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Worldview Essay | Personal Worldview Essay With an Example

July 31, 2021 by Prasanna

Worldview Essay: The worldview basically means perspective. The present society comprises numerous worldviews. A great many people will in general force convictions from various religions, however regularly stick to one principle worldview. A worldview to me is the get-together of convictions that shape what we do consistently and structures our general view on life.

A worldview is a finished arrangement of how we see the world and interact with it. A worldview is a basic series of expectations to which one submits that fills in as a system for comprehension and deciphering reality and profoundly shapes one’s conduct. The worldview of an individual is typically affected by the individual’s social foundation, educational encounters, and childhood.

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Example Essay on Worldview

A worldview is an assemblage of one’s conviction that will assist with deciding how one will respond and impart dependent on groundbreaking thoughts, issues, conflicts, and as a general rule, life’s difficulties; it is the thing that one depends on to address those intense inquiries according to the present issues. A worldview will decide what you look like at any circumstance, from fetus removal, religion, gay marriage or to more unremarkable issues, it is that intrinsic conviction that you have figured in your life that will decide those results.

A worldview includes one ‘s assortment of presuppositions, feelings and qualities from which an individual attempts to comprehend and bode well out of the world and life. A worldview is a calculated plan by which we intentionally or unwittingly spot or fit all that we accept and by which we decipher and judge reality. A worldview is, as a matter of first importance, clarification and understanding of the world and second, utilization of this view to life.”

Everybody takes a gander at the world in their own particular manner. Furthermore, sometime down the road, we ​​meet individuals who have a comparative worldview. It’s simple for us with such individuals and we are companions with them, get hitched, bring up youngsters. In such families, there are many fewer struggles and mistaken assumptions, since guardians truly look one way. I accept that it is in the family that we are acquainted with the primary standards of the worldview. Later the world has its effect on everybody. We get beneficial experience, draw data from books, films, correspondence. Accordingly, we become ourselves. Every one of us is, dislike the others, and every year doesn’t resemble his previous self. Everything changes. Our organization has numerous administrations and you can pick the vital one.

Now and again in our life, there are circumstances when individuals cardinally change their viewpoint. Regularly this is influenced by life conditions, misfortunes, and others. Somebody comprehends that he fouled up, doubted and was in a rush. As is commonly said, it’s never past the point where it is possible to begin once more or fix botches. We as a whole reserve the option to another opportunity. The primary concern is to have the option to exploit this opportunity and not to rehash our missteps twice. Our online trustful exposition proofreader is great.

Obviously, we are not conceived as ideal and shaped. All you need to accomplish all through life. In history, there are numerous models where individuals have accomplished much throughout everyday life, notwithstanding the conditions of their introduction to the world and childhood. The primary concern is to plainly see the objective before you and push ahead.

Taking everything into account, I need to say that individuals truly need very little: a most loved work, from which you continually get joy, a dearest family, great wellbeing and the capacity to cheer at what we have. However, you can’t turn into an aloof being. Recollect that to some degree, we as a whole make the world wherein we live. We should be somewhat kinder to other people, we won’t just think often about ourselves, we won’t neglect to say thanks to God for everything and figure out how to appreciate life. Scholarly Writing Service can assist you with composing the worldview articles like this.

Personal Worldview Essay Example

Everybody has a worldview. Have you at any point contemplated your worldview? For what reason do you accept what you accept? A great many people feel that the expression “worldview” is firmly connected to religion. This understanding is an incredible truth. worldview is certifiably not a scholarly subject, it is exceptionally commonsense. worldview is the sum of one’s conviction framework. This is the way somebody sees the world and gets it. What we accept how is our worldview affects how would we live on the planet. It influences each everyday issue. worldview contacts somebody’s assessment on starting points and ethical quality: where individuals came from, what is good and bad.

My worldview has been moulded and extended throughout my lifetime by various impacts. My family, companions, collaborators, educators, and even outsiders madly affect my life that has somehow changed how I see society and my general surroundings. The three primary segments that assistance to shape my worldview are Ethics, Human Nature, and God since they formed my considerations, encounters, instruction and life choices. I feel the most grounded part of my worldview is my gigantic feeling of morals. They help to direct my activities and choices regularly. Morals to me establish the frameworks of an individual’s personality. I feel that an individual with a great person will naturally have a solid worldview.

My worldview doesn’t nonetheless, limit my comprehension of other worldviews. I see how others can frame their convictions and presently have a superior comprehension of different religions essay and conviction frameworks in view of this course. As I would see it, large numbers of us go to our worldviews as a result of the confidence we have in our encounters. We will in general believe the individuals who are nearest to us and as kids depend on those equivalent individuals to show us good and bad. I have been instructed to confide in God; be that as it may, numerous kids in numerous societies all throughout the planet are educated to confide in the convictions of their progenitors.

Confidence comes from those you trust, on the off chance that you can depend on somebody and their activities, or their lessons can be demonstrated to be sound consistently, you structure confidence in that individual or their convictions. This learning interaction has fortified my worldview, and on account of this, I don’t feel that my convictions are being referred to. This course has made me fully aware of numerous worldviews that I didn’t know existed, and instructed me that suppositions I had about others were false. I feel that I am content until further notice with my own convictions, and feel that my worldview is genuinely bound together.

This task has been trying for me since I have needed to examine my own convictions. I needed to choose which worldviews were the most imperative to me and why. I then, at that point needed to comprehend my sentiments about how others see this.

Essay on Worldview

FAQ’s on Worldview Essay

Question 1. How would you describe worldview?

Answer: A worldview is a finished arrangement of how we see the world and interact with it. A worldview is a basic series of expectations to which one submits that fills in as a system for comprehension and deciphering reality and profoundly shapes one’s conduct.

Question 2. What things affect a person’s worldview?

Answer: The worldview of an individual is typically affected by the individual’s social foundation, educational encounters, and childhood.

Question 3. What are the common examples of worldview?

Answer: Our worldview might incorporate presumptions in regards to fundamental human instinct, the making of the earth, the starting points of biodiversity, the connections of circumstances and logical results, the idea of good and insidiousness, dependability of government, the unwavering quality of science, the job of religion, essential good standards, and so forth.

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"My Personal Worldview." StudyMoose, Sep 20, 2016. Accessed June 26, 2024. https://studymoose.com/my-personal-worldview-essay

"My Personal Worldview," StudyMoose , 20-Sep-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/my-personal-worldview-essay. [Accessed: 26-Jun-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). My Personal Worldview . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/my-personal-worldview-essay [Accessed: 26-Jun-2024]

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My Personal Worldview essay

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Worldview Structure and Functions Essay

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World view stands for the individual’s perception of the world. World view does involve all the beliefs or philosophy on what we take the world to be in relation to ourselves. This does constitute one’s attitude, ideology and even one’s general outlook toward life.

People do ask themselves what human s are and what their purpose in life is. In discussing world views so many questions do arise. For example what is the world made up of? Does it involve assembling done by some sort of natural processes? Or is it created by a supreme being.

One’s worldviews do shape individuals a great deal. However, people’s world view is affected by several factors which include an array of inherited characteristics, other background situations and experiences, inculcated values and even habits. This therefore means that people’s worldviews do differ from one individual to the other.

One wonders what is the world and how did it originate. This question has proved quite challenging depending on one’s orientation. From what I feel, the world came to exist out of some supernatural power. This is despite the fact that there are other nations that try to explain the origin of the earth and the universe.

The world is a mass that is composed of masses of water soil and life. Scientists have come up with their suppositions on how the earth formed. According to them, it is believed that the world came into being about 4.5 billion years ago. It formed from a solidified dust and other gases when the sun was formed.

They believe that the earth was made of several ingredients including silicates and iron together with some other elements, some of which were radioactive. Since the earth was cold, some of the energy emanating from the reaction of the radioactive elements heats the earth, thereby making it warm.

The other constituents further react, creating depressions in the natural crust of the earth thereby causing natural basins of water, hills and volcanoes that led to the present terrain. There is also another scientific thought that further asserts that macro evolution played a very crucial role in the species on earth.

They believe that living things have evolved over time. This means that a horse some millions of years ago is not the same in features compared to the horse in existence now. It started with a small horse the size of a dog and changed in its stages of development into the horse that we know today.

But it is difficult to rely on this observation of changes. Some changes that can be observed do not change into totally different creatures altogether. For example I do not find it convincing claiming that reptiles could have possibly dropped their scaly skins and grew feathers to become birds.

There is another law of thermodynamics which simply stated that the development of the universe did proceed from a complete state of disorder to order and simple status to complex ones. But as is established, the second law of thermodynamics rules that there cannot be progression from disorder to order.

But still thermodynamics fall short of record of verification. For instance the law does not connect the missing links that do exist within the fossil record. If indeed macro –evolution took place over a period of billions of years on end, then the fossils of many creatures in their millions should provide evidence of some creatures evolving into other totally different creatures.

This therefore means that if birds actually evolve from reptiles then there should be fossils that reflect a creature that was half reptile and d half bird. The nature of our world is composed of materiality. This means nature has tangible things which are physical in nature. The nature has process. The process includes cycles and natural systems. Further, nature has got abstraction which is composed of ideas and expressions.

The materiality aspect of nature does make great sense to me. Nature is made of material physical things. For example, human beings do exist and so does water, trees, animals, rivers etc. This applies to what I see in the environment and this sends me to the point of how should we exist in nature.

This is crucial since it tells us that we are to co-exist with other things in this world. We should take ourselves to be independent. In this world we are co- inhabitants. One natural thing should not see itself as a substitution to the other. There is also a delicate balance that does exist and everything in nature has got its role and place in society.

The process part of nature cannot be ignored. Nature has got several processes taking place. These include nitrogen cycle, water cycle and many other biological cycles that do form the natural systems. These are in our environment in that should we tamper with any one of the cycles then nature suffers greatly and sometimes irreparably.

For example we do know that nature has got a wonderful way of cleaning itself for us. In fact there are many cycles that help the plants and animals to survive on earth. The cycles in essence do form micro worlds. Though the cycles do exist in the natural world, it is upon the inhabitants to provide this micro-world an opportunity to ‘live’.

Abstraction as an aspect of nature does reflect to us the existence of intangible issues such as ideas, expressions etc. Nature is not just physical; it is composed of harmonious philosophical issues that guide it. The human mind for example has perceptions, impressions and ideas. Remember these are not physical yet we cannot deny that they do exist. These do for instance bring sensations, unmeasured passions and other emotions.

Ideas on the other hand are images that get formed in the mind. These can be put into reality by implementing or setting out to concretize the image that is in the mind. For example I have had to view our backyard in a different way. This is an image that I have formed in my mind and can make it tangible if I so wish by going ahead and implementing the changes.

How our world is structured and how it functions. When we set out to investigate how our world is structured we are basically looking at the basic parts of the world is structured we are basically looking at the basic parts of the world and their attendant interrelationships. Further we look at the way those parts behave within a specific context or actual time dimension. According to me the world is structured in such a way that the past does greatly affect the present.

It is also structured in such a way that there is the unconscious reality on one side while on the other side there is invisible reality, objective reality and the visible reality. The construct of one’s perceived reality does greatly focus attention on many specific aspects of objective reality that eventually guides the way one perceives subjective reality. The world is thus viewed in what could be perceived through sciences, philosophy arts and even religion.

We human beings are not just observers to the world as some people claim. We are very important players in the universe and things here do not just happen around us. We are part of the creation. We are connected to this universe since our connectedness does give us fulfillment through things such as pursuit for pleasure, joy romance etc. on this earth.

Further we have the capacity to affect what is going through the world our actions. We come up with innovations and these innovations do have a way of helping or affecting the balance in the world. The things that join the universe like the particles of energy. We do share this and we get affected by things that happened in this universe before us and we get affected by those that will come after us.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 17). Worldview Structure and Functions. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-worldview/

"Worldview Structure and Functions." IvyPanda , 17 Apr. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-worldview/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Worldview Structure and Functions'. 17 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Worldview Structure and Functions." April 17, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-worldview/.

1. IvyPanda . "Worldview Structure and Functions." April 17, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-worldview/.


IvyPanda . "Worldview Structure and Functions." April 17, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-worldview/.

Susan Hooper

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My World View, In Four Paragraphs

A question on my nephew's college application made me ponder my own response..

Posted January 29, 2016

My younger nephew, a high school senior, is applying to colleges this year. Because I am a doting aunt (and also I have a background in writing and editing), I volunteered to look at his application essays and offer my thoughts before he added the essays to the applications.

My nephew was happy to take me up on my suggestion; the result for me has been a ringside seat at the nerve-racking process of applying to college these days.

I have read and been impressed by his responses to a broad variety of essay questions, including: how he will explore his intellectual and academic interests at College A; why College B is a good fit for him and what led him to apply there; his greatest high school learning experience outside the classroom; how he overcame failure; and how he exhibited outstanding leadership .

“The Blue Marble” Photograph of Earth taken December 7, 1972 by NASA/Apollo 17 Crew / Wikimedia Commons / In the public domain per NASA

The last essay I read was a response to this question: How has your past shaped your world view? College D placed a 100-word limit on the response, and my nephew crafted a pithy, graceful and meaningful reply that I am certain would have won my admiration even if I weren't related to him.

After we finished our review session on this essay and I drove the four miles back to my home, I found that the question stayed in my mind. I will admit that, when I saw this question, my first thought was: “He’s 17; how could he have a world view?” My second thought was: “If he does have a world view, how can he possibly express it in 100 words?”

My nephew’s completed essay was the answer to both of those questions, leaving me with only my third thought, which I addressed to myself: “How has your past shaped your world view?”

Because I am a tad more than three times my nephew’s age (and never mind what “tad” means here), I challenged myself to answer the question in 350 words. Here, in the following four paragraphs (350 words on the nose), is my response. I don't plan to apply to college again, but I found the exercise helpful nonetheless. It reminded me of where I came from and where—in the years to come—I still hope to go.

My preteen and teenage years were shaped by two sets of forces—internal and external. One internal force was my love of reading, which in high school developed into a love of literature and writing I have carried with me ever since. I also loved music—especially singer-songwriters Laura Nyro and Joni Mitchell, as well as the Broadway musicals my mother adored. As I grew older, I embraced jazz and classical music, too. Literature and music remain my inspirations and my salvation: The works of the great writers, composers and performers prove to me that human beings are capable of sublime achievements.

The external forces that shaped me were the historical events I lived through as a child, teenager and young adult. The civil rights movement of the 1960s—the passionate, ongoing struggle by African Americans for equality and dignity in all areas of life, including education , housing, employment and voting—influenced me profoundly. The assassinations of President Kennedy, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy also seared marks on my soul, as did the protests against the Vietnam War. The powerful women’s movement opened my eyes to the infuriating truth that much of the world regards women as second-class citizens.

In college I planned to pursue my love of literature by going to graduate school and becoming an English professor. But the struggles of the world weighed on me. Eventually I changed course to become a journalist, hoping to save—or at least enlighten—the world through reporting and writing. After 20 years in this field, I returned home to care for my mother in her last years. I learned that helping to ease the suffering of one person can, in its own way, be just as rewarding.

With cruelty and injustice at a fever pitch now in this country and overseas, my once- optimistic world view has dimmed. I worry that humankind’s worst impulses may finally win out. I hope I can remember what literature and music have taught me about humankind’s greatest achievements. I also hope I can find another way to make a difference.

Copyright © 2016 by Susan Hooper

“The Blue Marble” Photograph of Earth taken December 7, 1972 by NASA/Apollo 17 Crew / Wikimedia Commons / In the public domain per NASA

Susan Hooper

Susan Hooper , a freelance writer, is a former newspaper reporter and government press secretary.

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My Worldview, Essay Example

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My worldview is based on karma and that everything comes full circle which could be said that if you treat someone wrong or act ugly toward them if they didn’t give you a reason then you’re the one who’s going to get the same thing in return, karma is practically what keeps the world in balance and keeps some people from doing too much right or wrong. When someone is acting ugly to one person for not thinking what they think then it is a known fact that someone is going to be motivated to do the same thing to them for the same reason, if the same person that treated you badly turns around and gets treated badly themselves then it can be said that the person deserved it because of the way they treated you.

I look at the world from the viewpoint that every time someone does wrong, there is someone out there being rewarded with good karma for doing the right thing. Another example, if you’re told to do something from your mom or dad or both and you do it, those are just more karma points that you’re accumulating by doing what you’re asked to do. My worldview on karma is that everything that a person does is just an opportunity for them to make some good karma points that can later be used to cash in on something good for themselves via karma.

I also believe in my worldview in the aspect that if someone suffers with bad luck or is a little down on his luck, it is their karma reward for doing something that they should not have been doing. For example, a child that wastes their elder’s time by standing around mingling is likely to get ignored when they need a ride somewhere at a later time.

Besides karma being the biggest part of my worldview, I also believe that every day that a person gets out of bed, they have something that is worth doing to get them all of the good karma points that they need. For example, someone gives another person a ride home because they don’t have a ride themselves; giving them a ride is going to get rewarded with good karma to be used later on down the line. Karma is something that most people don’t really take seriously because it seems like a concept that few people realize is real, but karma is very real and that fact is reflected by how many people actually know when they are the victims of karma just based on their actions as well as the things they do to people. The person who showed me that was my brother, he is a very bad person and he doesn’t care about anyone but himself; I’ve seen a lot of bad things happen to him over the years as a result. I remember one day, he wanted to go and hang out with friends. My brother’s car wouldn’t start and he later found out that night that he was a victim of identity theft which meant he had no money whatsoever.

I remember another incident where my brother was going out with a girl that he went pretty much above and beyond for, he betrays his whole family for this girl and let himself be warped by her which wasn’t hard considering that he was never a good guy to begin with. But, he was later betrayed by his girlfriend because she cheated on him. That’s when I drew my conclusion that when you do treat people badly, karma returns that and you get it back a lot worse that you gave it out, my mother used to tell me the same exact thing about karma; I’ve seen it a couple of times myself too.

I have always believed that if a person acts a certain way then they are always going to have good karma especially if they grew up being told about the deadly sting of karma if they didn’t act a certain way or acting a certain way that made sure that they got bad karma points, an example of this is when a person acts like the whole world revolves around them and what they say. This person treats everyone badly and thinks only of themselves, the consequence of their actions is that they’ll never prosper in life and will always have bad luck and will continue to have that because of how they are acting.

A person can be motivated to do right by karma if they were taught that karma impacts everything that they do, from the people that they associate with to the very people that they live with; everything they do is being monitored by karma and it’s a known fact that karma never sleeps. Everything that a person does evokes the karma wheel in which people live in accordance to their actions and the consequences of them, there is nothing that a person does that isn’t recorded by karma as well as the dangers of acting out.

My worldview has always been based on the karma concept that if a person does something to someone else, they are automatically made to answer for it.

Conclusively, my worldview is that karma is the governor of all that exists and that it is the “God” that makes sure that everyone who does something good or bad will be made to answer for it. Case in point, Montana Max has a crush on a girl who’s just like him, there’s a girl who has a crush on Montana Max. Max makes it a point to put his feelings on the line and tell this girl how he feels, the girl ultimately breaks his heart by telling him that she doesn’t like him in that way and she never will. This same girl is going out with a guy who doesn’t love her the same way she loves him, the guy breaks up with that same girl telling her that she was merely a means to an end and that nothing will come of their relationship. Heartbroken and alone, the girl got her karma reward for breaking Montana Max’s heart in the ugliest way possible; the girl got her heart broken by someone who never loved her to begin with; Montana Max recovered with the girl that likes him.

A person can feel like they are doing the right thing for the right reason which is true for the most part, but when they do something that hurts someone else then they end up getting hurt 20x worse than the person they hurt. My worldview also centers on the karma of those who mistreats other people different than themselves, if a person treats a disabled person like garbage then they will be treated like garbage in return. It is never easy to ask the question, “What did I do to deserve this?” Some people will feel that the bad karma reward that they got was unjustified because they didn’t do anything to deserve it but at the end of the day, we all get what we deserve as people.

No one is safe from the worldview that is karma because in accordance with the bigger picture aspect of life, people have to be shown what truth is and what is not in order to grow as people. There is no easy way to accomplish this task but at some point, people who do bad things to others usually get to a point where they need something from that person; this is why I try to treat everyone fairly. Karma is very familiar with who does what to who and why, there is no reason to believe that anyone gets away with anything because they don’t.

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My Worldview and Its Foundations

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Worldview / Analysis Of My Personal Worldview

Analysis Of My Personal Worldview

  • Category: Philosophy , Life
  • Topic: Personal Philosophy , Worldview

Pages: 2 (886 words)

Views: 1389

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