PhD Workshop China 2022 | 16所德国高校及研究机构线上招收博士生

17.11.2022, 15:00 点 到 18.11.2022, 18:00 点

主办方: PhD Workshop


博士生国际招生面试交流会PhD Workshop China由中国教育国际交流协会(CEAIE)主办,是海外高校招收优秀中国博士生的重要平台,其主要服务对象是计划在国外继续学习的中国优秀高校硕士毕业生及博士在读学生。德国高校对博士生国际招生面试交流会的参展受到德国联邦教育和科研部(BMBF) “Research in Germany-Land of Ideas” 框架项目的资助,由德国学术交流中心(DAAD)协助组织。

2022博士生国际招生面试交流会 将于 11月15-24日以线上形式举办 。国内所有同学、老师都可以免费参会。

9月至11月9日:观众免费 注册 10月10日起:与参会机构 预约 面谈 11月15-16日:观看参会机构线上 讲座 11月17日及18日,15:00-18:00(北京时间):与16所德国机构代表进行线上 面试及咨询

本次参会的 16所德国高校及机构名单:

  • 拜罗伊特大学(University of Bayreuth)
  • 柏林工业大学(Technische Universität Berlin, TU Berlin)
  • 柏林工业大学 – 柏林数学学院(TU Berlin – Berlin Mathematical School )
  • 波鸿大学(Ruhr University Bochum)
  • 达姆斯塔特工业大学(Technical University of Darmstadt)
  • 埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学(Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg , FAU)
  • 德国弗劳恩霍夫应用研究促进协会(Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft)
  • 吉森大学 (Justus Liebig University Giessen, JLU)
  • 汉堡大学(Universität Hamburg, UHH)
  • 汉诺威大学(Leibniz University Hannover)
  • 亥姆霍兹国家研究中心联合会(Helmholtz Association)
  • 耶拿大学(Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
  • 卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT)
  • 基尔大学(Kiel University)
  • 德国学术交流中心北京代表处(DAAD Beijing Representative Office)
  • 赴德研究(Research in Germany)


步骤 1 —  实名注册 (已开始)

方式一, 访问官网 在“学生注册”页面进行在线注册。 方式二,关注微信公众平台:“ 博士生交流会 ”或搜索微信号:  phdworkshopchina 点击  “2022 活动 ”  进行相关 “参会注册”。


步骤 2 —  收到并保存好《注册确认函》

您的注册信息经核实后,会议组织方会发送以 “2022博士生国际招生面试线上交流会-在线注册确认函”为主题的电子邮件,内有您的注册账户用户名和密码,及您注册时使用的电子邮箱以及手机号,请妥善保存,以便后期查阅、及线上面试参会使用!该账户信息仅供本人使用,请勿外传。

步骤 3 —  预约面试面谈 ( 10月10日起)

凭“确认函”里的用户名和密码: 方式一,登陆PC端官网 点击iSchedule+Login 进行网上预约; 方式二,登陆手机网页 点击“在线预约”实现面试或面谈预约; 方式三,搜索登陆微信公众号:博士生交流会或 phdworkshopchina 点击 “2022 活动 ” 并在线预约面试面谈;

通过以上三种方式,您可以详细了解国外院校的参会信息,选择适合自己就读方向的相关教授老师预约。 建议最好提前一周完成 与国外院校代表的在线预约并确认好面试面谈时间。

步骤 4 —  线上参会 ( 11月15-24日)

线上参会时,请凭《学生在线注册确认函》的注册号Sxxx + Surname + Given Name ,进入线上会议间参会,与提前预约好的院校及教授老师面试、交流。

更多关于在德国读博、资助项目、研究与职业发展机会的信息,欢迎访问research in germany信息平台:


活动组织方微信公众号:博士生交流会 微信号:phdworkshopchina


phd workshop china 2022

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Event Summary

Phd workshop china 2022.

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phd workshop china 2022

2022博士生国际招生面试线上交流会 / PhD Workshop China 2022-Virtual Event

时间:2022-10-11 浏览: 10 设置

由教育部交流协会主办的 “ 2022 博士生国际招生面试线上交流会   / PhD Workshop China 2022-Virtual Event” 将于 11 月 15-24 日线上举办。

截至目前,已有来自澳大利亚、比利时、加拿大、法国、德国、日本、马来西亚、新加坡、荷兰、英国和美国共计 11 个国家近 50 所大学报名参会,参会名单 : ; 

届时将有 100 多位教授向中国学生详解各自学校和院系的 博士生招生、奖学金申请、学科专业申请等政策 , 并同提前预约的学生在线面试 。此外,国外参会大学和博士研究生院也有意与国内高校研究生院建立联系,探讨联合培养人才、开展科研合作。

学生与教授的预约系统已于10月10日开放,有意向参会的学生和教授请点击 本链接 注册参会(请提供真实有效的信息,以免影响海外院校的预约)。 同时也欢迎负责国际交流、研究生院相关老师注册参会,与海外院校商讨合作事宜。



注册信息经核实后,教育部交流协会会发出 邮件 “2022 博士生国际招生面试线上交流会 - 在线注册确认函 ” 、内有注册人的参会用户名和密码 ,请妥善保存,以便后期查阅及线上面试参会使用。该账户信息仅供本人使用,请勿外传。

凭 “ 确认函 ” 里的用户名和密码登录:

方式一:登陆 PC 端官网 点击 iSchedule+Login  进行网上预约;

方式二:登陆手机网页  点击 “ 在线预约 ” 实现面试面谈预约;

方式三:在“博士生交流会”微信公众号菜单栏点击 “2022 活动 ”,点击 “在线预约”实现 面试面谈预约;

通过以上三种方式,可以详细了解国外院校的参会信息,预约适合自己就读方向的相关教授。 建议至少提前一周完成 与国外院校代表的在线预约并确认好面试/面谈时间。

线上参会时,请凭《学生在线注册确认函》的注册号 Sxxx + Surname + Given Name ,进入线上会议间参会,与提前预约好的教授面试。

phd workshop china 2022

CityU Scholars A Research Hub of Excellence

System upgrade will be carried out on 13 May 2024 (MON) from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm (HK Time) . The system will not be available during this period.

  • Researchers
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  • Press/Media

15th PhD Student Workshop 2022 (Online)

Activity : Participating in or organising a conference / an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course


  • Yalong WANG (Presenter)

Research Unit / Event Journal/Book Series

European Association for Chinese Studies

Association of China Scholars founded in 1975

Call for Papers: PhD Thesis Workshop

Online | Zoom 5–6th May 2022 Deadline: 21st Feb 2022

The Economic History Society is pleased to invite submissions to its PhD Thesis Workshop, to be held for the second year via Zoom in May 2022. Participants will share thesis papers or chapters-in-progress with fellow doctoral colleagues in economic and social history, and give and receive feedback on each other’s work. The workshop aims to provide opportunities for PhD students to develop their research and peer reviewing skills, as well as the chance to build horizontal networks with fellow early career scholars. Last year’s inaugural workshop was received positively and participants welcomed the opportunity to receive detailed feedback on their research and also network with fellow doctoral students.

Participants will be expected to read and prepare feedback on all of their colleagues’ papers, and each paper will also have one doctoral student discussant to lead the conversation. Preference will be given to applicants in the second or later year of their research. The Workshop will be held on Zoom during the afternoon (UK time) to enable participation from researchers in a wide variety of time zones.

We welcome submissions from all doctoral researchers in economic and/or social history, and we especially encourage applications from graduate students from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in the academy. Applicants should email a short abstract (250–300 words) in a PDF file to [email protected] by 21st February 2022. Accepted presenters will be notified by 28th February and will be asked to upload a paper of no more than 5000 words for circulation to fellow speakers by 4th April.

Download this announcement’s original PDF: 2022 EHS PhD Workshop CfP

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PhD Workshop-China-Virtual 2022 Event

Take the next step in your career and meet German university representatives in one-on-one meetings!

Join the German delegation from 15. - 18. November 2022 online at the PhD Workshop China 2022 Virtual Event. 

Presentations by German universities and research institutions Date: Wednesday, 16 November 2022 Time: (tba) Place: Online (Zoom-Meeting)  

Prescheduled one-on-one meetings with German representatives Date: Thursday, 17 November 2022 Time: 3pm-6pm (Chinese time) Place: Online   

Prescheduled one-on-one meetings with German representatives Date: Friday, 18 November 2022 Time: 3pm-6pm (Chinese time) Place: Online     

If you are interested in pursuing PhD studies in Germany, the one-on-one meetings provide you with the chance to talk with representatives of German universities and research institutions and discuss opportunities they can offer you.

Join us and share your research interests with German representatives who can help you identify potential research opportunities. It’s also a great opportunity for you to ask questions and learn more about pursuing graduate studies or research in Germany.

Please note that the one-on-one meetings are arranged by invitation only and require you to complete the online registration form .

If you’re interested in joining us, please register by completing the online registration form  ►►► Click here to register!

The participating German institutions are:

Ren Jie DAAD Branch Office Peking Tel: +86 (10) 6590-6656 [email protected]

Research in Germany sessions-Programme

  • Opportunities
  • Market Intelligence Briefs

Please note that under HESA regulations only institutions contributing data to HESA are permitted to access the data mining tools. If this applies to you, and you have an account, please login to access the tools. If you do not have an account please register .

Opportunity to join the PhD Workshop China 2022 Online Event held by CEAIE on 15-24 Nov. 2022

You are here.

We would like to draw your special attention that the PhD Workshop China 2022 will be taking place virtually on November 15-24, 2022 .  

The PhD Workshop is hosted by China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) under Chinese MOE. As China’s leading recruitment event in PhD education realms, it has been blessed with great support from many Embassies and consulates as well as the related credential organizations, such as Wallonie-Bruxelles International in Belgium, Embassy of Canada in China, Canadian Association for Graduate Studies, Campus France, DAAD, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and British Council etc.

With more than 10 years development, the PhD Workshop China has been proven to be the most effective PhD student recruitment platform with its remarkable records, as there has always been 1500+ well prepared students flocking to the workshop, fulfilling their online meetings and interviews with professors, delegates and recruitment officers from the leading universities around the world.

Here below is the cost for your quick look and further action:


Founded in 1981, the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) conducts international educational exchanges and co-operation under the direction of the Ministry of Education. CEAIE’s key mission is to support major people-to-people dialogue and other exchanges between China and the UK, US, EU and Russia, as well as to provide quality assurance services on China-foreign joint programmes to CEAIE member institutions. CEAIE also holds the China Annual Conference for International Education and the International Education Expo every year.

Action Required


Please find attached registration form and enjoy the favorable early-bird registration rates before September 10 th 2022 which will save you even 20% upmost.

Further enquiries, please contact Tao HUANG, Senior Program Officer at [email protected]

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28th Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science Technology and Biotechnology

28th Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science Technology and Biotechnology

How to apply.

work in progress

The programme will be available soon.

Catania, situata sulla splendida costa orientale della Sicilia, è una città vibrante e ricca di storia, perfetta per ospitare conferenze…

The Italian Network of the PhD Courses in Food Science, Technology and Biotechnology and the University of Catania have the pleasure to invite you to the 28° Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science Technology and Biotechnology. The workshop will be organized in a series of parallel sessions for oral communications, plenary lectures, a poster session and a final plenary session with testimonials from industries. The workshop venue will be at Palazzo della Cultura ex convento Platamone, via Vittorio Emanuele II, Catania

Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science Technology and Biotechnology will take place at Palazzo…

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phd workshop china 2022

French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis

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phd workshop china 2022

3rd ISP PhD Workshop 2022

Please complete all required fields!


1 st and 2 nd December 2022

ISL - French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis, Saint-Louis, France

We will deliver a list of participants including name, first name, entity and e-mail. Your e-mail will appear in this list only if you tick the box.

Please note that access to the ISL site is subject to prior security screening and authorisation by police authorities (personal data to be submitted on registration until 13 November 2022)

1 You can withdraw your consent at any time in written form (a short e-mail is sufficient), with effect for the future. Please take note of our policy on the treatment of personal data and confidentiality .


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  1. 博士生招生面试交流会

    PhD Workshop China 2023 was just a renewal of in-person event after 3 years virtual status. However, last November there still attracted around 3,000 pre-registered students across China. And some 1300 well-prepared candidates attended on site and fulfilled about 2000 interviews & meetings with professors, PhD program recruiters and officers. ...

  2. 博士生招生面试交流会

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  3. CEAIE PhD Workshop China 2022

    Hosted by China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) under Chinese Ministry of Education, the PhD Workshop China 2022 will be taking place virtually on November 15-24, 2022.. With more than 10 years development, the PhD Workshop China has been proven to be the most effective PhD student recruitment platform with its remarkable records, as there has always been 1500+ well ...

  4. 博士生招生面试交流会

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  5. PDF phd brochure 2022

    PhD Workshop China 2022 - Virtual Event November 15-24, 2022 (Tuesday-Thursday) Hosted by: China Education Association for International Exchange n e e Y o u r s O f f e r ... After the PhD Workshop China 2021, we made Delegates Evaluation and it showed that more than 38% of the delegates interviewed 11 to

  6. PhD Workshop China 2022

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  7. PDF Registration & Contract

    The PhD Workshop China 2022 will be held virtually again this year. Kindly be noted that each registered delegate would be assigned a unique login code to access the online iSchedule system, and firstly make online appointment with pre-registered students in iShcedule system, then each

  8. CEE

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  10. 博士生招生面试交流会

    The PhD Workshop China 2022 will be held virtually again this year. Kindly be noted that each registered delegate would be assigned a unique login code to access the online iSchedule system, and firstly make online appointment with pre-registered students in iShcedule system, then each registered delegate could be entitled to launch the online ...

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    由教育部交流协会主办的"2022博士生国际招生面试线上交流会/ PhD Workshop China 2022-Virtual Event"将于11月15-24日线上举办。. 截至目前,已有来自澳大利亚、比利时、加拿大、法国、德国、日本、马来西亚、新加坡、荷兰、英国和美国共计11个国家近50所大学报名 ...

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  17. Call for Papers: PhD Thesis Workshop

    Deadline: 21st Feb 2022 The Economic History Society is pleased to invite submissions to its PhD Thesis Workshop, to be held for the second year via Zoom in May 2022. Participants will share thesis papers or chapters-in-progress with fellow doctoral colleagues in economic and social history, and give and receive feedback on each other's work.

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    Easy to Read. For German research institutions . Why Germany R&D policy framework

  19. Opportunity to join the PhD Workshop China 2022 Online Event held by

    We would like to draw your special attention that the PhD Workshop China 2022 will be taking place virtually on November 15-24, 2022. The PhD Workshop is hosted by China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) under Chinese MOE.


    The event. The Italian Network of the PhD Courses in Food Science, Technology and Biotechnology and the University of Catania have the pleasure to invite you to the 28° Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science Technology and Biotechnology. The workshop will be organized in a series of parallel sessions for oral ...

  21. PDF PhD Workshop China 2024

    PhD Workshop China 2023 was just a renewal of in-person event after 3 years virtual status. However, last November there still attracted around 3,000 pre-registered students across China. And some 1300 well-prepared candidates attended on site and fulfilled about 2000 interviews & meetings with professors, PhD program recruiters and officers.

  22. ISL

    3rd ISP PhD Workshop 2022. Please complete all required fields! INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY ON PULSED POWER APPLICATIONS e.V. 1 st and 2 nd December 2022. ISL - French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis, Saint-Louis, France. Title. First Name(*) SURNAME(*) Invalid Input.