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umich med school secondary essays

July 3, 2022

University of Michigan Medical School Secondary Application Essay Tips [2022 – 2023]

University of Michigan Medical School Secondary Application Essay Tips [2022 - 2023]

University of Michigan Medical School is ranked #17 by U.S. News for excellence in research and #20 in primary care. Given the school’s focus on self-directed learning and building on a strong science foundation, it will be important in your secondary essays to convey your level of self-awareness in meeting your academic goals. How did you approach challenging science courses? In what ways have you demonstrated a commitment to lifelong learning? How has your community benefited from this commitment? For students interested in earning a MD/PhD, UMMS has a Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) Program. As part of this program, students will be given the training to enter academic medicine and conduct basic science research. Application Tip: Check out this helpful advice .

University of Michigan Medical School 2022-2023 secondary application essay questions

University of michigan medical school essay #1 (for md applicants).

Comment on how you hope to impact medicine in the future. If examples are needed, feel free to refer to our seven Paths of Excellence . Do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words).

A good way to approach this question is to create a list of previous experiences you have had in the medical field. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. Sharing what you have done in that field will demonstrate your knowledge, level of experience, and accomplishments. Then, spell out realistic goals for what you hope to achieve, addressing any obstacles that you will have to work around or overcome. Then, explain the importance of the path you see yourself on within the culture of twenty-first century medicine. Be sure to associate your vision for your impact in medicine in keeping with one of the Paths to Excellence since Michigan’s paths to excellence are not purely inspirational but integrated into elective and required medical school curricula. They highlight on their website that “80 – 90% of our MIs join a Path of Excellence each year.” This prompt seeks to bring out your fit, how your embrace of medicine will sync with their educational vision and design.

University of Michigan Medical School essay #1 (For MSTP applicants)

Describe why you are applying to the University of Michigan MSTP. If you are interested in a specific department, program, or area of research for your Ph.D., please provide a brief explanation. We recognize that your interests may change. Do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words).

This essay response will require you to reflect upon the history and structure of the Medical School Scientist Training Program ( MSTP) . After reading their web pages, what features of the program stand out in your mind? After reviewing a complete list of their departments , what areas interest you? Have you completed research or a degree in any of these fields? What attracted you to that research project or field? Align your background and long-term interests with their program in your essay response.

University of Michigan Medical School essay #2

Please respond to only one of the following two prompts (select the question to which you are responding): Do not exceed 2500 characters including spaces (about 400 words).

  • Describe your identity and how it has impacted the development of your values and attitudes toward individuals different from yourself and how this will impact your interactions with future colleagues and patients.
  • If you recognize and/or represent a voice that is missing, underrepresented, or undervalued in medicine, please describe the missing voice(s) and how increased representation in medicine could impact the medical community.

A couple of years ago, the University of Michigan changed their diversity question to your choice of these two prompts.

For prompt 1: Choose this prompt if you do not see your identity as representing the underrepresented.

The key to responding well to this prompt as someone quite possibly white and middle to upper middle class, and perhaps male, is to explain how you were raised or grew to be an advocate for diversity as a value. Writing this response will require some real soul searching or examination of the values with which you were raised, whether they were inclusive values taught to you by your family, community, friends, or experience — or whether you arrived into inclusive values on your own, as a growth experience, as an arrival into clarity. Tell the story of the path to your truth as one who values diversity and inclusivity – what can others who might choose the second prompt expect from you as a medical student and as a doctor? What do you bring to the table regarding diversity as a value and how have you or will you do that?

For prompt 2:  Choose this prompt if you see your identity as underrepresented, in whatever way that seems true for you.

The notion of “missing voice(s)” appears twice in this prompt. The key to responding to it well is to address the values of diversity and inclusion as guiding principles that bring about health equity through positive change. Tell a story that demonstrates your understanding of an experience where the concerns of the marginalized were less valued and thereby resulted in a less desirable outcome. Close this story with a meaningful insight about growth and what you learned. 

Or, tell the story of an experience where you or someone else from an underrepresented group spoke up, and the entire conversation changed in a way that facilitated inclusion, equity and justice. This story does not have to be a medical story, though it may be one.

How does your voice support advocacy for diversity, equity and inclusion? If you are not from an underrepresented group, what can others who are underrepresented expect from you? Have you ever advocated for the underrepresented or voiceless? Tell that story in whatever way this is true revealing what you bring to the table regarding diversity as a value and how you will continue to amplify the concerns of the marginalized.

Here’s another scenario that may apply: sometimes an applicant may be from a minority group in society that is duly represented in medicine today. In this case, your focus could be on the needs of the community with whom you identify and the successful effects thus far of having this inclusion in place in medicine. Then, by extension, how are you passionate about being a true advocate for those who are still underrepresented?

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University of Michigan Medical School essay #3

How was your journey to medical school affected by the COVID pandemic? Please feel free to describe any positive or negative aspects. Do not exceed 2500 characters including spaces (about 400 words).

Everyone has a COVID pandemic story. All students were derailed from in-class learning, many premed students were cut off from shadowing, scribing, volunteering, or taking the MCAT. Some of you may have been affected personally by COVID-19, whether you got sick, family members got sick, or your community was affected. This information needs to be told in a straightforward way. After this, what can you add to this narrative that demonstrates a conviction to get involved with pandemic relief, whether medically-oriented or community-oriented? Future doctors would likely be expected to have rolled their sleeves up to assist during a global health crisis. Then, close with what you learned about humanity from your efforts and experiences. What you learned should be humbling and insightful, maybe even deep.

University of Michigan Medical School essay #4

Outside of medicine, and beyond what we can read in your application, please tell us what you’re curious about, or what you’re passionate about, or what brings you joy – and why. Some examples include listening to historical novels, exploring national parks, woodworking, baking cupcakes, podcasting, knitting, playing pickleball, filmmaking, making music, etc. Do not exceed 2500 characters including spaces (about 400 words).

To feel passionate “about” something is an applied feeling. No one can explain the wonders of this human interlude from rational thinking more truthfully than you can. This prompt is the antithesis of science and thinking. It is an opportunity to demonstrate that you understand the link between feeling and experience, that you engage in activities purely for joy in doing them.

Be sure to show human virtue in this passion, whether by describing the passion and its essence, or in discussing your experience of it.

Keep in mind Michigan’s three pillars of values: education, discovery and service. This prompt guides you to address the value of creativity, reading, listening, playing, doing or making something. It’s not asking about a pursuit where the motivation is competitive, but rather what do you do that inherently brings you pleasure? Don’t win the marathon. Don’t win an award. Don’t express a motivation that aims to “be the best at.” Humble is best. How does an activity stir your curiosity or provide joy? What does this activity do for you? 

Many medical school applicants are motivated by being forward-looking, taking action steps and plans to achieve a goal. This prompt asks you to address something else essential to yourself other than a career goal, other than aspirations for the future. Who are you and what do you like to do today? What hobby, activity or art do you engage in that keeps your mindset in the present? What is the value in stopping a tendency to overthink in order to be an effective wingperson in soccer or an inspired jazz singer?

This prompt is about feeling and experience. It may demonstrate that you are in tune with your ethereal self. The University of Michigan has increased the character limit for this prompt, so clearly they seek deeper insight and mindfulness about fulfilling human engagement. Though one may feel compelled to write about a deep emotional fervor for science, the prompt asks for a non-scientific aspect of you. Don’t fill in the blank with “I am passionate about science.” Reviewers will be looking for your authenticity and multi-dimensionality. They hope to be more moved by a well-composed narrative about a passion for puzzles, for instance, than narratives that seek to out-psych the prompt, like those written to impress by declaring a higher love of science, even if that is true.

This prompt is more about rounding out the snapshot of you and how you nurture life experiences outside of medicine that embody human fulfillment. Who are you outside of medicine? How does life fill you with wonder?

Applying to Michigan? Here are some stats:

University of Michigan Medical School median MCAT score: 516

University of Michigan Medical School median GPA: 3.83

University of Michigan Medical School acceptance rate: 3.5%

U.S. News  ranks Michigan #17 for research and #20 for primary care.

Check out the Med School Selectivity Index for more stats.

Has this blog post helped you feel more confident about approaching your Michigan application? We hope so. It’s our mission to help smart, talented applicants like you gain acceptance to your target schools. With so much at stake, why not hire a consultant whose expertise and personalized guidance can help you make your dream come true? We have several flexible consulting options— click here to get started today !

University of Michigan Medical School 2022-23 application timeline

AMCAS application for MD/PhD program is dueSeptember 15
AMCAS application for MD program is dueOctober 15
Secondary application for MD/PhD program is dueOctober 15
Secondary application for MD program is dueNovember 15

Source: University of Michigan Medical School website

Register for our upcoming webinar: Writing Secondary Essays That Get You Accepted!

Related Resources:

  • 5 Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your Med School and Secondary Essays , a free guide
  • What NOT to Write in Your Medical School Secondary Application Essays
  • School-Specific Secondary Application Essay Tips

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umich med school secondary essays

A Guide to the University of Michigan Medical School’s (UMMS) Secondary Essays

umich med school secondary essays

“The only constant is change.” You’re probably familiar with this phrase, but you probably don’t know how it relates to the University of Michigan Medical School .

Turns out UMMS is all about change .

When you check out the school’s mission, it’s abundantly clear that UMMS is looking for visionaries with big ideas and “change agents” in society.

The school even lists five compelling reasons they’re so concerned with change:

  • Our discipline is growing exponentially with regard to knowledge, skills, and attributes – far exceeding what could be covered within the confines of a medical school curriculum.
  • Medical education programs are structured in serial silos; yet development must be integrated and longitudinal.
  • Assessment tools are inadequate and incomplete with regard to what students will be expected to do.
  • The intensity of the practice environment and its associated requirements are disconnecting our instructors and assessors from our learners.
  • Society is asking for a different kind of health system and health practitioner.


5 reasons to apply here (from past students):.

Global REACH Program and Global Health Disparities Path of Excellence

Interprofessional Clinical Experience (ICE)

Creating Adventurous and Mindful Physicians (CAMP)

The “Impact” Curriculum and the Capstone for Impact (CFI)

Geriatrics Center and Institute of Gerontology

Besides change, the school also promotes the dual goals of “Excellence and Impact.”

University of Michigan secondaries

University of Michigan secondaries

So, you want your secondary essays for UMMS to show you as a changemaker who can improve communities and systems you’re a part of. It would also be wise to show yourself as someone with BIG ideas who can also apply BIG follow-through to get the job done.

Let’s look at the three prompts for UMMS specifically so you know how to tackle them:


1500 characters max for each.

1. Choose one of the following areas in which you have interest (biological and biomedical sciences, entrepreneurial medicine, and public health). Comment on how you would hope to impact medicine in this area.

Hopefully, your experiences have clear synergy with one of these areas. For some candidates, this area of mini-expertise might have been the focus of their general diversity essay , which would be especially convenient. If that’s the case, use your diversity essay here and your challenge essay for Michigan’s second prompt.

If not, you’ll need to repurpose an essay about research, leadership, or community involvement (to match with the three areas of interest respectively), or write an original essay to explain this interest. Make sure to spend some time illustrating your involvement through anecdotes and examples before declaring your area of interest (show first, tell later).

Don’t forget to include a future projection to how you might influence medicine through this area of interest. But it’s okay if you cover your goals in only 2-3 sentences. Showing why you have those goals is more important.

2. At the University of Michigan Medical School, we are committed to building a superb educational community with students of diverse talents, experiences, opinions, and backgrounds. What would you as an individual bring to our medical school community?

Depending on the candidate, this essay could draw upon past answers to the common challenge or diversity prompts .

If you’re stuck, here are some other ways to ask the question:

  • How are you going to make their campus a more interesting place?
  • Have you ever had an unusual job? Did you major in something unique? What makes you different from other pre-meds?
  • Pretend you’re in a conversation with your future medical school classmates about the state of healthcare in the United States. What point of view could you contribute to that conversation?

This prompt also has opportunities for “Why Our School” elements. Ideally, you’d celebrate one of your major accomplishments/special projects (with challenges along the way), and then briefly connect that experience to the school’s mission and opportunities.

3. If you would like to comment in depth regarding your research background you may answer this optional question. How would your past experiences in laboratory-based research on fundamental problems in the biological and biomedical sciences motivate you to pursue similar efforts as a physician-scientist?

If you selected ‘biological and biomedical sciences’ as your area of interest, you should definitely use this space to elaborate, even if it seems like you’ve already answered the question in the first prompt. Other candidates will, so your goal is to do it better than them.

Without pandering, you could connect your research efforts to ongoing projects/studies at UMMS. Another option would be to expand on possible future inquiries or research avenues you could explore as medicine evolves, based on your personal topics of interest.

Even if you selected entrepreneurial medicine or public health, it’s still probably a good idea to include some information for this prompt, if your experiences qualify (to show your research cred). Just be careful not to send mixed messages about your career goals. The most ideal situation would be if your biological/biomedical research was interdisciplinary or somehow involved the other two areas of interest.  

Was this guide helpful? Still have questions about UCR or its prompts? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll respond personally!

Good luck, and stay tuned for more school-specific secondary guides! ‍

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University of Michigan Medical School Secondary Essay Examples

University of Michigan Medical School Secondary Essay Examples

If you’re applying to the University of Michigan Medical School, one of the best medical schools in Michigan, then you should read University of Michigan medical school secondary essays. Secondary essays give you an opportunity to show the admissions committee who you are, what your goals are, and how you can contribute to the school community. The aim of your secondary essays is to show the school that your attributes align with their mission. Secondary essays can be difficult and stressful, so in this article, we go over each secondary essay for Michigan medical school and provide sample answers.

Disclaimer : Please note: although we have made every effort to provide the most accurate information, admissions information changes frequently. Therefore, we encourage you to verify these details with the official university admissions office. You are responsible for your own results. BeMo does not endorse nor affiliate with any official universities, colleges, or test administrators and vice versa. 

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Article Contents 10 min read

What are medical school secondary essays.

Before you start writing your secondary essays, it’s a good idea to review examples of medical school secondary essays . Secondary essays are an opportunity for admissions committees to get to know you better. Remember, because you’ve already submitted a medical school personal statement in your primary application, schools already know some of your background information, so your secondary essays need to be distinct. Each essay will require you to address a topic within a specified word or character limit.

At the University of Michigan Medical School, there are four mandatory essays. Some essays have two prompts that you can choose from. Here’s a list of the following topics you must address (these aren’t the prompts themselves):

Prompt 1: “Comment on how you hope to impact medicine in the future. If examples are needed, feel free to refer to our seven Paths of Excellence.” Do not exceed 1,500 characters including spaces (about 250 words) .

OR, if applying to the Medical Scientist Training Program:

Prompt 2: “Describe why you are applying to the University of Michigan MSTP. If you are interested in a specific department, program, or area of research for your PhD, please provide a brief explanation. We recognize that your interests may change.” Do not exceed 1,500 characters including spaces (about 250 words) .

My goal is to improve current approaches to achieving patient autonomy; specifically, I want to address commonplace classifications of what is considered beneficence and non-maleficence in a rapidly evolving medical context. I believe the balance between justice and freedom of choice remains a point of contention within medical ethics due to the advancement of technologically sophisticated and personalized treatment. As such, I believe that there are ways to enhance patient autonomy without interfering with due process in clinical settings.

When I was writing for the student medical journal at X university, I was involved in a research project investigating mental health disparities among minority groups. What we noticed was that Black residents in most American states were significantly less likely to access counselling services for mental health issues, despite no evidence to suggest a lower incidence of mental illness compared to other racial groups.

An effective compromise between autonomy and due process can be made by improving accessibility. At Michigan Medical School, the path of excellence that I would like to pursue is ethics, as I would like to explore the dimension of health care accessibility dealing with ethical implications. I would also like to participate in an independent study at the Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine emphasizing the elimination of disparities in health care.

Characters: 1,433

I am applying to the University of Michigan MSTP because I’m interested in pursuing research in the field of genetics. My grandfather suffered from early onset Alzheimer’s, and while he was receiving treatment, he participated in a study focusing on the role of dopamine in Alzheimer’s progression. My experience with the emotional toll of witnessing my grandfather’s pain motivates my desire to contribute to alleviating the suffering associated with this type of disease.

What appeals to me the most about the Medical Scientist Training Program are the research rotations. The area that aligns with my goal of becoming a neuroscience researcher is sensory and computational neuroscience, a topic that receives a surfeit of attention from faculty members, which are at present focused on the genetic dissection of neural circuits that underlie the processing of sensory stimuli.

In addition to specific research interests, the MSTP seminars are another aspect of the program that excites me. During my pre-med studies, I was a member of an association in which students gather with guest speakers to discuss current research. It was in this association that I built a cursory understanding of epigenetics and neuroplasticity as it relates to neurodegenerative disorders. I know that the value of discourse cannot be overstated, which is why scientific seminars are something I’d like to continue to be a part of and eventually contribute to as I pursue my medical degree.

Characters: 1,470

University of Michigan Medical School Secondary Essay #2

“Please respond to only one of the following two prompts. Do not exceed 2,500 characters including spaces.” (about 400 words)

  • Prompt 1: “Describe your identity and how it has impacted the development of your values and attitudes toward individuals different from yourself and how this will impact your interactions with future colleagues and patients.”
  • Prompt 2: “If you recognize and/or represent a voice that is missing, underrepresented, or undervalued in medicine, please describe the missing voice(s) and how increased representation in medicine could impact the medical community.”

Prompt: “How was your journey to medical school affected by the COVID-19 pandemic? Please feel free to describe any positive or negative aspects.” Do not exceed 2,500 characters including spaces (about 400 words).

My journey to medical school was changed in a significant way because of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the start, I was planning on becoming a physiotherapist after I completed my degree in biology. However, when the schools were locked down and classes were put on hold, I started reading about the development of vaccines. I found the information so fascinating and inspiring because of how quick and diligent the medical experts and scientists were. With lives and livelihoods on the line, there was no time to waste. I was intrigued by how the mRNA uses a protein to trigger the production of a section of that protein in an immune response. I was also fascinated by the biomechanics behind our cells making copies of the spike protein and the fact that they can recognize the real virus and know how to trigger an immune response with the information they were given through the vaccine.

One negative aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of my journey to medical school was the delay it caused. Because classes were shut down, I graduated a year later than I was supposed to. I also had trouble adapting to the remote learning format because I tend to thrive in group settings and when I’m around others. This sudden format change did not affect my grades, but I initially struggled to find the motivation I had when classes were on campus. I know that many other students experienced similar demoralization. However, I think having that experience gave me a more urgent and vigilant outlook when it comes to preventing the next pandemic and wanting to contribute to that effort by becoming a vaccine researcher.

Characters: 1,622

Prompt: “Outside of medicine, and beyond what we can read in your application, please tell us what you’re curious about, or what you’re passionate about, or what brings you joy – and why. Some examples include listening to historical novels, exploring national parks, woodworking, baking cupcakes, podcasting, knitting, playing pickleball, filmmaking, making music, etc.” Do not exceed 1,500 characters including spaces (about 250 words).

When I was completing my undergraduate degree, a hobby that I stumbled upon was creative writing. Growing up, I was never too interested in English classes, and I was never enthusiastic about my writing assignments or assigned readings until I reached university. However, in my freshman year, I began journaling to manage stress. It was recommended to me by a wellness coach that I was seeing regularly from the campus student resource center, but eventually, it turned into writing fiction. I’ve always been interested in books, primarily thrillers and horror novels, because I enjoy the suspense. I’m also fond of a good mystery novel, as I enjoy playing detective and trying to figure out who the culprit of the crime is.

I find reading such an enriching experience because you’re immersing yourself in the world and experience of someone or something completely different and hitherto unexplored. Reading is also a good measure of compassion and critical thinking, and I think it’s a fun and practical exploration of the human mind and what people can accomplish. When it comes to creative writing, I find that designing worlds with my own physics and limitations satisfies the often-neglected creative side of me. I also enjoy the challenge that creative writing entails – setting goals and actualizing them is something I’ve been able to apply to my life in other ways and having small writing accomplishments shows me that I’m capable of achieving bigger things.

Characters: 1,469

Each prompt has its own requirements. For the first prompt, in which applicants can choose one of two options, the essay should not exceed 1,500 characters with spaces; about 250 words. All other prompts besides the final one have a character limit of 2,500 (about 400 words), and the final prompt has a limit of 1,500 characters.

Your identity is about how you define yourself. Consider how your background, interests, beliefs, and experiences shape who you are. You may incorporate your long-term goals as a physician and what you hope to achieve based on how you define yourself.

This prompt is specifically about the MSTP program, so you will want to discuss aspects of the program that appeal to you. Be specific; for example, you might write about a research interest that you can tackle through this program.

You can visit the researcher profiles at the University of Michigan Medical School website. Read about what they’re actively working on and think about how your research goals will align with their interests.

Familiarize yourself with the strategic plan for the University of Michigan Medical School, which has 5 relevant sections: people, discovery, education, care, and service. Then, identify areas that resonate with your experiences, interests, and objectives.

First, establish which essays you are going to write. Some of the prompts involve a choice, so make sure you’re choosing to write the most applicable essay. Then, research the program, including the curriculum and special activities. This will help you connect your interests and goals with the school’s mission. Finally, create an outline for each essay using information from your research before you start writing the first draft.

The University of Michigan Medical School recognizes that your research interests can change. However, for the purposes of your secondary essays, you should be prepared to discuss potential research areas that appeal to you, even if they might change in the future.

You can, but you don’t have to. Applicants should view this prompt as more open-ended. There isn’t a strategic way to answer this question besides being direct and honest.

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  • Secondary Essay Prompts

Secondary Essay Prompts – University of Michigan Medical School

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Secondary Essay Prompts for the University of Michigan Medical School

Below are the secondary essay prompts for the University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, MI.

2019 – 2020

  • 1) Comment on how you hope to impact medicine in the future. If examples are needed, feel free to refer to our eight Paths of Excellence . Do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words).
  • 2) At the University of Michigan Medical School, we are committed to building a superb educational community with students of diverse talents, experiences, opinions, and backgrounds. What would you as an individual bring to our medical school community? Do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words).

2018 – 2019

This school requires CASPer (Computer Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) as part of the medical school secondary application.

  • Choose one of the following areas in which you have interest. (Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Underserved Populations, Entrepreneurial Medicine or Other (specify)). Comment on how you would hope to impact medicine in this area. Please do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words).
  • At the University of Michigan Medical School, we are committed to building a superb educational community with students of diverse talents, experiences, opinions, and backgrounds. What would you as an individual bring to our medical school community? Do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words).
  • OPTIONAL. If you would like to comment in depth regarding your research background you may answer this optional question. How would your past experiences in laboratory-based research on fundamental problems in the biological and biomedical sciences motivate you to pursue similar efforts as a physician-scientist? Do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words).

Below are the secondary essay prompts for the University of Michigan Medical School.

2017 – 2018.

  • The University of Michigan Medical School strives to ensure that its students become respectful physicians who embrace all dimensions of caring for the whole person. Please describe how your personal characteristics or life experiences will contribute to the University of Michigan Medical School community and bring educational benefits to our student body. (1000 characters)
  • Is there any further information that you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your file that you were not able to notate in another section of this or the AMCAS Application? (1000 characters)
  • Why have you chosen to apply to the University of Michigan Medical School and how do you think your education at University of Michigan Medical School will prepare you to become a physician for the future? (1 page, formatted at your discretion, upload as PDF)
  • Tell us something you are passionate about and why. Do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words).

2016 – 2017

MedEdits  advises against using outdated prompts for the current season.

  • Essay 1: Tell us something you are passionate about and why. Limit to 1500 characters.
  • Essay 2: At the University of Michigan Medical School, we are committed to building a superb educational community with students of diverse talents, experiences, opinions, and backgrounds. What would you as an individual bring to our medical school community?Limit to 1500 characters.
  • Essay 3: Please briefly describe your personal experience in a leadership position and the challenges that presented themselves in that position. Limit to 1500 characters.

Secondary essay webcast with Dr. Jessica Freedman, founder and president of MedEdits Medical Admissions.   Read more about Dr. Freedman.

umich med school secondary essays

University of Michigan Medical School

Topics covered in this presentation:

  • When should I submit my secondary essays?
  • Pay attention to the word/character limits.
  • Can I recycle secondary essay prompts for multiple schools?
  • Identify topics that you left out of your primary application.
  • And, much more.

University of Michigan Medical School Admissions Requirements

Learn more about this school:

Secondary Essay Prompts for Other Schools

Do you want to see secondary essay prompts for other medical schools?

Select a school below:

Secondary Essay Prompts By School

*Data collected from MSAR 2022-2023, 2022 Osteopathic Medical College Information Book, and institution website.

Disclaimer: The information on this page was shared by students and/or can be found on each medical school’s website. MedEdits does not guarantee it’s accuracy or authenticity.


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Secondary Essay Prompts – University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine

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Secondary Essay Prompts – University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine

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Secondary Essay Prompts – Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

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Secondary Essay Prompts – Mayo Medical School, Rochester, MN

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Medical   University of Michigan Medical School Secondary Application Essay Tips [2019 – 2020]

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  • Aug 25, 2019

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University of Michigan Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts

Below are the secondary prompts for University of Michigan Medical School.  Want to maximize your chances for an interview invite? Work with our expert medical school admission consultants to put your best foot forward through our secondary application editing services .

MD Prompts:

1. Choose one of the following areas in which you have interest. (Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Underserved Populations, Entrepreneurial Medicine or Other (specify)). Comment on how you would hope to impact medicine in this area. Please do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words) .

2. At the University of Michigan Medical School, we are committed to building a superb educational community with students of diverse talents, experiences, opinions, and backgrounds. What would you as an individual bring to our medical school community? Do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words) .

3. OPTIONAL. If you would like to comment in depth regarding your research background you may answer this optional question. How would your past experiences in laboratory-based research on fundamental problems in the biological and biomedical sciences motivate you to pursue similar efforts as a physician-scientist? Do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words) .

MSTP Prompts (only Q1 is different) :

1. Briefly describe why you decided to apply to the University of Michigan MSTP. If you are interested in a specific department, program, or area of research for your Ph.D., please provide a brief explanation (we recognize that your interests may change). Do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words) .

3. If you would like to comment in depth regarding your research background you may answer this optional question. How would your past experiences in laboratory-based research on fundamental problems in the biological and biomedical sciences motivate you to pursue similar efforts as a physician-scientist? Do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words) .

umich med school secondary essays


Medical School Secondary Essays: 5 Tips to Nail Them & Essay Prompts

  • Cracking Med School Admissions Team

Right about now, you’re probably at that time when you’ve submitted your AMCAS application.  Pat yourself on the back because a big portion of your application is successfully complete! The thing is, it seems like only a few weeks have passed and your are now beginning to receive medical school secondary essays, signaling the next battle in the medical school admissions process: the secondary application.

Topics Covered In This Blog Post:

  • What are Medical School Secondary Essays? 
  • 5 Tips to Nail Your Medical School Secondary Essay
  • Database of Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts
  • Frequently Asked Questions from This Year’s Applicants – UPDATED JULY 29, 2019
  • Secondary Essay Editing and Secondary Packages

Medical School Secondary Essays: Everything You Need to Know Including Tips, FAQs, & School Prompts

Medical school secondary application burnout

What are Medical School Secondary Essays?

After submitting your primary AMCAS application, many medical schools will ask you to complete a secondary application. Most medical schools, in addition to asking for an additional fee, will also ask you to write an additional essay or multiple additional essays that vary in length and focus. These essays are called medical school secondary essays, but despite their name, they are still of PRIMARY  importance !

Medical school secondary essays can be a very heavy load of work. Again, these essays are still very important and you should try to write them to the best of your ability. There are several things you can do to minimize your pain in writing secondary essays, while giving yourself the best chance of getting granted a medical school interview.

Contact us if you need help editing your medical school secondaries and check out our medical school secondary application packages .

download your secondary Essay Guide

Use this essay guide and workbook to write standout secondaries.

Secondary Essay Guide

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5 Tips to Nail Your Medical School Secondary Essays

1. look up secondary essays from med school applicants in previous years.

Don’t wait to receive the prompts from the schools you applied to — take advantage of the few weeks in between filling out your AMCAS application and receiving secondary essay prompts! Medical schools don’t change their secondary essay prompts every year, so you can Google search previous years’ prompts and get started outlining or writing your secondaries before the essay prompts even come. This is a great way to save time later on, and you’ll need all the time you can get, because secondary essay prompts tend to differ between schools.

Better yet, check out our database of medical school secondary essay prompts down below.

2. Your Medical School Secondary Application Needs to Complement Your AMCAS

Your medical school application should be one cohesive document where everything ties together in some way, and different parts of the application should complement one another. Don’t think of your secondary application as a separate entity — remember the story you told in your primary application and continue telling that story in your secondary application!

Look carefully at your primary application. What have you already covered? What could use further elaboration? Are there puzzle pieces in your application that haven’t been put in place yet? Do the pieces of your application fit together? These are critical questions that you must consider when writing your medical school secondary application. While it’s okay to repeat some things from your primary, you don’t want to write the same thing verbatim. You can also take the opportunity to write full essays about topics that may have been included as one-sentence descriptions in your AMCAS Application. Another approach is to introduce a whole new topic that complements and supports the story you told in your primary. In any case, the most important thing, as always, is to have a cohesive application that connects your past accomplishments with your future goals.

3. Answer Secondary Essay Prompts Carefully — Don’t Copy and Paste

This may seem obvious to most, but it’s worth repeating here. Take time to answer each secondary essay prompt with care and thoughtfulness. A lot of times, applicants are exhausted by the time they start writing medical school secondary essays and try to cut corners in an effort to save time. Copy-pasting and repeating verbatim from information in your primary application is a recipe for disaster. Or worse yet, answering the prompt of another school’s essay while not adequately responding to the school at hand’s prompt, is a very embarrassing situation! While there’s no guarantee that admissions officers will read all your secondary essays — particularly if your primary application blows them away — if they make it to your secondary application, having them be poor quality will make it much more difficult for you to land an interview.

Some tips to make your secondary sound unique for each school:

  • Look at specific programs and research mentors you want at each school.
  • Discuss how the curriculum at each school is different. With the pre-clinical curriculum, some medical schools are problem-based, others are organ-based. Some med schools offer classes in public health and entrepreneurship. With the clinical curriculum, some medical schools have almost all “electives” during their fourth year while others have stringent clinical rotation requirements. Discuss why these elements are important to YOU.
  • Write about unique opportunities and projects you want to be involved with at that specific med school. For example, if you are interested in pursuing global health, research what the global health opportunities are at each med school and how you see yourself taking advantage of them.

4. Have a Fast Turnaround Time with the Secondary Application

The time sensitivity of medical school applications is something people don’t talk about enough, and unfortunately it’s news to many med school applicants when it’s too late. Interview spots dwindle the later in the application cycle you are. A quality secondary application done in a short time window will increase your likelihood of getting an interview. This goes back to point #1 of front-loading the process; you don’t want to wait til the last minute and either submit secondary essays late, or submit them on time with poor quality. Quality and timeliness are both equally important.

5. Stuck? Ask Us to Review Your Primary and We Can Suggest Topics For Your Secondary Application!

The authors of Cracking Med School Admissions have written over a hundred secondary essays among ourselves as well as edited THOUSANDS of medical school secondary essays! We know what it takes to write a great secondary application, and we’ve passed on our knowledge to help hundreds of students succeed too. Check out our secondary essay packages and other services we offer.

As always, you can email us questions at [email protected]

Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts Database

  • Albany Medical College Secondary Application Prompts
  • Baylor Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Columbia Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Cornell Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Drexel Medical School Secondary Prompts
  • Duke University Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • GW Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Harvard Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Howard University Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Johns Hopkins Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Mayo Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Miami Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Mount Sinai Secondary Application Prompts
  • Northwestern Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • NYU Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Ohio State Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • OHSU Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Penn State Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Rosalind Franklin Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Rutgers Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • SUNY Downstate Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Texas Tech Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • UC Irvine Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • UC Los Angeles Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • UC Riverside Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • UC San Diego Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • UC San Francisco Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • University of Chicago Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • University of Cincinnati Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • University of Michigan Medical School Secondary Essays Prompts
  • University of Oklahoma Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Secondary Application
  • University of Pittsburgh Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • University of Rochester Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • University of Washington Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Vanderbilt Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Virginia Tech Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Washington University St Louis Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Wayne State Medical School Secondary Application Prompts
  • Yale Medical School Secondary Application Prompts

secondary Packages

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Stand out   with our Secondary Essay Editing Packages!

FAQ’s about secondaries from This Year’s Applicants


Q: When do I have to submit secondaries by?

As soon as possible. We do not like to exchange quality for quantity (quick turnaround). An ideal turnaround time for secondaries is within 2 weeks of receiving them. 

Q: Can you help me brainstorm topics for my secondary essays?

This requires an extremely personalized approach and answer. Please contact us below or email us at [email protected] if you need help!

Q:  Do you have any tips about medical school secondary essays that ask you to write about the autobiography?

Purpose : The purpose of the medical school secondary autobiography is to tell the admissions committee about your values and roots. Your autobiographical stories need to show and convey to the reader who you are. Therefore, every single paragraph and story you tell about your childhood and upbringing needs to reflect something about you. If you talk about your  relatives, what did they teach you? If you talk about music, then why is that meaningful to you? If you bring up your mom’s career, how did that motivate you? 

Tips: After you talk about some of your values, you need to then tie it to your more recent experiences. Your values really need to reflect that you have done in college and beyond. Your values and personality traits should be apparent through the activities that you chose to pursue.

Thinking about these connections will help you write a superb medical school secondary essay autobiography! 

Q.  What topics can I write about for the “Diversity essay?”

Diversity can literally mean ANYTHING. Don’t think that diversity only equals discussing your ethnic or cultural background.

Our Cracking Med School Admissions mentees have written about these topics for the diversity essays:

  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Difficult up-bringing
  • Interesting aspects about their up-bringing
  • Jobs they have held
  • Leadership positions
  • Travel experiences
  • Global health activities
  • Cultural influences, including cultural instruments and dance

Q. A school has optional essays. What are your thoughts about answering them?

In general, the Cracking Med School Admissions team thinks that almost all the time, 

Q: One of the schools asked about “challenges in my pre-med journey.” What are appropriate topics to write about?

Students in the past have used this optional essay to write about difficult circumstances in their: family situation, upbringing, health issues, and failing a course. 

Q:  Does having a B- in a course sound like a challenge?

Typically, we advise students to NOT write about B-‘s as a challenging life circumstance. It usually comes off as very superficial!

Q: What are your prices for secondary essay editing? 

Please see our secondary packages below. 

Contact Us. We're Excited to Help!

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  • Leave us a Message or Question! We will email and call you back. *
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Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts

Get the most updated medical school secondary essay prompts. Learn how to create the best medical school secondary application, improve your chances of receiving an interview, and get accepted at your dream school. See the most recent SDN threads here .

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An in-depth look at the MD application process timeline, facts and figures.

At the University of Michigan Medical School, we make sure you know where you stand at every stage of our application process. This transparency leads to better communication and greater peace of mind. As always, the MD Office of Admissions welcomes you to contact us if you have any questions.

Staff working in cubicle in facility

We encourage all applicants, including MSTP, to apply as early as possible due to our rolling interview notification process. DACA students are also encouraged to apply to our MD program.

You can begin your  AMCAS primary application  this month.

Be sure to check out our secondary application essay prompts  and note our deadlines for both primary and secondary applications above.

For an insider's view on Michigan Medical School, take part in (or watch the recording of) our May # GoBlueMed livestream chat  featuring current M1-M4 medical students!

Tips for filling our your application:

  • Fill out the “Other Impactful Experiences” essay if you have had significant social, emotional, physical or economic hardships. This is a part of your journey and shows resilience.
  • We do not accept experiences or hours from high school. Feel free to talk about these experiences in your essays or descriptions, if they are relevant to your life story.
  • Try not to reiterate all of your experiences in your AMCAS essay. This is your opportunity to tell us more about you and your motivations for wanting to become a physician.

This is a good month to submit your AMCAS primary application! We typically begin receiving primary applications at the end of June/early July.

Did you know the University of Michigan Medical School follows the  AAMC application and acceptance protocols  for medical schools? All prospective MD and MD/PhD students are encouraged to review the  AAMC guidelines for applicants , too. 

Medical students walking and talking by hospital in white coats

Secondary applications are sent to candidates with an MCAT score at or above the 35th percentile. Those below the 35th percentile are screened for excellence within our competencies and may be sent a secondary application after review. 

Submit your secondary application as soon as possible after receiving it. There is an application fee of $85 due upon submission. That fee is waived for those approved for the AAMC-Fee Assistance Program.

Secondary Application Tips

  • Write essays about who you are, not what you think Admissions wants to hear.
  • Communicate clearly about what you have found in your life to help you become the person you want to be.
  • Know the medical school’s mission. Ours is: “To transform health through bold and innovative education, discovery, and service." Learn more about the strategic pillars of our mission.
  • Know the medical school’s vision for its graduates.  Find ours .
  • Submit your secondary applications to the schools you are most interested in within two weeks.

See more information about  our secondary application  on the Requirements page. 

Once your secondary application is complete, you will be able to access your Applicant Portal. If at any time you want to submit updates to your application, please use the checklist on your  Applicant Portal.

Our Holistic Approach

Please be assured you will be holistically considered on your academic and personal competencies. We thoroughly review each and every file, which can take several months.  Please review our process for evaluating applicants.

Interview Invitations

First M.D. interview invites are emailed to candidates starting in early August. MSTP interviewees are notified on a different schedule.


Every Monday starting with when the first round of interview invites are emailed, we post updates on  X .

Follow Along with Application Tracker

Primary AMCAS application for the M.D./Ph.D. (MSTP) program is due by the 15th of this month.

Our first  MD interviews  take place this month, and all our interviews are conducted virtually. Candidates have the same opportunity to be admitted whether interviewed on the first day or the last.

Letters of Recommendation

University of Michigan Medical School participates in the AMCAS Letter of Recommendation Service. Here are 5 tips for LORs:

  • Review these helpful  AAMC Guidelines for Writing a Letter of Evaluation  before you get started.
  • Letters of recommendation may come from any individuals you believe can objectively assess your personal qualities.
  • We require a minimum of 3  letters of recommendation  (or a committee packet) with a maximum of 4 letters.
  • ALL letters need to be submitted using the AMCAS letter service.
  • Do NOT send any letters directly to the University of Michigan Medical School.

Three possible outcomes at this stage

Interview offer.

Congratulations! You will receive an email on #UMichMedMonday with an invitation to schedule your interview date via your  Applicant Portal .  MSTP applicants  go through the MSTP office to schedule their interviews.

Preliminary Screening

Once your file is complete (with Primary and Secondary Applications received) we will begin multiple reviews of your file. We do not have to have your letters of recommendation to begin reviewing your file. (Please note that for MSTP, your file is not considered complete without your letters of recommendation.) Reviews may take up to several months and could include some 'on hold' time while we complete our holistic review. Unfortunately, in our process, you will not be able to see the number of times that your file is reviewed. Check your  Applicant Portal  for updates any time.

File Closed

Your application package has been carefully reviewed and considered. At this point, we have determined that you will not be receiving an interview invitation.

All interviews are conducted virtually. Rest assured your  interview day  with us will be carefully planned to give you the opportunity to truly engage with Michigan Medical School and better understand who we are as a community. You'll have a chance to connect with Admissions committee members, current medical students and other applicants, as well as participate in interactive sessions and learn more about our medical school, the University of Michigan and Ann Arbor. Be sure to check out our  virtual guide to the medical campus , too!


The Primary AMCAS application for the MD program is due by October 1st.

The Secondary application for the MD/PhD (MSTP) program is due by October 15th.

Rolling Admissions Notifications

With our rolling admissions notifications, applicants are notified of their status by no later than the end of the month following the month in which their interview took place beginning in October. Admitted students’ seats in the class are held until the AAMC's national decision date of April 30th. No deposit is ever required at Michigan!

Post-Interview Outcomes

  • Admitted: Congratulations! Once you are invited to join the next class of Michigan Medical School students, you will receive more information about connecting with fellow admits and current students as well as regular updates about next steps.
  • Deferred Decision: This decision is not an offer of admission, waitlist, nor is it a rejection. Your file is on hold while we review other candidates who interview later than you. A final review of your file will take place no later than March but could be earlier. We appreciate your patience. You are welcome to update your application at any time using the  Applicant Portal . Candidates are admitted out of the Deferred Decision pool. Should candidates not be admitted, they will be placed on the waitlist in March.
  • Waitlist:  The number of students who are admitted off of our waitlist varies from year to year. While we appreciate updates and new information from those who are on the waitlist via the  Applicant Portal , the number of contacts made with our office will not impact our waitlist decisions.
  • File Closed: After careful review, it is with regret that we are unable to offer you a position in University of Michigan Medical School's next entering class.

Any outstanding Secondary applications for the MD program are due on November 1st.

To be considered for need-based scholarships, Admissions requires that you complete the  Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)  and the University of Michigan  Institutional Application for Financial Aid  no later than February 1. All students are encouraged to submit their financial aid applications well ahead of the deadline. Students that do not meet our deadline may not receive the amount of need-based grant for which they would otherwise be eligible. 

For students admitted after February 1, the deadline to submit the FAFSA and U-M applications is two weeks from the date of admission. Students should check with all schools they are applying to for deadlines and required application materials. 

Approximately 60% of our students receive gift aid, including Admissions scholarships which are awarded in March.


All admitted students are automatically considered for Admissions scholarships, which are based on a holistic review of your file, not just on your MCAT and GPA. The Office of Admissions does take need into consideration, so it is important to submit to UMMS the FAFSA and our U-M Institutional Application. Admissions scholarships are separate from grants and loans which are determined from the submitted financial information.

The Office of Admissions emails candidates about Admissions scholarships typically in early March.

More Financial Aid Facts

Financial Aid Update

Our UMMS Financial Aid Office will offer to prepare a Cost of Attendance Estimate for your M1 year after receiving your FAFSA and Institutional Aid forms. It will be important for you to have estimates from all of the schools to which you are admitted.

Decision Time

You have heard from us—now it’s your turn. According to  AAMC's Application and Acceptance Protocols for Applicants  and the  University of Michigan Medical School's Admissions Protocols for Admitted Students , you must begin narrowing your medical school choices in April so we can begin building our class and welcoming them to the Michigan community. Should you wish to discuss deferring your enrollment to the next year, you are welcome to reach out to the Director of Admissions to explore the possibilities.

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Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts Database

Updating for 2023-2024 as Secondaries Come in!

ProspectiveDoctor has compiled a database of past and current medical school secondary essay prompts from past years to help you get a head start on your secondary applications. Select a school to discover their essay prompts.

Secondary Essay Editing


Related posts:

  • Baylor College of Medicine Secondary Questions
  • East Tennessee State James H. Quillen College of Medicine Secondary Questions
  • Florida International University College of Medicine Secondary Questions
  • Wake Forest School of Medicine Secondary Questions

Get Expert Help With Your Secondary Essays!

Medical School Headquarters

Why are secondary essays important and what should you be doing to make sure you have the best chance of getting into your school of choice?

The medical school application process starts with your primary application, whether that’s thought AMCAS, AACOMAS, or TMDSAS. Secondary essays come after you submit your primary application. It is a way for schools to learn more about you. It helps the medical schools determine your fit to their mission and it helps you do some research to see if you truly want to go there.

All the normal essay writing stuff is important here: grammar, typos, etc. Turning them around quickly is also important so you don’t miss any deadlines and to show your interest in the school.

[00:50] Is There Screening Involved?

Some schools will screen based on stats and what they’re looking for to determine if they want to send you a secondary essay.

Most schools do not screen and they will just send you a secondary essay whether or not you’re a qualified candidate or not. 

Therefore as an applicant, it’s important for you to figure out and determine where you have a shot among the schools you’re applying to because the secondary essays cost a lot of money.

[01:20] Things to Prepare For

The average is probably around $75 and if you multiply that with, say, 20 schools you applied to then that’s a lot of money for secondary essays. To get an estimate of the cost, check out our Medical School Applications Cost Estimator .

Time & Effort

Depending on the school, you may get very simple questions, or maybe just one question. Prepare for questions like what you did during the gap year if you’re not in schoo or how you’re going to add diversity to their class.

Some schools also have very in depth questions. They do that to determine if you’re going to be a good fit for their school and to see if you’re really motivated to go there because it’s going to take a lot of time to fill out those secondary essays.

[02:32] When Do Schools Send Out Secondary Essays?

If you’re submitting your primary application early on in this process, you’re not going to get secondary essays for a little bit of time. And that’s because the application services will hold the applications until they send that first wave out either mid to late June, depending on the application service. So you have some time between when you submit and when secondary essays come. Hopefully, you submit early because of the rolling admissions.

[03:06] Pre-writing Your Secondary Essays

To take a look at all of the essays for the schools you apply to and so you can start pre-writing, check out secondaryapps.com . You also get to have access to videos on how to answer the most common types of secondary essay questions.

Most schools typically don’t change their questions. And even if they do change their questions, you have now gotten into a mindset of trying to think about how they’re thinking, and trying to figure out the best way to answer that. So you have a headstart in terms of thinking through your story, your background, and how to best answer whatever new questions are there once you get the secondary.

[03:44] Secondary Essay Timelines

There are some schools that want secondary essays back in five days. There are some schools that say two weeks or 10 days.

To help you get your head around this, first, prioritize the schools you want to go to the worst or the most. Then prioritize schools that have deadlines on secondaries. 

As soon as you submit that primary, be prepared to write for several months to come, assuming you’re applying to a lot of schools.

[04:22] How Important Are Secondaries to This Whole Process?

When I was writing The Premed Playbook: Guide to the Medical School Personal Statement , I reached out to a dean of admissions, and he commented that personal statements are terrible. Nobody knows how to write them properly. So they look at secondary essays to determine a large chunk of who they’re going to invite for an interview.

Secondary essays are important. Schools are using them to determine fit for their mission. They’ll ask you questions that are about fit for their mission. Now, even though they’re important, they’re not really hard. They may take a lot of time depending on the school, but they are asking you a very specific question. And as long as you answer that question, and hopefully, work in a little bit of your life story with an anecdote, they’re really easy to write, assuming you’ve done some reflection on your journey.

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Medical School Applications Cost Estimator


The Premed Playbook: Guide to the Medical School Personal Statement



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umich med school secondary essays

Med School Insiders

How to Write the Medical School Secondary Diversity Essay

  • By Med School Insiders
  • June 13, 2022
  • Secondary Application

The medical school secondary diversity essay exists because admissions committees want to ensure their campus is as diverse as possible. Medical schools want to attract applicants from all walks of life so that each student contributes something unique to the student body. The diversity essay is an opportunity for applicants to discuss their minority background or otherwise unique history or identity and how their uniqueness will contribute to the college community.

In this post, we’ll break down why this prompt is asked, what admissions committees are looking for, and how to best answer it.

Medical School Secondaries

The AMCAS application opens for the following year’s medical school class around the first week of May. Submissions open around the end of May to early June, so you have a month to prepare your primary application. Therefore, if you hope to begin medical school in the fall of 2023, you must apply in the spring of 2022.

Your secondary applications will take about two to four weeks to arrive after you submit your primary application. Secondaries must be completed as soon as possible without compromising quality. We recommend taking no longer than 7-14 days to submit each secondary you receive.

This is especially true because, at Med School Insiders, we recommend applicants apply to around 20 different medical schools . This could mean receiving 20 different secondaries, all within the same general time frame.

Medical School Application Timeline

For more information about ideal scheduling, read our Medical School Application Timeline Guide .

Why Do Schools Include a Diversity Essay?

Colleges, and not just medical schools, believe their college culture, community, and campus learning experience can be enriched by including a wide array of different backgrounds, perspectives, identities, and beliefs. Therefore, many admissions committees assign a diversity essay so that each applicant can explain in their own words how their identity and background will help enhance the student body at large.

Diversity essays are an opportunity for applicants with minority backgrounds, unique family histories, an unconventional education, or otherwise distinctive experiences to explain how their uniqueness will add to the campus community.

How to Answer the Medical School Secondary Diversity Essay

1 | diversity comes in many forms.

This is an extremely important point, as many applicants who don’t come from a specific socioeconomic or ethnocultural background believe they are unable to add diversity to a prospective medical school class. This is a common misconception. Diversity isn’t limited to the color of your skin or which religion your family belongs to.

Did you experience a non-traditional upbringing growing up? This could include losing a family member, having a sibling or family member with a health concern or disability, growing up in a single parent home, needing to work at a young age, or much more. There are many, many factors that could contribute to your diversity.

Focus on your story. Which personal qualities make you unique? What aspect of your personal identity, upbringing, or family has separated you from your peers?

2 | What is Your Personal Identity?

If you’re stuck on what direction to take this essay, take time to look inward and consider your own identity. Who are you? What kind of person are you? What makes you, well, you? What makes you unique from other candidates?

Your identity is made up of a number of different factors, including your ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and health.

You might also consider any non-traditional experiences you’ve had or a non-traditional upbringing.

  • What was your home life like?
  • What was your financial situation growing up?
  • What is your family’s education level?
  • How much did you have to work when you were younger?
  • Do you come from a multicultural background?
  • Have you experienced a personal health scare?
  • Do you have family members who have significant health concerns?
  • Have you lost close family members?
  • Did you lose a parent at a young age?
  • Did you grow up in a single parent home?
  • Have you experienced any kind of traumatic event that has informed your values and identity?

3 | Get Personal

Don’t hold back when sharing your experiences. Surface-level stories or bland anecdotes will not stand out. What personal details can you add that will better illustrate your points?

Describe in detail how the experience made you feel. What did you learn? What qualities have you developed as a result of the experience? How will you apply what you learned and the qualities you earned to your medical education and eventual career?

At the same time, remember that your experience may be brought up during your interview. Anything you mention in your application is fair game to be asked about on the interview trail. Do not write about any experience you will be unable to speak about in person. It’s good to be open and show vulnerability, but it’s also vital that you maintain your composure during your interview.

If you don’t think you can speak about the experience face-to-face with an interviewer, leave it out of your essay.

4 | Don’t Repeat Yourself

You may have been asked a diversity question in your primary application, or you may have chosen to focus on this aspect of your life in your personal statement.

Do not repeat yourself in your secondary. Admissions committees already have access to your primary application. Repeating the same stories won’t provide adcoms with any additional insight into who you are. The secondaries are an opportunity to add something new to your story.

If you’re going to touch on an experience, moment, or lesson you’ve already mentioned, ensure that you are adding to it. You must provide a notable amount of additional context if you utilize the same examples in your secondaries.

5 | Continue Crafting Your Narrative

An essential piece of a successful primary application is the cohesive narrative you build throughout it about who you are and why you want to be a doctor. The secondary application is no different. The diversity essay is an opportunity to continue the narrative you established in your primary application.

It’s important that the diversity essay fits well with the rest of your secondary application. Each piece of the application should add to your story and provide additional context about how you’ve arrived at where you are today.

Learn How to Develop a Cohesive Narrative for Medical School Applications .

Medical School Secondary Diversity Essay Examples

There are a number of different directions you can take your diversity essay.

You might discuss a time when you or someone you care about experienced prejudice. How did that experience make you feel? What did you learn? How did it shape who you are? If you took action in response to this, what action did you take? Did you try to support others who are experiencing prejudice?

You might discuss the difficulties you’ve had growing up with parents who have different values than your own. How did these differences change your relationship with your family? How did that conflict in your life shape who you are today? Were you able to resolve your differences with your family, or did you need to prioritize your own needs and identity?

You might discuss how your cultural background has been a positive influence on your life. How has learning another language and participating in cultural values distinct from those of the US shaped who you are? What have you learned from the traditional values of your family? How can you apply what you’ve learned to interacting with people who come from other ethnic or socioeconomic backgrounds?

You might discuss how from a very young age you needed to help support your family financially. How did taking on that burden when you were young shape you? How were you able to help and support your family? Was it financially or with your time? What did you learn from that experience growing up, and how has it informed your priorities and outlook on life?

Other Common Secondary Questions

The diversity essay is only one of the common medical school secondary prompts you can expect to see in one form or another. Knowing which questions are likely to appear on secondaries will help you prepare your answers in advance.

Some of the most common secondary questions include:

  • Why are you a good fit for our school?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Why do you want to be a doctor?
  • Why us? / Why do you want to join this program?
  • Describe a moral or ethical dilemma you faced. What did you learn from the experience?
  • Describe a time when you failed and what you learned.
  • Did you take time off after undergrad? What did you achieve during this time?
  • Where do you see yourself in ten years?

With these questions in mind, start writing your responses to common secondary questions long before you actually receive your secondaries. Once you do receive a secondary, deeply research the program and tailor your answers to suit their values and offerings.

Learn more about the complete secondary process and how to plan ahead in our Medical School Secondary Application Guide .

Secondary Application Editing With Med School Insiders

We get it. We understand how long you’ve already been working on the application process,  but now is not the time to give up. It’s time to knuckle down and drive this thing home.

Med School Insiders can help. Our Medical School Secondary Application Editing services will help you write the kind of singular secondary applications that will get you noticed by your top choice medical schools. Our doctor advisors have served on medical school admissions committees, and they’ve read hundreds of secondary essays. Our team will help you craft a stellar secondary application tailored to each school you apply to.

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    about University of Michigan School of Medicine. Secondary Deadline: November 1, 2023. Secondary Fee: $85. FAP Waiver: Full Fee Waived. CASPer Required: Yes. Screens Applications: Yes. Accepts Application Updates: Yes/Portal. Mission. To transform health through bold and innovatiove education, discovery, and service.

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    2016 - 2017. MedEdits advises against using outdated prompts for the current season.. Essay 1: Tell us something you are passionate about and why. Limit to 1500 characters. Essay 2: At the University of Michigan Medical School, we are committed to building a superb educational community with students of diverse talents, experiences, opinions, and backgrounds.

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    Get the most updated medical school secondary essay prompts. Learn how to create the best medical school secondary application, improve your chances of receiving an interview, and get accepted at your dream school. ... University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI4 Essays. 2023. University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, PA3 Essays. 2023. University of ...

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    October 1. Primary AMCAS application for MD program. October 15. Secondary application for MD/PhD (MSTP) program. November 1. Secondary application for MD program. $85. Secondary application fee for MD and MD/PhD (MSTP) programs.

  20. Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts Database

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    How to Answer the Medical School Secondary Diversity Essay 1 | Diversity Comes in Many Forms. This is an extremely important point, as many applicants who don't come from a specific socioeconomic or ethnocultural background believe they are unable to add diversity to a prospective medical school class. This is a common misconception.

  23. Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts (2024-2025)

    Indiana University School of Medicine. There are no secondary essay prompts for the 2024-2025 cycle. Instead, the school will email to confirm receipt of your AMCAS application. When they are ready to select interviewees, they will email those students a link to provide additional (non-essay) information.