Essay on Corruption for Students and Children

500+ words essay on corruption.

Essay on Corruption – Corruption refers to a form of criminal activity or dishonesty. It refers to an evil act by an individual or a group. Most noteworthy, this act compromises the rights and privileges of others. Furthermore, Corruption primarily includes activities like bribery or embezzlement. However, Corruption can take place in many ways. Most probably, people in positions of authority are susceptible to Corruption. Corruption certainly reflects greedy and selfish behavior.

Essay on Corruption

Methods of Corruption

First of all, Bribery is the most common method of Corruption. Bribery involves the improper use of favours and gifts in exchange for personal gain. Furthermore, the types of favours are diverse. Above all, the favours include money, gifts, company shares, sexual favours, employment , entertainment, and political benefits. Also, personal gain can be – giving preferential treatment and overlooking crime.

Embezzlement refers to the act of withholding assets for the purpose of theft. Furthermore, it takes place by one or more individuals who were entrusted with these assets. Above all, embezzlement is a type of financial fraud.

The graft is a global form of Corruption. Most noteworthy, it refers to the illegal use of a politician’s authority for personal gain. Furthermore, a popular way for the graft is misdirecting public funds for the benefit of politicians .

Extortion is another major method of Corruption. It means to obtain property, money or services illegally. Above all, this obtainment takes place by coercing individuals or organizations. Hence, Extortion is quite similar to blackmail.

Favouritism and nepotism is quite an old form of Corruption still in usage. This refers to a person favouring one’s own relatives and friends to jobs. This is certainly a very unfair practice. This is because many deserving candidates fail to get jobs.

Abuse of discretion is another method of Corruption. Here, a person misuses one’s power and authority. An example can be a judge unjustly dismissing a criminal’s case.

Finally, influence peddling is the last method here. This refers to illegally using one’s influence with the government or other authorized individuals. Furthermore, it takes place in order to obtain preferential treatment or favour.

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Ways of Stopping Corruption

One important way of preventing Corruption is to give a better salary in a government job. Many government employees receive pretty low salaries. Therefore, they resort to bribery to meet their expenses. So, government employees should receive higher salaries. Consequently, high salaries would reduce their motivation and resolve to engage in bribery.

corruption easy essay in english

Tough laws are very important for stopping Corruption. Above all, strict punishments need to be meted out to guilty individuals. Furthermore, there should be an efficient and quick implementation of strict laws.

Applying cameras in workplaces is an excellent way to prevent corruption. Above all, many individuals would refrain from indulging in Corruption due to fear of being caught. Furthermore, these individuals would have otherwise engaged in Corruption.

The government must make sure to keep inflation low. Due to the rise in prices, many people feel their incomes to be too low. Consequently, this increases Corruption among the masses. Businessmen raise prices to sell their stock of goods at higher prices. Furthermore, the politician supports them due to the benefits they receive.

To sum it up, Corruption is a great evil of society. This evil should be quickly eliminated from society. Corruption is the poison that has penetrated the minds of many individuals these days. Hopefully, with consistent political and social efforts, we can get rid of Corruption.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is Bribery?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Bribery refers to improper use of favours and gifts in exchange for personal gain.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: ” How high salaries help in stopping Corruption?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”High salaries help in meeting the expenses of individuals. Furthermore, high salaries reduce the motivation and resolve to engage in bribery.”} }] }

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  • Corruption Essay


Essay on Corruption

Corruption refers to any act performed by individuals or a group in lieu of some form of bribes. Corruption is considered to be a dishonest and criminal act. If proven, Corruption can lead to Legal Punishments. Oftentimes the act of Corruption comprises the rights and privileges of some. It is very hard to find a definition that takes into account all the characteristics and aspects of Corruption. However, as responsible citizens of the Nation, we all must be aware of the true meaning and manifestation of Corruption in its every form so that whenever we come across it we can raise our voice against it and fight for justice. 

Place and Process of Corruption

Corruption is very common in government or private offices. The most common acts of Corruption involve some form of Bribery. Bribery involves some use of improper favours and gifts exchanged for personal gains of some sort. Moreover, Corruption is often found to be intertwined with embezzlement. Corruption can take place in many ways and in any public and private office. It is observed that most people in a position of power or authority are more likely to be involved in corrupt acts.  

The actual reasons behind Corruption are believed to be greed and selfishness. Bribery can include a range of favours like money, gifts, company shares, sexual favours, entertainment, political benefits as well as personal gain. One or more of such favors can inspire people to indulge in Corruption and preferential treatment and also inspire them to overlook criminal activities. 

Embezzlement, on the other hand, is another form of Corruption. An embezzlement is an act of withholding or concealing information about personal assets for the purpose of illegal trading or threat. Embezzlement generally involves people who were entrusted with the assets in question in the first place. Apart from being an act of Corruption, embezzlement is also an act of financial fraud. 

Another important form of Corruption is the graft. It is a global form of Corruption. It is also one of the most noteworthy and widespread corrupt practices in existence. Grafting refers to illegally using a politician's authority to achieve personal gains or goals. An eminent Example of this would be politically influential people misdirecting public funds to meet their own selfish needs.

Another important form of Corruption is extortion. Extortion means obtaining property, money or services through illegal means. Extortion takes place by taking advantage of individuals through coercion, threats or influence. It is very similar to blackmail. One of the oldest forms of Corruption is nepotism and favoritism. Both of these practices involve people being favored for a position or task due to his or her filial or familial status or ties. 

Another form of favoritism includes influence peddling. In this case, one's influence on people in power is used to get work done. The last form of Corruption is an abuse of discretion, in this type the person is power uses his or her authority to bend legal proceedings.

How to End Corruption? 

Corruption not only hinders working in an organization but also affects the economy of a country and the efficiency of various services. To stop Corruption, the government must take stricter measures. Existing laws must be strictly implemented and if the need arises, new laws are introduced. Workplaces should be strictly monitored to prevent any unethical exchange of favors. Only an end to small forms of Corruption can result in a cumulative effect and bring a significant change in Society. 


FAQs on Corruption Essay

1. How to write an essay on Corruption?

To write an essay on Corruption, the writer needs to have an understanding and get some research done on the topic. After they know something about the topic, a broad topic line and the layout of the essay can be figured out based on the number of words required to write the essay. Students can then start writing by giving a quirky and compelling headline that captures the reader's attention. After giving the headline, come the major and most important paragraph of the essay, that is, the introduction of the essay. The introduction sets the feel of the essay and should be written keeping that in mind. 

Most people who will see the essay will go through the headline and the introduction paragraph and this will set the impression if the reader will read the complete essay or not. Students can then move on to writing three to four paragraphs or more in the body part where they can explain more about Corruption, why it happens and how to solve the problem of Corruption. This will be the main content part of the essay. Then the student can conclude the essay with a nice conclusion which the reader will take with them, it should include the gist of the whole article and its important points. This is how students can write an essay on Corruption. They can also refer to Vedantu's website where they can find essays on Corruption and other topics that they can use or refer to.

2. How to prepare to write an Exam?

Essays are a form of creative writing which is often tested in Exams for a good weightage of marks. Creative writing is a skill and like all skills, it can also be learned. To write long-form content like this, where minimum word limits are given, it's necessary to note the information, one knows about the topic and then divide the topic in optimum layout to cover the maximum and minimum word limit. 

Any essay should be divided into 3 parts- The Introduction, The Body, and The Conclusion. The introduction of any essay is very important as a good introduction can really impress a teacher. The body contains the main facts, data, and explanation of the introduction. Conclusion concludes an essay with a complete list of the topic. Good words and proper use of grammar will give a different shine to your essay and the complete English Exam. 

Essay writing can be difficult for some students, but students should remember that essay writing is an easy and high-scoring area in an English Exam or test. Students can learn more about Essay Writing at Vedantu's official website where they can browse from various Examples of essays written by our best English teachers to help the students to get full marks in content writing. This is how students can write an essay in an Exam and get full marks.

3. Why does Corruption exist in Society?

Corruption is the venom that can destroy any Society. Tackling Corruption is indirectly tackling people's mindset and handling their needs by keeping the system fair and equal for everyone. The last decades have shown a lot of growth in the overall condition of the country but the Corruption rates have also sky-rocketed. Corruption can also exist because greedy people have a good network and contacts that get the work done.  Corruption can give one temporary control over their time but they should remember that they'll eventually be caught one day.

4. How to write a good body in an essay?

Essays are long-form creative writing exercises that can be often difficult for many students. The most time-consuming and biggest element of an essay is the body which comprises all the facts, explanations, and examples of the essay.  After writing a perfect and compelling introduction, the writer has to start the main heart and soul of the essay; the body. 

The body can be started by explaining the introduction statements and explaining one's opinion on the topic. These explanations and opinions can be backed up by some evidence, facts, or theories. That's how one can write a good body element in an essay. To study more about essay writing, one can check Vedantu's official website where they can browse many Examples and sample written essays on several topics by the best English teachers. Students can master the skill of essay writing with some practice and guidance.

5. What makes a good conclusion in an essay?

Essays are divided into 3 parts where the conclusion comes last after an introduction and the body. Introduction and body are important but the conclusion will decide how much the reader will take back with the conclusion is the concluding paragraph or paragraphs which need an essay with the gist of the complete essay. Unlike the introductory paragraph, which outlines the general idea of the essay, the conclusion should precisely confirm why one's thesis is correct using the facts from your supportive body paragraphs. That's why a conclusion is an important part of an essay and should be written that way. To learn more about essay writing, one can check out Vedantu's official website where they can find the format, Examples, and tips to write a good essay and a good conclusion. They'll find essays written on numerous topics by the best English teachers at Vedantu.

Essay on Corruption

Here we have shared the Essay on Corruption in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Corruption in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Corruption in 150-250 words

Essay on corruption in 300-400 words, essay on corruption in 500-1000 words.

Corruption is a pervasive problem that plagues societies worldwide, undermining progress, eroding trust in institutions, and hindering economic development. It involves the abuse of entrusted power for personal gain, often through bribery, embezzlement, or nepotism.

Corruption has severe consequences for societies. It diverts public resources away from essential services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure, exacerbating inequality and impeding socio-economic progress. It undermines the rule of law, erodes public trust in government institutions, and fosters a culture of impunity.

Addressing corruption requires a comprehensive approach. Transparency, accountability, and strong institutions are essential. Governments must enact and enforce stringent anti-corruption laws, establish independent oversight bodies, and promote transparency in public procurement and financial transactions. Strengthening the judicial system and providing protection to whistleblowers are also crucial steps.

Moreover, fostering a culture of integrity and ethical behavior is vital. Education and awareness campaigns should highlight the damaging effects of corruption and promote the values of honesty, fairness, and accountability. Civil society plays a crucial role in monitoring and advocating for anti-corruption measures, and individuals must reject corrupt practices and demand ethical conduct from their leaders.

In conclusion, corruption is a pervasive problem that undermines societal progress and hampers economic development. Combating corruption requires the concerted efforts of governments, institutions, and individuals. By promoting transparency, accountability, and a culture of integrity, we can build a society that upholds the values of honesty, fairness, and justice, fostering a brighter future for all.

Corruption is a deep-rooted issue that plagues societies worldwide, undermining trust in institutions, hindering economic growth, and perpetuating inequality. It refers to the misuse of power or position for personal gain, often through bribery, embezzlement, or nepotism.

Corruption has far-reaching consequences. It siphons public resources away from essential services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure, leaving societies deprived of much-needed development. It perpetuates a culture of unfairness and inequality, as those with wealth and connections can manipulate systems for their advantage while the marginalized suffer the consequences.

Furthermore, corruption erodes the rule of law and weakens institutions meant to uphold justice and fairness. It erodes public trust in governments and fosters cynicism among citizens, leading to apathy and disengagement from civic life. Corruption also undermines investment and economic growth, as it deters both domestic and foreign investors who fear unfair competition and lack of accountability.

Addressing corruption requires a multi-faceted approach. Strong institutions, transparency, and accountability are crucial. Governments must enact and enforce robust anti-corruption laws, establish independent oversight bodies, and ensure the swift prosecution of offenders. Strengthening the judicial system and providing protection to whistleblowers are essential steps toward combating corruption effectively.

Promoting a culture of integrity and ethics is equally important. Education and awareness campaigns should emphasize the damaging effects of corruption and instill values of honesty, fairness, and accountability in individuals from an early age. Anti-corruption education should be integrated into school curricula, and training programs should be provided to public officials to promote ethical behavior and strengthen their resistance to corruption temptations.

Civil society plays a crucial role in fighting corruption. NGOs, media outlets, and citizen-led initiatives can monitor and expose corrupt practices, advocate for transparency, and hold public officials accountable. Empowering and protecting whistleblowers is vital to encourage reporting and ensure their safety.

Individuals also have a responsibility to reject corruption and demand ethical conduct from their leaders. By exercising their rights, participating in civic activities, and promoting transparency and accountability, citizens can contribute to building a corruption-free society.

In conclusion, corruption remains a grave challenge that hampers progress and undermines societal well-being. Tackling corruption requires a comprehensive approach involving strong institutions, transparency, education, and citizen participation. By promoting integrity, demanding accountability, and fostering a culture that values ethics and fairness, we can build a more just and prosperous society for all.

Title: Corruption – A Cancer Eating Away at Societal Progress

Introduction :

Corruption is a deeply rooted problem that plagues societies worldwide, hindering progress, eroding public trust, and perpetuating inequality. It refers to the misuse of power, position, or resources for personal gain, often through bribery, embezzlement, or nepotism. This essay explores the causes and consequences of corruption, its impact on society and development, effective measures to combat it, and the importance of promoting transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior.

Understanding Corruption

Corruption manifests in various forms, including grand corruption at the highest levels of government and petty corruption in everyday interactions. It arises from factors such as weak governance, lack of transparency, inadequate accountability mechanisms, and a culture of impunity. Additionally, socioeconomic factors, such as poverty and income inequality, can exacerbate corruption by creating opportunities for bribery and favoritism.

Consequences of Corruption

Corruption has severe consequences for societies. It diverts resources away from essential public services, leading to inadequate healthcare, education, and infrastructure. The marginalized and vulnerable bear the brunt of corruption, as it perpetuates inequality and undermines social justice. Moreover, corruption weakens institutions, erodes the rule of law, and fosters a culture of unfairness, eroding public trust in governments and democratic processes.

Economically, corruption hampers development and stifles investment. It distorts markets, creates an uneven playing field, and deters domestic and foreign investors who fear unfair competition and lack of transparency. The misallocation of resources and compromised governance systems hinder economic growth and perpetuate cycles of poverty.

Effective Measures to Combat Corruption

Combating corruption requires a multi-pronged approach at various levels:

a. Strengthening Institutions

B. legislation and enforcement, c. transparency and access to information, d. international cooperation, e. ethical leadership and political will.

Governments must establish strong, independent institutions and enforce the rule of law. This includes establishing robust anti-corruption agencies, promoting transparency and accountability, and ensuring the impartiality and efficiency of the judicial system.

Enacting comprehensive anti-corruption laws and enforcing them rigorously are vital. Governments should criminalize bribery, embezzlement, and illicit enrichment while providing protection for whistleblowers and witnesses.

Governments should promote transparency in public administration, budgeting processes, and procurement practices. Implementing freedom of information laws and establishing mechanisms for public scrutiny can curb corrupt practices and empower citizens to hold officials accountable.

Corruption often crosses borders, necessitating international cooperation in combating it. Governments should collaborate to trace and recover stolen assets, exchange information, and strengthen legal frameworks to prevent money laundering and illicit financial flows.

Leaders must lead by example, demonstrating a commitment to ethical behavior and the fight against corruption. Governments should promote a culture of integrity, fostering ethical conduct in public service and discouraging tolerance for corruption.

Promoting Transparency and Accountability

Transparency and accountability are essential in preventing corruption. Governments should establish mechanisms for public oversight, such as independent auditing bodies and ombudsman offices, to monitor the activities of public officials and ensure adherence to ethical standards. Promoting the use of technology, such as e-governance platforms and online portals for public information, can enhance transparency and reduce opportunities for corruption.

Civil society plays a crucial role in holding governments accountable and advocating for transparency. NGOs, media outlets, and citizen-led initiatives can monitor public spending, expose corrupt practices, and raise awareness about the damaging effects of corruption. Whistleblower protection laws should be enacted and enforced to encourage reporting and safeguard those who expose corruption.

Changing Attitudes and Promoting Ethics

Addressing corruption also requires a shift in societal attitudes and values. Education plays a vital role in promoting ethics, integrity, and responsible citizenship. Incorporating anti-corruption education into school curricula can foster a culture of transparency and ethical behavior from an early age.

Furthermore, promoting a culture of integrity in both public and private sectors is essential. Businesses should adopt robust anti-corruption policies, implement ethical practices, and adhere to international anti-corruption standards. Ethical behavior should be recognized, rewarded, and celebrated, while those engaged in corrupt practices should face consequences.

Conclusion :

Corruption remains a global challenge that undermines societal progress, perpetuates inequality, and hampers development. Addressing corruption requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses strong institutions, transparency, accountability, and a culture of integrity. By enacting and enforcing anti-corruption legislation, promoting transparency and access to information, and fostering ethical leadership, societies can root out corruption and build a more just and prosperous future for all.

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Corruption Essay

Corruption is an act of indulging in illegal practices in order to gain monetary or material benefits. Corruption compromises the genuine rights of someone else and is a huge deterrent to the growth of the nation. It also results in poverty, unemployment and lowers the quality of life of its people.

Short and Long Essay on Corruption in English

Some short and long essays on Corruption in different words limit are given here to help students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Corruption Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Corruption is the illegal and dishonest practice performed by a person or organization.

2) It refers to the illegal use of power and position to earn personal profit.

3) Corruption is harmful to the development of the country.

4) Corruption can lead to more unemployment and poverty, thus degrading the quality of life.

5) The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) has been constituted to monitor corruption.

6) Corruption is a part of both government and non-government sectors.

7) Corruption majorly affects the life of common people.

8) Today corruption can be found in the department of Education, healthcare, etc.

9) Bribery, graft, and embezzlement are the common methods of corruption.

10) Whistle Blowers Protection Act (2011), Prevention of Corruption Act (1988), etc have been passed by the Government to reduce corruption.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Measures to Control Corruption


Corruption refers to a situation when to get a particular job that you rightfully deserve, done only by offering a favor to the person authorized for the act. Unfortunately, corruption is so prevalent that it is today being accepted by the people as an unavoidable truth.

Corruption Control Measures

There are several measures to control corruption, most of them affected by the government and law enforcement agencies. Some of the significant measures taken by the Government of India to check corruption are listed below-

  • Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988

This Act aims to check corruption in government agencies and also the public sector businesses throughout India. It proposes the appointment of special judges and speedy trials among other measures.

  • The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013

Commonly known as the Lokpal Act, this Act proposes the appointment of a Lokpal to inquire into corruption allegations against important politicians and senior government officials such as the Prime Minister, Ministers of Cabinet, Members of Parliament, Chief Secretaries, Cabinet Secretaries, etc.

  • Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011

This Act proposes to inquire about alleged wrongdoings in government departments, offices, and projects and penalize the corrupt officials and office-bearers. It also seeks to protect the person who exposes the corruption, in this case referred to as the ‘whistle blower’.

  • Central Vigilance Commission

Central Vigilance Commission is a governmental body instituted in 1964 with the objective of addressing corruption in the government and concern departments. It functions as an autonomous body free from the control of any executive body.

There are several agencies established for the sole purpose of controlling corruption, yet the most potent weapon to fight corruption is a collective effort by the people to stop and raise voice against corrupt practices.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – Factors of Corruption

Corruption is a term used to describe illegal practices of favoritism and financial fraud, undertaken primarily with the objective of personal gains. Corruption is the most glaring problem that degrades the quality of life and also the trust of the public in the government machinery.

Factors Fuelling Corruption

There are several factors that act to promote corruption in some way or the other. Some of the most significant of such factors are described below.

  • General Greed

This is primarily the most important factor responsible for corruption. Human beings are greedy about their possessions, money, and assets. For this very basic reason, people with authority in certain matters, tend to misuse the power to increase their own personal wealth. To satisfy their individual greed, several people may also conceive a devious plan together.

  • Degrading Moral Values

We are living in a world that has been over-saturated with the competition. Everyone, not only wants to perform better than others but also to be richer and have more assets. This desire to illogically compete probably emerges from shallow moral values. A child, who has always been told that success means cars, houses, and bank balance, will naturally tend to prefer corrupt practices to be successful and to be above others.

  • Underpayment

Often the employers don’t pay the employees enough to live a decent life with the justifiable standard of living. Most of the time employees are paid just enough to meet their daily requirement of food. The total amount paid to the employees is too low as compared to the company’s turnover, due to their collective effort. This in appropriation and unjust remuneration causes the employees to look for corrupt means to gain wealth or little more money at the least.

  • Slack Laws and Poor Implementation

Laws are made to dissuade people from involving in illegal practices and to instill fear of punishment on them. What if the people find out loopholes in the system and using them to escape penalization? This is exactly what’s happening in case of corruption. First of all, nobody pays any heed to such practices, even the affected take it as a matter of fact. In case the corruption goes reported, there are several loose knots in the inquiry system to help the accused. Free of corruption charges despite being guilty only make the accused emerged more corrupt and confident.

Whatever the causes of corruption maybe, finally it affects the overall progress of the nation and the general well being of its people. To deal with corruption effectively, we must take cognizance of the factors that fuel it.

Corruption Essay

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Methods and Types of Corruption

Corruption refers to a dishonest act by an individual or a group, which compromises the rightful privileges of others. Corruption degrades the economic and infrastructural growth of a country and is by far the most potential hindrance to the well being of its people.

Methods of Corruption

There are two very common methods of corruption – bribery, embezzlement, and graft.

  • Money, gifts and other benefits offered in exchange for an undue favor is termed as a bribe and the act on a whole is called ‘bribery’.
  • There is a wide range of favors that could be offered as a bribe. For example, money, land, loans, company shares, employment, house, car, jewelry, etc.
  • Embezzlement, on the other hand, is an act of misusing money or assets that the beholder is entrusted with. It is a kind of financial fraud undertaken by the individuals or groups of people who have been entrusted with the money/asset.

Graft is a kind of political corruption. The term is widely used in America to refer to misuse of the fund intended to the public, for personal benefits.

Types/Examples of Corruption

Below given are some of the examples of corruption in various departments/sectors related to our everyday life.

  • Corruption in Public Sector

This includes corruption within the agencies responsible to implement public welfare and other development schemes by the government. This is by far the most prevalent type of corruption that affects the interests of a large number of general populations.

  • Judicial Corruption

Judicial corruption refers to an act of misconduct by the judges, wherein they give a biased judgment, ignoring facts and evidence, in exchange for personal gains offered.

  • Corruption in Education

Since the last couple of decades, the education department in some of the states of India was considered as the most corrupt department. The reasons to substantiate this claim were many – unfair and illegal appointments of teachers and staff, manipulation of results/grades, embezzlement of funds for students’ welfare schemes, etc. Corruption in education is also responsible for a rise in illiteracy and school dropout rates, mainly in the remote rural locations of the country.

  • Corruption in Policing

Police have the responsibility of upholding the law and order situation and ensuring that every individual gets equal right to justice as enshrined in the constitution. Police are duty-bound and morally obliged to not discriminate against people on the basis of caste, creed, religion, age, gender or other divisions. Police largely function in a way that it should; though, sometimes serious charges of favoritism are leveled against its officers. It is very necessary to make the policing system independent from political interferences if it has to function effectively and in an unbiased way.

  • Corruption in Healthcare

The healthcare system is an essential sector that impacts the lives of millions of common citizens. A corruption-free healthcare system only ensures that the benefits of healthcare reach the poorest of the poor and no one remains without medical help in case of any eventuality. Unfortunately, it is not all that good as it sounds. This sector has been a victim of fund embezzlement, wherein, funds allotted for infrastructure and facilities for the patients are siphoned off by corrupt officials, doctors and other office bearers for personal gains. Also, not all the free medicine and other facilities reach to the beneficiary at the ground level.

Corruption is the most potential impediment in the growth of a nation and the welfare of its people. It is not limited only to a specific sector and covers a wide range of offices, departments, sectors, etc. It could only be dealt with effectively by making people aware of its effects and also by implementing strict anti-corruption laws.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Corruption

Ans . Corruption means showing dishonest conduct by people who are sitting in a powerful position.

Ans . Yes, it is a crime and it slows down the development of the society and nation.

Ans . South Sudan is stated as the most corrupt country in the world.

Ans . Denmark is the country in the world that has the least corruption.

Ans . It is an Act passed by the government of India in 1988 to minimize corruption in government offices and public sector businesses.

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Essay on Corruption for Students in easy 500 Words

Essay on corruption in english.

Essay on Corruption


Corruption is a big problem that affects countries all around the world. It hurts development and makes people lose trust in their governments. This essay will talk about what corruption is, why it happens, and what we can do to stop it.

What is Corruption?

Corruption is when people misuse their power to get something for themselves, usually at the expense of everyone else. It can be small, like taking bribes or cheating, or big, involving powerful people and a lot of money. Corruption isn’t just about breaking the law; it also messes up fair and honest ways of doing things.

Why Does Corruption Happen?

Corruption happens for different reasons. One big reason is when there’s a big difference between rich and poor. Weak laws, secret dealings, and not enough rules also make corruption easier. When the people in charge don’t do their jobs well or don’t punish those who do wrong, corruption can grow. Unstable politics and bad government make things worse, creating a cycle that keeps corruption going.

What Happens Because of Corruption?

Corruption has serious consequences. It means that public services, like schools and hospitals, might not work as they should. Money that should go to helping everyone might end up in the hands of only a few. Corruption also makes it hard for people to trust their leaders and believe in a fair system. It slows down economic growth, meaning countries don’t get better as fast as they could.

Corruption Isn’t Just Local, It’s Global:

Corruption isn’t something that happens only in one country. It happens everywhere, and big international companies and organizations aren’t immune to it either. People all over the world are starting to understand that corruption is a big problem that needs everyone’s attention.

How Can We Fight Corruption?

Stopping corruption needs everyone to work together. We can make institutions stronger, meaning the systems that help run a country, and make sure they’re fair. Transparency, which means being open and clear about what’s going on, can help too. Strong laws against corruption and making sure people follow them are crucial. People also need to be part of the solution, demanding fairness and being honest.


Corruption is a big challenge that affects us all. But if we join hands and take action, we can make a difference. By creating fair systems, being open about what’s happening, and holding people accountable, we can build a world where everyone has a fair shot at a better life.

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Essay on Corruption in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Corruption: Corruption is the use of power or position for personal gain. It can take many forms, from bribery and embezzlement to nepotism and cronyism. It can be found in both the public and private sectors, and its effects can be devastating to both individuals and society as a whole.

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Corruption refers to an act performed by an individual or a group, which seriously compromises the rights and privileges of someone else or the public in general. “Corruption” includes a significant number of illegal and immoral activities from different arenas of governance and administration. Corruption is not only limited to the government and its agencies, but, it also includes private businesses and organizations. Corruption severely hampers the growth and development of a society and a nation as a whole. A corrupt system makes people loose general trust in the government, resulting in an environment of fear and chaos.

Long and Short Essay on Corruption in India in English

We have provided below some Essay on Corruption of varying lengths in English for your information and knowledge.

These corruption essay have been written in simple and easy language so that you don’t face any difficulty in understanding the sentences.

The essay will give you an in depth analysis of Corruption and its effects on the society and the country.

You will also know the measures taken by the government to counter corruption and subdue its effects.

Essay on Corruption 100 words

Corruption is a poison which has been spread in the mind of wrong people of the society, community and country. It is the mistreatment of public resources just for getting some unfair advantage to fulfill little wish. It is concerned with the unnecessary and wrong use of both power and position by anyone whether in the government or non-government organization. It has affected the growth of the individual as we well as the nation and reduces income. It is a big reason of inequalities in the society and community. It affects the growth and development of the nation in all aspects like socially, economically and politically.

Essay on Corruption 150 words

Corruption is the misuse of public property, position, power and authority for fulfilling the selfish purposes to gain personal satisfactions. Corruption is the misuse of authority for personal gain of an individual or group. It is the unfair use of public power for some private advantages by breaking some rules and regulations made by government. Now a day, it has been spread deeply in the society and has become very strong because of its lots of roots. It is like a cancer which once generated cannot be ended without medicine and spreading its roots continuously.

One common form of corruption in our country is receiving cash money, through online transfer or in the form of costly gift etc. Some people wrongly uses someone else money for their own sake. Some people recruited in the government or non-government offices have been involved in the corruption and can do anything to fulfil their wishes.

The saying goes, “It’s a problem that affects everyone, from the least wealthy to the wealthiest. Corruption in India comes in different forms, like giving and taking bribes, stealing money, favoritism, and misusing public resources. The main reason for corruption in India is the absence of clear rules, responsibility, and a strong legal system.

Essay on Corruption 200 words

We all are well familiar of the corruption and as it is not a new phenomenon in our country. It has taken its roots so deeply in the people’s mind. It is a very common poison in the society since ancient time. It is available from the history time of the Mughal and Sultanate period. It is reaching to its new height. It has affected the mind of people to a great extent and become so common that wrong people can play with the public life. It is a type of greediness which corrupt human mind and destroy one’s humanity and naturalness.

Corruption is of different types which has been spread in every filed like education, sports, games, politics, etc. Because of the corruption, one does not understand his/her responsibilities at work place. Corruptions are like theft, dishonesty, wastage of public property, wastage of time unnecessarily, exploitation, scams, scandals, malpractice of responsibilities, etc are the various types of corruption. It has made its roots in both developing and well developed countries. We need to remove corruption from our society and country in order to get real freedom from the slavery. We all need to be loyal towards our responsibilities and strict for any type of greediness.

Essay on Corruption 250 words

Now-a-days, corruption is seen everywhere in the society just like an infectious disease. The great leaders of the India who have fought their whole life for removing corruption and other social issues completely from the society. It is the very shameful condition for us that even after losing various great lives, we are not able to understand our real responsibilities. Corruption has been spread in the common public lives, politics, central governments, state governments, businesses, industries, etc. It has not left any field. Corruption is increasing day by day instead of decreasing or steadying because of the continuous increase in the appetite of people for money, power, position and luxury.

We have forgotten the real responsibility of being a human just because of the money. We need to understand that money is not everything and it is not a stable thing. We cannot keep it forever to us, it can only give us greediness and corruption. We should give importance to the value based life and not money based life. It is true that we need lot of money to live a common life however it is not true that just for our selfishness and greediness; we should play someone’s life or money in some unfair ways.

Essay on Corruption 300 words

As we all know that corruption is very bad thing. It inhibits the individual growth as well as society and country growth and development. It is social evil which is playing humans body and mind socially, economically and intellectually. It is continuously making its roots so deeply because of the increasing human greediness towards money, power and position. Corruption is the misuse of authority, public position, natural or public resources, power, etc by someone to gain his/her personal gratifications. According to the sources, it has been identified that India ranks three in the highly corrupted countries.

Corruption is highly spread in the field of civil service, politics, business and other illegal fields. India is a famous country for its democracy but it is corruption which disturbs its democratic system. Politicians are highly responsible for all type of corruption in the country. We chose our leaders by having lots of expectations to them to lead our country in the right direction. In the starting they make us lots of promises however, just after the voting they forget all that and involve in corruption. We are sure that our India would be corruption free a day when our political leaders would be free of greediness and use their power, money, status and position in right direction to lead the country, not their own luxury and personal wishes.

We should select very honest and trustworthy leaders to lead our India just like our earlier Indian leaders such as Lal Bahadur Shastri, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, etc. Only such political leaders can reduce and finally end the corruption from India. Youths of the country should also need to be aware of all the reasons of corruption and get together to solve it in group. Increasing level of the corruption needs to take some heavy steps to get control over it.

Essay on Corruption 400 words

Corruption is the highly infectious social disease which has spread its roots to the mind of the bad people. No one take birth to do such type of bad activities in the society however some bad conditions of their life forced them to do so. Gradually they become habitual for all of these bad activities. However, people suffering from any problem, disease, etc should keep patience and trust on themselves and never do anything bad in life. As, one negative step of anyone may harm the lives of many people. We are not a single entity on this earth, there are many like us, so we should think a little about others and live life happily and peacefully with positive thoughts.

Now-a-days, lots of benefits are given by the government of India to the poor people on the basis of various rules and regulations to bring social awareness among common people as well as equality in the society. However, poor people are not getting benefited of those advantages given by the government as many officers doing corruption secretly in between the channel before reaching to the poor people. They are doing corruption against law for just fulfilling their own pockets with money.

There are many causes of corruption in the society. Now-a-days political leaders are making interest oriented programmes and policies instead of nation oriented programmes and policies. They are just wishing to be famous politician for completing their own interests instead of citizen’s interests and requirement. There is increasing level of change in the value system in the human mind as well as decreasing ethical qualities of human being. The level of trust, faith and honesty is decreasing which gives rise to the corruption.

The number of common people with increased tolerance power towards corruption is increasing. There is a lack of strong public forum in the society in order to oppose the corruption, widespread illiteracy in rural areas, poor economic infrastructure, etc are the reasons of endemic corruption in the public life. Low salaries norms of the government employees force them towards channel of corruption. Complex laws and procedures of the government distract common people to get any type of help from government. During election time, corruption become at its highest peak. Politicians always take support of poor and illiterate people by dreaming them big in future during their governance however nothing happens after win.

Essay on Corruption 500 words

Corruption has been spread like a disease all over the India as well as abroad. It has become one of the most speedily increasing social issues in the Indian society . It is generally initiated and promoted by the opportunistic leaders. They never think about the nation’s benefits and do lots of damage to the nation through their corruption even for their small advantage. They sell their country properties in the wrong hands and spread wrong beliefs about India in the people’s mind living in other countries.

They are spoiling the old traditions and cultures of India for their personal benefits. Now-a-days people who are working in right direction using right principles considered as foolish in the modern society and the people who are working wrong and making wrong promises are good for the society. However, in turn it is true that corrupted people cheating the simple, ordinary and innocent people. They are ruling the mind of innocent people.

Corruption increases in India day by day because there is a strong connection between the officials, politicians and criminals who are making this country weak and so weak. India got independence in 1947 and it was slowly becoming strong and developing but in the mid way the disease of corruption started and stop India to grow ahead. In India there has been a trend of give and take means give some money in order to get your work done whether in the government offices or private sectors offices. And now the condition is getting worse and worse, as earlier, the money was paid for getting wrong works done or only work to be done, but currently money is paid for getting works done in right ways and at right time. Even after paying complete money according to the demand, there is no full chance of getting things done at time and in right way.

Corruption is everywhere in every department whether it hospitals, education, job, government offices, nothing is left of corruption. Everything has become a business and the source of earning money in wrong way. Educational institutions are also involved in the corruption and they give seat to those students only who have paid for, whether they are good students with good marks or not. Very weak students are given admission in the top colleges and universities only on the basis of money paid for wrong admission and the topper student with good marks and lack of money gets back in the life or take admission in any simple college.

Now-a-days, private sectors companies are so good in comparison to the governmental jobs. Private companies are giving job on the basis of candidate’s skills, ability, technical knowledge, good percentage of marks and all the educational records. However, it has become tough to get job in the government offices as they need lots of bribe to give any type of job (high level or low level) like teaching, clerk, babu, nurse, doctor, sweeper, etc. And the amount of bribe increases in the market as the level of job increase like IAS, PCC, police, etc ranks jobs.

All the essays given above are essay on corruption under various words limit according to the student’s need and requirement in the school. All the corruption essay are written to almost fulfill the current need of students. Corruption is a social issue and this topic is in vogue for the student’s awareness. Following are the other social issues on which we have provided varieties of essays:

Long Essay on Corruption – 1700 words

A majority of us are probably aware of the term “corruption” and the situations in which the word perfectly fits in. The most plausible reference to the nature of corruption could be assessed by the words of Joe Bidden, 47 th Vice President of the United States of America, who quoted – “corruption is just another form of tyranny.” The statement weighs corruption as equivalent to that of cruel and oppressive rule of government. However, for a common man/woman, corruption is a challenge, that he/she faces every day, in protecting of his/her fundamental rights and privileges, otherwise guaranteed by the Constitution.

Corruption in India

Though, the ranking of India in Global Corruption Index 2018 has been improved by three places; at a global rank of 78 it’s still far from becoming a corruption free nation.

Corruption in India had been prevalent even under the subjugation of British Empire, when India was still far from gaining independence. How deeply rooted was the corruption in Indian society, can be assessed by the words of Mohammed Ali Jinnah. The Muslim League Leader once stated – “One of the biggest curses from which India is suffering – I do not say that other countries are free from it, but I think our condition is much worse – is bribery and corruption. That really is a poison”.

This statement of Mr. Jinnah delivered while addressing the first Presidential address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on 11 th August 1947, bares naked the truth of corruption in India, even before independence.

Even after 73 years of Independence, not much has changed on that front for the people of India. On the contrary, corruption has grown in dimension and today, it seriously hampers the economical, social and infrastructural progress of the nation as never before.

Corruption in political and administrative system of the country, is curtailing its progress and it devoid the people of India of their basic rights of equality, freedom, right to equal opportunity and right to compulsory education and health among others.

Factors Leading to or Responsible for Corruption

The corruption is rooted into several social, political and economical factors. Though, the most elaborate explanation for the cause of corruption could be estimated by the words of 19 th century British politician Lord Acten, who had famously said – “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The quote was a reference to relationship between power and corruption. Corruption is most like to occur with power as the powerful can successfully evade accountability, by using his/her power and influence.

The scenario explained above gels perfectly with the Indian political and administrative system of governance. Huge powers are vested upon our political representatives and administrative officials, by the Constitution. The motive behind bestowing them with power was the greater idea of empowering them to act as facilitators to the public, in general interest of the nation.

They are expected to exercise their powers in implementing several welfare schemes and projects, without any hindrance, for the overall welfare of the people and progress of the nation. However, the whole idea seems to backfiring with, the powerful wielding the powers to their own interests, seriously compromising the interest of the nation and its people.

This is when the corruption slowly seeps into otherwise honest political and administrative circles of India.

Another, most troubling factor behind the prevalence of corruption in India is the latter’s acceptance in society as a common phenomenon. Today, the voices against corruption are fainter than ever before and the people have accepted corruption as natural and unavoidable.

This is the reason why we tend to bribe public servants, to escape the legal formalities on issues those are of interest to us. Moreover, giving and taking bribe is today being considered as a wise act and is being applauded in private, if not publically.

Below is given a point wise narration of other social and economical factors that could escalate corruption –

  • Inadequate compensation and monthly emoluments to the government employees could lead them to corruption.
  • Illiteracy fuels corruption as it makes a person more submissive and likely to be exploited by greedy officials.
  • Illiteracy, poverty and lack of a transparent grievance redressal system make people more vulnerable to political and other types of corruption.
  • A decline of ethics and moral values in the society are also responsible for corruption.
  • Lack of awareness among the people on their rights and privileges is acting as a fuel to the corruption.

Different Faces of Corruption

The demon of corruption has many faces, than could be imagined, like judicial corruption, governance corruption, corruption in education, corruption in enforcement of laws, financial corruption, political corruption etc. There could be thousands of other similar situations; those could act as examples of corruption. It wouldn’t be possible to elaborate all types of corruption in this essay; however, we will discuss a few of them below.

  • The spectrum of corruption is vast enough to affect people from different walks of life. It involves situations like bribing to secure a government job, bribing to lodge a complaint in local police station, bribing the government doctor for treatment, bribing the official for swift movement of file, paying bribe to the official to get the cheque that you deserve anyway.
  • Firstly, we will make an assessment of political corruption in India. We all know that the credibility of a political representative is based on the transparent and unbiased election that he or she faces in order to be elected. Despite the Election Commission of India doing a commendable job every time to conduct free and fair elections, there are still some cracks in the otherwise impeccable election system.
  • More often than not, during elections, we get stray news from throughout the nation, of voters being influenced by money or by wielding powers, by the contestants in election. Such acts amount to political corruption of highest degree and can adversely influence the democratic structure of the nation.
  • Now let’s consider the scenario of a government hospital which functions to provide free or subsidized medical facilities to all the citizens of India. The doctors deployed by the government in the hospitals are compensated adequately for their services; however, sometimes they are seen demanding money from patients to perform an operation or treatment, which should otherwise be performed free of cost. This is a perfect example of corruption in healthcare system.

Likewise there are several examples of corruption in different sectors, depending on their nature and outcome.

Corruption – An Act of Collusion or Not

Corruption is basically an act of collusion between two parties; however, more often than not one party might be forced into the agreement by another party.

Suppose, if a Public Works Department Engineer demands bribe from a civil contractor, for passing the bill for the portion of road constructed by the latter. In this case, though the demand is not obligatory on the contractor, he/she will mostly oblige considering the otherwise cumbersome process of proceeding legally against the demands. In this case the party who gives bribe is actually forced to do so by the party who demands it.

On the contrary, there could be situations in which both the opposite parties have colluded willingly in order to mutually benefit each other. For example a non deserving candidate for a government job, pays bribe to the recruiting official, in order to secure the job.

Nevertheless, whether forced or mutually agreed upon, corruption is an act of collusion, between two parties, which seriously compromises the privileges and rights of other individuals.

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Measures to Counter/Control Corruption in India

The corruption in any sector could be effectively controlled by working on improving transparency and accountability in that particular sector. Transparency will ensure that each and every functioning, decision and its outcome is known to the public and all, so that the fairness of the deal could be ascertained. On the other hand accountability places responsibility of an undesirable outcome/loss on an individual.

  • This has been done by the government of India under the Right to Information or the RTI act, which had been incorporated in 2005. RTI Act 2005 gives the power of questioning to the common citizen of India. Using the RTI Act anyone could now question any department by simply submitting a RTI application.
  • You can now question and get answers on subjects like – how much of the taxes collected, did the government spend and on what mode; how many children in your neighboring school were provided admission under EWS (Economically Weaker Section); what was the cost incurred for the construction of road in your locality and what amount was paid to the contractor; what action did the government take against the official involved in corruption etc.
  • The RTI law mandates the appointment of a Public Information Officer (PIO) in all the central and state runs departments and ministries. The provision of responding to the queries is binding on the PIO, who has to do so in a stipulated time, failing which s/he would attract departmental action or a hefty fine.
  • The government has also established Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) in 1964 to look into the matters of governmental corruption. The CVC functions as an autonomous body, free from the influence of any executive authority.
  • The Government has amended Prevention of Corruption Act 1988, to criminalize the party which pays bribe for undue advantages.
  • The amendments have a provision to impose penalty on the organization of the person convicted for giving or taking bribery, if latter couldn’t be traced or has deliberately left the country to escape law.
  • Another step that could well be taken to eliminate corruption is, setting up a fast and speedy judicial system, to address the corruption cases in the country.

Though, the corruption is rampant in India, it is also true that by and large the common men and women of India are honest and have an evident dislike for corruption. However, deep rooted the corruption might be, it could be successfully eliminated with political will and public awareness.

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Essay on Corruption FAQs

What is corruption in an essay.

Corruption in an essay refers to the act of dishonesty or misuse of power for personal gain, often involving bribery, embezzlement, or unethical behavior.

How do you write a corruption essay?

To write a corruption essay, start with an introduction, discuss its forms and impact, provide real-life examples, and conclude with solutions to tackle this issue.

What is corruption in 200 words?

Corruption is a dishonest act where individuals misuse their authority for personal benefit, leading to societal harm and mistrust. It includes bribery, fraud, and embezzlement.

What are the points of corruption in India?

Corruption in India involves bribery, political scandals, irregularities in government contracts, and a lack of transparency, leading to social and economic problems.

What is corruption in India in simple words?

Corruption in India means people in power using their position for personal gain, leading to unfairness and inequality.

What is corruption in very simple words?

Corruption, in the simplest terms, is when people with authority do bad things for their own benefit, causing harm to others and breaking the rules.

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Essay on Corruption for Students in English [Easy Words]

January 5, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Corruption: Breach of honesty and immoral practices of compromising on ethical rights by an individual or group is rightly called corruption. It is a criminal activity involving bribery or improper favours/ gifts for personal gains. Providing or seeking preferential treatment by offering or receiving money by forcefully coercing individuals against lawful means happens in corruption.

Essay on Corruption 500 Words in English

Below we have provided a Corruption Essay in English, suitable for class 5 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

Corruption has become a world phenomenon, and it’s even a bigger challenge for under-development countries like India to handle it. In simple words, corruption can be defined as “illegal or dishonest behaviour, especially by the people in power”. Corruption affects the government is all levels from central to the district. Former Prime Minister Late Rajiv Gandhi once said “only 15 paise of every rupee for the welfare of the downtrodden reaches them” and we all know that this magic happens because of corruption.

Here the irony is that Mr. Gandhi said this in 1990 but still, the situation is the same. Indian people are now so used to this corruption practice that they take it easy and use it as a tool to get their things done without any hassle. Many people believe that Indian politicians are the root of corruption in India but in reality, the network of corruption is too vast and it has following main towers; politicians, bureaucrats, and criminals.

Causes of Corruption

Corruption is present in all spheres of our life; politics, judiciary, public, administration, and all the services. Almost all the departments, connected with the welfare of common Indians, are infected with the virus of corruption. When we dig down to know the reason for corruption in India, we find some common reasons like weak management and lack of control system. These reason wee behind the birth of corruption at a smaller scale. Lack of good leadership let the corruption flourished at a larger scale. There is a famous saying in India that if the character is gone, everything is gone, but most of Indians are involved in giving and taking the bribe .

Consequences of Corruption

Corruption is the key factor behind the lack of development in several parts of the country. When the corruption gets high, the economy of the country touches the bottom of the graph. The effects of corruption can be seen on the daily based commodities as with high corruption rate these commodities become out of reach from poor citizens of the country. The country loses some taxpayers when corruption is present in its economy. And the money those taxpayers who pay the tax land in the pocket of corrupted people.

Since independence, India’s government has launched many schemes to throw the poverty out from the country. However, it still shows its presence here, and it’s happening because of corruption only. As Mr Rajiv Gandhi said 15 paise out of 1 rupee, the needy person gets. So the poor became poorer and corrupted become richer.

Cures for Corruption in India


Essay On Corruption:

In this essay on corruption, we’ll explore the topic in detail, examining its definition, causes, effects, and measures to combat it. Corruption is a serious issue that affects societies worldwide, undermining trust in institutions, impeding economic development, and eroding the fabric of democracy. Through a comprehensive examination, we aim to shed light on the pervasive nature of corruption and the importance of addressing it effectively. Read below


Corruption is when people abuse their power or position for personal gain. This can happen in many ways, like taking bribes, cheating, or using influence unfairly. Corruption is harmful because it affects everyone. It can lead to unfair treatment, wasted resources, and a lack of trust in institutions. To fight corruption, we need strong laws, transparency, and accountability. It’s important for everyone to speak up against corruption and work together to create a fair and just society.

1. Various Forms of Corruption

Corruption can manifest in numerous ways, each representing a misuse of power or authority for personal gain. Here’s a detailed explanation of some common forms of corruption:

  • Bribery : Bribery occurs when someone offers, gives, receives, or solicits something of value, such as money, gifts, or favors, to influence the actions of a person in a position of authority or trust. This could involve bribing government officials for favorable treatment, bribing employees for job opportunities, or bribing referees for favorable decisions in sports.
  • Embezzlement : Embezzlement involves the theft or misappropriation of funds or property entrusted to one’s care, typically by someone in a position of trust, such as an employee or official. This could include stealing money from a company’s accounts, diverting funds meant for public projects into personal accounts, or using company resources for personal gain without authorization.
  • Nepotism : Nepotism refers to the practice of showing favoritism towards family members or close associates, often in hiring, promotion, or awarding of contracts, regardless of their qualifications or merit. This can lead to unfair advantages for those with personal connections, while more qualified candidates may be overlooked or excluded from opportunities.
  • Cronyism : Cronyism involves the favoring of close friends, associates, or political allies, often resulting in the granting of benefits or opportunities without regard to merit or fairness. This can lead to the appointment of unqualified individuals to positions of power, the awarding of lucrative contracts to cronies, or the allocation of resources based on personal relationships rather than objective criteria.
  • Extortion : Extortion occurs when someone uses threats, intimidation, or coercion to obtain money, property, or services unlawfully from another person or entity. This could involve demanding protection money from businesses, threatening violence or harm unless payment is made, or using leverage to extract concessions from vulnerable individuals.
  • Kickbacks : Kickbacks involve the payment of money or other benefits in return for providing business or favors to another party. This could include receiving commissions or referral fees for steering contracts or clients to specific vendors, or accepting gifts or perks in exchange for preferential treatment or consideration.

These forms of corruption can occur in various settings, including government, business, politics, and everyday interactions. They undermine fairness, integrity, and trust in institutions, and addressing them requires concerted efforts to promote transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior. By recognizing and combating these forms of corruption, societies can work towards creating environments that are more just, equitable, and accountable.

Causes of Corruption

Corruption, or when people misuse their power or authority for personal gain, can stem from various underlying factors. Here’s a detailed explanation of some common causes of corruption:

  • Greed and Self-Interest : One of the primary drivers of corruption is human greed. Individuals in positions of power may prioritize their own interests over ethical considerations, seeking to accumulate wealth or benefits at the expense of others. This desire for personal gain can lead to corrupt practices such as bribery, embezzlement, or favoritism.
  • Weak Governance and Oversight : Corruption thrives in environments where there are weak regulatory frameworks and limited oversight mechanisms. When institutions lack transparency, accountability, and effective enforcement of laws, it creates opportunities for corrupt behavior to go unchecked. Inadequate governance structures and regulatory loopholes provide fertile ground for corruption to flourish.
  • Lack of Accountability : When there are no mechanisms in place to hold individuals or institutions accountable for their actions, it fosters a culture of impunity where corrupt behavior goes unpunished. Without consequences for wrongdoing, there is little deterrent to engaging in corrupt practices. Weak judicial systems and ineffective law enforcement exacerbate this problem, allowing corruption to persist.
  • Poverty and Economic Inequality : Economic factors play a significant role in driving corruption. Poverty and economic inequality can push individuals to engage in corrupt activities as a means of improving their financial situation or accessing basic services. When people struggle to meet their basic needs, they may resort to bribery or extortion to survive, perpetuating a cycle of corruption and poverty.
  • Political Instability : Political instability and weak governance structures can create fertile ground for corruption to thrive. In environments characterized by frequent changes in leadership, contested power struggles, or lack of political will to combat corruption, individuals may exploit loopholes for personal gain. Corruption can become entrenched within political systems, undermining democratic processes and eroding public trust in institutions.
  • Cultural and Social Norms : In some societies, corruption may be normalized or even tacitly accepted as part of the social fabric. Cultural attitudes towards authority, wealth, and power can influence perceptions of corruption and shape behaviors. Societal tolerance of corrupt practices, combined with a lack of social sanctions against wrongdoing, can perpetuate a culture of impunity and hinder efforts to combat corruption effectively.

Addressing the root causes of corruption requires comprehensive measures aimed at strengthening governance, promoting transparency and accountability, and fostering a culture of integrity. By addressing underlying socioeconomic factors, strengthening institutional capacity, and promoting ethical leadership, societies can work towards creating environments that are less conducive to corrupt behavior.

Effects of Corruption:

Corruption, or when people abuse their power for personal gain, has significant and harmful effects on society. Here’s a detailed look at how corruption impacts various aspects of life:

  • Economic Damage: Corruption distorts markets, creates unfair competition, and leads to a misallocation of resources. When people engage in corrupt practices like bribery or embezzlement, it undermines economic growth, deters investment, and hampers development efforts. This can result in slower economic progress, increased poverty, and reduced opportunities for prosperity.
  • Social Injustice: Corruption exacerbates social inequalities by diverting resources away from essential services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Instead of benefiting the entire community, funds may be siphoned off for personal gain or used to benefit a select few. This perpetuates cycles of poverty and deprivation, leaving vulnerable populations without access to basic necessities and opportunities for advancement.
  • Erosion of Trust: When corruption is prevalent, it undermines public trust in institutions and erodes confidence in government officials and leaders. Citizens may become disillusioned with the political system and lose faith in the ability of authorities to act in the public interest. This lack of trust can lead to social unrest, protests, and a breakdown of social cohesion, further weakening the fabric of society.
  • Inequality and Exclusion: Corruption often benefits the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the marginalized and disadvantaged. It reinforces existing power structures and exacerbates inequality, leading to social exclusion and disenfranchisement. Those without access to resources or connections may find themselves at a significant disadvantage, perpetuating cycles of poverty and marginalization.
  • Political Instability: Corruption undermines democratic processes and weakens governance institutions. When leaders prioritize personal gain over the common good, it can lead to political instability, social unrest, and a loss of confidence in the rule of law. This threatens peace and stability within societies, making it difficult to achieve meaningful progress and development.
  • Environmental Degradation: Corruption can have detrimental effects on the environment by facilitating the exploitation and mismanagement of natural resources. Greedy individuals or corporations may engage in activities that harm ecosystems, contribute to pollution, and degrade natural habitats. This can have long-term consequences for biodiversity, public health, and the sustainability of ecosystems.
  • Undermining the Rule of Law: Corruption undermines the integrity of legal and judicial systems, eroding trust in the rule of law. When those responsible for enforcing laws and upholding justice are corrupt, it creates a culture of impunity where wrongdoers go unpunished. This weakens institutions, fosters a climate of lawlessness, and perpetuates cycles of corruption.

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Strategies to Counter Corruption

To stop corruption, we need to do a few things:

  • Make strong rules against corruption and make sure everyone follows them.
  • Make sure everything the government does is easy to see so everyone knows what’s happening.
  • Punish people who do bad things, like taking bribes or stealing money.
  • Tell people it’s important to be fair and honest, even when no one is watching.
  • Let people know they can tell someone if they see something wrong happening.
  • Make sure our police and courts are strong and can deal with corruption.
  • Work with other countries to stop corruption that crosses borders.
  • Use technology to make things fairer and easier to understand.
  • Help groups that watch over the government to make sure they’re doing their job right.
  • Protect people who speak out against corruption so they don’t get in trouble.

By doing these things together, we can stop corruption and make sure everyone is treated fairly and honestly.

In summary, stopping corruption is really important. By making strong rules, being transparent, punishing those who do bad things, and encouraging honesty, we can fight corruption. It’s also important to work with other countries, use technology, support groups that watch over the government, and protect people who speak out against corruption. Together, we can make sure everyone is treated fairly and honestly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1.What is corruption?

Corruption refers to the misuse of power or position for personal gain, often involving bribery, embezzlement, or favoritism.

2. Why does corruption happen?

Corruption happens due to various factors, including economic hardship, weak governance, and societal tolerance of unethical behavior.

3.How does corruption affect society?

Corruption undermines trust in institutions, distorts market mechanisms, and perpetuates inequality, leading to economic stagnation and social unrest.

4.What can be done to combat corruption?

Combating corruption requires legal reforms, promotion of transparency and accountability, and public awareness initiatives to foster a culture of integrity.

5.Are there examples of corruption in real life?

Yes, there are numerous examples of corruption worldwide, ranging from political scandals to corporate fraud, highlighting the pervasive nature of this phenomenon.

Short Essay On Corruption In Pakistan

Corruption in Pakistan is a serious problem that affects many aspects of life in the country. From government institutions to everyday interactions, corruption has become deeply ingrained in society. This short essay will discuss the prevalence of corruption in Pakistan, its causes, effects, and some possible solutions.

Corruption in Pakistan refers to the misuse of power or authority for personal gain. It is widespread in various sectors, including politics, law enforcement, education, healthcare, and business. The keyword “short essay on corruption in Pakistan” highlights the urgency of addressing this issue.

Several factors contribute to the rampant corruption in Pakistan. Weak governance structures, lack of transparency, and ineffective enforcement of anti-corruption laws create an environment conducive to corrupt practices. Additionally, poverty, inequality, and political instability further exacerbate the problem.

The effects of corruption on Pakistan are far-reaching and detrimental. It undermines trust in government institutions, hampers economic growth, and perpetuates social inequality. Moreover, corruption leads to the misallocation of resources, hindering development efforts and depriving citizens of essential services.

To combat corruption in Pakistan, several measures need to be taken. Strengthening legal frameworks, enhancing transparency and accountability, and promoting ethical leadership are essential steps. Empowering citizens to participate in anti-corruption efforts and ensuring whistleblower protection are also crucial.

In conclusion, corruption in Pakistan is a pervasive issue that requires urgent attention. By addressing its root causes and implementing effective measures, Pakistan can work towards building a fairer and more just society for all its citizens. It is imperative for the government, civil society, and individuals to join hands in the fight against corruption to ensure a brighter future for Pakistan.

Essay on Corruption in Pakistan 150 words

Corruption in Pakistan is a significant problem that affects the country’s progress and development. It refers to the misuse of power for personal gain, and it’s widespread in various sectors. Corruption undermines trust in government institutions and hinders economic growth. The keyword “essay on corruption in Pakistan 150 words” highlights the importance of addressing this issue concisely.

Several factors contribute to corruption in Pakistan, including weak governance, lack of transparency, and poverty. Corruption leads to the misallocation of resources, hindering development efforts and depriving citizens of essential services.

To combat corruption in Pakistan, it’s crucial to strengthen legal frameworks, enhance transparency, and promote ethical leadership. Empowering citizens to participate in anti-corruption efforts is also essential.

In conclusion, addressing corruption in Pakistan is vital for the country’s progress. By implementing effective measures and fostering a culture of integrity, Pakistan can work towards building a fairer and more prosperous society for all its citizens.

Essay On Corruption In Pakistan 300 words

Corruption in Pakistan is a widespread issue that affects the country’s progress and development. It occurs when people misuse their power or authority for their own benefit instead of serving the public good. This problem is deeply rooted in various sectors of society, including government, business, and public services.

The impact of corruption is significant and far-reaching. It leads to inequality, unfair treatment, and a lack of trust in government institutions. Corruption also diverts resources away from essential services like education and healthcare, hindering the country’s growth and prosperity.

There are many reasons why corruption happens in Pakistan. Weak governance, lack of transparency, and poverty all contribute to the problem. When people are poor and desperate, they may resort to corrupt practices as a means of survival.

Corruption hurts everyone because it means that money and opportunities are not used the right way. This makes it harder for people to get things like good schools and hospitals. It also makes it tough for businesses to grow and for the country to get better.

To address corruption effectively, strong measures are needed. This includes implementing strict anti-corruption laws, increasing transparency in government operations, and holding corrupt individuals accountable for their actions. It’s also important to promote ethical leadership and empower citizens to participate in anti-corruption efforts.

By working together and taking steps to combat corruption, Pakistan can create a fairer and more just society for all its citizens. It’s essential for government officials, civil society, and individuals to join hands in the fight against corruption to ensure a better future for Pakistan.

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Corruption Essay

Corruption refers to an act performed by an individual or a group, which seriously compromises the rights and privileges of someone else or the public in general. “Corruption” includes a significant number of illegal and immoral activities from different arenas of governance and administration. Corruption is not only limited to the government and its agencies, but, it also includes private businesses and organizations. Corruption severely hampers the growth and development of a society and a nation as a whole. A corrupt system makes people loose general trust in the government, resulting in an environment of fear and chaos.

Long and Short Essay on Corruption in India in English

We have provided below some Essay on Corruption of varying lengths in English for your information and knowledge.

These corruption essay have been written in simple and easy language so that you don’t face any difficulty in understanding the sentences.

The essay will give you an in depth analysis of Corruption and its effects on the society and the country.

You will also know the measures taken by the government to counter corruption and subdue its effects.

Corruption Essay 1 (100 words)

Corruption is a poison which has been spread in the mind of wrong people of the society, community and country. It is the mistreatment of public resources just for getting some unfair advantage to fulfill little wish. It is concerned with the unnecessary and wrong use of both power and position by anyone whether in the government or non-government organization. It has affected the growth of the individual as we well as the nation and reduces income. It is a big reason of inequalities in the society and community. It affects the growth and development of the nation in all aspects like socially, economically and politically.


Corruption Essay 2 (150 words)

Corruption is the misuse of public property, position, power and authority for fulfilling the selfish purposes to gain personal satisfactions. Corruption is the misuse of authority for personal gain of an individual or group. It is the unfair use of public power for some private advantages by breaking some rules and regulations made by government. Now a day, it has been spread deeply in the society and has become very strong because of its lots of roots. It is like a cancer which once generated cannot be ended without medicine and spreading its roots continuously.

One common form of corruption in our country is receiving cash money, through online transfer or in the form of costly gift etc. Some people wrongly uses someone else money for their own sake. Some people recruited in the government or non-government offices have been involved in the corruption and can do anything to fulfil their wishes.

Corruption Essay 3 (200 words)

We all are well familiar of the corruption and as it is not a new phenomenon in our country. It has taken its roots so deeply in the people’s mind. It is a very common poison in the society since ancient time. It is available from the history time of the Mughal and Sultanate period. It is reaching to its new height. It has affected the mind of people to a great extent and become so common that wrong people can play with the public life. It is a type of greediness which corrupt human mind and destroy one’s humanity and naturalness.

Corruption is of different types which has been spread in every filed like education, sports, games, politics, etc. Because of the corruption, one does not understand his/her responsibilities at work place. Corruptions are like theft, dishonesty, wastage of public property, wastage of time unnecessarily, exploitation, scams, scandals, malpractice of responsibilities, etc are the various types of corruption. It has made its roots in both developing and well developed countries. We need to remove corruption from our society and country in order to get real freedom from the slavery. We all need to be loyal towards our responsibilities and strict for any type of greediness.

Corruption Essay 4 (250 words)

Now-a-days, corruption is seen everywhere in the society just like an infectious disease. The great leaders of the India who have fought their whole life for removing corruption and other social issues completely from the society. It is the very shameful condition for us that even after losing various great lives, we are not able to understand our real responsibilities. Corruption has been spread in the common public lives, politics, central governments, state governments, businesses, industries, etc. It has not left any field. Corruption is increasing day by day instead of decreasing or steadying because of the continuous increase in the appetite of people for money, power, position and luxury.

We have forgotten the real responsibility of being a human just because of the money. We need to understand that money is not everything and it is not a stable thing. We cannot keep it forever to us, it can only give us greediness and corruption. We should give importance to the value based life and not money based life. It is true that we need lot of money to live a common life however it is not true that just for our selfishness and greediness; we should play someone’s life or money in some unfair ways.

Corruption Essay 5 (300 words)

As we all know that corruption is very bad thing. It inhibits the individual growth as well as society and country growth and development. It is social evil which is playing humans body and mind socially, economically and intellectually. It is continuously making its roots so deeply because of the increasing human greediness towards money, power and position. Corruption is the misuse of authority, public position, natural or public resources, power, etc by someone to gain his/her personal gratifications. According to the sources, it has been identified that India ranks three in the highly corrupted countries.

Corruption is highly spread in the field of civil service, politics, business and other illegal fields. India is a famous country for its democracy but it is corruption which disturbs its democratic system. Politicians are highly responsible for all type of corruption in the country. We chose our leaders by having lots of expectations to them to lead our country in the right direction. In the starting they make us lots of promises however, just after the voting they forget all that and involve in corruption. We are sure that our India would be corruption free a day when our political leaders would be free of greediness and use their power, money, status and position in right direction to lead the country, not their own luxury and personal wishes.

We should select very honest and trustworthy leaders to lead our India just like our earlier Indian leaders such as Lal Bahadur Shastri, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, etc. Only such political leaders can reduce and finally end the corruption from India. Youths of the country should also need to be aware of all the reasons of corruption and get together to solve it in group. Increasing level of the corruption needs to take some heavy steps to get control over it.

Corruption Essay 6 (400 words)

Corruption is the highly infectious social disease which has spread its roots to the mind of the bad people. No one take birth to do such type of bad activities in the society however some bad conditions of their life forced them to do so. Gradually they become habitual for all of these bad activities. However, people suffering from any problem, disease, etc should keep patience and trust on themselves and never do anything bad in life. As, one negative step of anyone may harm the lives of many people. We are not a single entity on this earth, there are many like us, so we should think a little about others and live life happily and peacefully with positive thoughts.

Now-a-days, lots of benefits are given by the government of India to the poor people on the basis of various rules and regulations to bring social awareness among common people as well as equality in the society. However, poor people are not getting benefited of those advantages given by the government as many officers doing corruption secretly in between the channel before reaching to the poor people. They are doing corruption against law for just fulfilling their own pockets with money.

There are many causes of corruption in the society. Now-a-days political leaders are making interest oriented programmes and policies instead of nation oriented programmes and policies. They are just wishing to be famous politician for completing their own interests instead of citizen’s interests and requirement. There is increasing level of change in the value system in the human mind as well as decreasing ethical qualities of human being. The level of trust, faith and honesty is decreasing which gives rise to the corruption.

The number of common people with increased tolerance power towards corruption is increasing. There is a lack of strong public forum in the society in order to oppose the corruption, widespread illiteracy in rural areas, poor economic infrastructure, etc are the reasons of endemic corruption in the public life. Low salaries norms of the government employees force them towards channel of corruption. Complex laws and procedures of the government distract common people to get any type of help from government. During election time, corruption become at its highest peak. Politicians always take support of poor and illiterate people by dreaming them big in future during their governance however nothing happens after win.

Corruption Essay 7 (500 words)

Corruption has been spread like a disease all over the India as well as abroad. It has become one of the most speedily increasing social issues in the Indian society . It is generally initiated and promoted by the opportunistic leaders. They never think about the nation’s benefits and do lots of damage to the nation through their corruption even for their small advantage. They sell their country properties in the wrong hands and spread wrong beliefs about India in the people’s mind living in other countries.

They are spoiling the old traditions and cultures of India for their personal benefits. Now-a-days people who are working in right direction using right principles considered as foolish in the modern society and the people who are working wrong and making wrong promises are good for the society. However, in turn it is true that corrupted people cheating the simple, ordinary and innocent people. They are ruling the mind of innocent people.

Corruption increases in India day by day because there is a strong connection between the officials, politicians and criminals who are making this country weak and so weak. India got independence in 1947 and it was slowly becoming strong and developing but in the mid way the disease of corruption started and stop India to grow ahead. In India there has been a trend of give and take means give some money in order to get your work done whether in the government offices or private sectors offices. And now the condition is getting worse and worse, as earlier, the money was paid for getting wrong works done or only work to be done, but currently money is paid for getting works done in right ways and at right time. Even after paying complete money according to the demand, there is no full chance of getting things done at time and in right way.

Corruption is everywhere in every department whether it hospitals, education, job, government offices, nothing is left of corruption. Everything has become a business and the source of earning money in wrong way. Educational institutions are also involved in the corruption and they give seat to those students only who have paid for, whether they are good students with good marks or not. Very weak students are given admission in the top colleges and universities only on the basis of money paid for wrong admission and the topper student with good marks and lack of money gets back in the life or take admission in any simple college.

Now-a-days, private sectors companies are so good in comparison to the governmental jobs. Private companies are giving job on the basis of candidate’s skills, ability, technical knowledge, good percentage of marks and all the educational records. However, it has become tough to get job in the government offices as they need lots of bribe to give any type of job (high level or low level) like teaching, clerk, babu, nurse, doctor, sweeper, etc. And the amount of bribe increases in the market as the level of job increase like IAS, PCC, police, etc ranks jobs.

All the essays given above are essay on corruption under various words limit according to the student’s need and requirement in the school. All the corruption essay are written to almost fulfill the current need of students. Corruption is a social issue and this topic is in vogue for the student’s awareness. Following are the other social issues on which we have provided varieties of essays:

Long Essay on Corruption – Essay 8 (1700 Words)


A majority of us are probably aware of the term “corruption” and the situations in which the word perfectly fits in. The most plausible reference to the nature of corruption could be assessed by the words of Joe Bidden, 47 th Vice President of the United States of America, who quoted – “corruption is just another form of tyranny.” The statement weighs corruption as equivalent to that of cruel and oppressive rule of government. However, for a common man/woman, corruption is a challenge, that he/she faces every day, in protecting of his/her fundamental rights and privileges, otherwise guaranteed by the Constitution.

Corruption in India

Though, the ranking of India in Global Corruption Index 2018 has been improved by three places; at a global rank of 78 it’s still far from becoming a corruption free nation.

Corruption in India had been prevalent even under the subjugation of British Empire, when India was still far from gaining independence. How deeply rooted was the corruption in Indian society, can be assessed by the words of Mohammed Ali Jinnah. The Muslim League Leader once stated – “One of the biggest curses from which India is suffering – I do not say that other countries are free from it, but I think our condition is much worse – is bribery and corruption. That really is a poison”.

This statement of Mr. Jinnah delivered while addressing the first Presidential address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on 11 th August 1947, bares naked the truth of corruption in India, even before independence.

Even after 73 years of Independence, not much has changed on that front for the people of India. On the contrary, corruption has grown in dimension and today, it seriously hampers the economical, social and infrastructural progress of the nation as never before.

Corruption in political and administrative system of the country, is curtailing its progress and it devoid the people of India of their basic rights of equality, freedom, right to equal opportunity and right to compulsory education and health among others.

Factors Leading to or Responsible for Corruption

The corruption is rooted into several social, political and economical factors. Though, the most elaborate explanation for the cause of corruption could be estimated by the words of 19 th century British politician Lord Acten, who had famously said – “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The quote was a reference to relationship between power and corruption. Corruption is most like to occur with power as the powerful can successfully evade accountability, by using his/her power and influence.

The scenario explained above gels perfectly with the Indian political and administrative system of governance. Huge powers are vested upon our political representatives and administrative officials, by the Constitution. The motive behind bestowing them with power was the greater idea of empowering them to act as facilitators to the public, in general interest of the nation.

They are expected to exercise their powers in implementing several welfare schemes and projects, without any hindrance, for the overall welfare of the people and progress of the nation. However, the whole idea seems to backfiring with, the powerful wielding the powers to their own interests, seriously compromising the interest of the nation and its people.

This is when the corruption slowly seeps into otherwise honest political and administrative circles of India.

Another, most troubling factor behind the prevalence of corruption in India is the latter’s acceptance in society as a common phenomenon. Today, the voices against corruption are fainter than ever before and the people have accepted corruption as natural and unavoidable.

This is the reason why we tend to bribe public servants, to escape the legal formalities on issues those are of interest to us. Moreover, giving and taking bribe is today being considered as a wise act and is being applauded in private, if not publically.

Below is given a point wise narration of other social and economical factors that could escalate corruption –

  • Inadequate compensation and monthly emoluments to the government employees could lead them to corruption.
  • Illiteracy fuels corruption as it makes a person more submissive and likely to be exploited by greedy officials.
  • Illiteracy, poverty and lack of a transparent grievance redressal system make people more vulnerable to political and other types of corruption.
  • A decline of ethics and moral values in the society are also responsible for corruption.
  • Lack of awareness among the people on their rights and privileges is acting as a fuel to the corruption.

Different Faces of Corruption

The demon of corruption has many faces, than could be imagined, like judicial corruption, governance corruption, corruption in education, corruption in enforcement of laws, financial corruption, political corruption etc. There could be thousands of other similar situations; those could act as examples of corruption. It wouldn’t be possible to elaborate all types of corruption in this essay; however, we will discuss a few of them below.

  • The spectrum of corruption is vast enough to affect people from different walks of life. It involves situations like bribing to secure a government job, bribing to lodge a complaint in local police station, bribing the government doctor for treatment, bribing the official for swift movement of file, paying bribe to the official to get the cheque that you deserve anyway.
  • Firstly, we will make an assessment of political corruption in India. We all know that the credibility of a political representative is based on the transparent and unbiased election that he or she faces in order to be elected. Despite the Election Commission of India doing a commendable job every time to conduct free and fair elections, there are still some cracks in the otherwise impeccable election system.
  • More often than not, during elections, we get stray news from throughout the nation, of voters being influenced by money or by wielding powers, by the contestants in election. Such acts amount to political corruption of highest degree and can adversely influence the democratic structure of the nation.
  • Now let’s consider the scenario of a government hospital which functions to provide free or subsidized medical facilities to all the citizens of India. The doctors deployed by the government in the hospitals are compensated adequately for their services; however, sometimes they are seen demanding money from patients to perform an operation or treatment, which should otherwise be performed free of cost. This is a perfect example of corruption in healthcare system.

Likewise there are several examples of corruption in different sectors, depending on their nature and outcome.

Corruption – An Act of Collusion or Not

Corruption is basically an act of collusion between two parties; however, more often than not one party might be forced into the agreement by another party.

Suppose, if a Public Works Department Engineer demands bribe from a civil contractor, for passing the bill for the portion of road constructed by the latter. In this case, though the demand is not obligatory on the contractor, he/she will mostly oblige considering the otherwise cumbersome process of proceeding legally against the demands. In this case the party who gives bribe is actually forced to do so by the party who demands it.

On the contrary, there could be situations in which both the opposite parties have colluded willingly in order to mutually benefit each other. For example a non deserving candidate for a government job, pays bribe to the recruiting official, in order to secure the job.

Nevertheless, whether forced or mutually agreed upon, corruption is an act of collusion, between two parties, which seriously compromises the privileges and rights of other individuals.

Measures to Counter/Control Corruption in India

The corruption in any sector could be effectively controlled by working on improving transparency and accountability in that particular sector. Transparency will ensure that each and every functioning, decision and its outcome is known to the public and all, so that the fairness of the deal could be ascertained. On the other hand accountability places responsibility of an undesirable outcome/loss on an individual.

  • This has been done by the government of India under the Right to Information or the RTI act, which had been incorporated in 2005. RTI Act 2005 gives the power of questioning to the common citizen of India. Using the RTI Act anyone could now question any department by simply submitting a RTI application.
  • You can now question and get answers on subjects like – how much of the taxes collected, did the government spend and on what mode; how many children in your neighboring school were provided admission under EWS (Economically Weaker Section); what was the cost incurred for the construction of road in your locality and what amount was paid to the contractor; what action did the government take against the official involved in corruption etc.
  • The RTI law mandates the appointment of a Public Information Officer (PIO) in all the central and state runs departments and ministries. The provision of responding to the queries is binding on the PIO, who has to do so in a stipulated time, failing which s/he would attract departmental action or a hefty fine.
  • The government has also established Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) in 1964 to look into the matters of governmental corruption. The CVC functions as an autonomous body, free from the influence of any executive authority.
  • The Government has amended Prevention of Corruption Act 1988, to criminalize the party which pays bribe for undue advantages.
  • The amendments have a provision to impose penalty on the organization of the person convicted for giving or taking bribery, if latter couldn’t be traced or has deliberately left the country to escape law.
  • Another step that could well be taken to eliminate corruption is, setting up a fast and speedy judicial system, to address the corruption cases in the country.

Though, the corruption is rampant in India, it is also true that by and large the common men and women of India are honest and have an evident dislike for corruption. However, deep rooted the corruption might be, it could be successfully eliminated with political will and public awareness.

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Corruption In Pakistan Essay

Corruption In Pakistan Essay | 500 Words & 800 Words

by Pakiology | Jun 20, 2024 | Essay , English | 2 comments

Page Contents

1) 500 Words Essay On Corruption In Pakistan

2) 800 words essay on corruption in pakistan, understanding corruption in pakistan, the causes of corruption in pakistan, the consequences of corruption in pakistan, the way forward: tackling corruption in pakistan.

Corruption is a pervasive problem in Pakistan that has negatively impacted the country’s economy and political stability. It is the abuse of public office for private gain, and it is a major obstacle to Pakistan’s development.

There are many causes of corruption in Pakistan, including a lack of transparency in government institutions, weak law enforcement, and a lack of accountability. In addition, corruption is often seen as a way for people to get ahead in a society that is plagued by inequality and a lack of opportunities.

One of the most prominent forms of corruption in Pakistan is corruption in the public sector. Government officials often demand bribes from citizens in order to provide them with services that they are entitled to, such as issuing licenses or permits. This not only undermines the rule of law but also discourages investment and stifles economic growth.

Another major problem in Pakistan is corruption in the private sector. Companies often bribe government officials in order to secure contracts or other favors, which can lead to inefficient and wasteful use of public resources. This not only harms the economy but also undermines public trust in the government and private institutions.

There are several factors that contribute to the high levels of corruption in Pakistan. One of the main reasons is the lack of accountability and transparency in the country’s political and economic systems. This allows corrupt individuals to operate with impunity, as they are able to conceal their activities and avoid being held accountable for their actions.

Another contributing factor is the widespread poverty in Pakistan. Many people are willing to engage in corrupt activities in order to make ends meet, as they see it as a means of surviving in a difficult economic environment.

Furthermore, corruption is often perpetuated by a lack of strong institutions and effective laws to prevent and punish it. In many cases, the government and law enforcement agencies are themselves involved in corrupt activities, which makes it difficult to address the problem.

The consequences of corruption in Pakistan are severe. It undermines the rule of law and weakens public trust in the government, leading to social and political instability. It also hinders economic development and stifles entrepreneurship, as it creates an uneven playing field for businesses and discourages investment.

In order to combat corruption in Pakistan, it is essential for the government to implement strong legal frameworks and institutional mechanisms to promote accountability and transparency. This could include measures such as stricter laws against corruption, better oversight of public officials and institutions, and improved access to information for the general public.

Additionally, there needs to be a cultural shift in the country towards greater integrity and honesty. This can be achieved through education and awareness-raising campaigns, as well as by encouraging a sense of social responsibility among the people of Pakistan.

In conclusion, corruption is a major challenge in Pakistan that needs to be addressed in order to promote economic development and political stability. By implementing effective legal frameworks and promoting a culture of integrity, it is possible to combat corruption and build a more just and prosperous society.

Pakistan, a country known for its rich cultural heritage, is facing numerous challenges in its journey toward becoming a developed nation. One of the most persistent and widespread issues that the country has been grappling with is corruption. Corruption in Pakistan has reached a level where it is not only hampering the economic growth of the country but also undermining the social and political fabric.

Corruption can be defined as the abuse of power or position for personal gain. It takes many forms, from bribery and embezzlement to nepotism and fraud. In Pakistan, corruption has permeated all levels of society, from the lowest echelons to the highest. It has become so widespread that it is now considered a norm in the country.

There are several factors that have contributed to the high levels of corruption in Pakistan. Some of the major causes include:

Lack of effective government institutions:

The government institutions in Pakistan are not strong enough to prevent corruption. There is a lack of accountability and transparency in the workings of these institutions, making it easier for corrupt officials to carry out their activities without fear of consequences.

Political instability:

Political instability has been a constant in Pakistan’s history, which has contributed to widespread corruption in the country. When political leaders are more focused on retaining power and advancing their own interests, they are less likely to prioritize the fight against corruption.

Poverty and income inequality:

Poverty and income inequality are also contributing factors to corruption in Pakistan. When people are struggling to make ends meet, they may be more likely to engage in corrupt activities to earn extra income.

Weak rule of law:

The weak rule of law in Pakistan has also contributed to the high levels of corruption in the country. When laws are not enforced and the justice system is unable to hold corrupt officials accountable, it is easier for corruption to thrive.

The consequences of corruption in Pakistan are far-reaching and damaging. Some of the major consequences include:

Hampering economic growth:

Corruption has a significant impact on the economy of the country. It undermines investment and creates an environment that is hostile to business. This leads to lower economic growth, less job creation, and decreased prosperity for the people of Pakistan.

Undermining social and political fabric:

Corruption not only undermines the economy but also the social and political fabric of the country. When people lose faith in the government and its institutions, it creates a void that can be filled by extremist and extremist ideologies.

Impeding development:

Corruption also impedes development by diverting resources away from areas that need them most. When public funds are misused or stolen, it means that schools, hospitals, and other public services are not receiving the support they need to provide quality services to the people.

Discouraging foreign investment:

Corruption can also discourage foreign investment, as investors are less likely to invest in a country where they perceive a high risk of corruption. This means that the country misses out on the benefits of foreign investment, such as job creation and economic growth.

Tackling corruption in Pakistan will require a multi-faceted approach that involves the government, civil society, and the private sector. Some of the measures that could be taken include:

Strengthening government institutions:

The government must take steps to strengthen its institutions and make them more accountable and transparent. This can be done by implementing effective anti-corruption measures, such as setting up independent watchdog agencies and increasing transparency in the workings of government institutions.

Improving the rule of law:

The government must also work to improve the rule of law in the country, by enforcing laws and regulations that prevent corruption, and by ensuring that corrupt officials are held accountable.

Encouraging civil society engagement:

Civil society can play an important role in tackling corruption in Pakistan, by raising awareness about the issue, advocating for reforms, and monitoring government activities.

Promoting ethics and integrity:

The private sector can also play a role by promoting ethics and integrity in their own operations, and by supporting anti-corruption initiatives.

Increasing transparency and accountability:

The government must also take steps to increase transparency and accountability in its operations, by making its activities more open and accessible to the public.

Providing education and training:

The government can provide education and training to its citizens, particularly the youth, on the dangers and consequences of corruption, and on the importance of integrity and ethical behavior.

In conclusion, corruption in Pakistan is a major barrier to development, and it is essential that the government, civil society, and private sector work together to tackle this issue. While there is no easy solution to corruption, the steps outlined above, if implemented effectively, can help to reduce corruption and create a more prosperous and just society in Pakistan.

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It’s a good and simple worded essay , helped me understanding this subject .


Amazing each and every word was understandable and it adds information in my knowledge Thank You sooo much

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Corruption Essay in English

Corruption is one of the evilest and most criminal activities in India, but people are fearlessly committing corruption because of the corruption and its adverse effects. Taking bribery is the most common method of corruption. It is a complete case of criminal activity and a kind of dishonesty. Taking corruption from the people for completing their work is one of the major crimes, and this will have to stop, or the police and law should take actions against this criminal offense according to the constitutional law. 

Demanding for corruption reflects the greedy and selfish nature of the person that shows a person with a lack of humanity. Bribery involves illegal work and improper use of favors and demanding gifts in exchange for completing the work for personal benefits. Once a person loses his humanity by asking for bribery, he loses his honor and demands a favor, including money, property, land, company shares, any liable assets, sexual favors, employment or entertainment, embezzlement, or political benefits. The demanding graft is one of the major forms of corruption used globally. Graft and corruption include bribery, extortion, nepotism, and other personal benefits to be demanded in return for work. 

Extortion is one form of blackmailing, favoritism or nepotism are the same, where selecting closed ones or relatives for jobs or providing employment is one of the old methods of corruption. This ruins the life of deserving candidates with ability and talent. Corruption is a very common thing that is casually seen in government or private offices. The most common act of demanding corruption is bribery in such places to complete our work. It is also found in the form of embezzlement, in which a responsible person can slightly commit frauds and steal money or cash from the accounts by interfering with them.

Overall, corruption destroys trust, weekend humanity, and belief in other humans. Corruptions can not be completely stopped by any methods or any kind of special or strict rules, laws, or actions. It can only be controlled by applying tough laws, and avail punishments on people caught taking corruption or demanding bribes from people. To raise fear of harsh punishments in the mind of corrupt people, and due to this fear, they can stop demanding the graft. Another better option for controlling corruption is to offer a better salary. The major point of changing the mindset and demanding bribery is the need for money, illegally making more property to live a luxurious life. Increasing the number of employees reduces the burden of work and thus relieves them from work and reduces the demand for bribes to do work. They are applying cams and CCTVs in the official premises to stop the corruption effects and, above all, strict laws to be leased and immediate actions to be taken on such cases to arouse fear in the mind of the corrupt people. Corruption is a kind of mind cancer, and it cannot be cured but controlled by controlling the mindset. 

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Corruption Essay

In this Corruption Essay , we had described corruption in simple words, types and causes of corruption & solution of corruption.

Corruption is the immoral act done by a group of people who use the power or status or authority to gain personal benefits; it is a social issue that adversely affects the economic growth of the nation.

It is the use of immoral procedures by others to achieve some benefits, and it has become significant factors obstructing the development of the individual and the country.

In this article  Essay on Corruption , we had provided the essays in different word limits, which you can use as per your need:

Essay on Corruption 100 words:

Corruption is a poison that spreads in the minds of people in the society, community, and country.

It is the misbehaviour of the individual or group of individuals to obtain some unfair advantage to satisfy the small desires.

It deals with the unnecessary and improper use of both power and position by someone in government or non-government organisations.

As it affected the development of the individual and nation, it is a significant cause of disparities in society and the community.

It affects the growth and development of the nation in all aspects, socially, economically, and politically.

Corruption Essay 150 words:

Essay on corruption

Corruption is the misuse of public property, status, power, and authority to fulfil the selfish motives and to gain personal satisfaction.

It is the misuse of authority for the personal benefit of an individual or group & it is an improper use of public power for some private benefit by breaking specific rules and laws made by the government.

Nowadays, it has spread deeply in society, and it is like cancer that, once produced, cannot be removed without medication and continues to spread its roots regularly.

A common form of corruption in our country is to obtain cash through online transfer or in the form of expensive gifts etc.

Some people wrongly use someone’s money for themselves. Some people recruited in government, or non-government offices, indulge the corruption and can do anything to fulfil their dreams.

Essay on Corruption 200 words:

We are aware of the effects of corruption, and this is not a new phenomenon in our country, it has taken its roots in people’s minds.

It is a widespread poison in society since ancient times, i.e., Mughal and Sultanate times.

Also, reaching its new height & affected people’s minds to a great extent, and it has become so common that some selfish people can play with public life.

It is a type of greed that corrupts the human mind and destroys one’s humanity and genuineness.

Corruption has numerous types, and it has spread in every filed like education, sports, sports, politics, etc. Due to fraud, the person does not understand their responsibilities at the workplace.

It has occupied roots in both developing and developed countries. We need to fight against corruption in our society and country to get real freedom from slavery.

We all need to be loyal to our responsibilities and strict for any greed.

essay on corruption

Corruption Essay 250 words:

Nowadays, corruption is everywhere in a society like an infectious disease.

Great leaders of India had fought their entire lives against corruption and other social issues from society.

It is a very embarrassing situation for us that even after losing many great lives, we are not able to understand our real responsibilities.

Corruption has spread in the politics, central governments, state governments, businesses, industries, etc. of the general public sector & it has left no field.

Due to the continuous increase in people’s hunger for wealth, power, position, and luxury, corruption is increasing day by day rather than reduced or stagnant.

We have forgotten the real responsibility of being human just because of money & need to understand that money is not everything, and it is not a static thing.

We cannot keep it forever; it can only give us greed and corruption.

Also, we should give importance to life based on morality and not life-based on wealth.

We indeed need a lot of money to live a healthy life, but it is not true that just for our selfishness and greed, we should play with one’s life in some wrong ways.

Essay on Corruption 300 words:

Corruption is a terrible thing; obstructs the personal development, growth and development of society in the country.

It is a social evil that is playing with the human body & mind socially, economically, and intellectually.

It is frequently deepening its roots due to an increase in human greed towards paying bribes, power, and status.

Corruption is the misuse of the natural, public resources, power by any individual to achieve his welfare.

According to sources, India ranks three among the most corrupt countries, corrupt practices in the fields of civil service, politics, business, and other illegal sectors.

India is a country known for its democracy, but corruption disturbs its democratic system.

Political corruption is responsible for all types of corruption in the country.

We had nominated our leaders and predict them to lead our country in the right direction. Primarily, they make a lot of promises, but after voting, they forget and get involved in corruption.

Also, ensure that the country will be free from corruption, and our political leaders are free from greed. They will use their power, wealth, status, and position to take the country in the right direction, not for their luxury and personal desires.

We should choose sincere and trustworthy leaders to lead our India like our first Indian leaders like Lal Bahadur Shastri, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, etc., such political leaders can reduced corruption from India.

The youth of the country should also be aware of all the causes of corruption and should unite in the group to solve it.

Some significant steps must be taken seriously to control the rising level of corruption.


Corruption Essay 400 words:

Corruption is a highly contagious social disease that has spread its roots in the minds of evil people, No one was born to do such immoral activities in society, but some adverse conditions of his life compelled him to do so.

Gradually they become familiar with all these evil activities. However, people suffering from any problem or disease should be patient, must have faith in themselves and never do anything wrong in life.

As such, a negative step of someone can harm the lives of many people.

We are not the same entity on this earth; there are many like us, so we should think a little about others and live life with happiness and peace with positive thoughts.

Nowadays, poor people have been given a lot of benefits by Government officials to bring social awareness to ordinary people as well as to bring equality in a society based on various rules and regulations.

However, the poor people are not getting the benefit of those benefits given by the government, as many officials are secretly corruption among the channels before reaching the poor people.

They are anti-corruption committee against the law to fill their pockets with money.

There are many reasons for corruption in society. Nowadays, political leaders are creating assurance programs and policies rather than nation oriented programs and policies.

They want to become famous politicians to serve their interests rather than just the interests and needs of the citizens.

The level of change in the value system in the human mind has increased, and at the same time, the moral qualities of humans are decreasing.

The level of trust and honesty is decreasing, which gives rise to corruption.

As tolerance for corruption increases, the number of ordinary people is increasing. The society lacks a robust public platform to resist corruption, widespread illiterate in rural areas, poor economic infrastructure, etc. are the cause of endemic corruption in public life.

The low salary norms of government employees lead them to the channel of corruption. The complex laws and procedures of the government distract ordinary people from getting any assistance from the government.

At the time of the election, corruption becomes at its peak, political parties always support poor and illiterate people during their election by showing big dreams in the future, but nothing happens after victory.

Essay on Corruption 500 words:

Corruption has spread like a disease throughout India as well as abroad. It has become one of the fastest-growing social issues in Indian society. It usually begins and promoted by aggressive leaders.

They will never think about the benefits of the nation and do not harm the country through their corruption, even for their small gains.

Also sells the wealth of their country in the wrong hands and spread misconceptions about India in the minds of people living in other countries.

They are spoiling India’s old traditions and cultures for their benefits.

Nowadays, people who are working in the right direction using the correct principles considered foolish in modern society, and those who are doing the wrong things and making false promises are good for society.

However, in turn, corrupt people indeed cheat ordinary and innocent people. They rule the minds of innocent people.

In India, corruption increases day by day because there is a secure connection between the officials, politicians, and criminals who are making this country weaker and weaker.

India got independence in the year 1947, and it was gradually strengthening and developing, but in the meantime, the disease of corruption started and stopped India from moving forward.

There is a trend in India to pay and receive some money to get work done in government offices or private sector offices.

Now the condition is getting worse and worse, as before, money h paid for doing work, but currently, money is paid for doing the incorrect job and at the right time.

Even after giving full money as per demand, there is no complete confidence of work on time and in the right manner, and peoples are engaged in corruption in every department.

Everything has become a business and a source of making money in the wrong way.

Educational institutions are also involved in corruption, and they only give seats to students who have paid, whether they are students with good marks or not.

Students are given admission to the top colleges and universities based on corruption, and the topper student gets only difficulties in life even after scoring good marks.

Now private sector companies have become much better than government jobs. Private companies are hiring based on the candidate’s skills, ability, technical knowledge, a good percentage of marks, and all academic records.

However, getting a job in government offices has become complicated as they need a lot of bribe for any position (high level or low level) like teaching, clerk, nurse, doctor, sweeper, etc.

Also, read 1. Corruption Free India Essay 2. Terrorism Essay 3. Corruption in India Essay


Corruption means corrupt + ethics; Corrupt means bad or impaired and conduct means conduct.

That is, corruption literally means conduct that is in any way immoral and unfair.

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Essay on Corruption with Quotations and Outline

Write an essay on corruption with quotes and outline for b.a and bsc students.

Corruption Essay with quotations is very important from the point of view of different exams of all boards and Universities. Here is an Essay on Corruption with outline and quotations. In this essay, we will discuss corruption which is a clung to mankind. The reasons and how to get rid of corruption. This essay will discuss the causes of Corruption and how to stop it. Students should learn the outline first to remember all points.

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  • Corruption is a multi-dimensional social evil.
  • A severe threat to the national existence.
  • The whole machinery is corrupt.
  • Bribery, nepotism and misuse of power
  • Factors that contribute to the prevalence of corruption.
  • To root out corruption, we shall have to end the corruption culture.

Corruption Essay with Quotations for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

Being the Muslims, we should keep the saying of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) in our minds:-

“Bribe-giver and the bribe-taker are both doomed for hell.”

Corruption is multi-dimensional social evil. It is the problem of problems in the world if today. It has clung to mankind like an incurable disease. It is a widespread moral degradation in the society. Nepotism, misappropriation of public money and non-accountability have spread the waves of corruption in almost all the departments of life. Even courts of justice and education are no exceptions. They have also become an arena of corruption.

Corruption is a severe threat to the national existence. It impairs the whole system of moral, ethical and religious values of a civil society. The distinction between right and wrong disappears. Revolutions and military takeovers become common. In fact, corruption is one of the main causes of the downfall of nations in the past.

Corruption has almost become an integral part of our economic, social and cultural activities. From the bottom to the top, the whole machinery is corrupt. The corrupt people use quite amazing techniques and surprising tricks to deceive others. From a peon to the boss, almost and everyone is involved in corruption directly or indirectly. Usually, the police and income tax departments were notorious for corruption. But, now, this evil has spread to every department of the government. It has penetrated deep into our social system and rusted the machinery of government.

Bribery, nepotism and misuse of powers have entirely destroyed the moral fibre of our society. Almost all the civil and military officials have fallen a prey to corruption. They touch to the lowest level of immorality for the sake of monetary gains.

There are several factors that contribute to the prevalence of corruption. First, the people are lack of contentment because of economic insecurity in our society.

Every person wishes to get rich overnight and, therefore, tries to feather his nest. Second, the inflation rate in unchecked in our society. The public officials are unable to maintain their standard of living within salary. So, they are tempted to accept the bribe. Third, lack of accountability on the part of the public servants and the politicians waters the flower of corruption. Four, most of the people have ignored religion and moral traditions. They want to amass wealth at any cost. They have no sense of right and wrong.

“Conscience is God’s presence in man.” (Swedenborg)

To root out corruption, we shall have to end the corruption culture. We should re-establish our link with religion which can keep us on the right path. All the responsible officials and politicians must be accountable for their deeds. The anti-corruption department should be empowered to give exemplary punishments to the corrupt people.

“Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it’s set a rolling it must increase.” (Charles Caleb)

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corruption easy essay in english

zunaira zulfiqar

August 4, 2020 at 11:26 am

perfect essay

corruption easy essay in english

Alishba Nadeem

January 20, 2021 at 2:53 pm

Thankyou so mcuh for the essay..It is the perfect for the discription of topic..

corruption easy essay in english

January 20, 2021 at 9:55 am

Thank you for your compliment.

corruption easy essay in english

Rizwan Haider

January 7, 2022 at 5:29 pm

an intriguing essay..

January 9, 2022 at 5:50 pm

In fact, it is.

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Zahid Notes

Essay on Corruption in Pakistan in English with quotations

English essay on corruption.

English essay on curruption for class 12 pakistan

EssayCorruption is nature's way of restoring our faith in democracy - Peter Ustinov
Corruption is cancer that steals from the poor, eats away at governance and moral fiber, and destroys trust- Robert Zoellick
Corruption is like a ball of snow. Once it's set a rolling it must increase- C.C Cotton

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Corruption in Pakistan Essay in English With Outline

Corruption in Pakistan plays a role in termites in the country. It slowly and gradually consumes all the strengths and power of the country, leaving it with hollowness. In Pakistan corruption is more like a national game. It is present at every level of profession, whether it’s the noblest profession i.e. teaching and Medical any other profession in the world. In the government education sector, teachers are corrupt. They get a salary for teaching in schools or colleges but they do not play their role as a good teacher in college which enforces students to get tuition from the same teachers privately.

Essay Outline On Corruption In Pakistan

  • Corruption Definition
  • Different Elements of Corruption
  • Causes of Corruption
  • Accountability in our Country
  • No Rules and Laws
  • Salaries are Low
  • Our Judiciary System
  • Basic Facility of Life in Pakistan
  • Need to Find Some New Anti-Corruption Strategy
  • Effects of Corruption on Country
  • Role of NAB
  • Steps to Take for Corruption

If we talk about the medical profession, corruption is there. A survey was conducted which reported that 42% of individuals responded that gaining access to hospital services was by a method other than the standard procedure of admission.  Country Politics is becoming the domestic game for the people. They are playing politics and corrupting every field of life.

Let’s put light on the other sector of government.  According to research, corruption is very much evident in the lower levels of the police in Pakistan. We can imagine if our protection provider people are corrupt this country can be safe. In fact, many citizens consider the police to be the most corrupt sector of the Pakistani government.

Corruption in Pakistan Essay in English With Outline

The threat of corruption in Pakistan is neither the government nor party-centric but it is the system and framework driven. As per figures performed by Transparency International, Pakistan has lost an unbelievably heightened amount just because of corruption, bad government, and tax evasion which was more than Rs. 8.5 trillion (US $94 billion), because of corruption, bad government, and tax dodging. According to an advisory of Transparency International, Pakistan does not require a single rupee as foreign aid if it starts correcting its internet governance and systems. This proves that Pakistan is a pretty rich country but only because of corruption and dishonesty does it lack in development and growth.

We as citizens, if united, can get rid of all the corruption in our country and can contribute to making this country beautiful and worth living.

Corruption Free Pakistan Dream Or Reality

As we all know the fight on top of corruption has been taking the shape of global dimensions. It is all stepping across in order to realize the grave socio-economic threats being posed by the side of corruption.  In all the spheres of the human regions, Pakistan has been much affected by Corruption.  It has been on the whole coming out to be known as one of the Pakistan nation’s most formidable challenges and threats for the future generation too.

If we talk about the recent case of corruption. So the opposition leader was arrested by the hand of NAB and millions of rupees were recovered from them. So NAB is the only department who trying to control corruption and recover money from corrupt people. According to a recent report of Transparency, our country has almost control over corruption but in some departments, many people are still doing the corruption. We can say our country is going out from corruption and as soon we will enroll in those countries that are corruption-free.

The campaign in opposition to corruption is one such kind of criterion that we have been witnessing with the direct and important staking. Corruption has been on the whole retard with the pace of development and hence impedes development-based activities.

The government of Pakistan is not paying much attention on top of the removal of corruption and hence no brighter future is being figured out.  It is leading to the way of a serious reduction in the timeline of the development programs and hence resulting in the increase in the maintenance of public assets.  Over the aspect of the stability of societies, corruption has come about to emerge as one of the major potential threats. This has definitely caused breaches in the social order of the world. It is simply damaging and appears to be the biggest threat to the long-established values which has evolved over the long centuries of the civilized struggle. Now here we end today’s topic which is “Essay on Corruption Free Pakistan Dream Or Reality “.

Say No To Corruption

Corruption is one such word that you might have to listen to every single day from the world of politics. Not just the politics but sometimes this action does take place in our surroundings as well. But still, we would never get to learn the idea of why we stay silent on it, and finally, we do end up facing its repercussions. We would be aware or might not be aware of the fact that this is damaging the roots of our society slowly but on the hardest scale. Old generations do the corruption but the coming generations have to suffer from its destruction. Now the main question that does hit so many minds is where the corruption starts! It does take place from the upper level and then slowly and silently it does hit lower-level people as well.

How Corruption Takes Place in Pakistan?

Pakistan is no doubt in the stage of its development and the maximum percentage of the population in Pakistan is on the line of poverty. People want equal rights but none of us bother to listen to their problems and finally, they took hold of the wrong path of corruption. They do put them in the actions or activities of bribery as they do get any chance. A maximum percentage of the Pakistan population is involved in most of the wrongdoings. The largest sum of corruption takes place in Government sectors in the middle of the high officers and clerks.

Raising Slogan of “Say No To Corruption” in Pakistan:

In the past few months, the raising slogan “Say No To Corruption” has started off which is somehow raising a little sum awareness among the new generation. But on the same side, some people are making fun of it which is a quite thought-provoking moment. Corruption will never end up with its roots in raising slogans or sending messages on mobile phones. It is one such root that should be cut down through mutual discussion and plans.

How To Reduce Corruption Level in Pakistan?

In terms of reducing the level of corruption in Pakistan, it is important that the people of Pakistan should collectively think about resolving the issues so that both poor strikes and rich people would get equal rights in their custody. If you do watch any person involved in corruption then you should stand up and reveal their basic needs. Manpower is one of the basic factors that can slow down the level of corruption to much extent. It would stop the chances of ruining the coming generations.

Effects of Corruption in Pakistan

Definitely when people doing corruption then your economy is badly affected. Right now in Pakistan, corruption exists in every government department as well as all departments are affected badly even if they cannot fulfill their expenditure. They burden the provincial and federal government and then the government increases the tax ratio on the public. Then inflation will increase.

Types of Corruption in Pakistan

  • Supply Versus Demand Corruption
  • Grand Versus Petty Corruption
  • Conventional Versus Unconventional Corruption
  • Public Versus Private Corruption


This is all about the Corruption in Pakistan Essay in English With an Outline from our side thanks for reading.

Moin akhtar

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Its really outstanding article in simple wording but brilliant if we save pakistan it is our brilliant effort and we must have to fight against……..

i was suffering from very crusial circumastances for the knowledge of this topic that from where i collect information about corruption but i saw this essay it is very beneficial for me. Thanku for uploading this.

true lines of a muslims heart.nice sir thanks…..,

no bad ;satisfactory

Its realy outstanding essay… 🙂

its realy outstanding essay….

thanks for this good effort for student it is for pakistan not anyone

there has been given excelent efforts to unveil the facts…

its realy outstanding article..brilliant effort every thing has been explained in simple wording….if we want to save Pakistan we must have to fight against curruption…

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English Summary

Essay on Corruption in English

The cancer of graft and corruption, a deep-rooted menace, has been perpetually infecting the private as well as public life in India. Corruption in our life is so rampant in all the spheres that it has assumed the authority of almost a parallel state.

Corruption has become all-pervasive and entered every aspect of life to such an extent that it is now regarded as a fact of life and evil we have to live with. The corrupt officials and corrupt politicians are neither despised nor deemed to be embarrassed. They are rather feared and respected. As a matter of fact, honesty has become a rarity.

People cannot get their work done without offering a bribe to the officers concerned. Even the shrines of worship are not free from this stigma. Our politicians and legislatures indulge in corrupt practices without any qualm of conscience No member of Parliament or assembly is poor today.

All ministers, MPs or MLAs have amassed wealth in cash or kind. The property of politicians is by and large quite disproportionate to their known sources of income. It would be an injustice to some people like Pt. Pant, Lal Bahadur Shastri and Atalji if we make a sweeping generalization about the involvement of politicians in scams and scandals.

Eyebrows have been raised on the involvement of Rajiv Gandhi in Bofors scandal and that of P.V. Narasimha Rao in the Hawala Scandal, Jharkhand MPs. Scandal, etc. Even the name of Rao’s son figures in Urea Scam. The involvement of big-wigs in scams and scandal has encouraged everyone from top to bottom in the administration indulge in corrupt practices.

Red-tapism, nepotism and corruption generating devices are flourishing unchecked. The spirit of an honest person trying to reform the social ills is nipped in the bud by the greedy and the corrupt. Favouritism is shown in matters of appointments to government service and selection of candidates for admission to the higher technical institution.

Those who are empowered to curb corruption are the very shareholders and promoters of corruption. Corruption, as it is prevalent in the rank and file of the administration, has assumed alarming proportions. The officers, as Well as their subordinates, keep their personal interests above the national interests.

Correction of the graft is, these days, an open game in the system of licence And permits for setting up enterprises, securing quotes for raw-materials, import and export licenses, and expansion of trade and commerce. consequently, the types of corruption have increased a thousandfold. The panorama is vast and baffling and beyond control despite the loud-talk of anti-corruption measures, stringent laws and of deterrent measures.

Hoarding, smuggling, black-marketing and adulteration are the worst forms of corruption. They go on nibbling all our plans and projects and cripple our economy or economy. The result in rising prices which in turn Break or bend the back of poor masses.

Despite the enactment of anti-defection law, horse-trading in politics Has been going on unabated. Two splits in the Janta Dal had been engineered by P.V. Narasimha Rao to ensure a majority for the party in the parliament. Even Jharkhand MPs were bribed to support his government when he was required to prove his majority on the floor of the parliament.

Corruption has penetrated the rank and file of such departments which are connected with the secret services or the security of the country Recently a number of persons have been arrested on the charge of spying for other countries. The damage done by these traitors is beyond calculation.

In turn, the contractors who grease officers palms to win a contract need to make up for it by add sand to cement. Thus, the vicious circle goes on.

When the entire social and economic set-up breathes of speedy money’ to push things through it is almost impossible to resist temptation. Human beings are, after all. human beings. These days our norms are palm- greasing, extortions by politicians from Industrialists by inspectors from, shopkeepers, by officials and clerks from the public and by everybody from everybody else even for small favours.

Mere condemning of corruption will not do. Enthusiasm for the Eradication of evil should not be allowed to peter out. It should be sustained At all costs. Uprooting corruption is not that easy a job. But determination Disarms difficulties.

Let the government be determined to eradicate corruption as Lincoln was to abolish chattel slavery. There is a strong need for strengthening the Central Vigilance Commission.

It is the moral duty of the opposition to support the bill and ensures its passage in the parliament. No person, however high and mighty he may be, should escape punishment if he is found guilty of having indulged in any corrupt practice.

The best way of curbing corruption is to inculcate moral values and a staunch integrity in the people. The lust for mammon must be replaced by a search for spiritual values. Corrupt elements well-entrenched in the admin istration must be weeded out and a thorough screening of the administraion is called for.

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Essay on Corruption in Pakistan Its Causes

Corruption is a poison which squanders the government resources deters investment and is detrimental to economic growth and political development. It flourishes if people in authority are dishonest and corrupt the state institutes are weak, and there is a political instability financial control lack of transparency in governance and disregard of the rule of law. Essay on Corruption in Pakistan Its Causes. Corruption has spoiled Pakistan completely and is resulting in increase in poverty, unemployment, hunger and is tarnished the image of the country by bringing immense miseries to its people.

Corruption has been deep routed in all levels either private or government from top to bottom and anti-corruption institutions have unfavorably failed to address this or even reduce the ongoing dishonesty and frauds. Corruption in Pakistan is widespread particularly in the government and lower levels of police forces. Transparency International 2017 Corruption perception index ranks the country 117 th place out of 180 countries. Essay on Corruption in Pakistan Its Causes. Pakistan saw a significant improvement in its statistics in 2013 when its ranking improved by 12 indices compared to its previous rankings.

Corruption is not something new. There have been periods in the subcontinent when corruption was rampant such as under British East India Company. When there was almost anarchy in the northeast of the subcontinent. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in his inaugural address to the constituent assembly on 11 th August 1947 had warned that bribery and corruption is a poison and “we must put that down with an iron hand”

The corruption practices have increased to an intolerable proportion and have assumed the gravity of a cancer. Dr IIhan Niazi write in his book, “The culture of power and governance of Pakistan 1947-2008 has dealt with the corruption. As early 1950 the Lahore High Court found the Chief Minister of Punjab guilty of corruption abuse of power and obstruction of justice because he had illegally acquired evacuee land for himself. After the demise of the first Prime Minister of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan (1947-51) a period of weak governments followed. As many as six prime ministers were changed during the next seven years.

Essay on Corruption in Pakistan Its Causes and Solution

Essay on Corruption in Pakistan Its Causes and Solution

Causes of Corruption:

Political Instability:

Corruption prevails in those regions where there is no peace no write of the state and there is no stable government. Pakistan unfortunately has been a place of political intrigues politics of opportunism and obstructionism.

Discretionary Power of Public Officials:

According to Roseau, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” wide and discretionary powers to the public officials provide incentive for corrupt behavior. These make them less accountable. Judges, Bureaucrats and politicians have access to control the valuable benefits of private citizens. They can impose costs over them and their business.

Policy Environment:

Corruption also stems from policy environment either on the top or at the bottom of the hierarchy. The payoffs are frequent to the lower level officials charged with collecting tariffs, provide police protection, issuing permits and the like.

Low Salaries:

Civil and military officials are also likely to involve in corruption due to their low salaries. As their costs and expenses are exceeding form their remunerations.

Poverty is also one of the main causes of corruption. The economic conditions of our country have always been shabby. Inflation as ever is on the rise. There is a lack of social safety network. All these compel a man to indulge in such unlawful activities.


According to Kimberly Ann Elliot:- “Bribery often undermines political legitimacy, squanders government revenues, and distorts international trade and investment flows. Where it is pervasive, corruption can deter investment, thereby lowering growth,” and is “detrimental to economic and political development.” Some of the main impacts of corruption are as follows:-

Moral Degradation:-

Corruption tends to moral degradation. The culture of corruption has plagued the society to the extent that it has become a way of life. Values and norms have changed and new values orientation is undergone. It puts us on the threshold of the cross roads of values. The generation, in all walks of life, emanates from assumption of power and corruption of values. Corruption leads to corruption. Corruption of liberty leads to liberty of corruption. It initiates every type of fraud, jealousy, deception, negligence and exploitation of vulnerable and weakest segments of society. It breeds inequality and injustice in the society. It denies the basic human rights of freedom, equality and fair play.

Slow Economic Growth:-

Corruption leads to slow economic growth, coupled deceleration with the development in the state. It impacts the private sector as there is no transparency. In consequences, investment is discouraged, whether it is internal or foreign. It impacts the public sector, as there is scarcity of resources. Thus, it creates despair, insecurity and detracts people’s constructive objective.

Mistrust and Suspicion:-

When there is corruption, there is mistrust and suspicion. People lose faith in the integrity of Public Administration as it becomes inefficient due to the violation of merit. Furthermore, they lose their faith in the state and its representatives. Thus, these facts cause damage to the social fabrics of the society. In consequence, democracy is put at stake and the nation become vulnerable to be exploited by the anti-Pakistani elements. Resultantly, the writ of the state will be shaken.

Corruption Leads To Exploitation:-

Corruption leads to exploitation because the living standard of people becomes very low. As corruption retards economy and poverty alleviation and public service delivery. Thus, it leads to all sorts of crimes and violence. Rich and poor gap get widen. Poor is exploited by burgesses (big businessman) class for their own aims.

Brain Drainage:-

Brain drainage is the direct effect of corruption. It will become harder to locate men and women’s ability and integrity in the public life. Capable people prefer to go abroad and serve other nations with their ability instead of suffering in Pakistan.

Current Government Era:-

It has been reported that during the last four years (2008-11) there were corruption and liabilities to the tune of Rupees 8500 billion. The estimated corruption was Rupees 390 billion in 2008, Rs 450 billion in 2009, Rs 825 billion in 2010 and Rs 1100 billion in is due to prevalent corruption that the country’s economy has deteriorated to an extent that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has rated Pakistan as “highly vulnerable”, and besides mounting external debts, “for the first time in the country’s history, the domestic debts and liabilities across Rupees 7 trillion mark.”

Increment in Social Problems:

The general public suffers because it is difficult for the people, who do not enjoy political patronage or contact with higher authorities, to get their genuine work done. Those who can bribe or have political support and contacts with higher authorities are the main beneficiaries of the prevailing system of governance. As for the judiciary and legal professions, except for superior courts, “there is widespread lack of public confidence in the justice system. Access to justice and legal the rule of law are undermined by corruption.” It can, therefore, be assumed that the bureaucracy as well as the judiciary is not above board and needs to improve their standards.

Honest Leadership:

Miss Fatima Jinnah had once said that corruption is like a snow which melts from the top. “Corruption cannot exist without the connivance of political leadership, even if passive,” says Elliot. Thus the foremost need is the top executive authority should be men of integrity who should not be corrupt and should not permit others to indulge in corruption.


As for the government officials and functionaries, meritocracy must be implemented. The professional standards for the cadre law enforcement agencies should be improved, their induction made scrutiny on merit, they are reasonably well paid, there are improvements in the conduct of their training, they have service security and are free from political interference. The judiciary both at higher and lower levels should be strong, independent, honest and corruption-free. Greater transparency and effective accountability should be ensured, so there is easy accessibility of poor people to police stations, judicial courts and other public service departments.

Rule of Law:-

There should be a rule of law so that “thieves” are caught. The people should have fear of law and severe punishment to be given to those found guilty of corruption.

Proportional Representation:-

There is a tendency that candidates for legislative assemblies spend a large amount in their election campaign and in bribing the voters with a hope that they would be able to earn more. If elected, they resort to corrupt practices to amass wealth to compensate for the amount spent as well as for expenses to be spent in the next elections. If the alternative system of proportional representation, as practiced in Brazil, Indonesia, Russia, Sri Lanka etc., Is introduced it will be a check on individual corruption. And only those persons, who have an impeccable record of honesty, should be eligible for election to legislatures.

Financial Control:-

For financial oversight, the Public Accounts Committee and the Ministry of Finance with its Auditor General’s Office should work with efficiency and honesty. They need to continue reforming and overhauling themselves for improvement. Their working should be computerized so as to adopt best international procedures and practices, for audit and scrutiny. In addition, with a view to improving government revenues, they should ensure that the Central Board of Revenue (CBR) makes every eligible taxpayer to pay taxes to the government honestly.

Local Government:-

The local government system introduced in 2002 should be re-introduced and reformed wherever necessary. The system implies handling over local governance to the people through decentralization of administrative authority, de-concentration of management functions, and distribution of resources and public-private partnership in implementing and execution of works. This decentralization will eliminate corruption at provincial and higher levels, because local works would be carried out locally.

Civil Society:-

The civil society and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) should be associated with government agencies and committees, in advisory and oversight roles. The civil society may act as “watchdogs” in fighting against corruption. The public private partnership should be ensured, especially at district, tehsil and village level. Only those citizens should be co-opted who can take part in the direct monitoring of the Police, the Judiciary, the district government officials and others. Complaint cells be established which should be controlled by a committee composed of senior district officers and responsible citizens. In addition, there should be freedom of information in offices especially those having control over public works.

Education and Media:-

As a long term measure, intensive efforts need to be made to raise the Pakistan’s literacy rate, which is only 56 percent at present. There should be increased emphasis on character building and inculcating qualities such as honesty, justice, love of humanity, modesty, dignity, fair play etc, in our educational institutions. Besides, it should be the theme, which electronic and print media should focus on.

National Accountability Bureau:-

In the past many attempts were made to uproot corruption but all in vain. Critics opine that in the past, people were targeted and not facets of corruption. NAB was established to substantiate the commandment of Allah but it became a kingro court. The anti- corruption Act is still on the Statue Book (constitution), the Public Representative Office Disqualification Act is still in vogue. General Ayub, Zia, Musharraf introduced their own anti- corruption programs but they all aimed at throwing out the politicians and not the corruption.

The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) at the federal, provincial and local levels should effectively resort to monitoring through public awareness and in cooperation and collaboration with civil society. NAB should be independent of the executive. The setting up Public Safety Commission (PSC) in each district will be helpful. It would ensure greater private-public partnership and participation. It will be of assistance in the investigation of grievances. The anti-corruption process will be effective if the functionaries of NAB are paid well and have security of tenure. The Nab should have adequate staff and the requisite capability and capacity to perform its functions effectively “for improving governance, management, transparency and accountability and quality of public procurement of goods, services and works in the public sector.”

Anti Corruption Ombudsmen:-

Perhaps, Pakistan also needs to have an office of an anti-corruption ombudsman as proposed by Anna Hazare in India to deal with complaints against the conduct of other government officials and agencies dealing with the public. There may be anti-corruption ombudsmen at federal, provincial and local levels for prompt and speedy disposal of corruption cases involving abuse of power, illegal gratification, and misappropriation of property, kickbacks and commissions. However, accountability must not be selective and it should be across the board. The anti-corruption ombudsman should not only be independent but have vast powers. He should work without discrimination and the privileged people should not be treated differently. It would be the implementation of anti-corruption measures which would rather, as the taste of the pudding lies in its eating.


Transparency, honesty and fair play are the pre-requisite for any state to progress. In order to make Pakistan a corruption free state, it is inevitable to introduce a transparency and merit culture in all its departments. No room should be provided for favouritism, gifts culture and bribery.

Increasing the Salaries of Public Servants:-

Corruption is a socio-economic problem. In the past, it has been treated only as a legal and administrative issue. Good rumination to the public servants and merit- oriented bureaucracy should be the norm in the country. There should be social justice and equity among all citizens of the country. The pay structure of the public officials must be realistic. Their salaries should be adequate to meet their needs.

Mass awareness:-

To minimize corruption in Pakistan, there is a need of comprehensive campaign on the media to bring awareness to the people. The propagation against corruption could play a vital role in uprooting corruption in Pakistan. Civil society can also play a vital role in minimizing corruption in our society.

Empowering Parliamentary Oversight Committee:-

Democratic government is still the best policy even if its leaders are less austere and less capable than non-political guards or experts. A democratic system has its own correcting mechanism. Parliament oversight and fear of losing the confidence of people makes it more efficient. A parliament oversight committee should be empowered to revive all the actions of the government, big cartels and bureaucrats. Only then the corruption could be minimized in the country.

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