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Anthropology Research Topics And Writing Ideas For Students

anthropology research topics

Writing an anthropology research paper is in a lot of ways similar to writing an argumentative essay in other disciplines. Usually, the significant difference between these essays is how you support your idea. While you may use only literature to prove your point in an argumentative essay, you may need to employ textual proofs from artifacts, ethnographies, etc., in an anthropology essay.

Research in anthropology could be thrilling, particularly if you have many anthropology project ideas. Anthropology studies the evolution of human culture and therefore provides a wide range of anthropology essay topics that spill into history, biology, sociology, etc. Many anthropological research projects borrow from other social sciences. It is easy to feel that overwhelming grip on your chest if you’re unable to choose an anthropology research topic.

How to Write an Anthropology Research Paper

Guide how to write an anthropology research paper, the excellent list of 110 anthropology research paper topics, physical anthropology research paper topics, medical anthropology research paper topics, cultural anthropology research paper ideas, best cultural anthropology essay topics, biological anthropology research paper topics.

  • Forensic Anthropology Research Paper Topics

Are you worried because you don’t know how to write an anthropology paper? Writing an anthropology paper could be so much fun if you can nail the basics. It is not as bad as people paint it to be, especially if you get writing help from our professional writers . With the right anthropology paper format, anthropology research topics, and anthropology research paper examples, you’re set to go!

If you’re a big fan of doing lots of things in a short time and with fewer efforts, then you’re in the right place. This guide is full of the tips and skills you need to arrange your ideas properly. It also contains anthropology paper examples, anthropology paper topics, and other life-saving tips you may need. Ready to know how to start an anthropology research paper? Let’s delve right in!

How do you get started on an anthropology research paper? Below is the most comprehensive list on the internet to get you home and dry in record time!

  • Review the Assignment Guidelines
  • Develop a Topic
  • Outline your Paper
  • Do some Library Research
  • Write a Rough Draft
  • Write the Paper
  • Edit the Paper

We shall shortly expound on this list to help you better understand them.

  • Review the Assignment Guidelines: your professor may give you some guidelines to follow. To avoid deviating from the instructor’s expectations, spend some time reviewing your assignment guidelines so that you know the exact things you need to accomplish. For example, confirm if there are any stated anthropology research methods and the likes. It is beneficial to have a writing schedule. If you have a lot of time in your hands before the submission time, spreading out the workload will help to ease some of the stress. If you’re naturally a binge writer, sit at your computer early and bleed!
  • Develop a Topic:  search for some anthropology research paper ideas and choose from the vast array of anthropology research topics available. Select a topic that revolves around a guiding question. This topic should connect on a deeper level to the theme of the course. The length requirement for the paper will help you know if your topic is too big, too small, or just good enough. For a short paper, you may want to focus on a particular culture or event in the context of a broader topic. Ensure that your thesis focuses on anthropology and that it draws from anthropological theories or ideas. Now, do a quick search to confirm if there are scholarly materials available for this topic. It is easier to write a paper with some available references.
  • Introduction/Abstract
  • Library Research: now, start the research on your topic, preferably from course materials. A bibliography at the end of a relevant course reading is also a great way to get other related materials. Depending on the requirement of the assignment, feel free to search for other books or articles.
  • Write a Rough Draft: during your research, endeavor to make proper jottings and references, which will form the rough draft of your essay. A rough draft will help you create dots that you will be able to connect later on.
  • Title: Usually on a separate page and contains the abstract.
  • Introduction/Abstract : A short paragraph showing the road map of your thesis.
  • Body: Leverages your thesis and presenting your research in a detailed and logical structure.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion is a short paragraph that summarizes your fundamental theme and substantiates your thesis.
  • References: A citation of the resources you used in your paper. Follow the referencing style which your instructor chooses.
  • Edit the Paper:  you may engage any of your friends to help you go through your essay. Make some final checks such as the length requirement, the format and citation style, spelling and grammatical errors, logical flow of ideas and clarity, substantial support of the claim, etc. Once you edit your paper, turn it in and accept an A+!

Without further ado, here are 110 anthropology research paper topics for free! With 18 topics each from the six main subcategories of anthropology, you can’t get it wrong!

  • Eugenics — its merits and demerits in the 21st-century world.
  • Human Origin: Comparing the creationist versus evolutionist views on the origin of man.
  • Ancient Egypt: The preservation of their dead and underlying beliefs.
  • Homo habilis: Investigating Contemporary facts supporting their past existence.
  • Drowning: Clarifying the cause of drowning by examining the physical and anatomical evidence.
  • Smoking and its effects on the physical appearance of humans over decades of indulgence.
  • Physical labor: Exploring its long-term impact on the physical appearance of humans.
  • The relationship of Kyphosis with human senescence.
  • Aging in Western Culture.
  • Skin color: Exploring the influence of the environment on human skin color across continents.
  • Species and language: Focus on ways species evolve across the world and ways language acquisition affects and influences culture.
  • Abiogenesis: Research about abiogenesis and how it affects human development
  • Animal stability: How captive animals are different from those that live in the wild.
  • Henry Walter: The ways Henry Walter contributed to the field of physical anthropology.
  • Cephalization: The process of cephalization and what it entails.
  • Genotype: The environment correlation study.
  • Genetics: What does genetic hijacking mean?
  • Altruism: Do people learn altruism or it is an acquired state.
  • Applying the Concepts of Ethnozoology in medicine.
  • Critically Assessing the fundamental posits of critical medical anthropology (CMA).
  • The 2014 Ebola virus outbreak in Africa: Evaluating the success of control interventions.
  • Exploring the applications of Ethnobotany in medicine.
  • Nuclear disaster: A research into the life of survivors of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986.
  • HIV/AIDS: The reasons for prevalent societal infamy and the way forward.
  • HIV/AIDS epidemic in Europe: Exploring the roles of commercial sex workers in the spread of the disease.
  • Alternative medicine in China: A comparative review of its weaknesses and possible strengths in the light of Orthodox medicine.
  • HIV/AIDS in Africa: A critical assessment of extensively troubled nations and populations.
  • Depression in South-East Asia: Sheer social noise or severe threat?
  • Adult’s onset diabetes: Research on how diabetes is a major health issue in aboriginal populations in The U.S and Canada.
  • ARV rollout: The role of the ARV rollout and campaigns in Africa.
  • Sexual diversity in Africa: Research on whether sexual diversity in Africa is being taken into account to help fight against AIDS.
  • Chemicals and radiation waste: How the radiation waste and chemicals in the air are affecting people.
  • Mercury poisoning: The effects of Mercury poisoning in Minamata, Japan, and the measures to help put the situation under control.
  • Health: The health ramifications of adapting to ecology and maladaptation.
  • Health: Domestic healthcare and health culture practices
  • Clinic: Clinical interactions in social organizations.
  • Growth: Difference between growth and development.
  • Engineering: Genetic engineering and what it entails.
  • Marriage: Marriage rituals in different cultures.
  • Magic: Belief in magic and the supernatural.
  • Mythologies: The effects it has on modern culture.
  • Anthropology: How to use anthropology as forensic science.
  • Heroes: Studies of heroes in different societies.
  • Education: How education differs around the world.

Cultural anthropology discusses human societies and their cultural origin, vacation, history, and development. Here is a look at cultural Anthropology topics:

  • Women in Africa: The various challenging roles that women in Modern Africa play and how they handle it.
  • Homelessness: How homelessness affects and influences the culture and social landscapes.
  • India: Methods and measures that India is taking to deal with the issue of homelessness and measures they have put in place to deal with social landscapers.
  • Political science: Highlight and discuss the link between cultural anthropology and political science.
  • Superstition: Research ways that superstition affects the way of life.
  • Sexual discrimination: The evolution of sexual discrimination and its effects in modern times.
  • African cultures: Investigating how different religions and beliefs impact African culture.
  • Northern Nigeria: How the basic religious beliefs that influence forced nuptials among the children in North Nigeria.
  • Gay marriage: The background on gay marriage and how it influences the cultural and social backgrounds.
  • Racism: Explain racism and its existence in modern times.
  • Religious practices: Ways how religious practices and beliefs affect culture.
  • Culture shock: What it is and ways that people can work through it.
  • Ethnocentrism: Ways that you can use to minimize it.
  • Ancestors: A view of ancestors in African culture.
  • Religion: Religious practices in a particular society.
  • Culture: About the Rabari culture in India
  • Definition of culture
  • How culture anthropology links to political science
  • Alcoholism: Looking into the socio-economic and cultural history in Eastern Europe.
  • Assessing the effects of radioactivity on populations affected by the nuclear disaster of 2011 in Fukushima Daiichi.
  • Gay marriage: Exploring the biological aspects of same-sex weddings in North America.
  • Minamata disease: A critical look into the origin, populations affected, and transgenerational impact of this disease on Japan.
  • Asthma disease in Yokkaichi: A critical look into the cause, people affected, and transgenerational effect on Japan.
  • Itai-Itai disease: A critical look into the cause, populations affected, and transgenerational effect on Japan.
  • Nuclear bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki: An investigation of the transgenerational effects on the health of affected victims to this present time.
  • Cocaine use in America: A critical look into the health impact on American cocaine users.
  • Making Marijuana use legal in America: Possible woes and beneficial outcomes.
  • Cystic fibrosis: Justifications for its preponderance in white populations in America.
  • Biological Anthropology: Research on the meaning and definition of biological Anthropology and how it influences different fields.
  • Paleoanthropology: Explore ways Paleoanthropology uses fossil records to draw biological anthropology compassion and conclusions regarding human evolution.
  • Human social structures: Explain the development of human social structures using biological anthropology.
  • Biological anthropologies: Research on some primary geographical locations where biological anthropologies used to research their work.
  • Human language: Research how biological anthropology helped in the development of human language and communication.
  • Body projects: The changes and the valued attributes.
  • Political ecology: The Vector-borne and infectious disease.
  • Clinical Interactions: What are clinical interaction and social organization?

Forensic Anthropology Research Paper Ideas

  • Radioactive Carbon dating: A critical assessment of the accuracy of this dating technique.
  • Human Origin: Pieces of evidential support for Creationist and Evolutionist views on the origin of man.
  • Assessing the accuracy of DNA evidence testing and matching on criminology.
  • Neanderthals: Exploring environmental influences and migratory paths on their survival and appearance.
  • Dating Techniques: A critical review of current archaeological dating techniques.
  • Ancient Egypt Mummification: A critical look at the effectiveness of the methods used.
  • Nuclear disaster: A research into the impact of radioactivity on life forms due to the atomic catastrophe Chernobyl in 1986.
  • A critical look into recent evidence supporting the existence of Homo habilis in the past.
  • Crime Scene Forensics: Recent advances in the detection of crime.
  • Postmortem Changes: Investigating the primary agents responsible for biological changes in humans.
  • Criminal procedure: Research a case with a confession scenario and highlight unique features of the case.
  • Criminal procedure: Do your research on the criminal proceedings in a given area and what makes them effective.
  • Computer forensic: Ways that the computer forensic help in preserving electronic evidence.
  • Digital forensic: Research about the history and features of digital forensic.
  • History: Ways that Israel presents itself as a leader in computer forensics.
  • Oncology: The latest archaeological dating methods.
  • DNA: How accurate is DNA evidence in the matching and testing criminology?
  • Crime detention: The recent improvements of crime detection.

So here we are! Fifty juicy topics that are all eager to wear some flesh! Ready to have an A+? Let’s do it!

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Top 300 Anthropology Research Topics

Anthropology research Topics

Welcome to a fascinating world of anthropology. DIve into our curated compilation of 300 engaging anthropology research topics that uncover the diversity of human societies and cultures. These topics span a wide range of fascinating subjects, from how people live and communicate to the ways they shape their communities and beliefs.

Explore cultural traditions across the globe, investigate the roots of human evolution, or solve the complexities of language and identity. Whether you’re mesmerized by ancient civilizations, modern urban societies, or the impact of technology on cultures, you’ll find thought-provoking ideas to spark your curiosity and inspire insightful exploration.

From examining social behaviors to understanding environmental adaptations, these research topics offer a doorway to understanding the rich diversity of humanity. Join us on this journey through anthropology’s vast kingdoms, where each topic invites you to solve the complexities of human existence, one subject at a time.

What Is Anthropology ?

Table of Contents

Anthropology is the study of humans’ origins, societies, cultures, behaviors, and physical variations across time and space. It emphasizes understanding the diversity of human experiences and how societies function. Anthropologists explore various aspects of human life, from biological and evolutionary perspectives to cultural and social dimensions.

There are four primary subfields in anthropology:

  • Cultural Anthropology: Focuses on understanding contemporary societies, cultures, customs, and practices.
  • Archaeology: Studies past human societies and cultures by examining material remains, artifacts, and structures.
  • Biological/Physical Anthropology: Investigates human biology, evolution, genetics, and primatology.
  • Linguistic Anthropology: Explores the role of language in societies, communication, and cultural expression.

Anthropologists use diverse methods, including ethnography (participant observation), interviews, archaeological excavations, biological analyses, and linguistic studies, to uncover insights into human societies, their histories, and how they evolve over time.

Here we have compiled 300 research topics under different categories. From how languages evolve to what ancient artifacts tell us, these topics are like treasure maps guiding us to discover the wonders of human life. Ready to dive into stories of our past, present, and future? Let us start.

Top 15 Topics On Biological Anthropology Research Areas

  • Human Evolutionary Genetics
  • Primate Behavior and Ecology
  • Forensic Anthropology
  • Paleoanthropology Studies
  • Human Osteology and Skeletal Biology
  • Biological Adaptations to Environments
  • Comparative Anatomy and Morphology
  • Dental Anthropology Research
  • Bioarchaeology Investigations
  • Human Growth and Development
  • Primatology and Conservation
  • Disease and Health in Past Populations
  • Population Genetics and Human Diversity
  • Evolutionary Medicine and Anthropology
  • Human Paleopathology

Top 15 Research Topics On Cultural Anthropology Research Topics

  • Rituals and Symbolism in Culture
  • Cultural Identity and Globalization
  • Ethnographic Studies of Communities
  • Gender Roles and Cultural Practices
  • Material Culture and Society
  • Language and Culture Interactions
  • Folklore and Oral Traditions
  • Cultural Heritage Preservation
  • Indigenous Knowledge Systems
  • Culture and Power Dynamics
  • Urban Anthropology and City Life
  • Cultural Diversity and Social Change
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Fieldwork
  • Diaspora Communities and Identity
  • Religion and Cultural Practices

Top 15 Research Topics On Archaeological Anthropology Investigations

  • Archaeogenetics and Human Origins
  • Settlement Patterns and Urbanization
  • Environmental Archaeology
  • Ancient Technologies and Innovations
  • Archaeological Excavation Techniques
  • Paleoecology and Human Adaptations
  • Cultural Transmission in Archaeology
  • Dating Methods in Archaeological Studies
  • Maritime and Underwater Archaeology
  • Landscape Archaeology Approaches
  • Cultural Heritage Management
  • Rock Art and Symbolism
  • Archaeology of Death and Burial Practices
  • Archaeology and Climate Change
  • Site Preservation and Conservation

Top 15 Research Topics On Linguistic Anthropology Studies

  • Language Acquisition and Development
  • Sociolinguistics and Cultural Variation
  • Language Revitalization Efforts
  • Language and Identity Formation
  • Ethnolinguistics and Cultural Contexts
  • Historical Linguistics and Evolution of Languages
  • Linguistic Relativity and Thought Patterns
  • Multilingualism and Society
  • Dialectology and Regional Variations
  • Language Endangerment and Preservation
  • Language Contact and Creole Formation
  • Anthropological Approaches to Verbal Art
  • Pragmatics and Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Language and Power Dynamics
  • Ethnography of Communication

Top 15 Research Topics On Medical Anthropology Focus Areas

  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Health and Illness
  • Traditional Healing Practices
  • Biocultural Aspects of Disease
  • Global Health and Healthcare Systems
  • Medical Pluralism and Integration
  • Mental Health and Cultural Perceptions
  • Ethnomedicine and Herbal Remedies
  • Health Disparities and Social Determinants
  • Healing Rituals and Symbolism
  • Maternal and Child Health in Cultures
  • Anthropology of Infectious Diseases
  • Indigenous Knowledge in Healthcare
  • Alternative Medicine and Society
  • Medical Ethnography and Fieldwork
  • Healthcare Access and Marginalized Communities

Top 15 Anthropology Research Topics On Economic Anthropology Research

  • Market Systems and Exchange Networks
  • Economic Development and Globalization
  • Cultural Perspectives on Wealth and Value
  • Informal Economies and Subsistence Strategies
  • Gift-giving and Reciprocity in Societies
  • Economic Anthropology of Gender
  • Economic Anthropology of Labor and Work
  • Money and Symbolism in Cultures
  • Land Tenure Systems and Property Rights
  • Resource Management and Sustainability
  • Consumption Patterns and Consumerism
  • Economic Anthropology of Entrepreneurship
  • Economic Anthropology of Food and Agriculture
  • Poverty and Inequality Studies
  • Economic Anthropology in Urban Settings

Top 15 Research Topics On Social Anthropology Themes

  • Kinship Structures and Family Dynamics
  • Social Identity Formation and Group Relations
  • Rituals and Ceremonies in Societies
  • Power Dynamics and Social Hierarchies
  • Community Studies and Social Networks
  • Gender Roles and Social Constructs
  • Ethnicity and Cultural Boundaries
  • Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking
  • Social Movements and Activism
  • Urbanization and Social Change
  • Socialization and Education Systems
  • Marginalized Communities and Social Inclusion
  • Collective Memory and Commemoration
  • Media and Society in Anthropological Contexts
  • Identity Politics and Intersectionality

Top 15 Anthropology Research Topics On Psychological Anthropology Topics

  • Cultural Perspectives on Mental Health
  • Emotions and Cultural Expression
  • Belief Systems and Psychological Well-being
  • Cross-Cultural Studies on Trauma
  • Rituals and Healing in Psychological Contexts
  • Cultural Influences on Perception and Cognition
  • Identity Formation and Psychological Processes
  • Child Rearing and Psychological Development
  • Stress and Coping Mechanisms in Cultures
  • Cultural Variations in Personality
  • Spirituality and Psychological Resilience
  • Psychopathology and Cultural Interpretations
  • Cultural Constructions of Happiness
  • Intergenerational Transmission of Psychological Traits
  • Culture, Mind, and Brain Interaction

Top 15 Research Topics On Evolutionary Anthropology Exploration

  • Human Evolutionary Genetics and Adaptations
  • Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Behavior
  • Evolution of Human Communication
  • Cultural Evolution and Transmission
  • Evolutionary Medicine and Health
  • Primate Evolution and Comparative Anatomy
  • Evolution of Tool Use and Technology
  • Evolutionary Ecology and Human Adaptations
  • Evolutionary Psychology in Anthropological Context
  • Evolutionary Aspects of Human Diet
  • Co-evolution of Humans and Pathogens
  • Evolution of Human Brain and Cognition
  • Biocultural Evolution and Society
  • Paleolithic Archaeology and Human Evolution
  • Evolutionary Anthropology and Human Biodiversity

Top 15 Research Topics On Visual Anthropology Areas of Study

  • Ethnographic Filmmaking and Storytelling
  • Visual Ethnography and Cultural Representation
  • Anthropology of Photography
  • Visual Arts and Cultural Identity
  • Media and Visual Culture in Anthropological Contexts
  • Visual Documentation of Rituals and Traditions
  • Film as Cultural Artifact in Anthropology
  • Ethnographic Film Festivals and Discourse
  • Visual Anthropology and Indigenous Perspectives
  • Ethical Considerations in Visual Representation
  • Digital Visual Anthropology
  • Visual Media and Social Change
  • Visual Methodologies in Anthropological Research
  • Visual Anthropology and Museum Practices
  • Aesthetics and Meaning in Visual Anthropology

Top 15 Anthropology Research Topics On Urban Anthropology Research

  • Urban Spaces and Everyday Life
  • Urban Diversity and Multiculturalism
  • Gentrification and Urban Dynamics
  • Urban Poverty and Marginalized Communities
  • Urban Development and Planning
  • Urban Social Networks and Relationships
  • Anthropology of Urban Public Spaces
  • Informal Economies in Urban Contexts
  • Cultural Diversity in Urban Neighborhoods
  • Urban Health and Well-being
  • Technology and Urban Anthropology
  • Urban Youth Cultures and Identities
  • Migration and Urban Settlements
  • Urban Governance and Citizenship

Top 15 Research Topics On Environmental Anthropology Issues

  • Human-Environment Interactions in Indigenous Societies
  • Climate Change and Cultural Adaptations
  • Environmental Conservation and Indigenous Knowledge
  • Political Ecology and Resource Management
  • Ethnobotany and Traditional Ecological Knowledge
  • Environmental Justice and Marginalized Communities
  • Anthropogenic Impact on Ecosystems
  • Sacred Landscapes and Cultural Preservation
  • Environmental Displacement and Resettlement
  • Sustainable Development and Local Communities
  • Ecological Anthropology and Biodiversity Loss
  • Water and Sanitation in Cultural Contexts
  • Anthropology of Natural Disasters
  • Land Use and Cultural Perspectives
  • Ethical Considerations in Environmental Research

Top 15 Research Topics On Applied Anthropology Focus Topics

  • Applied Anthropology in Healthcare Settings
  • Anthropology in Community Development Projects
  • Cultural Competence in Social Work
  • Anthropological Approaches to Environmental Conservation
  • Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief
  • Cultural Consultancy in Business and Industry
  • Forensic Anthropology and Crime Investigations
  • Ethnographic Evaluation in Public Policy
  • Anthropology in Education and Curriculum Development
  • Participatory Research Methods in Applied Anthropology
  • Urban Planning and Community Engagement
  • Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism
  • Applied Anthropology in Conflict Resolution
  • Technology and Innovation in Applied Anthropology
  • Anthropology in Global Health Initiatives

Top 15 Anthropology Research Topics On Gender and Sexuality in Anthropology

  • Gender Roles and Social Norms
  • Gender Identity and Cultural Constructs
  • Sexuality and Cultural Expression
  • LGBTQ+ Communities and Identity Politics
  • Feminist Anthropology and Theory
  • Masculinity Studies in Cultural Contexts
  • Gender-Based Violence and Cultural Responses
  • Intersectionality and Gender in Anthropology
  • Gender and Power Dynamics
  • Reproductive Health and Cultural Perspectives
  • Sexuality Education and Cultural Variations
  • Gendered Spaces and Social Hierarchies
  • Gender and Economic Empowerment
  • Ethnographic Studies on Gender Diversity
  • Indigenous Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality

Top 15 Research Topics On Indigenous Peoples and Ethnography

  • Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Preservation
  • Ethnography of Indigenous Communities
  • Indigenous Rights and Land Ownership
  • Oral Traditions and Cultural Transmission
  • Indigenous Health and Traditional Medicine
  • Rituals and Ceremonies in Indigenous Cultures
  • Indigenous Languages and Linguistic Diversity
  • Indigenous Governance and Political Structures
  • Environmental Ethics in Indigenous Societies
  • Indigenous Education and Cultural Revitalization
  • Indigenous Women’s Roles and Empowerment
  • Cultural Heritage and Indigenous Identity
  • Indigenous Activism and Social Movements
  • Indigenous Art and Cultural Expression
  • Resilience and Challenges in Indigenous Communities

Top 15 Anthropology Research Topics On Anthropology of Religion Studies

  • Rituals and Symbolism in Religious Practices
  • Sacred Spaces and Pilgrimages
  • Religion and Power Structures
  • Religious Conversion and Adaptation
  • Shamanism and Healing Practices
  • Mythology and Religious Narratives
  • Religious Pluralism and Coexistence
  • Ethnography of Religious Communities
  • Religion and Social Change
  • Gender Roles in Religious Contexts
  • Diasporic Religious Practices
  • Religious Syncretism and Hybridity
  • Religion and Environmental Ethics
  • Supernatural Beliefs and Cosmology
  • Ritualistic Performance and Symbolic Acts

Top 15 Research Topics On Migration and Diaspora Anthropology

  • Identity Formation in Transnational Contexts
  • Cultural Adaptation and Integration of Migrants
  • Anthropology of Forced Migration
  • Transnationalism and Global Diasporas
  • Refugee Resettlement and Integration
  • Gender Dynamics in Migration
  • Remittances and Economic Impacts
  • Homeland Connections and Diasporic Identities
  • Social Networks and Support Systems in Diasporas
  • Xenophobia and Discrimination Against Migrants
  • Politics of Borders and Migration Policies
  • Diasporic Cultural Practices and Traditions
  • Second-Generation Diaspora Identities
  • Urbanization and Diaspora Communities
  • Diaspora Engagement in Home Countries

Top 15 Anthropology Research Topics On Anthropology of Power and Politics

  • Political Rituals and Symbolism
  • Power Dynamics in Social Hierarchies
  • Political Economy and Social Inequality
  • Political Authority and Legitimacy
  • Political Activism and Social Movements
  • Political Representation and Marginalized Groups
  • Ethnography of Governance Systems
  • Political Discourse and Media Influence
  • Political Violence and Conflict Resolution
  • Political Participation and Civic Engagement
  • Power Structures in Indigenous Societies
  • Politics of Memory and Commemoration
  • Anthropology of State Formation
  • Political Agency and Identity Politics

Top 15 Research Topics On Technology and Anthropological Studies

  • Digital Cultures and Virtual Communities
  • Ethnography of Online Spaces
  • Technological Adaptations in Traditional Societies
  • Surveillance and Privacy in Technological Contexts
  • Anthropology of Artificial Intelligence
  • Technological Innovations and Social Change
  • Ethical Implications of Technology Integration
  • Mobile Technology and Global Connectivity
  • Cultural Perspectives on Robotics and Automation
  • Anthropology of Wearable Technology
  • Social Media and Identity Construction
  • Technological Impact on Cultural Heritage Preservation
  • Access to Technology in Marginalized Communities
  • Cybersecurity and Cultural Perceptions
  • Anthropology of Emerging Technologies

Top 15 Research Topics On Globalization and Anthropology Research Areas

  • Transnationalism and Identity Formation
  • Global Flows of Culture and Commodities
  • Globalization and Indigenous Peoples
  • Migration and Diaspora Studies
  • Global Health and Medical Practices
  • Globalization’s Impact on Language and Communication
  • Cultural Hybridity in Globalized Contexts
  • Globalization and Environmental Anthropology
  • Global Economic Networks and Labor Mobility
  • Cultural Imperialism and Resistance
  • Globalization and Urban Anthropology
  • Globalization’s Influence on Food Systems
  • Technology and Global Cultural Exchange
  • Globalization and Social Movements
  • Globalization and Ethical Dilemmas

In wrapping up our big list of 300 anthropology research topics, remember, anthropology’s like a treasure chest filled with amazing things to explore. These topics offer a map to understanding people, cultures, and societies. They’re keys that unlock doors to ancient times, different beliefs, and how our world works today. 

Pick a topic that sparks your curiosity, dive in, and discover fascinating insights about humans and our diverse ways of living. Let these topics guide you on an adventure of understanding, questioning, and learning. So, grab your curiosity, pick a topic, and explore the exciting world of anthropology.

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140 Best Anthropology Research Topics to Focus On

Table of Contents

Would you have to submit a research paper on the anthropology concept? Currently, are you searching for the best anthropology research topics for your final assignment? If yes, then you are at the right spot. We know how challenging it would be to search and find anthropology research paper topics. Therefore, for your convenience, here, in this blog we have shared a list of 100+ impressive anthropology research ideas worthy of fetching top grades. Explore the entire list and select any topic that is interesting to you.

What is Anthropology?

Anthropology is the scientific study of humans, their evolutionary history, behavior, and the ways humans communicate and socialize with each other. The study is mainly concerned with both the physiological and biological features along with the social aspects of humans which include language, family, culture, politics, and religion.

Anthropology Research Topics

List of Anthropology Research Paper Topics

In this section, we have presented a list of 100+ outstanding anthropology research topic ideas in various areas such as cultural, ethnographic, medical, physical, and biological anthropology. Go through the list carefully and choose any persuasive idea that matches your university’s research paper writing guidelines.

Cultural Anthropology Research Topics

  • Conduct an in-depth analysis of the philosophy of two societies of your choice.
  • The significance of cultural diversity in the study of human evolution in anthropology
  • How are burial practices interwoven with religion and myth?
  • The meaning of cultural baggage and the ways to address the concept of cultural invasion
  • A forensic overview of the concept of family, fraternity, and gangs
  • The concept of ancestors in Native American countries and Africa
  • Music, dance, and parties in the contemporary society
  • The concept of social status in any African community
  • The emergence and influence of culture on tourism
  • Feminism in patriarchal societies
  • How does migration promote cultural diversity?
  • The evolving roles of women in Asian countries
  • Assess the structure of family and marriage in two countries of your choice
  • A criticism and distinction of anthropology and art
  • The role of literature in spreading libertarian ideas.
  • Role of women in Islamic societies
  • Analyze how the spread of K-pop had influenced Western culture
  • The impact of terrorism on Islamophobia
  • Describe the influence of language on culture
  • Hindu culture versus Islamic culture
  • How to minimize Ethnocentrism?
  • What is Culture shock?
  • Analyze the culture of Australian Aboriginals
  • Monoculturalism and Ethnocentrism
  • Describe the culture of Ancient Egypt

Anthropology Research Topics

Ethnographic Anthropology Research Topics

  • The role of clinical science in the pharmaceutical science of rural communities
  • The role of Ethnography and its studies in psychology
  • The function of Ethnography in software technology
  • Why abortion is considered the first resort for sexually assaulted and domestically violated victims?
  • How does music and interpersonal relationship improve cognitive behavior?
  • How teachers can adopt the findings of Ethnography in classroom learning?
  • An ethnographic study on the inclusiveness of health care and public access to it
  • How ethnography and its studies could help people with learning disabilities?
  • The ethnographic study of a group of domestically violated victims and how they respond to the violation
  • How has the value of education improved through ethnographic discoveries?
  • The effects of smart homes and privacy in communal Ethnographic studies
  • Use ethnographic information to assess intensive public healthcare.
  • An expository study on the role of psychologists in advancing special education
  • Examine the state of theories of racism
  • How do traditional health beliefs and myths affect contemporary society’s development?
  • Conduct a study on the beliefs of Japanese students while they learn English
  • An ethnographic overview of patient handover in European health care
  • Examine the boundaries of citizens’ involvement in intensive healthcare.
  • Evaluate how journalists cope with stress.
  • The status of spiritual healing through systems of pilgrimage therapy.
  • The ethnographic study of why has it been easier to use religion for influencing people to join terrorist groups?
  • How do stereotypical concepts relate to sexual orientation impact the mental health of children?
  • How are stereotypical concepts related to mental health affecting doctors?
  • Conduct a study to understand why women have been called their worst enemy.
  • Conduct a study to highlight whether “Shariah” is beneficial for Islamic societies or not.

Medical Anthropology Research Ideas

  • The role of ethnobotany in medical sciences
  • Assess the residue of why societal infamy is linked to HIV/AIDS.
  • An assessment of women’s sexuality and how culture affects sexual health
  • What is transcultural nursing?
  • How do nursing ethics become pragmatic in the career of professionals?
  • The complications in the treatment of periodontal disease
  • Assess the connection of income to health.
  • A study on the status of cancer after the Chornobyl nuclear disaster in Russia
  • Explain big pharma and the complications of watchdogs and whistle-blowers.
  • Examine the environmental health disaster of two countries of your choice.
  • Analyze how the Bhopal gas incident in India is still impacting societies in the specific state.
  • Describe how nurses have played a role in helping elder patients cope with stress and other address factors as a result of growing age.
  • Discuss the impact of AIDS on Central African societies
  • Consequences of the traumas of war on families in Sri Lanka and Guatemala
  • Risks associated with In Vitro Fertilisation

Read more: Best Medical Research Topics To Analyze and Write About

Physical Anthropology Research Topics

  • The advantages and consequences of eugenics in today’s society
  • Analyze five pieces of literature on the stages of drowning till death.
  • Aging in Asian countries and what it means for them
  • Analyze the physical concept of re-adjusting newborn babies by nursing mothers.
  • What is the underlying Egyptian belief in preserving the dead?
  • Have Western ideas of superiority affected the acknowledgment of Egypt as the cradle of civilization?
  • The origin of man in different societies of civilization
  • What are the contemporary facts that support past research and experiences of Homo habilis?
  • Examine the influence of the environment on skin color.
  • What are the consequences of smoking on human physical appearance?

Biology Anthropology Research Paper Topics

  • The origin spread, and transgenerational impact of any endemic in any society of your choice
  • Analyze the possibilities of traditional institutions in preserving cultures.
  • How maladaptation affects migrants in any country of your choice.
  • Analyze the concept of vulnerability and risk in public health care.
  • The relationship and comparison between malnutrition, violence, and chronic disease in any society of your choice
  • How do social relationships affect nutritional choices and human healthy living?
  • The clinical interactions in any social association of your choice
  • The challenges of a developing nation in public access to healthcare services
  • How do pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies shape contemporary medicine?
  • The commercialization and commodification of medicine and healthcare in contemporary society .
  • Comparing bones of bipeds and quadrupeds
  • Harry Harlow and his experiments on monkey bonding
  • Why do the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Brown-Eyed vs. Blue-Eyed Student Experiments are considered the two most controversial experiments?
  • Why does Zimbardo’s simulated prison experiment is considered one of the most controversial experiments?
  • Analyze the results derived from The Robbers Cave Experiment
  • Discuss the controversy around The Monkey Drug Trial in 1969

Read more: Top 175 Biology Research Topics for Academic Writing

Captivating Anthropology Research Topics

  • The influence of environmental anthropology on medicine
  • The role of Folklore in the defense and transgenerational retainment of Cultures
  • A review of the latest archaeological dating methods
  • How accurate is DNA evidence in matching and testing criminology?
  • A critical assessment of radioactive carbon dating accuracy
  • Recent improvements in crime detection
  • A detailed analysis of language classification
  • The factors that promote cultural hatred in a diverse society
  • The important changes in theories behind linguistic anthropology
  • Explore the use of fossil records in paleoanthropology.
  • Protective and risk dimensions of cultural norms, human behavior, and social institutions
  • The Role of TV reality shows in the Social Life
  • The influence of cross-cultural experiences in the modern world
  • How does the internet promote Westernization?
  • The connection of political science with cultural anthropology
  • The political ecology of vector-borne and infectious diseases
  • Physical anthropology essentials
  • What is language endangerment?
  • The link between cultural anthropology and political science
  • Explain the existence of racism in modern times.
  • Critical analysis of the Evolutionary theory in anthropology
  • Use case studies related to altered states of consciousness to explain the study of transpersonal anthropology
  • The Art of Disturbance: Transactions in the Mexico-United States Border Scenario
  • Discuss the connections between feminism, technology, and postmodernism

Interesting Anthropology Research Topics

  • The contemporary psychology of traveling between teenagers and their parents
  • The cultural constructions of human society and how they aid evolution
  • A criticism of the monarchy in European politics over Western democracy
  • The influence of the Roman Catholic Church as the center of government, religion, art, and social life
  • The concepts of the American culture of consumerism and the Scandinavian culture of minimalism
  • A detailed overview of how the Roman Catholic Church improved the science of sculpting and architecture
  • The significance of women in ancient Egypt
  • The evolving ideas about matrimony in Asia
  • The benefits and consequences of eugenics in today’s world
  • The process of aging and how it exacerbates fear of old age
  • The disparity in healthcare accessibility in any developing country
  • Examine the greeting gestures in American and Chinese societies.
  • The significance of the Greek culture on Italian languages and culture
  • The development of rock music and its connection to Native American tribes.

Informative Anthropology Research Paper Topics

  • Write about the risks of using artificial intelligence in forensics.
  • How can ethnobotany and its principles be applied in medicine?
  • Describe the role of language in the development of
  • Explain the role of DNA databases in searching for criminals.
  • Analyze the Marriage traditions of different cultures.
  • Tracking the behavior of twins over time.
  • Explain the impact of TikTok on European culture
  • Discuss the effectiveness of alternative medicine in the United States;
  • Explain the origins and generational impacts of Minamata disease.
  • How the dead were preserved in ancient Egypt?

Out of the various ideas mentioned in this blog post, pick any ideal anthropology topic suitable for conducting research. Here we have shared only a few impressive research topics. If you want more unique anthropology research project ideas, then immediately reach out to us.

research topics for anthropology

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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195 Top Anthropology Topics For Great Thesis

anthropology research topics

Anthropology is one of the most interesting disciplines that you can pursue at the university level. The whole idea of exploring everything known about human beings, from their origins to evolution, is pretty exciting.

However, the study requires preparing multiple assignments, which can be pretty challenging because you need a deep understanding of biology, history, and culture. The first step, which is even more stressful when preparing an anthropology paper, is selecting the right topic. So, we are here to help.

In this post, we have a list of the best anthropology topics that you can use to get good grades. To help you increase the chances of scoring the best grade in your paper, we have also included a comprehensive guide on how to write your paper like a pro.

What Is Anthropology?

Anthropology is the study of humanity, and it is concerned about human biology, behavior, societies, cultures and linguistics in the past and present. The discipline stretches back to the study of past human species. Because of its broad nature, it is broken down into a number of units, with each focusing on a specific area:

Social anthropology: Focuses on patterns of human behavior. Cultural anthropology: This branch mainly focuses on culture, including values and norms in the society. Linguistic anthropology: Unlike the other two, this branch of anthropology targets determining how language impacts people’s lives. Biological anthropology: This branch focuses on studying the biological development of humans. Archaeological anthropology: This branch of anthropology is concerned with investigating humans in the past. In some jurisdictions, such as Europe, it is considered a full discipline like geography or history.

How To Write Best Quality Anthropology Research Paper

When your professors issue anthropology research paper prompts, one of the questions that you might have is, “how do I write a high level paper?” Here are the main steps that you can use to write a great college paper.

Step One: Understand the Assignment The biggest mistake that you can make is starting an assignment without understanding what it entails. So, read the prompt carefully and grasp what is needed. For example, does your teacher want a qualitative or quantitative research paper? For masters and graduate students, it might be a quantitative anthropology dissertation. Step Two: Select the Preferred Research Paper Topic The topic that you select is very important, and it is advisable to go for the title that is interesting to you. Furthermore, the topic should have ample resources to help you complete the paper smoothly. If there are no books, journals, and other important resources to prepare the paper, there is a risk of getting stuck midway. Once you select the topic, carry preliminary research to gather key points that you will use to prepare the paper. However, these points are not final and will need to get updated along the way. Step Three: Develop Your Research Paper Outline An outline defines the structure of the paper. It makes further research and preparing the paper pretty straightforward. Also, it eliminates the risk of forgetting important bits of the research paper. To make the paper more informative, make sure to add supportive information progressively. Step Four: Write the Thesis Statement of Your Paper The thesis statement of a paper is your stand about the topic that you are writing about. The statement comes in the introduction but will further be restated in conclusion. The information you present on the research paper will approve or disapprove your thesis statement. Step Five: Write the Draft Paper After gathering the information about the topic, it is time to get down and prepare the first draft. So, strictly follow the prepared outline to craft a good paper, starting with the introduction to the conclusion. If you are writing a dissertation, it might be good to tell your supervisor about the progress. Remember that a dissertation is more comprehensive than a research paper. To write a dissertation, you should start with the introduction, followed by the literature review, research methods, results, discussion, and finally, conclusion. Step Six: Write the Final Paper After finishing the draft, it is time to refine it further and make the work exceptional. Therefore, you might want to go through more resources to establish if there is anything more helpful to add. Finally, edit your paper and proofread the paper. You might also want to ask a friend to help with proofreading to identify mistakes that might have skipped your eye.

Next, we will highlight the leading anthropology topics that you should consider. So, pick the preferred one or tweak it a little to suit your needs.

Top 20 Anthropology Paper Topics

  • How does the environment impact the color of a person?
  • The advantages and disadvantages of eugenics in the 21st century.
  • A closer look at the aging process in the western culture.
  • What are the implications of physical labor on the physique of a person?
  • Define the relationship between Kyphosis to human senescence
  • Does smoking impact the appearance of a human being?
  • Death caused by drowning: How to determine it through examination of physical and anatomical evidence.
  • Existence of Homo Habilis is supported by modern facts.
  • Compare two theories that explain the origins of human beings.
  • A review of key beliefs about human body preservation in ancient Egypt.
  • The role played by storytelling in different cultures.
  • Applying anthropology as forensic science.
  • Heroes in society.
  • Closed societies.
  • Emergency of terrorism into a culture.
  • Feminism application in different cultures.
  • A review of the concept of wellness in different cultures.
  • What role does literature play in human development?
  • Analyzing conflicts in Latin American and Asian cultures.
  • Genetic engineering and anthropology: How are they related?

Interesting Anthropology Topics

  • Investigating how religious beliefs impact the Hispanic cultures.
  • A review of the evolution of sexual discrimination.
  • The impact of culture on same sex marriages: A case study of LGBT community in France.
  • A closer look at racism in modern societies.
  • Causes of homelessness among the Hispanic communities.
  • Causes and effects of homelessness among the Indian people in Asia.
  • Comparing the strategies adopted to deal with homelessness in the US and India.
  • Cultural anthropology and political science: How are they related?
  • Identify and review two most important organizations when it comes to advancing anthropology.
  • Peru’s Quechua people.
  • Contemporary policy and environmental anthropology.
  • What influences human social patterns?
  • A review of the impact of western culture on indigenous people in North America.
  • Analyzing the caste systems and ranking in societies.
  • A review of ancient Roman culture.
  • The evolution of the human ear.
  • Comparing the evolution of man to the evolution of birds.
  • What is the origin of modern humans?
  • A closer look at the main issues in female circumcision.

Biological Anthropology Research Paper Topics

  • Exploring the meaning of biological anthropology and its application in different fields.
  • Analyzing how primatologists use primates to understand human evolution.
  • How paleontologists use fossil records for anthropological comparisons.
  • Biological anthropology: How does it explain human behavior development?
  • Identify and review top geographical locations where anthropologists do their work: Why are these locations so important?
  • Define the connection between social sciences and biological anthropology.
  • The evolution of the primate diet.
  • Analyzing the evolution of tapetum lucidum.
  • A closer look at the extinction of giant lemurs in Madagascar.
  • Human resistance to drugs: Human pathogen coevolution.
  • How to determine the age of an animal using its bones.
  • How does syphilis impact bones?
  • Poaching and habitat destruction.
  • The application of natural selection in the animal kingdom.

Good Cultural Anthropology Research Paper Topics

  • Religious beliefs in the Asian cultures.
  • Comparing religious beliefs in African and Aboriginal cultures.
  • A review of the key cultural concepts in a culture of choice in Europe.
  • Comparing the idea of worldview from the perspectives of two societies.
  • Marriage in a traditional society of your choice.
  • A review of early development of economic organizations.
  • The role of women in Indian society.
  • A closer look at the process of language acquisition in African culture.
  • Missionary and anthropology: What is the relationship?
  • What strategies would you propose to minimize ethnocentrism?
  • How can society minimize the notion of cultural baggage?
  • Culture shock: Insights on how to address it.
  • Belief in magic in different societies.
  • A review of the impacts of globalization on nutritional anthropology.

Anthropological Research Questions

  • Should anthropology be merged fully with biology?
  • Is DNA evidence accurate in criminology applications?
  • How does the practice of anthropology application in China compare to that of the US?
  • Use of radiological tools in anthropology: What is their level of effectiveness?
  • What are the main hazards and risks of forensic anthropology?
  • What effect do mythologies have in modern society?
  • How does language acquisition impact the culture of a society?
  • Body project change projects: What are the valued attributes?
  • Halloween celebrations: How have they evolved over the years?
  • What are the impacts of adaptive mutation?
  • How did WWI and WWII impact human societies?
  • What are the impacts of climate change on animal evolution?
  • Location of crime: What can you learn about it?
  • What are the impacts of long-term alcohol addiction on the human body?
  • Magic and science: Are they related?

Easy Anthropological Ideas

  • Development of anthropology in the 21st century.
  • Important lessons about humans that can be drawn from anthropological studies.
  • Anthropological issues in pre-capitalist societies.
  • A closer look at folk roles and primitive society.
  • Urban centers and modern man.
  • How is automation impacting human behavior?
  • How does biology impact human culture?
  • Reviewing racial identity and stereotypes in society.
  • Comparing ancient Aztec to Maya civilizations.
  • Analyzing religious diversity in the United States.
  • Comparing religious diversity in the UK and Italy.
  • Why is studying anthropology important?
  • Comparing different death rituals in different cultures on the globe.
  • What is the relationship between literature and human development?
  • Analyzing the influence of anthropology on modern art.
  • How has social media impacted different cultures on the globe?

Linguistic Anthropology Research Topics

  • What led to the emergence of linguistics anthropology?
  • A review of the main theories in linguistic anthropology.
  • Linguistics used by different communities in the same nation.
  • Comparing sign and verbal communication.
  • How did Dell Hymes contribute to linguistic anthropology?
  • Language is the most important component among Bengal immigrants.
  • Language endangerment: What is it?
  • Comparing different categories of arts from an anthropological context for an Asian and Western country.
  • The impact of colonization on the language of a specific society of your choice.
  • Explore three different indigenous languages in America.

Controversial Anthropology Topics

  • Social anthropology is not worth studying because it is very general.
  • Human societies are cultural constructs.
  • The past should be considered a foreign nation.
  • What are your views of petro behavior in chimps?
  • Man is natural killer
  • Infant killing is an important evolutionary strategy.
  • The war on infanticides: Which side do you support?
  • Evaluating the concept of human morality.
  • Should all the political leaders be required to undertake training in cultural anthropology?
  • Human cleansing: Evaluating the driving factors in different societies.
  • Analyzing the concept of political correctness in the 21st century.
  • What are the earliest life forms to exist on the planet?

Medical Anthropology Research Topics List

  • Comparing and contrasting physical and medical anthropology studies.
  • Do we have evidence of evolution over the last 2000 years?
  • Exploring the importance of anthropology in modern medicine.
  • The health implications of adapting to ecology.
  • Domestic health culture practices in two societies of choice.
  • A review of clinical anthropology applications.
  • Political ecology of infectious diseases.
  • What is the relationship between violence, diseases and malnutrition?
  • The economic aspect of political health in a country of choice.
  • Perception of risk, vulnerability and illnesses: A case study of the United States.
  • What are the main factors that drive good nutrition and health transition?
  • The adoption of preventive health practices in society.
  • Important cultural conditions that help shape medical practices.
  • Comparing the medical practices during the colonial and post-colonial eras in a county of choice.
  • Use of mitochondria in forensic and anthropology.
  • Commercialization of health and medicine: What are the implications in society?
  • Analyzing health disparity in a society of your choice.

Current Topics In Anthropology

  • Using anthropology studies to determine the impact of political systems on different societies.
  • Human rights of people who are convicted of crimes.
  • What are the most important organizations when studying anthropology?
  • A closer look at the dialect of a modern feminist.
  • A study of current queer life in Germany.
  • Implications of Barack Obama as the African American President.
  • Reviewing the Pagan rituals and their impacts.
  • Comparing aging in the west and growing old in the African setting.
  • Cultural implications of deviant behavior in society.
  • The new concept of childhood in the emerging economies.

Physical Anthropology Research Topics

  • What does genetic hitchhiking mean?
  • Analyzing the cephalization process.
  • What is adaptive mutation?
  • Altruism: Is it learnt or a natural trait?
  • What is abiogenesis in human development?
  • A study of Australian marsupial’s convergent evolution.
  • Comparing stability of animals in stability and those in the wild.
  • Evolution of different animals in different parts of the globe. What drives the differences?
  • A review of physical anthropology trends.
  • The future evolution of human beings.
  • Physical anthropology: The human and digital culture.
  • What really makes people human?

Special Anthropology Topics to Write About

  • Enlightenment and Victorian Anthropological Theory.
  • Race and ethnicity: The anthropologist’s viewpoint.
  • A closer look at reciprocity in the native aboriginal communities in Australia.
  • What is the relationship between Neanderthal and modern humans?
  • Cultural anthropology versus sociology.
  • Anthropology of Mormonism.
  • What is the biggest change since WWI?
  • What is reflexive anthropology?
  • What is the main purpose of rituals in society?
  • Comparing rituals around childbirth in Asia.
  • Evaluating the connection between religion and myths in different societies.
  • Comparing the 20th and 21st century’s method of collecting anthropological data.
  • Why is medical anthropology so important today?
  • The importance of Benin artifacts in the history of the world.
  • The sociology theory: A review of its structure and shortcomings.
  • Christian believes in anthropology.
  • Comparing Anthropology of Europe to Anthropology of Africa.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of reflexivity use in ethnographic studies.

Forensic Anthropology Paper Topics

  • What are the primary agents that cause biological changes in the human body?
  • Are the biological change agents in a human being similar to those of other animals?
  • Assessing the accuracy of carbon dating technology.
  • Analyzing the latest improvements in crime detection technology.
  • Analyzing evidence that supports evolution views of human beings.
  • How does radioactivity impact different animals?
  • The main signs of asphyxiation.
  • A review of the latest archaeological dating methods: Are they effective?
  • Mummification: How effective was the process as applied in Egypt?
  • Importance of crime scenes in forensic anthropology.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of Buccal Swabs when profiling insides of cheeks.
  • Criminal profiling: How effective is it in deterring a criminal’s traits?
  • Footprint in the crime scene: What can they tell you?
  • Soil comparison in forensic anthropology.
  • Insect as important agents of body decomposition.
  • How do you identify blunt force trauma?
  • Comparing and contrasting penetrating and perforating trauma.
  • Analyzing the Rigor Mortis method of establishing a person’s death.

Use Online Help To Prepare Exceptional Papers

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research topics for anthropology

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259 Most Popular Anthropology Research Topics For Students

anthropology research topics

Anthropology is the concept that explores the culture of human societies and how these cultures have spurred development. It is the study of physiological and biological features which encompasses the evolution of humans.

The study extends to ethnography, participant observation, ethnocentrism, even cultural relativism. As a student, you may need anthropology topics for your research or forthcoming college essay. You may even need anthropology project ideas to create your idea for a paper.

These persuasive anthropology essay topics are across different fields of the course and you can choose any of these topics for your use.

Medical Anthropology Research Topics

As a part of anthropology that deals with human health, diseases, and the performance of public health institutions, you may need anthropological topics viewing humanity from the ecological lens. Consider the following:

  • Assess the intervention of government and NGOs following Ebola virus break in Europe
  • Evaluate the success of governmental and NGO intervention after the Ebola virus outbreak in Africa
  • Assess the role of ethnobotany in medical sciences
  • Nuclear disaster: evaluate how it affects people using an event of natural disaster as a case study
  • Assess the residue why societal infamy is linked to HIV/AIDS
  • Attempt an evaluation of how the spread of HIV/AIDS is improved by sex workers in Central Europe
  • HIV/AIDS: an Analysis of the safety measures for commercial sex workers if it exists
  • Assess the strength and weaknesses of orthodox and unorthodox medicine in Native Americans
  • Evaluate the medical threats of depression in South Asia communities
  • Engage in an assessment of women’s sexuality and how culture affects sexual health
  • Attempt a medical moral perspective of the ethics behind euthanasia and how it could be synonymous with suicide
  • Express in detail what transcultural nursing means
  • Assess the complications in the treatment of periodontal disease
  • Examine how nursing ethics become pragmatic in the career of professionals
  • Examine how South Africa gas managed to reduce the HIV infection rate
  • How do contraceptives address HIV/AIDS and its spread
  • What does positive living mean as a means of avoiding AIDS stigma?
  • Express what sexual diversity means in America as a way to combat AIDS
  • Give an account if his Environmental and political health can help the advancement of medical anthropology
  • Give a study on the status of cancer after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Russia
  • Examine the environmental health disaster of two countries of your choice
  • Assess the connection of income to health and analyze three pioneering literature on the study
  • An attempt to explain big pharma and the complications of watchdogs and whistleblowers
  • Give a comparative overview of the Ebola virus and HIV/AIDS in Africa
  • How has the outbreak of HIV/AIDS affected the gay community since its first discovery?

Ethnographic Research Topics

You already know ethnography as the study of the everyday life of a particular society. These are anthropological essay topics that you can consider for your research or forthcoming undergraduate essay. They are:

  • Undergo a qualitative ethnographic representation of contemporary feminism in America
  • Examine the role of clinical science in the pharmaceutical science of rural communities
  • Choose a minority group of your choice and conduct research on their mental wellbeing based on their challenges
  • Research why abortion is considered the first resort for sexually assaulted and domestically violated victims
  • Evaluate the role of Ethnography and Its studies in psychology
  • Elucidate how teachers can adopt the findings of Ethnography in classroom learning
  • Examine the function of Ethnography in software technology
  • Assess how Ethnography and its studies could help people with learning disabilities
  • Assess how music and interpersonal relationship improve cognitive behaviors
  • Attempt an ethnographic study of healthcare management and American nurses’ intensive care
  • Attempt an Ethnographic study of resource management and how it affects American doctors
  • Attempt an Ethnographic study on the inclusiveness of health care and the public access to it
  • Evaluate how journalists cope with stress and how it affects their profession
  • Examine the boundaries of citizens involvement in intensive healthcare
  • Examine the Ethnographic study of a group of domestically violated victims and how they respond to the violation
  • Evaluate the effects of smart homes and privacy in communal Ethnographic studies
  • Evaluate the status of spiritual healing through systems of pilgrimage therapy
  • Examine the culture existent in poor educational leadership and how it fails the society
  • Attempt an expository study on the role of psychologists in advancing special education
  • How ICT improved collaborative work routines: a study of its consequences on human relationships
  • Embark on a qualitative research study on diabetes studies in Southeast Asia
  • Use ethnographic information to assess intensive public healthcare
  • Attempt an ethnographic overview of patient handover in European health care
  • Account for the challenges in interprofessional teamwork practice amongst European nurses
  • Conduct an overview of how cultures affect professionalism in healthcare: a case study of an African and European country
  • Study traditional health beliefs and myths and how they affect contemporary society development
  • Express how the value of education has been improved through ethnographic discoveries
  • Examine the factors that facilitate cultural developments in the face of Western civilization: a case study of India or China
  • Conduct a study on the beliefs of Japanese students while they learn English
  • Examine the state of theories of racism and how the black community of America has tried to change the narrative

Anthropology Research Paper Topics

You may need topics in anthropology for your next research paper. As you already know that anthropology is generally about cultures and history, you may need ideas of topics in anthropology to direct what your research is centered on. You can consider the following topics for informative and compelling research:

  • Examine the greeting gestures in American and Chinese societies
  • Examine the greeting gestures in native African societies
  • Attempt a comparative analysis of greeting gestures amongst the Yoruba people in Nigeria and the Brazilians with Yoruba ancestry
  • Navigate the process of aging and how it exacerbates fear of old age
  • Examine the benefits and consequences of eugenics in today’s world
  • Examine how human color affects his social relationship with his environment: a case study of the UK
  • Examine how the physical outlook of a smoker is affected
  • Investigate the view that human civilization emerged from Africa
  • Investigate the view that homo habilis is not an evolutionary fiction
  • Assess how ancient Egyptians kept dead
  • Attempt an overview of kissing myths in the western world and how it affects the cultural meaning of a kiss
  • Attempt an overview of the evolving ideas to matrimony in Asia
  • Account for the effects of the internet and western civilization on the traditions of Japan
  • Account for the significance of the Greek culture on Italian languages and culture
  • Account for the similarity and contrast in the philosophy of ancient Greece and Italy
  • Assess Latin language and account for the development of other languages since their inception
  • Assess the Slavic groups and explore the development of the aborigines and the modern Slavophiles
  • Account for the significance of women in ancient Egypt
  • Attempt a bird’s eye documentation of women’s role in modern Egypt
  • Study the concepts of American culture of consumerism and the Scandinavian culture of minimalism
  • Account for animal and floral prints in the life and art of native American cultures
  • Account for the connection of animals and plants in the art of beautification amongst native American tribes
  • Attempt a detailed overview of how the Roman Catholic Church improved the science of sculpting and architecture
  • Account for the influence of the Roman Catholic Church as the center of government, religion, art, and social life
  • Attempt a reconstruction of migrants and immigration means in America’s 17th to 21st centuries
  • Defend the notion that the English political culture is a mix of the old and contemporary cultures
  • Attempt a criticism of the monarchy in European politics over western democracy
  • Attempt a critical overview of the Bollywood and Hollywood movie industry as well as the historical context explored in the products
  • Assess the cultural constructions of human society and how they aid evolutions
  • Consider the discourse that language doesn’t exist without culture and vice versa drawing opinions from at least five Literature
  • Account for the development of rock music and its connection to any native American tribes
  • Attempt an overview of how social media engages the electorate before and during elections
  • Explore the concept of piercing in western countries and Asia’s India
  • Study the contemporary psychology of traveling between teenagers and their parents
  • Drug: attempt a critic of it as an entertainment or a coping mechanism.

Cultural Anthropology Topics

Cultural anthropology research topics give answers to human behavior by studying patterns and distinguishing elements from other societies. If you need awesome anthropology paper topics, you may consider the following to impress your professor as your graduate thesis topic:

  • Explore the social and cultural revolution leading to homosexuality in Africa
  • Attempt the social and cultural revolution that led to contemporary sexual attitudes in any region
  • Assess the social and cultural revolution that has propelled feminism in the Middle East
  • Attempt an overview of the different nature of feminism in the west and the Middle East
  • Criticize the critics who believe western feminism attempts to dominate the cultural lives of women in Arab countries
  • Consider an in-depth analysis of the Philosophies of two societies of your choice
  • Attempt an in-depth analysis of the religious beliefs of two traditional groups in Europe
  • Assess the structure of family and marriage in two countries of your choice in Africa and Asia
  • Account for the concept of ancestors in native American countries and Africa
  • Document the significance of cultural diversity in the study of human evolution in anthropology
  • Account for the meaning of cultural baggage and how to address the concept of culture invasion
  • Explore the background, development, and public reaction to the concept of gay and lesbian narratives in Africa
  • Give a critical assessment of how burial practices are interwoven with religion and myth
  • Explore the influence of religious and cultural superstition in the development of African worldview
  • Account for the evolving roles of women in Asian countries
  • Account for the distinctions in the cultures of death rituals in any two Asian countries
  • Account for the fundamental influence of culture and religion in the forced marriage narratives of Northern Nigeria
  • Assess the function of storytelling in the promotion of native American cultures
  • Account for the significance of social media in the culture of the first and third world
  • Attempt a forensic overview of the concept of family, fraternity, and gangs
  • Assess the significance of gangs and fraternities in the development of modern England
  • Give a forensic overview of the significance of political organizations in many Middle Eastern countries
  • Attempt a criticism of western intervention and modernization agenda in developing countries as an attempt to encroach cultures
  • Explore the distinction between the level of education in an Islamic state in the Middle East and a liberal state in Asia
  • Study music, dance, and parties in the contemporary society
  • Study the cultures of rituals and festivals and how they have led to cultural identity, community development, and intercultural relationship
  • Assess the concept of social status in any African community
  • Explore the cultures of any native American tribe and how it has changed over time
  • Assess the role of literature in the evolution of humans ideas
  • Study the understanding of health and wellness in three societies across from Europe, Africa, and Asia
  • Study the process of migration, factors mitigating against it, and how migration promotes cultural diversity
  • Examine the role of literature in spreading libertarian ideas
  • Argue for feminism in patriarchal societies
  • Attempt a criticism and distinction of anthropology and art
  • Explore the emergence and influence of culture on tourism.

Biological Anthropology Research Topics

This discipline examines the origins and evolution of humans, notably hominins. It studies fossil behavior, genetics, and other significant concepts that makeup morphology. If you need persuasive anthropology essay topics for your college or university degree, you can wow your professor with any of these:

  • Explore the socio-economic and cultural history of Americans and alcohol drinkers
  • Account for the effects of the disaster of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings
  • Examine the transgenerational impact of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear explosions
  • Account for the results of radioactivity in the affected population of Fukushima Daiichi in 2011
  • Assess the biology in same-sex matrimony in North America
  • Account for the origin, spread, and transgenerational impact of any endemic in any society of your choice
  • A critical overview of COVID-19 and the battle for survival in two or more Indian cities
  • Cocaine use in America: health impact on addicts and the psychology for starters
  • Marijuana in North America: benefits, disadvantages, and woes
  • Maladaptation: how it affects migrants in any country of your choice
  • Examine how domestic health care challenges cultural health practices in any Middle Eastern country
  • Analyze the concept of vulnerability and risk in public health care
  • Analyze the possibilities of traditional institutions in preserving cultures
  • Explore the relationship and comparison between malnutrition, violence, and chronic disease in any society of your choice
  • Study the factors that drive health care transition, nutrition, and improvement of health in any European country of your choice
  • How do social relationships affect nutritional choices and human healthy living?
  • Account for the historical practices that have influenced medicinal practices and policies in the contemporary society
  • Examine clinical interactions in any social association of your choice
  • Attempt a pluralistic overview of health practices in any society of your choice
  • Assess the cultural revolution of medicine in any African country of your choice
  • Give an overview of how pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies shape contemporary medicine
  • Explore medical cultures in pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial India and how it functions as a part of modernity
  • Examine the commercialization and commodification of medicine and healthcare in the contemporary society
  • Account for the disparity in healthcare accessibility in any developing country
  • Account for the challenges of a developing nation in public access to healthcare services

Interesting Anthropology Topics

If you’d like to explore current anthropology research questions, there are compelling topics for your undergraduate research. You can attempt and rephrase any topics in anthropology below to use for your school essay or research:

  • Women in Afghanistan and the culture of silence
  • Women in Egypt and the culture of silence
  • The influence of western feminism and the culture of silence in the Arabic Muslim world
  • Examine the influence of environmental anthropology on medicine
  • Attempt a critical study of the global outlook of HIV/AIDS and how it concerns the LGBTQ community
  • Explore the impact of contemporary ideologies on native American societies
  • Account for the role of folklore in the defense and transgenerational retainment of cultures
  • Tribal, savage, barbaric: explore the culture of labeling in the contemporary world
  • Assess the growth of modern man and the evolution of civilization
  • Account for different race theories and the systems of cultural assimilations across the world
  • Give an account of the overview of colonialism as expressed by the Literature of Franz Fanon
  • Assess the connection of political science with cultural anthropology
  • Explain the psychology behind genocide and its effects on human relationship
  • Attempt an anthropological analysis of human behavior in Lord of the Flies
  • Account for the nature of matrimony in Islamic societies
  • Express the racial identities particular to native American tribes and any Asian country of your choice
  • Compare and contrast American and Asian music
  • Express the psychological implications of Barack Obama’s emergence as a colored president
  • Explore the origin, factor for development, and spread of biological aggression during warfare
  • Give a critical account of the hunter-gatherer society in South Africa
  • Give an overview of fishermen and their knowledge of the society in any country of your choice
  • Explore how the internet promoted westernization
  • Examine the influence of cross-cultural experiences in the modern world
  • Evaluate the history and significance of the festivities of Halloween
  • Evaluate the factors that promote the culture of bullying in America
  • Evaluate the concept of aging in African and Europe
  • Express the spiritual cultures of any African and European country
  • Assess the religious beliefs of Catholicism and Its Influence on contemporary faith
  • Assess how sexuality is affected by religiosity
  • Evaluate the defiant behavior of contemporary sexuality
  • Examine the factors that propel religious aggressions
  • Expatiate on the factors that promote cultural hatred in a diverse society
  • Explore the cultural distinctions between European and American societies
  • Account for the role of TV reality shows in the social life of any society of your choice
  • How does TV reality show the reality of any society?

Physical Anthropology Research Paper Topics

This is a field of anthropology interested in the history, evolution, and distinguishing features of humans. The field impacts, most importantly, human behavior and anatomical transformations. You can consider these Anthropology research paper topics for your class or personal research study:

  • What are the advantages and consequences of eugenics in today’s society?
  • Why has the origin of man been different societies of civilization
  • Have western ideas of superiority affected the acknowledgment of Egypt as the cradle of civilization?
  • What are the contemporary facts that support past research and experiences of homo habilis?
  • What are the consequences of smoking on human physical appearance
  • What is the underlying Egyptian belief in preserving the dead
  • Examine the Influence of the environment on skin color
  • Explore aging in Asian countries and what it means for them
  • Analyze the physical concept of re-adjusting newborn babies by nursing mothers
  • Analyze five pieces of Literature on the stages of drowning till death

List of Ethnography Topics

If you need topics regarding the scientific understanding of cultures, humans, their customs, and collective distinctive features, you need ethnographic research topics. You can consider the following:

  • Is homelessness a function of ethnic affiliation in the United States?
  • Examine the factors contributing to migration from Latin America to other parts of the world
  • Examine the concept of drug trafficking in Africa
  • Examine the violence and concept of human trafficking in Africa
  • Analyze the Psychology of victims of human trafficking and how it affects their human relationships
  • Attempt to examine how cultures of patriarchy adapt to American liberalism
  • Analyze the factors that propel violence through drug trade in South America
  • Examine the difference between the treatment of black and white Americans in the prison system
  • Attempt to respond to the division of fraternities along the lines of ethnic groups
  • Discuss the way of life of homeless persons in Europe
  • Examine the domestic policies of Europe and how it affects day to day living
  • Examine how the migration policies of Poland affect migrants
  • Examine how US veterans are integrated into the society
  • Criticize the policies of Poland and express its fear of terrorism
  • Give an overview of Sharia law in the UK and what it means for the culture
  • Examine the conceit of migration between Africa and Europe
  • Examine how unemployment has fueled the migration of Nigerian culture to Saudi Arabia and the potential effect of cultural diversity
  • Examine how Muslim parents dominate their children’s choices
  • Examine how parents in Asian societies dominate their children’s choices
  • Analyze how parents in European societies dominate their children’s choices
  • Discuss the advantages of western socialization with Islamic countries
  • Assess the politics of Arab countries
  • Account for the Arab spring and the link to human revolutions
  • Account for the means of socializing with kids in India
  • Examine the link between terrorism and human trafficking
  • Explore the success and failure levels of people with different backgrounds
  • Examine the trend of marriage and the changes in any society of your choice
  • Account for how globalization has affected any group of people
  • Account for the values of European countries
  • Assess the eating habits of European homeless persons
  • Account for how the street is sometimes space for talent shows
  • Discuss the concept of adulthood amongst Brazilians and Indians
  • Examine any social organization and share their striking features
  • What is the traditional and contemporary definition of beauty
  • Examine the culture of transgenderism in Arab countries.

Current Topics in Anthropology

You could also want to consider straightforward anthropology topics for your thesis. You can set your research study on:

  • Oral traditions and culture
  • Human evolution
  • Forensic anthropology
  • Physical Anthropology
  • Spiritual therapy
  • Cross-cultural diversity
  • Linguistics and culture
  • Art, beauty, and worldview
  • Labour and work systems
  • Political and economic systems
  • Family, kinship, and marriage systems
  • Social inequality
  • Contemporary technology
  • Contemporary industrialization
  • Immigration processes
  • Archaeology
  • Gender studies
  • Decomposition
  • Methods embalmment
  • Primatology
  • Reconstruction of skeletal systems
  • Homo species
  • Science of excavations
  • Human anatomy
  • Interpretation of archaeological researches
  • Early species
  • Westernization and tribalism
  • Comparative culture.

Need Help With Anthropology?

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Anthropology Research Topics: 100+ Ideas

Anthropology Research Topics

Do you want to frame an anthropology research paper that helps you stand out from the crowd? If this is the case, don’t worry because we have you covered. However, before jumping straight to the writing part, the first step is to select a great anthropology research topic.

A majority of students consider this step to be the most daunting. Choosing a topic and researching it can take time and effort. It requires a broad range of skills. However, since it is an academic compulsion, you must recognize it for a short time. Why not give this your most passionate shot once and for all and fully indulge in it once and all?

Don’t be afraid, as we’re here to navigate you through an enticing list of 100+ research topics in anthropology. These topics will help you frame the outstanding research paper you have always wanted. You can choose these topics as they are or tweak them a little according to your unique requirements.

Table of Contents

Working on Anthropology Research Paper Topics

To frame an outstanding research paper on anthropological topics, the first and foremost thing is to think anthropologically. Thinking anthropologically implies suspending their preconceived notions of how the world functions and what constitutes “normal” or “abnormal.” Anthropology urges anthropologists to be “culturally relative” and to comprehend cultural diversity on their terms. Anthropology rejects ethnocentrism and recognizes divergence without placing it in a hierarchy.

When you are writing your anthropology research paper, you need to ensure the following items are on your checklist:

  • Critically analyze and evaluate cultural norms (both in your own and other cultures).
  • Conduct comprehensive research on ethnographic data (including data and descriptions of everyday events, oral histories, and significant interviews) to understand significant patterns.
  • Organize all the ethnographic or other evidence to expound on a phenomenon or event or support a hypothesis or argument.
  • Evaluate a theoretical viewpoint critically to determine how well it explains cultural occurrences.

100+ Anthropology Research Paper Topics

There are a few subjects that intrigue the majority of students. These are anthropology, psychology, mythology, sociology, and other good ethnography topics.

Drafting a research paper on anthropology comes with a wide spectrum of special subtopics. These subtopics include linguistics, biology, current events, and cultural anthropology topics to choose from. These topics are mentioned below and can help inspire fascinating research and writing about humans and their evolution.

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Top 20 Topics in Anthropology

If you’re looking for the most researched anthropology topics for research papers that most readers will find interesting, you’ve come to the right place. Look at the following anthropological topics and choose one that suits your requirements best:

  • Global forensic anthropology and forensic pathology
  • Evolutionary theory in anthropology
  • Aging cultures and perceptions
  • Anthropology: an introduction to anthropology beyond humanity
  • Women in Lakota Sioux culture
  • Peru’s Quechua people: a living Andean culture
  • The evolution of Islamic terrorism
  • The advantages and disadvantages of eugenics
  • Western civilization: aging and identity
  • The cultural anthropology of time: an applied perspective
  • Aging and kyphosis: a narrative review
  • Theories about the evolutionary origins of humans
  • The Hijra of India: effects of colonization and globalization
  • Mass globalization
  • Unimagined communities: sex, networks, and AIDS in Uganda
  • The long history of gender roles in medicine
  • Developmental anthropology
  • Climate change and global health: anthropology and beyond
  • Eugenics in the 21st century
  • Living in closed societies: ethical and political issues

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Biology and Anthropology Topics for Research

Biological anthropologists investigate, document, and explain the evolution of morphological variations among humankind through time in the historical record. They also provide a comparative perspective on the uniqueness of the human race compared to other living primates. It is a very popular subject for students. Thus, if you’re keen to research more about such factors, then consider these biological anthropology topics that will help you get started with a specific mindset for writing:

  • The history of biological anthropology: understanding the natural history of humankind
  • A handbook on paleoanthropology: the history of our tribes
  • Minimizing the risk of maladaptation: a developmental perspective
  • Understanding the current stage of paleoanthropology in the USSR
  • Biological anthropology with other allied fields of science
  • How biological anthropology explains the genesis of human behaviour and social structures
  • Applying biological anthropology to interpret human evolution
  • How do the biotech and pharmaceutical industries influence modern medicine?
  • Biological anthropology and aging

Controversial Anthropology Topics for Research

Writing and researching controversial topics is always the cherry on the cake. You can easily expound on these topics by corroborating a huge spectrum of data and resources. Thus, instead of choosing drudgery research topics in anthropology, give another penny for your thoughts and choose controversial topics. Topic ideas relating to controversial topics are here.

  • Ancient Egyptian civilization: the culture of life and death
  • Validation of social anthropology
  • The ethnographic paradigms
  • The war on infanticide has a global scope and magnitude.
  • Cultural construction or anthropology: theory and empirical evidence
  • The criticism of the European monarchy over western democracy
  • The relationship between social anthropology and allied disciplines
  • Hidden voices: Unveiling women in Ancient Egypt
  • Understanding Italian culture: Greek culture’s influence on Italian languages and culture
  • The origins and natural history of human morality
  • Analyzing male aggression against women from an evolutionary perspective
  • Understanding personality, cognition, and behavioural changes in chimpanzees
  • Infanticide as an evolutionary strategy: reality or myth?
  • The myth of man as a natural hunter
  • Analyzing the dart and the Seville statement on war
  • The history of Samoan sexual conduct and the Mead-Freeman controversy
  • Menopause: adaptation or epiphenomenon?
  • Who owns the past?
  • The repatriation of anthropology

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Cultural Anthropology Research Topics

Cultural anthropology is the branch of anthropology that studies human societies, patterns, cultures, and developments. Some of the contentious cultural anthropology topics are given below:

  • Cultural anthropology and linguistics
  • The evolution of sexism: a critical analysis of past problems and future possibilities
  • The flourishing of libertarian literary writings
  • The history of women’s struggles
  • Cultural anthropology and psychiatry
  • The development of sociology and social anthropology
  • Fundamental religious principles govern child forced marriages in northern Nigeria.
  • The battle of African women for equality
  • Patriarchy and the representation of women in Asian nations
  • Green and Roman mythology: a comparative analysis
  • African traditional beliefs and spirituality in Africa
  • Cultural violence and the Nigerian woman: a narrative review
  • The ultimate journey of widow-burning in India
  • Exploring cultural spaces and technologies in contemporary societies
  • The biological myth of human evolution: a phylogenetic approach
  • Erasing culture and race: practising “self-determination.”
  • The American Holocaust: Columbus and the Conquest of the New World
  • The 16th and 17th-century philosophy of India
  • Understanding Mexican culture from a religious point of view
  • Migration and cultural diversity
  • The native American ancestry of African-Americans
  • Muslim women and forced marriages
  • A theoretical analysis of culture clashes in American anthropology
  • Anthropology of religion
  • Christendom’s worlds and Christianity’s future

Physical Anthropology Research Paper Topics

Physical anthropology is the study of human origins, evolution, and diversity. If you’re interested in researching and writing about physical anthropology, then here are some interesting topic suggestions that you can consider:

  • Genotype-environment correlation study: an overview
  • The evolution of human beings
  • Genetic hitchhiking: the controversy and its implications
  • The altruistic personality: the heritability of individual differences
  • The cephalization process
  • Amazonian Anthropology: Henry Walter Bates
  • Homo sapiens and early human migration
  • The evolution of human history and the first man
  • The ancient Egyptian afterlife beliefs
  • The issues and challenges of aging in Asia
  • Influence of environmental factors on skin tone
  • Examine five literary works that discuss the stages of drowning and dying.
  • Evidence of somatic acceleration from recent investigations
  • The relationship between psychological and physiological constitutions
  • A review and comparison of dissolution profiles
  • The advantages and disadvantages of eugenics in the 21st century
  • Aging across cultures: a comparative analysis
  • Genetic engineering and medical anthropology: ethics and challenges

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Linguistic Anthropology Research Paper Topics

Linguistic anthropology is the branch of anthropology that studies the connection or relationship between languages and cultures. It study how people negotiate, think, compete, and reproduce cultural forms and relations through the medium of languages. If you’re interested in learning more about linguistic anthropology, here are a few suggestions for you:

  • The anatomy and physiology of speech
  • Language, Race, and Popular Culture
  • The relationship between language and culture
  • Understanding intercultural communication: a current perspective
  • Linguistics and the politics of representation
  • Representational barriers and issues in linguistic anthropology
  • Language and gender: a comprehensive research work
  • American-African women’s language: talking that talk
  • Journeys into the past: understanding different language cultures
  • Language endangerment and language revitalization: an active approach

Forensic Research Topics in Anthropology

Generally speaking, forensic anthropology studies the examination of human remains for law enforcement agencies to solve atrocious crimes. Have a look at some of these great forensic anthropology research topics:

  • Analyzing the latest perspectives on forensic anthropology
  • Criminal profiling and computer forensic processes: assumptions, challenges, and probable solutions
  • Fundamentals of forensic anthropology: current methods and practices
  • Forensic anthropology and medicine
  • Forensic anthropology and forensic pathology
  • A handbook on crime scene investigation
  • Comparison of soils in forensic anthropology: a detailed study
  • Reactive oxidants and human diseases
  • An investigation of the fundamental factors that cause biological alterations in the human body
  • A study on the recent advancements in forensic science
  • Criminal profiling: a powerful tool against criminal offences
  • Current tools and future concepts of forensic anthropology
  • Common techniques in the study of forensic anthropology
  • Progress and prospects of DNA testing procedures
  • Narratives of forensic psychology and criminal personality profiling
  • Moral issues in forensic anthropology
  • The workings of forensic anthropology: ethics and professionalism
  • accuracy of carbon dating technology
  • Asphyxiation: an autopsy study
  • Analyzing the methods of determining the time of death

Medical Anthropology Topics for Research

Interested in medical anthropology? If so, look at the below-provided research topics on anthropology.

  • Exploring medical anthropology
  • Ethno zoology: applications and principles
  • A reflection on medical anthropology
  • Medical anthropology and epidemiology
  • Medical ethno botany: applied principles and applications
  • An overview of the spread of the Ebola virus in 2014
  • Maladaptation: The effects of adaptation to ecological conditions and improper adaptation on health
  • Mapping the concepts of vulnerability, risk, and responsibility for healthcare and illness
  • Critical and clinical engagement in anthropology
  • Ethno medicine modalities in a healing process

The Bottom Line

Each option in the article can help you develop an outstanding research paper in anthropology. Anthropology is indeed a complex subject. Thus, you can also consider some good ethnography topics for your research. You need to conduct extensive research on the different sections of societies and how they have evolved over the past few years. These research paper topics are meant to inspire you and help you score high marks in your academic research programs. You can use these topics as they are or modify them accordingly.

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By Alex Brown

I'm an ambitious, seasoned, and versatile author. I am experienced in proposing, outlining, and writing engaging assignments. Developing contagious academic work is always my top priority. I have a keen eye for detail and diligence in producing exceptional academic writing work. I work hard daily to help students with their assignments and projects. Experimenting with creative writing styles while maintaining a solid and informative voice is what I enjoy the most.


121+ Highly Informative Anthropology Research Topics

Anthropology is a broad field of study about human beings, and it spans various subjects that deal with the past, present, and future. Curious students, those who want to become researchers, or just learners love this subject as there are numerous fascinating things to discuss. 

This course involves everyone with an innate desire for curiosity and self-discovery in an intellectual experience. It covers topics ranging from converting the riddles of ancient civilizations to understanding the ethnicities surrounding us. 

So please go through our list of the top 121+ anthropology research topics that are informative and provide gateways to appreciating the richness of human societies, their transformation through time, and how they have profoundly affected our earth. 

What Are Anthropology Research Topics?

Table of Contents

Anthropology research topics look at different parts of human life, both past and present. These topics explore cultural traditions, social groups, languages, and biological factors that help us understand what it means to be human.

At their core, these topics invite us to be curious and question what we think we know. They let us explore the many different ways humans live and have lived worldwide, from ancient societies to modern communities. These topics allow us to see how culture, environment, and human behavior are connected.

Whether studying how languages started, how social rankings developed, or the special meanings behind rituals and objects, anthropology research topics help us unravel the many stories that make up human history. They bring together knowledge of archaeology, biology, linguistics, and cultural studies.

By investigating these topics, we learn more and gain a deeper respect for our planet’s diversity of human cultures. We learn to understand and appreciate the rich tapestry of ways of life around us.

Recommended Reading: “ Top 169+ AP Seminar Research Topics – Full Guide! “.

Ethnographic Fieldwork: Immersive Research Techniques

Ethnographic fieldwork involves getting close to different groups of people. It’s like jumping into their way of life, seeing things through their eyes. Researchers don’t just read about these groups—they stay with them for a while.

This hands-on approach lets anthropologists experience a culture for themselves. They watch daily activities, participate in special events and traditions, and get to know the people. Instead of just looking in from the outside, they become a part of the community, even just a little bit.

Ethnographers use techniques like participant observation, where participants fully participate in the cultural setting. They might learn local languages, eat the same foods, and follow the same routines as the people they’re studying—it’s like walking in their shoes.

Talking to people is also important. Having open conversations with community members to understand their beliefs, values, and perspectives is crucial to building trust so people feel comfortable sharing their stories and thoughts.

Field notes capture all the rich details of daily life that outsiders often miss. From unique customs to deep, meaningful practices, these firsthand accounts paint a clear picture of the culture.

By living this immersive lifestyle, even for a while, ethnographers can truly understand what makes each community special and human. It’s an up-close look at the diversity of our world.

Top 121+ Most Informative Anthropology Research Topics

Here is the list of the top 121+ highly informative anthropology research topics; let’s look. 

Cultural Anthropology Research Topics

  • How the world becoming more connected affects traditional cultures
  • When people copy aspects of another culture without understanding its meaning
  • How men and women are expected to behave in different societies
  • Special events and ceremonies in different cultures today
  • How cities have people from many different cultures living together
  • How people see things differently depending on their culture
  • Keeping traditional knowledge alive in native communities
  • Studying immigrant communities to understand their way of life
  • How cultures mix in the age of the internet
  • How different cultures view mental health problems

Biological Anthropology Research Topics

  • Learning about human evolution through old bones
  • How people are different because of their genes and how they adapt to their environment
  • Looking at how culture and biology affect people’s health differently
  • Studying how monkeys and other non-human primates behave
  • Using old bones to solve crimes
  • Looking at how our bodies evolved to understand how to stay healthy
  • Studying how people are different based on their race or where they’re from
  • Understanding how food affects our bodies
  • How people grow and develop from babies to adults
  • Studying old bones to learn about ancient people’s lives

Forensic Anthropology Research Topics

  • Figuring out how old a person was when they died
  • Studying how bodies decay after death
  • Making faces of people from their skulls
  • Using DNA to help solve crimes
  • Finding and studying mass graves
  • Studying bugs to help solve crimes
  • Using chemicals to learn about people’s lives from their bones
  • Identifying victims of large disasters
  • Looking at the laws and what’s right or wrong in studying bones
  • Using bones to investigate human rights abuses

Linguistic Anthropology Research Topics

  • Saving languages that are disappearing
  • Looking at how people talk differently in different places
  • How people feel about themselves because of the language they speak
  • How children learn to talk
  • How language affects how people see themselves in society
  • Seeing how languages stay alive or die out
  • How people mix languages
  • Studying how people talk to each other in different cultures
  • How language shows who has power in a society
  • How language affects how people think

Medical Anthropology Research Topics

  • Looking at how different cultures deal with being sick
  • Mixing traditional and modern medicine to help people
  • Studying how people choose where to get medical help
  • Using plants to help people get better
  • Seeing how some people get good healthcare while others don’t
  • Studying how different cultures see disabilities
  • People traveling to get medical help and what it means for where they live
  • Learning about how people make babies and take care of them in different cultures
  • How people feel about getting help for their mind
  • Studying what’s right or wrong when studying people who need help

Physical Anthropology Research Topics

  • Looking at how hormones affect how we act and how our bodies work
  • Studying how our bodies move
  • Seeing how we change because of things around us
  • Learning about how people pick who they want to be with
  • How people change when they live up high
  • Studying how our genes affect how we move and do sports
  • Looking at people’s teeth to learn about how they lived
  • How diseases change and spread over time
  • Studying old bones to learn about what people ate and how healthy they were
  • Studying how our minds work and why we do things

Archaeological Anthropology Research Topics

  • Looking at where people lived and why
  • Studying how people made things in the past
  • Seeing how people changed the world around them
  • How people traded things a long time ago
  • Special things people did in the past for their religion
  • Studying old plants remains to learn about what people ate
  • How people started farming and why
  • Drawing and studying old pictures on rocks
  • Studying old things found under the sea
  • How people protect and take care of old things

Cross-Cutting and Interdisciplinary Topics

  • Looking at how different things about a person come together
  • Studying how people are treated fairly when it comes to the environment
  • Thinking about what’s right or wrong when studying people
  • Using different sciences to learn about how people and the world around them are changing because of the weather
  • Learning from native people about how to take care of the Earth
  • How technology helps us learn about people
  • Working with native people to learn from them
  • Looking at how people and animals lived together
  • Studying how people are changing the world
  • Looking at how people see things because of their skin color

Emerging and Futuristic Topics

  • Studying how robots and computers are like people
  • Looking at how people act online
  • Thinking about how people will live in space
  • What’s right or wrong when scientists change people’s genes
  • Thinking about how people and machines will be together in the future
  • Studying new things that are being made
  • Learning how people deal with big problems like disasters
  • What’s right or wrong when we change the Earth
  • Taking care of old things that are online
  • Studying how people and machines are being put together

Some More Interesting Anthropology Research Topics

  • How social media affects different cultures
  • Why stories are important for keeping our traditions alive
  • How language can make someone feel powerful at work
  • Why music and dancing matter in different cultures
  • How food is part of important events and traditions
  • How native people are shown in movies and TV
  • Why some people change their bodies in special ways
  • What happens to traditions when lots of people visit
  • How religion affects what people think is right or wrong
  • Why do people wear certain clothes that show where they’re from
  • How climate change affects native communities
  • How we can help the environment and respect people’s culture
  • Why boys and girls are expected to act a certain way
  • How people help each other during bad times
  • Why making things by hand is important to some cultures
  • How moving to a new place can change who you are
  • Why playing games is part of the culture
  • How holidays help keep us together
  • Why do we tell stories to each other
  • How the world is changing because people in different places are talking to each other
  • How people learn new things from each other
  • How we show when something important happens in our lives
  • Why do we take care of older people
  • How families work in different places
  • How old ways of living changed because of new people
  • How people deal with someone doing something wrong
  • Why do we laugh at silly things
  • How do we stay healthy, and what do we do when we’re not feeling well
  • Why do some people have babies, and some don’t
  • Why do we tell stories about things that didn’t happen
  • How do we help people who need extra help
  • Why we like new things and how they change us
  • How we make friends and what we do with them
  • Why someone is chosen to lead and what they do
  • Why it’s important to take care of our planet
  • How we talk shows who we are
  • How big cities change who we are
  • Why we fight and how it changes our traditions
  • Why it’s important to have fun and relax
  • How we remember our past and who we are

These topics cover various cultural, social, and environmental aspects of human societies, providing ample opportunities for research and exploration in anthropology.

Tips While Choosing The Right Anthropology Research Topics

Tips While Choosing The Right Anthropology Research Topics

Picking the perfect topic for your anthropology research can be confusing, but don’t worry—we have some handy tips to simplify it.

Choosing the right anthropology research topic is important for a fun and rewarding project. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Pick something you like : Choose a topic that interests and excites you. The research process becomes more enjoyable and meaningful when you’re into your subject.
  • Look at new things : Stay updated on the latest happenings and talks in anthropology. Exploring modern-day issues can provide fresh angles and contribute to ongoing conversations.
  • Mix different subjects : Anthropology combines fields like sociology, psychology, and history. Look for topics that allow you to connect across subjects for a richer understanding.
  • Make it smaller : While anthropology covers a lot, it’s important to focus on a specific part or cultural group. This will help you dig deeper into your chosen area and find more insightful stuff.
  • Ensure it’s doable : Consider the resources available, access to research places or people, and the time to finish. Choose a topic that is both interesting and practically achievable.
  • Ask for help : Don’t hesitate to talk to teachers, mentors, or experienced researchers in your area of interest. Their insights and suggestions can be valuable in refining your topic and ensuring it’s relevant.

By following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to choose an anthropology research topic that matches your interests and contributes to the ever-growing understanding of human diversity and culture.

Closing Up 

As we finish looking at all these different anthropology topics, it’s clear that studying humans is a big and interesting exploration. Each topic we discussed opens a window into the many unique ways humans live worldwide. 

Whether learning about ancient groups, special languages people use to communicate, or the close social bonds that connect communities, these topics remind us how creative and varied human life is. 

As you start your anthropology journey, may these topics get you curious, inspiring you to question what you think you know and see things in new ways. Ultimately, they can help you appreciate the incredible tapestry of human cultures from all over and throughout time. 

By understanding our shared pasts and presents, we can build a future filled with kindness, understanding, and joy in our differences. After all, our diversity is what makes the human story so special and meaningful.

How can I choose the right anthropology research topic?

Consider your interests and the subfield of anthropology you’re most passionate about. Research current trends and emerging issues in the field for inspiration.

Are there any ethical considerations when conducting anthropological research?

Yes, ethical considerations are crucial in anthropology, especially regarding cultural sensitivity, informed consent, and the preservation of cultural heritage.

How can I ensure my anthropology research is unique and original?

Conduct thorough literature reviews to identify gaps in existing research and explore novel perspectives or methodologies to contribute to the field.

Can anthropology research topics be interdisciplinary?

Absolutely! Anthropology often intersects with other disciplines, such as sociology, biology, linguistics, and environmental science, offering interdisciplinary research opportunities.

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Selected Journals

One way to find a topic for research is to skim articles from journals focused on Anthropology. You can create alerts for individual journals so you receive an email when a new issue is available.

  • American Anthropologist
  • American Antiquity
  • American Journal of Biological Anthropology
  • Annual Review of Anthropology
  • Anthropological Theory
  • Cultural Anthropology
  • Current Anthropology
  • Evolutionary Anthropology
  • Field Methods
  • Geoarchaeology
  • Human Communication Research
  • Journal of Anthropological Research
  • Journal of Human Evolution

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Anthropology - All subfields

  • Annual Reviews The Annual Reviews collection offers comprehensive, timely critical reviews written by leading scientists. This collection provides the worldwide scientific community with a useful and intelligent synthesis of the primary research literature for a broad spectrum of disciplines. Annual Reviews volumes are published each year for 40 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences including Economics and Financial Economics.
  • Anthropology Plus Anthropology Plus provides extensive worldwide indexing of journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works, and obituaries in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture, and interdisciplinary studies.. Coverage is from the late 19th century to the present.
  • AnthroSource Search or browse major journals from the American Anthropological Association (AAA) including American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, and Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
  • JSTOR Find full text articles in academic journals or books on the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences. JSTOR provides articles from the journal's first issue. In some cases the most recent 2-5 years may not be available. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
  • Oxford Bibliographies Search expert commentary and detailed annotated bibliographies to find high quality sources of information in these areas: African American Studies, African Studies, American Literature, Anthropology, Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Art History, Atlantic History, Biblical Studies, British and Irish Literature, Buddhism, Childhood Studies, Chinese Studies, Cinema and Media Studies, Classics, Communication, Criminology, Ecology, Education, Environmental Science, Evolutionary Biology, Geography, Hinduism, International Law, International Relations, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, Latin American Studies, Latino Studies, Linguistics, Literary and Critical Theory, Management, Medieval Studies, Military History, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health, Renaissance and Reformation, Social Work, Sociology, Urban Studies, Victorian Literature
  • Scopus Search for information from scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Covers the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
  • Web of Science A comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of journal article citations. Subjects generally covered are within science and technology, arts and humanities, and social sciences. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.


  • Art Full Text Search for articles in fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as photography, film and architecture. Limited to 20 simultaneous users.
  • eHRAF Archaeology Focus on the prehistory of the world with a growing collection of full-text information (e.g. books, journal articles, and dissertations) on archaeological traditions.
  • GeoRef Search tool for scholarly research about the geosciences. Includes journal articles, books, conference proceedings, government publications, theses, reports, and maps. more... less... The GeoRef database covers the geology of North America from 1666 to the present and the geology of the rest of the world from 1933 to the present. The database includes references to all publications of the U.S. Geological Survey. Masters' theses and doctoral dissertations from U.S. and Canadian universities are also covered.
  • Oxford Handbooks Online Oxford Handbooks contain peer-reviewed scholarly review articles in Archaeology, Business and Management, Classical Studies, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Economics and Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, and Religion. Included are classic works of scholarship along with newly-published works. Each handbook offers a critical survey of the current state of scholarship in a particular field of study. Individual articles by leading scholars review key issues and major debates, and discuss how those debates might evolve.

Biological Anthropology

  • [email protected] A detailed, interactive, 3D model of human anatomy with customized, downloadable images. Focuses on muscles, ligaments, nerves, veins, arteries, and bones. Includes features such as zoom, rotation, angle, layers, extensive text, MRI, clinical slides and xrays, movies, animations, radiology slides, dissection and surface anatomy videos and slides.
  • AGRICOLA Agriculture (Ovid) Search agriculture, animal husbandry, animal and human nutrition, forestry, plant pathology, plant science, human ecology, agricultural economics, and rural sociology. Limited to 8 simultaneous users.
  • CAB Abstracts Plus Full Text Select CAB Abstracts covers agriculture in its broadest sense, including crop production, forestry, environment, animal health and nutrition, veterinary science, agricultural engineering, biotechnology, soil and water, agricultural economics, recreation and tourism, rural sociology, and human nutrition and health. **Please Note: The publisher's most recent update of the CAB Abstracts database on February 1, 2024, created is causing searches of the database to return incomplete and/or fewer results than expected. Publisher is working to fix but indicates problem may be fully fixed before early April, 2024.
  • Ovid MEDLINE Searches MEDLINE, which is the primary source of journal articles for the health sciences (fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, public health, health care systems, and basic sciences). Ovid MEDLINE is optimized for advanced literature searches. Coverage is from the 1940s to the present.
  • PubMed Searches MEDLINE, which is the primary source of journal articles for the health sciences (fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, public health, health care systems, and basic sciences). Coverage is from the 1940s to the present. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
  • Zoological Record (Web of Science) Search articles covering all animal taxa from protozoa to the primates, and all aspects of their life cycles, behaviors, taxonomy, ecology and evolution. There are taxonomic summaries of each animal discussed in an article, geographical headings and additional subject approaches.

Linguistic Anthropology

  • Ethnologue: Languages of the World Ethnologue: Languages of the World is a comprehensive reference work cataloging all of the world's known living languages. Our subscription features include: language profiles, classic static country language maps, country profiles, and language family trees (classification). more... less... Our access is the basic subscription: unlimited page views of language profiles, classic static country language maps, country profiles, and language family trees (classification).
  • Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) Search journals in linguistics and language sciences from 1973 to the present including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics in journal articles, book reviews, books, book chapters, dissertations and working papers.
  • MLA International Bibliography Use the MLA International Bibliography to find scholarly books and articles on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics. This index has been compiled by the Modern Language Association of America since 1926.

Sociocultural Anthropology

  • ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials The American Theological Library Association (ATLA) Religion Database lists journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion. Some listings link to full text of articles.
  • Bibliography of Asian Studies Search topics, especially in the humanities and the social sciences, on East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide. You can also find citations to journal articles, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, anthologies, and more.
  • Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America Covering all aspects of native North American culture, history, and life with 80,000+ citations for books, essays, journal articles, and government documents of the United States and Canada. This resource covers a wide range of topics including archaeology, multicultural relations, gaming, governance, legend, and literacy. Dates of coverage for included content range from the sixteenth century to the present.
  • eHRAF World Cultures Contains ethnographic information on over 360 cultures of the world, past and present. Collections in Electronic HRAF are organized by regions, subregions, and cultures with subject indexing at the paragraph level.
  • Ethnomusicology: Global Field Recordings Includes thousands of audio field recordings and interviews, film footage, field notebooks, slides, photographs, correspondence, and ephemera. Materials date from 1930 through 2013, and document secular and religious musical traditions from sites worldwide. Produced by Adam Matthew in collaboration with the UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive and the Ethnomusicology Archive at the University of Washington.
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science) Search journals in the social sciences, including anthropology, history, law, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, political science, social issues, social work, sociology, substance abuse, urban studies, and women's studies. Each citation also includes a list of references cited in the source article. In addition, it is possible to retrieve a list of works that have cited a specific author or a specific earlier work.
  • Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life Find information on cultural groups in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Africa. Each online volume (3rd ed.; published in 2017) is organized by continent, covering history, politics, customs, religion, education, human rights issues, teen life, and more.

Videos, podcasts, and websites

  • Academic Video Online This link opens in a new window Academic Video Online (AVON) delivers 70,000+ videos, on a range of topics including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more.
  • Docuseek2 Find documentaries and social issue films and view online.
  • Ethnographic Video Online This collection contains ethnographic films, documentaries, select feature films, and previously unpublished fieldwork on the study of human culture, behavior and society around the world. Access to volume 1 and 4 only
  • Kanopy Streaming Video streaming platform hosting a wide variety of award-winning films and documentaries.
  • EVIA Digital Archive The Ethnographic Video for Instruction and Analysis Digital Archive Project is a collaborative endeavor to create a digital archive of ethnographic field video for use by scholars and instructors.
  • Smithsonian Institution: Collection search center Search over 6.4 million records with 536,000 images, video and sound files, electronic journals and other resources from the Smithsonian's museums, archives & libraries.
  • The Archaeology Channel Streaming videos exploring human cultural heritage.

Methods and skill development

  • Sage Research Methods SAGE Research Methods is a tool designed to help scholars of all levels create research projects in their specific discipline and understand the methods behind them.
  • LATIS workshops A series of workshops created by LATIS (Liberal Arts Technology and Innovation Services) that are free and open to all faculty and graduate students.
  • Library workshops Learn something new at a library workshop! Register for everything from using citation managers to finding grant funding.
  • U-Spatial U-Spatial offers instructor-led workshops focusing on different geospatial tools/technologies and other resources.
  • UConn Library
  • Topic: How to do Anthropological Research

Topic: How to do Anthropological Research — Overview

  • Finding Background Information
  • Ethnographies
  • How to Pick a Topic
  • Where to Find Anthro Articles
  • Where to Find Anthro Books & Videos
  • Citing Using AAA/Chicago Style

Meme image: Indiana Jones with Cobra. Text: Anthro articles!! Why'd it have to be anthro articles?

The purpose of this guide is to help you:

  • Find background information on broad topics in anthropology
  • Develop an anthropological research topic (and if possible related to your major)
  • Teach you strategies to develop keywords to find articles on your chosen topic in anthropological journals.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me for help!

Useful Research Guides:

  • Anthropology & Archaeology Subject Guide by Fyiane Nsilo-Swai Last Updated May 13, 2024 427 views this year

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Requests for purchase are reviewed by subject specialists using the Library's Collection Development Policy . Please note that items may take up to 8 weeks to arrive, with certain requests taking longer.

  • Next: Finding Background Information >>
  • Last Updated: May 13, 2024 10:47 AM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uconn.edu/anthresearch

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Science News


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50 years ago, evidence showed that an extinct human ancestor walked upright

Fossil finds have since pushed back the ability of hominids to walk on two legs by millions of years.

Ancient primates’ unchipped teeth hint that they ate mostly fruit

Spanish horses joined indigenous south americans’ societies long before europeans came to stay, more stories in anthropology.

A tower emerges from the forest around the Maya city Tikal in Guatemala.

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A mysterious ancient grave with a sword and mirror belonged to a woman

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A partial skeleton of a cave lion lays on a dark surface. A spear replica lies between the skull and vertebrae.

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A photo of human footprints in White Sands National Park in New Mexico.

Human footprints in New Mexico really may be surprisingly ancient, new dating shows

Two dating methods find that human tracks in White Sands National Park in New Mexico are roughly 22,000 years old, aligning with a previous estimate.

A photo of an person on their hands and knees digging into the ground.

Interlocking logs may be evidence of the oldest known wooden structure

Roughly 480,000-year-old wooden find from Zambia suggests early hominids were more skilled at structuring their environments than scientists realized.

The skull of a member of the Homo heidelbergensis species sits on a podium in a museum.

Extreme cold may have nearly wiped out human ancestors 900,000 years ago

Ancestral populations had rebounded by about 800,000 years ago, heralding the evolution of people today, a contested DNA analysis suggests.

A photo of two Indigenous youth skinning a moose as part of a hunting camp in Alberta, Canada.

An apology to Indigenous communities sparks a mental health rethink

The leading U.S. psychological association pledged to embrace Indigenous approaches to healing, which requires rethinking how to address mental health.

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Articles on Anthropology

Displaying 1 - 20 of 233 articles.

research topics for anthropology

Friday essay: our culture sees women’s bodies as faulty machines, but there are other birthing possibilities

Holly High , Deakin University

research topics for anthropology

Everyday life and its variability influenced human evolution at least as much as rare activities like big-game  hunting

Cara Wall-Scheffler , University of Washington

research topics for anthropology

Future pandemics will have the same human causes as ancient outbreaks − lessons from anthropology can help prevent them

Ron Barrett , Macalester College

research topics for anthropology

Cassava: The perilous past and promising future of a toxic but nourishing crop

Stephen Wooding , University of California, Merced

research topics for anthropology

Ancient nomads you’ve probably never heard of disappeared from Europe 1,000 years ago. Now, DNA analysis reveals how they lived

Magdalena M.E. Bunbury , James Cook University and Guido Alberto Gnecchi-Ruscone , Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

research topics for anthropology

Fermented foods sustain both microbiomes and cultural heritage

Andrew Flachs , Purdue University and Joseph Orkin , Université de Montréal

research topics for anthropology

Aboriginal people made pottery and sailed to distant offshore islands thousands of years before Europeans arrived

Sean Ulm , James Cook University ; Ian J. McNiven , Monash University , and Kenneth McLean , Indigenous Knowledge

research topics for anthropology

We are losing tetrapod species at a faster rate than we are rediscovering them

Thomas Evans , Université Paris-Saclay

research topics for anthropology

What’s the point of giving gifts? An anthropologist explains this ancient part of being human

Chip Colwell , University of Colorado Denver

research topics for anthropology

Controversial claims about extinct humans are stirring up evolution research. Here’s how the mess could have been avoided

Mike W. Morley , Flinders University ; Andy I.R. Herries , La Trobe University ; Anna M. Kotarba-Morley , University of Adelaide ; Renaud Joannes-Boyau , Southern Cross University , and Vito C. Hernandez

research topics for anthropology

Science communicators need to stop telling everybody the universe is a meaningless void

Chris Ellis , University of Sydney

research topics for anthropology

Forensic anthropologists work to identify human skeletal remains and uncover the stories of the unknown dead

Madeline Atwell , Clemson University and Katherine Weisensee , Clemson University

research topics for anthropology

Forget ‘Man the Hunter’ – physiological and archaeological evidence rewrites assumptions about a gendered division of labor in prehistoric times

Sarah Lacy , University of Delaware and Cara Ocobock , University of Notre Dame

research topics for anthropology

New path for early human migrations through a once-lush Arabia contradicts a single ‘out of Africa’ origin

Michael Petraglia , Griffith University ; Mahmoud Abbas , Shantou University , and Zhongping Lai , Shantou University

research topics for anthropology

The philosopher Marc Augé defined our cities. Now it’s in our hands to make them homey

Isabel Argüelles Rozada , Universidad de Oviedo

research topics for anthropology

In a Stone Age cemetery, DNA reveals a treasured ‘founding father’ and a legacy of prosperity for his sons

Adam "Ben" Rohrlach , University of Adelaide and Maïté Rivollat , Université de Bordeaux

research topics for anthropology

Ghassan Hage is one of Australia’s most significant intellectuals. He’s still on a quest for a multicultural society that hopes and cares

Andrew Jakubowicz , University of Technology Sydney

research topics for anthropology

San and Khoe skeletons: how a South African university sought to restore dignity and redress the past

Victoria Gibbon , University of Cape Town

research topics for anthropology

Listen — Indiana Jones’s last ride: A legacy to celebrate or bury?

Vinita Srivastava , The Conversation

research topics for anthropology

English dialects make themselves heard in genes

Yakov Pichkar , Vanderbilt University and Nicole Creanza , Vanderbilt University

Related Topics

  • Archaeology
  • Global perspectives
  • Homo sapiens
  • Human evolution
  • Indigenous peoples
  • Paleoanthropology

Top contributors

research topics for anthropology

Honorary Associate Professor, UNSW Sydney

research topics for anthropology

Associate Research Professor of Anthropology, University of Colorado Denver

research topics for anthropology

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Rice University

research topics for anthropology

Professor of Anthropology, UCL

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Assistant Curator of Human Evolution., University of Alberta

research topics for anthropology

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Binghamton University, State University of New York

research topics for anthropology

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt University

research topics for anthropology

Lecturer in Social Anthropology, University of Birmingham

research topics for anthropology

Professor of Natural Sciences, UCL

research topics for anthropology

Lecturer, Program in International and Comparative Studies, University of Michigan

research topics for anthropology

Chair professor, University of Oxford

research topics for anthropology

Australian Research Council Future Fellow, Archaeology, School of Social Science, The University of Queensland

research topics for anthropology

Lecturer of Anthropology and Assistant Director of the Turkana Basin Institute, Stony Brook University (The State University of New York)

research topics for anthropology

Senior Lecturer in Paleontology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences at the University of Bath, University of Bath

research topics for anthropology

Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Connecticut

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Anthropology Research

  • Archaeology
  • Human Evolutionary Biology
  • Medical Anthropology
  • Social Anthropology

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Susan Gilman, Library Liaison for Anthropology

If you have questions or would like to discuss your research, email me ( [email protected] ) or book an appointment !

About this guide

This guide contains curated lists of Harvard Library resources on the following topics:

Suggested General Resources

  • Zotero  (free tool): Easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.
  • NVivo  (Harvard Key required): A powerful software for qualitative research analysis.
  • Sage Research Methods  (Harvard Key required): Includes case studies, articles and other materials on research methods.
  • Harvard Alumni Resources  (Harvard Key required): See what library privileges you will retain after graduation. 

Related Harvard libraries

  • Countway Library : One of the largest medical libraries in the world and a valuable resource for medical anthropologists. 
  • Ernst Mayr Library : The library for Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology. It contains many useful resources for researchers studying human evolution. 
  • Tozzer Library : Harvard's anthropology library and one of the largest and most comprehensive anthropology collections in the world.
  • Widener Library : Harvard's flagship library, which contains collections covering many different subject areas including anthropology and archaeology.​
  • Harvard Library Locations : ​​​Learn more about Harvard's other libraries
  • Next: Archaeology >>

Except where otherwise noted, this work is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , which allows anyone to share and adapt our material as long as proper attribution is given. For details and exceptions, see the Harvard Library Copyright Policy ©2021 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College.


Anthropology: Developing Topics & Research Questions

  • About this Guide
  • Why Databases?
  • Developing Topics & Research Questions
  • Reviewing Search Strategies
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Developing a Research Question Takes Research

When the scope of your paper is too big, it's hard to dig through information and to write a paper wit any depth. The goal of most research papers in college is to seek a possible answer to a particular questions related to a topic. A research question, when not too broad or too narrow, helps guide and focus your paper.

The question should also be one in which you haven't decided on a pre-determined answer. You may find that looking for sources that provide a certain answer may be too limiting. The answer you are expecting might not be supported by evidence.

Brainstorm & do some pre-research

The research question isn't a question you make up at the top of your head. It's normal to start with a broad topic in mind. After doing some brainstorming about a topic, you will need to do some reading to find an angle to pursue, and, even then, your question may change as you find more information later.

Ask questions

From your pre-research, think about questions you might be able to ask regarding the topic. Most scholarly research examines fairly narrow topics and looks at relationships between concepts. One way to limit the scope of your topic is to ask who, what, where, when, why, and how questions.

Be flexible

It's okay to continue to tweak your question; the end result should be that you have answered the question you've laid out in the introduction, even if the introduction is the last paragraph you actually end up revising in your final paper.

Picking Your Topic IS Research

North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries, 3:10

OER Book Chapters

  • The Qualities of a Good Research Question from LibreTexts
  • Research Questions from Choosing & Using Sources: A Guide to Academic Research, Teaching & Learning, Ohio State University Libraries

Research is a Process

Anna Eisen (2:35)

Encourages students to develop background knowledge to create a research question.  Research questions should have topic, question and significance.  The narrator suggests using the following formulation:  I’m studying  _______________ to investigate ______________ in order to understand. Complex research questions take time to create.

Keeping your research question in mind, if you can answer TRUE to the statements below, your research question is probably workable.

  • It cannot simply be answered with a yes/no. 
  • It has social significance/a problem associated with it.
  • There is reliable evidence available to address it.
  • It has appropriate scope.

Be careful about investigating questions that you think you already have the answer to.

Choosing a Manageable Research Topic

PfauLibrary (3:42)

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  • Last Updated: Feb 8, 2024 7:57 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.mccd.edu/Anthropology

Applied Anthropology Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

Applied Anthropology Research Paper Topics:

  • Action Anthropology
  • Anthropology and Business
  • Bioethics and Anthropology
  • Careers in Anthropology
  • Clinical Anthropology
  • Ecology and Anthropology
  • Economic Anthropology
  • Ethics and Anthropology
  • Forensic Anthropology
  • Human Rights and Anthropology
  • Justice and Anthropology
  • Law and Anthropology
  • Medical Genetics
  • Native Studies
  • Political Anthropology
  • Practicing Anthropology
  • Twin Studies
  • Urban Anthropology
  • Visual Anthropology
  • Women’s Studies

What is Applied Anthropology?

Applied anthropology, in its broader sense, is distinguished primarily from academic anthropology as anthropological methods and data put to use outside of the classroom. This is not to say that all anthropological methods and data put to use outside of the classroom is applied anthropology; field research also is anthropological methods and data put to use outside of the classroom, but it can be used for academic purposes, as well as for practical application. Applied anthropology is used to solve practical problems outside of the academic world, and it has appeared under such names as action anthropology, development anthropology, practicing anthropology, and advocacy anthropology among others.

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In its narrower sense, applied anthropology is distinguished from practicing anthropology. Practicing anthropology is the application of anthropology strictly outside of academia by nonacademics; applied anthropology can be practiced outside of academia or within academia by academics. To some, the differences are considered to be minimal, but to others they are of great importance.

Origins of Applied Anthropology

Early in the 19th century, anthropology was a religious philosophy that examined how to view the place of humans in the cosmos. This began to change by the mid-19th century, and people who were to become the founders of what is called anthropology today began to look at the more earthly nature of humanity. One of these individuals was Lewis Henry Morgan. Morgan, who was an attorney, began to work with the Iroquois in the 1840s on legal issues involving railroad right of ways. This may have been one of the first, if not the first, application of the nascent but as yet still inchoate discipline.

Across the Atlantic, Sir Edward BurnettTylor, the “father of anthropology” who defined “culture,” considered anthropology to be a “policy science” that should be implemented to ameliorate the problems of humanity. James Hunt, who founded the Anthropological Society of London, began to use the term practical anthropology by the 1860s, and in 1869, the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (this was later to be titled the Royal Anthropological Institute) was formed.

In North America, the federal government formed the Bureau of American Ethnology (BAE) under John Wesley Powell in order to perform research that was intended to guide government policy toward Native Americans, and in 1879, Powell dispatched Frank Hamilton Cushing to the Zuñi pueblo to perform some of the first anthropological field research. By 1895, the BAE had hired anthropologist James Mooney to research a revitalization movement, the ghost dance. It also was in the 1890s that Franz Boas, the “father of American anthropology,” worked outside of academia with the Chicago Field Museum.

Early History of Applied Anthropology

Boas developed a lifelong hatred of racism arising from anti-Semitic experiences he had had in school in Germany. This led him to attempt to dispel the prevailing racist notions of the day in anthropology. From 1910 to 1913, Boas applied anthropometry to disprove a basic racist assumption: Cranial shape was a factor of race. To accomplish this, he measured the heads of Jewish immigrants in New York City ghettos. Presumably, they were members of the dolichocephalic (long-headed) Mediterranean race, and indeed, the immigrants tended to fit that pattern. However, their children, born in America, were members of the brachicephalic (round-headed) Alpine race. Apparently, they had changed race within one generation of having moved to America. Boas explained this anomaly as being the product of different diets between the parents and their children during their growth years and not the result of race at all.

Boas’s first PhD student, Alfred Louis Kroeber, and Kroeber’s students spent the first two decades of the 20th century conducting “salvage ethnology” to preserve cultures that were, or already had, become extinct. The most famous of these cases, both within and outside of anthropology, is the story of Ishi, the last member of the California Yahi tribe, whom Kroeber brought to Berkeley to serve as the key respondent from a vanished people. In 1919, Kroeber applied anthropological techniques to discover the rapprochement between fashion and economic cycles in his hem-length study. He demonstrated that one could determine (and perhaps predict) economic cycles by the rise or fall of women’s dress and skirt lengths. The 1920s also found Margaret Mead (1928/1973) making recommendations on sex education to the American educational establishment in the last two chapters of her doctoral dissertation, published as Coming of Age in Samoa.

In Europe, it was common during this time for anthropologists to seek employment in colonial governments: Anthropologists from the Netherlands were employed by their government to provide ethnographic data on its Indonesian colony; Northcote Thomas used anthropology to aid in administrating the British colony in Nigeria; and Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown served as director of education on Tonga. Somewhat later, in the 1930s, Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard (1969), in the employment of the government of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, spent several research periods among the Nuer to determine why they did not consider it necessary to uphold their treaty with the British government, among other projects. Also in the 1930s, Radcliffe-Brown first used the term applied anthropology in the article “Anthropology as Public Service and Malinowski’s Contribution to It” (although the term already had appeared in 1906 in a degree program at Oxford). Bronislaw Malinowski himself, had coined the term practicing anthropology for nonacademic anthropology.

In 1932, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt appointed the anthropologist John Collier to Commissioner of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Collier then employed fellow anthropologists Julian Steward, Clyde Kluckhohn, and others in the applied anthropology office to investigate Native American cultures and to counsel the BIA in regard to the Indian Reorganization Act. The anthropologists served as intermediaries between the BIA and Native Americans during the drawing of tribal constitutions and charters. Also in the 1930s, Edward Sapir’s student, Benjamin Lee Whorf, applied anthropological linguists to the analysis of fire insurance investigations, and anthropologist W. Lloyd Warner was hired by the Western Electric Company to study worker productivity in its bank-wiring facility. Warner employed qualitative ethnographic techniques, such as participant observation and informal interviewing, that previously had been used in nonindustrial, non-Western societies in one of the first applications of “industrial anthropology.”

The 1940s brought about the efflorescence of the field with the founding of the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) by Margaret Mead, Conrad Arensberg, and Eliot Chapple. They published the journal Applied Anthropology to counter what they saw as academic bias against practical, nontheoretical work. In 1949, the name of the journal was changed to Human Organization, and the SfAA code of ethics was created. Despite this, Melville Herskovits taught in the late 1940s that applied anthropology was racist and should not be practiced, according to one of his former students.

Today, a variety of organizations specialize in applied anthropology. The Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropology Programs (COPAA), chaired by Linda A. Bennett of the University of Memphis, lists and gives a brief description of some of these organizations on its Web site, including the  COPAA , the  SfAA , and the  National Association for the Practice of Anthropology  within the  American Anthropological Association .

The COPAA also lists regional organizations, which include the Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists; the High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology; the Chicago Association for Practicing Anthropologists; the Sun Coast Organization of Practicing Anthropologists; the California Alliance of Local Practitioner Organizations that embraces the Southern California Applied Anthropology Network, the Bay Area Association of Practicing Anthropologists, and the Central Valley Applied Anthropology Network; and the Mid-South Association of Professional Anthropologists. It was during World War II that Margaret Mead headed a group of anthropologists who served in the Office of Strategic Services. In addition to Mead, Ruth Benedict, Ralph Linton, Julian Steward, and Clyde Kluckhohn, among others (including such interdisciplinary notables as Erik Erikson), worked on the Committee on Food Habits, the Culture at a Distance national character project, theWar Relocation Authority, and others, in order to aid in the U.S. war effort. A description of their work and methods was published (Mead & Rhoda, 1949) after the war as The Study of Culture at a Distance. Following the war, anthropologists also worked for the U.S. Pacific protectorates’ administrations.

Applied Anthropology in the Mid-20th Century

The fox project.

In the late 1940s, Sol Tax of the University of Chicago wanted to develop a program that would give field experience to anthropology students. To do this, he began the Fox Project in 1948 to look into social organization and leadership in the Fox/Tama settlement, which was facing acculturative pressures from the neighboring Euro-American community. Although they tried to become involved in the amelioration of the acculturative process, they had no authority to do so. Thus, they developed a theoretical agenda that became known as “action anthropology.” In 1953, the group consulted with the Fox project and developed a framework for action that was funded by a private foundation. University of Iowa students joined the University of Chicago group, and together they created the Fox Indian Educational Program and began the Tama Indian Crafts industry.

About the time that the Fox project was nearing its completion in 1952, Edward Spicer’s book, Human Problems in Technological Change, was published. That same year Allen Holmberg began Cornell University’s 14-year experiment: the “Peru Vicos Project.” Cornell University had rented Vicos, a feudal estate in Peru, as a living laboratory to study social engineering on the Quechua-speaking peasantry, to test theories of modernization, and to develop models for community advocacy and culture brokering.

1964: Project Camelot

Project Camelot had the potential to be a low point in the application of anthropology in the late 20th century. In December 1964, the Office of the Director of the Special Operations Research Office of the American University in Washington, D.C., announced a new program to be funded by the army and the Department of Defense. The program extensively would employ anthropological fieldworkers in government research for 3 to 4 years. In theory, it was a project that was intended to develop a systems model that would enable the prediction of social changes that in turn could develop into political movements in third world nations that might threaten the United States—specifically in Latin American countries (where a field office was planned) but with plans to expand globally. Its objectives were to formulate means to predict civil wars and revolutions; to identify means to prevent civil wars, insurgency, and counterinsurgency movements in particular societies; and to develop a system of field methods to collect the information to accomplish the two previous objectives. The budget was expected to be in the $1.5 million range annually.

Some anthropologists feared that applying anthropology to aid Latin American government’s repression of political movements was unethical and would hinder development of societies in those countries. A more horrific potential outcome to the field ethnographers was the possible executions of their field respondents. In response to the outcry from the social science community, Project Camelot was cancelled in July 1965.

Nonetheless, not all social scientists found Project Camelot to be totally objectionable. Beyond the satisfaction of the obvious and never-ending quest for research funding, which it would have provided, albeit from sources that are suspect to many in the academic community, there is the less obvious appeal of ethnography finally having some input into government international policy, something that had been called for over decades. Likewise, many anthropologists in that era had gotten their starts in the military by having had their first international experiences during the second World War and their educations financed by the government issue, or GI, Bill. Rather, it was the possible outcomes of their research that convinced the community to object to Project Camelot.

Also in the 1960s, medical anthropologists working with the Foré tribe of New Guinea traced the origins of a deadly neurological disease, kuru, to cannibalism by using traditional qualitative techniques, such as collecting life histories; Margaret Mead testified before Congress on birth control and marijuana, and she coined the term generation gap to describe a global phenomenon that had never occurred previously in human history; Jules Henry’s Culture Against Man described the Orwellian nature of popular advertising in American society; Jomo Kenyatta applied his PhD in anthropology from the London School of Economics under Malinowski to running the government of Kenya, with its diverse ethnic makeup, as its first president under the slogan Harambe, or “let us pull together” in Kiswahili. Oscar Lewis conducted his “family life histories” in Mexico City (The Children of Sanchez) and New York (La Vida) and described the poor as living in a selfperpetuating “culture of poverty.” Although this was criticized widely as an attempt to blame the poor for their condition, it also could be said that Lewis was acknowledging the wisdom of people who lived on the edge and their ability to survive and fully exploit their economic niches.

James P. Spradley conducted a Herculean application of ethnoscience to “tramp” culture in Seattle in the 1960s to determine the emic structure of the society in order to make recommendations for improved treatments to social workers, police, psychiatrists, and alcohol treatment centers. It was published as You Owe Yourself a Drunk: An Ethnography of Urban Nomads in 1970. In 1969, George Foster wrote the first textbook on development and change agency, Applied Anthropology, in which he cited changes in human behavior as a primary goal in order to solve social, economic, and technological problems. He followed this up in 1973 with Traditional Societies and Technological Change.

Applied Anthropology in the Late 20th Century

In 1974, the University of South Florida began the first master of arts degree program to focus specifically on training students for careers in applied anthropology. The options available to those students form a wide range of topics that define applied anthropology. Among them are archaeology, Cultural Resource Management, economic development, educational anthropology, immigration, medical anthropology, race, gender, ethnicity, and urban policy and community development. Among the reasons for such theoretical breadth is the realization that many master of arts students do not choose to pursue a doctor of philosophy degree, and this curriculum, then, qualifies them to work in specialized professions outside of academia. The reader will note that work outside of academia is known as practicing anthropology, and in 1978 the University of South Florida first published the journal Practicing Anthropology. Graduate programs in applied anthropology are becoming more widespread in the United States since that time; for example, the master’s program in applied anthropology at California State University, Long Beach, has three program options: communities/ organizations, health, and education. Northern Kentucky University’s anthropology program is long known for its award-winning Web site with information on where undergraduate anthropology majors, who cannot or do not choose to attend graduate programs, can find jobs outside of academia; currently, it is in the process of developing a master’s program in applied anthropology.

Programs in Applied Anthropology

COPAA lists member programs on its Web site for those interested in pursuing a career in applied anthropology. The Web site notes that there are other programs that are not currently COPAA members. Among the universities in consortium are the University of Alaska, Anchorage; American University; University of Arizona; California State University, East Bay; California State University, Long Beach; University of Florida, Gainesville; The GeorgeWashington University; University of Georgia; Georgia State University; Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis; University of Kentucky; University of Maryland; University of Memphis; Mississippi State University; Montclair State University; University of North Carolina at Greensboro; University of North Texas; Northern Arizona University; Oregon State University; Santa Clara University; San Jose State University; the University of South Florida; the University of Texas at San Antonio; and Wayne State University.

The first doctoral program in applied anthropology was begun at the University of South Florida (USF) in 1984. Although the master of arts curriculum had been intended for nonacademic professions, the PhD curriculum trained students for university careers, as well as for practicing anthropology. USF’s Center for Applied Anthropology combines these two objectives in ventures such as the Human Services Information System database and the Alliance for Applied Research in Education and Anthropology.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Napoleon Chagnon and James Neel conducted genetics research for the American Atomic Energy Commission in an ethnographic setting. Chagnon was the ethnographer, and Neel was the geneticist. Their work was designed to determine the effects of the forces of evolution (such as the founder effect) on small populations in order to determine how genes might affect survival following a nuclear destruction of modern civilization. Their research took them to the Orinoco River basin in southeastern Venezuela where they established contact and conducted research among the Yanomamo, an isolated, horticultural, tribal society. Out of this research came Chagnon’s ethnography, The Yanomamo: The Fierce People. From its very early days, the project was heavily documented on film, and their classic documentary, The Yanomamo: A Multidisciplinary Study, became a standard in both cultural and physical anthropology classrooms. In the film, Chagnon and Neal become aware of a measles epidemic sweeping up the Orinoco Basin toward the Yanomamo. They acquire a vaccine that contains a weakened strain of the live virus and conduct mass inoculations of the Yanomamo against measles.

Although their work was met with criticism from the outset, none was quite as virulent as the later criticism contained in Patrick Tierney’s 2000 book, Darkness in El Dorado, and its aftermath. Tierney claimed that Chagnon and Neel had been conducting Josef Mengele-like genetics experiments on the Yanomamo by injecting them with the live measles virus to see who would live and who would die—not, as shown in the documentary, to protect them from an epidemic. By that time, Neel was dead, and although Chagnon was retired, he filed a lawsuit against Tierney in which he and Neel eventually were vindicated. Currently, calls are being made in anthropology to disband the “El Dorado Task Force” set up to investigate this case.

In the 1980s, Philippe Bourgois conducted field research among Hispanic crack (“rock” cocaine, which is smoked) dealers in the Harlem area of NewYork. This was not an update of Elliott Liebow’s Tally’s Corner nor of Oscar Lewis’s La Vida. Rather, it is what Bourgois refers to as a “culture of terror” that exploits an underground economy. Bourgois argues that this renders the crack dealers unexploitable by the larger, legal society as they pursue their interpretations of the “American dream.”

Across the Atlantic, anthropologists and other social scientists began to influence government policies in the Republic of Ireland in the late 1980s, according to ThomasWilson and Hastings Donnan, via what are called the economic and social partnerships with government. This should not be confused with hegemony as may have been the case with the 1960s American “military-industrial complex.” Rather, in a country in which anthropology traditionally had been practiced by foreign scholars investigating semi-isolated rural communities, it was a remarkable innovation for anthropologists and other academics to have creative input, with their governmental partner, in the policies that led to the Celtic Tiger economy in what had been one of the poorest countries in Europe and the social structural transformations that allowed the “boom” to filter down to the public at large. Anthropologists also have been called on more recently in Ireland to assist the government with ethnic minority issues, especially those of the indigenous minority, the travelling community.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, nonacademic jobs for anthropologists have increased, and more anthropologists have found themselves involved in the business world, especially in marketing, although the irony of this may not be lost on those who were students when Jules Henry’s anti-MadisonAvenue research, published as Culture Against Man, was a popular textbook in the 1960s and 1970s. Much of the new material centers around cultural miscues that corporations and individuals make in advertising— physical gestures, slang, and so on—when acting crossculturally (e.g., Chevrolet’s attempt to market the Nova automobile in Latin America where the homonym of the name means “does not go” or Gerber’s attempt to market baby food with an infant’s picture on the label in parts of Africa where labels routinely showed the containers’ contents for consumers who could not read). Other businessoriented approaches fall more along the lines of the Western Electric bank-wiring study (noted above) conducted by W. Lloyd Warner in the 1930s.

Nonetheless, some members of the anthropological community still consider business anthropology to be “colluding with the enemy,” according to Jason S. Parker of Youngstown State University in a recent article in the Society for Applied Anthropology Newsletter. Parker points out that these same critics, who stigmatize those applied anthropologists that work in business, are not offering any jobs to their recently minted bachelor’s degree graduates, who must then look elsewhere. Parker argues that the anthropological perspective can benefit the employees, as well as the corporations, through the inclusion of their input in the manufacturing processes.

Ann T. Jordan has written a persuasive argument for the use of anthropology in the business world in her book Business Anthropology. Jordan cites a number of cases in which anthropologists have ameliorated conditions that had the potential to lead to labor disharmony through managerial insensitivity to working conditions. Likewise, she explains that cross-cultural conflicts and misunderstandings on the job could easily be avoided with anthropological input.

Applied Anthropology Today

Louise Lamphere suggested a convergence of applied, practicing, and public anthropology in 2004. Lamphere argues that anthropologists in the 21st century should collaborate with each other, as well as with the groups that they are investigating, on archaeological research, health, urban, and environmental topics to unify their work on critical social, educational, and political issues. The traditional research populations increasingly want greater degrees of jurisdiction over what is written about them, and applied anthropologists, especially those influenced by the feminist critique, have advocated more collaboration with their respondents on ethnographic publications and museum exhibits in order to express more emic perspectives. This joint participation in the research and presentation process (whether by publication or museum display) fosters skills and generates capacities for indigenous change within communities.

Charles Menzies erects a paradigm to foster these joint ventures based on his work with the Gitkxaala Nation in British Columbia, which consists of four stages. First, the anthropologist opens a dialogue with the community that may suggest modifications to the research protocol. Then, research continues to grow and change in consultation with the respondents—who now are becoming “coethnographers.” Next, the research is conducted jointly between academics and members of the society. Finally, the data and results are analyzed by the joint team and the reports are coauthored. Lamphire advocates training students to conduct collaborative research of this nature as anthropologists increasingly find themselves employed by nonacademic public and private organizations.

21st-century anthropologists increasingly find themselves involved in policy-making jobs in areas as diverse as libraries and the army. The University of Rochester library hired anthropologist Nancy Fried Foster, under a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, to study undergraduates’ term paper research, to steer library renovations, and to make suggestions on the redesign of its Web site. Foster used traditional anthropological research methods to discover that not only are many students extremely uncomfortable with the increasing technological changes that universities are forcing on them but also that they use the libraries to escape from them.

Anthropologists and the Military

A recent Society for Applied Anthropology Newsletter reports that anthropologists increasingly may become involved in work with the military via a program called the Human Terrain System under the Department of Defense (DoD). According to Susan L. Andreatta, president of the SfAA, the DoD wants to employ graduate-level anthropologists in Iraq and Afghanistan. Opinions on this are divided, but one may note that the Society was founded by anthropologists who worked for the war effort in the 1940s.

The anthropologist and senior consultant to the Human Terrain Systems project is Montgomery McFate. William Roberts of St. Mary’s College, Maryland, describes her argument as one in which a military that has greater understanding of indigenous civilians in war zones will reduce loss of life and cultural destruction.

Also, archaeologists may be involved with the military on sensitive issues. As of this writing, archaeologist Laurie Rush serves as a cultural resources manager at the United States Army’s Fort Drum, where she works with the Integrated Training Area Management unit of the DoD’s Legacy Program to develop a consciousness for archaeological treasures. This project arose out of a British Museum report that detailed the construction of a helicopter pad by U.S. Marines on the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon, the destruction of a 2.5-millenniaold brick road, and the filling of sandbags with artifacts. Part of Rush’s program involves building models of archaeological sites, mosques, and cemeteries for soldiers to train to avoid.

Forensic Anthropology, Ethnic Cleansing, and Political Dissidents

Television programs such as Crime Scene Investigation (CSI), CSI: Miami, CSI: New York, and Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) have sparked an international interest in forensics. This, in turn, has led to a student population interested in forensic anthropology. Cable television’s Discovery Health channel has created a true-life version of the CSI phenomenon with its Forensic Files program, which features cases solved by forensic anthropologists, such as Elizabeth Murray of the College of Mount St. Joseph in Cincinnati who works regularly with law enforcement agencies across the country.

The ABC News and Christian Science Monitor Web sites occasionally report on the applications of forensic science. They describe forensic anthropologists and archaeologists who have been involved in the identification of the remains of the nearly 3,000 victims of the September 11, 2001, attack; Jon Stereberg, a forensic archaeologist, has tried to trace the evidence of 1992 gas attacks in the clothing of victims in the Balkans; and Clyde Collins Snow, a retired forensic archaeologist, has investigated grave sites in Guatemala, Bosnia, and Iraq. Currently, forensic specialists, such as Ariana Fernandez, are examining the bodies of Kurdish people who were found in mass graves and who are believed to have been massacred in a genocide attack during the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq.

Applied Anthropology and Tourism

The travel and tourism industry is in dire need of the services of anthropologists, and this is becoming an attractive employment option to anthropology graduates, according to Susan Banks, an anthropologist involved in the travel industry. Too often, tourists will go to exotic locales where they believe that they are seeing the actual types of lives lived in those places, unaware that they are being fed a fabricated culture designed, not to expose them to life in other places, but to screen them from the true ways of life found in those locations. Commonly, tourists are discouraged from visiting local towns and actually learning something about the countries that they have visited. Anthropology can offer a remedy to this problem and provide some much-needed income to the local economies. Exploitation and insensitivity to indigenous people by culturally uninformed tourists does little to change the image of the “ugly American.” Likewise, the international sex trade both exploits and victimizes indigenous peoples and furthers the spread of dangerous diseases, such as HIV/AIDS.

Environmental degradation of local ecologies is another problem of culturally ignorant tourism. For this reason, Susan Charnley, in an article in Human Organization in 2005, suggests a change from nature tourism to ecotourism. She cites the case of Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) in Tanzania. Nature tourism involves traveling to pristine locations where tourists can experience and enjoy nature; ecotourism involves traveling to natural areas that conserve the local ecology while respecting the rights of the local cultures and encouraging sustainable development. Charnley makes the case for the increasingly difficult position of the Massai people since the creation of the NCA and the negative effect it has had on their economy. Charnley argues for culturally appropriate involvement of local people in tourist destinations in ways that will provide actual benefits to their communities. These benefits would include social and political justice and involvement in decision-making processes that directly influence their lives.

A selection of articles from Human Organization from the first decade of the 21st century includes such topics as the administration of federally managed fisheries, including a discussion of the role of James A. Acheson who was the first applied anthropologist hired by the National Marine Fisheries Service in 1974 to conduct policy research and implementation through conservation and stewardship of marine ecosystems.

Another article described the importance of beer parties among Xhosa labor cooperatives on homesteads in South Africa. An article that has to do with changes in gender relations and commercial activities, as the global market expands to countries such as Mali, explores how the outside world can force local peoples to change the structure of their society by giving advantages to one gender over the other when that may not have been the case previously. What can be seen as a parallel between the popular use of family trusts in the United States in the 1980s and 1990s and a move from individual land tenure to collective, kinbased ownership on Mokil Atoll in Micronesia, as the region’s political, economic, and demographic transformation has imperiled the rights of absentee owners. By placing the land ownership in the kin group, it is protected from individual alienation.

A 2007 article by Kathryn Forbes is especially topical in the current social, economic, and political climate of the United States today. Forbes’s article examines how the regional land use of ideologies and popular images of farm workers has contributed to a housing crisis for Mexican agricultural laborers in Fresno County, California. Stereotypic descriptions of Mexican farm workers have resulted in the formulation of zoning codes that exacerbate demographic segregation in Fresno County. Most farm workers live in rural areas, which are more economical and more convenient to their sources of income but where there are fewer retail outlets—including groceries. The arrival of seasonal laborers, combined with a lack of affordable housing thanks to local policymakers, has engendered a regional overcrowding crisis for Mexican farm workers. Forbes’s role in this discussion is similar to the review of the roles that anthropology can play in public policy cited by Wilson and Donnan (2006) in Ireland.

Future Directions in Applied Anthropology

Forbes’s article is especially relevant to the United States today as the influx of immigrant labor, thanks in part to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), has made the appearance of Hispanic laborers a topic of vituperative discussion on national radio talk shows and political campaigns. This is a point that falls clearly within the purview of social science rather than politics as anthropological demographers and gerontologists clearly can demonstrate that not only does the country require immigrant labor because of statistical “full employment,” but also it needs to save social security from the influx of baby boom retirees.

The bankruptcy of social security was predicted in university classes as long ago as the 1970s. The increase in life spans, coupled with the potentially disastrous demographic effect of a baby boom generation that will retire to be supported by a much smaller (thanks to the introduction of the birth control pill in the 1960s) birth dearth/baby bust cohort, has the potential to lead to economic disaster for the latter group as their increasing social security taxes erode their quality of life. The baby boom retirees’ social security taxes must be replaced from somewhere—if not by eroding the birth dearth/baby bust cohort’s quality of life, then by an influx of tax contributors, for example, immigrant laborers.

Anthropologists are in a unique position to act as the social partners of policymakers on this issue not only by means of their demographic and gerontological expertise but also by their ethnographic contributions to allay the concerns of the extant non-Hispanic population of the United States over its possible perception of cultural drowning by immersion in a neo-Hispanic society del Norte (“land of the north”).

Likewise, anthropological expertise in indigenous Latin American medical beliefs, such as hot and cold, wet and dry bodily conditions derived from the ancient Mediterranean medical concept of humors where illnesses were believed to be caused by an imbalance of humors; folk illnesses, such as susto (“fright”), a culture bound syndrome found in southern Mexico in which an individual who does not recover from an illness is believed to have had a terrible fright in the past that prevents recovery from the unrelated illness (Rubel, O’Nell, & Collado-Ardon, 1991); and cultural sensitivities to variations in conceptions of sexual modesty and familial responsibilities will form a necessary component in the rapprochement of the two larger cultures although this may be difficult in cases of smaller subcultures.

Other areas for future research in applied anthropology include human trafficking (briefly cited in the discussion of tourism); indigenous rights (e.g., salmon fishing among the native Northwest coast peoples in North America, cattle grazing in the Burren in County Clare, Ireland, or the effects of water control on the Marsh Arabs of southern Iraq); anthropometry and gender (in the cultural sense, not the linguistic sense) stereotypes and gender rearing roles; cultural relativism versus cultural interference, including whether or not Muslim women need to be “saved” or if Western hegemonists even have the right to do so; genital mutilation (male as well as female); the role of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in distributing information and treatment of HIV/AIDS; food waste, diet and health, and body image; intelligent design, globalization and hightech industry; and the role of biology and culture in psychiatric illnesses, to name but a few of the possibilities open to applied research in anthropology.

In an article titled “Making Our Voices Heard—Ethical Dilemmas and Opportunities,” in the November 2007 Society for Applied Anthropology Newsletter, Mark Schuller of Vassar College gives a good review of the future of applied research in anthropology. Schuller writes that many anthropologists believe that their contributions are considered marginal and irrelevant and are passed over in policy making based on a review of the leading anthropological journals and newsletters. He argues that applied anthropologists with a holistic viewpoint can inform policymakers regarding the integrated structural correlation among debt and poverty, education, health care, and local welfare via their engagement with local communities. Schuller calls for local, global, and ethical analysis of current concerns to make anthropology applicable in the “real” world. He suggests that a good way to apply anthropology is through teaching; his students investigate public policies and then send letters to the editors of newspapers in order to introduce anthropological viewpoints into current policy discussions.

Schuller has been keyword-searching “anthropology” on Google and reports that he has found at least two stories a day in which anthropologists are interviewed or have authored stories in media outlets. Among the included issues that his students or other anthropologists have written about in daily news publications is the part played by anthropologists in clandestine activities, inequalities of globalization, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) health care bill, the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, No Child Left Behind, prison reform, disclosure of hormone content in milk, Hurricane Katrina “fatigue,” and the cancellation of international debt in impoverished nations of South America.

In the same issue, Amanda Stronza of Texas A&M University describes a new program in applied biodiversity science, which also will tackle poverty and cultural inequality. The interdisciplinary research program integrates cooperation between social and biological sciences and conservation organizations at the applied level. Research topics are to incorporate biodiversity with local legislative policy in partnership among academia, governments, NGOs, and local societies in four regions of the Americas.

This article has explored the subject of applied anthropology and provided the list of applied anthropology research paper topics. It was done from a historical perspective in order to gain a processual understanding of how it arrived at the state in which it is found in early 21st-century anthropology.

A brief definition of applied anthropology was followed by a review of the origins of applied anthropology in the 19th century and a history of the field through WorldWar II, the Fox Project, the PeruVicos Project, and Project Camelot. The section on the later 20th century led into applied anthropology today and topics for future research.


  • Boas, F. (1903). Heredity in head form. American Anthropologist, 5(3), 530–538.
  • Bourgois, P. (1995). In search of respect: Selling crack in El Barrio. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Carlson, S. (2007). An anthropologist in the library. Chronicle of Higher Education, 53(50), A26.
  • Chagnon, N. (1997). Yanomamo (5th ed.). Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College.
  • Colburn, L. L., Abbott-Jamieson, S., & Clay, P. M. (2006). Anthropological applications in the management of federally managed fisheries: Context, institutional history, and prospectus. Human Organization, 65(3), 231–239.
  • Dobyns, H. F., Doughty, P. L., & Lasswell, H. D. (Eds.). (1971). Peasants, power, and applied social change: Vicos as a model. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
  • Evans-Pritchard, E. E. (1969). The Nuer: A description of the modes of livelihood and political institutions of a Nilotic people. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Forbes, K. (2007). Bureaucratic strategies of exclusion: Land use ideology and images of Mexican farm workers in housing policy. Human Organization, 66(2), 196–209.
  • Foster, G. M. (1973). Traditional societies and technological change. New York: Harper & Row.
  • Harris, M. (1968). The rise of anthropological theory. New York: Harper & Row.
  • Henry, J. (1963). Culture against man. New York: Vintage Books.
  • Horowitz, I. L. (Ed.). (1967). The rise and fall of project Camelot: Studies in the relationship between social science and practical politics. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Jordan, A. T. (2003). Business anthropology. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.
  • Kroeber, A. L. (1919). On the principle of order in civilization as exemplified by changes of fashion. American Anthropologist, 21(3), 253–263.
  • Lamphere, L. (2004). The convergence of applied, practicing and public anthropology in the 21st century. Human Organization, 63(4), 431–443.
  • Lewis, O. (1963). The children of Sanchez: Autobiography of a Mexican family. New York: Vintage Books.
  • Lewis, O. (1966). La vida: A Puerto Rican family in the culture of poverty—San Juan and New York. New York: Random House.
  • Liebow, E. (1967). Tally’s corner. Boston: Little, Brown.
  • Madian, L., & Oppenheim, A. N. (1969). Knowledge for what? The Camelot legacy: The dangers of sponsored research in the social sciences. British Journal of Sociology, 20(3), 326–336.
  • McAlister, P. (2004). Labor and beer in the Transeki, South Africa: Xhosa work parties in historical and contemporary perspective. Human Organization, 63 (1), 100–111.
  • Mead, M. (1973). Coming of age in Samoa: A psychological study of primitive youth for Western civilization. New York: American Museum of Natural History. (Original work published 1928)
  • Mead, M., & Rhoda M. (Eds.). (1949). The study of culture at a distance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Oles, B. (2007). Access and alienation: The promise and threat of stewardship on Mokil Atoll. Human Organization, 66(1), 78–89.
  • Rubel, A. J., O’Nell, C. W., & Collado-Ardón, R. (1991). Susto: A folk illness. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Schuller, M. (2007). Making our voices heard: Ethical dilemmas and opportunities. Society for Applied Anthropology Newsletter, 18(4), 15–17.
  • Spradley, J. P. (1970). You owe yourself a drunk: An ethnography of urban nomads. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.
  • Stronza, A. (2007). New graduate research opportunity in applied biodiversity science. Society for Applied Anthropology Newsletter, 18(4), 43–44.
  • Tax, S. (1975). Action anthropology. Current Anthropology, 16(4), 514–517.
  • Tierney, P. (2000). Darkness in El Dorado: How scientists and journalists devastated the Amazon. New York: W.W. Norton.
  • van Willigen, J. (1993). Applied anthropology (Rev. ed).Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.
  • Whorf, B. L. (1964). Language, thought, and reality: Selected writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf (J. B. Carroll, Ed.). Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Wilson, T. M., & Donnan, H. (2006). The anthropology of Ireland. Oxford, UK: Berg.
  • Wooten, S. (2003). Women, men and market gardens: Gender relations and income generation in rural Mali. Human Organization, 62(2), 166–177.


research topics for anthropology

Medical Anthropology

research topics for anthropology

Medical anthropology is the study of how health and illness are shaped, experienced, and understood in the context of cultural, historical, and political forces. It is one of the most exciting subfields of anthropology and has increasingly clear relevance for students and professionals interested in the complexity of disease states, diagnostic categories, and what comes to count as pathology or health.

At Stanford some of our principal areas of inquiry include cultures of medicine, the social nature of emergent biotechnology, the economics of bodily injury, psychic expressions of disorder, the formation of social networks on health, the lived experience of disability and inequality, caregiving, and ever-changing concepts of human biological difference and race. We work in Africa, Asia, and Latin America in addition to the United States and its borderlands. We engage with patients, health scientists, and larger publics at home and abroad in order to contribute to a more robust understanding of the way  poverty, social status, war, racism, and nationalism produce illness and disease. We look both at the broad forces of structural violence and the microphenomenology of pain and suffering. Our program seeks students who creatively imagine interdisciplinary approaches to health questions, wish to increase dialogue with medical professionals, and aim to rethink operative principles within science and medicine.

research topics for anthropology

Our core group of faculty includes:

Angela Garcia: Professor Garcia’s work explores political, economic and psychic processes through which illness and suffering is produced and lived. Through long-term ethnographic research with poor families and communities struggling with multigenerational experiences of addiction, depression, and incarceration, she draws attention to emerging forms of care and kinship, accounts of cultural history and subjectivities, and relations of affect and intimacy, that are essential to understanding health and life. Working in the United States and Mexico, her work also demonstrates the urgent need for drug law reform and new approaches to ethics and therapeutics as they concern suffering in shared and transgressive formations.

Duana Fullwiley: Professor Fullwiley explores how global and historical notions of health, disease, race, and power yield biological consequences that bear on scientific definitions of human difference. Through an ethnographic engagement with geneticists and the populations they study, she underscores the importance of expanding the conceptual terrain of genetic causation to include poverty and on-going racial stratification. She explicitly writes in the long histories of inequality and dispossession suffered by global minorities that often go missing from medical narratives of genetic disease and ideas of “population-based” severity. Working in France, West Africa and the United States, she details the legacy effects of postcolonial, post-Reconstruction, and Progressive Era science policies on present-day health outcomes. She also chronicles the remnants of racial thinking in new population genetic research and works with scientists to redress them.

Lochlann Jain: Professor Jain's research is primarily concerned with the ways in which stories get told about injuries, how they are thought to be caused, and how that matters. Figuring out the political and social significance of these stories has led to the study of law, product design, medical error, and histories of engineering, regulation, corporations, and advertising.

Matthew Kohrman: Professor Kohrman’s research and writing bring anthropological methods to bear on the ways health, culture, and politics are interrelated. Focusing on the People's Republic of China, he engages various intellectual terrains such as governmentality, gender theory, political economy, critical science studies, narrativity, and embodiment. His first monograph, Bodies of Difference: Experiences of Disability and Institutional Advocacy in the Making of Modern China, raises questions about how embodied aspects of human existence, such as our gender, such as our ability to propel ourselves through space as walkers, cyclists and workers, become founts for the building of new state apparatuses of social provision, in particular, disability-advocacy organizations. Over the last decade, Prof. Kohrman has been involved in research aimed at analyzing and intervening in the biopolitics of cigarette smoking among Chinese citizens. This work, as seen in his recently edited volume--Poisonous Pandas: Chinese Cigarette Manufacturing in Critical Historical Perspectives--expands upon heuristic themes of his earlier disability research and engages in novel ways techniques of public health, political philosophy, and spatial history. More recently, he has begun projects linking ongoing interests at the intersection of phenomenology and political economy with questions regarding environmental attunement and the arts.

Tanya Luhrmann: Professor Luhrmann has long standing interests in schizophrenia, with work on homeless, poverty, and social defeat. Her work focuses on the edge of experience: on voices, visions, the world of the supernatural and the world of psychosis. She has done ethnography on the streets of Chicago with homeless and psychotic women, and worked with people with psychosis who hear voices in Chennai, Accra and the South Bay. She has also done fieldwork with evangelical Christians who seek to hear God speak back, with Zoroastrians who set out to create a more mystical faith, and with people who practice magic. She uses a combination of ethnographic and experimental methods to understand the phenomenology of unusual sensory experiences, the way they are shaped by ideas about minds and persons, the relationship between the voices of madness and the voices of spirit, and what we can learn from this social shaping that can help us to help those whose voices are distressing.

What sets this program apart?

An engaged orientation

Our group at Stanford believes that anthropological analysis is not just for anthropologists and not just for the classroom. It matters elsewhere. Whether it is cancer, psychiatric disease, drug addiction, injury and disability, racialized health disparities, genetic disorders or the leading cause of premature death, tobacco, we tackle issues of great importance for people the world over. In addressing the societal and bodily aspects of these problems, we encourage our students to work with affected communities, medical professionals, basic scientists, patient advocates, and health NGOs while aiming to reach even larger publics.

The goal of our work is to advance the field of anthropology, which is the disciplinary home of medical anthropology, but to do so in ways that also advance thinking within broader intellectual communities. The field of medical anthropology addresses afflictions of increasing importance that are seldom sufficiently understood by biomedicine alone. Much of our work focuses on how health problems arise from larger social issues, which must also be addressed. As we strive to dissolve the stark divides between the life and the social sciences, we work in the spirit that cross-disciplinary conversations are possible and necessary to achieve effective medicine, humane healing, and ethical science. In this vein, we encourage our students to publish in the flagship journals of anthropology but also in relevant health science and more popular mainstream venues.

Theory and Methods

We are steadfast in our commitment to ethnography, affirming its empirical merits and value for theory building. We also realize that some research questions benefit from other methods, including statistical reporting, demographic observations, and survey techniques. In its specifics, training in our program includes courses in anthropological theory, the anthropology of science and technology, psychiatric anthropology, and various area foci where specific health problems are more prevalent for geo-political reasons. We expose students to these diverse approaches to allow them to contribute innovatively to anthropology as well as to a broader set of audiences. To facilitate this work, we also collaborate with Stanford’s Center for Comparative Studies on Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE), the Center for International Studies (FSI), the Departments of Medicine and Psychiatry, the Department of Psychology, and the program on Science and Technology Studies (STS).

Duana Fullwiley

Duana Fullwiley

Angela Garcia

Angela Garcia

Lochlann Jain

Lochlann Jain

research topics for anthropology

Matthew Kohrman

Tanya Luhrmann

Tanya Marie Luhrmann

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Finding sources.

  • Anthropology Plus (for ethnographies, Limit to SUBJECT: Cultural Ethnography)
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  • Annual Review of Anthropology (Anthro-specific search: Advance Search and Limit to "anthropology" in Publication Title)
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  • ​ Google Scholar (Try the "cited by” feature, Search within citations)

Anthropology Review Articles, Handbooks, and Bibliographies (Good for theory, background, and context)

  • Annual Review of Anthropology (review articles)
  • Wiley Online Library (e.g., companions to medical, political, organizational, and urban anthropology, and anthropology of the body and embodiment as well as the anthropology of various world regions)
  • Routledge Handbooks (Many " handbooks " to specific anthropology topics, e.g., a general companion to anthropology research and contemporary anthropology and handbooks on medical, urban, environmental, and business anthropology)
  • The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology
  • Sage Encyclopedia of Anthropology
  • Theory in social and cultural anthropology: an encyclopedia
  • Oxford Bibliographies Online: Anthropology
  • International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed.)
  • Catalog (Search books and journals at Princeton)
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  • Annual Review of Psychology
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  • American Anthropological Association Style Guide  (AAA style is Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date system; sample CMOS Author-Date essay )
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  • Textfixer (removes line-breaks in PDFs to copy text easily from PDFs to your essay) 

Finding a Scholarly Conversation

  • Search for recent scholarly books or articles as focused on your topic as possible. Review or “handbook” articles and scholarly encyclopedia entries make good starting places if available.
  • Stop searching and skim/read the books or articles for especially interesting or relevant parts that cite other scholars. Look for authors discussing other authors, not just publications listed in a bibliography.
  • Find the cited books or articles and skim/read them for especially interesting or relevant parts that cite other scholars.
  • Repeat until you start seeing connections among scholars, publications, themes, theories, etc.
  • To go forward in the “conversation,” use the Google Scholar “Cited By” feature to see who has cited the most useful books or articles.
  • Also try Web of Science: Cited Reference Search / Related Articles / Shared References

When Your Topic Doesn't Have Much Anthropology Lit to Review

Strategies for an Anthropology Literature Review When There Isn't Much Anthropology Literature on Your Topic:

  • Analyze fewer anthropology sources more deeply. Work with what you have.
  • Review any tangentially related anthropology literature .
  • Broaden your context until there’s enough anthropology literature to review.
  • Bring in relevant non-anthropological literature as needed (e.g., public health in medical anthropology), but don’t make that the only focus of your review. Use the anthropology as a lens to view the other literature.
  • Find theoretical sources through the practical sources.
  • Find scholars in conversation with each other.
  • Remember: there are no bad sources, only bad ways to use them.

Reviewing the Literature

From Shan-Estelle Brown. Writing in Anthropology: a Brief Guide . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.


  • First Look at the Title and Identify Its Key Words
  • Review the Abstract
  • Examine the Structure
  • Identify the Purpose
  • Ask the Essential Questions:
  • What is the Question, Controversy, or Problem Driving the Study?
  • Who or What Group was Being Studied
  • How was the Study Executed? What Method was Used? What Kind of Study was Done?
  • What Questions were Addressed or Asked in the Study to Generate Data?
  • What was Found in the Study? What were the Results of the Study? Why did the Scientists They they Found what they Found?
  • How does this study—in its Methods as well as in the Findings it Shares—Relate to other Relevant or Potential Studies?

DEVELOPING YOUR ARGUMENT To move from a series of summaries to an argument, ask yourself the following:

  • What is my specific problem or research question?
  • How does each source relate to it?
  • What type of literature review am I conducting?
  • Am I seeing trends in theory, in methods, within the work of specific researchers, in findings across sources? What can I say about the trend?
  • What unexpected findings or patterns emerged as I read across the literature?
  • Are there contradictions or telling points of disagreement in the literature?
  • Where do I stand on the specific debates under way among the authors of the sources?
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  • Last Updated: Apr 15, 2024 9:29 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.princeton.edu/anthropology

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Forensic Science

NIST is working to strengthen forensic practice through research and improved standards. Our efforts involve three key components:

We conduct scientific research in several forensic disciplines, including DNA, ballistics, fingerprint analysis, trace evidence, and digital, among others. We provide physical reference standards and data that help forensic laboratories validate their analytical methods and ensure accurate test results.

We also support CSAFE, a NIST Center of Excellence in Forensic Science, which is working to develop new statistical methods for use in evidence examination

We co-chaired, with the Department of Justice, the National Commission on Forensic Science , which formulated recommendations for the U.S. Attorney General on matters such as accreditation requirements for forensic science service providers.

We administer the Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science  (OSAC), which is facilitating the development of science-based standards and guidelines for a broad array of forensic disciplines.

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What Is Forensic Science?

Forensic science is the use of scientific methods or expertise to investigate crimes or examine evidence that might be presented in a court of law. Forensic science comprises a diverse array of disciplines, from fingerprint and DNA analysis to anthropology and wildlife forensics. Though they represent varied disciplines, all forensic scientists face a common set of challenges. How do you ensure that forensic methods produce reliable results? How do you communicate findings to a jury or other nonexperts in a way that is accurate and understandable? How do you keep up with new technology without falling behind on casework? Meeting these and other challenges is critical to ensuring that forensic science remains a powerful force in support of justice and public safety.

Key Accomplishments

  • Forensic SRMs: NIST develops standard reference materials (SRMs) for forensic science, including the Standard Bullet and the Human DNA Quantitation Standard . By helping to ensure that forensic labs produce accurate measurements when analyzing crime scene evidence, these SRMs contribute to public safety and fairness in the criminal justice system.
  • Digital forensics: NIST’s National Software Reference Library is one of the largest publicly  known collections of computer software in the world and includes a database of millions of digital signatures from known software files. That database is a critical tool for computer forensics experts and vastly speeds up the investigation of crimes involving digital evidence.
  • Combating the opioid epidemic: Fentanyl and other synthetic opioids kill tens of thousands of Americans each year. NIST scientists have developed new tools  that help police and forensic chemists save lives by detecting and identifying these drugs safely, efficiently and reliably.
  • Forensic science standards: NIST is accelerating the development and adoption of high-quality, technically sound forensic science standards by administering the Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science (OSAC). OSAC-approved standards define minimum requirements, best practices and standard protocols that help ensure that the results of forensic analysis are reliable and reproducible.  
  • Forensic DNA: NIST played a central role in developing the forensic DNA analysis techniques that have revolutionized crime fighting and have helped convict the guilty and exonerate the innocent. Among other things, NIST scientists have enabled enhanced DNA “fingerprints.”  

Black background. Photo of a penny. Next to the penny is a tiny amount of a white powder.

Safe, Efficient, Reliable: New Science in the Fight Against Killer Drugs

“A new drug might appear, then three or six months later it’s gone, replaced by something new,” said NIST chemist and program manager Marcela Najarro. “It’s a totally different ballgame than 10 or 15 years ago.”

To help with that issue and others, NIST researchers are giving law enforcement and public health experts new tools to combat fentanyl and other synthetic drugs.

A dark rectangle filled with colored triangles.

NIST Publishes Review of DNA Mixture Interpretation Methods

Spotlight: forensics videos and app for collecting trace evidence.

Carina Hahn sits at a workstation and looks at a computer screen.

Spotlight: Measuring the Decisions of Human Facial Forensic Examiners

A white van with its sliding door open, parked in a lot, with mountains in the background. Decals on the side refer to scientific studies.

Researchers Analyze THC in Breath of Cannabis Smokers

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Communicating Forensic Findings: Current Practices and Future Directions


Kinship and ancestry of the Celts in Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Genetic analyses of celtic burial mounds from 500 bce reveal close relationships and provide new insights into the power structures of early celtic elites.

The Celtic culture of the pre-Roman Iron Age in Western and Central Europe has left numerous traces to this day, not least in the form of enormous burial mounds and spectacular archaeological artifacts. Despite this rich legacy, much about this civilization remains hidden from us. In a collaboration between the State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments in Baden-Württemberg and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI-EVA) in Leipzig, the genomes of Celtic individuals from several burial mounds have now been reconstructed for the first time.

The burial mounds of Eberdingen-Hochdorf and Asperg-Grafenbühl, known as Fürstengräber, are among the richest burials of German prehistory, with gold finds and elaborate bronze vessels. A new genetic analysis has now revealed that the two princes, buried about 10 kilometers apart, were biologically closely related. "It has long been suspected that the two princes from the burial mounds in Eberdingen-Hochdorf and Asperg 'Grafenbühl' were related," says Dirk Krausse of the State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments, "but only now has this assumption been confirmed by the new analyses."

For the current analyses, teeth and skull bones of the inner ear were sampled at the MPI-EVA using the latest methods, and the remaining DNA was sequenced to reconstruct the genomes of a total of 31 individuals. The two central burials stand out from the rest of the group due to their close relationship.

Two princes closely related

After establishing a genetic relationship between the two individuals, the team looked at all possible connections, such as brothers, half-siblings, grandfather and grandson, as well as uncle and nephew. "Based on the fairly precise death dates, estimates of age at death and the genetic similarity of the two princes, only one scenario comes into question as uncle and nephew, more precisely: the sister of the Hochdorf prince was the mother of the Asperg prince," explains Stephan Schiffels from MPI-EVA.

"This result shows that political power in this society was most likely inherited through biological succession, comparable to a dynasty," says Joscha Gretzinger from MPI-EVA. This is also supported by evidence of relationships between other individuals from the two mounds, as well as from the much more distant Magdalenenberg mound, which was built about 100 years earlier. Gretzinger adds: "Overall, we seem to be dealing with a broad network among the Celts in Baden-Württemberg, in which political power was underpinned by biological kinship."

But how were the Celts related to other inhabitants of Iron Age Europe beyond Baden-Württemberg? A detailed analysis of the genetic origins of this group reveals a genetic origin most likely to be found in present-day France, but which was widespread throughout southern Germany at the time. In addition, several individuals show a genetic origin from Italy, which also fits well with the objects found in the graves, many of which show Mediterranean styles.

The study is therefore an important piece of the puzzle in our understanding of European history in the Middle and Late Iron Age, which, unlike the Roman and other Early Medieval periods, can hardly be researched from written sources.

  • Ancient Civilizations
  • Archaeology
  • Origin of Life
  • Anthropology
  • Ancient DNA
  • Charles Darwin
  • Minoan civilization
  • Ancient Rome
  • Chichen Itza
  • Trace fossil
  • Maya civilization
  • Egyptian pyramids

Story Source:

Materials provided by Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology . Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Related Multimedia :

  • Rich gold finds and a hat made from birch bark

Journal Reference :

  • Joscha Gretzinger, Felicitas Schmitt, Angela Mötsch, Selina Carlhoff, Thiseas Christos Lamnidis, Yilei Huang, Harald Ringbauer, Corina Knipper, Michael Francken, Franziska Mandt, Leif Hansen, Cäcilia Freund, Cosimo Posth, Hannes Rathmann, Katerina Harvati, Günther Wieland, Lena Granehäll, Frank Maixner, Albert Zink, Wolfram Schier, Dirk Krausse, Johannes Krause, Stephan Schiffels. Evidence for dynastic succession among early Celtic elites in Central Europe . Nature Human Behaviour , 2024; DOI: 10.1038/s41562-024-01888-7

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  6. Maritime Cultures


  1. List Of 110 Research Paper Topics & Ideas On Anthropology

    The Excellent List Of 110 Anthropology Research Paper Topics. Without further ado, here are 110 anthropology research paper topics for free! With 18 topics each from the six main subcategories of anthropology, you can't get it wrong! Physical Anthropology Research Paper Topics. Eugenics — its merits and demerits in the 21st-century world.

  2. Top 300 Anthropology Research Topics

    Top 15 Research Topics On Visual Anthropology Areas of Study. Ethnographic Filmmaking and Storytelling. Visual Ethnography and Cultural Representation. Anthropology of Photography. Visual Arts and Cultural Identity. Media and Visual Culture in Anthropological Contexts. Visual Documentation of Rituals and Traditions.

  3. 140 Best Anthropology Research Topics to Focus On

    Physical Anthropology Research Topics. The advantages and consequences of eugenics in today's society. Analyze five pieces of literature on the stages of drowning till death. Aging in Asian countries and what it means for them. Analyze the physical concept of re-adjusting newborn babies by nursing mothers.

  4. 195 Leading Anthropology Topics For High Quality Papers

    Interesting Anthropology Topics. Investigating how religious beliefs impact the Hispanic cultures. A review of the evolution of sexual discrimination. The impact of culture on same sex marriages: A case study of LGBT community in France. A closer look at racism in modern societies.

  5. Anthropology

    Anthropology is the study of humans, their close relatives and their cultural environment. Subfields of anthropology deal with hominin evolution and the comparative study of extant and past ...

  6. Anthropology Research Paper Topics

    Anthropology Research Paper Topics. This collection of anthropology research paper topics is aimed to provide students and researchers with a comprehensive list of topics within this vast field of study. Anthropology is a multidisciplinary field, covering a wide range of topics that include cultural practices, human evolution, language, and more.

  7. Topic: How to do Anthropological Research

    Don't be afraid to re-write or change your research question after learning more about your topic. Don't limit yourself to search only anthropological databases. Anthropology is a multi and cross-disciplinary field, so make sure to check other subject specific databases to find other useful sources in your topic.

  8. 259 Captivating Anthropology Research Topics: Cool Concepts

    259 Most Popular Anthropology Research Topics For Students. Anthropology is the concept that explores the culture of human societies and how these cultures have spurred development. It is the study of physiological and biological features which encompasses the evolution of humans. The study extends to ethnography, participant observation ...

  9. Anthropology Research Topics: 100+ Ideas

    100+ Anthropology Research Paper Topics. There are a few subjects that intrigue the majority of students. These are anthropology, psychology, mythology, sociology, and other good ethnography topics. Drafting a research paper on anthropology comes with a wide spectrum of special subtopics. These subtopics include linguistics, biology, current ...

  10. 121+ Highly Informative Anthropology Research Topics

    121+ Highly Informative Anthropology Research Topics. Anthropology is a broad field of study about human beings, and it spans various subjects that deal with the past, present, and future. Curious students, those who want to become researchers, or just learners love this subject as there are numerous fascinating things to discuss.

  11. Home

    Anthropology Plus provides extensive worldwide indexing of journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works, and obituaries in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture, and interdisciplinary studies.. Coverage is from the late 19th century to the ...

  12. Social anthropology

    Social anthropology articles from across Nature Portfolio. Social anthropology is the subdiscipline of anthropology that investigates the cultural properties of human societies. Topics include ...

  13. Topic: How to do Anthropological Research

    The purpose of this guide is to help you: Find background information on broad topics in anthropology. Develop an anthropological research topic (and if possible related to your major) Teach you strategies to develop keywords to find articles on your chosen topic in anthropological journals. If you have questions, feel free to contact me for help!

  14. AnthroSource

    General Anthropology Bulletin of the General Anthropology Division. Journal for the Anthropology of North America. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. Museum Anthropology. Nutritional Anthropology.

  15. Anthropology

    Interlocking logs may be evidence of the oldest known wooden structure. Roughly 480,000-year-old wooden find from Zambia suggests early hominids were more skilled at structuring their environments ...

  16. Anthropology News, Research and Analysis

    April 24, 2024. Ancient nomads you've probably never heard of disappeared from Europe 1,000 years ago. Now, DNA analysis reveals how they lived. Magdalena M.E. Bunbury, James Cook University and ...

  17. Home

    Ernst Mayr Library : The library for Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology. It contains many useful resources for researchers studying human evolution. Tozzer Library : Harvard's anthropology library and one of the largest and most comprehensive anthropology collections in the world. Widener Library : Harvard's flagship library, which ...

  18. Anthropology: Developing Topics & Research Questions

    From your pre-research, think about questions you might be able to ask regarding the topic. Most scholarly research examines fairly narrow topics and looks at relationships between concepts. One way to limit the scope of your topic is to ask who, what, where, when, why, and how questions. Be flexible

  19. Applied Anthropology Research Paper Topics

    Writing an anthropology research paper? This list of applied anthropology research paper topics provides some ideas for narrowing down your topic to a successful and manageable one. This page also explores the subject of applied anthropology. It was found to be most productive to do this from a historical perspective in order to see the formation of the discipline from its earliest, inchoate ...

  20. Medical Anthropology

    Medical Anthropology. Medical anthropology is the study of how health and illness are shaped, experienced, and understood in the context of cultural, historical, and political forces. It is one of the most exciting subfields of anthropology and has increasingly clear relevance for students and professionals interested in the complexity of ...

  21. Cultural anthropology

    cultural anthropology, a major division of anthropology that deals with the study of culture in all of its aspects and that uses the methods, concepts, and data of archaeology, ethnography and ethnology, folklore, and linguistics in its descriptions and analyses of the diverse peoples of the world.. Definition and scope. Etymologically, anthropology is the science of humans.

  22. Anthropology Research Quick Guide

    Anthropology Library Research Guide. Anthropology Research Quick Guide. From Karin Wulf, " Efficient Reading ." "My method for efficient reading is TICCN. I'm referring here to reading a book, but I use the same basic method for an article. T = Title and structure. I = Introduction. C = Conclusion. C = Chapters.

  23. Biological anthropology

    Biological anthropology is the subdiscipline of anthropology that investigates the origins and evolution of hominins. Techniques include both the analysis of fossils and the behaviour, morphology ...

  24. Reimagining Rural Health Equity: Understanding Disparities And

    This article draws on our cross-disciplinary expertise in public health and medical anthropology, as well as our research on COVID-19 and rural health equity in northern New England.

  25. Forensic Science

    Forensic science is the use of scientific methods or expertise to investigate crimes or examine evidence that might be presented in a court of law. Forensic science comprises a diverse array of disciplines, from fingerprint and DNA analysis to anthropology and wildlife forensics. Though they represent varied disciplines, all forensic scientists ...

  26. Kinship and ancestry of the Celts in Baden-Württemberg, Germany

    Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. "Kinship and ancestry of the Celts in Baden-Württemberg, Germany." ScienceDaily. www.sciencedaily.com / releases / 2024 / 06 / 240603114237.htm ...

  27. Eating Disorders and Eating Disorder Awareness

    The present Research Topic wishes to focus on the four recognized eating disorders by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V): Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder (BED), and Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARPID).Given the rising incidence of cases of people affected by eating disorders and some studies even suggesting an ...

  28. Six SBS Faculty Receive 2024 University Awards of Distinction

    Director, Center for Latin American Studies, and Professor, School of Anthropology. Marcela Vásquez-León, a professor in the School of Anthropology, specializes in grassroots rural development, environmental and maritime anthropology, political ecology, and social vulnerability to climate change. Her work is primarily based in the U.S.-Mexico ...