Best Chemistry Programs

Ranked in 2023, part of Best Science Schools

With a graduate degree in chemistry, scientists may find

With a graduate degree in chemistry, scientists may find jobs in laboratories, government agencies, research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, colleges and universities, and more. These are the best chemistry schools. Each school's score reflects its average rating on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding), based on a survey of academics at peer institutions. Read the methodology »

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  • PhD Program

Chemistry PhD Program

The University of Pennsylvania is an internationally renowned research institution that attracts the best students from the United States and around the globe. The Graduate Program is designed for students who wish to earn a Ph.D. in Chemistry while undertaking cutting edge research. The program provides students with the necessary theoretical background and hands-on training to become independent and highly successful scientists.  Graduate students achieve mastery of advanced chemistry topics through courses in different subdisciplines. Broad exposure to current research also occurs via four weekly departmental seminar programs and many interdisciplinary, university-wide lecture series.

Currently, faculty, students, and postdoctoral associates in Chemistry work in the fields of bioinorganic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, chemical biology, biophysical chemistry, bioinformatics, materials science, laser chemistry, health related chemistry, structural and dynamical studies of biological systems, X-ray scattering/diffraction, NMR spectroscopy, applications of computing and computer graphics, as well as investigations of chemical communication and hormone-receptor interactions. Many research groups combine different techniques to explore frontier areas, such as nanomaterials applied to biology, photoactive biomolecules, and single-molecule imaging. Novel synthetic procedures are under constant development for targets ranging from super-emissive nanoparticles to highly specialized drug molecules and giant dendrimers, which are being explored, for example, as drug-delivery systems. The Research Facilities in the Department of Chemistry provide a strong technology base to enable the highest level of innovation. Graduate students are a driving, integral force at Penn Chemistry.

PhD Program

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Professor Wender discusses chemistry with his graduate students.

Doctoral study in chemistry at Stanford University prepares students for research and teaching careers with diverse emphases in basic, life, medical, physical, energy, materials, and environmental sciences.

The Department of Chemistry offers opportunities for graduate study spanning contemporary subfields, including theoretical, organic, inorganic, physical, biophysical and biomedical chemistry and more. Much of the research defies easy classification along traditional divisions; cross-disciplinary collaborations with Stanford's many vibrant research departments and institutes is among factors distinguishing this world-class graduate program.

The Department of Chemistry is committed to providing academic advising in support of graduate student scholarly and professional development.  This advising relationship entails collaborative and sustained engagement with mutual respect by both the adviser and advisee.

  • The adviser is expected to meet at least monthly with the graduate student to discuss on-going research.
  • There should be a yearly independent development plan (IDP) meeting between the graduate student and adviser. Topics include research progress, expectations for completion of PhD, areas for both the student and adviser to improve in their joint research effort.
  • A research adviser should provide timely feedback on manuscripts and thesis chapters.
  • Graduate students are active contributors to the advising relationship, proactively seeking academic and professional guidance and taking responsibility for informing themselves of policies and degree requirements for their graduate program.
  • If there is a significant issue concerning the graduate student’s progress in research, the adviser must communicate this to the student and to the Graduate Studies Committee in writing.  This feedback should include the issues, what needs to be done to overcome these issues and by when.

Academic advising by Stanford faculty is a critical component of all graduate students' education and additional resources can be found in the  Policies and Best Practices for Advising Relationships at Stanford  and the  Guidelines for Faculty-Student Advising at Stanford .

Learn more about the program through the links below, and by exploring the research interests of the  Chemistry Faculty  and  Courtesy Faculty .

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Ph.D. in Chemistry

Graduate students earn a Ph.D. through independent research in collaboration with one or more faculty members . A modest amount of graded coursework ensures a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of the chosen field, as well as breadth of knowledge in the chemical sciences. The median time to complete all requirements for the Ph.D. is about five years. Students are required to pass oral examinations in their area of specialization. There are no pre-entrance or qualifying exams.

For complete details about our doctoral program, see the pages below:

  • First Year of Study
  • Ph.D. Degree Requirements
  • Ph.D. Degree Timeline
  • 2nd Year Exam Guidelines (pdf)
  • General Exam Instructions (pdf)
  • Data Science Option (Chem-DSO)
  • Elements of Good Academic Standing
  • General Policies
  • Advising & Mentoring
  • Financial Support
  • Student Awards
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Chemistry, PhD

Zanvyl krieger school of arts and sciences.

Johns Hopkins University was the first American institution to emphasize graduate education and to establish a PhD program in chemistry. Founding Chair Ira Remsen initiated a tradition of excellence in research and education that has continued until this day. The Hopkins graduate program is designed for students who desire a PhD in chemistry while advancing scientific knowledge for humankind.

The graduate program provides students with the background and technical expertise required to be leaders in their field and to pursue independent research.

Graduate students’ advancement is marked by entrance exams, coursework, teaching, seminars, oral examinations, and an individual research project that culminates in a thesis dissertation. The thesis research project represents an opportunity for graduate students to make a mark on the world. Working in conjunction with a faculty member or team, individually tailored thesis projects enable students to think independently about cutting-edge research areas that are of critical importance. Thesis research is the most important step toward becoming a PhD scientist, and our program provides an outstanding base with a proven track record of success.

Graduate students make up the heart of the Chemistry Department, and the department strives to support students’ individual needs. Each student is carefully advised and classes are traditionally quite small. Multidisciplinary research and course offerings that increase scientific breadth and innovation are hallmarks of the program.  In addition to academic and technical development, our department also offers several outlets for professional and social development.

Admission Requirements

Application materials include:

  • Academic transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Statement of Purpose
  • The GRE General Test is required.  However, this requirement can be waived for individuals for whom personal circumstances make it difficult or impossible to access the GRE General Test at this present time.  If so, please let the Academic Affairs Administrator (information below) be aware of these circumstances, and the application will be given full consideration.
  • The GRE Chemistry Subject is Test is recommended, but not required.
  • The application fee is $75. However, fee waivers may be requested for applicants that have documentation showing they are a part of SACNAS, MARCC, oSTEM and many other organizations. To access the full list to see if you qualify, go to the  Krieger Graduate Admission and Enrollment  page.

Assistance with the application process is available. Candidates with questions about the application process, or requests for a GRE General Test waiver (or on other matters related to the application) should contact the Admissions Committee’s Academic Affairs Administrator ( [email protected] ).

There are no fixed requirements for admission. Undergraduate majors in chemistry, biology, earth sciences, mathematics, or physics may apply as well as all well-qualified individuals who will have received a BA degree before matriculation. A select number of applicants will be invited to visit campus to tour our facilities and interact with our faculty members and their lab members over a weekend in March.

For further information about graduate study in chemistry visit the Chemistry Department website . 

Program Requirements

Normally, the minimum course requirement for both the M.A. and the Ph.D. degrees is six one-semester graduate courses in chemistry and related sciences. Exceptionally well-prepared students may ask for a reduction of these requirements.

Requirements for the Ph.D. degree include a research dissertation worthy of publication, and a knowledge of chemistry and related material as demonstrated in an oral examination. Each student must teach for at least one year.

Below is a list of the core Chemistry courses for graduate level students.

PhD in Chemistry

The PhD in chemistry is primarily a research degree. It is awarded to students who have displayed competence in planning and conducting original research in the field of chemistry, demonstrated a broad familiarity with the science of chemistry, understanding in the application of the scientific method, and gained a thorough knowledge of their field of specialization.

Students build a solid foundation in all four core areas of chemistry (analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical), and a thorough knowledge of their chosen field of specialization. In the first part of the PhD program, students take at least one formal classroom course in each the core areas of chemistry as outlined in the course requirements below. The courses must be completed successfully (B- or better) by the end of the third semester.

Since original research is the primary requirement for the PhD degree, a student selects a research supervisor and begins research before the end the first year. The student and research supervisor then select two faculty members to serve as the student's Doctoral Research Committee. The Committee, in conjunction with the student's research adviser, take over the advisory function from the graduate committee and guides the student's work to promote development as an independent investigator.

Thus, in addition to research each student must complete the following requirements:

  • Service as a teaching assistant
  • Regular progress updates with a faculty Research Committee
  • A departmental seminar
  • Defense of an original research proposal.
  • Completion of a dissertation reporting significant work of publishable quality

Course Requirements

At least one of the following analytical chemistry courses:

  • Chem 141: Instrumental Analysis
  • Chem 142: Advanced Analytical Methods
  • Chem 144: Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis
  • Chem 145: Separation Science
  • Chem 146: Electroanalytical Chemistry

At least one of the following inorganic chemistry courses: 

  • Chem 161: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
  • Chem 162: Chemistry of Transition Elements
  • Chem 164: Bioinorganic Chemistry
  • Chem 165: Physical Methods In Inorganic Chemistry

At least one of the following organic chemistry courses:

  • Chem 150: Intermediate Organic Chemistry
  • Chem 151: Physical Organic Chemistry
  • Chem 152: Advanced Organic Synthesis

At least one of the following physical chemistry courses: 

  • Chem 131: Statistical Thermodynamics
  • Chem 132: Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics
  • Chem 133: Quantum Mechanics
  • Chem 134: Biophysical Chemistry
  • Chem 136: Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure
  • Chem 138: Atomic Scale Structure and Properties of Surfaces  
  • Two additional classroom courses, exclusive of research, must be completed satisfactorily by the end of the fourth semester

phd in chemistry usa

Ph.D. Program

Entering the ph.d. program.

The official course of study in the Ph.D. graduate program begins during the second week of August, one week before the official start of the Fall Semester at Cornell. All incoming Ph.D. students take a series of graduate proficiency exams in Organic, Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry provided by the American Chemical Society (ACS). All Ph.D. students then meet with the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) and select professors in their area of interest for advice on course selection.

Chemistry and Chemical Biology Ph.D. Program Handbook

Read the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Ph.D. Program Handbook, here .

Ph.D. Coursework

Incoming Ph.D. students generally take three graduate courses during their first semester at Cornell. A minimum grade of B- is required in each course for the student to remain in good standing with the department and the university. An additional three courses are then taken in the spring semester, for a total of six required courses. Depending on a student’s academic background and research interests, one or more of these courses may be taken outside of the Graduate Field of Chemistry & Chemical Biology. Additional courses are often taken by Ph.D. students in the later years of their dissertation work, if they are deemed useful by the student's research advisor and/or special committee (see below). For the full list of courses offered at Cornell, please visit the Class Roster to select the appropriate department and semester.

Finding a Mentor and Laboratory to Conduct Thesis Research

During the first month of the Fall semester, all incoming Ph.D. students are expected to attend a series of research orientation lectures in which the faculty provide an overview of their current research projects. Students are expected to attend research group meetings of faculty of interest, talk to other students and postdoctoral research associates, and discuss potential research projects with at least three faculty members. Students then officially join research groups by November 1.

Special Committee

All Ph.D. students in C&CB are required to choose three or more faculty members to serve as a special committee to represent their major (and minor, if applicable) areas of study. The student’s faculty research advisor serves as chair of the special committee and usually has primary responsibility for directing the graduate student’s research and studies. Degree requirements are kept to a minimum and there are no specific course requirements. The number of formal courses required depends on students' academic background, chosen concentration, and the advice of the special committee.

Every Ph.D. student takes an oral examination for admission to candidacy (A-exam), typically during their second year of graduate study. The A-exam takes place after the student’s coursework has been completed and before the commencement of full-time research. The thesis, which is the final outcome of this research, must constitute an original contribution to chemical knowledge and be defended at a final examination overseen by the special committee (B-exam). The Ph.D. degree is awarded on successful defense of the thesis and students typically take five years to complete the Ph.D. program.

Financial Support

Complete financial support accompanies every offer of admission to the Ph.D. program. Each Ph.D. student is therefore guaranteed at least five years of full financial support as long as he or she makes satisfactory progress toward the Ph.D. degree. This support includes a 12-month stipend, a full tuition award, and health insurance. Financial support comes in the form of teaching assistantships, graduate research assistantships, research fellowships, and several NIH-funded training grant programs, such as the  Chemistry Biology Interface (CBI) Training Program . Eligible applicants are strongly encouraged to seek federally funded fellowships, such as those available from the National Science Foundation (NSF) as well as other government or private agencies.

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Graduate Feature Image 980x561

Independent. Exhilarating. Unparalleled.

Kenny Chen

Our Graduate Program

Prospective students, application process, application faqs, for admitted students, current students, phd program requirements, thesis preparation, for first year students, student organizations, chemistry student seminars, quality of life.

A photo of the exterior of MIT Dome.

QS ranks MIT the world’s No. 1 university for 2022-23

Interdisciplinary programs.

Ph.D. in Chemistry

General info.

  • Faculty working with students: 30
  • Students: 130
  • Students receiving Financial Aid: 100%
  • Part time study available: No
  • Application Terms: Fall
  • Application Deadline: December 4

Kevin Welsher Director of Graduate Studies Department of Chemistry Duke University Box 90347 Durham, NC 27708-0347

Phone: (919) 660-1503

Email: [email protected]


Program Description

The following areas of specialization are available: analytical, biological, inorganic, physical, theoretical, and organic. A wide range of interdisciplinary research programs (e.g., toxicology, biological chemistry, cell and molecular biology) involve chemistry students with those in medical sciences, engineering, the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, and occasionally with local industry. The French Family Science Center, totaling over 275,000 square feet, is a shared research facility with groups from Biology, Physics, Mathematics and the Medical Center occupying space, with additional research space in the adjacent Levine Science Research Center. This well-equipped chemical laboratory provides conditions conducive to research in many areas of current interest. Major shared instruments, including those for nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry, are housed in the departmental instrumentation facility and a wide array of more specialized instrumentation is available in the various research laboratories.

The doctoral program in chemistry features research programs that span the “traditional” sub-disciplines of chemistry, including analytical, biological, inorganic, organic, physical and theoretical chemistry. However, many, if not most of the research programs are interdisciplinary, either overlapping the traditional boundaries of chemistry or the boundaries between chemistry and the other sciences, for example biological, materials, and environmental sciences. Many chemistry faculty and students participate in university-wide interdisciplinary training programs and centers, including those in biological chemistry, toxicology, pharmacology, molecular biophysics, biologically inspired materials, and cellular and biosurface engineering. Research in all fields is supported by state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. Competitive stipends are provided through research and teaching assistantships, and fellowships are available for outstanding candidates.

  • Chemistry: PhD Admissions and Enrollment Statistics
  • Chemistry: PhD Time to Degree Statistics
  • Chemistry: PhD Completion Rate Statistics
  • Chemistry: PhD Career Outcomes Statistics

Application Information

Application Terms Available:  Fall

Application Deadline:  December 4

Graduate School Application Requirements See the Application Instructions page for important details about each Graduate School requirement.

  • Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts required with application submission; official transcripts required upon admission
  • Letters of Recommendation: 3 Required
  • Statement of Purpose: Required (see departmental guidance below)
  • Résumé: Required
  • GRE General: Optional
  • GRE Subject - Chemistry: Optional
  • English Language Exam: TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test required* for applicants whose first language is not English *test waiver may apply for some applicants
  • GPA: Undergraduate GPA calculated on 4.0 scale required

Department-Specific Application Requirements (submitted through online application)

Statement of Purpose Guidelines: This is one of the most important components of your application and is the key to helping the admissions committee determine if Duke Chemistry is a good fit for your Ph.D. studies. Your statement should be well-organized and concise. It should provide clear evidence of your maturity, persistence, resilience, and motivation for pursuing a chemistry Ph.D. It should also provide evidence of how you will contribute to a diverse and inclusive community of scholars. Most of all, it should clearly articulate your research interests and explain how they overlap with faculty in the department.

Writing Sample None required

We strongly encourage you to review additional department-specific application guidance from the program to which you are applying: Departmental Application Guidance

List of Graduate School Programs and Degrees

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Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry

Program description.

The PhD in Chemistry degree program is designed to produce graduates with a focus on innovation and problem-solving in interdisciplinary cutting edge research areas such as organic and inorganic materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology and polymer chemistry. These graduates, with their broad course background, research skills and practical attitudes should find ready employment in industry or academic positions. A spectrum of courses provides the student with a broad knowledge of chemistry.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the program seek positions such as: research scientist in public and private sector, academic and industrial scientist and professor.

The  NSM Career Success Center  is an important resource for students pursuing STEM and healthcare careers. Career professionals are available to provide strategies for mastering job interviews, writing professional cover letters and resumes and connecting with campus recruiters, among other services.

Marketable Skills

Review the marketable skills for this academic program.

Application Requirements

Degree requirements: Undergraduate preparation equivalent to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemistry is required. The Chemistry program has no other requirements above the general admission requirements. However, admission is competitive and is decided case by case on the basis of the quality of previous relevant academic work, letters of reference, the student’s statement of academic interests and, for foreign students, evidence of fluency in English. Foreign students with TOEFL scores less than 600 (paper test), 250 (computer test), or 100 (internet test) are admitted only in special circumstances. A GRE score is not required.

Deadlines:  University  deadlines  apply.

Contact Information

Dr. Steven Nielsen  Email: [email protected]

Isaac Ramirez Email: [email protected] Phone: 972-883-2909

School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics The University of Texas at Dallas 800 W Campbell Rd Richardson, TX 75080-3021 Phone: 972-883-2416

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We have received your request for more information, and thank you for your interest! We are excited to get to know you and for you to explore UT Dallas. You’ll begin receiving emails and information about our beautiful campus, excellent academic programs and admission processes. If you have any questions, email  [email protected].

The University of Texas at Dallas respects your right to privacy . By submitting this form, you consent to receive emails and calls from a representative of the University.

* Required Field

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Chemistry, PhD

The PhD in chemistry in the School of Molecular Sciences provides students with the training they need to solve molecular scale problems and to be successful independent scientists who can contribute to current challenging societal issues.

Students earning a doctorate in chemistry from the School of Molecular Sciences are trained in the foundation disciplines of analytical, organic, physical, inorganic, environmental or geological chemistry, and most also choose to join transdisciplinary research teams that work on larger, mission-based contemporary problems in areas such as:

  • energy and sustainability
  • frontiers of chemical measurement
  • fundamental molecular science
  • geologic and biospheric science
  • materials and nanoscience
  • medicine and health
  • structure function and dynamics

students funded

Annual research funding, research groups, admission information, how to apply.

Applications open September 1 for admission in Fall of the following year. The application deadline is January 1. Applications received prior to the deadline will receive priority consideration, but applications received after the deadline may still receive consideration, pending available space. Applicants will receive final notice of decision by March 15.

All applicants must apply through the Graduate Admissions office. All application materials must be submitted through the application or to Graduate Admissions  directly . Please do not mail any documents to the School of Molecular Sciences. 

The School of Molecular Sciences utilizes a two-part application process and both parts are required. The first part is the General Application through the ASU Graduate Admissions office. The second part is a supplemental application to the School of Molecular Sciences through SlideRoom. 

Step 1:General Application

The first step is to submit the General Application through Graduate Admission Services.

Step 2: Supplemental Application

The supplemental application can be completed immediately following submission of the General Application. You will need your Application Reference number in order to submit, but can begin the application without it. The Supplemental Application will close on the application deadline and no new applications will be allowed. Applications started by the deadline will be granted a 7-day grace period to complete the application.

Access the Supplemental Application

***GRE NOT required***


Minimum Requirements required for admission:

  • GPA of at least 3.0
  • Applicants from Indian institutions (3-yr BSc) must have completed a Master's degree.
  • International Applicants must satisfy university minimum requirements for English Proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, PTE)

While all applications meeting the minimum requirements will be reviewed, competitive candidates generally meet the following benchmarks:

  • Research experience and a letter of recommendation from a faculty research supervisor
  • A TOEFL score of 100 with a speaking section score of 23 or better (IELTS 7/7, equivalencies for other tests will be determined as needed). Additional English requirements are required by ASU for employment as a TA for speaking section less than 26.


All applicants are required to pay the application fee ($70 – domestic / $115 – international). The application fee will be refunded to all students who are accepted into and agree to join our program.

You will need the following information to complete the general application:

  • Beginning/ending dates and location(s) of your academic degree(s);
  • Grade point average (GPA) - Information on calculating overall, junior-senior undergraduate and graduate GPA can found on the Graduate Admission website .
  • TOEFL scores (unofficial scores can be used in your initial application)
  • Arizona Residency information if you are a resident in the state of Arizona (general tax and employment history)
  • Submitting unofficial transcripts could expedite admission and not require submission of official transcripts in order to receive a formal offer

You will need the following information to complete the supplemental application:

  • Areas of research and faculty member interest
  • A brief Personal Statement that includes a narrative concerning your motivations for graduate study in chemistry or biochemistry, your long-term career goals, further information on research experience, potential ASU faculty interests and a list of all honors, awards and scholarships. It is particularly important to describe your research experience and list any publications.
  • Contact information (email address) for three (3) faculty members who will write letters of recommendation for you, and can comment on your suitability for advanced scholarly work. One of these must be your current research supervisor. If you are employed full-time, only one of these letters can be from your employer. Faculty member letters are much more important than letters from employers.
  • Electronic copies of your unofficial transcripts. (individual PDF file for each transcript)

Acceptance decisions may be extended on the basis of the unofficial information submitted as part of the application, although an official offer cannot be extended until the all official transcripts and test scores have been received and added to the official graduate admissions application.

Domestic students who apply by the deadline and are extended an offer of admission will be invited to visit campus during our Visitation Weekend in mid-February.


The School of Molecular Sciences values a diverse student population and welcomes applications from international students. The University sets  English proficiency requirements  for admission for international students whose native language is not English, or for whom the official language of the country of origin is not English. The University will also require international students employed as a teaching assistants to demonstrate additional proficiency in spoken English. The School of Molecular Sciences prefers applicants who demonstrate English proficiency beyond the University required minimums as follows:

  • A TOEFL score of 100 with a speaking section score of 23 or better (additional English requirements are required for employment as a TA)
  • An IELTS overall band score of 7.0 with speaking score of 7.0 or better
  • Equivalencies for other exams will be determined as needed.  

The test of English proficiency must have been taken within two years of starting the program (i.e. for fall 2022 admission, the test must have been taken after August 1, 2020.) You will need to retake the test if your results are more than two years old. Official scores should be sent by the Education Testing Service (ETS) as soon as possible. When ordering a score report from ETS, use institution code 4007 (a department code is not needed). Applications will not be considered without valid evidence of English proficiency.

Applicants who satisfy one of the following criteria through attendance at a regionally accredited college or university in the US are exempt from the English proficiency admission requirements:

  • Applicants who are U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents.
  • Applicants who have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university in the U.S.
  • Applicants who have earned the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree or higher from an international institution that is officially recognized by that country, and the country is on the ASU English Speaking Country and Territory List.
  • Applicants who have earned the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree or higher from an international institution that is officially recognized by that country, and the country is on the ASU English Speaking Country and Territory List .
  • Applicants who have completed at least nine semester hours of graduate coursework with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) or higher at a regionally accredited college or university in the U.S or from an international institution that is officially recognized in that country and is on the ASU English Speaking Country and Territory List .
  • Applicants who have earned the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree or higher from an international institution that is officially recognized by that country, and the sole medium of instruction for the program was in English. Student should email [email protected] to request exemption and include a letter from the institution on letterhead indicating language of instruction or provide information on the institution website to verify language of instruction.
  • Applicants who have completed at least 90 semester hours of undergraduate coursework with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) or higher at a regionally accredited college or university in the U.S.
  • Four years of high school in the U.S. with four years of English.

NOTE: Exemption can only be obtained by providing proof through submission of official documentation, i.e. official graduate transcript. The requirement will remain on your account until the verification has been completed by the Graduate Admissions office.

All international academic records must be submitted in the original language accompanied by an official English translation. Translations must be literal and complete versions of original records, and the documents must be translated by a university, a government official, or an official translation service. Students who are applying from Indian institutions must send both their Certificate and Mark Sheets.

The university sets an additional requirement for spoken English proficiency for students to be hired as Teaching Assistants. Students who do not meet the threshold for spoken English proficiency (iBT speaking score of 24/IELTS speaking band score of 7.5) are brought in early and provided assistance to prepare for and take the test of spoken English that is administered by the university.

For additional information, please visit the Graduate Admission Services page dedicated to  International Students .

All students accepted in the PhD Chemistry/Biochemistry programs are guaranteed financial support by means of a Graduate Assistant (Teaching/Research Assistant) position for five years. Students are typically appointed as Teaching Assistants for at least the first year. Research assistantships come from faculty grants and are awarded based on the availability of funds. There are some departmental, college, or university fellowships that are awarded on a competitive basis. Highly qualified applicants are encouraged to apply for a graduate fellowship from the National Science Foundation (NSF-GRFP), National Institutes of Health (NIH-F31) as well as other national fellowship programs, i.e. DOE, EPA, NASA, etc.

The standard stipend for all students on TA/RA is $12,293 per semester for fall and spring ($24,586) and full summer funding is $8,195 for TA or RA. Total annual stipend is $32,781.

Tuition and Health Insurance benefits are provided for all students with Graduate Teaching/Research Assistantship positions with at least a full-time (.50 FTE) appointment (20 hours per week). Tuition - Tuition waivers cover the full cost of tuition for resident and non-resident students with a TA/RA appointment. Information on the cost of tuition and the value of this benefit can be found in the  Academic Catalog . Health Benefits - The university covers the cost of individual health insurance premiums for all TAs and RAs with full-time appointments (.50 FTE). More information on this plan can be found at  ASU Health Services  website (Billing and Insurance > Health Coverage Options).

Additional information about the specific policies of the RA/TA position at ASU can be found in the Graduate College  TA/RA Handbook .

Students seeking to transfer from another graduate program are accepted only under exceptional circumstances. If you are currently, or have been in another graduate program in chemistry or biochemistry in the United States, you must supply three letters of recommendation from your current institution (i.e. the one that you are transferring from, or the one you previously attended). Do not have letters sent from earlier (undergraduate) institutions. Specifically, we will need a letter from your current research advisor (or prior graduate research advisor) stating explicitly why you want to transfer to ASU. Without a letter from your research advisor, we will NOT be able to review your application.

Application Fee Waiver Request

The School of Molecular Sciences has earmarked a small amount of money to provide application fee waivers to assist students with a demonstrated financial need. To apply for fee waiver, please complete the application below:

SMS Application Fee Waiver Request Form - Fall 2024

SMS Application Fee Waiver Request form

You will be asked to provide the following information:

  • To obtain the Application Number, you will need to start the Graduate Application and complete it up to the payment page. Do not submit payment information. Save and exit the application. You will receive your Application Number via email within about 24 hours. (If you submit payment, it cannot be undone and you will not be reimbursed, except as noted below as part of the standard admission/reimbursement process.)
  • Brief essay (about 150 words) detailing your financial hardship
  • Brief essay (similar to your personal statement for graduate school) describing why you are interested in earning a PhD in chemistry or biochemistry at ASU
  • Names of three faculty members you would be interested in having as a possible research advisor and why you are interested in them
  • Copies of unofficial transcripts, combined into one PDF document. (file name: Last name, First name – transcripts )
  • Copy of TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo score report (International applicants only). (f ile name: Last Name, First Name: English Proficiency )
  • Additional supporting documents (combined into one pdf). ( file name: Last Name, First Name: supporting documentation )

Fee waiver requests will be considered until all funds have been exhausted, but must be submitted by December 1. Requests will be evaluated upon receipt in the order received and students will be informed of the decision within about two weeks. Receipt of an application fee waiver does not guarantee admission to a PhD program. If you do not receive a fee waiver, but are admitted to the chemistry or biochemistry PhD program and join the program, the application fee will be reimbursed at the beginning of the first semester.

This fee waiver request is only available to applicants of the Chemistry or Biochemistry PhD programs. Applicants for MS degrees are not eligible.

Is the GRE required?

No, the GRE is not required. The committee will not factor in GRE scores sent to ASU.

Do I have to pay the application fee?

Yes. The application fee is paid with the general graduate application. The fee is $70 for domestic students and $115 for international students. The application fee will be refunded to all students who are admitted and choose to join our program. This fee is set by the University and is out of our control.

If I send my application information in an email, can I receive a pre-evaluation to see if I am eligible to apply?

We receive many inquiries and applications; therefore, we are not able to preview your scores to determine your eligibility to apply or make suggestions on your credentials.

I missed the deadline for application. Can I still apply?

Applications received after the Jan. 1 deadline may be reviewed and considered for admission if space permits; however, the applicant may not be eligible for special scholarships or fellowships and domestic students may miss an opportunity to attend our Visitation Weekend. International students must consider important dates for the issuance of immigration documents. Applications are only accepted for the fall semester. We do not admit students to begin study in the spring semester.

Do all supporting documents need to be submitted by the deadline date?

Supporting documents may be submitted after the deadline; however, preference is given to applicants whose files are complete by the application due date. Submission of documents after the deadline may exclude your application from eligibility for special scholarships or fellowships and domestic students may miss an opportunity to attend our Visitation Weekend.

Is a master's degree required for applying to the PhD program?

Students applying to the PhD programs must have completed a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry, biochemistry, or a related discipline by the semester in which they want to begin their graduate program. A Master’s degree is not required, with one exception. Due to differences in the educational system in India, applicants who have received their degree from an institution in India must have also completed a Master's degree. (4-year degrees, usually Biotechnology degrees, from India are considered equivalent to a 4-year BS degree and do not require an accompanying Master’s degree.)

Why can't I access the departmental supplemental application page?

You will need an ASURITE ID from Graduate Admission Services before you can access this page. Graduate Admission Services will not send your ASURITE ID until you have completed and submitted the general application, i.e. you must click the "submit" button at the end of their application. Please also make sure that the email containing your ASURITE ID has not been caught in your SPAM filter.

If you have received your ASURITE ID and you still cannot access the application, please wait 1-2 days to allow for our supplemental application database to sync with the Graduate Admission Services database (due to the schedule, this can take up to 48 hours). If after 48 hours you still cannot access the application, please check your MyASU to confirm that you have an application on file. If when accessing the application you encounter a page requesting that you log out, please follow the log out instructions, close your internet browser, and then try the link again. You may also need to log out of MyASU directly, since many browsers allow for MyASU to remain logged in, which can cause an authentication time-out error for the supplemental application. After logging out of MyASU, close your browser and then attempt to access the supplemental application again.

How many students will you admit this year?

Our recent incoming classes have ranged from 30-40 students, selected from ca. 450 applicants. The class size for any given year will be determined by faculty demand for new students.

Do I need to send official transcripts to both graduate college and the department?

Applicants are asked to submit an electronic copy of their unofficial transcripts as part of the Supplemental Application to the School of Molecular Sciences. SMS will use the unofficial transcripts for their review. Official transcripts must be sent to Graduate Admission Services for evaluation for you to be eligible for admission. Please do not mail your official transcript or any documents to the School of Molecular Sciences.

Where do I send official documents?

If sending by U.S. Mail, use this address:

Admission Services Applicant Processing Arizona State University PO Box 871004 Tempe AZ 85287-1004

If sending by FedEx, DHL or UPS, use this address:

Arizona State University Admission Services Applicant Processing 1150 East University Drive Building C, Room 226 Tempe, AZ 85281

Do not mail any documents, including official transcripts or copies of test scores to the School of Molecular Sciences.

Where can I find the form for recommendation letters?

There is no form for recommendation letters; they are submitted electronically. Within the Supplemental Application you will provide email addresses for your recommendation writers and an email will be sent to each recommender with instructions on how to submit a letter in support of your application. We can only accept letters of recommendation that are submitted electronically using our system.

Which professors are actively recruiting students? Should I contact individual professors about their research group?

Professors' group requirements change constantly and we are not able to provide a list of actively recruiting faculty. However, all students, whichever professor they eventually work for, must first apply to and be accepted into the program. Individual professors do not make decisions regarding admissions and should not be contacted with admission inquiries. Professors will often discuss research projects by email with enthusiastic applicants.

What kind of financial support is available through the department?

All students accepted into the PhD Chemistry/Biochemistry programs are offered financial support by means of a Graduate Assistant position.

Students are welcome and encouraged to apply for fellowships available through the Graduate College or federal agencies (i.e. NSF, NIH, DOE, etc.) to supplement or substitute for the standard funding, which can often allow for additional focus on research and a reduction in the time required to complete the degree.

Is there a special form to complete for financial support via a graduate assistantship?

There is no additional paperwork to complete for a Graduate Assistantship.

I am an international student, when should I submit the financial guarantee form?

The Financial Guarantee form should be submitted only if you are accepted to a graduate program. Graduate Admission Services will send information on completing this form with their official admissions notification. Information on how to complete this form will also be included with the official offer letter.

How can I check the status of my application?

Your application status can be checked in two places:

For your general application, please check your MyASU portal, specifically your Priority Tasks panel for any required items that need to be submitted. If your application status is “In Review” your official application is complete and nothing further is required for the official application.

For the Supplemental Application, please log in and click the "Check Documents Status" bar at the top of the application. All information that has been submitted is live and can be seen by the committee, there is no final submit button.

When will a decision be made on my application?

The School of Molecular Sciences Admissions Committee will begin their review of applications close to the deadline. The number of applications received in the past few years has averaged over 450 per year; therefore, it may take up to 6 weeks before notices are sent. The Admissions Committee appreciates your patience while they carefully review each applicant's qualification for our graduate programs. Every effort will be made to provide final decisions by March 15.

Information on the Graduate Admission Services application can be found on their website or you can contact them by email or by calling 480-965-6113. Additional information can be found on their Contact page.

Where can I find information about the graduate admission services application and how do I contact them if I have a question?

Learn more about Degree Requirements and Courses and electives

Georgetown University.

College of Arts & Sciences

Georgetown University.

PhD Program

Interested in the chemistry phd program.

Prospective students can contact our Graduate Admissions coordinator Ms. Tabi Lemlem (202-687-6073) or the Graduate Admissions chair Prof. Travis Holman .

Office of Admissions

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Our PhD program guides students to attain the following goals upon graduation:

1.  Broad chemistry knowledge. The students will broaden and deepen their understanding of theories, concepts and models to enhance their success as scientists and educators.

2.  Expertise in a specific discipline.   Each student will acquire a deep working knowledge of a particular field in chemistry.

3.  Communication skills. Graduates will be able to construct and defend arguments with clarity.  They will be able to write for and speak with peers, experts and the public on a range of topics specific to their discipline.

4.  The ability to access and evaluate primary literature.   Students will have the ability to search, read and critically analyze the primary literature in order to understand and synthesize new ideas in their field.

5.  Data analysis skills.  Students will have the ability to produce, analyze and interpret meaningful chemical data and draw sound conclusions.

6.  Become independent researchers.  Graduates will be able to conceive, design and execute research projects independently.

7.  Make original scientific contributions.   Students will solve new and significant problems in their chosen field.  They will understand the importance of this work in advancing the progress of their discipline and be able to explain its relevance.  The quality and value of this work will be such that it can be published in a highly respected peer reviewed journal.

8.  Responsible conduct in research.  Graduates will understand and conduct research exhibiting the highest standards of safety, honesty and integrity.

9.  Teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration.   Graduates will have the ability to work effectively as part of a team and to cross traditional boundaries and execute multidisciplinary research. 

10. Teaching and mentoring skills.   Students will acquire teaching skills and gain experience mentoring less experienced scientists in a research setting.

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Ph.D. in Chemistry

John Means '07Ph.D. and Abigail Muchenditsi '09Ph.D

  • Financial Support (Teaching Assistantships)
  • Graduate Courses & Resources
  • Program Mission and Learning Objectives

Program code: PH3311

Program Overview

The department’s mission is to provide a quality education to graduate students while they pursue state-of-the-art research in chemistry. The objective of the graduate program is to educate and train students to become highly effective scientists by providing them with the interdisciplinary tools, research skills and ethical and service sensibilities needed to succeed in their future career. This includes offering a variety of rigorous graduate level courses, maintaining cutting-edge research programs within individual laboratories and compliance with the Code for Professional Ethical Conduct espoused by the American Chemical Society.

Candidates for a Ph. D. degree in Chemistry must demonstrate the ability to plan, execute, evaluate, and communicate original chemical research. The graduate program spans all five traditional disciplines of chemistry (Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic, Organic and Physical). Within these five areas the department boasts particular research strengths in chemometrics, forensic chemistry, mass spectrometry, medicinal chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, materials chemistry, nanoscience and nanomedicine, nucleic acid research, protein and glycoprotein engineering, and spectroscopy.

This is a full-time program. Normative time to completion is five academic years, in line with national average as reported by the American Chemical Society.

Career Opportunities

Graduates with a Ph.D. in chemistry typically pursue academic careers (typically following post-doctoral appointments) and R&D positions in chemical and pharmaceutical companies.

Graduation Requirements

  • See Chemistry Graduate Requirements for details .

Brief Overview

The requirements for a Ph.D. in chemistry consist of a combination of coursework, seminars, research proposals, and original research. Each student will be required to pass three classes (12 credits) in three different chemistry divisions (organic, inorganic, physical, analytical and biochemistry), and pass two classes (8 credits) within their major area of research. A grade of B or better must be obtained in each course attempted. Courses are selected with the assistance of a faculty adviser. Ph.D. candidates must submit and orally defend a dissertation research proposal to their dissertation committee no later than the first semester of their third year of study.

Students select a research adviser at the end of their first semester of study after rotations in several laboratories. Intensive research generally begins in the spring of the first year. The Ph.D. program culminates in the preparation of a research dissertation and a final oral examination.

  • A minimum of 90 semester hours in chemistry and approved electives.
  • Attendance at a seminar course each semester.
  • A qualifying exam must be passed for candidacy. This consists of a written research proposal and an oral defense of the proposal.
  • A written dissertation describing the results of the student's research.
  • Students must present their dissertation orally at a public meeting followed by an oral defense held before the student's dissertation committee.
  • The average period of study is five years.

Graduation Requirements  

The following minimum requirements must be satisfied to graduate.

  • Complete 90 semester hours in Chemistry and approved electives.
  • Demonstrate breadth of knowledge competency by passing at a level of B or higher one 5000-level course in three of these five areas of chemistry: Analytical, Inorganic, Organic, Physical and Biochemistry. One of the three courses must be in the student’s major area, and the other two must be in the other areas. Breadth of knowledge competency must be met during the first year of graduate studies.
  • Demonstrate depth of knowledge competency by passing two classes at the 7000-level in the student’s major area of research. A grade of B or better must be obtained in each course attempted.
  • Attend each semester the weekly departmental colloquium series.
  • Take the graduate seminar course each semester (CHEM 8960, 8970, 8980 or 8990 depending on the student’s research area).
  • Participate in the Advanced Seminar in Research Development and Leadership course each semester (CHEM 8900 or equivalent).
  • Register to the Doctoral Research and Dissertation course (CHEM 8950) any semester during which research facilities and/or resources are being used. There is no limit on the number of dissertation hours that can be counted toward the 90-hour requirement.
  • Take the Chemistry Teaching Assistant Training class (CHEM 5100) during the first semester of graduate studies.
  • Take the Graduate Chemistry Research Training class (CHEM 5710) during the first semester of graduate studies.
  • Submit and orally defend a dissertation research proposal to a dissertation committee no later than during the fifth semester of study, excluding summers.
  • Submit and orally defend a written dissertation to a dissertation committee. The defense is open to the public.
  • The student’s graduate advisor and dissertation committee determine the specific requirements for each student within the above framework.

Culminating Experience: All students will write a dissertation that presents the student’s research.

Competency is demonstrated by passing at a level of B or better one 5000 level course in three of the five areas (analytical, biochemistry, inorganic, organic, and physical). One of the three courses can be in the student's major area, but the other two must be outside of the student's major area and must be in the other areas of chemistry and biochemistry. General/review courses will be offered each fall at the 5000 level in each research area of chemistry and biochemistry. Students failing to meet the competency requirement during their first year of graduate study may lose their financial support until competency is demonstrated or may be removed from the program at the discretion of the Graduate Committee.

Program Mission

The department's mission is to provide a quality education to graduate students while they pursue state-of-the-art research in chemistry. The objective of the graduate program is to educate and train students to become highly effective scientists by providing them with the interdisciplinary tools, research skills and ethical and service sensibilities needed to succeed in their future careers. This includes offering a variety of rigorous graduate level courses, maintaining cutting-edge research programs within individual laboratories, and compliance with the Code for Professional Ethical Conduct espoused by the American Chemical Society.

Program Learning Objectives

  • To demonstrate a broad understanding of chemical concepts and an in-depth understanding of a selected topic in chemistry.
  • To demonstrate competence in identifying a significant scientific problem and solving that problem through creative scientific experimentation, data analysis, and evaluation.
  • To effectively communicate, both verbally and in writing, scientific concepts and outcomes.
  • To work effectively both as an individual and as a collaborative team member.

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Survey of Ph.D. Programs in Chemistry

By Joel Shulman

How does your chemistry Ph.D. program compare to others in terms of department size and student demographics? Requirements for the degree? Graduate student progression and support? Developing skills that go beyond knowledge of chemistry? Answers to these questions and many others can be gleaned from the Survey of Ph.D. Programs in Chemistry recently reported by the ACS Committee on Professional Training (CPT) . Highlights of the survey are given here.

View the full report

The primary objective of the CPT is to facilitate the maintenance and improvement of the quality of chemical education at the postsecondary level. Not only does the Committee develop and administer the guidelines that define high-quality undergraduate education, but it also produces resources such as the ACS Directory of Graduate Education and publishes data on undergraduate and graduate education. Approximately every ten years, CPT fields a survey of Ph.D. programs. The latest survey solicited data from all 196 Ph.D. programs in chemistry and received usable information (base year, 2007) from 139 of these programs.

Figure 1. Size Distribution of Ph.D. Programs

phd in chemistry usa

Program size and demographics of students

The 139 reporting Ph.D. programs are divided for purposes of comparison into three groups of approximately equal size according to the total number of graduate students in the program: 44 small (defined as 0 to 40 total graduate students), 46 medium (41 to 105 graduate students), and 49 large programs (106+ graduate students). The number of students in Ph.D. programs ranges from 0 to 394 (see Figure 1) with a total of 13,280 students. Eighteen departments have more than 200 students, accounting for more than one-third (4,460) of the total graduate students in chemistry. The 30 largest programs account for almost 50% of graduate students. The average program size is 96 students (and 23 faculty), while the median program size is 67 students.

Of the doctoral students in responding programs, 27.4% are women, 5.2% are underrepresented minorities, and 42.3% are international students (Table 1). Small programs tend to have a higher percentage of underrepresented minority students (averaging 7.8%), while large programs have a higher percentage of women (28.5%) and a lower percentage of international students (37.3%).

Table 1. Demographics of Graduate Students by Program Size

Requirements for degree (table 2).

Of course, a doctoral dissertation is required by all Ph.D. programs. Most (71%) graduate programs require entering graduate students to take placement exams, although this requirement tends to be less prevalent as program size increases. The average program requires a minimum of 20 credits (semester hours, corrected for programs on the quarter system) of coursework, a number that does not vary significantly by program size. In addition to course work and dissertation, 96% of programs require at least one of the following: cumulative examinations (58%), an oral preliminary exam (54%), a comprehensive oral exam (50%), and/or a comprehensive written exam (31%). All four of these exams are required by 7% of programs; 17% of programs require three; 43% of programs require two; and 28% require only one. Large programs require cumulative exams less often and oral exams more often than small or medium programs. Only four programs (3%) require students to pass a language exam for the Ph.D.

Table 2. Requirement in Ph.D. Program

Graduate student progression and support (table 3).

The mean time to the Ph.D. is 5.1 years, a number that varies neither by program size nor by public vs. private institution (data not shown). Most programs place a limit on the amount of time allowed to achieve a Ph.D. (average of 7.8 years) as well as on the number of years of departmental support allowed a student (average of 5.9 years). More than 80% of students choose a research advisor within six months of entering graduate school. A significant number of programs either require or permit laboratory rotations before a final advisor is selected.

Monetary support for Ph.D. students comes from teaching assistantships more often than from research assistantships at small and medium programs, while the reverse is true in large programs. There is wide variation in TA stipends, depending on both program size and geographic location. Most programs have a range of stipends, which on average run from $18,000 to about $20,000 per year. Teaching assistants at larger programs are more likely to teach discussion (recitation) sections than those in small or medium programs.

Table 3. Student Progression and Support in Ph.D. Programs

Developing student skills.

In addition to chemistry knowledge and laboratory skills, it is important that all Ph.D. chemists develop skills in areas such as critical thinking, oral and written communication, and teamwork. Toward this end, 74% of all programs require students to create and defend an original research proposal (Table 2). All but six programs require students to make presentations (exclusive of the thesis defense) to audiences other than their research group; the average number of required presentations is 2.4, with little variation by program size. When asked whether any graduate students receive student-skills training outside of formal course work, 67% responded that at least some students receive specific training in communications; 59% in ethics/scientific integrity; 43% in grant writing; 37% in mentoring; 37% in intellectual property/patents; and 18% in business/economics. Students in large programs are more likely to receive some training in these skill areas than are students in other programs.

The data from this CPT survey provide a snapshot of graduate student demographics, requirements for the degree, and progression and support in chemistry Ph.D. programs. Survey results highlight similarities and differences among small, medium, and large programs across the country.

Dr. Joel I. Shulman retired as The Procter & Gamble Company's Manager of Doctoral Recruiting and University Relations in 2001 and is now an adjunct professor of chemistry at the University of Cincinnati. He serves the ACS as a consultant for the Office of Graduate Education and the Department of Career Management and Development and as a member of the Committee on Professional Training.

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student waving Cal flag

Chemistry PhD

The Chemistry PhD program is designed towards developing the ability to do creative scientific research. Accordingly, the single most important facet of the curriculum for an individual is his or her own research project. In keeping with the goal of fostering an atmosphere of scholarly, independent study, formal course requirements are minimal and vary among disciplines. Advisers tailor course requirements to best prepare the student for the chosen research field.

The doctoral program includes the following concentrations, each of which has specific degree requirements:

  • Physical Chemistry: In general, the Physical Chemistry Graduate Program encompasses experimental physical, analytical, nuclear, biophysical, and theoretical chemistry.
  • Synthetic Chemistry: The Synthetic Chemistry Graduate Program includes emphases in preparation of organic or inorganic compounds, development of methods for their synthesis, and their characterization and use.
  • Chemical Biology: The Chemical Biology Graduate Program covers research areas at the interface of chemistry and biology, ranging from the synthesis of bioactive materials to the characterization of living systems.

Contact Info

[email protected]

419 Latimer Hall

Berkeley, CA 94720

At a Glance


Admit Term(s)

Application Deadline

December 4, 2023

Degree Type(s)

Doctoral / PhD

Degree Awarded

GRE Requirements

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Chemistry

Graduate student works with laser table in lab

Graduate studies in Chemistry at KU are intended to prepare graduate students for any of the multitude of career pathways available to individuals who hold a doctorate in the Chemical Sciences. Graduate studies differ from the undergraduate experience in that each activity and requirement of the graduate program is designed to prepare students to become independent, creative practitioners of Chemistry.

The full list of courses required for a Chemistry Ph.D. at KU can be viewed on the KU Academic Catalog website .

Chemists at KU still make new materials and find new and exciting applications for these compounds, and study how chemical reactions occur. We apply this knowledge to developing compounds that fight disease, to creating cleaner and more efficient chemical processes for industry and to applying chemistry in other manners that benefit society. Striving for a Ph.D. or M.S. degree is about creating and completing an independent, original research project in the chemical sciences. For KU students, this experience becomes the foundation for their future careers in the increasingly diverse scientific enterprise.

Research in Chemistry graduate programs used to take place exclusively in the laboratory. At KU, students apply a broader definition of the term laboratory to include many other types of research environments:

  • Medical facilities where researchers study the efficacy of therapeutic agents and analyze the results of clinical trials,
  • Computer laboratories where the modeling of molecular structure, chemical reactions and phase changes are contributing enormously to our understanding of the complex systems around us,
  • Fields and streams where environmental chemists strive to understand how chemicals derived from natural processes and human activity impact the quality and diversity of life, and
  • Classrooms where individuals study strategies for improving student learning of scientific concepts.

KU Chemistry: A Multidisciplinary Experience

Chemistry is an incredibly multidisciplinary science at KU. As the tools we have developed to study molecular processes have become ever more powerful, chemists have been able to study more and more complicated systems. In our department, graduate students participate in projects including the location and function of neurotransmitters in the brain, how supercritical fluids can enhance the activity and selectivity of catalysts for chemical transformations, the details of what happens at the solid/liquid interface as materials begin to melt, how nuclear pore membrane proteins open to allow access to the genetic material in the nucleus of the cell, and how the HIV virus does such an effective job of evading detection by the human immune system. Chemical Sciences research at KU is an extremely exciting collaborative experience.

Chemistry Degrees

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  • Chemistry Undergraduate BS
  • Chemistry Undergraduate Minor
  • Chemistry Graduate MS
  • Chemistry Graduate PhD
  • Chemistry Non-Degree
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  • Analytical Chemistry

Purdue University’s analytical chemistry program is the top graduate program in the United States. With 16 faculty members and more than 100 graduate students, our program is one of the largest in the world. Analytical Chemistry at Purdue has a strong emphases on mass spectrometry (Cooks, Kenttämaa, A. Laskin, J. Laskin, McLuckey, Tao);  NMR spectroscopy (Yang);  structural biology (Drown, Metskas, Yang);  environmental chemistry (A. Laskin, Michalski); soft matter and nanostructures (Claridge, Mao);  optical spectroscopy and microscopy (Metskas, Simpson, Zhang);  machine learning and immunology (Chopra);  electrochemistry (Dick);  chemical imaging (Claridge, Dick, A. Laskin, J. Laskin, Metskas, Simpson, Zhang)

#1 in Analytical Chemistry, according to U.S. News and World Report.

Our Faculty

Gaurav Chopra

Gaurav Chopra

  • Neuroimmunology
  • Machine learning
  • Drug discovery

Shelley Claridge

Shelley Claridge

  • Nanomaterials
  • Confinement effects

Graham Cooks

Graham Cooks

  • Synthesis by mass spectrometry
  • Accelerated reactions
  • High throughput bioassays

Bryon Drown

Bryon Drown

  • Protein mass spectrometry
  • Chemical proteomics
  • Protein-drug interactions

Jeffrey Dick

Jeffrey Dick

  • Accelerated Reactions
  • Single Cell Metabolomics using Nanoelectrochemistry
  • Nanomaterial Synthesis & Characterization

Hilkka Kenttämaa

Hilkka Kenttämaa

  • Mass spectrometry
  • Analysis of complex mixtures
  • Structural characterization of polyfunctional organic compounds

Alex Laskin

Alex Laskin

  • Chemistry of atmospheric aerosols
  • Multi-modal characterization of complex mixtures
  • Environmental chemistry

Julia Laskin

Julia Laskin

  • Ion soft-landing
  • Mass spectrometry imaging
  • Instrument development

Chengde Mao

Chengde Mao

  • DNA nanotechnology
  • Self-assembly
  • Biosensing/nanomedicine

Scott McLuckey

Scott McLuckey

  • Top-down biomolecule characterization
  • Bio-complex analysis

Lauren Ann Metskas

Lauren Ann Metskas

  • Cryo electron tomography
  • Correlative microscopy
  • Protein ultrastructure

Greg Michalski

Greg Michalski

  • Stable isotope geochemistry
  • Atmospheric chemistry
  • Nitrogen cycling in aquatic and soil systems

Garth Simpson

Garth Simpson

  • Nonlinear optics
  • Chemical imaging
  • Dynamic sampling

Andy Tao

  • Molecular signaling in cancer cells
  • Identification of biomarkers for cancer and AD

Danzhou Yang

Danzhou Yang

  • NMR spectroscopy
  • Structure biology
  • Cancer-specific DNA molecular targets

Chi Zhang

  • Optical microscopy/spectroscopy
  • Opto-control
  • Cell metabolism
  • Research Areas
  • Analytical Faculty
  • Instrumentation History
  • Industrial Partnerships
  • Student Placement
  • Amy-Mellon Lecture
  • Freiser Memorial Lecture
  • Department of Chemistry >
  • Graduate >
  • Graduate Overview >

PhD in Medicinal Chemistry

Student in Timothy Cook's lab holds beaker of yellow liquid.

Find your home in UB Chemistry! We're here to help you every step of the way. 

  • 3/5/24 Graduate Admissions
  • 6/7/24 Financial Aid and Funding

Student in the Prasad lab.

Already enrolled in UB? Get details about advisement, forms and other resources for current students. 

  • 5/25/23 Info for Current Students

PhD student Darleny Lizardo.

The PhD in Medicinal Chemistry  provides a unique opportunity for students to develop a strong foundation in organic and medicinal chemistry and also to broaden their knowledge in areas such as drug discovery, biochemistry, molecular biology and pharmacology.

PhD Program Requirements

  • Coursework Once admitted to the PhD in Chemistry program, students are required to complete six graduate-level lecture courses during the first two years of full-time study. Of these courses, three must be one-semester introductory core courses selected from the four traditional areas of chemistry (CHE 501 and MCH 501 are required for the Medicinal Chemistry PhD), while the other three elective courses are chosen in consultation with the student’s research advisor. 
  • Proficiency Students must also demonstrate proficiency in medicinal chemistry, as well as in three of four traditional areas of chemistry, during the first three semesters. Proficiency can be established by completing a core graduate course or by passing the ACS Placement Exam in the area. A 3.00 grade point average in lecture courses is required.
  • Research Synopsis During the fifth semester (third year) of graduate study, PhD students are required to prepare a written research synopsis summarizing research progress to date and future research plans. An oral examination with the student’s PhD committee is used to evaluate the student’s research potential.
  • Research Proposal Also during the fifth semester, the student is required to write and orally defend an independent research proposal. This proposal involves the identification of a problem from the chemical literature that is not directly related to the student’s thesis work and a proposed solution to that problem. There are no cumulative exams in the UB Department of Chemistry.
  • Public Lecture During the fourth year of graduate study, PhD students present a public lecture on their research progress. This provides the PhD committee a chance to give the student feedback prior to finishing their written dissertation.
  • Dissertation and Oral Defense The majority of a PhD student’s time is spent on creative research. At the conclusion of the research work, a dissertation must be written and orally defended before the PhD committee and the department at large.

Faculty Research Mentor

The Department of Chemistry views an advanced degree in chemistry or medicinal chemistry as primarily a research degree, so the choice of research director is an important decision for the first-year graduate student. To facilitate the selection of the research mentor, the members of the faculty engaged in research present a general overview of their research interests in a series of meetings with the new graduate students. This allows the students to become acquainted with the different research opportunities in the program in an informal setting. 

Students are also encouraged to speak informally with as many faculty members as possible before making their decision. Assistance is available to those students having difficulty with this decision. However, it is to the student’s advantage to select a research advisor at the earliest possible date. Typically, graduate research is initiated during the second semester or during the first summer within the program.

PhD Student Timeline

Upon arrival, all new graduate students are required to take standardized tests produced by the American Chemical Society to assess their preparation for graduate study. Results of these tests are used by the Graduate Curriculum Committee to help students select their first-semester courses. A typical first-semester graduate student takes three core graduate-level courses and is also engaged in TA duties. Most of the required course work is finished by the end of the second or third semester in the program.

The following table provides a typical PhD graduate student timeline:

Email  [email protected]  or contact  Prof. Timothy Cook , director of graduate studies, for more information on this program and the admissions process.

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Southern Methodist University

Computational and theoretical chemistry at smu.

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Since August 2017, SMU has offered a unique PhD program that provides students a specialized, comprehensive graduate education and degree in the burgeoning field of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (TCC). It’s based on a comprehensive four-year degree plan that includes: 

core classes, 




and individual mentoring. 

This guide will help you explore interdisciplinary chemistry and get to know the cutting-edge research being conducted in the department at SMU, largely made possible with access to state-of-the-art resources and institutional support. You will also meet our expert faculty and discover what current and former students have to say about their experiences in the program. 

Chemistry: The Central Science 

Chemistry has long been known as the central science because it bridges the gap between the physical and life sciences, and the applied sciences (like engineering, environmental science and medicine). It is both “the central science” and the most foundational of the sciences since every other field of science relies on chemical insights into the nature of atoms and molecules in order to understand how more complex systems operate. 

Learn more about the history of theoretical and computational chemistry.

Chemistry and Key Economic Sectors

Because of its centrality and its role in transformative innovation, Chemistry is at the heart of many key economic sectors. The energy, technology, health and materials sectors all rely on chemical insight to advance, improve and deliver high quality products that support human flourishing. In addition, Chemistry plays a central, if not to say leading, role in initiating, carrying out and supporting developments that help guarantee the sustainability of our world.

The reliance of key economic sectors on chemistry means that there is a significant federal and industry investment in the development of top-notch chemists and significant opportunity for chemists to thrive in the many roles available to them in different fields. 

Chemistry and the Human Experience of the World

Chemistry plays a central role in our world. In particular, TCC applies quantum mechanics and molecular modeling, along with modern tools, such as machine learning, to improve our lives and increase sustainability in many important areas:

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Development of new drugs to fight cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Malaria

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Design of new catalysts, solar energy collector materials, hydrogen generation, biofuels

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Materials and processes for filtering and cleaning water

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Development of novel materials, nanotechnology, quantum computing, semiconductor technology, etc.

The Importance of an Interdisciplinary Approach to Chemistry Research

To fulfill its role and meet the requirements of our time, Chemistry has changed and adapted, becoming highly interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary with research topics that reach beyond traditional borders. As a result, the field is largely collaborative, making chemists ideal partners for researchers in medicine, biology, engineering, and environmental sciences. 

What Can You Do With a Chemistry PhD?

Chemists who seek jobs in TCC must have more than just a strong knowledge of basic chemistry. They should also be comfortable with various levels of chemistry programming and code development, have a good understanding of theoretical principles and be motivated problem-solvers. Additionally, familiarity with applying computer learning to research and experimental design is important.

A PhD in Chemistry from SMU opens the door for a wide range of career choices in both academia and industry, including government and national laboratories. Some potential career paths for chemistry PhDs include:

Forensic chemistry

Government (Research)

Industrial research (R&D)

IT companies

Postsecondary education

Product development

Tech/biotech start-ups

Understanding the Value of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry and its Relationship to Traditional Chemistry

What is theoretical chemistry.

Theoretical Chemistry is a branch of Chemistry that uses conceptual theories derived from physics and mathematics to explain and generalize the rules that govern all chemical systems and interactions. It involves the development of computational and theoretical methods based on quantum chemistry and mathematical procedures in order to describe the physical properties and the chemical behavior of atoms and molecules. 

Theoretical Chemistry comprises several disciplines such as:

  • Quantum Chemistry

Molecular Mechanics 

Statistical Mechanics 

Nonlinear Thermodynamics

Among these disciplines under Theoretical Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry is by far the most popular field. There are thousands of investigations and research projects carried out every year in this field.

What is Computational Chemistry?

Although the terms Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Chemistry are very often used synonymously, the fields are not identical. Computational Chemistry takes the conceptual framework of Theoretical Chemistry and allows the insights and questions of Theoretical Chemistry to be rigorously tested, modeled, and observed by running programs on high-performance super computers. 

Computational Chemistry requires a strong understanding of theory, but also the ability to translate theoretical methods into suitable computer programs so that chemical problems can be solved.

The Partnership Between Traditional and Computational Chemistry

The primary goal of Chemistry is to control chemical reactions with the purpose of generating useful, non-toxic, and non-dangerous materials with desirable properties in an economic way.

Computational Chemistry is a discipline of chemistry that can substantially contribute to all the fields of science as well as the metamorphosis of traditional to modern Chemistry. 

Computational chemistry with quantum chemistry, molecular modeling, and molecular dynamics as its major tools has matured and become an important partner of experimental chemistry in the last decades. These computational tools are used to shorten and facilitate chemical discovery processes, avoid costly and/or dangerous experiments, and obtain information not amenable to experiment.

All work of the Department of Chemistry at SMU has as a common goal to understand the electronic structure of molecules so that reliable predictions of their properties and chemical behavior can be made. These predictions become important in all those cases where chemical experiments are not conclusive, too dangerous, too costly or not possible at all.

Computational Chemistry makes advances that are beyond the possibility of traditional chemistry, but relies on input from other branches of science to inform the relevance of its modeling efforts. This is one of the major reasons the Department of Chemistry at SMU emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and research.

Exploring Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Research Topics

The Department of Chemistry’s research at SMU focuses on the large-molecule world, concentrating on biomolecules, engaging in drug design and introducing computational nanotechnology:

  • Molecular Mechanics
  • Molecular Modeling
  • Statistical Mechanics
  • Nonlinear Thermodynamic

Current Research Interests

  • Cracking the second code of life through protein dynamics using artificial intelligence and data science approaches. Deciphering enzyme catalysis and evolution through multi-scale simulations and theoretical framework development. Employing computational methodologies to solve many more real-world chemistry and biology problems. Training a new generation of scientists and workforce with a broad range of problem solving, analytical, and computer programing skills.
  • Application of ab initio (meaning “from the beginning”) methods based on quantum mechanics and combining concepts and techniques from chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science to use and develop accurate theoretical methods to study molecules, reactions, clusters, and extended systems; active areas include computational spectroscopy (specifically X-ray), computational techniques for tensor contraction and factorization, and development of new theoretical methods. 
  • Enhance drug design through our novel artificial-intelligence-supported, computer-assisted platform with emphasis on covalent binder and enzyme drugs being described with our automated protein structure analysis software.

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SMU: An Ideal Home for Research of this Kind

SMU is a private, highly renowned research institution founded in 1911, committed to academic freedom and inclusivity. Because of our size, we are a community where you can build strong connections to faculty mentors and enjoy an individualized education that fits your research interests and career goals. 

Find out what life is really like in a chemistry research-intensive PhD program from a TCC graduate. 

High-Performance Computing

SMU excels in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry through a deep partnership with the Center for Research Computing which supports a state-of-the-art research computing infrastructure for SMU faculty and students. 

The cornerstone of our computational excellence is SMU’s high-performance computer cluster ManeFrame II which has a total capacity of 930 teraflops.

SMU is investing $11.5 million into a powerful new supercomputing research system featuring an NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD. The successor of ManeFrame II, ManeFrame III, is already in planning and will be launched in the Fall of 2022.

Connected with the NVIDIA Quantum InfiniBand networking platform in SMU's data center, it will produce a theoretical 100 petaflops of computing power enabling the university's network to perform "a blistering 100 quadrillion operations per second.

Competitive  Funding and the Student Experience

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Premiere research environment.

The Department of Chemistry is a vibrant, strongly research-oriented unit in Dedman College. Chemistry faculty have secured grants totaling nearly $10 million over the last 10 years, and have been honored with four NSF CAREER awards, an impressive record for a department of this size.

Access to a Thriving and Supportive Graduate Community

SMU’s Moody School of Graduate and Advanced Studies aims to provide opportunities for professional advancement and graduate student engagement through regular workshops and events. 

Students are able to find a variety of resources that can assist them at any stage of the doctoral process, whether it is working one-on-one with our Director of Fellowships and Awards to seek external grants for your work or connecting with an on-staff writing center counselor to help you revise your paper. Just as important, students can also meet with other grad students from across campus at monthly social events whenever they need a break from the lab. 

Location, Location, Location

Because of our location in Dallas, Texas, we have easy access to a number of diverse industries that are looking for creative and ingenious researchers. Dallas is one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States and is home to several technological and industrial businesses, both established and starting up. Forbes ranks Dallas as #2 in best places for business and careers, meaning there is lots of potential for new jobs as students enter the market. 

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Our picturesque SMU campus is nestled just north of the bustling downtown area while still maintaining the feel of a small, intimate campus. From great restaurants and shopping to easily accessible public transportation near campus, the Dallas Metro area has a lot to offer graduate students who come here to take the next step in their professional career.

Discover Life in Dallas

Get to know the city of Dallas through our guide and learn what it is like to live, work, eat, study, and relax here while completing your graduate degree at SMU.

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The first rigorous theoretical and computational phd program in the us, theoretical and computational chemistry phd.

Students commit to a thorough and intensive full-time, four-year, 66-credit coursework plan that establishes the foundations of theory and computational topics and provides students the flexibility to explore their own innovative research. Teaching practicums and special topics are also incorporated into the curriculum to ensure that students are staying on top of the most recent trends and getting the practical experience necessary to be competitive candidates for both academic and industry jobs after graduation. 

Financial Support

In addition to professional support, our department is dedicated to providing substantial financial support that allows students to focus on their studies. 

Benefits include an annual stipend of $25,000, full tuition waiver, coverage of health insurance premiums, and a travel allowance for national conferences. Outstanding candidates are also eligible for competitive fellowships provided by the Moody School of Graduate and Advanced Studies and the Center for Research Computing that provide additional financial assistance. 

Get To Know the Moody School of Graduate and Advanced Studies

Access this guide to d iscover world-changing research, competitive funding, & professional and community engagement at SMU.

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Learn More About the $100 Million Gift from the Moody Foundation

Our department has a uniquely high percentage of theoretical faculty, offering a broad and diverse spectrum of research, and leading to a unique opportunity for the TCC PhD students. We strive to create a vibrant, friendly, and supportive environment where students work on cutting-edge research with one of the four TCC faculty members. Furthermore, interdisciplinary research within the chemistry department and beyond is strongly encouraged.

Advantages in a Competitive Job Market

The demand for a highly trained computational and theoretical chemistry workforce is steadily increasing. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts there will be an annual increase of at least 15% for computational and theoretical chemistry positions until 2025, a faster growth rate than for all other chemistry-related jobs. SMU’s TCC PhD program provides you a pipeline to a wide range of academic and non-academic jobs requiring intellectual leadership and technical excellence. Our graduates are now at research centers such as Pacific Northwest National Labs and companies such as Google and Eli Lilly.

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Faculty Profiles

Professor and chair elfi kraka.

phd in chemistry usa

Elfi Kraka leads the Computational and Theoretical Chemistry Group (CATCO) . CATCO’s research mission is to develop modern quantum chemical tools and to apply these tools to solve pending problems in chemistry, biology, materials science, and beyond. Special CATCO software includes the Local Mode Analysis (LModeA), a unique tool for decoding chemical information embedded in modern vibrational spectroscopy data, applied to both single molecules in gas phase, solution but also to periodic systems and crystals. The Unified Reaction Valley Approach (pURVA) describes a chemical reaction with an accuracy and a detail never achieved before. We have analyzed so far more than 700 homogenous catalysis reactions and the first enzyme reactions at the quantum chemical level to learn from Mother Nature how to design the next generation of catalysts. SSnet (Secondary Structure based End-to-End Learning) for protein-ligand Interaction prediction forms the basis for our new artificial intelligence supported computer assisted drug design platform stretching form screening billions of drugs candidates to the quantum chemical descriptions of the most promising candidates. Take a look at

Professor Doran Bennett

Doran Bennett heads the Mesoscience Lab, developing new computational tools at the intersection of chemistry, biology, physics, and applied mathematics. We are a tight-knit team that takes on big questions and develops new tools to accelerate scientific discovery. Intrigued by the biophysics of photosynthetic membranes? What about the role of quantum mechanics in how materials absorb and use light? You can learn more about the problems we are passionate about and the tools we develop at: . 

Professor Peng Tao

The ultimate goal of Tao Research group is to decipher the deepest secrets in life science through fundamental and data-driven computational studies. The group develops advanced and novel biophysical theories and computational methods to solve challenging problems in life science to achieve this goal. They are currently exploring both functional and dynamical mechanisms of proteins using advanced machine learning methods.  This approach has led to a novel molecular evolutionary theory of enzymes. All group members work closely to form an open, friendly, supportive, and inspiring research and developing environment to help each other pursuing their career and personal goals. Webpage:

Professor Devin Matthews

The Matthews group focuses on using and developing accurate theoretical methods to study molecules, reactions, clusters, and extended systems. We especially challenge ourselves to get “the right answer for the right reason” and to understand the Why and How of molecules and their reactions by bringing chemistry together with physics (the quantum world), biology (the molecular basis of life and health), mathematics (approximation, optimization, and analysis), and computer science (high-performance computing and machine learning). We are currently researching the use of equation-of-motion coupled cluster techniques for X-ray spectroscopies, with applications to the structure of liquids, disordered systems, and molecular dynamics, as well as ways in which highly accurate methods such as coupled cluster can be efficiently applied to large, complex molecules.  Visit us at

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Apply To Graduate School with Confidence

SMU's Graduate School is proud to offer doctoral and master’s degrees in a wide variety of fields. This resource is designed to give you an overview of the admissions requirements and processes for our Master’s and Doctoral programs.

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Student Testimonial

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Where are you from? Where and what did you study during your undergraduate years? What initially got you interested in Chemistry as a field of study?

I’m from Dallas – I’ve lived in the area practically all my life. During undergrad at the University of Texas at Dallas, I honestly tried to study everything – for a (very short) while I was considering trying for a triple major in physics, chemistry, and biology (I figured out that was a bad idea after about one semester). My degree is in biochemistry, but I put enough work into my physics minor, with a focus on quantum and statistical physics, that it’s not unreasonable to say that my education was in physical chemistry (with a touch of music, my other minor). I’ve liked chemistry since high school, and it seemed like a fun and interesting field.

Did you encounter any hesitations, obstacles or fears about pursuing a PhD in TCC? If yes, what were these dilemmas and how did you overcome them?

There would probably be something very wrong with me if I didn’t have any hesitation or fear about spending four to five years of my life more-or-less hunched over a computer, spiraling into madness as I run endless simulations, in between the hardest classes I’ll ever have to take. I mean, there definitely is something wrong with me, but a lack of anxiety is not it. In the end, I realized that five years just isn’t that big of a deal – sure, I’ll be working myself to the bone, but it’s a satisfying kind of exhaustion, and my time will go toward making the world a better place – I honestly believe that science has the power to improve the world. If I decide that I never want to so much as look at a Python IDE again at the end of this program, I can do something else. It’s not as if immersing myself in method and algorithm development and heavy mathematics will limit my options.  My fear was losing a chunk of my life, and the resolution for me was that time spent working isn’t any more or less gone than time spent any other way.

How did you hear about the TCC PhD program at SMU and what specific features attracted you to this program when you were looking at graduate schools?

During undergrad, I was in an experimental protein engineering lab with the awesome Dr. Sheel Dodani (shameless advertising for my old group, but seriously, her work and lab are super cool) when I attended a talk by Dr. Doran I. G. Bennett of the MesoScience Lab. Dr. Bennett’s work focuses on taking intractable problems – loosely speaking, those that have system sizes that are typical of classical problems or heavily approximated quantum mechanics, but dynamics dependent on full, formally-exact quantum mechanics – and making them solvable. In essence, if you’ll forgive a little romanticization, we make the impossible possible. I liked what I saw, asked Dr. Bennett if I could jump on board, and never looked back.

Now that you’ve experienced the program, what do you most appreciate about it?

I find the work meaningful and the mentors excellent. Dr. Bennett’s lab philosophy – one that is more conscious of its students as growing scientists rather than tools – is what I hope to see universally in the labs of the future.

Tell me about some of the research you’ve done over the course of your years of study. What has been your favorite research project and why did you enjoy it?

My favorite research project so far was a week of sheer sleepless intensity. We set out as a lab to, over the course of 5 days, use our code to model excitation dynamics in a membrane of light-harvesting complex 2 (LHC2). The back-and-forth between sections of the lab – one half modeling the membrane itself, the other simulating the dynamics of photoexcitation – was an incredible experience. Not only was the goal ambitious, but the sheer ridiculous intensity of the work was extremely fun. With that said, I’m not keen on repeating that level of work for a while!

What are your career dreams or plans? How has the TCC PhD program at SMU helped prepare you for your future?

I really don’t know what my career dream is! Although becoming a professor seems like a likely path, there’s a not insignificant chance that I go teach high school to get the next generation interested in science, work at a nonprofit, or just find some computer science job that pays enough and has flexible enough hours that I can go back to school to focus on music or art. But just because I don’t know my plans doesn’t mean that I don’t know how the program will help – I’ll gain a rock-solid work ethic, a better understanding of the work I most enjoy doing, and a ridiculous amount of raw math and coding skills – not to mention mentorship and organizational experience.

Why do you think Theoretical and Computational Chemistry is an important and valuable field to study?

Science consists of two halves: theory and experiment. Without one half, the other is meaningless – all the raw data in the world only tells you what is happening, never why, and even the most profound ideas about the nature of things are useless without data to back them up. Computers are perhaps the most powerful tool that theory has ever had. To produce incredible science, I think that learning to integrate computation into theory is vital.

Is there anything else you’d like to add? Any advice or wisdom you would pass along to a prospective student?

Nobody knows what they’re doing, everyone is scared all the time, and if somebody seems honestly confident it’s either because they’ve gotten so good at pretending to be confident that they’ve even convinced themselves, or they got bitten by a radioactive self-help author.

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Earn your doctorate in chemistry at smu.

Our goal is to train the next generation of theoretical and computational chemists, who will substantially contribute to solving the current and future problems of our society by using modeling and computation. In our program you will learn how to:

Perform independent methodological research, publish your results in top-tier journals, and present your research at national and international conferences.

Engage in successful collaborations in all fields of chemistry and across disciplines stretching from materials science, nanotechnology, medicinal and pharmaceutical science, to computer science and astrophysics.

Successfully compete for highly-sought research, teaching, and consulting positions at academic institutions, federal and state agencies, and leading industry firms.

If a degree in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry is in your future, SMU will help you take your potential to the next level. Contact us to learn more, or start an application today. 

Visit the TCC Program Page

Guide to Graduate Admissions

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Explore the PhD Experience


Stevie Otto Director of Recruitment and Admissions

Moody School of Graduate and Advanced Studies Southern Methodist University Telephone: 214-768-4345 Email: [email protected] Graduate application:


Are you curious about what the next step towards grad school should be? Want to learn more about SMU’s 32 Ph.D. programs?

Send us your information, we will be in touch!

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  • Should You Get a Ph.D.? Exploring the Reasons to Get a Terminal Degree
  • You’ve Decided to Go for It! Getting Started on Your Ph.D. Journey
  • Putting Together an Strong Ph.D. Application
  • Understanding How to Finance Your Ph.D. Program
  • Advice from Current Ph.D. Students
  • Looking Ahead: SMU’s Advice for the Ph.D. Years
  • Ph.D. Programs at SMU: A Look at Your Options Across the Disciplines
  • Want to Learn More?

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PhD Graduate Education at Northeastern University logo

The PhD Program in Medicinal Chemistry educates and trains students in the design and synthesis of novel, biologically active compounds and in delineating their mechanisms of action using biochemical, biophysical, and pharmacological approaches. Research specializations are available in synthetic, biochemical/pharmacological, and biophysical aspects of medicinal chemistry. Doctoral research in these specializations will relate to faculty areas of research, which currently include substance use disorders and addiction; neuropathic pain; obesity and metabolic disorders; neuropsychiatric disorders (psychoses, ADHD, depression, anxiety, eating disorders); and neurodegenerative diseases.

In The News

Cannabis Will Transform Medicine—Once We Figure Out How to Get Rid of Its Side Effects

Cannabis Will Transform Medicine—Once We Figure Out How to Get Rid of Its Side Effects

Drug Discovery Spurs Innnovation, Collaboration

Drug Discovery Spurs Innnovation, Collaboration

Groundbreaking Cancer Gene Therapy

Groundbreaking Cancer Gene Therapy

This specialization offered by the Center for Drug Discovery (CDD) trains students in the design and synthesis of novel biologically active compounds and in the study of their mechanisms of action using biochemical, biophysical, and pharmacological approaches. Concentrations are available in synthetic, biochemical/pharmacological, and biophysical medicinal chemistry. The CDD’s excellence in teaching has been recognized by the award of a training grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse for predoctoral and postdoctoral training in development of medications. These will be targeted to treat drug abuse; addiction; and other indications such as neuropathic pain, obesity, neuropsychiatric disorders (psychoses, ADHD, depression, anxiety, eating disorders); and neurodegenerative disorders.

Where They Work

  • Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research

What They Do

  • Healthcare Services
  • Business Development

What They’re Skilled At

  • High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Cell Culture
  • Biotechnology

Application Materials


  • Application fee – US $50
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Transcripts from all institutions attended
  • Personal Statement
  • Official GRE scores
  • TOEFL score for applicants who do not hold a degree from a U.S. institution and whose native language is not English
  • Please note all international applicants will need to provide a WES evaluation. Link to WES:

Admissions deadline for Fall term: December 6

  • Program Website

Request Information for PhD in Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery

University of Mississippi homepage

Ph.D. in Chemistry

  • Academic Programs

Student holding a laptop in a dark room with blue light surrounded by mechanical equipment.

About this Program

On this page…, program information, program type.

Doctorate Program

Area of Study

Sciences, Mathematics, and Technology

College of Liberal Arts

Program Location

Required credit hours, program details.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Review begins December 1 and deadline on April 1

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry welcomes student applications with the following materials. Additional details are found on the department website .

  • Complete the Graduate School’s Online Application.
  • Pay the   application fee   ($50). 
  • Submit   official transcripts .
  • International applicants whose first language is not English may be required to submit scores from an acceptable English language proficiency test .
  • Upload   Supplemental Application   materials for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry to the link provided on the application.
  • Statement of purpose.
  • Three letters of recommendation:   provide contact information for three recommenders.

To be admitted to a graduate degree program in full standing, a student must have completed a B.S. degree in chemistry with an average grade of B. Exceptionally qualified students who have not completed a B.S. degree in chemistry but have a degree in a related field (such as biology, engineering, physics, pharmacology, or pharmacy) may be admitted. However they should expect to present a clear case in their personal statement for admission. Additionally, they should expect to be provisionally admitted until specified conditions are satisfied such as prerequisite coursework or other expectations.

Students in the Ph.D. in Chemistry complete 54 credit hours.

  • 18 credit hours of formal nonremedial lecture courses
  • Chem 700: Intro to Graduate Research
  • 1 hour Chem 750: Area Seminar
  • 1 hour Chem 759: Doctoral Seminar
  • 18 hours of Chem 797: Dissertation

A minimum grade of B is required in each course in the student’s area of specialization.

Students must take one core course from each of four of the five specialty areas with a cumulative average of not less than a B.   

Analytical Chemistry

  • Chem 512 Adv Instrumental Analysis
  • Chem 514 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry
  • Chem 519 Chemical Separations


  • Chem 534 Physical Biochemistry
  • Chem 771 Biochemistry I

Inorganic Chemistry

  • Chem 544 Chemical Applications of Group Theory
  • Chem 701 Adv Inorganic Chemistry I
  • Chem 702 Adv Inorganic Chemistry II

Organic Chemistry

  • Chem 527 Adv Organic Chem, Structure Mechanism
  • Chem 528 Adv Organic Chem, Structure Synthesis

Physical Chemistry

  • Chem 531 Adv Physical Chem, Quantum Chem
  • Chem 532 Chemical Thermodynamics
  • Chem 536 Adv Physical Chem, Reaction Dynamics

Other requirements of the Ph.D. program include the following.

Seminar Presentations : Students give three seminar presentations:

  • an initial oral presentation of either research or literature;
  • an oral or poster presentation describing their own research; and
  • a final seminar based on their dissertation.

Cumulative Examinations: Students must pass a minimum of four cumulative examinations.  

Research Proposal/Dissertation Prospectus:  An original research proposal of 10-15 pages is prepared in a professional format on the subject of the student’s dissertation research. The proposal is defended in an oral examination administered by the student’s advisory committee.  

Dissertation. A formal written account of the student's research is defended by the student in a final oral examination.  

Teaching and research assistantships are available to qualified applicants. They are $25,000 per year minimum for 12 months. 

Students with a graduate assistantship funded in the department receive a scholarship that covers some or all of the tuition and non-residency fee, if applicable, for regular semesters and subsidized health insurance .

The Graduate School’s financial aid webpage lists a variety of funding possibilities, including summer support and a recruiting fellowship program that promotes academic excellence and access to graduate education to groups who are historically underrepresented.  

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is housed in Coulter Hall, which includes teaching and research laboratories and a machine shop including glass blowing equipment for use by researchers in the department. See the  major research equipment located in the department.

The   Science Library , housed in the Thad Cochran Research Center adjacent to Coulter Hall, contains more than 20,000 chemistry books and journals and subscribes to more than 140 chemistry research journals. The facilities are available 24 hours a day to our faculty and students. The department also benefits from the presence of several other on-campus research programs and facilities, including the Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research, the National Center for Physical Acoustics, the National Center for Natural Products Research, and the School of Engineering.

Nano-Bio ImmunoEngineering Consortium (NIEC)   has established two state-of-the-art research suites at the university. The research core facilities are intended to 1) give researchers access to high-dollar instrumentation that is beyond the scope of support of individual labs, 2) provide the necessary infrastructure to perform cutting-edge research projects at UM, and 3) enable researchers to develop their biomaterials from initial physicochemical characterization all the way through to preclinical efficacy testing. The two core suites (i.e., Biomaterials Characterization and Biomolecular Analysis) are   outfitted with major instrumentation .   Faculty and students have free access to the facilities of the   Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research   which includes several supercomputing platforms.

We’re Here to Help!

If you have any questions about the Ph.D. in Chemistry, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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Direct program.

The Diversifying Interdisciplinary Research Expertise through Community Building and Training (DIRECT) Program is a National Institutes of Health funded program offering financial, technical, operational, and professional resources for Ph.D. students interested in careers in the biomedical field. DIRECT trainees receive annual stipends, fully paid tuition, health insurance, conference travel support, and childcare cost reimbursement. The program emphasizes cohort building, mentoring, networking, and skill development.

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Evan R. Williams

Evan R. Williams

Lab: DG-21 Giauque Hall

  • B.S., University of Virginia (1984)
  • Ph.D., Cornell University (1990)
  • National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, (1989-1991)
  • National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award (1992)
  • Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Young Investigator (1992)
  • Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh Award (1992)
  • Exxon Education Foundation Research Award (1993)
  • American Society for Mass Spectrometry Research Award (1994)
  • Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award (1999)
  • Amgen Faculty Award (2004)
  • Visiting Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus, Denmark (2005)
  • Faculty Scientist, Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Faculty Director, QB3/Chemistry Mass Spectrometry Center, UC Berkeley
  • Associate Director, Center for Analytical Biotechnology, UC Berkeley
  • Member: ACS, ASMS

Professor Williams' research group is developing and applying novel instrumental and computational techniques in mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry, separations, and laser spectroscopy to solve problems of fundamental interest in chemistry and biochemistry. Current projects are focused in three areas; 1) elucidating the structures, functions, and dynamics of biomolecules and their macromolecular complexes with emphasis on protein sequencing, conformational elucidation, and protein-protein interactions, 2) understanding ion solvation, how water organizes around different ions and how water affects molecular structure and intermolecular interactions. Competitive interactions between ions, water, and biomolecules of interest are investigated by probing ions in size-selected trapped nanodrops using spectroscopy and ion-electron recombination experiments and 3) developing new instrumentation to analyze complex mixtures, including contents of cells, using microfabricated devices coupled with mass spectrometry and developing probes for rapid chemical analysis of surfaces with high sensitivity. A number of different types of state-of-the-art mass spectrometers and lasers are used in these studies.

Professor of Chemistry

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Meet Medicinal Chemistry's Five Spring PhD Graduates

June 5, 2024

MedC Spring 24 Grads

This spring, the Department of Medicinal Chemistry had the honor of watching five of our students successfully defend their PhD theses:

Brandi McKnight,  PhD "Chemically Self-Assembled Nanorings: A Versatile Platform for Cancer Immunotherapy and Cell Delivery" Advisor: Carston Wagner

Jessica Fuller,  PhD “Reengineering Caspase-2 for X-ray Crystallography: Use of Novel Protein Constructs to Gain Structural Insights into Alzheimer's Disease Probe Design” Advisor:  Michael Walters

Nick Weirath,  PhD “Leveraging Tools for Ligand Discovery: High-throughput Mixture-based Discovery of Novel Ligands to Interrogate the Molecular Mechanisms of Action of the Melanocortin Receptors” Advisor: Carrie Haskell-Luevano

Tian Lan , PhD “Rational Design of Next-Generation Rifamycins” Advisors: Courtney Aldrich & David Ferguson

Parker Flanders,  PhD “Structure and Dynamics of Penicillin-Binding Protein Inhibitors” Advisor: Elizabeth Ambrose

Congratulations to these five fantastic scholars and scientists! We know you will all go on to do great things.

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Two Chemistry Alums Awarded 2024 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

Nsf fellowships honor outstanding graduate students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics..

Nine current students and recent alums of the University of Maryland’s College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS) received prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships , which recognize outstanding graduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Across the university, 22 current students and recent alums were among the 2024 fellowship winners announced by the NSF. 

The recipients included Kaitlyn Dold (B.S. ’22, chemistry) and Katharina Krstic (B.S. ’22, chemistry). Dold is a chemistry Ph.D. student at UC Irvine and Krstic is a Ph.D. student in the organic chemistry program at MIT. NSF fellows receive three years of support, including a $37,000 annual stipend, a $16,000 cost-of-education allowance for tuition and fees, and access to opportunities for professional development.

The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program helps ensure the vitality of the human resource base of science and engineering in the United States and reinforces its diversity. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited U.S. institutions.

Since 1952, NSF has funded more than 60,000 Graduate Research Fellowships out of more than 500,000 applicants. At least 42 fellows have gone on to become Nobel laureates and more than 450 have become members of the National Academy of Sciences.

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Computers and chemistry

Article by Erica K. Brockmeier Photos by Evan Krape and courtesy of Jennifer Johnston June 06, 2024

UD’s interdisciplinary graduate traineeship provides students with key communication and technical skills needed to address complex, real-world problems

With over  350,000 commercially available chemicals , chemists and materials science researchers have a vast pool of starting materials for developing new products, whether it be a unique biodegradable plastic or a soft material for biocompatible electronics.

But figuring out where to start while sifting through hundreds of thousands of chemicals is a daunting task, and researchers are increasingly turning to computational modeling and data science tools to evaluate candidate chemicals more quickly and systematically. Successfully applying these tools, however, requires individuals who can effectively translate between the vernacular used in the fields of chemistry and materials science into computer-friendly lingo. 

At the University of Delaware, a National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) known as the  Computing and Data Science Training for Materials Innovation, Discovery, & Analytics (MIDAS) program is helping students obtain the skills and experiences they need to become fluent in both computational and chemical languages. Through coursework — including an industry project “hackathon” course taught each spring — as well as professional development, outreach and extracurricular opportunities, students who complete this program are poised for success in an increasingly interdisciplinary field of research.  

‘Discover, innovate, analyze’

The NRT-MIDAS program was launched by  Arthi Jayaraman , the Centennial Term Professor for Excellence in Research and Education who holds joint appointments in the  College of Engineering’s departments of  chemical and biomolecular engineering and  materials science and engineering . Jayaraman, who is both the program director and PI of the  $3 million grant from NSF that supports the program for its first five years, works in collaboration with  Jennifer Johnston , who has been serving as the NRT program coordinator since January 2022.

UD’s National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) program, Computing and Data Science Training for Materials Innovation, Discovery, & Analytics (MIDAS), is helping graduate students obtain the skills and experiences they need to become fluent in both computational and chemical languages.

The  program’s goal is to prepare students to use advanced computational tools and data science to “discover, innovate and engineer” new types of materials, with a specific focus on polymers. The program is modeled after Jayaraman’s own  research lab , which regularly uses advanced computational tools such as molecular modeling, simulations and machine learning to address problems in soft materials and formulations (things like shampoo, toothpaste and food products). She explained that these tools are essential to making progress in these types of fields due to the sheer complexity of the problems that researchers and companies are facing.

“To make the next best material, you can do a lot of experimentation. Or you can do things much more quickly by creating appropriate models to predict material properties, then following up on the most promising ones,” Jayaraman said. “This is now how most companies who do R&D are looking at new chemicals: They want to spend less money and time on finding the right materials through experimental trial and error. Instead, they prefer to use digital models to help determine what will work best before starting work in the lab.”

Jayaraman added that another one of the program’s aims is to help bridge existing knowledge gaps between researchers in different fields. 

“What companies want is to minimize communication barriers between experts and reduce the hesitation someone might have to approach a colleague who has a different academic background,” said Jayaraman. “Having a program like NRT-MIDAS helps break down those barriers.”

NRT-MIDAS program director and PI Arthi Jayaraman (left) and program coordinator Jennifer Johnston.

Core discipline courses and interdisciplinary industry project ‘hackathon’ course

NRT-MIDAS is designed for first-year and second-year doctoral students at UD, as well as graduate students from Delaware State University, who have experience working in high-performance computing, data science and/or soft materials. Students who complete all required elements of the program receive a  Graduate Certificate in Computing and Data Science for Soft Materials .

Interested students apply in November of their first year of graduate studies and are admitted into the program during the winter term. So far, the program has welcomed three cohorts:  cohort 1 completed the program this past fall,  cohort 2 will complete their internship or teaching course requirements this summer, and  cohort 3 just began their training. 

Kelsey Koutsoukos, a second-year materials science and engineering doctoral candidate working in the lab of assistant professor and NRT core faculty member  Laure Kayser , is part of the second cohort. After seeing how prominent the tools of data science were at a pharmaceutical company internship, he enrolled in NRT-MIDAS to “learn about how computational methods are used to tease out the structure property relationships in polymers before going into a lab and synthesizing them,” he said.

Kyle O’Donnell is part of the third cohort and a doctoral student in computer and information sciences working with professor  Chandra Kambhamettu . Along with his prior work experience involving data science for chemical sensing applications, O’Donnell aims to get more practical knowledge in chemistry and soft materials as part of the NRT-MIDAS program. 

“By learning skills and concepts from a different discipline, a computer scientist like me can provide valuable insights for approaching a problem in this modern research landscape while also making me a more well-rounded researcher,” he said.

The doctoral students in the NRT program take a set of nine credit hours of classes, which includes three credits of courses on soft materials and/or polymers and three credits on machine learning, molecular modeling and/or simulations that provide trainees with a strong foundation in polymers, soft materials and computational tools.

Students then enroll in the program’s required three credit course  Computing and Data Science for Soft Materials Innovation (CHEG/CISC/ELEG/MSEG 848), known as the “NRT Hackathon,” during the spring semester of their second year. The Hackathon has been offered since the spring of 2022, with lead instructor Jayaraman co-teaching the course in 2022 with  Sunita Chandrasekaran , associate professor and David L. and Beverly J.C. Mills Career Development Chair in the computer and information sciences department, and in 2023 with  Austin Brockmeier , assistant professor in electrical and computer engineering .

Austin Brockmeier (left) and Sunita Chandrasekaran have served as co-instructors of previous iterations of the NRT Hackathon course (Chandrasekaran in 2022 and Brockmeier in 2023).

In the Hackathon course, students work in small teams to address a materials science or chemistry-oriented problem that is provided by an industry sponsor. As each team includes a mix of individuals with varying backgrounds — some with more computational, others more experimental or soft materials focused — completing the project successfully means that the students must find ways to communicate and collaborate across their different disciplines.

Justin Labombard, a doctoral candidate in electrical and computer engineering working with Brockmeier, is part of the second cohort and is currently taking the Hackathon course. As part of a team with Tasia Walker from the DSU chemistry program and Ana Maria Mosquera Rodriguez from UD materials science and engineering, his group is using machine learning to predict the performance of paints made by the specialty materials company Arkema.

Between his Hackathon project, as well as the work he did for his project in Jayaraman’s molecular dynamics and simulations course last fall, he explained that “a lot of diagrams and a lot of patience” are key for being a member of an interdisciplinary team. 

“If you stick with it, you both figure it out, and things start to click. It can be a repetitive, iterative process but you have to keep trying and keep communicating until it makes sense,” Labombard said.

For his Hackathon project, Koutsoukos worked with Nikhil Karthikeyan from UD materials science and engineering and Wanwei Pan from UD chemical and biomolecular engineering on understanding why malodorous molecules stick to synthetic clothing. 

“The course is great because you can see what problems industry is trying to tackle and also make connections with industry leaders,” he said. “Networking is really important, and through this class we also get to learn from the other companies as well, which is really beneficial for all of us.”

Outside of the program’s coursework and professional development activities, NRT-MIDAS also connects students and faculty across different departments. Recurring activities include a biweekly community hour where the NRT-MIDAS community get together during lunch.

Soham Jariwala has a unique perspective: He took the Hackathon course in 2022 and this spring is a project mentor alongside Vasu Venkateshwaran from W. L. Gore. & Associates. Jariwala, a doctoral alumnus from the chemical and biomolecular engineering department and now a modeling and simulation scientist at Gore, was not officially part of the NRT program but took the course to gain hands-on experience with using machine learning tools for industry projects, an experience that he said was formative in helping him succeed in his current role.

“In a traditional classroom, you have a limited perspective on how projects are conducted in industry,” Jariwala said. “In the Hackathon class, you have a problem that even the industry experts don't know the answer to. As a team, you bring your own expertise, brainstorm ideas, find the best approach, and learn about other areas in order to reach a decision.”

Learning by doing and learning about teaching

The summer after completing the Hackathon course, students in the NRT-MIDAS program have the option of either completing a summer internship or a two-week teaching workshop.

Alison Shapiro, a chemical engineering doctoral candidate working in the lab of Allan & Myra Ferguson Distinguished Professor  Thomas H. Epps, III , worked at Dow last summer as part of the company’s cable and wire department. During her time at Dow, she looked for ways to recycle and more sustainably fabricate the insulating, protective polymers that coat electrical wires and conducted life cycle assessments for candidate materials.

Shapiro said that understanding the vernacular used to talk about chemicals during the Hackathon course was extremely helpful in completing her internship projects. 

“At Dow, they had the same way of talking about [formulations] as we did in the Hackathon class, which is different from how most academic research was done,” she said. “That was one of the things that translated over the most, and I initially had no idea that it was going to be so helpful.”

Sean Farrington, who is also part of the first NRT cohort, is a doctoral candidate working under Unidel Robert L. Pigford Chair  Norman Wagner and Arthur B. Metzner Professor  Antony Beris . Last summer he completed a teaching workshop developed by NRT core faculty member and associate professor  Joshua Enszer , which involved presentations about class preparation and teaching strategies followed by each student delivering a mock lecture and receiving constructive feedback.

Farrington, who is currently a TA in the chemical engineering department, regularly uses a list of action verbs provided by Enszer when preparing to teach. He said that the workshop was invaluable, not only for his current career plans of working in academia but because “no matter what job you have, you are always going to have to teach people something, and to do so you need to figure out exactly what your learning outcomes are,” he said.

Broadening horizons and reaching out to the community

Outside of the program’s coursework and professional development activities, NRT-MIDAS also fosters a strong sense of community that reaches across multiple departments.

This includes a biweekly NRT community hour organized by Johnston and Jayaraman, where all members of the NRT-MIDAS community get together during the lunch hour. Along with socializing over pizza, students get to hear invited speakers discuss their research in academic and national laboratories, learn about various STEM careers in industry, publishing, and teaching, and attend professional development workshops on topics such as data ethics, responsible conduct of research, and science communication.

As NRT program coordinator, Johnston plays a key role in helping foster this sense of community, from helping students become comfortable with public speaking and communication during their outreach activities to hosting monthly individual advising meetings with all of the trainees, which Johnston said is the highlight of her week.

“Not only do I enjoy getting to know our students, but they also provide valuable information on what they need from us as a program,” Johnston said. “These meetings have helped influence our professional skill community hour topics and have given us the ability to really cater to the needs of the students in our program.” 

During the summer, students work in teams to complete an outreach activity that showcases STEM research and data science concepts for a variety of non-scientific audiences.

In the summer of 2022, the first cohort created  videos to help explain their research and pique other students’ interest in science.

During the summer of 2022, the first cohort of NRT-MIDAS students made videos explaining different aspects of their research.

“It was something I’d never done before, trying to distill my research down to an elementary school level,” Shapiro said. “Overall, I thought the experience was really fun — it really pushed me out of my comfort zone, and it was a good skillset to learn.”

Last summer, the second cohort worked in teams to create  three comics explaining different aspects of research and life as a scientist, with artist and scientist Kara Martin creating the illustrations to bring the storylines to life. 

“It was a great project where we got to be more creative while also thinking scientifically,” said Koutsoukos, whose group created a comic explaining how data science can be used to make better plastics and polymers.

This June and July, students in cohort 3 will work in groups to develop a website with STEM-based activities for elementary and middle school students.

Learning together while looking toward the future

This NSF-supported program will enroll its fourth cohort this winter. Jayaraman adds that, thanks to many of the training activities developed in the context of NRT-MIDAS, there is support and momentum moving forward even after the end date of this NSF grant.

“The increasing engagement with scientists from leading industries — including DuPont, Dow, Merck, IFF, W. L. Gore, Arkema, and 3M — through the NRT Hackathon course and the student internships suggests that the skills the students are gaining via this program are in line with the needs of industry,” Jayaraman said. “I’m also grateful to our NRT faculty advisors, especially Dr. Kayser and Dr. Brockmeier, who encourage graduate students to be part of this program.”

For Shapiro, one of the benefits of NRT-MIDAS is the opportunity to be part of a tight-knit group of students where “everyone is learning together” outside of her own department. 

“As our work becomes more computational, being able to communicate and work with collaborators who are more computational is an invaluable skill,” added Shapiro. “I feel like I’m a lot more prepared, both confidence-wise and knowledge-wise, thanks to this program.”

Last summer, the second NRT-MIDAS cohort created comics explaining different aspects of research and life as a scientist, with artist and scientist Kara Martin creating the illustrations.

“You'll gain this knowledge in a new field, and, thanks to this program, you will be able to understand it well enough to work with it,” added Labombard. “For the program being as new as it is, it’s really well-designed, it fits in well with our existing course requirements while also supporting our own research projects and ideas.”

“So far I’ve gained a greater understanding of how data science has affected the field of chemistry and soft materials,” O’Donnell said. “I hope to further this understanding going forward, and also gain some practical experience in this area of research.”

Farrington added that between the technical skills he learned, the industry connections he’s made, and the colleagues he’s met through the program, he would highly recommend it to anyone interested in the intersection of computational analysis and materials research. 

“By being part of this program, it helped me build a really nice community of people who I get along with and who I’ve learned a lot from,” he said. “You're only going to regret the opportunities that you didn't take. So, if you're thinking about doing this program, it's an absolute yes.”

In addition to funding from NSF, the NRT-MIDAS program has been supported by the four participating departments in  UD’s College of Engineering (Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering ,  Department of Computer and Information Sciences ,  Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ,  and Department of Materials Science and Engineering ), as well as  UD’s Graduate College , and the  Office of the Provost . This financial support has allowed the program to enroll international students as well as students from other graduate programs, such as UD’s master’s program in data science.

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Why Should I Get a Master’s Degree in Chemistry?

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There is a lot more you can do with a chemistry degree than you may think.

Chemistry is everywhere. It is the scientific study of the properties of matter, behavior of matter and the molecular composition of matter. Chemists play key roles in many industries and, because of this, the possibilities for employment are nearly endless for graduates with a chemistry degree.

Sacred Heart University offers a master of science (MS) in chemistry for individuals looking for opportunities in the dynamic field of chemistry. Linda Farber , assistant professor of chemistry and program director for the MS in chemistry program, and Joseph Audie , professor of chemistry, share how earning an MS in chemistry can advance students’ careers.

Why should I study chemistry?

There are so many career paths you can take with an MS in chemistry. Many students graduating with this degree are looking to get their doctoral degree, attend medical school, veterinary school, dental school or another professional program in the health field. Students also go into intellectual property (patent) or environmental law, chemical or pharmaceutical research, chemical sales, education and other science-related fields.

How will an MS in chemistry prepare me for these different career paths?

Not only does an MS in chemistry advance the knowledge you already have, but it introduces new ideas and provides valuable new skills valued in the workforce. SHU’s MS in chemistry has various tracks for students to choose from depending on their areas of interest.

General chemistry

The general chemistry track is for students looking to strengthen their knowledge in inorganic, physical, analytical and biochemistry. “Students in this track get a deeper understanding of these concepts and also strengthen their abilities to evaluate and solve research inquiries,” said Farber.


The chem-bioinformatics track is for students who want to enhance their theoretical knowledge of computer science, mathematics and statistics. “This is where artificial intelligence and machine learning comes into play,” said Audie. “This track builds upon those methods and techniques.”

Molecular biochemistry

The molecular biochemistry track is where students learn the chemistry of biomolecules. “This track has more of a biochemistry focus. Students use all their chemistry foundations and apply them to biological applications,” said Farber.

Thesis vs. non-thesis tracks

SHU’s general chemistry and molecular biochemistry tracks offer thesis and non-thesis options for students. Students on the thesis track are paired with faculty members to pursue independent and original research. This involves a lot of time, thought and hands-on skills. The non-thesis tracks are ideal for individuals already working in the industry who are in the master’s program to advance their career.

SHU’s chem-bioinformatics track only offers a non-thesis option.

Can I get an MS in chemistry if I did not get a bachelor’s degree in chemistry?

Yes. You don’t have to earn a bachelor’s degree in chemistry to earn an MS in chemistry. If you have background knowledge in chemistry, you have the potential to succeed in the master’s-level classes.

“You really could have any background as long as you have basic knowledge in general and organic chemistry,” said Farber. “Pre-med students, for example, likely have a lot of the foundational knowledge and have taken required courses.”

Are you interested in earning an MS in chemistry?

SHU’s MS in chemistry program provides a variety of options designed to meet students’ academic, professional and personal interests, leading to exciting professional opportunities. SHU also offers a bachelor’s-master of science in chemistry 4+1 dual degree program , allowing first-year students to be admitted into the graduate program at the same time as their admission to the undergraduate program. Students can also apply for this program while already enrolled in the bachelor’s in chemistry program .

For more information about these programs, schedule an appointment with Lea DiStasio or contact program director Linda Farber at [email protected] .

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  • UB’s graduate pathways for Puerto Rican STEM students expands with $500,000 grant

UB’s graduate pathways for Puerto Rican STEM students expand with $500,000 grant

Zoom image: Students from the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey work at the University at Buffalo during the summer of 2022 as part of a Sloan Foundation grant. Photo: Douglas Levere/University at Buffalo

Students from the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey work at the University at Buffalo during the summer of 2022 as part of a Sloan Foundation grant. Photo: Douglas Levere/University at Buffalo

By Tom Dinki

Release Date: June 5, 2024

Chemistry Prof. Luis Colon photographed in his lab in Natural Sciences Complex in January 2024. Photographer: Douglas Levere.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — The longstanding STEM graduate program pipeline between the University at Buffalo and the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey will continue and expand to include more institutions thanks to a $500,000 grant from Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

The funding builds upon a $250,000 seed grant that supported 14 UPR Cayey undergraduates to conduct summer research at UB in 2022 and 2023. Students who successfully completed the program were offered admission to a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) graduate program at UB.

This new grant will expand the partnership to another U.S. mainland R1 institution (very high research activity), Texas A&M University, and two more Puerto Rican undergraduate institutions, Inter American University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo and Inter American University of Puerto Rico at Bayamon. 

Hispanic adults earned just 9% of STEM master’s degrees and 6% of STEM research doctorates from 2010-18, despite accounting for 16% of U.S. adults, according to the PEW Research Center. They also accounted for just 8% of all U.S. STEM jobs.

“Our hope is that this expansion will increase traditionally marginalized students’ opportunities and pathways to STEM graduate programs,” says the grant’s co-principal investigator, Luis A. Colón, PhD, SUNY Distinguished Professor and A. Conger Goodyear Professor in the UB Department of Chemistry and associate dean for inclusive excellence in the UB College of Arts and Sciences. “It is important that the enrollment of Latinx and Afro-Latinx in STEM graduate programs better reflects the population of the United States.”  

Since joining UB in 1993, Colón, a graduate of UPR Cayey and Puerto Rico native, has helped recruit dozens of students from the U.S. territory to come to Buffalo. Thirty-eight Hispanic students have earned advanced degrees in chemistry, mostly PhDs, while more than 100 Hispanic students have participated in the summer research program.  

For these efforts, Colón received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring from then-President Barack Obama and the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s (AAAS) 2024 Lifetime Mentor Award.

Zoom image: Luis A. Colón, SUNY Distinguished Professor and A. Conger Goodyear Professor of chemistry, has helped recruit dozens of students from his native Puerto Rico to study and conduct research at UB. Photo: Douglas Levere/University at Buffalo

Luis A. Colón, SUNY Distinguished Professor and A. Conger Goodyear Professor of chemistry, has helped recruit dozens of students from his native Puerto Rico to study and conduct research at UB. Photo: Douglas Levere/University at Buffalo

In the past, the UB-UPR Cayey partnership was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation. The Sloan Foundation seed grant received in 2022 built on and formalized these efforts.

With the latest Sloan grant, undergraduate students from the three Puerto Rico institutions will conduct summer research at either UB or Texas A&M, as well as undertake a series of academic enhancement and professional development activities prior to and during the program.

The grant will also allow the program to create a web presence for networking and continued engagement of student scholars, as well as initiate bridge funding to alleviate financial burden as students transition to graduate school. 

In addition, a course will be permanently established at UPR Cayey on preparing students for summer research and entering graduate programs. The class will incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion issues and cultural differences.

“Moreover, a community of undergraduate scholars will be created that can serve as mentors to the new generation of students,” Colón says.

In addition to Colón, other co-principal investigators include Luis De Jesús Báez, PhD, assistant professor in the UB Department of Chemistry and a UPR Cayey graduate, and Wilfredo Resto, PhD professor of chemistry at UPR Cayey.

Other members of the team include Sarbajit Banerjee, professor of chemistry and materials science and engineering at Texas A&M; Rosamil Rey, associate dean for academic affairs at IAU Bayamón; and Jerry Cartagena, assistant professor of chemistry at IAU Arecibo. Rey and Cartagena, both hold PhD degrees in chemistry from UB.

Media Contact Information

Tom Dinki News Content Manager Physical sciences, economic development Tel: 716-645-4584 [email protected]

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