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Sims 4 How to do Homework Guide: All You Need To Know

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When you think of gaming, homework probably is the furthest thing from your mind– but in the Sims 4, knowing how to do homework is the key to becoming a successful student, integral with the parenting skill, and impacts your Sims’ life in a few ways.

One thing’s for certain: whether you’re trying to raise a family, or cramming study sessions in between dorm parties, knowing how to do homework is a must in the Sims 4– and there’s more to it than you might think. Consider this your guide to homework, and all things related, in the Sims 4.

Homework in Sims: A Brief History

Homework has been signature gameplay in the Sims franchise. As a life simulator, it only makes sense that, just like players have to contend with paying bills, cleaning dirty dishes, and juggling careers with relationships, parenting, and everyday life. And it’s actually rather interesting to see how doing homework in the Sims has been important from generation to generation, but also evolved.

Here’s a Sparknotes version of the history of homework in the Sims franchise.

sims 4 make up homework

Homework was not a mainstay of the original Sims game, but it was in the Sims 2. In the Sims 2, homework was important for teens, kids, and the then-new young adult life stage.

Children and Teens

A child and teen in the Sims 2 were required to go to school (with options for both public and private). Homework was generated daily. After the bus brought the kid home, that child Sim would have a physical copy of homework in their hand. Normally, homework would be set on a desk or nearby surface, though I remember many times it would just as often be placed on the ground. Completing homework had a direct effect on the Sims’ grades. Every day without incomplete homework resulted in a deduction.

A teen’s homework was a duller color, compared with the bright hues of a kid’s homework. If a Sims’ needs were not met, then they would likely not finish homework. When a Sim aged up, their homework automatically disappeared.

There were a few basic interactions for children and teens with homework in the Sims 2.

  • Work on Homework
  • Complete Homework
  • Ask for Homework Help — this could be asked of any older Sim, and not only helped Sims complete homework more quickly, but also allowed them to complete homework more efficiently in the future.

Young Adults

Young adults were introduced in the Sims 2 University expansion pack, and have since become perhaps the most popular life stage in the Sims franchise. In the Sims 2, this life stage was limited to the University expansion. These young adults worked on assignments in order to influence their grades. It worked in a similar way as with kids and teens, though in addition to homework, they also had exams to deal with.

Sims 3 continued the homework system from Sims 2, making it clear that doing homework would become an expected gameplay feature in the Sims franchise. In many ways, Sims 3 kept the same basic systems for homework intact but enhanced it through new traits, packs, and an updated interface.

School, again, was mandatory for children in the Sims 3 , with a new boarding school option for no private school. If a Sim was sent to boarding school, there was nothing that you needed to worry about in terms of completing homework. Otherwise, it worked more or less the same way: new homework was generated and had to be completed for every school day.

New features included:

  • The ability to do homework with a Sim of the same age
  • The ability to copy homework (which could send them to detention)
  • Ability to work on past due homework
  • Enhanced homework completion with the workaholic and bookworm traits or if your Sim was a vampire (Sims 3: Supernatural expansion)
  • Homework became a hidden skill
  • Sims with an A average could select their new trait when they became a teen or young adult
  • Grades listed in the new Simology panel

Young Adults (and Adults)

Sims who opted to attend college (via the Sims 3: University Life expansion pack), of course, had homework of their own. Homework, or assignments, were fairly similar to Sims 2, and, like Sims 2, the grades were determined by other factors like exams, but also somewhat how they behaved in their seminars, as well as outside projects.

Homework in the Sims 4- Your Guide

sims 4 make up homework

If you’ve played previous Sims games, the good news is that homework in the Sims 4 isn’t too different from previous Sims games. But like each generation, there are different tricks and tips you need to keep in mind to be successful, whether you are just looking to complete homework to help teens pass high school, or your Sims are tackling on a degree at the University of Britechester or Foxbury Institute of Technology.

Here’s what I think you need to know.

Children are required to go to school, and Sims 4 does arguably take a step back in that public school is the only option for children and teens.

Getting to School

In a curious move, Sims 4 does not have any transportation that picks Sims up. In fact, the lack of even cars in the game has been a source of contention. In any case, a school bus won’t pick up children or teens, nor can you watch them make their way to school, as you could in the Sims 3. Instead, children and teens will either automatically transport themselves to school, or you can prompt them.

Decisions During School

Especially if you have Sims 4 Parenthood game pack, you can influence teen and child Sims’ days at school, at least a little. Pop-ups may occasionally come up where you are given a scenario, just as another kid caught cheating, or your Sim being teased. Some of these will impact your Sim’s mood and social life. Sometimes, a child or teen will also ask for advice, which is tied to Sims 4 Parenthood parenting skills.

Locating Homework

As was the case with Sims 2, there is a small distinction in the appearance of children and teens’ homework. Children Sim will have a yellow Grade School Handbook, which, when not being worked on, is typically in their inventory. Teen homework is a blue notebook.

If you’re like me, though, sometimes homework gets lost in the house. If that happens you can actually purchase homework from a bookcase for a single simoleon. And unlike in the Sims 2, homework isn’t assigned to one Sim in particular, meaning a kid can complete their homework even if it wasn’t their original copy.

How to Do/ Complete Homework

To work on homework, simply drag it out of your Sims’ inventory and click on it for the “Do Homework” option. You can have your Sim to do homework all at once, or pick it back up after taking care of their needs. Remember, your teen or child Sim will be assigned homework every school day, with no new homework on weekends.

Homework and Grade Performance

Knowing how to do homework in Sims 4 is helpful for grade performance, but it also isn’t the only factor. In fact, by building skills, working on projects, and even keeping your Sims in a good mood, you can remain a fairly good student even when you skip homework from time to time.

Sims that are at a B or A average also will have access to the “Do Extra Credit” option. This pops up after they complete their homework for the day and you select their homework a second time (homework doesn’t disappear after being completed like previous Sims games). Extra credit is a chance to boost your Sims’ grades even more.

School Projects

School Projects are a unique feature exclusive to the Sims 4: Parenthood game pack. Available to teens and children, Sims can both work on their own projects and assist others. Working on a project builds all child skills at once.

Unlike homework, there is no official deadline for school projects so there aren’t penalties for however long it takes. Once a project is completed, the student can start on a new one. Adults can help both teens and kids; kids can be helped by teens/.

You’ll be able to select from one of seven projects, all available for purchase on build mode. The completed project will be rated as excellent, good, or poor. Siblings may get upset with one another if their project is destroyed by a brother or sister.

How to Do Homework Faster

I admit; sometimes I get impatient with doing homework in Sims 4, especially if I have other plans for the family. The good news is that, if you work on your Sims’ skills, you can speed up the process for children.

You’ll need to work equally on the four major skills for Sim Children: creativity; mental; motor; social; and mental. Level 3 of all of these allows you to “Breeze through Homework” while level 7 allows them to “Dominate Homework”.

For teens, your only real option is installing a mod (which I will discuss later).

University Students

sims 4 make up homework

Young adult and adult Sims can attend one of two campuses if you have the The Sims 4: Discovery University expansion pack installed. Homework, as you might imagine, is part of the equation–but the homework system looks different for adult and young adult Sims than it does for younger Sims, which impacts how you should do homework.

Getting Accepted

I won’t go into a full guide to the Discover University pack, but, in a nutshell, you Sim will have to first apply using a computer. Based upon their previous grades, skill set, and some other factors, they will either be offered or denied admission to the program of their choice at the University of Britechester of Foxbury Institute of Technology.

There is also the opportunity to gain scholarships and take out loans to finance their education. In my experience, most get accepted to school but may be limited to pursuing an honorary degree. Humanities-based degrees at Britechester, like English Literature, are honorary, while if you want a science or technology degree with distinction your Sim should attend the more modern Foxbury.

Homework Load at University

Homework is a part of the university experience in Sims 4, and doing it will help your Sims’ performance. Homework appears in their inventory (as a black and white book) and is meant to be completed before every class. You can also purchase homework from a bookshelf or the college’s kiosk (found out on the quad).

Classes are usually in the form of seminars and do not last all day, but your Sim, depending on your enrollment decisions, will likely have at least two classes per day, meaning you’ll have to juggle multiple assignments.

Other Types of Homework

In addition to doing daily homework, Sims need to attend class regularly. You’ll also be working towards end of the semester exams, final projects, and term papers, depending on the class. Doing homework daily is helpful in keeping their grade average high, and putting a little less pressure on a term paper. It is possible to flunk out of college, so doing homework on a regular basis and attending classes is a must.

How to Make Homework Easier

sims 4 make up homework

Knowing how to do homework doesn’t cut it, though. Between classes, roommates, parties, extracurriculars, and just taking care of basic needs, if you’re like me, you’ll want to tip things in your Sims’ favor a little. Here are some tips

  • Work on skills related to their major, or current classes
  • Keep your Sim in a good mood by keeping needs in check
  • Decorate your space with objects that exude a “Focused” mood (you can see this if you hover over objects in buy mode)
  • Lock your dorm room to other Sims when studying
  • Work on the Research and Debate skills
  • Study in the library or another place if your roommate is partying
  • Live off-campus and apply the “Study Spot” lot traits

Using Mods for Better Homework

If you know how to do homework in the Sims 4 but want it to run more smoothly, another option is to download a mod. I always caution that mods are at your own risk, and they can break, so make sure you check to see that the mod has been updated and that you’re downloading from a secure site.

Better Autonomous Homework by LittleMsSam

This mod fixes what many saw as a deficit in the Sims 4 homework system, by making sure that child Sims will do their homework without your prompting. Now and Sim with an A, B, or C average won’t require you to direct them to do their homework, at least initially.

There are optional add ons, too, such as careers affecting the speed they complete their homework; automatic transfer of homework to inventories when not in use; and a mod for NPCs. Read/ Download Here .

Faster Homework (University Edition) by Scarlet’s Mods

As the name suggests, this mod allows your Sims studying at college to do homework faster. While homework normally takes 150 Sim minutes to complete, this mod allows them to complete it in 10, 25 or 50 minutes. It’s truly a huge time saver. Read/ Download Her e.

Subject Homework by ScarletQueenKat

Subject Homework adds a little nuance and potential storytelling element for how to do homework for teens and kids in the Sims 4, all the while improving skills. Children will now be able to practice vocabulary (improves motor skill); review social studies (increases social skill) and do math problems (improves mental skill).

Teens can now solve algebra problems (increases logic skill); write a fitness article (raises fitness skill); practice creative writing (increases writing skill); and study music theory (improve the guitar skill).

Download/ Read Here .

Question: Where is homework located in The Sims 4?

Answer: You can find homework in your Sims’ inventory. Sometimes. Sims will work on it and place it elsewhere. If you lose homework, it can be purchased from a bookshelf for one simoleon, or at a University kiosk for college students.

Question: Can you grade homework in Sims 4?

If you have Sims 4 Discover University installed, you get an opportunity to grade homework if your Sim is in the Education Career. To grade homework, you need to navigate to the Education Career menu. From there, you can access student homework.

Final Thoughts

Knowing how to do homework in the Sims 4 can make your playing experience a lot easier. With the help of skills, and maybe some mods, homework will take up less of your gameplay time, while your Sims still stay top students–if they, and you, so choose.

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Ultimate Sims Guides

The Sims 4: How to do Homework

Homework in The Sims 4 is a necessary evil and a part of everyday life for most people IRL so it makes sense that it would be inside a life simulation game. From the time your sims turn into children until they’ve graduated University they are going to be doing homework and it will take up a significant part of their lives.

There are actually a few hacks you should know to get your sims to have more fun when doing homework, get it done quicker, and just generally finish it in a timely fashion that will make you a better sims player.

How to Do Homework for Children

When a sim’s kid returns from their long day at school they are going to have a little orange book inside of their inventory which is their homework. This should be completed before they attend school again which is usually the next day unless it’s the weekend.

You can get your sims to start doing their homework by clicking on the homework book in their inventory and choosing do homework . Your sims will find the nearest place to sit (even on the ground) to start working on their homework and will work until they are finished unless they are interrupted by low needs or an event trigger like a fire.

Any adult can come over to this sim while they are doing their homework and you can choose help with homework which will get the adult involved and sitting with the child and they will get their homework done much quicker.

There is even a system for sims kids (not teens) where if your kid gets all of the four children skills to level 3 they’ll have the option to breeze through homework instead of do homework and this will get the job done quicker.

Getting these skills all to level 7 will give them the option to dominate homework which will get it done even more quickly. This is a nice hack to really finish it without it being a huge part of their day.

Once a child has finished their homework, if they have a B or higher in school, they actually have the option to do extra credit after they’ve finished their regular homework. This is good for you if you want to get your sims to increase their school performance.

If you ever find your sims without a homework book in their inventory and you have no idea where it could be you can actually purchase these for one simoleon on any book case!

How to Do Homework for Teens

Homework works pretty much the same way for teens except their homework book is a nice blue colour instead of the orange that kids get. To get them to work on their homework you’ll get them to go into their inventory and click on it and choose do homework and they will start working on it.

They too have the option to have an adult sim to help with homework by getting that sim to click on them when they’ve started their homework and getting them to assist to make it go more quickly.

Once a teenager has a B in school they have the option to do extra credit after they’ve finished their regular homework. This will help them increase their school performance and get to an A as soon as possible.

Bonus Tip: Use the earbuds from The Sims 4: Fitness Stuff Pack when doing homework to keep your sims fun need up so they aren’t feeling tense when they’re done working on it.

School Projects

With The Sims 4: Parenthood there’s a pretty decent chance each week that your sims kids will come home with a school project that they can decide to complete for a boost to their grades. If they don’t complete it within a few days they may get a small decrease to their school grades but it’s not substantial.

These projects come home with your sims in their inventory and are rather easy to complete. They have the option to work on it either carefully or sloppily. Choosing sloppily will get the job done quicker, however, you won’t see a huge increase to their grades but you also won’t see a decrease.

The better option is to work carefully so your sims can improve their school grades. While they are working on these projects they’ll actually gain a skill depending on the type of homework they are working on. For sims kids they’ll be skills like mental, creativity, etc. but for teenagers it’ll be more specific like rocket science or painting .

One awesome thing is that you can get other sims to assist in the project up to 3 sims so you can get these projects done extremely quickly and if an adult sim who has a high skill in the project type assists it’ll go so quickly.

Working on these will also increase your sim’s kids’ responsibility character value which is awesome but failing to complete it will negativity impact this.

3 sims sitting on the floor working on a project with a toddler standing nearby in overalls and a mom on the couch in the back

How to Do Homework in University

With the 2019 addition of The Sims 4: Discover University we have a whole new type of homework for your sims to have to work on. These homework books are going to be a black and white composite notebook that will appear in your sims inventory when they enroll in their first semester of university.

Each time your sim goes to a class they are going to need to do their homework before they attend that class if they want to get a good grade, meaning that if you’re taking multiple classes your sim will be needing to do homework multiple times per week.

To get this University homework done you’ll want to click on the homework book and choose which class’ homework you actually want to work on and get started. You don’t have to do it all in one sitting so you can start and stop as many times as you want.

An awesome detail about University homework is that if your sims have a high level of the research and debate skill they’ll actually breeze through their homework much more quickly. You can also add the study spot lot trait to your sim’s lot to make it easier.

Related: How to Get an A+ in University in The Sims 4

Final Thoughts

Homework is something you can’t avoid if you want your sims to do well in school when they’re young, but there’s no need to stress about it. Sims grades won’t affect their later days work performance or the overall success in their life, so no worries if you don’t get it done. Happy Playing!

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I've been playing the Sims since the first game was released when I was only 5 years old. It's been a huge passion of mine for two decades and I've loved every single minute of it. I also love dogs. And grilled cheese sandwiches. And I think me and Bob Pancakes could be friends.

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It do work!

Doing a 4 course in sims 4 is a real tedious chore. It will consume all your sims time and you won’t have time to do anything else. They did this way worse than sims 3 university.

There are a few tricks mind you! First of all you can be at home instead, makes it all much easier and you can(like mentioned above) add the “study spot” trait to your home.

The next trick is using the club! Make sure, if you go to the university, add everyone you see to your club. Focus on getting “Rally the Troops” perk. That will allow you to get back all your energy and other needs quickly whenever you want. There is no cooldown on this. It requires 500 points so it’s not bad at all. Just make sure the gathering is on at all times(which it should be since you most likely won’t be leaving the lot). The homework perk does not work for university.

EA could easily have fixed this by reducing the homework time from 2 hours to 1 hours imo. They made it too much of a chore. It’s a GAME after all.

But that’s the whole challenge bruh

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Editorials / How To Do Homework in Sims 4 and Improve Grades: Tips and Tricks

How To Do Homework in Sims 4 and Improve Grades: Tips and Tricks

  • 1.1 Kids Must Go to School
  • 1.2 Adults Can Choose To Attend University
  • 1.3 You Don’t Need to Worry About School Transportation
  • 1.4 Locating Homework Gets Complicated
  • 2.1 Completing Homework for Sims 4 Kids
  • 2.2 Helping Sim Teens Dominate Homework
  • 2.3 Completing School Projects
  • 2.4 Completing Adult Sim University Work
  • 2.5 Tips for Finishing Homework Faster
  • 3 That VideoGame Blog: Helping You Have a Blast While Playing Sims 4

This post was last updated on July 1, 2024

If you’re wondering how to do homework, Sims 4 is way easier and more fun than real life! One of the unique aspects of Sims 4 is how it mimics real-world experiences, including raising Sim children and boosting your Sim’s school performance. Understanding how to help with homework is challenging, especially with the complex updates since previous Sims games.

At That VideoGame Blog, we provide tips, tricks, and cheat codes for all the hottest games so you’ll never get stuck. For example, you can learn about the must-have traits for Sims 4 to better define how your Sims act.

Below, we discuss everything you need to know about homework in the Sims 4 universe!

What You Need To Know About Homework in the Sims Universe

Homework is nothing new to the Sims franchise. The game capitalizes on real-world chores, like doing the dishes, parenting children, paying bills, going to work, and juggling each life stage. The homework system evolved throughout Sims 2 and 3 to reach the level it’s at now, which we discuss in more detail below.

Kids Must Go to School

The game requires all child Sims to attend school. In previous games, you could choose the type of grade school your children and teens attended, though now public school is your only option. Fortunately, you can influence their mood and social life during the school day by helping them make decisions about social dilemmas.

For example, you might receive a notification about another child Sim cheating on a test or bullying the younger Sims. Parenting your Sim through these scenarios directly impacts their personality.

Adults Can Choose To Attend University

Young adult Sims can choose to further their education by attending a university. You can pick between two schools with the Discover University Expansion pack. Before attending, your Sims must apply, as real university students would.

The two university options, the University of Britechester or the Foxbury Institute of Technology, will analyze your Sim’s skills and grades before offering an acceptance or denial letter. You can also apply for scholarships and loans to help finance your Sim’s education. Once they attend school, they can choose a different degree like literature, electronic arts, science, technology, etc.

Every adult Sim attending a university must complete homework, just like the child Sims do, though they usually spend less time each day in class. University students must balance term papers, daily homework, extra credit, and exams while attending classes. Helping your older Sim stay on track with their university homework prevents them from failing the semester.

You Don’t Need to Worry About School Transportation

You’ll notice that Sims 4 doesn’t have a school bus or any other transportation system to get your child or teen Sims to school. Luckily, you don’t need to worry about walking them or watching them arrive. In Sims 4, all students automatically teleport to the necessary classroom at the appropriate times.

Locating Homework Gets Complicated

Keeping track of all the homework in the Sims 4 universe isn’t easy. Each student’s age group receives different homework books, so it’s important to keep them organized. The following key outlines each Sim’s homework book color by age:

  • Children: Yellow Grade School Handbook and orange homework book
  • Teen’s homework: Blue homework book
  • Adults: Black and white book (found in the Sims inventory)

You can purchase books and copies if your Sim loses the original version. We also recommend getting a bookcase to organize all homework books in your house. Adult students can purchase books and homework from the University Kiosk.

How To Do Homework: Sims 4

Now that you understand how homework functions, let’s discuss how to help your Sims family dominate homework. School work is a necessary evil in the game because Sims’ grades suffer when they skip homework or turn in incomplete homework.

Completing Homework for Sims 4 Kids

When your child Sim comes home from school, they’ll bring an orange book in their backpack with all their homework. You must have them complete homework before the next school day. Follow these instructions:

  • Open the Sim’s inventory for your younger Sims.
  • Click “Do homework.”
  • Aid them with any needs as they work.
  • Send an adult Sim to help with the child’s homework.
  • Click “help with homework” from the adult Sim’s inventory.
  • Increase child “skills” levels to complete homework faster (like the research and debate skill).
  • Once finished, have the Sim complete extra credit to boost homework grades.

Note that whenever you leave a Sim to do homework, they will continue working until finished unless they need something. Keep an eye on event triggers and low needs to ensure that your Sim child or teen continues working hard.

Helping Sim Teens Dominate Homework

Teenaged Sims complete regular homework just like the younger Sims. Once they’re home from school, open up the inventory menu and select the option to work on class homework. You can make one of your other Sims offer homework help to complete the process more quickly by following the same instructions above.

If your teen Sim has a B in the class, they can choose to do extra credit as well to boost their grades. Helping your teen Sim get an A improves their odds of getting accepted into a university.

We also recommend getting earbuds from the Fitness Stuff Pack to let your teens listen to music while they do homework. Sometimes grueling school hours can decrease fun levels, but music helps keep energy high.

Completing School Projects

Aside from regular homework, sometimes your family members bring home school projects. In Sims 4: Parenthood, you’ll likely see a school project at least once weekly.

Unlike homework, projects are semi-optional. If your Sim completes the work, their grade goes up, but if they don’t finish it in a few days, their grade will only go down a small amount.

You can have your Sims complete projects just as they do homework. The new homework project appears in the inventory, where you can prompt your Sim to begin working on it. You have two options to choose from when they do homework for a school project:

  • Sloppy : Letting your Sim do homework sloppily completes the project faster, though it offers smaller grade increases.
  • Careful : When Sims work carefully on a project, they boost their grades more and gain certain skills, depending on the project type. Child Sims might gain creativity or building skills while teens can acquire more specific ones like painting or rocket science skills.

To make the homework project fly by, you can have up to three Sims work on it together, including adults. We recommend assigning an adult with more advanced skills to help move things along. Once completed, any child Sims will receive improved responsibility character value scores.

Completing Adult Sim University Work

If you sign up for the University Expansion, you have the fun opportunity of sending your adult Sims to college. University homework is more advanced since it requires your Sims to do homework for multiple classes at once. Rather than doing one homework assignment daily, each Sim might need to complete two or three to prepare for classes the next day.

When you’re ready to have your Sim do homework, click on the specific homework book for the class you want them to work on. Remember, university books are black and white. After selecting the appropriate class, your Sim can work on their homework for as long as you choose.

Adult Sims with strong research and debate skill levels enjoy rapid homework completion rates. We recommend helping your Sims improve their debate skills to finish homework quickly.

Tips for Finishing Homework Faster

Balancing homework with other life stresses is challenging in Sims 4. If you want to help your Sims finish their homework quickly and easily, use these tips:

  • Help your Sims increase their logic skill level.
  • Work on skills related to their major or classes.
  • Dedicate a space in the house for homework with calming decorations.
  • Keep your dorm room locked from others while your Sims study.
  • Increase your Sims’ research and debate skills.
  • Take your Sim to the library if their roommate throws a party.
  • Apply for Study Spot lot traits.
  • Boost child skill levels so they can finish homework quickly.
  • Consider downloading mods to help you fly through homework smoothly.

That VideoGame Blog: Helping You Have a Blast While Playing Sims 4

Doing homework in Sims 4 might sound like a chore, though it’s a critical game component. Helping your Sims score excellent grades improves their odds of getting into a university, landing a great job, and expanding the family. Luckily, our tips can help your Sims soar through homework while having fun.

At That VideoGame Blog, we create exclusive content for Sims fanatics so you can learn the best tips, tricks, cheats, and ideas for building your universe. Now that you know how to do homework, Sims 4 has much more to offer! Next, learn about skill cheats in Sims 4 , so you can help your family finish tasks rapidly!

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How to do homework in The Sims 4 High School Years

Your teen Sim doesn’t have to do homework, but they should sometimes

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A teen Sim does homework on a plain desk

In The Sims 4 ’s new expansion, High School Years , your teen Sims can head out to school the same way some Sims head to work. You can go with them to control what they do throughout the school day, affecting their relationships and academic growth.

Notably, in the career tab for the teen Sim, you’ll see that they have a daily task to “do homework” after every school day (as you’d expect from school). Though homework for young Sims is not a new addition, it can be new for players who never had teenage Sims.

The homework your teen Sim has to do will be in their personal inventory , as a little blue book. You can select it and click “do homework” and your teen Sim will move to a nearby table to do it.

The inventory menu screen of a teenage sim with homework inside

Based on our gameplay, not doing homework didn’t do anything too dramatic to the Sims’ school performances. As long as your teen Sim is attending class, they’ll progress in their career just fine. However, if you want them to improve their grades faster, they should actively be doing their homework.

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The Sims 4: High School Years - How to Do Homework


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The Sims 4 's High School Years expansion puts its primary focus on the academic lives of teenage Sims. These Sims' studies are not confined to school, though, as they will be instructed to do homework every day. Fortunately, it is quite simple to do homework in The Sims 4 : High School Years , and this guide contains full details on how players should approach this task.

To note, homework is not a new addition in High School Years , and players that have had Sim children in the past are likely to have engaged with the feature before. That said, the expansion's emphasis on the activity will bring fans' attention to it, and some will want to make sure that they do it every day. It is indicated that homework does not have a huge impact on a Sim's academic success, though, and players should not be too concerned if they miss some study sessions here and there.

RELATED: The Sims 4: High School Years - Build/Buy Items

Players that are attempting to do homework in The Sims 4 's High School Years expansion should look in the personal inventory of their teenage Sims. For full clarity, a Sim's personal inventory is visualized as a file box that appears in the bottom-right corner of the screen, and there will be a blue book within it. Fans should now simply select that book and click on the "do homework" button to cause the Sim to move to a table and begin their studies.

sims 4 high school years homework

Once a Sim has completed their homework, The Sims 4 players may want to spend some time with the apps that are featured in the expansion. One of those apps is Social Bunny, and Sims that post high-quality content to it frequently can earn themselves a great number of followers. There is also an app called Trendi in High School Years that can be used to buy and sell clothes as well as start new fashion trends.

Alternatively, players can put some effort toward the Prom, which plays a big role in this expansion pack. This effort might manifest as creating a Prom Proposal Sign and using it to ask another Sim to the event in grandiose fashion. It is important to mention that this can only be done after a life sim video game fan has received a notification about the Prom, though that should come shortly after starting The Sims 4 's High School Years expansion.

The Sims 4 is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: The Sims 4: High School Years - CAS Guide

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How to Do Homework in The Sims 4 – how to complete homework for child, teen, and university student Sims

How to Do Homework in The Sims 4 – how to complete homework for child, teen, and university student Sims

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Need to know how to do homework in The Sims 4? Getting good grades and keeping out of trouble is a great start for any Sim, but it can be difficult if you don’t know how to get homework done.

The Sims 4 lets players take control of every aspect of a Sim’s life, from waking up in the morning to completing aspiration goals. Whether you’re playing it on a gaming pc or the best laptop for Sims 4 , this is all possible with just the base game, and doesn’t even include mods or custom content . Completing homework is just one way you can take control. If you need help getting your Sims to do homework in The Sims 4, we’re here to show you how.

Step-By-Step Guide to Doing Homework in The Sims 4

The Sims 4 How to Do Homework

How you perform homework depends on which stage your Sim is in their education. Here’s a detailed guide for doing homework across all ages in Sims 4.

Children – How to Do Homework in The Sims 4

To get your child to do homework, follow these steps:

  • Send your child to school.
  • When they return home, select the child and check their inventory . There should be an orange book – this is their homework book.
  • Click on the book and select Do homework . The child will sit down and begin completing the task.
  • If needed, an adult Sim can assist with their child’s homework, which will speed the process up.

Make sure your character completes their homework before the next school day for optimum performance at school.

Teens – How to Do Homework in The Sims 4

If you’re struggling to get your teen Sim to do homework in The Sims 4, follow these steps:

  • Send your teen to school.
  • When they return home, check their inventory . Your teenage Sims should have a blue book, which is their homework book.
  • Complete steps 3 and 4 as above.

Getting a teen Sim to do homework is largely the same as having a child Sim complete it. The only difference is that a teen Sim’s homework book will be blue, not orange.

University Student – How to Do Homework in The Sims 4

If you have the Discover University expansion pack installed, here’s how you can get your Sim to do their homework:

  • Have your Sim go to class.
  • When they return, open the character’s inventory . There should be a homework book.
  • Click on the homework book and choose Do homework . If your Sim takes multiple classes, you’ll have to choose which homework to do. 
  • Repeat until all homework is done.

Sims who have enrolled at university will have much more homework than other Sims because they will attend multiple classes. It’s a good idea to get each piece of homework done before the next class, as this will lead to bigger XP rewards and better progress at university. 

To speed up the time it takes for your character to complete their university homework, try leveling up their Research and Debate skills. This will reduce the time taken to complete homework considerably. 

Why Is Doing Homework Important in The Sims 4?

By doing homework, your Sim will perform better at school, leading to better school grades . This will ultimately result in better job opportunities and higher wages. Additionally, you’ll be able to unlock several achievements by performing well at school.

There’s everything that you need to know about doing homework in The Sims 4. Be sure to check out how to move items freely in The Sims 4 and how to edit sims in CAS if you need more help navigating the life simulator.

Sims 4 Homework FAQs

How do you complete homework in The Sims 4?

All you need to do is open the inventory of the students and find the homework they brought home from attending class. You can click on it, and then choose to complete it.

Is homework the same for children and teens?

Yes, the method for completing homework is the same for child and teen Sims. The only difference for university students is that they need to complete homework for each class they attend that day.

How To Do Homework In The Sims 4

How To Do Homework In The Sims 4

Written by 

Kiera Mills


6th Jul 2022 16:50

Homework in The Sims 4 is an extracurricular activity that sim children and teens can do at home. To learn more about homework in The Sims 4 read on.

  • For more Sims 4 tips, read our guide on how to have twins in The Sims 4.

Homework in sim's inventory in The Sims 4

As your sim children and teens age up-they'll automatically receive homework in their inventories. Children receive yellow 'Grade School Homework' and teens receive blue 'Homework' books. The homework is individual to each sim, sims cannot do other sim's homework for them. If you lose the book around the neighbourhood, you can purchase another set of homework for your child through the 'buy books' menu on a bookcase or PC.

To do homework simply click on it in your inventory and select 'Do Homework'. The activity will take longer if your sim is in a bad mood. You can speed up the interaction if you get an adult sim to 'Help with Homework' by interacting with the sim whilst it is working. After completing the homework, you can interact with it again to complete 'Extra Credit Homework' for additional gain.

  • Excited about the new Sims 4 High School Years pack? Read here for our guide on the High School Years release date, gameplay and more.

How To Improve Grades In The Sims 4

Parents helping with a school project in The Sims 4

Doing Homework is an easy way of ensuring your child improves their grades. School works in a very similar way to sim careers in the fact that homework acts as an extra activity you can do to boost performance.

To boost performance, you can also ensure that your sim goes to school in a good mood with their needs all met and choosing the 'Work Hard' option on their icon picture whilst attending class. You can also raise a child's skills to increase performance. Skills include mental, motor, creativity and social.

Children can sometimes come home with a school project if you have The Sims 4: Parenthood installed. If this is the case, you'll receive a notification that they have received a project from school. Projects range from making volcano displays to castles and other dioramas. These are a good way of boosting your sim child's grade as well as boosting skill gain. The project will perform even better if you get a parent to help the child with the project. Projects can also be bought from the build and buy mode if you wish to help your child's grade along faster.

If the child's grade starts to fall, it will trigger an interaction where the principal will ring the child to discuss their failing grades. The child's grades will also suffer if they choose to skip school. This can be done by simply cancelling the interaction for them to go to school in the morning. They may also get a pop-up from a classmate asking them to skip school if you have The Sims 4: Parenthood installed.

  • Check out our recent Sims 4 Werewolves review to see if it's worth a purchase or not.

Kiera Mills

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sims 4 make up homework

How to do Homework in The Sims 4

The best way to get your Sim's grades up in school is to have them do their homework every day. Oftentimes, though, your Sim will oddly choose to not do their homework. Thankfully, it's very easy to force them to get to work.

How to find and do homework in The Sims 4

sims 4 make up homework

You can find the homework for a child or teen in their inventory. The inventory is the little box symbol in the bottom right of the UI screen. To command your Sim to do their homework, click on the book in the inventory and choose Do Homework . If you cannot find their homework book, search around the home to find it. In the case of an emergency, you can order a new book from the phone or computer. 

Related: How to do laundry in The Sims 4

How to put away homework in The Sims 4

sims 4 make up homework

Have your Sim work on their homework in peace until they are finished. Once finished, you can sometimes press the book again and choose an option to do extra credit, which is useful if you want to raise your Sim's grades. If you think they may have already done their homework, click the briefcase to open the School tab and check on their Daily Task progress. Make sure the book either stays in a good spot where it can't get lost, or just move it back into their inventory to be safe.

Want to see more family content for The Sims 4? Check out How to play the 100 Baby Challenge in The Sims 4 on Pro Game Guides.

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Sims 4: How to Do Homework

Image of Yamilia Avendano

How to Do Homework in The Sims 4

The Sims 4 will have you living out your sim family’s life any which way you’d like. When your family expands and you get some children or teens, though, it’s time to start worrying about grades at school! The best way to ensure their education is top notch is to make sure they do their homework each and every school day (Mondays-Fridays). Let’s go over how to do this.

Every weekday, your child or teen sim will come home from school with homework. It can be found in their inventory, and you’ll be able to do it by clicking on it from there and selecting to do it. You can also have an adult help them out while they’re doing it by selecting the adult and then clicking on the child/teen and choosing the Help With Homework option.

Complete this and you’ll make sure your grades don’t drop! If you want to get a bit of boost in school performance, you can “Do Extra Credit” by clicking on the homework again when it’s all done the first time. This will lead to a small increase in performance the next morning that you head back to school.

That’s all there is to it! If you need any more help with the game, leave a comment down below and we’ll do our best to help you out!

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How do i make my sim do his homework?

I'm new to the Sims, and I have searched it up on Google, but it just says that I should be able to click on it in his inventory. But I can't click anything? Underhus "Career" it's says school, and the it says "daily tasks - not begun" but I can't click it. I've tied clinking on his parents to see if they can help, but the option isn't there. Idk how to make him do his homework

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How to Do Homework in The Sims 4

Image of Madison Benson

The Sims 4 provides plenty of opportunities to live a calm, humble life or one full of chaos. If you have children or teenagers in your family, this is ramped up slightly by their school lives and having to complete homework. You’ll see this in their daily school tasks, yet it may take some time to figure out how this system works. If you’re interested in learning more, continue reading to discover how to do homework in The Sims 4.

After your child or teenager completes a day at school and returns home, you’ll find a daily task prompting them to do their homework. If you head into their inventory, you’ll notice either a yellow or blue book among their items. This book is their homework for the day!

Related: How to Add a Sim to a Household in The Sims 4

To finish your character’s homework, select the book in their inventory and click “Do Homework”. They’ll spend an hour or two reading this book, which is the visual indicator that they’re finishing their homework. Once your child or teenage sim is done, a notification will appear in the top-right corner of your screen, telling you they have completed their homework for the day. From here, you have the option to complete extra credit, which helps increase the character’s grades.

To make this process a little easier for the child, you can select an adult sim, click on the child and pick “Help with Homework”. Not only does this let the two characters bond, but it’ll help the child sim finish their homework quicker.

The Sims 4 is available to play on PC, Mac, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 through the official website . If you’d like to learn more about the game, check out our Wants and Fears Guide and How to Download the Wicked Whims Mod in The Sims 4 .

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How to do homework in The Sims 4

No matter if it’s real life or The Sims 4, going to school is never easy. The worst part is always the homework. After a young Sim returns home, they still need to sit down to complete homework assignments. Here is what you need to know to do homework in The Sims 4.

The basics of The Sims 4 homework

sims 4 make up homework

There are three types of basic homework. There’s grade school and high school homework, for child and teenager Sims, respectively. You can find the younger Sims’ homework inside their inventory. Make sure to do it before the end of each day and that they have a great mood before leaving the house so they can succeed in school. Each time they age up, new homework is added to their inventory to reflect it. You can sell unnecessary homework for $1. If young Sims do well throughout grade and high school, they can improve from a C student to a B student, eventually becoming a successful A+ student. A+ students will get higher-paying positions in their chosen careers that they start as young adults .

To improve your younger Sims’ school standing, the school will also sometimes give you school projects. You can also get these projects by purchasing them for $100 in buy mode. You can finish these projects by “working carefully” or “working sloppily.” The former gets you more points toward being an A+ student.

Moreover, the more skills your young Sims have, the quicker they can complete their homework. If you have all their skills up to level 3, they can choose to “breeze through homework.” If they have all their skills at level 7, they can choose to “dominate homework” to complete it even faster. Another way to help your young Sim do their homework faster is by having an adult Sim choose to “help with homework.” It increases their relationship bar while getting the schoolwork done faster.

Related: The Sims 4: Growing Together expansion gets a new trailer all about Family dynamics

Homework in The Sims 4: High School Days

For people who have The Sims 4: High School Days , homework isn’t all that different. However, you do have to worry about exams every Friday. When you have an upcoming test on your teen Sim’s schedule, you need to choose whether to cram for the test or not study at all. Instead of a homework book, this is just a prompt you can choose when clicking on your sim. If they get good exam scores, their standing grade (A, B, or C) will improve.

Homework in The Sims 4: University

sims 4 make up homework

If you want advanced homework, though, look no further than The Sims 4: University pack. When you have a student attending University in The Sims 4,   they have homework they continuously need to be working on while they attend school. Your Sim has to complete their homework before they attend a class again to get good grades. You can have them complete their homework faster if their home has a study spot trait, or if your Sim has the research and debate skill leveled up. You can level up your research and debate skill by using a mirror, using a podium, or using the Archive at the university, which is free to use.

Troubles with homework in The Sims 4

Some players have reported having issues sometimes misplacing their Sims’ homework. If you need to obtain a new homework workbook, you can do so by purchasing it from the bookshelf by clicking the “purchase books” tab.

You should also be sure to try to have your Sim do their homework when they arrive home from school. You can potentially have them do homework late at night or in the morning before school, but it’s a risk. They could end up going to school exhausted or with unfinished homework.

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Gold Makeup Sey CC55 by Goppolsme

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This is just one of so many makeup CC packs by Goppolsme that we’re featuring on this list. Keep reading to discover more. They’re all equally fascinating, and bring something new to the table.

Butterfly Eyeliner by Miiko

sims 4 make up homework

Glitter Eyeshadow Collection by LuxySims

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This is exactly the kind of CC that makes me go WOW. Not just a touch of luxury, this is as good as luxury gets. You get 49 swatches in this set. Enjoy it my lovelies!

sims 4 make up homework

Spice Collection by Chewybutterfly

sims 4 make up homework

You can’t look at this collection and not want to download it. Just the perfect dose of sugar and spice. It includes a lipgloss, shimmer and matte eyeshadows, and a smoked eyeliner.

More on SnootySims: 50+ Best Body Mods & CC You Never Knew Existed for t he Sims 4!

Genetics & Makeup CC Master List by PralineSims

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Speaking of infants, here’s a very generous gift of PralineSims to all of us, and our babies in the Sims 4! All of her genetics and makeup cc is now updated for infants. Click the button below to browse different CC posts, all compatible with the infant update.

Maxis Match Genetics Set by Obscurus Sims

sims 4 make up homework

This genetics set by Obscurus Sims is one I’ve always wanted. They usually create alpha CC, but this time around maxis match, and it honestly never looked better!

The set includes the following items in a variety of swatches: nose bridge, nose tip, nose highlight, nostrils, philtrum, philtrum transparent, eyes, eyebrows, and 3 different sets of lipstick. Very highly recommended!

sims 4 make up homework

More on SnootySims: Best of Obscurus custom content for the Sims 4!

Eyeshadow CC26 by LeanSims

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Dokkaebi Makeup Set by MMSIMS

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Here’s everything you get from this set:

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Genetics & Makeup Set by Poyopoyo

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More on SnootySims: Custom heterochromia eyes for the Sims 4! 

Y2k Eyeliner by Magbay

sims 4 make up homework

This Y2k eyeliner is incredibly unique, and comes in a set of 33 swatches. It works on both masculine and feminine frames.

Speaking of Y2k cc, SnootySims has a dedicated list of Y2K custom content in store for you. Click the image below to visit it! 

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The Soulmate Collection by TheBlondeSimmer X ChewyButterfly

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Blushing Peach Makeup Set by Miiko

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No, this isn’t just another regular makeup set. Personally speaking, Miiko is one of the best Sims 4 cc creators, and this set of peachy-colored makeup just proves my point.

sims 4 make up homework

More on SnootySims: The best skinblends and skin overlay CCs for the Sims 4! 

Clara, Ebano & Funfetti – Eyeliner Sets by Magbay

sims 4 make up homework

Very much in love with these graphic eyeliners by Magbay, especially the FunFetti set which includes 12 colorful eyeliners in several styles.

sims 4 make up homework

Quartz Highlighters by TwistedCat

sims 4 make up homework

OMG! I can already imagine my snatched looking Sims with this highlighter CC. Thank you, TwistedCat!

GPME-GOLD Blush CC08 by GoppoIsMe

sims 4 make up homework

If you’re the type of person who’s attracted by sad/tired eyes, this is exactly the blush to get. It gives your Sim just the right dose of delicate melancholy. It’s available in a number of colors. Check them out by following the link below.

Strawberry Blush by CreamLatteDream

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Can’t get enough of nose blush ? SnootySims has just the perfect list for you! 

Gloss Collection by Northen Siberia Winds

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Find more lip gloss CC for your game here ! 

Fleur Lipstick Collection by KikuruAcchi

sims 4 make up homework

KikuruAcchi wanted to spoil us with more options for dark skinned sims, and here it is the perfect set of lipsticks. Each lipstick has 6 swatches, and comes in both matte and gloss textures.

More on SnootySims: 60+ Pieces Of The Best CC for Black & POC Sims.


Tedi Tedi Stickers with Blush by KikuruAcchi

sims 4 make up homework

This very cute lil’ sticker/blush CC would be great for your teen Sims. It’s available in 5 swatches. Check them out by following the link below.

More on SnootySims: Kawaii cc for the Sims 4!

Neon Punk: A TS4 CC Makeup Collection by Stonedhilda

sims 4 make up homework

Ah… neon and punk, the perfect old combo! I love everything this set has to offer, from the eyeliner to the lipstick and the blush. They’re perfect.

Get yourself, and your Sims, even more cool punk CC by visiting our list . 

Chideled Cheek Contour Overlay by Golyhawhaw

sims 4 make up homework

Find more cc creations by Gloyhawhaw for your male Sims by going to this post . 

sims 4 make up homework

Crystal Jaw Contour by Lady Simmer

sims 4 make up homework

If you like this jaw contour cc, you’re going to love this spotlight face-shadow! It comes in different opacity levels.

Check it out and other body mods and cc by going to this page . 

sims 4 make up homework

Charisma Blush by BunbunzSims

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sims 4 make up homework

Oh I’ve seen way too many lipstick CCs, but nothing as glittery as this one. Go on and create your next dazzling Barbie in the Sims 4 with this lipstick.

Speaking of Babrie, we have a dedicated list for Barbie CC on SnootySims. Check it out by going to this page . 

Nymph Ear Blush by Dumbabie

sims 4 make up homework

How cool is that? I don’t think I’ve seen anything similar. Way to go, Dumbabie!

Check these exotic elf ears for your Sims! 

sims 4 make up homework

Strawberry Set by Dumbabie

sims 4 make up homework

Pixel Love Makeup Collection by KikuruAcchi

sims 4 make up homework

Between Us Lipstick by KikuruAcchi

sims 4 make up homework

Check out these lip presets for a new hot look! 

Sand Storm Eyeshadow by KikuruAcchi

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Merry Christmas Eyeliner by TheBrennts

sims 4 make up homework

Celebrate Christmas in the Sims 4 with this festive eyeliner CC by TheBrennts.

Usagi Blush by Miiko

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Conven & Conjure by Stellar Sims

sims 4 make up homework

All I have to say about this is that I’m sold. I have not yet tried this in-game, but it’ll certainly be the first thing I try once I’m done resetting my mods folder.

By the way, if you have broken CC and have not yet watched our 2-step tutorial on how to find and delete them, do. Now. It’s only 168 seconds long. 

Naomi Jon Inspired – Liner Set by StarrySimsie

sims 4 make up homework

Here’s yet a nother set of unconditional eyeliners for your Sims.

sims 4 make up homework

Explore a collection of bob haircuts for the Sims 4 on SnootySims!

A CC Pack by Peachyfaerie

sims 4 make up homework

For a different, halloweeny look, try this makeup cc pack by Peachfaerie. It works on Sims of all ages, from teen to elder. Included in this set are eyeliners, eyeshadows, face tattoos, and lipsticks. Have fun!

More on SnootySims: Latest Halloween Custom Content for the Sims 4!

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GLOSSIER: A Lip Collection by Peachyfaerie

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Hello Kitty Makeup Collection by Miilky

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Hello Kitty! This set brings forth one eyeliner, a blush, one pack of facepaint stickers, and a lip gloss in 8 swatches. Show us your creations on Twitter !

eGirl Inspired Blushes by Solarity Sims

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Eyeliner Ultimate Collection by PralineSims

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If you’re looking for the ultimate eyeliner collection with the click of a button, look no further than this PralineSims’ astonishing package. Every shape and style possible is included, and it has also recently been updated for infants!

sims 4 make up homework

Eye Makeup 19 by Jul_Haos

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Makeup Set Glam CC3 by LeanSims

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Eyeshadow & Lips by LeanSims

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Soft Shadow CC3 by LeanSims

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Gold Liner cc50 by GoppoIsMe

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Have a look at more eyeliner CCs for the Sims 4 here ! 

Gold Blush CC18 by GoppoIsMe

sims 4 make up homework

Gold Natural Lips CC25 by GoppoIsMe

sims 4 make up homework

Gold Makeup Set CC58 by GoppoIsMe

sims 4 make up homework

Yellow never looked more enchanting! If you like that braided hairstyle by the way, download it from this page .

Eyes G8 & Eyeliner S3 by Chih

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Eye sets like this one beg even more eye glossy eyes . Have a look ! 

Jenn Eyeshadow by MSQSIMS

sims 4 make up homework

What did you think? Skin details and makeup CC can add so much to a Sim's general look and feel. I think I've only realized this late, but as the saying goes, better late than never. If you're looking for some skin details and body CC, definitely check out SnootySims' main collection here .

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The best Mods for The Sims 4 in 2024

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Sims 4: How to Speed Up Homework And Free Up Time

  • by Mark Schusste

how to finish homework faster sims 4

Just as in real life, time is really precious in The Sims 4. Your Sims may want to do all the things they like, but there are plenty of limitations to that desire of theirs. Adult Sims must first go to work to earn money for the household budget, and only then can they go out with friends or pursue their hobbies. Sounds familiar, isn’t it?

So, naturally, you may want to find ways to speed up certain tasks — such as doing homework. If your Sim is a student, you may want to make that your priority. In this manner, they will have more time to do what they really like.

After all, your Sims will spend a lot of time of their lives doing their homework and this includes grade school, high school and University, especially if you’ve got the Discover University expansion pack .

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How do you make your Sims do homework faster? In Sims 4 Discover University, you need a special Study Spot and high Debate and Research skills in order to complete homework quicker. Children and teenage Sims attending school and grade school and high-school need level 3 and level 7 skills in order to unlock the Breeze Through Homework option, and Dominate Homework option, respectively.

Methods to Finish Homework Faster in Sims 4 Discover University

Method 1 – create a special study spot.

Having a dedicated Study Spot where your Sims study helps them complete their homework faster. So, go ahead and add the Study Spot lot trait to your Sim’s house and you’ll quickly see the results in terms of homework performance.

Method 2 – Improve your Sim’s Debate and Research skills

Up-skill the Debate and Research skill to reach level 4 as soon as possible and you’ll get a 25% homework speed bonus. Yes, that means your Sims will complete their homework 25% faster. Additionally, having high Debate and Research skills also speeds up study time, presentation preparation, and paper writing.

⇒ Your May Want To Bookmark This :  Sims 4 Missing Homework: How to Get It Back

Methods to Help A Child or Teen Finish Homework Quicker in Sims 4

How do Sims do their homework? In Sims 4, there are three options that children and teens can use to do their homework:

  • Do Homework — which means they’ll do their homework on their own
  • Do Homework With … — using this option allows them to work together with another friend of their age group to complete the homework
  • Get Help From — this option lets them ask older Sim for help.

Method 1 – Make sure children are in a good mood

Your child and teen Sims have homework to do every single day, from Monday to Friday. One way to make sure they finish this task faster is to ensure they’re in a good mood. If their mood is low, first check out what’s wrong and give them what they want to get back in a good mood as soon as possible. Once you’ve solved that problem, they can start doing their homework in a more productive manner.

Method 2 – Use the Help with Homework option

How do you help a child with homework in Sims 4? There is a dedicated option in Sims 4 that lets adult Sims help children with homework and that option is called Help With Homework.  To use it, an adult Sim needs to click on the child or teen Sim and select this option to make make the homework take less time.

Method 3 – Use the Breeze Through Homework option

Make sure the children’s skills reach level 3 which gives them the right to use the Breeze Through Homework  option. As its name suggests, this option helps them to complete their homework much faster than usual.

Method 4 – Dominate Homework

Dominate Homework is the ultimate homework speed-up option in Sims 4. But there’s a catch. This is only available for children, not teens, and they must have already reached skill level 7 to unlock it.

And now you know.

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The Sims Guide

The Sims 4 Faster Homework

The Sims 4 Faster Homework By Scarlet

The Sims 4 Faster Homework By Scarlet

University students will complete their homework in about 10, 25, or 50 minutes depending on which one you choose. Default is about 150 minutes.

Additionally, they’ll be able to complete their homework even while Tense or Uncomfortable.

  • Note  – Sims with  Research & Debate  skill at 3+ will complete faster than above times.

*Faster Homework for Teens/Children can be found in Homework Tweaks. Completely compatible.*

Mod Requirements

University required.

Download only  ONE  version:

• University students will complete their homework in about 10 minutes

• University students will complete their homework in about 25 minutes

• University students will complete their homework in about 50 minutes.

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  1. Become the Best Student With These School Cheats For TS4!

    Kids and teenagers all need to attend classes regularly, get to school on time, and do their best to keep up with homework. They have a system of grades from F to A to rank their success in school. Although Sims could always attend school, with Sims 4: High School Years, school life is richer and

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  3. The Sims 4: How to do Homework

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  5. Are thier any ways to make your Sims do homework faster with ...

    I never have my sims do the homework in college. They get straight As. The thing that matters the most is that you have your sims get to class on time, basically early. My sim was late by thirty sim minutes and her grade dropped to a C or something like that. Just a tip if you'd rather not do the homework:) oh but make sure to do all the ...

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    Have an adult sim help them. Sims can finish their homework much faster if a grown-up helps them. To do so, have them sit somewhere and start doing their homework. Then, take control of any other adult sim in the household. Click on the sim that is doing their homework and choose the option "Help with homework".

  7. The Sims 4 guide: How to do homework

    The homework your teen Sim has to do will be in their personal inventory, as a little blue book. You can select it and click "do homework" and your teen Sim will move to a nearby table to do ...

  8. The Sims 4: High School Years

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  9. How to Do Homework in The Sims 4

    A step-by-step guide to how to do homework in The Sims 4 and get your Sims on the path to academic success. ... which will speed the process up. Make sure your character completes their homework ...

  10. How To Do Homework In The Sims 4

    To do homework simply click on it in your inventory and select 'Do Homework'. The activity will take longer if your sim is in a bad mood. You can speed up the interaction if you get an adult sim to 'Help with Homework' by interacting with the sim whilst it is working. After completing the homework, you can interact with it again to complete ...

  11. The Best Sims 4 Mods That Improve Child Gameplay

    Players with Parenthood can have their parent Sims tell their kids to do things like clean up, make the table, or do their homework. ... Project Rene Can Make Up for What The Sims 4 Lacks in Occults

  12. How To Do Homework And Complete It Faster [All Ages]

    A guide revealing how to do homework in the Sims 4 as well as complete it faster. Because really, we all have better things to do than homework. Please like ...

  13. How to do Homework in The Sims 4

    The inventory is the little box symbol in the bottom right of the UI screen. To command your Sim to do their homework, click on the book in the inventory and choose Do Homework. If you cannot find their homework book, search around the home to find it. In the case of an emergency, you can order a new book from the phone or computer.

  14. Other Mods

    University students will complete their homework in about 10, 25, or 50 minutes depending on which one you choose. Default is about 150 minutes. Additionally, they'll be able to complete their homework even while Tense or Uncomfortable. Note - Sims with Research & Debate skill at 3+ will complete faster than above times.

  15. Sims 4: How to Do Homework

    The Sims 4 will have you living out your sim family's life any which way you'd like. When your family expands and you get some children or teens, it's time to start worrying about grades at school!

  16. How do i make my sim do his homework? : r/Sims4

    Reply. [deleted] • 1 yr. ago. Right so you need to click on the homework in the inventory. So open the inventory in the sims panel in the bottom right and click on the homework and click do homework. 2. Reply. I'm new to the Sims, and I have searched it up on Google, but it just says that I should be able to click on it in his inventory. But ...

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    To make this process a little easier for the child, you can select an adult sim, click on the child and pick "Help with Homework". Not only does this let the two characters bond, but it'll help the child sim finish their homework quicker. The Sims 4 is available to play on PC, Mac, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 through the official website.

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    April 19, 2024. Makeup CC is very underrated, in comparison to hair or clothes custom content, at least. If you really want to exceptionally personalize your Sims, you've got to try these makeup CC packs that Snootysims has for you today. The list includes eyeshadows, eyeliners, highlighters, lipsticks, and all kinds of blush and contour!

  21. Sims 4: How to Speed Up Homework And Free Up Time

    Method 2 - Improve your Sim's Debate and Research skills. Up-skill the Debate and Research skill to reach level 4 as soon as possible and you'll get a 25% homework speed bonus. Yes, that means your Sims will complete their homework 25% faster. Additionally, having high Debate and Research skills also speeds up study time, presentation ...

  22. Other Mods

    Do Math Problems (raises Mental Skill) For Teens, this adds the following options to their homework. These were not in the game, but I wanted them to have some options as children do. So, I created them: Solve Algebraic Expressions (raises Logic) Write Fitness Article (raises Fitness) Study Music Theory (raises Guitar)

  23. The Sims 4 Faster Homework

    The Sims 4 Faster Homework By Scarlet. University students will complete their homework in about 10, 25, or 50 minutes depending on which one you choose. Default is about 150 minutes. Additionally, they'll be able to complete their homework even while Tense or Uncomfortable. Note - Sims with Research & Debate skill at 3+ will complete ...