Ang Silakbo SHS Official School Paper 2020-2021

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VOL.01 ISSUE NO.1 | The Official School Publication of the Senior High School Department | University of Cebu — Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue | S.Y. 2020-2021


‘Ang Silakbo’: UCLM SHS establishes first campus publication B By: Agustine Villaflores | Local News

y the virtue of the Executive Order No. 211 signed last February 12,

2021, the University of Cebu - Lapu

-lapu and Mandaue Senior High School

department has officially established its first-ever campus publication, “Ang Silakbo”. Silakbo is a Filipino term for eruption, outburst, surge, or outbreak which means “isang biglaan o madalas matinding pagpapahayag ng damdamin o kilos” which summarizes the mission of the said publication – to create awareness and inform the public about the actions of the student body, policies, current issues, students’ welfare, programs, official activities, as well as the SHS department’s achievements.

COVID vaccines are worldwide concern, not ‘negligence’ - Andanar By: Agustine Villaflores | Local News

UCLM’s ‘Nature Ambassador’

(PCOO) Secretary Martin Andanar last May

The difficulties throughout the pro-

duction and implementation of Covid-19

Senators intend to accuse the Duterte

vaccines are a worldwide concern not

leadership's alleged failure of uncertainties in

"negligence," as opposition members

the procurement and distribution of Covid-19

have said, according to Presidential

On her approximately 6-minute video, LJ Eviota, a grade 12 HUMSS student of the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue, triumphed as the second placer of thecompetition.

vaccines, according to Andanar. Continue to | Page 2

Communications Operations Office

Vlogging with Environment By: Kaye Angelie P. Gilig | Scitech

nga constellation katong po nya di man ko kamao wala koy template KEEP UP THE LIGHT A-GLOWING BRIGHT

LOOK: A fire was set in a cauldron to symbolize the pride and competitiveness of each departments. The tradition of lighting a flame were performed in reality despite the games were occurred in virtual.

SHS Dept bags awards in first UCLM E-Intramurals By: Jil Kim Peñas | Local

In pursuant to quality educa-

which used the hashtag #SHSLibra,

tion, the University of Cebu Lapu-

representing a corresponding zodiac

Lapu and Mandaue hosted its first

sign as a team indicator, has bagged

ever E-Intramurals with the dif-

championship titles and awards in

various competitions with the two

and departments that took


teams representing it - Raging Red

place on April 8 to 12, 2021

as the overall champion and Blazing

via Facebook live where the Senior

Blue as the 1st Placer.

High School Department was hailed

For the cultural competition,

as the first E-Intramurals Champion.

the Senior High School Libra

The SHS Department,

Continue to | Page 18

beams of the sun that strives to touch

A breath of fresh air calms your

your skin. Apparently, this tree has

nerves as you welcome the day with a

been the seed you were eating years

grin plastered on your face. It is always

ago. Going back, its growth always

nice to take a look at how flowers

seemed a mystery to you until you

thrive despite changes of weather. The

learned about how sunlight, carbon

gigantic mango tree in the backyard

dioxide, and nutrients coming from the

played as shade from the burning

Continue to | Page 14 Continue to | Page 14

Home of Prodigious students By: Kaye Ashley Ramos | Feature By: Kaye Ashley Ramos| Feature

Change is indeed the only constant thing in this world, for as it revolves, new things will arise. Another year means another milestone for other people, new hopes, new opportunities, and new dreams. And as these dreams are about to be built, new infrastructures can make these dreams alive, for when desires arise, so as buildings. Continue to | Page 10


SEPTEMBER 2020 - MAY 2021

UCLMoffersonline,modular courses

By: Agustine Villaflores

School Grade 11, and College

In pursuance to the safety protocols

freshmen with classes beginning on

implemented for the COVID-19

September 8, 2020 wherein students

pandemic, the University of Cebu ?

are currently in the final semester.

Lapu-lapu and Mandaue (UCLM)

has adhered to continuing to offer

Commission on Higher Education

quality education in the ?new

(CHED) directed either public or

normal?via administering the online

and modular courses.

Institutions (HEIs) to introduce

As a means of mitigating the new

e-learning and modular learning in

normal education situation and to

order to ensure the continuation of

ensure the safety of students and

teachers, UCLM has implemented

virtual classes where learning is

education is a "learner-centered

conferencing as well as learning

embedded in the needs of the

delivery modules through open

students" that can provide them

with "the greatest versatility" when

The university began accepting

studying by the use of virtual and

enrollment on July 13, 2020 for


Kinder, Grades 1 and 7, Senior High Graphic Illustration made by Chr istian Luck y Sal igumba

?ANGSILAKBO?:UCLM SHSESTABLISHESFIRST CAMPUSPUBLICATION By: Lynda Kather ine B. Mecar os By the virtue of the Executive Order No. 211 signed last February 12, 2021, the University of Cebu - Lapu-lapu and Mandaue Senior High School department has officially established its first-ever campus publication, ?Ang Silakbo?. Silakbo is a Filipino term for eruption, outburst, surge, or outbreak which means ?isang biglaan o madalas matinding pagpapahayag ng damdamin o kilos? which summarizes the mission of the said publication ? to create awareness and inform the public about the actions of the student body, policies, current issues, students? welfare, programs, official activities, as well as the SHS department?s achievements. The founding of the independent inter-organization SHS school paper is an initiation done by the Supreme Student Council 5th Congress lead by Christian Lucky Saligumba with

Photos from Univer sity of Cebu Council of Pr esidents

hopes to help student writers nourish and enhance their English


?One of the platforms that we are proud to have established is the Official Senior High School Publication, Ang

In continuation to Page 1

Silakbo. For years of not having a medium to express the voice and grievances of the SHS students, as well as to nurture the

For the cultural competition, the Senior High School Libra bagged awards and achievements in different fields.

journalistic abilities and potential of our department, we finally have a resolution to this dilemma,?said Saligumba. The publication held its first official meeting last May 11 via online video conferencing in pursuance of the

managing editors, news editors, news writers, publication artists, and the school paper adviser, Ms. Kathleen Burlas.

event and for the Balak Competition, Blazing Blue?s Roob Alexander Perez obtained the spot of a 2nd placer.

The representative of the SHS dept for the Mr. and Ms.

For the event of Debate, the SHS Blazing Blue got the 1st

Intramurals, Eumera Mariz Genodiala of the SHS Blazing Blue, got

spot, while the 2nd spot was bagged by the SHS Raging Red. Evan

the 2nd Runner up title and Best in Talent award.

Laurence Setias was also merited as the Best Rebutalist from Blazing

In the field of singing, Jay Almiento of Raging Red, grabbed

Blue, while Keanne Marie Jandusay merited as the Best Debater

the 2nd place for vocal solo meanwhile for the vocal duet, Francis

coming from Raging Red, and Prince Jihun Jung merited as the Best

Lawrence and Gussie Cuyos of Raging Red got the 1st place, while

Speaker of the Blazing Blue.

COVID-19 safety protocols with all members of the board which comprises of the editor-in-chief, associate editors,

Rembrandt Ponce of Blazing Blue obtained the 2nd spot for the said

Khen Paquibot and Vivien Arocha of Blazing Blue got the 2nd place. In the area of dancing, Grace Ansit and Anthony Pol of Raging Red got the 1st place in the dance sport contest while Krisley Gesulga and Aron James Daymiel of Blazing Blue bagged the 2nd spot, and for the contemporary dance, John Clarence Abucay and Mia Marybel Angtud of Raging Red got the 1st spot. In the contest for Tiktok Dance, Kevin Jay Libot and Shaina Janiola of Raging Red bagged the 1st place, while Richard W arren Lloren and Jenica Ripdos of Blazing Blue got the 3rd spot. The E-Intramurals of UCLM also highlighted the wit and

For the sports events of the E-Intrams, the Dribbling Skill/ Trick Challenge and the Mobile Legends Tournament were also participated by the SHSLibra. In the Dribbling Skill Challenge, Garnell Arriola of the SHS Raging Red got the 1st spot, while Kyle Laurence Aluba of the SHS Blazing Blue got the 3rd spot and for the Mobile Legends Tournament, the SHS Raging Red bagged the 1st spot while 2nd place for the SHS Blazing Blue. The E-Intramurals events were presided by Dr. Roel

intelligence of the students as assessed by the following academic

Monsanto, Julianne Gascon, Jenny Thea Dempa, Shaina T. Rico, and

Ramel T. Ametin.The awarding ceremony was held on 12th of April In the contest of Declamation, Mona Crissa Tumulak of

Blazing Blue got the 2nd place while in the contest of Oration,

2021 where the contestants and participating teams and individuals received their recognition for winning.

SEPTEMBER 2020 - MAY 2021 By: Jil Kim Peñas The Philippines celebrates a yearlong commemoration of the 500th year of Christianity in the country which started on April 4, 2021 in all parishes around the country in relation to the gift of faith received way back in 1521. The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) will lead the events and programs that will happen all throughout the yearlong celebration that will end on the 4th of April of 2022.



On April 14, 2021, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cebu began its reenactment of the first baptism in the country which was the main highlight of the celebration held at the Plaza Sugbo, Cebu City. In his homily during a mass at Saint Peter?s Basilica at the Vatican on March 14, 2021, Pope Francis said that it was 500 years since the Philippines received the joy of the Gospel. Archbishop Jose Palma of Cebu has said that, ?W hat we have done is being done all over the country. That coordinated celebration is a sign of unity but at the same time, we are aware of the significance of our whole country, the Philippines?. Amidst the celebration of this quincentennial leap, many have argued whether the celebration is worth celebrating or not. Religious people stand firm with their side that this celebration is a commemoration of the gift of faith and a celebration of a gift that could be dated back on April 14, 1521 when Rajah Humabon and Reyna Juana together with their people, embraced Christianity and got baptized for the very first time. On the contrary, opinions arise which view that this is an unworthy celebration. Historians and even normal people give their side on why this quincentennial celebration is not worth it. According to Nicolas Faller Jr., a rapper intern, in his statement from an article by Rappler that celebrating the 500 years of Christianity is a spit on the memory of our ancestors and that celebrating this would bury the dream of our ancestors which is freedom. Even President Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, has given his statement in a television interview hosted by Pastor Apollo Quiboloy that what is so special about the 500 years of Christianity celebration. Catholic bishops, nonetheless, disregarded the president's assertion, saying the Church is not forcing the celebration on people. ?Anyone is welcome to celebrate with us?, said Bishop Ruperto Santos of Balanga, adding that the celebration is an occasion to

Photo cour tesy to Char l ie Saceda

COVIDVACCINESAREWORLDWIDECONCERN,NOT'NEGLIGENCE"- ANDANAR By: Agustine Vil l afl or es By: Agustine Vil l afl or es . The difficulties throughout the production and

?Something has gone wrong. In most of the

implementation of

Covid-19 vaccines are a

countries, they are -- they shanghaied -- iyong

worldwide concern not "negligence," as opposition

shanghaied ?yong parang kinuha na nila na sa

members have said, according to Presidential

kanilang gobyerno at ewan ko (they shanghaied the


supply or their governments got the supply. I don?t

Secretary Martin Andanar last May 2, Sunday.

know but) there?s a ruckus now somewhere,?Duterte

Senators intend to accuse the Duterte leadership's alleged failure of uncertainties in the procurement

Carlito Galvez, in control of the government's

and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines, according to

vaccination operating system, reported that nearly 90

percent of much more than 1 million supplies received so far had been distributed nationally.

Duterte raised concerns last March 29 about how some countries reportedly "shanghaied" vaccine

The nation's vaccination campaign began on March

supplies, but he refused to identify the countries

1st, with China donating 600,000 Sinovac doses. Through the Covax clinic, the Philippines also obtained an estimated 525,600 doses of AstraZeneca's vaccine.

Photo courtesy to Philstar




?Journalism is in fact history on the run.?? Thomas Griffith

Editorial Cartooning by Ar n iel Cosep Sabi nga nila, hindi dapat tayo magsayang ng

Batay sa pagsusuri na ginanap sa mga mag-aaral

na ang Pilipinas ay isa sa mga bansang may

oras kaya online class ang nagging paraan upang

sa UCLM nahahati ang kanilang saloobin para sa

pinaka-bagal na internet. Malimit na marinig na tila

ipagpatuloy ang edukasyon ng ating bansa sa

?Online Class?. May sumang-ayon sa platapormang

ba isang robot ang nagsasalita dahil dito. Kadalasan

kalagitnaan ng pandemya. Maraming beses na

ito ngunit may mga mag-aaral din na hindi

sa mga katwiran ng mag-aaral kung bakit sila hindi

nating narinig ngunit hindi maiiwasan na tanungin.

nakakapasok sa klase ay dahil walang internet o di

Nag- enroll ngaba ang mga mag- aaral para sa

Kadalasan sa mga sagot na nakalap mula sa

kaalaman o natatakot lamang na maiwan ng

pagsusuri na sumang-ayon ang mga mag- aaral sa

kadahilanang nakapag-aral pa rin sila sa kabila ng

Dahil sa pandemyang Covid ? 19 malaking

pandemyang ito. Patuloy pa rin ang edukasyon kahit

dagok ito sa ating bansa na naka- apekto sa

na sa kani- kanilang pamamahay. Sila ay may

pamumuhay at ekonomiya ng mga Pilipino. Nang

natututunan na mga leksyon at mga aralin. Ito ay

dahil din dito napagpasyahan ng Kagawaran ng

nakakagawa ng mga hamon na nakakatulong upang

Edukasyon (DepEd) na lumipat sa ?online class?sa

mahasa at maging produktibo sa kabila ng lahat na

halip na gawin ang nakasanayan ng mga guro at

Greetings, fellow UCnians! It is my privilege to welcome every one of you to our first successful issue of Silakbo for the school year 2019-2020 in which I am pleased to showcase our very own writers who unleashed and ignited their

in journalism.

Many of us have been struggling during

this online academic year. Some made it through the end, while a few did not. Thus, this paved the way for the different opinions of

At ang panghuli ay tungkol sa kanilang kalusugan

our young journalists. However, as we went

mapa- pisikal o mental man. Kung hindi nga

through all these hardships, we have also

makayang bilhin ang isang maayos na internet

accomplished a number of great feats that

connection paano pa kaya ang isang salamin sa

cannot be done without the circumstances that

mata? Isa ito sa mga hinaing ng mag-aaral na ang

we currently have. You will not only find the

kanilang mga mata ay sumasakit na sa kahaharap sa

achievements our

UCnians have

brought home but also current issues that not

screen ng kanilang gadyet. At hindi tulad sa

only the students but also the citizens of our

mag-aaral. Maraming mag-aaral at magulang ang

Gaya ng isa sa mga sagot ng mag-aaral, masaya

nagdadalawang isip kong ipagpapatuloy ba ang

ngunit nakakapanibago at nakakapagod. Unang

pag-enroll sa taong ito dahil naninibago sila sa

dahilan kung bakit tinutulan ng mga mag-aaral ang

paraan ng pagtuturo at kung paano ito gawin.

online class ay dahil nakakapagod pa rin ito kahit

Isa ang University of Cebu- Lapu ? Lapu and

nasa bahay ka lang. Madalas na hindi makapagbigay-

Masasabing maraming problema na kinahaharap sa

pukos sa klase dahil

Online Class hindi lamang and mag-aaral pati na rin

nagimplementa ng Online Class sa kasalukuyang

responsibilidad sa bahay at sa paaralan. Hindi gaya sa

ang mga guro. Gayunpaman, hindi ito naging

akademikong taon. Sa UCLM may tinatawag na

tradisyonal na pagtuturo, ikaw ay nasa paaralan at

hadlang sa pagkamit ng edukasyon sa ating bansa.

inside the four corners of your smartphones,

synchronous at asynchronous class na kung saan sa

walang ibang iniintindi kung hindi ang pag-aaral

Gaya nga sa isang kasabihan, edukasyon lamang ang

tablets, laptops or computers, bringing you the

tanging yaman na hindi mananakaw ninuman.

latest updates and immediate news alerts.

synchronous class ay naririnig at nakikita mo talaga

tradisyonal na pamamaraan nahihirapan rin ang

our aspiring journalists in Ang Silakbo: to gather and provide reliable information for our

Ang ikalawang dahilan ay nahihirapan ang mga

Epektibo nga ba ito sa mga mag-aaral o dagdag

asynchronous class naman ay may binibigay lamang

mag-aaral na hindi sapat ang mga kagamitan katulad

perwisyo lang sa kalagitnaan ng pandemya?

na alintuntunin ang guro sa mga mag-aaral.

ng gadyet at internet connection. Alam naman natin

ang iyong guro na nagtuturo sa klase habang sa

nation, should be aware of. This is the task of

mga mag-aaral na makahalubilo sa kanilang kaklase.

school publication and aims to connect not only by turning through the pages of this tabloid which you can directly grab and read with a cup of coffee in the morning but also

It is my greatest honor to be a part of this successful journey, and even though it has been a short period of time, I thank everyone who made this into reality. It was indeed a rough voyage, but with the help of everyone, we finally made it, and it was worth the wait.


Before bidding my farewell, I?d like to let everyone know that it only takes a single step to venture out into a whole new world. It is never too late to take a risk and get out of your

by M eia Seyn de De Or o Hinihimok ng mga petisyoner sa Kagawaran ng Edukasyon (DepEd) ang pagkansela ng pag-aaral sa taong 2020-2021 sa mga pribado at pampublikong paaralan. Ngunit kung ito ay maisasakatuparan, masosolusyunan

kaya ang hinaing ng mga

mag-aaral, o ito ay magdudulot ng panibagong pagsubok ng bansa?

sa klase ang pangunahing isyu ng mga mag-aaral

Edukasyon (DepEd)? Ano naman ang mangyayari sa

Be the voice of today?s youth that seeks to

ngayon. Karamihan sa kanila ay walang kakayahang

mga kabataan at sa bansa? Matitiyak ba na hindi

know the truth, and write. Pour your heart and

magmay-ari ng mga materyales tulad ng laptop,

lalabas ng bahay ang mga mag-aaral at masusunod

soul, as it might ignite a burning passion in you

computer, mobile phones at iba pa. Ang iba naman ay

nang mabuti ang mga alituntunin ng Inter- Agency

that can push you forward to be the best

napilitang bilhin ang mga nasabing bagay upang

Task Force (IATF)? Ano-ano ang gagawin nila

person of yourself and a great journalist in the


ang kanilang pag-aaral


ng Kagawaran

comfort zone. Take a leap, enjoy the thrill, and

teknolohiya, ang kakulangan sa bagay na gagamitin

never hesitate to try something avant-garde.

pasukan. Bukod rito nailathala rin ang Pilipinas

Ang pagpataw ng isang academic freeze ay may

I challenge you as an individual to try something new. You will never know what

Ang Covid-19 pandemic ay isa sa pinakamalaking

bilang isa sa mga bansa na may pinakamabagal na

dalang hindi magandang sitwasyon sa sektor na

hamon na kasalukuyang hinaharap ng ating bansa

koneksyon sa internet sa buong South East Asia.

paggawa ng bansa. Maantala ang pagtatapos ng mga

ngayon. Humantong ito sa pagkawala ng libo-libong

in yourself. W hen everyone tells you that you

Maraming mag-aaral at guro ang nahihirapan sa

mag-aaral at makakansela ang iba?t-ibang licensure

can?t, now is the time to prove them wrong.

buhay, walang ulirang pagdurusa sa ekonomiya at

napakaraming mga teknikal na isyu na kinakaharap

Let your mind flow freely, each wondrous

kalusugan ng publiko. Higit sa lahat ang matinding

nila tuwing nagkaklase. Habang ang iba naman ay

Bukod pa rito kung maisakatuparan ang

thought and idea in our heads written down on

dulot na pagbabago sa sektor ng edukasyon.

wala talagang koneksyon sa internet at mobile data

panawagan ng mga mag-aaral, higit na apektado ang

a piece of paper or a blank sheet on your

Sa kabila nang desisyon ng Kagawaran ng

lamang ang ginagamit. Kahit ang kaligtasan ng mga

takbo ng ekonomiya. Libo- libong mga tao ang

Edukasyon (DepEd) at Komisyon sa Mas Mataas na

mag-aaral at guro ang siyang pinaka importanteng

nawalan na ng trabaho dahil sa pandemya at kung

bagay na isinaalang-alang ng bagong pamamalakad

ipagpapatuloy ang petisyon na ito, mas dadami pa

pagpapatupad ng New Normal na edukasyon sa

ng edukasyon, ito pa rin ay isa sa mga kadahilanan

ang mga industriya na mapipilitang magsara at mga

bansa, nanindigan pa rin ang mga iba?t-ibang youth

na nakakaapekto sa kalusugan ng kaisipan ng mga

groups at Filipino citizens sa kanilang posisyon na

kabataan. Hindi rin maipagkakaila na maraming

Dahil sa Covid-19 pandemic na pumaibabaw

suspendihin ito. Sa kadahilanang ang mga mag-aaral

mga mag-aaral at guro na nakakaranas ng

hindi lang sa ating bansa pati na rin sa buong


mismong bansa ay hindi


pa handa sa mandatory.


na mawawalan

awaits you if you will never take a risk. Believe

screen, and be part of the change everyone is yearning

passionately, and let it be embedded in our hearts as we continue to soar higher and be the greatest!

pangkabuhayan. mahabang proseso at seryosong pag-aaral upang ma isaalang-alang ang ibang maapektuhan dito. Sa

pressure at

depression sa

mundo, ang Kagawaran ng Edukasyon (DepEd) ay


naghanap ng paraan upang patuloy na maipataguyod

pagtawag para sa ganitong uri ng petisyon,

#AcademicFreezeNow?ito ang patuloy na sigaw ng

Ilang buwan na ang lumipas simula nang

ang mga klase sa kabila ng problemang kinakaharap.

maraming mga tao ang pabor dito ngunit mayroon

mga kabataan sa social media matapos magbahagi

ipinatupad ang iba?t-ibang modality ng pag-aaral, at

Marami mang tutol sa desisyun ng mga

ding tutol. Kung bibigyan ka ng pagkakataong

ang mga mag-aaral at guro ng mga karanasan nila sa

hindi maipagkakaila na maraming hindi magandang

institusyon na ito, sana ay hindi kakalimutan ng mga

bagong pamamalakad ng edukasyon sa gitna ng

epekto ito sa mga mag-aaral at guro ng bansa. Paano

Filipino na hindi basta-bastang mababago ang

magpapatuloy kang magbulag-bulagan? Ikaw bilang

pandemya. Bagaman, ang mga mag-aaral ay nasa

kung ang panawagan nila sa Nationwide Academic

academicpolicy ng bansa. Kinakailangan ito ng

kabataan o mamamayan ng bansang Pilipinas, ano

henerasyon kung saan madaling pakinabangan ang

maipahayag ang iyong saloobin, magsasalita ka ba o



PROTECTPRESSFREEDOMASPUBLICGOODATALLCOSTS Cartoon by Gin k i Saga unbiased media have reached $30 billion. Unbiased Media, on the other Editorial public good to uphold. Fighting brutality, oppression, badgering, and

by Jan Rey C. Cam in ade John F. Kennedy quoted, ?A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." Having access to information is not enough: we still need to be able to objectively evaluate it. As an individual How can we defend press freedom?Should we amplify our voices to those who are unheard? How can this be possible through the hard times we are facing in this generation where expressing our freedom of speech is oppression to some

This year's W orld Press Freedom Day comes at a particularly difficult time, with continuing assaults on journalists, the viral dissemination of false information online, and the media is weakening ? all of which have been compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals should defend press freedom in addition to the required steps that governments can take to uphold this fundamental right daily.

hand, is a routinely financially insecure business, much like theaters,

terrorizing of individuals, including columnists and other media

museums, and dramatic art venues. They were hit by the pandemic, and we're

Secondly, the developing influence of a little number of worldwide social media stages raises questions, since indeed in case they don't make substance, they offer assistance to decide what is seen, examined, tuned in to, and shared. For much of the world?s population, these stages are the prevailing source of data, making them phenomenal resound chambers for rumors and scheme speculations. A study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology appeared that false data is 70% more likely to be shared than confirmed data, and it spreads six times as quickly. In this setting, the control approaches and calculations of stages take on conclusive importance ? and there is right now no straightforwardness

Preparing people so they can utilize their basic judgment in African journalists drafted a historic text in W indhoek, Namibia,

evaluating this surge of data is subsequently of imperative significance.

thirty years ago, which later became a universal declaration calling for a

Being able to get to datum is not sufficient; we must moreover be able

free, independent, and pluralistic press. However, the climate has

to assess it critically. These often fundamental expertise for nowadays

changed dramatically since 1991. The digitization of information

and tomorrow, and it is what Media and Data Proficiency is all about.

processing and dissemination was still in its infancy at the time. The

In this field, which is unused in numerous regards, UNESCO is creating

Internet and online actors now play a critical role in providing

educational programs for instructors, to prepare them with the essential

entertainers, in light of their activity of the privilege to the opportunity

knowledge access. To keep up with the times- and updated declaration

instructive apparatuses and assets.

of articulation on the web and disconnected, and battling exemption for such violations need immediate action and focus.

is needed.. These issues are economic,

and political.

Given these points, they can have a significant impact on

To begin with, virtual generation has impacted the financial

straightforwardness of advanced media, the security of columnists, the

viability and diversity of independent media, because access to such

strengthening the governments' obligations to protect writers and

practicality of news sources, and the improvement of basic reasoning ?

media is dependent on the structures that support them, and they are

combat exemption by helping the development of legal systems and the

these subjects are crucial for the wellbeing of our majority rule

frequently unwilling to pay. This question has become more pressing in

reception and execution of public protection components, as well as by


assisting society and media entertainers in protecting and advocating

light of the epidemic, which has resulted in lowered sales for over 90%

Students, Activists, and Journalists are amplifying and crying out

of media outlets. According to the Reuters Institute, global losses to

their voices to defend and protect the freedom of the press as this is a


for these rights.

by Joh n Dom in ie B. Su m aylo

However, given the current situation, it would be overstating the case

platforms such as Massive Open Online Courses, Open Distance

to claim that people, especially students, see education as a means of

e-learning, and Open Educational Resources, according to the Sixteenth

changing the world; rather, it is a means of surviving. Aside from

Philippine Congress. For such reasons, some incoming college students

changes in learning, students might also stumble as there is a lack of

might want to reconsider pursuing College due to the existing

Since the pandemic has resurfaced, many countries opted for online

face-to-face human interaction in the online learning space: and the

condition. Some might want to continue College regardless of the

education. These pertain to a new and innovative way of delivering

process appears disconcerting to both educators and learners alike.

current situation, and some may not withstand the platforms that most

learning competencies to the learners. However, as this new method of

Although, most universities in the Philippines have continued to

universities offer. W hatever the case may be, it is undeniable that the

learning comes into the array of its significance and effectiveness.

provide synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous (non-real-time)

age of online learning has never been a seamless transition for students

W ould this be enough for students to put up money for their college

lectures. These, on the other hand, did not paramount the presence of

and educators alike.

admission? Or is it the right time to pursue College in the age of online

actual observation and interaction towards students and the likes.

Nonetheless, in the age of online learning, college admission is a

Moreover, due to the current educational infrastructure, some

question of students' desire to take risks and reach new heights. It is not

Nelson Mandela's quote, "Education is the most important tool you can

learners may have limited internet access, creating a "digital divide"

intended to put pressure on students to pursue an entirely naĂŻve path

use to change the world," is a powerful message that promotes

between those who do and those who do not. Additionally, the

and out of their reach, but rather to determine whether they are likely

education as a means of advancement in a life-changing pursuit.

Philippines lacks a national strategy dealing directly with online

to succeed in learning online.

offline class mode. The online class modality, on the other hand, entails

that e-Learning cannot fulfill for students to learn. Students have

downloading programs from the internet to use as a tool for attending

considered the cost of these programs in light of these challenges.


by Dh ar a Jade In so

For the school year 2020-2021, the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu

virtual courses, taking quizzes/ examinations, and submitting class assignments and projects. For individuals who enrolled in the online learning mode, UCLM

On a more positive side, such systems have aided students in maintaining access to e-books for additional learning. Students might have unrestricted access to information using LMS programs. These

and Mandaue (UCLM) introduced learning platforms such as KITE and

developed tools such as KITE and mCourser. Students can use these

also save money on education. Even though these are paid programs,

mCourser as a tool for students to utilize in opening e-books and

platforms to access their ebooks for class lessons and project

they are less expensive than traditional book materials. Learning

submit their class works. A learning management system (LMS) has all

submissions. KITE Academy is a learning content management system

management systems not only save time and effort but also promote

the essential tools that schools need to support efficient teaching and

(LMS) that includes eBooks, interactive lessons, and simple tools for

real-time communication and collaboration between students and

learning. The concept of a learning management system emerged from

creating, distributing, and tracking classroom activities. It is a

e-Learning. However, did students feel satisfied with its efficiency

user-friendly platform for students and educators to create interactive

considering the amount paid?Or did they feel like paying for something

resources. mCourser is also an online method for disseminating courses

they never used?

to students, tracking class participation, and evaluating their progress.

Last year, as the world was facing a pandemic, online learning was

Furthermore, most students did not use LMS systems once the

Above all, adjusting to new learning modes and platforms in UCLM during the first academic year was a roller coaster. However, it was created to improve the efficiency of online classes. These platforms aid not only students but also educators. Though there were some

adopted. It had an impact on students' educational system as well as the

school year began. Some users had difficulty logging in and opening

issues with the platforms when they were first implemented, they are

economy, livelihood, and health/ well-being of everyone. Students were

their accounts. Some students have trouble attaching files and

constantly being improved to make them perform better. W ould you

exposed to many learning modes to keep the learning going. Online and

submitting them using these apps. As a result, LMS programs were not

utilize the learning management system platforms frequently?Or would

offline class modes were options for students at the University of Cebu

fully utilized this school year. Other online tool apps, such as Google

you let it, and the money you spent for it, go to waste?

Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue when they enrolled. Students are given

Classroom, Gmail, and Google Drive, are utilized to submit classwork

modules/ handouts to respond and submit to the school weekly in the

as an alternative. There are several characteristics and requirements





A Touch of Light in the Midst of Darkness by Nixie Pan u n cialm a n worth remembering. The Intramurals is always one of the most anticipated events of the school, not until the pandemic happened. The start of the school year was delayed, and when the classes began, it?s no longer the same as it was before. The classes were conducted online, and the pandemic made it impossible to have a face-to-face celebration for the intramurals. Despite that, this also gave birth to the first-ever e-Intramurals of UCLM. The University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue held the opening of the Intramurals on April 8, 2021, via UCCP Official Facebook Page with the #UCLMeIntrams2021. The e-Intramurals went from April 8, 2021, to April 10, 2021, and had 13 events to be completed, such as the search for Mr. & Ms. Intramurals, Impromptu, Oration, Dribbling Tricks Challenge, Tiktok Challenge, Dance Sport Competition, Balak Contest, Declamation Contest, Vocal Solo Competition, Contemporary Dance Competition, Debate, and Duet Singing Competition. The twelve different departments who represented the 12 constellations in the zodiac family were all very active in supporting their representatives. The supports were shown through Intramurals is a campus event every person in the school would look forward to. Participation is open for all, and it allows the students to do the things they have grown to love and develop in a friendlier and less intense competition. Through this, students have their time to relax and disentangle themselves from the fingers of their respective responsibilities wrapped around them.

sharing, commenting, and reacting to each live event. The UCLM?s first-ever e-intramurals was a success. On April 12, 2021, the awarding ceremony was hosted to honor the participants who had the most outstanding performances and shone the brightest during the e-Intramurals. This shows that whatever the circumstances are, nothing could stop UCnians from shining.

The sought-after rain of colors during the opening of the UCLM?s Intramurals remains remarkable. The loudest cheers of the students for

12 celestial bodies, 12 colleges, 1 goal. We are survivors with stardust and cosmic dreams shot at our souls.

each of their representatives and smiles plastered on their faces are always

Photos from Un iver sit y of Cebu Cou n cil of Pr esiden t s


building was already 98% virtually

room for the Education Department and

indeed the only constant thing in this

complete. As we welcomed another year,

the computer laboratory are located on

world, for as it revolves, new things will

the University of Cebu also embraced

the 4th floor of the building. In contrast,

arise. Another year means another

another breakthrough.

we can find four College of Engineering

by Kaye Ash ley Ram os

milestone for other people, new hopes, new opportunities, and new dreams. And as these dreams are about to be built, new infrastructures can make these dreams alive, for when desires arise, so as buildings.

The current structure is located behind the Maritime building. The College


Administration, Education, and Business

Department laboratories on the 9th floor of the building.All in all, facilities are expected to be used if classes go back to normal.

Administration are all expected to be found in the new infrastructure. The

The University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and

building will be divided into two phases.

Mandaue is indeed getting bigger as the

Mandaue never fails to ensure everyone

Phase 1 is for the B.S Education and B.S

institution turns another dream into a

lives up with the motto of Education

Customs Administration students, while

milestone.The building is a proof of how


Phase 2 will accommodate Engineering

people could start from a small step,

Proving this is the completion of the

and Business Administration students.

because that small step could lead to a

Each floor has a total of 16 rooms with

tremendous success. The building was

furnished building. It was already 100%


internet connectivity and is secured with

once a dream, but seeing it now, we may

done and was expected to be opened this

CCTV devices. It will ensure the people's

conclude that it could be the home of

year, yet this pandemic came to arise.

difficulty to scale the building. Four

prodigious students in the future.

Despite all of these, the building is still

separate elevators are carefully placed for

considered a historic milestone for the

students and teachers.


The various facilities such as the Dean?s

It was in late October 2018 when the

office for the Dean of the College of

building started to be constructed. By the

Education, the audiovisual room, faculty

year 2020 month of December, the

room, consultation room, the review

Ph ot o by JJ Espr a


TheOngoingPhilippineDemocracy by Felyn Pagobo

Voting and electing are fundamental parts of a

that begin at noon on June 30, 2022, and end

democratic government. They are crucial as

six years later on the same day.

they offer assistance to the individuals in getting a chance to challenge their decisions. Considering

responsibility on the shoulders of the citizens. It permits people to urge a reasonable prospect to work for their nation and make a brighter future. The


May 9, 2022 Monday. As a portion of that year's general election. This will be the 17th coordinate presidential

race within the

Philippines since 1935 and the seventh centennial presidential election since 1986.

said that after 1992, an election will be held every six years on the second Monday in May. The current president's tenure has come to an end. The elected vice president is qualified to register for re-election for a second time. The determined


preparations, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) said on Friday, May 14, that the presidential and vice-presidential debates for the 2022 national elections might combine attendance

participation of candidates. Many Filipino people are already preparing their votes for the next election. Some have already rallied and provided bulletins for their chosen candidates. In comparison, there were groups in the Philippines who joined forces to defeat the party or anointed successor of

The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines has

a long shadow

vice-presidential races of 2022 will be held on

As the danger of COVID-19 continues to cast

first-past-the-post voting method, which means that the candidate who receives the

President Rodrigo Duterte. W hile Duterte is constitutionally impeded from seeking re-election, some of his supporters urge him to run for vice president if his daughter, Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio, runs for president. Despite lockdown limits, "Run Sara Run" banners have emerged in public places around the country in recent months.

most votes, regardless of whether they have a It may be an alliance of many opposition

majority, wins the presidency.

political parties, but it is considerably smaller The vice-presidential election is a different campaign that implements the same rules as the presidential election and encourages voters to distribute their tickets. If two or more candidates obtain the most votes for a given position, the Congress will choose the president or vice president from among them. Photo Manipulation Art by Gin k i Saga

Both winners will be elected to six-year terms

than Duterte's governing party regarding membership and national clout. It represents the desire of several opposition groups to keep Duterte responsible for his bloody human rights record. Between now and the election next year, its money and machinery cannot expect to equal what the ruling party would mobilize.


by M esiah Gr ace Ign acio

The disruption caused by the pandemic is

set up in Metro Manila and more than 300 others.

families. At least four million Filipinos are

In this worldwide crisis, we need each other's relief.

devastating. People experience hunger, suffering

Filipino people need help and still want to rise,

currently suffering from hunger because of a lack of

The needs that have to be fulfilled in this pandemic

and loss. But they?re still thriving to live and always

trying to survive and give their families food to eat

food and have financial problems at home. In

are challenging as Covid-19 cases increase. Filipino

think positive. People might suffer from this

and provide for their needs. Community pantries

contrast, the estimated number of people that have

people were voicing out and screaming for

pandemic, but we can't stop the eagerness and

around the Philippines continue to provide hope to

been helped by the community pantries and been

government help, " NOT ENOUGH." Government

kindness to help, especially the Filipino people

people and those poor families living in the

fed was more than 5,000.

officials need to give up some help and support

who've always been fighting and surviving in any

circumstances. Community pantries have been officially a Humble Cart for those who are in need. The idea caught up after Ann Patricia Non set up a small "pantry" on April 14 in Quezon City in the National Capital Region of Manila and called on people to give according to their ability and take what they need. At least 80 community pantries have already been

Community pantries also show how generous and

The motto of community pantries is: "Share what

respectful Filipinos are. Their consideration and

you can, take what you need".

kindness for others are outstanding. Most of those

The Community Pantries also sends a political message of public frustration about Government actions to the nation. The Philippine Government provided only up to 8,000 in 2020 and a maximum of 4,000 this year for 18 million low-income

who line up for hours take enough for themselves and their families. Community pantries give ideas to

the People,


Universities wherein they thought that this would

those who are suffering from the pandemic. This pandemic shows us what people should be doing and should focus on, the kindness that we can give towards another, the support according to what we can provide. In line with that, we should not take advantage of our fellow Filipinos who gave and share their

as members of

also help more people who were suffering from the pandemic.

Photos from Cebu Coalit ion of St u den t Cou n cils ( m iddle), Ber t Llam ado M ar in as (r igh t an d lef t side)



ABMWIZARDS by Kaye An gelie Gilig

M ar k Joseph Hon g 5th placer : National 3rd Placer : Regional

you know. Andalsoteachingsomeonecan heavily increase

This academic year is a manifestation of a Sturm and Drang journey that has brought diversified colors of emotions, not just to the students

your understanding of a specifictopic.?says Hong. He

but also for educators. Despite a lot of circumstances, the University of

then added that sleeping early, being optimistic in winning

Cebu Lapu- Lapu and Mandaue is doing its best to rise above the

the. competition, and remaining mentally stable were his .

turbulent situations brought by the pandemic.

Gabr ielle An n e Ngu jo

preparations. Studying the concepts that he already knew

As the school year 2020 to 2021 is about to end, it only takes one

4th placer: Regional

and finding topics that he had studied were able to help

extra step for us to reap the produce of the labor and diligence that

him in building a stronger foundation for the contest.

we?ve put in for our education. However, the 26th of March this year

In every battle, surely there is an opponent whose

marked an advance celebration for the UCLM online community as

armor is worth watching for. Both of them admitted

two of the five representatives for ABM Cup 2021 had borne the palm

their toughest contender were the participants coming from

after garnering spots for the competition?s top five. Mark Joseph S.

the University of San Carlos, while Region 1 and NCR for the

Hong, a grade 12 ABM student bagged the 3rd place in the Regional

Elimination and 5th in the National Level while Gabrielle Anne R.

Aside from their fellow participants, Hong and Ngujo pointed out

?The support from my coaches, classmates, friends and loved-ones motivated

the most difficult part of the competition. For the former, the earlier

me to think that they believed in me enough to represent UCLM in this

portion of the match made him feel bad. He admitted to have been

competition. I wouldn?t even know about it without UCLM and I wouldn?t be

The recent ABM Cup 2021 was hosted by the Kingfisher ABM

down and displeased about himself and even thought of being

able to answer those questions without the education that UCLM and its

Organization. The elimination was held virtually via Zoom app and

unworthy to represent the school. Yet as the contest progressed, he

amazing teachers have provided me. It is a big key factor that has led me to

Google meet. These measures were done to ensure that the objectives

recaptured his determination and optimism and was able to fight till

that milestone.?Ngujo also shared how grateful she is to her mom for

of the said event are met with utmost integrity. The first round of the

the last round. On the other side, Ngujo found answering questions

personally helping her during her reviews as she is also an accountant.

competition was the Regional Elimination. Each of the registered

that require solutions challenging. The time allocated for these was not

schools ought to choose five representatives. Being part of the region?s

that much and sometimes her mind gets jumbled because of the

top five, Hong and Ngujo were able to advance to the National Level.

pressure, either resulting in her barely making it or not even getting

Ngujo, grade 11 and an ABM student as well, secured the 4th place in the Regional Elimination.

The interview concluded with words to behold coming from them.

the answer at all.

A glimpse of my online interview with them would definitely

?The best lesson I learned is that I do not need to fight such

disclose the ace of these wizards in competing for regional and national

It is no doubt that they maneuvered strategies for them to go with

levels. Their huddles and preparations were certainly never put in vain

the pressures, but these ABM wizards never forgot the people behind

as they did well. The pressure was also on given the fact that it was

all of these, who had served as their ladder to success. They became

motivate me whenever I feel down.? Hong stated, stressing

their first time joining an online ABM Competition.

inspirations and catalysts of giving them the drive to persevere. Their

theroleof friendship in hisachievement.

battles alone. I have friends by my side who are ready to

friends, family and coaches, namely Miss Baguio and Mister Roxas,

?Thecoachesprovided uswith lotsof review materialsfor

?I can't say that I?m the best at it, but I can say that I

Villaceran, and Wenceslao were these people.

ustoprepareourselves. Thecoveragewasactually given

improved. I learned that if you are put in that position, it is

It is likely evident that the hearts of these young ABM enthusiasts

prior tothecompetition, sowehad an idea on what towork

because you have the potential to do something with it.?Ngujo

are filled even up to this day as words of gratitude overflow.

with. Thecoachesactually gaveusa scheduleon what topicsto

shared, imbued with pride.

study on that particular day andthen wehad timed practice

?To be part of the nationals and represent UCLM in this

I was not able to see both of them personally, but hearing these has

quizzesfacilitatedby thecoachesevery week.?Ngujo said upon

competition and tobe like Mr. Roneil WenceslaoasI wanted

allowed me to delve into a part of their reality as champions. Hong and

being asked about her preparations.

to become like him were my goals. UCLM paved the path of

Ngujo?s ABM Cup 2021 journey is not just a story of pride, but of glorious Technicolor that may come our way before we hear roars of

my journey towardssuccess. It servedasmy steppingstonein

success. It is a picture of empowerment and persistence as we wrestle

?Thebest strategy I couldever think of ismaybestudy with

order for me to reach the next academic level and it

with the monstrous summons of life and circumstances through the

your friendsandpray. Studyingwith friendsiskind of

transformed me into a better version by teaching me lessons

help of our support systems. Truly, they are not just wizards of ABM

relaxingandentertainingsincethey?ll teachyou something

andvaluesthat I never thought I couldlearn before.?Hong

but students of great talent, attitude, and discipline who shine with

that you don?tknow andyou can teach themsomething that

humility. emotionally asserted.

ASIANLIVESMATTER by M esiah Gr ace Ign acio Asian Lives Matter- as we speak of violence, racism, and Hate

Americans may lack clear evidence of racial bias but still echo

Crimes. Asian people living in foreign countries are the ones

Anti-Asian American Stereotypes. It may also affect the mental

who experience these things, especially in America. In these

health of the Asian people, caused by discrimination and violence

they have experienced.

Asian-Americans have been increasing from time to time. They think Asians are the people who brought the virus around the world.

A lot of Asian people have been violated and bullied because of race. Some target Asian adults for the reason that they are easier to attack than the young ones. Filipino people are part of the

Over the past year, attacks on Asian-Americans have increased

Asian Community who also experience being hated and

more than 150%. Concerning that, we should think of the people

that experienced violence. There has been a marked increase in Anti-Asian attacks and hate crimes across the United States. The research released by reporting forum Stop AAPI Hate revealed 3,800 incidents reported for roughly a year during the pandemic. The United States already saw 578 mass shootings occur, despite

Despite all the hatred the Asians have received and the violence they experience, they still manage to be kind and respectful. In line with that, let us show support, love, and sympathy to those who have experienced violence, assault, and murder. Let Us Love One Another. Respect. End Racism and Hate.

lockdown and stay-at-home orders. Other crimes against Asian Digital Art by Gin k i Saga




Photos from UCLM -SHS Su pr em e St u den t Cou n cil ; (f r om t h e lef t ) Tr ish a Cabalt er a, Elm a M ar ie Degan o, Lea Cegar in o, Ch r ist y En opiqu ez



------------------------------------------The UCLM-SHS institution rest assured

by Tr ish a M ae Cabalt er a .

The contenders of the said competition are from

ingenious costumes and fierce looks, there is no

Ms.Nina Zaira Montebon, Mr.Jose Mari Ceniza and

different stands of UCLM-SHS, Casas Magnolia Ira

doubting that the creativity of the students was

Mr. Nilmer Irene Canete was totally blown away by

that Covid-19 catastrophe

(HU12P2) as Lumine, Cegarino Lea (HU11A2) as

the entries of the contestants. Enopiquez Christy

won't be a hindrance in

Te Fiti, Trisha Mae Cabaltera (HU11A1) as

On the 12th of April 2020, Lea Cegarino a

(HU11A2) portraying Moana grabbed the title

showcasing the student?s competency and creativity.

Maleficent, Enopiquez Christy (HU11A2) as Moana,

HUMSS student was announced as the champion

"Most Photogenic," Degamo Elma Marie (ST11P4)

On the 5th of April 2021, the first ever online

Degamo Elma Marie (ST11P4) as Temari Nara,

for the ?Cosplay/ Trash on Show? 2020-2021. Lea

as 2nd runner up and Trisha Mae Cabaltera

fashion show entitled ?Cosplay/ Trash on Show?was

Solon Julien Ann (TS12P1) as Maleficent, Cayetano

admitted, "At first I didn't know what to do since

held, for all bona fide UCLM-SHS enrolled students

Chesser (HU11A1) as Marga and Legaspina Roi

I'm not good in creating some arts stuff, but thanks

Legaspina Roi Rendon, a Grade-11 STEM

and was organized by the SHS student committees

Rendon (ST11A4) portraying the artwork of his

to my HU11A2 fam who helped me a lot since first,

student, shared his experience despite not winning

headed by Antonette Armamento, a Grade-11

friend. In the competition, they are encouraged to

they really helped me to join the competition, they

the competition. He said, "I felt nervous yet I was

HUMSS student. The activity offers an opportunity

utilize the solid waste in making costumes of their

helped me by encouraging me to win the

having fun and I?m grateful for having an

for students to gain a better understanding of the

chosen characters.

competition and from finding some recycled

opportunity to show my ability especially this is the

materials, making the costume, photoshoot day, and

first time I joined this kind of competition.?

the editing.? Lea Cegarino wants to express her

By the end of the activity, the participants

gratitude to all her reactors and people behind her

posted their warmth messages on their Facebook

success. W ith the undying support of her team, she

timelines, filled with overflowing gratitude for the

also received the People?s Choice Award in

importance of collecting solid waste products and enhancing


Head committee, Antonette Armamento said, "It serves as a ground for them to freely express themselves by the output that they have made. And based on the response of our participants, it surely boosted

The UCnian viewers were given a power to vote for the People's Choice Award by clicking any reactions on the released post of UCLM-SHS Supreme Student Council Facebook page. A variety of enthusiastic people were expressing their support to their biases. W ith their splendiferously stunning,


accordance with

The panel of judges, Ms.Kathleen Burlas,

by Fe Lou ies An on as


raises the Senior High School

Blazing Blue department in the world of pageantry

as she bags the 2nd place in the first ever Miss e-Intramurals 2021 competition held at the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue on

Out of 32 students who are present during the

time since I am representing the whole Senior

screening, only two were chosen. Eumera

Genodiala and Salen Amethyst Sumalinog steals the show and were selected to represent the Senior High School department. Genodiala represented the Blazing Blue and Sumalinog for Raging Red.

April 8, with the College of Customs Administration

But the pressure did not stop her. W ith her

beaming smile, confidence, and wit, it was not a surprise that she made it as far as the second-runner up of Miss e-Intramurals 2021. The pandemic was never a hindrance for her on becoming the graceful and stunning beauty queen.

the other participants. Even if the competition will

?To everyone in the SHS Department who

Education departmentwinning

be held online, we did undergo screening, through

supported me at that time, especially to my friends

Eumera Mariz, a Grade 12 HUMSS

HU12P4, who was crowned Binibining Seaside 2016, Miss Pajo 3rd Runner-Up 2018, and Miss AiIT 2019 was appointed to represent the Senior High School

Eu m er a Gen odiala

?We did undergo the same process like



online using Google Meet at that time. So it's fair and

Aside from her jaw-dropping looks. On April 8, Genodiala made waves online when she channeled her emotional contemporary dance with the heartfelt and soulful background music, Yakap by Charice

?Virtual Intramuralsgavemepressureat that

and classmates from HU12P4, I really am flattered by the results. Thank you to everyone who supported me. I did my best, I did everything that I could. I hope I did make you proud.? she said, showing appreciation to everyone who supported her throughout the competition in the midst of the pandemic.


by Ralph Joseph Git gan o

TIKTOK: WORLD'SBEST- LOVEDAPP In the three years since its launch,

Aside from being said, users can

most commonly called ?TikTok contest."

TikTok has grown rapidly to become one

follow other users and make a feed of

Tiktok encourages its users "to do

of the most popular apps of the moment,

fresh content from their favorite creators.

good." W ith its different campaigns, it

outperforming Instagram and YouTube.

There is also a "For You" page, which

motivates people to spend their time

TikTok has 689 million monthly

contains a random selection of videos

sharing good things to make the internet

active users worldwide and has been

from other people which paved the way

a positive place. This includes #EduTok

downloaded over 2 billion times on the

for their content to gain more views and

which users are encouraged to create

App Store and Google Play, according to

likes. The app enables users with even the

educational and motivational content on


tiniest online followings to "go viral" and

a variety of topics, #ForClimate wherein

People have been showing love to this

become overnight internet celebrities.

users shared information about climate

app because many people use it to express

More importantly, because of the

change, highlighted the effects of extreme

themselves through singing, dancing,

popularity TikTok received, it also

weather, and urged people to do more to

comedy, and lip-syncing. It also allows

became an efficient advertising tool that

users to make videos and share them with

makes anything famous in just a short

#DanceforChange to assist people in

others. Additionally, it meets its readers

course of time! No other social platform

Africa and other developing countries

purpose: to get entertained, get inspired

allows this level of virality or reach in

who live in rural areas through a series of

to craft something, get motivated to

such a quick and easy way.

dance or sing, learn something from the past, know legends and stories, get thrilled and petrified, or gather new ideas for fashion or food.

This application becomes one of the most used tools by students in editing their videos for scholarly works. Aside



As of this year, TikTok is one of the world?s best-loved apps and is the app to beat.

from that, a lot of communities and universities used this app for contest,

Photo from Tik t ok


UCLM introduced a plethora of

live of UCCP-LM. It was the final

April 12,2021. Kevin Jay Libot and

Shaina Janiola from the Senior High

programs that would undoubtedly


School department had successfully

remain in the hearts and minds of its

School department has 4 participants,

grabbed the 1st place. The twins, Ella

learners. The school held a three-day

Marie Llanos and Elaine Mae Llanos

celebration of e-Intramurals which

Jerusalem. The 4 participants, Kevin

took place last April 8-10, 2021.

department won 2nd place and

Senior Rayjean Shaina

W ith the aim of ensuring that

represented the Raging Red, while

W arren Lloren and Jenica Ripdos

every UCnians learn something new

Richard W arren Lloren and Jenica

also from the Senior High School

and develop their soft and technical

Ripdos represented the Blazing Blue.

skills, the school


together with SHS Supreme Student Council organized different activities for both college and SHS students. For the past months, UCnians

in using Tiktok and never failed to impress the audience. W ith their mesmerizing performances, UCnian

became extremely passionate to the

application named ?Tiktok? which

uncontrollably made some noise on

allows users to make interesting

the comment section of the said live.

videos and unique special effects. The

application became a great source of

?hashtags? and take heart messages

entertainment to the students, which

is why the UCLM administration


never hesitates to make part Tiktok on

the e-Intramurals activities.

On 8th of April 2021, a Tiktok Winners of E- Intrams TikTok Competition; Kevin Jay Libot an d Sh ain a Jan iola challenge was held at the Facebook

numerous gave


According to Kevin Jay Libot, a

Meanwhile, the participants had flaunted their commendable talents

Grade 11- STEM-Maritime student, "I was not expecting na ma dawat ko sa akong gisubmit na video pag audition kay there?s a lot of Tiktoker jud biya sa SHS then ako kay pure dancer ra jud biya ko. It?s an honor para nako nga mo represent sa SHS department.? He further stated, ?I was surprised when I received a variety of greetings because I was only sleeping when the winners were announced and had no

The winners of the Tiktok

idea that I would win. I am so

competition were announced at the

grateful for my success together with

Facebook live of UCCP-LM last

Photos by Kevin Jay Libot


As the school year ends, students and teachers look forward to a hot yet enjoyable summer. For K-drama fans and enthusiasts, they surely miss their oppas and noonas. Luckily, the upcoming summer will be full of treats and excitement, thanks to the entertaining K-dramas we all love to binge-watch. To hype you up, here are 10 must-watch K-drama series:

10. True Beaut y First reason to watch: Cha Eun Woo. Additional reason? Hwang In Yeop! A romantic comedy series that centers about the art of makeup and confidence will surely make you relive your highschool days!

9. Hot el del Luna Starring Lee Ji-Eun and Yeo Jin-Goo, this dark fantasy-romantic comedy series is worth your tears! This K-drama will let you reflect and learn lessons about forgiving and letting go. Big bonus: the Official Soundtrack. It will absolutely get you in your feels!

8. Mr. Queen A historical romantic comedy series starring Shin Hye-Sun and Kim Jung-Hyun will undoubtedly make you giggle non-stop. The chemistry between Bong-hwan trapped in Queen Kim So-Yong's body and King Cheoljong is unmatched!

7. St art -up Team Nam Do-San or team Han Ji-Pyeong? The love triangle of Bae Suzy, Nam Joo-Hyuk and Kim Sun-Ho created a buzz on the internet. This romantic series teaches us to follow our dreams and believe in your own potential!

6. Welcome t o Waikiki Gwaenchana, gwaenchana! The trio would never fail to crack you up! The whole show is simply a burst of infectious comedic energy. Everything will be truly okay if you watch the chaos and enjoy in Waikiki wonderland!

5. It 's Okay t o Not Be Okay This romantic-drama series dazzled, with its amazing cast, starring Kim Soo-Hyun and Seo Yea-Ji. You wouldn't just be amazed by Moon-Young's (Seo Yea-Ji) elegant outfits, but also to the takeaways you can get from this. The interesting backstory of the characters will help you understand how mental health matters. It's a remarkable journey about family, love and strength.

4. Pent house Do you want to evoke the gigil in you? This mystery-thriller drama will test your temper and self-control. It is addictive and the suspense will bring out the inner detective in you. The interesting plot will surely spice up your summer!

3. Crash Landing On You The now real-life couple Hyun-Bin and Son Ye-Jin starred in this romantic drama. The Ri-Ri couple would make you believe that you don't find love, it finds you. Some things are just destined to be no matter what because sometimes, the wrong train (or paraglider) takes us to the right station.

2. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Save your tears for summer! If you haven't watched this classic, you are missing out the best things in life. Prince Wang So and Hae-Soo can make your heart sink and bawl your eyes out! This historical fantasy drama focuses on greed, love and relationships. Eight gorgeous princes would absolutely steal your hearts. Prepare a box of tissue and a bucket for your tears!

1. Vincenzo Song Joong-Ki in a dark romantic comedy series as Vincenzo Cassano is worth the sleepless nights. A besuited lawyer and Mafia consigliere gives Joong-Ki a refreshing role full of action-packed scenes but it doesn't fall short on romance and comedy. Sign up for the promising loveteam and rollercoaster ride of emotions!

What's your favorite K-drama? Make sure to take a break and reward yourself by watching your favorite Korean drama series. Here we go again with the "Last episode nalang talaga!" lies we tell ourselves. Get hooked and enjoy your summer!

Literary Lost and Wishing To be found Chantal Claire Lumantao | HU12A1

Looking at the stars tonight,

Made by: Adrienne Reconada | IA11A1

Hoping someone will hug me tight I'm lost and have no idea what to do next

I feel like I have no one to help me everything to be fixed Surrounded by happy people

Guia Loren Daclison | IA11A1

Yeah, I know how to be cool How to act like I'm not a fool

As I was walking alone

And obviously, they believe that I only have an easy role Why do I feel emptiness?

Down the streets, scrolling through my phone I smelled this unknown yet familiar scent

Something is hugging my whole being and that is sadness

A wave of nostalgia was imminent

I can't even understand myself I feel like I'm a book that no one literally would pick in

Memories hasten towards me The more I draw near, the wider I see Sadness and loneliness I embraced, Turns out everyone lied barefaced

this shelf I am lost and hoping someone would still be proud That someone will accept and love me oh, cringy it may sound

Things that i believed Lies I recieved This nostalgic experience creeped me out Shocked, no words would come out even if I shout

I will not hide instead, I'll go to the crowd

I Sing the Song of Sappho

Antonette Jean Piamonte | HU12P1

With the feeling that somehow, I can be found.

Chasing Colors Keanne Marie Jandusay | HU12A1

Deathless mother! I carry repentance

To bleed glitters and colors,

With this blade, exsanguinate my sins

To dye mundane, monochrome skies,

For her lips an assembly of saints

To wash tranquility by the seashore,

In the cathedral of her arms, I faint.

To paint parks with smiles.

I strum against the profanities

To ride the saffron clouds,

along the skin her wings used to be.

To glisten abandoned towns,

Good God, I dragged her to immortality.

To bask sunlight ‘til toasted brown,

Oh, but she saves me.

To splash rainbow to the flocking, lost crowd.

She saves me.

To walk barefoot on paradise-green field with you;

Earnest romance wicked and grave

To airbrush our cheeks with cherry hues.

Their scriptures tagged us sinister;

To gloss your sugar plum lips with mine;

And History fails to commemorate

To vandalized innocence, how divine.

the mortifying ordeal of my mother.

To be alive,

Aphrodite come to you with a longing

To spread pigment.

for a girl. How Mother Sappho

This is what I call life.

do I hide the pomegranates flailing

My desire reflected on my eyes.

from the hands of us two? If with a breath, our love is forbidden; And our tales forever forsaken With this knife, revoke my flesh for rental Perhaps, for us, afterlife is a little gentle.

Made by: Charyll Mae Llanita | HU12P1

Literary 13 Prisoner of the Past

SEPTEMBER 2020– MAY 2021

Chantal Claire Lumantao | HU12A1

Lying down in this four-walled room, All I hear is nothing but my fast heart beat Deafening silence how I hate Can someone help me out of here? Might be a prince or a groom?

All I think is that I cannot be a princess living in a palace And won't be able to walk in the aisle with a groom in the altar I cannot wear your engraved necklace For you left and from my sight you are too far

Oh, I forgot I'm neither princess nor a bride Because I am a prisoner! I am imprisoned by hatred, numbness and anger

But then reality slapped me in the face I won't imprison myself just because someone took

that I cannot hide Baby I loved you with all my heart but you chose

my place Maybe I can be a princess as well as a bride

to end things up so yeah everything is over

With the right person then our black and white world will collide.

Made by: Jermyne Josh Kaquilala | ST11A5

You’re Leaving, I’m hanging Chantal Claire Lumantao | HU12A1

As I feel the hot liquid rushing down my face, I let the wind make its own way to dry my tears I don't even know why my tears are in race All I know is that I have so much fears Fear of being left behind Be ignored like a weed that no one will find Fear of being alone 'cause I'm not used to it I'm afraid I have no one to be with and in anything I cannot fit Don't ask why I have these fears of mine In the first place, you caused me pain and until now I'm not fine

Made by: Guia Loren Daclison | IA11A1

You made me strong and fearless Yet you made me weak and worthless

The Middlemist Red I Lost Rhea Ann Villanueva | CK12P1

I can't understand why you are leaving today Because you were so in love with me yesterday The promises we once made turned to astray.. .my heart is aching

A enigmatic maze where I really tedious to lost

You're leaving, I'm hanging.

The heat of zoygia grass were close to burst I patchwork a fern ladder under the scorching sun To evade this arduous tophet land Humdrum gazing a pink carnations the crisps of breeze hits my vision, to dash escape this intricacy And dwell in the Kadupul flowers residency. In a dim scenery when it only sojourn The labyrinth I leaved for a false illusion, as the field roared with lugubrious and rues And the starry woebegone sky replaced with blues When I’ve pulled back in my dreary maze As my crystallizing cornea gaze My Middlemist's Red camellia withered When a serendipitous epiphany lingered A bewilder scornful days When my maze became a labyrinth place The flowers I ommited to glimpse, A mere maze conceals realm seems

Made by: Arniel Cosep | HU11A2


Vlogging with Environment In continuation to | Page 1

soil made this possible.

On her approximately 6-minute video, LJ

”Technology makes everything convenient, and

However, is it

Eviota, a grade 12 HUMSS student of the Univer-

so it really helps us to deliver messages smooth-

enough to consider only these things as reasons for

sity of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue, triumphed

ly, just one click and

thriving and development? How about we as hu-

as the second placer of the competition. The video

everyone will see

man beings, isn’t it great to know how we grow

emphasized tree planting, proper waste disposal,

what you post. It is

and change, how we basically live as well?

conservation of water, and the 3Rs as her means of

a very useful medi-

taking care of the environment at home.

um to use in

Collectively, these phenomena are results of the continuous interactions of organisms, biotic

Despite several participants, Eviota won

or abiotic, in the ecosystem. According to the Na-

because of the encouragement she gained from her

tional Geographic Society, an ecosystem is an area

support system, especially from her mom who

where plants, animals, and other organisms as well

provided her financially aside from the moral sup-

as landscape, work together to form a bubble of

port, and her boyfriend as her cameraman and

life. It comprises those biotic which are the living

video editor.

Through the years, the government and non-governmental organizations have been a part of ensuring the ecosystem’s sustainability as they establish programs such as the Solid Waste Management, Save Philippine Seas, and World Wide Fund for Nature. In the Philippines, the agency that

We can be the voice of everyone, especially those who don't have the courage to speak, and speaking is very important, especially when talking about awareness.

supervises these matters is the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The rise of the Covid-19 pandemic has undeniably brought a lot of changes. These changes have affected a plethora of people particularly their jobs aside from health, which has struck the economy. Institutions, stores, and various industries stopped due to the hardly met demands because of the crisis. However, does that mean the initiatives for nurturing our environment needs to cease as well? Last October 9, 2020, the DENR, through their Ecosystems Research and Development Bu-

Eviota also admitted that it was her first time joining a vlogging contest and she had encountered a heavy set of burdens such as travelling from home to her vlog location as well as the pressure imposed by the deadline of submissions. Seeing others’ works also added a pressure on her side especially when she saw the work of the one who bagged the 1st place. Upon seeing her toughest opponent’s presentation, she learned that humor is an important tool in hooking your audiences although you are discussing an informative topic on your vlog.

reau, launched a vlogging contest in the hopes of promoting environmental sustainability. The participants were tasked to demonstrate their own practices at home on sustaining the environment, as they explain the impact of such actions to the society and ecosystem.

people how important environmental

bility is, and how it affects our life.” In line with this, Eviota

parts and abiotic, the non-living.

order to tell

also discussed the effectiveness of vlogs in advocating for environmental sustainability. “Nowadays people are used to watching videos and vlogs on YouTube, and it isn't just for entertainment, but also for us to be knowledgeable about our environment.” As youths of today, we are also foreseen to be specimens of change and that we are entitled to our rights of voicing out our opinions and advocacies. In this light, the vlogger believes that students are capable of empowering each other to do initiatives, particularly online, that would benefit the ecosystem. Social media, internet, websites, vlogs, and

The young vlogger also added that technology plays an essential role in spreading awareness with regards to our environment especially today that we are expected to stay at home most of the time and that social media is a sure arena of communication and influence.

other known related concepts are no longer a stranger to almost everyone these days. However, isn’t it great to be able to use these as praiseworthy vehicles of movements that would raise awareness and inculcate change in our society just like environmental initiatives and movements?

I believe Eviota's experience in joining the DENR’s Vlogging Contest has honed her to be an excellent young advocate and protector of the environment. Knowing this, it is about time to mirror this success as we delve into using our talents as a medium of amounting to something exemplary, relevant, and meaningful to the society.

To boon or bane:

Using statin reductase as COVID-19 treatment Third, there is a theoretical role that statins

proteins found in skeletal and heart muscle fibers ;

with statins as they are accepted as quite safe med-

As COVID-19 cases increase globally, there are

may plan in protecting innate immune responses to

and myocardial injury are more frequently seen in

ications in general.

many treatments introduced and have been widely

viral respiratory infections including the SARS-

patients. Furthermore, patients with pre-existing

used as well as using different vaccines produced

CoV 2 or severe acute respiratory syndrome coro-

disease seemed more likely to have cardiac com-

by many pharmaceutical companies around the

navirus 2 through inhibiting the MYD88 — Mye-

plications of COVID-19.

loid differentiation primary response 88 proteins in

By: Jan Rey Caminade | Science

There is one treatment used widely in most of the American people to treat COVID-19 patients. Namely, Statin — also known as HMG-CoA (Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA) reductase inhibi-

humans pathway. And fourth reason, there is some epidemiological evidence that statins may lead to fewer severe viral pneumonias. Significantly statins are safe and widely prescribed.

patients with H1N1 — human influenza viruses did not find a statistically significant association

There is an additional theoretic role that statins

between pre-admission statin use and out of out-

might play in helping protect the innate immune

come after adjustment for age and sex but they

response to COVID-19. It was noted that SARS-

noted "point estimates are compatible with a small

CoV infection led to the MYD88 gene being high-

but clinically significant protective effect of statin

ly induced. Statins are known inhibitors of the


tors, are a class of lipid-lowering medications that

Among the reasons affirmed, there are a lot

MYD88 gene pathway. Essentially, they do not

reduce illness and mortality in those who are at

of other reasons, research, witness of the recov-

notably alter the level of MYD88 under normal

high risk of cardiovascular disease. However ,

eredCOVID-19 patients and trials to consider.

conditions but rather maintain normal levels of

according to study by the researchers of Massachu-

Given the fact to consider statin treatment, Diabe-

hypoxia — a condition in which the body or a

setts General Hospital, there is no clinical evidence

tes and pre-existing cardiovascular disease are two

region of body is deprived of adequate oxygen

to date that statins are beneficial for patients with

of the major risk factors for severe COVID-19

supply ; and under stress .

COVID-19 .In spite of that, there are at least 4

disease have shown in multiple studies to date.

reasons to consider this treatment for patients.

To support, there is an analysis of hospitalized

Above all with its supporting reasons and evidence, the use of statin for treating COVID-19 patients became widely controversial to answer if it is to boon or bane. As this medication is continuously and widely used, withdrawal among COVID-19 is also opposing the situation. Science

This reasons the ability of statin to maintain

and Technology could prove feasibly its effective-

In Massachusetts General Hospital, a series

MYD88 levels of normal levels, which is protec-

ness and usage at the right time and rigorous re-

First reason, of the greatest risk factors of

of 138 hospitalized cardiovascular cases was found

tive for patients with COVID-19. According to

search and evaluation. Researchers and Scientists

severe COVID-19 disease is underlying cardiovas-

in 25% of patients in ICU — Intensive Care Unit,

NIH Liver Tox and their supporting references,

are now competing for innovations and research to

cular disease and diabetes. Second, they have de-

compared with 18% non-ICU and diabetes in

atorvastatin — as an example is associated with

find the best treatment to cure COVID-19. Now is

scribed a number of cardiovascular complications

22.2% of ICU patients and 5.9 % of non-ICU pa-

mild and transient ALT and/or AST elevations in 1

the time to take part as we remain vigilant while

of the COVID-19 infection, so statins might be

-3% patients. Even though the overall safety of

others are on hard times finding the cure. Leaving

statins with COVID-19 disease has not yet been

with this unanswered question, "What would hap-

established, there is extensive clinical experience

pen next after all ?

beneficial to prevent the virus.

Besides, the elevated troponins — a group of


The role of Cyperus alternifolius Linn. in River Rehabilitation: Its Phytoremediation Potential in Constructed Wetland The Cyperus alternifolius Linn., or most

By: Jaira Landero | Environmental Science

enhanced the phytoremediation and reduced

PHILIPPINES -- May 21, Friday, the MS Chem

commonly known as the umbrella plant, are usual-

the risks of heavy metals. It can also be

students from the University of San Carlos namely

ly found in clusters and are grass-like. They have

a source of fertilizing agents and/or

Ms. Bronwyn Abbas, Mr. Leslie Darwin Dumas,

linear, slightly dropping leaves, smooth, cylindri-

stable nanoparticles, like how

Ms. Hannah Jean Esteban, Mr. Jude Thaddeus

cal stems, and grow fast with a strong root system

the nutrients in the biochar

Rojo, and Mr. Joselito Jr. Tumulak, with the guid-

in damp, marshy conditions. This hyperaccumula-

extracts were used as a

ance of Dr. Josephine Castañares, Ph.D., discussed

tor has an enhanced metal uptake, fast metal, trans-

fertilizer for off-site

the Butuanon river and C. alternifolius Linn. stud-

location, and great ability to contain metal. Phy-

ies, and about Biochar and constructed wetlands.

toremediation is the use of living plants to clean up

Biochar highlights

The 23-km long river, reaching from the Upland

heavily contaminated soil and water, and while it

Cebu City to Mandaue City which empties to the

can be of great use to most of the people, it also

Mactan Channel and classified as a Class D River

has its limitations, some of which are the follow-

(as per DENR) have shown lots of heavy metal

ing: survival of hyperaccumulators are not guaran-

stead of being

contamination. Trace metals, such as cadmium,

teed, nutrient uptake rate of plants may slow down

disposed of and

copper, lead, chromium, nickel and zinc, which are

due to their aging, high metal concentration in

also alleviates

insoluble in water. Are precipitated in sediments

plants might inhibit biomass production, and regu-

issues on waste

upstream of the Butuanon river, causing its pollu-

lar umbrella plant harvesting. The uses of the har-


vested umbrella plants can also help us greatly,

such as biochar production, potential pulp making,

and other studies by USC which includes

mulated pollutants

The levels of copper in total suspended solids are extremely high due to the abandoned copper mine in Barangay Pulang-Bato, Cebu City, which over time has turned into a spring that contributed high levels of copper in the river. The copper levels in the sediments of the river near the spring is 83.88-242.2 ppm, which exceeds most rivers’ copper levels in the world. Other than that, the presence of polio virus was detected in water samples last February 2020 by the DOH, but by MCWD’s further monitoring for months, it is later found out that the water is no longer positive for the virus. The rehabilitation of the river is currently managed by EMB Region 7, which identifies the Butuanon River Watershed as the local Water Quality Management Area (WQMA) for the region.

Data consumption Group Calls

810 Mbph—2475 Mbph

One-on-one Calls

540 Mbph—1620 Mbph

Offcam/Mute Less by ~85%

extracts that can be used for in vitro CuNP’s and

Biochar is an intriguing option for forest management as it can help solve a diversity of issues including site-specific goals (e.g., reduction of plant-available contaminants) to global scale goals (e.g., sequestration of atmospheric C). It can also be used as biofuels, for solid waste management, invasive plant management, and as an absorbent. It is a good way to mitigate river pollution as it provides sustainability to phytoremediation.The pyrolysis first occurs with the production of an

the style of 'Star Wars', 'Back to the Future' and

as well. Constructed wetlands

systems which are designed and constructed to utilize the natural processes of natural wetlands but do so within a more controlled environment. It is costeffective, low maintenance,has a multi-pollutant treatment capability, and can be operationed easily. It is already an established method for treatment of water with various levels and types of contaminants in different parts of the world.

characterization of the biochar produced, and third

ing a constructed wetland, whie includes the fol-

is the application of the biochar produced. During

lowing: meteorological and hydrologic data, plant

the process, there is a sharp decline of potentially

species, depth/intensification, wetland configura-

toxic elements (PTEs) released under various con-

tion, operating mode, soil substrate matrix, and

ditions when the pyrolysis is conducted at T>550°

HRT (hydraulic retention time). Pharmaceuticals,

C and pyrolysis was effective on the stabilization

domestic/municipal waste, industrial waste, landfill

of Cd, Cr, Zn, Cu, and Pb in ramie residues. We

leachate, nanomaterial contaminants, and organic

can use biochar to increase the efficiency of phy-

pollutants were treated thanks to the constructed


wetlands’ uses.There is available data for the use

For example, tea waste derived from biochar

of Cyperus alternifolius Linn. in phytoremediation

rameters only, and these can be found in the rivers of Benguet, Negros Oriental, Laguna, and Zamboanga del Sur. The possible application for the Butuanon River includes the creation of pilot scale constructed wetlands (topology of area, characteristic of the water including the present contaminants, optimization of design specific for the wastewater characteristic), research opportunities for biomass utilization, and known experts in the field of construction wetlands. Constructed wetlands can be a way to conduct identified research opportunities for the umbrella plant biomass utilization as a constructed wetland post-remediation management measure.

on a constructed wetland setup but on select pa-

Google’s Starlink Project to make video calls with life-sized 3D holograms line in its current state: It is a big booth, similar to

is the ability to compact the information and effec-

those used in diners, but much more technological-

tively transmit it over existing networks. Third,

ly advanced.

you'll be able to see the person in a 3D display, giving you the impression that you're speaking with someone right in front of you.

as if on the off chance that we were confronted.. As for the display, Google claims it has built a “breakthrough light-field display” for Project Starline. Indeed, from the footage provided, it’s a remarkably high resolution recreation; it isn’t perfect

you’re looking at a magic pane of glass, and

Google demonstrated that Project Starline is

(you can see artifacts here and there), but it’s defi-

through that glass, you’re seeing another person on

made up of equipment comprised of numerous

nitely impressive, especially for real-time. From

the other side.”, Steve Seitz, Director of Engineer-

cameras, sensors, and a screen or outline. Of

the information Google has put out so far, the com-

ing of Google: Project Starline, said in their pro-

course, it'll too incorporate progressive savvy com-

pany demonstrates Extend Starline is early and

motional video of this project. Project Starline was

puter program.

distant from productization. But the company plans

unveiled during the Google I/O event , where the

what once appeared like cutting edge fantasies in

There are different things to consider in build-

drive it. “So imagine instead of looking at a screen,

Innovation is getting closer to realizing

environmentally acceptable biochar, second is the

In early May, they had the opportunity to test

By: Christian Lucky Saligumba | Technology


ZnNP’s, synthesized CuO-ZnO NP showing photocatalytic activity, and increase in green onion

Cyperus alterfolius Linn., or most commonly known as an umbrella plant

'Big Tech' presented its next news. The company assured that it is a step towards approaching the future of conversations, as it seeks to make the most realistic video calls in the history of mankind.

The cameras, which incorporate a 3D recording framework and profundity sensors, will collect data from a person's confrontation, body and de-

to proceed testing with the framework and says it'll pilot the tech in select expansive endeavors afterward this year.

velopments. These will be prepared and com-

The people behind this project intend and see

pressed by a shrewd framework, which is able send

this as a first step in using technology to address

'The Jetsons'. Google has finally launched their

The project aims to expand and change the

them to another computer by means of the web in

the crucial issue of wanting to be together with

new project called, ‛Project Starline’ — a system

usual conversation through phone or other devices

genuine time. The accepting gadget will decom-

people but being unable to do so. With this project,

for making video calls that project 3D holograms

to make it seem like you were actually physically

press the information and convert it into a holo-

this could be a quantum leap to a very bright future

of people in real size that changes the orthodox

together. There are three major breakthroughs at

graphic projection, which can be shown on the

for virtual communication. Who knows, what may

way of video chatting or facetiming. The term

work here. One is the opportunity to photograph

screen or outline. Hence, we'll see our question-

‛camera booth’ is the easiest way to explain Star-

people exactly as they are. The second requirement

naire as a life-size 3D show, talking and signaling

Supreme student Council September 2020– may 2021

uclm Supreme student council

For the past 15 months of service to the UCLM Senior High School student body, the Supreme Student Council 5th Congress has given its utmost commitment and dedication up until day one to the ending of this roller-coaster of a school year.

Executive Members

Berdon Campo Armamento ISABELA









Cabalida HAPPY MAE



Board members

ABM Gov. Ramel Ametin Jr. Vice Gov. Mona Crissa Tumulam

HUMSS Gov. Lea Marie Lam Vice Gov. Jerreanna Suzane Flores

GAS Gov. Jason Patalinghug STEM Gov. Jan Loriss Orogo Vice Gov. Joey Tumulak

Gr.12 ABM Mariel Ohina Dela Torre Gr.11 ABM Ronalyn Montealto Gr.12 GAS Avegail Tisoy

Gr.12 TV Maritime Hyacenth Coronel

STEM Maritime Gov. Ric Daniel Orbiso Vice Gov. Henry Padual Jr.

Gr.12 STEM Johndel Baloro Gr.11 STEM Maryrose Basaca

Cultural Events Support

Gr.11 TVL Zoshia Kris Daug

TV Maritime Gov. Christianjay Abatayo Vice Gov. Jhon Lloyd Enclunar

Gr.11 HUMSS John Lloyd Dupalco

We, the 5th Congress, are proud to end this term

State of the Department address

knowing that we were able to conquer and go through the changes that were inflicted by this pandemic, which resulted to us being the congress with the longest term. In the duration of my term, I can proudly say that we were still able to establish and actualize our benefit of the UCLM SHS students. One of the plat-

Chairman Academic Affairs Audit Discipline Information

Gr.12 STEM Maritime James Angelo Pacquiao

TVL Gov. Bretney Dual Vice Gov. Adrienne Reconada

platforms. Platforms that are solely intended for the


Christian lucky saligumba | uclm shs-ssc executive president

Mary Janice Malinao Joshua Benoza Angelie Mae Sorongon Joshua Harold Taboada Heysa Yoshi Cosep Eloisa Florence Taping Jermyne Josh Kaquilala Dave Chamlie Siga Mikhael Lynnard Entica Aaron Tampos Jhann Francyz Aman Jan Rey Caminade Alexis John Michael Dy

pals, Dr. Danielita Patindol, and Dr. Severina B. Chin, who without them, the whole Supreme Student Council might have not actualized something from the planning to the execution itself. Finally, I really want to thank God Almighty for giving me the chance to lead, for giving me a chance to change my life, as well as changing others for the better. Without Him, these all, even my existence itself wouldn’t be possible. Ladies

forms that we are proud to have established is the

speed on academic and/or other subjects. Even

Organization of Cebu into one, to promote the well-

and gentlemen, I am writing this State of the Depart-

Official Senior High School Publication, Ang Silakbo.

though we were having a difficult time trying to cope up

ness, nurture their leadership skills, as well as to solidi-

ment Address, not to gloat about our accomplishments

For years of not having a medium to express the voic-

with the online set up, we were still able to bifurcate

fy all the student leaders here in Cebu, in the name of

or our implemented platforms, because that is what

es and grievances of the SHS students, as well as to

our tasks equally, having not just the executives, but

Cebu Coalition of Student Councils. This all wouldn’t

our job really is. The primary reason why I am writing

nurture the journalistic abilities and potential of our

also the governors, representatives as well as the

be possible without first, the help of my parents, Mr.

this message, is because I want you all to realize that

department, we finally have a resolution to this dilem-

committees be involved. During my administration, we

Lord C. Saligumba II, and Mrs. Christine B. Saligumba,

it is never too late to change and there is always room

ma. Another platform that we were able to establish is

also had a lot of achievements. We certainly brought

who were there to support me since Day 1. I wouldn’t

for change, and you can change and do something if

the inaugural of the first Senior High School Inter-

home the bacon at the first-ever Virtual E-Intramurals,

be able to this also without the help of my fellow SSC

you are just willing to accept it. As the President of the

Strand Intramurals, which featured various leisure

in which all departments compete against each other

Officers, being in this field of service is not a one-man

University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue Senior

activities in which strands from around the department

in the same way as traditional Intramurals, but the site

job at all, I would like to give my greatest gratitude to

High School Supreme Student Council, it has been an

competed. This event attempted to keep students busy

has been altered and physical sports have been abol-

all SSC Officers from the executives to the strand

honor and a privilege to be one, and I can never be

and engaged in the face of the pandemic's depressing

ished. We also aced the first CHED Days Event, where

governors, to the strand representatives, down to the

prouder to see our department and the people around

circumstances. It was riveting to see different strands

we were held as Overall Champions, still. We, the 5th

committees. This all would not be possible also without

it, growing and keep soaring high. This is Christian

showcase their abilities and competitiveness. We were

Congress Supreme Student Council, were able to

the graces of our dearest SSC Adviser, Mr. James

Lucky Bunao Saligumba, 5th Congress President of

also able to hold several events, virtual seminars, and

create an entirely new non-government organization

Vergel Llanita, with the assistance of Mr. Danny

UCLM SHS Supreme Student Council, signing off.

kumustahans with the class mayors to keep them up to

that brings all Student Governments, Councils and/or

Maing, as well as the presence of our dearest princi-

Soar High, Senior High!




From balloons to posters that will be used for cheering to being forced to

A modern sense of bubble relating to safeguards has arisen in

watch ones favorite team at home became the current set up for huge

sports in the 21st century. Bubble is a term that has recently been

People throughout the world modified their everyday lives as a

fans of sports because of the rapid growth of coronavirus cases in the

utilized to describe an environment where opposing sports teams

consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, including their sports and

country and the enforcement of strict quarantine measures. Naturally,

are segregated from the general public during a series of matches

other recreational practices. Major athletic events and leagues have

the sports companies ensure that not just the fans but also the players are

including lodging, services, and the venue where the games are

been postponed, and sport teams have all fallen sharply. As a matter fact

protected from the deadly virus. In reaction to the current crisis,

conducted without spectators in attendance. W ith the pandemic

of several weeks of lockdowns, the pandemic has profoundly impacted

professional leagues offered a safe environment with a systematic and

on going, this "bubble" was built as a cautious way to resume

how players, fans, and associations approach sports.

robust plan in place for players and staff to commence sports activities.

team sports.

Kalaro,Filipino-madeEsport launches By: Kr istine Mal ol oy-on

A new gaming app has been launched in the Philippines that paves the

Kalaro aspires to be a major player in the Esports industry in the coming

way for Filipinos to enter the Esports industry. A digital platform that

years. According to a global media investment company called GroupM,

is proudly Pinoy-made.

this is well worth $151.55 billion on the global stage. If we convert this to the Philippine currency, its worth will be Php 72.65 billion. In 2021, it

"Kalaro" app offers a wide array of services that include social media,

grew 20 percent to $179.7 billion despite the pandemic.

nationwide competition administration, and many more. In their ongoing promo, Kalaro will give away five hundred million kalaro

In that respect, according to Kalaro, the development of Esports within

gems to those lucky users.

the Philippines is still distant from the rest of the world. There are some factors that Kalaro observe. First of this is the stigma and cultural

The gems obtain by users could be used for online stock investments,

acceptance. The community may not consider gaming as a sport and

adversities, and service contracts, as well as providing and assisting

being a gamer may not give a sustainable career. Lastly, the lack of

playerson the platform, which is the centerpiece of this in-app

inclusivity leads to low discoverability because of the different access of

As stated by Jun Lasco, the founder and CEO, "The good news is that

Lasco added that the people behind Kalaro realize the scope of the

Kalaro is nowhere, a new-generation Esports digital platform created

gaming industry and how game players and other relevant parties can aid

to empower Filipino players".

and better their situation when everyone works and plays next to each

Photo from KALARO


As the world is currently facing a worldwide pandemic, it has also

The sporting community is still considering actions on how to run an

affected the occasions in the world of sports. The Cebu Schools

event effectively even in a pandemic. More so, the indifference forwarded

Athletic Foundation, Inc. (CESAFI) has dropped its take about how the

was made still for ensuring compliance with the safety health protocols

21st season will be conducted. Felix "Boy" O. Tiukinhoy Jr., the Cesafi

and halting the contamination of the virus. Given the current state of the

Commissioner, indicated that it will not be possible for them to use the

country, each one must comply with the implemented measures.

bubble environment due to its high expenditures. Apparently, the

UCLMIntramurals 2021goesvirtual By: Keanne Mar ie Jandusay

number of sporting events for this year?s season is still unspecified. It

Since these times are very crucial for both athletes and coaches,

will be a ?wait-and-see?attitude as of the moment, unlike the cultural

Tiunkinhoy recommended that the athletic directors should consult the

The college, senior high school, and basic education departments

events that can be held at home and are ideal for a stay-at-home

respective schools with their plan. Once the go signal is issued, they could

clash in this remarkable event and unleash their abilities and wits in


further prepare the needed guidelines to fulfill the event.

order to rise to the top. The contests under the academic aspects are

Esportscollegedegree commencesinthePhilippines By: Mar k Roger Val enzona

Look out, gamers: the Philippines is about to launch its first-ever

The launch of Bachelor of Science in Esports was on May 8, and the

Esports college course. The collaboration between a gaming agency

Facebook page of Lyceum of the Philippines University (LPU) held a

named Tier One Entertainment and Lyceum of the Philippines

live event. Despite the support from the live audience, skeptics about

University (LPU) yielded a four-year CHED-approved college course

the program remain. Famous Mobile Legends Youtuber, Akosi Dogie,

about gaming.

shared his concerns about the effectiveness of the said course. He further stated that subjects from the Esports curriculum are also

The course is divided into two specialization tracks: Game Design and

found in other similar courses. Bren Esports? coach Ralph Andrei

Development, and Esports Management. The Game Design and

"Coach Leathergoods" Llabres has also expressed his confusion and

Development track centers on creativity and innovation bounded by

disapproval about the BS Esports programs. In a Facebook post, coach

concepts, principles, and fundamental knowledge of Esports. You can

Ralph questioned the basis of Esports, its validity and distinction from

be an associate technical director, video game developer, and graphics

other associated programs. Along with the negative feedback from

programmer by taking this track. In contrast, the Esport Management

celebrities, Tryke Gutierrez expressed that it is unfair how they

track specializes in enhancing the managerial and business skills of the

judged the Esports curriculum considering that it has not yet

students. Possible careers for this track are a team manager, Esport

produced a single graduate. He added that the doubters need further

agent, and market researcher. This course may hold various career

education and comprehension about their goal for BS Esports.


and Ms. Intrams and also, TikTok Dance, Balak, Contemporary Dance, Dance Sports, Solo Vocals, and Duet are incorporated in this section. Finally, sporting activities include the Dribbling Skills and Tricks Challenge and the Mobile Legends Tournament. The E-Intrams 2021 ends with a bang and the winners of each category are awarded on the last day for their achievements and exemplary contribution to their respective departments. UCLM remains resilient in the face of the pandemic and is able to pull off a good E-Intramurals that is deserving of great pride and honor. Intramurals has always been the most noteworthy annual tradition by the university, and UCLM proves that the pandemic is not a barrier for UCnians to commemorate Intramurals as an avenue for camaraderie, sportsmanship, and talent.

opportunities, but this program does not guarantee a secured future, as Tryke Gutierrez, the founder of Tier One Entertainment, said: "I?m

The cloud of uncertainty on the BS Esports program still lurks in the

not here to promise jobs."

shadows. Is the course practical? Can fresh graduates easily find a job? W hat are the benefits of taking the course? Only through the first batch of BS Esports graduates will these questions be answered..

and Oration.

Meanwhile, the cultural area showcases the most-ever awaited Mr.

Photo by Chr istian Luck y Sal igumba



By: Keanne Marie Jandusay | Sports

“UCLM: Quality Education in the

in the new normal setup without set-

Midst of Pandemic.” The three-day

tling for less by utilizing Facebook Live

The University of Cebu Lapu-

event features the talents and skills of

and other platforms for the UCnians to

Lapu and Mandaue (UCLM) celebrates

UCnians through a variety of academic,

surely feel the spirit of the event at the

its first ever virtual Intramurals on

comfort and safety of their own homes.

April 8, 9, and 10, 2021 with the theme,

UCLM ensures to celebrate Intramurals


Continue to | Page 17

Photo by Christian Lucky Saligumba

Blazing blue

Francis ponce Gussie cuyos

2nd declamation

Mona crissa tumulak

2nd oration

rembrandt ponce

Mobile legends

Kevin libot Shaina janiola

Paul emperado Grace ansit

Dance sport

Richard lorren ii Jenica ripdos

2nd Vocal duet

Khen paquibot Juvi arocha

1st dribbling

2nd Dance sport

clarence abucay Mia angtud


garnell arriola

2nd dribbling

Kyle laurence aluba

2nd Vocal solo

Carl jay aimento

Aron daymiel Krisley gesulga

2nd Mobile legends

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  • 2. OVERVIEW NG PAPEL RISERTS ‱ Ang papel riserts o papel pampananaliksik ay isang: Sulating pananaliksik Akademikong gawain Propesyonal na pagtatangka Maaaring isang pamanahong-papel o term paper Isang tesis o disertasyon para sa pagtamo ng degri (Masteral at Doktoral) Iskolarling gawain
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  • 17. ISKEMA NG PAG-AARAL ‱Isang dayagram na nagpapakita sa ugnayan ng Malaya at di-malayang baryabol ‱Dapat sakop ang isang pahina sa figure na ito ‱Gabay sa paglalakbay tungo sa pananaliksik ‱Isang awtlayn ng mga indekeytor
  • 22. SAKLAW AT LIMITASYON ‱Isang talata para ilahad ang sakop ng pag-aaral at hanggang saang bahagi lamang ang sasakupin ‱Madalas sinasabi sa bahaging ito na mga suliraning tiyak ang limitasyon ng pag-aaral ‱i-konsider ang paksa ng pag-aaral at mga indekeytor na kabilang sa pag-aaral
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  • 27. DEPINISYON NG MGA TERMINOLOHIYA ‱ Listahan ng mga terminolohiya na binigyang pakahulugan sa dalawang kaparaan ‱ Konseptwal na depinisyon ‱ Operasyonal na depinisyon ‱ Kailangan mabigyang pakahulugan ang nakasaad sa suliranin ‱ Nakaayos nang PAALPABETO at nakasalungguhit bago tuldukan. Sakay bigyang pakahulugan
  • 29. TAGUBILIN ‱Kailangang may pagbabatayang teorya o paniniwala ang pag-aaral ‱Suportahan ang balangkas na konseptwal ‱Ideyal na pahina para sa Kabanata 1 ay 20-25 na pahina ‱Proof-reading , edisyon at kooperasyon ang susi Maligayang Pagsasaliksik!
  • 30. PAGGAWA NG KABANATA 2 ‱Awtlayn ‱Pamagat: MGA KAUGNAY NA LITERATURA AT PAG-AARAL ‱Mga Kaugnay na Literatura ‱Lokal ‱Internasyonal ‱Mga Kaugnay na Pag-aaral
  • 31. GABAY SA PAGGAWA NG KAB. 2 ‱ Limang (5) minimum na kaugnay na literatura at limang (5) minimum na kaugnay na pag-aaral ‱ Maaaring hiramin nang buo ang midyum (ENGLISH) na ginamit tapos sariling pagpapaliwanag ‱ Maaaring isalin o kaya ay gawan ng isang paraphrasing ang mga pananalita o pahayag mula sa literatura at pag-aaral ‱ Sampung taon (10 years) mula noong 2005 ang dapat gagamiting akda maliban na lamang kung ito ay TEORYA ‱ Sa huling bahagi ng Kabanata 2, tukuyin kung ano ang kaugnayan nito at paano nakatutulong sa pag-unlad ng papel
  • 32. ‱ Nakaayos mula sa pinakakasalukuyang taon 2015 hanggang 2005 ang pagbabahagi ng mga akda at pag-aaral ‱ HINTS: ‱ Kailangan ang intensibong pagbasa, pagsasaliksik at paghahanap ng mga akda na magkaugnay sa inyong pag-aaral ‱ Kumula o maghanap mula sa Internet, libro, silid-aklatan, dyornal, artikulo, magasin at iba pang mga printed na materyales ‱ Gamiting ang APA na paraang estilong parentetikal ‱ Nasa pahina p. 175-176 ng Filipino 2 sa Kolehiyo na Libro
  • 33. KEY WORDS NA GAGAMITIN ‱ Binanggit ni/nina (Apelyido ng awtor) 2010-taon ng publikasyon ‱ Tiniyak naman/ni ‱ Ayon kay/kina ‱ Batay naman sa pag-aaral ni/nina ‱ Sinuportahan naman ang pananalita ni/nina ‱ Pinagtibayan ni/nina ___________ (2009)
 ‱ Pinalakas ni/nina _______ (2010) ang paniniwalang 
. ‱ Napagtanto ni/nina
  • 34. ‱Nabigyang-pansin ni Gonzales (2007) na 
. ‱Sinang-ayunan ni/nina ‱Napag-uugnay ni/nina ‱Pinapaburan ni/nina ‱Napag-pokusan ni/nina ‱Napapaliwanag ni/nina
  • 40. KABANATA 3 METODOLOHIYA NG PANANALIKSIK ‱Napapaloob sa kabanatang ito ang mga metodolohiya ng pananaliksik ‱DESKRIPTIBONG pananaliksik ang Filipino 33 sa pamamagitan ng SARBEY at INTERBYU ‱(5 respondents at 3 experts) ‱Istandard ang Kabanata 3 ‱Maikling lamang ang mga awtlayn
  • 41. PAGGAWA NG KABANATA 3 ‱ Awtlayn ‱ Pamagat: METODOLOHIYA NG PANANALIKSIK Disenyo ng Pananaliksik Ang Kinalalagyan ng Pag-aaral Ang mga Respondente sa Pag-aaral Instrumento ng Pananaliksik Baliditi at Relayabiliti ng Instrumento Pangangalap ng Datos Paraan ng Pagmamarka
  • 42. DISENYO NG PANANALIKSIK ‱ Ito ang maituturing na pinakaangkop sa pag-aaral ng mga sitwasyon na nangyayari. Pinag-uukulan nito ang mga kondisyon o mga relasyon na nagaganap, prosesong kasalukuyang nagaganap, epekto na nararanasan at mga kalakarang nalilinang. ‱ Ang prosesong ito ay higit pa sa pangangalap ng datos at pagtatally ng mga datos. Kabilang ang pag-aanalisa, pag- iinterprita ng kahulugan o kahalagahan kung ano ang inilalarawan.
  • 45. KINALALAGYAN NG PAG-AARAL ‱Maikling deskripsyon sa kinalagyan ng pag-aaral o maikling kasaysayan nito ‱(research area) ‱Maaaring maglagay ng mapa
  • 47. MGA RESPONDENTE NG PAG-AARAL ‱Kabilang sa sub-topic na ito ang mga respondent ‱Ilan ang kalahok sa pag-aaral? Paano ito nakuha? Ano ang kaparaan?
  • 49. INSTRUMENTO NG PANANALIKSIK ‱Maikling paglalarawan sa instrument o talatanungan ‱Babanggitin kung ilang bahagi o ilang uri ng talatanungan o instrument o ‱Babanggitin kung sariling gawa o kaya ay hiniram sa naunang pag-aaral
  • 51. BALIDITI AT RELAYABILITI ‱ Kailangan ibalideyt ang talatanungan lalo na kung ito ay likha ng mananaliksik. ‱ Sasabihin sa papel na ang ginawang talatanungan ay ipunabasa sa mga awtoridad ng wika at paksa at nagkaroon ng dry run para masukat kung wala bang problema ang pagbabaybay, nababasa o nauunawaan ng mga tagatugon ‱ Sa relayabiliti naman, kailangang masuri ito sa pamamagitan ng item analysis. Dapat 0.60 pataas upang matanggap. ‱ Kapag hiniram ang instrument, hindi na gagawin ang baliditi.
  • 53. PANGANGALAP NG DATOS ‱Ilarawan kung paano isinagawa ang pangangalap ng datos ‱Maaaring may talahanayan sakaling may calendar of activities sa pananaliksik
  • 55. PARAAN NG PAGMAMARKA ‱Banggitin ang mga opsyon sa pagpili ng mga respondents ‱Ito ang babatayan sa pagpili ng opsyon lalo na sa sarbey-kwestyoneyr
  • 58. MGA BAHAGI NG PAPEL RISERTS ‱Pahinang Pamagat (Title Page) ‱Mas mabuti kung maikli (max words ay 20 na salita) ‱SINGLE SPACING ‱NAKABOLD lahat na mga letra at MALAKING TITIK ‱1-2 linya (pyramidal)

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Term Paper – How to write a good term paper

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  • 1 Definition  of Term Paper
  • 3 How to Write an Abstract
  • 4 Chicago Style Citation
  • 5 How to Write a Conclusion

Definition  of Term Paper

‘Term paper’ is a phrase which may not mean a lot to anyone in the everyday world. It is, however, significant to those in the academic world. By strict definition, it’s a written assignment on a given topic, which is assigned to a student during a particular term.

The purpose of the term paper is to give the teachers and guides of the student an idea of the level of progress which the student has made during the term. This gives the professor a tangible indication of the student’s commitment and progress. The term paper has a strong influence on the grade which is ultimately awarded to the student for his or her work during that term. It is worth the student’s time and effort to work sincerely and, research painstakingly. This will help him or her to write the best possible paper which he or she can. The topic is generally assigned at some time between the beginning and the middle of a semester to give the students sufficient time to work on their paper. The paper may be anything between 15 and 30 pages long, depending on whether the programme is an undergraduate or postgraduate programme. It should be submitted prior to the final examination.of the term.

What is the format of a term paper?

Just like writing an essay, a term paper also requires an introduction , with body paragraphs and a conclusion. The requirements for the title page and table of contents will differ, depending on the style of formatting you’re required to use. Every term paper should follow this basic structure.

How do you write a term paper?

Begin researching for your term paper as soon as you receive the assignment. Read through the assignment multiple times, to ensure that you cover all of the requirements. Then, begin researching and find a research topic that you’re interested in. Formulate your research question and thesis statement before outlining your term paper. Once this is all done, you’re ready to start writing!

Where can I find a term paper example?

There are many term paper examples available online. It’s a good idea to read through a term paper example before you begin writing so you can get an idea of the structure and the type of wording used. Be sure that you’re only using term paper examples for inspiration and that you’re not copying from them.

How do I write an introduction for a term paper?

A good term paper introduction will introduce the research question and thesis statement whilst explaining the new insights they can offer to the academic community. The introduction needs to outline the research methods and any limitations that the research may have. Upon reading the introduction, the reader should immediately know what the paper is about and what the structure is going to look like.

How do you cite in a term paper?

The citation method you use in your term paper depends on your institution and their requirements. There are many different referencing and citation styles , and the two most common are APA and MLA. Which style you are required to use will also dictate the requirements for the title pages and table of contents.

How to Write an Abstract


The abstract is a short summary of your term paper. You have to put it in the beginning of your work, because it is not part of your actual text. With an abstract you are able to give the reader an overview about the most important information relating to the research background, structure, method, data analysis, and results of your term paper.

The abstract follows the same structure as your paper:

The length of an abstract should not exceed one page. It should not contain more than 100 Words. If you would like to get more information about how to write an abstract, this article might help you. This way:

How to write an abstract

Chicago Style Citation


One part of the process of writing an academic paper or especially a term paper, is choosing a citation style. The chicago style is a citation style which is very flexible as it unites the two main referencing styles in one manual of style. So instead of deciding between using footnotes or an author-year system the chicago style citation allows you for both.

Here are two examples of the use of an author-year system and of using footnotes:

First we will take a look at the author-date system . It is mostly used in the physical, natural and social sciences. If you use this system, every quotation needs a short reference. ThereÂŽs also a reference list for a detailed source citation.


The second system in the chicago style is the bibliography system with footnotes . There arenÂŽt short references in the text. In this citation system all source citations are listed at the bottom of the page.


The chicago style is giving you a choice between the two above mentioned citation systems. So it is up to you to figure out which system is more suitable to your academic work.

You would like to know more about the chicago style citation? The following article is giving you more information about it. This way:

Chicago style citation


How to Write a Conclusion


The conclusion is the last paragraph of every academic work. So you have to learn how to write a conclusion. The main task of your conclusion is to give an answer to your introduction which you have written in the beginning of your work. Furthermore it expresses how the paper makes an input into the specific field of research.

Here are a few aspects which are part of a conclusion:

1. a) Main ideas/summary

b) Results: Answering the research question

c) Weaknesses and limitations

d) Impact/Future research

Another mostly asked question is the length of the conclusion. There is no standart length, the length of your conclusion depends on the length of your whole paper for example your term paper. It should roughly make up to 5% of your whole academic work.

If you would like to get more information about how to write a conclusion, this article might help you. This way:

How to write a conclusion

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Filipino Term Paper

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How to Write a Term Paper From Start to Finish

term paper filipino

The term paper, often regarded as the culmination of a semester's hard work, is a rite of passage for students in pursuit of higher education. Here's an interesting fact to kick things off: Did you know that the term paper's origins can be traced back to ancient Greece, where scholars like Plato and Aristotle utilized written works to explore and document their philosophical musings? Just as these great minds once wrote their thoughts on parchment, you, too, can embark on this intellectual voyage with confidence and skill.

How to Write a Term Paper: Short Description

In this article, we'll delve into the core purpose of this kind of assignment – to showcase your understanding of a subject, your research abilities, and your capacity to communicate complex ideas effectively. But it doesn't stop there. We'll also guide you in the art of creating a well-structured term paper format, a roadmap that will not only keep you on track but also ensure your ideas flow seamlessly and logically. Packed with valuable tips on writing, organization, and time management, this resource promises to equip you with the tools needed to excel in your academic writing.

Understanding What Is a Term Paper

A term paper, a crucial component of your college education, is often assigned towards the conclusion of a semester. It's a vehicle through which educators gauge your comprehension of the course content. Imagine it as a bridge between what you've learned in class and your ability to apply that knowledge to real-world topics.

For instance, in a history course, you might be asked to delve into the causes and consequences of a significant historical event, such as World War II. In a psychology class, your term paper might explore the effects of stress on mental health, or in an environmental science course, you could analyze the impact of climate change on a specific region.

Writing a term paper isn't just about summarizing facts. It requires a blend of organization, deep research, and the art of presenting your findings in a way that's both clear and analytical. This means structuring your arguments logically, citing relevant sources, and critically evaluating the information you've gathered.

For further guidance, we've prepared an insightful guide for you authored by our expert essay writer . It's brimming with practical tips and valuable insights to help you stand out in this academic endeavor and earn the recognition you deserve.

How to Start a Term Paper

Before you start, keep the guidelines for the term paper format firmly in mind. If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to reach out to your instructor for clarification before you begin your research and writing process. And remember, procrastination is your worst enemy in this endeavor. If you're aiming to produce an exceptional piece and secure a top grade, it's essential to plan ahead and allocate dedicated time each day to work on it. Now, let our term paper writing services provide you with some valuable tips to help you on your journey:

start a term paper

  • Hone Your Topic : Start by cultivating a learning mindset that empowers you to effectively organize your thoughts. Discover how to research a topic in the section below.
  • Hook Your Readers: Initiate a brainstorming session and unleash a barrage of creative ideas to captivate your audience right from the outset. Pose intriguing questions, share compelling anecdotes, offer persuasive statistics, and more.
  • Craft a Concise Thesis Statement Example : If you find yourself struggling to encapsulate the main idea of your paper in just a sentence or two, it's time to revisit your initial topic and consider narrowing it down.
  • Understand Style Requirements: Your work must adhere to specific formatting guidelines. Delve into details about the APA format and other pertinent regulations in the section provided.
  • Delve Deeper with Research : Equipped with a clearer understanding of your objectives, dive into your subject matter with a discerning eye. Ensure that you draw from reputable and reliable sources.
  • Begin Writing: Don't obsess over perfection from the get-go. Just start writing, and don't worry about initial imperfections. You can always revise or remove those early sentences later. The key is to initiate the term papers as soon as you've amassed sufficient information.

Ace your term paper with EssayPro 's expert help. Our academic professionals are here to guide you through every step, ensuring your term paper is well-researched, structured, and written to the highest standards.

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Term Paper Topics

Selecting the right topic for your term paper is a critical step, one that can significantly impact your overall experience and the quality of your work. While instructors sometimes provide specific topics, there are instances when you have the freedom to choose your own. To guide you on how to write a term paper, consider the following factors when deciding on your dissertation topics :

choose a term paper topic

  • Relevance to Assignment Length: Begin by considering the required length of your paper. Whether it's a substantial 10-page paper or a more concise 5-page one, understanding the word count will help you determine the appropriate scope for your subject. This will inform whether your topic should be broad or more narrowly focused.
  • Availability of Resources : Investigate the resources at your disposal. Check your school or community library for books and materials that can support your research. Additionally, explore online sources to ensure you have access to a variety of reference materials.
  • Complexity and Clarity : Ensure you can effectively explain your chosen topic, regardless of how complex it may seem. If you encounter areas that are challenging to grasp fully, don't hesitate to seek guidance from experts or your professor. Clarity and understanding are key to producing a well-structured term paper.
  • Avoiding Overused Concepts : Refrain from choosing overly trendy or overused topics. Mainstream subjects often fail to captivate the interest of your readers or instructors, as they can lead to repetitive content. Instead, opt for a unique angle or approach that adds depth to your paper.
  • Manageability and Passion : While passion can drive your choice of topic, it's important to ensure that it is manageable within the given time frame and with the available resources. If necessary, consider scaling down a topic that remains intriguing and motivating to you, ensuring it aligns with your course objectives and personal interests.

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Term Paper Outline

Before embarking on the journey of writing a term paper, it's crucial to establish a well-structured outline. Be mindful of any specific formatting requirements your teacher may have in mind, as these will guide your outline's structure. Here's a basic format to help you get started:

  • Cover Page: Begin with a cover page featuring your name, course number, teacher's name, and the deadline date, centered at the top.
  • Abstract: Craft a concise summary of your work that informs readers about your paper's topic, its significance, and the key points you'll explore.
  • Introduction: Commence your term paper introduction with a clear and compelling statement of your chosen topic. Explain why it's relevant and outline your approach to addressing it.
  • Body: This section serves as the meat of academic papers, where you present the primary findings from your research. Provide detailed information about the topic to enhance the reader's understanding. Ensure you incorporate various viewpoints on the issue and conduct a thorough analysis of your research.
  • Results: Share the insights and conclusions that your research has led you to. Discuss any shifts in your perspective or understanding that have occurred during the course of your project.
  • Discussion: Conclude your term paper with a comprehensive summary of the topic and your findings. You can wrap up with a thought-provoking question or encourage readers to explore the subject further through their own research.

How to Write a Term Paper with 5 Steps

Before you begin your term paper, it's crucial to understand what a term paper proposal entails. This proposal serves as your way to introduce and justify your chosen topic to your instructor, and it must gain approval before you start writing the actual paper.

In your proposal, include recent studies or research related to your topic, along with proper references. Clearly explain the topic's relevance to your course, outline your objectives, and organize your ideas effectively. This helps your instructor grasp your term paper's direction. If needed, you can also seek assistance from our expert writers and buy term paper .

how to write a term paper

Draft the Abstract

The abstract is a critical element while writing a term paper, and it plays a crucial role in piquing the reader's interest. To create a captivating abstract, consider these key points from our dissertation writing service :

  • Conciseness: Keep it short and to the point, around 150-250 words. No need for lengthy explanations.
  • Highlight Key Elements: Summarize the problem you're addressing, your research methods, and primary findings or conclusions. For instance, if your paper discusses the impact of social media on mental health, mention your research methods and significant findings.
  • Engagement: Make your abstract engaging. Use language that draws readers in. For example, if your paper explores the effects of artificial intelligence on the job market, you might begin with a question like, 'Is AI revolutionizing our work landscape, or should we prepare for the robots to take over?'
  • Clarity: Avoid excessive jargon or technical terms to ensure accessibility to a wider audience.

Craft the Introduction

The introduction sets the stage for your entire term paper and should engage readers from the outset. To craft an intriguing introduction, consider these tips:

  • Hook Your Audience: Start with a captivating hook, such as a thought-provoking question or a compelling statistic. For example, if your paper explores the impact of smartphone addiction, you could begin with, 'Can you remember the last time you went a whole day without checking your phone?'
  • State Your Purpose: Clearly state the purpose of your paper and its relevance. If your term paper is about renewable energy's role in combating climate change, explain why this topic is essential in today's world.
  • Provide a Roadmap: Briefly outline how your paper is structured. For instance, if your paper discusses the benefits of mindfulness meditation, mention that you will explore its effects on stress reduction, emotional well-being, and cognitive performance.
  • Thesis Statement: Conclude your introduction with a concise thesis statement that encapsulates the central argument or message of your paper. In the case of a term paper on the impact of online education, your thesis might be: 'Online education is revolutionizing learning by providing accessibility, flexibility, and innovative teaching methods.'

Develop the Body Sections: Brainstorming Concepts and Content

Generate ideas and compose text: body sections.

The body of your term paper is where you present your research, arguments, and analysis. To generate ideas and write engaging text in the body sections, consider these strategies from our research paper writer :

  • Structure Your Ideas: Organize your paper into sections or paragraphs, each addressing a specific aspect of your topic. For example, if your term paper explores the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships, you might have sections on communication patterns, privacy concerns, and emotional well-being.
  • Support with Evidence: Back up your arguments with credible evidence, such as data, research findings, or expert opinions. For instance, when discussing the effects of social media on mental health, you can include statistics on social media usage and its correlation with anxiety or depression.
  • Offer Diverse Perspectives: Acknowledge and explore various viewpoints on the topic. When writing about the pros and cons of genetic engineering, present both the potential benefits, like disease prevention, and the ethical concerns associated with altering human genetics.
  • Use Engaging Examples: Incorporate real-life examples to illustrate your points. If your paper discusses the consequences of climate change, share specific instances of extreme weather events or environmental degradation to make the topic relatable.
  • Ask Thought-Provoking Questions: Integrate questions throughout your text to engage readers and stimulate critical thinking. In a term paper on the future of artificial intelligence, you might ask, 'How will AI impact job markets and the concept of work in the coming years?'

Formulate the Conclusion

The conclusion section should provide a satisfying wrap-up of your arguments and insights. To craft a compelling term paper example conclusion, follow these steps:

  • Revisit Your Thesis: Begin by restating your thesis statement. This reinforces the central message of your paper. For example, if your thesis is about the importance of biodiversity conservation, reiterate that biodiversity is crucial for ecological balance and human well-being.
  • Summarize Key Points: Briefly recap the main points you've discussed in the body of your paper. For instance, if you've been exploring the impact of globalization on local economies, summarize the effects on industries, job markets, and cultural diversity.
  • Emphasize Your Main Argument: Reaffirm the significance of your thesis and the overall message of your paper. Discuss why your findings are important or relevant in a broader context. If your term paper discusses the advantages of renewable energy, underscore its potential to combat climate change and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Offer a Thoughtful Reflection: Share your own reflections or insights about the topic. How has your understanding evolved during your research? Have you uncovered any unexpected findings or implications? If your paper discusses the future of space exploration, consider what it means for humanity's quest to explore the cosmos.
  • End with Impact: Conclude your term paper with a powerful closing statement. You can leave the reader with a thought-provoking question, a call to action, or a reflection on the broader implications of your topic. For instance, if your paper is about the ethics of artificial intelligence, you could finish by asking, 'As AI continues to advance, what ethical considerations will guide our choices and decisions?'

Edit and Enhance the Initial Draft

After completing your initial draft, the revision and polishing phase is essential for improving your paper. Here's how to refine your work efficiently:

  • Take a Break: Step back and return to your paper with a fresh perspective.
  • Structure Check: Ensure your paper flows logically and transitions smoothly from the introduction to the conclusion.
  • Clarity and Conciseness: Trim excess words for clarity and precision.
  • Grammar and Style: Proofread for errors and ensure consistent style.
  • Citations and References: Double-check your citations and reference list.
  • Peer Review: Seek feedback from peers or professors for valuable insights.
  • Enhance Intro and Conclusion: Make your introduction and conclusion engaging and impactful.
  • Coherence Check: Ensure your arguments support your thesis consistently.
  • Read Aloud: Reading your paper aloud helps identify issues.
  • Final Proofread: Perform a thorough proofread to catch any remaining errors.

Term Paper Format

When formatting your term paper, consider its length and the required citation style, which depends on your research topic. Proper referencing is crucial to avoid plagiarism in academic writing. Common citation styles include APA and MLA.

If unsure how to cite term paper for social sciences, use the APA format, including the author's name, book title, publication year, publisher, and location when citing a book.

For liberal arts and humanities, MLA is common, requiring the publication name, date, and location for referencing.

Adhering to the appropriate term paper format and citation style ensures an organized and academically sound paper. Follow your instructor's guidelines for a polished and successful paper.

Term Paper Example

To access our term paper example, simply click the button below.

The timeline of events from 1776 to 1861, that, in the end, prompted the American Civil War, describes and relates to a number of subjects modern historians acknowledge as the origins and causes of the Civil War. In fact, pre-Civil War events had both long-term and short-term influences on the War—such as the election of Abraham Lincoln as the American president in 1860 that led to the Fall of Fort Sumter in April of the same year. In that period, contentions that surrounded states’ rights progressively exploded in Congress—since they were the initial events that formed after independence. Congress focused on resolving significant issues that affected the states, which led to further issues. In that order, the US’s history from 1776 to 1861 provides a rich history, as politicians brought forth dissimilarities, dissections, and tensions between the Southern US & the people of slave states, and the Northern states that were loyal to the Union. The events that unfolded from the period of 1776 to 1861 involved a series of issues because they promoted the great sectional crisis that led to political divisions and the build-up to the Civil War that made the North and the South seem like distinctive and timeless regions that predated the crisis itself.

Final Thoughts

In closing, approach the task of writing term papers with determination and a positive outlook. Begin well in advance, maintain organization, and have faith in your capabilities. Don't hesitate to seek assistance if required, and express your individual perspective with confidence. You're more than capable of succeeding in this endeavor!

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What is the Difference between a Term Paper and a Research Paper?

What is the fastest way to write a term paper.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Home » Term Paper – Format, Examples and Writing Guide

Term Paper – Format, Examples and Writing Guide

Table of Contents



Term paper is a type of academic writing assignment that is typically assigned to students at the end of a semester or term. It is usually a research-based paper that is meant to demonstrate the student’s understanding of a particular topic, as well as their ability to analyze and synthesize information from various sources.

Term papers are usually longer than other types of academic writing assignments and can range anywhere from 5 to 20 pages or more, depending on the level of study and the specific requirements of the assignment. They often require extensive research and the use of a variety of sources, including books, articles, and other academic publications.

Term Paper Format

The format of a term paper may vary depending on the specific requirements of your professor or institution. However, a typical term paper usually consists of the following sections:

  • Title page: This should include the title of your paper, your name, the course name and number, your instructor’s name, and the date.
  • Abstract : This is a brief summary of your paper, usually no more than 250 words. It should provide an overview of your topic, the research question or hypothesis, your methodology, and your main findings or conclusions.
  • Introduction : This section should introduce your topic and provide background information on the subject. You should also state your research question or hypothesis and explain the importance of your research.
  • Literature review : This section should review the existing literature on your topic. You should summarize the key findings and arguments made by other scholars and identify any gaps in the literature that your research aims to address.
  • Methodology: This section should describe the methods you used to collect and analyze your data. You should explain your research design, sampling strategy, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
  • Results : This section should present your findings. You can use tables, graphs, and charts to illustrate your data.
  • Discussion : This section should interpret your findings and explain what they mean in relation to your research question or hypothesis. You should also discuss any limitations of your study and suggest areas for future research.
  • Conclusion : This section should summarize your main findings and conclusions. You should also restate the importance of your research and its implications for the field.
  • References : This section should list all the sources you cited in your paper using a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
  • Appendices : This section should include any additional materials that are relevant to your study but not essential to your main argument (e.g., survey questions, interview transcripts).

Structure of Term Paper

Here’s an example structure for a term paper:

I. Introduction

A. Background information on the topic

B. Thesis statement

II. Literature Review

A. Overview of current literature on the topic

B. Discussion of key themes and findings from literature

C. Identification of gaps in current literature

III. Methodology

A. Description of research design

B. Discussion of data collection methods

C. Explanation of data analysis techniques

IV. Results

A. Presentation of findings

B. Analysis and interpretation of results

C. Comparison of results with previous studies

V. Discussion

A. Summary of key findings

B. Explanation of how results address the research questions

C. Implications of results for the field

VI. Conclusion

A. Recap of key points

B. Significance of findings

C. Future directions for research

VII. References

A. List of sources cited in the paper

How to Write Term Paper

Here are some steps to help you write a term paper:

  • Choose a topic: Choose a topic that interests you and is relevant to your course. If your professor has assigned a topic, make sure you understand it and clarify any doubts before you start.
  • Research : Conduct research on your topic by gathering information from various sources such as books, academic journals, and online resources. Take notes and organize your information systematically.
  • Create an outline : Create an outline of your term paper by arranging your ideas and information in a logical sequence. Your outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Write a thesis statement: Write a clear and concise thesis statement that states the main idea of your paper. Your thesis statement should be included in your introduction.
  • Write the introduction: The introduction should grab the reader’s attention, provide background information on your topic, and introduce your thesis statement.
  • Write the body : The body of your paper should provide supporting evidence for your thesis statement. Use your research to provide details and examples to support your argument. Make sure to organize your ideas logically and use transition words to connect paragraphs.
  • Write the conclusion : The conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion.
  • Edit and proofread: Edit and proofread your term paper carefully to ensure that it is free of errors and flows smoothly. Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Format and cite your sources: Follow the formatting guidelines provided by your professor and cite your sources properly using the appropriate citation style.
  • Submit your paper : Submit your paper on time and according to the instructions provided by your professor.

Term Paper Example

Here’s an example of a term paper:

Title : The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

As the world becomes more digitally interconnected, cybersecurity threats are increasing in frequency and sophistication. Traditional security measures are no longer enough to protect against these threats. This paper explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity, including how AI can be used to detect and respond to threats in real-time, the challenges of implementing AI in cybersecurity, and the potential ethical implications of AI-powered security systems. The paper concludes with recommendations for organizations looking to integrate AI into their cybersecurity strategies.

Introduction :

The increasing number of cybersecurity threats in recent years has led to a growing interest in the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve cybersecurity. AI has the ability to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate a security breach. Additionally, AI can automate responses to threats, allowing for faster and more effective mitigation of security incidents. However, there are also challenges associated with implementing AI in cybersecurity, such as the need for large amounts of high-quality data, the potential for AI systems to make mistakes, and the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in security.

Literature Review:

This section of the paper reviews existing research on the use of AI in cybersecurity. It begins by discussing the types of AI techniques used in cybersecurity, including machine learning, natural language processing, and neural networks. The literature review then explores the advantages of using AI in cybersecurity, such as its ability to detect previously unknown threats and its potential to reduce the workload of security analysts. However, the review also highlights some of the challenges associated with implementing AI in cybersecurity, such as the need for high-quality training data and the potential for AI systems to be fooled by sophisticated attacks.

Methodology :

To better understand the challenges and opportunities associated with using AI in cybersecurity, this paper conducted a survey of cybersecurity professionals working in a variety of industries. The survey included questions about the types of AI techniques used in their organizations, the challenges they faced when implementing AI in cybersecurity, and their perceptions of the ethical implications of using AI in security.

The results of the survey showed that while many organizations are interested in using AI in cybersecurity, they face several challenges when implementing these systems. These challenges include the need for high-quality training data, the potential for AI systems to be fooled by sophisticated attacks, and the difficulty of integrating AI with existing security systems. Additionally, many respondents expressed concerns about the ethical implications of using AI in security, such as the potential for AI to be biased or to make decisions that are harmful to individuals or society as a whole.

Discussion :

Based on the results of the survey and the existing literature, this paper discusses the potential benefits and risks of using AI in cybersecurity. It also provides recommendations for organizations looking to integrate AI into their security strategies, such as the need to prioritize data quality and to ensure that AI systems are transparent and accountable.

Conclusion :

While there are challenges associated with implementing AI in cybersecurity, the potential benefits of using these systems are significant. AI can help organizations detect and respond to threats more quickly and effectively, reducing the risk of security breaches. However, it is important for organizations to be aware of the potential ethical implications of using AI in security and to take steps to ensure that these systems are transparent and accountable.


  • Alkhaldi, S., Al-Daraiseh, A., & Lutfiyya, H. (2019). A Survey on Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Cyber Security. Journal of Information Security, 10(03), 191-207.
  • Gartner. (2019). Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020. Retrieved from
  • Kshetri, N. (2018). Blockchain’s roles in meeting key supply chain management objectives. International Journal of Information Management, 39, 80-89.
  • Lipton, Z. C. (2018). The mythos of model interpretability. arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.03490.
  • Schneier, B. (2019). Click Here to Kill Everybody: Security and Survival in a Hyper-Connected World. WW Norton & Company.
  • Wahab, M. A., Rahman, M. S., & Islam, M. R. (2020). A Survey on AI Techniques in Cybersecurity. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 11(2), 22-27.

When to Write Term Paper

A term paper is usually a lengthy research paper that is assigned to students at the end of a term or semester. There are several situations when writing a term paper may be required, including:

  • As a course requirement: In most cases, a term paper is required as part of the coursework for a particular course. It may be assigned by the instructor as a way of assessing the student’s understanding of the course material.
  • To explore a specific topic : A term paper can be an excellent opportunity for students to explore a specific topic of interest in-depth. It allows them to conduct extensive research on the topic and develop their understanding of it.
  • To develop critical thinking skills : Writing a term paper requires students to engage in critical thinking and analysis. It helps them to develop their ability to evaluate and interpret information, as well as to present their ideas in a clear and coherent manner.
  • To prepare for future academic or professional pursuits: Writing a term paper can be an excellent way for students to prepare for future academic or professional pursuits. It can help them to develop the research and writing skills necessary for success in higher education or in a professional career.

Purpose of Term Paper

The main purposes of a term paper are:

  • Demonstrate mastery of a subject: A term paper provides an opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge and understanding of a particular subject. It requires students to research and analyze the topic, and then present their findings in a clear and organized manner.
  • Develop critical thinking skills: Writing a term paper requires students to think critically about their subject matter, analyzing various sources and viewpoints, and evaluating evidence to support their arguments.
  • Improve writing skills : Writing a term paper helps students improve their writing skills, including organization, clarity, and coherence. It also requires them to follow specific formatting and citation guidelines, which can be valuable skills for future academic and professional endeavors.
  • Contribute to academic discourse : A well-written term paper can contribute to academic discourse by presenting new insights, ideas, and arguments that add to the existing body of knowledge on a particular topic.
  • Prepare for future research : Writing a term paper can help prepare students for future research, by teaching them how to conduct a literature review, evaluate sources, and formulate research questions and hypotheses. It can also help them develop research skills that they can apply in future academic or professional endeavors.

Advantages of Term Paper

There are several advantages of writing a term paper, including:

  • In-depth exploration: Writing a term paper allows you to delve deeper into a specific topic, allowing you to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
  • Improved writing skills: Writing a term paper involves extensive research, critical thinking, and the organization of ideas into a cohesive written document. As a result, writing a term paper can improve your writing skills significantly.
  • Demonstration of knowledge: A well-written term paper demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter, which can be beneficial for academic or professional purposes.
  • Development of research skills : Writing a term paper requires conducting thorough research, analyzing data, and synthesizing information from various sources. This process can help you develop essential research skills that can be applied in many other areas.
  • Enhancement of critical thinking : Writing a term paper encourages you to think critically, evaluate information, and develop well-supported arguments. These skills can be useful in many areas of life, including personal and professional decision-making.
  • Preparation for further academic work : Writing a term paper is excellent preparation for more extensive academic projects, such as a thesis or dissertation.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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College Term Paper

🖋 best way to write a great college term paper, term paper on filipino values.

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Filipino Values Term Paper:

Filipino values are the values which reflect the worldview, attitude towards the material and moral issues, the lifestyle, traditions and customs of the Filipino. Filipino values include a great number of the specific issues, ideology, ethics, morality, attitude towards religious and various aspects of the social life. According to the reports of the famous ethnographers and anthropologists who have studied the values of the Filipino, their worldview, traditions and morals values are extremely rich and have their own peculiarities, which differ from the ones of the Western world. For example, the Filipino do not have the dualistic worldview, they do not divide things into bad and good but percept the phenomena and life events in harmony. Speaking about their social life, it should be admitted that the society is the major aspect of their life. The desire of being respected and praised by the representatives of their social group is the strongest one. A family is the sacred phenomenon for the Filipino and they try to coexist in piece and help one another within the family unit.

They respect women in comparison to other ethnic groups and despise thieves and all sort of criminals fearing the punishment of the God. Much attention is paid to the inner side of an individual, and it can be admitted that they focus more on the inner than on outer world on a human being. Speaking about the attitude towards the family life, both men and women are responsible for the bringing up of the children but it is natural, that female are supposed to devote more time to children and household.

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Filipino values can be called an interesting topic for the analysis and students have the chance to learn about the culture and worldview of other ethnical groups writing a term paper on it. Filipino values term paper is a profound investigation of the culture and traditions of the Filipino and student has to collect trustworthy information about the problem in order to research it well. One should dwell on the certain definite characteristic features of the Filipino values, think about the differences and the unique qualities of the worldview which differ from the other ethnical groups and cultures.

The process of term paper writing requires attention, patience and knowledge, so the Internet can be an effective way out in this situation, because a student can learn how to prepare the assignment correctly just reading a free example term paper or essay on Filipino values written by the professional writer. A good free sample term paper on Filipino value can be a reliable piece of help for every student who is in the need of the professional advice.

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Pahina 1 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER Isang Pananaliksik Hingil sa Persepsyon sa Epektibong Pa

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Citation preview

Pahina 1 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER Isang Pananaliksik Hingil sa Persepsyon sa Epektibong Paraan ng Pagtuturo para sa mga Mag-aaral ng CPE 1-1 ng LPU-Laguna para sa Ikalawang Semestre ng Taong Aralan 2014-2015. Inihanda nina: Pangkat # 12 (CPE 1-1) Bagsic, Renz Luigie C. Yumol, Kimhea Garcia, Jayvee Pebrero, 2015 TALAAN NG MGA NILALAMAN Pahina 2 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER PAMAGAT TALAAN NG NILALAMAN Kabanata 1 SULIRANIN AT KALIGIRAN NG PAG-AARAL Panimula Paglalahad ng Suliranin Saklaw at Limitasyon Sintesis Balangkas Konseptwal Inaasahan ng Pag-aaral Kahalagahan ng Pag-aaral Terminolohiyang Ginamit Kabanata 2 KAUGNAY NA LITERATURA AT PAG-AARAL Kaugnay na literatura Kabanata 3 Disenyo ng Pag-aaral Lugar ng Pag-aaral Instrumentong Ginamit Proseso ng Pagkalap ng Datos Istadistikang Ginamit KABANATA 1 Panimula Pahina 3 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER Ayon sa Harvestime International Institute (2013), "Ang Pagtuturo" ay ang pagpapabatid ng mga bagay sa isang tao. Ang pagtuturo ng Biblia ay pagbibigay ng kaalaman at pagpapakita kung paano isasagawa ang kaalamang iyon sa personal na buhay at ministeryo. Ang mga "Taktika" ay mga paraan upang maabot ang tinutudla, pakay, o layunin. Ayon naman kay Fabrigar (2014), Ang dekalidad na edukasyon ay makakamtam lamang kung malalaman ang mga salik na siyang makakatulong upang paunlarin ang performans ng mga mag-aaral. Ang gawain na ito ay responsibilidad ng guro. Dapat niyang malaman kung anu-ano ito ng sa ganoon ay makapagplano siya ng mga estratehiya na makakapagbigay daan tungo sa mas maunlad at epektibong resulta sa performans ng mga mag-aaral. Hindi lahat ay mapapatunayan ng mga resultang pang-akademika, sapagkat marami pa rin ang hindi pa lubusang inilalabas o ipinapakita ang kanilang talino. Marami rin sa mga kabataan ngayon ang tamad at walang interes sa pag-aaral, lalung-lalo na sa oras ng diskusyon sa pagitan ng mga mag-aaral at guro. Ang isang estudyante ay natututo sa maraming paraan–tuwing nakakakita o nakaririnig, sa pagrarason gamit ang isip, at sa pagsasaulat pagbabalangkas. Kung gaano karami ang natututunan ng bawat estudyante sa bawat klase ay depende sa kanilang natural na kapasidad ng pagkatuto, sa kung papaanomakibagay at makaakma ang isang estudyante sa kanyang kapaligiran, at sa paraan ng pagtuturo ng kanyang mga guro. (Felder, Henriquez, 1995) Dahil na rin sa kahalagahan ng pagkakaroon ng sapat na kaalaman sa sariling paraan ng pagkatuto, ang grupong ito ay sumubok na magsagawa ng isang araling pananaliksik na siyang makakaalam sa paraan ng pagtuturo ng Pahina 4 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER isang guro, particular na sa mga guro sa kolehiyo na siyang magagamit sa mas epektibong paraan ng pagpresinta sa bawat klase. Paglalahad ng Suliranin Ang pag-aaral na ito ay naglalayon na matugunan ang ilan sa mga problema na may kaugnayan sa persepsyon sa epektibong paraan ng pagtuturo. Ang mga problema na nangangailangan ng kaukulang pansin ay ang mga sumusunod: 1. Ano ano ang demograpiyang pagkakakilanlan ng mga mag-aaral mula sa CpE 1-1 ng Lyceum of the Philippines - Laguna? 1.1 Edad; 1.2 Kasarian; 1.3 GWA 2. Ano ang Persepsyon ng mga mag-aaral ng CpE 1-1 sa mga epektibong paraan ng pagtuturo? 3. Ano ano ang mga iba’t ibang uri ng epektibong paraan ng pagtuturo? 4. Ano sa mga epektibong paraan ang pinakaepektibo? Ang di-gaanong epektibo? Saklaw at Limitasyon Ang Pag-aaral na ito ay sumasaklaw sa pananaw ng Epektibong Paraan Pagkakaiba ng pagtuturo sa mga Mag-aaral ng CpE 1-1. May 30 kalahok ang pagkukuhanan Pagkakatulad 1. Mga ginamit na paraan ng pagtuturo 2. Epekto ng paraan ng pagtuturo 3. Mga mag-aaral na tinuturuan ng mga Isasagawa ang pangangalap sa LPU-L. 1. posibleng Epektibo datos o mabisa ang pagtuturo 2. Nakasalalay sa Sintesisguro kung paano magturo 3. Kahulugan ng pagtuturo Pahina 5 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER Persepsyon sa paraan ng pagtuturo Balangkas Konseptwal Ang pag-aaral na ito ay nakatuon sa paksang “Isang Pananaliksik Hinggil sa Persepsyon sa Epektibong Paraan ng Pagtuturo para sa mga Mag-aaral ng CPE 1-1 ng LPU-Laguna para sa Ikalawang Semestre ng Taong Aralan 2014-2015. Ang proseso ay isinagawa sa pamamagitan ng pagkalap ng mahahalagang datos sa mga mag-aaral ng CpE 1-1. Ang mananaliksik ay nagtanong sa mga mag-aaral kung ano ba ang mga persepsyon nila sa epektibong paraan ng pagtuturo ng mga guro. Gumamit ng talatanungan bilang pangunahing pagkukunan ng mga datos sa mausisang pagbilang, pagsusuri at pagninigay kahulugan ng mga datos. Ang kinalabasan ng pag-aaral ay ang sumusunod (1) Inilalarawan dito na ang mag-aaral ang pangunahing kalahok; at guro ang pangalawang kalahok (2) malalaman ang pananaw ng mga mag-aaral sa paraan ng pagtuturo ng mga guro; (3) malalaman ang pinakaepektibo at di gaaanong epektibong paraan ng pagtuturo (4) matuklasan ang epekto ng pananaw; at (5) ang implikasyon sa Pahina 6 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER pagkatuto ng mga mag-aaral/guro upang malaman nila kung anong paraan ng pagtuturo ang epektibo o mabisa MAGAARAL/GURO PARAAN NG PAGTUTURO PINAKAEPEKTIBO DI-GAANONG EPEKTIBO MAIDUDULOT Inaasahan ng Pag-aaral Ang mananaliksik ay inaasahan na positibo ang persepsyon ng mga mag-aaral na kalahok sa mga epektibong paraan ng pagtuturo. Kahalagahan ng Pag aaral Ang araling pananaliksik na ito ay pinaniniwalaang makatutulong sa mga sumusunod: Pahina 7 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER Para sa mga Mag-aaral. Ang araling pananaliksik na ito ay itinuturing na makatutulong sa aming mga kapwa mag-aaral, partikular na sa mga susunod pang mag-aaral ng Unang Taon sa nasabing pamantasan, dahil sa pamamagitan nito ay malalaman nila ang mga pangunahing kaalaman sa paggawa ng isang araling pananaliksik, at magkakaroon silang ideya patungkol sa kanilang mga paraan ng pagtuturo. Para sa mga Guro. Ang araling pananaliksik na ito ay itinuturing na makatutulong sa mga guro sapagkat dito ay magkakaroon sila ng angkop na kaalaman sa paraan ng pagkatuto ng kanilang mga estudyante, sa pinakanaangkop na paraan ng pagtuturo. Para sa mga Mananaliksik. Ang araling pananaliksik na ito ay itinuturing na makatutulong sa mgamananaliksik dahil dito ay magkakaroon sila ng basehan sa paggawa ng kanilang sariling mga araling pananaliksik. Terminolohiyang Ginamit Persepsyon - Isang uri ng hakbang sa pagbasa na kung saan kinikilala ang mga nakalimbag na mga titik o mga kaisipan. Epektibo – kung ang isang bagay ay mabisa. Paraan - estilo ng paggawa ng mga bagay- bagay. Pagtuturo - ang pagbahagi ng kaalaman, mabuting paghusga at karunungan. Pagsasaliksik –pag-iimbestiga sa isang bagay upang malaman ang mga bagaybagay ukol rito; upang magkaroon ng patunay sa isang pangyayari o bagay. Pahina 8 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER Mananaliksik –isa o mga taong nagsasagawa ng isang pananaliksik. Mag-aaral ng CpE 1-1- Ang mga pagkukuhanan ng mga posibleng datos. LPU-L (Lyceum of the Philippines – Laguna). Lugar na pagkukuhanan ng posbileng datos. CPE – Computer Engineering Kabanata 2 Ang bawat mag-aaral ay may kani-kaniyang talino. Hindi lahat ay mapapatunayan ng mga resultang pang-akademika, sapagkat marami pa rin ang hindi pa lubusang inilalabas o ipinapakita ang kanilang talino. Marami rin sa mga kabataanngayon ang tamad at walang interes sa pag-aaral, lalung-lalo na sa oras ng diskusyonsa pagitan ng mga mag-aaral at guro. Subalit sa kabila nito, ang bawat tao ay masasabing may kani-kaniyang aspeto na kung saan sila ay magaling–mayroong magaling sa Matematika na mahina sa Ingles, at mayroong magaling sa Wika namahina sa Siyensya. Kinakailangan lamang na palaguhin ito Pahina 9 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER at maihasa ng maayos.Ang katalinuhan ng isang tao ay hindi basta-basta lamang. Kadalasan, maipapakita ito sa iba’t ibang paraan, at mas lalo pa itong nahahasa sa pamamagitanng pagkatuto ng mga estudyante. Ang isang estudyante ay natututo sa maraming paraan–tuwing nakakakita o nakaririnig, sa pagrarason gamit ang isip, at sa pagsasaulo at pagbabalangkas. Kung gaano karami ang natututunan ng bawat estudyante sa bawat klase ay depende sa kanilang natural na kapasidad ng pagkatuto, sa kung papaano makibagay at makaakma ang isang estudyante sa kanyang kapaligiran, at sa paraan ngpagtuturo ng kanyang mga guro. (Felder, Henriquez, 1995)Ang mga paraan kung saan ang isang indibidwal ay nakakakuha ng mgaimpormasyon ay tinutukoy rin sa pamamagitan ng “learning style,” o paraan ng pagkatuto. Ayon rin kina Felder at Henriquez (1995), ang mga learning style aymatagal nang napaguusapan sa edukasyunal na literaturang sikolohiko, partikular nasa mga konteksto ng pag-aaral ng Wika, at dahil rin dito ay nagkaroon ng humigit-kumulang 30 paraan ng mga pagkatuto sa nakaraang tatlong dekada.Ang iba’t ibang paraan ng pagkatuto ay may mahalagang koneksyon sa mga performance examinations, at motibasyon para sa pagkikilala sa edukasyon. Ito raw ayisang permanenteng katangian ng mga estudyante na nangangailangan ng masusing pag-iimbestiga, implikasyon at kompetensya upang ang mga mag-aaral ay maginghanda sa mga dapat niyang pagtuunan ng pansin. Dahil na rin sa kahalagahan ng pagkakaroon ng sapat na kaalaman sa sariling paraan ng pagkatuto, ang grupong ito ay sumubok na magsagawa ng isang araling pananaliksik na siyang makakaalam sa paraan ng pagkatuto ng isang klase, partikularna sa mga mag-aaral sa kolehiyona siyang magagamit ng Pahina 10 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER mga guro sa masepektibong paraan ng pagpresinta sa bawat klase. Ang mas lalong matuto ang m g a e s t u d y a n t e s a k a n i l a n g g u r o , m a r a m i s i l a n g g i n a g a m i t n g m g a t e k n i k u p a n g maging mas lalong maging pursigido sa kanilang pag-aaral. Habang lumilipas ang mga panahon, nagbabago ang teknolohiya at ang mgasiklo ng ating komunidad. Ngunit mapapansin natin na mas lalong bumababa ang antas ng edukasyon sa ating bansa. Maraming mga programa, tekniks ang isinusulongng Kagawaran ng Edukasyon, ngunit sadyang ito'y walang epekto sa mga estudyante. Ang mga mag-aaral sa panahon noon at ngayon ay may malaki na pagkakaiba. Bunga ito sa kaibahan ng mga dulog at estratehiyang ginagamit ng guro sa pagtuturo. Kadalasan, marami sa ating mga mag-aaral ay may kanyakanyang pang-unawa sa bawat ipinapakitang dulog ng guro. Kung noong una, sagad tayo sa kaalaman ng teknolohiya, ngayon ay hindi na. Malaking tulong sa mga mag-aaral ang alternatibong pagtuturo sapagkat napapadali nito ang pangkaalaman at pang-unawa ng mga mag—aaral. Modernong pagtuturo at teknolohikal na pagbabago sa ika – 21 siglo ang pokus ng kumpetisyon sa mga paaralan ngayon, Hidalgo (2000). Ang modernong pagtuturo ay ganap na malaman ang mga pakinabang sa mga mag-aaral at guro. Mas pinalawak nito ang mga konsepto sapagkat mas nakikita ng mga mag-aaral ang nais ipahiwatig ng tiyak na paksa. Pahina 11 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER Ngunit di rin maiiwasan na patuloy pa ring ginagamit ang tradisyunal na pagtuturo sapagkat ito ang ating kinagisnan at kinalakihan. Dito tayo unang natuto ng mga pangunahing konsepto patungo sa mga malalaking paksa at kaalaman. Tradisyonal man ang gamit sa pagtuturo ngunit may marami rin tayong natutunan at naintindihan. Ayon kay Novak (1998), ang tradisyunal na pagtuturo ay nakapukos sa guro bilang taga-konrol sa kapaligiran ng mga mag-aaral.” Sa ganitong pagtuturo, nasa guro ang responsibilidad at sa kanya ang paraan at mga estratehiyang gagamitin sa pagtuturo sa kanyang mag-aaral. Sa ganitong uri ng pagtuturo, ang guro ang siyang tinaguriang controller sa silid-aralan. Dahil sa ganitong sitwasyon, hindi maiiwasan na ang tinatagong galing ng mag-aaral sa iba’t ibang kakayahan ay hindi mahahasa at malilinang. Nagkakaroon rin ng problema sa mga impormasyong inilalahad ng guro. Dahil kadalasan ay nakabatay sa mga sinaunang nakalimbag na aklat. Sa makatuwid ang nagaganap sa pagtuturong ito ay ang tinatawag nilang “spoon-feeding of knowledge”. Hindi napapalawak ng guro ang kanyang karaniwang paksa dahil sa nakabase lang siya sa tradisyunal na paraan. Ang alternatibong pagtuturo ay tinatawag ding makabagong pamamaraan sa pagtuturo sa paaralan. Sinasaklaw nito ang iba’t ibang dulog at stratehiya na ginagamit sa pagtuturo-pagkatuto sa mga mag-aaral. Ito ay nag-uugat mula sa iba’t ibang pilosopiya na nagtataglay ng pangunahing kaisipan na naiiba sa Pahina 12 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER traditional na pamamaraan. Kadalasa’y nagkaroon ng mga kaisipang politikal, pilosopikal at akademikong kasanayan. Ito ay may malaking impluwensiya sa malawakang pagkatuto ng isang mag-aaral. Ang kagamitan sa pagtuturo, ayon kay Liwanag (1995), ay isa sa mga factor sa mabisang pagkatuto ng mga estudyante. Nakabase ang mga paghahanda ng mga kagamitan sa pagtuturo sa iba’t ibang batayan sa pananaw na sosyo-kultural. Sa paghahanda ng kagamitang pampagtuturo dapat isaalangalang ang mga gamit nito gayundin ang objective, panahon at istilo ng mga wikang gagamitin. Dapat ding ikonsider ang pangkaisipan pananaw na binibigyang pansin ang pagkakaiba ng estudyante sa paraan ng pagkatuto at humanistikong pananaw na ang objective ay lubusang malinang ang buong katauhan ng mga mag-aaral. Sa pagbubuo ng mga kagamitang pampagtuturo sa pag-aaral na ito, isinaalang-alang ng risertser ang mga nabanggit. Payo ni Gabuyo (1998) sa paghahanda ng kagamitang pampagtuturo, alamin ang characteristics at pangangailangan ng estudyante, tiyakin ang objective, balangkasin ang nilalaman, at planuhin ang suportang kakailanganin. Isaalang-alang ang mga materyal na paghahanguan. Sa pagsusulat, ihanay nang maayos ang mga ideya, pag-isipan at simulang buuin ang mga gawain at feedback, humanap ng mga halimbawa at umisip ng mga graphics. Naaangkop ang paggamit ng audio-visual materials sa napiling lugar ng pag-aaral ng risertser. Bilang isang laboratory elementary school, ang University of Nueva Caceres ay inaasahang may pasilidad para sa pagtuturong ginagamitan ng teknolohiya Pahina 13 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER samantalang ang mga estudyante sanay iba’t ibang pamamaraan ng pagtuturo kabilang na ang makabagong pamamaraan. Ayon kay Transona (2002), walang kagamitang panturo ang maipapalit sa isang mabuting titser ngunit isang katotohanang hindi maitatanggi na ang mabuting titser ay gumagamit ng mga kagamitang pampagtuturo tungo sa mabisang pagkatuto ng mga estudyante. Sa pamamagitan ng pag-aaral na ito, marerealize ng mga titser na maraming mapagkukunan ng mga kagamitan sa pagtuturo. Kilangan lang na maging observant at creative. Tinalakay ni Aquino at Razon (1998) sa kanilang aklat ang qualification ng isang mahusay na titser. Ayon sa kanila, matatawag na mahusay ang guro kung nagtataglay sya ng sariling kakayahan at katalinuhan, matapat sa pakikitungo sa kanyang kapwa titser at iginagalang ang karapatan ng bawat estudyante. Kailangan ding may alam sya sa principles ng mabuting pagkatuto tulad ng paggamit ng angkop na pamamaraan sa pagtuturo, motivation, paggawa ng lesson plan, kasanayan sa pagtataya at integration. Maaaring magamit sa lahat ng bahagi ng klase ang mga advertisement simula motivation hanggang sa pagbibigay ng assignment kung nagtataglay sya ng mga qualification na binanggit. Ang pagkatuto para kay Panambo (1997) ay ang pinakamahalagang proseso ng pagtuturo at pag-aaral. Ang pagkatuto ng mga estudyante ay nakasalalay sa mabuting paraan ng pagtuturo ng isang titser. Ang titser ang nagpaplano at nagdedecide sa pamaraang kaniyang gagamitin na angkop sa bunga ng pagkatuto na nais nyang makamtan ng mga estudyante, angkop sa sitwasyon, Pahina 14 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER angkop sa kakayahan ng mga estudyante at gayundin sa uri ng paksang-aralin at subject na kanyang ituturo. KABANATA 3 Disenyo ng Pag-aaral bahaging ito, komprehensibong ipinapakita ng mananaliksik ang disenyo at pamamaraang ginamit upang mabigyang tugon ang tiyak na layunin ng pag-aaral na ito. Ang mananaliksik ay gumamit ng deskriptibong kwantiteytiv. Ang pananaliksik na ito ay isang disenyo na kung saan ay itanatala ang mga pangyayari o sitwasyon, inilarawan ang pagtuklas, ipinahayag ang natuklasan, sinuri at pinaghambing ang mga ginamit na baryabols. Ang pamamaraang ito ay kinabibilangan ng pangangalap ng mga tiyak na datos mula sa mga mag-aaral. Ito ay ginamit ng mananaliksik upang makalap ang mga kailangang mga mahahalagang impormasyon, kaalaman, tugon at komento hinggil sa suliranin ng pag-aaral. Pahina 15 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER Populasyon ng Pag-aaral Ang mga kalahok ng pag-aaral na ito ay nagmula sa CpE 1-1 ng Lyceum of The Philippines University - Laguna. Ito ay kinabibilangan ng 30 kalahok. Ang mananaliksik ay gumamit ng Purposive Sampling Technique. Kung saan pili ang mga kalahok sa gagawing pananaliksik. Nasa isang bahagdan ang kabuuang populasyon sa nasabing kalahok. Lugar ng Pag-aaral Magaganap ang pangangalap sa Lyceum of the Philippines – Laguna, na mahahanap sa Km. 54 Pan - Philippine Highway Calamba, 4027 Laguna, Philippines. Instrumentong ginamit Ang mga kagamitan at teknik na ginamit sa pagsusuri ay ang pagsusurbey, at pag-iinterbyu. Ang mga datos na nalikom ay mula sa persepsyon sa epektibong paraan ng pagtuturo. Pinakamahalagang kagamitan na ginamit ng mananaliksik ay ang talatanungan upang makalap ang mga datos na kinailangan sa pag-aaral na ito. Proseso ng Pagkalap ng datos Paggawa ng mga tanong para sa talatanungan Paghingi ng permiso sa mga kinauukulan para sa pagsagot ng mga kalahok. Pahina 16 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER Pangagalap ng mga kinakailangang datos para matugunan ang tiyak na layunin ng pag-aaral na ito Pamimigay ng mga talatanungan sa mga napiling kalahok Pag aanalisa ng mga nakalap na datos Paggawa ng konklusyon sa mga naalisang datos. Upang makalap ang mga impormasyon na makatotohanan at may kaugnayan sa pag-aaral, ang mga mananaliksik ay gumawa ng mga tanong para sa Pagtingin kung ang inasahan sa pag aaral at mga layunin ay natupad at talatanungan na ipapakalap. paggawa ng mga maaring rekomendasyon sa pananaliksik Ang mananaliksik ay humingi ng permiso sa kinauukulan para sa pangangalap ng datos. Partikular sa punung-guro ng Lyceum of The Philippines University - Laguna. Nangalap ng mga talatanungan sa mga napiling kalahok na manggagaling sa CpE 1-1 at mag-aaral na kalahok. Ang nasabing talatanungan ay ang pangunahing kagamitan sa pag-aaral na ito sapagkat dito kinuha ng mananaliksik ang mga datos para sa istadistikal na kagamitan. Istadistikang Ginamit Ginamit ng mananaliksik ang sumusunod na pamamaraang istadistika upang bigyang kahulugan ang mga datos na nakalap. 1 Kadalasan at Bahagdan (Frequency and percentage distribution) – ang mga datos ay inilahad sa pamamagitan ng pagkuha ng mga bilang ng mga mag-aaral na tumugoon sa mga katanungan at pagbibigay bahagdan dito. Ito ay upang mabigyan nang masususing pagsusuri at wastong pagpapakahulugan ang mga innilahad na impormasyon. Upang malaman ang bahagdan ng mga tumugon, ang bilang ng mga kalahok na sumagot Pahina 17 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER ay hahatiin sa kabuuang populasyon ng mga kalahok at ang magiging kinalabasan nito ay ipaparami sa bahagdan na 100. Sanyo: P= ∑ f ∗100 N Kung saan: P = bahagdan ∑ f = kabuuang bilang ng sumagot N = kabuuang bilang ng mga tagasagot 2 Kabuuang kinalabasan (Weigted Mean) – ito ay ginamit sa pananaliksik upang malaman ang kabuuang kinalabasan ng mga kalahok. Sanyo: ®x = ∑ fx N Kung saan: ®x =Wieted mean ∑ fx = kabuuan ng pagmamari ng f at x; kung saan ang f ay ang kadalasan ng bawat marka at ang x ay ang katumbas na pagpaparami ng bawat marka. N= kabuuan ng mga ginamit na tagasagot. 3 Pangkalahatang kabuuang kinalabasan (average weigted mean) – ipinapakita dito ang pangkalahatang kinalabasan ng mga indikasyon na inilahad sa pananaliksik. Sanyo: AWM = ∑ x® N = Kung saan: ( ®x ) = kabuuang bilang ng kinalabasan N = Bilang ng Indikasyon 4 Gumamit ng Likert Scale – sa pagbibigay pakahulugan sa mga indikasyong ginamit sa talatanungan. Talahanayan 1 Likert Scale Pahina 18 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER Indikasyon Rating Scale Numerical Value Lubos na sumasang-ayon 4.50 -5.00 5 Sunasang-ayon Lubos na hindi sumasang- 3.50 – 4.49 2.50 – 3.49 4 3 ayon Di sumasang-ayon Walang katiyakan 1.50 – 2.49 1.00 – 1.49 2 1 Pahina 19 KOLEHIYO NG PAG-IINHINYERO AT PAG-AARAL NG KOMPYUTER

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  • Psychology,
  • Behaviorism,
  • Roman Empire
  • Compassion,
  • Words: 5714

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Term Paper Filipino

Term Paper Filipino

We often spend so much time to think about how to succeed that we forget to think about how tofail. But knowing how to fail is just as important as knowing how to succeed because we can then learn about what NOT to do. It’s dangerous to fix our eyes on the destination without being aware of the pitfalls along the way. We may run fast to our destination only to find ourselves trapped in the pitfalls at the end. One such pitfalls is trying to please everybody. Here are some of the dangers of trying to please everybody: ? You may waste a lot of time on the wrong people while investing too little time in the right people.

At the end, you could lose the right people since you do not invest enough in them. ? You may experience disappointment after disappointment. You may think that you have done badly due to the rejection and opposition you face, while actually you are just dealing with the wrong people. ? You won’t have strong principles since you try to be “acceptable” to everyone which is impossible to achieve. Knowing how to avoid this pitfall is a useful weapon in your “how to succeed” arsenal. Here are seven tips not to try to please everybody: 1. Identify your strengths to know your audience

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First of all, you should identify what your strengths are. By identifying your strengths, you will know what kind of value you can provide and consequently what kind of people you should target. Read more about identifying your strengths in 12 Essential Lessons to Maximize Your Personal Strengths. 2. Recognize your personal characteristics to know your audience You are more likely to attract people who have similar characteristics as you. People who share similar interests, background, or point of view are more likely to respond well to you.

By recognizing your personal characteristics, you will get a better idea about who are the right people to target. 3. Accept that you can’t please everybody Of course, you should first try to target the right audience as described in point 1 and 2 above. But even if you do that, you still can’t please everybody. No matter how hard you try, there are always people who oppose you. Accepting this possibility will ease the burden and make the process much easier for you. 4. State your position in a way that is not ambiguous You should state your position clearly without being ambiguous.

One of the danger of trying to please everybody is polishing your position in such a way that it is acceptable to everyone. Most likely you can only do that through ambiguous message for which different persons have different interpretations. At the end it will do you more harm than good. 5. Keep an open mind Before discarding other people’s opinions as “coming from the wrong people”, you should have an open mind to seek truth in their opinions. While it is wrong to try to please everybody, it’s equally wrong to just discard opinions we don’t agree with. Try to find something you can learn from them.

Maybe it’s you who need to change. 6. Be polite but firm to your opposition After exercising an open mind and still can’t find a solution, it’s time to be firm about your position. Don’t try to please the wrong person. If you do so, you may compromise your principles. State clearly to her that though you appreciate her opinion, yours is different. 7. Let the rejection go from your mind After you face rejection, sometimes you still have it left in your mind. You may still think about it and feel bad about it. Doing so will just decrease your happiness and in turn your performance.

So let the rejection go from your mind. Forget it. Say goodbye, close the door, and move on. Don’t Take the Easy Way: A lesson from the History POSTED BY DONALD LATUMAHINA 15 COMMENTS I believe history can teach us a lot. Throughout history, there are those who made good decisions and those who made bad ones. The former reaped the rewards and the latter suffered the consequences. In any case, there are useful lessons that we can learn from their experiences. This time I’d like to share with you a lesson I learned from the story of Alexander Severus, a Roman emperor from 222 to 235.

While reading Roman history on Wikipedia a while ago, I got interested in this particular emperor because his assassination started the Crisis of the Third Century. As it turned out, he was assassinated by his own troops. But how could that happen? Why did the troops kill their own emperor? Well, the short answer is that the emperor chose the easy way and his troops didn’t like it. Germanic tribes invaded the Roman Empire during the time Severus was emperor. The emperor marched out his troops to meet the invaders. The troops were ready to fight and defend their land. But what happened?

When they were near the enemy, the emperor chose to bribe the enemy instead. He tried to buy them off using the empire’s wealth. Instead of facing the challenge, the emperor chose the easy way. The troops didn’t like it. In fact, they were angered by it. They looked down on him and eventually decided to kill him. It’s tragic, but it also contains a profound lesson: don’t take the easy way. Don’t take shortcuts when you face a problem. It may look easy and attractive, but it’s not without its danger. What you should do instead is face the challenge and do the right thing.

It might be painful and take a long time, but the reward makes it worth it. Here are two kinds of reward that you will get if you do the right thing: 1. Lasting success By taking the easy way, you might seem to achieve your goal (peace, in the case of the emperor), but it won’t last for long. Since taking the easy way means you never solve the root of the problem, the problem could resurface at any time. On the other hand, if you take the more difficult route and solve the root of the problem, you will get success that lasts. 2. The respect of others

When those around you see the way you handle your situation, they will respect you. They will look at you as someone to learn from. You might even become an inspiration to them. *** Doing the right thing is easier said than done, but it’s something we can all learn to do. Remember the story of the emperor: don’t take the easy way. March into your battles courageously and solve the root of each problem. How to break bad habits and develop good ones POSTED BY DONALD LATUMAHINA 30 COMMENTS There is no question that habits are important parts of our lives.

We do many things in our lives not from conscious decisions, but from habits. So understanding how habits work is essential. For that reason, I was excited when I learned that there was a new book on this topic titled The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. I bought the book through Kobo and read it. As it turns out, the book covers not just personal habits, but also organizational and social habits. Here, however, I will focus only on personal habits. There are several things I learn from the book about how to break bad habits and develop good ones. Here they are: 1.

Every habit consists of three elements The three elements are cue, routine, and reward. Together they form a habit loop. Cue is the thing that triggers you to do the habit, routine is the activity part of the habit (the thing that you want to change if it’s a bad habit), and reward is what you want to get by doing the habit. Habit loop works like this: when the cue is there, you do the routine in order to get the reward. 2. To break a bad habit, you need to identify its elements and insert a new routine You can’t really eliminate a bad habit. Instead, you replace it with something else.

To do that, you need to keep the old cue and the old reward, but insert a new routine. Let’s say you want to stop a smoking habit. First you need to understand the elements of the habit. The routine part is easy (it’s the activity that you want to change, which is smoking in this example), so your job is to identify the cue and the reward. What is it that triggers the habit? Is it a certain time of the day, a certain emotional state, or something else? And what is it that you want to get by doing the routine? Relaxation perhaps? Identifying the cue and the reward isn’t easy, so take the time to identify them.

There is a detailed example in the book of how to do this. Once you identify the cue and the reward, you need to find a new routine that can give you a similar reward. You might need to experiment with several routines before you can find the right one for you. Then you need to make a specific plan about what you will do when the cue is there. It might seem simple, but studies show that making a plan does make a difference. 3. To develop a good habit, make a craving out of specific cue and reward Let’s say you want to develop an exercise habit.

What you need to do is choosing a specific cue (like a certain time of the day or putting your running shoes nearby) and a specific reward (like the sense of accomplishment from tracking your running miles). But that’s not enough. You also need to make a craving out of them because craving is what drives the habit loop. You do that by choosing a reward that appeals to you and allowing yourself to anticipate it. Think about that reward and how good it will be when you get it. Over time it will become a craving and the new habit will become automatic. 4.

Willpower is the most important habit for individual success There are some good habits that can start a chain reaction; once you master one such habits, it will affect other areas of your life as well. These habits are called keystone habits. Among them, studies show that willpower is the most important one. The ability to delay gratification for something better in the future will definitely have a positive impact on many areas of your life. You can train your willpower by forcing yourself to do something that is good for you but you don’t feel like doing.

For example, if you don’t have the habit of exercising than forcing yourself to exercise three times a week will train your willpower muscles. Over time, your willpower muscles will get stronger until willpower becomes a habit. *** These are some important ideas I learn from the book, but there are still many ideas there that I haven’t covered here. There are also stories in the book to illustrate the points it makes. All in all, I enjoyed reading the book. But of course, the most important thing is to apply the ideas. Understanding them is one thing but actually applying them is a different thing.

Building a willpower habit seems like a good start. What do you think? 3 reasons why failure is the key to success POSTED BY DONALD LATUMAHINA 18 COMMENTS Note: This is a guest post from Fred Tracy of FredTracy. com If you’re like most people, you probably have a bad relationship with failure. You see it as an ending, as proof that your plan didn’t succeed or your ideas weren’t good enough. The truth is, failure happens to everyone. The only thing that separates people who succeed from those who don’t is a proper understanding of the power of failure.

Success requires that you learn from mistakes and missteps along the way rather than falling into despair and giving up. Pay attention to the information here, especially if you’re at a place where failure isn’t your friend, and you will find that opportunity lies in every defeat. Here are 3 reasons why failure is the key to success. 1. Failure is a Function of Trying The best way to measure your progress at something is the number of setbacks and “failures” you’ve had. If you haven’t failed yet, chances are you aren’t trying very hard. Failure is the blacksmith’s hammer that tempers the sword of success.

If you want to get really good at something, you have to fail at least a few times. If you look at all the great men and women throughout history, you’ll notice that they had one main thing in common. They failed, and they failed often. Think of Thomas Edison. How many times did he fail to find the right filament for his light bulb? There are various estimates, but they all range in the ballpark of a whole heck of a lot. Henry Ford knew of failure intimately. So much so that he is quoted for saying the following: “Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently. Clearly, failure represents opportunity and growth, not deficit and loss. 2. Success Lies in Seeing Failure as a Tool Just as all the greats have something in common, so too do the true “failures” of life: their inability to use failure as a tool. When you feel that sinking, desperate sensation known as failure and you take it to heart, you diminish yourself.

You give your power away to an external event. Success is about learning how to recognize why you failed, and how you’re going to compensate for it. I find it helpful to ask myself the following questions upon failures, big and small. What brought about the failure? ? How much of it is in my realm of influence? ? How can I use my influence to turn failure into success? ? What steps do I need to go through to try again? ? What can I do every day to ensure that my next try is done more intelligently? You may want to get out a piece of paper and go through that list. Be completely open and honest as you ask yourself each question. Analyze your answers carefully and implement them – don’t procrastinate! Remember, failure is an opportunity, not a burden. Be grateful for a chance to grow. 3. Failure Builds Character

If you look at the events leading up to any significant victory, you’ll often discover failure as the biggest motivator. Just as the Colorado River created the Grand Canyon over a period of millions of years, success can also come in small chunks, and they’re part of any winning strategy. On the other hand, waiting years upon years for something to happen isn’t effective when you can take action now. So what do you need to consistently test yourself and learn from failed attempts? Character. Success occurs in leaps and bounds for people who are ready for it.

To genuinely create value, day in and day out, requires determination, purpose, and most of all, that subtle yet all-important trait known as character. Failure is a far better character builder than any affirmation or fleeting goal. While each success will propel you by a small amount, failure will forge your career – and your personality – like nothing else will. It’s the difference between a natural lake being formed over thousands of years and a man-made lake coming into fruition in under a year. *** Success takes willpower, intelligence, determination, and grit. But more than anything else, it requires failure.

Use this is an opportunity to reassess your relationship to the true key to success that so many people fear. How to accept others when they don’t accept you POSTED BY DONALD LATUMAHINA 23 COMMENTS Note: This is a guest post from Lisa H of Getting to Zen If you intimidate someone or treat them with some other dramatic action, you are inviting trouble. Yes, it’s possible to affect change in another person this way; however, it is not advisable because the results can be undesirable and at times disastrous. For example, imagine an employee that has been forced to take a leave of absence after arriving at work late.

The relationship between the manager and that employee would likely be strained, especially if the leave of absence was delivered after the first offense. However, if the employee’s manager had expressed a little compassion, and asked why his employee had been late, the relationship between the two might have remained in tact. Everybody has a past We are more similar to each other than we are different. However, there will be those times in our life when we encounter someone who just rubs us the wrong way. Although it may be challenging at first, we must still treat those persons with dignity and respect.

Everybody has a past. You don’t know what another person has seen, heard or experienced that makes them behave the way they do–just like your experiences have shaped you. Take for example someone who has been in a relationship with a partner who was unkind to them. With that knowledge, you may be able to understand why they have trouble trusting others or are even unkind themselves. Or maybe they grew up being bullied for most of their childhood, and now they are a bully. Everyone wants to feel needed This is not to say that we have to condone or tolerate “bad” behavior, but we can have compassion in our dealings with them.

There is an important yet intangible thing that everybody wants, and that is acceptance. Being accepted and appreciated makes a person feel needed and wanted. Acceptance gives us a whole lot of reason to exist. A recent testament to this is the five boys that committed suicide as a result of their lifestyle choice not being accepted. On a primitive level, being accepted is an outward acknowledgement that we are one of the many human beings that is sharing the planet at this time. Compassion is everything Now I am not saying that you need to befriend someone who is causing you discomfort.

They may not even want to be your friend. I am talking about not judging them—not causing them any more pain than they are probably already in. If you think that it is hard for you to be around them, imagine how hard it is for them. They have to be with themselves for 24 hours a day. Avoid purposely doing things to sabotage or harm them in any way, including gossiping. If you need to vent, talk to a close friend. Communication leads to understanding Many times people come to an impasse because they don‘t know how to communicate with each other.

Friendship, family and work relationships all have been severed due to poor communication. Father’s no longer speaking to sons and sisters that have been estranged for so long that it would be hard for them to recognize each other. I remember a time when I tried to “clear the air” between I and a co-worker. And although I approached the situation calmly and with a spirit of resolution, it didn’t go well. My co-worker was unwilling to listen to how her actions were making me feel. What I realized then was that not everyone wants to “clear the air. ” Some people want drama and stress–and that is their right.

Now of course if you ask them, they would say that they don’t, but you would be able to see that their actions showed otherwise. Interacting is Learning You can learn from your perceived adversaries. Interacting or not interacting with them teaches you about you. Why do you have a problem with them? Do they remind you of someone else who behaves similarly? Maybe they remind you of yourself? Or are they just not your flavor of friend? Your adversaries can teach you much more about yourself than your friends. Don’t let these sort of opportunities go by without learning the lesson. Next Steps Hold your head high.

Focus on yourself. Move forward with confidence and humility. Be kind to others. Be honest with yourself. Trust in your goodness. Refrain from judgment or acting out behaviors that create negative experiences. The time that you have on this earth is limited and precious. Acknowledge that by spreading positivity and lightness wherever you go. 7 timeless principles of achievement POSTED BY DONALD LATUMAHINA 6 COMMENTS Note: This is a guest post from Daniel M. Wood of Looking to Business To get ahead today, you need constant improvement. Life is a race and if you aren’t running, you will fall behind.

The knowledge required today is vastly different than the knowledge you needed 20 years ago and in 5 years time most of what you know today will be obsolete. Through all this there is one thing that is constant. One thing we can trust. That is the principles that drive achievement. The keys of success never change because people don’t. Noah Bennet in the TV-series Heroes puts it well “Things change, but people do not. ” As long as people control the world, the principles that set the successful apart from the regular will remain the same. When playing baseball as a kid I noticed these principles at work.

We used to play a pickup game every day after school. As in every group some of the kids had a knack for baseball and others didn’t. What was interesting to watch was how the group evolved. Some of the kids would improve at a faster rate then the rest, they seemed to improve in everything quicker than average. Both in school and sports. I saw the same thing happen again and again when working in sales. Some of the salesmen hired just did better than others, even though at the outset they might have been much worse. The reason is that all these people either actively or instinctively followed these 7 principles. . It isn’t how much you work, but how you work that makes the difference Being at the office for 10 hours straight doesn’t mean you got the most done and, what is more important, it doesn’t mean that you brought the most value to your employer. If you are going to be successful it is important that you spend your time as wisely as possible. Make sure you are always working on your highest value task, bringing value to your employer and yourself. Working on time management skills that make you able to produce more in less time is a shortcut that will boost you on your path. 2.

Hard work pays off With step one understood, hard work does pay off. Spending an hour more at the office than your colleagues does mean that you get more done. Working the whole day, instead of taking breaks by the coffee machine, makes you a lot more productive. And being the first into the office every morning so that you have time to plan your day will give you the ease of mind you need to produce. 3. The only thing holding you back is your imagination We can do anything, as long as we set our mind to it. I want to give you an example from the movie “A Knights Tale” with Heath Ledger.

When Heaths character, William, is a young boy he is apprenticed to a knight. His dream was to become a knight himself, something that should have been far out of reach as he wasn’t of noble birth, which was required to compete. His father tells him that he can, if he believes. If he believes it so strongly and works with all his might, it will happen. As it turns out, he becomes a knight and his dreams are realized. Of course this is a story, but the moral of the story is based on fact. If you believe something powerfully enough, you will find a way to make your dream reality. 4.

Leading a balanced life is the key A trap many fall into is that they don’t find balance in their life. You are not successful if you aren’t successful in all 4 major areas of your life: finance, career, family and health. Succeeding in one doesn’t compensate for failure in another. Spend time on all 4 areas and the synergy effect will help you become more successful in each area as well. 5. Improve every day Constant improvement is crucial to your success. If you are to become the best you have to continuously improve. Life is a race and if you aren’t running, someone else will pass you. 6.

It isn’t your genes that determine your level of success This was at first hard for me to grasp before I understood it. It isn’t what you are born with that determines how far you will go. It is your discipline, your motivation and your hunger that will make you successful. Just like I saw with my friends, the only one of us to make the minor leagues was the kid we used to stick out in right field because he could neither throw, catch or run. 7. Be proactive Always be in charge of your own life. Be in the driver’s seat. Don’t let the circumstances you find yourself in, the stimuli thrust upon you, control you.

Control the circumstances and create your own brakes. Conclusion By following these principles you have the basis on which you can form your success, the foundation on which to build and realize your dreams. Never give up because whatever and whoever you want to be, you can succeed, if you chose to. 17 unproductive Habits to let go POSTED BY DONALD LATUMAHINA 28 COMMENTS Note: This is a guest post from Timo Kiander of TimoKiander. com Our daily life is full of unproductive habits and rituals that we execute – whether on a conscious or unconscious level. This makes us less efficient and productive than we could potentially be.

Obviously, just listing some avoidable habits is not enough. Because of this, I encourage you to check out Donald’sarticle on how to break bad habits. It gives a good foundation on how to actually start changing your habits from bad to good. Here are 17 unproductive habits that you should let go: 1. Consuming the information you don’t need Unsubscribe from as many mailing lists as you can. This way you can cut down the amount of incoming e-mails and prevent distraction. Also, stop watching news. If there is an event that is newsworthy, it will catch you anyway (mostly by other people). . Letting others to run your life Steve Jobs said it right: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. ” You are the master of your life and it is a shame if you live your life by pleasing others. Naturally, it is wise to listen for advice from other people every now and then. However, ignore those people who say you can’t reach your dreams, it is impossible to do something or that your vision is foolish. In your heart you know that it is not true. 3. Reinventing the wheel Before you start working on your task or project, prevent reinventing the wheel.

Spend some time on research to find out if there are already solutions that help you to complete your task faster. 4. Being perfect Although striving for perfection may be a noble principle for some, it is still a huge time and energy waster. Instead of spending too much time on tweaking something, create a checklist to go through on your finalization phase. When you realize that all the items on your list are checked, you can finish your work and move on. Not only are you relieved of your accomplishment, you will also give room for your brain to focus on other things instead. 5. Letting television to overrun your passion

When television is preventing you to take action on your passion, maybe it is time to rethink your priorities. Save your TV show to your digital set-top box for later viewing instead. If you do this operation a couple of times you will form a new success habit – working on your passion first and watching television second. 6. Multitasking Stop working on multiple tasks at once. You are spreading your focus and effort on too many places at once. Although you might be able to proceed on many fronts at once, it is still a very slow and error-prone way of working. Instead, when you focus solely on one task, you get all the work done much faster.

You can put your mind fully to that task, complete it fully and move to the next task. 7. Neglecting your body You should take utmost care of your body. Feed it nutritious food, keep it fit by exercising on a regular basis and give it enough sleep. When doing these the quality of your life rises considerably, you feel good and in some cases you are able to prevent some diseases to break out. Also, your energy levels are higher and you are more productive. 8. Promising too much Control your “yeses”. If you feel you have too much on your plate, be selfish and just say no!

You have a right to decline from requests presented to you. Don’t feel bad about saying no. If another person has a right to ask something from you, you have an equal right to say no. 9. Reacting to every distraction that comes along The number of distractions has grown radically over the last few years. The main problem is that you are expected to be reachable all the time. When you are distracted, it causes unnecessary stress and makes you procrastinate on your work. Instead of being reachable, shut down the communication devices when you want to concentrate on your work.

If this means shutting down your phone or even taking the network cable out of your computer, then do it. This way you can cut down your temptations to be distracted too easily. 10. Thinking that the more the better More is not necessarily better. In fact, in many cases the quality beats the quantity. Strive for mastering or focusing just the few, but not everything. For example, this could be focusing on just a subset of your clients that bring most of your results or mastering one skill well rather than trying to be good on 12 different things.

Focusing on the things that bring the biggest rewards is a good strategy to be used your in life. 11. Being late on appointments Stop wasting time of other people. Not only are you giving a bad image out of yourself, you are also showing that you ignore the other person’s timetables completely. Adjust your own schedule to, for example, 15 minutes earlier, so that you keep the appointment without any delay. 12. Staying quiet when you should ask When you are stuck and you are not able to move forward with your task, speak up! It’s not silly to ask a question if you don’t know – rather, the person who doesn’t ask for help is silly. 3. Starting a task but not finishing Too many people start a task and never finish it. Understandably the task may get postponed sometimes because of the reasons that are not dependent of you. But in majority times this is not the case and it is your responsibility to finish the task. Make a plan on how to tackle the task: Break it into smaller pieces and execute your plan on a daily basis. Eventually you realize that the task is done and you feel very good about yourself! 14. Working tired When you work tired, you are not able to focus on your work as well as if you were fully refreshed.

If you feel tired, ponder yourself if you get enough sleep at night and adjust your sleeping time accordingly. Also, you can take a quick 15-20 minute nap to refresh yourself. Powernap is a great way to restart your day. 15. Waiting others to take action Sometimes the only way to get something done is to do it yourself. If you are waiting others to take action on your behalf, you get disappointed because most probably nothing gets done. Take initiative, put your ideas into action and enjoy the fruits of your labor. 16. Failing to admit mistakes and learning from them Everybody makes mistakes.

However, some people learn from their mistakes, while other people complain and never see any positive sides in those situations. Use mistakes as a feedback and learning mechanism to improve your action further. 17. Fixing the symptom instead of the root cause When you have a flat tire on your bicycle, you have two options to handle the situation. You can either pump air to the tire so that you can ride your bike for a while – until the tire is flat again. On the other hand, you can change the tire to an intact one once – and stop wasting time on pumping air to a flat one on a recurring basis.

Strive for fixing the root cause instead of just fixing the symptom. It may take more time, but fixing the symptoms will most likely to take even more time. Conclusion As you can see, there are lots of habits on our daily lives that could be improved or replaced with a better one. If there is a one single area to focus on this list, it is definitely the item #7. When you make your body feel good on all three levels (nutrition, exercise and sleep), it is much easier to change other parts of your life too. Just take one unproductive habit, crush it and then move on to the next one.

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