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sawtooth model assignment

Using Sawtooth model – constant time between purchase orders

This post is the continuation of the How the Sawtooth model works . If you haven’t read it, read it before reading this post.

I mentioned in the previous post that the calculation becomes complicated if the lead time is longer than the time between orders. So I have been asked to write a post about it.

When I refer to purchase orders, I will use the abbreviation PO.

How does the Sawthoosth model with a constant time between PO work?

Let’s assume that we want to deal with new purchase orders once a week or once a month.

Why and who uses it?

Let’s look at an example:

Suppose that we buy bubble gums from our American supplier (and we are not located in the U.S.):

sawtooth model assignment

Average monthly consumption = 1,000 units

We can order  1,000 units once a month or 250 units every week.

Advantages of ordering 1,000 units once a month: The logistics of handling only one order (warehouse, custom, ext.) are four times less than handling four orders. Multiply it by 500 SKU and assume the logistics needed for 500 orders a month vs. 2,000 orders a month.

Advantages of  ordering every week:

Less average stock – The amount of stock moves from 0+ to 250+ and not from 0+ to 1000+ (the plus sign represents the safety stock).

Advantages of less stock – less warehouse space needed, fewer (financial and insurance) inventory costs, less expired stock.

Faster and more flexible response to actual consumption of stock – When we build a PO for 30-45 days ahead, we have to assume the consumption for a long period of time. When we create a weekly PO, we can adjust it to actual consumption. If we have an increase in consumption, we increase the weekly PO. If we have a decrease in consumption, we can order less or skip a week. This method is usually much better for dealing with unstable consumption.

New product version – If we made a change to our product, such as putting more mint in every bubble gum, the consumption of mint might change, and we can respond to it better when working with weekly POs.

How does the model work?

  • We assume that there is something constant, such as the time between POs, which can be a month, a week or two, or even a day.
  • We use inventory days for the calculations, and then we change them back to values (as I explained in the previous post).

Reorder point – this is constant (week, month….)

Target max stock – lead time + safety stock

Current stock – current stock in inventory days

Open PO – The amount of stock we previously ordered and did not receive yet

Order quantity = Target max stock – Current stock – Open PO

(you can download the excel file at the end of the example)

We want to buy cocoa beans from our African supplier:

Lead time = 45 days

Safety stock = 7 days

Time between orders = 10 days (we will build a new PO every 10 days if necessary)

Open PO = 22 inventory days

Current stock = 15 days

Target max stock = 45 days

The last PO was on 1/1/2030

When to place the next order:

Next order date = 1/1/2030 + 10 days = 11/1/2030

Amount to order = 52 -22 – 15 = 15 inventory days

So our next PO will be on 11/1/2030 and contain 15 inventory days.

Check out the excel example that I attach. You can find the model that gives you the amount you should put in your PO. You can have a report exported from your system and get the right amount to order every period. I also added an example of how it works. It is a log that shows how your inventory changes in time and how to find out how much to order every time. The green figures are the consumption I made up, but you can use the file with your data to see a what-if scenario since the rest of the cells are formulas that can fit your scenario.

sawtooth model assignment

Log explanation:

Building PO – That is the reason for this post. We calculate the amount per PO at any given time. Notice that we start at PO number 5 and that there are 4 previous POs.

Actual consumption – the actual stock consumption between the previous line and the following line

Arrival of PO – That is when the PO is received, and the inventory is updated.

My recommendation:

Use the excel simulator to play with the amount of consumed stock (green font). Change the numbers and see how the model corrects itself by changing the amount in the PO and how it affects the stock on hand. To make it easy I made a chart that is also updated in the excel file:

Let’s look at  “open PO” and the “inventory” on a chart:

sawtooth model assignment

  • We can see how the stock stabilizes, although the consumption is not constant.
  • If we get zero or a negative value in the amount of stock to order, don’t send a PO and skip to next week. That way the model keeps adjusting itself to fit the actual consumption. Check the result of the model every X amount of days/weeks/months, and send a PO only when needed.

sawtooth model assignment

This model is not for everybody since it requires precision and many more POs. If you don’t need it, use the classic model .

On the other hand if you work in an environment of dynamic consumption and need to react very quickly and be LESS surprised, this is an excellent model to use.

The benefit of the model is its ability to balance the stock and the open PO. If you react every week instead of every month, you can avoid many shortages or surpluses of stock.

This model is the algorithm that the MRP models use in most ERP systems.

If you fill the field of maximal stock in the MRP system with the maximal stock, both the excel result and the MRP should be very similar.

If you have more questions, ask me.

I would really appreciate it if you added a like to the Planning Master Facebook page so that others could find the posts.

You can email me any questions to:, gal merom at:, [email protected].

You must have practiced a lot to gain a such level of excellent writing.

I’m shocked by the twists and turns. Love this masterpiece!

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Saw-Tooth Inventory Diagram - Meaning & Definition

What is saw-tooth inventory diagram.

Saw-Tooth Inventory diagram is a diagram used to keep track of the inventory of a firm. It shows how the inventory level of a firm varies with time.

sawtooth model assignment

The simplest of the diagram is shown below

Here inventory levels are shown on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. The diagram is used for

• Some basic inventory calculations

• Determining inventory cost

• Illustrating the tradeoffs between inventory cost and order costs

• Illustrating the tradeoffs between inventory cost and transportation costs

• Illustrating the tradeoffs between inventory cost and lost sales

sawtooth model assignment

Here in this diagram it is assumed that the inventory is depleting at a constant rate and no uncertainties are there in demand. The maximum inventory depletes until the new inventory is available and the cycle continues. The diagram is a theoretical guide and practical tool of managing the inventory of a firm. A demand of 100 is kept as a buffer in case of high demand or low supplies. The diagram is also known as stock control chart.

sawtooth model assignment

• Here the inventory is consumed at a constant rate. Now when the inventory reaches the level of 400 units, a new order is placed. This is called the Re-order Point. The new inventory is received at the inventory level of 200 units which is called the buffer stock. The time between the reorder points to the inventory receiving point is called Lead Time. Now the inventory goes to the level of the Lot-Size (The quantity ordered in the lot).

Hence, this concludes the definition of Saw-Tooth Inventory Diagram along with its overview.

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Sawtooth or triangle wave


x = sawtooth( t ) generates a sawtooth wave with period 2 π for the elements of the time array t . sawtooth is similar to the sine function but creates a sawtooth wave with peaks of –1 and 1. The sawtooth wave is defined to be –1 at multiples of 2 π and to increase linearly with time with a slope of 1/ π at all other times.

x = sawtooth( t , xmax ) generates a modified triangle wave with the maximum location at each period controlled by xmax . Set xmax to 0.5 to generate a standard triangle wave.

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50 Hz Sawtooth Wave

Generate 10 periods of a sawtooth wave with a fundamental frequency of 50 Hz. The sample rate is 1 kHz.

sawtooth model assignment

Plot the power spectrum of the wave.

sawtooth model assignment

50 Hz Triangle Wave

Generate 10 periods of a triangle wave with a fundamental frequency of 50 Hz. The sample rate is 1 kHz.

sawtooth model assignment

Input Arguments

T — time array vector | matrix | n -d array.

Time array, specified as a vector, matrix, or N -D array. sawtooth operates along the first array dimension of t with size greater than 1.

Data Types: double

xmax — Wave maximum location 1 (default) | scalar between 0 and 1

Wave maximum location, specified as a scalar between 0 and 1. xmax determines the point between 0 and 2 π at which the wave reaches its maximum. The function increases from –1 to 1 on the interval 0 to 2 π × xmax , then decreases linearly from 1 to –1 on the interval 2 π × xmax to 2 π . The shape then repeats with a period of 2 π .

Example: xmax = 0.5 specifies a standard triangle wave, symmetric about time π with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 1.

Output Arguments

X — sawtooth wave vector | matrix | n -d array.

Sawtooth wave, returned as a vector, matrix, or N -D array.

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Seating Assignment

Curatorial statement.

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Sawtooth School for Visual Art and Salem College, both in Winston–Salem, NC, are proud to present Seating Assignment: Women in Contemporary Chairmaking and Craft Education , an exhibition featuring 15 contemporary women artists who specialize in furniture making and view education as a core component of their practice. The exhibition, on display at Sawtooth’s Eleanor and Egbert Davis Gallery, will open with a reception on Saturday, March 23, 2024, from 5-7 pm and remain on view through Saturday, May 11, 2024.

Seating Assignment features Katie Bister, Christina Boy, Annie Evelyn, Sophie Glenn, Aspen Golann, Elsa Hoffman, Joyce Lin, Wendy Maruyama, Laura Mays, Stacy Motte + Eleanor Rose, Sabiha Mujtaba, Ellie Richards, Janine Wang, and Kimberly Winkle.

The show was curated by Rebecca Juliette-Duex, Sawtooth’s 2023 Gondring Resident in Woodworking, and organized with Rebecca Silberman, Sawtooth’s Director of Operations; Josie Vogel, Sawtooth’s Director of Wood Programs; and Dr. Rosa Otero, Associate Professor of Design at Salem College and curator of the SIDE Chair Library.

Dimensional objects are able to convey deep meaning and offer a tangible connection to the maker and to the history of the object itself. These chairs, collected together in a critical mass under one roof, communicate a presence that speaks not only to the work of the individual, but also to the collective whole of women involved in furniture design and manufacture. The hope is that this exhibition will not only shine light on the work that is being done today and project it into the future, but also reflect that light back in time to the women who were there all along and whose contributions have been forgotten, intentionally or otherwise.

-Rebecca Juliette-Duex, Seating Assignment curator

Sawtooth School for Visual Art and Salem College are located just a few miles from each other in Winston-Salem, NC. At their core, the missions of the two institutions are the same — community focused education. Sawtooth has been a hub for arts education in Winston-Salem for nearly 80 years, offering classes for all ages across many subject areas. Salem College is now in its 252nd year as an institution of higher learning for women, the oldest in the country.

Salem is also home to the Sutton Initiative for Design Education [SIDE] Chair Library. The SIDE Chair Library is a curated collection of almost 50 chairs that are considered historically significant in design and are currently still in production. Salem students and community members can not only visit the library, they are encouraged to interact with the chairs — to sit in them, turn them upside down, measure them, and ponder their construction and materials.

Salem College’s women students, the primary users of this library, are also the least represented by gender and diversity and, as such, have become a driving force for organizing the exhibition. This exhibition is an opportunity to show students that women are creating chairs that celebrate a new way forward; women who are reimagining design to fit their own bodies and who are reconfiguring classic shapes to speak about their own experience in a field where they have been historically excluded, along with those in the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities.

To honor the missions of Sawtooth and Salem College and the communities that they continue to serve, the exhibition primarily features artists whose practices include a strong connection to education. Salem College students are a driving force for organizing the exhibition and there will be opportunity for collaboration between students, artists, and objects. The curatorial team also hopes that the exhibition can inspire the public and illuminate the possibilities within design, seating, and craft.

sawtooth model assignment

Permission to dream.

Read a new essay by Deirdre Visser, commissioned specifically for this exhibition.

Visser is a curator, educator, visual artist, and woodworker. She is also the author of Joinery, Joists and Gender: A History of Woodworking for the 21st Century, the first publication of its kind to survey the long and rich histories of women and gender non-conforming persons who work in wood.

sawtooth model assignment

Browse the Digital Catalog

Click through our digital catalog to see photos of all the works in the exhibition, learn more about the artists in the show and read essays from the show’s curator and curator and author Deirdre Visser.

sawtooth model assignment


International arts magazine Hyperallergic wrote that, “Seating Assignment centers 15 female designers who are pushing the boundaries of the traditional furniture object…The show promises to present a vision that entices viewers to stand and applaud.”


The Furni­ture Society has part­nered with Katie Thomp­son, founder of the Women of Wood­work­ing Project, to present a series of Instagram Live interviews with furniture makers and educa­tors included in the exhi­bi­tion.


• WStoday • WFDD • Forsyth Woman Magazine • The Furniture Society


Themed Mask Making

Themed Mask Making

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Storytelling in the Gallery with Terry

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Sock Puppet Workshop

42766. Log Your Adventure

42766. Log Your Adventure

Colorful Dragon Stick Puppet

Colorful Dragon Stick Puppet

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Printmaking pARTy! | Ages 9-11 | Week 2 AM

Why Knot Try Macrame? | Ages 12-16 | Week 2 AM

Why Knot Try Macrame? | Ages 12-16 | Week 2 AM

Paper Mache Puppet Making

Paper Mache Puppet Making

Puppet storytime in the gallery.

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Visiting Artist: Felted Story Mat Workshop

Floral Flourishes: Illustrating + Painting | Ages 9-11 | Week 3 PM

Floral Flourishes: Illustrating + Painting | Ages 9-11 | Week 3 PM

Paper Art: Roll, Fold, Cut, and Weave  | Ages 9-11 | Week 3 AM

Paper Art: Roll, Fold, Cut, and Weave | Ages 9-11 | Week 3 AM

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42779. Puppet Concertina Book

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Mixed Up Collage: Mixed Media | Ages 9-11 | Week 5 AM

Say Cheese!: Photography + Storytelling | Ages 6-8 | Week 5 PM

Say Cheese!: Photography + Storytelling | Ages 6-8 | Week 5 PM

Tell A Tale: Design + Create an Illustrated Book | Ages 12-16 | Week 5 AM

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Tell A Tale: Design + Create an Illustrated Book | Ages 9-11 | Week 5 PM

Tell A Tale: Design + Create an Illustrated Book | Ages 9-11 | Week 5 PM

Puppet Storytime in the Gallery with Renee Andrews

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9000. Taste of Art: Adventure Whistles

9000. Taste of Art: Adventure Whistles

4115. Puppet Parade!

4115. Puppet Parade!

Brilliance in Blue: Cyanotypes + Alternative Processes | Ages 9-11 | Week 6 PM

Brilliance in Blue: Cyanotypes + Alternative Processes | Ages 9-11 | Week 6 PM

Paint Your Dreams Like Dali | Ages 9-11 | Week 6 PM

Paint Your Dreams Like Dali | Ages 9-11 | Week 6 PM

Printmaking pARTy! | Ages 12-16 | Week 6 AM

Printmaking pARTy! | Ages 12-16 | Week 6 AM

Why Knot Try Macrame? | Ages 9-11 | Week 7 AM

Why Knot Try Macrame? | Ages 9-11 | Week 7 AM

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scipy.signal.sawtooth #

Return a periodic sawtooth or triangle waveform.

The sawtooth waveform has a period 2*pi , rises from -1 to 1 on the interval 0 to width*2*pi , then drops from 1 to -1 on the interval width*2*pi to 2*pi . width must be in the interval [0, 1].

Note that this is not band-limited. It produces an infinite number of harmonics, which are aliased back and forth across the frequency spectrum.

Width of the rising ramp as a proportion of the total cycle. Default is 1, producing a rising ramp, while 0 produces a falling ramp. width = 0.5 produces a triangle wave. If an array, causes wave shape to change over time, and must be the same length as t.

Output array containing the sawtooth waveform.

A 5 Hz waveform sampled at 500 Hz for 1 second:


  • Documentation


Note Sawtooth v1.2 documentation has not been fully converted. For more information, see the conversion status .

Sawtooth is an enterprise blockchain platform for building distributed ledger applications and networks. The design philosophy targets keeping ledgers distributed and making smart contracts safe , particularly for enterprise use.

Sawtooth simplifies blockchain application development by separating the core system from the application domain. Application developers can specify the business rules appropriate for their application, using the language of their choice, without needing to know the underlying design of the core system.

Sawtooth is also highly modular. This modularity enables enterprises and consortia to make policy decisions that they are best equipped to make. Sawtooth's core design allows applications to choose the transaction rules, permissioning, and consensus algorithms that support their unique business needs.

Sawtooth is an open source project. For information on how to contribute, see Join the Sawtooth Community .

About Distributed Ledgers

A "distributed ledger" is another term for a blockchain. It distributes a database (a ledger) of transactions to all participants in a network (also called "peers" or "nodes"). There is no central administrator or centralised data storage. In essence, it is:

Distributed : The blockchain database is shared among potentially untrusted participants and is demonstrably identical on all nodes in the network. All participants have the same information. Immutable : The blockchain database is an unalterable history of all transactions that uses block hashes to make it easy to detect and prevent attempts to alter the history. Secure : All changes are performed by transactions that are signed by known identities.

These features work together, along with agreed-upon consensus mechanisms, to provide "adversarial trust" among all participants in a blockchain network.

Distinctive Features of Sawtooth

Separation between the application level and the core system.

Sawtooth makes it easy to develop and deploy an application by providing a clear separation between the application level and the core system level. Sawtooth provides smart contract abstraction that allows application developers to write contract logic in a language of their choice.

An application can be a native business logic or a smart contract virtual machine. In fact, both types of applications can co-exist on the same blockchain. Sawtooth allows these design decisions to be made in the transaction-processing layer, which allows multiple types of applications to exist in the same instance of the blockchain network.

Each application defines the custom transaction processors for its unique requirements. Sawtooth provides several example transaction families to serve as models for low-level functions (such as maintaining chain-wide settings and storing on-chain permissions) and for specific applications such as performance analysis and storing block information.

Transaction processor SDKs are available in multiple languages to streamline creation of new contract languages, including Python, JavaScript, Go, C++, Java, and Rust. A provided REST API simplifies client development by adapting validator communication to standard HTTP/JSON.

Private Networks with the Sawtooth Permissioning Features

Sawtooth is built to solve the challenges of permissioned (private) networks. Clusters of Sawtooth nodes can be easily deployed with separate permissioning. There is no centralized service that could potentially leak transaction patterns or other confidential information.

The blockchain stores the settings that specify the permissions, such as roles and identities, so that all participants in the network can access this information.

Parallel Transaction Execution

Most blockchains require serial transaction execution in order to guarantee consistent ordering at each node on the network. Sawtooth includes an advanced parallel scheduler that splits transactions into parallel flows. Based on the locations in state which are accessed by a transaction, Sawtooth isolates the execution of transactions from one another while maintaining contextual changes.

When possible, transactions are executed in parallel, while preventing double-spending even with multiple modifications to the same state. Parallel scheduling provides a substantial potential increase in performance over serial execution.

Event System

Sawtooth supports creating and broadcasting events. This allows applications to:

Subscribe to events that occur related to the blockchain, such as a new block being committed or switching to a new fork. Subscribe to application specific events defined by a transaction family. Relay information about the execution of a transaction back to clients without storing that data in state.

Subscriptions are submitted and serviced over a ZMQ Socket.

Dynamic Consensus

In a blockchain, consensus is the process of building agreement among a group of participants in a network. Algorithms for achieving consensus with arbitrary faults generally require some form of voting among a known set of participants. General approaches include Nakamoto-style consensus, which elects a leader through some form of lottery, and variants of the traditional Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) algorithms, which use multiple rounds of explicit votes to achieve consensus.

Sawtooth abstracts the core concepts of consensus and isolates consensus from transaction semantics. The Sawtooth consensus interface supports plugging in various consensus implementations as consensus engines that interact with the validator through the consensus API . More importantly, Sawtooth allows you to change the consensus after the blockchain network has been created. The consensus algorithm is selected during the initial network setup and can be changed on a running blockchain with a transaction or two.

The Sawtooth consensus API supports a wide variety of consensus algorithms on a network. Sawtooth currently includes consensus engines for these algorithms:

Sawtooth PBFT is a voting-based consensus algorithm that provides Byzantine fault tolerance with finality. Sawtooth PBFT extends the original PBFT algorithm with features such as dynamic network membership, regular view changes, and a block catch-up procedure. A Sawtooth network with PBFT consensus requires four or more nodes. Sawtooth PoET (Proof of Elapsed Time) is a Nakamoto-style consensus algorithm that is designed to be a production-grade protocol capable of supporting large network populations. PoET relies on secure instruction execution to achieve the scaling benefits of a Nakamoto-style consensus algorithm without the power consumption drawbacks of the Proof of Work algorithm. A Sawtooth network with PoET consensus requires at least three nodes. Sawtooth includes two versions of PoET consensus: PoET-SGX relies on a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), such as Intel ® Software Guard Extensions (SGX), to implement a leader-election lottery system. PoET-SGX is sometimes called "PoET/BFT" because it is Byzantine fault tolerant. PoET simulator provides PoET-style consensus on any type of hardware, including a virtualized cloud environment. PoET simulator is also called "PoET/CFT" because it is crash fault tolerant, not Byzantine fault tolerant. Devmode (short for "developer mode") is a simplified random-leader algorithm that is useful for developing and testing a transaction processor. Devmode is not recommended for multi-node networks and should not be used for production.

For more information, see Sysadmin Guide

Sample Transaction Families

In a Sawtooth application, the data model and transaction language are implemented in a transaction family, which runs on a Sawtooth node as a transaction processor.

While most application developers will build custom transaction families that reflect the unique requirements of their ledgers, Sawtooth provides several core transaction families as models:

IntegerKey - Used for testing deployed ledgers. Settings - Provides a reference implementation for storing on-chain configuration settings. Identity - Handles on-chain permissioning for transactor and validator keys to streamline managing identities for lists of public keys.

Additional transaction families provide models for specific areas:

Smallbank - Handles performance analysis for benchmarking and performance testing when comparing the performance of blockchain systems. This transaction family is based on the H-Store Smallbank benchmark. BlockInfo - Provides a methodology for storing information about a configurable number of historic blocks.

Other projects provide smart-contract functionality for the Sawtooth platform:

Sawtooth Sabre -Implements on-chain smart contracts that are executed in a WebAssembly (WASM) virtual machine.

For more information, see Transaction Family Specifications

Application Examples

XO: Demonstrates how to construct basic transactions by playing Tic-tac-toe . The XO transaction family includes create and take transactions, with an xo command that allows two participants to play the game. For more information, see XO Transaction Family .

Getting Started with Application Development

Try sawtooth.

The Sawtooth documentation explains how to set up a local validator for demonstrating Sawtooth functionality and testing an application. Once running, you will be able to submit new transactions and fetch the resulting state and block data from the blockchain using HTTP and the Sawtooth REST API. These methods apply to the included example transaction families, as well as to any transaction families you might write yourself.

Sawtooth can be run from a pre-built Docker container, from a Kubernetes cluster inside a virtual machine on your computer, or on a native Ubuntu installation.

To get started, see Installing Sawtooth .

Develop a Custom Application

In Sawtooth, the data model and transaction language are implemented in a transaction family. Transaction families codify business rules used to modify state, while client programs typically submit transactions and view state. You can build custom transaction families that reflect your unique requirements, using the provided core transaction families as models.

Sawtooth provides a REST API and SDKs in several languages - including Python, C++, Go, Java, JavaScript, and Rust - for development of applications which run on top of the Sawtooth platform.

For more information, see App Developers Guide , SDKs , and REST API .

Participating in Core Development

Learn about sawtooth architecture.

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sawtooth-core : Contains fundamental classes used throughout the Sawtooth project, as well as the following items: The implementation of the validator process which runs on each node SDKs for writing transaction processing or validation logic in a variety of languages Dockerfiles to support development or launching a network of validators Source files for this documentation Sawtooth PBFT : Use PBFT consensus with Sawtooth Sawtooth PoET : Use PoET consensus with Sawtooth Sawtooth Sabre : Run on-chain smart contracts executed in a WebAssembly virtual machine

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Sawtooth Network DNN Assignment

What does it mean in question 5 when it says:

" Finally try reinitializing the whole model weights using standard initialization scheme. Tip: Use the reset_parameters function on each Linear layer in the model. "

Does this mean that the weights should be different between each hidden layer in the model, because I think that is currently happening automatically when this code is executed:

model = get_sawtooth_network(

num_hidden_layers = 6,

middle_layer = partial(noisy_sawtooth_middle_layer, noise_level=0.7)

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Sawtooth circuit modeling.

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  • Start date Jun 7, 2007
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  • Jun 7, 2007

hello all, i'd like to model a circuit that outputs a sawtooth function. there's really two things that i'm looking for: 1) a schematic of the simplest circuit that can produce a sawtooth output, and 2) a way to model it with something like MATLAB or Mathematica. is anyone here familiar with any schematic capture circuit analysis packages, particularly ones that can generate the underlying circuit equations? what i imagine would be ideal is if i could just plunk together a couple of resistors, capacitors, and op-amps in a SPICE like program, then get the equations that describe the circuit, and finally carry those equations over to MATLAB to model how things change as i vary system parameters. i'm at a total loss here. does anyone have any suggestions?? many thanks, dan  

hello all, i'd like to model a circuit that outputs a sawtooth function. there's really two things that i'm looking for: 1) a schematic of the simplest circuit that can produce a sawtooth output, and 2) a way to model it with something like MATLAB or Mathematica. is anyone here familiar with any schematic capture circuit analysis packages, particularly ones that can generate the underlying circuit equations? what i imagine would be ideal is if i could just plunk together a couple of resistors, capacitors, and op-amps in a SPICE like program, then get the equations that describe the circuit, and finally carry those equations over to MATLAB to model how things change as i vary system parameters. i'm at a total loss here. does anyone have any suggestions?? many thanks, dan Click to expand...

John Fields

--- Yes, capitalize the first word of a sentence and the personal pronoun: 'I'.  

J.A. Legris


does anyone have any suggestions?? Click to expand...

Don Lancaster

  • Jun 8, 2007

Integrate a constant current. -- Many thanks, Don Lancaster voice phone: (928)428-4073 Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552 rss: email: [email protected] Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at  

hello all, i'd like to model a circuit that outputs a sawtooth function. there's really two things that i'm looking for: 1) a schematic of the simplest circuit that can produce a sawtooth output, and 2) a way to model it with something like MATLAB or Mathematica. Click to expand...

thanks to all for the quick responses. i'd like to use MATLAB i'm teaching half-of-a-course on systems biology, and the laboratory component consists of a bank of computers loaded with MATLAB and Mathematica. the machines don't have a circuit simulator. there's a particular biological oscillator problem that i'd like the students to think about, but it requires some circuit modeling. if this turns out to be too difficult to implement or not intsructive, i'll just drop this particular problem from the class. dan  

and before 'john fields' gets all preachy, there should be a 'because' between 'MATLAB' and 'i'm' in the second sentence, and instructive should be spelled 'instructive'. dan  

MooseFET said: Why? LTSpice does everything needed so why bring less well suited software into the picture? "simplest" has many meansing. Here's a bit of ASCII art: +V ----/\/\/---------+------+----- Output ! ! --- DEVICE --- ! ! ! GND GND DEVICE can be a NE-2 a DIAC, an SCR, ... and etc. Click to expand...
thanks to all for the quick responses. i'd like to use MATLAB i'm teaching half-of-a-course on systems biology, and the laboratory component consists of a bank of computers loaded with MATLAB and Mathematica. the machines don't have a circuit simulator. there's a particular biological oscillator problem that i'd like the students to think about, but it requires some circuit modeling. if this turns out to be too difficult to implement or not intsructive, i'll just drop this particular problem from the class. dan Click to expand...
  • Jun 9, 2007
I suggest that you post the actual biological problem here - you just might get lucky. Click to expand...
the data's not published just yet, so i'm reluctant to give out too many details. it looks like you using an op-amp integrator might do the trick for the ramping-up, and if i can rig up a switch across the capacitor that will quickly discharge it once the voltage has reached a certain value, then i've got my sawtooth. so now i guess the question is: how do i implement that switch? it's been so long since i've looked at an electronics textbook; at least 10 years. is there a way to set up some kind of comparator, so that when the voltage on the output of the op-amp reaches a certain threshold, the switch is thrown and the capacitor rapidly discharges, and then is quickly thrown again so the ramping-up can begin all over again? many thanks to all! dan Click to expand...
Constant current source + 555 timer set up for astable multivibrator operation. D from BC Click to expand...
Ugh. 555. Notwithstanding, Win Hill provides a circuit on p.290 of AoE, Fig. 5.35. Here's another possibility: Click to expand...
Parts Count from Above Link 1 dual op amp 4 resistors 1 cap 2 diodes Split supply??! Parts Count for 555 sawtooth gen 1 LMC555 1 JFET 1 resistor 1 capacitor Single supply I don't have the fig 5.35 the 555+ Isource cct? I make this stuff up but later discover how old my idea is.. D from BC Click to expand...
Yes it is. It has more parts that yours but then again, it probably works! I like the op-amp design because it is more symmetrical. Can you use the 555 version to make a nice triangle or reverse sawtooth? Click to expand...
hello all, i'd like to model a circuit that outputs a sawtooth function. there's really two things that i'm looking for: 1) a schematic of the simplest circuit that can produce a sawtooth output, and 2) a way to model it with something like MATLAB or Mathematica. is anyone here familiar with any schematic capture circuit analysis packages, particularly ones that can generate the underlying circuit equations? what i imagine would be ideal is if i could just plunk together a couple of resistors, capacitors, and op-amps in a SPICE like program, then get the equations that describe the circuit, and finally carry those equations over to MATLAB to model how things change as i vary system parameters. i'm at a total loss here. does anyone have any suggestions?? Click to expand...

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sawtooth model assignment

  • Sch. of Electr. Eng.&the ACCESS Linnaeus Center, R. Inst. of Technol., Stockholm

Khormuji, M.

Skoglund, m..

memoryless systems AWGN channels triangular function sawtooth relaying three-node AWGN relay channel memoryless relay single-variable deterministic mapping modulo function Relays Signal to noise ratio AWGN Encoding Decoding Protocols Upper bound Relay channel achievable rate

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  1. How Sawtooth model works

    sawtooth model assignment

  2. PPT

    sawtooth model assignment

  3. -Sawtooth Model or The Simonsen Curve. Source: Vera (2013, p. 269

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  4. Sawtooth Model (Adapted from Bruegge and Dutoit, [2000])

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    sawtooth model assignment


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  1. How Sawtooth model works

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  2. Sawtooth Model.pdf

    View Sawtooth_Model.pdf from IE MISC at Michigan State University. Supply Chain Management II Sawtooth Model Introduction As we ended the last lecture, we talked about the inventory carrying cost and ... ASSIGNMENT The Tipp City Purple Cow creamery provides a unique opportunity to enhance Meijer value of freshness and competitiveness for our ...

  3. Using Sawtooth model

    This post is the continuation of the How the Sawtooth model works. If you haven't read it, read it before reading this post. I mentioned in the previous post that the calculation becomes complicated if the lead time is longer than the time between orders. So I have been asked to write a post about it.

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    Nucl. Fusion 52 (2012) 074005 G. Witvoet et al a b Figure 1. Static characteristics of the sawtooth model (1a)-(1b) using I CD = 2kA; (a) the steady-state input-output map, i.e. the sawtooth period τ s for a constant input ϑ as t →∞; and (b) representation of the input-output map as a function of τ s for 0 ϑ 6.28 (grey) and the corresponding DC-gain τ s/ϑ (black).

  22. sawtooth circuit modeling?

    Jan 1, 1970. 0. Jun 7, 2007. #1. hello all, i'd like to model a circuit that outputs a sawtooth function. there's. really two things that i'm looking for: 1) a schematic of the simplest. circuit that can produce a sawtooth output, and 2) a way to model it. with something like MATLAB or Mathematica. is anyone here familiar.

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