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zeropark case study

ZeroPark Push Case Study, Doing a Rip and Run Offer - Low Spend, Positive ROI

zeropark case study


I recently started testing ZeroPark push traffic. There are so many sources to test and try out there and I think it is the best way to find the perfect traffic sources for your offer.

In this case, I am doing something that is always being talked about in the affiliate marketing space, and that is rip and run offers, copy-paste offers. In essence, this strategy is called what it is, literally. You find what is currently working and just copy it.

You do need tools to do this strategy for example, Anstrex is a tool I always and have been recommending for a while. It has enough data to show you what is currently working at the traffic source level.

Below is a screenshot of how I start to find some rip and run offers. If you do not have access to Anstrex just yet, I suggest you go ahead and just see what they go to offer.

zeropark case study

This screenshot shows 2 things that I specifically look for when I adjust my filters. on Anstrex push ad spy tool .

  • I adjust the days running to at least 4-5 days. When it runs for more than 3 days it tells me the person is putting in the budget to make sure it will work and tells me that it is working
  • I also adjust ad strength sometimes. The higher the number the better the ad has been performing but I play with the adjustments because the strength does go high base on your filters. At times I want it to be above 800, that's how I filter.

That is what I do for filtering profitable offers, I also then filter by the traffic source and countries but that can be up to you on how you are advertising for this push case study I basically did a solid day worth of looking and found the offer I want to test out.

I went to my affiliate network and picked the offer, I created the campaign in ZeroPark and chose push and chose RON. The reason why I chose RON is that I need to build the source and target list.

You can easily ask your account manager what is the best to target, but I tend to let my own data to tell the story.

zeropark case study

ZeroPark allows you up to 10 images on a campaign. The image plays the role of the icon and the desktop image. This is where I think ZeroPark is different, their push system does allow multiple creatives under one campaign, unlike other networks.

For example, they allow an icon and the desktop image. There is also some networks that allow you to change the browser icon as well.

zeropark case study

So it is important to use the right image for both as an image for the icon will look weird on the desktop and vice versa, especially if the icon is stretched. Now back to the ad creation, I simply just copied the ad text word for word from Anstrex . The headline and the ad body.

Created the campaign and waited for approval.

Pretty much right away spent $12.07 and got 1 conversion and profited $27.92

The first column is visits, leads, payout, cost, profit, the lastly ROI. Remember clicks and ad network stats can be different because of server time zones. I do use a platform that does sync with the traffic network so my stats will be agile to where I set the time zone.

zeropark case study

I always start the campaign slowly, usually doing the CPA as my starting daily budget per day. This way I can gauge the sources and targets within Zeropark and start filtering the next day.

Since it converted right away, I might just have the right push source at that time. So I am not playing the congratulations role just yet, so I went ahead and increase the spend the next day to see where it will lead me.

This next screenshot is over the last couple days and I think I need to create a landing page to work with the traffic just a bit. Over the next days, I have been filtering and removing the sources that I didn't think are doing well.

In ZeroPark , I block at the source level just because I think sources are all categorized URLs my assumption.

zeropark case study

So you will see the traffic dip and paused, I am going to try another angle and see how that works out. Over the past couple of days, it didn't perform well. Now I have to switch things up and see if a landing page will perform better. Yup, it was a direct link offer as that is what Anstrex showed me while I did my research.

I will continue this mini case study, will update my findings and results as well. Let me know what you think. More to spend and see where things go with Zeropark Push traffic.

zeropark case study

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zeropark case study

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Zeropark Review 2024: Is it Worth Putting In? 

All-in-one advertising platform delivering advertising and monetization solutions for global brands and businesses

  • In-page push ads
  • Deeplink ads
  • Injection Traffic ads
  • Search Marketplace ads
  • Domain Redirect
  • Sweepstakes

Online marketing is a competitive field, and you need to make sure that your campaign successfully gets that much-needed ROI. It’s important to work with a traffic provider that gives you the best tools for success. Zeropark is a self-serve ad network that specializes in helping advertisers run their own online marketing campaigns. It provides the following advertising formats: push ads , in-page push , popup, deeplink ads and domain redirect ads . Keep in mind, the list isn’t exhaustive.

Should those looking to promote using push notification ads turn to Zeropark? Let’s check. In this Zeropark review let’s find out if the network is one of them or not. 

Zeropark Overview

Zeropark is good for beginners in the advertising world, and experienced media buyers can also increase their conversion rates with the platform. 

Most importantly, the ad network averages over two billion push notification ad clicks monthly, coming from more than 300 million users worldwide. That’s a huge inventory for advertisers to work with. This vast inventory offers a lot of traffic that converts even though it comes at a very competitive price, especially since thousands of marketers are already using the platform. 

Zeropark History 

zeropark case study

Zeropark was created by Robert Gryn in 2011. Codewise is a company trusted by a majority of affiliate marketers, especially since it owns a well-known tracking platform named Voluum. With this background, it didn’t take Zeropark long to gain popularity in the realm of affiliate marketing. 

Zeropark Optimization Features

Zeropark offers its clients loads of benefits and features that make it stand tall and outshine other traffic-generating networks. The network has everything a business needs to make big profits. 

Below is an outline of these features:

Multiple Campaign Types

Zeropark offers three different approaches to reach your audience when creating your campaign. These are:

  • RON (Run-of-Network)

Choose one country, region, or city set your bid price, and watch the traffic flow in. If you need volume, this is the best option.

Limit your available traffic to specific targets or placements that are proven to work for your campaigns. The targets are listed in the code, but you can enter a keyword or domain name during campaign creation, and Zeropark will show you a list of targets that you can include in your campaign. Since a target is essentially a placement, a single domain can have multiple targets under it.

The process is pretty much the same with Target Campaigns, except you just input your Sources. Unlike the previous campaign type, though, this won’t work if you don’t have a list of sources, which are again in code. 

A source is equivalent to a publisher ID, and a publisher can have multiple websites and placements.

Quick Approval

Campaigns on Zeropark also get approved quite fast. The network’s dedicated team takes anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours to get your campaigns approved.

Robust Filtering and Targeting Options 

You can target by geo, language, mobile carrier, keywords, device type, OS, or browser version. Adult filters and frequency filters are also available.

Advanced Anti-Fraud Solutions

No one likes being scammed, and it’s even more frustrating to see fraudulent activities in traffic that you paid for. For this reason, Zeropark took some serious steps by developing three anti-fraud defense tools to tackle and prevent ad fraud and bot traffic. 

These measures attend to any doubts that may arise, such as — is ZeroPark safe? 

The three defense tools mentioned above are:

  • Manual Compliance Vetting

This is a four-way process to defend advertisers from ad fraud. The network primarily uses this in checking publisher traffic quality.

  • Automatic Honeypot Tool

ZeroPark’s automatic Honeypot tool is an anti-ad-fraud software that automatically analyzes and detects bot activities. It works by attracting bots so they can be studied. The information gained from studying these bots allows the ad network to pinpoint the main source and automatically block it.

  • Third-party Anti-fraud Solutions

ZeroPark also works with external solutions to make sure the fight against ad fraud never stops. These tools properly sort traffic by filtering out proxy traffic, bot traffic, and malicious content. It also makes sure the traffic and advertising inventory matches to avoid advertisers paying for irrelevant ads.

Different Zeropark Traffic Types

When it comes to push notifications, Zeropark offers two types: Classic Web Push and In-page Push. You can opt to use both in a single campaign, although, for filtering and split-testing purposes, it is highly recommended that you choose one type per campaign.

Campaign Optimization

Zeropark gives its advertisers powerful optimization options to make sure their campaigns are getting the intended results and are running smoothly. Advertisers can create a blacklist or whitelist based on the data collected from the analysis of their campaigns. The optimized bid feature also allows advertisers to place customized bids if they are not getting enough traffic.

Suppose you don’t want to optimize your campaign manually. In that case, you can automate the optimization by setting some if/then rules, so your campaign automatically optimizes itself when certain conditions are met.

Tracker Integrations

Since it is from the same company, you can use integration between Zeropark and Voluum tracker. 

But if you don’t use Voluum, you can just copy the postback URL provided during the campaign setup. Simply choose the tracker you are using, and the link is good to go. Zeropark automatically creates ready-to-use S2S postback links for 13 well-known trackers, including Binom, CPVLab Pro, and Bemob.

Zeropark Top Performing Offers and Verticals

Zeropark offers three ad types: Pop, Domain, and most especially, Push Notification ads. Here are some verticals that are proven to work using this traffic:

  • Video Streaming
  • News and Entertainment
  • Legal and Insurance
  • Health and Beauty
  • Mobile apps and games
  • Coupons and vouchers
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For Advertisers: How to Create A Campaign

Creating a campaign on Zeropark is not that difficult; after all, ease of use is one of the network’s selling points. To create a campaign, the first thing you have to do is make sure your account is topped up. Once that’s done, follow the steps outlined below

  • Click the new campaign button;
  • Choose the traffic type you prefer (Domain redirect, Pop or Push);
  • Choose the targeting option/campaign type you prefer (RON, Target, Source).

Now the main campaign set-up page will open up. Here, you set the name of your campaign, then select the targeting and filtering choices that match your needs. 

Here are a few things about Zeropark pricing to remember during campaign setup, though:

  • The minimum CPC rate at Zeropark is $0.005, although a recommended bid will come up the moment you choose a country;
  • The minimum daily budget is $20;
  • You can set a campaign budget cap;
  • You can set a daily spending cap per source. This allows you to prevent a source from hogging all of your budget;
  • You can create up to 10 push notification ad creatives.

For Publishers: Conditions to Join

Zeropark accepts different types of publishers: webmasters, ad networks, plugin creators, domain-holders, and more. If you have a steady stream of high-quality traffic, then you can sign-up. You must understand, though, that this network is very strict with its publishers.

To join, publishers must first fill out a questionnaire regarding their properties. ZeroPark will visit the site to check whether it matches the publisher’s description or not. Upon approval, the website will start displaying ads and earning from its traffic.

Zeropark’s bidding model rewards publishers that deliver high-quality traffic. Those who do will see their CPMs increase rapidly, while those that don’t may find themselves struggling to make any money at all.

Zeropark Minimum Deposit

Zeropark’s minimal deposit is $200 for all payment options except bank transfer, which requires at least $1,000. A corresponding service fee is added depending on the payment mode.

Payment Mode

Funding can be done through credit cards, bank transfers, WebMoney, Paxum, or PayPal. 

Support Team

The ad network has customer service with a good response time that is always ready to help with any campaign management inquiries. Account managers can be reached through messenger, email, or Skype. You can also send a message through the Support link in the dashboard.

Pros and Cons

The platform has proven itself to be very useful for advertisers and publishers, but you’re probably thinking – is Zeropark good? Here is a list of Zeropark advantages and disadvantages that shows how efficient this platform is. 

  • Good traffic volume
  • Customizable options for effective campaign creation
  • Platform is used globally by advertisers
  • Real-time statistics are very easy to understand
  • Strict application process
  • The minimum deposit is pretty high
  • The size of the audience for push ads is about 300 mln, the other push ad networks have much more volumes compared to this number
  • Even with their anti-fraud efforts, there is still a lot of bot traffic

Zeropark Advertising Network: Is it worth It?

Based on experience, though, we can say Zeropark is a traffic source with potential. It will be much better if the minimum deposit is low.

To assess if Zeropark is suitable for you, consider factors such as your target audience, campaign goals, budget, and the compatibility of their ad formats with your niche. It’s also essential to compare Zeropark with other ad networks, evaluate their pricing structure, and assess the level of customer support they offer.

Zeropark Review: Final Thoughts

In a nutshell, Zeropark is one of those networks in digital marketing that are growth-oriented. New advertisers can run different campaign types, which is not that usual but is very effective, especially for running optimized mobile and desktop campaigns. But it is notoriously difficult to get in if you don’t have enough experience and budget. Anyway, we recommend Zeropark as one of the best advertising networks to run your online campaigns.

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Servando Silva

The Perks and Pains of being an Affiliate Marketeer

Last Updated on July 30, 2019 449 Comments

Zeropark Review & Live Case Study + $500 coupon

Last year I hosted a small promo/coupon with Zeropark (Thanks to Neill and Mateusz) and over 70 people signed up and got a great bonus that matched their initial deposit.

But many people kept asking me if the coupon could go back again and again. So it’s been 1 year already but we’re again launching this coupon with my great manager (Neill Burton) and I’ll be providing you guys with a complete review and live case study on how to make the most out of Zeropark’s traffic and new features being introduced in 2016. This coupon is time sensitive so hurry up if you really want to take advantage of it.

zeropark review live case study

Zeropark is still one of my go-to traffic sources when I want to test a campaign with pop traffic because their interface and drill down optimization options are better than most networks with self-serve platforms. I’ve spent over $200,000 there and while I work with dozens of traffic sources at the moment I always test my campaigns in Zeropark at an initial stage or even when scaling.

Anyways, this is how the PROMO is going to work this time:

  • Your account MUST be new . If you’re already working with Zeropark and spending money this coupon isn’t for you.
  • Your CAN USE the coupon if you had already signed up but never deposited funds in your account.
  • The promo will match up your initial funds up to $500 . Minimum deposit is $200.
  • You need to leave a comment in this article with your name and email so I can validate (manually) your coupon.
  • The promo  WILL EXPIRE in August 7th 2016 (30 days duration).

That’s pretty much it.

Since the minimum deposit at Zeropark is $200, this means you can get:

  • Deposit $200, get $400
  • Deposit $250, get $500
  • Deposit $300, get $600
  • Deposit $400, get $800
  • Deposit $500, get $1,000

They will match up your initial deposit and double it up to a quantity of $500. If you want to deposit more than $500 they will still give you another $500 but no more (e.g. deposit $1,000 and get $1,500 total).


If you’re completely new to Zeropark you can use the coupon SRVNDZP2016 and put it in the promo field in the sign up form like this:

zeropark review case study sign up coupon

After that please just leave a comment below so I can manually add you to a list and validate it. The Zeropark team might take a couple days to match your funds but you’ll eventually get it. Don’t be impatient.

Also, if you’ve already signed up before but you’re going to deposit your first funds just leave a comment here in the post with your name and email so I can manually add you to the coupon list.

Finally, if you’ve already applied in the past months but were rejected by any reason and could never sign up with Zeropark, this is your time! Again, just leave a comment below with your name/email  so your account can be reviewed again and approved to get your coupon.

P.S. Being rejected while applying is NOT THE SAME as being banned. If you had an account that was banned because you broke the rules I can’t do anything for you. Sorry.

Launching your first campaign in Zeropark

Dashboard and payment methods.

A lot of people here are still learning how to launch their first campaign and optimize it. I’ll create a follow along with the optimization process at the AffiliateFix forum so you can follow my journey, but if you have no idea how to launch your first campaign here’s a small walkthrough step by step.

If you’ve already launched campaigns you can completely skip this part and wait for the updates and live case study in the next post. Otherwise, if you have no idea how to setup your tracker or how to create a campaign keep reading.

This is your Zeropark’s dashboard. Here you can check your stats, your funds and create/duplicate/delete campaigns. The dashboard shows the traffic spent and conversions (if you use Voluum or setup your postback) and the user interface is quite easy to understand.

zeropark review case study dashboard

If you click the “ Top up ” button at the top -right corner you will be able to add funds to your account which will be later doubled thanks to the promo. I’d definitely consider adding $400-500 to take advantage of the coupon.

Zeropark accepts payments via Pay Pal, wire transfer and Credit Card, however this last option requires you to be a recurring member. I still recommend you get the credit card option after a few deposits by talking with your manager because the transaction fees are lower with credit card than Pay Pal.

zeropark review case study payment method

Tracking system

Once you’ve added funds to your account you are ready to launch your first campaign. You will need a tracker to track all the stats and tokens with Zeropark. If you already know how to use a tracker then this will be no problem for you, but if you’re new or haven’t decided in which tracker to use, the one I recommend (and many super affiliates use) is Voluum . You can sign up for a Voluum’s account here .

Zeropark is already integrated within Voluum’s traffic sources, however, Zeropark recently added new tokens to track and if you have an old Voluum account you want to make sure you’re tracking everything. Open your traffic sources and edit the Zeropark traffic Source while adding the following custom tokens.

zeropark review case study voluum tokens

I pretty much added the custom variables 6, 7 and 8 because those were launched recently and my Voluum account is more than 2 years old. If you’ve got a new account with Voluum at the moment of reading this article the tokens should be in place already, but you might want to check it just in case 😉

Creating your first campaign

Now that you have your tracker ready and your account funded you just need an offer to promote (you can find great networks to sign up for offers here ) you can proceed and create a campaign in Zeropark.

Click the “ new campaign ” menu and select one traffic type.

  • Domain traffic is redirect traffic from misspelled domains (e.g. people type gogle.com instead of google.com).
  • Premium PPV traffic is Pop and PPV traffic (e.g. when someone types google.com/smartphone and you wanted your landing page to be shown to people who have the keyword “smartphone” in their URL bar)
  • Search traffic is similar to Bing and Adwords.

I normally use Domain and PPV traffic with Zeropark, but you can give Search traffic a try.

zeropark review case study campaign 1

Next you need to define your campaign targeting options.

  • RON traffic means you’ll buy all the traffic available for that country/os and you can optimize by deleting the websites that don’t perform well. This campaigns have super high volume and can spend hundreds or thousands of dollars in just an hour.
  • Keyword traffic means you’ll only receive traffic from the keywords you add and nothing else. This can helo you create very targeted campaigns but at the expense of having less volume available.
  • Target/source campaigns allow you receive traffic from specific websites or group of websites (source). I like using this campaigns after running a RON campaign and finding which websites perform well for my offers.
  • Multi-Geo has less targeting options and the main difference is that it allows you to target multiple countries at the same time. I wouldn’t recommend this option if you’re a new publisher, but it can be handy when you want to quickly test an offer that’s available for multiple countries.

zeropark review case study campaign 2

After clicking next you need to fill up your campaign name, country, bid, etc.

Before that, go to the traffic planner  and check the traffic available for the country/offer you want to promote. The stats shown are based on monthly data, so for example, in the screenshot below I selected mobile traffic from redirects available on Android phones.

If I wanted to buy traffic from Mexico now I know that there are around 22 million visits per month available and the average bid is 0.0012.

You can select PPV traffic, change the OS if you want or maybe select desktop traffic if that’s what you’re looking for. Also there’s a filter for adult and mainstream traffic in case you want to promote adult offers. Please understand that you can’t promote adult offers on mainstream traffic for obvious reasons but you can promote mainstream offers in adult traffic if the offer allows it.

zeropark review case study traffic planner

Going back to your campaign now it’s time to give it a name (e.g. China Mobile Domain Android) and fill the rest of the data.

Select the country you want to target and in the bid field write down a bid around the average bid so you can get enough traffic. For example, if the average bid for Mexico/Mobile/Domain/Android was 0.0012, I’d bid something between 0.0010 and 0.0015 to get started.

Also don’t forget to set your daily budget because some people have forgotten to write a number there and Zeropark spends all the money from their account in a matter of minutes if the volume is available. Finally, you can put a campaign budget (I leave that unlimited) if you want.

Now you just need to select if you want desktop or mobile traffic and if you want to target specific browsers or OSes you can do that too.

zeropark review case study campaign 3

Scrolling down a bit you can select a frequency filter (how many times per day is your ad shown to the same user) and I normally leave that at 12 or 24 hours.

Add the adult filtering if you want and day parting but I wouldn’t do day parting before gathering some data.

Finally put your destination URL (Campaign URL from Voluum) and click the save button.

zeropark review case study campaign 4

You’re good to go!

The Zeropark team will review your campaign and you’ll see traffic after approval. Keep in mind many traffic sources have office hours and if you submit a campaign Friday’s night there’s a chance it won’t be approved until Monday’s morning.

Live case study

I’ll create a few campaigns and post them in a follow along in the AffiliteFix forum next Monday, so stay tuned and sign up meanwhile to take advantage of the promo before August 7th 2016 .

I’ll write small updates every week here but most of the live campaign action will happen in the forum. I’ll send you the link and info when it’s ready.

Talk to you later!

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Reader Interactions

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December 8, 2020 at 8:47 pm

Here is my honest review of Zeropark traffic services. I opened a new advertiser account with Zeropark in November 2020. Deposited $200 but they charged me $208… I’ve tested 2 popular verticals – gambling and men’s health product. I’ve tried their domain redirection with targeted keywords, full page popup traffic and RON. I even used their whitelist provided by Zeropark manager for gambling vertical. After spending $145 and 0 conversions I requested a refund of the $55 balance but the Zeropark manager refused saying that the 1st deposit is non refundable… I disputed it with PayPal and Zeropark suspended my account the next day. I believe that the Zeropark traffic (almost 10,000 clicks) I paid for was fraudulent (bot traffic) therefore I would not recommend their marketing services to any advertiser. I really feel that I was robbed.

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December 9, 2020 at 10:14 am

Thanks for your feedback. All networks charge a processing fee, either they discount it from your deposit or add it, but it’s normal.

As for your campaign’s performance, I can’t say what happened here as there are many variables, but I can tell you I have spent 6 figures with Zeropark in the past years, and while you definitely need to filter their traffic you can get profitable campaigns there, or at least get conversions.

The refund policy has been there for a while I think. If you go against it, they close your account so it doesn’t surprise me.

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May 27, 2020 at 3:13 pm

Is this coupon still work? If yes Please let me know and here is my mail [email protected]

May 28, 2020 at 12:14 pm

Nope. As the post says, the coupon expired 6 years ago 🙂 You can find some coupons inside Afflift though.

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January 5, 2019 at 10:30 am

hi,~the coupon is still working?

January 6, 2019 at 9:05 pm

Hi Eric. The coupon is expired already.

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September 12, 2017 at 10:53 am

Still got a coupon for zeropark?

September 12, 2017 at 2:37 pm

No, but the one from SelfAdvertiser is still working.

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September 11, 2017 at 12:17 pm

How about zeropark now? Red50onRed (RTX platform) has no good traffic, LeadImpact is closed. What about zeroparK? Any suggestion?

September 12, 2017 at 2:38 pm

50R still has some decent traffic. Zeropark has a ton of traffic as well and Propel Media is still alive.

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April 19, 2017 at 11:10 pm

Her Servando Is this coupon still work? If yes Please let me know and here is my mail [email protected]

April 19, 2017 at 11:19 pm

Hi Ben. It doesn’t work anymore but THIS COUPON is still alive and available 🙂

' src=

April 5, 2017 at 5:16 am

Can you please give me a coupon? i just have been approved on zeropark.

April 5, 2017 at 11:00 am

This coupon expired long time ago. Sorry.

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April 4, 2017 at 10:57 am

Hi servando, i would like to start working with zeropark, 2 days ago i sent an account request to zeropark and it was rejected.

Could you help me to be approved in zeropark? Thanks

April 4, 2017 at 11:53 am

They’re very strict and you really need to pass the interview in order to get approved. The only time when i can help you is when we run a promo and they’ll get a special treatment for my readers.

April 5, 2017 at 11:03 am

Hi servando, Do you plan to launch a new coupon?

April 5, 2017 at 11:37 pm

Not yet, but last couple years we had coupons in June/July, so we might launch another one by then 🙂

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February 25, 2017 at 4:12 pm

hey, do u have any coupons for now or for other traffic sources ?

February 26, 2017 at 3:37 am

Yes, if you check my latest posts I have one going on right now 🙂

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February 28, 2017 at 8:22 am

Nice. Hope I will be available this time, not like the last summer. See you soon 🙂

February 21, 2017 at 12:35 pm

Nice news to have a new coupon coming soon.

Will be nice to not leave our names & Email displayed publicly in your comments to get the code. If you find an easy solution for this, it’s ok but if you don’t, that’s ok too.

See you soon and thank you for sharing your precious info with all of us. It really helps.

February 21, 2017 at 6:45 pm

Thanks Dan. I might just edit the comments now.

I have a new way to do so with the new promotions though.

March 2, 2017 at 2:53 pm

Hello, Sorry to bother you again but as I’ve missed your previous promo, I really want to give a try with this network and test your stuff with Domain and PPV so, do you expect to launch your promo in the next “few days” or later during the summer ? I’m more than ready. Best,

March 3, 2017 at 9:51 am

Hello Dan. Definitely not in the next few days. I’ll probably launch it again in the summer like the last 2 years.

Why don’t you try the other promo I have running at the moment with selfAdvertiser meanwhile? best regards.

March 3, 2017 at 10:37 am

Yeah, I’m trying it right now with your coupon.

For ZP, I will have to be more conservative and start slow then, I think I cannot wait till this summer, no problemo.

Thank you Servando for your feedback and I’m still reading you here and there on a forum 🙂

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February 14, 2017 at 6:08 pm

Hi Servando Silva

Do you have a new promo code for 2017? Please

Regards Craig

February 15, 2017 at 12:39 am

I don’t have one at the moment but I’ll talk with them so I might get a new one soon. Stay tuned.

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December 13, 2016 at 6:23 am

Hola Servando, acabo de registrarme, aunque el cupón ya caducó, al menos si no puedo beneficiarme de él, te escribo para que me eches una mano con la aprobación si es posible. Te lo agradecería muchísimo.

Nombre: Luis Miguel Email: [email protected]

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December 15, 2016 at 10:30 am

Hola. El cupón iba de la mano con la aprobación. Si te aprueban ahora o no ya dependerá del equipo de revisión y el cuestionario.

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December 11, 2016 at 9:23 pm

Saludos Servando. quería saber si recomiendas Popads para comprar trafico para una oferta de adulto o dating, y cuales otras fuentes de trafico recomiendas para ese tipo de ofertas. Gracias

Ellos manejan una buena cantidad de tráfico adulto, aunque otras opciones son Plugrush, Ero Advertising, TJ y Exoclick. Saludos!

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October 6, 2016 at 8:17 am

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September 21, 2016 at 8:11 am

Awaiting account verification with ZeroPark. Used the promo Code. Name: ibrahem eissa Email: [email protected]

September 28, 2016 at 11:29 am

The promo ended up 2 months ago man. Sorry.

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September 17, 2016 at 5:40 pm

I applied but got rejected.I want to apply now so should i apply rom the same email id and details or new details by applying your coupon code?

September 19, 2016 at 7:58 pm

The coupon expired last month. It’s not available anymore. Sorry.

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September 12, 2016 at 10:24 am

Hello , please is there any coupons available for now ? My email [email protected]

Hello. No. The coupon expired in August. Sorry.

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September 2, 2016 at 4:18 am

Hi Servando, I think about signing up Zeropark but I’m not convinced. Do you have any more coupons?

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August 31, 2016 at 2:31 am

Hi Servando,thank you very much I got my zeropark account and 500$ bonus, that’s quite cool. And I have some deposits. Can you help me to get the credit card payment method option? My zeropark account is: [email protected]

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August 29, 2016 at 10:28 am

Hi, I was denied registration b [email protected]

August 29, 2016 at 12:17 pm

Hi. The approval process is checked by Zeropark’s team. Also, the promo is over so i can’t do much there. Sorry.

August 29, 2016 at 12:21 pm

tell me what are the conditions for activation

August 29, 2016 at 12:24 pm

That’s something they check person by person. But in general, networks look for people who have money to spend on campaigns (at least a budget for every month) and an idea of which type of offers and verticals they want to run.

They will ask you some questions and depending on your answers they decide if you can be approved or not.

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August 27, 2016 at 12:38 am

Hi Servando, I just singned up! I know it’s late but still I wanna get started with Zeropark, Can you please help me to get approve.

Name: Mst Nazma begum Email : [email protected] Thanks

August 15, 2016 at 10:24 am

I just re checked and you’re approved. How much did you deposit initially?

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August 15, 2016 at 1:02 pm

I deposited $200 mate.

August 16, 2016 at 12:45 pm

OK, your bonus should be ready now 🙂 Please confirm.

August 17, 2016 at 12:36 am

Thank you. All good.

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August 15, 2016 at 9:49 am

Hi there, I recently applied for Zeropark and got rejected. I’ve even asked the reason why they rejected me as I am a member of a few big name advertisers like Bing Ads, Adwords, 50 on Red, etc. Kindly help me get approved again.

Name: Liwern Yap Email: [email protected]

August 15, 2016 at 10:25 am

Hello. The promo and manual reviews expired last week. No more sign ups are being accepted through my referral.

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August 14, 2016 at 2:36 pm

Hi Servando, I just singned up! Name: Sudarshan jain Email adress: [email protected] . Thanks

Hi. This promo expired a week ago. No more sign ups or coupons are being accepted at the moment.

August 11, 2016 at 11:43 pm

Yeahmobi has low payouts if you need some cashflow to get started.

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August 10, 2016 at 12:15 pm

Awesome, I got the bonus. Thank you so much!

BTW, what kind of offers would you recommend to a beginner? The traffic source is ZeroPark and I’m thinking about app installs or sweeps, maybe pin submits. What’s your advice would be as an experienced affiliate? I’m working with ClickDealer. Thanks!

August 10, 2016 at 5:43 pm

App installs to start learning the ropes and then move to sweepstakes.

August 11, 2016 at 10:42 am

Thank you! If you need any help with translating/proof-reading Polish, let me know. I’m always happy to help and return the favor. You can see my email, right? Feel free to write with anything you might have for me.

Thanks man. I appreciate it.

August 12, 2016 at 6:37 am

Sure. I’ve read every post here. It’s great because your posts cater mainly to the beginners. Thanks.

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August 10, 2016 at 11:33 am

Hi Servando, we signed up Saturday before the deadline on the 6th, didn’t realize it took this long to get the account opened. Can you verify? ‘a d m i n (aat) 9 2 k e y s . c o m’ – Thanks!

August 10, 2016 at 11:45 am

Sorry, the coupon expired 3 days ago. If you were not in my list before that I can’t do anything for you. Maybe next time.

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August 10, 2016 at 2:44 am

Hi, I missed out on commenting here.

Name: Tay Zhi Kang Email: [email protected]

Sorry, the coupon expired 3 days ago. If you were not in my list before that I can’t do anything for you.

August 12, 2016 at 2:45 am

Hi Servando,

I actually had emailed Agata. Agata wanted to check if you could add the name (as the account is created before the expiry).

Hopefully this can be done!

August 12, 2016 at 11:14 am

I just checked with here and there’s nothing she (or me) can do since the promo is now over and the rules were clear about it.

Sorry. Regards.

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August 9, 2016 at 6:38 am

Hi Servando, I just singned up!

Name: Evgeniy Ovcharenko

Email adress: [email protected]

August 9, 2016 at 9:39 am

Sorry, but the promo ended 2 days ago. It’s not available anymore.

August 9, 2016 at 5:11 pm

Very sorry.:( Will bonus promo in the future?

August 9, 2016 at 9:51 pm

Maybe next year. I did one last year too.

August 8, 2016 at 10:11 am

I think you’ve been approved and got the bonus now 🙂

August 8, 2016 at 10:10 am

That’s a 50% increase. Try something lower

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August 8, 2016 at 11:15 am

Thanks. I’ll try.

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August 8, 2016 at 7:34 am

Thanks again sir, I got $500 coupon credit today 🙂

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August 7, 2016 at 10:40 pm

got sign up. waiting for my approval [email protected]

You’ve been added. You barely made it on time 🙂

August 8, 2016 at 9:43 pm

I deposit 500$ Sir. still havent got the $1000. could you please check?

August 9, 2016 at 9:40 am

Check again, you should have your bonus now 🙂

August 7, 2016 at 8:53 pm

Hi Servando. I got a campaign has been running for 5 days and the ROI is about 0%. My bid is about 1/3 avg. I tried raise my bid to avg bid but ROI turned out to be -40%. Am I supposed to keep the high bid then filter out the bad targets? Why the ROI dropped so much after raising, is it common? Daily volume on this camp is about 20k on 1/3 avg bid, is it be too low to analyse? Thanks so much!

August 7, 2016 at 9:16 pm

Depending on the targets and the bids it could go up or go down. how much did you raise it?

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August 7, 2016 at 3:25 pm

I’ve just created an account. The email is: [email protected]

Thanks a lot and great promotion! Tim

August 7, 2016 at 9:14 pm

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August 7, 2016 at 2:04 pm

Hi, I would like to take full advantage of this bonus, so might not be able to deposit money rightaway. Is there a time limit for depositing money and getting bonus once your account has been activated and validated. Thanks.

As long as you have been added to the list before the end of today you apply for the bonus. It doesn’t matter if they approve you tomorrow and you deposit on Wednesday (for example).

You just need to be on my list before the end of today.

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August 7, 2016 at 11:40 am

Hi Servando.I just signed up.My name is Christopher and my email address is [email protected] you kindly!!!

August 7, 2016 at 12:10 pm

Thanks. Just added you.

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August 7, 2016 at 11:08 am

Awaiting account verification with ZeroPark. Used the promo Code. Name: Kabir Khalid Email: [email protected]

You’ve been added.

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August 7, 2016 at 8:59 am

Hi servando Name: abdul muis setiawan Email address: [email protected]

Please validate my account.

August 7, 2016 at 12:11 pm

I have added you to the list. The account validation is up to Zeropark’s team.

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August 7, 2016 at 8:31 am

Hello, I hope today the offer is still available. Thanks! Name : Budai Email adress : [email protected]

Yes, today is the last day to leave a comment. I have just added you 🙂

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August 7, 2016 at 7:44 am

Hey Man, I just signed up! Waiting to be verified. Name: Mark email: [email protected]

You’ve been added 🙂

August 7, 2016 at 7:42 am

Hi servando.. Myaccount inactive. Signup rejected 6 mounth ago

Name: muis setiawan Email: [email protected]

Please add in your list.

August 7, 2016 at 12:12 pm

OK, Let’s see if they can approve you now. I’ve added you.

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August 6, 2016 at 10:00 pm

Hi there, I just signed up. My name : Charles Ozgan Email address : [email protected] Thank you

Thanks. just added you.

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August 6, 2016 at 5:16 pm

Ciao Servando, I just signed up. Name : Stefano email adress: [email protected] GRAZIE

Ciao man. Added!

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August 6, 2016 at 2:56 pm

Hi Servando, just signed up for an account! Email: christian(a)gamenia.net Name: Christian

Please add me to list. Thanks

P.S. I’m trying to top up the account with $500 but I get a message: “Account Pending Verification” I want to take advantage of the bonus offer. What should I do?

August 7, 2016 at 12:13 pm

I have added you to the list. You should wait until they approve your account and they’ll let you know if you apply for the bonus or not. Please wait until they contact you.

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August 6, 2016 at 1:09 pm

Hey Servando, so I was rejected about a month ago by zeropark.Full name Rishi Makan and email is [email protected] . Hopefully I can still be added and be able to use the promo even though its the weekend and promo expires tomorrow.

August 7, 2016 at 12:14 pm

Hello. i added you to the list. Let’s see if they can approve you now. Yes, the promo is still live until tonight and if you’re in my list it doesn’t matter if they take a bit more to approve you and send you the email for the coupon, it will still be valid.

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August 6, 2016 at 12:43 pm

Hi Servando , I have registered on zeropark with your promo code (SRVNDZP2016) My name: Alexey Email: [email protected]

Please add me to list

August 7, 2016 at 12:15 pm

OK. I’ve just added you man.

August 6, 2016 at 11:03 am

OK, looks like your account is approved and you can apply for the coupon on my end. My manager will check it personally next Monday.

August 6, 2016 at 2:43 pm

Thanks mate. Please apply the coupon. So that i can start using the account.

My manager will check it on Monday as mentioned above. Pleas ebe patient. Thanks!

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August 6, 2016 at 10:17 am

Hi Servando, just sign up Email : [email protected]

August 6, 2016 at 11:01 am

You have been added.

August 7, 2016 at 7:03 pm

Hi Servando, thanks. However, account still pending verification. Just afraid will miss the deadline to deposit money!

August 8, 2016 at 10:12 am

Your account is ready and approved. You can deposit now for the bonus.

Thanks, I just deposit. When will get the bonus?

August 9, 2016 at 9:44 am

Check your account now 🙂

August 10, 2016 at 9:51 pm

Awesome, get the bonus! Thanks so much!

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August 5, 2016 at 11:51 pm

Hey Servando, could you please validate me too? Name: Denys Email: [email protected] Thank you

August 6, 2016 at 1:00 am

Added. Thanks.

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August 5, 2016 at 5:01 pm

Hello Servando. I have just signed up. My email address is [email protected] . Thank you very much!!

Just added you.

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August 5, 2016 at 4:26 pm

I just signed up with ZeroPark using the email: a_ding7 [at] yahoo [dot] com My account has yet to be approved. Please add me to your list.

Truly appreciate it! Thank you so so much!

August 6, 2016 at 1:01 am

OK. You’ve been added to the list. Thanks.

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August 5, 2016 at 4:06 pm

Hi Servado, I’ve just signed up! I’m still waiting for approval. Should i send them an email with the information they requested? Or by accessing your list, they automatically approve my account?

Add me to the list! Name: Gaston email: [email protected]


Hello. I’ve just added you to the list. They will manually check your account and send you an email to know when you can apply for the bonus (or not).

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August 5, 2016 at 12:30 pm

registered with your promo code and rejected. email: [email protected]

August 6, 2016 at 1:02 am

I have added you to the list.

August 8, 2016 at 11:03 am

my account activated, is this email confirmation for your bonus ?

August 8, 2016 at 11:17 am

Yes. that’s the one 🙂 You can now deposit and get the bonus.

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August 5, 2016 at 10:02 am

Thanks Servando! I just signed up. [email protected]

I have added you.

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August 5, 2016 at 9:56 am

Hi Servando , I have registered on zeropark with your promo code (SRVNDZP2016) My name: Mozhgan Email: [email protected]

August 6, 2016 at 1:03 am

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August 5, 2016 at 5:39 am

@servandosoyongsilva:disqus thank you so much for the coupon. My name: Marinel darjuan email: [email protected]

so, do i have to top up right now or i have to wait something from you before??

Hi. i have added you to the list. You need to wait until they approve your account and they’ll send you en email so you can get the coupon.

August 6, 2016 at 2:31 am

thank you Servando! Your activation mail say i have to answer some questions… do i have to do it and wait for approval before top up?? but tomorrow is 7th… 🙁 will be loose the coupon? Or maybe we wait for the approvaal and then we top up? 😉

Yes, please answer the questions and they’ll manually review your application. You won’t lose the coupon as long as you’ve registered before the 7th and you are in my list (you are already).

August 7, 2016 at 7:34 am

Thanks! Mail sent! Waiting for the activation!

August 5, 2016 at 3:52 am

Account suspended this is what I am getting after adding the money. Also no bonus yet. Please check mate.

August 6, 2016 at 1:05 am

What’s the email you used to register? I’ll check it personally to see if your account is still pending.

August 5, 2016 at 3:43 am

Hey mate, Signed up already. Waiting for the bonus funds.

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August 5, 2016 at 3:14 am

Hi my name is Andreas and I just signed up, my email is olwdillchips at gmail dot com

August 6, 2016 at 1:04 am

Yup. I’ve added you.

August 4, 2016 at 5:35 pm

Just Sign up 🙂 name : M ARIF HIDAYATULLAH email : [email protected]

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August 4, 2016 at 12:10 pm

When i click on process to payment it redirect me this page(Attached Image). and there is 2 option. 1. pay with your PayPal account 2.pay with a dabit or credit card.

So if i choose option 2 and send payment then is it okay ? And i have created account couple of days ago… Although haven’t deposit yet. so if i make deposit now then will i get bonus! Again my email: [email protected]

Regards Rasel Ahmed

August 6, 2016 at 1:07 am

Both are actually paypal, so no matter what you chose the processor is still paypal. As for the bonus, you need to wait until I add you to the list and they send you a confirmation email for the bonus.

In your case, I can see your account was approved for the bonus is my list though. Did you receive their email?

August 4, 2016 at 10:08 am

Hi Servando , I have registered on zeropark with your promo code. My name: Mozhgan Email: [email protected] Please add me to list Thanks!

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August 4, 2016 at 9:41 am

Hi Servando, I signed up yest, pls add me to your list. Name: Pradeep Email: [email protected]

August 6, 2016 at 1:08 am

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August 4, 2016 at 4:56 am

Hi Servando , signed up . Name :Alex Email:[email protected] Thanks

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August 4, 2016 at 2:19 am

Hi Servando, I just got an email about they rejected me (just after 1 hour), I can’t found my old reply here so I am creating new reply, please help me. My name Jahid Hashan and email [email protected]

August 6, 2016 at 1:09 am

I have just added you to the list. They’ll check it manually to see if you can be approved.

August 6, 2016 at 2:15 am

Thank you very much, I will confirm you if they accept me.

August 8, 2016 at 10:04 am

Hi Servando, Just got email from zeropark and they accepted me, thank you again.

August 4, 2016 at 1:39 am

Hi Servando, I just singned up! Name: Jahid Hashan Email: [email protected] Thanks

August 4, 2016 at 12:38 am

Have you been approved? I can see your account is approved in my list.

August 4, 2016 at 12:36 am

Has this been solved? i just checked and your account has been approved and I can see you deposited those $200 so they should give you the bonus.

August 4, 2016 at 12:33 am

Got it. Added!

August 4, 2016 at 12:32 am

Thanks. You’ve been added.

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August 5, 2016 at 10:23 am

Thanks got it, $200 added 😀 How then? Any tutorial step by step? I’m still newbie in AM. Can i add you on skype mate? Thanks

August 6, 2016 at 1:12 am

Yes, the tutorial on how to launch your first campaign is exactly in this post mate! Also, check the AffiliateFi Case study.

August 6, 2016 at 1:14 am

Ok, Thanks mate.

August 4, 2016 at 12:31 am

I already added you so it’s just a matter of time 🙂

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August 4, 2016 at 8:07 am

I got the approval email confirmation and everything , tight virtual hug mate. You rock gracias

No problem. You should be able to get your bonus now.

Just added you 🙂

August 4, 2016 at 12:30 am

Got it. Thanks. You’ve been added.

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August 4, 2016 at 4:17 pm

I’ve got accepted. How long do I have to wait for the email coupon? Could I deposit first or no?

Since your account has been approved they’ll send you an email soon. You can deposit now.

August 7, 2016 at 12:24 pm

That’s weird I haven’t received a coupon email yet. can they resend it to me?

August 7, 2016 at 12:28 pm

They don’t work on weekends so probably tomorrow. I just send your email to my manager so she can check it personally.

OK. Added 🙂

You have been added to the list.

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August 3, 2016 at 9:58 pm

Hi Servando, I have just signed up with ZeroPark. Name: Huey Fen Beh Email: [email protected] Please add me to the list. Thanks!

August 4, 2016 at 12:35 am

August 4, 2016 at 4:51 am

Hi Servando, ZeroPark just rejected my account application. Can you help? Thanks!

August 6, 2016 at 1:10 am

Are you sure? Your account was approved and you actually deposited $300. Is everything fixed now?

August 6, 2016 at 9:46 am

Yes, all is good now. Thanks!

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August 3, 2016 at 7:10 pm

Hope you are doing well. I have applied and deposited $500, then my account was suspended! Took a bit effort to get my account back but still haven’t seen the bonus yet. Can you please double check for me? thanks! au.marketing88 [at] gmail.com

Hello. I just checked the list with my manager and you had an account before, so the promo doesn’t apply for you. Thanks.

August 4, 2016 at 7:24 am

Hi Servando, au.marketing88 [at] gmail.com is a new account, that’s why it was suspended, would you please double check for me? thanks

Sorry, but they’re saying it’s not a new account. You had an account before with another email and they know it so it doesn’t count.

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August 3, 2016 at 6:16 pm

Hello sir I just signed up last week. My name is hohooh wu Email is [email protected]

August 4, 2016 at 12:34 am

And I’ve just added you.

August 4, 2016 at 2:13 pm

Thanks,, Get ZP confirmed. 🙂

August 6, 2016 at 1:11 am

Great. You should receive an email for the bonus soon.

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August 1, 2016 at 11:01 pm

Thanks, Servando When could I receive the bonus?

August 4, 2016 at 12:29 am

They will contact you when you’re approved and the bonus is available. They’re taking a couple days to check everything manually.

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August 1, 2016 at 10:15 pm

Hello Servando, just signed up. Please include me for the offer. Thanks. name: Karen Thia email: [email protected]

August 2, 2016 at 1:36 am

Hello. I’ve just added you.

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August 1, 2016 at 12:35 pm

hi! not sure my first post came trough (if yes, please delete this one) name Jan Fazik mail aff.fjan [at] gmail.com thank you

Got it. Thanks!

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August 1, 2016 at 10:25 am

Hi Servando, I just singned up! Name: proyuri (Iurii Protopopov) Email adress: [email protected] . Thanks

August 2, 2016 at 1:37 am

Just added you to the list.

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August 1, 2016 at 7:13 am

Hi Servando, I applied for an account and got an email this morning saying that it was rejected. Can you lease help me to get in?

Name: Hugo Mesquita Email: [email protected]

August 2, 2016 at 1:38 am

OK. I have just added you to the list.

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August 1, 2016 at 6:17 am

Name: abdelkader Email adress: kader1991b (at) gmail (dot) com

Thanks and Have a great day

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August 1, 2016 at 4:55 am

Hi Servando, I just singned up! Name: Elijah Email adress: [email protected]

July 31, 2016 at 11:47 am

Thanks. Added.

July 31, 2016 at 11:46 am

OK, just added you to the list.

Sure. Just added you.

July 31, 2016 at 11:45 am

Hello. Did they send you the email to confirm you apply for the bonus? My manager is out but she’ll come back in 2 days and sort out all the pending payments.

July 31, 2016 at 11:43 am

Yes. She’s out of office and she’ll be back in August 2nd. How much did you deposit?

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August 1, 2016 at 12:02 am

I deposited $500. Thanks.

July 31, 2016 at 5:40 am

Yesterday I signed up with ZeroPark using the email: contact [at] proneomedia [dot] com Name: Dariusz

Please add me. Thank you so much! Have a great day!

July 31, 2016 at 11:44 am

Just added you. Thanks!

August 1, 2016 at 8:35 am

I just had an email exchange with the ZeroPark support. I thought it was OK, but in the end they rejected my application. Is there something that can be done?

Thank you so much!

August 2, 2016 at 1:39 am

In my list I haven’t seen your account updated yet. Let me ask my manager now that she’s back tomorrow. Stay tuned.

August 4, 2016 at 12:37 am

I think your account has been approved now, so you shouldn’t have a problem. Did you receive the email for the bonus from Zeropark?

August 4, 2016 at 10:32 am

Yes, it’s approved, thank you. I asked for the Credit Card payment option today and I’m waiting. The deadline is the 7th of August to make a deposit or just to sign up your new account with the coupon?

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July 28, 2016 at 3:06 pm

Hi, many thanks for sharing.

I’ve just registered with your code and I’m excited to get started and use your bonus!

my mail: [email protected]

July 28, 2016 at 10:19 am

Hi Servando, I just singned up! Name: MEI BAI Email adress: [email protected] . Thanks!!!

July 28, 2016 at 10:27 am

OK, I’ve just added you.

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July 28, 2016 at 6:19 am

Hey Servando! Just signed up. Thanks! Name: Yauhen Email: [email protected]

July 27, 2016 at 4:18 pm

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July 27, 2016 at 3:23 pm

Hi Servando, I just singned up! Name: Osama Email Address: [email protected]

I will add 200$ next 2 days… thanks mate..

July 27, 2016 at 4:17 pm

Just added you. You need to wait until they confirm your bonus though.

July 27, 2016 at 4:26 pm

Do you mean that I have to wait until they confirm my bonus, then add 200$ ? How to know that they confirmed my bonus ? Thank you

July 28, 2016 at 10:28 am

They will send you an email when your account is approved for the bonus.

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July 27, 2016 at 2:10 pm

Hi Servando, I just singned up! Name: Shoukri Email adress: [email protected]

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July 27, 2016 at 12:47 pm

Hi Servando, I singned up yasterday Name: osama Email adress: [email protected] Thanks

July 28, 2016 at 7:00 am

My Account in Zeropark rejected they told me that “after reviewing your profile we have decided you do not qualify for zeropark” i do not know why Please help me to approve my account

July 28, 2016 at 10:29 am

When did this happen? I don’t think they have reviewed you manually on the list yet as my manager is out of office and will probably check it on Monday.

July 27, 2016 at 10:07 am

No, please wait until your account is activated and they will send you an email to confirm the coupon for you.

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July 27, 2016 at 10:55 am

Thank you. Will wait.

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July 27, 2016 at 8:33 am

Hi Servando, I had just signed up. Name: Bryan Email: [email protected] Many thanks, waiting for your 2nd update for the case study at AffiliateFix. 🙂

July 27, 2016 at 10:08 am

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July 26, 2016 at 3:45 pm

Hi Servando, I hope I still have time to use this Promo. I Just registered.

My name – Henrikh Sargsyan Email – [email protected]

July 26, 2016 at 11:20 pm

Yes, there’s time. I’ve added you to the list.

July 26, 2016 at 7:37 am

Hi Servando, just signed up! Email: [email protected] name: Kai Thank you.

July 26, 2016 at 9:36 am

Your details have been added to the list.

July 26, 2016 at 10:39 pm

Hi Servando, I heard Voluum accepts traffic from ZeroPark for free but after signing up Voluum I found it cannot proceed if not choose a plan and pay. Do you know what’s going on?

July 26, 2016 at 11:19 pm

Yes. What it means is if you get the $99 plan which has 1 million events available but you use Zeropark, those events won’t be counted. You can use 10 million events in the $99 plan from Zeropark and it will count as 0 so you still pay just $99.

July 26, 2016 at 11:54 pm

July 26, 2016 at 3:03 am

Hello Servando.

I have just signed up. Please add me to your list to enable me to receive the additional matching of $500. Name: Rajan Baliah email: [email protected]

July 26, 2016 at 2:32 am

Hi Servando, I just signed up! Email: bestbook5561 (at) hotmail (dot) com Thanks.

July 26, 2016 at 9:37 am

You forgot the name you used at the moment of registration?

July 26, 2016 at 9:06 pm

Hey, my name: Wang Fei Thanks

July 26, 2016 at 11:18 pm

Thanks. You’ve been added to the list.

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July 25, 2016 at 10:13 am

Hi SERVANDO SILVA Name : Napol Email : [email protected] Thanks a lot 🙂 (Just signed up too)

July 25, 2016 at 3:38 pm

July 24, 2016 at 1:19 pm

OK. I’ve added you 🙂

July 25, 2016 at 3:20 pm

Thanks for adding. In my county PayPal not available so i want to pay via MasterCard, So could you please help me with that issue. Regards

July 25, 2016 at 3:37 pm

Not sure if I can help with that. Please contact them after approval to see if you can pay via cc instead of paypal.

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July 23, 2016 at 12:19 am

Sorry for so late to inform Bonus have been received

July 23, 2016 at 12:32 am

Thanks for reporting back 🙂 Got it.

July 23, 2016 at 8:22 am


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July 22, 2016 at 10:10 am

Hi Servando, Thank you for this opportunity. i did sign up ZeroPark with this email : [email protected] Please add me to the list. Thank you again.

July 23, 2016 at 12:34 am

Great. You’ve been added!

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July 22, 2016 at 9:52 am

I signed up too, mail: bozhidar.iliev @ gmail com

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July 22, 2016 at 7:38 am

Ok i am signing up for the time! – Name: Joe Bolton Email Used: [email protected] Thanks for this!

July 23, 2016 at 12:33 am

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July 22, 2016 at 4:14 am

Hi Servando, I also just signed up but I don’t like to post my email in the public (spam). Is there another way i can send you my email address? Thanks for everything!

No problem. Just added your email. What’s the name you used for registration?

July 24, 2016 at 2:28 am

Thanks for adding me 🙂 The name i used is Lucien.

July 24, 2016 at 1:20 pm

Got it. Thanks.

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July 21, 2016 at 10:21 pm

Hi Servando, I just singned up and get approved! Name: Qi Yin Long Email: [email protected] . Thank you!

July 22, 2016 at 2:58 am

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July 21, 2016 at 7:05 pm

Hi Servando, I just singned up! Name: Saoudi Email adress: [email protected] . Thanks

July 22, 2016 at 2:59 am

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July 21, 2016 at 3:56 pm

Hola Servando, Ya me registre! y esperando por verificación. Mi nombre es Guido y el correo es [email protected] . Muchas Gracias.

Añadido, gracias.

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July 21, 2016 at 12:22 pm

Hi Servando, I just singned up! Name: Johann email adress johannonline-at-yahoo.com! Thanks for the awesome coupon!

July 21, 2016 at 2:12 pm

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July 21, 2016 at 10:50 am

Hey Servando! signed up. Name: Ildar email [email protected] . Best to you!

Noted and added 🙂

July 21, 2016 at 10:37 am

Hello Servando/ My accaunt [email protected] . support answered me: I’ll be able to approve your account once Servando puts your name on his list. Please reach out to him, that should speed the process up. Hrlp please)

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July 21, 2016 at 7:46 am

Hey Servando, Just signed up to Zeropark. My name is Kerimov Eldar Email is [email protected]

July 21, 2016 at 2:13 pm

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July 21, 2016 at 5:31 am

Hola Servando, ya me he unido; Raúl / contacto(at)raulmellado.com Gracias por todo!

July 21, 2016 at 2:14 pm

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July 21, 2016 at 5:27 am

Hello name: Sergey mail: [email protected] Thanks

OK, just added you.

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July 20, 2016 at 10:03 pm

Hey Servando, Just signed up. Name: Sany email [email protected] Best to you!

July 21, 2016 at 2:15 pm

July 20, 2016 at 3:41 pm

OK, they should activate your account now and you’ll receive an email from Zeropark when you can proceed to add funds and get the bonus.

July 20, 2016 at 3:38 pm

Thanks. Just added you to the list.

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July 20, 2016 at 10:45 am

email : [email protected]

Name : cpa champion

Just signed up and put your Code it tells me pending

July 20, 2016 at 3:39 pm

OK, I’ve added you to the list.

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July 20, 2016 at 7:07 am

Hello Servando, My name: Alex e-mail: [email protected] Please add to your list, thanks!

July 20, 2016 at 6:03 am

OK, just added you to the list. They’ll contact you.

July 20, 2016 at 9:50 pm

Many thanks for your help, so means i would get $500 matching bonus if i deposit $500….

July 21, 2016 at 11:09 pm

Fund deposited since yesterday morning but till now no matching bonus applied yet and so far no reply from them as well regarding this matter. Any suggestion?

July 22, 2016 at 3:00 am

I can see your account was approved, so they’ll add the funds soon. If it doesn’t happen today then Monday most probably. Thanks!

July 22, 2016 at 3:12 am

Glad to hear that, looking forward to test Zeropark premium traffic. 🙂

July 26, 2016 at 6:24 am

Today already Tuesday but till now i still don’t get my matching bonus. Emailed Agata since last week but no reply from her/him. I’m really a bit worried now because it’s already more than 5 days. Could you please help as i didn’t get any reply from them. Thanks.

July 26, 2016 at 9:35 am

Let me send her an email. I actually see you account is approved but no deposit has been registered, but hang on and I’ll contact her personally. thanks for letting me know.

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July 20, 2016 at 3:41 am

Thanks Servando my account credited with extra $500 now its time to start journey .

July 20, 2016 at 6:02 am

Great to know!

July 20, 2016 at 2:25 pm

thanks bro i need your precious advice to choose campaign as you said in your blog you are friend in my journey please give me some advise i read your all your blogs

July 20, 2016 at 3:40 pm

Well, ask some specific questions here or in the forums and we can give you advice. Otherwise how would I know what to advice for? 🙂

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July 19, 2016 at 4:56 pm

[email protected]

it was rejected please Add to your list Asap

What’s the name you used to register? Please answer back ASAP.

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July 19, 2016 at 1:22 pm

Hello Servando, My account is suspended due to non activity is it possible to reactivate it? I hope that “suspended” is not the same with “banned”.. Thank you and looking forward for youre response.

July 20, 2016 at 6:01 am

Banned means you were breaking the rules. If you just never ran any campaigns and it’s due to inactivity it should be good to go. Please let me know the name and email so I can add it to the list.

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July 20, 2016 at 12:13 pm

Was in the same position as you, email support and they’ll help

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July 19, 2016 at 12:22 pm

Hey Servando, My name:Artem e-mail: [email protected]

July 20, 2016 at 6:00 am

Got it. just added you to the list!

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July 19, 2016 at 8:19 am

neostudiotech at gmail dot com

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July 19, 2016 at 5:37 am

Hey Servando,

Signed in yesterday with miguel[at]1001.pt . Didn’t make any deposit yet, but also didn’t use the coupon code.

OK, just added you manually so they will confirm it with you first.

July 19, 2016 at 4:59 am

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July 18, 2016 at 2:34 pm

Hola, Servando

Acabo de crear la cuenta

Mí nombre: Teresa Mí correo: [email protected]

Podrías validarme para el cupón?

July 19, 2016 at 4:58 am

OK, I just asked them t re-check your info. Thanks.

July 18, 2016 at 1:45 pm

You haven’t signed up with them. They just told me there is no account under that email. I don’t setup the accounts, so you need to create one before applying for the coupon.

July 18, 2016 at 1:41 pm

July 18, 2016 at 1:40 pm

You’ve been added. Thanks.

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July 18, 2016 at 12:13 pm

hey mate i signed up . name : nabil koumait . email : [email protected] , thanks

July 18, 2016 at 1:42 pm

OK, you’ve been added.

July 19, 2016 at 9:34 am

hi silva I received a Welcome email from zeropark can i add fund now ? is the coupon work automatically ?

July 19, 2016 at 2:15 pm

hi silva i paid my initial deposit but they stopped my account asked for gov id i sent it to them please can you check this for me i don’t want to lose this flame of motivation 😉

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July 18, 2016 at 10:31 am

Hola Servando, hace unas semanas rechazaron mi propuesta. Mi mail es [email protected] hago nuevamente para acceder al cupón.Me lo habilitas tu y ellos me dan acceso?ó tengo que mandarles un correo nuevamente?Gracias.

July 18, 2016 at 1:44 pm

I’ve added you to the list and they will send you an email to tell if the coupon applies for you or not.

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July 18, 2016 at 5:30 am

Hey buddy, name’s Itay and my email is [email protected] , thanks!

Hey. You’ve been added.

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July 17, 2016 at 4:12 pm

Hey mate, signed up, name’s Vic and my email is 🙂

July 17, 2016 at 5:14 pm

Added. Thank you.

July 21, 2016 at 2:21 pm

Hey, I was wondering what you thought of AdsBridge as a tracker for a newbie working with ZeroPark? The landing page templates and hosting seems enticing as someone new to the industry, although after reading your articles about the importance of page speed and CDN use, and looking at how closely integrated ZeroPark and Voluum are, I’m just not so sure what to pick :/

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July 16, 2016 at 3:04 am

My name is Ivan and my email is: [email protected]

July 16, 2016 at 12:16 pm

July 15, 2016 at 5:50 pm

Hello. Once they verify you and approve your account for the bonus you’ll receive an email from Zeropark. Thanks.

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July 16, 2016 at 1:37 am

My account was verified. Thank you very much 🙂

August 8, 2016 at 10:15 am

No problem 😉

July 15, 2016 at 5:47 pm

Hello. What’s the name you used to register?

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July 16, 2016 at 9:04 am

My name is Jaroslav Fládr, are you going to AWE Berlin?

July 16, 2016 at 12:17 pm

Yeah. I’ll be there.

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July 18, 2016 at 9:47 pm

Tnx Servando. Got my account approved with your reference and paid my initial deposit.

August 8, 2016 at 10:14 am

Great to hear. Thanks!

July 15, 2016 at 5:46 pm

Thanks. you’ve been added.

July 15, 2016 at 9:37 am

My name is Teresa and my email: [email protected]

July 15, 2016 at 5:44 pm

July 18, 2016 at 1:46 pm

It looks like you didn’t create any account under that email so they won’t be able to give you the coupon until you sign up.

July 15, 2016 at 8:01 am

Pls add me in smutapcic at smrtadv dot com

July 15, 2016 at 5:45 pm

What’s the name you used to register?

July 16, 2016 at 7:39 am

[email protected]

That’s the email address. What’s your name?

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July 15, 2016 at 7:57 am

Hey servando! I just signed up right now and can’t wait to get started 😀

my email is: [email protected]

Cool. I’ve just added you to the list.

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July 14, 2016 at 8:24 am

here’s my email efoxmedia2014 at gmail dot com, thanks!

July 14, 2016 at 9:02 am

July 15, 2016 at 6:56 am

Thank you bro, when can I receive the bonus? You’re the only motivation to me to sign up at ZP lol, I hope I could receive good results soon!

July 15, 2016 at 5:48 pm

They will send you an email when you’re accepted for the coupon. I can see you’ve been approved so you just need to wait for their email.

July 14, 2016 at 8:01 am

July 14, 2016 at 8:00 am

What’s the name you use at the moment of registration? Thanks!

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July 18, 2016 at 11:25 am

Everything ok, thank you very much. Servando, you’re the best!) My name at the time of registration oleg lvx

That’s great. Enjoy it!

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July 14, 2016 at 5:01 am

Hi Servando!

Here’s my email: [email protected] Cheryl here btw

July 14, 2016 at 7:57 am

You’ve been added to the list.

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July 14, 2016 at 3:25 am

Hi, Servando! I signed up today. Please add me into the list. Thank, My email: [email protected]

July 14, 2016 at 7:58 am

OK, You’ve been added 🙂

July 19, 2016 at 4:53 am

Zeropark not see my data, please refresh the list.

July 19, 2016 at 5:00 am

Actually they did and you have been approved and deposited already.

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July 13, 2016 at 4:45 pm

Hi, Servando. I’m already with ZP but I’ve never added funds. I’d like to take advantage of this offer. Email: amri.ahmad85[at]gmail[dot]com thanks mate!

July 14, 2016 at 7:59 am

July 13, 2016 at 4:16 pm

Hello, Servando. I’m already registered and get rejected please help me to get approved and profit from this coupon please.

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July 13, 2016 at 1:21 pm

Have just registered on ZeroPark and, rapid.ace92 (at) gmail.com Will deposit in a minute.

Edit: Oh I will need to get approved first.

Added to the list.

July 13, 2016 at 11:45 am

Hello Servando, I’ve registered an account on Zeropark under your tutorial. My email: [email protected] Please add me! Thank you very much 🙂

July 13, 2016 at 12:37 pm

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July 13, 2016 at 8:56 am

Hello Sir , i have already applied in the past months but My request is rejected . and i have applied because of you thank you so much . i need to know whats the next step . can i add funds now or waiting for you for give me my coupon . thank you an other time

July 13, 2016 at 9:43 am

You were added to the list before. Zeropark will contact you once your account has been approved so you can deposit and receive the bonus. I think your account has been approved already so you should receive an email soon.

July 13, 2016 at 10:48 am

yes i have received email from zeropark . so now when i add fund i will get the bonus yes ?? + i have now 220$ in my paypal and i will add 120$ in the next 2 days can i wait before my budget be 340$ for buy the 300$ pack or i have to add funds emmidiately ??

July 13, 2016 at 12:35 pm

Yes. That’s right. If you received green light from them you can now make your first deposit of $340 and they will add another $340 for a total of $680 🙂

You can do this today or tomorrow. Just make sure it happens before the promotion ends. You don’t have to do this immediately.

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July 13, 2016 at 6:23 am

Hi Servando, Signed up with your link. Mail ID: [email protected]

July 13, 2016 at 9:42 am

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July 13, 2016 at 4:01 am

Hello, I already have an account at zeropark, but haven’t done a deposit yet can you add me to the list? Email: [email protected]

July 13, 2016 at 9:41 am

Sure. If this is your first deposit I’ll add you. Thanks.

July 14, 2016 at 2:49 am

Yes, it’s my first deposit 🙂 So I can just make the deposit now and get the bonus right?

July 14, 2016 at 8:02 am

The Zeropark team will contact you once you’re ready to go. I think you’ve been approved already but they will email you to confirm when you can do your deposit.

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July 12, 2016 at 11:23 pm

Hi Servando, i registered with your code. My email [email protected]

July 13, 2016 at 9:40 am

Hello. Added to the list 🙂

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July 12, 2016 at 6:26 pm

i have sign up for new acc with the same email that i put it here in the comment

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July 12, 2016 at 4:00 pm

I used your coupon during sign up process as you write.

Please add me into the list of Deposit $500, get $1000. My email address is : [email protected]

thanks in advance and thanks for your interesting posts! I really appreciate it!

Hello Bruno. You’ve been added to the list.

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July 12, 2016 at 2:05 pm

Love it, great post Servando!

July 12, 2016 at 12:08 pm

You’ve been added!

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July 12, 2016 at 9:45 am

Genial Servando, gracias por la oportunidad! 🙂

July 12, 2016 at 11:48 am

Registrado, gracias.

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July 12, 2016 at 9:08 am

Hi Servando, please add me into your list . thank you ~ my email : [email protected]

Thanks, added.

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July 12, 2016 at 8:42 am

I used your coupon during sign up process.

Please add me into the list of Deposit $200, get $400. My email address is : [email protected]

July 12, 2016 at 11:49 am

Thank you. I’ve added you to the coupon list.

July 12, 2016 at 8:38 am

Hi bro, i have make the 1st top up yesterday , but i missed to add in the promo code . can assist on this? [email protected]

I’ll see what we can do. Added you to the list.

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July 12, 2016 at 8:36 am

Hey Servando, just signed up. artem.nedobor[at]gmail.com

July 12, 2016 at 11:50 am

Thanks Artem. Added.

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July 12, 2016 at 7:20 am

Hi Servando !

I’ve signed up to Zero Parke few days ago and I’m just about to start my first campaigns ! Could you please add me to the coupon ? 500$ bonus with 500$ first deposit would help me boost my results right after start for sure !

[email protected]

Thanks! Filip Gajda

Sure, no problem. I’ve added you to the list.

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July 12, 2016 at 5:48 am

Hi, i registered with your code. My email [email protected] . Thanks)

July 12, 2016 at 11:51 am

Thank you. I’ve added you to the list.

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July 12, 2016 at 5:31 am

Just registered via your link and put your promo code.

Should I put deposit first or wait their support calling me?

Thanks irfantony irfantony [@)gmail.com

July 12, 2016 at 11:56 am

Hello. Once you’re accepted and approved in the network you can make the deposit and they usually take 1-2 days to apply the coupon. I’ve added your name to the list.

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July 12, 2016 at 5:19 am

Hey Servando, have signed up through your link and coupon code hint4.me[a]gmail.com (Yuriy Pak). Please validate me. Thanks!

You’ve been added to the list 🙂 thanks

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July 12, 2016 at 4:59 am

Got rejected a week back. Kindly add me in your list. Registered ID: [email protected]

Thanks Krishna

July 12, 2016 at 11:57 am

Hi Krishna. Let’s see what we can do about that. I’ve added you to the list.

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July 12, 2016 at 4:43 am

Hi, my email is

[email protected]

July 12, 2016 at 11:59 am

I have just added you. Thanks

July 12, 2016 at 3:44 am

hi great to hear this, my email [email protected] . Rejected by ZP

OK, let’s see if they can reconsider your approval. I’ve added you to the list.

July 12, 2016 at 2:15 am

Hi, my email [email protected]

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July 12, 2016 at 1:23 am

I was rejected few months back and my account is inactive right now. How do I go about? My sign up email: [email protected]

July 12, 2016 at 12:04 pm

We’ll see if they can reconsider it. I’ve added you to the list.

July 13, 2016 at 12:11 am

Thank you Silva. Looking forward…

July 12, 2016 at 1:18 am

Hello! Registered with your code SRVNDZP2016. My email – [email protected]

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July 12, 2016 at 1:02 am

Please add me into the list. Thank, Ngoc Le / nolehb[@]gmail.com I had an account in zeropark but it’s inactive 🙁

July 12, 2016 at 12:05 pm

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July 12, 2016 at 12:52 am

Thanks for the coupon. I was rejected three weeks ago by Zeropark.

This is the email ID I signed up with them last time: [email protected]

I hope they approve me this time and activate your coupon. Thanks for adding me to your list.

Thanks, Anand

July 12, 2016 at 12:06 pm

Hi Anand. let’s see what we can do about it. Added to the list.

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July 11, 2016 at 9:01 pm

Hi, my email is [email protected]

Hi Patrick. Just added you to the list.

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July 11, 2016 at 4:51 pm

my email [email protected]

July 12, 2016 at 12:09 pm

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July 11, 2016 at 12:03 pm

Hey Servando, have signed up through your link and coupon code. kohelsuccess[a]gmail.com. Thanks

July 11, 2016 at 12:11 pm

Thanks. One more thing, what’s your name so i can add you to the list?

July 11, 2016 at 12:13 pm

Sure, Kohel 🙂

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July 11, 2016 at 11:41 am

Hello I am sign in Zeropark now. I wrote SRVNDZP2016 in the sign up form. My e-mail [email protected] . Please validate me!!! thank you

July 11, 2016 at 11:53 am

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July 11, 2016 at 11:35 am

Hello Servando. After applying within the last week I was rejected. I would love to take advantage of the offered coupon if they were to take another look at my application. The email I used was ameenm [@] mconv.com.

Just added you to the list. Thanks.

July 11, 2016 at 10:53 pm

Should I send them an email regarding my application, and reference your list? Or would they most likely be contacting me?

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July 11, 2016 at 11:23 am

Hey man, got my account rejected almost a year ago, I sent them an e-mail today and said that they could activate my account once you added me to your list. mail to add: [email protected]

Added, thanks.

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July 11, 2016 at 10:38 am

MAn ! i was very disparate and i wanted to get in so much ! thank you for this opportunity !!

please make them accept me and iam in 🙂

July 11, 2016 at 11:22 am

Hello, are you registered already or are you getting a new account? please leave your email here to add you to the list.

July 12, 2016 at 12:42 am

[email protected]

yes i was rejected .

July 12, 2016 at 12:10 pm

OK, Let’s see if they can reconsider your account. I’ve added you to the list.

July 12, 2016 at 9:13 am

did you add me Bro ?

July 11, 2016 at 10:26 am

hi man im already enregistred and get rejected please help me to get approved and profit from this coupon please

July 11, 2016 at 11:21 am

Hello Yassine. Already added your email (the rejected account) to the list of coupons so they can reconsider it. Thanks.

July 11, 2016 at 12:08 pm

thank you so much Servando , i Hop that 🙂

July 11, 2016 at 3:46 am

Hi, man I’m in.

July 11, 2016 at 11:19 am

Already added you to the list. Thanks.

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Launching your first CPA Campaign?

Here's what you need to get started ASAP!

Erik Gyepes

Affiliate marketing expert.

  • From $0 to $200/day profit in 4 days with Zeropark Push Ads!

zeropark case study

On STM Forum , we often encourage new members to start their own follow-alongs aka journeys of their first steps within their campaigns.

It’s the best way they can learn from their beginner mistakes and also everyone who is reading can step in and give an advice.

It’s a win-win situation for everyone, and many times these FA’s are full of golden nuggets .

It’s been a long time since I started my own follow-along on STM.

It was actually couple years ago, when I was starting out with paid traffic affiliate marketing as a total newbie.

However, in early December I started my own follow-along again!

Zeropark recently introduced Push Ads and I wanted to learn this new ad format.

Follow-along seemed like the best way to do it, so everyone can benefit and learn something new.

Even I’m experienced affiliate marketer and I launched hundreds of successful campaigns, push ads were a completely new ad format to me at this time.

I’ve documented my whole journey from start , with the whole setup directly on STM and updated it every couple of days.

zeropark case study

  • my preparation and research process
  • my tracking setup in Voluum
  • offers and landers selection
  • campaign’s setup at Zeropark’s side
  • ads and creatives
  • best converting offer

The results were more than surprising!

I did a proper initial preparation, research ( spying ) and setup.

I’ve launched 5 campaigns in 3 different verticals  (sweepstakes, casino and finance) in total.

In just 4 days as a total newbie with push ads I reached $200/day profit .

zeropark case study

Of course not all my campaigns were profitable, and I shared my thoughts and reasons behind those as well.

To read the whole FA, feel free to join STM and read it with people’s comments and questions.

Also since yesterday you can also read an edited version of it as a case study on Zeropark’s official blog:

Zeropark Push Ads Case Study: A Super-Affiliate Tries Push Traffic – Ft. Erik Gyepes

Enjoy reading and I wish you good profits with push notification traffic !

  • Posted In: Case Studies
  • Inside Out: Solo super affiliate and STM moderator Erik Gyepes
  • Interview with Luke “PeerFly” Kling from affLIFT

zeropark case study

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Froggy Ads Logo

Zeropark Case Study: Unveiling the Secrets of Successful Affiliate Marketing

  • Post author By support
  • Post date September 4, 2023

zeropark case study unveiling the secrets of successful affiliate marketing 293451 1

In the vast digital landscape of affiliate marketing, Jonte has unlocked the secret to success.

By harnessing the power of the Zeropark platform, he has revolutionized desktop push campaigns and catapulted himself to profitability.

With a keen eye for profitable targets, the mastery of auto-optimization tools, and the fearless spirit to test new strategies, Jonte’s journey is a case study worth delving into further.

Let’s embark on this captivating adventure and discover the keys to Jonte’s triumph.

zeropark case study

The Zeropark case study discusses the successful desktop push campaign run by Jonte, an affiliate marketer.

Jonte focused on the best performing targets, used auto-optimization tools, and made adjustments to his bids and creatives to maximize profits.

Despite some challenges, Jonte achieved overall profitability and also gathered a large number of push subscribers.

The case study emphasizes the importance of focusing on profitable targets, utilizing auto-optimization tools, and continuously testing and optimizing campaigns for success.

Key Points:

  • Zeropark case study discusses a successful desktop push campaign by affiliate marketer, Jonte
  • Jonte focused on best performing targets and used auto-optimization tools
  • Adjustments to bids and creatives were made to maximize profits
  • Overall profitability and a large number of push subscribers were achieved
  • Importance of focusing on profitable targets emphasized
  • Utilizing auto-optimization tools and continuously testing and optimizing campaigns for success is crucial

Sources 1 2 3 4

💡 Did You Know?

1. The term “zeropark,” in the context of online marketing , refers to a type of targeted traffic source that allows advertisers to bid on specific keywords to drive targeted traffic to their websites.

2. The concept behind the name “zeropark” is based on the idea that this traffic source provides high-quality traffic with minimal “parking” time, meaning that users are directed to the desired websites quickly and efficiently.

3. Zeropark offers a unique fraud monitoring system that utilizes machine learning algorithms to detect and prevent any fraudulent or non-human traffic, ensuring that advertisers only pay for genuine human visitors.

4. Zeropark is known for its advanced targeting options, allowing advertisers to focus their campaigns on specific geographies, languages, devices, or even specific operating systems to reach their desired audience effectively.

5. The success of a case study using Zeropark as an advertising platform relies heavily on factors such as well-crafted creatives, effective keyword selection, proper bid management, and continuous optimization to achieve optimal results in terms of conversions and return on investment (ROI).

Successful Desktop Push Campaign Generates Four-Digit Profits

In this case study, we explore the remarkable success of an affiliate marketer who achieved outstanding results with a desktop push campaign on Zeropark. The campaign, which spanned over a month, delivered four-digit profits, highlighting the enormous potential of skillfully executed affiliate marketing strategies.

The success of this affiliate marketer serves as a testament to the effectiveness and profitability of well-planned desktop push campaigns on Zeropark.

Focusing On Best Performing Targets For Profitable Campaigns

To ensure profitability, the participant focused on the best-performing targets . By closely analyzing and optimizing their campaigns, they were able to identify and target the sources and targets that yielded the highest returns. This targeted approach was instrumental in driving profits and maximizing the campaign’s performance.

  • The participant achieved profitability by focusing on the best-performing targets.
  • Close analysis and optimization of campaigns were key in identifying high-yield sources and targets.
  • The targeted approach played a crucial role in driving profits and maximizing campaign performance.
“A targeted approach can significantly enhance profitability and campaign performance.”

Expanding Into CPS Utilities/Software Offers During The Pandemic

Due to the challenges posed by the pandemic , the participant decided to tap into new markets. Previously, they had successfully worked with push mobile traffic in the CC Submit Sweepstakes niche. However, recognizing the need for diversification, they opted for CPS Utilities/Software offers, which they had already tested on other traffic sources. This decision proved fruitful , allowing them to adapt to changing market dynamics and capitalize on new opportunities.

Importance Of Average Order Value (AOV) And User Retention

The participant implemented a strategy that prioritized two crucial elements:

  • Average Order Value (AOV)
  • user retention

By focusing on maximizing AOV and ensuring user retention, they were able to optimize the profitability of their campaign. This strategic approach enabled them to generate significant returns and build a strong customer base .

Budget And Offer Payouts In Zeropark’s Desktop Push Campaign

The campaign had a substantial budget of over $20,000 , indicating the participant’s commitment to achieving success. With offer payouts ranging from $40 to $60 , the campaign attracted high-quality traffic and provided lucrative opportunities for profit generation . This allocation of resources underscores the importance of financial planning and investment in affiliate marketing campaigns.

Split-Testing And Moving To A New Traffic Source

Recognizing the potential of Zeropark as a traffic source , the participant utilized split-testing when transitioning to this platform. This allowed them to effectively assess the performance of different elements and optimize their campaigns accordingly. Split-testing was vital in ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing the campaign’s profitability in the new traffic source.

Developing An Automated Optimization Platform With Zeropark

The participant developed an automated optimization platform integrated with Zeropark through API, to efficiently manage multiple campaigns. This bespoke solution successfully streamlined campaign management and enhanced efficiency. By automating the optimization process, they were able to make data-driven decisions and allocate resources effectively, ultimately contributing to the success of their campaigns.

Accurate Campaign Tracking With Voluum

To ensure accurate campaign tracking, the participant relied on Voluum . This sophisticated tracking tool provided them with detailed insights into campaign performance, allowing them to make informed decisions and optimize their strategies. Accurate campaign tracking is essential for affiliate marketers , as it enables them to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and allocate resources efficiently.

  • Campaign tracking tool: Voluum
  • Benefits of using Voluum:
  • Provides detailed insights into campaign performance
  • Allows informed decision-making and strategy optimization
  • Importance of accurate campaign tracking for affiliate marketers:
  • Enables measurement of campaign effectiveness
  • Facilitates efficient allocation of resources
“Accurate campaign tracking is the cornerstone of successful affiliate marketing campaigns.”

Rule-Based Optimization With Zeropark For Effective Campaign Management

Zeropark’s Rule-Based Optimization is a powerful tool that allows users to automate campaign actions by setting rules based on specific conditions. This AI-powered feature is designed to save budget by automatically pausing underperforming sources and targets. By leveraging this innovative tool, participants in a recent campaign were able to optimize their campaigns and maximize profitability.

Here are some key points about Zeropark’s Rule-Based Optimization:

  • Users can set rules based on specific conditions to automate campaign actions.
  • The AI-powered tool automatically pauses underperforming sources and targets, helping to save budget.
  • This feature played a pivotal role in the participant’s successful campaign, enabling them to optimize their campaigns and maximize profitability.
“Zeropark’s Rule-Based Optimization empowers users to automate campaign actions by setting rules based on conditions, helping to save budget and maximize profitability.”

Please note that bullet points were not added as they were not provided in the original text.

Benefits Of Cutting Placements In Big Inventory Traffic Sources

The article highlights the benefits of cutting placements when using a traffic source with a large inventory, such as Zeropark. By aggressively cutting underperforming placements , the participant was able to focus on the placements that delivered the best results. This strategic approach helped them maximize their budget and drive profits effectively .

In conclusion , this case study delves into the successful desktop push campaign on the Zeropark platform. By focusing on profitable targets , utilizing automated optimization tools , and implementing effective campaign management strategies , the participant achieved impressive results.
  • This case study serves as a valuable resource for affiliate marketers looking to maximize their profitability and drive successful campaigns.

1. How has ZeroPark effectively utilized case studies to showcase their success in the digital advertising industry?

ZeroPark has effectively utilized case studies to showcase their success in the digital advertising industry by presenting real-life examples of how their platform has helped businesses achieve their goals. These case studies provide concrete evidence of the effectiveness and value of ZeroPark’s services. By sharing specific details about the campaigns, metrics, and results, potential clients can see firsthand how the platform can drive targeted traffic, increase conversions, and improve ROI. This approach builds trust and credibility, as it demonstrates that ZeroPark has a proven track record of delivering positive outcomes for businesses in the digital advertising industry.

Furthermore, ZeroPark’s case studies are often presented in a concise and visually appealing format. The use of compelling visuals, such as graphs, charts, and infographics, helps to present the data in a clear and easily understandable manner. This makes it easier for potential clients to grasp the key points and benefits of working with ZeroPark. By showcasing their success stories through case studies, ZeroPark effectively demonstrates their expertise and positions themselves as a reliable and trusted partner in the highly competitive digital advertising industry.

2. What specific strategies or techniques can be learned from ZeroPark’s case studies to improve conversion rates in online marketing campaigns?

ZeroPark’s case studies offer valuable strategies and techniques to enhance conversion rates in online marketing campaigns. Firstly, one can learn the importance of targeting the right audience. ZeroPark emphasizes the need for carefully analyzing and segmenting the target audience based on their demographics, interests, and behavior. By understanding the audience’s preferences and needs, marketers can create highly targeted campaigns and deliver personalized messages that resonate with them, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Moreover, ZeroPark emphasizes the significance of optimizing landing pages. By conducting A/B testing and analyzing user behavior, marketers can identify the most effective layout, design, and content for their landing pages. ZeroPark’s case studies highlight the importance of clear and concise messaging, captivating visuals, and a user-friendly interface that guides visitors towards the desired action. Implementing these strategies can significantly improve the conversion rates as visitors are more likely to engage with the landing page and convert into customers.

3. In what ways have ZeroPark’s case studies provided valuable insights into the targeting and segmentation of audiences for maximum ad performance?

ZeroPark’s case studies have provided valuable insights into targeting and segmentation of audiences for maximum ad performance by showcasing how specific targeting criteria can lead to better results. These case studies highlight the importance of understanding audience demographics, interests, and behavior patterns to create highly targeted campaigns that resonate with the right audience. By analyzing conversion rates, click-through rates, and other performance metrics, ZeroPark’s case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of audience segmentation in improving ad performance.

Furthermore, these case studies have also emphasized the significance of continuous optimization and testing to achieve maximum ad performance. By experimenting with different target parameters and monitoring the performance of each segment, advertisers can identify the most responsive audience and optimize their campaigns accordingly. ZeroPark’s case studies provide real-world examples of how refining audience targeting through segmentation and continuously iterating on ad strategies can lead to better ad performance and increased ROI.

4. How do the case studies of successful campaigns on ZeroPark demonstrate the power of leveraging advanced targeting tools and optimization features?

The case studies of successful campaigns on ZeroPark showcase the immense power of leveraging advanced targeting tools and optimization features in driving successful outcomes. These tools allow advertisers to identify and target their desired audience with precision, maximizing the chances of conversions and increasing return on investment. By utilizing advanced targeting tools, advertisers can narrow down their audience based on various parameters such as geographic location, demographics, device type, and interests, ensuring that their ads reach the most relevant audience.

Additionally, the optimization features provided by ZeroPark enable advertisers to constantly fine-tune their campaigns for optimal performance. With features like conversion tracking and A/B testing, advertisers can analyze and optimize their campaigns based on real-time data, allowing them to make informed decisions and improve campaign performance. This level of optimization empowers advertisers to make data-driven choices and continuously improve their campaigns, ultimately leading to higher engagement, better conversions, and overall success.

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Gold   Zeropark Live Case Study (from $0 to $XXX per day)

  • Thread starter servandosilva
  • Start date Jul 13, 2016



Well-known member.

  • Jul 13, 2016


Seriously I'm looking for this few months ago, will register right away on ZP. And thanks for your contribution.  



Active member.

Following closely. I hope your case study will give a brief insight on scaling once you make your campaign a winner.  



Khanh nguyen.

  • Jul 14, 2016

subscribed and your post motivated me to sign up at ZP, now im waiting for them to activate my account so I can add funds.  


I was waiting for this, watching this thread and enjoy your stay in Berlin. Regards IndeXer  


  • Jul 15, 2016

Great. Subscribed.  


Affiliate Manager


I cant wait for this updates. Surely some nuggets are up for grabs !!! Safe trip  


  • Jul 19, 2016

Waiting patiently  

Victor Gomez

thanks, wait updates  

Hey guys. I'll post the first today tomorrow. I've been very busy in berlin for AWE but tomorrow it will be over.  



servandosilva said: Hey guys. I'll post the first today tomorrow. I've been very busy in berlin for AWE but tomorrow it will be over. Click to expand...


  • Jul 20, 2016

Thx man, will wait for your update!  


This will be awesome  

  • 2-3 offers (similar offers to split test the Conversion rate)
  • Later added CDN/local VPS to split test

zeropark case study

  • Jul 21, 2016

Great post and I'm looking forward for the update!  

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Follow Along   ZeroPark push + Bemob + S9 Sweep [Zeropark Case Study]

  • Thread starter rogers.social
  • Start date Mar 30, 2019



Active member.

  • Mar 30, 2019

zeropark case study

  • Traffic Filters: Mobile only
  • Frequency filters: 1/24
  • Creative: 5

zeropark case study

  • i forgot config Postback URL, so i can't optimize anything. but the data is better than before i use pop.

zeropark case study



I appreciate you posting this very detailed follow along. I know many others have made budget and postback mistakes just like you so don’t be too hard on yourself. There are many positives you can take from this campaign so your next one will be much better!  

  • Mar 31, 2019
Luke said: I appreciate you posting this very detailed follow along. I know many others have made budget and postback mistakes just like you so don’t be too hard on yourself. There are many positives you can take from this campaign so your next one will be much better! Click to expand...

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Value of Information (VOI) Case Study on ETAP

EPA conducted a value of information (VOI) analysis to weigh the public health and economic trade-offs associated with the timeliness, uncertainty, and costs of conducting the EPA Transcriptomics Assessment Product (ETAP) compared to traditional human health assessment processes. Fewer than a quarter of the tens of thousands of chemicals in commerce--as well as those found in the environment, various waste streams, and the human body--have traditional toxicity or epidemiological data that can inform human health risk assessments. ETAP is a novel human health assessment approach aiming to address this challenge by targeting chemicals that lack traditional tox

  • Value of Information (VOI) Analysis

Final VOI Report

Voi analysis of etap.

VOI analysis was a recommendation from the  2009 National Academies of Sciences (NAS) report Science and Decisions Advancing Risk Assessment  to provide EPA with an objective decision framework to assess the trade-offs of time, uncertainty, and cost in choosing testing methods for a variety of chemical exposure scenarios and decision contexts.

zeropark case study

EPA developed and published a VOI framework . This framework was applied to a case study evaluating the human health and economic trade-offs of the recently released ETAP that relies on a standardized five-day in vivo transcriptomic-based toxicity study compared to a traditional human health assessment using a two-year rodent study. Both the ETAP and a traditional human health assessment results in a reference value representing the daily dose of a chemical substance that would be unlikely to result in an adverse health effect following oral exposure in humans.

The process to conduct an ETAP is shorter and less costly, but with the trade-off of presumed greater uncertainty. Once the chemical of interest is in the lab, an ETAP can be completed in less than a year. Traditional toxicity testing and assessment processes can take several years.  An analysis of the scientific literature and internal studies indicate high concordance between the ETAP-derived values and traditional animal studies across species, sex, route of exposure, physical chemical properties, toxicokinetic half-life, and technology platform.

In the case study, the ETAP and traditional toxicity testing and human health assessment processes are evaluated using a socioeconomic analysis that compares and quantifies the public health (i.e., societal health benefits) and return on investment associated with obtaining information to inform a regulatory decision.

This video provides more details about the VOI.

In the VOI analysis, the ETAP was the preferred testing method in the majority of scenarios considered. The analysis was performed for various combinations of exposure conditions, health endpoints, exposure control costs, population characteristics, and decision types using a range of values informed by real-world data. The VOI results indicate that reducing the time to decision, realized by using the shorter-duration ETAP process, has significant public health and economic benefits when compared with the longer traditional toxicity testing and human health assessment process.

  • Final VOI Case Study Report and Supplemental Materials

VOI Materials Prepared for BOSC Review

  • VOI Case Study Report for BOSC Review (pdf)   (3.1 MB)
  • VOI Case Study Supplemental Material for BOSC Review (pdf)   (1.4 MB)
  • Board of Scientific Counselors Panel for VOI

Learn more:

EPA’s  Safer Chemicals Research  aims to address the challenge of needing more chemical information to make informed, risk-based decisions.

  • Standard Methods
  • Value of Information Case Study
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Zeropark FAQ

Over the years, the Zeropark team has been asked quite a lot of questions regarding affiliate marketing in general, as well as campaign settings, budgets, and various technicalities of the Zeropark platform.

To improve users’ experience, as well as to simplify intel-searching for all affiliates, we prepared a list of the most common inquiries along with the answers. 

Hopefully, the below FAQ will become handy, and if it does not dispel your doubts, feel free to contact us at [email protected] and ask directly.

  • 1.1. I’m new to the affiliate business, what do I do? Where do you recommend I start?
  • 1.2. Can you explain to me what affiliate marketing in Zeropark is?
  • 1.3. Can I try Zeropark without registering?
  • 1.4. What is a self-serve platform?
  • 1.5. Is there an affiliate marketing glossary I can read?
  • 1.6. What ad formats are available in Zeropark?
  • 1.7. What are pop campaigns in Zeropark?
  • 1.8. What are domain campaigns in Zeropark?
  • 1.9. What are Commerce Media campaigns in Zeropark?
  • 1.10. What is the difference between keywords, targets, and sources in Zeropark?
  • 1.11. Tell me about your traffic, is it clean, human traffic? How to check it?
  • 1.12. What are the best converting verticals in Zeropark?
  • 1.13. Does Zeropark take any commission?
  • 2.1. What payment method does Zeropark offer?
  • 2.2. I just topped up my account, when will the funds be visible on my account?
  • 2.3. What currencies can I use in Zeropark?
  • 2.4. I am unable to top up my Zeropark account. Why?
  • 2.5. What is the minimum deposit of the Zeropark account?
  • 2.6. Can I request a refund?
  • 2.7. Can you tell me about the VAT settlement?
  • 2.8. Can you raise my top-up limits with different payment providers?
  • 2.9. What are the fees for topping up with different payment methods?
  • 2.10. Can I pay with Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency?
  • 2.11. Am I able to issue an invoice?
  • 3.1. How do I set up my account?
  • 3.2. Am I able to change the email address used for my Zeropark account? How do I do it?
  • 3.3. I have trouble logging into my account. What do I do?
  • 3.4. My account was suspended. Why did this happen and what could be done?
  • 3.5. My account was rejected. What is the reason?
  • 3.6. My account was frozen. What is the reason?
  • 3.7. My account was banned. What could be the reason?
  • 3.8. How do I get my own Account Manager assigned?
  • 3.9. What are Zeropark’s working hours?
  • 3.10. I want to collaborate with Zeropark on a business level. How to reach out to you?
  • 3.11. Does Zeropark offer a referral program?
  • 3.12. What languages does your support team speak?
  • 4.1. What ad format should I choose for my campaigns?
  • 4.2. Can I use other forms of advertising besides Zeropark?
  • 4.3. When will my campaign be approved?
  • 4.4. Can I edit my campaign while it’s still in the moderation process?
  • 4.5. I paused the campaign, why is it still spending
  • 4.6. How to properly set budget capping so that my campaign performs best?
  • 4.7. Can I make a smaller bid than suggested in the Zeropark dashboard?
  • 4.8. Are there any limits on maximum and minimum bids?
  • 4.9. Can I duplicate campaigns in Zeropark?
  • 4.10. Is there a limit as to how many campaigns I can have?
  • 4.11. Can I blacklist targets on my campaign?
  • 4.12. Can I blacklist sources on the campaign level?
  • 4.13. Can I blacklist sources on the account level?
  • 4.14. Can I blacklist IPs on my campaign?
  • 4.15. My campaign does not have any visits. Why?
  • 4.16. My campaigns look good, but for some reason, I don’t get the traffic anymore. Why?
  • 4.17. I set up a new campaign and my budget was spent very fast! Why?
  • 4.18. How do I test which campaigns will bring optimal results?
  • 5.1. Should I decide on a broad (RON) or narrow (Source/ Target/ Keyword) campaign targeting?
  • 5.2. What is the smartest thing to do: run RON or keyword for domain redirect?
  • 5.3. How can I make sure my campaign reaches the right audience?
  • 5.4. Is there a limit on keywords I can target?
  • 5.5. What sources should I whitelist for my campaigns?
  • 5.6. What are the targeting options in Zeropark?
  • 5.7. What is geotargeting?
  • 5.8. Can I pause traffic from certain cities, regions, or countries?
  • 5.9. What are the top-performing GEOs?
  • 5.10. How do I know what bid to set for certain GEOs?
  • 5.11. What is contextual targeting?
  • 5.12. What is keyword targeting?
  • 6.1. Can I run affiliate campaigns on a low budget?
  • 6.2. What can I do to make sure I outbid the competition?
  • 6.3. How to quickly optimize my campaigns and make profits?
  • 6.4. Is it possible to edit the campaign?
  • 6.5. What is the general advice for campaign optimization?
  • 6.6. What day parting settings will work best for my campaign?
  • 7.1. Do I need an affiliate ad tracker?
  • 7.2. What are the benefits of tracker integration?
  • 7.3. Is there a free Voluum trial for Zeropark users?
  • 7.4. I would like to use an ad tracker – how to do it?
  • 8.1. Is there a Compliance guidebook?
  • 8.2. What are the Zeropark Compliance & Policy Guidelines?
  • 8.3. How do I check if my campaign follows Zeropark’s guidelines?
  • 8.4. Why was my campaign rejected?
  • 8.5. Can I set up adult campaigns with Zeropark?
  • 9.1. Does Zeropark protect the privacy of all the parties involved?
  • 9.2. What’s Zeropark's stance on cookies?
  • 9.3. Are Zeropark’s affiliates exposed to any malpractice?
  • 9.4. How do I generate the Zeropark API token?
  • 10.1. I am new to the affiliate marketing business. Can you tell me what is the determinant of a successful campaign? What campaigns are successful?
  • 10.2. How much time does it take for a campaign to start making money?
  • 10.3. Should I take risks in affiliate marketing, or maybe play it safe?
  • 10.4. How do I navigate through the communities and affiliate industry forums?
  • 10.5. Is there a maximum amount of money you can make on affiliate marketing?
  • 10.6. Is it possible to run out of traffic? Will the market become saturated?
  • 10.7. Is there an optimal amount of time I should spend on my campaigns each day?
  • 10.8. Is there an optimal period for me to regularly change creatives in my campaigns?
  • 10.9. How do I plan a strategy for my affiliate marketing campaigns?

I’m new to the affiliate business, what do I do? Where do you recommend I start?

First of all, welcome to the world of affiliate marketing! Although the beginning of the road might be a little confusing, Zeropark is here to help you out. Below, please find a list of sources that will become your go-to destination when in search of affiliate marketing materials:

. Read through our detailed walkthroughs and product documentation to understand how to navigate and make the most of the Zeropark platform.

. Remember to visit the Zeropark blog regularly to find the latest affiliate marketing trends and news. It’s a great source of know-how, expert insights, and also a good place to practice an industry-specific vocabulary.

. We also published an article that’s directed specifically to affiliate newcomers (but everybody can feel invited) with everything you need to know to start in this business. Make sure to read it carefully.

. Zeropark team has prepared a set of free webinar materials for advertisers on all levels of industry expertise. Zeropark webinars answer both practical questions and will be also a good place to start in-depth research about advanced affiliate strategies.

. For more detailed information about the industry, we would recommend joining one of the paid affiliate marketing forums. Of course, we’re actively sharing our knowledge there, and the communities can become valuable sources of insights for affiliates on all levels of expertise. Make sure to check out the , , , and forums.

Can you explain to me what affiliate marketing in Zeropark is?

The Zeropark ad exchange is both an SSP (Supply Side Platform) and a DSP (Demand Side Platform). This means that Zeropark works with both publishers who provide the traffic, and advertisers who buy the traffic for their campaigns. 

Once an advertiser obtains the offer, they can then apply to Zeropark, choose the best traffic that suits their needs (PPC or PPV) and promote the offer to the target audience via campaigns ran with the traffic that Zeropark supplies from our publishing partners. 

To put it very simply, the affiliate marketing flow in Zeropark looks in the following way:

Can I try Zeropark without registering?

Yes, there is a way to get access to Zeropark’s platform before actually registering. which is a great method of getting to know the dashboard, finding out how Zeropark’s mechanics work, and getting accustomed to all steps of campaign-making before the final decision to register. However, as it is a free demo version of Zeropark, you will not be able to buy traffic and test the campaigns in practice.

yourself, and find out what we can do to help your business.

What is a self-serve platform?

A self-serve advertising platform allows digital marketers to have full control of their campaigns and manage them without third-party assistance. By doing that, such platforms allow advertisers to make the most out of each marketing effort by providing a wide range of advertising formats, and optimization options.

Self-serve advertising platforms are offered, for example, by Facebook, TikTok, Google, or Zeropark.

Is there an affiliate marketing glossary I can read?

Yes, the Zeropark team has prepared an you can have a look at in case of any doubts. It covers both affiliate marketing vocabulary and Zeropark-specific terms, too. We also invite you to also where you can learn even more detailed information.

What ad formats are available in Zeropark?

Zeropark offers the following ad formats:

(a premium Zeropark ad format available only after a prior approval).

In order to learn more about Zeropark ad formats, take a look at .

What are pop campaigns in Zeropark?

are the new browser windows or tabs appearing over a currently viewed page (pop ups) or beneath it (pop unders). Pop traffic ads appear automatically during a browsing session and display the advertised landing page. Bear in mind that it is not possible for you to buy either just pop up or just pop under traffic, as the two types are mixed.

cost model.


What are domain campaigns in Zeropark?

Domain redirect traffic, also known as parked domain or zero-click traffic, is the oldest ad format in Zeropark. Domain redirect ads deliver users to advertised landing pages through redirects. Such redirects are triggered by users typing in unused "parked" domain names in the address bar of a browser, for example by misspelling.

Let’s say that instead of zeropark.com, a user types in zerpoark.com, which happens to be a parked domain. If it is so, they will be automatically redirected to a landing page with an ad.

cost model.

What are Commerce Media campaigns in Zeropark?

is a new type of ad format available in Zeropark. These are brand-safe and non-intrusive ads designed specifically to instantly match brands with customers based on high-quality traffic.

cost model.

Commerce Media ads are only available after prior approval.

What is the difference between keywords, targets, and sources in Zeropark?

Keywords, targets, and sources are traffic placements needed to reach different levels of traffic targeting, thus narrowing down an audience.

— Keywords allow you to target specific web pages based on keyword matching. By inserting the specific keywords you want to target (or the ones you don’t want to target), you’re able to reach the exact users you want to direct your campaigns to. A simple example would be inserting keywords such as ‘basketball shoes’, ‘best sports shoes’ (and dozens of others) for an advertising campaign regarding sports footwear. This will direct traffic based on these keywords to your campaign, increasing the conversion rate.

— a source is a publisher feed consisting all the traffic coming from one publisher, while a target is a particular website of a publisher.

— a target is a specific URL or location from a certain source.

A source will contain various targets, but a target can only belong to one source. This division exists, because publishers often have more than one website they are looking to monetize. With target/source campaigns you can run whitelist campaigns only on particular targets or the entire sources.

You can also specify custom bids for each target/source and pause individual targets/sources. Such options let you easily fine-tune the efficiency of your ads and scale up your affiliate marketing efforts.

Tell me about your traffic, is it clean, human traffic? How to check it?

No ad network can guarantee 100% bot-free traffic, as even advertising giants like Google and Facebook often fall victim to sophisticated bot technology. However, what we do at Zeropark to get rid of such unwanted traffic, is extensive filtering and monitoring of our inventory for any fraudulent activity.

What are the best converting verticals in Zeropark?

Each vertical and niche needs to be discussed separately and one cannot tell which vertical is ultimately the best. Some of the most popular verticals in Zeropark are:

What is important is the seasonality of verticals. Different ones will have different results depending on the time of the year. For example, whenever a major sporting event is to be held, will become more profitable.

To catch-up with the upcoming trends, the Zeropark team offers a . It’s a weekly-updated set of suggestions regarding best-performing GEOs and verticals, proposed bids, as well as some general tips. Also, find more tips on the .

Does Zeropark take any commission?

Registering on Zeropark is free, and there are no subscription fees, but the platform takes a commission off users’ campaigns. Zeropark takes a percentage of the cost of all traffic bought within a campaign.

To start operations with the Zeropark platform, an advertiser will need to complete the first top-up of at least $200. This is a non-refundable minimal amount of money accepted in the platform, as stated in .

What payment method does Zeropark offer?

You can top up your Zeropark account using PayPal, credit card or a traditional wire transfer. Remember that the initial top-up needs to be of .

I just topped up my account, when will the funds be visible on my account?

and top-ups should be visible in the account right away. However, it may happen that an additional payment verification is needed. In this case, the top-up might take a little longer to be ready to be used.

Wire transfers, on the other hand, take some time to arrive, and therefore the process can take up to five working days.

What currencies can I use in Zeropark?

Your payment gateway should do the conversion of the currency for you.

You can pay with all the above currencies, but the transactions will be made in USD. Also, the funds are visible in the Zeropark dashboard only in USD.

I am unable to top up my Zeropark account. Why?

It may happen that Zeropark top up fails to proceed. It is important for you to check whether:

Whenever there is a discrepancy between PayPal email address and Zeropark login address, the account gets frozen until you confirm the emails.

Another scenario is that you have reached your monthly transactions limit for a chosen payment method. If you still want to top up, contact our Support Team at and ask if it is possible to have a limit increased.

What is the minimum deposit of the Zeropark account?

Advertisers are able to top up their accounts with funds accordingly with upper limits of the chosen payment method. However, the minimum . In accordance with , the first top-up is non-refundable.

Can I request a refund?

You can request a refund of the money you have previously topped up your Zeropark account with. However, this is not applicable to the initial $200 top-up for the newly registered users, as stated in .

, it is possible to ask for a refund of the difference between the non-refundable $200 and the topped-up amount. Bonuses are not subject to refunds under no circumstances.

The funds are delivered to the user’s account within 30 days from the date of request. Please note that there is no option to choose the payment method for the refunds – all cases will proceed in accordance with the way that the deposit was being made.

For security reasons, Zeropark will suspend accounts of users who request refunds. If you want to continue cooperating with Zeropark after receiving a refund, contact our team.

Can you tell me about the VAT settlement?

are strictly connected to the advertiser’s tax office location. If the company resides in any of the European Union member countries, they are obliged to pay the VAT. If an advertiser does not want to be charged with additional VAT by Zeropark, they should provide their VAT ID in their Zeropark account.

Can you raise my top-up limits with different payment providers?

Upon request, Zeropark can increase the PayPal and Credit Card limits for you. However, this is done on an individual basis and only after reviewing every such inquiry. Contact the support team at for more information.

What are the fees for topping up with different payment methods?

There are different , and they all depend on the payment method you choose.

Can I pay with Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency?

As for now, Zeropark does not accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment.

Am I able to issue an invoice?

An invoice will be automatically generated for you after every completed top-up. You can access it in the panel by opening the user’s details tab in the upper right corner of the Dashboard. Open the ‘Payments’ section, and then enter ‘Transactions’ menu, where all your top-ups will be visible. In the ‘Invoice’ column you should see the download icons which allow you to access your invoices. If this feature is not available, contact Zeropark’s support team.

How do I set up my account?

In order to join Zeropark, you will need to complete the and proceed with the first top-up of your account. You can also have a look into Zeropark’s dashboard with our to preview the platform functionalities.

Am I able to change the email address used for my Zeropark account? How do I do it?

You are not able to change your email address directly in account settings after logging in. However, you can do it by contacting our team. See the support button in the upper right corner of the Zeropark dashboard, and then enter the support section. Choose the “Change email” option and proceed with the contact form.

What will be needed is a confirmation message from the new email address. Once this is done, your address will be changed.

“I confirm the request of changing my email address from (OLD EMAIL) TO (NEW EMAIL).”

I have trouble logging into my account. What do I do?

If for some reason a user cannot access their account, they should get in touch with Zeropark support at . The most common reason for this kind of trouble is a lack of access to the Google Authenticator software and/or to the device.

For security reasons, users will be asked to provide the details of their last payment in Zeropark. After their identity will have been confirmed, the will be removed. Once this happens, a user can access their account.

We would also recommend changing the password right away after every event of trouble with logging in. This, and regular password changes, as well as Multi-Factor Authentication, are some of the safety guidelines for all Internet users.

My account was suspended. Why did this happen and what could be done?

It may happen, that the user’s Zeropark account has been suspended for the time being. There are a few reasons for that:

In case of any doubts and questions, please feel free to contact Zeropark’s support team at .

My account was rejected. What is the reason?

In order to make sure that Zeropark cooperates with quality users and media only, some accounts are rejected. The most common reason for account rejection is not completing the registration process within 30 days of launching it.

Some users are also rejected by Zeropark’s Account Approval Team. This may be caused by failing to comply with , which are mandatory for all advertisers. Zeropark platform reserves a right not to disclose specific reason for rejection.

My account was frozen. What is the reason?

Your account will be frozen when our systems detect a discrepancy between an email address used for PayPal top-up and the Zeropark account email address. Additional email verification will be needed.

First, you’ll receive a verification email to the Zeropark address. Upon clicking a link inside, a second message will be sent to your PayPal email address. Remember to check your spam folder, as messages sometimes go there. After verification the account will be unfrozen, and you will be free to use your PayPal account in the future.

My account was banned. What could be the reason?

If an advertiser does not follow the , their account could become subject to a permanent ban. Among the reasons for banning users are:

How do I get my own Account Manager assigned?

It is possible for Zeropark users to have an assigned, but not every advertiser will be eligible for that. The general rule is that a user needs to be spending more than $2,000 a month in Zeropark, and have a tracker set up for their campaigns to be able to receive an Account Manager. This is our way of showing commitment to our most trusted partners!

However, bear in mind that these requirements are just a framework and actual Account Manager assignment varies from case to case.

Once an Account Manager is assigned to your account, they will stay in direct contact with you to make sure that all the operations in Zeropark flow smoothly and troubleless. Account Manager should be able to help with payments, setting up of campaigns, and optimizing them. They will also provide some suggestions regarding traffic sources and verticals.

What are Zeropark’s working hours?

Zeropark platform is always available for all users without any time restrictions. However, manual approval of the campaigns happens from 8 AM to 6 PM CET on weekdays (Monday to Friday).

If you’re submitting a campaign outside of these hours, and still want to have full control over when it actually launches, make sure to select the ‘keep campaign paused’ option. This way, even after approval, the campaign will be waiting for you to manually start it.

I want to collaborate with Zeropark on a business level. How to reach out to you?

We are always open to taking up new collaborations and business opportunities. If you are interested in engaging with Zeropark on a business level, feel free to contact us at .

Does Zeropark offer a referral program?

Currently, Zeropark does not offer any form of a referral program for its users.

What languages does your support team speak?

We’ll be happy to answer all your inquiries in English. Zeropark is an international company, and this is the most universal and convenient way of communicating with partners and customers.

What ad format should I choose for my campaigns?

Frankly, there isn’t one type of traffic that should be considered as better-converting in all instances. Affiliate marketers, especially experienced ones, are all trying to find out which traffic type will suit best their campaign, as the right choice means a lot of benefits for one’s campaign.

Traffic types have their own characteristics which will work for some campaigns and will become useless for others. The best advertisers understand those nuances and know how to utilize them to boost the efficiency of their campaigns.

We recommend reading into Zeropark’s blog series of Ultimate Guides and see, which type of traffic will work best for your campaigns. Also, see the for our suggestions on verticals and GEOs.

Can I use other forms of advertising besides Zeropark?

Of course, a diversification of marketing strategies is a good practice for all marketers out there. But when extending your portfolio, make sure you do not become a competition to yourself. Bidding on the same keywords with contextually similar campaigns will make you bid against yourself, which, as we can all imagine, is not something anybody should appreciate.

When will my campaign be approved?

The standard time for a campaign to be reviewed is an hour. On weekdays, the campaigns are approved between 8 AM and 6 PM CET. On weekends and holidays, they will be approved between 8 AM and 4 PM CET.

Can I edit my campaign while it’s still in the moderation process?

Yes, you can edit your campaign while it’s still in the moderation process as well as afterward. Please note an edited campaign might be required to go through the verification process again, e.g., if a campaign Destination URL is changed.

I paused the campaign, why is it still spending

and traffic campaigns: Please first check if you have the dashboard set to the correct time range (options in the top right-hand corner of the screen). If yes, and yet the campaign is still spending, please contact our Support Team at .

How to properly set budget capping so that my campaign performs best?

Remember to approach budget capping with caution, as you do not want to overspend, and you don’t want to have too tight of a budget, too. Make sure that your bid is adequate to traffic type, campaign type, and budget. It will be best to:

Can I make a smaller bid than suggested in the Zeropark dashboard?

You can, however, the suggested bid is there to guide you to the optimal point where you will win traffic. Bidding lower will most probably result in you having a smaller chance to win the auction. But the final decision as to what you’d like to follow is yours.

The Zeropark Team recommends bidding just slightly higher than what the suggestion is. You can always adjust the bid after receiving data on how the campaign is doing, as well as based on the win ratio, but this way you secure a higher chance of winning the visit.

Are there any limits on maximum and minimum bids?

Zeropark does not have the maximum bid amount, although it is worth remembering, that the key to conducting a successful affiliate marketing campaign is finding a proper balance between ad spending and returns.

Theoretically, one could set the bids at an inadequately high level, and win all the auctions almost automatically, but this would most probably bring them a negative ROI. These kinds of campaigns will not work for anybody, as they are simply unprofitable and bring almost no market insights.

In Zeropark, there are minimum bids for different types of traffic. Domain and Pop traffic have a minimum bid of $0.0001 CPV (Cost-Per-View). Bear in mind that this is highly unlikely that the winning bid will be near this minimum value. For lower-tier GEOs the bids will more likely be lower, but for more competitive targets, you should expect them to be much higher.

Can I duplicate campaigns in Zeropark?

Yes, you can duplicate your campaign in Zeropark. One option is to simply in Zeropark, and the second one would be to .

Is there a limit as to how many campaigns I can have?

Although the sky is the limit in affiliate marketing, advertisers need to be careful as to how many campaigns they are trying to run at once. Ineffective and unoptimized campaigns could drain one’s budget really quickly, especially if a marketer conducts a bigger number of those.

Remember not to abuse Zeropark’s capacities. As all the campaigns of Zeropark users are moderated and accepted manually, our teams can easily detect those advertisers who set up numerous campaigns and do not spend on them. To make sure that our services are of the highest quality possible, we’re filtering out these practices to provide only the best advertising to Zeropark’s sources.

Can I blacklist targets on my campaign?

Yes, you can blacklist targets for your campaigns in Zeropark. Some targets are not going to be either effective for your campaign, or you simply do not to have them in for any other reason (for example because of the contents they provide)

A user can on their own. It is also possible to ask our support team for help with that, too. For instructions on blacklisting targets in Zeropark, please refer to our documentation section on that topic.

Blacklisting a target does not mean it will be unavailable for one campaign only. A blocked target will be barred globally for a user.

Can I blacklist sources on the campaign level?

You are able to on the campaign level, so that the blocking does not affect your remaining campaigns. Enter Zeropark Dashboard, choose your campaign and open the sources tab. There, you can pause whichever source you want to exclude from your traffic.

Can I blacklist sources on the account level?

You are not able to blacklist sources globally for your account. You can contact our Support Team at .

Blocking a source will have an effect on all campaigns and a whole account, not only a chosen campaign.

Can I blacklist IPs on my campaign?

Although you are not able to in the chosen campaign, you can do it for your whole account. Enter the My account section in the Zeropark platform and Blocked list to access the list of blocked IPs, ISPs, and targets that you can edit.

My campaign does not have any visits. Why?

There are quite a lot of reasons for the campaigns to not receive visits and thus buy any traffic at all. In most cases, what we would recommend, is to check all campaign elements in search of something that would hold the traffic – like an accidental source pause, for example. 


It can be possible, that a total lack of traffic is caused by the wrong optimization. For example, may never win any RTB auction, thus not bringing any results for the campaign. The same may happen when the campaign is targeted too narrowly, thus excluding a lot of potential traffic and conversions.

My campaigns look good, but for some reason, I don’t get the traffic anymore. Why?

The most common reasons for campaigns’ traffic win-ratio losses and a general campaign underperforming are:

I set up a new campaign and my budget was spent very fast! Why?

The main reason for this is usually too high of a bid for the traffic you are targeting. The best practice is to always check the suggested bid value that’s visible inside the panel with your campaign settings or refer to before getting started.

Another reason for too quick budget spending is the wrong optimization of a campaign. If you target high-volume GEOs and have a high bid, then you’ll quickly burn all the resources out without major success. If your campaign is targeting too broad of an audience, for example by bidding for too many irrelevant keywords, then you’ll also quickly spend your money on traffic that does not convert.

We recommend checking your bids, budgets as well as other campaign settings. Also, read our to find some useful tips.

How do I test which campaigns will bring optimal results?

In order to do proper , you’ll need to inspect their performance first in order to build a strategy and determine which settings bring the best results. Every campaign will be different, but there are some good testing practices:

One of the most common mistakes of unseasoned and impatient advertisers is trying to optimize the campaign right away, without waiting a few days for the first reliable results to come in. Generally, we would recommend testing the campaigns for 3 or 4 days before interfering with variables.

Make sure your campaign does have the right number of conversions before you finish testing it. For some GEOs, it will be much easier to have a higher number of conversions, and this usually goes along with higher traffic volumes. This is because the conversions are always good indicators of what could bring success to the campaign. We’d generally recommend waiting until you have at least 3 conversions per source to consider received data as worth acting upon.

Should I decide on a broad (RON) or narrow (Source/ Target/ Keyword) campaign targeting?

bear different fruit. But with proper campaign planning and set-up, one can capitalize on both broad and narrow campaigns. The thing is, that during optimizing campaigns, an advertiser should make sure to minimize budget losses by , GEOs, and variables that do not bring satisfying ROI.

Ultimately, the most common practice is to start big and optimize over time.

What is the smartest thing to do: run RON or keyword for domain redirect?

Choosing the right approach depends on the campaign type. Some will require increased traffic from related sites – for those you should use keyword campaigns. If you’re still testing different options, you should pick the broadest option, like RON. This way you can test all the available traffic and then narrow it down by optimization.

We recommend reading our article to learn more about .

How can I make sure my campaign reaches the right audience?

The secret to reaching the right audience with your campaigns lies in the process of campaign targeting and optimization. By choosing the right campaign set-up and then carefully removing all the unnecessary or underperforming variables, you are slowly getting to the point, where your campaign reaches only the best-fit users.

Keyword targeting should be really helpful here, as thanks to the contextual targeting options in Zeropark, you can be certain that your advertisements are displayed to a thematically-interested audience. This contextual functionality is something that Zeropark is really proud of, as it boosts the performance of campaigns while maintaining the highest possible level of user satisfaction.

Is there a limit on keywords I can target?

Yes, there’s a default limit of 100 keywords a single campaign can target in Zeropark. In case you’d like to target more, please contact us at or reach out to your assigned Account Manager.

Please note that it’s recommended to be cautious with large volumes of targeted keywords. Inserting an extensive number of those may result in your budget being spent very fast. We’d recommend reading an article on the Zeropark blog on for more information and useful tips.

What sources should I whitelist for my campaigns?

In order to find what for your campaigns, you need to test them first. The recommended flow would be starting with a broad campaign targeting to buy as much traffic as possible and then test your campaign in order to find out what sources bring you the most conversions. The most profitable placements should be then whitelisted, while low-performing ones should be paused.

Another option would be reaching out to our support team at , and asking about source suggestions for different campaigns. They may have some recommendations for you to try out. We also recommend signing up for the weekly to receive carefully curated whitelists from our team straight into your inbox.

What are the targeting options in Zeropark?

Zeropark offers a lot of different targeting settings that allow advertisers to narrow down their campaigns to an optimal point, where the conversions are maximized. Among all the targeting Zeropark’s options advertisers can find:




What is geotargeting?

feature enables advertisers to focus on traffic coming from chosen geolocations. Zeropark allows targeting countries, but also more granular options have been enabled, and you can set your campaigns for regions or even cities.

Having acquired detailed market-based knowledge, it would be a waste of resources to try to set up worldwide campaigns without abating the reach. Based on an understanding of certain countries' market preferences, an advertiser is able to determine what GEOs (countries, regions, or even cities) will work best for chosen verticals.

Different characteristic of GEOs have allowed the industry to divide those into three categories widely known as tiers:

include the likes of Australia, the US, UK, or Germany and Scandinavia. Their volumes are high, and the societies are highly technologically advanced. As these are more developed countries, there is an increased possibility of bigger spending. These are high-end audiences, and therefore the competition in the Tier 1 is fierce – that is why the bids will most probably have to be higher here.

include developing countries with great market growths from Europe and richer parts of Asia. There is no universal language for Tier 2, and the volumes there are medium with the medium spending potential. If properly optimized, Tier 2 campaigns could promise great rewards in a slightly less competitive market.

include less prosperous markets with abundant volumes, but also the decreased spending possibility of the audiences. However, the competition there is low, and with good optimization, and even with lower bids, the high conversions are a promise of a successful campaign.

Make sure to read into our article on to find an in-detail description and overview of Tiers of GEOs as well as tips on how to utilize the knowledge on geotargeting.

Can I pause traffic from certain cities, regions, or countries?

When optimizing your campaign, you can pause traffic from the GEOs you do not want anymore. This is most commonly done to stop the traffic-buying from low-performing countries, cities and regions.

Access the campaign you want to optimize, and choose the Countries, Regions or Cities tab in the Dashboard. Each position in the table has a status column, where you can pause or resume cities, regions and countries in the chosen campaign.

What are the top-performing GEOs?

All the GEOs have different characteristics, and therefore it is hard to determine which are the top-performing ones. If correctly optimized, every GEO could become a source of returns for an advertiser, but in order to achieve that, deep market insights are needed.

An industry differentiates GEOs that are high in volume but low in conversion, as well as those where the volumes will be smaller, but due to user preferences, the conversions will be high. Generally, the GEOs have been divided into three tiers based on what is known about their markets. This helps advertisers to optimize their campaigns and suggests with high accuracy, what could be expected from the audiences there.

Make sure to read Zeropark’s blog article that dwells on the topic of Zeropark offers a platform with information about what verticals to target for different GEOs, as we’re sending out our . Inside, advertisers are able to get to know which verticals have been performing best in what countries during the previous 7 days-period.

How do I know what bid to set for certain GEOs?

Zeropark offers some suggestions as per how much should you bid for certain keyword, GEOs and more in your campaigns. Bid recommendations are available for the advertisers in the dashboard, and we propose that all advertisers pay attention to them. Some bid information could be found in as well.

Bear in mind that these values are based on historical data, and are suggestions only. Your competition also has access to it, and it would be the best practice to bid slightly higher than the average.

Zeropark’s team also offers access to a . Inside, besides up-to-date industry news and insights, you can find our updated lists of top verticals with the best-fitting GEOs.

What is contextual targeting?

Contextual targeting in Zeropark is based on keyword targeting. This means that depending on the search query of the user or the contents of the website they are visiting, publishers are able to show them contextually relevant ads.

The good example of contextual targeting, and not demographic one, is offering of Zeropark, where the ads are precisely displayed to relevant users. With the use of keywords, Zeropark becomes a completely cookieless platform that does not sell or buy any users’ data.

This is a way to conveniently reach these members of the audience who will be more interested in engaging with the offer. Basically, the best way to reach people who are more likely to purchase running shoes (therefore are the best for running shoe campaigns) is to find them in contextually relevant domains.

Reaching a theme-literate audience is beneficial for the campaign's well-being, as it is much more likely to find conversions there.

What is keyword targeting?

Keyword targeting allows advertisers to find those internet users who will be most likely interested in their product or service by matching their search queries. While designing a campaign, an advertiser is able to target their campaign on certain keywords, that would convert best. Also, this is a very common practice to have negative keywords included for the queries that are not welcome and aren’t desired there.

Can I run affiliate campaigns on a low budget?

You can run campaigns on chosen budgets (without any maximum limit) for as little as $5. Of course, the bigger the budget for a certain campaign, the better the promise of the returns. But having a campaign with a lower budget is totally fine, and it’s one of the more popular strategies.

There is a scale to be remembered, as the possible returns will be naturally smaller with lower budgets. In terms of testing, it also might be slightly complicated to reach extensive results, if the budget is running out fairly quickly.

A lower budget in campaigns requires more precise optimization of a campaign. This applies to all the variables, as lower spending on the campaign shrinks the space for tests and drawing data-driven conclusions.

Fortunately, you can start optimizing your campaign even before you launch it. A great tool to do so is which allows advertisers to see detailed information about volumes in different GEOs, keywords, devices, and more variables. This way you are able to filter out some data you would normally have to find out about later.

What can I do to make sure I outbid the competition?

Outbidding the competition is one of the keys to a successful campaign, but it takes a lot of work and consideration. Make sure you keep track of the following steps and implement those when creating future campaigns:

to better understand how to manage your bids.

How to quickly optimize my campaigns and make profits?

General advice for all advertisers new to Zeropark advertisers is to start broad, and then pause either keywords or sources that do not work to cut off big sections of unprofitable traffic. Once you’re happy with the keywords or sources left, you should then start optimizing your campaigns on the target level.

The scale of operations is highly determined by the budget available for the campaign. The general rule is that advertisers need to have some testing budget that allows for finding out which combinations of variables work best. Please note that scaling in affiliate marketing is not a make-money-quick type of business, and it requires both time and resources to enjoy a substantial ROI.

Is it possible to edit the campaign?

is not only something possible but also a highly-recommended practice. In Zeropark, you can set up the campaign with use of multiple settings regarding targeting, but applying the changes is always a possibility, especially for the sake of .

During the testing period of the campaign, advertisers are advised to be targeting wider audiences. Gradually, after having received relevant information on different sources, keywords, GEOs and other variables, you should make amendments and corrections to elevate campaign’s performance. This is done by editing the campaign, and you can do it directly in Zeropark Dashboard.

What is the general advice for campaign optimization?

The general advice for campaign optimization would be to always start broad and gradually narrow down your targeting by cutting down unprofitable placements, and leaving only those that do bring return on your investment.

In order to do that right, you have to make sure you understand the data you receive from your already running campaigns. Don’t act spontaneously, and without a deep, data-driven consideration. Optimization is a set of things you can do to increase the ROI of your campaign. This is a multifactorial process that’s basically based on removing unnecessary elements of the campaign, as well as on improving and adjusting them.

One of the crucial elements needed for proper campaign optimization is tracking your campaigns so that you can get a clear data overview.

If you are not sure as to how to optimize the campaign, feel free to use our resources in , or watch . There is also a possibility to ask the Zeropark team for opinions and suggestions at .

What day parting settings will work best for my campaign?

It’s best to have your default on in a newly created campaign up until the moment where you have enough of data acquired during the testing phase. While testing, see which parts of the day are not bringing enough profits to be considered as beneficial, and only then optimize your day parting.

If you are a seasoned advertiser and already have some insights that you are sure of, you can use them to set custom day-parting for your new campaign. There is no universal optimization setting for programmatic campaigns, and this also applies to the day parting settings.

Do I need an affiliate ad tracker?

Having a tracker is not something obligatory for advertisers, but it should be something really beneficial for those users, who are conducting broad marketing activities. Trackers allow more control over what is happening with different campaigns, and marketers could access the data in real-time.

What are the benefits of tracker integration?

We strongly recommend that you integrate a tracker to your campaigns in Zeropark just for the sake of work comfort and increased data collection possibilities. With the tracker you can:

Is there a free Voluum trial for Zeropark users?

Voluum offers free demo access to the tracker for 14 days, and Zeropark advertisers are eligible for a Voluum integration that is free of charge for all subscription plans available in the tracker. No matter the offer type you choose, with the integration, Automizer is free for up to $1000 ad spend.

I would like to use an ad tracker – how to do it?

We recommend that every advertiser uses a tracker to even better optimize their campaigns and boost the ROIs. Zeropark can be integrated with a bunch of software products, and for a full list of those, and for a walkthrough on integrations, find our section of Zeropark documentation.

Is there a Compliance guidebook?

Remember that criteria as to what could the campaign include could be found in .

What are the Zeropark Compliance & Policy Guidelines?

Every campaign in Zeropark is manually verified by the Compliance Team in accordance with our .

Every campaign type needs to meet a specific set of rules and expectations that are to be seen in Zeropark Documentation:

In general, Zeropark does not allow:

Remember that all adult campaigns need to have an adult filter on in order to be accepted in Zeropark. Commerce Media, on the other hand, does not allow adult campaigns at all. Every event of violation of the Compliance & Policy Guidelines could be the reason for account suspension or a permanent ban.

How do I check if my campaign follows Zeropark’s guidelines?

Zeropark has a clearly outlined set of that our users need to follow to have their campaigns approved and running in Zeropark. It is within all users’ responsibility to make sure that their campaigns follow all the rules. Our Compliance Team will also manually check all the campaigns to have complete certainty that only quality campaigns are run in Zeropark.

It is our goal to remain a quality-driven ad exchange platform. Therefore, you can expect maximum meticulousness and safety provided by our teams.

Why was my campaign rejected?

Campaigns are rejected for not being in line with . Since every campaign created in Zeropark is manually reviewed by our team, it should be a priority for all advertisers to follow Zeropark rules.

In the panel you are able to see the reason for the rejection of your campaign.

Can I set up adult campaigns with Zeropark?

With Zeropark you can run but in order to have them accepted, you will need to set the adult filter in the targeting section while creating it. If this is not done, then the campaign will be rejected by Zeropark’s internal Compliance Team.

Does Zeropark protect the privacy of all the parties involved?

Privacy is one of the most important aspects of Zeropark’s offer. We ensure the data-safety by:

Find out more about how we protect your privacy in the section.

What’s Zeropark's stance on cookies?

, meaning that no third-party data was being bought at any point. As cookies are unsought in the marketing industry, it is best to trust the tools that allow users precise targeting options without violating user privacy preferences. Also, Zeropark-registered user’s data is not being processed by any third-party organization other than external payment processors.

Are Zeropark’s affiliates exposed to any malpractice?

All the teams within Zeropark cooperate in order to provide the . A major focus is being put on filtering out all unreliable sources of traffic, as well as non-compliant campaigns. All this serves one purpose – to create a safe environment for all the parties involved. The same rules apply to the safety of users’ data and transactions. With Zeropark, there is no flying under the radar.

Of course, it may happen that some bot traffic will not be caught on time. In these situations, as soon as we catch it, the appropriate refunds are being proceeded with. It is also worth pointing out that a lot of unwanted traffic (bot traffic also falls into this category) is being filtered out thanks to Zeropark’s intricate optimization tools. With us, it is easy to target not only the best-converting traffic but also the safest one.

Whenever you notice anything suspicious going on with your traffic, send us a proper report, and our team will investigate the case.

Our set of is wide and comprehensive, and it clearly states what campaigns are accepted in Zeropark. Any case of breaching those will be caught thanks to a manual campaign approval system.

How do I generate the Zeropark API token?

If you want to start using Smart Zeropark’s API, it will be required for you to generate the API token. Access the My account tab in the Zeropark Dashboard, and enter the Security section. There, generate the access token that should be sent in api-token HTTP header.

Find more information on the in our documentation.

I am new to the affiliate marketing business. Can you tell me what is the determinant of a successful campaign? What campaigns are successful?

There is no universal answer to these questions, as it heavily depends on the advertiser’s goals and ambitions. We could say, that the positive ROI (Return Of Investment) should be the basic form of finding out if a campaign is doing well. Also, having considerably big returns is the reason behind conducting affiliate campaigns.

Therefore, we can say that you can consider your campaign successful depending on the ROI you receive. Having a positive ROI right away is something that does not happen all the time. In most cases, an advertiser will have to in order to find the best-working set of variables.

How much time does it take for a campaign to start making money?

Again, this is something that can not be determined. Some campaigns set off with great successes, while some need more work to start bringing returns. Optimization is a key part of conducting every campaign. It allows an advertiser to maximize the efficiency of their campaign.

Should I take risks in affiliate marketing, or maybe play it safe?

It is always healthy for advertisers to try out new things. But while learning about new verticals, GEOs, and campaign types is good for one’s expertise, making unreasonable decisions is not. At least unless somebody wants to learn about the flopped campaigns.

For some people testing new waters will be considered a risky affiliate marketing practice. And in that case, we would recommend it as long as the budgets allow you to conduct it safely (without any harm to the continuity of your business). What we would not recommend, would be to jump in head-first into the creation of campaigns without justifying decisions with data.

The industry has already proven that experience becomes a really valuable asset for all the advertisers and the stories about crazy-successful newcomers who conquer the world tend to be slightly exaggerated.

Find Zeropark`s article with to ensure making data-backed decisions only.

How do I navigate through the communities and affiliate industry forums?

Forums and communities are probably the best places for advertisers to follow the trends, get well acquainted with the market and product particularities, as well as learn about other advertiser’s mistakes and experiences. We understand that for unseasoned users these may be slightly overwhelming places, and that is why we’ve prepared an insightful guide on how to use forums and communities’ potential to the fullest. Read on about for beginners and advanced marketers.

Is there a maximum amount of money you can make on affiliate marketing?

There is not. The amount of returns from an affiliate marketing activity is strictly connected with the amount of time and resources invested into optimizing the campaign, thus making sure it brings the best ROI. This is done by cutting out all the unprofitable keywords, sources, and GEOs while investing and scaling on profitable placements.

With good optimization, an abundance of investments, and a fair amount of hours put into making sure that the campaign does best, there is virtually no ceiling for the returns. Although, as this seems like an idyllic scenario, it’s only accessible to the top-tier advertisers. Nonetheless, this is still a very profitable business, of course, once an advertiser consciously conducts the campaign.

Is it possible to run out of traffic? Will the market become saturated?

Although affiliate marketing, just like all businesses, changes over time, there is no option for the traffic to ever run out. Firstly, because of the ongoing popularization of technology, there are more worldwide users each day. Secondly, are not exhaustible.

If your campaign does not bring results, this is very likely a problem with the optimization of a campaign. Your ad may be lacking volumes because you simply chose the wrong set of variables. Try using the data you obtained from your campaign to find out, which sources, keywords, and GEOs you need to change in order to have your campaign reach a wider audience. Increasing the bid should work as well.

Is there an optimal amount of time I should spend on my campaigns each day?

There are no fixed hours of work for marketers. Most freelancers are happy with the fact that they are able to choose for themselves when to work. But this does not mean that no major efforts need to be made to make the campaigns work.

To make all the processes easier for all the advertisers, no matter their experience, Zeropark has introduced a tool that allows programmatic, and thus automatic campaign optimization. It is based on a logical scheme, where IF something happens, THEN the automatic reaction follows. It allows marketers to have increased control over what is happening with their campaigns… even when they’re asleep!

Is there an optimal period for me to regularly change creatives in my campaigns?

Every campaign has its own pace, and advertisers are not obliged to change creatives for their campaigns within a specific time frame. Although, trying out a new creative could, in theory, become another factor benefiting the effectiveness of a campaign as repeated use of the same ad creatives may lead to banner and thus lower CTR.

Remember to always follow the new advertising trends and make sure your campaigns are UX-optimized too. The modern approach is user-centric, so it is really important to remember that.

How do I plan a strategy for my affiliate marketing campaigns?

There is no universal strategy for all affiliate marketing campaigns, as each campaign differs in terms of ad traffic specifics, targeting set-up, bidding strategy, available budgets, optimization techniques and various other aspects.

The must-have or must-do items to be included in your strategy, though, are: time, resources, and expertise.

This is because affiliate marketing campaigns require time for thorough testing and scaling phases, which cannot be performed without financial investments, as well as making informed and data-backed decisions.

The worst thing an advertiser can do with their campaign is to neglect outlining the campaign plan, setting reasonable goals or the testing and optimization phase. Expecting returns without planning ahead and taking reasonable steps (so basically improvising), is a one-way ticket to ineffectively burning the ad budget. With this approach, there should not be any high expectations regarding the results.

We recommend that every advertiser firstly tests their campaigns with different configurations of variables, and only then sets reasonable budget limits. The optimization comes next, and as the time passes, an advertiser should be able to get to the point where his campaign maximizes conversion rate and ROI. But don’t worry – the work never stops, as the sources, creative or bids need to be adjusted at all times.

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What really fueled ukraine war, a case study in enabling and other commentary.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin may have invaded Ukraine because of Russia's population decline, according to Ivan Krastev at The Spectator World.

Foreign desk: What Really Fueled Ukraine War

“Could it be the Ukraine war is about fighting for people?” asks Ivan Krastev at The Spectator World .

Months before he invaded, Vladimir Putin lamented Russia’s population decline, vowing to do everything possible to reverse it.

By 2039, Russia’s population is projected to fall to less than 140 million, smaller than Nigeria, Brazil, Pakistan or Ethiopia.

And “Russia’s war in Ukraine has involved the large-scale abduction of children, particularly orphans, who have been forcibly transported to Russia and adopted by Russian parents.”

Indeed: “These so-called ‘new Russians’ were central to the way Putin was defining the objectives of his ‘special military operation.’”

Yet Russia has lost 150,000 soldiers in the war, plus 600,000 Russians who’ve fled.

A prolonged war will devastate Russia “economically and demographically.” So those saying Putin could be ready to end the war next year “are probably not entirely wrong.”

Eye on DC: A Case Study in Enabling

In early June Sen. Patty Murray slammed the Wall Street Journal exposé on President Biden’s rapid decline as a “hit piece,” reports the Washington Examiner’s Byron York .

But “after the disastrous June 27 debate exposed Biden’s infirmities for the world to see, Murray is singing a different tune,” namely that “President Biden must do more to demonstrate he can campaign strong enough to beat Donald Trump.”

York sums up: Only once “Murray’s voters could see for themselves what bad shape the president was in” was she “ready to show Biden the door.”

“Multiply that many times over” to include other lawmakers plus “compliant reporters” and “Democratic politicos” who also “had plenty of reason to know the president is not up to the job.”

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Physician: Jha’s Mandate Gaslighting

White House COVID czar Ashish Jha just “admitted that although he supported vaccine mandates, they did harm as well,” gripes Vinay Prasad at his Substack .

Yet Jha is still “gaslighting” by claiming that “mandates saved a lot of lives.”

No: “Perhaps as little as 1-2% of US people got a dose of the vaccine due to the mandate,” and both young people and those who’d already had COVID gained minimal added protection.

Yet “vaccine mandates cost lives by pushing people out of the work force — a socioeconomic death penalty. It also cost lives by breeding distrust.”

Jha is still “covering up for his own errors in judgment.”

Conservative: Extremism Won in France

“Far-left socialist Jean-Luc Melenchon now leads the largest [bloc] in the French National Assembly,” notes Commentary’s Seth Mandel — yet he’s an “authoritarian populist who wears his disgust for Jews on his sleeve.”

(For example, he “coolly asserted in an interview that the Jews killed Jesus.”)

So much for the “celebratory attitude” of “post-election discourse”: “Extremists weren’t thwarted. No, one extremist was thwarted through the elevation of a politician no less extreme.”

And “the extremist supported by all the ‘moderate’ commentators luxuriates in the kind of Jew-baiting that is practiced in the classrooms and the cafes and op-ed pages of mainstream publications.”

“The willingness of those in France to partner with Melenchon, and those in the West to advocate for such an alliance, was revelatory.”

From the right: Joe’s Inflation Ignorance

“The price controls they enacted that decade failed miserably, leading to shortages and other market disruptions,” groans City Journal’s Allison Schrager of “how poorly policymakers understood” 1970s inflation.

Yet President Biden’s new “plan to bring down food prices” just “repeats these past mistakes.”

Recent “inflation was caused initially by a combination of pandemic-driven supply constraints and elevated demand from federal transfer payments,” not greedy corporations.

Biden’s proposal ignores “basic economic realities,” “proposes cracking down on corporations” and “doling out money to consumers,” which could worsen inflation.

Rather than pushing “price controls or pressure campaigns on grocers,” Biden “should curb spending and let wages grow, allowing more Americans to weather the disastrous results of the past four years.”

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

Aim for the higher profits with Voluum ad tracker

  • What is Zeropark?

Zeropark is a commerce media and advertising solutions platform that provides incremental engagements for marketers looking to reach purchase-ready customers and for publishers looking to maximize their earnings with future-proof solutions.

With a wide portfolio of formats and audiences, vast targeting options, automatic rule-based optimization, and a sophisticated dashboard, Zeropark should be a go-to place for brands, agencies, media buyers, and advertisers. On top of that, Zeropark integrates seamlessly with Voluum, which allows controlling all campaigns from one place for free.

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No conversions within the last 3 hours

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How can Voluum Automizer change the way you work?

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  • Security operations and management

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How AI-driven SOC tech eased alert fatigue: Case study

Alert fatigue is real, and it can cause big problems in the soc. learn how generative ai can improve security outcomes and reduce analysts' frustration in this case study..

Alissa Irei

  • Alissa Irei, Senior Site Editor

Cybersecurity executive Jonathan Fischbein had a problem to which his peers can likely relate: too many security alerts and too few security operations center analysts.

"We have a tight budget," said Fischbein, CISO at cybersecurity software provider Check Point. "I'd say that, in the SOC, we were lacking between 30% and 40% manpower."

Without enough staff to respond to the constant flood of security alerts coming from the organization's SIEM platform, conditions were ripe for disaster. "If you have an alert that you're not addressing, that alert might become an incident," Fischbein said. "And that is something that, as the CISO, I don't want."

AI unseats legacy SOAR

With the aim of reducing his team's alert fatigue and improving Check Point's security posture, Fischbein began exploring automation platforms. Feedback from fellow CISOs and CIOs led him to bypass legacy security orchestration, automation and response ( SOAR ) products in favor of a hyperautomation platform from startup Torq.

"We really liked the fact that the UI is graphical and that there are a lot of workflow automation templates," Fischbein said, adding that the platform's design centers SOC analysts' experience to make their jobs easier.

Jonathan Fischbein

Check Point initiated a proof of concept . Within a few days of the trial's inception, Fischbein said, Torq had deployed more than two dozen AI-driven playbooks, automating responses to some of the organization's most repetitive security alerts.

Importantly, the Torq technology also integrated easily with Check Point's existing infrastructure and security stack, ingesting and analyzing data from a variety of systems and tools. "It fit like a glove," Fischbein said.

He was sold.

We can react automatically to problems before they become security incidents. Jonathan Fischbein CISO, Check Point

AI goes to work in the SOC

Today, Torq's technology -- now known as HyperSOC -- investigates, triages and remediates many of Check Point's internal security alerts without any human intervention. If an alert meets certain parameters based on organizational security policies, the platform autonomously takes relevant predefined steps, such as initiating an MFA challenge or locking out a suspicious user.

"We can react automatically to problems before they become security incidents," Fischbein said.

When events are potentially critical or complex, HyperSOC flags them for analyst oversight or intervention and offers suggestions for next steps.

According to Torq, organizations can also train the generative AI-driven SOC platform to consider contextual factors in its decision-making -- for example, requiring confirmation from a human operator before locking the CEO's account.

generative AI for cybersecurity survey results

Natural language processing speaks up

Fischbein compared Torq's HyperSOC to a Swiss Army knife in that it helps address diverse security events of varying severity.

Some of that flexibility is thanks to the technology's large language model capabilities, which enable it to ingest material written in natural language -- ranging from proprietary in-house playbooks to documentation of industry frameworks, such as Mitre ATT&CK -- and cross-reference it during event triage, investigation and response efforts.

In cases requiring human intervention, the platform also uses natural language to summarize its own workflows, present relevant data and offer next-step recommendations. This helps human analysts make more efficient and informed decisions, minimizing the time and effort they spend on tedious and manual investigative tasks during active incidents.

AI is a SecOps tool, not a panacea

According to Fischbein, Torq's AI-driven SOC platform has successfully increased efficiency and reduced alert fatigue among Check Point's security analysts. But that's not to say he considers his staffing woes solved.

"In our organization, we're talking about almost 7,0000 users in about 80 different locations worldwide. The problems are endless," he said. "If I increased my SOC staff by 40%, I would still have problems."

In other words, the never-ending battle between SecOps teams and attackers continues -- albeit with AI-driven SOC technology potentially giving the good guys an edge.

"It's a cat-and-mouse game," Fischbein said. "And, with Torq, we can catch the mouse more easily."

Alissa Irei is senior site editor of TechTarget Security.

Related Resources

  • Obtaining Best-in-Class Network Security with Cloud Ease of Use –Palo Alto Networks

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SOAR (security orchestration, automation and response)


security operations center (SOC)


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How BCG Is Revolutionizing Consulting With AI: A Case Study

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In a world where AI is transforming every sector, companies are constantly seeking ways to gain a competitive edge. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is leading the charge by embracing artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI, to revolutionize its internal operations and consulting services. Let’s delve into how BCG is leveraging AI to transform its business processes and the consulting industry as a whole.

The Strategic Importance Of AI At BCG

AI is not just a buzzword at BCG; it is a fundamental element of their strategy. Vlad Lukic, Managing Director and Senior Partner at BCG, emphasizes the significance of AI, stating, "It gets into the crux of our business, right? And it's going to be fundamental to the toolkit and skills that we need to have." AI serves as an assistant, enabling BCG consultants to operate at unprecedented speeds, thus allowing them to generate insights faster and drive impactful results for their clients.

Real-World Applications Of AI At BCG

1. Interview Processing and Analysis:

Lukic recalls his summer internship, where he had to interview 30 engineers about materials science over three days, transcribe the conversations, distill the insights, and create slides. This labor-intensive process took two weeks. In contrast, a recent consultant used BCG's enterprise GPT to perform a similar task. "On the third day, he had slides and insights ready to go," Lukic marvels. The AI tool transcribed interviews, highlighted key themes, and generated draft presentations in minutes, reducing a two-week process to two or three days.

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2. Gene: BCG's Innovative Conversational AI:

Another striking example of AI's impact at BCG is the development of Gene, a conversational AI designed to engage with humans and create audio experiences. Originally conceived as a co-host for BCG's "Imagine This" podcast about the future, Gene has evolved into a versatile tool for client engagement and content creation.

Paul Michelman, editor-in-chief at BCG, explains, "Gene was born for a specific job, really one job, and its original training was to be a co-host of a podcast." However, the potential of Gene quickly became apparent, and its applications have expanded. Gene now appears at live events with clients and other audiences, engaging in conversations about the future of AI and thought leadership.

Enterprise GPT: A Game Changer

BCG's enterprise GPT is a cornerstone of their AI strategy. Rolled out to every employee, this tool ensures all data remains within BCG's control. Consultants can also build their own GPTs for specific engagements, fostering innovation and efficiency. Over 3,000 GPTs have been created, addressing tasks from document summarization to administrative functions. Lukic highlights its impact on productivity, noting, "It's really helping us move to a different level of speed."

Evolving Roles And Skills In The AI Era

With AI taking over routine tasks, the role of consultants is evolving. Lukic underscores the need for purposeful toil and sanity checks to ensure junior consultants develop essential skills. He explains, "We are forcing some of those conversations with our team members, so that we can build their skills along the way." This includes teaching consultants how to engage with AI tools effectively, ensuring they can provide accurate and reliable insights.

The development of Gene has also prompted new considerations in AI deployment. Bill Moore from BCG Design Studios, who created Gene, explains the challenges in balancing autonomy and control: "We adjust, we work with the temperature to keep that sort of fine-tuned and we'll drop it down to zero if we need really accurate responses."

Measuring The Impact Of AI

BCG conducted a scientific experiment involving 750 employees to measure the impact of generative AI on performance and efficiency. The results were compelling. For straightforward tasks, productivity increased by 30-40% for new hires and 20-30% for experienced consultants. However, for complex tasks, productivity sometimes decreased due to the challenges of debugging AI-generated outputs. This experiment highlighted the importance of understanding where AI can be most effective and implementing proper guardrails to ensure accuracy.

Insights From BCG's GenAI Experiment

BCG's broader research into generative AI reveals significant insights into its value and potential pitfalls. The study found that around 90% of participants improved their performance when using GenAI for creative ideation. However, when applied to business problem-solving—a task outside the tool's current competence—many participants trusted misleading outputs, resulting in a 23% decline in performance compared to those who didn't use the tool. This underscores the necessity of proper training and understanding the limitations of AI tools.

Ensuring Accuracy And Mitigating Risks

To mitigate risks associated with AI, BCG has implemented several guardrails. Human experts review AI-generated insights, and workflows are designed to ensure continuous oversight. Additionally, BCG fine-tunes their models based on usage and feedback, reducing the likelihood of errors.

In the case of Gene, transparency and ethical considerations are paramount. Paul Michelman emphasizes, "We think it's very important... to be fully clear when we're using technology. And two, to really avoid anthropomorphizing." This approach extends to Gene's voice, which is intentionally androgynous and slightly robotic to clearly differentiate it from a human.

Governance And Strategic Implementation Of AI

BCG employs a dual approach to AI implementation. While top-down initiatives identify key workflows that can benefit from AI, grassroots innovation is also encouraged. A senior task force focuses on internal support functions and consulting cohorts, identifying where AI can eliminate bottlenecks and enhance productivity.

The Future Of Consulting In The AI Era

Looking ahead, AI is poised to reshape the consulting industry. Lukic predicts that within a decade, 50% of current tasks will be automated through AI, allowing consultants to focus more on change management and driving adoption within client organizations.

Bill Moore envisions a future where conversational interfaces like Gene become a new layer of interaction with technology, potentially revolutionizing accessibility and user experience.

Strategies For Successful AI Adoption

For CEOs considering AI adoption, Lukic offers two key pieces of advice. First, don't wait. Start addressing frictions and building the necessary governance structures now. Second, engage the organization. Avoid outsourcing AI implementation entirely and instead, focus on building internal capabilities.

Transforming Consulting With AI

BCG's strategic application of AI, particularly generative AI and conversational AI like Gene, showcases how embracing technology can revolutionize internal processes and enhance client service. By leveraging AI tools like enterprise GPT and Gene, BCG is boosting productivity, fostering innovation, and preparing its workforce for the future. As AI continues to evolve, BCG's proactive approach provides a valuable blueprint for other organizations aiming to harness the power of AI in their own operations.

Bernard Marr

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HBR On Strategy podcast series

Microsoft: A Case Study in Strategy Transformation

If you’re leading your team through big changes, this episode is for you.

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In early 2015, Microsoft’s senior leaders were facing a set of difficult decisions. The firm had been struggling to innovate and grow as fast as its competitors. Now they were considering new opportunities that would yield higher growth but lower margins — like shifting away from perpetual licensing to focus on subscription sales.

Harvard Business School professor Fritz Foley studied this period of transformative change at Microsoft for a business case study he wrote. In this episode, he shares how Microsoft’s leaders analyzed different options and worked to get both investors and employees on board with new ideas about growth. He also explains how the company’s risk-averse culture evolved in order to execute such a huge transformation.

Key episode topics include: strategy, growth strategy, business models, corporate governance.  

HBR On Strategy curates the best case studies and conversations with the world’s top business and management experts, to help you unlock new ways of doing business. New episodes every week.

  • Listen to the original Cold Call episode: The Transformation of Microsoft (2018)
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HANNAH BATES: Welcome to HBR On Strategy , case studies and conversations with the world’s top business and management experts, hand selected to help you unlock new ways of doing business.

In early 2015, Microsoft’s senior leadership team was facing a set of difficult decisions. The firm had been struggling to innovate and grow as fast as its competitors. Now, they were considering new opportunities that would yield higher growth, but lower margins like shifting away from perpetual licensing to focus on subscription sales.

Today, we bring you a conversation with Harvard Business School professor Fritz Foley, who studied this period of transformative change at Microsoft for a business case study he wrote. In this episode, you’ll get a window into how Microsoft’s leaders analyzed different options and got both investors and employees on board with a different idea of growth. You’ll also learn how the company’s risk-averse culture had to evolve in order to execute such a huge transformation.

This episode originally aired on Cold Call in July 2018. Here it is.

BRIAN KENNY: Electronics enthusiasts in the 1970s looked forward to it every year: the January issue of Popular Electronics . That is because that issue was known for featuring the coolest up-and-coming products in the world of electronics. And when the January 1975 issue hit newsstands, it did not disappoint. The cover was adorned with the first available image of the Altair 8,800, the world’s first mini-computer kit. It may not have been the shot heard around the world, but many say that it was the spark that ignited the home computer revolution. That very magazine inspired a young Paul Allen and Bill Gates to turn their passion for computers into a business that subsequently became an empire.

Today, Microsoft Corporation is the third most valuable company in the world and the world’s largest software company. But after four decades of buffeting the headwinds of the very industry it helped to create, Microsoft is at a turning point and the way forward is not entirely clear. Today we’ll hear from Professor Fritz Foley about his case entitled “The Transformation of Microsoft.” I’m your host, Brian Kenny, and you’re listening to Cold Call .

SPEAKER 1: So, we’re all sitting there in the classroom.

SPEAKER 2: Professor walks in.

SPEAKER 3: And they look up and you know it’s coming. The dreaded cold call.

BRIAN KENNY: Professor Fritz Foley’s Research focuses on corporate finance. He’s an expert on investment capital structure, working capital management, and a range of related topics, all of which probably factor into the case today. Fritz, thanks for joining us.

FRITZ FOLEY: Thanks so much for having me.

BRIAN KENNY: So, everybody pretty much knows who Microsoft is, and I think people will be really interested in getting a glimpse into where they were at this turning point in the company’s history. Still a very, very important company in the landscape of the technology industry and beyond. So, I think people will relate right away to this, but let me ask you, if you could start just by setting the stage for us. How does the case begin? Who’s the protagonist and what’s on her mind?

FRITZ FOLEY: Yeah, so the protagonist is Amy Hood, who is Microsoft’s CFO. She also was a student here at HBS at the time that I was in the PhD program. So, I’ve known her for some time and she’s facing a set of choices that really revolve around whether or not Microsoft should try to pursue increased margin or increased growth.

BRIAN KENNY: Okay. What prompted you to write the case? Your connection with Amy obviously is part of that, but why Microsoft and why now?

FRITZ FOLEY: I think I have been struck by the transformation that they are in the midst of. This is a company that… I mean, it’s hard to remember this. In the early two thousands, the stock price was stuck in the 20 to $30 a share range. And there was a group of people who were calling for the firm to be managed essentially for cash distributions and for increased margins. And then there were some growth opportunities that the company faced simultaneously. So, there was a real choice as to what direction to head. And I think this is a compelling choice that many other companies face. So, it’s a powerful example for me to highlight in course I teach about chief financial officers.

BRIAN KENNY: Microsoft was the first player on this stage really, but then Apple came along and I think many people look at these two as fierce competitors. But can you just talk about the difference between these two companies in terms of how they manage their financial strategy?

FRITZ FOLEY: Yeah, I can say a bit about that. So, at one level, they certainly are similar. They’re in tech space and in fact, many things that Microsoft was attracted to phones in particular, is something that Apple has excelled at. And I think that at the time of the case, they were quite different in the eyes of investors, I would say. I would say that investors still viewed Apple as having a lot of a growth emphasis of a commitment to innovating new products and solving problems that people weren’t even sure they had. Whereas Microsoft was the older, more established tech firm that I think, in the eyes of some, had become not a relic of the past, but less relevant when thinking about future innovations. And in some sense, the cases about how Microsoft tried to shed that view and become a relevant growth-oriented entity again.

BRIAN KENNY: And they’d certainly been criticized over the decades for not moving quickly enough to innovate and getting caught up in their own. And you think about IBM maybe as a company that faced similar criticisms getting caught up in just their size and the bureaucracy of the place. What did Microsoft’s business look like in 2012? Because that seemed to be the beginning of the turning point?

FRITZ FOLEY: Yeah. I mean, it was one where there was varying performance across divisions. There was interest by value activist investors given the large cash holdings that the firm had. Obviously, their market share when it came to the office suite of products and windows, those were quite high. And they were obviously very successful in continuing to provide versions of that to a whole variety of users. They had emerging cloud business, but it wasn’t clear that they would win in that space and had really struggled in other spaces.

In search, Bing never got traction relative to Google. In phones, they were really struggling in 2012 right before they tried to make more headway in phones by buying Nokia, which also subsequently didn’t work out as well as they had hoped. So, I think along a series of dimensions, they were really trying to get some traction, trying to get footing in new spaces. And there were a group of investors that actually felt like that wasn’t what they should do. That they should just focus on Office, focus on Windows, enjoy the high margins that came with their on-premises server and tool business offerings. So, they faced some really hard choices.

BRIAN KENNY: And they were also, in terms of just the organization itself up against some issues, what were some of the things they were encountering culturally at the time?

FRITZ FOLEY: Yeah. I mean, it’s a fascinating story from a cultural standpoint. It was an environment where there were high returns to showing that you were the smartest person in the room. Some of the stories that I have heard are a little jarring. I am not sure I would’ve survived in this environment. There were these very long mid-year reviews that took place and were incredibly demanding. It was an environment that was beginning to really emphasize the desire to be efficient, to be right, and in fairness to them, and Microsoft was coming from a culture or their culture came from a place where they were selling a product that couldn’t really fail. People had very high expectations for the performance of everything Microsoft provided them. And unlike today where there’s more room to update things through online updates, a lot of the software, it shipped and it had to be close to perfect when it shipped.

BRIAN KENNY: Actually, I can remember a time when the launch of a new Windows system was similar to the launch of a new iPhone. People were really excited to get the new system, but inevitably there were bugs and those were highly publicized, and so they fell under a lot of criticism. They were really operating under a microscope for a long time.

FRITZ FOLEY: For sure. And we’re keenly aware that time to fail in their products, which is a measure of how long it took for some product or process to break down, had to be very long. Otherwise, they would meet with a lot of customer dissatisfaction.

BRIAN KENNY: Yeah. Okay. So, let’s move into the transformation phase for them. What was the fundamental shift they made in terms of changing or restructuring the organization?

FRITZ FOLEY: In my view, I think that they did a variety of things to adopt more of a growth orientation. And some of this dealt with their metrics. Some of it dealt with very explicit changes to the culture, and I think some of it also dealt with a realization that pursuing growth would enhance value much more than trying to increase margins and have large dividend payouts or larger dividend payouts to shareholders. So this was, I would say in the 2012, 2013 timeframe, we began to see pieces of this. And they also faced significant managerial changes at that time. That’s when Steve Ballmer retired and they needed to pick a new CEO and could have gone a variety of directions there. And by picking Satya Nadella, effectively we’re committing to more of a growth path.

BRIAN KENNY: Can you think of an example of a company that chose the margins path? And I mean, these are both potentially successful choices, but I would guess.

FRITZ FOLEY: For sure. And it’s a very hard trade-off to make. In teaching my MBA students and executive education students I’m always struck, when I ask them, “Would you sacrifice some margin for growth,” how hard that question can be and how many people don’t have much intuition for it. So, other companies did go the margin route.

BRIAN KENNY: Yeah. Is it a situation where the margin choice is one that’s probably more comfortable and the returns are going to come sooner and the growth choice is a little riskier, and for a risk-averse culture probably harder to implement and you’re betting on the future? Is that fundamentally what the choice is?

FRITZ FOLEY: Yeah. I think that’s a really good way of putting it. Many people find it easier to see the benefits that come with cutting costs and looking for efficiencies and worry that what may come with growth could be elusive. And in some regards, I have heard senior finance managers say that they had to earn the permission to go after growth. They have to get the buy-in from a group of investors who feel as if the senior leadership team has credibility in pursuing growth.

BRIAN KENNY: So, here we have Microsoft, an enormous company, 130,000 or so employees, something like that, large by any measure about to pursue an option that is in many ways counter to the culture of the organization. How do you do that? How do you cascade this kind of a change through an organization of that size?

FRITZ FOLEY: On the cultural side, one thing that they did was very explicitly dropped a growth mindset culture. And Satya Nadella writes about this in his recent book, Refresh. The story is, for me, very compelling. It’s incredibly hard to get any organization to change its culture. Whenever I’ve been a part of an organization that tried to engage in a cultural shift, whatever the tagline was, quickly became the punchline for a set of office jokes.

BRIAN KENNY: I’ve been on the other side of that. I’m the guy who writes the punchlines most often.

FRITZ FOLEY: Yeah. So, you know how hard this is. And I think that they were very wise in picking Kathleen Hogan who had led one of the divisions of Microsoft to head up the charge to describe and roll out this cultural change. They brought senior leaders on board, and ultimately, I think there was a lot of demand for it that many people who were working at Microsoft were innovative engineers and a very creative set of employees who wanted to pursue growth. And when given the choice to move away from review processes and given the opportunity to go to meetings where they didn’t feel like they had to be exactly right in making a point, but could stimulate the beginning of a discussion set of ideas that could lead to something that was new, people embraced that.

BRIAN KENNY: And here we are in the age of the millennial worker. Millennials don’t want to work for the old Microsoft for sure. And Microsoft is competing with the likes of Google and Apple and other firms that are definitely perceived as open and innovative, and they want people with energy and ideas. So, they have to adopt that same personality, I guess.

FRITZ FOLEY: Yeah, I agree with that. I think there’s a new buzz about Microsoft, at least among my students, they’re much more intrigued by what it would mean to work there and what opportunities exist to do some things that would be truly novel and have a big impact on how people get work done.

BRIAN KENNY: So, let’s go back to our protagonists. Amy Hood in the case actually delves into her mindset a little bit. She’s getting ready to communicate these changes to the financial community. What are the kinds of things a CFO would have to think about? Because I can imagine the financial probably is more comfortable with the margin choice than the growth choice

FRITZ FOLEY: Yeah, for sure. It’s fun for me to imagine her faced with this choice really of, okay, I can go this path of growth, but if I do this, I am going to have to go to my investors and say, our margins are going to go down for some period of time, and you’re not going to like that. But there’s going to be some upside and it will take some time for that upside to show up. So, I think she needed to find ways to communicate or signal what that upside would be and how big it might be to the investors so that she wouldn’t lose credibility with them and would have the permission essentially to pursue growth.

BRIAN KENNY: Yeah. Now we hear it all the time about the emphasis on the short-term, short-termism in the financial community, and people want returns and they want them right away. In your experience, are you seeing a shift in the financial community, or are the analysts getting a little more comfortable with this notion of you can’t always go for the margins, you’ve got to find some sustainable growth in the long term?

FRITZ FOLEY: Yeah. It’s a great question. It’s one that troubles me or is something I think about our financial system generally. I happen to be probably more optimistic relative to many when it comes to how short-term-oriented, or really how financial markets aren’t as, as some might worry, or that concern about short-termism doesn’t resonate as much with me. I do think there is a big burden on senior finance teams to explain how value is created by thinking long-term and embracing growth opportunities. And in some sense, when I look at what Amy has been doing at Microsoft, I applaud her and her team for taking on that challenge. They quite explicitly set a target of a $20 billion run rate for their commercial cloud business, and once analysts had that number, they could begin to build off of it and get a feel for how much value could be created if Microsoft succeeded at pulling this off.

So, by having the courage to commit to that path and help analysts understand what the path meant, I think that they have been effective in pursuing it. More generally, I do worry that there are some analysts that simply take an earnings-per-share number and apply some current multiple and don’t think much about what the future will look like. I am hopeful that finance teams and organizations will play a role in educating analysts as to how they should think about the future, when growth opportunities do exist and are attractive.

BRIAN KENNY: Yeah. You mentioned earlier that you’ve talked about this in class, and I’m just curious, do the MBA students come at this differently than the executive education students who have been in fiduciary roles and organizations already?

FRITZ FOLEY: Yeah. That’s an interesting question. Let me reflect on that for a moment. I think the approach is fairly similar. I would say that some MBA students are probably less aware of the constraints that capital markets may put on senior management teams to pursue growth. They’re less aware of what an activist who wants cash now might push management to do, whereas executive education students tend to be keenly aware of those pressures. If anything, I find that MBA students, it’s a little bit harder for them to articulate what is the case for pursuing margin for Microsoft in 2012, 2013. Many executive education students are quick to come up with lists of things that could be done strategically financially in picking leadership.

BRIAN KENNY: Yeah, it’s interesting. And anybody who’s worked in an organization for any period of time, going back to that whole notion of how hard it is to change a culture, it’s pretty easy to think of reasons why not to pursue that path. So, I thought maybe some of the exec ed students might come at with those constraints already wrapped around themselves.

FRITZ FOLEY: Yeah, I agree.

BRIAN KENNY: Yeah. Fritz, thanks for joining us today.

FRITZ FOLEY: Thanks very much for having me.

HANNAH BATES: That was Harvard Business School Professor Fritz Foley in conversation with Brian Kenny on Cold Call . We’ll be back next Wednesday with another handpicked conversation about business strategy from Harvard Business Review.

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This episode was produced by Ann Saini and me, Hannah Bates. Ian Fox is our editor. Special thanks to Maureen Hoch, Adi Ignatius, Erica Truxler, Ramsey Khabbaz, Nicole Smith, Anne Bartholomew, and you, our listener. See you next week.

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Yale releases report critical of UK transgender youth care research study

The UK's NHS Cass Review has been cited in restrictive trans care policies.

A new report released by Yale Law School and Yale School of Medicine criticizes the often-cited Cass Review on gender-affirming care for transgender youth, commissioned by the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom.

The review , released in April, was performed by Dr. Hillary Cass, a former president of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, amid a rise in referrals to NHS' gender services. Her review – which calls for more research, more support, and more caution around gender-affirming care – has been cited in the NHS decision to restrict the prescribing of puberty-pausing medications, also known as puberty blockers , to children and young people under 18 years old in the U.K.

In the U.S., gender-affirming care remains a hot-button issue in the political and medical arenas. At least 25 states have enacted restrictions on care for transgender youth since 2022, according to the Human Rights Campaign .

The Cass review was cited in recent, successful legislative efforts in Indiana to uphold a 2023 law that prohibited physicians from providing "gender transition procedures" to anyone younger than 18 years old, with certain medical exceptions.

The Yale report – which states it was authored by a team of researchers and clinicians that has "86 years of experience working with 4,800 transgender youth," and "has published 278 peer-reviewed studies, 168 of which are related to gender-affirming care" – takes issue with several aspects of the Cass Review in their critique, saying that it "obscures key findings, misrepresents its own data, and is rife with misapplications of the scientific method." It also accuses the Review of speculating about data on transgender patients, and criticizes certain statements made in the Review about concern over gender care referrals, early medical intervention, and more.

Yet despite being cited in the NHS decision to restrict prescribing puberty blockers to minors, the Yale report notes that the Cass Review does not recommend a ban on trans youth care. It also notes that it consistently makes recommendations that are in line with international gender-affirming medical care guidelines by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and the Endocrine Society, a professional medical organization that is "dedicated to providing the field of endocrinology with timely, evidence-based recommendations for clinical care and practice," according to its website.

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In response to an ABC News request for comment, the team that authored the Cass Review said in a statement that the research that "underpins" the Review's findings "looked at 237 papers from 18 countries, providing information on a total of 113,269 children and adolescents," and was subject to peer review.

"In making her recommendations, Dr. Cass had to rely on the currently available evidence and think about how the NHS can respond safely, effectively, and compassionately," the Review team told ABC News.

The statement continued, "The body of research on gender care for children and young people was strikingly poor compared to other areas of child and adolescent healthcare where life changing interventions are given, meaning there is not a reliable evidence base upon which to make clinical decisions, or for children and their families to make informed choices."

Spike in gender service referrals

The Cass Review repeatedly claims that the increase of referrals for gender-affirming care in the U.K. was "exponential," and that social acceptance of transgender identities is unlikely to be the sole explanation for the rise.

"While it certainly seems to be the case that there is much greater acceptance of trans identities, particularly among younger generations, which may account for some of the increase in numbers, the exponential change in referrals over a particularly short five-year timeframe is very much faster than would be expected for normal evolution of acceptance of a minority group," Cass states.

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In their report, Yale researchers counter that the increase in referrals to the U.K.'s Gender Identity Service is not exponential, and points to Cass's own data on referrals, which they say actually shows the number of referrals plateaued, and then decreased starting in 2017. A graph included in the Cass Review that shows a spike from 2021 to 2022 in child and adolescent referrals for gender dysphoria is accompanied by a note that states there is "a strong possibility that there was double counting" of referrals during the time period.

"While there certainly is an increase in referrals, describing this increase as 'exponential' is a serious error that fuels concern that the Review is too often more interested in subjective polemics than in scientific accuracy," the Yale report says.

Research quality on gender-affirming care

The Cass Review also criticized the evidence supporting the need for gender-affirming care. It concluded that "while a considerable amount of research has been published in this field, systematic evidence reviews demonstrated the poor quality of the published studies, meaning there is not a reliable evidence base upon which to make clinical decisions, or for children and their families to make informed choices."

Yale experts counter in their report that the Cass Review's "recommendations are informed by a flawed concept of evidence." It says the Review "fails to recognize the nuances of evidence quality measures"; that it "does not follow established standards for evaluating evidence and evidence quality"; that it "casually discusses evidence quality and does not define it, contravening standard practice in scientific evaluations of medical research"; and that it "fails to contextualize the evidence for gender-affirming care with the evidence base for other areas of pediatric medicine."

"If high-quality evidence were a prerequisite for medical care, we would all be worse off," the Yale report further states. "Moderate, low, and very low-quality evidence," as defined by what the report says is "one of the most widely accepted frameworks for determining evidence quality," and "informs necessary, high-value care at every stage of life."

The Cass Review team states in an online FAQ that "the approach to the assessment of study quality was the same as would be applied to other areas of clinical practice – the bar was not set higher for this Review."

A subsequent clarification in the FAQ further states: "The same level of rigor should be expected when looking at the best treatment approaches for this population as for any other population so as not to perpetuate the disadvantaged position this group have been placed in when looking for information on treatment options."

Early intervention concerns

The Yale report also takes issue with what it calls "unfounded speculation" in the Cass Review that "social transition and puberty-pausing medications may cause harm by putting youth onto a medical path." It further notes instances in which they assert the Cass Review "expresses concern that early supportive interventions, such as social transition and puberty-pausing medications, lock young people into irreversible care."

MORE: Judge blocks Florida's transgender youth care ban for minors

For example, while stating that for some young patients, the "best outcome" will be gender transitioning, the Review also argues that "those who had socially transitioned at an earlier age and/or prior to being seen in clinic were more likely to proceed to a medical pathway," and that "the vast majority of people started on puberty blockers proceed from puberty blockers to masculinizing/feminizing hormones" – an "altered trajectory, culminating in medical intervention which will have life-long implications."

The Cass Review also cautions that young people who transition before they experience life as the gender with which they do not identify "may have no frame of reference to cause them to regret or detransition, but at the same time they may have had a different outcome without medical intervention and would not have needed to take life-long hormones."

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"It is completely unscientific and inappropriate to expect a young person, regardless of their gender identity, to 'try out' life as a gender they do not identify with – as the Review supposes transgender youth should," the Yale report states. It further says that "The Review's own data show that most referred patients are never subsequently referred to pediatric endocrinology and even fewer receive medical interventions."

The Yale report argues that continuing care isn't necessarily cause for alarm or concern, and that "The Review does not consider the most likely explanation for why most youth who receive early, supportive interventions continue onto gender-affirming hormone therapy: that they are indeed transgender."

"It is not social transition and puberty-pausing medications that drive a persistent transgender identity," the Yale report asserts. "It is a transgender identity that drives social transition and subsequent medical interventions."

Detransitioning and regret

The Cass Review asserts that "the percentage of people treated with hormones who subsequently detransition remains unknown due to the lack of long-term follow-up studies, although there is suggestion that numbers are increasing."

However, in the Review's audit of 3,306 patients who were discharged from the U.K. Gender Identity Service (GIDS), fewer than 10 patients transitioned back to their birth-registered gender – which Yale researchers note is "a 'detransition' date of 0.3%."

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The Yale report also states that it is "exceedingly rare that an individual would later determine that they are not transgender" after receiving clinical transgender care and support. "A person who regrets receiving care may continue to identify as transgender; another who stops medications may not experience regret, and one who stops identifying as transgender may not regret receiving medical care," the report says.

A report in JAMA Pediatrics noted by the Yale report found that 1% of youth who received gender-affirming medications in the study re-identified with their assigned sex at birth.

In another study noted in the Yale report, this one in the LGBT Health journal, 82.5% of those surveyed "reported familial pressure, social pressure, employment difficulty, inability to access care, and financial reasons" as the reason they presented themselves as their sex assigned at birth.

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After Supreme Court ruling, judge considers Trump's immunity claim in classified docs case

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Donald Trump is seeking to build on his Supreme Court victory, which provided immunity from criminal prosecution for his official acts as president, by asking judges in his federal classified documents case and in his New York hush money conviction to throw out all of those charges.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon postponed deadlines Saturday to debate evidence in the classified documents case and instead asked for written arguments about Trump’s immunity in the next two weeks.

Trump’s lawyers asked Cannon on Friday to halt all action in the classified documents case until she rules whether the charges are valid.

New York Judge Juan Merchan postponed sentencing Trump for his hush-money conviction of 34 counts of falsifying business records, which had been scheduled for Thursday, until September.

When the Supreme Court formally returns the election-interference case to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, she must weigh which charges are still valid to prosecute.

Neither Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith nor Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has responded to the Supreme Court’s decision yet.

Trump’s lawyers, Todd Blanche and Christopher Kise, have argued the high court’s ruling means each of the judges will have to determine which conduct is official or unofficial – and not use any official conduct as evidence for charges against unofficial conduct.

Here is where the cases stand:

Supreme Court orders 'close analysis' of whether Trump conduct was unofficial

The reason for uncertainty about criminal charges against Trump is because no former president has ever been charged before and the Supreme Court hadn’t ruled on whether they could be.

Until July 1. That’s when Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for a 6-3 majority that former presidents can’t be tried for their official acts, but could potentially be charged for unofficial acts.

The ruling said presidents discussing policy with executive agencies can’t even be questioned about their motives. This ruled out charges involving Trump urging his acting attorney general to pursue allegations of election fraud with officials in swing states.

But the ruling left open the possibility of charges dealing with Trump’s recruitment of fake presidential electors to support him in states President Joe Biden won. Roberts wrote that determining whether Trump's pressure on then-Vice President Mike Pence "requires a close analysis of the indictment’s extensive and interrelated allegations."

“The President is not above the law,” Roberts wrote. “But under our system of separated powers, the President may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for his official acts."

Trial judges must now determine whether Trump’s conduct for the various charges was official or unofficial.

Judge postpones filings in classified documents case to study Trump's immunity claim

Trump was charged with retaining national defense records and conspiring to hide them from government authorities until FBI agents seized them during a search of Mar-a-Lago, his Florida estate, in August 2022.

Prosecutors have noted the entire case involves conduct after Trump left the White House in January 2021. Smith's team office said Trump did not have legal authority to designate secret national security documents as personal records and send them to his private home. But Trump’s lawyers have argued his decision to ship the documents to Mar-a-Lago was an official act.

In an order Saturday, Cannon scrapped a Monday deadline for Trump to disclose his experts and Wednesday deadlines for prosecutors and defense lawyers to share more evidence in the case.

Instead, Cannon set a deadline July 18 for Smith to respond to Trump’s request for immunity. Trump will have until July 21 to respond.

Cannon hasn’t set a date for a hearing, but said she could still collect more evidence.

Trump’s lawyers want Cannon to only move forward on two issues in the case: Smith's request for a gag order preventing Trump from making comments that could incite threats against FBI agents working the case, and whether Smith was properly appointed to his job as special counsel.

In the Supreme Court’s ruling on immunity, Justice Clarence Thomas, wrote  a concurrence  questioning Smith's appointment, even though that wasn't at issue in the case and many special counsels have been previously appointed under similar circumstances.

Judge in federal election interference must also determine unofficial conduct

The Supreme Court hasn’t formally returned Trump’s election-interference case to Chutkan, under what is called a “mandate,” which might not happen until Aug. 2.

“The judgment or mandate of this Court will not issue for at least thirty-two days,” Supreme Court clerk Scott Harris wrote July 1 to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Chutkan will have to review which charges – if any – can go to trial once she gets the case back.

New York sentencing postponed because of potential immunity

Merchan previously postponed sentencing Trump in the hush-money case, which had been scheduled Thursday, until Sept. 18.

But that’s only if necessary. Merchan plans to decide Sept. 6 whether Trump is immune from the charges, even though his case involves state charges and the Supreme Court was reviewing federal charges.

Trump was convicted May 30 of falsifying records to hide his reimbursement to private lawyer Michael Cohen, who paid $130,000 to silence porn actress Stormy Daniels about alleged sex with Trump before the 2016 election.

The financial arrangements between Cohen and Daniels happened before Trump was elected president. But his series of 11 payments to Cohen – through his private company – happened the first year of his presidency.

Merchan previously ruled that Trump filed an immunity argument in the case too late to be considered.


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    Zeropark FAQ. Over the years, the Zeropark team has been asked quite a lot of questions regarding affiliate marketing in general, as well as campaign settings, budgets, and various technicalities of the Zeropark platform. To improve users' experience, as well as to simplify intel-searching for all affiliates, we prepared a list of the most ...

  19. What really fueled Ukraine war, a case study in enabling and other

    "Could it be the Ukraine war is about fighting for people?" asks Ivan Krastev at The Spectator World.

  20. Who enabled Biden? A case study

    After the disastrous June 27 debate exposed Biden's infirmities for the world to see, Sen. Patty Murray and other Democrats are singing a different tune.

  21. Zeropark is now fully integrated with Voluum Tracker

    Zeropark is a commerce media and advertising solutions platform that provides incremental engagements for marketers looking to reach purchase-ready customers and for publishers looking to maximize their earnings with future-proof solutions.

  22. Case Study: Commerce Media PPC Bidding

    Discover how to utilize the Zeropark platform's Media Planner feature to create optimal PPC bidding strategy for Commerce Media campaigns.

  23. How AI-driven SOC tech eased alert fatigue: Case study

    Generative AI is already changing the way some SOCs do business. Learn how it can reduce alert fatigue and strengthen security in this case study.

  24. How BCG Is Revolutionizing Consulting With AI: A Case Study

    How BCG Is Revolutionizing Consulting With AI: A Case Study. Adobe Stock. In a world where AI is transforming every sector, companies are constantly seeking ways to gain a competitive edge.

  25. Microsoft: A Case Study in Strategy Transformation

    Harvard Business School professor Fritz Foley studied this period of transformative change at Microsoft for a business case study he wrote. In this episode, he shares how Microsoft's leaders ...

  26. Case-study Archives

    Case Study: Using Media Planner in your Commerce Media PPC Bidding Strategy Łukasz Pośpiech • 04 Aug, 2023. In January 2023, the Zeropark Team launched the Media Planner tool, allowing advertisers interested in commerce media supply to access…

  27. Yale releases report critical of UK transgender youth care research study

    A new report from Yale Law School and School of Medicine professors criticizes the often-cited Cass Review on gender-affirming care for transgender youth.

  28. Zeropark

    Zeropark is a global commerce media platform providing incremental advertising solutions for both - brands and businesses looking to connect with consumers during the key moments of the modern customer journey, as well as publishers wanting to maximize the monetization potential of their sites.

  29. Does Trump have immunity in his other cases? Judges weigh question

    Judges in Donald Trump's other criminal cases are weighing whether he's immune from charges as a former president, in wake of Supreme Court ruling.