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  • Doctor of Philosophy

Collage of man performing physical therapy, man running on treadmill, and child playing

Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Science

Are you interested in attending one of the top Ph.D. programs in the United States? Our unique mentor-based program will prepare you to lead the future of Exercise Science research!

The Exercise Science department ’s Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program is a mentor-based program that has consistently been ranked among the top programs in the United States by the National Academy of Kinesiology. Our graduates are prepared for entry into positions in universities, colleges, research institutes, research-oriented clinical settings, and industry.

The PhD curriculum includes coursework in exercise science, statistics, and research design, providing a solid foundation in advanced research methods.  The department's research labs further enhance the training within the areas of specialization. 

Core Curriculum

Students will complete an approved Plan of Study of up to

  • 60 hours beyond the baccalaureate degree
  • Includes students entering with a Master's in Athletic Training or a  Master's/Doctorate in Physical Therapy

The Plan of Study is determined in consultation with their mentor and tailored to the individual student's interest, research focus, and division. Progression within the program requires reaching specific Milestones outlined by the program. In addition to coursework and dissertation hours, doctoral students are expected to attend and present at research seminars and be heavily involved in ongoing research during their time in the academic program.

General Course Requirements – PhD Public Health (> 3 hours) Exercise Science (>6 hours) Research/Statistical Methods (>6 hours)  Dissertation (>12 hours)

Applied Physiology

Understanding the effects of physical activity, exercise, nutrition, stress, and sleep on different physiological processes provides a basis for health promotion by controlling & reducing risk factors for disease.  Managing these risk factors through enhanced nutrition, targeted exercise, and other behavioral factors in cancer survivors, women undergoing complicated pregnancy, and athletes (sport and tactical) are the current research foci of the division faculty with the goal of identifying the physiological response to and efficacy of their contribution to recovery and optimal performance.

The research programs in the division address many areas including:

  • Endocrine mechanisms & biomarkers related to the HPA axis and inflammation
  • Resistance training & nutritional interventions to improve functionality, mental health, and the systemic response to stress
  • Impact of exercise, nutrition, and supplementation interventions during & after cancer treatments to prevent or reduce side effects of cancer
  • The processes of long-term heart disease risk in women who have had certain pregnancy complications
  • Integrated -omics (genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics, lipidomics, and diverse cellular assays) approach to identify & characterize biological factors associated with the response of lipids & lipoproteins
  • Sport nutrition, eating disorders, female athlete triad, body image in female & males athletes as well as the military
  • Behavioral factors such as exercise & sleep on energy balance, body composition, and cardiometabolic outcomes in women & the adult population
  • Exertional heat illnesses, thermoregulation, and hydration behaviors



Keywords: Sport Science, Human Performance, Endocrinology, Performance Nutrition


Ciaran Fairman, PhD, CSCS, CET

Keywords: Exercise, Cancer, Body Composition


Katie Hirsch, PhD, EP-C, CISSN

Keywords: Exercise, Nutrition, Metabolism, Body Composition, Sex Differences, Female Physiology


Mark Sarzynski, PhD, FASCM, FAHA

Keywords: Exercise Omics, Exercise Responsiveness, Precision Exercise Medicine


Raymond W. Thompson, PhD

Keywords: Anatomy and Physiology, Skeletal Muscle, Endurance Index


Toni Torres-McGehee, PhD, SCAT, ATC

Keywords: Sport Nutrition, Eating Disorders, Body Image, Female Athlete Triad, Military


Xuewen Wang, PhD, FAHA

Keywords: Body Fat, Sleep Deficiency, Energy Expenditure


Susan Yeargin, PhD, ATC

Keywords: Heat Illness, Hydration Behaviors, Sports Medicine

  • EXSC 723 - Genetics in Health Science
  • EXSC 755 - Selected Topics in Exercise Science (3)
  • EXSC 777 - Endocrinology in Exercise & Health (3)
  • EXSC 780 - Physiology of Exercise (3)
  • EXSC 781 - Physiology, Exercise, & Disease (3)
  • EXSC 790 - Independent Study in Exercise Science (6-12 hr total)
  • EXSC 880 - Myology & Exercise Science (3)
  • EXSC 881 - Advanced Cardiorespiratory Exercise Physiology (3)
  • EXSC 700/882 - Exercise & Public Health
  • EXSC 883 - Physical Activity, Chronic Disease, & Disabilities (3)
  • EPID 894 - Translational Science

Health Aspects of Physical Activity

The PhD in Health Aspects of Physical Activity (HAPA) prepares doctoral students to understand and optimize physical activity patterns, physiological & psychological well-being across diverse populations, and prevent & treat chronic health-related conditions. Research focuses within HAPA align with the flexible curriculum tailored to individual students with courses selected from exercise physiology, exercise psychology, biostatistics, epidemiology & population health, nutrition, or other areas deemed to provide a solid foundation sufficient to understand and conduct research in this area.

Physical Activity Interventions

  • Examine the feasibility & efficacy of physical activity programs on behavioral & health outcomes implemented in a variety of settings, including schools, churches, after school settings, summer camps, and clinics
  • Investigate the influence of lifestyle (exercise, diet, and sleep) on cardiometabolic disease prevention & weight management
  • Technology-based interventions for the prevention & treatment of chronic disease

Physical Activity Epidemiology

  • Explore correlations between physical activity, fitness, sleep, sedentary behavior, and physical & mental health-related variables/outcomes

Physical Activity Across the Lifespan

  • Study the role of physical activity & nutrition on biological factors in populations including children & adolescents, pregnant women, older adults, cancer survivors, individuals with obesity, and patients with arthritis


Elizabeth Adams, PhD

Keywords: Child Nutrition, Obesity Prevention


Bridget Armstrong, PhD

Keywords: Childhood Obesity, Sleep, Screen Time


Micheal Beets, MEd, MPH, PhD

Keywords: Translational Science, Childhood Obesity, Prevention Science


Sarah Burkart, MPH, PhD

Keywords: Childhood Obesity, Physical Activity, Sleep


Russell Pate, PhD

Keywords: Physical Activity, Public Health, Children


Christine Pellegrini, PhD

Keywords: Behavior, Technology, Disability

Mark Sarzynski, PhD, FACSM, FAHA


Xuemei Sui, MD, MPH, PhD

Keywords: Physical Activity Epidemiology, Longitudinal Analyses, Health Outcomes


R. Glenn Weaver, MEd, PhD

Keywords: Childhood Obesity Treatment and Prevention


Delia West, PhD

Keywords: Behavioral Interventions, Weight Management, Healthy Lifestyle


Sara Wilcox, PhD

Keywords: Physical Activity, Diet, Community, Interventions


Chih-Hsiang "Jason" Yang, PhD

Keywords: Behavioral Medicine, Ecological Momentary Assessment, Healthy Aging

Courses within the HAPA division might be chosen from the following EXSC cognate classes as well as from other departments such as EPID, PSYC, HPEB, or other related fields.

  • EXSC 710 - Behavioral Aspects of Physical Activity
  • EXSC 727 - Controlled Trials in Exercise Science
  • EXSC 732 - Measurement of Body Composition & Associated Heath Behaviors
  • EXSC 742 - Clinical Exercise Testing
  • EXSC 754 - Community-Based Physical Activity Interventions
  • EXSC 778 - Exercise & Childhood Obesity
  • EXSC 780 - Physiology of Exercise
  • EXSC 781 - Physiology, Exercise, & Disease
  • EXSC 787 - Research Methods & Design for Exercise Science
  • EXSC 801 - Ethical Conduct in Public Health Research (1 credit)
  • EXSC 802 - Predoctoral Fellowship Writing Course with Special Emphasis on NIH F31 (1 credit)
  • EXSC 882 - Physical Activity & Health: Epidemiology, Research, & Practice

Rehabilitation Sciences

As the rates of chronic disability increase across the globe, the need to develop novel rehabilitation treatments that reduce disability and increase physical activity is vital for improving the health & wellness of individuals with chronic disabilities. Prevention of chronic conditions starts with assessing & treating the risk factors for their development including poor nutrition, training behaviors, and injuries that occur with sports participation. Research focuses within Rehabilitation Sciences prepare students to examine health & motor behaviors and consider how the development & delivery of rehabilitative & preventative therapies are used to reduce disability, promote health, and prevent further disease.

The research programs in the division address many areas of scientific inquiry including:

  • Evidence-based practice & outcomes in physical therapy, athletic training, and rehabilitation
  • Neural & behavioral basis of motor control and motor learning
  • Posture-balance-gait-mobility in older adults & special populations
  • Epidemiology, assessment, and treatment of musculoskeletal pain syndromes
  • Movement impairment associated with musculoskeletal injury & persistent pain
  • Assessment of sensory, motor, cognitive deficits, and rehabilitation following stroke & brain injury
  • Sports nutrition, eating disorders, and body image in athletes & the military
  • Screening for & prevention of mental health disorders in athletes & the military
  • Exertional heat illness, thermoregulation, and hydration behaviors
  • Upper extremity impairments in overhead athletes & breast cancer survivors


Stacy Fritz, PT, PhD

Keywords: Physical Activity, Gait, Neurological populations


Shana Harrington, PT, PhD

Keywords: Oncology Rehabilitation, Patient-Reported Outcomes, Pain Mechanisms & Treatment


Troy Herter, PhD

Keywords: Motor Behavior, Integrative Neuroscience, Neurorehabilitation


Jim Mensch, PhD, ATC

Keywords: Youth Sports, Specialization, Pediatrics, Athletic Training 


R. Davis Moore, PhD

Keywords: Concussion, Cognition, Psychophysiology, Human Performance


Sheri Silfies, PT, PhD

Keywords: Biomechanics, Motor Control, Chronic Pain, Musculoskeletal Injury


Jill Stewart, PT, PhD

Keywords: Motor behavior, Stroke, Rehabilitation, Upper extremity, Brain imaging

  • EXSC 700 (3) – Physical Activity and Health: Epidemiology, Research and Practice
  • EXSC 710 (3) – Behavioral Aspects of Physical Activity
  • EXSC 723 (3) – Genetics in Health Sciences
  • EXSC 731 (3) – Mechanisms of Motor Skill Performance
  • EXSC 732 (3) – Measurement of Body Composition and Associated Health Behaviors
  • EXSC 735 (3) – Applied Human Biomechanics
  • EXSC 742 (1) – Clinical Exercise Testing
  • EXSC 755 (1-3) – Special Topics in Exercise Science
  • EXSC 775 (3) – Neural Basis of Skilled Motor Behavior
  • EXSC 777 (3) – Endocrinology in Exercise and Health
  • EXSC 780 (3) – Physiology of Exercise
  • EXSC 781 (3) – Physiology, Exercise and Disease
  • EXSC 787 (3) – Research Methods and Design for Exercise Science
  • EXSC 790 (1-6) – Independent Study (maximum of 9 total hours)
  • EXSC 801 (1) – Ethical Conduct in Public Health Research
  • EXSC 802 (1) – Predoctoral Fellowship Writing Course with Special Emphasis on NIH F31
  • EXSC 882 (3) – Physical Activity and Health: Epidemiology and Research Methods
  • PHYT 788 (2) – Evidence Based Practice in Physical Therapy


  • BIOS 701 (3) – Concepts and Methods in Biostatistics
  • BIOS 754 (3 – Discrete Data Analysis
  • BIOS 755 (3) – Introduction to Longitudinal Data Analysis
  • BIOS 757 (3) – Intermediate Biometrics
  • BIOS 758 (3) – Advanced Biometrics
  • BIOS 759 (3) – Theory and Methods of Discrete Data Analysis
  • BIOS 760 (3) – Biostatistical Methods in Clinical Trials
  • BIOS 765 (3) – Research Design in the Biomedical Sciences
  • BIOS 770 (3) – Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis
  • BIOS 820 (3) – Bayesian Biostatistics and Computation


  • EPID 700 (3) – Introduction to Epidemiology
  • EPID 701 (3) – Concepts and Methods of Epidemiology
  • EPID 741 (3) – Intermediate Epidemiological Methods
  • EPID 800 (3) – Advanced Methodological Theory in Epidemiology
  • EPID 802 (3) – Advanced Analytical Methods in Epidemiology

Health Promotion, Education, & Behavior

  • HPEB 715 (3) – Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health
  • PSYC 700 (3) – Psychological Approaches to Gerontology
  • PSYC 702A (3) – Basics of Neuroscience
  • PSYC 702C (3) – Basics of Developmental Psychology
  • PSYC 703A (3) – Integration across Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience
  • PSYC 709 (3) – Basic Quantitative Methods in the Analysis of Behavioral Data I
  • PSYC 710 (3) – Basic Quantitative Methods in the Analysis of Behavioral Data II
  • PSYC 714 (3) – Psychoeducational Assessment of Children I
  • PSYC 715 (3) – Psychoeducational Assessment of Children II
  • PSYC 732 (3) – Clinical Neuropsychology
  • PSYC 801 (3) – Cognitive Neuroscience I
  • PSYC 823 (3) – Multivariate Analysis of Behavioral Data
  • PSYC 824 (3) – Special Topics in Quantitative Psychology
  • PSYC 825 (3) – Introduction to Statistical Mediation Analysis
  • PSYC 826 (3) – Longitudinal Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences
  • PSYC 888 (1-6) – Special Topics (vary each semester but are often highly relevant)

Physiology, Pharmacology, Neuroscience

  • PHPH 750 (4)† – Fundamental Neuroscience I
  • PHPH 751 (4)† - Fundamentals of Neuroscience II

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phd in exercise science

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  • B.S. Exercise Science
  • B.S. Fitness Management & Personal Training
  • B.S. Physical Education Teacher Education
  • M.S. Kinesiology

Ph.D. Exercise Science

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  • Dual B.S. & M.S. Health Informatics
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  • Doctor of Occupational Therapy
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School of Health & Human Sciences

A female student conducting a study

  • Exercise & Kinesiology

Become an expert in the exercise science field

Our exercise science Ph.D. program will empower you to become a leading authority whether your career trajectory involves academia, private industry, research, or the government.

This is a full time, face-to-face, research-based doctoral program that includes 90 credit hours of graduate study taught by nationally and internationally recognized faculty.

You will receive training through a rigorous, mentor-based interdisciplinary curriculum with pedagogical and research experiences. You’ll also conduct applied and translational research focused on exercise science, which will help you enhance and prolong the quality of human life.

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Teaching and research assistantships

A limited number of teaching assistantships are available, and research assistantships are available depending on grant funding. Assistantships include a tuition waiver, health insurance, and stipend. Research assistantships are required of Ph.D. students.

Find research mentors

Monica Teegardin

The exercise science Ph.D. program provides ample opportunity to not only enhance one’s knowledge but also gain experience teaching and engage in research. The faculty within the program are phenomenal and always willing to help. Monica Teegardin, Ph.D. Student, Kinesiology

9% Expected growth rate of exercise physiologists from 2021-2031

$90 K Annual mean wage of doctorate exercise physiologists in the U.S., 2023

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Get a doctorate in kinesiology, phd & edd in exercise science.

Enroll for September 2024. Become an expert in your field with a doctorate in kinesiology.

Generous Transfer Credit

100% online, no gre/gmat, no comp exam, why choose phd in exercise science.

Our PhD in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Exercise Science is designed to prepare you for a career in academia or research. Graduates will be prepared to publish their own work and collaborate with other researchers, as well as teach at the post-secondary level. In this academic program, you will get to explore research interests through evidence-based practice.

The PhD program features additional courses beyond those of the EdD program since there is a stronger focus on research. Each graduate student will complete 55 hours of core courses and research coursework, independent study, and complete 12 hours of dissertation.

Why Choose EdD in Exercise Science?

Our EdD in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Exercise Science is designed to help you apply research to solve real-world problems. Graduates will be prepared to pursue leadership roles within corporate wellness, higher education, professional sports organizations, and more, in addition to teaching at the post-secondary level. Those pursuing an EdD typically work firsthand with clients, rather than working primarily with other scholars.

Our EdD program features 49 credit hours of coursework and 12 hours of dissertation.

The Value of CSP Global’s PhD in Exercise Science

CSP Global offers a Doctorate in Kinesiology with an Exercise Science emphasis to students interested in health sciences. Our Doctoral program offers easily transferable credits from past educational institutions, 100% online learning, no required GRE/GMAT or comprehensive exam, and opens up the door to many career opportunities. Graduates can expect to complete the program having gained not only textbook knowledge but real-world experience to set them up for their future careers.

CSP Global’s unique dissertation process sets students up for success by giving them a head start from the beginning with engaging and stimulating project opportunities. With a PhD in Exercise Science from CSP Global , graduates can engage in real-world research, work in healthcare settings, become athletic coaches, and more.

Application Deadline: August 19, 2024 Classes Start: September 3, 2024

Program Outcomes: EdD Or PhD In Exercise Science

  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge of exercise principles, strength and conditioning concepts, and nutritional influences on the body’s physiological adaptation to exercise.
  • Design and conduct safe exercise testing and create exercise prescriptions focused on health, physical activity, disease prevention, and chronic disease management.
  • Evaluate ethical dilemmas, make informed decisions, and demonstrate a commitment to ethical behavior in professional practice.
  • Critically evaluate, create, and advance new trends and issues as leaders in the exercise science industry.

For PhD students, you will:

  • Develop expertise in a variety of research methods, including experimental design, data analysis, and statistical techniques, while also critically evaluating existing research and designing and implementing original research projects that make significant contributions to the field of kinesiology.

For EdD students, you will:

  • Develop advanced research skills, including the ability to design and implement rigorous, practical research projects that address real-world problems in kinesiology.

Our doctoral programs prepare students interested in health promotion, quantitative research methods, and the exercise science field to pursue rewarding careers in kinesiology. Students will conduct research in health and human performance guided by a graduate faculty member to level up their kinesiology expertise.

Career Outcomes

The successful completion of CSP Global’s PhD in Exercise Science can open many doors . Graduates may pursue career advancement in education, research, and health and wellness, often in leadership positions. Please note some positions may require additional education, experience, or certification.

  • Program coordinator
  • Dietician or nutritionist
  • Health educator
  • Exercise physiologist
  • Health, research or sports scientist
  • Post-secondary biometrics
  • Exercise science teacher
  • Nutrition teacher
  • Public health professional

Our Unique Dissertation Process

CSP Global has adopted a unique dissertation process for our PhD in Exercise Science that follows the Carnegie Model for for Applied Research. This approach will allow you to complete your dissertation process faster while engaging in industry-relevant projects.

You won’t have to complete all coursework before you begin your dissertation. We embed the dissertation process early in coursework through four seminar courses:

  • KHS7900 Seminar 1: Drafting the Dissertation Introduction
  • KHS7901 Seminar 2: Drafting the Dissertation Literature Review
  • KHS7902 Seminar 3: Drafting the Dissertation Methodology
  • KHS7903 Seminar 4: Finalizing the Written Dissertation Prospectus

These one-credit research courses get you thinking about and working on your dissertation topic from the beginning of your educational journey at CSP Global .

By the time you complete all coursework and enroll in dissertation courses (KHS7950 for the EdD and KHD8000 for the PhD), you’ll be well on your way to completing your dissertation and earning your doctorate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the expected salary for someone with a phd in exercise science.

The expected salary for someone with a PhD in exercise science can vary based on the role they pursue. According to Payscale.com , common average annual salaries for roles that someone with a PhD in exercise science might hold can range from $54,709 to $123,623.

How long does it take to get a PhD in exercise science?

Degree requirements are as follows: 61 credits for the EdD in Kinesiology and 67 credits for the PhD in Kinesiology. Students can graduate in as few as 3 years with most graduating in 4 years. Time to graduation depends on the transfer of credit and class schedules.

How intense is a PhD in exercise science program?

A full-time PhD in exercise science program can be rigorous and challenging for most students. Doctoral students are expected to show dedication and put a strong effort into getting the most out of their education. There are a fair amount of academic research experiences required for PhD programs, no matter the field, and students are typically required to complete a dissertation in order to graduate.

While getting a PhD in exercise science is not easy, it is extremely rewarding and sets you up for a successful career in the field of kinesiology.

Where do people find work after graduating with a PhD in exercise science?

There are many different paths someone with a PhD in exercise science can take on their career journey. After graduation, many people find work at universities as professors, gyms or fitness centers as personal trainers, high schools or colleges as sports conditioning coaches, and some even pursue starting their own fitness businesses.

With a degree in exercise science, there is a world of possibilities for career paths. Some people become wellness or health coaches, and others become sports facility managers . Still more find work as health educators or even military fitness instructors.

Is the field of exercise science growing?

The field of exercise science is most certainly growing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , “Employment of exercise physiologists is projected to grow 9 percent from 2021 to 2031, faster than the average for all occupations.” The demand for roles in exercise physiology is growing as the healthcare industry continues to place more emphasis on preventative care to help patients recover from or avoid cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases. The field of exercise science encompasses a wide range of employment opportunities and continues to grow year after year.

Many people pursue graduate school for exercise science to remain competitive for high-paying roles.

What type of research can I do once I receive a PhD in exercise science?

After receiving your PhD in exercise science , you can work for a private or public research facility to continue your knowledge in the field. If research particularly interests you, you could consider becoming a professor at a college or university to teach undergraduate or graduate students. Teaching also commonly comes with the requirement or encouragement to conduct your own research to further the field of exercise science.

You could pursue research opportunities in rehabilitation methods, sports conditioning, preventing diseases, and more. You’ll receive training on the best research methods during the doctoral program.

What hands-on careers are available to people with a PhD in exercise science?

People with a PhD in exercise science can promote the well-being of others in one of these hands-on careers:

  • Athletic Trainer
  • Rehabilitation Therapist
  • Sports Coach
  • Conditioning Coach
  • Personal Trainer
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Sports Medicine Physician
  • Fitness Instructor

Important Dates

Application Deadline: August  19, 2024 Next Start Date: September 3, 2024

Core (10 credits)

KHS7000 Issues and Trends in Kinesiology (3) KHS7030 Professional Ethics and Program Management in Kinesiology (3) KHS7900 Seminar 1: Drafting the Dissertation Introduction (1) KHS7901 Seminar 2: Drafting the Dissertation Literature Review (1) KHS7903 Seminar 3: Drafting the Dissertation Methodology (1) KHS7903 Seminar 4: Finalizing the Written Dissertation Prospectus (1)

Exercise Science (27 Credits)

KHS7010 Medical Aspects of Exercise and Disease Prevention (3) KHS7020 Exercise and Health Behavior Change (3) KHS7100 Advanced Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise (3) KHS7120 Advanced Exercise & Sport Nutrition (3)

KHS7130 Advanced Exercise and Sport Psychology (3) KHS7200 Advanced Biomechanics in Exercise Science (3) KHS7210 Advanced Exercise Physiology (3) KHS7220 Advanced Mechanisms of Skilled Neuromuscular Behavior (3)

KHS7230 Advanced Exercise Prescription (3)

Research Methods and Statistics (12-18 Credits)

For the PhD (18 Credits) KHS7820 Research Methods in Kinesiology (3) KHS7830 Advanced Research Seminar in Kinesiology (3) KHS7550 Qualitative Research in Kinesiology (3) KHS7600 Quantitative Research in Kinesiology (3) KHS7650 Mixed Methods in Research in Kinesiology (3) KHS7700 Statistics in Kinesiology (3)

For the EdD (12 Credits) KHS7800 Action Research in Kinesiology (3) KHS7810 Applied Measurement and Evaluation Techniques in Kinesiology (3) KHS7820 Research Methods in Kinesiology (3) KHS7830 Advanced Research Seminar in Kinesiology (3)

Dissertation (12 Credits)

For the PhD in Exercise Science KHS8000 Dissertation (12)

For the EdD in Exercise Science KHS7950 Dissertation (12)

Total Credits for EdD = 61 Total Credits for PhD = 67

Additional Program Information

Edd course descriptions.

KHS7000: Current Issues and Trends in Kinesiology : This course prepares students to analyze current problems, issues, and trends impacting kinesiology professions. The emphasis is on selecting and discussing emerging and controversial topics from research and everyday experiences that lead to action. Leadership principles will be examined as students develop and identify leadership strategies, tools and applications to successfully implement a personal mission and vision statement.

KHS7010: Medical Aspects of Exercise and Disease Prevention : This course utilizes an epidemiological approach to examine the relationship between physical activity and health and/or disease outcomes. Emphasis is on the role of exercise in preventative medicine. Topics include the impact of exercise on various diseases, and the effect of various medical conditions on the ability to participate in vigorous exercise and competitive sports.

KHS7020: Exercise and Health Behavior Change: Advanced analysis of theoretical health behavior models and their application to physical activity behavior. Includes practical techniques, tools and interventions (e.g., counseling skills, motivational interviewing) to enhance exercise adherence and motivation across the lifespan.

KHS7030: Professional Ethics and Program Management in Kinesiology: This course examines ethical and socio-cultural issues that kinesiology students will face during their training and professional practice emphasizing conceptual frameworks needed to articulate concerns and engage in meaningful dialogue with others. Topics include the application of ethical program management, financial management, legal issues, and evaluation and planning.

KHS7100: Advanced Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise: This course examines the effects of acute and chronic exercise on the cardiovascular system, with an emphasis on understanding the regulatory mechanism that controls the cardiovascular system at rest and in response to aerobic and resistance exercises.

KHS7120: Advanced Exercise & Sport Nutrition: This course examines the role of nutrient selection, metabolism, and timing play in supporting and improving health and human performance. Topics include nutrient bioenergetics, optimizing nutrient timing, micronutrients and macronutrients, ergogenic aids, thermoregulation, fluid balance, and weight management.

KHS7130: Advanced Exercise and Sport Psychology: This course is designed to prepare students to apply practical and theoretical psychological principles to individuals participating in exercise and sport. Emphasis is placed on theory and research on motivation, personality, cognition, self-efficacy, leadership effectiveness, attributions, attitudes, and group dynamics.

KHS7200: Advanced Biomechanics in Exercise Science:  This course examines qualitative and quantitative elements and physics of human movement. Content areas include the structural mechanics of bone physiology, muscle mechanics, and connective tissue principles. Sport techniques and environmental conditions (e.g., friction, air, and water resistance) are also explored. Biomechanical implications of sport and fitness skill performance will be analyzed for mechanical efficiency and effectiveness.

KHS7210: Advanced Exercise Physiology : The physiological responses to exercise performance and the effects of physical activity on the body’s functions are examined in theory and application.

KHS7220: Advanced Mechanisms of Skilled Neuromuscular Behavior: This course examines the integration of thought processes with the human body to produce skilled motor performance. Theoretical perspectives and mechanisms of motor behavior are examined and applied to significant systems involving gross motor learning and control in sport and exercise.

KHS7230: Advanced Exercise Prescription: This course focuses upon the design of individualized exercise programs and prescriptions in health and disease. Knowledge of skills necessary for safe and effective application of these prescriptions for members of diverse populations as well as the prevention and maintenance of chronic disease will be emphasized.

KHS7800: Action Research in Kinesiology: This course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to design, conduct, and evaluate action research projects within the field of kinesiology. This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of action research and its use in promoting change and improvement in a variety of settings, including physical activity and exercise programs, sport organizations, and health promotion initiatives.

KHS7810: Applied Measurement and Evaluation Techniques in Kinesiology: This course develops skills for the selection, development, and implementation of various types of instruments and techniques for measuring and evaluating health and human performance interventions. Evaluation of these interventions includes general health behaviors, health related fitness, nutritional and dietary intake, body composition, and other areas related to an individual’s quality of life.

KHS7820: Research Methods in Kinesiology: This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the research process in the field of kinesiology. Emphasis will be placed on real-world examples of how research is effectively accessed, interpreted, and used in professional kinesiology settings.

KHS7830: Advanced Research Seminar in Kinesiology: This course builds on the previous course, but with an intentional focus on the dissertation topic of interest for each student.  In-depth research strategies, data reliability and credibility, and the IRB process are discussed and completed during this course. Students schedule the dissertation proposal during this course.

KHS7900: Seminar 1-Drafting the Dissertation Introduction: This course provides students the opportunity to make progress on their dissertation in collaboration with a faculty mentor. Special focus on selecting the dissertation topic, forming the committee. and drafting an introduction.

KHS7901: Seminar 2-Drafting the Dissertation Literature Review: This course provides students the opportunity to make progress on their dissertation in collaboration with a dissertation advisor and advisory committee. Special focus on an annotate bibliography drafting the literature review.

KHS7902: Seminar 3-Drafting the Dissertation Methodology: This course provides students the opportunity to make progress on their dissertation in collaboration with a dissertation advisor and advisory committee. Special focus on drafting the methodology.

KHS7903: Seminar 4-Finalizing the Written Dissertation Prospectus: This course provides students the opportunity to make progress on their dissertation in collaboration with a dissertation advisor and advisory committee. Special focus on drafting a dissertation prospectus.

KHS7950: Ed.D. Dissertation: The dissertation is an independent, scholarly work of research completed by the doctoral candidate, under the guidance of a dissertation committee. A dissertation demonstrates a candidate’s ability to undertake scholarship in his or her field through intellectual endeavor and the application of research skills. The completion of a dissertation requires a scholarly mindset involving ongoing evaluation, analysis, and synthesis of previous, relevant research as well as one’s own work. A dissertation involves exploring an important problem that warrants investigation due to its centrality to issues of practice and application.

PhD Course Descriptions

KHS7550: Qualitative Research in Kinesiology: This course provides an in-depth examination of qualitative research, including research designs, data collection strategies, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation methods.

KHS7600: Quantitative Research in Kinesiology: This course provides an overview of quantitative research, including research designs, data collection strategies, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation methods.

KHS7650: Mixed Methods Research in Kinesiology: This course provides  students with an in-depth understanding of the advantages and limitations of different research methods in kinesiology, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. This course will cover the principles of research design and data analysis, with a focus on the development and implementation of mixed methods research studies.

KHS7700: Statistics in Kinesiology: This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of statistical analysis techniques and their application in the field of kinesiology. This course will cover a range of topics, including descriptive statistics, probability, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and non-parametric methods. Students will learn how to apply these techniques to analyze data from various kinesiology studies, including studies of physical activity, exercise, and sport performance. They will also gain experience using statistical software to perform data analysis and interpret results. Throughout the course, students will work on real-world data sets and case studies, and will engage in interactive discussions and group projects that encourage critical thinking and problem solving.

KHS8000 Ph.D. Dissertation: The dissertation is an independent, scholarly work of research completed by the doctoral candidate, under the guidance of a dissertation committee. The dissertation will create knowledge and/or test a theory through the demonstration of scientific inquiry, investigative skills, methodological and analysis skills, scientific writing and presentation skills, and ethical behavior.


Concordia University, St. Paul is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org) , a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

No Comprehensive Exam

As part of our doctoral program, you will not have to take a comprehensive exam.

No GRE/GMAT Testing Requirement

There is no testing requirement to apply for our doctorate in kinesiology program. We consider your past performance as the best indicator of your future success. We’ll look at your prior college transcripts and request a writing sample showing that you can complete college-level writing.

Tuition & Financial Aid

CSP Global offers a variety of sources to help you pay for your education, including state and federal loans, payment plans, and scholarships for those who qualify. Many students also receive tuition reimbursement from their employers.

Application Requirements

1. online application.

  • Create an account and submit our online application. Once submitted, you can follow your application process through the application portal.

2. Official College Transcripts

  • Submit official transcripts from an accreditor recognized by the US Department of Education stating the conferral of a Master’s degree or higher with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 based on a 4.0 system.
  • To be considered official, transcripts must be received in a sealed envelope from the institution or through secured electronic delivery.

3. Writing Sample

  • Those seeking admission into the Doctorate in Kinesiology program should submit a Master’s-level scholarly work that includes APA in-text citations and references. A sample of work from a previous Master’s program and/or professional doctorate will be acceptable.

4. Letters of Recommendation

  • Students seeking admission to the Doctorate in Kinesiology program should arrange to have two letters of recommendation completed by professionals who can speak to their greatest strengths and successes. It is recommended that these letters speak specifically to the applicant’s work ethic, disposition and academic ability.

5. Current Resume and Professional Goal Statement

  • Provide a copy of your resume and a brief statement detailing your motivation for pursuing a doctorate in kinesiology and your persistence toward achieving long-term goals.

Charting Your Course: An Inside Look at the EdD and PhD Kinesiology Dissertation Process

This special webinar features two professors alongside several students, providing an inside look at the EdD and PhD dissertation process. You’ll gain invaluable insights and hear firsthand experiences from current doctoral students, successful graduates, and knowledgeable staff, all committed to guiding and supporting aspiring kinesiology doctoral candidates like you.

Core Program Faculty

Dr. matthew buns.

Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Health Science Director of the Doctorate in Kinesiology

Dr. Buns’s research examines the mechanisms of expertise in sport and the psychological and cognitive factors associated with motor skills. Dr. Buns has published more than 25 scholarly articles in sport and exercise science and is the founding editor of the Track and Cross Country Journal . Learn more about Dr. Buns here .

Dr. Katie Fischer

Associate VP for Academic Affairs and Strategic Program Development

Dr. Fischer’s background in higher education includes administration of in-class and online programs, development of new programs, and collaborative programming. Her academic focus includes public health, epidemiology, leadership, and program administration. Learn more about Dr. Fischer here .

Dr. Lana Huberty

Dean of the College of Kinesiology, Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Health Sciences

Dr. Huberty brings with her a wealth of industry practice in both private and public sport and recreation settings. Research interests and publications focus on sport marketing and sponsorship, gender diversity within sport management, and sport leadership. Learn more about Dr. Huberty here .

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Phd program.

Our doctorate program is the right path for you if you intend to build a career as a scholar, researcher, teacher, or industry professional in the science of human movement, kinesiology, or other allied health fields or biomedical science settings.

Kines Spirit Store - Show your school spirit with Kinesiology-branded apparel - Shop Now

Program Overview

Students pursuing a PhD in Movement Science develop scholarly and research competence, culminating in an original doctoral dissertation contributing to the body of knowledge in kinesiology. The program is designed for students who intend to make their careers as scholars, teachers, researchers, and professionals in exercise physiology, biomechanics, motor control, and allied fields.

Each doctoral student works closely with a faculty advisor from the beginning of their degree program. Under their faculty advisor’s guidance, they are expected to take relevant coursework, engage in relevant research experiences (lab rotations, independent study projects, etc.), generate research ideas, and complete a research dissertation prior to graduation.

A principal goal of doctoral student training is achieving competence as an independent scholar. This entails not only proficiency in research but in the dissemination of knowledge. To achieve this, students learn to guide the learning of others as a Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA) or Graduate Student Instructor (GSI).

Doctoral students and their faculty advisors will form a Guidance Committee, Qualifying Examination Committee, and a Dissertation Committee to provide advice and evaluate student progress at successive stages of the program.

Movement Science PhD Curriculum

PhD students choose from a set of core courses in Kinesiology, as well as cognate courses from other units, and complete a minimum of 30 pre-candidacy credits beyond the master's level. Qualifying examinations must be passed before advancing to candidacy, after which the student completes an original doctoral dissertation. A minimum of 50 credits including pre-candidacy and candidacy work must be completed to graduate.

The courses you take will vary, depending on your educational goals.  Courses taken for graduate credit will carry MOVESCI or KINESLGY program codes, and are numbered 500 and above.

  • Browse only KINESLGY courses in the Course Catalog
  • Browse only MOVESCI courses in the Course Catalog
  • Browse entire Course Catalog

Movement Science Graduate Faculty

Our Movement Science graduate faculty are leaders in their fields, and have a variety of interests and specialties. View the MVS graduate faculty list .

Forms & Bulletins

The Graduate Bulletin contains a wealth of information, including requirements for admissions, coursework, doctoral candidacy, and more. The Policies and Procedures page includes a wider selection of Bulletins, plus forms required for progress towards your PhD degree.

  • Graduate Bulletin 2023-24
  • Graduate Bulletin 2022-23
  • Graduate Bulletin for MVS and SM Programs 2021-22
  • Graduate Bulletin 2020-21
  • Graduate Bulletin 2019-20
  • Forms and Bulletins page on this website

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Department of Kinesiology

Exercise Science Program

Exercise science (m.s., ph.d.) overview.

The Exercise Science graduate program focuses on training proficient, knowledgeable, and technically experienced leaders in the field of Kinesiology. It specifically develops competency in four distinct areas: academic fluency, scientific proficiency, practical application, and professionalism. The rigors and time commitment of the graduate program rewards and requires a high level of maturity, personal initiative, drive, passion, and responsibility.  While the time commitment is high, most of the students attracted to this program are interested in investing a significant amount of time learning about and gaining experience in the field.

In the exercise science community, research is the foundation of our knowledge base.  It creates the basis for an effective and positive impact on performance and health outcomes.  Our program is centered on laboratory experience to ensure that each student understands and appreciates this foundation.  This provides a valuable background for all students, regardless of their future career.

Master’s Program

The master’s program is designed to give students a broad-based exposure to the essential knowledge in the field.  Students with different backgrounds and career aspirations and are tightly integrated into the research process and are part of their advisor’s research team.  Students learn laboratory skills while building an appreciation for the scientific basis of the field.

Commitment and dedication are important for each student’s continued development as a professional.  As described in the Residence Requirements section of our  Requirements page , the academic and research-oriented components of the graduate experience should be approached in a full-time capacity.

Doctoral Program

While both the master’s and doctoral programs in Exercise Science are research-oriented, doctoral students tend to take on tasks requiring a higher degree of accountability and responsibility.  Doctoral responsibilities may include helping to manage or run studies or other projects, supervise master’s and undergraduate students, analyze data, and prepare manuscripts for publication.

Senior doctoral students often are presented with different types of projects from their advisor.  The doctoral student then works with the project team to:

  • Arrange meeting times;
  • Develop a plan for the execution of the project;
  • Present the plan to the team and work to refine and build consensus on the plan with the team (such as standard exercise procedures, the order of tasks, or when forms are to be updated);
  • Guide students through mock trials of each aspect of the project to ensure consensus and consistency in each step of the subject training or data collection process;
  • Assign students to complete various aspects of the project (such as ensuring materials are prepared for each day, scheduling, or small tasks);
  • Regularly monitor projects to ensure smooth progress and to ensure that standards for all aspects of each project are met.

Throughout, the student is closely and personally supervised by their advisor for guidance, confirmation, correction, and advice. As described in the Residence Requirements section of our Requirements page , the academic and research-oriented aspects of the graduate experience should be approached in a full-time capacity. The doctoral program trains students to become competent professors and investigators – a strong preparation for any avenue they may take.

Professional Development

While the graduate program at the University of Connecticut is educational in nature, it is considered by the advising faculty to be a professional appointment. Beyond academic knowledge, graduates from this program build the skills, maturity, and competency necessary for the professional world. The ability to work with others in a professional setting is a large part of the experience of graduate school. Students are active in a laboratory that works with human subjects, a responsibility which requires a significant level of maturity and professionalism.

Over the course of the program, students learn how to:

  • Plan an approach to a project that accounts for and anticipates a broader scope of factors than they may have considered as undergraduates
  • Gain the confidence to develop a plan on their own, but the humility to confidently present their ideas to the team to build consensus and pilot ideas before finalizing procedures
  • Ask for assistance and assign tasks to others while remaining engaged in the research process
  • Check-in with others and ensure accountability while learning to maintain a positive, trusting, and respectful environment
  • Maturely work with those in different departments or professionally interact with those of opposing interests and needs
  • Address sources of conflict in a timely, professional, and neutral manner
  • Conduct and present themselves in a professional manner in terms of conduct, communication, and attire

Finally, experienced students learn to operate from a position of seniority while still engaging and respecting all members of the team.

Students learn the value of their character and contributions to the laboratory, rather than their academic background alone.  These professional, interpersonal, and managerial skills are invaluable and necessary for success in future professional endeavors.  However, the skills and professional benefits of the program cannot be achieved without the active presence and engagement of each student, regardless of the task in question.  It is for these reasons that the residence requirements are in place.

Experience and Seniority

In both the master’s and doctoral programs, experience with the Human Performance Laboratory is paramount to gaining and maintaining higher-level responsibilities.  While experience elsewhere is highly valued, to ensure consistency in data collection it is important for all students to demonstrate competency on fundamental skills prior to engaging in higher-level skills.  All students are expected to work hard, but may do so in different ways or with different projects.  All responsibilities are valued and students are asked to take the steps necessary in order to accomplish a given task.

Academic Courses

For more information on the academic program and courses, please see our Graduate Requirements page .

Who should I contact with additional questions?

We encourage you to fully explore the details of each program through this website and read more about the individual professors and their research.  Finally, please review the information on the   How to Apply to Graduate Programs   page to select an advisor who best matches your research interest.  Please contact that professor personally to express interest in their program. For questions about the degree program, please contact our Graduate Coordinator, Neal Glaviano ([email protected]). For questions about admissions, please contact our Graduate Admissions Coordinator, Katrease Sharavolli ([email protected]).

  • The Graduate School >
  • Explore & Apply >
  • Choose UB >
  • Academic Programs >

Exercise Science PhD

School of public health and health professions, program description.

Exercise science is the scientific study of how human movement influences health, fitness, performance and disease prevention. The Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences provides an opportunity to offer a broad understanding of the human body, including physiological and biomechanical factors. In this program, students will conduct high-level research in top-tier research laboratories and explore didactic subjects such as research ethics, scientific grant writing, and engage in one-on-one mentorship to perfect their knowledge.

Kristen Braunscheidel 206 Kimball Tower Buffalo, NY 14214 Email:  [email protected] Phone: 716-829-5713

Instruction Method

  • In Person   (100 percent of courses offered in person)

Full/Part Time Options

Credits required, time-to-degree, application fee.

This program is officially registered with the New York State Education Department (SED).

Online programs/courses may require students to come to campus on occasion. Time-to-degree and number of credit hours may vary based on full/part time status, degree, track and/or certification option chosen. Time-to-degree is based on calendar year(s). Contact the department for details.

  • myState on Mississippi State University
  • Directory on Mississippi State University
  • Exercise Science PhD

The focus of the exercise science doctoral concentration is the scientific study of how biological systems function during physical activity, exercise, and sport, emphasizing applications to both clinical and healthy populations. The program is intended for students who desire teaching and/or research careers in higher education, industry, and other research institutions. Interested students should familiarize themselves with the research interests of graduate faculty in the exercise science doctoral program:  Dr. Stamatis Agiovlasitis ,  Dr. Stanley Brown ,  Dr. Harish Chander ,  Dr. Chih-Chia Chen ,  Dr. Megan Holmes ,  Dr. Adam Knight ,  Dr. John Lamberth ,  Dr. Zhujun Pan ,  Dr. JohnEric Smith , and  Dr. Benjamin Wax .

Please view the links below for details about the application process and Ph.D. curriculum.

  • Application Process
  • Graduate Admissions
  • Current Students
  • Disability Studies
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Sport Administration
  • Sport Pedagogy
  • Sport Studies PhD
  • Doctoral Program Graduates

phd in exercise science

Online Ph.D. in Exercise and Sport Science

Learn More About The Program

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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Health Sciences – Exercise and Sport Science

Strengthen your knowledge of human performance with a ph.d. in health sciences – exercise and sport science degree online.

Do you want to further your career in research, academia, sports science, exercise physiology, or occupational performance? With Liberty’s 100% online Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Health Sciences – Exercise and Sport Science, you can prepare to pursue higher-level roles in clinical settings or teach human performance-related topics at the college level. Our goal is to help you thrive as a professor, scientist, scholar, or industry leader.

Throughout this program, you can hone your skill set and prepare to pursue new opportunities as an allied health professional. In particular, you’ll learn about important aspects of sports performance, so you can help athletes achieve peak performance. The knowledge you gain in this program can also help you work with clients and patients who want to accomplish physical wellness goals. Our 100% online courses give you the flexibility to earn a terminal degree from the comfort of your home. Partner with us and prepare to help meet the diverse needs of the healthcare community.

What Will You Learn in Liberty University’s Online Exercise and Sport Science Program?

  • Healthcare delivery systems, risk management, and evidence-based practices
  • Methods for teaching health sciences at the college level
  • Sports performance, biomechanics, and physiology

In this program, you’ll explore a variety of advanced topics in health sciences, including leadership, ethical issues, and cultural competency in the field of health sciences. You’ll also study important research methods and conduct original research as you complete the dissertation process. With training from our seasoned faculty, you can prepare to make a positive difference as an allied health professional.

Within the exercise and sport science specialization, you can become equipped to strengthen your effectiveness as a military performance specialist, exercise physiologist, sports scientist, or occupational performance specialist. You’ll learn about practical methods for helping athletes and other clients achieve physical wellness. Some of the topics you’ll study include conditioning, occupational and environmental physiology, assessment and programming, and the effects of performance-enhancing substances.

Potential Careers for Ph.D. in Health Sciences – Exercise and Sport Science Graduates

Depending on your previously obtained certifications and licenses, some of the roles you could pursue after earning this degree include:

  • Exercise physiologist
  • Human performance specialist
  • Nutritional consultant
  • Sports scientist
  • Strength training and conditioning coach

Benefits of Pursuing Your Doctorate in Exercise and Sport Science with Liberty University

As a leader in distance education since 1985, we understand what it takes to create a flexible and affordable education for busy people. Since we have been investing in distance and online learning for decades, our experience has taught us how to streamline our degree options so you can focus on what really matters to you. While many schools offer online degrees, we believe Liberty stands out.

Here’s what sets us apart:

  • We are  recognized by multiple institutions for our academic quality, affordability, and accessibility . Our commitment to excellence also helped us rank among Niche.com’s  top 3 online schools in America . Earning your online degree from a nonprofit university with this kind of recognition can help set you apart from others in your field.
  • The majority of tuition for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs has not increased in 9 years. While many other online colleges have raised tuition, Liberty has been able to keep costs low as a nonprofit university. 
  • You can complete this Ph.D. in Health Sciences – Exercise and Sport Science in as little as 3 years!
  • As an online student, you can access a wealth of resources through our top-notch library portal.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to network with leaders in sports science and human performance from across the country while pursuing your doctoral degree in exercise and sport science.

Military Tuition Discount

We want to help you find the doctoral degree you want — at a price you’ve earned. As a thank-you for your military service, Liberty University offers eligible current and former service members like you or your spouse multiple pathways to earn a doctoral degree for only  $300/credit hour . Here’s how:

  • If you’re earning or have earned a master’s degree through Liberty, you automatically qualify for the low price (when you begin within 2 years of your master’s completion).
  • If you haven’t earned a graduate degree through Liberty, our Executive Certificate program allows you to pay only $300/credit hour for a postgraduate certificate that can stand alone or potentially count as the first 21 hours of a related doctoral degree. Then pay just $300/credit hour for your doctorate. Learn more !

Credit Hours

phd in exercise science

100% online, 8-week courses

Interested in studying on campus?

Transfer Credits

Transfer in up to 50% of the degree total

Next Start Date

Aug 19, 2024


Liberty University is accredited by SACSCOC

phd in exercise science

“In the times in which we’re living today, Liberty University’s mission , the mission of training up a generation of Champions for Christ in literally every occupation, has never been more important .”


Experience That Matters to You

As an accredited Christian college with a 7,000-acre campus in Lynchburg, Virginia, Liberty University offers you an education that is both academically challenging and rooted in a biblical worldview.

At Liberty, you’ll benefit from 35+ years of learning, growing, adapting, and innovating for the distance learner — and more than a decade of researching the needs of the online student. You can be confident that we’ve taken the time to learn what’s important to you.

And what’s that?

  • Affordability
  • Accessibility
  • Academic Quality

These important factors challenged us to find new financial solutions, get ahead of industry trends, and blaze trails into cutting-edge career fields — and it’s paid off. That’s the difference experience makes.

Ranked in the top 10% of Niche.com’s best online schools in America   and recognized by multiple institutions for   academic quality, affordability, and accessibility.


Why Choose Liberty University?

Enjoy flexible courses.

Choose from a wide variety of programs at the associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral level, most of which are 100% online*. With an 8-week format and 8 start dates per year, it’s easy to fit your courses around your schedule!

* Some exclusions apply. Please refer to our exclusions page for more information.

Maximize Your Time

Start and finish your degree faster! Liberty requires no standardized testing for admission, and you can transfer previous course credit — transfer in up to 75% of a bachelor’s degree and up to 50% of a master’s, postgraduate, or doctoral degree — or discover how your life, career, or military experience may count toward your college degree.

Grow in Your Faith

All of our courses are taught from a Christian perspective, and our faculty see themselves as mentors. Our mission is to Train Champions for Christ — we’re committed to championing you as you study to go further in your field, become a leader in your industry, or start a new career.

Access Academic Support

Throughout your educational journey, you will have access to academic resources that will aid in the completion of your degree. Services include our Jerry Falwell Library, writing center, tutoring, study aids, IT assistance, 30+ tutorial videos, live webinars, and personalized help from our academic advising team.

An Online Education with On-Campus Benefits

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Cheer on 20 NCAA Division I games that air nationwide

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Graduate with your peers

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Be inspired by world-renowned speakers at Convocation

Why we’re nonprofit.

As a nonprofit (not-for-profit) university, Liberty is in the business of training skilled professionals to make a difference in the world – not gaining profit, revenue, or producing dividends for shareholders. In keeping with our commitment to your education, we invest our resources back into degree programs and into your student experience.

While many other online colleges have raised tuition, Liberty has been able to keep costs low as a nonprofit university and has not increased tuition for 9 straight years. Lower tuition means less student loan debt for students.

For Liberty University, nonprofit is more than a status; it is a valuable opportunity to invest in the lives of students who will go out and impact the world.

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Financing Options

Financial aid.

Nearly 80% of all Liberty students in an online program are awarded financial aid. Virginia residents may qualify for additional aid — learn more !

Corporate Tuition Assistance

Deferred – If your company reimburses you for the cost of your education, you pay only a portion of your balance up front. You submit your grades to your employer who pays you, and then you pay the remaining balance for your classes.

Tuition Discounts

Qualified military service members, veterans, and their spouses can receive up to 55% off their tuition rate for eligible programs!

Contact one of our Admissions Counselors for more information by calling (800) 424-9595 .

Apply FREE This Week*

*Some restrictions may occur for this promotion to apply. This promotion also excludes active faculty and staff, military, Non-Degree Seeking, DGIA, Continuing Education, WSB, and Certificates.

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just applied for !

Exercise and Sport Science

Make a Gift

Phd program.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill offers coursework leading to a Ph.D. in Human Movement Science . This program is a joint effort among faculty in the areas of Athletic Training, Biomedical Engineering, Exercise Physiology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Physical Therapy. The curriculum has four areas of concentration: Behavioral Studies (motor learning, motor development, and psychological factors), Biomechanics, Physiology, and Neuromuscular Control.

Athletic Training students enrolled in the program will take coursework related to the management and rehabilitation of orthopaedic and neuromuscular injury: conduct research through the Sports Medicine Research Laboratory; and teach in a CAATE accredited undergraduate athletic training education program. Additional opportunities may be available through the UNC Athletic Department. Certified athletic trainers holding a Masters Degree in an Athletic Training related area are welcome to apply.

For additional program information related to sports medicine, please contact:

Erik Wikstrom, PhD, ATC

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Exercise and Sport Science CB# 8700 Fetzer Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8700

[email protected]

Phone: 919-962-2260

Milken Institute School of Public Health site logo

Milken Institute School of Public Health

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  • COVID-19 Research
  • GWSPH Research Day
  • Office of the Vice Provost of Research
  • Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
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Milken Institute School of Public Health

Exercise Physiology and Applied Nutrition - PhD

Program Guide

  • Dissertation Research

Domestically and globally, poor diet and lack of physical activity are the greatest contributors to the burden of disease and mortality. Globally, obesity rates are on the rise, often alongside severe undernutrition in developing countries. Overweight and obesity, along with other chronic conditions such as cardiovascular heart disease and Type II diabetes are largely attributable to lifestyle related behaviors, including insufficient physical activity, increased sedentarism, and poor nutrition.  We also have an aging population, whereby a healthy diet and physical activity become critical to live more healthfully for longer.

The PhD in Exercise Physiology and Applied Nutrition (EPAN) at GWSPH has been created as an actionable program with a fundamental and deep core appreciation that both nutrition and physical activity together are powerful in fighting many of the most significant public health problems of our time.  We strive to uniquely integrate both disciplines given their unique but often have synergistic impacts on health.

This multidisciplinary program provides a rigorous educational opportunity with a curriculum grounded in science and includes the use of sound methodological approaches and innovative thinking that leads to the advancement of knowledge that can be translated into real-world health applications in the fields of physiology and nutrition. Scholars in the doctoral EPAN program will have the opportunity to more fully integrate or specialize their focus in exercise physiology or applied nutrition through their elective coursework and dissertation research.

The program further provides scholars with opportunities to focus on health from laboratory to more community-based approaches. Ongoing research includes nutritional and physical activity epidemiology focused on aging and cancer, physiological and metabolic adaptations to dietary factors and exercise, chronic disease prevention and management, physical activity and dietary interventions, and community-based programs and interventions focused on physical activity and nutrition in children and youth. The program takes advantage of the strengths of the GW academic environment, including wet labs, applied nutrition and physiology labs, along with our location in Washington, D.C., where students and faculty have the opportunity to translate knowledge into real-world impact. 

Program Director:  Jennifer Sacheck, PhD, MS

GWSPH Doctoral programs admit students for the Fall term each academic year. Applications will be accepted beginning in August and are due no later than December 1st for the next matriculating cohort beginning in the following Fall term.  Find GWSPH graduate admissions information  here .

GWSPH is committed to support the highest standards and practices of diversity and inclusion in all of our processes, systems and interactions throughout the application and student experience.  

The PhD program will accept students every year.  Applications will be accepted beginning mid-August and are due no later than December 1st. Applications will be reviewed following the December 1st deadline and those applicants selected for an in-person interview (video conference if remote) can expect to be contacted no later than mid-February.

Our admissions process and requirements:

  • Applicants with a graduate degree in exercise science, nutrition, public health, or a related discipline will be highly encouraged; however any major is acceptable as long as applicants show requisite knowledge and skills
  • Typically an A average in graduate coursework 
  • International students must provide language test results from the TOEFL or IELTS that are no more than 2 years old if they have not received a post-secondary degree from a US institution
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Statement of purpose

Prerequisite expectations  (what we are looking for) :

  • General Biology and Chemistry (with labs)
  • Human or mammalian physiology 
  • Graduate level statistics or biostatistics course is a required prerequisite

Highly Preferred:

  • Biochemistry (this will be discussed with student's research mentor prior to admission)
  • Exercise Physiology and/or Nutrition Science
  • Strong GRE score taken within 5 years of the matriculation date

In addition, we will thoroughly examine the research background of our applicants and give preference to students who have worked on research teams/laboratories or otherwise demonstrated research interest and aptitude. 

PUBH 6421  | Responsible Conduct of Research (1 credit) PUBH 8099  | PHD Seminar:  Cross Cutting Concepts in Public Health (1 credit) PUBH 8416  | Study Design and Evaluation (3 credits) PUBH 8418  | Applied statistical Analysis* (3 credits) PUBH 6080  | Pathways to Public Health** (0 credits)

*PUBH 6862 Applied Linear Regression Analysis may be taken in place of PUBH 8418 Applied Statistical Analysis. 

**For students without a prior public health degree, find FAQs for PUBH 6080 on the Advising page  here .

PHD CORE TOTAL: 8 credits

EXNS 6202 |  Advanced Exercise Physiology (3 credits) PUBH 6619  | Fundamentals of Nutrition Science (3 credits) PUBH 6611 |  Nutrition Assessment (2 credits) EXNS 6810  | Advanced Metabolism (3 credits) EXNS 8108 |  Lab Techniques in Human Physiology (2 credits) EXNS 8110  | Seminar in Exercise Physiology and Applied Nutrition (2 credits)


Electives may be selected to focus specifically on individual areas of interest in accordance with advisors support.  Focus areas may include: epidemiology, exercise physiology, applied nutrition, social/behavioral interventions.  See program guide for examples of suggested courses.  For students entering with a relevant MS degree in physiology or nutrition, some core courses may be waived and additional tailoring courses can be taken in their place.


Course Descriptions


All  PhD students are required to pass a Comprehensive Examination, which typically occurs following the Spring semester of Year 2.  Comprehensive exams must be successfully completed within three years of matriculation to the PhD program.


PUBH 8435  | Dissertation Proposal Development (2 credits) EXNS 8999  | Dissertation Research ( 9-12 credits)


Professional Enhancement

Students in the PhD program must participate in eight hours of Professional Enhancement. These activities are pre-approved by an advisor and may be Public Health-related lectures, seminars, and symposia related to your field of study.

Professional Enhancement activities supplement the rigorous academic curriculum of the SPH degree programs and help prepare students to participate actively in the professional community. You can learn more about opportunities for Professional Enhancement via the Milken Institute School of Public Health Listserv, through departmental communications, or by speaking with your advisor.  Students submit a completed  Professional Enhancement Form  to the Office of Student Records which is required documentation to be cleared for graduation.

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Training

All students are required to complete the Basic  CITI training module .  This online training module  will help new students demonstrate and maintain sufficient knowledge of the ethical principles and regulatory requirements for protecting human subjects - key for any public health research.

Academic Integrity Quiz

All Milken Institute School of Public Health students are required to review the University’s Code of Academic Integrity and complete the GW Academic Integrity Activity.  This activity must be completed within 2 weeks of matriculation. Information on GWSPH Academic Integrity requirements can be found  here.

Students in the PhD in the Exercise Physiology and Applied Nutrition program should refer to the guide from the year in which they matriculated into the program. For the current program guide, click the "PROGRAM GUIDE" button on the right-hand side of the page.

  • Program Guide 23-24
  • Program Guide 22-23
  • Program Guide 21-22
  • Program Guide 20-21

Our faculty at the Milken Institute School of Public Health are involved in a national profile of strategic research and serve as mentors to students across departments based on areas of specialized interest. These key faculty in the Exercise and Nutrition Sciences department will be directly associated with the PhD, Exercise Physiology and Applied Nutrition program:

Dr. Jennifer Sacheck , Program Director

Dr. Matthew Barberio

Dr. Loretta DiPietro

Dr. Karina Lora

Dr. Kim Robien

Dr. Emily Smith

Dr. Allison Sylvetsky

Dr. Sameera Talegawkar

Dr. Amanda Visek

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Exercise Physiology Ph.D.

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The doctoral program is firmly based in research and prepares students for academic careers in exercise physiology. Graduate students in this program have numerous applied physiological research opportunities in the program’s well-equipped laboratories of clinical and applied physiology, neuromuscular research and active aging, and sports medicine and motion analysis. Additionally, there are numerous collaborative research opportunities bolstered by the department’s strong relationships with the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, College of Arts and Sciences, Health South Doctors’ Hospital, and the Varsity Athletics Department. The program is best known for its work in women’s health, obesity, pediatric physiology, aging, muscle, biomechanics, cardiovascular physiology, exercise biochemistry, and human metabolism. The Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology requires the completion of up 72 credit hours, depending on the student’s academic background, and takes approximately four to five years to complete.

Admission Requirements

  • M.A. or M.S. in exercise physiology or a related field.
  • Pre-requisite courses including one year of chemistry with laboratory, and one course each in human biology, human physiology, and exercise physiology.
  • Admission preference will be given to those that have completed courses in organic chemistry and biochemistry.
  • Minimum 3.0 undergraduate and graduate GPA and a minimum 300 GRE score (verbal + quantitative) and 4.0 Analytical Writing Assessment score.

Program Contact

Program director.

Kevin Allen Jacobs Associate Professor Department of Kinesiology and Sport Sciences Room: Merrick Building 317-C [email protected] 305-284-5873

For Application Process Questions, contact:

Graduate Studies Office [email protected]

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College of Education and Human Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Science and Health Promotion

Exercise Your Potential!

The Ph.D. in Exercise Science and Health Promotion is a 60-hour program with in-depth coursework, including engaging, hands-on experiences. Students collaborate with professors in ongoing faculty and faculty/student-driven research and scholarship. Additionally, doctoral students teach a variety of undergraduate courses as part of their professional preparation. Culminating experiences include successful presentation of a professional portfolio and completion of a dissertation. The principle goal of the Ph.D. program is to prepare students who are exemplary candidates for academic or other professional positions in the field.


Cost Full tuition details here


Time to Complete 3 Years 60 Credit-Hours


Mode Offered Traditional Some Online Courses


Credentials Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Science and Health Promotion

Why North Alabama?

As a leader in teaching, research and service, UNA is constantly evolving and adding student-centered degree programs that provide the skills and experiences necessary to succeed in a dynamic and changing world. The Department of Kinesiology offers a Ph.D. combining the areas of Exercise Science and Health Promotion. The program focuses on engaging content knowledge, applied research, and skill enhancement, preparing graduates for jobs in academia as well as professional settings.

The Department of Kinesiology offers a Ph.D. in Exercise Science and Health Promotion. The curriculum consists of a 60-credit-hour program with in depth coursework including engaging, hands-on experiences.

There are 45 courses varying in credits from 1-3 hours (more for the Dissertation):

Please see our Ph.D. Program of Study catalog here.

What can I do with a Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Science and Health Promotion degree?

The principle goal of the Ph.D. program is to prepare students who are exemplary candidates for academia or other professional positions in the field. This program is designed to develop students as effective scholars and teachers.

Admissions requirements

In addition to completing a Master’s degree in Exercise Science, Health Promotion or related field, applicant must;

  •  Complete Application Form (click "Apply Now" link above)
  •  Submit academic transcripts validating scholastic achievement: minimum overall grade point average of 3.0 or higher (4.0 scale) on undergraduate work and 3.0 or higher (4.0 scale) on Master's level work
  •  Submit current curriculum vita
  •  Submit two page statement of purpose outlining career objectives, areas of research interest, details regarding related experience, and why the UNA Ph.D. is a good fit for the applicant's professional endeavors
  •  Submit two to three letters of recommendation attesting to the applicant's academic ability and potential for success as a graduate student, with reference to teaching proficiency/potential and writing and scholarship proficiency/potential
  • Receive departmental approval

The Department of Kinesiology has numerous Graduate Assistantships (GAs) awarded annually. GAs receive a tuition waiver and a monthly stipend. In exchange, they are assigned responsibilities within the department, generally teaching courses, assisting with ongoing research and scholarship, and service. Students must be admitted to graduate studies at UNA to be considered for a GA position. For GA application, click here .

Tuition and Aid

$550 per hour, Assistantships Available

* For international admissions requirements, tuition, and fees contact [email protected] .

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The Ohio State University - College of Education and Human Ecology

Health and Exercise Science, PhD in Kinesiology

Health and Exercise Science at Ohio State uses physiological- and behavior-based approaches to exercise science while expanding the breadth of your knowledge and experience of basic and applied laboratory and field-based research skills.

As a PhD student, you’ll choose the exercise physiology track or health and physical activity behavior track and be able to apply your knowledge for the: 

  • research-based improvement of education conducted in schools, hospitals, clinics, community agencies and other work sites designed to enhance physical activity and health behavior. 
  • appropriate use of physical activity and exercise in the prevention and treatment of chronic lifestyle diseases. 
  • improvement of exercise and sport performance for recreational and elite athletes. 
  • examination of the psychological and biological consequences of physical activity to determine the effects of exercise on mental health. 

Current Students Spotlight

Our students make essential contributions to the vibrant intellectual community of our program. Click below to learn more about some of our students’ interests and accomplishments.

Student profiles


healthy icon

Learn to understand and critically analyze the current literature, develop research hypotheses, design hypothesis-based experimental research, apply sound measurement techniques, and utilize appropriate statistical analyses related to exercise physiology.    You will cover many issues related to exercise science, including: exercise assessment; adaptation of skeletal muscle structure, function, and metabolic processes during the aging process; design and delivery of exercise programs; and treatment and prevention of chronic lifestyle and degenerative diseases. 

hand holding a dumbbell icon

Apply principles of behavioral science to identify determinants and consequences of physical activity adoption and maintenance in a variety of populations and settings. Students will gain the skills to design, implement and evaluate programs and learn to apply behavioral sciences to promote health and physical activity behavior change.    The behaviorally based approach to exercise science uses contemporary behavioral science that includes: determinants of physical activity adoption; effective methods for maintenance of physical activity in varied populations and settings; and the psychological consequences of participating in exercise on a regular basis. 

Career Paths 

EHE grad student with poster

Funding Options 

graduate associate teaching in classroom

Key to teaching, research and learning in the college, associateships provide students with professional experience and financial support. 

university fellow

These financial awards are made by Ohio State to students based on academic merit through a university-wide competition. 

Students with scholarship

The college annually awards scholarships to its students to support their academic goals.  

Graduate program costs can depend on a variety of factors such as residency, number of credit hours, and number of semesters enrolled. The Graduate Admissions website provides an estimate of annual costs for Ohio residents, domestic non-residents, and international students. The Registrar’s Office provides more in-depth information about Tuition and Fees .

Degree Requirements


Master’s degree

Expected time to degree

Deadline to apply

for funding consideration; then rolling admissions until cohort filled

Applications for the next admissions cycle will open September 1

Program start

Autumn Semester

View Health and Exercise Science (KINESIO-PH, HEN) Curriculum Sheet

Mode of Instruction

While some courses may be offered online, this degree requires in-person learning on the Columbus campus.

Prospective students are encouraged to complete an inquiry card so we can share information about virtual info sessions, opportunities to connect graduate students, program news and the admissions process.

Application checklist

View application checklist

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Exercise Science PhD

Fill out our  academic information form  to request information about programs.

Student working in the biomechanics lab.

Conduct original research to better understand the link between exercise, nutrition and overall wellness as you prepare for your career in academia, government, health care or clinical research.

Area of Emphasis

You will study and develop research skills in advanced exercise physiology. Research focuses on how disease or injury alters the normal responses to exercise and, in turn, how exercise interacts with disease and injury. Research opportunities are available in pulmonary, muscle or cardiovascular physiology; metabolism and diet; and exercise nutrition.

  • 7/27/22 Requirements and Curriculum
  • 9/24/19 Competencies
  • 6/19/14 Course Descriptions
  • 5/13/24 Admissions
  • 1/19/24 International Admissions
  • 5/11/17 Tuition and Financial Aid
  • 4/28/17 Frequently Asked Questions

Exercise Science

Doctor of Philosophy

Offered at IU Indianapolis by School of Health & Human Sciences .

The Ph.D. in Exercise Science program is designed to prepare doctoral research scholars to create and disseminate knowledge through future employment in academia, private industry, or government programs.

The program provides training through a rigorous, mentor-based interdisciplinary curriculum with pedagogical and research experiences. Candidates conduct applied and translational science research focusing on exercise science for the purposes of enhancing and prolonging quality of life.

This full-time, face-to-face, research-based doctoral program is composed of 90 credit hours.

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Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Sciences

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  • General Education
  • Nutrition Science
  • Exercise Science
  • Sport Management
  • Athletic Training (Professional)
  • Dietetics (online)
  • Exercise/Nutrition Science (Blended Learning)
  • Ph.D. in Exercise Science and Nutrition (Blended Learning)
  • MBA/MSM Dual Degree
  • Graduate Assistantship
  • Healthy Aging North Dakota

Ph.D. in Exercise Science and Nutrition

phd in exercise science

The HNES Department offers a Ph.D. program in Exercise Science and Nutrition. For more information and details regarding the program, please contact the graduate coordinator, Dr. Kyle Hackney, at [email protected]  .

Graduate Faculty eligible to mentor Ph.D. students :   Dr. Bryan Christensen , Dr. Shannon David , Dr. Matt Derscher ,  Dr. Nathan Dicks,   Dr. Marty Douglas ,  Dr. Julie Garden-Robinson , Dr. Kyle Hackney , Dr. Elizabeth Hilliard , Dr. Seugmin Kang ,  Dr. Ryan McGrath ,  Dr. Yeong Rhee ,  Dr. Kelsey Slater ,  Dr. Sherri Stastny , Dr. Brad Strand ,   Dr. Joel White  and Dr. Joshua Wooldridge.

Gerontology Ph.D. (Dual-Major) :  Exercise Science and Nutrition offer a dual-major Ph.D. with Gerontology.

Click on the rooms below to see a 360 tour of each lab area!

Room 14 link to a 360 video tour

Admission Requirements

Admissions Of the qualified Ph.D. applicants we receive, we expect to admit up to five students per year, based on the capacity of our current faculty.  In addition to the core faculty members in HNES who will advise students and participate in this program, there are faculty inside and outside of the department whose research interests mesh well with the program.

Admission    requirement for the students with a Master's degree

  • Completion of a Master's degree from an accredited university in field closely related to Nutrition, Health, Dietetics, Kinesiology, or Exercise Science.
  • Cumulative graduate GPA of 3.00 or higher.
  • The GRE is required. Applicants who score in the upper 50th percentile in the verbal, quantitative, and writing portions will be given preference in admission to the program.
  • At least one graduate course in statistics and one course in research methods, with grades of B or higher in each.
  • A completed thesis or research paper.
  • For international students, a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 79 (Internet-based). The minimum IELTS score required is 6.5. We are accepting the Duolingo for 2021. Our minimum score is 100.
  • Agreement to be advised by current HNES graduate faculty member.

Admission  requirements for students without an earned Master's degree

  • Completion of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited university in field closely related to Nutrition, Health, Dietetics, Kinesiology, or Exercise Science.
  • Cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • At least one statistics course or research methods course with grades of B or higher.
  • For international students, a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 79 (Intranet-based). The minimum IELTS score required is 6.5. 

Click Here to Apply!

Ph.D. Program Application Information and Requirements

The application process is online through the Graduate School Homepage .  Applications that are received and complete by March 15th will be given priority for fall semester. Applications that are received and complete after March 15th will be reviewed through August 1st for consideration for fall semester.  

For information PhD in Exercise and Nutrition program requirements, curriculum, HNES course rotations, and information on comprehensive examinations, dissertation proposals, dissertation defenses, and the final dissertation document please explore the PhD Exercise and Nutrition Handbook below:

PhD Exercise and Nutrition Handbook

Graduate Bulletin

 Need more information?  Please fill out our graduate interest form link below.

NDSU Graduate School Information Request

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Read the

    Rowan University
  Jul 06, 2024  
2024-2025 Rowan University Academic Catalog (DRAFT COPY)    

2024-2025 Rowan University Academic Catalog (DRAFT COPY)

The Department of Health & Exercise Science prepares professionals who can assume leadership roles in health care professions, health promotion, exercise science, nutrition, and public health. Career opportunities include providing healthcare to athletes managing health promotion programs in the community, corporate and medical settings, and developing exercise and performance enhancement, and nutritional programs for athletes, patients, and clients. The Department of Health & Exercise Science offers undergraduate programs in the following majors:

The Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training Studies (BSATS) is designed for a dual purpose: 1) to enable students to successfully complete the Master of Science in Athletic Training; 2) allow students to apply to another allied healthcare professional school (i.e., PT, OT, etc.) or athletic training program within or outside the state should they either choose not to or cannot complete the MSAT requirements. Hence, students who choose not to finish or cannot complete the MSAT requirement will be able to graduate within their original graduation timeline. This degree will also be awarded en-route to completing the MSAT for students successfully completing all academic requirements. The BSATS will not be available to incoming freshmen .

The Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science (120 s.h.) prepares students interested in careers related to the field of Exercise Science. These include clinical exercise physiology, medical and hospital-based exercise and fitness programs, strength and conditioning, corporate and community-based fitness and wellness centers along with other exercise science related fields. Students develop the knowledge, skills, and disposition to successfully promote improvements in health, fitness, and performance for a variety of populations. Graduates will be prepared to earn national certifications through the American College of Sports Medicine, the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the National Academy of Sports Medicine, the International Society of Sports Nutrition, and others. In addition, students will be uniquely prepared to succeed in graduate programs in cardiac rehabilitation, physical and occupational therapy, physician assistant and accelerated nursing programs, medical and chiropractic programs, and other allied health care professions.

The Bachelor of Arts in Health Studies (60 s.h.) provides a degree completion program for those students who have a two-year Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree in medical technology, or clinical assistant certification. Individuals with an AAS in a healthcare tech. related area may also be eligible and should contact the program advisor to ascertain eligibility. This program will provide students with a path to a bachelor’s degree and with critical professional skills not covered in AAS degree programs that will make them highly competitive in the job market. Graduates will be prepared to enter or continue in the workforce with greater awareness of and ability to implement critical professional skills, and/or be competitive for advancement within their profession.

The Bachelor of Arts in Wellness Management (120 s.h.) is designed to prepare graduates for careers promoting the dimensions of wellness among individuals and populations through initiatives based in health care settings, worksites, schools and community-based organizations. The curriculum adheres to the standards for professional practice set by the National Wellness Institute. All students are required to complete a Minor in one of the following areas: Human Resources, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Environmental & Sustainability Studies, Community & Environmental Planning, Nutrition, Sport Psychology, and Public Health, or Adventure Education.

The Bachelor of Science in Nutrition (120 s.h.) prepares graduates to work as nutrition educators and counselors to serve clients in healthcare, worksites, community, and school-based wellness and fitness programs. The BS in Nutrition is a stand-alone degree program; however, students can apply for admission into a highly competitive dietetics concentration in their second year in the program. Students who are accepted into the dietetics concentration will participate in coursework that provides the foundation for them to pursue the Master of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics to become national credentialing exam eligible to earn their Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) credentials. Students must apply to the professional phase of study (junior and senior year in the programs) in the spring of their sophomore year .

The Bachelor of Science in Public Health & Wellness (120 s.h.) prepares graduates for a wide range of careers in public health, community health, wellness, and health promotion. The curriculum includes courses in the areas of health program planning, implementation, and evaluation; wellness coaching, behavior change and nutrition. Relevant current issues related to social justice, global and environmental sustainability and addressing worldwide pandemic threats are also explored. Graduates are prepared to successfully become Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES). The program is in the process of becoming accredited through the Council on Education in Public Health (CEPH). Students have multiple opportunities to gain professional experience outside of the classroom, including a semester-long senior internship. Graduates are prepared for entry into professional positions and for graduate studies in the areas of public health, wellness and lifestyle management, wellness coaching, and social services.

The Bachelor of Arts in Fitness Management (120 s.h.) is a 3+1 program in collaboration with Rowan College of South Jersey designed as a practical degree for students desiring a career in the fitness industry. It will provide graduates with the required knowledge and skills needed to utilize medical histories and fitness testing to assess individuals’ health-related fitness needs, and help individuals design and implement exercise, nutritional, and lifestyle plans to improve health and monitor their progress. It is also designed to teach graduates the ability to communicate effectively with clients and participants in a variety of fitness-related settings and to demonstrate leadership in both program and facility design and development.

M.A. in Wellness & Lifestyle Management (30 s.h.) This graduate program is designed for professionals from a variety of disciplines who want to work with clients and students to create and maintain lifestyle changes. The program is designed to prepare graduates to develop and implement wellness and lifestyle change programs in community, hospital, corporate and school settings.

Additional Program Information In addition to majors, the HES department offers several minors, certificates of undergraduate studies (CUGS) and certificates of graduate studies (COGS). The minors are a combination of six courses and the CUGS and COGS are a combination of four courses that provide additional education in a specific field. The minors include Psychology of Sport & Exercise, Nutrition, Public Health & Wellness. The CUGS include Psychology of Sport & Exercise, Adventure Leadership Education, Spanish for Health Professions (with the World Languages department), and Sport Management. The COGS is Wellness Coaching.

All students complete courses in General Education, and core and an academic concentration for their major. The upper-level major and/or concentration courses are specific and unique to the professional preparation of the student.

The Department has a two-level admission and retention policy. Students seeking admission into Health & Exercise Science programs must meet the admission standards established for all Rowan University students. In order to be admitted into and continue with any major, a student must demonstrate an above-average academic ability and be involved in professional-related activities. Each of the majors offered within the department provides students with numerous experiences and opportunities to grow professionally.

The philosophy of the department is to extend the classroom knowledge and theory into field experience settings. For students in Wellness Management, Exercise Science, Public Health & Wellness, and Nutrition, internships are completed in corporate wellness facilities, strength and conditioning facilities, physical and occupational therapy companies, community health agencies, and hospital-based wellness and rehabilitation centers. Athletic Training & Dietetics students gain clinical experiences with different patient populations and clinical settings.

Leslie Spencer Department Chair Herman D. James Hall 856.256.4500 x53761 [email protected]

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 Allison B. Smith PhD, ATC, LAT 

Allison B. Smith

Nursing and Health Professions

[email protected]

Educational History

  • Department of Exercise Science / Rehabilitative Science
  • Dissertation: Examination of Energy Needs in Competitive Cheerleaders
  • Master Of Science, April 2016, Otterbein University, Westerville, OH, Major: Allied Health
  • Bachelor Of Arts, May 2014, Otterbein University, Westerville, OH, Major: Athletic Training

Teaching Statement

Selected research.

  • Torres-McGehee TM, Uriegas NA, Hauge M, Monsma EV, Emerson DM, Smith AB. Eating Disorder Risk and Pathogenic Behaviors Among Collegiate Student-Athletes. J Athl Train. 2023 Oct 1;58(10):803-812.
  • Torres-McGehee TM, Emerson DM, Flanscha-Jacobson A, Uriegas NA, Moore EM, Smith AB. Energy Availability, Mental Health, and Sleep Patterns of Athletic Trainers. J Athl Train. 2023 Sep 1;58(9):788-795.
  • Osborn, M. M., Williams, V. A., Smith, A. B., & Winkelmann, Z. K. (2023). Interventions for the Mind, Body, and Spirit of NCAA Student-Athletes: An Evidence to Practice Review. Clinical Practice in Athletic Training, 6(2), 15-20.
  • Kehr, L.M., Rowe, D.C., Learn, R.M., Smith A.B., Winkelmann, Z.K. “Recommendation for best practices in the management of musculoskeletal pain: An evidence-to-practice review.” Clinical Practice in Athletic Training 5(2) (2022).
  • Gordon, R., Hirschhorn, R., Smith, AB., Fuemmeler S., Hand, A. “Gamekeeper’s Thumb with Stener Lesion in a High School Football Player: A Case Study”. Clinical Practice in Athletic Training 5(2) (2022).
  • Hoover, B., Hirschhorn, R., Smith AB., Hand, A. “Exertional Heat Stroke in a Male High School Runner with Disordered Eating: A Case Study”. Clinical Practice in Athletic Training 5(2) (2022).
  • Smith AB, Monsma E, Gay J, Arent S, Sarzynski M, Emerson D, and Torres-McGehee T. (2022). Investigation of Eating Disorder Risk and Body Image Dissatisfaction among Female Competitive Cheerleaders. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1375.
  • Smith AB., Gay JL., Arent SM., Sarzynski MA., Emerson DM., & Torres-McGhee TM (2022). Examination of the Prevalence of Female Athlete Triad Components among Competitive Cheerleaders. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4). 2196.
  • Bolno, A. L., Hoover, B. G., Michels, R. J., Smith, A. B., & Winkelmann, Z. K. (2021). Rest and Therapeutic Interventions Following Sport-Related Concussion: An Evidence-to-Practice Review. Clinical Practice in Athletic Training, 4(3), 10-16.
  • Avey, Mary Catherine; Hand, Amy F.; Uriegas, Nancy A.; Smith, Allison B.; and Winkelmann, Zachary K. () “Access to Care, Reporting Behaviors, and Quality of Athletic Training Service Interactions for Reserve Officers’ Training Corps cadets,” Journal of Sports Medicine and Allied Health Sciences: Official Journal of the Ohio Athletic Trainers Association: Número 7 : Iss. 2 , Article 6.
  • Uriegas NA, Emerson DM, Smith AB, Kelly MR, Torres-McGehee TM. Examination of eating disorder risk among university marching band artists. Journal of Eating Disorders. 2021 Mar;9(1):35. DOI: 10.1186/s40337-021-00388-7. PMID: 33691784; PMCID: PMC7944617.
  • Torres-McGehee, T. M., Emerson, D. M., Moore, E. M., Walker, S. E., Pritchett, K., Smith, A. B., … & Ohlemeyer, K. (2021). Energy Balance, Eating Disorder Risk, and Pathogenic Behaviors Among Athletic Trainers. Journal of Athletic Training, 56(3), 311-320.
  • Smith AB, Emerson DM, Winkelmann ZK, Potter D, Torres-McGehee TTM. Prevalence of Eating Disorder Risk and Body Image Dissatisfaction among ROTC Cadets. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020:17, 8137. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17218137
  • Emerson DM, Torres-McGehee TM, Yeargin SW, Kelly MR, Uriegas N, Smith A, Weber SR, Hirschhorn RM, Cannon C. Collegiate Marching Band Artists Experience High Core Body Temperatures during Rehearsals and Performances. J Athl Train. 2020 Dec 22;2020(preprint):0. doi: 10.4085/JAT0245-20. PMID: 33351953.
  • Torres-McGehee TM, Emerson DM, Pritchett K, Moore EM, Smith AB, Uriegas NA. Energy Availability with or without Eating Disorder Risk in Collegiate Female Athletes and Performing Artists. J Athl Train. 2020 Dec 22. doi: 10.4085/JAT0502-20. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33351913.

Selected Presentations

  • Brun K, Bartok M, Craig C, Smith AB. In Football Players with Scaphoid Fracture, How Does Surgical Intervention Compare to a Conservative Intervention for the Outcomes of Repair? A Critically Appraised Topic. Accepted as a poster presentation for the 2024 OATA Annual Meeting and Symposium. May 2024. Mason, Ohio.
  • Keller LJ, Smith AB, Hand AF. Chronic Low Back Pain in an Adolescent Cheerleader: A Case Study. Accepted for Poster Presentation at Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. February 2022. Atlanta, GA. Dobbins J, Smith AB, Moore K, Hand AF. Anti-Anxiety Medications, EMT Education, and Adverse Events and their Effect on Exertional Heat Illness in the Athletic Population: A Case Study. Accepted for Poster Presentation at Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. February 2022. Atlanta, GA.
  • Tompkins K, Smith AB, Hand AF. Baastrup’s Disease in a Multi-Sport High School Athlete: A Case Study. Accepted for Poster Presentation at Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. February 2022. Atlanta, GA.
  • Hudgens-Wallace S, Smith AB, Hand AF. Conservative Treatment for Lumbar Spine Disk Herniation in College Softball Player: A Case Report. Accepted for Poster Presentation at Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. February 2022. Atlanta, GA.
  • Minkin I, Smith AB, Hand AF. Acute Care of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Chronic Spondylolisthesis in a Collegiate Cheerleader: A Patient-Centered Case Study. Accepted for Poster Presentation at Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. February 2022. Atlanta, GA.
  • Dobbins JE, Meyer CM, Smith AB, Hand AF. The Need for Mental Health Screenings on Pre-Participation Examinations to Prevent Injury During Regular Season Division I Football. Mid Atlantic Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Student Symposium, May 2021, Virtual in leu of Charlotte, NC.
  • Elder BW, Meyer CM, Smith AB, Hand AF. The Effect of Dry Needling as a Therapeutic Intervention for Plantar Fasciitis Pain: A Critically Appraised Topic. Mid Atlantic Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Student Symposium, May 2021, Virtual in leu of Charlotte, NC.
  • Keller LJ, Meyer CM, Smith AB, Hand AF. Relationship Between Clinically Diagnosed Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and Depression: A Critically Appraised Topic. Mid Atlantic Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Student Symposium, May 2021, Virtual in leu of Charlotte, NC.
  • Minkin IM, Meyer CM, Smith AB, Hand AF. Outcomes Addressing Disordered Eating in Elite Gymnasts: A Critically Appraised Topic. Mid Atlantic Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Student Symposium, May 2021, Virtual in leu of Charlotte, NC.
  • Olzacki A, Meyer CM, Smith AB, Hand AF Incidence of Depression Post-Concussion in Collegiate Athletes. Mid Atlantic Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Student Symposium, May 2021, Virtual in leu of Charlotte, NC.
  • Pierce KM, Meyer CM, Smith AB, Hand AF . The Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy for Achilles Tendinopathy: A Critically Appraised Topic. Mid Atlantic Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Student Symposium, May 2021, Virtual in leu of Charlotte, NC.
  • Smith AB, Torres-McGehee TM. Online interview with I love to watch you play organization. Educated on athlete wellness, nutrition practices, and the Female Athlete Triad. March 2020.
  • Smith AB, Torres-McGehee TM. First Aid and Emergency Action Planning for Competitive Cheerleading. Summer 2019 Varsity University. Presented in Dallas, TX, Louisville, KY, and Las Vegas, NV. Presented to large groups of cheerleading coaches from across the nation as a part of their annual continuing education requirements.
  • Smith AB, Torres-McGehee TM. Athlete Wellness. Summer 2019 Varsity University. Presented in Dallas, TX, Louisville, KY, and Las Vegas, NV. Presented to large groups of cheerleading coaches from across the nation as a part of their annual continuing education requirements.
  • Smith AB, Torres-McGehee TM, Emerson D, Potter D. Prevalence of Depression and Anxiety among ROTC College Students. February 2019 Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting
  • Smith AB, Torres-McGehee TM, Monsma E, Weber SR. Examination of Pathogenic Behaviors and Eating Disorder Risk among Collegiate Female Track & Field Athletes. February 2018 Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Weber SR, Torres
  • McGehee TM, Monsma E, Smith AB. Examination of Body Image Dissatisfaction among Collegiate Female Track and Field Athletes. February 2018 Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting.

phd in exercise science

United States Sports Academy

Master of Sports Science

Advance your sports leadership with world-class online programs.

The United States Sports Academy offers five bachelor’s degrees, four master’s degrees, and a doctoral program, each designed to empower working professionals in the sports industry.

Higher-level roles in the sports industry, like coaching or leading collegiate athletics programs, often require specialized sports education. At USSA, our dedicated faculty will help enhance your professional knowledge and skills.

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  1. Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Science

    Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Science. Are you interested in attending one of the top Ph.D. programs in the United States? Our unique mentor-based program will prepare you to lead the future of Exercise Science research!

  2. Online PhD in Exercise Science

    Online PhD in Exercise Science Program: Nurturing Minds, Cultivating Knowledge. Seek knowledge that aligns with your values and embark on a path of growth with our 100% online Doctorate in Exercise Science. Thoughtfully designed for working adults, our asynchronous program allows you to learn at your own pace – anytime, anywhere.

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    Become an expert in the exercise science field. Our exercise science Ph.D. program will empower you to become a leading authority whether your career trajectory involves academia, private industry, research, or the government.

  4. Doctorate in Kinesiology, Exercise Science Emphasis

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  5. Careers Available with a PhD in Exercise Science

    A doctorate in exercise science will prepare you for leadership within the field, regardless of whether you earn a PhD in exercise science or an EdD in exercise science. As a terminal degree, it is the highest level of expertise you can gain in exercise science.

  6. PhD Program

    The program is designed for students who intend to make their careers as scholars, teachers, researchers, and professionals in exercise physiology, biomechanics, motor control, and allied fields. Each doctoral student works closely with a faculty advisor from the beginning of their degree program.

  7. Exercise Science (M.S., Ph.D.) Overview

    The Exercise Science graduate program focuses on training proficient, knowledgeable, and technically experienced leaders in the field of Kinesiology. It specifically develops competency in four distinct areas: academic fluency, scientific proficiency, practical application, and professionalism.

  8. Exercise Science PhD

    Exercise Science PhD. School of Public Health and Health Professions. Program Description. Exercise science is the scientific study of how human movement influences health, fitness, performance and disease prevention.

  9. Exercise Physiology

    Students trained in the Ph.D. program in exercise physiology have opportunities for learning a wide spectrum of specialties and have access to state-of-the-art, in house technology for studying human exercise responses, animal physiology, both in vivo and in vitro vascular responses, cell culture, confocal imaging, molecular biology, laser ...

  10. Exercise Science PhD

    Exercise Science PhD. The focus of the exercise science doctoral concentration is the scientific study of how biological systems function during physical activity, exercise, and sport, emphasizing applications to both clinical and healthy populations.

  11. Doctorate in Exercise and Sport Science Online

    With Liberty’s 100% online Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Health Sciences – Exercise and Sport Science, you can prepare to pursue higher-level roles in clinical settings or teach human ...

  12. PhD Program

    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill offers coursework leading to a Ph.D. in Human Movement Science. This program is a joint effort among faculty in the areas of Athletic Training, Biomedical Engineering, Exercise Physiology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Physical Therapy.

  13. PhD in Exercise Physiology

    The PhD in Exercise Physiology is focused on training students to prepare for academic research careers related to exercise and physical activity to prevent and treat chronic health-related conditions, health and well-being, and the underlying physiological and/or behavioral mechanisms.

  14. Exercise Physiology and Applied Nutrition

    The PhD in Exercise Physiology and Applied Nutrition (EPAN) at GWSPH has been created as an actionable program with a fundamental and deep core appreciation that both nutrition and physical activity together are powerful in fighting many of the most significant public health problems of our time.

  15. Exercise Physiology Ph.D.

    Exercise Physiology Ph.D. GET STARTED. 1. Request Info. 2. Visit. 3. Apply. The doctoral program is firmly based in research and prepares students for academic careers in exercise physiology.

  16. Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Science and Health Promotion

    The Department of Kinesiology offers a Ph.D. combining the areas of Exercise Science and Health Promotion. The program focuses on engaging content knowledge, applied research, and skill enhancement, preparing graduates for jobs in academia as well as professional settings.

  17. 103 PhD programmes in Sport and Exercise Science

    The Exercise, Nutrition and Health programme offered by the University of Bristol equips students with the skills and experience to apply research methods and the tools to critically examine some of the most pressing contemporary issues and problems being experienced in physical activity and/or nutrition research, practice and/or policy.

  18. Health and Exercise Science, PhD in Kinesiology

    Health and Exercise Science at Ohio State uses physiological- and behavior-based approaches to exercise science while expanding the breadth of your knowledge and experience of basic and applied laboratory and field-based research skills. As a PhD student, you’ll choose the exercise physiology track or health and physical activity behavior ...

  19. Ph.D. in Health, Sport and Exercise Science

    The Doctor of Philosophy in Health, Sport and Exercise Science (Catalog overview) is a research-focused degree, designed to prepare future scholars to contribute to their chosen discipline through teaching, research and service. Candidates choose among four concentrations: Exercise Science

  20. Exercise Science PhD

    Exercise Science PhD. Conduct original research to better understand the link between exercise, nutrition and overall wellness as you prepare for your career in academia, government, health care or clinical research. Area of Emphasis. You will study and develop research skills in advanced exercise physiology.

  21. Doctor of Philosophy at IUPUI

    The Ph.D. in Exercise Science program is designed to prepare doctoral research scholars to create and disseminate knowledge through future employment in academia, private industry, or government programs. The program provides training through a rigorous, mentor-based interdisciplinary curriculum with pedagogical and research experiences.

  22. Ph.D. in Exercise Science and Nutrition

    Completion of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited university in field closely related to Nutrition, Health, Dietetics, Kinesiology, or Exercise Science. Cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher.

  23. The PhD Program in Exercise and Health Sciences

    PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia: understanding how lifestyle, including diet modification and exercise, alter metabolism and mitigate obesity and obesity-related diseases and how exercise and pharmaceuticals interact and affect exercise capacity, type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Ana Cristina Lindsay

  24. Programs in the Physical Therapy Department

    The Exercise and Rehabilitation Science Master’s and PhD program are clinical research programs based in the College of Health Sciences' Department of Physical Therapy.It is also part of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute of Southeastern Wisconsin (CTSI), which is funded by the National Institutes of Health. The Exercise and Rehabilitation Science program is one of only a few ...

  25. Health & Exercise Science

    The Department of Health & Exercise Science offers undergraduate programs in the following majors: The Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training Studies (BSATS) is designed for a dual purpose: 1) to enable students to successfully complete the Master of Science in Athletic Training; 2) allow students to apply to another allied healthcare ...

  26. Allison B. Smith PhD, ATC, LAT › Antioch University

    Home › Faculty Directory › Allison B. Smith PhD, ATC, LAT Faculty Nursing and Health Professions [email protected] Educational History Doctor Of Philosophy, August 2021, The University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC Department of Exercise Science / Rehabilitative Science Dissertation: Examination of Energy Needs in Competitive Cheerleaders Master Of Science, April 2016, Otterbein ...

  27. Master of Sports Science

    Your Content Goes Here Advance your sports leadership with world-class online programs. The United States Sports Academy offers five bachelor's degrees, four master's degrees, and a doctoral program, each designed to empower working professionals in the sports industry. Higher-level roles in the sports industry, like coaching or leading collegiate athletics programs, often require specialized ...

  28. Potato: Nutrition Professional Opinions, Health Risks, And More -

    Benefits by Faith Seke PhD, Agronomy and Crop Science (ongoing), Master's degree, Food Science and Technology · 1 years of experience · South Africa. Potatoes help in weight loss.