Journal Entries Question for class 11 with solution- chapter 8

T.s grewal solution for class-11 chapter-8 journal.

journal entry class 11 Journal entries in accounting serve as the primary method for recording financial transactions. These entries are made in a chronological order and include details about the accounts affected, the monetary values, and the date of the transaction. They adhere to the double-entry accounting system, ensuring that debits equal credits to maintain the fundamental accounting equation: Assets = Liabilities + Equity. Journal entries play a critical role in financial record-keeping, tracking business activities, and preparing financial statements

journal entry class 11

what is a journal?

journal is a primary book of account in which transactions are first recorded in a chronological order.

what is a journalising?

journalising is a process of recording a transaction in a journal.

terms or expressions used for journal.

  • book of original entry:  journal is called a book of original entry  (also called book of prime entry)  because a transaction is first recorded or written in this book and thereafter transferred, i.e posted into the ledger account 
  • journal entry : an process in the journal is called a journal entry 
  • journalising;  the process of recording a transaction in a journal is known as journalising. 
  • posting:  the process of recording a transaction in a journal is called posting 

characteristics or features of a journal. 

  • day, to day transaction are recorded in a journal in a chronological order, i.e in the order or sequence they are entered
  • it is a book of original entry in which transactions are written before they are posted in the ledger accounts. 
  • it records both aspects of a transaction, i.e debit and credit using double entry system of book keeping. 
  • journal is a records which shows complete details of a transaction in one entry, 
  • journalising is a process of recording a transaction in the journal and the form in which it is recorded is knows as a journal entry. 

advantages of a journal. 

  • provides accounting data in chronological order;  transaction in the journal are recorded as they take place. thus, it makes available the accounting record in chronological order as well as datewise, 
  • possibility of error reduces:  possibility of errors is reduced as the amounts to be debited and credited are written side by side and the two can be compared to verify that are equal.
  • explanations of the transaction;  along with the entry in the journal narration is written explaining the entry for understanding the entry later. 
  • ledger posting of transaction;  journal is the base for posting of transaction into ledger accounts, 

limitations of journal.

  • unsuitable for large volume of transaction;  recording all transactions in the journal is suitable only when the volume of transactions is less. in the cases where volume of transaction is large, this limitation can be overcome by sub dividing .the journal into special journals such as cash book. 
  • not a simple system of recording;  recording transaction in a journal involves identification of accounts to be debited and credited and applying rules, of debit and credit, the process requires analytical and technical knowledge for correct accounting 
  • cash balance is not revealed:  recording of all transaction in journal means cash balance can be knows after posting of cash transaction in cash account , which is a lengthy process. however , this limitation can be overcomes, by maintaining special, journal for cash transaction, i.e cash book, 
  • not a substitute of ledger;  information relating to a particular. person or heads is known after posting of transaction in the ledger, accounts, journal is , thus, not a substitute of ledger, 

journal entry class 11 format of a journal

 journal is divided into five columns. these are; date particulars, ledger folio, debit amount credit amount, the format of a journal is as follows, 

(L.F , stands for ledger folio)

  • date:  in this column, the transaction date is written, 
  • particulars :   due to dual aspact concept, each transaction has two aspects and both the aspect of transaction are recorded , i.e the name of the two accounts affected by the transaction, the name of the account to be debited is written first followed by the word, Dr written close to the right-hand marign line , while the mane of the account to be credited preceeded is written in the next line by the word, to a little to the right, 
  • narration:  A brief description of the transaction is also written after the entry, 
  • ledger folio,:  in this column the number of ledger page is written to which the debit and credit aspect of the transaction is posted , for  example ,  the proprietor invests further capital of a/m 50,000 and capital account is maintained at ledger 

journal entry class 11 steps in journalising

  • step :  ascertain the accounts that are affected by a transaction
  • step :  ascertain the nature of the accounts affected .  
  • step:   ascertain the account to be debited and credited by applying the rule of debit and credit  

Rules of debit and credit

journal entry class 11

what should be kept in mind while making general entry ?

  • Date: Always record the date of the transaction. Accurate dating is essential for tracking financial transactions and for audit and tax purposes.
  • Description: Provide a clear and concise description of the transaction. This description should explain the nature of the transaction, what accounts are involved, and any relevant details.
  • Debit and Credit: Every journal entry should include at least one debit and one credit. Debits and credits must be equal, maintaining the accounting equation (Assets = Liabilities + Equity).
  • Accounts: Specify the accounts that are being debited and credited. For example, if you’re recording a sale, debit Accounts Receivable and credit Sales.
  • Amounts: Include the specific monetary amounts for both the debit and credit sides of the entry.
  • Reference: If there is a reference number or document related to the transaction (like an invoice or receipt), note it in the journal entry for future reference.
  • Consistency: Be consistent with the accounting system you’re using. This means following the same rules and procedures for debits and credits.
  • Accuracy: Double-check your entries for accuracy. Mistakes in journal entries can lead to significant errors in financial statements.

journal entry class 11 Question and Answer

Question: 1 you are required to give  (a) journal entries,   (b) nature of account (whether assets, liability, capital, expenses or revenue),  direction of change (increase or decrease ), and (d) appropriate rule for recording the change for the following transaction ,

  • nitin invested rup;50,000 cash and rup; 500,000 by cheque to start a business.
  • he deposited goods for rup: 5,000 out of cash in the bank 
  • purchases goods for rup: 5,000 against cash
  • purchased a building and paid rup:2,50,000 by cheque 
  • purchased goods from m/s. hari &.co for rup; 100,000
  • sold goods for cash rup: 50,000
  • sold goods on credit to m/s . ramesh & co. rup; 25,000
  • m/s ramehs & co. returned goods of rup;5000 being defective,
  • goods returned by m/s ramesh & co. returned to m/s hari & co. at cost price i.e rup 4000
  • paid salary to staff by cheque rup; 15,000
  • paid rent for the residence of nitin rup: 10,000 by cheque 
  • paid electricity charges for the month rup;1,000 in cash 
  • paid telephone charges rup: 500 in cash 
  • bought office furniture for rup; 25,000 against cheque 
  • paid m/s hari & co, on account rup: 50,000 by cheque 
  • received from m/s ramesh & co. rup: by cheque
  • placed order for goods with m/s abhi & sons of rup: 200,000: paid them rup; 20,000 by cheque as advance, balance to be paid on delivery of goods, 
  • received order for goods from m/s , ajay & co. of rup; 300,000 along with a cheque for rup: 30,000 as advance , balance to be received against delivery of goods. 
  • paid rup: 1,000 for stationery. 
  • nitin withdrew rup: 10,000 for household expenses out of cash 

Question:2 transaction of ramesh for april are given below: journalise them

journal entry class 11 simple and compound journal entries

  • simple journal entry:  simple journal entry is an entry in which only two accounts are affected, i.e one account is debited and another is credited with an equal amount ,
  • compound journal entry:  compound journal entry is an entry is which two or more accounts are debited and one or more accounts are credited or vice versa. for example, salary of a,/m 15,000 and telephone expanses of a/m 5000 were paid in cash 

Question 3 : ( compound journal entries 🙂 record the following transaction in journal

Question:4 Business Starts with Capital Investmen (Describe the accounting process when a business owner invests INR 50,000 of their own money into the business as capital. Provide a journal entry with debits and credits.)

Question:5 Purchasing Goods on Credit and Payment (Explain the accounting entries involved in purchasing goods worth INR 10,000 on credit and subsequently making a cash payment of INR 10,000 to the supplier.)

Note: where we have written account, you can also write particulars, both have the same meaning.

Question: 6 Recording Employee Salaries and Deductions (Describe the journal entries for paying employee salaries of INR 20,000, including INR 2,000 in tax deductions. Provide separate entries for salary payment and tax deduction.)

Question:7 Selling Goods on Credit and Receiving Payments

Question:8 Depreciation of Equipment ( Discuss the concept of depreciation and provide a journal entry for recording the depreciation expense of equipment worth INR 4,000.)

Journal entries in accounting are essential records of financial transactions. They help maintain an accurate and systematic account of a company’s financial activities. Each entry involves at least two accounts, with one debited and the other credited. Journal entries play a crucial role in preparing financial statements and ensuring compliance with accounting principles. They provide a comprehensive view of a company’s financial health, making them a fundamental tool for both bookkeeping and financial analysis.

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DK Goel Solutions Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry Journal

Read below DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry Journal . These answers and solutions to questions given in chapter have been prepared based on the latest Class 11 DK Goel Accountancy book issued for current academic year.

This chapter in DK Goel Accountancy Class 11 highlights a crystal clear picture instilling the knowledge about journal entries within the students.

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Chapter 9 also includes a lot of good quality questions which are very well designed and can be very helpful to understand the concepts for Class 11 students of Accountancy.

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Chapter 9 solutions are free and will help you to prepare for Class 11 Accountancy

Books of Original Entry Journal DK Goel Class 11 Accountancy Solutions

Students can refer below for solutions for all questions given in your DK Goel Accountancy Textbook for Class 11 in Chapter 9

Very Short Questions for DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Chapter 9

Question 1: 

Solution 1:  Journal is a main entry book or an original entry book in which the event is first entered in a linear order or sequence. As all transactions are originally documented in it, the document is called the Book of Original Entry.

Question 2: 

Solution 2:  All the transactions are recorded firstly in the journal so it is called book of original entry.

Question 3:  

Solution 3:  The process by which the transaction is reported in the journal is called journalising.

Question 4: 

Solution 4:  The benefit of a report is the compilation of financial data in chronological order.

Question 5: 

Solution 5:  The journal’s only drawback is that it is difficult to document all the heavy and cumbersome transactions.

Question 6: 

Solution 6:  Every transaction has a short summary after each entry is known as the narrative.

Question 7: 

Solution 7:  Ledger Folio or L.F. It’s the number of the page where the journal poses. In the document, the page number is registered.

Question 8: 

Solution 8:  When, on the same day, two or more purchases belonging to one individual account take place. In this case, only one entry is passed, instead of logging different entries. This form of journal entry is known as the journal entry compound.

Question 9: 

Solution 9:  The first entry in the Journal is moved to the preceding year’s closing balances ledger. The opening entry is called it. The balance sheet prepared at the end of the year displays each asset and liability’s closing balances and forms the basis for this opening entry.

Question 10:  

Solution 10: Below is the Journal of withdrawing of goods by the proprietor

Question 11:  

Solution 11:  Machine account is debited if wages are paid for the installation of a machine.

Practical Question for DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Chapter 9

Solution 1:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Point in Mind DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Chapter 9 :-

Journal is a prime entry book or an original entry book in which the transaction is first entered in a linear order or sequence. As all transactions are originally documented in it, the document is called the Book of Original Entry.

Solution 2:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Point in Mind DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Chapter 9 :-  The first entry in the Journal is passed to record closing balances of the previous year. It is called the opening entry. The Balance Sheet prepared at the end of the year shows the closing balances of each asset and liability and forms the basis for this opening entry.

Question 3:

Solution 3:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note :-

1.) Sale = 1,00,000

Sales Return = Rs. 1,00,000 × 20% = Rs. 20,000

Question 4:  

Solution 4:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- List price = Rs. 25,000 Calculation of Trade discount:- Trade discount = 20% Trade Discount = Rs. 25,000 × 20% Trade Discount = Rs. 5,000 Calculation Sales:- Sales = Rs. 25,000 – Rs. 5,000 Sales = Rs. 20,000

Question 5:

Solution 5:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- 1.) Calculation of discount Discount Amount = Rs. 10,000 × 5% = Rs. 500 Amount paid to Gopal = Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 500 = Rs. 9,500

Solution 6:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- 1.) Calculation of selling price List price = Rs. 50,000 and Trade discount = 15% Trade Discount = Rs. 50,000 × 15% Trade Discount = Rs. 7,500 Sales = Rs. 50,000 – Rs. 7,500 Sales = Rs. 42,500

2.) Calculation of selling price List price = Rs. 60,000 and Trade discount = 10% Trade Discount = Rs. 60,000 × 10% Trade Discount = Rs. 6,000 Sales = Rs. 60,000 – Rs. 6,000 Sales = Rs. 54,000

Point in mind:- The following are the two advantages of allowing Trade Discount: 1.) Increased sales due to high quantity involved in sales. 2.) Increased customer base due to low prices and discount offers.

Question 7:

Solution 7:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- 1.) Calculation of selling price List price = Rs. 2,00,000 and Trade discount = 20% Trade Discount = Rs. 2,00,000 × 20% Trade Discount = Rs. 40,000 Sales = Rs. 2,00,000 – Rs. 40,000 Sales = Rs. 1,60,000

Question 8:

Solution 8:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- 1.) Calculation of selling price List price = Rs. 80,000 and Trade Discount = 10% Trade Discount = Rs. 80,000 × 10% Trade Discount = Rs. 8,000 Sales = Rs. 80,000 – Rs. 8,000 Sales = Rs. 72,000

Cash discount = 2.5% Cash discount = Rs. 72,000 × 2.5% Cash discount = Rs. 1,800 Total Amount Received = Rs. 72,000 – Rs. 1,800 Total Amount Received = Rs. 70,200

Question 9:

Solution 9:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- 1.) Calculation of selling price List price = Rs. 80,000 and Trade Discount = 15% Trade Discount = Rs. 80,000 × 15% Trade Discount = Rs. 12,000 Sales = Rs. 80,000 – Rs. 12,000 Sales = Rs. 68,000

Amount received = Rs. 68000 × 75% Amount received = Rs. 51,000

Cash discount = 4% Discount amount = Rs. 51,000 × 4% Discount amount = Rs. 2,040 Amount Received = Rs. 51,000 – Rs. 2,020 Amount Received = Rs. 48,960

2.) Calculation of purchases price List price = Rs. 60,000 and Trade Discount = 10% Trade Discount = Rs. 60,000 × 10% = Rs. 6,000 Sales = Rs. 60,000 – Rs. 6,000 Sales = Rs. 54,000

Amount received = Rs. 54,000 × 60% Amount received = Rs. 32,400

Cash discount = 5% Discount amount = Rs. 32,400 × 5% Discount amount = Rs. 1,620

Amount Received = Rs. 32,400 – Rs. 1,620 Amount Received = Rs. 30,780

Question 10:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- 1.) Calculation of amount paid to hanry:- List price = Rs. 50,000 and Trade Discount = 10% Trade Discount = Rs. 50,000 × 10% Trade Discount = Rs. 5,000 Sales = Rs. 50,000 – Rs. 5,000 Sales = Rs. 45,000

Amount received = Rs. 45,000 × 60% Amount received = Rs. 27,000

Cash discount = 4% Discount amount = Rs. 27,000 × 4% Discount amount = Rs. 1,080

Amount Received = Rs. 27,000 – Rs. 1,080 Amount Received = Rs. 25,920

Question 11: 

Solution 11:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- List price = Rs. 2,50,000 and Trade Discount = 20% Trade Discount = Rs. 2,50,000 × 20% Trade Discount = Rs. 50,000 Sales = Rs. 2,50,000 – Rs. 50,000 Sales = Rs. 2,00,000

Amount received = Rs. 1,20,000 Cash discount = 10% Discount amount = Rs. 1,20,000 × 10% Discount amount = Rs. 12,000

Amount Received = Rs. 1,20,000 – Rs. 12,000 Amount Received = Rs. 1,08,000

Question 12:

Solution 12:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- 1.) Calculation of amount paid by bhushan:- List price = Rs. 10,000 and Trade Discount = 10% Trade Discount = Rs. 1,00,000 × 10% Trade Discount = Rs. 1,000 Sales = Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 1,000 Sales = Rs. 9,000

Point in Mind DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Chapter 9 :- Trade Discount is allowed by the seller on the purchase of goods in large quantities. It is usually by the wholesalers to the retail shop owners who further sell the goods to the consumer. Trade Discount is deducted in the invoice from sale price and is not recorded in the books of account. Cash Discount is allowed by the seller to the customers to encourage prompt or early payment. It is allowed as a per cent of invoice value or payment made say @ 5% of invoice value to the buyer. Cash discount is calculated after deducting trade discount from the invoice price.

Question 13:  

Solution 13:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Point in Mind :-

  • Asset Accounts: Debit the increases, Credit the decreases.
  • Liability Accounts: Debit the decreases, Credit the increases.
  • Capital Accounts: Debit the decreases, Credit the increases.
  • Expense Accounts: Debit the increases, Credit the decreases.

Question 14 (A):

Solution 14 (A):

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- 1.) Calculation of amount paid by bhushan:- List price = Rs. 8,000 and Trade Discount = 20% Trade Discount = Rs. 8,000 × 20% Trade Discount = Rs. 1,600 Sales = Rs. 8,000 – Rs. 1,600 Sales = Rs. 6,400

Point in mind:- 1.) Increased sales due to high quantity involved in sales. 2.) Increased customer base due to low prices and discount offers.

Question 14 (B):

Solution 14 (B):

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- List price = Rs. 20,000 and Trade Discount = 10% Trade Discount = Rs. 20,000 × 10% Trade Discount = Rs. 2,000 Sales = Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 2,000 Sales = Rs. 18,000

Cash discount = 5% Discount amount = Rs. 18,000 × 5% Discount amount = Rs. 900 Amount Received = Rs. 18,000 – Rs. 900 Amount Received = Rs. 17,100

Question 15: 

Solution 15:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 16:

Solution 16:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 17:

Solution 17:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 18:

Solution 18:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 19:

Solution 19:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- List price = Rs. 10,000 and Trade Discount = 20% Trade Discount = Rs. 10,000 × 20% Trade Discount = Rs. 2,000 Sales = Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 2,000 Sales = Rs. 8,000

Cash discount = 5% Discount amount = Rs. 8,000 × 5% Discount amount = Rs. 400 Amount Received = Rs. 8,000 – Rs. 400 Amount Received = Rs. 7,600

Question 20:

Solution 20:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 21:

Solution 21:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 22:

Solution 22:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 23:

Solution 23:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 24:

Solution 24:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 25:

Solution 25:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 26: 

Solution 26:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 27: 

Solution 27:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 28:

Solution 28:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 29: 

Solution 29:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 30:

Solution 30:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 31:

Solution 31:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- Calculation selling price of the goods sold to M/s Kalu & Sons Cost = Rs. 60,000 Profit = Rs. 60,000 × 10% Profit = Rs. 6,000

List Price = Cost price + Profit List Price = Rs. 60,000 + Rs. 6,000 List Price = 66,000

Trade discount = 5% Trade discount = List Price × % of trade discount Trade discount = Rs. 66,000 × 5% Trade discount = Rs. 3,300

Sale price = List Price – Trade discount Sale price = 66,000 – 3,300 Sale price = 62,700

Question 32:

Solution 32:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 33:  

Solution 33:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Working Note:- List price = Rs. 25,000 and Trade Discount = 20% Trade Discount = Rs. 25,000 × 20% Trade Discount = Rs. 5,000

Sales = Rs. 25,000 – Rs. 5,000 Sales = Rs. 20,000

Cash discount = 5% Discount amount = Rs. 20,000 × 5% Discount amount = Rs. 1,000

Amount Received = Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 1,000 = Rs. 19,000

Question 34: 

Solution 34:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 35:

Solution 35:

assignment on journal class 11

Working Note:- List price = Rs. 2,00,000 and Trade Discount = 15% Trade Discount = Rs. 2,00,000 × 15% Trade Discount = Rs. 30,000

Sales = Rs. 2,00,000 – Rs. 30,000 Sales = Rs. 1,70,000

Cash Received = 1,70,000 × 80% Cash Received = Rs. 1,36,000

Cash discount = 2% Discount amount = Rs. 1,36,000 × 2% Discount amount = Rs. 2,720

Amount Received = Rs. 1,36,000 – Rs. 2,720 Amount Received = Rs. 1,33,280

Question 36:

Solution 36:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 37:

Solution 37:

assignment on journal class 11

Question 38:

Solution 38:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Question 39:

Solution 39:

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accounts Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry – Journal

Point of Knowledge for DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Chapter 9 :-

DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Chapter 9

Journal refers to the original entry book in which all financial transactions are recorded initially. Journals are recorded as soon as a financial transaction occurs to minimize the chances of omission of any transaction details. The journal is also termed the Book of Original Entry as it consists of the original report of the transactions.

Journalizing is a mechanism employing which all business transactions are recorded for a firm’s financial records. A business transaction is first entered in a journal. The journal keeps the firms keep track of all business transactions arranged in chronological order.

The prominent advantages of journals are as follows – ● Journal keeps track of all the financial transactions on a date and time basis, arranged in a proper sequence. ● Journal enlists all the transactions supported with source documents to ensure the authenticity of the transaction. ● With a journal, the business prevents the omission of any transaction as journals efficiently record every financial transaction.

As mentioned in DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Chapter 9, the general journal highlights the book of original entries, where business transactions are recorded in raw format, in order of date and time of the events. An account records the details of the transactions firstly on these journals.

The limitations of journals are as follows – ● Whenever the number of transactions of a company becomes large, the journals turn to be bulky and unmanageable. ● As the authority of the journal lies in the hands of an individual account, this prevents multiple system check-ins. ● The journals do not record the cash transactions as they are recorded in the cash books.

Ledger is basically a generalized summary of all the entries in a journal. All business transaction details flow from the journal to the ledgers. The summary from the ledgers helps the companies to efficiently design their financial statements.

Journals are titled the Books of Original Entry because all financial transactions are firstly recorded in the journals.

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Explore Class 11 & 12 accounting solutions: Journal Entries, Ledger Accounts, Subsidiary Books, Bank Reconciliation, Depreciation, Final Account, Company Account. Master each concept with detailed textual solutions. Elevate your skills for success!

Class 11th CHAPTER: 3. Journal Entries Journalize the following transactions in the books of Anand General Merchants. Journalize the following transactions in the books of Gajanan. Journalize the following transactions in the books of Ashok General Stores. Journalize the following transactions in the books of Sanjay General Stores. Journalize the following transactions in the books of Kunal Stores. Journalize the following transactions in the books of Nina General Stores. Journalize the following transactions in the books of Varun. Journalize the following transactions in the books of Dhoni Auto Car Centre. Journalize the following transactions in the books of Hero Enterprises. Journalize the following transactions in the books of Harbhajan & Co. for the month of 1st April 2019.

Journal entries solution with explanations and calculations of standard 11th maharashtra state board. all textbook practical problems are solved. students can ask there doubts in comment box .  below are the practical problems click on the problem to get solution with explanations and calculations.   practical problems       1. journalize the following transactions in the books of anand general merchants.    ,     2. journalize the following transactions in the books of  gajanan.       3. journalize the following transactions in the books of  ashok general stores.           4. journalize the following transactions in the books of  sanjay general stores.           5. journalize the following transactions in the books of  kunal stores.         6. journalize the following transactions in the books of  nina general stores.        , 7.  journalize the following transactions in the books of varun.  .


8.  Journalize the following transactions in the books of Dhoni Auto Car Centre.  

9.  journalize the following transactions in the books of hero enterprises.  , 10. journalize the following transactions in the books of  harbhajan & co. for the month of 1st april 2019.  .

Q.9.   Calculate the following.  

1) Purchased Motor Car from Tata & Co. worth Rs.2,00,000 at 18% GST. Find out GST amount.  

= 2,00,000 *18/100 =36,000  

The GST amount is Rs.36,000.  

2) Paid Transport charges Rs.10,000 @5% GST. Calculate CGST & SGST.  

CGST @2.5% =10,000 *2.5/100 = 250  

SGST @2.5% = 10,000 *2.5/100 = 250  

3) Bought Goods from Ranjan  Rs.10,000 @5% GST and 10% cash Discount. Calculate cash discount.  

Cash discount =10,000 *10/100 = 1,000  

GST @5%= 1,000 *5/100 = 50  

Add both the Amount 1,000 + 50 = 1,050  

4)Received cheque of Rs.90,000 from Kiran in full settlement of his account Rs.1,00,000/-. Calculate discount rate.  

List amount =1,00,000 and received amount =90,000  

"Discount amount = list amt - received amt"  

  = 1,00,000 - 90,000  

  = 10,000  

"Rate of Discount = Discount/List amt *100"  

 =10,000/1,00,000 *100  


5)Sold goods of Rs.1,00,000 at 10%. Trade Discount and 10% Cash discount to Ram and received 50% amount by cheque. Calculate the amount of cheque received.  

T.D @10% = 1,00,000 *10/100 = 10,000  

C.D @10% = 90,000 *10/100 = 9,000  

50% by Cheque = 81,000 *50/100 = 40,500  

Q.10 Complete the following table.  

    Chapter 4, Ledger Solution  

assignment on journal class 11

It is too help full ..... Thank you 😊😊😊😊❣️

Really very very helpful. Thank you so much.

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Download Important Class 11 DK Goel Solutions for Chapter 9 - Books of Original Entry – Journal Free PDF

Journal refers to a physical record that contains all details of business transactions entered date-wise. There may be different kinds of journals for example - purchases journal, sales journal for high volume transactions, and a general journal to record lower volume transactions. All transactions after having been entered into a journal are then entered into the ledger. Journal is the basic source of information to track all financial transactions.

DK Goel Solutions based on this chapter help the students understand the concept well through solutions to questions given at the end of the chapter. These contain the correct way of answering the questions as expected by the examiners. 


Important Components of DK Goel Solutions for Class 11 Chapter 9 – Books of Original Entry- Journal

Further, journal entries questions for Class 11 with DK Goel Solutions consist of the following topics: 

1. Types of Questions: The type of questions that appear in the exams are clearly explained and demarcated in journal entries questions for Class 11 with Solutions (DK Goel). There are two types of questions related to Journal entries that can be asked in the exams: Very Short questions and Practical Questions.

2. Journal: Refers to a book of original entry where all financial transactions of a business are entered on the date that they take place.

3. Journalizing: This refers to the process of making entries in the Journals.

4. Advantages of maintaining journals: As journalizing requires entry to be made on the date of transaction there are no chances of missing out on any of the entries, thus ensuring error-free recording.

5. Limitations of journals: Since all entries are to be made in journals, the large volume of entries becomes a disadvantage.

6. Journal Narratives: This refers to descriptive information about transactions.

7. Ledger Folio (L.F): Refers to the ledger book page number. 

8. Compound Journal Entries: This refers to making multiple entries linked to an account on a particular date.

9. Opening Entries: This refers to the closing entries of the previous year that are brought forward.

10. Journal Entries: Journal entries questions for Class 11 with solutions (DK Goel) is a ready reckoner for all the components of journal entries. These components are Date, Particular Drawn, L.F., Amount Drawn, Amount Credited.

11. Journal Entry Format: DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Chapter 9 have a very high visual appeal to the students as they clearly elucidate the format of journal entries as follows.

12. Working Notes: Keeping in mind the rules of Journal entries, the methods of calculation have been mentioned at the end of each Journal entries question for Class 11 with solutions (DK Goel).  Such a step by step explanation for solving practical questions will help you in adopting a very methodical approach to solving practical Exercise questions.

Preparation Notes from DK Goel Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 9 

Your prescribed Accountancy textbook should be the first resource that you must thoroughly read. Once you have understood the main concepts, you must download the Accountancy Class 11 Chapter 9 solutions PDF by Vedantu.  This is a very comprehensive resource to refer to for quick revision and solved practical journal entries.

Make notes in your handwriting while preparing. This helps to consolidate what you have learned.

Remember the golden rules for Journal entries.

Refer to DK Goel Accountancy class 11 solutions chapter 9 -journal every two days for regular practice.

Practise solving the questions given in the DK Goel book on your own first.

Compare your answers to the ones given in the PDF on this page to see where you need to work harder.

Dk Goel Accountancy Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 9 serve as a ready reckoner for quick revision and contain all topics like Journal, Ledger Folio, various kinds of Journal entries and practical solved examples The working notes with each solution for practical questions will help you in understanding the details on the calculations  of the solutions.

There are several benefits to referring to the DK Goel Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 9 Solutions while you study. The first benefit is that the solutions given have been provided by experts in Accounting and Business, so you can rest assured that the solutions are completely accurate. The second benefit is that these solutions will help you learn through a hands-on approach. Instead of only reading through your book (although that is important), you will be able to practise your skills and memorise information faster than by reading your books. That is why we recommend that you also write down your notes by hand, because it has been proven that writing down your notes aids in recollection. 


FAQs on DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 9

1. What is included in the DK Goel Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry - Journal PDF?

The DK Goel Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 9 PDF is a document containing solutions to the questions in Chapter 9 of the DK Goel book. These solutions have been provided by Vedantu in conjunction with experts in business and commerce. The chapter talks about Journals in the field of Accounting, thus, the questions are based on the same topic. The point of the questions is to test your knowledge of the chapter and see whether you've actually understood the topic. Vedantu has provided the solutions to these questions to aid in that understanding.

2. Is the DK Goel Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry - Journal PDF free?

Yes, the DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 9 PDF is completely free to download. This chapter deals with Journals in Accounting and it is an important part of the subject. That is why Vedantu has provided the DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry Journal PDF for free. However, the registration of a Vedantu account is necessary to download this PDF. Signing up for Vedantu is free and simple; just sign up with your mobile number or email id and you can immediately begin your download!

3. How should I use the DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry - Journal PDF to study?

The method of using the DK Goel Solutions for Chapter 9 of the Class 11 Accountancy portion is simple. The key thing to remember is that the answers given are not meant to be blindly copied, but they're meant to teach you how to solve the questions on your own. If you copy the answers you will get a perfect score for the questions but you won't get any learning benefits. Therefore, the right way to use these solutions is to keep them on hand to use as a guide. Solve the questions in Chapter 9 of the DK Goel book first. Then, compare your answers to the ones given so that you can see where you need to improve. This will allow you to learn how to solve the questions and will also tell you which areas you need to work harder at.

4. Where can I find more study material like the DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry - Journal?

You can find more materials like the DK Goel Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry Journal PDF by browsing through the Vedantu app or website. Since its inception in 2011, Vedantu has provided thousands of free materials for students to use during their studies. The DK Goel Class 11 Chapter 9 Solutions is just one of many materials available for free on the website. To find more solutions for the DK Goel books, you can click on Study Materials in the navigation menu and choose Popular Books Solutions from the drop-down menu. Then click on DK Goel Solutions and you will find an extensive list of solutions for all DK Goel books.

You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store. 

5. What are the benefits of using DK Goel Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry - Journal provided by Vedantu?

At Vedantu, we have always believed in fostering a healthy system of studying that encourages students to learn in a fun, holistic way. We believe that forcing students to study or practise without adequate guidance is counterproductive to the process of studying. That is why we have provided numerous free resources on the Vedantu website and app to aid students in their preparation. The DK Goel books are commonly used for practice, so we believe that students should have enough resources to self-evaluate after they practise solving the questions in their books. That is why we have provided the DK Goel Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 9 Books of Original Entry Journal PDF.

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CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy

CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy: One of the best teaching strategies employed in most classrooms today is Worksheets. CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Worksheet for students has been used by teachers & students to develop logical, lingual, analytical, and problem-solving capabilities. So in order to help you with that, we at WorksheetsBuddy have come up with Kendriya Vidyalaya Class 11 Accountancy Worksheets for the students of Class 11. All our CBSE NCERT Class 11 Accountancy practice worksheets are designed for helping students to understand various topics, practice skills and improve their subject knowledge which in turn helps students to improve their academic performance. These chapter wise test papers for Class 11 Accountancy will be useful to test your conceptual understanding.

Board: Central Board of Secondary Education( Subject: Class 11 Accountancy Number of Worksheets: 31

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Worksheets PDF

All the CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy provided in this page are provided for free which can be downloaded by students, teachers as well as by parents. We have covered all the Class 11 Accountancy important questions and answers in the worksheets which are included in CBSE NCERT Syllabus. Just click on the following link and download the CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Worksheet. CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy can also use like assignments for Class 11 Accountancy students.

  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Accounting Equation Assignment
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Bank Reconciliation Statement Assignment
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Bills of Exchange Assignment
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Depreciation Assignment
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Equation Enrichment Assignment
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Introduction to Accounting Assignment 1
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Introduction to Accounting Assignment 2
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Introduction to Accounting Assignment 3
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Journal and Ledger Assignment
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Question Bank Assignment
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Theory base of Accounting Assignment
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Theory Base of Accounting Enrichment Assignment
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 1
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 2
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 3
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 4
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 5
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 6
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 7
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 8
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 9
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 10
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 11
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 12
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 13
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 14
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 15
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 16
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 17
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 18
  • CBSE Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy Assignment 19

Advantages of CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Worksheets

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Now that you are provided all the necessary information regarding CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Worksheet and we hope this detailed article is helpful. So Students who are preparing for the exams must need to have great solving skills. And in order to have these skills, one must practice enough of Class 11 Accountancy revision worksheets . And more importantly, students should need to follow through the worksheets after completing their syllabus.  Working on CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Worksheets will be a great help to secure good marks in the examination. So start working on Class 11 Accountancy Worksheets to secure good score.

CBSE Worksheets For Class 11

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Journal Entries questions for Practice

Journal Entries questions for Practice

Table of Contents

Question 1.

Pass Journal entries in the Journal of M/s Rakesh Kumar:  April 1, 2021, Commenced business with cash ₹5,80,000. April 4, 2021, Goods purchased for cash₹1,20,000. April 6, 2021, Goods sold for cash ₹1,80,000. April 10, 2021, Goods purchased on credit ₹90,000 from M/s Mukul. April 12, 2021, Furniture purchased ₹13,000. April 15, 2021, Goods sold on credit to Dinesh Kumar ₹1,60,000. April 20, 2021, Cash paid to M/s Mukul ₹45,000 April 23, 2021, Cash received from Dinesh Kumar ₹80,000. April 25, 2021, Amount withdrawn by the proprietor ₹14,000 for his personal use. April 28, 2021, Salary paid  ₹15,000. April 29, 2021, Wages paid ₹10,000. April 30, 2021, Rent paid ₹5,000.

Golden Rules Of Accounting

Question 2.

Pass Journal entries in the Journal of M/s Suresh Kumar:  May 1, 2021, Started business with cash ₹8,00,000. May 2, 2021, Furniture purchased ₹10,000. May 4, 2021, Goods purchased for cash₹2,50,000. May 5, 2021, Machinery purchased ₹50,000. May 6, 2021, Goods sold for cash ₹2,00,000. May 10, 2021, Goods purchased on credit ₹2,90,000 from M/s Sanjay. May 15, 2021, Goods sold on credit to Kumar ₹3,40,000. May 20, 2021, Cash paid to M/s Sanjay ₹1,90,000 May 22, 2021, Goods sold for cash ₹1,90,000. May 23, 2021, Cash received from Kumar ₹2,80,000. May 25, 2021, Cash Deposited into the bank ₹50,000. May 27, 2021, Carriage paid ₹8,000. May 28, 2021, Salary paid  ₹20,000. May 29, 2021, Wages paid ₹15,000. May 30, 2021, Rent paid ₹12,000. 30 transactions with their Journal Entries, Ledger, Trial balance and Final Accounts- Project

Question 3.

Pass Journal entries in the Journal of M/s DK:  May 1, 2021, Started business with cash ₹10,00,000. May 2, 2021, Furniture purchased ₹50,000. May 2, 2021, Computer purchased ₹50,000. May 4, 2021, Goods purchased for cash₹3,50,000. May 5, 2021, Machinery purchased ₹1,50,000. May 6, 2021, Goods sold for cash ₹3,90,000. May 8, 2021, Goods purchased for cash₹1,50,000. May 10, 2021, Goods purchased on credit ₹3,90,000 from M/s Sanjay. May 15, 2021, Goods sold on credit to Kumar ₹3,60,000. May 20, 2021, Cash paid to M/s Sanjay ₹2,90,000 May 22, 2021, Goods sold for cash ₹2,10,000. May 23, 2021, Cash received from Kumar ₹2,80,000. May 25, 2021, Cash withdrawn from bank for office use ₹50,000. May 6, 2021, Goods sold for cash ₹2,00,000. May 30, 2021, Fire Insurance Premium paid ₹12,000. May 27, 2021, Carriage paid ₹8,000. May 28, 2021, Salary paid  ₹20,000. May 29, 2021, Wages paid ₹15,000. May 30, 2021, Rent paid ₹12,000. May 31, 2021, Cash withdrawn from bank for personal use by proprietor ₹50,000.

Accounting journal entries practice

Question 4..

Pass Journal entries in the Journal of M/s DK:  May 1, 2021, Started business with cash ₹10,00,000. May 2, 2021, Furniture purchased ₹50,000. May 2, 2021, Computer purchased ₹50,000. May 4, 2021, Goods purchased ₹3,50,000. May 10, 2021, Goods purchased on credit ₹3,90,000 from M/s Deepak. May 15, 2021, Goods sold on credit to Dinkar ₹2,20,000. May 22, 2021, Goods returned to M/s Deepak ₹90,000. May 25, 2021, Cash paid to M/s Deepak ₹3,00,000 May 26, 2021, Goods return from Dinkar ₹20,000. May 30, 2021, Cash received from Dinkar ₹2,00,000. May 31, 2021, Salary paid  ₹18,000. May 30, 2021, Rent paid ₹8,000.

Question 5.

Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Rachit :- 

April 1, 2021 , Rachit started a business with cash ₹90,000 and Machinery ₹40,000.

April 4, 2021 , Goods purchased for cash ₹40,000.

April 5, 2021 , Goods purchased on credit from –

 Jay & Company ₹60,000.

Vijay & Company ₹50,000.

April 10, 2021 , Furniture Purchased for cash ₹20,000.

April 12, 2021 , Goods sold for Cash ₹70,000

April 15, 2021 , Goods sold on Credit to sanjoy₹95,000

April  16, 2021 , Rent paid ₹5,000

April  20, 2021 , Cash paid to Jay & Company ₹45,000.

April  25, 2021 , Cash Received from sanjoy ₹65,000.

April  30, 2021 , Salary paid ₹15,000, Wages paid ₹10,000. Journal Entries questions for Practice

Question 6.

July 1 Sanjay started business with cash ₹5,00,000 and Machinery ₹1,00,000. July 3. Goods purchased for cash ₹ 80,000. July 6 Goods Sold for cash ₹1,20,000. July 10  Goods purchased  on credit form:    Kumar ₹60,000 Ajay ₹ 40,000. July 15  Goods Sold on credit to:    Rakesh ₹90,000 Vijay ₹ 80,000. July 16  Cash paid to: Kumar ₹60,000   Ajay ₹ 40,000. July 19 Cash received from:    Rakesh ₹90,000   Vijay₹ 80,000. July 31   Rent paid ₹4,000   Wages paid ₹ 6,000   Salary paid ₹10,000. Journal Entries questions for Practice

Question 7. 2021

July 1 R.Chaher started business with cash ₹4,00,000  Machinery ₹2,00,000 and Furniture ₹80,000.

July 3. Goods purchased for cash₹1,90,000. July 6 Goods Sold for cash ₹2,50,000. July 10  Goods purchased  on credit form: S.Kumar ₹90,000 R.Ajay ₹ 50,000.

July 15  Goods Sold on credit to: V.Rakesh ₹95,000   D.Vijay ₹ 80,000.

July 16  Cash paid to:   S.kumar ₹60,000 R.Ajay ₹ 40,000.

July 19 Cash received from:    V.Rakesh ₹95,000   D.Vijay ₹ 80,000.

July 31   Rent paid ₹12,000   Wages paid ₹ 8,000   Salary paid ₹20,000.

Question 8. Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Rachit 2021 

September 1, M/s Rachit started business with cash ₹ 4,00,000 and machinery ₹ 1,50,000.

September 4, Goods purchased for cash ₹80,000 at 20% trade discount.

September 7, Machinery Purchased for cash₹ 50,000 at 20% trade discount .

September 10, Goods sold for Cash ₹ 1,20,000 at 30% trade discount.

September 13, Goods purchased from Dinesh ₹80,000 at 25% trade discount.

September 15, Goods Sold to Mohit ₹1,80,000 at 25% trade discount.

September 20, Carriage paid on purchase of goods ₹5,000

September 25, Goods Purchased on credit From-

  Dinesh ₹ 35,000

  Suresh ₹ 25,000 Trade discount @20%.

September 26 Goods Sold on credit to-

  Sanjay ₹1,00,000

  Vijay ₹80,000 Trade discount @30%.

September 28 Salary paid ₹ 25,000, Rent paid ₹ 16,000. Journal Entries questions for Practice

Question 9.

Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Kapil: 2021

September 1 Mr.Kapil Started business with cash ₹5,00,000.

September 5 Goods purchased ₹ 2,00,000 at 25% trade discount.

September 8Furniture Purchased for cash ₹ 50,000 at 20% trade discount.

September 11 Goods sold for Cash ₹ 3,00,000 at 45% trade discount.

September 14 Goods purchased from Dinesh ₹ 1,20,000 at 25% trade discount.

September 15 Goods Sold to Mahi ₹1,50,000 at 40% trade discount.

September 21 Wages  paid ₹ 15,000

September 26 Goods Purchased on credit From- Raji ₹ 40,000

September 27 Computer Purchased for Personal use ₹ 30,000.

September 27 Goods Sold on credit to- Poorva ₹80,000

September 28 Salary paid ₹ 12,000.

September 30 Cash withdrawn for personal use ₹ 20,000 Journal Entries questions for Practice

Question 10.

Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Mohit:

1. Goods Purchased for cash ₹ 5,00,000 at 20% trade discount. 2. Goods Sold for cash ₹   4,00,000 at 25% trade discount. 3. Goods Purchased On credit from Rakesh ₹ 3,00,000. 4. Goods Sold On credit to Dinesh ₹   4,50,000. 5. Goods given in charity ₹   8,000. 6. Goods given as Free sample ₹ 5,000. 7. Goods withdrawn for personal use ₹  1 8,000. 8. Goods Destroyed by fire ₹ 20,000. Journal Entries questions for Practice

Question 11.

Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Rohit:

1. Goods Purchased for cash ₹ 5,00,000 at 20% trade discount and 5% cash discount. 2. Goods Sold for cash ₹ 4,00,000 at 25% trade discount and 10% cash discount. 3. Goods Purchased for cash ₹ 3,00,000 at 20% trade discount and 8% cash discount. 4. Goods Sold for cash ₹ 8,00,000 at 25% trade discount and 6% cash discount. Journal Entries questions for Practice

Question 12.

Enter the following transactions in the Journal of CHARU:

1. Goods Purchased on credit from Sagar ₹ 5,00,000 at 20% trade discount. 2. Goods Sold on Credit to Dinesh ₹ 4,00,000 at 25% trade discount. 3. Goods Purchased for cash ₹ 3,00,000 at 20% trade discount and 8% cash discount. 4. Goods Sold for cash ₹ 8,00,000 at 25% trade discount and 6% cash discount. 5. Cash paid to Sagar in full settlement ₹ 3,80,000. 6. Cash received from Dinesh in full settlement ₹ 2,90,000.

Question 13.

Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Jay Kumar:

Mr.Jay Kumar started business with cash ₹ 3,00,000 2. Goods purchased for cash ₹ 60,000 3. Goods sold for cash₹ 90,000 4. Goods purchased from Ram ₹ 48,000 5. Machinery purchased ₹ 30,000 and Installation charges paid ₹ 10,000 6. Goods sold to Deepak ₹ 40,000 7. Wages paid ₹ 4,000 8. Rent paid ₹ 6,000 9. Goods return to Ram ₹ 10,000 10. Commission received ₹ 5,000 11. Goods return from Deepak ₹ 8,000 12. Cash paid to Ram in his account 13. Cash received from Deepak in his account 14. Salary paid to Nayak ₹ 10,000 15. Cash Deposited in Bank ₹ 25,000 16. Furniture purchased ₹ 20,000 17. Depreciation Charged on Machinery ₹ 4,000 18. Cash Withdrawn from the bank for office use ₹ 10,000 19. Cash Withdrawn for personal use ₹ 8,000 20. Repairs paid for furniture ₹ 1,000 Journal Entries questions for Practice

Question 14.

1. Goods Purchased on credit from Tara ₹ 5,00,000 at 20% trade discount and 10% cash discount, 50% amount immediately paid in cash. 2. Goods Purchased on credit from Nana ₹ 4,00,000 at 25% trade discount and 10% cash discount, 60% amount immediately paid in cash. 3. Goods sold on credit to Sanjay ₹ 8,00,000 at 20% trade discount and 10% cash discount, 50% amount immediately received by cheque and cheque deposited in bank same day. 4. Goods sold on credit to Rajesh ₹ 4,00,000 at 25% trade discount and 8% cash discount, 40% amount immediately received in cash. 5. Goods sold on credit to Brajesh ₹ 6,00,000 at 40% trade discount and 5% cash discount, 40% amount immediately received by cheque. Journal Entries questions for Practice

Question 15.

Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Naresh:

1. Goods Purchased on credit from Meera ₹ 5,00,000 at 20% trade discount and 10% cash discount, 50% amount immediately paid by cheque. 2. Goods Purchased on credit from Heera₹ 4,00,000 at 25% trade discount and 10% cash discount, 60% amount immediately paid in cash. 3. Goods withdrawn for personal use ₹ 15,000. 4. Goods given in charity ₹ 10,000. 5. Goods distributed as free samples ₹ 12,000. 6. Goods destroyed by fire ₹ 20,000. Journal Entries questions for Practice

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Assignments For Class 11 Accountancy

Assignments for Class 11 Accountancy have been developed for Standard 11 students based on the latest syllabus and textbooks applicable in CBSE, NCERT and KVS schools. Parents and students can download the full collection of class assignments for class 11 Accountancy from our website as we have provided all topic wise assignments free in PDF format which can be downloaded easily. Students are recommended to do these assignments daily by taking printouts and going through the questions and answers for Grade 11 Accountancy. You should try to do these test assignments on a daily basis so that you are able to understand the concepts and details of each chapter in your Accountancy book and get good marks in class 11 exams.

Assignments for Class 11 Accountancy as per CBSE NCERT pattern

All students studying in Grade 11 Accountancy should download the assignments provided here and use them for their daily routine practice. This will help them to get better grades in Accountancy exam for standard 11. We have made sure that all topics given in your textbook for Accountancy which is suggested in Class 11 have been covered ad we have made assignments and test papers for all topics which your teacher has been teaching in your class. All chapter wise assignments have been made by our teachers after full research of each important topic in the textbooks so that you have enough questions and their solutions to help them practice so that they are able to get full practice and understanding of all important topics. Our teachers at have made sure that all test papers have been designed as per CBSE, NCERT and KVS syllabus and examination pattern. These question banks have been recommended in various schools and have supported many students to practice and further enhance their scores in school and have also assisted them to appear in other school level tests and examinations. Its easy to take print of thee assignments as all are available in PDF format.

Some advantages of Free Assignments for Class 11 Accountancy

  • Solving Assignments for Accountancy Class 11 helps to further enhance understanding of the topics given in your text book which will help you to get better marks
  • By solving one assignments given in your class by Accountancy teacher for class 11 will help you to keep in touch with the topic thus reducing dependence on last minute studies
  • You will be able to understand the type of questions which are expected in your Accountancy class test
  • You will be able to revise all topics given in the ebook for Class 11 Accountancy as all questions have been provided in the question banks
  • NCERT Class 11 Accountancy Workbooks will surely help you to make your concepts stronger and better than anyone else in your class.
  • Parents will be able to take print out of the assignments and give to their child easily.

All free Printable practice assignments are in PDF single lick download format and have been prepared by Class 11 Accountancy teachers after full study of all topics which have been given in each chapter so that the students are able to take complete benefit from the worksheets. The Chapter wise question bank and revision assignments can be accessed free and anywhere. Go ahead and click on the links above to download free CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Assignments PDF.

Assignments For Class 11 Accountancy

You can download free assignments for class 11 Accountancy from

You can get free PDF downloadable assignments for Grade 11 Accountancy from our website which has been developed by teachers after doing extensive research in each topic.

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Introduction to Accounting - Meaning, Objectives

Definition of accounting.

Accounting can be defined as a process of reporting, recording, interpreting and summarising economic data. The introduction of accounting helps the decision-makers of a company to make effective choices, by providing information on the financial status of the business.

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) had defined accounting as the “art of recording, classifying, and summarising in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof”.

Today, accounting is used by everyone and a good understanding of it is beneficial to all. Accountancy act as a language of finance. To understand accounting efficiently, it is important to understand the aspects of accounting.

  • Economic Events- It is a consequence of a company has to undergo when the number of monetary transactions is involved. Such as purchasing new machinery, transportation, machine installation on-site, etc.
  • Identification, Measurement, Recording, and Communication- The accounting system should be outlined in such a way that the right data is identified, measured, recorded and communicated to the right individual and at the right time.
  • Organization- In refers to the size of activities and level of a business operation.
  • Interested Users of Information- It is about communicating important financial information to the customers, according to which they will make the correct decision.

Fundamentals of Accounting

  • Assets- The economic value of an item which is possessed by the enterprise is referred to as Assets. To put it in other words, assets are those items that can be transformed into cash or that generates income for the enterprise shortly. It is useful in paying any expenses of the business entity or debt.
  • Liabilities- The economic value of an obligation or debt that is payable by the enterprise to other establishment or individual is referred to as liability. To put it in other words, liabilities are the obligations that are rising out of previous transactions, which is payable by the enterprise, through the assets possessed by the enterprise.
  • Owner’s Equity- Owner’s equity is one of the 3 vital segments of a sole proprietorship’s balance sheet and one of the main aspects of the accounting equation: Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity. It depicts the owner’s investment in the trade minus the owner’s withdrawal from the trade + the net income since the business concern commenced.

Objectives of Accounting

The main objectives of accounting are:

To maintain a systematic record of business transactions

  • Accounting is used to maintain a systematic record of all the financial transactions in a book of accounts.
  • For this, all the transactions are recorded in chronological order in Journal and then posted to principle book i.e. Ledger.

To ascertain profit and loss

  • Every businessman is keen to know the net results of business operations periodically.
  • To check whether the business has earned profits or incurred losses, we prepare a “Profit & Loss Account”.

To determine the financial position

  • Another important objective is to determine the financial position of the business to check the value of assets and liabilities.
  • For this purpose, we prepare a “Balance Sheet”.

To provide information to various users

  • Providing information to the various interested parties or stakeholders is one of the most important objectives of accounting.
  • It helps them in making good financial decisions.

To assist the management

  • By analysing financial data and providing interpretations in the form of reports, accounting assists management in handling business operations effectively.

Characteristics of Accounting:

The following attributes or characteristics can be drawn from the definition of Accounting:

(1) Identifying financial transactions and events

  • Accounting records only those transactions and events which are of financial nature.
  • So, first of all, such transactions and events are identified.

(2) Measuring the transactions

  • Accounting measures the transactions and events in terms of money which are considered as a common unit.

(3) Recording of transactions

  • Accounting involves recording the financial transactions inappropriate book of accounts such as Journal or Subsidiary Books.

(4) Classifying the transactions

  • Transactions recorded in the books of original entry – Journal or Subsidiary books are classified and grouped according to nature and posted in separate accounts known as ‘Ledger Accounts’.

(5) Summarising the transactions

  • It involves presenting the classified data in a manner and in the form of statements, which are understandable by the users.
  • It includes Trial balance, Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet .

(6) Analysing and interpreting financial data

  • Results of the business are analyzed and interpreted so that users of financial statements can make a meaningful and sound judgment.

(7) Communicating the financial data or reports to the users

  • Communicating the financial data to the users on time is the final step of Accounting so that they can make appropriate decisions.

What are the Different Branches of Accounting?

The following are the main branches of accounting:

(a) Financial accounting:

Financial Accounting is that branch of accounting which involves identifying, measuring, recording, classifying, summarising the business transactions, i.e. it involves the steps from Identifying, Recording of transactions to Summarisation, and communicating the financial data.

(b) Cost accounting:

Cost Accounting is that branch of accounting which is concerned with the process of ascertaining and controlling the cost of products or services.

(c) Management accounting

Management accounting refers to that branch of accounting which is concerned with presenting the accounting information in such a way that helps the management in planning and controlling the operations of a business and in decision making.

Also Read: What is Management Accounting?

Steps of the Accounting Process:

Accounting process is the process of collecting, recording, classifying, summarising and communicating financial information to the users for judgement and decision-making. The following steps are involved in accounting process:

(1) Identification: It is the process of identifying and analysing business transactions.

(2)Recording: For recording, we use ‘Journal’ or Subsidiary Books.

(3) Classification of transactions: Classification means segregation of transactions on the basis of nature and posting them in a format known as Ledger Account.

(4) Summarisation: It includes preparation of Trial Balance and Financial Statements .

(5) Analysis & Interpretation: It includes an assessment of the financial reports and making some meaningful conclusions.

(6) Communicating information to the users: It includes sharing the financial reports and interprets results to the users of financial statements.

What is the Difference Between Bookkeeping and Accounting?

What are the advantages of accounting.

The following are the main advantages of accounting:

1. Provide information about financial performance

  • Accounting provides factual information about financial performance during a given period of time
  • Like, profit earned or loss incurred over a period and financial position at a particular point of time.

2. Provide assistance to management

  • Accounting helps management in business planning, decision making and in exercising control.
  • For this, it provides financial information in the form of reports.

3. Facilitates comparative study

  • By keeping systematic records and preparation of reports at regular intervals, accounting helps in making a comparison.

4. Helps in settlement of tax liability

  • Systematic accounting records help in settlement of various tax liabilities. Such as – Income Tax, GST, etc.

5. Helpful in raising loan

  • Banks and Financial Institutions grant a loan to the firm on the basis of appraisal of the financial statement of the firm.

6. Helpful in decision making

  • Accounting provides useful information to the management for taking decisions.

What Are the Limitations of Accounting?

Following are the limitations of accounting:

  • Accounting is not precise : Accounting is not completely free from personal bias or judgment.
  • Accounting is done on historic values of assets:  Accounting records assets at their historical cost less depreciation. It does not reflect their current market value.
  • Ignore the effect of price level changes: Accounting statements are prepared at historical cost. So changes in the value of money are ignored.
  • Ignore the qualitative information: Accounting records only monetary transactions. It ignores the qualitative aspects.
  • Affected by window dressing:  Window dressing means manipulation in accounting to present a more favourable position of the business than the actual position.

Explain the Users of Accounting Information:

Users may be categorised into internal users and external users.

(A) Internal Users

  • Owners : Owners contribute capital in the business and thus they are exposed to maximum risk. So, they are always interested in the safety of their capital.
  • Management : Accounting information is used by management for taking various decisions.
  • Employees : Employees are interested in the financial statements to assess the ability of the business to pay higher wages and bonuses.

(B) External U sers

  • Banks and financial institutions:  Banks and Financial Institutions provide loans to business. So, they are interested in financial information to ensure the safety and recovery of the loan.
  • Investors:  Investors are interested to know the earning capacity of business and safety of the investment.
  • Creditors:  Creditors provide the goods on credit. So they need accounting information to ascertain the financial soundness of the firm.
  • Government:  The government needs accounting information to assess the tax liability of the business entity.
  • Researchers:  Researchers use accounting information in their research work.
  • Consumers:  They require accounting information for establishing good accounting control, which will reduce the cost of production.

Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information

Qualitative characteristics are the attributes of accounting information, which enhance its understandability and usefulness:

  • Reliability:  Reliability implies that the information must be free from material error and personal bias.
  • Relevance:  Accounting information must be relevant to the decision-making requirements of the users.
  • Understandability:  Information should be disclosed in financial statements in such a manner that these are easily understandable.
  • Comparability:  Both intra-firm and inter-firm comparison must be possible over different time periods.

Explain the System of Accounting

System of accounting

  • There are following two systems of recording transactions in the books of accounts:
  • Double Entry System
  • Single Entry System

Double-entry system

  • The double entry system is based on the Dual Aspect Principle.
  • Every transaction has two aspects, ‘a Debit’ and ‘a credit’ of an equal amount.
  • This system of accounting recognises and records both aspects of the transaction.

Single entry system

  • Under this system, both aspects are not recorded for all the transactions.
  • Either only one aspect is recorded or both the aspects are not recorded for all the transactions.

What Are the Advantages of the Double-entry System of Accounting?

Following are the main advantages of the double-entry system of accounting:

Scientific system

  • As compared to the other systems, this system of recording transactions is more scientific and useful to achieve the objective of accounting.

A complete record of the transaction

  • Since both the aspects of transactions are considered there is a complete recording of each and every transaction.
  • Using these records we are able to compute profit or loss easily.

Checks arithmetical accuracy of accounts

  • Under this system, by preparing a Trial Balance we are able to check the arithmetical accuracy of the records.

Determination of profit/loss and depiction of financial position

  • Under this system by preparing ‘Profit & Loss A/c’ we get to know about the profit earned or loss incurred.
  • By preparing the ‘Balance Sheet’ the financial position of the business can be ascertained, i.e. position of assets and liabilities is depicted.

Helpful in decision making

  • Administration and management are able to take decisions on the basis of factual information under the double-entry system of accounting.

The above mentioned concept ‘Introduction to Accounting’ is elucidated in detail for Commerce students. To know more, stay tuned to BYJU’S.

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Chapter 5 – Journal – USHA Publication Class +1 – Solution

Chapter No. 5 – Journal – USHA Publication Class +1 – Solution

In this article, we have provided the Question wise solution to all Questions of Chapter 5 – Journal – USHA Publication Class +1 – Solution But first of all, we have explained the meaning of Journal: – 

What is the Journal?

Accounting Equation is the basis of the double-entry system of accounting. The double-entry system means every business transaction has two aspects one is the Debit and another is the Credit. Example: – If we want to buy something like coke, pizza or burger we have to pay cash for these items, So in this transaction, we are receiving food and paying cash which means we are doing two jobs, that is why it is called double-entry system.

Definition of Journal :  –

“The process of recording a transaction in a journal is called journalizing the transactions.”

—Meigs and Meigs and Johnson


Read out the full article:

How to make Journal Entries in Accounting – Explanation

Question wise solution of the all Questions of Chapter 5 – Journal – USHA Publication Class +1 – Solutions are shown below: –

Question No 01 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 02 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 03 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 04 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 05 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 06 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 07 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class


Question No 08 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 09 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 10 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 11 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 12 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 13 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 14 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 15 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 16 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 17 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 18 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 19 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 20 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 21 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 22 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 23 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 24 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 25 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 26 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 27 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 28 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 29 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 30 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 31 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 32 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 33 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 34 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

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Question No 36 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 37 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 38 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 39 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 40 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 41 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 42 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Softball: Corning-Painted Post offense powers to Class AAA regional title

assignment on journal class 11

THIELLS — Scouting reports can tell you a lot about your opponent. The staff of Corning-Painted Post went to see North Rockland in their last game and came into Saturday's NYSPHSAA Class AAA regional final with a plan.

"We know she (North Rockland starter Tara Murphy) is throwing the screwball," Hawks shortstop Kendall Curreri said. "We made the adjustments in the box. We hit and it showed on the scoreboard."

The Hawks had 11 hits in the game as they defeated the Section 1 champion North Rockland Red Raiders, 6-5, Saturday afternoon at North Rockland.

"This feels amazing," Curreri said. "We worked all year just grinding every single day no matter the conditions. All the work paid off. It's amazing to see."

In the top of the second inning after being down 1-0 with two outs, the Hawks struck with two runs to take the lead for good. Curreri drove in Lauren DeRosa from third to tie it up and one. Second baseman Daphne Sherman followed up with an RBI double giving the Hawks the 2-1 lead.

"I feel like one through nine we can hit the ball," Hawks coach Mike Johnston Jr. said. "We plug in a kid who got a big double for us at the right time."

They kept trucking a long putting up runs even after North Rockland got one back in the bottom of the fifth inning to cut the lead to 4-2. The Hawks put the game out of reach with two runs in the top of the sixth inning runs driven in by catcher Sophia Polzella and pinch hitter Hannah Kauffman, the kid Johnston Jr. 'plugged' in.

After tossing a no-hitter in the Section 4 final, Hawks starter Matti Johnston was solid but resilient.

"I felt confident the whole time because I knew I had my defense behind me," Matti Johnston said. "I battled every second of the way. And I knew we were going to be here."

North Rockland showed its resiliency by being able to get back into the game in the bottom of the sixth inning as pitcher Tara Murphy had a two run double, and her sister Emily Murphy followed with an RBI double of her own to close the game to a one run deficit.

"That's what's kept us in games for a long time," Red Raiders coach Jackie DiNuzzo said. "Being resilient. We were down 6-2 and battled back to 6-5. Kudos to Corning. They hit top to bottom. They had the big hits when they needed them we left runners stranded a couple of times. That can't happen in big games like this. We gotta score runs. Tara Murphy pitched well but kudos to Corning. They hit the crap out of the ball."

What it means

Corning Painted-Post will advance to the NYSPHSAA Class AAA semifinals and will face Section 2's Saratoga Springs at noon on Friday at the Martha Avenue Recreation Park.

North Rockland ends their season with a record of 22-3.

Player of the game

Daphne Sherman, Corning-Painted Post : In the top of the second inning, Sherman's double to left field gave the Hawks the 2-1 lead and didn't look back.

By the numbers

North Rockland (22-3): Kerry Finnerty went 3 for 5 with a double and three runs scored. Hannah Leon went 2 for 3 with a run scored. Emily Murphy went 3 for 3 with two doubles and had three RBI. Ashlee Begbie and Addyson Bohlander each had a hit. Tara Murphy went 1 for 4 with a double and two RBI. She took the loss in the circle allowing six runs, 11 hits, three walks and struck out seven.

Corning-Painted Post (12-6): Kendall Curreri was 3 for 4 with a double, two runs scored and an RBI. Daphne Sherman went 1 for 2 with a double, a walk and an RBI. Hannah Kaufman had a double and an RBI. Lauren DeRosa went 1 for 4 with a triple and a run scored. Peyton Sullivan went 2 for 4 with a double and an RBI. Sophia Polzella had a run scored and an RBI. Matti Johnston went 1 for 3 with a run scored and a walk. She took the win in the circle. She allowed two earned runs, four walks and struck out six.

"I give both pitchers credit. I thought Murphy was really good in the circle as well. We're pushing 76-80 degrees. I knew it was going to come down to the wire. If you get back to the top of the order you don't know what (Kerry Finnerty, North Rockland shortstop) will do. I give credit to the kid who slapped at the bottom of the order (Addyson Bohlander, North Rockland centerfielder). She's a sneaky good bunter." ~ Mike Johnstion Jr.

"We've gotta do a better job of getting those runs across. We did a great job of getting the runners on. But we have to do a better job of getting those runners in." ~ North Rockland coach Jackie DiNuzzo on having the bases loaded with one out and only scored one run.

Twitter: @LoHud_Debbie ; @LoHudSoftball


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    She took the loss in the circle allowing six runs, 11 hits, three walks and struck out seven. Corning-Painted Post (12-6): Kendall Curreri was 3 for 4 with a double, two runs scored and an RBI.