Data Science — these days, we hear about it everywhere. And statisticians play a big role in this newly emerging field. Statisticians have always been involved with data—making sense of data, formulating ways to make decisions founded in data and evidence, and devising the best ways to collect data. To handle the recent explosion of data, we statisticians have expanded our skill-set and our research approaches in order to extract information from huge and complex data sets. We are developing new statistical methods to make sense of data in more complex forms. We are also teaming up with computer scientists to increase the impact of our research and training. And our collaborations with researchers in areas such as health care, bioinformatics, and biodiversity not only solve real-world problems, but they help us add to the tool set of data science methods.

Education and training

The Statistics Department offers many avenues for training in Data Science.

Beginning in the 2020 –21 academic year (pending approval), UBC will be launching a Data Science Minor . For questions about the Data Science Minor program requirements, contact the Data Science Minor advisor .

Our academic programs focus on statistics, both theory and applied data analysis, and emphasize skills in computing, collaboration, and communication. Our specialized courses include Introduction to Data Science (DSCI 100) , Methods for Statistical Learning (STAT 406), and Exploratory Data Analysis (STAT 545), which trains in data wrangling and exploration and analysis with R.

Our  Applied Statistics and Data Science Group (ASDa)  offers a variety of workshops, with particular expertise in training in R.

For those wanting an intensive 10-month program of study, we offer a Master of Data Science , in partnership with the Department of Computer Science.

The Department is also proud to partner with the UBC Data Science Institute and the University of Washington in supporting the summer workshops on Data Science for Social Good .

All faculty members in the Statistics Department are involved in some component of what we call Data Science, since all faculty members are developing new statistical techniques to make sense of data. Professor Jenny Bryan is particularly noteworthy for her involvement in Bioinformatics and software engineering. Professor Alex Bouchard-Côté, with a PhD in Computer Science, is adept with computer intensive methods for analysis of complex data. Browse our research areas to find out more. 

New opportunities for research and industry collaborations abound, through initiatives related to the Cascadia Innovation Corridor, linking British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. One focus is via the Cascadia Urban Analytics Cooperative , a joint initiative between Microsoft, the University of Washington, and the University of British Columbia.

Help with your data science needs

Are you a UBC researcher with a challenging data set? A company or research unit that doesn't have in-house expertise? Find out how we can help you with your data .

PhD Program

The student must complete the following requirements for the PhD program:

  • Pass the Research Proficiency Evaluation (RPE)
  • Complete the Comprehensive Course Requirement
  • Successfully defend the Thesis Proposal Exam
  • Pass the Final Doctoral Examination
  • Have the final thesis approved by Faculty of Graduate and Post Doctoral Studies

Completing the first two milestones fulfills the Faculty of Graduate and Post Doctoral Studies Comprehensive exam requirement. Completing the first three milestones enables the student to be admitted to candidacy. 

A student is expected to be admitted to candidacy within 36 months from the date of initial registration and to complete the PhD within 6 years. Extensions to these deadlines maybe granted under exceptional circumstances with the permission of the Graduate Affairs Committee and Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Research Supervisor and Supervisory Committee

Every incoming graduate student is assigned a faculty member as his/her advisor.  These assignments are made keeping in mind the research interests of the student and the workload of the faculty member. In the case of entering PhD students, the advisor is a member of the “offer sponsorship team,” which consists of one to three faculty. It is the student’s responsibility to formalize a supervisory relationship with a faculty member in his or her area of interest within one term. The advisor and any other sponsors are natural choices for this role, but other faculty may also be considered (if they are interested). Please refer to PhD Supervisory Committee for details.

Research Proficiency Evaluation (RPE)

Students admitted to the PhD program are required to demonstrate their research proficiency by completing a research project with under the supervision of a one or more faculty members, and presenting their results in a written report and oral examination before their RPE committee.  Please refer to RPE for details.

Comprehensive Course Requirement

All PhD students are required to submit the Comprehensive Course Requirement form   to the Graduate Affairs Committee within the first two months of the initial registration.  The objective of the comprehensive course requirement is to ensure that the student obtains a breadth of knowledge of computer science, as well as sufficient depth in a specific field.  Students should indicate what courses they will be taking or have taken that can satisfy the breadth and depth components of the comprehensive course requirement.  If the student has taken courses outside the department that can satisfy the breadth requirement, s/he must contact the faculty in the research area for approval.  Once the comprehensive course proposal is approved, the student can take the courses in accordance with the proposal.

Note that for courses not contributing to the comprehensive course requirement, a minimum of 68% (B-) must be achieved. Courses contributing to the comprehensive course requirement have a even higher requirement. Please refer to PhD Program Comprehensive Course Requirement for details.

Thesis Proposal

Having formalized a thesis supervisor and having successfully completed the RPE, the student will continue with the development of a PhD thesis proposal.  This proposal must be presented in written form to the supervisory committee by the end of the second year of the PhD program. Please refer to Thesis Proposal for details.

Completing the Research Program

Once the thesis proposal examination is passed, the student must carry out a research program in accordance with his or her research proposal under the supervisor’s guidance, with periodic reviews by the student’s committee. A thesis describing his or her research findings must be written by the student, approved by the committee and an external examiner, and defended at a final oral examination set up by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. A guide to the preparation of PhD theses is provided by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The student has the final responsibility for meeting the requirements and deadlines of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Program Timeline for students starting in September and January

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Faculty of Science

Data science institute, accelerating data science research and innovation at the university of british columbia.

6 individuals gathered around a computer

The UBC Data Science Institute is a Faculty of Science initiative designed to incubate and accelerate research, innovation and training in data-intensive science. Working across the university’s data science community and advanced computing teams, DSI equips researchers and external partners with the approaches, tools and expertise they need to fully leverage the potential of big data.

Collaborate with DSI

DSI provides co-funding opportunities for faculty to hire data science postdoctoral fellows.

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Get the latest updates on the DSI speaker series and other data science events.

News and Events

Dsi director dr. raymond ng receives 2024 genome bc award for scientific excellence.

Jun 27, 2024 | DSI Director Dr. Raymond Ng is the 2024 Genome BC Award for Scientific Excellence Recipient.

"Can AI cure our ailing healthcare system?" - an article in the UBC Magazine on DSI Director Dr. Raymond Ng and his team's work

May 31, 2024 | An article in the UBC Magazine on DSI Director Dr. Raymond Ng and his team's work using NLP to streamline complex processes and improve patient outcomes.

New Publication Alert - Using NLP to predict if a person receiving cancer care will require mental health services

May 2, 2024 | The latest publication by DSI Director Dr. Raymond Ng and his team, "Predicting which patients with cancer will see a psychiatrist or counsellor from their initial oncology consultation document using natural language processing", is the first time AI has been used to predict psychiatric outcomes from non-psychiatric medical documents.

Congratulations to DSI Director Dr. Raymond Ng on renewal of Canada Research Chair in Data Science and Analytics

Mar 13, 2024 | DSI Director Dr. Raymond Ng's CRC renewal was announced as part of 18 other new/renewed Canada Research Chairs at UBC by the federal government.

DSI Director Dr. Raymond Ng on CDO Magazine's Outstanding Academic Leaders in Data List 2024

Feb 23, 2024 | DSI Director Dr. Raymond Ng has been acknowledged for his achievements and inspiring the next generation of data professionals by CDO Magazine.

DSI Director Dr. Raymond Ng Featured on CIOLook Magazine

Dec 11, 2023 | DSI Director Dr. Raymond Ng has been featured on the "Most Intelligent Leaders in Data Science & Analytics, 2023" issue of CIOLook Magazine - global business magazine platform focusing on innovations.

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

UBC Science acknowledges that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Okanagan Campus UBC MDS

Applications for September 2024 are now closed. Subscribe for news and updates

  • UBC Master of Data Science /
  • UBC Master of Data Science Programs /
  • MDS Okanagan

Covering all stages of the data science value chain, UBC’s Okanagan campus Master of Data Science program prepares graduates to thrive in one of the world’s most in-demand fields. Over 10 months, you’ll learn how to extract and analyze data in all its forms, how to turn data into knowledge, and how to clearly communicate your recommendations to decision-makers. 

Program Benefits

Highlights across all mds programs:.

  • 10-month, full-time, accelerated program offers a short-term commitment for long-term gain
  • Condensed one-credit courses allow for in-depth focus on a limited set of topics at one time
  • Capstone project gives students an opportunity to apply their skills
  • Real-world data sets are integrated in all courses to provide practical experience across a range of domains

Highlights Specific To Okanagan Campus Option:

  • Curriculum is designed by computer science and statistics experts, emphasizing optimization and statistics with a focus on operations research
  • Courses are taught by renowned computer science and statistics faculty, giving students access to experts across a broad skill set
  • With a cohort limited to 60 students, this program offers a collaborative and intimate learning environment with focus on student success
  • The Okanagan campus offers students the opportunity to study at a top 40 university in a smaller setting, situated in a diverse region of natural beauty, and bordering the city of Kelowna, a hub of economic development
  • The Okanagan region hosts 2,000 tech start-ups, providing networking and employment opportunities
  • Fluency with both open source software and commercial software, including Tableau and Microsoft products (Excel, Azure, SQL Server).

The program structure includes 24 one-credit courses offered in four-week segments. Courses are lab-oriented and delivered in-person with some blended online content.

At the end of the six segments, an eight-week, six-credit capstone project is also included, allowing students to apply their newly acquired knowledge, while working alongside other students with real-life data sets.

Fall: September - December

Block 1 (4 weeks, 4 credits), block 2 (4 weeks, 4 credits), block 3 (4 weeks, 4 credits), winter: january - april, block 4 (4 weeks, 4 credits), block 5 (4 weeks + 1 week break, 4 credits), block 6 (4 weeks, 4 credits), spring: may - june, capstone project (8-10 weeks, 6 credits), meet mitchell.

phd data science ubc

What attracted Mitchell to the Master of Data Science program at UBC Okanagan was the capstone project as it gave him experience in each stage of project creation. It allowed Mitchell to take what he learned in the classroom and apply it in the real world.

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The Vancouver School of Economics at UBC offers a renowned PhD program and the strengths of a quality research faculty.

Our small cohort sizes provide extensive opportunities for student-faculty interaction, including joint research projects and active supervision, and a diverse offering of specializations for dissertation work.

Each year we typically admit about 15 new students to our program. As a result, our program is small enough to provide extensive research supervision yet large enough to offer expertise in a wide range of fields. Virtually all of the school’s research faculty hold grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and other funding agencies, which provides ample opportunities for research assistantships and dissertation support.

The school manages the British Columbia Inter-University Research Data Centre , is home to the Centre for Innovative Data in Economics Research (CIDER), and has onsite use to the FDZ-IAB Data Access Point. As a result, unique training opportunities, research funding, and access to data and computing resources are available to our PhD students.

In addition to studying with the VSE professors, our students can work with faculty in other discipline in UBC’s Faculty of Land and Food Systems, the Sauder School of Business and Computer Science to name a few.

Program Overview

Before coursework in September, students undertake a mathematics review that is administered online in August.

During their first year, students take course sequences in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics. Each course sequence consists of two courses, each a semester-long.

At the end of the academic year, students write comprehensive examinations in microeconomics and macroeconomics.

Second year

In the second year, students take advanced courses in their chosen fields of specialization and a one-semester course in applied econometric methods. Students also participate in a one-semester seminar course that introduces them to the research process.

Starting in the second year, students begin attending the many research seminars held by the school, furthering their exposure to the research frontier.

Near the end of the second semester, students submit a research paper proposal. Students spend the summer after the second year working on this paper (which is submitted in the first semester of the third year) to familiarize students with the research process and aid and foster the transition to independent study.

In their third year, students reduce their course load and concentrate on research. Students participate in a PhD research seminar course. This seminar provides an opportunity for interaction between faculty and students in their respective fields through research presentations and discussions.

By their third year, students regularly participate in VSE research seminars, usually in one or two fields of specialization. Students are also regular participants in one of the weekly lunch workshop series, where students and professors present their work-in-progress and preliminary research in an informal setting.

Throughout the year, students further their research through self-initiated interaction with faculty outside of the classroom setting.

By the year's end, students form a dissertation committee in preparation for admission to candidacy. Admission involves having their dissertation prospectus approved by the candidate's supervisor(s).

Fourth year

In consultation with their committee, students now work full-time on their dissertation. The goal is to prepare a completed dissertation chapter that students can use as a "job market paper".

Job Market Placement

The VSE is involved in preparing our PhDs "job market package," distributed to employers. The VSE will advertise the student's credentials to employers through several formal and informal channels.

Typically, students complete their job market papers by the end of the first semester of the fifth year. During this semester, students are assisted in the preparation of their "job market package", containing their research papers, curriculum vitae, and faculty reference letters.

In late November, faculty members conduct mock interviews with job market candidates to prepare for interviews at the American Economic Association meeting and the Canadian Economics Employment Exchange.

During this period, the VSE reserves its seminar schedule for its job market candidates, so students can practice their "job market seminar" and receive invaluable feedback from faculty in all fields of the VSE.

Initial job interviews are held every year in December and January. Following interviews, students visit universities and other employers and typically conclude their job search by the end of March.


Students typically complete their dissertation at the end of the fifth year. At this time, the candidate is given an oral examination by members of the VSE. Then the candidate defends the dissertation in an oral examination administered by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Upon successful defense, the PhD is granted.

Program Requirements

Students are required to enroll in at least 18 credits of coursework in the first year. The standard first-year course program is:

  • Term 1 (September to December) – ECON 600 Microeconomics I, ECON 602 Macroeconomics I, ECON 626 Econometrics I
  • Term 2 (January to April) – ECON 601 Microeconomics II, ECON 603 Macroeconomics II, ECON 627 Econometrics II (three credits each)
  • Comprehensive Exams in microeconomic and macroeconomic theory are written in June

In the second year, students typically take ECON 628 Topics in Applied Econometrics (three credits) plus an additional 21 credits of economics courses at the 500- and 600-level; of these 21 credits, students may take six for audit. By the end of the second year, students are to have completed 42 credits of coursework.

In the third year of the program, students must take ECON 640 Ph.D. Research Seminar (three credits).

Summer research paper

The summer paper familiarizes students with the research process and aid and fosters an independent research transition.

A written proposal for the summer research paper is due on March 15, during the PhD program's second year. Students spend the summer after completing the second-year coursework working on the paper.

A first draft of the paper is due at the start of the third year on September 1. After receiving final suggestions for revision from the faculty, a final version of the research paper is due on October 1.

Candidates for the PhD degree who hold a master's degree must be enrolled for a minimum of two academic sessions (two years) at UBC before taking the final examination for the PhD degree. For students admitted to the PhD program with a Bachelor's degree, the total minimum enrolment period is three academic sessions (three years).

Students usually are admitted to candidacy when they have completed their period of residence and required coursework, passed the comprehensive examinations, submitted the summer research paper, and, most importantly, have their dissertation prospectus approved by their research supervisor.

A student who is not admitted to candidacy within three years from the date of initial registration is required to withdraw from the program. The dean may permit an extension of this period under exceptional circumstances.

The dissertation

A candidate for the PhD degree must submit an acceptable dissertation. The dissertation represents a substantial piece of original research and constitutes a contribution to knowledge in the field of the subject chosen.

The candidate selects their dissertation topic in consultation with a dissertation committee.

Before the research has progressed too far, the candidate presents a detailed dissertation prospectus in a seminar setting; at this point, the prospectus is either formally accepted or rejected by the dissertation committee. Students research under the supervision of a faculty member who serves as chairperson of the committee.

When the dissertation is completed, the candidate is given an oral examination by faculty members of the Vancouver School of Economics and is then asked to defend the dissertation in an oral examination administered by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

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DSCI 100: Introduction to Data Science

UBC Department of Statistics

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Canadian Immigration Updates

Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Review more details

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The UBC Master of Data Science  (MDS) is a 10-month professional degree program. The MDS program was developed by the combined expertise of the UBC departments of Computer Science and Statistics to help meet a growing need for data scientists by producing skilled professionals who can turn data into knowledge. 

Everything we do generates data and every new technology used to capture this data brings with it even more opportunities to extract knowledge, to learn, to grow, and to create change.  

Data science is the process of extracting value from that data through reproducible and auditable processes. 

Utilizing descriptive and prescriptive techniques, students extract and analyze data from both unstructured and structured forms and then communicate the findings of those analyses in ways to enable organizations to make informed decisions based on data

For specific program requirements, please refer to the departmental program website

What makes the program unique?

The 10-month, cohort based MDS program provides practical, real-world-applicable experience via integrating real-world data sets across the curriculum. As well, the MDS program ends with a capstone project allowing students to apply their newly acquired knowledge, while working alongside other students  to address a question facing a capstone partner’s organization. 

In addition, courses are taught by a core team of faculty dedicated to teaching MDS full-time and providing support to students throughout the program. 

Quick Facts

Program Enquiries

Tuition & financial support.

FeesCanadian Citizen / Permanent Resident / Refugee / DiplomatInternational
Tuition *
Installments per year33
Tuition $11,716.57$18,244.19
Program Fee$35,149.71$54,732.57
Int. Tuition Award (ITA) per year ( ) Not applicable
Other Fees and Costs
(yearly)$1,116.60 (approx.)
Estimate your with our interactive tool in order to start developing a financial plan for your graduate studies.
Deposit to accept offer (if admitted)
Deposit requirement$3000.00$3000.00

Financial Support

Applicants to UBC have access to a variety of funding options.

Program Funding Packages

There are several funding opportunities including bursaries (for domestic students who qualify for government student loans) and scholarships (for domestic and international students). Please see the program page for details.

Employer support

Organizations may provide their employees with tuition benefits as part of an employment package to support lifelong learning of their workforce.

Scholarships & awards (merit-based funding)

Professional / course-based programs usually do not provide merit-based funding. Some programs may offer bursaries.

Financial aid (need-based funding)

Canadian and US applicants may qualify for governmental loans to finance their studies. Please review eligibility and types of loans .

All students may be able to access private sector or bank loans.

Foreign government scholarships

Many foreign governments provide support to their citizens in pursuing education abroad. International applicants should check the various governmental resources in their home country, such as the Department of Education, for available scholarships.

Working while studying

The possibility to pursue work to supplement income may depend on the demands the program has on students. It should be carefully weighed if work leads to prolonged program durations or whether work placements can be meaningfully embedded into a program.

International students enrolled as full-time students with a valid study permit can work on campus for unlimited hours and work off-campus for no more than 20 hours a week.

A good starting point to explore student jobs is the UBC Work Learn program or a Co-Op placement .

Tax credits and RRSP withdrawals

Students with taxable income in Canada may be able to claim federal or provincial tax credits.

Canadian residents with RRSP accounts may be able to use the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) which allows students to withdraw amounts from their registered retirement savings plan (RRSPs) to finance full-time training or education for themselves or their partner.

Please review Filing taxes in Canada on the student services website for more information.

Cost Estimator

Applicants have access to the cost estimator to develop a financial plan that takes into account various income sources and expenses.

Career Options

Graduates are highly trained, qualified data scientists who can help businesses and organizations, across all domains, improve strategy, products, services, health, safety, and so much more by translating their findings into solutions that enable and inform action.

Enrolment, Duration & Other Stats

These statistics show data for the Master of Data Science (MDS). Data are separated for each degree program combination. You may view data for other degree options in the respective program profile.


New Registrations88811159693
Total Enrolment93821179696

Completion Rates & Times

Related programs, same specialization.

  • Master of Data Science in Computational Linguistics (MDSCL)

Same Academic Unit

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (PhD)
  • Master of Science in Computer Science (MSc)

At the UBC Okanagan Campus

Further information, specialization.

Data Science is an interdisciplinary field about processes and systems to extract knowledge or insights from data in various forms.

UBC Calendar

Program website, faculty overview, academic unit, program identifier, classification, social media channels.

Departments/Programs may update graduate degree program details through the Faculty & Staff portal. To update contact details for application inquiries, please use this form .

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  • Advancing Indigenous Inclusion
  • Supporting Student Development and Success
  • Reimagining Graduate Education
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  • PhD Career Outcomes

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We encourage our MSc students to consider applying to our PhD program.   Enrolment in the PhD can be via transfer or upon completion of the MSc.  

For a "head start" admission to the PhD program , excellent UBC Statistics MSc students may be permitted to enroll in the term 2 offering of the PhD qualifying course, STAT 548, while in the second year of the MSc program.  Thus,  when formally entering the PhD program after completion of the MSc, the student will have a "head start", not just by completing STAT 548 half a year earlier, but by connecting earlier with possible research projects.   An interested student from the UBC Statistics MSc program  should simultaneously apply for PhD admission and STAT 548 entry by early December of the second year of the MSc program.  Should the Admissions Committee be amenable, the student is offered both a spot in the PhD program for the following September, and permission to start STAT 548 in January. For more information on this option, please contact the gradinfo [at] (Student Services Coordinator) .

To transfer from the MSc to the PhD , UBC Statistics MSc students may apply to the Department after completing one year of study in the MSc program with 18 credits, of which at least 9 credits must be at the 500 level or above and at least 9 credits must be at First Class standing. Please note that meeting these requirements does not guarantee permission to transfer; for admission to the PhD program, students must show clear evidence of research ability, as demonstrated in their academic records and letters of recommendation. If you are considering transferring and meet these requirements, please speak with the gradadv [at] (Graduate Advisor.)  

Upon completion of the MSc , students apply to the PhD program by the usual process.

UBC Department of Statistics

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Data science

In today’s data-focused world, data science is proving to be one of the most interesting, lucrative and versatile career paths to pursue. Appealing to the technically inclined as well as those with little to no experience in data or statistics—the key attributes required for these in-demand roles are simply curiosity, creativity and drive. Everything else can be learned.  

Our data science courses and programs, including our full- and micro-certificates, give you the tools and training to step into a data related position or take on new data responsibilities with confidence.   

Learn the principles of data science, improve your data literacy, get hands-on experience using data analytics techniques and real-world cases and translate your findings into data-driven solutions. The value in these specialized skills and the fulfilling career opportunities they can present across all sectors is immeasurable.   

Key Capabilities in Data Science

Ubc certificate.

Develop a solid understanding of data science principles. Learn to analyze and interpret data to inform strategies and make smart data-driven business decisions.

Analytics for Leaders in Ocean Management

Ubc micro-certificate.

Build your ocean data analytics capabilities in this program for professionals in marine biology, sustainable oceans management and various sectors of the blue economy.

Health Data Analytics: Opportunities and Applications

In this part-time technical program, healthcare professionals and researchers learn the data analytics skills needed for our increasingly data-driven health sector.

Refine course list

Available courses
Course name Format Next start date Status More Description
Health Data Analysis and Machine Learning Open
Health Data Analytics Information Session Open
Introduction to Machine Learning Open
Introduction to the Big Data Era & Opportunities for Better Health Care Open
Programming in Python for Data Science Open
Introduction to Aquatic Data Sciences: Data Sampling Methods Open
Health Data and Visualization Open
The Data Science Toolbox Open
Data Visualization Open
UBC Micro-certificate in Analytics for Leaders in Ocean Management – Free Online Information Session

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Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Why study Data Science at UBC’s Okanagan campus?

Career opportunities.

Build a broad foundation with a globally recognized UBC degree in data science. Develop the skills and knowledge needed to work in career positions such as data analyst, data architect or statistician.

Access to professors

Assist with research projects on predictive modelling, graphics and visualization, machine learning, system architecture, databases, computational statistics, or optimization—just some of the topics renowned UBC faculty researchers are exploring.

State-of-art lab space

Contribute to the solution of modern data problems in the Statistical Machine Learning Laboratory or the Laboratory for Data Visualization. UBC Okanagan is also home to one of Canada’s foremost optimization research groups: Centre for Optimization, Convex Analysis & Nonsmooth Analysis.

Co-op experience

Put your classroom learning to the test with Co-op job placements throughout the region and beyond. Co-op helps you to gain beneficial skills such as how to build your resumé, apply for jobs, expand your professional network, and earn money to pay for tuition.

what you need to know

Get your UBC degree in data science and learn how to make decisions that are supported by data. Data science graduates have an impact on society by supporting evidence-based decisions grounded in our ever-growing collection of data. They are in very high demand and are called statistician, quantitative analyst, decision support engineering analyst, or data scientist.

The program at UBC Okanagan is grounded in statistics (to formulate relevant questions and determine the answer based on data) and computer science (to manipulate and visualize data efficiently).

At UBC Okanagan, you can complete a Bachelor of Science (BSc) with a major, minor, or honours in data science.

UBC Okanagan’s data science program offers a wide variety of foundational and advanced courses that prepare students for graduate studies, as well as for careers in e-commerce, finance, government, genomics, entertainment and sports, management, and other areas that increasingly rely on data sets.

Sample courses:

  • DATA 301 – Introduction to Data Analytics
  • DATA 311 – Machine Learning
  • DATA 421 – Network Science

Browse data science  courses and descriptions.

The following links take you to data science program details in the Okanagan Academic Calendar, a comprehensive guide to all programs, courses, services, and academic policies at the University of British Columbia:

  • Major in data science
  • Data science honours
  • Minor in data science

Communications and Rhetoric Certificate

Students can receive a Certificate in Communications and Rhetoric by completing 15 credits through courses from four thematic interdisciplinary and relational clusters, and a final capstone project. This is an add on to any major; some credits can be double-counted.

Graduate Studies An accelerated, 10-month professional Master of Data Science program is available at the Okanagan campus, or students can choose to pursue MA, MSc or PhD degrees in the  Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies program which offers innovative themed options, as well as individualized options.

For your application to be considered, you will need to:

  • meet general requirements (e.g., graduate from secondary school)
  • demonstrate a certain level of English competency
  • meet specific requirements for the degree you’re applying to

Then, UBC will take a closer look at your application. We’ll read your Personal Profile to get a sense of who you are and what you’ve achieved. We’ll also look at all of your Grade 11 (junior level) and Grade 12 (senior level) courses, paying special attention to the courses that relate to the degree you’re applying to.

Find your specific requirements at


Declaring helps you plan your program more effectively, build your education, and stay connected.

Students are encouraged to declare their major in data science at the end of their first year in order to take the prerequisite second-year courses. Refer to the Academic Calendar for admission requirements.

Application Deadlines

Plan ahead to ensure you meet important deadlines and other target dates listed at

Tuition Fees

UBC Okanagan’s fees compare favourably with universities of the same high calibre. See Financial Planning for helpful resources, and add up your first-year costs with our Cost Calculator.

Apply to UBC at—there are just five steps in the application process. Soon you could be studying at one of the world’s top universities.

Check out the steps to apply to UBC , and be sure to choose “Okanagan campus.”

Or let our Student Recruitment & Advising experts guide you: call 1.877.807.8521.

phd data science ubc

Your Career Options

Earn a UBC degree respected by employers around the globe. Build a broad foundation and great career potential with undergraduate studies in data science. Career options range from marketing analyst and financial manager to data engineer.

  • Business continuity planner
  • Business intelligence analyst
  • Business teacher
  • Commercial intelligence manager
  • Competitive intelligence analyst
  • Computer network support specialist
  • Computer systems analyst
  • Computer programmer
  • Customer insight lead
  • Data analyst
  • Data architect
  • Data engineer
  • Data mining engineer
  • Data programmer
  • Data scientist
  • Data warehouse architect
  • Financial managers
  • Geospatial information scientist
  • Human resource specialist
  • Knowledge engineer
  • Information technology project manager
  • Machine learning engineer
  • Marketing analyst
  • Marketing manager
  • Marketing specialist
  • Online merchant
  • Risk analyst
  • Sales engineer
  • Statistician
  • National security such as law enforcement, disaster preparedness, defence, and counter-terrorism sectors
  • Business intelligence, including financial analysis, risk management, finance, and insurance firms
  • Marketing and online commerce, such as technology and gaming, internet and online, and information technology companies

Learn and earn with Co-op , a paid opportunity for students to enrich their education with work experience. At UBC’s Okanagan campus, sign up for Co-op to:

  • build your resumé with professional experience
  • learn valuable tips on how to successfully apply for jobs
  • expand your network of industry contacts
  • earn money to pay for tuition

Inquire about Co-op by phone at 250.807.9623 or by email .

UBC Okanagan offers graduate degrees in computer science with clusters in data science and optimization. An accelerated, 10-month professional Master of Data Science program is available at the Okanagan campus, or students can choose to pursue MA, MSc or PhD degrees in an Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies program.

Gain Valuable Experience

Learning experiences beyond the classroom help prepare you for a career and life after university. Expand your horizons while studying abroad, conducting meaningful research, or working in the community with your UBC colleagues.

  • See the world through Go Global , a UBC program for exchange and study with more than 150 international partner institutions. Experience university life abroad as a resident, or earn academic credit while participating in summer group-study courses led by UBC profs.
  • Travel to a conference or competition with financial assistance available through the  Tuum Est Student Initiative Fund , which provides financial support up to $3,500.

Follow your ideas and jump-start your career:

  • Pursue innovative and original research as part of the  Undergraduate Research Awards .
  • Volunteer as a research assistant or pursue directed studies or honours opportunities, some of the many  opportunities for undergraduate students to gain valuable research experience.

Get a financial boost to start your research experience. Pay for travel and other expenses. Win merit-based cash awards that look impressive on your resumé.

  • Undergraduate Research Awards : The URA offers an $8,000 salary plus a maximum of $1,500 for research expenses, for a total of up to $9,500 per student. For international students, the IURA offers a $9,000 salary plus a maximum of $1,500 for research expenses, for a total of up to $10,500 per student.
  • NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards : Minimum $7,500
  • Co-op puts your classroom learning to the test, allowing you to explore career options while earning money. Inquire about Co-op by phone at 250.807.9623 or by email .
  • Learn through doing, create strong connections, and develop professional skills with a campus job arranged by UBC’s Work Study Program .
  • Work on campus in the field of data science as a teaching assistant —deliver labs, tutorials, and even lectures.
  • Meet a community need and get practical experience by volunteering for a Community Service Learning project—a life-changing experience.

Meet Your Peers and Profs

Find out what students, faculty, and alumni have to say about UBC: .


The University of British Columbia is a global centre for research and teaching, consistently ranked among the 40 best universities in the world. In the data science program at UBC’s Okanagan campus, you gain all the benefits of attending a globally respected university while studying in a close-knit learning community.

  • Get a glimpse into life on UBC’s Okanagan campus at .
  • Take a virtual tour of our state-of-the-art labs, modern facilities, campus residences.
  • Visit the campus for a personal guided tour led by a student ambassador.
  • Tour the campus, city and lake with this interactive 360-degree Kelowna From Above * video. * Best viewed in Chrome and Firefox 

On the first day of university, faculties offer “Meet the Faculty” sessions where you can get to know the Dean, professors, and the staff who provide student support. It’s all part of UBC Okanagan’s new student orientation: CREATE .

Attend an orientation tailored to your needs as an Indigenous student, domestic student, international student, or student living in residence. You can even register your parents for an orientation that includes a workshop and campus tour.

  • Peer mentors are a great resource — ask questions and learn from students who’ve been there, done that.
  • Navigate your studies with the help of a professor, your Program Advisor .
  • Use the library which offers print, audiovisual and electronic research materials, a leisure-reading collection, and loaner laptops. It also offers research consultations, instruction and workshops.
  • The library’s Writing and Resource Centre can help you articulate your ideas. Pursue your research in a range of subject areas and scholarly genres, including essay writing, grammar, presentation skills, punctuation, thesis development, and coursework.
  • Familiarize yourself with resources designed to help you succeed. Student Services offers a variety of academic supports , from study sessions to tutoring and writing workshops.

Take advantage of the many opportunities to get involved and stay active—from workout space in the new Hangar Fitness Centre, to athletic courts, intramurals, fitness classes, and varsity athletics.

Learn more at Sports and Recreation , which includes links to fitness facilities, sport clubs, intramurals and recreation programs, as well as the nationally ranked UBC Okanagan Heat varsity teams that compete in the Canada West Universities Athletics Association.

  • Make friends with similar interests, attend events, and explore career options with the Quantitative Sciences Course Union .
  • Branch out, get involved in student life, and have fun by joining various campus clubs .
  • Join the Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Mentoring Program  which supports the success of young women transitioning from their undergraduate education to a career in science or engineering.

Meet new people while living in a study-oriented environment with easy access to academic and personal support.

UBC Okanagan offers modern residence living surrounded by hiking and biking trails. One of the newest residences, Purcell, includes a rooftop patio that offers a panoramic view of the campus and the Okanagan Valley.

Find out more about living in residence .

UBC’s Okanagan campus borders the dynamic city of Kelowna, a hub of economic development with a population of more than 150,000 people—the fourth fastest growing population in Canada. In fact, the Okanagan Valley is rated one of the best communities in Canada to grow your business.

More than 160 buses travel daily from campus to key locations such as Kelowna’s cultural district and thriving downtown waterfront. The campus is two minutes from the Kelowna International Airport, one of the Top 10 busiest airports in Canada.

UBC Okanagan is situated within the First Nations territory of the Okanagan Nation, whose spirit of stewardship for the land is reflected in the university’s respect for sustainability.

A diverse natural region with sandy beaches, beautiful farms, vineyards and orchards, and snow-capped mountains, the Okanagan Valley features sweeping stretches of lakeside and endless mountain trails for biking and hiking.

Explore the Okanagan lifestyle at

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Data Science and Health

homepage banner 2023

Advancing Data Science and Health Research Excellence in BC

The Data Science and Health (DASH) Cluster is building a system to link health research data in BC by enhancing the availability and use of health data to improve diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, and enable computational tools that speed discovery of new knowledge, optimizing health outcomes for all BC residents.

Announcements & Events

Report launch: laying the groundwork for artificial intelligence for public health in canada, ubc health data analytics micro-credential program information session, dash newsletter - may edition released.

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Darryl Knight

DASH Spotlight Series: Meet Dr. Darryl Knight

 Meet our DASH communityDASH is featuring our members and trainees on our newsletter and website to explore the various expertise, interests, and background that each of us brings to our data science and health community.Name:Dr. Darryl Knight Title and Affiliation:VP Research and…

Miini Teng

DASH Spotlight Series: Meet Miini Teng

 Meet our DASH communityDASH is featuring our members and trainees on our newsletter and website to explore the various expertise, interests, and background that each of us brings to our data science and health community.Name:Miini Teng Title and Affiliation:Medical Student, The…

Ricky Hu

DASH Spotlight Series: Meet Ricky Hu

 Meet our DASH communityDASH is featuring our members and trainees on our newsletter and website to explore the various expertise, interests, and background that each of us brings to our data science and health community.Name:Ricky Hu Title and Affiliation:Internal Medicine Resident, UBC…

10th Floor, Diamond Health Care Centre, 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC Canada V5Z 1M9

Research Excellence Clusters at UBC Vancouver is a joint initiative of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver and the Vice-President, Research and Innovation. Funding support for the clusters is provided by Academic Excellence Funds – UBC Vancouver .

UBC Campuses

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  • Terms of Use |
  • UBC Copyright |
  • Accessibility
  • Academic Calendar
  • Campus Services
  • Faculties & Schools
  • Student Service Centre
  • UBC Directory

You are reading the 2024/25 Academic Calendar. The 2023/24 version remains in effect until August 31, 2024 and is available here .

Data Science (M.D.S.)

Degree Offered: Master of Data Science (M.D.S.)

See the Data Science (M.D.S.) website .

Master of Data Science

Program overview.

The Master of Data Science (M.D.S.) is a program administered by the Faculty of Science. The Master of Data Science (M.D.S.) Computational Linguistics option is administered by the Faculty of Arts.

The Master of Data Science (M.D.S.) is a 10-month, non-thesis professional degree program consisting of 30 credits. The program focuses on utilizing descriptive and prescriptive techniques to extract and analyze data from both unstructured and structured forms and to communicate the findings of those analyses to guide prescriptive change in organizations. This program will educate students in the analysis of data for many different disciplines, such as health care, commerce, and utilities, and will help address the demand for skilled data science professionals in these areas.

This program is intended for students who do not have an undergraduate degree in Computer Science or Statistics; however, all applicants may be considered upon review by the graduate program.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must meet the general admission requirements for master's degrees set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Applicants must also provide proof of successful completion of:

  • one course in programming (e.g., UBC CPSC 110 or APSC 160 or equivalent);
  • one course in probability and/or statistics (e.g., UBC STAT 200 or STAT 241/251 or STAT 302 or equivalent); and,
  • one course in calculus (e.g., UBC MATH 100 or equivalent) or one course in linear algebra (e.g., UBC MATH 221 or equivalent). Completion of a course in each of calculus and linear algebra is recommended.

Applicants must provide:

  • A statement of interest describing their academic background, future career goals and their interest in data science.
  • A résumé, including links to any relevant software or data science projects.
  • Three reference letters.

Upon admission, applicants will be required to provide a $3,000 (CAD) non-refundable deposit that will be applied to their first tuition instalment.

Applicants who do not meet the admission requirements stated above, but who have had other significant formal training, relevant professional experience, and/or otherwise possess demonstrable knowledge or expertise that would prepare them adequately for successful study in the graduate program, may be granted admission on the recommendation of the Program Director and the approval of the Dean of Science.

  • Academic Regulations

This program will abide by the policies for master's degrees set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies with three exceptions:

  • No transfer credit will be accepted for the M.D.S. program;
  • All issues relating to academic standing and progress that are not resolved by the Program Director will be referred to the Dean of Science (not the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies).
  • Only 3 credits of courses with grades in the C to C+ range (60-67%) may be counted towards the M.D.S. program. For all other courses, a minimum of 68% must be obtained.

Program Requirements

The M.D.S. is a 10-month, non-thesis degree program consisting of 30 credits.

All M.D.S. students are required to complete the following 14 courses:

  • DSCI 511 (1)
  • DSCI 512 (1)
  • DSCI 513 (1)
  • DSCI 521 (1)
  • DSCI 523 (1)
  • DSCI 531 (1)
  • DSCI 541 (1)
  • DSCI 551 (1)
  • DSCI 552 (1)
  • DSCI 561 (1)
  • DSCI 563 (1)
  • DSCI 571 (1)
  • DSCI 572 (1)
  • DSCI 573 (1)

Students not pursuing the Computational Linguistics option are required to complete the following courses:

  • DSCI 522 (1)
  • DSCI 524 (1)
  • DSCI 525 (1)
  • DSCI 532 (1)
  • DSCI 542 (1)
  • DSCI 553 (1)
  • DSCI 554 (1)
  • DSCI 562 (1)
  • DSCI 574 (1)
  • DSCI 575 (1)
  • DSCI 591 (6)

Students pursuing the Computational Linguistics option are required to complete the following courses:

  • COLX 521 (1)
  • COLX 525 (1)
  • COLX 531 (1)
  • COLX 535 (1)
  • COLX 561 (1)
  • COLX 563 (1)
  • COLX 565 (1)
  • COLX 585 (1)
  • COLX 595 (6)

and complete any two of the following electives:

  • COLX 523 (1)
  • COLX 527 (1)
  • COLX 533 (1)
  • COLX 581 (1)

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance based on academic merit and financial need may be available. Students should consult the M.D.S. program website for more information.

  • Contact Information

Graduate Admissions Master of Data Science Tel: 604.822.6911 Email: [email protected] Web:

Master of Data Science - Computational Linguistics Tel: 604.822.6288 Email: [email protected] Web:

Faculties, Colleges, and Schools

  • Introduction
  • Applied Science
  • Architecture and Landscape Architecture
  • Audiology and Speech Sciences
  • Commerce and Business Administration
  • Community and Regional Planning
  • Graduate Studies
  • Information
  • Kinesiology
  • Land and Food Systems
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Population and Public Health
  • Social Work
  • Academic Advising
  • Degree Requirements
  • Minor in Arts
  • Minor in Commerce
  • Minor in Entrepreneurship
  • Minor in Honours Mathematics
  • Minor in Science
  • Dual Degree Program in Arts and Applied Science
  • Pre-Med Alternative Path
  • Curriculum and First Year
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical and Biological Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Engineering Physics
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Geological Engineering
  • Integrated Engineering
  • Manufacturing Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mining Engineering
  • Co-operative Education Program
  • Professional Associations
  • Joint UNBC/UBC Program: Environmental Engineering
  • Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Mechanical Engineering in the BC Context
  • Graduate Certificate in Global Mine Waste Management
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Geological Engineering
  • Master of Engineering
  • Master of Engineering Leadership in Advanced Materials Manufacturing
  • Master of Engineering Leadership in Clean Energy Engineering
  • Master of Engineering Leadership in Dependable Software Systems
  • Master of Engineering Leadership in High Performance Buildings
  • Master of Engineering Leadership in Integrated Water Management
  • Master of Engineering Leadership in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
  • Master of Engineering Leadership in Sustainable Process Engineering
  • Master of Engineering Leadership in Urban Systems
  • Master of Health Leadership and Policy in Clinical Education
  • Master of Health Leadership and Policy in Seniors Care
  • Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
  • Department of Civil Engineering
  • Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Engineering Physics Program
  • Geological Engineering Program
  • Integrated Engineering Program
  • Department of Materials Engineering
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Department of Mining Engineering
  • Dean's Office
  • Honours Option
  • Coordinated International Experience
  • Certification and Professional Association
  • Appeal Procedures
  • Professional Association and Certification
  • Time Limit for Completion of Degree Requirements
  • Master of Architecture/Master of Landscape Architecture Dual Degree Program Option
  • Master of Urban Design
  • Academic Staff
  • Admission and Transfer
  • Transfer and Exchange Credit
  • Credit Requirements and Regulations
  • Degree Requirements for students who enter the program in 2023/24 or earlier
  • Degree Requirements for students who enter the program in 2024/25 or later
  • First-Year Program Options
  • Degree Program Options
  • Registration
  • Science Credit Exclusion Lists
  • Adding a Specialization Outside the Faculty of Arts
  • Examinations
  • Academic Recognition, Promotion, and Continuation
  • Academic Concession
  • Academic Leave
  • Readmission
  • Second Degree Studies
  • Dual Degree Program Option in Arts and Science
  • Dual Degree Program Option in Arts and Applied Science
  • Dual Degree Program Option: Bachelor of Arts and Master of Management
  • Dual Degree Program Option: Bachelor of Arts, UBC and Sciences Po
  • African Studies
  • Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Art History, Visual Art, and Theory
  • Arts Studies
  • Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies
  • Asian Studies
  • Canadian Studies
  • Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies
  • Cinema Studies
  • Cognitive Systems
  • Computer Science
  • Creative Writing
  • Critical Studies in Sexuality
  • Environment and Society
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • Family Studies
  • First Nations and Endangered Languages
  • First Nations and Indigenous Studies
  • French Language, Literatures and Cultures
  • Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice
  • Geographic Information Science and Geographical Computation
  • German Studies
  • Health and Society
  • Human Geography
  • Indigenous Land-Based Studies
  • Informatics
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • International Relations
  • Italian and Italian Studies
  • Jewish Studies
  • Journalism and Social Change
  • Latin American Studies
  • Law and Society
  • Linguistics
  • Mathematics
  • Medieval Studies
  • Middle East Studies
  • Modern European Studies
  • Museum Studies
  • Nordic Studies
  • Political Science
  • Program in the Study of Religion
  • Romance Studies
  • Russian and Slavic Languages and Literature
  • Science Studies
  • South Asian Studies
  • Speech Sciences
  • United States Studies
  • Urban Studies
  • Writing and Communication
  • First Year Program Options
  • Dual Degree Program Option: Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Management
  • Film Production
  • Theatre Design and Production
  • Bachelor of International Economics
  • Degree Requirements for students who entered the program in 2022/2023 or earlier
  • Program of Study Guide for students who entered the program in 2022/2023 or earlier
  • Degree Requirements for students entering the program in 2023/24 or later
  • Minor Programs
  • Dual Degree Program Option: Bachelor of Media Studies and Master of Management
  • Co-operative Education Programs
  • Diploma in Applied Creative Non-Fiction
  • Diploma in Art History
  • Diploma in Film Production
  • Diploma in Linguistics
  • Certificate in Climate Studies and Action
  • Undergraduate Certificate in Data and Models in Political Science
  • Certificate in Dechinta Community and Land-Based Research
  • Certificate in General Arts Studies: Experiential Learning Through Social Justice
  • Centre for European Studies
  • Institute of Asian Research
  • Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies
  • Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice
  • Liu Institute for Global Issues
  • Graduate Programs
  • Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies
  • Department of Anthropology
  • Department of Art History, Visual Art, and Theory
  • Department of Asian Studies
  • Department of Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies
  • Department of English Language and Literatures
  • Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies
  • Department of Geography
  • Department of History
  • Department of Linguistics
  • Department of Philosophy
  • Department of Political Science
  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of Sociology
  • Department of Theatre and Film
  • School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • B.A.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering
  • Admission for Students Entering the Program in 2023/24 or Later
  • Co-operative Education
  • Minors and Concentrations
  • Commerce Scholars Program
  • Business and Computer Science – Combined Major
  • Business Technology Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • General Business Management
  • Global Supply Chain and Logistics Management
  • Operations and Logistics
  • Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
  • Real Estate
  • Bachelor of Business in Real Estate
  • UBC Bachelor of Commerce Dual Degree with Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong
  • Undergraduate Program-Master of Management Dual Degree Program Option
  • Master of Business Administration
  • International Master of Business Administration
  • Executive Master of Business Administration
  • Professional Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Business Analytics
  • Master of Management
  • Dual Degree Program Option: J.D./M.B.A.
  • Dual Degree Program Option: M.B.A. / M.B.A.N.
  • Dual Degree Program Option: UBC M.B.A./Yale M.A.M.
  • Dual Degree Program Option: UBC M.M./Yale M.M.S.
  • Diploma in Accounting Program
  • Professional and Diploma Courses
  • Executive Education
  • Chartered Professional Accountants of BC
  • Real Estate Institute of BC
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts
  • B.A. Minor in Creative Writing
  • Graduate and Post-Graduate Programs
  • General Practice Residency Training Program
  • Department of Oral Biological and Medical Sciences
  • Department of Oral Health Sciences
  • Adding a Specialization
  • Dual Degree Program Option: Bachelor of International Economics and Master of Management
  • Bachelor of Arts in Economics
  • Pre-Admission Advising
  • Application
  • Academic Policies and Regulations
  • Degree Requirements for Indigenous Teacher Education
  • Degree Requirements for Elementary & Middle Years Teacher Education
  • Degree Requirements for Secondary Teacher Education
  • Career Education Program Option: Chef Education Specialization
  • Certificate of Qualification
  • Certificate in Early Years Education (EYED)
  • Certificate in Health & Wellness
  • Certificate in Infant Development and Supported Childcare (IDSC)
  • Certificate in Teacher Librarianship (LIBE)
  • Certificate in Teaching About Visual and Material Culture
  • Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language
  • Undergraduate Certificate in Adult Learning and Education
  • Undergraduate Certificate in Textile Studies
  • Veterans Transition Certificate in International Development & Human Security
  • Diploma in Education
  • Continuing Professional and English Language Education
  • Centre for Cross-Faculty Inquiry in Education
  • Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education
  • Department of Educational Studies
  • Department of Language and Literacy Education
  • Centre for Early Childhood Education and Research
  • Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism
  • Indigenous Education
  • Indigenous Teacher Education Program (NITEP)
  • Office of Research in Education
  • Psychological Services and Counselling Training Centre
  • Program Approval and Advising
  • First Year Options
  • First Year Curriculum
  • Bioeconomy Sciences and Technology
  • Conservation
  • Forest Management
  • Forest Operations
  • Forest Sciences
  • Wood Products
  • Dual Degree Program in Natural Resources and Education
  • Dual Degree Program in Forest Sciences and Education
  • Forest Resources Management Major
  • Forest Resources Management Major (Community and Indigenous Forestry Concentration)
  • Forest Operations Major
  • Dual Degree Program in Natural Resources Conservation and Education
  • Co-Operative Education Program
  • Haida Gwaii Semesters
  • Graduate Certificate in Forest Management and Conservation
  • Forestry Co-op
  • Exchange Programs
  • Awards and Financial Assistance
  • Lectureships
  • Department of Forest Resources Management
  • Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences
  • Department of Wood Science
  • Student Services
  • University Research Forests
  • Doctoral Degrees
  • Master's Degrees
  • Students Transferring to UBC with Faculty Supervisors
  • Visiting Students
  • Transfer Credit for Access Studies
  • Authenticity of Documents
  • Ownership of Application Documents
  • Delay in Start of Program
  • Graduate Appeals on Admission or Readmission Decisions
  • English Language Proficiency Standards and GRE Requirements
  • Doctoral Student
  • Master's Student
  • Qualifying Student
  • Visiting Graduate Student
  • On-Leave Status
  • Program of Study
  • Transfer Credit
  • Undergraduate Eligibility for Graduate Courses
  • Academic Progress
  • Residency Requirements and Duration of Program
  • Examinations, Master's Theses, and Doctoral Dissertations
  • Academic Appeals
  • Withdrawal, Reinstatement, and Readmission
  • Student Conduct and Discipline
  • Academic Record
  • Graduate Student Leaves of Absence
  • Graduate Student Parental Accommodation Policy
  • Graduate Student Vacation Policy
  • Joint Doctoral Research Scholars
  • Merit-Based Awards
  • Awards from External Funding Agencies


  1. Masters in Data Science

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  2. Katie Burak, Assistant Professor of Teaching, MDS Vancouver

    phd data science ubc

  3. Why UBC

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  4. Data Science in Action

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  5. UBC Master of Data Science Vancouver Alumna

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  6. UBC launches new options in data, computational sciences

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  2. IIM Kashipur MBA Analytics 2024-26

  3. the craziest IIT PLACEMENT story🔥

  4. MDS Vancouver Alumni Panel October 2023

  5. Get your PhD while doing a Job!

  6. MDS Admissions Q&A (December 2022)


  1. Data Science at UBC

    With established partnerships with British Columbia's information technology, biotechnology and resources industries, UBC researchers are committed to advancing top-tier research and training at the forefront of data science, and to working with Canadian industry to help accelerate a new era of data-rich innovation. Master of Data Science.

  2. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (PhD)

    PhD students in the Department of Computer Science may focus their research in the following areas: Artificial Intelligence: computer vision, decision theory/game theory, knowledge representation and reasoning, intelligent user interfaces, machine learning, natural language understanding and generation, robotics and haptics. Computer Graphics: animation, imaging, modeling, rendering ...

  3. Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics (PhD)

    Established in 1983, the Department of Statistics at UBC is internationally renowned for its excellence in research and the high calibre of its faculty members. Our programs offers students different options for pursuing their interests and professional goals. Students completing our PhD program will be well-prepared for a job in industry, government or academia.

  4. Data Science

    The Statistics Department offers many avenues for training in Data Science. Beginning in the 2020-21 academic year (pending approval), UBC will be launching a Data Science Minor. For questions about the Data Science Minor program requirements, contact the Data Science Minor advisor. Our academic programs focus on statistics, both theory and ...

  5. Data Science

    The Department is also proud to partner with the UBC Data Science Institute and the University of Washington in supporting the summer workshops on Data Science for Social Good. Research. ... Professor Alex Bouchard-Côté, with a PhD in Computer Science, is adept with computer intensive methods for analysis of complex data. ...

  6. PhD Program

    PhD Program. The student must complete the following requirements for the PhD program: Pass the Research Proficiency Evaluation (RPE) Complete the Comprehensive Course Requirement. Successfully defend the Thesis Proposal Exam. Pass the Final Doctoral Examination. Have the final thesis approved by Faculty of Graduate and Post Doctoral Studies.

  7. Welcome

    The UBC Data Science Institute is a Faculty of Science initiative designed to incubate and accelerate research, innovation and training in data-intensive science. Working across the university's data science community and advanced computing teams, DSI equips researchers and external partners with the approaches, tools and expertise they need ...

  8. UBC Master of Data Science

    UBC's Master of Data Science program was designed to address this workforce gap by equipping students with the technical skills, practical experience, and most importantly, the confidence to seize opportunities in an ever-expanding field. The program is offered at both the UBC Vancouver campus and the UBC Okanagan campus, with an additional ...

  9. Data Science

    Data Science is an interdisciplinary field about processes and systems to extract knowledge or insights from data in various forms. Data Science - Specialization / Subjects - Graduate School - University of British Columbia - Vancouver - Canada

  10. PhD Program Details

    At the conclusion of the PhD program, the student must successfully defend a written thesis at an oral examination. Find out more about the UBC doctoral examination regulations. Students completing our PhD program will be well-prepared for a job in industry, government or academia. The program has an expected completion time of 4-5 years.

  11. Data Science Institute

    The UBC Data Science Institute is a Faculty of Science initiative designed to incubate and accelerate research, innovation and training in data-intensive science. Working across the university's data science community and advanced computing teams, DSI equips researchers and external partners with the approaches, tools and expertise they need to fully leverage the potential of big data.

  12. Graduate Degree Programs

    Doctor of Philosophy in Classics (PhD) Faculty of Arts. Clean Energy Engineering. Master of Engineering Leadership in Clean Energy Engineering (MEL) Faculty of Applied Science. Clinical Education. Master of Health Leadership and Policy in Clinical Education (MHLP) Faculty of Applied Science. Clinical Informatics.

  13. MDS Okanagan

    MDS Okanagan. Covering all stages of the data science value chain, UBC's Okanagan campus Master of Data Science program prepares graduates to thrive in one of the world's most in-demand fields. Over 10 months, you'll learn how to extract and analyze data in all its forms, how to turn data into knowledge, and how to clearly communicate ...

  14. PhD Program

    PhD Program. The Vancouver School of Economics at UBC offers a renowned PhD program and the strengths of a quality research faculty. Our small cohort sizes provide extensive opportunities for student-faculty interaction, including joint research projects and active supervision, and a diverse offering of specializations for dissertation work.

  15. DSCI 100: Introduction to Data Science

    Anona Thorne and Takao Tanabe Graduate Entrance Scholarship; Data Science Award; ... Introduction to Data Science; DSCI 100: Introduction to Data Science. Session: 2022 Winter Term: ... University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4. Tel People Directory. Find us on

  16. UBC Department of Statistics

    The Faculty of Science at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver seeks candidates who self-identify as Black for two tenure-stream Assistant/Associate Professors with an expected start date of 1 July 2024. ... Stat 201 - Statistical Inference for Data Science... Read More. Research Highlight ... Nikola Surjanovic has been a PhD ...

  17. Master of Data Science (MDS)

    The UBC Master of Data Science (MDS) is a 10-month professional degree program. The MDS program was developed by the combined expertise of the UBC departments of Computer Science and Statistics to help meet a growing need for data scientists by producing skilled professionals who can turn data into knowledge. Everything we do generates data and every new technology used to capture this data ...

  18. From MSc to PhD

    Enrolment in the PhD can be via transfer or upon completion of the MSc. For a "head start" admission to the PhD program, excellent UBC Statistics MSc students may be permitted to enroll in the term 2 offering of the PhD qualifying course, STAT 548, while in the second year of the MSc program. Thus, when formally entering the PhD program after ...

  19. Data science

    Our data science courses and programs, including our full- and micro-certificates, give you the tools and training to step into a data related position or take on new data responsibilities with confidence. Learn the principles of data science, improve your data literacy, get hands-on experience using data analytics techniques and real-world ...

  20. Data Analytics

    Strengthening UBC's data analytics capabilities through platform development and resource sharing. DASH will work with data infrastructure platforms across BC to develop a framework for a secure, data platform. The platform will facilitate the discovery and translation of new knowledge, thus optimizing health outcomes for Canadians.

  21. Data Science

    UBC Okanagan's data science program offers a wide variety of foundational and advanced courses that prepare students for graduate studies, as well as for careers in e-commerce, finance, government, genomics, entertainment and sports, management, and other areas that increasingly rely on data sets. Sample courses:

  22. Welcome

    Advancing Data Science and Health Research Excellence in BC. The Data Science and Health (DASH) Cluster is building a system to link health research data in BC by enhancing the availability and use of health data to improve diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, and enable computational tools that speed discovery of new knowledge, optimizing health outcomes for all BC residents.

  23. Data Science (M.D.S.)

    Master of Data Science. Program Overview. The Master of Data Science (M.D.S.) is a program administered by the Faculty of Science. The Master of Data Science (M.D.S.) Computational Linguistics option is administered by the Faculty of Arts. The Master of Data Science (M.D.S.) is a 10-month, non-thesis professional degree program consisting of 30 ...

  24. UBC Chemistry, EOAS welcome new leadership

    Two of UBC ' s largest science units will welcome new heads this summer, with Professor Laurel Schafer and Dr. Erik Eberhardt taking on the leadership of the departments of Chemistry and Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, respectively.. Both appointments begin July 1, 2024. Professor Schafer, whose group develops new catalytic methods for carbon-nitrogen and carbon-carbon bond forming ...