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my dissertation supervisor

How to get the most from your dissertation supervisor

(Last updated: 12 May 2021)

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Working with a supervisor on your own research project at dissertation level offers a very different relationship from the student-tutor relationship you might be more used to – and more comfortable with. It's a relationship that demands clarity and understanding, but that can develop (and challenge!) both your academic and interpersonal skills. Here are some tips on getting the most out of your relationship with your dissertation supervisor.

Choosing the right supervisor

If you're an undergraduate (and perhaps even a Master's student) you may find that your supervisor is chosen for you, based on a broad match with your dissertation topic. For most PhD students and some Master's students, however, choosing your dissertation supervisor will be one of the most important early decisions you make, and it will impact both the direction of your research and the shape of your dissertation. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself about your prospective supervisor (you can even ask some of them directly to the prospective supervisor, provided you deploy a degree of tact in doing so) to ensure you'll get the most out of your working relationship.

This question gets more important the higher the level of your dissertation. While you can expect most academics to have a broad familiarity with their field, it's not reasonable to expect that everybody in your wider field has a detailed knowledge of the theories, frameworks, and texts you'll use in your own work. And given the other demands on their time, it's also unreasonable to expect a supervisor to familiarise themselves with the work of fifty or a hundred scholars before they even start to read your work! Senior academics are likely to be upfront and refuse to supervise you if they lack the expertise to do so. But academics new to the profession may enthusiastically agree to supervise a project even if they're ill-equipped to provide the necessary level of critique. It's your responsibility to be both discerning and reasonable about your expectations.

You and your dissertation supervisor absolutely don't have to agree on everything – and disagreements can be enormously constructive (see below). However, there are also some approaches to the same field that are fundamentally incompatible. By all means pick a supervisor who will challenge your assumptions, but not someone who is ideologically opposed to everything you do before you start doing it.

By now you should "know yourself" sufficiently to be able to identify what you want in a supervisor. Are you a procrastinator in need of a "hands-on" supervisor who will give you strict deadlines for the delivery of outlines and chapters? Or are you highly self-motivated and content to work with a "hands-off" dissertation supervisor who will read your work when you ask them to do so, but not bug you otherwise? Also ask yourself about their style of grading papers – are they generous with praise at the expense of constructive feedback? Do they offer detailed, constructive feedback on how you can make your work better, or do you find their comments picky and overbearing? And, just as importantly, do you tend to get motivated or deflated by the sight of red pen decorating your work?

Popular supervisors may be supervising a high number of dissertations at any one time, potentially reducing the time they have to spend on you. On the other hand, if an academic has no supervisees at all, there might be a reason for that.

my dissertation supervisor

Working with your supervisor

It's important to realise that you and your supervisor will need to develop a working relationship based on trust and a shared understanding of what each expects from the other. The exact shape your working relationship takes will depend on your individual working patterns – and the subject area you're working in – but here are some useful pointers to consider

Work with, not for , your supervisor

No doubt you're used to taking modules at university and completing tasks, assignments and exams to pass those modules. You'll have become accustomed to a certain model of working: your tutor gives you direction and instruction, and you complete the assignments to satisfy their requirements. It can be easy, especially for undergraduates, to fall into this familiar pattern when working with a dissertation supervisor. But, although your dissertation will have to meet rigorous assessment criteria set by your department, you shouldn't think about your dissertation supervisor as the tutor for whom you're completing the work. Think of your supervisor instead as a teammate with whom you're working towards completing a goal – an original, rewarding piece of research.

As with any time you're working in a team, you'll need to provide what you're asked for – whether that's a draft of a chapter, a full dissertation outline, or just a set of research questions – when you're asked for it, because another member of your team requires it in order to fulfil their role in the collective endeavour. But don't forget the other important aspect of teamwork. Be clear about what you'd like your teammate to offer you at each step along the way. If you ask your supervisor to look at an early draft, make sure you're explicit about what kind of feedback you're seeking; if you were just looking for confirmation you're "on the right track" structurally, but your draft is full of factual and grammatical errors, it's not going to feel good for anyone when your supervisor assumes that it's a near-final version and rips it to pieces.

Engage your supervisor early

Many supervisors will insist that you meet frequently during the planning stages of your project, especially if you're writing an undergraduate dissertation. But if your supervisor is particularly "hands-off", they may not insist on these early meetings, so it's your job to do so! Involving your supervisor in the planning stages of your dissertation is essential, and will prevent you from making errors that take a great deal of time to fix later, or simply producing a dissertation that your supervisor fundamentally dislikes. Your supervisor will be able to recommend lots of readings for your literature review , and will help you develop a methodology that is robust, well-grounded and theoretically sound, and that – where applicable – adheres to the required ethics standards. If you and your supervisor are in sync about the grounding and methodology of your project, any disagreements that follow are liable to be of the productive rather than the destructive kind!

Meet with your dissertation supervisor frequently, and give them work little and often

Few things are more disheartening than delivering a 5000-word chapter to your supervisor and being told that you need to rewrite almost all of it, because your premise was flawed. It's best to get into the habit of checking in with your dissertation supervisor frequently to discuss where you plan on going next. If you're stuck, your supervisor may be able to help you frame an argument, or transition from one to another. Or they might point you to a couple of sources who will help you make the argument you're trying to make.

Most importantly, you needn't feel that you should only give your supervisor finished or polished work. This is one of the key ways in which a supervisor differs from a tutor, and one of the key reasons why you need to resist thinking of them as such. You shouldn't, of course, give your supervisor sloppy work that you simply haven't bothered to proofread and that is littered with spelling and grammar mistakes. But you can hand in draft introductions or in-process sections with development notes, provided you clearly communicate what it is you're giving your supervisor and what you expect them to do with it.

Disagree – but productively!

You and your supervisor absolutely don't have to agree on everything; academia is based on lively discussion and creative disagreement. Your supervisor is bound to disagree with at least some of what you write – whether it's an interpretation of an individual source or your entire conclusion. It's true that a minority of academics can be dogmatic, and if it becomes evident that your dissertation supervisor is in search of a disciple rather than a student, there may be a problem in your relationship.

If your supervisor is a particularly distinguished academic in their field, it can feel very intimidating to have them argue with you, and it's very tempting to simply back down. Sometimes that's also the right call – knowing when you're wrong and need to change direction is a skill you need to acquire as an emerging academic! Just as often, though, what feels like pressure to simply agree with your supervisor's way of seeing things is actually a challenge, to address counter-arguments in your dissertation and make your work more robust as a result. If you still think your argument is strong even after your supervisor has presented their own reasoning, appropriate that reasoning into your argument, and address head-on why you still believe your interpretation is better. If in doubt, ask your dissertation supervisor directly: do you think I'm just wrong here, or do I need to do more to convince you?

If all else fails… switch!

In the unlikely event that something goes wrong – perhaps you've realised too late that your supervisor simply wants you to write an entirely different dissertation from the one you're writing, or you find their feedback impenetrable and demoralising, or they're too busy to meet with you for weeks at a time – you may decide that you need to switch supervisors. Try talking this out with your dissertation supervisor first, and then approach your head of department.

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Sample emails to your thesis supervisor

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A good thesis requires good communication between you and your thesis supervisor. This includes emails! Yet, even a simple email can lead to stress and overthinking. If you struggle to communicate with your thesis supervisor via email, have a look at six sample emails for inspiration.

General tips for emailing your thesis supervisor

Every relationship between student and thesis supervisor is unique. And everyone has a unique (email) writing style.

Sample email to thesis supervisor inquiring about potential supervision

The first email to a potential thesis supervisor tends to be very formal. If you have never met the potential thesis supervisor in person before, make sure to check out tips on how to cold-email professors. In the following sample email, however, we assume that the student and the potential thesis supervisor met before.

Sample email to thesis supervisor setting up a meeting


Sample email to thesis supervisor sharing post-meeting action points

To get the most out of thesis supervision meetings , it is highly recommended that the student takes notes during the meeting. Based on these notes, the student then summarises the key takeaways from the meeting, or action points, so to speak. These action points will guide the student’s work until the next meeting, and provide a written record of agreements.

Sample email to thesis supervisor asking for feedback

Sample email to thesis supervisor asking for support

Sample email to thesis supervisor when not meeting a deadline.

And lastly, there are the unfortunate occasions where you made agreements with your thesis supervisor, which you cannot meet. Pulling an all-nighter is generally a bad idea, as sleep is crucial for efficient thesis writing . It might be smarter, to be honest, and open about it and to inform your thesis advisor in advance. In the following sample email, the student informs the supervisor that he cannot meet the agreed deadline.

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Dissertation Advisor 101

How to get the most from the student-supervisor relationship

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Expert Reviewer: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | January 2024

Many students feel a little intimidated by the idea of having to work with a research advisor (or supervisor) to complete their dissertation or thesis. Similarly, many students struggle to “connect” with their advisor and feel that the relationship is somewhat strained or awkward. But this doesn’t need to be the case!

In this post, we’ll share five tried and tested tips to help you get the most from this relationship and pave the way for a smoother dissertation writing process.

Overview: Working With Your Advisor

  • Clarify everyone’s roles on day one
  • Establish (and stick to) a regular communication cycle
  • Develop a clear project plan upfront
  • Be proactive in engaging with problems
  • Navigate conflict like a diplomat

1. Clarify roles on day one

Each university will have slightly different expectations, rules and norms in terms of the research advisor’s role. Similarly, each advisor will have their own unique way of doing things. So, it’s always a good idea to begin the engagement process by clearly defining the roles and expectations in your relationship.

In practical terms, we suggest that you initiate a conversation at the very start of the engagement to discuss your goals, their expectations, and how they would like to work with you. Of course, you might not like what you hear in this conversation. However, this sort of candid conversation will help you get on the same page as early as possible and set the stage for a successful partnership.

To help you get started, here are some questions that you might consider asking in your initial conversation:

  • How often would you like to meet and for how long?
  • What should I do to prepare for each meeting?
  • What aspects of my work will you comment on (and what won’t you cover)?
  • Which key decisions should I seek your approval for beforehand?
  • What common mistakes should I try to avoid from the outset?
  • How can I help make this partnership as effective as possible?
  • My academic goals are… Do you have any suggestions at this stage to help me achieve this?

As you can see, these types of questions help you get a clear idea of how you’ll work together and how to get the most from the relatively limited face time you’ll have.

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my dissertation supervisor

2. Establish a regular communication cycle

Just like in any relationship, effective communication is crucial to making the student-supervisor relationship work. So, you should aim to establish a regular meeting schedule and stick to it. Don’t cancel or reschedule appointments with your advisor at short notice, or do anything that suggests you don’t value their time. Fragile egos are not uncommon in the academic world, so it’s important to clearly demonstrate that you value and respect your supervisor’s time and effort .

Practically speaking, be sure to prepare for each meeting with a clear agenda , including your progress, challenges, and any questions you have. Be open and honest in your communication, but most importantly, be receptive to your supervisor’s feedback . Ultimately, part of their role is to tell you when you’re missing the mark. So, don’t become upset or defensive when they criticise a specific aspect of your work.

Always remember that your research advisor is criticising your work, not you personally . It’s never easy to take negative feedback, but this is all part of the learning journey that takes place alongside the research journey.

Fragile egos are not uncommon in the academic world, so it’s important to demonstrate that you value and respect your advisor’s time.

3. Have a clear project plan

Few things will impress your supervisor more than a well-articulated, realistic plan of action (aka, a project plan). Investing the time to develop this shows that you take your project (and by extension, the relationship) seriously. It also helps your supervisor understand your intended timeline, which allows the two of you to better align your schedules .

In practical terms, you need to develop a project plan with achievable goals . A detailed Gantt chart can be a great way to do this. Importantly, you’ll need to break down your thesis or dissertation into a collection of practical, manageable steps , and set clear timelines and milestones for each. Once you’ve done that, you should regularly review and adjust this plan with your supervisor to ensure that you remain on track.

Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll stick to your plan 100% of the time (there are always unexpected twists and turns in a research project. However, this plan will lay a foundation for effective collaboration between yourself and your supervisor. An imperfect plan beats no plan at all.

Gantt chart for a dissertation

4. Engage with problems proactively

One surefire way to quickly annoy your advisor is to pester them every time you run into a problem in your dissertation or thesis. Unexpected challenges are par for the course when it comes to research – how you deal with them is what makes the difference.

When you encounter a problem, resist the urge to immediately send a panicked email to your supervisor – no matter how massive the issue may seem (at the time). Instead, take a step back and assess the situation as holistically as possible. Force yourself to sit with the issue for at least a few hours to ensure that you have a clear, accurate assessment of the issue at hand. In most cases, a little time, distance and deep breathing will reveal that the problem is not the existential threat it initially seemed to be.

When contacting your supervisor, you should ideally present both the problem and one or two potential solutions . The latter is the most important part here. In other words, you need to show that you’ve engaged with the issue and applied your mind to finding potential solutions. Granted, your solutions may miss the mark. However, providing some sort of solution beats impulsively throwing the problem at your supervisor and hoping that they’ll save the day.

Simply put, mishaps and mini-crises in your research journey present an opportunity to demonstrate your initiative and problem-solving skills – not a reason to lose your cool and outsource the problem to your supervisor.

5. Navigate conflict like a diplomat 

As with any partnership, there’s always the possibility of some level of disagreement or conflict arising within the student-supervisor relationship. Of course, you can drastically reduce the likelihood of this happening by implementing some of the points we mentioned earlier. Neverthless, if a serious disagreement does arise between you and your supervisor, it’s absolutely essential that you approach it with professionalism and respect . Never let it escalate into a shouting contest.

In practical terms, it’s important to communicate your concerns as they arise (don’t let things simmer for too long). Simultaneously, it’s essential that you remain open to understanding your supervisor’s perspective – don’t become entrenched in your position. After all, you are the less experienced researcher within this duo.

Keep in mind that a lot of context is lost in text-based communication , so it can often be a good idea to schedule a short call to discuss your concerns or points of contention, rather than sending a 3000-word email essay. When going this route, be sure to take the time to prepare a clear, cohesive argument beforehand – don’t just “thought vomit” on your supervisor.

In the event that you do have a significant disagreement with your advisor, remember that the goal is to find a solution that serves your project (not your ego). This often requires compromise and flexibility. A “win at all costs” mindset is definitely not suitable here. Ultimately, you need to solve the problem, while still maintaining the relationship .

If you feel that you have already exhausted all possible avenues and still can’t find an acceptable middle ground, you can of course reach out to your university to ask for their assistance. However, this should be the very last resort . Running to your university every time there’s a small disagreement will not serve you well.

Communicate your concerns as they arise and remain open to understanding your supervisor's perspective. They are the expert, after all.

Recap: Key Takeaways

To sum up, a fruitful student-supervisor relationship hinges on clear role definition , effective and regular communication , strategic planning , proactive engagement , and professional conflict resolution .

Remember, your dissertation supervisor is there to help you, but you still need to put in the work . In many cases, they’ll also be the first marker of your work, so it really pays to put in the effort and build a strong, functional relationship with them.

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Writing your dissertation - working with your supervisor

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my dissertation supervisor

Your supervisor

Before you begin your dissertation, it is highly likely you will be assigned a supervisor to oversee your progress from first steps to completion. Your supervisor will help you formulate ideas and give you guidance on how best to develop your research topic and course of action. But you need to always remember that this is your project, and your supervisor will not provide you with content or additional lessons on a particular topic. Their role is to help you work out your own pathways to success.

Get organised

Lecturers are very busy people, and your dissertation is only a small part of the duties and responsibilities they have to carry out during the summer months. So in order to get the most out of your supervisor and maintain a positive and productive professional relationship with them, you need to get organised.

Here are some important guidelines to follow:

  • Agree a timetable of meetings at the start of your project and stick to it.
  • Ensure that each meeting has a focus e.g. “setting a research problem”, “analysing the data”, with a clear set of questions to ask.
  • your research plan
  • early results of your data collection
  • draft chapters.
  • Arrive on time to each meeting you have arranged. At the end of each supervision meeting agree some action points for you to focus on before the next time you meet.
  • Keep a record of what you decide in supervision sessions.
  • Don't bug your supervisor with emails in between your meetings. Save up your questions for your next scheduled appointment.

If you are not happy with an aspect of your supervision, discuss this with your supervisor. If this is too difficult or awkward, your personal tutor may also be able to offer advice.

See also Communicating with your tutor

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Working with Your Dissertation Supervisor

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The role of the dissertation supervisor is to guide you through the process of your research project. Your supervisor may or may not have taught you before, but what’s certain is that she’s done a dissertation (or two) before and will be able to help you with yours.

Most courses do their best to allocate a dissertation supervisor at an early stage. (If you don’t hear anything after the first few weeks back at university, contact the person leading the course to see if you’ve missed something or a problem has arisen.)

Communicating with your dissertation supervisor

Putting in a bit of effort in building rapport with your supervisor is going to make working on your dissertation a much more pleasant and enjoyable experience. Getting along well with your supervisor is good for your spirits and helps in keeping you motivated in seeing your dissertation through right to the end.

You’re likely to impress your supervisor if you first make contact with her by email or phone, giving an outline of your dissertation or at least offering some kind of work plan. Emphasise that your plan isn’t set in stone but that you’ve thought long and hard about your research question and done some preliminary reading. Providing your supervisor with this information shows initiative, but also shows you still need your supervisor’s valuable support.

Aim at always being polite and considerate when you’re with your supervisor. Don’t try to be too familiar – better to err on the side of formality until you've had a few meetings and got to know the way she works. Politeness goes a long way, as does enthusiasm! Put yourself in your supervisor’s place and imagine the effect your positive attitude has over a negative one.

Universities have different rules, guidelines and expectations for how supervisors and students work together. From your experience at school or college you’re likely to have some idea of how things run at your institution. A few things to sort out include:

Checking whether your tutors have drop-in times or whether you need to make an appointment to see your supervisor.

Making yourself known to your course administrators, who can help you to get in touch with your supervisor if she doesn’t get back to you after a long wait.

Finding out about what support systems are available for students with dyslexia and other disabilities.

Getting in touch with your supervisor – find out from your course administrator whether your supervisor prefers phone or email contact.

If you aren’t familiar with the way your university or institution operates for meeting with your supervisor and other tutors, find out right now, preferably from fellow students or from support staff. It’s your responsibility be clear about how your university works on a day-to-day basis.

Write your emails in proper English, using full sentences and capital letters, and avoiding text-`speak at all costs. Say what you have to say concisely and as briefly as possible. Don’t bombard your supervisor with lots of attachments or really long messages, but do remember to say that you’ve been getting on with some research, or preparation, and that you’re familiar with the course requirements.

Even if things aren't going too well for you and your dissertation, try to avoid just moaning and whining. Supervisors are generally keen to help and your supervisor isn’t going to be able to do anything for you unless you explain clearly that you have some problems.

General dissatisfaction, feeling that things just aren't working out, non-specific misery and being irritated are understandable, but you need to put your supervisor in a position to be able to help you. Analyse what's not working before your next session with your supervisor.

No one expects you to solve your problems on your own. Again, try some empathy – your supervisor is going to be more eager to help if you present her with all the facts in a calm and reasoned manner.

Ask sensible questions about your dissertation

If you need to get answers to questions about your dissertation most of the answers are likely to be found in the guidelines you’ve already picked up. If you can’t find the answer in the guidelines you can then ask your supervisor for help.

Although there’s no such thing as a stupid question when setting out into the unknown that is your dissertation you certainly shouldn’t ask your supervisor unnecessary, irritating and exasperating questions that only serve to wind up your supervisor and giving yourself a poor image.

For example, asking about the length of your bibliography is a reasonable question to ask your supervisor, because your bibliography is key to your project. But asking what the hand-in date is, or whether you need to put the course on the title page of your dissertation is, unsurprisingly, likely to annoy your supervisor.

When asking questions the general rule is to to try to find the answer to your question in the rules and regulations first. Ask your supervisor about the practical issues relating to your dissertation only if you’ve exhausted all other avenues. Make your questions specific, to show that you’ve been thinking about what to do.

Your supervisor is there to give you specific and useful commentary on your writing and ideas, and you need to note your supervisor’s suggestions and act upon them. A supervisor isn’t there to do your work for you.

Following your supervisor’s comments and advice is likely to improve your dissertation. You can expect your grades to rise by 5 to 10 per cent if you do what your supervisor suggests – a more dramatic improvement is unrealistic (although possible of course).

About This Article

This article is from the book:.

  • Writing a Dissertation For Dummies ,

About the book author:

Dr Carrie Winstanley is a Principal Lecturer in Education at Roehampton University, London, where she works with both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Carrie was recently named one of the Top 50 university teachers in the UK by the Higher Education Academy, for which she was awarded a national teaching fellowship.

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How to Find the Right Supervisor for Your Dissertation?

Published by Owen Ingram at July 18th, 2023 , Revised On July 18, 2023

Where to find the perfect supervisor? How to find an experienced supervisor who has the same interests as you? How can you evaluate your potential supervisor? 

Supervisors play a great role in determining the quality of one’s research. Hence it is important to find the most suitable supervisor for your dissertation. In this blog, we will discuss some points students should consider to find the right supervisor for their dissertation. 

Researching Potential Supervisors

Researching the faculty profiles of potential candidates is crucial when looking for the ideal supervisor. 

Explore the Faculty Profiles and Research Interests of Potential Supervisors

You can learn more about a person’s areas of competence and specialisation by looking at their areas of research interest. Understanding their area of research will let you judge whether your interests are similar to theirs and whether they have the skills and background needed to direct your dissertation properly.

Assess Their Expertise and Experience in Your Field of Study

It’s important to evaluate a possible supervisor’s knowledge and experience in your particular area of study. Check out their educational background, credentials, and prior research endeavours. Examine their knowledge of the ideas, procedures, and techniques pertinent to your field.

An experienced supervisor can significantly improve the calibre and success of your dissertation by bringing important ideas and critical thinking abilities.

Read Their Publications and Evaluate Their Research Contributions

The quality and significance of a potential supervisor’s research contributions can be evaluated by looking through their publications. Read their published articles, books, or conference papers to comprehend their scholarly work. Examine the accuracy, significance, and applicability of their research findings. 

Seeking Recommendations And Advice

Consult with faculty members, advisors, or peers for recommendations.

Engaging with professors, advisors, or peers can result in helpful supervisor recommendations. These people are familiar with the academic environment and may recommend qualified supervisors based on their qualifications and mentoring approach.

Seek Advice From Senior Students

Senior students or graduates who have worked with possible supervisors in the past might provide insightful information and first-hand experiences. They can reveal details about the mentor’s approach to communication, availability, level of support, and general efficacy.

Utilise Online Platforms or Forums to Gather Insights and Recommendations

Insights and suggestions can be gathered using online discussion boards and platforms for academic topics and student experiences. By using these platforms, you can interact with a larger group of academics and students who can offer insightful criticism and suggestions based on their interactions with possible supervisors.

Considering Compatibility and Communication

Assess the supervisor’s communication style, availability, and responsiveness.

It’s critical to evaluate the supervisor’s interactions with the students. Are they rational and willing to have a conversation? Consider their accessibility and responsiveness to questions and issues, as timely and effective communication is essential for a positive student-supervisor relationship.

Evaluate Their Approach to Mentorship and Whether it Aligns with Your Needs and Expectations

Different managers have various mentoring approaches. Check if their method fits your preferred learning and working methods. Do they offer advice, encouragement, and helpful criticism? Consider whether their coaching approach will accommodate your unique requirements and expectations throughout the study.

Consider their compatibility with your working style, personality, and research interests. A productive working relationship depends on you and your potential supervisor being compatible. Check to see if their working style fits with yours. Consider personality compatibility because effective communication depends on a respectful and positive connection.

Meeting and Interviewing Potential Supervisors

Request meetings or interviews with potential supervisors.

It is possible to have more individualised contact by asking for meetings or interviews with potential supervisors to discuss your research interests and objectives. It allows you to express your ideas, get comments, and determine whether the supervisor is interested in your research.

Ask Questions About Their Mentoring Style, Expectations, and Support For Students

Understanding how they approach supervision requires asking questions about their mentoring style, expectations, and student support. You may decide if their mentoring approach suits your goals and if they can offer essential direction and support during your research journey by asking them about their preferred amount of engagement, communication frequency, and support in handling hurdles.

Evaluating Support and Resources

Evaluate the level of support and resources available to students .

A successful research experience depends on evaluating the level of assistance and resources available to students working under a certain faculty member’s direction. It entails considering variables, including financing prospects, accessibility to research facilities, and partnership possibilities. The student’s capacity to perform high-quality research is enhanced by adequate support and resources, advancing their academic and professional growth.

Consider Funding Opportunities, Access to Research Facilities, and Collaboration Opportunities

When choosing a supervisor, it is crucial to consider elements like financing possibilities, accessibility to research facilities, and collaboration chances. The availability of the resources required for research is ensured by adequate funding. Opportunities for collaboration promote networking, information sharing, and prospective research alliances, enhancing the research experience.

Considering Track Record and Success of Previous Students

Research the track record and success of previous students.

It is possible to gain knowledge about the outcomes and accomplishments of potential supervisors’ past pupils by researching them. This involves evaluating elements like publications, conference presentations, honours, and career developments that have been successful.

Evaluate Their Achievements, Publications, and Career Advancements 

Understanding the effects of the supervisor’s mentorship can be gained by looking at past pupils’ accomplishments, publications, and career developments. The supervisor’s effectiveness in inspiring students to do high-quality research and supporting their professional development can be seen by evaluating the achievement of their pupils.

Trusting Your Instincts

Consider your gut feeling about the potential supervisor.

A successful working relationship depends on you following your gut and paying attention to how you feel about the possible boss. Using your instincts, you can determine whether the supervisor’s personality, communication style and mentoring method fit your needs and preferences.

Consider the Comfort Level During Interactions with Them

It’s important to consider your interactions with them and how comfortable you feel. Open communication, respect for one another, and a cooperative atmosphere are all fostered by good rapport. Being at ease, collaborating more effectively with your supervisor, and having fruitful conversations all contribute to a great study experience.

Seeking Feedback From Current or Former Students

Contact current or former students to gather their feedback and insights.

It is beneficial to speak with current or former students collaborating with the potential supervisor to get their thoughts and insights. You can talk to them to learn more about their experiences, including the support they received, the supervisor’s availability, and how satisfied they were with the supervision in general.

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my dissertation supervisor

Seeking Approval From the Department 

Check if your department or program has specific guidelines or recommendations for selecting a supervisor. These recommendations can guide things to consider, ideal qualifications, and any particular needs or suggestions for selecting a competent supervisor for your dissertation or research project.

Seek Approval or Feedback From Your Department or Program Coordinator Regarding Your Chosen Supervisor

It is wise to ask your department or program coordinator for approval or input regarding the supervisor you have selected. Due to their familiarity with the professors’ teaching methods, they might offer insightful advice. Their comments can guarantee that the supervisor you’ve chosen adheres to the department’s standards and policies, promoting a fruitful research journey.

Making an Informed Decision

Weigh all the factors, feedback, and information gathered to decide on the right supervisor for your dissertation.

You can choose a supervisor who supports your aims, improves your research experience, and aids in completing your dissertation by carefully considering all the factors mentioned, including research interests, communication style, support, resources, and track record.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to find the right supervisor for the dissertation.

Finding the right supervisor for your dissertation is important for guidance, support, motivation, resource access, and career advancement.

How do I identify potential supervisors?

  • Research faculty profiles.
  • Explore their expertise.
  • Consider recommendations from advisors and peers.

What should I consider when assessing potential supervisors?

Evaluate their experience, track record, communication style, availability, compatibility, and alignment with your research interests.

How can I gather information about a potential supervisor?

  • Read their publications
  • Contact current or former students
  • Attend departmental events
  • Request meetings to discuss expectations

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E-Mail To Dissertation Supervisor – How To Approach It

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Writing an e-mail to your dissertation supervisor can feel daunting. The process is often marked with anxiety, especially when one is uncertain about the nuances of professional communication or the specific expectations of their supervisor. Efficient communication with your academic advisor is a vital factor in your process towards completing a dissertation . This guide provides practical tips on how to draft an e-mail to your dissertation supervisor.


  • 1 E-mail to Dissertation Supervisor – In a Nutshell
  • 2 Definition: E-mail to dissertation supervisor
  • 3 E-mail to dissertation supervisor: Style and tone
  • 4 E-mail to dissertation supervisor: Tips
  • 5 E-mail to dissertation supervisor: No reply

E-mail to Dissertation Supervisor – In a Nutshell

  • The first e-mail to dissertation supervisor should have a clear subject title, a formal salutation, and error-free language.
  • Keep your e-mail to dissertation supervisor short, relevant and with a clear call to action.
  • If you do not receive a response to your e-mail in, say, a week, you can send a polite follow-up email.

Definition: E-mail to dissertation supervisor

There are several instances where you would need to send an e-mail to dissertation supervisor, as highlighted in the list below:

  • Arranging an appointment for an initial appointment of a follow-up meeting.
  • Asking questions about a problem you encounter and getting clarification.
  • Confirming agreements for matters you discussed.

It is a good idea to make a summary of what you and your supervisor agree on regarding issues such as deadlines and steps forward. Request your supervisor to verify your notes to ensure you agree and are completely clear on the way forward.


E-mail to dissertation supervisor: Style and tone

Write your e-mail to dissertation supervisor formally and use your school email address to come across as professional (in place of your account). The guide below gives tips on writing the e-mail to dissertation supervisor, the style to use and what to avoid.

Addressing your supervisor

It is best to address your supervisor formally in your first email. Since you do not know how they would prefer to be addressed, it is better to err on the side of caution. An initial informal e-mail to dissertation supervisor may send the wrong message and cast doubt your attitude and professionalism.

If your supervisor responds to your email with their first name in the closing, e.g., (‘Sincerely Gabriel’), it may be okay to address them by their first name in the following email. However, we recommend waiting until you have exchanged a few more emails where they have closed informally to be extra safe.

The table below gives examples of closings and salutations you can use in your e-mail to dissertation supervisor on formal and informal occasions.

Dear Dr.

Email signature

Using an email signature is at your discretion, although it is not necessary. However, you can model it as below if you do choose to use it or if your program requires it:

  • First name and surname
  • Study program
  • Institution of study
  • Telephone number
  • Email address

The e-mail to dissertation supervisor must be well-written with good grammar and correct English (or any appropriate language). We strongly recommend that you proofread your e-mail to dissertation supervisor carefully for any mistakes before sending it or ask another person to read it to get a fresh set of eyes on it.

A concise e-mail to dissertation supervisor will display your professionalism and seriousness about your project.

E-mail to dissertation supervisor: Tips

Below are some valuable tips for writing an e-mail to dissertation supervisor.

Concise subject line :

The purpose of a subject line is to summarize the email and get the reader interested. Use a short, clear summary to reinforce your call to action.

Connections :

Make sure you mention any connection you may have with the supervisor. Did you hear the professor speak at an event, or were you referred to them by a former student or their colleague?

Keep it relevant :

Dissertation supervisors are usually busy, so stick to what is pertinent to the dissertation. For instance, do not add personal anecdotes to your e-mail to dissertation supervisor unless they are essential to the application.

Do not ask long, complex questions in the e-mail to dissertation supervisor :

Save any complicated questions for when you can speak to your supervisor more personally. This will allow you to get detailed answers and follow up where you are dissatisfied with a response. You will also save your supervisor the time and effort needed to write replies to your questions.

Have a clear CTA (Call to Action):

Your e-mail to dissertation supervisor should be very clear and leave no doubt about what you want from them. Ask your questions as clearly as possible. You are more likely to get a faster response if your supervisor is clear on what you want.

Introduce yourself :

After requesting to work with them, introduce yourself briefly. Include your institution of study, research interests and why you are interested in working with them. We also recommend attaching your resume to the email.

Respond as quickly as you can:

Confirm any appointments your supervisor makes, provide any information they request, answer their questions and request clarification on what you don’t understand. Taking the initiative to contact your supervisor shows that you are serious and driven. Contact your supervisor to arrange an appointment instead of waiting for them to set it.

E-mail to dissertation supervisor: No reply

Supervisors will usually always respond to your emails; however, the reply rate may vary. Do not take it personally if they do not respond to your email immediately. Researchers also teach research and travel, and may even supervise other students.

If you don’t receive a reply in about a week, you can follow up politely. However, be careful not to look too impatient by not allowing your supervisor sufficient time to reply.

If your supervisor still does not respond after your follow-up e-mail, you can contact your program or the department secretary, who can contact you with your supervisor.


How should you approach a dissertation supervisor?

Your first e-mail to dissertation supervisor should clearly state who you are and what you would like from them. It is beneficial also to mention how you heard of them, whether by attending their lectures, by recommendation, or another way.

When can I address my dissertation supervisor informally?

In your first e-mail to dissertation supervisor, address them formally by their title to avoid giving the impression of unprofessionalism. If your supervisor responds with an informal closing severally, you may assume that it is alright to address them as so.

Can I contact other potential supervisors?

Yes, you can. However, when sending an e-mail to dissertation supervisor, you should make it clear from the beginning that you are also contacting other potential supervisors.

This transparency will help you avoid any misunderstandings in the future.

What should I do if I don't get a reply to my e-mail to dissertation supervisor?

The response speed will vary among supervisors, as most are often busy with other commitments. Wait for about a week, then send a polite follow-up e-mail to dissertation supervisor.

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What Is the Best Way to Work with my Supervisor?

Working and Communicating Effectively with your Supervisor

  • First Online: 19 October 2023

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  • Sue Reeves   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3017-0559 3 &
  • Bartek Buczkowski   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-4146-3664 4  

This chapter will support you in working with your supervisor well. Not only will it consider how to go about choosing a supervisor, whilst recognising that many students have their supervisor assigned, but it will also consider how best to communicate and work collaboratively with your supervisor. Furthermore, if there is a communication breakdown between you and your supervisor there are some suggestions as to how you can reconcile this.

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Ahmadi F, Shamsi A, Mohammadi N (2020) Using intelligent interaction to manage student-supervisor conflict: a qualitative study. Journal of educational health promotion 9:18

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Adrian-Taylor SR, Noels KA, Tischler K (2007) Conflict between international graduate students and faculty supervisors: towards effective conflict prevention and management strategies. J Stud Int Educ 11:90–117

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Potts, M. (2014) 10 things I wish I had known before starting my dissertation. https://www.theguardian.com/education/mortarboard/2012/may/02/dissertation-top-ten-tips . Accessed 28 No 2022

Further Reading

Carnegie D (2006) How to win friends and influence people. Vermilion, London

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University of Roehampton, London, UK

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Bartek Buczkowski

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About this chapter

Reeves, S., Buczkowski, B. (2023). What Is the Best Way to Work with my Supervisor?. In: Mastering Your Dissertation. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-41911-9_4

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-41911-9_4

Published : 19 October 2023

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

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Online ISBN : 978-3-031-41911-9

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  • Introduction

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Getting to the main article

Choosing your route

Setting research questions/ hypotheses

Assessment point

Building the theoretical case

Setting your research strategy

Data collection

Data analysis


Things to discuss with your supervisor.

From your supervisor's point of view, this may only be the second time you have met to discuss your dissertation, and it could have been a few weeks or a couple of months since you first discussed your dissertation with them (i.e., STAGE FOUR: Assessment point may have been your first meeting). Therefore, start by briefly recapping what your dissertation is about, including the research questions/hypotheses that you are going to answer.

Next, if you developed a theoretical model for your dissertation (i.e., during STEP FOUR: Set the theoretical model for your dissertation in STAGE FIVE: Building the theoretical case ), it is worth showing this to your supervisor. After all, theoretical models are useful frameworks to describe what you are studying in a clear, succinct, and visual way. More specifically, your theoretical model should: (a) set the boundaries/scope of the research project in terms of the theories and constructs that will be studied and measured; and (b) illustrate the research hypotheses to be tested, and the predictions that are being made (if any) about the relationship between the constructs under study.

If you didn't develop a theoretical model, you should focus on explaining the main constructs you will be studying, and the potential relationships between those constructs. This will help your supervisor to understand the theoretical case for your dissertation upon which your research strategy is based. It will also allow you to spend the majority of the meeting discussing your research strategy, which is the main thing you need to discuss with your supervisor. When you discuss your research strategy, remember to focus on the major aspects of your research strategy rather than the detail and justifications behind all of your decisions. You just won't have time to do this unless your supervisor has given you a long meeting.

During this meeting, we would suggest that you: (a) determine whether your research design, research method and sampling strategy are sufficient; (b) get advice on whether your research strategy is likely to be achievable in the time you have available; (c) check that your research strategy meets your dissertation and university's ethical guidelines; (d) present your measurement procedure, if you have time; and (e) defend the choice that you have made. Each of these considerations is discussed in turn:

Determine whether your research design, research method and sampling strategy are sufficient

The research strategy that you set determines how you are going to carry out (i.e., operationalize) your dissertation. In this respect, your research design, research methods and sampling strategy need to fit with the research hypotheses you have set and the theoretical case you have built for your dissertation. This is important for achieve a good mark. However, these components of your research strategy also have a significant impact on the effort that is required to complete a dissertation. By effort , we mean the practical aspects of going out and collecting your data, which includes everything from setting up your research design, to building a representative sample of your population, gaining access to such data, collecting the data using the research methods you have set, before analysing that data. Whilst effort is not going to get you a good mark by itself, there is a minimum amount of effort that will be expected of you when it comes to carrying out your dissertation. For example, the use of secondary research is often criticised because there is a general expectation that you will go out and collect data in the field (i.e., primary research ), unless the secondary research, and the statistical analysis of that research is substantial. Similarly, the effort of putting together a probability sample can clearly be recognized over a non-probability sample due to the time and care that this takes. A third example would be your sample size , with the effort of collecting larger samples, for the most part, providing you with the ability to carry out more rigorous and extensive data analysis that is not possible with smaller samples.

By examining you research design, research methods and sampling strategy, your supervisor should be able to tell you, often from experience, whether the research you plan to carry out is sufficient for a good grade. There is nothing worse than meeting your supervisor too late when you are getting close to the end of the dissertation process, and finding out that you have not done enough. It is often too late to recover at this stage because you simply run out of time to analyse your data and write up your dissertation.

Get advice on whether your research strategy is likely to be achievable in the time you have available

Just as you don't want your research strategy to be insufficient, you also have to be careful that you don't take on too much, especially when it comes to the data collection phase. There are a number of factors that can affect the achievability of your dissertation, including issues of access (i.e., to people, organisations, data, facilities, and information), the size of the sample that you want, the length of the data collection process, whether you can receive help collecting your data, and what skills you may have to learn. If you are an undergraduate student, some of these factors can be difficult to judge because this will be your first dissertation, but even amongst master's students, this can be difficult. When you explain the research strategy you are using, it's a good idea to ask your supervisor whether they think it will be achievable in the time you have available.

Check that your research strategy meets your dissertation and university's ethical guidelines

Having worked through STEP SIX: Research ethics of STAGE SEVEN: Setting the research strategy , you should understand the ethical requirements arising from your choice of research strategy. However, if you do not know whether your choice of research strategy means that you need to write an Ethics Proposal , complete an Ethics Consent Form , or get permission from an Ethics Committee , we would suggest that you pass your ethical design by your supervisor. By ethical design , we simply mean those components of your research strategy that could undermine the five basic ethical principles you should abide by (i.e., minimising the risk of harm, obtaining informed consent, protecting anonymity and confidentiality, avoiding deceptive practices, and providing the right to withdraw). For example, if the research design involves exposing some participants to situations that may be psychological challenging or invasive, if the research methods involve some form of covert or deceptive aspect, or if the population that you are studying involves collecting data from minors or vulnerable groups, these are the kinds of things you should discuss with your supervisor. Since there is a danger that such ethical designs could undermine one or more of the five basic ethical principles, your dissertation may have to receive either informal or formal ethical approval . If your supervisor feels that you will not be able to get ethical approval, or that such ethical approval could severely delay your dissertation (i.e., since you cannot start collecting data until you have it), your supervisor may be able to advise you how to make small changes to your research strategy and ethical design to reduce the potential problems you could face.

Present your measurement procedure, if you have time

You'll not always have enough time to discuss your measurement procedure, but if there's one thing of detail that's worth asking your supervisor to look over, it's the measurement procedure you've used. This is important because the quality of your data is highly contingent on the quality of your measurement procedure (i.e., the reliability and construct validity of your measurement procedure).

If you've followed Route A: Duplication or Route B: Generalisation , this is not so much of an issue because (a) the measurement procedure you are drawing on in the main journal article should have been shown to be reliable and (b) you will not have made many (if any) changes. However, if you have followed Route C: Extension , especially a method or measurement-based extension , there may have been many changes to the measurement procedure used in the main journal article. Therefore, it is worth asking your supervisor to look over these changes. Unless your supervisor is a subject matter expert, they may only be able to help you with the face validity of the measurement procedure, but this can still be useful to avoid glaring mistakes. Your supervisor may be able to give you advice on things like the statement you read out to research participants to tell them what the research it about, what their ethical rights are, and so forth. They may also be able to offer advice on things like survey length or the number of data points you are trying to record in a structured observation, but for the most part, you should look to the main journal article and literature to determine such things.

Defend the choices that you have made

You don't want to defend your choices for the sake of it. If your supervisor strongly suggests that you change a major component of your research strategy, it would be advisable to seriously consider this. At the same time, unless your supervisor is an expert in your area of interest, you will know the contents of your dissertation far better than your supervisor: the research hypotheses you want to answer, the background literature to your dissertation, the research strategy that you plan to follow, and the justifications for all these choices. Making major changes to the theoretical case or research strategy you have set could require a lot of work, and you don't want to make these changes without being sure they are correct. it's worth remembering that you may have only spent 20 minutes with your supervisor, so some of the judgements your supervisor is making may be based solely of the main points you've put across in a short space of time, rather than a detailed assessment of the theoretical case or research strategy you have built. Therefore, if your supervisor does strongly suggest that you make any major changes, it is worth taking the time to defend the choices you have made in case these changes are unnecessary.

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A dissertation or research project is normally par for the course on degree programmes. In my experience, it is a source of anxiety for many students and I’m in no doubt that this one module can act as a barrier to undertaking a University degree course.

However, what students don’t often realise is that you will be allocated a supervisor to support you with this work. To help you understand the crucial supervisor-supervisee relationship, this article summarises what supervision is in this context, and highlights some of the characteristics of a good supervisor, as well as what makes a good supervisee. There are also tips for getting a dissertation going and managing your relationship with your supervisor. Hopefully this will make the prospect of completing a research dissertation less daunting and/or help you improve your existing supervisor-supervisee relationship.

What is supervision? There are so many answers to this question, it is hard to know where to start. Supervision transcends lots of roles and situations but, in the context of a University dissertation, your supervisor is the member of staff allocated to you to support you to complete your project. Typically, their role is to advise you on the project (e.g. research design, ethics, and comment on drafts). Note, they are not there to tell you what to do (although you might want to listen to their comments as these will be made with the aim to help you improve the project). Perhaps more importantly, they are not there to do the project for you (you’d be surprised how many students think this!). Often your supervisor will only have a limited number of hours allocated to support your work (e.g. 10 hours) so you need to use the time wisely.

What makes a good supervisor? When I asked my students this in a recent teaching session I was inundated with answers! They were getting close to handing in their dissertations so were quite far down the supervisory journey and had a lot to say about it. Here’s a summary of their thoughts on this:

  • Trustworthy
  • Encouraging
  • Approachable
  • Sensitivity – e.g. understand the contest in which the supervisee is working and whether there might be other factors that the supervisee may not be aware of
  • Communication is key – personally I would argue that being an “active” listener is one of the most important things I can do as a supervisor. For example, what is the student interested in? Have they got a workable idea for their project? For students, this extended to the more mundane (but equally important things) like answering emails quickly.
  • Does not misuse power – i.e. operates a non-oppressive supervisory process
  • Able to give constructive criticism
  • Experienced but open to learning – e.g. from supervisees, from new situations

What makes a good supervisee? When in class, this question often surprises students. There is often an emphasis on the supervisor “doing their job properly” and “providing support” but supervision is a two way relationship and we have expectations of you too. This includes (in no particular order):

  • Able to set goals and stick to them – the ability to set your own goals and work diligently to meet these agreed objectives is a key expectation. For example, if you say you are going to complete your ethics form by X date, then do it.
  • Good time keeping – if you organise a meeting with me, have the curtesy to turn up on time (or let me know if you are running late). Sometimes students work on the basis that because they pay fees I work for them. Whilst I appreciate this perspective, I cannot emphasise enough that this is not true. I work to support all students, not just one. My time is not indefinite and students should not take it for granted that I am available to meet them on a whim.
  • Good time keeping II – maybe this one should say patience. Basically if you want me to read a draft of something and comment on it, don’t send it to me the night before the deadline. Give me time and space to read it properly. Not only does this mean I’m more likely to do it and perhaps provide more detailed feedback as I have more time, it also allows you time to act on that feedback.
  • Respond to feedback – whilst we are on the topic of feedback, let’s talk about how important it is to make changes in response to feedback. I have lost count of the number of times I have spent hours reading a draft and providing detailed feedback on content, structure, writing style etc. only to find no changes are made in the final version. Ok, a student can choose whether to make changes or not (after all, it is their project) but it is hugely frustrating to feel you have wasted valuable time commenting on a draft (often when you were busy and could have been doing something else) only to find that changes are not made or (even worse) are limited to correcting typos and referencing errors.
  • Take criticism – no-one likes to receive criticism but a supervisor would be neglecting their role if they didn’t highlight weaknesses in your work. This can be hard to stomach but remember that by thinking objectively about the feedback and making changes will only act to strengthen your work.
  • Have the ability to identify their own strengths and developments – speaks for itself!
  • Open and honest – e.g. communicating any issues they are experiencing. You don’t have to tell me the details of your personal problems but knowing they exist helps.
  • Takes initiative – I love it when a student comes in with a brand new idea rather than rehashes a study already done many times before. It is much easier to get enthusiastic about your project if it is something new.
  • Considers ways to overcome problems – if something is challenging and you turn up to your meeting with your supervisor with some ideas on how to fix the problem, this is ideal.

Top tips After a (very informal!) canvas of colleagues’ views, here are some of the tips they had for making the most of your dissertation project and managing your supervisor-supervisee relationship.

  • Pick the right topic – choosing a dissertation topic can be daunting. However, in my experience, getting this right is half the battle with a dissertation project as it is 10 times easier to motivate yourself to work on something you are interested in! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box – you’ll get extra credit for being innovative and creative. “Hot Topics” can also be a good bet.
  • Be realistic – the most obvious example I can give here is topic selection. Is what you are suggesting likely to get ethical approval? Is it achievable in the timescales you have to complete the project? I think my favourite example of an undergraduate project which I did not allow a student to undertake was from a meeting which started with the immortal words “I want to interview serial killers…”
  • Don’t let it slide – dissertation deadlines fall at the end of the academic year and, despite early warnings that these deadlines will come around quickly, many students still have a mad panic close to the deadline trying to get everything finished.
  • Time management – related to the above but perhaps with some more practical pointers. Picture the scene, close to a deadline, a student has a crisis. They email their supervisor at 11pm on a Sunday evening when your deadline is Monday 4pm. Do you really expect an answer?!! Perhaps surprising, this happens all the time – just a few weeks ago I got a phone call at 9:30am asking why I had not responded to an email which had been sent in the early hours of that morning…
  • Be realistic II – Supervisors will typically aim to respond as quickly as they can. However, you need to be realistic about timescales for this. Especially over the summer. Especially when you are waiting for feedback. Remember it is unlikely your supervisor is only supervising you. Therefore, when you are thinking they only need to read you 5000 word draft, they might actually need to read 10 or 15 5000 word drafts (plus anything else they are working on).
  • Don’t wait until you are having a crisis before asking for support.
  • Be prepared – if you arrange a meeting with your supervisor, make sure you go prepared. You would be surprised how many supervisees I have who ask for a meeting but come with no agenda (and sometimes even no pen!)
  • Make notes – remember to keep a record of meetings, e.g. what was discussed, what your actions are, what your supervisors actions are. A dissertation is a long term project and it is likely you will forget the specifics agreed in early meetings if you don’t have a record of what was discussed.
  • Act on feedback provided – don’t just read it, act on it.
  • Keep in touch – provide your supervisor with regular updates (even if there is little to report). This gives them an oversight of your progress. Also, reply to your supervisor when they email you!

Conclusion A good supervisor – supervisee relationship can help ensure your dissertation journey is a positive one so it is important to work to ensure that you build and maintain a strong working relationship. Your supervisor is there to support you – just remember their role is to guide and support you, not to do your project for you.

Working with your dissertation supervisor By: Dr Amy Burrell

Amy holds a BSc in Applied Psychology, an MSc in Forensic Behavioural Science, and a PhD in Forensic Psychology. Amy is a Lecturer in Forensic Psychology at Coventry University and can be contacted on [email protected] She was previously the Training Manager for Perpetuity Training who specialise in security training (see  www.perpetuitytraining.com ) and is also involved in the Crime Linkage International NetworK (C-LINK) (see www.crimelinkage.org )

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  • What to Expect from your PhD Supervisor

Written by Mark Bennett

Your PhD supervisor will play a vital role in your doctorate, supporting you from starting out to thesis submission (and beyond).

But what does ‘PhD supervision’ actually mean in practice? What sort of support and assistance can you expect your supervisor to provide?

This guide introduces some of the obligations and expectations that underpin a healthy supervisory relationship, as well as explaining how that relationship develops along with your PhD.

What you can expect from your PhD supervisor

Your PhD supervisor will have some core responsibilities towards you and your project. These will normally include meeting to discuss your work, reading drafts and being available to respond emails and other forms of contact within a reasonable timeframe.

Some universities may formalise these commitments in a research degree handbook and you should consult this if so. Other universities may leave more of the details to the student and supervisor themselves.

In either case, the following are some of the basic expectations a PhD supervisor should fulfil:

Expertise in your subject area

Regular supervisory meetings, feedback on work in progress, advice and support, mediation and representation.

Your supervisor will be an expert in your academic field. They will have recognised experience researching it, with a publication record to match. They may even have supervised other students working on related subjects.

What your supervisor won’t be is an expert in your topic. There’s a very simple reason for this: if they were, you couldn’t research it as an original PhD.

In practice this means that you can expect your supervisor to offer competent advice, particularly in the early stages of your research. If you’re suggesting a topic or approach that has been undertaken before, they should be able to alert you to that. If you’re looking for material to consult for your literature review they will be able to make suggestions and help you get started.

Eventually though, your expertise will outstrip your supervisor’s. It’s important to be aware of this and not to rely on your supervisor to understand your project for you.

These are the nuts and bolts of a supervisory relationship. Whatever your project, you can expect your supervisor to set aside regular time for one-to-one meetings and discussion of your work.

How regular these meetings are will be up to you and your supervisor to decide (though your university may set some guidelines). You’ll also have the freedom to set up a schedule (and venue) that works for the two of you. This could be a corner of the lab, your supervisor’s office or even just a coffee shop on campus.

Once this schedule is agreed you can expect your supervisor to be available at appointed times and to have reviewed any drafts, data or other work sent to them (with sufficient notice).

Note that the ability to attend supervisory meetings is an expectation of full-time PhD students who are based ‘on campus’. If you are studying by distance learning your supervisor may arrange for a different format, such as discussing work over the phone or via video conferencing.

Your supervisor may also take responsibility for any formal record keeping associated with meetings (though that doesn’t mean you won’t have any paperwork of your own to fill out).

Unlike other degrees, a PhD doesn’t normally involve any ongoing formal assessment. There are some exceptions such as first-year upgrade exams and training modules, but, ultimately, your doctorate will be judged on the strength of a single piece of work: the thesis you submit for examination at the end.

So what happens to all the chapter drafts, data reports and other work you do along the way? Your supervisor looks at it and offers you feedback. This feedback is formative rather than summative (you won’t be given a grade) but it’s still incredibly important.

In the early stages of a PhD feedback will help ensure you’re on the right track (or get you onto it). Later on you’ll know more about your project than your supervisor, but they’ll still be able to tell you how effectively presented your results are and how persuasive your argument is.

Standards for feedback vary between disciplines, projects and universities. You may find that your supervisor regularly sees your data as part of the working arrangement in your laboratory. Or you may find that you only submit drafts of written work every few months.

Your university may set out its own feedback guidelines, but, as with so many aspects of the supervisory relationship, setting up an effective system will be down to the individuals involved. As a general rule, you can expect your supervisor to review each piece of work in progress at least once and to offer further feedback on the final dissertation draft.

Contact with your supervisor doesn’t need to be restricted to scheduled meetings. They should also be able to offer advice on a more ad hoc basis.

This won’t normally extend to immediate feedback on impromptu chapter drafts sent over at 3am on a Monday morning, but you can expect a response to questions or ideas emailed during office hours.

Remember that one of the key things a supervisor offers isn’t topic expertise (we covered that earlier) so much as research experience. You haven’t completed a PhD before. They have. That problem that seems insurmountable to you? It probably isn’t. And your supervisor will be able to help you see why.

‘Support’ can also extend beyond your PhD thesis and include additional academic opportunities. It’s not uncommon for supervisors to identify suitable conferences for their students to attend or present at. In some cases you may also have the chance to publish work alongside your supervisor or participate as a second author on one of their papers.

You should make the most of these opportunities if they arise, but it’s important not to treat them as a basic expectation. Unless otherwise established by your institution, your supervisor’s main commitment is to your PhD.

For most of your PhD, your supervisor will ‘represent’ the university to you. They’ll be your most frequent point of contact and will be responsible for ensuring you do the things your institution expects of you.

Those include the obvious (researching your PhD) but can also cover other areas such as professional development, progression monitoring and compliance with any ethical policies. You probably won’t find the associated paperwork to be the most thrilling part of your PhD, but can take heart from the fact that your supervisor will probably agree with you.

As well as representing the university to you, your supervisor will also represent you to the university. They’ll understand the peculiarities of your project, together with any specific needs or circumstances you have as a researcher (such as a disability or conditions associated with your funding ).

Your supervisor will therefore be your first point of call if problems arise with your project. It’s part of their role to provide pastoral support and you shouldn’t be afraid to approach them with problems or concerns.

Second supervisors

Some universities assign two supervisors to each PhD students. If so, the 'second' supervisor may be more responsible for your pastoral support and for the administration of your project. This allows the 'primary' supervisor to focus on your academic work.

Targets, planning and meetings

Your supervisor (or supervisors) will be involved throughout your PhD, but their function will change slightly as your doctorate progresses.

In part this will reflect your changing needs as a student. You’ll go from mapping out a project to researching, writing and eventually submitting for examination. This is all part of the normal PhD journey .

Planning your project and setting targets

Most PhDs begin with an initial meeting between the student and their supervisor. This will be your first chance to sit down together and discuss your project.

You’ll review the aims set out in your research proposal and think about how to proceed with the first stages of your doctorate. This normally means gathering scholarly material for your literature review and / or identifying initial avenues for your own research.

Your supervisor’s input will be invaluable here. You’ll probably have some idea of existing studies that relate to your topic. You may also have some idea of the sources you’d like to examine or the data you’d like to collect first.

But your supervisor will have a much more complete sense of the current state of your academic field. They’ll also know many of the other scholars currently working in it.

If there are some avenues you haven’t considered, they’ll be able to make suggestions. And if there’s new work being published, they’ll be able to make you aware of it.

What happens at a PhD supervision?

PhD Supervisions can be as varied as the supervisors (and PhD students) involved.

You may meet formally in an office, or you might simply grab a corner table in the campus coffee shop. Most meetings last from one to two hours, but this will depend on how much there is to discuss and what stage of the PhD you’re at.

A typical PhD supervision normally involves:

  • Checking your current progress – Your supervisor will want to know what you’ve done since the last meeting and how you’ve been finding things. If you’ve hit upon difficulties you can discuss these and benefit from your supervisor’s advice.
  • Reviewing work in progress – As you get further into your PhD you’ll begin to gather results or even produce chapter drafts. Your supervisor will normally be able to offer feedback on this and make sure you’re heading in the right direction. Their encouragement will be a big source of support, particularly as you begin to get properly stuck into your project.
  • Setting future targets – Reflecting on what you’ve done will be an important part of your supervisions, but so will agreeing new short and medium term goals. There are few formal deadlines in a PhD, but setting some ‘self-imposed’ deadlines with your supervisor can help keep you on track.
  • Taking care of any admin – Part of your supervisor’s job involves reporting your progress to the university. For structured PhDs this can also mean checking completion of any formal training and development activities.

Eventually, PhD supervision meetings will also focus upon more specific milestones in your doctorate.

A PhD supervisor by any other name...

You might occasionally see different terms to refer to a PhD supervisor, such as dissertation advisor, thesis advisor or doctoral supervisor. Most of the time, these will all refer to the same person (the academic who will support and advise you through your PhD).

Progression and professional development

As you enter the middle stretch of your PhD the relationship with your supervisor will shift slightly. You’ll still have regular meetings, but won’t be as dependent on them to help set targets, or reassure you that you’re heading in the right direction.

Instead your supervisor will be much more focussed on the work you’re producing – particularly as the embryonic version of your final thesis begins to take shape.

Part of this could involve supporting you as you formally ‘upgrade’ to full PhD candidacy (many universities initially register research students for an MPhil ).

Once this is done you’ll be confirmed as a junior scholar, with an original contribution to make to your field. This may therefore be the time to think about taking on additional development opportunities and earning more exposure for your work – another area in which your supervisor’s support will be important.

Reviewing drafts and checking results

By this point in your PhD the outline of your final project will probably be fairly well established. You’ll have done a lot of the research that will form the basis of your thesis. Eventually you’ll begin gathering in your findings and laying the foundations of your dissertation .

Your supervisor will help identify the point at which you’re ready to do this. From then on a big part of their role will be to help review your findings as you move towards the final stretch of your doctorate.

If you’re in the Arts and Humanities this process may involve drafting actual chapters of your dissertation and receiving feedback on them. The writing usually comes later for STEM students, but you’ll still discuss the results of experiments and / or confirm that your data is up to the required standard.

Assisting your professional development

As your project progresses so will your expertise. The primary outlet for that expertise will be your thesis.

But the second and third years of your PhD are also an important period for your professional development – particularly if you’re considering an academic career.

Now is the time to think about:

  • Conference presentations
  • Scholarly publications
  • Teaching work

Most supervisors will be happy to support their students at this point – and will take pride in seeing them step up to the academic stage (or at least the front of the conference hall). Some universities may also make professional development a formal part of their PhD programmes – particularly when it comes to undergraduate teaching.

Submission and examination

Eventually, it will be time to gather up your results, write up your thesis and submit it as a dissertation. The way you do this can vary between projects.

If you’re in the Arts or Humanities you’ll probably have been producing chapter drafts alongside your research and your supervisor will already have provided feedback on them.

If you’re in Science or Engineering you’ll probably have been focussed on conducting experiments and gathering results, with a dedicated ‘writing up period’ at the end of your degree.

Whatever your approach, your supervisor will help you put together a final version of your thesis. They will then read through that draft and provide any feedback or advice. Once your supervisor decides that your dissertation is up to the required standard they will advise you to submit it for examination.

Most universities will allow you to submit against the advice of your supervisors, but this is almost always a bad idea. If your supervisor does not believe a thesis is ready for examination it probably isn’t. Vice versa, your supervisor won’t recommend you submit unless the thesis is likely to pass a viva.

Selecting external examiners

Having guided you up to the submission point your supervisor has one final task to perform: helping you select the external examiner (or examiners) for your viva voce.

This may seem quite minor, but it can actually be one of the most important contributions a supervisor will make to your PhD.

Some universities allow supervisors to invite and appoint external examiners themselves, but this is relatively uncommon in the UK. Instead you will normally have the chance to suggest examiners and will have the final say over who is invited to examine you.

By this point you may have a good idea of who might be a good external examiner – particularly if you’ve been active at conferences and networked within your field. But you should make sure you take advice from your supervisor at this crucial point.

Not only will they know who in your field is best placed to examine your work, they will also know who is most likely to appreciate it. All PhD examinations are objective, but academia can be home to diverse methodologies and approaches. Selecting an examiner with very different principles to your own can make the viva much more challenging for both parties and put extra pressure on your thesis defence.

In most cases a supervisor isn’t directly involved in the actual viva voce exam that concludes your PhD.

They will have reviewed your thesis and helped you select your examiners (see above). They will also meet with you on the day of the viva and provide support as you get ready for the exam. This could simply involve finding the venue and waiting with you as your examiners arrive. Or it could mean calming a few last minute nerves and helping you relax before the event.

Once the viva is over your supervisor may be invited to discuss the result with the panel before you yourself receive feedback. This may allow them to provide some perspective on any areas of concern, but such contributions are usually off the record. Your examiners will be making a decision based on your thesis defence, not your supervisor’s.

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Dissertation Complete Coaching

How to Strengthen the Relationship with Your Dissertation Supervisor

by Dr. Cara | Jun 26, 2023 | Dissertation Supervisor

Dissertation Supervisor

Writing a dissertation isn’t supposed to be a solitary journey. Ideally, a strong support network guides you to success, just like a ship relies on a navigation system to get through rough waters. A well-structured support system is the backbone of your academic passage toward doctoral completion.

One of the most critical aspects of dissertation completion is establishing a solid and constructive relationship with your dissertation supervisor. This important connection plays a pivotal role in ensuring a smooth research and writing process, and (ultimately) your graduation.

Understanding the Role of the Dissertation Supervisor

Before delving into effective communication strategies, it’s crucial to understand the role of your dissertation supervisor. Supervisors provide guidance, support and expertise throughout the research process, playing a key part in helping students develop and refine key components of the research project and written dissertation. They also support students as they navigate the inevitable challenges that arise.

Equally important, supervisors can foster a conducive environment for your academic growth and success. This kind of ongoing, knowledgeable support can bolster confidence, keep procrastination at bay and increase accountability. ( For ideas on combatting procrastination, see this post.)

What happens, however, when the supervisory relationship is less than ideal? As a graduate student, what can you do when you feel as though you have been set adrift on the dissertation journey without a life raft or clear destination?

Try these ideas for building a better relationship with your dissertation supervisor:

1. Establish Clear Expectations

Setting crystal-clear expectations at the outset of the dissertation journey is vital for effective communication. Have an initial meeting with your supervisor to discuss project objectives, planned phases of the project and the frequency and mode of communication. Establishing a shared understanding of each other’s expectations ensures that both of you are on the same page and reduces the chances of miscommunication. Get some clear dates on the calendar with initial timelines for regular meetings and each phase of the dissertation journey.

2. Maintain Consistent Communication 

As mentioned previously in this blog, maintaining regular communication with your supervisor is critical for progress and success. Take the initiative – don’t wait for your supervisor to contact you. Schedule regular meetings or check-ins to provide updates on your progress, discuss any challenges and seek input. Strive to strike a balance between being independent and seeking guidance when needed. Remember: Supervisors, although likely busy with their own teaching and research, are there to support you through the dissertation process. Do not avoid your supervisor due to procrastination or a lack of progress. That’s likely when you need to reach out more deliberately to set up a meeting.

3. Be Prepared for Meetings 

Make the most of your meetings with your supervisor by coming prepared. Prior to your time together, organize your thoughts, questions and any specific issues you need to address. Consider what you want to get out of the meeting. Review your progress with your supervisor and provide updates on your work. Send any updates to your dissertation draft to your supervisor in a timely manner. Being well-prepared demonstrates your commitment to the project and your respect for your supervisor’s time, fostering a positive relationship.

4. Actively Seek Feedback

Feedback is an invaluable tool for improvement. Lean into feedback from your supervisor on your research, writing and overall progress. Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity for growth. Discuss your choices and be ready to negotiate with your supervisor regarding feedback you don’t agree with.  Responding positively and actively to feedback  shows your willingness to learn and adapt, which in turn strengthens the supervisor-student relationship.

5. Use Effective Email Communication 

This is often overlooked but email communication matters. ( Check out this article to find out more !) In addition to face-to-face meetings, email communication is an integral part of the supervisor-student relationship.

When sending emails, ensure that your messages are concise, clear and professional. Use a professional tone and structure your emails with a greeting, body and closing. Keep in mind that your supervisor may have numerous responsibilities, so be mindful of their time and keep emails focused on the relevant topics. And definitely avoid sprawling emails with last-minute attachments!

6. Respect Deadlines and Timelines 

This goes without saying but adhering to agreed upon deadlines and timelines (as much as possible) is essential in maintaining a positive relationship with your supervisor. Be realistic about your research goals and communicate any potential delays or challenges in advance. Above all, try not to avoid your supervisor when the going gets tough! When life goes awry, do your best to check in and provide an update. The key is to stay engaged in a regular way with your supervisor rather than going AWOL during the tough times. Otherwise, you may find yourself in the academic abyss longer than planned.

7. Address Challenges as they Arise

In any collaborative relationship, conflicts and challenges typically happen at some point. It’s normal and somewhat expected given all of the variables involved in a complex research project. It’s important to address these issues promptly and professionally. If you encounter difficulties with your supervisor, approach the situation with an open mind and a willingness to find a solution together. Seek common ground, listen attentively and express your concerns respectfully. Resolving conflicts effectively can strengthen the supervisor-student bond.

If working with your supervisor becomes an ongoing struggle, it’s important to address the issue proactively. First step: Assess the root cause of the problem.

Ask yourself whether the issue due to a difference in communication styles, conflicting expectations or a personality clash. Once you have identified the underlying issue, consider discussing your concerns with your supervisor.

Second step: Share your perspective, listen to your supervisor´s response and explore potential solutions together. If direct communication does not resolve the issue, you might need to seek guidance from the department’s graduate coordinator to mediate the situation.

In extreme cases where the conflict persists and significantly hampers your progress, it may be necessary to request a change of supervisor…but this should be a last resort. You don’t want to end up in the same scenario with someone else. Remember, you don’t have to “like” your dissertation supervisor but can you work with him or her? Can you find some benefit in working with someone who might have a completely different perspective? What are the “workarounds”?

The takeaway?

Establishing and maintaining a constructive, working relationship with your dissertation supervisor is crucial for the successful completion of your dissertation project. Effective communication, based on mutual respect and understanding, lays the foundation for a collaborative and DONE dissertation.

There’s more.  Get in touch with us if you feel you could use additional support on your dissertation journey. At Dissertation Complete Coaching, we help dissertation writers get unstuck, move forward and, yes, graduate. We can help you!

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  • Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples

Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples

Published on May 3, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.


The acknowledgements section is your opportunity to thank those who have helped and supported you personally and professionally during your thesis or dissertation process.

Thesis or dissertation acknowledgements appear between your title page and abstract  and should be no longer than one page.

In your acknowledgements, it’s okay to use a more informal style than is usually permitted in academic writing , as well as first-person pronouns . Acknowledgements are not considered part of the academic work itself, but rather your chance to write something more personal.

To get started, download our step-by-step template in the format of your choice below. We’ve also included sample sentence starters to help you construct your acknowledgments section from scratch.

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Who to thank in your acknowledgements, how to write acknowledgements, acknowledgements section example, acknowledgements dos and don’ts, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about the acknowledgements section.

Generally, there are two main categories of acknowledgements: professional and personal .

A good first step is to check your university’s guidelines, as they may have rules or preferences about the order, phrasing, or layout of acknowledgements. Some institutions prefer that you keep your acknowledgements strictly professional.

Regardless, it’s usually a good idea to place professional acknowledgements first, followed by any personal ones. You can then proceed by ranking who you’d like to thank from most formal to least.

  • Chairs, supervisors, or defense committees
  • Funding bodies
  • Other academics (e.g., colleagues or cohort members)
  • Editors or proofreaders
  • Librarians, research/laboratory assistants, or study participants
  • Family, friends, or pets

Typically, it’s only necessary to mention people who directly supported you during your thesis or dissertation. However, if you feel that someone like a high school physics teacher was a great inspiration on the path to your current research, feel free to include them as well.

Professional acknowledgements

It is crucial to avoid overlooking anyone who helped you professionally as you completed your thesis or dissertation. As a rule of thumb, anyone who directly contributed to your research process, from figuring out your dissertation topic to your final proofread, should be mentioned.

A few things to keep in mind include:

  • Even if you feel your chair didn’t help you very much, you should still thank them first to avoid looking like you’re snubbing them.
  • Be sure to follow academic conventions, using full names with titles where appropriate.
  • If several members of a group or organization assisted you, mention the collective name only.
  • Remember the ethical considerations around anonymized data. If you wish to protect someone’s privacy, use only their first name or a generic identifier (such as “the interviewees”)/

Personal acknowledgements

There is no need to mention every member of your family or friend group. However, if someone was particularly inspiring or supportive, you may wish to mention them specifically. Many people choose to thank parents, partners, children, friends, and even pets, but you can mention anyone who offered moral support or encouragement, or helped you in a tangible or intangible way.

Some students may wish to dedicate their dissertation to a deceased influential person in their personal life. In this case, it’s okay to mention them first, before any professional acknowledgements.

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After you’ve compiled a list of who you’d like to thank, you can then sort your list into rank order. Separate everyone you listed into “major thanks,” “big thanks,” and “minor thanks” categories.

  • “Major thanks” are given to people who your project would be impossible without. These are often predominantly professional acknowledgements, such as your advisor, chair, and committee, as well as any funders.
  • “Big thanks” are an in-between, for those who helped you along the way or helped you grow intellectually, such as classmates, peers, or librarians.
  • “Minor thanks” can be a catch-all for everyone else, especially those who offered moral support or encouragement. This can include personal acknowledgements, such as parents, partners, children, friends, or even pets.

How to phrase your acknowledgements

To avoid acknowledgements that sound repetitive or dull, consider changing up your phrasing. Here are some examples of common sentence starters you can use for each category.

Common sentence starters
Major thanks Big thanks Minor thanks

Note that you do not need to write any sort of conclusion or summary at the end. You can simply end the acknowledgements with your last thank you.

Here’s an example of how you can combine the different sentences to write your acknowledgements.

A simple construction consists of a sentence starter (in purple highlight ), followed by the person or entity mentioned (in green highlight ), followed by what you’re thanking them for (in yellow highlight .)


Words cannot express my gratitude to my professor and chair of my committee for her invaluable patience and feedback. I also could not have undertaken this journey without my defense committee, who generously provided knowledge and expertise. Additionally, this endeavor would not have been possible without the generous support from the MacArthur Foundation, who financed my research .

I am also grateful to my classmates and cohort members, especially my office mates, for their editing help, late-night feedback sessions, and moral support. Thanks should also go to the librarians, research assistants, and study participants from the university, who impacted and inspired me.

Lastly, I would be remiss in not mentioning my family, especially my parents, spouse, and children. Their belief in me has kept my spirits and motivation high during this process. I would also like to thank my cat for all the entertainment and emotional support.

  • Write in first-person, professional language
  • Thank your professional contacts first
  • Include full names, titles, and roles of professional acknowledgements
  • Include personal or intangible supporters, like friends, family, or even pets
  • Mention funding bodies and what they funded
  • Appropriately anonymize or group research participants or non-individual acknowledgments


  • Use informal language or slang
  • Go over one page in length
  • Mention people who had only a peripheral or minor impact on your work

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In the acknowledgements of your thesis or dissertation, you should first thank those who helped you academically or professionally, such as your supervisor, funders, and other academics.

Then you can include personal thanks to friends, family members, or anyone else who supported you during the process.

Yes, it’s important to thank your supervisor(s) in the acknowledgements section of your thesis or dissertation .

Even if you feel your supervisor did not contribute greatly to the final product, you must acknowledge them, if only for a very brief thank you. If you do not include your supervisor, it may be seen as a snub.

The acknowledgements are generally included at the very beginning of your thesis , directly after the title page and before the abstract .

In a thesis or dissertation, the acknowledgements should usually be no longer than one page. There is no minimum length.

You may acknowledge God in your dissertation acknowledgements , but be sure to follow academic convention by also thanking the members of academia, as well as family, colleagues, and friends who helped you.

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George, T. (2023, July 18). Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 1, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/acknowledgements/

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National Teaching Fellow 2017

Dissertation supervision.

A dissertation supervisor provides regular guidance and support to a student undertaking a dissertation.

The supervisory relationship is built on clear communication and mutually agreed expectation in terms of progress. Working in partnership with the student a supervisor assists in the definition of a research topic the design of a programme of study and the implementation of this. They also provide expertise at the writing stage and support in the face of deadlines.

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Advice for surviving your PhD dissertation

Tips for each step of researching, writing and refining a PhD dissertation

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From initial research and writing to revision, defence and award, the journey to completing a PhD is often described as a marathon. Here, academics offer their insight on each step towards producing an original work of scholarship. Starting with choosing a supervisor and establishing healthy habits, the advice goes on to cover how to structure a PhD dissertation, establish a writing routine, write an abstract, prepare for a viva and beat procrastination when motivation flags.

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How to tell supervisor I've been lazy?

So I had a half a week off to write my thesis, and the supervisor set expectations that it should be half written.

I am no where near half way yet, and it's because I didn't really do much work. Why? Because I'm so overworked, not because I'm lazy. But my supervisor is an idiot, and does not believe in being overworked - he has a if I don't get burnt out, why should you, type of attitude. He also doesn't believe in mental health issues, believing it to be an excuse for laziness.

I have been dealing with depression and have been extremely burnt out for months, so spent all my time in the library unable to work and focus.

But I can't say this to him, so what excuse can I give? He's often demeaning and abusive to students on a good day, so if I give a bad excuse I'll just get a bollocking, which doesn't help my situation.

I appreciate any help :⁠-⁠)

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Supporting Dissertation Writers Through the Silent Struggle

While we want Ph.D. students to be independent, our practices can signal that we’re not available to support them when they need it, writes Ramon B. Goings.

By  Ramon B. Goings

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Consider the following discussion. A student tells me, “I have so much going on right now. I’m trying to write this dissertation, take care of my mom and raise my kids. I’m giving to everyone else and have nothing left to write.”

“Thanks for sharing,” I respond. “Have you reached out to your adviser to discuss what is happening and see what resources you might be able to access?”

“My adviser said they will meet with me when I have a document ready for them to review. They are too busy,” the student says. “I’ve just been struggling in silence and don’t know what to do.”

This conversation highlights the reality for many doctoral students—they may experience hardships in silence. The doctoral journey is an interesting experience during which students are provided structure through coursework and then, once they enter the dissertation phase, that structure is removed. They usually are in a position where they have to manage everything themselves.

As faculty members, we try to provide the space of intellectual curiosity for our students and allow them to explore their dissertation topics. However, while we want students to be independent, our practices can signal that we are not available to support them when they need it. What are some strategies that we should consider implementing to support our students who too often struggle in silence? Below are three that I have implemented in my chairing process.

Create an environment where students can share. Students want to meet our expectations and standards. Yet in efforts to not burden us, some students may choose not to reach out to us when they are experiencing challenges. In some instances, they also do not come to us due to the fear—and, at times, the reality—that they will face adverse consequence for doing so. While that can occur during the coursework phase, it is even more common when students are writing their dissertations, because they believe they must be independent scholars and figure everything out on their own.

To combat those situations, we as dissertation chairs must first create an environment where students can feel comfortable to share what they are going through. One simple way to foster that type of relationship is to first ensure that you make time to meet regularly with your advisees. While that may seem to be an obvious practice, I often hear from doctoral students, like the one in the opening vignette of this article, that they find it challenging just to get on their chair’s calendar. That can unintentionally signal to them that we as faculty members are not available. As a faculty member, I know we have many demands on our time. To support my students, I have dedicated times each week when students can meet with me as needed. Making the time consistent on my calendar allows me to ensure other activities do not get in the way of meeting with students. To be more efficient, I created a special Calendly meeting link that has time slots open for students to schedule.

Programs should also have regular faculty meetings to discuss student academic progress, along with any well-being challenges such as mental health and/or life challenges. Sometimes a student is more comfortable talking with a faculty member who is not on their dissertation committee, and having such conversations can provide a space for all faculty members to learn what is going on and potentially troubleshoot before a student’s difficulties gets worse.

Choose your words with care. As dissertation chairs, our words hold significant power with our advisees. Those words become even more important when our students are experiencing personal and/or professional challenges. To illustrate this point, I offer you one word that, when used, can be a trigger for students: concern.

Students have told me that if we use the word “concern” when talking with them, it signals something is drastically wrong with what they are doing. So if I am relaying information—especially feedback—to students, I ask myself the following before I speak:

  • Is what I need to share truly a concern? For example, some students receive a concern comment when minor or moderate editorial changes—grammar, syntax, formatting and the like—are needed. While those must be fixed, they don’t usually rise to the level of concern that impacts the integrity of the study, a misalignment between the research questions and methodology.
  • Can I express my thoughts in a more detailed way rather than just expressing concern? In the example above, if I thought the student’s editorial work needed updates, I would explain that to them and provide examples on how the student can make the changes that I am requesting.

I am certainly aware that interpretation is important, but while students can take feedback from us on their work, I have learned to be reflective about what I say. It can influence their self-confidence, a key component for completing the dissertation process.

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Understand your role is not a problem solver but solution facilitator. When I talk with other faculty members, some are quick to declare they are scientists, not therapists, so supporting their students’ distinct life challenges isn’t in their job description. I also agree that it’s not our role as faculty members to solve students’ problems for them. But we can provide a listening ear and, most of all, connect students to the various resources that can support them in their decision making.

For instance, a chair I know was advising a doctoral student who was communicative when writing their proposal and moved through the process fairly quickly. Then, after the student collected their data, the chair noticed that the student slowed down their progress and that when they met the student exhibited some uncharacteristic behaviors. Fortunately, the two had established a positive rapport, so the faculty member was able to learn that the student was unexpectedly taking on caregiving responsibilities for a sibling while experiencing some housing instability. In that case, the faculty member was able to connect the student with a campus resource for caregivers and, through it, the student was able to find housing support.

I know many faculty members are already engaging in the practices that I’ve suggested, but I continue to encounter doctoral students at the dissertation phase who are suffering in silence.

I invite you to share with me in conversations on X any other successful strategies you’ve implemented to support your doctoral students. My mission is to bring to light some of these ideas so we can make our graduate programs spaces where our students can flourish.

Ramon B. Goings ( @ramongoings ) is an associate professor in the language, literacy and culture doctoral program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and founder of Done Dissertation .

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Olivia Rodrigo dissertation

This grad wrote her dissertation on Olivia Rodrigo and she actually signed it at her concert

Imagine being called a smart girl by Olivia Rodrigo

Emily Smith

A uni grad has written her entire dissertation on Olivia Rodrigo and actually got her to sign it at her concert in Lisbon. I am obsessed!

Lorenza Sofrá is an economics and business grad from LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome. Her thesis is titled: “Navigating the Modern Career Landscape: A Comparative Analysis of Olivia Rodrigo’s Career Trajectory and the Protean and Boundaryless Career Model” and it explores Olivia Rodrigo’s career path.

But at the final show of the Europe leg of the GUTS Tour in Lisbon, Lorenza managed to get noticed by Olivia herself who spotted her sign from the crowd and signed her dissertation. “I was in shock and couldn’t believe it was happening,” Lorenza told The Tab. “I was completely overwhelmed, crying uncontrollably.”

Olivia Rodrigo dissertation

Lorenza has been a huge fan of Olivia Rodrigo ever since the start of her career. “Even before she released Driver’s License,” she said. But she believes she shares some “remarkable similarities” with Oliva that make her music extremely relatable to her, including that they were both born in 2003 and are both Pisces.

“Olivia is the only artist I am completely obsessed with and I never get tired of listening to her. I feel a deep connection to her and her work, which is why I knew I wanted to include her in my thesis. Initially, I didn’t anticipate that my thesis would be entirely about her, but my strong connection to her artistry made it an inevitable choice.”

@lorenza.sofra Please tag @Olivia Rodrigo @livies hq ❤️ ♬ suono originale – Lolla

Lorenza wasn’t initially planning on writing her whole diss on Olivia and her work as she “didn’t think it would be possible” so originally thought about just including her in some way. But her final proposal was all about her and “to my surprise, my supervisor approved it,” she told The Tab.

The Italian student really enjoyed writing her Olivia Rodrigo diss and she said writing about such a fun topic definitely made it more relaxing and enjoyable. But one of the highlights of the whole process was that she actually got to speak to Jennifer Dustman, Olivia’s vocal coach from when she was younger. “She offered incredible insights into the early stages of Olivia’s career, which added a fascinating dimension to my work,” Lorenza said.

Olivia Rodrigo dissertation

For her work, Lorenza “delved into the smallest details of Olivia’s career, ensuring a comprehensive analysis. In the final chapter, I connected all the elements to explain which type of career path Olivia Rodrigo is following.”

So after all the hard work, she said she was determined to be noticed by Olivia and get her to sign her dissertation. So before the Lisbon show she decided to make a sign which reads: ““I wrote my bachelor’s degree thesis about you, can you sign it?”

Olivia Rodrigo dissertation

She started queuing at the venue around 11am to get near the front to try and be noticed and she did! As she was holding up the sign, Olivia noticed it and said: “Oh my gosh. There’s a sign that says ‘I wrote my bachelor’s degree thesis about you, can you sign it?’ Fuck yes, smart girl! Oh my god! I wonder what your work is about, wow. Look at that!”

She then passes it to her and she looks through it and says: “Oh my god she really did! This is amazing! It’s so thick I think this is thicker than my own diary!”

She read out the title and added: “Wow, you’re so cool! This is like the coolest thing ever, you’re so smart you are making me feel smarter! Congrats smart girl” before signing it and writing: “All my love, thanks for coming, Olivia Rodrigo.”

my dissertation supervisor

Whilst it was happening, Lorenza said: “I found myself on the floor, overwhelmed with joy and crying. She mentioned my thesis two more times during the show, once before performing jealousy, jealousy and again when she caught a shirt from a fan. It was unbelievable and surreal.

@lorenza.sofra THANK U🩷 @Olivia Rodrigo ♬ teenage dream – ⭐️

“Olivia is truly the sweetest person. She was incredibly kind throughout our interaction, taking her time to check out my thesis, read the title, and even call me smart a few times. I am so grateful to her and couldn’t be happier.”

Alexa, play jealousy, jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo!

Have you written your diss on something equally as iconic and wanna be featured? Let us know by emailing  [email protected] . 

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  2. What is the Role of a Dissertation Supervisor? (600 Words)

    my dissertation supervisor

  3. how to find a thesis supervisor

    my dissertation supervisor

  4. First Meeting With Dissertation Supervisor

    my dissertation supervisor

  5. Choose Right Dissertation Supervisor

    my dissertation supervisor

  6. (PDF) Supervisor's Roles in Master's Thesis and PhD Dissertation

    my dissertation supervisor


  1. How to write a good dissertation

  2. The International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC 2024)

  3. How I manage my supervision students in Notion

  4. Free Literature Review Journals

  5. Scopus WoS Journals Tricks!

  6. Dissertation Defense: The Intellectual Character of the Formerly Incarcerated


  1. Email contact with your dissertation supervisor

    Email contact with your dissertation supervisor. Published on October 13, 2015 by Sarah Vinz. Revised on August 24, 2018. How to best approach your dissertation supervisor via email can vary by supervisor. For example, some supervisors are fine with being addressed by their first name, while others would prefer that you only use their title and ...

  2. Sample emails to your dissertation supervisor

    Making an appointment. Dear Dr. Janssen, The college has informed me that you will be my supervisor. I would therefore like to make an initial appointment to discuss my dissertation idea with you. I look forward to hearing from you as to when you would be available to meet with me. Sincerely,

  3. How to get the most from your dissertation supervisor

    It's best to get into the habit of checking in with your dissertation supervisor frequently to discuss where you plan on going next. If you're stuck, your supervisor may be able to help you frame an argument, or transition from one to another. Or they might point you to a couple of sources who will help you make the argument you're trying to ...

  4. First meeting with your dissertation supervisor: What to expect

    A better relationship often results in better and timely completion of a dissertation. This finding is backed up by science. This study, for instance, points out that student-supervisor relationships strongly influence the quality, success or failure of completing a PhD (on time).. Good communication with a dissertation supervisor is key to advancing your research, discussing roadblocks, and ...

  5. Sample emails to your thesis supervisor

    A good thesis requires good communication between you and your thesis supervisor. This includes emails! Yet, even a simple email can lead to stress and overthinking. If you struggle to communicate with your thesis supervisor via email, have a look at six sample emails for inspiration. Contents General tips for emailing your thesis supervisorSample email

  6. How to Deal with an Unhelpful Dissertation Supervisor

    Rule # 2: Be Patient and Persistent with your Unhelpful Dissertation Supervisor. Getting help from a dissertation supervisor who isn't very accommodating can be daunting. There may be times when your supervisor might not help you at all, even if you're badly stuck with your dissertation. In times like these, try to be patient and continue ...

  7. Dissertation Advisor 101: How To Work With Your Advisor

    2. Establish a regular communication cycle. Just like in any relationship, effective communication is crucial to making the student-supervisor relationship work. So, you should aim to establish a regular meeting schedule and stick to it. Don't cancel or reschedule appointments with your advisor at short notice, or do anything that suggests you don't value their time.

  8. Writing your dissertation

    Agree a timetable of meetings at the start of your project and stick to it. Ensure that each meeting has a focus e.g. "setting a research problem", "analysing the data", with a clear set of questions to ask. Keep your supervisor informed of progress. Before each meeting send relevant work to your supervisor. This could include: your ...

  9. Dissertation Advisor 101: How To Work With Your Supervisor ...

    Avoid the awkwardness and learn how to get the most from your relationship with your dissertation advisor/supervisor.00:00 Introduction to Research Advisor R...

  10. Working with Your Dissertation Supervisor

    The role of the dissertation supervisor is to guide you through the process of your research project. Your supervisor may or may not have taught you before, but what's certain is that she's done a dissertation (or two) before and will be able to help you with yours. Most courses do their best to allocate a dissertation supervisor at an ...

  11. PDF Making the most of the relationship with your dissertation supervisor

    with your dissertation supervisor Author Mike Lowry is a freelance writer and former nursing academic. Abstract Writing a dissertation can be stressful; one of the keys to success is for students to have a positive, fruitful relationship with their dissertation supervisor, whose guidance can be a great asset.

  12. How to Find the Right Supervisor for Your Dissertation?

    Check out their educational background, credentials, and prior research endeavours. Examine their knowledge of the ideas, procedures, and techniques pertinent to your field. An experienced supervisor can significantly improve the calibre and success of your dissertation by bringing important ideas and critical thinking abilities.

  13. E-mail To Dissertation Supervisor ~ How To Approach It

    The first e-mail to dissertation supervisor should have a clear subject title, a formal salutation, and error-free language. Keep your e-mail to dissertation supervisor short, relevant and with a clear call to action. If you do not receive a response to your e-mail in, say, a week, you can send a polite follow-up email.

  14. What Is the Best Way to Work with my Supervisor?

    4.13 Summary. Once you have chosen or been assigned a supervisor it is important you keep in regular contact and keep the channels of communication open. Making an informal agenda before meetings and keeping minutes of the meetings or using a supervisory record form can be a useful summary of your meetings and targets.

  15. Consideration 1: Things to discuss with your supervisor at this stage

    CONSIDERATION ONE Things to discuss with your supervisor. From your supervisor's point of view, this may only be the second time you have met to discuss your dissertation, and it could have been a few weeks or a couple of months since you first discussed your dissertation with them (i.e., STAGE FOUR: Assessment point may have been your first meeting). ). Therefore, start by briefly recapping ...

  16. Working with your dissertation supervisor

    Supervision transcends lots of roles and situations but, in the context of a University dissertation, your supervisor is the member of staff allocated to you to support you to complete your project. Typically, their role is to advise you on the project (e.g. research design, ethics, and comment on drafts). Note, they are not there to tell you ...

  17. Making the most of your DISSERTATION SUPERVISOR meetings (2/4 ...

    ⏳ How can you make the most of your time with your supervisor?🧐 What sort of questions should you ask them?🤝 How can you build a long-lasting relationship...

  18. What to Expect from your PhD Supervisor

    Whatever your approach, your supervisor will help you put together a final version of your thesis. They will then read through that draft and provide any feedback or advice. Once your supervisor decides that your dissertation is up to the required standard they will advise you to submit it for examination.

  19. Improve Your Dissertation Supervisor Relationship

    Review your progress with your supervisor and provide updates on your work. Send any updates to your dissertation draft to your supervisor in a timely manner. Being well-prepared demonstrates your commitment to the project and your respect for your supervisor's time, fostering a positive relationship. 4. Actively Seek Feedback

  20. PDF How to make the most of your dissertation meetings

    Meeting with your dissertation supervisor can seem like a scary experience. But if you are prepared for your meetings then they can become an enjoyable and informative part of your dissertation process. Communicating with your supervisor • Before you begin your in-depth independent research it is important to discuss any initial ideas with ...

  21. Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements

    In the acknowledgements of your thesis or dissertation, you should first thank those who helped you academically or professionally, such as your supervisor, funders, and other academics. Then you can include personal thanks to friends, family members, or anyone else who supported you during the process.

  22. PDF Supervising Master's Dissertations

    such independence and success in the dissertation is the role of the supervisor. Whilst the student will often retain the support of a separate Personal Academic Tutor (PAT), the supervisor is the main point of contact and support for the student. It is important to acknowledge that anxiety concerning the role of the supervisor and an ...

  23. dissertation supervision

    A dissertation supervisor provides regular guidance and support to a student undertaking a dissertation. The supervisory relationship is built on clear communication and mutually agreed expectation in terms of progress. Working in partnership with the student a supervisor assists in the definition of a research topic the design of a programme ...

  24. Advice for surviving your PhD dissertation

    Here, academics offer their insight on each step towards producing an original work of scholarship. Starting with choosing a supervisor and establishing healthy habits, the advice goes on to cover how to structure a PhD dissertation, establish a writing routine, write an abstract, prepare for a viva and beat procrastination when motivation flags.

  25. How to tell supervisor I've been lazy? : r/UniUK

    So I had a half a week off to write my thesis, and the supervisor set expectations that it should be half written. ... But my supervisor is an idiot, and does not believe in being overworked - he has a if I don't get burnt out, why should you, type of attitude. He also doesn't believe in mental health issues, believing it to be an excuse for ...

  26. Supporting Dissertation Writers Through the Silent Struggle

    Choose your words with care. As dissertation chairs, our words hold significant power with our advisees. Those words become even more important when our students are experiencing personal and/or professional challenges. To illustrate this point, I offer you one word that, when used, can be a trigger for students: concern. ...

  27. Accreditation and registration

    Whether you are a new Monash supervisor, or have been a supervisor with us for some time, it is important to familiarise yourself with our Supervisor Framework and understand the eligibility criteria, supervision roles, loads and limits for all supervisor categories. Understanding this information will help you determine which category is most appropriate for you, and provides clear guidance ...

  28. This grad wrote her dissertation on Olivia Rodrigo and she actually

    A uni grad has written her entire dissertation on Olivia Rodrigo and actually got her to sign it at her concert in Lisbon. I am obsessed! Lorenza Sofrá is an economics and business grad from ...