the valuation method they choose, they’ll arrive at a number which approximates intrinsic value.

successful valuation factors

Successful valuation factors are:

A valuation which is heavily influenced by an opinion can be regarded as just that - an opinion.

The valuation should consider as much as possible; not just a company’s assets or its cash flows, but also its environment, and other internal and external factors.

Holistic does not mean detail for the sake of detail. Valuing Amazon doesn’t require making projections about the future prices of cardboard packaging.


Anyone reading the valuation should be able to arrive at the same conclusion as the individual conducting the valuation based on the information provided.

Business valuation providers

Business valuation is the bread and butter of investment banks and M&A intermediaries.

Even if a company has the wherewithal to conduct their own business valuation, it pays to hire a third party specialist for the expertise that they bring to the task. Even legal firms now typically have an in-house valuations expert.

Depending on the valuation method(s) used by the business valuation providers, the company can change the inputs over time to see how their valuation evolves.Accredited business valuation providers can also  ensure reliable and accurate valuations. These specialists adhere to industry standards and bring valuable insights to the table, enabling companies to make informed decisions regarding their valuation strategies.

Closing Remarks

The minute-by-minute fluctuation of the stock prices reflect the reality that there can never be a true consensus on a company’s valuation: everybody has their own.

factors that affect's business value

Blue chip Investment banks, keen to let everybody know that they’re hiring the best quantitative analysts in the world, can also vary widely on price. The upcoming IPO of British chip manufacturer ARM is a case in point. The value of the IPO pitched by investment banks has ranged from $30 billion to $70 billion - a massive $40 billion difference. Most of these bankers will be wrong by billions of dollars, illustrating the difficulty of business valuations.

What links all of the methods mentioned here is that their users have, at one time or another, plugged numbers into a model which gave a number they thought was erroneous, only to replace the numbers moments later to arrive at a number they considered ‘more reasonable’. The best advice is to use as many measures as possible to arrive at a valuation. The more insights you can garner on its revenues, EBITDA, free cash flows, assets and real options, the better a perspective you gain of the company’s true value.

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Business Valuation

business plan valuation

Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by subject matter experts.

Updated on February 26, 2024

Are You Retirement Ready?

Table of contents, what is business valuation.

Business valuation is the process of estimating the economic value of a business or its ownership interest which involves taking into account its financial performance, assets, liabilities, and other relevant factors.

Business valuation is crucial for several reasons, including providing an accurate understanding of a company's value, facilitating informed decision-making, and ensuring transparency in financial transactions like mergers and acquisitions, sales, taxation, and legal disputes.

An accurate business valuation can help business owners and investors make strategic decisions about growth, financing, and exit strategies.

Additionally, business valuation is often required for legal purposes, such as taxation, estate planning, and dispute resolution. In these cases, a thorough and accurate valuation can help ensure compliance with legal requirements and protect the interests of all parties involved.

Read Taylor's Story

business plan valuation

Taylor Kovar, CFP®

CEO & Founder

(936) 899 - 5629

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I'm Taylor Kovar, a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), specializing in helping business owners with strategic financial planning.

In my early consulting days, I encountered a family-run bakery facing a difficult decision regarding selling their business. Their uncertainty about the value of their business was compounded by emotional attachments. By conducting a thorough cash flow analysis, we were able to identify and highlight less obvious aspects of value, such as their unique recipes and loyal customer base. Adjusting their valuation to take these intangibles into account, they were able to secure a deal that surpassed their expectations.

Contact me at (936) 899 - 5629 or [email protected] to discuss how we can achieve your financial objectives.


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Methods of Business Valuation

Asset-based approach.

The asset-based approach to business valuation focuses on determining the value of a company based on the value of its tangible and intangible assets .

This approach involves identifying and valuing the company's assets , then deducting its liabilities to arrive at the net asset value . The asset-based approach is particularly useful for companies with significant assets, as well as for those in financial distress or facing liquidation.

However, this approach has its limitations, as it does not take into account the company's future earnings potential or the value of its intangible assets, which may be significant for some businesses.

Income-Based Approach

The income-based approach to business valuation focuses on estimating the company's value based on its ability to generate future cash flows or profits .

This approach involves projecting the company's future earnings, then discounting those earnings to their present value using a discount rate that reflects the risks associated with the company's operations.

The income-based approach is often used for valuing companies with strong growth prospects or those that derive a significant portion of their value from their ability to generate future cash flows.

However, this approach relies heavily on assumptions about future earnings and can be subject to significant uncertainty and subjectivity.

Market-Based Approach

The market-based approach to business valuation estimates the value of a company by comparing it to similar businesses in the market.

This approach involves analyzing comparable companies or transactions to determine valuation multiples, such as price-to-earnings or price-to-sales ratios , which are then applied to the company being valued.

The market-based approach is useful for valuing companies in well-established industries with a large number of comparable businesses or transactions. However, it may not be suitable for companies in niche markets or industries with limited comparables.

Methods of Business Valuation

Factors Considered in Business Valuation

Revenue and profitability.

Revenue and profitability are critical factors in determining a company's value, as they reflect the company's ability to generate income and maintain sustainable growth.

A company with consistently strong revenue and profitability is likely to be valued more highly than a company with weaker financial performance.

In business valuation, analysts typically review historical financial statements to assess a company's revenue and profitability trends, as well as to identify any anomalies or patterns that may impact the company's value.

Assets and Liabilities

A company's assets and liabilities play a significant role in its valuation , as they represent the resources available to generate income and the obligations that must be met.

Assets, both tangible and intangible, can contribute to a company's overall value, while liabilities can reduce it.

In the valuation process, analysts review a company's balance sheet to identify and value its assets and liabilities, taking into account factors such as depreciation , market conditions, and potential future growth or decline in asset values.

Cash flow is a critical factor in business valuation, as it represents the company's ability to generate cash from its operations, which can be used to fund growth, pay dividends , or meet debt obligations.

A company with strong, consistent cash flows is generally considered more valuable than a company with volatile or weak cash flows.

Analysts typically examine a company's cash flow statement to assess its cash generation and use patterns, as well as to identify any potential issues or opportunities that may impact its value.

Industry and Market Conditions

Industry and market conditions can have a significant impact on a company's value, as they influence factors such as demand for products or services, competitive dynamics, and regulatory environment.

A company operating in a growing industry with strong market demand may be valued more highly than a company in a stagnant or declining industry.

During the valuation process, analysts consider the company's industry and market conditions, as well as any trends or external factors that may influence its future performance and value.

Management and Employee Quality

The quality of a company's management and employees can also impact its value, as it influences the company's ability to execute its strategies, adapt to changes, and maintain a competitive edge.

Companies with strong, experienced management teams and skilled employees are often valued more highly than those with weaker leadership or workforce capabilities.

In business valuation, analysts may assess the company's management and employee quality through factors such as executive and employee backgrounds, turnover rates, and organizational structure .

Intellectual Property and Patents

Intellectual property (IP) and patents can significantly contribute to a company's value, particularly in industries such as technology, pharmaceuticals, or creative sectors, where innovation and unique assets are critical.

Companies with strong IP portfolios or valuable patents are often valued more highly than those with limited or less valuable IP assets.

During the valuation process, analysts may assess the value of a company's IP and patents by considering factors such as the potential future cash flows generated from those assets, the competitive advantages provided, and the remaining life of the patents.

Factors Considered in Business Valuation

Types of Business Valuation

Fair market value.

Fair market value is a type of business valuation that estimates the price at which a company would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, with both parties having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts and neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell.

This is often used in legal contexts, such as taxation and estate planning, as well as for setting transaction prices in business sales or acquisitions .

Investment Value

Investment value is a type of business valuation that estimates the value of a company to a specific investor, taking into account the investor's unique circumstances, objectives, and risk tolerance .

This type of valuation may differ from the fair market value, as it reflects the individual investor's perspective rather than the broader market.

Investment value is often used by investors when evaluating potential investments or determining the value of their existing holdings in a company.

Liquidation Value

Liquidation value is a type of business valuation that estimates the net amount a company would realize if it were to sell its assets and settle its liabilities immediately.

Liquidation value is typically lower than other types of valuation, as it assumes a rapid sale of assets, often at a discount to their fair market value.

This is often used in situations where a company is facing financial distress or bankruptcy and needs to quickly monetize its assets to satisfy its obligations.

Uses of Business Valuation

Sale of business.

Business valuation is essential in the sale of a business, as it provides an objective estimate of the company's worth, which can be used as a basis for negotiating the transaction price.

A thorough and accurate valuation can help business owners ensure they receive a fair price for their company and enable potential buyers to make informed decisions about the investment.

Mergers and Acquisitions

In mergers and acquisitions , business valuation plays a crucial role in determining the value of the target company and assessing the potential benefits and risks of the transaction.

A comprehensive valuation can help acquirers identify synergies, assess the target company's financial health, and determine a fair offer price.

Likewise, for the target company, a thorough valuation can help its owners understand their company's worth and negotiate favorable terms in the transaction.

Taxation and Estate Planning

Business valuation is often required for taxation and estate planning purposes, such as determining the value of a company for tax reporting, gift tax , or inheritance tax purposes.

An accurate valuation ensures compliance with tax regulations and helps business owners and their heirs plan for future tax obligations.

In estate planning , business valuation can also assist business owners in developing succession plans and strategies to preserve and transfer their company's value to future generations.

Litigation and Dispute Resolution

In litigation and dispute resolution, business valuation is often necessary to determine damages, quantify losses, or assess the value of a company in the context of legal disputes, such as shareholder disputes, divorce proceedings, or contractual disputes.

A thorough and accurate business valuation can help parties in a dispute reach a fair resolution and support their legal claims or defenses.

Business Valuation Process

Preparing for valuation.

Before beginning the business valuation process, it is essential to gather all necessary information about the company, including its financial statements , business plan, and other relevant documents.

This information will be used to analyze the company's financial performance , assets, and liabilities, as well as to assess its growth prospects and industry position.

It is also crucial to engage the services of a qualified business valuation professional or firm, who can provide an objective, expert assessment of the company's worth.

Selecting a Valuation Method

Once the necessary information has been gathered, the next step is to select the appropriate valuation method based on the company's characteristics and the purpose of the valuation.

The choice of method will depend on factors such as the company's industry, size, growth prospects, and the availability of comparable transactions or companies.

The selected valuation method should be appropriate for the company's unique circumstances and provide an accurate, objective estimate of its worth.

Collecting and Analyzing Data

After selecting a valuation method, the next step is to collect and analyze the relevant data, such as financial statements, industry reports, and market data.

This analysis will inform the valuation process by providing insights into the company's financial performance, market position, and growth prospects. The data analysis should be thorough and accurate to ensure a reliable valuation.

Applying Discounts and Premiums

In some cases, it may be necessary to apply discounts or premiums to the company's valuation to account for factors such as liquidity , marketability, or control. Discounts and premiums should be applied judiciously, based on objective criteria and supported by empirical evidence.

Finalizing Valuation Report

Once the valuation process is complete, the valuation professional or firm will prepare a comprehensive valuation report that outlines the methodology, data, and assumptions used in the valuation, as well as the final valuation result.

This report should be clear, well-organized, and supported by relevant data and analysis.

The Bottom Line

Business valuation is the process of estimating a company's worth by analyzing its financial performance, assets, liabilities, and other relevant factors. It is essential for various purposes, including sales, mergers and acquisitions, taxation, and legal disputes.

There are several methods of business valuation, including asset-based, income-based, and market-based approaches. Each method has its unique characteristics and is suitable for different situations and types of businesses.

The choice of the valuation method depends on factors such as the company's industry, size, growth prospects, and the availability of comparable transactions or companies.

Various factors are considered in business valuation, including revenue and profitability, assets and liabilities, cash flow, industry and market conditions, management and employee quality, and intellectual property and patents.

Understanding the different valuation methods, factors, and types of valuation can help business owners, investors, and other stakeholders navigate the complex world of business valuation and ensure that they have an accurate, objective assessment of a company's value.

Business Valuation FAQs

What is business valuation.

Business valuation is the process of determining the economic value of a business or company.

What are the methods used in business valuation?

There are three methods used in business valuation: asset-based approach, income-based approach, and market-based approach.

What factors are considered in business valuation?

The financial factors considered in business valuation include revenue and profitability, assets and liabilities, and cash flow. Non-financial factors include industry and market conditions, management and employee quality, and intellectual property.

What are the types of business valuation?

The three types of business valuation are fair market value, investment value, and liquidation value.

What are the uses of business valuation?

Business valuation is used for a variety of purposes, including the sale of a business, merger and acquisition, taxation and estate planning, and litigation and dispute resolution.

About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide , a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University , where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon , Nasdaq and Forbes .

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  • Not confident / I don't have a plan

What is your risk tolerance?

How much are you saving for retirement each month.

  • None currently
  • Minimal: $50 - $200
  • Steady Saver: $200 - $500
  • Serious Planner: $500 - $1,000
  • Aggressive Saver: $1,000+

How much will you need each month during retirement?

  • Bare Necessities: $1,500 - $2,500
  • Moderate Comfort: $2,500 - $3,500
  • Comfortable Lifestyle: $3,500 - $5,500
  • Affluent Living: $5,500 - $8,000
  • Luxury Lifestyle: $8,000+

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What is your current financial priority.

  • Getting out of debt
  • Growing my wealth
  • Protecting my wealth

Do you already work with a financial advisor?

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  • Tax planning expertise
  • Investment management expertise
  • Estate planning expertise
  • None of the above

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Small Business Valuation Methods: How to Value a Small Business

Small Business Valuation Methods: How to Value a Small Business

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Knowing how much your business is worth is not only for massive corporations — small business owners can benefit from this knowledge too. Your business’s valuation can help you to create more accurate and effective goals and is essential if you’re looking to sell your business. 

In this article, learn how to value a business, when you should find out your business’s value, and how to improve your valuation.

How to Value a Small Business

While you may be pleased by the results, your business’s value isn’t a vanity metric. A proper small business valuation can be important if you’re planning on selling your business, merging, buying out other owners, applying for a business loan , offering employees equity, or going through a major life event. 

However, there are different ways to value a small business, and the appropriate method can depend on the size of the business and purpose of the valuation. Understanding the common methods and why the outcomes will differ can be important for small business owners or corporate executives alike.  

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There are several methods for valuing a small business based on its balance sheet, earnings, projections about the future, and recent sales of similar businesses. Each method has its pros and cons, and can be used in different circumstances. Here’s a quick look at five popular valuation methods:

Adjusted net asset method

An asset-based valuation can be fairly straightforward if your balance sheet is in order, as it largely mirrors what the balance sheet shows. First, add up the value of the business assets and subtract its liabilities to get the starting value. 

Then, to get a more realistic valuation, you may want to put more thought into the numbers. The adjusted net asset method requires you to use your knowledge of the business and current markets to adjust the value of the assets and liabilities.

For example, you may have accounts receivable that are assets on your books but you know you won’t likely collect the full amount. You should adjust your assets down to reflect real-world values.

The adjusted net asset method can be useful if you’re valuing a company that doesn’t have a lot of earnings or is losing money. It’s also a common valuation method for holding companies that own parts of other companies or real estate investments. If you’re considering selling your business, you may also want to perform this valuation to set a floor price. 

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Capitalization of cash flow method.

The capitalization of cash flow (CCF) method is the simpler of the two main income-based methods that you may want to consider when valuing companies that generate income.  

To calculate the business’s value using the CCF method, you’ll divide the cash flow from a specific period by a capitalization rate. You’ll want to use one period’s worth of sustainable and recurring cash flow from the business, and may need to make adjustments if there were recent one-time expenses or income events that you don’t want to include in the results. 

The capitalization rate (cap rate) is the business’s expected rate of return. This is the rate of return a buyer could expect to earn (not included their salary) if they purchase the business. It’s often around 20% to 25% for small businesses.

The simplicity of the CCF method can also impact its predictiveness. However, the CCF method can be a worthwhile valuation method if you’re looking at a mature and stable company that’s unlikely to see big swings in its cash flow. 

Discounted cash flow method

The discounted cash flow (DCF) method is another income-based method. It uses the business’s projected future cash flow and the time value of money to determine the current value. While the CCF is best used with companies that have steady cash flows, the DCF is best for companies that are expected to significantly grow or shrink in the coming years. 

The time value of money is the idea that money is worth more today than it is in the future. For example, if you have a thousand dollars today, you can invest the money, earn interest, and have more than a thousand dollars in five years. A discounted cash flow model takes this into account, which is why it can be also helpful if you’re trying to compare different investment opportunities. 

While the calculations can be a little complex, you can find an online business valuation calculator  that can help. But you’ll still need to figure out which numbers to plug into the calculator.

The business’s cash flow statement is a good place to start, and projected cash flows if they’ve already been created. Additionally, you’ll need to know the discount rate, or weighted average cost of capital (WACC), which can require more complicated calculations. Think of the WACC as the rate the business needs to pay to finance its working capital and long-term debts. 

You’ll also need to decide how many years’ worth of cash flows you want to include. You could base your answer on how confident you are about the future cash flow projections, and use the same number of years if you’re trying to compare DCFs for multiple investments. 

Market- based valuation method

A market-based valuation depends less on the specific business than the current market conditions. With the market-based valuation method, the business’s current market value is determined by comparing the recent sale prices of similar companies.

Finding relevant comps can be difficult if you have a small business, but you may still want to look for at least a few comps if you’re planning on buying or selling a business. If you’re hiring an appraiser, they may also have access to databases with relevant findings. 

Even if the comps aren’t physically located nearby, an appraiser may find similar sized businesses in the same industry and can then make adjustments based on the area. You can also use the results in combination with the other valuation methods to determine a business’s value. 

Seller’s discretionary earnings method

The previous four valuation methods can be used for small businesses and large, publicly traded companies alike. However, the seller’s discretionary earnings (SDE) method is solely used for small business valuation. 

If you’re planning on selling or buying a small business, the SDE method might be best because it can help the buyer understand how much income they can expect to earn each year from the business. To calculate the SDE, you’ll need to determine how much cash it takes to run the business. 

You can start with the business’s earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), or for a more thorough view, the business’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), which you can determine from the financial statements. Then, add back the owner’s compensation (because the new owner can choose a different salary) and benefits, such as health insurance. Also, add back in non-essential, non-recurring, and non-related business expenses. These could include travel, one-time consulting fees, and business use of a personal vehicle. 

Because the SDE is often used when a small business is sold, it’s not uncommon for there to be debates about some of the numbers. These can especially arise around the expenses that get added back to determine the value.

As an example, the seller might want to call a search engine optimization project a one-time expense and add that portion back into the earnings to increase the valuation. However, the buyer might consider this to be an ongoing project that needs to be revisited and paid for each year. They’ll need to come to an agreement before a sale can move forward. 

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Reasons to Value Your Business

  • You want to sell your business 
  • You’re trying to attract investors
  • You’re buying out the other owners 
  • You’re offering employees equity
  • You’re applying for a loan or line of credit
  • You want to better understand your business’s growth
  • You need values for tax-planning purposes

The list can go on as small business owners’ personal and professional lives revolve around their business and its potential. While many of the reasons above involve changes in the business or its ownership, a personal event (such as a marriage or divorce) may also spur the valuation. 

How to Prepare for a Business Valuation 

If you’re conducting a business valuation for informal purposes, you may want to do it on your own. However, hiring a professional appraiser (you can find one that’s part of the American Society of Appraisers ) or business valuation expert (banks, lenders, and accountants may offer the service) could be a good idea if you need the analysis for more serious matters. The business valuation process can be complex for official purposes, and it’s good to have a professional guide you.

In either case, there are a few steps you can take to prepare for the valuation: 

1. Get your financial documents in order

Every valuation is going to be based, at least in part, on your business’s finances. Even the market-based valuation method requires your business’s financial information to find suitable comps. 

At a minimum, you’ll want the previous three to five years’ worth of your business tax returns and financial statements , including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. Comb over these statements to make sure everything is accurate and up to date. 

Other finance-related documents, such as sales reports and industry forecasts can also be important, particularly for DCF and market-based valuations. 

2. Organize other essential documents

Depending on your reason for the business evaluation, you may also want to have copies of your business licenses, permits, deeds, and certifications available, along with any ongoing contracts with insurers, creditors, vendors, and clients. 

If you’re planning on selling the business or looking for business loans for your small business, you’ll likely need to share these along with your financials. You can also pull up your business credit reports and get your business credit scores from Nav to share with creditors and potential buyers. 

3. List additional intangible assets

Your business’s tangible assets (such as cash, property, and equipment) should be listed on your balance sheet. Some intangible assets may be listed there as well, such as copyrights or patents. But think about other intangible assets that may be providing value. 

An extensive email list , loyalty club, good rankings in search engine results, engaged social media profiles, and positive online reviews can all help you attract and retain customers. These types of assets could help improve your business’s valuation even if they don’t have a value on its balance sheet. 

Improving Your Small Business Valuation

Your business’s valuation is going to depend on how much money it makes and increasing revenue and cutting costs are the core essentials to improving your valuation. However, you’ll need to decide where you want to focus your energy.

Hiring a professional appraiser or evaluator might actually be a good first step, as they can give you the current valuation and help you identify your business’s strengths and weaknesses. They may even be able to offer suggestions for improvement based on what they’ve seen work for other businesses. 

There are also ways to demonstrate the business’s value to potential buyers that don’t rely on the numbers. For example, if you can show how processes and systems are in place that will keep the business running smoothly after you leave, buyers may be more willing to agree to a higher valuation. 

Or, perhaps you can highlight how your employees are happy and take ownership of their work. Low turnover can save the business money, and responsible employees can make the transition to new management easier. 

Make a Practice of Regularly Valuing Your Small Business

Learning how to estimate the value of a company can be important for small business owners for many reasons. Even if you’re not planning on selling your business or applying for financing, regularly performing a quick-and-dirty business valuation can help you track your progress over time. Taking a deeper dive into the valuation may help you uncover opportunities for growth.

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How do you calculate the value of a small business?

In order to calculate the value of your business, you can start with a simple formula: Business value = assets – liabilities Your business assets are anything your business owns, including real estate, equipment, and inventory, as well as intangible assets like patents, intellectual property, or any incoming royalties. Liabilities are anything you owe, such as accounts payable, business loans, and even payroll.

What is the rule of thumb for valuing a business?

Ultimately, supply and demand will determine the value of a business. But rules of thumb can help provide a good idea of how much a business is worth. While this will change from business to business, you can use a percentage of your last year of sales as a multiplier to determine the value of your business. 

How many times profit is a small business worth?

Determining how much your small business is worth based on profit isn’t as straightforward as it sounds. There’s not a single formula, as things like your industry, past performance, and relative risk can all play a role in determining your business’s worth. If you use EBIT or EBITDA, the multipliers to determine a business’s value, your numbers can range from 80% of future maintainable earnings (FME) to over 500%.  In general, however, most companies that make less than $5 million a year sell for less than three times EBIT, and companies that make more than $5 million a year are likely to sell for more than three times EBIT. Meanwhile, small businesses that make less than $1 million tend to sell for less than twice their EBIT. 

How much is a business worth with $1 million in sales?

There’s no single calculation that can determine what a business is worth without comparing it to other businesses in the same industry. You also need to take other factors about the business into account, such as how long you’ve been in business.  Here’s an example., If your company is making $1 million per year with a profit of $200,000 EBITDA, you would say your business is making 20% profit. In this case, your company would be worth between $600,000 and $1 million. However, many would simply say that your business’s fair market value is one times your total revenue. In this case, your company would be worth $1 million.  It’s a good idea to get a professional evaluator to help you determine the value of your company, sort through the complexities of business valuation, and make sure you have a non-biased view of your company’s worth.

How do you value a private small business?

Most small businesses are privately owned, rather than publicly owned (in other words, selling shares on the marketplace). Thus, you would follow the standard formula of assets minus liabilities to find the value of your private small business.

How much is a small business usually worth?

A small business is typically worth two to three times its annual revenue. So if your business makes $150,000 per year, its worth would likely be $300,000 to $450,000.

How much is a small business worth when it is sold?

A small business usually sells for what it is valued at, which is most often two to three times its annual sales. If a business makes $50,000 per year, it would likely sell for between $100,000 and $150,000 per year.

What would be the value of a small business that has $500,000 in assets?

You can’t use one calculation to figure out how much a business is worth without doing a comparison with other companies in the same industry. Other factors like time in business matter as well. In this example, you know you have $500,000 in assets. You would then subtract your liabilities to get your starting value, and let’s say you have $100,000 in liabilities. So your starting value is $400,000. You would then need to adjust this value based on the current markets.  Consider getting a professional to help you find your business’s value and ensure you have an objective view of your company’s value.

How do you value a company with no profits?

There are many companies that are pre-revenue, meaning they have yet to bring in a profit. It’s still possible for investors to evaluate what the company is worth, though. Investors look at factors such as the experience and skills of the management team, the market size, how much competition there is, and partnerships and engagement levels.

How do you value a small business with no assets?

The most common way to value a business that doesn’t have assets is the market-based business valuation model. This finds the business’s current market value by comparing it to other similar companies that have sold recently.

What is the formula for small business valuation?

Many small businesses ask, “What is the valuation formula?” when they’re trying to find out how much their business is worth. There are five most commonly used formulas to find a business’s valuation: adjusted net asset method, capitalization of cash flow method, discounted cash flow method, market-based valuation method, and the seller’s discretionary earnings method. Each has pros and cons, as well as different instances that it works best in.

What ratios do you use when valuing a company?

There are several financial ratios that can help you understand the worth of a public company, which is a company traded on the stock market. These include the price-to-earnings ratio, the price-to-book value ratio, the price-to-sales ratio, the price-to-cash flow ratio, and the price or earnings-to-growth ratio. Each of these ratios can be useful tools for small business owners.

How do you value a self-employed business?

If you’re running a self-employed business, this means you work for yourself and are not an employee of another business. Small business owners are considered self-employed. You’ll follow the standard calculation of assets minus liabilities to find your simple value.

What are the advantages of a valuation for a small business?

Finding the valuation of your small business can help you see how it’s performing and create more realistic and effective goals. You’ll better understand your sale value when compared to your competition. You’ll also need to complete a valuation if you plan to sell your business.

This article was originally written on January 31, 2020 and updated on January 17, 2024.

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Tiffany Verbeck

Tiffany Verbeck is a Digital Marketing Copywriter for Nav. She uses the skills she learned from her master’s degree in writing to provide guidance to small businesses trying to navigate the ins-and-outs of financing. Previously, she ran a writing business for three years, and her work has appeared on sites like Business Insider, VaroWorth, and Mission Lane.

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What is Valuation?

Reasons for performing a valuation, 1. buying or selling a business, 2. strategic planning, 3. capital financing, 4. securities investing, company valuation approaches, method 1: dcf analysis.

  • Method 2: comparable company analysis (“comps”)

Method 3: precedent transactions

Football field chart (summary), more valuation methods, additional resources, valuation overview.

The process of determining the present value of a company or an asset

Valuation refers to the process of determining the  present value of a company, investment or an asset. There are a number of common valuation techniques, as described below. Analysts who want to place a value on an asset normally look at the prospective future earning potential of that company or asset.

Valuation - Image of a word cloud with terms related to valuation

By trading a security on an exchange, sellers and buyers will dictate the market value of that  bond  or stock. However,  intrinsic value is a concept that refers to a security’s perceived value on the basis of future earnings or other attributes that are not related to a security’s market value. Therefore, the work of analysts when performing a valuation is to know if an investment or a company is undervalued or overvalued by the market.

Key Highlights

  • Valuation is the process of determining the theoretically correct value of a company, investment, or asset, as opposed to its cost or current market value.
  • Common reasons for performing a valuation are for M&A, strategic planning, capital financing, and investing in securities.
  • The three most common investment valuation techniques are DCF analysis, comparable company analysis, and precedent transactions.

Valuation is an important exercise since it can help identify mispriced securities or determine what projects a company should invest. Some of the main reasons for performing a valuation are listed below.

Buyers and sellers will normally have a difference in the value of a business. Both parties would benefit from a valuation when making their ultimate decision on whether to buy or sell and at what price.

A company should only invest in projects that increase its net present value . Therefore, any investment decision is essentially a mini-valuation based on the likelihood of future profitability and value creation.

An objective valuation may be useful when negotiating with banks or any other potential investors for funding. Documentation of a company’s worth, and its ability to generate cash flow, enhances credibility to lenders and equity investors.

Investing in a security, such as a stock or a bond, is essentially a bet that the current market price of the security is not reflective of its intrinsic value . A valuation is necessary in determining that intrinsic value.

When valuing a company as a going concern, there are three main valuation techniques used by industry practitioners: (1) DCF analysis , (2) comparable company analysis, and (3) precedent transactions. These are the most common methods of valuation used in  investment banking , equity research, private equity, corporate development, mergers & acquisitions ( M&A ), leveraged buyouts ( LBO ), and most areas of finance.

Chart explaining the process of valuing a business or asset using three different approaches: asset approach, income approach, and market approach

As shown in the diagram above, when valuing a business or asset, there are three different approaches one can use. The asset approach calculates the fair market value of individual assets, often including the cost to build or cost to replace. The asset approach method is useful in valuing real estate, such as commercial property, new construction, or special-use properties. 

Next is the income approach, with the discounted cash flow (DCF) being the most common. A DCF is the most detailed and thorough approach to valuation modeling. 

The final approach is the market approach, which is a form of relative valuation and is frequently used in the finance industry. It includes comparable company analysis and precedent transactions analysis.

Discounted cash flow (DCF)  analysis is an  intrinsic value  approach where an analyst forecasts a business’s unlevered  free cash flow into the future and discounts it back to today at the firm’s weighted average cost of capital ( WACC ).

A DCF analysis is performed by  building a financial model  in Excel and requires an extensive amount of detail and analysis. It is the most detailed of the three approaches and requires the most estimates and assumptions. Therefore, the effort required to preparing a DCF model may also often result in the least accurate valuation due to the sheer number of inputs. However, a DCF model allows the analyst to forecast value based on different scenarios and even perform a sensitivity analysis.

For larger businesses, the DCF value is commonly a sum-of-the-parts analysis, where different business units are modeled individually and added together.

Method 2: comparable company analysis (“comps”)

Comparable company analysis  (also called “trading comps”) is a relative valuation method  in which you compare the current value of a business to other similar businesses by looking at trading multiples like P/E,  EV/EBITDA , or other multiples. 

The “comps” valuation method provides an observable value for the business, based on what other comparable companies are currently worth. Comps is the most widely used approach, as the multiples are easy to calculate and always current. The logic follows that if company X trades at a 10-times P/E ratio, and company Y has earnings of $2.50 per share, company Y’s stock must be worth $25.00 per share (assuming the companies have similar risk and return characteristics).

Precedent transactions analysis  is another form of relative valuation where you compare the company in question to other businesses that have recently been sold or acquired in the same industry. These transaction values include the take-over premium included in the price for which they were acquired.

The values represent the entire value of a business and not just a small stake. They are useful for M&A transactions but can easily become dated and no longer reflective of current market conditions as time passes.

Investment bankers will often put together a  football field chart  to summarize the range of values for a business based on the different valuation methods used. Below is an example of a football field graph, which is typically included in an  investment banking pitch book .

As you can see, the graph summarizes the company’s 52-week trading range (it’s stock price, assuming it’s public), the range of prices equity research analysts have for the stock, the range of values from comparable valuation modeling, the range from precedent transaction analysis, and finally the DCF valuation method. The orange dotted line in the middle represents the average valuation from all the methods.

Another valuation method for a company that is a going concern is called the  ability-to-pay analysis . This approach looks at the maximum price an acquirer can pay for a business while still hitting some target. For example, if a private equity  firm needs to hit a  hurdle rate  of 30%, what is the maximum price it can pay for the business?

If the company does not continue to operate, then a  liquidation value  will be estimated based on breaking up and selling the company’s assets. This value is usually very discounted as it assumes the assets will be sold as quickly as possible to any buyer.

DCF Terminal Value

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Run » finance, what is a business valuation and how do you calculate it.

There are multiple ways to find the economic value of your business, with different calculations that can be used for different purposes.

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How do you put a price on the time, effort and passion you’ve put into building a successful small business? It can be hard to objectively assess how much your venture is worth after putting so much work in over the years. This is where business valuation calculations, ideally handled by a third-party expert, can play a role. Business valuations are used for mergers, acquisitions, tax purposes and more. Here’s how business valuations work and how to calculate the economic value of your company.

[Read more: 3 Things to Consider When Selling a Business During a Pandemic ]

What is a business valuation?

A business valuation assesses the economic value of part or all of a business. Business valuations are used in a number of circumstances, including to determine the sale value of a business, to establish partner ownership, for tax purposes or even in divorce proceedings.

Generally, the valuation process analyzes all aspects of the business, including the company’s management, capital structure, future earnings and the market value of its assets. In the United States, business valuations are usually carried out by a professional who is Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV). This certification, awarded by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, is given to CPAs who pass an exam and meet minimum standards set by the AICPA.

If you’re seeking financing from lenders, investment bankers or venture capitalists, you may need an ABV-certified professional to help carry out your business valuation. If you’re simply looking to understand how much your venture is worth, you can carry out your own analysis using one of the business valuation methods listed below.

[Read more: How to Calculate a Business Valuation ]

Business valuation methods

There are three common methods to evaluating the economic worth of a business. These categories are:

  • Asset-based methods : Sum up all of the investments in the company to determine the value of the business.
  • Earning value methods : Evaluate the company based on its ability to produce wealth in the future.
  • Market value methods : Estimate what the company is worth based on similar businesses that have recently been sold.

In general, try to use more than one method to get the most accurate depiction of your business value.

There are pros and cons to each of these approaches to valuation. An asset-based approach, for instance, works well for corporations in which all assets are owned by the company and will be included in the sale. But, for a sole proprietor, this approach can be more difficult; which assets should be considered personal, versus business-related?

Generally, the two main earning value methods — capitalizing past earnings and discounted future earnings — are used when a company is seeking to buy or merge with another company. Market-value approaches are the least accurate and can lead to a business being under- or overvalued.

How to calculate a business’s value

Often, business valuations are performed by a licensed professional. To find an ABV who can help, look for someone registered with the American Society of Appraisers (ASA).

If you’re simply looking to get a basic idea of what your business is worth, there are a few steps you can take to get a rough estimate. Start by calculating your seller’s discretionary earnings (SDE) . SDE is like EBITDA, with owner’s salary and owner’s benefits added back in. “Start with your pretax, pre-interest earnings. Then, you’ll add back in any purchases that aren’t essential to operations, like vehicles or travel, that you report as business expenses. Employee outings, charitable donations, one-time purchases and your own salary can all be included in your SDE,” wrote NerdWallet .

Once you have your SDE, take stock of your assets, do a little market research to see similar businesses have sold for, and pay attention to industry trends to see if you can ask for a higher valuation.

In general, try to use more than one method to get the most accurate depiction of your business value. “A general rule of thumb in business valuation is that you will want to use multiple methods. Using three to four methods will allow you to estimate fair value with more accuracy,” wrote the experts at The Balance .

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Rules of Thumb Business Valuation Methods Explained

Author: Colin McCrea

Colin McCrea

7 min. read

Updated October 24, 2023

The rule of thumb has a long history in the business world especially when it comes to valuing business interests in the community. In order to avoid formal valuation report costs, shareholders utilize benchmarks of the industry and rules of thumb to estimate the ballpark values of their interests. This approach acts according to different scenarios where the rule of thumb may be more or less effective. 

This article will cover all about the rule of thumb business valuation approaches, when to use them, and their pros and cons.

Rules of thumb and business valuation 

Valuation techniques can materially undervalue or overvalue business interests. It enables shareholders to estimate the rough value of their business quickly and cost-effectively. However, in scenarios where you have to estimate a more precise and technical value like estate planning, litigation, and transactions—rules of thumb do not provide an accurate value.

What is a rule of thumb business valuation approach?

The rule of thumb is a business valuation method that is based on common sense and experience. It is a general principle that is regarded as approximately accurate but not meant to be scientifically correct. For estimating the value of a business, the process involves applying a multiple to an economic benefit of a specific industry. Metrics such as discretionary cash flow or business revenue are used. 

A company’s goodwill might be worth 2x more than the discretionary cash flow, or the accounting practice’s value might be worth 1 to 1.35x the annual revenue + work-in-progress (inventory). The rule of thumb traditionally originated from the combination of observations, real-world market transactions, hearsay, and experience. 

When to use the rules of thumb for a business valuation? 

This approach usually values a company depending on multiples from the specific industry such as cash flows, revenues, EBITDA, and others. Even though this is a valid method, you cannot use only this approach while valuing a business. The reason for this is that the rule of thumb only gives an estimated valuation that is specific to the industry. Different markets will have several different variations in multiples from the rule of thumb. 

Many other factors affect the valuation of a business . If two businesses are in the same industry, it is not necessary that you can compare them with each other as there can be differences in the business practices, customer base, cost structures, etc. A business valuation through the rule of thumb approach is generally developed over a long time. But, companies and industries keep evolving and growing and applying old value factors can give you an incorrect estimate. 

That said, business owners can still benefit from a rule of thumb as it can provide insights on a ballpark estimate for the value of a company. It can also suggest special purchasers, those who willingly pay a higher price for a company, by benefitting from the perceived synergies of purchasers. 

For many business owners, getting a formal valuation is worth the investment. Some reasons why include needing a more detailed picture of your company’s value, submitting taxes, outlining employee stock option plans, or presenting to investors or creditors.

  • Rules of thumb in business valuation

The general rules of thumb are a good measure for certain industries, and where your company may stand compared to other industry peers . So seeing how the metrics in key industries stack up against each other may give you insight into whether your company is performing well or not. 

Many companies come from a variety of industries. While companies are all different, getting a valuation is the same process regardless of the industry. To explain further, let’s take a look at this list of the most profitable industries (according to a recent writeup from Yahoo Finance ).  

  • Software (system and application)
  • Computer peripherals
  • Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
  • Oil and Gas
  • Household products
  • Computer Services
  • Healthcare Support Services
  • Life Insurance
  • Semiconductor Industry
  • Information

In order to conduct the valuation for companies in these industries, there are several calculations that valuation analysts use. The following formulas are used to calculate the various aspects of the business valuation:

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Sales Multiples

Where Net Sales = Annual Gross Sales, net of returns and discounts allowed, if any.

The sales multiplier is the most used valuation metric, as it takes your total sales and compares them to other companies and their sales multiples. The majority of small and medium-sized companies used this metric for their valuation.

EBITA Multiple 

Where EBITDA = Operating Profit + Depreciation & Amortization

EBITDA means Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. This is commonly used for finding the value of medium to large businesses. Investors are able to compare your business to others in the same industry by taking away the expenses that skew a fair comparison.

SDE Multiple

Where SDE = Operating Profit + Depreciation + Amortization + Owner’s Compensation

SDE stands for seller’s discretionary earnings. This is the most common multiple to value small businesses. By using this, someone who is looking to acquire your business lets them know how much they would earn if they worked in the company. 

Gross Profit Multiple

Where Gross Profit = Net Sales – Cost of Goods Sold

Obtaining the gross profit can work best as a valuation method for companies that are losing money, but their gross profit serves as a good indicator for their total value.

Rule of thumb table

Given below is a table that describes the sales multiple, EBITDA multiple, SDE multiple, and profit multiple of various businesses. Have a look at it to understand more about the figures. 


Pros and cons of the rule of thumb valuation approach 

The rule of thumb valuation approach has several pros, but also cons. It’s important to know why this approach can be helpful but also why it won’t work for certain situations.

  • The approach is straightforward, simple, and fast to apply
  • You can save money and time to determine the value
  • There are times that the rules of thumb are noted in buy-sell agreements to assist concerned parties in seeing the value they would receive in the transferral of equity
  • The approach can have hidden assumptions concerning the risks and profitability of a company, which can lead to an incorrect valuation and a drop in price
  • It does not reflect the essential items in the balance sheet (such as debt levels, real estate, non-operating assets, or cash on hand)
  • Due to one-time shortfalls, the rule of thumb can drive wrong conclusions and estimations. 
  • Examples of rule of thumb valuation

Let us take an example to understand the rule of thumb better. One rule in this approach is that insurance agencies tend to sell for 1 to 1.5x their net commission revenue. This generates an MVIC (market value of invested capital) basis. Here are two scenarios in which the rule of thumb can play out:

Base scenario

An insurance agency has a revenue of $2m. It has $600,000 in EBITDA. The valuation can be $2.4m MVIC. This falls within the spectrum of 1-1.5x of the net commission revenue rule of thumb.

Low-profit scenario

The agency revenue is steady at $2m, but the earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization drop to $360,000. The value is close to $1.4m. This value is less than the rule of thumb guidelines and settled in the spectrum of $2m to $3m. This means that you would have overpaid for the company.

Get professional advice for valuation 

Business shareholders have a unique tool to give a rough value of their business interests. This is an opportunity for them to estimate the ballpark value of the business fast and cost-efficiently. Shareholders can use the method in limited scenarios, be cautious, and not only rely on the rule of thumb valuation. 

Keep in mind that it is vital to know and understand the limitations and inner workings of the valuation method. It is best that before you use the rule of thumb valuation as your only estimation method, you should consult a professional for advice .

Content Author: Colin McCrea

Colin is the CVA of Eqvista , leading in the valuation section of private companies, and specializing in the space around company valuation, investments, VC funding, seed funding, cap table, equity management.

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Table of Contents

  • Rules of thumb and business valuation 
  • Pros and cons of the rule of thumb valuation approach 
  • Get professional advice for valuation 

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Business Valuation Based on Revenue Explained: What You Need to Know

Business valuation based on revenue is a method where a company’s worth is estimated using its sales figures. This approach often multiplies revenue by an industry-specific multiplier to determine value.

Understanding how to gauge the value of a business is crucial for various stakeholders, including owners, investors, and potential buyers. Revenue-based valuation is a common technique due to its simplicity and the readily available nature of sales data. This method applies a multiplier, grounded in industry averages, to a company’s revenue to estimate its market value.

While this approach provides a quick snapshot of a company’s worth, it’s important to remember that it doesn’t account for expenses, debt, or other financial nuances. Investors and business owners should consider this valuation among others to get a comprehensive view of a company’s financial health. Accurate business valuation is key for informed decision-making, whether for investment opportunities, selling a business, or strategic growth planning.

The Essence Of Business Valuation

Understanding the value of a business is crucial for owners and investors alike. It acts as a financial health check , revealing the company’s strengths and potential . Successful valuation steers business strategies and informs critical decisions.

Key Purposes For Valuing Your Business

  • Preparing for Sale: Valuation sets a fair price for negotiations.
  • Mergers & Acquisitions : Helps determine synergies and risks .
  • Investor Engagement: Attracts funding by showing value to potential investors .
  • Strategic Planning: Assists in setting future goals and directions.
  • Tax Reporting: Ensures accurate financial disclosure for tax purposes.
  • Legal Disputes: Provides a defensible valuation in legal situations.

The Importance Of Revenue In Business Valuation

Revenue is the core indicator of business activities. It reflects a company’s ability to generate sales and maintain sustainable growth .

Shows from multiple income streams

A robust evaluation based on detailed revenue analysis ensures a solid foundation for any business decision.

Valuation Fundamentals

Understanding business valuation based on revenue is key to knowing your company’s worth. Imagine you have a giant jar full of candy. To know how much candy you have, you need a way to count it. That’s what valuation does for a business. It tells us how big, how sweet, and how valuable the business is by looking at the money it makes.

Core Principles Of Valuation

At its heart, valuation is about simple ideas:

  • Economic Value : How much money can the business make?
  • Future Potential : Will the business grow and make more money?
  • Risk : What are the chances the business might not do well?

Think of these like the seeds to grow our candy jar. They help us predict how full the jar can get over time. Every business is different, so the seeds grow differently for each one. To figure this out, experts use different ways to count the candy.

Common Valuation Approaches

There are a few popular ways to measure business value:

  • Income Approach : This adds up all the money a business could make.
  • Market Approach : This looks at what similar businesses are worth.
  • Asset-Based Approach : This counts the value of everything the business owns.

Imagine you’re measuring three types of candy jars. The income approach weighs the candy by guessing how much new candy will be added. The market approach compares your jar to your friend’s jar. The asset-based approach counts each candy one by one. Each method gives a different look at how much your candy is worth.

Remember, the goal is to give a clear picture of a business’s value. By understanding these approaches, we make sure we aren’t missing any sweets in our count. This is crucial, especially when it comes time to buy, sell, or grow the business.

Revenue-based Valuation

Understanding your business’s worth is crucial. Revenue-Based Valuation is a popular method. It looks at your sales figures. This helps tell how much your business might be worth. Let’s dive deep into when and how to use this approach.

When To Use Revenue-based Valuation

Revenue-Based Valuation suits certain scenarios. It’s ideal when profits are not stable. New businesses often use it. It’s good when businesses invest a lot in growth.

  • Start-ups with no earnings yet
  • Companies with big growth plans
  • Industries where revenue predicts success

Pros And Cons Of Revenue-centric Models

Focuses on top-line growth Useful for early-stage firmsIgnores profitability Can be misleading Not ideal for mature businesses

Choosing the right model is key. A revenue-based approach has its ups and downs. It’s simple and clear. But, it doesn’t look at the full picture. Cash flow and profits matter too. Think carefully about your business type.

Calculating Valuation Using Revenue

Understanding a business’s worth is crucial for owners and investors. One common approach is to look at revenue. Valuation using revenue gives a financial baseline. It suits fast-growing companies where profit data may not showcase potential.

The Revenue Multiple Method

Valuing a company through the revenue multiple method involves a simple equation. First, industry benchmarks come into play. They help in choosing the right multiple. A multiple is a factor by which you will multiply the business’s revenue.

For instance, if a tech startup generates $1 million in annual revenue, and the industry standard multiple is 6, the valuation would be:

Annual RevenueRevenue MultipleEstimated Valuation

Finding the right multiple can be tricky. Look at similar companies and their sale prices. Averages in the industry guide these decisions.

Adjustments And Considerations For Revenue Figures

Revenue figures need refining before use. Adjustments and considerations are vital for an accurate valuation.

  • Non-recurring sales: Remove one-time sales for a clear picture.
  • Market conditions: Consider the current market’s effect on sales.
  • Growth trends: Future potential can influence the multiple.

Analyze the financials thoroughly. Adjust revenue figures for refunds, discounts, or any other anomalies. Understanding the true, sustainable revenue is crucial for valuing any business correctly.

Comparative Revenue Metrics

Understanding Comparative Revenue Metrics is vital in business valuation. Revenue alone does not tell the full story of a company’s performance. This is where comparative revenue metrics come into play. They provide context, allowing us to see how a business stacks up against competitors and industry benchmarks. Let’s delve into interpreting these metrics for a better valuation picture.

Benchmarking Against Industry Standards

To accurately assess a business’s health, benchmarking against industry standards is crucial. This involves comparing your revenue figures with those of similar companies in your sector. It helps identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.

  • Gross Revenue: Overall sales before deductions.
  • Net Revenue: Sales after refunds and discounts.
  • Revenue Growth Rate: Speed of revenue increase over time.

Industry reports and databases work as resourceful tools for gathering this data. They allow businesses to position their revenue metrics in relation to their competitors. Such positioning often clarifies the true value of a company.

Case Studies: Effective Use Of Revenue Metrics

Case studies highlight the practical application of revenue metrics in business valuation. They show real-world examples of companies that have leveraged these numbers for their benefit.

CompanyIndustryRevenue BenchmarkValuation Outcome
TechCorpTechnologyTop 10%Acquisition at a premium
FoodChainFood ServiceAbove AverageIncreased investment

From these studies, clear patterns emerge. Those with revenue metrics exceeding industry averages often enjoy favorable valuations. This demonstrates why close attention to comparative revenue metrics is non-negotiable in business valuation.

Beyond Revenue: Other Valuation Factors

Business valuation is more than just numbers on a sales report. It’s critical to look deeper into what makes a company valuable.

Unveiling the true value means considering several factors.

Factors like earnings and debts make a big difference.

The Role Of Ebitda In Valuation

Think of EBITDA as the heartbeat of a company’s financial performance. It stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. EBITDA shows the money a business makes from its core operations. It’s like peering under the hood of a car. It shows the engine’s strength, minus other costs. Valuators use EBITDA to compare companies without tax or capital structure noise.

High EBITDA often means a higher valuation.

Incorporating Assets And Liabilities Into The Valuation

Assets and liabilities are the weights and balloons of a business’s financial health.

Think assets as resources — like cash, inventory, and property.

Liabilities are what the company owes — like loans and bills.

  • Assets add value; more assets mean a higher valuation.
  • Liabilities detract value; more debts can lower the valuation.

Detecting a company’s net worth involves adding assets and subtracting liabilities.

Valuation becomes clear when you balance the scales between what a company owns and owes.

Challenges In Revenue-based Valuation

Many entrepreneurs and investors focus on revenue when valuing a business. But, this method has its own set of challenges. Understanding these obstacles is key to a fair business valuation.

Limitations Of Revenue As A Valuation Metric

While revenue is a clear-cut figure, it doesn’t always tell the whole story. Revenue may not equal profit . A company can have high revenue and still lose money. This happens if costs outpace sales.

Besides, revenue doesn’t reflect cash flow reality. High sales don’t mean immediate cash . Late payments affect business health.

Also, a one-time spike in sales can mislead. It suggests a value that might not last . Companies need consistent revenue to maintain their value.

Navigating The Pitfalls Of Market Variability

Market ups and downs wildly affect revenue-based valuation. The same company can seem more or less valuable based on market trends.

Think about industry cycles . A booming period can inflate valuations. But when the industry slows, so does the perceived value.

To address this, let’s consider using normalized revenue . This method smooths out abnormal spikes and slumps. It gives a more accurate revenue average over time.

Another smart move is comparing against peers . See how similar businesses fare. This comparison can provide a more grounded valuation.

Preparing For Valuation

Understanding the value of your business is critical for decision-making. Whether selling, seeking investment, or strategizing for growth, knowing your worth shapes choices. Preparing for valuation demands accurate, comprehensive financial information.

Gathering The Right Financial Data

Gather financial records before diving into business valuation. This process requires precision and attention to detail:

  • Income statements reflect revenue and expenses.
  • Balance sheets provide insight into assets and liabilities.
  • Cash flow statements showcase the liquidity of the business.

Collect historical data, ideally from the last three to five years. This gives a clearer financial performance picture. Ready all documents in a clear, organized manner for analysis.

Utilizing Expertise: When To Hire A Valuation Professional

Valuation is complex and crucial. Experts can provide accuracy and save time:

Reasons to Hire a ProfessionalBenefits
Objective AssessmentUnbiased financial analysis of your business.
Specialized KnowledgeUse of advanced valuation methodologies.
Regulatory ComplianceEnsures adherence to financial and tax laws.

Consider a valuation professional particularly when there’s complexity in your revenue streams or when the stakes are high.

The Future Of Valuation Trends

The dynamic landscape of business valuation continues to evolve with advancements in technology and shifts in the global economy. Understanding the latest trends is crucial for businesses aiming to accurately assess their worth. Let’s explore what the future holds for valuation processes.

Innovations In Valuation Techniques

As technology progresses , so do the methods used to value businesses. Data analytics and artificial intelligence are at the forefront, revolutionizing traditional models. By harnessing the power of big data, firms can gain deeper insights, enabling more precise valuations .

  • Integration of machine learning for predictive insights
  • Use of blockchain for transparent record-keeping
  • Advancement in real-time data analysis tools

Anticipating Changes In Market And Economic Conditions

Business valuation is inseparable from market realities . Experts must anticipate fluctuations in both market and economic environments. This foreseeability can impact company value substantially.

FactorImpact on Valuation
Interest ratesCan increase or decrease the cost of capital
Economic growthDrives revenue and profit expectations
Regulatory changesAffects operational costs and compliance expenses

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you evaluate business value based on revenue.

To evaluate business value based on revenue, calculate the revenue multiples by comparing the company’s current revenue to similar businesses. Assess revenue growth trends and stability, and factor in the business’s potential for future earnings.

What Information Is Needed For Business Valuation?

For business valuation , gather financial statements , asset details, profitability forecasts, and market position information. Dissect operations, management, and competitive edge data. Understanding ownership structure and industry trends is essential.

How Much Is A Business Worth With $500 000 In Sales?

The value of a business with $500,000 in sales varies, depending on factors like profit margins, industry, and growth potential. Typically, businesses sell for a multiple of their earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), rather than sales alone.

How Do You Value A Company Based On Turnover?

To value a company based on turnover, apply industry-standard revenue multiples or compare it to similar business sales. This method assesses the company’s market position and potential growth.

Understanding business valuation based on revenue is crucial for any entrepreneur or investor. It provides insight into a company’s worth and its market position. Remember, this metric is just one piece of the puzzle. Combine it with other analyses for a comprehensive view.

Knowledge is power, so use it wisely to make informed decisions.

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What Is a Business Plan?

Understanding business plans, how to write a business plan, common elements of a business plan, the bottom line, business plan: what it is, what's included, and how to write one.

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master's in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

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A business plan is a document that outlines a company's goals and the strategies to achieve them. It's valuable for both startups and established companies. For startups, a well-crafted business plan is crucial for attracting potential lenders and investors. Established businesses use business plans to stay on track and aligned with their growth objectives. This article will explain the key components of an effective business plan and guidance on how to write one.

Key Takeaways

  • A business plan is a document detailing a company's business activities and strategies for achieving its goals.
  • Startup companies use business plans to launch their venture and to attract outside investors.
  • For established companies, a business plan helps keep the executive team focused on short- and long-term objectives.
  • There's no single required format for a business plan, but certain key elements are essential for most companies.

Investopedia / Ryan Oakley

Any new business should have a business plan in place before beginning operations. Banks and venture capital firms often want to see a business plan before considering making a loan or providing capital to new businesses.

Even if a company doesn't need additional funding, having a business plan helps it stay focused on its goals. Research from the University of Oregon shows that businesses with a plan are significantly more likely to secure funding than those without one. Moreover, companies with a business plan grow 30% faster than those that don't plan. According to a Harvard Business Review article, entrepreneurs who write formal plans are 16% more likely to achieve viability than those who don't.

A business plan should ideally be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect achieved goals or changes in direction. An established business moving in a new direction might even create an entirely new plan.

There are numerous benefits to creating (and sticking to) a well-conceived business plan. It allows for careful consideration of ideas before significant investment, highlights potential obstacles to success, and provides a tool for seeking objective feedback from trusted outsiders. A business plan may also help ensure that a company’s executive team remains aligned on strategic action items and priorities.

While business plans vary widely, even among competitors in the same industry, they often share basic elements detailed below.

A well-crafted business plan is essential for attracting investors and guiding a company's strategic growth. It should address market needs and investor requirements and provide clear financial projections.

While there are any number of templates that you can use to write a business plan, it's best to try to avoid producing a generic-looking one. Let your plan reflect the unique personality of your business.

Many business plans use some combination of the sections below, with varying levels of detail, depending on the company.

The length of a business plan can vary greatly from business to business. Regardless, gathering the basic information into a 15- to 25-page document is best. Any additional crucial elements, such as patent applications, can be referenced in the main document and included as appendices.

Common elements in many business plans include:

  • Executive summary : This section introduces the company and includes its mission statement along with relevant information about the company's leadership, employees, operations, and locations.
  • Products and services : Describe the products and services the company offers or plans to introduce. Include details on pricing, product lifespan, and unique consumer benefits. Mention production and manufacturing processes, relevant patents , proprietary technology , and research and development (R&D) information.
  • Market analysis : Explain the current state of the industry and the competition. Detail where the company fits in, the types of customers it plans to target, and how it plans to capture market share from competitors.
  • Marketing strategy : Outline the company's plans to attract and retain customers, including anticipated advertising and marketing campaigns. Describe the distribution channels that will be used to deliver products or services to consumers.
  • Financial plans and projections : Established businesses should include financial statements, balance sheets, and other relevant financial information. New businesses should provide financial targets and estimates for the first few years. This section may also include any funding requests.

Investors want to see a clear exit strategy, expected returns, and a timeline for cashing out. It's likely a good idea to provide five-year profitability forecasts and realistic financial estimates.

2 Types of Business Plans

Business plans can vary in format, often categorized into traditional and lean startup plans. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) , the traditional business plan is the more common of the two.

  • Traditional business plans : These are detailed and lengthy, requiring more effort to create but offering comprehensive information that can be persuasive to potential investors.
  • Lean startup business plans : These are concise, sometimes just one page, and focus on key elements. While they save time, companies should be ready to provide additional details if requested by investors or lenders.

Why Do Business Plans Fail?

A business plan isn't a surefire recipe for success. The plan may have been unrealistic in its assumptions and projections. Markets and the economy might change in ways that couldn't have been foreseen. A competitor might introduce a revolutionary new product or service. All this calls for building flexibility into your plan, so you can pivot to a new course if needed.

How Often Should a Business Plan Be Updated?

How frequently a business plan needs to be revised will depend on its nature. Updating your business plan is crucial due to changes in external factors (market trends, competition, and regulations) and internal developments (like employee growth and new products). While a well-established business might want to review its plan once a year and make changes if necessary, a new or fast-growing business in a fiercely competitive market might want to revise it more often, such as quarterly.

What Does a Lean Startup Business Plan Include?

The lean startup business plan is ideal for quickly explaining a business, especially for new companies that don't have much information yet. Key sections may include a value proposition , major activities and advantages, resources (staff, intellectual property, and capital), partnerships, customer segments, and revenue sources.

A well-crafted business plan is crucial for any company, whether it's a startup looking for investment or an established business wanting to stay on course. It outlines goals and strategies, boosting a company's chances of securing funding and achieving growth.

As your business and the market change, update your business plan regularly. This keeps it relevant and aligned with your current goals and conditions. Think of your business plan as a living document that evolves with your company, not something carved in stone.

University of Oregon Department of Economics. " Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Business Planning Using Palo Alto's Business Plan Pro ." Eason Ding & Tim Hursey.

Bplans. " Do You Need a Business Plan? Scientific Research Says Yes ."

Harvard Business Review. " Research: Writing a Business Plan Makes Your Startup More Likely to Succeed ."

Harvard Business Review. " How to Write a Winning Business Plan ."

U.S. Small Business Administration. " Write Your Business Plan ."

SCORE. " When and Why Should You Review Your Business Plan? "

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Business Valuation is a comprehensive process used to determine the economic value of a whole business or company unit, based on factors like its asset value, market position, and future earnings potential.

A business valuation involves assessing various elements of the business to estimate its selling price or value for different purposes, such as investment analysis, business sales, or mergers and acquisitions. For entrepreneurs and business owners, understanding business valuation is key to making informed decisions about their company’s future and financial health.

Valuation Methods

Asset-based approach (also known as book valuation).

The Asset-Based Approach, often referred to as “Book Valuation,” focuses on the value of a company’s assets. It involves totaling the value of all the company’s tangible and intangible assets and then subtracting its liabilities. This approach is most applicable to companies with significant physical assets.

Income Approach (Also Known as Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis)

The Income Approach, frequently termed as “Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis,” estimates a company’s value based on its expected future cash flows. These cash flows are then discounted back to their present value, using a discount rate that reflects the risk of the cash flows. This method is particularly useful for companies with stable and predictable cash flows.

Market Approach

The Market Approach values a company by comparing it to similar companies that have been sold or are publicly traded. This approach is especially relevant for businesses operating in industries with a large number of comparable companies and transactions.

Hybrid Approach

A Hybrid Approach combines elements of the asset-based, income, and market approaches to provide a more comprehensive valuation. This method is particularly useful when each individual approach has limitations due to the unique characteristics of the business being valued. For instance, a business might have significant physical assets (favoring an asset-based approach), stable cash flows (suitable for the income approach), and comparable companies in the market (aligning with the market approach). By integrating these methods, the hybrid approach offers a balanced and nuanced valuation, considering multiple facets of the business’s value.

Application in Business Valuation

In practice, the choice of valuation method depends on the nature of the business, the purpose of the valuation, and the availability of data. For instance, startups with limited financial history might not find the income approach as effective, whereas established companies with significant physical assets might lean towards the asset-based approach. The hybrid approach can be particularly useful in complex valuation scenarios where a single method may not capture the full picture of a company’s value.

Using a combination of these methods can provide a more rounded and accurate estimation of a company’s worth, essential for strategic decision-making, investment analysis, and transactions such as mergers and acquisitions.

Valuation Professionals:

Certified Valuation Analysts (CVAs), Accredited Senior Appraisers (ASAs), and other valuation professionals play a crucial role in the business valuation process. They provide expertise, objectivity, and standardized methods to ensure a fair and accurate valuation, especially in complex scenarios or legal proceedings.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When should a business consider getting a valuation?

A business should consider getting a valuation in several scenarios, such as when contemplating a sale or merger, seeking investment, planning for taxes, or during legal proceedings involving asset division. It’s also useful for strategic planning and understanding the financial growth or trajectory of the company.

  • How can the choice of valuation method impact the estimated value of a business?

The choice of valuation method can significantly impact the estimated value of a business as each method focuses on different aspects of value. For instance, the asset-based approach might yield a different value compared to the income or market approach, as it focuses on tangible assets rather than earnings potential or market comparables. The appropriate method depends on the nature of the business and the purpose of the valuation.

  • Why is it important to engage professional valuation services?

Engaging professional valuation services is important to ensure accuracy, objectivity, and compliance with legal and financial standards. Professional valuators have the expertise to apply the most suitable valuation methods and consider all relevant factors, resulting in a more reliable and credible valuation. This is especially crucial in high-stakes situations like legal disputes, significant business transactions, or complex financial planning.

  • What is a valuation multiple and how is it used in business valuation?

A valuation multiple is a financial metric used to estimate a business’s market value relative to a key financial statistic, such as earnings, sales, or assets. Common examples include price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, enterprise value-to-sales (EV/Sales), and enterprise value-to-EBITDA (EV/EBITDA). These multiples are derived from market comparisons and are used to value a business by applying the multiple to the corresponding financial metric of the business being valued. They are particularly useful in the market approach to business valuation.

  • Can a brand-new company be valued, and what factors contribute to its valuation?

In most cases, a brand-new company without operational history or financials may not have a significant established value. However, its potential value can be determined based on factors such as the entrepreneur’s experience, the uniqueness of the business idea, market potential, intellectual property, and anticipated future cash flows. While it’s challenging to assign a concrete value to a new company, these factors can provide investors or founders with an initial estimation of its potential worth.

  • How is the valuation of a brand-new company typically determined?

The valuation of a brand-new company is often determined by projecting its future cash flows and then discounting them to their present value using an appropriate discount rate (as in the Discounted Cash Flow Analysis). This method is predicated on the expectation that the company will generate positive cash flows in the future. Other factors, like market demand for the product or service, the strength of the business plan , and the experience of the management team, also play a crucial role in this valuation process. For very early-stage companies, valuation may also be influenced by comparable transactions in the industry or by the amount of capital the founders need and the amount of equity they are willing to give up.

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The Importance of Business Valuation

Business owners spend considerable time and energy trying to enhance company value by developing growth plans with well-defined goals.  These plans are designed to maximize value over time, but it’s hard to achieve those goals without knowing where to begin.

Not only do owners need to understand what their business is worth today, they also need to know what supports and drives that value.   Far too often, owner overconfidence or apathy causes this step to either be neglected or downplayed, or at a minimum, based on incomplete data or conjecture.  In this case, a valuation usually serves as a reality check for owners with a biased or uninformed viewpoint on what their business is worth.

Why would a business owner want a valuation? 

The traditional answer is that valuations are needed to resolve tax or legal issues.  However, valuations are actually performed for a myriad of reasons, including but certainly not limited to selling or acquiring a business.  In the cases of death, disability, disaster or divorce, valuations are needed to equitably determine the business assets according to terms spelled out in legal filings.

Valuations are often needed when gifting or donating company stock as part of a charitable contribution, in resolving IRS or shareholder disputes, or when converting a C-corporation to an S-corporation.  There could be requirements in a buy/sell, partnership or shareholder agreement that necessitates a business valuation.

In addition, owners would generally perform a valuation when attempting to raise strategic capital or obtaining a Small Business Association (SBA) loan.  Implementing an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) would certainly necessitate an initial and annual valuation.

Moreover, a formal business valuation can help to reconcile perceived opinions on value, and coupled with a marketability analysis, it can help a business owner determine relative value in the marketplace.

How does the business valuation process work? 

The assessment of value is indeed an art form as much as it is a science.  Business valuation is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of an owner’s interest in a business.  An accurate valuation of a closely held business is an essential tool for a business owner to assess both opportunities and opportunity costs as they plan for future growth and eventual transition.  It provides either a point-in-time assessment of relative value for an owner, or perhaps the price a buyer would be willing to acquire the business.

On its face, business valuation is actually a relatively simple and straightforward concept.  A qualified professional first analyzes the subject company’s financial statements and considers comparable transactions, industry ratios and other quantitative and qualitative information.  Then, applicable adjustments are made to align the subject company to an industry standard or benchmark.  The result is a reasonable assessment of fair value, usually performed under the  Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).

Despite the benefits, however, many business owners are apprehensive about what to expect when going through the valuation process.  In some cases, valuations can expose areas of the business which actually take away from value, such as weak financial and accounting controls, under-performing assets and weaker operating ratios relative to its peer group.   The entire valuation process can provide an overview of strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed company.

What are the key considerations for the business valuation?

The business valuation professional will first consider the purpose and objective of the valuation.  They will then look at the nature and background of the business, its products and services, as well as the industry life cycle, economic and political environment.  Unique factors are then considered, including customer relationships, executive compensation, as well as excess assets, working capital, and liabilities.

Considerations which could have a profound influence on value include goodwill or other intangible assets, the dependency on an owner or key employee(s), diversity of the customer base, market position and the competitive landscape of the industry.

There are three widely accepted fundamental methods used in valuing closely held business interests, the asset, income, and market approach.  The methods most useful in determining final value will depend on several factors, including the purpose of the valuation and the type of company being valued.

What are the Exit & Estate planning considerations for retirement?

A business valuation is an essential component of the estate and tax planning process for owners and their families.  Since the value of the business often accounts for the bulk of the owner’s net worth, determining a reasonable value is not only critical to retirement planning following the exit from the business, but also the groundwork required to both protect and transfer that wealth to the next generation.

Statistics suggest that most owners don’t do business planning or even plan for their own exit, and as a result, many transactions leave sellers feeling somewhat unfulfilled.  If used correctly, however, a thorough valuation can provide that very important starting point in strategic growth planning, as well as some important visibility for an owner contemplating the long term.  It can also serve as a meaningful tool as part of a business “gap analysis” to help identify and eliminate the various anchors to value growth during the exit planning process.  A valuation incorporated into a comprehensive business assessment should yield higher business growth over time, as well as higher terminal values and selling prices.

Jeffrey Elder, MBA – IBBA Certified M&A advisor, Texas Certified Business Broker, International Business Exchange, Austin Texas

Eric C. Boyce, CFA – Chief Executive Officer, BKA Business Consulting, LLC, Cedar Park, Texas (home of the  BizVue tm  Five Pillars of Value Business Assessment platform)

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Ever wonder what your business may be worth? We can help you with it.

What makes a business valuable.

What classifies a business as valuable? The response varies depending on the size of the business and the industry. Certainly, most buyers want specific attributes like positive cash flow, efficient operations, a healthy market share and a strong management team.

  • 8 elements that make a business more valuable:
  • High percentage of repeat sales
  • No legal issues
  • Potential for growth
  • Margins and cash flow
  • Consistent revenue growth
  • Customer outreach and quality control
  • Developing your succession plan

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Why A Business Should Be Valuated?

Business valuation

When it comes to having their businesses valued, most business owners are impulsive. However, there are situations when being active pays off. Some valuations such as determining the worth of an estate’s business interest are inevitable. There are some arbitrary reasons for other valuations, yet they all assist business owners in strategizing tactics.

  • 8 key reasons why you need a Business Valuation:
  • Sale or merger of business
  • On-boarding a new partner or shareholder
  • Applying for small business loans
  • Access to more Investors
  • Obtain an actual company value
  • Better knowledge of company assets
  • Measure business progress
  • Identify gaps

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How to Write a Business Plan: Your Step-by-Step Guide

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So, you’ve got an idea and you want to start a business —great! Before you do anything else, like seek funding or build out a team, you'll need to know how to write a business plan. This plan will serve as the foundation of your company while also giving investors and future employees a clear idea of your purpose.

Below, Lauren Cobello, Founder and CEO of Leverage with Media PR , gives her best advice on how to make a business plan for your company.

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What is a business plan, and when do you need one?

According to Cobello, a business plan is a document that contains the mission of the business and a brief overview of it, as well as the objectives, strategies, and financial plans of the founder. A business plan comes into play very early on in the process of starting a company—more or less before you do anything else.

“You should start a company with a business plan in mind—especially if you plan to get funding for the company,” Cobello says. “You’re going to need it.”

Whether that funding comes from a loan, an investor, or crowdsourcing, a business plan is imperative to secure the capital, says the U.S. Small Business Administration . Anyone who’s considering giving you money is going to want to review your business plan before doing so. That means before you head into any meeting, make sure you have physical copies of your business plan to share.

Different types of business plans

The four main types of business plans are:

Startup Business Plans

Internal business plans, strategic business plans, one-page business plans.

Let's break down each one:

If you're wondering how to write a business plan for a startup, Cobello has advice for you. Startup business plans are the most common type, she says, and they are a critical tool for new business ventures that want funding. A startup is defined as a company that’s in its first stages of operations, founded by an entrepreneur who has a product or service idea.

Most startups begin with very little money, so they need a strong business plan to convince family, friends, banks, and/or venture capitalists to invest in the new company.

Internal business plans “are for internal use only,” says Cobello. This kind of document is not public-facing, only company-facing, and it contains an outline of the company’s business strategy, financial goals and budgets, and performance data.

Internal business plans aren’t used to secure funding, but rather to set goals and get everyone working there tracking towards them.

As the name implies, strategic business plans are geared more towards strategy and they include an assessment of the current business landscape, notes Jérôme Côté, a Business Advisor at BDC Advisory Services .

Unlike a traditional business plan, Cobello adds, strategic plans include a SWOT analysis (which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) and an in-depth action plan for the next six to 12 months. Strategic plans are action-based and take into account the state of the company and the industry in which it exists.

Although a typical business plan falls between 15 to 30 pages, some companies opt for the much shorter One-Page Business Plan. A one-page business plan is a simplified version of the larger business plan, and it focuses on the problem your product or service is solving, the solution (your product), and your business model (how you’ll make money).

A one-page plan is hyper-direct and easy to read, making it an effective tool for businesses of all sizes, at any stage.

How to create a business plan in 7 steps

Every business plan is different, and the steps you take to complete yours will depend on what type and format you choose. That said, if you need a place to start and appreciate a roadmap, here’s what Cobello recommends:

1. Conduct your research

Before writing your business plan, you’ll want to do a thorough investigation of what’s out there. Who will be the competitors for your product or service? Who is included in the target market? What industry trends are you capitalizing on, or rebuking? You want to figure out where you sit in the market and what your company’s value propositions are. What makes you different—and better?

2. Define your purpose for the business plan

The purpose of your business plan will determine which kind of plan you choose to create. Are you trying to drum up funding, or get the company employees focused on specific goals? (For the former, you’d want a startup business plan, while an internal plan would satisfy the latter.) Also, consider your audience. An investment firm that sees hundreds of potential business plans a day may prefer to see a one-pager upfront and, if they’re interested, a longer plan later.

3. Write your company description

Every business plan needs a company description—aka a summary of the company’s purpose, what they do/offer, and what makes it unique. Company descriptions should be clear and concise, avoiding the use of jargon, Cobello says. Ideally, descriptions should be a few paragraphs at most.

4. Explain and show how the company will make money

A business plan should be centered around the company’s goals, and it should clearly explain how the company will generate revenue. To do this, Cobello recommends using actual numbers and details, as opposed to just projections.

For instance, if the company is already making money, show how much and at what cost (e.g. what was the net profit). If it hasn’t generated revenue yet, outline the plan for how it will—including what the product/service will cost to produce and how much it will cost the consumer.

5. Outline your marketing strategy

How will you promote the business? Through what channels will you be promoting it? How are you going to reach and appeal to your target market? The more specific and thorough you can be with your plans here, the better, Cobello says.

6. Explain how you’ll spend your funding

What will you do with the money you raise? What are the first steps you plan to take? As a founder, you want to instill confidence in your investors and show them that the instant you receive their money, you’ll be taking smart actions that grow the company.

7. Include supporting documents

Creating a business plan is in some ways akin to building a legal case, but for your business. “You want to tell a story, and to be as thorough as possible, while keeping your plan succinct, clear, interesting, and visually appealing,” Cobello says. “Supporting documents could include financial projects, a competitive analysis of the market you’re entering into, and even any licenses, patents, or permits you’ve secured.”

A business plan is an individualized document—it’s ultimately up to you what information to include and what story you tell. But above all, Cobello says, your business plan should have a clear focus and goal in mind, because everything else will build off this cornerstone.

“Many people don’t realize how important business plans are for the health of their company,” she says. “Set aside time to make this a priority for your business, and make sure to keep it updated as you grow.”

business plan valuation

Aaron Hall, Attorney for Businesses

Managing Ownership Transitions in Family Businesses

Effective management of ownership handovers is vital to the long-term survival and success of family businesses. A thorough succession planning framework is indispensable, involving defining a clear vision and objectives, evaluating and developing family members, establishing strong leadership and governance, conducting a fair valuation process, traversing family dynamics and emotions, and securing long-term business sustainability. By adopting a structured approach, family businesses can minimize potential conflicts and disruptions, guaranteeing the continuation of the family's legacy and values. As you traverse the complexities of ownership handover, discover how a tailored approach can secure your family's business legacy for generations to come.

Table of Contents

Identifying Succession Planning Goals

Every family business owner must identify clear succession planning goals to secure a smooth handover of ownership and management to the next generation. This vital step lays the foundation for a successful shift, safeguarding the family's legacy and the business's continued prosperity. To begin, family business owners should develop a concise vision statement, outlining the company's purpose, values, and long-term objectives. This statement will serve as a guiding force, shaping the succession planning process and informing key decisions.

In tandem, family business owners should establish legacy objectives, defining the desired impact and outcomes they wish to achieve through their succession plan. These objectives should align with the family's values, ensuring that the business remains true to its roots while adapting to the changing needs of the next generation. By establishing clear vision statements and legacy objectives, family business owners can create a roadmap for a seamless handover, protecting their business's future and cementing their family's legacy.

Assessing Family Members' Readiness

Once the vision statement and legacy objectives are in place, the next crucial step is to assess the readiness of family members to take on leadership positions, as this evaluation will help identify potential gaps in skills, knowledge, and experience that need to be addressed before a successful handover can occur.

Assessing family members' readiness requires a thorough evaluation of their skillset, including leadership, management, and technical skills. This evaluation should also consider their level of family commitment, including their willingness to take on responsibilities and their ability to work collaboratively with other family members. A meticulous skillset evaluation will help identify sectors where family members may need additional training or development to prepare them for leadership positions.

Building a Strong Leadership Team

With a clear understanding of each family member's strengths and weaknesses, the next step is to build a strong leadership team that can drive the family business forward. This involves developing a leadership pipeline that identifies, develops, and retains talented family members and non-family executives who can assume key positions in the business. A robust talent development program is vital to guarantee that the next generation of leaders is equipped to navigate the complexities of the family business.

The program should concentrate on developing critical skills such as strategic thinking, communication, and problem-solving. It should also provide opportunities for leadership development, mentorship, and cross-functional training. By investing in the growth and development of its leaders, the family business can facilitate a seamless handover of ownership and management. A strong leadership team will not only drive business growth but also provide a sense of security and stability for the family and its stakeholders. By building a strong leadership team, the family business can guarantee its long-term sustainability and success.

Establishing a Fair Valuation Process

A well-structured valuation process is vital for family businesses, as it facilitates the fair distribution of ownership stakes and guarantees that all family members are on the same page regarding the company's worth. This process helps to establish a clear understanding of the business's value, which is essential for making informed decisions during ownership transitions.

To ensure a fair valuation process, family businesses should consider the following key steps:

  • Select a suitable valuation method : Choose a valuation method that aligns with the business's specific circumstances, such as the income approach, market approach, or asset-based approach.
  • Conduct a thorough asset appraisal : Engage a qualified appraiser to assess the value of tangible and intangible assets, including property, equipment, and intellectual property.
  • Involve independent experts : Consider hiring external experts, such as valuation specialists or business brokers, to provide an objective assessment of the business's value.

Navigating Family Dynamics and Emotions

When traversing family dynamics and emotions in a family business, it is crucial to recognize the complex interplay between personal and professional relationships. Effective management of these relationships requires a clear understanding of each family member's position and responsibilities, as well as the emotional factors that can influence decision-making. By acknowledging and addressing these emotional dynamics, family businesses can mitigate potential conflicts and foster a more collaborative and productive work environment.

Family Member Roles

How do family members navigate the complex web of positions, responsibilities, and relationships within a family business, where emotional ties and business objectives often intersect? In family businesses, family members often wear multiple hats, taking on positions that are both personal and professional. This can lead to blurred lines and conflicting expectations, particularly when it comes to succession planning and ownership handovers.

To successfully navigate these complexities, family members must be aware of their positions and responsibilities within the business and the family. This includes:

  • Defining clear positions and responsibilities : Establishing clear job descriptions and spheres of responsibility can help prevent confusion and overlapping work.
  • Recognizing and addressing sibling rivalry : Openly addressing and managing sibling rivalries can help prevent conflicts and facilitate a smooth handover.
  • Preserving the family legacy : Family members must prioritize the preservation of the family legacy and guarantee that business decisions align with the family's values and vision.

Emotional Decision Making

Effective management of family businesses requires mastering the complex interplay of emotions, personal relationships, and business objectives, which can often lead to emotionally charged decision-making. When family members are involved in business decisions, personal biases and emotions can cloud judgment, leading to impulsive decisions that may not be in the optimal interest of the company. This is particularly true in times of crisis or uncertainty, when fear responses can dominate decision-making.

To mitigate the impact of emotional decision-making, family business leaders must cultivate emotional intelligence. This involves recognizing and managing one's own emotions, as well as being empathetic towards the emotions of others. By doing so, leaders can create a safe and open environment where family members feel comfortable sharing their concerns and opinions. This helps to foster a culture of transparency, trust, and constructive conflict resolution. By acknowledging and addressing emotional undercurrents, family businesses can make more informed, rational decisions that align with their long-term goals and objectives. By balancing emotional intelligence with business acumen, family businesses can navigate complex family dynamics and make decisions that drive success.

Creating a Comprehensive Transition Plan

A well-structured succession plan is vital to guarantee the continued success and longevity of a family business, as it outlines the steps necessary to transfer ownership and leadership to the next generation. This comprehensive plan ensures business continuity, mitigating the risks associated with ownership transitions. A key component of this plan is a detailed Transition Timeline, which outlines the specific steps and milestones that must be achieved to ensure a seamless transition.

To create an effective transition plan, family businesses should consider the following essential elements:

  • Define Succession Objectives : Clearly outline the goals and objectives of the transition, including the desired outcomes and timelines.
  • Identify Key Roles and Responsibilities : Determine the critical positions that need to be filled, and the skills and expertise required for each role.
  • Develop a Training and Development Plan : Establish a plan to equip the next generation with the necessary skills and knowledge to assume leadership roles.

Ensuring Long-Term Business Sustainability

One crucial aspect of promoting long-term business sustainability is to institutionalize a forward-thinking mindset, where innovation and adaptability become integral components of the family business's DNA. This enables the business to stay ahead of the curve, respond to changing market conditions, and build robustness in the face of uncertainty.

Business RobustnessDevelop contingency plans, diversify revenue streams, and foster a culture of adaptability
Cultural AlignmentEstablish a clear vision, define core values, and solidify alignment across all levels of the organization
Innovation and R&DInvest in research and development, encourage innovation, and stay abreast of industry trends

| Strategic Partnerships | Foster collaborative relationships, explore joint ventures, and develop mutually beneficial partnerships

Frequently Asked Questions

Can family members who don't work in the business still inherit ownership?.

In family businesses, non-involved family members can inherit ownership, becoming silent partners, preserving the family legacy. This approach allows them to benefit financially while maintaining the family's legacy, without being actively involved in operations.

How Do I Handle Family Members Who Feel Entitled to Leadership Roles?

To address entitled family members, establish clear succession planning criteria, emphasizing merit over birthright. Foster open family dynamics by setting performance goals, providing training, and encouraging accountability to guarantee leadership positions are earned, not inherited.

What if Our Family Business Has No Obvious Successor?

When a family business lacks an obvious successor, a leadership vacuum can emerge, exacerbating family dynamics and creating uncertainty. It's vital to develop a thorough succession plan, engaging all stakeholders to facilitate a seamless handover and business continuity.

Can We Bring in an Outside CEO to Manage the Transition?

Bringing in an outside CEO can be a viable option to fill a leadership vacuum, leveraging outside proficiency to navigate complex shifts and guarantee business continuity, but careful consideration of cultural fit and stakeholder buy-in is crucial.

How Long Does the Transition Process Typically Take to Complete?

The handover process typically spans 2-5 years, encompassing multiple succession phases, including planning, implementation, and post-handover integration. A well-structured timeline is vital to guarantee a seamless handover and long-term business sustainability.

CNBC launches sports vertical amid broader biz shift


  • Sara Fischer

Illustration of a board room table made from a soccer field.

Illustration: Gabriella Turrisi/Axios

CNBC on Tuesday will announce the launch of CNBC Sport, a new coverage area that will be helmed by new and existing CNBC talent.

Why it matters: This is CNBC's first announcement related to a broader plan to shift its editorial and business focus to cross-platform verticals led by subject-matter experts.

  • The company is expected to make more announcements about other topic areas soon.

The big picture: The idea is to give sports business executives insights and reporting about sports similar to the data and analysis CNBC provides to financial professionals, CNBC President KC Sullivan said in a statement.

  • CNBC has hired sports valuation expert Michael Ozanian from Forbes to serve as senior sports reporter.
  • He will create a new valuation program that includes data-driven team rankings, in addition to providing reporting and analysis across CNBC's digital and TV platforms.

Between the lines: The company will also leverage existing talent to double down on sports business coverage.

  • Alex Sherman will expand his role to further cover the intersection of sports and media.
  • Contessa Brewer will continue to cover sports betting, including casinos and online betting companies.
  • Scott Wapner will conduct interviews with league commissioners, team owners and sports investors.
  • Jessica Golden will produce and sports content for the vertical, and will help usher in more coverage of sports retail companies, like Adidas and Under Armour.
  • Other reporters will continue to helm coverage around sports niches, including as Dominic Chu on golf, Sara Eisen on Formula 1 and Brian Sullivan on motor sports.

Between the lines: CNBC has already been investing in live coverage of sports, and will double down as part of the new strategy.

  • CNBC produces an annual business of sports conference, Game Plan, in partnership with Boardroom.
  • Andrew Ross Sorkin, Carl Quintanilla and others will host coverage from the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris this summer.

Zoom out: Cable news companies are scrambling to reimagine their businesses for a digital future.

  • CNBC already sells digital subscriptions that include access to its live TV feed.
  • In the future, it could charge professionals for niche insights around specific verticals, or beats.


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Oyo Raises $50 Million from InCred, Valuation Drops 76%: Report

Oyo Raises $50 Million from InCred, Valuation Drops 76%: Report

Hospitality start-up Oyo has raised around $50 million from financial services group InCred Wealth and Investment at a valuation of around $2.38 billion, as reported by Entrackr. 

The valuation is around 76 per cent lower than the company’s peak valuation of $10 billion. In May of this year, there were reports that the hospitality start-up was looking for funding at a 70 per cent valuation cut. 

Read: Oyo Gets Shareholder Approval to Raise Rs 417 Crore Via Preference Shares: Report

The start-up is gathering $100 million from family offices and wealthy individuals as part of a larger investment round before refiling its draft prospectus for an IPO, according to the report. 

The company will reportedly use the funding for global investment, enhancing the business plan and acquisitions. Oyo is receiving this funding after a gap of almost three years. 

In August 2021, Microsoft invested $5 million in the SoftBank-backed start-up. As per Tech Crunch, at the time of the investment, Oyo’s valuation was $9.6 billion, slightly below its peak valuation of $10 billion. The investment came just as the start-up was recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Speaking to Bloomberg TV, Ritesh Agarwal, the company CEO, said that the pandemic hit the company like a cyclone. He added, “We built something for so many years, and it took just 30 days for it to drop by over 60 per cent.” 

Recently, Agarwal reportedly announced that the company made its first-ever annual net profit of Rs 100 crore in FY24. Meanwhile, the company also withdrew its draft IPO application for the second time in a row. Oyo might refile its IPO papers after it raises more capital. 

While mentioning that the firm was looking for a fundraise, the Economic Times reported that Agarwal was in talks with high-net-worth investors. The company had between $200 and $250 million in bank cash in February after drastically lowering its operating costs, according to the report. 

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How denmark is moving to retain family-owned businesses.

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Can Denmark, with its strong history of family-owned enterprises, hold the key to how regions can ... [+] attract private wealth?

While Hong Kong and Singapore ’s open competition to attract family offices has frequented news headlines this year, worldwide jurisdictions follow a similar pattern. Recently, Denmark’s policy shifts reflect a concerted effort to retain its invaluable family-owned enterprises.

Earlier this week, Bloomberg reported a new initiative from the Danish government, valued at 1.8 billion krone ($260 million), aims to ease the tax and regulatory burden on family-owned companies during generational transitions.

The goal is clear: the initiative aims to prevent these companies from being compelled to sell to foreign investors due to stringent taxation and current rules.

The Importance of Family-Owned Businesses

Denmark is home to approximately 60,000 family-owned businesses, collectively employing over 800,000 individuals. These enterprises are not just economic entities but cultural cornerstones, contributing significantly to Denmark’s social fabric - including well-known names such as Lego and Danfoss.

Danish Deputy Prime Minister Troels Lund Poulsen highlighted the significance of this initiative at a recent press briefing. While Poulsen did not indicate any specific threats from these companies to relocate, the government's proactive approach suggests an underlying concern about maintaining these national treasures within Denmark's borders.

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In this regard, the Danish government's recognition of their value is evident in the new measures to ensure their longevity and continued contribution to the Danish economy - just as international counterparts in Singapore and beyond have moved to entice family offices to take up residence.

Key Measures in the New Plan

Poulsen outlined several interventions in the new plan - which most notably consisted of:

A Reduction Of Estate and Gift Tax

One of the most notable changes is reducing the estate and gift tax on inherited businesses from 15% to 10%. This substantial cut alleviates the financial burden on successors, making it easier for families to retain ownership across generations.

Eased Valuation Processes

Another critical aspect of the plan is simplifying the valuation process for inherited businesses. This change is intended to reduce the complexities and potential inaccuracies arising during the valuation of family-owned enterprises, thereby facilitating smoother transitions.

Increased Deductions For Research and Innovation

The plan also includes provisions for higher deductions on expenses related to research and innovation. This measure encourages continued investment in these areas, fostering growth and competitiveness among family-owned businesses.

Elimination Of The Phantom Tax

Another significant change is eliminating the so-called “phantom” tax, which taxed shareholders or founders on expected future earnings when a company was sold. By removing this tax, the government aims to create a more favourable environment for entrepreneurs and founders, reducing the financial strain associated with business transitions.

Comparative Insights: Lessons From Norway

Notably, there’s a sharp contrast in Denmark’s approach - and perhaps a lesson learned - when compared with neighbouring Norway

The Norwegian government’s recent decision to increase taxes on the country’s wealthy families has led to a backlash from the entrepreneurial community and an exodus of billionaires. This, in turn, can affect not only job creation but also startup investments, private companies, and philanthropic initiatives.

The comparison highlights the potential risks of imposing heavier tax burdens on high-net-worth individuals and family-owned businesses, especially in an era when new and younger generations of wealth owners are far more mobile and worldwide jurisdictions compete for wealth.

Implications for Family Offices

These developments in Denmark, while they might draw fire from the opposing side of a political fence that wants to increase taxes on wealth, could attract more wealth owners from other countries who want to domicile there.

For family offices in particular, Denmark’s strategic move to cut taxes and ease rules for family-owned companies demonstrates a forward-thinking approach to economic policy. By prioritising the retention and growth of these businesses, the Danish government is safeguarding its economic interests and reinforcing the cultural and social heritage these enterprises represent.

New generations of wealth owners—particularly after a transitional event—are likely to do things differently and do business their way, and jurisdictions that can competitively attract wealth owners to base their capital are likely to reap the benefits of private investment, jobs, and philanthropic initiatives.

Francois Botha

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Traders cautious about plan to introduce short-selling on IDX

Brokerages warn the scheme could make the IDX Composite index more volatile and potentially push valuations down if regulators do not carefully select which stocks may be short-sold.

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Traders cautious about plan to introduce short-selling on IDX

ocal brokerages are cautious about a plan to allow short-selling of equities on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) due to uncertainty about the process and the effects on the market.

They warn that the scheme, set to launch in October, could make the IDX Composite index more volatile and potentially push valuations down if regulators do not carefully select the stocks that may be short-sold.

However, they agree that a short-selling mechanism could open up hedging opportunities for institutional investors and let local retail investors conduct transactions that are common in other countries.

Short-selling, or shorting, is a trading strategy wherein investors gain from a stock’s decline, rather than the regular trade, or “long” position, where investors gain if a stock rises in price.

An investor who short-sells a stock borrows shares from a brokerage and then sells those borrowed shares to buyers in the market. If the stock price drops, the investor can buy the stock on the market at a lower price and return the shares to the brokerage, while pocketing the difference between the amount received when selling the shares and the amount paid to repurchase them, minus commissions and fees.

However, if the stock goes up, the investor must buy it back at a higher price to close the position, incurring a loss in the process.

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Because of the risks involved, brokerages usually require investors to provide a certain amount of money as collateral, which is referred to as margin.

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Japan’s SmartHR raises $140M Series E as strong demand for HR tech boosts its ARR to $100M

Team work and human resource management concept. Top view of various wood cubes with people icons.

SmartHR , a cloud-based human resources and labor management software startup, said on Monday that it has raised $140 million in a funding round led by KKR and Teachers’ Ventures Growth, an investment arm of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, with participation from existing investors.

The Series E round, which comes three years after the company raised a $142.5 million (15.6 billion JPY) Series D at a valuation of $1.6 billion , is the latest indicator that investors are still keen to back tech that helps companies more efficiently manage their biggest cost base: staff.

The company declined to comment on its current valuation.

Co-founded in 2015 by Kensuke Naito and Shoji Miyata, SmartHR has been seeing strong demand for its SaaS platform, which helps enterprises manage and streamline human resources and operations, in the past couple of years. Its annual recurring revenue (ARR) reached $100 million as of February 2024, a company spokesperson told TechCrunch, which signifies a decent uptick from the $80 million in total revenue it reported in FY 2023.

That growth is in line with the robust demand for HR tech that we’ve been seeing in other parts of the world. U.S.-based Rippling, which SmartHR says is its closest comparable company in terms of products and strategy, saw its ARR double to $350 million in 2023, per The Information . Gusto, which offers payroll management software and services, told TechCrunch its revenue had crossed $500 million by April 2023; and Deel, which manages payroll for companies across international lines, this March said that it had clocked ARR of more than $500 million.

There’s also a mountain of venture capital in this market, estimated to be worth a whopping $81.84 billion by 2032, per Fortune Business Insights . Rippling, one of the biggest startups in the space, has raised about $1.4 billion, per a spokesperson at Rippling, and said it was valued at $13.5 billion following a $200 million funding round in April. Gusto has raised nearly $750 million, Crunchbase data says, and it is worth around $9.6 billion, per PitchBook. And Deel, worth $12 billion , has raised a total of $679 million, according to Crunchbase.

And you have investors throwing cash at smaller startups attacking nearly every facet of traditional HR: Remofirst, which helps its customers hire globally without setting up local offices, recently raised $25 million ; Palm takes a mobile-first approach to improving the HR tech experience in MENA, and last year got $5 million ; Compa in January landed $10 million to build its platform that provides recruiters aggregated compensation data so they can be more competitive when hiring; and Legion last month raised $50 million to automate hourly staff management for companies.

SmartHR’s peers in Japan include back-office software players such as Works Human Intelligence, freee and Moneyforward. The company sets itself apart by “obtaining the latest and most accurate employee data through labor management, which positions it as a system of record in HR,” its spokesperson said, adding that leveraging this employee data allows it to deploy new products rapidly.

The startup said the new capital will go toward developing new solutions and hiring, as well as organic and inorganic (read: M&A) growth strategies. It currently has about 1,000 employees.

Its previous backers include Light Street Capital, Sequoia Capital Global Equities and Whale Rock.

Updates with Rippling’s total amount of funding

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In a major update, Proton adds privacy-safe document collaboration to Drive, its freemium E2EE cloud storage service

Telegram lets creators share paid content to channels

Telegram launched a digital currency called Stars for in-app use last month. Now, the company is expanding its use cases to paid content. The chat app is also allowing channels…

Telegram lets creators share paid content to channels

Altrove uses AI models and lab automation to create new materials

For the past couple of years, innovation has been accelerating in new materials development. And a new French startup called Altrove plans to play a role in this innovation cycle.…

Altrove uses AI models and lab automation to create new materials

Indian social network Koo is shutting down as buyout talks collapse

The Indian social media platform Koo, which positioned itself as a competitor to Elon Musk’s X, is ceasing operations after its last-resort acquisition talks with Dailyhunt collapsed. Despite securing over…

Indian social network Koo is shutting down as buyout talks collapse

Europe is still serious about ESG, and Apiday is helping companies comply

Apiday leverages AI to save time for its customers. But like legacy consultants, it also offers human expertise.

Europe is still serious about ESG, and Apiday is helping companies comply


  1. Ultimate Guide to Calculate Business Valuation

    business plan valuation

  2. How to Value a Business

    business plan valuation

  3. Business Valuation Template Excel Free

    business plan valuation

  4. Very Basics of Business Valuation

    business plan valuation

  5. Business Valuation Excel Template for Private Equity

    business plan valuation

  6. Business Valuation

    business plan valuation


  1. Asset-Based Business Valuation Methods


  3. Business Valuation Revision

  4. Is it Better to Invest in Real Estate or Businesses and How are They Valued Differently?

  5. Build a Successful Career in Business Valuations & Rent Rolls

  6. Business Valuation Appraisals


  1. How to Value a Company: 6 Methods and Examples

    Here's a look at six business valuation methods that provide insight into a company's financial standing, including book value, discounted cash flow analysis, market capitalization, enterprise value, earnings, and the present value of a growing perpetuity formula. 1. Book Value. One of the most straightforward methods of valuing a company ...

  2. Valuing a Company: Business Valuation Defined With 6 Methods

    Business valuation is the process of determining the economic value of a business or company. Business valuation can be used to determine the fair value of a business for a variety of reasons ...

  3. Here's How to Value a Company [With Examples]

    1. CalcXML. This calculator looks at your business' current earnings and expected future earnings to determine a valuation. Other business elements the calculator considers are the levels of risk involved (e.g., business, financial, and industry risk) and how marketable the company is. 2.

  4. Business Valuation Calculator: How Much Is Yours Worth?

    The industry profit multiplier is 1.99, so the approximate value is $40,000 (x) 1.99 = $79,600. Note that there will always be a discrepancy between the business value based on sales and the business value based on profits. The two numbers give you an approximate range of potential values for your business.

  5. How to Value a Small Business

    If you used EBITDA to value your business, you would use an EBITDA multiple. SDE calculation. To calculate your business's SDE: Step 1: Find your pretax, pre-interest earnings. Step 2: Add back ...

  6. How To Do a Business Valuation? 5 Methods With Examples

    5 business valuation methods. There are five main ways to value your business: asset approach, income approach, market approach, return on investment (ROI) approach, and discounted cash flow approach . 1. Asset approach. The asset approach essentially totals up all of the investments in the business. With this business valuation, you see a ...

  7. How To Calculate a Business Valuation: 3 Common Ways (2024)

    Here are three ways to find the current market value of your business. 1. Income-based approach. Income-based approaches to the valuation process are most common, and estimate a business's value based on the income the business is expected to generate over time.

  8. How to Value a Company: 9 Valuation Methods and Examples

    Business valuation providers. Business valuation is the bread and butter of investment banks and M&A intermediaries. Even if a company has the wherewithal to conduct their own business valuation, it pays to hire a third party specialist for the expertise that they bring to the task. Even legal firms now typically have an in-house valuations expert.

  9. How to Value a Business: 7 Business Valuation Methods

    7. IPO Valuation Methods. Some of the business valuation methods included so far are best for established businesses that are publicly traded on an exchange. In the case of a private company that's preparing to launch an IPO, valuation requires additional strategies, since there's no stock price to use.

  10. Business Valuation

    Business valuation is the process of estimating a company's worth by analyzing its financial performance, assets, liabilities, and other relevant factors. It is essential for various purposes, including sales, mergers and acquisitions, taxation, and legal disputes. There are several methods of business valuation, including asset-based, income ...

  11. Small Business Valuation Methods: How to Value a Small Business

    In either case, there are a few steps you can take to prepare for the valuation: 1. Get your financial documents in order. Every valuation is going to be based, at least in part, on your business's finances. Even the market-based valuation method requires your business's financial information to find suitable comps.

  12. How to Calculate a Business Valuation

    A business valuation is the process of determining the economic value of a business, giving owners an objective estimate of the value of their company. Typically, a business valuation happens when an owner is looking to sell all or a part of their business, or merge with another company. Other reasons include if you need debt or equity to ...

  13. Valuation: Definition & Reasons for Business Valuation

    Valuation is an important exercise since it can help identify mispriced securities or determine what projects a company should invest. Some of the main reasons for performing a valuation are listed below. 1. Buying or selling a business. Buyers and sellers will normally have a difference in the value of a business.

  14. 7 Business Valuation Methods

    2. Asset-Based Valuation Method. Next, you might use an asset-based business valuation method to determine what your company is worth. As the name suggests, this type of approach considers your business's total net asset value, minus the value of its total liabilities, according to your balance sheet.

  15. Business Valuation

    Business valuation is an analytical process of determining the firm's fair value to secure an investment, stimulate business performance, develop an internal share market, and sell an organization.

  16. What Is a Business Valuation and How Do You Calculate It?

    A business valuation assesses the economic value of part or all of a business. Business valuations are used in a number of circumstances, including to determine the sale value of a business, to establish partner ownership, for tax purposes or even in divorce proceedings. Generally, the valuation process analyzes all aspects of the business ...

  17. How to Value a Business

    The next step is to add up the fair market values of the assets and deduct total liabilities. The restaurant has total assets at a fair market value of $7,812,500 and total liabilities of $4,812,500. The value of the company using the net asset value approach is $3,000,000. Pros/Cons of the Net Asset Valuation Method.

  18. Rules of Thumb Business Valuation Methods Explained

    The rule of thumb is a business valuation method that is based on common sense and experience. It is a general principle that is regarded as approximately accurate but not meant to be scientifically correct. For estimating the value of a business, the process involves applying a multiple to an economic benefit of a specific industry.

  19. Business Valuation Based on Revenue Explained: What You Need to Know

    Share On: Business valuation based on revenue is a method where a company's worth is estimated using its sales figures. This approach often multiplies revenue by an industry-specific multiplier to determine value. Understanding how to gauge the value of a business is crucial for various stakeholders, including owners, investors, and potential ...

  20. Business Plan: What It Is, What's Included, and How to Write One

    Business Plan: A business plan is a written document that describes in detail how a business, usually a new one, is going to achieve its goals. A business plan lays out a written plan from a ...

  21. Business Valuation » Businessplan.com

    A business valuation involves assessing various elements of the business to estimate its selling price or value for different purposes, such as investment ... Optimize your business plan with AI, utilizing it in conjunction with the Model-Based Planning™ worksheet, crafting compelling narratives, analyzing market and industry trends, and ...

  22. The Importance of Business Valuation

    An accurate valuation of a closely held business is an essential tool for a business owner to assess both opportunities and opportunity costs as they plan for future growth and eventual transition. It provides either a point-in-time assessment of relative value for an owner, or perhaps the price a buyer would be willing to acquire the business.

  23. Business Valuation Calculator

    8 key reasons why you need a Business Valuation: Sale or merger of business. On-boarding a new partner or shareholder. Applying for small business loans. Access to more Investors. Obtain an actual company value. Better knowledge of company assets. Measure business progress. Identify gaps.

  24. How to Write a Business Plan: Step-by-Step Guide

    A one-page business plan is a simplified version of the larger business plan, and it focuses on the problem your product or service is solving, the solution (your product), and your business model (how you'll make money). A one-page plan is hyper-direct and easy to read, making it an effective tool for businesses of all sizes, at any stage ...

  25. Managing Ownership Transitions in Family Businesses

    Effective management of ownership handovers is vital to the long-term survival and success of family businesses. A thorough succession planning framework is indispensable, involving defining a clear vision and objectives, evaluating and developing family members, establishing strong leadership and governance, conducting a fair valuation process, traversing family dynamics and emotions, and ...

  26. CNBC launches sports vertical

    He will create a new valuation program that includes data-driven team rankings, in addition to providing reporting and analysis across CNBC's digital and TV platforms. ... CNBC produces an annual business of sports conference, Game Plan, in partnership with Boardroom. Andrew Ross Sorkin, Carl Quintanilla and others will host coverage from the ...

  27. Oyo Raises $50 Million from InCred, Valuation Drops 76%: Report

    Hospitality start-up Oyo has raised around $50 million from financial services group InCred Wealth and Investment at a valuation of around $2.38 billion, as reported by Entrackr.. The valuation is around 76 per cent lower than the company's peak valuation of $10 billion. In May of this year, there were reports that the hospitality start-up was looking for funding at a 70 per cent valuation cut.

  28. How Denmark Is Moving To Retain Family-Owned Businesses

    Denmark's 1.8 billion krone plan cuts taxes and eases rules for family-owned businesses to prevent foreign takeovers and retain national enterprises. ... of the plan is simplifying the valuation ...

  29. Traders cautious about plan to introduce short-selling on IDX

    Traders cautious about plan to introduce short-selling on IDX. Brokerages warn the scheme could make the IDX Composite index more volatile and potentially push valuations down if regulators do not ...

  30. Japan's SmartHR raises $140M Series E as strong demand for HR tech

    The Series E round, which comes three years after the company raised a $142.5 million (15.6 billion JPY) Series D at a valuation of $1.6 billion, is the latest indicator that investors are still ...