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7 Tips for College Students With ADHD

Shaheen Lakhan, MD, PhD, is an award-winning physician-scientist and clinical development specialist.

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Verywell / Laura Porter

Qualities for Student Success

  • ADHD and College
  • Academic Tips
  • Social Tips

Every autumn, thousands of students move away from the structure and safety of home to the freedoms of college life. While it's an exciting time filled with many possibilities for learning and growth, it can also be challenging academically and socially—especially for college students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Learn some of the challenges that college students with ADHD face, as well as strategies that can be used to overcome these obstacles. This includes learning how to study with ADHD and taking certain actions to foster friendships with other students.

Sarah D. Wright , ADHD coach and author of "Fidget to Focus: Outwit Your Boredom—Sensory Strategies for Living with ADD," explains that successful students usually have four qualities that help them achieve their goals:

  • Sticking with things even when the going gets tough (perseverance)
  • Ability to delay gratification and focus on the big picture
  • Time management and organizational skills
  • Striking the right balance between fun and work

These particular skills, however, don’t come easily to people with ADHD. One of the hallmarks of this mental health condition is impaired executive functioning . This means that students with ADHD may struggle with staying organized, sticking to a plan, and managing time effectively.

How ADHD Affects College Students

College students often face more responsibilities, less structured time, increased distractions, and new social situations—all while lacking access to many of the support systems they had in high school. Impaired executive functioning can make handling these changes a bit harder for students with ADHD, resulting in:

  • Poor academic performance and achievement : Students with ADHD frequently report feeling dissatisfied with their grades. They may struggle in their classes due to difficulties starting and completing tasks, disorganization, problems remembering assignments, difficulty memorizing facts, and trouble working on lengthy papers or complex math problems .
  • Troubles with time management : Students with ADHD often have irregular lifestyles that result from poor time management. This can create problems with being on time, preparing and planning for the future, and prioritizing tasks.
  • Difficulty regulating and managing emotions : Students with ADHD also often struggle with social issues, negative thoughts, and poor self-esteem. Some ADHD symptoms can make friendships and other relationships more challenging while worrying about these issues contributes to poor self-image.

The good news is that these areas of executive function can be improved. For most college students with ADHD, the problem isn’t in knowing what to do, it's getting it done. Developing strategies that focus on this goal can lead to positive academic and social effects.

Tips for Succeeding in College With ADHD

There are several strategies you can use to help stay on track if you are a college student with ADHD. Here are seven that Wright suggests.

1. Take Steps to Start the Day on Time

There are three main factors that contribute to being late in the morning: Getting up late, getting sidetracked, and being disorganized.

If Getting Up Late Is an Issue

Set two alarms to go off in sequence. Put the first alarm across the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Put the second where you know it will bother your roommates, increasing the consequences if you don’t get out of bed and turn it off. Set both alarms to go off early so you can take your time getting ready.

If Getting Sidetracked Is an Issue

If certain actions tend to derail you, like checking your email or reading the news, make it a rule that those activities must wait until later in the day so you can stay on task . Also, figure out how much time you need to dress, eat, and get organized, then set alarms or other reminders to cue these tasks.

Three options are:

  • Use a music mix as a timer . If you have 30 minutes to get ready, the schedule might look like this: wash and dress to songs 1 to 3, eat breakfast to songs 4 to 6, get your stuff together during song 7, and walk out the door by song 8. This option works best if you use the same mix every morning.
  • Use your phone or buy a programmable reminder watch so your alarms are always nearby.
  • Put a big wall clock in your room where you can easily see it . If your room is part of a suite with a common room and bathroom, put wall clocks in those spaces as well.

If Being Disorganized Is the Issue

Create a "launch pad" by your door. Collect all of the things you’ll need the next day the night before (like your backpack and keys), and put them on the pad so you can grab them and go. Include a note to help you remember important events for the day, such as an appointment or quiz.

2. Work With Your Urge to Procrastinate

Though it may sound counterproductive, if you feel the urge to procrastinate , go with it. When you have ADHD, sometimes things only get done right before they're due. At that point, nothing has higher priority, increasing the urgency and consequences if you don’t do them now. These qualities are what can finally make a task doable, so work with them.

If you plan to procrastinate, it's important to stack the deck so you can pull it off. For example, if you have to write a paper, make sure you’ve done the reading or research in advance and have some idea of what you want to write. Next, figure out how many hours you’ll need, block those hours out in your schedule, and then, with the deadline in sight, sit down and do it.

Understanding your tendency to procrastinate with ADHD can help you plan ahead so you won't be left scrambling to finish projects at the last minute.

3. Study Smarter, Not Harder

Boredom and working memory issues can make studying a bit more challenging for students with ADHD. Rather than trying harder to force the information into your head, get creative with the learning process.

If you're wondering how to study with ADHD, research shows that multi-modal learning or learning via a variety of different methods can be helpful. Ideas include:

  • Highlight text with different-colored pens.
  • Make doodles when taking notes.
  • Record notes as voice memos and listen to them as you walk across campus.
  • Use mnemonics to create funny ways to remember facts.
  • Stand up while you study.
  • Read assignments aloud using an expressive (not boring) voice.
  • If you can, get the audio version of a book you need to read and listen to it while you take notes and/or exercise.
  • Work with a study buddy.

These won't all work for every person, but try mixing up your strategies and see what happens. Taking study breaks every couple of hours and getting enough sleep are also part of studying smarter, not harder.

Sleep impacts learning in two main ways. First, sleep deprivation has a negative impact on  short-term memory , which is what you use to learn the materials when you study. Second, sleep is needed to move short-term memories into long-term memory, which is what you rely on when it's time to take the test.

Sleep is important for both short- and long-term memory, making it critical for both learning new material and recalling what you've learned.

4. Schedule Your Study Time

Many students with ADHD are highly intelligent. They can pull off a passing grade, or even a good one, in high school by cramming their studies in the night before a test.

This strategy doesn't work as well in college since cramming reduces your ability to retain what you've learned long-term . This can make it harder to remember what you need to know once you enter your field of choice.

One good rule of thumb for college students is to study two to two-and-a-half hours per week for every course credit hour. Put this time into your schedule to make sure you have it.

5. Plan and Prioritize Your Time

It may sound strange, but it's important to plan time to plan. If you don’t develop this habit, you may find yourself always being reactive with your day rather than proactive—the latter of which can help you take more control over your schedule .

Set aside time on Monday mornings to develop a high-level plan for the week, using Friday mornings to plan for the weekend. In addition, do a daily review of your plan over breakfast—possibly adding pertinent details—to make sure you know what’s coming your way that day.

When making your plans, differentiate between what you need to do and everything that can or should be done. Prioritize what needs to be done first, taking care of these items before moving on to lower-priority tasks on your list.

6. Implement Strategies to Stick to Your Plan

With ADHD, sticking to a plan is often difficult. If you like rewards, use them to assist with this. For instance, you might tell yourself, "I’ll read for two hours, then go to the coffee house." Having something to look forward to can make it easier to muster through your studies.

If you’re competitive, use this personality trait instead. Pick another student in your class whom you want to do better than and go for it. If you know that you respond to social pressure, make plans to study with classmates so you won’t let them down. Or hire a tutor so you have structured study time.

Research suggests that focusing on skills related to time management , target planning, goal setting, organization, and problem-solving can all be helpful for students with ADHD.

Hiring a coach can also be beneficial. There is growing evidence, both research-based and anecdotal, that supports ADHD coaching as a vital strategy in helping students learn to plan, prioritize, and persist in following their plans.

This type of coaching is sometimes described as a form of life coaching influenced by cognitive behavioral-type therapy , which helps people develop behaviors, skills, and strategies to better deal with ADHD symptoms. It can lead to greater self-determination and direction, reduced feelings of overwhelm and anxiety, and increased self-confidence and self-sufficiency.

7. Manage Your Medication

One study found that only around 53% of college students with ADHD adhere to their medication plan. Poor medication adherence can have serious consequences, contributing to poor academic performance and decreased graduation rates. 

Steps you can take to stay on top of your ADHD medications include:

  • Find a local healthcare provider : Regularly monitoring your medications helps ensure that you are at the best dosage for you. If you're going to school a long way from home, find a local healthcare provider to meet with regularly. You can also schedule regular visits with your university's health services.
  • Find a local pharmacy : Determine where you'll order and pick up your medication. Set reminders on your phone so you know when to refill your prescription. You may also be able to sign up for text reminders.
  • Store medications safely : Abuse of ADHD medications is on the rise on college campuses, even though this can result in high blood pressure, increased feelings of anger and distrust, trouble sleeping, and even strokes. Keep your ADHD medications in a safe location and never share them with others. 
  • Set reminders to take your medication : If you are struggling to take your medication as prescribed, consider using a reminder app or setting reminders on your phone.

Research points to medication as the most effective and available ADHD treatment option. However, it's important to talk to your care provider to decide the best treatment approach for your individual situation and needs.

Social Strategies for Students With ADHD

Interpersonal challenges are also common for college students with ADHD. While being out on your own for the first time can be exciting, this mental health condition can lead to difficulties in building and maintaining friendships .

CHADD—which stands for Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, an organization funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—offers these tips:

  • Remember that you aren't the only one who feels the way you do . Other students may be feeling just as excited (and overwhelmed) as you. During orientation, help them feel more comfortable by being friendly and listening when they share their concerns.
  • Look for opportunities to meet and interact with others . You might make new friends in class, in your dorm, at the school cafeteria, or at other places on campus. View each of these locations as an opportunity to expand your social network .
  • Find activities or clubs to join. Colleges and universities are great places to explore hobbies and meet people who share your interests. Check out bulletin boards on campus or look at your school's website to learn more about the options that are available. 
  • Stay in contact with your current friends . Don't let your high school friendships fade into the background just because you're at college. While you're busy with new things and might not see each other every day, stay in touch by phone, text, social media, or email. Your current friends can be great sources of social support .

A Word From Verywell

Being proactive and getting strategies in place early on can increase your success as a college student with ADHD, both academically and socially. This can help make your transition to college life a happy, successful, and productive time.

Get Help Now

We've tried, tested, and written unbiased reviews of the best online therapy programs including Talkspace, BetterHelp, and ReGain. Find out which option is the best for you.

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. College students with ADHD .

Pineda-Alhucema W, Aristizabal E, Escudero-Cabarcas J, Acosta-López JE, Vélez JI. Executive function and theory of mind in children with ADHD: a systematic review . Neuropsychol Rev . 2018;28:341-358. doi:10.1007/s11065-018-9381-9

Kwon SJ, Kim Y, Kwak Y. Difficulties faced by university students with self-reported symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A qualitative study . Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health . 2018;12(12). doi:10.1186/s13034-018-0218-3

Ward N, Paul E, Watson P, et al. Enhanced learning through multimodal training: Evidence from a comprehensive cognitive, physical fitness, and neuroscience intervention .  Sci Rep . 2017;7(1):5808. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-06237-5

Rommelse N, van der Kruijs M, Damhuis J, et al. An evidence-based perspective on the validity of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the context of high intelligence . Neurosci Biobehav Rev . 2016;71:21-47. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2016.08.032

Walck-Shannon EM, Rowell SF, Frey RF. To what extent do study habits relate to performance? CBE Life Sci Educ . 2021;20(1):ar6. doi:10.1187/cbe.20-05-0091

Wennberg B, Janeslätt G, Kjellberg A, Gustafsson P. Effectiveness of time-related interventions in children with ADHD aged 9-15 years: a randomized controlled study . Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry . 2018;27:329-342. doi:10.1007/s00787-017-1052-5

Prevatt F. Coaching for college students with ADHD .  Curr Psychiatry Rep . 2016;18(12):110. doi:10.1007/s11920-016-0751-9

ADHD medication adherence in college students-a call to action for clinicians and researchers: Commentary on 'transition to college and adherence to prescribed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medication': erratum . J Dev Behav Pediatr . 2018;39(3):269. doi:10.1097/DBP.0000000000000568

Hall CL, Valentine AZ, Groom MJ, et al. The clinical utility of the continuous performance test and objective measures of activity for diagnosing and monitoring ADHD in children: a systematic review . Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry . 2016;25:677-699. doi:10.1007/s00787-015-0798-x

Stanford Medicine. Abuse of prescription ADHD medicines rising on college campuses .

Caye A, Swanson JM, Coghill D, Rohde LA. Treatment strategies for ADHD: an evidence-based guide to select optimal treatment . Mol Psychiatry . 2019;24:390-408. doi:10.1038/s41380-018-0116-3

McKee TE. Peer relationships in undergraduates with ADHD symptomatology: selection and quality of friendships . J Atten Disord . 2017;21(12):1020-1029. doi:10.1177/1087054714554934

CHADD. Succeeding in college with ADD .

Rotz R, Wright SD. Fidget to focus: Outwit your boredom: Sensory strategies for living with ADD .

By Keath Low  Keath Low, MA, is a therapist and clinical scientist with the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities at the University of North Carolina. She specializes in treatment of ADD/ADHD.


Empowering ADHDers and their Families to Live Life to the Fullest

Unlocking ADHD

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Struggling to complete your homework : 10 ADHD friendly tips!

School , Youth March 21, 2022

Unlocking ADHD volunteer Vivien Loh writes about 10 easy tips that ADHDers can try out if they find it a struggle to concentrate and complete homework. 

ADHD students might often find themselves struggling to complete tasks and homework. Why so? ADHDers are interest-based learners, meaning, unless they’re excited about the homework they’re doing, it usually isn’t stimulating enough for their brains to keep them focused. As such, while doing homework, their brains often drift off and focus on something else more interesting. If you find yourself in such a situation, here are 10 tips that could help you: 

1. Create a study space

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Find an area to complete your homework where other people won’t distract you. It’s important to organise this space, and make it your own so that it’s an area that’s fun to look at, further motivating you to start studying. You can add supplies you need, paste motivational quotes, play some soothing music and so much more! For example if you’re a person who’s an avid lover of nature, you can buy some plants to spruce up your study space. 

2. Challenge yourself 

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Before starting, set a specific goal that you would like to achieve. It doesn’t have to be something long-term, it can be something daily, for example: completing 20 Science questions a day in a stipulated amount of time. Although setting goals and completing them bring a sense of satisfaction, ensure that the goals you set are attainable and realistic!

3. Create accountability 

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Creating accountability is important because it ensures that you are keeping your progress in check, and meeting deadlines. This can come about in many different ways – for one, you could do daily challenges with a friend, and cheer each other on. Another effective method would be sticker charts, which also creates a sense of accomplishment. 

4. Break it into smaller pieces

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Before starting to work on your assignments, divide them into smaller tasks. Each assignment looks daunting at first, but after breaking them down into more tangible, mini tasks, you’ll have more motivation to finish them all. This will also give you a better idea of how long you will take to complete each mini task, allowing you to have better time management. 

5. Add some movement 

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Between assignments, give yourself short breaks, during which you can move about. Such movement releases neurotransmitters in your brain, in turn helping you with your focus. You could try using a fidget, pace around the room while reading, or even having short dance breaks.

6. Find a study buddy 

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Studying with someone else adds accountability – you can check in on one another and motivate each other to keep going. In the event that you prefer to work on your own, there are many applications that make great study buddies on their own, such as Quizlet, Kahoot and Quia, just to name a few. 

7. Reward yourself for your effort 

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Make the reward something you genuinely like, so that you’ll actually want to earn it. However, ensure that your reward isn’t accessible at all times, and to help with this, you can ask your parents to keep your reward away from you, and only give it back once your task is complete. 

8. Create a homework tracking system 

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To make things less overwhelming, write down all your assignments. This helps you see how much work there really is as it’s penned down clearly, and not all in your head. You can write them down in a planner as well, so that at the same time, you can organise specific days to complete your homework. 

9. Don’t be afraid to mix it up 


Instead of doing 1 subject throughout your study session, try switching back and forth between 2-3 subjects to create variety. If you only have assignments from one subject, you can add in short 10-minute breaks into the mix, and do activities during this time such as colouring or playing an instrument. 

9. Respect your downtime 

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Last but not least, don’t feel guilty when you’re taking a break. During exam seasons, it’s common to fall into the trap of feeling bad when you’re resting, but always remember that taking breaks is part of the process. Without them, your brain won’t have the ability to remember everything you’ve learnt. Respect your rest time, and fully relax during them so that you’re well-rested before your next study session! 

With the homework tips above, we hope that ADHDers will find doing homework less of a feat, and find success in completing homework and assignments on time. 

If you are looking for community support, join our ADHD support group or Discord chat !

(Content has been adapted from How to ADHD on Youtube, graphics by Cara. )  

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*DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Should you suspect that you have ADHD, consider seeking the advice of a trained healthcare professional with any questions you may have about your condition.

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Andrea is a constantly curious person attracted to all things colourful. On weekends, you will probably find her churning out fun activities to keep her son occupied or engrossed in a new game/book/drama series. She enjoys every moment of volunteering with Unlocking ADHD and hopes to build a more inclusive and empathetic society that embraces neurodiversity.

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Li Ming’s educational background is in Business Management and Mass Communications. She have worked in the areas of marketing communications, philanthropy and medical fundraising.

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Fees are $70 per one hour session. Psychoeducational testing ranges between $750 to $1,120 depending on the tests required.

Email: [email protected] .

Rachelle parents three brilliant ADHD kids and is an experienced magazine editor, a co-director in the family healthcare business and would kill to be a student again

Indhu is a university student majoring in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. During her free time, she enjoys hanging out with friends and watching TV shows.

Cheyenne provides HR/people strategy consulting and career coaching. She also volunteers with SPARK to increase the awareness of and reduce the stigma of ADHD.

Tahirah is a mom whose seven out of nine children have special needs with two having ADHD. An advocate for special needs and mental health, she is an avid reader with a love for photography, music and tv

Valerie is a secondary 2 student who loves sports and creative activities like writing, drawing, music. She hopes to contribute to teen awareness through Unlocking ADHD!

Mrunmayee (Mayee) is a Counseling Psychologist who previously worked as a school counselor. She is interested in hiking and reading.

Tricia is a university student majoring in Life Sciences and Psychology. An avid fan of scaling rock walls and whatever else she can climb, some say she is more monkey than human!

Moonlake is the Founder of Unlocking ADHD. A community builder and multi-hyphenate, she runs to fat burn so that she can enjoy food with family and friends. She is still working on strengthening the brakes for her ADHD wiring…

Stephanie is a university student majoring in Psychology and minoring in Japanese Language. She hopes to make the most of her leisure time through writing and reading.

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Getting On Top of ADHD Homework: Strategies for Success

To effectively tackle homework with ADHD, it's crucial to create a structured and distraction-free environment. Implementing consistent schedules, breaking tasks into manageable parts, and using timers can significantly improve focus and productivity. These strategies, tailored to the unique challenges ADHD presents, are key to transforming homework from a daunting task into an achievable goal.

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Alice Gendron

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Visualize your ADHD traits

Learn where you land in the ADHD spectrum, by answering 28 questions inspired by the Adult Self-Report Scale (ASRS).

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Struggling with ADHD and Homework? Let's Work It Out Together

Have you ever felt that, no matter how hard you try , you just can’t seem to hand in your homework on time , or get completely overwhelmed by the workload ? Or maybe you’re like I was, you’d get it done - but 10 minutes before the class started.

It’s not just you. Many of us with ADHD struggle with our academic responsibilities , whether that’s homework or making it to class on time. Today we’ll suggest some practical strategies so that you can take back control of your education. 

In this guide, we’ll discuss:

  • Why ADHD impacts our ability to complete homework.
  • The common challenges faced by children, teenagers, or students with ADHD.
  • Practical tips for improving focus, productivity, and time management .
  • Plus, plenty of stories from my own school experience.

Let’s find out how to make homework time less daunting and more manageable.

ADHD and Why We Can’t Just ‘Try Harder’ with Our Homework

Homework is difficult for many people with ADHD. So if you’re struggling right now, just know that it’s not you - it may just be the neurodevelopmental condition you live with. 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex disorder with a long list of potential symptoms, each different for everyone. According to research, the most common symptoms typically originate from executive dysfunction . 

Our executive functions are the mental processes that help us plan, organize, and remember details . These executive functioning skills include working memory, flexible or critical thinking, and self-control.  

Sounds pretty useful for homework, right? 

Research shows that ADHD is linked to alterations in the early development of the brain, notably impacting areas like the prefrontal cortex , which is crucial for executive functions. This can explain why individuals with ADHD often find challenges with memory, organization, and time management , among other executive tasks.

That’s why we can’t just ‘try harder’ as teachers and parents may suggest. We need proper treatment and management strategies to support us, especially in these early school years. 

Does ADHD make it hard to do homework?

ADHD can make focusing on and managing homework tasks more challenging. Supportive strategies and structured help are essential for students with ADHD to successfully complete their assignments.

To put these struggles into context, let me tell you about my experience at school and beyond…

My Story of Homework & Undiagnosed ADHD

I wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD until I was 29, so my student years were difficult and confusing . I didn’t understand why I struggled with things like homework and lack of focus, while the other kids didn’t.

What I didn’t know was that my ADHD symptoms were affecting how I studied, interacted with people, and performed academically .

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Homework was especially tricky because it relies on focus, time management, and organization - three things the ADHD mind doesn’t always allow for.

Sometimes, I’d be too busy daydreaming to even hear that there was homework (this was before many schools had online portals for this kind of thing). 

When I did know I had homework, I’d leave it unfinished until the day (or hour) it was due. I would do literally anything else. I loved to watch TV or play a video game, but I’d even do things I didn’t enjoy, like chores, just to avoid homework. It was pure procrastination .

And even when I was doing something fun, I couldn’t properly enjoy it with the guilt of not finishing my homework or coursework at the back of my mind.

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I couldn’t get interested or motivated enough to do my homework until it was the last minute and the deadline was quickly approaching. Only then would I somehow get the extra energy I needed. 

Studying in general was a bit ‘hit or miss’. I had certain subjects I was more interested in, like art, music, or science, but ask me to solve math problems or watch a history documentary and I’d be watching the clock, waiting for lunch.

When I did sit down to work, it would often take me much, much longer to complete a task because I was constantly getting distracted or completely overwhelmed by the time pressure . Or I’d suddenly work at a superhuman speed (hyperfocus). It all depended on how interested I was.

Unfortunately, I experienced what many people with ADHD do: I was labeled ‘lazy’ or ‘wasting my potential’ . These things could be devastating to hear, especially when I was trying my hardest. Comments like these can quickly lead to low self-esteem and even develop into mental health disorders.

Instead of positive feedback and constructive criticism, we often get judged due to misunderstandings. It’s sad because ADHD students deserve proper support for the struggles they face every day, not judgment and labels.

Take our fun online quiz to visualize your ADHD traits and learn more about your brain!

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Homework and its Most Common ADHD Challenges

The ADHD struggle with establishing and sticking to a homework routine is linked to a few key ADHD symptoms.

Now or Not Now: Procrastination & Time Management

It’s often said that people with ADHD have only two concepts of time: now and not now .

If you’ve ever watched someone with ADHD put off something for hours or days , only to rush through it the night before the deadline, you’ve seen this in action.

Procrastination is when a person decides to delay or avoid doing a task that needs to be done even though they could do it now . 

This delay usually results in more distress as you get closer to a deadline. Procrastination is also commonly associated with laziness by people who don’t understand what’s going on behind the scenes of the ADHD brain.  

People assume we’re neglecting our responsibilities because we’d rather enjoy ourselves at the expense of our responsibilities like homework or after-school activities. But in reality, we often think about these tasks, even to the point of stress and anxiety, but just cannot start because our brains aren't ready to face them yet. 

For children, time management can be a struggle, especially with things they’re not interested in, like his or her homework. By rushing to get this done outside of homework hours and before the deadline, there’s a risk of careless mistakes and negative results.

Parents may need to help with their child’s time management. For example, offering homework help at a set time might help them create a routine. Otherwise, they’ll have to tackle it themselves, without your help.

Overwhelm and Lack of Emotional Control

Once you’ve finally overcome procrastination and have gathered enough willpower to sit down and tackle your homework assignments, you may meet your next obstacle: overwhelm . 

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When faced with a big project, like coursework or an essay, we may immediately get overwhelmed before even thinking about what needs to be done. I get this now, even in a work environment. I automatically assume there’s too much to be done , and it’s not possible before the deadline , often leading to genuine (but temporary) panic.

This can spiral into an emotional outburst , especially if you’re easily frustrated or tend to put a lot of pressure on yourself academically. Due to people with ADHD typically suffering from emotional dysregulation, it can be hard to ground yourself in these moments. 

The trick here is to fully break down your homework assignments or projects into each step that needs to be done (e.g.: research x, write a persuasive title). For an essay, separate it into sections: title, angle, introduction, point 1, point 2, and conclusion. Create a plan first (as a separate task) to make sure it’s cohesive, then tackle each section individually.  

While your list may be longer, you can properly judge how quickly certain tasks can be completed , usually making it less overwhelming. 

Brain Fog, Distractions and Difficulties Focusing

You’re ready to work. You have everything broken down into actionable pieces. But then the brain fog sets in. Your mind gets clouded , your thoughts aren’t as clear as you need them to be. 

When completing tasks that require sustained mental effort (like most homework does), you need focus. The problem is when the ADHD brain simply doesn’t want to. Students with ADHD know how elusive focus can be . Even if you stick to a homework routine, that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to focus enough for it to be worth it.

If you’ve ever tried to force yourself to focus when you’ve got brain fog, you know how exhausting it is. Often, for me, it leads to physical headaches and makes it difficult for me to think or function properly afterward. 

Sometimes you’re simply more prone to distractions than other times. This might be linked to the time of day, how much physical activity you’ve gotten, or how much mental energy you’ve already used. Some ways may increase your executive functioning (like physical activity), but you need to have them in your toolkit first.

Organizational Challenges: Losing or Forgetting Your Homework

Back at school, loose papers were my nemesis. If I didn’t lose them or leave them in the wrong exercise book, something would almost always happen to them. I can’t count the number of times I spilled a drink over something important (and the rest of my book bag). 

Forgetting homework is a big one . Imagine overcoming everything we’ve talked about above, only to leave your homework at home and get in trouble anyway. 

Do ADHD people get bored easier?

Yes, individuals with ADHD often require more stimulation, which can lead to quick boredom. Implementing engaging and varied activities can aid in sustaining their interest and focus.

Practical Tips for Improving Focus and Productivity as a Student

From early childhood through to adulthood, we can be students with ADHD at any age. That’s why we must find ways to make studying and homework-like tasks easier.

We know most children with ADHD prioritize tasks and activities that are interesting to them. So if the only time homework feels ‘easy’ is when we’re interested, how can we make homework and school time more exciting and see it in a positive light? It all starts with the right mindset and building good study habits. 

The first reminder I want to share with you is to be kind to yourself, always . ❤️ Remember that we struggle with our ADHD brains every day and are doing the best that we can. The most crucial part is that we should work with our brains and not against them .

Here are some other techniques that might help:

  • Create a designated homework space that can accommodate all homework routines. It doesn't matter if it's a study table or kitchen table, as long as you can focus on doing your tasks. This space will help you focus on your homework and avoid distractions.
  • Set the ambiance or mood that you are comfortable in working. Do you function well with no background noise, or are you okay working with white noise? Sometimes, these little details are essential to note because they can help increase your focus.
  • Keep everything you need within reach . If school books are essential in doing   your homework, make sure the correct books are nearby. If you need to highlight specific phrases from your notes, make sure certain colored pens are at arms' reach or organized in front of you. Likewise, keeping distractions away can enforce focus and give better productivity.
  • Establish a routine or schedule for homework time. This can help the mind get used to the activity and eventually minimize procrastination. Making a regular schedule for the school year, posted on a visible weekly calendar can remind you of the tasks that need to be finished.
  • Break down big tasks into smaller and manageable chunks. This way, it won't look so daunting, and you can focus on one thing at a time. Dedicating a specific amount of time to each chunk can also help you stay on track, especially for uninteresting subjects that make your regular schedule challenging to accomplish.
  • Taking breaks is essential and considered to be part of homework strategies. Break time can also minimize the effect of burnout. You can walk around, drink water, or do some stretching exercises during these times. Anything that can help you release the tension and give your eyes a break from staring at the screen 💻 or books for long periods. 
  • Write down what's distracting you. This way, you can address the root cause of your distractions and find ways to avoid or minimize them. It can be a good idea to talk about this with someone who can help you so that they will be aware and give support when needed. Updating new routines to make things work can help achieve better focus and concentration.

adhd tips for doing homework

If your child has ADHD and is struggling with their homework, remember to provide positive feedback when you see your child work at a reasonable time. Homework will struggle to hold your child’s attention, so you may need to provide extra help to create good study habits for your kid’s benefit.

If you haven’t already, it’s worth having an honest conversation with every teacher that works with your child to let them know that they might forget their homework sometimes, and not to be too hard on them, especially if they can bring it in the next day. I remember feeling so much shame from this, and many teachers simply didn’t understand. However, a positive, supportive learning environment can make all the difference to your child and their future success. 

Why do people with ADHD do well in school?

Students with ADHD can excel academically when their learning environment includes specialized support and resourceful strategies that align with their inventive and quick-thinking abilities.

Ace Your Homework with the ADHD-Friendly Pomodoro Technique! ✨

Tackling homework can feel overwhelming, especially for those with ADHD. Enter the Pomodoro Technique: a simple yet effective method that breaks homework into 25-minute focused sessions with 5-minute breaks to prevent burnout and boost productivity. 🍅

Set a timer for each session to maintain focus and enjoy short breaks to recharge, making homework less daunting and more doable. This structured approach enhances concentration and provides a sense of accomplishment as you progress through tasks. ⏱️

Try our free ADHD Pomodoro Timer - 4x25 minutes [Lofi - Chill🎵] video, designed to blend focus with relaxation, acting as your virtual study companion.  

adhd tips for doing homework

Key Takeaways

  • ADHD presents unique challenges such as difficulty with focus, time management, and organization , which can significantly impact homework habits.
  • Procrastination is a common issue among individuals with ADHD, often misunderstood as laziness.
  • Overwhelm, emotional dysregulation, and distractions further increase homework difficulties, leading to feelings of frustration and inadequacy.
  • Practical tips for improving focus and productivity include creating a designated homework space , breaking down tasks into manageable chunks, and developing a routine to minimize procrastination.
  • Remember to take breaks, address distractions, and practice self-compassion to maintain focus and avoid burnout.
  • Parents and educators should provide understanding and support, avoiding judgment and fostering a positive learning environment.

There will be days when we can't seem to focus no matter how hard we try. And that's okay. Pushing too hard on ourselves will only lead to frustration and less productivity. School day and homework can be challenging, but we can get through it with the right mindset and strategies.

What’s Next?

If homework is something you or your child struggles with, you may also find these articles useful:

  • Navigating Learning Challenges in Children with ADHD
  • Strategies for Managing ADHD in School Settings
  • Effective Strategies for Meeting Deadlines with Adult ADHD
  • Staying Focused: Understanding & Overcoming Distractions With ADHD

Visualize and assess 25 ADHD traits and understand how they affect your life.

adhd tips for doing homework

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it usual for many people with adhd to struggle with their schoolwork and assignments.

Many children (and even adults) with ADHD truly struggle with homework. This is largely because of their symptoms, like getting easily distracted, experiencing sensory overload, and being unable to focus.

Why do many people with ADHD procrastinate?

Many students with ADHD procrastinate because they do not find the task interesting enough. However, please note that reasons for procrastination can vary. An ADHD or even a neurotypical person might procrastinate because they are tired, anxious about another thing, or not motivated well.

How can we boost our productivity when it comes to schoolwork?

The first step is to be kind to yourself. Please don’t associate your procrastination or inability to accomplish your tasks on time with laziness. Your ADHD brain just works differently. Next is to tackle the problem one step at a time. For instance, if you don’t do well with distractions, try to have a dedicated workspace where it’s quiet.

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Liz Nissim-Matheis Ph.D.

3 Homework Strategies for Teens With ADHD

How they can get their homework done..

Posted September 28, 2023 | Reviewed by Ray Parker

  • What Is ADHD?
  • Find counselling to overcome ADHD
  • Completing homework can be difficult for kids with ADHD.
  • Phones can be a major distraction for children with ADHD, so take them away before they start working.
  • With the body-double method, a child works on their homework in the same room with another person.

Ivan Samkov / Pexels

It’s the start of a new school year, the honeymoon phase is slowly beginning to fade, and the rigor of academics is taking off. Every year, I begin the new school year with a mountain-high amount of hope that the summer served as a source of maturation and consolidation of a new set of skills. In many ways, I’m correct and my three children show a new level of growth.

For kids with attention -deficit/hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ), or executive functioning struggles, the start of a new school year often comes with a greater need for organization of school materials, time management , prioritization, and study skills.

One thing I hear from parents is that their child may spend hours "working" on homework and have nothing to show for it. How can that be? Well, I went to my best source of information: adolescents.

The responses were honest and raw. I heard that they start their homework, but then the phone dings, or they get an idea about a show or a game, and look it up (because they can). Before they know it, so much time has passed and little or no progress on their assignments has been made.

This is usually the time when a parent checks in and the young man or lady tries to "look" busy, but truly, no real work has been done. Or, teens have said to me that’s when they “bark” at their parents and ask to be left alone. Part of that response is the awareness that they have been sitting in front of their homework for a while but little has been done, and the other part is pure frustration and procrastination .

And this cycle continues on and on, for hours. Sound familiar?

Let’s talk about a few strategies that you can initiate at home that will help with building those executive functioning skills while getting their homework done.

The Body Double Method

Some of us get the most done when nobody is around, with no sound, in the silence. For some of our children and adolescents with ADHD, it helps to have another person in the same room or nearby.

Perhaps it’s knowing that the person is present and can check in at any time that maintains focus and improves productivity . Some of us need the presence of another person to regulate and ground us. That person doesn’t have to say or do anything, they just need to exist. This is known as our body double.

Speaking from experience, my preference is to set my computer at the kitchen counter and work while my kids are around me. I have always preferred the buzz of other people in the background, rather than working alone.

My son, on the other hand, prefers to work in his room because he finds our "human sounds" too distracting. My daughter likes to work on her homework sprawled out, in the middle of my kitchen floor. We each have our preferences and those preferences can even shift from assignment to assignment.

If you’re not sure if your child or adolescent needs you to serve as her body double, ask her. If she isn’t sure, experiment. That is, set your child up on the same floor as you are, perhaps at the kitchen table or in your dining room (or another room that has a table and a chair). Ask your child to complete one assignment and then assess it. Was it helpful to work near you or was it too distracting?

If your child responds that he was able to get through his assignment quickly and with focus, you have your answer. Now you know that your child is going to need to set up at a table or workspace somewhere by you, instead of sending her up to her room.

Put the Phone Down and Nobody Gets Hurt

Distractions are around our children with ADHD all the time. The chirping bird or the passing truck can very easily result in a turned head. For many of our children and adolescents, their ability to filter out background sound is difficult.

They may hear all sounds in the environment at an equal level. Imagine if you couldn’t filter out the buzzing of the lawnmower while you were sending an email. It can be overwhelming and exhausting.

Now, let’s compound that with a vibrating phone or the "ping" that signals your child that someone has reacted to the last SnapChat—omg, I need to check. The temptation is there to check Instagram every time your child doesn’t want to start a writing assignment or finds that chapter in social studies really boring .

adhd tips for doing homework

Let’s take away a layer of distraction that is tangible. Ask your child to turn their phone in once they begin their homework. All of the texts and other social media notifications will be there once they return, but in the meantime, their homework will get done.

Estimate and Time It

Children with ADHD tend to think that any assignment will take the figurative "five minutes." How many times have you thought, “You’re going to finish a paper that was assigned two weeks ago in an hour?”

He may think that it will take "five minutes" given that his sense of time is not entirely accurate. To build that sense of time, I like to ask students, “How long do you think this math worksheet will take?”

Whatever the answer is, set the timer to that estimated time and let the child work. Once time is up, ask him to assess, “How far did you get on this worksheet?” If you notice he’s completed half, ask him, “It looks like you finished about half of the problems in X minutes. How much longer do you think you’ll need?”

This will begin to develop that sense of time and what is a realistic amount of time to finish different assignments. It may also take him another 50 practice runs just like this until that sense of time begins to develop.

But by the 51st time, your child may be able to say, “I think it’s going to take 15 minutes so it’s going to take 30 minutes. Whatever I think, I double it.”

Setting the timer also gives your child a sense of beginning and end. For students who struggle to begin a task, this can motivate them to begin, and for the student who struggles to sustain attention to an assignment, this gives an end in sight. Setting the timer can also bring a sense of levity to homework in that the goal is to complete the assignment before the bell rings.

For an assignment that requires a longer time to complete, set the timer for the duration of your child’s attention span. If she can work on one task for 30 minutes, set the timer for 30 minutes and go.

Once the time is up, ask your child to walk away from her work area, set the timer for five minutes, and take a break. During that break, encourage your child to move around, engage in jumping jacks, or stare out the window, but do not engage in anything electronically based. Then, set the timer for another 30 minutes, and repeat this cycle until the assignment is completed.

Try using any or all of these strategies at home, but introduce one at a time so as not to overwhelm your child. Once you introduce the strategy, don’t do it for them, but rather model how to do it so there is a level of ownership.

For example, if you want to help your son plan the upcoming week, you can stand by the whiteboard but hand the red marker to him and ask, “Do you have anything in math coming up?” If he says yes, ask him to write it. You ask, he answers, he writes.

To turn any of these strategies into a habit, practice the skill for two weeks at the very least, consistently. If it works, keep it. If it doesn’t, scrap it and try another strategy. It’s a journey but along the way, you will ultimately put your child in the driver’s seat.

Liz Nissim-Matheis Ph.D.

Liz Nissim-Matheis, Ph.D. , is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and certified School Psychologist in private practice in New Jersey.

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With ADHD Homework Can Be Tough: Here Are 3 Strategies For Success

If your child has ADHD, it goes without saying that you’re committed to helping them become successful and resilient, and overcome their academic challenges.

But on average, students with ADHD say that 80% of their interactions at school are negative ones.

Whether that’s because of how they feel about themselves, their surroundings, their peers, or just school in general… it means they spend the majority of their day feeling negative.

And there’s one issue in particular where this negativity tends to manifest itself most: homework .

With ADHD, homework can become a real struggle. But what we also know, is that it’s not a problem that can’t be overcome if we take the right steps.

In our opinion, there are three keys to success for students with ADHD:

  • Know how ADHD manifests itself in your child
  • Be the “Charismatic Adult”
  • Set them up now with healthy homework and study habits

And in this post, we’ll cover different ways ADHD manifests itself and approaches to homework and studying that will help get them moving in the right direction and turn a negative school experience into a positive one.

1. Know how ADHD manifests itself in your child

It is essential to know how ADHD affects your child before you can choose the best approach to help them succeed academically.

More often than not you hear ADHD and you think of disruption. However, that is not always the case, especially when it comes to girls. Girls with ADHD may actually tend to be more shy and withdrawn. This is because when their minds wander away from the task at hand, they’re more inclined not to want you to know they’re not paying attention. As an avoidance strategy, it’s more straightforward to stay quiet.

Alternatively, with boys (generally speaking of course) the research shows they tend to manifest their ADHD symptoms more externally , whether through running around, interrupting vocally, or actively misbehaving. But it would also be a mistake to characterize all boys with ADHD in this way because there are many who don’t exhibit this behavior.

The bottom line is this:

Every case is different. You know your child. So it’s essential to try to best understand your child’s strengths and weaknesses when it comes to schoolwork to determine which strategies are appropriate , and which don’t seem relevant.

2. Be the “Charismatic Adult”

Studies show the number one differentiator between students with behavioral, attention, or learning disorders who succeed and those who do not is the presence of a “charismatic adult’ in their life. As psychologist and researcher Julius Segal notes:

“From studies conducted around the world, researchers have distilled a number of factors that enable such children of misfortune to beat the heavy odds against them. One factor turns out to be the presence in their lives of a charismatic adult– a person with whom they identify and from whom they gather strength.”

Reflect on your own experiences…

How did you get to where you are today both personally and professionally? Did you have a charismatic adult in your life who encouraged and believed in you?

Being this figure in a child’s life does not mean being Mother Theresa, but it does require taking an interest in the child and their strengths rather than focusing on his or her shortcomings . And when mistakes and failures do happen, it means helping them work through them constructively so that they walk away from the situation knowing more than they did before and feeling positive about the experience.

3. Set them up now with healthy homework and study habits

You’ve heard them all before…

“It’s so booorrrrring…”

“I don’t have any homework.”

“I’ll start after I finish my video game.”

For most kids with ADHD homework and studying is filled with dread and excuses, but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s break it down by topic so we can really hone in on how to help develop these essential habits that will carry them to success now, and later in their academic careers.

ADHD and Procrastination

Your child constantly procrastinates, even after dozens of reminders. How can you get him more excited about homework and completing it earlier?

Step 1: Have a predictable schedule

Allow a thirty-minute break after school before getting started on homework. When kids know what to expect they are less likely to procrastinate.

Step 2: Consider the “Tolerable 10”

Set a timer for just 10 minutes and encourage them to work as hard as they can until the time runs out. This helps give them a push to get started, and after the 10 minutes is up, they can either take a short break or continue for another round.

ADHD and Time Management

Time management is the enemy of kids with ADHD. Your child is smart, but when it comes to completing assignments, they can take hours longer than the instructor intended. How do you help them minimize distractions and encourage productivity?

Step 1: Make a game plan

Break homework or projects into smaller more manageable tasks. Check-in, in and make a big deal when he’s accomplished one or a set of tasks. For many kids, time is too abstract of a concept. Consider using candy or baseball cards and letting him know he’ll be rewarded when the task is complete.

Step 2: Help prioritize

Ask what they will do first to help them get started. Make sure they understand the directions and can do the work. Then, let him go at it alone but stay close by so you can help if needed.

Step 3: Use a timer Once you have broken up the assignment into more manageable pieces and helped prioritize their work, set a timer and encourage them to work in short spurts (see the “Tolerable 10” above). Then slowly make the time longer, but never more than 30 minutes.

ADHD and Missing Assignments and Instruction

Either they miss the teacher’s instructions, forget homework and books, or sometimes just ignore assignments entirely. How do you ensure homework and assignments are getting done without seeming overbearing ?

Step 1: Trust but verify

Set expectations, rewards, and consequences for completing homework and assignments. Then verify with an online grading portal if one is available. Communicate with teachers if necessary, but always do this with your child so that they’re involved in the process.

Step 2: Tie privileges to effort

Link things like screen time and hanging out with friends to the amount of time spent studying and doing homework, rather than outcomes like grades. Kids can see the direct correlation between working and learning, and a benefit… rather than feeling overwhelmed by the idea of getting better grades, when they may not know exactly how.

Step 3: Talk to teachers about emailing assignments and homework

Kids with ADHD and executive dysfunction may benefit from having the option to submit homework online or through email. They can focus on one thing at a time, and submit it right then and there, rather than having to manage to organize it, and bringing it to school and turn it in.

ADHD and Distractions

Pulling your child back into study mode from a break or video games seems near impossible. So how do you pull them away from those distractions and focus on homework?

Step 1: Put a limit on breaks

Kids may need a break after a long school day. For elementary-aged kids, a 30-minute break after school should do the trick. Older kids may need more time to “chill” after school is out, but ideally, assignments and studying should start before dinner time. Use this to have them indulge in their break time, while still setting boundaries.

Step 2: Control screen time

Limit breaks to outdoor activities or things that don’t involve a screen. Video games and social media are specifically designed addictive and hard to detach from. So allow a mental break, but don’t let them make things harder on themselves than they need to be by getting wrapped up in something that’s hard to pull away from.

ADHD and Homework: What’s next?

Now, after all of this you may be asking yourself:

“If I do all of this will my child eventually be ready for college and academic independence?”

The best way to ensure your child will be ready for the independence they crave is to back off slowly, but stay supportive.

Set up weekly meetings, maybe every Sunday before the school week starts, and discuss upcoming assignments and offer support. You’ve guided them through this far, and it is time to let them take the wheel… just make sure they don’t head off in the wrong direction.

If you would like to discuss how one-to-one tutoring or executive function coaching could help your child, we invite you to schedule a time to speak with one of our education specialists by clicking below.

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How to stop procrastinating on homework?

reviewed by Jo-ann Caballes

Created on Jun 05, 2024

Updated on June 5, 2024

adhd tips for doing homework

Do you ever hear the dreaded “I can’t do this!” or the classic “I’ll do it later” when it comes to homework? All the moms have been there. According to the American Psychological Association , more than 80% of students procrastinate with their coursework. Later, this procrastination leads to learning struggles, lowering the child’s GPA.

In this article, we will explore the reasons for procrastination and how to deal with it. With Brighterly, you’ll overcome those challenges to achieve the maximum child’s productivity.

Why do some students procrastinate when they have to do homework?

  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Perfectionism
  • Fear of failure
  • Lack of motivation
  • Distractions
  • Poor time management

A big assignment or a lot of homework from different classes can feel like a mountain to climb. Students might not know where to start or how to do their homework perfectly, which can lead to choice paralysis and homework procrastination.

Some people are so worried about getting a bad grade that they avoid doing the work altogether. It often happens with adults, so it’s just as possible with your child.

If your child is just spinning in circles from boredom, they are definitely not interested in homework

Stop procrastinating homework with Bridgterly

Brighterly tutors understand the struggles of young students and the reasons behind their procrastination. We will create a tailored curriculum for your child, adapting to their needs. It will be beneficial for 7th graders who may be struggling with specific concepts or want to move ahead on topics they grasp easily.


Improve your child’s math skill today with Brighterly.

Let them be at the top of their class.


Our tutors emphasize a hands-on, interactive learning approach. This can make math more for teenagers and help to develop a deeper understanding of the concepts. Brighterly tutors focus on problem-solving, which is a crucial skill in math. Students won’t just learn formulas; they’ll practice applying them to solve real-world problems.

Erin Beers,  7th grade language arts teacher and resource creator from Cincinnati, supports the same studying approach:

“As a middle school teacher, I work with a wide array of different learners, and these simple strategies work well with procrastinating students”

Author Erin Beers

Causes of homework procrastination

Two main reasons for procrastination are task aversiveness (e.g., a task being perceived as boring or unpleasant), and timing of rewards and punishments (e.g., a task having rewards or punishments that are far in the future).

Therefore, it’s natural that students don’t want to spend their time on a boring task that they don’t understand how it will apply to their lives. Considering the fact that we live in a world of distractions, boring homework is the last thing that a child wants to see.

Dr. James A. Barham, an education expert and the Senior Vice President of Academic Influence, confirms it with his vast experience.

“The key to figuring out how to stop procrastinating homework is to understand why it happens in the first place.”

Author Dr. James A. Barham

Another common reason for procrastinating on homework is undiagnosed learning difficulties. Multiple researches show that ADHD is one of the most common neurodiverse conditions that affects productivity. Individuals with ADHD have difficulty delaying gratification and shift responding to a variety of tasks often resulting in inaccuracy.

How does procrastination affect students?

Procrastination affects students by drastically lowering their grades. Procrastination among undergraduate students leads to an average 2.2% lower GPA.

Other effects of procrastination included but were not limited to:

  • Stress and anxiety. The looming pressure of unfinished work creates a constant feeling of unease. Students who procrastinate often experience heightened stress and anxiety levels, which negatively impact their well-being.
  • Sleep deprivation. Cramming all night to meet deadlines takes a toll on sleep. This sleep deprivation leads to difficulty focusing in class, decreased energy levels, and poorer overall health.
  • Time management issues. Procrastination supports poor time management habits. Students who get used to procrastinating homework, transfer this habit into adulthood.
  • Lower self-esteem: The cycle of procrastination, missed deadlines, and lower grades can damage a student’s confidence. This can lead to a negative attitude towards school and a reluctance to take on new challenges.

How many high school students procrastinate?

A study by Magoosh shows that 86% of high schoolers procrastinate on assignments. However, you don’t need to panic, as it’s just a part of human behavior.

If your child doesn’t  find strategies to overcome procrastination while young, they may continue to suffer from it during adulthood

Varsha Naik, DP Math Teacher at School Lane Charter School, saw hundreds of procrastinating high schoolers grow up into successful adults. She refers to the main trick to beat procrastination is to find student’s motivation:

“I have been teaching high school mathematics; my students usually procrastinate because they are teenagers. In my opinion, the child should be so important to properly understand the content.”

Author Varsha Naik

What can procrastination lead to?

Procrastination leads to a cascade of negative consequences, such as academic problems, sleep deprivation, and workplace procrastination once students get older and find their first job.

Students procrastinating on homework often face the brunt of the impact. Rushed work, missed deadlines, and forgotten assignments can lead to plummeting grades and academic disappointment.  The looming shadow of unfinished tasks casts a long shadow of stress and anxiety. It will lead to low self-confidence, task aversion, distractibility, impulsivity, and even sleep deprivation.

Make a consistent learning routine. Otherwise, your child may stuck in a self-doubting loop

The effects of procrastination on students can linger into adulthood. According to recent statistics , 42.6% of adults procrastinate daily, spending 218 minutes on nothing. It impacts their work performance and relationship with colleagues, which may be reflected by getting a lower salary.

How to stop procrastinating on homework

It’s achievable to stop procrastinating on homework, even the boring one. Use this instruction to beat this habit.

1. Identify the child’s triggers

What makes them ditch homework? Is it a specific subject? Feeling overwhelmed? Determine those triggers and try to remove them from the child’s life.

If they are triggered by distractions, ensure that you study in a quiet room. If the students ditch math because they don’t understand it, find out their knowledge gaps and ensure that a child fully understands previous material.

2.  Create a to-do list for their math homework

Break down large assignments into smaller, more manageable tasks.

Let your child incorporate the “art of doing nothing” into their schedule

You can also use the Pomodoro technique, where the learner will study for 30 minutes and relax for 5-10 minutes. Once a child finishes some part of the task, let them rest. That way you make kids relax more predictable and less procrastinate.

You don’t procrastinate if you fit this relaxation into your schedule. To stop procrastinating on homework, a child should find out their own patterns and include resting times in it.

3. Prime the environment

Find a quiet, distraction-free zone to work in. You and the child should both silence your computers’ and phones’ notifications and avoid having tempting tabs. Remove posters and anything that can distract you or your child from studying.

4. Reward even the smallest victories

It will motivate a student to keep going. If it is within your budget, it can be literally anything that your kid likes. You can reward small and big victories, such as pizza for good grades this month, a new PS4 game for a B+ annual test, or a Disneyland trip for an A+ SAT test . Determine what your kid likes and define your own reward system.

Pavan Sampath, the COO and Managing Partner of Ascend Now, uses the next tricks to motivate his students.

“One method we use with our students was developed by famous author Raymond Charles, called the Nothing Alternative.”

Humans hate boredom. That’s why we have magazines in the waiting room. It's boring to do absolutely nothing. After a certain point, doing nothing (staring at a wall) seems more tedious than finishing up homework.

It launches a mental contrasting phenomenon, where your mind automatically compares your state of doing nothing to doing homework and realizes that doing homework seems like the more salient and positive choice.

Author Pavan Sampath

How to stop procrastinating for students?

To stop students’ procrastination, identify their triggers and remove them. After that, craft a schedule to treat homework time like an important appointment. Break down large assignments into smaller, more manageable tasks. 

How to not procrastinate on homework if it’s too boring?

To ensure that the child doesn’t procrastinate with boring homework, find relevance to real-world applications and think of ways to make this task more interactive and fun. Use the Pomodoro technique and reward the child even with the smallest progress. Change the scenery to refresh the student’s mind and make the work feel less monotonous.

Procrastination impact not only grades but student’s well-being and overall academic success. Understanding the reasons behind procrastination, such as feeling overwhelmed, perfectionism, or simply distractions, is the first step to overcoming it.

Effective strategies on how to not procrastinate on homework include creating a schedule, chunking down assignments, setting realistic goals, and rewarding yourself can equip students with the tools to slay the procrastination monster.

Brighterly tutoring can be a valuable weapon in this arsenal. Our certified tutors provide a tailored curriculum to meet student’s needs with productive yet engaging lessons. Book the first free lesson today to see the first results tomorrow!

Author Jessica Kaminski

Jessica is a a seasoned math tutor with over a decade of experience in the field. With a BSc and Master’s degree in Mathematics, she enjoys nurturing math geniuses, regardless of their age, grade, and skills. Apart from tutoring, Jessica blogs at Brighterly. She also has experience in child psychology, homeschooling and curriculum consultation for schools and EdTech websites.

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Want your kid to excel in math?

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Mom-Tested Tips for Ending Homework Battles

Posted: August 27, 2023 | Last updated: August 27, 2023

<p>Back-to-school season means a return to making lunches, signing field trip permission slips, planning for 127 different spirit day outfits, and having to face the prospect of taming the <a href="https://cafemom.com/parenting/207494-inappropriate_kid_homework_fails">homework beast</a> once again. Although some experts think <a href="https://cafemom.com/parenting/parents-teachers-taking-stand-against-homework">homework shouldn't exist</a> at all, the truth is that most kids will face reading logs, worksheets, and book reports at some point in the near future. For some kids (and their VERY lucky parents), getting homework done is a "no drama for their mama" situation. </p> <p>For other kids, on the other hand, the struggle is all too real.</p> <p>There are lots of reasons homework can become a battle, so we are super grateful for the advice of other moms who've figured out how to end those fights before they start. Read on for some genius tips, including knowing when to call it quits and when to get some help. </p> <p><strong>More from CafeMom:</strong> <a href="https://cafemom.com/parenting/utah-middle-school-faces-backlash-over-forcing-kids-to-eat-bugs">Utah Middle School Faces Backlash Over Forcing Kids To Eat Bugs for Assignment</a></p>

Back-to-school season means a return to making lunches, signing field trip permission slips, planning for 127 different spirit day outfits, and having to face the prospect of taming the homework beast once again. Although some experts think homework shouldn't exist at all, the truth is that most kids will face reading logs, worksheets, and book reports at some point in the near future. For some kids (and their VERY lucky parents), getting homework done is a "no drama for their mama" situation.

For other kids, on the other hand, the struggle is all too real.

There are lots of reasons homework can become a battle, so we are super grateful for the advice of other moms who've figured out how to end those fights before they start. Read on for some genius tips, including knowing when to call it quits and when to get some help.

More from CafeMom: Utah Middle School Faces Backlash Over Forcing Kids To Eat Bugs for Assignment

<p>"My best advice is to remember what works for one kid might not work for the other. My son has always wanted to come home and do homework right away so he can get it over with and have the rest of the day to play. I learned the hard way that it is MELTDOWN CITY if my daughter doesn’t get a snack and some play time before she has to do homework. Set them up for success by figuring out what time of the afternoon/evening is best for them." – Martha D., Iowa</p>

Different Kids, Different Needs

"My best advice is to remember what works for one kid might not work for the other. My son has always wanted to come home and do homework right away so he can get it over with and have the rest of the day to play. I learned the hard way that it is MELTDOWN CITY if my daughter doesn’t get a snack and some play time before she has to do homework. Set them up for success by figuring out what time of the afternoon/evening is best for them." – Martha D., Iowa

<p>"Homework was so awful with my son. Like, it was taking him almost two hours to do basically two 3rd grade workbook pages and 20 minutes of reading and I was yelling, he was crying. It felt like ‘wait, this shouldn’t be so hard’ and that was accurate.</p> <p>"The homework challenge was the thing that kind of clued us in that there was something more going on. He eventually got diagnosed with a learning difference and ADHD, so I think my advice is to ask for help if the level of homework battle is just beyond normal." – Lara R., Colorado</p>

"Homework was so awful with my son. Like, it was taking him almost two hours to do basically two 3rd grade workbook pages and 20 minutes of reading and I was yelling, he was crying. It felt like ‘wait, this shouldn’t be so hard’ and that was accurate.

"The homework challenge was the thing that kind of clued us in that there was something more going on. He eventually got diagnosed with a learning difference and ADHD, so I think my advice is to ask for help if the level of homework battle is just beyond normal." – Lara R., Colorado

<p>"I made a little homework nook in our kitchen with all the supplies they might need, comfortable chairs, and some snacks that they can help themselves to. I feel like it helps to have a welcoming space, and I usually make dinner when they are doing homework, so I can get that done but still be close by if they need help." – Jenny N., California</p>

Make a Cozy Space

"I made a little homework nook in our kitchen with all the supplies they might need, comfortable chairs, and some snacks that they can help themselves to. I feel like it helps to have a welcoming space, and I usually make dinner when they are doing homework, so I can get that done but still be close by if they need help." – Jenny N., California

child on tablet

Watch the Screens

"Ugh. My kid’s school has them do homework on their school iPads, which I HATE. Last year it was taking my 2nd grade son forever to get his homework done and staying up too late, not getting chores done because ‘I still have homework, Mom!’.

"I eventually clued in to the fact that he was only spending like 40 minutes on homework and the rest of the time was screwing around on the iPad. Now he has to do his homework in the dining room, so I can see that he’s actually doing it. He gets done in less than an hour now." – KayCee C., Minnesota

<p>"My suggestion is sort of basic, but it works for us: do the least fun/hardest thing first. Have a snack, do something relaxing, and then tackle the hard thing first when the brain is fresher. A lot less of battle when the worst is out of the way first." – Annie P., Arizona</p>

Do the Hardest Thing First

"My suggestion is sort of basic, but it works for us: do the least fun/hardest thing first. Have a snack, do something relaxing, and then tackle the hard thing first when the brain is fresher. A lot less of battle when the worst is out of the way first." – Annie P., Arizona

<p>"Can we just, as parents, band together and put an end to freaking reading logs? For whatever reason, all of our homework battles were around reading logs. As someone who loves reading, I hated seeing how much having to log it sucked the joy out of reading for my kids. So I just told my kids we’ll skip them.</p> <p>They still read every day but not having to log it took the pressure off. It’s second grade! Who cares if they don’t turn in a reading log! Let that stuff go!" – Sasha W., Washington</p> <p><strong>More from CafeMom:</strong> <a href="https://cafemom.com/parenting/222509-mom-shares-success-kids-screen-detox">Mom Puts Entire Family on 'Screen Detox' & Daughter Has Already Jumped 5 Reading Levels</a></p>

Ditch the Log

"Can we just, as parents, band together and put an end to freaking reading logs? For whatever reason, all of our homework battles were around reading logs. As someone who loves reading, I hated seeing how much having to log it sucked the joy out of reading for my kids. So I just told my kids we’ll skip them.

They still read every day but not having to log it took the pressure off. It’s second grade! Who cares if they don’t turn in a reading log! Let that stuff go!" – Sasha W., Washington

More from CafeMom: Mom Puts Entire Family on 'Screen Detox' & Daughter Has Already Jumped 5 Reading Levels

<p>"I’m strict about screen time (even for my high school kids) and our rule is simple: no screens until homework is done. We’ve done this since day one of having homework and the kids just know that we don’t budge on it. Consistency of expectations is the key!” – Laura W., Michigan</p>

"I’m strict about screen time (even for my high school kids) and our rule is simple: no screens until homework is done. We’ve done this since day one of having homework and the kids just know that we don’t budge on it. Consistency of expectations is the key!” – Laura W., Michigan

<p>"One of the things that helps our family is having a clear sense of how important homework is to us. The truth is that, with kids who are still in elementary school, it isn’t that important to us. Outside playtime, doing Legos, having fun with friends is more important to their development than homework is. So, I make it optional: they can do it when they want, if they want." – Blake E., Colorado</p>

Homework Isn't Everything

"One of the things that helps our family is having a clear sense of how important homework is to us. The truth is that, with kids who are still in elementary school, it isn’t that important to us. Outside playtime, doing Legos, having fun with friends is more important to their development than homework is. So, I make it optional: they can do it when they want, if they want." – Blake E., Colorado

<p>"My parenting lightbulb moment was realizing that fully 90% of my kid's post-school meltdowns (including homework ones) were because she was STARVING after school. I've started packing car snacks for her to eat on the way home and it makes everything easier once we get there." – Jamie J., Arizona</p>

Always Start With a Snack

"My parenting lightbulb moment was realizing that fully 90% of my kid's post-school meltdowns (including homework ones) were because she was STARVING after school. I've started packing car snacks for her to eat on the way home and it makes everything easier once we get there." – Jamie J., Arizona

<p>"Sometimes you have to give your kids permission to skip homework. Like, for us we are crazy busy on Wednesdays. We have soccer and church and there's just not time to do it. If I try to rush my 8 and 10 year olds to get homework done, everyone just gets stressed and cranky. I told their teachers that we just don't do homework on Wednesdays and they were fine with it. Saved so many tears!" - Melody D., Minnesota</p>

Be Realistic About Time

"Sometimes you have to give your kids permission to skip homework. Like, for us we are crazy busy on Wednesdays. We have soccer and church and there's just not time to do it. If I try to rush my 8 and 10 year olds to get homework done, everyone just gets stressed and cranky. I told their teachers that we just don't do homework on Wednesdays and they were fine with it. Saved so many tears!" - Melody D., Minnesota

<p>"Every Sunday, my son (he's 16) and I sit down and do his planner. He needs that extra support to help figure out how to break down doing bigger projects and how far in advance to start studying. Remember that teenage brains aren't fully developed! They don't just automatically know how to do tasks like this! Help them build the habit now so they are ready to do on their own in college." – Amy S., California</p> <p><strong>More from CafeMom:</strong> <a href="https://cafemom.com/parenting/essential-conversations-moms-need-to-have-with-their-teens">5 Essential Conversations Moms Need To Have With Their Teens</a></p>

Practice With a Planner

"Every Sunday, my son (he's 16) and I sit down and do his planner. He needs that extra support to help figure out how to break down doing bigger projects and how far in advance to start studying. Remember that teenage brains aren't fully developed! They don't just automatically know how to do tasks like this! Help them build the habit now so they are ready to do on their own in college." – Amy S., California

More from CafeMom: 5 Essential Conversations Moms Need To Have With Their Teens

<p>"When my first kid started getting homework, we were struggling. It was taking him at least two hours to get through all of it. In 1st grade! Of course there were awful meltdowns. I just assumed that was normal until I mentioned it to another mom and she was like 'uh, it should be taking like 15 minutes ..' </p> <p>"I finally talked to his teacher and she confirmed that she'd never want him to be spending two hours a day on homework. We figured out some strategies around it and it got better. My advice: talk to the teacher if every home sesh is a struggle or if it is taking hours a day." – Kelly C., Indiana</p>

Ask the Teacher

"When my first kid started getting homework, we were struggling. It was taking him at least two hours to get through all of it. In 1st grade! Of course there were awful meltdowns. I just assumed that was normal until I mentioned it to another mom and she was like 'uh, it should be taking like 15 minutes ..'

"I finally talked to his teacher and she confirmed that she'd never want him to be spending two hours a day on homework. We figured out some strategies around it and it got better. My advice: talk to the teacher if every home sesh is a struggle or if it is taking hours a day." – Kelly C., Indiana

<p>"First, unless you are a single mom, don't act like a single mom! Dads need to help with the homework BS too! When we are gearing up for a homework fight, sometimes it's best if I tag out and he takes over. Some fresh parenting energy can help." – Olivia T., Rhode Island</p>

"First, unless you are a single mom, don't act like a single mom! Dads need to help with the homework BS too! When we are gearing up for a homework fight, sometimes it's best if I tag out and he takes over. Some fresh parenting energy can help." – Olivia T., Rhode Island

<p>"For early grades, the bulk of their homework time is probably going to be reading, so finding ways to make that fun is clutch. We take reading outside or in the hammock, or even at a park just to mix it up." – Melissa H., Texas</p>

Make Reading Fun

"For early grades, the bulk of their homework time is probably going to be reading, so finding ways to make that fun is clutch. We take reading outside or in the hammock, or even at a park just to mix it up." – Melissa H., Texas

<p>"With my ADHD kid, we do the 20-10-20 method and it helps reduce the tension a lot. He has to do 20 minutes of homework, gets a 10 minute break, and then another 20 minutes. We use a timer and he knows he can do whatever he needs to do in those 10 minutes. We say 'Anyone can do anything for 20 minutes' and I think that's true!" – Alice S., Minnesota</p>

Set a Timer

"With my ADHD kid, we do the 20-10-20 method and it helps reduce the tension a lot. He has to do 20 minutes of homework, gets a 10 minute break, and then another 20 minutes. We use a timer and he knows he can do whatever he needs to do in those 10 minutes. We say 'Anyone can do anything for 20 minutes' and I think that's true!" – Alice S., Minnesota

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Tips to help you haggle for the best deal when shopping at retail stores

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It's easy to bag a bargain — or at least feel as though you have — when you're shopping during events such as Black Friday, Boxing Day or stocktake sales.

But many of us forget we can also ask for a better deal outside of sale periods.

We asked two experts how to negotiate and what types of stores are most likely to offer a discount if asked.

Do your homework

Negotiating on price is a deeply ingrained human behaviour, and as consumer advocate Christopher Zinn points out, it's a skill people have been using since the inception of commerce.

But he says our ability to negotiate has also started to fall by the wayside in recent years as many of us have inadvertently traded the life skills of haggling for the convenience and instant gratification that online shopping offers.

The flip side is that online shopping provides us with more price transparency than ever before, says Swinburne University of Technology Department of Management and Marketing chair Sean Sands.

"The ability to search and compare products is second to none now, so the first thing I'd say is do your homework prior to going into a store, because then you know what the options are," he says.

Which stores should you ask for a discount in?

Supermarkets operate on a low-cost, high-volume business model underpinned by weekly specials and supply chains and are firmly dictated by what the barcode rings up at the register, so trying to negotiate your weekly grocery shop is a futile exercise.

But many other large retailers — especially those that sell electronics, whitegoods, homewares and hardware — will have some wiggle room when it comes to the advertised price.

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Professor Sands says to "select retailers that are known for either price matching or haggling … [and] make it known they're willing to negotiate on price".

Bundling several items together — for instance, enquiring about what sort of deal can be reached if you buy a set of speakers in the same transaction as a record player  — can also give you some leverage when it comes to negotiating a deal.

"Certainly, if they can sell you something else as well, it's worth their while," Mr Zinn says.

"Plus, they want to retain you as a customer, so I think we underestimate the power that we have."

Similarly, Professor Sands suggests tactfully saying: "I've looked around and it seems like this price is pretty competitive, but is there anything else that you can do or throw in?"

Be reasonable and don't be rude

You should never equate vying for the best deal with being discourteous to staff. And if you've done your research and price comparisons, you should have a decent idea of what a reasonable discount might look like.

"Don't be abrupt, don't be rude, just go in with an open mind and the worst that you can be told is no. The best you can get is a bit of a discount, so you've got nothing to lose," Professor Sands says.

"We're at a point in time now where budgets are strained and people are looking to save every dollar and get the best deal, so don't be afraid to ask for a better price."

Mr Zinn agrees: "The fact is most people don't ask, so the few people who do ask are more likely to get a yes.

"You should always ask people if they're open to negotiation — and use that word as opposed to haggling.

"Even if you get a polite no, well, that's all right, but you've got to always have the demeanour that says you could walk away."

Hone your haggling skills

Mr Zinn says negotiating is a vital skill that everyone should have in their arsenal because "even if you don't have to use it, it teaches you about value and what you regard as good value or otherwise".

"That's a very useful thing to know in life," he says.

"If you want to practice, go to a garage sale this weekend and have a good old haggle. You might buy things you don't need but, look, if you get a toaster for $2, what the hell.

"Most of the time, people like it; you like it because you get a bargain, they like it because they unload some of their junk."

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Smart Homework Strategies for Teachers & Parents: A Free Handout

Research suggests that homework is counterproductive in elementary school. still, many teachers use it to gauge comprehension and independent learning. you need to read this if nightly assignments are taking too long, ruining your family time, and/or making your child hate school., homework ideas that work, how can parents and teachers team up to create a homework routine that works download this handout, and get more school and learning strategies from additude via email..

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adhd tips for doing homework

Homework requires students to copy assignments correctly, maintain focus after a long school day, and hand in work on time — all difficult tasks for kids with poor memory, focus, and attention to detail.

Fortunately, there are concrete strategies that teachers can implement in the classroom and that parents can turn to at home. Some strategies highlighted in this resource include creating behavior charts, trimming assignments for comprehension over completion, constructing a designated homework space at home, and allowing completed assignments to be scanned and emailed.

Print out this free handout, check off more tips you think would work best for your child, and then discuss them with your child’s teacher.

NOTE: This resource is for personal use only.

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    The bedroom is a place for sleep, rest, and relaxation — not work and stress. 2. Create a consistent schedule. It is important for kids with ADD/ADHD to have a consistent routine. This will help your child start his or her homework and focus. Set a time each day for your child to sit down and complete his or her work. 3.

  6. 7 Tips for College Students: How to Study With ADHD

    It can lead to greater self-determination and direction, reduced feelings of overwhelm and anxiety, and increased self-confidence and self-sufficiency. 7. Manage Your Medication. One study found that only around 53% of college students with ADHD adhere to their medication plan. Poor medication adherence can have serious consequences ...

  7. Struggling to complete your homework : 10 ADHD friendly tips!

    As such, while doing homework, their brains often drift off and focus on something else more interesting. If you find yourself in such a situation, here are 10 tips that could help you: 1. Create a study space. Find an area to complete your homework where other people won't distract you. It's important to organise this space, and make it ...

  8. ADHD and Homework: The Answer to Productive Studying

    Implementing consistent schedules, breaking tasks into manageable parts, and using timers can significantly improve focus and productivity. These strategies, tailored to the unique challenges ADHD presents, are key to transforming homework from a daunting task into an achievable goal. Published on. 19/9/2022. •.

  9. Tracking Homework Assignments: Why Students with ADHD Struggle

    This is true under normal circumstances. With the COVID-19 pandemic, some individuals with ADHD may have thrived, while a large number struggled even more with completing schoolwork and homework assignments. Understanding why this pattern occurs can help you identify and implement strategies that more effectively assist your child or teenager ...

  10. 3 Homework Strategies for Teens With ADHD

    For an assignment that requires a longer time to complete, set the timer for the duration of your child's attention span. If she can work on one task for 30 minutes, set the timer for 30 minutes ...

  11. Tips on How to Focus With ADHD

    Work with someone you trust. Having someone who supports your efforts might help keep you on track during the day. Whether it's at work or at home, another person can help you be accountable for ...

  12. Homework Help for ADHD

    Use a timer to manage attention: Schedule 5-10 minute breaks to allow time for your child to move around and grab a healthy snack and drink to energize. Work with your child to see when and how often breaks are needed. Check homework with your child. Praise your child for effort and be specific in your praise:

  13. 6 Ways to Improve Study Habits For Kids with ADHD

    6 Ways a Child With ADHD Can Study Better. Medically Reviewed by Smitha Bhandari, MD on March 13, 2024. Written by R. Morgan Griffin. 1. Set up a homework station. 2. Break up study time. 3. Stay ...

  14. Succeed in High School with ADHD: Homework, Organization, Study Tips

    These academic and organizational tips are designed to help high school students with ADHD finish homework, execute long-term projects, manage their time, earn high grades, and avoid feeling overwhelmed. With the simpler demands of middle school behind you, you'll need better study skills, time-management tools, and organization strategies ...

  15. Homework Problems & ADHD?

    Unfortunately, homework problems also tend to be a leading cause of conflict and disagreement between parents and their children with ADHD. They often argue about what work teachers assigned, when work is due, and how much time and effort to devote to completing work and studying. Perhaps most frustrating is when parents spend hours working on ...

  16. With ADHD Homework Can Be Tough: Here Are 3 Strategies For Success

    Step 1: Trust but verify. Set expectations, rewards, and consequences for completing homework and assignments. Then verify with an online grading portal if one is available. Communicate with teachers if necessary, but always do this with your child so that they're involved in the process. Step 2: Tie privileges to effort.

  17. How to Be Productive with ADHD: 25+ Tips (That Actually Work)

    To be more productive when you have ADHD, you need to give your goals a time and place to be accomplished. This means setting hard deadlines and writing those deadlines down on a paper or digital calendar. -17- Create a distraction-free environment. Man, I really need to get this work report done.

  18. How to Homework: Top 10 Tips for ADHD Success

    Hello Brains! Since it's been awhile since I've had to do homework myself (aaaand I was never all that great about doing it to begin with!) I partnered with ...

  19. 7 reasons kids with ADHD often rush through homework

    Here are some of the most common reasons kids with ADHD race through their homework assignments. 1. Trouble holding on to information. Trouble with working memory can make it hard for kids with ADHD to keep information in mind as they do their homework. Instead of taking their time to think through their answers, they might scribble them out as ...

  20. How to Focus on Homework with ADHD

    Schedule a five-minute break for every 20 minutes of work. Short, frequent breaks help children with ADHD recharge. Respect your child's "saturation point.". If he's too tired or frustrated to finish his homework, let him stop. Write a note to the teacher explaining that he did as much as he could.

  21. How to stop procrastinating on homework?

    To stop procrastinating on homework, a child should find out their own patterns and include resting times in it. 3. Prime the environment. Find a quiet, distraction-free zone to work in. You and the child should both silence your computers' and phones' notifications and avoid having tempting tabs.

  22. Mom-Tested Tips for Ending Homework Battles

    Set a Timer. "With my ADHD kid, we do the 20-10-20 method and it helps reduce the tension a lot. He has to do 20 minutes of homework, gets a 10 minute break, and then another 20 minutes. We use a ...

  23. Tips to help you haggle for the best deal when shopping at retail

    Ask a salesperson if they are open to negotiation — the worst thing they can tell you is "no". (Adobe Stock) It's easy to bag a bargain — or at least feel as though you have — when you're ...

  24. ADHD Homework Stress: How to Get Assignments Done

    Step 1: Get the Teachers On Board. For many kids with ADHD, bringing home each day's assignments is as tough as the work itself. Teachers should post the day's assignments, read them aloud to reinforce, and distribute assignment sheets or make sure that there is time in class for each child to record homework homework assignments in a planner ...

  25. 5 tips for finding an apartment in NYC as rents continue to rise

    In Brooklyn, year-over-year median rent prices rose from $3,300 to $3,450. In Queens, prices grew from $2,700 to $2,999. Median rent citywide was $3,700 in April, rising from $3,650 in April 2023 ...

  26. Homework Strategies for Students with ADHD: A Free Handout

    Smart Homework Strategies for Teachers & Parents: A Free Handout. Research suggests that homework is counterproductive in elementary school. Still, many teachers use it to gauge comprehension and independent learning. You need to read this if nightly assignments are taking too long, ruining your family time, and/or making your child hate school.