Reasons Why Minimum Wage Should Be Raised Essay: Benefits for Workers, Society, and The Economy

The minimum wage controversy has been among the most discussed and argued issues for many years. Those in favor of raising the minimum wage argue that the increased income would enable low-wage workers to better their lives, reduce poverty and income disparity, as well as bring an economic boost. On the contrary, many opponents of raising the minimum wage contend that it will cause job losses and lead to higher prices.

This essay, written by a custom essay company , can help you understand the topic. By examining the evidence and arguments from both sides of the debate, we can gain a better understanding of the potential impact of raising the minimum wage and make informed decisions about public policy in this area.

My Thoughts on Should Minimum Wage Be Raised Essay

The minimum wage has long been a contentious issue in the United States, with opinions divided on whether it should be increased or left at its current level. Those in favor of increasing the minimum wage argue that it would help to alleviate poverty, reduce income inequality, and stimulate economic growth. However, opponents of a minimum wage hike suggest that it could lead to job losses, inflation, and reduced economic competitiveness.

Nevertheless, by considering the potential benefits and drawbacks of increasing the minimum wage, I would like to to provide a comprehensive analysis of this complex issue and help readers come to an informed opinion.

Reduction of Poverty and Inequality

One of the most compelling reasons for raising minimum wage is the reduction of poverty and inequality. According to the Economic Policy Institute, raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour could lift 1.3 million workers out of poverty and reduce income inequality. This is because low-wage workers, who are often from marginalized communities, rely on minimum wage jobs to support themselves and their families. By increasing the minimum wage, their income would increase, allowing them to meet their basic needs, such as food, housing, and healthcare.

Boost in Consumer Purchasing Power

Increasing the minimum wage would also lead to a boost in consumer purchasing power. When low-wage workers earn more, they are more likely to spend more, which would stimulate the economy. For instance, a report by the National Employment Law Project estimated that raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour would generate an additional $118 billion in economic activity over a five-year period.

Improved Health Outcomes

Low-wage workers often cannot afford basic healthcare services, which can lead to serious health consequences. By raising the minimum wage, workers would have access to better healthcare services, which would lead to improved health outcomes. This is because when low-wage workers have better health, they are more productive, which benefits both the employer and the employee.

Reduced Reliance on Social Services

Low-wage workers often rely on social services such as food stamps, housing subsidies, and Medicaid to make ends meet. By raising the minimum wage, workers would be able to earn enough to support themselves and their families without having to rely on social services. This would reduce the burden on taxpayers and enable the government to allocate resources to other areas of need.

Encourages Workforce Productivity and Loyalty

By paying workers a fair wage, they are more likely to be productive and loyal to their employer. This is because they feel valued and appreciated, which leads to higher job satisfaction and engagement. Additionally, when workers are paid a fair wage, they are less likely to leave their jobs, which can reduce the costs associated with hiring and training new employees.

While there are differing opinions on the impact of raising the minimum wage, there is evidence to support the many benefits that come with increasing it. Raising the minimum wage can help to reduce poverty and income inequality, boost consumer purchasing power, improve health outcomes, and reduce reliance on social services.

Furthermore, paying workers a fair wage can lead to increased productivity, loyalty, and job satisfaction. While there may be some initial costs associated with raising the minimum wage, the long-term benefits can outweigh them. As society moves forward, it is important to consider the potential impact of increasing the minimum wage and work towards a more equitable and just society where all workers are paid a fair wage for their labor.

Through thoughtful policy-making and continued advocacy, we can ensure that the benefits of raising the minimum wage are realized for workers, society, and the economy as a whole.

Tips on Writing Why Should Minimum Wage Be Raised Essay

The issue of minimum wage has become a hotly debated topic in recent years, with advocates calling for an increase in the minimum wage to address issues of poverty and inequality. If you are passionate about this topic and want to share your views, writing an essay on why minimum wage should be raised can be a great way to do so. However, to make your essay stand out, it’s important to approach it with a clear and well-structured argument. Here are some tips on how to write an excellent essay on why minimum wage should be raised, so you can effectively convey your ideas and contribute to the ongoing discussion around this important issue.

Research the Topic

Before you start writing a raising minimum wage essay, it is important to research the topic and gather as much information as possible. This will help you to understand the various arguments and counter-arguments related to the minimum wage. Use reputable sources, such as academic journals, government reports, and news articles, to gather information.

Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the backbone of your essays on raising minimum wage and sets the tone for the rest of your writing. Make sure your thesis statement is clear, concise, and reflects your stance on the topic. A strong thesis statement might read: “Raising the minimum wage is necessary to reduce poverty and inequality, boost the economy, and provide workers with a fair living wage.”

Support Your Argument with Evidence

To write an opinion article , you need to support your claims with evidence. Use statistics, data, and examples to illustrate your points and provide evidence for your claims. For example, you might use data to show that raising the minimum wage has led to increased consumer spending in other countries, or you might cite research that shows how low wages can lead to poor health outcomes.

Address Counter-Arguments

When writing about a contentious topic like the minimum wage, it is important to address counter-arguments. Acknowledge the other side’s point of view and provide evidence to counter their claims. This will help you to build a more persuasive argument and show that you have considered all sides of the issue.

Use Clear and Concise Language

Your essay should be easy to read and understand. Use clear and concise language to communicate your ideas effectively. Avoid using jargon or technical language that might confuse your reader. Make sure to proofread your work carefully to catch any spelling or grammar errors that could detract from your argument.

By following these tips, you can develop a compelling argument that supports your position and addresses counter-arguments.

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good thesis statement about minimum wage

Minimum Wage - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

The concept of a minimum wage, a lower earnings limit set by law or regulation, has been a subject of extensive debate and analysis. Essays could delve into the historical evolution of minimum wage policies, the economic theories surrounding it, and the impact of minimum wage increases on employment, poverty, and income inequality. They might also discuss the differing views on minimum wage adjustments, exploring arguments from both supporters and opponents. Discussions could extend to the real-world examples of minimum wage implementations, comparing the outcomes in different regions or countries, and analyzing the broader implications of minimum wage policies on economic welfare and social equity. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Minimum Wage you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

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How To Write an Essay About Minimum Wage

Understanding the concept of minimum wage.

Before writing an essay about minimum wage, it's crucial to thoroughly understand what it entails. Minimum wage is the lowest remuneration that employers can legally pay their workers. It's a significant economic and political issue, with debates focusing on its impacts on poverty, employment, and economic growth. Begin your essay by defining minimum wage, including its history and the variations that exist in different countries or states. This foundation will set the stage for a more in-depth exploration of the topic in your essay.

Formulating a Thesis Statement

A strong essay on minimum wage requires a clear and focused thesis statement. Your thesis should present a specific viewpoint or argument about the minimum wage. For example, you might argue that raising the minimum wage is essential for reducing poverty, or conversely, that it could lead to higher unemployment rates. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay, providing a clear path for your argument and ensuring that your essay remains focused and coherent.

Gathering and Analyzing Data

To support your thesis, gather relevant data and research from credible sources. This might include economic studies, government reports, and expert opinions. For instance, if you're arguing that increasing the minimum wage boosts the economy, you'll need to find economic data that supports this claim. Analyze this data critically, considering different perspectives and the quality of the evidence. Including a range of viewpoints will strengthen your argument and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Discussing the Impact of Minimum Wage

Dedicate a section of your essay to discussing the various impacts of the minimum wage. This could include its effect on poverty, employment, small businesses, and the overall economy. Discuss both the potential benefits and drawbacks, and relate these back to your thesis statement. For instance, explore how a higher minimum wage might lead to increased consumer spending but could also result in higher operating costs for small businesses.

Concluding Thoughts

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your argument and restating your thesis in light of the evidence and discussion provided. Your conclusion should bring together your analysis and offer a final perspective on the topic. This is also an opportunity to highlight any areas where further research is needed or to suggest potential policy implications based on your findings.

Final Review and Editing

After completing your essay, it's essential to review and edit your work. Ensure that your arguments are clearly articulated and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to refine your essay further. A well-crafted essay will effectively convey your insights on the minimum wage and demonstrate your ability to engage with complex economic and social issues.

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Persuasive Essay Sample: The Minimum Wage Must Be Raised

📌Category: , , , ,
📌Words: 703
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 21 March 2022

“Trying to just Survive” were the words of a man interviewed about his view on the minimum wage (Lenahan). The minimum wage is a topic that divides those who live working minimum wage jobs and policymakers. The minimum wage has been a topic up for debate for a while as workers find the federal minimum wage of $7.50 simply unlivable anymore. At the same time, prominent political policymakers refuse to give in to the truth behind the workers' plea as they worry about significant business and inflation. Although raising the minimum would increase price inflation, raising the minimum wage is essential, as it would provide a livable wage for low-income workers while stimulating and growing the economy.

Minimum wage workers struggle to make ends meet as they find that making 7.50 an hour is not enough for the cost of living anymore. According to “Should, the Federal Minimum Wage Be Increased?” As decided 13 years ago, the minimum wage is $7.25; in 1968, it was $1.60, when adjusting to inflation, that is equivalent to $11.16. When adjusting for inflation to today’s standard, the minimum wage is “53.9% higher than today’s $7.25 federal minimum wage” (Should the Federal Minimum Wage Be Increased). The 53.9% difference shows that the minimum wage must be revised as workers suffer from making essentially 3.91 an hour less than they would if inflation was adjusted. This dramatically impacts the workers' social mobility as workers are barely floating above the poverty line, without dependents. Factoring in two dependents would mean that “the federal minimum of $7.25 leaves an adult with two children thousands of dollars below the federal poverty threshold” (Raising the Minimum Wage: Good for Workers, Businesses). The sad reality of the minimum wage and families who struggle with a single income on minimum wage is the struggle to make a decent life and fund their children's education and lifestyle. This adds to the growing concerns of starting a family. People struggle with monetary issues, live paycheck to paycheck, and worry about covering their essential bills. The minimum wage is a change that must be made to completely change the lives of everyday workers and increase social mobility in the United States. 

Additionally, increasing the minimum wage would help stimulate the economy while causing more worker productivity and a stable workforce. While initially, it could be a concern that raising the minimum wage would affect the job opportunities as a business would not want to hire employees due to the cost, this has been disproven. According to Raising the Minimum Wage: Good for Workers, Businesses, “Leading economists have found that increases in the minimum wage have no discernible effect on employment.” Thus, proving that raising the minimum wage would not have an adverse effect on unemployment and workers getting laid off. Instead, it would help stimulate the economy more as workers would have to pay more taxes. It would add to the country's overall economic health as the goods and services would grow along with more economic prosperity. The country's overall GDP would increase, causing the country's standard of living to rise (Minimum Wage: Good for Workers, Businesses). In addition, the raising of the country’s GDP would help businesses reduce their training cost as it would help employee turnover. Raising the minimum wage would allow companies to " increase productivity and customer satisfaction” (Should the Federal Minimum Wage Be Increased? 15 Pros and Cons). The increase in productivity and customer satisfaction would allow businesses to produce and sell more products, leading to a more stable income. 

It could be argued that raising the minimum wage would cause inflation because it would inflate the market, and prices would go up, which is true. However, the minimum wage has failed low-income workers. The minimum wage has not been raised since 2009. It has been 13 years since the federal minimum wage has been raised. Contrary to the minimum wage, “Since2009, inflation has increased by 11%” (Lenahan). As inflation has increased, minimum wage workers have still had to deal with the same 7.25 federal wage, meaning having to sacrifice time with their family and loved ones to afford to live. 

The time to act is now. The minimum wage should no longer stay stagnant while families suffer and income inequality is at an all-time high. Inflation is at its peak currently, and workers will no longer stand the abuse of their time and effort for a wage that is no longer livable. The minimum wage increase would not only help reduce poverty for workers, but it would allow the economy to grow and flourish.

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Writing About Minimum Wage

Academic writing

Essay paper writing

good thesis statement about minimum wage

The minimum wage policy is a controversial issue that many social groups and political figures have polarizing opinions about. That’s why writing a minimum wage essay or research paper is an assignment that is put forward by the professors quite often.

This article will help you sort out the facts and opinions to talk about in your minimum wage research paper or essay as well as structure and connect them properly. You will also learn how to write a perfect introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion on your own. So sit back and enjoy the most comprehensive article on how to write a minimum wage paper!

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  • Who benefits from the increase in the minimum wage and who is hurt essay
  • Economics essay about minimum wage
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argumentative essay on minimum wage

Topics for an argumentative essay on minimum wage

  • Argumentative essay on raising minimum wage will benefit the economy
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  • Argumentative essay on raising minimum wage might cause unemployment
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  • Should minimum wage be raised essay
  • Why minimum wage should not be raised essay
  • Do the benefits of raising the minimum wage outweigh the drawbacks essay
  • Should the federal minimum wage be increased essay
  • Reasons to raise minimum wage essay (on the example of a specific country)
  • Should government raise the minimum wage essay (choose a specific country)

Topics for a persuasive essay on minimum wage

  • Raise minimum wage essay
  • Minimum wage should not be raised essay
  • Persuasive essay about raising minimum wage
  • Wage may result in more unemployment essay
  • Why minimum wage should be abolished essay
  • Why we should raise the minimum wage essay
  • Should the government raise the minimum wage essay

Raising the minimum wage essay

Tips for writing a minimum wage essay

Here are a few things you need to remember when writing essays on minimum wage:

  • Choose an original topic. Look up essay prompts on raising minimum wage and other related topics and narrow your choice to something that is interesting and easy to research. As long as you enjoy writing on a topic and it is not a cliché, you will cope with the task pretty fast. 
  • Back up your claims. For example, if you believe that the base pay should be raised, and it somehow seems logical to you that it should, simply stating it is not enough. If there is no evidence, your assumptions will not be taken seriously.
  • Get inspired by good examples. If you want to make sure that every single argument falls into place, you can look for the sample line of reasoning for a minimum wage increase essay online. Just look up an example of minimum wage essay and check how the person who has written it presented their arguments and backed them up with factual data. This might give you an idea on how to outline your paper and show the information that you have found during your research.
  • Refer to credible sources. If you are looking for factual information, it is important to check scholarly and governmental sources. For example, you could search for the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hours Division materials. They provide expert data on federal and state minimum wage rates, both current and historical. Whatever source you use, be sure to check its trustworthiness before considering taking information from it.
  • Revise your essay. Proofreading is an essential step of writing, which is why we strongly recommend you not to leave this task for the last night before the submission. The best time for proofreading is the next day after you finish the paper, when you are able to detect all the mistakes with a fresh eye.  

Minimum wage essay outline

Sticking to the outline is an important aspect, which will help you to write an A+ essay:

  • How to start an essay about minimum wage? As we all know, the hardest step is always the first one. In order to set the pace, you need an engaging hook phrase in the very beginning of your paper. A hook for a minimum wage essay may be some shocking fact that immediately engages your reader or relevant statistics. You may use the factual info in the end of the article as hooks for minimum wage paper.
  • The part with the background information on the topic will be the biggest one in your intro. Here, you may try explaining why the research you are doing is important and give readers some basic facts that are crucial for understand the topic.  
  • The final part of the introduction to a minimum wage essay is a thesis statement. A good thesis statement on minimum wage topics presents all arguments that you will consider in your paper in a clear and concise manner.
  • Body of the essay on minimum wage.

In your body paragraphs, you will need to present strong evidence and examples to reinforce the arguments you have put forward in the thesis statement. It is best not to cover more than 1 point in a single paragraph. And, of course, you should make sure there are enough transitional words, phrases, and sentences to make your text cohesive.

  • Conclusion for a minimum wage essay. Before writing the ending for an essay on minimum wage, reread the last sentence of the intro. You will have to restate your minimum wage thesis (rephrase – not copy it) and show what information you have used to support it. Do not forget about the clincher for minimum wage essay, which is the last sentence of the text that shows the reader that you have fulfilled the purpose of writing the text and have proved the point you were making initially. To make your minimum wage essay conclusion memorable, you might also leave your readers with something to reflect on later by asking a question or making an interesting statement.

should the federal minimum wage be increased” essay

How to write a good title for minimum wage essay

Making a catchy title for your essay is also an important step of the writing process. What is the secret of creating a memorable title for essay on minimum wage? Leave it until the very end of working on your paper.

Now that you have written all the body paragraphs, you know every point that you have eventually decided to include. Therefore, you can come up with a minimum wage essay title that shows the reader exactly what your paper is going to cover. Don’t be afraid to get creative – the only thing to remember at this point is to keep the title clear and concise.

Minimum wage research topics

  • Raising minimum wage research paper
  • The impacts of minimum wage on job market
  • The positive impact of increasing the minimum wage
  • Minimum wages in different countries
  • Is it really possible to live on minimum wage in a “specific country?”
  • Does minimum wage increase poverty rate?
  • The effects of minimum wage on the economy
  • The negative effects of increasing minimum wage
  • Gender factor and minimum wage
  • Can lowering the minimum wage create new jobs?

Writing minimum wage research papers

  • Search for some good minimum wage topics. Mind that the topic you choose should be both interesting for you to research and relevant for the audience that is going to read it. You can look for some ideas on the Web, ask your professor for advice (maybe he or she has some topics to assign), or refer to our topic list above!
  • Be very careful with the instructions. Pay special attention to format requirements and due dates as these aspects influence your overall mark significantly. Clarify with your professor what style of formatting you should stick to while writing your research paper. And, of course, never leave this task until the last night before the submission in order not to be late.
  • Take care of transitions. Students often make a mistake of not making links between ideas to create a coherent. Therefore, make sure that there are logical transitions between the parts of your research paper and every single sentence in it.
  • Check whether your research paper is logical and clear.
  • Edit for grammar, syntax, spelling mistakes, etc.
  • Ask a friend or family member to read your paper.
  • Reread it on your own and check whether it meets rubric requirements.

the negative effects of raising minimum wage essay

Minimum wage research paper outline

  • Cover/Title Page (depends on formatting style)
  • Abstract (may be required by your professor)
  • Introduction (includes a hook sentence and a minimum wage research paper thesis)
  • Methodology
  • Literature review
  • Results/Findings
  • Appendices (optional)

Facts about minimum wage for your essay or research paper

  • The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was initially established in 1938, where a minimum wage for the covered US workers was determined to be $0.25 per hour. Since then, the Act was changed in order to raise this amount to $7.25 for an hour of labor.
  • Geneva authorities have set the world’s highest minimum wage - $25 per hour. The initiative was supported by local trade unions, claiming that it will help “to fight poverty, help social cohesion, and promote dignity of each worker.”
  • Australia has the highest minimal (nominal) salary in the world – $14.15/hour.  
  • About 20.6 million people in the US are “near-minimum-wage” workers. Most of them work in restaurants or food service.
  • In the US, workers under 20 years of age receive no less than $4.25 per hour for the first 3 months of their job. After that period, the rate raises up to $7.25.

Minimum wage (per hour) rate across the world

In order to understand the issues with minimal pay rate across the globe better, we recommend reviewing world statistics on minimum wage. You can compare these figures or reflect on whether it is possible to live with such wage comfortably in your paper.

  • The United Kingdom: $10.34
  • Spain: $5.83
  • Belgium: $10.38
  • Bangladesh: $0.23
  • Hong Kong: $5.81
  • Morocco: $3.74
  • Germany: $10.87
  • Portugal: $5.76
  • Turkey: $9.43
  • Kenya: $0.61
  • France: $11.66
  • Russia: $2.27
  • South Korea: $6.84
  • Japan: $8.1
  • The USA: $7.52
  • China: $1.68
  • Canada: $9.52
  • Iran: $2.22

good thesis statement about minimum wage

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Home — Essay Samples — Economics — Minimum Wage — Impact of Minimum Wage Policies


Impact of Minimum Wage Policies

  • Categories: Minimum Wage

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Words: 752 |

Published: Jan 30, 2024

Words: 752 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Economic growth, employment rates, income inequality.

  • Economic Policy Institute. (2019). Raising the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2024 would life pay for nearly 40 million workers. Economic Policy Institute.
  • Congressional Budget Office. (2019). The effects on employment and family income of increasing the federal minimum wage. Congressional Budget Office.
  • National Employment Law Project. (2019). $15 by 2024 will lift wages for 41 million workers. National Employment Law Project.

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good thesis statement about minimum wage

Minimum Wage Argument Essay

Picture of Tamara Team

  • December 25, 2022


Should the Federal Minimum Wage Be Raised?


The federal minimum wage today is $7.25, and it has not changed since 2009. Moreover, it is fair to say that it has not been keeping up with inflation and productivity since 1968. This statement may be daring, but it is not a false assumption considering the minimum wage back then was $1.60 per hour, equivalent to $11.76 in 2019 (Boschen, Grossman 12). Like every other topic involving the humankind, the issue of the minimum wage is considerably controversial. However, the fact that the federal minimum wage is not enough for a citizen to get by is undeniable.

Body Paragraphs

The minimum wage differs from state to state due to the inaction of the authorities’ activities on the issue. As mentioned above, the fact that the federal minimum wage remains unchanged since 2009 can be shown as an example of this passiveness. With that being said, almost half of the US population is paid by the federal wage, which is way below the poverty line when we look at the annual earning of an employee (Formby, John, et al., 2). So in a word, an employee who earns federal minimum wage does not earn enough for his/her essential needs unless there are other supporting circumstances.

Let us think about a 16-year-old teenager who lives with his parents. He is currently working part-time and will probably go to college or later just move on to a better-paying job. Earning the federal minimum wage is well enough for him to provide himself with basic necessities such as entertainment. Now let us imagine that this person is not living with his parents. In this case, it is not likely that he is able to spend his money freely or even if he is able to provide himself with his necessities, as in the first scenario, they are not going to be the products or services of the best quality. One way or the other, he will have to give up on something very simple he really wants in the end, for not being able to afford it.

There are many people who have two jobs, completing the shift at noon and working until late hours in another job. This alone is already a time and energy-consuming situation, but unfortunately for some people, this is an opportunity not everybody gets due to the work schedules. Especially for students, having two jobs is not even a matter of discussion when freelance jobs are excluded. This problem is a huge obstacle for employees who are not offered to work full-time even if they want to. So in most cases, unless provided a second income channel, getting by with only federal minimum wage is a difficult task.

Now that we have mentioned why the federal minimum wage is considered inadequate subtly underlining the importance of an increase in it, it is critical to be able to see the two sides of the coin. There may also be negative outcomes of increasing the minimum wage. The most prominent one among them is that if there was an increase in the federal minimum wage, it would result in a reduction in jobs (Neumark, David 36). In other words, if employers had to pay more to employees, they would hire fewer people to avoid the extra cost, which gives rise to an increase in unemployment. However, considering low incomes prevent people from spending more, increasing the federal minimum wages will result in lifting approximately 4.5 people out of poverty (Cooper) and subsequently boosting the overall economy. Not to mention that increased wages will also lead to an increasing demand for more jobs. Sadly this is a fact largely glossed over by the people and a risk the employers avoid taking.

A higher federal minimum wage is not only advantageous for employees but also for employers. To start with, instead of looking for better-paying jobs, employees will work in their workplaces longer because they will be satisfied with their working conditions. What is the employer’s gain from this? They will not have to hire new people and train each of them every time. They will already have experienced employees working with them.

We have mentioned that raising the minimum wage will help people to keep up with inflation and boost consumer spending directly contributing to the economy. With that in mind, since people will be earning more, they will be less reliant on the governmental safety nets. Moreover, with lower unemployment, there will be an increase in tax revenues. So the increase is not only beneficial for the employees but also for employers and workers.

Apart from all of these statements, there are other opinions on the federal minimum wage. For instance, some people think it should not exist at all, and instead, the free market should govern all the wages believing they will naturally rise because the companies will be competing with each other. Furthermore, there are already some companies that support higher federal wages. For instance, companies such as Costco Wholesale and IKEA pay more than the federal minimum wage to their employees. However, this is also somewhat controversial.

On the one hand, it allows companies to pay more encouraging their employees to work more eagerly and productively. However, on the other hand, it may result in employers taking advantage of people who are ready to work for anything to support them. It may also result in employers who ask for cheap workers from outside the country. So, in the end, the federal minimum wage may be a dream amount for many workers. So the question of having a federal minimum wage is better or not, is a whole another discussion topic.

Minimum Wage Argument Essay: Conclusion

In conclusion, there are both pros and cons of increasing the federal minimum wage. However, we cannot ignore the fact that the benefits of an increase would well outweigh the wrong sides of it. It is not only better for the workers but also for the employers and the government. And it is fair to conclude that it is a big step towards enhancing the wealth and wellbeing of society.

Boschen, John, and Herschel Grossman. “The Federal Minimum Wage, Inflation, and Employment.” 1981, doi:10.3386/w0652.

Cooper, David. “Raising the Minimum Wage to $12 by 2020 Would Lift Wages for 35 Million American Workers.” Economic Policy Institute,

Formby, John P., et al. “Minimum Wages, Poverty And Welfare.” Research on Economic Inequality Studies on Economic Well-Being: Essays in the Honor of John P. Formby, pp. 1–35., doi:10.1016/s1049-2585(04)12001-2.

Neumark, David, and William L. Wascher. “The Effects of Minimum Wages on Employment.” Minimum Wages, 2008, pp. 36–106.

Pollin, Robert. “ECONOMIC PROSPECTS: Making the Federal Minimum Wage a Living Wage.” New Labor Forum, vol. 16, no. 2, 2007, pp. 103–107., doi:10.1080/10957960701279306.

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Home / Essay Samples / Government / Economy / Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage Essay Examples

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About Minimum Wage

Minimum wages have been defined as the minimum amount of remuneration that an employer is required to pay wage earners for the work performed during a given period, which cannot be reduced by collective agreement or an individual contract.

Modern minimum wage laws trace their origin to the Ordinance of Labourers (1349), which was a decree by King Edward III that set a maximum wage for laborers in medieval England.

Most countries have national minimum wage legislation or collective bargaining in place. India has a very complicated minimum wage rate system, with over 1200 different minimum wage rates. uses cookies to offer you the best service possible.By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy .--> -->