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Essay On ‘Save The Earth’ – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On ‘Save The Earth’ For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘save the earth’ for kids, a paragraph on ‘save the earth’, short essay on ‘save the earth’ in english for children, long essay on ‘save the earth’ for children, what will your child learn from the ‘save the earth’ essay.

Practising essay writing from a young age helps young learners develop an understanding of sentence formation and appropriate words. It also allows children to expand their vocabulary and learn new words. Learning new words and using them in sentences helps them improve their writing skills. Our planet is rich in natural resources, but it is rapidly depleting due to human greed. Writing an essay on saving the earth in English makes children aware of their surroundings and familiarises them with the steps that can be taken to improve the situation. This article provides some pointers and examples to help students write a good essay on saving the earth for classes 1, 2, and 3.

Writing an essay on ‘save the earth’ can be interesting, provided certain things are kept in mind. Following these tips enables your children to write an essay that is different and unique from others. If you, too, are wondering about how to write an essay on this topic, here are some tips for you:

  • Start with an introductory paragraph giving a general introduction about our planet earth and why is it beneficial for us to save it from depletion. The introduction should be such that it provides a flow to the entire content ahead.
  • The second part of the essay should be its body. The body should be divided into smaller paragraphs, each focusing on a different aspect. For instance, one paragraph can talk about all the problems faced by our planet; the second can talk about the reasons behind the same.
  • It is always advised to summarise your thoughts in a concluding paragraph.

Saving our planet, mother earth, is the need of the hour. We should understand our responsibility and do our bit to improve this world. Here are a few lines on save earth that can be used to write a good essay for class 1 and 2 kids:

  • Earth is the only planet in the universe that has life in this universe.
  • The planet has given us abundant natural resources like water, air, sunlight and more.
  • Humans have been exploiting the planet for their greed.
  • This has caused a lot of adversity such as global warming, unnatural disasters etc.
  • All of us should work towards protecting and saving our planet.
  • We should plant more trees.
  • We should stop hunting animals to meet our selfish needs, affecting the ecological balance.
  • We should follow the three R’s, i.e., Reduce, Reduce and Recycle.
  • Saving natural resources, water, and the environment should be our primary goal.
  • We should also spread awareness regarding saving the earth among the public.

Short paragraphs help children of lower classes to read and understand easily. It also guides kids to write a good essay on saving the earth for their classroom activities or even competitions. Given below is a short paragraph on save earth:

As we all know, the earth is the only planet in the universe where life exists. Not only that, but the earth also provides us with numerous natural resources such as sunlight, water, air, minerals, and so on. Humans, however, have depleted almost all natural resources due to greed. They have also hunted down many wildlife animals, causing the majority of species to become extinct. “Save the Earth” is a phrase that should be used to raise public awareness. We must plant more trees, reduce pollution, and conserve natural resources to save the planet. We should also reduce exploiting the gift of nature and follow the 3R’s, i.e., Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Saving the earth is very crucial at this point. Writing a short essay on this topic allows the children to be more aware of their surroundings and also allows them to take steps to protect the environment. Given below is a save earth essay for classes 1,2 and 3:

Short Essay On 'Save The Earth' In English For Children

We often refer to our planet earth as “Mother Nature”, but when it comes to treating it like a mother, we fail to do so. Our planet is the home of many living creatures such as mammals, reptiles, plants and many more and all beings need to sustain an ecological balance. However, due to the unfavourable activities of humans, the ecological balance of the earth is being destroyed. Humans are cutting down trees, creating pollution as a result of which global warming is increasing. We all should take individual steps to save our planet. The government has taken steps to protect the environment, such as banning plastics and plastic products, running campaigns to reduce waste and keep our surroundings clean, and so on. We must also take steps such as planting more trees, replacing large vehicles with bicycles, limiting air conditioners, and using LED lights. We can save our planet if we follow at least a few of these steps.

Writing an essay on ‘save the earth’ helps children understand the world’s serious situation and encourages them to help find solutions. A long essay for class 3 kids is provided below to help them understand what points to include when writing an essay:

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not enough to satisfy every man’s greed,” Mahatma Gandhi once said. Although he made this statement many years ago, it is still valid. Mother Nature, as we fondly refer to our planet Earth, provides us with a wide range of natural resources such as sunlight, minerals, and water, to name a few. Humans have used these resources for a long time and have exploited them to a large extent.

Why Is It Necessary To Save Earth?

Our planet earth is facing plenty of problems due to mindless human behaviour, which has resulted in a difficult position. We have cut down trees to build industrial factories, buildings, and townships, among other things. These industrial plants emit hazardous chemicals that pollute the air and water. Population growth is also a significant contributor to the earth’s depleting condition. The increased number of cars on the road has resulted in pollution and the emission of harmful greenhouse gases, all of which contribute to global warming. As a result, seasons have been pushed back, monsoons have disappeared in some areas while flooding has occurred in others, and glaciers are melting.

Easy Ways To Save Earth

Saving the earth is not difficult if we all contribute our tiny bits towards it. Some of the easy steps that we can take in our daily lives to save our planet are:

  • We should reduce our use of plastic in our daily routine.
  • We need to plant more trees.
  • We should prioritise water conservation. Bathing in a bucket rather than a shower can save litres of water.
  • We should use carpools or shared vehicles to travel daily because it reduces pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • We should adhere to the 3Rs, which emphasise reducing, reusing, and recycling.
  • We should use LED bulbs.
  • We should reduce our electricity consumption by not unnecessarily leaving fans, lights, or other electrical appliances on.
  • We should also concentrate on solar and renewable energy sources, such as solar panels.

This essay will help your children learn more about their surroundings while also making them aware of why we need to save our planet. This also encourages them to participate in various Earth-saving campaigns organised by multiple groups.

Earth has provided us with numerous resources that have been extremely beneficial to humanity over the years. It is our turn to repay our planet by taking steps to protect it.

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Save Earth Essay | Essay on Save Earth for Students and Children

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Save Earth Essay Introduction 100 words: Planet Earth is where humans and animals reside. Writing an essay on saving the Earth is going to help spread awareness about what’s happening to the planet. Life wouldn’t function without the necessities that the Earth provides for us. The Earth offers every primary obligation that we need to survive. It provides water to drink and function, air to breathe and soil to grow vegetation.

However, the planet earth needs care because it’s condition is becoming corrupt. Over the years, the actions the human race has caused harm and damage to the planet. We should all come together and save Earth.

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Long and Short Essay on Save Earth in English for Students and Kids

Below we have provided one long essay of 400-500 words and one short essay of 200 words for students.

Long Essay on Save Earth in English 500 words

The long Save Earth Essay is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9, 10 and competitive exam aspirants.

The resources and gifts that the Earth provides for us are abundant. Over centuries, the human race has made use of these resources. Every one has utilized the funds and used to it to benefit themselves. However, the rational use the resources have caused damage on the planet. We are putting the Earth in danger because of the activities we do. It’s high time we start protecting the Earth and try to save it.

We should start making efforts to try and save the Earth. Saving the Earth is an activity which like a need of the hour. It’s essential to start thinking about ways to save the planet. Human has always used the Earth to fulfill their wants and gains. These activities are the reason behind the damage to the Earth.

Humans depend on the gifts the planet has provided for them. Therefore, when the resources are in danger, humans won’t be able to survive without them. It is one of the main reasons why we should start trying to save the Earth. If the planet seizes to exist, so will all the life on the Earth. We won’t survive if the Earth doesn’t start healing.

The planet we live on is one of the only worlds with life on it. Therefore, there’s nowhere we can go if the Earth seizes to exist. We must start trying to save Earth now.

If every person tries to make a small effort, it will make an impact on the planet. When a person starts carrying his bottle and avoids using plastic, the person is reducing the use of plastic.

There are so many other ways a person can try to save the planet, like plant more trees. Instead of cutting trees, if every person plants a few trees, deforestation will reduce on a large scale. It will also improve the air, and the overall environment will change.

Water is one of the significant gifts of the planet. However, even if a large percentage of water is on the Earth, you can’t utilize all of it. Everyone depends on a tiny percentage for their daily consumption and use. We should stop wastage of water and try to conserve as much water as possible.

All the residents of the world, the Governments and the people should come together and start saving the planet. You can’t depend solely on the government to save the planet. Each person should take a small step because every little step counts in saving the world. We should start putting collective effort in trying this initiative because the planet needs us right now. It’s high time we start taking care of the Earth because it has given us unlimited gifts that we have utilized for our advantages.

Short Essay on Save Earth in English in 150 words

The Save Earth Essay is suitable for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Mother Earth has given us many gifts like water, air and soil, which are available abundantly. Humans have used gifts for their advantage. Over the centuries, the ways of using the Earth have caused damage to the planet. The planet needs our help, and we should do everything to help save it.

There are many smalls steps we can take to save the planet. When every person starts talking about an action to save the Earth, there will be a difference. The first way you can keep the ground is by planting trees. Humans have cut down millions of trees so that they can build places.

This has resulted in the forest cover of the trees to reduce. Forest cover is the to the area of the trees. If each person plants a tree, the forest cover will increase, and the planet will be green again.

10 Lines on Save Earth Essay in English

These ten lines are suitable for competitive exam aspirants and while making speeches.

  • We should start taking the issue of saving the Earth seriously because the planet needs our help.
  • Over the centuries, humans have used the Earth’s resources carelessly and to their advantage.
  • The result of using the planet so carelessly and harshly is that Earth is now damaged.
  • If each person starts taking small steps towards saving the planet, the planet will be saved.
  • We need the Earth to have a life and existence; without it, we will seize to exist.
  • If we don’t start trying to make efforts to save the Earth now, the damage to the planet will keep increasing.
  • Start putting the needs of the planet, before your needs because there will no world left.
  • Humans should carelessly use the natural resources that the Earth has provided in abundance.
  • Save Earth should be an initiative which everyone should participate in it
  • We should give Earth the same care we will provide a human being.

FAQ’s on Save Earth Essay

Question 1. What are the various gifts that Earth provides for us?

Answer: The gifts of soil, water and air are provided abundantly by mother earth.

Question 2. Which activities have caused harm to the planet?

Answer: Over the decades, human has exploited the gifts that planet which has caused damage to natural resources that the Earth provides.

Question 3. What can we do to save the planet?

Answer: There are many ways we can save the planet. One of the ways to save the world is to reduce, reuse and recycle all the things that you possess.

Question 4. What will happen if we don’t start saving Earth?

Answer: If we don’t take steps to save the planet right now, the damage we cause to the Earth will keep increasing, and at one point the Earth along with us will stop existing.

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Essay on Save Earth for Students and Children

500+ words essay on save earth.

Earth and the resources of earth make life possible on it. If we were to imagine our lives without these resources, that would not be possible. As life cannot function without sunshine , air, vegetation , and water . However, this is soon going to be our reality if we do not save the earth now.

Essay on Save Earth

The resources earth provides us with are limited. They are blessings which we do not count. Human has become selfish and is utilizing the earth’s resources at a rapid rate. We need to protect them in order to protect our lives. This is so because man and all living organisms depend on the earth for their survival.

It is The Need of the Hour

To say that saving the earth is the need of the hour would be an understatement. All the activities of humans driven by greed and selfishness have caused immense damage to the earth. It is degraded it beyond repair. Almost all the natural resources are now polluted due to these activities.

When all these resources will be under threat, naturally lives of all living organisms will be under peril. This is why we need to save the earth at all costs. All the other issues are secondary and saving the earth is the main concern. For when the earth will not remain, the other issues will go away automatically.

Earth is the only planet which can sustain life on it. We do not have a planet B which we can move onto. This makes it all the more serious to save the earth and save our lives. If we do not take strict actions now, we will lose the chance of seeing our future generations flourish forever. Everyone must come together for the same causes, as we are inhabitants of this planet firstly and then anything else.

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How to Save Earth

As all human activities are impacting the lives of other organisms, humans only need to take steps to protect the earth and its resources. A little effort will go a long way on everyone’s end. Each action will make a difference. For instance, if one man decides to stop drinking bottled water, thousands of plastic can be saved from consuming.

save earth essay 10 lines

Furthermore, we can start by planting more trees to make up for the deforestation that is happening these days at a rapid rate. When we plant more trees, ecological balance can be restored and we can improve the quality of life.

Similarly, we must stop wasting water. When done on individual levels, this will create a huge impact on conserving water. We must not pollute our water bodies by dumping waste in it. It is essential to save water most importantly as it is running out rapidly.

In short, the government and individuals must come together to save the earth. We can make people aware of the consequences of not saving the earth. They can be taught ways and how they can contribute to saving the earth. If all this collective effort starts happening, we can surely save our planet earth and make brighter earth.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why must we save the earth?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “We need to save earth right away as it is the only planet that can sustain life. Earth supports life forms which no other planet does. Moreover, all the resources are being used up rapidly so we need to save them before they all get used up.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can we save the earth?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Everyone can take little steps to save the earth. We must not waste water and avoid the use of plastic. Moreover, we must plant more trees and encourage people to not pollute the environment.”} }] }

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Essay on Save Earth: Samples in 100, 150 and 200 Words

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  • Nov 11, 2023

Essay On Save Earth

There is a popular saying that goes, ’You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Well, then why harm the planet that is providing for you?’ We all should know that our planet Earth is the only planet where life can exist. Our planet provides us with basic necessities such as water, air, food to eat, and much more. So if you want to save our planet Earth for yourself and for the coming future generations then do give this blog a read. Today we will be talking about how you can save your planet Earth by taking all the required measures. We have also listed some sample essay on Save Earth which will help you to talk about the same in public. 

save earth essay 10 lines

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why is Saving Earth so Important?
  • 2 Essay on Save Earth in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Save Earth in 150 Words
  • 4 Essay on Save Earth in 200 Words

Why is Saving Earth so Important?

Our planet Earth is the only planet that provides us with raw materials, oxygen, food which we need for fuel, and other essential materials.  

There are a number of reasons why saving the Earth is so important:

  • Our Earth is the only planet that supports life. Despite signs of organic molecules and water on other planets and moons, life is only known to exist on Earth. There would be nowhere else for us to go if not Earth.
  • Our Earth provides us with basic necessities such as medicine, food, clean water, and air to breathe. 
  • The combustion of fossil fuels releases harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which traps heat and warms the earth. Rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and more extreme weather events are just a few of the negative effects of climate change that are already being felt.

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Essay on Save Earth in 100 Words

The only planet in the cosmos that is known to sustain life is Earth. Since it is our home, we must take care of it.

There are numerous reasons why protecting the planet is crucial. To begin with, it is our only place of residence. There won’t be somewhere else for us to go if we destroy Earth. Second, Earth gives us food, water, air, and shelter—everything we require to survive. Third, a wide variety of biodiversity exists on Earth, which is vital to human health.

Unfortunately, the health of Earth is being threatened by human activity. Among the difficulties we confront are deforestation, pollution, and climate change.

To save the Earth, we can all do our part. Here are some actions you may take:

  • Cut back on the use of fossil fuels. Make more of an effort to walk or bike, drive less, and take public transit wherever you can.
  • Make the switch to alternative energy sources like wind and solar energy.
  • At home, use less energy and water.
  • Reduce trash via composting and recycling.
  • Encourage companies and groups that are engaged in environmental protection.

Both our own life and the survival of future generations depend on saving the planet. We can contribute to ensuring that our planet is healthy and habitable for many years to come by acting now.

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Essay on Save Earth in 150 Words

Since the Earth is our home, it is up to us to preserve it. However, the health of the planet is in danger due to human activity. Among the difficulties we confront are deforestation, pollution, and climate change.

The most important environmental issue of our day is climate change. Greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, which causes the earth to warm. Among the detrimental repercussions of climate change that are already being felt are rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and an increase in extreme weather occurrences.

Pollution poses a serious threat to Earth as well. Among the materials we use to damage the air, water, and land are chemicals, plastics, and trash. Not only can pollution harm humans and wildlife, but it can also ruin ecosystems.

Deforestation is another issue. In this, the trees are removed and instead, buildings are constructed.  Forests filter water in addition to providing habitat for species and regulating the climate. Deforestation is one of the primary causes of both climate change and biodiversity loss.

We must take action to safeguard Earth from these threats. We can potentially reduce our carbon footprint by switching to renewable energy sources and consuming less energy. We can also reduce pollution by using less plastic, recycling, and composting. We can also safeguard forests by planting trees and promoting sustainable forestry practices.

Preserving the planet is essential for our own existence as well as that of future generations. To keep our world safe, each of us has a responsibility.

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Essay on Save Earth in 200 Words

The only planet in the solar system where humanity can survive is Earth. Since our planet gives us access to fundamental essentials like clean water, fresh air, and food to eat, it is our duty as humans to make sure that it is habitable for future generations.

We can see that, among all the urgent problems, one of the most significant ones that affect humanity is climate change. Among the detrimental repercussions of climate change that are already being felt are rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and an increase in extreme weather occurrences.

Pollution is another major problem. The majority of the materials that are key to pollution of the air, water, and land are harmful chemicals, plastics that are carelessly thrown away, and other materials. This is not only harmful to humans and wildlife but also to the environment. 

Deforestation is the third main issue; it is the removal of trees for construction or other purposes, like agriculture. One of the main contributors to both climate change and biodiversity loss is deforestation. Consequently, we need to act to defend Earth from these dangers. 

We hope this essay on Save Earth helped you with some knowledge of some of the pressing issues we face on a daily basis and what we can do to save our planet. 

Related Articles

We can conserve the globe by avoiding contamination of the Earth and its natural resources, including the air and water.

Reducing carbon emissions is the first step towards saving our planet. This can be done by using environmentally friendly resources, conserving water and following the Reduce, Reuse and Recycling practices.

Clearing forest areas for agricultural, human settlement or any other commercial activities is known as deforestation.

For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay-writing page and follow Leverage Edu ! 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Essay on Save Earth for Students and Children in 1000 Words

Essay on Save Earth for Students & Children in 1000 Words

In this article, we have published an essay on save earth for students and children in 1000 Words. This includes introduction, different crisis on earth, importance, 10 lines, about saving earth.

Table of Contents

Essay on Save Earth (1000W)

People ought to plant more and more magnificent trees to get adequate oxygen and stop the results of air pollution and global warming.

Effects of technology on Earth

For example, petrol is needed to run a motorcycle, water is required to make electricity, and trees cause significant books in education . It can be seen that gasoline, water, and trees are natural elements.

What can be the crisis on earth?

It is worth noting that non-renewable resources mostly fuel all modern appliances. These will end soon due to unlimited usage.

1. End of Forests

Jungle and tree plants provide food for a large population on Earth. Tree plants are also helpful in human life for many other needs like medicines, clothes, household products, etc.

2. Water Loss

3. other elements.

Many other elements are also present in nature, which is helpful in life. Their termination means Earth’s completion, and after the Earth’s conclusion, there is no possibility of human life.

Why is it important to conserve the Earth?

10 lines on save earth.

There are a lot of plans and ideas to save the earth, which is quite easy and can be done on a personal level.

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  • Save Earth Essay


Essay on Save Earth

Each living being on Earth knows the importance of Earth in our lives. Without Earth, we cannot even imagine living. Have you ever thought how we would walk if there is no Earth, there will be no water to drink, there will not be animals living here, and of course, no cultivation, so no food to eat. This means to say that the life of humans, as well as other living beings, cannot be imagined without Earth. 

Life is possible on the planet Earth and its related resources. Can you imagine a life on the Earth if resources are not available here. And, the answer comes not at all. The resources like air, sunlight, water, creatures, minerals, and vegetation are integral parts of the Earth. But with the increasing level of pollution, these resources are getting affected and either humans are destroying or depleting recklessly. If we have not taken a calculative step to save the Earth, it is going to be difficult to establish a sustainable future on the earth. Let’s understand why is it so crucial to save the Earth from these things: 

WhyiIs Saving The Earth Necessary?

In order to save the earth, we must understand that resources that are provided by earth are limited. However, the majority of us are unaware of this fact and we are not judiciously utilizing the resources. In order to safeguard the existence of humans, we need to protect the earth and take care of it. All living beings are dependent on the earth for their survival and so we should use the gist of nature in a thoughtful way. The increase in pollution and damage caused by humans are affecting the earth so rapidly that it is threatening our survival.  

Saving earth is not merely the need of the hour but much more. The extent of degradation caused by humans is becoming irreparable. This is one of the reasons why all the resources are getting highly polluted. The change in climate is also one of the examples that are caused due to severe pollution. Moreover, animals, birds are getting extinct and the worlds around us are slowly approaching the end. Nothing could be scarier than this. Therefore, saving the earth is the primary need and we should make conscious decisions to make the earth a better and sustainable place to live in. 

It is and has been our responsibility to protect the planet that we live in but rather we become selfish and do such things that create more pollution in our environment. As the most evolved species of the environment, we should understand that our planet is the only planet that supports life. So when the earth will be in peril, we will not have the option to move to another planet for our safety.

Hence, it is important to make the most use of what we have right now in a sustainable manner. Our approach will not only save the earth but our lives as well. Moreover, our future generation will be bestowed with a healthy environment to live in. 

Ten Simple Things to Save the Earth

Live by the mantra- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. 

Keep our surroundings clean 

Plant more trees

Conserve water and water bodies

Educate people about the significance of conserving nature

Shop wisely

Cycle more and drive fewer cars on the road

Use LED lights

Don’t discharge industrial effluents in the river or other water bodies

Choose sustainability in every step of life

Therefore, by making small changes in our lifestyle we can make a huge difference. By restoring ecological balance, we can save the earth from getting dreadfully polluted and uninhabitable. 


FAQs on Save Earth Essay

 Why is  Earth an important planet?

We all know the importance of Earth in our lives as it is the planet where we all live. This is one of the crucial planets in our system. Here, other species also live along with human beings. In order to write an effective essay on Earth, we can mention the importance of Earth in our lives.  Ask questions about how life will be if there is no Earth. Will there be a life or not? This way, you can get the correct answers to write interesting things about Earth.

How can we make efforts to save our beautiful planet Earth?

There are a number of ways with which it is possible for us to save Earth. The first thing is to conserve water. Always remember even the little things are going to create a difference. The second thing is to embrace compositing as it itself is a real difference. The third thing is that we all should be car-canaware, we try to use public transport as much as possible. And, the most crucial is to take part in plantations. Remember that each step counts and each step is going to make a difference then why this difference is not from you!

What are the concerning factors about Earth?

We all are aware of the fact due to the persistent torture of humans on the Earth, there are a few matters of concern that need to adressed immediately. We rotation of the Earth has slowed down gradually, so we all need to come in its rescue collectively. There is a single satellite on the Earth planet that has to be taken care of. The Earth is the densest planet on the Earth where factors like global warming have to be tackled. These all are the alarming situations that have to be resolved with collective efforts.

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  • Essay On Save Earth

Save Earth Essay

500+ words essay on save earth.

Taking care of our Earth is no longer an option – it is a necessity. There is no other alternative planet where life is possible other than Earth. Since the beginning of our existence, we have exploited nature by cutting innumerable trees to build infrastructure and killing animals for food. We have extracted minerals, crystals, and gems from the womb of the Earth. We have taken and used whatever natural wealth there is to take and are now facing the grave consequences of nature’s pushback. We must realise that the Earth’s resources are not limitless. They are depleting fast, and this threatens our existence on the planet that we call home. Thus, it’s crucial that we should take care of and save Mother Earth. This essay on ‘Save Earth’ will help us to understand the current condition of our planet and what measures we can take to save Earth. We have also compiled a list of CBSE Essays for students to boost their essay-writing skills.

Alarming Situation of Earth

The Earth has reached an alarming state. It’s high time for us to take action. Human activities have impacted the atmosphere and climate conditions of the Earth. It has had such an impact that the seasons have shifted. Now, there is a delay in the monsoon. The summer is becoming too hot and glaciers are melting. The sea level is rising, and aquatic life is on the verge of extinction. Pollution is increasing, and the air quality is getting worse day by day. The water is getting polluted, and the noise level is rising, due to which most of the people are getting ill. Global warming and the greenhouse effect are the results of human activities, which are now causing threats to human life itself. So, if we are not going to act now, then it will be too late, and till then, the existence of life on Earth will end.

Different Ways to Save Earth

To save Earth, we all have to come up together to make a difference. One person can not make up the difference, but we all together can do the miracle. We have to take care of small things in our daily routines, such as switching off the lights when not in need, closing the tap and using the water properly, and avoiding the use of plastic and non-biodegradable material at home. We should focus on solar and renewable sources of energy, such as solar heaters and panels. Take out the private vehicle or car only when required and prefer using public transport.

We should try to educate other people about the alarming situation on Earth and guide them on how they can contribute to saving the Earth. For this, various campaigns or group activities can be performed in public places to raise awareness. Also, we should plant more and more trees in our neighbourhood. We should adopt and promote an eco-friendly lifestyle. We must teach our kids the value of our planet, so they will also adapt to sustainable living and not exploit our planet. Remember, every little step does make a difference!

Students must have found this essay on saving Earth useful for practising their essay writing skills. They can get the study material and the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams at BYJU’S.

Frequently Asked Questions on Saving our Earth Essay

What are the simple steps to be followed to save our earth.

Simple steps to save our Earth include volunteering to clean up the community and public places, ensuring water and soil conservation, planting trees on special occasions and making this a habit, avoiding shopping for unwanted things and controlling pollution.

Is Global warming connected to the ‘Save our Earth’ notion?

Yes, global warming is a situation that is causing a lot of natural calamities around the world. Saving the Earth is said to definitely reduce the effects of Global warming.

Are we destroying planet Earth by expanding infrastructure?

Several acres of forest area are now being converted into construction sites as a part of infrastructure development. In turn, the wildlife and animals which belong to these forests are left homeless, thereby causing a great natural imbalance.

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Essay on Save Earth for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Save Earth: Earth is our home and it is the only planet that we know of that can support human life. It has limited resources and we need to conserve them so that future generations can enjoy them. Not to mention, earth is a beautiful place and we should do everything we can to protect it. Saving earth is our responsibility as stewards of this planet.

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Find “Save earth essay” for students, kids and children details given here. Best essay, short essay, long essay, short paragraph, long paragraph, & more are discussed.

Long and Short Essay on Save Earth in English

Earth is our planet and a most important need for the continuity of life. It is full of all the basic resources to continue a life however; it is getting declined continuously because of some unethical behavior of the human being. Saving earth is the most important social awareness which everyone must know about to bring some positive changes on the earth. In order to spread awareness among students, teachers may assign them to write some paragraph or complete essay on save earth. Now-a-days, essay writing is one of the good strategies followed by teachers in the schools and colleges. It enhances the English writing skill and knowledge of the students about any topic. It is also an effective way to get views, ideas and positive suggestions about any topic by the students. Following are some paragraphs, short essays and long essays on save earth to help students in completing their task. All the save earth essay are written very simply. So, you can select any essay according to your need and requirement:

Essay on Save Earth in 100 words

Our earth is the only planet we know that harbors life. Recognizing the unique value of our “blue planet”, it’s crucial that we adopt practices to preserve and nurture it. Protecting our planet not only involves planting more trees to combat the effects of pollution and global warming prevention but also involves adopting sustainable living habits. Eco-friendly practices, such as recycling, reducing waste, and using renewable energy sources, play an instrumental role. Campaigns like “10 ways to save the earth” and save environment initiatives emphasize the importance of natural resource conservation. Quoting one of the popular save earth quotes, “What we save, saves us.” Let’s work together in ensuring we hand over a healthy planet to our future generations, supporting movements like afforestation, conservation movements, and harnessing green energy initiatives.

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Essay on Save Earth in 150 words

Earth stands alone in this vast universe as the sole haven for life as we know it. It offers a unique blend of essential elements like oxygen, water, and the necessary gravitational pull, creating an environment conducive to life. However, the urgency to preserve our planet has never been greater. With every passing day, the need to adopt sustainable and eco-friendly practices becomes paramount for the welfare of our future generations.

Planting trees is a fundamental step, not just for oxygen, but as a counter to air pollution and global warming prevention . The relentless deforestation, especially of our rainforests, threatens our ecosystem, the atmosphere, and the myriad species that call these forests home. We must pivot towards alternative energy solutions such as solar lights and wind energy to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. Embracing the principle of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle can further ensure that we tread lightly on this planet, safeguarding its treasures for the generations to come.

Essay on Save Earth in 200 words

Our planet, Earth, is a unique gem in the cosmos, blessed with oxygen, water, and the myriad resources essential for sustaining life. Unfortunately, due to some of our unsustainable actions, these invaluable resources are depleting rapidly. With increasing pollution, global warming, and other environmental challenges, our actions are endangering not just human life but also the myriad species that inhabit this planet.

Several species have already gone extinct because their natural habitats have been destroyed or drastically altered. The escalating rates of pollution and the overwhelming threats of global warming demand immediate corrective measures.

Every year, on April 22nd, Earth Day is observed globally, aiming to raise awareness and inspire collective efforts to preserve our planet’s beauty and resources. This day reminds us that Earth doesn’t merely belong to us; countless other organisms share this home with us.

It’s imperative that we rethink our consumption patterns. Reducing waste, especially plastic and wood, along with promoting recycling and reuse, can play a pivotal role in reducing our environmental footprint. The principles of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle aren’t just catchphrases; they are essential strategies in our fight against pollution and global warming. By committing to sustainable and eco-friendly practices, we can ensure that the Earth remains a nurturing habitat for all its inhabitants.

Essay on Save Earth in 250 words

The state of our planet is currently at a pivotal juncture. Challenges like air and water pollution, global warming, deforestation, and other environmental crises threaten the balance and health of the Earth. However, the solutions to these pressing issues lie in our hands. Simple yet effective measures can pave the way to a more sustainable future if undertaken collectively.

Adopting environment-friendly technologies and reducing our dependency on non-renewable resources is a start. Prioritizing reduction in consumption, reusing what we can, and recycling wherever possible can significantly cut down waste generation. It’s essential to be informed consumers. For instance, many cleaning products, while efficient, contain chemicals harmful to the environment. By opting for eco-friendly products , we can reduce the detrimental impact on our water, soil, and air.

Industrial sectors, a major contributor to pollution and global warming, must pivot to sustainable practices. Abiding by environmental regulations and shifting to producing greener products are steps in the right direction. Governments and policymakers play a pivotal role in setting standards that industries should meet.

Equally vital is educating the younger generation about Earth’s challenges. Schools and colleges should integrate environment-centric subjects and activities such as tree planting, discussions, essay competitions, and events like Earth Day, celebrated every April 22nd. Such initiatives instill environmental consciousness in the youth, ensuring that they grow up with a sense of responsibility to safeguard our planet.

In essence, saving Earth requires collective action and awareness. Each effort, no matter how small, counts in ensuring a greener, healthier future for all its inhabitants.

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Essay on Save Earth in 300 words

Our Earth is a unique entity in the vast expanse of the universe, offering the essential conditions for life to thrive. However, to ensure the continuity of life, it’s imperative to maintain the planet’s pristine environment. With the increasing threats from pollution, greenhouse gases, and other environmental challenges, the clarion call for “Save earth, save environment” and “Save earth, save life” grows louder. It’s our collective responsibility to ensure Earth remains a nurturing space for all.

Understanding Earth Day

Earth Day, observed every April 22nd since 1970, is a global initiative to raise awareness about the planet’s welfare. It serves as a reminder to be stewards of our environment and rally for a healthier Earth.

Ways to Champion Earth’s Well-being

Here are some actionable steps we can incorporate into our daily lives:

  • Water Conservation : Avoid wastage of water. Use what’s necessary. Opt for cold water when washing clothes to save energy.
  • Green Transportation : Embrace public transport, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Carpooling or cycling for short distances can make a huge difference.
  • The 3R Philosophy : Adopt the ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ mindset to minimize waste and resource exploitation.
  • Natural Fertilizers : Create compost from organic waste. It’s not only eco-friendly but also nourishes the soil.
  • Energy-efficient Lighting : Switch to Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs). They consume less energy and last longer than traditional bulbs.
  • Smart Energy Use : Use heating and air conditioning judiciously. Only use them when absolutely necessary.
  • Mindful Driving : Regular vehicle maintenance reduces emissions. Practice efficient driving techniques to lessen environmental impact.
  • Conscious Consumption : Turn off unnecessary electrical appliances. This not only saves electricity but also reduces your carbon footprint.
  • Afforestation : Plant trees. They are Earth’s lungs, combating pollution and the detrimental effects of greenhouse gases.

Earth is our mother planet which gives us all the necessary things we need for living a life. So, we are also responsible to maintain its natural quality and greenery environment. We should not waste and pollute its natural resources for our small benefits

Essay on Save Earth in 400 words

Our planet, Earth, is a unique and essential entity that supports life. The concepts of ‘Save Earth’ and ‘Save Environment’ are interconnected, emphasizing the significance of sustaining life on the planet. With rising pollution, global warming, and other environmental challenges, it’s imperative that we, as responsible inhabitants, act to counteract these threats.

Steps to Safeguard Our Planet

The Earth is the only celestial body we know that supports life. Its impeccable balance has been disrupted over time due to human activities, like urbanization, industrialization, and deforestation. These actions have given rise to problems such as climate change, depletion of the ozone layer, and the extinction of countless species. Some key measures to counteract these challenges include:

  • Forestation Efforts : Actively participating in afforestation and reforestation can restore Earth’s green cover. Plants not only provide oxygen, food, and shelter but also play a pivotal role in maintaining Earth’s ecological balance.
  • Wildlife Conservation : With accelerating deforestation, we’re witnessing a decline in biodiversity. Preserving forests can ensure the survival of various species and maintain a balanced food chain.
  • Environmental Protection : The rising levels of pollution, stemming from industrialization and urbanization, are detrimental to the environment. We must advocate for sustainable practices and cleaner technologies.
  • Eco-City Development : Urban areas should transition towards becoming eco-cities to ensure an ecological equilibrium.
  • Global Collaboration : Environmental challenges know no borders. International collaboration is vital to tackle global issues like climate change.

Why the Emphasis on Saving Earth?

The urgency to save Earth is more pertinent now than ever, given the constant threats of rising global temperatures, melting polar ice caps, and increasing instances of natural disasters. Our actions today determine the future of our planet. Earth is our primary source for sustenance, providing us with vital resources. Regrettably, our negligence towards the environment, exemplified by toxic emissions, waste disposal, and noise pollution, is degrading this very source.

While various governments have initiated steps to protect our environment, the real change begins at the grassroots level. The slogans ‘Save Earth, Save Life’ and ‘Save Earth, Save Environment’ are not just words; they encapsulate a profound message. Our planet’s health is intricately linked to our well-being.

Essay on Save Earth FAQs

What are 10 ways to save earth.

Planting more trees. Recycling and reusing products. Conserving water and electricity. Reducing the use of plastic. Supporting renewable energy sources. Reducing car usage and promoting public transport. Participating in afforestation and reforestation. Reducing waste generation. Spreading environmental awareness. Participating in local environmental campaigns and movements.

Why is Earth important to save?

Earth is the only known planet where life exists. Saving Earth ensures the survival and well-being of present and future generations, and the preservation of its diverse ecosystems, resources, and natural beauty.

What is the slogan of Save Earth?

One of the popular slogans is Save Earth, Save Life. However, there are numerous other slogans like Save Earth, Save Environment and Protect Our Planet that convey a similar message.

What is earth writing?

Earth writing refers to essays, articles, and other forms of literature that focus on the environment, conservation efforts, and the importance of preserving the Earth.

How do you explain save earth?

Save Earth is a call to action, urging people to protect and conserve the planet's natural resources, ecosystems, and environment. It emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices and the collective responsibility we hold in ensuring a healthier and safer planet for everyone.

Why is the mother earth important?

Mother Earth is vital as it provides us with essential resources like water, air, food, and shelter. Additionally, Earth supports diverse ecosystems and species. By addressing it as Mother, we emphasize its nurturing nature and the integral role it plays in sustaining life.

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Save Earth Essay – 10 Lines, Short Essay For Students

The earth is our mother. It gives us life, environment, and nature with all its beauty. Read Short essays and Paragraphs on Mother earth in 10 lines, more sentences, short essays 1 or 2 minutes speech for students

Table of Contents

Essay on Save Earth For Students

The Earth is the dwelling place of all living organisms including plants and animals. The current condition of environment suggests that the environment can not withhold pollution any more. Due to urbanization, industrialization and deforestation the natural beauty of earth is lost.

We all are responsible to save and maintain the natural beauty of earth. All individuals must take strict measures to stop deforestation, forests balances the natural ecosystem. Earth is thus our home and home to billions of species, we must save it otherwise life will be lost. Due to deforestation and global warming life is in danger, the natural system of earth is at risk.

We can save Earth by saving its natural resources like Air, Water and land. There is mass level of water pollution, air pollution and land pollution. Both aquatic and terrestrial animals are in danger due to increasing environmental pollution.

Trees and forests maintain the ecological equilibrium and regulate the temperature of earth. The protection of earth is only possible through Plantation. We must avoid use of plastic bags and plastic products. Say no to pollution and plant trees and stop deforestation.

Let’s aware people and ask others to save Earth. The root cause behind the degradation of environment and earth is the ignorance of men. In the search of progress men have forgot the importance of earth and its resources. Man made activities are major cause of destruction of environment. Every individual must plant trees to Save Earth from more destruction and save trees to Save Earth.

Essay on Save Earth for Kg Class 1 Student

As we know that earth is home to thousands of life forms. Earth is losing its equilibrium because of our activities. Life on earth is disturbed, some life forms are becoming extinct. Many natural systems that sustain life on earth have been badly affected. Clearing natural habitats of wildlife has made animals suffer and die. Air and water pollution on earth is causing threat to millions of life forms including man.

If we want to protect human race and other life forms, we must protect our mother earth first. Life is only possible when we will safeguard earth from degradation. We can save earth by planting trees, reducing excessive use of vehicles and saving natural resources present on earth.

Ten Lines on Save Earth For Students

1. Earth is our planet and our home.

2. All life on earth is getting affected due to man’s wanton activities.

3. All forms of life are in danger.

4. Global warming and climate change are threats to life on earth.

5. We can protect life by protecting our planet earth.

6. We should stop deforestation.

7. We should avoid dumping of domestic and industrial garbage.

8. We can save earth by planting trees.

9. Air and water is our means of survival on earth.

10. Air pollution, water pollution and land degradation on earth are big threats to life on earth.

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Essay on Save Earth

Students are often asked to write an essay on Save Earth in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Save Earth


Earth is our home, providing us with everything we need to live. It’s crucial that we protect it.

Why Save Earth?

Earth is the only planet known to support life. Its resources are vital for our survival.

How to Save Earth?

We can save Earth by reducing pollution, conserving water, and planting trees.

Every small action counts. Let’s do our part to save Earth and ensure a healthy future for all.

250 Words Essay on Save Earth

The imperative to save earth.

As the only known planet in the universe harboring life, Earth is our irreplaceable home. Yet, our actions and choices are rapidly degrading its capacity to sustain life. Saving Earth is not merely an ethical obligation but a survival necessity.

Climate Change: An Unprecedented Threat

The most pressing issue we face is climate change, driven by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. This has triggered a cascade of devastating impacts, from rising global temperatures to extreme weather events. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that if we continue on our current path, we risk crossing thresholds of irreversible damage.

The Role of Sustainable Living

To prevent this catastrophe, we must adopt sustainable living. This involves reducing waste, promoting renewable energy, and supporting eco-friendly practices. Beyond individual actions, systemic changes are required to transition towards a green economy.

The Power of Education and Innovation

Education is a powerful tool in this fight. By fostering awareness and understanding, we can motivate actions that protect our planet. Furthermore, technological innovation can provide solutions to environmental challenges. From carbon capture technologies to plant-based alternatives to meat, innovative solutions can help us mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Conclusion: The Urgency of Now

The task of saving Earth is daunting but necessary. It requires collective action, political will, and the courage to change our ways. As the custodians of Earth, we have the power to shape its future. Let’s harness this power to ensure that Earth remains a thriving home for generations to come.

500 Words Essay on Save Earth

Earth, the third planet from the sun and the only known celestial body to harbor life, is facing unprecedented challenges. The exponential growth of human activities has resulted in the degradation of the environment, leading to severe consequences such as climate change, deforestation, and species extinction. It is now more critical than ever to adopt strategies to save Earth and ensure the survival of future generations.

The Current State of the Earth

Our planet is in a state of crisis. The rapid industrialization and unchecked human activities have led to the overexploitation of natural resources. The burning of fossil fuels has increased the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to global warming. Deforestation, on the other hand, has disrupted the balance of ecosystems, leading to a loss of biodiversity. The oceans are not spared either, with plastic pollution threatening marine life and overfishing depleting fish populations.

The Consequences of Inaction

If we continue on our current path, the consequences could be dire. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that a temperature rise of more than 1.5 degrees Celsius could lead to irreversible impacts. These include more frequent and severe weather events, rising sea levels, and increased desertification. The loss of biodiversity could also destabilize ecosystems and disrupt food chains, leading to a collapse of the services that nature provides us, from pollination of crops to purification of water.

Steps Towards a Sustainable Future

Despite the grim outlook, it is still within our power to turn things around. A transition to renewable energy sources could significantly reduce our carbon footprint. Reforestation and conservation efforts can help restore biodiversity and sequester carbon. A circular economy, where waste is minimized and resources are reused and recycled, can reduce our demand for raw materials.

The Role of Individuals, Governments, and Corporations

The Earth does not belong to us; we belong to the Earth. Our actions today will determine the fate of our planet and the legacy we leave for future generations. It is not too late to change course, but we must act now. Saving the Earth requires a collective effort, a shift in our mindset, and a commitment to sustainability. Let us rise to the challenge and ensure that our beautiful planet continues to thrive for millennia to come.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Speech On Save Earth Save Life - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

  • Speech on Save Earth Save Life -

Earth is the only known planet in the universe that has life. The earth has provided various natural resources for the existence of life. By utilizing these resources, all living things can survive. "Save Earth" is an advertising campaign that shows the importance of Mother Earth. It teaches us how saving the planet can help not only humans but also other creatures.

10 Line Speech on Save Earth Save Life

Short speech on save earth save life, long speech on save earth save life.

Speech On Save Earth Save Life - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Earth is our only home, and we should do everything to protect it.

Climate change and other environmental problems threaten all life on the planet.

Deforestation and pollution are leading to the loss of biodiversity, which is essential for the survival of all species.

The actions we take today will determine the fate of the Earth for generations to come.

Simple changes such as reducing our carbon footprint, conserving energy, and recycling can significantly impact us.

Protecting natural habitats and wildlife is crucial for maintaining the ecosystem's delicate balance.

We must work together as a society to address the issues endangering our planet.

Governments, corporations, and individuals all have a vital role to play in protecting the environment.

Investing in clean energy, such as solar and wind power, is essential to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.

It's always possible to start making a difference. Let's work together to save the Earth and secure a bright future for all life.

A warm welcome to everyone. Today I will be talking about the importance of saving the earth.

Earth: Most Precious

The earth is the most precious thing in this universe; it has oxygen and water, which are essential for life. The earth's natural resources are being depleted day by day due to various wrong practices of people. Due to the lack of a favorable environment, different forest animals have become extinct. The incidence of various types of pollution, global warming, and other environmental problems is increasing day by day. It is very necessary to stop all bad practices to reduce the negative impact of the same. Earth Day on April 22 every year is celebrated to raise awareness of people all over the world. Every year it is observed how much people care about the earth's natural environment.

Our earth gets nothing in return from us but demands to receive it for the continuation of healthy life on earth. We are not alone on earth. Many unknown creatures inhabit the earth. So we should not be selfish and think of all life on earth. We must reduce the amount of waste, plastic, paper, wood, etc., to protect the earth and the environment. To reduce waste, we should develop habits of reusing and recycling things.

A warm welcome to everyone present here. Today, in my speech, I would like to tell you about the topic "save earth, save life" . To save life on this earth, you must first save the world.

Earth and its Resources

The earth and its resources make life possible. It is impossible to imagine our life without these resources. Life cannot function without the sun, air, plants, and water. But if we don't save the planet now, this will soon become our reality. The resources that the earth gives us are limited. Those are countless blessings. Humans have become selfish and are rapidly exploiting the Earth's resources. We must protect them to save our lives. This is because humans and all living things depend on the earth for survival.

Destruction of Earth’s Resources

Development is progressing rapidly, making people's lives more convenient. But that doesn't give humans the power to corrupt the Earth. Waste is dumped into rivers and other bodies of water, affecting aquatic life. Technology has also improved, and the radiation levels in the air are so high that they affect birds. Some migratory birds forget their way. Trees are cut down, and forests are restricted, making it difficult for wildlife and birds to survive.

Initiatives to be Taken

If we don't protect nature now, only we and future generations will suffer. Our survival is impossible. By destroying nature, we influence our lives. Development is important in today's world, but nature is much more important. Evolutionary logic does not exist if people do not live to use it. We all must participate in volunteer activities to maintain a clean and green environment in our communities. We should recycle without throwing garbage away. We should not forget to schedule regular maintenance for your car.

We must Encourage people to avoid using polyethene and other plastic products. We must bring a cloth bag when we go to the grocery store. We must make it a point to encourage others to save water themselves. Although it is our responsibility to protect the earth we live on, we tend to be selfish and do things that further pollute the environment.

As we are the most evolved species in the environment, it must be understood that Earth is the only planet that supports life. So if Earth is in danger, moving to another planet for safety is not an option. So it's important to use what we have sustainably. Our approach not only saves the planet, but it also saves our lives. Moreover, our future generations will be given a healthy living environment.

Now is the time. It is not logical to take nature for granted. The health of our planet depends significantly on the small actions of humans. If possible, we must take a walk to the neighborhood market. We should carpool with a friend or colleague to get to work. We must be kind to all living things. Most importantly, plant at least one tree daily. If we do not save mother earth, we will all be in great pain.

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10 Lines On Save Earth For Kids

Save the Earth is something that we all should be thinking about. We need to save as much of the Earth’s resources as possible so that our kids and grandchildren can enjoy it. With climate change, more and more natural disasters are happening, and they will only become worse. It’s time for us all to do something about it. Here are 10 lines on save earth for kids to keep in mind:

10 Lines On Save Earth

10 Lines On Save Earth

  • Earth is the most amazing place in the universe for life to exist.
  • We have access to life-sustaining resources like water and oxygen on earth
  • Preserving the planet’s natural ecosystems and materials is one way to guard against this.
  • There are many useful plants and animals to be found on earth.
  • To ensure the safety of future generations, we must all do our part to protect the planet by not destroying it.
  • Do not use any more Polythene because it causes a lot of pollution after we burn it.
  • We should not pollute the drinking water.
  • We must immediately put an end to all activities that contribute to global warming and lower the global pollution level.
  • The world is ours, and the security of it should be our top priority.
  • Educate yourself on the issues surrounding climate change and how you can help make a difference.

Also read: 10 Lines On Good Manners For Kids

5 Lines On Save Earth

  • Use less energy.
  • Don’t throw plastic things here and there
  • Plant a tree everyday
  • Do not pollute drinking water
  • Take a stand and make a difference!

Also read: 10 Lines On My Parents For Kids

Not only kids We all have a responsibility to save Earth. We have to (even should have) act now, before getting the things too late. There are many ways that we can help save our planet. Earth is in trouble. So much trouble that it’s on the brink of extinction. But there are people who are working hard to save it. Be like those people who are working hard to save the earth planet.

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10 Lines on Earth

Earth is our mother planet which provides habitat to millions of species of plants and animals. Earth is the only planet that has atmosphere in the entire solar system. Earth’s atmosphere nourishes life and protects it from harmful UV rays and meteorites. Earth is our planet and we should take all the necessary steps to maintain the continuity of life. As a responsible person, we should participate in volunteering the activities that would make our earth a sustainable planet for future generations.

Ten Lines on Earth in English

We are providing 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Earth in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essay and paragraph writing in your exams as well as in the school competitions. So, let’s start reading and getting the one best for you:

1) Earth is one of the eight planets of our solar system that revolves around the sun.

2) Earth is the only known planet supporting life in the entire solar system.

3) Many scientists claim that earth is supposed to be 4.5 billion years old.

4) Around 73% of the surface of the earth is covered with water.

5) Earth has an atmosphere containing 21% oxygen which helps in the survival of living beings.

6) The gases like nitrogen, CO2, and oxygen in earth’s atmosphere help plants to grow.

7) Earth‘s rocky surface known as the crust is made up of silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium.

8) Earth is spheroid in shape and is larger than other planets like Mercury, Venus, and Mars.

9) Earth completes its orbit around the sun in 365.256 days which creates leap year once in 4 years.

10) The earth is a habitat for the millions of species of plants and animals.

10 Lines and Sentences on Earth

1) The coldest place on earth is Antarctica and the hottest place in Libya.

2) Earth provides us air, water, food and shelter to live.

3) It is our moral responsibility to protect our earth from pollution and global warming.

4) We should not waste natural resources like coal, water, and minerals found on earth.

5) Conservation of natural resources is important for the sustainability of planet earth.

6) More than 7 billion people are currently residing on planet earth.

7) Earth Day is observed every year on 22 nd April in order to protect the environment.

8) Earth generates a powerful magnetic field due to its rotation and iron core.

9) Only 3% of the earth’s water is freshwater rest 97 percent of water is saline in nature.

10) Earth’s only natural satellite is the moon which revolves around the earth.

10 Lines on Earth

5 Lines on Earth

1) Earth is one of the planets in our solar system.

2) It is the only planet supporting life.

3) Earth is bigger than Mars, Mercury, and Venus.

4) It is covered with 71% of water.

5) It is also called the blue planet.

20 Lines on Earth

1) Earth is a planet of Sun which is also called Blue Planet because of the availability of water and it looks blue when observed from the space.

2) The entire surface area of ​​the Earth is 510,072,000 sq km, of which the land area is approx. 148,940,000 sq km and the aquatic area is about 361,132,000 sq km.

3) 97% of the water on the earth is saline or not potable and only 3% is clean water which mankind uses for their need.

4) Only 11 percent of the Earth’s terrain is used to produce food i.e. in agriculture.

5) The Earth is tilted at an angle of 23.5 0 on its own axis and due to this inclination of the earth, the weather changes.

6) There is a very dense atmosphere around the Earth and it contains about 78.09% nitrogen, 20.91% oxygen and 1% other gases.

7) On the surface of the earth, there are huge mountains, somewhere rugged plateau and fertile plains are found elsewhere.

8) The surface of the Earth constantly changes during time period due to plate tectonics and erosion.

9) Changes at the bottom due to plate tectonics have an effect on weather, rainfall, heat cycle and chemical changes.

10) These changes occur on the surface due to many factors such as freezing, coastal erosion, formation of coral reefs and large meteor bodies falling on the earth.

11) According to Indian mythology, the name Prithvi is derived from the legend king Maharajah (his Highness) Prithu.

12) In English, it is also known as Earth.

13) The word ‘Earth’ has been taken from the German language which means ‘ground’.

14) Earth is the 5th largest planet in size and is the only planet in the solar system that has life.

15) The planet Earth was formed about 4.54 billion years ago and life started to develop hereafter one billion years of this event.

16) Earth’s radius is about 6,371 kilometers and is the fifth largest body in the solar system by size.

17) The Earth is located approximately 150 million kilometers from the Sun and this distance is known as Astronomical Unit.

18) It takes about 8.3 minutes for sunlight to reach the Earth.

19) The Earth completes a circle around the Sun in an elliptical path in 365 days, 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 45.51 seconds, which is called its rotational motion.

20) On 22 nd April 1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated in America and after this day is celebrated as Earth Day all over the world.

Earth is the only planet that supports life. Earth gives us all the necessary things like food, water, the shelter needed for the survival of life. Hence, it is our prime responsibility to protect the earth by saving greenery and the environment. We should not waste natural resources in abundance for our own greed. As a human being, we should volunteer for the activities that help in reducing pollution and global warming thereby making it a sustainable planet to live.

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10 Lines on Save Earth

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Lauren Sánchez shares Jeff Bezos' guiding principle for their $10 billion philanthropy effort

  • Eva Longoria interviewed Lauren Sánchez for The Hollywood Reporter.
  • The longtime friends chatted about Sánchez and Jeff Bezos' work on the Bezos Earth Fund.
  • She said she and the Amazon founder are focused on making "systematic change."

Insider Today

Lauren Sánchez shed light on how she and her fiancé Jeff Bezos approach giving back.

On Tuesday, The Hollywood Reporter published a conversation between Sánchez and Eva Longoria, who have been friends for 20 years.

During their chat, Longoria interviewed Sánchez about her philanthropic efforts, which she said had been a passion of hers for decades but may seem new to the public now that she is donating billions of dollars alongside Bezos.

"The giving — monetary giving — is so much bigger now," she told Longoria. "So I can see how, you know, people might think that, but my passion I think for giving back started extremely early."

Sánchez, 54, and Bezos, 60, have been in a public relationship since 2019, and they got engaged in the fall of 2023. He was previously married to MacKenzie Scott , who announced in March that she would donate $640 million to 361 nonprofits .

"Jeff is extremely focused, as you can imagine," Sánchez told Longoria of her and Bezos' "philosophy" for philanthropy. "We really look for organizations that are not only addressing urgent issues but also have a clear, impactful plan for making a difference. That's important."

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"We're prioritizing areas where we can help drive a systematic change — it's about making these thoughtful, informed decisions to ensure that the contributions will have the greatest impact," she said.

Lauren Sánchez and Jeff Bezos work on the Bezos Earth Fund together

Much of Longoria and Sánchez's conversation focused on her and Bezos' work on the Bezos Earth Fund .

Bezos launched the fund in 2020, pledging to invest $10 billion through 2030 to combat the climate crisis. The Amazon founder intends to donate the majority of his fortune to charity. However, he is still the second richest person in the world with a net worth of $215 billion, according to Forbes' real-time billionaire list .

Sánchez serves as the vice chair of the Bezos Earth Fund, helping Bezos and the organization's staff determine where to invest.

Sánchez told Longoria that she and Bezos are focused on new technologies, restoring "critical ecosystems," and "protecting nature."

"Jeff always says, 'We have to invent our way out of this,'" Sánchez told Longoria. "And so, investing in these solutions, some may work, some will be a hit, and some won't. But that's how we're going to get out of this, by funding scientific research to develop new technologies like sustainable aviation fuels or what's called green cement."

Likewise, the fund set aside $60 million for the development of meat alternatives that are less costly to produce and tastier than what is currently on the market.

"The meat that they're making now tastes so good," Sánchez told Longoria. "I know that's hard to believe, but I've tasted it. And that's going to, I think, make a big impact."

In addition to her work with Bezos, Sánchez, previously a news anchor , also works with charitable organizations like This Is About Humanity, which supports families that get separated at the US-Mexico border.

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save earth essay 10 lines

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The Supreme Court Is Not Done Remaking America

Some of the rulings that came before the justices’ decision on presidential immunity could prove to have just as big an impact..

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From “The New York Times,” I’m Michael Barbaro. This is “The Daily.”

When the Supreme Court wrapped up its term last week, much of the focus was on the ruling that gave Donald Trump sweeping immunity from criminal prosecution. But as my colleague Adam Liptak explains, a set of rulings that generated far less attention could have just as big an impact on American government and society.

It’s Monday, July 8.

Adam, welcome back. It hasn’t been very long, but we want to talk to you about the rest of the Supreme Court’s decisions that happened over the past few weeks, the rest meaning the non-Trump decisions. There were a lot of other cases, many of which we covered on the show over the past year, but we haven’t yet talked about where the justices landed as they issued their rulings on these cases over the past few weeks. So I wonder if you can walk us through some of the bigger decisions and what, taken as a whole, this entire term really means. So where should we start?

Well, this term had so many major cases, Michael, on so many important issues touching all aspects of American politics and society, that it’s a little hard to know where to start. But I think one way to think about the term is to ask, how much is this a 6-3 court? There are six conservatives in the majority, the three liberal justices in dissent. Are we going to get that kind of classic lineup time after time after time?

And one way to start answering that question is to look at two areas which are kind of part of the court’s greatest hits, areas where they’ve done a lot of work in the last few terms — guns and abortion.

OK, let’s start with guns.

The court had two big guns cases. One of them involved the Second Amendment and broke 8 to 1 against Second Amendment rights. Only Justice Clarence Thomas, the most avid supporter of gun rights, was in dissent. So let me tell you just a little bit about this case.

There’s a federal law that says people subject to domestic violence restraining orders, it’s a crime for them to have guns. A guy named Zackey Rahimi was subject to such a domestic violence restraining order, but he goes to court and says, this law violates my Second Amendment rights. The Second Amendment protects me and allows me to have a gun even if I’m in this status.

And that goes to the Supreme Court. And the way the Supreme Court analyzes this question is it looks to a test that it established only a couple of years ago, in 2022, which said you judge the constitutionality of gun control laws using history. You kind of go back in time and you see whether the community and the founding era disarmed people in the same way that the current law disarms people.

And you might think that actually, back in the 1700s, there were no such things as domestic violence restraining orders. So you might think that the answer is, this contemporary law is unconstitutional. But Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for an eight-justice majority, says, no, that’s not quite right. We’re going to kind of roll back the specificity of the test and look at very general principles. Can you disarm dangerous people back then? And if you can do that, then you can disarm Rahimi, even under this law that the founding generation could not have contemplated.

That’s really interesting. So the court, its conservative majority especially, seems to be saying that our last big decision made it too hard to regulate guns. We need to fix that. So we’re going to search really hard for a way to make sure that somebody with a restraining order for domestic abuse can’t legally have a gun.

Right. On the other hand, there was a second guns case, not involving the Second Amendment, but posing an important issue. The question in the case was whether the Trump administration was allowed to enact a gun control regulation in 2017 after the Las Vegas shooting in which, at an outdoor music festival, a gunman killed 58 people, wounded 500 more.

And the Trump administration, prompted by this massacre, they issue a regulation that tries to outlaw bump stocks. What are bump stocks? They’re devices that turn semi-automatic weapons into weapons that can fire at rates approaching a machine gun. And drawing on the authority of a 1934 law which bans, for the most part, civilian ownership of machine guns, it said bump stocks are basically the same thing, and we will, by regulation, outlaw them.

And the question for the court was, did the 1934 law authorize that? And here — and this is a typical split on this kind of stuff — the majority, the conservative majority, takes a textualist approach. It bears down on the particular words of the statute. And Justice Thomas looks at the words that Congress said a machine gun is one where a single function of the trigger causes all of these bullets to fly. And a bump stock, he said, is not precisely that. Therefore, we’re going to strike down this regulation.

So how do you reconcile these two divergent gun rulings, one where the court works really hard to allow for gun restrictions in the case of domestic abusers, and another where they seem to have no compunction about allowing for a bump stock that I think most of us, practically speaking, understand as making a semiautomatic weapon automatic in the real world?

I think the court draws a real distinction between two kinds of cases. One is about interpreting the Constitution, interpreting the Second Amendment. And in that area, it is plowing new ground. It has issued maybe four major Second Amendment cases, and it’s trying to figure out how that works and what the limits are. And the Rahimi case shows you that they’re still finding their way. They’re trying to find the right balance in that constitutional realm where they are the last word.

The bump stocks case doesn’t involve the Constitution. It involves an interpretation of a statute enacted by Congress. And the majority, in those kinds of cases, tends to read statutes narrowly. And they would say that that’s acceptable because unlike in a constitutional case, if it’s about a congressional statute, Congress can go back and fix it. Congress can say whatever it likes.

Justice Samuel Alito said, in the bump stocks case, this massacre was terrible, and it’s a pity Congress didn’t act. But if Congress doesn’t act, a regulator can’t step in and do what Congress didn’t do.

That’s interesting, because it suggests a surprising level of open-mindedness among even the court’s most conservative justices to an interpretation of the Constitution that may allow for a greater level of gun regulation than perhaps we think of them as being interested in.

Yeah. When we’re talking about the Constitution, they do seem more open to regulating guns than you might have thought.

OK. You also mentioned, Adam, abortion. Let’s talk about those decisions from this court.

So the Court, in 2022, as everyone knows, overturned Roe v. Wade, eliminated the constitutional right to abortion. But in two cases this term, they effectively enhanced the availability of abortion.

One of them involves emergency rooms. There’s a federal statute that says that emergency rooms that receive federal money have to treat patients and give them stabilizing care if they arrive in the emergency room. That seems to conflict with a strict Idaho law that prohibits abortions except to save the life of the mother.

The court agrees to hear the case, it hears arguments, and then it dismisses the case. It dismisses it as improvidently granted, which is judicial speak for “never mind.” But it’s very tentative. The court merely dismissed the case. It said it was too early to hear it. They’re going to look at it later. So it’s a very tentative sliver of a victory for abortion rights.

But nonetheless, the effect of this is to suspend the Idaho law, at least to the extent it conflicts with the federal law. And it lets emergency abortions continue. Women in Idaho have more access to emergency abortions as a consequence of this decision than if the court had gone the other way.

And of course, the other abortion case centered on the abortion pill, mifepristone.

Right. And that pill is used in a majority of abortions. And the availability of that pill is crucial to what remains of abortion rights in the United States. Lower courts had said that the Food and Drug Administration exceeded its authority in approving these abortion pills. And the case comes to the Supreme Court.

And here, again, they rule in favor of abortion rights. They maintain the availability of these pills, but they do so, again, in a kind of technical way that does not assure that the pills will forever remain available. What the court says, merely — and unanimously — is that the particular plaintiffs who challenged the law, doctors and medical groups who oppose abortion, didn’t have standing, hadn’t suffered the sort of direct injury, that gave them the right to sue.

And it got rid of the case on standing grounds. But that’s not a permanent decision. Other people, other groups can sue, have sued. And the court didn’t decide whether the FDA approval was proper or not, only that the lawsuit couldn’t go forward. And here, too, this case is a victory for abortion rights, but maybe an ephemeral one, and may well return to the court, which has not given an indication of how it will turn out if they actually address the merits.

Got it. So this is a court, the one you’re describing in these rulings, acting with some nuance and some restraint?

Yeah, this picture is complicated.

This is not the court that we’re used to thinking about. There are a lot of crosscurrents. There are a lot of surprises. And that was true, in those cases, on big issues, on guns and abortion. But in another set of cases, the court moved aggressively to the right and really took on the very power and structure of the federal government.


We’ll be right back.

So Adam, tell us about these cases where the court was less nuanced, less, perhaps, judicious, and really tried to move aggressively to the right and take on the power of government?

So it’s been a long-term goal of the conservative legal movement to weaken the power of regulators, of taking on what they call the administrative state. And this term, the court really vindicated that decades-old project primarily by overruling the foundational precedent in this area, a precedent that gave expert agencies the power to interpret federal laws and enact regulations to protect consumers, investors, all manner of people.

And the court overruled that decision called Chevron. It was as important as the court, two years ago, overruling the right to abortion, one year ago, overruling affirmative action in higher education. This decision will reshape the way the federal government does its work.

Right. And Adam, as I recall, because we did a whole episode about this with you, Chevron created a framework whereby if a law has any ambiguity about how it’s supposed to play out, that the experts within the federal government, within the EPA or the FDA, you name the agency, that we collectively defer to them and their wisdom, and that that becomes the basis for how these laws get interpreted and carried out.

That’s right. And if you think about it, Michael, Congress can’t anticipate every circumstance. Congress will, on purpose sometimes, and inevitably at other times, leave gaps in the law. And those gaps need to be filled by someone. And the choice that the Chevron decision made was to say, we’re going to let the expert regulator fill in those gaps. If there are ambiguities in statutes, the reasonable interpretation of the regulator will get deference from courts.

Experts, not judges, will decide this matter, is what Chevron said 40 years ago. And it’s really hard to overstate the consequences of overruling Chevron. It will open countless, countless regulations to judicial challenge. It may actually kind of swamp the courts. The courts have relied very heavily on Chevron to make difficult decisions about complicated stuff, questions about the environment, and food safety, and drugs, and securities, questions that really often require quite technical expertise.

So what was the court’s rationale for changing that Chevron framework that’s been in place for so long?

What the six-justice majority opinion written by Chief Justice Roberts says is that Chevron was a wrong turn from the outset, that unelected bureaucrats should not be empowered to say what the law means, that that’s the job of judges. So it moves from the expert agency to federal judges the determination of all sorts of important issues. And it probably has the effect of deregulating much of American society.

I mean, in the old world, the regulator had a thumb on the scale. The regulator’s interpretation of an ambiguous statute was the one that counted. And now, the judge will have a fresh look at it. That doesn’t mean that, in every case, the challenger wins, and in every case, the regulator loses. But it shifts the balance and it makes challenges more likely to succeed.

Where else did we see this instinct by the court to challenge the government’s authority in this term?

So right after the court overturns Chevron, it issues a second decision that really amplifies the power of that decision, because it says that challenges can be brought not only in the usual six-year statute of limitations from when a regulation is issued, but six years from when it first affects a company.

And bear with me, because that’s a big difference. If I start a company tomorrow, I have six years to sue over a regulation that affects it, even though that regulation may have been in place for 30 years. So it restarts the clock on challenges, and that one-two punch, both of them decided by 6-3 majorities, go even further in reshaping the ability of the federal government to regulate.

I just want to be sure I understand something. So in the past, let’s say the Clean Water Act was passed in the 1970s. Under the old statute of limitations, a company could sue and say that regulation is a problem for six years. But you’re saying a new company formed right now could go back and sue over something in a 30 - or 40-year-old law and how it’s being interpreted. In other words, this ruling means there really isn’t a statute of limitations on challenging these regulations any longer.

That’s right. And it’s not as though you can’t form a company just for the purpose of litigation. I mean, it completely opens up the ability of industries, trade groups just to set up a trivial nothing company that will then be said to be affected by the regulation and then can sue from now until the end of time.

And the liberal justices sure understood what was happening here, that this one-two punch, as Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote in dissent, was a catastrophe for regulators. She wrote, “At the end of a momentous term, this much is clear — that tsunami of lawsuits against agencies that the court’s holdings in this case have authorized has the potential to devastate the functioning of the federal government.”

It’s a pretty searing warning.

Yeah. I mean, talking about regulations and administrative law might put some people to sleep, but this is a really big deal, Michael. And as if those two cases were not a substantial enough attack on the federal government’s regulatory authority, the court also issues a third 6-3 decision undoing one of the main ways that regulators file enforcement actions against people who they say have violated the law.

They don’t always go to court. Sometimes, they go to administrative tribunals within the agency. The court says, no, that’s no good. Only courts can adjudicate these matters. So it’s just another instance of the court being consistently hostile to the administrative state.

Adam, all three of these decisions might sound pretty dangerous if you have a lot of confidence in the federal government and in the judgments of regulators and bureaucrats to interpret things. But if you’re one of the many Americans who doesn’t have a whole lot of faith in the federal government, I have to imagine all of these rulings might seem pretty constructive.

That’s an excellent point. Lots of people are skeptical of regulators, are skeptical of what they would call the deep state, of unelected bureaucrats, of even the idea of expertise. And so for those people, this is a step in the right direction. It’s taking power away from bureaucrats and handing it to what we would hope are independent, fair-minded judges.

What does seem clear, Adam, is that even though this episode was supposed to be about the rest of the Supreme Court’s rulings this year, the less sexy-sounding decisions than Trump and immunity and how much power and protection all future presidents have, the rulings that you’re describing around the government’s administrative power, they seem like they’re going to have the greatest long-term impact on how our government functions, and in a sense, what our society looks like.

Well, the biggest case of the term is obviously the Trump immunity case. That’s a decision for the ages. But close behind these decisions, reshaping the administrative state and vindicating a long-held goal of the conservative legal movement going back to the Reagan administration, that the Federalist Society, the conservative legal group, has been pushing for decades, and really unraveling a conception of what the federal government does that’s been in place since the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal.

So as much as we’ve been talking about other cases where the court was tentative, surprising, nuanced in the biggest cases of the term, all delivered by six to three votes, all controlled by the conservative supermajority, the court was not nuanced. It was straightforward, and it reshaped American government.

In the end, a hard right court is going to, no matter how much it might deviate, operate like a hard right court.

Yes, Michael. It’s possible to look at the balance of the decisions and draw all kinds of complicated conclusions about the court. But when you look at the biggest cases, the picture you see is a conservative court moving the law to the right.

Well, Adam, thank you very much. We appreciate it.

Thank you, Michael.

Here’s what else you need to know today. “The Times” reports that four senior Democratic house members have told colleagues that President Biden must step aside as the party’s nominee over fears that he is no longer capable of winning. They include the top Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, the Armed Services Committee, and the Veterans Affairs Committee.

Those top Democrats joined five rank and file House Democrats who have publicly called for Biden to step down. The latest of those was representative Angie Craig of Minnesota, who represents a swing district in the state. In a statement, Craig said that after watching Biden in the first debate, quote, “I do not believe that the president can effectively campaign and win against Donald Trump.” Senate Democrats remain largely quiet on the question of Biden’s future.

Now, you probably heard, I had a little debate last week. I can’t say it was my best performance.

In several appearances over the weekend, Biden acknowledged the growing skepticism of his candidacy —

Well, ever since then, there’s been a lot of speculation. What’s Joe going to do?

— but emphatically rejected the calls to step aside.

Well, let me say this clearly as I can. I’m staying in the race.

And in a surprise electoral upset, France’s political left was projected to win the largest number of seats in the National Assembly after the latest round of voting. The anti-immigrant far right had been expected to make history by winning the most seats, but a last-minute scramble by left wing parties averted that result.

Today’s episode was produced by Rikki Novetsky, Shannon Lin, and Rob Szypko. It was edited by Devon Taylor and Lisa Chow. Contains original music by Dan Powell and Sophia Lanman, and was engineered by Chris Wood. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly.

That’s it for “The Daily.” I’m Michael Barbaro. See you tomorrow.

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save earth essay 10 lines

Hosted by Michael Barbaro

Featuring Adam Liptak

Produced by Rikki Novetsky ,  Shannon M. Lin and Rob Szypko

Edited by Devon Taylor and Lisa Chow

Original music by Dan Powell and Sophia Lanman

Engineered by Chris Wood

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When the Supreme Court wrapped up its term last week, much of the focus was on the ruling that gave former President Donald J. Trump sweeping immunity from criminal prosecution. But another set of rulings that generated less attention could have just as big an impact on American government and society.

Adam Liptak, who covers the Supreme Court for The Times, explains.

On today’s episode

save earth essay 10 lines

Adam Liptak , who covers the Supreme Court for The New York Times and writes Sidebar, a column on legal developments.

A group portrait of the Supreme Court justices in their black gowns, in front of a red velvet curtain.

Background reading

In a volatile term, a fractured Supreme Court remade America .

Here’s a guide to the major Supreme Court decisions in 2024 .

In video: How a fractured Supreme Court ruled this term .

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson, Nina Lassam and Nick Pitman.

Adam Liptak covers the Supreme Court and writes Sidebar, a column on legal developments. A graduate of Yale Law School, he practiced law for 14 years before joining The Times in 2002. More about Adam Liptak



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