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Paul Drury

Virtual Assistant cover letter example

Virtual Assistant cover letter example

A virtual assistant can be a savior for a busy professional in so many industries. Once the preserve of the high-flying entrepreneur, a (virtual) personal assistant is now popular for a wide range of professionals. If they organize work streams and lines of communication in the right way, they can be the glue that holds everything together.

While many of the activities may be the same as a normal personal assistant such as booking travel (yes, that is a thing again), managing customer communications, booking accommodation, arranging meetings, and managing social media, virtual assistants can also easily and unobtrusively take part in virtual meetings (taking notes) and be present in all sorts of virtual events to represent their boss.

The flexible nature of the work is unsurprisingly attractive, and many young professionals are seeing this as a way into the work of work. Building relationships in this way is a fantastic entry-level opportunity into their dream industry and they don’t even need to risk a move away from their home city to achieve it.

While a virtual assistant resume should cover the practical matters of their career experience, the cover letter is much more concerned with their personality and approach to work. Telling a couple of stories about the biggest achievements in your career will go a long way to persuading a potential hiring manager to have a chat with you.

In this virtual assistant cover letter example and writing guide, we look at:

  • Selecting the best cover letter format for the role in question
  • Making the most of each cover letter paragraph (header, greeting, intro, body and conclusion)
  • Which content to include in your cover letter
  • Mistakes to avoid with your virtual assistant cover letter

Check out Resume.io’s library of hundreds of free cover letter samples for even more writing advice and adaptable examples.

Top 5 cases where you need a cover letter

Best format for a virtual assistant cover letter

The format of a virtual assistant cover letter should follow the traditional norms. Virtual assistants should be experts in the etiquette of correspondence, so getting this wrong would not look good. Structure the cover letter with the following sections:

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting / salutation
  • The cover letter intro
  • The middle paragraphs (body of the letter)
  • The ending paragraph of your cover letter (conclusion and call-to-action)

Every section can carry various career stories, but there should be a flow to the cover letter that conveys consistency, reliability, and efficiency. If these threads run through the cover letter, your potential future boss will know that a potential future interview will be similar.

The virtual assistant cover letter should be customized to the precise requirements of the role. Have a look at the job description and consider the likely activity of your future hiring manager. This requires a fair bit of research, but you really need to put yourself in their position. What will they need from you and how can your past shine a light on your potential to deliver the best possible service? Do not send the same cover letter to everyone – you only get one chance. Make the most of it.

The Resume.io comprehensive cover letter guide shares more about the general intricacies of writing a cover letter – from font sizes to format options. You might also find that our virtual assistant cover letter example below gives you some ideas:

Virtual assistant role

Dear Ms. Pannock,

I can promise you that there will be nothing virtual about my assistance. I am currently looking for a third client to fill my schedule and my other two clients can attest to how I make a very real difference. We might not sit at the same desk, but I will seek to make your working process smoother and ensure that your clients are blissfully happy. 

As a former customer service representative and administration manager, I understand the importance of timely communication and faultless organization. I am used to working with marketing professionals and enclose a portfolio of graphic design work that I created. I enjoy giving my clients space to channel their creativity, but I also revel in being an outlet whenever I can. Sometimes you just need someone to listen without judgment.

I appreciate the thought that went into your role description and can say that I already do 95 percent of the tasks for my other clients including scheduling, social media management, competitor research, and customer support. There are certain synergies to be enjoyed when you work for an industry-specific client base, so I will hit the ground running. My involvement can flex with your needs, but for me it is vital to get to know each other well first. The first couple of weeks will follow a structured introductory path that will set us up for success.

I am proficient in all forms of marketing software, am constantly updating my knowledge with virtual training sessions and seek to use technology to transform how I do things.

Having visited your social media platforms, I am excited about the possibility of a (virtual) meeting and look forward to getting to know you a little better.

Heather Clearwater

Have a look at some other administrative cover letter examples and get inspired:

  • Customer Service Representative cover letter sample
  • Administrative Assistant cover letter sample
  • Receptionist cover letter sample
  • Office Administrator cover letter sample
  • Office Assistant cover letter sample
  • Office Manager cover letter sample
  • Personal Assistant cover letter sample
  • Administrative Officer cover letter sample
  • Call Center cover letter sample
  • Administrative cover letter sample
  • Front Desk Receptionist cover letter sample
  • Secretary cover letter sample

Cover letter header

The cover letter header can be likened to a presentation that you have prepared for a management meeting or a social media post to impress some sales prospects. It has to look the part to persuade someone to read the words that follow.

There are many different designs that you can choose, but in terms of the information required it is relatively simple. Include your full name, email address and mobile number at the top of the cover letter. This information will be repeated from your resume, but you never quite know when a hiring manager may decide to send that interview invite.

Candidates should not include their full postal address as there are privacy and data protection issues – the town and state will be fine, but even that is not required. In terms of the employer “inside address” – this is an outdated convention that only the most formal of employers will expect. In the age of remote working and multiple it is also hard to ascertain exactly where the hiring manager is based. Our advice would be to omit it.

Cover letter greeting

Respecting the formality of communication is crucial for a professional virtual assistant, so keep the style of greeting on your cover letter formal. You might wish to strike up a friendly connection with your future boss at an interview, but refrain from using their first name at this early stage. A “Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Surname” cannot be faulted.

As the role is such a personal one, you should really try everything to find out the name of your future boss and address the letter to them. You can look at the job description or even call the company to find out. An impersonal “to whom it may concern” will almost certainly find your resume in the trash folder. You need to take the time to investigate certain things.

Cover letter introduction

The cover letter introduction allows a virtual assistant to get into the detail of their most impressive stories. Start with only the most relevant tales and make sure that you show how your participation makes a difference to the situation rather than simply being a participant.

Share the context of each situation and quantify your contribution. How much was the sale worth when you prepared the winning presentation? What was the value of negotiations that you assisted? How many times have you led a work team meeting? Let your future employer know the scale of your experience.

The introduction should also shine a light onto how you like to go about your daily work. You will undoubtedly have a close relationship with your boss, so be honest in terms of how you approach your work. Sharing your personality upfront in this way will ensure the best possible chance of a fit. If you open up in your cover letter, they will open up at the interview.

View the introduction from our adaptable virtual assistant cover letter sample:

Cover letter middle part (body)

The middle part (or body) of a virtual assistant cover letter should offer reassurance that you are a safe pair of hands, details about your mastery of all the required technology and details of how you handle difficult situations, manage complex processes, and communicate with a vast array of stakeholders. This is nothing groundbreaking, but it is essential to the role, and it should make an appearance in the middle of the cover letter.

Detail your hard and soft skills in equal measure and share them in the context of the situations you have come up against. A list of skills in your cover letter will convince no one. You would be better served to pick 2-3 top skills and expand on how they helped you to make your difference to your previous bosses. Influence through evidence.

One great way of packaging a career story is the STAR method. Let the hiring manager know about the Situation that you were presented with and what the Task comprised. Explain your Actions and the ensuing Results. This needn’t take up much space and can easily be expanded upon when you get to the interview stages.

How to close a virtual assistant cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)

The conclusion of a virtual assistant cover letter should end on one last confident note that you can do everything that will be expected of you - and much more.

It is then customary (and even expected) to mention that you are looking forward to the possibility of finding out more during an interview. Come across as enthusiastic rather than expectant. If you have given the hiring manager enough reasons to be interested in your candidature, they should be hovering over the send button on your interview invite as they finish the last sentence. Create the impression that you are in demand.

The conclusion of our virtual assistant cover letter sample below offers a great example:

Basic mistakes in a virtual assistant cover letter (and how to avoid them)

There are few jobs where mistakes are less welcome than a virtual assistant. So much of your work reflects the professionalism of your boss, so your attention to detail will need to be on point – every minute of every day. Here are three simple mistakes to rectify – don’t let them slip past your radar in the rush to send the cover letter out:

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes: Impeccable writing skills are a must for any virtual assistant, so make sure that you use an online grammar checker and maybe also ask a friend to proofread the letter to make sure that it sounds like you.
  • Formatting errors: Every piece of communication should be well formatted. Happily, you can use a cover letter template from our selection and avoid any unseen issues.
  • Too conversational: You might want to write to your future boss as if you are starting off a conversation with them. While this will give your cover letter a warm and friendly tone, you should err on the side of professionalism for these early exchanges. You can warm up a little once you have got to know them a bit better.

Key takeaways

  • Research your future boss well – what sort of assistance will they need?
  • Share your career story with a mix of accomplishments, skills and personality
  • Show enthusiasm for the role and be keen to find out more about it
  • Check out our virtual assistant cover letter sample and other guides

Free professionally designed templates

  • Career Advice
  • Cover Letters

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

A virtual assistant cover letter should summarize your experience and skills as well as explain your motivation for wanting to work for the company.

A virtual assistant typically works remotely to provide administrative services like scheduling meetings, preparing documents, and researching requested information.

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter – Template

Download our free Virtual Assistant Cover Letter in MS Word format.

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Sample:

[Full Name]

[Email Address]

[Contact Number]

[LinkedIn Profile/Website Link]

Dear [hiring manager’s title and last name, or their first name],

I found your advertisement for the Virtual Assistant vacancy and am very interested in the position. My experience in [administration or personal assistance] and ability to [#1 skill] and [#2 skill] make me the perfect candidate for the job. I know my skill set and industry knowledge will be invaluable to [name of the company] .

I am most impressed by [notable milestones or characteristics you appreciate about the company] and have some great ideas of my own to contribute. When I worked on [mention a successful project/initiative you were involved in] , we managed to [describe the result(s) of the project] . I believe your [project or company initiative you are especially interested in] will make waves in the industry and I would feel privileged to be a part of such an innovative team.

In my role as [current or former position] , I achieved [mention accomplishment(s) and strengthen it with a statistic, if possible] , which improved [mention the effect this accomplishment had on the company in question] . Most recently I attended [relevant training you’ve completed] that helped me sharpen my [list key skills or valuable attributes] .

I have attached my resume and [mention any other documents that were requested, if applicable] . If you like my ideas, I have many more I would like to discuss with you.

[Full name]

How to Write a Virtual Assistant Cover Letter:

Read our step-by-step instructions for writing the perfect virtual assistant cover letter.

Address your cover letter.

Provide your personal details..

List your name, physical address, telephone number, and any links to your website or LinkedIn profile at the top of your cover letter.

Address the hiring manager directly.

Research who the hiring manager is and address your cover letter to them personally. This shows your interest in the role and ability to perform research.

Outline your skills and experience.

Summarize your skills..

Mention your experience in administration or personal assistance, and list any skills that will help you in your role as a virtual assistant. This could include excellent communication, interpersonal skills, time management, and/or planning skills.

Mention any training you have completed.

Completing courses in your free time not only shows dedication to improving your skills, but also makes you a more qualified candidate. Try to explain how these courses have enriched your skills. For example, a course on new software to manage schedules and plan meetings.

Celebrate the organization and describe your accomplishments.

Talk about the company..

Mention a few projects that the company is involved in that you find interesting. This shows your research abilities and that you are genuinely interested in the work that the company does. As a virtual assistant, you may be inspired by the CEO's approach to social work or their interest in going green.

Describe your accomplishments.

Showing that you are capable and able to improve the company can be justified with previous accomplishments, such as increasing productivity, saving money on office supplies, and/or introducing energy-saving measures. Try to mention statistics to illustrate your success.

Attach your resume and close your letter.

Attach relevant documents..

Mention documents that may have been requested, like your resume or CV, and include any references that support your performance at your current or previous company.

Sign off your letter with a call to action to encourage the hiring manager to get in touch with you, and end with "Sincerely" and your full name.

How to Write a Cover Letter

How do I write a cover letter for a virtual assistant?

Your virtual assistant cover letter should include a few personal details, a description of your skills and experience, and your motivation for wanting to work at the company.

Try to mention specific accomplishments from your previous roles that show your qualification, and talk about projects that the company is involved in that you would like to contribute to.

How do you format a virtual assistant cover letter?

  • Provide your personal details .
  • Address the hiring manager directly .
  • Summarize your skills .
  • Talk about the company .
  • Describe your accomplishments .
  • Mention any training you have completed .
  • Attach relevant documents .

What is the best format for a virtual assistant cover letter?

The best format for a virtual assistant cover letter is to keep it brief but provide enough evidence of your qualifications. For example, mention that you are proficient with specific planning software and use a statistic to prove how this skill improved your previous company.

Try to mention specific projects that the company is involved in that you are inspired by or excited to be a part of. This may be a corporate project or social work that the company does.

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The 12 best cover letter tips for 2024, how to address a cover letter, best cover letter generators, common cover letter mistakes, personal assistant cover letter.

4 Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Examples

Virtual Assistants excel at managing tasks remotely, providing efficient support, and adapting to diverse roles with ease. Similarly, your cover letter is your remote handshake, effectively presenting your skills, adaptability, and commitment to support any team. In this guide, we'll delve into the best cover letter examples for Virtual Assistants, helping you to craft a compelling narrative that showcases your remote efficiency.

cover letter va example

Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter guidelines, virtual assistant cover letter example, entry level virtual assistant cover letter example, freelance virtual assistant cover letter example, beginner virtual assistant cover letter example, how to format a virtual assistant cover letter, cover letter header, what to focus on with your cover letter header:, cover letter header examples for virtual assistant, cover letter greeting, get your cover letter greeting right:, cover letter greeting examples for virtual assistant, cover letter introduction, what to focus on with your cover letter intro:, cover letter intro examples for virtual assistant, cover letter body, what to focus on with your cover letter body:, cover letter body examples for virtual assistant, cover letter closing, what to focus on with your cover letter closing:, cover letter closing paragraph examples for virtual assistant, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, cover letter writing tips for virtual assistants, highlight your remote work skills, showcase your organizational skills, emphasize your communication skills, highlight your problem-solving skills, personalize your cover letter, cover letter mistakes to avoid as a virtual assistant, not tailoring the cover letter to the specific job, not highlighting virtual skills, including too much information, not proofreading the cover letter, not showing enthusiasm for the job, cover letter faqs for virtual assistants.

The best way to start a Virtual Assistant cover letter is by addressing the hiring manager directly, if their name is known. If not, "Dear Hiring Manager" is acceptable. Begin by introducing yourself and stating the position you're applying for. Then, capture their attention by briefly mentioning a key achievement or skill that makes you a strong candidate for the role. This could be a past experience, a certification, or a unique skill set. This opening should be tailored to the job description and the company's needs, showing that you've done your research and understand what they're looking for in a Virtual Assistant.

Virtual Assistants should end a cover letter by summarizing their skills and experience, expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity, and inviting the employer to take the next step. It's important to reiterate how your skills as a Virtual Assistant match the job description and how you can bring value to the company. You could say something like, "I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique skills in time management and customer service to your team and help improve efficiency." Then, express your eagerness to discuss the role further. You could write, "I look forward to the possibility of discussing this opportunity with you." Finally, end with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name. Remember, the goal of the closing is to leave a positive, professional impression.

A Virtual Assistant's cover letter should ideally be about one page long, or around 300-500 words. This length is sufficient to introduce yourself, explain why you're interested in the position, and highlight your most relevant skills and experiences without overwhelming the reader. Remember, hiring managers often have many applications to go through, so it's important to be concise and to the point. Too long of a cover letter might not be fully read, and too short might not provide enough information about your qualifications. As a Virtual Assistant, your cover letter should also demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively in a remote setting.

Writing a cover letter with no experience as a Virtual Assistant can seem challenging, but it's definitely possible. Here's how you can do it: 1. Start with a Professional Greeting: Address the hiring manager by their name if it's available. If not, use a professional greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager". 2. Introduction: Begin by introducing yourself and stating the position you're applying for. Mention where you found the job posting. 3. Highlight Relevant Skills: Even if you don't have direct experience as a Virtual Assistant, you likely have skills that are relevant to the job. These could include communication skills, time management, organization, proficiency in certain software like Microsoft Office or Google Suite, or customer service experience. Highlight these skills and provide examples of how you've used them in past roles. 4. Show Enthusiasm: Express your interest in the role and the company. Show that you're eager to learn and grow in the position. 5. Connect Your Goals with the Company's: Research the company and understand their mission and values. Then, connect your personal or career goals with the company's. This shows that you're not just interested in any job, but specifically in working with them. 6. Close Professionally: Thank the hiring manager for considering your application. Express your hope for further discussion in an interview. 7. Proofread: Make sure your cover letter is free of errors. This shows your attention to detail, a crucial skill for a Virtual Assistant. Remember, the goal of a cover letter is to show the hiring manager why you would be a good fit for the role, even if you don't have direct experience. By highlighting your relevant skills and showing enthusiasm for the role, you can make a strong case for why you should be considered.

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Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Examples

Use these Virtual Assistant cover letter examples to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

cover letter va example

Virtual assistants provide administrative support to businesses and professionals. They work remotely, which means they can often work flexible hours.

To get hired as a virtual assistant, you need to write a cover letter that shows you’re the perfect candidate for the job. Follow these examples to learn how to write a cover letter that will help you stand out from the competition.

Formal/Professional Writing Style Example

With a strong background in administrative support and excellent time-management skills, I believe that I am an ideal candidate for the role of Virtual Assistant.

I have over five years of experience as an administrative assistant, where I have honed my skills in managing schedules, organizing events, and communicating effectively with team members and clients. Further, I have developed abilities in streamlining processes and working autonomously. In my previous role at XYZ Company, I successfully managed the calendars of six executives, coordinated more than 50 client meetings, and executed a major conference with over 200 attendees.

In addition to my administrative experience, I possess a high level of proficiency in using essential software applications such as Microsoft Office Suite, Zoom, Slack, and Trello, ensuring smooth operations in a remote work setup. Furthermore, I take pride in my remarkable multitasking abilities, keen attention to detail, and strong organizational skills, which are essential when working in a dynamic virtual environment.

As the role of Virtual Assistant often involves numerous tasks and responsibilities, I am eager to prove my adaptability and problem-solving skills to contribute positively to your organization. With my passion for providing top-notch assistance and my commitment to meeting deadlines, I am confident in my ability to add value to your team and enhance the overall efficiency of your operations.

Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to join your company in this Virtual Assistant position and contribute to its continued success. Please find attached my resume, which provides additional details about my qualifications and experience. I am looking forward to the possibility of discussing my candidacy further with you.

[Your Full Name]

Entry-Level Writing Style Example

As a highly motivated and organized recent graduate, I am eager to utilize my skills and dedication to contribute to the success of your company. I believe that my strong communication skills, adaptability, and willingness to learn make me a perfect fit for this role.

During my time at university, pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, I gained valuable experience working on multiple projects and collaborating with diverse teams. My coursework in areas such as project management and marketing provided me with foundational skills that I can apply in the role of a Virtual Assistant. Furthermore, my experience as an intern at a local startup allowed me to learn firsthand how to prioritize tasks, manage deadlines, and communicate effectively in a remote work environment.

In this digital age, I understand the importance of constantly staying up to date with the latest tools and trends in the virtual workplace. As a result, I have honed my proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, Google Workspace, and project management tools like Trello and Asana. Additionally, I am confident in my ability to quickly learn and adapt to new systems and software as needed.

I am excited about the opportunity to support your team as a Virtual Assistant and contribute to the continued growth and success of your company. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing my qualifications in greater detail during an interview.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Networking/Referral Writing Style Example

I was referred to this opportunity by my close friend and your esteemed colleague, Jane Doe, who strongly believes in my capabilities and thinks I would be an excellent fit for the role.

I have known Jane for over 6 years, having worked together on various projects, and I am confident that her understanding of my skills and experience highlights my suitability for the role of a Virtual Assistant. My background includes over four years of experience in providing efficient administrative support and managing projects for busy executives in fast-paced environments. With a strong attention to detail and excellent communication skills, I have proven myself to be highly effective in streamlining operations and ensuring that tasks are completed on time.

I am also well-versed in using various productivity and project management tools such as Trello, Asana, and Google Suite, which I understand are pivotal to the effective functioning of your team. My ability to quickly grasp new technology and prioritize tasks will surely aid in providing seamless support to you and your team.

Jane’s belief in my abilities leaves me confident that I can make a valuable contribution to your organization. I am eager to apply my skills and work closely with you all to provide efficient, reliable, and effective support.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to the success of your organization.

Warm Regards,

[Your Name]

Enthusiastic/Passionate Writing Style Example

Ever since I discovered the world of remote work, I have been relentlessly striving to become the most reliable, organized, and meticulous Virtual Assistant that any company could wish for. Upon reading your job posting, I immediately knew that this is the perfect opportunity I have been waiting for, and that I am the perfect candidate for you!

What attracts me most to this role is the opportunity to be part of a company that believes in innovation, flexibility, and enabling its employees to thrive in a virtual environment. Having sharpened my skills working remotely in various industries, I am confident that my adaptability, keen attention to detail, and problem-solving abilities will meet and exceed your expectations. Get ready to witness your email inbox, like never before—sorted, categorized, and prioritized to perfection. From scheduling meetings to managing projects and refining communication, I am eager and ready to thrive as your go-to Virtual Assistant.

Furthermore, I absolutely love the challenge of learning new tools, software, and systems that will improve both my efficiency and the company’s performance. I never shy away from taking on new responsibilities, and I am confident in my ability to make a meaningful difference at your organization from day one.

With a genuine hunger for success and unmatched commitment to excellence, I am beyond excited to contribute my skills, energy, and passion for virtual assistance to your team. I eagerly await the opportunity to further discuss my candidacy and prove to you that I am the enthusiastic and resourceful Virtual Assistant that you have been looking for.

Thank you for considering my application. It would be an absolute honor to work with you and your exceptional team!

Warm regards,

Problem-Solving Writing Style Example

Having thoroughly researched your company’s growth and current projects, it is evident that your team is dedicated to providing top-notch service to your clients. I have identified certain problem areas where I believe your organization can improve and, as an experienced Virtual Assistant, I am confident that my skills and expertise will be instrumental in addressing these challenges and ultimately driving the company’s success to new levels.

One of the primary issues I have identified is the increasing demand for efficient and effective time management across the team. This, coupled with an ever-expanding client base, poses potential setbacks in maintaining deadlines and delivering projects of exceptional quality. With my proven track record in juggling multiple projects simultaneously, I am uniquely suited to bring order and organization to your team’s workflow. By adeptly handling scheduling, managing emails, and coordinating project resources, I can ease the burden on your team members, enabling them to focus on strategic tasks and maintain strong relationships with your clients.

Additionally, I understand that ongoing team coordination is crucial to the overall success of the company. In previous roles, I have excelled in fostering effective communication between team members and clients, ensuring everyone stays informed and engaged in the collaborative process. My strong interpersonal skills and experience with various communication platforms will enable me to bridge any gaps and streamline project management.

Moreover, I look forward to applying my excellent research and problem-solving abilities to tackle any unforeseen challenges that may arise. My adaptability and attention to detail will be vital in anticipating issues in advance and providing resourceful solutions, effectively keeping the team on track and ensuring client satisfaction.

In conclusion, I believe my skill set, experience, and understanding of your organization’s challenges make me an ideal candidate for the Virtual Assistant role. I am eager to contribute toward the growth, efficiency, and ultimately, the success of your company. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

Storytelling/Narrative Writing Style Example

As I sat at my desk, sipping my morning coffee, I couldn’t help but reminisce about the time when I was juggling multiple tasks while managing a team of five. The demanding role required me to hone my organizational and time-management skills, and I thrived in the fast-paced environment. It was during those years that I developed a passion for assisting others in achieving their goals and bringing order to chaos.

One particular day stands out in my memory. My boss, a busy executive, had an urgent deadline approaching, and she needed to finalize a crucial presentation. However, she was swamped with meetings and couldn’t devote the necessary time to the task at hand. She entrusted me with the responsibility of researching, collecting data, and creating the presentation while managing her schedule and communicating with clients.

As I delved into the project, I quickly realized the importance of prioritizing tasks and working efficiently within tight deadlines. I utilized various tools and technologies to streamline my workflow, ensuring that my boss’s needs were met with utmost professionalism. The result was a polished and persuasive presentation that she proudly delivered, which ultimately won her the contract.

That single experience sparked my desire to support professionals in achieving their objectives while optimizing their time and resources. It is with this passion and dedication that I apply for the Virtual Assistant role at your organization. I am confident that my experience in administration, project management, and outstanding communication skills make me a perfect fit for the position.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute my skills and grow with your esteemed organization.

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Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

14 entry-level virtual assistant cover letters.

Approved by real hiring managers, these Entry-Level Virtual Assistant cover letters have been proven to get people hired in 2024. A hiring manager explains why.

Hiring Manager for Entry-Level Virtual Assistant Roles

Table of contents

  • Entry-Level Virtual Assistant
  • Remote Customer Support Specialist
  • Digital Content Coordinator
  • Remote Administrative Assistant
  • Virtual Executive Assistant
  • Administrative Assistant (Entry-Level)
  • Remote Executive Assistant (Entry-Level)
  • Alternative introductions for your cover letter
  • Entry-Level Virtual Assistant resume examples

Entry-Level Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Example

Why this cover letter works in 2024, managing remote teams.

Highlighting experience in managing schedules and communications for remote workers shows adaptability and organizational skills, both of which are important for a Virtual Assistant role.

Accuracy Rate Achievement

By mentioning an impressive accuracy rate, this cover letter demonstrates attention to detail and the ability to produce quality work, which are essential skills for any role.

Initiative and Adaptability

Describing the creation of a virtual study group not only showcases initiative, but also highlights the ability to adapt to new technologies and collaborate with others, making the candidate stand out.

Show alignment with company values

Spot on with aligning your personal values with those of the company. It shows you've done your homework, understand what the company stands for, and are not just looking for any job - you want this job.

Admire the company's work

By showing your respect for the company's innovative approach, you're not just flattering them. You're demonstrating that you share their values and expressing a genuine interest in their work. That connection could be the factor that differentiates you from other candidates.

Translate your skills to the job

When you directly tie in your previous experience to the role you're applying for, you're doing the recruiter's job for them. It saves them from having to figure out if you'd be a good fit. Also, it shows that you've really thought about how you can contribute to the role.

Highlight personal achievements

When you mention something you're proud of, especially if it's related to the job, it not only provides evidence of your skills but also gives insight into what motivates you. It's a great way to show that you're driven and will bring that passion to the job.

Express enthusiasm for the role

Your eagerness about the prospect of pushing tech boundaries is a great sign to employers. It shows that you're not just looking for any job, you're excited about this job in particular. This shows commitment and can be very attractive to employers.

End with a positive note

By thanking the recruiter for considering your application, you're showing humility and a positive attitude. It leaves them with a good final impression of you, which can be a deciding factor when choosing between candidates.

Show enthusiasm for the virtual assistant role

When you express genuine excitement about the company and its mission, it highlights your alignment with the company's goals and shows you're likely to be a motivated and engaged team member.

Demonstrate proven administrative skills

Detailing specific tasks you've managed and the positive outcomes of your actions, such as improved productivity, proves you have practical experience and can bring real value to the team.

Highlight efficiency improvements

Sharing examples of how you've made processes more efficient, like the filing system overhaul, showcases your ability to think critically and improve operations, a key trait of a successful virtual assistant.

Emphasize adaptability and client focus

Your ability to adapt to different working styles and focus on providing personalized support directly translates to success in roles that demand flexibility and a client-centered approach.

Express eagerness to contribute

Closing with a forward-looking statement invites the hiring manager to envision you as a proactive and contributing member of their team, reinforcing your suitability for the role.

Does writing cover letters feel pointless? Use our AI

Dear Job Seeker, Writing a great cover letter is tough and time-consuming. But every employer asks for one. And if you don't submit one, you'll look like you didn't put enough effort into your application. But here's the good news: our new AI tool can generate a winning cover letter for you in seconds, tailored to each job you apply for. No more staring at a blank page, wondering what to write. Imagine being able to apply to dozens of jobs in the time it used to take you to write one cover letter. With our tool, that's a reality. And more applications mean more chances of landing your dream job. Write me a cover letter It's helped thousands of people speed up their job search. The best part? It's free to try - your first cover letter is on us. Sincerely, The Resume Worded Team

Want to see how the cover letter generator works? See this 30 second video.

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Convey your passion for helping and organizing

Your excitement about the role and alignment with our mission tells me you're likely to be motivated and dedicated.

Link your academic and leadership skills to virtual assistant tasks

Sharing your strong organizational and communication skills through academic and extracurricular achievements provides a solid foundation for your capability as a virtual assistant.

Showcase your readiness for virtual assistant duties

Detailing the specific tasks you're prepared to handle reassures me of your understanding of the job's demands and your ability to meet them.

Highlight your enthusiasm for working with diverse clients

Your eagerness to support a range of clients indicates you're adaptable and willing to learn, traits essential for a successful virtual assistant.

Close with a forward-looking statement

Ending your cover letter with a look towards future discussions about your role in supporting our mission underscores your genuine interest in the position.

Show your passion for the virtual assistant role

Sharing your excitement about the job and how it aligns with your personal strengths sets a positive tone right from the start.

Highlight a key achievement

Talking about a specific success story, especially one that includes quantifiable results, showcases your ability to make a real impact.

Connect with the company's values

Expressing admiration for the company’s goals and culture demonstrates that you have done your homework and see yourself as a good fit.

Close with enthusiasm

Ending on an eager and optimistic note leaves a lasting impression and shows your genuine interest in the role and the company.

Remote Customer Support Specialist Cover Letter Example

Highlight quantifiable achievements.

I love that you've included specific numbers on how you've made an impact in your previous role. This shows that you're outcome-driven, and it gives a clear picture of what you can bring to the table.

Digital Content Coordinator Cover Letter Example

Connect with the company's mission.

When you express your admiration for Amazon's commitment to engaging content, you're connecting with their mission and showing that you understand what they value. This kind of alignment can be a strong signal that you'd be a great fit for the company culture.

Share lessons learned

By sharing what you've learned from your experiences, you're showing that you're reflective and growth-oriented. It signals that you'll continue to learn and grow in the role, which can be very appealing to employers who value continual improvement.

Show off teamwork

Discussing a project where you collaborated with cross-functional teams not only gives concrete evidence of your teamwork skills but also shows your ability to navigate complex dynamics. This is a highly sought-after skill, especially for roles requiring coordination across departments.

Communicate alignment with the company

By expressing your attraction to Amazon's innovative spirit and customer focus, you're showing that you're in tune with their core values. This shows the recruiter that you're not just qualified, but that you would also be a good cultural fit for the company.

Express gratitude and enthusiasm

By thanking the hiring manager and expressing excitement about potentially contributing to Amazon, you're ending on a high note. This shows your positivity and enthusiasm, which can also leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager.

Remote Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

Connect passion to productivity.

Linking your passion for helping others to tangible career achievements illustrates how your motivation translates into success for your employers, making you a more compelling candidate.

Showcase crisis management skills

Describing how you handle high-pressure situations while maintaining your regular duties demonstrates resilience and reliability, qualities essential for a remote administrative assistant.

Align personal values with company goals

When you share how a company's dedication to its clients resonates with you, it shows you're not just looking for any job but a role in which you can fully invest yourself and thrive.

Exhibit enthusiasm for collaboration

Ending with a statement of eagerness to support the company’s mission reinforces your desire to be part of the team and contributes to a positive impression on the hiring manager.

Virtual Executive Assistant Cover Letter Example

Show your enthusiasm for the virtual assistant role.

Stating your keen interest in the role and the company is a good start. It lets me know you've done your homework about who we are and what we value.

Highlight your virtual assistant achievements with numbers

Using percentages to show how you've improved processes or satisfaction scores is smart. It gives a clear picture of your impact in previous roles.

Demonstrate proactive problem-solving

Your ability to handle unexpected challenges effectively is crucial in a virtual setting. This shows me you're not just reactive but proactive in finding solutions.

Connect your values to the company’s mission

Explaining how your work ethic and values align with ours makes me see you as a potentially great fit for our culture.

Express eagerness to contribute to our success

Your closing statement reiterates not just your desire to join us but also to be a part of our growth. That's exactly the attitude we're looking for.

Administrative Assistant (Entry-Level) Cover Letter Example

Show your passion and fit for the administrative assistant role.

Expressing excitement and a personal connection to the company's goals can make your cover letter more appealing. Your commitment shows you're not just looking for any job but the right role at the right company.

Provide examples of relevant experience

Discussing specific tasks you've handled, like managing calendars and streamlining filing systems, gives a clear picture of your capabilities and how they apply to the job you’re seeking.

Highlight your contribution to the team

Mentioning your eagerness to contribute to the company's success implies you're a team player ready to add value from day one.

Emphasize strong communication skills

Stating your ability to communicate well with clients and team members is crucial, as effective communication is key in administrative roles, especially when coordinating with others.

Express eagerness to join the company

Clarifying your desire to be part of the company's team reinforces your interest and shows that you're ready to commit and make a positive impact.

Use personal experiences

Describing how your natural abilities have helped those around you makes your application more relatable and memorable.

Showcase your efficiency improvements

Providing examples of how you’ve streamlined processes in the past proves that you can bring valuable skills to the administrative assistant role.

Share your connection to the mission

Talking about a personal connection to the company’s mission highlights your passion for the work and suggests you’ll be a dedicated employee.

Express eagerness to join the team

A strong closing reiterates your interest and shows you’re ready to contribute to the company’s success.

Remote Executive Assistant (Entry-Level) Cover Letter Example

Demonstrate your organizational skills for the remote executive assistant position.

Mentioning your organizational and detail-oriented nature sets the stage for why you're a good fit for a role that demands precision and the ability to juggle multiple tasks.

Showcase your multifaceted experience

Drawing on both academic and professional experiences to highlight your qualifications suggests a well-rounded candidate ready to tackle the challenges of a remote executive assistant role.

Illustrate your adaptability and communication prowess

Sharing examples of how you've adapted to client needs and communicated effectively in past roles suggests you have the soft skills necessary for success in a remote environment.

Emphasize your problem-solving skills

Stressing your proactive approach to addressing challenges head-on demonstrates you're a critical thinker who can contribute to smoothing out operations and enhancing efficiency.

Convey genuine enthusiasm for the position

Ending your cover letter on a note of sincere interest in the opportunity and the team you'll be joining can leave a lasting positive impression on the hiring manager.

Show your enthusiasm for the remote executive assistant role

When you mention your degree and your eagerness to apply your skills in a dynamic work setting, you're showing me you're not just looking for any job. You're looking for this job. That's a good start because it tells me you have a purpose and are likely to be motivated and engaged in your work.

Highlight your proactive approach as an executive assistant

Talking about anticipating needs and handling last-minute changes not only demonstrates your ability to think ahead but also your flexibility and professionalism. For an entry-level position, these qualities stand out because they are critical in a remote environment where direct supervision is limited. It reassures me that you can manage challenges independently.

Connect with the company’s culture

By mentioning what draws you to the company, specifically its commitment to excellence and a positive culture, you're showing that you've done your homework. It tells me you're not just applying to any company; you're looking for a place where you fit in. This indicates a long-term interest in growing with the company, which is exactly what I'm looking for in a candidate.

Close with a strong call to action

Ending your cover letter by expressing excitement about the prospect of joining the team and contributing to its mission is a strong closing. It's assertive without being pushy. It leaves me with a clear sense of your enthusiasm and the value you believe you can bring to the role. It makes me want to move you to the next step in the hiring process.

Alternative Introductions

If you're struggling to start your cover letter, here are 6 different variations that have worked for others, along with why they worked. Use them as inspiration for your introductory paragraph.

Cover Letters For Jobs Similar To Entry-Level Virtual Assistant Roles

  • Entry-Level Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Freelance Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Sales and Marketing Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Virtual Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Guide

Other Administrative Cover Letters

  • Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Administrative Coordinator Cover Letter Guide
  • Executive Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Inventory Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Loan Processor Cover Letter Guide
  • Office Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Project Administrator Cover Letter Guide
  • Research Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Warehouse Manager Cover Letter Guide

cover letter va example

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

cover letter va example

Professional Development

Here’s how to write a compelling cover letter for virtual assistant roles, learn how to write a strong virtual assistant cover letter and make a fantastic first impression with recruiters. plus, use our examples to get a headstart..

cover letter va example

Virtual assistants (VAs) have become a popular hire across a diverse range of coaching professionals. They’re game-changers in fast-paced and competitive markets, such as coaching. VAs work remotely, handle multiple tasks , and are a brilliant alternative to full-time, on-site employees.

As a result, virtual assistance is a flexible and attractive option for the employee and the employer. And if you’re looking for an opportunity in this field, this is the right time, as the VA market is set to witness significant growth in the upcoming years. But this means high competition, so how do you stand out among thousands of other applicants?

The first step to success is drafting an appealing virtual assistant cover letter. As an aspiring VA, you possess a wealth of skills, but you only have your resume and cover letter to show them. A convincing and creative cover letter helps you land your dream job.

Why is a cover letter necessary for a virtual assistant?

As a VA, you wear multiple hats, managing basic admin tasks, such as replying to emails, scheduling meetings, bookkeeping, and more. You may also take care of your client’s social media account, maintain their website, and book travel arrangements.

But these are skills included in a virtual assistant’s resume. A cover letter focuses more on your personality, working style, and attitude. Sharing a few experiences about your accomplishments and how you achieved them helps recruiters understand who you are and why you're a good fit for the role.

Most importantly, however, a cover letter grabs attention. All the skills listed above will only be visible if your cover letter convinces the reader to turn the page.

How to write an impactful cover letter for a virtual assistant role

A cover letter outlines your experiences, personality, and skill set. It also highlights your motivation and interest in applying.

The format is pretty standard — a header and a greeting, followed by a body, conclusion, and call-to-action (CTA). Each section must flow and communicate valuable characteristics like reliability and productivity. But you should tailor it to your role's specific requirements and prospective employer’s expectations. 

Also, remember, since you’re competing with other applicants and only get one shot, make the most of it. Here’s how to write an effective cover letter:

Include your personal information as a header

While it’s said, “Never judge a book by its cover,” some recruiters might. A virtual assistant cover letter must invite the reader to consider your application.

You can choose from various templates and designs, but the core information is straightforward. Add your full name, email address, and phone number at the top. But we don't recommend adding your full postal address — the town and state will do, but even those aren't necessary.

Ensure there's adequate whitespace, and avoid clutter. The header should be easy on the eye and include essential information –– available at a glance.

Offer a formal greeting

Your cover letter will undoubtedly be under the watchful eyes of a top-level team member — maybe even senior management. Although a VA role is typically just you and your client, avoid using first names in the salutation. And never include the cliche "To whom it may concern" greeting.

Instead, find your potential hiring manager’s name and address them directly. LinkedIn is a great place to start. To keep things safe, formally greet with a "Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms [surname]" salutation.

Explain why you're the best fit 

This is where you’ll summarize your skills and work experience. Your resume will provide in-depth insights, so you don’t need to flesh out anything here. Start with your best accomplishments and achievements most relevant to the job description. Briefly describe each situation's context and how you contributed. 

While explaining your achievements, highlight the skills that made them possible. Include hard skills, such as computer proficiency, project management, and data entry, as well as soft skills, such as communication, time management , and critical thinking. If you earned course certifications, add them and explain how they improved your abilities and translated into real-world use. 

Finally, give the recruiter an idea of your preferred working methods and be sincere about it, as you'll engage closely with your boss, who’ll undoubtedly appreciate an upfront and honest applicant.

Attach your resume and sign off

Conclude confidently, and emphasize that you can perform everything expected of you. It's common to express interest in the possibility of an interview soon but ensure you convey enthusiasm rather than expectation.

Provide any requested references, such as your resume or CV (although we recommend attaching these anyway), with your contact information. Add a CTA urging the recruiter to contact you, but don't come across as overeager. You can also add a website portfolio and social media links.

Sign off with a "Sincerely, [full name]," and revise your cover letter. Check for grammatical errors, typos, and extra spaces. We suggest using a professional font — like Arial or Times New Roman — and submitting your cover letter in a PDF format. This is the gold standard for online documentation and makes your application universally accessible.


Virtual assistant cover letter example

Now you know the essential elements of a virtual assistant’s cover letter. But how do you put it all together?

To simplify things, we’ve made a virtual assistant cover letter template to help you get off on the right foot. Here’s a sample:

‍ Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms [surname],

I am a highly motivated, committed, and passionate individual eager to join your organization as a virtual assistant. I believe my experience and skills will contribute to your vision’s progress.

While at [previous company], I gained a unique skill set that helped me transition to the next career phase. I have consistently demonstrated abilities in technical work, such as email management, bookkeeping, social media management, and more. My excellent communication skills and administrative support aided entrepreneurs and coaching agencies in handling time-sensitive tasks, earning me a reputation as a valuable and reliable personal assistant.

Here are my accomplishments during my five-year tenure at the company:

  • Successfully completed online support tasks, including website maintenance, emailing weekly newsletters, and managing social media content.
  • Consistently maintained a high level of professionalism in client assistance and deadlines.
  • Balanced project management between numerous parties using my strong interpersonal skills.

These skills, together with my experience and educational background, make me feel positive about my future endeavors. I’m certain I will exceed all expectations you may have from a new virtual assistant.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing more about [company name] and discussing how I can leverage my skill set and experience to contribute to your company's future.

[Your full name]

4 tips for writing a unique virtual assistant cover letter

Before you begin writing your cover letter, check out the following tips to ensure you’re maximizing your application’s potential:

  • Keep it concise: Yes, you should convey your achievements and skills, but you should also keep the letter short. Your recruiter may receive many applications and not have the time to read long resumes and cover letters, so make sure you use short paragraphs and incorporate the right keywords.    
  • Be wary of spelling and grammar errors: Employers expect outstanding writing skills from any virtual assistant, so it would be counterproductive to have typos and formatting issues in your cover letter. Double-check your cover letter, and use online spell checkers to ensure it reads well.
  • Avoid using an overly conversational tone: While you may develop a close relationship with your future boss in the upcoming weeks or months, it’s wise to maintain a professional tone at first.
  • Talk about your virtual work skills: As the name implies, VAs work remotely and often as freelancers or independent contractors (ICs) . Since you may never meet your employer face to face, ensuring your virtual and technical skills shine through in your cover letter is essential.

Learn more about VAs with Practice

It’s time to grab that virtual assistant position you’ve been eyeing for a while. Leverage this template and tips, build an impressive cover letter, and create an excellent first impression to open the doors to a fruitful career in coaching.

If you're just starting out, learn how to become a virtual assistant before drafting resumes and cover letters. But if you’re a seasoned professional with a large client base, leverage an efficient system to manage all your tasks. At Practice , we have various tools and templates, including customer relationship management (CRM) and Client Management Software .

With these extensive features, you can store client data, schedule meetings, and handle payments — all in one place. Try it today .

Legal is the least exciting part of a business. But it's important. We worked with our lawyers to create a virtual assistant contract template, free for any VA to use. Let us know where to send it:

Give your clients a simple and professional experience

Simple client management designed for teams, free form templates from practice.

Get started with your First Call with clients with this First Call Questionnaire Template. Professionals can use this to ease into the conversation and get to know their clients better.

A Client Kick-off Questionnaire Template to help professionals quickly and easily create a tailored questionnaire for their clients. Get the perfect start to your project!

Hypnosis Clarity Call Form Template: Professionals, get the most out of your client sessions with this easy-to-use form. Make sure nothing gets left out!

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Virtual Assistant Cover Letter with No Experience Sample

In this article, I’ll guide you through a step-by-step process to write a compelling virtual assistant cover letter, including customizable templates to get you started.

Key Takeaways: Understand the Role: Get a clear picture of what a virtual assistant does and the skills required. Showcase Transferable Skills: Highlight relevant skills from other experiences. Personalize Your Letter: Tailor your cover letter to the company and position. Use a Clear Structure: Follow a simple and effective format. Provide Examples: Share instances where you’ve demonstrated key skills. Close Strongly: End with a call to action and express enthusiasm for the opportunity. Review and Edit: Ensure your cover letter is error-free and polished.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Cover Letter

Step 1: research and understand the role.

Before you start writing, it’s crucial to understand what being a virtual assistant entails. Research the company and the specific role to tailor your cover letter effectively.

Step 2: Start with a Strong Introduction

Begin with a greeting and introduce yourself. Mention how you learned about the position and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Step 3: Highlight Transferable Skills

Even without direct experience, you likely have skills that are applicable to the role of a virtual assistant. Detail how your background has equipped you with valuable skills like organization, communication, and time management.

  • Organization: Managed a busy college schedule, balancing academics and part-time work.
  • Communication: Excelled in customer service roles, addressing client concerns with empathy and efficiency.
  • Time Management: Completed projects efficiently while meeting deadlines in previous positions.

Step 4: Personalize Your Letter

Show that you’ve done your homework. Mention something about the company that excites you and aligns with your values or career goals.

Step 5: Provide Real-Life Examples

Share a brief story or example where you demonstrated a key skill relevant to being a virtual assistant. This helps the employer visualize you in the role.

Step 6: Close with Confidence

End your cover letter by reiterating your interest in the position and stating your eagerness to discuss your application further. Include a polite call to action, inviting the employer to contact you.

Step 7: Review and Edit

Ensure your cover letter is free from grammatical errors and typos. Have someone else review it if possible.

Personal Tips from My Experience

  • Be Genuine: Authenticity resonates with readers. Share your genuine interest in the role and the company.
  • Stay Positive: Focus on what you can offer, not on the experience you lack.
  • Follow Up: Don’t hesitate to send a polite follow-up email if you haven’t heard back after a week or two.

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Template

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip] [Your Email] [Today’s Date]

[Employer’s Name] [Company’s Name] [Company’s Address] [City, State, Zip]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am excited to apply for the Virtual Assistant position at [Company’s Name] that I found [where you found the job listing]. With a strong background in [relevant background], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team, despite lacking direct experience in virtual assistance.

In my previous role as [Your Previous Role], I honed skills that align well with the responsibilities of a virtual assistant. For instance, [share a specific example]. This experience taught me valuable lessons in [related skill or lesson], which I am eager to apply in the Virtual Assistant role at [Company’s Name].

What particularly attracts me to [Company’s Name] is [mention a specific company attribute or value]. I admire [specific detail about the company] and am excited about the opportunity to support your team in achieving its goals.

I am enthusiastic about the chance to bring my unique skills to the Virtual Assistant position at [Company’s Name]. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application in more detail and am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to contribute to [Company’s Name] and am excited about the potential to grow within your esteemed company.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A professional office setting with a young woman sitting at a desk, working on a computer

Q: How Do I Write a Cover Letter for a Virtual Assistant Position with No Prior Experience?

Answer: In my cover letter, I focused on highlighting my transferable skills. I emphasized my organizational abilities, proficiency with technology, and strong communication skills. 

I also mentioned any relevant volunteer work or projects that demonstrated my ability to manage tasks remotely. By showcasing my eagerness to learn and adapt, I made a strong case for my potential as a virtual assistant, despite lacking direct experience.

Q: What Makes a Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Stand Out?

Answer: To make my virtual assistant cover letter stand out, I personalized it for each job application. I researched the company and addressed the specific needs mentioned in the job description. 

I included examples of how I successfully managed similar tasks in the past. Adding a touch of creativity, like a unique format or a professional yet personable tone, also helped my cover letter stand out.

Q: Should I Mention Technical Skills in My Virtual Assistant Cover Letter?

Answer: Absolutely! In my cover letter, I made sure to list key technical skills that are crucial for a virtual assistant, such as proficiency in Microsoft Office, knowledge of CRM software, and experience with social media management tools. I also mentioned my fast typing speed and ability to quickly learn new software, which are valuable skills in this role.

Q: How Can I Show My Remote Work Experience in My Cover Letter?

Answer: In my cover letter, I highlighted my previous remote work experiences. I detailed how I efficiently managed my time, communicated effectively with team members, and maintained productivity in a home office setting. 

I also mentioned specific tools and software I used for remote collaboration, showing that I’m well-equipped for a virtual work environment.

Q: Is It Important to Tailor My Virtual Assistant Cover Letter to Each Job?

Answer: Yes, it’s very important. For each job application, I tailored my cover letter to address the specific requirements and expectations listed in the job posting. 

I made connections between my skills and experiences and the needs of the potential employer. This approach showed that I was not only a fit for the role but also genuinely interested in working for their company.

cover letter va example


Crafting a compelling Statement in Support of Claim for your VA disability application involves detailed storytelling and clear articulation of how your service-related disability impacts your life. A well-structured statement can significantly enhance your claim by providing the VA with a vivid, personal insight into your experiences, challenges, and needs. Below, we expand on each section of your statement to ensure a comprehensive and persuasive narrative.

Start with a detailed introduction of your military service. This should include:

Branch of Service and Unit: Clearly state your branch and unit, providing a foundation for understanding your military background.

Service Duration and Locations: Mention the total years served and key locations, especially those relevant to your claim.

Roles and Responsibilities: Describe your MOS or specific duties, focusing on aspects that relate directly to your disability claim.

Detailed Account of the Event: If a specific event is at the heart of your disability:

Event Description: Provide a chronological narrative of the event, including the date, location, and what transpired. Use descriptive language to convey the intensity or seriousness of the situation.

Your Role in the Event: Detail your involvement, actions taken, and any immediate consequences you faced.

Eyewitness Accounts: If available, include statements from others who witnessed the event. This will add credibility and perspective to your account.

Description of Your Disability and Its Impact: This section is crucial for illustrating the breadth of your disability's impact on your life:

Physical and Emotional Toll: Discuss specific physical limitations or symptoms you experience. Describe the emotional and psychological effects, such as PTSD, anxiety, or depression, emphasizing how these have altered your daily life.

Professional and Social Impact: Detail any changes in your job performance, career trajectory, or employment status. Discuss the strain or changes in relationships and social activities, highlighting any isolation or withdrawal you've experienced.

Comparison of Pre- and Post-Service Life: Offer a vivid comparison of your abilities, hobbies, and quality of life before and after your service. This contrast can powerfully illustrate the disability's impact.

Medical Treatment and Response:

Treatment Timeline: Provide a detailed timeline of your medical treatments, including dates, healthcare providers, and treatment outcomes. This demonstrates the ongoing nature of your disability and your efforts to address it.

Accessibility and Efficacy of Treatments: Discuss any challenges in accessing care or limitations in treatment efficacy. This can highlight the complexity and severity of your condition.

Personal Testimony:

Personal Reflections: Share your personal journey in adapting to life with your disability. This might include mental health struggles, the challenge of redefining your identity post-service, or the daily realities of living with a chronic condition.

Hopes and Frustrations: Articulate your hopes for improvement or fears about the future. This section adds depth to your narrative, showing the human element behind the claim.

Supporting Testimonies

Family and Friends Observations: Incorporate statements from those close to you, detailing their observations of your struggles and changes since your service. These perspectives can underscore the broad impact of your disability.

Professional Insights: If applicable, include observations from your employers or colleagues about changes in your work performance or behavior, lending further evidence to your claim's validity.

Conclusion and Appeal for Support

Summary of Your Situation : Concisely summarize the key points of your narrative, reinforcing the severity and legitimacy of your disability.

Appeal for Understanding and Support: End with a respectful appeal to the VA for support, emphasizing the critical role of the benefits in maintaining your dignity, independence, and quality of life.

Writing Tips for Clarity and Impact

Narrative Flow: Ensure your statement has a logical flow, with each section smoothly transitioning into the next. This helps maintain the reader's engagement and understanding.

Emotive Language: Where appropriate, use emotive language to convey the intensity of your experiences and the depth of your struggles. This can make your statement more compelling and memorable.

Proofreading: Thoroughly proofread your statement or have someone else review it for errors and clarity. A polished, error-free statement reflects the seriousness of your claim well.

By crafting each section of your Statement in Support of Claim, you significantly strengthen your VA disability claim, ensuring that the VA fully comprehends the profound impact of your service-related disability on your life.

cover letter va example

(Current Clients): Please use these forms to submit your statement

VA Form 21-0781  PTSD Statement - Personal Statement (Read This First)

VA Form 21-0781a PTSD and MST Secondary to Personal Assault - Personal Statement (Read This First) 

VA Form 21-10210 Lay Witness Statement -  Buddy, Family, and Friends Statements

VA Form 21-4138 General Statements  - Can be used for any VA benefit


[Your Name]

[Your Service Number/SSN]

[Your Address]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

Department of Veterans Affairs

Claims Intake Center

PO Box 4444 Janesville, WI 53547-4444

Subject: Service Connection for Lumbar Strain

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for service-connected compensation for a lumbar strain that initially occurred in 1989 while I was stationed at Fort Polk, Louisiana. During a field exercise, I was involved in lifting a generator off a truck, which resulted in immediate back pain. I sought medical attention at the base's sick call, where I was prescribed 800mg of Ibuprofen and placed on a temporary profile.

Despite the initial care, I continued to experience lumbar pain throughout my service. However, fearing stigma and potential negative attention from my unit, I refrained from seeking further medical assistance. This decision, driven by a concern for my career and unit cohesion, has had lasting repercussions on my health.

After my service, my access to medical care was severely limited, and it wasn't until 2012, through my employment, that I was able to seek treatment for my ongoing back pain. Over the past three years, I have been under the care of a private chiropractor. Recent X-rays have confirmed the presence of Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) and bulging discs, conditions that trace directly back to the injury I sustained while in service.

The impact of this injury has extended far beyond my service and into my personal and professional life. I am currently enrolled in a pain management program to manage the constant discomfort and limitation of mobility. My ability to perform at work has been compromised, leading to periods of unemployment and financial strain. Furthermore, the pain and subsequent treatment have caused me to miss significant life events and opportunities to spend time with my family, contributing to a decreased quality of life.

I have attached all relevant medical records, including the documentation from my initial visit to sick call in 1989, records from my chiropractic care, and the recent X-rays and diagnoses. These documents substantiate the origin of my lumbar strain during military service and its progression to my current condition.

I request that the Department of Veterans Affairs recognize the service connection of my lumbar strain and its subsequent conditions. Granting this claim would not only validate the physical suffering I have endured since my service but also provide the necessary support to manage my health moving forward.

Thank you for considering my claim. I am ready to provide any additional information or documentation required. I look forward to your response and hope for a favorable review of my case.

The VA Disability Advocates Advice

When filing a VA disability claim, providing comprehensive evidence to support your case is vital. Statements in Support of Claim offer a valuable opportunity to strengthen your claim by providing crucial details, additional information, and personal testimonies. These statements substantiate the event that caused your disability, offer insights into its impact on your life, establish pre-service and post-service comparisons, and personalize your claim. Gathering and including these statements significantly enhances your chances of obtaining the disability compensation you deserve. The collective power of these statements adds depth, context, and humanity to your claim, ensuring that decision-makers have a comprehensive understanding of your unique circumstances.

The VA Disability Advocates Main Office is Located in Las Vegas, NV. We Represent Veterans throughout the United States. 702-992-4883 

7 Veterans Service Representative Cover Letter Examples

Veterans service representative cover letter examples.

As a veterans service representative, you play a crucial role in providing assistance, support, and resources to veterans and their families. Your dedication to helping those who have served our country is commendable, and your expertise in navigating the complex world of veterans benefits is invaluable. However, in order to secure a position as a veterans service representative, it is essential to have a standout cover letter that effectively showcases your skills, experience, and passion for serving veterans.

A well-tailored cover letter can make all the difference in getting noticed by hiring managers and standing out from the competition. It provides an opportunity to highlight your unique qualifications and demonstrate why you are the ideal candidate for the role. In this article, we will explore some examples of effective cover letters for veterans service representatives to help inspire and guide you in crafting your own compelling cover letter.

Example 1: Disability Claims Examiner Cover Letter

Key takeaways.

Sarah's cover letter effectively showcases her experience and expertise in disability claims, positioning her as an ideal candidate for the Disability Claims Examiner position at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

When applying for a specialized role like a Disability Claims Examiner, it's important to highlight your relevant experience and knowledge in the field. This demonstrates your familiarity with the specific challenges and requirements of the role.

Sarah emphasizes her progressive experience in claims management, starting as a Claims Assistant and working her way up to a Disability Claims Examiner. She highlights her ability to accurately assess claims, interpret medical records, and make fair determinations.

Highlight your career progression and the increasing levels of responsibility you have taken on in previous roles. This shows your growth in the field and your ability to handle complex claims.

Throughout her cover letter, Sarah emphasizes her dedication to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring that individuals with disabilities receive the support they deserve. This demonstrates her commitment to the mission of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Emphasize your passion for helping individuals with disabilities and your commitment to providing excellent service. This shows your alignment with the organization's values and mission.

Example 2: Veterans Benefits Counselor Cover Letter

Robert's cover letter effectively showcases his experience and commitment to assisting veterans, making him an ideal candidate for the Veterans Benefits Counselor position at the American Legion.

When applying for a role in the veterans' services sector, it is crucial to demonstrate a genuine passion for supporting and advocating for veterans. This helps to establish a strong connection with the hiring manager and showcases your commitment to the organization's mission.

He highlights his achievements, such as implementing a streamlined process for filing benefit claims that resulted in reduced wait times and improved efficiency. These tangible results demonstrate his ability to make a positive impact and deliver measurable outcomes.

Quantify your achievements whenever possible to provide concrete evidence of your contributions. This helps to showcase your ability to make a meaningful difference in the lives of veterans.

The cover letter effectively conveys Robert's understanding of the challenges faced by veterans and the importance of providing comprehensive support. However, he could have further emphasized his specific qualifications and expertise in veterans' benefits counseling.

Highlight any relevant certifications or specialized training you have received in veterans' benefits counseling. This helps to demonstrate your depth of knowledge and expertise in navigating the complex benefits system.

Overall, Robert's cover letter successfully positions him as a highly qualified and dedicated candidate for the Veterans Benefits Counselor position at the American Legion.

Example 3: Education and Training Specialist Cover Letter

Jennifer's cover letter effectively showcases her experience and passion for supporting wounded veterans through education and training.

When applying for a position in a non-profit organization or a role that involves a specific mission or cause, it is crucial to demonstrate your genuine passion and dedication to that cause. This helps the hiring manager see your alignment with the organization's values and goals.

She highlights her experience in military transition assistance and vocational rehabilitation, demonstrating her knowledge and expertise in supporting veterans' educational and career needs.

When applying for a position that requires specific knowledge or skills, such as education and training specialist, it is essential to highlight relevant experience and qualifications. This shows the hiring manager that you have the necessary expertise to excel in the role.

Jennifer's cover letter could further emphasize her accomplishments and the impact she made in her previous roles, such as the number of veterans she assisted or specific success stories.

Quantify your achievements whenever possible to provide concrete evidence of your impact. This helps the hiring manager understand the scope and significance of your contributions.

Overall, Jennifer's cover letter effectively conveys her passion, expertise, and alignment with the mission of Wounded Warrior Project, making her a strong candidate for the Education and Training Specialist position.

Example 4: Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Cover Letter

Michael's cover letter effectively showcases his experience and passion for vocational rehabilitation counseling, positioning him as a strong candidate for the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor role at Goodwill Industries International.

When applying for a vocational rehabilitation counselor position, it's crucial to highlight relevant experience working with diverse populations and providing vocational guidance. This demonstrates your ability to understand and meet the specific needs of individuals seeking employment support.

Michael highlights his experience as a Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, where he successfully assisted veterans in their transition to civilian employment. This showcases his ability to provide comprehensive vocational assessments and counseling services, helping individuals identify their strengths and secure suitable job opportunities.

Emphasize your past successes and outcomes in your cover letter. This demonstrates your effectiveness as a vocational rehabilitation counselor and gives the hiring manager confidence in your ability to make a positive impact on their clients.

Michael also mentions his experience as a Rehabilitation Counselor in the U.S. Navy, which equipped him with the skills to work with diverse populations and develop personalized rehabilitation plans. This highlights his ability to collaborate with interdisciplinary teams and facilitate successful outcomes for individuals seeking to reintegrate into society.

Highlight any experience you have working with specific populations or in specialized settings. This can set you apart from other candidates and demonstrate your ability to address unique challenges in vocational rehabilitation.

While Michael's cover letter effectively demonstrates his experience and passion, he could have further emphasized his specific qualifications and certifications in vocational rehabilitation counseling.

Don't forget to mention any relevant certifications or specialized training you have obtained in the field of vocational rehabilitation counseling. This can further reinforce your qualifications and expertise in the role.

Example 5: Claims Benefits Specialist Cover Letter

Elizabeth's cover letter effectively demonstrates her strong background in the field and her genuine passion for serving veterans, positioning her as an ideal candidate for the Claims Benefits Specialist role at Disabled American Veterans.

When applying for a role in a non-profit organization focused on a specific cause, it is crucial to convey your genuine passion for the mission. This helps establish a connection with the hiring manager and shows that you are committed to making a meaningful impact.

Elizabeth highlights her progression in the claims field, starting as a Claims Assistant and progressing to a Claims Examiner. This showcases her experience and growth in the industry.

Emphasize your career progression and the increasing responsibilities you have taken on in your previous roles. This demonstrates your ability to handle complex tasks and adapt to new challenges.

She also highlights her experience as a Claims Benefits Specialist at Paralyzed Veterans of America, showcasing her expertise in supporting veterans with disabilities. This differentiates her from other candidates and highlights her niche knowledge.

Highlight any specialized experience or certifications you have that are relevant to the role. This demonstrates your unique qualifications and makes you stand out as a candidate.

Elizabeth could further strengthen her cover letter by providing specific examples of how she has made a positive impact on veterans' lives through her work.

Include specific stories or examples that demonstrate the positive outcomes you have achieved in your previous roles. This helps the hiring manager visualize the value you can bring to their organization.

Example 6: Outreach Specialist Cover Letter

William's cover letter effectively highlights his relevant experience and passion for supporting service members and their families, making him a strong candidate for the Outreach Specialist position at the USO.

When applying for a position in a nonprofit organization like the USO, it's important to showcase your genuine passion for the organization's mission. This demonstrates your commitment and dedication to the cause.

He provides specific examples of his accomplishments, such as assisting over 200 veterans in finding employment and establishing partnerships with over 50 companies. These achievements demonstrate his ability to effectively coordinate programs and build relationships.

Quantify your achievements whenever possible to showcase the impact of your work. Numbers and statistics provide concrete evidence of your success and make your accomplishments more impressive.

The cover letter could be further strengthened by highlighting any specific skills or qualifications that are particularly relevant to the role of an Outreach Specialist. William could also mention any experience he has working with other nonprofit organizations or government agencies.

Tailor your cover letter to the specific requirements of the position. Highlight any relevant skills, qualifications, or experiences that make you uniquely qualified for the role. This helps to demonstrate your fit for the position and increases your chances of being selected for an interview.

Example 7: Healthcare Navigator Cover Letter

Emily's cover letter effectively showcases her experience and passion for serving the military community, making her a strong candidate for the Healthcare Navigator position at TRICARE.

When applying for a healthcare navigator role, it is crucial to highlight your experience in navigating complex healthcare systems and advocating for patients. This demonstrates your ability to ensure timely and appropriate care for individuals in need.

She emphasizes her background in healthcare administration and her experience as a Healthcare Navigator in the U.S. Navy, which showcases her understanding of the healthcare system and her ability to effectively coordinate and facilitate access to healthcare services.

Highlighting relevant experience in healthcare administration and previous roles as a healthcare navigator demonstrates your familiarity with the responsibilities and challenges of the position. This gives hiring managers confidence in your ability to excel in the role.

Emily also mentions her passion for serving the military community and her alignment with TRICARE's mission of providing comprehensive healthcare services. This conveys her dedication and commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of service members and their families.

Expressing your passion and alignment with the organization's mission shows your genuine interest in the role and your motivation to contribute to the well-being of the military community. Hiring managers value candidates who are genuinely invested in the organization's mission and values.

Skills To Highlight

As a veterans service representative, your cover letter should highlight the unique skills that make you a strong candidate for the role. These key skills include:

Knowledge of VA Programs and Benefits : A deep understanding of the various programs and benefits offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs is essential for a veterans service representative. Highlight any experience you have working with VA programs, such as disability compensation, education and training benefits, healthcare services, and housing assistance. Demonstrating your knowledge of these programs will show your ability to provide accurate and helpful information to veterans.

Understanding of Military Culture : Veterans service representatives often work closely with veterans from different branches of the military. Having a strong understanding of military culture, including the challenges and experiences veterans may face, is crucial for building trust and rapport. Mention any personal or professional experience you have with the military, such as serving in the armed forces yourself or working with veterans in a previous role.

Strong Communication and Interpersonal Skills : Effective communication is a vital skill for veterans service representatives. You will be interacting with veterans on a daily basis, listening to their concerns, and providing guidance and support. Emphasize your ability to communicate clearly, empathetically, and respectfully with individuals of diverse backgrounds and experiences. Highlight any experience you have in customer service, counseling, or other roles that require strong interpersonal skills.

Attention to Detail : Veterans service representatives are responsible for processing and reviewing important paperwork and documentation. Attention to detail is crucial to ensure accuracy and avoid errors that could impact veterans' benefits. Discuss your ability to carefully review documents, follow procedures, and maintain meticulous records. Provide examples of situations where your attention to detail contributed to successful outcomes.

Ability to Navigate Complex Regulations : The field of veterans services is governed by complex regulations and policies. As a veterans service representative, you will need to navigate these regulations to assist veterans in accessing the benefits they are entitled to. Highlight any experience you have in interpreting and applying regulations, as well as your ability to research and stay updated on changes in VA policies. Demonstrating your familiarity with the regulatory landscape will show your ability to effectively advocate for veterans' rights.

By highlighting these key skills in your cover letter, you will demonstrate your qualifications and suitability for the role of a veterans service representative. Remember to provide specific examples and evidence of how you have utilized these skills in previous positions or experiences.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When crafting your cover letter for a veterans service representative position, it's important to avoid these common mistakes:

Not Tailoring the Letter to the Specific Job Opening : One of the biggest mistakes you can make is sending a generic cover letter that doesn't address the specific requirements of the veterans service representative role you're applying for. Take the time to thoroughly read the job description and understand the skills and qualifications the employer is looking for. Then, customize your cover letter to highlight how your experience and abilities align with those requirements. By tailoring your letter to the specific job opening, you show the employer that you're genuinely interested in the position and have taken the time to understand their needs.

Failing to Highlight Relevant Experience : As a veterans service representative, it's crucial to showcase any relevant experience you have working with veterans or in a customer service role. However, many applicants make the mistake of simply listing their job titles and responsibilities without clearly explaining how their experience relates to the position they're applying for. Instead, focus on highlighting specific accomplishments and skills that demonstrate your ability to assist and support veterans. Whether you've worked directly with veterans in a previous role, volunteered at veterans' organizations, or have personal experience as a veteran yourself, make sure to emphasize these points in your cover letter.

Not Demonstrating a Genuine Passion for Helping Veterans : Hiring managers for veterans service representative positions are often looking for individuals who are genuinely passionate about serving and supporting veterans. Therefore, it's important to convey your enthusiasm and commitment in your cover letter. Avoid coming across as disinterested or solely focused on the administrative aspects of the job. Instead, express your genuine desire to make a positive impact on the lives of veterans and their families. Share any personal connections or experiences that have inspired you to pursue a career in this field. By demonstrating your passion for helping veterans, you'll stand out as a candidate who is truly dedicated to the role.

Remember, your cover letter is your opportunity to showcase your qualifications, skills, and enthusiasm for the veterans service representative position. Avoiding these common mistakes will help you create a strong and compelling cover letter that captures the attention of hiring managers and increases your chances of landing an interview.

In conclusion, a well-crafted cover letter plays a crucial role in a veteran service representative's job application. It provides an opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and passion for assisting veterans. By following the examples and tips provided in this article, you can create a compelling cover letter that will enhance your chances of landing a rewarding position in the field of veterans services.

Remember to personalize your cover letter for each application, highlighting relevant skills and experiences that align with the specific job requirements. Use a professional tone and language, and keep your letter concise and focused. Show enthusiasm and a genuine interest in helping veterans, and demonstrate how your qualifications make you a strong fit for the role.

By avoiding common mistakes and emphasizing key skills, such as strong communication, problem-solving abilities, and empathy, you can make a positive impression on hiring managers and stand out from other applicants. Take the time to proofread your cover letter for any errors or typos, and ensure that it is tailored to the specific job you are applying for.

With a well-crafted cover letter, you can showcase your passion for serving veterans and make a compelling case for why you are the ideal candidate for the position. Best of luck with your job search as a veterans service representative!

Cover letters: guidelines and samples

Why is it called a "cover letter".

Why is a job search letter called a "cover letter?" Because in the era of hard copy resumes and letters, the letter would be on top of, and therefore cover, the resume. A cover letter introduces a resume and explains why you are sending the resume.

Writing guidelines

  • These writing guidelines apply to both email content and letters written as a document. There are just some formatting differences. You can also see  email guidelines .

Do I have to include a cover letter with my resume?

If you're sending your resume via email, yes. If you are speaking to an employer at a career fair (or other event), no. If you are submitting your resume online (sometimes to an employer's Applicant Tracking System, called ATS; a thing that's good to know about), do what the employer instructs! If there are no instruction, a cover letter can help. A cover letter is personalized and individualized to the employer. (Your resume is not.)

In person, you have a conversation, so you're talking to the employer about why you're interested in their job, and offering your resume. A letter doesn't apply to that situation. You can and likely should send a follow up email afterward to emphasize your interest and thank the employer for their time in talking with you.

When emailing your resume, your email usually serves as a cover letter; it explains why you're sending your resume. (In certain cases, if the employer requests this, or you are in a very formal and/or traditional industry, you might attach a cover letter document to your email.) 

What a well-written cover letter (usually email) does:

  • Explains why you are sending your resume;
  • Shows that you can communicate in a professional way;
  • Places emphasis on why you are interested in that specific employer. (Your resume is about you, not the employers you are pursuing.)
  • Shows good manners and appropriate business etiquette;
  • Is a different communication tool than a resume. Enables you to express yourself in complete sentences, tell things about yourself that the resume might not, and show your personality as appropriate to the job search.
  • Should never read like a form letter that could be sent to anyone.

What if I'm sending my resume to someone who knows me and is going to pass it on to someone else?

  • Include a brief email cover letter thanking your contact person for her/his/their kindness and assistance in passing your resume along, and include your goal (job, internship, co-op, etc.) and career interest. Your friend might forward your email to another contact who can then see your writing style, focus, and professionalism.

Email or Word docx / hard copy?

In most situations, email is the medium for professional communication in the job search.

Sometimes, in very formal and/or traditional fields, letters are written as documents with certain formatting. That document could then be sent as an attachment to an email (with a clear, concise description of what is attached and why). It's now very rare to actually physically mail hard copy when applying for jobs.

  • In email, your signature block (address, etc.) goes below your name, after your email content. In document format, your address, etc. goes at the top of the page. 
  • Email requires a subject line logical to the recipient. Email subject lines can make or break whether your email is opened and read.
  • A letter in document format can have a subject line after recipient's address block and before "Dear Ms./Mr./Dr...".
  • Doesn't exist on email.
  • Not needed on a document attached to email (you're not printing it). In the rare case you print hard copy, you could sign above your printed name.

All cover letters should:

  • Do you want a summer internship, a co-op, a field-study?
  • A post-graduation job?
  • Are you inquiring about future employment possibilities?
  • The word "opportunity" is vague; opportunity to do what?
  • Tell specifically how you learned about the position or the organization  — an email from your advisor, the employer's website, a friend who works at the organization. It is appropriate to mention the name of someone who suggested that you write.
  • Convince the reader to look at your resume. The cover letter will be seen first. Therefore, it must be very well written and targeted to that employer.
  • Call attention to elements of your background  — education, leadership, experience — that are relevant to a position you are seeking. Be as specific as possible, using examples.
  • Reflect your attitude , personality, motivation, enthusiasm, and communication skills.
  • Provide or refer to any information specifically requested  in a job advertisement that might not be covered in your resume, such as availability date, or reference to an attached writing sample.
  • In a letter of application — applying for an advertised opening — applicants often say something like "I look forward to hearing from you." However, you can take initiative to follow up, saying something like, "I will contact you in the next two weeks to see if you require any additional information regarding my qualifications."
  • In a letter of inquiry — asking about the possibility of an opening — don't assume the employer will contact you. Say something like, "I will contact you in two weeks to learn more about upcoming employment opportunities with (name of organization)." Then mark your calendar to make that contact.

Format guidelines

In email format: your contact info / signature block goes below your name at the END. In document format: sender address and contact info at the top; then the date; then your contact info / address block, which can be left-justified, or centered.)

(if document format) Month, Day, Year

(if document format, the following about the recipient:) Mr./Ms./Dr. FirstName LastName That person's job title Name of organization (Street or P.O. address if you are actually mailing hard copy; not common.) Town/city, state (zip code if mailing hard copy; not common)

Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. LastName:

Opening paragraph: State why you are writing; how you learned of the organization or position, and basic information about yourself.

2nd paragraph: Tell why you are interested in the employer or type of work the employer does. Simply stating that you are interested does not tell why, and can sound like a form letter. Demonstrate that you know enough about the employer or position to relate your background to the employer or position. Mention specific qualifications which make you a good fit for the employer’s needs. Focus on what you can do for the employer, not what the employer can do for you. This is an opportunity to explain in more detail relevant items in your resume. Refer to the fact that your resume is attached. Mention other attachments if required to apply for a position.

3rd paragraph: Indicate that you would like the opportunity to interview for a position or to talk with the employer to learn more about their opportunities or hiring plans. State what you will do to follow up, such as call or email the employer within two weeks. If you will be in the employer’s location and could offer to schedule a visit, indicate when. State that you would be glad to provide the employer with any additional information needed. Thank the person for her/his/their consideration.

4th paragraph optional if best to split some of content above.

Sincerely, Your first and last name Address as town/city, state (optional zip code) (You are not required to give your street address; lean toward protecting your privacy, especially when you do not know how your email might be forwarded / shared.) Phone number Email address

Letter of application / letter of inquiry

Generally letters fall into two categories, but the bottom line is to write what makes sense based on the information you have.

  • Letter of application: applying for a specific, advertised opening. See sample letters below.
  • Letter of inquiry: expressing interest in an organization, but you are not certain if there are current openings. See sample letters below.

The purpose of the samples is not to give you something to copy, but to show examples; the content of your letters will be unique to you depending on your situation and the people to whom you write.

Sample 3.1 — Letter of application, document format

Blacksburg, Virginia    |   540-555-0000   |   (emailaddress)@vt.edu

February 2, 20XY

Dr. Michelle Rhodes Principal, Wolftrap Elementary School 1205 Beulah Road Vienna, VA 22182

Dear Dr. Rhodes:

Thank you for speaking with me on February 18, after the Family and Child Development seminar at Virginia Tech. I appreciated your perspective on balancing the needs of children and the community during difficult economic times. This letter is to express my interest in upper elementary grade teaching positions discussed at the seminar. I will complete my M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction at Virginia Tech in May 20XY, and will be available for employment as soon as needed for the 20XY-XZ school year.

My teacher preparation program at Virginia Tech has included a full academic year of student teaching. Last semester I taught fourth grade and this semester am teaching fifth grade. These valuable experiences have afforded me the opportunity to:

  • Develop lesson plans on a wide range of topics and varying levels of academic ability;
  • Work with emotionally and physically challenged students in a total inclusion program;
  • Observe and participate in effective classroom management approaches;
  • Assist with parent-teacher conferences;
  • Complete in-service sessions on diversity, math and reading skills, and community relations.

My experience includes teaching in a private day care facility, and in Virginia Tech’s Child Development Laboratory. Both these facilities are NAEYC-accredited and adhere to the highest standards. At both locations, I led small- and large-group developmentally appropriate activities for elementary-aged children, and practiced strict safety protocols.

I am enthusiastic about putting my knowledge and experience into practice in a full-time teaching position. In a month, in early March, I will be in Vienna, and I would very much like to visit the school while in session and shadow teachers. I will stay in touch with you to make arrangement for this. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and contributing to the professional development of those of us entering the teaching profession.

Sincerely, Averill Harrington

Sample 3.2 — Letter of application, email format

Subject line:  (logical to recipient!)  Application for sales representative for mid-Atlantic area

April 14, 20XY

Mr. William Jackson Employment Manager Biochem Corporation 13764 Jefferson Parkway Roanoke, VA 24019 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Jackson:

From the Biochem Corp website I learned about your need for a sales representative for the Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina areas. I am very interested in this position, and believe that my education and employment background are very well matched for the position.

You indicate that a requirement for the position is a track record of success in meeting sales goals. I have done this. After completion of my B.S. in biology, and prior to beginning my master’s degree in marketing, I worked for two years as a sales representative with a regional whole foods company.  My efforts yielded success in new business development, and my sales volume consistently met or exceeded company goals. I would like to repeat that success in the biochemical industry, using my academic background in science and business. I will complete my M.S. in marketing in mid-May and will be available to begin employment in early June.

Attached is my resume, which more fully details my qualifications for the position.

I look forward to talking with you regarding sales opportunities with Biochem Corp. Within the next two weeks I will contact you to confirm that you received my email and resume and to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you very kindly for your consideration.

Sincerely, Harper A. Johnson Blacksburg, Virginia 540-555-8888 [email protected]

Sample 3.3 — Letter of application, email format

Subject line:  (logical to recipient!)  Application for marketing research position #031210-528

March 14, 20XY

Ms. Charlene Prince Director of Personnel Large National Finance Corporation Roanoke, VA 24040 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Prince:

Thank you for speaking with me yesterday. As I indicated, I would like to apply for the marketing research position (#031210-528) advertised on Indeed. With my undergraduate research background, my training in psychology and sociology, and my work experience, I believe I could make a valuable contribution to Large National Finance Corporation in this position.

In May I will complete my B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Sociology, at Virginia Tech. As part of the requirements for this degree, I am involved in a senior marketing research project that has given me experience interviewing and surveying research subjects and assisting with data analysis. I also have completed a course in statistics and research methods.

My experience also includes working part-time as a bookkeeper in a small, successful, independent bookstore with an annual budget of approximately $150,000.  Because of the small size of this business, I have been exposed to and participated in most aspects of managing a business, including advertising and marketing.  As the bookkeeper, I produced monthly sales reports that allow the owner/buyer to project seasonal inventory needs. I also assisted with the development of ideas for special promotional events and calculated book sales proceeds after each event in order to evaluate its success.

I believe my combination of business experience and social science research training is an excellent match for the marketing research position at Large National. My resume is attached. Thank you very much for your consideration, and I look forward to receiving your reply.

Sincerely, Alexi Lawrence Blacksburg, VA 24060 540-555-1234 [email protected]

Sample 3.4 — Letter of application, email format

Subject: Application for building construction position after graduation

Ms. Riley Wilson Personnel Director Anderson Construction Company Rockville, MD

Dear Ms. Wilson:

I am following up after speaking with you at the construction industry career fair at Virginia Tech last week. Thank you for your time in sharing so much helpful information with me. Next May I will complete my bachelor's degree in building construction, and believe that my education, experience, and values make me an excellent candidate to join your team.

Each summer for the last five years I have worked at various levels in the construction industry. As indicated on my attached resume, I have worked as a general laborer, a skilled carpenter, and last summer served as assistant construction manager on a two-million dollar residential construction project.

The Anderson Construction projects are familiar to me, and my aspiration is to work for a company that has your values of service to the community through support of youth activities. One of my volunteer activities is coaching youth soccer, and I believe in the individual and community benefits of involving youth in recreational sports. I hope for the opportunity to interview with you, and will follow up with you.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, Jesse Bimal Blacksburg, Virginia 540-555-4523 [email protected]

Sample 3.5 — Letter of inquiry about employment possibilities, email fomat

Subject:  (logical to recipient!)  Inquiry about software engineering position after completion of M.S. in computer engineering

December 12, 20XY

Mr. Robert Burns President, Template Division Megatek Corporation Arlington, VA 22207 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Burns:

Next May I will complete my master of science in computer engineering at Virginia Tech. I found information about Megatek through an information session offered through the career center at my university, and am very excited about the career path options you offer for software engineers. I believe there is an excellent fit between my skills and interests and your needs.

As a graduate student, I am one of six members on a software development team in which we are writing a computer-aided aircraft design program for NASA. My responsibilities include designing, coding, and testing of a graphical portion of the program which requires the use of VWXDF for graphics input and output. I have a strong background in CAD, software development, and engineering, and believe that these skills would benefit the designing and manufacturing aspects of template software.  Attached is my resume with further details.

My qualifications equip me to make a contribution to the project areas in which your division of Megatik is expanding efforts.  I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss a position with you, and will contact you in a week to ten days to answer any questions you may have.  Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, Morgan Stevens Blacksburg, Virginia  |  540-555-2556 [email protected]

Sample 3.6 — Letter of inquiry about internship opportunities, email version

Subj: Wilderness Challenge internship position

January 12, 20XY

Ms. Sylvia Range Special Programs Assistant Marion County Family Court Wilderness Challenge Marion, VA 24560

Dear Ms. Range:

This semester I am a junior at Virginia Tech, working toward my bachelor's degree in family and child development. I am seeking an internship for this summer 20XY, and while researching opportunities in the field of youth development, I found your program. I am writing to inquire about possible internship opportunities with the Marion County Family Court Wilderness Challenge.

My work background and coursework have supplied me with many skills and an understanding of encouraging development of adolescents; for example:

  • 10 hours per week as a volunteer hotline assistant for a local intervention center. After a 50-hour training program, I counseled teenagers about personal concerns and referred them, when necessary, to appropriate professional services for additional help.
  • Wellness coordinator in my campus residence hall, which requires me to establish rapport with fifty residents and coach them on personal matters, university policies, and encourage healthy self-management habits to be successful in college.

My attached resume provides additional details about my background.

I will be in the Marion area during my spring break, March x-xx.  I will call you next week to see if it would be possible to meet with you in early March to discuss your program.

Sincerely, Sinclair Sosa Blacksburg, Virginia | 540-555-2233 | [email protected]

Sample 4.1 — Information seeking letter, email version

Mr. Idris Webb Delon Hampton and Associates Washington, DC

Dear Mr. Webb:

Next May I will complete my bachelor’s degree in Architecture at Virginia Tech, and am researching employment opportunities in the Washington metro area. I obtained your name from Professor (LastName) who teaches my professional seminar class this semester. S/he indicated that you had volunteered to provide highly motivated graduating students with career advice, and I hope that your schedule will permit you to allow me to ask for some of your time and advice. I am particularly interested in historic preservation and have done research on the DHA website to learn that your firm does work in this area. I am also interested in learning how the architects in your firm began their careers. My resume is attached simply to give you some information about my background and project work.

Within two weeks I will call you to arrange a time to speak to you by Zoom or perhaps visit your office if that would be convenient. I will be in the Washington area during the week of November 22. I very much appreciate your time and consideration of my request, and I look forward to talking with you.

Sincerely, Adara Alba Blacksburg, Virginia 540-555-1123 [email protected]

Sample 5.2 — Follow-up letter to information seeking meeting, email version

Subject:  (logical to recipient!)  Thank you for meeting Tuesday, Nov. 23

Mr. Javier Delon Delon Hampton and Associates Washington, DC 

Dear Mr. Delon:

Thank you so much for taking time from your busy schedule to meet with me on Tuesday. It was very helpful to me to learn so much about the current projects of Delon Hampton and Associates and the career paths of several of your staff. I appreciate your reviewing my portfolio and encouraging my career plans. I also enjoyed meeting Mil Menzur, and am glad to have her suggestions on how I can make the most productive use of my last semester prior to graduation.

Based on what I learned from my visit to your firm and other research I have done, I am very interested in being considered for employment with DHA in the future. I will be available to begin work after I graduate in May 20ZY. As you saw from my portfolio, I have developed strong skills in the area of historical documentation and this is a good match for the types of projects in which your firm specializes. My updated resume is attached to serve as a reminder of my background, some of which I discussed with you when we met.

During the next few months I will stay in contact with you in hopes that there may be an opportunity to join your firm. Thank you again for your generous help and guidance.

Sincerely, Kai Kalani Blacksburg, VA 24060 540-555-1123 [email protected]

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How to Apply for a VA Loan

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Veterans Administration loans are excellent tools for current and former military members to realize their homeownership dreams. Most VA loans are offered as a partnership between private lenders and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, so they work a little differently than other mortgages—starting from when you first apply. 

Learn the step-by-step process for applying for a VA loan.  

Key Takeaways

  • Your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) is your ticket to getting a VA loan. 
  • Most VA loans are offered through private lenders, who may set additional loan requirements.
  • VA loans offer benefits like no down payment requirements. 
  • You can—and should—compare offers from different VA loan lenders. 

There are several types of VA loans , most of which are offered through private lenders rather than the VA itself. Among these, VA-backed purchase loans are the most common, making up 75% of all VA loan originations in May 2024. Here, we’ll focus on how to apply for a VA loan to buy a home. The main steps are:

  • Get your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) : This shows your lender how much loan the VA will insure.
  • Gather other documents : In addition to your COE, your lender will also need copies of your financial statements and proof of identity.
  • Analyze your finances : Calculate your home-buying budget based on factors like your down payment savings, budget, and credit.
  • Shop for lenders : Get pre-qualified with different lenders to see what rates and fees they may charge you. 
  • Buy a home : Have a real estate agent help you find the right home and guide you and your lender through the rest of the home-buying process. 

Get Your Certificate of Eligibility (COE)

To get a VA loan, you’ll need a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to show your lender. The COE lists out your “entitlement,” meaning the amount of your loan that the VA will pay out to your lender if you default. Lenders also use it to calculate what—if any—down payment you’ll need to bring to the table. 

You’ll need to have served on active duty for a certain amount of time before you’re eligible for a COE. The time requirements are 90 days for current military members and two years for most veterans. If you received a dishonorable discharge, you’re not eligible for a VA loan.

If you don’t currently have a VA loan, you’ll generally have full access to your entitlement and won’t be required to make a down payment. (There are a few exceptions, such as if you defaulted on a VA loan in the past.)

To get a COE, you’ll need a copy of your discharge papers (DD214) if you’re a veteran. Active-duty servicemembers will need to get a signed statement of service. You can request a copy of your COE online, by mail, or through VA loan lenders. 

Gather Other Documents

To get a VA loan, you’ll need to meet requirements from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and a private lender willing to lend you the money. By getting a COE, you show that you meet the VA’s standards. The next step is to qualify with a mortgage lender . Most lenders will look for the same documents when you’re shopping for a mortgage—essentially those that show proof of your identity and financial situation. 

You can make your application process easier if you round up the following documents in advance:

  • Most recent pay stub
  • W-2s from the past two years
  • Tax returns from the past two years
  • Bank account statements from the past two months
  • Investment account statements from the past two months
  • Government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license or passport
  • Statements showing other income, such as 1099s from freelancing

Place digital copies of these documents in a folder you can easily share with your lender. As a bonus, it’ll also help you make sense of your finances so you can figure out what price range you can afford. 

Analyze Your Finances

You’ll need a good handle on your financial situation to avoid common home-buying mistakes , like applying for a loan before you’re ready or buying a home so expensive you have little cash flow and end up house-poor. Here are the main factors to consider:

  • Budget: It’s a good idea to get in the habit of budgeting . At the least, make a detailed budget of all your monthly income and expenses, so you know how much you have left over for a mortgage payment and other home expenses.
  • Credit score: Your credit score is one of the biggest factors lenders look at when approving your application and setting your interest rate. Looking this up in advance can tell you what sort of rates you might get, and—ultimately—how much home you can buy.
  • Credit report: Check your credit report with each of the three credit bureaus to ensure accuracy. Make note of any negative marks like defaulting on a loan, since some lenders may disqualify you. You can check your credit report at AnnualCreditReport.com .
  • Closing costs: In addition to the VA loan funding fee (1.25% to 3.3%), estimate other closing costs that may cut into your purchasing power. In general, buyers typically pay between 2% and 7% for closing costs.
  • Down payment: You aren’t required to make a down payment with your first VA loan, but it’s wise to do so. You’ll have a smaller loan and possibly a smaller interest rate, too—both of which will make for a smaller monthly payment.

Together, you can use this information to help you determine how much you can afford to spend on a home. Remember to leave room in your monthly budget for other costs, such as home repairs and maintenance, and an emergency fund.

Shop for Lenders

Each lender chooses how much interest and fees to charge VA loan borrowers. You can save thousands of dollars and increase your buying power by making sure you’re getting the best deal on your mortgage, and you do that by shopping around just as you would for any other major purchase. 

Aim to get pre-qualified when shopping for any loan. The more lenders you check your options with, the greater your odds of finding the best VA loan. 

When you get pre-qualified with a lender, they’ll do a soft check of your financial details and let you know how much they’ll likely be willing to lend to you, but it is not a guaranteed approval. Make sure you also ask for the interest rates and fees they charge. Compare the different loan offers, and select the one that best fits your priorities.

Interview potential lenders like they’re vying for a job—because they are. Ask what percentage of the mortgages they underwrite are VA loans and what common obstacles they see in your area. The quality of VA loan lenders can vary a lot. 

Now that you have the financing piece lined up, there’s just one more thing to find: your home . Reach out to a real estate agent to help you through this process. You can submit an offer and pre-approval letter when you find the home you want. 

If the sellers accept your offer, your real estate agent will help coordinate the closing process, including any requirements your lender may have before issuing the loan funds. This typically includes getting a VA appraisal and making sure the property meets other VA loan underwriting requirements.

A VA loan is an excellent option for those who qualify, but only some do. In addition, other types of loans may be a better option. Before you commit to getting a VA loan, review alternative loan types:

  • FHA loan : Available to the general public, Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans may be easier to get if you have a low credit score and little down payment savings. But they may be more expensive in the long run.
  • USDA loan : If you’re not a high-income earner and don’t live in a major metropolitan area, you may qualify for a no-down-payment loan backed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
  • Conventional loan : Standard mortgages that aren’t backed by the government may be a more affordable option in some cases if you have excellent credit and a high down payment. 
  • Postponing home buying: If you’re not able to get a good deal on a mortgage and you can afford to wait, you can give yourself a big leg up by taking time to improve your credit score, boost your income, pay down debt, and save a bigger down payment . 

Aside from a few extra requirements, like lining up your COE and meeting specific property guidelines, applying for a VA loan is similar to getting a standard mortgage. VA loans give you an advantage over other options, such as funding fee waivers for disabled veterans, lower interest rates, increased buying power, and an easier path to homeownership for those with bruised credit. The right loan for you will ultimately depend on your circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What's the maximum amount i can get with a va loan.

The VA doesn’t set limits on your loan amount ; that’s up to your lender to decide based on your income, down payment savings, and other factors. The “limits” you see published by the VA generally refer to the amount that they’ll reimburse your lender if you default, not the amount of home you can buy.

What If I Don’t Meet the Service Requirements for a VA Loan?

If you don’t meet the VA loan service requirements, you will not be eligible to take one out unless you stay in the military long enough to qualify. Active-duty servicemembers generally become eligible for VA loans after three months of service. Surviving spouses, in contrast, don’t have service requirements to be eligible for a VA loan but need to meet other criteria.

How Many Times Can You Use a VA Loan?

There is no limit to the number of times you can use a VA loan . If you have remaining entitlement available, you can use your VA loan benefits as often as you want. 

How Many Borrowers Can Be on a VA Loan?

The VA doesn’t limit the number of borrowers listed on a single loan; that’s up to the lender to decide. However, the VA will only back the veteran’s (and their spouse’s) portion of the loan, so most VA loans probably include one or two co-borrowers . 

Can You Refinance a VA Loan?

Yes. If you currently have a VA loan, you may be eligible for an Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan (IRRRL) , an easier and cheaper way to refinance your mortgage without going through all the hoopla of a traditional mortgage refinance.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. " Lender Statistics ."

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. “ Eligibility for VA Home Loan Programs .”

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. “ VA Home Loan Limits .”

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. " Create a Loan Application Packet ."

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. “ How Does My Credit Score Affect My Ability to Get a Mortgage Loan? ”

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. " VA Funding Fee and Loan Closing Costs ."

National Association of Realtors. "How Much Are Closing Costs? Plus: How to Avoid Closing Costs ."

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. " Purchase Loan ."

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. " Credit Underwriting .”

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. " VA Appraisal Fee Schedules and Timeliness Requirements .”

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. " Loans .”

U.S. Department of Agriculture. “ Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program .”

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. “ Don’t Delay! Act Now to Secure Your Hard-Earned VA Home Loan .”

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. “ VA Home Loan Programs for Surviving Spouses .”

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. " Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan ."

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