100+ Military Essay Topics


The military, with its history, disciplines, strategies, and controversial issues, has always been a fascinating subject for both scholars and ordinary citizens. It’s no wonder that many students, whether they have military experience or are merely curious about the topic, choose to write essays about it.

Table of Contents

What is a Military Essay?

A military essay is a piece of writing that delves into topics related to the armed forces, defense strategies, historical battles, military ethics, the role of the military in national and international politics, and more. These essays can be analytical, argumentative, historical, or even personal, reflecting on one’s own experiences in the military. The objective of such an essay is to shed light on specific issues or to present a balanced argument about a controversial military topic.

A Quick Guide on How to Choose a Military Essay Topic

Selecting the right topic is crucial for any essay, and when it comes to military subjects, the stakes are even higher. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Interest is Key: Choose a topic that genuinely interests you. Your enthusiasm will reflect in your writing.
  • Relevance Matters: Ensure that the topic is relevant to the current socio-political climate or has historical significance.
  • Research is Crucial: Before settling on a topic, do preliminary research to ensure there’s enough material available.
  • Seek Diversity: Don’t just stick to the mainstream topics. Explore lesser-known events, strategies, or personal narratives.

Military Essay Topics to Consider:

Historical analysis.

  • The impact of World War II on modern military strategies.
  • The evolution of naval warfare: From wooden ships to nuclear submarines.
  • How the Cold War shaped military alliances and strategies.

Ethics and Morality

  • The moral implications of using drones in warfare.
  • Child soldiers: Understanding the tragedy and solutions.
  • The balance between national security and personal freedom in times of war.

Modern Warfare and Strategies

  • Cybersecurity and the new age of digital warfare.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in modern military tactics.
  • Understanding the military-industrial complex in the 21st century.

Role in Society

  • Women in the military: Breaking barriers and challenges faced.
  • How veterans reintegrate into civilian life and the challenges they encounter.
  • The impact of compulsory military service on societal structures.

International Relations and Politics

  • The role of NATO in today’s geopolitical landscape.
  • The military strategies of emerging superpowers.
  • Evaluating the pros and cons of military interventions.

Equipment and Technology

  • The evolution and impact of stealth technology in aerial warfare.
  • The role of satellites in modern military intelligence.
  • Nuclear deterrence: More of a threat or a necessity?

Training and Discipline

  • Analyzing the rigorous training regimens of elite military units.
  • The importance of psychological preparation in military training.
  • The role of discipline in shaping a soldier’s life and career.

Personal Narratives

  • Personal experiences of soldiers in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
  • The role of chaplains in providing spiritual support in warfare.
  • A day in the life of an army medic: Challenges and rewards.

Historical Perspectives

  • The transformation of military strategies from ancient to modern times.
  • The tactics and impact of guerrilla warfare throughout history.
  • Military lessons from the Vietnam War.
  • The influence of the Napoleonic Wars on contemporary warfare.
  • The Crusades: A military and religious expedition.

Current Affairs and Modern Challenges

  • The implications of North Korea’s military ambitions.
  • The changing face of terrorism and its impact on global military strategies.
  • The role of the U.S. military in global peacekeeping.
  • China’s military expansion in the South China Sea.
  • The future of warfare: Bio-weapons and other unconventional threats.

Technology and Innovation

  • The challenges and benefits of integrating robotics into the battlefield.
  • The evolution of military communication systems.
  • The potential and ethics of genetically modified soldiers.
  • How military tech influences civilian technology.
  • The impact of space exploration on military aspirations.

Ethics, Morals, and Laws of War

  • Torture in war: An in-depth ethical analysis.
  • The use of chemical weapons: History and repercussions.
  • The Geneva Conventions and their modern relevance.
  • The thin line between soldiers and war criminals.
  • Are there ever justifiable reasons for breaking the rules of war?

Societal Impacts and Military Influence

  • The economic consequences of maintaining a large standing army.
  • Propaganda and its role in military recruitment.
  • How the military influences fashion and popular culture.
  • The psychological impact of war on soldiers and civilians.
  • Veterans and PTSD: The silent battle after war.

Training, Leadership, and Military Culture

  • The physical and mental challenges of Navy SEAL training.
  • The influence of ancient Spartan culture on modern military training.
  • Leadership lessons from military generals.
  • The concept of honor and valor in the military.
  • The importance of camaraderie and brotherhood in military units.

Military Intelligence and Espionage

  • The history and evolution of military codes and code breaking.
  • Espionage during the Cold War: The silent heroes and villains.
  • How technology is changing the face of military intelligence.
  • Counterintelligence: Protecting secrets in a digital age.
  • The challenges and successes of the CIA and MI6.

Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion

  • The history of women’s roles in the military.
  • Addressing LGBTQ+ rights within the armed forces.
  • Challenges faced by minority groups in the military.
  • The benefits of a diverse and inclusive military force.
  • Gender roles and stereotypes in the military.

Military in Literature and Media

  • The portrayal of war in classic literature.
  • War movies: How Hollywood shapes our view of conflict.
  • The role of war correspondents and their influence on public opinion.
  • Military-themed video games: Edutainment or glorification of violence?
  • The accuracy of military portrayals in popular TV shows.

International Policies and Alliances

  • The history and future of NATO in global politics.
  • Military neutrality: The case of Switzerland.
  • The pros and cons of global disarmament treaties.
  • The challenges of peacekeeping missions: A UN perspective.
  • The role of the military in post-colonial African states.

Military Medical Practices

  • Battlefield medicine: Evolution and advancements.
  • The ethical dilemmas of triage in wartime.
  • The development and importance of military nursing.
  • Psychological support systems for soldiers in combat zones.
  • Combatting epidemics in military camps: Historical and modern perspectives.

Strategic Defense and Military Installations

  • The architecture and design of historical fortresses.
  • The importance of military bases in foreign territories.
  • Underground bunkers and their strategic significance.
  • The role and evolution of aircraft carriers in naval warfare.
  • Missile defense systems: Balancing offense and defense.

Military Traditions and Rituals

  • The history and significance of military parades.
  • Taps and the Last Post: Understanding military funerals.
  • The tradition of military tattoos and their meanings.
  • Rites of passage in different military cultures.
  • Military awards and decorations: More than just medals.

Reserve and Paramilitary Forces

  • The role of National Guard units in domestic emergencies.
  • Comparing regular armies with reserve forces: Training, roles, and challenges.
  • The significance and operations of the Coast Guard.
  • Paramilitary forces and their impact on national security.
  • Militias and their influence on geopolitical stability.

Military in Environmental Contexts

  • Desert warfare: Challenges and strategies.
  • The intricacies of jungle warfare and its historical significance.
  • Arctic and mountain warfare: Overcoming nature’s harshest challenges.
  • The environmental impact of military activities.
  • Adapting military strategies for urban vs. rural combat scenarios.

Boost Your Military Essay with WriteOnDeadline!

Having difficulty bringing your military essay to life? At writeondeadline.com , we have a team of expert writers who can craft a compelling essay for you. Whether it’s thorough research, captivating storytelling, or an in-depth analysis you need, our professionals have got you covered. Dive deep into the discipline of defense with our top-notch writing services.

Useful References:

  • U.S. Military History – An in-depth resource on the history of the U.S. Army.
  • International Review of the Red Cross – A journal covering humanitarian law, policy, and action.
  • RAND Corporation – Provides research and analysis on defense and security topics.
  • Military Times – Offers up-to-date news and analysis on military issues.

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100 Army Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Essay writing is an integral part of academic life, and one topic that frequently arises is the military. The army, in particular, offers a wide range of essay topics that can be explored from various angles. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a political science major, or simply fascinated by military strategies and tactics, here are 100 army essay topic ideas and examples to inspire you.

Historical Topics:

  • The significance of the Battle of Thermopylae in military history.
  • The role of women in the Revolutionary War.
  • The impact of military technology on World War I.
  • The reasons behind the fall of the Roman Empire.
  • Analyzing the strategies employed by Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • The importance of the Battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War.
  • The impact of the Mongol Empire on military tactics.
  • The significance of D-Day in World War II.
  • The role of the military in the American Revolution.
  • The influence of the Roman army on modern military organizations.

Political Science and International Relations:

  • The role of the military in nation-building.
  • The impact of military coups on democratic governments.
  • The relationship between military spending and economic growth.
  • The role of the United Nations in peacekeeping operations.
  • The influence of the military-industrial complex on foreign policy.
  • The impact of nuclear weapons on global security.
  • The role of the military in counterterrorism operations.
  • The effectiveness of military interventions in resolving conflicts.
  • The challenges of integrating women into combat roles.
  • The impact of cybersecurity threats on military operations.

Ethics and Morality:

  • The ethical implications of autonomous weapons systems.
  • The role of morality in the decision to go to war.
  • The ethics of using child soldiers in armed conflicts.
  • The responsibility of soldiers in following orders.
  • The ethics of military recruitment tactics.
  • The impact of PTSD on soldiers' mental health and ethical decision-making.
  • The role of military tribunals in ensuring justice and accountability.
  • The ethics of using drones in military operations.
  • The moral dilemmas faced by soldiers in the fog of war.
  • The ethics of military intervention in humanitarian crises.

Leadership and Strategy:

  • The qualities of an effective military leader.
  • The importance of strategic planning in military operations.
  • The role of intelligence in military decision-making.
  • The impact of technological advancements on military strategies.
  • The effectiveness of asymmetric warfare tactics.
  • The relationship between military strategy and diplomacy.
  • The role of military alliances in global security.
  • The influence of military culture on leadership styles.
  • The impact of military training on leadership development.
  • The lessons learned from historical military failures.

Social and Psychological Aspects:

  • The social impact of military service on veterans and their families.
  • The psychology of heroism in the military.
  • The influence of military service on personal identity.
  • The impact of military deployments on military families.
  • The role of military rituals and traditions in building camaraderie.
  • The relationship between military service and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • The challenges faced by military personnel during the transition to civilian life.
  • The impact of military service on mental health and well-being.
  • The role of military education in promoting resilience and adaptability.
  • The influence of military subcultures on individual behavior.

Technology and Innovation:

  • The impact of drones on military operations and ethics.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in future military strategies.
  • The potential of bioengineering in enhancing military capabilities.
  • The influence of cyber warfare on international security.
  • The use of virtual reality in military training.
  • The impact of advanced weaponry on the future of warfare.
  • The role of space technology in military operations.
  • The ethics of using unmanned vehicles in military missions.
  • The influence of communication technologies on military strategies.
  • The potential of nanotechnology in military applications.

Military History and Cultural Impact:

  • The portrayal of war and the military in literature and film.
  • The impact of war on art and creativity throughout history.
  • The cultural significance of military memorials and monuments.
  • The portrayal of soldiers and veterans in popular culture.
  • The role of military history in shaping national identity.
  • The impact of war on the environment and natural resources.
  • The representation of women in military history.
  • The role of military museums in preserving historical artifacts.
  • The influence of military fashion and uniforms on popular culture.
  • The portrayal of war in video games and its impact on society.

Humanitarian Efforts and Peacekeeping:

  • The role of the military in disaster response and relief efforts.
  • The impact of military peacekeeping missions on conflict resolution.
  • The challenges faced by military personnel in humanitarian operations.
  • The relationship between military intervention and human rights.
  • The effectiveness of military forces in promoting stability and peace.
  • The role of military engineers in infrastructure development.
  • The challenges of providing medical care in military operations.
  • The impact of military assistance on developing countries.
  • The importance of cultural sensitivity in military humanitarian efforts.
  • The relationship between military operations and refugee crises.

Military Intelligence and Espionage:

  • The history and significance of code-breaking in military intelligence.
  • The impact of intelligence failures on military operations.
  • The role of spies and espionage in shaping military strategies.
  • The influence of technological advancements on military intelligence gathering.
  • The challenges of balancing national security with individual privacy.
  • The ethics of using informants and double agents in military intelligence.
  • The role of cyber intelligence in modern warfare.
  • The impact of disinformation campaigns on military decision-making.
  • The relationship between military intelligence and diplomatic negotiations.
  • The vulnerabilities and challenges of military cybersecurity.

Military Training and Education:

  • The importance of physical fitness in military training.
  • The role of military academies in shaping future leaders.
  • The impact of military training on discipline and character development.
  • The challenges faced by military personnel in adapting to new technologies.
  • The effectiveness of simulation training in preparing soldiers for combat.
  • The role of military training in fostering teamwork and camaraderie.
  • The influence of cultural diversity in military training programs.
  • The challenges of integrating new recruits into existing military units.
  • The importance of lifelong learning in military careers.
  • The impact of military education on civilian career prospects.

These essay topic ideas and examples provide a starting point for exploring the multifaceted aspects of the military. Whether you choose to focus on historical events, ethical dilemmas, leadership strategies, or technological advancements, remember to conduct thorough research, critically analyze the information, and present a well-structured argument in your essay. Good luck!

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I have to write an essay about the importance of being on time because I was late. I'm looking for some entertaining, ridiculous inspiration on what to write it on. I figured y'all would have some good ideas.

So far, I began with the history of clocks--starting at sundials.

Edit: Paragraph 1 is about zodiac signs and paragraph 2 is about how to get buzzed while adhering to low risk alcohol consumption guidelines. I have also used "highly encouraged" and "doggone" so far. Next is behoove and perception is reality.

Edit 2: 3rd paragraph is about almost shitting my pants while on a Tinder date (thank you PX Taco Bell). I might post the essay later if anyone wants to read it.

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Army SHARP Essay Examples

Writing an Army SHARP essay an be a daunting task, but with proper preparation, you can craft an essay that stands out. Whether you are a soldier attending the Basic Leader Course (BLC) or a cadet in an ROTC program, writing an essay on the topic of Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) is an essential skill.

Firstly, it’s essential to understand the guidelines for writing a SHARP essay. The essay should be free of spelling and grammatical errors, and have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

When writing your essay, it’s important to keep in mind the key components of the SHARP program. These include prevention, intervention, and response. Your essay should address these three components and demonstrate an understanding of the importance of each. You can use real-life examples, case studies, and statistics to support your argument.

To make your essay stand out, consider using a hook in your introduction. This could be a startling statistic or an attention-grabbing anecdote. Additionally, make sure to use clear, concise language throughout the essay. Avoid jargon or overly complicated language, and make sure to use active voice rather than passive voice.

If you are struggling with how to get started, you can look for BLC sharp essay examples online. Reading other essays can help give you an idea of the structure and content that is expected. However, make sure not to copy someone else’s work or plagiarize in any way.

In conclusion, writing an Army SHARP essay requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following the BLC sharp essay guidelines, understanding the key components of the SHARP program, and using clear language, you can create an essay that demonstrates your knowledge and stands out from the rest. Good luck with your writing!

SHARP Program to Prevent Sexual Harassment in The Army

The US Army’s Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Program (SHARP) is designed to prevent sexual harassment and assault within the ranks of the military. The program has been in place since 2014, and its mottos, such as “Keep a SHARP Lookout” and “I.A.M Strong. Sexual Assault, Sexual...

Sharp Within The Army Against Sexual Misconduct

According to the Army Regulation 600-20 “Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcomed sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature between the same or opposite genders”. The purpose of this essay will...

  • Sexual Harassment

Sharp Training And Its Effect On The Army

The purpose of this essay is to explain what SHARP does and the effect it has had on the Army. Sexual Harassment/Assault and Response Prevention (SHARP) is the Army’s united effort of combating sexual violence among Soldiers. Though sexual assault happens all around us every...

Sharp Training Against Sexual Harrasment In The Army

The purpose of this essay is to addressed why do cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to take place in the Army, despite all the training and education that take place. Soldiers often becomes complacent, irresponsible and undisciplined when they find themselves in...

The Use Of Sharp Training In The Army

Throughout many generations one main key factor hinders the relations among colleagues. Sexual harassment and or assault is commonly known as the top conflict in the Army. It is reported that a little over eighty percent of military personnel has experienced and or caused encounters...

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Best topics on Army Sharp

1. SHARP Program to Prevent Sexual Harassment in The Army

2. Sharp Within The Army Against Sexual Misconduct

3. Sharp Training And Its Effect On The Army

4. Sharp Training Against Sexual Harrasment In The Army

5. The Use Of Sharp Training In The Army

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How not to write your college essay.

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If you are looking for the “secret formula” for writing a “winning” college essay, you have come to the wrong place. The reality is there is no silver bullet or strategy to write your way to an acceptance. There is not one topic or approach that will guarantee a favorable outcome.

At the end of the day, every admission office just wants to know more about you, what you value, and what excites you. They want to hear about your experiences through your own words and in your own voice. As you set out to write your essay, you will no doubt get input (both sought-after and unsolicited) on what to write. But how about what NOT Notcoin to write? There are avoidable blunders that applicants frequently make in drafting their essays. I asked college admission leaders, who have read thousands of submissions, to share their thoughts.

Don’t Go In There

There is wide consensus on this first one, so before you call on your Jedi mind tricks or predictive analytics, listen to the voices of a diverse range of admission deans. Peter Hagan, executive director of admissions at Syracuse University, sums it up best, saying, “I would recommend that students try not to get inside of our heads. He adds, “Too often the focus is on what they think we want.”

Andy Strickler, dean of admission and financial aid at Connecticut College agrees, warning, “Do NOT get caught in the trap of trying to figure out what is going to impress the admission committee. You have NO idea who is going to read your essay and what is going to connect with them. So, don't try to guess that.” Victoria Romero, vice president for enrollment, at Scripps College adds, “Do not write about something you don’t care about.” She says, “I think students try to figure out what an admission officer wants to read, and the reality is the reader begins every next essay with no expectations about the content THEY want to read.” Chrystal Russell, dean of admission at Hampden-Sydney College, agrees, saying, “If you're not interested in writing it, we will not be interested when reading it.” Jay Jacobs, vice provost for enrollment management at the University of Vermont elaborates, advising. “Don’t try to make yourself sound any different than you are.” He says, “The number one goal for admission officers is to better understand the applicant, what they like to do, what they want to do, where they spend the majority of their time, and what makes them tick. If a student stays genuine to that, it will shine through and make an engaging and successful essay.”

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Don’t Be Artificial

The headlines about college admission are dominated by stories about artificial intelligence and the college essay. Let’s set some ground rules–to allow ChatGPT or some other tool to do your work is not only unethical, it is also unintelligent. The only worse mistake you could make is to let another human write your essay for you. Instead of preoccupying yourself with whether or not colleges are using AI detection software (most are not), spend your time focused on how best to express yourself authentically. Rick Clark is the executive director of strategic student success at Georgia Institute of Technology, one of the first institutions to clearly outline their AI policy for applicants. He says, “Much of a college application is devoted to lines, boxes, and numbers. Essays and supplements are the one place to establish connection, personality, and distinction. AI, in its current state, is terrible at all three.” He adds, “My hope is that students will use ChatGPT or other tools for brainstorming and to get started, but then move quickly into crafting an essay that will provide insight and value.”

Don’t Overdo It

Michael Stefanowicz, vice president for enrollment management at Landmark College says, “You can only cover so much detail about yourself in an admission essay, and a lot of students feel pressure to tell their life story or choose their most defining experience to date as an essay topic. Admission professionals know that you’re sharing just one part of your lived experience in the essay.” He adds, “Some of the favorite essays I’ve read have been episodic, reflecting on the way you’ve found meaning in a seemingly ordinary experience, advice you’ve lived out, a mistake you’ve learned from, or a special tradition in your life.” Gary Ross, vice president for admission and financial aid at Colgate University adds, “More than a few applicants each year craft essays that talk about the frustration and struggles they have experienced in identifying a topic for their college application essay. Presenting your college application essay as a smorgasbord of topics that ultimately landed on the cutting room floor does not give us much insight into an applicant.”

Don’t Believe In Magic

Jason Nevinger, senior director of admission at the University of Rochester warns, “Be skeptical of anyone or any company telling you, ‘This is the essay that got me into _____.’ There is no magic topic, approach, sentence structure, or prose that got any student into any institution ever.” Social media is littered with advertisements promising strategic essay help. Don’t waste your time, energy, or money trying to emulate a certain style, topic, or tone. Liz Cheron is chief executive officer for the Coalition for College and former assistant vice president of enrollment & dean of admissions at Northeastern University. She agrees with Nevinger, saying “Don't put pressure on yourself to find the perfect, slam dunk topic. The vast majority of college essays do exactly what they're supposed to do–they are well-written and tell the admission officer more about the student in that student's voice–and that can take many different forms.”

Don’t Over Recycle

Beatrice Atkinson-Myers, associate director of global recruitment at the University of California at Santa Cruz tells students, “Do not use the same response for each university; research and craft your essay to match the program at the university you are interested in studying. Don't waste time telling me things I can read elsewhere in your application. Use your essay to give the admissions officer insights into your motivations, interests, and thinking. Don't make your essay the kitchen sink, focus on one or two examples which demonstrate your depth and creativity.” Her UC colleague, Jim Rawlins, associate vice chancellor of enrollment management at the University of California at San Diego agrees, saying “Answer the question. Not doing so is the surest way we can tell you are simply giving us a snippet of something you actually wrote for a different purpose.”

Don’t Overedit

Emily Roper-Doten, vice president for undergraduate admissions and financial assistance at Clark University warns against “Too many editors!” She says, “Pick a couple of trusted folks to be your sounding board when considering topics and as readers once you have drafts. You don’t want too many voices in your essay to drown you out!” Scripps’ Romero agrees, suggesting, “Ask a good friend, someone you trust and knows you well, to read your essays.” She adds, “The goal is for the admission committee to get to know a little about you and who better to help you create that framework, than a good friend. This may not work for all students because of content but helps them understand it’s important to be themselves.” Whitney Soule, vice provost and dean of admissions at The University of Pennsylvania adds, “Avoid well-meaning editorial interference that might seem to polish your writing but actually takes your own personal ‘shine’ right out of the message.” She says, “As readers, we connect to applicants through their genuine tone and style. Considering editorial advice for flow and message is OK but hold on to the 'you' for what you want to say and how you want to say it.”

Don’t Get Showy

Palmer Muntz, senior regional admissions counselor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks cautions applicants, “Don’t be fancier than you are. You don’t need to put on airs.” He adds, “Yes, proofread your work for grammar and spelling, but be natural. Craft something you’d want to read yourself, which probably means keeping your paragraphs short, using familiar words, and writing in an active voice.” Connecticut College’s Strickler agrees, warning, “Don't try to be someone you are not. If you are not funny, don't try to write a funny essay. If you are not an intellectual, trying to write an intellectual essay is a bad idea.”

Anthony Jones, the vice president of enrollment management at Loyola University New Orleans offers a unique metaphor for thinking about the essay. He says, “In the new world of the hyper-fast college admission process, it's become easy to overlook the essential meaning of the college application. It's meant to reveal Y...O...U, the real you, not some phony digital avatar. Think of the essay as the essence of that voice but in analog. Like the completeness and authenticity captured in a vinyl record, the few lines you're given to explain your view should be a slow walk through unrestrained expression chock full of unapologetic nuances, crevices of emotion, and exactness about how you feel in the moment. Then, and only then, can you give the admissions officer an experience that makes them want to tune in and listen for more.”

Don’t Be A Downer

James Nondorf, vice president and dean of admissions and financial aid at The University of Chicago says, “Don’t be negative about other people, be appreciative of those who have supported you, and be excited about who you are and what you will bring to our campus!” He adds, “While admissions offices want smart students for our classrooms, we also want kind-hearted, caring, and joyous students who will add to our campus communities too.”

Don’t Pattern Match

Alan Ramirez is the dean of admission and financial aid at Sewanee, The University of the South. He explains, “A big concern I have is when students find themselves comparing their writing to other students or past applicants and transform their writing to be more like those individuals as a way to better their chances of offering a more-compelling essay.” He emphasizes that the result is that the “essay is no longer authentic nor the best representation of themselves and the whole point of the essay is lost. Their distinctive voice and viewpoint contribute to the range of voices in the incoming class, enhancing the diversity of perspectives we aim to achieve.” Ramirez simple tells students, “Be yourself, that’s what we want to see, plus there's no one else who can do it better than you!”

Don’t Feel Tied To A Topic

Jessica Ricker is the vice president for enrollment and dean of admissions and financial aid at Skidmore College. She says, “Sometimes students feel they must tell a story of grief or hardship, and then end up reliving that during the essay-writing process in ways that are emotionally detrimental. I encourage students to choose a topic they can reflect upon positively but recommend that if they choose a more challenging experience to write about, they avoid belaboring the details and instead focus on the outcome of that journey.” She adds, "They simply need to name it, frame its impact, and then help us as the reader understand how it has shaped their lens on life and their approach moving forward.”

Landmark College’s Stefanowicz adds, “A lot of students worry about how personal to get in sharing a part of their identity like your race or heritage (recalling last year’s Supreme Court case about race-conscious admissions), a learning difference or other disability, your religious values, LGBTQ identity…the list goes on.” He emphasizes, “This is always your choice, and your essay doesn’t have to be about a defining identity. But I encourage you to be fully yourself as you present yourself to colleges—because the college admission process is about finding a school where your whole self is welcome and you find a setting to flourish!”

Don’t Be Redundant

Hillen Grason Jr., dean of admission at Franklin & Marshall College, advises, “Don't repeat academic or co-curricular information that is easily identifiable within other parts of your application unless the topic is a core tenant of you as an individual.” He adds, “Use your essay, and other parts of your application, wisely. Your essay is the best way to convey who your authentic self is to the schools you apply. If you navigated a situation that led to a dip in your grades or co-curricular involvement, leverage the ‘additional information’ section of the application.

Thomas Marr is a regional manager of admissions for the Americas at The University of St Andrews in Scotland and points out that “Not all international schools use the main college essay as part of their assessment when reviewing student applications.” He says, “At the University of St Andrews, we focus on the supplemental essay and students should avoid the mistake of making the supplemental a repeat of their other essay. The supplemental (called the Personal Statement if using the UCAS application process) is to show the extent of their passion and enthusiasm for the subject/s to which they are applying and we expect about 75% of the content to cover this. They can use the remaining space to mention their interests outside of the classroom. Some students confuse passion for the school with passion for their subject; do not fall into that trap.”

A Few Final Don’ts

Don’t delay. Every college applicant I have ever worked with has wished they had started earlier. You can best avoid the pitfalls above if you give yourself the time and space to write a thoughtful essay and welcome feedback openly but cautiously. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect . Do your best, share your voice, and stay true to who you are.

Brennan Barnard

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The Myanmar Military Coup D’etat that happened on February 1, 2021, has since marked a significant change in the country’s stability and political landscape, overturning years of effort in democratization progress in the country. Subsequently, the coup was met with immense rejection by civil society, causing widespread anti-coup protests by oppositions, urging the need for liberation, and restoration of the civilian-led government and democratic principles (Hassan, 2023). Coupled with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the country has plunged into a stage of political turmoil, with protesters facing brutal violent crackdowns and widespread human rights violations continuing to persist (Mandagie, 2023). Moreover, the coup also exacerbated tension in the already complex issue of the Myanmar ethnic conflict between the central government and several ethnic minority groups, including the Karen, Kachin, Shan, Chin, and Rohingya, causing further humanitarian suffering and displacement, leaving many with no choice but to flee the country (Crisis Group, 2022). With this, Myanmar is currently facing a dual crisis that threatens stability, integrity, and the future of the nation.

As such, many, including myself have since raised concerns and questions on the role of the International Community in supporting the promotion of stability and peace in the region. Are their efforts in promoting peace and stability effective? Have any concrete, tangible solutions in the effort of resolving the conflict ever been implemented? In short? No, not really.

The Coup and its Immediate Aftermath

Though the conflict is deeply rooted and can be traced back to past historical turmoil events, the 2021 Military Coup D’etat in Myanmar, perpetrated by the Military Junta against the democratically elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) was majorly caused by the Military Junta’s disputed claims and allegations directed towards the NLD of perpetrating widespread election fraud and misconduct in the 2020 Myanmar general elections and sentence her to 27 years in prison for crimes she denies (Kapoor, 2024). Having been unable to provide concrete proof, this baseless accusation and actions imposed by the military have since caused widespread anti-coup protests by the opposition and civilians. The protest began peacefully at first, with many showing rejection against the delegitimate Military rule, and urging for the liberation and restoration of civilian government and democratic principles. However, the Military Junta responded abruptly. Using excessive force, it has carried out mass killings, arbitrary arrests, torture, sexual violence, and other abuses against people opposing the coup that amount to crimes against humanity (Hassan, 2023). Reports had shown severe restriction and repression on freedom of speech. During the protests, internet access was blocked, journalists were arrested, and media organizations were shuttered (Dietz, 2021). As of 21 June, 2024, approximately more than 5302 people have been killed by the state security forces, over 26900 people arrested, and around 20619 people have since been detained, including the country’s democratically elected leaders (Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, 2024).

Subsequently, the Military Coup’s impact on Myanmar’s overall political and social order has been extremely devastating. The military’s brutal oppression and its complete disregard for human, and the suspension of democratic processes under the authoritarian regime coupled with the erosion of civil rights and liberties has caused an immense amount of damage to the country’s state of stability. As such, it can be concluded that the Military Junta will do anything using its power to pursue its goal of prioritizing power authority over the welfare and rights of its people by any means necessary, even if it causes widespread suffering, instability, and uncertainty toward the future of the nation.

Myanmar Ethnic Conflict, and the Uprising Number of Rohingya Refugees

Having long been plagued by ethnic conflicts, the military’s actions following the coup in 2021 in Myanmar have since exacerbated and escalated the longstanding tensions between the central government and several ethnic minority groups, including the Karen, Kachin, Shan, Chin, and Rohingya (Crisis Group, 2022). These ethnic minority groups, who make up about one-third of Myanmar’s total population, have long faced systematic discrimination and violence, including forced conscription, forced labor, and mass killings (Clare, 2021). Consequently, the various acts of human rights violations have led to further humanitarian suffering, which again, causes further distress, exacerbating the conflict.

The military’s campaign against the Rohingya remains one of the most heinous examples of ethnic persecution happening in Myanmar, during which, soldiers murdered, raped, and tortured Rohingya civilians, which the United Nations has described as genocide, has displaced approximately millions of Rohingyas, forcing them to flee the country (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2023). With the further escalation of conflict made worse by the coup, an outlook for a resolution to this crisis had begun to diminish, with many forced to live a sufferable life ousted in a foreign country, labeled as refugees.

International Response and the Need for Accountability

The International community’s response to the Myanmar coup crisis had been limited, often characterized by actions of mere condemnation and sanctions. However, so far, such actions have proven insufficient in influencing the course taken by the authoritarian military regime. Collectively, the United Nations (through its adoption of resolution 2669), ASEAN (5 Point Consensus), and several other countries such as the US, UK, and Australia (Military and Economic Sanctions) have called upon the release of political prisoners, restore democratic institutions, and pressure the Military to engage in peace dialogue in a settlement for peace (Sifton, 2023). Yet, the military still displayed a blatant ignorance and complete disregard for the situation, which can be further marked by recent escalation in the use of “terror tactics” against its own people (de Acosta, 2024).

In any case, the Military Junta needs to be held accountable for its brutal actions and non-compliance. With substantial evidence of crimes being committed, International legal bodies such as the International Criminal Court (ICC), through the referral of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) should investigate and prosecute those responsible for those committing genocide, crimes against humanity, including the ongoing atrocities against ethnic minorities happening in Myanmar within its jurisdiction. As such, with the main perpetrator of the conflict being accounted for, it may serve as a significant step toward restoring justice, peace, and long-term stability in Myanmar.

The 2021 Myanmar Military Coup d’Etat has since marked a significant turning point in the country’s state of stability, undoing a decade of progress toward the country’s effort in democratization and exacerbating the already severe ethnic conflicts in the country with protesters facing brutal violent crackdowns and widespread human rights violations continuing to persist. Despite facing severe repressions, Myanmar’s pro-democracy movement stays firm, showing the people’s strong desire for the liberation and restoration of civilian government and democratic principles in the country. Yet, the Military shows no willingness to end its use of violence and continue to suppress its people. As such, The Military Junta needs to be held accountable and held responsible for perpetrating war crimes, genocide, oppressing free speech, and crimes against humanity. Through the politics of cooperation, the international community must collectively work together to engage, pressure, and take stronger actions against the Military all to promote the stability, integrity, and peace, to end the conflict and for the better future for the region and Myanmar.

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    It can help all Army professionals craft writing that meets Army standards by being clear, concise, well-organized, and easy to read and understand.1 This guide's central idea is that writing is a process, not a product.2 Whether composing academic essays at Fort Leavenworth or professional products in a tactical unit, the process is the same ...

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  7. ArmyWriter.com

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    platoon levels (Sanders et al., 2020a). Although NCOs receive instruction on writing Army documents in Army style during their professional military education (PME; e.g., Basic ... The annotated/marked-up drafts are akin to using a red pen on an essay to point out instances of effective and ineffective writing. A user may choose to review these ...

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  14. USAWC

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  16. DCA

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