Copyright Licenses and Assignments

One of the primary benefits of copyright ownership is the ability to transfer some or all of those rights to third parties. These transfers can be for all of the copyright rights in a work (which is generally referred to as an outright assignment), or can be for a limited portion of the rights provided by the Copyright Act (which usually takes the form a copyright license).

The BitLaw discussion of assignments and licenses is divided into the following four sections:

  • transfers in general
  • implied licenses
  • termination of transfers
  • recordation of transfers

Transfers in General

Copyright is a personal property right, and it is subject to various state laws and regulations that govern the ownership, inheritance, or transfer of personal property. It is probably best to view copyright as a bundle of rights. The rights included in that bundle are the rights granted by the U.S. Copyright Act, as described in the BitLaw discussion on the scope of copyright protection . Any or all of these rights, or any subdivision of those rights, may be transferred.

A transfer of one of these rights may be made on an exclusive or nonexclusive basis. The transfer of exclusive rights is not valid unless that transfer is in writing and signed by the owner of the rights conveyed. Transfer of a right on a nonexclusive basis does not require a written agreement. For example, the author of a novel, as the original copyright owner of the novel, could transfer to a publisher the exclusive right to copy and distribute a novel (under the right of reproduction and distribution ), and also grant a screen play writer the nonexclusive right to create a movie script based on that novel (under the right to create derivative works ). The author's agreement with the publisher would have to be in writing to be valid. However, the agreement with the screen play writer could be oral and still be enforceable.

A transfer of copyright rights is usually either an assignment or a license. An assignment of copyright rights is like the sale of personal property. The original owner sells its rights to a third party, and can no longer exercise control over how the third party uses those rights. A license (or more properly "an express license") is an agreement where the copyright owner maintains its ownership of the rights involved, but allows a third party to exercise some or all of those rights without fear of a copyright infringement suit. A license will be preferred over an assignment of rights where the copyright holder wishes to maintain some ownership over the rights, or wishes to exercise continuing control over how the third party uses the copyright holder's rights.

A typical software license agreement is a copyright license agreement. The owner of the copyright in the software wishes to grant the end-user the right to utilize the software in a restricted manner. In return, the end-user may agree to limit its use of the software in a variety of ways and to pay a license fee payment to the copyright owner.

Implied Licenses

An implied copyright license is a license created by law in the absence of an actual agreement between the parties. Implied licenses arise when the conduct of the parties indicates that some license is to be extended between the copyright owner and the licensee, but the parties themselves did not bother to create a license. This differs from an express license in that the parties never actually agree on the specific terms of the license. The purpose of an implied license is to allow the licensee (the party who licenses the work from the copyright owner) some right to use the copyrighted work, but only to the extent that the copyright owner would have allowed had the parties negotiated an agreement. Generally, the custom and practice of the community are used to determine the scope of the implied license.

Implied licenses have been used to grant licenses in situations where a copyrighted work was created by one party at the request of another. In one case, a special effects company was hired to create a specific effect for a horror movie. The contract through which the special effects company was hired did not assign the copyright in the effect, and did not provide for a license for the effect to be used in the horror movie. The court ruled that the effect could be used in the horror movie through an implied license, since the effect was created with the intent that it be used and distributed in the movie.

A commonly discussed scenario where implied licenses are destined to play a major role is on the World Wide Web. When a Web page is viewed in a Web browser, the page is downloaded through the Internet and placed on the user's screen. It is clear that a copy of the Web page is being made by the user. It is also clear that the Web page is protected against unauthorized copying by copyright law. But it would not make sense to allow the author of a Web page to sue a user who viewed her page, since the author intended that the page be viewed by others when she placed it on the World Wide Web. Rather, attorneys argue, courts should find that the Web page author has given end users an implied license to download and view the Web page. The extent of this implied license is unclear, and may someday be defined by the courts.

Termination of Transfers

Although a copyright owner is free to transfer her copyright rights as she sees fit, the Copyright Act contains a non-revocable right for a copyright owner to terminate any copyright transfer. The purpose for this is to give the creator of the work or the creator's heirs a second chance to exploit the work in situations where the value of the work may have been significantly enhanced since the original transfer. Generally, there is a five year window of time to accomplish the termination beginning either at

  • 35 years from the assignment if the transfer was made on or after January 1, 1978; or
  • 56 years from the date copyright was originally secured if the transfer was made before January 1, 1978.

The ability to terminate a transfer cannot be negotiated away. Thus, the author of a valuable book has the right to reclaim the copyright in the book by terminating the transfer, even if the agreement signed by the author stated that the assignment of her copyright rights was permanent and irrevocable. Exceptions to this ability to terminate a transfer are made for those parties who created derivative works prior to the termination (see the BitLaw discussion on derivative works for more information on this subject). In addition, works made for hire are not subject to this termination of transfer right (works made for hire are discussed in the BitLaw section on copyright ownership ).

Recordation of Transfers

A document that transfers copyright ownership or any other document pertaining to a copyright may be recorded in the Copyright Office. Although recordation is not required to make a valid transfer of a copyright, recordation of the transfer document does provide certain legal advantages and may be required to validate the transfer as against third parties.

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Assignment of Copyrights & Legal Implications

Copyright gives authors a bundle of personal property or economic rights in an original work of authorship. These rights include the rights to reproduce, create derivative works, distribute work to the public, publicly perform a work, publicly display visual works, and digitally transmit sound records. They belong exclusively to a copyright holder.

Usually, the copyright holder is the person who created the work. However, any of these economic rights, or any part of these economic rights, can be transferred. Under the Visual Artists Rights Act (VARA), an artist’s moral rights in a work of fine art can be waived but not assigned.

An original owner who assigns their copyright to someone else will not retain any right to control how the work is used.

The transfer of economic rights may be on an exclusive basis, which requires a written agreement, or a non-exclusive basis, which does not require a written agreement. Most commonly, this transfer is accomplished by assignment or license. Unlike a license in which the copyright owner maintains their ownership, an assignment is similar to a sale. The original copyright owner sells the rights to a third party and cannot control how the rights are used, just as they would not be able to control how personal property that they sold was used once it was transferred.

Generally, a license is preferable if a copyright holder expects to continue exercising interests and control over the work. For example, if you assign your copyright in a song to a music producer, the decision about whether to allow a film studio to use your song in a film will belong to the producer, not to you. If you license your copyright in a song in a limited capacity to a music producer, however, you will continue to be able to license your copyright in the song to a film producer.

Assignments can be used for many different purposes, such as security for debt, as an asset passed to heirs, or as part of the distribution of assets after a bankruptcy proceeding. Once you assign your rights to somebody else, however, you are permanently giving away your right to control the work. That means if you try to exercise any of the rights you have assigned, you are committing copyright infringement even though you created the work. If you assign your copyright to somebody else and regret the loss, you may be able to buy your copyright back from that person, but whether or not to sell it back to you is up to the assignee.

How Is Copyright Assigned?

Under Section 204 , a transfer of ownership is only valid if the instrument, note, or memorandum of transfer is in writing, signed by the copyright owner or their duly authorized agent. Generally, a certificate of acknowledgment is not required for the transfer to be valid, but it can be used as prima facie evidence that a transfer was executed if it is issued by someone authorized to administer oaths in the United States or, if the transfer is executed abroad, if the certificate is issued by a United States diplomatic or consular official, or a person authorized to administer oaths who also provides a certificate.

Formally recording an assignment with the Copyright Office is not required but can be advantageous.

You do not have to record an assignment in order to assign the interest. However, there are advantages to recording the assignment, such as creating a public record of the transfer details, giving constructive notice to members of the public, establishing priority of rights when there are conflicting transfers of ownership, validating the transfer of the copyright against a third party, or in some cases perfecting a security interest.

Last reviewed October 2023

Intellectual Property Law Center Contents   

  • Intellectual Property Law Center
  • Copyright Infringement & Related Lawsuits
  • Copyright Ownership Under the Law
  • Assignment of Copyrights & Legal Implications
  • Copyright Licensing Under the Law
  • Copyright Registration Under the Law
  • Safe Harbors for Online Service Providers Under Copyright Law
  • Criminal Copyright Infringement Laws
  • Enforcement of Copyrights Through Lawsuits & Criminal Charges
  • Fair Use Defense to Copyright Infringement Lawsuits
  • Software Development Agreements & Related Legal Concerns
  • End-User License Agreements Imposing Legal Restrictions on Software
  • Lists, Directories, and Databases Under Copyright Law
  • Photos of Buildings and Architecture Under Copyright Law
  • Photos of Copyrighted or Trademarked Works & the Fair Use Defense to Infringement Lawsuits
  • Works in the Public Domain After Copyrights Legally Expire
  • Copyrights and Credits for Songwriters Under the Law
  • Music Samples and Copyright Infringement Lawsuits
  • Playing Music in Stores or Restaurants — How to Avoid Copyright Infringement Lawsuits
  • Consignment Sales by Artists to Stores & Legal Protections
  • Destruction of Copyrighted Works & Limited Legal Protections
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Published By Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Center

Copyright ownership and transfers faqs.

When performing copyright research, you may have questions about copy­right rules or terminology. For example, you may uncover a registration indicating the work is “made for hire,” or you may find a document indicating that the copyright has been “reclaimed” by the author. Below are some answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about copyright ownership and transfers.

Ignore Heading – Content

Ignore heading – sub heading content, ignore heading – sub table content, what is a work made for hire.

Usually, the person who creates a work is also the initial owner of the copy­right in the work. But this isn’t always the case. Under some circumstances, a person who pays another to create a work becomes the initial copyright owner, not the person who actually created it. The resulting works are called “works made for hire” (or sometimes simply “works for hire”). There are two distinct types of work that will be classified as made for hire:

  • a work created by an employee within the scope of employment, or
  • a commissioned work that falls within a certain category of works and that is the subject of a written agreement. (The types of works that qualify and other relevant requirements are explained in more detail in Chapter 15.)

If the work qualifies under one of these two methods, the person paying for the work (the hiring party) is the author and copyright owner. If you want to use the work, you should seek permission from the employer or hiring party, not the person who created the work. If in doubt, you may be able to determine work-for-hire status by examining the copyright registration.

What Is a Transfer of Title?

The person who owns a copyright is sometimes referred to as having “title” to the copyright. A “title” is the document that establishes ownership to property, like the title to your car or house. But even in the absence of an official document, the owner of a copyright is often said to have title to it.

Just like title to your car or house, title to a copyright can be sold or otherwise transferred. A person or company can have ownership (title) of a copyright transferred to it by means of an assignment (a sale in which all or part of a copyright is transferred) or through a will or bankruptcy proceedings. Since title to a copyright can be transferred, you may have to search copyright records to determine the current owner of a work you want to use.

There are two ways to determine if copyright ownership has been transferred: by reviewing the copyright registration certificate issued by the Copyright Office, or by locating an assignment or transfer agreement. By reviewing the copyright registration certificate, you can find out who currently claims copyright and on what basis. For example, if a publisher has been assigned copyright to a work, it will file a copyright registration in its own name and indicate on the registration that it acquired copyright through a legal transfer. Also, many companies file the agreement that establishes the assignment, license, or transfer with the Copyright Office. For example, if an artist assigned his work to a company, the company could file the assignment document with the Copyright Office.

What Is a Termination of a Transfer?

Sometimes an author transfers copyright to someone and then later the author reacquires it through a process known as “terminating a transfer.” Copyright laws provide a method by which authors can reclaim rights after a number of years. This termination and reclamation process is complex, and the rules differ depending on when the work was first published. As a very general rule, transfer terminations occur between 28 and 56 years after the first publication. Terminations are filed with the Copyright Office and can be located by researching Copyright Office records.

For more information on terminations of transfers, see Chapter 9 of The Copyright Handbook by attorney Stephen Fishman (Nolo).

What If More Than One Person Owns a Copyright?

A common question is whom to ask for permission if several people jointly own a copyright. Co-ownership of copyright can occur in various ways. 
For example, if:

  • two people jointly create a work
  • the author transfers portions of the rights to different people 
(for example, giving half to each child), or
  • the author sells a portion of the copyright to someone and keeps 
the remainder.

Co-owners of copyright have a legal status known as “tenants in common.” When a co-owner dies, his or her share goes to his or her beneficiaries or heirs, not to the other co-owner. Each co‑owner has an independent right to use or non exclusively license the work—provided that he or she accounts to the other co‑owners for any profits. What this means for our purposes is that if you obtain the permission of any one co-owner, you can use the work. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule, as explained in the next section.

You can determine whether there is co-ownership of a certain work by reviewing Copyright Office documents. For example, a registration for a song might indicate that a composer and a lyricist co-own a song.

When Must You Get Multiple Permissions?

There are several situations in which you must obtain permission from all the co-owners of a work instead of just one. All co-owners must consent to an assignment of the work (a transfer of copyright ownership) or to an exclusive license (an agreement granting rights solely to one person).

Is There a Difference Between an Author and a Copyright Owner?

The author is the first owner of copyright. The author is either the creator of the work or the person who employs someone to create the work (see work-for-hire rules discussed above). Many authors do not retain their copyright ownership; they sell or transfer it to someone else in return for a lump sum payment or periodic payment known as a royalty. In this way, the author and copyright owner (sometimes referred to as “copyright claimant”) may be two different people. Even if you do not know the name of the current copyright owner, knowing the name of the author will help you find the owner in the Copyright Office records.

What If a Work Does Not Contain a Copyright Notice?

It’s common to start copyright research by examining the copyright notice. However, in some cases, the notice may be missing from the work. One reason you may not find a notice is because notice is not required on works first published after March 1, 1989. In addition, for works published prior to that date, notice is required only on visually perceptible copies—that is, copies that can be seen directly or with the aid of a device such as a film projector. Printed books, paintings, drawings, films, architecture, and computer programs are all visually perceptible. However, some works are not visually perceptible, such as a song on a compact disc. But copyright notice would be required if the song lyrics were printed on the album cover.

Another reason that a work may not include notice is that the owner failed to affix it, which may result in the loss of copyright. For works first published before 1978, for example, the absence of a copyright notice from a published copy generally indicates that the work is not protected by copyright. The absence of notice on works published between January 1, 1978 and March 1, 1989 may or may not result in the loss of copyright, depending on whether the owner corrected the error within five years of the publication and met other copyright law requirements.

What If There Is a Copyright Notice for an Entire Magazine but Not for the Specific Article You Want to Use?

If a story or a photograph is used in a magazine, there may be a copyright notice for the magazine but not for the specific story or photo that you want to use. That’s because the owners of magazines, anthologies, or greatest hits collections in which many different copyrighted works are collected (referred to as “collective works”) can use one copyright notice to protect all the works in the collection. This does not necessarily mean that the magazine owns the copyright in all of the works. It may or may not, depending on the contract with the author or photographer. Copyright Office research may not necessarily help you locate copyright information for these works because they may not be listed separately by title in the records. You may be better off contacting the owner of the collective work directly. The principles for contacting copyright owners are explained in the chapters dealing with specific media (text, artwork, photographs, and so on).

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Understanding the Key Elements of a Copyright Assignment Agreements

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For creators and owners of intellectual property, copyright assignment agreements are a crucial tool for protecting their interests. These agreements allow the original creator to transfer ownership of copyright to a new owner while receiving appropriate compensation or maintaining certain rights. If not properly crafted and registered, this can lead to legal disputes, financial losses and other serious consequences.

The Genie AI team has experience in drafting these agreements to ensure that the original creator is compensated fairly and retains any rights they wish. This is done by including such elements as a lump sum payment, royalties or license back clause which allows the original creator to continue using their work for certain purposes only. It is also important that both parties understand the obligations that come with signing such an agreement in order to avoid any misinterpretations which could lead to future complications.

When it comes to international copyright protection, it’s essential that these agreements are legally registered with the relevant authorities. This guarantees that both parties are held accountable if they breach any of the outlined terms and conditions, allowing any potential disputes or miscommunications between them in future. Additionally, proper registration means that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of who owns what right - ensuring everyone can benefit from the expected outcomes of this agreement accordingly.

At Genie AI we understand how important it is for creators and owners of intellectual property to protect their rights - which is why we offer free templates from our open source legal template library as well as step-by-step guidance on how best to complete your own copyright assignment agreement correctly and confidently from start-to-finish . With millions of datapoints teaching us what market-standard looks like for each document type - you don’t need an account with us or even have to pay a lawyer – just read on below for more information on accessing our library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Copyright: The exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, or sell an original work of authorship, such as a book, film, or song.

Transferring: Moving ownership of something from one party to another.

Assigning: Granting permission to use or access something that belongs to another party.

Work Made for Hire: A work that is specially commissioned by an employer or client and is considered to be owned by them.

Consideration: The amount of money or other form of compensation that is paid in exchange for something.

Infringement: An unauthorized use or violation of another’s intellectual property rights.

Misattribution: The incorrect attribution of a work to its creator.

Execution: The signing and witnessing of a document by the parties involved in order to make it legally binding.

Discuss the purpose of a copyright assignment agreement

Explain why copyright assignments are important, describe the benefits of assigning copyright, explain the differences between transferring and assigning copyright, outline the key distinctions between the two, outline the key terms in a copyright assignment agreement, explain the concept of the “work made for hire”, describe the rights the assignee will receive, explain the duration of the copyright, outline the rights retained by the assignor, describe the potential risks involved in a copyright assignment, explain the risks of infringement, describe the risks of misattribution, explain the potential financial risks, explain the requirements for a valid copyright assignment agreement, outline the necessary elements, explain the need for consideration, describe the requirements for execution, provide best practices for the drafting and execution of a copyright assignment agreement, explain the importance of clarity, describe the importance of precision, outline the importance of accuracy, explain the importance of review and due diligence, offer suggestions for alternatives to a copyright assignment agreement, explain the concept of a licensing agreement, describe the concept of a work-for-hire agreement, explain the concept of an “implied license”, outline the concept of a co-ownership agreement, get started.

  • Understand what a copyright assignment agreement is
  • Learn the purpose of a copyright assignment agreement
  • Identify the benefits of a copyright assignment agreement

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have a good understanding of the purpose of a copyright assignment agreement
  • When you understand the benefits of a copyright assignment agreement
  • Understand why copyright assignments are important in protecting a creator’s rights to their work
  • Understand that copyright assignments are used to transfer all or part of a creator’s rights of ownership to another party, such as a publisher, production company, or record label
  • Understand that copyright assignments are legally binding and enforceable
  • Understand that copyright assignments provide the assignee with exclusive rights to the work, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, modify, and perform it
  • Understand that without a copyright assignment, the original creator is the only one who has the right to use their work in any way
  • Understand that copyright assignments guarantee that the assignee will be paid for their use of the work
  • When you can explain why copyright assignments are important, you can move on to the next step.
  • A copyright assignment agreement allows the assignee to obtain exclusive rights to the work, including the right to reproduce, distribute, and adapt the work.
  • An assignment of copyright also allows the assignee to obtain the right to receive royalties for the work, as well as the right to license the work to third parties.
  • Copyright assignments can help ensure that the author is compensated for their work and that their rights are protected.
  • With a copyright assignment, authors can also be sure that their work is not used without their permission or for any unauthorized purpose.

Once you have described the benefits of assigning copyright, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

  • Transferring copyright involves giving up all rights to the copyrighted material and transferring them to another party.
  • Assigning copyright involves transferring some or all of the rights to the copyrighted material to another party.
  • Transferring copyright is often permanent, while assigning copyright may be temporary.
  • Transferring copyright requires the original owner to give up all rights to the material, while assigning copyright allows the original owner to retain some rights.
  • When you have a clear understanding of the differences between transferring and assigning copyright.
  • Transferring copyright means the originator of the work keeps all rights to the work, but allows another party to use the work under certain conditions
  • Assigning copyright means the originator of the work transfers all rights to the work to another party, and no longer retains any rights to the work
  • Transferring copyright is less permanent than assigning copyright, since the originator has the option of terminating the agreement and reclaiming the rights to their work
  • Assigning copyright is more permanent and involves the originator giving up all rights to their work in exchange for a specified payment

Once you understand the differences between transferring and assigning copyright, you can move on to outlining the key terms in a copyright assignment agreement.

• Understand the definition of a “copyright assignment agreement.” A copyright assignment agreement is a legally binding contract in which the copyright owner of a work transfers the rights and ownership of the work to another party. • Learn about exclusive vs. non-exclusive assignments. An exclusive assignment is when the copyright owner transfers all rights to the work to the other party. A non-exclusive assignment is when the copyright owner transfers some rights to the work to the other party. • Identify the rights granted in the agreement. These rights can include reproduction, distribution, modification, and public display of the work, as well as the rights to create derivative works based on the original. • Understand the term of the agreement. This is typically the period of time for which the rights are being assigned. • Learn about the payment terms. This is the amount of money that is being paid for the assignment of the copyright. • Make sure to include a warranty and indemnification clause. This clause states that the copyright owner is warranting that they have the right to transfer the rights in the work and that they will indemnify the other party if they are sued for infringement of copyright due to the assignment. • Know that any document that transfers copyright must be in writing and signed by both parties.

When you have read and understood the above points, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

  • Understand what a “work made for hire” is and its implications for copyright assignment agreements
  • Learn when a “work made for hire” applies to a copyright assignment agreement
  • Familiarize yourself with the different types of works that can qualify as a “work made for hire”
  • Understand how authorship is determined in a “work made for hire”

Once you understand the concept of the “work made for hire” and its implications for copyright assignment agreements, you can move on to the next step of describing the rights the assignee will receive.

  • Understand the scope of the rights being transferred - what types of uses are being authorized by the transfer?
  • Determine if the assignee is receiving exclusive or non-exclusive rights
  • Identify whether the assignee has the right to sublicense or transfer the rights to another
  • Determine if the assignee has the right to modify or make derivative works of the copyrighted content

Once you have a clear understanding of the rights the assignee will receive, you can move on to the next step, which is to explain the duration of the copyright.

  • Understand what duration of the copyright means - Duration of the copyright is the length of time that the copyright will be assigned to the assignee. It’s important to understand the duration of the copyright as it determines how long the assignee will be able to exercise the rights granted to them.
  • Read the copyright assignment agreement to determine the duration - When reading the copyright assignment agreement, look for any language that specifies the duration of the copyright. This may include the length of time the rights are being assigned for, the date the agreement begins and ends, or other references to the duration of the copyright.
  • Make sure the agreement clearly specifies the duration of the copyright - Make sure that the agreement clearly states the duration of the copyright as this will help to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings between the assignor and assignee.
  • Check off this step when you’ve read the agreement and understand the duration of the copyright - Once you have read the agreement and understand the duration of the copyright, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step, which is outlining the rights retained by the assignor.
  • Research the rights reserved by the assignor by reading the Copyright Assignment Agreement
  • Note the rights retained by the assignor, such as the right to use the copyright material for personal use, the right to modify the copyright material, and the right to use the copyright material in future works
  • Check that the Copyright Assignment Agreement does not give the assignee exclusive rights to the copyright material
  • Make sure the assignor has preserved the right to be credited for their work
  • Ensure the assignee does not have the right to transfer the copyright to another person or entity
  • When you have outlined the rights retained by the assignor, you can move on to the next step.
  • Understand the potential risks if the assignor fails to follow the terms of the copyright assignment agreement
  • Be aware of the possibility of copyright infringement if the assignor does not have the right to transfer the copyright
  • Consider the legal risks if the assignor does not get the permission of any other parties who may have rights to the copyright
  • Recognize the potential for damages if the copyright assignment agreement is breached
  • Understand that copyright assignments are a form of contract and can be enforced in court

Once you have a complete understanding of the potential risks involved in a copyright assignment agreement, you can move on to the next step.

  • Understand the difference between copyright infringement and misattribution of a copyrighted work
  • Know the legal consequences of infringement, including the potential for liability and damages
  • Understand the different types of infringement and the legal consequences of each
  • Learn about the potential remedies for copyright infringement, such as injunctions and damages
  • Be aware of the potential risks associated with the unauthorized use of another’s copyrighted work
  • Know how to identify infringing works and how to protect yourself from potential infringement claims
  • Be aware of the relevant copyright laws and related regulations in your jurisdiction

Once you have a solid understanding of the risks of infringement, you can move on to the next step of describing the risks of misattribution.

  • Understand the importance of accurately attributing authorship or ownership of works
  • Learn the risks of misattribution, such as potential reputational damage and legal liability
  • Identify potential scenarios where misattribution could take place, such as when two or more parties are involved in the creation of a work
  • Read through copyright assignment agreements thoroughly to ensure that all authors or owners are accurately attributed
  • Ensure that the proper names, contact information, and other important details are included in the agreement

Once you have reviewed the risks of misattribution, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Explaining the potential financial risks.

  • Understand how assigning a copyright could negatively affect the creator’s income.
  • Research how the creator will be compensated for their work.
  • Determine if the creator will receive royalties for future income or will be paid a one-time fee.
  • Consider the potential legal costs associated with copyright infringement.
  • Identify any other financial risks that could arise from the copyright assignment agreement.

Once you have a comprehensive understanding of the financial risks associated with a copyright assignment agreement, you can move on to the next step.

  • A valid copyright assignment agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties
  • It must include the title of the work being assigned, the date the assignment is effective, and the names of the assignor and assignee
  • The agreement must clearly state the assignor’s intent to transfer the copyright to the assignee
  • The agreement must include language that grants the assignee exclusive rights to use, reproduce, and distribute the work
  • The agreement should also include language that requires the assignee to provide proper attribution to the assignor

Once you have these elements outlined in the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

  • Identify the parties involved, including the assignor and assignee
  • Specify what is being assigned, typically the copyright or copyright ownership
  • Include a description of the work, such as its title or specific details
  • Establish a timeline, including when the agreement begins and ends
  • Include a clause that states the assignor has full rights to the work and is authorized to make the assignment
  • Explain the need for consideration and how it is to be paid
  • Include a termination clause that outlines how the agreement can be ended
  • Specify the governing law for the agreement
  • Signatures of both parties, with a witness if necessary

You will know that you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have identified and outlined all the necessary elements of a copyright assignment agreement.

  • Understand why a consideration is required in a copyright assignment agreement
  • Consideration is an exchange of value in a contract, which is necessary to make the contract enforceable
  • It is important to identify what is being exchanged between the parties and document it in the agreement
  • Consideration can be monetary (e.g. an upfront payment) or non-monetary (e.g. the promise to render a service)
  • When drafting a copyright assignment agreement, ensure that the consideration is adequately expressed in the agreement
  • Once the need for consideration is established and its form is expressed in the agreement, you can move on to the next step of outlining the necessary elements of a copyright assignment agreement.
  • Understand the requirements for a valid execution of a copyright assignment agreement
  • Identify the parties involved: the assignor and the assignee
  • Ensure that the assignor has the legal authority to transfer the copyright and that there is sufficient consideration for the transfer
  • Confirm that the agreement is in writing and signed by the assignor
  • Make sure that the agreement clearly states the copyright being assigned, the date of the assignment, and the duration of the assignment
  • Verify that the assignor acknowledges the transfer of copyright in the agreement
  • When all the requirements are met, you can feel confident that the copyright assignment agreement is valid and the transfer of rights has been secured.
  • Refer to the Copyright Act and any state specific laws that may apply.
  • Include a statement confirming the transfer of the copyright ownership.
  • Ensure the parties involved are clearly identified.
  • Make sure the agreement is in writing or is evidenced in writing.
  • Specify the scope of the assignment and its duration/term.
  • Include a warranty that the party transferring the copyright owns the copyright or has the authority to transfer it.
  • Include a non-compete clause, if applicable.
  • Make sure there is a dispute resolution clause.

Once all of these best practices have been implemented, you can check off this step and move on to the next.

  • Understand why clarity is essential when drafting a copyright assignment agreement
  • Make sure that all the terms of the agreement are clear and unambiguous
  • Identify the parties to the agreement and the works to be assigned
  • Establish the scope of rights being transferred and the payment for the assignment
  • Determine the jurisdiction and governing law of the assignment agreement
  • Outline the term of the agreement and the termination and/or renewal provisions
  • When all the terms of the agreement are clear, you can move on to the next step in the guide: Describe the importance of precision.
  • Precision is essential when drafting a copyright assignment agreement.
  • If there are any vague or ambiguous terms in the agreement, it could lead to costly disputes or misunderstandings over what rights are being assigned.
  • Review the agreement carefully to ensure that the scope of rights being assigned is clearly stated and that there is no room for misinterpretation.
  • Make sure that the language is specific and that each element of the agreement is clearly stated.
  • Once you are confident that the agreement is precise and unambiguous, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Understand the importance of accuracy in a copyright assignment agreement to ensure that rights are correctly transferred and not lost
  • Identify any potential inaccuracies in the agreement, such as incorrect names or dates, and ensure these are corrected before signing
  • Check that the agreement accurately and precisely outlines the rights assigned and that they match the expectations of the parties involved
  • Review and analyze the agreement to confirm that all relevant details are included, such as the scope of the assignment, the applicable duration, and applicable jurisdictions
  • Ensure the agreement is correctly worded and that any ambiguities are avoided to ensure the parties have a clear understanding of their obligations and rights
  • Once you have checked for accuracy and ensured any discrepancies are corrected, you can then move on to the next step.
  • Understand the importance of review and due diligence when drafting a copyright assignment agreement
  • Ensure that the agreement is clear and accurate in order to avoid any potential disputes
  • Identify any potential risks that may arise as a result of the agreement
  • Take the necessary steps to mitigate these risks and ensure the agreement provides adequate protection to both parties
  • Have a qualified legal professional review the agreement before signing to ensure all terms are legally binding
  • When you have finished reviewing the agreement and conducted the necessary due diligence, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Explain the concept of a license agreement, in which the copyright owner grants the licensee a set of rights to use the copyrighted material.
  • Research different types of licenses that could be used to grant specific rights to the licensee, such as exclusive licenses, nonexclusive licenses and statutory licenses.
  • Consider potential benefits of using a license agreement instead of a copyright assignment agreement, such as the ability for the copyright owner to retain some of the rights to the work and the potential for the licensee to obtain the rights to use the work without making a large monetary payment.
  • Contact a lawyer for more information on the legal implications of using a license agreement instead of a copyright assignment agreement.
  • Understand what a licensing agreement is: a contractual agreement between the copyright holder (the licensor) and a third party (the licensee) that allows the licensee to use the copyrighted material in exchange for payment or other consideration.
  • Research the types of licensing agreements available, such as exclusive and non-exclusive agreements, as well as the differences between them.
  • Consider the specific rights that the licensee will be granted and the limitations of those rights.
  • Review any other terms of the agreement, such as the duration of the agreement, the royalties that the licensor will receive from the licensee, any obligations of the licensee, and any restrictions on use or modification of the copyrighted material.
  • Understand the implications of breaching the licensing agreement.

You’ll know you can move on to the next step when you have a clear understanding of the concept of a licensing agreement, the types of licensing agreements, and the terms and implications of such an agreement.

  • Understand what a work-for-hire agreement is: It is a contract between two parties in which one party (the “Hirer”) assigns the copyright of a work to the other party (the “Hired Party”) in exchange for a fee or other consideration.
  • Determine what types of works are eligible for a work-for-hire agreement: Generally, the work must be specially commissioned and fall within certain categories of works, such as a contribution to a collective work, a translation, a supplementary work, a compilation, an instructional text, a test, answer material for a test, or an atlas.
  • Identify the rights that the Hirer will have under a work-for-hire agreement: These rights typically include the exclusive right to use, reproduce, distribute, and create derivative works from the copyrighted work.
  • Be aware of the key differences between a work-for-hire agreement and a licensing agreement: In a licensing agreement, the Hirer does not own the copyright but instead is merely granted a license to use the copyrighted work for a limited time and under certain conditions.

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step once you have a general understanding of what a work-for-hire agreement is, the types of works that can be the subject of a work-for-hire agreement, the rights that the Hirer will have under a work-for-hire agreement, and the key differences between a work-for-hire agreement and a licensing agreement.

  • Understand what an implied license is: it is a type of agreement between two parties where one party grants the other party the right to use their work, without the need for a written agreement.
  • Know the different types of implied license, including perpetual, non-exclusive, and royalty-free.
  • Identify the rights and limitations that come with each type of implied license.
  • Be aware that implied licenses are often limited to one-time use, or may be limited to specific types of use.
  • Understand that implied licenses are implied in the absence of a written agreement and may be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts.
  • Be familiar with the concept of waiver of implied license.

You can check off this step when you have a clear understanding of the concept of an implied license, the different types of implied license, and the rights and limitations associated with each type.

  • Understand the concept of a co-ownership agreement, which is when two or more parties own a work or interest in a work
  • Know the key elements of a co-ownership agreement, including the ownership interests, rights granted, and the obligations and liabilities of each party
  • Identify the rights and responsibilities of each party in regards to the agreement, such as the right to exploit the work, the right to license the work, and the right to transfer the ownership interests
  • Understand the concept of “joint authorship”, which occurs when two or more authors contribute to a work in a way that makes them both authors
  • Familiarize yourself with the concept of “work-made-for-hire”, which is when an employer hires an independent contractor to create a work and, under the law, the employer is considered the author
  • Learn about the concept of “moral rights”, which give authors the right to the integrity of their work, including the right to be credited, the right to prevent distortion or modification, and the right to withdraw the work from the public

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have a thorough understanding of the concept of a co-ownership agreement, including the key elements, rights, and responsibilities of the parties involved.

John - What are the key elements of a copyright assignment agreement?

Asked by John on April 16th 2022. A: A copyright assignment agreement is an important legal document which assigns the rights of a copyright from one party, the copyright holder, to another, the assignee. The key elements of a copyright assignment agreement are:

  • Identification of the parties – The agreement must include the names and contact details of both the copyright holder and assignee.
  • Description of the work – The work being assigned must be described in detail, including any variations or modifications.
  • Rights granted – This should include a clear description of what rights are being assigned and which jurisdiction they apply to (e.g. US, UK or EU).
  • Term of the assignment – This should specify how long the assignment is valid for, or if it is an indefinite term.
  • Consideration – This should outline what consideration is being provided by the assignee in exchange for the rights granted.
  • Warranty – This should indicate that the copyright holder warrants that they have full power and authority to enter into the agreement and grant the rights specified in it.
  • Indemnity – This should specify that the assignee will indemnify and hold harmless the copyright holder from any claims related to the copyright assignment agreement.
  • Confidentiality – This should indicate that all information related to the agreement will remain confidential between both parties.
  • Termination – This should describe how either party can terminate the agreement.
  • Governing law – This should indicate which law governs any disputes related to the agreement.

Jane - How do I know if I need a copyright assignment agreement?

Asked by Jane on November 12th 2022. A: Whether or not you need a copyright assignment agreement depends on your particular situation and needs as a business or individual. Generally speaking, a copyright assignment agreement is necessary if you are transferring your copyright to another party for consideration (e.g. money). It’s also important to remember that different jurisdictions (e.g. USA, UK, EU) have different laws when it comes to copyrights and other intellectual property issues, so it’s essential to make sure you are familiar with those laws and how they may affect your specific situation before entering into any kind of agreement with another party. Additionally, if you are in an industry such as technology or software as a service (SaaS), you may need an additional layer of protection when it comes to intellectual property matters such as copyrights, so having a clear and detailed copyright assignment agreement is especially important in these cases.

Example dispute

Suing for breach of copyright assignment agreement.

  • A plaintiff can raise a lawsuit for breach of a copyright assignment agreement if they can prove that the defendant has violated the agreement in some way.
  • The plaintiff must be able to demonstrate that they have been harmed in some way due to the defendant’s breach of the agreement.
  • The plaintiff must provide evidence of copyright ownership, such as a written assignment agreement, to prove that the copyright infringement occurred.
  • The plaintiff may be able to recover damages related to the breach, including monetary damages, injunctive relief, or both.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to seek punitive damages if they can show that the defendant’s actions were particularly egregious.
  • Settlement may be reached through negotiation or mediation, or the court may decide the case.
  • In some cases, a jury may be used to decide the case and determine the amount of damages to be awarded.

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Software Copyright Guide: Examples & Protection

Intellectual property law probably isn’t the first thing most programmers think of when they start learning to code. But the ways software is used, designed, sold, and marketed, all create copyright issues for software developers to deal with as they work.

What Is Software Copyright?

Software copyright

When protecting software, the first question should be: is software trademarked or copyrighted? The answer begins with a basic overview of copyright law . This area of law covers intellectual property – when the idea is the product. For example, the copyright for a book is about the words, not about the paper, ink, and binding. A patent, on the other hand, is for an idea that needs to be manufactured to have value and a trademark is for something that represents a brand, but isn’t the product itself. Of course, software is a relatively recent concept and which category it belonged in wasn’t immediately clear. 

Originally, US law looked at software source code as the equivalent of blueprints. But in 1974, a commission was appointed to rethink it. Following updated software copyright law definitions in 1980 and some ensuing court cases, software was eventually classified as a literary work, finally answering the question “can software be copyrighted?”

Software Copyright Issues: an IP Puzzle

Even now we’re still asking: what does software copyright mean? It is the legal right to decide who gets to copy and distribute software and the right to prosecute anyone who uses the software in an unauthorized way. However, it’s still not its own category of intellectual property and certain software copyright issues aren’t shared with other types of intellectual property like books, music, or images.

For example, most software includes other types of media, such as text, images, and sound. It’s also made to be adapted. Updates and new versions are published regularly and pieces of source code can be taken from other places or repurposed. This kind of adaptation, including converting the code into another programming language, can be infringement depending on the copyright software license. Most of all though, some amount of copying the code into computer memory is a normal part of how software functions. This creates unique copyright issues for software developers.

Copyright Protection: a Force for Antipiracy

how does an on premise license work

However, when it comes to software copyright issues, the concern is just as much about piracy as it is about plagiarism. Software piracy includes anything from a customer continuing to use your software when their subscription has expired, to hackers selling and distributing counterfeit versions. In whatever format, these are all examples of software copyright infringement. For developers, this type of software copyright infringement carries a few different risks.

First of all, unauthorized copies of your software equal lost revenue. In addition to the missed opportunity though, these may actually cost you money. You could be providing service for copies of your software that were never paid for. Counterfeit or outdated versions may not be up to your standards of quality and could be damaging your brands’ reputation. In the worst cases, piracy can lead to severe data security breaches.

There are a lot of steps you can take, but the legal mechanism that underlies them is your software copyright. Copyright protection is a force for antipiracy. It’s what lets you prosecute software copyright infringement examples. Registering your copyright before you publish your software will make it easier to collect higher damages, and therefore will deter piracy.

Understanding Copyright Software Licensing

You’ve protected your software from being stolen, but you still want it to be used and shared. That’s where copyright software licensing comes in. Licensing is the way you allow your software to be used without copyright violations. The exception is software in the public domain. A developer can choose to leave their software un-copyrighted completely and open to the public.

Public domain shouldn’t be confused with open-source or private unlicensed software. These categories do have software copyrights but can still be free to use. Depending on the particular type of open-source license, they may include restrictions on how the code can be modified, credited, or put to work.

In most cases though, when we talk about copyright software licenses, we’re referring to proprietary software and paid licensing. For these software copyright examples, there are a wide variety of licensing models based on number of users, temporary subscriptions, consumption, and more.

If you’re offering your software for sale, the copyright is automatic. But you’ll still be left with software copyright issues like where to mark the copyright and how to license it. This decision depends on your business model, how the software is used, the kind of security it needs, and more.

How to Get a Software Copyright

copyright protection

The copyright registration process works differently around the world. For example, in the US it involves a single form. Most of the requested information is straightforward: the software’s title and author, publication date, who will own the copyright, and contact information.

Since software often includes audio files, images, or text from other sources, you’ll be asked to specify what exactly the copyright includes and to list the elements that have been licensed from other places. Then you’ll have to choose a category. In most cases, software is registered as a literary work, since it’s technically written in letters and numbers, but you can also choose visual arts or even performing arts if you feel like images or animation are primary in your product.

Preventing Piracy and Fighting Infringement

Software copyright infringement examples include everything from a customer making extra copies so they can work from their home computer to pirates altering the software and selling it to the public. Having the copyright can help deter some of these problems but several other solutions can also work to prevent them and to help catch and prosecute violations.

Customer Service

Making it easy to buy your software, renew subscriptions, and update accounts can be enough to prevent the majority of unauthorized use of your software. Setting pricing models and packages that fit your customers’ budgets and the way they use your software can also make a difference. Most people are happy to pay for what they use, they just don’t want to pay for a lot of copies or features they don’t use and they don’t want to have to chase you down to do it.

Keep the Code Secret

The first step here is making sure your employees know some basic rules. Limit who can access the code and give those people an overview of confidentiality protocols. The more technical aspect of this is ensuring that all your data is encrypted so that even if it gets out, it can’t be used.

Redundant Code

Some companies include small unnecessary components into their code. If someone is copying your code, the redundant code makes it easy to prove that a copyright violation has taken place.

Licensing Management Solutions

Licensing management helps you and your customers keep track of how many copies are licensed and with what type of subscriptions. In most cases, licensing management software , including Thales Sentinel solutions, will also help you use protection keys. These are codes that are kept separate from the software but required in order to access it. These can be stored on USBs, as downloadable software, or in the Cloud where they can be retrieved when the software is in use and then returned to the remote server.

Protecting Your Software Copyright with Thales Sentinel Solutions

No matter how you choose to protect your software copyright, Thales Sentinel can help. Learn more about how customizable license management, protection keys, and software security solutions help protect your software IP .


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  • copyrights ;
  • patents (for software-enabling inventions); and
  • trade secrets .
  • Contractual provisions, such as confidentiality obligations and use restrictions.
  • State and federal non-IP statutes.
  • Common law tort claims, such as trespass to chattels.
  • The scope, strength and length of the contemplated form of IP protection.
  • The potential preclusive effect of the chosen type of protection on other modes of protection.
  • The levels of difficulty and expense involved in obtaining, maintaining or enforcing the contemplated form of protection.

Software Copyrights

  • The program as an integrated whole.
  • The program's individual features or components.
  • Abstraction-filtration-comparison.
  • Method of operation.
  • Inherent necessity.

Software Copyright Registration

  • Sue for infringement ( 17 U.S.C. § 411 ).
  • Recover statutory damages and attorneys' fees ( 17 U.S.C. § 412 ).
  • Use the registration as prima facie evidence of copyright validity ( 17 U.S.C. § 410 ).
  • Stop the importation of infringing copies ( 17 U.S.C. § 602 ; 19 U.S.C. § 1595a(c)(2)(C) ; 19 C.F.R. §§ 133.31 - 133.37 ).

General Scope of Copyright Protection

  • Reproduction.
  • Modification, adaptation and the preparation of other derivative works (for example, translations, bug fixes, new releases and new versions).
  • Distribution, including by license, sale or rental (in electronic file or other form).
  • Public display and performance of works generated by the software, including screen displays, graphics and other audio, visual and audiovisual content.

Limitations of Copyright Protection

  • Sell or otherwise dispose of that copy (other than by rental, lease, lending or similar transactions) ( 17 U.S.C. § 109(a) and (b)(1)(A) ) (the first sale doctrine).
  • Display that copy at the place where the copy is located ( 17 U.S.C. § 109(c) ).
  • for archival purposes;
  • as an essential step in the use of the program; or
  • to maintain or repair a device containing the program.
  • Make fair use of the program by copying and reverse engineering its object code to uncover noncopyrightable methods and ideas to support interoperability or create new software products ( 17 U.S.C. § 107 ).
  • United States

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Business-in-a-Box's Copyright Assignment For Software Template

Copyright Assignment For Software Template

Document description.

This copyright assignment for software template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our software & technology documents.

Sample of our copyright assignment for software template:

COPYRIGHT ASSIGNMENT This Copyright Assignment agreement (the �Agreement�) is made and effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Assignor"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [ASSIGNEE NAME] (the "Assignee"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] WHEREAS, Assignor has prepared, written, created, or developed certain materials or works pursuant to Assignee specific

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FSF copyright handling: A basis for distribution, licensing and enforcement

Part of the Free Software Foundation (FSF's) core mission is to advance policies that will promote the progress of free software and freedom. Because copyright handling has been a topic of concern lately, we are taking this opportunity to explain the four purposes behind FSF copyright handling, as well as examine the impact of potential alternatives.

For some GNU packages, the ones that are FSF-copyrighted, we ask contributors for two kinds of legal papers: copyright assignments , and employer copyright disclaimers. We drew up these policies working with lawyers in the 1980s, and they make possible our steady and continuing enforcement of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

These papers serve four different but related legal purposes, all of which help ensure that the GNU Project's goals of freedom for the community are met.

One purpose is to give explicit permission to include the material in that GNU package . That is the most basic need.

The second purpose is to empower the FSF to go to court and say, "That company is infringing our copyright when it tramples the freedom of users, denying them the freedom that our license gives them." The assignment does this by transferring the copyright to the FSF. (This form of support for GNU is one of the original purposes for founding the FSF.)

A third purpose is to make it possible to add additional permission to specific pieces of code. For example, to take code released under GNU GPL version-3-or-later and release it under GNU Lesser GPL version-3-or-later.

Sometimes the individual author (or authors) of the code assign it. Sometimes a company assigns copyright on its employees' writings. The result is the same: The FSF gets the copyright.

There is an alternative to copyright assignment: instead of assigning the copyright, the author can disclaim copyright on that material. That means the material is effectively in the public domain. This achieves the first and third of those purposes described above, but not the second. It could weaken our copyright claim if it happened for a large part of the program, but it's no problem if this occurs only for a small part of the program.

Another alternative is to give the FSF an unlimited perpetual nonexclusive license for the material. This is different from disclaiming copyright in that the author continues to hold the copyright, but, in practical terms, they are effectively equivalent: Both achieve the first and third purpose but not the second.

We have preferences about these alternatives, which depend on the situation, but we are flexible when possible.

The fourth purpose is to protect the community from the danger of employers' surprise claims. What happens if J. R. Hacker contributes some code, and we use it, all with good will and believing that to be valid; but then Hacker's employer says, "That code belongs to us! Hacker wrote it while on the job, working for us, so it's a 'work made for hire.' You never had the right to distribute it, and we're going to sue all of you. Or maybe only some selected victims if that seems advantageous."

The way we prevent this is by asking Hacker to get an employer copyright disclaimer before contributing material. That way, Hacker's employer will either sign, saying, "Ok, Hacker, you can contribute your changes to that program," or refuse to sign, which warns Hacker not to write contributions to that program while employed by that employer. (We hope the employees of such companies find new, less stingy employers soon.) This approach has saved us from a number of messy situations, because some contributors asked their employers to sign disclaimers and were refused. We could not use their code, but at least everyone involved avoided getting in legal trouble.

The employer disclaimer also deals with the employer's patents and interface copyrights that might cover the contributor's code.

We don't need an employer disclaimer in every case. If an individual says, "I am an independent contractor; no employer could have a claim on this work," that's clear cut, so we don't ask for an employer disclaimer from the nonexistent employer.

Sometimes there is no individual contributor, in a legal sense, because the employer assigns the copyright. Legally, that's solid. (It's good that some people get paid to contribute to free software.)

These four purposes are related in a complex way, and not all are applicable to every contribution. But each one is clear in concept. One purpose is to give us permission to use the code, another the power to defend it, a third to relicense it. The fourth purpose is to make sure no marauding employers have an opportunity to wreak havoc.

The maintainers of some GNU packages would like to use a simple mechanism instead of these legal papers. It is called a "Developer Certificate of Origin" (DCO), and it makes a rough attempt at serving the first purpose and the fourth purpose. It does not try to achieve the second purpose, or the third one. Also, it is sloppy: the existing DCOs don't make it clear who is the author of the code in a contribution.

What about protecting against employer surprise claims? Instead of the employer's signature saying, "We commit not to attack you," the DCO gives us an employee's signature saying, "I certify that no employer can claim rights to this code and attack you." It may do some good, but it is hardly equivalent.

We think we can accept some amount of code from individual contributors using DCOs instead of copyright assignments, for some packages. To avoid weakening our protection for the whole community, we need clear and careful DCOs, designed to make the copyright facts clear.

Careful use of DCOs means that each contributor should sign only for personal contributions and identify clearly what they consist of. Thus, Contributor A would sign a DCO only for the material that A contributes. If A would like us to include code copied from some released free program with a suitable compatible license, maybe we can. But a DCO from A is a non-solution as regards the legalities. Contributor A should instead show us what code that is, and where it comes from, so we can think about the best way to use code from there.

If A wants us to install code written by B, we don't want A to sign claiming, "I have the right to contribute this code (which I got from B)." If B wrote the code, we want B to contribute it, not someone else on B's behalf. Also, concretely, we need to know which code was B's and which was A's -- so we can register the copyright in the United States. Even though we think of DCOs as an inferior choice, we are thinking of developing a DCO that does the DCO job right.

A few lines of code contributed under a clear DCO are not a problem, but as the part of a package contributed under a DCO increases, so does the effect of the DCO's drawbacks. This goes double if a sloppy DCO is used.

To avoid weakening our protection for the whole community against employer surprise claims, DCOs should be accompanied by the usual employer disclaimers. Sadly, using DCOs would make relicensing code to move it into certain libraries a precarious and unwieldy proposition, relying on getting agreement of the other copyright holders or removing their code.

Accepting corporations as copyright holders of code in GPL-covered software packages risks causing a particular problem: a corporation is unlikely to join in a GPL enforcement action against its subsidiary, its parent, another subsidiary of its parent, its supplier, or its client. Thus, even projects that use DCOs should not accept them from corporations.

As our community well knows, the power of big tech corporations is increasing, and their influence over organizations in the free software community is increasing too. Some of them are opposed to GPL enforcement, which is an increasing problem. This is not the time to weaken our legal defenses; we must keep them strong.

P.S. You can learn about the assignment process by reading our Contributor's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) guide

The FSF would like to thank the many community legal experts who reviewed this article and provided valuable suggestions based on their knowledge of these complex legal issues. Among the expert reviewers were Deb Peckham and Carlo Piana.

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    All co-owners must consent to an assignment of the work (a transfer of copyright ownership) or to an exclusive license (an agreement granting rights solely to one person). Ignore Heading - Content EXAMPLE. Two programmers create a software program.

  7. Copyright Assignments

    A copyright assignment is an important medium for transferring legal ownership of a copyright from the initial holder, who may transfer all or a portion of their rights in the original work to a third-party. These rights include all those inherent to copyright ownership, including the rights to reproduce the work in copies or phonorecords ...

  8. Copyright assignment with the FSF

    Simply put, copyright assignment is an agreement between the developer and the FSF. By entering into this assignment agreement, the developer's rights as author of a work, which are protected by law, are transferred, and the FSF becomes the new copyright holder. The primary driving force behind this approach is that the FSF can defend the ...

  9. Free Copyright Assignment Agreement

    A copyright assignment agreement is between a seller (assignor) that transfers the ownership of a copyright to a buyer (assignee). It is common for a copyright to be assigned either...

  10. PDF Copyright Assignment & Guidelines

    A copyright assignment does not have to be forever and does not need to be a complete assignment. You can grant a transfer for a specific period of time, in a specific area, or for a specific ... for example, if the works being sold are source codes for software. Although the copyright and the related rights to sell the product may rest in the ...

  11. Software copyright

    Software copyright is the application of copyright in law to machine-readable software. While many of the legal principles and policy debates concerning software copyright have close parallels in other domains of copyright law, there are a number of distinctive issues that arise with software. This article primarily focuses on topics particular ...

  12. Who owns your Software Copyright?

    Where the employer has sufficient bargaining power, the software contract should assign the software copyright in the code to the employer. Where a valid assignment exists, the only right retained by the author is the right to terminate the assignment between 35 and 40 years after the assignment.

  13. Understanding the Key Elements of a Copyright Assignment Agreements

    Outline the key terms in a copyright assignment agreement. Explain the concept of the "work made for hire". Describe the rights the assignee will receive. Explain the duration of the copyright. Outline the rights retained by the assignor. Describe the potential risks involved in a copyright assignment.

  14. Software Copyright Guide: Examples & Protection

    Preventing Piracy and Fighting Infringement. Software copyright infringement examples include everything from a customer making extra copies so they can work from their home computer to pirates altering the software and selling it to the public. Having the copyright can help deter some of these problems but several other solutions can also work ...

  15. PDF Recordation of Transfers and Other Documents

    A transfer of copyright ownership, other than by opera-tion of law, is not valid unless an instrument of conveyance (for example, contract, bond, or deed) or a note or memo-randum of the transfer is in writing and is signed by the owner of the rights conveyed or the owner's duly authorized agent. See 17 U.S.C. § 204(a). The Office will ...

  16. Copyright assignment at the FSF

    Our copyright assignment program is crucial in promoting our mission "to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of free software users.". The program is as old as the FSF itself; we started it almost thirty years ago in 1985.

  17. Recordation Overview

    A transfer of copyright ownership is "an assignment, mortgage, exclusive license, or any other conveyance, alienation, or hypothecation of a copyright or of any of the exclusive rights comprised in a copyright, whether or not it is limited in time or place of effect, but not including a nonexclusive license." 17 U.S.C. § 101. Learn More

  18. Contributor's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) guide

    A copyright assignment is a legal document transferring the copyright for a particular work. It does not change who the author of the work is, it merely shifts who has the legal right to do activities like make copies of the work, prepare derivatives of the work, and give others permission to do the same.

  19. Acquiring and Protecting Copyrights in Software

    A discussion of copyright protection for software, including the formal and substantive requirements for acquiring and enforcing software copyrights and the scope and limits of software copyright protection. This Legal Update includes helpful links to resources providing greater detail on software copyrights and comparative analyses of software copyright, patent, trade secret and contract ...

  20. Software Copyright Assignment

    The key difference between an assignment and a licence is that an assignment is a transfer of ownership and title, whereas a licence is a contractual right to do something that would otherwise be an infringement of the relevant patent rights.

  21. Copyright Assignment For Software Template

    This copyright assignment for software template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our software & technology documents. Sample of our copyright assignment for software template:

  22. How to Assign Copyright

    The maintainer will then evaluate the appropriate type of assignment for your case. The maintainer will provide you with a questionnaire which ensures your eligibility to assign copyright in the work. After completing the questionnaire and emailing it to the FSF, the Assignment Administrator will review your answers to the questions.

  23. FSF copyright handling: A basis for distribution, licensing and

    Part of the Free Software Foundation (FSF's) core mission is to advance policies that will promote the progress of free software and freedom. Because copyright handling has been a topic of concern lately, we are taking this opportunity to explain the four purposes behind FSF copyright handling, as well as examine the impact of potential alternatives.