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The Top 7 Tips for Pulling Off a Great Demo Presentation

pauline ashenden

Demo presentations are a powerful tool for running and growing your business. When done well, a demo presentation allows clients, investors or potential customers to see and feel how things will be better for them if they buy or invest in your company or product. Often generic demo presentations do just the opposite, leaving the meeting participants bored and disinterested. Here are seven tips to pull off a great demo presentation.

An effective demo presentation allows potential clients to see and feel how things will be better for them if they buy or invest in your company. Here are seven tips for pulling of a winning demo presentation.

What is a demo presentation?

A demo presentation is a visual demonstration of a product or service for current or prospective clients. A great demo presentation will grab your audience’s attention right away by clearly communicating what they care about and by using reliable, high quality video presentation tools.

Step one: determine who you are presenting to 

In order to deliver an effective demo presentation, you must know your audience. Do your homework and find out all you can about your prospects so you can tailor your presentation to them and be prepared for different meeting scenarios. This is vital in deciding how you’re going to best convey everything you need to get across in your presentation and what use cases you will share that directly relates to them. Here are four common types of meeting participants and how best to deal with them. 

The Wallflower

Do you know the person you’re presenting to is reserved? The wallflower may need you to prompt them with questions or ask them for their input to really spark a conversation. Having an open dialog with meeting participants will help you connect with them and personalize the presentation. As you continue your software demo, refer back to the participants’ contributions to continue to make them feel included in the presentation.

The Questioner

If you anticipate your audience asking a lot of questions, come ready with answers and customer examples to help back you up. If the questions are not adding value to the demo presentation or become too disruptive, politely ask the audience to hold questions until the end of the presentation.

The Combative

Going in knowing it’s going to be a tough sell? Do all your research beforehand and anticipate what their push back might be. No matter what, don’t get flustered during your demo presentation. When the audience senses your frustration, it’s likely to be a distraction, and it will not result in a positive outcome. Always remain professional throughout your presentation no matter how your audience behaves. If necessary, ask the audience members to hold questions and comments until the end of the meeting. 

The Multitasker 

Presenting to people who are using their phone or laptop during your demo? In order to grab their attention, start your presentation with a bold statement, humor or question. Continue to engage your audience by making your presentation interactive and relatable to pull them away from their devices. 

Three types of product demos

Pitching in your office.

This is the ideal place to host your presentation because you have home-court advantage. The Florida State football team won 37 games in a row at home for a reason: it’s an advantage. When presenting in your own office you get to use presentation tools that you’re comfortable with, limit distractions, control the environment and set the tone for the presentation. 

Pitching in their office

When you are presenting in an unfamiliar environment, it’s important to know which presentation tools are available so you can prepare in advance. Arrive early to the meeting to get set up, familiarize yourself with their presentation tools and practice a run-through of your demo to make sure everything runs smoothly. Also, arriving early gives you the opportunity to meet and connect with some of the people in the audience to help tailor your demo and customer stories to their experiences. 

Pitching remote

In order to save time and travel cost, doing a demo presentation over a video conference call is a great option. Make sure you use a high-quality, easy-to-use video conferencing solution. Don’t give off the wrong first impression by having a poor connection or pixelated video. Lifesize’s video conferencing technology will help you put your best foot forward to really wow clients with stunning 4K video quality and full motion 4K presentation sharing. 

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Three ways sales demos can go seriously wrong

Confidential messages get shared on screen.

We’ve all been in meetings where the presenter’s private work and personal messages start popping up on screen and disrupting the meeting. To save yourself embarrassment and major distractions during your presentation, make sure you only share what is relevant to your demo.  Silence all notifications on your laptop and other smart devices before the start of your presentation.

Your video software flakes out

Technical snafus in the middle of a presentation is one of the most common ways demos go wrong. This not only looks bad for you and your company, but it has the potential to completely derail the entire presentation. Make sure you use a reliable video conferencing solution and test it out before the start of the presentation. Sometimes issues are outside your control, like a bad internet connection, so have a backup plan for your demo presentation.

Directly reading your notes or slides

Nothing is less engaging than a presenter directly reading from their notes or slides during a demo. Bring notes just in case you need to refer to them, but don’t directly read your notes or slides during your presentation. Your slides should contain just a few words or short sentences to set the tone of the topic you’re discussing but ovoid cluttering your slides with wordy paragraphs.  Practice your pitch until you can consistently and comfortably talk about your new product without reading from your slides or notes.

Seven tips for a winning demo presentation 

1. prepare a script.

Start off by preparing a presentation outline or script that follows a logical flow. Keep each section short, precise and easy to understand. If possible, try to work in bold statements, humor or simple tweet-able soundbites to really capture the audience’s attention. 

2. Practice and rehearse

Since you will not be directly reading your script during your presentation, practice memorizing and saying your script until you’re comfortable with it. You do not have to memorize your script verbatim, but you will need to be familiar enough with it that you can speak about each point in a conversational tone. Presenting to coworkers or family members is a great way to practice your demo and you can also record your demo presentation  to review the content and get comfortable with the flow.  

3. Anticipate questions

Each audience member will come to your presentation with different experiences and backgrounds so be prepared for a variety of questions. Try to anticipate possible questions and how you will respond to each one. When practicing your demo for coworkers or family members, ask them to help you come up with an exhaustive list of all the different questions that may be asked during your presentation.  

4. Tailor for specific audiences

Every audience is different, and your demo presentation should be too. The presentation should be built specifically for the prospect to reflect their unique business processes and include data that directly relates to their company. In addition, you should tailor how you conduct your presentation for each audience as well. An effective demo presentation for an HR manager may not go over as well for a CEO. Some prospects may be more interested in the details and appreciate graphs and diagrams while others may get more out of watching a video or live demonstration. Research the company and decision makers you are presenting to and find ways to make your demo engaging for them.

5. Provide use cases

One of the best ways to make your demo presentation relatable to your audience is to find examples of customers similar to them that have successfully used your product or service. Start with the pain points your customer was facing and give specific details of how your product or service solved those issues. Demonstrate how your audience can have the same positive outcome as the customers in your use cases. 

6. Have reliable video conferencing

Even if most of your audience is in the same room as you, video conferencing enables remote participants to get access to critical nonverbal communication elements. For virtual attendees, the quality of your video service will set the tone for your presentation. Partner with a solution that makes it easy for remote participants to join the demo presentation without having to download an app or install software.

7. Share slides & follow up

After you’ve completed the demo keep the conversation going by sharing your slide deck and following up with your audience. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that, if they heard a pitch once, they understand it. Chances are they didn’t get it all the first time so you must tell them again. In your follow up message, thank the audience for their time, reinforce the value your product or service can provide them and give them an actionable next step.

“Presentation time with potential clients is a precious and limited commodity so it’s important to make the most of it.  The more details you know about your prospects before the meeting, the better you can tailor your sales demo to speak to them as individuals. A generic presentation won’t stir up an emotional response.”

— Jeremy Wycherly, Senior Director, Inside Sales at Lifesize

How Lifesize demos products

Face to face.

To save time and travel costs, a face-to-face video conference call is a great option for demo presentations. The human element of face-to-face communication provides a more natural experience and helps you connect with the audience. Lifesize video and audio clarity makes you feel like you are in the same room as your audience and lets you present your business in the best light and make an unrivaled first impression.

Wireless screen sharing

From sharing your laptop screen to playing full-motion videos, Lifesize Share™  makes it remarkably easy to wirelessly present in the meeting room. You don’t have to waste time trying to find and pass along the right dongle or cord. Share your screen in real-time, play a video and control your presentation right from your mobile device or laptop with Lifesize Share.  

Full motion content sharing

No one enjoys sitting through a presentation with pixelated and poor-quality video. Lifesize’s 4K full-motion content sharing ensures that the quality and fine details of the product or service you’re demoing are maintained during your presentation. Prospects feel more confident purchasing a product or service when the presentation visuals are crisp, clear and realistic. The unmatched Lifesize full-motion 4K content sharing and stunning 4K video quality brings your demos to life.

You can have a great product or service but if your demo is not winning your audience’s attention, then you’ve wasted their time and yours. As you gain experience and become more confident doing demo presentations, you will soon approach them as an exciting opportunity to win new business rather than a daunting challenge. Communicating clearly, focusing on the things your audience cares about and using reliable, high quality video presentation tools will greatly improve your chances of closing the deal. Don’t give off the wrong first impression by having a poor connection or pixelated video. Lifesize video conferencing technology helps you put your best foot forward to really wow potential clients with stunning 4K video quality and ultra-high definition full motion content sharing.

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presentation of demonstration

Public Speaking Resources

279 Demonstration Speech Topics and Ideas: A Complete Guide

Before proceeding towards the demonstration speech topic, let us know what it actually does.

Demonstration speech clarifies how to do something or how something works. Here, the objects or physical activity by the presenter is displayed.

It is also considered as one of the basic types of presentation. They are usually assigned to high school and college students.

This type of speech is popular in commercial and other adult training surroundings. They are among the most widespread speech.

A demonstration speech is a kind of informative speech. The primary purpose of the presenter is to teach the audience about the task or the procedures in steps.

Due to its popularity, the presenter must present the demonstration speech decisively. The key purpose of Demonstration speech is to develop skills in expository speaking.

It also helps to present a process or steps using objects or physical activity.

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Yet, most of you might not know the basics to deliver an effective demonstration speech. If you count on the one, this article is especially dedicated to you.

Through this article, I will present demonstration speech topics along with some effective tips.

When you have selected the demonstration speech topic, make an attractive and effective starting. It is better to start with an introduction.

Follow these steps for better consequence:

  • Give short description about the topic you are going to present
  • Why you decide to present on the topic
  • Why your listeners should understand how to do it. Give them a sneak glance of a few paybacks.
  • Tell them that they are going to do it themselves after sometimes. This is the only thing your audience have to do is pursue your directions.

Table of Contents

1. Start with why

4. give a brief summary of the complete process, 3. go through the steps, one-by-one, 4. talk about preferences, extras, or variation, 5. allocate time for queries, 6. summarize briefly, 1. try to get audience members doing it, 2. visuals lead a demonstration speech, 3. expand your demonstration with follow-up resources., some rules for presenting demonstration speech, informative demonstration speech topics:, specific demonstration speech topics:, tech-related demonstration speech topics:, hobby-related demonstration speech topics:, fashion-related demonstration speech topics:, household-related demonstration speech topics:, demonstration speech topics for students:, demonstration speech topics for business:, funny demonstration speech topics:, demonstration speech topics for health/fitness:, conclusions, outline of demonstration speech.

There are different methods to present a demonstration speech. Some of them are listed below:

A demonstration speech deals with training the audience to carry out a task or the whole process. Just as with any instructive task, it can become helpful when your audience is motivated to learn.

It is a must to tell your audience how they get to benefit from the knowledge you are about to present. When your audience knows the reason behind learning a new task, they desire to learn.

There are different ways to encourage your audience. Yet, one of the best ways is to start the speech with a why or some motivational stories. Draw an image of how their life improves with the new knowledge.  

Earlier than you dive into the information, give an overview of the general process. An advanced outline of the steps implicated makes audiences understand the benefit of speech.

While learning a new task, some of your audience will fear that it is difficult. An early outline ensures your audience that it is not too difficult.

When you do not provide a brief, it’s complicated for your audience to understand the steps. 

The audience won’t have the essential framework. An ideal way to show the outline is a figure explaining the steps of the task at a high level.

Together with the outline, you can list the basic needs of the task, and any assumptions you are making.

For an instance, for a speech on how to format the computer, explain with images. You can also use screenshots here to make them clear.

One of the finest things about a demonstration speech is the core of your overview that is set for you. Here, you only need to endure the steps of the task in order.

Better make the sequence of steps as easy as possible. Break down the process into important steps and make your audience understand clearly.

Now, your audience has noticed the task or procedure presented from start to end. Better provide some extra options or variations.

For an instance, you are presenting on how to cook chicken. Start with the necessary description at first. After that, discuss alternate ingredients, various flavors, and other ways to cook chicken. This makes your speech interesting.

Taking queries from the audience and answering them is compatible for a demonstration speech. This lets the audience look for an explanation on any of the steps which they do not understand. Relevant to the topic and circumstances, you can decide to take questions at the end.

At last, you should summarize the procedure in brief, and review the advantages. This lets your audience know the benefits of performing a similar task.

Best Ways to Elevate Your Demonstration Speech

Below is the list of best tips on how to elevate your demonstration speech:

Your preference for audience participation is often determined by how long your presentation is.

It also includes the setting in which the expression takes place. The accessibility of supplies can be shared by the audiences as well. It will be great if you get the audience to participate in the presentation.

Every demonstration speech gets better with appropriate visuals to follow your demonstration and procedures.

For an instance, for the speech on swimming, keep different relevant images. This gives audiences an idea to swim knowing the procedures.

Find here some options:

  • Your body plays a significant role – For physical task speech like playing a football, your body plays a significant role. You can express each of the steps to enhance the demonstration.
  • Physical support gives the real experience – There are two different types of support and they are real and models. Real support is the actual objects used while presenting the task. Models are the fake version of the real object and scaled-down version.
  • Utilize images as much as possible – When your body and physical support are not enough, use images as much as possible. When you do this, it helps to engross yourself in the images to alive the action that would be implicated.

Any type of images you prefer, make sure your audience can see them with ease. If they cannot see your images they might not understand your speech as well.

A single presentation may not be enough to guarantee your audiences gained the knowledge. To get a better result, provide resources they can use after the demonstration is over.

This covers:

  • Internet, books, pamphlets, or other specialist sources. They can ask for deeper information or high-quality training.
  • Handout the steps, and diagrams or images to prove key details.
  • Give contact information. So that your audience can contact in the future as they try to apply the knowledge you have presented.
  • The speech you present should be original by the applicant.
  • Objects or physical activity by the presenter should be displayed.
  • Presentations will take place in a normal-sized room. A table or desk will be supplied. All visual aids, property, and tools are to be supplied by the presenter.
  • This category excludes the use of property or tools. This comprises, but not imperfect too, weapon, sharp knives, unsafe chemicals, and animals.
  • Only one person should be used to help out the presenter. They can help as the object of the demonstration. They can also set up or handle the equipment. It is permissible for the assistant to be both an object of expression and to assist with equipment.
  • The highest time limit ion of the speech is 10 minutes, counting set up and strikes down. A 30 second is allowed, after which one point will be reduced from the assessment item coping with the rate.

Some Demonstration Speech Topics:

Demonstration Speech Topics and Ideas

  • How to Get the best airfare
  • How to Work with a travel agent
  • How to become the prime minister
  • How to become a pilot
  • How to Pack a suitcase
  • How to Travel and Leisure
  • How to landscape your front yard on a limited budget
  • How to read a map
  • How to print a digital photo
  • How to use oven
  • How to set and splint a broken leg (when medical help is not available)
  • How to drive a car
  • How to prevent injury
  • How to calculate a mortgage payment
  • How to register for voting
  • How to tie a knot
  • How to clean running shoes
  • Give a baby a bath
  • Change a diaper (think about baby safety too)
  • Read and understand nutrition labels
  • How to avoid identity theft
  • How to play poker
  • How to make beads
  • How to make an ice sculpture
  • How to make a bird feeder
  • How to attract hummingbirds to your garden
  • How to whistle
  • How to make your garden full of flowers year round
  • How to fix a flat tire
  • How to create a Halloween mask
  • How to clean your car
  • How to cash a blank cheque
  • How to Save electricity and save money
  • How to Save auto fuel and money
  • How to Buying a fuel-efficient car
  • How to Save Money
  • How to taste wine
  • How to organize a surprise party
  • How to clean your swimming pool
  • How to clean your golf clubs
  • How to make a new candle of old ones
  • How to organize your wedding
  • How to make a water-colour
  • How to build a shed
  • How to find a public speaking program that works
  • How to become a good actress
  • How to become a famous film star
  • How to write a film script
  • How to stop thinking
  • How to write a business-like letter
  • How to train your brains
  • How to greet Japanese people
  • How to become a policeman
  • How to climb a building
  • How to make a dancing show
  • How to become the president
  • How to be in the chair in a meeting
  • How to start Green Commuting
  • How to board in sand
  • How to ride bicycle
  • How to paint a room
  • How to swim
  • How to draw a house
  • How to play chess
  • How to clean golf clubs
  • How to clean shoes
  • How to wash and wax a car
  • How to plan a party
  • How to arrange flowers
  • How to wrap a present
  • How to build a sled
  • How to Decorate a cake
  • How to make a paper aeroplane
  • How to juggle
  • How to iron a shirt
  • How to paint a table
  • How to decorate a Christmas tree
  • How to Install a dimmer switch for a light (not for fluorescent lights)
  • How to Install a car stereo
  • How to make garden stepping stones
  • How to feed a snake
  • How to make a fishing lure
  • How to detect if someone is lying
  • How to develop the best serve in a tennis game
  • How to knot a carpet
  • How to make honey
  • How to blow a glass
  • How to use the cruise control
  • How to make a genealogical tree
  • How to Make a hydrogen supplemental fuel cell
  • How to calculate your golf handicap
  • How to make a golf swing
  • How to find the best health insurance
  • How to find the best car insurance value
  • How to calculate wallpaper
  • How to build a go-cart
  • How to clean silver
  • How do bulletproof vests work?
  • How do airbags work?
  • What can duct tape be used for?
  • How to create an animated character
  • How to become an empath
  • How to format computer
  • How to Program your cell phone
  • How to Download or upload files on the computer
  • How to Build a good website
  • How to Build a website
  • How to Set up an e-mail account
  • How to set up a blog
  • How to install a WordPress theme
  • How to create an iPhone application
  • How to upgrade the memory in your computer
  • How to remove scratches from DVD’s
  • How to make a foxhole radio
  • How to play a computer game
  • How to send an email
  • How to play an online games
  • How to use linkedin
  • How to live a more private online life
  • How to play clash of clan
  • How to use a cell phone
  • How to text a message
  • How to bottle your own wine
  • How make a sweet lassi
  • How to make an ice-cream
  • How to pick a color and understand the color palette
  • How to Grow a herbal garden
  • How to dance
  • How to do card tricks
  • How to make sushi
  • How to ride a unicycle
  • How to do magic tricks
  •      How to knit/crochet
  • How to decorate a cake
  • How to Grow and prune a bonsai tree
  • How to throw a ball
  • How to Play a video game to win
  • How to make your own soap
  • How to make candles
  • How to play football
  • How to use a DSLR camera
  • How to create a worm farm
  • How to do graffiti
  • How to do poi spinning
  • How to do origami
  • How to take a picture with a digital camera
  • How to paint an egg
  • How to write a limerick
  • How to line dance
  • How to compose a photograph
  • How to swim the backstroke
  • How to pick locks
  • How to edit a video
  • How to dance a certain dance
  • How to solve a Rubik’s cube
  • How to make a pop-up card
  • How to make animals out of balloons
  • How to make paper Mache figures
  • How to speak Italian
  • How to make stained glass objects
  • How to beatbox
  • How to raise tadpoles
  • How to read music notes
  • How to learn playing guitar
  • How to use your breath when you sing
  • How to make beer
  • How to play piano
  • How to make a cocktail
  • How to bowl
  • How to read music
  • How to lay a table
  • How to waltz
  • How to perform a card trick
  • How to Apply acrylic fingernails
  • How to Manicure your own fingernails
  • How to Manicure someone’s fingernails
  • How to Polish your shoes
  • How to Accessorize with the clothes your wear
  • How to Coordinate clothes for any occasion
  • How to frost hair
  • How to make your own jewellery
  • How to apply hair dye to your hair
  • How to apply a permanent to someone’s hair
  • How to braid cornrows
  • How to braid hair (had to do this in nursing school)
  • How to dry your hair properly
  • How to clean brush your teeth (back it up with scientific research)
  • How to put on makeup
  • How to trim a bonsai tree
  • How to trim your moustache
  • How to wrinkle a skirt
  • How to do braids
  • How to use scarves on your head, neck, body
  • How to tie a tie
  • How to make your own wedding dress
  • How to dress like a princess
  • How to become a princess
  • How to fold a skirt
  • How to apply face paint
  • How to Set a formal dinner table
  • How to Choose a bottle of wine for dinner
  • How to open a can peaches
  • How to carve a pumpkin
  • How to Plan a vegetarian meal
  • How to Frost and decorate a cake
  • How to Make a fast summer salad
  • How to Make Barbecue sauce
  • How to Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • How to make a sweet dessert
  • How to make ice
  • How to Make a root beer float
  • How to Make an omelette
  • How to Make pancakes
  • How to Make Ice cream
  • How to Tenderize meat
  • How to Make a subway sandwich
  • How to Plan an eight course meal
  • How to make peanut butter bars
  • How to make chicken chilli
  • How to Bake cookies
  • How to Make devilled eggs
  • How to Bake a cake
  • How to Stuff a turkey
  • How to Make fudge
  • How to bake a pie (or anything else you like / know how to cook)
  • How to be a vegetarian
  • How to eat oysters
  • How to Make your own jelly
  • How to Eat with chopsticks
  • How to make burgers
  • How to make Irish Coffee
  • How to make a fast summer salad
  • How to Save water at home
  • How to Recycle at home
  • How to Build Green
  • How to Save energy at home
  • How to Grow your own garden
  • How to change a plug
  • How to mend a fuse
  • How to Create a PowerPoint presentation
  • How to write a resume
  • How to be a model student
  • How to do well on standardized tests
  • How to deliver an informative speech
  • How to do proper time management
  • How to socialize with more people
  • How to balance work and school
  • How to find a part-time job
  • How to write a college essay
  • How to give a presentation
  • How to organize an event
  • How to start a bed & breakfast
  • How to hire the right people
  • How to sell yourself
  • How to effectively close any client
  • How to network well
  • How to create a business plan that works
  • How to make the most of working from home
  • How to do nothing for a living
  • How to live an anti-social life
  • How to make your ex jealous
  • How to get more presents on your birthday
  • How to deliver a speech with a handover
  • How to scramble together a last-minute presentation
  • How to lose your belly fat
  • How to do yoga
  • How to stretch before working out
  • How to kick box
  • 5 minute workouts to keep you fit
  • How to perform tai chi
  • How to plan your diet
  • How to snowboard
  • How to manage stress
  • How to check your blood pressure
  • How to check your blood sugar
  • How to train for a marathon

The demonstrative speech topics and ideas presented above should help you get started with your demonstrative speech and deliver a powerful speech. Let me know what you think about this article by commenting below.

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

130+ Demonstration Speech Topics

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

demonstration speech topics

Begin your writing process by selecting some demonstration materials.

Choose a topic you are knowledgeable about, as this will help make your presentation much more effective.

If you cannot come up with good public speaking cases for a presentation, then use any of the subjects listed below for inspiration.

In this article:

How to Choose the Right Demonstration Speech Topic

Our list of good demonstration topics, process demonstration speech topics, health / fitness, technical how to ideas, demonstrate …, your central idea and purpose, how to introduce, your outline, the delivery of your demonstration speech topics.

You likely have plenty of processes and skills that you think would be valuable for others to know how to do, but that doesn’t mean that any topic you pick will be a good idea for your circumstance. You have to consider the complexity of the demo and whether your audience will be able to fully understand the process in the time given. Here are a few things to consider to help you choose a good demonstration speech topic:

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  • Interests – Both you and your audience’s interests are an important factor when deciding on a demonstration speech topic. Your excitement and enthusiasm is needed to inspire the audience to care about what you are teaching. If your speech gains great audience attention, you’ll likely have questions to answer afterword. Make sure to choose a topic you are knowledgeable and confident in.
  • Audience demographics – Consider what is appropriate for the group you are addressing. Aim to provide a skill that is of value to them, though be careful not to pick a topic that is either overly simple or complex.
  • Setting – Consider what your presentation space is going to be like. Will you be indoors or outdoors? How much room do you have? These details will help you understand which topics will be better suited than others, given the conditions you’re delivering your speech in.
  • Time limit – Think about what you can realistically teach in the time you’re given for your speech. While one topic may stand out to you, you may not be able to fully cover it if you’re only given five minutes.
  • Visual aids – While your demonstration itself is a visual aid, many how-to speeches can benefit from videos, PowerPoint slideshows, and handouts. Consider what technology or props you’ll have available for your speech.

Speech topics can be broad. To give an effective demonstration speech, it’s a good idea to customize a topic to fit your unique situation. Take a speech topic that interests you and work to hone in on one central idea within that subject.

To discover the main point you want to make in your speech, determine what the specific purpose is of teaching your audience about this topic. What exactly do you want to demonstrate to your audience?

Form a clear thesis statement that answers this question in detail. Describe in one sentence what your demonstration is about and why it’s important that you share it.

Once you’ve determined the central idea of your speech, play with different action verbs to set up your main point. Here are a few phrases and verbs to frame your demonstrative speech topic:

  • How to …
  • Fix …
  • Use …
  • … Works
  • … is done, produced, or made.
  • Structure…
  • X Steps to…

Try some of these other verbs too: deal with, draw, handle, execute, create, develop, incorporate, invent, operate, perform, or predict. Those words generate attention and they are in nature describing what your public speaking audience can expect .

These action verbs and phrases help describe to your audience what they can expect from your speech. Your headline will be more of an attention getter with these demonstration-specific words.

Below are lists of demonstration speech topics separated by category. In order to choose an effective demonstration speech topic, remember to consider your interests, audience, and what visual aids are available. Use action verbs to create an attractive headline and better target your audience.

  • cook a pie (or anything else you like / know how to cook).
  • fix a flat tire.
  • create a Halloween mask.
  • clean your car.
  • play piano.
  • change a bank check.
  • dress like a princess.
  • play a computer game.
  • make a cocktail.
  • taste wine.
  • organize a surprise party.
  • print a digital photo.
  • eat oysters.
  • register for voting.
  • make Irish Coffee.
  • read music notes.
  • learn playing guitar.
  • use your breath when you sing.
  • open a bottle of wine.
  • make your garden full of flowers year around.
  • build a web site.
  • clean your swimming pool.
  • clean your golf clubs.
  • make a fast summer salad.
  • make a new candle of old ones.
  • make your own wedding dress.
  • organize your wedding.
  • make a water-color.
  • build a shed.
  • prevent injury.
  • knot a carpet.
  • stop thinking.
  • speak Italian.
  • become a good actress.
  • become a famous film star.
  • write a film script.
  • write a business-like letter.
  • make honey.
  • blow a glass.
  • train your brain.
  • dry your hair.
  • greet Japanese people.
  • use the cruise control.
  • make a genealogical tree.
  • climb a building.
  • make a dancing show.
  • snow board.
  • board on sand.
  • make a golf swing.
  • draw a cartoon character.
  • build a snowman.
  • use the content of articles without violating their copyrights.
  • put a weave in hair.
  • sculpt your eyebrows properly.
  • apply nail polish.
  • apply makeup.
  • find a roommate.
  • choose the perfect pet.
  • survive in the wilderness.
  • make an emergency kit.
  • perform a magic trick.
  • organize your closet.
  • change a baby’s diaper.
  • find your ancestors.
  • set up an aquarium.
  • choose a digital camera.
  • use the process of deduction.
  • tie various knots.
  • use the U.S. Postal Service.
  • weave a basket.
  • write a resume.
  • knit a scarf.
  • write a will.
  • read a map.
  • avoid ID theft.
  • make bread crumbs.
  • pick a bottle of wine.
  • make banana pudding.
  • make homemade salsa.
  • decorate a cake.
  • make pizza.
  • make ice cream.
  • brush your teeth properly.
  • be healthy.
  • choose the right running shoe.
  • shoot a basketball.
  • wax a surfboard.
  • play chess.
  • play poker.
  • weight lift.
  • program car keys and remotes.
  • backup your DVDs.
  • pack a suitcase that passes customs.
  • find cheap airline tickets.
  • find the best spring break deals.
  • use a makeup if you a guy.
  • fly an real RC plane (only show this outdoors and only if you are good).
  • scribe a good poem.
  • be an ninja (PS Joking sorry).
  • pot a plant.
  • bake a birdhouse.
  • build a model.
  • make jello Jigglers.
  • arrange flowers.
  • polish Shoes.
  • design wedding cakes.
  • stamp greeting cards.
  • make ornaments.
  • color eggs.
  • make a pinata.
  • fold napkins in a funny way.
  • tie Die shirts.
  • get your keys out of a locked car.
  • fix a flat tire on a bicycle.
  • saddle horse (I did this and tooka video of saddling my horse and narrated it to my audience).
  • be a good student
  • make jewelrey.
  • text effective and clear messages.
  • make a paper airplane.
  • grow herbs – e.g. chamomile, parsley, catnip – in your own mini greenhouse.
  • make the crunchiest marshmallows at a camp fire place.
  • care for hamsters or other household pets.
  • fold an origami crane.
  • prepare invisible ink to write secret messages.
  • construct a boomerang that comes back to you.
  • prepare a banana chocolate shake to recover from a hangover.
  • make twirling confetti eggs for parties and events.
  • select the proper running shoes for recreational walks.
  • use a sextant for navigation like two centuries ago.
  • select and prepare a backpack for travel abroad.
  • make up a first aid kit for simple treatment of minor injuries.
  • learn break dance tricks and street moves.
  • build a rabbit hutch or cages and runs.
  • make a real Italian pizza with classic recipes.
  • read a barometer and analyze the results.
  • get energy from solar cells on your roof.
  • identify if a Louis Vuitton bag is authentic.
  • practice active listening communication techniques.
  • learn fast reading.
  • clean and polish golden rings, bracelets, and necklaces.
  • pick a color scheme and palette.
  • count the calories and make healthier choices.

And so on …

Another way of inventing demonstration speech topics is by association . Look at the general categories and themes below.

Food and Drink, Household Appliances, Sports Equipment, Outdoor Recreation Travel Trips, Health and Beauty Tips, Home Improvement, Home Decoration, Vintage Cars, Government Science, Nature Medicine, College Games, Culture, Tires and Suspension Trademarks, Travel Packing, Acne Curing, Building Treehouses, Vaccines, Vacuum Cleaners, Valentines Day Dating, Vanishing Tricks, Ventilation Systems, Video Game Consoles, Making Home Videos, Volleyball Techniques, Warm Ups and Stretching Training Methods, Water Polo Rules, Wind Turbines, Tasting Wine Vintages, Woodworking, How to Write a Testimonial About Yourself, Sales Elevator Pitches, Yoga for Starters Programs … Et cetera.

Process demonstration speech topics about deciding on an evening dress, roommates, and even personalized rubber stamps for public speaking and on how to do or fabricate something and the working of things and performing their functions.

Here are thirty example topics. You could show and explain how to:

  • apply table manners.
  • investigate a black box in an airplane.
  • choose jewelry for an evening dress.
  • choose tasty French champagne.
  • deliver an effective speech.
  • bake the best doughnuts.
  • organize a prom night the whole nine yards.
  • find a good dorm roommate.
  • get a refund after you bought something you do not like.
  • get a satellite tv for free.
  • secure your home from burglars.
  • lose weight safely and with a lasting effect.
  • build a recycle compost bin in your garden.
  • build a pyramid of a team cheerleaders.
  • prepare for a job interview.
  • register or establish a legal valued trademark or patent.
  • overcome fear of public speaking before you stand behind a desk.
  • get rid of roaches, mice and other pests in the backyard the natural way.

Unique Demonstration Speech Topics

  • How asphalt cement is made.
  • How batteries and accus work.
  • How original Aboriginal boomerangs work.
  • How bulletproof vests work.
  • How an artificial pacemaker stimulates a heart.
  • How perfumes and fragrances are designed.
  • How thermometer instruments work.
  • How antique barometers work.
  • How personalized rubber stamps for hallmark imprinted impresssions are made.
  • How topographic maps and globes are fabricated.
  • How air bags open.
  • How an espresso machine produces your cup of coffee.
  • Fireworks and other explosive devices precaution regulation.
  • Preparations for a tandem hang glider flight.
  • Why hot air balloons fly after the sun is down.
  • How lie detectors detect lies. This genre of topics for demonstration speech in education should be prepared with the help of professional officers of course.
  • How a cardiac surgeon does a heart bypass operation to relieve pain on the chest and improve blood supply?
  • Intelligent high IQ tests of the Mensa foundation for gifted and talented students.
  • How metal detectors for treasure hunting work.
  • The Academy Awards ceremony of the Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Academy.
  • The patent examining procedure of the Trademark Office.
  • The organization of political election conventions.
  • The ultimate method to remove chocolate stains from your clothes or carpet.
  • The UN Security Council explained – start with positioning the permanent
  • The smartest and impertinent money laundering conspiracy tricks revealed.
  • The sun eclipse – the Moon fully or partially blocks the Sunview on Earth.
  • How a radar detector, a speed countermeasure equipment, works.
  • The four forms a rainbow can take – primary, secondary and supernumerary rainbows, and glory clouds.
  • Why our red blood cell production is important.
  • Satellite orbit types – polar, sun synchronous, and geosynchronous.
  • Barometers, the instruments used to measure atmospheric pressure.
  • The VoIP call process diagram demonstrated for teleconferencing.
  • The route of your Short Message Service text from your mobile phone to its destination. Ideal to show the virtual road for passage with a huge map.
  • Unique uses for duct tape.
  • Catcher hand signals in baseball and how to recognize them.
  • How the sun’s ultraviolet rays can damage your eyes.
  • How to stake a rose bush to get more flowers.
  • Making fake UFO photo’s is not difficult.
  • Marinate jumbo-size shrimps for your barbecue.
  • Tips for more privacy in a high school or college facebook.
  • A step by step guide to write an ebook
  • How to close a client
  • How to create a business plan
  • How to create an awesome finished product
  • How to file taxes as a business owner
  • How to network
  • How to pitch your services
  • How to prioritize your time
  • How to research a potential product
  • How to work from home
  • How to ace a test
  • How to balance your time as a college student
  • How to create the perfect study space
  • How to find cheap textbooks
  • How to make any professor like you
  • How to make friends on campus
  • How to make money while going to school
  • How to pick your schedule
  • How to sign up for classes
  • How to deliver an award-winning, persuasive speech
  • How to perform well on standardized tests
  • How to write a demonstration speech outline
  • How to write an informative speech
  • How to write in cursive
  • How to avoid making eye contact with your ex
  • How to breakdance
  • How to dress like a princess
  • How to prepare a presentation you forgot all about
  • The best way to eat a deviled egg without being messy
  • How meditation works
  • How to check your blood sugar
  • How to create a marathon training plan
  • How to find the best health insurance
  • How to perform an Olympic-style lift
  • How to perform a yoga pose
  • How to perform tai chi
  • How to plan a vegetarian meal
  • Incorporate veggies and fruits into your day
  • The proper running technique
  • The fundamentals of a weight-training routine
  • How to bottle your own wine
  • How to carve a pumpkin
  • How to decorate a cake
  • How to fly a kite
  • How to grow a vegetable garden
  • How to knit a sweater
  • How to make peanut butter
  • How to perform a simple magic trick
  • How to swing a golf club
  • Impress friends with an amazing card trick
  • Best ways to pack a suitcase
  • How to change a baby’s diaper
  • How to change a flat tire
  • How to organize closet space
  • How to organize your email account
  • How to save money
  • How to tie a tie
  • How to wash a car
  • The proper way to fold a napkin
  • 10 ways to use a curling iron
  • How an STM image works
  • How to choose the best pattern font for your website
  • How to create an email account
  • How to create an iPhone app
  • How to insert an image placeholder in WordPress
  • How to install WordPress
  • How to print a digital photo
  • Red/green/blue color mixing for website design
  • How to apply make-up
  • How to apply for college
  • How to find a part-time job
  • How to French braid hair

Technical how to speech topics to present information and instructional steps in a demo oral. To explain a techie or complicated issue to educate a public speaker must be concrete; do not only talk about abstract theories but describe it, make it vivid with visual aids, common metaphors and comparisons to ordinary live.

International fitting sizes; the different measurements for sizes in the United States and standards used in other countries, all about the yards, feet, inches, meters, centimeters and their history. You can limit these technical how to speech topics to clothing only.

Animation; show how to create a nice short animated movie or funny cartoon from a series of 2 D images. Give the full set of instructions while you are showing what you mean step by step. Start with a simple animated character, an avatar-like puppet that jumps over a wall.

Sunscreen; the working and the urgent need of using a topical product that absorbs and even reflects the ultraviolet sun beams. Everyone like to sit in the sun, although not everyone is aware that sun protection is important to prevent the damaging effects of sunlight on the long term.

Hard Disk Drives; how to recover data for a damaged hard drive, what does the police, government agencies, criminal investigation departments and internationally respected authorities do with modern technology to discover storages media on a computer.

April Fool’s Day; the best speech topics for a funny how to fool someone are from hoaxes and practical jokes on the First of April; give examples – your main points – in a top 3 on notoriety, absurdity and originality of the sense of humor that’s being used.

Tree Climbing Techniques; provide an adequate training in tree climbing for recreational climbers, discuss the gear, ropes and knots. And don’t forget the forest ethics!

Birth control pills; how does the Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill or C O C P, containing the estrogen and progestin hormones, stop an ovulation.

Mosaic Tile Projects; for decorating your kitchen, bedroom, living areas and even the garden wall. Tell your public step by step in this technical topic how to do it.

Room Air Conditioners; how are energy efficient and reliable systmes designed to meet your comfort needs, and which special technology is used?

One advice to help you with making things easier: Most audiences relate to technology issues in general, so again, don’t get to technical and avoid highly complex demonstratives when exploring these nine technic possibilities.

How To Draw

Draw a Bearded Collie dog, an Abyssinian cat, a Swallow Belied Mangalitza pig, a Dwarf Hotot bunny.

To make a picture frame, to do a magic card trick, to draw a cartoon animal, to kick a soccer ball, to do origami, to make flowers out of tissue, to make a ribbon necklace, to make a friendship bracelet, to play indian poker, to play basketball, to hit a volleyball, to make homemade gatorade, throw a baseball the right way, to knit a crochet, to braid hair.

How to Play Baseball You could talk about the rules – show how to swing a bat – also show how to feild – to run the base’s hit homerun’s.

Caps and Hats Describe in speaking instructions lessons how you can tailor made you school sports and collegiate caps and hats with logos in the latest styles and trends. And for affordable prices. Your speech topics could be about the steps you have to take in getting cool caps for your friends. And the call to action could be: let us get those for us all. If you succeed in convincing and persuading them it would be great. Further I will advice you to spice up your demonstration address with some persuasive arguments topics!

Dirt Pudding For the dirt pudding you will need: 4 cups of milk, 2 packages of instant chocolate pudding, 16 ounces of cool whip, You also need: 32 ounces of crushed oreos, 16-20 clear cups.

Horse Riding Saddle a horse, bridle a horse, clean and scrub a hore back, bath a hore tenderly, feed a horse water, feed a goat or sheep, bottle feed a baby goat nice and slow.

Wedding Planning a wedding: all the preps and the day itself.

  • riding a unicycle.
  • riding a bicycle.
  • making a scarf.
  • catching a fish.
  • sewing something.
  • making origami.
  • feeding a chicken.
  • cooking a meal.
  • using a remote.
  • eating really fast.
  • making someone or yourself faint.
  • using pressure points.
  • doing self-defence.

Set a table, build a birdhouse, plant a garden, make a scrap book, make friendship bracelets, any type of food, make a duct tape wallet, make a piece of clothing, blow a bubble with gum, make play dough, make paper beads, write a letter, tie your shoe, make soap, any type of mathmatical method, make a snow globe.

These are just a few demos that I have done or thought about. Make sure when conducting your demonstration to make it fun, catchy, and full of personality. This will make the judges or audience. It can also make it memorable to take first place!

Also, it is important to describe why it is important to know how to do what you are demonstrating or how it can be useful. And also warnings or things to look out for as far as safety goes. This generally comes in the conclusion. Also, if there is something that is inexpensive, than include prices of the supplies.

For example: If you choose for a playdough. You could say that in comes in handy for a craft project while babysitting or it makes a great craft project and take home in vacation bible school. Be sure to not let the children eat the any of the supplies or finished product. Children may need parental supervision.

While it is not always necessary, judges often find it impressive if you list and discuss the nutrition facts in a food talk and point out a positive health benefit.

For example: ‘Peanut butter is a sweet treat the contains no cholesterol, but has a lot of protein in it.’

This shows your judges or audience you have complete knowledge of the subject.

Random Things You’ve Never Thought Of Act like a blind sea horse, bring animals back to life using facial hair, create a dinasour out of burnt pop tarts and ashes, use the three unforgivable spells in harry potter, flex a bust out of a steel box, tame a huge dragon after stealing it from its true master, win a cage match against a sea lion and a goat create a weird odd monster using black magic.

How to write a Demonstration Speech

Determine the specific purpose of your matter in hand. State it in one simple sentence. E.g. I want to demonstrate how to ___ .

Determine the central idea of the text. In other words: a clear factual statement. Construe representing features or delineate the stages by using ppt picture and figure slide sheets.

They see at once what your try on is about and why you want to share it. E.g. It is important to preserve family recipes and this project is the best way in which to do that..

Determine the central idea of the text. In other words, produce a clear factual statement. Explain representing features or delineate the stages by using Powerpoint picture and figure slide sheets.

E.g. It is important to preserve family recipes, and this project is the best way in which to do that. .

Once you have decided on a demonstration topic, write an attractive, effective, and interactive attention-getting introduction. Think about these sample elementary preliminary parts:

  • Tell them what you are going to teach – (metaphor for “sell”) – them.
  • Why you choose to demonstrate this topic.
  • Why your listeners should know how to do it. Give them a sneak peek of a few benefits.
  • Tell them that they are going to do it themselves in a couple of minutes and that the only thing your audience has to do is follow your instructions.

Lay out in clear terms the procedure – the particular course of actions. You could consider a series of tactical exercises to help them feel what you mean. Design some kind of an approach for acquiring and applying the knowledge you want to share in class.

Arrange the steps. Show the activities or moves you have to make in a logical chronological order. Describe the details. Be clear.

Do not think the audience will understand your demonstration speech topics immediately. Let them ask you questions after each step before you proceed.

Conclude each step in one uncomplicated phrase. Perform these action checks on the main points before you jump to the next step.

Just show them how to do it, step by step. Have you read my checklist? Okay, let’s move forward:

First and for all, remember this ground rule: think about the rules and time limit of the assignment. Plus apply these eight public speaking tips for delivering your demonstration speech topics:

  • Visual aids, such as objects, actual items, models, and drawings all can help your presentation. Do bring them in. For a large object, ask your teacher how to incorporate it.
  • Include personal stories and examples.
  • Provide each audience member the proper materials and ingredients to practice with.
  • Ensure everyone is participating – keep eye contact, laugh, and make some funny remarks in between the lines.
  • Look around you and see if your audience is following you. If not, repeat some sections. There are always people who will not understand right away, but are too shy to admit it. Assist them to jump over the hump.
  • Ask yourself if someone in the audience would assist you with your demonstration. Stay patient and polite, and help if needed. Do not make a fool of that volunteer: praise their efforts in loud and clear supporting terms. You can do it!
  • Close with a memorable summary or with a sharply defined call to action.
  • Ask if there are any questions. And leave a handout of the explored information for people who want to know more.

274 Speech Topics for Business [Persuasive, Informative]

78 Agriculture Speech Topics

15 thoughts on “130+ Demonstration Speech Topics”

How to be strong

How to put air in your tire

how to fall asleep in class

How to do an ab workout at home

How to get a really bad grade or a F on a speech

How to make teachers hate you.

how to put on a condom

How to gain self confidence

How to play APEX Legends rather than doing your Trigonometry homework…

How to groom a dog

how to draw a cartoon figure how to wash laundry how to decipher someone’s handwriting

how to be happy

how to fail a demonstration speech

How to get out of trouble.

How to bring someone back to life.

example of demonstrative speech about life

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Module 4: Organizing and Outlining

Elements of an excellent demonstration speech.

You will prepare a 4 to 5 minute speech showing the audience how to do something. The speech must include visual aids. Your topic must be appropriate for your audience. You topic must be approved.

I. Nature of a Demonstration Speech: In a demonstration speech, you inform your audience by showing them…

  • How to make something (e.g., food; crafts; household decorations; technological gear);
  • How to complete a process (e.g., playing a game or sport, or inspecting, maintaining, or repairingsomething); or
  • How something works (e.g., part of a car; a machine; computer software)

II. Selecting a Topic: It’s best to choose something which…

  • You know well
  • Can be shown within reliable time boundaries
  • Isn’t highly technical and doesn’t include too many steps
  • Can easily be shown to a large group
  • Will expand listeners’ knowledge

III. Organization:

  • Organize the body of your speech into 2-5 main points which correspond to parts of your process- -rather than in a long series of steps
  • Provide clear “signposts” for each main step in the process

IV. Preparation:

  • Arrange and test any AV equipment beforehand
  • Practice repeatedly so you can handle items easily
  • Lay everything out ahead of time and make sure the entire audience can see your work area

V. Presentation:

  • Be as clear as possible; use simple language; explain jargon; define acronyms
  • Use easy-to-follow, step-by-step processes, and large, visible visuals
  • Avoid obstructions; make sure everyone in the room can see you without having to strain
  • Speak at a pace which your audience can easily follow, keeping in mind that you may beintroducing them to terms and concepts which are new to them
  • Speak to your audience rather than to your objects, using the T-T-T method (touch/turn/talk); maintain eye contact

VI. Momentum

  • Talk while you demonstrate; avoid “dead air time”
  • Be prepared to add extra commentary if part of your process takes longer than expected (e.g., ifsomething you’re stirring doesn’t thicken quickly)
  • If what you’re demonstrating normally takes more than 5 minutes, go through just enough steps togive the idea, then show the finished product
  • Pass out handouts before or after your speech unless people really need to read or see somethingin writing during the presentation itself
  • If you’ll be using a volunteer or needing a helper with equipment, identify that person up ahead oftime

VII. After your presentation:

  • Be prepared to answer any questions
  • Quickly clear your items away so the next speaker can get ready
  • Elements of an Excellent Demonstration Speech. Authored by : Phil Venditti. Provided by : Clover Park Technical College, Lakewood WA. License : CC BY: Attribution

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Must-Have Demo Presentation Templates with Examples and Samples

Must-Have Demo Presentation Templates with Examples and Samples

Vaishali Rai


Hey there, fellow presenters and aspiring product demo gurus! Let’s face it: we've all been there at some point in our lives – the nerve-racking moment before a presentation. Did you know that 89% of people suffer from "Presentation Dread" at some point? That's right! Have you also ever struggled to create a jaw-dropping demo presentation or wondered how to make your product gleam like a gem? Don’t worry! Help is at hand.

Learn beyond the ‘whats,’ ‘hows,’ and the ‘whys’ of project execution. Explore our Top 10 Logic Model Templates to conceptualize and demonstrate your project structure.

Demo templates that’ll  make, not break, your pitch!

Now, we all know what a PPT is. It's like a ready-made canvas for your ideas, a shortcut to a stunning presentation that doesn't require you to be a professional designer. Whether you're wooing investors or potential clients or just want to create buzz among your audience, your demo presentation must be on point.

And this is why we are here! SlideTeam’s game-changing Demo Presentation Templates will ensure you’re armed with the knowledge to create presentations that will take your demos from so-so to spectacular!

With these well-researched and expertly-designed templates, you can invest more time perfecting your content rather than wrestling with formatting issues. These ensure consistency, professionalism, and bring that "wow" factor to your PPTs that makes your audience stick around!

Oh! Did we mention that our templates are 100% customizable and editable, providing you with both structure and a starting point? You also get the capability to customize the presentation to the audience profile.

Let's get started and get the knowledge flowing!

This template bundle of success shows how the art of segmentation can turn your buyer personas into profit. Click here to learn more!

Template 1: DEMO Enterprise Implementation Requirement Product Essentials Engagement

This is the one template that sparks and ignites the adventure of bringing software to life in the corporate world, ensuring that all the characters (team members) are on the same page for this digital transformational journey. This cover page serves as the introductory section of a comprehensive document that outlines the essential requirements and details for implementing a specific software product within an organization. The inclusion of the company name on the cover page helps to identify the company as the author of the document and creates a sense of brand identity and consistency. The choice of color and fonts used creates a sense of energy and excitement. This document sets the stage for effective communication, collaboration, and project management, and solicits commitment to successfully deploying the software product in the enterprise environment.


Download now!

Template 2: Checklist for Enterprise Software Demo

This template is your go-to tool for curating a flawless presentation of enterprise software solutions. It ensures that every critical aspect is addressed during the demonstration, such as– the analysis of  business opportunities that require strategic planning. Other components are – Insights into the company's history and market reputation, Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of the software suite, potential risks, and ERP implementation failures, highlighting transparency and preparedness. The template also covers hardware compatibility, the ERP’s ability to meet the firm's challenges, data security, integrity, seamless data migration, training and support requirements, and software scalability and flexibility. This checklist leaves no room for oversight, allowing you to confidently showcase your software's capabilities.

Checklist for Enterprise Software Demo

Template 3: Checklist for Product Demo Essentials

This checklist paves the way to finding your soulmate in the business world. This structured guide that doesn’t just tell your audience about your product's features; it shows them! It encompasses critical components, including curiosity generation, demonstration of Unique Selling Points (USPs), showcasing key product features, ensuring brand credibility, highlighting the return on investment, and emphasizing the potential to increase conversions. This template provides a systematic approach to crafting a compelling product demo that informs, engages, and persuades the audience. Grab your copy now!

Bonus tip: Start with a bang by telling a compelling story, asking a provocative question, or sharing an interesting statistic

Checklist for Product Demo Essentials

Template 4: Four Steps for Effective Product Demo

Is your audience suffering from information overload during product demos? Follow these four steps in the template below to provide reliable solutions. Start with the "Customer Engagement" step to test your product thoroughly and become the soothing mediator that eases customer concerns. The "Finding Angle" step lets you creatively present standout features as solutions to your audience's problems, winning over competitors. "Focusing at Buyer" helps you precisely address client needs and doubts, offering a customized remedy. Ultimately, "Looking at the Bigger Picture" invites you to acknowledge the expansive scope of your product, prescribing a vision that cures the most stubborn pain points.

Four Steps for Effective Product Demo

Template 5: Key Essentials for Enterprise Software Demo

Implementing Enterprise Software Should Be a Breeze, Not a Brain Tease! This is why this template provides a structured framework for presenting enterprise software solutions. It covers critical components like data security, scalability, training, and risk management, ensuring a comprehensive and transparent demonstration. Highlighting the software's unique selling points and the vendor's reputation adds credibility. This template is essential for conveying vital information during software presentations aiding potential clients in making informed decisions about software adoption.

Key Essentials for Enterprise Software Demo

Template 6: Product Demo with Features Icon

Imagine your product is a delicious pizza. This Features Icon Template is like the toppings on your pizza in which you can choose the toppings that best represent your product's features and then arrange them in a visually appealing, easy-to-understand way. Once you've created your presentation, you can show it to potential customers. It might include enticing features like– a title slide, key product features with descriptions, unique benefits of your product, use cases, testimonials, and a call to action slide.

Product Demo with Features Icon

Template 7: Product Description in Demo with Several Features

This one isn't just informative – it's an unforgettable experience that leaves your audience wanting more! Packed with potent ingredients like showcasing the product’s USPs and spotlighting key features, it ignites curiosity to keep your viewers on the edge of their seats. That's not all; it explains how your product helps boost conversions, cement brand credibility, and unleash the golden path to return on investment (ROI). Get access to the template now to take your product presentations from ordinary to extraordinary!

Product Description in Demo with Several Features

Template 8: Ways for Effective Product Demo

The template emphasizes the importance of clear and concise communication, ensuring that crucial product features and differentiators are highlighted. Moreover, it covers the significance of understanding the client's needs and aligning the presentation with their requirements.

By acknowledging the long-term scope and vision of the product, this template makes it easier for the presenters to establish a connection between the product's current capabilities and its future potential, making the presentation more enticing to potential clients. Ultimately, it plays a pivotal role in crafting an engaging and persuasive product demo that captures the audience's attention, addresses their concerns, and leaves a lasting impression.

Ways for Effective Product Demo

Template 9: Demo Proposal Deal Sales And Logistics Process With Connected Boxes

This sales and logistics tango is an ice-breaker that allows you to pop up the right questions and ask your clients to marry your business. The template provides a structured approach to the sales and logistics process, presenting essential steps– lead qualification, demo, proposal, first meeting, workshops, and closing a deal for successful payment processing.

The significance of the template lies in its ability to streamline and clarify the sales process, making it easier for both the presenter and the audience to understand and follow the sequence of events. By visually connecting the boxes representing each stage, it offers a clear overview of how sales and logistics are interconnected. This helps maintain consistency and ensures all essential steps are accounted for, leading to smoother sales operations.

Demo Proposal Deal Sales and Logistics Process with Connected Boxes

Template 10: Desktop Demo Depicting Productivity Management Platform Working

This Template is like a magic wand that lets you show off your productivity management platform. It's the perfect way to give your potential users a front-row seat to features, workflows, and capabilities that make your platform a productivity powerhouse.

With this template, you can:

  • Provide a clear and engaging visual representation of how your platform works on a desktop, making it easy for your audience to comprehend and appreciate its usability.
  • Demonstrate features such as analytics, virtualization, and additional incremental capabilities so users can see the platform's value and potential impact on business productivity.
  • Capture your audience's attention and help them envision how your productivity management platform can benefit their organization.

Bonus tip: While demoing your platform, give a shout-out to any unique or innovative features of your product that set it apart and help users stay on track.

Get access to it now!

Desktop Demo Depicting Productivity Management Platform Working

Demo templates that will make your audience forget all about their phones!

As we wrap up this tour of demo presentation templates, let's remember that your next presentation is not just a slideshow; it's the fertile ground where your ideas spring. With these templates in your pocket, you'll be well on your way to turning a dull, monotonous presentation into a compelling journey that leaves your audience thoroughly impressed.

Never be the presenter stuck in the past, drowning in bullet points and bland backgrounds. These digital tools are capable enough to steal the show, whether you're pitching a groundbreaking idea, teaching a class, or wowing potential clients.

Start crafting your next presentation today, and let the world see what you're made of!

P.S. Don't forget to add a dash of your personality to your demos. After all, people do business with people, so let yours shine through!

Don't let the trouble of putting together a demographics presentation hold you back. Download these Top 10 PowerPoint Templates to start cooking up a sales pitch that will make your audience drool!

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Blog Beginner Guides 8 Types of Presentations You Should Know [+Examples & Tips]

8 Types of Presentations You Should Know [+Examples & Tips]

Written by: Krystle Wong Aug 11, 2023

Types of Presentation

From persuasive pitches that influence opinions to instructional demonstrations that teach skills, the different types of presentations serve a unique purpose, tailored to specific objectives and audiences.

Presentations that are tailored to its objectives and audiences are more engaging and memorable. They capture attention, maintain interest and leave a lasting impression. 

Don’t worry if you’re no designer —  Whether you need data-driven visuals, persuasive graphics or engaging design elements, Venngage can empower you to craft presentations that stand out and effectively convey your message.

Venngage’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface, extensive presentation template library and customizable design options make it a valuable tool for creating slides that align with your specific goals and target audience. 

Click to jump ahead:

8 Different types of presentations every presenter must know

How do i choose the right type of presentation for my topic or audience, types of presentation faq, 5 steps to create a presentation with venngage .

presentation of demonstration

When it comes to presentations, versatility is the name of the game. Having a variety of presentation styles up your sleeve can make a world of difference in keeping your audience engaged. Here are 8 essential presentation types that every presenter should be well-acquainted with:

1. Informative presentation

Ever sat through a presentation that left you feeling enlightened? That’s the power of an informative presentation. 

This presentation style is all about sharing knowledge and shedding light on a particular topic. Whether you’re diving into the depths of quantum physics or explaining the intricacies of the latest social media trends, informative presentations aim to increase the audience’s understanding.

When delivering an informative presentation, simplify complex topics with clear visuals and relatable examples. Organize your content logically, starting with the basics and gradually delving deeper and always remember to keep jargon to a minimum and encourage questions for clarity.

Academic presentations and research presentations are great examples of informative presentations. An effective academic presentation involves having clear structure, credible evidence, engaging delivery and supporting visuals. Provide context to emphasize the topic’s significance, practice to perfect timing, and be ready to address anticipated questions. 

presentation of demonstration

2. Persuasive presentation

If you’ve ever been swayed by a passionate speaker armed with compelling arguments, you’ve experienced a persuasive presentation . 

This type of presentation is like a verbal tug-of-war, aiming to convince the audience to see things from a specific perspective. Expect to encounter solid evidence, logical reasoning and a dash of emotional appeal.

With persuasive presentations, it’s important to know your audience inside out and tailor your message to their interests and concerns. Craft a compelling narrative with a strong opening, a solid argument and a memorable closing. Additionally, use visuals strategically to enhance your points.

Examples of persuasive presentations include presentations for environmental conservations, policy change, social issues and more. Here are some engaging presentation templates you can use to get started with: 

presentation of demonstration

3. Demonstration or how-to presentation

A Demonstration or How-To Presentation is a type of presentation where the speaker showcases a process, technique, or procedure step by step, providing the audience with clear instructions on how to replicate the demonstrated action. 

A demonstrative presentation is particularly useful when teaching practical skills or showing how something is done in a hands-on manner.

These presentations are commonly used in various settings, including educational workshops, training sessions, cooking classes, DIY tutorials, technology demonstrations and more. Designing creative slides for your how-to presentations can heighten engagement and foster better information retention. 

Speakers can also consider breaking down the process into manageable steps, using visual aids, props and sometimes even live demonstrations to illustrate each step. The key is to provide clear and concise instructions, engage the audience with interactive elements and address any questions that may arise during the presentation.

presentation of demonstration

4. Training or instructional presentation

Training presentations are geared towards imparting practical skills, procedures or concepts — think of this as the more focused cousin of the demonstration presentation. 

Whether you’re teaching a group of new employees the ins and outs of a software or enlightening budding chefs on the art of soufflé-making, training presentations are all about turning novices into experts.

To maximize the impact of your training or instructional presentation, break down complex concepts into digestible segments. Consider using real-life examples to illustrate each point and create a connection. 

You can also create an interactive presentation by incorporating elements like quizzes or group activities to reinforce understanding.

presentation of demonstration

5. Sales presentation

Sales presentations are one of the many types of business presentations and the bread and butter of businesses looking to woo potential clients or customers. With a sprinkle of charm and a dash of persuasion, these presentations showcase products, services or ideas with one end goal in mind: sealing the deal.

A successful sales presentation often has key characteristics such as a clear value proposition, strong storytelling, confidence and a compelling call to action. Hence, when presenting to your clients or stakeholders, focus on benefits rather than just features. 

Anticipate and address potential objections before they arise and use storytelling to showcase how your offering solves a specific problem for your audience. Utilizing visual aids is also a great way to make your points stand out and stay memorable.

A sales presentation can be used to promote service offerings, product launches or even consultancy proposals that outline the expertise and industry experience of a business. Here are some template examples you can use for your next sales presentation:

presentation of demonstration

6. Pitch presentation

Pitch presentations are your ticket to garnering the interest and support of potential investors, partners or stakeholders. Think of your pitch deck as your chance to paint a vivid picture of your business idea or proposal and secure the resources you need to bring it to life. 

Business presentations aside, individuals can also create a portfolio presentation to showcase their skills, experience and achievements to potential clients, employers or investors. 

Craft a concise and compelling narrative. Clearly define the problem your idea solves and how it stands out in the market. Anticipate questions and practice your answers. Project confidence and passion for your idea.

presentation of demonstration

7. Motivational or inspirational presentation

Feeling the need for a morale boost? That’s where motivational presentations step in. These talks are designed to uplift and inspire, often featuring personal anecdotes, heartwarming stories and a generous serving of encouragement.

Form a connection with your audience by sharing personal stories that resonate with your message. Use a storytelling style with relatable anecdotes and powerful metaphors to create an emotional connection. Keep the energy high and wrap up your inspirational presentations with a clear call to action.

Inspirational talks and leadership presentations aside, a motivational or inspirational presentation can also be a simple presentation aimed at boosting confidence, a motivational speech focused on embracing change and more.

presentation of demonstration

8. Status or progress report presentation

Projects and businesses are like living organisms, constantly evolving and changing. Status or progress report presentations keep everyone in the loop by providing updates on achievements, challenges and future plans. It’s like a GPS for your team, ensuring everyone stays on track.

Be transparent about achievements, challenges and future plans. Utilize infographics, charts and diagrams to present your data visually and simplify information. By visually representing data, it becomes easier to identify trends, make predictions and strategize based on evidence.

presentation of demonstration

Now that you’ve learned about the different types of presentation methods and how to use them, you’re on the right track to creating a good presentation that can boost your confidence and enhance your presentation skills . 

Selecting the most suitable presentation style is akin to choosing the right outfit for an occasion – it greatly influences how your message is perceived. Here’s a more detailed guide to help you make that crucial decision:

1. Define your objectives

Begin by clarifying your presentation’s goals. Are you aiming to educate, persuade, motivate, train or perhaps sell a concept? Your objectives will guide you to the most suitable presentation type. 

For instance, if you’re aiming to inform, an informative presentation would be a natural fit. On the other hand, a persuasive presentation suits the goal of swaying opinions.

2. Know your audience

Regardless if you’re giving an in-person or a virtual presentation — delve into the characteristics of your audience. Consider factors like their expertise level, familiarity with the topic, interests and expectations. 

If your audience consists of professionals in your field, a more technical presentation might be suitable. However, if your audience is diverse and includes newcomers, an approachable and engaging style might work better.

presentation of demonstration

3. Analyze your content

Reflect on the content you intend to present. Is it data-heavy, rich in personal stories or focused on practical skills? Different presentation styles serve different content types. 

For data-driven content, an informative or instructional presentation might work best. For emotional stories, a motivational presentation could be a compelling choice.

4. Consider time constraints

Evaluate the time you have at your disposal. If your presentation needs to be concise due to time limitations, opt for a presentation style that allows you to convey your key points effectively within the available timeframe. A pitch presentation, for example, often requires delivering impactful information within a short span.

5. Leverage visuals

Visual aids are powerful tools in presentations. Consider whether your content would benefit from visual representation. If your PowerPoint presentations involve step-by-step instructions or demonstrations, a how-to presentation with clear visuals would be advantageous. Conversely, if your content is more conceptual, a motivational presentation could rely more on spoken words.

presentation of demonstration

6. Align with the setting

Take the presentation environment into account. Are you presenting in a formal business setting, a casual workshop or a conference? Your setting can influence the level of formality and interactivity in your presentation. For instance, a demonstration presentation might be ideal for a hands-on workshop, while a persuasive presentation is great for conferences.

7. Gauge audience interaction

Determine the level of audience engagement you want. Interactive presentations work well for training sessions, workshops and small group settings, while informative or persuasive presentations might be more one-sided.

8. Flexibility

Stay open to adjusting your presentation style on the fly. Sometimes, unexpected factors might require a change of presentation style. Be prepared to adjust on the spot if audience engagement or reactions indicate that a different approach would be more effective.

Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach, and the best type of presentation may vary depending on the specific situation and your unique communication goals. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the most effective presentation type to successfully engage and communicate with your audience.

To save time, use a presentation software or check out these presentation design and presentation background guides to create a presentation that stands out.    

presentation of demonstration

What are some effective ways to begin and end a presentation?

Capture your audience’s attention from the start of your presentation by using a surprising statistic, a compelling story or a thought-provoking question related to your topic. 

To conclude your presentation , summarize your main points, reinforce your key message and leave a lasting impression with a powerful call to action or a memorable quote that resonates with your presentation’s theme.

How can I make my presentation more engaging and interactive?

To create an engaging and interactive presentation for your audience, incorporate visual elements such as images, graphs and videos to illustrate your points visually. Share relatable anecdotes or real-life examples to create a connection with your audience. 

You can also integrate interactive elements like live polls, open-ended questions or small group discussions to encourage participation and keep your audience actively engaged throughout your presentation.

Which types of presentations require special markings

Some presentation types require special markings such as how sales presentations require persuasive techniques like emphasizing benefits, addressing objections and using compelling visuals to showcase products or services. 

Demonstrations and how-to presentations on the other hand require clear markings for each step, ensuring the audience can follow along seamlessly. 

That aside, pitch presentations require highlighting unique selling points, market potential and the competitive edge of your idea, making it stand out to potential investors or partners.

Need some inspiration on how to make a presentation that will captivate an audience? Here are 120+ presentation ideas to help you get started. 

Creating a stunning and impactful presentation with Venngage is a breeze. Whether you’re crafting a business pitch, a training presentation or any other type of presentation, follow these five steps to create a professional presentation that stands out:

  • Sign up and log in to Venngage to access the editor.
  • Choose a presentation template that matches your topic or style.
  • Customize content, colors, fonts, and background to personalize your presentation.
  • Add images, icons, and charts to enhancevisual style and clarity.
  • Save, export, and share your presentation as PDF or PNG files, or use Venngage’s Presentation Mode for online showcasing.

In the realm of presentations, understanding the different types of presentation formats is like having a versatile set of tools that empower you to craft compelling narratives for every occasion.

Remember, the key to a successful presentation lies not only in the content you deliver but also in the way you connect with your audience. Whether you’re informing, persuading or entertaining, tailoring your approach to the specific type of presentation you’re delivering can make all the difference.

Presentations are a powerful tool, and with practice and dedication (and a little help from Venngage), you’ll find yourself becoming a presentation pro in no time. Now, let’s get started and customize your next presentation!

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10 Killer Demonstration Speech Ideas to Wow Your Audience

  • The Speaker Lab
  • May 15, 2024

Table of Contents

No matter whether you’re hitting the books, climbing the corporate ladder, or just keen on boosting your way with words, mastering a killer demonstration speech can really change the game. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 10 outstanding demonstration speech topics. Each one is designed not just to impress but also create moments your audience won’t forget anytime soon.

But what exactly is a demonstration speech? Simply put, it’s a type of informative speech that teaches your audience how to do something step by step. From mastering a new skill to understanding a complex process, demonstration speeches are all about breaking things down in an easy-to-follow manner. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can become a demonstration speech pro!

10 Great Demonstration Speech Ideas

If you’re looking for some engaging demonstration speech topics, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a high school student or a seasoned public speaker, these ideas will get your creative juices flowing. Let’s take a look.

  • How to make a perfect cup of coffee
  • The art of folding origami
  • Mastering the perfect golf swing
  • Creating a delicious summer salad
  • Tips for taking better photos with your cell phone
  • The science behind paper airplanes
  • Protecting yourself from identity theft
  • Choosing the right running shoes for your feet
  • DIY hair dye techniques
  • How to complete some basic yoga exercises

Remember, the key to a great demonstration speech is to choose a topic that you’re passionate about and that will engage your audience. Whether you’re demonstrating a practical skill or sharing a fun hobby, your enthusiasm will shine through and make your speech a hit.

So go ahead and pick a topic that speaks to you. With a little creativity and preparation, you’ll be ready to wow your audience and deliver a demonstration speech that’s both informative and entertaining.

What Is a Demonstration Speech?

If you’ve ever watched a TED Talk or attended a conference, chances are you’ve seen a demonstration speech in action. A demonstration speech is a type of informative speech that walks the audience through a process or task, step by step.

The goal? To teach the audience how to do something new, whether it’s making a recipe, using a product, or mastering a skill. Demonstration speeches are all about breaking down complex ideas into easy-to-follow steps, using visual aids like props, charts, and videos to drive the message home.

Benefits of Giving a Demonstration Speech

So why give a demonstration speech? For starters, it’s a fantastic way to share your expertise and help others learn something valuable. But the benefits don’t stop there. Just imagine doing the following:

  • Showing the members of your team how to navigate new software
  • Teaching students how to perform a procedure, solve a problem or use a piece of equipment
  • Highlighting the benefits of using a product for your target audience
  • Proving the effectiveness of a procedure or product in comparison to another
  • Pitching a sellable good or service for production or investment to company leaders and other decision-makers

Whether you’re in sales, education, or leadership, being able to clearly explain and demonstrate ideas is a valuable skill that can open up new opportunities and help you make a real impact.

How to Give a Demonstration Speech

Ready to dive in? Here are a few tips for giving a killer demonstration speech:

  • Choose a topic you’re passionate about and know inside out. Your enthusiasm will be contagious.
  • Break the process down into clear, logical steps. Think about what your audience needs to know and in what order.
  • Use visual aids to clarify and reinforce your message. Props, images, and videos can make abstract ideas concrete.
  • Practice, practice, practice. The more comfortable you are with your material, the more engaging and natural your delivery will be.
  • Engage your audience by asking questions, encouraging participation, and leaving time for Q&A. Make it a conversation, not a lecture.

Remember, a great demonstration speech is all about empowering your audience with new knowledge and skills. So don’t just tell them—show them how it’s done.

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Choosing a Demonstration Speech Topic

Now that you know the power of a great demonstration speech, you might be wondering: what should I talk about? The possibilities are endless, but the key is to choose a topic that you’re passionate about and that will resonate with your audience.

Your Interests

First and foremost, your demonstration speech topic should be something you’re genuinely interested in and excited to share with others. After all, if you’re not passionate about the subject, how can you expect your audience to be?

Think about your hobbies, skills, and areas of expertise. What do you love to do in your free time? What are you known for among your friends and family? Chances are, there’s a demonstration speech topic hiding in there somewhere.

Time Constraint

Of course, passion alone isn’t enough. You also need to consider the practical constraints of your speech, like time. How much time do you have to prepare and deliver your demonstration? If you only have a few minutes, you’ll want to choose a topic that can be explained concisely, with a few key steps or takeaways. If you have more time, you can dive deeper into the details and nuances of your subject.

Audience Engagement

Finally, think about what will engage and benefit your audience. What problems are they trying to solve? What skills do they need to learn? In addition, what interests and values do they share?

The best demonstration speech topics are those that are both personally meaningful to you and relevant to your audience. So don’t be afraid to get creative and think outside the box. Whether you’re teaching your coworkers how to use a new software program or showing your friends how to make your famous chili recipe, the key is to choose a topic that you’re excited about and that will leave your audience feeling inspired and empowered.

How to Structure Your Demonstration Speech

You’ve chosen your demonstration speech topic, and you’re ready to start preparing. But how do you even plan a demonstration speech? The key is structure. Structuring your speech is key to delivering a clear, engaging presentation that your audience will remember. Consider the following steps as you outline your speech.

Begin with “Why”

Before you dive into the details of your demonstration, take a moment to explain why your topic matters. What problem does it solve? How will it benefit your audience? By starting with the “why,” you’ll capture your listeners’ attention and make them eager to learn more.

Outline the Process

Once you’ve established the importance of your topic, it’s time to outline the process you’ll be demonstrating. Break it down into clear, logical steps that your audience can follow along with. Use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms that might confuse your listeners. Alternatively, choose just one or two terms that you can explain briefly without having to go too in-depth.

Progress Through Each Step

As you move through your demonstration, take your time and explain each step thoroughly. Use visual aids like props, diagrams, or slides to help illustrate your points. And don’t be afraid to pause and check in with your audience to make sure they’re following along.

Invite Questions

After you’ve completed your demonstration, open the floor for questions. This is a great opportunity to engage with your audience and clarify any points that may have been unclear. Be prepared to answer questions thoughtfully and provide additional resources if needed.

Summarize and Conclude

Finally, wrap up your speech by summarizing the key points you covered and reiterating the importance of your topic. Leave your audience with a clear call to action, whether it’s to try out the skill you demonstrated or to learn more about the subject.

By following this simple structure, you’ll be well on your way to delivering a polished, effective demonstration speech. Remember to practice, stay focused, and have fun, and your passion and enthusiasm are sure to shine through.

Tips for Delivering an Effective Demonstration Speech

You’ve picked your demonstration speech topic, outlined the key points, and practiced your delivery. However, there are still a few more things you can do to really make your speech shine. Engaging your audience, for instance, and delivering a memorable, impactful presentation are two great ways to really drive your speech home.

Use Visuals to Guide Your Speech

Visual aids are an essential element of any great demonstration speech. They help illustrate your points, break up the monotony of straight talking, and give your audience something to focus on. But don’t just throw together a bunch of random images and call it a day. Your visuals should be carefully chosen to support and enhance your message.

Start by considering what type of visual aid would work best for your topic. Are you demonstrating a step-by-step process? A series of photos or diagrams might be the way to go. Explaining a complex concept? An infographic or chart could help simplify things. Trying to evoke an emotional response? A short video clip might do the trick.

Whatever you choose, make sure your visuals are high-quality, easy to see and understand, and flow logically with your speech. Practice integrating them smoothly into your presentation so they feel like a natural part of your talk, not an awkward interruption.

Engage Your Audience

No one wants to sit through a dry, boring lecture. To keep your audience interested and invested, you need to actively engage them throughout your speech. One simple way to do this is by asking questions. Pose a thought-provoking query at the beginning to get them thinking, or ask for a show of hands to gauge their experience with your topic.

You can also use humor, storytelling, and real-life examples to make your speech more relatable and memorable. Share a funny anecdote about a time you struggled with the task you’re demonstrating, or explain how this skill helped you succeed in a challenging situation. The more your audience can see themselves in your speech, the more engaged they’ll be.

Provide Additional Resources

Your speech is just the beginning. To truly empower your audience to put your teachings into practice, provide them with additional resources they can refer to later. This might include a handout with key takeaways and step-by-step instructions, a list of recommended tools or products, or links to helpful articles or videos.

You can also invite your audience to connect with you after the speech if they have additional questions or want to learn more. Provide your contact information or social media handles, and encourage them to reach out. By offering ongoing support and resources, you show that you’re truly invested in their success.

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Demonstration Speech Topics for Specific Settings

Now that you know how to choose and deliver a great demonstration speech topic, let’s explore some specific ideas for different settings. Whether you’re speaking in a business meeting, a classroom, or a community event, there’s a perfect topic out there for you.

Business Topics

Demonstration speeches are a common fixture in many business settings, from team meetings to industry conferences. These talks tend to focus on practical skills and strategies that can help attendees do their jobs better or advance their careers. Some potential topics include:

  • How to use a new software program or tool
  • Tips for effective time management and productivity
  • Strategies for networking and building professional relationships
  • Techniques for delivering persuasive presentations or sales pitches
  • Best practices for remote teamwork and communication

When choosing a business-related demonstration speech topic, consider your audience’s needs and goals. What challenges are they facing in their work? What skills or knowledge would help them succeed? By addressing these questions, you can deliver a talk that’s truly valuable and relevant to your listeners.

Health and Fitness Topics

Health and fitness are popular subjects for demonstration speeches, as many people are eager to learn new ways to improve their physical and mental wellbeing. These talks can range from practical how-tos to more inspirational and motivational content. Some ideas to consider:

  • Demonstrating proper form for common exercises like squats or push-ups
  • Sharing healthy meal prep ideas and recipes
  • Teaching stress-reduction techniques like meditation or deep breathing
  • Offering tips for staying motivated and consistent with a fitness routine
  • Exploring the benefits of alternative therapies like acupuncture or massage

When giving a health or fitness-related speech, it’s important to remember that everyone’s needs and abilities are different. Avoid making blanket statements or promises, and always encourage your audience to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new regimen.

Student-Friendly Topics

Demonstration speeches are a great way for students to practice their public speaking skills while sharing knowledge with their peers. These talks can cover a wide range of subjects, from academic skills to personal hobbies and interests. Here are a few ideas:

  • How to create an effective study schedule and stick to it
  • Tips for researching and writing a great paper
  • Strategies for managing stress and anxiety during exams
  • Demonstrating a favorite art or craft project
  • Teaching a useful life skill like basic car maintenance or sewing

When choosing a topic for a student demonstration speech, consider what would be most useful and engaging for your classmates. What skills or knowledge do you have that others might benefit from? What topics are currently relevant or interesting to your peer group? By selecting a subject that resonates with your audience, you’ll be more likely to deliver an impactful and memorable speech.

FAQs on Demonstration Speeches

What is a demonstration speech.

A demo speech shows how to do something. It guides the audience through the steps, making complex tasks simple.

What does demonstrate speech mean?

Demonstrate speech means using words and visuals to teach or show how a process works from start to finish.

What can I demonstrate in 5 minutes?

In 5 minutes, you could teach someone basic origami, mix a cocktail, or even change a tire—quick skills work best.

Which of the following is an example of a demonstration speech?

An example would be showing how to prepare your favorite summer salad step by step in front of an audience.

Nailing an impressive demo speech means finding a subject that lights up your crowd, laying out each step in simple terms, and presenting everything with energy and confidence. By following the tips and ideas we’ve explored, you’ll be well on your way to creating a memorable and impactful demonstration speech.

If you’re still feeling nervous, just remember—sharpening your skills takes consistent effort. The more you hone your demonstration speech skills, the more natural and effective your delivery will become. So jump on in, the world’s waiting for what you’ve got to say.

  • Last Updated: May 9, 2024

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Easy Demonstration Speech Ideas

12 September, 2020

9 minutes read

Author:  Mathieu Johnson

If you ever dreamed of becoming an instructor and teach others, you can use an excellent opportunity to act like one while giving a demonstration speech. Believe us: there’ll be no better chance to engage yourself in such an exciting activity. This is probably the most encouraging task professors could ever give you. And you can now use it to share knowledge with others and learn something yourself during the process.

Demonstration Speech

Demonstration speech definition

As the name implies, demonstration speech is a speech devoted to teaching the audience how to do a particular thing. It is a clear, step-by-step practical guide which intends to show people methods of using regular items and even improve someone’s life with it. Demonstration speeches exist in different forms: they can be lengthy and detailed, short and straightforward, or medium and accurate. But either way, the very essence of this task is to teach you how to put thoughts into one, well-structured, and logical sequence of steps. It might seem dubious to take such a specific assignment, but if you take time to explore all the nuances and requirements for this task, it’ll be much easier to handle it eventually. So, what are the processes involved in demonstration speech writing, and what makes trivial persuasive topics sound brilliant?

Follow our guide for more insight.

How to Write Demonstration Speech

Choose Your Topic Carefully

Like with any other essay type, demonstration speech starts with topic selection. You have a vast field of “how to” speech ideas to talk about, but the ultimate choice is always on you. Also, professors often tend to give a specific topic to their students. In cases like this, it’s even easier. Regardless of what your final topic is, there’s always a need for research. Once the topic is defined, and you’re 100 percent confident that it’s going to fit the timeframe for delivery, go on to the next step, which is the audience analysis.

Examine Your Audience

There are specific criteria which can help you study the audience prior to delivering a speech. These factors include age, occupation, preferences, interests, and so on. So for example, if your listeners are professional gardeners, they’ll probably expect some useful advice on their sphere of interest. Instead of nurturing them with something as banal as “How to grow a plant,” give them real information, like “How to grow and take care of palm Washingtonia.” Likewise, if your audience composes of teenagers, speak about something thought-provoking, yet not too professional and dull. Take, for instance, the topic on how to become successful, or how to deal with depression.

Look for Credible Sources

Before writing the demonstration speech, you’ll first need some assistance to prove the credibility of your sayings. If you don’t want the audience to think like the entire speech is a fly of your imagination, you should arm yourself with relevant evidence to prove the mentioned points. There are many places you can go to, like local libraries. They contain countless books on your topic, so you can use them for your advantage. Alternatively, consider using online resources, but only credible ones if you don’t feel like walking anywhere. Even if such assistance is not enough for you, ask relatives or friends for help. Some of them might be experts in your topic, and more than willing to explain how this or that thing works.

Write a Motivational Conclusion

The best way to finish your demonstration speech is to give your audience a great insight into the process they haven’t experienced themselves. For this, you can call listeners to action and motivate them to follow your practice. Let’s review an example of a proper ending: “Now that you’ve learned about the basics of DIY table creation, you can craft one easily by yourself without costly materials and mountains of time.” Such a prominent calling will make people not only have a positive impression of your speech but also encourage them to make something useful.

Demonstration speech outline

An outline is a way to structure the information that you want to share with your audience. The outline should explicitly showcase the order of steps that you will use in your demonstration speech. Many students seem to neglect the power of creating outlines for their academic writing tasks, but in vain. The key feature that makes outlines as significant as other processes of speech creation is a schematic representation of the main ideas. It means that writing the final variant of your demonstration speech will be much easier as you have an exact plan, and you don’t need to think of the main points on the fly. As for the structure of an outline, it should contain the following elements:

  • three sections – introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • the main part should be broken up into different stages of the process.
  • headings and subheadings marked with letters and numbers for easier navigation throughout the outline

Outline for demonstration speech

At the phase of plan creation, it’s also vital to adhere to theses and use them as reference points. These can be either sentences or just keywords. Do as you are accustomed to doing and feel comfortable with making amendments before proceeding with writing the speech text. For each statement, use examples from personal life to validate the adequacy of described steps. Vast reasoning is, of course, excellent, but without specifics, they do not cling. To find the response in the heart of the audience, make your how-to-do instructions more understandable. For example, if you want to explain to your audience how to make and install a wall-mounted folding table, don’t just enumerate the instruments required and tell people how to fold and unfold the table. Rather, give them proper instructions. 

How to write instruction

5-minute demonstration speech topics

  • How to savor wine
  • How to make a Spanish salad
  • How to clean the house with minimum effort
  • How to live the day like it’s the last one
  • How to forget the past and move forward
  • How to sew clothes
  • How to enjoy the moment
  • How to practice speed reading
  • How to adjust to the realms of massive consumerism
  •  How to control finances and save money

Funny demonstration speech topics

  • How to stop forgetting about turning off the iron
  • How to clean up the mess after your “Project X” party
  • How to survive in college
  • How to master the art of lying with a poker face
  • How to get rid of annoying friends
  • How to pretend that you’re present in a class
  • How to get an A+ for homework while doing nothing at home
  • How to stop biting nails and eating hair when you’re nervous
  • How to watch horror movies with your eyes open
  • How to pretend that you like your birthday present

Demonstration speech ideas for college students

  • How to paint using the acrylic pouring technique
  • How to find motivation
  • How not to burn out in college
  • How to find common ground with any professor
  • How to understand the subject you hate most of all
  • How to decorate a dormitory room for enhanced productivity
  • How to force yourself to get out of bed
  • How to be a leader in your class
  • How to prepare for an exam without psychological suffering
  • How to reach new heights in education

Now you have a guide on how to write a demonstration speech, as well as easy speech topics in addition to basic theory. These demonstrative speech topics are a surefire way to give a memorable, informative, and perhaps funny talk, which will undoubtedly crack the audience up. Our essay writers described you the essentials of speech writing, and now it’s your turn. Be patient, take your time, and tailor a blazingly meaningful speech.

Feel free to buy essay tasks if you’re facing some problems with your essay !

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demonstration speech ideas

15 Demonstration Speech Ideas and Key Techniques for Your Next​ Speech

If you have ever been called upon to teach an audience with the help of some visual aids, then you have done a demonstrative speech or a demonstration speech. Hopefully, you did a great job. This article aims to show you how to best carry out a demonstrative speech that does what it is meant to do; teach. Demonstration speeches are pretty common in especially in academic settings where professors share their knowledge and students are called upon to give presentations. So, if you just came in to get some demonstration speech ideas for your next presentation, then please check the last part of the post.

Definition of a Demonstration Speech

This is one of our posts on the types of speech series, should you be interested in learning about other types of speeches, please click on of the links below when you are done reading this article.

Part II . 9 Tips for Writing and Amazing Informative Speech and 120+ Topic Ideas

Part III. 5 Quick Tips on how to Give an Effective Motivational Speech

Part VI. 6 Key Tips for a Memorable Entertaining Speech + Topics and Ideas

Part VII. Explanatory Speech: 7 Key Tips to Help You Deliver an Effective Speech

Part X. Public Speaking Contests: 7 Ways to Nail at Forensic Speech Competitions

Part XI. 80+ Impromptu Speech Topics & 7 Ways to Nail One

Part XIV. Eulogy Guide: How to Give a Heartfelt Funeral Speech (with 4 Eulogy examples)

How to Carry Out an Effective Demonstrative Speech.

1. why should your audience listen what’s in it for them.

How do you secure the attention of your audience at the start and throughout your speech? By telling them what they stand to gain by listening to you. 

Explain to them why what you are about to teach is valuable. How it will help them achieve a goal or become more knowledgeable individuals. This way, any audience member who is interested in the benefits you outlined (hopefully they all are) will listen closely to your speech. 

You can also share your personal experience with the audience. Tell them how this particular knowledge you are about to share has helped you in your personal life. 

 2. Give Your Audience an Outline

In order to simplify the details of your speech, especially for audience members who may see the topic as being too complex or complicated. A simple guide on how your speech is structured will help your audience know what to expect and mentally prepare to receive it. 

Sometimes, before we start reading a book, we usually browse through the table of contents section before we commence reading the book. Remember how you become much more motivated and enthusiastic to read the book after seeing what it contains. Your outline serves the same purpose; to keep the audience in an anticipatory mood.

3. Go Over Each Step in Detail

After the appetizer comes the main course. The introductions are over and it is now time to get down to business. Demonstrative speeches usually involve practical demonstrations, you are expected to show your audience how to complete a particular task in a step by step manner. As a speaker, this makes things easier, you are not expected to ramble on about unrelated topics. Just tell your audience why a particular step is important, how it is supposed to be carried out and then go on to actually show them how it is done, that’s it. 

Carry your audience along every step of the way, make sure they understand a particular step before you move on to the next step. Explain in simple words with the help of a clear diagram or a prop. 

4. Q & A Session

Depending on the setting, you may be expected to answer some questions from the audience. Sometimes, members of the audience may not have completely understood some of the concepts you tried to explain. A Q and A segment give you an opportunity to iron out any kinks members of the audience may have with your speech. 

5. Summarize

Before signing off, give a summary of your speech, highlighting the key points you have made and what your audience stands to gain if they do what you have shown them. you can also suggest some resources that will help your audience get a deeper understanding of the topic.


Demonstration speech ideas and topics in tech and media, demonstration speech ideas and topics on health and fitness, demonstration speech ideas and topics in business.

Always remember that the purpose of a demonstrative speech is to teach. Do all you can to ensure that your audience leaves your speech armed with new information on a particular topic. And how to use this new knowledge to achieve their desires.


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10 Tips to Ace Your Next Demo Presentation

Ashish Arora

Imagine you’ve spent the past few years developing and building the product of your dreams. It is now time to introduce the world to your innovation and allow them to experience its magic. However, to do so, you must pull off a stunning demo presentation to captivate the audience and showcase your work in its most efficient form. 

Well, there’s no denying that a great demo can make or break the success of your launch. Whether you’re showcasing to potential investors, interested customers, or the general public, a well-executed demonstration can generate great excitement, build anticipation, and drive sales. But how can you ensure that your demo is genuinely compelling and engaging? 

To help you pull off a great product demo, we’ve compiled a list of some essential tips to keep in mind.

1. Knit a Story Around Your Product

When it comes to demos, storytelling is one of the best ways to intrigue the audience and capture their attention in the blink of an eye. Weaving a compelling narrative around your product is crucial to showcase its value and usability and illuminate its unique propositions.

Let us understand this with the example of Tesla and how its founder Elon Musk harnessed the power of storytelling and convinced the world to focus on electric vehicles. In his presentation, Musk began by narrating how we live in a world dependent on fossil fuels, plagued by pollution, and grappling with the consequences of global warming. He then strategically weaved the narrative around the need for sustainability, introduced Tesla as the catalyst of change, and ignited hope amongst the audience.

Therefore, the power of Elon Musk’s product demo lies in his ability to evoke emotions and showcase his innovations as the need of the hour. This approach drastically changed how the world looked at electric vehicles and made them synonymous with Tesla.

2. Understand Your Audience

Your audience may sometimes belong to different backgrounds, with people from diverse fields and different personas. Therefore, understanding your audience is crucial to deliver a successful product demo. 

Here are a few questions that you can answer while researching your audience-

  • What is their cultural background?
  • Which age groups and genders do they belong to?
  • What is their occupation?
  • Which fields do they belong to, and how much experience do they have?

It will help you curate a presentation dedicated solely to your audience, making it an incredibly memorable experience for them .

3. Know Your Product or Service Like an Encyclopedia

If you truly want to build credibility for your product, ensure that you know the ins and outs of it. Such detailed knowledge serves as a strong foundation for the presentation that you will deliver and help you tackle any questions that come your way.

Having a comprehensive understanding of your product boosts your confidence and self-esteem. It enables you to speak about the product’s unique propositions, functionalities, advantages, etc., with conviction and ease. Such confidence also allows the audience to see you as a trusted source and increases their faith in you and your product.

Knowing your product also equips you to handle questions and objections effectively. During a product demo, it is not uncommon for the audience to seek clarification or raise questions. By having expertise in your product, you can provide accurate and detailed responses, addressing any inquiries or doubts. It demonstrates your command and reinforces trust in your product’s capabilities.

4. Make it Interactive by Inviting Participation

Notch up your demos by inviting the audience to participate in your presentation and create an interactive atmosphere. By doing so, you can curate a more immersive experience for the audience that fosters deep understanding and enables them to connect with the products.

You can provide hands-on experience and allow the audience to physically see, try, and use your product or service.

For instance, if you’re promoting your newly launched Application on Investment and Learning, you can ask the audience to download a beta version on their mobile phones and experience the app themselves. It will help draw the attention of potential buyers as well as investors.

5. Structure the Presentation 

A well-structured presentation is essential to ensure a coherent and seamless flow of information. It conveys the message flawlessly and showcases your product effectively.

Usually, the structure is divided into three main parts. Let us understand this further with the analogy of Apple’s presentation of its iPhone below-

Beginning – Commence by introducing the purpose of your product compellingly. This will determine the tone for the rest of the presentation and enable the audience to set their expectations accordingly. Make sure to keep the introduction brief yet informative .

For instance, in his keynote presentation of the iPhone, Steve Jobs began by stating the device’s core purpose, which helped the audience gauge what was about to unveil in the next hour.

The Middle – This is the part where you can be as descriptive as you want and highlight your product’s USPs in an organized manner. You can address its features, use visuals and graphics to display statistics or data and convince the audience that your product is indeed unique and valuable.

In this part, Jobs described the benefits of the iPhone, captivated the audience with its touch features, and showcased the seamless integration of multiple applications. He even used multimedia to intrigue the viewers.

The End – Remind your audience of what you told them, provide them with a concise recap, and reinforce the benefits of your product. End with a very clear call to action , such as asking them to sign up for a trial or make a purchase.

Well, Steve Jobs ends the presentation by clearly summarizing each point and asking the audience to participate in the revolution by purchasing an iPhone. This CTA inspired people to buy the product and made the launch a huge success.

Therefore, clearly structuring your presentation can increase its impact and leave a positive impression.

6. Hit Their Pain Points and Solve Their Problems

One of the easiest ways to sell your product is by addressing it as a solution to your audience’s problems. Let us understand it this way- imagine you are delivering your product demo of a Social Media Management Software to a group of marketers. Before highlighting your software’s benefits, you must highlight its problems.

You can begin by talking about how social media managers find it difficult to manage campaigns simultaneously at all channels and waste much of their time keeping track of each of them separately. Then you can emphasize how your product can help them achieve goals from a central platform, manage their time, lead to better results, and improve efficiency all at once.

It will help you play with their psychology and allow you to present your product much better.

7. Save Your Time by Using Templates

Crafting the perfect slides from scratch for your presentation can be pretty challenging. Even though it is necessary to craft stunning visuals, they can take up much of your energy. They can divert your time more towards curating the presentation rather than focusing on the delivery and the product know-how.

Thus, we suggest using expert-designed presentation templates that can be easily added to your presentations and customized as per your requirements. 

For example, if you wish to show the product cycle, instead of making your own graphic, you can add this template in the blink of an eye and make your slide much more captivating. You can edit the information, and your graphic is ready!

8. Keep it Simple

In the realm of demo presentations, simplicity is supreme . Overwhelming audiences with excess information or inundating them with technical jargon can lead to disengagement. It can further disinterest them and turn them against you.

Therefore, the key lies in distilling your product down to its essence and effectively conveying the core benefits and unique selling points. 

One can do this by keeping a clean and simple slide format, maintaining an equilibrium between text and visuals, and including the right number of statistics and data. Including only that information that would resonate with the audience and captivate them is crucial.

Thus, simplicity is the key to winning over your product demo presentations.

9. Deliver Handouts and Follow Up Materials

After your presentation, it is vital that your audience retains the information and visits you again. Thus, delivering handouts and inboxing quality follow-up materials is a great way to do so.

These resources will empower the audience to take a desired action and allow them to comprehend the information at their own pace.

It can include relevant material, such as case studies during product development, customer testimonials, statistics, product brochures, trial forms, etc. By delivering splendid handouts, you can demonstrate your commitment to providing valuable information and support to your audience. 

10. Practice Until You Become Perfect

Practice is the secret ingredient that makes your presentations perfect. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an expert; rehearsing multiple times before the big day is vital for success.

One effective way to do this is by practicing in front of a mirror or recording yourself. It will allow you to identify areas where you need to improve, such as your body language, tone of voice, and pacing. By putting in the effort to hone your skills, you can become a confident and effective product demo presenter.

A well-planned and executed product demo presentation can be a game-changer for your business. It can create a memorable experience for the audience and position your product at a great place in the market.

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Ashish Arora

Ashish Arora

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150 Interesting and Unique Demonstration Speech ideas

blog image

A demonstration speech aims to teach an audience how to complete a task. It’s a type of presentation where you demonstrate a process or teach a skill to an audience. Students are often assigned demonstration speeches to improve their communication and presentation skills.

Need help to find a good idea for your demonstration speech? We’ve got plenty of them here in this blog post. Ensure you read it all the way through to get the most out of it.

Table of Contents

How to Choose a Demonstration Speech Idea?

The important stage of choosing a good demonstration speech idea is considering your audience. Think about what may intrigue them and ensure it’s something relevant. Here are some tips from  professional paper help  providers to get you started:

Brainstorm ideas

Write down anything that pops into your head. It could be sports, arts, life skills, or anything else. Then pick a few that you have the most knowledge in.

Narrow Down Your Options

Go over your list and take out any topics that might be too hard. Stick with the topics you can show in a reasonable amount of time.

Research Your Options

Once you’ve whittled down the topics, do some digging to get the facts. Get your hands on some dependable sources, like books, articles, or websites, so that you can give a thorough presentation.

Engage your Audience

Pick a topic that your audience will find both captivating and exciting. Think of fun, unexpected elements you could add, like humor or something interactive, that can make your speech stand out.

Consider the Educational Value

Your presentation should have something valuable to offer your audience. Ensure it’s an informative topic that teaches a skill and has practical applications they can use in real life.

Practice and Refine

Once you’ve picked your idea for a demonstration speech, practice it many times so you’re confident with the material and the demo. Tweak your speech and make changes if you need to make it clearer and smoother.

Now. Let’s explore the list of amazing demonstration speech ideas.

Unique Demonstration Speech Ideas

  • How to create a personalized gratitude jar
  • The art of making homemade scented candles
  • Quick and easy meal prep for busy weekdays
  • DIY natural skincare products using kitchen ingredients
  • The art of flower arranging for special occasions
  • How to master basic calligraphy techniques
  • Creating your mini herb garden indoors
  • Simple steps to make your eco-friendly cleaning products
  • The Secrets of brewing the perfect cup of coffee
  • Creating a stylish and organized capsule wardrobe
  • Mastering the art of basic origami folds
  • How to create a stunning floral centerpiece
  • Quick and healthy smoothie recipes for a busy lifestyle
  • The art of making homemade bath bombs
  • Creating your custom-designed T-shirts
  • The basics of self-defense techniques for personal safety
  • How to properly apply natural makeup for a fresh look
  • Essential tips for effective time management
  • Creating a budget-friendly home office setup
  • The art of making homemade pizza from scratch

Demonstration Speech Ideas High School

  • How to tie a basic necktie knot
  • The art of folding a paper airplane
  • Creating a simple fruit salad
  • How to make a classic grilled cheese sandwich
  • Quick and easy steps to make a paper crane
  • The basics of juggling with three balls
  • How to do a basic card trick
  • Creating a DIY face mask using household ingredients
  • The art of making a basic origami fortune teller
  • How to make a refreshing lemonade from scratch
  • Quick and easy steps to wrap a gift elegantly
  • Creating a simple and stylish flower arrangement
  • The art of creating a basic pencil sketch
  • How to make a DIY bookmark using decorative paper
  • Quick and easy steps to fold a paper napkin into a fancy shape
  • The basics of solving a Rubik’s Cube
  • How to make a delicious chocolate mug cake in minutes
  • Creating a DIY terrarium with succulent plants

Good Demonstration Speech Topics

  • The art of creating a mesmerizing acrylic pour painting
  • How to make homemade organic soap with unique scents
  • Creating a DIY mini-indoor garden using recycled materials
  • The process of creating a captivating stop-motion animation
  • How to create a stunning layered dessert parfait
  • The art of creating a beautiful hand-lettered quote on canvas
  • DIY techniques for transforming old clothes into trendy fashion pieces
  • How to make a personalized photo album using scrapbooking techniques
  • Creating a homemade natural facial mask with exotic ingredients
  • The process of making artisanal bread from scratch
  • How to design and assemble a custom-built computer
  • Creating a unique and stylish terrazzo-inspired resin art piece
  • The art of creating a custom-designed website using website builders
  • DIY techniques for upcycling glass bottles into decorative vases
  • How to create a delicious and visually appealing charcuterie board
  • The process of making homemade gourmet chocolates with various fillings
  • Creating a mesmerizing light painting using long-exposure photography
  • How to design and sew your eco-friendly tote bag
  • The art of creating intricate paper quilling designs
  • DIY techniques for transforming a plain room into a vibrant and stylish space

Captivating How to Demonstrative Speech Ideas

  • How to effectively manage your time and increase productivity
  • How to write a cover letter for seeking job
  • How to prepare and deliver a persuasive speech
  • How to perform basic car maintenance and troubleshooting
  • How to start your own successful online business
  • How to apply professional makeup for special occasions
  • How to create a budget and manage personal finances
  • How to develop effective study habits for academic success
  • How to navigate and utilize social media for personal branding
  • How to make homemade pasta from scratch
  • How to meditate for relaxation and stress relief
  • How to grow your own organic vegetable garden
  • How to play basic guitar chords and strumming patterns
  • How to perform basic first aid techniques for common injuries
  • How to cook a nutritious and delicious meal in under 30 minutes
  • How to change a flat tire on a car
  • How to write a  narrative essay
  • How to effectively negotiate and communicate in a professional setting
  • How to develop and maintain a healthy exercise routine
  • How to create a visually appealing presentation using PowerPoint
  • How to plan and execute a successful event or party

Easy Demonstration Speech Ideas on Food

  • How to make a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • The art of brewing the perfect cup of coffee
  • How to make fluffy scrambled eggs in minutes
  • Creating a refreshing and colorful fruit salad
  • How to prepare a simple and delicious guacamole dip
  • The process of making a crispy homemade pizza
  • How to cook a mouthwatering steak on a stovetop
  • Creating a flavorful and nutritious green smoothie
  • How to make a creamy and comforting bowl of mashed potatoes
  • The art of creating a homemade salsa with fresh ingredients
  • How to bake soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies
  • Creating a refreshing and tangy lemonade from scratch
  • How to make a flavorful homemade tomato sauce for pasta
  • The process of making a fluffy and light pancake stack
  • How to cook a perfect and juicy grilled chicken breast
  • Creating a creamy and indulgent chocolate mousse dessert
  • How to assemble a delicious and colorful veggie wrap
  • The art of making a flavorful and aromatic cup of tea
  • How to prepare a crunchy and satisfying homemade Caesar salad
  • Creating a mouthwatering and cheesy baked macaroni and cheese dish

Demonstration Speech Examples (Topics) on Marketing

  • How to create an effective social media marketing strategy
  • The process of conducting market research for a new product
  • How to optimize a website for search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Creating engaging content for a successful content marketing campaign
  • How to develop a compelling brand identity and logo design
  • The art of creating persuasive advertising copywriting
  • How to implement email marketing campaigns for customer engagement
  • Creating a successful influencer marketing campaign
  • How to use data analytics to track and optimize marketing performance
  • The process of designing and launching a mobile app for marketing purposes
  • How to leverage video marketing to engage and captivate your audience
  • Creating an effective customer loyalty program to drive repeat business
  • How to implement effective affiliate marketing strategies
  • The art of creating visually appealing and impactful marketing materials
  • How to plan and execute a successful product launch event
  • Creating an engaging and interactive user experience (UX) on a website
  • How to utilize storytelling techniques in marketing campaigns
  • The process of setting up and managing a successful Google Ads campaign
  • How to develop and implement a successful influencer partnership program
  • Creating an effective lead generation strategy to grow your customer base

Funny Ideas for Demonstration Speech

  • How to make a gourmet sandwich that looks incredible but tastes terrible
  • The art of creating a perfectly imperfect DIY hairstyle
  • How to fold a fitted bed sheet into an unrecognizable mess
  • The process of attempting to walk in high heels like a pro
  • How to prepare a “culinary masterpiece” using only microwaveable meals
  • Creating a DIY craft project that ends up looking like a kindergarten art project
  • How to attempt a yoga pose that looks graceful but ends up in a hilarious fail
  • The art of imitating celebrity impressions (with humorous outcomes)
  • How to make a healthy smoothie that tastes absolutely awful
  • Attempting to break a world record for the most failed attempts at a simple task
  • The process of attempting to dance like a professional without any coordination
  • How to create a DIY fashion trend that is intentionally bizarre and unconventional
  • The art of creating a failed magic trick with predictable and comedic outcomes
  • How to organize a cluttered room most messily and chaotically possible
  • Attempting to learn a new language in a ridiculously short amount of time (with humorous mistakes)
  • The process of attempting to bake a cake without any baking skills or knowledge
  • How to give yourself a “professional” haircut that ends up looking hilariously uneven
  • Creating a “gourmet” dish using unconventional and strange food combinations
  • How to attempt extreme sports or activities with amusing and clumsy results
  • The art of telling funny and cheesy jokes that elicit groans instead of laughter

Hopefully, you have now shortlisted a topic or two for your demonstration speech. Be it the food, marketing, or crafts you are in, our lists of demonstrative speech topics have many ideas to get you started. Remember, it’s not about choosing a topic only, but it’s more about captivating your audience.

Moreover, if you still need help with demonstration speech ideas,  order now  so our experts can be at your service right away.

What is an example of a demonstration speech?

The two simplest examples of demonstration speech are:

  • Teaching the audience how to make a simple origami crane.
  • Explaining the steps to perform basic CPR on someone needing emergency assistance.

How do you introduce a demonstration speech?

What is a demonstration speech.

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10-minute demonstration speech topics

100 + short 3-10 minute how to speech ideas

By:  Susan Dugdale  

If you've been asked to put together a 10 minute, or less, demonstration speech for your speech class, look these 'how-to' ideas over. They're perfect for preparing short show and tell presentations to teach a new task succinctly and quickly.

Use the quick links below to get around the page easily. The topics are arranged in four batches. Begin with 'Why demonstrate something simple and ordinary?'. It could save you a lot of time!

What's on this page

Why demonstrate something simple and ordinary.

  • 25 10-minute demonstration speech topics

25 ideas for short how-to speeches

26 topics for show-and-tell speeches.

  • 32 demonstrative topics for 3 to 10-minute speeches

How plan and prepare your demonstration speech

  • Get an adaptable printable demonstrative speech outline

Other topics for demonstration speeches

Images: squeezed toothpaste tube and toothbrush, cute cat, 6 porcelain teacups. Text: 100 plus 10-minute demonstration speech topics: how to clean teeth, how to make a perfect cup of tea...

Before you settle on a topic, please don't overlook demonstrating a skill or a process you regard as commonplace.

If we already know how to do something competently, we have an understandable tendency to dismiss whatever it is as far too simple, and too ordinary to turn it into a demonstration speech.

And yet, that assumption can be so wrong.

There are audiences who will want to know how to do some of the things we do so efficiently and easily, that we forget we had to learn how to do them in the first place!  Many of those things are on this list.

For instance, a group of people who don’t spend a lot of time online, could find why and how to set up a safe password valuable knowledge to have. It might stop them from being hacked!

Likewise teaching people who intend to explore the great outdoors, and haven't had much prior experience, how to use a portable gas stove safely is extremely useful.

Or showing parents of children with long hair how to plait it. That will save a lot of time and tears when it comes to brushing.

And I'll always be grateful to the person who showed me how to give medicine to my beloved cat, without being scratched to bits!

Think about your audience. What would be useful for them to know? Sharing something of real benefit and value will help keep them actively interested.  *

* For more on how to choose a great demonstration speech topic .

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25 3 to 10-minute demonstration speech topics

Once you’ve got your topic be sure to collect a printable demonstration speech outline to help you prepare your speech. You’ll find the link for that at the foot of the page. The outline will help you efficiently plan, organize and deliver a well-structured speech.

Now here's the first batch of the 100, and more, topics. 

Image: 6 vintage porcelain teacups. Text: 10-minute demonstration speech topics - How to make the most perfect cup of tea.

  • How to set up a safe password
  • How to avoid ID theft
  • How to use Google docs well
  • How to set up Google analytics on a website quickly
  • How to create a simple presentation using Microsoft Powerpoint or Apple Keynote
  • How to back up your important files
  • How to set up a wifi connection
  • How to report online bullying
  • How to fill out online forms well
  • How to clear cookies off your computer
  • How to identify and report spam
  • How to set up a Spotify account
  • How to use online banking
  • How to use a credit card responsibly
  • How to use online grocery shopping to save
  • How to defend yourself against a random personal physical attack
  • How to pack a travel bag efficiently
  • How to help someone who is choking
  • How to lift heavy objects without damaging yourself
  • How to make a perfect cup of tea
  • How to shop for groceries efficiently in a supermarket
  • How to use a dryer to make your own dried fruit
  • How to can vegetables safely
  • How to freeze excess produce
  • How to make perfect fruit jam

Image: squeezed tube of toothpaste and toothpaste on brush. Text: 10-minute demonstration speech topics - How to clean your teeth properly.

  • How to chop vegetables safely and quickly
  • How to carve a chicken, turkey...
  • How to store raw chicken in the fridge safely
  • How to prepare a simple healthy meal from basic ingredients
  • How to plan an affordable weekly dinner menu
  • How to iron a shirt
  • How to tie a neck tie
  • How to sort laundry, use a washing machine and dry your clothes
  • How to hand wash delicate fabrics
  • How to use a knife and fork correctly
  • How to use a pair of chop sticks properly
  • How to know what cutlery to use when you’re at a formal dinner party
  • How to plait long hair
  • How to brush a long-haired dog or cat well
  • How to brush your teeth correctly
  • How to do a press up correctly
  • How to choose a haircut to suit your face shape
  • How to a jacket to suit your body shape
  • How to dress well on a limited budget
  • How to make a simple healthy dessert
  • How to ice a cake simply and effectively
  • How to upcycle a tee shirt
  • How to mend a fallen hem
  • How to sew on a button
  • How to make a bookcase from recycled materials

Image: 3 pots of basil Text: 10-minute demonstration speech topics - How to grow fresh kitchen herbs on your window sill

  • How make a simple personal budget
  • How to grow kitchen herbs in a window box
  • How to escape from a sinking car
  • How to use a blanket to move heavy objects
  • How to sharpen a knife
  • How use a thermometer correctly
  • How to use a compass
  • How read a simple topographical map
  • How to use a portable gas stove safely out of doors
  • How to put out a stove top fire
  • How to change a light bulb
  • How to clear a blocked sink
  • How to clean a bathroom well
  • How to make a bed
  • How to use the local public transport system
  • How to hold a baby properly
  • How to change a baby’s diaper
  • How to dress a baby
  • How to dress a wound
  • How to make an emergency call
  • How to administer first aid for burns
  • How to treat hypothermia
  • How to handle frostbite
  • How to handle someone having a seizure
  • How to use CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
  • How to shine a pair of shoes

32 demonstrative topics for 10-minute speeches

Image: drawing of a very cute cat. Text: 10-minute demonstration speech topics - How to give a cat medicine

  • How to book a taxicab
  • How to arrange flowers in a vase
  • How to sow flower or vegetable seeds
  • How to re-pot an indoor plant
  • How to take a cutting from a plant
  • How to prune a rose
  • How to dry or press flowers
  • How to forage for edible plants
  • How to set a mouse trap
  • How to make good lecture notes
  • How to set a meeting agenda
  • How to run a meeting efficiently
  • How to read body language – what shows a person is unsure, shy, angry, confident...
  • How to effectively and easily join a conversation between people you don’t know at a gathering
  • How to make a personalized greeting card – birthday, wedding, anniversary, Christmas...
  • How to make paper flowers
  • How to make touchstones for children
  • How to make a personalized birthday crown
  • How to make colorful party bunting
  • How to make a yarn ball
  • How to make finger puppets
  • How to felt wool balls for a garland
  • How to decoupage a box, tray...
  • How to make a pasta necklace
  • How to make personalized pencil and pen holders from tin cans
  • How to mend a tear in a favorite piece of clothing
  • How to organize your wardrobe, kitchen counter, pantry...
  • How to give medicine to a cat or a dog safely
  • How to see a situation from another person’s point of view
  • How to encourage and practice creative thinking
  • How to make a friendship bracelet
  • How to make a family pinboard

To be really effective you'll want to plan and prepare your 'how-to' speech thoroughly - even if you know the subject inside out!

Demonstration speeches that haven't been thought through and practiced carefully have a nasty habit of suddenly sliding sideways super-fast. Then what you want to happen and what actually does are miles apart - two quite different things. 

To avoid that read  planning, preparation & delivery of your demonstration speech . 

Get the printable demonstration speech outline 

Click the link to access to printable demonstration speech outline .  (It goes to the same page on planning and preparation linked to above. While you are there be sure to read the FAQs, especially the information about cue cards. If you haven't given a demonstration speech before you'll find it useful.)

Image: Cartoon figures - Happy family - father and son, mother and daughter. Text: Share, show and tell about soft skills. They're vital for healthy relationships.

If you've not found the how-to speech idea you want here, here's the link to access four more pages of demonstration speech topics . Collectively, that's 100s of suggestions! They include soft skills: the skills we need to communicate well with each other.

speaking out loud 

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presentation of demonstration


  • Written By Gregg Rosenzweig
  • Updated: June 4, 2024
We’re here to help you choose the most appropriate content types to fulfill your content strategy. In this series, we’re breaking down the most popular content types to their basic fundamentals so you can start with a solid foundation — simple definitions, clarity on formats, and plenty of examples.

What is a Presentation?

A communication device that relays a topic to an audience in the form of a slide show, demonstration, lecture, or speech, where words and pictures complement each other.

Why should you think of presentations as content?

The beauty of content creation is that almost anything can become a compelling piece of content . It just depends on the creativity used to convert it and the story that brings it to life.

presentation of demonstration

The long and short of it

Although the length of a presentation in terms of time can depend on the overall approach (Are you talking a lot? Are you referring to the screen in detail or not?), consider the number of informational content slides when tallying the overall presentation length. For instance, don’t include title slides in your tally when conveying length to a content creator.

A general guide to presentation length:

  • Short Form (5 content slides)
  • Standard Form (10 content slides)
  • Long Form (20+ content slides)

Popular use cases for presentations…

Let’s consider TED Talks for a minute: one of the best examples (bar none) of how words, pictures, and a narrative can make people care about something they otherwise might not.

These “talks” pre-date podcasts and blend a compelling use of language and imagery in presentation format to spread ideas in unique ways.

TED Talks have been viewed a billion-plus times worldwide (and counting) and are worth considering when it comes to how you might use video-presentation content to connect with your customers in creative, cool, new ways.

Business types:

Any company that has a pitch deck, executive summary, sales presentation, or any kind of internal document can repurpose them into external-facing content pieces — without pain.

Presentation Examples – Short Form

Here are some short-form examples with curated to help inspire you.

presentation of demonstration

Presentation Examples – Standard Form

presentation of demonstration

Presentation Examples – Long Form

presentation of demonstration

Understanding Content Quality in Examples

Our team has rated content type examples in three degrees of quality ( Good, Better, Best ) to help you better gauge resources needed for your content plan.

In general, the degrees of content quality correspond to our three content levels ( General, Qualified, Expert ) based on the criteria below. Remember though, multiple variables determine the cost, completion time, or content level for any content piece with a perceived degree of quality.

presentation of demonstration

How to Get Exceptional Content That Elevates

If you want to impress your clients, co-workers, or leadership team with your next presentation or product demonstration, to might want to consider working with proven content creators.

At ClearVoice, we have a Talent Network of 4000+ professionals across 200+ industries. That means we can find creators with the exact skill sets and expertise you need to create content that gets results.

Talk to a content specialist today to start the conversation.

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Marketer showing high-quality content.

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What is the difference between "presentation" and "demonstration"?

What is the difference between presentation and demonstration ?

  • differences

RegDwigнt's user avatar

4 Answers 4

In the context of my work at a software company, a presentation would include powerpoint slides with lists or screen shots of software functionality. A demonstration would include using the software to show, or demonstrate the functionality or how to complete a task.

mkennedy's user avatar

  • Absolutely agree (speaking also from a software/technical background). The interactivity involved in a demo has resulted in a fairly common turn of phrase "if the demo gods are with us" to indicate that a demo can (and often does!) go wrong. –  Loquacity Commented Jul 3, 2011 at 0:26

For one thing, a demonstration could involve hundreds of thousands of people marching through the streets, some of them maybe throwing petrol bombs.

A presentation rarely involves more than a handful of 'presenters', and usually it's just one person standing up in front of an audience and talking.

Without more context it's hard to be more specific. In some cases the words are interchangeable.

FumbleFingers's user avatar

Assuming that by "demonstration" you mean somebody showing something to others rather than angry mobs in the streets:

A demonstration is a type of presentation. A presentation is any situation where you present some material to others. The typical presentation is a lecture with visual aids like slides. A demonstration is where you actually show something.

If the bulk of the time will be taken with showing the thing being demonstrated, you usually call it a demonstration (or "demo") even if there are also some accompanying slides. If most of the time will be spent with slides and talking and a demonstration is only a small part of it, it's better to call it a presentation (or a presentation that includes a demo) to set people's expectations correctly.

Monica Cellio's user avatar

Demonstration is when someone is showing something to someone on how it works.

Presentation is when someone is presenting something to a group of person either by charts diagram, slides etc.

natesia haynes's user avatar

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presentation of demonstration

7 The Art of Demonstration

Rebecca Collier, M.B.A.

Learning Objectives

  • Break an instructional topic down into easy-to-follow steps.
  • Maintain audience attention while demonstrating a skill.
  • Manage audience participation.
  • Incorporate visual aids.

“If you give a person a fish, you feed the person for a day. If you teach a person how to fish, you feed a person for a lifetime.”

— Attributed to Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu/Lao-Zi

Koi in a Pod

The demonstration speech is usually a lot of fun for the audience, because there is a high level of participation. It can also be quite practical – we learn skills that we can actually use in our daily lives. There is also the wow-factor of props. Including objects in a presentation is one of the proven ways to get the audience’s attention and interest. This chapter will help you choose an appropriate topic, break your demonstration down into simple steps, and apply the Four P’s of Demonstration: Props, Plan B, Participation, and Patter, to help your audience stay engaged throughout the presentation and remember what you taught them.

Choosing a Topic

Make sure your topic is appropriate for your audience. Find something that most people don’t already know how to do, and that you, personally, find interesting. Consider your audience as well. What new skill would be likely to appeal to this group? You are encouraged to draw from your cultural background. Remember that enthusiasm is contagious! If you are excited about what you are about to show us, it’s likely some of that excitement will rub off on us. You can show us how to make something, or how to do something. However, this is a demonstration. You are not merely explaining something to us, but also showing us how to do it.

Structuring the Presentation

In your introduction, let the audience know what you will be teaching them how to do, why this skill matters, and how you learned how to do it. Your professor may also provide additional guidance about what goes into this section. The introduction sets up the audience to understand what they are about to learn, and it motivates them to pay attention as you teach them. Sharing with us how you gained this skill builds credibility with your audience. If the audience doesn’t trust your expertise in the speech subject, they will not be as focused during your speech. It also may be helpful to introduce your supplies before you begin the actual demonstration and let us know where and how we can obtain these items. Additionally, this is a good place to define any specialized vocabulary terms needed for this presentation.

Your speech should take us through chronological steps of the task you are instructing. Be sure to include transitional words, such as “first,” “next,” and “last.” You will be giving the audience both a verbal understanding of how to do this task, along with a visual representation. Depending on the type of topic you choose, your audience may also do the task along with you. Thus, the demonstration speech utilizes several learning styles and is an ideal way to teach people.

As you conclude your speech, remind us what we have learned and how this new skill will benefit us. “Now you know how to…” “This will help you…”. This signals to the audience that you are wrapping up, and it reinforces what you have taught us. It’s also a good idea to allow some time for questions from the audience at the end.

The Four Ps

Here are four things to keep in mind while you are developing and practicing your demonstration: Props , Plan B , Participation , and Patter .

Many speech topics will require you to use actual objects while you demonstrate. For example, you can’t show us how to create a fishtail braid unless you have something to braid. The props don’t have to be the actual object you would use in real life. You have the option of bringing in something that represents that object. If you are showing us how to change a baby’s diaper, there is no need to bring a baby into the classroom. Instead, you could change the diaper of a doll or a stuffed animal. However, sometimes a substitute simply will not do. If you are showing us how to efficiently slice and serve a pineapple, you really need to bring in the pineapple. **Make sure that you don’t become so caught up with your props that you forget to connect with your audience.** Even when you are doing intricate work with your hands, be sure to periodically pause and make eye contact with the people observing the demonstration  while you speak to them.

As you prepare your props, make note of any that may be difficult for the audience to see from their seats. It is perfectly acceptable to pause your demonstration and walk over to the audience to show them something up close. If you have time and a big enough space, you can invite your audience to come up closer to see the details of your prop and how it is used. One thing you want to avoid is having your audience members pass something around to each other during your speech. This takes the focus away from your presentation. If you need to include handouts, or pass out materials, do so before or after your speech.

The trouble with a live demonstration is that things can and will go wrong. The matches won’t light. The paper tears when you try to fold it. See if you can anticipate everything that might possibly go wrong with your demonstration and have a plan in place to deal with those catastrophes. It’s also a good idea to have a completed version of what you are demonstrating hidden away so that you can show us how things were supposed to turn out. This is also helpful if your speech is going over time. You can truncate a few of the steps for the audience and show us the completed version that you’ve already prepared. Julia Child was famous for doing this on her cooking show , The French Chef. Sometimes she would accidentallly burn the food she was preparing, or it wouldn’t come out like it was supposed to. Julia was unfazed in these situations, and she would pull out a prepared dish so that the audience could all see how the recipe was meant to come together. Murphy’s Law tells us that anything that can go wrong, WILL go wrong. The more you are mentally prepared to deal with these challenging situations, the less stressed you will be as a presenter. When an accident happens, it won’t catch you off guard because you have already thought through how to handle it.

P articipation

Research into andragogy, the art and science of adult learning, shows that adults will learn more when they are active participants in the learning. There are three ways that people can participate in your speech. First, socially – they may speak out and make comments. Second, mentally – they may think about what you are saying and wrestle with it in their minds. Third, physically – they can do something. If your demonstration is simple, it would be great to have your audience follow along with you. For instance, if you are showing us how to do Dominican Bachata dancing, we can get up and learn the steps (physical participation). However, if your demonstration is complex, such as demonstrating how to make kimchi, we might not be able to do it with you. Still, you can always ask the audience questions to get them to participate socially. “Who here has tried kimchi?” “What did you think of it?” If you are pressed for time, it probably isn’t a good idea to ask for audience responses. Instead, pose a thought-provoking question to have the audience participate mentally. “Imagine that you are taking a trip to outer space. What food will you request to be served on your journey? Be sure to follow up by connecting your question to the speech topic. For example, to relate the question about taking food into space to the topic of “How to Make Kimchi,” you might go on to say, “In 2008, Korean astronaut Yi So-yeon requested kimchi, a fermented dish with the potential to explode in the vacuum of space. Although scientists had to tweak the recipe, kimchi made its way into the International Space Station so that Yi So-yeon could have a comforting reminder of home. Today I’ll be showing you…”

The last thing to remember is that you need to stay engaged with your audience throughout the demonstration, even while working on your task. We call this “patter,” like the pitter patter of rain drops. Continue to provide commentary for your audience while demonstrating, perhaps giving us additional examples or fun facts about your project. You can also elaborate on your experience in doing this skill, and what helped you learn how to do it. What we want to avoid is that awkward “dead space” where you are so focused on what you are doing that you forget about the audience and we sit there in silence.

Demonstration is a skill that is used all the time in the professional world. Perhaps a colleague will ask you how to do something, or you may be asked to participate in a formal training situation. You might also support a home business or personal brand by posting a how-to video on social media. Using these demonstration speech guidelines will help you become an instructor from whom people will want to learn.

Review Questions

  • Give an example of a topic that would work well for a short demonstration.
  • What is an example of a demonstration that would be difficult to complete in a short timeframe?
  • What are the Four P’s of Demonstration, and why is each one important?

Class Activities

  • Have the students each take out a piece of paper and tear it into three sections. On the first section, they should write down something they are good at. Collect these strips of paper and keep them in a stack. On the second section they should write down something they have always wanted to learn how to do. Collect these as well and keep them in a separate stack. On the final section, have them write down something they hope no one chooses for their demonstration speech topic. After collecting the remaining strips, pass each stack of papers to a pair or small group of students to sort through and look for trends and outliers. These students will then report their findings back to the class so we can get a sense of what skills the group has, and what topics people both want and don’t want to experience.
  • List the following phrases for the students: “Today I’ll be teaching you…” “You should know this because…” “I learned this…” “Now you know how to…” “This will help you…” Break the students into small groups and have them establish an order, 1, 2, 3, etc. Have student #1 in each group raise his or her hand. This student is going to teach the group members how to draw a smiley face. Student #1 may refer to the prompt on the board. Give Student #1 a couple minutes to perform this demonstration within the group. Choose a Student #1 from one of the groups to demonstrate this skill for the entire class, and prompt the student to include the structural components, if necessary. Repeat with simple topics until each group member has had a chance to try out a simple demonstration in a small group.

Works Cited

Gallo, Carmine. Talk Like TED . New York, NY: Macmillan. 2014. Print.

Han, Jan. “Korean Food to be Served in Space.” The Korean Times. Aug. 2008. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/biz/2008/04/123_22360.html

Hemmert, Nancy Grass. Public Speaking in American English: A Guide for Non-Native Speakers. 1st  edition. New York, NY: Pearson. 2007. Print.

Lucas, Stephen. E. The Art of Public Speaking . 12th edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. 2014. Print.

Powell, Susanna, et al. Stand and Deliver: High Impact Presentations . 4th edition.  New York, NY: Pearson. 2014 Print. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1081666.pdf 

The Art of Demonstration Copyright © by Rebecca Collier, M.B.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Demonstration Speech Ideas and Topics

Published by Boni on September 4, 2023 September 4, 2023

Demonstration Speech Ideas and Topics

What is a Demonstration Speech?

A demonstration speech is a presentation by a speaker whose main goal is to help the audience learn how to complete a specific task. Students in colleges and universities are often asked by their lecturers to write a demonstration speech they would give to a certain audience and it is not a wonder that some struggle in creating the same.

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Luckily there are different ways to go around the problem if you can’t easily create a demonstration speech. One simple way is to look for an instant speech maker . The speech generator will create for you an engaging and remarkable speech for your audience. A demonstration speech could be teaching colleagues how to perform a task, pitching new products to stakeholders or investors, or showcasing your service to potential customers.

How to Choose the Right Demonstration Speech Topic?

First, you have to consider the complexity of your demo and also ask yourself whether your audience will fully understand your demonstration in the time given to deliver the speech. Below is how you can choose the appropriate demonstration speech topic:

  • Audience demographics

Understand your audience before delivering the speech. Consider their demographics and know what things fascinate them. Understanding their age group, race or ethnicity will go a long way in helping you choose the right speech topic for them. Avoid a too complex demonstration topic or an excessively straightforward one.

When choosing a demonstration speech topic, your audience interests should be at heart. However, you should also be interested in the topic to deliver it with excitement and energy. Delivering the speech with passion will have your audience thinking deeply about what you are demonstrating.

The time given to complete the speech is another factor to consider. Some topics may require more time than others to demonstrate to your audience, therefore, consider the amount of time given to deliver the speech.  

What will be the setting as you deliver the demonstration speech? Will the audience be seated in a room or somewhere outside? Will it be a compact room or a big hall? All these questions will help determine your demonstration speech topic given the conditions of the setting.

  • Visual aids

Even though demonstration is a visual aid in itself, some speech topics could use presents, PowerPoint slideshows, or recordings. Such additional material will help bring out the real picture as you want it depicted to your audience.

List of Demonstration Speech Topics and Ideas

Demonstration speech topics could at times prove problematic to some students. You can always seek help from a reputable and professional speech writer from Gudwriter to help you out. They are experts in crafting impressive speeches that will make your audience think and act upon what you are demonstrating. Nevertheless, coming up with topic ideas can be challenging which is why we have created this extensive list of topic ideas for you. Pick your ideal topic and create your speech:

5-Minute Demonstration Speech Topics

These are the demonstration topics that you would need only five minutes to deliver. Usually, the topics are simple and straightforward like how to make graffiti. The speaker should deliver the message in the shortest time possible. Below are some brilliant examples:

  • How should I work with mosaics?
  • What exactly is a bonsai tree?
  • How should a bonsai tree be grown and maintained?
  • How can I crochet a handbag?
  • Describe the Rubik’s cube. What is the best way to resolve it?
  • Photoshop photo editing techniques
  • How may stained glass be created for your home?
  • What exactly is sculpture?
  • How can ice be carved?
  • How can a person create natural perfume at home?
  • Just what is graffiti?
  • How can I make graffiti at home?
  • What is a telescope used for?
  • How is talking to parrots taught?
  • Methods for choosing the right running shoes for leisurely strolls.
  • How to practice communication skills like active listening in class.
  • Methods for choosing a color scheme and palette.
  • Building a sand castle
  • How to register for voting
  • Learning how to play a computer game

Good Demonstration Speech Topics

These are brilliant demonstration topics that you can choose from to enlighten your audience on a given topic. Here are some examples of good demonstration topics:

  • How to make a homemade terrarium
  • The Art of making Sushi at home
  • Basic yoga pose introduction and relaxation methods
  • The Science of perfect chocolate chip cookie baking
  • How to make a beautiful flower arrangement
  • Time management techniques that work for busy professionals
  • First aid techniques for common injuries demonstrated
  • Tips for using energy efficiently at eome to save money and the environment
  • Developing your coffee brewing skills
  • Every driver should understand basic car maintenance
  • Principles of watercolor painting
  • Making a three-course, healthy meal on a budget
  • Making your own natural beauty products at home
  • How to get started with smartphone photography and editing
  • Making a raised garden ed for homegrown vegetables: Building instructions
  • Stress-reduction methods using mindfulness meditation
  • DIY suggestions for decluttering and organizing your home
  • Experiments that illustrate the basics of meteorology in The Science of weather
  • Effective public speaking: Tips and techniques for confident communication
  • A beginner’s guide to knitting or crocheting

Also, here are some informative speech topics .

Easy Demonstration Speech Topics

These are typical demonstration topics on simple things. They are just like the 5-minute speech topics meaning they only take a short time to demonstrate. Draw inspiration from the topics below:

  • Making coffee using various techniques
  • Obtaining consistent perfection in necktie knots
  • How to change a tire on a car
  • Building a rain barrel for reuse
  • How to set up your home office to be as productive as possible
  • Having your house cleaned fast and effectively
  • Clothes folding for optimal space conservation
  • constructing a perfect bed each time
  • How to prepare for your upcoming trip
  • Putting together a productive study schedule
  • How to create a smoothie for healthy breakfast
  • Basic hand sewing techniques
  • Making jelly sandwich and peanut butter
  • How to plant a flower in a pot
  • Sorting and reducing waste by recycling
  • How to set up your social media profile
  • Tying shoelaces using the bunny ears method
  • Tying the square knot
  • How to set up a projector
  • Home repair tips

Best Demonstration Speech Ideas

Demonstration speech ideas can come in many dimensions. Picking the ideal idea for your topic be it a technology or creative speech can be challenging due to the wide scope of the context. However, here are various example topics you can check out:

  • How to beat insomnia
  • Different ways to become a millionaire
  • Visual media categories
  • Basic survival techniques for wildlife
  • How to learn salsa
  • Describe the evolution of computer science.
  • Five simple steps to combat anxiety
  • Utilizing a multimedia projector
  • The significance of engaging in hobbies while attending college
  • How to apply makeup
  • How to find part-time employment
  • Writing guidelines for demonstration speeches
  • How should a car be washed?
  • Why put money aside?
  • How is hair French-meshed?
  • How do you use candles and flowers to beautify a room?
  • How can I write a compelling personal statement for admission?
  • How is a hammock constructed?

Read more: Best motivational speech topics and ideas.

Demonstration Speech Ideas for College Students

Demonstration speech ideas for college students may not be easy to come up with. That is because this is a different group of intellects and you have to create a topic that resonates and excites them at the same time as youth. Below are brilliant examples:

  • How to paint on a canvas effectively with the acrylic pouring technique
  • Why should you think about learning to skydive?
  • How to get through the speech on the subject you despise the most
  • How to become the spokesperson of your class
  • How to raise your horse riding skill
  • Effective study techniques for overnight exams
  • How to stay motivated in college
  • How do you create a website?
  • The iPhone user’s manual for beginners
  • Benefits of modern technology
  • How to Open a Mail Account
  • Projector for multimedia use
  • How to excel academically in college
  • How to change your schedule as a college student
  • Making the best study environment
  • Developing effective study habits to prepare for exams
  • Savings strategies for college students
  • How to network successfully in college and beyond
  • How to improve your business communication abilities in college
  • How to take advantage of campus chances and resources to further your education

Demonstration Speech Ideas for University Students

These are impressive speech ideas for an audience of university students. Understand that these are learned fellows so dig deep as you find the ideal topic for the demonstration speech. You can draw inspiration from this list:

  • How to find affordable course books
  • How to get the approval of any teacher
  • How to get friends close by
  • Essay writing process
  • How are stars counted?
  • Homework completion in the shortest time
  • Using fondant to decorate a wedding cake
  • Why is it vital to decorate kid-favorite foods with organic food coloring?
  • Which is more productive, group study, or library study, and why?
  • Tap dance instruction on YouTube
  • Paragliding and bungee jumping advice
  • What steps are involved in choosing the dessert for a wedding?
  • How should I cook the particular barbecue meat and cake on the stove?
  • How do you make it appear as though you were truly taken by surprise at a birthday celebration?
  • How to be a good listener
  • How to interpret a modern painting
  • Building a model airplane
  • How to read a palm
  • Making and uploading YouTube videos
  • Becoming an influencer

Funny Demonstration Speech Ideas

These demonstration speech topics demonstrate how to do funny things. As the speaker, you should be aware of how to bring out this presentation in a funny and hilarious way. If you are unable to create a funny speech for your audience, here are some inspirations:

  • How to always remember to turn off the iron after use.
  • How to tidy up after a clandestine house party.
  • How to pass the time while in college.
  • How to perfect the skill of lying while appearing innocent.
  • How to avoid some unpleasant friends.
  • How to snooze during class.
  • How to complete your schoolwork efficiently while relaxing at home.
  • How to stop fidgeting while under pressure.
  • How to watch a scary film alone at home.
  • How to act as though you were truly startled at a surprise birthday party.
  • How can lectures be readily memorized like songs?
  • How is a lie told with a straight face?
  • How do you triumph in an eating contest?
  • How can I appear attentive in class?
  • How can I swindle on an exam?
  • How do you make astrology the cause of everything?
  • How should a baby’s diaper be changed?
  • How can you be rude to someone you don’t like?
  • How do you plan a wedding without going insane?
  • What to wear to resemble Barbie?
  • Methods for determining whether a Louis Vuitton bag is genuine.

Unique Demonstration Speech Ideas

These speech ideas are unique and address a special thing or activity. As you create a demonstration speech always think about your audience. Will they resonate with the speech? Is this something that has an impact on their daily lives? Here are example topics:

  • Simple self-defense methods
  • How to handle the widespread materialism.
  • Hints on remaining frugal and saving money.
  • Techniques for public speaking success
  • Use of a yoga mat.
  • Creative recycling solutions
  • How to function in a multicultural setting.
  • Showcase how to assemble a gaming computer.
  • How to spot a fraud in the field of archaeology.
  • Understanding nonverbal clues
  • Hacks for boosting self-assurance and calming anxiety
  • Showcase your 3D printing project.
  • How to construct and program a basic robot
  • How to use fingerprint analysis to find a criminal
  • How to properly provide constructive criticism
  • The method used to make scents
  • How are airbags opened?
  • How do bullet-resistant vests function?
  • Safety precautions for using fireworks
  • The way a radar detector functions.
  • How do you create an animated computer character?

Cool Demonstration Speech Ideas

Cool demonstration topics could range in a wide scope of subjects. These are fantastic speech topics that could excite your audience from the discussion of the topic. Any cool speech topic idea should not bore the audience. These topics could be imaginary or generally exciting speech topics. Below are examples:

  • How can I work at home?
  • X methods for adorning a wedding cake
  • How do you whistle?
  • How do you get to the moon?
  • How to write a speech that wins awards in X steps
  • What is beatboxing?
  • How to effectively create a business strategy be written?
  • How may a WordPress theme be customized to suit your tastes?
  • How do you catch fish?
  • How can I improve my singing?
  • How is a golf club run?
  • How can you protect your house from intruders?
  • How do you keep your gaze steady?
  • How to do your indoor herb garden
  • Writing an effective business letter
  • Photography magic tricks
  • Upcycling treasures
  • Creative cake decorations
  • Making scented candles
  • How to prepare mango pudding

Interesting Demonstration Speech Ideas

Your speech topic idea does not have to be boring and professional. Get inspiration from some of the interesting demonstration speech ideas. These ideas will leave your audience motivated, entertained and energized to try something new in their lives. Persuasive speeches could fall under this category since they persuade the audience to check out this interesting thing or service. Other categories also include the funny speech topics and demonstration speech topics about the universe.

  • The benefits of reading children’s books: The cognitive development of children
  • What are the best strategies to apply in order to convince and motivate customers?
  • What steps should I take to write a report on British business leadership?
  • At a birthday party, how do you look as though you were actually caught off guard?
  • How do you paint on canvas using the acrylic pouring technique?
  • Decorating the wedding cake to fit the overall theme of the celebration.
  • Read and comprehend the food and beverage nutrition labels.
  • Methods for luring butterflies to the backyard garden
  • How to set up a covert camera
  • How to construct a paper airplane and boat
  • How to construct a sand castle
  • Show how to install an air conditioner at your place of business.
  • How to learn breakdancing the right way
  • How should a princess dress?
  • How do you get ready for a presentation you completely forgot about?
  • The best method of eating a deviled egg.
  • How do you pick the ideal pet?
  • How should a baby be diapered?
  • Methods for executing magic tricks
  • How do you pick the best running shoes?

Technology-based Demonstration Speech Topics

These are the technology-based speech topics to demonstrate to your audience. Most of these topics will have something to do with technology like installing a given software or technological product. For exciting technology-based speech topics, here are brilliant examples:

  • How to set up your home network so that everything works seamlessly
  • Showcasing the construction of a gaming PC
  • How to design a website from scratch using code or website builders
  • Constructing and utilizing VR headsets for immersive encounters
  • Introducing the fundamentals of coding and producing a straightforward program
  • How to use photo editing software to enhance and edit pictures
  • Home automation setup and use of smart home devices
  • Demonstrating the creation and release of a mobile application
  • How to be secure online and safeguard personal information
  • Examining the 3D printing industry and showcasing a 3D printing project
  • Using mobile payment apps
  • How the GPS works
  • Understanding smartphone photography
  • Best cybersecurity practices
  • The basics of video editing
  • Understanding Augmented Reality
  • File backup and cloud storage
  • Introduction to 3D printing

Creative Demonstration Speech Ideas

These speech ideas are quite creative and tend to jolt the minds of your audience. They involve demonstrating something in a creative way to your audience. Most creative speech ideas will revolve around being innovative in solving a given problem. Some cool examples include:

  • How do you create greeting cards?
  • How do you launch a business?
  • What is the best way to brew coffee?
  • Recommendations for safe international travel
  • How do you decide what profession you want?
  • How do you use chopsticks?
  • X methods for producing natural dyes
  • How do you build a greenhouse?
  • How should I paint eggs?
  • How do you combine flowers in a lovely way?
  • What is the best way to choose a color scheme and palette for your artwork?
  • Mastering Hand Lettering
  • Reusing treasures
  • Natural beauty at home
  • Creative artistic cake decorations interior design 
  • Photography Magical pranks
  • Stunning floral arrangement delights and nail art
  • Innovative gift packaging
  • DIY gardening tips

Public Speaking Demonstration Speech Ideas

Anyone can hone their public speaking skills by being more creative and practicing. You can enhance your public speaking skills by delivering demonstration speeches where you give your audience some information while working on your courage. Such topics are interesting to handle as you will discover in the examples below:

  • Techniques for boosting self-assurance and calming anxiety
  • How to improve your message with gestures, posture, and facial expressions
  • How to engage your audience through tone, volume, and pace
  • Techniques for organizing and presenting a strong case
  • How to engage and connect with your audience by using stories
  • Guidelines for producing aesthetically appealing and educational slides
  • Techniques for speaking coherently and thinking quickly on your feet
  • By including funny elements, you can draw in and amuse your audience.
  • How to make the most of multimedia, charts, and props in your presentation
  • How to make your speech more accessible and memorable by using personal anecdotes
  • Understanding nonverbal communication during a graduation speech
  • Impact of visual aids
  • Overcoming stage fright
  • Effective vocal warm-ups
  • Creating powerful openings and closings
  • Relevance of audience analysis
  • Use rhetorical devices for emphasis
  • How to efficiently handle Q&A
  • Role of ethical communication
  • Storytelling in business

Demonstration Speech Ideas with Sports

Sports offer a dynamic and rich arena for exploration of various techniques, strategies, and skills. Whether you are a sports enthusiast or an athlete, these demonstration speech topics will be both entertaining and educational to you. Below are some example topics:

  • Learn how to skateboard like a pro.
  • Basketball street abilities
  • How to make your golf swing better
  • How to improve your yoga technique: Asanas and breathing techniques
  • Building the ideal snowman: advice and techniques
  • Tips for enhancing your tennis game  
  • How to increase your running speed using running shoes
  • Getting ready for a 10-kilometer race 
  • How to design an obstacle-filled outdoor course for entertainment and exercise
  • Gaining your courage while surfing waves
  • How to convert a bike into a stationary workout device
  • How to throw a spiral in football
  • Volleyball serving techniques
  • Performing the perfect dive
  • Fundamentals of hitting in baseball
  • The tennis backhand
  • Building a custom bicycle
  • Introduction to rock climbing
  • Stretching and warm-up for athletes
  • Science of bowling

Demonstration Speech Topic Ideas with Food

Food is a science, an art and a cultural experience that connects individuals all over the globe. Showcasing food-related topics can be quite informative and delicious to your audience. Such topics are also full of vigor and energy since everyone loves food especially if it is food they have never tried before. Here are some great example topics:

  • How do you choose the ideal wedding cake?
  • What are the fundamentals of wine tasting?
  • What are some practical BBQ tips?
  • Making regional soup that is customary.
  • How should fondant be made for cakes?
  • Different methods to prepare chili
  • How can homemade pasta be made?
  • How to bake a cake without using an oven?
  • Kimchi – what is it? How to succeed in preparing it?
  • Preparing biscuits in a pan
  • How do you master using chopsticks?
  • How are fish deboned and made into fillets?
  • How can cotton candy be made by hand?
  • Precautions to take when learning to cook.
  • How can fresh jam be made at home?
  • Irish coffee: How is it made?
  • What stages go into the preparation of banana pudding?
  • What is the importance of breakfast?
  • Relevance of spices and herbs in cooking
  • Where did Italian pizza come from?

Demonstration Speech Topics on Health

Health is vital and understanding how to improve and enhance your health is key to living a healthy lifestyle. If your audience is more interested in their health status, they could enjoy such demonstration topics. Draw your inspirations from the following example topics:

  • A lot of salt is bad for your health.
  • How to perform an Olympic lift
  • Reduce the amount of meat you consume!
  • Why eating poor quality food is bad for you
  • Does toothpaste have any health benefits?
  • Is exercise beneficial at all?
  • Why does laughing make you seem younger?
  • Why should you avoid drinking alcohol?
  • The dangers of tobacco
  • Self-medication might be dangerous.
  • Why is food addiction something that should be avoided?
  • Why should you be concerned about your sleeping arrangement?
  • You might have certain health problems if you drink soft drinks.
  • How to find the top medical insurance
  • The perfect espresso mug.
  • Chopsticks are the most efficient tool for the job
  • Fish smoking: How should you do it?
  • A yoga present’s gameplay
  • The steps to doing yoga
  • Creating a meal for a vegetarian
  • Utilize natural foods and vegetables throughout the day.

Coming up with demonstration speech ideas and topics could be problematic but not with all these resources around. You can get inspiration from these topics or get a speech maker to help you out. Whether you are looking to write a demonstration speech or an informative speech, feel free to contact our experts or use our effective speech maker .

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A black-and-white photograph of two people  standing next to one another, framing the photograph. They are standing in front of a grouping of tens and people on the steps at Columbia. All the images in this article are in black-and-white.

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A pro-Palestinian protest on Columbia University’s campus this spring. Credit... Mark Peterson/Redux

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Emily Bazelon

By Emily Bazelon and Charles Homans

Emily Bazelon is a staff writer for the magazine who also teaches at Yale Law School. Charles Homans covers politics for The Times. He visited the Columbia campus repeatedly during the demonstrations, counter-demonstrations and police actions in April.

  • Published May 29, 2024 Updated May 31, 2024

Early on the afternoon of Nov. 10, Jameel Jaffer, the director of the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, was on his way into a meeting in Low Library, the domed neoclassical building at the center of campus, when an administrator pulled him aside. The school, the administrator said, was about to announce the suspensions of the campus chapters of the organizations Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, an allied anti-Zionist organization — a move that alarmed Jaffer given the fraught politics of the moment.

Listen to this article, read by Gabra Zackman

The day after Hamas’s brazen Oct. 7 attack on military and civilian targets in Israel, the S.J.P. and J.V.P. chapters co-signed an open letter declaring “full solidarity with Palestinian resistance.” The letter described the attacks as “an unprecedented historic moment for the Palestinians of Gaza” and a “counteroffensive against their settler-colonial oppressor.” It would be tantamount to “asking for quiet submission to systemic violence” for anyone to call for peace now, after years of Israeli violence and military campaigns against Palestinians. The groups issued a list of demands to the university — divestment from companies doing business with the Israeli government, the end of Columbia’s affiliation with Tel Aviv University and a recognition of Palestinian “existence and humanity” — and announced a demonstration on Oct. 12 on the steps of Low Library. They signed off: “See you Thursday.”

The Oct. 12 demonstration appeared to be in violation of campus rules, which required student groups to give 10 days’ notice for gatherings in public spaces, but Columbia had not been enforcing such requirements amid the emotional responses to the Hamas attacks and Israel’s retaliatory bombing in the Gaza Strip. “We got some pushback from the university,” recalled Cameron Jones, an organizer of the J.V.P. chapter, “but not insane pushback.”

As the sit-ins, teach-ins and die-ins continued, however, that began to change. Pro-Israel groups held counterdemonstrations, and tensions built on Columbia’s small, enclosed central campus. “In the past, demonstrations were basically students protesting against the establishment, and that was, you know, unidirectional and fairly straightforward,” the president of Columbia, Minouche Shafik, said in late May, in her first interview since December. “In this crisis,” she went on, “students are opposed to other students, faculty opposed to other faculty. And those internal dynamics and tensions have made this much more difficult than past episodes.” Outside Columbia’s library, several Israeli students were physically attacked after they confronted another student tearing down posters of Israelis held hostage by Hamas. Students wearing hijabs and kaffiyehs reported being called “Jew killers” and terrorists.

By Oct. 25, when S.J.P. and J.V.P. staged a walkout of college classes, “our relationship with the administration was really crumbling,” Jones recalled. Two days later, Israel’s invasion of Gaza began. On the night of Nov. 8, with another demonstration planned for the next day on the steps outside Low, a faculty adviser told the organizers that they were out of compliance with school rules and asked them to postpone the event. They did not , and the university suspended them.

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Summer Game Fest 2024: Everything Announced

Putting a spotlight on the biggest summer game fest reveals..

Michael Cripe Avatar

The 2024 Summer Game Fest showcase has come to a close after bringing out a steaming plate of game reveals, trailers, and surprises. It was a presentation jam-packed with nearly every kind of video game from across the industry.

Summer Game Fest 2024 Games

LEGO Horizon Adventures

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Lego Horizon Adventures is coming to PlayStation 5

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Quidditch Champions launches this year

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No More Room in Hell Early Access arrives this Halloween

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For more, be sure to check out our interview with developer Camouflaj .

Street Fighter 6 Is Getting a Fatal Fury Crossover

More Street Fighter 6 content is on the way, as Capcom is promising to deliver four new characters with Season 2 . The upcoming season promises to be one of the classic fighting game’s busiest yet, as the new roster includes a crossover with Fatal Fury that will see fighters Terry and Mai joining the battle. Also on the way are classic Street Fighter characters M. Bison, who seems to be sporting a new look, and Elena. The content will rollout throughout the remainder of the year.


Blumhouse Games unveils Crisol Theater of Idols, Fear the Spotlight, and More

Blumhouse, a studio that has made a name for itself over the last decade with horror movies like M3GAN and Five Nights at Freddy’s, is entering the games business . Instead of launching the new endeavor with just one video game project, the studio announced a variety of horror games from teams like Eyes Out, Half Mermaid, Cozy Game Pals, Perfect Garbage, PlayMe Studio, and Vermila. Blumhouse explained that its goal is to offer games for more than one kind of player. It kicks off with Fear the Spotlight, but other titles, like Grave Seasons, Sleep Awake, Crisol Theater of Idols, are on the way, too.

Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind reveals new old-school-style beat-em-up

Beat-em-up gaming fans time traveled back to the ‘90s when Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind was revealed at Summer Game Fest 2024. This old-school-style video game sees players team up to fight off Putties and other iconic villains while playing as the original Rangers themselves. So far, the game’s strength seems to be the variety of activities it offers, as players can be seen switching between beat-em-up, FPS, and racing gameplay.

MECHA Break sets beta test date for this August

MECHA Break appeared during Summer Game Fest 2024 to show off a new trailer while promising to let players join in on the action this August. No specific date for the beta test was revealed, but the presentation also revealed that Takayuki Yanase (Metal Gear, Gundam, Armored Core) and Junya Ishigaki (Xenogears, Gundam) provided their talents to help design some of the game’s mechs. We’ll learn more about what MECHA Break has in store as we inch closer to that August beta test.

The First Descendant gets July release date

Nexon’s free-to-play sci-fi looter shooter, The First Descendant, has locked down a release date of July 2, 2024, for PC via Steam, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X | S. It’s a date that was revealed with a new trailer highlighting the project’s fast-paced exo-suit action. Additionally, Nexon says fans can expect to hear more details about “launch elements and events” as launch grows closer. With only a few weeks to go, it shouldn’t be much longer before we hear more.

Alan Wake 2 Night Springs DLC is out tomorrow

Remedy Entertainment’s Sam Lake took the stage at Summer Game Fest 2024 to announce that the first Alan Wake 2 DLC, Night Springs, is out in less than 24 hours . It was a surprise reveal for the studio’s otherworldly horror game, and its trailer teases some interesting ties to its grand video game universe. Specifically, Control’s Jesse Faden makes an appearance in the footage, though it’s unclear how exactly she'll fit in. Of course, all will be revealed when players get their hands on Alan Wake 2 Night Springs tomorrow, June 8.

Skate gameplay reveals console playtests are on the way

EA’s long-dormant Skate franchise is back, and during Summer Game Fest 2024, we got a good look at what its gameplay is like . Skate is looking, well, like Skate, as players can be seen climbing buildings and chaotically rolling around as they use every inch of the city to get around. Unfortunately, EA says its next Skate game is still in pre-pre-alpha, but there is at least a silver lining: console playtests. Fans hoping to pick up their skateboards once again can head here to sign up for the playtests before they kick off this fall.

Valorant is coming to consoles

League of Legends developer Riot Games is bringing its competitive fantasy shooter Valorant to PS5 and Xbox Series X | S . It’s a big move for the first-person shooter, which has otherwise remained exclusively on PC since its launch. While it won’t feature cross-play support, the studio says it will let players keep their progress across platforms with cross-progression. A limited beta test is set to begin next week on June 14, with the full console launch expected to follow sometime in the future.


Among Us animated series clip and Outersloth revealed

Developer Innersloth vented into Summer Game Fest 2024 to show off our first look at the animated series based on its hit social party game, Among Us . The video follows a long wait for more information on this show version of the studio’s game-changing project, revealing its art style and how its star-studded cast fits in. Innersloth had a strong presence at the showcase, as it also revealed a new initiative called Outersloth that is meant to help lend a hand to indie developers.

Dune: Awakening story trailer sets the stage for Paul Atreides

Funcom’s open-world survival MMO take on Dune, Dune: Awakening, appeared during Summer Game Fest to show players a closer look at its take on the rule of Paul Atreides. This cinematic trailer gets fans up to speed by letting Arrakis’ fearsome ruler monologue about his past, his future, and what could have been. Dune: Awakening will reappear at Gamescom this August and is expected to eventually launch for PC via Steam, PS5, and Xbox Series X | S.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 trailer shows off gameplay ahead of 2024 launch

Warhorse Studios is gearing up for the release of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, but it made sure to make some time to deliver a gameplay trailer for Summer Game Fest 2024 watchers. This all-new look at the studio’s medieval sequel swaps between bloody battles and comedy as it shows off some of the different encounters players may find themselves in. There’s no release date yet, but the project is at least still expected to arrive on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X | S later this year.

Slitterhead gameplay trailer reveals November release date

Silent Hill creator Keiichiro Toyama revealed a trailer for his next twisted creation, Slitterhead , at this year’s Summer Game Fest presentation. This more action-focused title from developer Bokeh Game Studio keeps the nightmare creatures from the Silent Hill series while giving players a few more tools to progress. Specifically, it looks like you’ll be able to switch between humans and even some animals to get around when launch arrives November 8, 2024.

For more, you can also check out our interview with Toyama to learn more about how Slitterhead came to be and how players can expect it to differ from his previous work. Then be sure to check out our preview of the game .

Delta Force: Hawk Ops trailer promises global PC alpha test in July

Delta Force: Hawk Ops brought grounded first-person shooter gunplay to Summer Game Fest 2024 with a new trailer. This new footage of the military shooter takes players to several different locations while showing off how they’ll be able to cooperate with a team to complete missions. More importantly, though, the video sets a course for players to enjoy a PC alpha test next month before the game comes to more platforms down the line.


Killer Bean early access drops this summer

Tongue-in-cheek action game Killer Bean is bringing its over-the-top sandbox gameplay to players in summer 2024. A trailer for the title showed there’s more to killer beans than many may have expected, as footage showed the ability to drive card and jet skis, breakdance through bullets, switch between first- and third-person perspectives, and so much more. At this point, it’s more of a question of what can’t you do in Killer Bean.

We’ll know more about its gameplay when we get our hands on it this summer.

Wanderstop trailer reveals a cozy game with a dark secret

Annapurna Interactive, Ivy Road, and The Stanley Parable creator David Wreden revealed their new game Wanderstop at Summer Game Fest, revealing a cozy farming sim that might have a few secrets to hide. Life in Wanderstop seems pleasant as we watch its protagonist garden, make tea, and relax in a small fairytale-like town. It isn’t long, however, until the quiet life starts to get to them. We’ll learn more about what lies beneath the surface when Wanderstop comes to PC via Steam and PS5 later this year.


New World: Aeternum gets October release date for PC and consoles

Amazon’s upcoming MMO, New World: Aeternum, has secured a release date of October 15, 2024. This is essentially an upgraded version of the already existing New World that includes all previously released content, such as the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion, as well as new content for players to enjoy. For example, those who pick up this enhanced version of the experience can look forward to a massive PvP zone, end-game solo trials, and changes to the dialogue system. Additionally, if you’re a new player looking to hang out with a friend on PC, New World: Aeternum will support cross-play between platforms.

Palworld is getting a new island and more Pals

Last year’s breakout Pokemon-like Palworld is getting more content , as announced at Summer Game Fest 2024. A trailer for Pocketpair’s massively popular monster-catching experience revealed that players can expect to receive an update soon that adds more Pals, a new raid, a new island, a higher level cap, and more. It’s all set to drop with the Sakurajima Update come June 27, meaning there’s only a few weeks left before Palworld changes in some big ways. Adding to the good news is the fact that Pocketpair confirmed that the update will also add dedicated servers for Xbox.

Monster Hunter Wilds gets crossplay on all platforms

Capcom showed up for Summer Game Fest 2024 to talk crossplay details for Monster Hunter Wilds, confirming that the feature will be supported for players on PC via Steam, PS5, and Xbox Series X | S. A new trailer for the latest in the Monster Hunter series revealed the addition while clarifying that cross-progression will not be supported. Still, crossplay support is yet another promising update to keep players waiting until launch arrives in 2025.

Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess nabs July release date on PC and consoles

Capcom kept ups its strong night at Summer Game Fest 2024 by announcing a PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X | S release date of July 19, 2024, for its upcoming action game, Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess. An overview trailer for accompanied the schedule update, promising that the project will also launch for Xbox Game Pass subscribers on day one.

Phantom Blade Zero trailer reveals break-neck action, world tour demo

Summer Game Fest came to an end with a brand-new trailer for developer S-Game’s Phantom Blade Zero. The video comes in at just less than two minutes long, delivering a good look at some of the project’s action and the weapons players can use in their fight against its nightmarish enemies. While we still have to wait for a release date, Phantom Blade Zero will soon reach players’ hands thanks to a demo world tour. The demo will make the rounds starting with Summer Game Fest this weekend, then coming to ChinaJoy in July, Gamescom in August, and Tokyo Games Show in September.

The Summer Game Fest presentation may have come to a close, but things are only just starting to heat up now that Summer of Gaming 2024 is officially underway. For more, you can keep a look out for updates on more events, like IGN Live , the Xbox Games Showcase , and more, throughout the weekend.

Michael Cripe is a freelance contributor with IGN. He started writing in the industry in 2017 and is best known for his work at outlets such as The Pitch, The Escapist, OnlySP, and Gameranx.

Be sure to give him a follow on Twitter @MikeCripe.

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Programs 2024 TechSprint: Generative AI in Housing Finance

Generative AI in Housing Finance

Register to Livestream FHFA’s Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Housing Finance TechSprint

Register here  to livestream Opening Day and Demo Day of FHFA’s Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint.

  • Opening Day, beginning at 10:30 am EST on Monday, July 22, will feature remarks from FHFA leadership and keynote speakers.
  • Demo Day, beginning at 9:00 am EST on Thursday, July 25, will feature remarks from FHFA leadership and keynote speakers and presentation​s from the TechSprint teams.

About th​e FHFA Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint

The FHFA Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint will be an in-person, team-based problem-solving event hosted by the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s (FHFA) Office of Financial Technology (OFT). The TechSprint will bring together technology, regulatory, housing, and consumer finance experts to identify use cases and associated control measures to support the responsible use of generative AI in housing finance.​

Partici​pants are organized into TechSprint teams and work over a three-day period to solve for problem statements centered around the question:

“How might the responsible use of generative AI promote a transparent, fair, equitable, and inclusive housing finance system, while fostering sustainable homeownership and rental opportunities?”

The TechSprint culminates in a Demo Day where each team will present its ideas to an independent panel of judges drawn from subject matter experts in government, industry, nonprofits, and academia.

The Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint will be held at FHFA’s Constitution Center headquarters in Washington, DC, and will run from July 22 to July 25, 2024. The application period to participate in-person at the TechSprint was open from March 20 through May 24, 2024.

FHFA Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint: Problem Statements

Umbrella Stateme​​nt​

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the imagination and interest of a diverse set of stakeholders, including industry, government, and consumers. For the housing finance system, the transformative potential of generative AI extends beyond technological advancement. Generative AI presents an opportunity to promote a housing finance system that is transparent, fair, equitable, and inclusive and fosters sustainable homeownership. Realizing this potential, however, is contingent on a commitment to responsible innovation and ensuring that the development and use of generative AI is supported by ethical considerations and safety and soundness.

FHFA’s Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint challenges participants to address the question,  “How might the responsible use of generative AI promote a transparent, fair, equitable, and inclusive housing finance system while fostering sustainable homeownership and rental opportunities?”​

TechSprint participants will demonstrate:

  • A key  use case  for generative AI in one of the four areas of focus provided below; and
  • Recommended  control measures , incorporating​ careful consideration of the associated risks.

Focused Statements ​

The four areas of focus are as follows:

  • Consumer Experience:  How might generative AI be used to further educate and empower prospective homebuyers in evaluating, comparing, and obtaining a mortgage loan and in sustaining their homeownership over time?
  • Assessing Creditworthiness:  How might generative AI be used to improve the evaluation of homebuyer credit, as well as the fairness of the credit decisions related to mortgage loans, particularly for homebuyers from underserved communities?
  • Operations:  How might generative AI be used to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of operational processes within the housing finance system, from origination to servicing and secondary market activities?
  • Risk Management and Compliance:  How might generative AI be used to enhance the effectiveness of risk management and compliance processes within the housing finance system?

Have additional questions about the 2024 TechSprint?  Please contact OFT at  [email protected] . To learn more about OFT, please visit  the OFT home page . And to learn more about FHFA’s inaugural TechSprint held in 2023, please visit the  Velocity TechSprint webpage .​​

Page Last Updated: May 28​​, 2024​​​​​


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