Number Line

  • x^{2}-x-6=0
  • -x+3\gt 2x+1
  • line\:(1,\:2),\:(3,\:1)
  • prove\:\tan^2(x)-\sin^2(x)=\tan^2(x)\sin^2(x)
  • \frac{d}{dx}(\frac{3x+9}{2-x})
  • (\sin^2(\theta))'
  • \lim _{x\to 0}(x\ln (x))
  • \int e^x\cos (x)dx
  • \int_{0}^{\pi}\sin(x)dx
  • \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{3}{2^n}



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What is 135/2 as a decimal?

Decimals and fractions are two ways you can write the same number. A decimal is written when in two parts, its whole numbers part and its decimals part – with a decimal point in between. In this article, you’ll learn how to convert 135/2 to a decimal using the division method.

Solution: 135/2 as a decimal is 67.5

Explanation using the division method:.

A fraction is usually split into two parts: the first part is the number on top, called the numerator; and the second part is the number on the bottom, called the denominator. These are both separated by a line called the “divisor line”. We can use the division method help to solve this question: to get a decimal, simply divide the numerator 135 by the denominator 2 (which you can enter in any calculator):

135 (numerator) ÷ 2 (denominator) = 67.5

And finally, you get 67.5 as your answer when you convert 135/2 to a decimal.

Practice more conversion problems

All it takes to be better at something is some practice! Take a look at some more similar problems on converting fractions to decimals and give them a go:

  • What is 148/63 as a decimal?
  • What is 8/131 as a decimal?
  • What is 86/35 as a decimal?
  • What is 75/145 as a decimal?

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Math 135, Winter 2017

Homework assignments (most recent first).

3/6/17   §6.2 #11, 14, 20
§6.3 #7, 11, 13 ,16, 22
§6.4 #1
3/3/17 §6.2, 6.3, 6.4 Prove formulas 6-11 in the table on page 321.    
3/1/17 §3.5, 6.1 §3.5 #3, 6, 8, 15    
2/28/17 §3.4, 3.7 §3.4 #1, 5, 9, 12, 14, 21, 25 §3.4 #37, 38
§3.7 #26
2/27/17 ;
Complex handout:
Exercises 1, 3, 5;
§3.3 #7, 11, 18, 34
Complex handout:
Exercises 2(a-k), 4(a-f);
§3.3 #33, 35
2/21/17   §3.2 #4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17 §3.2 #14, 28 2/23/17
2/17/17 §3.2 §3.1 #5, 10, 15, 17, 21 §3.1 #23 2/23/17
2/16/17 §3.1      
2/14/17 §2.8 §2.8 #9, 13 §2.8 #14, 15, 16, 17 2/16/17
2/13/17 §2.5 §2.5 #3, 7, 9   2/16/17
2/10/17 [BD] §2.4 §2.1 #15, 18, 20
§2.4 #1, 4, 13, 27
§2.1 #28
§2.4 #21, 28
2/8/17 [BD] §2.1
[SHE] §8.5
2/7/17 [BD*] §1.1-1.3; 2.2 §2.2 #1, 23, 30 §2.2 #3, 32 2/16/17
1/30/17 §12.9 §12.9 #1, 5, 27, 41 §12.9 #42, 44, 47, 49 2/2/17
1/27/17 §12.4, 12.7, 12.8 §12.4 #1, 3, 15
§12.7 #3, 7, 31
§12.8 #1, 3, 5, 7, 19, 27, 41
§12.4 #48
§12.8 #44, 48
1/24/17 §12.6 §12.6 #1, 2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17 §12.6 #61, 66 ( ) 1/26/17
1/23/17 §12.5 §12.5 #3, 5, 15, 27, 33 §12.5 #42 (with proof), 45, 48 1/26/17
1/20/17 §12.1, 12.2, 12.3 §12.2 #1, 7, 13, 15, 29
§12.3 #3, 15, 27, 29, 35
§12.2 #32, 42
§12.3 #47, 50
1/17/17 §11.7 §11.6 #37, 38
§11.7 #7, 13, 21
§11.7 #38, 50, 60, 69 1/19/17
1/13/17 §11.5, 11.6 §11.4 #5, 7, 9, 15, 27
§11.5 #3, 9, 21, 33, 49
§11.6 #5, 9, 13, 19, 21, 57
§11.4 #48
§11.5 #48
§11.6 #54, 56, 58
1/11/17 §11.4      
1/10/17   §11.3 #45, 46
p. 364, Project 7.4
§11.3 #44 (with proofs) 1/12/17
1/9/17 §§11.2, 11.3 §10.7 #38
(note )
§11.2 #11, 13, 47
§11.2 #50, 61 1/12/17
1/6/17 §§10.6, 10.7 §10.6 #5, 7, 13, 23, 31–35
§10.7 #3, 9, 13, 27
§10.7 #43, 51(a) 1/12/17
1/4/17 §§10.2, 10.3, 10.5 §10.2 #14, 25, 39, 41, 42, 50, 55, 58
§10.3 #5, 9, 19, 23
§10.5 #5, 11, 43
§10.2 #48, 63
§10.5 #24
1/3/17 [SHE*] §10.1
(to p. 472)
§10.1 #7, 13, 25 §10.1 #29, 31 1/12/17

*For January, section numbers refer to Salas-Hille-Etgen [SHE]. In February and March, section numbers refer to Boyce & DiPrima [BD].

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How to answer “what are your salary expectations” in 2024.

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Your unique expertise and skill set play a major role in determining which end of the pay range you ... [+] are likely to fall in

You've applied for your dream remote job and you've performed exceptionally well throughout the interview.

You've demonstrated to the interviewer and hiring manager that you're the perfect fit for the role.

And it worked! They're convinced that you're just the candidate they need. There's just one final question left...the question that fills us all with dread:

"What are your salary expectations for this role?"

This question can make or break your least at this point. You're worried that if you suggest too little, you might be underselling your skills and cheating yourself out of a potentially lucrative salary.

But if you announce that you're expecting the highest end of the pay range, it might be too high for their budget, and worse, they might see you as out of their league and not offer you the job altogether.

So, what should you do?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to approach this sensitive issue:

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Jon stewart says biden 'becoming trumpian'—joining these other a-listers who have critiqued biden, biden vs. trump 2024 election polls: most biden supporters say he should drop out in latest survey, 1. understand why they're asking "what are your salary expectations".

First things first. You need to know why the interviewer—whether hiring manager or recruiter—is posing this question. It might sound obvious, but one reason they are likely to ask this question is because they are trying to assess your value, and one way to do that is to see what estimate you would place on your monetary value as relates to the job market. They are testing your level of experience and what expertise and value you would offer to their organization.

While they may provide a pay range when advertizing the role, it is likely that they will negotiate the salary according to various factors based on your experience and skills.

If you only have a two years of experience, for example, it's best to go for the lower end of the range. With more years of experience you can increase your salary expectations in line with the middle of the range, where it feels comfortable enough for you.

Another reason a hiring manager would ask this is because they are working with a budget. They need to ensure that the pay you're asking for, falls within that budget realistically.

Use salary calculators and your previous role as a benchmark for pay expectations in your industry, ... [+] role, and location

2. Do Your Homework

Rather than leaving up to luck or chance, undertake due diligence and do your research of the job market and the salary expectations for your industry and specific role, including your seniority level.

You should even consider factors such as the city or state you reside in, or the city and state the employer is hiring from, as these can greatly impact average salary ranges, causing them to plummet or rise sharply due to greater demand or higher cost of living in certain locations. Even if you are applying for a remote job, location should still eb considered when it comes to salary ranges.

Excellent sources of average pay range information include salary calculators such as ZipRecruiter,, Glassdoor, and Indeed. These may also provide you with information on expected pay ranges at the specific employer you are interviewing with. This helps with pay transparency on their part, and enables you to ensure that you are not being discriminated against due to personal characteristics such as age, race, or gender.

3. Assess Your Value

To assess your salary value, it might be helpful to use your last role (if it was in the same field or industry) as a benchmark. You might be comfortable asking for the same salary as the one you had previously, or you could demand higher pay—but it's important to know why you deserve to be paid more.

Do you have a unique skill set that you can provide which is of high value to the new employer? Have you upskilled and completed certifications or a master's degree since then? Was the last employer paying you unfairly, below the average range for someone with your experience and skill set? Did you acquire a significant breadth of expertise and accomplishments in your last job that justify your new salary expectations? Make a note of all these factors.

Always provide a range; never tie yourself down to a fixed number when negotiating salary

4. Provide A Range, Not A Fixed Number

When answering "What are your salary expectations?" it's important that you answer with a salary range, not a fixed number. It's similar to what happens when you ask someone a closed question versus an open-ended question.

Providing a fixed number (i.e., $90,000) gives room for the employer to outright say no, and there is limited scope to explore further. You might also end up cheating yourself out of higher pay, if the employer was willing to pay more. However, if you give them a range (say $90,000 to $95,000) they have some room to work with and can even offer you more than what you initially expected.

As a general rule, aim to provide a range that varies no more than $5,000 to $10,000. Additionally, it would be good practice to ensure that your desired fixed number is at the bottom of the range. Start from there, then add $5,000 to $10,000 as your maximum for the range.

So for example, if you want to be paid $90,000, start your range from that figure and end at $95,000 or $100,000. This ensures you never get paid any less than your minimum expectation.

While sharing your range, be sure that you make it clear that you're happy to negotiate and discuss further. You might also use this as an opportunity to say that you're OK with reconsidering your salary range if the right benefits and total compensation package was in place.

This perfectly segues into my next point:

5. Consider The Entire Compensation Package

Last but not least, remember to take the entire compensation package into consideration. Think about other benefits that you would potentially be willing to sacrifice part of your salary for if needed. What benefits matter the most to you? Healthcare? Stock options? Bonuses? Remote work? Learning and development or work-from-home office stipend? Factor these into your salary negotiation with the hiring manager.

Occasionally, the hiring manager might say, "We will revisit this later, according to your performance in the role." In this case, if you feel comfortable with everything else and there are no red flags, go for it—but be sure to confirm in writing when exactly your pay will be reviewed for a potential increase. Have a transparent discussion to understand what the expectations are for you in your first 90 days, six months, and one year into the role, and what the criteria is for increased pay at your pay review.

Salary is only on part of compensation, so don't forget to consider the bigger picture

Following these five steps will help you answer "What are your salary expectations?" confidently and positively, aligning you with a remote job (or otherwise) that reflects your true worth.

You'll never need to worry about this question again.

Rachel Wells

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