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Dramatic Reading Speech Ideas

Kori Morgan

Types of Persuasive Communication

A dramatic reading is an assignment commonly given early in public speaking classes to increase students' comfort levels with speaking in front of an audience. You are typically required to select a short reading and communicate its message through expression. While reading someone else's work to a group might sound intimidating, you can have fun presenting a dynamic performance by choosing an appropriate text and carefully crafting your physical and verbal delivery.

Choosing a Selection

For your reading, choose a piece that fits your personality, talents and comfort level. If you are nervous about the presentation and want to lower your inhibitions, you might consider reading a children's book and showing the pictures. If you are more comfortable and enjoy reading out loud, you might pick a famous speech like the "Gettysburg Address" or a selection from a novel or short story. Be careful to consider your audience as you make your selection. Choosing something with bad language or offensive content could distract the audience from your presentation.


Your instructor may require you to present a brief introduction prior to your presentation, according to the website "Study Guides and Strategies." This introduction should note the title and author of your piece, as well as any context audiences might need. One approach is to write your introduction the same way you would if you were writing an essay on the same piece: Use an attention-getter to hook audiences, then explain the context and the message that the reading presents. Memorizing your introduction or writing it on a notecard can also enhance your professionalism as a speaker.

Verbal Delivery

The act of merely reading out loud becomes a dramatic reading when you use your voice to interpret the words. As with any speech, you should speak clearly and slowly, enunciating the words rather than blurring them together. The interpretative element enters when you vary the inflection and pacing of your voice according to the text's meaning. Reading quickly, for example, communicates heightened tension, while slowing down conveys a softer, more reflective mood. You can also take advantage of the power of silence; carefully placed pauses can create suspense and drama for listeners.

Eye Contact

Making eye contact is easy in a standard presentation or speech, but in dramatic readings, it can become more complicated. Although you are reading out loud, you need to be so familiar with the piece that you can look up at the audience regularly without losing your place. You can do this by highlighting and taking notes on the text, including at what points you will make eye contact and any physical gestures that might enhance the meaning. Even if you aren't required to memorize the piece, knowing it well will make you more comfortable and prepared.

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Kori Morgan holds a Bachelor of Arts in professional writing and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing and has been crafting online and print educational materials since 2006. She taught creative writing and composition at West Virginia University and the University of Akron and her fiction, poetry and essays have appeared in numerous literary journals.

Dramatic Readings

Lesson 6: Dramatic Readings

Lesson Objective: Students will be able to discern what works and does not work in a dramatic piece by reading and evaluating their own scripts and those of their peers during dramatic readings.

TH:Re8.1.8c - Apply personal aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs to evaluate a drama/theatre work.

Materials Needed: from 2:30 to the end.

Mindy Kaling’s “Why Not Me?” Excerpt Lesson 6.Why Not Me Excerpt

Watch from 2:30 to the end.

Why did I have you write scripts? What’s the point?

Remember that you have a voice and what you have to say is powerful and important. Be respectful of everyone’s individual voice as we read scripts today. If you’re not proud of what you turned in today, revise it. Change it. Turn it in again and show me what you really have to say.

Have students sit in a circle. We will only get through about 5 scripts today. Please, if you are excited to share your script, be patient, and know that we will be working with your scripts in the future so hold on to them when I pass them back.

Briefly explain that we are doing a dramatic reading. Writers may assign characters to read parts and readers can use emotion and vocal variation. But they do not need to act out elaborate scenes or get up. Writers should also assign someone to read stage directions if they are important or lengthy.

After all the dramatic readings, have students reflect on at least two scripts they heard today. Have them write about what they liked and what they did not like and WHY. What about their beliefs or personal preferences have they learned?

Have students gather in a semi-circle around you. Ask them to turn to a peer and take 30 seconds to talk about what they think it means to be confident. Have a few students share by raise of hand.

Read the excerpt from Why Not Me on Confidence.

What does Mindy Kaling say confidence is? How do we develop it? (Through hard work. We EARN what we receive, we believe we have done our best work, etc.)

Remind students that as we continue into the next unit in which they will be directing, rehearsing, and performing the scripts they have written, that revisions are REQUIRED and due one week from the day they receive feedback on their rough draft.

Why do you think I am requiring you to make revisions? How does this assignment relate to what we just read?

Finish class by saying something like this to students:

Everything we do in this class is for a purpose. I have asked you to write these scripts because you have a voice. I have asked you to revise your scripts because I want you to learn how to develop true and lasting confidence by working hard and creating and turning in things that you are proud of. I don’t want to just give you a trophy (or an A) for wearing cool clothes or turning in sloppy work. I want you to win trophies because what you have done is truly great, and because I see you making progress as creators.

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How to Perform a Dramatic Reading

You have been asked to read a story to an audience. Whether you are reading your own work or a story by a famous author, there is a lot more involved than just opening the book and reading aloud. A little preparation can ensure that your reading of the story is as memorable as the story itself.

Select a story. Make sure it is one that your audience can appreciate with a structure that will be easy to understand.

Analyze the story. In order to convey the story to your audience, you must thoroughly understand it. Read it several times. See if other writers and critics have written about the story.

Act each part. Each character with dialogue has a different way of speaking. The narrator also has a speaking style. Practice reading your story, acting the part of each character. Be excited when the character is excited, pause when the character would pause. Remember that it is a dramatic reading--it is your job to be dramatic!

Build toward the climax. Begin and end the story with low energy and make sure that your biggest gestures and loudest volume occur at the climax of the story.

Rehearse. You should know the story well enough that you can look up from the book and make eye contact with the audience without getting lost. Practice your gestures until they seem natural. You may want to record your rehearsal to see how you look and sound.

Perform the reading. Do not let nervousness make you forget all your hard work in preparing for the reading. Take a deep breath and a sip of water, then begin.

  • Give a short introduction to the story and the author before beginning to read.
  • If you elect to hold the book while reading, cradle it in one hand and use the other to gesture.
  • The bigger the audience is, the bigger your gestures will need to be. You will also need to read more slowly.

Things You'll Need

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How to be a successful Dramatic Reader

Dramatic reading is a form of storytelling where the reader brings the text to life through vocal expression, emotion, and a sense of performance. Unlike a theatrical performance, dramatic reading doesn’t usually include physical acting, costumes, or props. A successful dramatic reader is someone who can captivate an audience simply with their voice and emotional delivery. In this guide, we will explore the nuances of becoming a successful dramatic reader.

Understanding the Art of Dramatic Reading

Before we dive into the details, it’s important to understand what makes dramatic reading so captivating. It’s a unique combination of interpretation, vocal control, and an understanding of the text. Dramatic readers need to fully comprehend the narrative, themes, and characters to portray the story authentically.

Getting Started

Develop a passion for reading.

The first step is to develop a true love for reading. A successful dramatic reader is not only proficient in reading out loud, but also enjoys the process thoroughly. You should immerse yourself in a variety of genres and styles to broaden your understanding and appreciation of the written word.

Improve Your Understanding of the Text

Read with the intention to understand not just what is being said, but how it’s said, why it’s said, and the emotions behind it. Deep comprehension is essential to convey the text’s full meaning.

Develop Vocal Skills

A rich, expressive voice is a key tool. Work on clarity, diction, and tone. Practice reading aloud and record yourself to monitor your progress. Implement feedback and focus on improving your vocal range and control.

Technique and Interpretation

Annotation is key.

As you read, annotate the text. Note the emotions, the highs and lows of the narrative, and any keywords or phrases that need emphasis. This will serve as your roadmap during your performance.

Character Differentiation

If your text includes dialogue, you’ll need to differentiate the characters. This could mean altering your pitch, pace, or accent for each character. The goal is to make each voice recognizable to the audience.

Use Pauses Effectively

Pauses can be as expressive as words. They allow for emphasis and can signify transitions between moods or scenes. Understanding where and how to use silence is a skill that dramatically enhances your reading.

Practice Makes Perfect

Regular rehearsals.

Dedicate time to practice regularly. Read various texts aloud, experimenting with different voices, emotions, and techniques. Recording these sessions provides an opportunity to self-critique and refine your skills.

Master the Art of Breathing

Controlled breathing is essential for sustained vocal performance. Learn diaphragmatic breathing to support your voice and help with stamina during longer readings.

Embrace Public Speaking Opportunities

Seek out various platforms to practice your art. This can range from local book clubs and storytelling events to drama classes and online video platforms.

The Performance

Engage your audience.

Make eye contact if possible, and pay attention to your audience’s reactions. The ability to pivot and adapt your performance in real time based on your audience’s engagement is a mark of a professional.

Set the Scene

Even without props, your introduction can set the scene for your audience. Use descriptive language and establish the mood to spark your audience’s imagination.

Be Expressive

Allow your face to reflect the emotions you’re conveying. Even if only partially visible or even in audio form, this can change the tone of your voice and make your reading more genuine.


Though dramatic reading focuses on your voice, don’t ignore your body language. Use gestures and movements judiciously to complement your narration.

Advanced Techniques

Explore multiple genres.

To truly excel, do not limit yourself to one type of text. Explore various genres to challenge your skills and prevent pigeonholing your talent.

Professional Training

Professional dramatic readers often have acting or voice training. Consider taking voice acting classes or working with a speech coach to hone your craft.

Learn from the Masters

Study recordings of accomplished dramatic readers. Note their pacing, intonation, and how they bring characters to life. Try to emulate aspects of their style before developing your own.

Dramatic reading is a blend of passion, skill, interpretation, and performance. To be successful, you must nurture a genuine love for reading and storytelling. Through continuous practice, a willingness to learn, and the courage to perform, you can transform written words into a vivid, exhilarating experience for your audience. Embrace every opportunity to refine your techniques, seek feedback, and, most importantly, enjoy the journey of becoming a masterful dramatic reader. With dedication and perseverance, the world of dramatic reading is your stage.

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Dramatic Reading Remix

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  • Amy Wallace

dramatic reading assignment

For this assignment, take a song that you love, and record yourself doing a dramatic reading of the lyrics. Then take another piece of music (obviously without lyrics) and set your dramatic reading to it. This should result in something that sounds very different than the original song. Post both the original song (for comparrison) and your new dramatic reading remix in a blog post.

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Was it a sweet escape.

Original DS106 Assignment: Dramatic Reading Remix (4 stars)


? If you said goodbye to me tonight There would still be music left to write What else could I do –

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I quit my dreaming the moment that i found you..

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Put the Gun Down Song Reading

“big girls don’t cry”, clint eastwood has a reason, poetry slam, help someone else do this assignment.

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Summertime Feeling Dramatic Reading Remix

Anne of Avonlea - A Dramatic Reading Anne of Avonlea - A Dramatic Reading

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Windows on Arm finally has legs

Microsoft and qualcomm have convinced software developers to lean into their latest arm push..

By Tom Warren , a senior editor and author of Notepad , who has been covering all things Microsoft, PC, and tech for over 20 years.

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A photo of Microsoft’s 2024 Surface Laptop.

When I first used the Arm-powered Surface Pro X in 2019, I loved the hardware but disliked the software experience . Everything felt like it was lagging. Microsoft didn’t have native versions of Edge or its Office apps, and it was clear the Surface Pro X had been released too early. With little support from developers, Windows on Arm was unlikely to succeed.

Nearly five years later, the Windows on Arm experience has improved dramatically. Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon X Elite and X Plus processors deliver a Windows 11 experience that feels like any regular laptop. Microsoft and Qualcomm have also been pushing software developers to create more ARM64 native apps, and it has made a huge difference.

Apps like Photoshop, Dropbox, and Zoom are all native, as are entertainment apps like Spotify, Prime, and Hulu. Even Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Vivaldi, Edge, and Brave are all on Arm now. That’s a good start, but there are still many apps that will have to be emulated on these latest Copilot Plus PCs, which is where Microsoft’s Prism emulator comes in.

Microsoft claims Prism is as efficient as Apple’s Rosetta 2 translation layer and can emulate apps twice as fast as the previous generation of Windows on Arm devices. I’ve been testing the Surface Laptop over the past week and haven’t run into the erratic behavior I saw on Microsoft’s previous emulator, which also impacted battery life on the Surface Pro X. But I also haven’t seen the dramatic improvements in emulated app performance that Microsoft promised.

Microsoft’s claims are difficult to test without comparing previous Arm-based devices. YouTuber Gary Explains did exactly that , comparing the x86 or x64 versions of Firefox, Cinebench R23, and HandBrake on a Surface Pro X without Prism and then with the latest Windows 11 24H2 update that includes Prism.

A photo of Microsoft’s 2024 Surface Laptop.

Gary Explains found that Prism gave a 10 percent performance improvement in Speedometer 3 running on Firefox, an 8 percent jump in Cinebench R23 single core, and a 4.5 percent improvement in Cinebench R23 multicore compared to the previous emulator. HandBrake performance also improved by 8 percent thanks to Prism.

In my own testing, I’ve found that Prism handles compatibility for non-native apps well, but the performance varies depending on the complexity of the app. ShareX, a screenshot tool, works fine using the Prism emulator, but it’s a lightweight app. iA Writer and Notion aren’t native, but they run well on these latest Snapdragon chips, too. Discord also performs a lot better than I’ve seen on Arm in the past, but there’s still some occasional stuttering and a slight lag navigating between servers.

For more heavyweight apps, Prism doesn’t bring the experience up to what you’d find on an Intel- or AMD-powered laptop. Adobe’s Premiere Pro running emulated was practically unusable for editing a 4K video on the Surface Laptop, which is probably why Adobe is now blocking the installation of the x64 version on Snapdragon X Elite and Plus processors. An ARM64 version of Premiere Pro is planned for later this year.

Blender is another example of an emulated app with underwhelming performance. Blender doesn’t detect Qualcomm’s Adreno GPU, so everything hits the CPU instead. The performance for rendering projects is terrible as a result, with one test I performed taking more than 15 minutes to complete, compared to just over two minutes on a 13-inch MacBook Air M3. Blender will soon have a native ARM64 version, but I tested the early alpha copy, and it only marginally improved the results because it’s still not picking up the GPU correctly.

Intel has dominated the laptop GPU market with its integrated solutions for decades, so I suspect Qualcomm still needs to engage with developers of software like Blender to ensure apps are optimized for its GPUs. Blender illustrates that Microsoft’s Prism emulator can’t solve everything.

A hands-on photo of Microsoft’s 13.8-inch Surface Laptop.

Speaking of GPUs, games also don’t “just work” on the Snapdragon X Elite and X Plus, despite Qualcomm’s assurances. I didn’t make a big deal out of this for the Surface Laptop review because it’s not a gaming laptop, but gaming on Windows on Arm is disappointing right now. Shadow of the Tomb Raider kept crashing for me when I attempted to play, and most of the other games I tried just refused to launch. Fall Guys throws up an unsupported error, as does Halo Infinite . Destiny 2 didn’t even launch — no error, just a whole lot of nothing. Starfield did the same.

There aren’t many native Windows on Arm games, so Prism has its work cut out for it here. I managed to get Grand Theft Auto V working but with lots of frame stuttering. Cyberpunk 2077 also ran on the Surface Laptop 7th Edition but at around 26fps on average at low settings on 1080p resolution. The Witcher 3 , Baldur’s Gate 3 , Control , Rocket League , and Minecraft all worked out of the box, too.

The biggest issue here is that most anticheat services use kernel drivers that aren’t supported by emulation . BattlEye, a widely used anticheat service, is one of the rare exceptions that supports Windows on Arm, but it seems games like Destiny 2 that utilize this anticheat software will need to be updated to run properly here. Thankfully, there is a dedicated website that tracks which games are supported and run well. I’m not holding out much hope for Arm-powered gaming laptops anytime soon, though.

A lot of games use anticheat technologies that aren’t supported on Windows on Arm.

Another thing I’ve run into is apps just refusing to install. Google Drive is the big one here, as it throws up an error about the Windows architecture of Copilot Plus PCs not being supported. Google’s Drive app on Windows integrates into the shell much like Dropbox, which is something Microsoft didn’t originally support on Windows on Arm. There is, however, a native version of Dropbox that integrates into File Explorer, so hopefully Google is able to deliver a similar experience soon.

There are compatibility issues with external devices, too. I’ve seen reports about Brother printers and scanners not working well on Arm or simply that generic printer drivers don’t support all of the features you’d expect. There’s no easy quick fix for accessories that require driver support, and that’s only likely to come based on the sheer amount of people using these new Copilot Plus PCs. I’m less concerned about the driver issues here because I think most people will be able to plug in the type of accessories (webcams, printers, storage drives) you use on a laptop and have them up and running with the built-in drivers in Windows 11.

VPN apps are still an issue on Windows Arm, too. Bitdefender, NordVPN, and Private Internet Access don’t work. VPN developers use TAP and TUN virtual adapters and devices and need a signed driver from Microsoft to work correctly. Fortunately, Android Authority reports that VPN developers are working on ARM64 versions.

That’s encouraging because the last time I used Windows on Arm regularly in 2019 , I said, “Most of the apps I use on a daily basis haven’t been recompiled for ARM and probably never will be.” Now, it feels like app compatibility on Windows on Arm is changing on a daily basis, which is a scenario I wasn’t expecting to see five years ago.

While we’re in this transition point, you may need to use beta versions or download special builds of Windows apps that are ARM64 native — much like the macOS transition. That means the Windows Store versions of apps aren’t always ARM64, and you might be able to find the improved version on the web before the app store version is updated. That was the case initially with Slack earlier this month before the store version got updated.

Microsoft has some extra settings to control the Prism emulator.

For everything else, Microsoft does have some tools for power users that might improve app compatibility on Arm with existing unmodified x86 or x64 apps. There’s a program compatibility troubleshooter that can help enable or disable emulation settings, and you can also toggle these in the properties of an executable. You can control things like hybrid execution mode to force the use of x86-only binaries, disable floating point optimization that could impact performance, and much more. You can also modify how an emulated app uses multiple CPU cores, which might improve performance or compatibility in certain apps.

Ultimately, it’s down to app developers to focus on native ARM64 support for their apps. The sheer amount of native apps that are now available shows things are heading in the right direction. These new Qualcomm chips also provide the brute-force power to emulate apps a little better, alongside Microsoft’s Prism improvements. Day to day, I think most people won’t even run into app issues here because a lot of the key apps are already native or run well in emulation.

I’m confident a lot more ARM64 apps are still on the way. During my testing, benchmark tools and apps were updated to support ARM64, catching me by surprise. I’m willing to bet that we won’t be discussing Prism or emulated app performance as much in a year or two because native ARM64 apps will be as common as x64 apps are today after the transition from x86 began in the early 2000s. After 12 years of attempts to transition to Windows on Arm, it feels like Microsoft is finally about to succeed.

Notepad by Tom Warren /

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A new way to prevent HIV delivers dramatic results in trial

Maria Isabel Barros Guinle

A patient with AIDS at a community hospital in the Central African Republic. Sub-Saharan Africa has high rates of infection -- and was the location for a trial testing the effectiveness of a new strategy for preventing infection.

A patient with AIDS at a community hospital in the Central African Republic. Sub-Saharan Africa has high rates of HIV infection -- and was the location for a trial testing the effectiveness of a new strategy for preventing infection. Barbara Debout/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

For over a decade, taking a pill like Truvada every day has been the standard of care for HIV prevention efforts.

In clinical trials, this type of preventive drug, called pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), can be 99% effective in stopping new HIV infections from sex. In the real world, however, that is not always the case.

People don’t always take their pills. In a study in South Africa, women said they felt there was a stigma to the pill —- a sexual partner might assume they’re taking it because they already have HIV or because they have other partners.

Now a new trial —- called PURPOSE 1 —- points the way to a new preventive strategy —- a twice yearly injection of a drug called lenacapavir. The trial was sponsored by Gilead Sciences, the California-based maker of the drug.

In this double-blind, randomized study of 5,300 cisgender women in South Africa and Uganda, 2,134 got the injection and the others took one of two types of daily PrEP pills. The trial began on August 2021 and, so far, not a single woman who received the injections has contracted HIV. The participants who received either of the oral PrEP options, Truvada and Descovy, had infection rates of about 2% — consistent with the infection rates of oral PrEP in other clinical trials.

These results were significant enough for the Data Monitoring Committee —- an independent group of experts appointed to assess the progress of clinical trials —- to recommend that Gilead halt its blinded trial and offer lenacapavir to all study participants. On June 20, Gilead announced these results, and now, all participants can choose to receive the injection.

The study’s focus on women in sub-Saharan Africa is based on HIV data. Despite accounting for 10% of the world’s population, sub-Saharan Africans comprise two-thirds of people living with HIV – 25.7 million out of 38.4 million. And, every week, about 4,000 teen girls and young women in Africa are newly infected with HIV.

Early reaction is positive

The trial has yet to be peer-reviewed, but these early results have been met with excitement.

“It’s fantastic,” says Dr. Jason Zucker , an assistant professor of medicine and infectious disease expert at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. “It’s hard to take a medication every single day. A medication that is [given] every 6 months has a lot of potential.”

Dr. Philip Grant , clinical associate professor and director of the HIV clinic at Stanford University School of Medicine, agrees that lenacapvir could help fill a gap in prevention options. “It would be a big benefit in populations that have adherence challenges,” he says.

Despite being 99% effective in some trials, oral PrEP effectiveness drops significantly in the real-world. One study showed PrEP effectiveness to be as low as 26% in certain populations — men under age 30, for example.

“Medications work when you take them,” says Zucker. “A medication that is given every six months has a lot of potential because, essentially, if you can make two visits a year, you are protected for an entire 12 months.”

Advocacy groups have also expressed enthusiasm about lenacapavir’s preliminary results as a PrEP option. “Lenacapavir would be “a real game-changer,” particularly for people facing stigma and discrimination in low- and middle-income countries,” read a statement by People’s Medicines Alliance —- a global coalition of more than 100 organizations that span 33 countries and that advocate for making medications more accessible.

The drug isn't new; the usage is

Lenacapavir is not a new drug. It’s been approved by the FDA in the United States for multi-drug resistant HIV treatment since 2022 . But PURPOSE 1 is the first clinical trial to test it for HIV prevention.

The PURPOSE 1 trial is part of a larger initiative to improve HIV prevention across the global south. It is one of several studies that are part of ongoing efforts to end the HIV epidemic by 2030.

An ongoing PURPOSE 2 trial is analyzing lenacapavir’s efficacy among cisgender men, transgender men, transgender women and non-binary individuals who have sex with partners assigned male at birth in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, Thailand and the United States.

Any eventual approval and widespread use would come with challenges. According to an analysis presented at the 24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022), PrEP medications would need to cost less than $54 a year per patient for South Africa, for example, to afford them. Lenacapavir’s cost as HIV treatment in the United States in 2023 was $42,250 per new patient per year. Oral PrEP options, on the other hand, can cost less than $4 a month.

“The biggest gap in prevention isn’t medication, it’s accessing medications,” says Dr. Grant.

Activists across Uganda and South Africa [MIG5] have urged Gilead Sciences to license lenacapavir to the Medicines Patent Pool — a United Nations-backed organization that partners with governments, industry and other organizations to license medications. This would allow for manufacturing of generic versions of the drug at a fraction of the cost.

These activists fear that history will repeat itself: In 2021, cabotegravir. a long-acting injectable PrEP medication manufactured by ViiV Healthcare, was FDA-approved. The medication is more effective than oral options and only requires one injections every two months after the initiation period. But despite approval for generic versions of the medication, these versions still have to go through the World Health Organization review process to show they are equally effective to the brand version. Because this process takes time, generic cabotegravir will likely not be available in Africa until 2027 .

Since sharing lenacapavir’s early success , Gilead has announced that they intend to “deliver lenacapavir swiftly, sustainably and in sufficient volumes, if approved, to high-incidence, resource-limited countries.” Their access strategy includes developing a voluntary licensing program that would enable generic versions to be produced before the original patent expires. When NPR asked Dr. Jared Baeten, Gilead’s vice president of HIV Clinical Development, about timeframes, he said that estimates will depend on "another trial, a regulatory review and approval."

“Cost is going to play into this dramatically,” says Dr. Zucker, “I think and hope we will do everything we can to try to reduce barriers to access.”

  • HIV prevention


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