1. Research ethics guidance

    Useful resources. Useful links to ethical codes, forms and templates and guidance. Our framework for research ethics helps you to consider ethics issues during the complete lifecycle of a project and includes information and guidelines on good research conduct and governance.

  2. Our core principles

    This ESRC framework for research ethics sets out good practice for social science research, detailing our principles and expectations from researchers, research organisations (ROs) and research ethics committees (RECs). This guidance should be observed by ESRC-funded researchers and ROs, and may be useful to other research-related audiences.

  3. Framework for research ethics

    Find out about our principles, commitment, terms and conditions and when to contact us. Last updated: 28 January 2022. This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.

  4. PDF Framework for Research Ethics (FRE)

    The Research Ethics Framework (REF) (Now the "Framework for Research Ethics" (FRE)) was published in 2005, and the ESRC committed to a process of regular review to ensure the framework was kept up to date in order to reflect changing scientific agendas and policy developments.

  5. PDF Research Ethics Framework (REF)

    This Research Ethics Framework (REF) is intended to sustain and encourage good ethical practice in UK social science research.Almost without exception, social science research in the UK has been carried out to high ethical standards. But the growing range and sophistication of social science research requires this Framework to make the ESRC's ...

  6. UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research

    Last updated on 6 Sep 2023. This policy framework sets out principles of good practice in the management and conduct of health and social care research in the UK. These principles protect and promote the interests of patients, service users and the public in health and social care research, by describing ethical conduct and proportionate ...

  7. PDF ESRC Framework for Research Ethics

    1.2 All ESRC-funded research should be subject to ethics review. Ethics reviews should assess the likelihood and magnitude of risks, considering both the minimal risk of serious harm, and moderate risk of minimal harm, as ethical considerations are different in each situation.

  8. Research Ethics Support and Review

    This document provides guidance for UK research organisations on best practice for research ethics review processes and structures, taking as a starting point A Framework of Policies and Procedures for University Research Ethics Committees (2013) and the experience of its use across the sector. That framework was produced by the Association for ...

  9. PDF Research ethics framework (FINAL 120908)

    2.2. UCL Research Ethics Committee provides guidance to researchers and responsible authorities to ensure that research involving persons is carried out safely, with considered consent and respect to the autonomy and privacy of the subjects and according to principles of distributive justice. All guidance which the Committee provides and ...

  10. PDF Research Guide: research governance and ethics

    The UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research has replaced the separate research Governance Frameworks in each UK country with a single set of principles for the whole UK - The Integrated Research Application System (IRAS). IRAS is a single system for applying for the ... Framework for Research Ethics, unless the research ...

  11. The ESRC research ethics framework and research

    Research ethics The ESRC research ethics framework and research ethics review at UK universities: rebuilding the Tower of Babel REC by REC D L H Hunter Correspondence to: David L H Hunter, Lecturer in Bioethics, School of Biom?dical Sciences, University of Ulster, Cromore Road, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry BT52 1SA, UK; [email protected]

  12. Our commitment

    We engage in cross-research council assurance activities to check that commitments to thorough ethics assessment and review of projects are being followed by ROs. We expect that commitment to mutual recognition of common standards of ethical considerations between funders will be agreed when working in partnership with other research councils ...

  13. Research Ethics

    The University Research Ethics Policy [PDF] forms a part of the Code of Good Practice in Research. Each academic department have particular protocols to use as noted below. The default protocol is the one used by the School. Any query needs to be sent to [email protected]. Appendix 1 - School of Advanced Study Ethical Approval ...

  14. The ESRC research ethics framework and research ethics review at UK

    The history of the National Health Service research ethics system in the UK and some of the key drivers for its change into the present system are described. ... The ESRC research ethics framework and research ethics review at UK universities: rebuilding the Tower of Babel REC by REC J Med Ethics. 2008 Nov;34(11):815-20. doi: 10.1136/jme.2008. ...

  15. Analysis of UK research ethics policies

    Current research ethics frameworks were developed on the footprint of biomedical, experimental research and present several pitfalls when applied to non-experimental social sciences. This work explores how the normative principles underpinning policy and regulatory frameworks of research ethics and the related operational processes work in practice in the context of collaborative health and ...

  16. How we carry out ethical research with people

    The UK Framework for Health and Social Care Research (NHS) Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC) guidelines; UK Statistics Authority Ethics in statistics and research; Ofsted's safeguarding ...

  17. PDF Research Ethics Policy and Procedures

    Statement. The University of London is committed to carrying out its research, teaching, consultancy and other activities within a comprehensive ethical framework. The purpose of this Policy is to: Set out the principles applicable to all research, consultancy projects and studies conducted at, by, or in the name of, the University of London ...

  18. Formulating National Standards for Research Ethics Support and Review

    This chapter describes and analyses the background to and development of a national guidance framework for research ethics review that was commissioned by the United Kingdom Research Integrity Office and the Association of Research Managers and Administrators, and launched in 2020. Unlike the centrally-controlled UK Health Research Authority research ethics review system for health and social ...

  19. Relevant ethics terms and conditions

    Relevant ethics terms and conditions. We expect that researchers will follow the guidance provided in the framework for research ethics which sets out what we consider best practice for social science research. At a minimum, we require that researchers and research organisations follow the UKRI grant terms and conditions.

  20. The ESRC's 2010 Framework for Research Ethics: Fit for Research Purpose

    The ESRC's (2010) Framework for Research Ethics extends the remit of its 2005 research ethics framework in three significant ways: the system is to be fully mandatory and it will no longer be possible to make the case that no out of the ordinary ethical issues arise; the Research Ethics Committees (RECs) set up under the ESRC's 2005 document have extended remit, including reviewing all ...

  21. PDF The Research Ethics Handbook

    The Research Ethics handbook1 is a practical guide for understanding the principles of research ethics and completing applications for ethical approval. The handbook should be read in conjunction with the University's Code of Practice for Research, Code of Practice for Research Ethics and the Staff and Student Misconduct in Research Procedure.

  22. Research Ethics: A practical guide

    UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Framework for Research Ethics that is used by social science academics in the UK. There are important additions, in line with Oxfam's commitment to decolonizing research and recent literature that highlights additional issues for ethical research standards in development research

  23. Our policy and guidelines for good research conduct

    The UKRIO checklist may be used by research and ethics committees (RECs) in addition to their own REC forms. ROs should have procedures in place for investigating and reporting unacceptable research conduct as set out in the UUK Concordat to Support Research Integrity (2012) and the UKRI policy and guidelines on governance of good research conduct.

  24. Reviewing past and present consent practices in unplanned obstetric

    Many first-time mothers (primiparous) within UK National Health Service (NHS) settings require an obstetric intervention to deliver their babies safely. While the antepartum period allows time for conversations about consent for planned interventions, such as elective caesarean section, current practice is that, in emergencies, consent is addressed in the moments before the intervention takes ...