Creating a MS PowerPoint Presentation in Java

Last updated: January 8, 2024

create powerpoint presentation java

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1. Introduction

In this article, we’ll see how we can create a presentation using Apache POI .

This library gives us a possibility to create PowerPoint presentations, read existing ones, and to alter their content.

2. Maven Dependencies

To begin, we’ll need to add the following dependencies into our pom.xml :

The latest version of both libraries can be downloaded from Maven Central.

3. Apache POI

The Apache POI library supports both .ppt and .pptx files , and it provides the HSLF implementation for the Powerpoint ’97(-2007) file format and the XSLF for the PowerPoint 2007 OOXML file format.

Since a common interface doesn’t exist for both implementations, we have to remember to use the XMLSlideShow , XSLFSlide and XSLFTextShape classes when working with the newer .pptx file format .

And, when it’s required to work with the older .ppt format, use the HSLFSlideShow , HSLFSlide and HSLFTextParagraph classes.

We’ll use the new .pptx file format in our examples, and the first thing we have to do is create a new presentation, add a slide to it (maybe using a predefined layout) and save it.

Once these operations are clear, we can then start working with images, text, and tables.

3.1. Create a New Presentation

Let’s first create the new presentation:

3.2. Add a New Slide

When adding a new slide to a presentation, we can also choose to create it from a predefined layout. To achieve this, we first have to retrieve the XSLFSlideMaster that holds layouts (the first one is the default master):

Now, we can retrieve the XSLFSlideLayout and use it when creating the new slide:

Let’s see how to fill placeholders inside a template:

Remember that each template has its placeholders, instances of the XSLFAutoShape subclass, which could differ in number from one template to another.

Let’s see how we can quickly retrieve all placeholders from a slide:

3.3. Saving a Presentation

Once we’ve created the slideshow, the next step is to save it:

4. Working With Objects

Now that we saw how to create a new presentation, add a slide to it (using or not a predefined template) and save it, we can start adding text, images, links, and tables.

Let’s start with the text.

When working with text inside a presentation, as in MS PowerPoint, we have to create the text box inside a slide, add a paragraph and then add the text to the paragraph:

When configuring the XSLFTextRun , it’s possible to customize its style by picking the font family and if the text should be in bold, italic or underlined.

4.2. Hyperlinks

When adding text to a presentation, sometimes it can be useful to add hyperlinks.

Once we have created the XSLFTextRun object, we can now add a link:

4.3. Images

We can add images, as well:

However, without a proper configuration, the image will be placed in the top left corner of the slide . To place it properly, we have to configure its anchor point:

The XSLFPictureShape accepts a Rectangle as an anchor point, which allows us to configure the x/y coordinates with the first two parameters, and the width/height of the image with the last two.

Text, inside of a presentation, is often represented in the form of a list, numbered or not.

Let’s now define a list of bullet points:

Similarly, we can define a numbered list:

In case we’re working with multiple lists, it’s always important to define the indentLevel to achieve a proper indentation of items.

4.5. Tables

Tables are another key object in a presentation and are helpful when we want to display data.

Let’s start by creating a table:

Now, we can add a header:

Once the header is completed, we can add rows and cells to our table to display data:

When working with tables, it’s important to remind that it’s possible to customize the border and the background of every single cell.

5. Altering a Presentation

Not always when working on a slideshow, we have to create a new one, but we have to alter an already existing one.

Let’s give a look to the one that we created in the previous section and then we can start altering it:

presentation 1

5.1. Reading a Presentation

Reading a presentation is pretty simple and can be done using the XMLSlideShow overloaded constructor that accepts a FileInputStream :

5.2. Changing Slide Order

When adding slides to our presentation, it’s a good idea to put them in the correct order to have a proper flow of slides.

When this doesn’t happen, it’s possible to re-arrange the order of the slides. Let’s see how we can move the fourth slide to be the second one:

5.3. Deleting a Slide

It’s also possible to delete a slide from a presentation.

Let’s see how we can delete the 4th slide:

6. Conclusion

This quick tutorial has illustrated how to use the Apache POI API to read and write PowerPoint file from a Java perspective.

The complete source code for this article can be found, as always, over on GitHub .

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How to Create a MS PowerPoint Presentation in Java with a Maven Project?

In the software industry, presentations play a major role as information can be conveyed easily in a presentable way via presentations. Using Java, with the help of Apache POI, we can create elegant presentations. Let us see in this article how to do that.

Necessary dependencies for using Apache POI:

It has support for both .ppt and .pptx files. i.e. via 

  • HSLF implementation is used for the Powerpoint 97(-2007) file format 
  • XSLF implementation for the PowerPoint 2007 OOXML file format.

There is no common interface available for both implementations. Hence for 

  • .pptx formats, XMLSlideShow, XSLFSlide, and XSLFTextShape classes need to be used.
  • .ppt formats, HSLFSlideShow, HSLFSlide, and HSLFTextParagraph classes need to be used.

Let us see the example of creating with .pptx format

Creation of a new presentation:

Next is adding a slide

Now, we can retrieve the XSLFSlideLayout and it has to be used while creating the new slide

Let us cover the whole concept by going through a sample maven project.

Example Maven Project

Project Structure:

As this is the maven project, let us see the necessary dependencies via pom.xml

" " ">

In this file below operations are seen

  • A new presentation is created
  • New slides are added
  • save the presentation as

We can write Text, create hyperlinks, and add images. And also the creation of a list, and table are all possible. In general, we can create a full-fledged presentation easily as well can alter the presentation by adjusting the slides, deleting the slides, etc. Below code is self-explanatory and also added comments to get an understanding of it also.


We can able to get the presentation got created according to the code written and its contents are shown in the image below

We can test the same by means of the below test file as well

Output of JUnit:

We have seen the ways of creating of presentation, adding text, images, lists, etc to the presentation as well as altering the presentation as well. Apache POI API is a very useful and essential API that has to be used in software industries for working with the presentation.


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Create PowerPoint PPT PPTX Presentations in Java

PowerPoint presentations let you create attractive slide slows containing text, graphics, charts, animations, and other elements to make your presentations appealing. In this article, you are going to learn how to implement PowerPoint automation features from within Java applications. Particularly, we will cover how to create PowerPoint PPT or PPTX presentations from scratch in Java . In addition, we will demonstrate how to insert various types of elements in the slides programmatically.

  • Java API to Create PowerPoint Presentations - Free Download
  • Create a PowerPoint PPT in Java
  • Open an Existing PowerPoint PPT
  • Add Slide to a PowerPoint PPT/PPTX
  • Add Text to a Slide in PPT
  • Create a Table in PowerPoint PPT
  • Add an Image to PPT/PPTX

Java API to Create PowerPoint Presentations - Free Download #

For implementing the PowerPoint automation features, Aspose offers Aspose.Slides for Java . It is a high-speed API that makes it quite easier for you to create, edit, convert, and manipulate PowerPoint PPT/PPTX from within your Java applications. You can either download the API or install it within your Maven-based applications using the following configurations.

Create a PowerPoint Presentation in Java #

To begin with the PowerPoint automation, let’s first create an empty presentation document and save it as a PPTX file. The following are the steps to create a presentation document.

  • Create an instance of the Presentation class.
  • Save it as PPTX using, SaveFormat) method.

The following code sample shows how to create a PowerPoint PPT using Java.

Edit a PowerPoint PPT in Java #

Aspose.Slides for Java also allows you to open existing PowerPoint presentations in order to update their content. The following are the steps to load a PowerPoint PPTX file.

  • Create an instance of the Presentation class and provide the PPTX file’s path to its constructor.
  • Update the content of the presentation.
  • Save the updated presentation using, SaveFormat) method.

The following code sample shows how to open an existing PowerPoint presentation using Java.

Add Slide to a PPT in Java #

Let’s now have a look at how to add slides to a presentation document. This can be done either for a new presentation or an existing one. The following are the steps to add slides to a PowerPoint PPT in Java.

  • Instantiate ISlideCollection class by setting a reference to the Presentation.getSlides() .
  • Add an empty slide to the presentation using ISlideCollection.addEmptySlide(ILayoutSlide) method exposed by ISlideCollection object.

The following code sample shows how to add slides to a PowerPoint PPT in Java.

Create PPT and Add Text in Java #

Once you have created a presentation and added slides to it, you can start inserting different elements into it. First of all, let’s have a look at the steps of adding text to a slide using Aspose.Slides for Java.

  • Get the reference of the slide you want to add the text to in the ISlide object.
  • Add a rectangle using ISlide.getShapes().addAutoShape() method and get its reference in IAutoShape object.
  • Add a TextFrame to the shape containing the default text.
  • Set the properties of the text such as fill color, fill type, etc.

The following code sample shows how to add text to a PowerPoint PPTX in Java.

Create Table in PowerPoint PPTX in Java #

Table is an important element that is used to organize the content in the form of rows and columns. For adding table to a slide, you can following the below steps.

  • Get the reference of the slide you want to add the text to.
  • Create an array of columns’ width.
  • Create an array of rows’ height.
  • Add a Table to the slide using ISlide.getShapes().addTable() method and get its reference to ITable object.
  • Iterate through each cell to apply formatting to the Top, Bottom, Right and Left Borders.
  • Add some text to the cell.

The following code sample shows how to create a table in PowerPoint PPTX using Java.

Learn more about working with tables using this article .

Add an Image in PowerPoint PPTX in Java #

The following are the steps to add an image in a PowerPoint presentation using Java.

  • Get the reference of the slide in the ISlide object.
  • Create an object of IPPImage class.
  • Add image to the presentation using Presentation.getImages().addImage(FileInputStream) method.
  • Add the image as a picture frame to the slide with the height and width equivalent of the image.

The following code sample shows how to add image to a PowerPoint PPT in Java.

Live example: Want to see a simple implementation of Aspose APIs? Check out this online Viewer app used to open and read presentations.

API to Create PowerPoint PPT in Java - Get a Free License #

You can use Aspose.Slides for Java without evaluation limitations by getting a free temporary license .

Conclusion #

In this article, you have learned how to create PowerPoint PPT or PPTX presentations from scratch in Java. Furthermore, the steps and code samples have demonstrated how to insert slides, text, images, and tables in new or existing PPT/PPTX presentations. Moreover, you can explore about the Java PowerPoint API using documentation .

  • Convert PowerPoint to PDF using Java

Apache POI PPT Tutorial

  • Apache POI PPT Tutorial
  • Apache POI PPT - Home
  • Apache POI PPT - Overview
  • Apache POI PPT - Java API Flavors
  • Apache POI PPT - Installation
  • Apache POI PPT - Classes & Methods

Apache POI PPT - Presentation

  • Apache POI PPT - Slide Layouts
  • Apache POI PPT - Slide Management
  • Apache POI PPT - Images
  • Apache POI PPT - Creating Hyperlinks
  • Apache POI PPT - Reading Shapes
  • Apache POI PPT - Formatting Text
  • Apache POI PPT - Merging
  • Apache POI PPT - PPT to Image
  • Apache POI PPT Resources
  • Apache POI PPT - Quick Guide
  • Apache POI PPT - Useful Resources
  • Apache POI PPT - Discussion
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Generally, we use MS-PowerPoint to create presentations. Now let us see how to create presentations using Java. After completion of this chapter, you will be able to create new MS-PowerPoint presentations and open existing PPTs with your Java program.

Creating Empty Presentation

To create an empty presentation, you have to instantiate the XMLSlideShow class of the org.poi.xslf.usermodel package −

Save the changes to a PPT document using the FileOutputStream class −

Given below is the complete program to create a blank MS-PowerPoint presentation.

Save the above Java code as , and then compile and execute it from the command prompt as follows −

If your system environment is configured with the POI library, it will compile and execute to generate a blank PPT file named example1.pptx in your current directory and display the following output on the command prompt −

The blank PowerPoint document appears as follows −

Example PowerPoint

Editing an Existing Presentation

To open an existing presentation, instantiate the XMLSlideShow class and pass the FileInputStream object of the file to be edited, as an argument to the XMLSlideShow constructor.

You can add slides to a presentation using the createSlide() method of the XMLSlideShow class which is in the org.poi.xslf.usermodel package.

Given below is the complete program to open and add slides to an existing PPT −

Save the above Java code as , and then compile and execute it from the command prompt as follows −

It will compile and execute to generate the following output −

The output PPT document with newly added slides looks as follows −

Edit Example

After adding slides to a PPT, you can add, perform, read, and write operations on the slides.

Create PowerPoint Presentation in Java with Apache POI API

In our previous article, we introduced the Apache POI components for working with PowerPoint presentation files. We had a look at the HSLF (Horrible Slide Layout Format) and XSLF (XML Slide Layout Format) APIs offered by Apache POI. In this article, we’ll see how to create presentations in Java and save these as PPTX files .

System Requirements

Before you begin, make sure that your system meets the following requirements.

  • JDK – Java SE 2 JDK 1.5 or above
  • Memory – 1 GB Ram
  • Operating System – Windows/ Linux/ Mac OS

Setting Up Development Environment for Apache POI

You’ll need a Java development environment such as Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or any other IDE you’re comfortable with to work with the Apache POI library in your application. Next is to add Apache POI Maven dependency in your application’s pom.xml file as shown below.

Creating Empty Presentation in Java

Now that your development is ready, let’s dive into writing the code for creating our first blank PowerPoint Presentation.

When you open the saved file, you will see that the Presentation opens with Microsoft PowerPoint and doesn’t have any slides in it. This is the default behavior when creating a PowerPoint presentation with Apache POI.

Add Slides to PowerPoint Presentation in Java

The above code sample created an empty PowerPoint presentation without any slides. In order to create a new presentation with slides, use the createSlide method of the XMLSlideShow class as shown in the updated code sample below.

The createSlide method of the XMLSlideShow class is used to add a blank slide to the presentation. This method returns an object of the XSLFSlide class that can be further used to add content to the slide and work with its properties.

Apache POI components for working with PowerPoint presentation files let you create and edit PowerPoint PPT and PPTX files from within your Java application. In our upcoming blogs, we’ll further demonstrate the usage of Apache POI Java components for working with PowerPoint presentations. So, stay tuned.

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How to Create PowerPoint Presentation using Java

In this simple topic, we will walk you through how to create PowerPoint Presentation using Java in MS Windows, macOS, or Ubuntu operating systems. This topic covers the detailed steps to set up the environment and by using a few lines of easy code in Java PPT presentation can be generated.

Steps to Generate PowerPoint Presentation in Java

  • Download and install Aspose.Slides for Java from the Maven repository
  • Instantiate the Presentation class object to create an empty presentation
  • Create a blank slide and add that to the presentation slides collection
  • Using the AddAutoShape method, insert a Rectangle shape in the newly created slide
  • Insert a text frame using the addTextFrame method and set the text related properties
  • Save the presentation on the disk in PPTX format

The aforementioned steps in Java create PPTX file on the disk using the simple API interface and with no dependence on PowerPoint. Firstly, an empty presentation is created using the Presentation class instance, which is followed by adding a blank slide inside the presentation. Then, a text frame is added inside the shape and its respective textual properties are set before saving the presentation on the disk using the save method.

Code to Create PowerPoint Presentation using Java

In Java presentation can be generated using a few lines of code as given in the above example. You may also save the presentation in the other formats like PPT, PPS, PPSX, ODP, POT and POTX using the SaveFormat enumerator. The text inside the presentation can be customized by using the different options exposed by the ParagraphFormat and PortionFormat classes which include setting the options like text wrapping, text autofit, indentations, margins, bullets, text highlighting and strike-through.

In this topic, we have learned how using Java PowerPoint presentation in different formats can be created. If you are interested in converting presentation slides to SVG, please visit the details mentioned in the article on how to convert PPTX to SVG using Java .

Updated on 11 May 2022

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// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a presentation file
Presentation presentation = new Presentation("presentation.pptx");
// Access first slide
ISlide sld = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0);
// Instantiate the IPPImage class
IPPImage imgx = null;
try {
// Add image to slide
imgx = presentation.getImages().addImage(new FileInputStream(new File("greentick.png")));
catch (IOException e) {
// Add Picture Frame with height and width equivalent of Picture
sld.getShapes().addPictureFrame(ShapeType.Rectangle, 50, 150, imgx.getWidth(), imgx.getHeight(), imgx);
// Save presentation"NewPresentation.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a presentation file
Presentation presentation = new Presentation("presentation.pptx");
// Access the slides collection
ISlideCollection slds = presentation.getSlides();
for (int i = 0; i < presentation.getLayoutSlides().size(); i++) {
// Add an empty slide to the Slides collection
// Save presentation"NewPresentation.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a presentation file
Presentation presentation = new Presentation("presentation.pptx");
// Access first slide
ISlide sld = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0);
// Define columns with widths and rows with heights
double[] dblCols = { 50, 50, 50 };
double[] dblRows = { 50, 30, 30, 30, 30 };
// Add table shape to slide
ITable tbl = sld.getShapes().addTable(100, 50, dblCols, dblRows);
// Set border format for each cell
for (int row = 0; row < tbl.getRows().size(); row++) {
for (int cell = 0; cell < tbl.getRows().get_Item(row).size(); cell++) {
// Merge cells 1 & 2 of row 1
tbl.mergeCells(tbl.getRows().get_Item(0).get_Item(0), tbl.getRows().get_Item(1).get_Item(0), false);
// Add text to the merged cell
tbl.getRows().get_Item(0).get_Item(0).getTextFrame().setText("Merged Cells");
// Save presentation"NewPresentation.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a presentation file
Presentation presentation = new Presentation("presentation.pptx");
// Get the first slide
ISlide sld = (ISlide) presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0);
// Add an AutoShape of Rectangle type
IAutoShape ashp = sld.getShapes().addAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 150, 75, 150, 50);
// Add ITextFrame to the Rectangle
ashp.addTextFrame("Hello World");
// Change the text color to Black (which is White by default)
// Change the line color of the rectangle to White
// Remove any fill formatting in the shape
// Save presentation"NewPresentation.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a presentation file
Presentation presentation = new Presentation();
// Get the first slide
ISlide slide = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0);
// Add content to slide...
// Save presentation"NewPresentation.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a presentation file
Presentation presentation = new Presentation("presentation.pptx");
// Get the first slide
ISlide slide = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0);
// add or update content to slide...
// Save presentation"NewPresentation.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
  •   Presentation
  •   Java
  •   Aspose.Slides for Java

Aspose.Slides for Java

Create & convert excel spreadsheets via java api, java powerpoint presentation library to create, edit, merge, clone, protect, convert and manipulate powerpoint ppt, pptx presentations..

Aspose.Slides for Java is a very powerful API helping software developers to generate, manipulate and convert PowerPoint presentations inside their own Java applications without using Microsoft PowerPoint or any other applications. With its easy-to-use interface and well-documented code examples, it's a great choice for developers looking to add PowerPoint functionality to their Java applications.

Aspose.Slides for Java API enables software programmers to save presentations in a variety of formats, as well as convert presentations from one format to another with just a couple of lines of Java code. It allows conversion to PPT, OOXML presentation format (PPTX), PDF, XPS, TIFF, ODP, HTML, and many more. Moreover, it also supports conversion from PPT to PPTX, ODP to PPTX Conversion, presentation slides to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format, render presentation slides to TIFF, PNG, BMP, JPEG, and GIF, and many more.

Aspose.Slides for Java is an advanced and versatile API with a wide range of features and support for multiple platforms and PowerPoint versions. The library supports creating presentations from scratch, modifying existing presentations, applying formatting and styling, inserting charts and diagrams, inserting new slides, adding slide transitions, adding animations to slides, text animations as well as object animations, and many more. The library also provided support for different versions of PowerPoint including PowerPoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019, and also supports the new Open XML format used in PowerPoint 2007 and later.

  • At a Glance

Platform Independence

  • Supported File Formats

At A Glance

An overview of Aspose.Slides for Java features.

  • Generate presentations
  • Modify presentations
  • Manipulate presentations
  • Compare presentations
  • Clone Slides
  • Join presentations
  • Copying masters
  • Text Searching
  • Encrypt presentations
  • creating Pivot Tables
  • Importing formula
  • Add Comments
  • Preview slides
  • Render Presentations
  • Presentation to HTML
  • Apply font styles
  • Slides to images
  • Slides to SVG
  • Text alignments
  • Add slide notes
  • Creating tables
  • Presentation to XPS
  • Presentation to MHTML
  • PPT to PPTX

Aspose.Slides for Java supports popular Microsoft PowerPoint file formats listed below.


Aspose.Slides for Java only requires JDK 1.6 and above.

Getting Started with Aspose.Slides for Java

Aspose hosts all Java APIs on Maven repositories. You can use Aspose.Slides for Java API directly in your Maven projects with simple configurations. Specify Aspose Maven Repository configuration/location in your Maven pom.xml this way.

Maven repository for Aspose.Slides for Java

Create & manipulate presentations via java api.

Aspose.Slides for Java API enables software developers to create and manipulate PowerPoint presentations inside their own Java application. The library also supports opening existing presentations and makes changes to it and save it back in various file formats. You can also open password protected presentations as well as very large presentation with ease. The library also supports merging existing presentation, add new slide to existing, apply new formatting to slides, examine existing presentation, get properties of existing presentations, and so on.

Creating Presentations & Add a Line to First Slide via .NET API

Presentations conversion to pdf, xps, odp via java api.

Aspose.Slides for Java library gives software developers the ability to convert PowerPoint presentations to various file formats with just a couple of lines of Java code. It supports conversion to PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX), OpenDocument (ODP), PDF, HTML, PDF/A, XPS, SWF Flash, and image (JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF) files. Developers can specify different options while saving the presentation, such as password protection, encryption, and more. The library is designed to work seamlessly with Java applications making it an ideal solution for developers who need to convert PowerPoint presentations as part of their application's workflow.

Convert Presentation to PDF in Notes Slide View via .NET API

Secure presentation using java api.

Aspose.Slides for Java has provided the capability to secure their PowerPoint presentation inside Java applications. The library has included numerous functions for securing their presentations, such as secure presentations by setting password protection, Digital Signature same like PowerPoint, Add Text Watermark or image watermark to slide and many more. This can also be done by using the built-in encryption options available in the API, such as setting a password for opening the presentation, restricting editing or printing of the presentation, and setting permissions for different users.

How to Encrypt a Presentation via C# API

Create & manage charts in presentation via java.

There are several libraries in Java that can be used to create and manage charts in presentations. Aspose.Slides for Java is a powerful tool for creating and managing charts in presentations. The library allows too easily add charts to presentations, customize their appearance and data, and even create charts from scratch. The library supports various types of charts, such as doughnut chart, data points of treemap and sunburst chart, 3D chart, bubble chart, pie chart and so on. Once you have created a chart, you can easily customize its appearance and data by using the various properties and methods of the Chart class. For example, you can change the chart type, set the axis labels, add data series, and more. 

Creating Funnel Charts in Presentation's Slide via .NET API

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Generate PowerPoint 2007/2010 file using Java

Does anyone know of any API (commercial or open-source) that can generate/edit PowerPoint 2007/2010 presentations through Java. I have a template in the PowerPoint 2007/2010 format that I require to edit/update. So far I have been converting the .pptx file to xml and then editing and storing it back as .pptx. But the file gets corrupted while opening.

Is anyone aware of any other method or API that do this in Java?

  • presentationml

Todd Main's user avatar

  • I'm assuming that it actually gets corrupted while saving and that you're getting the message when opening. That said, is Java based... –  Travis Gockel Commented Jan 28, 2010 at 6:27

6 Answers 6

We have done it programmatically (closed source at the moment, sorry) so might be able to help, but beware of a few gotchas.

One is that the POI project (at least when we looked at it last year), was quite incomplete. It didn't do PPTX Charts - which is the one feature we wanted. Infact the POI site may not be upto date, but they don't appear to support PowerPoint 20087 format ( ). Everybody recommends this project, but our evaluation was that it was pretty much useless for generating PowerPoint 2007 files via Java. Your milage may vary.

Apose also had some significant limitations when we looked at it; not doing Charts in PowerPoint 2007 being the blocking issue for us.

Another issue is that PowerPoint 2007 can be quite buggy. We have had a number of progammatically produced PPT files that caused lock ups, but when testing, we found that we can repro crashes and lock ups with simple PPTX documents created in PowerPoint 2007 - i.e. not our code.

In the end, we did the following: Unpacked a 'template' PowerPoint file to a folder, then on demand, filled the template XML with new values, zipped it up, renaming various elements & delivered it to the user as a valid PPTX. Works OK, other than the odd PowerPoint crash when people edit the file. If there was a market for it, I guess we could package up the code as a webservice (i.e xml/csv -> PPTX) or put together a commerical package, but we wouldn't do it for free.

GrantB's user avatar

docx4j (apache license) now includes a pptx4j component, which can open/edit/save pptx documents.

JasonPlutext's user avatar

Yes. Check this out , they just released version 3.6 which now supports Office 2007 format documents. The best part is that it's free!

James's user avatar

To generate a PowerPoint presentation from a template file, you can use PPT Templates .

This library provides a fluent API to replace variables inside the PPT template:

With this library, you can process text and images in the template.

amanteaux's user avatar

Another solution that may work for you is Windward Reports (disclaimer, I'm the founder & CEO there). It uses PPTX as one of the supported template formats and merges in data to then generate a PPTX (or PDF, etc.) output.

If the edit/update you need can be handled via the data tags in Windward, this should be trivial for you. If what you need cannot be handled by the tags, then this won't work for you.

David Thielen's user avatar

Well as mentioned by GrantB best way is to create a template , then load the template , traverse the xml graph ,update the data and stream out to a output ppt. We recently did it to generate reports for clients that had complex visuals and charts in ppt. You can have a look here generate ppt in java

sayannayas's user avatar

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create powerpoint presentation java

  •   Aspose.Slides

Create, Edit and Convert PowerPoint Presentations with Aspose.Slides

Aspose.slides is a api that enables you to work with powerpoint presentations programmatically. you can create, edit and convert presentations in various formats, such as ppt, pptx, pps, odp, pdf, html, svg, tiff, xps, and more. you can also manipulate the content and appearance of slides, shapes, text, images, animations, transitions, charts, tables, and other elements., aspose.slides high code apis include, aspose.slides low code apis include, aspose.slides no code apps include, what people are saying.

Don't just take our word for it. See what users have to say about Aspose.Slides.

We have found Aspose.Slides to be easy to use and to work nicely on our ASP.Net servers. We have found they fill an important need for dynamically generating files to expand our reach beyond the traditional web application. Rick Joi | Workplace Dynamics, UK

The product worked as advertised, the documentation was easy to follow, and the support forums were all the help we needed. The final solution that we deployed has exceeded our initial expectations by a great deal. Bruce Brien | Stratascope Inc, USA

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Create or Update PowerPoint Presentation Charts in Java

This article describes how to create PowerPoint Presentation Charts in the Java . You can also update the charts in Java . It covers these topics.

Chart : Normal

  • Java Create PowerPoint Chart
  • Java Create Presentation Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Presentation Chart

Chart : Scattered

  • Java Create Scattered Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Scattered Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Presentation Scattered Chart

Chart : Pie

  • Java Create Pie Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Pie Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Presentation Pie Chart

Chart : Tree Map

  • Java Create Tree Map Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Tree Map Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Presentation Tree Map Chart

Chart : Stock

  • Java Create Stock Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Stock Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Presentation Stock Chart

Chart : Box and Whisker

  • Java Create Box and Whisker Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Box and Whisker Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Presentation Box and Whisker Chart

Chart : Funnel

  • Java Create Funnel Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Funnel Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Presentation Funnel Chart

Chart : Sunburst

  • Java Create Sunburst Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Sunburst Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Presentation Sunburst Chart

Chart : Histogram

  • Java Create Histogram Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Histogram Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Presentation Histogram Chart

Chart : Radar

  • Java Create Radar Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Radar Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Presentation Radar Chart

Chart : Multi Category

  • Java Create Multi Category Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Multi Category Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Presentation Multi Category Chart

Chart : Map

  • Java Create Map Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Map Chart
  • Java Create PowerPoint Presentation Map Chart

Action : Update Chart

  • Java Update PowerPoint Chart
  • Java Update Presentation Chart
  • Java Update PowerPoint Presentation Chart

Create Chart

Charts help people to quickly visualize data and gain insights, which may not be immediately obvious from a table or spreadsheet.

Why Create Charts?

Using charts, you get to

  • aggregate, condense, or summarize large amounts of data on a single slide in a presentation
  • expose patterns and trends in data
  • deduce the direction and momentum of data over time or with respect to a specific unit of measurement
  • spots outliers, aberrations, deviations, errors, nonsensical data, etc.
  • communicate or present complex data

In PowerPoint, you can create charts through the insert function, which provides templates used to design many types of charts. Using Aspose.Slides, you can create regular charts (based on popular chart types) and custom charts.

Creating Normal Charts

Steps: Create Chart

  • Steps: Create PowerPoint Chart in Java
  • Steps: Create Presentation Chart in Java
  • Steps: Create PowerPoint Presentation Chart in Java

Code Steps:

  • Create an instance of the Presentation class.
  • Get a slide’s reference through its index.
  • Add a chart with some data and specify your preferred chart type.
  • Add a title for the chart.
  • Access the chart data worksheet.
  • Clear all the default series and categories.
  • Add new series and categories.
  • Add some new chart data for the chart series.
  • Add a fill color for chart series.
  • Add labels for the chart series.
  • Write the modified presentation as a PPTX file.

This Java code shows you how to create a normal chart:

Creating Scattered Charts

Scattered charts (also known as scattered plots or x-y graphs) are often used to check for patterns or demonstrate correlations between two variables.

You may want to use a scattered chart when

  • you have paired numerical data
  • you have 2 variables that pair well together
  • you want to determine whether 2 variables are related
  • you have an independent variable that has multiple values for a dependent variable

Steps: Create Scattered Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Scattered Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Presentation Scattered Chart in Java

  • Please follow the steps mentioned above in Creating Normal Charts
  • ChartType.ScatterWithMarkers - Represents Scatter Chart.
  • ChartType.ScatterWithSmoothLinesAndMarkers - Represents Scatter Chart connected by curves, with data markers.
  • ChartType.ScatterWithSmoothLines - Represents Scatter Chart connected by curves, without data markers.
  • ChartType.ScatterWithStraightLinesAndMarkers - Represents Scatter Chart connected by lines, with data markers.
  • ChartType.ScatterWithStraightLines - Represents Scatter Chart connected by lines, without data markers.

This Java code shows you how to create a scattered charts with a different series of markers:

Creating Pie Charts

Pie charts are best used to show the part-to-whole relationship in data, especially when the data contains categorical labels with numeric values. However, if your data contains many parts or labels, you may want to consider using a bar chart instead.

Steps: Create Pie Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Pie Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Presentation Pie Chart in Java

  • Obtain a slide’s reference by its index.
  • Add a chart with default data along with the desired type (in this case, ChartType .Pie).
  • Access the chart data IChartDataWorkbook .
  • Clear the default series and categories.
  • Add new chart data for the chart series.
  • Add new points for charts and add custom colors for the pie chart’s sectors.
  • Set labels for series.
  • Set leader lines for series labels.
  • Set the rotation angle for pie chart slides.
  • Write the modified presentation to a PPTX file

This Java code shows you how to create a pie chart:

Creating Line Charts

Line charts (also known as a line graphs) are best used in situations where you want demonstrate changes in value over time. Using a line chart, you can compare lots of data at once, track changes and trends over time, highlight anomalies in data series, etc.

  • Add a chart with default data along with the desired type (in this case, ChartType.Line ).
  • Access the chart data IChartDataWorkbook.

This Java code shows you how to create a line chart:

By default, points on a line chart are joined by straight continuous lines. If you want to the points to be joined by dashes instead, you can specify your preferred dash type this way:

Creating Tree Map Charts

Tree map charts are best used for sales data when you want to show the relative size of data categories and (at the same time) quickly draw attention to items that are large contributors to each category.

Steps: Create Tree Map Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Tree Map Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Presentation Tree Map Chart in Java

  • Create an instance of the  Presentation  class.
  • Add a chart with default data along with the desired type (in this case, ChartType .TreeMap).

This Java code shows you how to create a tree map chart:

Creating Stock Charts

Steps: Create Stock Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Stock Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Presentation Stock Chart in Java

  • Add a chart with default data along with the desired type ( ChartType .OpenHighLowClose).
  • Specify HiLowLines format.

Sample Java code used to create a stock chart:

Creating Box and Whisker Charts

Steps: Create Box and Whisker Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Box and Whisker Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Presentation Box and Whisker Chart in Java

  • Add a chart with default data along with the desired type ( ChartType .BoxAndWhisker).

This Java code shows you how to create a box and whisker chart:

Creating Funnel Charts

Steps: Create Funnel Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Funnel Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Presentation Funnel Chart in Java

  • Add a chart with default data along with the desired type ( ChartType .Funnel).

The Java code shows you how to create a funnel chart:

Creating Sunburst Charts

Steps: Create Sunburst Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Sunburst Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Presentation Sunburst Chart in Java

  • Add a chart with default data along with the desired type (in this case, ChartType .sunburst).

This Java code shows you how to create a sunburst chart:

Creating Histogram Charts

Steps: Create Histogram Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Histogram Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Presentation Histogram Chart in Java

  • Add a chart with default data along with the desired type ( ChartType .Histogram).

This Java code shows you how to create an histogram chart:

Creating Radar Charts

Steps: Create Radar Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Radar Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Presentation Radar Chart in Java

  • Add a chart with some data and specify your preferred chart type ( ChartType.Radar in this case).

This Java code shows you how to create an radar chart:

Creating Multi Category Charts

Steps: Create Multi Category Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Multi Category Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Presentation Multi Category Chart in Java

  • Add a chart with default data along with the desired type ( ChartType .ClusteredColumn).
  • Write the modified presentation to a PPTX file.

This Java code shows you how to create a multicategory chart:

Creating Map Charts

A map chart is a visualization of an area containing data. Map charts are best used to compare data or values across geographical regions.

Steps: Create Map Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Map Chart in Java | Steps: Create PowerPoint Presentation Map Chart in Java

This Java code shows you how to create a map chart:

Creating Combination Charts

A combination chart (or combo chart) is a chart that combines two or more charts on a single graph. Such a chart allows you to highlight, compare, or review differences between two (or more) sets of data. This way, you see the relationship (if any) between the sets of data.


This Java code shows you how to create a combination chart in PowerPoint:

Updating Charts

Steps: Update PowerPoint Chart in Java | Steps: Update Presentation Chart in Java | Steps: Update PowerPoint Presentation Chart in Java

  • Instantiate a Presentation class that represents the presentation containing the chart you want to update.
  • Obtain the reference of a slide by using its Index.
  • Traverse through all shapes to find the desired chart.
  • Modify the chart data series data by changing series values.
  • Add a new series and populate the data in it.

This Java code shows you how to update a chart:

Setting Data Range for Charts

To set the data range for a chart, do this:

  • Instantiate a Presentation class that represents the presentation containing the chart.
  • Access the chart data and set the range.
  • Save the modified presentation as a PPTX file.

This Java code shows you how to set the data range for a chart:

Using Default Markers in Charts

When you use a default marker in charts, each chart series get different default marker symbols automatically.

This Java code shows you how to set a chart series market automatically:

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Posted on Mar 18, 2022

Create, Manipulate and Remove Tables in PowerPoint in Java

A table is one of the most useful tools for presenting data in PowerPoint. It organizes data in rows and columns so that audiences can easily read and analyze them. This article will demonstrate how to create, manipulate and remove tables in PowerPoint in Java using Spire.Presentation for Java library.

Add Dependencies

You can either download the jar of Spire.Presentation for Java from this website or install it from maven by adding the following configurations to your maven-based project’s pom.xml file.

Create a Table in PowerPoint in Java

The following are the main steps to add a table to a PowerPoint slide:

  • Create a Presentation instance and get the desired slide using Presentation.getSlides().get(slideIndex) method.
  • Define a Double array of column widths and a Double array of row heights.
  • Add a table with predefined column widths and row heights to the slide using ISlide.getShapes().appendTable(x, y, columnWidths, rowHeights) method.
  • Define a two-dimensional String array of data.
  • Loop through all table rows and columns, assign the data to each table cell using table.get(columnIndex, rowIndex).getTextFrame().setText() method.
  • Set table style using ITable.setStylePreset() method.
  • Save the result document using Presentation.saveToFile() method.

Insert table to PowerPoint in Java

Manipulate an Existing Table in PowerPoint in Java

To manipulate an existing table on a slide, you first need to access it. If the slide contains only one table, you can loop through all shapes in the slide, determine if the current shape is a ITable object, if yes, typecast it as a ITable object. However, if the slide contains more than one table, you’d better get the desired table using its alternative text.

The following code example shows how to access an existing table and merge specific cells:

Merge table cells in PowerPoint in Java

Remove a Table from PowerPoint in Java

To remove a table, you can loop through all shapes in the slide, if the current shape is found to be a ITable object, call ISlide.getShapes.remove() method to remove it from the slide. Refer to the following code example.

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Create Chart in PowerPoint in Java

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This article demonstrates how to create a chart in a PowerPoint document using Spire.Presentation for Java.

Create Chart in PowerPoint in Java

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How to create PowerPoint slides from R

Learn how to generate powerpoint slides straight from an r markdown document. plus, create interactive html slides in r with the xaringan package..

Do More With R [video hero/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

There are lots of ways to share results of your R analysis: Word documents , interactive apps , even in the body of an email .

But sometimes, you want a slide presentation. It’s easy to generate a PowerPoint file from your R code – complete with charts and graphs – directly from an R Markdown document.

Create a PowerPoint from R Markdown

To create a PowerPoint from R, you need three things on your system:

  • PowerPoint or OpenOffice,
  • The rmarkdown package, version 1.9 or later, and
  • Pandoc version 2.0.5 or newer.

Pandoc isn’t an R package. It’s not R at all; it’s a separate piece of open source software designed for file format conversions.

RStudio ships with Pandoc, so you probably have a version of it installed if you use RStudio. You can run the rmarkdown package’s pandoc_version() function to see if you’ve got it installed and, if so, what version. If your pandoc is too old, try updating RStudio (or install pandoc directly from ).

RStudio menu choice showing PowerPoint as a file format option

There is an option to create a PowerPoint file from R Markdown when you create a new markdown file in RStudio.

Next, create an R Markdown document. If you do that from RStudio’s menu with File > New File > R Markdown, you’ll have a few choices . If you click on the second choice, Presentation, you should see an option for PowerPoint under Default Output Format.

The resulting R Markdown file created by RStudio includes examples for mixing text and R code results. If you save that file and then “knit” it by clicking the knit button in RStudio, you’ll get a PowerPoint presentation with the same information.

How did R know where to break the content into new slides? The default is “the highest level of headline that’s not followed immediately by another headline.” In this case that’s headline level two, or all titles starting with ## .

You don’t need to use that default rule, though. You can specify another headline level to auto-divide your document into new slides. That’s done in the doc’s YAML header  with the slide_level option, such as

But if you don’t want to fiddle with all that, you can divide content into new slides manually with three dashes. Make sure the three dashes are on a completely new line.

Presenting the weather

Here is an R Markdown file that’s a bit more interesting than the default doc, at least for me: One with weather data.

Notice the R chunk options I’ve set.  echo = FALSE  means my R code won’t show up in my slides. warning and message set to FALSE makes sure any warnings or messages from my code don’t appear in the slides either. I’ve also set a default figure width and cache = TRUE  . (I don’t usually cache results for a file I want to update regularly, but I did so to save time on the accompanying video.)

Get National Weather Service forecast data via R

My R Markdown setup code chunk also sources a separate file on GitHub that includes two functions for fetching weather data. Here is that code, if of interest:

The first function pulls a forecast data frame from the National Weather Service API using the city name and the city’s forecast URL as function arguments. 

You need to know the API’s forecast URL for a location in order to get its forecast data. If you don’t know that URL, you can get it from another National Weather Service API using the format 

The initial API result from the httr GET request is a list. The function adds code that returns only the portion of the list with the data I want, formatted as a data frame.

The second function takes that forecast data frame and generates a ggplot line graph for high and low temperatures.

Change the PowerPoint default font

If you want a different default font or font size for your R-generated slides, you can set those with a reference PowerPoint document and add info about that document in the R Markdown YAML header. I did that for these slides, as you can see in this portion of the YAML document header:

My reference file, CorporateStyle.pptx ,  is a regular PowerPoint file and not a PowerPoint template. To turn it into a reference file, I went into the file’s Master Slide view and set some styles. You can edit any PowerPoint file’s Master Slide view in the PowerPoint menu with View > Slide Master.

Whenever I want an updated version of that forecast PowerPoint, I just need to re-knit the document. I could even set this up to run automatically using Windows scheduler or launchd on a Mac.

Create HTML slides from R

There might be many times when you specifically need or want a PowerPoint file. One thing PowerPoint slides lack, though, is interactivity. For example, you can’t roll over a graph and see underlying data.

You could if these were HTML slides, though.

There are a few ways to generate HTML slides from R. One of the most popular is with the xaringan R package . xaringan is built on top of the remark.js JavaScript library. There is a bit of a learning curve to do more than the basics, but the look and feel are extremely customizable.

xaringan would need its own series to cover all you can do with it. But even basics can work for a lot of use cases. Below is an example of an R Markdown document with just a bit of customization.

Three dashes create a new slide. That first slide after the title slide won’t display; it’s setting defaults for the other slides. layout: true means “this is a slide setting up layout defaults.” class: center centers everything – header text, graphics – unless I specifically code it otherwise. 

The xaringan::moonreader output option regenerates the slides each time you save the file so you don’t need to click the knit button. 

The body of the file includes a graphing function I wrote using one of my favorite dataviz packages, echarts4r , to visualize my weather data. You can hover over lines on the graphs in these slides to see underlying data, as well as click legend items to turn lines off and on.

Line graph of predicted high and low Boston temps, including a pop-up with that data.

An HTML slide presentation lets you interact with visualizations, such as hovering over a graph to see underlying data.

There is a ton more you can do with xaringan, from adding your own CSS file to creating your own theme to animating slides. Here are some resources to learn more:

  • xaringan slide presentation about xaringan by creator Yihui Xie
  • Incremental slides with xaringan by creator Yihui Xie
  • xaringan presentations from R Markdown: the Definitive Guide by Yihui Xie, J. J. Allaire, and Garrett Grolemund
  • xaringan gallery of examples and themes by Emil Hvitfeldt
  • Meet xaringan: Making slides in R Markdown by Alison Hill (RStudio Conference 2019 workshop slides)
  • xaringanExtra package (enhancements and extensions to the xaringan package) by Garrick Aden-Buie
  • xaringanthemer package (lots of xaringan styling options)  by Garrick Aden-Buie

And for more R tips, head to the Do More With R page .

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Sharon Machlis is Director of Editorial Data & Analytics at Foundry (the IDG, Inc. company that publishes websites including Computerworld and InfoWorld), where she analyzes data, codes in-house tools, and writes about data analysis tools and tips. She holds an Extra class amateur radio license and is somewhat obsessed with R. Her book Practical R for Mass Communication and Journalism was published by CRC Press.

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

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Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

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  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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