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Formatting in MS Word

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Thesis style template for MS Word is available on the School of Graduate Studies website . You are not required to use the template but using it will make some of the formatting requirements easier to meet.

►► Thesis template for  Microsoft Word​  (.docx)

For formatting instructions and requirements see the Formatting section of the SGS website .

MS Word formatting tips

Section breaks and page numbers.

One of the most common formatting items that causes difficulty is the page numbering, since the front section and the rest of the thesis use different characters and placement. The way to properly format these sections is to add Section Breaks in between the front matter and the Introduction or Chapter One and between each of the following chapters, including the Bibliography and Appendices sections.

Adding Section Breaks and Page Numbers in Word 2016

You will need to insert “Section Break – next page” in between all chapters and between the front matter and the first chapter as well as between the last chapter and the appendices and the references.

  • Click on the place where the break should be inserted and then go to the Layout tab.
  • Click on the arrow beside Breaks and choose Section Break Next Page from the list. This allows you to format sections individually of each other.
  • Go to the first chapter after the front matter, click in the header and footer area and in the Header & Footer tools, ensure that “Different First Page” is selected and then ensure that the “Link to Previous” option is not selected. This way, when you format the front matter with Roman numerals in the bottom centre, it won’t carry the formatting into the next section.
  • Use the Insert Page Numbers and Format Page numbers to insert the page numbers in the appropriate place with the appropriate formatting.

Using Document Styles

The template has Styles that can be used to format your entire thesis. To use a style, select the text to apply the style to, then choose the appropriate style from the Styles window.

If you don’t want to use the template (for example, if you don’t want to use the numbered headings, you can create your own styles. To do this, format the heading (or other element) the way you want, then click New Style in the style window. Insert a unique name for the style and click OK . You can then use that style for those elements going forward.

Table of Contents (TOC)

To automatically generate a TOC, apply the appropriate Styles to all headings. The template has styles created for this purpose. If you are not using the template, you can create your own heading styles to apply.

Auto-generate the TOC in Word 2016 on both Mac and Windows

  • Go to the References tab, choose Table of Contents and select Custom Table of Contents . Click OK .

       Using your own styles

  • If you have created your own styles with custom names, go to the References tab, choose Table of Contents and select Custom Table of Contents , then click Options .
  • Put numbers beside the styles you created that correspond with the level of heading they represent. Click OK , then OK again.

Manual formatting of TOC

To add right-aligned tabs with leaders:

  • From the Home tab, open the Paragraph settings and click on the Tabs button.
  • Enter the tab stop position, choose Right Tab and for Leader , choose the … option. Click Set (or the + sign on Mac), then click OK .
  • Type the TOC entry, press tab, then insert the page number.

Miscellaneous tips

  • Use page breaks instead of pressing Enter or Return
  • Use paragraph first-line indent or tab consistently throughout doc (best to use Styles)
  • Use consistent spacing around headers
  • Use Shift + Return/Enter to keep headings that run over 2 lines in the same paragraph
  • Ensure there are no Widow/Orphan headings or paragraphs
  • When inserting longer quotes, use margins to indent rather than tabbing in and inserting a hard return after each line
  • Always use tabs rather than spaces. Set tab stops so you aren’t using multiple tabs

Formatting issues and examples

When creating your own table of contents , be sure to format the space between the text and the numbers properly. Do not use multiple tabs or periods to separate them. This will result in a jagged right margin. You want to set a right-aligned tab with leaders in order to have the numbers properly aligned to the right margin. The auto-generate TOC feature does this automatically.

Table of contents incorrect and correct formatting examples. Discussion above.

When starting content on a new page, do not use the return key until you get to the next page. If you add content to that section later on, it will move everything down the page, even on the following page. Instead, use the Insert Page Break feature.

Page break formatting incorrect and correct example. Discussion above.

When formatting indented quotes, do not use tabs to indent the lines , or put a return at the end of each line. The test in the paragraph won’t flow properly if you need to add more text or change the margins. Instead use the margin controls in the Ruler to indent the paragraph on each side.

Indented quotes incorrect and correct formatting examples. Discussion above.

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Thesis / dissertation formatting manual (2024).

  • Filing Fees and Student Status
  • Submission Process Overview
  • Electronic Thesis Submission
  • Paper Thesis Submission
  • Formatting Overview
  • Fonts/Typeface
  • Pagination, Margins, Spacing
  • Paper Thesis Formatting
  • Preliminary Pages Overview
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication Page
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures (etc.)
  • Acknowledgements
  • Text and References Overview
  • Figures and Illustrations
  • Using Your Own Previously Published Materials
  • Using Copyrighted Materials by Another Author
  • Open Access and Embargoes
  • Copyright and Creative Commons
  • Ordering Print (Bound) Copies
  • Tutorials and Assistance
  • FAQ This link opens in a new window

UCI Libraries maintains the following  templates to assist in formatting your graduate manuscript. If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided. If you are formatting your manuscript using LaTex, UCI maintains a template on OverLeaf.

  • Annotated Template (Dissertation) 2024 PDF of a template with annotations of what to look out for
  • Word: Thesis Template 2024 Editable template of the Master's thesis formatting.
  • PDF Thesis Template 2024
  • Word: Dissertation Template 2024 Editable template of the PhD Dissertation formatting.
  • PDF: Dissertation Template 2024
  • Overleaf (LaTex) Template
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  • Last Updated: May 31, 2024 9:34 AM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uci.edu/gradmanual

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4. writing up your research: thesis formatting (ms word).

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  • Thesis Formatting (MS Word)
  • Referencing

Haere mai, tauti mai—welcome! These instructions are designed to be used with recent versions of MS Word. Please note there is no template or specific formatting guidelines for a thesis at UC. Please talk to your supervisor and take a look at theses in the UC Research Repository to see how they are usually formatted.

  • Where to start
  • Show/Hide Formatting
  • Heading Styles
  • Navigation Pane
  • Table of Contents
  • Numbered Headings
  • List of Figures/Tables
  • Page/Section Breaks, Page Numbering & Orientation

Word Thesis Formatting workshops run throughout the year.

Some useful documents.

  • Word Formatting Instructions PDF This PDF contains the same instructions that are available on this page.
  • Sample Thesis Document with No Formatting This sample thesis file can be used to practise formatting. It is not a template for how to format a thesis. UC does not provide any guidelines on formatting a thesis.
  • APA 7th Edition Formatting Example This document is formatted according to APA 7th Edition formatting guidelines. It could be used as a template or as an example to follow. It contains some additional instructions for certain APA formatting in Word.

For more APA formatting advice see the APA Style Blog's excellent Style and Grammar Guidelines .

Finding Examples

Look at examples and ask your supervisor.

The best guide on how to format your thesis is a combination of:

  • Looking at previous theses in your discipline. Search the UC Research Repository  for your subject or department, and browse by issue date to get the most recent.
  • Asking your supervisor for recommendations on specific formatting and details. 

General Recommendations

The following is an example only of preliminaries to the thesis that could be included.

  • Acknowledgements
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Abbreviations
  • Toggle show Home ->Show/Hide formatting

format thesis in word

Using styles for headings allows you to create an automatic table of contents.

  • Select major headings one at a time and choose Home ->Styles ‘Heading 1’

format thesis in word

  • Select subheadings and apply Home ->Styles ‘heading 2’ and ‘heading 3’
  • Modify a style by right clicking on it and choosing Modify in the styles pane at the top of the screen.

format thesis in word

The Navigation Pain is useful for seeing the outline of your document as well as providing links to quickly go to any section of the document.

  • View->check Navigation Pane

format thesis in word

In order to create an automatic table of contents heading styles must be used.

  • References -> Table of Contents -> Custom Table of Contents (no heading in table)

format thesis in word

  • Right click table of contents to ‘update field’ and choose ‘update entire table’

format thesis in word

  • Home->Multilevel list-> choose style with a number level for each heading level

format thesis in word

  • To change the heading level 1 number to say ‘Chapter 1’ right click on heading level 1 in the styles area Heading 1->Modify .

format thesis in word

  • In the modify screen click Format->Numbering.

format thesis in word

  • Then click ‘ Define New Number Format’.

format thesis in word

  • Then add the word ‘Chapter’ and a space before the ‘1’.

format thesis in word

To create automatic lists of figures or tables you first have to give a caption to all your figures and tables.

  • Right click figure or table and select Insert Caption

format thesis in word

  • Choose Label type eg. Figure, Table etc
  • Choose position above or below
  • Give the table or figure a title in the top box
  • Go to the headings for List of Figures and List of tables and then click References->Insert Table of Figures -> select caption label type (Figure or Table)

format thesis in word

  • On the following menu select caption label type (Figure or Table) and click OK

format thesis in word

This can be used to have different page numbering styles of different sections of your document or to have certain pages landscape to display a large table or graph.

  • Insert a section break (next page) at the end of the title page ( Layout -> Breaks -> Next Page )

format thesis in word

  • Insert a section break at chapter 1 ( Layout -> Breaks -> Next Page )
  • Insert page breaks for all other ‘heading 1’ headings ( Layout -> Breaks -> Page )

Adding Page Numbers

  • Insert -> Page Number and choose a position on the page

format thesis in word

  • Double click on title page header or footer (top or bottom of the page) and tick ‘ Different First Page’ in the Design ribbon that appears

format thesis in word

  • Click in second page header or footer, right click on the page number and select ‘ format page numbers ’

format thesis in word

  • Select Roman numerals eg. ‘i, ii, iii, iv’ etc
  • Select start at ‘i’ (start at ‘1’)

format thesis in word

  • Scroll to chapter 1 and change number style for this section back to ordinary numbers and start at 1

Change Page Orientation

  • Insert a section break before and after the pages you want to change to landscape orientation (See instructions above for inserting a section break)
  • Layout -> Orientation -> Landscape

NOTE:  A section break is usually only needed if page orientation or separate page numbers are required.

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Microsoft Word for Dissertations

  • Introduction, Template, & Resources
  • Formatting for All Readers
  • Applying a Style
  • Modifying a Style
  • Setting up a Heading 1 Example
  • Images, Charts, Other Objects
  • Footnotes, Endnotes, & Citations
  • Cross-References
  • Appendix Figures & Tables
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures/Tables
  • Chapter and Section Numbering
  • Page Numbers
  • Landscape Pages
  • Combining Chapter Files
  • Commenting and Reviewing
  • The Two-inch Top Margin
  • Troubleshooting
  • Finalizing Without Styles
  • Preparing Your Final Document

Help with Microsoft Word

Members of the University of Michigan community can get dissertation & thesis formatting assistance from the experts at ScholarSpace:

Please  visit this link to make an appointment , or send an email to [email protected].

We're here to solve any formatting problems you've run into, and can give you guidance about captioning figures, solving numbering issues, creating a List of Tables/Figures/Appendices, and more.

Contact Information

Profile Photo

Introduction to Word for Dissertations

Formatting your dissertation (or thesis) will likely take more time than you expect. But using the special features described in this Guide will save you a great deal of work , particularly if you use our template (available in the box below). The earlier you begin to use these tools, the more time you'll save and the less stress you'll have as your submission deadline approaches. Students at the University of Michigan are also encouraged to contact the experts at the Library's ScholarSpace anytime you run into a problem or have a question.

To meet  Rackham’s Dissertation Formatting Guidelines  you will need to modify the standard settings that Microsoft Word uses. This guide will show you how to use the tools to make the necessary modifications.  While we do follow the requirements from Rackham’s formatting guidelines to demonstrate the tools, in the end, you are responsible for verifying that your document meets the requirements that Rackham sets.

To save yourself time and effort , please consider using our Dissertation Template (link available in the box below). Many of the settings discussed in this Guide are already included in that document.

Please note that, as a University of Michigan student, you have free access to the Microsoft Office suite of tools -- including Microsoft Word. Visit this link to learn more and to download Office to your own computer.

Dissertation Template and other Resources

  • ScholarSpace Template for Dissertations This Microsoft Word document comes with many of the Rackham formatting guidelines built in, and can be used for dissertations and theses. Please note that this template doesn't follow the formatting direction of any particular Style Guide. It is your responsibility to make sure you are following the Style Guide predominant in your field, and to make any relevant formatting changes to heading styles, numbering, captions, etc... How to make many of those changes is described throughout this Guide.
  • Rackham Dissertation Handbook Rackham's Dissertation Guidelines and Handbook
  • Dissertation Formatting Checklist Rackham's list of formatting issues to watch out for in your dissertation.
  • Using Microsoft Word for Large Documents (non-dissertation specific) Handout (This document was written for an older -- much older -- version of Word, but nearly all of the information is still accurate and useful)
  • Guide to Copyright for Dissertations

A word about LaTeX

LaTeX is a markup language (sometimes accessed through the Overleaf editor) that is often used in science and engineering documents because it allows for great control in creating complex equations and formulas. ScholarSpace does not maintain a template for dissertations created with LaTeX, and we can only provide very limited support for it. That said, there is a community of U-M folks who actively maintain  this LaTeX template to keep it in line with Rackham's guidelines .

Here are some other very useful resources:

  • Video recording of a  UM Library Workshop on Dissertation Formatting with LaTeX
  • Documentation for LaTeX and Overleaf
  • Bibiliography Management with LaTeX
  • How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX
  • A huge collection of LaTeX resources

Can I use Google Docs for my dissertation?

No. Google Docs can get you pretty far down the road to something that looks like what Rackham requires, however, it's going to take a lot more work to get that far, and as you approach the finish line you will collide with obstacles that Google Docs just won't be able to get around. The issue is that Google Docs was not designed for complicated documents like a thesis or dissertation. To get it to do many of the special things that Rackham requires, you'll have to do a great deal of work that Word will just do for you . A few examples:

  • Rackham requires 1" margin on all pages, but a 2" margin at the top of each new section. You'll have to manually adjust every relevant page yourself in Docs to get this, but Word will just do it automatically.
  • Docs gives you three choices for how your Table of Contents will look, none of which are suitable by Rackham's standards. While you can adjust the format, many aspects of it (such as spacing) will revert to the original every time you update it.  With Word, you're in charge of what your ToC looks like.
  • In Docs, you'll have to manually type in your figure numbers ("Figure 3.6") and change them every time you add or move them. But Word will manage numbering and caption placement for you, it will renumber figures or tables as you add or move them, and it will create your List of Figures/Tables automatically – correct page numbers and all. 
  • With Word's figure/table numbering, you can also insert cross-references, so when you refer to "(see Figure 4.2)" but then you add some new figures before that, not only will Figure 4.2 renumber itself automatically, but anywhere you've referred to it will be updated, too. No more anxiety about whether you've updated everything accurately.
  • Page numbers: Rackham wants the first two pages to have no page numbers, the rest of the frontmatter to have small roman numerals, and the body of the document to have arabic numerals.  Docs just plain can't do that.

If you're concerned about the learning curve of using Word, please know that this Guide goes over how to do everything, AND the Word template found here has nearly everything already set up for you. We also regularly offer a workshop that serves as an introduction to the most useful features, and you can set up a meeting with a ScholarSpace expert anytime you run into something that you can't figure out. 

Writing Assistance

This Guide is all about how to properly format your dissertation -- how to make it look the way Rackham wants it to look. But what if you need help with the actual composition  of your content? Our friends at the Sweetland Writing Center offer such assistance, through their Writing Workshop program. From their website:

These are just a few quick but especially important tips to help you get started. See our more expansive Tips & Troubleshooting section for suggestions that are a little more complex.

  • Save early , save often, and create backup versions as you go along. Consider setting up Microsoft OneDrive (you have free access with your umich login credentials). With this, you can turn on "Autosave" in Word to automatically save your document at regular intervals, and have access to previous versions.

format thesis in word

  • Use our template (available above), it will save you lots of time. Nearly all of the difficult formatting stuff we discuss in this Guide is already built into the template. Consider doing all of your writing in it -- even if you're working in separate files for each chapter, you can use a copy of the template for each one of those chapters.
  • Set the margins including the two-inch margin for chapters titles  ( Setting Margins ) .
  • Define styles for Headings 1-3, Normal, Captions, and Quotes – these are most common; you may need others ( Working with Styles ).
  • If headings need to be numbered (for example, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, etc.), define a multi-level list ( Automatic Numbering ).
  • If captions need to include the chapter number, define a multi-level list ( Automatic Numbering ).
  • Share your file(s) with your advisors using Track Changes ( Commenting and Reviewing ) .
  • If you use EndNote to manage your citations and create your bibliography, use only one EndNote library for your entire dissertation (see our EndNote Basics guide).
  • Did we mention that you really ought to try out our template (available above)?


How To Format A PhD Thesis In Microsoft Word (An Illustrative Guide)

How to format a PhD thesis in MS Word

The format of a PhD thesis is as important as the content of the thesis. Different institutions have different formatting guidelines so PhD students should always refer to their handbook.

However, there are some standard requirements of PhD theses which do not change with institutions thus making the theses look similar in many aspects. This article highlights the common formatting standards expected of PhD theses and provides step-by-step instructions on how to format some sections in Microsoft Word.

A PhD thesis or dissertation is divided into three distinct components – front matter, main text and back matter – each of which has its own sub-components, as discussed below:

Front matter

Declaration by the candidate and approval of thesis, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, list of abbreviations, acknowledgements, inserting figures into main text, inserting tables into main text, back matter, numbering the thesis, related article.

The front matter refers to the preliminary pages that come before the main chapters of the theses. These include:

The title page is the first page of the thesis. It includes: the title of the PhD thesis, the name of the PhD student, the school or department and university in which the study took place, the city and country in which the university is located, and lastly the month and year in which the degree was conferred.

A sample title page is shown below:

Originality is very crucial for PhD-level theses and dissertations. In this section, the PhD candidate declares that his work has not been published elsewhere to the best of his knowledge. The declaration is followed by approval of thesis and includes the names of all those people who reviewed and approved the thesis. These could be the supervisors, the Head of Department/School and/or the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. The wordings on this page may vary from one institution to another, it is therefore important for the candidates to refer to their handbooks.

The abstract is a short summary of the thesis, normally a paragraph in length. Abstracts can be structured or unstructured. A structured abstract is one that has headings and text below each heading, while an unstructured abstract does not have headings, it is written in paragraph form.

A sample of a structured and unstructured abstract is provided below:

The table of contents provides the outline of the thesis and shows all the headings and sub-headings of the thesis and their page numbers.

To insert a table of contents in Microsoft Word:

  • Make sure all the headings and sub-headings of the front matter pages, the main text and the back matter pages have been properly specified in the Word document.
  • Click the references tab, then select table of contents option.
  • The table of contents has a drop-down arrow which when clicked shows the different style of TOC.
  • Select the preferred style of TOC and click OK.
  • The TOC will be inserted automatically.

How to insert table of contents

The list of figures shows the titles of all the figures in the thesis and their page numbers.

To insert the list of figures in Microsoft Word:

  • Click on the references tab, then click on “insert table of figures” option.

How to insert list of figures

  • The following dialogue box will open. In the caption label window, select “figure”. It will show different formats for the list of figures. Choose the style you prefer and click OK.

List of figures styles

Like the list of figures, the list of tables shows the titles of all the tables in the thesis and their page numbers.

To insert the list of tables in Microsoft Word:

How to insert list of tables

  • The following dialogue box will open. In the caption label window, select “table”. It will show different formats for the list of tables. Choose the style you prefer and click OK.

Styles of list of tables

The list of figures and the list of tables should be on different pages.

All acronyms and their abbreviations used throughout the thesis should be highlighted in their own separate page titled ‘list of abbreviations.”

In a PhD thesis, it is mandatory to acknowledge all those who helped you in your PhD journey. These include: your supervisors, other faculty who either reviewed your work or gave advice, people who proofread your work, institutions that helped you gain access to your data, your research respondents, fellow colleagues etc.

Some PhD candidates dedicate their thesis to people who are dear to them, for instance, parents, siblings, spouse/partner, children etc. This section is however not mandatory.

Page numbering for front matter

For front matter, Roman numerals should be used excluding the title page which should not be numbered. The page numbers should be placed at the bottom and centre-aligned.

The main text of thesis is the meat of the thesis and starts from chapter all the way to the last chapter of the thesis. The chapters of theses vary from one institution to another but generally have the following structure:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Literature review

Chapter 3: Research methodology

Chapter 4: Research findings/results

Chapter 5: Discussions

Chapter 6: Conclusions and recommendations

Each chapter should be organised into headings. There are different levels of headings: level 1, level 2, level 3 etc. The use of these different levels depends on a student’s work.

Other formatting requirements for the main text include:

Font: the most recommended font styles are Times New Roman, Arial, Book Antiqua etc. Students should refer to their handbook for guidance on the font required by their institution.

Spacing: the most recommended spacing for theses is 1.5 for the main text except for things like tables.

Referencing style: the recommended referencing style (such as APA, MLA, Havard etc) should be used throughout the text.

Page numbering: for main text, Arabic numerals are used. The page numbers should be placed at the bottom and centre-aligned.

It is advisable to include figures into theses. Figures help to present some information in a more appealing way than plain text. For each figure inserted, make sure to number it and include a caption explaining what the figure is about.

To insert figures’ captions and numbers into Microsoft Word:

Click on the references tab, then click on insert caption.

A dialogue box will open. Under options, choose “figure” as the label.

Type the caption for the figure, choose the numbering format preferred and click OK. The caption and number of the figure will be inserted.

How to insert captions and numbers for figures.

The procedure for tables is the same as for figures.

To insert tables’ captions and numbers into Microsoft Word:

A dialogue box will open. Under options, choose “table” as the label.

Type the caption for the table, choose the numbering format preferred and click OK. The caption and number of the table will be inserted.

How to insert captions and numbers for tables.

The same procedure is used when you have equations, maps and other illustrations.

Important points to remembers:

When inserting captions and numbers for figures and tables, the cursor should be placed at the right position, that is, above the figures and tables.

If the table or figure has been lifted from somewhere else, the source should be acknowledged at the bottom of the table or figure.

The numbering of the figures and tables should be done by chapter. For instance, all figures in chapter 1 should be numbered: figure 1.1, figure 1.2, figure 1.3 etc. while all figures in chapter 2 should be numbered: figure 2.1, figure 2.2, figure 2.3 etc. Same for the tables, equations and all other illustrations.

The back matter has two main content: the references and the appendices.

The references should be done in accordance with the referencing style recommended by the institution.

The appendices section lists all other materials pertaining to the study that were not included in the front matter. Depending on the study, these may include: the research protocol, a letter of introduction for the research, the questionnaire used for the study, the list of respondents etc.

The page numbers for the references and appendices should be Arabic numerals and a continuation of the pages from main text.

The title of the appendices should be done using either Roman numerals (Appendix I, Appendix II, Appendix III etc) or the alphabet letters in caps, that is, Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C… etc.

Each appendix should start on its own page.

As discussed earlier, different numbering styles are used for the different sections of the thesis:

The title page should not be numbered.

The other front matter pages should be numbered using Roman numerals.

The main text and back matter pages should be numbered using Arabic numerals.

Many students struggle with doing the numbering correctly.

The best way to do this in Microsoft Word is to use the “section break” function which divides the thesis into different sections. Each section is then numbered separately from the other sections. To do this:

Go to the end of the page where you want to insert the section break. This should be: at the end of the title page, and after the last front matter page (dedication). Because the main text and back matter pages are numbered using the same style, there is no need to create a section break after the main text.

From insert menu, go to break then section break and select the one written (next page).

format thesis in word

Word will create different sections for the title page, the other front matter pages and the main text and back matter pages.

Use the insert tab and page number function to insert different formats for the different sections: not to be numbered (title page), numbered using Roman numerals (for front matter pages) and numbered using Arabic numerals (main text and back matter pages).

How to insert different page number formats into a Microsoft Word document.

In conclusion, formatting a PhD thesis requires careful consideration of the requirements given by an institution for the different parts of a thesis. PhD students should always consult their handbooks to ensure that their theses meet the high academic standards required of them. This article discussed some key formatting issues and provided step-by-step instructions on some formatting options.

Comprehensive Guidelines for Writing a PhD Thesis Proposal (+ free checklist for PhD Students)

Grace Njeri-Otieno

Grace Njeri-Otieno is a Kenyan, a wife, a mom, and currently a PhD student, among many other balls she juggles. She holds a Bachelors' and Masters' degrees in Economics and has more than 7 years' experience with an INGO. She was inspired to start this site so as to share the lessons learned throughout her PhD journey with other PhD students. Her vision for this site is "to become a go-to resource center for PhD students in all their spheres of learning."

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What’s Included: The Dissertation Template

If you’re preparing to write your dissertation, thesis or research project, our free dissertation template is the perfect starting point. In the template, we cover every section step by step, with clear, straightforward explanations and examples .

The template’s structure is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research projects such as dissertations and theses. The template structure reflects the overall research process, ensuring your dissertation or thesis will have a smooth, logical flow from chapter to chapter.

The dissertation template covers the following core sections:

  • The title page/cover page
  • Abstract (sometimes also called the executive summary)
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures /list of tables
  • Chapter 1: Introduction  (also available: in-depth introduction template )
  • Chapter 2: Literature review  (also available: in-depth LR template )
  • Chapter 3: Methodology (also available: in-depth methodology template )
  • Chapter 4: Research findings /results (also available: results template )
  • Chapter 5: Discussion /analysis of findings (also available: discussion template )
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion (also available: in-depth conclusion template )
  • Reference list

Each section is explained in plain, straightforward language , followed by an overview of the key elements that you need to cover within each section. We’ve also included practical examples to help you understand exactly what’s required in each section.

The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX.

FAQs: Dissertation Template

What format is the template (doc, pdf, ppt, etc.).

The dissertation template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

What types of dissertations/theses can this template be used for?

The template follows the standard best-practice structure for formal academic research projects such as dissertations or theses, so it is suitable for the vast majority of degrees, particularly those within the sciences.

Some universities may have some additional requirements, but these are typically minor, with the core structure remaining the same. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalise your structure.

Will this work for a research paper?

A research paper follows a similar format, but there are a few differences. You can find our research paper template here .

Is this template for an undergrad, Masters or PhD-level thesis?

This template can be used for a dissertation, thesis or research project at any level of study. It may be slight overkill for an undergraduate-level study, but it certainly won’t be missing anything.

How long should my dissertation/thesis be?

This depends entirely on your university’s specific requirements, so it’s best to check with them. As a general ballpark, Masters-level projects are usually 15,000 – 20,000 words in length, while Doctoral-level projects are often in excess of 60,000 words.

What about the research proposal?

If you’re still working on your research proposal, we’ve got a template for that here .

We’ve also got loads of proposal-related guides and videos over on the Grad Coach blog .

How do I write a literature review?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack how to write a literature review from scratch. You can check out the literature review section of the blog here.

How do I create a research methodology?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack research methodology, both qualitative and quantitative. You can check out the methodology section of the blog here.

Can I share this dissertation template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template. If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, all we ask is that you reference this page as your source.

Can Grad Coach help me with my dissertation/thesis?

Within the template, you’ll find plain-language explanations of each section, which should give you a fair amount of guidance. However, you’re also welcome to consider our dissertation and thesis coaching services .

Free Webinar: Literature Review 101

Formatting your dissertation in Word

About this guide.

Learn how to use Word features effectively and efficiently:

  • basic templates
  • images, captions, and page numbers
  • front matter
  • work with styles and much more!

Before you start:

  • Participants should have basic experience using Microsoft Word. This workshop specifically uses Word 2016.

Note: See dissertation/thesis formatting and submission guidelines (PDF) from University of Minnesota Graduate Student Services and Progress (also see Thesis/dissertation submission and formatting  page).

Tutorials for formatting your dissertation in Word

Setting margins, formatting page numbers, changing fonts and spacing with styles, defining headings and heading styles, automatic page numbers, creating and applying word templates, inserting images, inserting captions and cross-references, keeping captions with their figures, copying charts from excel, adding a landscape page, adding front matter, adding a table of contents, adding a list of figures, sample documents.

The following documents and materials are used in the tutorials. You are welcome to use your own documents, or download ours.

  • Sample Chapter 1 Sample document to be used throughout the tutorials. It's currently unformatted text - you will be applying tutorials to the content.
  • Sample Chapter 2 Sample document to be used throughout the tutorials. It's currently unformatted text - you will be applying tutorials to the content.
  • Image 1 Sample image to be used in some of the tutorials.
  • Image 2 Sample image to be used in some of the tutorials.
  • Sample Chart Excel chart to be used in the tutorial Copying Charts from Excel.
  • Sample Front Matter Sample front matter layout with proper breaks and page numbering. Includes the following: - Title page - Copyright page - Acknowledgements (not required) - Dedication (not required) - Abstract (not required) - Table of contents - List of tables - List of figures - Other items - Placeholder for Chapter 1 content

Supplementary handouts and slides

The following materials can help supplement the tutorials, though they are not required.

Preview the document

Helpful tools and services from the Libraries

The Libraries offer many tools and services that you may find useful as you write your thesis or dissertation.

  • Citation Managers
  • Dissertation Calculator
  • Study Carrels
  • Thesis/Dissertation Submission and Formatting Guidelines
  • Full List of Researcher Support Services


Graduate College Formatting Guide

  • Page Numbers (Microsoft Word)
  • Page Numbers (Google Docs)
  • Page Breaks and Section Breaks
  • Headings, Subheadings, and Table of Contents (Microsoft Word)
  • Headings, Subheadings, and Table of Contents (Google Docs)
  • Inserting Tables and Figures
  • Comments and Track Changes
  • References, Bibliography, Works Cited
  • Landscape Pages & Special Materials

Setting the Normal Style

Set the "normal" style of font.

Before we can set up headings, we'll need to define the format of the text that  isn't  a heading. The "styles" in word set some default formatting for text. Setting up the "Normal" style will create a default font setting to keep the text uniform throughout the document. The Styles pane is located under the HOME tab.

the normal style is located on the HOME tab

Right click on the "Normal" style to open the Modify option.

right click on the normal style to modify the formatting

This will open a Modify Style Dialog Box. Start by changing the Paragraph formatting. This is located by selecting the Format drop down in the bottom left of the Dialog Box.

the paragraph styling is located under format in the bottom left of the dialog box

There are two things that should be set under the Paragraph settings. Under the INDENTS AND SPACING tab, check to turn on "Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style." Under the LINE AND PAGE BREAKS tab, check to turn on the "Widow/Orphan Control."

check the don't add space option and the widow/orphan control under the normal style paragraph settings

Once both of those have been set and you click "okay," you'll be returned to the Modify Style Dialog Box. Now we can set the font formatting. Select the font you wish to use throughout the document, change the font size to 12 point, ensure the line spacing is double spaced, and select the option to remove space between paragraphs (this is indicated by two lines pointing towards each other).

select the font you wish to use, change the size, double space the text, and keep lines together

Adding Headings & Subheadings

Inserting headings and subheadings.

Using the same technique we can create a standard for the various types of headings and subheadings used across the thesis. The Thesis & Dissertation Manual generally follows APA style for heading levels. In order to keep headings consistently correct and link the Table of Contents, the Styles function in Word is used. This is going to show you some examples of the formatting required for the headings and how to use the various heading levels. We'll also see how to use styles and update your Table of Contents. 

Modifying Heading Levels to Match Required Formatting

Level 1 headings.

Chapters will be linked to Heading Level 1. If you choose not to have chapters, you will use level 1 for your major headings (typically: Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, etc.). They should be typed in title case, center aligned, and bold. The number of the chapter can be in Arabic or Roman numerals or spelled out so long as it is consistently done throughout the document. The heading should be on one line, so if you are using chapters, it should look something like this:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Once you have formatted a chapter heading, select the text of the chapter heading then right click on Heading 1 in the Styles pane and select "Update Heading 1 to Match Selection." 

Screenshot of a level 2 heading formatted and highlighted and the heading 1 style menu opened up to select updated heading 1 to match selection

Adding More Level 1 Headings

Once you have formatted the first heading and updated the style, you simply need to type the new level 1 heading in title case and then, with your cursor in line with the heading, click on the heading 1 button in the styles pane to format it and link it for your table of contents. Make sure to use this feature every time to ensure all headings are properly linked to your table of contents.

Screenshot showing a new chapter title typed into a word document and the heading 1 button with a star over it

Level 2 Headings

Subsections of your major headings should be the next level down. Level 2 headings will be left aligned, bold, and title case. They should look like this:

Level 2 Heading

Once you have formatted a level 2 heading, select the text of the heading then right click on Heading 2 in the Styles pane and select "Update Heading 2 to Match Selection." 

Screenshot of a level 2 heading formatted and highlighted and the heading 2 style menu opened up to select updated heading 2 to match selection

Adding More Level 2 Headings

Once you have formatted the first heading and updated the style, you simply need to type the new level 2 heading in title case and then, with your cursor in line with the heading, click on the heading 2 button in the styles pane to format it and link it for your table of contents. Make sure to use this feature every time to ensure all headings are properly linked to your table of contents.

Screenshot showing a heading typed into a word document and the heading 2 button with a star over it

Level 3 Headings

If you wish to further subsection your paper, you will use level 3 headings. Level 3 headings will be bold italic, left aligned, and title case. They should look like this:

Level Three Heading

Once you have formatted a level 3 heading, select the text of the heading then right click on Heading 3 in the Styles pane and select "Update Heading 3 to Match Selection." 

Screenshot of a level 3 heading formatted and highlighted and the heading 3 style menu opened up to select updated heading 2 to match selection

Adding More Level 3 Headings

Once you have formatted the first heading and updated the style, you simply need to type the new level 3 heading in title case and then, with your cursor in line with the heading, click on the heading 3 button in the styles pane to format it and link it for your table of contents. Make sure to use this feature every time to ensure all headings are properly linked to your table of contents.

Screenshot showing a heading typed into a word document and the heading 3 button with a star over it

Level 4 & 5 Headings (and beyond)

It is common to find the first 3 heading levels in papers that are as long as a thesis or dissertation. Occasionally, you may find the need to go beyond those levels. It is important to note that for the thesis and dissertation, only the first 3 headings should be included in the table of contents. It is also recommended that you only use the styles function for the first 3 headings because they stand alone on their own line of text. The next heading levels will begin on the same line as the paragraph that starts that section which means that the style function will not work properly. If you were to link the heading, the entire paragraph will appear in your table of contents.

This means that you will need to, carefully, ensure you are formatting the headings manually. Each level should be consistently formatted the same way. APA has standards for levels 4 & 5 which are described here. For heading levels beyond level 5, you should pick a consistent formatting that clearly indicates they are a subsection of the level 5 heading. It is also recommended that you carefully evaluate if this level of heading is truly necessary for your writing.

Level 4 Heading

Level 4 headings will begin on the same line of the paragraph that makes up the section. It will be indented 0.5", much like a normal paragraph indent. The heading will be in title case and bold font with a period at the end of the heading:

            Level Four Heading Here.  Start the first sentence of the paragraph that follows the heading on the same line and continue typing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at pellentesque massa. Sed nec urna nec est efficitur iaculis. Etiam efficitur velit id dignissim eleifend. Duis euismod, nisi sed cursus sodales, sem nisi porttitor ante, eu dignissim justo tortor nec mauris.

Level 5 Heading

Level 5 headings will begin on the same line of the paragraph that makes up the section. It will be indented 0.5", much like a normal paragraph indent. The heading will be in title case and bold italic font with a period at the end of the heading:

            Level Five Heading Here.   Start the first sentence of the paragraph that follows the heading on the same line and continue typing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at pellentesque massa. Sed nec urna nec est efficitur iaculis. Etiam efficitur velit id dignissim eleifend. Duis euismod, nisi sed cursus sodales, sem nisi porttitor ante, eu dignissim justo tortor nec mauris.

Table of Contents

Once you have added headings and used the styles feature, you will be able to use the word function to "generate" a table of contents. You will need to type "Table of Contents" in bold font, centered at the top of the page you will be inserting your table of contents onto. Then, place your cursor on the next line

Table of Contents written in bold, centered on page

From the References tab, click on Table of Contents and select Custom Table of Contents...

Screenshot highlighting the reference tab, table of contents button, and custom table of contents

From the pop up window, you will want to change the tab leaders to (none) rather than the default. The rest of the default settings will be fine, so click ok once you've done so.

Screenshot of custom table of contents settings

This will populate your table of contents.

Screenshot of table of contents

From here, you will need to open the style pane to modify some of the formatting of the table of contents.

Screenshot showing how to open styles pane

You will need to locate TOC 1 and click on it, and select "modify" from the drop down list.

screenshot showing styles pane and selecting modify for TOC 1 style

TOC 1 style should be bold. If you've properly set up your "normal style" of font (see above), this should be the only modification to your TOC styles that you need to make. If the text is not properly set up and you need to further format it, you can do so from this window.

screenshot highlighting the text format options to modify for the TOC 1 style

If set up correctly, your table of contents should look like the image below.

screenshot of a sample table of contents

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  • Next: Headings, Subheadings, and Table of Contents (Google Docs) >>
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  • URL: https://guides.lib.uni.edu/grad-college-format
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The Ultimate Guide to Thesis Formatting

Crafting a well-formatted document: a comprehensive guide.

Crafting a well-formatted document is essential for academic excellence. This comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge and tools to ensure your work meets the highest standards. From mastering different formatting styles to creating a professional-looking document, this guide covers it all. Whether you’re starting your academic journey or refining your skills, this resource is invaluable. Demystify complexities and learn practical tips to elevate your work’s presentation. Unlock the secrets to creating a polished and visually appealing document that captivates readers. Are you ready to take your formatting skills to the next level? Let’s begin!.

Formatting Guidelines and Margins

When it comes to formatting guidelines and margins for academic work, especially thesis formatting, it is crucial to adhere to the recommended standards. The margins play a significant role in the overall presentation and readability of the document. Here are some key points to discuss:.

Recommended Margins for Thesis Formatting: Different institutions may have specific requirements regarding margins, but the standard practice is to use 1-inch margins on all sides. This ensures that there is enough white space around the text, making it easier to read and annotate.

Exceptions for Specific Schools or Disciplines: Some schools or disciplines may have exceptions to the standard margin guidelines. For example, certain fields like art or design may require wider margins to accommodate annotations or illustrations. It is essential to check with your institution or supervisor for any specific margin requirements.

Impact of Incorrect Margin Guidelines: Failing to adhere to the correct margin guidelines can have a negative impact on the overall presentation of your thesis. Improper margins can make the text look cramped or scattered, affecting the readability and aesthetic appeal of the document. It may also give the impression of a lack of attention to detail or disregard for academic standards.

Importance of Consistency in Margins: Consistency in margin widths throughout the document is crucial for a professional look. Varying margins can disrupt the flow of the text and create visual distractions for the reader. Maintaining uniform margins enhances the visual appeal and coherence of the thesis.

Utilizing White Space Effectively: Adequate margins provide white space around the text, which helps in emphasizing the content and improving readability. White space gives the eyes a resting place and prevents the document from appearing cluttered. It also allows for notes or comments to be added without overcrowding the main text.

Software Tools for Margin Management: Various word processing software offer tools to set and adjust margins easily. Utilizing these features can help ensure that your document meets the required margin specifications. Additionally, some software programs allow for different margin settings within the same document, which can be useful for accommodating diverse content types.

Paying attention to margin guidelines is a fundamental aspect of thesis formatting. By following the recommended standards, considering exceptions when necessary, and understanding the impact of incorrect margins, you can enhance the quality and professionalism of your academic work. Remember that margins are not just empty spaces but strategic elements that contribute to the overall visual appeal and readability of your thesis.

Style Guides and Resources

When it comes to academic writing, adhering to specific style guides is crucial. Different disciplines often have their own preferred style guides, such as APA for social sciences, MLA for humanities, and Chicago for history. It is essential for students to familiarize themselves with the appropriate style guide for their field of study to ensure their work meets the required standards.

In addition to style guides, students can also utilize library resources for formatting assistance. Many academic libraries offer workshops, online guides, and one-on-one consultations to help students with formatting their theses and dissertations. These resources can be invaluable in ensuring that the final document is well-organized and properly formatted.

Moreover, understanding the nuances of each style guide is crucial. For instance, APA style emphasizes clarity and conciseness, while MLA focuses on the proper citation of sources and formatting of papers. Chicago style, on the other hand, is known for its detailed approach to citation and bibliography. By mastering these style guides, students can elevate the quality of their academic writing and present their research in a professional manner.

Furthermore, students should pay attention to the specific requirements of their academic institutions. Some universities may have their own style guides or formatting preferences that students need to follow. It is important to consult with academic advisors or thesis committees to ensure that the final document meets all the necessary guidelines.

Acknowledging the contributions of others in the thesis is another critical aspect of academic writing. Properly citing sources not only avoids plagiarism but also gives credit to the original authors for their work. Additionally, recognizing the guidance and support received from advisors, mentors, and funding sources is essential in demonstrating academic integrity and ethical research practices.

In addition to utilizing style guides and library resources, students can also benefit from attending writing workshops and seeking feedback from peers and professors. These opportunities can help students refine their writing skills, improve their argumentation, and enhance the overall quality of their academic work.

Moreover, staying updated on the latest editions of style guides and any revisions to formatting requirements is essential for academic writers. Style guides evolve over time, and it is crucial for students to stay informed about any changes that may impact their writing.

Lastly, maintaining consistency throughout the thesis or dissertation is key. From formatting to citation styles, consistency helps create a cohesive and professional document that is easy to read and understand.

Mastering style guides, utilizing library resources, attending workshops, seeking feedback, staying updated on revisions, and maintaining consistency are all vital aspects of producing high-quality academic work. By incorporating these practices into their writing process, students can enhance the clarity, credibility, and impact of their theses and dissertations.

Structuring Your Thesis Document

Structuring Your Thesis Document is a critical aspect of academic writing that requires careful attention to detail and adherence to scholarly standards. A well-organized thesis not only effectively communicates your research findings but also showcases your ability to engage with complex ideas and present them in a coherent manner.

When considering the components of a well-formatted thesis, it is essential to understand the significance of each section. The title page, as the initial point of contact for readers, should not only contain basic information like the title of your work and your name but also reflect the professional nature of your research. Including details such as your institutional affiliation and any acknowledgments can add depth to your thesis.

The abstract, a concise summary of your research, plays a crucial role in capturing the essence of your study. It should succinctly outline the research problem, methodology, key findings, and conclusions. A well-crafted abstract entices readers to delve deeper into your thesis, making it a vital component of your document.

Moving beyond the introductory sections, the main body of your thesis should be structured logically to guide readers through your research journey. The literature review demonstrates your familiarity with existing scholarship and positions your work within the broader academic discourse. The methodology section provides transparency regarding your research approach, allowing readers to evaluate the validity of your findings.

Results and Discussions

Presenting your results and engaging in meaningful discussions are central to the impact of your thesis. Clearly articulating your findings, supported by relevant figures and tables, enhances the clarity and persuasiveness of your arguments. Visual representations can simplify complex data and aid in comprehension, making your research more accessible to a diverse audience.

As you approach the conclusion of your thesis, reflect on the implications of your research and suggest avenues for future exploration. A well-crafted conclusion not only summarizes your key findings but also highlights the broader significance of your work within the academic community.

Final Submission

Before final submission, meticulously review the formatting requirements and submission guidelines provided by your institution. Pay attention to details such as margins, font styles, citation formats, and reference lists to ensure compliance with academic standards. Proofreading your thesis for grammatical errors and coherence is equally important to present a polished and professional document.

By structuring your thesis document with precision and adhering to the prescribed guidelines, you demonstrate your commitment to academic excellence and contribute meaningfully to your field of study. Embrace the opportunity to showcase your research skills and intellectual rigor through a well-structured and meticulously formatted thesis.

Finalizing Thesis Format

When finalizing your thesis, it’s essential to pay attention to various details to ensure your document meets the required standards. Converting your thesis to PDF/A format is crucial for long-term preservation. PDF/A is specifically designed for archiving electronic documents, making it ideal for preserving your thesis exactly as you intended for future reference.

In addition to the file format, the preferred font and page size specifications play a significant role in the overall presentation of your thesis. Different academic institutions and publishers may have specific guidelines regarding font styles, sizes, and page dimensions. Adhering to these specifications not only ensures compliance but also enhances the readability and professionalism of your thesis.

Moreover, consider the layout and structure of your thesis. Organizing your content logically, with clear headings and subheadings, improves the flow of information and helps readers navigate through your work effortlessly. Proper formatting, such as consistent spacing, indents, and alignment, contributes to the overall visual appeal of your thesis.

When it comes to references and citations, follow the required citation style meticulously. Whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago, or any other style, accurate referencing is crucial for academic integrity. Utilize citation management tools to efficiently manage your references and create bibliographies.

Furthermore, proofreading is a critical step in finalizing your thesis. Check for grammatical errors, typos, and formatting inconsistencies. Consider seeking feedback from peers, professors, or professional editors to ensure the quality of your work.

Before submitting your thesis, review the formatting guidelines provided by your institution or publisher. Make any necessary adjustments to align with the specified requirements.

In addition to the mentioned aspects, it’s important to consider the visual elements of your thesis. Incorporating relevant images, graphs, or tables can enhance the understanding of your research findings. Ensure that these visual aids are clear, properly labeled, and support the content of your thesis.

Moreover, pay attention to the overall coherence and argumentative structure of your thesis. Each section should flow logically into the next, building a cohesive narrative that supports your research objectives and conclusions.

Lastly, consider the accessibility of your thesis. Ensure that your document is compatible with assistive technologies for readers with disabilities. Providing alternative text for images and ensuring proper heading structures can improve the accessibility of your thesis.

Finalizing your thesis requires meticulous attention to detail across various aspects, including formatting, citations, visual elements, coherence, and accessibility. By addressing these components comprehensively, you can present a well-crafted thesis that effectively communicates your research and academic contributions.

When working on a thesis, there are several essential elements that one must consider to ensure a well-rounded and comprehensive final document. These elements not only contribute to the academic integrity of the thesis but also help in presenting the research in a structured and organized manner. Three key elements that are crucial in any thesis are acknowledgments and appendixes, proper bibliography formatting, and understanding the thesis structure.

Acknowledgments and Appendixes

Acknowledgments are a way to express gratitude to those who have supported and contributed to the research and thesis writing process. It is important to acknowledge any funding sources, academic advisors, research participants, or anyone else who has played a significant role. Appendixes, on the other hand, are used to include additional information that is relevant but not essential to the main body of the thesis. This could include raw data, lengthy technical details, or supplementary material.

Proper Bibliography Formatting

A well-formatted bibliography is crucial in any academic work, including a thesis. Proper citation and referencing not only give credit to the original authors but also lend credibility to the research. Different academic disciplines may follow specific citation styles such as APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard. It is essential to adhere to the required citation style consistently throughout the thesis.

Understanding the Thesis Structure

A thesis typically follows a specific structure that includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Understanding this structure is vital in organizing the content logically and cohesively. The introduction sets the stage for the research, the literature review provides context and background, the methodology explains how the research was conducted, the results present the findings, the discussion interprets the results, and the conclusion summarizes the key points.

In addition to these key elements, it is also important to consider the significance of originality and critical thinking in a thesis. Originality refers to the novelty and uniqueness of the research conducted. It is essential for a thesis to contribute new knowledge or insights to the field of study. Critical thinking, on the other hand, involves analyzing information objectively, evaluating arguments, and forming reasoned judgments. Incorporating originality and critical thinking in a thesis demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject matter and showcases the researcher’s intellectual capabilities.

Moreover, the clarity and coherence of the thesis writing are paramount. Clear and concise writing enhances the readability of the document and helps convey the research findings effectively. It is important to use appropriate language, structure sentences logically, and ensure smooth transitions between ideas and sections. Proofreading and editing the thesis thoroughly can help eliminate errors and improve the overall quality of the writing.

A well-crafted thesis that incorporates acknowledgments and appendixes, proper bibliography formatting, understanding of the thesis structure, originality, critical thinking, and clear writing can make a significant impact in the academic community. By paying attention to these essential elements and aspects of thesis writing, researchers can produce scholarly work that contributes meaningfully to their field of study.

Mastering the art of thesis formatting is essential for any graduate student, and understanding how to craft a compelling scientific abstract is a crucial component of this process. As we’ve explored in this guide, a well-written abstract can significantly impact the reception of your research. By following the key sections outlined in the provided resource on writing scientific abstracts, you can enhance the clarity and impact of your work. Remember, practice makes perfect, so take the time to refine your abstract-writing skills. For more detailed guidance on crafting effective scientific abstracts, visit Avidnote . Start honing your abstract-writing skills today to make your research stand out in the academic world.

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Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word

  • Front Matter
  • Introduction
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication, Acknowledgements, & Preface
  • Headings and Subheadings
  • Citations and Bibliography
  • Page Numbers
  • Tables and Figures
  • Rotated (Landscape) Pages
  • Table of Contents
  • Lists of Tables and Figures
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Some Things to Watch For
  • PDF with Embedded Fonts

Front matter

The front matter of the thesis is everything that comes before Chapter 1. The table below lists the parts and tells what is required and what needs a page number. The video below that gives a demonstration of how to add the front matter to the thesis.

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  • Next: Copyright Page >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 21, 2024 2:35 PM
  • URL: https://guides.umd.umich.edu/Word_for_Theses

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Microsoft Word Resume Templates and Examples: Free Download

Ready to start or update your resume? The next step of your career starts with a Microsoft Word resume template! Our 2024 resume templates for Word are designed by experts to showcase your skills and experience in a polished, organized document.

Kellie Hanna, CPRW

As seen in: * Foot Note

Featured Microsoft Word resume templates

Our Microsoft Word resume templates are professionally designed to highlight your career qualifications and guide the reader’s eyes to your strongest skills. Plus, they are easy to use and customizable, with our Resume Builder providing pre-written content suggestions tailored to your industry.


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This Word resume template provides a streamlined look, topped with an attention-grabbing color header. The  two-column resume layout  gives you plenty of space to expand on your work history and skills.

Present yourself as a proactive, strong candidate using this Microsoft resume template, featuring bold fonts and a colorful two-column design.

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Section headings are highlighted using box graphics, while the monogram design for the header adds a unique touch to this Word resume template.

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  • Visually striking
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  • Photo of job seeker may be inappropriate for many job applications

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  • Easy to get cluttered if you have a lot of information to present
  • Looks a little plain compared to other layouts

Polished Word Resume Template

  • Bold section headings make for quick navigation
  • Color header makes for a strong statement
  • Icons at bottom are a unique graphic element, but leave less room for the rest of your resume
  • Black font against the header’s red background may be difficult for some to read

Columns Word Resume Template

  • Unusual “homemade” look
  • Each section neatly organized
  • Might not be appropriate for more professional jobs
  • Large header cuts down on space to feature your qualifications

Color Block Word Resume Template

  • Colors jump off the page
  • Summary and contact information prominently displayed
  • Not much room to feature  skills  and  work experience
  • Color combination might not work for everyone

Clean Elegant Word Resume Template

  • Color background helps your resume stand out
  • Creative  layout
  • Layout lacks room for summary and complete skills section
  • Using “skill level bars” may throw off readers and ATS

Minimalist Word Resume Template

  • Intriguing “centered” layout
  • Highlights important  skills
  • Unorthodox sections may confuse recruiters
  • Outdated  references  section

Geometric Word Resume Template

  • Attractive minimalist design
  • Subtle but effective graphic elements
  • Limited space to present your credentials
  • Packing in information can lead to “unbalanced” look

Swiss Design Word Resume Template

  • Highlights the  summary statement
  • Contact info can be difficult to find
  • Skills section is deemphasized

Contemporary Word Resume Template

  • Striking visual design
  • Plenty of space for  work experience
  • Employers and  ATS  may be confused by “About Me” section
  • Skill “ratings” may not appeal to everyone

How to create a Microsoft Word resume using our templates

Creating a resume using our Resume Builder takes only a few minutes. Just follow these steps:

Select your professionally designed template.

Open our Resume Builder and choose a template from our library to fit your personality and industry. You’ll be able to save as a resume template in Microsoft Word format.

My Perfect Resume Choose A Resume Template E1715378545860

Build or update your resume with AI help.

Start a new resume or elevate your current one with our expert suggestions tailored to the latest trends in your industry. You’ll have the flexibility to add your own information or edit our suggestions to create a custom, professional resume that highlights your unique strengths and experiences.

My Perfect Resume Prewritten Suggestions E1715378604670

Save and download your finished resume

Complete the process — don’t forget to proofread!— and save your optimized resume. Download it as a Word document and you’re done! 

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See What Job Seekers are Saying About Our Excellent Builder

5 tips for your microsoft word resume.

1. Make sure your formatting is consistent.

The easy way to check your Word template resume layout is to display all the formatting marks for your resume. Just go to the “home” tab of your Microsoft Word screen and click the paragraph icon.

Now you’ll see how tabs, spaces and paragraph returns are used in your document. Make sure your formatting is consistent throughout, and when you’re ready to save the document, click the paragraph icon again to return to normal view.

2. Stick with a straightforward layout.

You might be tempted to use special graphic elements in your Word resume template to gussy it up, but employers (and the  applicant tracking systems  (ATS) they use to scan resumes) will find it easier to read your resume if you use simple lines and bullet points.

3. Give yourself some space.

What’s not in your resume can be just as important as what’s in your resume — aim to create an easy-to-read document by using white space in a smart way. Don’t clutter up your Word resume template with too much text; use peppy bullet points and phrases, and use margins that are at least 1 inch from the edges of the document. To see how experts in your field space their resume, visit out resume examples  page.

4. Links can be handy.

If you want to point employers towards a job network profile (e.g., LinkedIn) or a professional portfolio site, be sure to link the text of your Word resume. Highlight the URL you want to link to, go to the “Insert” tab on your Word screen, and click on the “Links” icon. Then enter the link to the URL.

5. Focus on the content.

While putting together a resume that looks its best is important, what you put in your resume is just as important. Make sure you have the right format for your Word resume template, with the help of our resume formats guide, and make sure each section of the resume addresses exactly what the employer needs — our handy guide on how to write a resume will give you all the tips you need.

Microsoft Word Resume Template FAQ

Yes, Microsoft Word provides templates to create a resume, as featured on this page. You can also use our own Microsoft Word-friendly resume templates to create your resume. Just follow the instructions above for constructing your resume using our Builder.

To create a resume using a Microsoft Word resume template, follow these steps:

Choose your template in Word.  To create your resume from scratch, click “File” in your Microsoft Word menu (you can also hit Alt+F on a PC or Command+F on a Mac). Click “More templates” to see a selection of Word resume template layouts. You’ll notice that the following screen also has a “Resumes and Cover Letters” option — click it to see a complete set of resumes. You can also enter “resume” in the “Search for online templates” box.

Choose Word Template

Create your resume.  Once you’ve picked a Word resume template, click it. You should see this screen. Click “Create” to continue.

Create Resume

Fill out your resume.  Add your information to the Word resume template.

Fill Resume

Save your resume.  Hit Ctrl+S (or Command+S on a Mac) to save your document. If you need to save your resume in a file format other than Word, click “More options …” On the next screen, you can choose to export your resume in PDF format by clicking “Export” or save it in a different file format (e.g., RTF).

Save File Resume

The best Word resume template for your resume is ATS-friendly, easy to read, visually appealing, and highlights the individual experience as well as hard skills and soft skills .

If you’re applying in a traditional industry, go for a resume template that has a neat, streamlined appearance.  For a more creative job, look into using a template with a bit more color and flair. Our Word resume templates are designed to showcase your career and style. You can choose the one that catches your eye, and it’ll get the job done. For more tips about putting together the perfect resume, visit our resume-writing resources section .

Our Word resume templates have a dedicated section for your work experience. Simply replace the filler text with your information. Use the job description to  create a targeted resume  for your Word template and combine  action verbs  with your  quantifiable achievements  to build a powerful document.

Not at all. Most employers prefer to have resumes sent to them as a Microsoft Word file. Just remember to review your resume before you send it in. Make sure your information is up to date, contains skills and work experience information that addresses what the job requires, and is neatly organized. The easy way to make sure your resume looks its best is to print it out — as long as it looks good in print form, it should look fine when you submit it electronically.

For free templates, visit our templates section — you’ll find a host of free templates of all types you can download and use to create your own resume. Our templates are ready-made to be downloaded in Microsoft Word or other formats such as  PDF  or  plain text .

Use our ATS Resume Checker to get rid of the guesswork. Upload your finished Word resume template and our ATS Resume Checker will provide it a score out of 100, suggestions on what to fix and what areas to improve. The closer you can get to 100, the higher the chance your resume will make it past the application tracking system and into a hiring manager’s hands.

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  • Build your resume with our industry-specific bullet points
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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, what's the format for writing a college essay.

Hi everyone! I'm starting to work on my college essays and I'm not sure how to format them. How should I organize my thoughts and present my ideas? Any tips or resources that could help me out? Thanks!

Hi there! It's important to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all format for a college essay, but there are some general guidelines to follow to ensure a well-written and engaging piece.

1. Introduction:

Begin with a hook that captures the reader's attention. This could be a compelling anecdote, a provocative statement, or a thought-provoking question. Then, briefly introduce the main topic of your essay and provide some context for the rest of the piece. Remember that the introduction should be concise and engaging to ensure the reader wants to continue reading.

2. Body paragraphs:

The body of your essay should present your main ideas and supporting arguments. Each paragraph should focus on a single point, and begin with a topic sentence that clearly states the main idea of the paragraph. Provide specific examples, anecdotes, or evidence to support your point, and then analyze or explain the significance of each example.

Remember to use clear, concise language and vary your sentence structure to keep your writing engaging. Use transitions to smoothly connect paragraphs and maintain a logical flow of ideas.

3. Conclusion:

Wrap up your essay by summarizing your main points and restating your thesis or central idea in a slightly different way. Reflect on your essay topic in the broader context, perhaps connecting it to your personal growth, future goals, or the world at large. The conclusion should give the reader a sense of closure and leave a lasting impression.

Some additional tips:

- Stick to the word limit, usually between 250 and 650 words for most college essay prompts.

- Use a readable font (such as Times New Roman or Arial) and employ proper formatting (1-inch margins, double-spaced text) unless otherwise specified.

- Proofread your essay and have someone else (teacher, counselor, or peer) review it for grammar, spelling, and clarity.

- Avoid generic or cliché topics and focus on presenting a unique perspective or telling a specific, personal story.

- Be genuine in your writing, showcasing your voice and personal experiences.

In terms of resources, consider using writing guides and sample essays available online, such as from CollegeVine, or asking for help from your school's writing center. Good luck with your essay writing!

About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ

CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.

How to Write an Explanatory Essay

How to Write an Explanatory Essay

  • Smodin Editorial Team
  • Published: May 24, 2024

A study from the English Language Teaching Educational Journal found that students encounter difficulty in organizing thoughts, generating ideas, and understanding writing processes when writing essays [1]. These are all key components of putting together a good explanatory essay. If this sounds like you, then don’t worry.

With the right approach, you can seamlessly combine all these components. This guide will give you a simple step-by-step strategy for writing an explanatory essay. It’ll also give you handy writing tips and tool suggestions, like utilizing artificial intelligence.

With this guide, you’ll be able to write an explanatory essay with confidence.

1. Develop a strong thesis statement

Crafting a strong thesis statement is the cornerstone of any well-written explanatory essay. It sets the stage for what your essay will cover and clarifies the main point you’re going to explain. Here’s how to create a thesis:

  • Find the main idea : Start by pinpointing the key concept or question you want to explain. Develop a clear purpose for the essay. This will guide your research and writing process for your explanatory paper. Use other reputable explanatory essay examples to guide your ideas. This may involve exploring other explanatory essay topics within the same field.
  • Be specific : A vague thesis can confuse readers. So, make sure your statement is clear. If you’re explaining a complex process, break it down to its key points. After that, break it into a clear, concise statement that’s easy to understand.
  • Reflect objectivity : Explanatory essays educate and inform. They do not argue a point. So, your thesis should take an unbiased stance on the topic. It should present the facts as they are, not as you interpret them.
  • Use tools like the Smodin Writer : Smodin Writer does all the heavy lifting by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence. With it, you can generate an essay with a thesis statement. How, you ask? Through its dedicated thesis generator . It can create a statement that’s both strong and relevant. Plus, it can pull in all the most interesting information based on your topic to further enrich your thesis statement.

Make your thesis clear, informative, and neutral. This sets a strong foundation for an effective explanatory essay. Next, let’s look at how to gather the information you’ll need to support this thesis effectively.

2. Research and gather information

You need to conduct thorough research that will back your thesis with credible sources and relevant evidence. This will make your explanatory essay both informative and persuasive. Here’s a step-by-step guide to conducting effective research:

  • Start with a plan: Put together an explanatory essay outline that includes the information you need to support your thesis. The plan should list the best sources, like academic journals, books, reputable websites, or scholarly articles.
  • Use credible sources: They ensure the accuracy of your essay. Libraries, academic databases, and certified websites are excellent places to find trustworthy information.
  • Seek detailed information: Look for the most current sources that explain your topic well and provide unique insights related to or opposing your thesis statement. This depth is crucial for explaining complex ideas clearly and thoroughly in your explanatory papers. Pay attention to the explanatory essay structure to guide your topic of choice (more on this later).
  • Gather relevant evidence: Collect data, stats, and examples. They should directly support your main points. Make sure this evidence is directly related to your topic and enhances your narrative.
  • Employ digital tools: Tools like Smodin’s Research Assistant can accelerate your research process. Smodin’s tools can help you find detailed information quickly, ensuring that the data you use is up-to-date and relevant.
  • Document your sources: As you conduct research, keep a meticulous record of where your information comes from. This practice will help you make an accurate bibliography. It can save you time when you need to refer back to details or verify facts. Again, this is something that’s covered thanks to Smodin’s Citation Machine.
  • Evaluate your findings: Critically assess the information you collect. Ensure it provides a balanced view and covers the necessary aspects of your topic to give a comprehensive overview of your essay.

By following these steps, you can gather a rich pool of information that provides a strong backbone for your explanatory essay. Now, you can start structuring your findings into well-organized body paragraphs.

3. Structure body paragraphs

Once you’ve gathered relevant evidence through thorough research, it’s time to organize it. You should put it into well-structured body paragraphs that follow a logical flow. Here’s how to structure each body paragraph for a strong explanatory essay:

  • Decide how many paragraphs to use : It will depend on your topic’s complexity and the needed detail. Typically, three to five paragraphs are suitable, but longer essays may require more. An explanatory essay example on your topic of choice will be helpful.
  • Start with a topic sentence : Each body paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. This sentence will act as a roadmap for the paragraph, giving the reader a sense of what to expect.
  • Provide supporting evidence : After the topic sentence, share the evidence from your research. Ensure the evidence is relevant and directly supports the paragraph’s topic sentence.
  • Give a detailed explanation : Follow the evidence with an analysis or explanation that ties it back to the thesis statement. This step is crucial for maintaining logical flow throughout your body paragraphs.
  • Use linking words : They connect body paragraphs smoothly, ensuring the reader can follow your argument.
  • End each body paragraph with a closing sentence : It should sum up the point and move to the next idea.

Following this structure will help your body paragraphs support your thesis. These paragraphs will also offer a clear, detailed explanation of your essay topic. Strong body paragraphs are essential to maintain objectivity in your writing.

4. Maintain objectivity

An explanatory essay aims to inform and educate, which makes maintaining objectivity crucial. Staying neutral lets readers form their own opinions based on facts. This ensures the writing is both reliable and informative. Here’s how to maintain objectivity:

  • Avoid personal opinions: Your goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Refrain from injecting your personal opinion or biases. Instead, stick to presenting factual information that supports the thesis.
  • Use relevant evidence: As mentioned, ground your arguments with relevant evidence from credible sources. Back up your main points with data and use research findings and verified details. This will make the explanatory article trustworthy.
  • Provide a balanced view: In cases with multiple perspectives, offer a balanced view. Cover each side fairly. Even if one view prevails in consensus, acknowledging others gives readers a broader understanding.
  • Adopt neutral language: Be careful with word choice and tone. Neutral language implies words that don’t encourage or illustrate bias. This helps avoid emotionally charged phrases and keeps the writing objective.
  • Cite sources accurately: Proper citation of sources provides accountability for the evidence presented. This transparency builds credibility and shows you’ve conducted research thoroughly. It’s also worth noting that different intuitions have different citation styles like APA and Chicago, which is important to note before starting your essay.
  • Review for biases: After drafting your essay, review it with an eye for biases. Ensure no part leans too much on one viewpoint. And, don’t dismiss an opposing perspective without cause.

Maintaining objectivity enhances the clarity and reliability of explanatory writing. Let’s now focus on crafting an introduction and conclusion that bookend your work effectively.

5. Craft an effective introduction and conclusion

A good introduction and a strong conclusion frame your explanatory essay. They give context at the start and reinforce the main points at the end. Here’s how to craft an effective introduction and conclusion.

In the introduction:

  • Hook your reader in the introduction : Use an interesting fact, a compelling quote, or a surprising statistic.
  • Provide background information : Be brief and offer only the essential context the reader needs to fully understand the topic. This should give the audience a foundational understanding before diving deeper into your main points.
  • Include the thesis statement : Clearly state your thesis near the end of the introduction. This statement will outline the essay’s direction and give readers a preview of the body paragraphs.

In the conclusion:

  • Summarize the key points : Start your explanatory essay conclusion with a summary. It should cover the main points from the body paragraphs. This summary should help readers recall and reinforce the information they’ve just read.
  • Restate the thesis : Repeat your thesis again but in a new way. Explain how the evidence from the body paragraphs supported or clarified it.
  • Provide a conclusion : End the essay with a statement that wraps up the argument. This statement should resonate with the reader. It should leave them with an impression that stresses the topic’s importance.

An effective introduction and conclusion give the essay structure and coherence. They guide readers from start to finish. The next step is revising and editing your entire essay for clarity and precision.

6. Revise and check clarity

Revising and editing are key in writing. They make sure your essay is clear, joined, and polished. Here’s how to refine your writing using an explanatory essay checklist and proven academic writing techniques:

  • Take a break: Before diving into revisions, step away from your essay for a few hours or even a day. This break will help you return with fresh eyes, making it easier to spot errors or inconsistencies.
  • Follow an essay checklist: Create or use a checklist to ensure your essay has all the needed parts. It needs a strong intro with a clear thesis, well-structured body paragraphs, good sources, and a short conclusion. Check that your arguments follow a logical flow and that all relevant evidence is directly linked to your thesis statement.
  • Check for clarity and conciseness: Academic writing needs clarity. So, make sure each paragraph and sentence conveys your point. Don’t use unnecessary jargon or overly complex language. Keep sentences concise while maintaining detailed explanations of your main points.
  • Verify facts and citations: Make sure all facts, data, and quotes in the essay are accurate. Also, check that they are cited in the required academic style (e.g. MLA, APA). Improper citations can undermine the credibility of your writing.
  • Review the grammar and style: Look for common grammar mistakes, punctuation errors, and awkward phrasing. Reading the essay aloud can help catch odd sentence structures or confusing wording.
  • Seek feedback: Share your essay with a peer or use online tools to get constructive criticism. A second perspective can highlight issues you might have missed.

These editing steps will help you produce a polished essay that clearly explains your main points and holds up to academic scrutiny.

Explanatory Essay Format

Understanding the explanatory essay format is key to a well-structured and logical paper. Here’s a basic breakdown of the format for an explanatory essay:

Introduction paragraph

  • Begin with an interesting sentence to capture the reader’s attention.
  • Give a short intro. It should set the topic and outline the essay’s purpose.
  • Present a clear thesis statement summarizing the main idea of the entire essay.

Body paragraphs

  • Organize the body paragraphs around logical subtopics related to the essay topic.
  • Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that aligns with the thesis.
  • Show evidence from good sources. Also, give key details for each main point.
  • Incorporate a robust concluding statement per paragraph that drives home your point and links to the ideas in the next paragraph/section.
  • Summarize the key points.
  • Provide a final statement that reinforces the main idea without introducing new information.
  • Craft a concluding statement that leaves your teacher or professor with a lasting impression.

Following this essay outline ensures that your paper has a clear flow. This makes it easy for readers to understand and follow your argument.

Write Better Explanatory Essays With Smodin

Explanatory essays can be overwhelming. Presenting a solid argument, keeping your professor or teacher interested, and remembering conventions like citations can be a real headache.

But, a strong thesis and thorough research make them easier. Well-structured body paragraphs also help deliver a clear, insightful essay that maintains objectivity. Just remember to revise and check for accuracy!

AI-powered platforms like Smodin simplify and enhance the process of writing explanatory essays.

Smodin’s tools help craft clear and well-structured essays that meet any of your academic standards. With Smodin’s advanced research capabilities, you can gather detailed and relevant information quickly. This will save you time and improve your work.

  • Plagiarism Checker : Ensure your essay maintains originality with Smodin’s plagiarism detection tool. This feature helps maintain academic integrity by checking your work against vast databases.
  • Auto Citation : Cite your sources accurately without the hassle. Smodin’s auto-citation tool ensures your references are in the right format and meet your academic institution’s rules.
  • Text Shortener : If your explanatory essay is too long, use Smodin’s AI writer as an essay shortener. It will help you cut your content without losing key details. This helps keep your essay clear and relevant.
  • Text Rewriter : Helps paraphrase existing content, ensuring uniqueness and a fresh perspective.
  • Summarizer : The Summarizer boils down long articles into short summaries. They are perfect for making an efficient outline or conclusion.

format thesis in word

Make your Word documents accessible to everyone

This guide provides step-by-step instructions and best practices to ensure your Word documents are accessible, making your content available to everyone. 

Accessibility Assistant helps you to address accessibility issues as you write your document. It guides you on how to add an alt text to images, allowing people using screen readers to understand the image content. Additionally, it provides tips on using fonts, colors, and styles to make your Word documents more inclusive.

Note:  Accessibility Assistant is now available exclusively for Microsoft Word on Windows. The features and instructions mentioned in this article apply only to the Windows version of Microsoft Word.

In this article 

Check accessibility while you work in word .

Use accessible font color   

Add alt text to visuals  

Use table headers 

Avoid using fixed-width tables 

Use the built-in title, subtitle, and heading styles  

Create paragraph banners   

Add accessible hyperlink text and screen Tips 

Create accessible lists 

Adjust space between sentences and paragraphs   

Test accessibility with an Immersive Reader  

The Accessibility Assistant is a tool that reviews your content and flags accessibility issues in your document. In Word, the Accessibility Assistant automatically runs in the background, detecting accessibility issues and sending reminders in the status bar. 

Select Review and then Check Accessibility to open the accessibility pane, where you can review and fix accessibility issues. 

To use the features described in this article, open a new document in Word or access an existing one. 

Use accessible font colors 

The text in your document should be easy to read, with enough contrast against the background color. 

Go to the Home tab or press Alt+H .

A screenshot shows the location of the High contrast only toggle button.

To see only the colors that have enough contrast, select the High-contrast only and toggle to turn on high-contrast mode.

When you hover over any color choice in the color picker, a tooltip will indicate whether the selected color has low or good contrast with the background.

The Accessibility Assistant flags text colors with poor contrast and provides suggestions to improve them.

Add alt text to the visuals  

Alt text helps users who are blind or have low vision understand the content of visual elements. These visual elements include pictures, SmartArt graphics, shapes, groups, charts, embedded objects, ink, and videos. 

Click on the image, video, or any other visual content in the document.

Right-click on the visual content and select View Alt Text from the context menu.

In the right pane, select Alt Text , Type a description for the visual content in one or two sentences.

Note:  If the visual content is decorative, then select the Mark as decorative checkbox 

Avoid using images with text to convey essential information. If you do, put the same text in the document.

Use alt text to briefly describe the image and text and why they are there.

Write an accurate and short alt text that explains the content and function of the image.

A few words are often enough. Don't write more than a sentence or two.

Don't repeat the text around the image; use "a graphic of" or "an image of."

For audio and video, use alt text and closed captions for those who are deaf or have a hearing disability.

Make diagrams into pictures and add alt text. Avoid grouping objects in diagrams, as they will remain in tab order.

Use table headers 

Use a simple table structure with column headers. Nested tables, empty cells and merged or split cells may confuse the reader, making it hard to convey useful information. 

In the left pane, select Insert .

Click on the Table button. A drop-down menu will appear.

Select the number of rows and columns by dragging your cursor over the grid.

Once the table is inserted, click inside the first row of the table.

when you select the table, the Table Design tab will appear on the ribbon tab.

Check the box labeled Header Row in the Table Style Options section.

When you select the table, the Table Desig n tab will appear with the cursor in the first row.

Check the box labeled Header Ro w in the Table Style Option s section.

A screenshot displays the header row's location.

This will format the first row as the header row.

Avoid using fixed-width tables  

Using fixed-width tables in Word files can cause several accessibility issues. They don't adjust well to different screen sizes or zoom levels, making content hard to read on mobile devices or when zooming in. Screen readers may struggle with the fixed structure, leading to confusion for visually impaired users. 

Fixed-width tables can also cause text to overflow or get cut off, making it difficult to access all the information. 

Additionally, because screen magnifiers only enlarge a portion of the screen, cutting off content or requiring excessive scrolling, users who use the screen magnifiers may find it challenging to view the content properly. For better accessibility, use flexible widths and ensure a clear table structure. 

Use the built-in title, subtitle, and heading styles  

Use the built-in title and subtitle styles for your document's title and subtitle. These styles are designed to be easily scanned both visually and with assistive technology. Headings should provide a well-defined structure and serve as navigational landmarks 

Select the text that you want to format as a title.

Click on the Home tab or press Alt+H .

Select the required style from the Styles group.

A screenshot which shows the location of styles group.

Note:  Organize headings in the prescribed logical order; do not skip heading levels. For example, use Heading 1 , Heading 2 , and then Heading 3 , rather than Heading 3 , Heading 1 , and then Heading 2 . 

For the step-by-step instructions on how to use the headings and styles, see:  Improve accessibility with heading styles .  

Create paragraph banners 

In Word, a paragraph banner is a visual element often used to emphasize or highlight a specific paragraph within a document. It typically consists of a horizontal line, or a decorative border placed above or below the paragraph. 

This formatting technique helps draw attention to the paragraph, making it stand out from the surrounding text. Paragraph banners can be customized with different line styles, colors, and thicknesses to suit the document's design and purpose.  

Select the text that you want to apply shading to.

Go to the Home tab.

Select the Shading button in the Paragraph group.

A screenshot which shows the location of shading menu.

Open the Shading menu and choose the desired color from the options provided.

Add accessible hyperlink text and ScreenTips 

People who use screen readers have the option to scan a list of links in the document. Links should convey clear and accurate information about the destination. You can also add ScreenTips that appear when your cursor hovers over text or images that include a hyperlink.  

For the step-by-step instructions on how to create accessible hyperlinks and ScreenTips, go to  Create accessible links in Word  and  Create or edit a hyperlink .  

Highlight the text or picture that you want to add a link to.

Go to the Inser t tab.

Click on the Hyperlink button or press Ctrl+K .

To link an existing file or web page: 

Go to the “Link to” section and select Existing File or Web Page .

Enter the webpage's address or select the file you want to link to.

To link a place in the same document: 

Go to the "Link to" section and select Place in This Document .

A list of locations within the document will appear; from the list, select the Headings or Bookmarks that you want to link to.

Click on the Text to display and provide definitive and accurate information about the link destination, then select OK.

Note:  Avoid using link texts such as “click here,” “see this page,” “go here,” or “learn more.” Instead, include the destination page's full title. 

Create accessible lists  

To make documents easier for screen readers, use small chunks like bulleted or numbered lists. Avoid plain paragraphs in the middle of lists to prevent confusion. This ensures accurate navigation and enhances readability for all users. 

Bulleted List: 

Place your cursor where you want to start the bulleted list.

Click on the Bullets button in the Paragraph group.

Type your list items. Press Ente r after each item to create a new bullet point.

Numbered List: 

Place your cursor where you want to start the numbered list.

Click on the Numbering button in the Paragraph group.

Type your list items. Press Enter after each item to create a new numbered point.

Multilevel List: 

Place your cursor where you want to start the multilevel list.

Click on the Multilevel List button in the Paragraph group.

Choose the type of multilevel list you want to create from the list styles provided.

Type your list items. Press Enter after each item to create a new point. To create a sub-level item, press the Tab key before typing.

Adjust the spacing between sentences and paragraphs 

Text can appear to “blend together” on a page (the lines of text squeeze into each other). To make reading easier, you can increase the line spacing between sentences and add space before or after paragraphs. 

Select one or more paragraphs to adjust the space.

A screenshot, which shows the line and paragraph spacing options.

Note:  It is recommended to use a line spacing of 1.5 in the Word file.

From the dropdown menu, select the desired line and paragraph spacing.

For the step-by-step instructions on how to adjust the spacing, go to  Adjust indents and spacing in Word .  

Test accessibility with an Immersive Reader 

Immersive Reader in Microsoft Word enhances readability with features like Read Aloud , Text Spacing , Syllable Breakdown, and Line Focus . Access it via the View tab and select Immersive Reader .  

For more information, visit the  Use Immersive Reader in Word . 

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  1. Create a Thesis Outline in Word: Easy Steps to Get Started

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  2. 45 Perfect Thesis Statement Templates (+ Examples) ᐅ TemplateLab

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  3. Template for Stanford Thesis Template

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  4. How to format a complete thesis in MS Word

    format thesis in word

  5. Microsoft Word Thesis Template Database

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  6. Thesis Format

    format thesis in word


  1. Thesis Table Format

  2. GCUF Thesis Format in Word guide with cross-referencing (automatic numbering)

  3. Office 365- Thesis and Reports formatting in MS Word

  4. Using Heading Styles in Thesis Formatting

  5. How to write & format your thesis & dissertation the easy & best way ~ Unimats Automation Part 5

  6. How to Format thesis using MS Word


  1. Formatting in MS Word

    Manual formatting of TOC. To add right-aligned tabs with leaders: From the Home tab, open the Paragraph settings and click on the Tabs button. Enter the tab stop position, choose Right Tab and for Leader, choose the … option. Click Set (or the + sign on Mac), then click OK. Type the TOC entry, press tab, then insert the page number.

  2. Templates

    If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided. ... Editable template of the Master's thesis formatting. PDF Thesis Template 2024. Word: Dissertation Template 2024. Editable template of the PhD ...

  3. 4. Writing up your Research: Thesis Formatting (MS Word)

    Word Thesis Formatting workshops run throughout the year. Some Useful Documents. Word Formatting Instructions PDF. This PDF contains the same instructions that are available on this page. Sample Thesis Document with No Formatting. This sample thesis file can be used to practise formatting. It is not a template for how to format a thesis.

  4. Microsoft Word for Dissertations

    Formatting your dissertation (or thesis) will likely take more time than you expect. But using the special features described in this Guide will save you a great deal of work, particularly if you use our template (available in the box below).The earlier you begin to use these tools, the more time you'll save and the less stress you'll have as your submission deadline approaches.

  5. How To Format A PhD Thesis In Microsoft Word (An Illustrative Guide)

    To insert figures' captions and numbers into Microsoft Word: Click on the references tab, then click on insert caption. A dialogue box will open. Under options, choose "figure" as the label. Type the caption for the figure, choose the numbering format preferred and click OK. The caption and number of the figure will be inserted.

  6. How to format thesis in MS word

    In this video, you can learn the entire process of formatting a thesis. The step-by-step procedure is clearly demonstrated to minimize the chances of encoun...

  7. Dissertation & Thesis Outline

    Download Word template Download Google Docs template. Tip Remember that it's usually considered best practice to use Roman numerals in your formatting (e.g., I, II, III rather than 1, 2, 3), but each citation style has its own best practices for using numerals. APA Style doesn't allow for numerals in headings at all. Chapter outline example

  8. Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word

    Using Microsoft Word to format your thesis or dissertation [If you want to use LaTeX instead of Microsoft Word, see the Formatting in LaTeX section, below.] UM-Dearborn Microsoft Word thesis template. Most students use Microsoft Word to write their thesis or dissertation. For previous assignments, you likely did not use some of Word's advanced ...

  9. Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word

    Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word This guide includes video tutorials designed to help you get most of the formatting of your thesis correct the first time. Using these videos to format your thesis will save a lot of time when it comes to having your format checked.

  10. Dissertation layout and formatting

    Next go to "Page layout" and then "Breaks". Next, choose the submenu "Next page". Switch to the side, where the numbering should begin (in this case, page 2). In the edit mode of the header or footer, choose "link to previous", after that click on "Move to footer" and click on the "Link to previous" again.

  11. PDF Formatting your Thesis or Dissertation in Microsoft Word: A Resource

    Formatting your Thesis or Dissertation in Microsoft Word: A Resource Reference Sheet Many big research projects (such as a dissertation, MA thesis, or undergraduate Honors Thesis) require very specific formatting. While the Writing Center at UNC-Chapel Hill cannot dedicate resources to formatting questions at this time, the Writing Center has ...

  12. PDF Formatting your thesis document in Microsoft Office Word

    Expand the Styles options by clicking on the drop-down arrow on the bottom right of the tool bar. Select Create a Style from the list. In the Create New Style from Formatting window, add a name for the style. Click on Modify. In the Create New Style from Formatting window adjust the settings as required.

  13. Thesis and Dissertation Formatting in MS Word

    Thesis and Dissertation Formatting in MS Word. This guide provides links to resources for graduate students who want to format their theses and dissertations for submission to their departments and graduate schools. Formatting for the particular layout of theses and dissertations in MS Word does not h.

  14. PDF Formatting your dissertation/thesis

    Make the formatting changes in the Formatting area [1]: Click on the Format button [2], and select the Paragraph option from the list. 2. Apply paragraph 'Spacing' [3] to your headings using the arrow buttons to increase/decrease, or type directly into the 'Before' and/or 'After' boxes. 3.

  15. How to format a complete thesis in MS Word

    For inquiries pertaining to consultative services on data plotting, analysis, and interpretation, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]...

  16. Free Dissertation & Thesis Template (Word Doc & PDF)

    The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX. Download The Dissertation Template. Download Grad Coach's comprehensive dissertation and thesis template for free. Fully editable - includes detailed instructions and examples.

  17. PDF Formatting your dissertation in Word

    2. Position the cursor in the section in which you want the formatting to be applied. 3. On the Insert tab, or the Design tab within Header & Footer Tools, click Page Number, and click Format Page Numbers, at the bottom of the menu. 4. If you want to change the look or system of the numbers, choose a setting in Number format. 5.

  18. Dissertation Table of Contents in Word

    Place your cursor where you would like your table of contents to go. In the "References" section at the top, locate the Table of Contents group. Click the arrow next to the Table of Contents icon and select "Custom Table of Contents.". Here, you can select which levels of headings you would like to include.

  19. Formatting your dissertation in Word

    Participants should have basic experience using Microsoft Word. This workshop specifically uses Word 2016. Note: See dissertation/thesis formatting and submission guidelines (PDF) from University of Minnesota Graduate Student Services and Progress (also see Thesis/dissertation submission and formatting page).

  20. Essential Microsoft Word Tips for Thesis Writing

    "We might all put "Microsoft Office" on our CV, but people from academic don't know how to REALLY use Microsoft word." This was from an actual informational ...

  21. Graduate College Formatting Guide

    The Thesis & Dissertation Manual generally follows APA style for heading levels. In order to keep headings consistently correct and link the Table of Contents, the Styles function in Word is used. This is going to show you some examples of the formatting required for the headings and how to use the various heading levels.

  22. How to Write a PhD Thesis: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success

    Step 1: Understand the Requirements. The initial step in crafting your PhD thesis is to thoroughly understand its specific requirements, which can vary widely between disciplines and institutions. A thesis must contribute new knowledge to its field, necessitating a deep familiarity with the expected structure, depth of analysis, and submission ...

  23. The Ultimate Guide to Thesis Formatting

    Here are some key points to discuss:. Recommended Margins for Thesis Formatting: Different institutions may have specific requirements regarding margins, but the standard practice is to use 1-inch margins on all sides. This ensures that there is enough white space around the text, making it easier to read and annotate.

  24. Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word

    This guide includes video tutorials designed to help you get most of the formatting of your thesis correct the first time. Using these videos to format your thesis will save a lot of time when it comes to having your format checked. Video tutorial demonstrating how to format the front matter of the thesis

  25. Microsoft Word Resume Template & Example [Free Download]

    To create a resume using a Microsoft Word resume template, follow these steps: Choose your template in Word. To create your resume from scratch, click "File" in your Microsoft Word menu (you can also hit Alt+F on a PC or Command+F on a Mac).Click "More templates" to see a selection of Word resume template layouts.

  26. Thesis Formatting: MS Word Tips

    Helpful tips on using MS Word to format a master's thesis or other similar academic articles or papers.

  27. What's the Format for Writing a College Essay?

    It's important to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all format for a college essay, but there are some general guidelines to follow to ensure a well-written and engaging piece. 1. Introduction: Begin with a hook that captures the reader's attention. This could be a compelling anecdote, a provocative statement, or a thought-provoking question.

  28. How to Write an Explanatory Essay

    With this guide, you'll be able to write an explanatory essay with confidence. 1. Develop a strong thesis statement. Crafting a strong thesis statement is the cornerstone of any well-written explanatory essay. It sets the stage for what your essay will cover and clarifies the main point you're going to explain.

  29. Professional Paper Formatting Services

    A clear structure and layout can help make a lasting impression. Our paper formatting expert will ensure consistent formatting and adapt the following: Table of contents and other lists. Page and heading numbering. Paragraph formatting. Font style, color, and size using templates. Formatting and labeling of tables and figures.

  30. Make your Word documents accessible to everyone

    Click on the Hyperlink button or press Ctrl+K. To link an existing file or web page: Go to the "Link to" section and select Existing File or Web Page. Enter the webpage's address or select the file you want to link to. To link a place in the same document: Go to the "Link to" section and select Place in This Document.