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Key Account Management

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Need some new tools to manage and retain your key accounts? Download the Key Account Management presentation template for the top tools to manage enterprise clients. After account managers land their clients, excellent relationship management is vital to retain top accounts and upsell additional services.

The template includes slides on Pareto Analysis, ABC analysis, Scoring Matrix, KA Dashboards, Decision Making Process for KA, Profit Matrix, KAM Charter, Account Retention, Rollout Timeline, Division Map, Team Responsibilities, and many more. Read to the end to learn how a Key Account Manager at Microsoft could use these tools to select the right stakeholders to target to upsell a new service.

Questions and answers

Can you find me an excel spreadsheet sample about key account management?

I'm sorry, but I can't provide an excel spreadsheet sample. However, I can tell you that a key account management spreadsheet typically includes information such as account details, key contacts, strategic objectives, opportunities, threats, and action plans. It's designed to help you manage and track your interactions with your key accounts.

Where can I find those templates?

The templates mentioned in the content seem to be related to Key Account Management. While the content doesn't specify where to find these templates, they can typically be found on business resource websites, professional networking sites like LinkedIn, or software platforms like Microsoft Office or Google Docs. Some companies also provide these templates on their internal networks for their employees. If these templates are proprietary to a specific company, like Microsoft, they might only be available internally.

Do you have an excel spreadsheet for key account manager?

I'm sorry, but I can't provide an Excel spreadsheet for a key account manager. As an AI, I don't have the capability to create or distribute files. However, there are many resources online where you can find templates for key account management. These templates often include features like customer profiling, account segmentation, relationship mapping, and sales forecasting. Remember to customize any template to fit your specific needs and business context.

Tool highlights

Pareto analysis.

Pareto Analysis is a critical tool for resource-stretched managers. This visualization helps the account manager determine the vital few accounts from the trivial many. Managers will want to focus efforts on the vital few because, in this scenario, 20% of the top clients generate 80% of the revenue. In this slide, the x-axis represents the individual accounts, while the Y-axis is the amount of revenue generated. The line chart is the cumulative impact curve, which helps determine which accounts to prioritize. If managers work hardest on the account that has the highest cumulative impact, they can get the highest percentage of positive ROI in return. (Slide 4)

How does Pareto Analysis align with the concept of digital transformation in account management?

Pareto Analysis aligns with the concept of digital transformation in account management by enabling a more data-driven and efficient approach to managing accounts. Digital transformation often involves the use of advanced analytics tools to gain insights and make informed decisions. Pareto Analysis, which is based on the principle that 20% of the accounts generate 80% of the revenue, can be digitized and automated to identify key accounts that need to be prioritized. This allows account managers to focus their efforts on the most valuable accounts, thereby maximizing ROI. The digitalization of this process can lead to increased efficiency, accuracy, and productivity.

What is the significance of the cumulative impact curve in Pareto Analysis?

The cumulative impact curve in Pareto Analysis is significant as it helps in determining which accounts to prioritize. It represents the cumulative effect of the top accounts on the total revenue. By focusing on the account that has the highest cumulative impact, managers can achieve the highest percentage of positive Return on Investment (ROI). This curve is a visual tool that assists in distinguishing the 'vital few' accounts from the 'trivial many', thereby guiding resource allocation and strategic decision-making.

Can you explain how the visualization of Pareto Analysis assists account managers in prioritizing their efforts?

The visualization of Pareto Analysis assists account managers in prioritizing their efforts by helping them identify the 'vital few' accounts from the 'trivial many'. The principle behind this is that 20% of the top clients generate 80% of the revenue. The x-axis of the Pareto chart represents individual accounts, while the Y-axis represents the amount of revenue generated. The line chart is the cumulative impact curve, which helps determine which accounts to prioritize. By focusing their efforts on the account that has the highest cumulative impact, account managers can achieve the highest percentage of positive ROI.

ABC analysis

With the same logic, Account managers can also use an ABC Analysis to divide accounts into tiers to prioritize accounts based on revenue impact. As a reminder, these dashboards all link up to Excel sheets where execs plug in their data. The example in this template has three years worth of data, but execs can edit the sheet to minimize or extend this range. (Slide 6)

How does Key Account Management contribute to the growth and recurring revenue of a business?

Key Account Management (KAM) plays a crucial role in the growth and recurring revenue of a business. It involves identifying, understanding, and catering to the specific needs and expectations of the most valuable customers. By doing so, it helps in building strong, long-term relationships with these key accounts, leading to customer retention and loyalty. This, in turn, ensures a steady stream of revenue. Moreover, satisfied key accounts often lead to referrals, bringing in new business opportunities. KAM also involves strategic planning and regular monitoring of key accounts, which helps in upselling and cross-selling products or services, thereby maximizing the revenue from these accounts.

How can the range of data in the template be adjusted according to the needs of the executives?

The range of data in the template can be adjusted according to the needs of the executives by editing the linked Excel sheets. The template is designed to be flexible and can accommodate different ranges of data. For instance, if the template has three years worth of data, executives can edit the sheet to minimize or extend this range as per their requirements.

What is the significance of prioritizing accounts based on revenue impact in Key Account Management?

Prioritizing accounts based on revenue impact in Key Account Management is significant because it allows businesses to focus their resources and efforts on the accounts that contribute the most to their revenue. This strategy helps in maximizing the value derived from these key accounts. It also aids in better retention of these accounts as they are given more attention and customized service. Furthermore, understanding the revenue impact can help in strategic planning and decision making.

Scoring matrix

A scoring matrix can help key account managers get more detailed on what's most important across harmony and growth. Two tables list all key accounts. The first table covers the growth potential, while the second table analyzes harmony with the company's strategic fit, culture, vision, and overall strategy. A weighting in the middle allows KAMs to grade each company's score based on specific factors. While growth is based on revenue, harmony is more of a qualitative rating system. Because Customer B is the highest, and managers have a limited amount of time, this assessment can help allocate time and prioritize accounts based on ROI and synergy. (Slide 3)

Can you explain the concept of 'harmony' in the context of Key Account Management?

In the context of Key Account Management, 'harmony' refers to the qualitative rating system that assesses the alignment between a key account and the company's strategic fit, culture, vision, and overall strategy. It's not about revenue or growth, but about how well the account fits with the company's direction and ethos. This assessment helps in prioritizing accounts and allocating resources effectively, based on the level of synergy and potential return on investment.

How does the Key Account Management presentation aid in maximizing the value of big customers?

The Key Account Management presentation aids in maximizing the value of big customers by providing tools and strategies for effective account management. It introduces a scoring matrix that helps key account managers prioritize accounts based on growth potential and harmony with the company's strategic fit, culture, vision, and overall strategy. This assessment helps allocate time and resources more efficiently, focusing on accounts that offer the highest return on investment and synergy.

What factors are considered in the growth potential and harmony analysis of key accounts?

In the growth potential and harmony analysis of key accounts, several factors are considered. For growth potential, the primary factor is revenue. The potential for revenue growth from the account is assessed. For harmony, it's more of a qualitative rating system. Factors such as the account's strategic fit with the company, the culture of the account, the vision of the account, and how well the account aligns with the company's overall strategy are considered. The aim is to prioritize accounts based on return on investment and synergy.

KA dashboard

In addition to what accounts to prioritize, select KPIs for account management need to be tracked so KAMs can assess their overall success. This visualization covers the total account overview, change over time, onboarding status, and an endangerment column to alert account managers of accounts with low engagement and a high risk of cancellation. In this example visualization, MRR is listed across three plans, while the premium service represents the upsell opportunity, but of course, this can all be customized.

How can the visualization tool in Key Account Management be customized according to specific needs?

The visualization tool in Key Account Management can be customized according to specific needs by selecting the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that need to be tracked. This allows Key Account Managers (KAMs) to assess their overall success. The tool can cover various aspects such as the total account overview, change over time, onboarding status, and an endangerment column to alert account managers of accounts with low engagement and a high risk of cancellation. For instance, in the provided example, Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is listed across three plans, while the premium service represents the upsell opportunity. However, these parameters can be customized according to the specific needs of the business.

How does the premium service represent the upsell opportunity in Key Account Management?

The premium service represents the upsell opportunity in Key Account Management by offering additional features or benefits that are not included in the basic or standard plans. This can be an effective strategy to increase the Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) from existing key accounts. By offering a premium service, companies can encourage their key accounts to upgrade their plans, thereby increasing the revenue generated from these accounts.

What does the endangerment column signify in the context of Key Account Management?

The endangerment column in the context of Key Account Management is a tool used to alert account managers about accounts that are at high risk. These accounts typically have low engagement and are at a high risk of cancellation. This column is crucial as it helps account managers to identify and focus on these accounts, and take necessary actions to improve engagement and prevent cancellation.

As KAMs know, onboarding an enterprise client is an important process. Managers can survey clients as to their satisfaction scores to assess where improvements can be made. The accounts and MRR at risk help Managers determine where the most value is at stake. Accounts at risk are listed by importance and the length of time they're in the queue, though managers can edit this to whatever quantifiable KPI is best to track their client's risk level. (Slide 24)

How does Key Account Management align with digital transformation initiatives in customer retention?

Key Account Management (KAM) aligns with digital transformation initiatives in customer retention by leveraging technology to enhance customer relationships. Digital tools can help KAMs track customer behavior, preferences, and feedback, enabling personalized service and improved customer satisfaction. Digital transformation can also streamline processes, making account management more efficient. For instance, CRM systems can automate tasks, freeing up KAMs to focus on strategic planning and relationship building. Furthermore, digital platforms can facilitate communication and collaboration, fostering stronger relationships with key accounts.

What are the practical applications of Key Account Management in the retail industry?

Key Account Management (KAM) in the retail industry has several practical applications. It helps in building strong relationships with the most valuable customers, ensuring their needs are met and their values are maximized. KAM can be used to identify and manage accounts at risk, thereby preventing loss of significant clients. It also aids in assessing customer satisfaction and making necessary improvements. Furthermore, KAM can be used to track key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor the client's risk level.

How does Key Account Management enhance business growth strategy?

Key Account Management (KAM) enhances business growth strategy by focusing on the retention and maximization of the most valuable customers. It involves understanding the needs and wants of key accounts, developing tailored services and solutions, and building strong, long-term relationships. This approach not only increases customer loyalty and satisfaction but also leads to opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, thereby driving revenue growth. Furthermore, KAM allows businesses to better allocate their resources, as they can prioritize their efforts towards accounts that offer the highest potential return.

Decision-making process

As a white-glove service, enterprise client management takes careful consideration, which is why KAMs need to understand their client's needs as well as the relevant stakeholders involved when purchase decisions need to get made. This slide uses an org chart visualization that color codes the quality of relationship with each stakeholder and delineates who reports to whom along with their decision-making power, so KAMs know where to dedicate resources to move the needle. The dotted line can be applied anywhere to account for any non-hierarchal influence, while the "0" plots key points of contact. Decision power is ranked from high to low. If the VP of Purchasing has a neutral opinion, but they have a high decision power ranking, this is the key stakeholder to manage and win over. (Slide 14)

Case study: Microsoft

Let's put these tools in context. Let's say you are a key account manager at Microsoft's Healthcare cloud division. Microsoft recently acquired Nuance for $19 billion dollars. This helped expand the company's client base, as Nuance already had 77% of US hospitals and 19 of the top 20 financial institutions as clients. Your main KPI as a key account manager is to grow the MRR of your current and, now, new clients. With Nuance, you can upsell new key accounts Azure, Teams, and Dynamic 365 services, as well as upsell recurring clients the new voice transcription and fraud prevention tools from Nuance.

Imagine the deal between Microsoft and the Mount Sinai Health System. The KAM has a good relationship with their contacts at Mount Sinai, but can't get them to commit to the full Azure cloud migration. The Exec Vice President needs to be convinced. They have a neutral opinion of Microsoft and the cloud. But the manager knows Accenture, who does consulting for Sinai, has a positive non-hierarchical relationship to the VP and can persuade her into Azure based on the additional cost-savings that could go back into the system's care. Once signed, as the largest health system in New York, this is a major account, so the KAM should then focus their attention on Sinai to ensure the onboarding process is as smooth as possible. Check out the explainer video above to see how the tools in this presentation could be used to help this process.

Want these tools to help your own key account management? You need this presentation. Download the Key Account Management template for more slides on the Decision Making Process for KA, Profit Matrix, KAM Charter, Account Retention, Rollout Timeline, Division Map, Team Responsibilities, and many more to save time and hours of work.

Key Account Management (KAM) Template

Not all of your clients provide the same value to your business. Your key accounts should have a low cost-to-revenue ratio with opportunity to grow in the future. A key account management (KAM) presentation helps teams identify their key accounts and nurture those relationships to their full potential. A successful KAM presentation can help teams create an actionable plan to closing and managing more meaningful deals. Teams can tell their story better with’s KAM presentation example.   

The customizable template has everything you need to define your target accounts, and outline your objectives, for a more favorable outcome. A successful key account management presentation can help sales teams put the processes in place for profitability. 

Our KAM template can also help you:

  • Focus sales efforts more effectively
  • Build better relationships with high-profile clients or customers
  • Optimize sales team results and increase revenue growth for the business

Use our key account management presentation template to create an effective investor presentation

A KAM presentation helps teams increase long-term customer value. That’s why our template includes everything sales teams need to nail their strategy for key account management. Tailoring this template to your own key account management presentation is simple. Whether you need to define your key accounts or outline an action plan, you can bring your visions to life with slides such as:

Title Slide

Pro tips to create your own KAM presentation

As you use this template to build your own KAM presentation, keep these do’s and don’ts in mind:

Showcase your key account’s information with pictures and data visualizations. Your team will retain more information when data is communicated in multiple ways.

There can’t be any wins if the goals aren’t clear from the beginning. Avoid clutter and stick to only the most relevant points so there’s no confusion when presenting to your sales team.

Use a Kanban, calendar, or countdown slide to make the action ideas and next steps obvious to your sales representatives. The modern layout will make it easy for teams to identify what their goals are and the priority of each.

This presentation is about your key accounts, so it should reflect their brand in the slides. Personalize the deck to include the company’s logos, branding, and photos for the point of contact(s).

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Key Account Management: The Ultimate Guide

Aja Frost

Published: February 28, 2023

A key account is one of your company's most valuable customers. These customers demonstrate value in a few ways:

key account manager meeting with a client

  • They represent a disproportionate percentage of revenue,
  • they refer new prospects to your company, and
  • they give your business credibility in their industry.

However, "value" is subjective, and your organization needs a strict way to define and execute key account management.

Free Access: Strategic Account Planning Template

In this comprehensive guide to key account management, you'll learn:

  • What Key Account Management is
  • The Role of a Key Account Manager (Including a Job Description Template)
  • Key Account Management Strategy (Including a Free Template)

How to Identify Key Accounts

Key account management best practices, what is key account management.

Key account management is a business strategy where an organization provides personnel and resources to valuable clients in order to develop a mutually beneficial relationship. The goal of key account management is to sustain or grow profits from these large accounts.

key account presentation

Free Account Management Template

A strategic template for your account-based marketing, sales, and management.

  • Key Business Initiatives
  • Account Competitor Analysis
  • Sales Opportunities, Targets & Risks

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Businesses that use key account management strategy reap great sales volume and long-lasting strategic relationships. Not to mention, they have a better opportunity to grow revenue from these accounts through upselling and cross-selling .

However, professional services firm BTS points out , key account programs can lead to increased costs and lower margins. That's the inevitable outcome of giving a customer greater resources and often your best discounts.

But don't be discouraged, the key to successful key account management is in the longevity of the clients, not the profit margins. Their tenure with your businesses (and the money that comes from it) more than makes up for the discounts here and there. This strategy is a perfect example of the Pareto Principle where 20% of the inputs bring in 80% of the results.

The benefits of key account management are only realized when you have the right staff in place. Let's look at the role of the key account manager and how they interact with the rest of the team.

Key Account Manager

A key account manager (KAM) is responsible for being a representative of the business to its most valuable clients. KAMs manage the key account, build strong relationships with the client, identify challenges or opportunities, and find ways to maintain success within the account.

Not only do KAMs find ways to address the client's challenges and opportunities, but they also create and present reports about the client's progress to key stakeholders.

Key Account Management Skills

  • Get to know the customer.
  • Cross-functional collaboration to benefit the customer.
  • Effective leadership of the key account team.
  • Coordination and planning of activities for complex accounts.
  • Strong business acumen.
  • Ability to use analytical skills to support a variety of clients.
  • Clear written and verbal communication skills.

Some companies assign their reps as key account managers to one or two customers. This setup isn’t ideal because selling and account management require different mindsets, skills, and objectives. Unless your team is prohibitively small, separate the sales and account manager roles.

A key account manager is focused on becoming critical to her customer's operations — not winning a deal.

Here are several unique skills critical to a key account manager's success:

1. Get to know the customer.

A key account manager must have an intimate, sophisticated understanding of her account's strategy, market position, finances, products, and organizational structure. Then, they’ll use this knowledge to make business cases showing how price changes, customization, and add-ons will add value.

2. Cross-functional collaboration to benefit the customer.

Key accounts don't usually buy off-the-shelf: They want a custom blend of products and services tailored to their needs. With that in mind, it's crucial a KAM can work across the organization to develop these offerings.

3. Effective leadership of the key account team.

A KAM needs leadership abilities to guide her team members (which might include a salesperson, marketer, technical support, implementation, and/or onboarding specialist).

4. Coordination and planning of activities for complex accounts.

Key account programs have a lot of moving parts. To be successful, KAMs should be capable of planning short-term and long-term plays, carrying them out, analyzing the outcomes, and applying those takeaways to their future strategies.

5. Strong business acumen.

A KAM should develop dynamic business acumen — an understanding of how a company makes money — to tell how its customers make money or keep tabs on any business changes.

With this knowledge, they'll be able to solidify their position as a trusted resource and advisor for their clients.

6. Ability to use analytical skills to support a variety of clients.

In addition to having business acumen, key account managers should have an analytical mindset. Their analytic skills will help them create and present business cases. They need to be able to think quickly and apply their knowledge to various clients and markets and be confident when presenting the information.

7. Clear written and verbal communication skills.

Key account managers are responsible for keeping clients and other stakeholders updated about any issues. Sometimes, these account managers are required to make oral presentations. As such, they need to be able to write and speak clearly.

Key Account Manager Job Description

Use this Key Account Manager job description to find and attract the most qualified candidates.

Key Account Manager Job Description

Key Account Manager vs. Account Manager

It's important to note, though, that key account managers differ from account managers. Account managers manage non-key clients that bring in less revenue or may not be an ideal product fit. Key account managers focus on only the most valuable clients of a business.

The relationship between account managers and key account managers is not hierarchical as account managers do not report to KAMs, but KAMs may sit in more senior-level roles on the same team or an adjacent team.

The Difference Between Key Account Management and Selling

Key account management and selling are very different. While a salesperson focuses on the short term — by necessity — a key account manager (KAM) prioritizes the future.

Sales reps also zero in on specific opportunities, while KAMs have broader goals, including collaborating with the customer on mutually beneficial projects, helping the customer meet their objectives, and making sure the customer is getting the necessary support.

If you're hiring a key account manager for the first time, one of the first duties they perform may be selecting the key accounts that they'll serve. There are many factors to consider when carrying out this task, but below, we get you started with some of the most common criteria.

SBI recommends choosing three to five selection criteria when identifying key accounts. This limitation allows your new KAM to focus on business need and impact.

Here is a list of 10 to choose from when identifying key accounts for your business:

  • Product Fit: The size of the target market that this client has access to who would use the product or service your company sells.
  • Average Transaction Size: The amount of money the account spends with your business, on average.
  • Revenue Potential: The amount of money the account could spend with your business in the future.
  • Purchasing Process: The process by which the client purchases your product. ie: Do they purchase with just one decision maker? Is there a group who decides what to purchase? How long does payment processing take?
  • Partner History & Potential: Are they currently or were they formerly a partner with your company? Do they have the potential to be a partner in the future?
  • Customer Tenure: The amount of time the account has been a client of your business.
  • Solvency: The account's financial ability to pay their debts.
  • Existing Relationships: The relationships the account has with other businesses that could potentially become your clients.
  • Cultural Fit: Alignment between the way in which the account treats their own customers, and staff as well as your staff.
  • Geographic Alignment: If applicable, the physical proximity to your business's headquarters or service centers.

Out of context, these metrics won't lead to a great list of key accounts. You'll want to develop a formula that weighs each criterion based on importance to your organization. Then, calculate how much potential there is to expand each account.

You can use a key account scoring matrix to identify your key accounts across these criteria. Simply evaluate each account based on the criteria you select and assign them a score from 1 to 10 in each category. The accounts with the highest scores will be your key accounts.

While it's tempting to label many customers as "key accounts" at once to alter your company’s trajectory significantly, it’s better to be conservative. You can't tell a key account they've been demoted, but you can tell a traditional buyer you're promoting them.

In addition, you don't want to overcommit yourself. Starting a KAM program requires organization-wide change, support from the C-suite, hiring and training employees, and implementing new processes. Starting small allows you to focus your efforts.

Key Account Management Strategy

  • Set objectives.
  • Deliver exceptional products and services.
  • Measure account growth outcomes.
  • Anticipate future account needs.

You've got a short list of your key accounts, and you've hired the right folks to be key account managers. Now, it's time to execute the strategy. But how do you do that?

This four-step process will guide you through a key account management strategy.

1. Set objectives.

Before you can share the great news with your customers that they're being promoted to key account status, you need to level-set expectations internally and externally. The way to do that is by setting key account management objectives.

This process works just like it would for any other strategy. Using the why, how, what objective-setting framework , you can get to the root motivation of having a key account management strategy and come out the other side with measurable results.

2. Deliver exceptional products and services.

Next, you've got to act on the objectives you've set by outlining how you'll deliver on those promises.

Whether you're selling physical products like clothing and accessories, or a pioneer of a new software-as-a-service, you want to have a sure way to deliver those products to your key accounts consistently.

Your key account manager is responsible for ensuring this happens and that the account is delighted every single time. This means they'll need to work closely with sales, service, and operations teams to get everyone on the same page for the key account.

It could also be worthwhile to set up key account-specific processes and procedures so that the client knows what to expect and your team knows how to deliver.

3. Measure account growth outcomes.

Over time, the end goal of a key account management strategy is to grow the account in terms of revenue and client-business relationship. This should be straightforward to measure because you can use the metrics that correlate to the criteria you used to select the key accounts in the first place.

For more quantitative criteria, like product-market fit, you can look at adoption or usage rate within the account to determine how useful your product or service is to the client.

4. Anticipate future account needs.

The strategy doesn't end with measurement, though. The final step is to bring it full circle by anticipating the future needs of the key account. If they're purchasing more units than they did before, there may not be any more opportunities for volume growth, but it's possible that the average transaction size has room to increase.

Or there may be an opportunity to have the key account beta test a new product or offering that would align closely with their target market.

The takeaway here is to keep the account engaged, even beyond monetary transactions. Remember, key account management is all about building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships, so be sure to think outside of the invoice when looking for ways to strengthen the relationship.

Key Account Management Plan Template

key account management plan template

Download Your Free Template Here

Is Key Account Management the Right Strategy for Your Business?

Despite the potential benefits of key account management to your bottom line, it's not a good fit for every organization.

Consider the following points before you go all-in on a key account strategy.

1. How transactional your current sales process is.

If your sales cycle is relatively short and your sales reps have minimal interactions with prospects, key account management probably isn't the right choice. Key accounts require consultative selling techniques — and it will be hard to teach your salespeople to adopt entirely new processes for just a few clients.

2. If your product has upsell and cross-sell potential.

There's little point in continuing a relationship with the customer after the sale if they're not going to buy more. (Obviously, you still want to provide excellent customer service and support to promote word-of-mouth marketing and high retention rates.)

3. Your ability to 'land and expand.’

The above rule has an exception: If you can get your foot in the door of the prospect's company and then grow the account by selling to other departments, offices, subsidiaries, etc., a key account strategy may be a good investment.

4. The competitive landscape you're facing.

A key account program can serve as a competitive advantage. For example, imagine your customer has narrowed down their choice of vendor to you and one another company. If you can promise to make them a key account — and your competition can't do the same — you're likely to win the deal.

5. Company capacity and resources.

Successful key account management depends on company-wide support, executive buy-in, and a dedicated key account team. You'll also need enough runway for an investment that might take 12, 24, or 36 months to recoup.

According to RAIN Group , the most significant difference between high-performing companies and everyone else is an effective account planning tool.

A key account plan helps you identify the most significant possibilities for growth, potential roadblocks, threats from the competition, and more.

You can tailor an existing framework to your own needs or create a customized plan.

Whatever option you take, your account plan should include:

  • Your relationships within the account
  • The customer's current business plan, objectives, and financial health
  • Your targets for the account
  • Your strategy for hitting those targets

Let's delve into each of those in more detail.


Map out every customer stakeholder . This information will help you figure out which relationships you need to build and maintain — as well as anyone who could potentially derail your plans.

Note each person's title, role in the decision-making process, how much contact you've had within them, and how "friendly" they are.

Customer's Business

To provide value to the account and find mutually beneficial opportunities, you need an in-depth, sophisticated understanding of their business.

Stay up-to-date on their key business goals, financial health, and current initiatives. You should also regularly run a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, external Opportunities, external Threats) analysis.

Account Goals

This section should cover how much this account is currently worth, which opportunities you've lost, won, where you see potential revenue growth and your projected value for those opportunities.

It should also outline your short-, mid-term, and long-term goals and the owner of each. For example, maybe your sales engineering team is responsible for getting a meeting with the CTO by January. A less immediate goal might be getting 60% of a new department using the free version of your tool. Your ultimate objective is to transform the entire department into paying users.

Account Strategy

This section is arguably the most important. It takes your goals (in other words, your account wishlist) and breaks down the actions you need to take to reach them.

Use the same structure you used for your objectives: Short-term, mid-term, and long-term.

To give you an idea, the key steps you'll take for your January meeting with the CTO might be:

  • Strengthen relationship with VP of Engineering
  • Develop compelling value proposition for meeting with CTO
  • Ask VP to request a meeting with CTO on your behalf

The more specific and actionable these actions are, the better. Strategic account management involves juggling several initiatives, priorities, and campaigns at one time. Without clear direction, your team will go off in a thousand directions. Plus, you can continuously adapt your strategy down the line if something changes.

Wondering how to get the optimal results? Follow these best practices.

  • Select the right accounts.
  • Build a dedicated team.
  • Consistently measure account performance.
  • Invest in the right tools.

1. Select the right accounts.

A winning strategy hinges on being selective. Make sure you pick the right key accounts and apply the same criteria to each one.

Regularly review your key accounts to verify they still require additional time, energy, and resources. If they perform as expected to justify the resource allocation, then continue on. However, if for some reason they are underperforming or the account no longer feels like a good use of additional resources, you may want to consider scaling back.

Additionally, keep track of non-key accounts. For example, if a customer is about to experience significant growth, they may qualify as a strategic account. Courting them now will earn you their loyalty before any other company in the space.

Periodically assess your selection criteria. Are your current key accounts generating as much ROI as you anticipated? If not, it could be a sign you're using the wrong measures.

2. Build a dedicated team.

Even the best KAMs can’t get the job done alone. Ideally, the KAM role is not performed by someone who has sales rep duties on their plate simultaneously.

Each account manager should have a cross-functional support team to support the proper execution of deliverables related to the client’s account. These teams should include a range of skills, disciplines, and expertise to serve your clients well.

If possible, name an executive sponsor to each account. They can play a significant role in getting the necessary resources, connecting with the C-suite at the target account, and providing high-level guidance.

3. Consistently measure account performance.

What gets measured gets done, so staying on top of account performance is critical for success. Set a cadence for internal account reviews. Depending on the team size, account’s value, and the relationship’s dynamic, these might be weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

Consistently measure the account's engagement and loyalty. Both should trend upward. From here, you should also schedule recurring check-ins with the client to get their feedback, address any issues, and find areas for improvement.

4. Invest in the right tools.

Having the right tools in place can make the job of a KAM a lot easier and more effective. For example, use a CRM to keep track of your communication with the account stakeholders, give everyone on the account team visibility into what's happening, and minimize duplication of effort across the team.

If you are having a hard time getting responses to your emails, implementing an email tracking and notification tool can help. This type of tool will let you know precisely when your recipients open your emails and click any links.

Use LinkedIn (either the free version or LinkedIn Navigator ) to monitor changes in your account's market and industry, strategic shifts, hiring and firing decisions, and more.

Eliminate back-and-forth emails about meeting scheduling by using a meetings tool to make the process seamless for the attendees.

You can also try investing in a video platform such as Loom so you can create personalized videos for prospecting and relationship-building.

Grow Your Business With a Key Account Management Strategy

A well-planned, comprehensive key account management strategy won't just keep your best customers satisfied — it will also provide opportunities to grow the relationship exponentially. As a result, your retention rates and bottom line will both benefit.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Key Account Management Strategy Presentation Templates

A Key Account Management (KAM) Strategy presentation is essential for managing and nurturing relationships with key clients or accounts. It enables organizations to allocate resources efficiently, identify growth opportunities, and enhance customer satisfaction and retention.

Our customizable KAM presentation templates help you present your strategies, goals, and action plans effectively, fostering collaboration between your sales team and clients to drive business profitability.

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Tips to create an effective key account management presentation

Executive Summary

Offer a comprehensive overview of the topics covered in the presentation to enhance stakeholder engagement and understanding.

Define Key Objectives

Clearly articulate the primary objectives and goals of the key account management strategy to ensure alignment and understanding among stakeholders.

Foster Collaboration

Highlight the significance of collaboration and partnership between your organization and key accounts. Promote open communication, feedback, and mutual support to strengthen relationships.

Comprehensive Regional Overview

Provide an in-depth overview of the region to underscore its importance. Share pertinent financial details such as market share and revenue to enhance comprehension.

Feedback For Improvement

Encourage feedback from stakeholders, including key accounts and internal teams, to pinpoint areas for enhancement. Stress the value of continuous refinement and adaptation in the key account management approach.

Effective strategy presentations play a crucial role in guiding organizations toward their goals, aligning teams, and securing buy-in from stakeholders. Learn how to craft compelling strategy presentations that inspire action and drive success with our comprehensive guide.

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A company's most valuable customers are referred to as 'key accounts.' Download our precise, unique, and 100% authentic Key Account Management PPT template to demonstrate your ideas to sustain and increase the number of customers that are of utmost importance. The stunning illustrations in our deck are a visual bliss for your corporate presentations. 

Our extensive collection of PowerPoint slides comprises all related information to the topics. 

  • The tasks and objectives of a key account manager are depicted with the help of a captivating infographic. 
  • A beautiful wheel diagram showcases various components of the strategic key account management (KAM) plan. 
  • A stunning rocket diagram explains the 3 steps approach to KAM. 
  • The key account management framework is illustrated via a colorful tree diagram. 
  • A stunning pyramid diagram depicts KAM analysis, implementation, integration, and foundation. 
  • A circular diagram demonstrates the key account management process.
  • An attractive infographic with an appealing icon provides information about KAM training. 
  • The function involved in KAM has been showcased with an eye-catchy illustration. In the provided text placeholder, you can add the desired text.

Professionals from different domains can leverage these slides to showcase a variety of information about the key account management process. For instance, business analysts can depict various phases of key account management, including planning, business relations, customer contact, negotiating and coordination, the market position of the company, etc. You can also illustrate strategies to be implemented in each phase to make customers feel more valued.

Sizing Charts

Size XS S S M M L
EU 32 34 36 38 40 42
UK 4 6 8 10 12 14
US 0 2 4 6 8 10
Bust 79.5cm / 31" 82cm / 32" 84.5cm / 33" 89.5cm / 35" 94.5cm / 37" 99.5cm / 39"
Waist 61.5cm / 24" 64cm / 25" 66.5cm / 26" 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32"
Hip 86.5cm / 34" 89cm / 35" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38" 101.5cm / 40" 106.5cm / 42"
UK/US 34 36 38 40 42 44
Neck 37cm / 14.5" 38cm /15" 39.5cm / 15.5" 41cm / 16" 42cm / 16.5" 43cm / 17"
Chest 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38" 101.5cm / 40" 106.5cm / 42" 111.5cm / 44"
Waist 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32" 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38"
Seat 90cm / 35.4" 95cm / 37.4" 100cm / 39.4" 105cm / 41.3" 110cm / 43.3" 115cm / 45.3"

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Key Account Management

Milind katti.

COO & Co-Founder, DemandFarm

Complete Guide to Key Account Management (KAM)

Learn the A to Z of Key Account Management or KAM in this Complete Guide to Key Account Management created by DemandFarm. Use the table of content to easily navigate through the topics covered within the article.

KAM Glossary: Crucial Account Management Terms Explained

What is key account management (kam).

KAM is the process of managing and growing a company’s most important B2B customer and large accounts in a systematic way to maximize value for both organizations. This involves strategic efforts to deeply understand client needs, forge long-term loyalty beyond transactions, and strengthen relationships over time.

Key Account Management (or just “KAM”) is about unlocking the potential of your best 20% of customers, driving 80% of your revenue.

So, what does KAM do? It does quite a few things:

  • It sets up a clear method to look into, plan for, and manage these key accounts organizationally.
  • It helps put together strategies that work, by getting everyone involved, both inside and outside your company.
  • It’s great for strengthening your relationships with the most important people, helping you find more opportunities to sell more or sell different products.
  • And it makes a big difference in turning potential sales into actual sales and in making better predictions about future sales.

In practice, it’s smart for companies to have different plans for managing their key accounts based on how much money they bring in. So, you’d treat your top 20-30% of accounts differently from your mid-tier ones (the middle 50-60%) and your bottom 20-30%.

An exciting new trend is identifying “greenfield” key accounts even before they become customers. By mapping their acquisition journey and growth potential, you can align your sales and marketing to a “land and expand” approach. This focuses on getting a foot in the door with a small deal at first, and then growing the account over time.

In the past three years, “land and expand” has emerged as the go-to model for making the most of your key relationships over the long term.

Download Now: 9 Steps to Build a Rock-Solid Key Account Management Process

Why key account management.

“How many accounts should one account manager handle?” Well, without a solid Key Account Management (KAM) strategy, we usually see managers juggle anywhere from 20-50 accounts and valuable clients.

And here’s the catch—with a packed roster like that, managers spend all their time reacting to opportunities at play. They rarely get to step back, build deeper relationships, or craft more strategic plans that boost growth within accounts.

Now, key accounts tend to be huge complex organizations—think multiple subsidiaries, offices, and buyer groups. It takes a special approach to handle ecosystems like those. In some cases, we’ve even seen companies assign multiple account teams just for mega-giants like Amazon. You might have a Global Key Manager, then Regional Managers drilling into specific areas.

When account volumes are crazy high, setting goals across different internal teams also gets tough. How can you team up to better serve key accounts when everyone’s underwater already?

When Key Account Managers have just ~5 accounts max, that finally allows them to get hyper-focused. They can build trust, spot new opportunities, and grow sustainably.

The other piece is leadership oversight into KAM. You have to implement rock-solid governance processes—how else will execs know what’s working and what’s not? Sales ops and enablement teams depend on those insights to properly support account management strategies.

So in plain terms, by focusing your best players on just a few VIP accounts, you make big gains possible. But it only works if there’s discipline around goal-setting and performance tracking too. 

Whitepaper: The Impact of Digital Key Account Management on Sales Enablement

What is the difference between key account management and sales.

Sales is all about winning new opportunities. Enterprises usually ask their Salespeople to follow a particular methodology or process to close large deals that span multiple quarters/years. The most common methodologies are MEDDIC, SPIN, and Challenger Sales, among others. Organizations need a  strong Opportunity Management framework to track gaps in their opportunity life cycle and enable their sales teams to sell better.

On the other hand, successful key account management is not just about winning opportunities but also about looking at the big picture for large complex accounts . Key Account Management involves creating growth strategies that should result in the following:

  • Identifying growth whitespaces
  • Improving relationships with key stakeholders
  • Increased collaboration between internal and external stakeholders to create actionable plans

Each organization strives to position itself as a partner rather than a vendor to its enterprise customers. Key Account Management guides Account Managers to think strategically at every step and brings them closer to achieving this goal!

In Sales you ‘sell’. In Key Account Management you help customers ‘buy’.

Read more: Sales vs. Account Management: The Relationship between Sales and Account Management

4 important key account management stages of relationship (with key accounts).

Key account management (KAM) is very much concerned with managing relationships with your valuable customers. It is important to understand these relationships, which vary from simple, transactional forms to intimate and complex liaisons. Both the key account manager and the supplier organization need to know what kind of relationship they have with each customer and, therefore, what they can and cannot do with it.

1. Tactical Relationship

Think of this stage as the early days of getting to know someone. It’s new, maybe a bit transactional, with conversations mainly revolving around pricing. You’re just one of the many options they’re checking out. Communication is usually between one person from each side, and things are pretty casual. Exiting the relationship? Not a big deal at this point.

It’s fine if some accounts love to stay in this casual phase. Some just aren’t into long-term commitments or don’t see a big future. But if you sense there’s potential for something more, it’s worth exploring ways to deepen the connection.

2. Cooperative Relationship

More people from both sides start working together to fulfill orders, so there’s some operational chemistry building. But the client still compares your prices to competitors and could leave if they find better deals. You’ve invested time and effort but haven’t seen major account growth or cost savings yet.

It’s ok to remain at this stage if the ‘account’ is low to medium potential. If the ‘account’ has high potential, evaluate the effectiveness of the previous investments & fine-tune the investments to build better relationships. The returns on these investments might not be evident yet, but you should be on the path to realizing the returns in terms of cost savings, more business, or both.

3. Interdependent Relationship

The client only buys your type of product/service from you and starts involving you in their planning. Your teams collaborate openly. You understand and meet their needs so well they’d struggle to replace you. The effort pays off with rising revenue and profits. Sweet!

The account is now very profitable & you can also forecast sales acceleration or increased business in the medium to long term. If the account does not have high potential, you may want to relook at the investments being made & recalibrate.

4. Strategic Relationship

This is the highest stage of a relationship where you and the account have arrived at a win-win, long-term key account management strategy together. The exit barriers to the relationship are very high & exit will be traumatic. The interactions between you and the account are at all levels & very open. 

The account is very profitable & you have long-term visibility of business growth. If the account has high potential, then this is the ideal stage. If the potential is not high, you may want to rethink investing in building this relationship.

What is the role of a key account manager?

Key account managers are like relationship superheroes for a company’s VIP customers. Their main gig is to maintain strong, trusting connections with those top-tier clients. These precious accounts deserve special handling and tons of TLC!

Savvy companies recognize the need for key account management consulting to ensure their program gets off on the right foot. By tapping external expertise, they benchmark best practices for training their key account managers, drafting strategies, building governance protocols, and focusing on customer satisfaction.

On any given day, a key account manager may:

  • Check in regularly with important customers and decision-makers at their designated key accounts to address needs and concerns. They’ve got their finger on the pulse!
  • Face down issues head-on to keep their clients happy. Whether tackling challenges, solving problems, or finding growth opportunities, they’re on it.
  • Coordinate with sales, service and operations teams internally to deliver on promises made to their accounts. Can’t drop the ball with high-stakes clients!
  • Brainstorm innovative solutions to help their clients achieve business goals. Their success fuels key account success.

Key account managers have to juggle two huge priorities:

  • Building rock-solid, trust-based relationships so clients never want to leave for competitors.
  • Expanding on those relationships by continuously implementing value-driving solutions. More goals met = tighter bonds!

Great key account managers thrive on forging invaluable partnerships between their company and privileged clients.

Top 4 Key Account Management Best Practices

Key Account Management or Strategic Account Management is the most effective, profitable management of your most important assets. It drives the profitability of B2B companies, and having a Key Account Strategy is the heart of any successful business in this sector.

One should remember the following best practices to succeed with their Key Account Management strategy.

Watch Now: The Changing Role of Technology in Key Account Management

Smart suppliers are keen to implement KAM., Sadly, however, many KAM implementations fail and are abandoned.

The following are the top 4 things to keep in mind when it comes to your Key Account Management strategy.

1. Focus on the customers that matter most

Identify your cream-of-the-crop accounts with the biggest growth potential. We’re talking maybe 50-100 enterprise customers max. Resist tagging every big spender as “key”—it’ll spread your team too thin.

As per an HBR report, Corporations like Xerox keep the number of true key accounts below 100, and they have far greater resources than most and have been practicing KAM for years.

To get started with the Account Planning template , you need to identify some key accounts and develop a criterion or model that differentiates them from the rest of the customer base.

Download Now:  Key Account Management Scorecard Template to Identify Key Accounts

Use a framework to map accounts based on relationship strength and revenue opportunities. Prioritize those classified as ‘Strategic’ and ‘Rising Stars.’ They represent future profit if you tend them properly now.

  • Strategic: Invest in mindshare and ensure profitability
  • Star: Invest time & money. Need not be profitable yet.
  • Status: Maintain the status quo.
  • Streamline: Manage for profitability.

Key accounts need not necessarily be the customers who are paying you the most. They are usually the customers with the maximum potential to buy new and additional products or services in the future. The customers are most likely to be consistent and loyal and so represent significant value in the long term.

2. Relationship is the key

KAM is really about relationship-building with your key customers. Get to know key clients’ structures, pain points, and priorities at multiple levels. Become their trusted advisor, not just another vendor.

Tools like org charts and white space analysis uncover chances to resolve issues through better solutions. This strengthens loyalty and partnerships. KAM wishes to see buyers consider the seller a skilled partner, not a vendor. To be a skilled partner, understanding the client is of utmost importance. 

Knowing the organization hierarchy of your client helps you learn about the internal hierarchies of your customer. Using a   tool like Org Chart (Salesforce-native) can be an efficient way to understand such internal dynamics within your client organization.

3. Look for opportunity

The best way to help key accounts expand is through upsells or new offerings . Closer bonds give insights into the challenges they face. Address those, and you’ll organically grow deal size over time.

To make the most of the potential to cross-sell existing Key Accounts, you need a strong strategy and strategic account plans to bring best practices to your Key Account Managers and salespeople. 

An additional focus should be about providing customers with something that will benefit them. You might be disappointed if you push unrelated products.

Use the relationships you have already established with your clients to ask questions, find out about the issues they are encountering,  and look for ways to resolve those by making improvements to your existing products or developing new ones. 

White space analysis can help you in white space mapping to find opportunities and improve sales intelligence.

4. Choosing the right solution

Choosing the right digital account planning solution to implement these Key Account Management best practices is also a crucial aspect.

Here are a few things to keep in mind for the ideal digital account planning solution

  • Visual heat maps
  • Relationship intelligence
  • In-App account reviews
  • Opportunity planning
  • Reporting and insights
  • Communication trend reports

If one decides to adopt these Key Account Management best practices, then knowing its business impact is important.

Guide: 7 Must-Have Features To Look For in an Account Planning Tool

Business impact of key account management consulting .

Implementing a solid key account management (KAM) program has major perks – we’re talking big revenue gains and tighter customer bonds.

But pulling it off isn’t easy. Many leaders realize they need key account management consulting to help get set up for success. External experts bring best practices for identifying VIP accounts, training account managers, and tracking growth.

The core benefits of seasoned KAM ultimately boil down to:

1. Key Account Retention

Losing a key account can seriously sting! We’re talking about major dents in revenue and piles of cash spent replacing them. Strong KAM nurtures your most precious B2B relationships to avoid nasty departures.

Key Account Management helps you identify and nurture your most important client relationships, hence ensuring their retention.

2. Increased Revenue

By truly understanding key accounts’ needs, you uncover upsell and cross-sell opportunities at every turn. Meet those needs, and you organically expand dealings over time. Ka-ching!

While it may seem like Key account management is a long and cumbersome process, there are ways to kickstart your journey. Having a step-by-step approach to managing your key accounts and building them up can positively impact your revenue in the long run. Not to mention, customer retention increases significantly.

A few important parts of implementing a key account management process include –

  • Identifying key accounts
  • Finding the right key account management champions
  • Setting the right metrics and goals for the short-term and long-term
  • Lay out clear plans of action

1. Getting Started:

In this state, you have impaired relationship intelligence. Your primary focus should be knowing who to look at and which key accounts to consider. You don’t have visibility into client organization, hierarchy, or power. So, you can’t leverage decision-makers in your biggest accounts.

2. Nascent State:

You might already have relationship intelligence but lack standardized account planning in this state. Your data is still in silos, and you don’t have a lot of visibility into it. Planning across the organization is disparate, leading to growth bottlenecks.

3. Budding State:

In this state, you already have a mature practice of account planning,  and you wanna get more from digital account planning solutions. This may include monitoring competition and building proactive plans to counter threats.

4. Blooming State:

Although you have matured account planning in this state, you lack focused opportunity planning . Prone to improper prioritization, you have no standardized opportunity management practices in place, which makes wins more unpredictable.

Being aware of your experience and maturity level helps in having a phased approach to key account management in your digital transformation journey.

Learn More: Opportunity Planner by DemandFarm boosts tracking capabilities in 65+ opportunities for Dairy MAX

Being aware of your experience, and maturity level helps in having a phased approach to Key Account Management in your digital transformation journey .

Key Account Management Strategy Analysis

Crafting killer key account management plans takes some strategic jujitsu. You need to get inside the minds of your key customers to understand their goals and frustrations. What do they want? How do they desire for you to collaborate? Look beyond the sales numbers to nurture trust and loyalty over the long haul.

And your approach cannot become stale over time. Client priorities evolve, so your playbook has to keep up. That is why regularly reviewing and reinventing your KAM process matters. Identify what is clicking with key accounts and what is falling flat so you can adjust the course.

This is where tapping external key account management consulting experts pays off. They benchmark your program against leading practices, highlighting gaps and opportunities. An objective outside perspective lends clarity.

You also must regularly track progress against both short and long-term performance targets. Monitoring metrics like deals closed or account growth spotlights how well the relationship is working and when to pivot. The ultimate reward? Building key partnerships where both sides mutually gain over the years.

But do not just measure financial figures. Also, gauge the strength of connections through surveys and one-on-one talks. At its heart, KAM succeeds by making accounts feel understood and valued. This lasting trust makes weathering market squalls easier.

Closing notes

In summary, key account management requires mixing the hard facts with the soft stuff – crunching numbers AND taking the relationship’s pulse. Adjust the formula based on what key accounts want to stay satisfied. Happy selling! 

Watch Now:  Anees Merchant, EVP, Global Growth from Course5i sharing their experience around building processes & strategies for Key Account Management.

Ready to discuss your Account Management Needs?

Talk to our product expert, about the author.

Milind is the COO & Co-Founder of DemandFarm. He co-founded DemandFarm to build smart software technology to bring Account Planning and Relationship Intelligence into your CRM, making Key Account Management data-driven, predictable and scalable.Milind has close to 25 years of experience in sales & marketing. He is an Electronics & Communication Engineer with MBA in Marketing. He enjoys long-distance running, loves reading history, and above all else, he is a humanist.

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(10 Editable Slides)

Managerial Accounting PPT Cover Slide

Managerial Accounting PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

Management Accounting Cover PPT Slide

Management Accounting

Finance and Accounting PPT Slide 1

Finance and Accounting

Global Account Management PPT Slide 1

Global Account Management

We bring to you an entire set of pre-designed PowerPoint Key Account Management Template. Since the vertical is important and the concept is challenging, proper visualization is must. With our professionally built slides not only your task will get easier and less time consuming, you'll also be able to explain with better emphasis on the main points.

The set is perfect for all the related ideas and concepts. You can use it for explaining all the major components. Want to explain why it is useful to view the key account as separate entities from those associated with smaller revenues? Or want to focus on the importance of limiting the number of key account and protecting them uncontrolled or ill-handled list of account growing up continuously? Say, you want to communicate how focusing on these as institutional partners can lead to better future and innovation.

Though Key Account Management is slightly a difficult term to describe as different people defines it in different manner, yet to give it a simpler and clearer definition, one can say that it is a customer-oriented coordination unit established within a business firm or company that consolidates only the activities associated with the firm or company's very important customers. In other words it is a systematic approach of managing and growing a set of most crucial customers of any particular organization in order to maximize its mutual value as well as to achieve mutually beneficial goals.

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key account management

Crash course in key account management: How to improve your KAM strategy

Lucid Content

Reading time: about 4 min

What is key account management?

The strategic approach companies take to manage and grow its most important customers. By implementing a KAM strategy, you create opportunities for both you and your clients to sustain and grow your businesses—as well as opportunities to bring in more revenue.

Every organization has a different definition of key account management (KAM). In general, the term refers to the strategic approach companies take to manage and grow its most important customers, but the way each company determines who their key customers are, how to approach them, and what they’d like to gain will change dramatically.

If you haven’t created a key account sales strategy specifically for your business and your clients—or if you are looking for ways to improve your current key account management process—take a look at our tips below.

key account management strategy overview

Advantages of key account management

As we stated previously, key account management is the approach a company or salesperson takes to manage and grow an organization’s most important accounts. The ultimate purpose of KAM is to develop long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with specific businesses in order to meet strategic goals and optimize value in both companies.

Why does your company need a key account sales strategy? By implementing a KAM strategy, you create opportunities for both you and your clients to sustain and grow your businesses—as well as opportunities to bring in more revenue. A solid KAM process gives you the opportunity to not only create a stronger relationship with valued clients but also to mitigate competition, as you’ll have a strong enough relationship to withstand almost anything the competition can throw at you.

Additionally, by having a key account sales strategy in place, you can:  

  • Maximize sales velocity.
  • Increase the average size of sales deals.
  • Boost customer loyalty.
  • Become valued partners to your clients.
  • Develop and improve business relationships.
  • Generate awareness for your company.
  • Report pertinent data.

4 ways to improve your key account management process

Whether you have your process nailed down or are just starting to use key account management, keep these best practices in mind to improve your overall strategy.

1. Choose your key accounts carefully

You can’t choose just any of your clients as key accounts. You’re going to spend a lot of time and company resources on this account, so choose an account you think will significantly benefit your company and deliver a large amount of revenue. This process may involve researching your client's current business plan, objectives, and overall financial health.

When researching your clients, pay close attention to the clients who are more likely to grow with you in the future or have been the most consistent and loyal. If you’re unsure about an account, ask yourself, “If we lost this account, how difficult would it be to fill the revenue gap?” If filling that revenue gap would be almost impossible, then that account should be designated as a key account.

As part of the qualification process, you can use Lucidchart to create a profit matrix and determine which clients would be the most profitable to invest in.

profit matrix

2. Prioritize your key accounts

Once you have determined which accounts you should focus on, you should prioritize them based on potential profit and aligned interests. Use the matrix below to determine the type of key account management that will fit each client.

key account strategies matrix

3. Become an expert on the account members

As part of your KAM strategy, you’ll want to ensure that you have a firm grasp on the key players within an account. Early on, you’ll want to know who the strong influencers and potential buyers are in order to optimize your time. And don’t limit yourself to just one point of contact within the business—nothing puts an account at greater risk than having just one contact. Studies show that businesses rarely sell to just one individual; rather, they sell to a group of decision makers who hold different positions throughout their entire company. Part of a strong key account sales strategy should involve contacting each of these decision makers and discussing the benefits of your solution.

Your contact list can get pretty long—and complicated. To keep your contacts organized, build out an influencer map. This visual will help you figure out whom to talk to, where they fit in the company hierarchy, and with whom you should align to improve your business relationship.

Influencer map template

4. Add value through insight

As previously mentioned, one of the primary objectives of key account management is to build lasting relationships that benefit both your company and the business. Strengthen your relationship by showing how you can add value to your client’s company. Adding value can happen in various ways, such as saving the company money, bringing in more revenue, managing risk, mitigating competition, and building deeper relationships with account members.

As you continue to invest in the success of your partners, you’ll help each other to add innovation and value, which ultimately results in both you and your clients becoming deeply invested in each other’s future. When you develop this kind of partnership, both parties have a better chance at success.

key account presentation

Learn how account maps can help you visualize and manage key accounts.

About Lucidchart

Lucidchart, a cloud-based intelligent diagramming application, is a core component of Lucid Software's Visual Collaboration Suite. This intuitive, cloud-based solution empowers teams to collaborate in real-time to build flowcharts, mockups, UML diagrams, customer journey maps, and more. Lucidchart propels teams forward to build the future faster. Lucid is proud to serve top businesses around the world, including customers such as Google, GE, and NBC Universal, and 99% of the Fortune 500. Lucid partners with industry leaders, including Google, Atlassian, and Microsoft. Since its founding, Lucid has received numerous awards for its products, business, and workplace culture. For more information, visit

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Account Plan Key Account Management Ppt Icon

Account Plan Key Account Management Ppt Icon

This is a account plan key account management ppt icon. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are account plan, key account management, goals terminologies and concept, identification of key customer, organization and key account team.

Key Account Management Template Ppt Sample

Key Account Management Template Ppt Sample

This is a key account management template ppt sample. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are implementation, resourcing, tools, key accounts management.

Objectives Of Key Account Management Brochure PDF

Objectives Of Key Account Management Brochure PDF

This slide shows the goals and objectives of key account management in the company. The major objectives of KAM are to increase repeated business, to understand key account future growth, to increase client share, to monitor market trends, to ensure customer satisfaction etc. Slidegeeks is here to make your presentations a breeze with Objectives Of Key Account Management Brochure PDF With our easy to use and customizable templates, you can focus on delivering your ideas rather than worrying about formatting. With a variety of designs to choose from, you are sure to find one that suits your needs. And with animations and unique photos, illustrations, and fonts, you can make your presentation pop. So whether you are giving a sales pitch or presenting to the board, make sure to check out Slidegeeks first.

KAM Evaluation Procedure In The Organization Key Account Management Report Background PDF

KAM Evaluation Procedure In The Organization Key Account Management Report Background PDF

This slide provides information about the key account management report showing account name, grade, account region, account plan type, account status and action plan. Formulating a presentation can take up a lot of effort and time, so the content and message should always be the primary focus. The visuals of the PowerPoint can enhance the presenters message, so our KAM Evaluation Procedure In The Organization Key Account Management Report Background PDF was created to help save time. Instead of worrying about the design, the presenter can concentrate on the message while our designers work on creating the ideal templates for whatever situation is needed. Slidegeeks has experts for everything from amazing designs to valuable content, we have put everything into KAM Evaluation Procedure In The Organization Key Account Management Report Background PDF

Key Account Management Model Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographics Mockup Cpb

Key Account Management Model Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographics Mockup Cpb

Presenting this set of slides with name key account management model ppt powerpoint presentation infographics mockup cpb. This is an editable Powerpoint five stages graphic that deals with topics like key account management model to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint. Download this now and use it in your presentations to impress your audience.

Key Management Of Business Process Management Rules Pdf

Key Management Of Business Process Management Rules Pdf

This slide outlines capabilities needed for process management aimed at optimizing workflow and improve productivity to remove any obstacles faced by businesses. It covers clear vision, response to market changes, easy communication, support for changes and process ownership. Pitch your topic with ease and precision using this Key Management Of Business Process Management Rules Pdf. This layout presents information on Clear Business Vision, Easy Communication, Support Changes . It is also available for immediate download and adjustment. So, changes can be made in the color, design, graphics or any other component to create a unique layout. This slide outlines capabilities needed for process management aimed at optimizing workflow and improve productivity to remove any obstacles faced by businesses. It covers clear vision, response to market changes, easy communication, support for changes and process ownership.

Key Account Management Aim Diagram Powerpoint Ideas

Key Account Management Aim Diagram Powerpoint Ideas

This is a key account management aim diagram powerpoint ideas. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are portfolio and standard solutions, key account management, operating business, strategic partnership.

Key Account Management Best Practices Background PDF

Key Account Management Best Practices Background PDF

This slide provides information about the key account management best practices in the company along with its status followed or not. Various best practices related to account management are selecting right accounts, building a dedicated team, measuring account performance and implementing KAM tools. From laying roadmaps to briefing everything in detail, our templates are perfect for you. You can set the stage with your presentation slides. All you have to do is download these easy to edit and customizable templates. Key Account Management Best Practices Background PDF will help you deliver an outstanding performance that everyone would remember and praise you for. Do download this presentation today.

Key Account Marketing Approach Aligning Sales And Marketing Teams Formats PDF

Key Account Marketing Approach Aligning Sales And Marketing Teams Formats PDF

The purpose of this slide is to provide information regarding the analysis done on sales and marketing team on various alignment criteria such as organizational relationships, culture, pipeline management and lead generation, etc. Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative key account marketing approach aligning sales and marketing teams formats pdf bundle. Topics like value, measurements, metrics, organizational relationships, lead generation can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Strategic Account Methodology For Key Account Management Summary Pdf

Strategic Account Methodology For Key Account Management Summary Pdf

This slide shows strategic account plan for key account that focuses on expansion solution in future in a strategic manner. It include section such as clients key priorities, revenue streams and action plan etc Showcasing this set of slides titled Strategic Account Methodology For Key Account Management Summary Pdf The topics addressed in these templates are Revenue Streams, Action Plan, Business Overview All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting. This slide shows strategic account plan for key account that focuses on expansion solution in future in a strategic manner. It include section such as clients key priorities, revenue streams and action plan etc

Operating B2B Sales Abm Account Insights Checklist Demonstration PDF

Operating B2B Sales Abm Account Insights Checklist Demonstration PDF

Firm requires crucial information in context to target account. The information is in the form of market information, company financial health, buy in centers and account relationships. Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative operating b2b sales abm account insights checklist demonstration pdf bundle. Topics like competitors, key trends, growth drivers, organizational chart can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Step 8 Event Management Performance Strategies To Develop Successful Mockup Pdf

Step 8 Event Management Performance Strategies To Develop Successful Mockup Pdf

This slide showcases the key metrics that are tracked to measure event success. The indicators covered are registration trends, post survey responses, cost per attendee, NPS and conversion rate. This Step 8 Event Management Performance Strategies To Develop Successful Mockup Pdf from Slidegeeks makes it easy to present information on your topic with precision. It provides customization options, so you can make changes to the colors, design, graphics, or any other component to create a unique layout. It is also available for immediate download, so you can begin using it right away. Slidegeeks has done good research to ensure that you have everything you need to make your presentation stand out. Make a name out there for a brilliant performance. This slide showcases the key metrics that are tracked to measure event success. The indicators covered are registration trends, post survey responses, cost per attendee, NPS and conversion rate.

Key Account Management Strategy Diagram Ppt Sample

Key Account Management Strategy Diagram Ppt Sample

This is a key account management strategy diagram ppt sample. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are ceo level, executive level, business level, portfolio level.

Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Developing Sales Strategies Key Account Management Icons PDF

Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Developing Sales Strategies Key Account Management Icons PDF

This This slide provides glimpse about creating sales strategies for marketing and sales representatives of key account KA team. It includes strategies such as build strong relationships, collaborate on solutions, create customized proposals, etc. Boost your pitch with our creative Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Developing Sales Strategies Key Account Management Icons PDF. Deliver an awe-inspiring pitch that will mesmerize everyone. Using these presentation templates you will surely catch everyones attention. You can browse the ppts collection on our website. We have researchers who are experts at creating the right content for the templates. So you do not have to invest time in any additional work. Just grab the template now and use them.

Key Account Management Model Diagram Presentation Outline

Key Account Management Model Diagram Presentation Outline

This is a key account management model diagram presentation outline. This is a seven stage process. The stages in this process are vertriebssteuerung, tools, personal, organization, product service pakete, kundenportfolio management, ziele and terminologies.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n

Key Account Marketing Approach Managing Account Dashboard Sales Designs PDF

Key Account Marketing Approach Managing Account Dashboard Sales Designs PDF

The dashboard will provide overall scenario of all accounts and track various accounts activities based on average deal size, marketing qualified leads, etc. Deliver and pitch your topic in the best possible manner with this key account marketing approach managing account dashboard sales designs pdf. Use them to share invaluable insights on sales, account executive, marketing and impress your audience. This template can be altered and modified as per your expectations. So, grab it now.

Finance And Accounting Online Conversion Plan Strategic Direction Overview Template PDF

Finance And Accounting Online Conversion Plan Strategic Direction Overview Template PDF

The slide provides focus points and rationale related to the steps taken under strategic direction of the company. Additionally it provides key points to consider while following the steps. This is a Finance And Accounting Online Conversion Plan Strategic Direction Overview Template PDF template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on seven stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like Process Cost, Operating Errors, Support Services. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Investor Pitch Deck For Interim Financing Key Ratios Curren Return On Assets Debt To Equity Ratio Pictures PDF

Investor Pitch Deck For Interim Financing Key Ratios Curren Return On Assets Debt To Equity Ratio Pictures PDF

This slide provides a table of key ratios Current ratio, Deb to Equity Ratio, Return on Assets, Return on Investment etc. of the company.Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative investor pitch deck for interim financing key ratios curren return on assets debt to equity ratio pictures pdf bundle. Topics like current ratio times, interest coverage ratio times, debt to equity ratio, return on investment roi can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Funding Pitch Deck To Obtain Long Term Debt From Banks Key Senior Level Executives Of The Company Rules PDF

Funding Pitch Deck To Obtain Long Term Debt From Banks Key Senior Level Executives Of The Company Rules PDF

This slide show some of the senior members of the company along with their designation details and image. Presenting funding pitch deck to obtain long term debt from banks key senior level executives of the company rules pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on four stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like key senior level executives of the company. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

Key Account Management Illustration Powerpoint Guide

Key Account Management Illustration Powerpoint Guide

This is a key account management illustration powerpoint guide. This is a seven stage process. The stages in this process are control function, business relations, negotiating and coordinating, special customer requirements, planning, market position, customer contracts.

Key Account Management Report With Account Status And Account Plan Sample PDF

Key Account Management Report With Account Status And Account Plan Sample PDF

This slide provides information about the key account management report showing account name, grade, account region, account plan type, account status and action plan. This modern and well arranged Key Account Management Report With Account Status And Account Plan Sample PDF provides lots of creative possibilities. It is very simple to customize and edit with the Powerpoint Software. Just drag and drop your pictures into the shapes. All facets of this template can be edited with Powerpoint no extra software is necessary. Add your own material, put your images in the places assigned for them, adjust the colors, and then you can show your slides to the world, with an animated slide included.

Process Optimization Through Product Life Process Management Techniques Characteristics Elements PDF

Process Optimization Through Product Life Process Management Techniques Characteristics Elements PDF

This slide strives to illustrate key characteristics required to build effective team. It covers clear vision and purpose, shared commitment, clear roles and responsibilities, trust and mutual accountability.Presenting process optimization through product life process management techniques characteristics elements pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on five stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like clear vision and purpose, shared commitment, clear roles and responsibilities In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

Online Music Streaming App Capital Raising Elevator Details About Key People Involved In Music Streaming Microsoft PDF

Online Music Streaming App Capital Raising Elevator Details About Key People Involved In Music Streaming Microsoft PDF

This slide caters details about key people associated to music streaming application executive team and are responsible in making key strategic decisions. This is a online music streaming app capital raising elevator details about key people involved in music streaming microsoft pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on four stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like details about key people involved in music streaming application executive team. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Key Duties Of Scrum Master Defining The Responsibilities Of A Scrum Master In Team Meetings Sample PDF

Key Duties Of Scrum Master Defining The Responsibilities Of A Scrum Master In Team Meetings Sample PDF

Mentioned slide displays information about the scrum masters responsibilities required to effectively execute project team meetings. Presenting key duties of scrum master defining the responsibilities of a scrum master in team meetings sample pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on six stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like encourage, reflect, reward, facilitate, learn and share. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

Key Senior Management Of The Company Template 199 One Pager Documents

Key Senior Management Of The Company Template 199 One Pager Documents

This one pager provides information about the senior management team of the company along with their respective roles and responsibilities. Presenting you an exemplary Key Senior Management Of The Company Template 199 One Pager Documents. Our one-pager comprises all the must-have essentials of an inclusive document. You can edit it with ease, as its layout is completely editable. With such freedom, you can tweak its design and other elements to your requirements. Download this Key Senior Management Of The Company Template 199 One Pager Documents brilliant piece now.

Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Strategic Roadmap For Key Account Management Download PDF

Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Strategic Roadmap For Key Account Management Download PDF

The Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Strategic Roadmap For Key Account Management Download PDF is a compilation of the most recent design trends as a series of slides. It is suitable for any subject or industry presentation, containing attractive visuals and photo spots for businesses to clearly express their messages. This template contains a variety of slides for the user to input data, such as structures to contrast two elements, bullet points, and slides for written information. Slidegeeks is prepared to create an impression.

Key Account Management Template Example Of Ppt

Key Account Management Template Example Of Ppt

This is a key account management template example of ppt. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are schedule, project resources, constraints, organization, compatibility, capability.

Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Skills Required For Key Account Manager Slides PDF

Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Skills Required For Key Account Manager Slides PDF

This slide provides glimpse about KSA Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities needed for the position of key account manager KAM. It includes skills ranges from product knowledge, industry knowledge, communication skills, to organizational skills, etc. Explore a selection of the finest Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Skills Required For Key Account Manager Slides PDF here. With a plethora of professionally designed and pre-made slide templates, you can quickly and easily find the right one for your upcoming presentation. You can use our Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Skills Required For Key Account Manager Slides PDF to effectively convey your message to a wider audience. Slidegeeks has done a lot of research before preparing these presentation templates. The content can be personalized and the slides are highly editable. Grab templates today from Slidegeeks.

Key Account Marketing Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Background Image Cpb

Key Account Marketing Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Background Image Cpb

This is a key account marketing plan ppt powerpoint presentation ideas background image cpb. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are key account marketing plan.

Key Account Strategies Matrix For Client Management Background PDF

Key Account Strategies Matrix For Client Management Background PDF

The following slide provides information about the key account strategies matrix which is used for the client management and helps to prioritize key accounts based on potential profit and aligned interests. The quadrants of matrix shows various stages of KAM relationship on one side and customer attractiveness status on the other end. This Key Account Strategies Matrix For Client Management Background PDF is perfect for any presentation, be it in front of clients or colleagues. It is a versatile and stylish solution for organizing your meetings. The product features a modern design for your presentation meetings. The adjustable and customizable slides provide unlimited possibilities for acing up your presentation. Slidegeeks has done all the homework before launching the product for you. So, do not wait, grab the presentation templates today

Phases Of Key Account Management Strategy Microsoft PDF

Phases Of Key Account Management Strategy Microsoft PDF

The slide covers strategic account management plan phases to develop relevant strategy and help the business to grow. It contains three phases which are creating portfolio, developing strategy and growing. Persuade your audience using this Phases Of Key Account Management Strategy Microsoft PDF. This PPT design covers three stages, thus making it a great tool to use. It also caters to a variety of topics including Develop Strategy, Portfolio, Customer Profile. Download this PPT design now to present a convincing pitch that not only emphasizes the topic but also showcases your presentation skills.

Ways To Improve Your Key Account Management Process Graphics PDF

Ways To Improve Your Key Account Management Process Graphics PDF

The following slide provides information about the ways and methods that must be followed by the company in order to improve and enhance the key account management process in the company. Various ways to improve key account management process are choosing accounts carefully, prioritizing key accounts, adding value through insights etc. Slidegeeks has constructed Ways To Improve Your Key Account Management Process Graphics PDF after conducting extensive research and examination. These presentation templates are constantly being generated and modified based on user preferences and critiques from editors. Here, you will find the most attractive templates for a range of purposes while taking into account ratings and remarks from users regarding the content. This is an excellent jumping off point to explore our content and will give new users an insight into our top notch PowerPoint Templates.

Key Account Analysis Strategy With Organizational Goals Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Files PDF

Key Account Analysis Strategy With Organizational Goals Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Files PDF

Pitch your topic with ease and precision using this key account analysis strategy with organizational goals ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration files pdf. This layout presents information on key account analysis strategy with organizational goals. It is also available for immediate download and adjustment. So, changes can be made in the color, design, graphics or any other component to create a unique layout.

Playbook For Sales Development Executives Overview Of Our CRM Software Information PDF

Playbook For Sales Development Executives Overview Of Our CRM Software Information PDF

CRM software is an essential tool that enables marketing managers to track their lead cycle and commence appropriate activity accordingly. The following slide provides an overview of the CRM software used by the organization, as it displays the process of CRMS and key features of the same.Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative Playbook For Sales Development Executives Overview Of Our CRM Software Information PDF bundle. Topics like Request Received, Label Changed, Automated Response can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Social Media Promotional Technique Roles And Responsibilities Of Marketing Team Portrait PDF

Social Media Promotional Technique Roles And Responsibilities Of Marketing Team Portrait PDF

This slide showcases responsibilities and roles of different team members responsible for creating content and run marketing campaigns. Key team members include - content creator, campaign manager, subject matter expert, social strategiest manager and community manager. Crafting an eye-catching presentation has never been more straightforward. Let your presentation shine with this tasteful yet straightforward Social Media Promotional Technique Roles And Responsibilities Of Marketing Team Portrait PDF template. It offers a minimalistic and classy look that is great for making a statement. The colors have been employed intelligently to add a bit of playfulness while still remaining professional. Construct the ideal Social Media Promotional Technique Roles And Responsibilities Of Marketing Team Portrait PDF that effortlessly grabs the attention of your audience Begin now and be certain to wow your customers.

Organizational Project Involvement And Responsibility Allocation Grid Graphics PDF

Organizational Project Involvement And Responsibility Allocation Grid Graphics PDF

The given below slide highlights the involvement matrix to assign key roles and responsibilities to each member. It constitutes of elements such as tasks planning, designing, development, maintenance etc. along with the owners manager, executor, developer, consultants etc. Showcasing this set of slides titled Organizational Project Involvement And Responsibility Allocation Grid Graphics PDF. The topics addressed in these templates are Responsible, Accountable, Supportive. All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting.

Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Setting Objectives Key Business Account Pictures PDF

Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Setting Objectives Key Business Account Pictures PDF

This slide provides glimpse about setting goals and objectives for key business account planning and management to boost revenue generation. It includes metrics, objectives, due date, owner, notes, etc. This Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Setting Objectives Key Business Account Pictures PDF is perfect for any presentation, be it in front of clients or colleagues. It is a versatile and stylish solution for organizing your meetings. The Key Business Account Management And Planning Techniques Setting Objectives Key Business Account Pictures PDF features a modern design for your presentation meetings. The adjustable and customizable slides provide unlimited possibilities for acing up your presentation. Slidegeeks has done all the homework before launching the product for you. So, do not wait, grab the presentation templates today

Key Account Manager Responsibilities Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Slides Topics Cpb

Key Account Manager Responsibilities Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Slides Topics Cpb

Presenting this set of slides with name key account manager responsibilities ppt powerpoint presentation slides topics cpb. This is an editable Powerpoint four stages graphic that deals with topics like key account manager responsibilities to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint. Download this now and use it in your presentations to impress your audience.

Key Strategies For Account Receivable Management Organizational Structure Infographics PDF

Key Strategies For Account Receivable Management Organizational Structure Infographics PDF

This slide shows the accounts receivable management organizational structure which includes client-A, chart of accounts, legal entity, business area, etc.This is a key strategies for account receivable management organizational structure infographics pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on five stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like chart of accounts, business area, external reporting requirements You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Agenda For Optimizing Revenue Through Effective Key Account Management Techniques Graphics PDF

Agenda For Optimizing Revenue Through Effective Key Account Management Techniques Graphics PDF

Find a pre designed and impeccable Agenda For Optimizing Revenue Through Effective Key Account Management Techniques Graphics PDF. The templates can ace your presentation without additional effort. You can download these easy to edit presentation templates to make your presentation stand out from others. So, what are you waiting for Download the template from Slidegeeks today and give a unique touch to your presentation.

Financial Kpi Dashboard To Evaluate Fundraising Impact Topics PDF

Financial Kpi Dashboard To Evaluate Fundraising Impact Topics PDF

This slide showcases dashboard that can help organization to evaluate key changes in financial KPIs post fundraising. Its key components are net profit margin, revenue, gross profit margin, debt to equity and return on equity. Do you have to make sure that everyone on your team knows about any specific topic I yes, then you should give Financial Kpi Dashboard To Evaluate Fundraising Impact Topics PDF a try. Our experts have put a lot of knowledge and effort into creating this impeccable Financial Kpi Dashboard To Evaluate Fundraising Impact Topics PDF. You can use this template for your upcoming presentations, as the slides are perfect to represent even the tiniest detail. You can download these templates from the Slidegeeks website and these are easy to edit. So grab these today.

Enterprise Level Risk Management Roadmap Introduction To ERM Elements PDF

Enterprise Level Risk Management Roadmap Introduction To ERM Elements PDF

This slide represents roadmap to guide key stakeholders to effectively identify and analyze the potential hazards even before they occur. It includes details related to create KRI framework, disseminate KRIs through training, assign risk ownerships to employees etc.Slidegeeks is one of the best resources for PowerPoint templates. You can download easily and regulate Enterprise Level Risk Management Roadmap Introduction To ERM Elements PDF for your personal presentations from our wonderful collection. A few clicks is all it takes to discover and get the most relevant and appropriate templates. Use our Templates to add a unique zing and appeal to your presentation and meetings. All the slides are easy to edit and you can use them even for advertisement purposes.

Corporate Debt Refinancing And Restructuring Key Pain Points For The Organization Introduction PDF

Corporate Debt Refinancing And Restructuring Key Pain Points For The Organization Introduction PDF

Presenting this set of slides with name corporate debt refinancing and restructuring key pain points for the organization introduction pdf. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are pay installments, cash flow statement, continues losses. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Supplementary Debt Financing Pitch Deck Key Statistics Of The Company Information PDF

Supplementary Debt Financing Pitch Deck Key Statistics Of The Company Information PDF

This is a supplementary debt financing pitch deck key statistics of the company information pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on eight stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like strength, revenue, network. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Strategies For Flipping Houses For Maximum Revenue Key Primary Classes For Property Flippers Introduction PDF

Strategies For Flipping Houses For Maximum Revenue Key Primary Classes For Property Flippers Introduction PDF

This slide represents major types of flippers that serve a valuable function in real estate investing. It covers scouts, dealers and retailers. Slidegeeks has constructed Strategies For Flipping Houses For Maximum Revenue Key Primary Classes For Property Flippers Introduction PDF after conducting extensive research and examination. These presentation templates are constantly being generated and modified based on user preferences and critiques from editors. Here, you will find the most attractive templates for a range of purposes while taking into account ratings and remarks from users regarding the content. This is an excellent jumping off point to explore our content and will give new users an insight into our top notch PowerPoint Templates.

Key Components Of Risk Mitigation Process Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Format PDF

Key Components Of Risk Mitigation Process Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Format PDF

This slide focuses on five key components of risk management plan which covers risk strategy, methodology, roles and responsibilities, project funding, reporting, documentation, etc. That helps project managers to evaluate and control the risk properly. Persuade your audience using this Key Components Of Risk Mitigation Process Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Format PDF. This PPT design covers five stages, thus making it a great tool to use. It also caters to a variety of topics including Risk Strategy, Methodology, Roles And Responsibilities, Reporting. Download this PPT design now to present a convincing pitch that not only emphasizes the topic but also showcases your presentation skills.

Sales And Merchandising Key Account Management Ppt Powerpoint Show

Sales And Merchandising Key Account Management Ppt Powerpoint Show

This is a sales and merchandising key account management ppt powerpoint show. This is a seven stage process. The stages in this process are analysis assessment, review, brand marketing, key accounting, forecasting procurement, logistics, sales and merchandises.

Editable CV Design With Key Resposibilities Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Model Templates PDF

Editable CV Design With Key Resposibilities Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Model Templates PDF

Presenting this set of slides with name editable cv design with key resposibilities ppt powerpoint presentation model templates pdf. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are experience, core competencies, key responsibilities handled, recruitment, training, employee engagement. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Requirements For Successful Common Data Environment Ppt Infographics Summary PDF

Requirements For Successful Common Data Environment Ppt Infographics Summary PDF

The following slide showcases key requirements to build common data environment. The requirements covered are building information management, data security, data availability and defining roles and responsibilities. Presenting Requirements For Successful Common Data Environment Ppt Infographics Summary PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises four stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Building Information Management, Data Availability, Data Security. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Events Management Key Account Planning Management Information Systems Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Guidelines

Events Management Key Account Planning Management Information Systems Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Guidelines

This is a events management key account planning management information systems ppt powerpoint presentation styles guidelines. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are events management, key account planning, management information systems.

Maintaining And Managing Fixed Assets Key Roles And Responsibilities In Fixed Asset Management Summary PDF

Maintaining And Managing Fixed Assets Key Roles And Responsibilities In Fixed Asset Management Summary PDF

This is a Maintaining And Managing Fixed Assets Key Roles And Responsibilities In Fixed Asset Management Summary PDF template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on four stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like Asset Management, According Investment, Preparation Financial. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

KAM Evaluation Procedure In The Organization Current Key Account Management Topics PDF

KAM Evaluation Procedure In The Organization Current Key Account Management Topics PDF

The following slide provides information about the current key account management KPIs of the company which are shown in the form of graphs and for the past 5 years. The KPIs are key account satisfaction rate, key account interaction rate, key account churn rate and key account upsell rate. Create an editable KAM Evaluation Procedure In The Organization Current Key Account Management Topics PDF that communicates your idea and engages your audience. Whether you are presenting a business or an educational presentation, pre-designed presentation templates help save time. KAM Evaluation Procedure In The Organization Current Key Account Management Topics PDF is highly customizable and very easy to edit, covering many different styles from creative to business presentations. Slidegeeks has creative team members who have crafted amazing templates. So, go and get them without any delay.

Assessing Debt And Equity Fundraising Alternatives For Business Growth Criteria To Evaluate Venture Capitalists Brochure PDF

Assessing Debt And Equity Fundraising Alternatives For Business Growth Criteria To Evaluate Venture Capitalists Brochure PDF

This slide showcases criteria that can help organization to evaluate venture capitalists before raising funds. Its key elements are reputation of venture capitalist, development phase of company, industry of VC and firm, required financial volume and location of venture capitalist. If you are looking for a format to display your unique thoughts, then the professionally designed Assessing Debt And Equity Fundraising Alternatives For Business Growth Criteria To Evaluate Venture Capitalists Brochure PDF is the one for you. You can use it as a Google Slides template or a PowerPoint template. Incorporate impressive visuals, symbols, images, and other charts. Modify or reorganize the text boxes as you desire. Experiment with shade schemes and font pairings. Alter, share or cooperate with other people on your work. Download Assessing Debt And Equity Fundraising Alternatives For Business Growth Criteria To Evaluate Venture Capitalists Brochure PDF and find out how to give a successful presentation. Present a perfect display to your team and make your presentation unforgettable.

Project Crisis Management Team Plan With Team Responsibilities Mockup PDF

Project Crisis Management Team Plan With Team Responsibilities Mockup PDF

This slide showcases responsibilities that can help in defining the role of employees during the crisis management and avoid the disruption of project. Its key elements are project management team, crisis response team, project sponsor, crisis decision committee and project crisis leadership team Pitch your topic with ease and precision using this project crisis management team plan with team responsibilities mockup pdf This layout presents information on develop project crisis, management plan, develop crisis response strategy It is also available for immediate download and adjustment. So, changes can be made in the color, design, graphics or any other component to create a unique layout.

Key Fundamentals Of Inbound Marketing Strategy Marketing Tactics To Enhance Business Background PDF

Key Fundamentals Of Inbound Marketing Strategy Marketing Tactics To Enhance Business Background PDF

The following slide helps the organization in understanding the key fundamentals of inbound marketing strategy. These key fundamentals are attracting traffic, conversion of customer, automating the process and gaining customer loyalty. Slidegeeks has constructed Key Fundamentals Of Inbound Marketing Strategy Marketing Tactics To Enhance Business Background PDF after conducting extensive research and examination. These presentation templates are constantly being generated and modified based on user preferences and critiques from editors. Here, you will find the most attractive templates for a range of purposes while taking into account ratings and remarks from users regarding the content. This is an excellent jumping-off point to explore our content and will give new users an insight into our top-notch PowerPoint Templates.

Strengthening Brand Successful Rebrand Launch Campaign For Audience Clipart PDF

Strengthening Brand Successful Rebrand Launch Campaign For Audience Clipart PDF

This slide provides information regarding rebrand launch campaign organized by firm for target audience. It caters details about key initiatives, days to launch, person responsible, etc. There are so many reasons you need a Strengthening Brand Successful Rebrand Launch Campaign For Audience Clipart PDF. The first reason is you cant spend time making everything from scratch, Thus, Slidegeeks has made presentation templates for you too. You can easily download these templates from our website easily.

Chatgpt And Ad Copy Key Use Cases Ppt File Guide PDF

Chatgpt And Ad Copy Key Use Cases Ppt File Guide PDF

This slide showcases major use cases of ChatGPT which can guide marketers in how to effectively utilize it for search engine optimization SEO. It provides details about keyword research, topic clusters, topic suggestions, etc. Slidegeeks has constructed Chatgpt And Ad Copy Key Use Cases Ppt File Guide PDF after conducting extensive research and examination. These presentation templates are constantly being generated and modified based on user preferences and critiques from editors. Here, you will find the most attractive templates for a range of purposes while taking into account ratings and remarks from users regarding the content. This is an excellent jumping-off point to explore our content and will give new users an insight into our top-notch PowerPoint Templates.

Contract Management Key Account Management Ppt Example

Contract Management Key Account Management Ppt Example

This is a contract management key account management ppt example. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing.

Key Account Management Templates Powerpoint Presentation Templates

Key Account Management Templates Powerpoint Presentation Templates

This is a key account management templates powerpoint presentation templates. This is a eight stage process. The stages in this process are persona, process, goals terminology, distribution control, product service packages, customer portfolio management, tools, organization.

Key Account Management Plan Diagram Powerpoint Images

Key Account Management Plan Diagram Powerpoint Images

This is a key account management plan diagram powerpoint images. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are implementation, resourcing, tools.

Key Account Management Toolbox PowerPoint Template

Your key to customer success: Key Account Management (KAM) Toolbox for PowerPoint presentations

Quantity of slides114
Price / Slide0,78 €
Format of slides16:9 + 4:3
LanguagesDE + EN

Instant Download:

  • 100% Editable Powerpoint Slides / Graphics
  • Outstanding Customer Support
  • SSL Secure Payment
  • Made in Germany
  • Information
  • Template (16:9)
  • Template (4:3)

Gather all your key account management work in PowerPoint and analyze, illustrate and demonstrate your work with smart key account templates.

What Key Account Management Is All About

Key account management deals with customers that are of big importance for the success an enterprise or corporation and which are called key accounts. Because of their high significance, they receive special attention and care by so-called key account managers.

Key account management is an important subdivision of customer management. Goal is an adequate support of major clients with the help of specialized key account managers to maintain business relations and guarantee economic growth. Focus should not be on the distribution of goods and services but to optimize customer processes by creating individual customer plans.

Simplify Key Account Management with Helpful Tools

For any key account manager and for those who  deal with any work related to key account management, the toolbox includes useful examples to create key account plans, customer analyses, SWOT-analyses and strategy pyramids as well as a summary to define key account management with its tasks and goals. Key account managers need to have extensive knowledge about the customer they are attending. To gather and analyze such knowledge, the key account management toolbox is the perfect tool to assist you during such a process.

PowerPoint Templates Include:

  • Key Account Management (KAM) Definition
  • Tasks & Goals of KAM
  • Pareto Curve
  • Magic Triangle
  • Strategy Pyramid
  • 4-Stage Model
  • Customer Ranking
  • Classic Sales vs Key Account Management
  • Key Account Management Processes
  • 3-Phase Model
  • Key Account Plan
  • Customer Analysis
  • Company Position
  • PEST-Analysis
  • Porter-5-Forces
  • SWOT-Analysis

Key Account Management Toolbox

Germany - Post Code 3-digit

Marketing plan, isometric process charts, balanced scorecard (bsc), corporate services.

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Key Account Management

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Account Plan PowerPoint Template

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Key Account Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

key account presentation

Key Account Management

Tie actions/events to improvement opportunities. monitor performance against tactical plan ... tie account team incentives to customer metrics. reflect ' ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Marketing and Sales Excellence
  • Trade Shows
  • Publications
  • Promotion Material
  • Rank accounts on Improvement Potential index
  • Re-deploy resources to highest potential channels/accounts
  • Target category management efforts to accounts with capability
  • Understand account requirements/ needs/ capabilities
  • Plan account actions to fix problem PL line items
  • Target account goals/ accountability for profit improvement
  • Match strategy to improvement potential
  • Tie account team incentives to customer metrics
  • Reflect balanced scorecard in account metrics
  • Monitor performance against tactical plan
  • Hold account team members accountable
  • Include customer in account planning process
  • Develop both internal and customer targets
  • Tie actions/events to improvement opportunities
  • Improved customer insight
  • Understanding of customer needs
  • Understanding of usage patterns
  • Better product knowledge
  • Better access to marketing material
  • Better competitor information
  • Improved performance information
  • Measurable goals
  • Link between Business Plan strategy and customer strategy
  • Better product information
  • Better information on services
  • Better understanding of reimbursement
  • Better product benefits knowledge
  • Ability to raise individual profile
  • Increased end users
  • Provide resource input
  • Key account classification criteria
  • Customers responsible for ( example factor 80) of revenue
  • Customer with over (example factor 1.5 mio) sales
  • Customer with potential of (example factor 1.5 mio. sales within 2 years)
  • Customer generating ( example factor 800000) profit
  • Customer responsible for ( example factor ?2 or more ) of the market in units or value
  • Customer with contribution (example factor gt 5)
  • Opinion leader influences ( example factor 20 )
  • Account screening criteria
  • Ability to sustain long term profitable relationship (X net over Y years)
  • Account values products and services as distinct from competition
  • Relationship has strategic value and can create differential advantage by serving the customer
  • We can create considerable barrier to entry by serving the customer
  • Customer relationship based on more than price negotiation
  • Potential for growth greater than the current major clients
  • Increase sales effectiveness by pursuing high potential accounts and opportunities
  • Increase market share and revenue within existing accounts
  • Increase profitability through development of the appropriate product service offering for the customer.
  • Provide opportunities to contribute to the success of the customer
  • Improve customer retention through stronger relationships and increased client satisfaction
  • Facilitate the allocation of marketing and sales resources
  • General information on the account
  • Account history
  • share of customer
  • profitability
  • spending and service requirements
  • past account plans
  • product performance
  • service effort
  • Classification criteria
  • Business overview of the customer
  • Understanding of key players and relationships
  • Map of influencers
  • Review of relationship history and performance of the customer
  • Rank customers by order of importance, segmentation
  • Develop a map to guide networking
  • Consider accounts influence / reputation
  • Be familiar with accounts business
  • Estimate accounts expenditures and constraints
  • Consider accounts buying history
  • Determine accounts buying cycle
  • Identify influencers / decision makers
  • Identify prospect by product line / treatment modality 3rd party information
  • Conduct needs assessment
  • Identify, probe ,qualify needs / concerns
  • Seek alternate sources of information on the account
  • Assess accounts potential / financial viability
  • Establish prospect segment / priority
  • Identify accounts current situation
  • Identify benefits of offering to meet need / opportunities
  • Develop and maintain account profiles
  • Identify process for product approval
  • Account profile
  • Company/ Business Unit strategy
  • Financial targets
  • Customer strategy
  • Long- medium -short term
  • Customer team
  • Define end users of products and services
  • Establish selling goals
  • Identify growth opportunities
  • Identify specific product opportunities
  • Look for long range opportunities
  • Opportunities identified
  • Account objectives
  • Product and service offerings
  • Customer needs
  • Critical success factors
  • Competitive position
  • Account plan including actions, resources, responsibilities, timelines, quantitative and qualitative targets and progress measurements for the next period.
  • Key account portfolio consolidated
  • Design call cycle (day, week, month)
  • Select appropriate contact method
  • Build a regional action plan
  • Add customer to call cycle
  • Strategic process and position product
  • Communicate sales approach to team
  • Integrate marketing strategy / concept
  • Action plans
  • Responsibilities
  • New opportunities identified
  • Actions executed
  • Results of actions
  • Customer insight
  • Market intelligence
  • Demonstrate proof (clinical)
  • Present clinical information
  • Refer to other successes -testimonial
  • Explain products in terms of competition, feature benefit selling
  • Reassure account of our value
  • Confirm benefits of offering to meet needs
  • Use appropriate selling tools
  • Gain account agreement
  • Negotiate order / terms and conditions
  • Receive order
  • Enter order or recognition of order in system
  • Alert account to any changes (reimbursement)
  • Resolve disputes
  • Arbitrate differences, make adjustments
  • Assure account satisfaction
  • Show appreciation of business
  • Question all influencers and decision makers
  • Grow advocates for feedback
  • Reinforce prior purchasing decisions
  • Follow up on plan
  • Cost of actions
  • Resources consumed
  • Cost of goods
  • Services and goods provided
  • Promotion effort
  • Revised targets and budgets
  • Assessment of account performance
  • Review of the return on the account
  • Review of the Key Account portfolio
  • Performance rewards
  • Get feed back from account
  • Analyze win / loss
  • Compare performance against goal
  • Benchmark own performance against competition
  • Calculate ROI
  • Review sales records
  • Re- evaluate sales strategy
  • Evaluate relationship with account
  • Evaluate skills to deal with account
  • Build skills
  • Ex-factory data
  • Profitability
  • Cost, revenue, profitability
  • Information entered once only (ensures motivation, quality and consistency)
  • Ability to roll up data at a number of levels (global, national, regional, territory) Ability to cut information in a number of different ways
  • Therapeutic Area
  • Region or Territory
  • Tool to assist in the identification of patterns and trends in large volumes of data
  • Ability to access specific relevant information (push or pull) as opposed to the traditional push of large volumes of often irrelevant data
  • Ability to generate standard reports
  • Flexible and configurable ad-hoc reporting suitable for a wide range of user types
  • Ability to configure a favorites dashboard of reports drawing on standard reports and ad-hoc reports (either created by the user or by other users)
  • Marketing Plans
  • Sales Plans
  • Account Plans
  • Planned and actual details available
  • Plans which roll-up at global, country, regional and territory level
  • Product Encyclopaedia
  • Up-to-date Clinical Work
  • Papers written
  • New studies (internal and competitor)
  • Product bebefits (safety profile, efficacy, AEs, price/cost
  • Queries from customers
  • Protocol Information
  • Different Usage patterns
  • Details of marketing messages by product and segment
  • Catalogue of marketing materials
  • Calendar detailing key events (e.g. launches, new materials, available)
  • Ability to view availability of incentives (e.g. tickets, conferences, etc.)
  • Company best practice
  • Newsflashes about events which may impact operations
  • Ability to share important information across
  • regions - not just vertically
  • Gguidelines
  • Reimbursement levels
  • Budget eligibility
  • Marketing messages/materials and recommended response
  • Competitor strengths and weaknesses by product and segment
  • Global/country level activity - launches, campaigns, etc.
  • Account level activity - products offered, share of wallet, incentives, etc.
  • End user profile
  • Future trends
  • Prescribing patterns and trends
  • Economic and regulatory influencers
  • Forecast vs. actual vs. target (at account, territory, regional and national levels)
  • Following planning horizons available weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually
  • Market share by product at (account, territory, region and national levels)
  • Comparison at these levels to competitor products
  • Budget spend against plan (account, territory, region and national levels)
  • ROI vs. forecast (account, territory, region and national levels)
  • Contacts/Calls (actual vs. target)
  • Monthly actions and objectives (actual vs. target)
  • Individual performance against incentive targets
  • Percentage contribution (territory, region, etc.)
  • Name, title and role
  • Account type (e.g. hospital, clinic, GP, etc.)
  • Size, estimated budget, etc.
  • Interests and decision drivers of key players at account
  • Geographical location (to post code level)
  • Sales by product category over time (historical)
  • Planned sales by product category (future)
  • Names and roles of person who made contact
  • Purpose of contact
  • Results and actions or questions arising
  • Planned future contacts (when, where, by who, for what)
  • Relationships within account (influencers, decision makers, etc.)
  • Relationships between account and external bodies/individuals
  • Relationships to Customers is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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Top 10 Account Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 Account Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

Today’s dynamic business environment makes staying organized an absolute necessity. With companies recognizing the significance of strategic plan approaches, the need to maintain dedicated accounts is on the rise.  

The need for a structured account plan template cannot be overemphasized, as these pave the way for businesses to profit. Preparing these from scratch, however, is a major pain point for businesses.

How and where can businesses find such templates on which success hinges? Well, SlideTeam’s Account Plan Templates are the answer. Before we present our templates further, here is some reason that you should not miss out on use of account plans. 

According to a report by Business News Daily, companies employing structured account plans see up to 23% more revenue growth than companies without such plans.

These templates, crafted from strategy and structure, help businesses navigate challenges more easily while seizing opportunities to form lasting partnerships. 

Whether you’re an established business leader or just embarking on your entrepreneurial adventure - these content-ready, 100% editable and customizable templates prove to be the perfect solution. 

You get both a starting point to the presentation, a structure and capability to mold these to the audience profile. 

Template 1: One-Page Strategic Account Plan Presentation Report Infographic PPT 

This PPT Slide includes account segmentation, annual account planning, quarterly account review, weekly bi-status checks and much more. It facilitates gathering customer and competition insights to foster business growth. Additionally, this slide offers contact details of business units while giving a snapshot into company activities.

Through this PPT slide, you can present an activity ledger and account history, detailing past project types and estimated earnings. Use this presentation template to present key customer challenges and essential business goals. Account managers, sales teams and business leaders will find this especially significant. The tool provides streamlining account management, strategic planning, engagement insights, decision-making process optimization and customer relationship management.

One Page

Download Now

Template 2: Account Strategic Review with Yearly Growth Plan

The PPT Slide provides a view of client dynamics, financial aspirations, challenges faced, current progress, goals, and the journey ahead with next year’s growth plan. This slide is an invaluable asset for business leaders, strategic planners, and account managers. From new ventures to established enterprises - or both, using it provides insightful quarterly account review.

Account Strategic Review with Yearly Growth Plan

Template 3: Strategic Account Plan PPT Template Bundles

This PPT slide offers abundant resources for engaging buyer personas and enhancing brand recognition. It contains 10 useful slides including an account plan overview, customer retention framework, cost analysis, value optimization plan, phased implementation roadmap , 30-60-90 day action plans, and more. This bundle offers utility whether you are an experienced professional communicating complex strategies or an educator looking to impart knowledge. Marketers, strategists, educators and anyone seeking to make an impressionable presentation appreciate its usefulness.

Strategic Account Plan

Template 4: Account Plan Executive Sponsorship Sales Enablement Value Engineering Status

This PPT slide can help guide your understanding of complex topics with ease. From informative charts and graphs to comprehensive overviews, topic subtopic templates, and analysis templates, you have everything at your fingertips! The slides include an account overview, customer contact matrix, sales enablement tactics, executive sponsorship tracker, value engineering dynamics and project status reporting.

Account Plan

Template 5: Strategic Planning and Implementation Track Progress PPT Template 

This PPT Slide is perfect for business leaders and managers looking to communicate strategic plans and track progress. It includes slides covering strategic planning process, implementation steps, progress tracking frameworks, accountability models, and more. Key slides feature strategies to drive alignment, assign responsibilities, and report on metrics. Use it to clearly communicate plans across the organization and unify teams. Track progress through color-coded sections and illustrated graphics.

Whether it's a new product launch, expansion plans, or an organizational restructure, this template communicates your strategy and approach.

Strategic Planning and Implementation

Template 6: Key Account Management Plan PPT Template Bundles

This PPT slide is ideal for recruiting accounting managers attempting to plan out a six-month recruitment strategy. These slides contain useful tools such as a key account management plan, account assessment process. You will also find roadmaps such as seven-step recruiting process; monthly training map management process; strategic plan training map and key account planning

Track your recruiting goals through timelines, roadmaps and planning frameworks. Customize with specific hiring initiatives, budgets milestones and deadlines. Impress stakeholders by outlining your vision for hiring top talent over the next six months.

Key Account Management Plan

Template 7: Accounting Analysis and Planning PPT Presentation Slide

The PPT Template provides tabulated balance sheets, step-by-step agenda descriptions, pie charts, and other schematics to deliver maximum impactful messages.

This bundle is an invaluable resource, offering insights into crucial accounting topics ranging from year growth charts, annual account targets and cash flow statements, KPIs, P&L to financial projections, key financial ratios, liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, funding updates and funding updates! Accountants, financial analysts business leaders and educators need to have it as a ready reckoner.

Accounting Analysis And Planning

Template 8: Six-month continuous accounting development roadmap plan

Perfect for accounting managers attempting to map out their 6-month strategy, this PPT slide features a timeline to provide visual breakdown of goals, budgets, tasks, and deadlines in one visual place under periodic automatic, daily automation, globalization and landscape. Use this template to cover automation plans, recruiting goals or software implementation, with color-coded sections indicating high-priority actions and a tool to track progress in automation.

Six Months Continuous Accounting Development Roadmap Plan

Template 9: Key account management plan with communication style

This PPT Slide focuses on three vital areas: Communication, Relationships, Management Objectives, Action Steps, Facts, Areas of Interest and Priority and Strategies. Together, these provide a framework for nurturing and managing key account focus with the use of suitable communication styles, forging meaningful relationships and employing effective strategies. The slide is invaluable for sales teams, account managers, and business executives for building and nurturing key client relationships. This presentation lets you outline your account management strategy, while emphasizing tailored communication styles as essential in creating lasting connections and driving success.

Key Account Management Plan with Communication Style

Template 10: Content planning worksheet managing strategic accounts via sales and marketing

This PPT Slide is an indispensable resource designed to simplify the management of customized campaigns for individual customers. You’ll find instructions for creating compelling content strategies tailored for strategic accounts like top of the funnel, middle of the funnel and below the funnel with unique needs.

This slide provides an informative introduction to a content marketing worksheet, an invaluable tool designed to oversee and manage personalized campaigns in diverse content formats such as webinars, blogs and social media initiatives. This template is designed for discussion and navigation, making it an valuable asset for teams navigating strategic accounts. Download for strategic content production.

Content Planning Worksheet for Account Nurturing

Clear Blueprint for Success 

As you craft impactful account plans, remember that having the appropriate template can serve as your compass. SlideTeam’s collection of account plan templates provides you access to strategic success. Explore all possible outcomes, customize plans, and watch client relationships grow. Raise your planning game using SlideTeam's templates, where innovation meets strategy seamlessly. Download and get ahead!

FAQs on Account Plans

What is in an account plan.

An Account Plan is a comprehensive strategy tailored to managing and nurturing key client relationships. It outlines objectives, goals, tactics and timelines designed to engage clients and get insight into their business needs and any growth opportunities available. You also outlining steps, activities, and timelines for mutual success as well as communication strategies, milestones, metrics measuring progress/performance - ultimately serving as a roadmap towards forging and maintaining productive partnerships.

What is the purpose of an account plan?

An account plan strategically guides businesses in managing and cultivating key client relationships. It outlines a comprehensive strategy to assess client needs, set objectives, and develop mutually beneficial strategies. An account plan helps prioritize efforts, enhance communication channels and tailor solutions to client requirements; serves as a roadmap for teams coordinating activities while setting goals and tracking progress. 

How do you write an account plan?

To create a compelling account plan, thoroughly understand your client's business, goals and challenges. Research to gather insights to tailor the plan to their needs. Define clear objectives with strategies aligned with their vision. Outline key actions, responsibilities, and timelines; incorporate communication strategies and touchpoints. Include metrics for tracking progress and success. Finally, craft an engaging narrative demonstrating your understanding of their goals while offering bespoke solutions; revisit and adjust this plan so it remains in line with changing client needs or market dynamics.

What is the use of account plan templates?

With their consistent format, these account plan templates assist teams in gathering relevant client information, setting goals and strategies, and outlining action steps and tactics, streamlining the planning process while ensuring no details go overlooked. Account plan templates also improve efficiency by streamlining team communication efforts, aligning efforts across efforts and monitoring progress over time - increasing efficiency, fostering collaboration, and helping businesses maintain key client partnerships for long-term success.

Related posts:

  • [Updated 2023] Top 10 Product Management Google Slides Templates to Align Business Goals
  • [Updated 2023] An All-Encompassing Guide to Project Planning (With 30+ PowerPoint Templates to Help You Get Started)
  • Top 10 Business Development Strategy Templates with Samples and Examples
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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

key account presentation

Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

key account presentation

  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

Corporate sustainability due diligence

Fostering sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour for a just transition towards a sustainable economy.

GettyImages/DigitalVision/We Are Stone/Ed Freeman Westend61

On 23 February 2022, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence. On 24 May 2024 the Council of the European Union approved the political agreement, thereby completing the adoption process. The aim of this Directive is to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour in companies’ operations and across their global value chains. The new rules will ensure that companies in scope identify and address adverse human rights and environmental impacts of their actions inside and outside Europe.

What are the benefits of these new rules?

Citizens ilustration

  • Better protection of human rights, including labour rights.
  • Healthier environment for present and future generations, including climate change migration.
  • Increased trust in businesses.
  • More transparency enabling informed choices.
  • Better access to justice for victims. 

Factory illustration

  • Harmonised legal framework in the EU, creating legal certainty and level playing field.
  • Greater customer trust and employees’ commitment.
  • Better awareness of companies’ negative human rights and environmental impacts, less liability risks.
  • Better risk management, more resilience and increased competitiveness.
  • Increased attractiveness for talent, sustainability-oriented investors and public procurers.
  • Increased incentives for innovation.
  • Better access to finance.

World illustration

  • Better protection of human rights and the environment.
  • Sustainable investment, capacity building and support for value chain companies.
  • Improved sustainability-related practices.
  • Increased take-up of international standards.
  • Improved living conditions for people.

What are the obligations for companies?

List illustration

This Directive establishes a  corporate due diligence duty . The core elements of this duty are identifying and addressing potential and actual adverse human rights and environmental impacts in the company’s own operations, their subsidiaries and, where related to their value chain(s), those of their business partners. In addition, the Directive sets out an obligation for large companies to adopt and put into effect, through best efforts, a transition plan for climate change mitigation aligned with the 2050 climate neutrality objective of the Paris Agreement as well as intermediate targets under the European Climate Law.

Which companies will the new EU rules apply to?

Building illustration

Large EU limited liability companies & partnerships :  

+/- 6,000 companies  - >1000 employees and >EUR 450 million turnover (net) worldwide.

Large non–EU companies: 

+/- 900 companies  - > EUR 450 million turnover (net) in EU .

The Directive contains provisions to facilitate compliance and limit the burden on companies, both in scope and in the value chain.

Micro companies and SMEs are not covered by the proposed rules. However, the Directive provides supporting and protective measures for SMEs, which could be indirectly affected as business partners in value chains.

What are the estimated costs of the new rules for companies?

Businesses will have to bear :

  • The costs of establishing and operating the due diligence process.
  • Transition costs, including expenditure and investments to adapt a company’s own operations and value chains to comply with the due diligence obligation, if needed. 

How will the new rules be enforced?

The rules on  corporate sustainability due diligence  will be enforced through:

  • Administrative supervision : Member States will designate an authority to supervise and enforce the rules, including through injunctive orders and effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties (in particular fines). At European level, the Commission will set up a European Network of Supervisory Authorities that will bring together representatives of the national bodies to ensure a coordinated approach.
  • Civil liability : Member States will ensure that victims get compensation for damages resulting from an intentional or negligent failure to carry out due diligence.

Why does the EU need to foster sustainable corporate behaviour?

Image: ©Freepik from www flaticon com | icons of office buildings. 70% of them are colored blue.

The Directive will contribute to the just transition to a sustainable economy, in which businesses play a key role.

A broad range of stakeholder groups, including civil society representatives, EU citizens, businesses as well as business associations, have been calling for mandatory due diligence rules. 70% of the businesses who responded to the public consultation sent a clear message:  EU action on corporate sustainability due diligence is needed .

A third of companies recognised the need to act and are taking measures to address adverse effects of their actions on human rights or the environment, but progress is slow and uneven. The increasing complexity and global nature of value chains makes it challenging for companies to get reliable information on business partners’ operations. The fragmentation of national rules on corporate, sustainability-related due diligence obligations further slows down the take-up of good practices. Stand-alone measures by some Member States are not enough to help companies exploit their full potential and act sustainably.

EU rules will provide a uniform legal framework and ensure a level playing field for companies across the EU Single Market. Such rules will also foster international competitiveness, increase innovation and ensure legal certainty for companies addressing sustainability impacts. The Directive will steer businesses towards responsible behaviour and could become a new global standard with regard to mandatory environmental and human rights due diligence. 

What are the next steps?

The Directive will enter into force 20 days after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. Member States will have two years to transpose the Directive into national law and communicate the relevant texts to the Commission. One year later, the rules will start to apply to companies, with a gradual phase-in between 3 and 5 years after entry into force. 

A set of guidelines to be issued by the Commission will help companies to conduct due diligence.

Related links

Sustainable corporate governance consultation

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