antithesis short sentence

Antithesis Definition

What is antithesis? Here’s a quick and simple definition:

Antithesis is a figure of speech that juxtaposes two contrasting or opposing ideas, usually within parallel grammatical structures. For instance, Neil Armstrong used antithesis when he stepped onto the surface of the moon in 1969 and said, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." This is an example of antithesis because the two halves of the sentence mirror each other in grammatical structure, while together the two halves emphasize the incredible contrast between the individual experience of taking an ordinary step, and the extraordinary progress that Armstrong's step symbolized for the human race.

Some additional key details about antithesis:

  • Antithesis works best when it is used in conjunction with parallelism (successive phrases that use the same grammatical structure), since the repetition of structure makes the contrast of the content of the phrases as clear as possible.
  • The word "antithesis" has another meaning, which is to describe something as being the opposite of another thing. For example, "love is the antithesis of selfishness." This guide focuses only on antithesis as a literary device.
  • The word antithesis has its origins in the Greek word antithenai , meaning "to oppose." The plural of antithesis is antitheses.

How to Pronounce Antithesis

Here's how to pronounce antithesis: an- tith -uh-sis

Antithesis and Parallelism

Often, but not always, antithesis works in tandem with parallelism . In parallelism, two components of a sentence (or pair of sentences) mirror one another by repeating grammatical elements. The following is a good example of both antithesis and parallelism:

To err is human , to forgive divine .

The two clauses of the sentence are parallel because each starts off with an infinitive verb and ends with an adjective ("human" and "divine"). The mirroring of these elements then works to emphasize the contrast in their content, particularly in the very strong opposite contrast between "human" and "divine."

Antithesis Without Parallelism

In most cases, antitheses involve parallel elements of the sentence—whether a pair of nouns, verbs, adjectives, or other grammar elements. However, it is also possible to have antithesis without such clear cut parallelism. In the Temptations Song "My Girl," the singer uses antithesis when he says:

"When it's cold outside , I've got the month of May ."

Here the sentence is clearly cut into two clauses on either side of the comma, and the contrasting elements are clear enough. However, strictly speaking there isn't true parallelism here because "cold outside" and "month of May" are different types of grammatical structures (an adjective phrase and a noun phrase, respectively).

Antithesis vs. Related Terms

Three literary terms that are often mistakenly used in the place of antithesis are juxtaposition , oxymoron , and foil . Each of these three terms does have to do with establishing a relationship of difference between two ideas or characters in a text, but beyond that there are significant differences between them.

Antithesis vs. Juxtaposition

In juxtaposition , two things or ideas are placed next to one another to draw attention to their differences or similarities. In juxtaposition, the pairing of two ideas is therefore not necessarily done to create a relationship of opposition or contradiction between them, as is the case with antithesis. So, while antithesis could be a type of juxtaposition, juxtaposition is not always antithesis.

Antithesis vs. Oxymoron

In an oxymoron , two seemingly contradictory words are placed together because their unlikely combination reveals a deeper truth. Some examples of oxymorons include:

  • Sweet sorrow
  • Cruel kindness
  • Living dead

The focus of antithesis is opposites rather than contradictions . While the words involved in oxymorons seem like they don't belong together (until you give them deeper thought), the words or ideas of antithesis do feel like they belong together even as they contrast as opposites. Further, antitheses seldom function by placing the two words or ideas right next to one another, so antitheses are usually made up of more than two words (as in, "I'd rather be among the living than among the dead").

Antithesis vs. Foil

Some Internet sources use "antithesis" to describe an author's decision to create two characters in a story that are direct opposites of one another—for instance, the protagonist and antagonist . But the correct term for this kind of opposition is a foil : a person or thing in a work of literature that contrasts with another thing in order to call attention to its qualities. While the sentence "the hare was fast, and the tortoise was slow" is an example of antithesis, if we step back and look at the story as a whole, the better term to describe the relationship between the characters of the tortoise and the hare is "foil," as in, "The character of the hare is a foil of the tortoise."

Antithesis Examples

Antithesis in literature.

Below are examples of antithesis from some of English literature's most acclaimed writers — and a comic book!

Antithesis in Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities

In the famous opening lines of A Tale of Two Cities , Dickens sets out a flowing list of antitheses punctuated by the repetition of the word "it was" at the beginning of each clause (which is itself an example of the figure of speech anaphora ). By building up this list of contrasts, Dickens sets the scene of the French Revolution that will serve as the setting of his tale by emphasizing the division and confusion of the era. The overwhelming accumulation of antitheses is also purposefully overdone; Dickens is using hyperbole to make fun of the "noisiest authorities" of the day and their exaggerated claims. The passage contains many examples of antithesis, each consisting of one pair of contrasting ideas that we've highlighted to make the structure clearer.

It was the best of times , it was the worst of times , it was the age of wisdom , it was the age of foolishness , it was the epoch of belief , it was the epoch of incredulity , it was the season of Light , it was the season of Darkness , it was the spring of hope , it was the winter of despair , we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven , we were all going direct the other way —in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

Antithesis in John Milton's Paradise Lost

In this verse from Paradise Lost , Milton's anti-hero , Satan, claims he's happier as the king of Hell than he could ever have been as a servant in Heaven. He justifies his rebellion against God with this pithy phrase, and the antithesis drives home the double contrast between Hell and Heaven, and between ruling and serving.

Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

Antithesis in William Shakespeare's Othello

As the plot of Othello nears its climax , the antagonist of the play, Iago, pauses for a moment to acknowledge the significance of what is about to happen. Iago uses antithesis to contrast the two opposite potential outcomes of his villainous plot: either events will transpire in Iago's favor and he will come out on top, or his treachery will be discovered, ruining him.

This is the night That either makes me or fordoes me quite .

In this passage, the simple word "either" functions as a cue for the reader to expect some form of parallelism, because the "either" signals that a contrast between two things is coming.

Antithesis in William Shakespeare's Hamlet

Shakespeare's plays are full of antithesis, and so is Hamlet's most well-known "To be or not to be" soliloquy . This excerpt of the soliloquy is a good example of an antithesis that is not limited to a single word or short phrase. The first instance of antithesis here, where Hamlet announces the guiding question (" to be or not to be ") is followed by an elaboration of each idea ("to be" and "not to be") into metaphors that then form their own antithesis. Both instances of antithesis hinge on an " or " that divides the two contrasting options.

To be or not to be , that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them ...

Antithesis in T.S. Eliot's "Four Quartets"

In this excerpt from his poem "Four Quartets," T.S. Eliot uses antithesis to describe the cycle of life, which is continuously passing from beginning to end, from rise to fall, and from old to new.

In my beginning is my end . In succession Houses rise and fall , crumble, are extended, Are removed, destroyed, restored, or in their place Is an open field, or a factory, or a by-pass. Old stone to new building , old timber to new fires ...

Antithesis in Green Lantern's Oath

Comic book writers know the power of antithesis too! In this catchy oath, Green Lantern uses antithesis to emphasize that his mission to defeat evil will endure no matter the conditions.

In brightest day , in blackest night , No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might Beware my power—Green lantern's light!

While most instances of antithesis are built around an "or" that signals the contrast between the two parts of the sentence, the Green Lantern oath works a bit differently. It's built around an implied "and" (to be technical, that first line of the oath is an asyndeton that replaces the "and" with a comma), because members of the Green Lantern corps are expressing their willingness to fight evil in all places, even very opposite environments.

Antithesis in Speeches

Many well-known speeches contain examples of antithesis. Speakers use antithesis to drive home the stakes of what they are saying, sometimes by contrasting two distinct visions of the future.

Antithesis in Patrick Henry's Speech to the Second Virginia Convention, 1775

This speech by famous American patriot Patrick Henry includes one of the most memorable and oft-quoted phrases from the era of the American Revolution. Here, Henry uses antithesis to emphasize just how highly he prizes liberty, and how deadly serious he is about his fight to achieve it.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take: but as for me, give me liberty or give me death .

Antithesis in Martin Luther King Jr.'s Oberlin Commencement Address

In this speech by one of America's most well-known orators, antithesis allows Martin Luther King Jr. to highlight the contrast between two visions of the future; in the first vision, humans rise above their differences to cooperate with one another, while in the other humanity is doomed by infighting and division.

We must all learn to live together as brothers —or we will all perish together as fools .

Antithesis in Songs

In songs, contrasting two opposite ideas using antithesis can heighten the dramatic tension of a difficult decision, or express the singer's intense emotion—but whatever the context, antithesis is a useful tool for songwriters mainly because opposites are always easy to remember, so lyrics that use antithesis tend to stick in the head.

Antithesis in "Should I Stay or Should I Go" by The Clash (1981)

In this song by The Clash, the speaker is caught at a crossroads between two choices, and antithesis serves as the perfect tool to express just how confused and conflicted he is. The rhetorical question —whether to stay or to go—presents two opposing options, and the contrast between his lover's mood from one day (when everything is "fine") to the next (when it's all "black") explains the difficulty of his choice.

One day it's fine and next it's black So if you want me off your back Well, come on and let me know Should I stay or should I go ? Should I stay or should I go now? Should I stay or should I go now? If I go, there will be trouble If I stay it will be double ...

Antithesis in "My Girl" by the Temptations (1965)

In this song, the singer uses a pair of metaphors to describe the feeling of joy that his lover brings him. This joy is expressed through antithesis, since the singer uses the miserable weather of a cloudy, cold day as the setting for the sunshine-filled month of May that "his girl" makes him feel inside, emphasizing the power of his emotions by contrasting them with the bleak weather.

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day When it's cold outside I've got the month of May Well I guess you'd say, What can make me feel this way? My girl, my girl, my girl Talkin' bout my girl.

Why Do Writers Use Antithesis?

Fundamentally, writers of all types use antithesis for its ability to create a clear contrast. This contrast can serve a number of purposes, as shown in the examples above. It can:

  • Present a stark choice between two alternatives.
  • Convey magnitude or range (i.e. "in brightest day, in darkest night" or "from the highest mountain, to the deepest valley").
  • Express strong emotions.
  • Create a relationship of opposition between two separate ideas.
  • Accentuate the qualities and characteristics of one thing by placing it in opposition to another.

Whatever the case, antithesis almost always has the added benefit of making language more memorable to listeners and readers. The use of parallelism and other simple grammatical constructions like "either/or" help to establish opposition between concepts—and opposites have a way of sticking in the memory.

Other Helpful Antithesis Resources

  • The Wikipedia page on Antithesis : A useful summary with associated examples, along with an extensive account of antithesis in the Gospel of Matthew.
  • Sound bites from history : A list of examples of antithesis in famous political speeches from United States history — with audio clips!
  • A blog post on antithesis : This quick rundown of antithesis focuses on a quote you may know from Muhammad Ali's philosophy of boxing: "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."

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  • Connotation
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  • End-Stopped Line
  • Bildungsroman
  • Figurative Language
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Definition of Antithesis

Examples of antithesis in everyday speech, common examples of antithesis from famous speeches, examples of proverbs featuring antithesis, utilizing antithesis in writing, antithesis and parallelism, antithesis and juxtaposition, use of antithesis in sentences  , examples of antithesis in literature.

Antithesis is an effective literary device and figure of speech in which a writer intentionally juxtaposes two contrasting ideas or entities. Antithesis is typically achieved through parallel structure, in which opposing concepts or elements are paired in adjacent phrases , clauses , or sentences. This draws the reader’s attention to the significance or importance of the agents being contrasted, thereby adding a memorable and meaningful quality to the literary work.

Example 1:  Hamlet (William Shakespeare)

Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice ; Take each man’s censure, but reserve thy judgment.

Example 2:  Paradise Lost  (John Milton)

Here at least We shall be free; the Almighty hath not built Here for his envy, will not drive us hence: Here we may reign secure, and in my choice To reign is worth ambition though in Hell: Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.

Example 3:  Fire and Ice  (Robert Frost)

Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.

In his poem, Frost utilizes antithesis to contrast fire and ice as elements with devastating and catastrophic potential to end the world. Frost effectively demonstrates the equal powers for the destruction of these elements, despite showcasing them as opposing forces. In this case, the poet’s antithesis has a literal as well as figurative interpretation. As the poem indicates, the world could literally end in the fire as well as ice. However, fire and ice are contrasting symbols in the poem as well. Fire represents “desire,” most likely in the form of greed, the corruption of power, domination, and control. Conversely, ice represents “hate” in the form of prejudice, oppression, neglect, and isolation.

Example 4: The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln

We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives so that nation might live.
The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.
The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

Function of Antithesis

Synonyms of antithesis, post navigation.

Writing Explained

What is Antithesis? Definition, Examples of Antitheses in Writing

Home » The Writer’s Dictionary » What is Antithesis? Definition, Examples of Antitheses in Writing

Antithesis definition: Antithesis is a literary and rhetorical device where two seemingly contrasting ideas are expressed through parallel structure.

What is Antithesis?

What does antithesis mean? An antithesis is just that—an “anti” “thesis.” An antithesis is used in writing to express ideas that seem contradictory.

An antithesis uses parallel structure of two ideas to communicate this contradiction.

Example of Antithesis:

  • “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” –Muhammad Ali

what does antithisis mean

First, the structure is parallel. Each “side” of the phrase has the same number of words and the same structure. Each uses a verb followed by a simile.

Second, the contracting elements of a butterfly and a bee seem contradictory. That is, a butterfly is light and airy while a bee is sharp and stinging. One person (a boxer, in this case) should not be able to possess these two qualities—this is why this is an antithesis.

However, Ali is trying to express how a boxer must be light on his feet yet quick with his fist.

Modern Examples of Antithesis

Meaning of antithesis in a sentence

  • “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Through parallel structure, this quotation presents an antithesis. It seems contradictory that one action could be a “small step” and a “giant leap.”

However, this contradiction proposes that the action of landing on the moon might have just been a small physical step for the man Neil Armstrong, but it was a giant leap for the progress of mankind.

The Function of Antithesis

meaning of antethesis

An antithesis stands out in writing. Because it uses parallel structure, an antithesis physically stands out when interspersed among other syntactical structures. Furthermore, an antithesis presents contrasting ideas that cause the reader or audience to pause and consider the meaning and purpose.

Oftentimes, the meaning of an antithesis is not overtly clear. That is, a reader or audience must evaluate the statement to navigate the meaning.

Writers utilize antitheses very sparingly. Since its purpose is to cause an audience to pause and consider the argument, it must be used with purpose and intent.

Antithesis Example from Literature

antitheses examples in literature

  • “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity…”

From the beginning, Dickens presents two contradictory ideas in this antithesis.

How can it be the “best” and the “worst” of times? These two “times” should not be able to coexist.

Similarly, how can the setting of this novel also take place during an “age of wisdom” and an “age of foolishness?”

The antithesis continues.

Dickens opens his with these lines to set the tone for the rest of the novel. Clearly, there are two sides to this story, two tales of what is the truth. These two “sides” should not function peacefully. And, in fact, they do not. That, after all, is the “tale of two cities.”

Dickens sets up this disparity to set the tone for his novel, which will explore this topic.

Summary: What is an Antithesis?

Define antithesis: An antithesis consists of contrasting concepts presented in parallel structure.

Writers use antithesis to create emphasis to communicate an argument.

  • Note: The plural form of antithesis is antitheses.

Literary Devices

Literary devices, terms, and elements, definition of antithesis, difference between antithesis and juxtaposition, common examples of antithesis, significance of antithesis in literature, examples of antithesis in literature.

HAMLET: To be, or not to be, that is the question— Whether ’tis Nobler in the mind to suffer The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, And by opposing, end them?

( Hamlet by William Shakespeare)

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way…

( A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens)

There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn’t have to; but if he didn’t want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.
This case is not a difficult one, it requires no minute sifting of complicated facts, but it does require you to be sure beyond all reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the defendant.

( To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee)

In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird , Atticus Finch is a lawyer representing Tom Robinson. Atticus presents the above statement to the jury, setting up an antithesis. He asserts that the case is not difficult and yet requires the jury to be absolutely sure of their decision. Atticus believes the case to have a very obvious conclusion, and hopes that the jury will agree with him, but he is also aware of the societal tensions at work that will complicate the case.

Test Your Knowledge of Antithesis

WITCHES: Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air.
MACBETH: Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand?
WITCHES: Something wicked this way comes.

4. Which of the following quotes from Heller’s Catch-22 contains an example of antithesis? A. There are now fifty or sixty countries fighting in this war. Surely so many counties can’t all be worth dying for. B. He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt, and his only mission each time he went up was to come down alive. C. You’re inches away from death every time you go on a mission. How much older can you be at your age? [spoiler title=”Answer to Question #4″] Answer: B is the correct answer.[/spoiler]

  • Literary Terms
  • Definition & Examples
  • How to Use Antithesis

I. What is an Antithesis?

“Antithesis” literally means “opposite” – it is usually the opposite of a statement, concept, or idea. In literary analysis, an antithesis is a pair of statements or images in which the one reverses the other. The pair is written with similar grammatical structures to show more contrast. Antithesis (pronounced an-TITH-eh-sis) is used to emphasize a concept, idea, or conclusion.

II. Examples of Antithesis

That’s one small step for a man – one giant leap for mankind .  (Neil Armstrong, 1969)

In this example, Armstrong is referring to man walking on the moon. Although taking a step is an ordinary activity for most people, taking a step on the moon, in outer space, is a major achievement for all humanity.

To err is human ; to forgive , divine . (Alexander Pope)

This example is used to point out that humans possess both worldly and godly qualities; they can all make mistakes, but they also have the power to free others from blame.

The world will little note , nor long remember , what we say here, but it can never forget what they did  (Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address )

In his speech, Lincoln points out that the details of that moment may not be memorable, but the actions would make history, and therefore, never entirely forgotten.

Antithesis can be a little tricky to see at first. To start, notice how each of these examples is separated into two parts . The parts are separated either by a dash, a semicolon, or the word “but.” Antithesis always has this multi-part structure (usually there are two parts, but sometimes it can be more, as we’ll see in later examples). The parts are not always as obvious as they are in these examples, but they will always be there.

Next, notice how the second part of each example contains terms that reverse or invert terms in the first part: small step vs. giant leap; human vs. divine; we say vs. they do. In each of the examples, there are several pairs of contrasted terms between the first part and the second, which is quite common in antithesis.

Finally, notice that each of the examples contains some parallel structures and ideas in addition to the opposites. This is key! The two parts are not simply contradictory statements. They are a matched pair that have many grammatical structures or concepts in common; in the details, however, they are opposites.

For example, look at the parallel grammar of Example 1: the word “one,” followed by an adjective, a noun, and then the word “for.” This accentuates the opposites by setting them against a backdrop of sameness – in other words, two very different ideas are being expressed with very, very similar grammatical structures.

To recap: antithesis has three things:

  • Two or more parts
  • Reversed or inverted ideas
  • (usually) parallel grammatical structure

III. The Importance of Verisimilitude

Antithesis is basically a complex form of juxtaposition . So its effects are fairly similar – by contrasting one thing against its opposite, a writer or speaker can emphasize the key attributes of whatever they’re talking about. In the Neil Armstrong quote, for example, the tremendous significance of the first step on the moon is made more vivid by contrasting it with the smallness and ordinariness of the motion that brought it about.

Antithesis can also be used to express curious contradictions or paradoxes. Again, the Neil Armstrong quote is a good example: Armstrong is inviting his listeners to puzzle over the fact that a tiny, ordinary step – not so different from the millions of steps we take each day – can represent so massive a technological accomplishment as the moon landing.

Paradoxically, an antithesis can also be used to show how two seeming opposites might in fact be similar.

IV. Examples of Verisimilitude in Literature

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Forgive us this day our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us . (The Lord’s Prayer)

The antithesis is doing a lot of work here. First, it shows the parallel between committing an evil act and being the victim of one. On the surface, these are opposites, and this is part of the antithesis, but at the same time they are, in the end, the same act from different perspectives. This part of the antithesis is basically just an expression of the Golden Rule.

Second, the antithesis displays a parallel between the speaker (a human) and the one being spoken to (God). The prayer is a request for divine mercy, and at the same time a reminder that human beings should also be merciful.

All the joy the world contains has come through wanting happiness for others . All the misery the world contains has come through wanting pleasure for yourself . (Shantideva, The Way of the Bodhisattva )

The antithesis here comes with some pretty intense parallel structure. Most of the words in each sentence are exactly the same as those in the other sentence. (“All the ___ the world contains has come through wanting ____ for ____.”) This close parallel structure makes the antithesis all the more striking, since the words that differ become much more visible.

Another interesting feature of this antithesis is that it makes “pleasure” and “happiness” seem like opposites, when most of us might think of them as more or less synonymous. The quote makes happiness seem noble and exalted, whereas pleasure is portrayed as selfish and worthless.

The proper function of man is to live , not to exist . I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong  (Jack London, Credo )

The opening antithesis here gets its punch from the fact that we think of living and existing as pretty similar terms. But for London, they are opposites. Living is about having vivid experiences, learning, and being bold; simply existing is a dull, pointless thing. These two apparently similar words are used in this antithesis to emphasize the importance of living as opposed to mere existing.

The second antithesis, on the other hand, is just the opposite – in this case, London is taking two words that seem somewhat opposed (waste and prolong), and telling us that they are in fact the same . Prolonging something is making it last; wasting something is letting it run out too soon. But, says London, when it comes to life, they are the same. If you try too hard to prolong your days (that is, if you’re so worried about dying that you never face your fears and live your life), then you will end up wasting them because you will never do anything worthwhile.

V. Examples of Verisimilitude in Pop Culture

Everybody doesn’t like something, but nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee. (Sara Lee pastry advertisement)

This classic ad uses antithesis to set up a deliberate grammatical error. This is a common technique in advertising, since people are more likely to remember a slogan that is grammatically incorrect. (Even if they only remember it because they found it irritating, it still sticks in their brain, which is all that an ad needs to do.) The antithesis helps make the meaning clear, and throws the grammatical error into sharper relief.

What men must know , a boy must learn . (The Lookouts)

Here’s another example of how parallel structure can turn into antithesis fairly easily. (The structure is noun-“must”-verb. ) The antithesis also expresses the basic narrative of The Lookouts , which is all about kids learning to fend for themselves and become full-fledged adults.

Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes (the band “AFI” – album title)

The antithesis here is a juxtaposition of two different actions (opening and shutting) that are actually part of the same sort of behavior – the behavior of somebody who wants to understand the world rather than be the center of attention. It’s basically a restatement of the old adage that “those who speak the most often have the least to say.”

VI. Related Terms

  • Juxtaposition

Antithesis is basically a form of juxtaposition . Juxtaposition, though, is a much broader device that encompasses any deliberate use of contrast or contradiction by an author. So, in addition to antithesis, it might include:

  • The scene in “The Godfather” where a series of brutal murders is intercut with shots of a baptism, juxtaposing birth and death.
  • “A Song of Ice and Fire” (George R. R. Martin book series)
  • Heaven and Hell
  • Mountains and the sea
  • Dead or alive
  • “In sickness and in health”

Antithesis performs a very similar function, but does so in a more complicated way by using full sentences (rather than single words or images) to express the two halves of the juxtaposition.

Here is an antithesis built around some of the common expressions from above

  • “ Sheep go to Heaven ; goats go to Hell .”
  • “Beethoven’s music is as mighty as the mountains and as timeless as the sea .”
  • “In sickness he loved me; in health he abandoned ”

Notice how the antithesis builds an entire statement around the much simpler juxtaposition. And, crucially, notice that each of those statements exhibits parallel grammatical structure . In this way, both Juxtaposition and parallel structures can be used to transform a simple comparison, into antithesis.

List of Terms

  • Alliteration
  • Amplification
  • Anachronism
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Antonomasia
  • APA Citation
  • Aposiopesis
  • Autobiography
  • Bildungsroman
  • Characterization
  • Circumlocution
  • Cliffhanger
  • Comic Relief
  • Connotation
  • Deus ex machina
  • Deuteragonist
  • Doppelganger
  • Double Entendre
  • Dramatic irony
  • Equivocation
  • Extended Metaphor
  • Figures of Speech
  • Flash-forward
  • Foreshadowing
  • Intertextuality
  • Literary Device
  • Malapropism
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Parallelism
  • Pathetic Fallacy
  • Personification
  • Point of View
  • Polysyndeton
  • Protagonist
  • Red Herring
  • Rhetorical Device
  • Rhetorical Question
  • Science Fiction
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
  • Synesthesia
  • Turning Point
  • Understatement
  • Urban Legend
  • Verisimilitude
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What is Antithesis? Examples of Antithesis in Literature and Speech

Antithesis is a rhetorical device that has been used for centuries to create contrast and emphasize ideas in speech and writing. It involves placing two contrasting ideas side by side, often using parallel grammatical structures, to highlight their differences. This technique can be used for various purposes, such as to create emphasis, create balance, or to make a point.

Table of Contents

Definition of Antithesis

Antithesis is a literary device that involves contrasting two opposing ideas or concepts in a sentence or passage in order to create a dramatic or rhetorical effect. The word “antithesis” comes from the Greek word “antithenai,” which means “to oppose.”

Antithesis can be used in a variety of ways, including through contrasting words, phrases, or clauses. This technique is often used in poetry, prose, and speeches to create a sense of tension and to emphasize the differences between two ideas.

In antithesis, two contrasting ideas are placed side by side in order to highlight their differences. This technique is often used to create a sense of balance in a sentence or passage. For example, consider the following sentence: “To be or not to be, that is the question.” In this sentence, the opposing ideas of existence and non-existence are contrasted in order to create a sense of tension and to emphasize the importance of the decision at hand.

Examples of Antithesis

Antithesis is a literary device that involves the use of contrasting ideas, words, or phrases in a parallel structure. Here are some examples of antithesis in literature, speeches, and advertising.

Antithesis in Literature

Antithesis is commonly used in literature to highlight the contrast between two opposing ideas or themes. One of the most famous examples of antithesis in literature is found in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities . The opening lines of the novel read:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

The contrasting ideas of “best” and “worst,” “wisdom” and “foolishness,” “belief” and “incredulity,” and others are used to emphasize the stark differences between the two cities.

Antithesis in Speeches

Antithesis is also commonly used in speeches to create a memorable impact on the audience. One of the most famous examples of antithesis in a speech is from Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech:

“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”

The contrasting ideas of “live together” and “perish together” are used to emphasize the importance of unity and brotherhood.

Antithesis in Advertising

Antithesis is also used in advertising to create memorable slogans and taglines. One example is the slogan for the car company BMW:

“The ultimate driving machine.”

The contrasting ideas of “ultimate” and “driving machine” are used to emphasize the high quality and performance of BMW cars.

In conclusion, antithesis is a powerful literary device that can be used in a variety of contexts to create memorable and impactful statements.

Antithesis vs. Juxtaposition

Antithesis and juxtaposition are two rhetorical devices that are often used in literature and speech. While they may seem similar, there are distinct differences between the two.

Antithesis is a rhetorical device that involves placing two contrasting ideas side by side in a sentence or phrase. The purpose of antithesis is to create a stark contrast between the two ideas, often to emphasize a point or to create a sense of tension or conflict.

For example, one famous example of antithesis comes from Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities”: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” This sentence contrasts two opposing ideas, highlighting the extreme differences between them.

Antithesis is often used in speeches and persuasive writing to create a memorable and impactful statement. However, it can also be used in more subtle ways to add depth and complexity to a piece of writing.


Juxtaposition, on the other hand, involves placing two ideas or objects next to each other in order to highlight their differences or similarities. Unlike antithesis, the two ideas or objects may not necessarily be opposing or contrasting.

For example, a writer might use juxtaposition to describe two characters in a story. By placing their descriptions side by side, the writer can highlight their differences and create a more vivid picture of each character.

Juxtaposition can also be used to create irony or humor. By placing two unlikely ideas or objects next to each other, a writer can create a sense of surprise or amusement.

In conclusion, while antithesis and juxtaposition are both rhetorical devices that involve placing two ideas or objects next to each other, they serve different purposes. Antithesis is used to create a contrast or conflict between two opposing ideas, while juxtaposition is used to highlight the differences or similarities between two ideas or objects.

Antithesis in Communication

Antithesis is a powerful tool in communication that can be used to emphasize contrast, create memorable phrases, and strengthen arguments. By juxtaposing two opposing ideas, antithesis can help to clarify and highlight the differences between them, making them more easily understood and remembered. In this section, we will explore the importance of antithesis in communication and how it can be used effectively.

Emphasizing Contrast

One of the primary functions of antithesis is to emphasize contrast. By placing two opposing ideas side by side, antithesis can draw attention to their differences and make them more apparent. This can be especially useful in situations where it is important to distinguish between two similar but distinct concepts. For example, in political discourse, antithesis can be used to highlight the differences between two competing policy proposals or ideologies.

Creating Memorable Phrases

Another important function of antithesis is to create memorable phrases. By using contrasting ideas in a sentence or phrase, antithesis can create a sense of balance and rhythm that can make the words more memorable. This can be seen in famous quotes such as “To be or not to be” from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, which uses antithesis to create a memorable phrase that encapsulates the play’s central theme.

Strengthening Arguments

Finally, antithesis can be used to strengthen arguments. By using contrasting ideas, antithesis can help to make an argument more persuasive by highlighting the strengths of one idea while pointing out the weaknesses of another. This can be especially useful in situations where it is important to make a convincing case, such as in a legal argument or a political debate.

In conclusion, antithesis is an important tool in communication that can be used to emphasize contrast, create memorable phrases, and strengthen arguments. By using contrasting ideas, antithesis can help to clarify and highlight the differences between two concepts, making them more easily understood and remembered. Whether in literature, politics, or everyday conversation, antithesis can be a powerful tool for effective communication.

Overall, antithesis is a valuable tool for writers and speakers who want to create a sense of contrast and emphasize their point. When used effectively, it can make writing or speech more memorable and impactful. However, it is important to use it in moderation and not rely on it too heavily. By understanding how to use antithesis effectively, writers and speakers can take their communication skills to the next level.

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Antithesis (Grammar and Rhetoric)

Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms

 Richard Nordquist

  • An Introduction to Punctuation
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

Antithesis is a  rhetorical term for the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas in balanced phrases or clauses . Plural: antitheses . Adjective: antithetical .

In grammatical terms, antithetical statements are parallel structures . 

"A perfectly formed antithesis," says Jeanne Fahnestock, combines " isocolon , parison , and perhaps, in an inflected language, even homoeoteleuton ; it is an overdetermined figure . The aural patterning of the antithesis, its tightness and predictability, are critical to appreciating how the syntax of the figure can be used to force semantic opposites" ( Rhetorical Figures in Science , 1999).

From the Greek, "opposition"

Examples and Observations

  • "Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing." (Goethe)
  • "Everybody doesn't like something, but nobody doesn't like Sara Lee." (advertising slogan)
  • "There are so many things that we wish we had done yesterday, so few that we feel like doing today." (Mignon McLaughlin, The Complete Neurotic's Notebook . Castle Books, 1981)
  • "We notice things that don't work. We don't notice things that do. We notice computers, we don't notice pennies. We notice e-book readers, we don't notice books." (Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time . Macmillan, 2002)
  • "Hillary has soldiered on, damned if she does, damned if she doesn't, like most powerful women, expected to be tough as nails and warm as toast at the same time." (Anna Quindlen, "Say Goodbye to the Virago." Newsweek , June 16, 2003)
  • "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way." (Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities , 1859)
  • "Tonight you voted for action, not politics as usual. You elected us to focus on your jobs, not ours." (President Barack Obama, election night victory speech, November 7, 2012)
  • "You're easy on the eyes Hard on the heart." (Terri Clark)
  • "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." (Martin Luther King, Jr., speech at St. Louis, 1964)
  • "The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here." (Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address , 1863)
  • "All the joy the world contains Has come through wishing happiness for others. All the misery the world contains Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself." (Shantideva)
  • "The more acute the experience, the less articulate its expression." (Harold Pinter, "Writing for the Theatre," 1962)
  • "And let my liver rather heat with wine Than my heart cool with mortifying groans." (Gratiano in The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare)
  • Jack London's Credo "I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dryrot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." (Jack London, quoted by his literary executor, Irving Shepard, in an introduction to a 1956 collection of London's stories)
  • Antithesis and Antitheton " Antithesis is the grammatical form of antitheton . Antitheton deals with contrasting thoughts or proofs in an argument ; Antithesis deals with contrasting words or ideas within a phrase, sentence, or paragraph." (Gregory T. Howard, Dictionary of Rhetorical Terms . Xlibris, 2010)
  • Antithesis and Antonyms Antithesis as a figure of speech exploits the existence of many 'natural' opposites in the vocabularies of all languages. Small children filling in workbooks and adolescents studying for the antonyms section of the SAT learn to match words to their opposites and so absorb much vocabulary as pairs of opposed terms, connecting up to down and bitter to sweet, pusillanimous to courageous and ephemeral to everlasting. Calling these antonyms 'natural' simply means that pairs of words can have wide currency as opposites among users of a language outside any particular context of use. Word association tests give ample evidence of the consistent linking of opposites in verbal memory when subjects given one of a pair of antonyms most often respond with the other, 'hot' triggering 'cold' or 'long' retrieving 'short' (Miller 1991, 196). An antithesis as a figure of speech at the sentence level builds on these powerful natural pairs, the use of one in the first half of the figure creating the expectation of its verbal partner in the second half." (Jeanne Fahnestock, Rhetorical Figures in Science . Oxford University Press, 1999)
  • Antithesis in Films - "Since . . . the quality of a scene or image is more vividly shown when set beside its opposite, it is not surprising to find antithesis in film . . .. There is a cut in Barry Lyndon (Stanley Kubrick) from the yellow flickers of a flaming house to a still gray courtyard, lined with soldiers, and another from the yellow candles and warm browns of a gambling room to the cool grays of a terrace by moonlight and the Countess of Lyndon in white." (N. Roy Clifton, The Figure in Film . Associated University Presses, 1983) "It is clear that in every simile there is present both differences and likenesses, and both are a part of its effect. By ignoring differences, we find a simile and may perhaps find an antithesis in the same event, by ignoring likeness. . . . - "In The Lady Eve (Preston Sturges), a passenger boards a liner by tender. This was conveyed by the two vessels' whistling. We see a convulsive spurt of water and hear a desperate, soundless puff before the siren of the tender found its voice. There was a stuttering amazement, a drunken incoordination to these elaborate preliminaries, foiled by the liner's lofty unruffled burst of sounding steam. Here things that are like, in place, in sound, and in function, are unexpectedly contrasted. The commentary lies in the differences and gains force from the likeness." (N. Roy Clifton, The Figure in Film . Associated University Presses, 1983)
  • Antithetical Observations of Oscar Wilde - “When we are happy, we are always good, but when we are good, we are not always happy.” ( The Picture of Dorian Gray , 1891) - “We teach people how to remember, we never teach them how to grow.” ("The Critic as Artist," 1991) - “Wherever there is a man who exercises authority, there is a man who resists authority.” ( The Soul of Man Under Socialism , 1891) - “Society often forgives the criminal; it never forgives the dreamer.” ("The Critic as Artist," 1991)

Pronunciation: an-TITH-uh-sis

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ESL Grammar

Antithesis: Definition, Grammartical Structure and Examples

Antithesis is a rhetorical device that involves contrasting two opposing ideas in a sentence or a paragraph. It is a powerful tool used in literature, speeches, and debates to emphasize the difference between two ideas. The word antithesis is derived from the Greek word “antitithenai,” which means “to oppose” or “to set against.”

Antithesis can be used to create a memorable impact on the audience. It draws attention to the stark contrast between two opposing ideas, making it easier for the audience to understand the message being conveyed. Antithesis can be used in various forms, such as contrasting words, phrases, or entire sentences. It is often used in famous speeches, such as Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, where he used antithesis to emphasize the difference between segregation and equality.

Antithesis The Art of Contrasting Ideas

Antithesis Definitions

Greek Origins

The word “antithesis” has its roots in the Greek word “antithenai,” which means “to oppose.” The Greek word “tithenai” also contributed to the development of “antithesis,” as it means “to put, set, or place.” These Greek words were used to describe the concept of setting something in opposition to another thing, or placing two contrasting ideas side by side for comparison.

Modern Definitions

According to Merriam-Webster, “antithesis” has two primary definitions. The first definition is “the direct opposite,” while the second definition is “the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences.” This second definition refers to the use of antithesis as a literary device, where contrasting ideas are presented in a parallel structure for emphasis or effect.

Other definitions of “antithesis” include “opposition” and “contrast.” Synonyms for “antithesis” include “contradiction,” “counterpart,” and “inverse.”

Overall, the concept of antithesis has evolved from its Greek origins to become a widely recognized literary device used in various forms of writing and speech. By presenting contrasting ideas in a parallel structure, writers and speakers can create a powerful sense of contrast and emphasis that can capture the attention of their audience.

Understanding Antithesis

In Rhetoric

Antithesis is a rhetorical device that involves the use of contrasting concepts, words, or sentences within parallel grammatical structures to create a balanced and contrasting effect. This literary device is often used to emphasize the differences between two ideas or concepts, thereby creating a more powerful and memorable message.

Antithesis is commonly used in persuasive writing and speeches, as it allows the speaker or writer to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of opposing viewpoints. By presenting two contrasting ideas side by side, the audience is able to see the differences more clearly and make a more informed decision.

In Literature

In literature, antithesis is used to create a sense of tension and drama by contrasting two opposing ideas or concepts. This technique is often used in poetry, where contrasting concepts are used to create a more powerful and memorable image or message.

In literature, antithesis is often used to create a sense of irony or contradiction, as the author juxtaposes two opposing ideas to create a more complex and nuanced message. For example, in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, the opening lines “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” use antithesis to highlight the stark contrasts between the two cities.

In Speeches

Antithesis is a common rhetorical device used in speeches to create a more powerful and memorable message. By presenting two contrasting ideas side by side, the speaker is able to emphasize the differences between them and create a more persuasive argument.

Antithesis is often used in political speeches, where the speaker may use contrasting concepts to highlight the differences between their own policies and those of their opponents. For example, in John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address, he used antithesis when he said “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Overall, antithesis is a powerful literary and rhetorical device that can be used in a variety of contexts to create a more memorable and persuasive message. By presenting two contrasting ideas side by side, the speaker or writer is able to highlight the differences between them and create a more nuanced and complex message that is more likely to be remembered by the audience.

Grammatical Structure

Antithesis is a rhetorical device that uses contrasting ideas in parallel grammatical structures to create emphasis and highlight the differences between them. The grammatical structure of antithesis is essential to its effectiveness, as it creates a balance between the opposing ideas and makes them more memorable to the reader or listener.


Parallelism is a crucial aspect of antithesis. It involves using the same grammatical structure for both contrasting ideas, such as using the same sentence structure for two opposing phrases. This technique creates a rhythmic effect that draws the reader’s attention to the contrasting ideas and emphasizes the differences between them.

For instance, Martin Luther King Jr. used parallelism in his famous “I Have a Dream” speech when he said, “Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.”

Contrasting Ideas

Antithesis relies on contrasting ideas to create a powerful effect. These ideas can be expressed through sentences, clauses, phrases, or words. The contrasting ideas must be balanced to create a harmonious effect, which is achieved through the use of parallelism.

For example, in Shakespeare’s play “Julius Caesar,” Mark Antony uses antithesis to compare the honorable Brutus to the treacherous Cassius. He says, “Brutus is an honorable man; so are they all, all honorable men,” emphasizing the contrast between Brutus’s character and his actions.

In conclusion, the grammatical structure of antithesis is crucial to its effectiveness. The use of parallelism and contrasting ideas creates a rhythmic effect that draws the reader’s attention and emphasizes the differences between the opposing ideas. By using a balanced grammatical structure, antithesis creates a memorable effect that enhances the impact of the message being conveyed.

Antithesis Examples

Antithesis is a literary device that positions opposite ideas parallel to each other. This section will explore some examples of antithesis in literature, speeches, and everyday life.

Antithesis is widely used in literature to create a contrast between two different ideas. One of the most famous examples of antithesis is found in Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities”: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

William Shakespeare also used antithesis in his writing. In “Romeo and Juliet,” he writes, “My only love sprung from my only hate! / Too early seen unknown, and known too late!” This example shows how antithesis can create a powerful contrast between love and hate.

Antithesis is also commonly used in speeches to emphasize opposing ideas. Martin Luther King Jr. used antithesis in his famous “I Have a Dream” speech: “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” This example highlights the contrast between living together peacefully and the consequences of not doing so.

Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is another famous example of antithesis in speeches. He said, “It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us.” This example contrasts the work of those who fought with the work that still needs to be done.

In Everyday Life

Antithesis is also commonly used in everyday life, often without people realizing it. For example, the famous quote by Neil Armstrong , “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” is an example of antithesis. The contrast between the small step and the giant leap creates a powerful image of the significance of the event.

Another example of antithesis in everyday life is the phrase “no pain, no gain.” This phrase emphasizes the contrast between the discomfort of hard work and the benefits that come from it.

In conclusion, antithesis is a powerful literary device that can be used to emphasize contrasting ideas. It is commonly used in literature, speeches, and everyday life to create a memorable and impactful message.

The Impact of Antithesis

On audience.

Antithesis can have a profound impact on an audience. By presenting contrasting ideas in a balanced grammatical structure, it captures the attention of the audience and creates a sense of tension that keeps them engaged. The use of antithesis can also make content more memorable and effective, as it creates a sense of rhythm and imagery that sticks with the audience long after they have finished reading or listening.

Antithesis can be a powerful tool for writers and speakers looking to convey complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. By juxtaposing opposing ideas, it allows them to highlight the differences between them and make their point more effectively. Antithesis can also be used to create a sense of tension and drama in a piece of content, which can help to keep the audience engaged and interested.

When used effectively, antithesis can be a powerful tool for writers and speakers looking to create memorable and effective content. By capturing the attention of the audience and creating a sense of tension and drama, it can help to convey complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. Whether used for rhetorical effect or simply to create a sense of rhythm and imagery, antithesis is a powerful tool that should not be overlooked.

Antithesis and Other Literary Devices

Antithesis is often used in conjunction with other literary devices to create a more impactful effect. One such device is the oxymoron, which is a figure of speech that combines two contradictory terms. An oxymoron can be used to create a sense of irony or to highlight a paradox. For example, the phrase “bittersweet” is an oxymoron because it combines two opposite terms.

Another literary device that can be used in conjunction with antithesis is the foil. A foil is a character who is used to contrast with another character in order to highlight their differences. This can be used to create a sense of conflict or to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of a particular character. For example, in Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet,” the character of Hamlet is contrasted with the character of Laertes in order to highlight their different approaches to revenge.

While antithesis is often used to highlight contrasts and opposing ideas, it can also be used to create a sense of synthesis. Synthesis is the process of combining two or more ideas in order to create a new and more complex idea. For example, the phrase “the pen is mightier than the sword” combines the idea of writing (which is often associated with intellect) with the idea of physical force (which is often associated with strength) in order to create a new and more complex idea.

Antithesis, oxymorons, foils, and synthesis are all powerful literary devices that can be used to create a sense of comparison and contrast. By using these devices, writers can create more impactful and memorable works that speak to the complexities of mankind.

Common Misconceptions and Overuse

Antithesis is a powerful literary device that can add depth and complexity to writing. However, it is often misunderstood and overused, leading to annoying and cliché writing. In this section, we will address some common misconceptions and overuse of antithesis.

One common misconception is that antithesis must always involve a direct opposition between two ideas or words. While this is often the case, antithesis can also involve a contrast between two related ideas or words. For example, “love and hate” are direct opposites, while “love and indifference” are related but contrasting ideas.

Another misconception is that antithesis should be used in every sentence or paragraph. Overuse of antithesis can lead to annoying and cliché writing. It is important to use antithesis sparingly and only when it adds value to the writing.

Additionally, some writers may try to force antithesis into their writing, resulting in awkward and unnatural phrasing. It is important to use antithesis in a way that flows naturally and enhances the meaning of the writing.

Overall, antithesis is a powerful tool that can add depth and complexity to writing. However, it should be used sparingly and only when it adds value to the writing. Avoid overuse and forcing antithesis into writing, as this can lead to annoying and cliché writing.

In conclusion, antithesis is a rhetorical device that involves the use of contrasting or opposite ideas in a balanced grammatical structure. It is commonly used in literature, speeches, and other forms of communication to create emphasis, contrast, and impact.

Antithesis is often used in conjunction with the thesis-antithesis-synthesis dialectic, a process of logical argumentation that involves presenting a thesis, then presenting its opposite (antithesis), and finally synthesizing the two opposing viewpoints to arrive at a new conclusion.

Through the use of antithesis, writers and speakers can create a sense of tension and drama, as well as emphasize the differences between two opposing ideas. It can also be used to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of different arguments and perspectives, and to help readers or listeners come to their own conclusions about a particular topic.

Overall, antithesis is a powerful tool for writers and speakers who wish to make a strong impression on their audience. By using contrasting or opposite ideas in a balanced structure, they can create a sense of tension and drama, emphasize key points, and help their audience come to their own conclusions about a particular topic.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of antithesis?

Antithesis is a figure of speech that contrasts two opposing ideas in a sentence or a phrase. It is often used to create a dramatic effect or to emphasize a point. The term comes from the Greek word “antithesis,” which means “opposition.”

Can you give an example of antithesis in literature?

One famous example of antithesis in literature is the opening lines of Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities”: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” This sentence contrasts the two opposing ideas of good and bad, wisdom and foolishness, to emphasize the stark differences between the two cities.

How is antithesis different from juxtaposition?

Antithesis and juxtaposition are both figures of speech that involve contrasting two ideas. However, antithesis specifically involves contrasting two opposing ideas, while juxtaposition can contrast any two ideas, regardless of whether they are opposing or not.

What are some common uses of antithesis?

Antithesis is commonly used in literature, speeches, and advertising to create a memorable impact on the audience. It can be used to emphasize a point, create a dramatic effect, or to convey a deeper meaning.

What is the purpose of using antithesis in writing?

The purpose of using antithesis is to create a contrast between two opposing ideas, which can help to emphasize a point or to create a memorable impact on the audience. It can also be used to convey a deeper meaning or to create a dramatic effect.

Can you provide an example of antithesis in a school setting?

An example of antithesis in a school setting could be the phrase “knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.” This phrase contrasts the two opposing ideas of knowledge and ignorance to emphasize the importance of education.

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Antithesis: Meaning, Definition and Examples

Figures of speech , otherwise known as rhetorical devices, are used in the English language to beautify and make your language look and sound a lot more effective rather than a literal presentation of information. Each figure of speech has its function and is meant to perform its roles giving the context a unique effect. In this article, you will learn about one such figure of speech called antithesis. Read through the article to learn more about what antithesis is, its definition and how it differs from an oxymoron. You can also check out the examples and analyse how it is written for an in-depth understanding of the same.

Table of Contents

What is antithesis – meaning and definition, what differentiates an antithesis from an oxymoron, some common examples of antithesis, frequently asked questions on antithesis.

An antithesis is a figure of speech that states strongly contrasting ideas placed in juxtaposition. They contain compound sentences with the two independent clauses separated by a comma or a semicolon , in most cases. However, there are also instances where the antithesis is a compound sentence with a conjunction . An antithesis is mainly used to portray the stark difference between the two opposing ideas.

Antithesis, according to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, is defined as “a contrast between two things”, and according to the Cambridge Dictionary, “a difference or opposition between two things”. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary gives a more explanatory definition. According to it, antithesis is “the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences”.

Knowing the difference between an antithesis and an oxymoron will help you comprehend and use both the rhetorical devices effectively. Take a look at the table given below to learn more.

in juxtaposition. to produce an effect.

Here are some of the most common examples of antithesis for your reference.

  • Hope for the best; prepare for the worst.
  • Keep your mouth closed and your eyes open.
  • “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” – Charles Dickens
  • “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” – Neil Armstrong
  • “Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven.” – John Milton
  • Speech is silver, but silence is gold.
  • “Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.” – William Shakespeare
  • Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.
  • “To err is human; to forgive divine.” – Alexander Pope
  • Money is the root of all evil: poverty is the fruit of all goodness.

What is antithesis?

An antithesis is a figure of speech that states strongly contrasting ideas placed in juxtaposition. They contain compound sentences with the two independent clauses separated by a comma or a semicolon, in most cases. However, there are also instances where the antithesis is a compound sentence with a conjunction.

What is the definition of antithesis?

What is the difference between antithesis and oxymoron.

The main difference between an antithesis and an oxymoron is that antithesis refers to the use of two contrasting ideas or thoughts conveyed in two independent clauses placed in juxtaposition, separated by a comma, a semicolon or a conjunction; whereas, the term ‘oxymoron’ refers to the use of two opposite words within a phrase to create an effect.

Give some examples of antithesis.

Here are a few examples of antithesis for your reference.

  • “Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing.” – Goethe
  • “Folks who have no vices have very few virtues.” – Abraham Lincoln
  • “Man proposes, God disposes.”
  • Beggars can’t be choosers.
  • Be slow in choosing, but slower in changing.
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What is Antithesis — Definition & Examples in Literature & Film

I f you’ve ever heard sentence structure, met characters, or witnessed ideas that seem diametrically opposed, you’re actually pretty familiar with the idea of the antithesis. But there is more to it than just juxtaposing ideas. Read on to learn exactly what is antithesis, how this tool is used, and how you can include an antithesis in your next project. 

Antithesis Definition

First, let’s define antithesis.

There are a number of terms often confused for antithesis (like paradox or oxymoron ). But an antithesis has a particular grammatical structure that helps differentiate it from the rest. So, here’s the antithesis definition and then we'll look at specific examples:


What is antithesis.

An antithesis is a rhetorical and literary device with parallel grammar structure but which establishes a nearly complete or exact opposition in ideas or characters. It can be effective in emphasizing drastic differences between opposing concepts.

How to pronounce antithesis: [an-TITH-uh-sis]  

Familiar antithesis examples:

  • “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
  • “No pain, no gain.”
  • “Out of sight, out of mind.”

The word “antithesis” comes from the Greek word meaning “setting opposite,” which is an idea that has been used in various forms. Let’s look at those various forms in more antithesis examples.

Antitheses Examples

How do we use antithesis today.

The purpose of antithetical language is not just mentioning the existence of opposing ideas, but rather emphasizing the stark differences between them.  The often lyrical and rhythmic nature of this device helps accentuate the parallel grammatical structure.

Watch the video below to learn more about how we use antitheses today. 

Antithesis Definition, Examples and Techniques

We use this device in that pure form today (see the examples above) in everyday turns of phrase. But there are more in-depth ways (in actions and story in general) that fit the antithesis definition. 

People and characters can act in an antithetical manner to their beliefs.

Antithesis Examples in Behavior: 

  • A character who says they love animals but wears real fur coats.
  • Someone who says they are vegetarian but eats a big steak for dinner.
  • A person who uses a “Shop Small” tote bag but does their holiday shopping at Walmart. 

In addition, characters in literary or scripted works, much like people, can be antitheses to each other in and of themselves. In fact, this is often how great villains are created.

Check out the video below to see more on writing great villains , and how antagonists can mirror or juxtapose protagonists . 

Page to Picture: How to Write a Villain  •   Subscribe on YouTube

Protagonists can be an “antihero,” or the villain of a story can be portrayed separately as a parallel to the protagonist; therefore, the protagonist and antagonist highlight each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and evil and benevolent qualities. Some classic examples of this pseudo-mirrored antagonist concept are: 

Snow White and the Queen

Batman and Joker

Dumbledore and Voldemort

As you can see, the antithesis is typically the ultimate antagonist, even if the character they are meant to parallel isn’t the protagonist, as is the case in the Harry Potter series. 

Both a strong example of antithesis and nuanced portrayal of complicated character relationships, the Harry Potter series showcases a number of moral ambiguities as they pertain to Dumbledore and Voldemort.

We imported the script into StudioBinder’s screenwriting software to see exactly how this juxtaposition is first established.

Harry Potter Script Teardown Full Script PDF Download StudioBinder Screenwriting Software

Read Full Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Script

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone masterfully establishes the characteristics that Harry and Voldemort share, but it also establishes similarities between Dumbledore and Voldemort.

Throughout the series, these shared traits influence Dumbledore and Voldemort in their objectives and decisions. 

For instance, in the Sorcerer’s Stone , we are introduced to how Voldemort and Dumbledore move through the world. Hagrid tells Harry early on about Voldemort’s rise to power: he was a wizard “who went as bad as you can go [...] anyone who stood up to him ended up dead.” Hagrid frames Voldemort as a powerful wizard, capable of massive destruction. 

What is Antithesis Harry Potter Second Example StudioBinder Screenwriting Software

Antithesis Example in Harry Potter  •   Read Full Scene

Alternatively, towards the end of the first film Dumbledore explains his tactics in his work with Nicolas Flamel on the Sorcerer’s Stone . “Only a person who wanted to find the stone—find it, but not use it—would be able to get it.” Dumbledore respects power and the laws of magic, and his actions reflect that. 

What is Antithesis Harry Potter First Example StudioBinder Screenwriting Software

Further into the series, in Order of the Phoenix , we see what happens when Dumbledore’s tremendous abilities collide with Voldemort’s formidable power in their epic Ministry of Magic duel.

Voldemort’s spells all aim to destruct, whereas Dumbledore’s are equally amazing, but meant to disarm, distinguish, or defend. 

The series is a remarkable example of how antitheses can be essential to a story, and the respective backstories, unique abilities, and of course choices of Voldemort and Dumbledore prove it.  

Implementing Antitheses

How to use antithesis.

With all the ways you can implement and define antithesis, it’s good to have a number of tricks or rules of thumb to keep in your back pocket. Whether you’re writing a short story or your next feature screenplay, here are some things you can keep in mind. 

1. Aim for Moderation

If you’re using antithesis in the form of a rhetorical device, try to keep the number of antitheses to a minimum unless it’s a crucial character trait of the speaker. Using a similar literary device too often can leave your writing predictable or even annoying. The more you use a tool, like antithetical language, the less meaning it can have. 

2. Similar Structure

Keep the structure of your antithesis as similar as possible if you want to highlight the differences more intensely. And try to keep the phrasing itself balanced. Both variables of the equation don’t have to be exact, but the lyrical phrasing can help your antithesis shine and stick long after the read. 

3. Focus on Differences

Focus on contrast but remember to find ways to draw the parallels. How can the characters be compared to the point where their differences become obvious? How can their differences lead to conversation about how the characters may actually be similar? 

Antitheses via characters and sentence structure can assist in not just interesting writing, but memorable writing. They can make your message more understandable and retainable, which should be a top goal in any written work. You never want to give you reader a reason to stop reading.

So, now that you’ve learned more about how an antithesis can strengthen your work, you can implement it  into your next project like a pro.

After all, no guts, no glory. 

What is Irony?

Antithesis is a rhetorical device you can use in everyday speech. Much like an antithesis, we encounter several types of irony in everyday life, too. Keep reading to learn about the types of irony and how they’re used in TV and Film. 

Up Next: Irony Explained →

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How to Use Antithesis in Your Writing (With Examples)

How to Use Antithesis in Your Writing (With Examples)

Antithesis is a rhetorical device that's often misunderstood, even by writing professionals. It may be tempting to avoid using it in your writing, but there are many reasons why you should give it another look, including the following 10 reasons to use antithesis figures of speech in your writing.

Antithesis: Why You Should Use It In Your Writing

Antithesis creates a clear contrast.

An antithesis figure of speech creates a clear contrast between two opposite ideas. The important thing to keep in mind is that both ideas need to be logically connected and make sense together.

One of the most common examples of an antithesis is the juxtaposition between life and death, where one would represent the world as we know it, while the other represents what follows it. Another example is that of light and darkness; they are both contrasting concepts, but they still connect in some way because they are opposites.

Antithesis highlights contradictions

Antithesis is the use of words that are opposite or contrasting in meaning. For example, to be or not to be. Antithesis is used in writing to create a dramatic effect.

Contrary to what you might think, an antithetical statement can enhance a passage instead of detracting from it. It helps to show two sides of an argument and bring balance to your writing.

Effective use of antithesis figures of speech will also bring out the nuances in your subject matter and make it easier for readers to understand your point. The classic example of this technique is found in Hamlet’s famous line to be or not to be; this juxtaposition highlights how we all have a choice about life and death.

Antithesis adds rhythm to your writing

When you're writing, it's easy to fall into a rhythm of saying the same thing over and over again. But by adding antithesis in your writing, you can add rhythm that'll make your text more interesting. Antithesis is when you say the opposite of what you just said, or contrast one idea with another.

An example of an antithesis figure of speech would be I'm not hungrily followed by I'm starving. The two sentences are contrasting ideas which will likely keep your reader engaged because they don't know what to expect next.

Here are some other antithesis figure of speech examples in common phrases: all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, the exception proves the rule, don't shoot the messenger. The use of antithesis has several benefits to your writing including keeping readers interested and reinforcing the meaning behind certain phrases. Adding this type of contrast in your writing can be very beneficial for making a point clear.

Antithesis makes your writing more memorable

It has been proven time and time again that people are more likely to remember something if it's in a form that contrasts with what they've already heard. You can use antithesis in your writing by presenting two opposing ideas or concepts and letting the reader decide which one they believe is right.

Consider these two sentences of antithesis figure of speech examples : We should have left hours ago and It's too late to leave now. The first sentence tells readers that they should have left long ago, while the second sentence tells them there is no point in leaving since it's too late. Antithesis can be used for all sorts of things, from metaphors to titles.

Antithesis can help you make a persuasive argument

An antithesis is a sentence, phrase, or word that contrasts with the previous one. For example, He was strong and brave versus He was weak. Antitheses are a great way to add power to your argument by making it more persuasive.

One common use of an antithesis is in the famous quote from John F Kennedy's inaugural address: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. The first part of this statement is a request for help, while the second part has a much more powerful tone of asking people to contribute their talents.

When we hear these words, we know that JFK wants us to get up off our couches and participate in life - whether as a citizen or volunteers. What better way to make an impact than through your writing?

A good rule of thumb is never to have two statements the same, which means finding some way of contrasting them (e.g., no quotes should be used twice). However, don't worry if this seems like too much work - just reading over what you've written will probably be enough to come up with some opposites.

Antithesis can be used to create a dramatic effect

An antithesis is a sentence, phrase, or clause that contrasts with another. One of the most common types of antitheses is those that compare two different things.

For antithesis figure of speech examples , some people who are too proud to say they're sorry could be compared to some people who are humble enough to say they're sorry. Antitheses can also be used as a way to show contrast like he was quick and agile as opposed to he was slow and clumsy. By using an antithesis in your writing you can create a dramatic effect, show contrast, or even make an argument.

Antithesis can help you clarify your ideas

When you use antithesis, you are creating an inherent contradiction that adds a certain level of complexity to your writing. This can be done by placing two words, phrases, or clauses next to one another that are opposites.

One antithesis figure of speech example of this is the phrase out with the old and in with the new. Antitheses can also be created by contrasting ideas, colors, nouns, pronouns, or verbs. The effect can help you clarify your thoughts and make your writing more interesting for readers. Examples include Jane walking down the street and Joe running down the street; blue is cold while red is warm; we want them to do it while they don't want us to tell them what to do.

Take these five sentences, I'm not angry anymore, said John after drinking some tea. I'm very calm, he added when he noticed her worried expression. That's good, she responded as she reached over and patted his hand. These sentences would read better if they were paired with their antithesis: I'm not angry anymore, said John after drinking some tea. I'm very mad! he added when he noticed her worried expression. That's bad, she responded as she reached over and slapped his hand.

Antithesis can make your writing more concise

An antithesis is a figure of speech that is used to create balance or contrast between two opposing ideas. The two opposite ideas are set next to each other to show their differences and similarities.

Antitheses can make your writing more concise by adding a second idea that clarifies the original one. They can also be used to build up the suspense because they make the reader want to know what the contrasting idea is.

Antitheses are most often used in dialogue and prose, but they can be used in poetry as well. One thing to keep in mind when using an antithesis is not to use it too often. As with any technique, overusing it will take away from its power and effectiveness.

A good antithesis figure of speech example of an effective use of an antithesis comes from Anne Frank's diary: How on earth have people come so far, yet learned so little?

Antithesis can add emphasis

Antithesis is a rhetorical technique in which two words, phrases, clauses, or sentences contrast in meaning. This is done to add emphasis to the point that is being made. For example, The world is round can be contrasted with The world is flat.

When using an antithesis in your writing you can bring out the point you're trying to make and give it more weight by contrasting it with another idea. Using antithesis can help add emphasis because when you use one word or phrase and then it's the opposite, this sets up a clear relationship between these two concepts.

Using antithesis can make your writing more interesting

One of the best ways to make your writing more interesting is to use antithesis. Antitheses are opposites that are put together in a sentence. They can be used as a rhetorical device or for emphasis. There are many types of antitheses, but we will focus on the most common one, which is called verbal antithesis.

Verbal antitheses can be defined as words and phrases placed in pairs to contrast their meanings and create an effect of balance and harmony between them. A famous example of this is from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet where he has these lines: What light through yonder window breaks?

Antithesis in Your Writing: Ways to Make Your Words Work Harder for You

Antithesis is the best tool you can use to make your writing work harder and get noticed. What exactly is antithesis? Here’s an example: Many people are afraid of heights, but I would love to stand on top of Mount Everest just so I could have bragging rights. In the above sentence, it’s clear that mountain top and bragging rights are opposites, so both are used as examples of antithesis in writing (the first one uses spatial opposites, and the second one uses verbal opposites). But what about this sentence?

1) Start with a strong thesis

Since you are reading this sentence, I'm going to assume that you have a basic understanding of what an antithesis is. Now let's break down the definition and explore some ways that we can use it as a rhetorical device.

Antitheses are used when two opposite ideas or statements are presented together, typically to make a point or strengthen an argument. When we use antithesis, the two contrasting parts of our sentence are balanced against each other, which is why it is often referred to as the figure of balance.

The word antithesis comes from the Greek language meaning opposite and has been used by many well-known writers throughout history including Shakespeare and Aristotle.

2) Introduce your topic

Antithesis is the juxtaposition of two contrasting or opposing words, phrases, clauses, or sentences within a sentence or phrase. Some examples of antithetical pairs include peace and war, strong and weak, and life and death. The use of this rhetorical device emphasizes one side of the pair while diminishing the other.

Antithesis is often used as a literary device in poetry, prose, and other forms of writing. It can also be used to emphasize an idea, which can lead to varying interpretations of the meaning. For example, consider these two sentences:

  • No matter how hard you work, you'll never be good enough.
  • However hard you work, you will never be good enough!

3) Introduce your antithesis

An antithesis is a figure of speech that juxtaposes two ideas or concepts. When it's done well, it can make your writing more powerful by adding an element of contrast, irony, or surprise. This post will provide you with examples of what an antithesis looks like and how you can implement it into your writing. Let's get started!

First, let's look at the following sentence: I love working at this job. It sounds great on its face. However, consider the following sentence where the same idea is given as an antithesis: I hate working at this job. Now it's a little less pleasant and could use some context as to why this person feels so strongly about their current job.

What if I told you that they had been harassed? What if they work long hours for very low pay? That would give you additional information about why someone might hate their current job but still want to do it out of necessity.

4) Develop your ideas

The word antithesis comes from the Greek words anti, meaning against or opposite of, and thesis, meaning position, proposition, or opinion.

Antithesis means a juxtaposition of two opposing thoughts. It's a rhetorical device that uses contrast to create emphasis. Antithesis is like a yin-yang symbol, with each side balancing out the other side.

Antithesis can be used as either a synonym or antonym. For example, if you want to emphasize one quality over another, you might use antithesis by pairing it with its opposite; such as dark and light. This type of antithetical contrast is called chiastic antithesis.

5) Use concrete examples

  • Create a stark contrast
  • Create emphasis
  • Clarify thoughts
  • Show the duality of a situation
  • Increase dramatic tension
  • Emphasize an idea or emotion by juxtaposing it with its opposite

6) Be clear and concise

An antithesis is a contrasting idea that creates a balance within a sentence. It can be used effectively when there are two opposing ideas, but the contrasting idea is not simply the opposite of the original idea. Antitheses can also be used as one of many other rhetorical devices, such as anaphora or personification. Here are some examples of antithesis at work:

The father was generous with his time and money. The father was stingy with his time and money. She loved her job. She hated her job. They were sitting on their hands. They were dancing their fingers off. Here's what I have found, he said, shoving all of his papers in front of me. Take your pick! There's something for every type of student here!

My hand shoots out instinctively, grabbing my assignment from him. He offers no resistance, though it must be clear from my expression that I don't want this paper. There is nothing on it but meaningless scribbles. No instructions, no questions, and nothing at all to help me understand what it is supposed to do for me.

I glance up through narrowed eyes and see him watching me carefully—as if waiting for something—but I am too angry now to figure out what it might be. So I drop the assignment back onto the table and stalk away without another word.

7) Use simple language

What is Antithesis? The definition of Antithesis is the direct opposite or contrast. What does this mean? This means that you are using two different ideas, words, phrases, etc. together to create a more powerful meaning.

How do you use Antithesis? Here are some examples of Antithesis that you can use in your writing. In these sentences, we have put an example sentence with antithesis first and then followed it with another sentence without antithesis. He was alone but not lonely. He was lonely but not alone. He felt hopeless yet confident. He felt confident yet hopeless.

8 )Avoid clichés

A cliché is a phrase that is so overused and tired that it has lost its meaning. Here are some examples of clichés and how you can avoid them: Just do it. Instead say, Don't just sit around waiting. - You're never too old to learn. Instead say, Age is just a number. - He's a diamond in the rough. Say, I see potential here. Or He has a lot of untapped talent. Think about using contrast: Contrast means comparing two things or ideas side-by-side to emphasize their differences. If someone is poor, for example, then he might be very rich somewhere else. If he loves his job one day but hates it the next day, the contrast will highlight the changes in his emotions. Example sentences:

  • Poverty exists in every corner of our country.
  • It's hard when you're rich one day but poor another day.

9) Edit and proofread your work

There are many ways you can use antithesis to spice up your writing. The most common is contrasting two different words or phrases, but there are also plenty of other ways that you can use this literary device. Below, you'll find a list of a few examples and some tips on how to use them.

Contrasting two words or phrases using opposites, such as up-down or black-white. This is probably the most common way people use antithetical language and it's easy to see why; the contrast makes readers pause and thinks about what was said before continuing with the sentence. A quick example would be The green trees swaying in the wind.

One could quickly assume that this is because they're blowing in the wind, but if we add a little more information by saying The green trees swayed gently back and forth, then we know that they're not just swaying due to strong winds.

A good rule of thumb when choosing which words or phrases to use when doing this type of comparison is to pick ones that have opposite meanings from each other. If you want to say something like I love cake while still contrasting two things, then say I love cake more than I love bread. It doesn't always need to be an opposing word though;

10) Follow the rules of grammar

An antithesis is a rhetorical device that presents two contrasting ideas, usually through the use of parallelism. It has been used extensively throughout literary history and can be found in many different forms of writing. Antitheses are typically introduced with a coordinating conjunction such as but, yet, or however. They also often contain one or more correlating conjunctions such as although or nevertheless.

In this sentence, the antithesis is introduced with the conjunctions but and yet: Yet we should not forget his contributions.

In this sentence, the antithesis is introduced with the conjunctions however and nevertheless: However difficult it may seem, you will have to carry on.

Antithesis means the placing of contrasting ideas together, especially as a rhetorical device. If you're not quite sure what it means or how to use it, don't worry! That's what this article is for! By the time you're finished reading, you'll know all about antithesis in your writing and have even learned some cool ways to incorporate it into your style.

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How do you use antithesis in writing?

Incorporating antithesis into your writing will make it more powerful. Antithesis is the act of juxtaposing two opposite or contrasting words, phrases, clauses, or sentences within a sentence. This technique creates emphasis on the meaning and can be used to show irony or emphasize a point.

What are antithesis and its examples?

When you're writing, it's important to use antithesis or the act of putting two opposing ideas together.

This can be done through contrast in words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. It can also be done through an oppositional sentence structure. Here are some examples of antithesis that make your writing more powerful and engaging!

What is an antithesis in writing?

An antithesis is a sentence that contrasts an idea with its opposite. It's usually used as the second half of a sentence. When you use antitheses, you can make your words work harder and make your writing more interesting. Here are some examples of how you might use an antithesis in your writing:

  • I've never been more lost than when I found myself on the road less traveled.
  • A man who was once very wise now lives as if he knows nothing at all.

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[ an- tith - uh -sis ]

the antithesis of right and wrong.

Her behavior was the very antithesis of cowardly.

Synonyms: reverse , opposite

  • the placing of a sentence or one of its parts against another to which it is opposed to form a balanced contrast of ideas, as in “Give me liberty or give me death.”
  • the second sentence or part thus set in opposition, as “or give me death.”
  • Philosophy. Hegelian dialectic

/ ænˈtɪθɪsɪs /

  • the exact opposite
  • contrast or opposition
  • rhetoric the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas, phrases, or words so as to produce an effect of balance, such as my words fly up, my thoughts remain below
  • philosophy the second stage in the Hegelian dialectic contradicting the thesis before resolution by the synthesis

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Other words from.

  • self-an·tithe·sis noun

Word History and Origins

Origin of antithesis 1

Example Sentences

In the Democratic primary in his home state, he was humiliated by his old antithesis Wallace, who beat him decisively.

It cannot be stressed enough that the behavior of the sitting president is the antithesis of the ideals of American democracy, institutions or peaceful transitions.

American Christians may have chosen cynicism in 2016, but cynicism is the antithesis of the Christian faith, and cynicism won’t have the final word in America, either.

The transhuman cannot exist outside of ubuntu, of course, which is the antithesis of the colonial order for a number of reasons.

Tesla’s being touted as a go-go player in the antithesis of a go-go sector.

Belle Knox is the antithesis of Jenna Jameson—and not just in looks.

To me this is the antithesis of what travel should be about.

Married at First Sight is the antithesis of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette.

Yet its sound is the musical antithesis of a blended Frappuccino.

Now Joffrey, the Starks' black-hearted antithesis, has met a similar fate.

If you did fail, you would try Exclusion, and you would find nothing which is the antithesis of the area of New York.

Thus seen, socialism appeared as the very antithesis of law and order, of love and chastity, and of religion itself.

There is, however, but little danger of overdoing the parallel construction where there is no antithesis.

Nor is it to be wondered at, if we consider the antithesis which is presented to their usual mode of life.

He is a sentimental Classicist, and his subjects the antithesis of the Grco-Roman ideal to which he does homage in his technique.

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Antithesis Examples

Antithesis is the term used to refer to an author's use of two contrasting or opposite terms in a sentence for effect. The two terms are set near each other to enhance or highlight the contrast in opposite meaning.

Sometimes, characters in literary works are the antithesis of each other. The two characters are shown as opposites in order to highlight the good qualities of one and the evil qualities of the other.

1. When he became the first man to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong said that it was a " small step for man, but a giant leap for mankind."

2. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom , it was the age of foolishness ." Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

3. Snow White and the Wicked Queen in Snow White and The Seven Dwarfsare the antithesis of each other.

4. "To err is human ; to forgive, divine ." Alexander Pope

5. The poem "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost sets up a contrast between the terms "fire" and "ice".

6. "And let my liver rather heat with wine than my heart cool with mortifying groans. "The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare

7. Let's agree to disagree .

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Home / Guides / Grammar Guides / Vocabulary Guides / Usage Guides / How To Use Antithesis In A Sentence

How To Use Antithesis In A Sentence

This helpful guide will show you how to use antithesis in a sentence. It will show you the definition of antithesis , as well as synonyms, antonyms, and the type of connotation that the word can carry.

Usage for antithesis

Definition: the opposite of something

Part(s) of speech: noun

Antonyms: same; similar; alike

Synonyms: contrast; inverse; counter

Here are but a few sample sentences of the word in action!

  • Peace is the very antithesis of war.
  • Our leader’s behavior is the anthesis of the principles that our country was founded upon.
  • When I see them mix, it certainly seems like oil is the antithesis of water.
  • That movie was the antithesis of great art; what a piece of garbage.
  • I truly believe grief is the antithesis of joy. I’m having trouble seeing how you can help me feel better when I’ve just gone through this loss.
  • I love when horror movies have elements of comedy because usually one genre is the antithesis of the other.
  • In order to pass this bill, we need compromise. You have to understand that Democrats are not wholly the antithesis of Republicans.
  • I’ve been a cynic my entire life. How can you expect me to be optimistic at a time like this when it would be the antithesis of my whole personality.
  • A high school debate usually involves one side making an argument on a subject and the other side making an argument that is the antithesis argument on the same subject.
  • I think Jeremy is good for me right now. He’s the antithesis of my ex-boyfriend, so it’s just what I need.
  • People who think comic books are the antithesis of literature clearly have not read enough well-written comic books.
  • How can you keep all the presents you bought just for yourself? That kind of attitude is the antithesis of the spirit of Christmas.
  • I think you’ll agree; it’s very obvious that fire is the antithesis of ice .
  • Some might say television is the antithesis of high art, but they clearly haven’t watched enough HBO.
  • Censorship from the government is the very antithesis of a free press; how can you not see that?

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Definition of antithesis

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Writers and speechmakers use the traditional pattern known as antithesis for its resounding effect; John Kennedy's famous "ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country" is an example. But antithesis normally means simply "opposite". Thus, war is the antithesis of peace, wealth is the antithesis of poverty, and love is the antithesis of hate. Holding two antithetical ideas in one's head at the same time—for example, that you're the sole master of your fate but also the helpless victim of your terrible upbringing—is so common as to be almost normal.

Examples of antithesis in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'antithesis.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Late Latin, from Greek, literally, opposition, from antitithenai to oppose, from anti- + tithenai to set — more at do

1529, in the meaning defined at sense 1b(1)

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“Antithesis.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 12 Jun. 2024.

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Definition of antithesis noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

  • Love is the antithesis of selfishness.
  • Students finishing their education at 16 is the very antithesis of what society needs.
  • The current establishment is the antithesis of democracy.
  • antithesis between
  • antithesis of

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Slate’s guide to the most important figures in politics this week.

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Surge, a newsletter whose 150 meals a year at Morton’s the Steakhouse suddenly look like child’s play .

Speaking of child’s play, we’ve got an actual child in the Surge this week. Also, the antithesis of a child, in Joe Biden. And the rapper 50 Cent!! It’s almost like it’s summer. Plus: Another update from the United Kingdom, a land of horrors.

Let’s begin, though, with a sneaky good primary in Virginia, featuring all of the Surge’s favorite friends.

By Jim Newell

1. Bob Good

The Virginia primary for Rep. Bob Good, the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, is fast becoming one of the most delightful of the cycle. If you’ll recall from last week’s edition, Trump had endorsed Good’s opponent, John McGuire, likely in retaliation for Good’s endorsement of Ron DeSantis (and leaked private criticism of Trump) in the presidential primary. But this has expanded beyond a one-on-one feud between Good and Trump. A host of Freedom Caucus(–adjacent) members and typical Trump ride-or-dies, including Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz , have endorsed and are campaigning for Good. Trump, meanwhile, has sent Good’s campaign a cease-and-desist letter instructing it to stop giving out yard signs that suggest that Good has Trump’s backing. Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has endorsed McGuire, released a video this week standing next to one of the (indeed, very deceiving) yard signs on the side of a road. Trump, in a video of his own this week, reiterated his support for McGuire, saying that Good “will stab you in the back like he did me.” The primary is June 18. Let’s hope that it continues to get uglier until then, for the purposes of having fun on the internet.

2. Joe Biden

Last week, we wrote about how no one could immediately predict how the Trump guilty verdict in New York would affect the election given the unprecedented nature of the situation, and that anyone who made a confident prediction was a liar who should go to jail. (More on jail later.) But now seven days have passed, and the Surge is officially lifting the embargo on gabbin’ about polls. Several surveys showed Biden picking up a point or two on Trump in the week after the verdict. New York Times polling freak Nate Cohn, after poring through raw strands of code, gave “an equivocal ‘yes’ ”—mmm, sweet, sweet equivocation—to the question of whether the verdict had changed anyone’s mind. In a New York Times/Siena College poll, which reinterviewed those who had previously taken the poll, Trump’s margin of support over Biden dipped from 3 points to 1. That’s not an especially handsome difference, but there was a good sign for Biden under the hood. Among those most likely to shift were “young, nonwhite and disengaged Democratic-leaning voters,” whose soft support for Biden relative to 2020 has been a major factor in Trump’s polling leads this year. This is not to say that the conviction particularly stunned these voters into thinking that Trump may not be such a swell guy after all, but the news coverage may have jolted them a bit from disengagement to engagement. That this will happen more and more down the stretch is, essentially, the Biden team’s theory of the campaign. So it may be not that the verdict itself changes the trajectory of the election on its own, but that it’s the first in a series of events over the next five months that could provide the Holy shit, Trump could be president again! moments the Biden campaign needs.

3. Guy Rose

The hottest new celebrity in Washington this week was 6-year-old Guy Rose, the son of Tennessee Rep. John Rose. (We believe that this makes Rose the youngest-ever entrant on the Surge, perhaps with the exception of one of Biden’s psychotic dogs.) On Monday, while the elder Rose was delivering a House floor speech lambasting the criminal conviction of Donald Trump, his son was seated behind him , making silly faces for the camera. Guy Rose then went on something of a press tour after getting some “media training” from a Rose staffer. He told the Washington Post that his father’s speech had been “so boring” and Fox News that it was “boring stuff.” He also tried to explain that his gestures had been intended to spell the letters S-A-M as a message to his younger brother and to make him laugh. The paparazzi also caught him rolling around on the White House lawn during the annual congressional picnic on Tuesday. He did an interview with the Wall Street Journal. He was, within a couple of days, significantly more famous than his father.

50 Cent was at the Capitol this week! You will know this if you follow any congressional reporter, because they all got their pictures taken with the rapper. Mr. Cent was there to take meetings with both Democrats and Republicans to talk about growing Black entrepreneurship in the spirits industry—but also to tweet a ton of pictures with lawmakers, including Speaker Mike Johnson, Majority Leader Steve Scalise, and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi . His thirstiest post , though, was with Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert, who, he wrote, was “making the white house look good,” with a smirking emoji. He later followed that up with another post, which we will simply copy-paste : “Wait, wait, guys, i took pictures with everyone and all you seem to care about is Lauren … what she do in a dark theater that hasn’t been done, my God ! Hey I don’t have chlamydia by the way. LOL.” Just name the week, 50 Cent, and you’re guest-writing the Surge. He also made some headlines, telling a CBS News reporter that he sees Black men “identifying with Trump” in the upcoming election “because they got RICO charges.” Dum dee dum, next entry …

5. Ronny Jackson and Scott Perry

Speaker Mike Johnson made an eye-popping personnel decision this week, when he appointed Reps. Scott Perry, a former Freedom Caucus chairman whose phone was seized by the FBI in 2022, and Ronny Jackson, a former White House doctor with a colorful history in that position and the sort of person who has a “2023 Texas rodeo incident” section on his Wikipedia page, to the House Intelligence Committee. Further, Johnson didn’t tip off the committee chair, Rep. Michael Turner, about his decisions before he announced them, and he skipped over other, more normal-brained members for the appointment. Appointing two members not particularly known for their levelheadedness to a committee charged with serious work has not gone over well on either the Republican or Democratic side of the aisle. So why did Johnson do it? For the same reason any House Republican does anything: “because Trump wanted him to,” as Punchbowl News reported . But that’s probably it, right? Trump’s a modest guy. He doesn’t like to ask for too many favors from the people he controls.

6. Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon, the former Trump White House aide turned Trump enemy turned Trump friend and MAGA media maven, got some poor news this week: He might have to go to jail after all. Just a tough break. Bannon had been convicted of contempt of Congress in 2022 for his refusal to cooperate with the House Jan. 6 committee and was sentenced to four months in jail. The judge had paused his sentence while Bannon appealed, however, giving him more time to spend in the podcast booth. This week, though, the same federal judge determined that Bannon would have to report to jail by July 1 after a circuit court rejected Bannon’s arguments. Bannon vowed to keep fighting his sentence, to take it “all the way to the Supreme Court if we have to.” Well, we hope he has a nice time with that. But he should really just go now so he can be back in action just in time for the closing month of the election! Think of all the #content he would miss if he didn’t leave jail until the beginning of November.

7. Rishi Sunak

For the second time in three weeks, His Majesty’s Surge—that cheeky bugger—has artfully dodged its way into this edition. As we know, the Tories, after being in power for 14 years, are a few short weeks away from losing by 1 million points in the July 4 general election. Among their problems is a complete and unbreakable disdain among the British public for everything they do. And this week, they fucked up a photo op. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak left the international celebration of the 80 th anniversary of D-Day early to return home and film a television interview. That left the U.K. government’s foreign secretary, the right honorable Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton , to stand in for him in photos with fellow world leaders Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Volodymyr Zelensky, and Olaf Scholz. Sunak’s premature departure irritated everyone in Britain and earned him the reprimand, from a 98-year-old D-Day veteran, that Sunak had let the country down . That’s very poor press a few weeks ahead of a general election. Sunak apologized and added , “It’s important, though, given the enormity of the sacrifice made, that we don’t politicize this.” Do not make political hay out of the political leader’s mistake—unless you hate the troops.

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  1. Antithesis

    Here's a quick and simple definition: Antithesis is a figure of speech that juxtaposes two contrasting or opposing ideas, usually within parallel grammatical structures. For instance, Neil Armstrong used antithesis when he stepped onto the surface of the moon in 1969 and said, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind ...

  2. Antithesis

    Antithesis is typically achieved through parallel structure, in which opposing concepts or elements are paired in adjacent phrases, clauses, or sentences. This draws the reader's attention to the significance or importance of the agents being contrasted, thereby adding a memorable and meaningful quality to the literary work.

  3. What is Antithesis? Definition, Examples of Antitheses in Writing

    An antithesis is just that—an "anti" "thesis.". An antithesis is used in writing to express ideas that seem contradictory. An antithesis uses parallel structure of two ideas to communicate this contradiction. Example of Antithesis: "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." -Muhammad Ali. This example of antithesis is a famous ...

  4. Antithesis Examples and Definition

    Antithesis is the use of contrasting concepts, words, or sentences within parallel grammatical structures. This combination of a balanced structure with opposite ideas serves to highlight the contrast between them. For example, the following famous Muhammad Ali quote is an example of antithesis: "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.".

  5. How to Use Antithesis in Your Writing: Definition and Examples of

    How to Use Antithesis in Your Writing: Definition and Examples of Antithesis as a Literary Device. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 • 3 min read. The English language is full of literary devices that can enliven your writing. One tool used often in literature and politics is called antithesis. Articles. Videos.

  6. Antithesis: Definition and Examples

    Antithesis performs a very similar function, but does so in a more complicated way by using full sentences (rather than single words or images) to express the two halves of the juxtaposition. Here is an antithesis built around some of the common expressions from above "Sheep go to Heaven; goats go to Hell."

  7. What is Antithesis? Examples of Antithesis in Literature and Speech

    The purpose of antithesis is to create a stark contrast between the two ideas, often to emphasize a point or to create a sense of tension or conflict. For example, one famous example of antithesis comes from Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities": "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.".

  8. Definition and Examples of Antithesis in Rhetoric

    Word association tests give ample evidence of the consistent linking of opposites in verbal memory when subjects given one of a pair of antonyms most often respond with the other, 'hot' triggering 'cold' or 'long' retrieving 'short' (Miller 1991, 196). An antithesis as a figure of speech at the sentence level builds on these powerful natural ...

  9. Antithesis Definition & Examples in Speech and Literature

    We will now take a look at some examples of sentences in which antithesis is present. Give all men your ear, but few men your voice. Love is an ideal thing but marriage is a real thing. Speech is silver but silence is golden. Patience is bitter but it bears sweet fruit.

  10. Examples of "Antithesis" in a Sentence

    8. The taste of the day -not yet emancipated from the influence of the Sicilian rhetoric -probably demanded a large use of antithesis. 4. 2. The stimulus of contradiction is no doubt a strong one; but the easiest way of escaping it is to shut our eyes to one side of the antithesis. 4.

  11. Antithesis: Definition, Grammartical Structure and Examples

    June 23, 2023. Antithesis is a rhetorical device that involves contrasting two opposing ideas in a sentence or a paragraph. It is a powerful tool used in literature, speeches, and debates to emphasize the difference between two ideas. The word antithesis is derived from the Greek word "antitithenai," which means "to oppose" or "to set ...

  12. Antithesis: Meaning, Definition and Examples

    An antithesis is a figure of speech that states strongly contrasting ideas placed in juxtaposition. They contain compound sentences with the two independent clauses separated by a comma or a semicolon, in most cases. However, there are also instances where the antithesis is a compound sentence with a conjunction. Q2.

  13. What is antithesis and antithesis examples

    The word antithesis is sometimes used to mean 'opposite'. For example, "She is slim and sporty - the very antithesis of her brother". However, 'antithesis' (or 'antitheses' if plural) is also the name given to a particular rhetorical or literary device. In this blog post, we'll be looking at 'antithesis' in its role as ...

  14. What is Antithesis

    Familiar antithesis examples: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.". "No pain, no gain.". "Out of sight, out of mind.". The word "antithesis" comes from the Greek word meaning "setting opposite," which is an idea that has been used in various forms. Let's look at those various forms in more ...

  15. How to Use Antithesis in Your Writing

    Antithesis is the use of words that are opposite or contrasting in meaning. For example, to be or not to be. Antithesis is used in writing to create a dramatic effect. Contrary to what you might think, an antithetical statement can enhance a passage instead of detracting from it. It helps to show two sides of an argument and bring balance to ...

  16. ANTITHESIS Definition & Meaning

    Antithesis definition: opposition; contrast. See examples of ANTITHESIS used in a sentence.

  17. Antithesis Examples

    Antithesis is the term used to refer to an author's use of two contrasting or opposite terms in a sentence for effect. The two terms are set near each other to enhance or highlight the contrast in opposite meaning. Sometimes, characters in literary works are the antithesis of each other. The two characters are shown as opposites in order to highlight the good qualities of one and the evil ...

  18. How To Use Antithesis In A Sentence

    This helpful guide will show you how to use antithesis in a sentence.It will show you the definition of antithesis, as well as synonyms, antonyms, and the type of connotation that the word can carry.. Usage for antithesis. Definition: the opposite of something Part(s) of speech: noun Antonyms: same; similar; alike Synonyms: contrast; inverse; counter Here are but a few sample sentences of the ...

  19. Antithesis

    Rhetorical antithesis. In rhetoric, antithesis is a figure of speech involving the bringing out of a contrast in the ideas by an obvious contrast in the words, clauses, or sentences, within a parallel grammatical structure.. The term "antithesis" in rhetoric goes back to the 4th century BC, for example Aristotle, Rhetoric, 1410a, in which he gives a series of examples.

  20. Antithesis Definition & Meaning

    antithesis: [noun] the direct opposite. the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences (as in "action, not words" or "they promised freedom and provided slavery"). opposition, contrast. the second of two opposing words, clauses, or sentences that are being rhetorically contrasted.

  21. antithesis noun

    Word Origin late Middle English (originally denoting the substitution of one grammatical case for another): from late Latin, from Greek antitithenai 'set against', from anti 'against' + tithenai 'to place'. The earliest current sense, denoting a rhetorical or literary device, dates from the early 16th cent.

  22. ANTITHESIS in a sentence

    Examples of ANTITHESIS in a sentence, how to use it. 99 examples: In the world today we face two great economic antitheses. - Economic…

  23. Biden vs. Trump polling, MAGA Republican infighting, Guy Rose: The

    50 Cent was at the Capitol this week! You will know this if you follow any congressional reporter, because they all got their pictures taken with the rapper.