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Marketing Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

How Feeling Like a Minority Affects Preferences for Autonomous Digital Interfaces , Ye Seul Kim

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Spillover Effects in Product Customization , Samuel Babu Sekar

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

External and Internal Factors of Sports Sponsorship Selling Cycles in North American Professional Sports , Dan Kaufmann

Increasing Personal and Product Influence Through Background Auditory and Visual Cues , Zhihao Yu

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Effects of Product Recalls on Competitors’ Market Value and Recalling Firm’s Reputation , Dong Liu

Corporate Brand Impact on Sales / Revenue Per Share , Brad A. Puckey

Competition in Upstream Humanitarian Supply Chain: Investigation of Food Banks , Iana Shaheen

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

How Digital versus Non-Digital Modes of Food Ordering Influence Menu Healthfulness Perceptions and Food Choices , Annika Abell

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Impact of Digital Marketing Decisions on Market Outcomes in Residential Real Estate , Denise Hunter Gravatt

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Hate is a Strong Word: The Influence of Hate-Acknowledging Advertising on Brand Outcomes , Lisa Monahan

The Effects of Loneliness on Consumers’ Digital Engagement with Social Media Ads , Yu Qin

Product Shadows and Ad Evaluations , Nazuk Sharma

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Understanding the Complexity of Product Returns Management: A Complex Adaptive Systems Theory Perspective , Jennifer Anne Espinosa

Branding Implications of Co-Created Social Responsibility , Alexander J. Kull

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

How You Categorize Influences How Helpful You Are: The Effect of Categorization Mindset on Consumers’ Social Decisions , Hsiao-Ching Kuo

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Taken for Granted or Taken with Gratitude? An Examination of the Differential Effects of Donations of Time and Money on Consumers' Evaluation of Corporate Philanthropy , Ryan Langan

Essays on Consumer's Psychological and Behavioral Responses toward Social Coupons , Chinintorn Nakhata

Muscling Consumers to Optimal Option Differentiation: The Influence of Incidental Muscular Sensations on Option Differentiation , Courtney Szocs

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Essays on Mental Accounting and Consumers' Decision Making , Ali Besharat

Perceived Firm Transparency: Scale and Model Development , Jennifer Dapko

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Antecedents and Consequences of Channel Alienation: An Empirical Investigation within Franchised Channels of Distribution , Ivan Lapuka

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

An Empirical Examination of the Dark Side of Relationship Marketing within a Business to Business Context , Brent L. Baker

Developing the Nomological Network of Perceived Corporate Affinity for Technology: A Three Essay Dissertation , David Earl Fleming

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Self-Directed Learning: Measures and Models for Salesperson Training and Development , Stefanie Leigh Boyer

Emotional Exhaustion and Its Role in Service Sabotage among Boundary Spanners , Diane R. Edmondson

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Essays on multiple identities and motivated consumption: Exploring the role of identity centrality on self-brand connections , Tracy R. Harmon

The impact of organizational climate variables of perceived organizational support, workplace isolation, and ethical climate on salesperson psychological and behavioral work outcomes , Robert J. Riggle

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

The Effect of Perceived Entitativity on Implicit Image Transfer in Multiple Sponsorships , FrancoÌ?is Anthony Carrillat

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Relationship Advertising: Investigating the Strategic Appeal of Intimacy (Disclosure) in Services Marketing , Andrea Diahann Gaye Scott

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Marketing Dissertation Topics

Marketing is a broad and exciting field of study that intertwines with related subjects such as Psychology, Sociology, Business, and even Anthropology.

The field of marketing is always evolving, so there are plenty of ‘gaps’ in the literature to be filed by budding marketing students – whether you’re an undergrad or postgrad!

To help in the preparation of your marketing dissertation, this article suggests marketing dissertation topics that you could base your research on. These subject areas include relationship marketing, branding, direct marketing, international marketing (including influencer marketing), social listening, consumer psychology, online marketing, mobile marketing, marketing mix, social networks and marketing ethics.

Relationship Marketing Dissertation Topics

Branding dissertation topics, direct marketing dissertation topics, cultures and marketing dissertation topics, consumer psychology and marketing dissertation topics, online marketing dissertation topics, mobile marketing dissertation topics, the 4ps (price, product, promotion, place) of marketing mix.

  • Social Networks and Marketing Dissertation Topics

Ethics in Marketing Dissertation Topics

Relationship marketing refers to the use of relationships rather than purely transactional means, while focusing on long term customer engagement. This lets companies acquire customers, while also maintaining customer loyalty that results in repeat custom for the firm. It is an important area for modern businesses, and a topical area on which to base your marketing dissertation with highly diverse topics:

  • Digital relationship marketing in the age of COVID-19: Analysing the importance of personalisation and customisation.
  • Generating customer loyalty through high-value content creation – a case study of UK fitness brands.
  • What are the challenges for Tesco’s loyalty card scheme in today’s competitive business environment?
  • Are switching costs effective barriers to customer retention in the airline industry?
  • How can charge a premium price by using its diverse set of services and products?
  • What are the motivations and expectations behind loyalty schemes for businesses to attract customers in the long run?
  • To what extent does Café Nero’s app foster customer loyalty?
  • How and why can relationship marketing be used to attract new customers through social media?
  • How does product quality affect customer loyalty among high and low contact products?
  • Can luxury goods retailers prevent barriers to switching by locking in customers through a unique set of services and products?
  • How do retailers cope with polygamous behaviour among consumers?
  • How does customer loyalty at Waterstone’s change when customers shop at their online store rather than in the high street as compared to customers of
  • In what ways does Waterstone’s improve its customer loyalty through its online store and smartphone apps?
  • How can companies adopt social media for successful development of relationship marketing with customers?
  • What are the challenges for small companies when adopting social media for increasing customer loyalty?
  • Using smartphone apps to attract and retain new customers: Advantages and challenges for MNCs.
  • Exploring the efficacy of customer service chatbots – helpful or frustrating?
  • Exploring the effectiveness of online consumer tribes: A case-study of Tarot reading and personal development industries.

Branding is the promise of a company to its customers. Branding is an umbrella term to refer to a wide body of literature examining how businesses can use their brands to achieve a competitive advantage, through building brand equity, launching brand extensions, managing global brands, and so forth. Marketing dissertations on branding could be based on the following topics:

  • An examination of the relationship between perceived risk and brand equity: A comparison of supermarket retailers in the UK.
  • How does innovation impact consumer brand resonance? A case study of hospitality brands who were forced to innovate as result of COVID-19.
  • Do consumers really understand a company’s brand values? The case of Starbucks vs McDonalds.
  • How does the relative importance of tangible and intangible brand values vary across product types?
  • Using digital methods to increase brand salience – a case study approach.
  • Do leading brands need to have the products which attract a large number of customer segments?
  • How is brand image affected by product availability for SME?
  • Can the brand image be transferred between sectors? The case of Virgin Cola in the UK.
  • How does unethical behaviour affect the brand image? The cases of Shell, Nike and Starbucks.
  • How do firms use corporate social responsibility to build brand equity? The case of Body Shop.
  • How can innovations sustain brands through the use of social media marketing?
  • Can brand equity be transferred to a supermarket’s own branded products in the low-price segments?
  • Using social media marketing to attract customers to brands of small companies.
  • How can companies use smartphone apps to improve brand equity? The case of Starbucks and Café Nero.
  • Targeting customers in ethnic markets: The case of Indian food customers in the UK supermarket sector.

The world of direct marketing is changing rapidly, as new technologies and social media allows companies to connect directly with the customer. This involves a wide range of tools and techniques that can be used to target consumers in a predominantly transactional manner. Direct marketers rely on information and a series of direct marketing media such as direct mail, magazines, newspapers, TV/radio, co-ops, telemarketing/teleservices and increasingly social media to disseminate their messages and acquire new customers. We have provided some suggested topics on direct marketing based on current trends, which you could use for your marketing dissertation:

  • How do Tesco and Body Shop use their loyalty schemes to sell directly to the customer?
  • How does the importance of factors that influence online selling vary according to product type in the services industry in the UK?
  • Do customers respond differently to short and long-term offers in a competitive online environment? The case of online book sales.
  • In what ways do free online chat rooms influence consumers’ response to direct sales promotions in social media environments?
  • Assessing the effectiveness of beauty brands’ direct marketing via YouTube.
  • How does the nationality (accent) of telemarketers influence customer response in an increasingly diverse international selling environment?
  • Do consumers know how to protect themselves from unscrupulous direct marketing tactics used by social media marketing companies?
  • How does message length affect the success of direct marketing messages? A comparison of online and offline mediums.
  • Can direct online and social media marketing be used to build customer relationships or is it simply a transactional medium to acquire new customers in the short run?
  • Can online marketing be as effective as a group-orientated tool as it is an individual-orientated one?
  • How do prospecting methods differ in an online and offline environment? The case of the airline industry in the UK.
  • Using SMS and email to connect with customers: Advantages and limitations of direct marketing.
  • Social media marketing as a tool to target luxury customers: Advantages and issues for small companies.
  • Using social media to reduce the cost of direct marketing: The case of small companies in the UK.

For some products and services, cultural considerations can play an important role in how marketers interact with consumers. With the increasing globalisation of business, firms have to pay greater attention to how national culture impacts upon consumer behaviour and customers’ reactions towards different types of marketing communication. Marketing across cultures is becoming more prominent in business, as more and more businesses are expanding throughout the world. This creates an ideal area to base your marketing dissertation on.

  • How does innovation and culture influence the market performance of SMEs in China?
  • Native advertising: Exploring its effectiveness in the UK, China, and the US.
  • What are the effects of social media on organisational culture in the UK’s fashion industry?
  • How is globalisation affecting the organisational culture of Toyota’s global operations?
  • How does language impact upon brand identity? The case of Coca-Cola in the People’s Republic of China.
  • How does culture affect the marketing of automotives? The Case of Toyota in China.
  • What effect does culture have on marketing communications? The case of Coca Cola in India.
  • How do marketers take into account regional differences in “national” culture? The case of banks in the Basque country and Catalonia, Spain.
  • Can automotive vendors afford to treat consumers as a homogenous mass? The case of the North-South divide in Sweden.
  • How does individualism-collectivism influence the sales of mobile phones? The case of the People’s Republic of China.
  • How do supermarket chains overcome language differences in Switzerland?
  • How can banks use pricing strategy to boost customer satisfaction and profitability?
  • How can national culture explain the prominence of Scottish whiskey sales in the global whiskey market?
  • How can countries use national culture to help them promote major exports? The case of the Champagne region, France.

Marketing is fundamentally underpinned by consumer behaviour, which can largely be explained by examining consumer psychology. This highlights how consumers behave in each stage of the buying process and why they react as they do. On this basis, marketers can design and implement communication strategies that target specific customer groups based on their psychological profiles. Some suggestions to base your marketing dissertation within the area of marketing and consumer psychology are as below:

  • What motivates consumers to purchase products from Amazon?
  • What are the uses and gratifications associated with consumer online reviewing?
  • How does marketing intelligence and planning affect sports marketing?
  • How can organisations make effective use of Big Data to gain an understanding of their customers’ psychology?
  • What are customers’ perceptions towards green marketing?
  • What are customers’ attitudes towards digital marketing activities of Burberry?
  • What are the antecedents of word-of-mouth communications? The case of blockbuster marketing.
  • What are the effects of negative word-of-mouth communications on organisational performance?
  • How does gender effect information processing among consumers of luxury goods?
  • What role does motivation play in buying behaviour? An examination of the mobile ringtone market in the UK.
  • How does gender effect selective distortion among luxury goods buyers?
  • What role does learning play among functional online advertisements?
  • Does the importance of beliefs and attitudes vary across low and high involvement products?
  • How does gender influence online purchase behaviour of luxury goods?
  • How is social media affecting the buying behaviour of luxury goods in the fashion industry?

When marketing moves online the traditional rules are either broken or extended. Such extensions include the need to take into account privacy, security, the greater ability to customise and personalise user experiences, the changing nature of consumer behaviour and the interaction of online and offline mediums. Online marketing has become essential for organisations in gaining competitive advantages and enhancing their business performance. Online marketing is a useful and current area of market research. Some suggestions to base your dissertation on online marketing are as below:

  • How can firms customise their products? The case of Apple.
  • What are the effects of a successful digital marketing campaign on Dior’s brand performance?
  • What are the benefits and challenges of using social media to market luxury goods?
  • How does using web analytics for digital marketing enhance brand performance?
  • What is the impact of digital marketing innovation on Apple’s performance?
  • What are the benefits and challenges faced by Burberry in using digital marketing?
  • How can firms personalise their products? The case of Nike.
  • An assessment of the value of assortment to customers: The case of Dell Computers.
  • How does a consumer’s perception of control affect their choice of brand? The case of buying computers online.
  • How does visual constituency affect site identity and product attitude?
  • How does gender affect online consumption behaviour?
  • How can firms successfully combine online and offline shopping features? The case of
  • What product attributes are most valued by consumers in search, comparison and purchase decision-making online?
  • How do consumers react to brand alliances online? The case of and Wal-Mart.
  • An investigation of the antecedents of consumer behaviour in online auctions? The case of eBay.

Mobile marketing has become the latest marketing communications medium which enables large brands such as Coca-Cola, Nintendo, MTV, New Labour,, and others to attract new customers and retain existing ones in both traditional and non-traditional ways. With the lowering of mobile phone tariffs and the increased levels of Internet browsing using mobile phones, this medium has become increasingly important to marketers. Below are suggestions for dissertation topics in the area of mobile marketing:

  • How does permission-based marketing impact mobile marketers when developing and implementing international marketing campaigns?
  • How can brand image be conveyed in a mobile marketing environment?
  • Can a strong brand image be built through mobile marketing techniques?
  • What do customers want from mobile marketing messages?
  • How does location influence mobile marketing communications?
  • What role does timeliness play in mobile marketing communications?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of push and pull mobile marketing strategies?
  • How can mobile marketing be used as a viral marketing tool?
  • How can mobile payment services increase revenue for mobile marketers? The case of Vodafone.
  • How can customer relationship management (CRM) be applied in a mobile marketing environment to improve customer loyalty?
  • How can marketing managers drive consumer acceptance of mobile marketing?
  • What impact does brand personality have on purchase intentions in the context of mobile marketing?
  • What are the diffusion and success factors of mobile marketing?

The 4Ps concept represents the cornerstone of marketing is widely used by marketing managers when trying to influence consumer decision-making processes. Below are suggestions for dissertation topics in the area of the Marketing mix:

  • How do price adjustment strategies vary in online and offline environments? The case of music sales.
  • Can an overt international pricing strategy negatively affect the brand image? The case of iTunes.
  • How effective are public relations campaigns following brand failures? The cases of Nike, Shell, and Marks and Spencer.
  • The impact of firms varying the frequency of their advertisements in online and offline environments on customers’ purchase intentions? The case of Waterstone’s.
  • The impact of product information availability and persuasive advertising on consumer behaviour.
  • Differences between comparison and non-comparison advertising and the impact on customers’ purchase intentions? The case of the alcoholic drinks industry in the US.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of online advertising in international marketing.
  • Can point-of-purchase promotions be as effective in an online environment as they are offline?
  • How important is location to customer choice in the UK’s airline industry?
  • How has the Internet helped unsought goods build brand awareness? The case of comparison websites.
  • Is word-of-mouth (i.e. online customer reviews) the new element of the Marketing mix?
  • How important is the Marketing mix for non-profit organisations?
  • The effect of brand awareness on consumers’ purchase intentions. The case of low and high involvement product categories.

Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics

Social media networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn) are not only changing the consumers’ attitudes and behaviours, but they are also presenting marketing practitioners with new challenges when trying to reach and acquire customers online. As social media networks become more popular, a marketing dissertation in this area will be timely and in line with current marketing research trends.

  • What uses and gratifications are provided by beauty brands’ social media content?
  • A content analysis of Food brands Instagram posts.
  • An examination of the positive, neutral and negative user comments on Facebook and their impact on future participation in discussions.
  • Why have functional applications on Facebook achieved so little success compared with their fun counterparts?
  • How do applications of Facebook turn users into sales? The relationship between total installs, daily active users, and application valuation.
  • A comparison of the effectiveness of banner advertising on different social media networks? The cases of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • What impact does newsfeed restriction have on consumers’ attitudes and behaviours towards using Facebook?
  • Is electronic word-of-mouth more persuasive than traditional word-of-mouth? An investigation into online customer reviews.
  • Does traditional customer loyalty apply to consumer behaviour in social media networks?
  • How do non-profit organisations execute marketing campaigns on social media networks such as Facebook?
  • Can firms measure the ROI of their social media marketing?
  • An investigation of the impact of brand post popularity on Facebook brand fan pages on social media marketing.
  • Usage, barriers and measurement of social media marketing: Implications for marketing managers.
  • The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty.
  • How do firms use social media marketing to encourage customers’ purchase behaviours?
  • How do vegan brands use social listening to enhance their marketing strategy?
  • Instagram, influencer marking and trust – a critical investigation.
  • Partnering with YouTube content creators and influences – an effective marketing strategy for fitness brands?

The power of the media in changing consumer attitudes has a significant impact on how firms are expected to behave, as well as how they should integrate ethics into their marketing campaigns. As a consequence, marketing ethics is concerned with a range of issues from ethical business practices, to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes and cause-related marketing. Below are suggestions for dissertation topics in the area of marketing ethics and CSR:

  • The role of EasyJet’s low fare online pricing strategy on changing customer demand trends?
  • Exploring Patagonia’s marketing strategy – Green or Greenwashing?
  • The impact of FairTrade labels on consumers’ purchase behaviours?
  • Vegan vs cruelty-free: the politics of labelling and why it matters.
  • What impact do published codes of conduct have on customer buying behaviour? The cases of The Body Shop, Levi Strauss, and Marks and Spencer.
  • How do ethical purchase intentions and ethical awareness affect purchasing behaviour? A comparison between the sales of battery and free-range chickens.
  • What impact do cause-related marketing campaigns have on consumer buying behaviour? The case of Starbucks’ Raise a cup to a good cause campaign.
  • Why do some controversial marketing communications work whilst others fail? The case of PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
  • How have spam laws improved marketing ethics online?
  • What factors distinguish a consumer’s choice of most and least socially responsible firms?
  • How do firms use public relations to recover from consumer boycotts? The case of Shell and Nestle.
  • The role of gender differences in the impact of CSR perceptions on corporate marketing outcomes.
  • The relationship between marketing ethics and corporate social responsibility: Serving stakeholders and the common good.
  • The role of trust in building company reputation and brand equity through CSR initiatives.
  • Firm performance and corporate social responsibility. An investigation into the role of marketing competence and market environment.
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Marketing: Bachelor course and thesis

Course package FEC10 Undergraduate level 30 credits (ECTS)

About the education 

About marketing.

Marketing is about creating value for consumers, businesses, and society. Therefore, marketers need to understand both current and future consumers of products, services, and brands. They also need knowledge about societal development and trends to make well-founded marketing decisions.

Course Content

The course consists of two theory courses taught in English and an essay.

Consumer Behavior, 7.5 credits

You will gain knowledge and understanding of consumer culture and the role of consumers in the market. You will analyze product, advertising, and brand consumption to develop market research that can influence strategic decisions in companies and other organizations. Link to course syllabus

Marketing Trends, 7.5 credits

You will develop knowledge and understanding of the latest trends in marketing. You will practice problematizing, structuring, and working with various marketing analytical problems. By focusing on current issues, you will gain insights and analytical skills that will be highly beneficial in a marketing career, as well as in other roles in business. Link to course syllabus

Bachelor's Thesis, 15 credits The course concludes with a bachelor's thesis. Link to course syllabus

After the course, you will be able to describe, explain, and analyze consumer behavior and market trends from various scientific perspectives and design methods for consumer research.

After graduation

Examples of job titles include strategic insight director/consumer insight manager, market analyst, environmental analyst, project manager, brand manager, marketing manager, sales manager, and marketing consultant.

 Most of the School of Business, Economics, and Law's activities are located at Vasagatan 1, but we also have facilities at Viktoriagatan 13. Additionally, at the Vasagatan 1 premises, you'll find the Economics Library, which is several floors high and has many study places.

Prerequisites and selection


Admission to the course requires at least 105 university credits, of which at least 45 credits must be from the following courses: FEK101 Business Administration, Organization and Leadership, 7.5 credits; FEK102 Business Administration, Marketing, 7.5 credits; FEK103 Business Administration, Financial Accounting, 7.5 credits; FEK104 Business Administration, Management Accounting, FEK201 Business Administration, Strategic Marketing Management, 7.5 credits; FEK202 Business Administration, Strategy, 7.5 credits; FEK203 Business Administration,Economic and Financial Management, 7.5 credits; and FEK204 Business Administration, Operations Management, 7.5 credits. Alternatively, credits can be from FEG100 Business Administration 1, Introductory course, 30 credits, and FEG200 Business Administration 2, Intermediate course 30 credits, or equivalent courses.

Higher education credits, maximum 165 credits

Dissertation Topics in Marketing Actual in 2024


Table of contents

  • 1 How to Choose the Right Topic for Your Marketing Dissertation
  • 2 Branding Dissertation Topics
  • 3 Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 4 MBA Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 5 Interesting Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 6 Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 7 Relationship Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 8 Fashion Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 9 Sports Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 10 Ethics in Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 11 Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics

We’ve compiled a list of about 100 of the best international marketing dissertation topics. Use these examples comfortably and create your idea.

How to Choose the Right Topic for Your Marketing Dissertation

To choose the right topic for your dissertation , you have to pick something actual and relevant to the field. Moreover, your choice must be interesting for reading. But not something filled with many scientific terms.

The idea must be based on a case that other people have already researched. That will give you enough credible sources to use for your work.

When writing your dissertation , remember that it revolves around data. Thus, using credible academic references with correct information is best.

While doing that, a good thing to remember is to look for ideas with gaps that have great potential. They will allow you to create a good piece that will be interesting to read. But given how hard these are to notice, you should get dissertation assistance . You can get help from our team of professionals or ask your professor for suggestions.

Branding Dissertation Topics

Branding is a term that comes from the business world, and you will often see it in the field. The word refers to many processes that give meaning to various organizations, businesses, services, and goods.

In that sense, branding can be a way for the company to promote its products and achieve an edge over competitors by building its brand. It can be a promise to the customers or the appeal of a good or service.

  • Brand value, and how the consumers perceive it. Case of Pepsi versus Coca-Cola.
  • The company branding and its effect on business productivity.
  • What is the significance of social media marketing for brand development?
  • Is there cultural meaning in brands, and why?
  • Branding and its nature. Comprehensive evolution study.
  • The relations between the brand, customers, and their emotions.
  • Why is brand management essential for achieving profitability?
  • Branding and the importance of having a top product that attracts customers.
  • How can the use of digital methods increase brand standing?
  • Smartphone apps, and how businesses can use them to improve their brand equity.

Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics

Without a doubt, this is the future of commerce in the current age. That is due to the significant increase in online shopping. With the growth of online sales and new e-commerce, experts must develop unique strategies to boost their sales.

Because of that, we have prepared a few ideas about digital marketing thesis topics for you:

  • Modern customers and how social media applications can affect their behavior.
  • Marketing and landing pages, and why they are so important to have.
  • Google and Amazon ads and how they are a necessity for online commerce.
  • Digitalized platforms and the adoption of automated service interaction. How they affect clients and companies.
  • What exactly is the role of the Internet? How does it influence customers’ behavior?
  • Smart devices and their effects on boosting company sales.
  • Is it essential to analyze the consumer’s psychology in marketing strategies?
  • How have stars and influencers affected online sales and strategies?
  • Digital marketing. Is it better for the customer to interact with a machine or an employee?
  • Email strategies. Are they outdated, and what are the most common mistakes of this strategy?

MBA Marketing Dissertation Topics

Having a Master’s can be essential as it opens a new path for you and allows you to learn more. In that sense, it also shows you know about marketing in general. So, picking the right dissertation topic is crucial because you have to prove your knowledge.

  • Digital and mobile marketing. What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • Note the difference between offline and online market goods and how clients respond to them.
  • Management and its response to boycotts. What is the proper reaction?
  • What are the customer’s reactions during periods of recession and crisis?
  • Customer profile gender, age, and ethnicity. How do they affect online purchases?
  • What is the importance of a successful branding strategy, and how does it attract loyal customers?
  • How does color relate to brands and affect sales in the clothing industry?
  • Strategies about charity. Why are they important, and how do people regard them?
  • Best sales strategies that make consumers buy food online.
  • E-commerce, and how a loyalty program encourages the customers to spend more.

Interesting Marketing Dissertation Topics

No matter what you are writing about, you must pick an interesting topic. Then you will have an easy time researching and writing.

Marketing is a field connected to a lot of data, and that can make writing your Master’s dissertation hard. Thus, striving to pick a compelling case to write about will help you immensely.

  • Should we combine offline with online techniques to increase sales in the digital business model?
  • Politics and their effects on marketing strategies.
  • What are the best and worst parts of SMS marketing? Is it an actual concept?
  • The concept of standardization in the field and how it affects the clients.
  • How does brand value affect the customer’s decision?
  • How do retention and innovation go hand in hand? What are the effects?
  • Family packs and oriented online commerce strategies.
  • Online trends and their impact on marketing techniques. How have they changed during the past ten years?
  • The power of customization in e-commerce and how it affects sales.
  • Market segmentation and its effects on sales channels. Is it a good or bad strategy?

Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics

In the current commerce world, many, if not most, marketing campaigns and deals take place online. With that, the importance of social media and other widespread online platforms increases. So, social media marketing strategies are a must for the success of any thriving business.

  • Are Google, Amazon, and Facebook ads convenient for digital trade?
  • Effects of social media and the impact they have on customers.
  • Marketing, E-commerce, and the importance of proper SEO. Effects and aftermaths.
  • Is it good for huge corporations to use social media and focus on younger customer groups?
  • How can products and online services affect customer loyalty to the brand?
  • Are influencers and famous actors a good strategy to increase your audience?
  • Social media and its significance in modern marketing promotion campaigns.
  • How can online content marketing build a larger presence and loyal customers?
  • Are social media suitable for branding or just boosting a company’s sales?
  • Should a company build online value through transparent customer reviews? Best ways to do it.

Relationship Marketing Dissertation Topics

Customer association is crucial for the success and good sales of every business. Thus, customer relationships are often vital to a good marketing approach. That is because such techniques rely on how well you know your customers and what you want to focus on when approaching them.

  • How has customer retention changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and how does that affect marketing strategies?
  • Modern consumer behavior. Is it reasonable to push clients to change their customer style or not?
  • How can the decision-making process affect cultural or ethical influences?
  • Big corporations and their strategies. Why do customers stay loyal and abide by global marketing rules?
  • Why is it important for a company to learn more about its client’s psychoanalytical model?
  • Differences between the classes and racial discrimination when targeting different ethnicities.
  • E-commerce and shopping application. How can customers achieve satisfaction through verbal communication?
  • What is the risk when dealing with unhappy customers and boycotts?
  • When is it reasonable to change prices, and how do clients see these changes?
  • Customization: The best way to personalize your company’s product to suit your customers.

Marketing dissertation topics can include areas such as pricing strategy, brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, etc. Writing a dissertation on a marketing topic can be a difficult task. That is why services such as custom dissertation writing services are available to alleviate this stress and make the process easier.

Fashion Marketing Dissertation Topics

Fashion marketing aims to resolve or create promotion issues connected to a clothing brand. Many of the strategies in the field include publications on specialized blogs. They can also have websites, Google Ads, and campaigns with influencers.

Below, we have prepared a few exciting topics from that field. Please take a look at them and gain inspiration about your dissertation topic:

  • Are fashion marketing strategies mainly aimed at women, and why?
  • Social media applications and their influence over fashion commerce strategies.
  • Fashion marketing techniques and logistics. The importance of proper planning.
  • What are the best ways to identify your clients in fashion marketing?
  • Best ways to create the ultimate customer experience in fashion.
  • Should fashion strategies spin around famous influencers or not?
  • Can sales be predicted effectively in fashion marketing, and how?
  • Best ways to attract younger customers. Goal-oriented campaigns and their benefits.
  • How can data suggest the best decisions in fashion promotion, and why?
  • The importance of researching and properly planning product prices.

Sports Marketing Dissertation Topics

In the modern world, sports are present in everyone’s life. So naturally, sports-related advertising significantly impacts a company’s brand sales and income.

Given how important that is, we have prepared a few of the best marketing-related dissertation topics in the field. Use them to gain inspiration and choose a suitable case.

  • Is it a good idea to use famous sports stars in promotion strategies?
  • World Cup 2022 and its importance for great marketing campaigns.
  • How can Esports be a suitable advertising platform? Best practices in the field.
  • Are behind-the-scenes images a good move in promotion strategies or not?
  • Advertising and betting platforms. Correlations and how these companies advertise on sports media.
  • How can bets influence sports marketing, and how are they connected?
  • Best advertising strategies. Teasers and previews before the start of a competition.
  • Women in sports and how they advance sports marketing.
  • What is the role of artificial intelligence, and can it change the shape of marketing in sports fields?
  • Ticket purchases. Why is it one of the best promotion revenue streams?


Ethics in Marketing Dissertation Topics

Marketing ethics are concerned with various business practices and company responsibilities. They are usually influenced by the clients’ behavior or change in attitude.

Nowadays, these are common, thanks to the influence of social media platforms. Below you can see a few suggestions for such topics.

  • What is the impact of goods labels on the clients’ purchase behavior?
  • Exploring the depths of Amazonia jungles. Is it green or greenwashing?
  • How do corporate behavior and ethics influence customer sales? Investigation.
  • Why does labeling matter, and what are its effects? Vegan versus the cruelty-free label.
  • How have spam rules and laws improved online ethics for consumers?
  • Pharmaceutical representatives and their gifts. Business ethics and morality investigation.
  • Gender difference and its impact on corporate social responsibility perceptions. What is the corporate marketing outcome?
  • The effects of the code of conduct of some stores. How does it affect customers?
  • Ethics, marketing, and the relationship between CSR. Are they a priority to the stakeholders or the common good?
  • How WizzAir online fare pricing influenced the customer demand trends. Marketing pricing strategies.

Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics

Consumer behavior in marketing often refers to the customer’s needs. How they meet them with the purchase of goods, and how they use them. The same also refers to various services and even expands to clients disposing of goods.

An effective marketing strategy knows the ropes around consumer behavior. So, before starting a campaign targeted at a specific group, you must research. Here are some topics examples:

  • In what ways does a company determine consumer behavior and maximize the benefit from it?
  • Modern digital tools. The practice of finding consumer behavior and its benefits for social marketing strategies.
  • Client behavior study. Why do women purchase more fashion goods than men?
  • What are the aftereffects of neglecting your target group’s consumer behavior?
  • Consumer behavior. How can the use of indecent language influence the young population to buy more?
  • Why have goods like masks and disinfectants increased in popularity during and after the pandemic?
  • Client’s behavior and why it is difficult to market goods in today’s busy world.
  • Innovation is a way of retaining a brand’s value even after a recession.
  • Product outreach and the consumer’s behavior towards it.
  • Beauty product sales and male clients. Consumers behavior investigation.

Suppose you have read everything. Now you know more about the different types of marketing dissertations. You saw great examples of marketing topics related to the field and now can easily use them to gain motivation for your work.

Selecting a compelling topic for a marketing dissertation can be overwhelming. However, with the help of the PapersOwl writing service , you can easily identify a focused dissertation topic that aligns with your research interests. Their team of experts will guide you in choosing the most relevant and interesting topics that will help you make an impact in your field of study. With their support, you can be sure to produce an exceptional marketing dissertation that stands out from the rest.

Remember, inspiration is crucial, as marketing students’ thesis topics revolve around it. So get your motivation, select the suitable case that interests you, and form your thesis.

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marketing bachelor thesis

Bibliothek HSG

Bachelor & Master Theses

We welcome Bachelor and Master students to write their thesis at the Institute for Marketing and Customer Insight. We generally offer students a choice from a variety of topics for bachelor’s or master’s theses.

Students can find the topics in the list below. If we do not have a suitable topic advertised, a proactive application is possible. Please familiarize yourself with the research areas of our professors and PhD students and address your proposal (see questions below) to the person who best fits your research project. Supervision of topics from outside this list is possible only to a limited extent.

Before you begin, please make sure that you fulfill the following requirements:

  • Make sure you know and comply with the rules and regulations of the Dean’s Advisory Office concerning your specific program.
  • Be ready to start working on your thesis (more than 50% share of work time per week) within the next three months.
  • Be willing and actively plan to complete your thesis within nine months after you’ve started your work.

If you fulfill the above requirements, we invite you to continue with the application process.

Most exhibition companies use a very conventional pricing structure (usually based on m2). What more innovative options are there – and which trade fair companies are pursuing such approaches (e.g. price differentiation by location, benefit-oriented pricing, success-oriented pricing, etc.)? How could new pricing models be implemented?

To effectively measure a complex marketing mix, various methodologies such as multi-touch attribution, marketing mix modeling, or experiments can be utilized. For a comprehensive understanding of key performance indicators (KPIs) and optimal channel or budget adjustments, adopting a blended methodological approach might also be beneficial.

Below are some potential research questions to consider when exploring the effectiveness of integrated marketing performance management. You may choose to address any number of these questions:

Prevalence and Effectiveness of Integrated Marketing Approaches:

  • How common are integrated marketing performance management approaches in DACH or CH firms?
  • What levels of satisfaction do they achieve, and how do they enhance marketing effectiveness? How can companies blend different methods?

Multi-Touch Attribution Analysis:

  • What are the best practices for multi-touch attribution?
  • What limitations does this approach face?

Marketing Mix Modeling Insights:

  • What factors contribute to the satisfaction levels of marketing teams using marketing mix modeling?

Role of Experiments in Performance Management:

  • What types of performance management experiments are available (e.g., Geolift experiments), and how do they complement other approaches?

For a master thesis, we offer the possibility of conducting and developing a customer journey analysis for an accounting start up. The customer journey analysis (for several personas) is to be scientifically sound and must consider personas and their usage behavior.

The identity of the company will be revealed to the student conducting the research. Furthermore, the IMC can facilitate contact with the relevant people of the company.

Als Einzelunternehmer ist es nicht leicht seine Ressourcen effizient einzusetzen. Im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit soll die aktuelle Situation und das Potenzial eines Einzelunternehmers in der Schmiedeindustrie ermittelt werden. Der Schmied fertigt hochwertigste Küchenmesser im höheren Preissegment mit Leidenschaft und in Handarbeit an.

Potenzielle Ausrichtungen der Arbeit können sein:

– Wie kommt man gezielt und ressourcenschonend an neue Kunden? – Wie finden Kunden den Weg zu dem Einzelunternehmer? – Wie kann der Einzelunternehmer meine bestehende Kundschaft nachhaltiger pflegen?

For a master thesis, we offer the possibility of empirically developing a marketing plan for a veterinary company. The company has several sites and specializations as well as an e-shop and a cat hotel. The marketing plan is to be scientifically sound and should cover marketing instruments and channels, as well as further ideas such as telemedicine / online consultations and commercialization of USPs such as dietary consultations, laparoscopic neutering, MRI etc.

The master thesis should develop a scientifically sound and comprehensive concept for the company’s marketing. The identity of the company will be communicated to the student doing the thesis. Furthermore, the IMC can establish contact with the relevant employees of the company.

Wie entwickeln sich Messen, Ausstellungen und Events in der Zukunft? Welche Bedeutung werden Sie künftig als Marketinginstrument haben – und in welcher Form (z.B. face-to-face, digital, hybrid)? Wie wird die Messelandschaft (B2B, B2C) der Zukunft aussehen?

Sign-up process:

  • Fill out the form below: This form requires you to write a first draft of your outline. To ensure a successful outcome, we ask you to take enough time to do this and follow our guidelines.
  • Confirmation e-mail: As soon as you submit your details you will receive a confirmation email.
  • Feedback on the Evaluation: You will receive feedback on your outline, including the decision on whether or not we will supervise your thesis. Please bear in mind that we cannot accept all applications since we have limited capacity.
  • Appointment: hould you receive positive feedback: meeting & completion of your outline. As a general rule, “feedback” takes the form of an invitation to a personal appointment with your future supervisor. After this meeting, you will revise and resubmit your outline draft along with your filled-out and signed sign-up sheet (see Dean’s Advisory Office web pages) via email to your supervisor. We will print out your registration form, physically sign it and return it to you so that you can submit it to the Dean’s Advisory Office. On request, this can also be done by email.

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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Marketing and Consumer Research
  • TUM School of Management
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Theses and Project Works

Bachelor and Master Theses as well as Project Works at the Chair of Marketing and Consumer Research relate to current research questions and result either from ongoing research projects at our Department or the cooperation with industry partners. Master Theses usually relate to empirical research questions; Bachelor Theses mostly comprise a literature analysis.

You can also suggest your own topic, which needs to be in line with the research interests of the chair. Please have a look at our research interests and ongoing research projects to make sure that your topic fits our areas of interest (for more information click here ). You can also have a look at a selection of former supervised topics at our chair (see this list here  ).

Requirements for Bachelor Theses

We supervise bachelor theses for the study programs Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Vocational Education Nutritional Science and Home Economics as well as TUM-BWL.

You should have basic knowledge in Marketing. The bachelor thesis topic should be in line with the research interests of the chair.

Requirements for Master Theses

The master thesis topic should be in line with the research interests of the chair.

Methodological and theoretical courses provide a fundamental background for a successful completion of the thesis and will be considered during the application process at our chair. Students that apply for a thesis should therefore have visited at least one theoretical and one methodological course from the list or a course equivalent to the ones mentioned below:


Quantitative Research Methods

Qualitative Research Methods

Consumer Behavior Research Methods

Intermediate Microeconomics

Consumer Behavior

For any questions regarding the general framework of a thesis please refer to your study and examination regulations and discuss specific questions with us in advance.

Please find our guidelines on Term Papers / Theses   here and a cover page template .

Open topics

Responsible: Nadine Benninger

  • Consumer perception of food based on alternative proteins (German skills required)

Thesis application process

Please read our requirements for the application procedure carefully. If you are interested in one of the listed topics or want to apply with your own topic, which fits to our research interests please send your application (curriculum vitae, current transcript of records, please also mention your current semester) directly and only to   Ru Wei   ( [email protected] ).  The application procedure applies for Bachelor and Master Theses as well as Project Work. 

Registration and Scientific Work for Master Thesis

Before registering the Master Thesis, students write a 2-3 page research proposal in which they derive the main research questions from the latest literature. A guideline for a thesis proposal can be found here . Information on formal requirements for a thesis can be found here . 

After the proposal has been accepted by our Department, the thesis can be registered at the examination office.  

Master Thesis Colloquium

During the writing of your master thesis, it is obligatory to take part in three master colloquiums at our chair and present at one of those. You will present your thesis project for 10 minutes and will receive valuable feedback. Please stick to the time limit of 10 minutes to ensure that we will still have enough time for questions and a discussion. The master thesis colloquium takes place approximately once a month during semester times. 

The Colloquium is held on the following dates in the summer semester 2024:

  • 17th of April (16:00 – 17:30) by video conference (Zoom)
  • 22nd of May (16:00 – 17:30) by video conference (Zoom)
  • 26th of June (16:00 – 17:30) by video conference (Zoom)
  • 17th of July (16:00 – 17:30) by video conference (Zoom)

To receive the link to the video conference and the exact room number for 26th of June, please register for the Master Colloquium with Ru Wei ( [email protected] )) (as soon as possible as presentation slots are limited; latest one week prior to the Colloquium). Indicate if you come as a listener or a presenter. In case of the latter, please also indicate your topic of presentation.

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A List of Great Sample Dissertation Topics in Marketing

Your dissertation project should contribute to your area of study. Do not try to move heaven and earth, since you time and resources are rather limited. However, you need to add something new to make your dissertation notable among all the other existing works. To choose a great topic for your marketing dissertation, look through this list of sample topics. You will probably find something interesting and thought-provoking that will inspire you for a perfect dissertation title.

  • What factors can influence the marketing strategy success?
  • Manipulation tactics and consumer behavior: creating a desire to purchase.
  • Negative effect of advertising on teenagers.
  • The impact of branding on customer behavior: comparative analysis of Apple and Samsung.
  • What marketing strategies should be used for hotel business to attract new clients?
  • The importance of psychographics methods in marketing schemes.
  • Life style and marketing.
  • Effective Internet marketing activities: what should we expect in the future?
  • Social media as an effective tool to promote business.
  • Does irritating and silly advertising reach customers more effectively than an ordinary one?
  • The usage of successful brands advertising methods in political campaigns.
  • Can food product labels influence customer behavior?
  • Impulsive buying: social and psychological aspects.
  • What factors can affect the success of a new brand?
  • The impact of advertising on acquisition of bad habits by teenagers.
  • Branding and customer satisfaction.
  • Consumer attitude towards functional food.
  • Differences in male and female consumer making decision process.
  • How can celebrities influence consumer buying decision?
  • What are the most beneficial ways to build customer loyalty?
  • How do demands change upon generations?
  • Can effectiveness of advertising depend on a social network?
  • Can language influence product identity?
  • Why is it important to know the national culture when promoting the product?
  • Does gender influence customer buying decision?
  • The effect of globalization and customer behavior.
  • How do marketing methods differ across the cultures?
  • What are the major strategies to attract potential clients?
  • Should leading brands have products of the highest quality?

If you struggle to start your dissertation, this collection of sample topics will be very helpful for you to formulate your own paper title. It would be better to make your dissertation project a bit more specific, since you will just have no time to investigate a broad topic. It will help you to set precise and clear research objectives and questions.

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2010:239 BACHELOR THESIS Social Media and the Impact on Marketing Communication

Profile image of Yverson Rémy

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Gergana Todorova , Gergana Todorova

The purpose of this report is to present theoretical concepts and developments in the concept of " marketing communication mix". This article explains what is the marketing communication mix, describing its nature, importance, types of instruments and efficiency. Designing the right marketing mix involves the four P's i.e. Product, Price, Place and Promotion. In the field of marketing communications, must be coordinate efforts towards the last P of the marketing mix – Promotion. And need to develop strong sales and advertising messages that will connect with your customers instantly and effectively highlight product's quality and brand`s differentiation from others. Successful marketing communication relies on a combination of tools called the " promotional mix ". These tools include: Advertising, Public relations, Sales promotion, Direct marketing, Personal selling, and are used to describe the set of tools that a business can use to communicate effectively the benefits of your products or services to its customers.

marketing bachelor thesis

Ljupka Naumovska

The marketing communications industry and theory are facing rapid changes in accordance with global business and society fluctuations. Global and local market conditions are constantly varying and thus creating hardly predictable environment. The most implemented tool for marketing communications – advertising, is losing its power for effective communications; customers are becoming over-advertised and resistant to traditional advertising stimuli. Advertising, as one-way communication mass media tool is no longer effective as previously, hence can no longer fulfill the role of leading marketing mix tool. Therefore, the necessity for altering the structure of the traditional marketing communication mix elements, emphasizing the role of other elements but advertising, with more personalized and interactive functions. One method for improvement of marketing communication's mix efficiency is by reallocation the leading role of advertising with public relations. The practice of public relations tools can ensure higher level of transparency in internal and external organizational communications and thus can certify more effective marketing communication. The theoretical research is supported with qualitative research of business segment by conducting a detailed interview for the marketing communication practice.

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Nelson Omenugha

Aim: To review and discuss the use of social media platforms as digital marketing tool and promotional strategy by brands. The digital age inevitably brings changes and increased competition in ways businesses target, reach and recruit customers. This phenomena raises the question of which medium or media do businesses adopt in the marketing effort to reach, inform and convert customers; ultimately for survival? This review is an attempt to address this question within the context of the promotional activities of a beauty brand, Taliah. Approach: A review was conducted on the social media marketing activities of Taliah. It discusses different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube which the brand has combined to target, reach, persuade and convert their customers. In addition, the review identified four factors that reasonably affect the social media marketing as time and date; personality, call to action and post type. Consequently, this logical approach towards the subject-matter would help to provide knowledge and facilitate reaching the best-fit decision that can optimize the marketing activities of brands and businesses; considering the increasingly evolving technological era. Findings: The review considers the evolving changes in business as a result of the presence of various digital and interactive platforms and technologies. The study recognizes that the social media platforms provide opportunities for media content; including information on products and services to be processed and distributed to the targets. There is a worry that the market space is increasingly becoming competitive; particularly as consumers are empowered by the digital technologies to make informed choices among different brands and businesses. Arguably, this is one of the major factors that triggered the competition in the market and among brands. Review limitations/implications: The characteristics of the impact of the social media marketing on brands and businesses have recently been widely discussed because of their general applicability. Consequently, it is impossible to review and cover all the important aspects of the subject-matter in this review. This review focuses on the Taliah brand and how it has particularly conducted its social media and digital marketing management. It also examines four factors that reasonably affect the social media marketing; namely, time and date; personality, call to action and post type. The review examines and provides its own views based on content analysis of the social media marketing activities of Taliah brand. Practical implications: The review highlights the activities, benefits and challenges of applying social media as a marketing and promotional strategy. Social media platforms provide the channel through which brands and businesses can develop and disseminate information about their activities to their targets in an easy, less expensive and convenient manner. On the other hand, if brands and business understand the factors affecting the social media marketing; namely, time and date; personality, call to action and post type – they would be better prepared to checkmate these factors; including been able to aptly adapt the strengths of the social media in their marketing activities. This complement would strike the balance and potentially present a practical means through which brands could coordinate their marketing efforts in using various social media platforms. It is also crucial to gain insight into other factors that potentially impacting the activities of social media marketing strategy. Value: The review considers that the increasing changes in the market is itself an opportunity for the brands to rethink strategy on how various digital technologies and networking platforms can be optimized in marketing their activities and information. It is crucial and beneficial to emerging businesses and academics to understand how Taliah brand Business and Management Studies Vol. 4, No. 3; 2018 59 combined and utilized diverse social media platforms to target, reach out and recruit target customers; ultimately boosting its market shares.

Lucio Lamberti

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marketing bachelor thesis

Theses at the Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Group

Your study in Wageningen culminates in a BSc and/or MSc thesis. In a thesis you combine all skills learned in your study program into a single project. The marketing and consumer behaviour group offers BSc and MSc thesis.

The goal of a BSc thesis is to solve a practical or theoretical problem in marketing and/or consumer behaviour by doing research. The research has to meet scientific standards and thus you demonstrate your academic skills obtained during your education.

The goal of an MSc thesis is to contribute to scientific knowledge in marketing or consumer behaviour. The aim is to do research that meets scientific standards of scientific journals.

We supervise internal theses and external theses. Most MSc theses are internal, because this offers the best possibilities to make a scientific contribution. BSc theses are sometimes external, if organizations have relevant practical problems in marketing and/ or consumer behaviour that can be solved by doing research.

An internal thesis is conducted within the group. Internal theses contribute to the research program of the Marketing and Consumer Behaviour group. An internal thesis aims to contribute to publications in international scientific journals in marketing and consumer behaviour. For students interested in a research career, an internal thesis gives the best opportunity to develop academic research skills.

An external thesis is conducted outside the group. External theses contribute more remotely to the research program of the group. The application and further development of marketing and consumer behaviour knowledge prepares you to bring your academic skills into an applied environment.

Our thesis supervisors have their own areas of interest and expertise. The marketing and consumer behaviour group identifies research topics together with students that match the interests and ambitions of the student with the area of interest of a supervisor.

Our thesis supervisors JCM (Hans) van Trijp JCM (Hans) van Trijp

  • Understanding sustainable consumer behaviours
  • Information and labelling approaches
  • And the consumer-level effects of branding and positioning JME (Joost) Pennings JME (Joost) Pennings

  • Agricultural marketing
  • Marketing institutions (auctions & exchanges)
  • Commodity futures & options
  • Risk management ARH (Arnout) Fischer ARH (Arnout) Fischer

  • Consumer risk–benefit perception
  • Attitude formation for innovative foods and foods based on new technologies
  • Overview of possible theses themes

dr. PTM (Paul) Ingenbleek

dr. PTM (Paul) Ingenbleek

  • Strategic marketing
  • Interface between marketing and sustainable development of agrifood sectors in emerging and developing countries
  • Price strategy
  • Marketing animal-friendly products

dr. B (Betina) Piqueras Fiszman

dr. B (Betina) Piqueras Fiszman

  • Crossmodal interactions between foods' extrinsic and intrinsic properties (multisensory perception)
  • Consumers' attention and motivation
  • Sensory and consumer methodologies PW (Ellen) van Kleef PW (Ellen) van Kleef

  • How healthy eating is influenced by individuals’ motivation and competences
  • The role of the food environment
  • Interventions in schools, restaurants and other real-life settings. FJHM (Frans) Verhees FJHM (Frans) Verhees

  • Marketing and innovation in medium, small and micro firms
  • Contemporary marketing issues of farmers, horticultural growers, and food- and agribusiness firms

dr. HWI (Erica) van Herpen

dr. HWI (Erica) van Herpen

  • Consumer behaviour in retail settings
  • In-home food behaviours and behavioural change
  • Consumer adoption of reusable packaging

dr. YK (Ynte) van Dam

dr. YK (Ynte) van Dam

  • Consumer theory and marketing theory
  • Conflicts between long term goals and short term choices in consumers and throughout marketing systems

marketing bachelor thesis

dr. IE (Ilona) de Hooge

  • Emotional and subjective influences on marketing (supply chain)
  • Consumer behaviour

dr. IACM (Ivo) van der Lans

dr. IACM (Ivo) van der Lans

  • Individual choice processes
  • The pros and cons of different quantitative research methods for studying substantive issues in consumer behaviour and marketing EJ (Ellen) van Loo EJ (Ellen) van Loo

  • Digital support systems for healthy and sustainable consumer food choices
  • Online grocery shopping and meal ordering
  • Digital food marketing and personalization
  • Food labeling
  • Healthy and sustainable food consumption

dr. C (Caspar) Krampe

dr. C (Caspar) Krampe

  • How innovative technologies and digital approaches can contribute to the sustainable transformation of markets
  • Focusing on consumer research and business-to-business marketing

dr. M (Maede) Amini Velashani

dr. M (Maede) Amini Velashani

  • Online retailing
  • Digital food marketing
  • The effect of social media on consumer behavior and sustainability

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Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.

It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation . One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer’s block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

This article collects a list of undergraduate, master’s, and PhD theses and dissertations that have won prizes for their high-quality research.

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Award-winning undergraduate theses, award-winning master’s theses, award-winning ph.d. dissertations, other interesting articles.

University : University of Pennsylvania Faculty : History Author : Suchait Kahlon Award : 2021 Hilary Conroy Prize for Best Honors Thesis in World History Title : “Abolition, Africans, and Abstraction: the Influence of the “Noble Savage” on British and French Antislavery Thought, 1787-1807”

University : Columbia University Faculty : History Author : Julien Saint Reiman Award : 2018 Charles A. Beard Senior Thesis Prize Title : “A Starving Man Helping Another Starving Man”: UNRRA, India, and the Genesis of Global Relief, 1943-1947

University: University College London Faculty: Geography Author: Anna Knowles-Smith Award:  2017 Royal Geographical Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize Title:  Refugees and theatre: an exploration of the basis of self-representation

University: University of Washington Faculty:  Computer Science & Engineering Author: Nick J. Martindell Award: 2014 Best Senior Thesis Award Title:  DCDN: Distributed content delivery for the modern web

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marketing bachelor thesis

University:  University of Edinburgh Faculty:  Informatics Author:  Christopher Sipola Award:  2018 Social Responsibility & Sustainability Dissertation Prize Title:  Summarizing electricity usage with a neural network

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Education Author:  Matthew Brillinger Award:  2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Humanities Prize Title:  Educational Park Planning in Berkeley, California, 1965-1968

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty: Social Sciences Author:  Heather Martin Award:  2015 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  An Analysis of Sexual Assault Support Services for Women who have a Developmental Disability

University : University of Ottawa Faculty : Physics Author : Guillaume Thekkadath Award : 2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Sciences Prize Title : Joint measurements of complementary properties of quantum systems

University:  London School of Economics Faculty: International Development Author: Lajos Kossuth Award:  2016 Winner of the Prize for Best Overall Performance Title:  Shiny Happy People: A study of the effects income relative to a reference group exerts on life satisfaction

University : Stanford University Faculty : English Author : Nathan Wainstein Award : 2021 Alden Prize Title : “Unformed Art: Bad Writing in the Modernist Novel”

University : University of Massachusetts at Amherst Faculty : Molecular and Cellular Biology Author : Nils Pilotte Award : 2021 Byron Prize for Best Ph.D. Dissertation Title : “Improved Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Helminths”

University:  Utrecht University Faculty:  Linguistics Author:  Hans Rutger Bosker Award: 2014 AVT/Anéla Dissertation Prize Title:  The processing and evaluation of fluency in native and non-native speech

University: California Institute of Technology Faculty: Physics Author: Michael P. Mendenhall Award: 2015 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Title: Measurement of the neutron beta decay asymmetry using ultracold neutrons

University:  Stanford University Faculty: Management Science and Engineering Author:  Shayan O. Gharan Award:  Doctoral Dissertation Award 2013 Title:   New Rounding Techniques for the Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms

University: University of Minnesota Faculty: Chemical Engineering Author: Eric A. Vandre Award:  2014 Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics Title: Onset of Dynamics Wetting Failure: The Mechanics of High-speed Fluid Displacement

University: Erasmus University Rotterdam Faculty: Marketing Author: Ezgi Akpinar Award: McKinsey Marketing Dissertation Award 2014 Title: Consumer Information Sharing: Understanding Psychological Drivers of Social Transmission

University: University of Washington Faculty: Computer Science & Engineering Author: Keith N. Snavely Award:  2009 Doctoral Dissertation Award Title: Scene Reconstruction and Visualization from Internet Photo Collections

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Social Work Author:  Susannah Taylor Award: 2018 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  Effacing and Obscuring Autonomy: the Effects of Structural Violence on the Transition to Adulthood of Street Involved Youth

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George, T. (2023, July 18). Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 4, 2024, from

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    Thesis for: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Marketing Management; ... and be aware to vlogs social media marketing techniques regarding its importance. ...