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Fundamentals of computer networking

You learn the fundamental principles of computer networking to prepare you for the Azure admin and developer learning paths.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • List the different network protocols and network standards.
  • List the different network types and topologies.
  • List the different types of network devices used in a network.
  • Describe network communication principles like TCP/IP, DNS, and ports.
  • Describe how these core components map to Azure networking.


  • Introduction min
  • Network types and topologies to use when you design a network min
  • Types of network devices to use when you build a network min
  • Network protocols to use when you implement a network min
  • IP address standards and services min
  • Summary min

Browse Course Material

Course info.

  • Prof. Hari Balakrishnan


  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

As Taught In

  • Computer Networks

Learning Resource Types



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Sunday4:00-6:00 pmUrbauer 215Taylor
Sunday7:00-9:00 pmUrbauer 215Nathan
Monday4:00-5:00 pmUrbauer 215Nathan
Monday5:00-7:00 pmUrbauer 215Vigo
Tuesday9:00-10:00 amUrbauer 215Chao

Lectures and Assignments

8/27 Chapter 1 - -
8/29 Chapter 1, 2.1, 2.2, RFC 2616 ,
9/3 3.1-3.3 , ,
9/5 2.3, 2.4 RFCs 959, 2821 ,
9/10 4.1, 4.3, 4.4.1-4.4.3, RFC 791 ,
9/12 5.1-5.4.2,5.7, 407-409, RFCs 826, 2236, 3376 ,
9/17 4.4.4, , ,
9/19 pages 345-355, RFCs 792, 1631, 2131 ,
9/24 - - -
9/26 , - - -

Second Half

Congestion Control
10/1 2.6 ,
10/3 3.4 ,
10/8 2.5, RFCs 1034, 1035 , ,
10/10 3.5 ,
10/15 3.6, 3.7 ,
10/17 4.5 ,
10/22 4.6 , ,
10/24 5.4-5.6, ,
10/29 - - -
10/31 , - - -
11/5 8.1-8.4 ,
11/7 8.5-8.8 , -
11/12 RFC 2236, pages 1-4; RFC 4541, pages 1-7; RFC 4601, pages 1-12 , ,
11/14 7.1-7.2 ,
11/19 No class
11/21 7.3-7.5, 4.2 ,
11/26 6.1-6.3 , ,
12/3 6.4-6.7 ,
12/5 4.4.4, RFC 2460 , -
12/10 - - -
  • Assignments

CPS 114 Introduction to Computer Networks: Labs

Lab 2: simple router, introduction.

In this lab assignment, you will write a simple router with a static routing table. We will pass to your code raw Ethernet frames and give you a function that can send a raw Ethernet frame. It is up to you to implement the forwarding logic between getting a frame and sending it out over another interface.

computer network assignments

Figure 1: sample topology

Your router will route real packets from any machine to application servers sitting behind your router. The servers are running HTTP applications. When you have finished the forwarding path of your router, you should be able to access these servers using regular client software. In addition, you should be able to ping and traceroute to and through your functioning router. If the router is functioning correctly, all of the following operations should work:

This lab runs on top of Stanford's Virtual Network System . VNS allows you to build virtual network topologies consisting of nodes that operate on actual Ethernet frames. You don't have to know how VNS works to complete this assignment.

Getting started

First download and untar the assignment code .

You will also need to download your testing topology and auth_key file from class Forum ( DO use your own topology and auth_key file). Please

Here is one sample rtable file for topology in Figure 1. The base rtable file only has a default route to the firewall.

You can then build and run the assignment code (TOPOLOGY_ID and USER_NAME are in the topology file): xwy@linux21$ make xwy@linux21$ ./sr -s -t <TOPOLOGY_ID> -u <USER_NAME>

From another terminal or another machine, try pinging one of the router's interfaces. Currently, all the assignment code does is print that it gets a packet to the command line.

Understanding the code

Data structure.

sr_router.[h|c] : The full context of the router is housed in the struct sr_instance (sr_router.h). sr_instance contains information about the topology the router is routing for as well as the routing table and the list of interfaces.

sr_if.[h|c] : After connecting, the server will send the client the hardware information for that host. The assignment code uses this to create a linked list of interfaces in the router instance at member if_list. Utility methods for handling the interface list can be found at sr_if.[h|c].

sr_rt.[h|c] : The routing table in the stub code is read on from a file (default filename "rtable", can be set with command line option -r ) and stored in a linked list of routing entries in the current routing instance.

sr_arpcache.[h|c] : You will need to add ARP requests and packets waiting on responses to those ARP requests to the ARP request queue. When an ARP response arrives, you will have to remove the ARP request from the queue and place it onto the ARP cache, forwarding any packets that were waiting on that ARP request. Pseudocode for these operations is provided in sr_arpcache.h. The base code already creates a thread that times out ARP cache entries 15 seconds after they are added for you. You must fill out the sr_arpcache_sweepreqs function in sr_arpcache.c that gets called every second to iterate through the ARP request queue and re-send ARP requests if necessary. Psuedocode for this is provided in sr_arpcache.h.

Important Functions

void sr_handlepacket(struct sr_instance* sr, uint8_t * packet, unsigned int len, char* interface)

This function receives a raw Ethernet frame and sends raw Ethernet frames when sending a reply to the sending host or forwarding the frame to the next hop. This method, located in sr_router.c, is called by the router each time a packet is received. The "packet" argument points to the packet buffer which contains the full packet including the ethernet header. The name of the receiving interface is passed into the method as well.

int sr_send_packet(struct sr_instance* sr, uint8_t* buf, unsigned int len, const char* iface)

This method, located in sr_vns_comm.c, will send an arbitrary packet of length, len, to the network out of the interface specified by iface.

void sr_arpcache_sweepreqs(struct sr_instance *sr)

The assignment requires you to send an ARP request about once a second until a reply comes back or we have sent five requests. This function is defined in sr_arpcache.c and called every second, and you should add code that iterates through the ARP request queue and re-sends any outstanding ARP requests that haven't been sent in the past second. If an ARP request has been sent 5 times with no response, a destination host unreachable should go back to all the sender of packets that were waiting on a reply to this ARP request.


  • The router enforces guarantees on timeouts--that is, if an ARP request is not responded to within a fixed period of time, the ICMP host unreachable message is generated even if no more packets arrive at the router.

Functions and data structures you need to implement

There is no specific requirement which function you can/cannot modify. To make the simple router work, you need to handle 4 kinds of packets correctly: Ethernet , IP , ICMP and ARP . For the actual specifications, there are also the RFC's for ARP (RFC826) , IP (RFC791) , and ICMP (RFC792) .

In our reference implementation, we developed sr_ip.[h|c], sr_icmp.[h|c] (you need to add these source files to the Makefile). We also modified sr_router.[h|c], protocol.h and sr_arpcache.[h|c]. Total work load is around 550 lines of c code.

Understanding Protocols

You are given a raw Ethernet frame and have to send raw Ethernet frames. You should understand source and destination MAC addresses and the idea that we forward a packet one hop by changing the destination MAC address of the forwarded packet to the MAC address of the next hop's incoming interface.

Internet Protocol

You should understand how to find the longest prefix match of a destination IP address in the routing table. If you determine that a datagram should be forwarded, you should correctly decrement the TTL field of the header and recompute the checksum over the changed header before forwarding it to the next hop.

Internet Control Message Protocol

ICMP is used to send control information back to the sending host. You will need to properly generate the following ICMP messages (including the ICMP header checksum) in response to the sending host under the following conditions:

Address Resolution Protocol

ARP is needed to determine the next-hop MAC address that corresponds to the next-hop IP address stored in the routing table. Without the ability to generate an ARP request and process ARP replies, your router would not be able to fill out the destination MAC address field of the raw Ethernet frame you are sending over the outgoing interface. Analogously, without the ability to process ARP requests and generate ARP replies, no other router could send your router Ethernet frames. Therefore, your router must generate and process ARP requests and replies. To lessen the number of ARP requests sent out, you are required to cache ARP replies. Cache entries should time out after 15 seconds to minimize staleness. The provided ARP cache class already times the entries out for you.

When forwarding a packet to a next-hop IP address, the router should first check the ARP cache for the corresponding MAC address before sending an ARP request. In the case of a cache miss, an ARP request should be sent to a target IP address about once every second until a reply comes in. If the ARP request is sent five times with no reply, an ICMP destination host unreachable is sent back to the source IP as stated above. The provided ARP request queue will help you manage the request queue.

In the case of an ARP request, you should only send an ARP reply if the target IP address is one of your router's IP addresses. In the case of an ARP reply, you should only cache the entry if the target IP address is one of your router's IP addresses. Note that ARP requests are sent to the broadcast MAC address (ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff). ARP replies are sent directly to the requester's MAC address.

Testing and Debugging

The above test case does not include Destination Host Unreachable , Destination Unreachable and Protocol Unreachable tests. To do these three tests, you may use test4 at . Before you start these tests, you need to reconfigure your router/rtable. Let's take Figure 1 as an example.

Suppose your topology is shown in Figure 1, the allocated IP block is (8 IP addresses). Packets heading to this IP block will be routed to your router. This IP block consists of 4 /31 blocks. They are (connected to eth0),, (connected to eth1) and (connected to eth2). is not connected to any interface. eth1

to your routing table, once your router receives a packet heading to, it will send ARP request for through eth1. There will be no reply since does not exist at all. After 5 ARP requests without any reply, a Destination Host Unreachable ICMP packet will be generated by your router. At this point, your route/rtable should look like eth0 eth1 eth2 eth1

For the Destination Unreachable test, We do following changes to the above routing table. First, we remove the default route. Second we remove the routing table entry for Third, we add a entry for any PC in Figure 1. For example, if any PC is , we add a entry for its IP address ( to the routing table. After these three changes, your routing table should look like. eth0 eth1 eth2

Right now, your router/rtable is ready for the Destination Unreachable test. You may simply send a UDP packet heading for from ( Your router should be able to generate a Destination Unreachable ICMP packet and send it to . At this point, you may think about why do we do the above three modifications. Try not to delete the default route, what do you find?

For the Protocol Unreachable test, you may simply send one UDP packet to any of your router interfaces. Your router should be able to generate a protocol unreachable packt and send it to you.

For the Destination Host Unreachable test, Destination Unreachable test and Protocol Unreachable tests, you can log on to with your cs appartment account and use test4 to send UDP packets and receive ICMP feedbacks. You need to create and modify config.xml . <dst> stands for your UDP packet's destination address, <intf> is the interface IP addresses of your router. Then run the test case as following. xwy@cps114:~$ test4 config.xml This test4 sends 3 UDP packets to your specified IP address, grabs received ICMP packets and check these packets' source addresses, ICMP type and code fields.

  • Run the command make submit , this should create a file called router.tar.gz.
  • Upload router.tar.gz to the lab2 assignment on Blackboard .

Collaboration policy

You can discuss with anyone, but you must not look at each other's code, or copy code from others.


  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Operating System
  • Computer Networks
  • Digital Logic and Design
  • C Programming
  • Data Structures
  • Theory of Computation
  • Compiler Design
  • Computer Org and Architecture

Computer Network Tutorial

Basics of computer network.

  • Basics of Computer Networking
  • Introduction to basic Networking Terminology
  • Goals of Networks
  • Basic Characteristics of Computer Networks
  • Challenges of Computer Network
  • Physical Components of Computer Network

Network Hardware and Software

  • Types of Computer Networks
  • LAN Full Form
  • How to Set Up a LAN Network?
  • MAN Full Form in Computer Networking
  • MAN Full Form
  • WAN Full Form
  • Introduction of Internetworking
  • Difference between Internet, Intranet and Extranet
  • Protocol Hierarchies in Computer Network
  • Network Devices (Hub, Repeater, Bridge, Switch, Router, Gateways and Brouter)
  • Introduction of a Router
  • Introduction of Gateways
  • What is a network switch, and how does it work?

Network Topology

  • Types of Network Topology
  • Difference between Physical and Logical Topology
  • What is OSI Model? - Layers of OSI Model
  • Physical Layer in OSI Model
  • Data Link Layer
  • Session Layer in OSI model
  • Presentation Layer in OSI model
  • Application Layer in OSI Model
  • Protocol and Standard in Computer Networks
  • Examples of Data Link Layer Protocols
  • TCP/IP Model
  • TCP/IP Ports and Its Applications
  • What is TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)?
  • TCP 3-Way Handshake Process
  • Services and Segment structure in TCP
  • TCP Connection Establishment
  • TCP Connection Termination
  • Fast Recovery Technique For Loss Recovery in TCP
  • Difference Between OSI Model and TCP/IP Model

Medium Access Control

  • MAC Full Form
  • Channel Allocation Problem in Computer Network
  • Multiple Access Protocols in Computer Network
  • Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)
  • Collision Detection in CSMA/CD
  • Controlled Access Protocols in Computer Network


  • Stop and Wait ARQ
  • Sliding Window Protocol | Set 3 (Selective Repeat)
  • Piggybacking in Computer Networks

IP Addressing

  • What is IPv4?
  • What is IPv6?
  • Introduction of Classful IP Addressing
  • Classless Addressing in IP Addressing
  • Classful Vs Classless Addressing
  • Classless Inter Domain Routing (CIDR)
  • Supernetting in Network Layer
  • Introduction To Subnetting
  • Difference between Subnetting and Supernetting
  • Types of Routing
  • Difference between Static and Dynamic Routing
  • Unicast Routing - Link State Routing
  • Distance Vector Routing (DVR) Protocol
  • Fixed and Flooding Routing algorithms
  • Introduction of Firewall in Computer Network

Congestion Control Algorithms

  • Congestion Control in Computer Networks
  • Congestion Control techniques in Computer Networks
  • Computer Network | Leaky bucket algorithm
  • TCP Congestion Control

Network Switching

  • Circuit Switching in Computer Network
  • Message switching techniques
  • Packet Switching and Delays in Computer Network
  • Differences Between Virtual Circuits and Datagram Networks

Application Layer:DNS

  • Domain Name System (DNS) in Application Layer
  • Details on DNS
  • Introduction to Electronic Mail
  • E-Mail Format
  • World Wide Web (WWW)
  • HTTP Full Form
  • Streaming Stored Video
  • What is a Content Distribution Network and how does it work?

CN Interview Quetions

  • Top 50 Plus Networking Interview Questions and Answers for 2024
  • Top 50 TCP/IP Interview Questions and Answers 2024
  • Top 50 IP Addressing Interview Questions and Answers
  • Last Minute Notes - Computer Networks
  • Computer Network - Cheat Sheet
  • Network Layer
  • Transport Layer
  • Application Layer

A computer network is a collection of computers or devices connected to share resources. Any device which can share or receive the data is called a Node. Through which the information or data propagate is known as channels, It can be guided or unguided.

In this Computer network tutorial, you’ll learn basic to advanced concepts like the Basics of computer networks, data link layer, network layer, network security and cryptography, compression techniques, etc.

Recent Articles on Computer Networks

Table of Content

  • Network Security and Cryptography
  • Compression Techniques
  • Network Experiments
  • The Internet and the Web
  • Internet and Web programming: Behind the scenes
  • The New Internet | Internet of Everything
  • Unknown facts of Networking
  • Network goals
  • Line Configuration in Computer Networks
  • Transmission Modes in Computer Networks
  • Types of Transmission Media
  • Unicast, Broadcast and Multicast
  • Introduction to basic Networking terminology
  • Network Topologies
  • Types of area networks – LAN, MAN and WAN
  • Telecom Networks
  • Access networks
  • Layers of OSI Model
  • Introduction to Active Directory Domain Service
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Networking

Data Link Layer :

  • Local Area Network (LAN) Technologies.
  • Computer Network | Bridges (local Internetworking device)
  • Internetworking
  • Framing In Data Link Layer
  • Introduction of MAC Address
  • MAC Filtering
  • Multiple Access Protocols
  • Ethernet Frame Format
  • EtherChannel
  • Difference between Byte stuffing and Bit stuffing
  • Implementing Byte stuffing using Java
  • Circuit Switching
  • Packet Switching and Delays
  • Circuit Switching VS Packet Switching
  • Differences between Virtual Circuits & Datagram Networks
  • Switching techniques: Message switching
  • Types of switches
  • Maximum data rate (channel capacity) for noiseless and noisy channels
  • Hot Spot 2.0
  • Collision Avoidance in wireless networks
  • Traditional wireless mobile communication
  • Carrier sense multiple access (CSMA)
  • Efficiency of CSMA/CD
  • Back-off Algorithm for CSMA/CD
  • Controlled Access Protocols
  • Virtual LAN (VLAN)
  • Inter VLAN Routing by Layer 3 Switch
  • Computer Network | Private VLAN
  • Computer Network | VLAN ACL (VACL)
  • Access and trunk ports
  • Role-based access control
  • Port security
  • Inter-Switch Link (ISL) and IEEE 802.1Q
  • Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP)
  • Sliding Window Protocol | Set 1 (Sender Side)
  • Sliding Window Protocol | Set 2 (Receiver Side)
  • Sliding Window protocols Summary
  • Difference between Stop and Wait, GoBackN and Selective Repeat
  • Manchester Encoding
  • Error Detection
  • Hamming Code
  • Program to remotely Power On a PC over the Internet using the Wake-on-LAN protocol.
  • Basics of Wi-Fi
  • IEEE 802.11 Mac Frame
  • Efficiency Of Token Ring
  • Token Bus (IEEE 802.4)
  • Multiplexing (Channel Sharing)
  • Frequency division and Time division multiplexing

Network Layer :

  • Integrated services digital network (ISDN)
  • Introduction and IPv4 Datagram Header
  • IP Addressing | Introduction and Classful Addressing
  • IP Addressing | Classless Addressing
  • IPv4 classless Subnet equation
  • Supernetting
  • Ipv4 Datagram Fragmentation and Delays
  • Fragmentation at Network Layer
  • Internet Protocol v6 | IPv6
  • Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) Header
  • Differences between IPv4 and IPv6
  • Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
  • Longest Prefix Matching in Routers
  • Routing v/s Routed Protocols
  • Classes of routing protocols
  • Types of routing
  • Classification of Routing Algorithms
  • Routing Protocols Set 1 (Distance Vector Routing)
  • Route Poisoning and Count to infinity problem
  • Redundant link problems
  • Administrative Distance (AD) and Autonomous System (AS)
  • Unicast Routing – Link State Routing
  • Link state advertisement (LSA)
  • Securing Routing Protocols
  • Distance vector routing v/s Link state routing
  • Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
  • Routing Interface Protocol (RIP) V1 & V2
  • Redistribution
  • EIGRP fundamentals
  • EIGRP Configuration
  • Features of Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)
  • EIGRP cost calculation
  • Open shortest path first (OSPF) protocol fundamentals
  • Open shortest path first (OSPF) router roles and configuration
  • Open shortest path first (OSPF) protocol States
  • Open shortest path first (OSPF) – Set 2
  • Probabilistic shortest path routing algorithm for optical networks
  • Types of Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
  • Network address translation (NAT)
  • Types of Network address translation (NAT)
  • Static NAT (on ASA)
  • Dynamic NAT (on ASA)
  • VRRP(Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) | Introduction and configuration
  • Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)
  • Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) and Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
  • Router on a stick | Introduction and Configuration
  • What’s difference between Ping and Traceroute?
  • ARP, Reverse ARP(RARP), Inverse ARP(InARP), Proxy ARP and Gratuitous ARP
  • How ARP works?
  • Packet flow in the same network
  • Packet flow in different network
  • Wifi protected access (WPA)
  • Wifi protected setup (WPS)
  • LiFi vs. WiFi
  • Service Set Identifier (SSID)
  • Access-lists (ACL)
  • Context based access control (CBAC)
  • Standard Access-list
  • Extended access-list
  • Reflexive Access-list
  • Time based access-list
  • AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting)
  • AAA (authentication) configuration (locally)
  • Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (CRAM)
  • Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)

Transport Layer :

  • TCP Sequence Number | Wrap Around Concept
  • Transport Layer responsibilities
  • Multiplexing and Demultiplexing in Transport Layer
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
  • P2P(Peer To Peer) File Sharing
  • Congestion Control
  • Congestion control techniques
  • Leaky Bucket Algorithm
  • Error Control in TCP
  • TCP | Services and Segment structure
  • TCP Server-Client implementation in C
  • TCP and UDP server using select

Application Layer :

  • Protocols in Application Layer
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
  • DNS (Domain Name Server)
  • Why does DNS use UDP and not TCP?
  • Address Resolution in DNS
  • DNS Spoofing or DNS Cache poisoning
  • Types of DNS Attacks and Tactics for Security
  • What’s difference between http:// and https:// ?
  • What’s difference between HTML and HTTP ?
  • HTTP Non-Persistent & Persistent Connection | Set 1
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • What are the differences between HTTP, FTP, and SMTP?
  • Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
  • What is Local Host?
  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
  • DHCP Relay Agent
  • How DHCP server dynamically assigns IP address to a host?
  • What’s difference between The Internet and The Web ?
  • Simple network management protocol (SNMP)
  • Multipurpose Internet mail extension (MIME)
  • Computer Network | MIME Media Types
  • Quality of Service and Multimedia
  • Web Caching and the Conditional GET Statements

Network Security and Cryptography :

  • The CIA triad
  • Introduction to Firewall
  • Types of firewall and possible attacks
  • Firewall methodologies
  • Zone-based firewall
  • Zone-based firewall (Configuration)
  • How to setup firewall in Linux?
  • Message Authentication Codes
  • How message authentication code works?
  • HMAC Algorithm
  • Password authentication protocol (PAP)
  • Basic Network Attacks
  • Birthday attack
  • Vishing (Voice Phishing)
  • System security
  • Private Browsing
  • Threat Modelling
  • DFD Based Threat modelling | Set 1
  • DFD Based Threat Modelling | Set 2
  • Types of Viruses
  • Deniel of Service and Prevention
  • Denial of Service DDoS attack
  • RC4 Encryption Algorithm
  • RSA Algorithm in Cryptography
  • RSA Algorithm using Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library
  • Weak RSA decryption with Chinese-remainder theorem
  • How to solve RSA Algorithm Problems?
  • Hash Functions in System Security
  • DNA Cryptography
  • RC5 Encryption Algorithm
  • ElGamal Encryption Algorithm
  • Caesar Cipher
  • Cryptography Introduction
  • Cryptography | Traditional Symmetric Ciphers
  • Block cipher modes of operation
  • Cryptography | Development of Cryptography
  • Difference between AES and DES ciphers
  • Transforming a Plain Text message to Cipher Text
  • What is a cryptocurrency?
  • Introduction to Crypto-terminologies
  • Quantum Cryptography
  • End to End Encryption (E2EE) in Computer Networks
  • IP security (IPSec)
  • What is Packet Sniffing ?
  • Introduction to Sniffers
  • Data encryption standard (DES) | Set 1
  • End to End Encryption (E2EE) in Computer Network
  • Types of Security attacks | Active and Passive attacks
  • Types of Wireless and Mobile Device Attacks
  • Types of Email Attacks
  • Sybil Attack
  • Malware and its types

Compression Techniques :

  • LZW (Lempel–Ziv–Welch) Compression technique
  • Data Compression With Arithmetic Coding
  • Shannon-Fano Algorithm for Data Compression

Network Experiments :

  • Let’s experiment with Networking
  • Mobile Ad hoc Network
  • Types of MANET
  • Simple Chat Room using Python
  • Socket Programming in Java
  • C Program to find IP Address, Subnet Mask & Default Gateway
  • Introduction to variable length subnet mask (VLSM)
  • Extracting MAC address using Python
  • Implementation of Diffie-Hellman Algorithm
  • Java Implementation of Deffi-Hellman Algorithm between Client and Server
  • Socket Programming in Python
  • Socket Programming with Multi-threading in Python
  • Cyclic Redundancy Check in Python
  • Explicitly assigning port number to client in Socket
  • Netstat command in Linux:
  • nslookup command in Linux with Examples
  • UDP Server-Client implementation in C
  • C program for file Transfer using UDP
  • Java program to find IP address of your computer
  • Finding IP address of a URL in Java
  • Program to calculate the Round Trip Time (RTT)
  • Network configuration and trouble shooting commands in Linux
  • Implementing Checksum Using Java
  • C Program to display hostname and IP address
  • Program to determine class, Network and Host ID of an IPv4 address
  • Program to determine Class, Broadcast address and Network address of an IPv4 address
  • Program for IP forwarding table lookup
  • Wi-Fi Password of All Connected Networks in Windows/Linux
  • Network Devices (Hub, Repeater, Bridge, Switch, Router and Gateways)
  • Inside a Router
  • Bridges (local Internetworking device)
  • Switch functions at layer 2
  • Collision Domain and Broadcast Domain
  • Root Bridge Election in Spanning Tree Protocol
  • Onion Routing
  • Types of Server Virtualization
  • Cloud Computing | Characteristics of Virtualization
  • On-premises cost estimates of Virtualization
  • Hardware Based Virtualization
  • Operating system based Virtualization
  • Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
  • Image Steganography
  • Network Neutrality
  • Basics of NS2 and Otcl/tcl script
  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
  • Cisco router modes
  • Cisco router basic commands
  • Backing up Cisco IOS router image
  • Basic configuration of adaptive security appliance (ASA)
  • Adaptive security appliance (ASA) features
  • Default flow of traffic (ASA)
  • Cisco ASA Redistribution example
  • Telnet and SSH on Adaptive security appliance (ASA)
  • Near Field Communication (NFC)
  • Relabel-to-front Algorithm
  • Berkeley’s Algorithm
  • Cristian’s Algorithm
  • Universal Serial Bus (USB) in Computer Network
  • Type-C Port in Computer Network

FAQs on Computer Networks

Q.1 what are the types of computer network.

PAN(Personal Area Network) : It is the network connecting computer devices for personal use within a range of 10 meters. LAN(Local Area Network) : It is a collection of computers connected to each other in a small area for example school, office, or building. WAN(Wide Area Network) : A Wide Area Network is a large area than the LAN. It is spread across the states or countries. MAN(Metropolitan Area Network) : A Metropolitan area network is the collection of interconnected Local Area Networks.

Q.2 What are link and node?

A link is a connection between two or more computers. Link can be wired or wireless between two nodes. A node is refer to any device in a network like computers, laptops, printers, servers, modems, etc.

Q.3 What is the network topology?

Network topology is the physical design of the network, It represents the connectivity between the devices, cables, computers, etc.

Q.4 What are different types of network topology?

There are different types of topology are given below: Bus Topology Star Topology Ring Topology Mesh Topology Tree Topology Hybrid

Quick Links :

  • Last Minute Notes(LMNs)
  • Quizzes on Computer Networks !
  • ‘Practice Problems’ on Computer Networks !

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The homework assignments give you a chance to practice the math and knoweldge skill you've read about in the text book and heard in class. The point of the homework is to help you learn these concepts. You can certainly ignore this, and it will definitely lower your grade by a full letter, but I strongly advice you complete the homework. Doing so will ensure that you can answer the questions that will appear on the midterm and final exams.

The last 30 minutes of each lecture will be devoted to problem solving and programming lab work. Thus, if you are stuck on a problem, this is an excellent place to get your questions answered without having to go to additional office hours.

Homeworks are always due at the beginning of class on the day they are specified on the schedule. Late homework is not accepted without prior permission from the professor.

Homework 7: Wireless and Mobile Networks

Assigned: Mar. 4th Due: Mar. 9nd Problems: P1, P4, P6, P7, P10, P14

Homework 6: The Link Layer (Chapter 5)

Assigned: Feb. 23th Due: Mar. 2nd Problems: P1, P2, P6 (b only), P12, P19, P21, P33

All exercises are from the Problems section of the textbook.

Homework 5: The Network Layer (Chapter 4)

Assigned: Feb. 21st Due: Feb. 28th Problems: P8, P16, P20, P25c, P26, P33, P35, P40, P45

All exercises are from the Problems section (not Review Questions) of Chapter 4 the textbook (pages 424-435).

Homework 4: The Transport Layer (Chapter 3)

Assigned: Jan. 26th Due: Jan. 31st Problems: P4, P14, P19, P24, P27, P42, P47

All exercises are from the Problems section (not Review Questions) of Chapter 3 the textbook (pages 299-311).

Homework 3: The Application Layer (Chapter 2)

Assigned: Jan. 12th Due: Jan. 19th Problems: P6, P8, P9, P11, P18, P19 (do 2 sites for part b), P21, P30, P31

All problems are from the Problems section (not Review Questions) section of Chapter 2 of the Textbook (pages 181-189).

Exercise 1: Your first application layer protocol

Design a client/server protocol for a game lobby. What messages do you need? What occurs on the server when a particular message is received? A finite-state machine helps tremendously in the design!

Homework 2: Computer Networks and the Internet (Chapter 1)

Assigned: Jan. 5th Due: Jan. 12th Problems: P2, P5, P6, P10, P14, P16, P23, P30

All problems are from the Problems section (not Review Questions) section of Chapter 1 of the Textbook (pages 72-79).

Homework 1: The Topology of the Internet, kinda

Assigned: Jan. 3rd Due: Jan. 5th

In this assignment you will use the traceroute (tracert for Windows users) program to find the route to three (3) of your favorite sites on the Internet. Draw a graph of your results, labeling each node with the IP address of the hops between your location and the destinations. The links between them should be marked with the measured delays between each link.

In addition, you will need to download Wireshark (freely available) and run it somewhere on the DU network for 30 seconds. Record all the packet types you saw and make a simple pie chart showing divisions by packet type.

CS 144: Introduction to Computer Networking , Winter 2024

Course info, course basics.

LecturesMondays & Wednesday, 1:30 a.m.–2:50 p.m. in
Lab sessionsThursdays, 7:30 p.m.–10 p.m. in
Exams Thursday, February 15, 7:30 p.m. (location TBD) Wednesday March 20, 3:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. in Hewlett 200
Practice exams : Thursday Jun 8, 7:30 p.m., STLC 114 -->
Contact To contact the course staff, please use Ed, the lab sessions, or office hours. You can also email the instructor—I'm here to help but also often behind on email!
Disabilities Please submit OAE accommodation letters by making a private post on Ed in the "OAE" category.
Ed . Please make public posts when possible (anonymously if you prefer) so answers can benefit anybody. Please don't post source code to lab solutions.
Archived lecture videos
Optional course texts
Honor Code Discussion

Keith Winstein

Course Assistants

Yasmine Mitchell (head CA) yasminem

Kamran Ahmed kmahmed

Isaac Cheruiyot icykip

Michelina Hanlon michcat

Glen Husman ghusman

Jeremy Kim jk23541

Parthiv Krishna parthiv

Trisha Kulkarni trishak8

Griffin Miller gmill

Rashon Poole rashonp

Kelechi Uhegbu kuhegbu

Ruiqi Wang rqwang

Lab Assignment

computer network assignments

Lecture Notes

CSEE 4119: An Introduction to Computer Networks (Spring 2022)


The course will cover the core elements of modern Internet technology and protocols, including the application, transport, network, link layers and physical layers, for both wired and wireless networks. Coverage roughly corresponds to Chapters 1-8 of the textbook and additional instructor-provided resources.

MW, 5.40 - 6.55 pm ET online and in person

Instructional Staff

James Kurose and Keith Ross, Computer Networking - A Top-Down Approach , 8th edition (new!); Book web site

Class Mailing Lists and Other Resources

  • Homework assignments are submitted via Courseworks (Canvas) .
  • The Courseworks list will be used for announcements. Slack and Ed will be used for discussion.
  • How to Email Your Professor (without being annoying AF)

Grading and Late Policies

(Percentages may be adjusted.)

All homeworks are due by the date and time specified in the assignment (usually one or two weeks after they are issued). Homework submissions will be electronic, through CourseWorks. Complete instructions will be given with each homework.

All submissions must be in PDF format, e.g., using Word or LaTeX. Scanned handwritten assignments are strongly discouraged, and scanned solutions written in pencil are not acceptable at all. Any hand-drawn figures must be clearly legible. Camera screen shots are not permitted; please use screen capture programs such as MacOS "Grab".

You can submit your assignment multiple times, but the last submission is what counts. Each submission will be time stamped. Proper submission is your responsibility; we strongly urge you to make sure you understand the submission process and submit early. You can always submit again up until the deadline, so we strongly urge you to submit well before the deadline and then submit again if you have a more updated assignment to submit later.

You are allowed a total of 7 late days , to be used as you wish throughout the semester, except that you can use only at most two (2) late days for each assignment. That means you can be five days (24 hour periods) late for Homework 2 (for example), or one day late for each of the first five homework assignments, with no point penalty. Each late day entitles you to 24 hours beyond the submission deadline. Once you have exhausted your five late days, each day (24-hour period) or partial day late incurs a 20% penalty. There are no partial late days, either for partial submission or for partial days. Late days are counted based on the last submission. In other words, if you hand in a partial assignment before the due date and a full assignment two days after the due date, you will be assessed two late days. If you do not hand in your assignment at all, you will get zero points, but lose no late days.

Solutions will be posted approximately five days after the submission deadline. No assignments will be accepted after the solution has been posted.

No other extensions will be given, except for medical emergencies certified by University Health Services or a family emergency.

Naturally, you may hand in incomplete assignments for partial credit by the deadline.

Also see the Columbia Policies and Procedures Regarding Academic Honesty .

All students or groups whose assignments are determined to be obviously very similar will receive a zero on the respective homework assignment for the first offense, and will receive an F for the course for the second offense ("all" means both the copy-er and copy-ee). More serious cases of cheating, such as copying someone's work without their knowledge or cheating on exams, will result in the person cheating receiving an F. In addition, offenses will be reported to the Dean's office, which may result in further disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the program. Penalties will be given without discussion or warning; the first notice you receive may be a letter from the Dean. Note that you are responsible for not leaving copies of your assignments lying around and for protecting your files accordingly.

We would like the course to run smoothly and we'd like you to enjoy the course. Feel free to let us know what you find good and interesting about the course. Let us know sooner about the reverse. See us during office hours, leave us a note, or send us email. We appreciate that video courses can be more challenging (and less fun), so your feedback and suggestions are particularly valuable this semester.

  • The Urban, Infrastructural Geography Of The Cloud
  • Submarine cable map
  • Undersea cables
  • 9 things you didn't know about Google's undersea cable
  • Feature SemiconductorsOptoelectronics Is Keck's Law Coming to an End?
  • cgi-bin tutorial

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Computers and the Internet

Course: computers and the internet   >   unit 3, computer networks.

  • Wires, cables, and WiFi
  • Physical network connections
  • Bit rate, bandwidth, and latency
  • Bit rate and bandwidth

computer network assignments

  • (Choice A)   A
  • (Choice B)   B
  • (Choice C)   C
  • (Choice D)   D
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • NOC:Computer Networks and Internet Protocol (Video) 
  • Co-ordinated by : IIT Kharagpur
  • Available from : 2018-04-26
  • Intro Video
  • Lecture 1 : Introduction to Computer Networks – A brief history
  • Lecture 2: Data Networks – from Circuit Switching Network to Packet Switching Network
  • Lecture 3 : Network Protocol Stack
  • Lecture 4 : Services at the Different Layers of the Protocol Stack
  • Lecture 5 : Application Layer I – Different Protocols at the Application Layer
  • Lecture 6: Application Layer II – Domain Name Systems
  • Lecture 7: Application Layer III – The Web
  • Lecture 8; Application Layer III – Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • Lecture 9: Application Layer III – Internet Mail Transfer
  • Lecture 10: Application Layer IV – File Transfer (FTP)
  • Lecture 11: Transport Layer I – Services
  • Lecture 12: Transport Layer II - Connection
  • Lecture 13: Transport Layer II - Connection (Contd.)
  • Lecture 14: Transport Layer IV – Reliability
  • Lecture 15: Transport Layer V – Sliding Window Protocols
  • Lecture 16: Transport Layer Performance
  • Lecture 17 Buffer Management and Congestion Control
  • Lecture 18: Transport Layer Primitives
  • Lecture 19: Transmission Control Protocol I – Basics
  • Lecture 20: Transmission Control Protocol II – Connections
  • Lecture 21:Transmission Control Protocol III – Flow Control
  • Lecture 22: Transmission Control Protocol IV – Congestion Control
  • Lecture 23: User Datagram Protocol
  • Lecture 24: Socket Programming – I
  • Lecture 25: Socket Programming – II
  • Lecture 26: Network Layer I – Introduction
  • Lecture 27: IP Addressing (IPv4) I – Classful addressing
  • Lecture 28: IP Addressing (IPv4) II - CIDR
  • Lecture 29: IP Addressing (IPv4) III – Network Address Translation (NAT)
  • Lecture 30: IPv6 Addressing
  • Lecture 31: Internet QoS - I (What is QoS)
  • Lecture 32: Internet QoS - II (Basic QoS Architecture)
  • Lecture 33: Internet QoS - III (Traffic Policing and Traffic Shaping)
  • Lecture 34: Internet QoS - IV (Traffic Scheduling)
  • Lecture 35: Internet QoS - V (Integrated and Differentiated Service Architecture)
  • Lecture 36: IP Routing Table
  • Lecture 37: Routing in the Internet I – Intra-domain routing
  • Lecture 38: Routing in the Internet II - Routing protocols
  • Lecture 39: Routing in the Internet III – Inter-domain Routing
  • Lecture 40: Routing in the Internet IV – Border Gateway Protocol
  • Lecture 41 : IP Routers
  • Lecture 42 : IP Routers Demo
  • Lecture 43 : Software Defined Networking - I (Basics)
  • Lecture 44 : Software Defined Networking - II (Open Flow)
  • Lecture 45 : Software Defined Networking - III (Demo)
  • Lecture 46 : Data Link Layer - Overview
  • Lecture 47 : Data Link Layer - Basic Concepts
  • Lecture 48 : Data Link Layer - Ethernet
  • Lecture 49 : Data Link Layer - Ethernet(Contd.)
  • Lecture 50 : Data Link Layer - Flow and Error Control
  • Lecture 51 : ARP-RAPP-BOOTP-DHCP
  • Lecture 52 : ARP-RAPP-BOOTP-DHCP(Contd.)
  • Lecture 54 : Wireless LANs
  • Lecture 55 : Layer 1: Physical Layer
  • Lecture 56 : Layer 1: Physical Layer-II
  • Lecture 57 : Layer 1: Physical Layer-III
  • Lecture 58 : Network Security-Overview
  • Lecture 59 : Network Security-II
  • Lecture 60 : Network Security-III[TCP?IPSecurity]
  • Live Session 11-03-2020
  • Watch on YouTube
  • Assignments
  • Download Videos
  • Transcripts
Module NameDownload
Sl.No Chapter Name MP4 Download
1Lecture 1 : Introduction to Computer Networks – A brief history
2Lecture 2: Data Networks – from Circuit Switching Network to Packet Switching Network
3Lecture 3 : Network Protocol Stack
4Lecture 4 : Services at the Different Layers of the Protocol Stack
5Lecture 5 : Application Layer I – Different Protocols at the Application Layer
6Lecture 6: Application Layer II – Domain Name Systems
7Lecture 7: Application Layer III – The Web
8Lecture 8; Application Layer III – Hypertext Transfer Protocol
9Lecture 9: Application Layer III – Internet Mail Transfer
10Lecture 10: Application Layer IV – File Transfer (FTP)
11Lecture 11: Transport Layer I – Services
12Lecture 12: Transport Layer II - Connection
13Lecture 13: Transport Layer II - Connection (Contd.)
14Lecture 14: Transport Layer IV – Reliability
15Lecture 15: Transport Layer V – Sliding Window Protocols
16Lecture 16: Transport Layer Performance
17Lecture 17 Buffer Management and Congestion Control
18Lecture 18: Transport Layer Primitives
19Lecture 19: Transmission Control Protocol I – Basics
20Lecture 20: Transmission Control Protocol II – Connections
21Lecture 21:Transmission Control Protocol III – Flow Control
22Lecture 22: Transmission Control Protocol IV – Congestion Control
23Lecture 23: User Datagram Protocol
24Lecture 24: Socket Programming – I
25Lecture 25: Socket Programming – II
26Lecture 26: Network Layer I – Introduction
27Lecture 27: IP Addressing (IPv4) I – Classful addressing
28Lecture 28: IP Addressing (IPv4) II - CIDR
29Lecture 29: IP Addressing (IPv4) III – Network Address Translation (NAT)
30Lecture 30: IPv6 Addressing
31Lecture 31: Internet QoS - I (What is QoS)
32Lecture 32: Internet QoS - II (Basic QoS Architecture)
33Lecture 33: Internet QoS - III (Traffic Policing and Traffic Shaping)
34Lecture 34: Internet QoS - IV (Traffic Scheduling)
35Lecture 35: Internet QoS - V (Integrated and Differentiated Service Architecture)
36Lecture 36: IP Routing Table
37Lecture 37: Routing in the Internet I – Intra-domain routing
38Lecture 38: Routing in the Internet II - Routing protocols
39Lecture 39: Routing in the Internet III – Inter-domain Routing
40Lecture 40: Routing in the Internet IV – Border Gateway Protocol
41Lecture 41 : IP Routers
42Lecture 42 : IP Routers Demo
43Lecture 43 : Software Defined Networking - I (Basics)
44Lecture 44 : Software Defined Networking - II (Open Flow)
45Lecture 45 : Software Defined Networking - III (Demo)
46Lecture 46 : Data Link Layer - Overview
47Lecture 47 : Data Link Layer - Basic Concepts
48Lecture 48 : Data Link Layer - Ethernet
49Lecture 49 : Data Link Layer - Ethernet(Contd.)
50Lecture 50 : Data Link Layer - Flow and Error Control
51Lecture 51 : ARP-RAPP-BOOTP-DHCP
52Lecture 52 : ARP-RAPP-BOOTP-DHCP(Contd.)
53Lecture 53
54Lecture 54 : Wireless LANs
55Lecture 55 : Layer 1: Physical Layer
56Lecture 56 : Layer 1: Physical Layer-II
57Lecture 57 : Layer 1: Physical Layer-III
58Lecture 58 : Network Security-Overview
59Lecture 59 : Network Security-II
60Lecture 60 : Network Security-III[TCP?IPSecurity]
Sl.No Chapter Name English
1Lecture 1 : Introduction to Computer Networks – A brief history
2Lecture 2: Data Networks – from Circuit Switching Network to Packet Switching Network
3Lecture 3 : Network Protocol Stack
4Lecture 4 : Services at the Different Layers of the Protocol Stack
5Lecture 5 : Application Layer I – Different Protocols at the Application Layer
6Lecture 6: Application Layer II – Domain Name Systems
7Lecture 7: Application Layer III – The Web
8Lecture 8; Application Layer III – Hypertext Transfer Protocol
9Lecture 9: Application Layer III – Internet Mail Transfer
10Lecture 10: Application Layer IV – File Transfer (FTP)
11Lecture 11: Transport Layer I – Services
12Lecture 12: Transport Layer II - Connection
13Lecture 13: Transport Layer II - Connection (Contd.)
14Lecture 14: Transport Layer IV – Reliability
15Lecture 15: Transport Layer V – Sliding Window Protocols
16Lecture 16: Transport Layer Performance
17Lecture 17 Buffer Management and Congestion Control
18Lecture 18: Transport Layer Primitives
19Lecture 19: Transmission Control Protocol I – Basics
20Lecture 20: Transmission Control Protocol II – Connections
21Lecture 21:Transmission Control Protocol III – Flow Control
22Lecture 22: Transmission Control Protocol IV – Congestion Control
23Lecture 23: User Datagram Protocol
24Lecture 24: Socket Programming – I
25Lecture 25: Socket Programming – II
26Lecture 26: Network Layer I – Introduction
27Lecture 27: IP Addressing (IPv4) I – Classful addressing
28Lecture 28: IP Addressing (IPv4) II - CIDR
29Lecture 29: IP Addressing (IPv4) III – Network Address Translation (NAT)
30Lecture 30: IPv6 Addressing
31Lecture 31: Internet QoS - I (What is QoS)
32Lecture 32: Internet QoS - II (Basic QoS Architecture)
33Lecture 33: Internet QoS - III (Traffic Policing and Traffic Shaping)
34Lecture 34: Internet QoS - IV (Traffic Scheduling)
35Lecture 35: Internet QoS - V (Integrated and Differentiated Service Architecture)
36Lecture 36: IP Routing Table
37Lecture 37: Routing in the Internet I – Intra-domain routing
38Lecture 38: Routing in the Internet II - Routing protocols
39Lecture 39: Routing in the Internet III – Inter-domain Routing
40Lecture 40: Routing in the Internet IV – Border Gateway Protocol
41Lecture 41 : IP Routers
42Lecture 42 : IP Routers Demo
43Lecture 43 : Software Defined Networking - I (Basics)
44Lecture 44 : Software Defined Networking - II (Open Flow)
45Lecture 45 : Software Defined Networking - III (Demo)
46Lecture 46 : Data Link Layer - Overview
47Lecture 47 : Data Link Layer - Basic Concepts
48Lecture 48 : Data Link Layer - Ethernet
49Lecture 49 : Data Link Layer - Ethernet(Contd.)
50Lecture 50 : Data Link Layer - Flow and Error Control
51Lecture 51 : ARP-RAPP-BOOTP-DHCP
52Lecture 52 : ARP-RAPP-BOOTP-DHCP(Contd.)
53Lecture 53
54Lecture 54 : Wireless LANs
55Lecture 55 : Layer 1: Physical Layer
56Lecture 56 : Layer 1: Physical Layer-II
57Lecture 57 : Layer 1: Physical Layer-III
58Lecture 58 : Network Security-Overview
59Lecture 59 : Network Security-II
60Lecture 60 : Network Security-III[TCP?IPSecurity]
Sl.No Chapter Name Hindi
1Lecture 1 : Introduction to Computer Networks – A brief history
2Lecture 2: Data Networks – from Circuit Switching Network to Packet Switching Network
3Lecture 3 : Network Protocol Stack
4Lecture 4 : Services at the Different Layers of the Protocol Stack
5Lecture 5 : Application Layer I – Different Protocols at the Application Layer
6Lecture 6: Application Layer II – Domain Name Systems
7Lecture 7: Application Layer III – The Web
8Lecture 8; Application Layer III – Hypertext Transfer Protocol
9Lecture 9: Application Layer III – Internet Mail Transfer
10Lecture 10: Application Layer IV – File Transfer (FTP)
11Lecture 11: Transport Layer I – Services
12Lecture 12: Transport Layer II - Connection
13Lecture 13: Transport Layer II - Connection (Contd.)
14Lecture 14: Transport Layer IV – Reliability
15Lecture 15: Transport Layer V – Sliding Window Protocols
16Lecture 16: Transport Layer Performance
17Lecture 17 Buffer Management and Congestion Control
18Lecture 18: Transport Layer Primitives
19Lecture 19: Transmission Control Protocol I – Basics
20Lecture 20: Transmission Control Protocol II – Connections
21Lecture 21:Transmission Control Protocol III – Flow Control
22Lecture 22: Transmission Control Protocol IV – Congestion Control
23Lecture 23: User Datagram Protocol
24Lecture 24: Socket Programming – I
25Lecture 25: Socket Programming – II
26Lecture 26: Network Layer I – Introduction
27Lecture 27: IP Addressing (IPv4) I – Classful addressing
28Lecture 28: IP Addressing (IPv4) II - CIDR
29Lecture 29: IP Addressing (IPv4) III – Network Address Translation (NAT)
30Lecture 30: IPv6 Addressing
31Lecture 31: Internet QoS - I (What is QoS)
32Lecture 32: Internet QoS - II (Basic QoS Architecture)
33Lecture 33: Internet QoS - III (Traffic Policing and Traffic Shaping)
34Lecture 34: Internet QoS - IV (Traffic Scheduling)
35Lecture 35: Internet QoS - V (Integrated and Differentiated Service Architecture)
36Lecture 36: IP Routing Table
37Lecture 37: Routing in the Internet I – Intra-domain routing
38Lecture 38: Routing in the Internet II - Routing protocols
39Lecture 39: Routing in the Internet III – Inter-domain Routing
40Lecture 40: Routing in the Internet IV – Border Gateway Protocol
41Lecture 41 : IP Routers
42Lecture 42 : IP Routers Demo
43Lecture 43 : Software Defined Networking - I (Basics)
44Lecture 44 : Software Defined Networking - II (Open Flow)
45Lecture 45 : Software Defined Networking - III (Demo)
46Lecture 46 : Data Link Layer - Overview
47Lecture 47 : Data Link Layer - Basic Concepts
48Lecture 48 : Data Link Layer - Ethernet
49Lecture 49 : Data Link Layer - Ethernet(Contd.)
50Lecture 50 : Data Link Layer - Flow and Error Control
51Lecture 51 : ARP-RAPP-BOOTP-DHCP
52Lecture 52 : ARP-RAPP-BOOTP-DHCP(Contd.)
53Lecture 53
54Lecture 54 : Wireless LANs
55Lecture 55 : Layer 1: Physical Layer
56Lecture 56 : Layer 1: Physical Layer-II
57Lecture 57 : Layer 1: Physical Layer-III
58Lecture 58 : Network Security-Overview
59Lecture 59 : Network Security-II
60Lecture 60 : Network Security-III[TCP?IPSecurity]
Sl.No Chapter Name Tamil
1Lecture 1 : Introduction to Computer Networks – A brief history
2Lecture 2: Data Networks – from Circuit Switching Network to Packet Switching Network
3Lecture 3 : Network Protocol Stack
4Lecture 4 : Services at the Different Layers of the Protocol Stack
5Lecture 5 : Application Layer I – Different Protocols at the Application Layer
6Lecture 6: Application Layer II – Domain Name Systems
7Lecture 7: Application Layer III – The Web
8Lecture 8; Application Layer III – Hypertext Transfer Protocol
9Lecture 9: Application Layer III – Internet Mail Transfer
10Lecture 10: Application Layer IV – File Transfer (FTP)
11Lecture 11: Transport Layer I – Services
12Lecture 12: Transport Layer II - Connection
13Lecture 13: Transport Layer II - Connection (Contd.)
14Lecture 14: Transport Layer IV – Reliability
15Lecture 15: Transport Layer V – Sliding Window Protocols
16Lecture 16: Transport Layer Performance
17Lecture 17 Buffer Management and Congestion Control
18Lecture 18: Transport Layer Primitives
19Lecture 19: Transmission Control Protocol I – Basics
20Lecture 20: Transmission Control Protocol II – Connections
21Lecture 21:Transmission Control Protocol III – Flow Control
22Lecture 22: Transmission Control Protocol IV – Congestion Control
23Lecture 23: User Datagram Protocol
24Lecture 24: Socket Programming – I
25Lecture 25: Socket Programming – II
26Lecture 26: Network Layer I – Introduction
27Lecture 27: IP Addressing (IPv4) I – Classful addressing
28Lecture 28: IP Addressing (IPv4) II - CIDR
29Lecture 29: IP Addressing (IPv4) III – Network Address Translation (NAT)
30Lecture 30: IPv6 Addressing
31Lecture 31: Internet QoS - I (What is QoS)
32Lecture 32: Internet QoS - II (Basic QoS Architecture)
33Lecture 33: Internet QoS - III (Traffic Policing and Traffic Shaping)
34Lecture 34: Internet QoS - IV (Traffic Scheduling)
35Lecture 35: Internet QoS - V (Integrated and Differentiated Service Architecture)
36Lecture 36: IP Routing Table
37Lecture 37: Routing in the Internet I – Intra-domain routing
38Lecture 38: Routing in the Internet II - Routing protocols
39Lecture 39: Routing in the Internet III – Inter-domain Routing
40Lecture 40: Routing in the Internet IV – Border Gateway Protocol
41Lecture 41 : IP Routers
42Lecture 42 : IP Routers Demo
43Lecture 43 : Software Defined Networking - I (Basics)
44Lecture 44 : Software Defined Networking - II (Open Flow)
45Lecture 45 : Software Defined Networking - III (Demo)
46Lecture 46 : Data Link Layer - Overview
47Lecture 47 : Data Link Layer - Basic Concepts
48Lecture 48 : Data Link Layer - Ethernet
49Lecture 49 : Data Link Layer - Ethernet(Contd.)
50Lecture 50 : Data Link Layer - Flow and Error Control
51Lecture 51 : ARP-RAPP-BOOTP-DHCP
52Lecture 52 : ARP-RAPP-BOOTP-DHCP(Contd.)
53Lecture 53
54Lecture 54 : Wireless LANs
55Lecture 55 : Layer 1: Physical Layer
56Lecture 56 : Layer 1: Physical Layer-II
57Lecture 57 : Layer 1: Physical Layer-III
58Lecture 58 : Network Security-Overview
59Lecture 59 : Network Security-II
60Lecture 60 : Network Security-III[TCP?IPSecurity]
Sl.No Language Book link
2BengaliNot Available
3GujaratiNot Available
5KannadaNot Available
6MalayalamNot Available
7MarathiNot Available
9TeluguNot Available

Computer Networks

COS 461, Princeton University Spring 2015


This course studies computer networks and the services built on top of them. Topics include packet switching, routing and flow control, congestion control and quality-of-service, Internet protocols (IP, TCP, BGP), network security, network management, software defined networking, and the design of network services (multimedia, file and web servers).

Lead Instructor: Sandra Batista

TAs: Muhammad Shahbaz (Head TA)

Lab TAs: Aaron Doll Shaheed Chagani Cody Wilson

Class Location and Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:00 am-10:50 am, CS 104 Friday Precepts: 10:00a (Friend 008), 11:00a (Friend 006), 1:30p (Friend 008)

Course Format

The course will meet twice a week for 50-minute lectures. Additionally, there will be one precept per week.

Assignments for the course will be lab-based programming assignments.

Recommended Background

  • a midterm (20%)
  • a final exam (25%)
  • four programming assignments (12% each)
  • preparation for precepts (7%)

Late Policy

  • You start the term with a grace period "balance" of 96 hours.
  • Each assignment will be due at 11:59 p.m. (Princeton Local Time) on the due date.
  • For each assignment, every hour late (or fraction thereof) that you turn in the assignment will subtract one hour from your grace-period balance. For example, if you turn in your assignment at 1:02 a.m. on the date after the due date, we will count this as two hours against your grace period.
  • As long as your grace period balance is positive, you can turn in any assignment late without penalty.
  • Once your grace period balance reaches zero, you will receive half credit for any assignment that you turn in, as long as you turn it in within one week of the due date. If your grace period balance is zero and you turn in an assignment more than one week late, you will receive no credit for the assignment. Important: You must still turn in all assignments to pass the course, even if you receive zero points on an assignment. Turning in all assignments is a necessary condition for passing.

Students are expected to abide by the Princeton University Honor Code. Honest and ethical behavior is expected at all times. All incidents of suspected dishonesty will be reported to and handled by the office of student affairs. You are to do all assignments yourself, unless explicitly told otherwise. You may discuss the assignments with your classmates, but you may not copy any solution (or part of a solution) from a classmate.

Reading and Videos

Required videos: Prof. Feamster's Networking Videos . These videos are organized in a playlist that matches the syllabus topic schedule. Please watch the appropriate videos before lecture.

Required textbook: Computer Networks: A Systems Approach (5th edition) , by Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie

  • Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet (6th edition)
  • Computer Networks (5th edition)
  • TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols and Unix Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking API (3rd Edition)

This schedule and syllabus is preliminary and subject to change. Reading assignments refer to the Peterson/Davie book (5th edition), unless otherwise specified.

Where applicable, please watch all videos and read book sections before class.

Slides: All slides will be posted in this directory before lecture.

pp 645-648
(Optional: 118-137)
 ( )
(Slides 1-5)
: Chapter 19
: Chapter 1, 3.3

Course Resources

  • Course Dropbox (Lecture and Precept Slides, Solutions, etc.)
  • Topics Covered in Lecture
  • Course Blackboard Page
  • Piazza Online Discussion Forum

Software Resources

  • VirtualBox Environment
  • Official virtual machine image
  • Mininet Walkthrough

Going Further (Optional)

  • Various Online Reading from Professor Feamster
  • Connection Management Blog : Blog where various topics will be discussed during the course.
  • A Research "How To" Blog
  • Udacity Course Modules (some may be useful for additional explanation)
  • Assignment 0: Socket Programming
  • Assignment 1: HTTP Proxy
  • Assignment 2: Internet Router ( Extra Credit )
  • Assignment 3: Simple TCP
  • Assignment 4: Internet Measurement

computer network assignments

Mastering Your Computer Network Assignments: Essential Tips for Success

Computer Network Assignment Help

Computer Network Assignment Help

Computer network assignments can be a challenging part of any IT or computer science curriculum. These tasks often require a deep understanding of both theoretical concepts and practical skills. Whether you’re new to the subject or looking to enhance your performance, having a solid strategy can make a significant difference. In this blog, we’ll explore practical tips to help you succeed in your computer network assignments.

1. Understand the Fundamentals

Before diving into complex tasks, ensure you have a strong grasp of the basics. Key concepts such as the OSI model, TCP/IP protocols, IP addressing, and subnetting are foundational to understanding more advanced topics.

Actionable Tip:

  • Review your course materials and take notes on fundamental concepts.
  • Use online resources like educational videos and tutorials to reinforce your understanding.

2. Plan Your Assignment

Effective planning is crucial for any assignment. Start by thoroughly reading the assignment prompt to understand what is required. Break down the task into smaller, manageable parts and set deadlines for each section.

  • Create a timeline with specific goals for each phase of your assignment.
  • Use tools like Trello or Google Keep to organize and track your progress.

3. Utilize Network Simulators

Practical experience is key in computer networking. Network simulators like Cisco Packet Tracer, GNS3, or EVE-NG allow you to create and test network configurations without needing physical hardware.

  • Spend time familiarizing yourself with one or more network simulators.
  • Practice by setting up basic networks and gradually work towards more complex configurations.

4. Leverage Online Resources

The internet is a treasure trove of information for computer network students. Websites like Cisco’s learning network, NetworkChuck on YouTube, and various forums provide valuable insights and troubleshooting tips.

  • Bookmark and regularly visit reputable networking websites and forums.
  • Participate in online communities to ask questions and share knowledge.

5. Practice, Practice, Practice

Theoretical knowledge needs to be complemented with practical skills. Regular practice not only solidifies your understanding but also prepares you for real-world scenarios.

  • Dedicate time each week to work on hands-on projects and labs.
  • Try to replicate network issues and resolve them to build troubleshooting skills.

6. Collaborate with Peers

Study groups can be highly beneficial. Collaborating with classmates allows you to gain different perspectives and understand concepts more thoroughly.

  • Join or form a study group with peers from your class.
  • Use platforms like Slack or Discord for seamless communication and resource sharing.

7. Keep Up with Current Trends

The field of computer networking is constantly evolving. Staying updated with the latest trends and technologies can give you a competitive edge.

  • Follow industry news through blogs, podcasts, and social media channels.
  • Enroll in online courses or attend webinars on emerging networking technologies.

8. Seek Feedback

Constructive feedback is vital for improvement. Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from your instructors or peers on your assignments.

  • After submitting assignments, ask your instructor for detailed feedback.
  • Review returned assignments to understand your mistakes and learn from them.

9. Write Clear and Concise Documentation

Documentation is a critical part of any networking project. Clear and concise documentation can demonstrate your understanding and help others replicate your work.

  • Use tools like Markdown or LaTeX for professional-quality documentation.
  • Include diagrams and flowcharts to visually represent network designs.

10. Manage Your Time Effectively

Time management can make or break your success in completing assignments. Procrastination often leads to rushed and subpar work.

  • Use a planner or digital calendar to schedule study sessions.
  • Allocate specific time blocks for research, practical work, and writing.

11. Understand Network Security

Network security is an integral part of networking assignments. Understanding basic security principles can help you design more robust and secure networks.

  • Study common network security practices such as firewalls, VPNs, and intrusion detection systems.
  • Implement basic security measures in your network simulations.

12. Ask for Help When Needed

Don’t let pride prevent you from seeking help. Whether you’re stuck on a particular concept or need clarification, asking for help can save you a lot of time and frustration.

  • Utilize office hours to ask your instructors questions.
  • Reach out to classmates or join online forums for additional support.

Success in computer network assignments requires a blend of strong foundational knowledge, practical experience, effective planning, and continuous learning. By following these tips, you can enhance your understanding, improve your skills, and achieve better results in your assignments. Remember, consistent effort and a proactive approach are key to mastering the complexities of computer networking. Happy networking!

Computer Network Assignment Help

Written by Computer Network Assignment Help is a online platform that provides top-notch assistance with computer network assignments to students around the world.

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The new Network+ N10-009 exam: Your questions answered


CompTIA Network+ is a globally recognized certification that validates the skills required to implement enterprise-level wired and wireless network solutions. Every three years, this well-respected, long-standing IT certification undergoes a refresh to ensure it addresses the needs of today’s computer networking pros.

Read more about why and how CompTIA updates certification exams

Why is there a new version of CompTIA Network+? 

IT pros know that the technology industry is constantly evolving. In response, CompTIA is committed to updating certification exams to keep up with the industry. The new CompTIA Network+ (N10-009) focuses on foundational networking tools and technologies used to create secure networks and guarantee the availability of critical business information.

What’s on the latest version of CompTIA Network+?

The latest version of CompTIA Network+ (N10-009) includes both performance-based and multiple-choice exam questions across five domains:

  • Networking Fundamentals (23%)
  • Network Implementations (20%)
  • Network Operations (19%)
  • Network Security (14%)
  • Network Troubleshooting (24%)

Some of the new specific additions to the updated Network+ (N10-009) exam include:

Modern Network Environments

The updated exam offers more extensive coverage of modern network environments and an extended discussion of factors related to physical installations.

Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN)

SDN is adequate for an internal network based in a single location, but because organizations are increasingly relying on geographically distributed locations, Network+ now also discusses SD-WAN.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Network+ tackles the pitfalls of manual infrastructure management by introducing infrastructure as code (IaC), a transformative approach that leverages code for efficient, error-free provisioning, and support of computing infrastructure.

Scalability and VxLAN

Scalability issues drive many organizations. The updated exam covers VxLAN (Virtual extensible Local Area Network) to address issues in large-scale network deployments.

Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF) and Main Distribution Frame (MDF)

In the world of networking, the seamless flow of data and communication is paramount. Network+ now delves into IDF and MDF.

Zero-Trust Architecture and SASE/SSE

Security is paramount to every organization. Network+ goes over the latest in digital security by covering zero-trust architecture , a robust cybersecurity strategy that eradicates assumed trust and persistently authenticates digital interactions. The updated exam also incorporates SASE/SSE for superior network fortification.

Why should I get the new CompTIA Network+ certification?

If you’re interested in a computer networking career, turn to the CompTIA Network+ exam to build up your knowledge and skills. CompTIA Network+ is the only certification that covers the hands-on skills and precise knowledge needed in today’s networking environments.

What jobs can I get with CompTIA Network+?

The following job roles are directly connected to the information you learn from the new CompTIA Network+ (N10-009) exam:

Primary job roles for Network+ (N10-009):

  • Junior network administrator : Junior network administrators install and maintain the network and hardware systems
  • NOC technician – Network Operations Center (NOC) technicians oversee, manage, and troubleshoot the components of an organization's network.
  • Network support specialist : Network support specialists evaluate network performance data regarding things like speed, connectivity and disaster recovery
  • Systems administrator : Systems administrators ensure organizational hardware and software are working as intended

Secondary job roles for Network+ (N10-009):

  • Data center support technician
  • Telecommunications technician
  • IT support manager
  • Tier II support technician

How can I prepare for the CompTIA Network+ (N10-009) Exam?

CompTIA is not only the leader in helping new and current IT pros level up their technical skills, but is a leader in providing training material that will help you succeed. Here are the ways CompTIA can help you prepare for your Network+ (N10-009) exam.

CertMaster Perform 

This is the newest addition to CompTIA’s eLearning profile and combines live and simulated labs to help you get a comprehensive learning experience.

This training tool incorporates an initial diagnostic to gauge your readiness for the exam. The diagnostic identifies your strengths and weaknesses, determining where you should focus your exam preparation efforts. You’ll also be provided with a roadmap to fill in any knowledge gaps.

CompTIA CertMaster Learn 

CertMaster Learn is a comprehensive, self-paced eLearning environment that uses videos, assessment, performance-based questions, and simulated labs to prepare candidates for the CompTIA certification exam.

CompTIA CertMaster Labs 

CompTIA Labs helps learners gain hands-on experience configuring a wide range of technologies and networks. CompTIA Labs operate in a self-paced, pre-configured browser-based environment, allowing you to prepare for practical aspects of CompTIA certification exams.

CompTIA CertMaster Practice 

CertMaster Practice is an adaptive knowledge assessment tool that determines what a learner has already mastered and what they still need to learn to improve confidence and increase retention before a CompTIA certification exam.

How Long Will It Take Me to Earn CompTIA Network+?

While the time it takes to study depends on the individual, we recommend that learners including college students have at least one year of total IT experience, with betweem nine and 12 months of hands-on experience working in a network support or network administration role, before sitting for the Network+ exam.

Additionally, many students and new or current IT professionals turn to the CompTIA A+ certification to help prepare for Network+.

How much does the CompTIA Network+ exam cost? 

The retail price for the CompTIA Network+ (N10-009) exam is $369. CompTIA offers several ways to reduce this cost. Check out our article on how to save on exam vouchers as well as information about financing options.

How do I choose between CompTIA Network+ and CCNA+? 

When it comes to certifications that help IT professionals build a foundation for a flourishing career in networking, CompTIA Network+ is the place to start. Unlike other vendor-specific networking certifications, CompTIA Network+ prepares candidates to support networks on any platform. It provides the foundation you need to work on networks anywhere.

Unlike the CompTIA Network+ certification, CCNA is specific to Cisco technologies. CCNA limits its troubleshooting coverage to issues specific to their devices and ignores many common networking problems that occur in connecting these and other devices.

Learn more about the differences between CompTIA Network+ and CCNA

I’ve been studying for CompTIA Network+ (N10-008). Should I switch gears and study for CompTIA Network+ (N10-009) instead?

What is the expiration date for comptia network+ (n10-008).

The English version of the CompTIA Network+ N10-008 exam is set to retire December 2024. At that point, it will be completely replaced by N10-009. All certifications are valid for three years from the date of your exam. 

How long does the CompTIA Network+ Certification last, and how can it be renewed?

The CompTIA Network+ certification is good for three years. CompTIA offers several ways for you to renew your certifications , including earning continuing education (CE) credits or earning a higher-level certification .

Ready to start studying? Writing out your plan will set you up for success. Download our free training plan worksheet to help get organized and make your dream a reality.

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