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NTU Computer Science and Business Tutorials, Labs and Assignments

This repo contains most of my notes & revision material written during my undergraduate Computer Science degree at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. I would like to credit all the professors, lecturers & tutors of the respective courses at NTU.

Feel free to raise an issue or create a pull request if you find any typos/errors! All opinions expressed here are strictly mine as a private citizen and has nothing to do with NTU.

  • Please use with your own discretion... not the best student out there :)
Year 1
Engineering Maths II
CZ1003 Introduction to Computational Thinking
Discrete Mathematics
Data Science and AI
Data Structures
Computer Organisation and Architecture
Digital Logic
Statistics and Analysis
Organisational Behavior
Financial Accounting
Business Law
Year 2
Algorithms Java
CZ2002 Object Oriented Design and Programming

Java & C++
Human Computer Interaction
Operating Systems C++ & Nachos
OODP & Software Engineering (NUS)

Computer Graphics And Visualisation VRML & Shape Explorer
Designing & Developing Databases MySQL & MongoDB
Analytics I: Visual and Predictive Analytics R
Analytics II: Advanced Predictive Analytics R & Python
Management Accounting
Finance (NUS)
Year 3
Advanced Computer Architecture Verilog & CUDA

Lovely prof, Prof Smitha! Enjoyed this mod cause the prof is super good. Otherwise, the content is kind of dry.
Advanced Software Engineering


Not useful at all, tons of documentation to do that follows templates created in the 2000s? - still don't see the purpose. NTU still uses SVN lol.
Software System Analysis and Design

React.js & Django

Take this mod seriously and you might learn some really interesting SE things and technologies.
Engineers and Society Pretty fun mod for me, got to present on some really interesting topics. Helps that a few of my classmates were BCG students, that took our discussion to the next level. Not v useful as a mod though >.<
CZ3004 Multidisciplinary Project

Python & Android Studio

Just meh pray for good group mates. Robot guy make or break it.
Software Security Pretty Interesting module, with CTF component. Highly recommended if you're interested in security. But...don't take this as you first security mod, did that and had to study harder. Pretty content heavy and dry but it's doable. Painful at the start, enjoyable when you understand stuff.
Artificial Intelligence

Python & Prolog. First part feels like a refresher on algorithms. Second part, prof seemed to be speaking ailien language. Have fun learning Prolog. Mug your PYPs!
Communication Management Strategy As with any communication module, not so easy to score...Very useful skills learnt though
Prescriptive Analytics: From Data to Decision Optimisation Modules in Python (RSOME & Gurobi Module)

Interesting Module, heavy on linear algebra and math. Pretty useful and awesome prof. Prof Qinshen is one of the most enthusiastic prof. Helps that he came from NUS haha
Financial Service Analytics Interesting module that covers what happens in the entire trade cycle. Personally difficult to score for me, a lot more qualitative (lots of essay) than quantitative.
Year 4
CZ3007 Compiler Techniques Very Dry Content
CZ4031 Database Systems Principles

Useful theory
Project is Deadly
BC3409 AI in Accounting & Finance Rehashing of things we have learnt before. Not very useful! Take if you want to chill
  • Jupyter Notebook 61.8%
  • Makefile 1.8%
  • Assembly 0.9%


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Assessment of teamwork.

Fairness and equity are two important issues when assessing team assignments. Should everyone in the team receive the same marks in team project, even when individual contributions were not equal? How can you reward diligence and discourage free ridership?

What to assess

  • Product related outcomes (e.g., presentation, report, research paper) will assess the quality of the final product.
  • Process related outcomes (e.g. ability to meet deadlines, contribute fairly, communicate effectively) will assess how well the team worked together and how each member contributed to the team.

How much weight to assign

Some instructors will use equal weights (i.e., they make the team grade worth 50% and the individual grade worth 50%). Others may split it 70:30 or 30:70. There’s no perfect breakdown, but the grading scheme should reflect your goals for student learning and seek to motivate the kind of work you want to see. For example, if developing teamwork skills is one of your learning objectives for the assignment, then your assessment should be weighted more toward the team grade. If the assessment is heavily weighted toward the individual grade (i.e., team grade is 15% or less), this may inadvertently discourage teamwork. To counter this, consider using the following statement to allow for assessing the individual with respect to his/her effort and contribution to the team:

To do well on the team assessment, it is necessary for you to demonstrate positive interdependence and teamwork. In principle, you will receive the same marks as your team. However, your individual score may vary based on feedback about your contributions to the group project.

How to assess

The team assessment can be graded either by the instructor, by students or through self-reflection. Each method has potential advantages and drawbacks which are summarized in the table below:

The instructor will grade a student’s contribution to the teamwork based on set criteria

Team members will grade each other’s contribution

Each student will submit a self-reflection piece on their learning as a team



Student and instructor

Scores to be tabulated by the instructor

Instructor to coordinate and tabulate scores from peer feedback

The instructor will grade all the self-reflection pieces

Short – Marks can be allocated during presentation / grading of group work

Medium – Scores will need to be tabulated after submission by the student

Long – Every reflection essay will need to be graded

Instructor-led grading is easier to implement since you have control over how the marks are awarded. As the subject expert, you are often the best candidate to assess the product.

Best for: When you have the opportunity to observe students in their teams, this may be the quickest way to assess their contribution. For example, in some long-term project-oriented courses, instructors have several consultation sessions with students. It is thus possible to have a good sense of how the teams are working together as well as the contributions of individual members.

  • You may have difficulty in remembering every student's contribution, which may lead to fairness and equity issues. 
  • Because you may have a potentially complex system, a great deal of record-keeping on each student may be required.
  • To help you remember each student's name, you can create a classroom roster with the student's name and faces tag together.
  • Use symbols and annotations every time a student has contributed to the class discussion. This will also help you remember their names.
  • Develop an assessment rubric so that you can properly assess the student's contribution to the project.

Example: Here is an example (from MS3015) of a rubric to assess teams by the instructors of a material science course where both the product and the process are addressed.

ntu work assignment

Peer assessment is an approach where the students’ contributions to their teams are assessed by their teammates.

  • When students have to work as a team outside of class, they may be the best judge of one another’s contribution to the team.
  • This is a very direct form of feedback for students in a team setting, which can help them improve in future team assessment.
  • Students may not take the peer assessment seriously if there is no significant grades assigned to it.
  • Students may adopt a competitive stance or “friendship marking” (Liu & Carless, 2006), which would impede the intended outcome of collaboration and teamwork (Boud, Cohen, & Sampson, 2014), especially if the peer evaluation carries a significant weight. 
  • Have students provide justification and evidence for their evaluation.
  • Grade students based on the quality of their feedback to peers (Bloxham & West, 2004).
  • Consider doing an anonymous peer evaluation to avoid "friendship marking".
  • Use online peer evaluation tools, such as  NTU's eUReka , to ensure student's identity remains anonymous to their peers.

Here is an example of a peer evaluation (used in NTU's Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core courses). More examples can be found by returning to the Assessing Your Students page.

Peer feedback can be used as a formative assessment throughout the course. For example, students may be asked mid-semester to give feedback to each other regarding two questions:

  • What do I hope you would keep doing?
  • What do I wish you would start doing?

Supporting students to communicate openly with one another for improving their teamwork skills.

As formative feedback is not graded, students may find it unnecessary to provide any constructive feedback to their peers, and hence, not take the feedback seriously. You can minimise this issue by clarifying to students the value of such feedback.

How to form groups

Should teams be homogeneous or heterogeneous? Research in Team-Based Learning show that heterogeneous teams result in the generation of more ideas, since students are able to bring in their own perspectives and enhance each other's learning (Michaelsen & Sweet, 2008; Watson, Michaelsen, & Sharp, 1991). However, some studies suggest that heterogeneous teams benefit the low-ability students most (Hooper & Hannafin, 1988), while middle- and high-ability students learn better in homogeneous teams as they encouraged to engage more in discussions, share the same goals or are able to learn at the same pace (Lou, et al., 1996). We encourage instructors to experiment with various approaches and see which best support your students in their learning. Here are some ideas to help you form groups in your classroom, as suggested by  TeachHub (visit their page for more ideas). There are also apps, such as Class Dojo , that can help you randomly arrange students into teams.

  • Grouped according to same skill level.  Perfect for differentiation. You can have ability-specific tasks assigned to each group.
  • Grouped to mix skill levels.  Students learn well when different skills and levels are mixed. With this you can make sure your strongest students are intermingled with others.
  • Grouped for  classroom management.   We all know those friends who are more likely to get off task than create a quality product. Pre-assign groups and make sure students who need to be separated are kept apart.
  • Grouped according to interest.  If you’re aware of different interests of your students via discussion or a survey, you might want to put them together and have them connect their common interest to the task.
  • Students select own group, with exceptions.  A variation from above, you can let them choose their groups but add, “Don’t join with the last person you were with,” or “No more than this many people.”
  • Students grouped based on responses.  Give a survey or quiz, and group students according to what they think or how they score.

My alumni story: International Scholarship opens up a world of opportunities for Aneeqa

MA Interior Architecture and Design alum Aneeqa Mukhtar is used to breaking new ground. Born into a small village at the border of Pakistan, she moved with her family to grow up in a bigger city for her education, and became the first woman in her community to pursue academic study. Aneeqa also chose to come to NTU – nearly 4,000 miles away from home. We were keen to share her story.

Aneeqa Mukhtar

Q: What made you choose NTU?

A: Because of its reputation – especially in the field of interior design. It was exciting to study the MA Interior Architecture and Design course alongside people from many different countries and backgrounds; I was always made to feel welcome.

The International Scholarship also provided a real beacon of hope. It was more than just financial aid, and a validation of my aspirations and potential. Traditionally, in my community, the idea that a woman would want to pursue an education is almost a taboo subject. Thanks to the scholarship, I had the means to go to university. It also helped me to act as a role model for other women back home.

Q: What did you learn – both inside and outside of lectures?

A: I learned a lot about the principles of interior design, the latest techniques, and industry standards. The collaborative assignments and group projects were great because they encouraged us to work as a team. By taking part in presentations, workshops and seminars, my confidence really grew. I was able to articulate my ideas clearly and persuasively. Outside the classroom, I was supported and encouraged to live and thrive in a new country.

Q: Did you get a Graduate Visa and stay in the UK after you finished your studies?

A: Yes. NTU's International Student Support team has played a crucial role in my journey. They provided essential advice on visa regulations, making sure I did everything correctly during my stay in the UK.

The visa has given me the time and flexibility to explore job opportunities and advance my career here in the UK. Thanks to NTU Employability, I’ve been well-prepared for the job market. They helped me create a strong CV, prepare for interviews, and have always boosted my confidence.

Q: The things you’ll never forget about NTU?

A: The friendships I built, the encouraging lecturers, and some unforgettable memories on campus – like crafting models in the workshops, the countless all-nighters spent in the library before final submissions, and the sense of accomplishment afterward.

I want to say thank you to them for helping to shape me into the person I am today and for being a constant source of support and inspiration. I am also so grateful for the encouragement provided by my mother and father – it's all been possible because of them.

Everything you need to know about studying at NTU as an international student

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  • Category(s): Alumni ; School of Art & Design


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    LZ申请的是NTU授课型硕士,在填网申表的时候遇到些问题。. 1. work assignment和pursue reason具体到底填啥?. 2. 要求1000个characters是指1000个字符,算空格不?. 要是这样那好少的字。. • 【杂问】PS字数超了怎么办?. • 求助各位朋友!. 网申NTU填写申请时关于work ...

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    You've done the research, you've written the assignment and you know it's a good piece of work. But what if your ideas are not clear to the person reading it? Spotting and correcting your own mistakes can make the difference between a near miss and hitting the target. Interactive proofreading guide; Proofreading checklist

  5. Master of Science in Project Management

    Prospective candidates with previous work experience in Project Management related roles; ... (individually assessed project assignment) NIL: 1, 2: MA6082: Management of Project Plan, Schedule and Resources : 3: ... Nanyang Technological University 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 Tel: (65) 67911744.

  6. 关于NTU的Work Assignment和Pursue Reason-新加坡留学-寄托家园留学论坛

    Work Assignment : Briefly describe (Please enter not more than 1000 characters; Do not use the symbols " & ~) your most recent work/job assignments, if any, relating to the programme you are applying for admission (Use a separate sheet of paper, if necessary). You may also indicate any research experience you may have or any paper(s) that you may have published over the last 5 years.


    ASSIGNMENT WRITING. Page 2 of 9 . Planning Your Essay . Decide how many words to allocate to the different sections of the essay . 1,500 word essay 2,000 word essay 2,500 word essay Introduction ... • The clearer your signposts - the easier your work will be to read.

  8. PDF Course Content

    The WSDeg FYP is a work-integrated course with its educational content embedded within the work environment and assignments that students will undertake at internship organisation. the To this end, the internship job scope will be evaluated by the course instructor/coordinator using thefollowing criteria:

  9. NTU's approach to assignments and assessments

    NTU's approach to assignments and assessments. ... work closely with Nottingham Trent Students' Union on the implementation and oversight of our approach to ensure it delivers the fairness that we all wish to see. Individual assessment schedules will be issued on Tuesday 31 March, so if you are a NTU student please check your NTU email ...

  10. NTU网申的work experience一定要填写吗?-新加坡留学-寄托家园留学论坛

    如果有research experience可以写的啊. 那个问题是. your most recent work/job assignments, if any, relating to the programme you are applying for admission (Use a separate sheet of paper, if necessary). You may also indicate any research experience you may have or any paper (s) that you may have published over the last 5 years.

  11. [uni] Work Study Scheme : r/NTU

    The job description and pay is dependent on the job itself. You can access these 2 by clicking on the assignment number, which typically starts with 'WS'. To apply you just gotta click on 'Apply' in the last column of the job listing, which will open into another page where you can directly send your email to the job poster. 2. Reply.

  12. PDF Nanyang Technological University School of Physical and Mathematical

    Nanyang Technological University School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Academic Year AY2022-23 Semester Special Term Course Coordinator Assoc Prof Richard D. Webster (CBC) / Dr Erik Anders Mikael Gustavsson (MAS) / Prof Lew Wen Siang (PAP) Course Code PS5002 Course Title Professional Attachment II (Work Term 3) Pre-requisites PS5001

  13. GitHub

    NTU-Assignments. NTU Computer Science and Business Tutorials, Labs and Assignments. This repo contains most of my notes & revision material written during my undergraduate Computer Science degree at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. I would like to credit all the professors, lecturers & tutors of the respective courses at NTU.

  14. Student handbook

    The Student Handbook covers regulations, procedures and policies which you may need to refer to as a current student at NTU. Find out about the NTU Student Charter, set out by the president of the NTSU and NTU's Vice Chancellor. Read the NTU Student Code of Behaviour. Find out about the Academic Appeals regulations and how to submit an appeal.

  15. [Uni] NTU Data Science and AI AMA (2020 Admissions) : r/SGExams

    r/SGExams. • 4 yr. ago. malalalalalalala. [Uni] NTU Data Science and AI AMA (2020 Admissions) University. Hi all! I'm currently a second-year undergraduate studying NTU's Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DSAI) course which is jointly offered by NTU's School of Computer Science and Engineering and School of Physical and Mathematical ...

  16. 关于ntu网申的Work Assignment-新加坡留学-寄托家园留学论坛

    请问ntu网申的Work Assignment里面要填什么呢? 他是这么写的-----Briefly describe (Please enter not more than 1000 characters; Do not use the symbols " & ~) your most recent work/job assignments, if any, relating to the programme you are applying for admission (Use a separate sheet of paper, if necessary).

  17. Cc0005 individual assignment : r/NTU

    Hi I am taking cc0005 this sem and I have no idea on how to start the individual assingnment . Does anyone who did this mod before have any tips to start this assignment ? You have to follow the rubrics very strictly. Choose 2 domains you are familiar with or like to talk about then input into chatgpt to ask chatgpt to generate some ideas.

  18. PDF MS4090

    The proposed 2 semester long WSDeg Final Year Project offered under the NTU Work Study ... embedded within the work environment and assignments that students will undertake at each internship organisation. For this reason, the internship job scope will be evaluated by the

  19. NTU Work Assignment 与Pursue Reason 字数问题-新加坡留学-寄托家园留学论坛

    NTU Work Assignment 与Pursue Reason 字数问题. [复制链接] 请问各位, Work Assignment 与Pursue Reason要求Please enter not more than 1000 characters,这1000 characters几句话就用完了,我就索性全部写到附件中了,不知是否妥当,想请问各位怎么处理的。. • 请问MSc的Pursue Reason该怎么写啊?.

  20. How does extra credit in weekly assignments work? : r/NTU

    Subreddit for NTU Singapore Community. ... How does extra credit in weekly assignments work? Question . So i have weekly quizes and online assignments in PH1011 and there are extra cresit qsns. Does that mean if my overall score is above 100% by the end of sem i get the full 20%? (Or wtv percentage this assignments and quizes)

  21. PDF MS3095

    This 11-week Professional Attachment is offered under the NTU Work Study Degree Programme. The purpose of this Internship Work Terms under the NTU Work Study Degree Programme is to enable the application of knowledge and skills you have learned in the university in an authentic work environment.

  22. r/NTU on Reddit: Are there policies that regulate the assignment of a

    Go to NTU r/NTU • by swe_sin_tha. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Are there policies that regulate the assignment of a professor's own work in a module they are teaching? I'm being asked to buy a $200+ latest version textbook written by the professor in a module I'm taking. ...

  23. Assessment of Teamwork

    Each method has potential advantages and drawbacks which are summarized in the table below: Instructor-Led Assessment. Peer Assessment. Self-Reflection. Nature of task. The instructor will grade a student's contribution to the teamwork based on set criteria. Team members will grade each other's contribution.

  24. My alumni story: International Scholarship opens up a world of

    The collaborative assignments and group projects were great because they encouraged us to work as a team. By taking part in presentations, workshops and seminars, my confidence really grew. I was able to articulate my ideas clearly and persuasively. Outside the classroom, I was supported and encouraged to live and thrive in a new country.