
PhD vs MD vs MD PhD – What’s right for you?

  • Cracking Med School Admissions Team

For some students, choosing between a career in medicine and one in science seems like an impossible task. Many times, students will engage in research during college and develop an interest in medicine and do not want to give up the ability to do both by pursuing either a PhD or MD. Recognizing this desire, many medical schools have also created MD-PhD combined programs that allow students to get both degrees. With the plethora of options offered for graduate degrees coming out of college, many applicants are unsure of which program is best for them.

In this blog post, we will cover the following topics:

  • PhD vs MD vs MD PhD?

What are the differences between PhD vs MD?

  • MD vs MD PhD – which is right for a future doctor?
  • Pros and Cons of MD PhD
  • Complete List of MSTP Programs
  • Resources for future MD PhD Applicants

Our Students Were Accepted at These MD PhD Programs!

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PhD vs MD vs MD PhD

Before we analyze the differences between these programs, we will clearly define what each program consists of.

What is a PhD? PhD programs are funded graduate doctoral degree programs ranging from 4-8 years offered by research universities to teach and mentor graduates to contribute to research in their field, develop societal solutions, and train the next generation of scientists.

What is an MD? MD degrees are granted by allopathic medical schools in the United States, last four years, and prepare graduates to enter the world of medicine as physicians, usually through continued training in residency and fellowship programs.

What is an MD PhD program? MD/PhD programs are funded programs that last 7-9 years and train graduates to be clinical and academic leaders as both physicians and researchers who work closely with patients but also dedicate a significant amount of their time to researching areas adjacent to medicine to improve knowledge and treatment protocols.

When deciding PhD vs MD vs MD PhD, most students will first need to decide what aspects of science are most interesting to them – do they enjoy the interpersonal interactions or working with the biology itself to make new discoveries? First, let’s look at the differences between a PhD vs MD. There are three core differences between getting a PhD and an MD: career opportunities, admissions and training, and cost.

Career Options

As rigorous and prestigious degree programs, both MDs and PhDs have a plethora of career opportunities available to them. Most graduates from MD programs elected to continue their training by completing a residency and fellowship to become specialized and practice medicine. Nonetheless some graduates also choose to pursue alternative careers in public health, business, or education. In fact, 32% of graduates from Stanford’s MD program [1] chose not to a pursue a residency, many drawn by the allure of alternative ways to produce impact in society.

PhD graduates tend to have slightly more options, in both the academic and professional spheres. Many PhD candidates choose to pursue the established path of joining a research university to perform their research while teaching undergraduate and graduate students. This path often is best suited for those extremely passionate about their research topics who seek to mentor younger researchers and students but suffers from department politics attached to rising up professorial ranks and difficulties in receiving funding in certain disciplines.

Many other graduates choose to pursue non-academic work, whether it is joining an established industry company, starting their own companies, or working in public sector agencies. In these endeavors, they are able to leverage much of their subject matter expertise to conduct research, assess business operations and growth options, and contribute to public health or public works initiatives. At the same time, many graduates who take this path may find themselves drifting away from their academic routes and may find a slightly more fast-paced lifestyle than in academia.

Whether you pursue and MD degree or PhD degree, there are several post-graduate career options. 

Admissions and Training

Admissions and training processes and timelines are also highly variable between MD and PhD paths, and require different planning for each.

MD Admissions and Training: MD programs often have extremely long admissions timelines, often starting two years before matriculation when many students begin studying for the MCAT (the medical school admissions exam). In addition, the increasing expectations of applicants has resulted in an increasing number of students taking gap years to adequately prepare to apply. After applying and matriculating, medical students have four years of medical school, followed by anywhere from 3-10 years of post-graduate specialization training. Furthermore, applications often have multiple components, require in-person interviews, and have delayed decision timelines.

PhD Admissions and Training: In contrast, PhD programs have relatively simpler timelines, with most students applying the winter before they plan to matriculate, with many schools not requiring standardized testing (GRE) to apply. After applying, many students receive interviews within a few weeks and an admissions decision soon after. After matriculating, program length can differ significantly, but usually consists of 5-8 years of graduate research and training before one is able to complete their degree.

Despite recruiting students with similar skillsets and backgrounds, medical school and graduate PhD programs have radically different cost structures. While pursuing an MD is a costly endeavor (often ranging from $200-400k), PhDs are usually fully funded and most students receive a generous living stipend. With this in mind, one would assume that most students would naturally gravitate to a PhD. However, while the median biology PhD starting salary is $100k [2] , the median starting salary for a physician is double – at $200k [2] – such that many physicians recoup the cost of their education in the long term. Although the ultimate decision will depend on your desire to take on loans and your career and training area preferences, cost is undoubtably an important component of this decision as well.

What are the differences between MD vs MD PhD

Differences between MD and MD-PhD admissions are neither widely discussed nor well understood, mostly because only 6-7% of students applying to medical school choose to pursue this path. [4]  

MD-PhD programs are one of many dual-degree programs offered by medical schools and allow you to receive medical training while developing expertise in a particular research area. Your research focus can range from hard science like molecular biology and genetics to the social sciences like sociology. Since you would be getting two degrees, a MD-PhD program is designed to take 7-8 years, instead of 4 years for medical school and 5-6 years for a PhD. Usually, MD-PhD candidates will spend their first two years doing pre-clinical coursework with MD students. After completing their pre-medical requirements and taking the STEP 1 exam, MD-PhD students will usually take 3-5 years for their doctoral studies before they return for their final two years of clinical rotations.

In the United States, there are approximately 130 MD-PhD programs and 45 of these programs are known as Medical Scientist Training Programs (MSTP) programs. MSTP programs are funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and are very competitive as they offer full tuition coverage, support with living expenses, and a stipend. While some MD-PhD programs are funded by institutions, many of them may not offer the same financial support as an MSTP program.

Since the key difference between the MD and MD-PhD program is the emphasis on research, make sure that you will be able to demonstrate a longstanding commitment to research and that you have tangibly and significantly contributed to research projects, which can take the form of presentations or serving as an author on papers. Also, make sure that your research mentor is prepared to submit a strong recommendation to attest to your readiness for such a rigorous program.

Only 6-7% of medical school applicants apply as an MD PhD candidate

AMCAS most meaningful activity example #2: This applicant chose to write about his work in the emergency room. You can see both the 700 character AMCAS activity description and the 1325 character AMCAS most meaningful essay.

Pros and Cons of Applying MD PhD

Pros of applying md phd vs md, why md phd #1: tuition funding .

There is no doubting it – medical school is very expensive. Since many MD-PhD programs are fully funded with a living stipend on top, many MD-PhD candidates feel that they are being “paid” to pursue this education. While many of their medical school classmates will graduate with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt, most MD-PhD candidates will not incur any cost during the course of their degree, attracting many looking to avoid accumulating further debt in addition to whatever was accrued during college. Although this funding seems attractive at first, it is important to remember that it comes at the cost of four more years, which could be time spent earning an attending’s salary. Depending on your choice of specialty, receiving this funding could actually be a negative if you aren’t interested in research.

Why MD PhD #2: Allows you to pursue 2 passions

If you are unable to decide between science and medicine, or want to pursue both, applying to an MD-PhD program will allow you to bridge these two disciplines and enjoy the best of both worlds. Many MD-PhD candidates believe that their professional careers would be incomplete without both research and medicine or seek to combine these two passions in their career. These are the exact candidates that MD-PhD programs exist for as they open up many opportunities that may not be available for regular MD students. Especially if you hope to have a career in academia or research-based medical universities, the skills and competencies of doing research and applying for grants is highly prized.

Why MD PhD #3: Receive great research and medical training in a shorter time period

It is undeniable that the condensed time frame of the MD-PhD program is highly appealing to those who seek to pursue both degrees. Instead of taking 9-10 years if completed separately, an MD-PhD program is highly integrated and structured to allow you to focus on one pursuit at a time while still providing continuity so that you can do research during your medical training and medical volunteering while completing your doctoral work. This blend allows for the shorter time period and still allows you to benefit from receiving high quality science and medical instruction.

Cons of Applying MD PhD vs MD

Why not apply md phd #1: time to complete degree .

Although the condensed format is ideal for those who have their hearts set on getting both an MD and a PhD, if you are unsure about pursuing both degrees or have a clear preference for one, the significantly longer educational period is a major factor to consider. A major aspect of the admission process for the MD-PhD is determining if you are prepared to make an almost decade-long commitment to a discipline, institution, and city. The projected 7-8 years to complete an MD-PhD is just that – a projection. Many times, there are factors both inside and outside of your control that can cause this number to vary greatly and increase to up to 10 years. Furthermore, since many people start their MD-PhDs at 23 or 24 years old, they often complete their residency in their late 30s, a fundamentally different time of your life where many of your friends from college may already have families and have been in the workforce for over a decade.

Why not apply MD PhD #2: You can still do research without a PhD

Although MD-PhD students learn how to apply for grants and the research skills necessary to drive their future academic careers, many MD students often pick up these skills if they take a research year, pursue a master’s degree, or spend a significant amount of time doing research in residency and beyond. In fact, while many researchers in academic institutions are PhDs or MD-PhDs, there are also numerous MDs who spend a large amount of their time dedicated to both clinical and basic science research. Furthermore, if your research interests are solely clinical in nature, you may be better served developing these skills in a residency or pursuing a master’s degree than pursuing an MD-PhD, which is usually more suited for basic scientists. Another downside to the MD-PhD is that while you will be focused on trying to pursue two separate paths as a clinician and scientists, many of your peers will be spending all of their time focusing on one of the two, which may put you at a disadvantage compared to them.

Why not apply MD PhD #3: May limit specialty choice

Finally, while MD-PhD students can technically pursue any residency after they graduate medical school, there is often a push to place them in less competitive and non-surgical specialties where they will have less clinical time and therefore more time to dedicate to their research work. Since surgical specialties are highly procedural, research is often a secondary consideration and usually not as prized as surgical dexterity. Furthermore, since you are more valuable to an academic center as a surgeon performing high value elective procedures than as a researcher, there is often a push to have surgeons focus on their clinical work. Similarly, many MD-PhDs may be encouraged to pursue less competitive specialties where they have more time to focus on their research work or where their research funding may be more valuable than the money they bring in from being a clinician. Although an MD-PhD student is free to pursue any specialty that they desire, these pressures are commonplace and often can stifle strong clinical preferences in favor of research potential.

List of MSTP Programs

As stated earlier, MSTP MD PhD programs are fully funded by the National Institutes of Health. 

As of 2021, here is the list of MSTP MD PhD programs by state.

University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine http://www.uab.edu/medicine/mstp

Stanford University  http://med.stanford.edu/mstp.html

University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine https://vstp.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/

University of California, Irvine School of Medicine http://www.mstp.uci.edu

University of California, Los Angeles & Cal Tech California Institute of Technology David Geffen School of Medicine http://mstp.healthsciences.ucla.edu

University of California, San Diego School of Medicine http://mstp.ucsd.edu

University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine https://mstp.ucsf.edu/

University of Colorado Denver http://www.ucdenver.edu/academics/colleges/medicalschool/education/degree_programs/mstp/pages/MSTP.aspx


Yale University School of Medicine http://medicine.yale.edu/mdphd

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine http://mdphd.med.miami.edu

Emory University School of Medicine M.D./Ph.D. Program http://med.emory.edu/MDPHD

Northwestern University Medical School http://www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/sites/mstp

University of Chicago Medical Scientist Training Program https://pritzker.uchicago.edu/academics/mstp-landing-page

University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine http://chicago.medicine.uic.edu/mstp

Indiana University School of Medicine, MSTP https://medicine.iu.edu/education/dual-degrees/

University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine https://medicine.uiowa.edu/mstp?

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine https://mdphd.johnshopkins.edu/

University of Maryland School of Medicine http://mdphd.umaryland.edu


Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts Institute of Technology

There are two MD/PhD programs through Pathways and HST. Read more about Harvard Medical School here:  https://crackingmedadmissions.com/how-to-get-into-harvard-medical-school/ http://www.hms.harvard.edu/md_phd

Tufts University School of Medicine http://sackler.tufts.edu/Academics/MSTP-Welcome

University of Massachusetts Medical School http://umassmed.edu/mdphd

University of Michigan Medical School http://medicine.umich.edu/medschool/education/mdphd-program

University of Minnesota Medical School http://www.med.umn.edu/mdphd

Mayo Medical School https://college.mayo.edu/academics/biomedical-research-training/medical-scientist-training-program-md-phd/

Washington University School of Medicine http://mstp.wustl.edu

Albert Einstein College of Medicine http://www.einstein.yu.edu/education/mstp

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons http://www.cumc.columbia.edu/mdphd

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai http://icahn.mssm.edu/education/graduate/md-phd-program

New York University School of Medicine http://www.med.nyu.edu/sackler/mdphd-program

Stony Brook University https://medicine.stonybrookmedicine.edu/mstp

University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/education/md/md-phd

Weill Cornell/Rockefeller/Sloan-Kettering Tri-Institutional MD PhD  Program http://weill.cornell.edu/mdphd

North Carolina

Duke University Medical Center https://medschool.duke.edu/education/degree-programs-and-admissions/medical-scientist-training-program

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine http://www.med.unc.edu/mdphd

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine http://mstp.cwru.edu

Ohio State University College of Medicine http://medicine.osu.edu/mstp

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine MSTP http://www.med.uc.edu/MSTP

Oregon Health and Science University School of Medicine http://www.ohsu.edu/mdphd


Penn State College of Medicine http://www.pennstatehershey.org/web/mdphd

University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine http://www.med.upenn.edu/mstp

University of Pittsburgh http://www.mdphd.pitt.edu

South Carolina

Medical University of South Carolina https://education.musc.edu/colleges/graduate-studies/academics/dual-degree/mstp

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine MSTP https://medschool.vanderbilt.edu/mstp

Baylor College of Medicine MSTP https://www.bcm.edu/education/programs/md-phd-program

University of Texas Health Science Center Houston Department of Internal Medicine https://gsbs.uth.edu/mdphd/

University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio Department of Neurology, Pharmacology, and Physiology https://lsom.uthscsa.edu/mimg/

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas https://www.utsouthwestern.edu/

University of Virginia Health System MSTP Program http://mstp.med.virginia.edu

University of Washington School of Medicine http://www.mstp.washington.edu

Medical College of Wisconsin MSTP https://www.mcw.edu/education/medical-scientist-training-program

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health http://mstp.med.wisc.edu

Read our medical school profiles to learn more about each individual school. 

Now that we have reviewed what MD, PhD, and MD-PhD degrees consists of and how to apply, as well as some of the pros and cons of pursuing a MD-PhD program, we hope that you can make an informed decision about your graduate education! Even if you choose not to pursue an MD or PhD, many institutions have accelerated programs that allow MD or PhD graduates to complete the other degree in a shorter timeframe. Similarly, many medical schools even allow students to apply to add a PhD portion onto their education before they begin their clinical training. Regardless of whichever path is right for you, all three offer incredible opportunities to pursue scientific passions and work towards solving societal issues.

Here are some Cracking Med School Admissions Resources you will find helpful as you think about MD PhD programs:

  • How To Shadow A Doctor
  • Resume, CV, and Cover Letter Edits
  • Premed Timeline: Planning For Medical School Applications

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md phd or phd

  • PhD vs MD – Differences explained
  • Types of Doctorates

A MD is a Doctor of Medicine, whilst a PhD is a Doctor of Philosophy. A MD program focuses on the application of medicine to diagnose and treat patients. A PhD program research focuses on research (in any field) to expand knowledge.


This article will outline the key differences between a MD and a PhD. If you are unsure of which degree is suitable for you, then read on to find out the focuses and typical career paths of both. Please note this article has been written for the perspective of a US audience.

What is a MD?

MD (also seen stylized as M.D and M.D.) comes from the Latin term Medicīnae Doctor and denotes a Doctor of Medicine.

MDs practice allopathic medicine (they use modern medicine to treat symptoms and diseases). A common example would be your physician, though there are numerous types of medical doctors, with different areas of speciality and as such may be referred to differently.

What is a PhD?

A PhD (sometimes seen stylized as Ph.D.) comes from the Latin term Philosophiae Doctor and denotes a Doctor of Philosophy.

A PhD can be awarded for carrying out original research in any field, not just medicine. In comparison to an MD, a PhD in a Medicinal field is focused on finding out new knowledge, as opposed to applying current knowledge.

A PhD in Medicine therefore does not require you to attend medical school or complete a residency program. Instead, you are required to produce a thesis (which summarizes your research findings) and defend your work in an oral examination.

What is the difference between a MD and a PhD?

Both are Doctoral Degrees, and someone with either degree can be referred to as a doctor. But for clarity, MDs are awarded to those with expertise in practicing medicine and are therefore more likely to be found in clinical environments. PhDs are awarded to researchers, and are therefore more likely to be found in academic environments.

This does not mean that MDs cannot pursue a research career, nor does it mean that a PhD cannot pursue clinical practice. It does mean, however, that PhDs are more suited to those who would wish to pursue a career in research, and that MDs are more suited to those who prefer the clinical aspects of medicine or aspire to become a practicing physician.

It should also be noted that a medical PhD doctorates possess transferable skills which make them desirable to various employers. Their familiarity with the scientific method and research experience makes them well suited to industry work beyond medical research.

Program structure and time

The standard MD program structure sees students undertake 2 years of coursework and classroom-based learning, before undertaking 2 years of rotational work in a clinical environment (such as a hospital). Getting an MD requires attending a medical school (accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education) and completing a residency program. Both of which prepare students to diagnose patients and practice clinical medicine.

The standard PhD program lasts 5 to 7 years and sees students undertake original research (monitored by a supervisor). Getting a PhD requires the contribution of novel findings, which leads to the advancement of knowledge within your field of research. With the exception of some clinical PhDs, a PhD alone is not enough to be able to prescribe medicine.

PhD doctorates are required to summarize the purpose, methodology, findings and significance of their research in a thesis. The final step is the ‘ Viva Voce ’ where the student must defend their thesis to a panel of examiners.

To summarize, a MD program usually lasts 4 years, whilst a PhD program lasts 5 to 7 years. Before being licensed to practice medicine, however, you must first complete a residency program which can last between 3 to 7 years.

What is a MD/PhD?

A MD/PhD is a dual doctoral degree. The program alternates between clinical focused learning and research focused work. This is ideal for those who are interested in both aspects of medicine. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, an estimated 600 students matriculate into MD-PhD programs each year .

The typical length of a MD/PhD program is 7 to 8 years, almost twice the length of a MD alone. As with a MD, MD/PhDs are still required to attend medical school and must complete a residency program before being able to practice medicine.

In comparison to PhD and MD programs, MD/PhD positions in the United States are scarce and consequently more competitive. The tuition fees for MD/PhD positions are typically much lower than MD and PhD positions are sometimes waived completely.

Those who possess a MD/PhD are commonly referred to as medical scientists. The ability to combine their medical knowledge with research skills enables MD/PhDs to work in a wide range of positions from academia to industrial research.

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  • Medical School

MD PhD vs MD: Which is best for you?

mdphd vs md

If you find yourself struggling between pursuing an MD PhD vs MD degree, you've come to the right place. In this blog, we'll explore the similarities and differences between medical doctors and physician-scientists to help you determine how to choose the pathway that is best suited for you.

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Article Contents 7 min read

Md phd vs md: education.

While those with MD PhD and MD degrees are both medical doctors, MD PhD graduates also possess a PhD and are therefore known as physician-scientists or medical scientists. Obtaining this extra degree requires a different program structure and length compared to MD programs. MD PhD programs are generally 7-8 years in length and require attendance at both medical and graduate school. MD programs, on the other hand, will be completed in four years, half the time it will take MD PhD students. While both programs are classroom-based during the first two years, MD PhD students will move on to graduate school to complete their PhD thesis for between 3-4 years. They will then return to medical school for a year or two completing clinical rotations. Both MD PhD and MD graduates will complete their residency training for between 3-7 years before being licensed to practice medicine.

MD PhD vs MD: Application and Tuition

Whether you're interested in an MD PhD or an MD program, the application process is similar. You'll apply to most programs through AMCAS where you'll complete all sections of the application including the AMCAS work and activities section and you'll upload your coursework, letters of evaluation, and medical school personal statement . Make sure to find out if the schools of your choice require you to take CASPer test. If so, start practicing using CASPer sample questions as soon as you can. In addition to the standard application components, MD PhD applicants will have to complete two additional essays that describe both their reasons for pursuing an MD PhD degree and their research experience. Review our medical school application timelines  blog to ensure you're aware of the application process and corresponding deadlines.

It's no secret that both MD PhD and MD programs are extremely competitive, with acceptance rates on average between 1-4%. There are far fewer MD PhD programs available compared with MD programs and the large benefit of reduced or waived tuition makes for even higher competition, especially in MSTPs vs MD programs. It's a good idea to use our medical school chance predictor to see how your grades and test scores compare with the average scores of accepted individuals into either program. Last year, MD PhD matriculants had an average MCAT score of 516 and an average GPA of 3.80 compared with the 511.5 MCAT score and 3.73 GPA of MD matriculants. So, we can see that in order to be a competitive MD PhD applicant, you'll have to possess a higher GPA and MCAT score than if you were to apply as an MD applicant. Of course, the level of competition varies between schools, and there are certainly MD programs that receive a high volume of applicants competing for few spots making some MD programs more competitive than MD-PhD programs, it's entirely dependant on the school, program, and application cycle.

MD PhD vs MD: Career Outlook and Salary

Although it may seem obvious that students who graduate from MD programs become medical doctors and most practice medicine at hospitals, clinics, medical centers, and private practices, some students are unsure of what a career looks like as a physician-scientist. Many MD PhD graduates choose to complete their residency training in internal medicine, pathology, pediatrics, and neurology, however, many other specialties are also represented, from surgery to radiology to emergency medicine. Internal medicine is also a common specialty choice for MD graduates as well as pediatrics, emergency medicine, and family medicine. According to a study conducted by the AAMC, nearly 80% of all MD PhD graduates enjoy careers as faculty members at medical schools or work for the National Institute of Health (NIH), other research institutions, industry, and federal agencies with many devoting a large portion of their time to research. Also, out of roughly 7000 MD-PhD alumni that took part in this study, 82% said that they would partake in MD-PhD training again, even if they had the chance to go back in time and change their mind.

Physician-scientists not only possess in-depth knowledge in the medical field, they also have knowledge of population health and disease and will be trained to conduct independent research and analysis. With this dual degree, physician-scientists are highly valued for their ability to treat patients while also contributing to detecting health threats, developing new treatments, therapies or even cures. Physician-scientists working in academia can teach and provide clinical service, while also conducting their own, or joint, research. The annual salary for physician-scientists is usually between $60,000-$115,000, depending on the type and place of employment.

Physicians manage and support the health and well-being of those in their care. Through physical examinations, diagnostic testing, treatment, and communication, they can manage and significantly improve the health of their patients. Depending on the type of physician, they may perform surgeries and treat either general or specific illness and disease. Annual salaries generally correspond to level of training and specialization and usually range from $180,000-$280,000

For some, from the moment they put on safety glasses in science class or that time they resuscitate their childhood teddy bear, they knew what they were going to be when they grew up. Not everyone has an immediate passion or the typical “aha” moment later on in life. Sometimes, a student's drive to medicine or research develops later on in life, through experiences, education or even while overcoming hardships, and this is perfectly normal. So, what if you have a passion for both science and medicine? How can you choose whether to pursue an MD degree or a joint MD PhD degree? It's important to choose only once you've considered a variety of factors and are 100% sure in your decision, because the reality is, neither option will be easy and you'll have to be willing to invest the time, money, and effort to be successful.

Find out what drives you.

Start by thinking about what you're interested in and what motivates you to help you determine where your true passions lie. If you know that you are really interested in medicine and in helping others but only have a slight interest in research, then it's probably a good idea to pursue medicine on its own. At nearly twice the length of an MD program, the MD PhD program is no walk in the park. Students should only pursue this joint degree if they have a serious passion for both medicine and research. In addition to feeling passionate about treating patients, if you find yourself interested in the mechanisms behind disease, are curious about the unknowns and can't picture a career that doesn't involve research, it's a good sign that the joint program will be suitable for you.

Determining whether or not you are interested in becoming a medical doctor or a physician-scientist is the first and most important decision you'll have to make when deciding between the two pathways. If you're motivated by your passions, you're likely to enjoy your career because it's actually what you want to do. By putting in the time and effort to be the best version of yourself, you'll have a fulfilling rewarding career.

So, how can you know for sure which path is the best for you? Gain experience in the field well in advance of filling out your applications. This will be closest you'll get to test drive your potential career choice. If you're struggling to decide between an MD and MD PhD program, be sure to gain both clinical and research experience. This will be a great way for you to get hands-on experience in both fields to see which areas really spark your interest and which areas you're not as keen on. Learn how to ask to shadow a doctor , sign up for volunteering experiences that place you in the medical or research field, and partake in scientific experiments where you'll be testing hypotheses to gain research experience. Not only will these experiences be essential when filling out your medical school applications, the key is that through a variety of different experiences, you'll be able to hone in on your interests.

Consider the affordability of each program.

According to the AAMC, approximately 76% of medical school students graduate with debt. For the students that borrow money, the median debt is approximately $200,000 at public medical schools. Of course, with an average physician salary of $300,000, this debt can be repaid, but it can be a rocky start for students as they begin entering their careers. A major benefit of MD PhD programs is the fact that most programs partially cover or completely waive tuition for enrolled students, and many also provide a stipend that can be used to cover the costs of living expenses. Due to this, some students can finish their training debt-free, and potentially even with a decent amount of savings. Now, this isn't to say that you should simply pick a program based on the cost but it's an important factor to consider if you want to pursue either option. What's important is that you pick your path depending on which best aligns with your interests, motivations, and short and long term career goals.

Check out this video for a recap:

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  • v.29(8); 2018 Apr 15

Is an MD/PhD program right for me? Advice on becoming a physician–scientist

We are living in a golden age of biomedical research in which it is increasingly feasible to translate fundamental discoveries into new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to human illnesses. Inherited diseases are being cured with gene therapy. Cancer cells are being eliminated with less toxic small molecule inhibitors and reengineered T-cells. Direct connections are being made between the central nervous system and prosthetic devices. These efforts are being led by scientists and engineers, some of whom are also physicians. This article is intended to help anyone considering a career as a physician–scientist, but unsure about how best to begin. It is also intended for faculty, staff, and parents who are on the front lines of advising talented students about the options that they have for their future. With this in mind, I have tried to answer common questions about MD/PhD programs, but I have also included information about other paths to becoming a physician who does research.


Because this is a perspectives piece, I will begin it with a confession: I have been a physician–scientist for more than 30 years and I like what I do. I am also a graduate of one of the earliest MD/PhD programs and have been director of the University of Pennsylvania’s MD/PhD program for 20 years. Being a physician who is also a scientist already makes me atypical. According to the American Medical Association, only 14,000 U.S. physicians (out of nearly 1 million) consider research to be their major job, and a search of National Institutes of Health (NIH) databases in 2012 turned up only 8200 physicians who were principal investigators on NIH research grants ( Ginsburg et al. , 2014 ). To put that number in context, there were 28,000 total investigators with NIH grants in 2012. In other words, most NIH principal investigators are PhD scientists, not physician–scientists (MD or MD/PhD).

My primary day (and sometimes night and weekend) job as a card-carrying physician–scientist is overseeing an NIH-funded research team. My clinical responsibilities include taking care of patients with the kinds of bleeding and blood clotting disorders that we study in the lab. Some of these patients have medical problems that are common in the United States. Some of them are true “zebras,” the kinds of patients who get referred to a well-respected academic medical center because physicians are unsure how best to proceed or lack the resources to manage the patient’s problem. I also teach medical students and graduate students, and I direct a very large MD/PhD program. In my spare time, I talk to lots of undergraduates and recent college graduates who are thinking about becoming physician–scientists and wondering whether they should be applying to MD/PhD programs. I meet them at Penn, but also on visits to other colleges and universities. This article is a distillation of some answers to questions that I am commonly asked. If you are an undergraduate trying to decide whether to go to medical school, graduate school, or both, this article may help you. Whatever you decide, I wish you success.


MD/PhD programs were established in the 1950s to combine training in medicine and research. They were specifically designed for men and women who wanted to become research physicians, also known as physician–investigators or physician–scientists. Most of the graduates of MD/PhD programs in the 60-plus years since then have become faculty members at medical schools and universities, investigators at research institutes such as the NIH, or leaders in in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries ( Brass et al. , 2010 ). Regardless of where they eventually end up, MD/PhD trainees are being prepared for careers in which they will spend most of their time doing research or translating that research into new therapeutic and diagnostic approaches. It is a busy, challenging, and hugely rewarding career. A study of what has happened to MD/PhD program graduates from 24 schools appeared in Academic Medicine in 2010 and is worth reading not only for the data set, but also for the discussion of what the data mean ( Brass et al. , 2010 ). An even larger outcomes study that includes data on over 10,000 MD/PhD program graduates is scheduled for publication as a AAMC report in April 2018 ( Akabas et al. , 2018 ).


When I was an undergraduate and trying to decide what to do with my life, my mentors told me that I could become a doctor or a scientist, but that trying to combine two busy professions was futile. Many years later, I know that many current undergraduates are being told the same thing. However well-meant, that advice misses the point. The goal of MD/PhD program training is not to prepare you for two unrelated full time jobs. Instead, you should think of physician–scientists as chimeras—blends of a physician and a scientist with the two parts fitting closely together. A more relevant question is: if you are going to become a physician–scientist, do you have to go through an MD/PhD program? I will try to answer that one a bit later in this article. First, I’ll provide some definitions.


None. Programs designed to train physician–scientists go by all of these names. For the most part, the terms are interchangeable, although at some schools “combined degree” programs can include MD/JD and MD/masters programs as well—also VMD/PhD programs, which train veterinary physician–scientists. A list of MD/PhD programs can be found at http://www.aamc.org/students/research/mdphd/applying_MD/PhD/61570/mdphd_programs.html . The NIH uses the term MSTP (short for “medical scientist training program”) to refer to programs at schools that have been competitively awarded special training funds to help support MD/PhD candidates. There are currently 46 MD/PhD programs that receive support from the National Institute of General Medical Studies. A list can be found at http://www.nigms.nih.gov/Training/InstPredoc/PredocOverview-MSTP.htm .

When they first started, there were only a handful of MD/PhD programs. I can clearly remember reading a small booklet about applying to medical school that had a single page at the back about MD/PhD programs. Over time, the number of programs has grown. Now there are ∼90 active MD/PhD programs that admit anywhere from a few students per year to 25 or more. The average size of an MD/PhD program in 2017 was ∼90 students in all stages of training. Compared with the many thousands who apply to medical school in each year, only 1900 (∼3%) apply to MD/PhD programs. About one-third of the applicants are accepted, which is similar to the acceptance rate for medical school. 1 When I began medical school, there were very few MD/PhD trainees—I was one of two in my entering class. That has changed considerably. There are currently ∼5500 men and women in training in MD/PhD programs.

Most MD/PhD programs provide tuition waivers for both medical school and graduate school plus a stipend to help cover living expenses. Such fellowships are exceedingly valuable for trainees and very expensive for medical schools and the NIH, so admissions committees work hard to pick the right students for their programs. Despite the high training costs, when I visit other MD/PhD programs to conduct reviews, it is not uncommon to hear deans refer to their MD/PhD program as “the jewel in the crown.” One can easily argue that the existence of MD/PhD programs is evidence of the high value that our society places on physician–scientists.


The answer varies from school to school. Not all schools offer PhD programs in all disciplines. The majority of MD/PhD students receive their PhD in biomedical laboratory disciplines such as cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, pharmacology, neuroscience, and biomedical engineering. The names of departments and graduate programs vary from school to school. At some schools, MD/PhD trainees do their graduate work outside of the laboratory disciplines, in fields such as economics, epidemiology, health care economics, sociology, medical anthropology, or the history of science. This is not an exhaustive list, and you should check before you apply to see what is actually offered at any particular school.

Although there is no fully up-to-date and reliable list of which MD/PhD programs offer training in which graduate disciplines, a place to start is at the Website of the AAMC MD/PhD section (which is a good source for other types of information as well). 2


Yes. Definitely. MD/PhD programs are a great choice for people who decide early that that they want to be physician–scientists and have built the necessary track record of academic success and research experience before they apply. Not everyone does this, however, either because he or she did not learn about the option early enough, he or she did not make a decision in time, or he or she does not have an academic and research experience record that supports an application. Not finding out early enough turns out to be a common problem. In my experience, college prehealth advisors know much less about MD/PhD training than MD training—not surprisingly, since only 3% of medical school applicants in the United States every year apply for MD/PhD training. As a result, some people choose (or are obliged) to do MD/PhD training in series, rather than parallel—finishing one degree and then starting the other. The disadvantages of this approach include taking longer to finish training and the likely need to cover the cost of medical school on your own.

I am frequently asked about the strategy of starting medical school and then applying to graduate school as a medical student. Some schools will consider you for transfer into their MD/PhD programs after you have completed a year or two of medical school or graduate school at the same university. Although it is very rare that an MD/PhD program will consider accepting a medical or graduate student from a different school, it does occasionally happen when faculty move from one institution to another and want to bring their students with them. The rules and requirements vary from school to school.

Other programs worth checking out include the NIH MD/PhD program that provides support for the PhD phase at the NIH campus or in Oxford/Cambridge, with the MD training taking place at one of the participating MSTP-designated programs. Note that not all of the MSTP programs have chosen to participate, so if you have your heart set on a specific medical school, you should be sure to ask. 3

Another option is to complete medical school and residency training before doing an extended period of supervised research. A number of Nobel Prize–winning physician–scientists did just that. However, with the increase in the number of MD/PhD training programs nationwide, most people who make the decision to become physician–­scientists while still in college should think hard about doing both degrees together in an integrated MD/PhD program that combines graduate school and medical school into a joint program that currently takes 8 years on average to complete ( Akabas et al. , 2018 ).


The answer to the first of these questions is “Clearly not.” However, while medical school will put you firmly on the path to becoming an accomplished clinician, it does not provide training in how to do research. At some point you will benefit from that additional piece of your education if you intend to become a physician–scientist.

As noted above, in years past it was not uncommon to learn how to do research by doing an extended postdoctoral fellowship after (or instead of) a clinical residency. I am often asked whether it is possible to save time on the path to becoming a physician–scientist by skipping graduate school and just going to medical school. The available data suggest that the answer to this one is “No.” Physician–scientists get their first jobs in academia and their first independent NIH grants at approximately the same age regardless of whether they completed an MD/PhD program or went solely to medical school and then did a more extended postdoc ( Ginsburg et al. , 2014 ). As a result, I normally tell undergraduates that if they are ready to make the commitment before starting medical school, MD/PhD programs offer many advantages, including integrated training, mentored research training, and medical school tuition waivers. On the other hand, if you are sure you want to be a doctor, but less sure about being a scientist, then my advice is to go to medical school and figure out the rest of what you need when you know more about the opportunities that being a physician provides.


The answer varies from school to school, but historically students begin with 2 years of medical school, switch to graduate school in the third year of the program, and then return to finish medical school after completing (and defending) a thesis research project. When I was an MD/PhD student in the 1970s, there was little, if any, communication between the medical and graduate phases of the program. That has changed considerably. Now most programs emphasize integration of the MD and PhD parts of the training, with graduate school courses during years 1 and 2 and clinical experiences during graduate school. Some programs allow completion of 3–12 months of clinical training before the start of full-time graduate training. Be sure to ask how things are organized at schools that you are considering. In programs leading to a PhD in laboratory science, MD/PhD trainees usually spend the summer between the first and second years of medical school working in the laboratory of the faculty member they are considering as a potential thesis advisor. Some programs also ask students to do one of these “lab rotations” in the summer before starting medical school classes as well. Depending on the number of clinical months completed before starting the thesis research, students returning to medical school will need 1–2 years to finish their training and meet the requirements for medical licensure. The stated goal is to complete an MD/PhD program in 7 or 8 years. However, numbers from across the country show that some students finish in 6 years, while others take 10 years (or more). The average currently is 8 years ( Akabas et al. , 2018 ). Note that medical education in the United States continues to evolve. One trend is away from the classic two years of preclinical education followed by 2 years of clinical education. The earlier start in clinical training made possible by shortening preclinical time enables some MD/PhD programs to offer full-time clinical experiences before the start of graduate school. However, some schools are choosing not to do this. The only way to find out what is being done is to ask, if it is not evident from the program’s Website.


Corny as this may sound, the process is never really finished. Your education will continue throughout your career. A more pragmatic answer is that training will extend beyond medical school and graduate school as you complete your post graduate education. Here are some typical numbers: MD/PhD program, 8 years. Residency, 3–6 years. Postdoctoral fellowship, 3–6 years. For most people the term “postdoctoral fellowship” includes another year or two of clinical training, followed by a return to research for 2 or more years ( Figure 1 ). For example, I completed an MD/PhD program in 6 years, followed by a residency in internal medicine (3 years) and a fellowship in clinical hemato­logy and oncology that was combined with postdoctoral training back in a lab (3 years). After that I became an assistant professor and started my own lab. That timing was fairly typical when I did it. Now it would be considered fast. On the other hand, my job description when I finished included running a research team, looking after postdocs and graduate students, and taking care of sick people with complicated medical problems, so maybe all of that training time was necessary.

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Paths to becoming a physician who is also a scientist. Integrated MD/PhD training programs that combine research and medical training are not the only path to becoming a physician–scientist. Alternatives begin with doing a research year in medical school (MD+ in the figure) or just doing the standard four-year medical school education. These save time at the start, but usually require a longer period of postgraduate clinical and research training to reach the point where a job as a physician–scientist in academia becomes feasible. As a result, physician–scientists often arrive at the “get a job” point at about the same age whether they began as medical students, MD+ students, or MD/PhD students, although usually with greater student debt if they have not been in an MD/PhD program. See the text for details.


Short-term, nearly all do additional clinical training. Those who do not are usually headed toward careers at research institutes or outside clinical medicine entirely. Those who do apply for residencies often find that their MD/PhD training makes them particularly appealing to residency programs at top institutions. Long-term, most program graduates end up with careers in which they combine patient care and research. The research may be lab-based, translational, or clinical. Most (75–80%) end up at academic medical centers, at research institutions such as the NIH, or in the pharmaceutical/biotech industry ( Figure 2 ; Brass et al. , 2010 ; Akabas et al. , 2018 ). A much higher percentage of MD/PhD program graduates have ended up in academia than of medical school graduates in general ( Brass et al. , 2010 ). Those who build research careers and apply for NIH research grants find that having the PhD in addition to the MD improves their chances of obtaining funding ( Ginsburg et al. , 2014 ).

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Where are they working? Data from 2202 MD/PhD program alumni who have completed all phases of postgraduate clinical and research training. Adapted from Brass et al. (2010) . Industry includes the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. Pvt Practice refers to full-time clinical practice outside of an academic medical center.


The process of application varies from school to school. Some schools have an MD/PhD-focused committee that will screen your application and coordinate the interview and admission process. Other schools consider MD/PhD applicants only after a decision has been made about MD admissions. Finally, some schools consider students for the MD/PhD program only after they have completed a year or more of medical school. Schools that subscribe to AMCAS will ask you to indicate your interest in an MD/PhD program and then to provide additional information as part of a secondary application.


Most people apply after finishing their junior year in college, but a growing number of applicants finish college and work for a year or more before applying. Some people use the time after college to take courses needed for medical school admission or to gain more full-time laboratory research experience. Some people simply were not ready to make decisions about their future careers and postponed choosing beyond the finish of college. It is a mistake to assume that MD/PhD programs are interested only in applicants who have worked in a lab for a year or more after college. That is clearly not the case, and some of us who direct MD/PhD programs are concerned about the growing percentage of applicants who have waited to apply after they graduate in the mistaken impression that it will improve their resumes. My advice is that for a training path that lasts as long as this one does, it is best to get started as soon as possible.


The answer clearly varies from school to school, but some basic principles apply. In general, admissions committees will look for evidence of academic success, extended research experience, letters of recommendation from people who know you well, and your plans for the future.

  • Evidence of academic success. This includes your GPA and MCAT scores, but is not limited to them. Admission committees use a holistic approach and will undoubtedly consider where you went to college and what types of courses you took. They will not necessarily be dismayed if you got off to a slow start, as long as you did well later. They will place the greatest emphasis on courses that are relevant to your chosen area of graduate school training. I have not encountered a program director who seriously believed that the MCAT tests your ability to be a physician–scientist. Nonetheless programs use MCAT scores in a variety of ways, including seeing how you compare with the national pool of applicants and predicting how you will do on the numerous standardized tests that all of us have to take in medical school and beyond.
  • Extensive research experience. If you plan to get a PhD in one of the laboratory sciences, then prior laboratory experience counts heavily, particularly if you spent a year or more in the same laboratory. Summer laboratory experience can be helpful because they are usually opportunities to do research full time, but summers are short. Whenever possible, you should try to do research during the academic year, or at least spend multiple summers in the same lab. If you are planning a PhD outside of the laboratory sciences, seek equivalent experiences. The idea is to be sure you like the experience and to create a track record upon which your past performance can be judged and your future success predicted.
  • Letters of recommendation. The most important letter(s) are from the faculty members or other senior investigators with whom you worked. The letters should ideally comment on your talents, skills, and potential for success as an independent investigator. If you are working with a senior faculty member, it is very helpful if he or she can compare you with other students with whom he or she has worked. Note that such a letter is not necessarily the most appropriate for an MD-only application. MD/PhD program admissions committees are usually most interested in your talent and ability as a physician–scientist, although they will definitely also consider whether you are likely to become a successful and caring physician. Fortunately, medical schools allow you to submit more than one letter of recommendation.
  • Your plans for the future. Because training to be a physician–­investigator is so costly in terms of your time and the school’s resources, your career goals should be compatible with MD/PhD training. Becoming a full-time practitioner is a laudable goal, but does not require a PhD in addition to an MD. Your goal as a trained physician–investigator should be to spend at least 75% of your time on research. You do not need to know the specific problem you want to work on at this point (many do not, and it is likely to change), or with whom you would like to train, but your commitment to becoming an investigator should be clearly communicated in your essays and interviews, and you should have given thought to what will be required.


Some applicants have decided that they want to work in a particular field or with a particular faculty member. For them, choosing where to apply is defined by where that faculty member works or where the field is best represented. Most applicants have only a general idea of what they might want to work on in the future and know that their interests are likely to evolve as they are exposed to new things. For them, choice will be defined by issues such as the reputation of the school (hopefully not based solely on U.S. News and World Report rankings!), the success of the graduates of the program (be sure to ask!), and geography. Schools vary in the difficulty of gaining admission. The directors and nonfaculty administrators of MD/PhD programs nationwide are a large pool of resources that you can tap. Most of us get e-mail from future applicants all the time. Take advantage of our willingness to talk with you. Ask questions about the things that are important to you.


I began this perspective with the confession that I am a physician–scientist and I like what I do. It is not unusual these days to encounter articles and opinion pieces that lament the difficulty of becoming and remaining a physician–scientist. I will not cite them here—you can find them on your own. Fortunately, our society is still willing to make a large investment in biomedical research through the NIH and through numerous foundations. If you want to become a physician who discovers the new stuff, there are jobs waiting to be filled. However, you will need good training and great mentorship as you learn the skills needed to be a physician and a research team leader. Good luck with your decision.


My thanks to my colleagues who direct MD/PhD programs, the NIH for supporting physician–scientist training (including my own), and the hundreds of MD/PhD candidates and alumni who have taught me so much over the past 20 years.

Abbreviations used:

AAMCAmerican Association of Medical Colleges
MCATMedical College Admissions Test
MSTPMedical Scientist Training Program

DOI: 10.1091/mbc.E17-12-0721

1 www.aamc.org/data/facts/enrollmentgraduate/ .

2 www.aamc.org/students/research/mdphd/ .

3 http://mdphd.gpp.nih.gov .

  • Akabas MH, Tartakovsky I, Brass LF. (2018). The National MD–PhD Program Outcomes Study. American Association of Medical Colleges Reports.
  • Brass LF, Akabas MH, Burnley LD, Engman DM, Wiley CA, Andersen OS. (2010). Are MD–PhD programs meeting their goals? An analysis of career choices made by graduates of 24 MD–PhD programs . Acad Med , 692–701. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Ginsburg D, Shurin SB, Mills S. (2014). NIH Physician–Scientist Workforce (PSW) Working Group Report. [ Google Scholar ]


MD vs. MD/PhD: Key Differences and Choosing the Best Path

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by internationalmedicalaid

MD/PhD vs. MD: Education

Both MDs and MD/PhDs are medical doctors, but MD/PhDs also hold a PhD and therefore are known as physician-scientists or medical scientists. If you want to obtain this additional title, you will need to take part in a program with a different structure and length than standard MD programs. MD/PhD programs are typically between seven to eight years in length and require one to attend both medical and graduate school. MD programs can be completed in four years (half the time of an MD/PhD program). During the first two years, both programs are classroom-based, but MD/PhD students will move on to grad school to complete their PhD thesis during years three and four. Afterward, they will return to medical school for one to two years to focus on completing clinical rotations. Both MD and MD/PhD students will take part in and spend around three to seven years in a residency program before obtaining their license to practice medicine.

MD/PhD vs. MD: Application and Tuition

The application for both programs is similar no matter which you decide to pursue. You will apply to the majority of these programs through the AMCAS , completing all sections of the application, including the AMCAS work and activities section , and uploading your coursework, letters of evaluation, and personal statement . Before submitting your application, it is important to check the requirements of each medical school, as some will require you to take the CASPer exam . If the program you want to apply to requires this exam, begin practicing for the exam by utilizing practice questions as soon as you can to best prepare yourself. In addition to the standard components of an MD program application, MD/PhD applicants will need to complete two additional essays. These essays will describe their reasons for pursuing an MD/PhD program and their previous research experience. Review each college’s application process and timeline to ensure you are aware of the process and any deadlines.

On average, the yearly medical school tuition for students enrolled in an MD program is around $37,000 in-state and $62,000 out-of-state or for those attending a private college. Students who are enrolled in MD/PhD programs often have the benefit of a largely reduced tuition or free tuition as some programs provide waivers and offer stipends to help students afford the cost of living expenses. Currently, forty-nine MD/PhD programs receive funding from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) through the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP).

MD/PhD vs. MD: Competition

It’s no surprise that both MD/PhD and MD programs are highly competitive. The average acceptance rate of these programs is between 1-4%. Compared to MD programs, there are considerably fewer MD/PhD programs available. The added benefit of tuition waivers makes the competition for these programs even higher. With such high levels of competition, it is a good idea to see how your grades and test scores compare to the average scores of students accepted into the program. Last year, matriculants of MD/PhD programs had an MCAT score of 516 and an average GPA of 3.8. The average MCAT and GPA of MD program students was 511.5 and 3.73, respectively. From this data, we can determine that to be a competitive applicant get into an MD/PhD program, one will need to possess a higher GPA and MCAT score than what is typically required for an MD program. Of course, each college will also have varying levels of competition as some receive a higher volume of applications each year than others. 

If you are considering applying for an MD/PhD program and have already taken the MCAT but did not receive a score of 516 or higher, you may want to consider retaking the MCAT . Retaking the MCAT is not right for all students, but it may help boost your test score and give you an edge when applying to competitive programs. For further personalized help, consider seeking the guidance of medical school admissions consulting .

MD/PhD vs. MD: Salary and Career Outlook

While it may be obvious that those who graduate from an MD program go on to practice medicine as medical doctors within a hospital or clinic environment, some individuals are unsure of what post-grad life would look like for a physician-scientist. The majority of MD/PhD graduates choose to complete their residency in pediatrics, internal medicine, pathology, or neurology. However, many specialties are represented, from emergency medicine to surgery and radiology. Among MD graduates, internal medicine, pediatrics, family medicine, and emergency medicine are the most common specialties. According to AAMC’s study, almost 80% of MD/PhD graduates hold positions at federal agencies, research institutes, medical schools, or the National Institute of Health. Of the 7,000 MD/PhD grads who took part in the study, 82% said they would take part in an MD/PhD program again. 

Physician-scientist possess both in-depth knowledge of the medical field and knowledge of population health and disease. They are also trained to conduct thorough independent research and analysis. Physician-scientists with this dual degree are highly valued for their ability to treat patients, develop new treatments, and detect potential health threats. Those who choose to work in academia often teach and provide clinical services while also conducting their own research. The average annual MD/PhD salary is between $60k and $115k, depending on location and type of employment. 

Physicians manage the health and well-being of patients in their care. This is done through physical exams, treatment, diagnostic testing, and communication. Depending on the type of physician, they may treat specific or general illnesses and diseases and perform surgical procedures. The annual salaries of physicians correspond to their level of training and specialization, but on average, a non MD/PhD salary for physicians ranges from $180k to $280k.

MD/PhD vs. MD: Which is a for You?

For some people, they knew what they wanted to be from the moment they first put on safety glasses in science class or gave their teddy bear an exam with a toy stethoscope. However, not everyone has the “aha” moment or an immediate passion for a field of work. Sometimes, one’s drive and passion for medicine and research develop later in their life. This passion may be formed by experiences, education, or overcoming hardships. What if you have a passion for both medicine and science? How does one choose whether to pursue a joint MD/PhD or an MD degree? You should only choose after you’ve taken the time to consider the variety of factors involved and are 100% confident in your decision. The reality is that neither choice will be easy, and both will require you to invest a lot of time, effort, and money.

Discover What Drives You

Begin by thinking about what you’re interested in and what motivates you—this will help you determine what your true passion is. If you discover that you are highly interested in medicine and want to help others, but you only have a small interest in the field of research, it may be best to pursue a career solely in medicine. With it being twice the length of an MD program, an MD/PhD program is no cakewalk. Students should only pursue this program if they have deep passions for both medicine and research. If you feel passionate about helping and treating patients and are interested in discovering more about the mechanisms behind diseases or can’t imagine a career that doesn’t involve some form of research, then the joint program may be right for you. 

When deciding between these two career pathways, the first decision you will have to make is determining whether you are interested in becoming a physician-scientist or medical doctor. Those who are motivated by their passions are more likely to enjoy their career because they are doing something that they want to do. If you struggle to determine where your passions lie, consider participating in a pre-med shadowing study abroad program . 

Let Your Experiences Guide You

What’s the best way to know which path is right for you? Gain experience in the field you are interested in before filling out your medical school applications. If you are struggling to choose between the two program options, be sure to gain experience in both fields before making your final decision. Getting hands-on experience in both fields is a great way to discover which career path truly sparks your interest. Some ways to gain this hands-on experience are by shadowing a doctor or participating in a healthcare internship. These experiences will be essential when it’s time to fill out your med school application, and through these unique experiences, you will discover your passion.

Consider Each Program’s Affordability

According to data from AAMC, approximately 76% of med school students graduate with some form of college-related debt. For students who take out student loans, the median debt is around $200k. Of course, physicians often earn a high salary, so this debt can be repaid after entering the workforce, but many students experience a rocky start as they begin their careers. One of the biggest benefits of an MD/PhD program is that most of these programs partially cover or waive tuition for students. Students may also receive a stipend to cover the cost of their living expenses. This allows some students to complete their training and graduate debt free. While you shouldn’t choose a program only based on the cost associated with the program, it is an important factor to consider. You should make a decision that best aligns with your passions, motivations, interests, and career goals. 

International Medical Aid provides  global internship opportunities  for students and clinicians who are looking to broaden their horizons and experience healthcare on an international level. These program participants have the unique opportunity to shadow healthcare providers as they treat individuals who live in remote and underserved areas and who don’t have easy access to medical attention. International Medical Aid also provides  medical school admissions consulting  to individuals applying to medical school and PA school programs. We review primary and secondary applications, offer guidance for personal statements and essays, and conduct mock interviews to prepare you for the admissions committees that will interview you before accepting you into their programs. IMA is here to provide the tools you need to help further your career and expand your opportunities in healthcare.

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Phds advance knowledge, whereas mds merely apply existing knowledge..

Posted March 7, 2011 | Reviewed by Kaja Perina

If you ask someone in the psychology world how people with PhDs (Doctor of Philosophy ) differ from those with MD (Doctor of Medicine) you may get an answer like "MDs can prescribe medication , whereas PhDs cannot." That is true. Another difference is that MDs generally make more money in the United States.

MDs are consider by many to be the "real doctors" because they can help with physiological medical problems. That too is true. I certainly don't refer to myself as "Dr. Kelly" in any context other than an academic setting, because people might get the false impression that I could jump in and help in the event of a broken foot or migraine headache.

All that sounds pretty bad for the PhD. But here's the most essential difference between the two degrees: PhDs advance knowledge, whereas MDs merely apply existing knowledge. Unlike the MD who does not need to produce any original research, the person earning a PhD must produce original research and write it up in a thesis or dissertation. Then a committee of experts must deem that thesis as offering an acceptable advancement of knowledge before the PhD is conferred. It typically takes a couple of years longer to earn a PhD than an MD. Part of the reason it takes so long is that the person earning the PhD is being trained on how to think critically about existing knowledge, and it can take a while to find one's niche and fill a gap in the knowledge base.

If you yourself want to make important scientific discoveries and then tell the world about them, you will be much better prepared by getting a PhD than an MD. You also will be much better prepared to criticize studies you read about in virtually any field because you will be trained in critical thinking and writing.

If you are deciding which degree is right for you, ask yourself if you will be content with applying the knowledge you learn (MD) from other people, or if you would like to get in on the action of making the discoveries yourself (PhD). For instance, would you like to be one of the scientists who are figuring out how to reverse the aging process (PhD)? Would you like to see if giving aging mice a particular the enzyme (one that you discover) makes their hair shiny again and restores their fertility (PhD)? Or would you be content giving your future medical patients the proper dose of the medications that arise from this research and then seeing the signs of youth return in your patients (MD)? These are the kinds of questions that college students everywhere should be asking themselves, and yet I have never seen them do so.

This difference in training also means that if you want to know what the cutting -edge knowledge is in a given field, you have to ask a PhD in that field, not an MD. So for instance, let's say you or your mate is having trouble getting pregnant . If you just ask your local obstetrician or gynecologist what the cutting edge discoveries are regarding fertility, that MD is not likely to know. That MD can give you fertility treatments that he or she has learned about and tried with other patients. It should be noted, however, that many MDs make an effort to remain abreast of scientific research long after their degree has been conferred.

The upshot of my message is this: We need both kinds of people, those who apply existing knowledge (such as the MD does in the medical field) and those who advance it (PhDs). But if you think a PhD is less qualified than an MD when it comes to having cutting-edge knowledge, you have that backwards.

Anita E. Kelly Ph.D.

Anita E. Kelly, Ph.D., is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Notre Dame. She is author of The Clever Student and The Psychology of Secrets.

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Is an MD/PhD Program Right for You?

MD-PhD programs may be right for you if you are interested in a career path that melds both clinical practice and in-depth scientific research. MD-PhD graduates aren’t simply doctors; they are “physician-scientists” or “medical scientists.”

MD-PhD programs offer a dual-degree track that combines the clinical training of a standard MD degree with the added coursework of a PhD. The PhD training is particularly rigorous and includes classes usually in the realm of biomedical sciences, as well as advanced research training, lab rotations, and intensive investigative work.

The payoff for choosing an MD-PhD program is that these clinical medicine graduates are equipped to treat patients while also participating in the discovery and development of innovative healthcare solutions. 

Here are a few reasons you might want to pursue an MD/PhD career:

  • You want to participate in cutting-edge medical research.
  • You want career options beyond clinical medical practice.
  • You want to help train future generations of medical doctors.
  • You want more collaborative research opportunities with colleagues.
  • You want funding opportunities only available to MD/PhD students.

The Difference Between MD & MD/PhD

The difference between MD and MD-PhD is that graduates with an MD-PhD receive PhD training and hold a PhD degree in addition to their MD degree.

The cost of an MD-PhD program varies widely depending on the institution. Still, the stipend and tuition-free training make many of these programs significantly less financially burdensome compared to standalone MD or PhD programs.

MD/PhD students will complete graduate school and medical school qualified to hold positions in academic medicine and biomedical research (in addition to being qualified to practice clinical medicine. 

What Is an MD?

A medical doctor has earned a standard medical degree or MD and is skilled to practice clinical medicine. Medical students must complete 4 years of medical school to earn their degree, followed by 3-7 years of residency and fellowship training to practice medicine.

What Is a PhD?

PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy in reference to their critical knowledge and research experience in a particular field of study. A PhD is the highest possible academic degree.

Earning a PhD is often considered harder than earning an MD due to the scientific research required to stimulate original thought and develop quality hypotheses.

How Competitive Are MD/PhD Programs?

Physician-scientist programs are slightly more selective and competitive than the average medical program.

Between 2018 and 2023, a little more than one-third of students who applied to an MD/PhD program (37.7%) were accepted. The acceptance rate for medical school applicants in general was 41.2% for the 2022-23 application cycle.

The test scores of these programs also indicate how much more competitive these programs are. The average MCAT score of MD/PhD matriculants in the 2022-23 cycle was 516.2, and their mean GPA was 3.82. In comparison, medical school matriculants overall had an average MCAT score of 511.9 and average GPA of 3.75 during the same cycle.

How Long Are MD/PhD Programs?

The MD-PhD dual degree takes approximately 7-8 years of coursework to complete, followed by an additional 3-7 years of residency to be eligible to practice medicine. 

Generally, MD coursework is emphasized in years 1-2, followed by research training in years 3-5, and ending with medical training and clinicals in years 6-8. 

Requirements for MD/PhD Applicants

If you are considering applying to an MD/PhD program , know that having strong essays and letters is more important than incrementally higher MCAT test scores and GPAs. Numbers get your foot in the door; storytelling gets you a seat at the table. 

In general, the requirements for MD/PhD applicants include:

  • MCAT score in the 90th percentile: Specific MCAT requirements for MD/PhD programs vary by school. However, in general, most students have the best chance at success with an MCAT score in the 90th percentile or higher. In the 2022-23 application cycle, MD/PhD applicants had an average MCAT score of 511.3, while matriculants averaged 516.2.
  • GPA of 3.7 or higher: Like MCAT scores, the GPA requirements for MD/PhD programs differ by program. But your chances are highest with an average GPA of at least 3.7. In the 2022-23 application cycle, MD/PhD applicants averaged a science GPA of 3.61 and overall GPA of 3.68, while matriculants averaged a 3.78 science GPA and 3.82 overall.
  • Compelling personal statement: Your personal statement essay should explain why you want to become a physician and is required for both MD & MD/PhD applications . All prospective doctors must write a personal statement that stands out, and this is doubly true for MD/PhD applicants.
  • 2 additional essays: You’ll write one essay conveying your personal interest in pursuing an MD/PhD dual degree specifically, and one essay covering your substantive experiences in the field of research . These may include multiple summer projects, senior thesis research, or 1+ years of post-undergrad research programs and activities.
  • 2-3 letters from research mentors who can praise your scientific potential.
  • 1-2 letters from clinical mentors who know your aptitude for patient care.
  • 1 letter from the premed committee.
  • 1 letter from a mentor who can discuss your leadership skills and personal traits in an extracurricular setting.

Questions to Ask Yourself When Considering an MD/PhD Program

By answering these questions, you can choose the graduate program that is the best fit for you over the next 8 years.

  • What skills do you want to develop? Choose a program that has ample opportunities to explore your field of interest and in which you can identify potential mentors for rotations and thesis projects.
  • What is your preferred MD/PhD program size? Choose a smaller program of MD-PhD students if you prefer hands-on guidance with individualized attention and a larger program if you prefer a larger community with more networking opportunities. 
  • Where do you want to live for 8 years of medical school ? Choose a location that fits your needs for cost of living, housing, transportation, extracurriculars, as well as opportunities for fun and making friends. 
  • Does the program offer financial aid? Choose a program that meets your financial needs in the form of stipends and tuition waivers. It’s important to note that if you drop out of an MD-PhD program, some schools require you to pay back the investment that the school made in you. 
  • Will you fit into the school’s culture? Choose a program after you’ve visited the campus, talked with the current students and faculty, and asked about opportunities in your field of interest as well as other’s experiences at the school and living in the city.
  • Does the MD/PhD Program align with your timeline? Choose a program with coursework that allows you to graduate in your preferred timeline, which could be sooner or longer than eight years.

Possible Career Paths for MD/PhD Graduates

A career choice often depends on an individual’s specific interests, such as which medical specialties they are drawn to, whether they prefer working with patients or in a laboratory, and how they want to contribute to advancing medical science.

The salary range for MD/PhD graduates varies significantly by position and type of work. Policy analysts’ starting salary is around $57,000 per year, while attending physicians who do research can make upwards of $500,000.

Below are careers someone with an MD-PhD might pursue:

Attending Physician with Research Responsibilities

An MD/PhD holder in this position would have a traditional medical role seeing and treating patients, but they might also have dedicated time for research. This role allows one to continue practicing medicine while contributing to academic or clinical research. 

Individuals in this role often split their time among patient care, research activities, and instructional duties. Typically, they are found in educational hospitals or medical schools.

Physicians’ salaries can vary significantly based on specialty and experience, but generally, they are well-compensated. An attending physician in a specialized field can expect to earn upwards of $200,000 to $500,000 or more, especially if they have dual responsibilities that include research.

Translational Medicine Specialist

These specialists work at the intersection of basic research and patient care, focusing on turning research insights into practical medical applications. 

This role may exist within academia, industry, or clinical settings and is tailored for those who understand both the clinical and research aspects of medicine.

The salary for this role can also vary based on industry, location, and level of experience but would likely fall in the range of $150,000 to $250,000 or more.

Biomedical Researcher

Those with MD-PhD qualifications commonly secure jobs as researchers within biomedical science. Employment settings can range from academic institutions and drug companies to governmental agencies like the NIH.

Salaries for biomedical researchers typically fall somewhere between $85,000 and $104,000 per year.

Clinical Research Director

These are medical doctors responsible for overseeing clinical trials and research projects, usually within a hospital, academic institution, or pharmaceutical/biotech company. This role leverages both the clinical insights from an MD and the research methodology of a PhD.

Salaries can vary widely depending on the setting (academia, private industry, etc.) and geographic location. In general, a Clinical Research Director could expect to earn a six-figure salary, often ranging from around $150,000 to $250,000 or more per year.

Pharmaceutical/Biotech Industry Professional

A significant number of MD-PhDs join the pharmaceutical or biotech sectors. Responsibilities might include roles in the development of new medications, overseeing clinical trials, regulatory compliance, or managing medical affairs.

The average salary for this position will likely differ quite a bit depending on the exact role and company, but the average is generally between $125,000 and $133,00 per year.

Medical Director

In this capacity, a person is in charge of the medical elements of a healthcare facility or a specific department within a hospital. The role usually calls for expertise in both medical practice and research.

This position is likely to be one of the most lucrative of the MD/PhD field, with an average salary from $319,000 to $329,000 per year.

Science Policy Analyst/Advisor

Individuals in this role often find themselves in governmental or nonprofit settings, where they influence policy decisions related to scientific research and healthcare.

The typical salary for a science policy analyst starts at around $57,000 per year. Advisors have a slightly higher upper salary range and may make as much as $75,000.

Public Health Official

Some MD-PhDs opt for roles in the public sector where they focus on health concerns at a societal level. They may be employed by organizations such as the CDC or WHO.

In many cases, public health officials can expect to make a yearly salary of between $101,000 and $111,000.

Medical Science Liaison

This role typically serves as an intermediary between pharmaceutical enterprises and medical professionals. These liaisons disseminate information about new treatments and scientific advancements to doctors, researchers, and other medical stakeholders.

This role also typically commands a six-figure salary, usually ranging from approximately $100,000 to $200,000, depending on experience, location, and the hiring organization.

Medical Educator

Professors teach medical students, residents, and fellows in an academic setting while also conducting research. These doctors often have clinical responsibilities as well. An MD/PhD is especially well-suited for this role due to the dual focus on clinical care and research.

They may teach various medical subjects like pharmacology or genetics and actively participate in the educational goals of their institutions.

In academia, salaries can vary widely based on rank (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor), institution, and geographic location. Salaries may range from $100,000 to well over $200,000 for senior roles or those at prestigious institutions.

Best MD/PhD Programs in the US

There are 122 different American Universities that offer MD/PhD degree programs, according to the AAMC list of MD-PhD Programs by State . A further 13 Canadian programs also use the AMCAS application system.

Some MD-PhD programs in the United States are funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP). This means that students receive full tuition remission, health insurance, and a living stipend throughout their training.

Medical schools with fully funded MD-PhD programs :

  • Dartmouth University, Geisel School of Medicine
  • Duke University School of Medicine
  • Harvard/M.I.T MD-PhD Program, Harvard Medical School
  • John Hopkins University School of Medicine
  • Mayo Clinic College of Medicine & Science
  • University of Florida College of Medicine
  • University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
  • University of Southern California (USC), Keck School of Medicine
  • Yale University School of Medicine

Medical schools with the most MD-PhD spots historically: 

  • Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Illinois College of Medicine
  • Weill Cornell Medical College
  • Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine
  • Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
  • University of California, Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine
  • University of Michigan Medical School
  • Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons 
  • University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
  • Harvard Medical School
  • Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
  • Northwestern University The Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
  • University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine
  • Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
  • Ohio State University College of Medicine
  • University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
  • New York University School of Medicine
  • Stanford University School of Medicine
  • Yale School of Medicine

Medical schools with MD/PhD programs that accept international students:

  • Emory University School of Medicine
  • Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine
  • University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
  • University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine/California Institute of Technology
  • University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
  • Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

The MD/PhD Application Process

The application process for MD-PhD programs is similar to that of typical MD programs. The two major differences are that you’ll designate yourself as an MD/PhD candidate on the AMCAS application, and you’ll submit 2 additional essays on that primary.

The Application Timeline

  • AMCAS (submit by end of May): You’ll fill out a primary application through AMCAS in the spring of the first year of your application cycle (e.g., to matriculate in fall 2026, you’ll submit AMCAS in spring 2025). AMCAS opens at the end of May each year. Aim to submit the primary application no later than the end of June, as early applications are more likely to be reviewed and accepted.
  • Secondaries (submit by end of August): You’ll respond to secondary applications in the summer after your primary application is reviewed by each school you submitted it to. Each program sends secondary applications to students who generally meet their minimum requirements.
  • Interviews (October-March): You’ll then attend interviews as invited between October and March. Some schools won’t contact you at all to reject your application; others will offer conflicting invites. You must prioritize your options and prepare for the opportunities that do come. 
  • Final decisions (December-March): Final decisions are made by schools between December and March. Schools with a rolling admissions cycle (most of them) accept students after completing interviews and determining a student is a fit. A smaller number of programs wait to send acceptances until after all interviews are complete.
  • Choose your program (March-April): Students choose where to matriculate between March and April.
  • Programs start (June-August): Programs begin between June and August, depending on the school.

How to Prepare for an MD/PhD interview

You should prepare for your MD/PhD interview by practicing mock interviews to rid yourself of the jitters and fine-tune your responses in various scenarios. In addition to developing your personal narrative, you must be able to explain your research training at multiple levels.  

If you’re interested in participating in a mock interview with a physician who has served on an admissions committee, consider a mock interview with MedSchoolCoach .

What to Do if You Get Waitlisted

Finding out that you’ve been waitlisted for the MD/PhD program of your dreams is never a good feeling. However, you are not helpless in the wait. It’s a good idea to remain in contact with program leaders and administrators by sending a Letter of Intent or a Letter of Interest.

Listen: An MD/PHD’s Journey to Medicine [PODCAST]  

What is a Letter of Intent vs. a Letter of Interest? 

A Letter of Intent is a formal statement that you would commit to matriculating into a program if you are accepted. A Letter of Interest conveys that you are strongly interested in the program, but it does not indicate any commitment or explicitly state that a program is your first choice.

Both letters should summarize why you believe the program and school are a great fit for your interests and how you will be able to uniquely contribute to the school, in under one page.

Finding Out You’ve Been Accepted!

The day you receive that phone call or email — the one from the MD-PhD program director contacting you to say you have officially been offered acceptance into their program — provides a feeling of joy worth being patient for!

Our Physician Advisors can support you through the application process for your best shot at getting into the school of your choice.

What specialties can MD/PhD graduates earn their PhD in?  

PhD students commonly choose to specialize in topics such as:

  • Cell Biology
  • Biochemistry
  • Pharmacology
  • Neuroscience
  • Biomedical Engineering

What is the salary range for an MD/PhD graduate? 

MD/PhD graduates can expect an average annual salary of about $100K, depending on the type of work and place of employment.

What is the difference between a PhD and a Postdoctorate? 

A Postdoctoral Fellowship is a temporary period of mentorship and research training for graduates with doctoral degrees, offered by the National Institutes of Health, to acquire skills needed for a chosen career. A PhD thesis must be successfully defended, whereas a postdoc is a non-defendable temporary employment assignment from an organization such as a university.

Can an MD/PhD be a doctor? 

Graduates who earn an MD/PhD are fully qualified doctors and may practice medicine in a clinical setting upon completing their residency training.

Can an MD/PhD graduate be a surgeon? 

While an MD/PhD graduate CAN be a surgeon if they choose surgery specialties in their residency programs, a surgical resident is not required to obtain a PhD in addition to their MD.

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with MedSchoolCoach to learn how we can help boost your chances of success getting into medical school .

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Pros and Cons of the MD-PhD Degree

  • By Lawrence Wang
  • August 17, 2018
  • Medical Student , Pre-med
  • Clinical Rotations , Dual Degree , Research , Residency
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”                                  -Robert Frost

Do you have an interest/background in medicine and research , but balk at the prospect of spending eight years getting the MD-PhD degree? You can theoretically do all the same things (i.e. see patients and run a research lab) with only an MD degree. There are plenty of MD’s out there who are successful physician-scientists, and the MD-PhD  is certainly the less common path, the road less traveled. So why bother getting a PhD as well?

These are all great questions, worth a fair amount of thought and reflection. Pursuing the rewarding, competitive, and singular pathway of a combined MD-PhD degree is a major decision that warrants a critical evaluation of its associated pros and cons.  So without further ado, let’s dive right in.

Chart showing pros and cons of MD-PhD Degree

Pros of the MD-PhD Degree

1 | fully funded.

Medical school is expensive, with the average medical student graduating in 2017 with a debt of nearly $200,000 . In contrast, many MD-PhD students graduate debt-free and may even have a small nest egg saved away. This is because Medical Scientist Training Programs (MSTP) and many non-MSTP MD-PhD programs waive tuition and provide stipends to their students that are comparable to a biology graduate student stipend (~$30,000 of disposable income a year). The stipend is adjusted to match the cost of living in the city in which your school is located.

2 | Options for Fast-Tracking

MD-PhD’s enjoy specialized tracks that enable them to shorten their PhD and residency training. The PhD portion of the dual degree is an average of 4 years (vs. an average of 5-6 years for single degree PhD’s in the biomedical sciences).

Furthermore, MD-PhD graduates can “short-track” their residency into fellowship training. In the case of the three-year internal medicine residency, the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) has a pathway that enables residents with a demonstrated potential for basic science or clinical research to spend only two years doing clinical training before returning to full-time research . These so-called “research residencies” are typically populated by MD-PhD’s, with a few MD-MPH/MD-MS/MD graduates that have strong research credentials thrown into the mix.

3 | Competitiveness for Funding to Start a Lab

According to an NIH report about physician-scientists , MD-PhD’s overall had higher award rates for research program grants (RPGs) (24.6%) than MD’s (21.7%, p<0.01) or PhD’s (21.4%, p<0.01). Furthermore, the award rate for MD-PhD’s from an MSTP program was nearly three times higher than that for MD/PhD’s not from an MSTP program (36.2% vs. 12.3%). If you are interested in more details, there is a wealth of outcomes data in this report as well as the  AAMC National MD-PhD Program Outcomes Study .

Cons of the MD-PhD Degree

1 | delayed autonomy.

The additional four years that an MD-PhD student invests in obtaining a PhD represent a significant opportunity cost (time and money). The ramifications of this can be broad. For example, an MD-PhD student living on a graduate student stipend may not have the financial autonomy to start a family until after they obtain an income (and free time!) commensurate to their training level. Furthermore, the average age of young investigators obtaining their first RPG’s continues to rise (44.3 years for MD-PhD’s, 43.8 years for MD’s, and 41.9 years for PhD’s in 2014) . The path of an academic researcher, especially an MD-PhD, creates an extreme delay in full professional autonomy.

2 | Disjointed Training

MD-PhDs are often likened to chimeras in their duality, which is exemplified by the disjointed path to obtaining the MD-PhD degree.

Students typically complete the first two pre-clinical years of medical school, transition to a 4-year PhD program, and then return to medical school to finish the last two clinical years before graduating with their dual degree. Subsequently, most pursue residency and fellowship training in their chosen medical specialties before finally becoming principal investigators (PIs) of a lab. This disjointed pathway forces many MD-PhD’s to play catch-up when they inevitably fall behind in either medicine or research. For instance, a common issue for MD-PhD’s is that their research skills become outdated when they return to clinical training for a number of years during the latter half of medical school and residency.

3| Balancing Clinical and Research Commitments

Juggling the considerable responsibilities of caring for patients and managing research projects can be challenging. Physician-scientists working at academic medical centers may be incentivized (or even pressured) to spend more time seeing patients, a task that earns more revenue for both the physician-scientist and the medical center. It also requires significant time and money for physician-scientists to maintain their clinical skills and board certifications. Consequently, many MD-PhD’s eventually dedicate themselves to either medicine or research and unfortunately let their less-used skill set fade into irrelevance.

Final Remarks

Any aspiring student considering a dual MD-PhD degree should think deeply and critically about whether this demanding career path is right for them. There are pros and cons to getting the MD-PhD degree, some of which may be deal-makers or deal-breakers. Ultimately, I see MD-PhD’s as chimeras walking a road less traveled, obtaining unique toolkits to address gaps in the existing body of medical knowledge and therapies. If this aligns with your goals, it can be an outstanding career!

If you are considering an MD-PhD degree but are unsure, please consider the Med School Insiders  general advising services . We have advisers who have completed this degree and can give you  detailed, real-world advice and feedback!

Picture of Lawrence Wang

Lawrence Wang

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MD-PhD, Combined Degree

School of medicine, md - phd, combined degree program.

From its inception, the physician-scientist has been a hallmark of Johns Hopkins medicine and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Indeed, the Hopkins tri-emblem represents the three core values of the institution: teaching, patient care, and research.

The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine offers a variety of opportunities for the training of medical scientists. A combined curriculum leading to both MD and PhD degrees enables students who aspire to careers in academic medicine to obtain intensive training in specialized areas of the biomedical sciences in addition to top-flight medical training. The traditional diversity and flexibility of the educational opportunities at Johns Hopkins permit the design of individualized programs to meet the needs of students with a variety of interests, educational backgrounds, and career goals.

To accomplish our training goals, we expect students to fully commit to medical training while in medical school and research training while in graduate school.  However, we also take important steps to ensure that students are exposed to the intersection of both worlds early in their training, as well as given the professional and career development advice they need to succeed.

In a word, the MD-PhD curriculum at Johns Hopkins is flexible. Most students decide to complete the first two years of medical school before they begin graduate school and finish the last two years of their medical training after completing their thesis work (see the Timeline below). However, students who want more first-hand experience in clinical medicine before beginning graduate work can elect to complete three years of medical school, followed by their graduate training, and then the last year of medical school. This can give them a better appreciation of the potential clinical relevance of their research. In making a choice, trainees consult extensively with the Program Director, the Dean of Students, members of the MD-PhD Committee, prospective research mentors, and their faculty advisors. Students in the MD-PhD Program are automatically accepted to all graduate programs, so decisions regarding graduate training programs can be made with a strong understanding of each program.  The MD-PhD Committee is responsible for program oversight, admissions, and  student mentorship .  Students complete MD-PhD training on average in eight years.

Johns Hopkins interdisciplinary organizational structure means each faculty member may be affiliated with several clinical departments, research sections, and graduate programs. 

Formal graduate programs in the School of Medicine encompass the following areas: Biochemistry; Cellular, and Molecular Biology; Biological Chemistry; Biomedical Engineering; Molecular Biophysics; Functional Anatomy and Human Evolutionary Studies; Cell Biology; Cellular and Molecular Medicine; History of Medicine; Human Genetics; Immunology; Neuroscience; Pathobiology; Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, and Cellular and Molecular Physiology. Students are also eligible to obtain their PhD in one of the 11 graduate programs at the Bloomberg School of Public Health or the School of Arts and Sciences on the Homewood Campus.  Students may select a thesis mentor from faculty in the Schools of Medicine and Public Health.

The MD-PhD Program also sponsors special seminars and lectures, It also maintains a dedicated library, the Paul Talalay MD-PhD Library, to enrich the educational opportunities of all MD-PhD students. Efforts are made to acquaint MD-PhD candidates with the major advances, concepts, and cutting-edge techniques in contemporary medicine and biomedical sciences.  We also create an environment that promotes a more intimate personal contact with successful medical scientists in this institution.

Admission Procedures.  Individuals who wish to apply for admission to the combined MD-PhD Program of the School of Medicine must submit an application through AMCAS  in which they will indicate the MD-PhD Program.  Once the AMCAS application has been verified and submitted to Hopkins, the applicant will receive an invitation to complete the Hopkins Secondary Application.  Here the applicant will submit the additional materials required for the combined degree.  Johns Hopkins does not allow applicants to apply to both the traditional MD program and the combined program during the same cycle.   

All combined-degree applications are reviewed by a separate  MD-PhD Review Committee  which is comprised of faculty from the basic sciences and clinical arena, as well as faculty from the Bloomberg School of Public Health.  A separate Graduate School application is  not necessary . The MD-PhD Committee determines whether or not an interview is indicated.  In general, the committee is looking for students with a passion for research and a commitment to medicine.  This assessment is based on the applicant’s research experience, letters of recommendation, academic performance and extracurricular activities. The Committee considers standardized test scores only in the context of the applicant’s other credentials. If an interview is granted, the applicant is notified by the MD-PhD Office and after the applicant accepts, the process for scheduling an interview begins.  Interview visits generally occur over two days. Applicants are interviewed by members of the MD-PhD Committee and other faculty members who share their research interests. Applicants have many opportunities to meet with current students and tour the campus during their visit. 

All eligible applicants who are admitted to the MD-PhD Program are funded by the NIH Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) Award.  This program, supported by the National Institutes of Health, provides full tuition, stipend, and medical and dental insurance for students. Due to federal restrictions, only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible for MSTP funding.  Approximately 10-12 MD-PhD students matriculate each year.

Students who matriculate to the traditional MD Program but have a clearly demonstrated interest and experience in scientific research, are eligible to apply to the combined MD-PhD Program.  These students may apply for admission during the fall of their first or second year of medical school.  These qualified applicants are evaluated and placed in the pool for the current application cycle and will be considered for MSTP funding.  

Financial Support.  The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) is supported by a training grant from the National Institutes of Health. A number of exceptional students with unusual accomplishments and commitment to a career in the medical sciences will be selected for traineeships under this program. Such fellowships provide stipend and tuition support for combined medical and graduate study. All students who are admitted to the MD-PhD Program will be considered for these awards. 

Graduates of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine MD-PhD Program have gone on to become leaders in many areas of academic medicine.

Advice on the scope and opportunities offered by these programs may be obtained from the Director or Administrative Director of the MD-PhD Program.

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advice about deciding between md vs phd

Hey everyone, i am currently a senior in college and i am deciding between if i want to complete a MD or PhD. I love the idea of research and i feel in love with it in my sophomore year. But i right now i am bit depressed (due to covid) and i am starting to feel the "ick" with research. I was thinking of maybe going down the medical school route and after obtaining my MD I can do some research. I am mainly thinking completing a MD instead of PhD because of job security. I am not saying money is everything but it is still a significant component in my decision as i dont want to go to school for 4+ years and end up with a low paying job where i cannot support myself. I was wondering what the job success rates are for black women in stem are (mainly in the biology fields)? also what job opportunities are there if i were to go down the PhD route that doesn't include academica or industry?

Medical Scientist Training Program (MD/PhD) section navigation

Medical scientist training program (md/phd).

md phd or phd

We are dedicated to training exceptional students from a variety of disciplines who will become the next leaders in clinical academic medicine and biomedical research. The Emory MD/PhD Program combines the advantages of rigorous preparation in clinical medicine with interdisciplinary training in the basic and social sciences of Emory's Laney Graduate School. We recognize that a thriving, interdisciplinary physician-scientist training program is an integral and central component of top academic medical centers; through this combined educational experience, the Emory MD/PhD Program provides the training necessary for students to work at the forefront of a scientific field while concurrently developing outstanding clinical skills.

Program Statistics

Current students.

  • Total Number of MD/PhD Students: 90
  • Male/Female Ratio/Genderqueer: 40/49/1
  • Underrepresented Students/Not Available: 20/11
  • International Students: 8
  • States Represented: 28
  • Countries represented: 8

2023-24 Recruitment Year Statistics

  • Total Applications Received: 605
  • Number Interviewed: 57
  • Number Matriculated: 11
  • Average MCAT: 515
  • Average Undergraduate GPA: 3.94

Miscellaneous Statistics

  • Average time to complete program (both MD and PhD degrees): 8.2 years [this means that on average, students graduate in 8 years or less]
  • MD/PhD student stipend, 2022-23 academic year: $38,500
  • Health insurance (including dental) is provided throughout all years of the program

Students by Program

Emory college.

  • 2 Chemistry
  • 1  Physics
  • 2  Sociology

Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences

  • 9  Biochemistry, Cell and Developmental Biology
  • 10  Cancer Biology
  • 4 Genetics and Molecular Pathogenesis
  • 8 Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis
  • 3 Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
  • 1  Molecular and Systems Pharmacology
  • 11 Neuroscience
  • 2  Population Biology, Ecology and Evolution

School of Public Health

  • 3  Environmental Health
  • 8  Epidemiology
  • 1 Global Health and Development
  • 2 Nutrition and Health Science

Georgia Tech

  • 20 Biomedical Engineering
  • 3  NIH-GPP

Interview Dates & Recruitment Events

Emory MD/PhD Program Info Sessions - In each session, we will review the distinctive features that make Emory’s MD/PhD Program’s unique and will also have time to address more general questions about the MD/PhD application process. Please register in advance. Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 5pm EST https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqd-CorjssG9OUMASHm0w1C0OOK_ijnNB0 Thursday, June 27, 2024, 12pm EST https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcrceqoqzwsGtxSYNXZPR2AUy1zk5M4v0PB Please contact Erica Weaver ([email protected]) if you have questions or need additional information.

2023-2024 MD/PhD interview dates

September 28-29, 2023

November 2-3, 2023

January 25-26, 2024

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos, Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

October 26-28, 2023 Portland, OR

Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)

November 15-18, 2023 Phoenix, AZ

Southeastern Medical Scientist Symposium (SEMSS)

November 18-19, 2023, hosted by Emory University, Atlanta, GA

MD-PhD Degree Programs by State

New section.

Combined MD-PhD degree programs provide students the opportunity to earn both the MD and the PhD in areas pertinent to medicine.

Combined MD-PhD degree programs provide students the opportunity to earn both the MD and the PhD in areas pertinent to medicine. Below is a list of schools offering a combined MD-PhD degree, with links to their web sites. Please contact the institutions directly for curriculum information and admission requirements. School administrators may contact [email protected]  with any omissions or corrections to this listing.

University of Alabama School of Medicine Birmingham, Ala.

University of South Alabama College of Medicine   Mobile, Ala.

University of Arizona College of Medicine Tucson, Ariz.

University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix Phoenix, Ariz.

University of Arkansas College of Medicine Little Rock, Ark.

Loma Linda University School of Medicine   Loma Linda, Calif.

Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, Calif.

University of California, Davis School of Medicine   Davis, Calif.

University of California, Irvine School of Medicine   Irvine, Calif.

University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine   Los Angeles, Calif.

University of California, San Diego School of Medicine   La Jolla, Calif.

University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine   San Francisco, Calif.

Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California   Los Angeles, Calif.

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center   Denver, Colo.


University of Connecticut School of Medicine   Farmington, Conn.

Yale University School of Medicine   New Haven, Conn.

District of Columbia

Georgetown University School of Medicine   Washington, D.C.

Howard University College of Medicine   Washington, D.C.

University of Florida College of Medicine   Gainesville, Fla.

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine   Miami, Fla.

University of South Florida College of Medicine   Tampa, Fla.

Emory University School of Medicine   Atlanta, Ga.

Medical College of Georgia   Augusta, Ga.

Morehouse School of Medicine   Atlanta, Ga.

Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University Augusta, Ga.

Loyola University of Chicago - Stritch School of Medicine   Maywood, Ill.

Northwestern University Medical School   Chicago, Ill.

Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science - Chicago Medical School   North Chicago, Ill.

University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine (MTSP)  Chicago, Ill.

University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine (MD/PhD) Chicago, Ill.

University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine   Chicago, Ill.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Carle Illinois College of Medicine   Urbana, Ill.

Indiana University School of Medicine   Indianapolis, Ind.

University of Iowa College of Medicine   Iowa City, Iowa

University of Kansas School of Medicine   Kansas City, Kan.

University of Kentucky College of Medicine   Lexington, Ky.

University of Louisville School of Medicine   Louisville, Ky.

Louisiana State University, New Orleans School of Medicine   New Orleans, La.

Louisiana State University, Shreveport School of Medicine   Shreveport, La.

Tulane University School of Medicine   New Orleans, La.

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine   Baltimore, Md.

National Institutes of Health Intramural MD-PhD Partnership   Bethesda, Md.

Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences   Bethesda, Md.

University of Maryland at Baltimore School of Medicine   Baltimore, Md.


Boston University School of Medicine   Boston, Mass.

Harvard Medical School   Boston, Mass.

Tufts University School of Medicine   Boston, Mass.

University of Massachusetts Medical School   Worcester, Mass.

Michigan State University College of Human Medicine   East Lansing, Mich.

University of Michigan Medical School   Ann Arbor, Mich.

Wayne State University School of Medicine   Detroit, Mich.

Mayo Medical School  Rochester, Minn.

University of Minnesota Medical School   Minneapolis, Minn.


University of Mississippi School of Medicine   Jackson, Miss.

Saint Louis University School of Medicine   St. Louis, Mo.

University of Missouri - Columbia School of Medicine   Columbia, Mo.

University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine   Kansas City, Mo.

Washington University School of Medicine   St. Louis, Mo.

Creighton University School of Medicine   Omaha, Neb.

University of Nebraska College of Medicine   Omaha, Neb.

University of Nevada School of Medicine   Reno, Nev.

New Hampshire

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth   Hanover, N.H.

Rutgers - New Jersey Medical School   Newark, N.J.

Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School   Piscataway, N.J.

University of New Mexico School of Medicine   Albuquerque, N.M.

Albany Medical College   Albany, N.Y.

Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University   Bronx, N.Y.

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons   New York, N.Y.

Hofstra North Shore - LIJ School of Medicine Hempstead, N.Y.

Weill Cornell/Rockefeller/Sloan-Kettering Tri-Institutional MD/PhD Program   New York, N.Y.

Mount Sinai School of Medicine   New York, N.Y.

New York Medical College   Valhalla, N.Y.

New York University School of Medicine   New York, N.Y.

SUNY at Buffalo School of Medicine   Buffalo, N.Y.

SUNY at Stony Brook Health Sciences Center   Stony Brook, N.Y.

SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine   Brooklyn, N.Y.

SUNY Upstate Medical University   Syracuse, N.Y.

University of Rochester School of Medicine   Rochester, N.Y.

North Carolina

Wake Forest School of Medicine   Winston-Salem, N.C.

Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University   Greenville, N.C.

Duke University School of Medicine   Durham, N.C.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine   Chapel Hill, N.C.

North Dakota

University of North Dakota School of Medicine   Grand Forks, N.D.

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine   Cleveland, Ohio

Northeastern Ohio College of Medicine   Rootstown, Ohio

Ohio State University College of Medicine   Columbus, Ohio

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine   Cincinnati, Ohio

University of Toledo College of Medicine   Toledo, Ohio

Wright State University School of Medicine   Dayton, Ohio

University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center   Oklahoma City, Okla.

Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine   Portland, Ore.


Drexel University College of Medicine   Philadelphia, Pa.

Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University   Philadelphia, Pa.

Penn State University College of Medicine   Hershey, Pa.

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine   Philadelphia, Pa.

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine   Pittsburgh, Pa.

Temple University School of Medicine   Philadelphia, Pa.

Rhode Island

Brown University School of Medicine   Providence, R.I.

South Carolina

Medical University of South Carolina  Charleston, S.C.

University of South Carolina School of Medicine   Columbia, S.C.

South Dakota

University of South Dakota School of Medicine   Vermillion, S.D.

East Tennessee State University James H. Quillen College of Medicine   Johnson City, Tenn.

Meharry Medical College School of Medicine   Nashville, Tenn.

University of Tennessee, Memphis College of Medicine   Memphis, Tenn.

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine   Nashville, Tenn.

Baylor College of Medicine   Houston, Texas

McGovern Medical School at UTHealth/MD Anderson Cancer Center/University of Puerto Rico Tri-Institutional Program   Houston, Texas

Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center College of Medicine College   Station, Texas

Texas Tech University School of Medicine   Lubbock, Texas

University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston   Galveston, Texas

University of Texas Health San Antonio, Long School of Medicine   San Antonio, Texas

University of Texas, Southwestern Med Center - Dallas   Dallas, Texas

University of Utah School of Medicine   Salt Lake City, Utah

University of Vermont College of Medicine   Burlington, Vt.

Eastern Virginia Medical School   Norfolk, Va.

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine   Richmond, Va.

University of Virginia School of Medicine   Charlottesville, Va.

University of Washington School of Medicine   Seattle, Wash.

West Virginia

Marshall University School of Medicine   Huntington, W.Va.

West Virginia University School of Medicine   Morgantown, W.Va.

Medical College of Wisconsin   Milwaukee, Wisc.

University of Wisconsin Medical School   Madison, Wisc.

McGill University Faculty of Medicine   Montreal, Quebec

McMaster University of Faculty of Health Sciences   Hamilton, Ontario

Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty of Medicine   St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

Universite de Montreal Faculte de Medecine   Montreal, Quebec

Universite de Sherbrooke Faculte de Medecine   Sherbrooke, Quebec

Universite Laval Faculte de Medecine   Quebec, Quebec

University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry   Edmonton, Alberta

University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine   Calgary, Alberta

University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine   Vancouver, British Columbia

University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine   Winnipeg, Manitoba

University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine   Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine   Toronto, Ontario

University of Western Ontario   London, Ontario

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Improving Quality of Care for Older Adults

A q&a with snigdha jain, snigdha jain, md, mhs.

When Snigdha Jain, MD, MHS , became an ICU physician, she found that two-thirds of the individuals she cared for in the ICU were older adults. She also found that illness did not end with survival and discharge from the hospital for these patients. The realization prompted her to better understand how the lives of older adults change after a critical illness.

Now committed to a career in aging research, Jain, an assistant professor of medicine in the Section of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine at Yale , recently won the American Geriatrics Society Health and Aging Foundation New Investigator Award. The honor recognizes individuals conducting new and relevant studies in geriatrics.

In an interview, Jain discusses the inspiration behind her research focus on older adults, the role of social factors in quality of care, and why people of all ages should strive to be active during hospital stays.

What inspired you to pursue research in aging?

I was interested in improving outcomes after critical illness, which matters to many older adults because they value independence and quality of life, not just survival. Older adults may be at higher risk of decline after hospitalization because of pre-existing issues such as cognitive impairment, frailty, or chronic conditions.

I didn't realize how the questions I was interested in were the mainstay of geriatric research until I was introduced to the geriatric epidemiology training program at Yale. Working with Drs. Thomas Gill and Lauren Ferrante showed me how function and cognition are measured and helped me gain the tools to ask research questions that addressed the clinical problems I was seeing.

How can we improve the quality of care for older people?

It’s important to listen to older adults, validate their concerns, and understand that they may have lingering symptoms and problems because of a critical illness. We need to provide them with all kinds of support, such as referral to a specialist or rehab. We also need to make sure that everyone, including low-income older adults, receives this support. For example, I might want a patient to go to an outpatient physical therapy center to strengthen their muscles, but the patient might not have the caregiver support or the transportation to do those things. Understanding how effective care processes, such as rehabilitation, are delivered across the continuum of care can help us design interventions to ensure equitable access and quality of care during and beyond hospitalization.

If patients are hospitalized in a skilled nursing facility or admitted to a nursing facility after staying in the ICU, as happens with a third of older adults, we need to ensure the quality of care they receive in skilled nursing can assist their recovery. It’s important to provide patients with support beyond the ICU and medical diagnostics to assist them in their journey to recovery.

What research discoveries have you made that you wish every person, regardless of age, knew?

One of my recent studies with Dr. Gill found that when many older adults leave the hospital after a critical illness, they still have symptoms like shortness of breath or fatigue within the first three months after hospitalization that restrict them to bed for more than half a day or that make them cut down their activities. We discovered that such symptoms are associated with downstream disability. How much dependence these adults develop over the next six months is linked to the symptoms that restrict their activity. If you're not moving around much, there is a possibility you’ll become more disabled down the road.

I encourage older adults and everybody who’s in the hospital to advocate for themselves about the need to be active. Being in the hospital should not mean inactivity. Studies support the value of mobilization in preserving downstream function and cognition in critically ill patients.

My research also shows that older adults with low income or limited English proficiency or those who live in rural areas are less likely to be mobilized or offered physical therapy. I hope to build on this work to advocate for systemic and policy changes to make sure everyone can get equitable access to therapy services. We need to take into account social vulnerability to improve outcomes for everyone, not just a select few.

The Section of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine is one of the eleven sections within Yale School of Medicine’s Department of Internal Medicine. To learn more about Yale-PCCSM, visit PCCSM's website , or follow them on Facebook and Twitter .

  • Internal Medicine
  • Awards & Honors
  • Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Featured in this article

  • Snigdha Jain, MD, MHS Assistant Professor; Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine
  • Thomas M. Gill, MD Humana Foundation Professor of Medicine (Geriatrics) and Professor of Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases) and of Investigative Medicine; Director, Yale Program on Aging; Director, Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center; Director, Yale Center for Disability and Disabling Disorders; Director, Yale Training Program in Geriatric Clinical Epidemiology and Aging-Related Research
  • Lauren Ferrante, MD, MHS Assistant Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine); Director, Operations Core, Yale Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center; Student Thesis Chair, Internal Medicine

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EdD vs PhD – Key Differences Compared

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EdD and PhD programs are degrees in education but cater to distinct career goals. Learn more.

Why should I get an EdD degree?

Are you considering a doctorate to propel your career in education? A master's degree has equipped you with valuable knowledge, but you're hungry to make a bigger impact. Doctor of Education (EdD) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programs offer a path forward, but how do these doctorates differ? The key lies in their focus. 

What is an EdD degree? 

An EdD degree is oriented toward professionals who want to learn to leverage educational leadership skills. Combining research and application, the EdD can be applied to various industries inside and outside of education. With an EdD, you can spearhead educational change at the district or school level, craft innovative curricula, or guide future educators.

EdD vs PhD  

Are you a passionate educator ready to take the next step and become a leader who shapes the future of education? Then, an EdD program might be the perfect fit for you. The focus of an EdD program is on practical application. You'll delve into the latest educational theories and strategies but with a clear emphasis on how to implement them effectively in real-world educational settings. EdD programs are designed for busy professionals, so expect a curriculum that blends rigorous coursework with flexible learning options.

If you’re more interested in delving deeper into the theoretical underpinnings of education or seeing yourself as a future professor who teaches and conducts groundbreaking research, a PhD in education might be a better fit. A PhD program emphasizes original research, pushing the boundaries of educational knowledge.

The key takeaway? Both EdD and PhD programs are degrees in education, but they cater to different career goals. An EdD equips you to be a change agent in the field, while a PhD prepares you to become a scholar who advances educational knowledge.

EdD Degree Online

Arizona Online’s EdD in Educational Leadership – in the Educational Leadership & Policy (EDLP) unit – is designed to advance knowledge and address enduring and future problems in education by:

  • Exploring issues of social justice for educational equity and opportunity
  • Engaging in research situated in socio-cultural, economic, and political contexts
  • Addressing the significance of changing and challenging educational contexts

Students continue to work as full-time practitioners while studying and applying new knowledge to their daily practice.

The benefits extend far beyond the classroom. EdD programs often attract experienced professionals, creating a unique learning environment. Your classmates – who are often current school administrators, deans, and educational professionals – bring much practical experience. This collaborative atmosphere fosters knowledge exchange, allowing you to learn from each other's successes and challenges. The connections you build in the program can evolve into valuable professional networks that propel your career forward long after graduation.

Doctor of Education Salary

EdD degree jobs vary depending on your goals. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), EdD graduates who become school principals, leading middle or high schools, enjoy a competitive median salary of $101,320. According to Payscale, superintendents – responsible for the whole district's success – command even higher salaries, averaging $144,547 nationwide.

But leadership isn't the only option. EdD graduates can also work to develop curriculums and set educational standards. Instructional coordinators, for example, earned a median salary of $66,490 in 2022, according to the BLS.

For those passionate about technology, EdD programs focusing on e-learning can lead to careers overseeing tech initiatives or online programs. Education Technology Specialists, for example, currently earn an average annual salary of $80,965 (Glassdoor).

And, of course, an EdD qualifies graduates to teach. College professors enjoy a median annual salary of $80,840 (BLS, 2022), with varying salaries based on experience and institution.

EdD Programs

If your career goals aren't limited to teaching or research, an EdD is better than a PhD. An EdD goes beyond traditional academics, equipping you with the skills to make a real-world difference in the field of education. An EdD is your springboard to impactful careers across the educational spectrum. Think school administration, curriculum development, or policy leadership in K-12 or higher education. The possibilities extend beyond the school walls, with opportunities in healthcare, government, and even the business sector. Earning an EdD could be the key to unlocking your potential if you're passionate about leading and making a tangible impact.

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    Now there are ∼90 active MD/PhD programs that admit anywhere from a few students per year to 25 or more. The average size of an MD/PhD program in 2017 was ∼90 students in all stages of training. Compared with the many thousands who apply to medical school in each year, only 1900 (∼3%) apply to MD/PhD programs.

  11. What is the Real Difference between an MD and PhD?

    PhDs advance knowledge, whereas MDs merely apply existing knowledge. If you ask someone in the psychology world how people with PhDs (Doctor of Philosophy) differ from those with MD (Doctor of ...

  12. Applying to MD-PhD Programs

    The MD-PhD dual degree training prepares you for a career that is busy, challenging, and rewarding, and offers opportunities to do good for many people by advancing medical science, developing new diagnostics and treatments for diseases, and pushing back the boundaries of the unknown.

  13. MD-PhD Programs: The Ultimate Guide (2024)

    MD-PhD programs are designed to be completed in 7 to 8 years. A minority of students complete the program in 6 or 10 years. Here's what the typical MD-PhD curriculum looks like: Years 1-2 will be spent mostly on completing medical school coursework. Years 3-6 will consist mostly of PhD research. Years 7-8 will be spent mostly completing ...

  14. MD vs. MD/PhD: Key Differences and Choosing the Best Path

    The average annual MD/PhD salary is between $60k and $115k, depending on location and type of employment. Physicians manage the health and well-being of patients in their care. This is done through physical exams, treatment, diagnostic testing, and communication. Depending on the type of physician, they may treat specific or general illnesses ...

  15. An FAQ for MD/PhD Applicants

    MD/PhD programs provide training in both medicine and research. They are specifically designed for men and women who want to become research physicians, also known as physician-investigators or physician-scientists. Graduates of MD/PhD programs often go on to become faculty members at medical schools, universities, and research institutes such ...

  16. What is the Real Difference between an MD and PhD?

    PhDs advance knowledge, whereas MDs merely apply existing knowledge. If you ask someone in the psychology world how people with PhDs (Doctor of Philosophy ) differ from those with MD (Doctor of ...

  17. MD/PhD Programs: Right for You? Best Programs & FAQ

    In the 2022-23 application cycle, MD/PhD applicants had an average MCAT score of 511.3, while matriculants averaged 516.2. GPA of 3.7 or higher: Like MCAT scores, the GPA requirements for MD/PhD programs differ by program. But your chances are highest with an average GPA of at least 3.7. In the 2022-23 application cycle, MD/PhD applicants ...

  18. Pros and Cons of the MD-PhD Degree

    Pros of the MD-PhD Degree. 1 | Fully Funded. Medical school is expensive, with the average medical student graduating in 2017 with a debt of nearly $200,000.In contrast, many MD-PhD students graduate debt-free and may even have a small nest egg saved away. This is because Medical Scientist Training Programs (MSTP) and many non-MSTP MD-PhD programs waive tuition and provide stipends to their ...

  19. Harvard/MIT MDPhD Program

    MD-PhD and the HMS MD Curricula. Our MD-PhD students benefit from the choice of applying to two Harvard Medical School educational tracks, namely Pathways and Health, Sciences, and Technology (HST). The Pathways track features a large and diverse class of students whose interests span the gamut of liberal arts education. The Pathways curriculum ...

  20. MD-PhD, Combined Degree < Johns Hopkins University

    The MD-PhD Committee is responsible for program oversight, admissions, and student mentorship . Students complete MD-PhD training on average in eight years. Johns Hopkins interdisciplinary organizational structure means each faculty member may be affiliated with several clinical departments, research sections, and graduate programs. Formal ...

  21. advice about deciding between md vs phd : r/GradSchool

    Though, with an MD, you can always jump back into research, but with a PhD, you can't jump into a clinical position. Though, do be aware the further experienced you are in research, the less time you will spend at the bench. Your time becomes more valuable analyzing data and designing the next set of experiments. Good luck OP.

  22. MD/PhD

    The Emory MD/PhD Program will offer three virtual sessions to learn about our program and have your questions answered: - July 25 from 4:00-5:00 p.m. EST - August 2 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. - August 8 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. Please visit the NIH Graduate and Professional School Fair website to register for the conference. You will then be able to ...

  23. PhD Candidate vs. Student

    Let's take a step back. There are two main categories of professional degrees: academic and professional. The PhD is an example of an academic doctoral degree because it focuses on research. In contrast, the Doctor of Medicine (MD) is a professional degree, as is the Juris Doctor (JD). Other types of doctoral programs include:

  24. Dr. Nyall R. London Jr., MD, PhD

    Nyall R. London Jr., MD, PhD Skull Base Surgery Rhinology, Sinus, and Skull Base Surgery Rhinology and Sinus Surgery Otolaryngology. Accepting New Patients. Johns Hopkins Affiliations: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty; 4.8 of 5 stars 149 Ratings, 45 Reviews. Health insurances accepted.

  25. Dr. Thomas Vincent Johnson III, MD, PhD

    Thomas Vincent Johnson III, MD, PhD Glaucoma Comprehensive Ophthalmology. Accepting New Patients. Johns Hopkins Affiliations: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty; 4.9 of 5 stars 208 Ratings, 69 Reviews. Health insurances accepted. 14 Insurances Accepted View all. About. Professional Titles.

  26. MD-PhD Degree Programs by State

    Combined MD-PhD degree programs provide students the opportunity to earn both the MD and the PhD in areas pertinent to medicine. Below is a list of schools offering a combined MD-PhD degree, with links to their web sites. Please contact the institutions directly for curriculum information and admission requirements.

  27. Improving Quality of Care for Older Adults < MD-PhD Program

    When Snigdha Jain, MD, MHS, became an ICU physician, she found that two-thirds of the individuals she cared for in the ICU were older adults.She also found that illness did not end with survival and discharge from the hospital for these patients. The realization prompted her to better understand how the lives of older adults change after a critical illness.

  28. EdD vs PhD

    A PhD program emphasizes original research, pushing the boundaries of educational knowledge. The key takeaway? Both EdD and PhD programs are degrees in education, but they cater to different career goals. An EdD equips you to be a change agent in the field, while a PhD prepares you to become a scholar who advances educational knowledge. ...

  29. Dr. Edgar R. Miller III, MD

    Medical Education, MD, 1992. Board Certifications. Internal Medicine American Board of Internal Medicine, 1996. Insurance. Johns Hopkins providers accept various commercial health insurance plans. However, they may not be included in all of an insurance company's plans or offerings. This may include Exchange, Medicaid, Medicare, and specific ...

  30. MD Anderson celebrates the life and legacy of V. Craig Jordan, Ph.D

    Pharmacologist V. Craig Jordan, Ph.D., a professor of Breast Medical Oncology and Molecular and Cellular Oncology at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center who discovered Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) and developed breakthrough breast cancer treatments, died June 9, 2024, at his home in Houston. He was 76 years old. Known as the "father of tamoxifen," Jordan ...