University of Dayton

Graduate Degrees

UDayton Global offers challenging graduate programs, small class sizes, a diverse campus experience, and rewarding career opportunities. Click below to learn more about the entry criteria for our graduate degrees.

Please visit Graduate Admissions to learn more about the entry criteria for our graduate degrees.

University of Dayton’s School of Engineering focuses on collaboration, community-engaged learning, and adaptation to change. As a top-ranked engineering school, the University of Dayton creates engineers who are socially engaged, globally aware, and prepared to take on leadership roles.

Aerospace Engineering (MS) – STEM designated

Biomedical Engineering (MS) – STEM designated

Chemical Engineering (MS) – STEM designated

Civil Engineering (MS) – STEM designated

  • Construction Engineering-MS
  • Environmental Engineering-MS
  • Geotechnical Engineering-MS
  • Structural Engineering-MS
  • Transportation Engineering-MS
  • Water Resources Engineering-MS

Computer Engineering (MS) – STEM designated

Electrical Engineering (MS) – STEM designated

Electro-Optics (MS) – STEM designated

Engineering Management (MS) – STEM designated

Engineering Mechanics (MS) – STEM designated

Materials Engineering (ME) – STEM designated

Mechanical Engineering (MS) – STEM designated

Systems Engineering (MS) – STEM designated

Click to see Math Self-Evaluation for Calculus I, II, III, Differential Equations and Self-Declaration of Math Proficiency form  here.

The University of Dayton School of Business Administration is a supportive and welcoming community of faculty, staff, and students from around the world. You’ll learn business theory, then apply that knowledge through classroom collaboration and internship experiences.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

  • Business Analytics – STEM designated
  • Cyber Security – STEM designated
  • Finance – STEM designated

Master of Business Analytics (MBAN) —STEM-Designated Master of Finance (MFin) – STEM designated

The College of Arts and Sciences offers graduate degrees across the arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. University of Dayton programs are rooted in the Marinist tradition of promoting lifelong intellectual, personal, and professional growth.

Applied Mathematics (MS) – STEM designated

Computer Science MCS – STEM designated

Public Administration (MPA)

Click to see Math Self-Evaluation for Calculus I, II, III, Differential Equations and Self-Declaration of Math Proficiency form  here.

The University of Dayton School of Education and Health Sciences builds learning communities through critical reflection. University of Dayton’s goal is to develop leaders who will make a positive difference by combining educational theory, practice, and Marianist principles.

Interdisciplinary Educational Studies (MSE)

Transdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (MSE)

Dayton Law’s challenging classroom dialogues and experiential learning opportunities will prepare you to solve the real-world problems of your clients. You will acquire the legal knowledge, skills, and values needed to help others and distinguish yourself as a lawyer.

Master of Laws (LLM)

Graduate Admissions

  • Entry Requirements
  • Typical Costs
  • Important Dates
  • Application instructions

University of Dayton

In collaboration with SHORELIGHT

University of Dayton School of Education and Health Sciences Homepage

  • How to Become a Principal in Ohio
  • Apply Now External link: open_in_new

Online Graduate Programs from the School of Education and Health Sciences Online Graduate Programs from the School of Education and Health Sciences Online Graduate Programs from the School of Education and Health Sciences

Request more information.

The University of Dayton School of Education and Health Sciences offers online graduate and preparation programs for aspiring leaders in health and education. Our programs promote critical reflection and foster a learning environment that covers both theory and practice.

Master of Science in Education in Educational Leadership

The online Master of Science in Education (MSE) in Educational Leadership program prepares you to serve in administrative roles and leadership positions in pre-kindergarten to grade 12 educational settings.

The MSE in Educational Leadership program also features an optional path to principal licensure.

Doctor of Education in Leadership for Organizations

Through the online Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Leadership for Organizations program, you will learn to implement positive organizational change in advanced leadership roles across sectors and diverse communities.

You must currently hold a master’s degree to be considered for admission to the Ed.D. program.

  • Principal Licensure Preparation Program

The online Principal Licensure Preparation Program is designed for applicants who hold a master’s degree and want to become a licensed principal in Ohio.

You may also be eligible for licensure in states other than Ohio and should research if this program fulfills the licensure requirements in the state in which you intend to practice.

About the University of Dayton School of Education and Health Sciences About the University of Dayton School of Education and Health Sciences About the University of Dayton School of Education and Health Sciences

The University of Dayton is a renowned Catholic research university founded in 1850. Keeping with our Marianist tradition, we are deeply committed to the common good and leading through service to others. Through academic inquiry and hands-on learning, students develop critical minds and compassionate hearts — and use their knowledge to make a positive impact on the world. The School of Education and Health Sciences prepares students for success as teachers, administrators, counselors, school psychologists and health professionals. Our students and faculty adhere to our mission of  building learning communities through critical reflection  and share a common goal of creating positive change in the lives of others The University of Dayton is a renowned Catholic research university founded in 1850. Keeping with our Marianist tradition, we are deeply committed to the common good and leading through service to others. Through academic inquiry and hands-on learning, students develop critical minds and compassionate hearts — and use their knowledge to make a positive impact on the world. The School of Education and Health Sciences prepares students for success as teachers, administrators, counselors, school psychologists and health professionals. Our students and faculty adhere to our mission of  building learning communities through critical reflection  and share a common goal of creating positive change in the lives of others The University of Dayton is a renowned Catholic research university founded in 1850. Keeping with our Marianist tradition, we are deeply committed to the common good and leading through service to others. Through academic inquiry and hands-on learning, students develop critical minds and compassionate hearts — and use their knowledge to make a positive impact on the world. The School of Education and Health Sciences prepares students for success as teachers, administrators, counselors, school psychologists and health professionals. Our students and faculty adhere to our mission of  building learning communities through critical reflection  and share a common goal of creating positive change in the lives of others

Student Experience Student Experience Student Experience

The School of Education and Health Sciences is committed to providing you with a meaningful, high-quality educational experience. Our program features live online classes and interactive assignments combined with real-world fieldwork and comprehensive student services. The School of Education and Health Sciences is committed to providing you with a meaningful, high-quality educational experience. Our program features live online classes and interactive assignments combined with real-world fieldwork and comprehensive student services. The School of Education and Health Sciences is committed to providing you with a meaningful, high-quality educational experience. Our program features live online classes and interactive assignments combined with real-world fieldwork and comprehensive student services.

Admission Deadlines

Make sure you are on track to apply for the upcoming cohort. Learn more about admission deadlines and requirements for your desired program:

  • Ed.D. in Leadership for Organizations
  • MSE in Educational Leadership

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Enhance your leadership skills and learn to promote change at all levels of education. Request information about our online graduate programs today.

2023-2024 Academic Catalog

Individual interdisciplinary programs.

The University of Dayton offers individual interdisciplinary graduate programs designed by the student in cooperation with an advisor and representatives from the selected programs. Applicants must have an undergraduate degree with a general cumulative point average of 3.0 or above, and submit a formal written request for an individually designed interdisciplinary program to her/his faculty advisor and graduate committee.

The interdisciplinary program does not take the place of an established graduate program. Rather, it is a specific program drawn from several disciplines to meet a special need, frequently for job-related requirements. It must produce interrelated applications of specific disciplines and skills at the graduate level. For instance, a clinical dietitian employed in a hospital may seek graduate level expertise in counseling and education for patients with chemical dependencies and for teaching interns. Such a student finds that a Master of Science in the interdisciplinary program serves the special needs for a broader knowledge base encompassing physiology, communication, and counseling. Or, to take an instance in the humanities, a student may seek graduate level expertise in historical preservation. Such a student seeks more general learning and professional expertise, and finds that a Master of Arts in the interdisciplinary program serves special needs in history, art, and public administration. 

The degree will be either a Master of Arts or a Master of Science. The program should involve several disciplines and be directed by one faculty member from each discipline. The three faculty members constitute the advisory committee. The final program will be drawn up and approved by the advisory committee. Copies will be sent to the chair of the departments involved.

A program of study must be at least 30 semester hours: 15 may be divided between directed study and a thesis, but must be related to the interdisciplinary areas; and 6 semester credit hours of electives in more distantly related areas may also be chosen.

The formal request for an individual interdisciplinary program must include:

  • A general description of the proposed course of study and the reasons for choosing such an interdisciplinary program, rather than one offered in a single department.
  • The courses (at least 30 semester hours) which will be taken and the department involved in the overall work.
  • If a project or thesis is desired, a clear statement of the specific nature of the topic, the research intended, and the purpose of the project or thesis.

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Sociology PhD Program

The graduate program is a rigorous yet flexible PhD curriculum that allows you to specialize in any number of sociology research areas.

Our graduate curriculum is rigorous while also supporting students in planning their own path.

Our curriculum ( program overview ) is laid out over 5-6 years, but can be adjusted to meet each student’s own time table.

Research Areas

We regularly offer graduate seminars and other training opportunities in a wide variety of substantive areas, such as:

  • Community and Urban Studies
  • Criminology/Criminal Justice
  • Demography (Migration/Immigration, Fertility, Mortality)
  • Education and Work/Labor Markets
  • Family and Children/Youth
  • Political/Social Movements
  • Population Health/Medical Sociology
  • (eg. Social Stratification, Race and Ethnicity, Gender)

Our many methods courses (quantitative and qualitative) provide you both basic understandings of sociological research methods, and in-depth training in more advanced methods.

Whatever your research interests or methodological orientation, we believe you will find the OSU Department of Sociology an invigorating and collegial place to call your intellectual home as you pursue your PhD. We invite you to become part of our vibrant community!

2022 graduate cohort

The department is home to a diverse group of more than 60 graduate students, who come from across the nation and the world to become the next generation of scholars and educators in the field.

At the core of our successful graduate program is our dedicated and supportive faculty; our faculty/student ratio of 2:1 enables us to continue a long tradition of research collaboration between faculty and students.

Students and faculty collaborate on research presented at regional, national and international conferences and published in the top sociology and specialty journals. 

Additionally, we are proud of the fact that many students coauthor research together , as this attests to the rich intellectual and collaborative culture of our department and the research talents of our graduate students.

Beyond research, most sociologists in academic environments are also dedicated teachers.

Our teacher training program involves coursework and apprenticeships as teaching assistants to faculty members; then advanced graduate students gain valuable experience by teaching their own courses as independent instructors.

In recent years several of our graduate students have won the prestigious Graduate Associate Teaching Award (GATA), Ohio State’s highest recognition for excellence in teaching provided by GTAs.

We also support students aiming for non-academic careers with our career workshops and connections with applied/policy research scholars and organizations.

The Ohio State University is one of the world’s best comprehensive, public research universities.

When you earn a graduate degree from Ohio State, you can be assured that your degree will be recognized nationally and internationally.

Our alumni are an amazing resource for our graduate students, sharing their time, experiences and connections.

At least 35 of America’s billionaires are PhDs. As academic jobs become scarce, doctorates should get down to business

Ph.D. graduates are increasingly choosing careers in the private sector.

Samantha Dewalt is managing director of the Lehigh@NasdaqCenter, an exclusive education-industry partnership between Lehigh University in Pennsylvania and the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center in San Francisco .

Traditionally, a doctoral degree is regarded almost exclusively as a passport to scholarly distinction and academic tenure. Any person who committed the time, energy, and expense to attain a PhD appeared inevitably destined for the academy, free to pursue knowledge without commercial intent.

So goes the standard rationale—and training—for a doctorate. Candidates are groomed for careers in academia, where they will research, teach, and publish. That tradition, though well-intentioned, is overdue for a drastic expansion.

Saving research from ‘the valley of death’

Such an expansion has already begun. In December, the National Science Foundation awarded $100 million to 18 academic institutions all across the U.S. to “speed and scale research into products and services that benefit the nation.” The first-ever Accelerating Research Translation awards are designed to enable university scholars to convert academic innovation into commercial value and societal purpose. Each school awarded will partner with a mentoring institution of higher education already equipped with “a robust ecosystem for translational research.”

Lehigh University is among the recipients of the abovementioned National Science Foundation awards, with Carnegie Mellon University acting as its peer mentor. The $6 million award will be earmarked specifically to increase the translation of scientific discoveries in engineering, science, health, humanities, business, education, and other disciplines—by faculty, graduate students and postdoctoral researchers into prototypes, products, and programs that will benefit society.

Meanwhile, as the supply of jobs in academia struggles to keep up with the demand, more PhDs are turning to careers in industry. In 2020, The Princeton Review warned, “If it’s your ambition to become a professor, you should be aware that the PhD. track is no guarantee of a life in  academia .” As such, candidates will need to be prepared differently. 

Make no mistake: Some college graduates bearing PhDs have proven highly enterprising. It is estimated that the private sector now employs about as many PhD graduates as educational institutions.

Most research finds that between one-third and one-half of all PhD graduates globally stay in academia , while others may migrate to the private sector. Almost daily, some entrepreneurial PhDs launch new ventures that eventually hit the jackpot. Indeed, Forbes  has reported that “at least” 35 U.S. billionaires obtained a PhD before plunging into business.

But let’s face it: Academics are rarely trained to be entrepreneurs. They typically focus on conducting research, publishing manuscripts, and at times, developing intellectual property, but without cultivating the business knowledge or resources to turn innovations into viable market solutions. And it’s a shame when university research languishes on the shelf, never reaching the market—the so-called “valley of death”.

How America’s top universities are doing it

Universities are amping up efforts to educate PhD students about how to better capitalize on a doctoral degree. At Lehigh University, we have conducted a competitive analysis of what other higher education institutions, particularly those highly regarded for entrepreneurial activity, are doing to engage PhD students in entrepreneurial courses and programs. Among the schools we studied were Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Princeton, Dartmouth, and UC Berkeley. Overall, our analysis identified a need—and opportunity—to transform PhD education.

More particularly, we found that although most of these top-tier universities offer entrepreneurship education for graduate and undergraduate students alike, few target PhD students. We also learned that because most of the graduate courses in entrepreneurship originate in business or engineering schools, few are truly interdisciplinary. We also found that PhD students are more likely to participate in entrepreneurial activity if they have faculty advisors who are themselves entrepreneurs or at least entrepreneurial-minded.

Stanford University particularly stands out as an exemplary entrepreneurial environment for students. It benefits from education-industry partnerships that provide access to the most innovative companies in Silicon Valley. UC Berkeley distinguishes itself, too, for its emphasis on interdisciplinary entrepreneurial development and close collaboration with nearby startup incubators.

Dartmouth College pioneered the first engineering   PhD innovation program  that provides entrepreneurial training to turn research discoveries into market solutions. The PhD fellows take additional coursework in business, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and spend up to six months at an industry internship. 

Entrepreneurship education should be democratized. Other universities should follow the examples set by the top-tiers. All students—even those on a budget—should have access to the equivalent of an Ivy League experience.

Our university is taking a step in this new direction, to better expose our PhD students to entrepreneurial experiences and career pathways. Last fall, we introduced a hands-on, real-world, interdisciplinary course on entrepreneurship for PhD students. Built on a model designed by the National Science Foundation, the course is offered for credit and available to graduate students across disciplines through Lehigh@NasdaqCenter, partnering with the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Lehigh’s Office of Technology Transfer. 

It’s time for doctorates to get down to business. More PhDs should treat the ideas that emerge from scholarship as entrepreneurial opportunities. But first, they must know how to harness all that valuable education in the service of both our society and our economy.

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The opinions expressed in commentary pieces are solely the views of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of  Fortune .

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  1. Graduate Admission : University of Dayton, Ohio

    Online Graduate Business Application. Class start dates for the online MBA program and online master in business analytics program are offered four times per year, in January, April, July, and October. Applications are currently being accepted and admission decisions are made on a rolling basis. Online Graduate Business Application.

  2. Program Listing : University of Dayton, Ohio

    Pursue Your Passion. Our more than 80 undergraduate and 50 graduate and doctoral programs are designed to prepare you for a successful future. Many online programs are offered and provide flexible, convenient learning opportunities. More than 100 minors and nearly 50 certificates are also available, allowing you to customize your studies to ...

  3. Educational Leadership (PhD) : University of Dayton, Ohio

    The University of Dayton offers a doctoral program in Educational Leadership that prepares leaders for diverse and complex educational settings. The program emphasizes research, theory, and practice in areas such as curriculum, instruction, policy, and organizational change. Applicants must have a master's degree and meet the admission requirements of the School of Education and Health ...

  4. Graduate Catalog < Udayton

    In the graduate academic information section, you can continue your search for knowledge — and locate specifics on various academic areas and the programs and courses they offer. Home. 300 College Park. Dayton, Ohio 45469. 937-229-1000. [email protected]. Directions.

  5. M.S. and Ph.D. in Biology : University of Dayton, Ohio

    The M.S. and Ph.D. degrees are awarded. The success of our program lies with a strong orientation toward bioinstrumentation and the individualized treatment of each graduate student. Graduates from the program are in high demand and are readily employed by academic institutions, industry, government agencies, research institutions and hospitals.

  6. Doctoral Degree Requirements < Udayton

    To learn more about available doctoral programs, please click on the "Programs of Study" link on the navigation menu to the right. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) ... The defense is open to all members of the University of Dayton faculty, student body, and interested outside parties. The members of the doctoral advisory committee, with the advisor ...

  7. Graduate Programs

    The College of Arts and Sciences offers graduate degrees across the arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. University of Dayton programs are rooted in the Marinist tradition of promoting lifelong intellectual, personal, and professional growth.

  8. Graduate International Admission : University of Dayton, Ohio

    Graduate International Admission. Founded in 1850 by the Society of Mary, the University of Dayton is a top-tier, doctoral-level university. An international student seeking admission to any graduate program must have completed a minimum of 16 years of education, including the equivalent of a four-year bachelor's degree from a regionally ...

  9. University of Dayton Graduate Programs and Degrees

    University of Dayton is one of more than 800 institutions with graduate schools surveyed by U.S. News on an annual basis. University of Dayton confers degrees through various schools, such as: the ...

  10. College of Arts and Sciences

    2 reviews. College of Science and Mathematics - California State University - Fresno. California State University - Fresno. Graduate School. FRESNO, CA. More. Back to Full Profile. List of College of Arts and Sciences - University of Dayton graduate programs by size and degree. Browse popular PhD programs at College of Arts and Sciences ...

  11. University of Dayton Graduate Programs

    23 reviews. Dayton is a private, Catholic graduate school in Dayton, Ohio. It has a mid-size graduate student body with an enrollment of 2,624 graduate students. Of the 50 graduate programs offered at University of Dayton, 6 are offered online or through graduate distance education programs. 29% of its graduate students are part-time graduate ...

  12. Ed.D. Online

    The online Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Leadership for Organizations from University of Dayton's School of Education and Health Sciences (SEHS) prepares you to influence change in organizations and the greater community through service-based leadership.. The program's emphasis on research, collaboration, social justice and applied practice will prepare you to lead mission-driven ...

  13. Admission-Graduate < Udayton

    Pursuing an advanced graduate or professional degree is a significant commitment. You want to make sure the program matches your academic and career goals and that the campus is a good fit. If you can see yourself tackling graduate work at the University of Dayton, we invite you to search deeper. All it takes to apply is a simple click.

  14. '2024 U.S. News Best Graduate Schools Rankings ...

    Eleven University of Dayton schools and programs are listed among the '2024 U.S. News Best Graduate Schools Rankings.' The 2024 edition features the University's schools of law, education and health sciences and engineering; plus the part-time MBA, physical therapy and public affairs programs as well as the aerospace, biomedical, electrical, material and mechanical engineering programs.

  15. Online Graduate Programs

    Online Graduate Programs from the School of Education and Health Sciences. The University of Dayton School of Education and Health Sciences offers online graduate and preparation programs for aspiring leaders in health and education. Our programs promote critical reflection and foster a learning environment that covers both theory and practice.

  16. Graduate Programs Overview : University of Dayton, Ohio

    A minimum TOEFL score of 90 on the Internet-based test is required for admission consideration to an educator preparation program, which leads to a State of Ohio-issued teaching license. Note: This requirement is specific to the Department of Teacher Education's educator preparation programs. Other graduate programs have different TOEFL ...

  17. Physical Therapy < Udayton

    Physical Therapy. Doctor of Physical Therapy. Mary I. Fisher, Department Chairperson. The physical therapist professional education program at the University of Dayton aims to graduate knowledgeable, service-oriented, self-assured, adaptable, reflective practitioners who, by virtue of critical and integrative thinking, lifelong learning, and ...

  18. Graduate Programs : University of Dayton, Ohio

    Use up to six credit hours of graduate coursework to satisfy both degree program requirements. Online Professional Learning Learn more about our graduate online distance learning programs and certificates that bring the classroom to you by using the latest multi-media technologies and creating quality educational experiences.

  19. Master's and Doctoral Degree Requirements < Udayton

    Graduate courses that have not been used to fulfill requirements for another completed degree may be transferred from other accredited institutions to the University of Dayton on recommendation of the student's department chair or graduate program director, and with approval of the student's academic dean and the Graduate School.

  20. University of Dayton Doctoral Programs

    27 reviews. Ohio University. Graduate School. ATHENS, OH. 122 reviews. Back to Full Profile. List of University of Dayton graduate programs by size and degree. Browse popular PhD programs at University of Dayton. Find on-campus and online graduate programs at University of Dayton.

  21. School of Education and Health Sciences

    Review School of Education and Health Sciences - University of Dayton. The Ed.D. program is engaging and allows a student to examine organizational leadership through the lens of social justice and equity. The work is rigorous and rewarding. Doctoral Student. July 27 2021. Academics. The admissions team walks you through every step of the process.

  22. Individual Interdisciplinary Programs < Udayton

    The University of Dayton offers individual interdisciplinary graduate programs designed by the student in cooperation with an advisor and representatives from the selected programs. Applicants must have an undergraduate degree with a general cumulative point average of 3.0 or above, and submit a formal written request for an individually ...

  23. OSU, CWRU among top Ohio engineering schools in U.S. News & World

    CLEVELAND, Ohio - Multiple Ohio universities landed in the top 50 rankings for best graduate programs in engineering, according to the new 2023-2024 U.S. News and World Report Best Graduate ...

  24. Sociology PhD Program

    Overview The graduate program is a rigorous yet flexible PhD curriculum that allows you to specialize in any number of sociology research areas. Our graduate curriculum is rigorous while also supporting students in planning their own path. Our curriculum (program overview) is laid out over 5-6 years, but can be adjusted to meet each student's own time table.

  25. University of Dayton School of Engineering Doctoral Programs

    List of University of Dayton School of Engineering graduate programs by size and degree. Browse popular PhD programs at University of Dayton School of Engineering. Find on-campus and online graduate programs at University of Dayton School of Engineering.

  26. At least 35 of America's billionaires are PhDs. As academic ...

    Dartmouth College pioneered the first engineering PhD innovation program that provides entrepreneurial training to turn research discoveries into market solutions. The PhD fellows take additional ...