resume writing course singapore

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Resume Writing & Interview Skills

resume writing course singapore

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resume writing course singapore

9 Bishan Place, #10-02, Junction 8 Officer Tower, Singapore 579837

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This course equips participants with the skills in preparing an impactful resume that stands out from others. Learn how to conduct job searches using different platforms (online & offline) and sharpen their presentation skills to prepare for job interviews. At the end of the course, participants will be able to write impactful resumes, sharpen their presentation skills for the job interview and conduct job searches using different types of platforms.

Course Details

resume writing course singapore

Nett Fee after Government subsidy   S$80.00

resume writing course singapore

Centre For Seniors

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[email protected]

resume writing course singapore

14 hours over 2 sessions

resume writing course singapore


24 Jul 2024 - 25 Jul 2024

resume writing course singapore


resume writing course singapore

28 Aug 2024 - 29 Aug 2024

25 Sep 2024 - 26 Sep 2024

Clement Ong

Trainer's Profile

Clement Ong is a certified career and executive coach for over 10 years. He connects people with critical aspects of their work, and enhances their self-awareness and clarity about life's purpose and goals. He is an Affiliated Faculty with Singapore Management University, Singapore Institute of Technology and Singapore University of Social Sciences. He also facilitates career skills programmes for Nanyang Technology University’ post and undergrads.  He holds a Master of Social Science in Professional Counselling (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia).

Ivan Phua has over 15 years of experience as trainer, facilitator and speaker.   Hiis passion in people development has helped and supported many individuals to overcome personal challenges and led them to improve their competencies.  He is also a corporate trainer for various industries where he trained employees in developing personal resilience to life skills.  He is ACTA certified, a Certified Behavioural and Career Consultant (CBCC) and has a Master degree on Counselling {Monash University) and BSc (Hons) Upper, Psychology (University of Derby).

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resume writing course singapore

Junction 8 (Office Tower) 9 Bishan Place #10-01 Singapore 579837

Hotline: 6478 5029 , Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm, excluding public holidays.

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Resume Writing & Interview Skills

resume writing course singapore

Course Details

Centre for Seniors
Course Title: Resume Writing & Interview Skills
Course Code: TGS-20210081
Language(s): English
Duration of course 2 Day
Mode of Training: Classroom In-Person
Date: July 24 & 25; Aug 28 & 29; Sept 25 & 26
NSA Subsidized Course Fee: $80
Full Course Fee:
Online Registration:
Certification: Upon Achieving a minimum 75% attendance, Learner will receive a Certificate of Attendance by Centre for Seniors

Course Objectives

Due to the increasing use of social media, especially now during Covid-19, many recruiters and hiring managers are using online platforms including social media to source, vet and assess candidates.  As such, a well-prepared resume may not be enough to make you stand out among hundreds of candidates.  One has to sharpen their presentation skills and polish their resume to make it look more competitive than others.  
  • The Purpose of Resume & Cover Letter
  • What Employers Look Out for
  • Applicant  Tracking System
  • Samples of Resumes
  • Purpose of Job Interviews
  • Stages of Job Interviews
  • Pitfalls for Matured Workers
  • Online Interviews
  • Before, During & After Interviews

Updated 31 May 2024

resume writing course singapore

Course Subsidies

SkillsFuture Credit Claim Yes

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Job Opportunities Briefing at Centre For Seniors

  • IMPORTANT: Admission by registration only Venue: 9 Bishan Place #10-02 Junction 8 Office Tower Singapore 579837 Tel: 6478-5019 or 8769-3809 (Whatsapp)
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Quantico Copywriting Course Singapore

Break The Myths of Résumé Writing

Learn the true purpose of résumés as defined by those who use them to hire., learn how résumés are treated and rejected.

This article is part of a series, and dives straight into what employers are really looking for from resumes, and the common errors that job applicants make. The article briefly covers the different types of resumes, but assumes that this information is fairly common, and will be obvious to the group of readers (i.e. you) who are instead looking for more insight and useful analysis of employer trends and behaviors. Note that throughout this article, we have used the term ‘resume’ without the accent on top of the ‘e’. This has been deliberately done to comply with certain devices that may render the term in HTML or ASCII characters.

Get To Know The Two Primary Resume Forms

A functional resume lists all the duties and responsibilities spanning a person’s career first, then goes on to describe the companies, titles, achievements etc. Functional resumes are generally not a good option because of the loss of context. Functional resumes are useful for people in technical fields (e.g. medical practitioners, Java programmers, and automative engineers) where the duties and responsibilities remain pretty much unchanged. But for most of us working in more creative or fluid fields, it is better to use a reverse chronological resume. Reverse chronological resumes list the details of your employment history, starting with the most recent, then cross-reference these details with your achievements. In doing so, reverse chronological resumes ensure (to a large extent) that these valid points do not get hidden. In a nutshell, use reverse chronological resumes (starting with your most recent job and its relevant details).

Resumes: A Stage In The Job Process You Can Actually Control

The purpose of a resume is to get you an interview, not a job. Most of us will fret over a resume because we feel it is the key tool to getting a job. Wrong. The key tool to getting a job is acing an interview (more on that in another article). The purpose of a resume is to gain access to this key tool i.e. getting an interview. Apart from this purpose, resumes need to fulfil another, more strategic objective: to not get eliminated. We like to think that the purpose of submitting a resume is to get selected, at least for an interview if not the job. But from an employer’s perspective, resumes arrive in batches (usually 200 to 300 per week per job) and need to be sifted, sieved, and culled. Winning resumes are therefore survivors, not chosen recipients. The difference is subtle but the impact is massive and once we realize that resumes are eliminated, our strategy changes. We have to make our resume survive the elimination process so that it is left behind after the others are taken to the shredders. So what makes a resume survive? The next section deals with this critical question, but first let’s be very clear about the first purpose of a resume. Resumes get you interviews. And interviews assess your personality as well as your past achievements. Interviewers want to see if you have a history of translating what you learned (in the past) into successful outcomes (in the future). The more you demonstrate this in your resume, the higher your chances of getting a job.

Treat Each Organization As You Would Like Them To Treat You: Special

Remember this rule: one resume per job. Sounds tedious? Probably. But you as a candidate are special and unique and don’t like being treated as part of the mass. Then don’t treat your future employers as a mass market either. Take the time to prepare one resume per organization. This helps for 2 reasons: 1. You can tailor your resume (truthfully) towards the organization’s requirements. 2. No two of your resumes are exactly the same so you’re individual traits are highlighted when organisations compare (they also feel special that you took the time to craft a unique resume for them). Take heart when doing this additional step because it does not take much time to customise each resume since so many of your qualities will undoubtedly overlap. In other words, it’s totally worth it.

Who Will Read Your Resume?

The chances are extremely high that your resume is not going to be read by the primary decision-makers of the job you are applying for. Instead, all the resumes are put through a filter first. In most cases, these filters are either recruitment agencies (with no direct experience for the job you are gunning for and are relying on information given by someone else at the company you are targeting), junior staff of the key decision-maker, and the human resources team. Only after the filters have worked their sieves, the few resumes left over will reach the person you will potentially be working with. So you may imagine you are writing your resume for your potential boss, but the truth is your resume will probably not even reach your potential boss. What’s worse, on average, a resume gets “read” in about 15 to 20 seconds. Okay so enough with the bad news. The good news is that there is plenty of information (useful and relevant) on hiring trends and practices that we’ve compiled throughout our research for Quantico (Singapore’s) Resume Writing Course, and we’ve compiled the good stuff here. Read on.

Straight From The Employers: The Down-Low on Resumes Once It Leaves Your Email

The following is a summary of questions, and advice in dot points, that deal with the resume elimination and selection process. Rather than going through the theory (of which there is an abundance across the Internet, on reputable sites) we’ve compiled the main questions and the responses we’ve found to be universally acceptable across industries and countries. These are also the strategies used in the resume writing course. Remember, a resume’s purpose is to get you an interview since virtually no one is going to land a job on the strength of your resume alone. (That’s like reading the cover of an encyclopedia and claiming to know its contents inside out.)

What is essential for a resume to be a success? • Reverse-Chronological order • Names of companies and what they do (explained clearly) • Very clear dates of employment • Very clear list of titles, duties and responsibilities • Measurable results and traceable accomplishments • No typos or grammar errors • Written by the candidate himself or herself, and not by a professional writer • Answers the question: how can you contribute positively to the job right now.

What helps you choose a resume, when scanning through a resume? • Professional experience that is relevant to the job being applied for • Key skills that match the job being applied for • Stability (at least a year or more on average and not too many companies in a short time) • Accomplishments that qualify the candidate for the job being applied for • Clear, concise information • Job stability and consistency • Professional layout without being crammed • Easy-to-compare past experiences to the job being applied for • A customized resume to that particular organisation • Awards and recognition for relevant activities to the job being applied for • Attention to detail such as correct grammar and spelling • A common connection (bonus but not essential)

What is the best length for a resume? • 1 to 2 pages but depends on the industry (academia and medicine go beyond) • As long as these questions are answered on page 1: What have you done? What you can do for me? Why you should get time for an interview?

What are the things most disliked in a resume? • Long and unclear descriptions of past jobs, responsibilities, and duties • Excessive job description with no factual achievements • Personal information (children, marital status, religion etc.) especially when not asked for • Generic competencies instead of specific accomplishments (metrics are always good) • Every class and course ever attended, instead of only what is relevant to the job being applied for • References available upon request. (You need the job so you anticipate and give them the information) • Resumes written by copying the job description word-for-word

Are cover letters important? • Not really unless specifically asked for. General rule: If they don’t ask for it, don’t give it.

And that is pretty much what you need to know when considering why resumes get rejected, and what goes into those resumes that survive elimination. This is also the reason why the resume-writing course is designed for you to build your own resume within an environment that’s aware of the trends and practices that shape effective resume-writing and hiring practices.

Résumés are a collection of your achievements, but also your potential. Well-built résumés not only tell organizations what you have done, but what you can do. In our networked world, your résumé will travel across countries, cultures, and communities, detailing why you are the ideal applicant for the perfect job.

You will learn about the psychology of selection and elimination, how to integrate your online presence, and why behavioral-focused résumés are receiving more attention from businesses.

At the end of this workshop, you will have built, in real-time, a competency-based résumé that aligns with current hiring models, and highlights your strategic intent to your target employers.

A complete overview of workplace workshops.

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VTeach Training Partner

  • Soft Skills Training

Resume Writing and Interview Skills Workshop

Course description:.

Applying for a job is a skill everyone needs to harness, and in practice that means getting your CV in shape and practicing your interview skills. This workshop is designed to equip participants with practical skills to help them successfully transition to a new role and present themselves effectively to employers and recruiters on paper and in person, and develop strategies to help them secure their ideal role.

Course Objective:

This workshop is aimed at people who want to brush up their skills whether or not they are applying for a job now. The Centre works with people from all sectors including the public sector, voluntary sector, corporate sector and private sector. It will also give you the tools and confidence you need to prepare for your next career move.

Target Audience:

Fresh Graduates, Professionals, Managers, Executives who are looking to refine their cover letter/resumes and perfect their interview skills to help them successfully transition to a new role and present themselves effectively to employers.


Interactive session, Case studies discussion, Group activities, Video clips and discussion with trainer including feedback and evaluations.

Course Content

  • Understand the value of your experience when applying for a job
  • Developing Your Resume
  • Resume Guidelines
  • Resume Words with a Punch
  • What to include and what to leave out of your Resume
  • Resume Template
  • Resume Sample
  • Cover Letters
  • Cover Letter Template
  • Cover Letter Sample
  • Employment Application Tips For Interviewing
  • Dressing Code for Interview
  • Top Rules for Interviewing
  • Improving your body language
  • Gather information and evidence to use in your answers
  • Common Interview Questions
  • Questions You Can Ask During an Interview
  • Be confident asking for feedback
  • Interview Checklist

Course Duration

Course time.

Group Discount of 10% for 3 or more participants

Course Dates

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Resume Writing Strategies Training Course In Singapore

Resume Writing Strategies Course

i.fb-icon-element.fontawesome-icon.fb-icon-element-1{ color: #6796bf; background-color: #ffffff; border-color: #ffffff;}i.fb-icon-element.fontawesome-icon.fb-icon-element-1:hover { color: #6796bf; background-color: #ffffff; border-color: #ffffff;} About This Resume Writing Strategies Training Course

Resume writing strategies course in singapore.

A resume is an applicant’s gateway to a new job. It displays significant achievements, experiences, and skills. A competent-looking and organized resume is an employer’s version of attention-grabbing. Writing an excellent resume cannot be accomplished overnight. It should be written thoughtfully and updated with every new experience or achievements gained.

Resume Writing Course19 June, 2024 - 20 June, 20249 am to 5 pmOnline / Face to FaceSingapore
Resume Writing Course19 July, 2024 - 20 July, 20249 am to 5 pmOnline / Face to FaceSingapore
Resume Writing Course19 August, 2024 - 20 August, 20249 am to 5 pmOnline / Face to FaceSingapore
Resume Writing Course18 September, 2024 - 19 September, 20249 am to 5 pmOnline / Face to FaceSingapore
Resume Writing Course17 October, 2024 - 18 October, 20249 am to 5 pmOnline / Face to FaceSingapore
Resume Writing Course17 November, 2024 - 18 November, 20249 am to 5 pmOnline / Face to FaceSingapore
Resume Writing Course17 December, 2024 - 18 December, 20249 am to 5 pmOnline / Face to FaceSingapore

This Resume Writing Strategies workshop is ideal for anyone who would like to gain a strong grasp and improve their Resume Writing Strategies.

All Staff Within An Organisation

Team Leaders


The ideal group size for this Resume Writing Strategies course is:

Minimum: 5 Participants

Maximum: 15 Participants

The duration of this Resume Writing Strategies workshop is 1 full day. Knowles Training Institute will also be able to contextualised this workshop according to different durations; 2 full days, half day, 90 minutes and 60 minutes.

9 a.m to 5 p.m

Below is the list of course benefits of our Resume Writing Strategies course

  • Understand the concept of a resume writing strategy to get hired
  • Have detailed plans when writing a resume and what to consider before writing
  • Be equipped with knowing the purpose of the resume in applying for a job or promotion
  • Know the different resume formats that may be used for specific occupations
  • Display the main objectives and desires in a resume
  • Attain a readable and easily understood resume by applying the right formats
  • Grasp the ways highlight your best accomplishments to garner attention
  • Know about resume formats that have an easy flow of thought
  • Learn to avoid putting in unnecessary information in your resume
  • Develop an effective design that may be used in a resume
  • Comprehend the reasons why hiring managers disregard a resume
  • Master the ways to use your online profiles to help you get hired

Below is the list of course content of our Resume Writing Strategies training course

Resume Writing Course: Module 1: Ready, Set, Go!

  • Identifying Your Values and Purpose
  • Assessing Your Skills
  • Setting SMART Goals
  • Building a Resource System
  • A 30-Day Plan

Resume Writing Course: Module 2: Building Your Resume

  • Basic Resume Formats
  • Chronological Style Resume
  • Combination Style Resume
  • Essential Information to Include
  • Dealing with Awkward Points
  • Checklist for Success

Resume Writing Course: Module 3: Polishing Your Resume

  • Creating an Attractive Package
  • About Branding
  • Some Extra Touches

Resume Writing Course: Module 4: Writing a Cover Letter

  • Types of Cover Letters
  • First contact cover letter
  • Targeted cover letter
  • Recommendation Cover Letter
  • Creating a Template
  • Customizing the Template

Resume Writing Course: Module 5: Creating a Portfolio

  • When Do I Need a Portfolio?
  • Types of Portfolios
  • Working Portfolio
  • Display Portfolio
  • Assessment Portfolio
  • Essential Elements

Each participant will receive the following materials for the Resume Writing Strategies course

Resume writing learner’s guide.

Resume Writing Strategies Course

Resume Writing Key Takeaways Notes

Resume Writing Strategies Course

Resume Writing Essentials Ebook

Resume Writing Strategies Course

Resume Writing Course Handouts

Resume Writing Strategies Course

Resume Writing 30-Day Action Plan

Resume Writing Strategies Course

Resume Writing MindMaps Pack

Resume Writing Strategies Course

Resume Writing PPT Slides Used During Course

Resume Writing Strategies Course

Resume Writing Long-Term Memory Flashcards Pack

Resume Writing Strategies Course

Resume Writing E-Learning Course

Resume Writing Strategies Course

Resume Writing Online Video Course

Resume Writing Strategies Course

Resume Writing Essential Audiobook

Resume Writing Strategies Course

Resume Writing Infographics Pack

Resume Writing Strategies Course

Each course participant will receive a certification of training completion

resume writing course singapore

There are 4 pricing options available for this Resume Writing Strategies training course. Course participants not in Singapore may choose to sign up for our online Resume Writing Strategies training course.

SGD $889.97 For a 60-minute Lunch Talk Session.

SGD $389.97  For a Half Day Course Per Participant.

SGD $589.97  For a 1 Day Course Per Participant.

SGD $789.97  For a 2 Day Course Per Participant.

Discounts available for more than 2 participants.

Contact us for the latest Resume Writing Strategies course schedules:

Phone:  +65 6714 6663

Email:  [email protected]

resume writing course singapore

Request for this Resume Writing Strategies course brochure. Fill up the short information below and we will send it to you right away!

Post-Training Support: A vast majority of training does not have any effect beyond 120 days. But to work, training has to have a strong pre- and post-training component. Post-training reinforcement consequently helps individuals to recall the understanding and ask questions.

Blended Learning: Learning does not occur in the classroom. Virtually everybody prefers distinct ways of learning. Successful learning should have a multi-channel, multi-modal strategy.

We Understand The Industry: Similarly, we’ve got a profound comprehension of the business, business design, challenges, strategy and the that our participants are in and have designed the courseware to cater to their professional needs.

Course Content: Knowles Training Institute’s material is relevant, of high quality and provide specific learning outputs. As a result, Participants will leave the training course feeling as they have gained a strong understanding and will also be in a position to execute what they have learned sensibly.

Course Development — The workshop modules follow a systematic and logical arrangement. Therefore, this structure helps to ensure that the course material allows the facilitators to deliver the course in a logical arrangement. Consider the subjects as building bricks into learning, our facilitators slowly build towards a comprehensive picture of this entire topic.

Knowles Training Institute Singapore Clients

Fill up the form and we will get back to you in less than 1 working day.

Alternatively, give us a call to have one of our training consultants contact you. Our corporate training courses can be contextualized to meet your organization’s training needs. Leverage on our large pool of professional trainers and consultants for your organization’s training needs.

Office Address: 60 Paya Lebar Rd, #07-54 Paya Lebar Square, Singapore 409051

Office Phone: +65 6714 6663

Email:  [email protected]

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resume writing course singapore

Terms and Conditions: 1. Valid for 30 Days Only, 2. 1 Person Only, 3. Selected Courses Only, 4. General Terms and Conditions Applied*

SG Observer

How to Write a Resume in Singapore – 13 Best Resume Writing Tips

What are the ways of writing a great resume in singapore that will impress your prospective employers read on to find out how to compose the perfect resume..

13 Sure-Fire Strategies for Writing a Great Resume in Singapore

With the staggering amount of resumes that prospective employers have to sift through, you must be wondering how to write a resume in Singapore and stand out from the crowd?

It has been reported that if you don’t capture the reader’s attention in the first six seconds, your application will probably be tossed out. Therefore, it is crucial for you to compose your resume with the utmost care and attentiveness. A good resume should effectively summarise your job experience, education, skills and awards for the potential employer.

A resume is not to be confused with a Curriculum Vitae or CV, which is slightly different. One key difference between the two is that a resume usually briefly summarises your skills and experience within two pages or less. On the other hand, a CV is more detailed and typically goes beyond two pages.

How to write a resume in Singapore shouldn’t be difficult to answer. To this end, we have compiled 13 resume writing tips in Singapore to write your resume and hopefully land you your dream job.

1. Use a Resume Template

You can start writing a great resume by using a template resume.

Having a template to work off makes it easier for you to compose your resume. Furthermore, it takes care of the formatting and alignment issues so that you can focus on the actual content of the resume.

Resume templates can be found from a variety of sources.

Firstly, there are professional resume templates from applications such as Google Docs, Apple Pages and Microsoft Word. You can also find numerous free resume templates online with a simple Google search.

If you wish to incorporate images and designs in your resume, you can consider other templates based on Photoshop and InDesign as well. The latter would be more relevant if you are applying for jobs in graphic design, photography or technology.

Another good way of getting a resume template is to ask your friends for their resumes. It may be useful to obtain a resume template from someone has successfully procured a job similar to the one you are applying for.

2. Key Sections to Include When Writing Your Resume

Contact information.

You should include your contact information when writing your resume in Singapore. This makes it easy for your potential employer to reach out to you. Other than your name, you should provide your mailing address, email and mobile phone number. You can even provide a link to your LinkedIn profile or personal website if you want to give more personal details.

Work Experience

The work experience section is where you elaborate on your employment history. 

This section should give the employer a sense of your career development and choices. This presents the perfect opportunity to showcase the skills you have gained over the course of your career. You can even highlight the key initiatives and activities that you were involved in and what you learnt from them.

However, the key to resume writing is not to exhaustively list all your previous jobs. Instead, you should list jobs that you feel are relevant to the position you are applying for. In this regard, you may wish to exclude previous part-time stints you undertook or completely unrelated jobs.

Academic Qualifications

The academic qualifications section of your resume is for your prospective employers to determine whether you fulfil the educational requirements for the job. In some cases, having a degree or diploma in a specific field is a basic pre-requisite for the position. 

Employers generally hone in on any university degrees or diplomas you have received. Therefore, you should present these details clearly and prominently. You can state the degree you have obtained, whether you obtained any honours, the school you attended and your year of graduation. You can also highlight important subjects which you took in school that are relevant to your job application.

Awards and Achievements

A key way to write a resume in Singapore is to highlight your awards and achievements. In this section of your resume, you can build upon any job-specific achievements such as best employee or top salesmen awards. Further, you can elaborate on any competitions you’ve won such as hackathons or academic prizes.

Nevertheless, this section is entirely optional. You may not want to include this section if you don’t have many awards or achievements to your name.

Your resume’s skills section relate to your hard, technical skills, rather than your soft skills. This section should disclose your proficiency in programs like Microsoft Excel and Powerpoint. Moreover, you can include additional skills in areas such as copywriting, data analytics, graphic design and so on.

These skills can be written into your resume even if you picked them up on your own. For instance, you can insert in your resume coding skills that you learnt from online courses. While you may not have received formal training in these skills, putting them in your resume shows your willingness to learn and a commitment to your personal development.

Hobbies or Interests

The section on your hobbies or interests is useful for showcasing what you like to do outside of work. However, this section is not strictly needed when writing a resume. Much depends on the company you are applying to work for.

If you wish to work at a company with a more open and diverse culture, then you may decide to add this section. Having unique interests outside of work may also create a good conversation topic. It may even allow you and your job interviewer an opportunity to connect over shared hobbies and interests.

Conversely, if you are applying to a job in a profession such as law or accounting, you may not want to state your hobbies and interests in your resume.

3. Use a Combination of the Reverse Chronological and Functional Approaches

As a general rule, you should adopt the reverse chronological approach when writing a resume. This means that you should list your most recent work experience and qualifications first, followed by the older ones.

Ultimately, employers want to know what your most recent job or qualification is. They may not be as concerned about the job you took five years ago as opposed to five months ago.

However, you can choose to use the functional approach in place of the reverse chronological method under some circumstances.

The functional resume writing approach involves putting the more relevant information about yourself first.

This is usually used when you wish to underscore the important experience or skills that you have that are useful for the job role. You can also use the functional approach to highlight the transferrable skills you have developed in previous work stints.

You can also use the functional approach where you were unemployed for an extended period of time. Using a reverse chronological method in such cases would only make your period of unemployment all the more conspicuous. 

4. Show Your Soft Skills and Key Characteristics

If you’re still wondering how to write a resume in Singapore, this is a key resume writing tip. Decide on some of the soft skills and characteristics you want to demonstrate. Then, devise ways of using your resume to show (not simply state) your soft skills.

After all, saying outright that you are a team player is not very effective. Instead, to show your ability to work in a team, you can say that you “worked closely with team members to spearhead a new initiative” in your previous job. This not only tells the reader what you achieved in your previous role, it also describes a key quality or characteristic that you possess.

5. Use Action Verbs Throughout Your Resume

Action verbs make your resume more engaging and impactful. Furthermore, strategic use of action verbs can also emphasise on your contributions. Hence, you should employ action verbs throughout descriptions and paragraphs while writing a resume.

So what are some action verbs to use in your resume?

Some examples include “executed”, “corresponded”, “orchestrated” “established” and so on.

6. Avoid Using Industry Jargon Excessively

Your resume should be easily understood by a layperson. This is because the recruiter or hiring manager handling your application may not have a technical background. As such, you should avoid using industry jargon in excess. This factor is important when deciding on how to write a resume in Singapore. 

A little bit of jargon may be used if you are applying for a position that requires extensive technical knowledge. This may possibly apply to fields like finance or engineering.

In such cases, careful placement of a few key technical terms in your resume could make you seem a little more knowledgeable. Nonetheless, this should be done in moderation and should not affect the overall readability of your resume. 

7. Proofread for Glaring Grammatical Errors and Typos

This is an obvious but often overlooked resume writing tip in Singapore. Grammatical and typographical errors look very unprofessional and leaves a bad impression on the reader. It shows one of two things. Either that that you are not meticulous enough to spot these mistakes or you simply didn’t put in the effort to write your resume. Hence, you should proofread your resume thoroughly to ensure you don’t make obvious grammatical errors or typos.

As the writer of your resume, you may become blind to glaring mistakes as you’ve read through it numerous times. Therefore, you can consider getting another set of eyes to take a look at your resume. In fact, you can ask trusted friends or family members to help proofread your resume.

8. Use a Nice-Looking Font and Font Size

Your resume should look neat and professional to prospective employers. Therefore, use a clean-looking font such as Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman when writing a resume. In addition, the size of the font should ideally be around 10 to 12 point. This is to enhance the readability of the resume, without the reader having to strain their eyes to read your resume.

9. Save Your Resume in PDF Format

You should always save and send your resume in PDF format. If you use formats such as Microsoft Word, you run the risk of your written resume having formatting or alignment issues due to software compatibility problems. This creates a very bad impression on the part of the reader, even if the issues arose due to no fault on your part. Simple but effective resume writing tip!

10. Compose Your Resume Based on Research

Do some research on your prospective employer before writing your resume. Find out what kind of employee they are looking for.

Then, based on your research, you can compose your resume to highlight qualities that make you suitable for the job. This may improve your chances in the eyes of the reader as you appear to check all the boxes for the potential position. It may also demonstrate to the potential employer that you put in the effort to find out the job requirements and incorporated them into your resume accordingly.

11. Make Sure Your Information is Presented Clearly and Concisely

As mentioned before, employers have limited time to skim through a huge amount of resumes. Therefore, you should present your information clearly and concisely to capture their attention.

You can also make use of bullet points to illustrate the key points of your resume. This enables the reader to quickly understand your significant work experience and qualifications with just a brief scan of your resume. This is precisely how to write a resume in Singapore that awes the hiring managers!

12. Consider Using a Visume

If you wish to differentiate yourself from other job applicants, you can consider complementing your paper resume with a Visume. A Visume is a video resume that allows you to show parts of you that cannot be captured on paper. For instance, a Visume will allow the potential employer to observe your mannerisms and hear how you speak. This may be helpful especially if your written resume is not very impressive and you wish to supplement it using another means.

13. Keep Your Resume Short

Apart from keeping the content of your resume concise, you should also limit your resume to 1 to 2 pages. At the end of the day, you want to zero in on your key achievements and qualities when writing a resume in Singapore. You should not be putting every single thing that comes to mind.

The reader would be turned off if you make them read lengthy, irrelevant passages or a written documentary of your entire life. Thus, you should always strive to keep your resume short and to the point. This is key to good resume writing in this technological age.

Hopefully using our key tips on how to write a resume in Singapore will improve your job application and land you an interview! After getting your new role, you can check out our resignation letter templates to help you resign in a professional manner.

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How to write a resume in Singapore

How to write a resume in Singapore

Your CV is the most important tool that you have to impress your potential employer. Know how to write a CV, and you’ll be on your way to securing the job of your dreams. Here is expert advice from one of the premier recruitment agencies in Singapore .

How to write a resume

How to write a resume

There are many elements that you need to consider when crafting the perfect resume. Whether you are setting out in your job search to write your very first resume or you’ve decided to re-write an existing resume, you may have many questions such as, “What is a resume?”, “How long should a resume be?” and “What information should I include?” You also have to consider how to tailor your resume and lay it out, as well as consider what format it should take, be it a digital resume or a more traditional form.

We’ve created the definitive guide to crafting the perfect resume. From how to write your resume; to knowing what you should include and exclude; to tips on how to lay out and tailor your resume - we’ll help you create the perfect resume that will get you the job you’ve been dreaming of.

What is a resume

What is a CV?

A CV is a written document of everything that relates to your work history. Your CV can include your experience, skills, achievements, education and qualifications. As your CV is often the first impression that your potential employer will have of you, it’s also one of the most important documents that you will ever create.

Your CV needs to be up to date, meticulously correct, and it’s essential to land a job - you can’t/won’t secure a first interview without it.

CV stands for Curriculum Vitae, which is Latin for ‘Course of life’. Technically, a resume is generally a shorter account of professional and educational history; whereas a CV is longer than a resume and more in depth, covering professional accomplishments, awards and recognitions.

Resume length

How long should a resume be?

Your resume should be no longer than 3-4 pages long. If you are a student, you may not yet have a great deal of experience, so 1-2 pages is completely acceptable.

If you have several years’ worth of experience and accomplishments, however, it can be a challenge to keep it within the 3-4 page limit when writing a resume.

Remember that truly great resumes are short and succinct – so be sure to follow our guidelines as to what to include and exclude in your resume.

Best resume font

What is the best resume font?

Every candidate wants to put their best font forward, particularly when it comes to their resume. Just like you shouldn't begin your resume with your "Activities and interests" section or allow it to creep onto five pages, the best resume font is one that covers a few bases.

Here are the best fonts for resume writing - see how they weigh in with your favourites.

Learn more >

Career objective

How to write a career objective

While often overlooked, career objectives are one of the most important parts of your resume as they complement your experience and skills and give prospective employers a sense of your work-related ambitions.

They don’t need to be particularly long to make an impact, but they do need to be well considered and well executed to be both meaningful and impressive.

Here are our tips on writing a career objective that wows every employer you encounter.

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Resume include

How to 'do' a resume

Now that you know what to put on a resume, make your first draft. Then, take a break and review it a few days later. With fresh eyes, you can be more objective.

Consider: Are my achievements relevant for the role that I want to apply for? How can I demonstrate that my skills are of value to the organisation?

Tailor your resume, and edit it as necessary. Finally, get a trusted friend to proofread your resume. You can spend all the time in the world crafting what to write on a resume, but all that time can be wasted with just one spelling mistake.

Tailor CV

How to tailor your resume

Tailoring is the key to making a good resume great. If you ensure that the information is personalised specifically to the role and employer, your resume will stand out from the pack.

First, start with researching the role and employer, and identify what achievements or skills you have that are relevant for the job at hand.

Then, bring those achievements and skills to the forefront using these key tips.

How to do a resume

Resume format guide

Having a well-presented resume is critical to securing your perfect job. It's not enough to have great content; your resume layout needs to be easy-to-read, professional and appealing.

Your hiring manager will have seen hundreds of different resumes. That means that it’s important that you follow the general standard when laying out and ordering the information, to help them navigate the content and to ensure your experience stands out.

Tailor resume

Skills to include on a resume

While the skills for your resume will vary according to the role you’re applying for, its seniority and the industry you work in, there are some skills that will always be valued by employers.

Here are our tips on the top 5 skills you should include on your resume.

CV templates and samples

Resume templates and samples

A resume template is used as a guide as to how a professional resume should be laid out. Resume templates also provide helpful information as to what content should be included in a resume. Often taking a ‘fill-in-the-blanks’ approach, a resume template can help to short-cut the time-intensive process that is creating the perfect resume.

There are thousands of resume templates and samples available online that can be downloaded and updated. Visit our resume templates page for resume samples including accounting and IT resumes.

Stand out CV

How to make sure your resume stands out online

Increasingly, employers are interested to see your digital resume. A digital resume is, as it sounds, a resume that is readily accessible online via your own or a third-party platform.

In creating an online resume, there are many different options available. You can take a full ‘bells-and-whistles’ approach, and build your own website or create a video to create a big impact. Or you can leverage an existing networking platform, such as LinkedIn. You can also use a free online resume builder.

An online resume has the advantage of being discoverable by potential employers, but also has the disadvantage of not being tailored to suit a specific role that you may be going for. While they certainly have their place and will become increasingly more important, digital resumes are best used in conjunction with a more traditional, off-line resume.

You can never invest too much time in crafting the perfect resume. Even if you get the basics right, there are important nuances to consider that will help ensure that your resume gets to the top of the pile.

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Your Path to Career Fulfillment Starts Here

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As a dedicated career coach, I understand the profound impact that meaningful work can have on an individual's physical and mental well-being . Inspired by my own experiences of feeling stuck in unfulfilling roles, I made a promise to myself to never let that happen again and to help others find their true purpose. With a background in recruitment and coaching, I have honed my expertise in guiding individuals towards their career goals . My mission is to make the world a happier place by removing barriers to a fulfilled career.

Services Offered

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Professional resume writing designed to highlight your strengths.

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Custom Cover Letter

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As a recruiter for Amazon, former advisor at Apple and Certified Career Coach , I am dedicated to providing personalized guidance and support to help you unlock your career potential. Through my 1:1 coaching sessions, I will help you identify your true path, build self-confidence, and navigate career transitions. My expertise covers a wide range of areas, including self-branding, market and job research, resume writing, interview preparation, networking, salary negotiations, and work-life balance. With my commitment to your success, I will empower you to overcome obstacles and achieve fulfillment in your professional life.


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Download our valuable resources to enhance your career journey. We offer resume templates, a LinkedIn e-book , and an interview preparation guide. These tools are designed to help you independently improve your resume, optimize your LinkedIn profile, and excel in interviews. If you need further assistance, I am ready to provide his professional expertise to ensure your success.

Résumé E-book

Download the guide on how to write a killer résumé  here .

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Interview E-book

Download the guide on how to ace an interview  here .

LinkedIn E-book

Download the LinkedIn guide  here.

What Our Clients Say

"The resume writer did a great job in making my experience look good. They knew exactly what to include for the kind of job I an looking for. Plus, they were quick and paid attention to the little details, which I appreciated."

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The best Singapore resume format

Briony Ranasinghe

Briony Ranasinghe

Are you a fresh graduate or experienced professional looking for a job in Singapore?  Maybe you are a student hoping to get a part-time job while you study? Whatever the reason, you know you need a resume that fits Singapore resume standards.

This article is the guide you need to know everything about the format, layout and sections of the Singapore resume. Let’s get started.

Want to build your Singapore Resume online? Cresuma’s resume builder can do the job for you.

CV Vs. Resume

First things first, is it a CV or resume in Singapore? Don’t worry, it’s both. In Singapore, companies use both CV and resume on job adverts and the two terms are used interchangeably.

However, what you should be concerned about is length. Most recruiters want to get a sense of who you are, so the Singaporean resume or CV should be about 2 pages long.

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Types of Resume Formats

1. chronological or reverse-chronological format.

The most common resume format is the chronological format. It is also a great format for experienced professionals. In this format, work experience is highlighted with the most recent employment role placed first and working backwards chronologically. It helps employers to understand the career progression of the applicant in a clear, easy-to-read fashion.

2. Functional Format

This format is best for freshers or students looking for part-time work. It also can be used by those looking for a career change or having an employment gap. In this format, transferrable skills are more highlighted than experience. It also allows you to highlight your achievements or education.

3. Combination Format

This format combines both the chronological and functional resume format. Your achievements and skills come to the forefront above a work experience section that is placed in chronological order.

For more details on the types of resume formats, check our article on the best resume formats 2024 .

Now that you know the different types of resume formats, you need to know the sections of your resume and what you should add to them.

Parts of a Resume

1. personal details.

As in most countries, the first part of the Singapore resume is the personal profile. This section will include your name, contact details (phone number, address and email address), professional social media accounts and a photo of yourself.

Remember to use a professional email address such as [email protected] instead of a personal one like [email protected] as it will give a better impression.

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2. Resume Summary

A resume summary is usually a few lines that catches a recruiter’s attention. It is a good place to highlight your skills, experience, and education to the company in a way that grabs their attention and persuades them to hire or interview you. In other words, this is where you begin to sell yourself as the perfect candidate for the company.

A good method to gather a hiring manager’s attention is to use keywords that capture attention. Industry specific keywords, and keywords found in the vacancy announcement are a great tool that you can use.

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3. Professional Experience

This section is one of the most important in the resume as it proves the claims that you make in the summary. It shows the progression of your career and the skills and achievements that you have received as a result of your work.

The format to mention your experience is your job title, how long you worked (date employment began – date employment finished), the company you worked for, and 2-3 bullet points detailing your achievements.

Rather than stating the responsibilities of your post, it is better to highlight key achievements. Mention awards that you have received or significant results that you have got with figures or percentages to really show that you are highly experienced.

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4.Skills and Competencies

This section shows the skills that you have already gained through your experience and education. Listing your hard and soft skills is a good way for employers to know your strengths and whether you would be an asset to their organization.

Rather than just listing your skills, try to mention an example of when you used the relevant skill. Remember to avoid buzzwords that harm your resume.

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5. Education

Your educational qualifications can be an important part of your resume as it supports the claims you make in the previous resume sections such as the summary, skills and work experience. Often companies will list the minimum educational qualifications that are required for a position on the vacancy announcement.

The format for the educational section is almost the same as your work experience. You need to specify the qualification title, the years you studied and the name of the school/university/college that you attended.

Write your qualification in the same way that it is mentioned in the job advertisement to make it easier for the recruiter to identify that you have the required qualifications.

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6. Special Achievements

This section is not compulsory, but it is always good to show that you have received recognition for your work. List any relevant awards that you have received in this section.

If you don’t have any awards to mention, mention other relevant skills or hobbies that you have like a foreign language.

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7. References

You need to have two references on your resume. Type in their names, designations, company they work for and current contact details.

Remember to ask your references before using their details in the resume and to inform them of the company and position you have applied for after you send in your CV.

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Now that you know the Singapore resume format, see our tips for international resume formats for other countries .

For more information on writing the perfect resume, check our career guides .

Singapore Resume Formats, Templates, and Writing Tips

Applying for a job in Singapore? This Singapore Resume guide has the templates, tips, examples, & format requirements needed to write the perfect resume.

Applying for a job in Singapore? This resume guide has the perfect Singapore resume tips, formats, examples, and templates to help you write the perfect Singapore resume.

singapore resume template

Singapore Resume Requirements

The top requirements for a Singapore resume to be successful are:

  • Your name, contact information and location.
  • Photo on a resume - Generally it isn’t required. However, it is recommended for entry-level candidates and Gahmen jobs.
  • A resume summary.
  • Work experience.
  • Education and academic background.
  • A resume in either a PDF or MS Word. PDF is generally accepted in Singapore.
  • Resume should be detailed enough. More than a one-page resume is welcomed.
  • The right resume format that matches your experience, skills, etc.
  • Language: Resumes in English are fine.

Now that we have established the most important requirements for a Singapore resume, let’s take a look at each of these resume requirements in more detail.

What is the Right Resume Length for Singapore?

The acceptable length of resume for Singapore is 2 pages. Short resumes generally don’t give enough context to hiring managers and hence longer resumes are common and acceptable in Singapore.

Singapore Resume Format

Singapore resumes typically follow the common resume formats that are popular worldwide. Top Singapore resume formats for experienced professionals are:

  • Reverse chronological resume format
  • Functional resume format
  • Combination resume format

If you are an experienced professional, a reverse chronological format would be a great fit for your resume. However, if you are someone who's experienced, but are trying to transition to another role you should consider a functional or a combination resume format.

import a resume example

Reverse Chronological Singapore Resume Format Example

reverse chronological singapore resume format

Functional Singapore Resume Format Example

functional singapore resume format

Combination Singapore Resume Format Example

combination singapore resume format example

We also recommend function or combination resume format for entry-level Singapore resumes.

Singapore Resume - Contact Information Tips

While creating the resume header, make sure to add the following information in it:

  • Your contact information including your phone number, town, and a professional email address to contact you.
  • Make sure to link to your personal portfolio, Linkedin profile, or to your blog.
  • Additionally, you can consider adding your nationality. Companies have a hiring quota for foreign nationals, so when you add nationality it saves a ton of time for you and the hiring manager.

Should you Add a Photo to your Singapore Resume?

Generally, adding a photograph to your resume is considered acceptable. It however invites biases in hiring. If you are graduating from university, keeping a photo on your resume is generally advised. Also, if you are applying for Gahmen jobs, adding your photo to your resume is required.

Resume or CV for Singapore Jobs?

CV or resume are used interchangeably in Singapore and make a little difference. Just keep in mind that Singapore's resumes are a bit more detailed as compared to resumes that we see commonly in other parts of the world.

Singapore Resume Templates and Examples

Professional singapore resume example.

Professional singapore resume example

Administrative Resume Example for Singapore

Administrative resume example for singapore

Customer Support Resume Example for Singapore

singapore customer support resume example

Marketing Resume Example for Singapore

marketing resume example for singapore

Management Resume Example for Singapore

singapore management resume example

Accounting Resume Example for Singapore

Frequently asked questions, how do i write a good singapore resume.

To write a good Singapore resume, make sure you add a short powerful summary at the top, follow the STAR method to describe your experience, list your skills, and properly describe your education.

What Fonts to Use in My Singapore Resume?

For resumes that are in the English language, we recommend that you either use Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial, or Roboto as fonts. Use serif-type fonts when your target job is a bit more traditional, else use Sans-serif fonts.

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Successful Resumes Singapore

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Your next career opportunity starts here, greetings and welcome to successful resumes singapore.

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Our professional resumes are written as strategic documents that capture your achievements, skills, talents and expertise in an easy to read, concise format. Our writers work collaboratively with you to create a resume that showcases your career history, demonstrates your value, and focuses on your accomplishments to capture the attention of recruiters and employers.

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The Best Skills To Include In Your Resume For Those In The Digital Economy

Published by: SkillsFuture Singapore

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Best skills to include in your resume

Updating your resume can be a tedious process and it’s easy to see why. Aside from cramping your work experience into a couple of paragraphs, writing about yourself and your achievements can be a challenging task.

What you need in a modern-day resume

Today, a good resume is more than a bunch of relevant action verbs and skills. It has to tell a story. 

A great way to start is by identifying your personal brand. Would you like to be seen as a data specialist? What about a Microsoft Excel maestro? Shape your resume around your skill sets and experience that hiring managers can pick up in an instant. 

Including a skill section in your resume

The skills section in your resume is a useful part to showcase your value. Not only does a skills section summarise your skill sets in an instant, but it also makes sure that your skills are picked up by recruiters or resume-scanning softwares. 

Updating your resume with your latest experience and achievements is always a good idea to help take stock of your achievements and skillsets. For those in the digital economy , here are some of the best skills to include in your resume! 

1. Technology Application

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As a rule of thumb, you should not include Microsoft Office as a skill in your resume. Instead, it’s important to take a deeper dive into the suite of tools that Microsoft Office offers.

If you’re a Microsoft Excel wizard that can churn out complex formulas and powerful pivot tables, be sure to put it in. Alternatively, if you can turn boring decks into compelling presentations, slide Microsoft Powerpoint into your resume

Honing your skills in any of the Microsoft Office suite of programmes does not have to take a long time. There are also plenty of templates on sites like SlideCarnival that can help give some inspiration to your work. Alternatively, you can also attend these short 2-day courses as well!

Unleash Productivity through Microsoft Excel Duration: 14 hours (2 days) Training provider: Temasek Polytechnic Course fee: $850 Find out more about the course

Crafting Impactful Presentation Duration: 16 hours (2 days) Training provider: Singapore Polytechnic Course fee: $400 Find out more about the course

2. Market Research

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Companies do not exist alone. For an organisation to do well, it’s important to develop a thorough understanding of not only its customer but the environment and competitors as well. From identifying trends and extracting useful business insights, market research is a highly-coveted skill.

While there are plenty of market research tools, the free-to-use Google Trends is a great place to start for desktop research. Alternatively, you can also strengthen your primary research skills by learning more about SurveyMonkey and Google Forms.

Being a competent market researcher is not all about simply Googling for information. Displaying the findings in a clear and digestible manner is another skill that tends to get overlooked. For those who already have a decent understanding of research skills, getting a basic foundation in graphic design can give your presentations and reports an added boost. 

Research Methods 

Duration: 36 hours  Training provider: Singapore University of Social Sciences Course fee: $1,378 Find out more about the course

Qualitative Analytics for Business and Policy-Making Duration: 15 hours (2 days) Training provider: National University Of Singapore Course fee: $2,100 Find out more about the course

3. Data Analytics

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No matter the sector, data analysis is an essential skill that remains consistent in the digital economy. Fortunately, there are quite a few relatively easy-to-pick-up data analytics programmes like Microsoft Excel, PowerBI, and Tableau.

If you’re looking to gain a deeper mastery in the exciting field of data analytics, there are also advanced data analytics programmes like Python and R as well. Be sure to use your SkillsFuture Credit to help offset the cost!

Data Analytics for Managers (Synchronous E-learning)

Duration: 17 hours (2 days) Training provider: Singapore Management University Course fee: $1,600 Find out more about the course

Fundamentals of Data Analytics (Synchronous e learning) Duration: 16 hours (2 days) Training provider: Republic Polytechnic Course fee: $630 Find out more about the course

4. Process Improvement and Optimisation

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Process improvement is about establishing frameworks to identify processes and creating new ways to improve effectiveness. If you can help shave a couple of minutes off your team’s daily workflow, you’re already playing a part in process improvement for your organisation. 

When including process improvement in your resume, it’s a good idea to quantify it with numbers. For example, an employee who improves the number of site visitors by 200% would be seen as more valuable as compared to another who is simply involved in increasing site visits. 

Contrary to its name, process improvement is not all about improving processes. It’s also important to take into account how work can be measured as well. Looking at new ways to measure and track performance is another great way to supplement your process improvement skills.

Apply Continuous Process Improvement Techniques

Duration: 15 hours Training provider: Singapore Polytechnic Course fee: $900 Find out more about the course

Drive Productivity and Innovation (SF - Operations Manager) [Synchronous E-Learning]

Duration: 24 hours (4 days) Training provider: Singapore Institute Of Retail Studies (SIRS) Course fee: $501 Find out more about the course

5. Communication Skills

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While the four skills above can be taught and learned, communication is a soft skill that is harder to develop. Still, that does not mean that you should not pay attention to it. Employees who have a high mastery of soft skills stand out from the crowd easily and are useful in any position. 

One thing to note is how experienced interviewers will want you to show rather than tell them about your soft skills - so be sure to be ready for it! 

Communication is part of SkillsFuture’s Critical Core Skills . These 16 soft skills are specially identified to be relevant in today’s workplace and are useful for employees in any sector.

Facilitate Effective Communication and Engagement at the Workplace

Duration: 17.5 hours  Training provider: Singapore Polytechnic  Course fee: $352 Find out more about the course

Fine-tuning: Writing Skills for Managers

Duration:  14hours Training provider: British Council Singapore Ltd Course fee: $892 Find out more about the course

Skills to include in your resume

Adopting a skills-based approach can help make your resume stand out from the pack. 

Pro tip: When deciding the skills to include in your resume, look through the “required skills” section in job postings and see how it can fit into your skillset. More often than not, the skills would be similar across job roles in the same sector. 

Be sure to also check out our guide on the green and care economy. Alternatively, you can always speak with a friendly Skills Ambassador to identify the skills you need.

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CV Writer Singapore

  • VVIP Package – CV, Cover Letter & LinkedIn Profile
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Is your CV Interview-Oriented?  Don't let Opportunities Pass You By.

We prepare CVs that gets you Interviews. As experts in the Singapore & Asian Job Market, with decades of HR & Talent Acquisition experience, we know what HR Managers & Recruiters are looking out for. Do not miss another opportunity. Tap on our expertise now. 

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  • 60 Days Money Back Guarantee

We guarantee that you will receive an interview. We are so confident of this that we offer a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee on our CV Writing Services.

30 to 90 Days Unlimited Revisions

We offer Unlimited Revisions for 30-90 Days depending on the package selected. You will have the opportunity to revise content to ensure success.

WhatsApp Text Message Sales Support

We are available via WhatsApp Text Message from Mondays to Sundays, 6am to 12midnight. 

Invest in Your Career. Get Started Today.

Statistics have shown that using a professionally prepared cv can make you:, 100% more likely to be invited for an interview.

Every day, hundreds of CVs of highly qualified professionals are discarded by recruiters and hiring managers because they are too confusing and information was not properly presented.  Is your CV one of those being discarded? Dont miss out on opportunities any longer. Get your CV professionally prepared today.

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The secret of our success.

The secret to our success lies in our proprietary, methodological process that translates to interview-oriented CV. 


The very first step of preparing your CV involves the consolidation of information from all sources.


In this step, we understand what are your career objectives and layout the gameplan for success. 


We will put together your interview-oriented CV through our proprietary, methodological process. 


Review and finalisation of content with the end objective of landing you with interviews, 

professional cvs 

Impactful cover letters , customised linkedin profiles , we craft cvs that launch careers.

We have assisted professionals of varying seniority secure positions in MNCS, SMEs, Governental Agencies, Not-for profits, etc. Here are some of the companies where our clients have found roles at:

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Our Success Stories

CV Writer Singapore has a proven track record in helping people get ahead in their job search. See what we did for these professionals:

Hi Arthur, Thank you for preparing my resume and cover letter. The revised resume is effective and gained attention from companies such as Exxon Mobil, Micron, Flowserve and many others that called me for interviews. I cannot thank you more that I landed a job that I love with purpose.

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Project Director, APAC

Arthur and Linda were extremely supportive and provided expert opinion on the local job market conditions. CV Writer Singapore prices was  also more than affordable, the turnaround time was fast, excellent customer service, and the product was successful. You cannot go wrong with CV Writer Singapore, regardless of where you’re at in your career.

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Rakesh Ashok

Supply Chain & Logistics Director, Global Logistics MNC

Dear Linda, How have you been? I just wanted to let you know that I have been offered my dream job and will be starting on 1 May! Thank you so much for your dedicated and excellent service!

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June Schultis

APAC Finance Controller, FMCG MNC

JUMPSTART your job search! 

Let us help you succeed.

We offer two bespoke packages for all job seekers, from C-Level Top Professionals, Mid-career Executives to Fresh Graduates. Choose the option best suited to you.

CV Writing Only

  • 1x Professionally Prepared CV
  • 30 Days Unlimited Revisions

CV, LinkedIn Profile & Cover Letter

  • 1x Personalised LinkedIn Profile
  • 1x Impactful Cover Letter
  • 90 Days Unlimited Revisions

CV & Cover Letter

  • 60 Days Unlimited Revisions

CV & LinkedIn Profile

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Get a honest, no-obligation FREE CV Review. Our team of consultants will go through your CV in depth and provide a detailed critique.  Send your CV to us at [email protected] to receive feedback on areas of improvement.  You can send us a Whatsapp Message at + +65 9681 2409 *Email us for relevant, updated samples*

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Employer Testimonial & Recommendation Letter

An Employer Testimonial or Recommendation Letter is one of the most powerful tools in your job search toolbox.  Unlike a cover letter, an Employer Testimonial provides potential hiring companies with a quick snapshot of your professional capabilities and character traits.  Providing a third-party endorsement will catapult you to the forefront of competition for that illusive role. 

Don’t Miss Another Opportunity! Get Your CV Prepared Now!

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CV Writer Singapore is Asia's leading career services consultancy with a proven track record in delivering high quality career and job search solutions. Our mission is to ensure jobseekers in Singapore and the greater Asia Pacific sphere, achieve their career objectives via our dedicated, individualised career services. CV Writer Singapore is a Resumes Central brand (Business Registration No. 53322996X)

© 2024 CV Writer Singapore.


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List of available Resume and CV Writing Courses in Central, Singapore.

The Resume and CV Writing courses in Central are provided by the following institutes:

  • Knowles Training Institute, Central
  • C3A, Central

Also, check out all Resume and CV Writing Courses from all over Singapore .

  • Online Resume and CV Writing Courses

Prabh Kirpa Classes

The Ultimate Resume Writing Guide: Crafting a Winning Prof

Understanding the Importance of Your Resume

  • Duration 1h 34m

Knowles Training Institute Logo

Resume Writing Strategies Training

A resume is an applicant’s gateway to a new job. It displays significant achievements, experiences, and skills. A competent-looking and organized resume is an employer’s version of attention-grabbing.

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  • Location Central
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C3A Logo

Resume Writing & Interview Skills

This course equips participants with the skills in preparing an impactful resume that stands out from others. Learn how to conduct job searches using different platforms (online & offline) and sharpen their presentation skills to prepare for job interviews.

  • Duration 14 Hours



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Workipedia by MyCareersFuture

3 minute read

4 Resume Templates to Use That Work Best for Singaporean Employers

Before you start applying for a job, it is imperative to have a killer resume. after all, your resume could make or break a first impression..

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A comprehensive resume should detail your key traits and abilities as well as your work experience.

It should highlight the key achievements and accomplishments in the workplace.

Your resume should also include brief information about your academic qualifications as well as your interests. There are no one-size-fits-all resumes. If you need some inspiration to beef up your resume, check out four of the most popular templates below!

Chronological resumes

The chronological resume is probably one of the most common resume templates used today. It helps recruiters get a quick and thorough understanding of your most relevant and recent experiences.

This format is ideal for jobseekers who have had several years of experience in one industry. If you have worked for various companies in a particular industry, then this template would be useful in exhibiting your key skills and abilities.

Attend walk-in interviews, virtual career fairs, workshops and more! Explore Career GRIT and find events and other resources best suited to your career journey. Check it out now.

Pen your own chronological resume

Your resume should include contact information as well as relevant employment history. Ensure that you incorporate the following in this order:

  • Your name and contact information (mobile number, email, and social media platforms)
  • A brief introduction about yourself
  • Employment history in chronological order
  • Educational history in chronological order
  • Skills and interests

Try to keep your resume to one page and exclude all irrelevant job experiences as most recruiters do not spend any longer than a minute on one applicant.

Functional resumes

Unlike chronological resumes, a functional resume focuses on skills, qualifications and job experience. It also places emphasis on qualities and personality traits.

If you are a mother who has taken extended periods of time off work to care for your children or a jobseeker who is researching for opportunities outside of your industry, you might want to consider using a functional resume instead of a chronological one.

Craft a functional resume like a pro

There is no strict template for a functional resume. Regardless, make sure to include these details in the following sequence:

  • Name and contact information
  • A short summary of your qualifications
  • Work experience
  • Group your primary skills and abilities
  • Document your academic qualifications

The trick to nailing a functional resume is choosing the right words that get your resume noticed. Research some of the keywords and specific qualities recruiters look out for and weave them into your resume.

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Combination resumes

The next format is a combination of chronological and functional resumes. Like a functional resume, a combination resume is ideal for jobseekers who have skills and abilities that are more relevant than employment history. Essentially, a combination resume exhibits what you can do, not what you have done.

However, a combination resume does not neglect employment history. Instead, it includes relevant employment history and also lists key skills and knowledge you have developed from them.

A template combination resume

While the combination resume is more flexible in nature, incorporate these important pieces of information:

  • A brief summary of your skills and qualities
  • Professional experience
  • Education and credentials

Feel free to get creative with a combination resume!

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Targeted resumes

The final resume format on our list is a targeted resume. This resume is customised based on the position you want and the industry you would like to enter. Not only will aligning your resume get you noticed but it would be easier for you to demonstrate that you are the perfect fit for the job. Click here to learn more about how aligning your resume can increase your chances of nailing a role.

Tailor your resume to impress recruiters

Like combination resumes, there is no fixed targeted resume format. Insert the following in a cohesive manner and your resume should be good to go:

  • Name and contact details
  • Summary of qualifications
  • Work history
  • Education and training

Make sure all experiences and qualifications are related. For example, if you are thinking of applying for a role as a writer, include information about your written abilities as well as past projects you had to work on that involved a great deal of writing.

Or, consider crafting an online resume. Read on to find out how .

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Home / 4 Resume Templates to Use That Work Best for Singaporean Employers

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Whether you are a fresh graduate searching for a new entry-level job or a seasoned veteran considering a career switch, Workipedia by MyCareersFuture is the one-stop website for all your job application needs.

Singapore Top 10 Resume Writing Services

  • Review Criterion
  • Comparison Table
  • CV Writer Singapore
  • Executive Resumes
  • Resumes Central
  • Excellence Resume
  • Resume Writer Singapore

Find My Profession

Successful resumes singapore, resume service singapore, resume people, singapore top 10 resume writing firms.

looking to update your resume? find out which is the best resume writing firm in singapore.  

“The best way to predict the future, is to create it” – Abraham Lincoln

Our review criterion.

The TOP10 Scoring Framework – all resume writing service providers are scored against a rigorous framework for the measurement of customer experience, generating ratings and rankings for each firm.

A job seeker and a professional seeking a career move are at the phase of their lives where they should be prudent and careful in their spending. It is not advisable to overspend as the job search process can at times take a while. So we recommend price as a key consideration factor.


A resume is never perfect at the first try. The last thing you want is for the resume writer to complete a draft which does not reflect your profile accurately and you are unable to request further changes because they treat it as final. We recommend looking at the number of available revisions before proceeding.

You would never know if the resume prepared will work until you try it. You need to have assurance it will work. Look for a  resume writing service where the firm is confident of providing a money-back guarantee that you will at least secure an interview. That way, they are incentivised to ensure your success.

The resume consultant needs to be familiar and based in Singapore if you are looking for positions in Singapore. Being based in Singapore, they would be more familiar with job market conditions and regulations. The resume writing firm’s location should be a key consideration factor in your decision making.

Summary of the Top 10 Resume Writing Firms in Singapore

A snapshot view of the Resume Writing Firms in Singapore

Top 10 Resume Writing Firms in Singapore

With the current uncertainty in the job market, it is best to always be prepared. The following are top 10 resume writing firms in Singapore with detailed reviews of each firm. Find the best firm for your needs and budget.

No. 1 CV Writer Singapore

For the 10th year running, we have CV Writer Singapore as the Top Resume Writing Firm in Singapore. Based in Singapore, with 60 Days Unlimited Revisions & 60 Days Money Back Guarantee, CV Writer Singapore offers the best value for your money.

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No. 2 – Executive Resumes

Coming in a close second, Executive Resumes has clinched the second position in our list of Top 10 Resume Writing firms in Singapore.

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No. 3 – Resumes Central

Hot on the heels of the 2nd place, we have Resumes Central . Managed by a team of former Recruitment Professionals, they are well positioned to advise for a wide variety of professions across all seniorities.

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Excellence Resumes

If You’re An Ambitious Leader, You’re In Good Hands. We mostly work with Board Members, CXOs, Heads Of business units, Senior Directors, Managers and other ambitious professionals.

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Find My Profession is an elite career services provider founded in 2015. Our passion is helping job seekers find the career of their dreams. 

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We specialise in helping job seekers like you to get noticed, land job interviews and get paid the salary you deserve!

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Your Preferred Partner in Your Career Management Planning

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Singapore Top 10 Resume Writing Services

© 2024. Singapore Top 10 Resume Writing Firms. The opinions expressed here are solely those of Resume Writing Singapore & do not reflect the opinions of any other company, entity or individual.


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  3. Resume Writing Workshop Singapore

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  6. Create an Impressive Resume

    When writing your resume, always keep the end goal in mind; to convince the employer that you are the right fit for the role. ... Complete online courses from platforms such as Edx, Coursera and Google. 3. Enrol in CFG's Industry Insights Courses. 4. ... Singapore 117548 +65 6516 1385; For Students and Alumni: [email protected] For Employers: ...

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    Resume Writing. by Gwee Khee Heng Jeremy. Share this Lesson. Price : $100.00 $150.00 (34% off) ... 1 hour 1:1 post-course resume review Why Book Through LessonsGoWhere? Booking is safe. ... (LGW) is Singapore's first online marketplace to list, discover and book in-person courses. You can shop, compare and review lessons ...

  9. Resume Writing Strategies Training Course In Singapore

    Resume Writing Strategies Course in Singapore. A resume is an applicant's gateway to a new job. It displays significant achievements, experiences, and skills. A competent-looking and organized resume is an employer's version of attention-grabbing. Writing an excellent resume cannot be accomplished overnight.

  10. How to Write a Resume in Singapore

    13. Keep Your Resume Short. Apart from keeping the content of your resume concise, you should also limit your resume to 1 to 2 pages. At the end of the day, you want to zero in on your key achievements and qualities when writing a resume in Singapore. You should not be putting every single thing that comes to mind.

  11. How to write a resume in Singapore

    Your resume should be no longer than 3-4 pages long. If you are a student, you may not yet have a great deal of experience, so 1-2 pages is completely acceptable. If you have several years' worth of experience and accomplishments, however, it can be a challenge to keep it within the 3-4 page limit when writing a resume.

  12. Resume for Students [Writing Tips, Samples & Skills]

    Writing a resume can be a daunting task, especially for students who are just starting out in their career journey. ... - [Course 1]: [Description of course and relevance to field] - [Course 2]: [Description of course and relevance to field] ... National University of Singapore, May 2020: Awarded to students with an exceptional academic ...

  13. Professional Resume Writing Services in Singapore

    Professional Resume Editing Services and More. 200% money-back guarantee on all orders, including resume writing services. You will have a dedicated manager in Singapore to manage your order, and you can contact him anytime while your resume is being written. 5 Day unlimited revision period, so you don't have to worry about your resume.

  14. SG Resume Writers

    Unlock your career potential with DyCareer, Singapore's premier resume writing service. At DyCareer Consultancy, we specialise in crafting compelling resumes, engaging cover letters, and LinkedIn profile that stand out. Whether you're seeking to jumpstart your career, pivot to a new industry, or climb the corporate ladder, our expert resume writers are here to help you make a lasting impression.

  15. Best Singapore Resume Format [With Templates]

    1. Chronological or Reverse-Chronological Format. The most common resume format is the chronological format. It is also a great format for experienced professionals. In this format, work experience is highlighted with the most recent employment role placed first and working backwards chronologically. It helps employers to understand the career ...

  16. Singapore Resume Formats, Templates, and Writing Tips

    Work experience. Education and academic background. A resume in either a PDF or MS Word. PDF is generally accepted in Singapore. Resume should be detailed enough. More than a one-page resume is welcomed. The right resume format that matches your experience, skills, etc. Language: Resumes in English are fine.

  17. Resume Writing Service

    Successful Resumes is a professional resume-writing service provider in Singapore. We provide customised resumes for career enhancement. Contact us today. [email protected] +65 8660 1793 +65 8660 1793 ... your branding profile is a powerful concept that can impact the course of your career or business. Read more + Load more. Yes ...

  18. The Best Skills To Include In Your Resume For Those In The Digital

    Training provider: Singapore Polytechnic Course fee: $352 Find out more about the course. Fine-tuning: Writing Skills for Managers. Duration: 14hours Training provider: British Council Singapore Ltd Course fee: $892 Find out more about the course

  19. CV Writer Singapore

    CV Writer Singapore is the region's Top CV Writing Firm. Staffed by ex recruiters & HR Managers. We prepare Resumes that work. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Skip to content. 60 Paya Lebar Road, #06-33 Paya Lebar Square, S 409051 ... CV Writer Singapore is a Resumes Central brand (Business Registration No. 53322996X)

  20. Top 10 Resume and CV Writing Courses in Central, Singapore

    List of available Resume and CV Writing Courses in Central, Singapore. The Resume and CV Writing courses in Central are provided by the following institutes:Knowles Training Institute, Central. C3A, Central.

  21. Clearly Write: A Course on Effective Writing for Executives

    Clearly Write is an immersive two-day course designed to equip you with the principles and techniques of clear, concise, and persuasive writing. Through interactive discussions and writing exercises based on real-life scenarios, you will engage in a dynamic learning experience. Learning Objectives. Learn the "5 KEYS TO CLEAR AND CONCISE ...

  22. 4 Resume Templates to Use That Work Best for ...

    A template combination resume. While the combination resume is more flexible in nature, incorporate these important pieces of information: Name and contact information. A brief summary of your skills and qualities. Professional experience. Education and credentials. Feel free to get creative with a combination resume!

  23. HOME

    The following are top 10 resume writing firms in Singapore with detailed reviews of each firm. Find the best firm for your needs and budget. No. 1 CV Writer Singapore. For the 10th year running, we have CV Writer Singapore as the Top Resume Writing Firm in Singapore. Based in Singapore, with 60 Days Unlimited Revisions & 60 Days Money Back ...