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Broken Promises

I was seven when my sitter’s feisty dog chewed up my favorite doll. I waited, for years, for her to fulfill her promise of a new doll to replace it. About the same time the doll was destroyed, my mother promised that she would soon be able to give me an allowance of five dollars a week. I was thrilled.

But like the doll that never arrived, the extravagant allowance became just another wish that never came true. Fortunately, time puts such small matters into perspective. Eventually, I forgave my babysitter, and I forgave my mother, too.

Still, there remain broken promises that touch a chord of sadness. These are not the ones that others made, but that I made myself. Mostly unspoken, they were promises, nevertheless — to my parents, child, friends, first husband, second husband, my husband now . . . and me. Small promises, for the most part. Like the thank-you notes I intended to write, the gifts I meant to give, the love I intended to show, the words I meant to say.

I remember times I promised to be somewhere at a certain time or do a certain thing or call someone on a certain day. And I didn’t. I think of the books on my shelves that were so long overdue it only made sense to buy them from the library, with the explanation that I had “lost” them.

Then there was the promise to myself to play a board game with my seven-year-old daughter at least once a month. That was a New Year’s resolution nearly eleven months ago. And I guess we’ve played a game once, maybe twice, in all that time.

Carol Spear Murfreesboro, Tennesse

I went to college. It was my good fortune that my mother would not have it any other way no matter what the cost. We were always poor, though my parents managed one way or another to provide the necessities. I remember the vegetable garden, the treadle sewing machine on which mother made most of our clothes, the annual bottle of cream soda on the Fourth of July. Most of all I remember the second-hand, upright piano, a step and a half below standard pitch. My mother got a war-time job so she could buy it for me because I wanted it so badly. How she managed to eke out the money for college tuition I’ll never know.

My father, a traveling salesman, was gone a great deal. He was a jovial man but he didn’t value such things as higher education and music lessons.

In a way, my mother was living out her girlhood dreams. Her parents were homesteaders and really poor. Her father valued education and all the children graduated from high school; but when my mother, as valedictorian, was offered a college scholarship, her father refused to let her accept. His reasoning was that if he couldn’t send all of his children to college, none should go. My mother was the only one who really wanted to go, but he was adamant.

So, as a young girl just out of high school, she went out west to teach school. She taught in a sod house where ignorant parents had beaten up her predecessor. She saved up enough for a year of college, and during that year she fell in love with the man of her dreams. They were to be married, but he died. Heartsick, she headed west again to teach. There she met my father and eventually married him.

One thing she always extolled was honesty. My sister and I were reared to regard lying and cheating as unthinkable. That is why the following story seems so incongruous:

For my college graduation ceremony I was required to rent a cap and gown from the college bookstore. I signed an agreement to return them on a specified date. When the time came, my mother insisted I had paid enough for the use of them and that I had a right to keep them. She refused to let me return them. Whenever I went into the bookstore I was asked about them and I murmured some embarrassed excuse. I couldn’t say, “My mother won’t let me.” Long experience had taught me never to cross her when she had made up her mind.

I have often wondered why that cap and gown meant so much to her. It must have been a symbol of what she had longed for in her youth and had been denied. Did she, when no one else was about, put on the cap and gown and stand before a mirror? Did her dream and her longing blot out her sense of integrity?

Years later the cap and gown were destroyed in a fire. By that time I guess the dream didn’t matter. Life had never made good on its promises to her.

Harriet Singer Phoenix, Arizona

I used to date a screenwriter named Val. He was an interesting person, but I didn’t want to marry him.

As a satirical cliche of the time went, Val didn’t know the real me. “You’re simple” he’d tell me to my face, meaning it as a compliment.

When I told him I didn’t want to see him any more, Val made a dramatic speech, like in one of the movies he wrote for. “If you ever need anything, just get in touch,” he wound up. “I’ll be here.”

I didn’t pay much attention at the time, but his assurance must have made an impression, because about fifteen years later, lonely, I decided to call Val and chat. I had the vague idea we might exchange a few letters.

I don’t think he even remembered my name. “I’m married now and have a child,” he said briskly, obviously wanting to get off the phone. I hadn’t wanted to resume a romance. In those days, I called several old friends I hadn’t seen for a long time, and this was the only time I got the brush-off.

Mary Umberson Paris, Texas

Because I don’t believe in promises, I am doubly hurt by broken ones. I am hurt first by the trust betrayed. I am hurt again for being dumb enough to have believed a promise in the first place.

Right now, I’m living on the spike of a broken promise. I feel like faded duckcloth stretched over tent poles and jammed at all four corners into the ground, beaten by the wind, pissed on by dogs that pass in the night. This was a promise that answered my deepest prayers — a promise of love, a promise that things would be like they were, a promise that we would be together again soon. I began to count the days. Each day I grew stronger and happier. I became much of the person I am capable of being. I slept deeply and woke early. I exercised because I felt like it. My eyes grew white, my digestive juices strong — all this in anticipation of her coming!

Isn’t it incredible? Her presence became something almost warm in the room. I decided I would move my drums to prepare a place for her necessary things. I found a space for a wooden dowel from which to hang her clothes. I showed recent pictures of her to my close friends and told them how wonderful she was. I imagined her in town on a new blue bike, riding to the co-op or going from one second-hand shop to the next, happily filling her baskets with vests and socks and cotton tops made in India. I even called to check on the price of a queen-size futon.

This frenzy of love and expectation lasted exactly one week. She called and the tone of her voice was low and frightened, as if she’d wrecked her car. I’ve changed my mind, she said, I’m going to give him one more chance. She said, I’ve never really given him a second chance.

You know what I think? I think a promise is shit that won’t even grow weeds. And a broken promise is the greatest cruelty I have known.

Brian Knave Davis, California

Broken promises of doing are one thing; broken promises of being are another.

“Doing” promises can’t, and shouldn’t, be taken too seriously. People’s intentions are so often greater than their ability to follow them through; we don’t know what pressures and conflicts tomorrow will bring. (Think of Peter falling asleep in the Garden of Gethsemene, and then, such a short time later, denying Jesus three times before the cock crowed.) Breaking promises of doing, I’m saying, is a very human thing. God help us if we become righteous about holding people, including ourselves, to every last one of them.

Now as for broken promises of being, they cut much more deeply. What is a broken promise of being? To me it implies a falling away from, a falling short of, an inner perception of oneself that one knows in one’s heart of hearts is one’s true birthright. Maybe the perception is of a self more kindly, more loving, more open to nature (to the creation), more energetic, more wholesome, more joyous. . . . Whatever way one describes it, it is a perception of self opening into its full potential, flowing freely, on the way, infinitely becoming.

One trouble with breaking a promise of being is that it happens so slowly, over a long period of time. Thus it is hard to see it happening, which in turn makes it terribly hard to acknowledge. A broken promise of doing implies a single event, a specific failure of purpose, and is thus very visible, and audible, always ringing in one’s ear until it is eventually addressed and forgiveness is begged. But a broken promise of being can so easily be tucked away, hidden from view, unconsciously stroked by a thousand petty rationalizations, a thousand justifications (the devil’s work, soothing us, telling us again and again in infinitely patient tones that it’s OK, relax, everything is all right) until it finally falls asleep and is forgotten about.

And what a serious predicament a broken promise of being becomes. If unacknowledged for long enough, it inevitably cuts a person off from that inner perception of the soul’s evolution, of the soul’s perfection. This, in Biblical terms, is the sin of blasphemy, the unforgivable sin, the ultimate broken promise to one’s being that leaves us in time so shrunken, so diminished, that even God cannot restore us.

Jim Ralston Petersburg, West Virginia

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How to Write a Narrative Essay | Example & Tips

Published on July 24, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

A narrative essay tells a story. In most cases, this is a story about a personal experience you had. This type of essay , along with the descriptive essay , allows you to get personal and creative, unlike most academic writing .

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Table of contents

What is a narrative essay for, choosing a topic, interactive example of a narrative essay, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about narrative essays.

When assigned a narrative essay, you might find yourself wondering: Why does my teacher want to hear this story? Topics for narrative essays can range from the important to the trivial. Usually the point is not so much the story itself, but the way you tell it.

A narrative essay is a way of testing your ability to tell a story in a clear and interesting way. You’re expected to think about where your story begins and ends, and how to convey it with eye-catching language and a satisfying pace.

These skills are quite different from those needed for formal academic writing. For instance, in a narrative essay the use of the first person (“I”) is encouraged, as is the use of figurative language, dialogue, and suspense.

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Narrative essay assignments vary widely in the amount of direction you’re given about your topic. You may be assigned quite a specific topic or choice of topics to work with.

  • Write a story about your first day of school.
  • Write a story about your favorite holiday destination.

You may also be given prompts that leave you a much wider choice of topic.

  • Write about an experience where you learned something about yourself.
  • Write about an achievement you are proud of. What did you accomplish, and how?

In these cases, you might have to think harder to decide what story you want to tell. The best kind of story for a narrative essay is one you can use to talk about a particular theme or lesson, or that takes a surprising turn somewhere along the way.

For example, a trip where everything went according to plan makes for a less interesting story than one where something unexpected happened that you then had to respond to. Choose an experience that might surprise the reader or teach them something.

Narrative essays in college applications

When applying for college , you might be asked to write a narrative essay that expresses something about your personal qualities.

For example, this application prompt from Common App requires you to respond with a narrative essay.

In this context, choose a story that is not only interesting but also expresses the qualities the prompt is looking for—here, resilience and the ability to learn from failure—and frame the story in a way that emphasizes these qualities.

An example of a short narrative essay, responding to the prompt “Write about an experience where you learned something about yourself,” is shown below.

Hover over different parts of the text to see how the structure works.

Since elementary school, I have always favored subjects like science and math over the humanities. My instinct was always to think of these subjects as more solid and serious than classes like English. If there was no right answer, I thought, why bother? But recently I had an experience that taught me my academic interests are more flexible than I had thought: I took my first philosophy class.

Before I entered the classroom, I was skeptical. I waited outside with the other students and wondered what exactly philosophy would involve—I really had no idea. I imagined something pretty abstract: long, stilted conversations pondering the meaning of life. But what I got was something quite different.

A young man in jeans, Mr. Jones—“but you can call me Rob”—was far from the white-haired, buttoned-up old man I had half-expected. And rather than pulling us into pedantic arguments about obscure philosophical points, Rob engaged us on our level. To talk free will, we looked at our own choices. To talk ethics, we looked at dilemmas we had faced ourselves. By the end of class, I’d discovered that questions with no right answer can turn out to be the most interesting ones.

The experience has taught me to look at things a little more “philosophically”—and not just because it was a philosophy class! I learned that if I let go of my preconceptions, I can actually get a lot out of subjects I was previously dismissive of. The class taught me—in more ways than one—to look at things with an open mind.

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narrative essay broken promise

If you’re not given much guidance on what your narrative essay should be about, consider the context and scope of the assignment. What kind of story is relevant, interesting, and possible to tell within the word count?

The best kind of story for a narrative essay is one you can use to reflect on a particular theme or lesson, or that takes a surprising turn somewhere along the way.

Don’t worry too much if your topic seems unoriginal. The point of a narrative essay is how you tell the story and the point you make with it, not the subject of the story itself.

Narrative essays are usually assigned as writing exercises at high school or in university composition classes. They may also form part of a university application.

When you are prompted to tell a story about your own life or experiences, a narrative essay is usually the right response.

The key difference is that a narrative essay is designed to tell a complete story, while a descriptive essay is meant to convey an intense description of a particular place, object, or concept.

Narrative and descriptive essays both allow you to write more personally and creatively than other kinds of essays , and similar writing skills can apply to both.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write a Narrative Essay | Example & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved July 15, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/narrative-essay/

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The Mending Muse

Broken Promise, Broken Trust: How To Repair And Rebuild Relationships

In life, you mend fences, you patch up wounds, but what do you do when trust is broken? When faith in a loved one crumbles due to a shattered promise, the task of rebuilding that bond seems daunting, if not impossible.

Yet, it’s vital to remember, even in the bleakest moments, that trust, like any other precious thing, can be restored. So, you’ve got a broken promise on your hands, but what’s the next step?

Stay with us as we navigate through the complex path of mending what’s been fractured.

broken promise

Table of Contents

Understanding the Impact of Broken Promises

In the realm of relationships, you’ll quickly realize that broken promises can inflict serious damage, often leading to erosion of trust and a sense of betrayal. A promise is more than just a verbal agreement or a written commitment. It’s a bond of trust, a pact that says ‘you can rely on me.’ When you break that pledge, you’re essentially tearing that bond apart, risking the trust that forms the cornerstone of your relationship.

It’s important to note that it’s not just the big promises that matter. Small, seemingly insignificant promises carry weight too. You might think breaking a promise to meet for lunch or call at a certain time isn’t a big deal. But remember, every broken promise, no matter how small, chips away at trust.

On the flip side, you should also be aware that over-promising can be just as damaging. You might feel compelled to make grand gestures or commitments, but if you can’t follow through, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

In essence, understanding the impact of broken promises is the first step towards repairing and rebuilding a relationship. It’s difficult, but necessary.

Evaluating Trust After Betrayal

After a betrayal, it’s crucial for you to assess the level of trust left in your relationship. This is the first step towards healing. However, it’s not a straightforward process. It’s like walking through a minefield of mixed emotions, each one threatening to explode at the slightest touch.

The trust you once had may be shattered. You might feel lost and unsure. You might question everything, even the good times you shared. Don’t worry, it’s completely normal. These feelings are a sign that you’re grappling with the betrayal.

Are you constantly second-guessing your partner’s actions? Are you struggling to believe their words? These are signs that trust has been damaged. But remember, it’s not impossible to rebuild.

Take some time to evaluate the depth of the betrayal. Was it a one-time thing or a series of repeated actions? This will help you gauge the severity of the broken trust.

Lastly, consider your feelings towards your partner. Despite the hurt, do you still feel a glimmer of love for them? It’s crucial to be honest with yourself during this process. This evaluation will guide your next steps towards repairing and rebuilding your relationship.

Evaluating Trust After Betrayal

Communication: The Key to Resolution

Open, honest communication is your best tool for resolving issues and rebuilding trust in your relationship. It’s not about blaming or pointing fingers. It’s about expressing how you feel, understanding your partner’s perspective, and finding common ground.

Start by setting a calm, respectful tone. You’re not going into battle; you’re trying to mend a broken bond. Use ‘I’ statements to express your feelings without blaming your partner. For example, ‘I feel hurt when…’ instead of ‘You always…’. This approach reduces defensiveness and promotes empathy.

Listen actively to your partner’s feelings and concerns. Don’t interrupt, don’t judge, just listen. Be patient, even if their views differ from yours. Patience and understanding are key.

Ensure that your body language is open and non-threatening. Uncross your arms, maintain eye contact, and lean in slightly to indicate you’re fully engaged in the conversation.

Remember, communication isn’t a one-time fix. It’s a continuous process that requires effort and commitment. Keep the lines of communication open, even when it’s difficult. It’s a crucial step towards healing and rebuilding trust.

In the next section, we’ll discuss the steps towards rebuilding broken relationships.

Steps Towards Rebuilding Broken Relationships

Rebuilding a relationship that’s been damaged is like piecing together a broken vase – it requires patience, care, and a clear plan. You can’t expect to restore trust overnight, but with consistent effort, you can make a start.

First, acknowledge the damage. Don’t skirt around the issue or pretend it didn’t happen. It’s important to accept the pain caused and take responsibility for your actions.

Second, offer a sincere apology. It’s not just about saying ‘I’m sorry.’ You need to express regret, recognize the impact of your actions, and make it clear you’re willing to change.

Third, listen. Often, we’re so caught up in defending ourselves that we fail to hear the other person’s perspective. Let them express their feelings without interruption.

Next, make amends. What can you do to make things right? It may involve changing your behavior, making a gesture of goodwill, or seeking professional help.

Steps Towards Rebuilding Broken Relationships

Maintaining Trust and Preventing Future Breaks

Once you’ve laid the groundwork for rebuilding, it’s crucial to focus on fostering trust and devising strategies to prevent similar issues from recurring in the future. Maintaining trust isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing effort. You’ve got to be consistent, reliable, and transparent in your actions. There’s no room for deceit or half-truths.

Open, honest communication is key. If there’s a problem, talk about it. Don’t let it fester and grow into something bigger. You need to be proactive, not reactive.

Remember that everyone makes mistakes. Don’t hold grudges. Instead, learn from these experiences and use them as stepping stones to strengthen your relationship.

To prevent future breaks, set clear boundaries from the start. Know what’s acceptable and what isn’t. Both parties need to respect these boundaries to create a safe and healthy relationship.

Always be empathetic and understanding. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. It’s not always about being right, but about understanding each other’s feelings and perspectives.

Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship. Without it, you’re building on shaky ground. So, keep these tips in mind to maintain trust and prevent future breaks. It’s a continuous journey, but one worth taking.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do cultural differences influence the perception of broken promises in relationships.

Cultural differences can greatly impact how you perceive broken promises. They determine your expectations in relationships and when these aren’t met, it’s perceived as trust betrayal. Understanding cultural nuances can help mend this broken trust.

What Are the Physiological Effects on an Individual After Experiencing a Betrayal of Trust?

When you’ve been betrayed, your body may react physically. You could experience stress, insomnia, or even depression. Your appetite might change, and you could feel a constant sense of unease or hyper vigilance.

Can Personality Traits Determine How Someone Deals With Broken Promises and Betrayals in Relationships?

Yes, your personality traits can greatly influence how you handle broken promises and betrayals. For instance, if you’re resilient, you might bounce back quicker compared to if you’re more sensitive or emotional.

How Can Therapy or Counseling Assist in the Process of Rebuilding Relationships After Trust Has Been Broken?

Therapy can help you rebuild trust by providing a safe space to express feelings, understand the impact of the betrayal, and learn new strategies for communication and conflict resolution. It’s a valuable tool for healing.

What Role Does Social Media Play in Exacerbating or Mitigating the Damage Caused by Broken Promises in Relationships?

Social media can either worsen or alleviate the impact of broken promises. It’s harmful when it broadcasts your mistakes, but it can also provide a platform for public apologies and open conversations.

In the end, it’s your actions that’ll mend a broken trust. Communicate openly, take responsibility, and show consistency.

Remember, rebuilding trust is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, patience, and effort. Be honest, and be there when they need you.

Maintain that trust and work hard to prevent future breaks. It’s tough, but not impossible. You’ve got this!


  • Poems About Breaking Promises: A Reflection on Betrayal and Disappointment

Promises are the threads that weave trust and security into our relationships, but what happens when those threads are unexpectedly severed? The bitterness of a broken promise can often leave us feeling betrayed and disappointed. In the realm of poetry, this emotional turmoil finds its expression through powerful verses that capture the essence of shattered commitments. Join us as we explore a selection of poignant poems that delve into the complexities of broken promises.

1. "Broken Vows" by Maya Angelou

2. "the promise" by nikki giovanni, 3. "empty words" by lang leav.

"Broken Vows" is a stirring poem by the incomparable Maya Angelou. With her signature eloquence, Angelou paints a vivid picture of the aftermath of a broken promise. She emphasizes the weight of broken vows, using vivid imagery and powerful metaphors to convey the pain and disillusionment it brings. Here is an excerpt:

Broken vows are like broken mirrors, They leave those who held to them Bleeding and obsessed. Turning the shards toward their own faces, Cutting and cutting until the blood blinds them.

Angelou's evocative language and poignant imagery remind us of the lasting scars that broken promises can inflict upon our souls.

In her poem "The Promise," Nikki Giovanni explores the theme of betrayal and the emptiness that follows a broken promise. With a touch of melancholy, Giovanni reveals the vulnerability one experiences when promises are shattered. Here is an excerpt:

You said you would leave You promised You swore But somehow You always come back And I always welcome you With open arms And a heart full of hope

Giovanni's heartfelt words serve as a reminder of the cycle of disappointment that can arise from broken promises, leaving us questioning our own judgment and longing for resolution.

Lang Leav, known for her emotionally charged poetry, delves into the theme of broken promises in her poem "Empty Words." Through her simple yet profound words, Leav captures the essence of betrayal and the emptiness left behind when promises are broken. Here is an excerpt:

And your promises They were empty words Like whispers in the wind That I tried desperately To catch in my hands

Leav's poignant depiction of empty promises resonates with those who have experienced the heartache of being let down, reminding us of the lingering pain that betrayal can leave in its wake.

In the realm of poetry, broken promises find a voice that resonates with our deepest emotions. Through powerful imagery, evocative metaphors, and heartfelt words, poets like Maya Angelou, Nikki Giovanni, and Lang Leav capture the essence of betrayal and disappointment. Their poems serve as a reminder that broken promises can leave lasting scars, forcing us to confront our vulnerabilities and search for healing. These verses provide solace and understanding in times when the pain of broken promises weighs heavily on our hearts.

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narrative essay broken promise

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When the Defendant Doesn’t Testify: The Eighth Circuit Considers a Reasonable Broken Promise in Bahtuoh v. Smith

  • Alexandre Bou-Rhodes

In 2017, in Bahtuoh v. Smith , the Eighth Circuit held that a criminal defendant’s counsel was not ineffective for promising the jury that the defendant would testify, but failing to deliver on that promise. This Comment argues that the Eighth Circuit’s decision is in line with the decisions of other circuits in ineffective assistance of counsel cases where counsel promised the defendant’s testimony but later reneged on that promise. Courts should consider in their analysis, however, the impact such a decision may have on the jury, and that a stricter standard for evaluating counsel’s trial performance could adversely affect indigent defendants.


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Martyr Inc.: How Trump Monetized a Persecution Narrative

The candidate is blurring the lines between politics and business and turning his tribulations into cash — selling Bibles, clothing he wore in a mug shot and the promise of political salvation.

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Former President Donald J. Trump in front of a sign with sneakers.

By Russ Buettner

Former President Donald J. Trump hawks $59.99 Bibles with the same words he uses to win the votes of evangelical Christians. He sells swatches of the suit he wore in a mug shot while also raising money for his campaign by calling himself a “political prisoner.” He describes Truth Social, his refuge for those banned on other social media sites — and his best chance to substantially increase his wealth — as a bulwark against liberal companies out to silence Christians and conservatives.

As he seeks to reclaim the presidency, Mr. Trump has reprised the pitchman role from his reality TV days, with a crucial difference: He has intertwined the marketing of his private business affairs with the messaging of his campaign, leveraging his political stature for profit.

All of it could be described as Martyr Inc., a machinery that makes Mr. Trump money and promotes his re-election by characterizing him as unjustly persecuted and selflessly saving his supporters from a similar fate.

His most loyal followers have gone along for the ride, forming a niche marketplace for products bearing the Trump name and vowing to help prop up the stock price for the company that owns Truth Social. Even after recent declines, Mr. Trump’s shares are worth more than $3 billion, though he cannot yet sell. With Mr. Trump’s tacit encouragement, his supporters have characterized buying Trump products as a measure of patriotism. That was the former president’s message in his Truth Social pitch for the customized Bible on the cusp of the Independence Day holiday: “Every Patriot should have one.”

That conflation of profit and the presidency was highlighted as stock in the social media company tumbled after Mr. Trump’s recent conviction on 34 felony counts in Manhattan.

Members of an investor chat group on the site rallied behind both the stock price and Mr. Trump’s re-election. They describe short sellers who bet against the stock as part of the same evil apparatus seeking to prosecute and defeat him. (He also faces indictments in criminal cases in Florida, Georgia and Washington, though none is likely to come to trial before the November election.)

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30 Best Broken Promise Quotes With Image

1. The consequences of broken promises: The book explores the impact of broken promises on individuals and their relationships. It highlights how broken promises can lead to mistrust, betrayal, and ultimately, the unraveling of lives.

2. The power of secrets: Secrets play a significant role in the book, and the story unravels as these secrets are revealed. It emphasizes the weight that secrets hold on individuals and how they can have far-reaching consequences.

3. The importance of family ties: Broken Promise delves into the complexities of family dynamics and the lengths that people go to protect their loved ones. It illustrates the strength of familial bonds and how they can both shape and define individuals.

4. The danger of small-town mentality: Set in a small town, the book explores how a tight-knit community can sometimes become suffocating and breed suspicion. It highlights the dangers of gossips and prejudices that can infiltrate such communities.

5. The search for redemption: One of the central themes in Broken Promise is the search for redemption. The characters grapple with their past mistakes and seek ways to make amends. It underscores the human capacity for change and the hope for redemption, even in the face of overwhelming challenges.

narrative essay broken promise


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narrative essay broken promise

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Essay on The Broken Promise- Personal Narrative

The promise was made on a sunny afternoon, amidst laughter and shared dreams. It was a vow whispered in the warmth of an embrace, a pledge sealed with the innocence of youth. We stood there, two souls intertwined in the blissful ignorance of what the future held, believing fervently in the power of our commitment.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, life began to unravel the fabric of our promise. The demands of reality weighed heavily upon us, pulling us in different directions. Responsibilities multiplied, dreams faded, and the once unbreakable bond began to fray at the edges.

I remember the moment when I realized the promise had been broken. It was a quiet evening, the air heavy with unspoken truths. We sat across from each other, the silence between us suffocating. Words that once flowed freely now hung suspended in the space between us, burdened by the weight of our unmet expectations.

In the aftermath of broken promises, I found myself grappling with a sense of loss and betrayal. The foundation upon which I had built my hopes and dreams had crumbled beneath me, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty. I questioned everything I thought I knew about love and commitment, struggling to make sense of the shattered remnants of our relationship.

Yet, in the midst of the pain and disillusionment, I found unexpected moments of clarity and growth. Through the wreckage of our broken promise, I discovered an inner strength I never knew existed. I learned to rely on myself, to trust in my own resilience and capacity for healing.

As time passed, the wounds inflicted by broken promises began to heal, leaving behind scars that served as a reminder of the trials endured and the lessons learned. Though the pain may have faded, the memory of that broken promise remains etched in my heart, a testament to the fragile nature of human connection and the enduring power of hope.

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My Experience Growing Up from Broken Family

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Published: Jun 5, 2019

Words: 1295 | Pages: 3 | 7 min read

Works Cited

  • Ahmadi, S., & Sadeghi, H. (2015). The relationship between family function and mental health in female students of high schools in Tehran. Iranian Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 2(2), 1-6.
  • Bernstein, D. P., & Fink, L. (1998). Childhood Trauma Questionnaire: A retrospective self-report manual. The Psychological Corporation.
  • Brazelton, T. B. (1992). Touchpoints: Your child's emotional and behavioral development. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
  • Chauhan, P., Gupta, R., & Parmar, R. (2018). A study on parent-child relationship and mental health of adolescents. International Journal of Indian Psychology, 6(3), 124-131.
  • Gardner, T. W., & Ward, S. (2016). Life span developmental psychology: Introduction to research methods. Routledge.
  • Goodman, R. (2001). Psychometric properties of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 40(11), 1337-1345.
  • Hough, M. (2017). Marriage, divorce, remarriage. Open University Press.
  • King, D. (2009). The impact of family breakdown on children's well-being: Evidence review. The Scottish Government.
  • Lopez, F. G., Castro, N., & Rincón, P. (2013). Mexican-American men's and women's preferences for and attitudes toward counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60(2), 227-235.
  • Santrock, J. W. (2017). Life-span development. McGraw-Hill Education.

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narrative essay broken promise

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A broken promise.

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                          Bobby was very sensitive and touchy when he was young. Everyone teasingly called him 'cry-baby'. He was susceptible to all kinds mocking remarks. Whenever he had a quarrel with his friends, his face became red with fury and he ended up crying. Whenever his teacher punished him in front of all his class-mates for not doing homework, he covered his face with his tiny hands and sobbed loudly. Bobby's mother had died at the time of his birth. His father was the only person who tried in vain to explain the fact that crying was a sign of weakness and that boys were supposed to be strong and should never cry.              There was a toy shop next to Bobby's home and one day, while going to school, he caught sight of a scarlet-coloured, remote-controlled sports car in the shop. The car fascinated him so much that he desperately wanted to own it. However, his father claimed that it was very expensive and he could not afford it. It was not so easy for Bobby to except the fact though, and he wept bitterly all day long. His father then told him with a sigh of exasperation that he would buy him the car, if he promised not to cry again in his entire life. To his utmost delight Bobby immediately promised he would never shed a single drop of tear, as he was completely obsessed with the car.              Bobby stubbornly kept his promise. Once he suffered from a severe toothache and the dentist pulled out two of his teeth, and the other time he suffered from a broken leg. He was dying of pain at those times and the injured parts of his body were forcing him to sob his heart out but yet he behaved according to the promise he had made to his father.              Twelve years later, Bobby was sitting on a wooden chair at the hospital on a Friday night, as still as a statue. He was now a grown-up lad. His father was on the verge of death. He had a severe road accident. Five doctors were operating him in the operation theatre.              The doctors came out of the operating theatre nearly after two hours.

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3. A Broken Promise

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I opened my eyes. The surroundings were hazy. Suddenly, I felt something warm against my smooth, silky fur. It was my mother, and she was washing me. I whined in pure satisfaction. It was my first day on Earth. Two weeks later, my eyesight was perfect, however, I still toddled around the shed on...

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We all have the choice either to take advantage of time or allow time to take advantage of us; we make promises or do we not because promises are always made to be broken. ... Coincidentally, in Promises Like Pie Crusts, the author uses simple examples of life's situations and symbolism to convey the true meaning of how often promises are broken. ... Promises maybe are meant to be broken but if they are never made then you will never have any emotion in life and with no emotion you will never experience what life truly has to offer. ... Rossetti's work showed everybody that a prom...

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Narrative Essay


Not every plan fails.

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” ―  Probably overused proverb

I have a music stand. It’s not very large, impressive, or good looking. It’s broken in some rather important places, surprisingly sturdy in some not-as-important places, and it has a very, very amusing tendency to fall over in the worst possible situations—a fact made even more apparent because I play the cello (picking things up is surprisingly difficult). Quite honestly, it’s kind of bad. I mean, I can’t really complain too much because it is a somewhat “portable” wire stand (as opposed to a fixed(?) stand, which is designed with sturdiness and reliability in mind), and the reputation of wire stands is... questionable, at best.

Considering the fact that it was given to me for free, from an even more questionable musical instrument “shop,” I should probably be happy that it even works at all (random side tangent because I need words: Always check, and properly test your instruments before you buy them. And check them thoroughly. Very thoroughly. Even better, if you ever plan to get an instrument, don’t buy stuff from Leonard’s Music in the first place, because they’re s*. At least with strings, they’ve tried to sell me broken (broken to the point where it wouldn’t be possible to fix at home) instruments on two separate occasions, before I finally gave up and went to a different place. Even if you manage to get a instrument that’s working, the quality’s still really bad).

So anyway, about a week ago (it’s probably not a week, but I’m too lazy to check. I do know that it was during the quarantine, though),   I had to record something for one of my classes. Well, no probl—of course there’s a problem. Why wouldn’t there be a problem. I kind of needed two hands for the thing I was doing, and a third to hold the camera up in place while I did it. Since I didn’t have a tripod, and I couldn’t quite find a very good way for me to get a third hand before the assignment was due, I consulted my imaginary friend, also known as the “third” state of inner depression (there’s presumably fourteen total):

“Hey, I need help.”

“Well I can help, but I don’t want to help you.”

Well, a bit disappointing, but I could work with that. After that extremely enlightening and helpful conversation, I decided to take a look around my room, in order to see if I could find or design something. That’s when I stumbled upon the idea of using the music stand as a makeshift iPad holder.  

Surprisingly enough, unlike almost every idea that I’ve had in the past, it actually worked. It wasn’t really bad, either. As they say, “Good things often come when you least expect it.” The music stand, who’s only purpose before this was to allow me to wake up the neighbors easier at 11:00 during the night with my out of tune cello playing, now actually had some purpose, some legitimately good reason for me to use it. A zombie, raised from the dead—yet this time, the zombie actually helped me.

Never underestimate music stands.

Posted at 06:50 PM | Permalink | Comments (6)


This is a superb and engaging essay that is witty, ironic and full of lively images and actions mixed with laconic thoughts that make for an incredibly powerful story about a seemingly innocuous task. I love the verbal the sides and the comedic approach to a random conundrum. This is one of the best posts I've ever read--by anybody!

Posted by: Fitz... | 04/20/2020 at 06:37 PM

I like how when you don’t have the best equipment you make it work and that is something that I need to learn how to do. Great writing!

Posted by: Will Hatten | 04/21/2020 at 09:17 AM

I really like how your quote reflected your whole narrative story very well. Nice job.

Posted by: Finn Hudson | 04/21/2020 at 11:48 AM

I really liked reading this story, I liked how the quote set up the story and I also liked the dialogue in the middle of the paragraphs. Nice job.

Posted by: Chad | 04/21/2020 at 12:51 PM

Good job! This is a great piece of writing, and I especially enjoyed the dialogue between your invincible friend and yourself. My music stand isn’t collapsible, so when I went to China I had to out my books/pieces on the floor or a table, which really sucked being a violin player.

Posted by: Kevin Yuan | 04/21/2020 at 01:15 PM

I like how you added quotations in the middle of the essay, because I haven’t seen that done before. Otherwise, nice job

Posted by: Drew Callen | 04/21/2020 at 03:14 PM

The comments to this entry are closed.

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