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Essay On The Value Of Time – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay for Children


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On The Value Of Time For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on the value of time for kids, paragraph on the value of time, short essay on the importance of time for kids, long essay on the value of time for children, what will your child learn from an essay on the value of time.

Time is a thing that has no beginning and no end. It is the most practical and useful thing. You cannot control the time, you cannot force it to go at a slower pace, and you cannot speed it up. It will work at its pace. Children can learn a great deal about it by writing an essay on the value of time for classes 1, 2 and 3.

Time is very precious – every day, every hour, every minute, every second is precious. Once it is gone, no one can recover it. So, it is important to understand the value of time. Once we start valuing our time and everyone else’s time, there is no going back. You become a responsible person who appreciates and respects everyone’s time. There are many ways by which you can waste your time, but there is only one way to save your time – be conscious of your time.

If we teach our kids about the value of time from childhood, they will develop into more responsible adults. This might help them appreciate their time better. Here are some key points that will help children in primary classes on the subject.

  • An essay has three sections: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
  • The introduction should include the definition of time and how it affects our lives.
  • The body should consist of the importance and value of time.
  • The conclusion should have tips on how to manage your time efficiently.
  • You can add some famous quotes and lines about the importance of time in our lives.

Time has a lot of value in everyone’s lives. Kids need to learn about the importance of time, which can be done easily by writing essays for classes 1 and 2. Given below are 10 simple lines for kids at the primary level on the subject.

  • Time is an invaluable asset, and one should not waste it.
  • Everyone should value their time and others’ time too.
  • Procrastinating can cause a lot of time wastage.
  • Management of time is crucial to maximising the benefits.
  • Time is unstoppable. Once gone, it cannot come back.
  • A person needs to value time to touch great heights.
  • Aligning work as per time is an important skill to succeed in life.
  • Every minute and every second should be utilised to the best.
  • Time is very precious for kids too, in their early ages.
  • It helps them in being disciplined to achieve whatever they want.

The value of time is not learned by reading books. One can only understand it by practising good habits to lead a disciplined life. Here is a value of time essay in English in 100 words.

We have all heard our elders saying that time waits for none; stop procrastinating and do your assigned job within the given time frame. Everyone emphasises the value of time, so you understand how much it matters. Time slips away from your hand like sand; you cannot hold it forever. It flies by. Time is finite but also infinite. Time is the most treasured thing in our lives that makes us disciplined and helps us lead a good life. Wastage of time can hamper our growth and success. We must use our time efficiently to excel in life.

Only if kids realise the importance of time, will they be able to achieve whatever they want in life. Reaching great heights requires lots of dedication and focus, which comes from proper time management. Let us go through a short essay on the importance of time for kids.

Time can be defined as the continuous happening of events. It is a very precious and limited entity. It can make our life boon or bane, depending on how we spend our time. Our failure and success largely depend on how much importance we give to our time. Proper time management can help us lead a happy and productive life. Time limits and deadlines make us work more efficiently towards the goal. The day we understand the nuances of time management can be a turning point in our lives. It is a pathway to success and prosperity.

Nothing comes easy in life. You always have to struggle a bit to achieve something. But if you are focused on achieving a goal, it is a cakewalk. This should be taught to our kids from an early stage. Here is an essay for students of class 3 in 500 words that can make them understand the value of time.

Time is like water; it always flows at a certain speed. It slows down; it paces up sometimes, depending on how we feel. But the truth is that time moves at a constant speed. Time can be designed as an indefinite process of events and occurrences. It is largely divided into past, present, and future. Past is something that has already happened, the present is something that happens in the current moment, and the future is something that can happen anytime in the near-far future. You cannot catch hold of the time; you cannot go back and forth in time.

What Is The Importance Of Time?

The importance of time is unparalleled. It cannot be explained in mere words. You only realise its importance once it is gone. And we still have not been able to invent the time machine that takes us back in the past and rectifies our mistakes and carelessness towards time. So, it is important to note that each day, hour, minute, and second passing is taking us close to our goal, and no second should be wasted. Time cannot be reversed; each moment should be spent wisely to maximise the benefit from it.

What Will Happen If We Don’t Value Time?

There are lots of distractions around us nowadays. While technology has benefited us, it also has a lot of things on the list of distractions. Internet, social media, video games, and many more have become a cause of time wastage for kids and adults. If we do not spend our time judiciously, it can hamper our dedication and focus toward our goals and success. One should be very time efficient while making a proper itinerary towards your goal.

How To Utilise Time In An Effective Way?

There are many ways by which you can utilise your time efficiently. Listed below are a few points to help you become more time conscious and time-efficient.

1. “Early to bed and early to rise…” 

“…makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.” This quote by Benjamin Franklin can prove to be very beneficial for better time management skills. A person who sleeps better has efficient working skills and ethics.

2. Make a To-Do list 

By making a to-do list every day, you can easily organise your day to complete various tasks efficiently. It also gives you a sense of contentment and achievement if you manage to tick all the items off your list.

3. Prioritise 

It is important to prioritise tasks that are important to achieve. You can give priority numbers to tasks on your to-do list.

4. Organisation 

Better organisation of your things and day can help you long for more. An organised person stresses out less and sleeps better.

5. Delegation 

If a job does not require much of your attention, you can delegate it to someone else who is eager for some work. It can unburden you with unnecessary tasks.

6. Planning 

Planning ahead of time can always prove to be helpful. It gives you a clear idea of how everything will pan out.

7. No Wasting of time 

Be certain to indulge yourself in activities that are fruitful for you. Do not get involved in any distractions. It may feel good for a minute or two, but it will do more harm in the future.

Children will learn to value time. It will make them realise how important it is. It can help them achieve whatever they want if they manage their time properly. Once they realise the benefits of time management, it will not take much time for them to become a disciplined person. They will get an idea about what kind of distractions video games and mobile phones can be. Their prolonged usage can harm their focus and health.

Time is a precious quantity for everyone. If we respect our time, others will also respect it. There are many ways to waste our precious time, but it takes a little time to build ourselves into a focused person, which benefits us for life. If you are someone who has not realised its importance, it is never too late!

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Value of Time Essay | Essay on Value of Time for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Veerendra

Essay on Value of Time: Understanding the value of time is crucial for each one of us. To get to know the value of time, it is essential to learn the effect of time on us. For most of us, to feel the impact of time on us is a considerably pointless exercise. But if someone looks at things closely, one might understand that time has an enormous effect on us. One of the most noticeable effects of time on us is our age. As time goes by, we age in our health, mind, and body. Time indirectly makes us weak and feeble and brings us close to death. That is one of the most straightforward explanations of the effect of time on our existence. The value of time, thus, lies in how we are controlled by it and yet do not get to feel it.

Here we have written as samples a short and a long essay for a better understanding of the students who might come across this topic in their examinations.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Value of Time for Kids and Students in English

The essays here are an example of the concerning topic. It includes a long essay of 500 words, a short essay of 100-150 words, and a set of ten points that cover the entire subject in a nutshell.

Long essay on Value of Time in English 500 words

Value of Time essay is suitable for students studying in classes 7, 8,9,10 and competitive exam aspirants.

Examples can best demonstrate the value of time from our lives. Someone who has an understanding of the value of time intends not to waste it or not to respect it. Spending time includes postponing work that is supposed to be done within a particular period or not doing anything despite having time in hand. Many people waste time at different points in their lives. Some people do not do the work given to them until they are close to the deadline; students often do not study even when they have time in their hands, thinking they will be able to complete everything when their examinations start. All of these are an example of people who do not understand the value of time.

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If they did, they would have certainly not wasted it or would have utilized it in a better way. As the saying goes, time and tide wait for none; it is clear that time which is once lost, never comes back. Unless, of course, scientists discover a prudent way of time travel, getting back in time is not even remotely possible. Thus, it is in the best interest of each one of us to make proper and efficient use of time as much as we can. That is one of how we can realize the value of time. Losing out on something big or essential also makes us understand the value of time. For example, a candidate who gets less the marks he expected in his exams because he wasted most of the time realizes how vital time is for all of us and that we should manage it in the right way. Managing time requires a person to distribute his work in such a way so that he can complete it comfortably without haste. In the course of doing so, he realizes the value of time in his life and how significant it is to respect it. Time has no actual value for those on whom it does not affect.

For instance, even after learning the importance of time, if a person continues to waste, it becomes clear that time has no value for him. In such a case, the person might suffer later in his age because by then, he would have grown old but won’t have the time to change him and do something that can improve his present state. Knowing the value of time automatically gives the person the ability to look into the future. Looking into the future is not just about just predicting what is going to happen. Understanding the value of time gives you the ability to prepare yourself for the future. Time results in change, and one who values time will be able to grasp the changes and make something out of them. This makes it clear how essential it is to understand the value of time. However, it is not just necessary to understand the importance but also act in a way in which this understanding is reflected in one’s work. In simple words, knowing the value of time won’t help unless you put your knowledge into practice..

Short essay on Value of Time in English 150 words

Value of time essay can benefit for students of classes 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 in their exams and competitive exam aspirants.

Time is man’s friend. But that man, who has no respect for it, is the enemy of time. The value of time in our lives is enormous and elaborate. Our activities show if we realize the value of time or not. People who are not punctual, people who do not respect deadlines, people who do things at the eleventh hour do not understand the value of time. Even if they do, perhaps they choose to ignore it. That is why; most people tend to do things in a hurry if they have a lot of time in their hands. This is because every day, they think they have time and put off their work for the next day. Ultimately on the day before submission, they go completely berserk and are in a hurry to complete their work. Thus, to get to know the value of time and make time, one’s friend is the only pathway of success in a man’s life.

10 Lines Essay on Value of Time in English 150 words

  • The value of time applies to every aspect of our life.
  • In knowing the value of time, we understand the importance of our work.
  • The value of time makes us realize what happens if we do not value it.
  • Not valuing time can have disastrous consequences.
  • Understanding the value of time creates a path for success.
  • Time once lost can never be recovered and is hence termed to be precious.
  • Understanding the value of time requires one to respect it.
  • Respecting timelines is crucial for success in life.
  • The value of time is most prominent in the way in which it affects us.
  • Age is one way in which time affects us.

Frequently Asked Questions on  Value of Time Essay

Question 1. Why should we value time?

Answer: It would help if you valued time for a better future that is safe and secure because of your respect towards your own precious time as well as the time of others around you.

Question 2. How do we value time?

Answer: Understanding that time has value is of no use. One should always put this understanding to his work and try not to put it off for another day.

Question 3. What happens if we don’t value time?

Answer: If we don’t value the time we might regret it later in plain and simple words. That can be a bad experience for anyone.

Question 4. Does time have any value?

Answer: Time has value, just like anything else in this world. The only problem is that it cannot be quantified.

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Value of Time Essay

Time is precious, and we should never waste it. We can recoup our financial outlays but not our lost time. Time becomes more important as a result of this. Therefore, we should utilise our time wisely. Here are a few sample essays on the importance of time.

  • 100 Words Essay on Value of Time

The most valuable resource in a person's life is time, which should never be wasted in any way. One will be more successful if one recognises the value of time. Time is often said to be more important than money . This is said because you can regain the money you spent but cannot regain time. The famous proverb “Time and tide wait for none” is very accurate because time indeed waits for no one, and we must learn how to manage it properly. A person who understands its value completely fulfils every task successfully. For one to be successful in life and achieve their goals, it’s important to learn the value of time and how to manage it.

200 Words Essay on Value of Time

500 words essay on value of time.

Value of Time Essay

You cannot purchase back time once it has passed, making time an invaluable resource. One needs to start learning how to use time effectively to achieve their goals. Time is an excellent teacher since it never stops and does not wait for anyone. Every person's life is greatly influenced by the passage of time, whether it be through daily activities like rising from bed, cleaning one's teeth, taking a shower, eating meals on schedule, or making plans for significant life events.

People frequently place greater importance on other things in their lives than time. The most valuable resource in life is time, not money. If you don't have enough time to enjoy your wealth, no amount of money you make will be worth anything. You cannot see or catch time, but you must move with it because it is constantly moving. Time is like air. Without anyone recognising it, it is like a wave that endlessly flows. The ones that are successful in life are those who are aware of this ever-flowing wave and who create effective routines to use their time well. And those who fail do so regretfully, always wishing they could go back.

One of the most priceless possessions a person is born with is time. Time never turns around and always continues in one direction. Time won't value you if you don't appreciate it. Time is a crucial component of success when discussing its progression. Our time has the power to ruin us if we waste it. Time is beautiful because it is with time how things develop, mature, and then die. It bears witness to a vast array of memories and choices, both good and negative. Since no one controls time, it is crucial to appreciate its significance.

For example, if you place a frog in a pot of boiling water, the frog begins to adjust to the temperature of the water. As the temperature gradually rises, the frog adjusts its body temperature accordingly. It does not understand when to jump out of the pot and thus continues to adapt. It eventually succumbs to the heat and perishes in the boiling water. The moral of the story is that we must recognise which decisions we must make before time runs out. Maintaining patience in certain situations and using your mind to solve them is critical. Panicking will only waste your time and resources.

Time is the agent of change, claimed to be a law of nature. Everything we do in life, including growing up, finishing school, earning a degree, and landing a job, depends on how we manage our time. Because of this, it's crucial to teach kids time management skills at a young age. Daily activities must be done on time, including eating, sleeping, exercising, and completing assignments. This ensures no room for procrastination and that time is used effectively.

Once you realise that one of the world's most vital elements is time, you have already overcome a challenge. It can create or shatter someone's life, career, and interpersonal connections. We humans may never fully understand the magnificence of time since it may only take a few months for some people to win while it may take years or even decades for others. It is undoubtedly a rare occurrence of nature to have everything suddenly taken away from you. We merely need to assess the best moment to seize life's opportunities.

In every aspect of life, it's essential to be on time. Being on time means you control your schedule and don't let the time dictate how you spend your time. Planning is crucial in managing time; once you have created a realistic plan that you know you can follow, just push yourself to finish within the allotted time.

Time Management

Time management is the process of planning and organizing how to allocate time effectively and efficiently towards specific activities, tasks, and goals. It helps individuals prioritize their responsibilities and avoid distractions, enabling them to achieve more in less time. Good time management skills can lead to increased productivity , reduced stress, and improved overall quality of life. To effectively manage time, one can use tools such as to-do lists, calendars, and time-tracking software, and develop habits such as setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and avoiding procrastination.

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Essay on Time | Importance of Time Essay for Students in English

January 2, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Time: The most precious asset in this world is time. Time once lost cannot be brought back. Time is more valuable than money. Procrastinating things and wasting time unnecessarily portrays qualities of unsuccessful people. We should make every moment count by spending it in the wisest manner possible. Strategic and effective utilization of time increases works productivity. Time-conscious people are very effective in managing their tasks and smartly meet deadlines without any delay.

Essay on Time 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Importance of Time Essay in English, suitable for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Time is the duration in which all things happen. The prehistoric period, the renaissance era, and the modern age are examples of time. These events took place and brought evolution, which laid the foundation for today’s discovery and innovation. Time consists of three aspects minutes, seconds, and hours. It revolves around us as it encompasses the past, present, and future. It is precious and should not be wasted in haste. It cannot be bought or sold, so it is more valuable than money.

It can be lucrative only when used productively. Time and tide wait for none , so one must take into account that time is a treasure meant to be protected. It is like sand; once it slips away, we cannot bring it back but regret our whole life. Time runs without interruption, so we should not waste it without having a purpose in life. In any age of our life, we should value and respect the time and use it fruitfully. Walking along with the time, provides definition and meaning to life.

Importance of Time

A person cannot outrun time; that’s why every possible effort should be harnessed to make the best use of it. Life is a web of uncertain events and circumstances which leave us in a constant state of confusion, thus contributing to sloppy decision making. In such a state of mind, one cannot process the consequence of the same and end up using time constraints as an excuse. Value time because time is unchangeable. It can only be saved in memories and pictures.

Everyone should be instilled with the wise saying of Saint Kabir- “Finish tomorrow’s task today, and today’s task now.” Laziness and procrastination are the evils that gradually erode our efficiency, converting us into slugs. Time cannot be measured, so learn to enjoy every minute and every moment. Since time is money, therefore, punctuality should become a vital commodity in our lives. Engaging in leisure activities and spending quality time with loved ones will help to cultivate positive and healthy relationships.

Effective Time Management

Effective time management is paramount as it helps us to achieve our goals in life. Nobody gets extra time, or less time, it’s our mindset that needs to be rewired. One day has 24 hours, which remains the same for all the individuals on the planet. Everybody gets an opportunity to work, but how we segregate our work and assign time to it differs from one person to another. Having a diary to write down time slots for every work will help an individual to stay organized and function productively.

Initially, this will be boring and tiresome, but later it will not only help to manage work better but also achieve tasks that were considered tough and unattainable. Such practices will keep one inspiring and self-motivating. Eliminate those activities and work that take up most of the time. Prioritize the tasks in hand by making a time table where all the important tasks are at the top and unimportant at the bottom. Set a time limit to every task and make sure not more time is wasted on one.

Study Paragraphs

Essay on Value & Importance of Time For Children & Students

The time is the most precious commodity that we all share equally. Read the following Essays that emphasize the value and importance of time in life. Sharing an essay on time, the value of time and importance of time for class 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12.

Table of Contents

Essay on Value of Time For Students

Time is the most valuable thing in the Universe. Time is always running never wait for anyone. You cannot compare anything with time. It is not reversible.

every work/task requires completed in the required time. Losing time is one of the worse things in the world. Losing time can change life and our future. We should not waste our time we have to use our time for good things, in good practices. Every second, minute is moving forward will not come back.

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Time never waits for anyone, no one can stop or slow down the time. It keeps going if someone likes or not. we should not waste our time in bad things, we have to use our time on good things, learning and reading will be the best use of time. Time is important because we do not have unlimited time.

Time is not reversible, It means we have to use it sensibly because if you did a mistake cannot be repaired by going back to that time. Nowadays we are giving more time to social media like Facebook, twitter, Instagram and other apps these are time taking applications.

We should use this technology for learning things instead of chatting with friends. Or we have to uninstall these applications and think how much time we were wasting on these things.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs

In this world Time has  a value, everyone should realize and should not waste their time in Fake activities, Invest your time in good things.

Time is second most important thing after life, make sure to utilize your time wisely in good activities.

Time is a measurement of our life, time is very important in our life, it depends on you, how you use your time, if you use time in learning and implementing on good things it will help to you to live with ease.

1. Go to quite place. 2. Understand your topic (Time). 3. Create an outline. 4. Start writing Paragraphs 5. Add a conclusion.

Start writing on time you will finish on time.

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Value of Time Essay

Time is precious and priceless for everyone, so we never waste time. We should use our time properly in positive manner. Let your kids know about the value of time from their childhood using such simple and easily written essay on value of time.

Long and Short Essay on Value of Time in English

We have provided various value of time essay for the use of school students. These essay on value of time can be used by the students in their study, essay/paragraph writing competition or paragraph recitation, etc in the school/college.

Value of Time Essay 1 (100 words)

Time is more than money as money spent can be earned again however once time spent can never be earned. There is a common saying that “Time and Tide waits for none”. It is as true as existence of life on the earth. Time runs continuously without stoppage. It never waits anyone.

So, we should never spend our precious and priceless time without purpose and meaning at any stage of our life. We should always understand the meaning of time and use it accordingly in positive way to fulfill some purpose. We should learn something from this continuously running time. If it runs regularly without any stoppage, then why we cannot.

Value of Time

Value of Time Essay 2 (150 words)

Time is very precious to all of us. We should the value and respect the importance of time every single moment. We should not waste time at all till the end moment of our life. Time is very strong and powerful than everything in this world. It may destroy a lazy person as well as strengthen a hard working person. It can give lots of happiness, joy and prosperity to one however it may drop everything of one.

We should learn the regularity, continuity and commitment from the time every single moment. It runs continuously without any disturbance. We too always try to go with time side by side to get real success in the life. There is a true saying that “If we ruin the time, it ruins us and our life”. We should understand the value of time and go ahead with it because time never stays for anyone special.

Value of Time Essay 3 (200 words)

Time is priceless to everyone; time is free to all however, no one can buy it or sell it. One can destroy the time as well as use the time however it is true that one who destroy the time can definitely be destroyed by the time and one who use the time can definitely be blessed by the time. One who loses the time can never get it again. Time may destroy our health if we do not take our food in timely manner or take our medicine at right time. Time is like a running river which goes constantly ahead but it never runs back.

We should be very punctual according to the time and do our all work with time. We should wake up at right time, drink water in the morning, get fresh, do brush, take bath, eat breakfast, get prepare, go to school, do class work, eat lunch, come to home, do home work, go to play, read at night, take dinner and sleep at right time. If we do not do our daily routine at right time, we can be back from others in the life. If we want to do something better in life, it needs proper commitment, dedication and full use of time.

Value of Time Essay 4 (250 words)

Time is the most valuable thing on this earth; nothing can be compared with it. Once it goes, never be back. It always runs only in forward direction and not in backward direction. Everything in this world depends on time, nothing happens before time. Everything requires some time to get done. If we have not time, we have nothing. Loss of time is considered as the worst thing on this earth because wasting time, wastes us and our future. We never acquire lost time again. If we have lost our time, we have lost everything.

Most of the people value their money more than the time however it is true that nothing is as valuable as time. It is time which gives us money; prosperity and happiness however nothing in this world can give time. Time can only be used; one can never buy or sell it. Most of the people live their life in useless way. They enjoy their time by only eating, playing or other lazy activities with their friends.

In this way they spend days and years. They never think that what they are doing, in what ways they are living their time, etc. Even they never regret their ways of time wasting and never become sorry. Indirectly they have lost their lots of cash and most importantly the time which they never get back.

We should learn from the mistakes of others as well as should inspire from the success of others. We should use our time in doing some useful works so that time may bless us, not destroy.

Value of Time Essay 5 (300 words)

There is a common and true saying that “Time and Tide waits for none” which means time never waits for anyone, one should have to go with time side by side. Time comes and goes as usual but never stays. Time is free of cost for all but one can never sell it or buy. It is unbounded means no one can limit the time to any boundation. It is the time which makes everyone to dance around. Nothing in this world can defeat it or win from it. Time is called as the strongest thing in this world which can damage and improve anyone.

Time is very powerful; one can kneel down in front of it but never defeat it. We are not able to measure its potential because sometime only one moment is enough to win whereas sometime it takes whole life to win. One can be richest in a minute and one can be poor in a moment. Only one moment is enough to create a difference between life and death. Each and every moment brings lots of golden opportunities to us, we just need to understand the indication of time and use it.

Every moment is a big store house of the new chances in the life. So, we never let go off such precious time and make full use of it. If we do late in understanding the value and indication of time, we may lose both the golden opportunities and most precious time from our life. It is the most basic truth of the life that we should never allow our golden time to pass away from us unnecessarily. We should utilize time positively and fruitfully to go to our destination. The best way to utilize time in useful manner, we should make a time table to do everything at right time.

Value of Time Essay 6 (400 words)

Time is most powerful and precious thing than other things in life even from money in this world. Once a precious time goes, it goes forever and never come back as it runs only in the forward direction and not in the backward direction. It is very true that if one person does not understand the value of time, time also never understands the value of that person. If we destroy our time, time also destroy us very badly. It is true that “time and tide waits for none”. At a moment, time gives only one chance, if we lost it once, can never get back.

It is a wonderful thing which has no beginning and ending. It is a powerful thing within which things are born, grow, decay or die. It has not any limitation and boundation so it moves continuously at its own pace. No one of us has command over time at any stage of life. Neither it can be analyzed nor criticized. Generally everyone becomes conscious about value and importance of time however many of us lose patience during bad situations of life and start wasting time. Time never stops for anybody and never show kindness to anyone.

It is said that time is money however I think that we cannot compare time with money as once money lost can be earned by any means however once time lost can never be earned by any means. Time is more than money and other precious things in the universe. The ever changing time shows the unique property of nature that “Change is the law of nature”. Everything in this world changes according to the time because nothing is independent of time. People think that how long the life is, however the truth is that the life is too short and we have so much things to do in our life. We should use every moment of our life properly and meaningfully without wasting time.

Our daily routine schedule such as school works, home tasks, hours of sleep, waking time, exercise, eating, etc should be well planned and organized according to the time. We should enjoy working hard and never postpone good deeds to work later. We should understand the value of time and use it accordingly in constructive manner so that we can be blessed with time not destroyed with time.

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Essay on Time Management for Students and Children

500+ words essay on time management.

Essay on time management-In today’s scenario people are so busy in their lives that they are not getting time for themselves. Due to which time management has become the need of the hour. Time management is playing a vital role in mankind . Time management creates discipline or vice versa. If you want to be successful in life then you need to manage your time. As a result, various billionaires teach about time management.

Essay on time management

The Meaning of Time Management

In our daily life, we have got only twenty-four hours in a day. Therefore we cannot do everything in one day. This creates limitations in our everyday work. In order to manage work, social life and sleep, division of time is important. In a particular way division of time is the need. This will help the person to complete all his tasks. You should write your tasks in a schedule.

Designing has to be in a way that each task gets enough time. Your work should have the highest priority. The second priority should sleep. And the last but not the least your social life. Your social life includes family and friends.

In order to live a happy and peaceful life socializing is important. Too much workload can make a person ill. So, give your mind a little rest. Spending time with family can help you with this. Moreover, the main purpose to work is to fulfill the needs of the family. Since the fulfillment of needs is important. Which makes a person happy.

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Importance of Time Management for Students

Though adults are working, the students are not spared with work. The students today have many studies to do. Because of this, they are not getting time to enjoy their childhood. Time management for students has become a crucial need. Education has become vast. Therefore proper scheduling of time is important.

essay on time for class 3

A good student knows the importance of studies . But he should also know time never comes back. Thus a student should take out time for personal development too. Since personal development is important for their proper growth. Moreover, personality development is also important for a student. They should at least take out one hour for sports. Sports teach student teamwork. Since it is enjoyable it lessens the stress of the day.

The daily routine is School or college, and then coaching. This leaves with no time of self-studies. Self-study is an important aspect of education. The student should not neglect this. As the day ends, they get too tired. Due to which there is no energy left. This degrades the performance of the student.

There is a difference between a topper and an average student. That difference is proper time management. A topper student schedules his time. While an average student does not do that. And because he never manages time, he gets no time for self-study. Which in turn leaves him behind.

How to Manage Time?

A person should eliminate unnecessary activities from their daily schedule. On weekends you should do it. Especially should socialize on weekends. Also, include traveling time in the schedule. This ensures accuracy.

Most Noteworthy, make a time table on paper. In which you should write your daily activities. This will create discipline in your life. Moreover, you should complete the task daily. However, there will be some changes in the schedule with time.

Finally, your schedule needs to be practical. You cannot make a schedule unless you know your daily timings. Each persons’ schedule is unique if you copy you won’t progress in life.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is time management?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “It is the scheduling of task in a time table.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why is it important for students?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Because it helps them to complete studies and take out time for themselves.”} }] }

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Time - Sub Topics

What is time, measurement of time.

  • What are the Units of Time?
  • Conversion of One Unit to Another Unit
  • Formats of time
  • Solved Questions on Time

In this chapter, we’ll explore the concept of time, what clocks are and how we measure time. Time is something we all know about and use every day. It helps us understand when things happen like waking up in the morning, going to school or having lunch. Time is all around us and it's essential for organizing our lives.

Time is the period during which everything happens. It is a fascinating idea that shapes our everyday activities from rising in the morning to sleeping at night. Time plays a crucial role in scheduling our day and comprehending when various events take place.

We often measure time using clocks. Clocks can be found in our homes, schools and even on our devices like phones and computers. They have hands that move around in a circle, showing us the hours and minutes.

Time is measured using a clock. On the clock face, there are 12 numbers that help us tell the time. A clock has three hands:

→ The big hand shows the minutes .

→ The small hand shows the hours .

→ The thin hand shows the seconds .


In a digital clock, the numbers are used to display the hours, minutes and seconds, like this:


Now, let's practice reading a clock:


This is how the minute hand's motion shows different times within a single hour.

Quarters of Time

A “quarter of time” is a concept related to fractional time. When we say “quarter of the time”, we are talking about dividing time into 4 equal parts or “ quarters ”. Each “quarter” can be represented as:


Units of Time

Years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds are all units of time. Among these units, a year is the largest and a second is the smallest unit of time.

Conversion of one unit to another unit

Converting from one unit of time to another involves the following:

→ 1 year = 12 months

For example: 5 years = 5 × 12 months                                  = 60 months

a. A month can have 28, 29, 30 or 31 days depending on the month. b. One year has 365 days. c. A leap year has 366 days. d. In a standard year, there are 28 days in February while in a leap year, there are 29 days in February. e. In a standard year, there are 52 weeks plus one extra day while in a leap year, there are 52 weeks plus two extra days.

→ 1 week is equal to 7 days.

For example: 5 weeks = 5 × 7 days 

→ One day is equal to 24 hours.

For example, 5 days = 5 × 24 hours 

= 120 hours

→ 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes.

For example, 3 hours = 3 × 60 minutes

= 180 minutes

→ 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds.

For example, 4 minutes = 4 × 60 seconds

= 240 seconds

→ 1 hour is equal to 3600 seconds.

For example: 2 hours = 2 × 3600 seconds

= 7200 seconds

Example: Fill in the blanks: 7 hours is equal to ________ seconds.

a) 20200 seconds b) 25200 seconds c) 30200 seconds d) 35200 seconds

Answer: b) 25200 seconds

Explanation:  1 hour = 3600 seconds 7 hours = 7 3600 seconds             = 25200 seconds

7 hours is equal to 25200 seconds.

Formats of Time

There are two formats of time: the 12-hour format and the 24-hour format. Typically, we mostly use the 12-hour clock for timekeeping in our daily lives. However, the 24-hour clock is preferred by the railways, airlines and news media for precise time notation.

It's important to know the difference between 12-hour time and 24-hour time. Here's a quick guide on how to know the difference.

12-Hour Format: In the 12-hour format, we divide the day into two segments:

→  " Ante Meridiem " (AM) covers the time from midnight (12:00 AM) to noon (12:00 PM). →  " Post Meridiem " (PM) covers the time from noon (12:00 PM) to midnight (12:00 AM).

The day's cycle is illustrated as follows:

This format is commonly used on traditional clocks and watches. To express time in the 12-hour format, we use numbers from 1 to 12, followed by "AM" or "PM" to indicate whether it's morning, afternoon, evening or night. The 12-hour format is shown as:


24-Hour Format: The 24-hour format is also known as the international time format that divides the entire day into 24 hours, eliminating the need for "AM" or "PM."

→ The hours range from 00:00 (midnight) to 23:59 (just before the next midnight). → It offers a continuous time count without switching between AM and PM. The 24-hour format is shown as:


For example, 9:45 AM in the 12-hour format equals 09:45 in the 24-hour format and 9:45 PM in the 12-hour format equals 21:45 in the 24-hour format.

Let's explore some terms related to days:

→ "Today" refers to the current day. → "Yesterday" is the day that occurred before today. → "Tomorrow" is the day that occurred after today.

We can better grasp these concepts with an example:


Example: If today is Thursday, which day will be the day after tomorrow?

a) Sunday b) Friday c) Thursday d) Saturday 

Answer: d) Saturday

Explanation:  If today is Thursday, then tomorrow will be Friday. The day after tomorrow will be Saturday. The days are marked in the figure below:


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My school essay for class 3.

‘My School’ is one of the most commonly asked essay topics by teachers of Class 3 CBSE. The English teacher often gives this topic to make the students aware of the people, things, and places within the school. It makes the students alert and even helps them to realize the relationship they keep at the foremost prestigious education center of their lives. 

Moreover, the topic cultivates the students’ creative writing skills and gives them a chance to express their opinion about the teachers and school environment. It also ensures that the students become aware of the names of the teacher and the subjects they teach. 

As a result, students start identifying or recognizing their tutors, even outside school, and never forget to pay their respects. Although the topic is simple for most class three students, they still need to create meaningful and correlated sentences to express their thoughts. A few tips can help your child achieve this goal and get good grades.

Tips to Write a Great ‘My School Essay for Class 3’ Students :-

Identifying the essay’s word limit is a great method of finishing the ‘My School’ essay on time, reviewing it completely, correcting the errors, and rechecking other answers to get good grades. The intro paragraph in this blog before the subheadline is 162 words. 

So, you get the idea that more than half of the intro would cover 100 words, and reducing a line would cover 150 words. Teaching kids to identify the word limit is possible on pen and paper by judging sentence differences, i.e., the number of extra sentences in a 150-word essay versus a 100-word essay. 

Sometimes the teacher might even ask students to write ten lines about the school. So, class three students need to choose the things they need to mention the most. It could include prayer, games, classes, teachers, the principal, friends, team names, best period, sightseeing, picnics, food, and canteen/cafeteria.

Tone of Voice

Most class three students would mention details about the school that they notice. However, it should not seem like a statement related to the previous and the upcoming sentence. 

For example, ‘My school’s name is ___. It is situated in __, a beautiful place known for its ___. I arrive at school by taking a bus from a stop near my home and have to get up early to reach on time to take the bus. It takes one hour from the bus stop to reach my class, and I get to meet my friend, Ravi, Ranjan, and Niranjan, in my class.’

In this above example, the student mentions details about the school’s location, the location’s importance, the mode of transportation, daily activities before boarding the bus, and more. The student also expresses a happy tone of voice after meeting his friends compared to the rest of the routine.

Focus on a Class, Subject, and Activity

Class 3 students can write a great ‘My School’ essay by focusing on their favorite class, subject, teacher, and activities. Students often forget to mention the morning prayer, a vital activity of the day; mentioning it can make them realize it is important. 

Moreover, most class three students have a favorite class, like crafts, acting, or games. They can mention the place to attend it and the reasons for liking it. Parents and teachers like to know more about students’ strengths to guide them actively. 

Some students might even love the scenic route where the school is situated and could mention the view of the mountains across the school building or the bus. They can share about the window with the best view from their class. 

‘ My School Essay for Class 3′ Teaches a Lot of Things:- 

A class three student would learn to appreciate the things and people around the school after writing a few lines. Besides this, the student would improve sentence formation and develop an ability to define important aspects of the educational center. 

The correlation between sentences would also help enhance the child’s cognitive ability. Moreover, the student would pay attention to things that often get ignored and could become even more humble.

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My Classroom Essay for Class 3

A classroom is a place where students learn together from a teacher. It is a special place, and we remember the place throughout our life. My classroom is like my home. I go to my classroom every day and make new memories. I love to spend time in my classroom.

We are providing two essay samples for class 3 on the topic ‘My Classroom’ for reference.

Short Essay on My Classroom of 100 Words

My classroom is full of happy memories. My classroom is a very comfortable place to study and play. Our classroom is unique and special to us.

My classroom has several desks and chairs for students and one big desk and chair for the teacher. We have a blackboard and a soft board. The students have decorated the classroom with their handwork. The classroom has four lights and fans to keep it bright and airy. We also have plants in our classroom.

The students help in cleaning the classroom. Our classroom is like our second home, so we love to take care of it ourselves.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 3  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Long Essay on My Classroom of 150 Words

My classroom is present on the first floor of the school building. I love my classroom because it is windy and comfortable. The view outside our classroom is of trees and the sky. The students help to keep the classroom clean.

My classroom at school is big and spacious. We have six windows in our classroom, and I love sitting near the window. We have soft boards with lots of charts and other craftworks. A nature corner is present in our classroom. There are several plants in the nature corner. A huge blackboard is present behind the teacher’s desk. We have four rows of desks and chairs for the students.

I have a lot of good memories in my classroom with my friends and teachers. I like to study and play in my classroom. I am going to miss my classroom next year. It is a place of comfort for me.

10 Lines on My Classroom in English

  • A classroom is like a second home for all students, and they find comfort there.
  • My classroom is well ventilated and big. We also have sufficient lights and fans.
  • A classroom has lots of desks and chairs for the students to study together.
  • My classroom has a big blackboard for the teacher to use while teaching us.
  • The students decorate their classroom with their crafts and charts to make it unique and beautiful.
  • My classroom also has greenery in it because we have a nature corner in it.
  • A classroom is a place where the students make a lot of precious memories with friends and teachers.
  • Students should keep their classrooms clean.
  • Sometimes, my classroom becomes very noisy, but it’s mostly a peaceful place.
  • My classroom has won prizes for the cleanest classroom, and we are very proud of our classroom.

Frequently Asked Questions on My Class Room Essay

Question:  How do classrooms become memorable?

Answer:  The memories that we make in our classroom are the most important thing for us. We will miss everything in our classroom later in life. But we will miss the days spent in our classroom the most. We should be thankful for our classrooms, and the days we get to spend in it.

Question:  What are the essential things in the classroom?

Answer:  The essential things in a classroom include a blackboard, desk and chairs, windows, lights, fans, and books. The classroom is incomplete without the teacher and students. All these things are essential and make a classroom complete.

Question:  What should ‘My Classroom’ essay consist of?

Answer: ‘My Classroom’ essay should consist of a description of our classroom. It should explain why our classrooms are meaningful and memorable for us. We should be able to express how our classroom is unique from other classrooms.

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Essay for Class 3 Students and Children | Creative Writing Topics For Grade 3

While Writing Essays most of you will feel difficult to express your ideas. In this article, you will find Essays for Class 3 belonging to different categories. We have listed the Short and Long Essay Topics for Grade 3 in an organised manner. Access the Essay Writing Topics for 3rd Standard all in one place through the quick links available and know how to write different essays.

List of Ideas & Essay Topics for Class 3

To help students of Class 3 we have listed the most common Essay Writing Topics. All of them are given in simple and easy to understand language. Just click on the concerned Essay Topic and learn how to write on the particular topic in a matter of seconds. You will find Short & Long Essays for 3rd Std provided here extremely helpful to inculcate creative writing ideas among your kid.

  • My School Essay for Class 3
  • My Family Essay for Class 3
  • My Best Friend Essay for Class 3
  • My Country Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on My School Garden for Class 3
  • My Favourite Game Essay for Class 3 Kids
  • My Dream Essay for Class 3
  • English Is My Favourite Subject Essay For Class 3
  • Essay on Rainy Day for Class 3
  • My Mother Essay For Class 3
  • Myself Essay in English for Class 3
  • My Pet Essay for Class 3
  • My Neighbour Essay for Class 3
  • My Favourite Season Essay for Class 3
  • 10 Lines Essay on Save Trees
  • My Hobby Essay for Class 3
  • My Brother Essay In English For Class 3
  • My Favourite Fruit Essay For Class 3
  • My Grandparents Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on Train for Class 3
  • Essay on Diwali for Class 3
  • Essay on Holi for Class 3
  • Dussehra Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on Television for Class 3
  • Essay on National Flag for Class 3
  • Essay on Good Habits for Class 3
  • Republic Day Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on My Father for Class 3
  • Essay on Winter Season for Class 3
  • Essay on Earth Day for Class 3
  • My PET Dog Essay for Class 3
  • Independence Day Essay for Class 3
  • Summer Vacation Essay for Class 3
  • My Classroom Essay for Class 3
  • Discipline Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on Christmas for Class 3
  • My Favourite Food Essay for Class 3
  • Importance of Trees Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on Moon for Class 3
  • My House Essay for Class 3
  • A Visit to a ZOO Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on Pollution for Class 3
  • Essay on Birds for Class 3
  • Essay on Computer for Class 3
  • Essay on Butterfly for Class 3
  • Essay on Doctor for Class 3
  • Essay on Journey by Train for Class 3
  • Essay on Football for Class 3

FAQs on Essay for Class 3

1. How to get better at writing essays? Make an outline and acquire a solid understanding of grammar, punctuation. Use the Right Vocabulary and write an introduction, body and conclusion supporting your ideas. 2. Where do I get different Essay Topics for Class 3? You can get different Essay Topics for Class 3 on our page. 3. Where do I get Free Resources for improving my Writing Skills? You can get Free Resources for improving Writing Skills on CoolGyan.Org a trusted portal.

Hope the information shared gave you several ideas on Essay Writing Topics for Class 3. If you want us to add a few more topics do leave us your suggestions and our team will look into them and add them at the earliest. Bookmark our site CoolGyan.Org for Essays of Different Classes and Topics.

essay on time for class 3

essay on time for class 3

Time Management Tips for In-Class Essays

In-class essays can be stressful, especially if they’re timed. Although they are short and sweet, they can also be a great way for you to show your knowledge of the topic at hand. Here are four time management tips for in-class essays.

1. Look for keywords

Before diving into the writing , read the essay question carefully, looking for keywords that will guide the structure and content of your piece. Pay special attention to the verbs in the question, such as “compare and contrast,” “discuss,” “evaluate,” “summarize,” or “justify.” Looking for directives – and knowing what they mean – should help you formulate a gameplan and feel more confident about the essay you’ll write. Try annotating the question itself; underline and circle important words in the essay prompt itself to make sure you don’t miss anything important. This is especially useful when the question is long and/or includes more than one part, and it may help to quickly jumpstart your essay.

2. Jot down notes

After reading the question, take time to quickly jot notes down of whatever comes to your mind related to the prompt. Write down quotes, thoughts for and against a topic, and concrete examples. Think of this as a free-write: a way to gather ideas without the pressure of organization or accuracy. Keep your mind open and use associative logic – don’t worry too much about whether or not you’ll end up including all of these ideas; the point is to gather as large of a pool of ideas as you can that you’ll be able to draw from later.

3. Make an outline

This is arguably one of the most important time management tips for in-class essays. Once you’ve finished note-taking, start organizing your thoughts into an outline. You may feel tempted to immediately start writing the essay, but outlines are a great time management strategy: they help you structure your writing and give you a solid direction to follow so you’re able to write more efficiently in the long run. Depending on the essay question itself, you’ll probably want to write two to four body paragraphs. When making your outline, decide on your thesis and a few points to back it up, which will be the topic sentences of your body paragraphs. Also, while you’re outlining, don’t forget to think about a logical order for your body paragraphs – think about how your points build on each other in the most effective way.

4. Budget your time

Keep track of your time as you’re planning and writing your essay. First, ensure you know how long you’ll be given and how you’ll keep a time check: the wall clock, your watch, or, if you’re using a computer, the time in the corner of the screen. Some teachers and test proctors will keep time on the board or will give a five or 10 minute warning before the end of the allotted writing period. Once you know the total time given, plan approximate amounts of time for note-taking, outlining, writing, and proofreading/editing. You’ll want to spend the bulk of your time writing, and don’t forget to budget around five minutes for proofreading and editing.

In addition to the above tips, pay close attention in class for similar assignments that can mentally prepare you for in-class writing. Try writing to a timer at home if you’re prone to nervousness in class. Ask your teacher for guidelines or any advice. Then, once you’re in the situation itself, you should know how to succeed.

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  • Kids Learning
  • Class 3 Rainy Day Essay1

An Essay on Rainy Day for Class 3

What is your favourite season of the year? Most of us would choose “monsoon” as a response. During the rainy season, we see the flora blooming all around. Today, let’s talk about a rainy day and explore what one can write in an Essay on Rainy Day for Class 3.

Rain is crucial, not only as it makes the earth look so much more beautiful every time it hits the ground, but also because the growth of crops depends largely on the amount of rainfall. Whether it rains less than required or more than needed, farmers incur a great loss of crops.

There are loads of rainy day activities for kids such as playing in the rain, getting wet, making paper boats, hopping on puddles, eating hot dishes, etc. Coming up is a set of 10 lines on Rainy Day. You can download the Essay in PDF form, through the link provided below:

Download PDF – Rainy Day Essay

Essay on Rainy Day for class 3

10 Lines on Rainy Day in English

  • I love the rainy season.
  • Today is a rainy day.
  • My friends and I play in the rain.
  • We saw a huge rainbow in the sky.
  • The streets are full of water because of the rain.
  • On rainy days, my friends and I make paper boats and make them float in the water.
  • I love the smell of the earth when it rains after a sunny day.
  • Rain makes the weather so pleasant, refreshing and cool.
  • I like getting wet in the rain.
  • I enjoy eating hot fries on rainy days.

Those were a few lines on Rainy Day, which kids can also put down under the title “Rainy Day paragraph”. There are lots of such engaging essays for Class 3 kids .

Searching for more interesting resources for your little one? Download the most admired kids learning app- Disney BYJU’S Early Learn and get a one-stop solution to all your concerns regarding your kid’s education.

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  • Kids Learning

Essay on My Mother for Class 3 Students

Essays play a crucial role in every child's life, especially when they are at a very tender age. Writing an essay can help to develop a child's imagination, power and creativity. So, teach your kid today how to write a short essay and articulate their thoughts and feelings about a particular topic. 

The following essay about 'My Mother' will help all the Class 3 kids out there. Written by our highly qualified subject matter experts, these study materials will successfully serve as study material for all the Class 3 students and their parents. You can download the Vedantu app for further assistance.

Essay on My Mother

Each mother in this world is truly amazing for their children. I believe everyone should love and respect their mother, as she is the one who gave us life and brought us into this beautiful world. She is the one who raises us properly.

Kavita Gupta is my mother's name. My mother is my superhero and inspires me to be strong in the face of hardship. She has experienced numerous challenges and barriers in her life and has successfully overcome each one. She is a great homemaker.

She is extremely hardworking, and her dedication has made our lives much easier and more pleasant. She makes every attempt to improve the family's situation. In the mornings, she is the first one to get up and take care of the household chores, including cooking and laundry.

We, as a family, are really grateful for her devotion and effort. My father does not need to be under such stress when it comes to housework. She is the one who is in charge of nearly everything. She takes us to social gatherings such as weddings and birthday parties.

She has a pleasant personality. She has a large number of friends, and they frequently come to visit us. We also visit them on occasion. She maintains excellent relationships with our neighbours and relatives. The most significant aspect of her is that she never complains.

She is occupied with us, improving our lives. Except for a mother, I don't believe anyone can be so selfless. After God, my mother is the most important person in my life, which is why I respect and love her the most.

Mothers are always the first educators in a child's life. She is the first person in my life to teach me how to speak, walk, and recognise letters. I don't recall the days, but I am aware that she was the one who taught me my first poetry. Even so, she is an incredible instructor in my life now. She is always willing to help me with my schoolwork. She also assists me with my school's special assignments.

Mothers play a crucial role in our development as human beings. All mothers are concerned about their children. They enjoy looking after our entire family and us. There is no love like a mother's love for her kid. In the end, she is the most important person in my life. I respect my mother a lot as she is incredible and very loving.

Short Essay on My Mother

Every child is special to their mother and so is me to my mom. My mother's name is Seema Banerjee. She is a gynaecologist by profession. She works at the ABC Hospital in Bangalore. She works really hard. My mother is also my superhero. She inspires me a lot in every aspect of my life.

Besides her job, she looks after the entire family. My family consists of five members in total, my mom, dad, and my paternal grandparents. My mom wakes up every morning and gets me ready for school. My dad prepares breakfast. He helps my mom with many household chores as both of them are working.

Apart from her work and household chores, she helps me with my study and homework. She helps my dad and grandparents to take every important decision in their lives. 

She always prays for our health and takes care of us when we are unwell, like the way she takes care of her patient. I also want to be a doctor when I grow up. She is my role model. I always pray to God for her health and well being. 

In a nutshell, there's a shadow of God lying upon every mother. They are the real pillar of strength behind every child's success.

FAQs on My Mother

1. Why is Mother's Day celebrated and how did it begin?

On Mother's Day, people pay tribute to their mothers, as well as to motherhood and the role mothers play in society. It is celebrated on different days in different parts of the world, but most often in March or May.

It all started in 1908 when Anna Jarvis organised a memorial for her mother, Ann Jarvis. She was a peace activist who cared for the wounded soldiers of the American Civil War, and her daughter wanted to remember her.

Anna Jarvis started getting support for Mother's Day in the United States after her mother died in the same year. She started this task after her mother died. All the mothers in the world who have done a lot for their families and the rest of the world should be celebrated, she thought.

2. What are the small help that children can do to help their mothers?

Children may always lend a hand to their mothers in small but significant ways. They can organise their shoe cupboard and maintain a tidy home. They can also assist their mothers with grocery shopping and tidying up after meals. Children can assist in folding little items such as socks, handkerchiefs, vests, and other small items of clothing.

Additionally, children might stack their toys in a large box and store them inside the closet or storeroom.

3. Why mothers are so special?

Mothers always love and support their children. We all know that life is full of different things, and some of them aren't so good.

In the beginning, a child has to deal with things like this. It's the mother who makes sure that good always comes out on top.

Seeing through her eyes and having faith, a child can always see the light on the other side of the dark tunnel.

In any situation, kids always ask their moms for help and advice first.

4. How can 3rd graders' writing skills be improved?

It is very important to hone up the skills of the writing of your little writer. Below are some fun tips through which parents can inculcate improved writing skills in any child:

A regular reading helps students learn new words and increase their vocabulary.  

The "write the word" game is extremely fun for kids since they seek items and write down the word they find.

Create a worksheet where young children can trace letters and words.

Writing letters is a lost art nowadays. Encourage your youngster to write letters. It improves their writing skills.

Plan a fun journal outing with your child and encourage them to write in it frequently. 

5. What role does essay writing play in the development of communication skills of a 3rd-grade student?

Essay writing is one of the most crucial abilities that young children learn in Class 3. The first step in preparing an essay for students is to organise their thoughts. 

Next is the step to organise their thoughts into coherent paragraphs. Unlike other academic pursuits, essay writing allows kids to express their imagination. 

The more kids write essays, the better they will be able to convey their thoughts and imaginations. This will let them communicate successfully to a bigger audience.

Kids-learning • Class 3


WATCH: Bills' new stadium takes shape in year-long time-lapse

Kyle silagyi | 2 hours ago.

Jan 15, 2023; Orchard Park, NY, USA; Buffalo Bills fans cheer against the Miami Dolphins during the second half in a NFL wild card game at Highmark Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Gregory Fisher-USA TODAY Sports

  • Buffalo Bills | News, Scores, Schedules & Standings

The Buffalo Bills are currently in the midst of constructing a venue that will assure their presence in Western New York for the next three decades.

The team broke ground on the new Highmark Stadium on June 5, 2023, a state-of-the-art venue located directly across the street from the team’s current ground in Orchard Park, NY. The stadium, though far from completion, has actually taken the shape of a stadium over the past year; the Bills recently posted a year-long time-lapse of the construction process thus far, allowing fans to watch the site transform from a flat plot of land into the skeleton of a football palace. Fans can even catch a glimpse of 'the pit' at the halfway point.

You can check out the time-lapse below:

365 days ago today, we broke ground on New Bills Stadium! 😍 Don’t miss your chance to be part of our future: https://t.co/AeDlRWMPYo pic.twitter.com/bUo9w0yYGQ — Buffalo Bills (@BuffaloBills) June 5, 2024

Related: Bills coaching staff offers ‘clean slate’ to recent first-round pick CB

A new stadium has long been the Bills’ white whale, a pipedream that, at times, looked unattainable. With the team’s current venue now a half-century old, a new stadium was long viewed as integral to its long-term feasibility in Western New York. The franchise finally came to an agreement with the State of New York and Erie County on the construction of a new venue in March 2022 ; included in the deal was a 30-year lease that ties the Bills to Orchard Park for the next three decades.

The stadium is set to open in time for the 2026 NFL season. The Bills hope to display it in grand fashion soon after it opens, as the team is currently planning a bid to host the 2028 NFL Draft inside the new venue.

Kyle Silagyi


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Guest Essay

Jamie Raskin: How to Force Justices Alito and Thomas to Recuse Themselves in the Jan. 6 Cases

A white chain in the foreground, with the pillars of the Supreme Court Building in the background.

By Jamie Raskin

Mr. Raskin represents Maryland’s Eighth Congressional District in the House of Representatives. He taught constitutional law for more than 25 years and was the lead prosecutor in the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump.

Many people have gloomily accepted the conventional wisdom that because there is no binding Supreme Court ethics code, there is no way to force Associate Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas to recuse themselves from the Jan. 6 cases that are before the court.

Justices Alito and Thomas are probably making the same assumption.

But all of them are wrong.

It seems unfathomable that the two justices could get away with deciding for themselves whether they can be impartial in ruling on cases affecting Donald Trump’s liability for crimes he is accused of committing on Jan. 6. Justice Thomas’s wife, Ginni Thomas, was deeply involved in the Jan. 6 “stop the steal” movement. Above the Virginia home of Justice Alito and his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, flew an upside-down American flag — a strong political statement among the people who stormed the Capitol. Above the Alitos’ beach home in New Jersey flew another flag that has been adopted by groups opposed to President Biden.

Justices Alito and Thomas face a groundswell of appeals beseeching them not to participate in Trump v. United States , the case that will decide whether Mr. Trump enjoys absolute immunity from criminal prosecution, and Fischer v. United States , which will decide whether Jan. 6 insurrectionists — and Mr. Trump — can be charged under a statute that criminalizes “corruptly” obstructing an official proceeding. (Justice Alito said on Wednesday that he would not recuse himself from Jan. 6-related cases.)

Everyone assumes that nothing can be done about the recusal situation because the highest court in the land has the lowest ethical standards — no binding ethics code or process outside of personal reflection. Each justice decides for him- or herself whether he or she can be impartial.

Of course, Justices Alito and Thomas could choose to recuse themselves — wouldn’t that be nice? But begging them to do the right thing misses a far more effective course of action.

The U.S. Department of Justice — including the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, an appointed U.S. special counsel and the solicitor general, all of whom were involved in different ways in the criminal prosecutions underlying these cases and are opposing Mr. Trump’s constitutional and statutory claims — can petition the other seven justices to require Justices Alito and Thomas to recuse themselves not as a matter of grace but as a matter of law.

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    500+ Words Essay on Value of Time. Time refers to the indefinite continued progress of existence and events. Furthermore, these events occur from the past, through the present, and to the future. This explanation of time tells us one important truth. This truth is that time is a limited and precious resource.

  3. Essay on Time for Students In English

    Essay on Time: 500+ Words Essay on Time and Value of Time is provided here to help you in essay writing. Go through this essay and create your own essay. Moreover, practise essays on similar topics to improve the writing section. ... CBSE Class 3 Maths Syllabus; CBSE Class 3 EVS Syllabus; CBSE Class 3 English Syllabus; CBSE Class 3 Hindi ...

  4. Essay On Time for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Time. Essay On Time - Time is very precious and we should not waste it in any way. Likewise, we can earn the money we spent but we cannot get back the time we have lost. So, this makes the time more valuable than money. Hence, we should utilize the time in the most possible way.

  5. Value of Time Essay

    Short essay on Value of Time in English 150 words. Value of time essay can benefit for students of classes 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 in their exams and competitive exam aspirants. Time is man's friend. But that man, who has no respect for it, is the enemy of time. The value of time in our lives is enormous and elaborate.

  6. Value of Time Essay

    Learn about Value of Time Essay topic of English in details explained by subject experts on vedantu.com. Register free for online tutoring session to clear your doubts. ... CBSE class 3. CBSE class 4. CBSE class 5. CBSE class 6. CBSE class 7. CBSE class 8. CBSE class 9. CBSE class 10. CBSE class 11. CBSE class 12. NCERT. CBSE Study Material.

  7. 100, 200, 500 Words Value of Time Essay

    100 Words Essay on Value of Time. The most valuable resource in a person's life is time, which should never be wasted in any way. One will be more successful if one recognises the value of time. Time is often said to be more important than money. This is said because you can regain the money you spent but cannot regain time.

  8. Time Essay for Students in English

    CBSE class 3. CBSE class 4. CBSE class 5. CBSE class 6. CBSE class 7. CBSE class 8. CBSE class 9. CBSE class 10. CBSE class 11. CBSE class 12. NCERT. CBSE Study Material. CBSE Sample Papers. CBSE Syllabus. ... FAQs on Time Essay. Q1. Name Some Basic Ways to Value Time. Ans: The different ways to value time are:

  9. Essay on Time

    Essay on Time 500 Words in English. Below we have provided Importance of Time Essay in English, suitable for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Time is the duration in ...

  10. Essay on Value & Importance of Time For Children & Students

    The time is the most precious commodity that we all share equally. Read the following Essays that emphasize the value and importance of time in life. Sharing an essay on time, the value of time and importance of time for class 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12.

  11. Essay on Value of Time for Children and Students

    Value of Time Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Find paragraph, long and short essay on Value of Time for your Kids, Children and Students.

  12. Essay on Time Management for Students and Children

    Essay on time management-In today's scenario people are so busy in their lives that they are not getting time for themselves. In this Essay on Time Management will discuss Importance and How to Manage time ... Which class are you in? 5 th. 6 th. 7 th. 8 th. 9 th. 10 th. 11 th. 12 th. get started Get ready for all-new Live Classes! Now learn ...

  13. Most Frequently Asked English Essays For Class 3

    For third-grader students, the most common essay topics for Class 3 are My School, My Family, My Best Friend, etc. Practising English essay for Class 3 will definitely let your kid's thoughts and imagination pour onto the paper. Eventually, you will see exponential growth in the writing skills of your kid. Writing a short paragraph for Class ...

  14. Time For Class 3

    Formats of Time. There are two formats of time: the 12-hour format and the 24-hour format. Typically, we mostly use the 12-hour clock for timekeeping in our daily lives. However, the 24-hour clock is preferred by the railways, airlines and news media for precise time notation. It's important to know the difference between 12-hour time and 24 ...

  15. My School Essay for Class 3

    Tips to Write a Great 'My School Essay for Class 3' Students:-Word Limit. Identifying the essay's word limit is a great method of finishing the 'My School' essay on time, reviewing it completely, correcting the errors, and rechecking other answers to get good grades. The intro paragraph in this blog before the subheadline is 162 words.

  16. Essay for Class 3 Students and Children

    Essay on Holi for Class 3. Dussehra Essay for Class 3. Essay on Television for Class 3. Essay on National Flag for Class 3. Essay on Good Habits for Class 3. Republic Day Essay for Class 3. Essay on My Father for Class 3. Essay on Winter Season for Class 3. Essay on Earth Day for Class 3.

  17. My Classroom Essay for Class 3

    Long Essay on My Classroom of 150 Words. My classroom is present on the first floor of the school building. I love my classroom because it is windy and comfortable. The view outside our classroom is of trees and the sky. The students help to keep the classroom clean. My classroom at school is big and spacious.

  18. Essay for Class 3 Students and Children

    Essay on Holi for Class 3. Dussehra Essay for Class 3. Essay on Television for Class 3. Essay on National Flag for Class 3. Essay on Good Habits for Class 3. Republic Day Essay for Class 3. Essay on My Father for Class 3. Essay on Winter Season for Class 3. Essay on Earth Day for Class 3.

  19. Save Water Save Life Essay for Class 3 Students

    This essay written by the experts will aid in developing critical thinking and teach students how to write a beautiful essay on the above-mentioned topic: Save Water, Save Life. Essay 1: Save Water Save Life. Every living being needs water and air to stay alive. Water is very necessary for the existence of life on our planet.

  20. Time Management Tips for In-Class Essays

    3. Make an outline. This is arguably one of the most important time management tips for in-class essays. Once you've finished note-taking, start organizing your thoughts into an outline. You may feel tempted to immediately start writing the essay, but outlines are a great time management strategy: they help you structure your writing and give ...

  21. Marcellus boys lacrosse falls in Class D state final to 3-time

    Updated: Jun. 08, 2024, 3:02 p.m. | Published: Jun. 08, 2024, 1:08 p.m. Marcellus boys lacrosse was defeated by three-time state champion Cold Spring Harbor in the Class D boys lacrosse state ...

  22. Simple Essay on Rainy Day for Class 3 Kids

    Rain is crucial, not only as it makes the earth look so much more beautiful every time it hits the ground, but also because the growth of crops depends largely on the amount of rainfall. ... More Essays for Class 3. My School Paragraph for Class 3: My Family Essay for Class 3: My Neighbour Essay for Class 3: My Country Essay for Class 3:

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  24. My Mother Essay in English for Class 3 Students

    Short Essay on My Mother. Every child is special to their mother and so is me to my mom. My mother's name is Seema Banerjee. She is a gynaecologist by profession. She works at the ABC Hospital in Bangalore. She works really hard. My mother is also my superhero. She inspires me a lot in every aspect of my life.

  25. Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025

    Doug Mills/The New York Times. Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in ...

  26. WATCH: Bills' new stadium takes shape in year-long time-lapse

    Watch as the Buffalo Bills' new stadium takes shape over the course of one year. Jan 15, 2023; Orchard Park, NY, USA; Buffalo Bills fans cheer against the Miami Dolphins during the second half in ...

  27. Opinion

    In Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co., from 2009, the court held that a state supreme court justice was constitutionally disqualified from a case in which the president of a corporation appearing ...