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What is speech to text software and how does it work?

come funziona il riconoscimento vocale audio?

TLDR: What’s speech to text and how does it work?

Speech-to-text, also called speech recognition, is the process of transcribing audio into text in almost real time.

It does this by using linguistic algorithms to sort auditory signals and convert them into words, which are then displayed as Unicode characters.

These characters can be consumed, displayed, and acted upon by external applications, tools, and devices.

  • Definition: What is speech to text software?
  • What is the current state of Speech Recognition?
  • Why do we need speech to text software?
  • How is voice to text software used in different industries?
  • What is an acoustic model?
  • What is a linguistic model?
  • What is a speaker dependent model?
  • What makes Amberscript’s speech to text model the best?

What is speech to text software? 

Speech to text software that’s used for translating spoken words into a written format. This process is also known as speech recognition or computer speech recognition. There are many applications, tools, and devices that can transcribe audio in real-time so it can be displayed and acted upon accordingly.

What is the Current State of Speech Recognition?

Recent technological developments in the area of speech recognition not only made our life more convenient and our workflow more productive, but also open opportunities, that were deemed as “miraculous” back in the days.

Speech-to-text software has a wide variety of applications, and the list continues to grow on a yearly basis. Healthcare, improved customer service, qualitative research, journalism – these are just some of the industries, where voice-to-text conversion has already become a major game-changer.

Why Do We Need Speech to Text software?

1. it reduces the time to transcribe content.

Professionals, students, and researchers  in various industries use high-quality transcripts to perform their work-related activities. The technology behind the voice recognition advances at a fast pace, making it quicker, cheaper and more convenient than transcribing content manually.

Current speech to text software isn’t as accurate as professional transcriber, but depending on the audio quality – the software can be up to 85% accurate.

2. Speech to text software makes audio accessible 

Why is Speech to Text Recognition currently booming here in Europe? The answer is quite simple – digital accessibility. As described in the EU Directive 2016/2102 , governments must take measures to ensure that everyone has equal access to information. Podcasts, videos and audio recordings need to be supplied with captions or transcripts to be accessible by people with hearing disabilities.

Brand shapes with a deaf sign

How is speech to text software used in different industries?

Speech to text technology is no longer just a convenience for everyday people; it’s being adopted by major industries like marketing, banking, and healthcare. Voice recognition applications are changing the way people work by making simple tasks more efficient and complex tasks possible.

Customer Support call analytics

Machine-made transcription is a tool that helps you understand customer conversations, so you can make changes to improve customer engagement. This service also makes your customer service team more productive.

Media and broadcasting subtitling 

Speech to text software helps to create subtitles for videos and allows them to be watched by people that are deaf or hard of hearing. Adding subtitles to videos makes them accessible to wider audiences. 

With transcription, medical professionals can record clinical conversations into electronic health record systems for fast and simple analysis. In healthcare, this process also helps improve efficiency by providing immediate access to information and inputting data.

Speech to text software helps in the legal transcription process of automatically writing or typing out often lengthy legal documents from an audio and/or video recording. This involves transforming the recorded information into a written format that is easily navigated.

Utilizing speech to text can be a beneficial way for students to take notes and interact with their lectures. With the ability to highlight and underline important parts of the lecture, they can easily go back and review information before exams. Students who are deaf or hard of hearing also find this software helpful as it caption online classes or seminars.

Transform your audio and video to text and subtitles

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How Does Speech to Text Software Work?

Infographic showing how a speech to text software works

The core of a speech to text service is the automatic speech recognition system. The  systems are composed of acoustic and linguistic components running on one or several computers.

What is speech to text acoustic model?

The acoustic component is responsible of converting the audio in your file into a sequence of acoustic units – super small sound samples. Have you ever seen a waveform of the sound? That’s we call analogue sound or vibrations that you create when you speak – they are converted to digital signals, so that the software can analyze them. Then, mentioned acoustic units are matched to existing  “phonemes”  – those are the sounds that we use in our language to form meaningful expressions.

What is speech to text linguistic model?

Thereafter, the linguistic component is responsible of converting these sequence of acoustic units into words, phrases, and paragraphs. There are many words that sound similar, but mean entirely different things, such as peace and piece.

The linguistic component analyzes all the preceding words and their relationship to estimate the probability which word should be used next. Geeks call these  “Hidden Markov Models”  – they are widely used in all speech recognition software. That’s how speech recognition engines are able to determine parts of speech and word endings (with varied success).

Example: he listens to a podcast . Even if the sound “s” in the word “listens” is barely pronounced, the linguistic component can still determine that the word should be spelled with “s”, because it was preceded by “he”.

Before you are able to use an automatic transcription service, these components must be trained appropriately to understand a specific language. Both, the acoustic part of your content, that is, how it is being spoken and recorded, and the linguistic part, that is, what is being said, are critical for the resulting accuracy of the transcription.

Here at Amberscript, we are constantly improving our acoustic and linguistic components in order to perfect our speech recognition engine.

What is a speaker dependent speech to text model?

There is also something called a  “speaker model” . Speech recognition software can be either  speaker-dependent  or  speaker-independent .

Speaker-dependent model is trained for one particular voice, such as speech-to-text solution by Dragon. You can also train Siri, Google and Cortana to only recognize your own voice (in other words, you’re making the voice assistant speaker-dependent).

It usually results in a higher accuracy for your particular use case, but does require time to train the model to understand your voice. Furthermore, the speaker-dependent model is not flexible and can’t be used reliably in many settings, such as conferences.

You’ve probably guessed it – speaker-independent model can recognize many different voices without any training. That’s what we currently use in our software at Amberscript

What Makes Amberscript’s Speech to to Text Engine the best?

Poster showing what makes Amberscript an accurate voice to text software

Our voice recognition engine is estimated to reach up to 95% accuracy – this level of quality was previously unknown to the Dutch market. We would be more than happy to share, where this unmatched performance comes from:

  • Smart architecturing and modelling . We are proud to work with a team of talented speech scientists that developed a sophisticated language model, that is open for continuous improvement.
  • Big amounts of training material . Speech-to-text software relies on machine learning. In other words, the more data you feed the system with – the better it performs. We’ve collected terabytes of data on the way to get to such a high quality level.
  • Balanced data.  In order to perfect our algorithm, we used various sorts of data. Our specialists obtained a sufficient sample size for both genders, as well as different accents and tones of voice.
  • Scenario exploration.  We have tested our model in various acoustic conditions to ensure stable performance in different recording settings.

Natural Language Understanding – The Next Big Thing in voice to text

Let’s discuss the next major step forward for the entire industry, that is –  Natural Language Understanding  (or NLU). It is a branch of Artificial Intelligence, that explores how machines can understand and interpret human language. Natural Language Understanding allows the speech recognition technology to not only transcribe human language but actually understand the meaning behind it. In other words, adding NLU algorithms is like adding a brain to a speech-to-text converter.

NLU aims to face the toughest challenge of speech recognition – understanding and working with unique context.

What Can You Do with Natural Language Understanding?

  • Machine translation . That’s something that is already being used in Skype. You speak in one language, and your voice is automatically transcribed to text in a different language. You can treat it as the next level of Google Translate. This alone has enormous potential – just imagine how much easier it becomes to communicate with people who don’t speak your language.
  • Document summarization.  We live in a world full of data. Perhaps, there is too much information out there. Imagine having an instant summary of an article, essay, or email.
  • Content categorization . Similar to a previous point, content can be brought down into distinctive themes or topics. This feature is already implemented in search engines, such as Google and YouTube.
  • Sentiment analysis.  This technique is aimed at identifying human perceptions and opinions through a systematic analysis of blogs, reviews, or even tweets. This practice is already implemented by many firms, particularly those that are active on social media. Yes, we’re heading there! We don’t know whether we’re gonna end up in a world full of friendly robots or the one from Matrix, but machines can already understand basic human emotions.
  • Plagiarism detection.  Simple plagiarism tools only check whether a piece of content is a direct copy. Advanced software like Turnitin can already detect whether the same content was paraphrased, making plagiarism detection a lot more accurate.

Where is NLU Applied These Days?

There are many disciplines , in which NLU (as a subset of Natural Language Processing) already plays a huge role. Here are some examples:

Poster showing examples of disciplines using Natural Language Understanding

What’s the future of Natural Language Processing?

We’re currently integrating NLU algorithms in our speech to text software to make our speech recognition software even smarter and applicable in a wider range of applications.

We hope that now you’re a bit more acquainted with the fascinating field of speech recognition!

3) The ultimate level of speech recognition is based on  artificial neural networks  – essentially it gives the engine a possibility to learn and self-improve. Google’s, Microsoft’s, as well as our engine is powered by machine learning.


About the Author

Peter-Paul is the founder and CEO of Amberscript, a scaleup based in Amsterdam that focuses on making all audio accessible by providing transcription and subtitling services and software.

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Understanding Speech to Text in Depth

speech to text how it works

Have you ever transcribed an interview before? Or seen an individual with disabilities use voice recognition software to control their devices and create text using their voice commands?

If yes, then you have directly experienced the impact of speech to text technology . Better known as STT, these tools help convert audio into written text. It works with a combination of artificial intelligence, deep learning, and computational linguistics.

To give you another real-life example of speech to text, YouTube features a ‘Closed Captions’ option that enables the live transcription of the dialogue happening on the video in real-time. 

There are several use cases where voice to text comes in handy, including the dictation processes during meetings, transcribing important interviews, and much more.

In this blog, we’ll go through the evolution of speech to text, benefits, applications, and what the future of the technology looks like.

Table of Contents

Need for speech to text, 1. enhanced accessibility through speech recognition, 2. improved productivity, 3. hands-free operation through spoken words, 4. multitasking through voice commands, 5. language support through google speech recognition, 1. multilingual and cross-language capabilities, 2. enhanced customization and personalization, 2. integration with virtual and augmented reality, 3. expanded use in healthcare, 4. incorporation into smart assistants and iot devices, does murf have a speech to text, evolution of speech to text.

speech to text how it works

Speech recognition has always been under constant improvement since the 1950s. In fact, Bell Laboratories pioneered the world’s first speech recognition setup called AUDREY, which could recognize spoken numbers with almost 99% accuracy. However, the system was too bulky and consumed copious amounts of power.

In 1962, IBM innovated the niche with Shoebox, a speech recognition system that was able to recognize both numbers and simple mathematical terms. On a parallel timeline, the Japanese scientists were hard at work creating phoneme -based speech recognition technologies and speech segmenters.

This was when Kyoto University achieved a breakthrough in speech segmentation, allowing computers to ‘Segment' one sentence into a new line of speech for the subsequent tech to work on sound identification.

It wasn’t until HARPY from Carnegie Mellon came around in the 1970s that computers could recognize sentences from just over a 1,000-word vocabulary. The system was the first to use Hidden Markov Models, a probabilistic method that laid the foundation for the modern-day ASR.

The 1980s saw the first speech to text tool that leveraged IBM’s transcription system, Tangora. These tools were viable and usable and would then be polished to become the modern-day speech recognition software.

The fact that people around the world needed to generate transcripts at scale and fast led to the development of speech to text software.

Today, their use has expanded into other utilities as well, serving to provide live translations of language and aiding people with disabilities to participate in the online world equitably.

The speech to text process can be explained in five simple steps:

Vibration analysis: When a person speaks, the voice vibrations are first analyzed by STT software.

Phoneme identification: The software then identifies the phonemes in the input sound.

Phoneme-sentence correlation: The identified phonemes are then run through a mathematical algorithm to create sentences.

Linguistic algorithmic conversions: The phonemes are put together to form words and put into coherent sentences.

Output in the form of Unicode characters: The words are now displayed as Unicode characters.

Benefits of Speech to Text

Speech to text provides tremendous advantages to users:

Speech to text is an exemplary accessibility tool for people with mobility or visual disabilities to express themselves. Spoken language can be converted into text automatically, allowing them to take part in threads and discussions on, say, social media platforms.

Speech to text is also an excellent tool to use for enhancing productivity at work that involves exhaustive transcribing processes. The entire workflow can be automated to convert audio to text, clean the text, and then push it further for translation or proofreading.

Hands-free keyboard operation is another productivity enhancement that speech to text provides to users. Professionals can leave their desks and dictate meeting notes or instructions or type a letter using speech to text on popular software like MS Word.

Speech to text allows users to tackle multiple tasks at the same time. For example, while using STT tools for dictating onboarding instructions for a new hire, a professional can continue to read through the files that have been closed or need to be handed over.

Speech to text enables professionals to type in another language using speech. There are tools that take input speech recognition in one language and output the text in a different language selected by the user. It helps prevent errors in sensitive documents for international businesses.

Future of Speech to Text

In the near future, innovations in speech to text would unravel the improved potential of the technology across a variety of use cases:

Polyglot capabilities are set to emerge with speech to text tools promptly converting one language into written text in a second language. In the next step, the typed text in L2 can be converted into spoken audio again, achieving cross-language capabilities.

Currently, speech to text technologies feature a wide range of voice and language selections. In the future, there is potential to offer better voice modulation, auto punctuation, and customization capabilities to users for enhanced branding and user experience.

Speech to text can be extensively employed in VR and AR modules for simulating conversations with AI assistants or agents. It can prove to be a highly effective tool for corporate training , skill-building, and scenario simulations.

Speech to text has the potential to provide enhanced functionality to administrative tasking in the healthcare sector. It can help doctors quickly and efficiently provide prescriptions to patients and also help medical researchers take notes on a subject as they continue to study.

Speech to text is already finding expanded utility in voice assistants that work by recognizing speech and following through with voice commands. This capability can be further expanded into IoT beyond domestic use into specialized operations as well (like industrial operations).

Murf Studio is primarily a versatile platform that provides high-quality AI voices for text to speech conversions. While the platform doesn’t offer a standalone speech to text module, users can still convert audio to script using Murf’s AI voice changer feature through the following steps:

Login to the Murf Studio dashboard and select AI voice changer from the left sidebar.

speech to text how it works

Select a recorded audio or video to upload to the platform.

speech to text how it works

Select the language that your audio file is recorded in.

speech to text how it works

Once you see the transcribed text appear on the dashboard from your audio, you can proceed to download the text script from the interface. If required, you can apply customizations to the text here as well.

speech to text how it works

Click on the context menu option beside the text script and select “Download Script.”

speech to text how it works

Murf Studio allows you to download the text script in a variety of formats. You can also translate the script into 20+ languages available on the platform.

speech to text how it works

Speech to Text: More Than Just an Accessibility Enhancer

Speech to text tools are a boon for people who require tasking assistance. However, these tools can do more than just assistive tasks. Professionals actively employ STT to achieve higher levels of productivity at work; people also use it in their daily lives to interact with voice assistants.

Speech to text tools have become extremely accessible today, with advanced online platforms available aplenty. The simplicity in ease of use and quick transcriptions they provide have made it more inclusive for the populace.

What is STT technology, and how does it work?

Speech to text tools convert spoken words into text. They work by identifying sounds in a recording and converting them into corresponding text.

How accurate is speech to text?

Modern-day speech to text tools are extremely accurate as they work with expanded voice databases that allow for accurate transcriptions.

What are the objectives of speech to text?

Speech to text is purposed to convert spoken words and phrases into typed text with a view to enhance accessibility and productivity.

How is AI used in speech to text?

AI enables predictive and voice typing when using dictation methods on software like MS Word.

What applications use speech to text technology?

Daily-use electronics like Amazon’s Alexa or the voice assistants on your phone use speech to text technology.

Can speech to text handle multiple languages?

Yes, speech to text software can convert between languages once a text transcript is available.

How secure is speech to text technology?

Depending on the software you select, the degree of security varies in STT. 

Can speech to text technology be used for real-time transcription?

Yes, YouTube and other video platforms leverage STT for real-time caption generation.

You should also read:

speech to text how it works

Top 10 Speech to Text Software in 2024

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How Speech Recognition is Changing Language Learning

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Future of AI in Speech Recognition 

Speech to Text: Transforming Voice into Written Words

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Featured In

Table of contents, inception and evolution, how speech to text works, voice commands and dictation, real-time transcription and subtitles, voice typing and templates, accessibility and language support, mobile integration, internet connection and cloud computing, permissions and privacy, apis and integration, overcoming challenges, future of speech to text, speechify text to speech, how do i turn on speech to text, how do i convert speech to text, is google's speech to text free, what is speech recognition, what is voice to text.

Speech to text technology, a marvel of voice recognition, allows us to transcribe spoken words into written format. This transformative tech spans various...

Speech to text technology, a marvel of voice recognition , allows us to transcribe spoken words into written format. This transformative tech spans various applications, from dictation in Windows to voice typing on Mac and Android devices.

Speech to text technology, also known as voice recognition, has transformed the way we interact with our devices and process information. From its inception to its current state, this technology has evolved significantly, integrating advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Here, we explore its journey, how it works, and its myriad use cases.

The journey of speech to text technology began as a pursuit to transcribe spoken words into written form. Early experiments in voice recognition were limited by the computing power of the time. However, with the advent of more sophisticated computing and the internet, these limitations were gradually overcome. Companies like Dragon were pioneers, introducing software that could convert speech to text with reasonable accuracy.

The evolution of this technology took a significant leap with the integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence. These advancements allowed for more accurate and faster transcription, adapting to various languages, accents, and dialects. Today, companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Google have integrated speech recognition into their operating systems and web apps, making it a ubiquitous part of our digital experience.

Speech to text technology works by converting the acoustic signals of speech into a series of words or sentences. This process involves several steps:

  • Audio Capture : The user's speech is captured via a microphone.
  • Signal Processing : Background noise is filtered out to enhance the quality of the speech signal.
  • Speech Recognition : The processed signal is analyzed and converted into a digital format.
  • Text Conversion : Using AI and machine learning algorithms, the digital format is transcribed into text.

Key Features and Use Cases

Operating systems like Windows, macOS, and iOS have integrated voice commands and dictation features. Users can dictate text in real-time, use voice for navigation, and execute commands. This feature is particularly useful in automation, where voice commands can streamline tasks.

Real-time transcription is essential in scenarios like live broadcasts or meetings. This technology enables the generation of subtitles in real-time, making content accessible to a wider audience, including those with hearing impairments.

Applications like Google Docs and Microsoft Word now offer voice typing features. Users can dictate content, insert punctuation like commas and question marks, and even command new paragraphs or lines. Templates for common document types can also be voice-activated, enhancing productivity.

Speech to text technology is pivotal in accessibility, assisting individuals with disabilities in interacting with technology. Moreover, it supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, and Portuguese, broadening its utility across different regions.

With the ubiquity of smartphones, speech to text has found a significant place in mobile technology. Platforms like Android and iOS offer native speech recognition capabilities, allowing users to transcribe notes, send messages, or search the internet using voice. Apps for iPad and iPhone continue to expand these features, with some like Dragon offering specialized functionalities.

Technical Considerations

Most advanced speech to text services require an internet connection. Cloud computing plays a crucial role in processing audio files and returning transcription results, leveraging powerful servers for quick and accurate transcription.

Using speech to text technology often requires granting permissions to access the microphone. Privacy concerns are addressed by providers through secure data handling and clear privacy policies.

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) have made it easier to integrate speech to text capabilities into custom applications. This has enabled businesses to incorporate voice recognition into their own systems, creating tailored solutions for their needs.

Speech to text technology continues to face challenges like handling various accents, dialects, and coping with background noise. However, ongoing improvements in AI and machine learning are steadily overcoming these hurdles.

The future of speech to text is intertwined with the advancements in AI and machine learning. We can expect even more seamless integration into daily tasks, more intuitive interfaces, and enhanced accuracy. The technology is also expanding its reach into more languages and dialects, making it more inclusive.

From dictation to voice commands, from transcribing interviews to real-time subtitles, speech to text technology has become an integral part of our digital landscape. Its evolution is a testament to the incredible advancements in computing and AI. As we look forward, the potential applications and improvements seem limitless, promising a future where voice and text interact seamlessly for greater accessibility, efficiency, and connectivity.

Cost : Free to try

Speechify Text to Speech is a groundbreaking tool that has revolutionized the way individuals consume text-based content. By leveraging advanced text-to-speech technology, Speechify transforms written text into lifelike spoken words, making it incredibly useful for those with reading disabilities, visual impairments, or simply those who prefer auditory learning. Its adaptive capabilities ensure seamless integration with a wide range of devices and platforms, offering users the flexibility to listen on-the-go.

Speech to Text FAQs

To turn on speech to text , the process varies by device and operating system :

  • Windows/Mac : Access voice recognition settings in the control panel or system preferences.
  • iOS/Android : Enable voice typing or dictation in keyboard settings.
  • Chrome browser : Use voice input extensions or web app features that support voice to text .

To convert speech to text , you can:

  • Use built-in dictation features on Windows , Mac , iOS , or Android .
  • Record audio files and use a transcription service or software.
  • Utilize voice recognition APIs for custom applications.
  • Enable real-time speech to text in docs or communication apps.

Is there a free speech to text?

Yes, there are free speech to text services:

  • Google's voice typing on Docs and Android .
  • Apple devices' built-in dictation feature.
  • Windows and Mac OS offer basic speech recognition .
  • Various web apps and chrome browser extensions provide free functionality.

Yes, Google's speech to text is free in various forms:

  • Voice typing in Google Docs .
  • Android's voice input for messaging and search.
  • The Google Chrome browser offers extensions for voice to text .

Speech recognition is an AI technology that enables computers to understand and transcribe spoken language. It's used in voice commands , automation , and voice to text services, working across languages like English , Spanish , and Portuguese .

Voice to text is a technology that converts spoken words into written text. It's widely used for dictation , transcription of audio files , and as an accessibility tool. Devices like iPhone , iPad , and Android phones, as well as Windows and Mac computers, commonly feature voice to text capabilities.

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Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman is a dyslexia advocate and the CEO and founder of Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews and ranking first place in the App Store for the News & Magazines category. In 2017, Weitzman was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for his work making the internet more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Cliff Weitzman has been featured in EdSurge, Inc., PC Mag, Entrepreneur, Mashable, among other leading outlets.

  • For Developers

Introduction to speech-to-text AI

Introduction to speech-to-text AI

Speech-to-text (STT), also known as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), is an AI technology that transcribes spoken language into written text. Previously reserved for the privileged few, STT is becoming increasingly leveraged by companies worldwide to embed new audio features in existing apps and create smart assistants for a range of use cases.

If you’re a CTO, CPO, data scientist, or developer interested in getting started with ASR for your business, you’ve come to the right place. 

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the main models and types of STT, explain the basic mechanics and features involved, and give you an overview of the existing open-source and API solutions to try. With a comprehensive NLP glossary at the end! 

A brief history of speech-to-text models 

First, some context. Speech-to-text is part of the natural language processing (NLP) branch in AI. Its goal is to make machines able to understand and transcribe human speech into a written format.

How hard can it be to transcribe speech, you may wonder. The short answer is: very. Unlike images, which can be put into a matrix in a relatively straightforward way, audio data is influenced by background noise, audio quality, accents, and industry jargon, which makes it notoriously difficult for machines to grasp.

Researchers have been grappling with these challenges for several decades now. It all began with Weaver’s memorandum in 1949, which sparked the idea of using computers to process language. Early natural language processing (NLP) models used statistical methods like Hidden Markov Models (HMM) to transcribe speech, but they were limited in their ability to accurately recognize different accents, dialects, and speech styles. 

The following decades saw many important developments — from grammar theories to symbolic NLP to statistical models — all of which paved the way for the ASR systems we know today. But the real step change in the field occurred in the 2010s with the rise of machine learning (ML) and deep learning .

Statistical models were replaced by ML algorithms, such as deep neural networks (DNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) capable of capturing idiomatic expressions and other nuances that were previously difficult to detect. There was still an issue of context though: the models couldn’t infer meanings of specific words based on the overall sentence, which inevitably led to mistakes. 

The biggest invention of the decade, however, was the invention of transformers in 2017. Transformers revolutionized ASR with their self-attention mechanism. Unlike all previous models, transformers succeeded at capturing long-range dependencies between different parts of speech, allowing them to take into account the broader context of each transcribed sentence.

Timeline of speech-to-text AI evolution, with key milestones on the past few decades

The advent of transformer-based ASR models has reshaped the field of speech recognition. Their superior performance and efficiency have empowered various applications, from voice assistants to advanced transcription and translation services.

Many consider that it was at that point that we passed from mere ‘‘speech recognition” to a more holistic domain of “language understanding”.

speech to text how it works

We’re at the stage where Speech AI providers are relying on an increasingly more diverse and hybrid AI-based system, with each new generation of tools moving closer to mimicking the way the human brain captures, processes, and analyses, speech.

As a result of the latest breakthrough, the overall performance of ASR systems – in terms of both speed and quality – has improved significantly over the years, propelled by the availability of open-source repositories, large training datasets from the web, and more accessible GPU/CPU hardware costs.

How speech-to-text works

Today, cutting-edge ASR solutions rely on a variety of models and algorithms to produce quick and accurate results. But how exactly does AI transform speech into written form?

Transcription is a complex process that involves multiple stages and AI models working together. Here's an overview of key steps in speech-to-text:

  • Pre-processing. Before the input audio can be transcribed, it often undergoes some pre-processing steps. This can include noise reduction, echo cancellation, and other techniques to enhance the quality of the audio signal.
  • Feature extraction. The audio waveform is then converted into a more suitable representation for analysis. This usually involves extracting features from the audio signal that capture important characteristics of the sound, such as frequency, amplitude, and duration. Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) are commonly used features in speech processing.
  • Acoustic modeling. Involves training a statistical model that maps the extracted features to phonemes , the smallest units of sound in a language. 
  • Language modeling. Language modeling focuses on the linguistic aspect of speech. It involves creating a probabilistic model of how words and phrases are likely to appear in a particular language. This helps the system make informed decisions about which words are more likely to occur, given the previous words in the sentence.
  • Decoding. In the decoding phase, the system uses the acoustic and language models to transcribe the audio into a sequence of words or tokens. This process involves searching for the most likely sequence of words that correspond to the given audio features. 
  • Post-processing. The decoded transcription may still contain errors, such as misrecognitions or homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings). Post-processing techniques, including language constraints, grammar rules, and contextual analysis, are applied to improve the accuracy and coherence of the transcription before producing the final output.

Key types of STT models 

The exact way in which transcription occurs depends on the AI models used. Generally speaking, we can distinguish between the acoustic legacy systems and those based on the end-to-end deep learning models.

Acoustic systems rely on a combination of traditional models like the Hidden Markov models (HMM) and deep neural networks (DNN) to conduct a series of sub-processes to perform the steps describe above. 

Transcription process here is done via traditional acoustic-phonetic matching, i.e. the system attempts to guess the word based on the sound. Because each step is executed by a separate model, this method is prone to errors and can be rather costly and inefficient due to the need to train each model involved independently.

In contrast, end-to-end systems , powered by CNNs, RNNs, and/or transformers, operate as a single neural network, with all key steps merged into a single interconnected process. A notable example of this is Whisper ASR by OpenAI . 

speech to text how it works

Designed to address the limitations of legacy systems, this approach allows for greater accuracy thanks to a more elaborate embeddings-based mechanism, enabling contextual understanding of language based on the semantic proximity of each given word. 

All in all, end-to-end systems are easier to train and more flexible. They also enable more advanced functionalities, such as translation, and generative AI tasks, such as summarization and semantic search.

If you want to learn about the best ASR engines on the market and models that power them, see this dedicated blog post .

Note on fine-tuning

As accurate as last-generation transcription models are, thanks to new techniques and Large Language Models (LLMs) that power them, they still need a little help before they can be applied to specific use cases without compromising the output accuracy. More specifically, the models may need additional work before they can be used for specific transcription or audio intelligence tasks.

Fine-tuning consists of adapting a pre-trained neural network to a new application by training it on task-specific data. It is key to making high-quality STT commercially viable. 

In audio, fine-tuning is used to adapt models to technical professional domains (i.e. medical vocabulary, legal jargon), accents, languages, levels of noise, specific speakers, and more. In our guide to fine-tuning ASR models , we dive into the mechanics, use cases and application of this technique in a lot more details.

Thanks to fine-tuning, a one-size-fits-all model can become tailored to a wide variety of specific and niche use cases – without the need to retain it from scratch.

Key features and parameters 

All of the above-mentioned models and methodologies unlock an array of value-generating features for business. To learn more about the benefits it presents across various industries, check this article .

Beyond core transcription technology, most providers today offer a range of additional features —from speaker diarization , to summarization, to sentiment analysis – collectively referred to as “audio intelligence.”

Graph with 3-layered stacks, representing key components of a speech-to-text API

With APIs, the foundational transcription output is not always executed by the same model as the one(s) responsible for the “intelligence” layer. In fact, the combination of several models is usually used by commercial speech-t-text providers to create high-quality and versatile enterprise-grade STT APIs.

Transcription: key notions

There are a number of parameters that affect the transcription process and can influence one’s choice of an STT solution or provider. Here are the key ones to consider. 

  • Format: Most transcription models deliver different levels of quality depending on the audio file format (m4a, mp3, mp4, mpeg), and some of them will only accept specific formats. Formats will apply differently depending on whether the transcription is asynchronous or live.
  • Audio encoding : Audio encoding is the process of changing audio files from one format to another, for example, to reduce the number of bits needed to transmit the audio information.
  • Frequency: There are minimal frequencies under which the sound is intelligible for speech-to-text models. Most audio files being produced today are at a minimum of 40 kHz, but some types of audio – such as phone recordings from call centers – are at lower frequencies, resulting in recordings at 16 kHz or even 8kHz. Higher frequencies, such as mp3 files at 128Khz, need to be resampled.
  • Bit depth : Bit depth indicates how much of an audio sample’s amplitude was recorded. It is a little like image resolution but for sound. A file with a higher bit depth will represent a wider range of sound, from very soft to very loud. For example, most DVDs have audio at 24 bits, while most telephony happens at 8 bits.
  • Channels: Input audio can come in several channels: mono (single channel), stereo (dual-channel); multi-channel (several tracks). For optimal results, many speech-to-text providers need to know how many channels are in your recording, but some of them will automatically detect the number of channels and use that information to improve transcription quality.

Any transcription output should have a few basic components and will generally come in the form of a series of transcribed text with associated IDs and timestamps. 

Beyond that, it’s important to consider the format of the transcription output. Most providers will provide, at the very least, a JSON file of the transcript containing at least the data points mentioned above. Some will also provide a plain text version of the transcript, such as a .txt file, or a format that lends itself to subtitling, such as SRT or VTT.


Latency refers to the delay between the moment a model receives an input (i.e., the speech or audio signal) and when it starts producing the output (i.e., the transcribed text). In STT systems, latency is a crucial factor as it directly affects the user experience. Lower latency indicates a faster response time and a more real-time transcription experience. 

In AI, inference refers to the action of ‘inferring’ outputs based on data and previous learning. In STT, during the inference stage, the model leverages its learned knowledge of speech patterns and language to produce accurate transcriptions. 

The efficiency and speed of inference can impact the latency of an STT system.

The performance of an STT model combines many factors, such as:

  • End-to-end latency (during uploads, encoding, etc.)
  • Robustness in adverse environments (e.g. background noise or static).
  • Coverage of complex vocabulary and languages.
  • Model architecture, training data quantity and quality.

Word Error Rate (WER) is the industry-wide metric used to evaluate the accuracy of a speech recognition system or machine translation system. It measures the percentage of words in the system's output that differ from the words in the reference or ground truth text. 

Formula for calculating WER

Additional metrics used to benchmark accuracy are Diarization Error Rate (DER) , which assesses speaker diarization and Mean Absolute Alignment Error (MAE) for word-level timestamps. 

Even state-of-the-art multilingual models like OpenAI’s Whisper skew heavily towards some languages, like English, French, and Spanish. This happens either because of the data used to train them or because of the way the model weighs different parameters in the transcription process. 

Additional fine-tuning and optimization techniques are necessary to extend the scope of languages and dialects, especially where open-source models are concerned.

Audio Intelligence

For an increasing number of use cases, transcription alone is not enough. Most commercial STT providers today offer at least some additional features, also known as add-ons, aimed at making transcripts easier to digest and informative, as well as to get speaker insights. Here are some examples:

List of features and their definitions supported by Gladia API

A full list of features available with our own API can be found here .

When it comes to data security, hosting architecture plays a significant role. Companies that want to integrate Language AI into their existing tech stack need to decide where they want the underlying network infrastructure to be located and who they want to own it: cloud multi-tenant (SaaS), cloud single-tenant, on-premise, air-gap.

And don’t forget to inquire about data handling policies and add-ons. After all, you don’t always wish for your confidential enterprise data to be used for training models. At Gladia , we comply with the latest EU regulations to ensure the full protection of user data. 

What can you build with speech-to-text

AI speech-to-text is a highly versatile technology, unlocking a range of use cases across industries. With the help of a specialized API, you can embed Language AI capabilities into existing applications and platforms, allowing your users to enjoy transcriptions, subtitling, keyword search, and analytics. You can also build entirely new voice-enabled applications, such as virtual assistants and bots. 

Some more specific examples:

  • ‍ Transcription services : Written transcripts of interviews, lectures, meetings, etc. ‍
  • Call center automation : Converting audio recordings of customer interactions into text for analysis and processing. ‍
  • Voice notes and dictation : Allow users to dictate notes, messages, or emails and convert them into written text. ‍
  • Real-time captioning: Provide real-time captions and dubbing for live events, conferences, webinars, or videos. ‍
  • Translation: Real-time translation services for multilingual communication. ‍
  • Voice and keyword search : Search for information using voice commands or semantic search. ‍
  • Speech analytics: Analyze recorded audio for sentiment analysis, customer feedback, or market research. ‍
  • Accessibility : Develop apps that assist people with disabilities by converting spoken language into text for easier communication and understanding.

Current market for speech-to-text software 

If you want to build speech recognition software, you’re essentially confronted with two options — build it in-house on top of an open-source model, or pick a specialized speech-to-text API provider. 

Here’s an overview of what we consider to be the best alternatives in both categories.

Comparative table showing main open source and API alterantitves

The best option ultimately depends on your needs and use case. Of all the open-source models, Whisper ASR is generally considered the most performant and versatile model of data, trained on 680,000 hours of data. It has been selected by many indie developers and companies alike as a go-to foundation for their ASR efforts.

Open source vs API

Here are some factors to consider when deploying Whisper or other open-source alternatives in-house:

  • Do we possess the necessary AI expertise in-house to deploy a model in-house and make the necessary improvement to adapt it at scale?
  • Do we need just batch transcription? Or also live one? Do we need additional features, like summarization?
  • Are we dealing with multilingual clients?
  • Is our case-specific and requires a dedicated industry-specific vocabulary?
  • How much time can we afford to postpone going-to-market with the in-house solution in production? Do we have the necessary hardware (CAPEX) for it, too?

Based on first-hand experience with open-source models in speech-to-text, here are some of our key conclusions on the topic.

  • In exchange for full control and adaptability afforded by open source, you have to assume the full burden of hosting, optimizing, and maintaining the model . In contrast, speech-to-text APIs come as pre-packaged deal with optimized models (usually hybrid architectures and specialized language models), custom options, regular maintenance updates, and client support to deal with downtime or other emergencies. 
  • Open-source models can be rough around the edges (i.e. slow, limited in features, and prone to errors), meaning that you need to have at least some AI expertise to make them work well for you. To be fully production-ready and function reliably at scale, it would more realistically require a dedicated team to guarantee top performance.
  • Whenever you pick the open-source route and build from scratch, your time-to-market increases . It’s important to conduct a proper risk-benefit analysis, knowing that your competitors may pick a production-ready option in the meantime and move ahead.

Commercial STT providers

Commercial STT players in the space provide a range of advantages via plug-and-play API, such as flexible pricing formulas, extended functionalities, optimized models to accommodate niche use cases, and a dedicated support team. 

Beyond that, you’ll find a lot of differences between the various providers on the market. 

Ever since the market for STT opened up to the general public, solutions provided by Big Tech providers such as AWS, Google, or Microsoft as part of their wider suite of services have stayed relatively expensive and poor in overall performance compared to specialized providers. 

Moreover, they tend to underperform on the five key factors used to assess the quality of ASR transcription: speed, accuracy, supported languages, and extra features. Anyone looking for a provider in the space should take careful consideration of the following:

  • When it comes to the speed of transcription, there is a significant discrepancy between providers, ranging from as little as 10 seconds to 30 minutes or more. The latter is usually the case for the Big Tech players listed above.
  • Speed and accuracy are inversely proportional in STT, with some providers striking a significantly better balance than others between the two. Whereas Big Tech providers have a WER of 10%-18%, many startups and specialized providers are within the 1-10% WER range. That means, for every 100 words of transcription with a Big Tech provider, you’ll get at least 10 erroneous words.  ‍
  • Number of supported languages is another differentiator to consider. Commercial offers range from 12 to 99+ supported languages. It is important to distinguish between APIs that enable multilingual transcription and/or translation and those that extend this support to other features as well. ‍
  • Availability of audio intelligence features and optimizations, like speaker diarization, smart formatting, custom vocabulary, word-level timestamps, and real-time transcription, is not to be overlooked when estimating your cost-benefit ratio. These can come as part of the core offer, as in the case of Gladia API, or be sold as a separate unit or bundle. 
  • Finally, how does this all come together to affect the price ? Once again, the market offers are as varied as you’d expect. On the high end, Big Tech providers charge up to $1.44 per hour of transcription. In contrast, some startup providers charge as little as $0.26. Some will charge per minute, while others have hourly rates or tokens, and others still only offer custom quotes.

Some additional resources to help you navigate the commercial market:

  • Main red flags to look out for when picking an STT provider; 
  • Open source vs API , which compares Whisper ASR to STT APIs in terms of benefits, limitations, and total cost of ownership .

And that’s a wrap! If you enjoyed our content, feel free to subscribe to our newsletter for more actionable tips and insights on Language AI. 

Ultimate Glossary of Speech-to-Text AI

Speech-to-Text - also known as automatic speech recognition (ASR), it is the technology that converts spoken language into written text.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) - a subfield of AI that focuses on the interactions between computers and human language.

Machine Learning - a field of artificial intelligence that involves developing algorithms and models that allow computers to learn and make predictions or decisions based on data, without being explicitly programmed for specific tasks.

‍ Neural Network - a machine learning algorithm that is modelled after the structure of the human brain.

Deep Learning - a subset of machine learning that involves the use of deep neural networks.

Acoustic Model - a model used in speech recognition that maps acoustic features to phonetic units.

Language Model - a statistical model used in NLP to determine the probability of a sequence of words.

Large Language Model (LLM) - advanced AI systems like GPT-3 that are trained on massive amounts of text data to generate human-like text and perform various natural language processing tasks.

Phoneme - the smallest unit of sound in a language, which is represented by a specific symbol.

Transformers - a neural network architecture that relies on a multi-head self-attention mechanism -among other things- which allows the model to attend to different parts of the input sequence to capture its relationships and dependencies.

Encoder - in the context of neural networks, a component that transforms input data into a compressed or abstract representation, often used in tasks like feature extraction or creating embeddings.

Decoder - a neural network component that takes a compressed representation (often from an encoder) and reconstructs or generates meaningful output data, frequently used in tasks like language generation or image synthesis.

Embedding - a numerical representation of an object, such as a word or an image, in a lower-dimensional space where relationships between objects are preserved. Embeddings are commonly used to convert categorical data into a format suitable for ML algorithms and to capture semantic similarities between words.

‍ Dependencies - a relationships between words and sentences in a given text. Can be related to grammar and syntax or can be related to the content’s meaning.

Speaker Diarization - the process of separating and identifying who is speaking in a recording or audio stream. You can learn more here .

Speaker Adaptation - the process of adjusting a speech recognition model to better recognize the voice of a specific speaker.

Language Identification - the process of automatically identifying the language being spoken in an audio recording.

Keyword Spotting - the process of detecting specific words or phrases within an audio recording.

Automatic Captioning - the process of generating captions or subtitles for a video or audio recording.

Speaker Verification - the process of verifying the identity of a speaker, often used for security or authentication purposes.

Speech Synthesis - the process of generating spoken language from written text, also known as text-to-speech (TTS) technology.

Word Error Rate (WER) - a metric used to measure the accuracy of speech recognition systems.

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) - a type of neural network that is particularly well-suited for sequential data, such as speech.

Fine-Tuning vs. Optimization - fine-tuning involves training a pre-existing model on a specific dataset or domain to adapt it for better performance, while optimization focuses on fine-tuning the hyperparameters and training settings to maximize the model's overall effectiveness. Both processes contribute to improving the accuracy and suitability of speech-to-text models for specific applications or domains.

Model Parallelism - enables different parts of a large model to be spread across multiple GPUs, allowing the model to be trained in a distributed manner with AI chips. By dividing the model into smaller parts, each part can be trained in parallel, resulting in a faster training process compared to training the entire model on a single GPU or processor. 

About Gladia

At Gladia, we built an optimized version of Whisper in the form of an API, adapted to real-life business use cases and distinguished by exceptional accuracy, speed, extended multilingual capabilities, and state-of-the-art features, including speaker diarization and word-level timestamps.

speech to text how it works

How to build a speaker identification system for recorded online meetings

Virtual meeting recordings are becoming increasingly used as a source of valuable business knowledge. However, given the large amount of audio data produced in meetings by companies, getting the full value out of recorded meetings can be tricky.

speech to text how it works


Should you trust WER?

Word Error Rate (WER) is a metric that evaluates the performance of ASR systems by analyzing the accuracy of speech-to-text results. WER metric allows developers, scientists, and researchers to assess ASR performance. A lower WER indicates better ASR performance, and vice versa. The assessment allows for optimizing the ASR technologies over time and helps to compare speech-to-text models and providers for commercial use. 

speech to text how it works

OpenAI Whisper vs Google Speech-to-Text vs Amazon Transcribe: The ASR rundown

Speech recognition models and APIs are crucial in building apps for various industries, including healthcare, customer service, online meetings, and entertainment.

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Understanding speech-to-text technology: the backbone of ai subtitle generators.

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Table of contents

Speech to Text - How does it work (3-part structure)

Speech to text - use cases, content monitoring, voice query, transcription, speech to text - limitations and potential improvements, voice-recognition errors, library limitations, popular speech to text apps and programs, speech to text for video captions: contentfries, speech to text for taking notes: otter.ai, speech to text for analysis: whisper ai, speech to text for digital assistance: siri, speech to text for shopping: alexa, speech to text for search: google voice, speech to text - a content creator’s secret weapon, final thoughts.

Author: Ibrahim Dar

Article Speech recognition technology has been around since the 1960s. But it has never been as prevalent and useful to the average individual as it is today . From dictation programs to voice-recognizing language translators, speech-to-text is everywhere . So it makes sense for one to wonder how it even works.

In this article, you will discover the different uses of speech-to-text technology alongside the three-part loop in which it works . You will also discover its limitations and likely improvements. By the end of this post, you'll know 5 ways to use speech to text in your life . So let's get started with how it works.

Speech-to-text technology works by cross-referencing voice data with the program's text library . Every word produces sound waves that are relatively unique to it . The sound waves, when converted into digital signals, also retain a somewhat unique signature .

The digital signal generated by converting "Hello" is different from the one generated by converting "Good Bye." As long as a program has learned what the digital signal of "hello" looks like, respond to hello by typing out the word . This isn't foolproof, though.

If you say you had a "hell of a day," the digital equivalent of the beginning of that sentence might sound like "hello" to the program. That's why context recognition and accent recognition are important . To understand this better, you must consider how humans understand speech .

When you say, “I’m sorry,” the sound waves heard by your spouse are different from those caused when you say , “You are overreacting.” Your partner’s reaction to those two utterances is also different . Humans react differently to words because humans have a library of words with which they match what they hear .

Humans don't need to convert "hello" into a digital signal, but they need to turn it into a neural signal that the brain can process . If they know what "hello" means, they can respond accordingly. And if they don't, they will ask for clarification .

On the surface, humans and computers seem to have a similar three-part speech recognition system .

Aspect Human Computer/Smartphone
Input Received via ears Received via microphone
Converted Into neural signals Into digital code
Processed By cross-referencing with existing knowledge By cross-referencing with a word-signal library

The two key differences are that humans are better at context and accent recognition . When someone says "hails" because they aren't native English speakers, most people can tell that what they mean is "hello". Most speech recognition programs might not arrive at the same conclusion .

Similarly, when someone says that they're "dying to try something," most people can tell that the exaggerated emphasis is a show of passion . But computers might find it much easier to relate that word to "the Ying" because of the similarity of digital signals . Alternatively, a speech-to-text app might type "Dying and yang" when you say "The yin and yang".

So, most speech-to-text programs haven't been functional until the emergence of deep learning . With deep learning, speech recognition algorithms have started to learn context and even pick up on accents . That's why some speech-to-text programs are starting to replace human typists.

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Speech text apps that leverage deep learning and AI to go beyond word-matching have real-life applications that can disrupt a billion-dollar industry . Let's explore a few of the current uses of speech-to-text software.

The most common use of voice recognition is content monitoring . Platforms that are too big to handle for human moderators have machines do the job . And that’s possible only because machines can audiovisually treat content as text, thanks to speech-to-text technology .

Instead of human content moderators physically listening to the 500 hours of video uploaded to youtube per minute , the content moderating algorithm simply goes through the transcript of the videos and flags content for hate speech and violence . A human moderator can interfere at a later stage .

Speech recognition also helps Youtube figure out how to categorize content . A video that doesn't feature any mention of Johnny Depp will not rank for the search term "Johnny Depp News" just because the words are in the title. It is Youtube's way of getting around clickbait and misleading content .

Moving away from content platforms and toward content creators, dictation is the most common use of speech-to-text . It is also the most straightforward use . Instead of taking notes by typing or writing them down, people can now take notes verbally .

Dictation also allows people to take notes on a walk , in a car , and during a workout . Because it takes less time and is stationary, and can be done more easily, many people prefer digital dictation over taking notes physically .

Dictionary naturally builds up to the next logical step: command . Now that search platforms and AI voice assistants work hand in hand, you don't need to type out your queries . Almost every home assistant works on voice commands alone .

Amazon Echo, powered by Alexa; Google Nest, powered by Google AI; and Apple HomePod, powered by Siri, are all home assistants that recognize your voice and process it as text . When you say, "Alexa, who is the tallest person alive?" your words are turned into a text query via Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Once the command is turned into text, the pre-established search technology handles the rest .

ASR has been a serious speed-up for voice technology . Because of ASR, Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Google Voice, figure out your queries much quicker . There might be a time when there will be no "loading" time between your voice query and the results you get .

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For now, Automatic Speech Recognition and general speech-to-text technology are disrupting the transcription services market . Because machines are getting better at converting voice to text, human transcribers are becoming editors who flag mistakes .

And based on their feedback, AI voice recognition algorithms get better at nuance , context recognition , and even accent identification . In a way, the current generation of transcribers is helping algorithms get good enough to replace them completely .

Since most transcribers are assistants who transcribe minutes or take notes as a part of their job, AI is set to help them be more productive . As speech-to-text technology takes note-taking off their to-do list, they can play a more mindful role in their boss's enterprise .

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While speech-to-text conversion is one of the areas where tech has effectively overhauled human labor, it is still not perfect . There are several limits that prevent this technology from fulfilling its potential . And foremost among them is room for error .

As is the case with any AI-driven technology, mistakes are to be expected . Voice recognition technology has come a long way, but it is far from 100% accurate . That's why humans are required to prove AI-generated transcripts .

Not all algorithms are equally competent at voice recognition either . For instance, ContentFries 's transcription accuracy is higher than the auto-generated captions of all major social media platforms .

Ultimately, voice recognition errors are quickly disappearing as limitations for speech-to-text technology . And it might soon reach a point where it makes as few transcription errors as human typists .

One of the major hurdles in AI speech-to-text technology becoming as good as human notetakers is accent recognition . A bulk of voice recognition algorithms are trained on American accents , making it harder for people from Asia , Eastern Europe , and even Britain to access their benefits .

Recently, voice-to-text services have come to realize the market potential of non-American accents . Still, major free speech-to-text services remain useless for foreigners . For instance, if you have an accent , automatic captions on pretty much every video hosting platform will misinterpret your words .

ContentFries keeps improving its accent accommodation , but the overall technology still has a long way to go before it becomes equally useful to global audiences as it is to Westerners in general and Americans in particular.

A very serious problem with many speech-to-text services is also one faced by most print dictionaries: the pace at which our language is evolving . From "yes" to "dank" and "fam" to "finna," new words keep getting introduced to the social media sphere .

It isn’t a big deal if these words are absent from an academic transcription program’s library. But when an app that serves content creators cannot recognize “big yikes,” then it is indeed a big yikes !

Creator-driven technologies are better at lingo updates . ContentFries was built to serve the content repurposing model made famous by the most celebrated legacy content creator , Gary Vee . It is helmed by two deeply passionate individuals who want to serve the content creation market . So it makes sense that they can personally add new words they come across when consuming content .

But mass-use platforms that aren’t built around transcription don’t offer the same kind of up-to-date transcription .

If there's one thing to pick up from the article so far, it is that the platform/app/service you pick defines how much you can benefit from it . Just like Google Bard and OpenAI's ChatGPT don't have the same performance, most speech-to-text programs aren't alike .

To avoid dealing with subpar, faulty, and inaccurate transcription apps, you must work strictly with market-leading services . Let's look at the popular speech-to-text apps that should be in your arsenal .

This might sound like a self-serving suggestion because it is, but it is also a creator-serving one . ContentFries can be used to caption your content so it is more engaging and has a better chance of going viral . Because ContentFries' content repurposing technology revolves around accurate transcription, the company is incentivized to constantly improve its speech-to-text accuracy .

ContentFries isn't a traditional transcription app . It is a content-multiplying platform that has a transcription engine . You can transcribe and export entire blogs and articles from your webinars and podcast clips . But the most popular use case of ContentFries is short-form content creation .

Educators, podcasters, and entertainers use ContentFries to create well-captioned short-form content to post on TikTok , Reels , and Youtube Shorts . In an era of tiktokification, ContentFries is a very potent all-in-one content replication platform for many creators .

Traditionally, speech-to-text has been used to take notes and meeting minutes . In that aspect, Otter.ai is a market leader. It is a very accurate and easy-to-use platform where you can record your notes via your phone's speaker . It has a free version limited by recording duration. The paid version allows you to transcribe pre-recorded audio alongside live recorded content . This opens up the door to repurposing and even content analysis.

From creating podcast timestamps to commentary videos, there are plenty of reasons you may want to see text transcripts of hours of content . Almost every speech-to-text service caps the hours of content you can transcribe , though. And that leads us to the main problem: feasibility.

ContentFries and Otter.ai are not feasible if you want to analyze over 1000 hours of audio . And many freelance podcast producers have to timestamp hundreds of podcast episodes each month . For professionals who need to transcribe thousands of minutes, installing Whisper AI might be worth it.

To get Whisper AI, you have to install 5 different items and must have some knowledge of Python . You can even invite a programmer to do it for you. Once it is installed, you will be able to transcribe and export thousands of minutes without a per/minute charge .

If you want to use a digital assistant that can quickly catch and convert spoken word to text, there's nothing better than Siri . However, Siri is exclusive to Apple devices, so non-Apple users have to rely on alternatives like Alexa .

Amazon Alexa is the perfect voice assistant for online shoppers . It is integrated with the Amazon ecosystem , or should I say Echo-system . If you order things online regularly, then Alexa's speech-to-text recognition will help you more than that of Google .

Google Voice is ideal for searching the web because it is integrated with Google , the world's largest search engine . The best part about Google Voice is that it is available on all types of devices , including the Apple iPhone and Android smartphones .

Speech-to-text is used by consumers primarily to look up things and buy what they need without having to type . Students use the tech to take notes and analyze the content of lectures they have attended . But among those deriving the most benefit from this technology are content creators. Let's explore six ways in which content creators can use text-to-speech technology .

Repurpose videos to blog posts - The audio of your lecture, monologue, or podcast can have a substance that is perfect for a blog post. You do not need to type out the points you have made in a video when you can turn your video essays into essays via the ContentFries transcription engine. You can also use ContentFries' transcription engine for a range of content repurposing tasks, including quote card creation and converting audio to visual posts.

Create commentary content more quickly - Commentary content entails consuming content to comment on. But if you use speech to text, you don’t have to sit through hours of video before commenting on it. You can analyze the transcript and build your argument. Digital transcription can also help you analyze a large amount of content using online tools. Plenty of apps like MonkeyLearn can pick up patterns from text. By turning an audio into a digital body of text, you can see how often certain words are spoken, how the presenter strings together his ideas, and much more.

Timestamp your content more easily - Podcasts and long videos are better served with timestamps. A producer or an assistant will charge by the hour for this service. Text-to-speech technology allows you to create accurate timestamps in a few minutes.

Script your video essays more easily - If you find it hard to face the blank page, you can simply start talking and record yourself using a transcription app like Otter.ai.

Caption your content quickly - With apps like ContentFries , you can easily create and superimpose captions without typing them out individually.

Optimize your videos’ SEO - Your video’s substance is quite important for its SEO. Getting a text transcript of your videos and using them for content description can make your videos more discoverable.

Speech recognition technology has been around since the 60s. It is becoming more relevant now because of its value in the creator economy . By cross-referencing audio signals with a text library, the software can now convert speech to text , allowing computers to transcribe , interpret , and categorize audio . Content creators can use speech to text to technology for timestamps , content repurposing , and research .

How to use speech to text in Microsoft Word

Speech to text in Microsoft Word is a hidden gem that is powerful and easy to use. We show you how to do it in five quick and simple steps

Woman sitting on couch using laptop

Master the skill of speech to text in Microsoft Word and you'll be dictating documents with ease before you know it. Developed and refined over many years, Microsoft's speech recognition and voice typing technology is an efficient way to get your thoughts out, create drafts and make notes.

Just like the best speech to text apps that make life easier for us when we're using our phones, Microsoft's offering is ideal for those of us who spend a lot of time using Word and don't want to wear out our fingers or the keyboard with all that typing. While speech to text in Microsoft Word used to be prone to errors which you'd then have to go back and correct, the technology has come a long way in recent years and is now amongst the best text-to-speech software .

Regardless of whether you have the best computer or the best Windows laptop , speech to text in Microsoft Word is easy to access and a breeze to use. From connecting your microphone to inserting punctuation, you'll find everything you need to know right here in this guide. Let's take a look...

How to use speech to text in Microsoft Word: Preparation

The most important thing to check is whether you have a valid Microsoft 365 subscription, as voice typing is only available to paying customers. If you’re reading this article, it’s likely your business already has a Microsoft 365 enterprise subscription. If you don’t, however, find out more about Microsoft 365 for business via this link . 

The second thing you’ll need before you start voice typing is a stable internet connection. This is because Microsoft Word’s dictation software processes your speech on external servers. These huge servers and lighting-fast processors use vast amounts of speech data to transcribe your text. In fact, they make use of advanced neural networks and deep learning technology, which enables the software to learn about human speech and continuously improve its accuracy. 

These two technologies are the key reason why voice typing technology has improved so much in recent years, and why you should be happy that Microsoft dictation software requires an internet connection. 

An image of how voice to text software works

Once you’ve got a valid Microsoft 365 subscription and an internet connection, you’re ready to go!

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Step 1: Open Microsoft Word

Simple but crucial. Open the Microsoft Word application on your device and create a new, blank document. We named our test document “How to use speech to text in Microsoft Word - Test” and saved it to the desktop so we could easily find it later.

Microsoft Word document

Step 2: Click on the Dictate button

Once you’ve created a blank document, you’ll see a Dictate button and drop-down menu on the top right-hand corner of the Home menu. It has a microphone symbol above it. From here, open the drop-down menu and double-check that the language is set to English.

Toolbar in Microsoft Word

One of the best parts of Microsoft Word’s speech to text software is its support for multiple languages. At the time of writing, nine languages were supported, with several others listed as preview languages. Preview languages have lower accuracy and limited punctuation support.

Supported languages and preview languages screen

Step 3: Allow Microsoft Word access to the Microphone

If you haven’t used Microsoft Word’s speech to text software before, you’ll need to grant the application access to your microphone. This can be done at the click of a button when prompted.

It’s worth considering using an external microphone for your dictation, particularly if you plan on regularly using voice to text software within your organization. While built-in microphones will suffice for most general purposes, an external microphone can improve accuracy due to higher quality components and optimized placement of the microphone itself.

Step 4: Begin voice typing

Now we get to the fun stuff. After completing all of the above steps, click once again on the dictate button. The blue symbol will change to white, and a red recording symbol will appear. This means Microsoft Word has begun listening for your voice. If you have your sound turned up, a chime will also indicate that transcription has started. 

Using voice typing is as simple as saying aloud the words you would like Microsoft to transcribe. It might seem a little strange at first, but you’ll soon develop a bit of flow, and everyone finds their strategies and style for getting the most out of the software. 

These four steps alone will allow you to begin transcribing your voice to text. However, if you want to elevate your speech to text software skills, our fifth step is for you.

Step 5: Incorporate punctuation commands

Microsoft Word’s speech to text software goes well beyond simply converting spoken words to text. With the introduction and improvement of artificial neural networks, Microsoft’s voice typing technology listens not only to single words but to the phrase as a whole. This has enabled the company to introduce an extensive list of voice commands that allow you to insert punctuation marks and other formatting effects while speaking. 

We can’t mention all of the punctuation commands here, but we’ll name some of the most useful. Saying the command “period” will insert a period, while the command “comma” will insert, unsurprisingly, a comma. The same rule applies for exclamation marks, colons, and quotations. If you’d like to finish a paragraph and leave a line break, you can say the command “new line.” 

These tools are easy to use. In our testing, the software was consistently accurate in discerning words versus punctuation commands.

Phrase and output screen in Microsoft Word

Microsoft’s speech to text software is powerful. Having tested most of the major platforms, we can say that Microsoft offers arguably the best product when balancing cost versus performance. This is because the software is built directly into Microsoft 365, which many businesses already use. If this applies to your business, you can begin using Microsoft’s voice typing technology straight away, with no additional costs. 

We hope this article has taught you how to use speech to text software in Microsoft Word, and that you’ll now be able to apply these skills within your organization. 

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Speech-to-Text AI for Product Managers: How It Works and Key Considerations

Learn how speech-to-text AI technology works and read about key considerations when weighing your options.

Speech-to-Text AI for Product Managers: How It Works and Key Considerations

Speech-to-text, also known as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) , is exactly what it sounds like—converting spoken words into written words. Though speech-to-text is a simple concept, the AI technology behind it is robust. Learn how speech-to-text works, and read about key considerations when weighing your options.

How Does Speech-to-Text AI Work?

Most modern speech-to-text methods involve End-to-End Deep Learning to directly route an acoustic waveform into a sequence of words. Typically, large quantities of data are required to train the AI model to create accurate speech-to-text transcriptions. Without this level of training, the transcriptions will be much less accurate and useful. AI technologies are rapidly improving, so it’s important to select Speech-to-Text AI technology that’s built by a team of expert researchers who continuously evaluate, train, and deploy new neural networks as new artificial intelligence breakthroughs emerge. Without constant improvements to keep up with changes in AI technology, you risk leveraging outdated AI models.

Learn in more detail how Speech-to-Text AI technology works: What is ASR? A Comprehensive Overview of Automatic Speech Recognition Technology.

Now that you have an idea of how Speech-to-Text AI technology works and the importance of selecting one that is high-quality, let’s look at key considerations to keep in mind.

What to Look for in Speech-to-Text AI 

When evaluating Speech-to-Text AI technology, there are a number of factors to consider. Take a look at the criteria below to determine what is most important for your use case. 

Near human-level accuracy

Transcription accuracy is one of the most important qualities of speech-to-text software. If the transcription is inaccurate and changes the meaning of what is said, then the user has to go back to the audio to better interpret the context of the conversation. Accuracy ensures that the user saves time using speech-to-text software.

When looking at speech-to-text models, the accuracy should be as close to human level as possible. Also check to see if the AI model has an array of valuable features like:

  • Automatic punctuation, casing, and alphanumerics: Automatically add the casing of proper nouns and have the model incorporate punctuation for natural sentences, listicles, and alphanumerics.
  • Speaker diarization: Detect the number of speakers within the audio file and associate each word within the transcript to a speaker. This can be incredibly helpful for calls that have several speakers. 
  • Noise robustness : Accurately transcribe with background or extraneous noise. Conformer-2 shows a 12% improvement over Conformer-1 in noise robustness,
  • Confidence scores: Receive a confidence score for each word within the transcript. A low confidence score can tell a user that the word may have been interpreted incorrectly. The client program can then create a logic to handle low confidence words depending on the application scenario it serves.

Customization and spoken language understanding with LLMs

Customization features can help businesses personalize the speech-to-text software for their use cases. For example, if a business has custom terms, such as the name of the business, products or features, it can be helpful to note specific spellings or vocabulary for the speech-to-text AI model to process.

  • Custom spelling : Customize how words are spelled or formatted in the transcription text. 
  • Custom vocabulary: Boost the accuracy of your transcripts by adding custom vocabulary to your API request that is unique to your business.
  • Profanity filtering: Automatically detect and replace profanity within the transcription text. 

You’ll also want to see if the speech-to-text AI solution has additional features or models you can incorporate—such as audio redaction models to help businesses automatically redact personally identifiable information from text transcripts. 

Additionally, by pairing speech-to-text APIs with Large Language Model (LLM) frameworks, businesses can build LLM apps on spoken data that search, summarize, and generate text with your spoken content. 

Multiple languages 

If you’re building a model for international usage, you’ll likely want multiple language support, so look for an AI model that can support 20 or more languages. 

You may also want to look for automatic language detection , which can identify the dominant language spoken in an audio file and automatically route it to the appropriate model for that language.

Transcription speed 

When you’re working with large quantities of audio files, speed becomes essential. Look for an asynchronous transcription API that transcribes recorded audio and video content and  transcribes at approximately 5x the real-time speed of audio. In addition to asynchronous transcription, consider a real-time transcription API with high accuracy and low latency so you’ll get results in a matter of milliseconds. 

Consistent innovation, updates, and ease of integration

Is there a team of engineers constantly working through bugs, improving accuracy, and developing the latest and greatest enhancements? AI technology is changing rapidly, and if there isn’t a team focused on improving and innovating with the software, then the software likely isn’t a good long-term solution.

Look for a solution with a dedicated engineering team as well as dedicated resources. Check to make sure the solution has weekly product and accuracy improvements , extensive documentation , and video tutorials to ensure there’s ease of use for developers. 

Ability to scale as your business grows 

Another consideration when weighing your speech-to-text API options is its ability to scale. Here are a few questions to consider:

  • Does the technology have the bandwidth to process thousands (even millions) of files? You may not need this quantity of transcription currently, but you may down the line. 
  • Does it offer in-house support? As the business grows, you may need to lean on AI experts for additional support. 
  • What is the uptime? Look for models that offer 99.99% uptime, so you can build with confidence. 
  • Is the software following security best practices? A company that prioritizes security, such as SOC 1 and 2 compliance and third party audits, offers peace of mind that the audio you’re transcribing is protected.

If you’re looking for a solution that scales with you, look for one that can process millions of files daily, has 24/7 support from support engineers and technical account managers, has 99.9% uptime and enterprise-grade security.

Free speech-to-text software vs paid plans

One of the biggest considerations is cost. There are a few free speech-to-text options on the market which can be a great solution if you’re looking to test how speech-to-text can enhance your business. 

However, if you’re looking for a long-term solution that can handle hundreds of thousands of hours of audio with high accuracy, then a free solution may not be the right fit. Free speech-to-text solutions also require more legwork on your end to tailor the toolkit to your needs. ​​

If you’re unsure whether a paid plan is worth it, look for a free trial, free tier or speech-to-text playground to test the speech-to-text software first. 

Read More: How to Choose the Best Speech-to-Text API

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Ever Wondered: How does speech-to-text software work?

Love it or hate it, you can't avoid it., alexandra ossola • august 15, 2014.

speech to text how it works

You use it all the time, but do you know how it really works? Image by Alexandra Ossola

Why can’t i use my ipod during takeoff and landing when i fly, katherine tweed • september 8, 2008, gesture based interfaces–bringing technology back to the human roots of language, erik ortlip • june 11, 2009, okay, but how do touch screens actually work, allison t. mccann • january 17, 2012, texting through the snow, rachel feltman • november 2, 2012.

From Siri to sales calls, no one can avoid the blessings and curses of voice recognition software. There are lots of unconventional uses for this technology, including better documenting of patients’ medical history and even flying planes . But one interesting and practical use for voice recognition is for digital dictation —turning spoken words into written text. This is not only convenient for everyday smartphone users, but also for people with learning disabilities (like dyslexia) or who have more trouble writing than speaking. Unlike the frequently frustrating autocorrect function for typed text, speech-to-text software can be up to 99 percent accurate .

Let’s say you want to send a text message to your mom using your smartphone’s speech-to-text software. You’ve already tapped Compose and hit the little microphone button in anticipation of speaking into your phone. There are two crucial elements that you need in order to use your voice recognition software: a working microphone that can pick up your speech and a working Internet connection . Because smartphones are small and have limited space for software, much of the speech-to-text process is conducted on the server. When you speak the words of your message into the microphone, your phone sends the bits of data your spoken words created to a central server, where it can access the appropriate software and corresponding database.

When the data arrives at the server, the software can analyze your speech. Programming-wise, this is the tricky part: The software breaks your speech down into tiny, recognizable parts called phonemes — there are only 44 of them in the English language. It’s the order, combination and context of these phonemes that allows the sophisticated audio analysis software to figure out what exactly you’re saying, like the bread, cheese and sauce that differentiate a pizza from a calzone or a sandwich. For words that are pronounced the same way, such as eight and ate, the software analyzes the context and syntax of the sentence to figure out the best text match for the word you spoke.

In its database, the software then matches the analyzed words with the text that best matches the words you spoke. Before the software was up and running, the software programmers spent many hours connecting the distinct patterns of speech waves that certain words create with the written text of those words. It’s this background that the software draws from when it decides which written words to transmit back to your phone, which then appear on the screen and into the text message composition form. Apple’s software for iPhone covers dictation capabilities for eight languages and their dialects (British, American and Australian English, are all listed separately, for example).

All this in an instant. No sooner have you spoken the words, “Mom, stop feeding human food to my cat,” but you’re pressing the send button on the text message with the same words. You mentally thank speech-to-text programmers who made this possible, even if your cat doesn’t necessarily thank you for the intervention.

About the Author

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Alexandra Ossola

Alexandra (Alex) Ossola earned her B.A. from Hamilton College with a concentration in Comparative Literature. Since graduating, she has served as a tutor and mentor with City Year in Washington, D.C. as well as planned and led high school travel programs to Latin America with Putney Student Travel. After dabbling in many different fields, she, like most curious people, was drawn to science. A lifelong lover of good communication, Alex writes about things she finds interesting, with topics that range widely.

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Another interesting using of speech to text software is checking and testing human pronunciation. For this moment only one tools https://speechpad.pw/prononce.php can help in this area.

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If an internet connection is required for Talk to Text via the mobile phone, then why have I been able to use talk to text on my older phones that haven’t been connected to the internet in years? I mean it acts like the phones says, Ok there’s no internet so I guess I’LL Have To listen and type what you say… And no I didn’t have Wi-Fi turned on. I only ask because I like to write poetry, and sometimes at home I’ll grab whichever device is handy ATM to jot down the ideas. And sometimes that’s an older phone, disconnected from the service plan.

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Not direct answer or even not thoughts moving towards the answer.

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Ultimate Guide To Speech Recognition Technology (2023)

  • April 12, 2023

Learn about speech recognition technology—how speech to text software works, benefits, limitations, transcriptions, and other real world applications.

speech to text how it works

Whether you’re a professional in need of more efficient transcription solutions or simply want your voice-enabled device to work smarter for you, this guide to speech recognition technology is here with all the answers.

Few technologies have evolved rapidly in recent years as speech recognition. In just the last decade, speech recognition has become something we rely on daily. From voice texting to Amazon Alexa understanding natural language queries, it’s hard to imagine life without speech recognition software.

But before deep learning was ever a word people knew, mid-century were engineers paving the path for today’s rapidly advancing world of automatic speech recognition. So let’s take a look at how speech recognition technologies evolved and speech-to-text became king.

What Is Speech Recognition Technology?

With machine intelligence and deep learning advances, speech recognition technology has become increasingly popular. Simply put, speech recognition technology (otherwise known as speech-to-text or automatic speech recognition) is software that can convert the sound waves of spoken human language into readable text. These programs match sounds to word sequences through a series of steps that include:

  • Pre-processing: may consist of efforts to improve the audio of speech input by reducing and filtering the noise to reduce the error rate
  • Feature extraction: this is the part where sound waves and acoustic signals are transformed into digital signals for processing using specialized speech technologies.
  • Classification: extracted features are used to find spoken text; machine learning features can refine this process.
  • Language modeling: considers important semantic and grammatical rules of a language while creating text.

How Does Speech Recognition Technology Work?

Speech recognition technology combines complex algorithms and language models to produce word output humans can understand. Features such as frequency, pitch, and loudness can then be used to recognize spoken words and phrases.

Here are some of the most common models for speech recognition, which include acoustic models and language models . Sometimes, several of these are interconnected and work together to create higher-quality speech recognition software and applications.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

“Hey, Siri, how does speech-to-text work?”

Try it—you’ll likely hear your digital assistant read a sentence or two from a relevant article she finds online, all thanks to the magic of natural language processing.

Natural language processing is the artificial intelligence that gives machines like Siri the ability to understand and answer human questions. These AI systems enable devices to understand what humans are saying, including everything from intent to parts of speech.

But NLP is used by more than just digital assistants like Siri or Alexa—it’s how your inbox knows which spam messages to filter, how search engines know which websites to offer in response to a query, and how your phone knows which words to autocomplete.

Neural Networks

Neural networks are one of the most powerful AI applications in speech recognition. They’re used to recognize patterns and process large amounts of data quickly.

For example, neural networks can learn from past input to better understand what words or phrases you might use in a conversation. It uses those patterns to more accurately detect the words you’re saying.

Leveraging cutting-edge deep learning algorithms, neural networks are revolutionizing how machines recognize speech commands. By imitating neurons in our brains and creating intricate webs of electrochemical connections between them, these robust architectures can process data with unparalleled accuracy for various applications such as automatic speech recognition.

Hidden Markov Models (HMM)

The Hidden Markov Model is a powerful tool for acoustic modeling, providing strong analytical capabilities to accurately detect natural speech. Its application in the field of Natural Language Processing has allowed researchers to efficiently train machines on word generation tasks, acoustics, and syntax to create unified probabilistic models.

Speaker Diarization

Speaker diarization is an innovative process that segments audio streams into distinguishable speakers, allowing the automatic speech recognition transcript to organize each speaker’s contributions separately. Using unique sound qualities and word patterns, this technique pinpoints conversations accurately so every voice can be heard.

The History of Speech Recognition Technology

It’s hard to believe that just a few short decades ago, the idea of having a computer respond to speech felt like something straight out of science fiction. Yet, Fast-forward to today, and voice-recognition technology has gone from being an obscure concept to becoming so commonplace you can find it in our smartphones.

But where did this all start? First, let’s take a look at the history of speech recognition technology – from its uncertain early days through its evolution into today’s easy-to-use technology.

Speech recognition technology has existed since the 1950s when Bell Laboratory researchers first developed systems to recognize simple commands . However, early speech recognition systems were limited in their capabilities and could not identify more complex phrases or sentences.

In the 1980s, advances in computing power enabled the development of better speech recognition systems that could understand entire sentences. Today, speech recognition technology has become much more advanced, with some systems able to recognize multiple languages and dialects with high accuracy.

Timeline of Speech Recognition Programs

  • 1952 – Bell Labs researchers created “Audrey,” an innovative system for recognizing individual digits. Early speech recognition systems were limited in their capabilities and could not identify more complex phrases or sentences.
  • 1962 – IBM shook the tech sphere in 1962 at The World’s Fair, showcasing a remarkable 16-word speech recognition capability – nicknamed “Shoebox” —that left onlookers awestruck.
  • 1980s – IBM revolutionized the typewriting industry in the 1980s with Tangora , a voice-activated system that could understand up to 20,000 words. Advances in computing power enabled the development of better speech recognition systems that could understand entire sentences.
  • 1996 – IBM’s VoiceType Simply Speaking application recognized 42,000 English and Spanish words.
  • 2007 – Google launched GOOG-411 as a telephone directory service, an endeavor that provided immense amounts of data for improving speech recognition systems over time. Now, this technology is available across 30 languages through Google Voice Search .
  • 2017 – Microsoft made history when its research team achieved the remarkable goal of transcribing phone conversations utilizing various deep-learning models.

How is Speech Recognition Used Today?

Speech recognition technology has come a long way since its inception at Bell Laboratories.

Today, speech recognition technology has become much more advanced, with some systems able to recognize multiple languages and dialects with high accuracy and low error rates.

Speech recognition technology is used in a wide range of applications in our daily lives, including:

  • Voice Texting: Voice texting is a popular feature on many smartphones that allow users to compose text messages without typing.
  • Smart Home Automation: Smart home systems use voice commands technology to control lights, thermostats, and other household appliances with simple commands.
  • Voice Search: Voice search is one of the most popular applications of speech recognition, as it allows users to quickly
  • Transcription: Speech recognition technology can transcribe spoken words into text fast.
  • Military and Civilian Vehicle Systems: Speech recognition technology can be used to control unmanned aerial vehicles, military drones, and other autonomous vehicles.
  • Medical Documentation: Speech recognition technology is used to quickly and accurately transcribe medical notes, making it easier for doctors to document patient visits.

Key Features of Advanced Speech Recognition Programs

If you’re looking for speech recognition technology with exceptional accuracy that can do more than transcribe phonetic sounds, be sure it includes these features.

Acoustic training

Advanced speech recognition programs use acoustic training models to detect natural language patterns and better understand the speaker’s intent. In addition, acoustic training can teach AI systems to tune out ambient noise, such as the background noise of other voices.

Speaker labeling

Speaker labeling is a feature that allows speech recognition systems to differentiate between multiple speakers, even if they are speaking in the same language. This technology can help keep track of who said what during meetings and conferences, eliminating the need for manual transcription.

Dictionary customization

Advanced speech recognition programs allow users to customize their own dictionaries and include specialized terminology to improve accuracy. This can be especially useful for medical professionals who need accurate documentation of patient visits.

If you don’t want your transcript to include any naughty words, then you’ll want to make sure your speech recognition system consists of a filtering feature. Filtering allows users to specify which words should be filtered out of their transcripts, ensuring that they are clean and professional.

Language weighting

Language weighting is a feature used by advanced speech recognition systems to prioritize certain commonly used words over others. For example, this feature can be helpful when there are two similar words, such as “form” and “from,” so the system knows which one is being spoken.

The Benefits of Speech Recognition Technology

Human speech recognition technology has revolutionized how people navigate, purchase, and communicate. Additionally, speech-to-text technology provides a vital bridge to communication for individuals with sight and auditory disabilities. Innovations like screen readers, text-to-speech dictation systems, and audio transcriptions help make the world more accessible to those who need it most.

Limits of Speech Recognition Programs

Despite its advantages, speech recognition technology still needs to be improved.

  • Accuracy rate and reliability – the quality of the audio signal and the complexity of the language being spoken can significantly impact the system’s ability to accurately interpret spoken words. For now, speech-to-text technology has a higher average error rate than humans.
  • Formatting – Exporting speech recognition results into a readable format, such as Word or Excel, can be difficult and time-consuming—especially if you must adhere to professional formatting standards.
  • Ambient noise – Speech recognition systems are still incapable of reliably recognizing speech in noisy environments. If you plan on recording yourself and turning it into a transcript later, make sure the environment is quiet and free from distractions.
  • Translation – Human speech and language are difficult to translate word for word, as things like syntax, context, and cultural differences can lead to subtle meanings that are lost in direct speech-to-text translations.
  • Security – While speech recognition systems are great for controlling devices, you don’t always have control over how your data is stored and used once recorded.

Using Speech Recognition for Transcriptions

Speech recognition technology is commonly used to transcribe audio recordings into text documents and has become a standard tool in business and law enforcement. There are handy apps like Otter.ai that can help you quickly and accurately transcribe and summarize meetings and speech-to-text features embedded in document processors like Word.

However, you should use speech recognition technology for transcriptions with caution because there are a number of limitations that could lead to costly mistakes.

If you’re creating an important legal document or professional transcription , relying on speech recognition technology or any artificial intelligence to provide accurate results is not recommended. Instead, it’s best to employ a professional transcription service or hire an experienced typist to accurately transcribe audio recordings.

Human typists have an accuracy level of 99% – 100%, can follow dictation instructions, and can format your transcript appropriately depending on your instructions. As a result, there is no need for additional editing once your document is delivered (usually in 3 hours or less), and you can put your document to use immediately.

Unfortunately, speech recognition technology can’t achieve these things yet. You can expect an accuracy of up to 80% and little to no professional formatting. Additionally, your dictation instructions will fall on deaf “ears.” Frustratingly, they’ll just be included in the transcription rather than followed to a T. You’ll wind up spending extra time editing your transcript for readability, accuracy, and professionalism.

So if you’re looking for dependable, accurate, fast transcriptions, consider human transcription services instead.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is speech recognition technology accurate.

The accuracy of speech recognition technology depends on several factors, including the quality of the audio signal, the complexity of the language being spoken, and the specific algorithms used by the system.

Some speech recognition software can withstand poor acoustic quality, identify multiple speakers, understand accents, and even learn industry jargon. Others are more rudimentary and may have limited vocabulary or may only be able to work with pristine audio quality.

Speaker identification vs. speech recognition: What’s the difference?

The two are often used interchangeably. However, there is a distinction. Speech recognition technology shouldn’t be confused with speech identification technology, which identifies who is speaking rather than what the speaker has to say.

What type of technology is speech recognition?

Speech recognition is a type of technology that allows computers to understand and interpret spoken words. It is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses algorithms to recognize patterns in audio signals, such as the sound of speech. Speech recognition technology has been around for decades.

Is speech recognition AI technology?

Yes, speech recognition is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses algorithms to recognize patterns in audio signals, such as the sound of speech. Speech recognition technology has been around for decades, but it wasn’t until recently that systems became sophisticated enough to accurately understand and interpret spoken words.

What are examples of speech recognition devices?

Examples of speech recognition devices include virtual assistants such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri. Additionally, many mobile phones and computers now come with built-in voice recognition software that can be used to control the device or issue commands. Speech recognition technology is also used in various other applications, such as automated customer service systems, medical transcription software, and real-time language translation systems.

See How Much Your Business Could Be Saving in Transcription Costs

With accurate transcriptions produced faster than ever before, using human transcription services could be an excellent decision for your business. Not convinced? See for yourself!

Try our cost savings calculator today and see how much your business could save in transcription costs.

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Software Engineering Insights

Speech-To-Text: How Automatic Speech Recognition Works

Aug 2, 2022 4:37:19 PM

Speech-To-Text- How Automatic Speech Recognition Works

Speech recognition is a technology that has been going through continuous innovation and improvements for almost half a century. It has led to several successful use cases in the form of voice assistants such as Alexa, Siri, etc., voice biometrics, official transcription software, and the list goes on. So what really is Automatic Speech Recognition and what are the underlying technologies that enable it?

Automatic Speech Recognition has been around since the Cold War era when the American Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) conducted research in human voice identification and interpretation in the 1950s. This was followed by several similar research projects leading up to the 1990s when the Wall Street Journal Speech Dataset was prepared.

Today Speech-to-Text and speech recognition see widespread application in a variety of consumer use cases, legal and corporate interpretation, and transcription. In this article, we will attempt to explain what are the technologies that make speech recognition work.

What Is Speech To Text?

Speech to text refers to a multipronged field of voice recognition software solutions that listen to a human voice, compare it with several manually trained voice-to-text databases, and synthesize it to finally convert it to text. 

Leading global technology giants such as Google, IBM, and Amazon have been in the race for developing the most precise, fast, and accurate interpreter of the spoken voice for several decades now. Most recently, they have been figuring out the best way to combine computational linguistics and word processing with the use of Deep Learning , an advanced subfield of AI.

In addition to deep learning, speech recognition also leverages Big Data because big data's ability to store tons of data and make it easily searchable expedites the processing of several Yottabytes of audio recordings of the human voice. 

Deep Learning Methods For Speech Recognition

AI and deep learning-based speech recognition software can be utilized for a variety of applications. These include transcribing legal depositions and educational dissertations, transcribing customer support conversations for gaining insights, building voice-based chatbots , and documentation of the minutes of a meeting.

While all sounds are composed of two elements; sounds and noises, human speech is a more complex example of sound as it contains intonations and rhythm with substantial innate meaning. Audio speech files are a form of encoded language that needs pre-processing.

The initial steps of speech to text are the following:

  • The process of converting speech to text starts off with digitizing the sound. 
  • The audio data is then in a format that can be processed by a deep learning model. 
  • The processed audio is then converted to spectrograms, which represent sound frequencies pictorially so that each of the sound elements can be distinguished along with their harmonic structure.
  • The spectrograms help in the audio classification , analysis, and representation of audio data. 

These steps are followed by the audio classification, which involves dividing the sound into different classes and training the deep learning model on these classes. This allows the model to predict which class a given sound clip belongs to. So, a speech-to-text model takes in input features of a sound and correlates it to target labels:

  • Input consists of spoken audio clips
  • Target labels are text transcripts of the audio
Customer Success Story: How Daffodil developed an Automatic Speech Recognition Engine for a Legal Tech firm.

How Does Speech To Text Work?

Broadly put, speech-to-text software listens and captures spoken audio as input and outputs a transcript that is as close to verbatim as possible. The underlying computer program or deep learning model utilizes linguistic algorithms that function on Unicode, the international software standard for handling text.


The linguistic algorithms' basic function is to categorize the auditory signals of speech and convert them into Unicode. The complex deep learning model is based on different neural networks and converts the speech to text through the following steps:

1)Analog To Digital Conversion: When human beings utter words and make sounds, it creates different sequences of vibrations. A speech-to-text model would specifically pick up these vibrations which are technically analog signals. An analog to digital converter then takes these vibrations as input to convert to a digital language.

2)Filtering: The sounds picked up and digitized by the analog to digital converter are in a form that is machine-consumable as an audio file. The converter analyses the audio file comprehensively and measures the waves in great detail. An underlying algorithm then classifies the relevant sounds and filters them to pick up those sounds that can eventually be transcribed.

3)Segmentation: Segmentation is done on the basis of phonemes, which are linguistic devices that differentiate one word from another. This unit of sound is then compared against segmented words in the input audio for matching and predicting the possible transcriptions. There are approximately 40 phonemes in the English language and similarly, there are thousands of other phonemes across all the languages.

4)Character Integration: The speech-to-text software consists of a mathematical model consisting of various permutations and combinations of words, phrases, and sentences. The phonemes pass through a network consisting of elements of the mathematical model so that the most commonly occurring elements are compared to these phonemes. The likelihood of the probable textual output is calculated at this stage for integrating the segments into coherent phrases or segments.

5)Final Transcript: The audio's most likely transcript is presented as text at the end of this process based on deep learning predictive modeling. A computer-based demand generated from the above probabilities is then produced from the built-in dictation capabilities of the device that is being used for transcription.

ALSO READ: Why Machine Translation In NLP Is Essential For International Business?

Increase Transcription Accuracy With Custom Speech-To-Text Solutions

Several benefits of speech-to-text ease plenty of daily operations across industries. By providing meticulous transcripts in real-time, automatic speech recognition technology lessens processing timespans. With speech-to-text capacities, audio and video data can be converted in real-time for quick video transcription and subtitling. More competent software built using AI and machine learning is required if you want to convert a lot of audio to text and Daffodil's AI Development solutions.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence

Allen Victor

Written by Allen Victor

Writes content around viral technologies and strives to make them accessible for the layman. Follow his simplistic thought pieces that focus on software solutions for industry-specific pressure points.

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Speech to Text - Voice Typing & Transcription

Take notes with your voice for free, or automatically transcribe audio & video recordings. secure, accurate & blazing fast..

~ Proudly serving millions of users since 2015 ~

I need to >

Dictate Notes

Start taking notes, on our online voice-enabled notepad right away, for free.

Transcribe Recordings

Automatically transcribe (as well as summarize & translate) audios & videos. Upload files from your device or link to an online resource (Drive, YouTube, TikTok or other). Export to text, docx, video subtitles & more.

Speechnotes is a reliable and secure web-based speech-to-text tool that enables you to quickly and accurately transcribe your audio and video recordings, as well as dictate your notes instead of typing, saving you time and effort. With features like voice commands for punctuation and formatting, automatic capitalization, and easy import/export options, Speechnotes provides an efficient and user-friendly dictation and transcription experience. Proudly serving millions of users since 2015, Speechnotes is the go-to tool for anyone who needs fast, accurate & private transcription. Our Portfolio of Complementary Speech-To-Text Tools Includes:

Voice typing - Chrome extension

Dictate instead of typing on any form & text-box across the web. Including on Gmail, and more.

Transcription API & webhooks

Speechnotes' API enables you to send us files via standard POST requests, and get the transcription results sent directly to your server.

Zapier integration

Combine the power of automatic transcriptions with Zapier's automatic processes. Serverless & codeless automation! Connect with your CRM, phone calls, Docs, email & more.

Android Speechnotes app

Speechnotes' notepad for Android, for notes taking on your mobile, battle tested with more than 5Million downloads. Rated 4.3+ ⭐

iOS TextHear app

TextHear for iOS, works great on iPhones, iPads & Macs. Designed specifically to help people with hearing impairment participate in conversations. Please note, this is a sister app - so it has its own pricing plan.

Audio & video converting tools

Tools developed for fast - batch conversions of audio files from one type to another and extracting audio only from videos for minimizing uploads.

Our Sister Apps for Text-To-Speech & Live Captioning

Complementary to Speechnotes

Reads out loud texts, files & web pages

Reads out loud texts, PDFs, e-books & websites for free


Live Captioning & Translation

Live captions & translations for online meetings, webinars, and conferences.

Need Human Transcription? We Can Offer a 10% Discount Coupon

We do not provide human transcription services ourselves, but, we partnered with a UK company that does. Learn more on human transcription and the 10% discount .

Dictation Notepad

Start taking notes with your voice for free

Speech to Text online notepad. Professional, accurate & free speech recognizing text editor. Distraction-free, fast, easy to use web app for dictation & typing.

Speechnotes is a powerful speech-enabled online notepad, designed to empower your ideas by implementing a clean & efficient design, so you can focus on your thoughts. We strive to provide the best online dictation tool by engaging cutting-edge speech-recognition technology for the most accurate results technology can achieve today, together with incorporating built-in tools (automatic or manual) to increase users' efficiency, productivity and comfort. Works entirely online in your Chrome browser. No download, no install and even no registration needed, so you can start working right away.

Speechnotes is especially designed to provide you a distraction-free environment. Every note, starts with a new clear white paper, so to stimulate your mind with a clean fresh start. All other elements but the text itself are out of sight by fading out, so you can concentrate on the most important part - your own creativity. In addition to that, speaking instead of typing, enables you to think and speak it out fluently, uninterrupted, which again encourages creative, clear thinking. Fonts and colors all over the app were designed to be sharp and have excellent legibility characteristics.

Example use cases

  • Voice typing
  • Writing notes, thoughts
  • Medical forms - dictate
  • Transcribers (listen and dictate)

Transcription Service

Start transcribing

Fast turnaround - results within minutes. Includes timestamps, auto punctuation and subtitles at unbeatable price. Protects your privacy: no human in the loop, and (unlike many other vendors) we do NOT keep your audio. Pay per use, no recurring payments. Upload your files or transcribe directly from Google Drive, YouTube or any other online source. Simple. No download or install. Just send us the file and get the results in minutes.

  • Transcribe interviews
  • Captions for Youtubes & movies
  • Auto-transcribe phone calls or voice messages
  • Students - transcribe lectures
  • Podcasters - enlarge your audience by turning your podcasts into textual content
  • Text-index entire audio archives

Key Advantages

Speechnotes is powered by the leading most accurate speech recognition AI engines by Google & Microsoft. We always check - and make sure we still use the best. Accuracy in English is very good and can easily reach 95% accuracy for good quality dictation or recording.

Lightweight & fast

Both Speechnotes dictation & transcription are lightweight-online no install, work out of the box anywhere you are. Dictation works in real time. Transcription will get you results in a matter of minutes.

Super Private & Secure!

Super private - no human handles, sees or listens to your recordings! In addition, we take great measures to protect your privacy. For example, for transcribing your recordings - we pay Google's speech to text engines extra - just so they do not keep your audio for their own research purposes.

Health advantages

Typing may result in different types of Computer Related Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI). Voice typing is one of the main recommended ways to minimize these risks, as it enables you to sit back comfortably, freeing your arms, hands, shoulders and back altogether.

Saves you time

Need to transcribe a recording? If it's an hour long, transcribing it yourself will take you about 6! hours of work. If you send it to a transcriber - you will get it back in days! Upload it to Speechnotes - it will take you less than a minute, and you will get the results in about 20 minutes to your email.

Saves you money

Speechnotes dictation notepad is completely free - with ads - or a small fee to get it ad-free. Speechnotes transcription is only $0.1/minute, which is X10 times cheaper than a human transcriber! We offer the best deal on the market - whether it's the free dictation notepad ot the pay-as-you-go transcription service.

Dictation - Free

  • Online dictation notepad
  • Voice typing Chrome extension

Dictation - Premium

  • Premium online dictation notepad
  • Premium voice typing Chrome extension
  • Support from the development team


$0.1 /minute.

  • Pay as you go - no subscription
  • Audio & video recordings
  • Speaker diarization in English
  • Generate captions .srt files
  • REST API, webhooks & Zapier integration

Compare plans

Dictation FreeDictation PremiumTranscription
Unlimited dictation
Online notepad
Voice typing extension
Ads free
Transcribe recordings
Transcribe Youtubes
API & webhooks
Export to captions
Extra security
Support from the development team

Privacy Policy

We at Speechnotes, Speechlogger, TextHear, Speechkeys value your privacy, and that's why we do not store anything you say or type or in fact any other data about you - unless it is solely needed for the purpose of your operation. We don't share it with 3rd parties, other than Google / Microsoft for the speech-to-text engine.

Privacy - how are the recordings and results handled?

- transcription service.

Our transcription service is probably the most private and secure transcription service available.

  • HIPAA compliant.
  • No human in the loop. No passing your recording between PCs, emails, employees, etc.
  • Secure encrypted communications (https) with and between our servers.
  • Recordings are automatically deleted from our servers as soon as the transcription is done.
  • Our contract with Google / Microsoft (our speech engines providers) prohibits them from keeping any audio or results.
  • Transcription results are securely kept on our secure database. Only you have access to them - only if you sign in (or provide your secret credentials through the API)
  • You may choose to delete the transcription results - once you do - no copy remains on our servers.

- Dictation notepad & extension

For dictation, the recording & recognition - is delegated to and done by the browser (Chrome / Edge) or operating system (Android). So, we never even have access to the recorded audio, and Edge's / Chrome's / Android's (depending the one you use) privacy policy apply here.

The results of the dictation are saved locally on your machine - via the browser's / app's local storage. It never gets to our servers. So, as long as your device is private - your notes are private.

Payments method privacy

The whole payments process is delegated to PayPal / Stripe / Google Pay / Play Store / App Store and secured by these providers. We never receive any of your credit card information.

More generic notes regarding our site, cookies, analytics, ads, etc.

  • We may use Google Analytics on our site - which is a generic tool to track usage statistics.
  • We use cookies - which means we save data on your browser to send to our servers when needed. This is used for instance to sign you in, and then keep you signed in.
  • For the dictation tool - we use your browser's local storage to store your notes, so you can access them later.
  • Non premium dictation tool serves ads by Google. Users may opt out of personalized advertising by visiting Ads Settings . Alternatively, users can opt out of a third-party vendor's use of cookies for personalized advertising by visiting https://youradchoices.com/
  • In case you would like to upload files to Google Drive directly from Speechnotes - we'll ask for your permission to do so. We will use that permission for that purpose only - syncing your speech-notes to your Google Drive, per your request.
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Streaming Speech to Text Solutions: A Comprehensive Guide

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Step-by-Step Process

Media and broadcasting, krisp call center transcription, streaming speech-to-text faq.

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Streaming speech-to-text technology has revolutionized the way enterprises handle communication, particularly in call centers. By converting spoken language into written text in real-time, businesses can significantly improve customer service, streamline operations, and enhance data management. This advanced technology leverages sophisticated algorithms and AI to ensure accuracy and efficiency, making it an indispensable tool for modern enterprises. In this guide, we provide a comprehensive overview of streaming speech-to-text solutions, their applications, industry trends, and the leading providers in 2024.

How Speech-to-Text Technology Works

Understanding the mechanics behind speech-to-text technology is crucial for appreciating its benefits. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the process:

  • Microphone Specifications : High-quality microphones ensure clarity. Specifications like sensitivity, frequency response, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are critical.
  • Telephony Systems : Digital systems are preferred for their noise reduction capabilities and higher fidelity compared to analog systems.
  • Noise Reduction Algorithms : Techniques like spectral subtraction, Wiener filtering, and deep learning-based denoising are employed.
  • Echo Cancellation : Important in telephony, it removes echoes that can confuse the transcription algorithms.
  • Acoustic Feature Extraction : Methods like Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) and spectrogram analysis are used to capture important audio features.
  • Temporal Features : Techniques like dynamic time warping (DTW) help in aligning sequences of varying speeds.
  • Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) : Traditional models that segment and recognize patterns in the audio data.
  • Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) : More advanced models that provide higher accuracy by learning complex patterns in large datasets.
  • N-grams and Statistical Models : Used to predict the next word in a sequence based on the probability of word combinations.
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Transformers : Modern approaches that handle longer dependencies and context, leading to more accurate transcriptions.
  • Real-time Text Rendering : Ensures minimal delay between speech and text output, crucial for live applications.
  • Post-Processing : Includes tasks like punctuation addition, capitalization, and correcting common transcription errors.

speech to text

Leading Use Cases of Streaming Speech-to-Text Technology

Streaming Speech-to-Text technology has a wide range of use cases across various industries and applications. This technology, which converts spoken language into written text in real-time, is proving to be invaluable for enhancing communication, accessibility, and productivity. Here are some key industries and how they are utilizing Streaming Speech-to-Text technology:

Call Centers

  • Real-Time Assistance : Transcripts enable supervisors to provide real-time guidance to agents during calls.
  • Customer History : Agents can quickly review previous transcripts to understand the customer’s history.
  • Automated Workflows : Integration with CRM systems can automate task creation based on call transcripts.
  • Resource Allocation : Transcripts help in analyzing call volumes and adjusting staffing levels accordingly.
  • Sentiment Analysis : Textual data allows for sentiment analysis, helping to gauge customer satisfaction.
  • Trend Analysis : Identifying common issues and trends from transcripts can inform product and service improvements.

Business Meetings

  • Automated Summarization : Tools can summarize key points and actions from meeting transcripts.
  • Follow-up Actions : Transcripts ensure that action items are clearly documented and followed up.
  • Live Captions : Real-time transcription provides live captions for participants.
  • Translatable Transcripts : Transcripts can be easily translated into other languages for non-native speakers.
  • Keyword Search : Allows users to quickly find specific discussions or decisions in meeting transcripts.
  • Knowledge Management : Integrates with knowledge management systems to archive and retrieve meeting content.
  • Broadcast Delay Compensation : Ensures that subtitles are synchronized with live audio.
  • Multilingual Support : Supports multiple languages for international broadcasts.
  • Transcription for Editing : Editors can use transcripts to streamline the video and audio editing process.
  • SEO Optimization : Transcripts can be used to generate searchable text content for SEO purposes.

speech to text technology

Streaming Speech-to-Text Solutions in 2024

Here are some leading providers offering robust transcription services:

Picovoice Leopard

speech to text how it works

  • On-Device Processing : Ensures privacy and reduces latency by processing audio locally.
  • Low Latency : Provides near-instantaneous transcription suitable for real-time applications.
  • Privacy-Preserving : No audio data leaves the device, ensuring maximum privacy.

Azure Speech-to-Text

speech to text how it works

  • Customizable Models : Users can train custom models to improve accuracy for specific terminologies and accents.
  • Real-Time and Batch Transcription : Supports both real-time and batch processing, allowing for flexible use cases.
  • Multi-Language Support : Provides transcription in over 60 languages and dialects.

speech to text how it works

  • Customizable Features: Users can fine-tune the noise cancellation and accent localization to better fit the specific needs of their call centers.
  • On-Device Transcription: Supports on-device transcription, ensuring accurate representation of calls.
  • Background Noise Cancellation: Utilizes advanced AI to filter out background noises, enhancing call clarity and customer experience.
  • Accent Localization: Automatically adjusts to various accents, ensuring clear and accurate transcription regardless of the speaker’s accent.

Krisp’s Transcription Software: Leading the Way

Krisp Call Center Transcription employs noise-robust deep learning algorithms for on-device speech-to-text conversion. Specifically, the process consists of several stages :

  • Processes and turns speech into  unformatted text.
  • Adds  punctuation, capitalization,  and  numerical values.
  • Removes  PII/PCI  and filler words on-device and in real time.
  • Assigns text to  speakers  with  timestamps.
  • Temporarily stores the  encrypted  transcript  locally.
  • Safely transmits the transcript to a  private cloud.

Technical Advantages of Krisp for Enterprise Call Centers

Superior transcription accuracy.

  • 96% Accuracy: Leveraging cutting-edge AI, Krisp ensures high-quality transcriptions even in noisy environments, boasting a Word Error Rate (WER) of only 4%.

On-Device Processing

  • Enhanced Security: Krisp’s desktop app processes transcriptions and noise cancellation directly on your device, ensuring sensitive information remains secure and compliant with stringent security standards.

Unmatched Privacy

  • Real-Time Redaction: Ensures the utmost privacy by redacting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Payment Card Information (PCI) in real-time.
  • Private Cloud Storage: Stores transcripts in a private cloud owned by customers, with write-only access, ensuring complete control over data.

Centralized Solution Across All Platforms

  • Cost Optimization: By centralizing call transcriptions across all platforms, Krisp CCT optimizes costs and simplifies data management.
  • Streamlined Operations: Eliminates the need for multiple transcription services, making data handling more efficient.

No Additional Integrations Required

  • Effortless Integration: Krisp’s plug-and-play setup integrates seamlessly with major Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) and Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) platforms.
  • Operational Efficiency: Requires no additional configurations, ensuring smooth and secure operations from the start.

Book a Demo

Wrapping up

Streaming speech-to-text technology is a game-changer for enterprises, particularly in call centers. It enhances customer service, operational efficiency, and data management. Krisp’s transcription software, with its superior noise cancellation and on-device transcription capabilities, is a standout choice for businesses looking to leverage this technology.

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The Ultimate Guide to Google Speech to Text: How it Works and How to Use It

In today’s digital age, technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace. One remarkable development that has gained significant attention is the ability of machines to convert spoken language into written text. This technology, known as speech-to-text, has revolutionized various industries and has become an essential tool for many individuals. Among the numerous providers of this service, Google stands out with its exceptional speech-to-text capabilities. In this ultimate guide, we will explore how Google Speech to Text works and how you can utilize it effectively.

I. What is Google Speech to Text?

Google Speech to Text is a cutting-edge cloud-based application programming interface (API) developed by Google. It leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to accurately transcribe spoken words into written text in real-time. This powerful technology enables businesses and individuals alike to convert audio recordings or live speech into written form effortlessly.

II. How Does Google Speech to Text Work?

Behind the scenes, Google Speech to Text relies on deep neural networks that have been trained on vast amounts of audio data from diverse sources. These neural networks are designed to recognize patterns in speech and convert them into text with remarkable accuracy.

When utilizing Google Speech to Text, users can send audio data in various formats such as WAV or FLAC files or even stream it directly from a microphone or other sources. The API then processes this data by breaking it down into smaller chunks called “frames.” Each frame is analyzed individually using complex algorithms that identify phonemes (distinct sounds) within the speech.

To improve accuracy further, the API also takes contextual information into account by analyzing adjacent frames and considering factors such as word probability and language models. Additionally, users have the option of specifying additional parameters such as language preferences or profanity filtering for better transcription results.

III. How Can You Use Google Speech to Text?

Transcription Services: One of the primary use cases for Google Speech to Text is transcription services. Content creators, journalists, and researchers can utilize this technology to convert interviews, podcasts, or other audio recordings into written form quickly and accurately. This not only saves time but also enhances accessibility by providing text-based content for individuals with hearing impairments.

Voice-Controlled Applications: Google Speech to Text can be integrated into various applications to enable voice-controlled functionalities. For example, it can be used in voice assistants or chatbots to process user commands and generate appropriate responses in real-time. This opens up endless possibilities for hands-free interactions and automation.

Data Analysis: Businesses can also leverage Google Speech to Text for data analysis purposes. By converting recorded customer service calls or meetings into text, companies can extract valuable insights through sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, or topic modeling. These insights can inform decision-making processes and help improve customer experiences.

Accessibility Solutions: Google Speech to Text plays a crucial role in making digital content more accessible for individuals with disabilities such as visual impairments or dyslexia. By converting spoken words into written text, it enables these individuals to consume information more effectively and participate fully in the digital world.

IV. Conclusion

Google Speech to Text is an advanced speech recognition technology that has transformed the way we interact with audio content. Its accuracy, speed, and versatility make it an invaluable tool across various industries and applications. Whether you need transcription services, voice-controlled applications, data analysis capabilities, or accessibility solutions – Google Speech to Text is a reliable choice that empowers users with cutting-edge speech-to-text functionality. With its continuous improvements driven by machine learning advancements, we can expect even greater accuracy and efficiency from this remarkable technology in the future.

In summary, Google Speech to Text offers a wide range of possibilities that enhance productivity and accessibility while revolutionizing our relationship with spoken language. Embrace this powerful tool today and unlock its potential in your personal or professional endeavors.

This text was generated using a large language model, and select text has been reviewed and moderated for purposes such as readability.


speech to text how it works

Because differences are our greatest strength

What is text-to-speech technology (TTS)?

speech to text how it works

By The Understood Team

Expert reviewed by Jamie Martin

speech to text how it works

At a glance

Text-to-speech (TTS) technology reads aloud digital text — the words on computers, smartphones, and tablets.

TTS can help people who struggle with reading.

There are TTS tools available for nearly every digital device.

Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud. It’s sometimes called “read aloud” technology.

With a click of a button or the touch of a finger, TTS can take words on a computer or other digital device and convert them into audio. TTS is very helpful for kids and adults who struggle with reading. But it can also help with writing and editing, and even with focusing.

TTS works with nearly every personal digital device, including computers, smartphones, and tablets. All kinds of text files can be read aloud, including Word and Pages documents. Even online web pages can be read aloud.

Dive deeper

How does text-to-speech work.

The voice in TTS is computer-generated, and reading speed can usually be sped up or slowed down. 

Many TTS tools highlight words as they are read aloud. This allows the user to see text and hear it at the same time.

Some TTS tools can also read text aloud from images. For example, a user could take a photo of a street sign on their phone and have the words on the sign turned into audio.

Learn about the different types of TTS built into mobile devices.

The connection to audiobooks

You might be wondering what the connection is between TTS and audiobooks.

TTS is a tool that reads text aloud. An audiobook is a recording of a book read by a human voice (or created by TTS). Sometimes, people say TTS or audiobooks to mean the same thing.

Learn about how your child may be eligible for free audiobooks .

Types of text-to-speech tools

There are many different TTS tools:

Built-in text-to-speech: Many devices have built-in TTS tools . This includes desktop and laptop computers, smartphones, digital tablets, and Chromebooks. 

Web-based tools: Some websites have TTS tools on-site. 

Text-to-speech apps: Users can download TTS apps on smartphones and digital tablets. There are also TTS tools that can be added to web browsers, like Chrome .

Text-to-speech software programs: Many literacy software programs for desktop and laptop computers have TTS.

Find a list of free online assistive technology tools .

How text-to-speech can help kids

Print materials in school — like books and handouts — can create barriers for kids with reading challenges. That’s because some kids struggle with decoding and understanding words on the page. Using digital text with TTS can help.

Since TTS lets kids both see and hear text when reading, it creates a multisensory reading experience. And like audiobooks, TTS won’t slow down the development of kids’ reading skills.

Learn more about how TTS and audiobooks can help with learning to read .

Explore related topics

speech to text how it works

Dictate your documents in Word

Dictation lets you use speech-to-text to author content in Microsoft 365 with a microphone and reliable internet connection. It's a quick and easy way to get your thoughts out, create drafts or outlines, and capture notes. 

Office Dictate Button

Start speaking to see text appear on the screen.

 The dictation feature is only available to  .

How to use dictation

Dictate button

Tip:  You can also start dictation with the keyboard shortcut:  ⌥ (Option) + F1.

Dictation activated

Learn more about using dictation in Word on the web and mobile

Dictate your documents in Word for the web

Dictate your documents in Word Mobile

What can I say?

In addition to dictating your content, you can speak commands to add punctuation, navigate around the page, and enter special characters.

You can see the commands in any supported language by going to  Available languages . These are the commands for English.






new line




" "



' '

( )

[ ]

{ }

Navigation and Selection

Creating lists

Adding comments.

Dictation commands























< >









Available languages

Select from the list below to see commands available in each of the supported languages.

  • Select your language

Arabic (Bahrain)

Arabic (Egypt)

Arabic (Saudi Arabia)

Croatian (Croatia)

Gujarati (India)

  • Hebrew (Israel)
  • Hungarian (Hungary)
  • Irish (Ireland)

Marathi (India)

  • Polish (Poland)
  • Romanian (Romania)
  • Russian (Russia)
  • Slovenian (Slovenia)

Tamil (India)

Telugu (India)

  • Thai (Thailand)
  • Vietnamese (Vietnam)

More Information

Spoken languages supported.

By default, Dictation is set to your document language in Microsoft 365.

We are actively working to improve these languages and add more locales and languages.

Supported Languages

Chinese (China)

English (Australia)

English (Canada)

English (India)

English (United Kingdom)

English (United States)

French (Canada)

French (France)

German (Germany)

Italian (Italy)

Portuguese (Brazil)

Spanish (Spain)

Spanish (Mexico)

Preview languages *

Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong)

Chinese (Taiwan)

Dutch (Netherlands)

English (New Zealand)

Norwegian (Bokmål)

Portuguese (Portugal)

Swedish (Sweden)

Turkish (Turkey)

* Preview Languages may have lower accuracy or limited punctuation support.

Dictation settings

Click on the gear icon to see the available settings.

Dictation in Word for the Web Settings

Spoken Language:  View and change languages in the drop-down

Microphone: View and change your microphone

Auto Punctuation:  Toggle the checkmark on or off, if it's available for the language chosen

Profanity filter:  Mask potentially sensitive phrases with ***

Tips for using Dictation

Saying “ delete ” by itself removes the last word or punctuation before the cursor.

Saying “ delete that ” removes the last spoken utterance.

You can bold, italicize, underline, or strikethrough a word or phrase. An example would be dictating “review by tomorrow at 5PM”, then saying “ bold tomorrow ” which would leave you with "review by tomorrow at 5PM"

Try phrases like “ bold last word ” or “ underline last sentence .”

Saying “ add comment look at this tomorrow ” will insert a new comment with the text “Look at this tomorrow” inside it.

Saying “ add comment ” by itself will create a blank comment box you where you can type a comment.

To resume dictation, please use the keyboard shortcut ALT + `  or press the Mic icon in the floating dictation menu.

Markings may appear under words with alternates we may have misheard.

If the marked word is already correct, you can select  Ignore .

Dictate Suggestions

This service does not store your audio data or transcribed text.

Your speech utterances will be sent to Microsoft and used only to provide you with text results.

For more information about experiences that analyze your content, see Connected Experiences in Microsoft 365 .


Can't find the dictate button.

If you can't see the button to start dictation:

Make sure you're signed in with an active Microsoft 365 subscription

Dictate is not available in Office 2016 or 2019 for Windows without Microsoft 365

Make sure you have Windows 10 or above

Dictate button is grayed out

If you see the dictate button is grayed out

Make sure the note is not in a Read-Only state.

Microphone doesn't have access

If you see "We don’t have access to your microphone":

Make sure no other application or web page is using the microphone and try again

Refresh, click on Dictate, and give permission for the browser to access the microphone

Microphone isn't working

If you see "There is a problem with your microphone" or "We can’t detect your microphone":

Make sure the microphone is plugged in

Test the microphone to make sure it's working

Check the microphone settings in Control Panel

Also see How to set up and test microphones in Windows

On a Surface running Windows 10: Adjust microphone settings

Dictation can't hear you

If you see "Dictation can't hear you" or if nothing appears on the screen as you dictate:

Make sure your microphone is not muted

Adjust the input level of your microphone

Move to a quieter location

If using a built-in mic, consider trying again with a headset or external mic

Accuracy issues or missed words

If you see a lot of incorrect words being output or missed words:

Make sure you're on a fast and reliable internet connection

Avoid or eliminate background noise that may interfere with your voice

Try speaking more deliberately

Check to see if the microphone you are using needs to be upgraded


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The 9 Best Speech-to-Text Software in 2024 (Ranked)

speech to text how it works

You talkin' to me? Well, your words just got a whole lot more powerful. 

Today, we're talking about speech-to-text software that's got your back when you want to get those thoughts from your mouth to the page. 

(All without having to use your mammalian digits — what is this, 1985?)

We’ll cover: 

  • What is speech-to-text software? 
  • The best 9 in the business
  • What should you look for in speech-to-text
  • Common-use cases for speech-to-text 

Best practices for speech-to-text tools

  • A detailed breakdown of the best 9 tools

Let’s get started!

What is speech-to-text software?

Speech-to-text software is like having your own personal secretary who listens to the words you speak and instantly writes them down. Instead of typing everything out on your keyboard, you can just open your mouth and get talking. 

This type of software uses fancy AI with natural language processing (NLP) to translate your speech into text on the screen.

Pretty neat, huh? With speech recognition software, you can compose emails, write essays, fill out forms, update social media, and much, much more — just by talking. 

The options today are very advanced compared to even a few years ago. Many are over 95% accurate, can translate multiple languages, adapt to your voice and vocabulary over time, and some even come with voice commands so you can edit, punctuate, and format using speech alone. 

The best 9 speech-to-text software tools

Looking for the shortlist version? We’ve got your back: 

  • Lindy : Lindy is an all-purpose AI-powered virtual army with 99%+ accuracy speech-to-text recognition, effortlessly turning your spoken words into text. ‍
  • Otter.ai : Otter Voice Notes is your go-to for effortless transcription of lectures, meetings, or important audio across Android and computers. ‍
  • Apple Dictation : Apple Dictation provides a hands-free way to dictate text for messages, social media, or web searches on your iOS device. ‍
  • Just Press Record : Just Press Record is a no-frills solution for easy recording of lectures, interviews, or meetings, offering offline transcription. ‍
  • Windows 10 Speech Recognition : Control your Windows 10 computer and Cortana with your voice using the built-in speech recognition. ‍
  • IBM Speech to Text : IBM Speech to Text offers powerful and customizable transcription that works seamlessly across multiple devices. ‍
  • Speechnotes Pro : Speechnotes Pro is the perfect note-taking companion for students and professionals, allowing you to type, dictate, record, and sync with OneNote. ‍
  • Transcribe : Transcribe provides a well-rounded speech-to-text experience with timed recordings, transcription tools, and cloud storage for easy access. ‍
  • Braina Pro : Braina Pro delivers versatile voice control across various apps, along with a scheduler, memo manager, and other useful tools.

What should you look for in speech-to-text software? 

When evaluating speech-to-text tools, accuracy is obviously priority numero uno.  

Otherwise, do you really want to end up with a document that says, “Explode my client list” when you actually said, “Export my client list”?

  • Versatility matters. Can your software roll with the punches? We looked for speech-to-text tools that play nicely with different apps, systems, and whatever curveballs life throws at them. ‍
  • Don't make me think too hard. Nobody wants to wrestle with a complicated interface. All the options here are easy to use — even your tech-challenged great-grandma could figure them out. ‍
  • Lost in translation? Not here. Most of these tools offer a decent (or seriously impressive) range of languages, so you can go global with your audio creations. ‍
  • Voice commands are awesome and necessary. Imagine telling your software to throw in some commas or capitalize a whole sentence. Dictation power moves, anyone? ‍
  • Accuracy matters more than you think. Typos are the worst. These tools are all top-notch in the accuracy department, so your words come out just the way you intended. ‍
  • Compliance (but in a good way). Looking for a tool that aligns with your professional needs? You’re going to need HIPAA-compliant (or similar) tools if you’re a doctor or therapist, for example. We threw in one of those. 

Common use cases for speech-to-text software

Now you’re probably wondering, “What exactly can I use this for?” 

There are loads of practical use cases for speech-to-text tools:

  • Ditch the keyboard, doc: Medical professionals can streamline note-taking, transcribe patient consultations, and generally save their poor fingers from endless typing. ‍
  • A good time to be a student (except for the debt): No more cramming in frantic note-taking sessions after lectures. You can turn any recording or speech note into text, easy-peasy.  ‍
  • Accessibility win: Speech-to-text tools can also help the hearing impaired by neatly transcribing the contents of speech with very few mistakes.  ‍
  • Go full multitasking: Emails, grocery lists, random ideas... dictate them all while driving, cooking, or folding laundry. ‍
  • Let your author flag fly: Got a brilliant novel idea? Dictate your first draft while pacing around dramatically — it's the writer's way. The best AI-powered software may also pitch in with a few ideas of its own!

So, you’ve decided to give this whole speech-to-text thing a whirl, eh? Before you dive in, there are a few tips to keep in mind to make sure your experience goes as smooth as a Slip N’ Slide. 

  • Don’t speak as if you were talking to a robot. It can be tempting to over-enunciate, but avoid sounding like a robot. Speak clearly, but keep your normal speech rhythm and flow. Take normal pauses — don’t try to cram it all into one breath.  ‍
  • Check before you sign off. Most tools will give you a chance to review and edit the text before saving it. Do a quick scan to make sure everything looks right. If it transcribed “anomaly” as “a llama,” you’ll want to catch that. Make minor corrections as needed. The more you review and correct, the more your program will learn your voice and get better at understanding you. ‍
  • Use shorter voice commands. Many speech-to-text tools offer voice commands to help you navigate and edit your work. Get familiar with options like “start over,” “delete that,” “comma,” “period,” “new paragraph,” and “undo.” Using voice commands will save you time and frustration compared to manually correcting the text.
  • Learn how to punctuate out loud. It can feel silly at first, but say things like “period,” “question mark,” “exclamation point” and “comma” to properly punctuate your work. Your tool may allow for shortcut commands like “period, space” to end a sentence with proper spacing. If you don’t punctuate as you go, you’ll end up with a wall of text and have to go back and edit it all in. The best tools can add punctuation on their own, though you’ll have to review their input. 

speech to text how it works

Lindy is not just a speech-to-text tool, it’s the overall best AI assistant tool out there. ‍

Whether you're drafting emails, brainstorming ideas, or just need a break from the keyboard, Lindy can take a huge load off your back: 

  • Over 99% accuracy: Lindy's AI engine is trained to understand natural language, minimizing those frustrating typos and misheard words — even if you’ve got an accent or speak in complex professional lingo. ‍
  • It plays well with other tools: Works hand-in-hand with your favorite text editors, note-taking apps, and over 3000 productivity tools — no clunky workarounds required. ‍
  • Supports 50+ languages: And you may be thinking “I have a difficult accent.” Not an issue with Lindy. ‍
  • A time-saving miracle: Dictating is often way faster than typing, so you can get your thoughts down quickly and efficiently — potentially getting back hours every day. ‍
  • Learns as you go: Lindy adapts to your unique speech patterns and vocabulary over time, improving accuracy with every use. ‍
  • Safe and secure? Yes! If you’re a medical professional, Lindy has HIPAA and PIPEDA compliance to keep patient information under lock and key.  ‍
  • More than just talk-to-text: Lindy can generate summaries of your dictations, helping you quickly grasp the main takeaways without replaying everything. ‍
  • Infinite potential: Lindy is an all-purpose tool that allows you to create “Lindies,” each tailored to a different task. The best part? These Lindies can talk to themselves. Imagine one summarizing your meetings while connecting with a scheduler Lindy, and automatically making a follow-up meeting!
  • Try out the 7-day free trial and then it’s just $49/mo . 

Let's be real: This is only just a tiny use-case for Lindy, which excels at creating an army of interconnected AI assistants that can handle… well, just about anything you throw at them, really. 

#2 Otter.ai

speech to text how it works

Otter Voice Notes shines when you need to record lectures, meetings, or other important audio, then get it transcribed effortlessly.

  • Audio recording and easy transcription ‍
  • Works on Android devices and computers for cross-platform use ‍
  • Basic (Free): Limited minutes and features ‍
  • Pro ($8.33 per month billed annually): Increased minutes, custom vocabulary, and more ‍
  • Business (Contact for quote) : Collaboration features for teams

Things to keep in mind:

The free version might have limitations for heavy users.

#3 Apple Dictation

speech to text how it works

Apple Dictation is the built-in solution for iOS users who want to dictate text for messages, social media, or web searches.

  • Hands-free control of your iOS device ‍
  • Works with Siri for even more voice commands ‍
  • Free (included with iOS devices) ‍
  • Limited to Apple devices only

#4 Just Press Record

speech to text how it works

Need a no-frills solution for recording lectures, interviews, or meetings? Just Press Record does exactly what it says.

  • Easy one-button recording ‍
  • Offline transcription ‍
  • Adjustable playback speeds for review ‍
  • One-time purchase of $4.99 ‍

Might lack features for users needing advanced transcription options.

#5 Windows 10 Speech Recognition

speech to text how it works

Windows 10 comes with built-in speech recognition , letting you control your computer with your voice.

  • Works with Cortana for extended commands ‍
  • Control your Windows device hands-free ‍
  • No additional software to install ‍
  • Free (included with Windows 10)

Accuracy may vary based on your hardware and accent.

#6 IBM Speech-to-Text

speech to text how it works

IBM Speech to Text is a powerful solution for those who need accurate and versatile transcription. It boasts features for customization and works seamlessly across devices.

  • Accurate transcription with customizable models ‍
  • Works across multiple devices for flexibility ‍
  • Lite (Free): Limited usage ‍
  • Standard ($0.02 per minute): Increased limits and features ‍
  • Custom plans available for enterprise needs ‍
  • Pricing is usage-based, so costs can vary

#7 Speechnotes Pro

speech to text how it works

Speechnotes Pro is designed with students and professionals in mind, offering a robust note-taking experience with seamless integration.

  • Type, dictate, and record all within the app ‍
  • Syncs with OneNote for streamlined organization ‍
  • Offers both online and offline functionality ‍
  • One-time purchase (price varies slightly by platform)

Might require some setup for optimal OneNote integration.

#8 Transcribe 

speech to text how it works

Transcribe is great at providing a well-rounded speech-to-text experience with helpful tools and cloud integration.

  • Timed recordings for easy reference ‍
  • Transcription tools for editing and accuracy ‍
  • Cloud storage for cross-device access
  • Subscription options (weekly, monthly, yearly) ‍
  • May offer a free trial period

Subscription-based pricing could be a factor for some users.

#9 Braina Pro

speech to text how it works

Braina Pro offers versatile speech recognition, giving you voice control across various apps.

  • Works with text, video, and photo apps ‍
  • Includes a scheduler, memo manager, and other useful tools ‍
  • Lifetime license: $79 ‍
  • Annual license: $49

Might have a steeper learning curve than simpler options.

And there you have it, folks — the best speech-to-text software options for 2024.  

Whether you're a student trying to take notes hands-free, a blogger pumping out articles at light speed, or an entrepreneur building a business without lifting a finger, these tools have got you covered. 

AI is rapidly advancing on its way to perfection, and these speech-to-text apps are only getting smarter, faster, and more accurate. 

Take Lindy for a spin with a 7-day free trial.

speech to text how it works

Your AI Medical Scribe.

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Tushar Jain

  • June 25, 2024

An Ultimate Guide to Speech to Text Analytics

Speech-to-text analytics help you get valuable insights from your contact center agents’ conversations with customers. Learn everything you should know about this technology.

Speech To Text Analytics

On this page

Call centers handle anywhere from 100 to 1,000 calls every day. 

As a result, they handle a large amount of data on customer interactions, which is incredibly difficult to access, analyze, and convert into meaningful information. 

This challenge arises due to unclean or incomplete data, data spread across multiple platforms, and a lack of clarity on key metrics.

What if there was a solution that could help you understand not just the words your customers say, but the emotions behind them, the hidden patterns in their speech, and their true needs? 

This isn’t science fiction; it’s the magic of speech analytics.

Speech to text analytics helps you extract useful information from recorded customer interactions so you can better understand their needs and provide quality assurance. . 

Read on to learn in-depth about this avant-garde technology, how it works, its benefits – along with the best speech to text analytics software.

Upload a call

A. What is speech-to-text technology, and how does it work?

speech-to-text technology

Speech-to-text analytics, also called voice analytics or speech analytics, is a technology that converts spoken words from customer interactions into text.

It’s evolved to not just transcribe conversations but also understand the meanings and emotions conveyed. 

This technology is especially useful for businesses and call centers that handle large volumes of spoken information. 

Speech-to-text analytics uses voice recognition, natural language processing, and AI to help organizations more effectively analyze customer needs, preferences, and behaviors. 

This allows businesses to improve customer experiences by gaining valuable insights from recorded calls, both in real-time and historically.

Here’s a simple breakdown of how it works:

  • Gathering audio conversations : The first step is collecting audio data, which can come from phone calls, VoIP streams, or other recording systems.
  • Speech recognition : The audio data is then processed by speech recognition software, which converts the spoken words into text. This software can handle multiple languages and dialects, making it versatile for global use.
  • Natural language processing (NLP) : Once the speech is transcribed into text, NLP technology steps in to understand the meaning behind the words. This involves analyzing the text for emotions, keywords, phrases, and even the overall customer sentiment of the conversation.
  • Analysis : The transcribed and processed text is then analyzed to extract valuable insights. This can include identifying common issues, recognizing trends, and measuring customer satisfaction. The analysis can be real-time, providing instant feedback to agents, or historical, helping to improve future interactions.
  • Results : Finally, the insights gained from the analysis are used to improve business operations. For example, managers can use this information to better train agents, address recurring problems proactively, and enhance the overall customer experience.

B. Benefits of speech-to-text analytics

Benefits of speech-to-text analytics

speech-to-text analytics offers several benefits that can significantly enhance customer service operations:

1. Enhanced customer understanding

  • Real-time analysis: Speech analytics tools capture and analyze customer conversations as they happen. This provides immediate insights into customer needs, preferences, and behaviors.
  • Behavioral insights: By analyzing customers’ actual words, tone of voice, and sentiment, businesses gain a nuanced understanding of their emotions and intentions.
  • Actionable data: This real-time understanding allows businesses to respond promptly and appropriately to customer queries and issues, enhancing overall customer satisfaction .

2. Improved customer satisfaction

  • Accurate sentiment analysis : Speech analytics tools analyze the tone and sentiment of customer interactions. This helps businesses gauge customer satisfaction levels accurately.
  • Personalized interactions : With insights into customer preferences and past interactions, businesses can personalize their responses and offerings, making customers feel valued and understood.
  • Quicker issue resolution : By identifying key customer concerns in real time, businesses can address problems swiftly, leading to higher satisfaction rates and improved loyalty.

3. Enhanced agent performance

  • Performance metrics : Speech analytics tools track vital metrics such as average handling times , script adherence, and customer satisfaction scores.
  • Coaching and training : AI-powered analytics provide actionable feedback to agents based on their interactions. This helps identify areas for improvement and optimize performance.
  • Consistency in service : Speech analytics contribute to maintaining consistent service quality across all customer interactions by ensuring agents follow best practices and providing real-time guidance.

4. Operational efficiency

  • Process optimization : Insights from speech analytics identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in customer service processes.
  • Resource allocation : Businesses can optimize staffing levels and allocate resources more effectively based on real-time demand and interaction patterns.
  • Improved response times : By streamlining workflows and automating routine tasks, businesses can reduce response times and enhance overall service delivery efficiency.

5. Cost reduction

  • Minimize callbacks : Speech analytics reduce the need for costly callbacks by resolving issues more effectively during the first interaction.
  • Optimize channel usage : Identifying trends in customer preferences allows businesses to direct queries to more cost-effective channels, such as self-service options, reducing operational costs.
  • Efficiency in operations : Streamlining processes and optimizing resource allocation leads to overall cost savings in customer service operations.

6. Compliance and risk mitigation

  • Regulatory compliance : Real-time monitoring of customer interactions ensures adherence to legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Risk identification : Speech analytics tools flag potential compliance issues or risks during interactions, allowing businesses to mitigate legal and reputational risks proactively.
  • Data privacy : Tools like redaction features ensure sensitive information is handled appropriately, minimizing the risk of data breaches and ensuring customer privacy.

7. Revenue generation

  • Identify sales opportunities : Insights from speech analytics reveal customer preferences, buying patterns, and interests, enabling targeted upselling and cross-selling opportunities.
  • Optimized marketing strategies : Businesses can tailor marketing campaigns based on customer insights, maximizing the effectiveness of their outreach efforts.
  • Customer retention : By better understanding customer needs, businesses can improve customer retention rates and foster long-term customer loyalty, ultimately driving revenue growth.

C. Choose the best speech-to-text analytics software – Enthu.AI

Are you searching for a speech analytics tool that offers unparalleled flexibility and powerful insights tailored for contact centers and sales teams? Look no further than Enthu.AI.

Unlike other platforms, Enthu.AI offers unmatched flexibility right from the start.

You can begin without any annual commitment, ensuring you have the freedom to scale up or down as needed without being tied down by long-term contracts.

Enthu.AI excels at simplifying the complex process of speech-to-text analytics.

It captures 100% of your voice calls and swiftly transcribes them into actionable insights. 

Whether you’re focused on enhancing agent performance , identifying sales coaching opportunities, or gaining deeper customer insights, Enthu.AI empowers your team with comprehensive tools designed for contact centers and sales teams.

Call analysis

Enthu.AI is one of the most advanced speech-to-text analytics analytics tools for call centers due for several key reasons:

  • Comprehensive call coverage : Enthu.AI captures and transcribes 100% of voice calls, ensuring no interaction is missed. This extensive coverage provides a detailed view of customer-agent conversations.
  • Meaningful insights : It analyzes call transcriptions to extract valuable insights, such as important call moments, agent performance trends, coaching opportunities, and deeper customer insights. This helps enhance overall service quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Flexibility and scalability : Unlike other platforms, Enthu.AI does not require an annual commitment or minimum agent commitment. This flexibility allows businesses to start small and scale as needed without contractual obligations, making it cost-effective and adaptable.
  • Ease of use : Enthu.AI is designed for easy adoption, with unlimited onboarding support provided. It simplifies sales call monitoring , sales training and coaching processes, ensuring that teams can leverage their capabilities effectively from the start.
  • Cloud-based solution : Being a cloud-based SaaS platform , Enthu.AI offers accessibility from anywhere and eliminates the need for complex infrastructure. This makes it convenient for remote teams and integrates seamlessly into existing workflows.

D. Future trends in speech-to-text analytics

In the near future, speech-to-text analytics is set to advance significantly, bringing several key trends:

1. Advanced AI and machine learning

As AI and machine learning technologies improve, speech-to-text analytics will become more powerful. 

This means businesses can expect deeper customer insights and more personalized experiences based on sophisticated speech patterns and sentiment analysis.

Advanced AI and machine learning

2. Omnichannel data integration

With customers interacting across multiple channels like calls, emails, chats, and social media, there’s a growing need to unify these interactions. Future speech-to-text analytics will bridge these channels, converting spoken conversations into unified text data. 

This holistic view will enable businesses to understand the complete customer journey and enhance omnichannel experiences.

3. Focus on customer emotions

Beyond sentiment analysis, future analytics will explore specific customer emotions. Natural language processing (NLP) and advanced machine learning models will help recognize subtle emotional cues such as frustration, excitement, or disappointment. 

This emotional understanding will enable businesses to respond more empathetically and effectively to customer needs.

Focus on customer emotions

4. Ethical and responsible use

As speech analytics technology evolves, there will be a heightened focus on data privacy and ethical use.

 Businesses will need to ensure compliance with data regulations and implement safeguards to protect customer information, building trust and confidence among consumers.

5. Expanded use cases

Speech recognition technology will expand beyond contact centers into marketing and product development. 

Insights gleaned from customer interactions will inform product innovations and targeted marketing campaigns, aligning offerings with customer preferences and demands.

Expanded use cases

The global market for speech analytics reached approximately USD 1.36 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.2% from 2024 to 2032, reaching USD 3.24 billion by the end of the forecast period.

To stay competitive, it’s crucial to adopt speech analytics swiftly and effectively.

Enthu.AI offers a robust solution powered by advanced AI, NLP, and speech recognition technologies.

Businesses can enhance operational efficiency, service quality, and customer support by integrating speech analytics. 

Choosing the right technology solution, such as Enthu.AI’s speech-to-text analysis, enables organizations to convert voice to text for easy quality assessment.

Start leveraging Enthu.AI today to gain comprehensive insights into customer behavior and elevate your overall customer experience.

1. What is Speech-to-Text analytics?

Speech-to-text analytics converts spoken words from audio interactions into text, enabling analysis of customer conversations and insights extraction.

2. What is a speech analytics tool?

A speech analytics tool processes and analyzes spoken language data, helping organizations understand customer sentiments, behaviors, and needs from recorded interactions.

3. What is Speech-to-Text used for?

Speech-to-text technology improves customer service by analyzing and deriving insights from customer interactions, enhancing operational efficiency, and facilitating personalized customer experiences.

Book a demo

Tushar Jain is the co-founder and CEO at Enthu.AI. Tushar brings more than 15 years of leadership experience across contact center & sales function, including 5 years of experience building contact center specific SaaS solutions.

You can find Tushar Jain on Twitter & LinkedIn

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Speech To Text Analytics

What is Post Call Analysis in a 2024 Contact Center?

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Speech to Text Converter (Transcript / Captcha) avatar

3 days trial then $25.00 /month - No credit card required now

Speech to Text Converter (Transcript / Captcha)

Speech to Text Converter (Transcript / Captcha)

Transform audio records to text. Get transcription from sales or customer success teams audio files. Get Captcha text from captcha audio challenge. Speech to text converter helps you analyse, build KPI with audio records and bypass captcha.

Tranform audio records to text.

Included features

  • Base64 audio to text
  • Url audio to text
  • Multiple languages supported

How it works

Provide one of the 2 types of inputs and get text in return as output

Local file to base64

To provide a local file as input, you can use https://base64.guru/converter/encode/audio and get a base64 format string. Paste the generated base64 string as input

Types of input

url : For exemple https://www.lightbulblanguages.co.uk/resources/audio/jacquesadit.mp3

base64 : Use https://base64.guru/converter/encode/audio and provide the generated base64 as input for the Apify Actor


  • 1 monthly user
  • Created in Jun 2024
  • Modified 1 day ago

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Instagram Reel Scraper

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How to Use Discord Text to Speech


By Shivam Aggarwal

Marketing, Content & Video editor

Updated on Jun 26, 2024


What is discord text to speech, how does discord tts work, 1. accessibility improvements, 2. enhanced engagement, 3. fun and creativity, 4. convenience and multitasking, 5. practical benefits for different users, setting up discord text to speech, enabling tts on discord, sending tts messages, customizing tts notifications, adjusting speech rate, best practices for sending tts messages, 1. tts not working, 2. tts not reading messages aloud, 3. tts only working for some users, 4. voice quality issues, other tips for smooth tts operation, why choose fliki for discord text to speech, key features of fliki text to speech, advantages of using fliki for discord tts.

Did you know that the Text-to-Speech (TTS) market is estimated to reach a staggering USD 7,170,000,000 by 2029 ? This rapid growth underscores TTS technology's increasing popularity and utility across various platforms, including Discord. For gamers, streamers, and community managers, Discord text to speech is a game-changer, enhancing communication and accessibility like never before.

Market Snapshot - Text-to-Speech Market

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Discord, a leading app for gamers and streamers, offers a built-in TTS feature that allows users to effortlessly convert text messages into voice messages. This functionality not only improves accessibility for users with reading difficulties but also adds a fun, interactive element to conversations. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into Discord text to speech, exploring its features, how to set it up, best practices, and troubleshooting tips to ensure you get the most out of this powerful tool.

Understanding Discord Text to Speech

Discord text to speech (TTS) is an assistive technology feature that reads text messages aloud, enhancing communication within the platform. This feature mainly benefits users with visual impairments, reading difficulties, or language barriers, making Discord more accessible and inclusive.

The TTS functionality in Discord allows users to send messages read aloud by a bot. Here's a closer look at how it operates:

Command-Based Activation: Users activate TTS by typing the /tts command and their message. For example, typing /tts Hello, everyone! will make the bot read "Hello, everyone!" aloud.

Platform-Specific Voices: The voice that reads the message depends on the system's default settings. Different platforms like Mac, Windows, and web browsers (Chrome and Firefox) use different TTS voices, creating varied auditory experiences.

Whether you're a gamer, a streamer, or a community manager, TTS is a powerful tool that can make your interactions more accessible and engaging.

Benefits of Using Discord Text to Speech

The Discord text to speech (TTS) feature is not just a novelty; it offers several practical benefits that can enhance your overall Discord experience. From improving accessibility to adding fun to your interactions, here's why you should consider using TTS on Discord.

One of the primary benefits of Discord TTS is its ability to make messages more accessible to everyone. Here's how:

Assists Users with Visual Impairments: TTS reads messages aloud, helping visually impaired users engage in conversations without reading the text.

Supports Users with Reading Difficulties: For those who struggle with reading, TTS offers an easier way to follow along and participate in discussions.

Language Barriers: TTS can help bridge language gaps by providing clear, audible messages that are easier to understand than written text.

TTS can significantly boost engagement within your Discord community:

Interactive Streams and Gaming Sessions: Streamers and gamers can use TTS to interact with their audience in real time, making sessions more dynamic and engaging.

Real-Time Communication: TTS allows for hands-free communication, enabling users to listen to messages while focusing on other tasks, such as gaming or streaming.

Using TTS can add a playful and creative element to your interactions on Discord:

Voice Bots and Custom Messages: TTS allows you to use various voice bots, adding a humorous or entertaining twist to your messages.

Creative Announcements: Make announcements or share updates in a unique way that captures attention and entertains your audience.

TTS offers a convenient way to manage your communication on Discord:

Hands-Free Operation: Listen to messages while multitasking, especially during gaming or managing multiple tasks.

Efficient Message Consumption: Quickly catch up on messages without reading through long threads.

Gamers: Enhance in-game communication and coordination without having to type.

Streamers: Engage with viewers more effectively, making streams more interactive and enjoyable.

Community Managers: Manage and moderate large groups more efficiently by staying on top of messages and announcements.

Overall, using TTS on Discord can enhance the user experience by making communication more accessible, engaging, and convenient. Whether you're looking to support members of your community with accessibility needs or add a fun twist to your conversations, Discord TTS can help.

How to Enable and Use TTS on Discord

Getting started with Discord text-to-speech (TTS) is straightforward. Follow these steps to enable and use the Discord TTS feature:

To enable TTS on Discord, follow these simple steps:

Open User Settings: Click the gear icon at the bottom-left corner of the Discord app.

Navigate to ‘Accessibility': Under 'App Settings,' find and click on 'Accessibility.'

Enable TTS: Scroll down to find the 'Allow playback and usage of /tts command' option. Toggle this option on to enable TTS.

Discord settings toggle to allow playback and usage of the /tts command

Once TTS is enabled, you can start sending messages that are read aloud by the bot. Here's how to do it:

Using the /tts Command:

Type /tts followed by your message in the chat.

Example: Typing "/tts Hello everyone!" will make the bot read “{Your name} said Hello everyone!" aloud.

Discord message interface showing the '/tts message Hello everyone!' command

Discord allows you to customize how and when TTS messages are delivered. Here's how to set up TTS notifications:

Open Notification Settings

Click the gear icon at the bottom-left to open settings.

Navigate to 'Notifications' under 'App Settings.'

Configure TTS Notifications

For All Channels: Enable this to have all messages read aloud across all channels.

For Current Selected Channel: Enable this to have TTS messages read aloud only in the current channel.

Never: Select this to turn off TTS notifications entirely.

Discord settings for Text-to-Speech notifications with options for all channels, current selected channel, or never

You can also adjust the speed at which TTS reads messages:

Navigate to Accessibility Settings: Go to User Settings and select 'Accessibility' under 'App Settings.'

Set the Speech Rate: Find the 'Text to Speech rate' setting and adjust the slider to your preferred speed.

Discord settings for Text-to-Speech rate slider with a Preview button, set to x1

Be Respectful: Avoid spamming TTS messages, as it can be disruptive to other users.

Stay Relevant: Use TTS for important or relevant messages to enhance communication without annoying.

Troubleshooting Common TTS Issues on Discord

While the Discord text-to-speech (TTS) feature is handy, you might occasionally encounter issues. Here's how to troubleshoot and resolve common TTS problems to ensure a smooth experience.

If TTS isn't working, follow these steps to troubleshoot:

Check TTS Settings: Ensure that the TTS feature is enabled. Go to User Settings > Text & Images and make sure 'Allow playback and usage of /tts command' is toggled on.

Verify Notification Settings: Confirm that TTS notifications are correctly configured. Go to User Settings > Notifications and check the TTS notification settings. Select 'For all channels' or 'For the currently selected channel' to enable TTS notifications.

If TTS is enabled but not reading messages, consider these troubleshooting tips:

Check Volume Settings: Make sure your device's volume is turned up and not muted. Verify Discord's volume settings by clicking the gear icon > Voice & Video settings.

Review System Voice Settings: Ensure that your system's default TTS voice is set up correctly. For Windows, go to Settings > Ease of Access > Narrator. For Mac, go to System Preferences > Accessibility > Speech.

Test with Different Channels: Try using TTS in different channels to determine if the issue is specific to one channel or server.

If TTS works for some users but not others, here's what to do:

Check User Permissions: Ensure that the users experiencing issues have the correct permissions. Server admins might need to adjust roles and permissions settings.

Review Individual Settings: Ask users to verify their own TTS settings. They should ensure that TTS notifications are enabled and that their device settings support TTS.

If the TTS voice sounds distorted or unclear, try these steps:

Adjust Speech Rate: Go to User Settings > Accessibility and adjust the 'Text to Speech rate' to find a clearer voice speed.

Test Different Voices: Depending on your system, switch between different TTS voices to find one that sounds clearer. This can be done through system settings on Windows and Mac.

Clear Discord Cache and Data : Sometimes, cached data can cause issues. Clearing Discord's cache can help resolve these problems.

Reinstall Discord : If all else fails, uninstall and reinstall Discord to ensure a fresh installation without any corrupted files.

Stay Updated : Regularly update Discord and your operating system to benefit from the latest fixes and improvements.

Contact Support : If you've tried everything and TTS still doesn't work, contact Discord Support for further assistance.

Following these troubleshooting steps, you can quickly resolve any issues with Discord text to speech , ensuring a seamless and enjoyable communication experience on the platform.

Fliki Text to Speech: A Superior & Free Alternative for Discord Users

While Discord's built-in TTS feature is functional, Fliki free text to speech offers advanced capabilities that significantly enhance the user experience. Fliki, an AI-powered text-to-speech and text-to-video platform, provides superior voice quality and customization options, making it an excellent alternative for Discord users.

speech to text how it works

Fliki boasts a range of features that set it apart from standard TTS solutions. Here's why you should consider using Fliki for your Discord TTS needs:

Realistic Voices: Fliki offers over 2000 realistic voices in 75+ languages with 100+ accents. This lets you choose a voice that best suits your preferences and needs.

Voice Cloning Technology: With Fliki's voice cloning technology, you can create a digital replica of your voice. This feature adds a personal touch to your TTS messages, making them sound more authentic and engaging.

Built-in Translation: Fliki's built-in translation feature allows you to generate TTS in 75+ languages. This is particularly useful for communicating with international audiences or friends who speak different languages.

Adjust Pitch, Tone, and Emotions: Modify the pitch and tone of the generated audio to convey the intended emotion better. Whether you want a cheerful, serious, or neutral tone, Fliki can adapt to your needs.

Add Pauses: Insert pauses in your TTS messages for more natural and clear speech patterns. This feature helps in creating a more lifelike and understandable voice output.

Enhanced Quality: Fliki's advanced AI generates high-quality, natural-sounding voices that are more pleasant to listen to than Discord's native TTS.

Personalization: The ability to clone your voice and adjust audio settings allows for a highly personalized communication experience.

Language Versatility: Fliki's translation capabilities make it easy to communicate across language barriers, broadening your reach and engagement on Discord.

By using Fliki text-to-speech , you can stand out on Discord with better-quality voices, a personalized touch, and multilingual capabilities, enhancing your overall communication experience.

The Discord text to speech feature is a powerful tool that enhances communication, accessibility, and user engagement on the platform. Whether you're a gamer, streamer, or part of a large community, TTS allows you to interact creatively and inclusively. By enabling TTS, you can listen to messages, make your streams more engaging, and ensure that everyone in your community can participate fully.

However, Fliki text-to-speech stands out as a superior alternative for those seeking even more advanced capabilities. It offers personalization and quality that surpasses Discord's native TTS. The ability to adjust pitch, tone, and emotions, along with built-in translation features, makes Fliki an ideal choice for users who want to elevate their TTS experience.

Yes, Discord still supports text-to-speech, allowing users to send messages that are read aloud using the /tts command.

To enable Discord text-to-speech, go to User Settings > Accessibility, and toggle on 'Allow playback and usage of /tts command'.

No, TTS was not removed from Discord. The text-to-speech feature is still available for users who enable it in their settings.

Yes, there are several third-party text-to-speech bots available for Discord that offer enhanced TTS features beyond the built-in functionality.

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Discover the top 10 Text to Speech software for YouTube in 2024. Learn the importance of using quality TTS and how to enhance the quality of your YouTube videos with AI tools.

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    Speech-to-text, also called speech recognition, is the process of transcribing audio into text in almost real time. It does this by using linguistic algorithms to sort auditory signals and convert them into words, which are then displayed as Unicode characters. These characters can be consumed, displayed, and acted upon by external applications ...

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    You may hear it referred to as "speech-to-text," "voice-to-text," "voice recognition," or "speech recognition" technology. It allows users to write with their voices, instead of writing by hand or with a keyboard. This can be helpful for people with dysgraphia, dyslexia, and other learning and thinking differences that impact ...

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    Dragon Professional. $699.00 at Nuance. See It. Dragon is one of the most sophisticated speech-to-text tools. You use it not only to type using your voice but also to operate your computer with ...

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    Simply put, speech recognition technology (otherwise known as speech-to-text or automatic speech recognition) is software that can convert the sound waves of spoken human language into readable text. These programs match sounds to word sequences through a series of steps that include: Pre-processing: may consist of efforts to improve the audio ...

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    Text-to-speech (TTS) technology reads aloud digital text — the words on computers, smartphones, and tablets. TTS can help people who struggle with reading. There are TTS tools available for nearly every digital device. Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud. It's sometimes called "read aloud ...

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    It's a quick and easy way to get your thoughts out, create drafts or outlines, and capture notes. Windows Mac. Open a new or existing document and go to Home > Dictate while signed into Microsoft 365 on a mic-enabled device. Wait for the Dictate button to turn on and start listening. Start speaking to see text appear on the screen.

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    IBM Speech to Text: IBM Speech to Text offers powerful and customizable transcription that works seamlessly across multiple devices. Speechnotes Pro: Speechnotes Pro is the perfect note-taking companion for students and professionals, allowing you to type, dictate, record, and sync with OneNote. Transcribe: Transcribe provides a well-rounded ...

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    Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud. It's sometimes called "read aloud" technology. With a click of a button or the touch of a finger, TTS can take words on a computer or other digital device and convert them into audio. TTS is very helpful for kids who struggle with reading.

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    B. Benefits of speech-to-text analytics. speech-to-text analytics offers several benefits that can significantly enhance customer service operations: 1. Enhanced customer understanding. Real-time analysis: Speech analytics tools capture and analyze customer conversations as they happen. This provides immediate insights into customer needs ...

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    In addition to the speech I made, in front of, I believe, the largest crowd I've ever spoken to, and I will tell you, nobody ever talks about that. They talk about a relatively small number of ...

  26. How to Use Discord Text to Speech

    Discord text to speech (TTS) is an assistive technology feature that reads text messages aloud, enhancing communication within the platform. This feature mainly benefits users with visual impairments, reading difficulties, or language barriers, making Discord more accessible and inclusive.