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Essay on the role of students in society (750 words).

role of students in society essay in english


Read this essay on the Role of Students in Society !

Today’s youth is tomorrow’s nation. And today’s youth are our students. Students do pay a vital role in the society and how a society is shaped generation after generations. The formative period of an individual is during the student phase and hence it is known to be the crucial time of life. What is being sown today is what shall be reaped later.

Role of Students

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Education is where a student gets formed from. Education is in-fact character building in students. It through education that he understands the facts and figures and how things ought to be sorted and what is the current scenario and many other relevant important factors. Based on these factors are what he redesigns his thoughts and ideas and this is what helps him in due course when being an adult.

Education enables the student to understand within himself his strengths and freedom in his life. Education starts not only at school, but from every home. A child learns from his home, school and then from the society and thus every individual that a kid interacts, influences his life later on.

When students are being treated with due respect and responsibility, they have also lived up to be responsible and respect in return to the society. When being recognized, they have the acceptance to work for a better society through hardships rather than giving up in between.

Today, there are many activities that students take initiatives for the betterment of the society. We have seen that students of the younger classes taking steps to plant tress and thus promoting awareness programs on protecting tress and the importance of planting trees for the coming generations, rather than felling trees. There are activities where students promote for the awareness of old age and rescue shelters. College going students take the initiatives to help the old and abandoned people on the streets and get them to a rescue shelter or homes that provide proper food, clothing and medication for them.

Apart from these , when there is a natural calamity in any part of the globe, schools across the globe contribute to the affected people and place what they can and this kind of programs would help realize young children the importance of brotherhood. At schools there are the NCC camps and Scout troops that have been trained and in such situations they have been of immense help and have done real commendable services to the nation.

Apart from services, we have political arena where students are seen. With the right kind of motivation and guidance, they could become the most trustworthy, most accepted and sensible leaders for tomorrow. However, if exploited, they could become the worst and corrupt leaders. It is we who bring the good and bad out in our students.

We have seen how the youth stand as one against the negative aspects like corruption, violence, terrorism and fight for the peace and security of the nation. However we see that there is a lack of patriotism in the youth slowly coming up which destroys the harmony and peace of the nation.

Students act as bridges between two generations. They need to realize and understand the happening of today and eliminate the bad and extract the good and implement for tomorrow. For this understanding , the right education with the right involvement of the happening is a requirement and the education system should see to it that are being equipped for a better understanding rather than classifying education as elementary, secondary or higher education. The syllabus and the activities should be framed in such a manner that it is interactive and interesting so that students understand and signify the importance of what they learn.

If we do not mould our youth today, we may have to regret tomorrow as tomorrow’s nation is in the hands of our upcoming youth and they in turn would pass on what they have acquired in a better format to the forth coming generations, thus enabling the nation to grow in all sectors and make is one among the most powerful and harmonious nations of tomorrow.

Set an example for your young child and he will make sure that he lives up to your expectations for tomorrow. When every family sets an example, it would grow into the society and thus grow out to the nation. So let us join hands now for a better tomorrow through our youth who are budding students now. India needs us and we should stand for HER….

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Role of students in Society

Role of Students in Society

L K Monu Borkala

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Man is a social animal for all intents and purposes spending a great deal of his life monumental within the dictates of society.

At each significant stage in life, man essays an altogether different role as a component of the social structure. Be it childhood, youth, adulthood or sunset years, each stage has a valuable and momentous contribution to make.

The Role of Students in The Society

Years spent as a student constitute the most impressionable of times wherein an individual garners essential knowledge, much-needed skill and life experiences while forming valuable relationships.

Undoubtedly thus, students are the most important components of society. This position elevates their social responsibility to an altogether higher degree wherein their duty as responsible students in their community shapes social structure, functioning and allied determinants.

It is indeed undeniable that one cannot live in complete isolation from society and so applies to a student as well.

One is in a constant state of give and take from society. Thereby the intermediary links constructed between a student and the social structure thus influence the importance of students in society making them significant contributors.

1. Contribution to Literacy


The realm of literacy in the social structure has always been a grave cause of concern wherein a large stratum of society remains devoid of the right to literacy .

This deprivation is resultant of various factors such as that of poverty, unemployment, lack of awareness, gender and caste discrimination etc.

Thus, the role of students in modern society that takes into account literacy as the determinant of a secure future is to ensure that they in different ways contribute to teaching the illiterate, motivating one and all to take the leap towards education and strengthening the foundations of the nation.

Literacy campaigns, libraries, book exchanges, community literacy programmes and so on are not a distant dream if the student community vows to furnish their social responsibility.

2. Fight Against Antisocial Activities

Crucial concerns of modern society stem from a rise in antisocial activities and their hazardous consequences.

Theft, corruption, murder, black marketing, exploitation of women, weaker sections, rape and harassment compromise safe living standards as well as tarnish the social image.

In such a scenario, the ambition of students must be to work towards the total eradication of these social disabilities.

With the rise of social media, the right to speak up in democracy and the consolidation of student power, adequate solutions can be implemented to put an end to these burning social issues and thereby promote an equal, harmonious and lawful society.

The aim of social welfare is yet another goal which is realized through blood donation camps, relief funds, tending to the sick, needy and destitute, offering vulnerable animals a home and developing a sense of helpfulness, kindness and moral responsibility towards the society. Students in modern society must therefore be a catalyst for change and actualization of social welfare.

3. Say No to Drugs and Alcohol

Drug and alcohol addiction has long since blinded youth, deviated individuals from a healthy, progressive life and most of all led to a number of personal and social problems.

Addictions paralyze an individual, metaphorically if not physically and so hinder personal growth, kill ambition and engulf one in a sense of nothingness and denial.

Used as an escape mechanism, drugs and alcohol disrupt family life, and happiness, lead to poverty and stunt the contribution of individuals to the nation.

The drive of students thus must be to educate, sensitize and promote addiction-free living through various mediums such as that campaigns, street plays, social media, talks, volunteering at NGOs and de-addiction centres and so on.

4. Pioneers of Technological Advancements

Scientific advancement, innovation and novelty are the factors that make a nation stand out from the rest in the modern world. With young minds bubbling with a scientific temperament, drive to discover, and strive for innovation and progress, the contribution of students to society is thus exercised.

Young scientists in space organizations, students who have made innovations beyond their age, child prodigies, young interns with a zeal to learn and grow, and students who have opened up classes to educate their underprivileged contemporaries; there is active and noteworthy participation from the student community.

Rakeshkrishna K, a 16-year-old from Puttur taluk in Karnataka built a seedographer that eases out the tedium of seed-sowing for farmers and cuts down their investment in unskilled manpower.

5. Pride of The Nation

Young achievers making their mark in the arena of sports and athletics thereby add to their role as student contributors as promoters of physical fitness, national pride and integral value systems.

Sports builds confidence, the ability to make decisions , not crack under pressure, to be a great leader and most of all, to build meaningful relationships.

Young individuals with an enthusiasm for sports are thus ambassadors of fitness and overall wellbeing. Quite many have made the nation proud on various state, national and international platforms.

Mehuli Ghosh, a 17-year-old shooter has made the nation proud with her debut in the Commonwealth Games at Gold Coast and also won eight gold medals on various platforms thereafter.

6. Sustainable Development

With the rise of climate change, pollution and other ecological imbalances, calamities and disasters have become a common factor in present times.

As catalysts of change, students in our society incline towards an active contribution to disaster prevention and management.

In a capitalistic society, development is usually exploitative in a way that it is absolutely capital oriented and does not in any way take into account other side effects.

Thus, as responsible students who have imbibed something from their extensive and industrious syllabus, one must be able to move towards a sustainable development that not only takes into account modern needs but also saves enough for future generations.

Licypriya Kangujam , a 10-year-old child environmental activist from India has addressed world leaders at the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2019, in Spain, requesting for immediate action in the area of climate change.

7. Strong Value System

As the pioneers of change, students must work to annihilate caste, the evils of untouchability and promote gender equality. The caste and gender conflict has been at the heart of the Indian psyche since times immemorial.

Thereby, atrocities based on caste and gender hierarchy have impacted and destroyed the lives of men and women depriving them of opportunities, privileges, freedoms and the right to a decent standard of living.

As responsible citizens, students as a part of the community must navigate alternate ways of living, rising above gender, caste, religion and everything that holds us back.

8. Ecological Responsibility

person holding a tree

Pollution has changed the world in ways that to a large extent cannot be reversed. Inconsistent rainfall patterns and soil erosion owing to deforestation, melting ice caps and rising sea levels due to ozone rupture, alarming natural phenomena and unpredictable weather patterns resultant from pollution; the balance of nature is under threat.

Numerous plant and animal species are on the verge of extinction while the survival of man is largely a threat.

Thus, students are habituated to these issues, equipped to tackle them in their little ways, indulge in afforestation, water and soil conservation, cut down on pollution and so on.

Their curriculum consists therefore of extensive environmental studies so that they may be better able to exercise their role as students.

9. Service to The Nation

It is the duty of each and every citizen of the nation to serve the country at any time required. The members of the defence forces of the Army, Navy and Airforce strive hard for the protection of each and every citizen of the nation, sacrificing their own lives.

There is no nobler profession than that of the defence forces and doctors. The youth first as student role models and later as doctors, engineers, scientists and government servants with their political sensibilities, can contribute to the nation.

10. The Voice of Society

The power of youth is such that their voice will be heard in society and thereby they can speak up for the marginalized, work for social good, place demands and have them sanctioned.

The duty of students must be to act as role models for others in the society and the generations to come and thereby make society a better place to live in.

In a constant engagement of give and take, students need to meet up to certain expectations of society. In their life span, students do take a lot from parents, teachers and society at large.

Thus, it becomes their moral responsibility to exercise their role as students in society and turn into productive members, building a secure future for themselves and society.

It is important for every individual to go by the principle “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  

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Essay on Society

11 Essays on Society – Importance, Impacts, Problems [ 2024 ]

Society is the place where human live together with peace, established rules, culture and cooperation. Society has definite laws and well set boundaries. The Following essay I have wrote that talks about the society, its basic concept, importance and what role can students play in society.

Essay on Society: Its Importance for our Life

The society is a place where we live into. We share our life experiences with other individuals. The society helps us to interact with different types of people and learn from them. It is a platform that enhances our personality and teaches us how to live in a community.

Concept of Society

A society is not just about a group of individuals living together but it is much more than that. A society shapes the character of its members and instills values in them. It defines what is right and what is wrong for its members. It also provides them with a sense of security and belonging.

Essay on Society

Importance of Society

The importance of society can be understood from the fact that it plays a pivotal role in our life. Our survival and development depend on the society. The society provides us with shelter, food, clothing, and education. It also protects us from danger and keeps us safe from harm.

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The society is important for our life because:

1) it provides us with basic necessities of life: The society provides us with shelter, food, clothing, and education. All these things are necessary for our survival and development. 2) it protects us from danger and harm: The society protects us from danger and harm. It keeps us safe from criminals, natural disasters, and other threats. 3) it shapes our personality and character: The society shapes our personality and character. It defines what is right and what is wrong for us. It also instills values in us. 4) it gives us a sense of security and belonging: The society gives us a sense of security and belonging. It makes us feel safe and accepted. We feel connected to others and have a sense of purpose in life.

Role of Students in a Society:

There are many ways in which students can be productive members of society. Some of them are: 1) by participating in social service activities: Students can participate in social service activities and help the needy. They can volunteer for organizations that work for the betterment of society. 2) by spreading awareness about social issues: Students can spread awareness about social issues and raise awareness about the problems faced by society. They can use social media to spread awareness about important issues. 3) by becoming involved in politics: Students can become involved in politics and work for the betterment of society. They can run for office or volunteer for political campaigns.

The society is an important part of our life. It plays a crucial role in our survival, development, and personality. We should appreciate the importance of society and work towards its betterment.

Short Essay on Society in English:

Society plays a crucial role in shaping our lives. It is the framework within which we interact and build relationships with each other. From our families to our communities, society has a major influence on every aspect of our daily lives.

In today’s world, the concept of society has evolved drastically. With advancements in technology and globalization, we are no longer confined to physical boundaries. We are now part of a global society, connected to people from different backgrounds and cultures.

One of the fundamental aspects of any society is its values and beliefs. These shape our attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions towards others. They provide us with a moral compass to guide us in our interactions with fellow human beings. However, these values and beliefs can vary greatly across societies, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings.

Furthermore, society also provides us with a sense of identity. We are inherently social beings and rely on our interactions with others to form our self-concept. Our role in society, whether it be as a student, professional, or family member, contributes to our sense of self.

In conclusion, society is the glue that holds us together as a community. It provides us with structure, values, and identity. As individuals, it is our responsibility to contribute positively to society and help create a better world for future generations. After all, we are not just members of society; we are society itself.

Importance of society Essay:

The society we live in plays a crucial role in shaping our lives. It is the foundation on which our values, beliefs and behaviors are built upon. Society not only affects us as individuals but also has a significant impact on the world around us. In this essay, we will explore the importance of society and how it impacts our lives.

Firstly, society provides us with a sense of belonging and identity. As social beings, we have an innate desire to be a part of a community and feel connected to others. Through our interactions with family, friends, and other members of society, we develop a sense of who we are and where we fit in.

Moreover, society also provides us with the necessary support and resources to thrive. In times of need, we can turn to our community for help and support. Whether it is financial assistance, emotional support or advice, society offers a safety net that helps us navigate through life’s challenges.

In addition, society plays a crucial role in shaping our values and beliefs. Our cultural norms, traditions, and customs are all influenced by the society we live in. Through socialization, we learn what is considered acceptable and unacceptable behavior, and this helps us function harmoniously as a community.

Furthermore, society also promotes personal growth and development. By providing opportunities for education, employment, and personal advancement, it enables individuals to reach their full potential. A healthy and supportive society encourages its members to pursue their passions and aspirations.

In conclusion, the importance of society cannot be overstated. It is the fabric that holds us together and shapes our lives in more ways than we can imagine. As members of society, it is our responsibility to contribute positively towards its growth and well-being, for the betterment of ourselves and future generations.

Essay on Impact of Social Media on Society:

Social media has become an integral part of our lives in this modern day and age. It allows us to connect with people from different parts of the world, share our thoughts and experiences, and keep up with current events. However, its impact on society is a topic that has been widely debated.

On one hand, social media has played a major role in revolutionizing communication and breaking down geographical barriers. It has allowed us to stay connected with loved ones, even if they are miles away. Social media also serves as a platform for spreading awareness and promoting social causes. It has given a voice to marginalized communities and helped bring about much-needed change.

But on the other hand, social media comes with its own set of challenges. The constant need for validation and the pressure to present a perfect life online has led to a rise in mental health issues, especially among the youth. It has also made it easier for fake news and misinformation to spread like wildfire, creating chaos and division in society.

Moreover, social media has changed the way we perceive ourselves and others. We are constantly bombarded with images of idealized lives that have been carefully curated for the online world. This has led to an unhealthy comparison culture and a rise in feelings of inadequacy.

In conclusion, the impact of social media on society is complex and multi-faceted. While it has brought about positive changes in terms of communication and social activism, it also comes with its own set of challenges. It is up to us as individuals to use social media in a responsible and balanced manner, keeping in mind its potential impact on our mental health and society as a whole. So, we must strike a balance between being connected and staying grounded in the real world. Let’s make sure that social media remains a tool for positive change rather than a source of negativity.

Essay on Impact of Modern Technology on Society:

Modern technology has become an inseparable part of our daily lives. With every passing day, we are becoming more dependent on the latest gadgets and devices to make our lives easier. From smartphones to smart homes, modern technology has revolutionized the way we live, work and communicate.

The impact of modern technology on society has been both positive and negative. On one hand, it has accelerated the pace of progress and brought about significant advancements in various fields such as healthcare, education, and transportation. On the other hand, it has also contributed to societal issues like addiction, privacy invasion, and job loss.

The rise of social media platforms has connected us with people from all around the world but at the same time, it has led to a decrease in face-to-face communication and affected our social skills. The convenience of online shopping has made us more prone to impulsive purchases, causing financial strain on individuals and families.

The healthcare industry has benefited greatly from modern technology with the invention of life-saving medical equipment and advancements in treatment methods. However, it has also raised concerns about artificial intelligence replacing human jobs in the sector.

In conclusion, the impact of modern technology on society is a double-edged sword. It has brought about tremendous progress and convenience, but it has also posed challenges that need to be addressed

Essay on society and culture:

Society and culture are two intertwined concepts that shape our daily lives. Society refers to a group of individuals who share a common set of values, beliefs, and practices while culture encompasses the customs, traditions, and behaviors of a particular society.

The relationship between society and culture is dynamic and constantly evolving. As humans, we are social beings who are influenced by our surroundings. Our social environment which includes our family, friends, institutions, and media plays a critical role in shaping our perspectives and beliefs. These influences are reflected in our culture, from the food we eat to the way we dress and celebrate important occasions.

Culture is not limited to material objects or practices but also encompasses intangible aspects such as language, art, religion, and social norms. These aspects are what makes each society unique and different from others. Culture also helps us connect with our past, understand our present and shape our future.

While society and culture play a significant role in shaping an individual’s identity, they can also create divisions among people. Our cultural differences can lead to misunderstanding, discrimination, and conflicts within societies.

It is crucial for individuals to have an open mind and respect for other cultures to foster a harmonious society. By understanding and embracing different cultures, we can create a more inclusive and cohesive community where everyone feels valued and respected.

In conclusion, society and culture go hand in hand in shaping our beliefs, values, and behaviors. It is essential to recognize the impact of these concepts on our daily lives while also promoting an inclusive and diverse society. By valuing our differences, we can move towards a better future for all individuals.

Essay on Importance of Education in Society:

Education is one of the most crucial aspects of our society. It plays a vital role in shaping individuals and their perspectives towards life. Education not only provides knowledge, but it also helps us to develop critical thinking skills, moral values, and ethical beliefs.

In today’s world, education has become a necessity for survival. It is no longer seen as a luxury or privilege, but it is a basic human right. The importance of education in society can be seen through its impact on individuals, communities, and the nation as a whole.

For individuals, education opens doors to better career opportunities and higher income levels. It helps them to become self-sufficient and lead a better quality of life. Education also promotes personal growth and enables individuals to make informed decisions.

At the community level, education promotes social cohesion and harmony. It brings people from diverse backgrounds together and helps them to understand and appreciate each other’s cultures, beliefs, and values. Education also plays a crucial role in eradicating social evils such as poverty, discrimination, and inequality.

On a national level, education is instrumental in building a strong economy and creating a skilled workforce. It equips citizens with the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute to the development of their country. Education also plays a vital role in promoting democracy, social justice, and progress.

In conclusion, education is the cornerstone of our society. It empowers individuals, brings communities together, and strengthens nations. Therefore, it is essential to invest in quality education for all to ensure a better and brighter future for generations to come

Short Essay on humanity:

Humanity is a term that encompasses the collective characteristics, behaviors, and beliefs of human beings as a species. It is often used to describe the positive aspects of human nature such as compassion, empathy, and kindness towards others. However, it also includes the negative aspects such as greed, violence, and selfishness.

Throughout history, humanity has evolved tremendously in terms of technological advancements and societal structures. But at the core, humanity remains the same – with all its complexities and contradictions.

One of the defining characteristics of humanity is our ability to think critically and empathize with others. This has allowed us to understand and relate to people from different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. It has also led to the development of social systems such as laws, education, and healthcare that aim to improve the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.

On the other hand, humanity has also been responsible for some of the greatest horrors in history – whether it be wars, genocide, or environmental destruction. This highlights our inherent flaws and the need for constant self-reflection and improvement.

Despite our differences, there is an undeniable sense of interconnectedness amongst all human beings. We all share the same basic needs, desires, and emotions. This is what makes us human, and what ultimately unites us.

In a world that often seems divided and chaotic, it is important to remind ourselves of our shared humanity. It is through understanding and compassion for one another that we can create a better future for ourselves and future generations.

So let us strive to embrace our humanity, both the good and the bad, and use it to uplift ourselves and those around us. So let’s continue to spread kindness, empathy, and understanding – for that is what truly makes us human.

Essay on Society Today:

Society today is constantly changing, evolving, and adapting to new advancements and challenges. And as we grow and progress, it’s important to reflect on the state of our society in order to understand where we’ve come from and where we’re headed.

One of the biggest trends that has emerged in recent years is the increasing importance placed on diversity and inclusivity. With globalization and the rise of social media, people from different cultures, backgrounds, and walks of life are coming together like never before. This has led to a greater appreciation for diversity and a call for more representation in all aspects of society.

At the same time, technology has also played a major role in shaping our society today. From smartphones to social media platforms, we are more connected than ever before. This has led to a rapid exchange of information and ideas, making it easier for people to stay informed and engaged.

But with all this progress also comes the rise of challenges such as cyberbullying, online privacy concerns, and fake news. These issues are not only affecting individuals but also society as a whole. It’s important for us to be mindful of the impact of technology on our society and to use it responsibly.

Moreover, as we continue to make strides towards a more inclusive and technologically advanced society, we must also address ongoing issues such as social inequality, poverty, and climate change. These are complex problems that require collective action and a commitment to creating a better world for future generations.

In conclusion, society today is a complex and ever-changing landscape. It’s important for us to stay informed, engaged, and open-minded in order to continue progressing towards a more diverse, inclusive, and sustainable future. Let us not forget our past while we strive towards building a better tomorrow.

Essay about Society Problems:

Society has always been an ever-changing entity, and with that comes a plethora of problems that we face as a community. These issues are not limited to one particular part of the world or group of people; they affect us all in some shape or form. From economic struggles to environmental concerns, society is faced with numerous challenges that need to be addressed.

One of the biggest problems that society faces today is economic inequality. Despite advancements in technology and medicine, there is still a stark difference between the wealthy and the poor. This leads to a wide range of issues such as limited access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities for those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

Another pressing problem in society is climate change. The effects of global warming are becoming increasingly evident, with extreme weather events and rising sea levels threatening our planet. This is not just an environmental issue but also a social one as it disproportionately affects marginalized communities.

Furthermore, societal norms and expectations often lead to discrimination and injustice against certain groups of people. Racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination are prevalent issues that need to be addressed in order for society to progress.

In addition, the rapid pace of technological advancements has brought about its own set of problems. From cyberbullying to invasion of privacy, technology has opened up new avenues for societal issues that we must navigate and find solutions for.

It is crucial for us as a society to acknowledge and address these problems in order to create a more equitable and sustainable future. Each and every one of us has a role to play in making our world a better place for ourselves and future generations. Let’s work together towards finding solutions and creating a society where everyone can thrive.

Indian Society Essay:

Indian society is an intricate web of traditions, values and beliefs that have been passed down through generations. Despite vast regional differences and cultural diversity, there are a few common threads that bind the people together. The Indian society is deeply rooted in its rich history and heritage, which has shaped its present form.

One of the most significant aspects of Indian society is its emphasis on family and community. Indians place great value on familial relationships, and the joint family system is still prevalent in many parts of the country. In this system, several generations live together under one roof, sharing their lives and responsibilities.

Religion also plays a crucial role in Indian society. With over 80% of the population identifying as Hindus, India is often referred to as the land of spirituality. The country is home to multiple religions, and each one has its unique customs and practices that are deeply ingrained in the culture.

Another defining aspect of Indian society is its diversity. India is a melting pot of different languages, cuisines, traditions, and belief systems. This diversity not only adds to the cultural fabric but also plays a vital role in shaping the country’s economic and social landscape.

Despite its challenges, Indian society has come a long way in terms of progress and development. With a growing economy, advancements in technology, and changing mindsets, the society is constantly evolving. However, it still holds on to its roots and traditions, making it a unique blend of modernity and tradition.

Indian society may have its flaws, but it is a beautiful tapestry of cultures, religions and communities that make it truly one of a kind. So, let us celebrate this diversity and continue to cherish the values that bind us together as Indians.

We live in a society Speech:

Hello everyone!

Today, I want to talk about a topic that is very close to my heart – “We live in a Society”. As we all know, society plays an integral role in our lives. It shapes our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. We may have different cultural backgrounds, but ultimately, we are all part of the same society.

In today’s world, we are heavily influenced by society. It is often the driving force behind our decisions and actions. However, it is crucial to remember that society is not always right. It has its flaws and imperfections, just like anything else.

What makes a society strong and thriving is the unity of its people. We must work together towards a common goal – creating a better world for ourselves and future generations. We must also learn to embrace diversity and respect each other’s differences.

Living in a society means being part of a community where we have rights, but also responsibilities. We must use our voices for the greater good, stand up against injustice, and help those in need. After all, it is only when individuals come together as a collective that real change can happen.

We also must acknowledge the impact of technology and social media on our society. While it has connected us in ways we never thought possible, it has also brought about new challenges. We must use these platforms responsibly and not let them control our lives.

As students, you are the future of our society. It is your responsibility to ensure that society continues to progress and evolve in a positive direction. You have the power to make a difference, no matter how small.

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Q: What is society in essay?

A: In an essay, society is a complex network of individuals living together, sharing common values, norms, and institutions.

Q: What is society in 100 words?

A: Society is a structured community of people who interact, coexist, and share common values, beliefs, and customs. It encompasses social, cultural, economic, and political systems that shape human behavior and relationships. Society provides the framework for individuals to collaborate, exchange ideas, and establish social order. It plays a crucial role in human development, as it influences identity, roles, and opportunities.

The dynamics of society are constantly evolving, influenced by historical events, technological advancements, and cultural changes. A functional and harmonious society is essential for the well-being and progress of its members.

Q: What is the importance of a society?

A: The importance of society lies in providing a structured environment for individuals to live, collaborate, and thrive together, facilitating cooperation, shared resources, cultural development, and social order.

Q: What is society introduction?

A: An introduction to society typically provides a brief overview of what society is, its significance in human life, and its various components, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of the topic in an essay or discussion.

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There is no use denying the fact that education plays an important role in the life of modern people. It is difficult to imagine a person who wants to achieve some great goals and who does not obtain good knowledge. Education is the thing which helps to obtain this very information. That is why, it is possible to say that a person, who graduates from college, differs greatly from a freshman. Resting on my own practice, it should be said that the thing which is the most important and makes the difference is experience.

It is easy to determine whether a person is experienced or not. The thing is that during the process of study a person obtains not only knowledge. Student teaches how to communicate and how to behave in society. It is a very important process which leads to the formation of experience. However, it is not professional experience as it can be obtained only while working, though, it is that sort of knowledge which will be very useful while communicating with employers and looking for some information.

This experience can also help to use knowledge obtained in the process of study (Dewey 13). Nevertheless, it is another thing which differs me from a freshman. Knowledge, which I was given, will help me to become successful and make me more confident and this confidence can be easily seen.

Additionally, knowledge helps to find better job as qualified specialists are more appreciated. Finally, friends and acquaintances are another thing which should be mentioned. In the course of study I made many friends who could help me in the future life. Moreover, some of them can help to find a job and build a career.

With this in mind, it is possible to say that things which differ a freshman from a graduate are knowledge, experience and friends. These things are very important for the future of any person that is why college can be taken as a perfect place which creates a good basis for the further development of a person.

Speaking about all these changes which happen to a person, it should be said that they are possible due to the wise combination of in and out of class activities. The thing is that a students life is comprised not only of classes and the process of obtaining knowledge. There is no use denying the fact that this aspect is very important and it should be given great attention. However, the life of a student out of a class should also be given attention.

Socialization is very important for a person as he/she is a part of society and should understand the main regularities according to which it functions (“Importance of Education Speech” para. 5). That is why, college or some other educational institution is the best place which can teach a person how to behave in society and how to survive.

It is also obvious, that a graduate does not have enough knowledge to become an ideal worker, however, his/her social experience can help and show the best for him/her to develop, obtain knowledge and achieve success. That is why, it should be said that knowledge obtained in class can become useless if a person is not able to understand how to use it. At the same time, self confidence without knowledge can be taken as some sort of arrogance (Kidwai para. 5) and will not have positive influence on the life of a person.

That is why the aspect of education, that supposes in class work, should not be forgotten. Students have to divide their time between different tasks and activities for them to be able to get the most out of the whole course. Thus, they should also choose priorities which, they think, will be the most important in their future life.

Only such subdivision and combination of in and out of class activities can lead to the balanced development of personality of a student. With this in mind, it is possible to say that the majority of changes happen both under the influence of in and out of class exercises which promote a freshman becoming a good specialist in the chosen sphere.

It is obvious that all changes in the life of a person happen under the influence of certain factors which became topical at the given moment of time. Problems that a person faces and stresses connected with it make him/her accept a certain decision which influences the whole life and helps to form the character. The process of studying is not an exception. Being very important for the life of every person, it has its own factors which influence his/her becoming a new person with new skills and experience.

There are several important factors. The first one is stress which a student feels when he/she just enters a college. The thing is that this event can very often be taken as the beginning of a persons individual and independent life. He/she does not live with parents anymore, moreover, he/she should count only on his/her forces. That is why, this period is very important and obviously influences the character of a person. Student teaches how to live alone and how to study.

Moreover, he/she starts to realize himself/herself as the part of society. Adaptation to new conditions can take several month and is obviously the first important event which influences significantly the whole life of a person. The second important event is recognition of the importance of knowledge and experience which are obtained during the course. There is no certain time when it could happen, however, it contributed greatly to changes which appeared.

Having realized necessity of all skills and information which a student can obtain while studying, he/she starts to do his/her best in order to get the maximum (“Education” para. 6). This recognition can be taken as a certain turning point as since that time a person starts to work for himself/herself and do everything which is possible to become the best student of the course. The last important event which could also have significant influence on a person is graduation.

Having received his/her diploma, a person understands that he/she just starts the long way to success and that he/she has to do a lot to succeed. Diploma is the thing which can help, however, a person still has to work hard. Summing it up, it is possible to say that these three events can be taken as the most important things which influence student significantly.

Summarizing the given discussion, it should be said that importance of the whole process of study could hardly be overestimated. A person rises from an inexperienced freshman to qualified specialist who could work and succeed. The process of development is very important and environment and educational institution helps a person to evolve. A graduate obtains priceless experience and knowledge which could help him/her in his/her future life.

These phenomena are obtained due to several factors and events which happen during the whole course. Necessity to become independent and recognition of the role of a specialist in society influence a person and make him/her work harder. Moreover, a student is surrounded by people who help him/her to socialize which is also an important aspect of human life. Some of people will become friends for a student while other will be able to help in some complicated situations.

However, all these people are very important for any person as they comprise the network of acquaintance which is vital for a social being. Additionally, combination of in and out of class activities helps to teach a person not only the knowledge which is the part of curriculum. However, a person also teaches show to divide his/her own free time and how to choose priorities. With this in mind, having analyzed the whole process of study, it is possible to make a certain conclusion.

Education is a thing which helps a person not to get lost in the modern world as it gives confidence and needed experience (“Improve your personality through education” para. 6). It should also be said that a person, who graduated from any educational establishment, can easily be detected as he/she differs from the rest of young people who do not have education (“The Difference Between Being Educated and Uneducated” para.7). Under these conditions, it seems logic to recommend people to obtain education as it gives obvious advantages and helps in their life.

Works Cited

Dewey, John. Experience and Education . n.d. Web.

Education . n.d. Web.

Improve your personality through education . 2010. Web.

Importance of Education Speech . n.d. Web.

Kidwai, Anam. Top 15 Reasons why Education is Extremely Important. 2014. Web.

The Difference Between Being Educated and Uneducated . n.d. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, April 21). Role of Education in Modern Society.

"Role of Education in Modern Society." IvyPanda , 21 Apr. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Role of Education in Modern Society'. 21 April.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Role of Education in Modern Society." April 21, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Role of Education in Modern Society." April 21, 2020.


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Role of Students in Society

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Role Of Student In Society Essay Examples

Role Of Student In Society - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Students play an important role in society as they are the future leaders and contributors to the development of the community. They are responsible for acquiring knowledge, skills, and experience that will enable them to become knowledgeable and productive members of society. Students have a significant impact on their community as they contribute to the growth and development of the economy, creativity and diversity of the culture, and social and political progress. They are also responsible for upholding social values and ethics, including integrity, honesty, and social responsibility. Students can also identify societal challenges and build community awareness to create a better world for all. Ultimately, the role of students in society is to develop themselves and contribute to the welfare of others while pursuing their personal aspirations.

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FAQ about Role Of Student In Society


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Question and Answer forum for K12 Students

Duty Of Student

Duty Of Student Crucial in Today’s Society – A Paragraph

Duty Of Student: As students, we often hear about the importance of our education and how it will benefit us in the future. However, it’s important to recognize that as students, we also have a crucial duty to fulfill in today’s society. Our role in society is much more than just gaining knowledge and securing a job. We have a responsibility to contribute to the betterment of society and make a positive impact in our communities.

Duty Of Student

In this blog Duty Of Student, we include Duty Of Student, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover the Duty Of Student belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students.

You can read more Essay writing in 10 lines, and about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Duty Of Student is also available in different languages. In the Duty Of Student, the following features are explained in the given manner.

The role Of students In Society

Students are the future of society and the workforce, and our actions have the power to shape the world we live in. Our knowledge, skills, and creativity can contribute to solving some of the world’s most pressing issues, from climate change to poverty and inequality. We have the power to create a better world for ourselves and future generations.

Another way in which students can fulfill their duty is through active participation in social and political issues. Young people have played an instrumental role in various social and political movements throughout history.

From the Civil Rights Movement to the fight against climate change, students have been at the forefront of social change. Students can join local organizations, participate in protests, and engage in political debates to make their voices heard.

Responsibilities Of students

As students, our responsibilities go beyond just gaining knowledge and skills. We have a duty to be actively involved in our communities and to volunteer our time and resources to help those in need.

  • Whether it’s participating in a community service project or helping out at a local charity, we can make a difference in the lives of others. Additionally, we have a responsibility to be responsible citizens and uphold social values such as respect, honesty, and integrity.

Responsibilities Of students

Moreover, students can also contribute to society by being responsible consumers. By making sustainable choices, such as reducing their carbon footprint and choosing eco-friendly products, students can contribute to a more sustainable future. Additionally, by being responsible consumers, students can support local businesses and help strengthen their communities.

Challenges Faced By Students In Fulfilling Their Duty

However, fulfilling our duty as students is not always easy. We face various challenges such as financial constraints, academic pressure, and lack of time.

  • Many students have to balance school with work and other responsibilities, making it difficult to be actively involved in their communities. It’s essential to overcome these challenges to fulfill our duty and make a positive impact in society.
  • Despite the challenges that students face in fulfilling their duty, there are various ways in which they can make a positive impact in their communities. One way is through academic excellence.
  • By striving for excellence in their academic pursuits, students can gain the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to society. Moreover, academic excellence is an essential aspect of being a responsible citizen.

In conclusion, the role of students in society is crucial, and we have a duty to fulfill. Our actions have the power to shape the world we live in, and we must take our responsibilities seriously. By gaining knowledge, being actively involved in our communities, and upholding social values, we can contribute to the betterment of society and build a better future for all. As students, we must recognize the importance of our role in society and work towards fulfilling our duty to the best of our abilities.

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FAQ’s On Duty Of Student

Question 1. What is the duty of a student in school?

Answer: A student’s primary duty in school is to focus on their studies and academic performance. They must attend classes regularly, complete assignments on time, and participate in classroom discussions. It is their responsibility to listen to their teachers and ask questions to clarify doubts. Moreover, they should respect their teachers, fellow students, and school staff.

Question 2. What is the main duty of student life?

Answer: The main duty of student life is to acquire knowledge, both academic and practical. Students should attend classes regularly, complete assignments on time, and participate actively in extracurricular activities.

They should also develop good study habits, including time management and self-discipline, in order to achieve their academic goals. Additionally, students have a responsibility to behave respectfully towards teachers and peers, and to maintain a positive attitude towards learning.

Question 3. What is the first duty of a student study?

Answer: The first duty of a student is to study and acquire knowledge. Students are responsible for their own learning and should strive to understand and master the subjects taught in their classes. They should attend classes regularly, take notes, and complete assignments on time. Good study habits and discipline are essential for success in school and in life.

Question 4. What are the five rights of a student?

Answer: However, here are some possible examples of rights that students may have:

  • The right to access education regardless of their background, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status.
  • The right to a safe and inclusive learning environment, free from discrimination, harassment, and bullying.
  • The right to express their ideas and opinions freely, and to engage in critical thinking and respectful debate.
  • The right to receive appropriate support and accommodations for their learning needs, including special education or language programs.
  • The right to participate in extracurricular activities, clubs, and events that promote their personal development and interests.

Question 5. What are the 10 responsibilities of a child?

  • Respect for elders and authority figures
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Regular attendance at school
  • Active participation in class and extracurricular activities
  • Taking responsibility for one’s actions
  • Showing kindness and compassion towards others
  • Practicing good manners and etiquette
  • Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle
  • Respecting diversity and different perspectives
  • Striving to always learn and improve oneself.

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Democracy Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on democracy.

Democracy is known as the finest form of government. Why so? Because in a democracy, the people of the country choose their government. They enjoy certain rights which are very essential for any human being to live freely and happily. There are various democratic countries in the world , but India is the largest one. Democracy has withstood the test of time, and while other forms have the government has failed, democracy stood strong. It has time and again proved its importance and impact.

Democracy essay

Significance of a Democracy

Democracy is very important for human development . When people have free will to live freely, they will be happier. Moreover, we have seen how other forms of government have turned out to be. Citizens are not that happy and prosperous in a monarchy or anarchy.

Furthermore, democracy lets people have equal rights. This ensures that equality prevails all over the country. Subsequently, it also gives them duties. These duties make them better citizens and are also important for their overall development.

Most importantly, in a democracy, the people form the government. So, this selection of the government by the citizens gives everyone a chance to work for their country. It allows the law to prevail efficiently as the rules are made by people whom they have selected.

In addition, democracy allows people of various religions and cultures to exist peacefully. It makes them live in harmony with one another. People of democracy are more tolerant and accepting of each other’s differences. This is very important for any country to be happy and prosper.

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India: A Democratic Country

India is known to be the largest democracy all over the world. After the rule of the British ended in 1947 , India adopted democracy. In India, all the citizens who are above the age of 18 get the right to vote. It does not discriminate on the basis of caste, creed, gender, color, or more.

role of students in society essay in english

Although India is the largest democracy it still has a long way to go. The country faces a lot of problems which do not let it efficiently function as a democracy. The caste system is still prevalent which hampers with the socialist principle of democracy. Moreover, communalism is also on the rise. This interferes with the secular aspect of the country. All these differences need to be set aside to ensure the happiness and prosperity of the citizens.

In short, democracy in India is still better than that in most of the countries. Nonetheless, there is a lot of room for improvement which we must focus on. The government must implement stringent laws to ensure no discrimination takes place. In addition, awareness programs must be held to make citizens aware of their rights and duties.

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  • Social Media Essay


Essay on Social Media

Social media is the communal interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities. It has become the basic need and quality of human beings to be social. The spectacular developments in communications and innovative and astonishing entertainment have given access to information and the ability to provide a voice for people who would never have been heard. The current generation is fortunate enough to witness some of the most amazing technological developments ever in history. It has become the rage of this age. 

What are Some of the Most Widely used Social Media Platforms?

Simply put, let us understand the factors that have contributed to the popularity and widespread use of social media platforms in recent years. Many observers believe that the number of "active users" has something to do with the situation. This factor has a significant impact on the growth of the organization, its attractiveness, and its participation.

These applications serve as the building blocks for a large number of other applications as well. Currently, Facebook is the most popular social networking site on the planet, with more than 2.7 billion active monthly members worldwide. Each social media platform owned by the same company, including Facebook (the company's most popular forum), WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram, has more than 1 billion monthly active users.

In addition, as the number of people who use social media continues to grow, it becomes increasingly clear how important social media has become in today's society.

Monograph on Social Media Use - An Introduction

People always want to connect themselves with society in some or another way. In earlier days, the modes of communication were limited. People socialized with others in their tracks. Earlier, socializing was narrowed to visiting each other’s places, having big gatherings, meetings in clubs, parks, and other public areas.

Now the time has changed. People have minimized their social life because of hectic life and increase in geographical distance and economic concerns. With the arrival of technology, social networking websites and applications have heralded a revolution in the world. It has indeed brought people from all over the globe closer by creating, sharing, or exchanging information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. These social networking sites are based on web-based technologies and create highly interactive platforms. It has gained momentum globally because of its better features, access, frequency, immediacy, usability, and permanence. It has been recognized so widely, and its usage has increased so incredibly today that it has moved from desktop computers to laptops to mobile phones. The platform is undoubtedly easily obtainable and accessible.

Today, every person is addicted to social media, and that too at a glaring speed. Some important social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc., have provided us with the prospect to connect with people and foster better relationships with friends and acquaintances with whom we cannot meet personally and share the happenings of our lives. Some tools like YouTube, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc., have provided the platform to share pictures and videos with friends and relatives living in distant places.

B2B social, reviews, and travel sites in social media have made it easy and exciting for people to shop and discuss with friends and others about what they are buying. Some sites offer collective buying offers to give consumers a fun-filled shopping experience. 

Social Media and Its Significance

Every person's daily routine involves some kind of social media interaction. Anyone, anywhere, at any time, can connect with you through social media as long as you have access to the internet.

While everyone was confined to their homes, unable to speak with anybody other than family and friends, it is critical to communicate with friends and family during Covid-19 to avoid being isolated. The outbreak resulted in social media being an essential tool for individuals to make entertaining videos and engage in social media challenges and activities, which helped keep people busy during these challenging circumstances.

As a result of the quick rise and extension of digital marketing, social media has played an essential part in this expansion. It's also a fantastic resource for finding information on a wide variety of topics. People may learn a great deal and stay up to date with the newest news worldwide by utilizing this. But there is always a drawback to every good that comes with it, no matter how beneficial. As a consequence, the following are some of the most significant advantages and disadvantages of social media in today's fast-paced society.

Benefits of Social Media

Social media sites are erasing differences in age and class. It has assumed a different dimension altogether through interactive sharing. It has now become a medium of mass reach at a minimum cost. Today, one can benefit from social sharing to build a reputation and bring in career opportunities. 

They target a broad audience, making it a valuable and effective tool for society. 

 It reaches people even in remote areas, and the information is spread like fire. 

Distance is no more a limitation because of social media. You are constantly updated with the latest news and happenings in the society and environment through social media websites.

Sites and blogs like Orkut, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and many more have become tools for people to connect across the globe. People can attend live talks or live sessions, or lectures happening anywhere in the world while staying at home. 

Teachers and professors can teach on different topics from remote places. 

You can now identify great possibilities for a job through multiple social media sites like LinkedIn, Google, Naukri, and job search. 

Social media enables companies to use these sites as a network to generate awareness about their product, promote their brand, and increase their sales. It saves the cost of marketing and advertising. 

These networking sites on social media provide a comprehensive platform for young aspiring artists to showcase their passion and skills.

Political leaders use the platform of social media for spreading social communication to mass. These days, the political candidates are also communicating with the voters through social media.

Nowadays, a person’s fame or popularity is determined by the number of links he has created with these social media sites. 

It is an excellent educational tool.

It has the potential to increase public awareness of a range of societal issues.

Due to the speed with which data is transmitted over the internet, consumers can stay current on the latest developments.

Social media can be used to disseminate information to the media.

Additionally, there are some social benefits, such as communicating with long-distance family and friends.

It has the potential to open up incredible career opportunities online.

We believe that social media has a lot of positive effects, but we also recognize that, like anything else, it has some negative ones. Keep reading to gather an idea on the same.

Disadvantages of Social Media

However, social media has caused addiction to users. Despite huge benefits, it has some unfavorable consequences.

Users of social media are becoming victims of fraudulent and online scams that seem to be genuine.

It opens up a possibility for hackers to commit fraud and launch virus attacks.

The productivity of people is getting hampered due to extreme usage and indulgence in these social media sites.

Harmful and disrespectful comments and reviews from employees about the company hamper its image tremendously. 

Students, too, are exceedingly active on social media sites these days, limiting them from outdoor activities. 

Students indulge in disputes because of these social media, and sometimes school has to resolve the conflicts.

Some sites are used to express personal anger or dispute, due to which a lot of chaos and confusion is created.

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As a result, students' grades and performance have suffered.

Users are more vulnerable to cybersecurity threats such as hacking, data theft, spamming, and other similar crimes due to a lack of privacy.

Social media has both benefits and drawbacks. Using it productively can be a tool of immense help, but over usage can become a silent enemy. Thus, we as users have to learn to balance and not control ourselves by this technology.


FAQs on Social Media Essay

Q1. What do you Understand by Social Media?

Social media is the communal interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities.

Q2. How has Social Media benefited Society?

Social media has incredibly benefited society. It has erased the age and class barrier. Social media sites target a wide audience. People can connect with each other from any corner of the world. Distance is no more a limitation. Teachers and students are connecting through social media tools. People find jobs, shop and share reviews and discuss with others. It is a comprehensive platform for people to showcase their talents and passion.

Q3. What are the disadvantages of Social Media?

The disadvantages of social media are that youth is getting hooked to it inappropriately. People are falling into prey to fraudulent and illegal activities. Too much indulgence in social media is hampering the productivity of people. 

Q4. How has Social Media brought a Change in Human’s Lives?

In earlier days, humans did not have too many means of communication. This was the reason why they did not socialize much. Even if they did, their socialization was narrowed to meeting their own relatives or friends in a close circle. People could not explore much about what was happening around the globe. The job seekers were restricted to finding jobs through someone or a newspaper. Now, technology has brought a revolution in the lives of people. Distance is no more a constraint for communication. People can communicate with anyone from anywhere in the world. The entire information about what is happening across the globe is available at the touch of our fingertips. Job seekers have not only widened their horizon of finding jobs but also given interviews on social media platforms. Social media has made the lives of people much simpler, easier, and faster.

Q5. In what ways does social media influence our lives?

The emergence of social media has had a considerable influence on people's lives. Using social media in one's everyday life allows one to communicate, interact, and be sociable while also learning about current events, creating a variety of meals, educating oneself, traveling to any place, and taking advantage of many other perks.

Q6. Which social networking sites are the most well-known?

There are several social media platforms where you may utilize Youtube Messenger. These include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Whatsapp, and Pinterest.

Q7. Does social media have a role in our overall well-being?

Social media sites have the following roles in our overall well-being.

Social media addiction may cause physical and psychological harm to the person using it excessively, including eye strain, social disengagement, and disturbed sleep.

If you spend too much time fighting and disagreeing, this might harm your health in the long run.

In terms of emotional relationships, social media may be a great way to meet new people and keep in contact with individuals you already know. Building relationships with others is beneficial.

Social media is a veritable informational treasure trove when it comes to staying healthy. This has several benefits. Doubtful information might be just as damaging as not thoroughly investigating it.


Essay on Role of Social Media

Students are often asked to write an essay on Role of Social Media in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Role of Social Media


Social media is a powerful tool in our modern world. It connects people globally, allowing us to share ideas, news, and personal updates.

Connecting People

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter connect us with friends and family. They help us stay informed about their lives.

Information and Awareness

Social media is a great source of news and updates. It helps raise awareness about social issues and events happening around the world.

Education and Learning

Social media can be educational. Many educators and experts share knowledge and resources, aiding in learning.

While social media has its drawbacks, its role in connecting people, spreading information, and aiding education is undeniable.

250 Words Essay on Role of Social Media

The advent of social media.

Social media, a revolutionary tool of the 21st century, has transformed the way we communicate, share information, and perceive the world. It has woven itself into the fabric of our daily lives, becoming an indispensable part of our society.

Communication and Information Dissemination

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have made global communication seamless. They allow for instantaneous sharing of ideas, news, and personal experiences. This has democratized information, making it accessible to all, but also poses challenges regarding the spread of misinformation.

Social Activism and Awareness

Social media has become a powerful tool for social activism. Movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo have utilized these platforms to raise awareness, mobilize people, and effect change. However, the risk of ‘slacktivism’ – passive activism without real-world action – is a concern.

Marketing and Business Strategies

Businesses have leveraged social media for marketing, customer engagement, and brand visibility. They can interact directly with consumers, gather feedback, and tailor their strategies accordingly. The rise of influencer marketing is a testament to this new era of digital commerce.

The Double-Edged Sword

While social media has numerous benefits, it also has its drawbacks. Issues such as privacy breaches, cyberbullying, and the detrimental effects on mental health cannot be overlooked.

500 Words Essay on Role of Social Media

In the contemporary world, social media has become an integral part of our lives. It has transformed the way we communicate, interact, and perceive the world around us. This essay explores the role of social media, focusing on its impact on personal relationships, public discourse, and business.

Personal Relationships

Social media has drastically altered how we maintain and form relationships. It has enabled us to stay connected with loved ones, irrespective of geographical boundaries. We can share our experiences, milestones, and everyday moments, fostering a sense of closeness. However, this digital connection also has its pitfalls. It can lead to an over-reliance on virtual interactions, potentially undermining the value of face-to-face communication. Moreover, the constant comparison with others’ curated lives can lead to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety.

Public Discourse

Business and marketing.

In the business world, social media has revolutionized marketing strategies. Businesses can now directly engage with their customers, understand their needs, and tailor their services accordingly. It also provides a cost-effective platform for advertising and brand promotion. However, the use of personal data for targeted advertising raises ethical concerns about privacy and consent.

Social media has also played a pivotal role in education, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. It has facilitated remote learning, enabling students and teachers to stay connected. It also provides a platform for collaborative learning and knowledge sharing. However, the digital divide and the risk of cyberbullying are significant challenges that need to be addressed.

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role of students in society essay in english

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Essay on Role of Women in Society for School Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

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The role of women in society has been a highly contested topic throughout history. In general, the role of women has been largely subordinate to that of men; however, there have been a number of cultures and societies in which women have played a more equal or even dominant role. The status of women in society is determined by a number of factors, including economic, social, and political factors.

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The role of women in society has been changing rapidly in recent years. In many countries, women have been granted equal rights to men, and they have been able to participate in all aspects of society, including the workforce. However, there are still many societies in which women are not treated equally to men, and their roles are more limited.

We have provided various essays on role of women in society under different word limits for the school students.

Long and Short Essay on Role of Women in Indian Society in English

Role of women in society essay 1 (100 words).

Women play variety of significant roles in our society from their birth till the end of life. Even after playing her all the roles and all the job timely in efficient manner in the modern society, she is weak because men are still strongest gender of the society. Even after lots of awareness programmes, rules and regulations in the society by the government, her life is more complicated than a man. She has to take care of herself and family members as daughter, granddaughter, sister, daughter-in-law, wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, etc. By following such a big responsibility in the family, they are fully able to come out and do job for bright future of own, family and country.

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Role of Women in Society Essay 2 (150 words)

Women are considered as the goddess in the Indian society from the ancient time however it is also true that they are not treated as goddess. They are being ill-treated for many years and used just as things to fulfil the wishes of men. Considering them as goddess is not enough to give them full women empowerment in the society; however it needs positive continuous effort and participation of both men and women to really bring women empowerment.

Women play a great role in everyone’s life without whom we cannot imagine the success of life. They are the highly responsible for the successful continuation of the life on this planet. Earlier they were considered as only wives and mother who have to cook food, clean home and take care of the whole family members alone. But, now the condition has been improved a little bit, they have started taking part in the many activities other than family and kids.

Role of Women in Society Essay 3 (200 words)

The way of behaving, thinking and doing of women is completely different from the men so we can say that women are physically, physiologically and psychologically not equal to men. But women are more responsible than men in various means like child-bearing and child-rearing. The tradition and culture of women lifestyle in India is coming as usual for many years without any change however in terms of rights of women, it is so bad and backward than other countries. The main question is why it is so, is women are responsible for their backwardness or men or lots of women’s responsibilities in home.

Women are treated differently than men in terms of rights and dues in many Indian societies even in the modern world. Men have dominating nature over women in various perspectives. It is the matter of think that if women are given all the same facilities like men and force them to be free from all the home responsibilities and think like men then why not it is possible for women to be like men psychologically in every areas of life. Earlier women were limited to home works only and not allowed to go outside to perform social works like men. But things are getting changed now; women are being aware of their rights and understanding well the dominating nature of men over their whole life.

Article on Women Empowerment

Role of Women in Society Essay 4 (250 words)

If we compare the current status of women than the ancient time, we can say that really the condition is improving gradually. Women are being professional, bread-earners for their families and an independently thinking individual of the country even after only being responsible for many responsibilities of the life. Traditional Indian women have started proving themselves more skilled and competent in many professions than men. And, day by day the situation is improving fast by breaking all the barriers of the way.

The Indian government also has played great role in the women empowerment by implementing various rules and regulations. The ancient time trends such as female foeticide, dowry deaths, early child marriage, domestic abuse, child labour, sexual harassment, etc have been banned by the government which has really improved the women status in the society. A woman plays variety of great roles in everyone’s life in various forms by being involved in various relationships. From her birth till her end of life, she plays various roles as a daughter, sister, wife, mother and other relationships. However, her main roles are as a wife and mother. The status of women in urban societies is better however in various rural societies it is still worse because of lack of proper education and education system. A woman give birth to a baby and considered to be only responsible for her baby regarding care, education, job, etc for whole life. She never demands anything in return of her roles instead she performs her roles politely all through the life without any argue.

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Role of Women in Society Essay 5 (300 words)

Women in modern Indian society are really forward if we compare them from the ancient time but if we talk about the women empowerment, we can say that not really women are empowered in all areas. Even after being so forward, women need to go for long way defeating hard circumstances. Women have gained lots of influence in various fields until balance between two genders. We can say that women have more freedom than earlier however not true in many cases because prejudice still remains in the society.

In many places, women are still treated as inferior sex and forced to handle only house hold chores. Some women in the society love to follow the old traditions of the family and perform traditional female role by being housewife and mother. They live their whole life as general helpers to their husbands and kids. It has been in the usual practise for a woman by birth to handle home and stay unemployed at home. Some women from the society of high living status are keen to get employed like men in the future because they have been lived in the society having higher level of thoughts like that. They are never ill-treated in their family and always promoted to do better in life like men. However women in the backward society, where people only mean to earn food of two times daily, never understand their rights and responsibilities like men. All the differences are just because of the lack of proper education and education system in that area.

Women need to realize their roles towards their society and country together with their roles at home which is possible through the continuous effort, gender equality and women empowerment. People are being more advance in their behaviour and thoughts towards the women rights and empowerment.

Role of Women in Society Essay 6 (400 words)

Women play a great role in the growth and development of the society and making it an advanced and modern society. There is a famous saying by the Brigham Young that, “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” Educating and giving power to the women is of great importance which needs to be followed in the society to bring women empowerment and development of society. Because it is true that, if a man is getting educated and empowered, only he can be benefitted however if a woman is getting educated and empowered, whole family and society can be benefitted.

Women are not things which can be neglected because of their less power and authority instead they should be empowered and promoted to get higher education. Women are the half population of the world mean half power of the world. If women of any country are not empowered mean that country is lack of half power. By nature, women play their all the roles with great responsibilities and have capability to make a healthy family, solid society and powerful country. Lots of efforts have been done however still women are backward and limited to home activities. We need to understand that if an uneducated woman may handle home properly then why not a well educated woman can lead the whole country like men.

Without woman nothing is possible for men, they are basic unit of the society, they make a family, family make a home, home make a society and ultimately societies make a country. So the contribution of a woman is everywhere from taking birth and giving birth to a child to the care for whole life and other areas. All the roles and responsibilities of the women can never be neglected by the societies. Without education and women empowerment no development is possible in the family, society and country. Women know well how to talk, how to behave, how to deal with people of different classes, etc. She knows to handle all the situations because she knows well the basic fundamentals of a good society and play her roles politely as a main contributor in building a strong society.

Earlier, when the lives of women were worse than slaves, women were considered as animals and used as sex toys. It was a sin for women to give birth to a girl baby, either they were killed, buried alive or thrown away by the male head of the family. However, the condition has become advance now in many means but not completely.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Role of Women in Society

What is the role of women in society essay.

An essay on the role of women in society discusses the multifaceted roles women play, from homemakers to professionals, shaping the cultural, economic, and social fabric of their communities. It emphasizes the evolving importance and recognition of women's contributions over time.

What is women's status in society?

Women's status in society has seen significant evolution. Historically, many societies marginalized women, but today, increasing recognition of women's rights has led to their enhanced status in many areas. Yet, disparities persist in various regions and sectors.

What are the basic rights of women?

The basic rights of women include the right to life, equality, education, freedom from discrimination, right to work, health, and protection from violence. These rights aim to ensure women can live with dignity, make choices, and participate fully in society.

What are the problems faced by women today?

Women today face a myriad of challenges, including gender wage gaps, domestic violence, limited access to education in some regions, workplace discrimination, and societal stereotypes. These issues vary in intensity across different societies and cultures.

What are the biggest women issues in India?

In India, major issues faced by women include gender-based violence, dowry-related crimes, female infanticide, limited access to education in some areas, workplace discrimination, and issues related to women's reproductive rights.

What is the need for women empowerment?

Women empowerment is essential to ensure that women have equal opportunities to contribute to and benefit from economic, social, cultural, and political advancements. Empowering women leads to a balanced and progressive society, where all members can thrive.

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Role of Media Essay | Essay on Role of Media for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by sastry

Role of Media Essay: Media is known as the fourth pillar of democracy due to its important role in shaping public opinion. Today, in this ultra modern world, the role of media has been augmenting day by day. It has been surving as a vigilant watch dog of India.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Role of Media for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Role of Media’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Role of Media of 400-500 words. This long essay about Role of Media is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Role of Media of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Role of Media 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Role of Media of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Print Media has created an awareness among the people regarding their rights and duties. We can update ourselves just by going through the morning newspaper, getting each and every kind of news from every nook and corner of the world. Catering to all this, today mass media is well-established, wherein it is remarkable to see the All India Radio (AIR) now reaches 90% of the population, TV more than 80% and over 5,600 newspapers, 150 of these publications are published daily in over 100 languages.

There has been a worldwide growth of the Print Media even after the emergence of the electronic media. Moreover, there has been an increase in the circulation of newspapers around the world even after the emergence of electronic media and the internet. The newspapers play a very important role in the working of any democracy. Our Constitution too grants us the Right to Freedom of Expression which is manifested, in free press in our country. In a democracy, newspapers are the best way of educating people politically and socially. They play a decisive role no only in updating the public but also in formulating a well-balanced public opinion. The public read about the current events, interpret them and learn to intelligently participate in the political, social and economic affairs of the country.

Newspapers also reflect public opinion, thus formed through letters to the Editor which are usually published in a separate column. Moreover, Print Media provides great incentive to business by large number of advertisements on a variety of things s,uch as a house on sale, shops, electronic goods, stationary, cloth stores, glass ware, crockery shops etc. Matrimonial advertisements, job-opportunities, obituaries are all advertised through the Print Media.

Now-a-days, another very popular means of social interaction and propagation that has emerged along with the Print Media is the rise of Electronic Media. The birth of electronic media took place with the invention of radio, it further got spread through television, then through the laptops, computers via internet and now in every hand in I the form of mobile phones. Electronic Media has a very emphatic and motivating effect on the society today. The various news channels keep the vigilant citizens updated. Channels like Discovery and National Geographic keep the inquisitive mind busy and satisfy every intellectual query of a probing mind. Along with these, there are endless number of entertainment channels solely to amuse and tickle the audience. Now, quite a number of kids’ channels have come up to cater to this special section of the society. Television can help popularise technology and internationalise, and universalise our outlook.

These-days, the internet too is gaining a huge momentum, in terms of its role in media. This is because traditional ‘silent citizens’ for traditional media like newspaper often ‘speak out’ through the internet platform to let a society hear their voices. This has in turn increased the society’s level of democratic awareness wherein people of all age groups and sections formulate their opinion on the social networking sites. It is also because internet can be used by anybody, anywhere, at anytime easily to express themselves economically. Infact, these days there are many independent websites established which hope to monitor parliament activities and other crucial operations of society. The only major drawback internet is facing is that its spread is limited.

Yet, there is other side to media too, wherein it tries to cater to the transient needs of life and to appeal to the emotions of masses instead of maintaining an intellectual level. They even lower the moral tone and publish sub-standard materials to increase their readership.

Many times, newspapers try to ally themselves to particular ideology or a party instead of maintaining impartiality and indulge in mudslinging or even communal propaganda. These thoughtless means for easy money provides temporary financial benefits to a handful of people but prove to be extremely disastrous in the end for society at large.

Role of Media Essay

Short Essay on Role of Media 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Role of Media is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

People involved in this profession should realise the massive responsibility they shoulder and sacredness of the duty that they perform. They should avoid personal bias and prejudice to cloud their good sense. Instead, they should try to combat social evils, communal forces and also keep the government on its toes, committed to its promises. It should try to make people politically conscious and keep patriotism and national pride alive in the people.

In today’s world media has become as necessary as food and clothing. In the earlier times, it united people for freedom struggle, today it is uniting people against social evils. It has always been a crucial part, a ‘mirror’ of society in every age, however it only differs in its approach, means and spread, from time to time. It has immense power which needs to be carefully harnessed. Moreover, it has also been seen that media is reduced to a commercialised sector, eying the news which are hot and good at selling. The goal is merely to gain the television rating points.

I believe, if the media identifies its responsibility and work sincerely and honestly, then it can serve as a great force in building the nation.

Role of Media Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Augmenting – increasing, growing, raising
  • Manifested – expressed, established
  • Decisive – crucial, significant, critical
  • Formulating – expressing, developing
  • Obituaries – a published notice of a death, sometimes with a brief biography of the deceased
  • Propagation – spreading, spread, promotion, communication, distribution
  • Emphatic – forceful and positive; definite; direct
  • Inquisitive – curious, questioning, inquiring
  • Probing – searching
  • Amuse – entertain, please, delight
  • Transient – short-term, temporary
  • Ally – associate, connect
  • Mudslinging – efforts to discredit one’s opponent by malicious or scandalous attacks
  • Propaganda – information, advertising, promotion
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    High-quality essay on the topic of "Role of Social Media" for students in schools and colleges. ... / Essays / Essay on Role of Social Media. February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024. Students are often asked to write an essay on Role of Social Media in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word ...

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    Role of Women in Society Essay 6 (400 words) Women play a great role in the growth and development of the society and making it an advanced and modern society. There is a famous saying by the Brigham Young that, "You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.".

  22. Role of Media Essay

    The first essay is a long essay on Role of Media of 400-500 words. This long essay about Role of Media is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Role of Media of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

  23. A Essay on role of students in society?

    The analytic essay means the essay should be have more new information are to be find out and the added that essay. That essay has been real and more benefited to the students and research holders ...