27 Hilarious Alien Memes That Will Make You Laugh Out of This World 🌌👽

Are you ready to embark on an interstellar journey of laughter? 👽✨ Welcome to our collection of 27 hilarious alien-themed memes that are guaranteed to tickle your funny bone and send you into orbit! Whether you’re a sci-fi enthusiast or just love a good chuckle, these extraterrestrial gags showcase the lighter side of our cosmic neighbors. From awkward alien encounters with Earth culture to their humorous attempts at blending in, each meme is a comical exploration of what happens when the universe’s most curious visitors land on our planet. So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for liftoff into a galaxy of giggles!

Top 27 Hilarious Alien Memes:

Alien Trying Earth Food : An image of a confused alien trying pizza for the first time with a caption saying, “When you travel 20 light-years to try Earth’s famous ‘pizza’ and it’s not what you expected.”

A confused alien trying pizza for the first time. The alien has a perplexed expression, holding a slice of pizza. The alien is cartoonish, with green skin, big eyes, and small tentacles. The background is a typical Earth kitchen. Include a caption in bold text at the bottom: "When you travel 20 light-years to try Earth's famous 'pizza' and it's not what you expected."

Alien at a Party : A picture of an alien awkwardly standing in the corner at a house party. The caption reads , “When you’re from a different galaxy and don’t know how to blend in at Earth parties.”

An alien awkwardly standing in the corner at a house party, looking out of place. The alien has a green skin tone, large eyes, and is slightly shorter than the humans around it. The party scene is lively, with humans chatting and laughing, but the alien stands alone, looking unsure. The caption at the bottom reads, "When you're from a different galaxy and don't know how to blend in at Earth parties." The image has a humorous and light-hearted tone.

Alien Using Technology Incorrectly: An image of an alien trying to use a smartphone with its tentacles, pressing multiple buttons at once. The caption says, “Trying to use Earth gadgets with tentacles… #AlienStruggles.”

An alien trying to use a smartphone with its tentacles, pressing multiple buttons at once. The alien is visibly confused, with its large eyes focused on the screen. The smartphone screen is cluttered with random apps opened due to multiple tentacle touches. The alien is in a modern Earth setting, perhaps at a cafe or a park. The caption at the bottom reads, "Trying to use Earth gadgets with tentacles... #AlienStruggles." The image should be humorous and depict the alien's struggle amusingly.

Alien in Disguise: A picture of an alien wearing a ridiculous disguise (like a fake mustache and glasses ) among humans, thinking it’s perfectly blended in. The caption reads, “Nailed it! Humans will never know.”

An alien wearing a ridiculous disguise among humans, thinking it's perfectly blended in. The alien is tall and slender, with a green skin tone. It wears a large, fake mustache, oversized glasses, and a hat, looking utterly conspicuous. The humans around the alien are going about their daily activities, oblivious to its presence. The scene is set in a busy urban street or a shopping mall. The caption at the bottom reads, "Nailed it! Humans will never know." The image has a comedic tone, highlighting the alien's naive attempt at blending in.

Confused Alien Studying Human Behavior: An image of an alien looking at a group of people taking selfies, utterly baffled. The caption says, “When you’ve mastered interstellar travel but can’t understand why humans take pictures of themselves.”

An alien looking at a group of people taking selfies, utterly baffled. The alien is characterized by its large, expressive eyes and green skin, displaying a look of confusion and curiosity. The group of people are in a typical Earth setting, like a tourist spot or a city park, enthusiastically taking selfies. The alien is observing them from a short distance, trying to comprehend the activity. The caption at the bottom reads, "When you've mastered interstellar travel but can't understand why humans take pictures of themselves." The image should convey the alien's bewilderment in a humorous way.

Alien Misunderstanding Earth Slang: A picture of an alien looking puzzled with a speech bubble saying, “You’re ‘sick’? Do you require medical assistance?” with a human responding, “No, it means good!” The caption reads, “Earth slang is so confusing.”

An alien looking puzzled with a speech bubble saying, "You're 'sick'? Do you require medical assistance?" and a human responding, "No, it means good!" The alien has a green skin tone, large curious eyes, and a tilted head, indicating confusion. The human is casually dressed, looking amused and explaining with a hand gesture. They are in a casual Earth setting like a coffee shop or a school. The caption at the bottom reads, "Earth slang is so confusing." The image should be light-hearted and humorous, highlighting the alien's confusion over Earth slang.

Alien at a Job Interview: An image of an alien in a suit , sitting nervously in a job interview, with the interviewer looking surprised. The caption says, “When you said you had ‘out of this world’ skills, we didn’t expect this…”

An alien in a suit, sitting nervously in a job interview, with the interviewer looking surprised. The alien is green-skinned, with large eyes, trying to appear confident but looking anxious. It's wearing a formal suit, slightly ill-fitting. The interviewer is a human, dressed professionally, with an expression of shock and curiosity. The setting is an office environment, with typical interview elements like a desk, chairs, and a resume on the table. The caption at the bottom reads, "When you said you had 'out of this world' skills, we didn't expect this..." The image should be humorous and capture the awkwardness of the situation.

Alien Experiencing Earth Weather : An image of an alien standing in the rain for the first time, looking up in amazement. The caption reads, “First time experiencing Earth’s ‘rain’. Thought my spaceship was leaking.”

An alien standing in the rain for the first time, looking up in amazement. The alien has a slender build, green skin, and large, expressive eyes, conveying a sense of wonder. Raindrops are falling around, with a few landing on the alien. The setting is an Earth-like environment, possibly a city street or a park, with trees and buildings in the background. The caption at the bottom reads, "First time experiencing Earth's 'rain'. Thought my spaceship was leaking." The image should have a whimsical and light-hearted tone, capturing the alien's first encounter with rain.

Alien Watching a Sci-Fi Movie: A picture of an alien watching a sci-fi movie about aliens and looking confused or offended. The caption says, “This is nothing like my home planet! #NotAllAliens.”

An alien watching a sci-fi movie about aliens and looking confused or offended. The alien has a green skin tone, with large, puzzled eyes, sitting in a movie theater with a bucket of popcorn. The movie screen shows a typical sci-fi scene with exaggerated alien characters. Other moviegoers are engrossed in the film, unaware of the real alien's reaction. The caption at the bottom reads, "This is nothing like my home planet! #NotAllAliens." The image should be humorous, capturing the alien's bemusement and the irony of the situation.

Alien Trying to Play Sports : An image of an alien awkwardly attempting to play basketball, with multiple arms missing the ball . The caption says, “When you have four arms but still can’t dunk.”

An alien with four arms awkwardly trying to play basketball, missing the ball. The alien looks confused and uncoordinated. It's on a basketball court, with a hoop in the background. The caption at the bottom says, "When you have four arms but still can't dunk."

Alien in a Grocery Store: A picture of an alien looking utterly confused in the cereal aisle of a grocery store. The caption reads, “Too many choices for sustenance on this planet. Missing my simple space food.”

An alien looking confused in the cereal aisle of a grocery store. The alien is surrounded by a variety of cereal boxes, looking overwhelmed. The expression on its face should be one of bewilderment. The caption at the bottom reads, "Too many choices for sustenance on this planet. Missing my simple space food."

Alien and Earth Pets: An image of an alien tentatively petting a dog , while the dog looks excited . The caption says, “This earthling creature is very enthusiastic. Is it safe ?”

An alien tentatively petting a dog, while the dog looks excited. The alien appears curious and a bit cautious. The setting is a park or a backyard. The caption at the bottom says, "This earthling creature is very enthusiastic. Is it safe?"

Alien Learning to Drive : A picture of an alien behind the wheel of a car , looking nervous and pressing all the buttons at once. The caption reads, “Why is interstellar navigation easier than Earth driving ?”

An alien behind the wheel of a car, looking nervous and pressing all the buttons at once. The interior of the car should be visible, with the alien's multiple hands touching various controls. The alien's expression is one of confusion and anxiety. The caption at the bottom reads, "Why is interstellar navigation easier than Earth driving?"

Alien Watching Earth News: An image of an alien watching TV , looking more and more confused and concerned. The caption says, “Trying to understand Earth politics. Maybe space is less complicated.”

An alien watching TV, increasingly confused and concerned. The TV screen should show a news broadcast. The alien's expression shows a mix of bewilderment and worry. The setting is a living room. The caption at the bottom says, "Trying to understand Earth politics. Maybe space is less complicated."

Alien on a Date : A picture of an alien sitting across from a human at a dinner table, with both looking awkward. The caption reads, “Interstellar dating – it’s complicated.”

An alien sitting across from a human at a dinner table, both looking awkward. The setting is a romantic restaurant. The alien should appear unsure, and the human looks a bit puzzled. The caption at the bottom reads, "Interstellar dating – it's complicated."

Alien Trying to Use Money : An image of an alien at a checkout, trying to pay with bizarre alien currency. The caption says, “What do you mean you don’t accept intergalactic credits?”

An alien at a checkout trying to pay with bizarre alien currency. The cashier looks confused, and the alien is holding strange, colorful, and unrecognizable money. The setting is a supermarket checkout. The caption at the bottom says, "What do you mean you don't accept intergalactic credits?"

Alien and Social Media: A picture of an alien looking at a smartphone screen with various social media apps open, looking bewildered. The caption reads, “Trying to understand Earth’s social media. What’s a TikTok?”

An alien looking at a smartphone screen with various social media apps open, looking bewildered. The alien should appear overwhelmed and confused by the plethora of apps and notifications. The setting can be a casual, modern environment. The caption at the bottom reads, "Trying to understand Earth's social media. What's a TikTok?"

Alien Misinterpreting Earth Fashion : An image of an alien wearing clothes in a funny, unconventional way (like pants on its head). The caption says, “I think I’m getting the hang of Earth fashion.”

An alien wearing clothes in a funny, unconventional way, like pants on its head. The alien looks pleased with itself, thinking it has mastered Earth fashion. The setting is a public place like a park or a street. The caption at the bottom says, "I think I'm getting the hang of Earth fashion."

Alien at a Fast Food Drive-Thru: An image of an alien in a spaceship at a fast-food drive-thru, looking at the menu in bewilderment. The caption says, “Do you have any food that’s suitable for a Zeta Reticulan diet ?”

An alien in a spaceship at a fast-food drive-thru, looking bewildered at the menu. The alien is in the driver's seat of a small, futuristic spaceship, which is in line at the drive-thru. The fast-food menu is visible in the background. The caption at the bottom says, "Do you have any food that's suitable for a Zeta Reticulan diet?"

Alien’s First Snow Experience: A picture of an alien standing in the snow for the first time, touching it curiously. The caption reads, “This cold , white Earth covering is fascinating. Is it edible?”

An alien standing in the snow for the first time, touching it curiously. The alien looks fascinated and a bit puzzled by the snow. The setting is a snowy landscape, possibly a park or garden. The caption at the bottom reads, "This cold, white Earth covering is fascinating. Is it edible?"

Alien Trying Yoga : An image of an alien in a yoga class, effortlessly doing a complex pose due to its flexible body. The caption says, “Finally, a Earth activity that’s easier with multiple limbs!”

An alien in a yoga class, effortlessly doing a complex pose due to its flexible body. The setting is a yoga studio, with other people struggling with the pose. The alien looks calm and composed. The caption at the bottom says, "Finally, a Earth activity that's easier with multiple limbs!"

Alien at a Music Concert : A picture of an alien at a rock concert, covering its ears . The caption reads, “Earth music is… loud . Do all Earthlings enjoy these sound levels?”

An alien at a rock concert, covering its ears. The setting is a crowded concert with a band on stage and bright lights. The alien looks overwhelmed by the noise. The caption at the bottom reads, "Earth music is... loud. Do all Earthlings enjoy these sound levels?"

Alien Riding Public Transport: An image of an alien sitting on a bus or subway , trying to act casual but clearly standing out. The caption says, “Blending in with the locals during Earth commute.”

An alien sitting on a bus or subway, trying to act casual but clearly standing out. The alien is among various humans, who look a bit surprised. The alien tries to mimic their behavior. The caption at the bottom says, "Blending in with the locals during Earth commute."

Alien and Earth Cuisine: A picture of an alien trying to cook using a recipe book , but everything is going wrong. The caption reads, “Earth recipes are harder than they look . Missing my nutrient cubes.”

An alien trying to cook using a recipe book, but everything is going wrong. The kitchen is in disarray, with ingredients scattered around. The alien looks confused and frustrated. The caption at the bottom reads, "Earth recipes are harder than they look. Missing my nutrient cubes."

Alien Watching Fireworks: An image of an alien watching fireworks for the first time, looking amazed but slightly scared. The caption says, “Earth’s method of celebration involves mini explosions? Fascinating!”

An alien watching fireworks for the first time, looking amazed but slightly scared. The fireworks are brightly colored in the night sky. The alien's expression is one of awe and a hint of fear. The caption at the bottom says, "Earth's method of celebration involves mini explosions? Fascinating!"

Alien in an Elevator: A picture of an alien in an elevator, pressing all the buttons with a confused expression. The caption reads, “This vertical transport box is perplexing. How does it work ?”

An alien in an elevator, pressing all the buttons with a confused expression. The elevator interior is visible, with floor numbers lit up randomly. The alien's multiple hands are pressing various buttons. The caption at the bottom reads, "This vertical transport box is perplexing. How does it work?"

Alien and Earth Children : An image of an alien surrounded by curious children, all of them looking at each other in wonder. The caption says, “Met the mini Earthlings today. They’re not afraid of anything!”

An alien surrounded by curious children, all looking at each other in wonder. The setting is a playground or a schoolyard. The children are a mix of ages, expressing fascination and curiosity. The alien looks intrigued and friendly. The caption at the bottom says, "Met the mini Earthlings today. They're not afraid of anything!"

We hope you enjoyed this cosmic collection of 27 alien-themed memes! 🌠🛸 Whether it was the sight of an alien trying Earth food for the first time or their hilarious misadventures in human society, these memes remind us that laughter truly is universal. So, the next time you gaze up at the stars , remember that somewhere out there, there might be an alien laughing at the quirky ways of Earthlings. Keep exploring our site for more intergalactic humor and don’t forget to share your favorite memes with your earthling friends!

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alien homework meme

30+ Alien Memes To Take To Your Leader

I think aliens are swell, but we might have given them a little bit too much credit. I don't really understand why we think of the average alien as so much better than us humans. Maybe that's my ego talking, but I think that it would be exceedingly rare for life on other planets to be as advanced as we humans are. I'm fully aware that when we zoom out of the earth, the universe is so infinitely huge that there's no way we are the only ones who have learned how to code or whatever. That being said, I think we might just be the top dogs of our region of the galaxy . I'm probably going to regret saying this when the aliens take over, but at least I'll have a written record of being pro-human. If you believe the aliens are way better than us, you might be a fitting audience for these alien memes .

If you ask me to move the elf for your kids A

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Adam Cerious @Browtweaten alien: I'll rule you all with an iron fist me: our leaders already do that alien: then I'll strip your planet of its resources me: you're not gonna believe this

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Not aliens

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Alien Slapstick

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holy shit

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Lol lol :)

ufo caught on tape.

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I won first place in the craft show. I think the others might have been afraid of me.

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So true

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Area 51

Let’s see them......a...awh

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17 Homework Memes That Tell It Like It Is

Because the only one that really likes homework is the dog.


Homework—love it or hate it, it’s a universal experience for most teachers (and students). And while both sides of the homework debate have merit, why not just accept it and have a good laugh? Here, 17 of our favorite homework memes.

1. Dang, they’re on to us.

17 Homework Memes

2. Pulling. Hair. Out.

17 Homework Memes

3. Life is hard.

Willy Wonka

4. Listen to Yoda.

Yoda from Star Wars

5. The REAL reason teachers give homework.


6. Can I get a witness?

Willy Wonka 2

7. Homework as dirty word?

alien homework meme

8. Making a clean getaway.

alien homework meme

9. Teacher reality.

alien homework meme

10. Oh yeah, we know that look.

alien homework meme

11. Help me understand.

alien homework meme

12. If they ask me one more time…

alien homework meme

13. Another teacher reality.

Nobody ever

14. Umm, umm, umm.

alien homework meme

15. Parenting reality.

alien homework meme

16. Say what?!?

alien homework meme

17. It’s not my fault, really.


What are your favorite homework memes? Link us up in the comments!

alien homework meme

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Mark Rennie

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This is literally every sci-fi horror movie ever

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alien | image tagged in alien,horror movie,cinema,gore | made w/ Imgflip video-to-gif maker

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    Explore GIFs. GIPHY is the platform that animates your world. Find the GIFs, Clips, and Stickers that make your conversations more positive, more expressive, and more you.

  9. 17 Homework Memes That Tell It Like It Is

    Homework—love it or hate it, it's a universal experience for most teachers (and students). And while both sides of the homework debate have merit, why not just accept it and have a good laugh? Here, 17 of our favorite homework memes. 1. Dang, they're on to us. SOURCE 2. Pulling. Hair. Out. SOURCE 3. Life is hard. SOURCE 4. Listen to Yoda ...

  10. 45 Alien memes ideas

    Aug 1, 2019 - Explore NightStar's board "Alien memes", followed by 165 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about memes, funny memes, humor.

  11. aliens Memes & GIFs

    Images tagged "aliens". Make your own images with our Meme Generator or Animated GIF Maker. ... ALIENS CHOOSING THE PLANET WITH THE MOST SUPERHEROES TO ATTACK | image tagged in gifs,aliens,superheroes | made w/ Imgflip video-to-gif maker. by DinoMonkey3619. 469 views, 1 upvote.

  12. UFO Abductee Meme Template

    Aliens are abducting a human by sucking him up into their UFO. Use this meme template for any subject that's grabbing something else. Insert your own custom captions, resize, or add an image over the human to abduct something else. ... Use this meme template for any subject that's grabbing something else. Insert your own custom captions, resize ...

  13. 24 Memes About The 'Alien' Franchise That Had Laughter ...

    The 'Alien' franchise has some of the best sci-fi/horror movies ever made. From the 4-film Ripley saga to the two-and-counting Fassbender movies (we don't talk about 'Alien vs Predator'), they're all great. Even the worst 'Alien' movie is better than most sci-fi movies. Fans of the franchise...

  14. "alien" Meme Templates

    Search the Imgflip meme database for popular memes and blank meme templates

  15. alien Memes & GIFs

    Images tagged "alien". Make your own images with our Meme Generator or Animated GIF Maker. ... Alien | In space no one hear you scream. A L I E N | image tagged in gifs,alien,cinema,horror movie,science fiction | made w/ Imgflip video-to-gif maker. by anonymous. 1,472 views, 1 upvote, 1 comment. share. does he know.

  16. Alien Abduction GIFs

    With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Alien Abduction animated GIFs to your conversations. Share the best GIFs now >>>