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112 Persuasive Speech Topics That Are Actually Engaging

What’s covered:, how to pick an awesome persuasive speech topic, 112 engaging persuasive speech topics, tips for preparing your persuasive speech.

Writing a stellar persuasive speech requires a carefully crafted argument that will resonate with your audience to sway them to your side. This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start.

When it comes time to select a topic for your persuasive speech, you may feel overwhelmed by all the options to choose from—or your brain may be drawing a completely blank slate. If you’re having trouble thinking of the perfect topic, don’t worry. We’re here to help!

In this post, we’re sharing how to choose the perfect persuasive speech topic and tips to prepare for your speech. Plus, you’ll find 112 persuasive speech topics that you can take directly from us or use as creative inspiration for your own ideas!

Choose Something You’re Passionate About

It’s much easier to write, research, and deliver a speech about a cause you care about. Even if it’s challenging to find a topic that completely sparks your interest, try to choose a topic that aligns with your passions.

However, keep in mind that not everyone has the same interests as you. Try to choose a general topic to grab the attention of the majority of your audience, but one that’s specific enough to keep them engaged.

For example, suppose you’re giving a persuasive speech about book censorship. In that case, it’s probably too niche to talk about why “To Kill a Mockingbird” shouldn’t be censored (even if it’s your favorite book), and it’s too broad to talk about media censorship in general.

Steer Clear of Cliches

Have you already heard a persuasive speech topic presented dozens of times? If so, it’s probably not an excellent choice for your speech—even if it’s an issue you’re incredibly passionate about.

Although polarizing topics like abortion and climate control are important to discuss, they aren’t great persuasive speech topics. Most people have already formed an opinion on these topics, which will either cause them to tune out or have a negative impression of your speech.

Instead, choose topics that are fresh, unique, and new. If your audience has never heard your idea presented before, they will be more open to your argument and engaged in your speech.

Have a Clear Side of Opposition

For a persuasive speech to be engaging, there must be a clear side of opposition. To help determine the arguability of your topic, ask yourself: “If I presented my viewpoint on this topic to a group of peers, would someone disagree with me?” If the answer is yes, then you’ve chosen a great topic!

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork for what it takes to choose a great persuasive speech topic, here are over one hundred options for you to choose from.

  • Should high school athletes get tested for steroids?
  • Should schools be required to have physical education courses?
  • Should sports grades in school depend on things like athletic ability?
  • What sport should be added to or removed from the Olympics?
  • Should college athletes be able to make money off of their merchandise?
  • Should sports teams be able to recruit young athletes without a college degree?
  • Should we consider video gamers as professional athletes?
  • Is cheerleading considered a sport?
  • Should parents allow their kids to play contact sports?
  • Should professional female athletes be paid the same as professional male athletes?
  • Should college be free at the undergraduate level?
  • Is the traditional college experience obsolete?
  • Should you choose a major based on your interests or your potential salary?
  • Should high school students have to meet a required number of service hours before graduating?
  • Should teachers earn more or less based on how their students perform on standardized tests?
  • Are private high schools more effective than public high schools?
  • Should there be a minimum number of attendance days required to graduate?
  • Are GPAs harmful or helpful?
  • Should schools be required to teach about standardized testing?
  • Should Greek Life be banned in the United States?
  • Should schools offer science classes explicitly about mental health?
  • Should students be able to bring their cell phones to school?
  • Should all public restrooms be all-gender?
  • Should undocumented immigrants have the same employment and education opportunities as citizens?
  • Should everyone be paid a living wage regardless of their employment status?
  • Should supremacist groups be able to hold public events?
  • Should guns be allowed in public places?
  • Should the national drinking age be lowered?
  • Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
  • Should the government raise or lower the retirement age?
  • Should the government be able to control the population?
  • Is the death penalty ethical?


  • Should stores charge customers for plastic bags?
  • Should breeding animals (dogs, cats, etc.) be illegal?
  • Is it okay to have exotic animals as pets?
  • Should people be fined for not recycling?
  • Should compost bins become mandatory for restaurants?
  • Should electric vehicles have their own transportation infrastructure?
  • Would heavier fining policies reduce corporations’ emissions?
  • Should hunting be encouraged or illegal?
  • Should reusable diapers replace disposable diapers?

Science & Technology

  • Is paper media more reliable than digital news sources?
  • Should automated/self-driving cars be legalized?
  • Should schools be required to provide laptops to all students?
  • Should software companies be able to have pre-downloaded programs and applications on devices?
  • Should drones be allowed in military warfare?
  • Should scientists invest more or less money into cancer research?
  • Should cloning be illegal?
  • Should societies colonize other planets?
  • Should there be legal oversight over the development of technology?

Social Media

  • Should there be an age limit on social media?
  • Should cyberbullying have the same repercussions as in-person bullying?
  • Are online relationships as valuable as in-person relationships?
  • Does “cancel culture” have a positive or negative impact on societies?
  • Are social media platforms reliable information or news sources?
  • Should social media be censored?
  • Does social media create an unrealistic standard of beauty?
  • Is regular social media usage damaging to real-life interactions?
  • Is social media distorting democracy?
  • How many branches of government should there be?
  • Who is the best/worst president of all time?
  • How long should judges serve in the U.S. Supreme Court?
  • Should a more significant portion of the U.S. budget be contributed towards education?
  • Should the government invest in rapid transcontinental transportation infrastructure?
  • Should airport screening be more or less stringent?
  • Should the electoral college be dismantled?
  • Should the U.S. have open borders?
  • Should the government spend more or less money on space exploration?
  • Should students sing Christmas carols, say the pledge of allegiance, or perform other tangentially religious activities?
  • Should nuns and priests become genderless roles?
  • Should schools and other public buildings have prayer rooms?
  • Should animal sacrifice be legal if it occurs in a religious context?
  • Should countries be allowed to impose a national religion on their citizens?
  • Should the church be separated from the state?
  • Does freedom of religion positively or negatively affect societies?

Parenting & Family

  • Is it better to have children at a younger or older age?
  • Is it better for children to go to daycare or stay home with their parents?
  • Does birth order affect personality?
  • Should parents or the school system teach their kids about sex?
  • Are family traditions important?
  • Should parents smoke or drink around young children?
  • Should “spanking” children be illegal?
  • Should parents use swear words in front of their children?
  • Should parents allow their children to play violent video games?


  • Should all actors be paid the same regardless of gender or ethnicity?
  • Should all award shows be based on popular vote?
  • Who should be responsible for paying taxes on prize money, the game show staff or the contestants?
  • Should movies and television shows have ethnicity and gender quotas?
  • Should newspapers and magazines move to a completely online format?
  • Should streaming services like Netflix and Hulu be free for students?
  • Is the movie rating system still effective?
  • Should celebrities have more privacy rights?

Arts & Humanities

  • Are libraries becoming obsolete?
  • Should all schools have mandatory art or music courses in their curriculum?
  • Should offensive language be censored from classic literary works?
  • Is it ethical for museums to keep indigenous artifacts?
  • Should digital designs be considered an art form? 
  • Should abstract art be considered an art form?
  • Is music therapy effective?
  • Should tattoos be regarded as “professional dress” for work?
  • Should schools place greater emphasis on the arts programs?
  • Should euthanasia be allowed in hospitals and other clinical settings?
  • Should the government support and implement universal healthcare?
  • Would obesity rates lower if the government intervened to make healthy foods more affordable?
  • Should teenagers be given access to birth control pills without parental consent?
  • Should food allergies be considered a disease?
  • Should health insurance cover homeopathic medicine?
  • Is using painkillers healthy?
  • Should genetically modified foods be banned?
  • Should there be a tax on unhealthy foods?
  • Should tobacco products be banned from the country?
  • Should the birth control pill be free for everyone?

If you need more help brainstorming topics, especially those that are personalized to your interests, you can  use CollegeVine’s free AI tutor, Ivy . Ivy can help you come up with original persuasive speech ideas, and she can also help with the rest of your homework, from math to languages.

Do Your Research

A great persuasive speech is supported with plenty of well-researched facts and evidence. So before you begin the writing process, research both sides of the topic you’re presenting in-depth to gain a well-rounded perspective of the topic.

Understand Your Audience

It’s critical to understand your audience to deliver a great persuasive speech. After all, you are trying to convince them that your viewpoint is correct. Before writing your speech, consider the facts and information that your audience may already know, and think about the beliefs and concerns they may have about your topic. Then, address these concerns in your speech, and be mindful to include fresh, new information.

Have Someone Read Your Speech

Once you have finished writing your speech, have someone read it to check for areas of strength and improvement. You can use CollegeVine’s free essay review tool to get feedback on your speech from a peer!

Practice Makes Perfect

After completing your final draft, the key to success is to practice. Present your speech out loud in front of a mirror, your family, friends, and basically, anyone who will listen. Not only will the feedback of others help you to make your speech better, but you’ll become more confident in your presentation skills and may even be able to commit your speech to memory.

Hopefully, these ideas have inspired you to write a powerful, unique persuasive speech. With the perfect topic, plenty of practice, and a boost of self-confidence, we know you’ll impress your audience with a remarkable speech!

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If you are planning a persuasive speech, you should think about a topic that can engage your audience. For this reason, you may want to consider a few topics before settling on the one that allows you to be more descriptive and entertaining.

Another important factor when picking a persuasive speech topic is to choose one that can provoke your audience. If you stir up a little emotion in your audience members, you'll keep their attention.

The list below is provided to help you brainstorm. Choose a topic from this list, or use it to generate an idea of your own. It could even be an idea that opposes the proposed example. For instance, instead of arguing American workers should be guaranteed a three-day weekend by law, you could argue why this shouldn't be the case.

How to Pick a Good Persuasive Speech Topic

Persuasive speeches are generally meant to convince an audience to agree with an idea you present. The topics can range from political to scientific or societal, and professional to personal—or even fun. They can be almost anything.

Just remember, a persuasive speech is different than a persuasive essay because you are presenting to an audience. So as you decide on a topic, think about your audience and decide on a subject matter that will be appropriate, compelling, and engaging to discuss. Perhaps it's a timely issue attracting a lot of news coverage, or maybe you want to be motivational and encourage a healthy activity. Whatever it is, structure your argument with a hook to capture attention , a clear definition of the topic or issue, and finally, your proposed solution or opinion.

100 Examples of Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Studying martial arts is good for mind and health.
  • Competitive sports can teach us about life.
  • Reality shows are exploiting people.
  • Community service should be a graduation requirement for all high school students.
  • The characteristics that make a person a hero.
  • It's important to grow things in a garden.
  • Violent video games are dangerous.
  • Lyrics in a song can impact our lives.
  • Traveling and studying abroad are positive experiences.
  • Journal writing is therapeutic.
  • You should spend time with your grandparents.
  • A laptop is better than a tablet.
  • Religion and science can go hand in hand.
  • School uniforms are good.
  • All-female colleges and all-male colleges are bad.
  • Multiple-choice tests are better than essay tests .
  • We should not spend money on space exploration.
  • Open-book tests are as effective as closed-book tests.
  • Security cameras keep us safer.
  • Parents should have access to students' grades.
  • Small classes are better than big classes.
  • You need to start saving for retirement now.
  • Credit cards are harmful to college students.
  • We should have a royal family.
  • We should protect endangered animals.
  • Texting while driving is dangerous.
  • You can write a novel.
  • Recycling should be required in the U.S.
  • State colleges are better than private colleges.
  • Private colleges are better than state colleges.
  • We should do away with penny coins.
  • Fast food containers hurt the environment.
  • Plastic straws are harmful to the environment.
  • You can eat and enjoy healthy snacks.
  • You can become a millionaire.
  • Dogs are better pets than cats.
  • You should own a bird.
  • It's unethical to keep birds in cages.
  • Liberal arts degrees prepare graduates to be better workers than other degrees.
  • Hunting animals should be banned.
  • Football is a dangerous sport.
  • School days should start later.
  • Night school is better than day school.
  • Technical training is better than a college degree.
  • Immigration laws should be more lenient.
  • Students should be able to choose their schools.
  • Everyone should learn to play a musical instrument.
  • Grass lawns should be prohibited.
  • Sharks should be protected.
  • We should do away with cars and go back to horse and carriage for transportation.
  • We should use more wind power.
  • We should pay more taxes.
  • We should do away with taxes.
  • Teachers should be tested like students.
  • We should not interfere in the affairs of other countries.
  • Every student should join a club.
  • Homeschooling is better than traditional schooling.
  • People should stay married for life.
  • Smoking in public should be illegal.
  • College students should live on campus .
  • Parents should let students fail.
  • Giving to charity is good.
  • Education makes us happier people.
  • T​he ​ death penalty should be outlawed.
  • Bigfoot is real.
  • We should increase train travel to save the environment.
  • We should read more classic books.
  • Fame is bad for young children.
  • Athletes should stay loyal to teams.
  • We should reform our prisons.
  • Juvenile offenders should not go to boot camps.
  • Abraham Lincoln was the best president.
  • Abraham Lincoln gets too much credit.
  • Students should be allowed to have cell phones in elementary, middle, and high school.
  • College student-athletes should be paid for playing.
  • Elderly citizens on fixed income should receive free public transportation.
  • Colleges and universities should be free to attend.
  • All American citizens should complete one year of community service.
  • Students should be required to take Spanish language classes.
  • Every student should be required to learn at least one foreign language .
  • Marijuana should be legal for recreational use nationwide.
  • Commercial testing of products on animals should no longer be allowed.
  • High school students should be required to participate in at least one team sport.
  • The minimum drinking age in the U.S. should be 25.
  • Replacing fossil fuels with cheaper alternative energy options should be mandated.
  • Churches need to contribute their share of taxes.
  • The Cuba embargo should be maintained by the U.S.
  • America should replace income taxes with a nationwide flat tax.
  • Once they reach the age of 18, all U.S. citizens should be automatically registered to vote .
  • Doctor-assisted suicide should be legal.
  • Spammers—people who bombard the internet with unsolicited email—should be banned from sending junk mail.
  • Every automobile driver should be required to take a new driver's test every three years.
  • Electroshock treatment is not a humane form of therapy.
  • Global warming is not real.
  • Single-parent adoption should be encouraged and promoted.
  • Gun companies should be held accountable for gun crimes.
  • Human cloning is not moral.
  • Religion does not belong in public education.
  • Juveniles should not be tried as adults.
  • American workers should be guaranteed a three-day weekend by law.
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572 Motivational Speech Topics & Good Ideas

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Motivational speech topics are powerful subjects to inspire, energize, and provoke thought. They encompass a broad spectrum of themes, such as personal development, overcoming adversity, achieving dreams, leadership, and resilience. Some topics also delve into subjects, like cultivating a positive mindset, the power of perseverance, mastering self-discipline, and the journey of self-discovery. Often, these topics draw on real-life experiences or historical events, igniting empathy and offering tangible examples of triumph over tribulation. By encouraging self-belief and the courage to face fears, they can incite transformation, spurring listeners to take action toward their goals. The potential of motivational speech topics is in their ability to resonate deeply, infusing listeners with hope, fostering resilience, and galvanizing change, both at individual and societal levels.

Best Motivational Speeches Topics

  • Harnessing the Power of Self-Belief
  • Overcoming Obstacles: Stories of Resilience
  • Positive Attitude: The Secret to Happiness
  • Unleashing Inner Creativity for Innovation
  • Persistence: The Pathway to Success
  • Cultivating Gratitude for a Fuller Life
  • Embracing Change as a Catalyst for Growth
  • Leveraging Failure as a Stepping Stone
  • Respect: A Cornerstone for Healthy Relationships
  • Setting Goals: The Blueprint for Achievement
  • Discovering Your Authentic Self
  • Ambition: The Fuel for Progress
  • Consistency: The Key to Mastery
  • Embodying Leadership in Everyday Life
  • Optimism: The Antidote to Despair
  • Developing Emotional Intelligence for Stronger Bonds
  • Empathy: Building Bridges Between Hearts
  • Hard Work: The Foundation of Success
  • Fostering Teamwork in Diverse Environments
  • Exploring Personal Growth Through Self-Reflection
  • Thriving amidst Adversity: The Power of Tenacity
  • Establishing Balance: Work, Love, and Play
  • Unraveling the Potential of Mindfulness
  • Honesty: Upholding Integrity in a Complex World
  • Creating Meaningful Connections Through Active Listening

Motivational Speech Topics & Good Ideas

Easy Motivational Speeches Topics

  • Maintaining Motivation During Tough Times
  • Conquering Fear: Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone
  • Transforming Dreams into Reality Through Dedication
  • Igniting Passion: The Spark of Excellence
  • Encouraging Innovation Through Inclusive Leadership
  • Reinventing Yourself: The Power of Adaptability
  • Kindness: A Catalyst for Change
  • Unlocking the Benefits of Lifelong Learning
  • Understanding the Role of Perseverance in Achievement
  • Making a Difference Through Social Responsibility
  • Nurturing Positivity for Mental Well-Being
  • Shaping the Future With Vision and Determination
  • Trust: The Bedrock of Successful Relationships
  • Reimagining Success: Redefining Personal and Professional Goals
  • Pursuing Happiness: The Journey Matters More Than the Destination
  • Enriching Lives Through Service and Generosity
  • Transforming Stress Into Productive Energy
  • Advancing Equality: Empowering Voices of Change
  • Embracing Diversity: The Strength in Our Differences
  • Celebrating Individuality: The Power of Being Unique
  • Experiencing Growth Through Constructive Criticism
  • Uplifting Others: The Reward of Compassion
  • Cultivating Confidence: The Impact of Self-Esteem
  • Courage: The First Step Toward Change

Interesting Motivational Speeches Topics

  • Developing Discipline: The Key to Unleashing Potential
  • Grasping Opportunities: The Art of Seizing the Moment
  • Nurturing Hope: An Anchor in Stormy Times
  • Wisdom: The Unseen Force Guiding Decisions
  • The Magic of Forgiveness in Healing Relationships
  • Resilience: Bouncing Back Stronger From Setbacks
  • Defining Success: Your Life, Your Terms
  • Inclusivity: Empowering Everyone in the Workspace
  • Loyalty: The Binding Force of Trustworthy Relationships
  • Elevation Through Education: Never Stop Learning
  • Understanding the Power of Words: Communication Skills
  • Appreciating Silence: The Value of Quiet Moments
  • Dignity: Upholding Self-Respect in all Situations
  • Broadening Perspectives Through Cultural Exchange
  • Adventure: Exploring the Unknown for Personal Growth
  • Curiosity: The Spark Igniting Lifelong Learning
  • Celebrating the Power of Women: Feminism Today
  • Boldness: Daring to Break the Mold
  • The Joy of Giving: Finding Happiness in Kindness
  • Mindfulness: The Key to Inner Peace
  • Unveiling Potential: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Motivational Speech Topics for High School

  • Harnessing Inner Strength: Overcoming Obstacles
  • Embracing Individuality: The Beauty of Being Different
  • Path to Success: Building Effective Study Habits
  • Visionary Leaders: Influential Personalities and Their Stories
  • Breakthrough Moments: Turning Failures into Success
  • Relentless Pursuit: Achieving Academic Excellence
  • Courageous Actions: Standing Up Against Bullying
  • Mighty Dreamers: Fueling Ambition with Passion
  • Transformative Journey: From Freshman Year to Graduation
  • Raising Voices: Importance of Student Activism
  • Innovation Generation: Inspiring Creativity in Schools
  • Leadership Lessons: Cultivating the Leader Within
  • Stepping Stones: Learning From Every Experience
  • Victory in Defeat: Embracing Mistakes as Learning Opportunities
  • Tenacity in Sports: Learning Resilience Through Athletics
  • Aspiring Authors: The Power of Words
  • Digital Savvy: Navigating the Technological Era
  • Inclusion Revolution: Embracing Diversity in School
  • Environmental Warriors: Role in Fighting Climate Change
  • Healthy Habits: Importance of Physical and Mental Fitness
  • Kindness Movement: Promoting Empathy and Understanding
  • Role Models: How Do Inspirational Figures Influence Lives?
  • Lifetime Learning: The Journey Beyond High School
  • Honoring Heroes: Valor in Everyday Life
  • Chasing Dreams: Turning Aspirations Into Reality

Motivational Speech Topics for Middle School

  • Impactful Choices: Decision-Making in Adolescence
  • Resilience Roadmap: Thriving Amidst Life’s Challenges
  • Lifelong Friends: The Value of Companionship in School
  • Community Builders: The Power of Volunteering
  • Goal-Getters: The Magic of Setting Targets
  • Spirit of Sportsmanship: Lessons Beyond the Field
  • Love for Learning: Igniting a Passion for Knowledge
  • Dare to Debate: Embracing Constructive Argumentation
  • Thrive Together: The Power of Teamwork
  • Future Innovators: Fostering Curiosity in Science and Technology
  • Integrity Imperative: Upholding Honesty and Responsibility
  • Strength in Silence: Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Digital Footprint: Navigating Social Media Responsibly
  • World Changers: Young People Making a Difference
  • Boundless Creativity: Unlocking Artistic Potential
  • Language Lovers: The Joy of Learning New Languages
  • Adventure Ahead: Preparing for College Life
  • Time Treasure: Effective Time Management Skills
  • Music Makers: The Power of Sound in Expression
  • Civic Duty: Understanding the Importance of Voting
  • Bright Ideas: Encouraging Entrepreneurial Spirit
  • Inspiring Individuality: Defying Stereotypes
  • Health Heroes: Developing Healthy Eating Habits
  • Stage Stories: The Value of Performing Arts
  • Culture Connectors: Appreciating Cultural Diversity

Motivational Speech Topics for College Students

  • Seizing Opportunities in the World of Innovation
  • Achieving Success Through Resilience and Determination
  • Harnessing Potential for Future Leadership
  • Overcoming Obstacles: The Power of Perseverance
  • Navigating through Challenges: Turning Trials Into Triumphs
  • Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mindset
  • Embracing Change and Adapting for Success
  • Striving for Excellence in a Globalized World
  • Inspiring Growth Through Lifelong Learning
  • Determination: The Key to Unleashing Your Potential
  • Fostering Creativity: The Road to Innovation
  • Transforming Dreams into Reality Through Action
  • Empowering Your Life Through Self-Confidence
  • Grit: The Ultimate Tool for Overcoming Challenges
  • Persistence: The Key to Realizing Your Dreams
  • Discovering Your Unique Path to Success
  • Building Bridges: The Power of Networking
  • Pursuit of Knowledge: The Gateway to Success
  • Future Leaders: Harnessing Your Inner Strength
  • Personal Growth: The Journey of Self-Improvement
  • Shaping Tomorrow: The Importance of Vision
  • Nurturing Talents: The Path to Personal Excellence
  • Unlocking Creativity: An Imperative Skill for Success

Motivational Speech Topics for University

  • Fearless Endeavors: The Power of Risk-Taking
  • Developing Grit: Your Armor in the Battle of Life
  • Thriving in Uncertainty: The Power of Adaptability
  • Cultivating Success: The Impact of a Growth Mindset
  • Empowering Self: The Journey of Personal Leadership
  • Innovating Solutions: The Importance of Critical Thinking
  • Grasping Success: The Role of Hard Work
  • Pursuing Excellence: The Power of Discipline
  • Leading Change: The Importance of Visionary Leadership
  • Building Resilience: The Key to Overcoming Adversity
  • Discovering Your Purpose: The Journey Toward Self-Actualization
  • Igniting Passion: The Power of Intrinsic Motivation
  • Fearless Future: The Role of Courage in Life
  • Charting Success: The Impact of Strategic Planning
  • Rising Above: The Power of Positivity
  • Embracing Diversity: The Strength of Inclusion
  • Fostering Unity: The Role of Teamwork
  • Navigating Life: The Power of Personal Vision
  • Thriving in the Digital Age: Embracing Technological Innovation
  • Cultivating Emotional Intelligence: A Key to Effective Leadership
  • Championing Change: The Power of Resilient Spirit
  • Maximizing Potential: The Role of Continuous Learning

Educational Motivational Speech Topics

  • Igniting Knowledge: Unleashing Your Intellectual Potential
  • Empowering Excellence: A Pathway to Success in Education
  • Embracing Curiosity: Igniting a Lifelong Learning Journey
  • Overcoming Challenges: Conquering Educational Obstacles
  • Celebrating Diversity: Embracing the Tapestry of Learning
  • Inspiring Innovation: Nurturing Creative Thinking in Education
  • The Joyful Discovery: Exploring the World of Education
  • Fueling Ambition: Empowering Dreams Through Education
  • Maximizing Performance: Pursuit of Academic Excellence
  • Unleashing Passion: Discovering Purpose in Education
  • Triumphing Over Adversity: Rising Above Educational Barriers
  • Transformative Impact: How Does Education Change Lives?
  • Mastering Time: Achieving Academic Balance
  • Building Resilience: Thriving Amidst Educational Challenges
  • Embracing Failure: Learning and Growing From Setbacks
  • Authentic Growth: Fostering Personal Development in Education
  • Cultivating Imagination: Nurturing a Creative Mindset in Learning
  • Effective Communication: Enhancing Educational Relationships
  • Inspiring Leadership: Empowering the Future of Education
  • Reflective Growth: Unleashing Personal Development in Education
  • The Power of Empathy: Creating Inclusive Educational Spaces
  • Cultivating Critical Thinking: Sharpening Analytical Skills

Funny Motivational Speech Topics

  • Embracing Your Inner Sloth: The Power of Procrastination
  • When Coffee Runs Out: Surviving Mondays
  • Tripping Into Success: Failures That Led to Greatness
  • Crafting Jokes: The Serious Business of Being Funny
  • Unicorns, Rainbows and Productivity: Creating Your Own Motivational Mythology
  • Breakdance Your Way to Confidence: Unconventional Methods
  • Zombies Versus Goals: Overcoming Life’s Apocalypses
  • Diapers to Diplomas: Navigating Life’s Messy Lessons
  • Alien Languages: Decoding Office Jargon
  • Harnessing Your Superpower: Unleashing the Inner Klutz
  • Pets as Co-Workers: A Study in Distraction and Delight
  • Ninja Moves for Parenting: The Secret Art of Juggling
  • Laundry Basket Basketball: Household Chores as a Sport
  • Elevator Etiquette: The Ups and Downs of Small Talk
  • Pajama Power: Working From Home Triumphs
  • Becoming a Pro at Adulting: The Game of Life
  • Musical Chairs: Finding Your Seat in the Corporate Concert
  • Napping for Success: Snooze Your Way to the Top
  • Socks: The Unsung Heroes of Everyday Fashion
  • Outsmarting Your Smartphone: Tech Struggles in the Modern Age
  • Accidental Gardener: Flourishing in Spite of the Green Thumb Myth

Persuasive Motivational Speech Topics

  • Harnessing the Power of Innovation: Igniting Success Through Creativity
  • Empowering Women: Breaking Barriers and Shattering Glass Ceilings
  • Cultivating a Growth Mindset: Unleashing Your Potential for Greatness
  • Overcoming Adversity: Triumphing in the Face of Challenges
  • Revolutionizing Education: Building a Future of Lifelong Learning
  • Inspiring Environmental Stewardship: Preserving Our Planet for Future Generations
  • Embracing Diversity: Celebrating Differences and Fostering Inclusion
  • Fueling the Entrepreneurial Spirit: Unleashing the Innovator Within
  • Mastering Time Management: Unlocking Productivity and Success
  • Revolutionizing Healthcare: Embracing Technology for a Healthier World
  • Promoting Mental Wellness: Breaking the Stigma and Nurturing Resilience
  • Amplifying Social Justice: Creating a Fair and Equitable Society
  • Nurturing Effective Leadership: Guiding Others Toward Excellence
  • Transforming the Workplace: Cultivating a Culture of Collaboration
  • Inspiring Volunteerism: Making a Difference Through Service
  • Raising Financial Literacy: Empowering Individuals for Financial Independence
  • Revolutionizing Transportation: Embracing Sustainable Mobility Solutions
  • Advancing Technological Ethics: Ensuring Ethical Use of Innovation
  • Embracing Emotional Intelligence: Building Stronger Connections
  • Revolutionizing Agriculture: Feeding the World Sustainably
  • Fostering Global Citizenship: Embracing Responsibility in a Connected World
  • Empowering Youth: Unlocking Potential for a Brighter Future

Motivational Speech Topics for Youth

  • Pursuing Dreams With Determination and Grit
  • Conquering Fear: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Inspiring Leadership: Making a Difference in the World
  • Building Strong Relationships: The Key to Personal and Professional Success
  • The Art of Effective Communication: Amplifying Your Voice
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusivity and Diversity
  • Unleashing Creativity: Embracing Innovation and Originality
  • Balancing Ambition and Well-Being: The Path to Sustainable Success
  • Embracing Change: Adapting to a Fast-Paced World
  • The Power of Visualization: Creating Your Desired Reality
  • Finding Inspiration in Everyday Life: Discovering Hidden Gems
  • Empowering Others: Creating a Positive Ripple Effect
  • Overcoming Procrastination: Taking Action for Results
  • Breaking Free From Limiting Beliefs: Embracing Your True Potential
  • Embracing the Journey: Finding Joy in the Process
  • Cultivating a Healthy Work-Life Balance: Prioritizing Well-Being
  • Harnessing the Power of Time Management for Productivity
  • The Impact of Gratitude on Mental and Emotional Well-Being
  • Embracing Personal Accountability: Owning Your Choices and Actions
  • The Magic of Collaboration: Achieving Greater Success Together
  • Leaving a Legacy: Making a Lasting Impact on the World

Motivational Speech Topics for Business & Management

  • The Art of Decision-Making: Navigating Business Dilemmas
  • Inspiring Ethical Leadership: Building Trust and Integrity
  • The Path to Success: Setting and Achieving Business Goals
  • Harnessing the Power of Emotional Intelligence in Business
  • Developing Effective Communication Skills for Managers
  • Leading With Purpose: Finding Meaning in Business Leadership
  • Building Resilience: Bouncing Back From Failure in Business
  • Embracing Diversity: The Key to Successful Team Dynamics
  • The Role of Authentic Leadership in Business Success
  • Empowering Employees: Creating a Culture of Ownership
  • Unlocking the Potential of Team Collaboration in Business
  • The Art of Negotiation: Strategies for Successful Deal-Making
  • The Power of Networking: Creating Meaningful Business Connections
  • Inspiring Customer Loyalty: Delivering Exceptional Service
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment: Nurturing Employee Well-Being
  • Embracing Digital Transformation: Thriving in the Digital Age
  • The Science of Motivation: Driving Employee Engagement
  • Balancing Work and Life: Achieving Work-Life Integration
  • The Power of Authentic Branding in Business Success
  • Leading by Example: Modeling Excellence in Business Leadership
  • Embracing Continuous Learning: The Key to Personal Growth

Motivational Speech Topics for Employees

  • Maximizing Productivity Through Time Management
  • Fostering a Growth Mindset for Personal and Professional Development
  • Embracing Change and Thriving in a Dynamic Environment
  • Cultivating a Positive Attitude for Success
  • Nurturing Creativity and Encouraging Out-of-the-Box Thinking
  • Unlocking Your Full Potential: Setting and Achieving Goals
  • The Art of Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
  • The Role of Feedback and Continuous Improvement in Success
  • Inspiring Leadership: Leading by Example and Empowering Others
  • Creating a Work-Life Balance for Long-Term Well-Being
  • Cultivating a Culture of Appreciation and Recognition
  • Embracing Diversity and Inclusion for Enhanced Performance
  • Strengthening Mental Health and Well-Being in the Workplace
  • Developing Strong Work Ethics and Professionalism
  • Achieving Work-Life Integration: Pursuing Personal Passions
  • Mastering Effective Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills
  • Embracing Continuous Learning and Adaptability in the Digital Age
  • Inspiring Creativity and Innovation in the Digital Era
  • Strengthening Customer Focus: Delivering Exceptional Experiences
  • The Power of Authentic Leadership in Inspiring Others

Effective Motivational Speech Topics

  • Building Resilience: Overcoming Obstacles and Bouncing Back
  • Inspiring Change: Empowering Individuals to Make a Difference
  • Embracing Failure: Turning Setbacks Into Stepping Stones
  • Igniting the Spark: Reigniting Your Passion for Life
  • Conquering Fear: Embracing Courage for Personal Growth
  • Leading by Example: Becoming an Inspirational Role Model
  • Cultivating a Growth Mindset: Embracing Continuous Learning
  • Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life: Living With Intent
  • Unleashing Creativity: Discovering Your Inner Genius
  • Nurturing Positive Relationships: The Foundation of Success
  • The Power of Gratitude: Appreciating Life’s Blessings
  • Breaking Free From Self-Doubt: Embracing Self-Confidence
  • Taking the Initiative: Seizing Opportunities for Success
  • Overcoming Procrastination: Mastering Time Management
  • Building a Supportive Community: Fostering Collaboration and Empathy
  • Embracing Change: Embracing Adaptability in a Fast-Changing World
  • The Art of Communication: Building Bridges and Inspiring Others
  • Chasing Excellence: Striving for Greatness in All Areas of Life
  • Setting Clear Goals: Mapping the Path to Achievement
  • Finding Balance: Nurturing Mind, Body, and Soul
  • Embracing Diversity: Harnessing the Power of Differences
  • Discovering Inner Strength: Transforming Challenges Into Triumphs

Environmental Motivational Speech Topics

  • Protecting Oceans: Empowering Communities for Sustainable Fishing
  • Reforestation: Restoring the Lungs of Our Planet
  • Renewable Energy Revolution: Powering a Greener Future
  • Conserving Biodiversity: Preserving Nature’s Masterpieces
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Growing Food, Nourishing the Planet
  • Urban Green Spaces: Creating Havens in Concrete Jungles
  • The Beauty of Wildlife: Safeguarding Earth’s Magnificent Creatures
  • Climate Action: Mobilizing for a Carbon-Neutral World
  • Waste Management: Reducing, Reusing, Recycling for a Cleaner Tomorrow
  • Environmental Education: Inspiring the Next Generation of Stewards
  • Green Transportation: Driving Toward a Sustainable Future
  • Forest Preservation: Protecting Earth’s Green Lungs
  • Ecosystem Restoration: Healing the Land, Healing Ourselves
  • Plastic Pollution: Taking a Stand for Cleaner Oceans
  • Water Conservation: Preserving Earth’s Most Precious Resource
  • Sustainable Fashion: Redefining Style, Reducing Footprint
  • Air Pollution Solutions: Breathing Fresh Air, Breathing Life
  • Community Gardens: Cultivating Resilience and Connection
  • Ecotourism: Exploring the World Responsibly
  • Environmental Policy: Shaping a Greener Legislative Landscape
  • Environmental Justice: Empowering Marginalized Communities

Nature vs. Nurture Motivational Speech Topics

  • Exploring the Impact of Nature and Nurture on Personal Growth
  • Unleashing the Power of Nature and Nurture in Achieving Success
  • The Dynamic Interplay of Nature and Nurture in Shaping Talent
  • Harnessing Nature and Nurture to Overcome Challenges
  • Embracing the Dual Forces of Nature and Nurture in Self-Discovery
  • Maximizing Potential: Balancing Nature and Nurture in Education
  • Empowering Individuals Through the Synergy of Nature and Nurture
  • Embodying the Harmony of Nature and Nurture in Leadership
  • Nurturing Resilience: Nature’s Role in Adversity
  • The Nature-Nurture Duality: Fueling Innovation and Creativity
  • Unveiling the Intricacies of Nature and Nurture in Relationships
  • Amplifying Success Through the Fusion of Nature and Nurture
  • Nature’s Blessing, Nurture’s Influence: A Path to Personal Transformation
  • Unlocking Human Potential: Embracing the Forces of Nature and Nurture
  • The Nature-Nurture Nexus: Sculpting Well-Being and Happiness
  • Nurturing Authenticity: Embracing Our Natural Talents
  • Unraveling the Mysteries of Nature and Nurture in Health and Wellness
  • The Nature-Nurture Equation: Building a Strong Foundation for Achievement
  • Nature’s Symphony, Nurture’s Guidance: Orchestrating a Fulfilling Life
  • Cultivating Empathy: The Synergy of Nature and Nurture
  • The Genetic Blueprint and Environmental Canvas: Unveiling Our True Potential
  • Nurturing Diversity: Celebrating the Unique Blend of Nature and Nurture

Motivational Speech Topics About Technology

  • Embracing Technological Disruption: Inspiring Change
  • Connecting a World of Possibilities: The Internet of Things
  • Inspiring Creativity in the Digital Era
  • Redefining the Future of Work: The Rise of Robotics
  • Driving Sustainable Development with Technology
  • Fostering Digital Inclusion: Empowering Communities
  • Expanding Horizons: From Virtual Reality to Real-World Impact
  • Fueling Growth and Success: Data-Driven Decision-Making
  • Streamlining Processes for Success: The Power of Automation
  • Safeguarding a Digital World: The Importance of Cybersecurity
  • Ethical Challenges in Emerging Technologies: Navigating the Future
  • Revolutionizing Patient Care With Technology: The Future of Healthcare
  • Breaking Barriers, Shattering Stereotypes: Inspiring Women in Tech
  • Empowering Future Generations: The Intersection of Technology and Education
  • Gamification: Enhancing Engagement and Motivation
  • Enhancing Realities, Empowering Minds: The Augmented Reality Revolution
  • Harnessing Technology for a Greener Future: Sustainable Energy Solutions
  • Unleashing the Power of Information: Navigating the Era of Big Data
  • Nurturing a Culture of Entrepreneurship: Inspiring Innovation
  • Pushing Boundaries, Redefining Limits: Technology in Sports
  • Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe: Quantum Computing

Science Motivational Speech Topics

  • The Ecological Revolution: Preserving the Planet for Future Generations
  • Unleashing the Marvels of Nanotechnology: Expanding Infinite Possibilities
  • Unraveling the Secrets of Genetics: Decoding Life’s Blueprint
  • Advancing Renewable Energy: Harnessing Nature’s Forces
  • The Art of Data Analysis: Revealing Patterns in Complexity
  • The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Enabling Humanity With Smart Machines
  • Uniting Science and Medicine: Pioneering Solutions for Health and Wellness
  • Illuminating the Quantum World: Unveiling the Beauty of Quantum Mechanics
  • Technology and Sustainability: Forging a Green Path to Progress
  • Reshaping Education With STEM: Empowering Young Minds for the Future
  • Exploring the Deep Sea: Revealing the Wonders of the Abyss
  • Unlocking Human Potential: Harnessing the Science of Achievement
  • Fueling Creativity Through Curiosity: The Intersection of Art and Science
  • From Discovery to Market: The Journey of Scientific Innovations
  • The Power of Collaboration: Uniting Minds for Global Scientific Advancement
  • Unveiling the Microcosmos: Exploring the Hidden World of Microorganisms
  • Transforming Healthcare With Technological Advancements: The Future of Medicine
  • Understanding and Mitigating Global Warming: The Science of Climate Change
  • Unraveling the Complexity of Human Cognition: Exploring the Mysteries of the Brain
  • Engineering Sustainable Cities: Building Solutions for Urban Challenges
  • Illuminating the Path to New Technologies: Exploring the Physics of Light
  • Tracing the Origins of Life on Earth: The Evolution of Species

Sports and Fitness Motivational Speech Topics

  • Achieving Personal Fitness Goals: A Journey of Self-Transformation
  • Overcoming Obstacles: The Key to Athletic Success
  • Unleashing Your Inner Champion: Unlocking Your Potential in Sports
  • Inspiring Teamwork: Building Stronger Bonds on the Field
  • Finding Balance: How Do Sports and Fitness Enhance Your Life?
  • Conquering Fear: Defying Limits in Sports and Fitness
  • Embracing Discipline: The Path to Athletic Excellence
  • Pushing Boundaries: Breaking Through Barriers in Sports
  • The Power of Persistence: Never Giving Up in the Game of Life
  • Igniting Passion: Fueling Your Fire for Sports and Fitness
  • Harnessing Mental Strength: Mastering the Mind-Body Connection
  • Rising Above Competition: Striving for Personal Growth
  • Living in the Zone: Achieving Peak Performance in Sports
  • Embracing Failure: Learning From Setbacks in Athletics
  • The Road to Victory: Hard Work, Dedication, and Sacrifice
  • Discovering Inner Drive: Unleashing Your Competitive Spirit
  • The Science of Success: Applying Sports and Fitness Principles
  • Inspiring Youth: Nurturing the Next Generation of Athletes
  • The Joy of Movement: Embracing an Active Lifestyle
  • Embracing Change: Adapting to Evolving Sports and Fitness Trends
  • Enhancing Well-Being: The Physical and Mental Benefits of Exercise

Leadership Motivational Speech Topics

  • Cultivating Resilience in Leadership
  • Leveraging Diversity for Stronger Leadership
  • Championing Innovation and Creativity in Leadership
  • Nurturing Trust and Transparency in Leadership
  • Driving Change Through Transformational Leadership
  • Influencing Others With Authentic Leadership
  • Developing Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership
  • Balancing Empathy and Accountability in Leadership
  • Leading With Integrity and Ethical Decision-Making
  • Motivating and Inspiring High-Performing Teams
  • Cultivating a Culture of Continuous Learning in Leadership
  • Encouraging Collaboration and Teamwork in Leadership
  • Harnessing the Power of Feedback for Growth-Oriented Leadership
  • Inspiring Confidence and Self-Belief in Leadership
  • Overcoming Challenges With Resilient Leadership
  • Building Effective Relationships as a Leader
  • Leading Through Times of Uncertainty and Ambiguity
  • Encouraging a Growth Mindset for Adaptive Leadership
  • Inspiring Others to Lead With Courage and Boldness
  • Navigating Conflict and Building Stronger Teams as a Leader
  • Inspiring Transformational Leadership in Times of Crisis
  • Motivating and Engaging Millennial and Gen Z Leaders

Self-Improvement Motivational Speech Topics

  • Igniting Passion: Pursuing Your Life’s Purpose
  • Unlocking Creativity: Embracing Your Unique Gifts
  • Fostering Emotional Intelligence: Developing Self-Awareness
  • Embracing Change: Adapting to Life’s Transformations
  • Setting Boundaries: Protecting Your Well-Being
  • Practicing Mindfulness: Living in the Present Moment
  • Enhancing Communication Skills: Becoming a Persuasive Speaker
  • Developing Healthy Habits: Maintaining a Balanced Lifestyle
  • Embracing Failure: Learning From Setbacks
  • Building Resilience: Bouncing Back From Adversity
  • Strengthening Self-Discipline: Achieving Long-Term Goals
  • Embracing Self-Compassion: Nurturing Your Emotional Well-Being
  • Expanding Your Comfort Zone: Embracing New Opportunities
  • Harnessing the Power of Visualization: Achieving Success
  • Enhancing Decision-Making Skills: Making Sound Choices
  • Overcoming Procrastination: Taking Action Today
  • Practicing Gratitude: Cultivating a Positive Outlook
  • Building Financial Intelligence: Achieving Financial Stability
  • Promoting Physical Fitness: Improving Your Health and Wellness
  • Embracing Diversity: Celebrating Differences and Inclusion
  • Strengthening Leadership Skills: Inspiring Others to Follow

Career & Professional Development Motivational Speech Topics

  • The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Transforming Concepts Into Thriving Ventures
  • The Science of Networking: Cultivating Meaningful Relationships for Career Development
  • Embracing Diversity: Flourishing in a Multicultural Professional Setting
  • The Art of Leadership: Inspiring and Motivating Teams Toward Excellence
  • Unleashing Your Creative Potential: Fostering Innovation for Professional Achievement
  • The Power of Emotional Intelligence in Building Successful Work Connections
  • Building a Personal Brand: Crafting Your Professional Identity
  • Mastering Time Management: Enhancing Productivity and Efficiency at Work
  • Cultivating a Growth Mindset: Unlocking Your Full Potential
  • The Art of Negotiation: Strategies for Success in Professional Interactions
  • Developing Resilience: Overcoming Challenges and Bouncing Back Strong
  • The Power of Mentorship: Learning From Experienced Professionals
  • Finding Work-Life Balance: Prioritizing Well-Being for Sustainable Achievement
  • Embracing Continuous Learning: Staying Ahead in an Ever-Evolving Job Market
  • The Importance of Emotional Wellness in Career Growth
  • Building a Culture of Collaboration: Fostering Teamwork and Cooperation
  • Goal Setting and Goal Attainment: Turning Dreams Into Reality
  • Developing a Growth Mindset: Embracing Opportunities for Learning and Advancement
  • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Recognizing and Celebrating Your Accomplishments
  • Building Confidence and Assertiveness: Stepping Into Leadership Roles
  • The Power of Positive Thinking: Cultivating an Optimistic Mindset for Achievement

Inspirational & Personal Growth Motivational Speech Topics

  • Embracing Resilience: Building Strength in the Face of Adversity
  • Discovering Your True Potential: Unleashing the Power Within
  • The Art of Self-Compassion: Nurturing Your Inner Worth
  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Unlocking Your Boundless Potential
  • Conquering Fear: Embracing Courage to Achieve Greatness
  • Cultivating a Growth Mindset: Transforming Challenges Into Opportunities
  • Igniting Passion: Fueling the Fire Within for Success
  • The Power of Gratitude: Embracing Appreciation for a Fulfilling Life
  • Creating Positive Habits: The Key to Personal Transformation
  • Mastering Self-Discipline: Harnessing Inner Strength for Success
  • Embracing Change: Embracing the Journey of Personal Growth
  • The Art of Forgiveness: Healing Wounds and Finding Inner Peace
  • Unleashing Creativity: Embracing Your Unique Expressions
  • Embracing Vulnerability: Opening Doors to Authentic Connections
  • The Power of Intuition: Trusting Your Inner Wisdom
  • Finding Balance: Nurturing Well-Being in a Fast-Paced World
  • The Path to Self-Discovery: Exploring Your True Identity
  • Harnessing Emotional Intelligence: Strengthening Relationships and Success
  • The Art of Effective Communication: Building Bridges With Words
  • Letting Go of Perfectionism: Embracing Imperfections for Growth
  • Cultivating Patience: Trusting the Process of Personal Development
  • Embracing Diversity: Celebrating Differences for a Harmonious World

Creative & Artistic Pursuits Motivational Speech Topics

  • Brushstrokes of Excellence: Elevating Your Artistic Skills
  • Melodies of the Soul: Composing a Life of Harmony
  • Illuminating Imagination: The Magic of Visual Effects
  • Fashioning Greatness: Unveiling the Designer Within
  • Theatrical Mastery: Acting Out Your Dreams
  • Writing the Narrative: Words that Change the World
  • Crafting Connections: The Art of Building Relationships
  • Rhythmic Fusion: Exploring the Intersection of Dance Styles
  • The Power of Perspective: Capturing Unique Angles in Photography
  • Abstract Expression: Embracing the Beauty of the Unknown
  • Discovering Light: The Secrets of Illumination in Painting
  • The Art of Reinvention: Sculpting a New Path in Life
  • Inspiring Innovation: Pushing Boundaries in Creative Industries
  • Creativity Unleashed: Unearthing Hidden Talents
  • Captivating Moments: The Art of Storytelling Through Film
  • The Beauty of Imperfection: Embracing Flaws in Art
  • Unlocking the Poetic Voice: Unleashing the Power of Words
  • The Art of Authenticity: Expressing Your True Self
  • The Dance of Collaboration: Harmonizing Creativity in Teams
  • Architecture of Dreams: Constructing a Visionary Future
  • Exploring Uncharted Territories: Pushing the Boundaries of Artistic Expression

Social Justice & Activism Motivational Speech Topics

  • Embracing Equality: Advocating for Inclusive Societies
  • Amplifying Voices: Empowering Marginalized Communities
  • Striving for Justice: Breaking Barriers in the Legal System
  • Inspiring Change: Igniting Activism in Youth
  • Challenging Prejudice: Uniting Against Discrimination
  • Building Bridges: Fostering Understanding Across Cultures
  • Empowering Women: Promoting Gender Equality and Empowerment
  • Dismantling Systemic Racism: Creating Fair Opportunities for All
  • Protecting the Environment: Mobilizing for Climate Justice
  • Fighting for LGBTQ+ Rights: Embracing Love and Acceptance
  • Demanding Economic Equality: Bridging the Wealth Gap
  • Addressing Mental Health Stigma: Advocating for Accessible Care
  • Standing up for Indigenous Rights: Preserving Cultural Heritage
  • Combating Police Brutality: Ensuring Accountable Law Enforcement
  • Ending Child Labor: Securing a Brighter Future for All Children
  • Advocating for Disability Rights: Embracing Inclusion and Accessibility
  • Promoting Education Equity: Breaking Down Barriers to Learning
  • Eradicating Human Trafficking: Protecting the Vulnerable
  • Mobilizing for Worker’s Rights: Championing Fair Labor Practices
  • Reforming Immigration Policies: Embracing Compassionate Solutions
  • Securing Voting Rights: Ensuring Democracy for All Citizens
  • Promoting Animal Welfare: Embracing Compassion for All Creatures

Spirituality & Faith-Based Motivational Speech Topics

  • Trusting the Unseen: Embracing Divine Guidance
  • Sparking Acts of Kindness: Inspiring Compassionate Hearts
  • Awakening Purpose: Fanning the Flame of Spiritual Calling
  • Healing Through Forgiveness: Transcending Past Wounds
  • Surrendering to the Sacred: Embracing Divine Yielding
  • Embracing Diversity in Faith: Bridging Hearts of Unity
  • Gratitude Manifests Abundance: Celebrating Life’s Blessings
  • Strengthening Sacred Bonds: Nurturing Soulful Connections
  • Exploring Silence: Unveiling Wisdom in Tranquility
  • Unleashing the Power of Prayer: Deepening the Divine Connection
  • Finding Meaning in Life’s Trials: Embracing the Journey
  • Faith in Action: Creating Positive Change in the World
  • The Voice Within the Soul: Trusting Intuition’s Guiding Whispers
  • Spiritual Practices for Growth: Nurturing the Soul’s Ascension
  • Expanding Consciousness: Awakening to the Divine Essence
  • Love’s Radiance: Embracing Compassion and Acceptance
  • Mindfulness in Spirituality: Embracing the Present Moment
  • Letting Go, Soaring High: Embracing Spiritual Liberation
  • Surrendering to Divine Grace: Yielding to the Higher Power
  • Embracing Divine Timing: Trusting the Unfolding Plan
  • Self-Discovery’s Voyage: Awakening the True Authentic Self

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Speech on Life | Life Speech for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Speech on Life:  Everybody living on this earth is leading his Life, but if we talk about humans, then their life is not a bed of roses, it has problems and struggles. But Life has some appealing aspects also, which gives one a ray of hope and positivity. We have people, family, relatives, and friends who make our life special, worth living and make us feel about the specialty of our Life. Life is a trademark that symbolizes physical elements that have natural procedures, such as flagging and self-continuing procedures, from those that don’t, either because such capacities have stopped or because they never had such capabilities and are delegated lifeless.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc.

Long and Short Speeches on Life for Students and Kids in English

We are providing a long Life Speech of 500 words and a short speech of 150 words along with ten lines about the Life Speech to help readers.

These speeches will be useful for school going students as well as college students. They can refer to this anytime to boost their academic performance.

Long Speech on Life 500 Words in English

Long Speech on Life is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Good morning to everyone.

I am here before all of you to share my musings through my discourse about Life. Life is a continuous nonstop procedure that needs to end sometime in the not so distant future. Life is tied in with loving yourself, making yourself. A statement for better description can be that Life can be just seen in reverse, yet it must be lived advances. Life itself is a brilliant chance to carry on with significant Life and bolster others to do as such. It doesn’t make a difference in how long you live. In any case, it is crucial how well you carry on with a quality life.

The dread of death consistently compromises our lives. Each individual needs to confront passing at some point or another. However, that doesn’t imply that it ought to demoralize us from making every moment count or accomplishing our objectives. An individual is insightful when he/she is prepared to meet predetermination when it comes, yet until that time, he appreciates all of it. It is a feeling of status. It is an excursion in everybody’s Life wherein we need to cross the extension of death to have the option to wake up to an actual existence endless. Human Life is genuinely an exceptionally valuable blessing. Every snapshot of human Life conveys us a chance to act to create and communicate. Each second opens the way for us to get gifts. The reality is that Life gives us both positive and negative circumstances. What is extremely significant is how we respond to it.

Life is the endowment of God as a trust that we will make it significant in whatever we can. Nobody is brought into the world like you, and nobody will ever be, so esteem your independence. Commonly, I run over individuals blaming God for things that they don’t have. They are continually reviling their lives. In any case, do they understand that getting this Life itself is valuable if we make it worth living and buckle down towards energy? Life is only an excursion with exercises, difficulties, grief, and uncommon minutes. It will, at last, lead us to our goal, our motivation throughout everyday Life. The street won’t generally be a plane; indeed, all through our movements, we will confront numerous difficulties.

These difficulties will consistently test our mental fortitude, qualities, shortcomings, and confidence. Along our way, we may experience obstructions that will interfere with the ways we are bound to take. To be in the correct way, we should defeat these impediments. At times these snags are truly surprisingly beneficial developments; we don’t comprehend that at that point. The mystery of Life is most popular with the individuals who are not joined to anything profoundly to such an extent.

Ultimately, I will infer that we should make Life advantageous. It ought to be with the affection for our loved ones that Life can be made delightful. Life can be progressively excellent and deliberate by releasing our family obligations, busy working, society, and the world on the loose.

Thank you for your valuable time.

Short Speech on Life 150 Words in English

Short Speech on Life is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Good morning everyone, I’m here to express my views on Life.

There is presently no accord concerning the meaning of Life. One well-known definition is that life forms are open frameworks that look after homeostasis, are made out of cells, have a real existence cycle, experience digestion, develop, adjust to their condition, react to boosts, and recreate and advance. Different definitions, in some cases, incorporate non-cell life structures, for example, infections and germs.

We see people complaining about what they don’t have. However, you can breathe, stay alive, and live your Life is itself a blessing. In this manner, they stay distant from stresses and moving fortunes of their lives. One should understand the importance of Life. The very purpose of your Life is not meant to win or lose; it is just for the sake of living it to the fullest.

So, instead of wasting time in complaints and dissatisfaction, let’s stay happy with the fact that we are given a life.

10 Lines on Life Speech in English

  • There is a great deal of worry around us the entire day, which makes it part of our brains obstacles.
  • The pressure can emerge at the office, at home, in certain relations, or in whatever else.
  • While taking care of these sorts of pressure, people don’t find the opportunity to see the excellence of Life.
  • We overlook that there is something more in our Life, which is significant and wonderful.
  • God has given us a lot of beneficial things like the magnificence of nature in our Life.
  • Trees, creatures, plants, daylight, and others give us energy and joy throughout everyday Life.
  • Nature instructs us that we ought to be glad and positive despite all chances.
  • Challenges are a piece of Life; without it, our Life will get exhausting and uncomfortable.
  • We should keep ourselves quiet, and afterward, managing the issues will turn out to be simple.
  • Whatever the circumstance might be, we should not go astray from the objective and objectives of our Life.

FAQ’s on Life Speech

Question 1. What can be regarded as an ideal life?

Answer: Everyone has their ideals. Thus, the definition of an ideal life is different for every one of us.

Question 2. How to feel satisfied with your Life?

Answer: One can feel satisfied when he or she understands the very essence of Life, that is, Life is not meant about winning or losing, but it’s essential to live your Life to the fullest.

Question 3. What is a decent life?

Answer: A decent life is when your standpoint is that you have more great days than awful when Life is commonly a gift, not a weight.

Question 4. What are the positive contemplations?

Answer: Positive reasoning is the way toward making self- musings that make and change vitality into the real world and makes you optimistic.

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Interesting speech topics for students

180 unique speech topic ideas from 5 broad areas

By:  Susan Dugdale  

What are the most interesting and unique speech topics for students? Or for yourself? How, and where do you find them?

Let's answer those questions, and more.

On this page you'll find:

speech topic life

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So what are the best GOOD original speech ideas?

3 essential elements of interesting speeches.

Image: retro drawing of puzzled girl thinking. Text: What's an interesting speech topic? Comical novels? Cats? The history of chocolate?

Speech topics become interesting that way because they fulfill three essential requirements.

  • You are genuinely enthusiastic about the subject. You love the topic and want to find out more about it.
  • The subject will appeal to your audience. It has relevance for them. They'll want to know about it. 
  • The twist, angle, or perspective you bring to the topic is different - one the audience will not have heard before.

If you can tick off all three aspects your speech is much more likely to be interesting for everyone, yourself included.

Put your spin on these interesting speech topics

The five topic areas below are broad. I have suggested some potentially good speech ideas in each of them. You'll find those under the area's introductory overview.

Use my suggestions as a beginning point: a trigger to get  your own creative juices going. With luck you'll find exactly the topic you need to inspire you. (I sincerely hope so!)

Social media themed topics

Online social media like Facebook (recently re-branded as Meta Platforms), Twitter (which has now become X), Pinterest, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Tik Tok have been with us a comparatively short time. Yet their growth has been astronomical!

Facebook, the first of them, made its public debut in 2004, 17 years ago, and according to its Wikipedia page , has 2.85 billion monthly active users, as of 31 March 2021 .  Its use as a vehicle to reach people all over the world is extraordinary. The power and influence Facebook users have been able to exert is unparalleled. As a society we've never seen this before.

Twitter (X), Pinterest,  Instagram, Whatsapp and Tik Tok although newer players share, to a lesser degree, similar capacities.

Older electronic media, TV and radio, couldn't reach into the personal private lives in the same intimate one to one, person to person way. Neither could print.

What do these changes mean for society?  What will happen to old-fashioned face-to-face communication skills?

Look over these topics carefully. What aspects of them you'd find interesting to explore?

Our increasing reliance on varying forms of online communication is new and our scientists, psychologists, and doctors are only beginning to understand its impact on our behavior.

Image: young girl with badge showing Facebook thumbs up icon on her tee-shirt. Background text: Please like me, please like me, please like me...

50 interesting social media speech topics

  • Social media kills face to face conversation skills.
  • Texting is necessary for social survival.
  • An online friend can be just as real as an offline one.
  • Social media breaks down real-time relationships.
  • How did people build and maintain networks BEFORE  social media?
  • What is the real value of social media? Three points.
  • How to avoid being cyber bullied.
  • Rules for forming online friendships.
  • Spelling skills are dead. Long live txt speak!
  • What will be the next major social media development?
  • Rules for using social media responsibly.
  • Publicly "liking" or "not liking" a person's posts can cause anxiety.
  • What is real news and what is false? How do you know?
  • Three excellent community building uses of social media.
  • Social media is addictive.
  • Social media encourages and supports racialism.
  • Social media companies are not responsible for how people use them.
  • Social media dissolves social, economic and cultural barriers.
  • How private is personal information on social media?
  • Fake personas and social media.
  • There is not enough fact checking on social media.
  • It is too easy to post without thinking on social media.
  • There is too much content on social media. It overwhelms.
  • What is the impact of social media on business?
  • Having an opinion does not make a person an expert.
  • Social media makes it easy to help someone immediately.
  • Social media brings people with similar interests together.
  • Social media encourages the need for instant gratification.
  • Some social media challenges should never be accepted.
  • There should be an user age limit on social media platforms.
  • Getting news from social media is unreliable.
  • Censorship is impossible on social media.
  • How do politicians use social media?
  • What is a social media echo chamber?
  • How can social media undermine democracy?
  • Social media can be, and is, used for mass surveillance.
  • Social media can be a time waster.
  • Social media makes people dissatisfied with their lives.
  • The rise of cancel culture: what it is, how it works.
  • Why people share things they shouldn't.
  • How using emoticons is replacing using words.
  • How social media is used in hiring and firing people.
  • How social media stunts personal creativity.
  • How social media allows a person to find their voice.
  • Using social media improves fine motor skills.
  • How social media is used in peer-support programs.
  • Should social media companies be held accountable? 
  • What is the impact of not being social media?
  • How to become an influencer.
  • Outline the main differences between two or three social media platforms.

Visiting yesterday: historical speech topics

The importance of history is frequently debated. Those against digging around in their own or anybody else's past often use the saying "Life is best lived looking forward" to explain their stance.

What they want to avoid is becoming stuck in history, bogged down by old traditions or beliefs that inhibit a person in some way. "That was then, this is now", they say.

Crimes against humanity: ethnic cleansing, genocide, state sanctioned terrorism, racial discrimination, and religious persecution are all examples of attitudes and events people often want to leave in the past.

The main reason for that is because untangling them, acknowledging and accepting responsibility where required, and finding an equitable way to move forward can be exceedingly difficult for all concerned.

And yet, if we don't examine and learn from the past, surely we'll do similar things over and over again.

Those who believe that understanding and knowing our history is important say, to use the words of Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, that "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."

They argue that to know who we are, what we are doing, where we are going, and how our actions may impact on other people, other communities, countries, or the world, we need to thoroughly understand our past. That means looking carefully at the lives and times of our ancestors. 

I believe understanding our "yesterdays" helps us build better "todays" - richer futures for everyone. 

Attitudes change and as they do, so too does what society accepts as "normal". 

A brief shorts story

To illustrate here's a simple and these days, non-controversial example.

Something as ordinary as a woman wearing shorts was quite extraordinary in the 1940s and 50s. Women who wore them were considered fast: very unladylike.

And some American city councils actually went so far as to ban women from wearing them in public.

Image: 1950s pin up golfer girl wearing a pair of shorts. Text: When wearing shorts was taboo

The  United States Golf Association went further. They decreed neither men nor women could wear them while participating in tournaments: a rule that remained until the 1980s.

(In my family, my  Grandmother was forbidden to leave the house in them.)

Can you imagine what life would be like for women if we'd held on to that? 

Today we have moved on. A woman wearing a pair of shorts is no longer a disgrace or committing a crime. *

(Click this National Public Radio link  When wearing shorts was taboo  to find out more. It's a fascinating peek into the past.)

* I am fortunate to live in a country where women are free to wear what they choose. However there are many places in the world where they are not.

This 2020 study from Washington Pew Research Center is interesting reading:  Women in many countries face harassment for clothing deemed too religious – or too secular .

Family focused and community speech topics

The topics here are focused around the history of family and community life.

Dive into them and you may just find them compelling - really interesting. They'll give you new insights and maybe, an appreciation, of what went before, and what you have now. 

Image-retro 1950s-children crossing the road going to school. Text: Historical Myths Number 63 - School days! The happiest days of your life!

45 interesting historical speech topics

  • What Grandma/Grandpa did for fun and recreation 50 years ago.
  • What Grandma/Grandpa did to earn a living when they finished their schooling.
  • At the same age as I am now my parents were doing XXX and my grandparents were doing XXX (compare and contrast across 3 generations).
  • Were there differences between education for boys and for girls 50 + years ago? If so, what were they? 
  • Our town's history - why it was built where it is, who lived there.
  • What type of jobs did men and women typically do 50+ years ago?
  • The biggest manmade or natural disaster in our local history.
  • Headline stories from our local newspapers 50+ years ago.
  • How festivals and important events (birthdays, weddings, Christmas, Easter...) were celebrated in my family many years ago.
  • Food fads or food fashions - how have they changed over the years? TV dinner anyone? What about a smoothie?
  • Prepare a typical 1950s desert as a demonstration speech.
  • How has food preparation changed over the last 25 years? Over the last 100 years?
  • Check out the family photographs. How has clothing changed through the years? For babies? For girls? For boys? For adults?
  • Ask your grandparents about what household chores they did on a regular basis. How does that compare with what you do?
  • Did your grandparents get an allowance? If so, how much was it, and what did they do with it?
  • What are differences between the house or apartment that your grandparents grew up in and the one you live in?
  • What household items held pride of place 50+ years ago?  
  • The history of my first and last name - where it came from, what it means and how it's changed over the years.
  • A walk through a typical 1950s/1960s/1970s school day. Were they really "the best days of our lives"?
  • How has classroom discipline changed over the last 100 years?
  • How have the subjects taught in schools changed over the last 50+ years?
  • What school activities and sports were common 50+ years ago? 
  • Word fashion (the current slang) - what's in, what's out. Examples from bygone eras and present day.
  • The origin of local place names - how places get their names, why they stick, or change.
  • What jobs are no longer needed in your area because of modern technology?
  • How has going shopping changed over the last 3 decades?
  • Have attitudes around money and possessions changed over the last 50 + years in your community?  
  • How did the area you live in cope with the 1918 Spanish Flu Epidemic? How does that compare with what happened during the height of the Covid Pandemic?
  • What is the predominant cultural background of the community you live in?
  • What languages are part of the linguistic history of your area? In what ways are they seen and heard today?
  • What traditions have been passed down the generations in your family or community?
  • What service organizations were active in the community 50 + years ago? What did they do? How did they help?
  • What religions were practiced in your community 50 + years ago?  Has that changed? How?
  • What were attitudes in your community towards people who were seen as 'different' 50 + years ago?
  • What were the most common ways of meeting new people and socializing 50 + years ago in your community?
  • Tell the history of an local historic building or monument. 
  • What was the latest music 20/50/100 years ago?
  • What were the biggest social issues 50 + years ago in your area? Have things changed?
  • How have historical events directly affected your family and community?
  • What were the commonest methods of transport 50 + years ago in the area. What changes have there been?
  • Tell the story of a local character or hero.
  • What were the major natural features of the landscape in your area before towns and cities were built?
  • What were the native animals, birds, trees and other plants in the area  a long time ago? Has that changed? 
  • How have people changed the local natural landscape? For better? Or for worse? 
  • This day in history - a slice of major events from around the world for the date you are giving your speech.

Just plain weird: unusual speech topics

Things, natural or man-made, are often labeled weird or strange because we have never seen, considered or experienced them before. These "new" things become objects of fascination triggering responses varying from awe to disgust. Either way, "good" or "bad" weird jolts a person out their accepted ordinary/normal world, challenging them to consider something different.

Weird things, old and new, can be really interesting and stimulating!

Image: tiger-budgie Text: 100% pure weird

61 weird speech topic suggestions

Quirky clothing/body adornment fashions : some very old, some much newer!

Show and tell the story behind:

  • powdered wigs - why men and women wore them
  • bustles - Why did women wear especially shaped padding ( bustles ) to hold out their skirts at the back?
  • crinolines - Why would a woman from the Victorian era want to wear a wide, bell-shaped, steel-hooped cage under her skirts?
  • panniers - Why did women in the 18th century broaden their skirts at the sides with panniers? 
  • chopines - The first platform shoes, popular in 16th & 17th century. Were they worn to avoid the dirt in the streets or for prestige?
  • lotus shoes - tiny jeweled slippers to fit the bound feet of Chinese women. Find out more: The consequence of foot binding . 
  • cod pieces - a male garment originally worn to conceal and protect genitals dating from the 15th century that became something so much more  
  • corsets - a garment worn by men and women to support and shape the body. In the 19th century their wide-spread use by women caused them major health issues.
  • bombasts - a 16th century practice of wearing padded clothing to enhance/exaggerate the body's natural shape
  • the cockade - a symbol of freedom - originally worn by French soldiers
  • ruffs - a detachable collar that grew larger and more elaborate
  • winkle picker shoes - Who were the men who wore them?   The history of winkle pickers 
  • body piercings - the different types of piercings, and their origin
  • tattoos -trace its history across cultures, its meanings, the wide spread use of tattoos, how to remove a tattoo
  • statement jewelry - the history of jewelry to show status  - wedding rings, engagement rings, crowns, chains of office, the use of precious stones

Are they hoarders or collectors? Why do some people collect things like: unopened bottles of coca cola, album covers, newspapers, playing cards, cigarette packets, menus, garden ornaments, old pens, comics, paper table napkins, autographs, branded memorabilia eg. McDonalds happy toys, Barbie dolls, hair clips, salt and pepper shakers ...

Find out. Do an interview. Take some photos.

Weird beliefs - research and present one or two beliefs you find the strangest. Who believed them?  When were they believed? Where? What country? Can you explain the reason why? 

  • that cigarettes were good for health
  • that the earth was flat and you could fall off its edge
  • that trains went so fast they literally rattled people's brains, making them insane
  • that washing hands before surgery was unnecessary
  • that some races and cultures are superior to others
  • that eugenics (controlled breeding in humans) is an acceptable way to eliminate inheritable characteristics seen as undesirable 
  • that disease was spread by smell
  • that the sun was the center of the universe
  • that seatbelts in cars were unnecessary
  • that a woman's role in life is to make her husband happy

Very strange animals, birds, fish or insects - what are the weirdest, where do they live, what do they eat? 

Here's ten remarkable creatures to get you started.

  • axolotls (Mexican Walking Fish)
  • flightless cormorants
  • long wattled umbrella birds
  • assassin bugs
  • stick insects
  • shoebill storks

Weird inventions - What was it? Who invented it? When, where and why?

Some inventions are truly weird. They were when they were thought up and made, and they still are now. Others were thought weird at first but today are regarded as impossible to live without. 

Investigate any of these:

  • The bicycle - It was considered a dangerous fad.
  • Talkies - talking in the movies. That was thought a gimmick.
  • Mono-wheeled motorbikes
  • Automobiles
  • The saluting device for perfect salutations
  • The hug me pillow and other 'clever' devices, like hairy stockings
  • Electric lamps or light bulbs
  • Personal computers
  • Vaccinations

Strange sports : where are they played, when, by whom, and how. For example:

  • wife carrying
  • egg and cheese rolling (two separate sports)

(The oddness of a sport is often a matter of perspective. If you've never heard of it, or seen it played before, then it may seem weird to you. However to the people involved, either as participants or observers, the sport is accepted as normal, frequently without question.)  

  • Fact or fiction? Choose an interesting true story to retell that seems unbelievable.
  • Trivia: little bits of often useless information. Why does it fascinate? 
  • Research and present little known awe inspiring facts about the functioning of our bodies. 
  • Urban myths - what are they, examples, how are they spread and why are they believed?
  • Weird people. Find out about famous eccentrics: people who have decided to live life on their own terms. 
  • Why do records like the largest man in the world, the longest fingernails, or the greatest number of pies eaten in an hour fascinate people?
  • How many other people share your name? Where are they in the world and what do they do?
  • Weird coincidences - Is it fate, the super-natural at work, or is it really a series of freak coincidences? 
  • Weird professions - passed and present. For example being employed as a rat catcher, chimney sweep, mud lark, lamp lighter, bicycle courier, doula, video game tester, mobile app developer 
  • Weird buildings - For example, the basket building in USA,  the egg shaped office building in India, or the bubble house in France.

Trading places

Image: vintage drawing of a man swinging from a rope upside down. Text: Good life lessons - getting a different perspective, looking from another angle.

Age old wisdom says there would be fewer misunderstandings and arguments if we learned to see the world from the each others perspectives. We would be less quick to judge, more tolerant and more understanding if we saw and felt how it was to walk in the shoes of another person.

Looking from a different perspective broadens and deepens our thinking.

The 5 topic suggestions below span personal through to major world events. Ask yourself, how would it be if I was there or, if this person was me? What would I think? What would I feel?

5 from another perspective speech topics 

  • In XXX {insert the name of a country eg Japan, Samoa, Chile} in XXX {insert the year or century eg the 19th century} a day in the life of a person my age would be ...
  • A day in my Mother's/Father's life at the same age I am now. Where did your parents live? Town or country? In a house or an apartment? How did they get to school? What did they study? What chores did they have to do daily?  
  • Retell an historical event as if you were there and part of it. Choose an event you find interesting eg. the fall of the Berlin Wall, granting women the right to vote, the death of Martin Luther King ...
  • Tell how a major invention or medical break-through changed lives as if you were there. Eg. the development of the smart phone, bionic prosthesis, laser surgery ...  
  • If I was {insert a word of your choice - eg. homeless, physically disabled in some way - blind, deaf, reliant on a mobility scooter ...} my experience of the world would be changed. How? What issues would you face? How would you meet them?

What were the beginnings or the origins of...?

There is a story behind everything and some of them are really interesting!

For instance the Christmas tradition of kissing under mistletoe (a plant that grows on trees) dates way back to the time of the Druids who thought it had mystical powers. It was supposed to bring good luck and keep evil spirits away.

In Norse mythology it signified love and friendship, hence the kissing! And, dear reader, of course there is more to find out. Enough to prepare an interesting, entertaining speech.

The same applies to all the other topic suggestions below.

Image: traditional Xmas card. Text: Christmas traditions: carols, food, presents, trees ...

19 speech topics exploring origins

  • Christmas celebrations or any aspect of them eg. cards, carols, gift giving, special food ...
  • Easter celebrations (or any other widely observed customary celebration)
  • Table manners or eating etiquette. How do "good" table manners vary from culture to culture? Why were they developed in the first place? 
  • Common sayings eg. "to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth" or "the salt of the earth"
  • Types of music eg. rock and roll, jazz, hip hop ...
  • Types of art eg. folk art, sculpture, pottery, theater ...
  • Postal stamps or money
  • Softball, grid iron or any other sport
  • The current governmental system
  • Zodiac signs
  • Beauty Queen pageants
  • Modern warfare
  • Education - schooling in your country or your area
  • Card or board games 
  • Advertising
  • Television soaps. What's the story behind those long running TV serials?
  • Print - books, newspapers
  • Journalism - where did it start?
  • Language - how does it develop?

Avoiding the procrastination trap

The time is now! 

Having looked through all these potentially  good speech  topics  please don't fall into the  procrastination trap!

Tomorrow - (definition) - When everything finally gets done. Eg. I'll do this speech tomorrow!

Make yourself a  short list  of at least  three possibilities  and thinking about your audience, the main purpose of your speech and your personal interest or enthusiasm for each of them, whittle your list down to the best one.

Points you'll want to consider as part of your decision making are:

  • the time you have to prepare your speech
  • how much you know about the topic already. Do you need to do lots of research, or some? Is the research easy to do?
  • the angle you intend to use - is it persuasive, informative, humorous, unconventional, potentially shocking or upsetting, quirky? How does that fit with your audience's needs and if your speech is for a classroom assignment, the guidelines you have been given?

More places to find interesting speech topics

If you really are stuck for a topic that resonates with you check these sources out.

  • magazines for specialist opinion pieces
  • the top news sites, blogs - for commentary on political events, natural disasters, social issues
  • radio - community, country and world news plus commentary and analysis
  • television for documentaries and indepth reportage
  • bulletin boards in your own community - for current topical events eg a meeting to discuss the implication of closing the local mine or the impact of raising the cost of public transport
  • your family and friends
  • Listening to the conversations around you and observing closely what you see.
  • This site! Click this link - speech topics - to find many more pages full of interesting speech ideas.

How to get better grades for your speech

What does your teacher long to hear.

I taught high-school level English for many years and over that time listened to hundreds of speeches.

Those students I gave an A grade to got them because their:

  • topic was interesting. They'd either found an original angle to present known material or found a "new" topic.
  • speech was tailored for the audience. It was relevant to them and personalized.
  • presentation was well structured. It had a good opening, body and conclusion.
  • delivery had been rehearsed. They knew their speech. The use of props or additional material was appropriate and well integrated into the flow of the speech.
  • audience listened and enjoyed what they heard.

You are welcome to use my  speech evaluation checklist  as a guide to help you prepare an A grade speech of your own.

To prepare, structure & deliver your speech use these pages:

  • how to write a speech  You'll find full explanations and examples of the step by step process needed to get you safely from choosing your topic to presenting the speech itself.
  • voice image   Did you know your voice is an important part of giving your speech? The quality of your voice can make the difference between being listened to and not. Go to the  voice image   page. Read and follow the links to find out how you can optimize your vocal delivery.

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  • vocal variety Use tone, pitch, pause and pace to deliver your speech effectively. An interesting speech topic is a great start. It would be shame to waste it and the work you've done through weak delivery!
  • Return to the top of the page   

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12 Inspirational Speeches That Teach You the Most Valuable Life Lessons

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The most valuable thing an experienced person has is their experience. People make mistakes, learn from them, and adapt their life around them to become better people. Those people would then tell tales to others to help teach those lessons so that others would not have to make the same mistakes.

People still tell these stories today but in a slightly different format — they use speeches to express their experiences. Here are some valuable life lessons you can learn from some of the greatest inspirational speeches:

1. JK Rowling teaches us to not fear failure no matter how bad things become

It is a well-known fact that JK Rowling’s now-famous Harry Potter series was turned down by several publishers before it was finally picked up. Those publishers are likely kicking themselves in the pants right now. However, before that, JK Rowling was in a fairly dire situation and was on the brink of failure. Despite being turned down time and time again, she kept trying. Her efforts paid off. Harry Potter is now a ubiquitous character in today’s world culture. Despite failing over and over again, Rowling kept trying and fulfilled her dreams. You can watch her deliver some valuable life lessons in her Harvard commencement speech video above.

2. Steve Jobs teaches us to never settle

Steve Jobs had a fairly tumultuous life. He co-founded Apple, was kicked out of the company, came back, and then re-defined the mobile phone space with the iPhone. Even if iPhones aren’t the rage they once were, its iconic value is forever written in stone. One thing Jobs never did was settle. He lived life on his own terms and was rewarded for it by being dubbed one of the most revolutionary voices in technology of our time. In the Stanford commencement speech above, Jobs explains how you should never settle for what someone else wants out of your life. It’s your life and you should do what you want with it.

3. Admiral William H McRaven teaches us to make our beds every day

Anyone who has gone through the basic training of a military service will tell you it’s pretty difficult. However, every seemingly obnoxious step is actually a life lesson in disguise. This even applies to flawlessly making one’s bed every single morning. As Admiral William H McRaven teaches us, recruits are taught to make their beds every morning to remind them that even the little things in life matter. After all, how can you be expected to handle the biggest obstacles in your life if you can’t even handle the small and the mundane like making your bed every day? You can watch the entire speech in the video above.

4. Author David Foster Wallace teaches us that we’re a part of a greater existence

David Foster Wallace found fame in 1987 with his book The Broom of the System . Nearly 20 years later in 2005 he game a commencement speech at Kenyon College that is worth listening to at least once. In his speech, he reminds us that was are but a part of a huge, dynamic, ever changing interaction of life forms. In order to truly experience life, we need to leave our personal bubbles and interact with others even if it’s in an unpleasant way. Wallace states, “It will actually be within your power to experience a crowded, hot, slow, consumer-hell type situation as not only meaningful, but sacred, on fire with the same force that made the stars: love, fellowship, the mystical oneness of all things deep down.” You can watch the whole speech above.

5. Stephen Colbert teaches us that life isn’t something you can plan

If there is anyone who knows about improvisation, it’s comedian Stephen Colbert. In his commencement speech at Northwestern University in 2011, Colbert reminded students that you cannot plan life. Life throws too many curve balls. There are too many unpredictable things that can happen. The most successful and happy people are not those who have a plan, but those who can roll with the punches and overcome the obstacles. He goes on to site his time as an improv comic and how all of the actors working together to create a scene out of literally nothing are all working for one another. He states that like improv comedy, you don’t know what happens next in life. You just make it up as you go along. You can watch the whole speech above.

6. Kurt Vonnegut teaches us to not sweat the small stuff

Some of our younger readers may not know Kurt Vonnegut. He is a famous author that found of of his success during the middle of last century. In 1999, Kurt Vonnegut was at Agnes Scott College giving a commencement speech. During the speech, he mentioned that in order to live a more complete life, people needed to let stuff go. He argued that you cannot reasonably expect others to forgive you for your mistakes if you cannot forgive others and that you cannot live life fostering a personal vendetta against others.

7. Neil Gaiman teaches us that success can be distracting.

Neil Gaiman is most known for his work in a number of literary mediums including journalism, comic books, and novels. In 2012, Gaiman gave a speech at the University of the Arts where he talked about success. He stated that when you become successful, you may be unintentionally swayed from performing the actions that made you successful. Gaiman recalled his early success and how he felt pressured to answer emails all day long and it actually prevented him from writing as much as he wanted. So he reminds us to keep doing what makes us successful and to not let others get in the way.

8. Barack Obama’s life lessons teaches us that you really can beat the odds

We know that not everyone likes Barack Obama but that doesn’t mean the man can’t deliver an amazing speech. In this 2004 keynote speech at the Democratic National Convenction, Obama reminds that it is possible to beat the odds and become something great. He cites his own upbringing as an example and how he was never expected to make it as far as he did. It shows that when you’re passionate about something and when you try hard enough, you can accomplish almost anything. It’s important to note that Obama talks about this in 2004 and would become the President of the United States just four years later.

9. Robin Roberts reminds us that we each have the courage to overcome challenges

Robin Roberts knows a thing or two about courage. She is a breast cancer survivor and has done battle with a rare blood disease called myelodysplastic syndrome. Her sister once had to donate bone marrow just so Robin could remain alive. She was also ESPN’s first African American broadcaster in the early 1990’s. She’s a woman who works in an industry predominately populated by men. So when Robin Roberts takes the stage at the ESPYs and delivers a short lecture on having courage, we would do well to listen!

10. Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us that some things are more important than success

We all know the story of Martin Luther King Jr. So much so that we have a day of the year to celebrate him as a national holiday here in the United States. Most of us have listening to segments of his famous speech where he told the world about a dream he had. The main message of his famous speech is that racial inequalities needed to end and he was absolutely right. However, he also reminds us that there are things that are more important than success such as equal rights and treating each other with respect and kindness. If you somehow made it through school without watching the famous speech, we’ve got it linked above.

11. Jim Carrey reminds us that even if you keep it safe, you can still fail so you might as well go big

Jim Carrey delivered a commencement speech at Maharishi University recently that went absolutely viral. You may know it as the one minute video that will change your life. They weren’t lying but they weren’t telling the whole truth because the speech was actually 28 minutes long. During the speech, Carrey talks about his father who wanted to be a comedian but decided to take the safe route and become an accountant. As it turns out, his father was laid off and his family ended up poor anyway. With that, Carrey tells us that you can still end up failing even if you play it safe so you might as well swing for the fences and do what you want to do.

12. Bill Murray teaches us that it’s the hard times that determine if someone really loves you

You may have heard the story about Bill Murray crashing someone’s bachelor party and delivering a speech. It turns out the speech was both short and fairly epic. During the speech, Bill Murray challenged the bachelors to travel around the world with the women they love and go to places that are difficult to go to and deal with. He says if you can get back to the United States and you still love each other, then you should get married right then and there. It’s a great message. It’s easy to love one another when times are good but do you still love each other when the times are bad? If so, that’s true love according to Bill Murray.

Final thoughts

Inspiration comes from everywhere and from anyone. There are a countless number of speeches and stories that can teach us an incalculable number of life lessons.

All these speeches almost share the same message: Don’t be afraid to fail and keep trying.

If you also want to live your best life like the above successful people, this is what you should start doing:

You’ll Only Live Your Best Life Once You Step Out

At the end of the day, everything is inspirational. It’s just a matter of finding the message that we need to hear to change our lives.

Featured photo credit: Miguel Henriques via unsplash.com

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Speech on Life Experience

Life experience shapes who you are. It’s the rich tapestry of events, emotions, and interactions that color your world.

Every moment, good or bad, adds a unique thread to this tapestry. It’s your own personal journey, full of lessons and memories that are yours alone.

1-minute Speech on Life Experience

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, let’s talk about ‘Life Experience’. We all have it. It’s like a big, colorful painting we make every day. Each day adds a new color, a new shape to our painting. It’s our own art, telling our special story.

Our life experiences start the moment we open our eyes for the first time. We learn to walk, talk, and play. We learn to love and to share. These are our first life experiences. They are special and important. They shape us, teaching us the basics of life.

As we grow older, so does our painting. We start to go to school, meet friends, learn new things. We sometimes win, sometimes lose. But every experience adds a new stroke to our painting. It helps us grow, become stronger, smarter, kinder.

Remember, every experience is important, whether good or bad. They shape our painting, our life story. So let’s embrace them. Let’s accept every color, every shape they bring. Because, in the end, they make our painting, our story, unique and special.

2-minute Speech on Life Experience

Life is like a thrilling book. Each day is a new page, filled with adventures, lessons, and experiences that shape us into the people we are today. Life experiences, big or small, are the brushes that color our canvas of life. They are the stories we tell, the lessons we learn, and the wisdom we gain.

Let’s start by looking at the adventures life offers us. Each step we take outside our comfort zone is a step towards a new adventure. Be it trying a new food, learning a new skill, or making a new friend, every new thing we do adds a unique hue to our life. These adventures make our life vibrant and exciting. They teach us to be brave, to embrace change, and most importantly, they show us that life is full of endless possibilities.

Now, let’s talk about learning from life. Life, dear friends, is the biggest teacher. It’s full of lessons that textbooks can’t teach us. Every experience, be it joyful or tough, comes with its lesson. A lost game teaches us resilience, a won race instills confidence, a failed test teaches us the power of hard work. With each lesson, we grow a little more, understand a little better, and become a little wiser.

Next, life experiences also bring wisdom. Wisdom is not just about knowing what’s right or wrong. It’s about understanding life, people, and situations. It’s about learning to make decisions that are best for us. Life experiences, with their twists and turns, guide us on this path of wisdom. They help us understand the world around us, they help us grow from within, and they help us become better individuals.

Finally, life experiences create our unique stories. Each one of us has a different story to tell, a different journey to share. These stories are shaped by our experiences. They define us, they make us who we are. Our life experiences, our stories, are our greatest assets. They set us apart, they make us unique.

In conclusion, life experiences are the threads that weave the tapestry of our lives. They give us adventures to seek, lessons to learn, wisdom to gain, and stories to tell. They make our lives rich and meaningful. So let’s not shy away from new experiences. Let’s embrace them, learn from them, and grow with them. Because, at the end of the day, it’s these experiences that truly define our journey of life.

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speech topic life

Speech Topics in English for Students and Children

Many times we have wanted our voices to be heard and also inspire others with our ideas and thoughts. However, we aren’t able to do so in the correct manner sometimes. It is mostly because one fails to find the right words at the right times. That is why we have speeches. They help you attract the attention of the audience and make people listen to you. In school and college, speech topics become a part of our lives. While it is comparatively easy to write an essay, to deliver a speech is an entirely different thing. Proper persuasive speech topics can help you inform and convince your target audience. In order to do that, you need to do thorough research and state valid points to make a good impression.

When we talk about persuasive speech topics, it is important to note that they must inform, educate, convince or motivate your audience. In other words, you will be influencing them to accept your point of view. The finest persuasive speech topics are always stimulating, daring and very crisp and clear. Always remember to choose an interesting persuasive speech topic. It will help attract the attention of the listener or reader from the start to the end. Moreover, make sure to have ample knowledge about the topics, which will assist you in counter-questioning.

When choosing your persuasive speech topic, make sure it is familiar so you can prepare it easily. Further, your audience must care about the topic and must be able to easily visualize them. The main point is to make sure to not choose something that is overdone. Emotional topics help stimulate more emotions and give better chances of achieving the desired outcome.

Types of Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Factual Persuasive Speech – Use facts and figures to prove whether the topic is true or false
  • Value Persuasive Speech – Argues whether something is morally correct or not
  • Policy Persuasive Speech – Speeches that try to advance policies, laws and more.

There are a lot of persuasive speech topics that we consider interesting enough to be chosen as given below. All these persuasive speech topics are relevant and will remain so for a long time. When it comes to choosing persuasive speech topics, your options are infinite. We have compiled some of the best ones to help you make a good impression.

Toppr has done all the thorough research on your behalf so you can solely focus on delivering the speech excellently. In this article, we have listed out numerous important speech topics from various categories for special occasions, on prominent leaders, motivational, persuasive speech topics and more. They are appropriate for everyone from school students to college ones. Our vast collections of speech topics ensure you find anything and everything that you are looking for. Following is a great list of speech topics divided into different categories like persuasive speech topics and more for a better and quick search:

Persuasive Speech Topics

List of 100+ Speech Topics for Students and Children

List of persuasive speech topics.

  • Will punishing bullies help?
  • How to speak confidently in public?
  • Do exam results alone determine a child’s worth?
  • Do video games promote violence?
  • How to overcome the fear of Maths?
  • Should schools have longer recess time?
  • Should schools make swimming lessons mandatory?
  • What is the best age to own a mobile phone?
  • What is better: Paper books or E-Books?
  • How to overcome exam fever?

List of Persuasive Speech Topics on Environment

  • How will recycling help us?
  • Should there be a ban on smoking in public places?
  • Should zoos be banned?
  • Should there be a ban on animal testing?
  • Will banning plastic bags help?
  • Should exotic animals be kept as pets?
  • Is the government doing enough to tackle Global Warming?
  • How to control water pollution?
  • What is better: Buying pets or Adoption?
  • Why Elephant riding is unethical?

Speech Topics about Prominent Leaders

  • APJ Abdul Kalam Speech
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Speech
  • Lal Bahadur Shastri Speech
  • Mahatma Gandhi Speech
  • Speech On Swami Vivekananda

Speech Topics about Yourself

  • My Aim In Life Speech
  • My Mother Speech
  • My School Life Speech
  • My School Speech

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Speech Topics on Environment and Nature

  • Climate Change Speech
  • Global Warming Speech
  • Save Environment Speech
  • Save Water Speech
  • Speech About Nature
  • Speech On Air Pollution
  • Speech On Deforestation
  • Speech On Disaster Management
  • Speech On Environment
  • Speech On Importance Of Water
  • Speech On Pollution
  • Speech On Waste Management
  • Speech On Water
  • Speech On Water Pollution
  • Speech On World Environment Day

Speech Topics on Festivals and Events

  • Speech on Ambedkar Jayanti
  • Children’s Day Speech
  • Christmas Day Speech
  • Gandhi Jayanti Speech
  • Hindi Diwas Speech
  • Human Rights Day Speech
  • Independence Day Speech
  • International Women’s Day Speech
  • Labour Day Speech
  • Mother’s Day Speech
  • Speech On Baisakhi
  • Speech On Diwali
  • Speech On World Population Day
  • Teachers Day Celebration Speech
  • Teachers Day Speech
  • Welcome Speech For Independence Day
  • Tryst With Destiny

Speech Topics on Proverbs

  • Health Is Wealth Speech
  • Knowledge Is Power Speech
  • Laughter Is The Best Medicine Speech
  • Speech On Unity Is Strength

Speech Topics for Special Occasions

  • Best Man Speech
  • Best Farewell Speech
  • Annual Function Speech
  • Farewell Speech For Colleague
  • Retirement Farewell Speech
  • Thank You Speech
  • Thank You Speech For Award
  • Thank You Speech For Birthday
  • Thank You Speech For Farewell
  • Vote Of Thanks Speech
  •  Welcome Speech For Republic Day
  • Welcome Speech For Annual Function
  • Welcome Speech For College Function
  • Welcome Speech For Conference
  • Welcome Speech For Event
  • Welcome Speech For Farewell

Speech Topics on Social Issues

  • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Speech
  • Clean India Speech
  • Organ Donation Speech
  • Road Safety Speech
  • Speech On Child Labour
  • Speech On Agriculture
  • Speech On Cleanliness
  • Speech On Corruption
  • Women Empowerment Speech
  • Speech On Unemployment

Speech Topics about Education

  • Importance Of Education Speech
  • Speech on Education
  • Speech On Books
  • Speech On Education System In India
  • Speech On Girls Education
  • Value Of Education Speech

Speech Topics for Kids

  • Doctor Speech
  • Speech On Money
  • Speech On Mother
  • Speech On Music
  • Speech On Respect
  • Speech On Sports
  • Speech On Sports And Games
  • Speech On the Importance of Teacher in Our Lives
  • Speech About Friendship
  • Speech On India
  • Speech On Junk Food
  • Speech On Grandparents

Speech Topics on Public Speaking Topics

  • Speech On Article 370
  • Speech On Constitution Of India
  • Election Speech
  • Leadership Speech
  • Political Speech
  • Speech About Youth
  • Speech On Fashion
  • Speech On Generation Gap
  • Speech On Indian Army
  • Speech On Indian Culture
  • Speech On Internet
  • Speech On Technology
  • Speech On Unity
  • Speech On Yoga
  • Speech On Travel And Tourism
  • Speech On Health
  • Speech On Importance Of Cleanliness

List of Persuasive Speech Topics on Education

  • Should school uniforms be banned?
  • Should we allow mobile phones in school?
  • Co-Education has more benefits or drawbacks?
  • What is better: Rote learning or Hands-on Learning?
  • Boarding schools are better than Day schools?
  • Dropping a year helps students or not?
  • Are PowerPoint presentations a waste of time?
  • Having the same grading system for all students, is it fair?
  • Should it be mandatory for all schools to have a canteen?
  • Are smart classes beneficial to students?

Motivational Speech Topics

  • Speech About Dreams
  • Speech About Life
  • Speech On Time
  • Speech On Discipline
  • Speech On Happiness
  • Speech On Kindness
  • Speech On Value Of Time
  • Speech On Health And Fitness

Tips for Writing a Speech

It does not matter if you have the most innovative ideas if you don’t execute them well in your speech. A good speech always invokes emotion, is well-researched and addresses relevant subjects. In order to write a good speech, make sure to follow the points given below:

Structure: Always remember to have a definite structure when you begin writing your speech. It is a frame that will give shape to your speech and help keep you on track. Jot down all ideas coming to your mind and then connect them so that each part has something interesting to keep the audience intrigued.

Vocabulary: A speech is meant for an audience that is filled with different types of people. You need to make sure you are using the right words so your message is conveyed successfully to each and every one. Only the right words can express and highlight your message. Thus, the level of complexity must match the level of the audience of your speech.

Relatable: Your speech is what you make of it, if your speech has incredible points but you don’t deliver it well, it won’t work. Try to include relatable things in the speech to make everyone comfortable and deliver it in a humanized manner so the audience relates to you as well as your speech.

Examples: When you use examples, it helps support and proves your point in a better manner. It also helps convince the audience and result in better engagement. Try using just enough examples so people buy what you are offering and also to add that emotional edge to your speech.

Short: The worst thing you can do to your audience is to deliver a long speech. Do not try too hard and sum up your views in a short and informative speech. In fact, the longer you take, the more mistakes you will make. When someone is investing their time to listen to you, make sure it is worth it.

To sum it up, a good speech requires time and effort. Try to pick the right topic if it’s in your hand and express your thoughts and opinions freely, without any hesitance. Consistency is key, you won’t get it perfect the first time, but eventually, you will get there.

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Speech for Students

  • Speech on India for Students and Children
  • Speech on Mother for Students and Children
  • Speech on Air Pollution for Students and Children
  • Speech about Life for Students and Children
  • Speech on Disaster Management for Students and Children
  • Speech on Internet for Students and Children
  • Speech on Generation Gap for Students and Children
  • Speech on Indian Culture for Students and Children
  • Speech on Sports for Students and Children
  • Speech on Water for Students and Children

16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

this was very helpful it saved my life i got this at the correct time very nice and helpful

This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

Great !!!! It is an advanced definition and detail about Pollution. The word limit is also sufficient. It helped me a lot.

This is very good

Very helpful in my speech

Oh my god, this saved my life. You can just copy and paste it and change a few words. I would give this 4 out of 5 stars, because I had to research a few words. But my teacher didn’t know about this website, so amazing.

Tomorrow is my exam . This is Very helpfull

It’s really very helpful

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Very much helpful and its well crafted and expressed. Thumb’s up!!!

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Speech on Life in Simple and Easy Words

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Table of Contents

Clearly, life is the most precious gift given to us by God and it’s up to us in which direction we would like to take it. We can either make it or break it through our actions. So it’s a very pertinent topic to address either in school, college, office or on a public platform. As we see these days, our youth wasting their lives and whiling away their time recklessly, it of course has become a serious cause of concern for us. So prepare an effective speech on life and try to influence people through your good thoughts. If you are a student, then you can deliver a short speech on life and invite suggestion from your peers as to what they think about life and create a healthy discussion. If you are a public face, then long speech on life can be prepared to address the people.

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Long and Short Speeches on Life

Speech on life – 1.

Good Morning Students – How’re you all doing?

Today, let’s make this class a little more special by not discussing your syllabus or exams, but discussing a profound topic which everyone can relate with, i.e. Life. Do you know what life is? How would you define life?

Students, we should all thank God every single day for giving us this life and another day to work towards our goals. We are all unique individuals and no one is born like you and no one will ever be, so cherish your individuality. Many times, I come across people blaming God for things that they don’t have and cursing their lives, but little do they realize that this life itself is precious if we make it worth living and work hard.

Life itself is an opportunity to live a meaningful life and enable others to do so. It, therefore, doesn’t matter for how many years you live all that matters is a quality of life and how well you live your life. Plus, how many lives you have been able to touch by giving them encouragement and love.

On the second thought, the fear of death always hovers over our lives. Everyone has to face death sooner or later, but that doesn’t mean that it should deter us from living life to the fullest or achieving our goals. A person is wise only when he/she is prepared to meet the doom when it comes, but till that time enjoys every bit of it. It is a sense of preparedness. It is a journey in everyone’s life wherein we have to traverse the bridge of death to be able to wake up to a life eternal.

And believe it or not, but the secret of life is best known to those who are not attached to anything profoundly so much so that they remain out of touch with worries as well as shifting fortunes of life. These are the people who do not measure their lives in terms of materialistic possessions, but by measuring their lives in terms of people they cannot live without.

Life is also about stewardship, it is being given to us by God in the form of trust that we will make it meaningful in whatever we can. Such a thought at the back of our mind will always remind us that we are answerable to God every time, for opportunities, treasure and talent he has gifted us with.

This is attuned with the words of Jesus, who said, “Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” The other truth is that wrong things taking place in this world will be made right and that God will take care of his children and good deeds will certainly be rewarded.

It is this thinking that makes life worthwhile and it is with the love of our family and friends that life can be made beautiful. Life is also made more beautiful and purposeful by discharging our duties in our family, at work, society and the world at large.

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Speech on Life – 2

Hello Friends – Warm Greetings of the Day!!

Today, I am here to address the topic called ‘Life’. Life is like a roller coaster ride and is never the same. It has its share of ups and downs, but everyone strives to remain happy and wishes to lead a perfect life. Some people aspire for an attractive job, some for a flourishing business, some for a healthy life, and the list just goes on. We want to build our family in the best way possible and want to make such friends who can stand by us through thick and thin.

We want to have all the material possessions that life offers us and wish all our problems to simply disappear. So everyone wishes for a great life which could be at different levels. For instance, one person may define life in a way with which other person cannot relate and for him/her it can be just having 3 course meals in a day and having a roof over his/her head. For some other person, it could be having a big house or may be a huge bank balance in their banks.

But in the present times, priorities are changing and so are people’s requirements. With high-paid jobs and increasing materialistic desires, the level of stress is also increasing. So with an increasing level of stress, people are facing severe medical conditions and are finding themselves unable to cope with the challenges that life throws on them. As a result of which, suicide rate and cases of early deaths are increasing. So having a stress-free life is what one wishes for. This is the basic human desire.

If one has to put up with constant struggle and show resistance, it results in the crippling of their souls and makes such people detached from life. They become drained of energy and to them it feels as if they are running a constant marathon. Life then becomes too hard to handle. But it’s our perception that shapes reality and our lives as well. Life certainly throws challenges and hurdles, but those who have sheer will power emerge triumphant and never give up no matter how hard the circumstances may become.

Life is definitely not a cake walk and it’s indeed very normal to get discouraged and broken. But it is important to rise against all odds and continue doing your best because it is certain that giving up is not the solution and constant endeavors definitely take you somewhere and of course closer to your dreams.

The only mantra for a successful life is to have faith in your own self and never bow down to the testing situations. Only that person will reap the fruit of the labor, who will put all his/her might in pursuing his/her dreams. So embrace your situation happily and find your way in the chaos. If life is difficult then also prove that so are you and success will then definitely touch your feet.

This is all I have to say, thank you everyone!

Speech on Life – 3

Good Morning one and all!

I warmly welcome everyone to this yet another session on Yoga and Meditation. But before our yoga guru begins with his session, I – Kamalkant Sharma – your host for today would like to deliver a succinct speech on Life. Since yoga is very much associated with life and helps in improving upon its quality, it is also important to talk about its different facets and how it can be made better by adopting some healthy measures.

However, if I talk about life, I would say that it’s difficult to define it in a few words. But I would like to share an important axiom, i.e. “Life is a journey and not a destination”. This journey is full of adventure and is never the same all the time. It’s a fascinating mixture of good times and bad times, achievements and disappointments, happiness and sorrow, luxury and struggle, opportunities and frustrations and a lot more. The road of this journey is bumpy and rough to give you a really difficult time and take you by the storm. But people react to such situation differently as some give up, some stumble and fall badly but rise again to win in the end. Thus, life is really about those people who are truly fighters and want to make their way by any means. With this attitude and constant striving, such people become immortal and their stories of bravery become a source of inspiration for others.

On the other hand, life would become very monotonous and dull if you would experience same emotion and there are no challenges to face. Time-tested situation and challenges only help a person to become a better and refined individual because if there would be no difficult situation in life we will not be able to realize our potential and inner strength. So take life as a game, make mistakes and then learn from your mistakes. Perfection lies in imperfection and we all attain our goals by making mistakes. You must struggle to achieve what you want to achieve – whether it’s a good job, big mansion or a huge bank balance – however, don’t do it at the expense of others and by snatching other’s possessions which rightfully belong to them.

Remember that there will be a pain of loss, failures and loneliness but peace shall ensue in the end as it is often said, “There is rainbow after the rain”. Failing every time doesn’t mean that you are a loser ad cannot really achieve anything it could even be that the time is not favoring you. So grab every single opportunity you find in your way and leave no room for regrets and sweat to labor. Life is like a kaleidoscopic picture with multifarious options. You would also discover your world ultimately just keep chasing your dreams and work relentlessly without giving up. There will be times when you will turn completely blank, but remember there is a world out there which is shining bright and beautiful for you.

Standing still is never an option and it will never be!

Speech on Life – 4

Good Morning Friends – How you all are doing?

I warmly welcome you all to today’s speech ceremony and the topic chosen by our committee is ‘Life’. Chances are many of us must have asked this question to ourselves every now and then. The question is eternal and something which we have all been trying to make sense of in this big and bizarre world. And, the question is ‘What is the actual meaning of life?’

No matter which background we hail from, what position we hold and how many zeroes we have to add in our paychecks, etc. for me the true meaning of life is summed up in the word called Service. As Dalai Lama in the following lines revealed to his followers the true meaning or purpose of life: “We are visitors on this planet. We are here for ninety or one hundred years at the very most. During that period, we must try to do something good, something useful with our lives. If you contribute to other people’s happiness, you’ll find the true goal, the true meaning of life.”

This is a philosophy worth taking an inspiration from as immense satisfaction is achieved after helping the poor and needy. A life, lived for only selfish reasons, is not a life in the true sense of the term. The real joy is found at the service of God and humanity, rest is all illusory. However, having said that I would still like to say that it is important to do your Karma and discharge your roles and responsibilities well. It is good to earn hefty packages, have a great social standing and to have materialistic desires too because these are the things that drive a person to work hard and achieve goals.

It’s just that one should know how to strike a balance between your personal desires and acts of philanthropy. Of course, you are not expected to give away your fortune to the needy people, but it is at least expected that we develop a feeling of empathy and compassion towards others. This world should not be constantly taken as a battlefield and life as a battle in itself rather we should live in harmony and spread the message of love and peace everywhere only then will this planet become a safe haven to live in. Even until this time, you aren’t able to make sense of your life or find a true meaning of life; then you can retreat, contemplate/meditate and look within yourself. Repeat this exercise and you will surely be able to find peace and direction in life.

Assess your own situation carefully and try to find out what gives you happiness in life and take steps towards it. If there’s anything that depresses your soul you should try to cut it off from your life. Find your passion and work towards it for we live only once. With this, I would like to end my speech.

Thank you everyone for listening to me patiently!

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The Best Day of My Life Speech for School Students

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  • Updated on  
  • Nov 7, 2023

The Best Day of My Life Speech

We all remember the best days of our lives as these are special days when we experience happiness and joy with our friends and family. It doesn’t matter if you are in a school or in any professional environment, we all have our special moments where highlighting the best days of our lives can serve as a motivation and lesson for people around us. What have you learned from your best days? Do you miss those moments? We bet you do. So let’s bring the joy back where we’ll be providing you with details on how to describe the best day of my life speech in English.

speech topic life

Table of Contents

  • 1 10 Lines Speech on The Best Day of My Life
  • 2 Short Speech on The Best Day of My Life
  • 3 Long Speech on The Best Day of My Life
  • 4 Popular Quotes and Slogans on The Best Day of My Life

Also Read: Speech About Life for Students

10 Lines Speech on The Best Day of My Life

Here are 10 easy lines of speech on the best day of my life which you can discuss with your friends and in school. Here are some examples that you can incorporate in your 10-line speech on the best day of my life.

  • I went on a family vacation on the best day of my life to the nearby amusement park.
  • My mother bought a video game console for me on my 15th birthday.
  • The best day of my life was when I scored the highest marks in my 9th Class.
  • I won the State-level art competition, the best day of my life.
  • Me and my sister gave gifts to our parents during their 20th marriage anniversary, which was the best day of my life.
  • My best day was on 25th Dec 2015 when my father bought new running shoes for me.
  • My teacher gave me a compliment in front of the entire class, making it one of the best days of my life.
  • The best day of my life was when I got my first paycheck.
  • I got a promotion at work, making it the best day of my life.
  • The best days are when me and my family eat dinner together.

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Short Speech on The Best Day of My Life

‘My warm welcome to everyone present here. I’m here to present myself in ‘the best day of my life’ speech.’

‘It all started with an idea to become the fastest sprinter in my district when I was just 13 years old. I ran to my high school sports teacher and told him I wanted to become a sprinter and would work very hard to achieve my goals. He said, ‘Son, you have that energy and positive mindset, which will be your greatest strength to achieve your goals.’

‘After 5 years of rigorous training and winning multiple competitions, my dream finally came true. It’s been 5 years since I started running, and I’ve won multiple competitions. The best day of my life was when I finally achieved my goal of becoming the #1 Sprinter in the entire district. I won a gold medal in the senior boys category and the District Magistrate congratulated me on my success.’

This was the best day of my life, where all my hard work finally paid off and I was looking at the bright sky with a feeling of accomplishment and confidence.’

Long Speech on The Best Day of My Life

Hello and welcome to everyone present here. I’m here to talk about the best day of my life. I’m emotionally attached to all the events that have happened to me. I had a personal challenge where I wanted to become the ‘ideal’ son for my parents. I wanted my family to be proud of me not just with my school grades but with everything I used to do.

Football legend, Cristiano Ronaldo was asked what was the best day of his life. The GOAT replied, ‘It was the day when my son was born.’ 

The best day was when the school principal honored me with the Student of The Year Award for my academic, sports, and overall discipline excellence. My parents had tears in their eyes, their chests pumped up with the feeling of pride and confidence.

I even gave a speech where I talked about the important role my parents played in my life. One can say I made them feel proud, but it was a very big moment for me and my family. I got the opportunity to make my family proud and show my parents that they have raised a son who is capable of overcoming any and every challenge. 

My mother cooks 4 times of meals for the entire family. My father takes care of all the finances; from my academic expenses to everyone’s day-to-day requirements. I don’t consider myself worthy of their love and support if I cannot make them proud. But, I managed to make them feel proud, for they backed me every time I hit the ground. 

I still remember my mother asking me how my school and training were. She even asked me if I was doing enough or do I needed anything else for my training. I consider my family as my greatest strength. We all must make our parents proud not just by working hard but by doing our best every day.
Q: Best day of your life? Cristiano Ronaldo: "When my son was born." pic.twitter.com/a161SG0w2R — Cristiano Ronaldo (@Cr7Fran4ever) January 11, 2017

Popular Quotes and Slogans on The Best Day of My Life

Here are some popular quotes and slogans on the best day of my life. Feel free to use them anywhere.

  • ‘The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.’ – Richard Bach
  • ‘Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.’ – Alice Morse Earle
  • ‘Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.’ – Robert Brault
  • “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” – Maya Angelou
  • ‘Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.’ – Jim Rohn
  • ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it.’ – Abraham Lincoln

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You need to highlight the key elements and emotions of what made it the best day of your life. You can start by telling how the morning was or how you were feeling, and then talk about specific events or moments that made the day extraordinary. It can be any major or minor event that made you emotionally and personally attracted to it. Where you are describing this day, make sure everything you have in store is authentic and genuine. 

To make your speech perfect, you must connect with your audience. A sense of belonging develops when people are able to relate their stories. Even simple moments like family time or picnics, vacations, temple visits, etc. can be counted as memorable days, where you are present as yourself. 

Talk about how you were feeling on that particular day and about your plan. Try to keep simple language where there is room for more information and is entertaining when you talk about it. You are out of time so do not go into details. Just give 7 to 10 seconds of intro and focus on the body of your speech.

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Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

509 Informative Speech Ideas and Topics

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

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How to Choose the Right Informative Topic

Half the battle of presenting a speech or writing an essay is choosing the right topic. Choosing a good informative speech topic or informative essay topic can keep your audience entertained, your reader interested, and your own work process more enjoyable. Here are a few tips to help you choose a topic:

Know your audience or reader: Your informative presentation – whether through speech or essay – should cover a subject not already well known to your audience, but still relevant to them. If you do choose a topic they’re familiar with, then present new and exciting information. Consider the age, knowledge level, and interests of your audience when preparing your informational speech or essay.

Consider your own interests: Think of your own passions and areas of expertise that you think people could benefit from learning more about. Choosing a topic you care about will help your speech or essay be better received. Your passion will keep them engaged and curious to learn more.

Consider length requirements : How much time are you allotted for your informative speech? What is the page requirement for your informative essay? You should be able to thoroughly cover the topic in the amount of time you are given. If you don’t think you have enough knowledge or personal interest to talk about illegal drug use among teens, saving money as a college student, or another informative topic for 20 minutes, you may need to consider a different subject.

The good news is that there are countless options available. Below are lists of informative topics for speeches and essays. Remember that, in order to choose the best informative topic for you, you need to consider your audience, your interests, and your time and length requirements. Then, customize the central idea to suit your situation.

Best 10 Informative Speech Topics

Don’t have time to read our full list of 500+ topic ideas? Here is our list of 10 best informative speech topics.

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  • How to adopt a dog
  • The history of motorcycles
  • The best sales tactics
  • The differences between male and female communication
  • America’s fastest growing cities
  • The importance of education for the economy
  • Different stages of poverty
  • How to cook vegetarian
  • How to keep your skin looking young and wrinkle free
  • The different types of poetry

List of Informative Speech Topics

  • Communication
  • Current Events
  • Environment
  • Food and Drink
  • International Relations
  • National Security


  • Supernatural
  • Demonstration
  • Easy / Simple
  • Interesting
  • Legislation
  • Pop Culture

10 Animal Informative Speech Topics

Animal Informative Speech Topics

  • The role of cats throughout history.
  • Caring for hermit crabs.
  • What are the best pets?
  • The lives of ants.
  • The different types of tropical fish.
  • The different exotic breeds of cats.
  • How to raise rabbits.
  • The beauty of wolves.
  • How to adopt a dog.
  • Raising pet snakes.

See this page for a full list of Speech Topics About Animals .

10 Automotive Informative Speech Topics

automobiles in of series car cars

  • Is it better to buy or lease a car?
  • How to choose the right tires for your car.
  • How to make your car run better.
  • What to look for in a new car.
  • How to change your car’s oil.
  • Dirt bike riding safety tips.
  • How to drive a stick shift.
  • The history of motorcycles.
  • How to change a flat tire.
  • The best muscle cars.

14 Business Informative Speech Topics

Business Informative Speech Topics

  • Taking your brand to the next level with three easy steps: promoting, advertising and marketing.
  • How business owners’ personal characteristics impact their business.
  • What is the impact of training and development on employee job performance?
  • Leadership styles and their effects on employee productivity.
  • Engaged employees result in high retention.
  • Developing personal power in an organization.
  • Impacts of incentives on employee performance.
  • Psychological tactics in marketing.
  • How to create a successful brand.
  • The importance of accounting research.
  • The benefits of enterprise resource planning.
  • The benefits of multilevel marketing.
  • The best sales tactics.
  • How to nail the negotiation in your first meeting.

See this page for a full list of Informative Speech Topics for Business .

8 Communication Informative Speech Topics

Young brothers talking with tin can telephone on grunge backgrou

  • How deaf people talk with emotion.
  • The differences between male and female communication.
  • How to be a persuasive speaker.
  • How to improve your conversation skills.
  • Some simple conversation tips.
  • What is neural linguistic programming (NLP)?
  • Why smiles are contagious.
  • How to manage communicative disorders.

4 Current Events Informative Speech Topics

Current Events Informative Speech Topics

  • America’s fastest growing cities.
  • The Occupy Wall Street movement.
  • Poverty in New York City.
  • What is the national happiness rate?

6 Economy Informative Speech Topics

Economy Informative Speech Topics

  • The history of taxes on carbon dioxide emissions.
  • What would be the impact on economic growth if everyone produced their own food?
  • The impact of progressive taxation on the provision of social services.
  • Economic growth of the People’s Republic of China.
  • The effects of price and demand of agricultural products.
  • The importance of education for the economy.

10 Education Informative Speech Topics

Education Informative Speech Topics

  • How EFL teachers can use the internet as a classroom aid.
  • Should teachers and students be friends on social networks?
  • Why is our education system only based on theory and not practical knowledge?
  • Should students be permitted to eat during classes?
  • The importance of formal education for building a successful career.
  • The pros and cons of teaching students three languages in school.
  • What materials work best in a sandbag for blocking floodwaters?
  • Hypnosis: its misconceptions and common uses.
  • Learning disabilities and their effects on learning in college.
  • Are test scores a good indication of a school’s competency?

See this page for a full list of Informative Persuasive Speech Topics .

10 Environment Informative Speech Topics

Environment Informative Speech Topics

  • Should politicians bring more pollution to our country?
  • What would happen if finite resources were not used wisely?
  • Four main reasons for generating genetically modified crops.
  • The effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer on maize.
  • Are we going to lose the rainforest?
  • The best ways to protect the environment.
  • Commercial crops and their effect on the water table.
  • The environmental impact of a meat based diet.
  • Recycling helps mitigate the greenhouse effect.
  • Why we should stop global warming.

See this page for a full list of Environmental Informative Speech Topics .

3 Ethics Informative Speech Topics

Ethics Informative Speech Topics

  • Is it sometimes better to tell a lie than to tell the truth?
  • Is tolerance the same as love?
  • Is hunting morally acceptable?

10 Family Informative Speech Topics

Family Informative Speech Topics

  • Adopted children should always have the option to see their biological parents.
  • The impact of single parenting and its effects on children.
  • The appropriate penalties for parental negligence.
  • What it is like being the youngest of a family of 19 kids.
  • The importance of the parent-child relationship.
  • My father is my hero.
  • How to pick a name for your children.
  • Cases of domestic violence against men.
  • The importance of family.
  • The history of foster care.

See this page for a full list of Family Informative Speech Topics . We also have a page with Speech Topics for Kids .

18 Financial Informative Speech Topics

Financial Informative Speech Topics

  • How banks are getting paid twice for your mortgage.
  • How to save money in college.
  • How to build credit.
  • How to save money on your income taxes.
  • How to apply for a credit card.
  • The basics of financial aid.
  • The importance of saving money.
  • How to recognize stock market trends.
  • The process of buying a house.
  • The basics of internet banking safety.
  • The best investment strategies.
  • How to live on $5 a day/ Eating well on $5 a day.
  • Tips on how do deal with money problems.
  • The history of our currency.
  • How the US Dollar affects the Euro.
  • Debt relief programs.
  • Does China have a serious stock market?

9 Food and Drink Informative Speech Topics

Food Drink Informative Speech Topics

  • The difference between Gatorade and Powerade.
  • How to cook a delicious dinner.
  • How to grow your own food.
  • The different types of coffee.
  • How to cook vegetarian.
  • How to make a cocktail.
  • The best types of cheese.
  • The best exotic fruits.
  • How to make Chinese food.

See this page for a full list of Speech Topic Ideas On Food, Drink, and Cooking .

11 Fun Informative Speech Topics

Fun Informative Speech Topics

  • The history of Valentine’s Day, the celebrations in different cultures.
  • Some laugh, but there are many courageous people who overcome stuttering.
  • Funny Saint Patricks Day parades, pub decorating, Irish fun runs.
  • Differences between apes and monkeys, monkeys in space programs, how they live in groups in the zoo.
  • Your hand: what your signature, handwriting and your hand palm lines say about your character.
  • Amphibian vehicles – search for information about those rare car-boat vehicles, and you have lots of fun informative speech topics to talk about!
  • Cartoons in relation to our Freedom of Speech and Expression principles.
  • Show the listeners to your public speaking speech some flags of unknown countries, ask them what nation you mean and explain colors and symbols.
  • The extraterrestrial life stories and future theories from French author Jules Verne.
  • Etiquette and manners, how to cope with special situations, how to behave at official ceremonies you see enough public speaking speeches spicing humor.
  • Fashion styles and dress codes at parties and ceremonies.

See this page for a full list of Fun Informative Speech Topics .

5 Geography Informative Speech Topics

Geography Informative Speech Topics

  • The antipodes – Places on Earth which are diametrically opposite to each other.
  • Cartography – How terrestrial globe spheres are crafted.
  • Climatology – Patterns in climate change, like rising temperatures and flooding.
  • Coasts – Types of coasts, deltas, sea cliffs and beaches.
  • What does the continental drift theory mean in vulcanology?

See this page for a full list of Speech Topics On Geography .

9 Government Informative Speech Topics

Government Informative Speech Topics

  • The role of accounting in the control of public expenditures in Nigeria.
  • What factors affect community participation in public meetings?
  • How difficult is it to run a country of 1.2 billion people?
  • Speeding cameras are meant to provide government money.
  • Should the President be paid while being in office?
  • The Federal government’s separation of powers.
  • Journalism is our weapon against corruption.
  • How a bill passes in state government.
  • The best city planning practices.

10 Health Informative Speech Topics

Doctor in Medical Record's room.

  • Steroids, antibiotics, sprays: are these things hurting us?
  • The effects of dissociative identity disorder or multiple personality disorder.
  • Bigger isn’t always better: the effect fast food has on America.
  • The importance of proper stretching before a workout.
  • How to keep your skin looking young and wrinkle free.
  • The different types of insomnia.
  • The causes and effects of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • The psychosocial aspects of organ transplantation.
  • Controversial ideas about whooping cough vaccines.
  • The reasons why stress and depression should be taken seriously.

See this page for a full list of Informative Speech Topics on Health and Fitness . We also have a page with Medical Topics and Psychology topics.

10 History Informative Speech Topics

past, present, future, time concept on blackboard

  • The beauty of ancient Egyptian art.
  • The most beautiful paintings in history.
  • The history of fashion.
  • The history of high heels.
  • The history of cosmetic makeup.
  • The history of Tibetan burial practices.
  • What Olympic events did ancient Greece have?
  • The history of swear words and their impact on society.
  • Words and their meanings that have changed with time.
  • Why dragons perform in Chinese New Year celebrations.

See this page for a full list of History Speech Topics .

16 International Relations Informative Speech Topics

International Relations Informative Speech Topics

  • Economic development and the role of the private sector in reducing poverty in Lesotho.
  • Tourism and remittances are the solutions for Tonga’s economic growth.
  • The military of the Philippines.
  • Is South Africa ready for a female president?
  • Can democracy bring stability to Pakistan?
  • South Africa is an amazing country.
  • The impact of U.S drone strikes.
  • The discovery of oil in Equatorial Guinea.
  • How to help refugees.
  • Why everyone should live in China.
  • The status of trade relations in East Africa.
  • The effects of the Dowry system in India.
  • Sri Lanka after thirty years of war.
  • Why Africa is underdeveloped.
  • The political system of India.
  • The purpose of the United Nations.

2 Language Informative Speech Topics

language concept

  • English is a link language for many parts of the world.
  • The origins of cliches.

6 Literature Informative Speech Topics

Literature Informative Speech Topics

  • Inside the mind of Edgar Allen Poe.
  • How to write a book.
  • The three trials of Oscar Wilde.
  • The meaning of The House on Mango Street.
  • The history of vampires in literature.
  • The different types of poetry.

21 Media Informative Speech Topics

Social networks background

  • What steps are involved in creating a movie or television show?
  • How Spotify hurts new artists.
  • The benefits of watching less TV.
  • How the media has hurt our body image.
  • Books that were turned into terrible movies.
  • The benefits of reading a newspaper.
  • The basics of photography.
  • The history of the Titanic movie.
  • Some famous advertising campaigns.
  • The effects of misleading advertisements.
  • Some important women in the media.
  • The best foreign TV shows.
  • The benefits of satellite radio.
  • The best TV sitcoms.
  • Al Jazeera, the largest Arabic news channel is the Middle East.
  • How Disney produces and distributes short animated films.
  • The amazing stage performance of Christina Aguilera.
  • The love life of Jennifer Aniston,
  • The story of CNN International reporter, Christiane Amanpour.
  • The ten actors who played James Bond.
  • Top three worst Woody Allen movies.

9 Music Informative Speech Topics

Music Informative Speech Topics

  • The different types of marching bands.
  • The history of french horns.
  • The history of house music.
  • The evolution of rock and roll.
  • The beauty of reggae music.
  • Music as a “lifestyle”.
  • The best electronic dance music.
  • How to play the kazoo.
  • The beauty of Haitian music.

4 National Security Informative Speech Topics

  • How illegal things are smuggled into the country.
  • The United States military branches.
  • The importance of the Air Force.
  • The branches of the military.

10 Politics Informative Speech Topics

Politics Informative Speech Topics

  • Should the U.S. restrict immigration?
  • The benefits of communism.
  • The most important women in politics.
  • Define the term foreign policy and offer current examples.
  • The delicate position of women and children in war torn societies and countries on the globe.
  • How issues on oil in Nigeria lift the oil prices worldwide.
  • How a free trade agreement works.
  • The major environmental problems in Australia.
  • National gun control statistics compared to the statistics of other countries.
  • The function of the Federal Reserve Board in maintaining a stable financial system.

See this page for a full list of Speech Topics about Politics .

10 Psychology Informative Speech Topics

Psychology Therapy

  • The benefits of greeting people.
  • Positive thinking is the key to peaceful living.
  • The meaning of dreams.
  • How to explain child geniuses.
  • Difference between empathy and sympathy.
  • How to be more sensitive for an emotionally insensitive person.
  • How to know a person’s true personality when we are so good at disguise nowadays.
  • Secrets about quiet people.
  • How to respond or take a compliment.
  • Why do people lie and how to deal with that.

See this page for a full list of Psychology Speech Topics .

12 Relationships Informative Speech Topics

Relationships Informative Speech Topics

  • How marriages today differ from marriages from the 60’s.
  • The secrets of happy and successful relationships.
  • How to choose the right relationship.
  • How to get along with your roommate.
  • The guidelines for military marriages.
  • How to make long distance relationships work.
  • The average age to get married.
  • How to talk to people when you have nothing to say.
  • How to recognize toxic friends.
  • Your Brain Falls in Love Not Only Your Heart.
  • Who Was and Is Cupid and Co.
  • All You Wanted to Know About Engagement.

10 Religion Informative Speech Topics

Religion Informative Speech Topics

  • A comparison of Genesis and Revelation in the Bible.
  • Modern values are violating religious values.
  • How Christ is present in our world.
  • What percentage of the world’s population are Christians?
  • Why worshipping Satan isn’t a bad thing.
  • Why the bunny symbolizes Easter.
  • God helps those who help themselves.
  • A comparison of different religions.
  • The history of the Christian church.
  • The main principles of Christianity.

See this page for a full list of Speech Topics on Religion and Spirituality .

10 Science Informative Speech Topics

Two children making science experiments

  • The difference between an alligator and a crocodile.
  • Why whales should not be hunted for food.
  • Transhumanism and the evolution of the human race.
  • How we can create geniuses.
  • Falabella horses are the smallest in the world.
  • Why is the colonization of Mars important?
  • Albert Einstein’s contributions to science.
  • The isolation of nicotinic acid from tobacco.
  • The journey to becoming a nuclear physicist.
  • Some interesting facts about the human brain.

See this page for a full list of Informative Science Speech Topics .

31 Self-Help Informative Speech Topics

Self-Help Informative Speech Topics

  • The difference between boundaries and limits.
  • The benefits of affirmation.
  • Three goals to strive for in life.
  • How to present yourself with confidence.
  • Why it’s important to be yourself.
  • How to manage your anger.
  • How to make a good first impression.
  • How to prepare for a job interview.
  • Your actions determine your future.
  • How to set goals and achieve them.
  • How to enhance your public speaking skills.
  • How to increase your motivation.
  • What makes life meaningful?
  • How to take your next big step in life.
  • How to construct an argument.
  • How to boost your self-esteem.
  • How to be happy being single.
  • How to avoid procrastination.
  • How to improve your manners.
  • How to be a good leader.
  • The importance of a good attitude.
  • How to be more romantic.
  • How to break bad habits.
  • How to overcome conflict.
  • Happiness: The thing we all look for but never really understand.
  • What it’s like to be falling in love.
  • What is love and what’s not.
  • The secret to resolving conflicts.
  • Dancing is your secret weapon for happiness and health.
  • Things to remember if you don’t want to die with any regrets.

10 School Informative Speech Topics

sutent learning at school

  • Schools should not make money by selling unhealthy candy and soft drinks to students.
  • Music with foul language in it should not be allowed at school dances.
  • Students should be able to listen to their MP3 players during class.
  • Students who commit cyberbullying should be suspended or expelled from school.
  • Boys and girls should be taught in separate classrooms.
  • Homeschooling produces better results than public schools.
  • High School will be the best time of your life.
  • Boys are lazier than girls.
  • All students should wear school uniform.
  • It is possible to Ace your way through High School.

See this page for a full list of School Speech Topics for All Grades .

10 Society Informative Speech Topics

Society portraits

  • Why it is bad to judge people by their appearance.
  • The lives of isolated indigenous people.
  • How to tell someone they are annoying you without being rude.
  • How human behavior affects society.
  • Left handed people: the underrepresented minority group.
  • Is the military a fulfilling career choice for women?
  • The effects of discrimination.
  • The importance of newspapers in our daily life.
  • Do actors and athletes make too much money?
  • Why I’m optimistic about our nation’s future.

See this page for a full list of Informative Society Speech Topics .

10 Sport Informative Speech Topics

Sports equipment

  • Should female students be allowed to play on male sports teams?
  • How to do a walking handstand or a cartwheel into the splits.
  • Is netball or hockey more dangerous?
  • The benefits of sports for all ages.
  • Why the spelling bee shouldn’t be on ESPN.
  • The worst professional sports teams.
  • The importance of sports and games.
  • What you should have in your golf bag.
  • The history of professional fighting.
  • The worst trades in sports history.

See this page for a full list of Informative Sports Speech Topics .

3 Supernatural Informative Speech Topics

Young man in casual throwing fire ball

  • The mystery of the Bermuda triangle.
  • The evidence that bigfoot exists.
  • The existence of telepathy.

41 Technology Informative Speech Topics

Technology Informative Speech Topics

  • How roads are built.
  • Is wind energy cheap, effective, and practical?
  • Why college students should be careful about what they put on social media.
  • The uses for artificial intelligence computer networks.
  • The danger of putting too much personal information on social networks.
  • Modes of communication are constantly changing.
  • How has social media impacted our daily lives?
  • The line between the human brain and a computer.
  • Why technology is a bad thing for growing minds.
  • How technology has destroyed human interaction.
  • How is text messaging affecting teen literacy?
  • The advantages and disadvantages of social media.
  • The effects of violent video games on children.
  • The decline of interpersonal communication due to technology.
  • The difference between hardware and software.
  • Antivirus software: beware of malware functions.
  • The history of programming languages.
  • How voice over IP works.
  • What would we do without electricity?
  • The benefits of 3D printing.
  • The major technological changes since 1990.
  • The negative effects of cellphones.
  • How to avoid computer viruses.
  • The evolution of the internet.
  • Computers through the decades.
  • How airport biometrics systems work.
  • Robots now and in the future.
  • How satellites help communication.
  • How a water plant operates.
  • How watches work.
  • The evolution of video games.
  • How cellular phones work.
  • The evolution of the iPhone.
  • How to build a computer.
  • How nuclear power works.
  • How search engines work.
  • How air pressure works.
  • The best new technologies.
  • The future of electric cars.
  • How to practice cyber safety.
  • A guide to different social media sites.

15 Travel Informative Speech Topics

Travel Informative Speech Topics

  • How students can find great vacation bargains.
  • The best cruise vacations.
  • Famous parliament buildings
  • How to test the quality of water when traveling.
  • Interesting underground railroad systems in capital cities.
  • Investigation shipwrecks at the bottom of the sea.
  • The benefits of wind tunnels on transport.
  • The discovery of the famous temples in the Maya culture.
  • The influence of global warming on Alpine skiing.
  • The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
  • The Wright Brother’s first flight.
  • Totem poles and obelisks are symbols of unity, tradition, and pride.
  • What you need to know about the Principality of Andorra.
  • Why is there a Titanic replica?
  • Why the unsinkable and invincible Titanic sank.

9 Workplace Informative Speech Topics

I Love to Work Pin Button Enjoy Job Career

  • The benefits of break time for nursing mothers in the workplace.
  • The prevalence of dangerous chemicals in the workplace.
  • How to survive working in a restaurant.
  • Why underwater welding is dangerous.
  • How it is to work in the fast food industry.
  • How to get a great internship.
  • How to become a comedian.
  • The most dangerous jobs.
  • What are the fastest growing careers?

List of Informative Essay Topics

14 college informative essay topics.

young student girl with books in library

  • Benefits of a college degree
  • Crimes on college campuses
  • Healthiest foods in the campus cafeteria
  • How students can stay safe on a college campus
  • How students can use eLibrary Curriculum Edition for research
  • How to beat senioritis
  • How to find cheap textbooks
  • How to pick a major
  • How to study for and pass a test
  • Saving money as a college student
  • The story of how your school was founded
  • Ways of preventing college dropout
  • Whether binge drinking is a problem on your college campus
  • Your favorite club or organization on campus

5 Demonstration Informative Essay Topics

How to keep dialogue going

  • How to bake a cake
  • How to knit a scarf
  • How to organize a closet
  • How to swing a golf club
  • How to train your dog

7 Easy / Simple Informative Essay Topics

easy and simple

  • A genre of music
  • America’s fastest growing cities
  • Breeds of dogs
  • How a computer works
  • Interesting cultures
  • Lesser known presidents
  • Natural disasters

9 Education Informative Essay Topics

Education Informative Essay Topics

  • How to choose a persuasive speech topic
  • How to deliver a funny informative speech
  • How to deliver a persuasive speech
  • How to maintain audience attention during a speech
  • How to win your audience with descriptive speech
  • How to write a persuasive essay
  • How to write an argumentative essay
  • How to write an expository essay
  • The difference between a thesis statement and a topic sentence

10 Fun Informative Essay Topics

happy friends in summertime

  • An impressive world record
  • Fun games to play at the beach.
  • The history of ice cream
  • The revolution of the selfie
  • Ways different cultures celebrate Valentine’s Day
  • What do people do when they win the lottery?
  • What people don’t know about Disneyland
  • What you can learn from grade K students
  • What your horoscope means
  • Why people get tattoos

6 Funny Informative Essay Topics

funny kitten portrait with smile on card

  • Everything you need to know about skinny jeans
  • Funny St. Patrick’s Day parades
  • How to be nice to people you don’t like
  • How to cheat in poker
  • How to look attentive when you’re actually not
  • Things you can learn from your pet

See this page for a full list of Funny Informative Speech Topics .

10 Health Informative Essay Topics

Closeup of doctor writing on chart

  • All about gluten
  • Cause-and-effect relationship of air pollution
  • Causes of cancer
  • How caffeine works
  • How stress affects your body
  • How to make exercise a habit
  • How to quit smoking
  • Symptoms of Alzheimer Disease
  • Symptoms of depression
  • How to get rid of bad habits

6 Hobbies Informative Essay Topics

Hand made scrapbooking post card and tools lying on a table

  • Best places for scuba diving
  • Choosing your next book to read
  • Peace lily care tips
  • Professional baseball stadiums
  • The history of your favorite sport
  • Types of tropical fish

9 Interesting Informative Essay Topics

Two people peeking from hole in wall

  • Effects of global warming
  • Exotic pets
  • How to perform an attention-getting first dance at your wedding
  • Near-death experiences
  • Places to see in northern Nevada
  • The biography of Clyde Tombaugh
  • The history of a cliche marriage ritual
  • What is your dog actually thinking?
  • What your handwriting says about you

See this page for a full list of Informative Interesting Speech Topics .

7 Life Informative Essay Topics

Young Woman Enjoying a Hot Beverage

  • How to drive a stick-shift
  • How to pay off your student loans in under 10 years
  • How to succeed in multi-level marketing
  • The process of buying a car
  • Tips for being an effective networker
  • Traveling the world for cheap
  • Why people lie

7 Legislation Informative Essay Topics

Legislation Informative Speech Topics

  • Fees and taxes for an electric car
  • Minimum wage laws
  • The history of drinking age rules
  • What dogs are affected by breed specific legislation?
  • Anti-trust crimes.
  • Benefits of pleading guilty.
  • Felony penalties for aggravated stalking.

See this page for a full list of Legal Speech Topics .

10 Pop Culture Informative Essay Topics

Scene from a rock concert

  • A biography of your favorite celebrity
  • All about your favorite author
  • All about your favorite television show
  • Former childhood stars
  • History of your favorite product brand
  • Instances where the movie is better than the book
  • The Miss America pageant
  • The pop art movement during the 20th century and the changes it brought about
  • What makes a pop sensation
  • Your favorite form of public broadcasting

7 Relationships Informative Essay Topics

Couple of hands against the sea view

How to be a good friend

  • How to choose your friends
  • How to get along with your in-laws
  • How to make a marriage work
  • How to survive a blind date gone wrong
  • The different types of friendships
  • The history of online dating

Picking Your Topic

At first glance, an informative speech may seem like the simplest type of presentation . The basis of an informative speech is to introduce a topic to the audience and then describe or explain it . It sounds fairly straightforward, but special care must be given to selecting a topic or the entire speech may not be well received.

Informative speeches can easily become boring for an audience for several reasons. First, the speaker should be sure not to present a topic which is already well known, or the audience will quickly lose interest. The topic should be something the audience has never encountered, or at least include new and exciting information on a familiar topic. Speakers should remember, when preparing the speech, that their own level of interest will become apparent during delivery of the presentation. In other words, if the speaker is bored by the topic, the audience will feel bored as well.

Knowing the audience is a primary factor in choosing an informative speech topic. The speaker should consider the age, knowledge level, subculture, and other demographics of his listeners when preparing the speech. It is important to present information which is neither too elementary nor too difficult for the audience to comprehend. The chosen topic should reflect the interests of the audience, and should be intriguing to them without rehashing information they already know. For example, college students may be interested in a topic on alcohol use, but they are already very familiar with a topic like the dangers of drinking and driving. In this case the speaker might concentrate his topic on the health benefits of red wine. This way, he has chosen a topic which interests the audience, but is likely to present new information which will not bore his listeners.

Finally, speakers should consider time limits when choosing an informative speech topic. A topic should be covered thoroughly enough that the audience feels as if most of their questions on the topic have been answered. On the other hand, a tight time restriction may prevent the speaker from adequately covering a very intricate topic. When time is limited, a subject which requires lengthy explanation should be avoided. The audience should leave an informative speech feeling as if they’ve gained new insight on a topic. It is good if they are interested in doing their own research to learn more about the subject, but they should never leave the presentation feeling confused or unclear about what they have just heard.

Informative Speech Idea In 5 Steps

1. step one – make a list.

Make a short list of your personal interests and informative speech topic ideas. To help you determine your interests on an informative speech topic, think about your favorite objects, products, people, animals, events, places, processes, procedures, concepts, policies, theories, and so on. Answer these important questions:

  • Is there something you love to talk about, always have wanted to research?
  • What interests you very much, or do you like or love at first glance?
  • Do you have developed special skills in personal or professional life?
  • What interesting informative topics do you know a lot of or want to know more about?
  • What are some personal or professional experiences and skills in certain situations related to your favorite subjects?
  • Can you reveal hidden secrets, new perspectives or insights on some topics?

2. Step Two – Analyze Your Audience

Determine the interests and needs of your audience. What do they want to learn? Can you teach them on a subject you like?

3. Step Three – Check Your Interests

Review the short list of your interests and make a decision. Choose the informative speech topic that is also interesting to your audience. Take care of their interests, questions and needs.

4. Step Four – Research and Write

Research  just one new single aspect  of that informative speech idea. Look for valuable or amazing information that surprises your listeners. Fresh data, facts, intelligence, and advice will catch their attention immediately! To help you researching: look for new facts, figures, stories, statistics, surveys, personal experiences, professional experiences, quotations, comparisons and contrasts.

5. Step Five – Add Help Props

Demonstrate steps, stages, pros and cons, and remarkable effects by the use of public speaking software or other visual aids , that display the material you want them to be understood or remembered.

Informative Speeches FAQ

1. Speeches About Objects 2. Speeches About Processes 3. Speeches About Events 4. Speeches About Concepts

An informative speech is one that provides information and educates the audience on a specific topic. An informative speech should help your audience learn, understand, and remember information you are presenting.

1. Know your audience or reader 2. Consider your interests 3. Consider length requirements

You can see this page with speech examples .

Vote of Thanks Examples

613 Original Argumentative Speech Topics Ideas

15 thoughts on “509 Informative Speech Ideas and Topics”

Demonic Possession

Creativity is the Mother of Invention.

1-How to be a good friend: you have to do everything to make them happy, don’t snatch on them

2-How to choose your friends: Choose friends with similar values Choose friends with common goals

3-How to get along with your in-laws:1-Get to know them. … 2-Know your limits. … 3-Keep things cordial. … 4-Put your relationship first

4-How to make a marriage work

5-How to survive a blind date gone wrong 1-Ask open-ended questions. … 2-Tell a funny anecdote. … 3-Let your date talk. … 4-Answer questions fully. … 5-Listen to them carefully.

6-The different types of friendships

7-The history of online dating

the evolution of humans

school doesn’t need to exist

Nice compilations this is helpful

Hamburgers vs hotdogs

Chocolate Caffeine Grass is Greener on the other side April Fools Why teens should have a part time job or not

History of Tobacco

Effects of anxiety on teenage students.

how depression affects people and others around them

peer pressure and its effects on students

Different ways kids handle peer pressure.

depression and how it can effect a students mindset

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© 2024 My Speech Class

Watch live: President Biden speaks Sunday on Trump rally shooting, assassination attempt

President Joe Biden is scheduled to address the media at 1:30 p.m. ET Sunday following the shooting and assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday that left one dead and 3 injured, including Trump.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation identified the gunman as  Thomas Matthew Crooks , 20. Crooks was killed at the scene and an investigation into Crook's motive is ongoing.

Biden called the attack "sick" in an emergency press conference in Delaware Saturday and called his Republican opponent Saturday night. "The idea – the idea – that there’s political violence, or violence in America like this, is just unheard of, it’s just not appropriate. Everybody, every must condemn it," Biden said.

USA TODAY will carry Biden's address here and on our YouTube channel here .

Latest news

Here are some of the latest developments:

∎ House Speaker Mike Johnson said on the TODAY show Sunday said that we have to "turn the temperature down" in this country and promised that Congress will do a full investigation of the incident “to determine where there were lapses in security and anything else that the American people need to know.”

∎ Two patients who attended Trump's rally are being treated at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh and remain in critical condition Sunday, Nikki Buccina, a spokesperson for the Allegheny Health Network confirmed.

∎  The gunman's father, Matthew Crooks, told  CNN Saturday evening  that he was trying to figure out “what the hell is going on” and would “wait until I talk to law enforcement” before sharing details about his son.

∎ The gunman had explosive devices in his car, the  Wall Street Journal reported . Police received multiple reports of suspicious packages near where the shooter was, officials said, according to the report.

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  • Speech About Life


Speech About Life in English for Students

Long speech about life.

‘Good morning everyone’!Today I want to share my opinion about life. So what is life all about? Does life mean to have success or to have money, a great group of friends, or anything? 

To some people, success means to have all the money, to some success means to be with loved ones, to some it could be to live a luxurious life or it could be a wish to get a good life partner.

No matter what the image of success is for anyone. Success can be defined by only one word and that word is “Happiness”.Happiness is the only thing that is linked to success. It is the reason we stress over money, perfect job, good marks, admission to a good university, or trying to live up to the life that would term us as successful 

Life isn’t all about money and happiness cannot be brought with money. We see many cases around the world where people with all the luxurious suffers from depression. Money can only solve your financial problem but not all the problems. You cannot take money with you to the grave so don’t stress about it. So does that mean you should not have money? well, the answer is no. If you have money use it for the good of others and help poor people but never stress about it. Money is great but only when you use it with positive intentions. 

Life is not about being right always, it’s about always been kind. Students should remember that there will come a time in your life when you have to choose between been right or kind. Always choose kindness over being right. Kindness always follows the love with it. 

It is also important to understand that life is not about noticing the negatives. Always try to create positive around the negative that will completely solve the problem. For example, you might be not good at math. so does that mean you should stop reading math? the answer is no. The positive that could be created is to solve more problems which will help you in excelling in that subject. 

Life is not about comparing yourself to others. You have to remember that you are unique and important. It is impossible even for you to find someone who is exactly like you. So never compare yourself with others. Let every else be exactly as they are while you should focus on being the best you can be. 

To conclude I want to say that your life is not defined by any circumstances. Your life is not defined by what happens to you or not. Life is defined by how you react to all the goods and bad. Hard time helps in building a character and never lose your spirit. In the end, what you become through all those life challenges matters the most. Remember that you are a miracle and the world is a blessing. Life is a miracle and it is what you make out of it. Live every day like you are blessed. Be grateful for whatever happens in your life. Be happy no matter what happens in life. Last but not least always remind yourself that the whole purpose of life is to be happy, no matter what life throws at you. 

Short Informative Speech About Life

‘Good morning everyone’!Today I want to share my opinion about life. So what is life all about? Does life mean to have success? and what is success? is it to have money or anything ? and does success differs from one person to another.

The definition of success differs from person to person. For a few, it could be to be rich, to spend time with family, and so on. Success can be defined by only one word and that word is “Happiness”.Happiness is the only thing that is linked to success. It is the reason we stress about money, good marks and so on. 

Life isn’t all about money and happiness cannot be brought with money. There are many cases in which people are depressed even after having money. You won’t be taking money with you to the grave so don’t stress about it. 

Life is not about being right always, it’s about always been kind. Everyone should choose kindness over being right. Show kindness to everyone as love always follows kindness. 

It is also important to understand that life is not about noticing the negatives. Always try to create positive around the negative that will completely solve the problem.

Life is not about comparing yourself to others. You have to remember that you are unique and important. To conclude I want to say that your life is not defined by any circumstances.

Life is defined by how you react to all the goods and bad. Hard time helps in building a character and never lose your spirit. Remember that you are a miracle and the world is a blessing. Life is a miracle and it is what you make out of it. Live every day like you are blessed. Be grateful for whatever happens in your life. Be happy no matter what happens in life. Thank you!.

10 Lines on Speech About Life

Life is not about everyone wrong but it’s about proving yourself right. Always be kind to everyone. Ego kills a man before his death.

Happiness is the only thing that is linked to success. It is the reason we stress over money, perfect job, etc. 

Life isn’t all about money and happiness cannot be brought with money. There are many cases in which people are depressed even after having money. 

Life is not about money. You cannot take it with you to the grave so don’t ever stress about it. 

Life is not about being right always, it’s about always been kind. Always show kindness to every soul you meet. Kindness is followed by love so spread love. 

Life is not about comparing yourself to others. You have to remember that you are unique and important.

Your life is not defined by what happens to you or not. Life is defined by how you react to all the goods and bad.

Life is a miracle and it is what you make out of it. Live every day like you are blessed. Be grateful for whatever happens in your life

The whole purpose of life is to be happy, no matter what life throws at you. 


Jeffrey Bernstein Ph.D.

Growth Mindset

4 words to dramatically improve your life, harnessing the power of a growth mindset..

Updated July 7, 2024 | Reviewed by Ray Parker

  • Adopting the "I'll do it anyway" attitude develops resilience and a growth mindset.
  • A growth mindset is the belief that you can develop abilities through dedication and hard work.
  • Those who decide to "do it anyway" often find their boldness pays off.

The phrase "I'll do it anyway" can potently catalyze personal transformation and growth. It embodies a spirit of resilience , determination, and courage, enabling individuals to push past their fears, doubts, and perceived limitations. Embracing this mindset can lead to profound changes in various aspects of life, from personal development and career advancement to relationships and overall well-being.

Replacing Doubts With Resilience

Adopting the "I'll do it anyway" attitude develops resilience. Life is fraught with challenges and obstacles, making it easy to become discouraged or overwhelmed. By committing to action despite difficulties, individuals build robust inner strength.

This resilience is not just about enduring hardships but also about learning from them and emerging stronger. As I have seen in my counseling practice, each time a person decides to take action despite their fears or doubts, they reinforce their ability to cope with adversity, making it easier to face future challenges with confidence and grace.

Consider Erin, a young college student with a passion for environmental science. She dreamed of studying abroad in a renowned program focused on sustainable development. Still, the thought of being far from home and managing a rigorous academic schedule in a foreign country took a lot of work.

Despite her fears, Erin said, "I'll do it anyway." Her decision led her to an enriching experience, where she excelled academically and developed a global perspective and lifelong friendships. The resilience she built during this time prepared her for future challenges and successes in her career.

Going Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Another transformative aspect of this mindset is expanding one's comfort zone. Many people live within the confines of their comfort zones, avoiding risks and new experiences. While this may provide security, it also limits personal growth and opportunities. By acting despite discomfort or fear , individuals gradually push the boundaries of their comfort zones, opening up new possibilities and experiences.

Take Robert, a mid-career professional who had always been interested in writing but has yet to pursue it seriously due to his demanding job in finance. The thought of sharing his writing with others filled him with self-doubt.

One day, Robert decided to attend a local writer's workshop and committed to writing his first short story. "I'll do it anyway," he told himself. Robert's decision to step out of his comfort zone rekindled his passion for writing and led to his first published work. This experience expanded his horizons and brought a new sense of fulfillment to his life.

Harnessing the Power of a Growth Mindset

The "I'll do it anyway" approach fosters a growth mindset crucial for continuous personal and professional development. A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. This contrasts with a fixed mindset, where individuals believe their talents and intelligence are static traits.

By embracing challenges and persisting despite setbacks, individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. "I'll do it anyway" reinforces this mindset, shifting the focus from fear of failure to the potential for growth and learning.

The willingness to take risks and pursue opportunities despite uncertainty can be particularly transformative in career advancement. Many people hesitate to apply for a new job, seek a promotion, or start a business due to fear of failure or inadequacy.

However, those who decide to "do it anyway" often find their boldness pays off. They may discover hidden talents, gain valuable experience, and open doors to new career paths. Even if they encounter setbacks, the lessons learned can be instrumental in future successes. Thus, acting despite fear can be crucial to professional growth and achievement.

Consider Lisa, an experienced teacher who dreamed of starting her educational consultancy. Despite her extensive knowledge and experience, the fear of leaving the security of her job held her back. One day, she decided, "I'll do it anyway." Lisa's consultancy quickly gained traction, allowing her to impact a wider audience and innovate in her field. Her success demonstrated the power of taking risks and pursuing one's passions despite uncertainty.

speech topic life

Improve Your Overall Well-being

Moreover, the "I'll do it anyway" mentality can significantly enhance overall well-being. When individuals act despite their fears and doubts, they often experience a sense of empowerment and accomplishment. This boosts self-esteem and confidence, creating a positive feedback loop that encourages further action and growth. Additionally, facing challenges head-on makes individuals less likely to be plagued by regrets or "what if" scenarios, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and contentment in life.

Consider John, a retiree who had always been reserved about his feelings. He wanted to reconnect with his estranged daughter but feared rejection. Summoning the courage, he told himself, "I'll do it anyway," and reached out to her. This courageous act opened the door to healing and rebuilding their relationship, enriching their lives.

Final Thoughts

The life-changing power of saying "I'll do it anyway" lies in fostering resilience, expanding comfort zones, cultivating a growth mindset, advancing careers, strengthening relationships, and enhancing overall well-being. This simple yet profound declaration encourages people to push past their fears and limitations, opening the door to a life rich with possibilities and achievements. By embracing this mindset, you can transform your life in ways you never thought possible, unlocking your full potential and living more authentically and courageously.

© Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Jeffrey Bernstein Ph.D.

Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D. , is a psychologist and the author of seven books, including 10 Days to a Less Defiant Child.

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July 2024 magazine cover

Sticking up for yourself is no easy task. But there are concrete skills you can use to hone your assertiveness and advocate for yourself.

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Gaslighting
  • Affective Forecasting
  • Neuroscience

Gunman identified as video shows body and rifle on roof after Trump shooting

The attacker has been named as Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.

Sunday 14 July 2024 10:02, UK

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Body on top of roof

Federal investigators have identified the man who shot at Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania.

In a statement, the FBI said: "The FBI has identified Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, as the subject involved in the assassination attempt of former president Donald Trump on July 13, in Butler, Pennsylvania.

"This remains an active and ongoing investigation, and anyone with information that may assist with the investigation is encouraged to submit photos or videos online at FBI.gov/butler or call 1-800-CALL-FBI."

All the latest updates on Trump's assassination attempt

Investigators said Crooks had been "neutralised" and was now dead.

Video captured by a helicopter over the rally in Butler shows a man lying on a roof with what appears to be a rifle next to him.

preview image

A second video, taken at ground level by a member of the public, shows a man wearing camouflage-style clothing lying on top of the roof.

A person behind the camera says: "You can see the guy there. I think they hit him. The guy... he looks dead."

Sky News has looked at the venue and social media images and the distance between Trump and the person on the roof is approximately 150m.

Sky's US correspondent Martha Kelner said: "If these pictures are what they appear to be - if that is a shooter deceased on top of that building 150m away from the rally venue... if that is the shooter who discharged the bullets that led to the incident inside that rally venue, there will be questions asked about where the Secret Service perimeter ended."


Speaking at a news conference overnight, Lieutenant Colonel George Bivens said that officials "are absolutely not taking for granted that this was a lone wolf attack" and that law enforcement's priority was to "identify the motive of the shooting" and "if anyone else was involved".

FBI special agent Kevin Rojek said: "There was identification of suspicious packages around where the shooter was and so we deployed - in an abundance of caution - bomb assets to make sure those were cleared for investigators to move safely in the area."

He told reporters that a motive had not been identified.

Police snipers return fire after shots were fired at Trump. Pic: AP

An earlier statement from the US Secret Service said: "During former President Trump's campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on the evening of July 13th at approximately 6.15pm, a suspected shooter fired multiple shots toward the stage from an elevated position outside of the rally venue.

"US Secret Service personnel neutralised the shooter, who is now deceased. US Secret Service quickly responded with protective measures and the former president is safe and being evaluated.

"One spectator was killed, two spectators were critically injured. The incident is currently under investigation and the Secret Service has formally notified the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

Read more: 'No place in America for this kind of sick violence,' says Biden In pictures: Gunman fires multiple shots at Trump rally Trump shooting 'an extraordinary moment' in already deeply anxious times

Pic: Reuters

National security analyst Frank Figliuzzi told NBC that the "full panoply of the FBI will be involved" including hi-tech crime scene analysis.

But he explained that "more immediately, all of the social media and computer devices of this shooter, all the interviews of his co-workers, family, neighbours - all of that".

He said: "His entire life history will be reconstructed rather rapidly and the goal here will be to see was anyone else involved, is this part of a larger conspiracy? Was there anything that could've been done to head this off or intervene?

"They'll be looking at his weapon, where it came from, was it purchased legally or not? Was he trained as a sniper ever, in any profession that he may have held? And of course, what was his motive?"

Pic: Reuters

Mr Figliuzzi added: "I caution people… don't draw conclusions. We don't know where this shooter really was coming from mentally. And that's where the FBI will be going.

"One of the early things they need to rule out is terrorism. They need to rule out that this wasn't party of an international terrorism plot. So, lots of things on the FBI's plate in the coming days and weeks."

The Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas confirmed his agency and the Secret Service are working with law enforcement partners to investigate the shooting.

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He said they are "taking every possible measure" to ensure the safety of President Biden, former President Trump and their campaigns.

"Maintaining the security of the presidential candidates and their campaign events is one of our department's most vital priorities," he said.

And Speaker of the House Mike Johnson posted on X: "The American people deserve to know the truth. We will have Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle and other appropriate officials from DHS and the FBI appear for a hearing before our committees."

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FBI identifies 20-year-old as suspect in Trump rally shooting

A source says the early indication is that the shooter was a lone wolf, but the situation is fluid.

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BUTLER, Pennsylvania -- The FBI says they've identified a 20-year-old as the suspect in an assassination attempt at a campaign rally for former President Donald Trump .

According to the FBI, Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania was the subject involved in the shooting that left one spectator dead, two others critically injured and sparked chaos at the event.

LIVE UPDATES | Trump rushed off stage at rally after possible assassination attempt

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Officials briefed on the investigation told ABC News that the shooting -- a chilling development on the eve of the Republican National Convention -- was being investigated as an assassination attempt and that live rounds were apparently fired from outside the security perimeter. It is being investigated by the FBI overseen by the Justice Department's National Security Division as well as the U.S. attorney's office in Pittsburgh and comes amid a heightened threat environment.

The Secret Service, in a statement, said that a shooter "fired multiple shots toward the stage from an elevated position outside of the rally venue" after which agents "neutralized the shooter, who is now deceased."

The shooter fired as many as eight rounds from an AR-style rifle while perched on a rooftop adjacent to the venue and was 200-300 yards away at the time of the shooting, law enforcement sources told ABC News.

An image shows a person believed to be the suspected gunman shot on a building roof close to a Trump rally, according to a law enforcement official briefed on the investigation.

According to a law enforcement source, the early indication is that the shooter was a lone wolf, but the situation is fluid.

FBI Pittsburgh Special Agent in Charge Kevin Rojek said the agency was trying to assess the motive for the shooting. "It's a matter of doing biometric confirmations, so there was no identification on the individual for example so we're looking at photographs right now and we're trying to run his DNA and get biometric confirmation."

There appeared to be blood on Trump's right ear as he was being taken off stage, and he could be seen mouthing "fight" and pumping his fist.

PHOTOS: Shots fired at Trump rally in Pennsylvania

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A spokesperson for Trump said in a statement, "President Trump thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act. He is fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility."

In a statement on Truth Social posted hours after the shooting, Trump said he "was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear."

"I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening," he wrote in the post, which expressed condolences to the family of the rallygoer who was killed.

"It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country," he added.

Outpouring of support

The incident sent shockwaves throughout the political world and sparked condemnation from both sides of the aisle as well as an outpouring of support.

President Joe Biden called the incident "sick" and said "there's no place in America for this kind of violence."

"We cannot be like this. We cannot condone this."

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And Vice President Kamala Harris said she was "relieved he is not seriously injured."

"Violence such as this has no place in our nation," he added. "We must all condemn this abhorrent act and do our part to ensure that it does not lead to more violence."

Donald Trump Jr., told ABC News he has spoken to his father, who remains at the hospital. He said his father is "in good spirits" as he remains under observation, adding that his father is "never gonna stop."

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"This is the fighter America needs!" Trump's son Eric wrote in a post on X with a photo of his father's fist raised in the air attached.

And Trump's daughter Ivanka, called the shooting "senseless" and wrote "I love you Dad" on X.

Former Vice President Mike Pence said on X that he was "praying for President Trump and urge every American to join us."

In a statement, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro said "We condemn this violence in the strongest possible terms and commend the Secret Service for their swift action today."

Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, who is on the short list for Trump's potential running mate, placed blame for the incident, without elaborating or citing evidence, on President Biden.

"Today is not just some isolated incident," Vance wrote on X. "The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump's attempted assassination."

House Speaker Mike Johnson vowed a "FULL INVESTIGATION OF THE TRAGIC EVENTS TODAY" in a statement on X.

'People started to panic'

Trump was talking to the crowd about immigration when pops could be heard and chaos broke out. The former president could be seen grasping his ear before going down to the ground and being swarmed and shielded by Secret Service agents.

Dave McCormick, who's running for U.S. Senate, told ABC News he was in the front row of the rally. He said he heard "seven or eight" shots fired.

"People started to panic," he said. "Everyone dropped to the ground."

Witness Leonard Verdetto said everyone at the rally had been "joyful" but then he heard "popping sounds," describing 6-8 shots fired.

"None of us really registered at the time that all these people were saying 'get down!' 'get down!'"

"We were all praying...We were praying to him to keep us safe, keep us protected."

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is covered by U.S. Secret Service agents at a campaign rally, Saturday, July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pa.

Another witness, a speaker at the event, Rico Elmore, said he was about 20 feet away from Trump at the time. He said at first he thought the shots were "fireworks."

"I turned around, and someone yelled 'medic." Then he took his tie off and sprang into action, realizing there was not time for a medic to get there, but by the time he got there, he said, it was too late. "The person...was bleeding out through their head."

He said "I tried to block the wound" by holding a towel against it until the medical team arrived.

"I just saw the bullets hitting the stands, bouncing up," witness John Dohanich added. He said there was an initial volley of shots, followed by a pause, and then the rest of the shots.

"I'm hearing everyone screaming 'get down!' 'get down'," and he said he tried to help people get down. "I told them just to keep praying, keep calm."

In the wake of the incident, Trump, with blood on his ear and the side of his face, was then led off the stage quickly, pumping his fist on stage and also as he was helped into a vehicle to be taken away.

Heavily armed security personnel got on stage as he was led off.

"An incident occurred the evening of July 13 at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania," the Secret Service said in a statement. "The Secret Service has implemented protective measures and the former President is safe. This is now an active Secret Service investigation and further information will be released when available."

The White House said in a statement, "The President has received an initial briefing on the incident at Former President Trump's rally."

In the wake of the shooting, there was a heavy police presence outside Trump's Mar-a-Lago club in Florida.

Violence 'absolutely unacceptable'

"Violence targeted at any political party or political leader is absolutely unacceptable," Pennsylvania Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro said in a statement. "It has no place in Pennsylvania or the United States."

Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, a possible vice president pick, wrote on social media, "Everyone join me in praying for our President Trump and everyone at that rally. I hope everyone is ok."

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, a possible vice presidential pick, posted to X, calling for prayers for the former president.

"Please join Kathryn and me in praying for President Trump, his family and everyone attending the rally today."

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is surrounded by U.S. Secret Service agents at a campaign rally, Saturday, July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pa.

Another vice presidential hopeful, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, also posted on X asking for prayers for Trump and those at the rally.

"Praying for President Trump and all those attending the rally in Pennsylvania today."

"ATF is responding to assist the U.S. Secret Service and other law enforcement partners. This is a top priority. We have no further comment at this time," ATF said in a statement.

This is a breaking news report. This will be updated as more information becomes available.

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Joe Biden will give what his press team described as a “big boy” press conference as the NATO summit concludes. He hopes to convince Democratic lawmakers, European allies and the American public that he is fit for office. He will also participate in a second primetime television interview, airing on NBC on Monday night—the same day the Republican National Convention begins.

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Pensioner’s Dilemma

President Joe Biden departs the stage after speaking during a campaign event at Montgomery County Community College in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania on January 5th 2024

The Democrats’ goal is to keep Donald Trump out of the White House. Mr Biden’s is to stay there. Until recently, these two aims were compatible, and undermining the president risked lowering his chance of beating Mr Trump. But since Mr Biden’s disastrous debate performance, these two ambitions have been increasingly misaligned. To understand the predicament Democrats find themselves in, turn to game theory .

A view from elsewhere

Mr Biden’s “forceful, well-argued” address at the NATO summit should not stop Democrats from trying to persuade him to make way for a “younger, more credible”  candidate, wrote the editorial board of the Australian . And if Mr Biden is the “great patriot he claims to be”, he should understand that his worsening condition creates “grave risks for the nation and the world”.

Figure of the day

3.4 percentage points , the average gap between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in the handful of polls published since Messrs Biden and Trump’s debate on June 27th. Read our story on what the numbers say about the vice president’s chances of winning in November were Mr Biden to step aside.

Today’s poll

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The gap between the two candidates has increased, according to our poll tracker . As Mr Biden continues to face calls to step down, Mr Trump has pulled three percentage points ahead of him in the popular vote.

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Wednesday : Which two candidates fought it out for the nomination at the hotly contested Republican convention in 1976?

See how to take part in the quiz at the bottom of this page.

If you enjoyed this week’s questions,  play Dateline ,  The Economist’ s history game.

—George Clooney, an actor and major Democratic fundraiser, called on his “friend” Mr Biden to step aside.

How to take part in the quiz: From Monday to Thursday we’ll quiz you on America. Email all your answers with your name and where you are from to [email protected] before 5pm New York time (10pm London time) on a Thursday. The weekly winner, chosen at random from those who give all the right answers, will be announced on this page on Fridays.

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