Public Speaking Mentor

Tribute Speech Topics, Outline, And Examples

delivering a tribute speech

A tribute speech is a type of commemorative speech that is typically given to honor someone else. The focus of a tribute speech is to highlight the positive attributes and accomplishments of the person, institution, event, idea, or place being honored.

Tribute speeches often make use of personal anecdotes and stories of hope, trust, kindness, courage, wisdom, success, dignity, loyalty, camaraderie, and tradition in order to paint a more complete picture of the individual or subject being celebrated.

When to deliver a tribute speech?

There are many different occasions that may call for a tribute speech. Some examples include:

  • Retirement : A retirement speech is a tribute to the retiree’s years of hard work and dedication. It is an opportunity to look back on all that has been accomplished and to wish the retiree all the best in their future endeavors.
  • Wedding : Wedding toasts are another type of tribute speech, given in honor of the newlyweds. The focus of a wedding toast is usually on wishing the couple a long and happy life together.
  • Funeral or memorial services : A eulogy is a tribute speech that is given in honor of someone who has passed away. The focus of a memorial tribute speech is usually on celebrating the life of the individual and remembering them fondly.
  • Reunion : A reunion speech is a tribute to the past, present, and future of the group being honored. It is an opportunity to look back on all that has been accomplished and to look forward to all that will be accomplished in the future.
  • Anniversaries : An anniversary tribute speech is an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of the individual or group being honored and to look forward to the future.
  • Award ceremony : An award tribute speech is an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of the individual or group being honored and to thank them for their contributions.

Characteristics of a tribute speech

There are certain characteristics that make for an effective tribute speech. Some of these include-

  • It is sincere and honest : The tribute should be coming from a place of honest admiration and respect. It shouldn’t be overly flowery or insincere. It should also use proper language. This means avoiding profanity and using terms that everyone in the audience will understand.
  • It is well-prepared : A tribute speech that has been carefully prepared will usually be more effective than one that is off-the-cuff. This doesn’t mean that it has to be written out word for word, but it should be well-organized and thought out.
  • It is personal : A tribute speech that is personal and anecdotes will usually be more effective than one that is purely factual. This is because it will help the audience to connect with the person being tributed and understand why they are being tributed.
  • It is appropriate for the occasion : The tribute speech should be appropriate for the occasion. For example, if it is a tribute speech for a funeral, it should be more serious in tone than if it is for a retirement party.
  • It is within the time limit : Tribute speeches should usually be between 5 and 10 minutes long. This is because if they are too long, the audience will start to lose interest.

How to write a tribute speech?

When writing a tribute speech, it is important to choose a topic that is significant and meaningful to you. The tribute should also be well-organized and coherent, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Here are some trips tips for writing an effective tribute speech:

  • Start by brainstorming a list of people, things that you admire, and why you admire them. This will help you to narrow down your topic.
  • Choose a topic that is significant and meaningful to you. This will make it easier to write from a place of sincerity and honesty.
  • Write an outline of your tribute speech. This will help you to organize your thoughts and make sure that your tribute is coherent.
  • Write in a clear and concise manner. Avoid using flowery or overly complicated language. Use terms that everyone in the audience will understand.
  • Keep within the time limit. Tribute speeches should usually be between 5 and 10 minutes long.
  • Practice delivering your tribute speech. This will help you to ensure that you are loud enough for the audience to hear, clear, and with proper enunciation.

Outline for writing an effective tribute speech

Here is a tribute speech outline that you can use as a guide when preparing your own tribute speech:


  • Introduce the person or thing that you are tributing to.
  • Provide background information about the person or thing being tributed.
  • Explain why you admire the person or thing being tributed.
  • Describe the qualities that you admire about the person or thing being tributed.
  • Give examples of how the person or thing has positively affected your life.
  • Share a personal story about the person or thing being tributed.
  • Summarize why the person or thing being tributed is significant and important to you.
  • Thank the audience for listening.

Famous tribute speeches and examples from history

There are many famous tribute speeches in history. Here are a few you could get inspired from:

  • “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr. : This speech was given during the Civil Rights Movement where Martin Luther King Jr. spoke about his dream for a future where all people would be treated equally, regardless of skin color.
  • “The Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln : In this speech, Abraham Lincoln spoke about the sacrifices made by the soldiers who fought in the Battle of Gettysburg. He also spoke about the importance of preserving democracy.
  • “Inaugural Address” by John F. Kennedy : In this tribute speech, John F. Kennedy spoke about the need for Americans to work together to achieve their goals.
  • “9/11 Address to the Nation” by George W. Bush : In this famous tribute speech, George W. Bush spoke about the terrorist attacks of September 11th and the need for Americans to unite in the face of adversity.
  • “We Shall Overcome” by Barack Obama : In this famous tribute speech, Barack Obama spoke about the importance of hope and resilience in the face of challenges.

Tribute speech topics & ideas

Here are 20+ tribute speech topics and ideas;

1. Your favorite teacher

2. Your parents

3. A friend or family member who has passed away

4. A soldier who has served in the military

5. A first responder who has risked his life to save others

6. A person who has made a significant contribution to your community

7. A person who has inspired you

8. A historical figure that you admire

9. A mentor who has helped you in your life

10. An athlete who has achieved greatness

11. A person who has overcome adversity

12. A person who has made a significant impact on the world

13. A person who has shown courage in the face of challenges

14. A person who has demonstrated compassion for others

15. A person who has fought for justice

16. A couple who stayed together through thick and thin

17. A person who has inspired others to be their best selves

18. A friend who has always been there for you

19. A person who has brought happiness into your life

20. Your favorite pet

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how to write tribute speech


Tribute Speech

Tribute speech generator.

how to write tribute speech

A Tribute Speech is a profound way to honor and celebrate an individual’s impact or a significant event. This comprehensive guide, filled with eloquent speech examples, offers step-by-step instructions on crafting a moving and memorable tribute. Whether honoring a colleague, a loved one, or a notable figure, these guidelines will help you convey your admiration and respect powerfully. Learn to express heartfelt emotions and share impactful stories that do justice to the person or occasion being commemorated.

What is Tribute Speech?

A tribute speech is a specific type of commemorative address dedicated to expressing honor, admiration, and respect towards a person, event, thing, or idea. It is crafted to celebrate and acknowledge the significance and impact of its subject. Typically, tribute speeches highlight the exceptional qualities of the honored subject and reflect on their profound influence.

Tribute Speech Bundle

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A tribute speech is one of the most personal and emotional speech. Because it talks about the life of a particular person or a group of people. It is a speech that will inspire others and make the listeners come together as one in commemorating and honoring the life of the subject.A tribute speech is not only given to a deceased person, in fact, it is also given to a living person who still manages to give contribution or service, doing remarkable things, and still inspire and influence others. The best speeches are ones that are honest, sincere, full of admiration, and has a good speech outline .

Tribute Speech Format

Introduction Good evening, everyone. We are gathered here today not just to celebrate an extraordinary career but to honor a life that has made a profound difference. I’m here to speak about Dr. Jane Thompson, a person whose contributions have not only advanced the field of environmental science but have also inspired a generation to live more conscientiously. Body Early Life and Background Born in a small coastal town, Jane was always fascinated by the ocean. Her early years, spent volunteering at marine sanctuaries, laid the foundation for a lifelong commitment to environmental conservation. Despite facing early challenges, including limited access to advanced education and resources, Jane’s determination led her to earn a scholarship to a prestigious university, where she began her journey to becoming the influential figure we admire today. Achievements and Contributions Professionally, Dr. Thompson’s work has been groundbreaking. Her research on coral reef preservation has not only won her numerous international awards but has also played a critical role in developing sustainable marine practices worldwide. However, Jane’s impact extends beyond her professional achievements. She founded the Green Future Initiative, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating young people about environmental stewardship, demonstrating her belief that real change begins with education. Personal Stories I remember a time when Jane organized a community clean-up. It wasn’t just about cleaning; it was about bringing people together, sharing knowledge, and fostering a sense of community responsibility towards our environment. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and her genuine care for both people and the planet was evident in everything she did. Conclusion As we reflect on Dr. Thompson’s contributions, it’s clear that her legacy is not just in her scientific achievements but in the hearts and minds she has touched. Jane once said, “Change is the collective sum of our actions.” Today, we not only celebrate her remarkable contributions but also commit to continuing her legacy through our actions. In closing, I’d like to express our deepest gratitude to Dr. Jane Thompson for her unwavering dedication, inspiring leadership, and compassionate heart. Thank you, Jane, for showing us the way forward

Tribute Speech Example

Ladies and Gentlemen , Good [morning/afternoon/evening], Thank you all for being here today as we gather to honor and celebrate the life of [Loved One’s Name]. I am [Your Name], and it is both a privilege and a deeply emotional task to stand before you and share my thoughts about someone who meant so much to all of us. [Loved One’s Name] was an extraordinary person who touched the lives of everyone they met. They were a loving [relationship, e.g., parent, sibling, friend], a cherished member of our community, and a source of joy and inspiration to all who knew them. One of my fondest memories of [Loved One’s Name] is [share a specific memory, such as a shared activity, a special trip, or a meaningful conversation]. Their ability to [describe a characteristic, such as make people laugh, bring people together, offer wise counsel] made every moment we spent together truly special. [Loved One’s Name] had a unique gift for making everyone feel valued and loved. [Loved One’s Name] was a person of immense strength and character. They faced life’s challenges with resilience and grace, never losing sight of what was truly important. They taught us the value of perseverance, the importance of kindness, and the power of a positive outlook. What I will always cherish about [Loved One’s Name] is their unwavering kindness and generosity. They had a heart of gold and were always willing to lend a helping hand, offer a listening ear, or provide words of encouragement. Their selflessness touched many lives and left a lasting impact on our hearts. [Loved One’s Name] was also a person of great wisdom and insight. They were always there to offer advice, to listen, and to provide a different perspective. Their counsel was invaluable, and we all knew that we could always count on them for guidance and support. As I stand here today, I am filled with gratitude for the time we had together. While I wish we could have had more time, I am comforted by the countless memories we created and the lessons they taught us. Their legacy lives on in the values they instilled in us, in the love they showed to our family and friends, and in the positive impact they had on everyone who knew them. [Loved One’s Name], thank you for being a beacon of love, wisdom, and strength. Thank you for the laughter, the lessons, and the countless memories. We will carry your memory in our hearts forever and strive to honor you in all that we do. In closing, I would like to share a quote that reminds me of [Loved One’s Name]: “Those we love don’t go away; they walk beside us every day.” [Loved One’s Name], your love and your legacy will live on in all of us. Thank you for everything. Thank you, everyone, for being here today to honor [Loved One’s Name]. [Your Name]

Tribute Speech Short Example

Ladies and Gentlemen , Good [morning/afternoon/evening], Thank you all for being here today as we gather to honor and celebrate the life of [Loved One’s Name]. I am [Your Name], and it is both a privilege and an emotional task to share a few words about someone who meant so much to all of us. [Loved One’s Name] was a remarkable person who touched the lives of everyone they met. They were a loving [relationship, e.g., parent, sibling, friend] and a cherished member of our community. Their kindness, strength, and unwavering love made a profound impact on all of us. One of my fondest memories of [Loved One’s Name] is [share a specific, brief memory, such as a shared activity or meaningful moment]. Their ability to [describe a characteristic, such as make people laugh, bring people together] made every moment we spent together truly special. [Loved One’s Name] faced life’s challenges with resilience and grace, teaching us the value of perseverance and the importance of kindness. Their wisdom and generosity left a lasting impression on our hearts. As I stand here today, I am filled with gratitude for the time we had together. Though I wish we could have had more time, I am comforted by the memories we created and the lessons they taught us. Their legacy lives on in the values they instilled in us and the love they shared. In closing, I would like to share a quote that reminds me of [Loved One’s Name]: “Those we love don’t go away; they walk beside us every day.” [Loved One’s Name], your love and legacy will live on in all of us. Thank you for everything. Thank you, everyone, for being here today to honor [Loved One’s Name]. [Your Name]

Tips for Delivering a Tribute Speech

  • Practice Thoroughly: Familiarize yourself with your speech through repeated practice. This helps reduce nervousness and ensures a smoother delivery.
  • Speak from the Heart: Authenticity resonates. Speak sincerely about your feelings and experiences related to the honoree. Authentic emotion is compelling and engaging.
  • Maintain Eye Contact: Make eye contact with your audience to create a connection. This helps convey your sincerity and enhances the impact of your words.
  • Use Notes Sparingly: If you use notes, glance at them briefly to jog your memory, but try to keep your attention on the audience. Over-reliance on notes can disconnect you from the emotional depth of your speech.
  • Control Your Pace: Nervousness can lead to speaking too quickly, which might make it hard for your audience to follow. Practice pacing your speech so it’s easy to listen to and digest.
  • Pause for Emphasis: Use pauses strategically to let important points sink in or to compose yourself if you become emotional. Pauses can be powerful in adding weight to your message.
  • Use an Appropriate Tone: The tone of your speech should match the occasion and the personality of the honoree. Whether it’s solemn, celebratory, or humorous, ensure it’s appropriate.
  • Manage Emotions: It’s okay to show emotion, as it underscores the sincerity of your tribute. However, if you’re worried about becoming too overwhelmed, find techniques to compose yourself, like focusing on a spot in the room or taking deep breaths.
  • Personalize Your Delivery: Include personal anecdotes or traits of the honoree that you admire. This personal touch can make your speech more relatable and memorable.
  • Conclude Strongly: End your speech with a powerful statement or a call to action inspired by the honoree’s life and achievements. This leaves your audience with a lasting impression.
  • Rehearse with Feedback: Practice your speech in front of friends or family members who can provide constructive feedback. This can help you refine your delivery and content.
  • Be Prepared for the Unexpected: Sometimes emotions can catch you by surprise, or the audience might react in ways you didn’t anticipate. Be prepared to adapt and continue gracefully.

More Tribute Speech Samples

  • Tribute Speech for Teachers
  • Tribute Speech for Parents
  • Tribute Speech for Mother
  • Tribute Speech for Father
  • Tribute Speech for Grandmother
  • Tribute Speech for a Friend
  • Tribute Speech to Dad From Daughter
  • Tribute Speech to a Famous Person
  • Tribute Speech to a Dead Person
  • Tribute Speech on Funeral
  • Tribute Speech to Dad from Son
  • Tribute Speech to Mother from Daughter
  • Tribute Speech to Mother from Son
  • Tribute Speech to Sister
  • Tribute Speech to Brother
  • Tribute Speech to Husband
  • Tribute Speech to Wife
  • Tribute Speech to Grandparents
  • Tribute Speech to a Mentor
  • Tribute Speech to a Retiree
  • Tribute Speech to Veterans
  • Tribute Speech to a Deceased Loved One
  • Tribute Speech to a Community Leader
  • Tribute Speech to a Spouse

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Free Download

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If you still having trouble in giving speech, you can get more ideas in our self-introduction speech example  here.

Tribute Speech Outline

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Tribute Speech By The Leader Of The House

How to write a Tribute Speech

Step 1: choose your focus.

  • Select the Person: Clearly define who you are honoring. It could be a friend, family member, colleague, or a public figure.
  • Determine the Purpose: Understand the occasion and what you aim to achieve with your speech—celebrate their life, highlight their accomplishments, or honor their memory.

Step 2: Gather Information

  • Research: Collect information about their life, achievements, and impact. This may involve speaking with friends and family, looking at their social media, or recalling personal memories.
  • Select Key Points: Identify the most significant aspects of their life and work that you want to highlight. These should reflect their values, contributions, and the difference they made.

Step 3: Organize Your Speech

  • Follow the tribute speech format outlined previously, organizing your speech into an introduction, body, and conclusion. Within this structure, decide how you will present the information (chronologically, thematically, etc.).

Step 4: Write the Introduction

  • Hook: Begin with a powerful opening to grab attention. This could be a quote, an anecdote, or a profound statement.
  • Purpose: State the purpose of your speech and briefly introduce the person you’re honoring.

Step 5: Develop the Body

  • Early Life and Background: Start with some background information that provides context to their life and achievements.
  • Achievements and Contributions: Highlight their professional and personal accomplishments, focusing on how they’ve impacted others.
  • Personal Stories: Share anecdotes and personal stories that showcase their character and the personal side that people admired.

Step 6: Craft the Conclusion

  • Summarize: Briefly recap the key points you’ve made throughout your speech.
  • Reflect: Offer a reflection on their legacy and what they mean to you and others.
  • End with a Tribute: Conclude with a heartfelt tribute, expressing gratitude, admiration, or a final farewell.

Step 7: Edit and Practice

  • Review and Refine: Read through your speech, making adjustments to ensure clarity, flow, and emotional impact. Aim for a tone that matches the occasion and your relationship with the honoree.
  • Practice: Rehearse your speech multiple times. This helps with memorization, timing, and delivery. Pay attention to your pacing, tone, and body language.

The Impact of Tribute Speeches

  • Emotional Healing: Tribute speeches can offer comfort and emotional healing to those grieving by celebrating the life and accomplishments of the deceased, helping to focus on positive memories and legacies.
  • Increased Appreciation: They heighten the audience’s appreciation for the honoree’s contributions, achievements, and character, often revealing aspects of their life and work that were not widely known.
  • Preservation of Legacy: Tribute speeches serve to preserve and honor the legacy of an individual, ensuring that their contributions and values are remembered and passed down through generations.
  • Motivation and Inspiration: Hearing about the challenges overcome and achievements made by the honoree can motivate and inspire others to pursue their own goals with greater determination and passion.
  • Strengthened Community Bonds: They can strengthen bonds within a community or organization by bringing people together to celebrate and reflect on the values and achievements of one of their own.
  • Public Recognition: Tribute speeches provide a platform for public acknowledgment of an individual’s contributions, offering a sense of validation and recognition for their hard work and dedication.
  • Encouragement of Similar Values: By highlighting the honoree’s virtues, tribute speeches can encourage others to emulate similar values in their own lives, such as kindness, perseverance, and excellence.
  • Catharsis for the Speaker: The process of writing and delivering a tribute speech can offer a cathartic experience for the speaker, allowing them to process their feelings and articulate their admiration or love.
  • Enhanced Historical Record: These speeches can enhance the historical record of an individual’s contributions, especially in cases where their work has had a significant impact on society or a specific field.
  • Promotion of Unity: In moments of collective grief or celebration, tribute speeches can promote a sense of unity and shared purpose among those in attendance.
  • Cultural and Social Reflection: They reflect the cultural and social values of the time, providing insight into what a community or society values in its members.
  • Educational Impact: Tribute speeches can have an educational impact, teaching the audience about the honoree’s field of work, their approach to challenges, and the impact of their achievements.

Purpose of Tribute Speech

  • To Honor: The primary purpose is to pay homage to the person being recognized, acknowledging their contributions, achievements, and the positive impact they have made on others.
  • To Celebrate: Tribute speeches are used to celebrate milestones, such as retirements, birthdays, or significant achievements, highlighting the reasons these milestones are noteworthy.
  • To Inspire: By sharing stories of the honoree’s challenges, perseverance, and successes, a tribute speech can inspire others to strive for excellence and pursue their goals with determination.
  • To Express Gratitude: It’s an opportunity to thank the individual for their contributions, whether to a community, an organization, or in a personal capacity, acknowledging their efforts and the difference they’ve made.
  • To Educate: Through detailing the honoree’s life, work, and philosophy, the speech can educate the audience about values such as resilience, dedication, and compassion, and about the honoree’s field of work or influence.
  • To Reflect: It allows the speaker and the audience to reflect on the qualities and actions that make the honoree’s life exemplary and how these can influence their own lives.
  • To Preserve Memory: In cases of posthumous tributes, the speech serves to preserve the memory of the deceased, ensuring their legacy continues to be remembered and celebrated by future generations.
  • To Connect: A tribute speech can foster a sense of connection among the audience, uniting them in their shared admiration or affection for the honoree, and in shared values or experiences.
  • To Heal: Particularly in memorial services, tribute speeches can offer comfort and healing by celebrating the life of the deceased, providing solace through remembrance and shared grief.
  • To Motivate: By highlighting the honoree’s contributions and achievements, the speech can motivate others to contribute positively to their communities or fields of work, encouraging them to make a difference.

Occasions That Call for a Tribute Speech

A tribute speech is common in funerals and memorial services. However, a tribute speech can be given at various occasions.

1. Reunions

A thank you speech can be given to honor the senior member of a family in a family reunion. In class reunion or other forms of reunion, a tribute speech is given to a person who has achieved a lot in his/her life.

2. Anniversaries

A tribute speech is given to the one celebrating an anniversary or this could be a celebration marking a historic event such as a day to remember the passing of a famous person. You may also like thank-you speech examples & samples.

This could be a tribute speech that is given by the award recipient to commemorates the person who influences him/her or a tribute speech that is given to the one who receives the award that will honor his/her achievements. You may also see presentation speech examples & samples .

4. Weddings

In wedding celebrations, although it could be a wedding speech , the speeches made by the parents of the couple can be all forms of a tribute of speech too.

5. Retirement

A tribute of speech is given to the retiree to honor and acknowledges his/her contribution and service.

How Do You Start a Tribute Message?

Begin a tribute message with a personal greeting or a poignant quote, followed by an introduction that sets the tone, such as expressing the significance of the person being honored and your relationship to them.

What Is the Central Idea of a Tribute Speech?

The central idea of a tribute speech revolves around celebrating, honoring, and remembering the life, achievements, and influence of an individual. It’s about acknowledging their contributions and expressing gratitude and respect.

How to Start a Speech?

Start a speech with a powerful opening that captures the audience’s attention, such as an intriguing question, a surprising fact, a relatable anecdote, or a compelling quote that ties into your speech’s main theme.

How Do You Write a Heart-Touching Tribute?

To write a heart-touching tribute, share personal stories and anecdotes that highlight the honoree’s virtues, impact, and the memories you shared. Use sincere and emotive language to express your admiration and gratitude deeply.

How Do You Write a Short Tribute Speech?

A short tribute speech should concisely highlight the individual’s key achievements, character traits, and impact on others. Begin with a brief introduction, include memorable anecdotes, and conclude with a heartfelt expression of gratitude or respect.

What Type of Speech Is a Tribute?

A tribute speech is a ceremonial speech that honors and commemorates the life and contributions of an individual. It is characterized by its focus on praising, remembering, and expressing admiration and gratitude towards the person being honored.

How long should a tribute speech be?

A tribute speech should be 5-10 minutes long, depending on the occasion and audience.

Can I use humor in a tribute speech?

Yes, appropriate humor can make the speech engaging, but ensure it respects the person being honored.

How do I conclude a tribute speech?

Conclude with a memorable closing statement, summarizing the person’s impact and expressing gratitude.

What tone should I use in a tribute speech?

Use a respectful, heartfelt, and positive tone to convey sincerity and admiration.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Key Elements for a Memorable Tribute Speech

Making Your Tribute Speech Stand Out: Unique Ideas

The Emotional Impact of a Well-Delivered Tribute Speech

Tribute Speech Tips for Capturing the Essence of a Loved One

Overcoming Nerves: Delivering a Tribute Speech with Confidence

How to Personalize Your Tribute Speech for Maximum Impact

The Role of Humor in an Effective Tribute Speech

Crafting a Heartfelt Tribute Speech: Step-by-Step Guide

Tribute Speech: Honoring Achievements with Words

Choosing the Right Tone for Your Tribute Speech

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27 Tribute Speech: Celebrate the Occasion, the Person, or the Monument

Mother and child

A tribute is a type of celebratory speech that honors a person, a monument, a holiday, or an event.

Tribute to a Person

A tribute to a person typically includes one of these items:

  • Small descriptions so we can “see” the person in their element.
  • Stories of their deeds.
  • Stories of how the person affected others.
  • Funny or emotional moments.
  • The legacy that person is leaving.

Tribute to an Event or Occasion

Tributes to occasions can be any of the following:

  • Milestone Birthday, Retirement, Anniversary
  • Mother’s day, Father’s Day, Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, D-Day
  • Race for the Cure, We Day
  • Family reunion, School reunion

Tributes to occasions typically include:

  • Emphasis on shared values
  • Appreciation for the people involved
  • Origin and evolution of the event
  • Stories of people related to the event
  • The larger context surrounding the event

Gather all the information

  • Who is the audience?
  • Are there other speakers?
  • What is the time limit?
  • Is this formal or informal?
  • Will there be a podium? microphone?

Brainstorming a Person

  • What life lessons did they teach you?
  • How are you different because of this person?
  • What are some of their favorite things?
  • What are their best qualities? Tell a story about that quality
  • What three words best describe this person?
  • What makes this person so great?
  • What is the funniest thing that you remember?
  • What is this person known for?
  • What are some sayings—one-liners—they are known for?
  • What is something simple that they do that demonstrates their character?
  • What is unique about her lifestyle or behavior?
  • What is a special gift that they gave you and why is it so special?
  • What does this person do for fun?
  • What does he do when he is stressed?
  • What adventure have you shared with this person?
  • What’s a story that everyone tells about this person?
  • What helpful advice has this person given you?
  • Every time you see a ______, you’ll think of ____ because ———
  • Look through a photo album—what one or two pictures tell about them ?
  • What smell do you associate with this person

Make Everyone Feel Included

Notice how this speaker invites all listeners to be part of the memorial.

I stand here today to pay tribute to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Bombing Memorial in Oklahoma City.

This memorial represents the honor and strength as well as all the pain of every person who remembers that historical day.

It has helped an immense number of people to cope with this national tragedy

It is a place of reflection, emotion,  and healing.

In this excerpt, Drew speaks to all those who are present at the Doolittle Raider reunion  (A reunion of men who in 1942 led the first attack after the bombing of Pearl Harbor)

Each of us in this room has our own memories of growing up with these men and the reasons why they are so special to us .  For these men, it is an everyday occurrence that someone thanks them for their service to their country and what they did 65 years ago.  So today is my pleasure to share with you the reason why these men are my heroes and why one of them impractically means the world to me.

I hope each of you will always remember the little things these men have done for you.  L.M. Heroux once said “heroism is not just pulling a child from a burning house or a driver from an icy river or a kitten from a tall tree.  Heroism is also holding the door for a frail elderly and driving courteously and cooperatively and listening with an attentive heart to a friend’s words.  Small daily acts of love are as heroic as big once-in-a-lifetime acts of rescue.”

In this tribute to his teacher, “the greatest swing pusher” Hosea Born reminds the group of a common thing, finding your name on the desk.

Walking into a new teacher’s classroom is terrifying. We have all been there. You remember. Finding your desk with your name on it. My name tag was an apple. Tribute to the best swing pusher.

Magnify the Small Things

Caitlyn Steiner wrote a tribute speech about the love her grandparent have for each other. Notice how she uses the little things to demonstrate love.

Love appreciates the smallest details the most. My grandpa still puts the toothpaste on both their toothbrushes every morning. My grandma still hangs a towel on the rack for my grandpa every day after he gets in the shower. And they still slow dance together every night in the living room before they go to bed.

In this example, Fawn Kurtzo gives a birthday tribute to her brother Buck. As you read this manuscript excerpt, I want to draw your attention to the fact that each line is a story for those who know him.

We are gathered here today to celebrate another year in the life of Buck. Congratulations Buck? Who am I kidding, CONGRATULATIONS US! We all survived another year of 10,000 questions why, mental duels, being outshot with bullets and arrows, countless times of side-splitting laughs as he carried the life of the party // begin terribly humiliated in a game of dominoes // and just flat being outlasted by this kid!  

Celebrate Don’t Inform

People in the audience may not know the person you are celebrating. Resist the temptation to give an informative speech about your person, that is the equivalent of reading someone’s Wikipedia biography–boring. Instead, pick a few things about them to celebrate.

In this tribute to his hometown dirt roads, Nathan Brock’s speech is a good example. He tells us the facts without sounding like an informative speech, I kept this sample in a manuscript format so you could see the emphasis and the rhythm. When you see /// it means to pause.

So, here’s to you, dirt roads

the defining feature of my hometown.

Here’s to you, dirt roads,  ///  the place of my upbringing in middle-of-nowhere America.

Pawnee , Oklahoma is a town with many dirt roads

A town with a population of 2,136//

It felt like less.

When Googling “living in Pawnee, Oklahoma” one can find a list of pros and cons

Pros include “cost-of-living”

Cons include “unattractive setting

That is where you came in, dirt roads.

Describe the situation or person in vivid detail so we can see the person in their element. Jeremy Stuthard gave a tribute to his Grandma and said they were “Two peas in a pod.” Notice how in one sentence you get a sense of grandma’s humor and personality. from only one line, “I remember when you dumped a whole bucket of water on me, to wake me up, just to have me help you with your TV.” In another example, Patience Beard describes cooking with her grandma, “Nana ALWAYS let me lick the spoon. We would make icing all from scratch she would turn that mixer on and it would never fail– icing would fly everywhere and her laugh …….would echo through the whole room.” In each example, you can “see” the interaction in your mind. The speaker didn’t tell you that his grandma was a trickster, he showed you that. Patience didn’t tell you her grandma cooked for her, she “showed” you that she did.

Teach Little Lesson in the Small Things

In tribute speeches, the little things are often the big things. What I mean by that is you can tell a story that appears to be a simple story but it is really about something deeper. In this speech, Brittany Brunson is telling the story about riding in her dad’s lap, but really it is a metaphor for their relationship. I kept this in manuscript form so you couldn’t get a feel for how she intended it to be heard.

I don’t remember much from the age of 7// But I do remember getting to sit on my dad’s lap and driving down the alley. I couldn’t reach the pedals // so my dad was in charge of those// Although I thought I was in charge of the wheel// My dad had ultimate control because if I ever got to close to the wall of the alleyway // my dad would steer me right back to the center. Ironically, I never got in big trouble growing up // except for maybe prank calling the police one time…………. but anyways// I never got in big trouble growing up because if I ever got close to that barrier of bad choices /// my dad //steered me right back to the center. Although I thought I had control of the wheel of my life ultimately my dad guided me on to the right path // that led me to hold myself to a higher standard // and stand firm in my beliefs.

Tell Stories

Watch How Kevin Durant turns his most valuable player award acceptance speech into a tribute to his mother calling her the real MVP. Telling stories that highlight personal stories with the person you are giving tributing can be very powerful.

In this tribute speech to her father, she tells a story of how a Jewish man and a Muslim man can transcend boundaries and become friends.

Yamani, N. (2015). A Tribute to My Father.

Tribute Speech at We Day

We Day was an annual series of stadium-sized youth empowerment events organized by We Charity, a Canadian charity founded by brothers Marc and Craig Kielburger. WE Day events host tens of thousands of students and celebrate the effect they have made on local and global issues.

Sadhguru (2020). A Tribute to All Healthcare Workers

Notice how Tom Hanks makes specific references to parts from the Star Wars movie in his tribute to George Lucas. His references are things that everyone has in common.

American Film Institute. (2009). Tom Hanks Salutes George Lucas at the AFI Life Achievement Award.

Trump, D. (2018). President Donald Trump Full Speech: Honors 9/11 Victims at Shanksville Memorial.

Tribute to Famous Person

When giving a tribute to a famous person that you do not know personally, it is important to resist giving a biographical speech. Instead, you should talk about how that person influenced you in some way. The story of them becomes the story of you and them.

In his tribute to Stan Leee, David Lester wrote,

One of my earliest experiences with his work, is through his comics. When my mom would take forever shopping in Walmart, I would fly to the magazine section find those comic books and my time——– just——— evaporated .

Later he mentions the relationship again

 The first Marvel movie I remember seeing saw was IRON MAN. I remember seeing Robert Downey Jr. beat up terrorists and change the way we see superheroes, not as just statues but as complex people like us.

In his conclusion, he brings it around to impact on all of us

BUT Do you wanna know who Stan thought the real superheroes were? It’s not the ones we talk about all the time. It’s not the ones that are played by Chris Evans, Chris Pratt, and Chris Hemsworth. NO!  It’s us,  the fans. We were the heroes all along. Looking out for each other. Supporting people around us who needed it the most. Protecting others from harm.  Standing as examples for our community for what we can become. Doing more than the average man would do.  That one person can make a difference. That you don’t need a cape just to be a hero.  He brought us together. He did all of this.

Tribute to a Reunion by Drew

Today it is my honor to have been asked to speak at the Doolittle Raider of Reunion.  As many we all know on April 18th 1942, 80 brave men flew on the first ever joint mission of the Navy and Air Force Reserves to give the United States its first attack on Japanese main land after Pearl Harbor.  600 miles off the shore of Japanese mainland the USS Hornet was spotted by a fishing boat.  General Doolittle ordered the men to launch early causing the men not to have enough fuel to make it to unoccupied China as planned.  All, but one of the 16 planes either crashed landed or the crew bailed out.  Eight men were taken prisoners of war, but only four came home.  These four men endured 40 months of being malnourished and tortured.

Of those four men, I have the greatest honor of calling my great-grandfather.  For those who do not know these men on a personal level they are heroes for the actions taken on that day 65 years ago, but for those of us who have the honor on knowing these men personally they are heroes for so many other reason.

These men are our fathers, grandfathers and even great-grandfathers.

These men have been and will be apart of our lives in ways that go far beyond the Tokyo Raid.

These men are the crews that have made sure our families lives were on the right path.

Most of you know him as Lt. Col. Robert L Hite, but to me he is Bobby Hite. My great-grandfather is like the parachute he used to bail out of his plane that day.  He has guided our family through the years making sure we reached the ground safely. He has done everything from slipping me a few dollars for a college student to taking us to lunch ever Saturday.   As a child I can remember waiting on Saturdays for that special honk he had to inform us he was there.

I remember when my Uncle got married, I was so upset because I was going to ruin my perfect attendance record if I came to Fort Smith with my parents.  Bobby Hite hating to see me so upset told my parents that he and nanny would wait for me to get out of school on Friday and drive me up because that’s what would make me happy.

The times he gave his “driving lessons”, told stories of when he managed the Camden Hotel and of course waiting every Christmas morning for nanny and him to arrive before we could see what Santa had brought are all memories that mean the world to me and my two brothers.

Each of us in this room has our own memories of growing up with these men and reasons why they are so special to us.  For these men, it is an everyday occurrence that someone thanks them for their service to their country and what they did 65 years ago.  So today is my pleasure to share with you the reason why these men are my heroes and why one of them impractically means the world to me.

Key Takeaways

  • Spend a lot of time brainstorming, reflecting, researching, and talking to others before you begin to write.
  • Write in a manuscript format.
  • Structure your speech so your audience feels like they are part of something.
  • Celebrate the person’s accomplishments and don’t make it an informative speech about them.
  • Tells stories when possible.
  • Try incorporating colorful language: Simile, metaphor, antithesis, alliteration, parallel construction.
  • Consider using a theme that fits the person or the situation.

Durant, K. (2014). 2013-14 NBA Most Valuable player acceptance speech. 9s

Lester, D. Tribute to Stan Lee. University of Arkansas Advanced Public Speaking.

Waln, F. (2017). Inspirational Native American Grank Walkn tells his story at WE Day! Standard YouTube License.

Media Attributions

  • m-t-elgassier-G_acucnTJNw-unsplash © MT ElGassier is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license

Advanced Public Speaking Copyright © 2021 by Lynn Meade is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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how to write tribute speech

Tribute Speech Examples To Inspire Your Next Celebration

Tribute speech

A tribute speech honors an occasion, person, event, thing, or idea by recounting its significance. The content includes both facts and feelings. As these tribute speech examples show, the speaker might focus on a person’s best qualities and successes and then tell how they influenced the speaker and others.

Tribute speeches, also called commemorative speeches, are given in honor of someone.  They are used for many occasions, and the tone changes depending on the event and where it is given. A graduation speech might have a somewhat serious tone, whereas a 50th-birthday speech could be more fun. Retirement speeches often involve some gentle ribbing by coworkers. The event and the person you are honoring determine the tone.

Table of Contents

What Is The Purpose Of A Tribute Speech?

A tribute speech honors someone through public speaking to those in attendance. The event can be anything from a milestone birthday to honoring a retiree. Usually, someone close to the individual is asked to enumerate their attributes through personal stories, quotes, or summarizing their life. Another common tactic is to talk about the  positive impact the individual  has had on others.

How Do You Start A Tribute Speech?

The first thing that needs to be done anytime you are speaking in front of a group is to  introduce yourself  and your connection to the event. When honoring your best friend as you pay tribute, tell those listening about your relationship.

Next, you want to hook the audience. There are different ways to do that. It could be by using a famous quote or a carefully chosen story. You may want to share why the special occasion is so important to everyone assembled to honor the honoree.

Tribute speech to parents

Some ideas for hooking the audience are:

  • Ask the audience a question that is sure to pull them in.
  • Describe your loved one using three words without connecting them at first. Then enumerate why these words are so accurate to describe that specific person.
  • Get the audience to laugh.
  • Guided visualization as you get the audience to imagine something you will describe.
  • Tell a great story.
  • Share a quote.

What is The Content Of A Tribute Speech?

The content of a tribute speech does depend on what type of speech you are giving.

  • Anniversary Parties:  When a couple reaches a milestone anniversary, it is common to celebrate with friends and family members. Someone, either a child of the couple or perhaps a member of their wedding party all those years ago, may give a speech about the couple’s life together.
  • Birthday:  The same is true of milestone birthdays . Family or friends assembled could simply offer a toast, but sometimes, a loved one is invited to say more than a few words. This is especially popular as individuals get up in age. Why wait until someone is gone to say wonderful things about them? Say it while they are living.

100th birthday deserves a birthday tribute speech

  • Memorial Service:  A eulogy is a type of tribute speech given at a funeral or celebration of life. These usually either take a chronological approach to summarize the person’s life, or the speaker chooses a few stories depicting some aspects of their life.
  • Retirement Speech:  When speaking at a retirement party, it is common to tell stories about their work life and work ethic. One could undoubtedly discuss personal traits that loop back to their employment as they leave that portion of life. Sometimes the speaker talks about their plans for the next stage of life, whether that is golf or gardening.

Retirement speech

How Do You End It?

You can end a tribute speech in many different ways. If you have gone the chronological route, it will have a natural conclusion as you near the end of the story. For those linking some stories around a common theme, summarizing the theme is an excellent way to wrap things up.

Sometimes people end a speech with a quote as parting words. Reminding the audience why you are all assembled is another excellent tactic. For example, you could finish a retirement speech by saying,  “Poor Ann. Like Chi Chi Rodriguez says, ‘When a man retires, his wife gets twice the husband but only half the income.’ But we know Ann and Robert will figure that out and enjoy their time together.”

How Long Should Your Tribute Speech Be?

Although there are no hard time limits on speeches like these, the commonly accepted practice is around 5 minutes. Most tribute speeches are roughly 4-6 minutes long. Rarely should a tribute speech extend to 10, so try to say everything you want to before that.

What Are Some Tribute Speech Examples?

Mom’s birthday.

Looking to write a tribute to Mom for her birthday? Consider these ideas:

  • Ask others to share wonderful qualities about your mother.
  •  Describe some of your favorite memories.
  •  List the things you love about Mom.
  •  Thank your mom for the things she has done for you.

Parent’s 50th Anniversary

How about helping your parents to celebrate their 50th anniversary? How do you go about writing a tribute speech for them?

  • Interview people at the wedding and incorporate quotes from them into your speech.
  • Share your top memories of your parents loving one another unconditionally.
  • Talk about stories that make their marriage special.
  •  Prepare a slideshow of milestone memories to accompany your speech.

50th anniversary party tribute

Family Reunion

Getting a large family together is the perfect opportunity to create a tribute speech for the family.

  • Ask questions of the oldest family members to include some of their thoughts in your speech.
  •  Invite all family members to put together some memories around the family unit.
  •  Weave those pieces together to paint a picture of the extended family unit.

Awards Ceremony

If someone you know is honored, it is lovely to be asked to speak about him or her before the award.

  • Learn about the award to connect your knowledge of the person to that.
  • Enumerate the person’s strengths in the speech.
  • Explain why you think the individual is special and deserving of the award.

Celebration of Life

A different type of funeral speech, a celebration of life, focuses on the life well lived rather than the person’s death. You can take a chronological approach to their life, but you don’t have to. Sometimes it is far more interesting to tell a few fun stories and tie them all together.

Memories of mom

Ask questions of others to be sure you can create a thorough picture of the person’s life. Since this is a celebration, your stories should be more light-hearted.

A former English teacher and currently an elementary principal in a rural school, Pam has honed her speaking skills in the classroom and before professional groups. Pam enjoys sharing her insights about public speaking almost as much as she enjoys running, which she does daily.

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A sample tribute speech

- a speech in memory of my mother, Iris

By:  Susan Dugdale  

Here's a sample tribute speech. It's for my mother, Iris, and yes, it's all true.

If you're writing a tribute speech of your own, you'll find the outline, or template , my speech follows directly below it along with other helpful links on the writing process , and to funeral poems and quotations you may like to use.

When said aloud this speech is approximately between 7 to 9 minutes long , depending on how quickly you speak. 

A tribute speech for my mother: Iris

My Mother shares her name, Iris, with the goddess of the rainbow; a messenger for the ancient Olympian gods and carrier of faith, hope and wisdom.

But that's not why her parent's called her that. Instead, it was something much closer to home.

After her birth my grandmother saw a patch of beautiful dark purple flowers out her bedroom window. They were iris. She was named for them.

Image: purple iris flowers. Text: Iris: goddess of the rainbow, messenger of the gods.

Iris, the last of five children, arrived during the Depression Years.

When she was two years old her father suddenly died, and her family rapidly fell into hard times. Her brothers and sisters were sent out to work as soon as they were old enough. There was no government monetary assistance for widows in those days. On eve of World War Two Iris left school to work too. She was a tall, skinny, nervous thirteen-year-old who, as she said; knew nothing about anything worth knowing.

Soon being a shop girl behind the Woolworth's pick-and-mix confectionary counter was no longer enough. She wanted more. That hunger drove her to night school: a secretarial course, and speech lessons to learn " to talk proper".

Nothing, not even God, was exempt from her desire to break free of limitations imposed by circumstance. Her staunch Catholic upbringing was questioned. The family fall-out from her decision to abandon it was legendary.

My Great-Grandmother locked her in her room for several days. Prayers were said and priests brought to the door.

However, all the threats of hellfire and eternal damnation were powerless.  Finally, her family relented, the door was opened and she was reluctantly set free.

By the time World War Two ended Iris had become a competent personal secretary who thoroughly enjoyed life.    

In 1947 she met my father. It was "love at first sight" and they married six weeks later.

Now, let's fast forward eighteen years.

Iris and Graham had five children. I am the eldest and the youngest was two when, in a curious repetition of family history, my father suddenly died. This time, in this generation, there was a widow's benefit and although meager, my mother was grateful to have it.

Shocking events are tattooed into memories, remaining vivid despite the wear of passing years.

From her chaotic struggle to find a sense of place and purpose without my father, to effectively parent five children on her own, to balance their growing financial demands against a small, fixed income and more, flow a stream of images. Each one shows an aspect of Iris I respect and admire.

From my gallery: The God Books.

This is what we called them as children. They were philosophical discussions on varying world religions and often baptized in the bath. At the end of the day that was where she read and invariably, she nodded off. Sodden books, face down, their leaves splayed out to dry in the sun were a common sight.

No matter how fraught she was there were always fresh flowers on the dining room table: a bowl of velvet pansies, red roses; whatever was in season from her garden. They were, to use her expression, a hyacinth for the soul . She understood ' Man cannot live by bread alone .' Beauty was essential.

Money Jars.

In the high cupboard above the kitchen bench were a series of labelled glass jars. " Food " , " Electricity" , " Phone" , and so on. Every time her widow's benefit was paid out each jar got its portion.

Midnight Nursing.

My youngest brother and sister suffered from chronic bronchitis. Many nights I woke to find her cradling one, and sometimes both. She'd be wrapped in her old blue dressing gown, her long brown hair hanging loose, crooning and gently rocking them back to sleep. The Old Ford Cortina Car .

It was called Flower Power , sported a huge stylized black daisy on its boot, and was her faithful friend. She drove it everywhere, always, to my brother's great embarrassment, at the same speed, slowly.

Carrot Juice.

In this Iris was a trend setter. Long before the eat-healthy gurus arrived on the scene advocating " raw this"  and " juiced that"  with a side dish of mung bean sprouts, my mother was buying sacks of carrots for the daily juice-up. Every morning six full glasses were lined up on the kitchen bench, one for each of us. Inevitably, because they'd been filled much earlier, by the time we got to them, a top layer of brown scum had formed. Drinking or not drinking the stuff was a battle of wills. Mostly she won.

Her Spinning Wheel.

Its soft clack-clack whirring was a familiar soundtrack to our lives. Along with the wheel came sacks of wool straight off the sheep. The end result was homespun knitted garments for everyone.

Later she added making natural dyes and weaving to her skills. Her dye brews resembled a witch's cauldron. Into them went onion skins, green walnuts, lichens, flower petals, anything that might yield up its  color.

When seen through my teenage eyes much of who she was and what she did was incomprehensible. On a superficial level she was a mother doing what mothers did, mothering, albeit with a difference. Noone else I knew had a mother like mine. Beyond that, I didn't understand, or even begin to appreciate, what she gave us.

The hindsight of passing years and growing maturity have slowly revealed her real value. I look now and am humbled.

I see the enormity of raising five children on her own while hounded by the constant fear of "never having enough money". I marvel at the strength of will and determination  that kept her going.

I have her hunger and respect for knowledge to thank for my education.

I remember a small but significant scene that took place a year or so after my father died. A couple of well-meaning older family friends were discussing our financial situation.

"Of course, Susan will leave school and...", one of them began. My Mother cut her short. "No. That will never happen. We'll manage." 

We did, and I got an education, as did those following me.

She actively encouraged us to investigate and believe what we wanted to about life's BIG questions. The memory of her own struggle for permission and the right to find her own path was to leave us free. 

While there always the backdrop of her ongoing inquiry into religious beliefs, morality and spirituality it was never foisted on us. 

Her faith that we would each find our own " right"  path and relationship with what it is to be human living in the world held us strongly. We were never in any doubt as to who was ultimately responsible for the lives we would lead. It was us.

Beauty is free. That's another legacy from her. It's everywhere if you have eyes to see it: a sun rise, a child's smile, a flower from the garden, a meal prepared with love, or a tree in autumn. Appreciation of it doesn't depend on, or increase, with the amount of money in your wallet.

And that was Iris, our mother, our flesh and blood version of her overlooked namesake, the goddess of the rainbow. She was our example of persistence, courage, service, faith, hope, love of beauty and the ongoing quest for truth.

how to write tribute speech

Sample Tribute Speech Outline

Use the following headings as a guide to write the outline for your tribute speech.

Introduction Open with an attention getter followed by introducing who you are talking about.

Background Provide a context (setting) for accomplishments and obstacles. This validates your choice:- explains why you chose whom you did.

Relationship Why is this person important to you? Outline their impact on yourself and/or others. This is an opportunity to tell the stories highlighting the qualities you revere.

What has been learnt as a result of their influence? What will you and others value and carry forward?

Conclusion Restatement or summary of key points ending positively.

Related useful pages

Image: purple irises

These will help you prepare your own tribute speech.

Browse the quotations, read a poem or sample eulogies, and if you wish, find out more about writing a funeral or commemorative speech.

  • A Complete Tribute Speech Guide
  • How to write a eulogy
  • Sample eulogies
  • Poems for funerals
  • Inspirational quotations
  • Commemorative Speech Help

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how to write tribute speech

Frantically Speaking

7 Tips For Writing A Memorial Speech (With Sample Speech)

Hrideep barot.

  • Speech Writing

memorial speech

Maybe you’re someone who does a lot of writing. Or maybe you’re someone who doesn’t. Either way, no matter whether you’re a seasoned writer & speaker, nothing quite prepares you for the task of writing a memorial speech. 

Most often, when people are writing memorials and eulogies, they are in the middle of a personal tragedy. If you’re writing a eulogy for someone, they were probably someone who was very dear to you and likewise. Even if the loss was expected, it doesn’t make things any easier. 

All of this makes collecting your thoughts & organizing them into a coherent speech all the more difficult. It even sounds absurd at times. 

And yet, it is your task to write a memorial speech for your loved one, no matter how difficult or absurd it might feel. And so we are here to help you out & make things a bit more easy for you. 

You can write a memorable memorial or tribute speech by keeping in mind a few things. This includes speaking to family members, including personal anecdotes, making sure its not cliched, including visual aids and ending on a heartfelt note.

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of it. 

Tips For Writing A Memorial or Tribute Speech  at a Funeral

writing a memorial speech

1. Speak To Family Members 

While a memorial speech is also a speech, the setting makes it different than any other speech you’ll ever have to give in life. This can cause a lot of confusion about what’s appropriate to include in your speech & what isn’t–especially if you’re not a family member. 

Even if you’re a family member, you might feel overburdened by the prospect of summarizing a person’s entire life after their death into a couple of paragraphs. 

So, it’s wise to seek the counsel of family members of the person you’ve passed away. Their insights will also allow you to enrich your speech. 

2. Write A Short, Personal Biography 

What were the person’s greatest achievements? What did they love and what did they hate? 

Before you begin writing your speech, jot down the most essential features of the person’s life. This can act as a starting point for the rest of your speech & you can then include all of these points while writing them down so that you don’t miss out on anything important. 

For more guidance on why writing down a speech is important, check out our article on 9 Reasons Why Writing A Speech Is Important.

3. Make It Personal, Not Cliched 

Cliche is definitely not something you want to aim for while writing your speech. Remember that death is a very personal experience. For all the people grieving in the room–including you–the loss is personal & incomparable. 

That’s why it’s important to make the speech personal to the deceased. Instead of making universal statements, you need to focus instead on the personal aspects of the deceased. 

For example, maybe the deceased was an excellent Jazz Musician when they were young. Or maybe they loved ballet even though they were terrible with it & couldn’t dance for one million dollars. 

Now would be the time to include things like this. 

4. Include Poems & Quotes 

Poetry and quotes are things that can touch us in ways other things might not– and that’s the case with most words. 

That’s why you’re delivering a memorial speech, after all. So, it’s a good idea to include poems & quotes in your speech, as it will make a more lasting impact on the minds of the people who’re attending, and make it more likely that they will remember your speech. 

5. Include Visual Aids 

This might sound odd at first, but it’s actually something that might have the most impact on the minds of the people attending. 

Was there something the person just loved wearing–maybe a t-shirt that’s on the verge of falling apart? Or is there something they gave you as a keepsake? Maybe there’s an object that you commonly associate with that person. 

Now would be a good time to bring them in. This would be a truly heartful thing to include in your speech. 

6. Include Special Anecdotes 

Was there any memorable moment that you shared with the person? Maybe an incident that other people haven’t heard about before. Or maybe it’s an incident that everyone has heard about before. 

Including personal anecdotes will make your speech more special & memorable for everyone attending. They can also act as an outlet for emotions–for both, you and the others. 

After all, it is a tribute.

7. End On A Heartfelt Note 

The ending of any speech is something that people tend to remember for longer than any other part of it. This goes for eulogies too. 

Instead of ending on a negative note, you want to conclude your eulogy on a note that’s comforting. You want to acknowledge the loss, yes. However, in the end, the entire point of the memorial is to give people closure. And how will they get that without comfort? 

Tips To Keep In Mind While Delivering The Memorial Speech

1. speak conversationally.

Remember that you’re not here to give a professional speech. You’re here to commemorate the life of a person who touched the lives of the people in the room, probably yours as well. You don’t want to go for a formal tone when you’re speaking.

Instead, talk naturally, and as you would if you were having a conversation with other people.

2. Don’t Worry If Emotions Overcome You

It’s alright to feel a surge of emotions when you’re giving your speech. In fact, it’s quite natural. Even if you get overwhelmed with emotions and feel yourself start to choke up, don’t worry. It’s okay to be vulnerable.

Pause. Take a deep breath. Collect yourself. And then go on with your speech.

It’s an emotional day for everybody.

3. Take A Moment To Collect Your Thoughts

When you’re called up to deliver your eulogy, take a moment to collect your thoughts. Take a few deep breaths. Drink a couple of mouthfuls of water. Maybe hug another person who’s close to you.

This will allow you to get your emotions in check, and to organize your thoughts. It will also help you brace yourself for the big task ahead: delivering the eulogy.

4. Have A Standby With You

Another thing that you can do in case you’re overwhelmed with emotion is to have a standby with you. This can be anybody, from your sibling to your parent to a close friend. You can give them a copy of your speech so that they can help you out by finishing it in case you’re too overwhelmed to continue.

Make sure to give the person the copy well in advance so that they can be prepared. Alternatively, you could simply give them an overview of your speech & they can pick it off from there.

5. Look Your Loved Ones In The Eye

Another tip would be to look your loved ones in the eye when you’re delivering your speech. You don’t have to necessarily continue maintaining eye contact with them throughout your speech. Instead, look at them intermittently throughout the speech.

This will not only help them make a better connection with you, but it will also help you get emotional support and get through your speech.

How To Begin Your Memorial Speech 

on the memorial day

1. Start With A Quote 

This is an age-old way to start off a eulogy and for good reasons. There are many types of quotes that you can go with. 

Maybe you could speak a quote that the person loved. Maybe it’s something from a book or movie. Alternatively, you could also start off with a quote from the Bible or Koran, if the person was religious. 

For Example: 

2. Start With A Lighthearted Story 

Often, the mood in a memorial service is heavy & sad. This can make it difficult for people to care about your speech, and to use it as inspiration to talk about the person’s themselves. 

One way to lighten up the mood is by reciting a lighthearted story. Maybe a funny incident from the person’s life, or something the two of you witnessed together. 

For example: If there’s one thing that Joe loved more than food, it was jokes–and bad ones at that. Let me tell you my favorite.

3. Start With A Song Or Poem 

Another way to start a eulogy would be with a song. This can be something personal to you and the deceased. Maybe a song that had a special place in their lives. 

Similarly, you could also start off with a poem. This can be something you’ve written yourself–or even a poem which you read. 

You don’t want your song or poem too to on for too long. Remember that you’ve to include words, too. 

4. Start By Saying Something Not Commonly Known 

Was there something the deceased frequently did that other people didn’t know about? Maybe even though they were a strict army parent at first glance, they were actually perpetually late to things. 

What are some things about the deceased that are at contrast to what other people know about them? You might want to start off with an unknown fact about them.

If you’re not sure what to include, you can ask their family members to help you out. 

For Example: For someone who worked in the Law Department for so long, Amy sure did love breaking rules when she was younger. 

5. Start With A Personal Prop 

Remember how we mentioned bringing an item you associate with the deceased to the memorial? Now would be a good time to bring it out. 

This will help you make a unique impression on people’s minds right off the start. It will also immediately connect with other people & make them remember the deceased themselves, encouraging them to speak out too. 

For example: Bring out the deceased’s favorite baseball cap & tell a story you associate with it. 

Sample Memorial Speech

the bond between a mother and child

Sample Memorial Speech from a Son to a Mother

“For someone who worked over three decades rescuing dogs, my mother was quite terrified of puppies when she was younger. In fact, she was so terrified of dogs that as a sixteen-year-old she once climbed a tree when a little puppy barked at her. Imagine that… A twelve-year-old five-foot girl climbed to the top of a tree thrice her height because a little puppy was barking at her! And the story doesn’t end here. Not only did she scale the tree–which, by the way, she had never done in her life before–but she also refused to get down . My grandfather had the entire neighborhood out of their homes attempting to convince her to get down from that tree. Because, of course, while adrenaline had managed to boost her up the tree, she had no clue how to get down from it. In the end, it was only four hours later when the fire department came along that they were able to get her down. For almost a week after my grandfather told me this story–despite my mother’s vehement protests, by the way–I couldn’t get the picture of my twelve-year-old mother clinging for dear life the branch of a tree out of my head. And it’s this picture that stuck with me as I sat down to write this speech. Because you see, there’s no other picture or story that better sums up my mother. She always did things without thinking them through, as most of the people in this room might already know. She was the most intuitive, the most instinctive, and spontaneous person that I’ve ever met in my entire life. And yet things always seemed to work out for her, in the end. My mother lived a long, happy, and fulfilled life. Two decades of this life she spent working with animals–the very same thing that awakened her inner Tarzan in our tree-climbing story. And she loved them–or, at least, grew to love them. You see, after this incident, my grandfather had her volunteer at a local animal shelter. It was over there that she learned how to overcome her fear of animals–little puppies, too. And slowly, that fear turned into love. Many of you in this room know her from this time in her life. My mother was a vibrant soul. My father used to say that she could light up an entire room when she stepped into it–although, of course, that’s probably because he was hopelessly in love with her. Even though raising four boys was most certainly not the easiest thing in the world, she never backed down. She raised us with love–and respect. She never forced us to be anything that we’re not, and she never let anyone else pull any of us down for being a little different sometimes, either. But the fact that so many of you are here today to pay respects to her shows her immediate family wasn’t the only ones whose lives she touched. She would never turn anyone away, didn’t matter whether she herself was going through problems or not. She would be beyond happy to see all of you here–and she would let you know that, too. Never ran out of words, my mother. When I moved away for University, she would make the eight-hour drive from my little hometown to my apartment every month so that she could chatter my ear off for an entire weekend–not counting the hour-long talks that we had every single day. She could keep a dead conversation alive for hours–I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. And this is how I remember my mother: as a spontaneous, hard-working, happy soul who is probably chattering with all the other souls up in heaven about her own memorial. And if she’s watching–which I know she is–then I simply want to thank her for everything that she’s done for all of us, and to let her know that she’s still loved and remembered and will always be. To repeat the words she said at my dad’s funeral: To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die.”

To sum up, writing a memorial speech is something that nobody really prepares you for. And yet, if you keep a few things in mind, you can outline a memorial speech that will connect with the people who’re there with you. This includes speaking to family members, including personal anecdotes, making sure its not cliched, including visual aids and ending on a heartfelt note.

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how to write tribute speech

How to Write and Deliver a Commemorative Speech (With Examples)

  • The Speaker Lab
  • July 4, 2024

Table of Contents

Delivering a commemorative speech is an art that captures hearts and minds, honoring milestones or influential figures. A powerful tribute can turn a moment into a lasting memory, but crafting such an address demands skill. In this article, you’ll learn the ropes of creating speeches that not only celebrate achievements but also stir emotions deeply.

Together, we’ll walk you through structuring your words for impact, digging deep with research to bring authenticity, and choosing language that resonates. From mastering delivery techniques to overcoming speaking hurdles, this guide offers practical advice for making your next commemorative speech unforgettable.

Understanding Commemorative Speeches

A commemorative speech is a tribute that celebrates and honors an individual, group, or event. It weaves the threads of memory and respect into a tapestry that covers us with warmth on days of reflection.

The heart of these speeches lies in their purpose—to stir emotions, to kindle admiration, and to etch memories more deeply within our minds. Whether honoring heroes at veteran events, paying homage during anniversaries, or remembering loved ones at memorials, each speech serves as a verbal monument.

But what sets these speeches apart? While other types of speeches use broad strokes, commemoratives are all about fine detail. They require not just facts but feelings because they aim to touch souls as much as inform minds.

Crafting the Perfect Tribute

When delivering a commemorative speech, you want your audience hanging onto every word. Start by laying down roots in storytelling soil —the story behind who or what you’re celebrating gives life to your words. Use language that paints pictures so vividly listeners can’t help but see them when they close their eyes.

Tell tales that resonate; share anecdotes that bring laughter through tears because great stories beat at the heart of unforgettable tributes.

The Role of Research in Commemorative Speeches

Dig deep when researching for your speech—it’s how you find gems others might miss. Historical tidbits can turn simple praise into an epic narrative worthy of its subject while facts lend credibility.

Sourcing from reputable sites such as the National Archives adds depth and authenticity, ensuring audiences walk away feeling enlightened—not just moved emotionally but intellectually enriched too.

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When it comes to commemorative speeches, the perfect tribute strikes a delicate balance between honoring someone’s legacy and sharing that significance with an audience. It’s about weaving personal anecdotes with universal truths in such a way that listeners feel connected not just to the person you’re celebrating but also to their own experiences.

The Essence of Storytelling in Your Commemorative Speech

A memorable tribute is anchored in storytelling. Good stories have power; they resonate deep within us and create lasting impressions. To get there, think of moments where your subject shined brightest or impacted others profoundly. Share these instances because they give weight to why we celebrate them today—and let people feel like part of their story too.

Structure Your Commemorative Speech for Impact

Every speech needs a structure that holds it together. For tributes, start by introducing who this person was beyond titles or accolades: reveal their character, spirit, and heart. Once you’ve built you foundation, layer tales of triumphs and trials before examining how this individual changed lives or left their mark on the world.

Crafting an outline first can help you organize thoughts clearly. Remember though—it’s not set in stone. Flexibility allows spontaneous moments during delivery when inspiration strikes hard.

Finding the Right Words for Your Commemorative Speech

Selecting language isn’t about SAT vocabulary; rather, choose words that echo authenticity and warmth. Whether simple expressions or rich descriptors, the aim here is genuine connection over linguistic acrobatics.

If you decide to use humor in your speech, wield it wisely lest levity undercuts sincerity. Every word in your speech should serve your ultimate goal: to honor meaningfully while stirring collective emotions amongst those gathered alongside you.

When you’re crafting a commemorative speech, think of it like an iceberg. What the audience sees, i.e., the tribute itself, is just the tip, while beneath lies the bulk of your work: research. Solid research gives your words weight and helps anchor them in truth.

Digging into historical records or personal anecdotes provides context that transforms a generic homage into a vivid portrait. In other words, exploring archives can unearth stories that breathe life into figures from history or shine light on lesser-known facets of their character.

Finding Authenticity Through Facts

An authentic narrative starts with facts; they are non-negotiables for speakers who want to be taken seriously. When honoring someone’s achievements, accuracy matters because it shows respect for both subject and audience alike.

Researching ensures that every claim you make stands up under scrutiny. Whether it’s through national archives, interviews with experts, or even social media deep dives, verifying information before sharing makes sure your speech rings true.

Giving Depth to Your Narrative

Beyond dates and data points lies depth. To capture the essence of your subject, weave together researched insights about struggles overcome and milestones achieved. This approach turns statistics into stories people care about because they resonate on a human level. Achieving this outcome can happen in several ways.

  • Gather personal testimonials to highlight individual impact beyond public accomplishments.
  • Pore over letters, emails or journals if available. These often contain emotional truths which numbers alone cannot convey.
  • Leverage oral histories as primary sources; they offer perspectives not found anywhere else.

Incorporating such elements doesn’t just inform but also stirs emotions within listeners as they connect more deeply with what’s being commemorated.

Famous Commemorative Speech Examples

When we think about speeches that have left a mark on history, it’s often the emotional resonance of commemorative speeches that echo through time. Let’s look at some standout examples.

The Power of Personal Reflection: Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is brief yet monumental. It transformed a grim battlefield into hallowed ground with words alone. This speech teaches us the art of saying more with less, proving you don’t need hours to make an impact—just the right words.

Lincoln didn’t just recite facts; he wove them into a narrative of sacrifice and unity, crafting something unforgettable in under three minutes. His approach was simple but profound—a model for any speaker aiming to leave a lasting impression.

Celebrating Heroism: Reagan Honors Challenger Astronauts

Ronald Reagan’s address after the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster showed how empathy can be channeled effectively in moments of national tragedy. He directly addressed the families, shared their grief, and by doing so comforted an entire nation watching in horror. Reagan’s tribute brought solace when words seemed insufficient—and isn’t that what great speaking is all about?

Visionary Eulogizing: MLK’s Drum Major Instinct Sermon

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Drum Major Instinct sermon , given two months before his assassination, showcases his unique ability to turn introspection into inspiration for others’ lives—an essential skill for any commemorator seeking depth and authenticity. This powerful example illustrates how personal experiences can transform our understanding of collective history while inspiring future generations to carry forward those legacies with purpose and passion.

The Graceful Goodbye: Lou Gehrig’s Farewell Speech

Lou Gehrig stood before fans at Yankee Stadium grappling with an incurable disease, yet he declared himself “the luckiest man on the face of this earth.” His heartfelt gratitude amidst adversity reminds speakers everywhere that poignancy often lies in perspective—not just circumstance.

Audience Engagement Strategies for Your Commemorative Speech

When you’re up there giving a commemorative speech, it’s not just about honoring someone or something; it’s also about pulling your audience into the moment with you. Think of it as creating a shared experience that will stick in their minds long after they leave.

Start with What They Know

Tapping into shared knowledge can light up familiar sparks for listeners. If we’re commemorating an influential person, mentioning their well-known work can immediately draw people in. Weaving personal anecdotes alongside these known facts makes the speech more relatable and alive. It’s like putting together a puzzle; each piece should help paint a complete picture that resonates personally with everyone listening.

Interactive Elements Work Wonders

Incorporating interactive elements can keep folks on their toes—sometimes literally. Although it might not be the appropriate choice for every occasion, consider having your audience participate in an activity related to your tribute. For instance, you might have them stand to recognize military service if you’re talking about veterans or you might have them clap along to music connected with the celebrated figure or event.

This tactic transforms passive listeners into active participants, making the occasion memorable because they were part of it too.

Pace Your Storytelling Like a Pro

Pacing your narrative is a crucial part of keeping your audience engaged. Break down stories within your speech as if they were scenes from a movie—build suspense then deliver catharsis when needed. Mixing moments of reflection with uplifting beats ensures that while hearts may be heavy at times during remembrance, spirits will also soar throughout your delivery.

Tone and Language Considerations

When crafting a commemorative speech, it’s important to pay attention to the words and tone that you use. A too casual tone might underplay the gravity of the occasion, while overly formal language can come across as stiff.

Think about it like this: if you’re paying tribute to an individual’s achievements or life’s work, would slang do justice? Probably not. But will Shakespearean English capture their modern-day impact? Again, no. It’s all about finding language that reflects both respect for the subject and relatability to those listening.

To hit just the right note, remain conversational yet poignant in delivery; something akin to sharing stories over dinner rather than reading from an ancient scroll.

You’ll also want to consider inclusivity because chances are your audience is diverse, so keep jargon out unless it’s widely understood. To make sure everyone feels part of this collective experience, use anecdotes and universal truths that they can connect with.

The Importance of Delivery in Commemorative Speaking

When giving a commemorative speech, it’s not just what you say but how you say it. Your delivery breathes life into words, transforming them from mere text to a powerful tribute.

Vocal Variety: The Melody Behind the Message

Vocal variety is the power to change your tone, pitch, volume, and pace of your speech. With vocal variety, your message becomes more than facts and figures; it becomes an engaging performance. A well-timed whisper or an emboldened statement can carry far more weight than monotone recitation ever could. In addition, a change in pitch helps emphasize critical points while strategic pauses give listeners time to reflect on what has been said. This dynamic approach keeps ears tuned in and hearts open to your homage.

Pacing: Setting the Rhythmic Pulse of Your Words

The pace of your speech is like pacing across a room—too fast and you trip over emotions; too slow and interest wanes. Finding that sweet spot where every word can be savored is key for impact.

Generally speaking, you’ll want to speed up through lighter anecdotes but slow down when sharing profound insights or expressing deep gratitude. This gives each part its due importance within the narrative arc.

Body Language: Unspoken Emotions Speak Volumes

Sometimes what we don’t say speaks louder than our words. This is where body language comes into play during commemorations. Toastmasters International highlights how gestures, facial expressions, and even posture communicate volumes about sincerity, respect, and honor towards whom or whatever we’re commemorating.

For instance, an upright stance conveys confidence while gestures can illustrate stories better than adjectives might alone. Let these silent cues complement your spoken ones for full emotional resonance with audiences large or small.

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Overcoming Challenges in Commemorative Speaking

Commemorative speaking isn’t always smooth sailing. While on stage, you just might face an emotional whirlwind or find yourself before a crowd that isn’t reacting how you’d hoped. Let’s look at some strategies for tackling these challenges.

Navigating Emotional Overwhelm

The weight of delivering a speech that honors someone or something significant can sit heavily on your shoulders. The trick is channeling those emotions into power rather than letting them capsize you mid-speech. Practicing beforehand lets you prepare yourself so that your emotions don’t catch you off guard when it counts.

Remembering to breathe deeply can also keep nerves and tears in check, ensuring clear delivery throughout your performance. This simple act becomes an anchor, grounding you even amidst strong currents of emotion.

Addressing Audience Diversity

Audience diversity is another hurdle since what resonates with one person may not echo with another. So how do we bridge this gap? Start by crafting universal themes within your speech: love, loss, triumphs—the human experience has common threads everyone can grasp onto.

Tailoring anecdotes that have broad appeal also helps build bridges across varied perspectives without losing personal touchstones crucial for authenticity and connection.

Pivoting Strategies Mid-speech

Sometimes despite our best efforts things just don’t land right. Pivoting strategies mid-speech without breaking stride or looking flustered isn’t easy but sometimes necessary. If one approach doesn’t resonate well with listeners, consider subtly shifting gears, using different examples, or altering tone to regain engagement quickly and smoothly.

FAQs on Commemorative Speeches

What is a commemorative speech.

A commemorative speech honors significant events or individuals, stirring emotions and spotlighting values.

What is an example of commemorative?

An example includes eulogies, retirement tributes, and milestone anniversary speeches that celebrate achievements.

Which of the following is an example of a commemorative speech?

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” echoes as a timeless tribute to civil rights progress.

How do you start a commemorative speech sample?

Kick off with an impactful quote or story that connects deeply with your audience’s shared experiences.

Mastering the art of a commemorative speech means telling a story, honoring legacies, and connecting people. Today, you’ve learned to weave emotion into narratives that resonate. In addition to emotion, you also learned about the power of research, your foundation for authenticity. Research gives life to facts and depth to accolades.

Captivate audiences by engaging them as participants in celebration. Use language that sings and delivery that stirs souls. And when challenges arise? Stand firm. Adapt your tone, read the room, breathe deep—and speak from the heart.

Your next commemorative speech won’t just recount history; it will inspire memories treasured long after applause fades away.

  • Last Updated: July 3, 2024

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Sample tribute to a special volunteer

The sample tribute below has the elements of a classic speech honoring someone. It follows a standard pattern:

  •     Welcome to guests and acknowledgement of honoree
  •     A story about the honoree that only you know
  •     Qualities about the honoree that everybody knows
  •     Comments that describe the reason for the tribute
  •     A closing that congratulates the honoree.

how to write tribute speech

When achievements are being recognized with a speech, the same rules apply as with any public speaking.  You must plan your remarks, think about engaging your audience and practice.

The sample tribute on this page gives special recognition to someone who is an exceptional volunteer. All of the references in the tribute are fictional but the tribute and annotations will give you a guide in developing your own special speech or written citation.

A word of caution is in order. Once you write your speech, outline some notes and practice so that you are familiar with the material. Do your audience a favor: don’t read. You want your personality and style to come through. Besides, if you are just going to read, you might as well print out your remarks and let your audience read it themselves.

A sample tribute to John Smith, a special volunteer

It’s great to see so many people here to honor our good friend and neighbor, John Smith. Even though we are of different age groups and have all kinds of jobs and interests, we certainly all have one thing in common:  our admiration of a man who never quits until the job is done. 

That man is none other than John Smith.

Early in your talk, tell a story about the person that no one else knows. 

About 10 years ago,  I first met John at a Little League game shortly after we moved here and my wife and I were watching Timmy play. Our son was about 8 years old at the time. 

Anyway, this woman sitting near us was complaining loudly about the sun. My wife and I were almost annoyed because you expect sun in an afternoon baseball game and we were glad the game wasn’t rained out. But the woman wouldn't stop grumbling about how awful the sun was and how we just needed some clouds.

John was also sitting nearby.

Not one to just listen, John went over to the lady and said, “I can’t do anything about the weather but maybe this will help.” He handed her an umbrella that he had gone to his car to get and urged her to use it as a shield from the sun. She was ecstatic.

She then explained that she was there to see her grandson play and some friends who gave her a ride had come early. She was a skin cancer patient but had rushed to leave with her friends and so forgot to bring her sun protection. 

Be sure the point of your story is obvious . . . in this case that your first impression was of this person as a compassionate man. 

Had John done nothing, the rest of us would have continue to listen to her complaining – which was not something we wanted to hear – and that bright sun might have given her more problems down the road.

I was so impressed with what John had done that I knew that this was someone I wanted to know. So I introduced myself. John and I have been close friends ever since.

As all of you know, John is a native of Charleston.  In fact, he’s helped many in this room get to know this city, telling us about the joys and quirkiness of Lowcountry life.  He knows the high and low places – not that there are that many high places in the Lowcountry.

Also give some mention in your talk to the qualities that everybody knows and appreciates about the person.

John can tell you when the first settlers came and where the pirates stashed their treasure. He knows where to eat, what to drink, when to play and where to escape . . .  something that many of us do far too seldom. He knows the local news  before it's on TV, and he keeps his hand on the pulse of the community better than anyone else I know.

Tell what sets this person apart from ordinary people and typical behavior.

We all know something else about John.  He doesn’t just look around and see things that need attention. He takes action.

We all see the same things that John sees. There are jobs that need to be done, problems that need to be solved. And as we look at those and think about our busy lives, we most likely say to ourselves, “Somebody will that care of that.”  We mean well but we just don’t get around to doing anything.

John is the person who does something.

When we look at this community center – which was only a dream five years ago – many of us were in that camp that said “We really do need a place where neighbors can meet, where children can play after school and where senior citizens can get some support and companionship.  Somebody needs to do something.”

Well, that somebody was John Smith. He saw possibilities where the rest of us saw need.

What vision did this person have that allowed him to go after a difficult goal?  The dichotomy between and emphasizes why he is unique.

He saw ty where the rest of us saw s.

He didn’t say, “Let somebody else do it.”  He said, “I’ll take that on.”

With the hustle of the Energizer Bunny, John started talking and raising money. All John’s talk and enthusiasm gave the rest of us what we needed most – and that was leadership.

Use metaphors to paint a picture for your listeners.

Conclude with some grand summary of the person and their actions.

He was the quarterback in a drive that took us from a dream to a reality….the reality of this fine building we will enjoy for years.

So John, on behalf of everyone here, I’d like to say thanks for being a man of action and not just words. You got us started, rallying many people to work together to complete this community center.  It would never have happened without you. 

End by giving others a chance to express appreciation.

So join me in giving John a round of applause and a big thank you.

Examples of other tributes can be found on the graduation pages of university websites where almost every graduation ceremony features the presentation of special awards or honorary degrees.  Although these are written tributes that are usually read (something you will not do), the texts offer some good examples of ways to work in the merits of the honorees along with interesting details of their lives.

A great speech honoring volunteers comes from non other than the Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan,  who spoke about senior citizen volunteers and their impact on society.

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How to Write a Memorable Tribute Speech; Sample, Analysis

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Reported by Anshika Saxena

Published on 16 July 2024

A Tribute Speech is one of the most special forms of speech. In this speech, the speaker lets the audience know about their admiration and love for a certain person. However, articulating your feelings for someone you consider a great personality can be tricky.

You must find the right words and structure them to make the Tribute special for that person and the audience. Your Tribute Speech needs to be uplifting, inspiring, and energetic. We are sharing this article to help you prepare a speech with all these qualities.

This article will share some insightful things to help you master your speech. We will also give you samples of nicely structured and worded Tribute speeches.


So, if you are struggling to find the correct words to Tribute a personality you deeply admire, check out this article to the end.

Tribute Speech

Constructing the Perfect Tribute Speech

To construct the perfect Tribute Speech, there are a few key points that you must keep in mind. The collection of all these key points is as follows.

  • Write down all the good qualities of the Person you are Paying Tribute to:- This will help you prepare the material for the speech more easily.
  • Think about why that person matters to you:- If you include raw emotions you feel about that persona in the speech, it will appear more genuine and authentic.
  • Prepare a Rough Outline:- A pre-planned structure for your speech will help you develop a fitting material.
  • Decide a Recurring Theme:- A theme will make your speech more powerful and memorable.

Below, we are sharing the conventional structure for a Tribute Speech. You can check it out and use it for your speech.

Tips for a Tribute Speech

A Brief Introduction about Yourself and the Person You Are Paying Tribute To

To begin the speech, you have to briefly introduce yourself and the person you are paying tribute to through the speech. For this, you can tell your name to the audience and how you know the person being paid tribute to.

Secondly, you can tell the audience what that person means to you. You can keep this part of your speech as brief as possible.

Also, if you are clueless about introducing yourself, you can use a quote suitable for the occasion.

Paint a Picture of the Person You Are Paying Tribute to with Words

After briefly introducing yourself and the person you are paying tribute to, you can talk about what makes that person a great personality.

You can discuss different aspects of their life, such as accomplishments, successes, good deeds, hobbies , etc.

Try to cover as many good qualities of that person as possible. Also, you can talk about how that person toiled so hard to achieve what they become today. You must highlight only positive things about that person.

To let the audience get more insights into his personality, you can also share a short story about that person, emphasising their good deeds.

Share how that Person Impacted Your Personally

Once you talk about all that person’s accomplishments and good deeds, you can let everyone know how you are personally impacted by him/her. This will explain to the audience why you are the right person to deliver this speech.

You can tell everyone your pure emotions about that personality. You must let the audience know the person you are paying tribute to greatly influences how and how they changed your life for good.

Conclude Your Speech by Honoring that Person Again

To conclude your speech, you must honour the person you are paying tribute to with a few takeaway thoughts. Since you are preparing your speech, you must keep the introduction short and crisp.

Tell everyone how privileged you felt tributing that person with words in this speech. You can also end your speech with a sweet and positive thought that perfectly encapsulates your speech’s theme and purpose.

Below, we share a Sample of a Tribute constructed using the above structure. You can refer to it to plan your speech.

Sample of a Tribute Speech 1: Tribute to a Co-Worker

Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening to everyone present here. Today, we have gathered here to pay tribute to our beloved co-worker [co-woker’s name]. It feels like yesterday when I first got to know [co-woker’s name]. Ever since he/she joined our corporation, we saw some substantial changes that only an exemplary employee like him/her could bring.

Also, [co-woker’s name] has selflessly helped his/her co-workers whenever they faced issues. In his/her entire work life, [co-woker’s name] inspired me with their professional skills and good behaviour.

Now that [co-woker’s name] is retiring , I am grateful for his service to our organization. I wish him/her a splendid life from here on. May you keep inspiring people and changing their lives for good like this.

Sample of a Tribute Speech 2: Tribute to a Close Person after their Passing

A warm welcome to everyone. My name is [your name] and [name of the close person] was my [ your relationship with the person]. I thank each one of you for taking the time to celebrate the life of one of my closest people .

I cannot even begin to describe how [name of the close person ] was special to many other people and me. While he/she was alive, he /she created a lasting impact on everyone he/she knew. He may not be with us anymore, but he/she has given us many sweet memories to cherish.

I knew we had a special connection from the moment I got to know [person name]. He/she was always unbelievably kind and helpful to me. As I stand here to pay tribute to him/her, I wish he/she forever lives in our memories and continues to inspire us to be good individuals every day.

Tribute Speech Sample 3: Tribute to a Sibling on their Wedding Day

Hello to all. My name is [your name], and [your sibling’s name] is my brother/ sister. As we have gathered here to celebrate one of the most special days of [your sibling’s name]’s life, I want to take a moment to show how grateful I am for him/her.

Since I remember being alive, [your sibling’s name] has had my back. I have lost count of the times they helped me through tough times when no one else was there. [your sibling’s name] has always been unbelievably generous and kind to me and everyone around her/him. I can never genuinely reciprocate the love and warmth they showed me growing up.

On [your sibling’s name]’s special day, I wish they would continue to be the best version of themselves by including another special person . Once again, thank you for everything, and big congratulations.

Final Words

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How to Do a Tribute Speech

Mary Dowd

How to Write a Speech About Someone I Admire

Being asked to do a tribute at an event is an honor and a privilege. Tributes are a type of commemorative speech delivered at a ceremonial gathering such as an awards banquet, wedding reception, reunion or a milestone birthday party. Tributes can also be given in recognition of a group’s efforts, remembrance of a historic day or dedication of a memorial, for instance. Focusing on your audience and the purpose of your remarks can help you conquer any public speaking jitters.

What Is a Tribute to Someone?

A tribute is generally a short speech of five minutes or less. The purpose of a tribute is to express gratitude, appreciation, respect and admiration for a person who deserves public recognition. You might be called upon to deliver a tribute honoring classmates, teachers, coaches, teammates or family members. For instance, you may be asked to say a few words of appreciation at a retirement luncheon for your favorite teacher, or you may volunteer to do a tribute at a family function such as a reunion, wedding reception or your parents’ anniversary party. Your words should reflect how the audience feels about the special person or event being celebrated.

How to Write a Tribute Speech

When doing a tribute, choose words that feel sincere, genuine and complimentary. State reasons why the honoree is an awesome person, but don’t go overboard with flowery adjectives. Be as specific as possible in recalling praiseworthy accomplishments or acts of kindness. Vividly describe the honoree and offer compelling examples of noteworthy talents, virtues, courage or sacrifice. Mention how this person has made a difference in the world. Talk about what you have learned from observing or listening to this person.

The tone of your remarks should be appropriate for the audience and the setting. Tailor remarks to the occasion. Just be yourself if you are doing a tribute to great grandma at her 80th birthday party, but be more formal when delivering a tribute speech at a school function. Avoid curse words or jokes some might find offensive or off-putting. Incorporating humor is dicey. A funny story can liven things up, but humor can be hurtful if misconstrued. Consider asking others for their opinion as to the appropriateness of using humor for the occasion.

Sample Tributes for Special Occasions

When agreeing to do a tribute, clarify how long you are being asked to speak and write your remarks accordingly. Start with an introduction and mention your name if you don’t know everyone present. These tribute examples can help you get started.

  • Thank you for coming to the annual student awards banquet. I think I know everybody here. Welcome! Tonight we will recognize students and teachers who have devoted countless hours to making this the best school year ever!

When acknowledging the guest of honor or award recipients, highlight special characteristics, personality traits and virtues that set them apart.

  • Mr. Brown may be retiring soon, but he has more energy than most of us. This year alone he directed two musicals, supervised the school yearbook and chaperoned our class trip to the Big Apple. Always smiling and willing to help, he is truly an inspiration.

Tell a little story that reminds the audience of good times you have all shared, or reveal an interesting tidbit of information about the honoree’s behind the scenes contributions.

  • You may not know this, but Mr. Brown saved the day when the bus broke down on the way to a state choir competition. Mr. Brown popped open the hood and quickly got the bus started. People driving by acted like they had never seen a mechanic in a tux.

Wrap up the tribute by expressing appreciation. Tributes sometimes end with a famous quote, clever saying or words to live by.

  • Mr. Brown taught us that the secret of life is to wake up, show up, speak up, listen up and pay up.

Is a Eulogy a Commemorative Speech?

A eulogy is a commemorative speech usually done as a tribute to someone who died. Memorial services are also called a celebration of life because the service eulogizes the memory of the deceased. In other words, a eulogy is a speech praising that person’s contributions during his brief or lengthy stay on Earth. Approach a eulogy as you would a tribute by showing love and respect.

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  • Penn State: Commemorative Speech
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Writing Center: Speeches
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Dr. Mary Dowd is a dean of students whose job includes student conduct, leading the behavioral consultation team, crisis response, retention and the working with the veterans resource center. She enjoys helping parents and students solve problems through advising, teaching and writing online articles that appear on many sites. Dr. Dowd also contributes to scholarly books and journal articles.

  • The #1 Photo Restoration & Eulogy Writing Studio

How to Deliver a Heartfelt Funeral Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

Funeral speeches play a crucial role in honoring the life of a loved one who has passed away. They provide solace to grieving family members and friends, while also sharing the essence of the person’s life and their impact on those around them. A well-crafted eulog y captures the unique qualities of the deceased, allowing attendees to relive fond memories and celebrate the individual’s life.

Writing and delivering a heartfelt eulogy can be a daunting task. The pressure to create the “best eulogy ever” can be overwhelming, especially when you’re dealing with your own grief. The internet is filled with various funeral eulogy examples, from funny eulogy examples that highlight the person’s wit to deeply emotional tributes. Famous eulogies like Earl Spencer’s eulogy for Princess Diana, John Cleese’s eulogy for Graham Chapman, and Oprah Winfrey’s eulogy for Rosa Parks have set the bar high.

Finding the perfect balance between honoring the person’s life and providing comfort to loved ones can be challenging. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore how to write and deliver a heartfelt funeral speech, drawing inspiration from eulogy examples and famous eulogies to help you pay tribute to your beloved family member or close friend.

II. Understanding the Purpose of a Funeral Speech

A. honoring the deceased.

A funeral speech is an opportunity to honor the deceased by highlighting their unique qualities, accomplishments, and the impact they had on the lives of others. The best eulogy ever would capture the essence of the person’s life and character, creating a lasting tribute that resonates with attendees. Famous eulogies, such as Earl Spencer’s eulogy for Princess Diana, John Cleese’s eulogy for Graham Chapman, and Oprah Winfrey’s eulogy for Rosa Parks, serve as inspiring examples of how to pay homage to a loved one.

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B. Comforting the bereaved

One of the primary purposes of a funeral speech is to provide comfort and solace to the bereaved family and friends. Sharing fond memories, funny eulogy examples, and heartfelt stories can help lighten the atmosphere and offer consolation to those in mourning. A well-crafted eulogy helps celebrate the person’s life while acknowledging the pain of their passing, striking the perfect balance between grief and happy memories.

C. Sharing memories and stories

A funeral speech allows you to share personal experiences and stories about the deceased, creating a tapestry of memories that paint a vivid picture of their life. Drawing from short eulogy examples and famous eulogies like Mona Simpson’s eulogy for Steve Jobs and Frank Oz’s eulogy for Jim Henson can help illustrate the impact one person can have on the lives of many. By sharing these stories, a funeral speech can create a sense of connection and closeness among the attendees, reminding us all of the special bond we shared with our beloved family member or close friend.

III. Gathering Information and Memories

A. talking to family and friends.

Before diving into writing the best eulogy ever, it’s essential to gather information and collect memories from family and friends of the deceased. This can help provide a more comprehensive understanding of the person’s life, character, and impact on others. Conversations with close friends and family members can reveal heartwarming stories and funny eulogy examples that might not be known otherwise. These anecdotes can help paint a vivid picture of the deceased, making the eulogy more authentic and relatable.

B. Reflecting on your own experiences with the deceased

In addition to gathering information from others, take the time to reflect on your own experiences and earliest memories with the deceased. This will allow you to recall fond memories and special moments you shared together. Consider how much one person’s life has influenced your own and what lessons you’ve learned from them. Personal stories and experiences can make the eulogy more genuine and create a deeper connection with the audience.

C. Organizing your thoughts

Once you’ve collected stories and memories from family, friends, and your own experiences, it’s time to organize your thoughts and determine the structure of your eulogy. Review various funeral eulogy examples, including famous eulogies like Earl Spencer’s eulogy for Princess Diana, John Cleese’s eulogy for Graham Chapman, and Oprah Winfrey’s eulogy for Rosa Parks. Draw inspiration from these examples while keeping your eulogy unique and tailored to the person you are honoring.

As you organize your thoughts, consider incorporating elements from short eulogy examples, such as quotes, poems, or specific phrases that capture the essence of the person’s character. For instance, Cher shared a beautiful eulogy at Sonny Bono’s British memorial service, where she provided hope and comfort through her words.

By combining the gathered information, personal experiences, and inspiration from various eulogy examples, you can create a heartfelt tribute that honors the memory of your beloved family member or close friend.

IV. Structuring Your Funeral Speech

A. the opening: setting the tone.

Start your eulogy with an opening that sets the tone for the entire speech. You may choose to begin with a quote that represents the deceased, a personal anecdote, or simply an expression of love and admiration. Take inspiration from famous eulogies like Earl Spencer’s eulogy for Princess Diana, John Cleese’s eulogy for Graham Chapman, or Oprah Winfrey’s eulogy for Rosa Parks. The opening should capture the essence of the person’s character and create an emotional connection with the audience.

B. The body: sharing stories and memories

Personal anecdotes.

In the body of your funeral speech, share personal anecdotes that illustrate the person’s life and the impact they had on others. These stories can be drawn from your own experiences, as well as those shared by family and friends. Personal anecdotes help paint a vivid picture of the deceased and offer a glimpse into their personality and values.

Humor and light moments

While grief is a natural part of any funeral speech, incorporating humor and light moments can provide relief and comfort to the bereaved. Funny eulogy examples, such as John Cleese’s eulogy for Graham Chapman or Frank Oz’s eulogy for Jim Henson, demonstrate how laughter can be a powerful healing tool. Be sure to balance humor with sensitivity, ensuring that your jokes and anecdotes are appropriate for the occasion.

Lessons learned and values cherished

Share the lessons learned and values cherished by the deceased throughout their life. This can include their beliefs, passions, and the wisdom they imparted on others. Referencing short eulogy examples or famous eulogies like Mona Simpson’s eulogy for Steve Jobs can provide inspiration for this section of your speech.

C. The closing: expressing gratitude and hope

In the closing of your funeral speech, express gratitude for the time spent with the deceased and the happy memories you shared. Offer hope for the future by sharing how the person’s life will continue to impact others, even in their absence. Use powerful words and phrases to create a lasting impression, aiming to make your eulogy one of the best eulogies ever.

Drawing from funeral eulogy examples, like Cher’s beautiful eulogy at Sonny Bono’s British memorial service, can help you find the perfect balance of heartfelt emotion and hope. By incorporating elements of famous eulogies and personal stories, your funeral speech will pay tribute to your beloved family member or close friend while providing comfort and solace to those in attendance.

V. Tips for Writing a Heartfelt Eulogy

A. be authentic and genuine.

When writing a eulogy, it’s essential to be authentic and genuine in your words and emotions. The best eulogy ever is one that comes from the heart and truly reflects the person’s life and character. Draw inspiration from funeral eulogy examples and famous eulogies like Earl Spencer’s eulogy for Princess Diana, John Cleese’s eulogy for Graham Chapman, and Oprah Winfrey’s eulogy for Rosa Parks, but make sure to infuse your own unique voice and perspective.

B. Use descriptive language

Using descriptive language in your eulogy helps paint a vivid picture of the person’s life and experiences. By employing vivid imagery and evocative words, you can bring memories to life and create a more immersive experience for the audience. Descriptive language can enhance even short eulogy examples, making them more memorable and impactful.

C. Focus on the positive aspects of the deceased’s life

While acknowledging grief and loss is important, focusing on the positive aspects of the deceased’s life can provide comfort and solace to those mourning. Share fond memories, happy moments, and the positive qualities of the person to celebrate their life and legacy. Funny eulogy examples, like Frank Oz’s eulogy for Jim Henson or John Cleese’s eulogy for Graham Chapman, show the power of humor in highlighting the positive aspects of a person’s life.

D. Keep it concise and organized

An effective eulogy is concise and well-organized, guiding the audience through the person’s life and experiences while maintaining their attention. To achieve this, make use of keywords and phrases that capture the essence of the person and their impact, such as “fond memories,” “beloved mother,” “best friend,” or “so much fun.” Drawing inspiration from famous eulogies and eulogy examples can help you structure your speech and ensure that it remains engaging and focused. By following these tips, you can create a beautiful eulogy that pays tribute to your loved one and leaves a lasting impression on those who hear it.

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VI. Preparing for Delivery

A. practice reading your speech.

To ensure that your eulogy flows smoothly and resonates with the audience, practice reading it aloud several times before the funeral. This will help you become familiar with the text, allowing you to convey your message with confidence. As you read, consider the pacing and tone of your speech, ensuring that it aligns with the examples of great eulogies you have researched.

B. Anticipate emotions and have a backup plan

Delivering a eulogy can be an emotional experience, especially when recounting fond memories of a close friend or family member. Anticipate the emotions that may arise during your speech and have a backup plan in place, such as pausing to compose yourself or asking someone else to continue reading on your behalf if needed. By preparing for these moments, you can ensure that your tribute remains heartfelt and genuine.

C. Speak slowly and clearly

When delivering your eulogy, speak slowly and clearly to ensure that your message is easily understood by all attendees. As you share stories and memories, use descriptive language and keywords like “best eulogy ever,” “funny eulogy examples,” and “fond memories” to paint a vivid picture of the person’s life. Drawing from famous eulogies like Earl Spencer’s eulogy for Princess Diana, John Cleese’s eulogy for Graham Chapman, and Oprah Winfrey’s eulogy for Rosa Parks can help you find inspiration for your delivery style. By speaking with clarity and conviction, you can create a powerful tribute that honors the memory of your loved one and leaves a lasting impression on those present at the funeral.

VII. Delivering the Funeral Speech

A. establish a connection with the audience.

Begin your speech by establishing a connection with the audience. Acknowledge the shared sense of loss and grief, and express your gratitude for their presence. This will create an atmosphere of empathy and support, setting the stage for your eulogy.

B. Maintain eye contact and use body language

As you deliver your speech, maintain eye contact with the audience and use appropriate body language to convey your emotions. This will help you engage with the attendees and create a more immersive experience. Be mindful of your posture and gestures, ensuring that they reflect the tone and content of your eulogy.

C. Be mindful of your tone and pace

When delivering your funeral speech, be conscious of your tone and pace. Use keywords like “best eulogy ever,” “funeral eulogy examples,” and “fond memories” to guide your delivery. Draw inspiration from famous eulogies such as Earl Spencer’s eulogy for Princess Diana, John Cleese’s eulogy for Graham Chapman, and Oprah Winfrey’s eulogy for Rosa Parks. Speak slowly and clearly, allowing your words to resonate with the audience.

As you share stories and happy memories, adjust your tone to match the emotion of each anecdote. Strive to strike a perfect balance between honoring the person and acknowledging grief, taking cues from examples like Mona Simpson’s eulogy for Steve Jobs and Frank Oz’s eulogy for Jim Henson.

In conclusion, delivering a heartfelt eulogy is an important task in honoring the life of a close friend or family member. By following these tips and drawing inspiration from famous eulogies and eulogy examples, you can create a beautiful tribute that captures the essence of the person’s life, character, and special bond with their loved ones. Remember to be authentic, use descriptive language, and pay tribute to the person’s life and fond memories while providing hope and comfort to those in attendance.

VIII. Example Eulogies

  a. sample funeral speech for a parent.

Good afternoon, everyone.

Today, we come together in shared sorrow and collective admiration to bid farewell to a wonderful woman, my beloved mother, Susie. We gather here not only to mourn her passing but, more importantly, to celebrate the truly exceptional life she lived and the countless lives she touched in her time with us.

Susie was a woman of endless charm, warmth, and resilience – characteristics that deeply influenced my upbringing and those of my siblings. She had an uncanny ability to bring a sense of joy and peace to any room she walked into, even in times of chaos and confusion. With her radiant smile, she had a way of making people feel seen, heard, and appreciated. She was our North Star, the one who always guided us, always there to help us find our way back when we were lost.

When I think of my mother, a few memories immediately surface.

There was the time, in the depths of a harsh winter, when the neighborhood children were all huddled inside their homes, escaping the frosty chill. On that day, Susie gathered us all for an impromptu snowman-building competition. It wasn’t about the competition, but the unity, the shared laughter, the frostbitten fingers, and the warm cups of hot cocoa after that made it memorable. It was an embodiment of what she was to us all – a beacon of warmth, love, and unity.

Then there was the instance when I came home heartbroken from a failed math test. I remember the tears streaming down my face, the feeling of utter disappointment in myself. But Mom, she didn’t judge or criticize. She held me close and said, “In life, my dear, it’s not about the mistakes we make but how we learn from them.” And with her unwavering support, we tackled those equations together until they were no longer foreign to me. That was Susie, always there to pick us up when we stumbled, to turn our setbacks into comebacks, to show us that failing wasn’t the end but rather a chance to rise stronger.

Susie was also the core of our family, the glue that held us all together. She kept us rooted, reminding us about the importance of love, respect, and understanding in the family. Despite her struggles, despite the storms life threw at her, she never faltered in her dedication to her children and her unwavering faith in us. She was our greatest cheerleader, our most profound teacher, and our fiercest protector.

Losing her has created a void in our hearts, a silence in our lives that cannot be filled. But as we grieve, we also remember. We remember her laugh, echoing in the corners of our home. We remember her wisdom, imprinted deep within our hearts. And we remember her love, a love so powerful and so encompassing that it will continue to guide and strengthen us, even though she’s no longer physically with us.

As we say our final goodbyes today, let us remember Susie for the remarkable woman she was. Let’s honor her memory by embodying the values she taught us: compassion, resilience, love, and unity.

Susie, our dear mother, you are gone but never forgotten. Your spirit will live on within each of us, a guiding light in the dark, a comforting whisper in the wind, a constant reminder of the strength and love we carry within us, because of you.

Thank you for everything, Mom. We love you, and we will miss you always.

 B. Sample funeral speech for a sibling

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, we stand united in grief and solidarity, as we bid farewell to a life that touched ours in ways words can barely encapsulate. A life that was too short yet immensely vibrant, filled with love, laughter, and countless shared moments. Today, we remember my brother, my confidante, my friend, Jack.

Growing up with Jack was nothing short of an adventure. He was the peanut butter to my jelly, the yin to my yang. As kids, we were inseparable. We shared not just a room, but countless secrets, dreams, laughter, and even the occasional sibling squabble. But through all the highs and lows, there was always an underlying foundation of unwavering brotherly love.

One story that springs to mind, encapsulating the spirit of Jack, was our great ‘Treehouse Escapade’. We were just about ten and twelve then, and had set our hearts on building the perfect treehouse in the large oak tree at the end of our garden. We had no idea what we were doing, armed only with a sketch on a crumpled piece of paper and the confidence that only children possess. It took us the entire summer, hammers slipping, nails bending, and more than one accidental thump on a thumb. But Jack, ever the optimist, would laugh off the blunders, transforming our little project into a whirlwind of joy.

That treehouse wasn’t architecturally sound, nor was it a spectacle to behold. But it was our haven, a testament to our shared dreams, our determination, and the magic that Jack brought into every task he undertook. He was always the beacon guiding us towards laughter and fun, turning even the most mundane activities into cherished memories.

Jack had a heart larger than life itself. He was the first to lend a hand to anyone in need, the first to cheer you up when you were down. His sense of humor was legendary, his laughter infectious. When he walked into a room, you couldn’t help but feel the energy change – brighter, lighter, better.

But Jack wasn’t just my older brother; he was my mentor, my guide, my protector. I remember when I was about to head off to college, nervous and unsure of what the future held. It was Jack who sat me down and said, “In life, you’re going to face challenges and make mistakes, but always remember that it’s these experiences that shape us. Embrace them. Learn from them. And remember, no matter where you are, you’ll always have a piece of home with you.”

Losing Jack feels like a chapter of our shared book has abruptly ended. Yet, I find solace in the memories we created together. Every shared joke, every heart-to-heart conversation, every shared dream, and even the bittersweet tears, are all fragments of a beautiful mosaic that depicts a bond that can never be broken.

Jack, my dear brother, I am grateful for every moment we shared, for every laugh, every story, every life lesson. You were my north star in the darkest nights, my compass when I lost my way, my anchor in the roughest storms.

As we say our final goodbyes, we carry your spirit with us, your joy, your kindness, your unwavering zest for life. Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.

Until we meet again, Jack, thank you for being the best brother I could have ever asked for. I love you, and I will carry you in my heart always.

 C. Sample funeral speech for a friend

Dear Friends and Family,

Today we gather to remember a man whose life was as vibrant and dynamic as the waves of the ocean – forever in motion, brimming with energy, and touching the lives of everyone he met. A man who, in his time on earth, defined what it truly meant to be a friend, a confidante, a brother in spirit. We are here to celebrate the life of Mark.

Mark was more than a friend to all of us. He was the epitome of an adventurer, a soul that was forever curious, forever willing to explore the unknown, yet always ready to provide the comfort of familiarity when it was most needed.

One of the most unforgettable adventures we shared together was our unplanned road trip. I still remember that day. It was the kind of day when you feel the world weighing heavy on your shoulders. Mark turned up at my doorstep with nothing more than a mischievous grin and his beat-up old van, affectionately nicknamed “The Wanderer.” He looked at me and said, “The world is wide, and we are young. Let’s go get lost to find ourselves.”

What was supposed to be a day’s escape turned into a week of spontaneity. We slept under the stars, got lost more times than I can count, sang at the top of our lungs to songs we barely knew the lyrics to, and shared stories that made us laugh until our stomachs hurt. The journey didn’t just lighten the load I was carrying back then; it showed me the value of friendship, freedom, and living in the moment. That was Mark, a tornado of spontaneity, pulling you into an adventure you never knew you needed.

Yet, despite his love for adventure, Mark also had a calmness about him that was almost infectious. He had an uncanny ability to quiet the storm inside you with just a few words or a reassuring smile. He was my confidante, the one I could call at 2 AM to discuss life’s quandaries or the latest episode of a TV show we were both hooked on. He knew when to offer advice and when to simply listen, offering silence as a refuge from the chaos of the world.

Mark, my dear friend, your passing leaves a void in our lives that can never be filled. Your laughter, your spirit of adventure, your comforting presence – they are now but cherished memories, echoes of a friendship that will continue to live on in my heart.

As we say our final goodbyes, we remember you not with tears of sadness but with smiles, recalling the joy and happiness you brought into our lives. We remember you as you were – a beautiful soul, an adventurer, a beacon of light in our sometimes-dark world.

In honor of Mark, let’s not dwell in the sorrow of his departure. Instead, let’s celebrate the life he lived and the person he was. Let’s remember his unquenchable thirst for life, his deep and resounding laughter, and his unwavering loyalty as a friend.

Mark, you were the echo in the forest, the breeze on a summer day, and now the whisper in our hearts, forever reminding us of the bond we shared. Though we part ways today, the footprints you left on our hearts will remain. You will be greatly missed, my dear friend. Rest in peace, until we meet again.

Thank you, Mark, for the memories, the adventures, and most importantly, your friendship. We love you and will remember you always.

IX. Conclusion

A. the impact of a heartfelt funeral speech.

A well-crafted and heartfelt funeral speech can have a profound impact on the audience, providing solace and comfort during a time of grief. By incorporating elements from famous eulogies like Earl Spencer’s, John Cleese’s, and Oprah Winfrey’s, as well as drawing from short eulogy examples and funny eulogy examples, you can create a powerful tribute that captures the essence of the person’s life and character. A funeral speech that shares fond memories and celebrates the entire life of a loved one can be remembered as the best eulogy ever, leaving a lasting impression on those who hear it.

B. Final thoughts on honoring the memory of a loved one

Honoring the memory of a close friend or family member through a funeral speech is a significant responsibility. Writing a eulogy that strikes the perfect balance between paying tribute to the person’s life and acknowledging grief can be an emotional and challenging process. However, by focusing on the person’s life, their impact on others, and the fond memories shared, you can create a beautiful eulogy that truly honors their memory. Remember to draw inspiration from examples like Steve Jobs’ eulogy by Mona Simpson or Sonny Bono’s eulogy by Cher, and always speak from the heart. In doing so, you will not only pay tribute to your loved one but also provide hope, comfort, and healing to all those in attendance.

At MemoryCherish, we understand the importance of honoring your loved one’s memory with a heartfelt and professionally crafted eulogy. Our team of experienced writers is dedicated to helping you create a beautiful tribute that captures the essence of the person’s life, character, and the fond memories shared. Let MemoryCherish be your partner in honoring your loved one’s memory with a professionally crafted eulogy. Reach out to us today and let us help you create a touching tribute that celebrates their life and provides comfort to those in attendance.

What makes the best eulogy?

The best eulogy is one that captures the essence of the person’s life, character, and impact on others while providing comfort to those in attendance. Key elements of the best eulogy include:

  • Authenticity: Speak from the heart and share genuine emotions and experiences.
  • Personal anecdotes: Share stories that highlight the person’s personality, values, and relationships.
  • Balance: Strike a balance between honoring the person’s life and acknowledging grief.
  • Positive aspects: Focus on the positive aspects of the deceased’s life, including accomplishments, passions, and happy memories.
  • Emotional connection: Establish an emotional connection with the audience by using descriptive language and conveying empathy.
  • Organization: Structure the eulogy with a clear beginning, middle, and end to guide the audience through the person’s life and experiences.

What is the best speech for a funeral?

The best speech for a funeral is one that pays tribute to the deceased while offering comfort and solace to the grieving family and friends. This can be achieved by:

  • Sharing personal stories, anecdotes, and memories of the person.
  • Focusing on the positive aspects of their life and the impact they had on others.
  • Acknowledging the grief and loss felt by those in attendance.
  • Using appropriate humor and light moments to provide relief and healing.
  • Ensuring the speech is concise, well-organized, and delivered with sincerity and emotion.

What is the best closing line for a eulogy?

The best closing line for a eulogy is one that leaves a lasting impression, encapsulates the person’s life and legacy, and offers hope or inspiration to the audience. Some examples of powerful closing lines are:

  • “May we carry [deceased’s name] memory in our hearts, allowing their spirit to live on through us.”
  • “As we say our final goodbye, let us remember [deceased’s name] life and the love they brought to all who knew them.”
  • “In the words of [deceased’s name], ‘Live fully, love deeply, and make a difference.’ Let us honor their memory by following this guiding principle.”
  • “Though our hearts are heavy with grief, we find solace in the beautiful memories of [deceased’s name] and the impact they had on our lives.”

Choose a closing line that reflects the person’s character and values, and leaves the audience with a sense of comfort and inspiration.

Writing a eulogy during this difficult time is hard. Our professional writers are here to help you capture your loved one’s essence and life beautifully.

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How to Write a Commemorative Speech with Examples

Carla johnson.

  • October 9, 2023
  • How to Guides

Nursing is a profession that embodies compassion, dedication, and unwavering commitment to the well-being of others. As nursing students, you are on a journey to join the ranks of these incredible healthcare heroes. A commemorative speech is a powerful way to honor the achievements, dedication, and contributions of nursing professionals . In this article, we will explore what a commemorative speech is, dissect an exemplary speech, and offer insights on how to write a commemorative speech to nurses who inspire and motivate you.

What You'll Learn

What is a Commemorative Speech?

A commemorative speech, often called a tribute speech, is a type of public address delivered to honor and celebrate a person, group, event, or idea. In the context of nursing students, it serves as an opportunity to pay tribute to the extraordinary nurses who have made significant contributions to the field. These speeches are not only a means of expressing appreciation but also a way to inspire and motivate future nurses by highlighting the virtues and qualities that define excellence in nursing.

Example of a Commemorative Speech

Title: “a tribute to nursing excellence: celebrating the pioneers”.

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty, fellow nursing students , and distinguished guests, today we gather to pay tribute to the unsung heroes who have left an indelible mark on the world of nursing. These individuals have dedicated their lives to the service of humanity, exemplifying the very essence of what it means to be a nurse.

I. The Heart of Nursing

A. Compassion and Empathy

At the heart of nursing lies compassion and empathy. Our honorees today have not only demonstrated these qualities in their daily practice but have elevated them to an art form. Through countless hours spent by the bedside, holding hands, offering a comforting word, or simply lending a listening ear, they have shown that healing begins with empathy.

B. Dedication and Sacrifice

Nursing is not merely a profession; it is a calling. Our nursing pioneers have made sacrifices that go beyond measure. They have missed family gatherings, worked long shifts , and endured physical and emotional exhaustion, all in the name of caring for others. Their unwavering dedication serves as a beacon for us all.

II. Innovation and Advancement

A. Embracing Change

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, innovation is key. The nurses we honor today have not shied away from change; instead, they have embraced it. They have been at the forefront of adopting new technologies and best practices , ensuring that patient care remains at the cutting edge.

B. Lifelong Learning

Nursing is a journey of continuous learning. Our celebrated nurses have shown us that education doesn’t end with a degree. They have pursued advanced degrees, attended conferences, and conducted research, contributing significantly to the advancement of nursing knowledge.

III. Leadership and Advocacy

A. Leading by Example

True leaders lead by example. Our nursing pioneers have not only excelled in their clinical roles but have also taken on leadership positions. They have mentored new generations of nurses, inspiring them to reach their full potential.

B. Advocating for Change

Advocacy is a fundamental aspect of nursing. Our honorees have used their voices to advocate for better patient care, improved working conditions, and healthcare policy changes. Their advocacy has made a difference, leaving a lasting impact on the nursing profession.

In conclusion, as nursing students, we stand on the shoulders of giants. The nurses we celebrate today have set a high standard of excellence in our field. They have shown us that nursing is not just a job but a lifelong commitment to compassion, innovation, leadership, and advocacy.

As we embark on our own journeys in nursing, let us remember the invaluable lessons we have learned from these remarkable individuals. Let their dedication and passion inspire us to become the best nurses we can be. Let us carry their legacy forward, ensuring that the torch of nursing excellence continues to burn brightly.

If you find yourself tasked with delivering a commemorative speech in the future or need assistance with any form of academic or professional writing, remember that help is just a click away. Our professional writing services are here to support you in crafting impactful speeches, essays, and content that resonates with your audience. Contact us today to discover how we can assist you in making your words truly shine.

Q1: What is a commemorative speech example? A commemorative speech example is a speech given to honor and celebrate a person, group, event, or idea. It typically highlights the virtues and qualities associated with the subject of tribute.

Q2: How do you start a commemorative speech example? Begin a commemorative speech by addressing the audience, acknowledging the significance of the occasion, and introducing the purpose of the speech, which is to celebrate and honor the subject of tribute.

Q3: What do you say in a commemorative speech? In a commemorative speech, you should talk about the subject’s qualities, achievements, contributions, and the impact they’ve had on others. Share personal anecdotes, memorable stories, or quotes that capture their essence.

Q4: What is an example of a commemorative speech conclusion? A commemorative speech conclusion should summarize the key points, express gratitude, and leave a lasting impression. For instance, you can conclude by emphasizing the subject’s legacy and how their influence will continue to inspire future generations

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Sample Tribute Speech

Tribute Speech

A tribute speech is something that can make one conscious as you don’t want to disappoint the person you are honoring. Make sure you do your homework before you present yourself before the audience. You can add few jokes only if you sure it won’t hurt anybody’s feelings. Learn some more tips right here and be confident. You can also see  graduation speech example templates

Tribute Speech Examples

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Tribute speech examples are for talking about the person you respect. So, to express your feelings in the best way take all the useful parts from these examples. Download them in word or excel format. You may also see introduction speech .

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Tribute Speech to Famous Person

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you all for being here today as we gather to pay tribute to an individual whose remarkable life and extraordinary achievements have left an indelible mark on our world. Today, we honor [Famous Person’s Name], a person whose vision, dedication, and passion have inspired countless individuals across the globe.

[Famous Person’s Name] was born on [Birth Date] in [Birthplace]. From an early age, it was clear that [he/she/they] possessed a unique spark, a drive to pursue excellence in all endeavors. [He/She/They] embarked on a journey that would not only shape [his/her/their] own destiny but also influence the lives of many.

Throughout [his/her/their] career, [Famous Person’s Name] exemplified the highest standards of [industry/field]. [He/She/They] broke barriers, defied expectations, and set new benchmarks for success. Whether it was through [specific achievement or contribution], [he/she/they] demonstrated an unwavering commitment to [his/her/their] craft and a relentless pursuit of innovation.

But beyond [his/her/their] professional accomplishments, [Famous Person’s Name] was known for [his/her/their] profound impact on society. [He/She/They] used [his/her/their] platform to advocate for [cause or issue], tirelessly working to bring about positive change. [His/Her/Their] philanthropic efforts touched the lives of many, offering hope, support, and a brighter future.

One of the most enduring qualities of [Famous Person’s Name] was [his/her/their] ability to connect with people from all walks of life. [He/She/They] had a rare gift of empathy, always listening, always understanding. [His/Her/Their] kindness and generosity of spirit were evident in every interaction, leaving an indelible impression on all who had the privilege of knowing [him/her/them].

As we reflect on the legacy of [Famous Person’s Name], we are reminded of the power of perseverance, the importance of integrity, and the impact of compassion. [He/She/They] taught us that greatness is not defined by accolades or achievements alone, but by the lives we touch and the difference we make in the world.

Today, we celebrate not just the life of [Famous Person’s Name], but the values [he/she/they] stood for. [He/She/They] leaves behind a legacy of [specific values or principles], a legacy that will continue to inspire future generations.

In closing, let us remember the words of [a quote by the famous person or a related inspiring quote]. These words encapsulate the spirit of [Famous Person’s Name] and serve as a guiding light for us all.

Thank you, [Famous Person’s Name], for sharing your remarkable journey with us. Your legacy will forever be etched in our hearts and minds, and your contributions will continue to shape our world for the better.

Thank you all for being here today to honor and celebrate the life of an extraordinary individual.

[Optional: Moment of silence or applause]

tribute speech to famous person

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Tribute Speech For Teachers

Good [morning/afternoon/evening],

Thank you all for gathering here today as we come together to pay tribute to a group of individuals who have profoundly shaped our lives and the lives of countless others – our teachers. Today, we honor the dedicated men and women who have committed themselves to the noble profession of teaching, shaping minds, and nurturing the potential within each of us.

Teachers are the unsung heroes of our society. They are the architects of our future, the guides who illuminate the path of knowledge, and the mentors who inspire us to reach for the stars. From the first day of school to the final graduation, teachers are there every step of the way, imparting wisdom, fostering curiosity, and instilling a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.

To our teachers, your work goes far beyond the classroom. You are the role models who teach us not only academic subjects but also life lessons. You teach us the importance of hard work, perseverance, and resilience. You show us the value of kindness, empathy, and respect. Through your guidance, we learn to believe in ourselves and to strive for greatness.

The impact of a teacher extends far beyond the grades on a report card. Teachers inspire dreams, ignite passions, and open doors to new possibilities. They challenge us to think critically, to question the world around us, and to seek out answers. They celebrate our successes and help us learn from our failures, always encouraging us to do our best.

We all have memories of special teachers who have touched our lives in unique ways. Whether it was the teacher who sparked our interest in a particular subject, the one who believed in us when we doubted ourselves, or the one who provided a listening ear and a comforting word in times of need, their influence is felt deeply and remembered fondly.

In honoring our teachers today, we acknowledge the countless hours of hard work and dedication that go into their profession. We recognize the late nights spent grading papers, the extra effort put into preparing engaging lessons, and the personal sacrifices made to ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed. Teaching is not just a job; it is a calling, a commitment to making a difference in the lives of others.

As we celebrate our teachers, let us also remember the broader impact they have on our society. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the leaders, innovators, and citizens of tomorrow. Through their efforts, they help build a brighter future for us all, fostering a society that values knowledge, compassion, and progress.

To all the teachers here today, and to those who could not be with us, we say thank you. Thank you for your patience, your passion, and your unwavering dedication. Thank you for believing in us and for helping us to believe in ourselves. Your work is invaluable, and your influence is immeasurable.

In closing, let us remember the words of the great educator Henry Adams, who said, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Your impact, dear teachers, is eternal, and your legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of your students for generations to come.

[Optional: Moment of applause]

tribute speech for teachers

Tribute Speech For Parents

Thank you all for being here today as we gather to pay tribute to the individuals who have been our first teachers, our biggest supporters, and our unwavering anchors throughout life – our parents. Today, we honor the love, sacrifices, and dedication of those who have nurtured us, guided us, and shaped us into who we are.

Parents are the silent heroes of our lives. They are the ones who stand by us through thick and thin, who celebrate our victories and console us in our defeats. They are the pillars of strength we lean on, the sources of wisdom we turn to, and the hearts that beat in sync with ours. From the moment we are born, our parents dedicate themselves to our well-being, often putting our needs above their own.

To our parents, your love knows no bounds. You have given us the greatest gift anyone could ever give – the gift of unconditional love. You have shown us that love is patient, kind, and enduring. Through your actions, you have taught us the true meaning of family, loyalty, and compassion. Your love has been a guiding light, illuminating our path and giving us the confidence to face the world.

The sacrifices parents make are immeasurable. You have worked tirelessly to provide for us, to ensure we have the opportunities to succeed, and to create a home filled with warmth and security. You have been our chauffeurs, our cooks, our nurses, and our counselors. No task has been too great, no challenge too daunting, because your love for us knows no limits.

Parents are our first teachers, instilling in us values and principles that last a lifetime. You have taught us the importance of honesty, integrity, and respect. You have encouraged us to dream big, to work hard, and to never give up. Through your guidance, we have learned to believe in ourselves and to strive for excellence. Your wisdom has been a constant source of strength and inspiration.

We all have cherished memories of moments shared with our parents. Whether it was the bedtime stories that transported us to magical worlds, the family dinners filled with laughter and conversation, or the comforting hugs that made everything better, these moments are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives. Your presence has been a constant source of comfort and joy.

As we honor our parents today, we recognize the profound impact they have had on our lives. Your influence extends far beyond the walls of our homes. Through your love and guidance, you have shaped us into individuals who value kindness, empathy, and resilience. You have prepared us to face the world with courage and confidence, knowing that we are never alone.

To all the parents here today, and to those who could not be with us, we say thank you. Thank you for your unwavering support, your boundless love, and your endless sacrifices. Thank you for believing in us, even when we did not believe in ourselves. Your love has been our foundation, your guidance our compass, and your presence our greatest blessing.

In closing, let us remember the words of Jim Valvano, who said, “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: he believed in me.” Your belief in us, dear parents, is the greatest gift of all, and it is one we carry with us every day.

Thank you, parents, for everything. Your love and sacrifices have made all the difference, and we are forever grateful.

[Optional: Moment of applause or a symbolic gesture, such as presenting a token of appreciation]

tribute speech for parents

Tribute Speech to To My Sister

Thank you all for joining me today as I pay tribute to someone who has been a constant source of love, support, and inspiration in my life – my sister. Today, I stand before you to honor not just a family member, but a best friend, a confidante, and a remarkable individual who has made an indelible impact on my life.

From the earliest days of our childhood, my sister has been my companion, my partner in crime, and my shoulder to lean on. We have shared countless memories, from the simple joys of playing together to the profound moments that have shaped our lives. Through it all, she has been a steady presence, offering unwavering love and support.

My sister is a person of incredible strength and resilience. She has faced challenges with grace and courage, never allowing obstacles to deter her spirit. Her determination and perseverance are truly inspiring, and she has shown me the importance of facing life’s trials with a positive attitude and an unyielding will.

One of the most remarkable qualities of my sister is her boundless compassion. She has an innate ability to understand and empathize with others, always ready to offer a listening ear and a comforting word. Her kindness knows no bounds, and she has touched the lives of many with her generosity and selflessness. Whether it’s a friend in need or a stranger seeking help, my sister is always there, extending her hand and her heart.

In addition to her strength and compassion, my sister possesses a remarkable sense of humor. She has the unique gift of making those around her laugh, even in the most trying times. Her laughter is infectious, and her ability to find joy in the little things is a testament to her zest for life. She has taught me to cherish every moment, to find happiness in the simple things, and to approach life with a light heart.

As I reflect on our journey together, I am filled with immense gratitude for all the ways my sister has enriched my life. She has been my teacher, my guide, and my biggest cheerleader. She has believed in me when I doubted myself, encouraged me to pursue my dreams, and celebrated my successes as if they were her own. Her unwavering support has given me the strength to overcome my fears and to strive for greatness.

My sister’s accomplishments are a testament to her hard work, dedication, and unwavering spirit. She has excelled in her endeavors, not just through talent and intelligence, but through sheer determination and a relentless pursuit of her goals. Her achievements inspire me to push my boundaries and to aim higher, knowing that with perseverance, anything is possible.

Today, as we celebrate my sister, I want her to know how much she means to me. I want her to know that her love, support, and friendship are treasures I hold close to my heart. She has been my rock, my inspiration, and my guide, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

In closing, let us remember the words of Maya Angelou, who said, “I sustain myself with the love of family.” My sister, you are the embodiment of this love, and your presence in my life is a source of strength and joy. Thank you for being who you are, for all that you do, and for the incredible impact you have had on my life.

Thank you all for being here today to honor and celebrate the extraordinary person that my sister is.

tribute speech to to my sister

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Browse More Templates On Tribute Speech

Tribute speech outline example.

tribute speech outline eamples

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This is very good template for those who are looking for guidelines to write the tribute speech. This template provides the detailed description about the tribute speech making. If you are about the start writing the tribute template and looking for guidelines for it then you can defiantly take help from this template. You may also see self introduction speech .

Short Tribute Speech Example

short tribute speech examples

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This template is a sample tribute speech to provide the important points of a good tribute speech. The template breaks the different parts of the speech and defines them, so a person who is writing the tribute speech can take help in deciding the best words for his/her speech. You may also see persuasive speech .

How to Write a Tribute Speech?

how to write a tribute speech

Writing a tribute speech can be a meaningful way to honor someone special in your life. Here are five key points to guide you through the process:

  • Start your speech with an engaging introduction that grabs the audience’s attention. Mention why everyone has gathered and the significance of the occasion. A personal anecdote or a meaningful quote can set the tone effectively.
  • Highlight memorable moments and experiences you’ve shared with the person. Personal stories make the speech more relatable and heartfelt. These anecdotes should illustrate the person’s character, values, and the impact they have had on your life and others.
  • Discuss the person’s accomplishments, both big and small, that have made a difference. Emphasize their unique qualities, such as kindness, resilience, humor, or generosity, and how these traits have influenced those around them.
  • Convey your gratitude for the person’s presence in your life. Explain how they have influenced you and others positively. Mention specific instances where their support, guidance, or love made a significant impact.
  • End your speech on a positive and memorable note. Summarize the key points and reiterate the importance of the person being honored. A powerful quote, a final anecdote, or a heartfelt message of appreciation can provide a strong closing. You can also see more on Valedictorian Speech .

Tribute Speech Example Father

tribute speech example father

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This is best example for the tribute speech to the father. The template is written in very emotional yet effective words. From a son or daughter, this tribute speech will be the best way to pay homage to the father. The template contains the memories and best regards to the father, also gives thanks to all related persons.You may also see ceremonial speech .

Write Tribute Speech

write tribute speech1

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This one is yet another effective template to earn about writing tribute speech. This template displays the complete structure of tribute speech with its all elements. This template also educates about the various things be considered while writing a tribute speech. Overall, if anyone is looking to take help while writing a tribute speech then this template will defiantly help him/her. You may also see student council speech .

How to Start off a Tribute Speech?

Starting a tribute speech outline effectively sets the tone for the rest of your message and captures the audience’s attention. Here are some approaches you can use:

  • Sharing a touching or memorable story about the person immediately draws the audience in and establishes a personal connection.
  • Example: “I’ll never forget the time when [Name] and I spent an entire day [doing something memorable]. It was in those moments that I truly saw the depth of [his/her/their] kindness and sense of adventure.”
  • Starting with a quote that encapsulates the essence of the person you are honoring can be powerful and thought-provoking.
  • Example: “As Maya Angelou once said, ‘I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’ This quote perfectly captures the spirit of [Name], who has touched all our lives in unforgettable ways.”
  • Clearly stating why everyone is gathered helps set the context for your speech and establishes the significance of the occasion.
  • Example: “Today, we are gathered here to celebrate the life and legacy of [Name], a person whose impact on our lives and our community has been profound and lasting.”
  • Engaging the audience with a question can make them reflect and connect more deeply with what you’re about to say.
  • Example: “Have you ever met someone whose presence alone could light up a room? That’s exactly what [Name] did every time [he/she/they] walked in.”
  • Introducing an overarching theme that will be woven throughout your speech can provide a cohesive structure and focus.
  • Example: “If I had to sum up [Name]’s life in one word, it would be ‘inspiration.’ Today, I want to share with you how [he/she/they] embodied this word in every aspect of life.”

Choosing any of these approaches can help you start your tribute speech in a way that is engaging, heartfelt, and meaningful.

Tribute Speech to Ganny

tribute speech to ganny

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Tribute Speech to Mom

tribute speech to mom

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Tribute Speech Examples Friend

tribute speech examples friend

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What Makes a Good Tribute Speech?

what makes a good tribute speech

A good tribute speech format effectively honors and celebrates the person it is about, creating a memorable and heartfelt experience for the audience. Here are eight key points that contribute to a successful tribute speech:

  • The speech should reflect your personal relationship with the person being honored. Sharing personal anecdotes and experiences helps to establish a genuine connection and authenticity.
  • Organize your speech with a clear beginning, middle, and end. This helps the audience follow along easily and ensures your main points are effectively communicated.
  • Aim to evoke emotions in your audience, whether it’s joy, nostalgia, or admiration. Using descriptive language and heartfelt stories can help elicit these feelings.
  • Acknowledge the significant accomplishments and contributions of the person. This not only honors them but also helps to illustrate their impact on others.
  • Emphasize the person’s key qualities and values, such as kindness, resilience, humor, or integrity. These attributes often define their legacy and how they are remembered.
  • Including relevant quotes, sayings, or references can add depth to your speech. Choose ones that resonate with the person’s life or philosophy.
  • Maintain a respectful and positive tone throughout your speech. Even if addressing challenges or difficulties, focus on the strength and character the person demonstrated.
  • Deliver your sample speech with confidence and sincerity. Make eye contact, use appropriate gestures, and modulate your voice to keep the audience engaged.

By incorporating these elements, your tribute speech can effectively honor the person, creating a lasting and meaningful tribute.

Tribute Speech Template

tribute speech template

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Why We Need Tribute Speech Template?

A tribute speech must be written in insightful yet effective manner. It is not an easy task to write a tribute speech because we need to pay the homage to the person and to describe the experience of best moments spent with hi. You can also see   welcome speech .

Therefore, a good tribute speech should contain the facts as well as feelings about the person. The tribute speech is the best way to pay homage to the person on his last ritual day. This is an emotional way to say goodbye to the person and to thank him/her for everything. You may also see presentation speech .

When We Need Tribute Speech Templates?

Writing a tribute speech is not an easy task, especially in the position when one has lost a beloved person. To perform the last rituals it is important and required to give a good tribute speech in church. Therefore, template given here can be very useful for this task. There are number of examples given here to write a tribute speech. You can also see Introduction Speech .

In addition, there are templates suggesting about how to write a tribute speech also given above. To pay homage to person a good tribute speech is required and to write the good an effective tribute speech these template are required.

How These Tribute Speech Templates Will Help You?

To write a tribute speech you can take help from any of the given templates. Tribute speech is very emotional document and it must be written very carefully. The template given above will provide you the complete guidelines with examples about, how to write a tribute speech. You may also see campaign speech .

There are sample for tribute speech are also given above, therefore if you are looking for effectively written tribute speeches and guidelines to write such speech, the you are at right place, Just download any of the above template according to your need and start writing a good tribute speech to pay homage to the person. You may also see commemorative speech

An emotionally written tribute speech is the best way to pay homage to the person .Since, the tribute speech is to be delivered by the key people of the person’s life, and then it is required to be carefully written without any mistake. Words must be chosen correctly and wisely. Template given above will help you in writing the best tribute speech. You may also see impromptu speech .

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Steve Gleason Being Honored With The ESPN Arthur Ashe Award Speaks To His Remarkable Will To 'Write His Own Story'

Kyle t. mosley | jul 12, 2024.

Steve Gleason At The ESPYS

  • New Orleans Saints

Steve Gleason was honored with the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the 2024 ESPYS . New Orleans native Anthony Mackie narrated the segment on Gleason in a six-minute video about Gleason's trials, tribulations, and triumphs with ALS.   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease, is named after the superstar New York Yankee, who passed away from it on June 2, 1941.


"When I think about Steve as a teammate , and a friend, I think of a guy who's always taken the idea of living to the next level," Drew Brees noted about Gleason at the ESPYS. "Steve has always been interested in having a deeper conversation, going on a bigger adventure, finding ways to experience the wonders of the world in every possible way. always curious to explore both the seen and the unseen of human emotion and connection. Experiencing plenty of fear along the way, but never shying away from challenging himself and those around him. That's what made us so devastating. When Steve was diagnosed with ALS, a disease with a terminal diagnosis that leaves you a prisoner in your own body but if you know anything about Steve, you know he has always been determined to write his own story and live to be 109."

Drew Brees At 2024 ESPYS

Gleason reflected on the moment he was diagnosed with the crippling disease by Robert Miller on January 5, 2011d. "He told me that I had three to five years to live," Gleason said. "My temple. The body that carried me to the highest level of competitive athletics would wither and die in the next few years. While I was powerless to change the diagnosis. The one thing that I seemed to control was my attitude. My mindset."  

After Gleason's words, Mackie responded, "He's still here."

We’re in LA! We attended the ESPN Humanitarian dinner last night, and we’ll be at the ESPY award ceremony tonight. I’m getting to spend time with my family, and some of my favorite people from high school, NFL, and the ALS journey. To receive the Arthur Ashe award for Courage… — Steve Gleason - "Live Impossible" (@SteveGleason) July 11, 2024

Anyone fighting sickness, disease, or cancer will tell you that the first step to fighting for your life begins with your attitude. It's been a part of my testimony as a cancer survivor, as well as many others.

It's been ten years since Steve Gleason's diagnosis. It's also been ten years of a wife, family, friends, and fans observing one man's sheer will and determination to still make a difference in our world. Gleason's gratitude and appreciation for his family and life — as his body deteriorates — is a courageous testament to a man well admired worldwide.

Steve Gleason is a champion. No matter his state, his perseverance and courage to keep battling while supporting others with their challenges are remarkable. Team Gleason, Steve' and wife Michel's foundation, has "provided over $40 million in adventure, technology, equipment, and care services to people living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and countless others through advocacy, support and ultimately bringing an end to the disease."   

The @TeamGleason squad rolls deep - tune into the @ESPYS at 7 pm CT as @SteveGleason receives the Arthur Ashe Courage Award! — New Orleans Saints (@Saints) July 11, 2024

Shortly after my mother passed away from Alzheimer's disease in 2010, the Gleason's sent a check for the New Orleans Alzheimer's Walk for my advocacy group of walkers. It's the personal touch of the Gleason family that is so inspiring.  

I will never forget.  Most of all, many will never forget the Steve Gleason's life after football and what it meant for him to never give up hope and love for others.


Here's a transcript of Steve Gleason's speech as he accepted the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage from his beloved friend Drew Brees, with his son Rivers standing by his side.

"Thanks, Drew. I love you. Hi there, everyone. Hi, Gray and mama, and thanks for your help, Rivers. This award, the Arthur Ashe award for courage, is a sublime honor for me, and I always love the opportunity to wear my tuxedo. Arthur Ashe exemplified courage as living with an open heart of humility, kindness, and generosity, which united humanity. So to receive this award is amazing. When I learned I was receiving this award, I started reflecting on what that word, courage, means.

To be courageous, we must first experience loneliness, unworthiness, or any of the faces of fear. I was told I would have 3 years to live when I was diagnosed with ALS in 2011, so I've got the wilderness of fear tattooed all over me. For me, this honor represents some encouragement and triumph for the families currently living with ALS, all the people living with disabilities or other illnesses, and all of you who experience fear or suffering. I suppose if you have never experienced fear, isolation, or suffering, you can roll your sanctified ass right out of here. The truth is new human is immune from fear or adversity, not even super athletes, royal princes, or the most holy saints. Considering this truth of our humanity, it's vital that we all individually and collectively discover ways to be courageous and love the life we have. My view is that the fears and adversities we encounter are our opportunity to accept what is and explore what is on the other side of fear to grow stronger, better, and have peace of mind. From this perspective, resiliently moving through the adversities life brings us is our purpose in being human.

A speech that will touch people’s hearts for years to come ❤️ Steve Gleason delivered a memorable moment while accepting the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage at the 2024 ESPYS. — ESPN (@espn) July 12, 2024

It's clear to me that our ability to courageously share our vulnerabilities with each other is our greatest strength. By doing this, we're able to understand the issue, compassionately collaborate with each other to solve problems, and overcome fear. Without the understanding and compassionate support from my family, community, and caregivers, I'd have been dead years ago. Through this lens, you can see we're all in this together. We are all citizens of the world. Given our interconnectedness, the greatest aspect of our purpose is to generously help, serve, and love others. Do we have the courage to unconditionally love our neighbors, our so called enemies, and love ourselves? I don't think anyone will disagree that we face enormous challenges in the 21st century. If we can courageously share our fears and limitations with each other and compassionately collaborate to solve problems, our human potential is boundless.

If we can listen, understand, and help alleviate each other's suffering, then truly, all things are possible. Thank you again for this incredible honor. I love y'all."

  • Steve Gleason at the 2024 ESPYS

Kyle T. Mosley


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The commencement speech someone needs to give

Why I’m here instead of some superstar is one of those anomalies that defies explanation. But allow me to congratulate you on earning your degrees.

Almost without exception, a college commencement speaker is a high achiever whose mere presence will tell graduates making it big is possible. The message they deliver varies widely in details and tone, but there are some common lines of thought among the most  popular . Let’s look at a few of them:

  • Steve Jobs, Stanford University, 2005 : “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”
  • Ellen DeGeneres, Tulane University, 2009 : “It was so important for me to lose everything because I found out what the most important thing is, is to be true to yourself.”
  • Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Wellesley College, 2015 (I really like this one) : “Do not twist yourself into shapes to please. Don’t do it. If someone likes that version of you—that version of you that is false and holds back—then they actually just like that twisted shape, and not you.”

And one more:

  • Michael Keaton , Kent State University, 2018 : “You have to take risks. . . . Make mistakes, take chances. . . . And what that will lead to is self-discovery, and it will lead you back to your natural authentic self.”

Do you detect an individualist theme in these passages? “You” permeates their messages. Be true to yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not.

Your school probably encouraged the opposite of what these speakers said.

They encouraged groupthink , meaning go along to get along—there is no “I” in “team,” you’re reminded. Make sure your group is diverse, not in thought , but racially, sexually, and culturally. Where did that nonsense come from?

Your opponent, you’ve heard, is capitalism. Can any of you tell me what capitalism is? Probably not. But capitalism—we hear—is the great evil, even if it’s the reason most of you are sitting here today.

Capitalism delivers the goods, okay? Those goods can promote civilization or lead to its decline. You get to choose. But choose with your head, not your skin color or sex.

Whether they know it or not, the speakers I quoted are encouraging a mindset that could lead to capitalist production—get out there and take risks, be true to yourself. Provide people with more and better products. Don’t be another Steve Jobs. Be yourself and do better.

The political establishment is counting on you to treat the speakers’ messages as bromides . Easy to forget. But the speakers are people who have been in the trenches and came out on top. They might be bromides to someone else, but they’re heartfelt to them.

Anyone trying to get ahead in this world faces a reality dominated by politics. Another way of saying that is government increasingly encroaches on our lives . Or you could just say government is corrupt.

Thomas Paine—remember him? American History 101. His pamphlet Common Sense ignited a drive for secession. Paine fought corruption throughout his life. In a footnote to his book Rights of Man he wrote, “It is scarcely possible to touch on any subject, that will not suggest an allusion to some corruption in governments.” In other words, government is not only corrupt, it’s thoroughly corrupt . He wrote that in the late eighteenth century.

Ok, that was then. What about today?

In 2016, the late law professor and author Butler Shaffer  asked if the inflation, wars, torture, looting, genocides, and endless levels of taxation are what you would consider “indispensable elements of a sane, decent, free, and productive society?”

If your answer is no, if you think people are capable of much better, then listen up .

Governments control us in blatant and subtle ways but mostly by controlling the information we get and the money we use. Many of the horrors we see every day have their origins in bad information and bad money. The legacy media has become an Orwellian Ministry of Truth . Money has been fiat currency they create from nothing, much like a child playing make-believe but with devastating results.

It’s a racket, of course, a racket that favors government and its close friends.

When you have lies issued under the heading of truth and money that government created out of nothing through its hired hand and fall guy the central bank, you have a society on the road to collapse. You have the wars, inflation, genocides, looting, and every other horror Paine and Butler fought against.

What can you do about this? I mean each of you sitting here waiting to take the stage—what can you do? Is it too unpleasant to think about? Is it too deeply entrenched to uproot?

Not if you’re a fighter . Are there any fighters out there? Raise your hands, please. Or better yet, stand up.

Okay, fighters , keep in mind two things :

First, understand that governments today are all counterfeiters . If you don’t believe it, take that as your assignment to prove. Governments are counterfeiters . They are printing money without any commodity backing. It amounts to trading something for nothing. Did they ask you if they could do this? Of course not. Why would they—it’s theft. But they call it monetary policy . Monetary policy today  is counterfeiting.

If we had a free market in money, monetary policy would cease to exist.

Every state today has a central bank to do its dirty work. The people who determine the money supply for over 340 million Americans have stellar educations. They’re the “best and the brightest.” Truly.

But they don’t know what they’re doing. They’ve accepted the premise that a growing economy needs an expanding money supply. Consequently, they see counterfeiting as a positive force, as long as they’re the only ones doing it . If you or I get caught trying it, off to prison we go. Counterfeiters don’t like competition. And a counterfeiter with  a legal monopoly on violence can penalize anyone else who tries it. Governments and their pals reap great benefits from counterfeiting—at our expense. That’s the first thing to remember.

Second, people need to hear the truth. Yet, truth is government’s enemy, as seen in their efforts to suppress it. Therefore, it controls outlets through which information passes to make sure what we get is within the range of its approved narratives. These outlets include the mainstream media, churches, and schools, almost all of which have been drafted as junior partners.

Think of them as the proverbial pipers that the government pays. Government gets to call the tune, only in this case government is doing it with our money .

How many of you took an economics class and were told government is a counterfeiter? Maybe they mentioned an “inflation tax” but I doubt they called it counterfeiting—which is how they create the inflation tax. It’s prudent not to call it counterfeiting if you’re on the take from government. And who isn’t these days? Government calls the tune, and it doesn’t like being called a counterfeiter.

Remember those two points: Information and money. Lies, distortions, and counterfeiting are the bread and butter of today’s government.

Now, how to fight . In your everyday lives, make a point of speaking out whenever you can. In spite of attempts to censor it, the World Wide Web is still a welcome recipient of truth in many cases. Find those places and get your message out. Don’t pull your punches. Don’t worry about your popularity but do  worry about what you’re saying .  You need to self-educate, constantly. I repeat, you need to self-educate,  constantly . Make sure you understand that government is not in the business of protecting our rights or guaranteeing our liberty. Government is a criminal gang, period . The lies, cover-ups, and the covid-related deaths of the past few years should make that obvious.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. The free market is our unacknowledged government. We need to let it flourish.

We absolutely need to let it flourish.

Fighting for freedom in today’s world makes you an underdog. But have heart—if underdogs never won, they’d be martyrs. We know they sometimes win. But to win, underdogs need to keep fighting like mad dogs. You want inspiration? Research the uplifting story of the actor who played Superman, Christopher Reeve, who in real life was the epitome of courage. Study the American Revolution, especially the Battle of Trenton, where George Washington’s army found inspiration in Thomas Paine’s words, “These are the times that try men’s souls.”

As humans distinguished with the power to think, we all have a dog in the fight for freedom.

Don’t ever quit. A better world is possible, but only if we fight for it.

Good luck, and thank you for listening.

The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. 

Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order. We believe that our foundational ideas are of permanent value, and oppose all efforts at compromise, sellout, and amalgamation of these ideas with fashionable political, cultural, and social doctrines inimical to their spirit.

  • Funerals & Memorial Services

How to Write a Commemorative Speech: Examples & Tips

Updated 09/9/2022

Published 11/15/2019

Yvonne Bertovich

Yvonne Bertovich

Contributing writer

Learn how to write a commemorative speech with this step-by-step guide, including examples, topic ideas, and tips.

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In an ideal world, giving a commemorative speech would be simply pulling words straight from your heart and saying them out loud to great aplomb. However, unless you regularly chase the muse of creativity with abandon, there are not many people who can write a perfectly crafted speech without some work.

But there is a way to capture emotion in a moving commemorative speech and also give honor to a subject. A good speech seeks to entertain, engage, and move others. And this statement can also inform your audience with firsthand, personal education about the person or topic you’re honoring.

Jump ahead to these sections:

Step 1: decide on the topic, step 2: do your research, step 3: take notes, step 4: start drafting, step 5: take a break.

  • Step 6: Edit, and Draft Again

Step 7: Finalize It

Step 8: share the “final” aloud, commemorative speech topic ideas, commemorative speech examples.

Whether you’re a confident writer and speaker who needs to brush up or someone could use a bit (or a lot) of help, here is a step-by-step guide to help you write a persuasive commemorative speech of your own.

But even with the best writing and delivery, a mesmerizing commemorative speech can only happen if it comes from the heart. Bring people to their feet with your heart, and keep them engrossed with your words.

Are you hoping to share a story or historical event relevant to a family member or loved one? Or, are you hoping to give a brief biography about a recently deceased loved one? The topic is entirely up to you, and you may already have something in mind.

Maybe you have a few different, but related topics you’d like to weave together. The number of topics you write about doesn’t matter, as long as you can create a cohesive piece in the end. Think about how you can guide your audience to better understand this person or event, for example, if you’re speaking on a death anniversary .

Tip: Jot down words or phrases freely to help yourself brainstorm.

Once you decide upon your topic or topics, do your research. You may not have to visit your local library and peer intently at the microfilms, even if you’re covering something really historical and not well known. 

If you’re planning to write about another family member, such as a grandparent, sit down with someone else close to them. Interview them informally, but take copious notes or record them.

Depending on their level of recall, you may have to ask more than one relative. On the other hand, don’t be afraid to talk to people who may not know as much about the person or event you’re researching. They may say something inspirational or silly, but something that’ll add some whimsy and lightness to your speech.    

There’s always your good friend Google, too. Get creative with your searching and what details you choose to include. You may learn something new about your loved one. 

Tip: Don’t get in your own way. If you’re having a hard time writing about a certain person or topic — change it or take a step back. 

Share your final wishes, just in case.

Create a free Cake end-of-life planning profile and instantly share your health, legal, funeral, and legacy decisions with a loved one.

Isn’t taking notes a way of putting off the drafting process? Isn’t it more writing? Taking notes is considered more writing, yes, but when you sit down to write your first draft, these notes will be your best friend.

Think of it less as writing notes but more so as writing an outline. Chances are, within your notes are some real nuggets of gold that can make your piece truly shine. Without notes, it can be extremely hard to reference anything that is not written down somewhere.

In addition, with your notes organized in an outline (check our commemorative speech templates for inspiration), you can take a deeper look at the flow and structure without having to write again from scratch.

Starting to draft a speech on a blank Word document, or sheet of paper if you’re old school, is much more daunting than if you craft notes or an outline. Identify key points as “subheadings” to give your speech some structure. Notes will also ensure you focus on important facts before going off on a tangent.  

Tip: Try to organize your notes in a way that makes sense to you, either chronologically or in order of importance. 

Breathe. How do you feel? Writing a commemorative speech, much like writing a eulogy , can be an emotional thing to do. If you’re not in a good headspace or a quiet, reliable place to work, your speech will reflect this. Don’t write your speech until you’re ready. 

Once you are ready, open up your notebook or document. If you find yourself unable to start at the very beginning, don’t worry. Start on one section or another and fill in transitions later. You can always rearrange the content of your speech so it makes the most sense. 

Tip: Give yourself deadlines to complete each of these steps, and be conservative if you tend to procrastinate. 

Taking mental (and physical) breaks is an important part of completing any task. If you find yourself on a tight deadline, budget an hour to do something that doesn’t require much thinking. Go out for a meal, walk your dog, or do some laundry if it’s therapeutic for you. 

Walking away from your speech and revisiting it with fresh eyes will not only help you suss out any obvious mistakes or errors but likely reinvigorate you to get back to writing. There’s nothing worse than trying to write something out of frustration, rather than will. 

Tip: Make sure you’re adequately fueled before you attack your speech again. Brew a pot of coffee or have a healthy meal.

Step 6: Edit, Then Draft Again

Once you get back to your draft, make any necessary edits. Read the progress of your draft beginning to end, and then backward.

Does it still make sense? If you constantly read your writing beginning to end, you may get caught up in your words and glaze over plot holes or mistakes. 

Did you find some areas to make changes? Continue tweaking your draft and adding and deleting when necessary. Now that you’re further along in the draft, you can likely tell what areas need more elaboration and what areas are complete. Revisit your brainstorm notes if you have to.

Tip: Writing isn’t always a compounding process. It involves adding and subtracting. Don’t be afraid to delete words or phrases — sometimes less is more. 

You’re nearing the end of the writing process. Read over your draft again. Is there a theme or detail you started with? Try to bring this into the conclusion. Putting a detail from the beginning of your speech in the last line is an impactful way to send your audience off. 

If this sounds too complicated, you can always keep the conclusion simple. Briefly reiterate what the person or topic means to you and why you chose to speak about it. 

Tip: Don’t give complete details in the beginning. Wait till the end to disclose something about the person or topic. For example, “and that’s why…”  

If you don’t have time or feel comfortable enough to practice your speech in front of someone else, at least read your speech out loud to yourself. You can identify words or phrases that are awkward or choppy.

After all, this is a speech. If you are tripping over words, it may be a sign to simplify some of your phrasings or adjust some words.

Consider practicing in front of the mirror, too. Then, if you feel confident enough, read the speech to someone else. Getting some honest feedback will help you better prepare for the live delivery. This is also a good practice if you ever have to speak at a funeral . Although difficult and emotional, familiarizing yourself with the speech will make it easier. 

Tip: Practicing where to pause in your speech is just as important as the spoken portions. Allow your audience to absorb your words, and let yourself breathe. 

Now that you know how to write a commemorative speech, are you still having trouble with step one, i.e. deciding on a topic? Here are a few ideas to get you started, followed by some examples. 

  • A broad look at a relative’s life
  • A relative’s involvement in a historical event, such as a war or movement
  • A relative’s childhood or upbringing
  • How a relative got into their career and details about it 
  • A prominent event from your hometown
  • A “where are they now” story
  • A speech about a relative’s last wishes or dreams
  • About a relative’s marriage or family life
  • About a relative’s relationship with a pet 
  • A firsthand account of your relationship with a relative

If you’re still struggling to get the ball rolling, here are some specific examples of commemorative speeches. No matter what person or topic you decide on, make it your own and feel free to get creative.

“ Grandpa Jack was a lifelong firefighter. To me, it only makes sense that he moved up north to retire, when most people do the opposite. After decades of taking the heat, all he wanted was to feel the cold. For those of you who don’t already know, you’ll never believe how he decided to become a firefighter in the first place. This is his story... ”  

“ On November 20, 1962, our little town changed forever. What was once a tired, somewhat melancholy place, was suddenly bursting with life. The Jones’ family’s decision to open up a ski resort turned it into a winter paradise. As an employee of the Jones family for 25 years, I wanted to share a little bit more about their history and legacy... ” 

“ Why did Terry become a teacher? Some of you may think she was plucked from heaven and put back on earth to do just that. I tend to think so, too. For a woman who started life as an orphan, bouncing around from foster home to foster home, she spent the remainder of her life as a voice for children. She was patient, hilarious, and sharp as a tack. She was my best friend... ”

“ Hank, as you all know him, came to this country in 1940. He fled occupied Poland with his father and his grandmother. His mother was estranged when he was a young boy and was never heard from again. It was suspected that Hank’s missing mother was Jewish. The result? Hank was taken from his classroom in his home country of Lithuania one day to find himself in a concentration camp far away... ”

It’s Not Just About Facts

Writing and delivering a powerful commemorative speech isn’t about the many facts and figures you can spout off to your audience. A good commemorative speech encapsulates your feelings for the person or topic you’re covering.

A person’s life is more than important dates, years, or how much they did at any given point in time. Keep these steps in mind, but don’t forget to enjoy it and speak from your heart.


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Table of Contents

1. Begin with an opening statement

2. share personal stories and memories, 3. mention their achievements, interests, and passions, 4. acknowledge the person's impact on others, 5. end on a note of gratitude, a heartfelt tribute example, eulogy assistant: reverberating spiritual harmony, personalized eulogies for inspirational spiritual figures, crafting a tapestry of spiritual insight and emotional resonance, echoes of heartfelt gratitude: client testimonials, frequently asked questions.

An engaging and heartfelt tribute is a beautiful way to honour someone who had a significant impact on your life. But writing a tribute, especially when dealing with grief, can be an emotional and daunting task. If you're not sure where to start, don't worry – we've got you covered. In this article, we will outline how to write a tribute, offer some realistic examples to inspire you, and empower you to create a moving and fitting tribute to your loved one.

Writing a tribute is an opportunity to express your love and admiration for someone you deeply care about. It could be a friend, a family member, or a mentor – someone who touched your life in a profound way. Before you begin, consider the person's character, relationships, accomplishments, and experiences that capture their essence, which you will need to convey in your tribute.

Start by expressing your love, admiration or respect for the person, and acknowledge the impact they've had on your life. This opening statement sets the tone for your tribute and helps your audience connect with your message.

Example: "To my dear friend Jane, whose compassion, intelligence, and unwavering support have made a lasting impact on my life – I am honoured to celebrate her memory today."

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Tell stories that highlight unique qualities, contributions, and moments of the person's life. Personal anecdotes add depth to your tribute, allowing others to understand what made the person special.

Example: "I will never forget the time Jane and I volunteered at the soup kitchen together. The way she interacted with the people there, listening patiently and offering kind words, was a testament to her warmth and selflessness."

Talk about their professional accomplishments, hobbies, or interests they were passionate about. This will showcase who the person was beyond their personal relationships.

Example: "Aside from her dedication to her family and friends, Jane was an accomplished architect, designing homes that not only looked stunning but were environmentally responsible. Her love for nature translated into everything she did."

Express how the person influenced the people around them and contributed to the community, as well as the legacy they leave behind.

Example: "Jane's caring nature didn't stop with personal connections; she was also known for being active in various community projects, including establishing an annual charity fundraiser that will undoubtedly continue in her honour."

Conclude your tribute by expressing your appreciation for having the person in your life and sharing how much you will miss them.

Example: "Thank you, Jane, for teaching us the importance of compassion, friendship, and caring for our world. You may not be here in person, but the lessons and love you shared with all of us will continue to inspire and guide us in our lives."

Writing a tribute to someone you love can be a cathartic experience that allows you to process your grief and connect with the person's memory. But it can also be challenging to find the right words to express your emotions while capturing the essence of their life. Thankfully, Eulogy Assistant is here to help you navigate this sensitive task.

Distinguished guests, family, and friends, today I stand before you to pay homage to Sarah Thompson, a remarkable individual whose life journey has been an inspiration to us all. As we gather to remember and celebrate Sarah, I hope to encapsulate the essence of her spirit, her achievements, and the indelible mark she has left on our hearts.

Sarah was born on a spring morning in 1960 in the serene town of Oakwood. Her early life, filled with love and laughter, laid the foundation for the compassionate, vibrant, and determined individual she would become. Raised in a close-knit family, Sarah developed a deep sense of empathy and an enduring commitment to her loved ones, traits that would become the hallmark of her character.

As a young girl, Sarah's inquisitive nature and zest for learning were evident. She excelled in her studies, showing a particular interest in literature and history. Her teachers often spoke of her as a student who was not just bright but also genuinely passionate about understanding the world around her. This passion for knowledge followed Sarah throughout her life, influencing her career choices and her worldview.

After graduating from university, where she majored in English Literature, Sarah embarked on a career in education. She became a beloved teacher, known for her innovative teaching methods and her ability to inspire her students. Sarah believed that education was not merely about imparting knowledge but about nurturing young minds to think critically and compassionately. Her dedication to her students went beyond the classroom; she was a mentor, a guide, and a friend.

Sarah's contributions extended beyond her professional life. She was actively involved in community service, working with various organizations to support education for underprivileged children. Her commitment to social causes was driven by a deep sense of justice and a desire to make a tangible difference in the world. She approached this work with the same passion and dedication that she brought to every aspect of her life.

One of Sarah's most endearing qualities was her ability to connect with people. She had the rare gift of making everyone she met feel valued and heard. Her warmth, her genuine interest in others, and her ability to listen deeply endeared her to many. Sarah's friendships were not superficial; they were profound bonds that she nurtured with care and affection.

In her personal life, Sarah was a cherished family member and a loyal friend. She was the heart of our family gatherings, her laughter and energy brightening every occasion. As a sister, a daughter, and an aunt, she gave selflessly, always ready to offer support, celebrate successes, and provide comfort during difficult times.

Sarah's love for the arts and culture enriched her life and those around her. She was an avid reader, a lover of theater, and an enthusiastic traveler. These passions were not just hobbies; they were windows to the world, ways for her to explore, understand, and appreciate the diversity and beauty of the human experience.

Despite her achievements and the impact she had, Sarah was a model of humility. She sought no accolades for her work or her deeds; her satisfaction came from knowing she had made a positive contribution, however small it might have seemed. This humility, this selfless approach to life, was perhaps her most admirable quality.

As we celebrate Sarah's life, we are reminded of the profound impact one individual can have. She touched the lives of many, not just through her professional work or her community service, but through the simple act of being herself. Her kindness, her passion, and her unwavering commitment to her values left a legacy that will continue to inspire those who knew her.

In her passing, Sarah leaves behind a void that cannot be filled. Yet, we take solace in the memories we shared, the lessons she taught us, and the love she spread. Her life was a testament to the power of compassion, dedication, and integrity.

In remembering Sarah, let us honor her by emulating the values she lived by. Let us be kind, be passionate, and be committed to making a difference in whatever way we can. Let us cherish the time we have and the relationships we hold dear, just as Sarah did.

As we bid farewell to Sarah, I am reminded of a quote that she loved: “To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” Sarah will forever live in our hearts, her spirit a guiding light in our lives. Thank you, Sarah, for the joy, the wisdom, and the love you shared with us all.

Rest in peace, dear friend. Your journey through life was a gift to us all, and your memory will forever be a source of inspiration and comfort.

In the moments of serene contemplation dedicated to an inspirational spiritual figure, the endeavor of capturing your profound respect and memories in words can be as significant as a spiritual reflection. Eulogy Assistant is here to support you in this cherished task, adeptly blending dignified respect with heartfelt emotion, transforming your treasured memories into lasting tributes.

Our team, experienced in the art of empathetic eulogy creation, is committed to assisting you in crafting a eulogy that embodies the tranquil wisdom and enduring influence of your spiritual guide. Eulogy Assistant offers more than just a service; it's a partnership marked by empathy and deep understanding, devoted to memorializing a life of spiritual guidance and enlightenment.

At Eulogy Assistant , we prioritize the collaborative process of crafting an eulogy that authentically resonates with sincerity and emotional depth. Working in unison with you, we integrate your personal experiences and heartfelt sentiments with our professional expertise, crafting a tribute that honors with authenticity and connects deeply.

Our approach is based on genuine dialogue and shared creative journey. Your personal stories and insights are key in shaping a narrative that genuinely captures the essence of your spiritual mentor's legacy. This task is about more than just recounting their journey; it's about vividly illustrating their spiritual path and the depth of their teachings.

Together, our aim is to create a narrative that authentically represents your spiritual mentor – a eulogy that transcends standard commemorations, enriched with respect, personal connection, and heartfelt emotion. Our collective work results in a eulogy that is a beautiful harmony of words, reflecting the profound respect and affection your spiritual figure has inspired.

The essence of our service is authentically depicted in the testimonials from those we've assisted. These heartfelt stories of gratitude and appreciation from individuals who turned to us for guidance are the most sincere testament to our dedication.

"The process of honoring my spiritual figure was a profound journey, but Eulogy Assistant was a pillar of support, aiding me in crafting a eulogy that truly celebrated their spirit and teachings," says Alice, expressing her heartfelt gratitude.

John adds, "During my time of loss, the empathetic and professional guidance from Eulogy Assistant was a comforting presence. They helped me shape a eulogy that was more than words, a heartfelt and moving homage to my spiritual mentor."

These stories underscore our commitment to crafting eulogies that are not just formal speeches, but heartfelt expressions of honor, respect, and enduring memory. We are privileged to guide you on this journey, celebrating the unique contributions of those who have profoundly influenced our lives, and crafting eulogies that serve as enduring tributes to their spiritual wisdom.

Join us in shaping narratives that are deeply personal, respectful, and truly reflective of the inspirational spiritual figures who have enriched our lives.

What Is a Tribute?

A tribute is a speech, written or spoken expression that honors and celebrates a person, highlighting their achievements and personal qualities.

How Do I Begin Writing a Tribute?

Start by reflecting on the person's impact on your life, their qualities, and memorable moments you shared with them.

What Should Be Included in a Tribute?

Include personal anecdotes, their accomplishments, positive traits, and the influence they had on others.

How Can I Make My Tribute Stand Out?

Use specific examples, tell unique stories, and express genuine emotions to make your tribute heartfelt and memorable.

Is It Appropriate to Use Humor in a Tribute?

Yes, if it suits the personality of the person being honored and is in good taste, humor can add a warm, personal touch.

How Long Should a Tribute Be?

A tribute should be concise yet comprehensive, typically lasting no more than 5-10 minutes.

Can I Write a Tribute for Someone Who Is Still Living?

Absolutely, tributes can be a beautiful way to honor someone who is still alive, perhaps on a significant milestone or achievement.

How Do I Personalize a Tribute?

Personalize a tribute by sharing personal stories, mentioning little-known facts, or quoting words that the person often used.

Should I Include Quotes in My Tribute?

Yes, incorporating meaningful quotes can enhance your tribute, especially if they reflect the person's beliefs or philosophy.

How Can I Convey Emotion in My Tribute?

Use descriptive language, recall emotional moments, and speak from the heart to convey genuine feelings.

Is It Okay to Share Challenges the Person Overcame?

Yes, mentioning challenges or obstacles they overcame can be inspiring and add depth to your tribute.

How Should I End My Tribute?

Conclude with a final statement of appreciation, a reflective comment, or a call to remember and honor the person's legacy.

Can a Tribute Include Contributions From Others?

Certainly, including thoughts, quotes, or anecdotes from others can provide a richer, more rounded portrait of the individual.

How Can I Ensure My Tribute Is Respectful?

Stay truthful, focus on positive aspects, and avoid controversial or sensitive topics to ensure respectfulness.

Should I Practice My Tribute Beforehand?

Yes, practicing can help you manage emotions, refine your delivery, and ensure the tribute flows smoothly.

Can I Write a Tribute for a Group or Organization?

Yes, tributes can be written for groups or organizations, focusing on their collective impact and achievements.

What Tone Is Appropriate for a Tribute?

Aim for a tone that is sincere, respectful, and in alignment with the personality of the person or the nature of the organization.

Is It Necessary to Mention the Person's Professional Achievements?

If relevant and significant, mentioning professional achievements can be a key part of honoring their life and work.

How Can I Incorporate Their Legacy Into the Tribute?

Discuss how their actions, values, or lessons have left a lasting impact, influencing others and shaping futures.

Can I Use a Poem as Part of My Tribute?

Incorporating a poem that resonates with the person's life or your relationship with them can add a beautiful and poignant element.

So, begin your journey toward writing a poignant and moving tribute to your loved one with the support of Eulogy Assistant .

Looking For Examples? Here Are Some of The Best Eulogies

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  1. Tribute Speech

    how to write tribute speech

  2. 8+ Sample Tribute Speech Examples

    how to write tribute speech

  3. Tribute Speech

    how to write tribute speech

  4. 8+ Sample Tribute Speech Examples

    how to write tribute speech

  5. Tribute Speech Sample

    how to write tribute speech

  6. Tribute Speech

    how to write tribute speech


  1. Tribute Speech

  2. Tribute speech

  3. Tribute Speeches: Speech Fundamentals

  4. Tribute Speech

  5. Another Song I Had to Write

  6. Amazing tribute to an amazing best friend


  1. How to Write a Memorable Tribute Speech: Step-By-Step

    Write a Powerful Tribute Speech. With the steps and examples listed above, hopefully you have some inspiration to help you write a top-notch tribute speech. From learning how to hook listeners to find the right words to say, you have many paths you can take with a tribute. And in the end, a tribute speech is a commemoration of someone special.

  2. Tribute Speech Topics, Outline, And Examples

    Learn how to write a tribute speech to honor someone or something you admire. Find out the characteristics, structure, and tips for effective tribute speeches, and see examples from history and famous speeches.

  3. Tribute Speech

    A tribute speech is common in funerals and memorial services. However, a tribute speech can be given at various occasions. 1. Reunions. A thank you speech can be given to honor the senior member of a family in a family reunion. In class reunion or other forms of reunion, a tribute speech is given to a person who has achieved a lot in his/her ...

  4. How to Write a Tribute Speech

    Tie your conclusion back to a powerful idea you introduced earlier in the speech. Follow the tone of your tribute from start to finish and incorporate the most poignant or powerful details near the ending. Give your audience something to take with them: comfort, support, motivation, or a new perspective. Rehearse.

  5. 7 Short Memorial Tribute Samples for Funerals

    Here are some short tribute samples. We'll try to give you examples of how to begin, portions from the middle of a speech, and how to conclude your tribute. We hope that reading these short excerpts will inspire you to be able to write a speech for someone close to you. Post-planning tip: If you are the executor for a deceased loved one ...

  6. Tribute speech guide

    How to begin writing a tribute speech. The first step in your process is finding out as much as you can about the occasion itself and then deciding on a topic, (if it hasn't already been decided for you). You'll want to know: who the audience is. whether you are the only speaker, or one in a series of speakers.

  7. How to Write a Tribute Speech to Your Mother: Step-By-Step

    Writing a tribute speech is one of the best ways to memorialize your mom. Recognizing your mom's legacy is a gift to one of the most important people in your life. A speech is a great way to praise her and a great way of laying her life to rest. Jump ahead to these sections: Step 1: Do Your Research; Step 2: Think About Impact

  8. Tribute Speech: Celebrate the Occasion, the Person, or the Monument

    Learn how to write a tribute speech that honors a person, a monument, a holiday, or an event. Find tips, examples, and strategies to use stories, descriptions, and emotions to connect with your audience.

  9. Funeral Short Tribute Speech Examples

    Table of Contents. Example Short Tribute Funeral Speech 1: Celebrating a Life Well Lived. Example Short Tribute Funeral Speech 2: A Legacy of Love and Strength. Example Short Tribute Funeral Speech 3: Honoring a Life of Grace and Impact. Example Short Tribute Funeral Speech 4.

  10. Tribute Speech Examples To Inspire Your Next Celebration

    Say it while they are living. Memorial Service: A eulogy is a type of tribute speech given at a funeral or celebration of life. These usually either take a chronological approach to summarize the person's life, or the speaker chooses a few stories depicting some aspects of their life. Retirement Speech: When speaking at a retirement party, it ...

  11. A sample tribute speech for my mother

    A sample tribute speech. - a speech in memory of my mother, Iris. By: Susan Dugdale. Here's a sample tribute speech. It's for my mother, Iris, and yes, it's all true. If you're writing a tribute speech of your own, you'll find the outline, or template, my speech follows directly below it along with other helpful links on the writing process ...

  12. 7 Tips For Writing A Memorial Speech (With Sample Speech)

    1. Speak Conversationally. Remember that you're not here to give a professional speech. You're here to commemorate the life of a person who touched the lives of the people in the room, probably yours as well. You don't want to go for a formal tone when you're speaking.

  13. How to Write and Deliver a Commemorative Speech (With Examples)

    A commemorative speech is a tribute that celebrates and honors an individual, group, or event. It weaves the threads of memory and respect into a tapestry that covers us with warmth on days of reflection. The heart of these speeches lies in their purpose—to stir emotions, to kindle admiration, and to etch memories more deeply within our minds.

  14. 4.9: Tribute Speech- Celebrate the Occasion, the Person, or the

    Tribute to an Event or Occasion. Tributes to occasions can be any of the following: Milestone Birthday, Retirement, Anniversary. Mother's day, Father's Day, Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, D-Day. Race for the Cure, We Day. Family reunion, School reunion. Tributes to occasions typically include: Emphasis on shared values.

  15. Writing a Commemorative Speech That Makes an Impact

    Are you writing a commemorative speech and looking for some tips and advice? Learn how to write something meaningful, respectful and courteous here. ... A commemorative speech is a presentation given to pay tribute to a person, a group of people or an organization, or in honor of an event or situation that has taken place. ...

  16. Sample tribute to a special volunteer

    The sample tribute on this page gives special recognition to someone who is an exceptional volunteer. All of the references in the tribute are fictional but the tribute and annotations will give you a guide in developing your own special speech or written citation. A word of caution is in order. Once you write your speech, outline some notes ...

  17. How to write a memorable Tribute Speech; Sample, Analysis

    Tribute Speech Sample 3: Tribute to a Sibling on their Wedding Day. Hello to all. My name is [your name], and [your sibling's name] is my brother/ sister. As we have gathered here to celebrate one of the most special days of [your sibling's name]'s life, I want to take a moment to show how grateful I am for him/her.

  18. Celebration Of Life Speech Examples

    Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Celebration of Life Speech. The process of writing a Celebration of Life speech can feel daunting, especially during a time of grief. But this journey can also be a cathartic experience, helping you channel your emotions into creating a fitting tribute. Here's a step-by-step guide to assist you through the process:

  19. How to Do a Tribute Speech

    How to Write a Tribute Speech. When doing a tribute, choose words that feel sincere, genuine and complimentary. State reasons why the honoree is an awesome person, but don't go overboard with flowery adjectives. Be as specific as possible in recalling praiseworthy accomplishments or acts of kindness. Vividly describe the honoree and offer ...

  20. Best Friend Funeral Speech Examples

    Professional Best Friend Funeral Speech Example. Friends, family, and well-wishers gathered here, Today, as we stand at the junction of grief and remembrance, I find myself grappling with the immensity of the task that lies before me: to encapsulate in mere words the essence of a person who has been not just a friend but a beacon of light, a pillar of support, and a source of unending joy and ...

  21. How to Deliver a Heartfelt Funeral Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

    By speaking with clarity and conviction, you can create a powerful tribute that honors the memory of your loved one and leaves a lasting impression on those present at the funeral. VII. Delivering the Funeral Speech A. Establish a connection with the audience. Begin your speech by establishing a connection with the audience.

  22. How to Write a Commemorative Speech with Examples

    Leadership and Advocacy. A. Leading by Example. True leaders lead by example. Our nursing pioneers have not only excelled in their clinical roles but have also taken on leadership positions. They have mentored new generations of nurses, inspiring them to reach their full potential. B. Advocating for Change.

  23. Sample Tribute To A Friend Who Passed Away

    1. Reflect on your friendship. Take some time to reflect on the friendship you shared with the person who passed away, considering both the good times and the challenges you overcame together. Think about what made your friend unique, and how they impacted your life and the lives of others. 2.

  24. FREE 12+ Sample Tribute Speech in PDF

    Size: 41.2 KB. Download. This template is a sample tribute speech to provide the important points of a good tribute speech. The template breaks the different parts of the speech and defines them, so a person who is writing the tribute speech can take help in deciding the best words for his/her speech.

  25. How to Give a Eulogy With Video

    A eulogy is a speech typically given at a funeral to honor the deceased. People who were close to the deceased typically use this as a time to honor someone's life. ... Typically people will write a eulogy, and then recite it at the funeral or at a celebration of life. ... Make Your Video Eulogy Easier, With Tribute. If you don't know how ...

  26. Steve Gleason Being Honored Speaks To His Remarkable Will To 'Write His

    Here's a transcript of Steve Gleason's speech as he accepted the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage from his beloved friend Drew Brees, with his son Rivers standing by his side. "Thanks, Drew. I love you.

  27. The Commencement Speech Someone Needs to Give

    Why I'm here instead of some superstar is one of those anomalies that defies explanation. But allow me to congratulate you on earning your degrees. Almost without exception, a college commencement speaker is a high achiever whose mere presence will tell graduates making it big is possible. The ...

  28. How to Write a Commemorative Speech: Examples & Tips

    Breathe. How do you feel? Writing a commemorative speech, much like writing a eulogy, can be an emotional thing to do. If you're not in a good headspace or a quiet, reliable place to work, your speech will reflect this. Don't write your speech until you're ready. Once you are ready, open up your notebook or document.

  29. How To Write A Tribute Examples

    Share personal stories and memories. 3. Mention their achievements, interests, and passions. 4. Acknowledge the person's impact on others. 5. End on a note of gratitude. A Heartfelt Tribute Example. Eulogy Assistant: Reverberating Spiritual Harmony.

  30. Tom Fenton, former CBS News correspondent, dies at age 94

    Fenton covered the downfall of communism in the USSR and the rise of the ayatollah in Iran. He reported on the India-Pakistan War in 1971, the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 and other conflicts.